#on my other blog i did a list of muse preferences / what they tend to go with more but considering how many there are... HM. FUVFVV
dangaer · 2 years
happy sinday. your daily reminder that literally the majority of my muses are massive switches!
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faruzxn · 5 months
hm? what did you say? i'm old now, so every other phrase escapes my ears. try calling me "madam faruzan," and i'll see if i can pick that up.
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est: 07/26/23 - 9th genshin official account to be established! (SCREAMS THAT IS MY BIGGEST FLEX)
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faruzan-official! an rp blog central around rp(duh), crack, and multipara rp. Now faruzxn!
regarding shipping for ALL my accounts, every ship will get it's own verse unless mods involved are okay with drama or want drama. Please do inform me if you'd like to establish any sort of romantic connection between your muse. (but trust me I am giggling and kicking my feet if you ever ask I am very welcoming to the idea...)
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a. Mod will not accept anything of the sort like ableism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. IMMEDIATE block. b. Keep it PG13. Mod herself is relatively young and a minor. So no nsfw. Mod is okay with suggestive topics, but please keep it to a minimum. c. Try not to mention any triggering topics? If you don't know what these are, mod being absolutely so honest with you, mod doesn't either. So if anyone is triggered by anything, please don't hesitate to send me a dm. Mod'll make a list of things to be wary of so she can keep a nice environment, okay? d. This legitmately all boils down to just... Just be respectful.
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known for having a gazillion accounts
runs the news blog @charlotte-official
(past pinned post here.. it's really ugly)
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layout is mod's own, actually! (took her a gazillion years to make a remotely nice looking pinned.)
Oh! Final silly little quip! Mod's always around! even if it's not on my main (faruzan official) I have a ton of sideblogs and a main account where I fuck around with some other mod friends of mine, if you find it you're always welcome to interact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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faruzan speaks -> in character posts.
ooc -> out of character posts.
and who said a little bit of fun would hurt an old woman? (crack)
let me clear my throat. i tend to speak a lot. (multipara)
starter -> the beginning of a thread.
finished -> the end of a thread.
reply -> the replies in a thread, crack or not
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2c75ff · 2 months
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NAME -- 'Miller' will do.
PRONOUNS -- he/him preferable; they/them acceptable.
PREFERRED COMMS -- Tumblr IMs to start, but I tend to prefer moving to Discord once it becomes apparent that we vibe nicely.
NAME OF MUSE -- Seventeen. (I may or may not have a short but running list of names that would feel fitting on him if indeed he ever arrives at a point of being willing to allow someone else to give him one, but that's a whole other thing for a whole other time.)
EXPERIENCE IN RP -- All the way back to the days of LJ, forums, and Yahoo Groups.
BEST EXPERIENCES -- I met somebody on here a handful of years ago who was a long-time fan of the character I was playing. At first they just sent questions to the inbox and tagged me in their art sometimes -- (which was supremely touching) -- but eventually they worked up the confidence in their English to try out an OC blog of their own, and we started doing IC interactions in addition to chatting OOC. It was nice to know that someone felt inspired enough by my silly little blog to go out of their way to befriend me specifically, and to know that they felt comfortable practicing things like art and English with me.
And that's the story of how I ultimately ended up drunk as hell at their wedding in Germany.
PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS -- Excessive passivity both IC and OOC. / Excessively lengthy RP replies in which very little of substance actually happens or is communicated. / People treating ships as mere smut/fluff wish fulfillment machines rather than as ongoing plots, or cooling off toward me the instant they realize that shipping with me is going to take actual time and work. / Constant mental health crises being essentially liveblogged OOC on a person's RP account.
MUSE PREFERENCE ( FLUFF, ANGST, SMUT ) -- Variety is good for you, and it's also good for your character. I'm up for just about any flavor as long as it's revealing or playing around with something interesting about our character(s), the dynamic between them, the setting, etc.
PLOT OR MEMES -- I like both. I do think, however, that it's incredibly useful to at least discuss a general, ballpark dynamic and get a vague feel for the overall, initial direction we both want. It's fine and natural if what we want flexes or changes with time, but I think even just a little bit of communication right up front eliminates a ton of guesswork. It also makes it easier to pick memes that could be interesting or useful in terms of advancing the goals/ideas we've already talked over with each other.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES -- I tend to write somewhere in the ballpark of 2 to 3 developed paragraphs per reply, but overall I ascribe to the principle of worrying less about the word count itself and more about simply taking whatever space is needed in order to get the point across.
BEST TIME TO WRITE -- If I knew that, I would be unstoppable.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? -- In terms of a passing flavor, perhaps; sure. I've run from the popo, I've had a concealed carry license, the underside of my car's bumper is held together with Gorilla Glue and my own shoelaces, I did Driverless Car Shit for a living for like five and a half years, and I live almost exclusively in men's flannels and Levi's. Anything 'deeper' than that is for y'all to judge as we get to know each other.
tagged by -- no. tagging -- also no. steal it. do whatever.
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queenharumiura · 7 months
name — Neo and on some other blogs An-chan
pronouns— She/her
preferred comms — I get webhooks alerts to replies and asks, and tumblr very rarely alerts me to ims, but it is available to those who prefer communications via tumblr. Discord is the most reliable.
name of muse — Haru Miura on this blog and many more that i'm too lazy to list out on other blogs.
experience in RP — Around 16 years I think. Crazy as it is, I started out on Quizilla when you used to be able to message people. Then I moved to a proboards site when a friend invited me to join one she created. Was there for a long time. Dabbled a bit in RP'ing with a group on DeviantArt. Did a bit of skype rp from there. Then I moved to tumblr rp. I may have attempted to dabble in discord RP and ye- it's not exactly for me, but I can do it. I hate feeling limited though.
best experiences— Any iteration of: "You know, you made me change my mind on how I see Haru." Truly, the biggest serotonin boost I'd ever need in life. This is my goal in life. What I aspire to do with my writing. Not RP, but I got a Haru hater to like Haru after reading a few of my fics years back. You thought you were going to hate read and give hate? Jokes on you, I OPENED YOUR EYES.
pet peeves/dealbreakers — If you've reposted fanart without credit nor permission and i've talked to you about it and you dismissed my concerns about reposting fanart, i'll instantly block you. It's in my rules for a reason. Tho- I suppose that's just breaking my rules so maybe it doesn't count as a dealbreaker?
Not necessarily a peeve but more of a turn off, but I really don't like it when someone has the repeat energy of 'No one would want to rp with me, I don't see why I bother,' 'Did anyone miss me? No? Okay' etc. It probably sounds petty of me, but I don't like it. It dismisses the efforts of those who have been trying to connect to you, and I come onto tumblr to have fun, so I don't want to come here and feel bogged down. The energy actually disheartens me and brings my own mood down because I end up sympathizing with them too much. For the sake of my own mentality, I end up distancing myself.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I enjoy fluff and angst a lot. Smut... depends... on the muse... and relationships... and how comfortable I am with the mun. I'm big shy in general so it can take time to warm me up to talking about smut in regards to muses. Once I'm used to talking to you about it and i'm comfortable with you, i'm pretty open about it. Truly, I'm big on troll humor though, so crack humor kinda threads really have my heart. If you wanna talk smut with me, you gotta be the one to bring it up because 99.5% of the time, it won't be me bringing it up first.
IF we aren't shipping, then you better hope one day I even reblog a risque meme for you to inquire about it. I'm a lil wary about talking about it to begin with.
plot or memes — Plots, as some of us know that i'm not very keen on memes as my relationship with the inbox is not positive. Still working on it though, one blog at a time. Memes are fun when i'm in the mood for them. This goes for reblogging them or sending in to people.
long or short replies — Both are fine with me, and both are great in their own right. Long ones are nice as they give you a lot to explore but it also takes a while to reply to and it can tire me out. Short threads are short and simple. They're nice, and then you get me being suddenly inspired and whoops- suddenly it's a long thread. (short replies = 3 paragraphs in my mind).
best time to write — I'm finding myself to be more active in the night hours, so the PMs. I do tend to be high inspiration in the AMs, but i'm usually at work or low energy. So that's when I spend the time thinking of what i'll write and then stow those ideas for when I do have the energy.
are you like your muse?: I've been told that I'm very much like Haru, and it's mostly in some habits, i'd say. Haru is a way better human than I am. Fit for life. I, a dehydrated prune is not fit for life. We both share our troll heart, our tendency for conspiracy thoughts, dramatics, speaking in third person and such. Basically, consider me the unhealthy introvert AU for Haru.
Tagged by: @ryuusake
Tagging: I don't tag
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erstwhles · 1 year
get to know the author!
name: bridge
pronouns:  she/they
preference of communication: discord! i don't mind ims here, but i'm not usually logged into this blog, and most of the time, i have notifications turned off so i don't always see them right away like i do on discord
most active muse: it depends. as a rule of thumb, always the mirandoniaverse characters. usually, always raleigh. as of late, finley and nathaniel
experience/how many years: i did write off and on on other platforms, but on here? about nine years. i wrote canon characters for a while, but i've had this multi situation for six years
best experience: you know i love an incorporated/affiliated oc situation! i enjoy having set people i can go to about plots and ideas. it makes it less stressful to be here, knowing that either of us can drop a half-thought-out idea and make it into something together. but you need that kind of chemistry with the other person, you know? someone who gets you creatively. it also makes it easier to build a connection outside of writing, which helps with inspiration. there are people that i talk to nearly every day about writing and nonwriting to the point that my day feels empty without it
rp pet peeves: i'm sure i have them. my blocked list is too broad not to, but nothing comes to mind? there are definitely writing styles that i don't blend with and aesthetic choices that i wouldn't make. in general, i guess i don't love when plotting feels one-sided
fluff, angst, or smut: well. the order goes angst > fluff > smut. i feel like angst and fluff work best together. either one too long in isolation gets kinda repetitive
plots or memes: plots! i don't always have the time or energy to write here all the time, but i can plot and headcanon back and forth all day
long or short replies: also depends! whatever is needed to get your point across while still yes and-ing. it also depends on what the other person's style is. some people respond to everything in the last reply. some people keep their response limited to moving the thread forward. i tend to match what they do, but i don't limit my reply or force myself to write more just because
time to write: usually, i have the most muse when i have the least time to write/when i have few drafts left to write. it really depends more on that than a specific time of day
are you like your muses: *breaking myself into pieces and distributing them equally across my muse list*
tagged by: the lovely @wintcrstcrfall tagging: you! i don't know who's done this already, but if you haven't, please tag me in your answers so i can see <3
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anderwhohn · 10 months
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@dutyworn asked: ❤️ my first roleplay memory 🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write 🛳 my opinions on DNI lists 🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
💌 MY EXPERIENCE IN THE RPC [ meme - accepting ]
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❤️ my first roleplay memory
Ah, the irony of asking this of someone with medical memory issues. xD
My very first rp memory is from when I was like 13 and stumbled across Ayenee (those old enough to remember it will know how chaotic that mess was) - essentially a series of multigenre IRC public rooms where people with a huge variety of original and fandom characters all met up and interacted with each other, often in bars and taverns for the majority of the rooms I found myself welcomed in. It was fun, but that was also very much back in the 'Wild West' days of those kinds of chatrooms, being in the late 90s.
My first tumblr rp memory is actually of a brief failed attempt at getting involved in the Dragon Age rpc, but it was years later before I tried again with bringing Layla (immortaljackal) in that I had any actual success, and then the numerous other blogs with various canon and canon-based or inspired muses came from there. What I actually did in any of that, though? Fuck all if I know at this point. I could go digging up the old archived blogs (at least of the ones that still exist), but eh...
🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write
Sci-fi and fantasy, for the most part. Which types of those, respectively, varies depending on my mood sometimes, but given that my most consistent stuff is leading with Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Doctor Who, that should be a fair indicator for the most part.
🛳 my opinions on DNI lists
They have their place, within reason - banning faceclaims, characters, fandoms, adult content, triggering and/or squicky content, etc? Perfectly fine and reasonable. Airing grievances with other roleplayers by listing their URLs and telling people they better not interact with them or you'll block them (and probably add them to the list of names as well with a vague callout that often just blows everything out of proportion)? That's immature and uncalled for, and I personally won't follow or interact with people who have DNIs that namedrop other roleplayers.
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
I am unknowable!
Pfft... Nah, umm... I honestly don't know? I mean, I tend to be a very private person ooc until I've warmed up to someone, then I'm practically an open book - albeit a book with some pages torn out and lots of coffee stains making other pages illegible (ie the memory issues I have). Things I actively want people to know, I usually have in my rules, since that's something everyone following me should read.
But like... uh... I'm really socially awkward, between the social anxiety disorder, ADHD, potential autism, other neurodivergences, and all that jazz? Yet there are somehow people who are intimidated by me?
My dudes, I sleep with a stuffed Grim Reaper, and have a crochetted F-Bomb that I throw at the wall when I'm frustrated. I also have a crochetted adipose and weeping angel chilling on my desk, and a sticky note with a doodle of the TARDIS surrounded by "vorp vorp" noises stuck to my wall. I walk with a cane or a rollator, and will sometimes break into song and dance when I'm having a not absolutely shitty day while I'm by myself, twirling the cane or spinning with the rollator (whichever I happen to be using at the time) - 'Singing In The Rain' is a popular number for such.
The only time I even feel remotely intimidating is when I have to pull out the Customer Service Voice, which usually gets combined a dash Southern overpoliteness. Unless it's the the Southern politeness that's weirding people out? I mean, maybe? Eh. Someone can always tell me on anon if they want.
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@ahogedetective asked:
6. do you have any ship bias with your muse?
22. is there any ship you will likely never play?
(and!!) 39. does your muse have a celebrity crush?
Shipping Questions for the mun - Accepting!
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6. do you have any ship bias with your muse?
My ship biases tend to be writing partners who reply to threads and, if inclined, plot and/or chat with me OOC about our ships, fandom, life in general, etc. Overall, it's that simple for me! While my DR canon ship preference for Sonia is Sonia/Gundham, it doesn't mean it's my bias. Most of my favorite ships for her on this blog are with crossover and OC muses: to the point that I don't think I have active ship threads/interactions with DR canon muses right now.
I don't like bothering mutuals too much if they aren't terribly chatty about their muses and threads, but for me, replying to threads and plotting/sharing excitement about the ship really is how I maintain interest in writing them. I just try to be as invested in the ship as my writing partner is: it doesn't always work, but it's generally a good rule to follow.
22. is there any ship you will likely never play?
Beyond my list of NOTPs I listed in another reply, I wouldn't enjoy playing anything yandere long-term. Same thing goes for Remnant of Despair-verse threads or anything with abuse (sexual is already a firm no, physical and emotional are also very likely nos unless I really trust a mun and it's plotted). Unless I had something cheerful to counter it, I think: I think it would be a problem for my mood. And in Sonia's case, she can't do polyamorous relationships: it would never last for her, and she'd be deeply insecure the whole time. And while I would write cheating threads with her, those have the potential to break a relationship for good with her. A very high potential: it really needs to be plotted. Tread carefully.
39. does your muse have a celebrity crush?
This is really funny to consider! Mostly because Sonia just isn't the person to fall in love with celebrities: because she spends so much of her life being put on a pedestal for her looks, her wealth, her royal status, etc. she is deeply uncomfortable doing that to someone else. To the point that when it comes to actors in dramas, movies, and so forth, she's far more likely to be a fan of the character they're playing rather than the actor themselves. It's also why Sonia never really got into idols or idol culture: she finds the idea of idols, hosts, and other careers that pretty much rely on fan worship to be insincere at best, bordering on offensive at worst. She's likely taking it a bit personally at times, considering how often people praise her and value her for things that either fade or will eventually be unimportant. When it comes to musicians, actors, and others in similar professions, she might like their line of work: their songs or movies or what have you, but not really be obsessed with them as people.
tl;dr - If your muse is a musician/singer, actor, model, or some other sort of celebrity, it is very unlikely Sonia will have a crush on them for those reasons. She actually has to get to know them.
I think the closest 'celebrity' that would qualify on this blog would be @dxfiedfxte's Minato, honestly. Mostly as Sonia had been a fan of his show Paranormal Quest long before they met, and when they did she was far more of a fan of his show and in love with his job, as opposed to crushing on him as a person. It took her awhile to untangle those feelings later on, that she wasn't just in love with what he does but with Minato himself.
His interest in the paranormal did help attract her to him, though. Someone who not only doesn't find her hobbies dumb or dismissive of them but actually likes them? And not just to impress her? That's rare, where Sonia's concerned.
Sonia's real 'celebrity' crushes are, more often than not, fictional characters: attractive vampires, demons, other supernatural creatures, otome game heroes, Dracula, Sir Thomas Sharpe (from Crimson Peak), Gomez Addams (basically her dream spouse as a child), and Jack Skellington? She loves them.
Basically give her a combo of tall, dark, brooding, possibly flirty, adventurous, possibly dealing with past trauma, good with animals and/or people, encourages/has an interest in her hobbies and passions, deep down probably a good person even if they likely don't realize it yet, and someone whose affections she actually has to earn and doesn't just offer them blindly because she's royalty?
Yeah. She's all about those sorts of characters. She might be a princess but she's also a fan of 2D love interests. Let her go to fan conventions and she will invest in way too much merchandise. The thirst is real: especially when her own love life proves to be disappointing.
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oldestking · 2 years
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———  basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Smol!
PRONOUNS:  she / her
TAKEN OR SINGLE:  single. On mabi however i’m unfortunately married to my cringe embarrassing miner, puppeteer, ozymandias husband (@tenkoseiensei)
TIME ZONE:  If I have to be completely honest, I have no idea 😳
———  three  facts! ♡
I’ve been on 9+ schools all across my life
I can play up to around 23+ songs on the lyre in genshin! from cursed songs like never gonna give u up or despacito to serious stuff
I can’t think of anything right off the bat but, I learned how to draw on paint not too long ago!
———  experience ! ♡
Holy moly- it feels like it’s been ages! so i’ll just tackle my start since I joined the fate fandom and forward; My first ever fate muse was Nero Claudius! (NEROMYBELOVED-) i wrote her for a pretty long time tbh! What is pretty funny is that I was pretty much a baby when it came down to fate as a franchise back then, and even more fate grand order, In general I understood like 1% of fate and what was going on, however I did understand her character and just really liked her vibrant and loud personality so much! not to mention that it was the perfect ‘excuse’ to read and research about history, and more specifically speaking, about emperors which i´ve always been fascinated about but never really knew where to start;; I think the reason why I’ve had so many fate muses is because I really love history !! and reading about mythology and other cultures is always so interesting to me, not to mention that being able to incorporate all of that in these very unique interpretations of said figures is always so neat, because at the end of the day, you truly get to expand so much more on these characters and form a sort of connection;; it ends up being kind of like creating an oc in a way; BUT! putting the initial blabbering to the side, i’ll try to list all the fate charas i have written in the past; if i forget one then my bad for my terrible memory oop; 
OK SO;; i wrote Edmond Dantes (also from fate, that to this day he still remains on my top list of fav servants) , Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, (these last 3 alongside nero were muses i stuck with for a pretty decent time as well! i still love them all very much but i have no energy to manage 4085467 blogs IOUTOIURT), Karna, Arjuna (i absolutely adore the bros and wish i had more energy to write on them f), Charlemagne, Cú Chulainn, phantom, Okada Izou, Mandricardo, Carmilla, Achilles, Arthur Pendragon, Arash, Billy the kid, Gilgamesh, Jeanne D’arc (alter),,, should I include the muses from my multi? there I write Medb, Emiya, Diarmuid, Artoria, Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Lancelot (saber), I think there must be more in overall but this is getting hella long so alas-
From g.enshin; Xiao, Zhongli, deelook, Kazuha, Childe, Albedo, Venti, Ayato;; then from I.dentity v; Norton, Aesop, Andrew, Joseph, Edgar, Mike, and other charas i never really got to write. From kny; douma, Giyuu and Rengoku. From t.ouken r.anbu; tsurumaru, Heshikiri, Ishikirimaru, Mikazuki, Nagasone, Ookurikara, Kasen, Shokudaikiri
———  muse preference !  ♡
BOY- well if you see the list of muses I have written, you could notice some patterns i suppose, but even then, I tend to write a whole mix of personalities; I do admit i have a particular fondness for chuuni characters, tsunderes, edgy and grumpy characters (example; dantes, arjuna, ookurikara, izou etc etc) then old spirits, or well, peepaws (example; zhongli, casgil, mikazuki, arthur) I also noticed I like to write heroes too, or tragic heroes (example; arash, gil, arthur, karna, arjuna, cú, diar, etc etc) tragic charas (example; dantes, norton, etc) and then the more ‘sunshine’ ones too; (like arash, arthur, ishikirimaru, rengoku) I love writting characters that have compassion and kindness in their hearts bc a lot of times, my muses are kinda difficult to approach and open up to others, or sometimes their personalities are too strong (coughs, gil, coughs),,, and I’ll be 100% honest; I live for sappy moments!!! heartfelt moments!! I love writting genuine soft scenarios!! the concept of hope is such a nice thing to me, which is why Arthur is one of those muses that even when i take breaks, i somehow find myself going back to him;; so it’s a nice change! I absolutely adore my dark and edgy charas but I also love my other charas as well; in the end it all comes down to the depth of the character itself, their story, what i can understand about them, and if i just click with them despite how in some cases we are completely different (example; how i still write on gil)
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  I LOVE IT!!! There’s nothing cooler than when the chemistry is there and the development is there! when the energy is reciprocated too, and when you know the other mun so you can also clown around; I often found that if i’m not very close or don’t know much the other mun, shipping feels kind of distant so hence why nowadays i just ship my muses with close friends or people whom i’ve had interactions with;; that aside,BOI- the satisfaction of writting a difficult character being able to finally open up??? CHEF KISS!! I have such a fondness for little soft moments, even if its a lil sappy, it makes me feel all warm inside;; specially when there has been a gradual development be it through plotting or direct replies, its just--- -clenches hands on fists-
ANGST:  Angst.... I used to love writting angst in the past but;; nowadays it’s not my first choice to say? or more precisely speaking, Im not very fond of angst that has no sense of purpose; when it doesn´t do anything in helping characters develop or realize things;; if its angst for the sake of angst and it’s constantly angst and agony, i find it super draining on my end; and with this i dont mean i like everything to be sunshine and rainbows, because the majority of my characters are always suffering not on that, what i mean is that there has to be some sort of complexity and a purpose in it, or well, in my case i just have to put that on my characters, there has to be an explanation that draws back as of why they are acting in x way, why they are doing x thing, why they are saying x thing,, in conclusion,, im not too fond of angst for the sake of it, but if it serves as a mean to lead to somewhere, im all up for it
SMUT:  Definitely not on main! and although I used to be terrified of smut, now i dont mind, tho if I happen to talk about it, it has to be with a mun im friends with! otherwise its just a pass for me, also the obvious that the other mun and their muse must as well be 18+
PLOT / MEMES:  OK SO,,,, I’m gonna be completely honest here and say that i’m a lil scared of plotting;; the reason behind this is that sometimes one plots an entire thing and at the end,, nothing ends up happening bc its like,, ‘ok, so since we already know how it’s gonna all end, then it’s done and over’ and it stays there; and man i  like suprises!! i like seeing how things could go to completely different ways, the unpredicatibility that sometimes plays in;; not to mention i absolutely SUC K at keeping track on threads, i cant even remember when was the last time I did a starter based on something i’ve plotted with someone else, DESPITE THIS- this doesn’t mean i dont like plotting! pllotting with friends is always a lot of fun!! i think that also plays a big role and helps release some of the anxiety of having to think of something clever right off the bat, bc with friends you can just ramble you know? and boi if there’s something i love is to ramble- rambling about our characters with a friend and putting them on situations? CHEF KISS. Nowadays i work -much- better with memes, this doesnt mean i dont like starters or stuff, in fact i would love to have threads, but usually i just tend to work more with asks/memes
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tagged by: @jhansikevidrohi​ (THANK U SO MUCH FOR TAGGING ME IN ORRIE!! <3<3)
tagging: @nulltune ; @tenkoseiensei ; @risingsol ; @jiingweii ; @resolutepath ; @ardenssolis ; @apotelesmati ; @adpulvis ; @avlon ; @hierum ; @lamentingprophet ; @soverina ; @deityforged ; @corrchoigilt aaaand! -GRABS YOU- Y O U. If you haven’t done it yet!
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of-snakes-and-men · 2 years
Currently on a semi-hiatus since 06.01.23!
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I'm 26, she/her, and you can call me Constance or Schiraz. I draw in my free time and you can commission me! Check out my portfolio here.
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General Rules
My rules might seem harsh and unwelcoming but now that I spent some time in the community again, I had to write down my thoughts and boundaries once more. It's more a form of me putting myself out there in a way that no one will be surprised or upset, including me. Otherwise, I'm a very friendly and open to various plots person - just a DM away.
1. My mental health and comfort come first. There might be days I will be hyper active and answer to everything, focused on one thread, write one reply and call it a day, or not write Anything at all.
2. I always try to keep everyone up to date on the situation if I plan or did vanish for a couple of days - it's mostly to take a break and have some time to recharge, nothing to worry about.
3. I don't roleplay NSFW and would appreciate if there was no such content sent my way in any shape. I'm an adult but it's not something I feel comfortable with. I don't mind you writing it on your own blog though, you do you.
4. Your drama is not my drama and vice versa. I won't stop Interacting with someone just because you had a disagreement. I tag people's handles in every reply, simply blacklist the ones you don't want to see.
5. I suck at maintaining relationships even if we are having a good connection. It's not because I don't like you, it's because I'm rarely able to keep track of who I should write to this time and check-in.
6. That said, I appreciate every effort to reach out to me and will do my best to answer to it in a timely manner. It's possible I will see it, get distracted and forget - apologies in advance.
7. I do not like to feel like I'm being forced to rp with someone and put them over others. It will make me want to interact with you less. Don't push, don't nag, don't get offended I replied to someone else first. I want the rp to be my safe space and to have fun, not to feel like it's a chore.
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Writing Rules
8. I'm highly selective based on my mood and the ocs that want to cooperate at a given time. Again, I'm doing my best to tend to every thread, but it's not always easy. I can be distant, super affectionate, excited, or sad in a matter of minutes, which will affect who and what I write.
9. Blood, gore, body horror, murder, self-harm and other dark topics are frequent in my writing. I tag everything accordingly by tw: example. What you won't find here is r.a.p.e, n.a.z.i.s.m, r.a.c.i.s.m, t.r.a.n.s.p.h.o.b.i.a, h.o.m.o.p.h.o.b.i.a, i.n.c.e.s.t, p.e.d.o.p.h.i.l.i.a, nor any other of such things. My blog is a safe space. ! If you want something else tagged, DM me ! Anonymous asks will be ignored, especially written in capslock 🙃!
10. I prefer long threads over short ones, especially for character development/relationship development. Short ones are good to fool around with, though.
11. I will try to match the length of the replies but I don’t mind shorter answers. Just try to not answer with a one-liner to my long-ass post. I mostly try to write 2/3+ paragraphs, unless it's one paragraph/one-line thread.
12. If you are not skilled in English but it is enough for me to understand you, no worries - everyone had to start somewhere.
13. I prefer 3rd person past tense to role-play but 3rd person present tense is also fine. No 1st person writing, please.
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Muse List
Shin Malphur
Rezyl Azzir / Dredgen Yor
Tevis Larsen
Uldren Sov
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Open Starters List
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ladyartemesia · 3 years
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When do you update?
I have no set schedule for updating I’m afraid. I wish I did but life is just not that accommodating. I update when I can. I do sometimes try to give posting estimates but that is all they are—estimates (and they are usually pretty vague if I give them at all). I deeply appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my work. You guys are the motivation to do what I do.
Can I ask for updates or about the status of your fics?
Sure you can! BUT I may not have much to tell you lol. In order to make sure I don’t put too much pressure on myself for my hobby I never set true deadlines. I tried a long time ago and it simply wasn’t the right choice for me. I can tell you if I’m close or how far I have to go—stuff like that and I don’t mind doing that. I’m genuinely sorry if anyone is frustrated by this, but I believe in transparency whenever possible. I love writing so much, but life will always come first.
What do you like to read?
I love stories with banter and intrigue. I really like strong OC/reader fics. I love Social Media AUs too! I read primarily member/female reader fics. My favorite tropes are enemies-to-lovers and brother’s-best-friend. I prefer happy endings. I love fantasy and science fiction stories as well!
What do you not like to read?
Everything I am about to say is SOLELY my PREFERENCE and is not in any way intended to be a slight against any story type. I don’t really like heavy angst. A little is good, but I’m soft and usually read to escape. I do not read anything underage, sacrilegious, hard non-con, or with heavy abusive themes. I tend to avoid love triangles unless they are done extremely well and I don’t really like cheating/infidelity fics either. I refuse to read sad endings if I can in any way avoid them. Life is hard enough without my leisure reading being miserable lol. Also (and I know this is terrible) I usually find established relationship stuff pretty boring, BUT there have been some notable exceptions to that for sure. Again. These are just my PREFERENCES. They are not criticism. It’s just about what I personally enjoy.
Can I recommend a story/my story to you to read?
Sure you can! However, I cannot always promise that I will read it. I am picky about what I read because my time is limited due to my job. My pickiness tends to stem from my preferences (outlined above) and usually has nothing to do with who wrote the story so please do not take it personally if you recommend a fic that I do not end up reading it.
I am a minor. Can I still be on your blog and interact?
No. Absolutely not. I am not comfortable with it at all for any reason. Do not message me if you are a minor. Do not send in asks if you are a minor. Do not be on my blog if you are a minor. No exceptions. The content I create is for adults and disregarding these boundaries is an unforgivable violation of my safe space. Please block me if you are a minor. I’m serious.
Are requests open?
Well... they aren’t open, but they aren’t necessarily closed either. You can make a request and if it sparks my muse I will write it. I cannot promise anything. But I am more than happy to listen to your ideas and see if anything sparks. It would be nice to take requests and just write them, but my brain simply won’t work like that. Unless an idea really lights me up I am unable to do it justice. Please do not be offended if you submit a request and I do not write it.
If I make a request, is there anything you won’t write?
This is a list of my hard NOs. I know there are other authors out there who write/have written one or more of these into their stories. This is not intended to be a criticism of them in any way. These are purely my personal limits and what I am not comfortable writing.
overtly sacrilegious (any/all faiths or belief systems)
heavy abuse of any variety
drug abuse and/or addiction
I don’t write polyamory or threesomes.
I will not write any member as a truly evil person who commits despicable acts.
I will not write any member (or any real person) outside of their stated or publically coded sexuality and gender. This does not apply to fictional characters. (For example: Sue is a real person and she is bi. If I write a story about Sue, she will be bi. I will not change’s Sue’s sexuality to suit my narrative.)
Have you ever written for any other fandoms?
I started out as a very young teen writing for the Smallville fandom. Later I wrote for Reylo and now I write exclusively for BTS.
Can you find a story for me?
If I recognize the story you’re looking for then I am happy to tell you what it is, but I won’t hunt it down. Please go to @/btsficfinds and they will help you find what you are looking for. They have tips and a tagged archive of already located fics! They are a great resource!
May I repost your work on another platform or on my own blog?
No. I post exclusively on Tumblr. I do not allow reposts of my work anywhere for any reason. It does not matter if you ‘credit me.’ I do not give persmission for my work to be posted or used by anyone else but me. This is not negotiable. If you would like to share my work on your blog, please reblog it. Do not repost.
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dawnscngs · 3 years
mun questions — accepting — @florabled 
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5. Have you ever RP’d with someone simply because of their character’s faceclaim, even if you did not like their character’s personality?
     Definitely not. Choice of face claim has got me interested in some blogs before, but like. I don’t have enough energy to write with partners I don’t like writing with dfghjgsfjdh.
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
I MEAN... not that I can think of?? My main fandoms right now are Yuumori, VnC, and Psycho-Pass and I don’t think I dislike anyone from Yuumori (other than Milverton and like, the assorted nobles), and in Psycho-Pass I think I’m more on the side of ‘problematic faves’ rather than ‘disliking popular characters’, and for VnC, I think I dislike the Normal Characters to dislike. I guess the best I can answer this would be if I went into BSD and revealed my all-consuming hatred of Dazai. 
This isn’t anything against any Dazai muses, of course, love my friends who write Dazai, but Canon Dazai makes me want to actually never read BSD again djhfgfjsd.
7. List three honest flaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make them problematic.
Ok I’m gonna take one from each of my main fandoms so strap in. I could go easy mode here and use William, Vanitas, and Shogo but I’m Not Going To.
Mycroft: 1. He’s the sort of person to see a problem that could be solved by honestly talking things out and being vulnerable and he will veer full-speed towards being The Worst on purpose to push the other person so far away that they don’t want anything to do with him (see: his entire relationship with his little brother). 2. His loyalty is in ridiculously short supply. He’s not completely loyal to the crown or to the lord of crime. If you look close enough, it’s clear that his loyalty only lies with his own family (or those he considers to be of the same value, like with his ship with Paris’ Louis). 3. Smug Bastard Energy.
Olivier: 1. First of all there is so much anger contained in this very pretty package, you would not believe. He has a very short fuse and goes beyond savage when he fights, to the point that the viscera of his enemies literally jams the mechanisms of his chainsaw-sword thing, so you know. Yikes. 2. He’ll hate things about the church and disagree with what they do, but he’s not the sort of person who will openly stand against it because he doesn’t want to risk the consequences it might bring on him or those he cares about. 3. This bad boy can fit so much vanity in him. No seriously, he’s very aware that he’s gorgeous and it’s definitely a situation of ‘flattery will get you everywhere’.
Ginoza: 1. Again, very angry, but he keeps it buried so deep that it just builds and builds until it explodes. He’s spiteful and bitter and it’s cost him so much in the past, some really irreplaceable people that he pushed away and took for granted until they were gone. 2. He drinks to dull the pain. 3. He tends to take everything onto his own shoulders, no matter what. If there’s something he can shoulder so that someone else doesn’t have to, then he’ll put the fault on himself. He’s also the worst overthinker and worrier you will ever meet. He’ll agonize over possibilities for so long and it’ll end up holding him back from being able to actually do anything.
8. Out of the really popular pairings in your fandom, what’s your nOTP?
So in Yuumori, this doesn’t apply because the only Popular pairing is Sherliam and I love them, so. Yeah. For VnC, I really dislike Vani.tas/Jea.nne. I’m aware that canon is a thing but for me, they just feel more like. a case of comphet + ‘this is the first person to treat me like this so it must be love’. and idk It’s just not my jam! To each their own though! And for Psycho-Pass, I really don’t like the Aka.ne/Gin.oza ship. First of all they meet when she’s not even 21 and he’s almost 30 so like, already I am iffy on that grounds alone, and second like I just don’t see romantic feelings there, it feels familial to me, personally. They are, platonically, the light of my life but I REALLY don’t like them as a romantic ship.
9. What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
Uhhh oh man, um. Probably that time I tried twitter rp. It was a mistake because I write too much and really hate twitter as an environment.
10. What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
I don’t really have anything like that because my dash is only people I’m friends with and I never hate seeing anything from them ever.
11. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Uhhh idk, just drama in general I guess. I really don’t have time for that? I also really hate being approached ONLY because someone wants a specific ship from me. Like :/ I auto ship with my close friends only because we’ve definitely discussed our ships on discord already, but like. that means if you want ships with me, we Need To Discuss it.
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
Ok so right now I don’t have any because the three I’m in are literally just. Me and my close good friends. But for the like. month that I wrote in the Gen.pact RPC, I have never felt worse ever in my life. Like idk what it is but that whole fandom’s energy is rancid and I decided I wanted nothing to do with it like Really Fast dshjfgsdjh.
13. Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
Haha oh man uhhh. So for Yuumori, that’s Milverton I guess and he’s a fucking trash man. But I guess he’s a good villain? Like you really love to hate him. and he’s clever, I guess (not clever enough, but). And he knows what he’s about. Like. He doesn’t think he’s good or anything, he knows straight up that he’s human garbage, but he vibes with it, so like good for him. Rest in pieces, nerd.
14. Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
???? No??? People do that? How do you make friends other than through osmosis of your friends’ friends????
15. Without naming anyone, have you ever refused/simply avoided another RPer in the fandom because of things you’ve heard others say about them, or because of their popularity? If so, why did you feel the need to?
I don’t make decisions solely based on that sort of thing, but I’ve gotten bad vibes from people and then been told stuff about them. But I already wasn’t interacting with them anyway, so like. Doesn’t really matter to me, I was avoiding them already because of my own intuition, y’know? I prefer to make choices based on that rather than whatever anyone else says about them.  As for the popularity thing, I have avoided interacting with really popular blogs before but it’s not really them that made that happen? I just like to stay small and unknown or I get overwhelmed so writing with really popular blogs makes me nervous and I tend to avoid it.
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡ -  cry / cryptic / crypt
PRONOUNS! ♡ - he / they
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡ -   taurus
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡ -  single pringle
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡  -  i’m a forensic psychology major! or, well, working on getting that degree, anyway. but it’s very fun! before that, i was an early childhood education major in high school with plans to get a degree to teach special education kids (bc i absolutely adored working with those kids for my internship), but ended up switching tracks. ece and psychology are both such passions of mine, though.
2! ♡ -    my two biggest hobbies are archery and dance. i keep archery more as a hobby than anything competitive so far, but mostly due to a lack of... anything competitive for archery in my area. i’ve done competitive dance, though, and i’ve mostly done a mix of ballet and jazz. also did marching band color guard for two years and honestly that was the highlight of my 8th and 9th grade years. even if i ended up quitting bc the coaches were complete assholes that took the joy out of it.
3! ♡ -  i’m the first person on my dad’s side of the family to be born out of okinawa. or out of japan as a whole, at the very least. but i sure would like to move there, and at least visiting is part of my bucket list for life.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡ -  i started on facebook when i was like 10/11 because i had no regard for the rules whatsoever. stayed there for a while, but i’ve messed around on tumblr here and there since 2012/13. started really roleplaying on tumblr in like 2014 after my ex made us move here just to avoid our other friends, and though the bitch nearly soured the idea of tumblr, i stuck around and now i’m here. even if i stick to discord, mostly. once in a blue moon i’ll still fuck around on facebook too.
FEMALE, MALE OR NONBINARY! ♡ -  i don’t??? particularly mind any?? although i do tend to project a lot, and i mean. enstars is a mostly male character franchise, so. male and nonbinary are my most prevalent here. but before i moved to this idol-centric blog i did have more female muses than anything.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡ -     in terms of muses? multi. i cannot pick on single muse to write, i’ve almost always been a multimuse blog. the exceptions have only ever been muses i was super into and dedicated to, i.e. j/irou from b/nha, g/in from b/sd, and currently kanata (though their blog is a little dusty bc then my alkakurei brainrot really took over). now in terms of shipping? i am always a multi shipper. my heart can never choose just one.
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡ -     i used to be purely fluff then idk what happened but i’ve turned into an angst gremlin so like. always hit me with that. actually always hit me with fluff too bc i never stopped loving that, i just started brainrotting angst more often. smut is?? i’m okay with it and [gestures to some of these ic chats on discord] some of the muses really get into it but tbh? it’s not at all necessary and usually stays between close friends/people i trust.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡ -     memes! i mean plotting is always an option too but i run on half a brain cell, if even that, and on top of anxiety and a lack of creativity i just? feel like i’m no good at plotting at all. but you know, i’m always willing to give it a try. but memes are always my go-to for interactions.
tagged by: i stole it from @chisupa​ bc i’m a dirty little thief
tagging? now you become the dirty little thief and steal it from me
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hellguarded-a · 3 years
Morning Anon!! It's been a while, but I see you're feeling a bit down and definitely you deserve praise and admiration!! I've been reading all your cute hc's about Ignis and he's very cute and very inspiring. Tell us about how you came up with such a good concept!? One day I'll stop being shy and intimidated, and approach you for writing! Until then, know that I really enjoy you and your content and art on my dash! Please keep up the good work, you're doing wonderful!
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ahah oh well i think that’s a little exaggeration but uhhHH sure history of this character go--
THREE YEARS AGO.  slowly creeping up on four, some fandom drama made me go fandomless, although i felt absolutely idea-less at the time and felt like i couldn’t really come up with a brand-new concept from the scratch, so i actually went through an extensive list of mythological monsters n was like...  what do i want to write...  because i was dead-set on writing a monster boy like the disappointment that i am
so i wanted something...  not just a species, but some specific creature from mythology and settled on cerberus.  so that’s what i originally wrote.  same url and everything.  was more fitting back then i think, but its still alright and i’m attached to it.  especially when i later saw someone using the url hellgvarded so i was like hehe i did it first
so, cerberus, right.  meaning i wanted to do something funky with some sort of split personality thing given the three heads n such.  well i...  couldn’t do it?  but partially i blame the fact that i couldn’t really connect with his muse in general, nor the world i put him in.  my plotting  /  shipping partner at the time didn’t really help that much.  it was very dull, set in a more cyberpunk-ish setting as compared to a modern parallel to today’s world as his canon is now, he was even supposed to have some cybernetic implants and such, not that i ever decided on those.  admittedly, that part then fuelled shinjou’s focus on that, but i digress.  his human alias was still ignis, his lover at the time was called  noctis  ( hint hint as to how i drew inspo for his brother lmao but really the name is the only connection because i liked the duality )  and he was still some sort of secret agent  /  police force thing, although i never decided on how he’s gotten to earth in that incarnation.  basically he really had no background or anything to him besides that.
so i abandoned that blog due to my inability to connect, and also partially because i managed to feel so completely overwhelmed on it within two days as it literally  exploded.  the promo got such immense traction for w/e reason that i had 200 followers within those two days, which sure it stroked my ego a lil but at the same time?  well first off, it barely let me settle in and also made me feel awful because i felt like i owed ppl a lot...  and i didn’t want to disappoint.  so many ppl jumped in on that concept and????  i actually didn’t have any muse for it?????  so rip.
so i dipped after that and made the  kitsune twins.  which stayed with me for another 2-3 years so i’d call that a success.  i still off-handedly write them on discord and at least one of them is actually important to ig’s canon.  or rather, i eventually revisitted ig to make him a plot device for  shinjou.  before  that, however, he still existed in the back of my mind in a prototype of what  the gonchiye  is today.  the gonchiye actually gave me a platform to revamp a lot of my old muses which i’m actually rly happy about, but.  anyway, back then it was a german-based organization called  die jagdhunde  ( same deal lmao )  but instead of being entirely supernatural based it was a group of humans actually hunting the supernaturals due to supersitions and stuff like that.  sometimes they’d capture some of them and force them to work for them, ig being one of those,  kalisha  being another.  it’s what made me lowkey ship them, but in the end ig ended up having a strong male preference so him and lisha are just kinda like bff’s in their current canon.  by then, i simply had ig as a regular hellhound rather than being cerberus himself as i wanted him to be  mine  rather than being a known mythology being, but he had no background nor development beyond the fact that he was  always  supposed to be a  mature, gentlemanly, but somewhat uptight individual with fire and shadow magic and the ability to phasewalk.  that’s all i had on him.
but again, i tend to hyperfixate so it didn’t become much more than a simple concept like many others, as i focused on the order of the lotus and the twins’ story.  but you know.  eventually i reached a stalemate and i had a lot of background for  shinzou,  but not his brother.  so that’s how the gonchiye became to be, being based on an ancient supernatural pit-fighting organization of which jou was once part of.  i involved  lucius  in all that, made him be the big bad, etc etc, and then had jou be bought off by the yakuza so that’s how he was raised.  i then really wanted a plot for him of infiltration and betrayal, but instead of making a whole new muse for that, i just took one of my old concepts and used that instead.  which was ig.
ig’s muse was also spurred by nata’s  ( @hellhunted )  desire to ship him with her falcon splice, which then alone led to further development of the gonchiye and their scientific endeavors.  anyway point being i made ig, as part of the gonchiye, infiltrate shinjou’s yakuza to get him assassinated, and the whole plague thing got added in a bit later, but it worked out alright.  again, one of my older concepts that i had in the twins’ old canon but wanted to reuse because i didn’t want to drop the idea completely.  so that’s how i got more involved in ig’s character, and then i finally lost the twins’ muses completely  ( much to my dismay, i miss them )  so i focused on ig?  it was surprisingly easy to connect to him afterwards and give him some background,  frankly  i don’t remember how i made him be a hellhound  /  fury  crossbreed  ( i do remember it being nata’s idea but i just don’t remember what prompted it ), but i  did  purposelly lowkey base him off of cerberus to stay true to his origins.  maybe it’s a little on-the-nose to have him be the  ‘son of cerberus’  but i’m honestly quite proud of my cerberus hc which makes it very flexible to work with.  similiarly, to how cerberus had an older brother called orthrus, i had always wanted ig to have a brother, so he  always  had a vague concept for one, so  nox  was around for a hot minute but again.  it took me a while to actually do anything concrete with him as a character.  originally, they were both hellhounds.  now ig is a crossbreed and nox is a pureblood fury.
n really then it was just a matter of writing on discord to get him to where he is now ---  i wrote him in private for about a year before bringing him on tumblr, but that’s how he came to be.  heavily inspired by the cerberus as we know him, and then adapted to my impending apocalypse canon.
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Rules and FAQ
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Updated: March 24th, 2022
All characters I write are aged up to 18+, so I will not write anything set in UA. This blog is almost entirely NSFW and featuring very dark themes, so minors DNI. 
General Information
Yes, this is a dark yandere blog. No, I do not condone any of this in real life. If you need me to tag anything, then let me know and I’ll be happy to do it.
Not spoiler free, so please blacklist #bnha manga spoilers or #jjk manga spoilers if you don’t want to see them.
I mostly write full fics or shorter scenarios/drabbles.
Almost entirely NSFW, with some SFW yandere thrown in.  I am generally too thirsty for SFW and trust me, you don’t want me writing soft romantic fluff. 
All my stuff will be x Reader, so no OCs or Character x Character unless it’s a threesome including reader. Also only feel confident writing female readers, so no male readers.
Thirst asks are always welcome.  Please thirst with me, I need it to live.
I am super easygoing and non judgmental, so be as kinky and dark as you want to here.
Favorite Characters to write for: 
Not saying I won’t write for others, but requests with these characters tend to get priority.
Shigaraki (of course), Dabi Hawks, Kirishima, Shouto, All for One
Gojo, Sukuna, Toji, Naoya
Things I will write:
Oneshot fics
Thirst posts
Will occasionally write sequels to something if the urge strikes me.
Any characters but Mineta.
Things I will not write:
Male readers
Comfort requests. I’ve been getting more of these lately, and although I sympathize with them, I am not the person to go to for these kinds of things.
Self harm. It doesn’t trigger me or anything, but I would prefer to stay away from this topic.
Body image issues. I have seen how these types of request fills can go wrong, so I would prefer to avoid this entirely.
Kinks I will write:
It’s easier for me to list the kinks I won’t do, to be honest. But here’s some notable things that I will write.
Dark themes, yandere, and non/dub con. Will write pretty much everything under the sun with these things.
Monster fucking, breeding, A/B/O, oviposition, mindbreak, incest, and watersports. 
If in doubt, just ask me!  I promise I won’t bite too hard, and there will be no judgement even if I won’t write it.
Kinks I won’t write:
Mommy kink
Corrective rape
Pedophilia.  Any of the students will be aged up.
Did you get my ask?
Sometimes Tumblr eats asks, but most likely, yes I did get it. 
How do you decide what asks to answer?
Honestly? I have no real definitive system. Whatever instantly inspires the muse and the cooch tends to get answered first.
Why hasn’t my ask been answered?
It might have went against my rules and been deleted, or it might not have had enough detail and/or didn’t inspire my muse and was deleted. Might also have been held back because it REALLY inspired my muse and I want to do a longer thing with it. But the most likely reason is that I get a lot of asks a day and I just haven’t gotten to it yet.
Tagging System
#mari muses - Personal tag, my thoughts and other bullshit
#mari recs fics - For any fics I want to share
#mari recs art - For any art I want to share
#mari gets sweet messages - Positivity that I get
#mari does ask games - Any sort of ask game that I do
#degrees of lewdity - Fetish porn game we’re all obsessed with
#mari thirsts - Thirst post tag
Tags to Blacklist
tw: noncon, tw: dubcon, tw: tentacles, tw: ovi, tw: sommo, tw: drugging, tw: aphrodisiac, tw: gunplay, tw:incest (no space), tw: water sports, tw: breeding, tw: lactation, tw: blackmail, tw: chikan, tw: abo, tw: body horror, tw: cheating, tw: degradation
DMs and askbox are both open if you want to chat/thirst/request!
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savagc · 3 years
rules disclaimer; this is not prompted by anything, this is not about anyone or anything in particular, but i strive and my muse strives with organization and i’ve always been a consistent and reliable writer and roleplay partner so this is just me organizing.
on this blog i reserve the right to:
be selective ic: i am allowed to reply to what my muse is musing, or reply in the order that replies are received if i wish to. luna is by no means finicky, on the contrary she enjoys interacting with people she either knows already or when i have a semi-clear direction as a writer to where an interaction might be going. if we’ve talked and plotted, muse will most definitely be louder there and faster to those replies. so it is never personal to anyone if she is takes a bit longer, i am likely working with luna to muse a course forward and i will likely message to plot more if i find myself stumped. i am not a thread dropper. luna simply runs right to where she feels comfortable, safe to communicate, and free to express herself in both good ways and bad ways.
be selective ooc: i am allowed to respond to messages that make me comfortable and ignore messages that do not. there may be days when i am better with personal conversations, there will likely be more days where i’m better with plotting and discussing musings and such. i work, i maintain house, i homeschool and am solely responsible for the education of two kiddos and that is a huge deal, to educate people...to prepare them to go out into the world one day. because of that, most of the time i want the mental break to delve into plotting and musings, an escape from real life stuff, and a bit of a break from it. so i respond faster at times to plotting and musings.
i reserve the right to drop threads and cease all interactions without warning if i feel uncomfortable with something in thread or out of thread; i tend to give warning and a chance to plot something new if i lose muse for something, but...reasons for me to drop without warning will be something akin to, habitual dropping of threads, losing muse for a thread because it has been inactive for too long (everyone take your time. please please always take your time. if i find i’ve lost muse because of so much time having passed i will drop the thread and suggest something new, unless dropping is a habit. i will be clearing out blogs that have been inactive for one week) 
more reasons for me dropping/ceasing communication: feeling like a thread/interaction is being held or used as any kind of leverage over myself or my muse. if luna interacts with multiple muses of any one blog, and i feel that a mun is holding replies luna has poured her effort into while you’re waiting to get one reply back in particular, i will drop all interactions with you. i find that disrespectful and a waste of my time and luna’s, and honestly just message me to let me know you favor one thread and that there’s no point for luna to reply to others. honestly i hope that never happens because it’s not just my muse and myself losing the interaction or relationship, it’s the other person losing all chances of interaction as well.
i reserve the right to give no explanation regarding any of the things listed above, however that does not mean i am not willing to. i am always here if there are questions, if i don’t wish to discus something i will politely say so and carry on with our interactions both ic and ooc.
basically...i have spent a long time, so many many years, possibly my entire time on tumblr since 2011, and perhaps my entire life...caring very much for the feelings of others, that i’ve muted my own feelings way more than i should have. i’ve allowed things way in the past to slide when they were NOT okay, i’ve been tolerant in ways that would make luna proud, but i realize...she would not be proud of me being tolerant at the expense of myself. luna has taught me self-preservation and self-happiness needs to happen. she stood by what she believed in and though she was tolerant and understanding to the hardships of others, she did not ever forget about herself, and i would not be making her proud to forget about myself either. 
i will be updating my thread tracker, and luna will continue to reply to where she choses. i do not choose for her. it’s just not that kind of party. yes, luna runs the show here and i prefer it that way. there will be days when she is selective, there will be days where she’s all over the place, but every day...she is loud.
many of you follow me on hana’s blog also, this all applies to her as well, i will be doing better about making sure both luna and hana’s blogs get my attention as they deserve.
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bvlgae · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡   Soda
PRONOUNS! ♡   He/Him
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡   Taurus, but like the Sailor J video about Taurus where they get a cheeto dust in their eye
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡  Single by choice, I have just been completely at peace with the fact that I am not good at dealing with people and will be survived by my 50 cats
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡    My job is not nearly as exciting nor sleazy as tv shows and movies make it out to be
2! ♡    I interned at Sony Imageworks and helped make concept art for CGI films such as The Polar Express, Spiderman 2, and Stuart Little 2
3! ♡   #Executive Dysfunction
PLATFORMS USED! ♡  AIM, ProBoards, LiveJournal, World of Warcraft, FFXIV, Skype, Tumblr, and Discord
GENDER! ♡  I generally write male muses in roleplay. I have written female muses before, but they just never managed to garner as much interest- which I find sad. I frequently write female characters in my personal works, however! One of my projects is entirely about the roles women play in Asian organized crime syndicates.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡  Anyone from media that I heavily dislike, such as FCs from SnK/AoT. Also faces that whitewash POC and POC-coded characters.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡  Single. I just haven’t found a format to run a multimuse blog that I actually liked or felt organized.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡
FLUFF: I enjoy soft dynamics, especially with characters who honestly have known little apart from hardship in their lives. Like with any theme, it can get boring if that’s the ONLY dynamic that gets any focus.
ANGST: It comes more naturally to me, I guess because my personal life has been pretty rough. I like to address issues that don’t get examined or explored well in media to raise awareness, or just to work through my own feelings about the topic in question.
SMUT: I’m sorta ‘meh’ about it? I respect writers who can write smut well, but I did have a friend in my life who focused on nothing BUT smut with me, so I think I’m just too burnt out for life to be very interested in tackling it. I think other people can be unfairly judgmental about RPers who focus on it, which isn’t cool.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡  I really like when writers are passionate about their worldbuilding and characters, since I tend to hyperfixate. It just makes the process easier when partners have A LOT to share about their muse, not to mention it’s fun to help build upon what they’ve already established. I don’t necessarily think one can plot ‘too much’ since even when I initially think the thread is going to go in a certain direction or that my muse will react in only one way, that’s NOT what ends up happening 100%. And that’s what makes it fun, tbh.
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