#(Goes by an alias on fandom forums and everything)
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@ahogedetective asked:
6. do you have any ship bias with your muse?
22. is there any ship you will likely never play?
(and!!) 39. does your muse have a celebrity crush?
Shipping Questions for the mun - Accepting!
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6. do you have any ship bias with your muse?
My ship biases tend to be writing partners who reply to threads and, if inclined, plot and/or chat with me OOC about our ships, fandom, life in general, etc. Overall, it's that simple for me! While my DR canon ship preference for Sonia is Sonia/Gundham, it doesn't mean it's my bias. Most of my favorite ships for her on this blog are with crossover and OC muses: to the point that I don't think I have active ship threads/interactions with DR canon muses right now.
I don't like bothering mutuals too much if they aren't terribly chatty about their muses and threads, but for me, replying to threads and plotting/sharing excitement about the ship really is how I maintain interest in writing them. I just try to be as invested in the ship as my writing partner is: it doesn't always work, but it's generally a good rule to follow.
22. is there any ship you will likely never play?
Beyond my list of NOTPs I listed in another reply, I wouldn't enjoy playing anything yandere long-term. Same thing goes for Remnant of Despair-verse threads or anything with abuse (sexual is already a firm no, physical and emotional are also very likely nos unless I really trust a mun and it's plotted). Unless I had something cheerful to counter it, I think: I think it would be a problem for my mood. And in Sonia's case, she can't do polyamorous relationships: it would never last for her, and she'd be deeply insecure the whole time. And while I would write cheating threads with her, those have the potential to break a relationship for good with her. A very high potential: it really needs to be plotted. Tread carefully.
39. does your muse have a celebrity crush?
This is really funny to consider! Mostly because Sonia just isn't the person to fall in love with celebrities: because she spends so much of her life being put on a pedestal for her looks, her wealth, her royal status, etc. she is deeply uncomfortable doing that to someone else. To the point that when it comes to actors in dramas, movies, and so forth, she's far more likely to be a fan of the character they're playing rather than the actor themselves. It's also why Sonia never really got into idols or idol culture: she finds the idea of idols, hosts, and other careers that pretty much rely on fan worship to be insincere at best, bordering on offensive at worst. She's likely taking it a bit personally at times, considering how often people praise her and value her for things that either fade or will eventually be unimportant. When it comes to musicians, actors, and others in similar professions, she might like their line of work: their songs or movies or what have you, but not really be obsessed with them as people.
tl;dr - If your muse is a musician/singer, actor, model, or some other sort of celebrity, it is very unlikely Sonia will have a crush on them for those reasons. She actually has to get to know them.
I think the closest 'celebrity' that would qualify on this blog would be @dxfiedfxte's Minato, honestly. Mostly as Sonia had been a fan of his show Paranormal Quest long before they met, and when they did she was far more of a fan of his show and in love with his job, as opposed to crushing on him as a person. It took her awhile to untangle those feelings later on, that she wasn't just in love with what he does but with Minato himself.
His interest in the paranormal did help attract her to him, though. Someone who not only doesn't find her hobbies dumb or dismissive of them but actually likes them? And not just to impress her? That's rare, where Sonia's concerned.
Sonia's real 'celebrity' crushes are, more often than not, fictional characters: attractive vampires, demons, other supernatural creatures, otome game heroes, Dracula, Sir Thomas Sharpe (from Crimson Peak), Gomez Addams (basically her dream spouse as a child), and Jack Skellington? She loves them.
Basically give her a combo of tall, dark, brooding, possibly flirty, adventurous, possibly dealing with past trauma, good with animals and/or people, encourages/has an interest in her hobbies and passions, deep down probably a good person even if they likely don't realize it yet, and someone whose affections she actually has to earn and doesn't just offer them blindly because she's royalty?
Yeah. She's all about those sorts of characters. She might be a princess but she's also a fan of 2D love interests. Let her go to fan conventions and she will invest in way too much merchandise. The thirst is real: especially when her own love life proves to be disappointing.
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duskgathers · 6 years
GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! ( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME ALIAS: satan.  ▐ PRONOUNS: they/them.  ▐ SEXUALITY: bisexual.  ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: i’m married to the music ~  ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i would die for S//HINee. S//HINee is my loving star, so if you ever want to hear me rant about something i love, ask me about S//HINee. i’ll go on for days. 
don’t you ever EVER call me a bully. i’m so much worse than that.
m//artha j//ones is my favourite nuwho companion and deserved a lot more than the shit she got from the fandom and from the writers. 
p//eter c//apaldi is also my favourite doctor; although, we’ll see what happens when j//odie w//hittaker comes along. 
uhhhhh i love S//HINee. idk, i’m running out of ideas, and i think this bears repeating. 
▐ HOW LONG ( YEARS/MONTHS ): on tumblr ? i started in 2013, i think ? in general, i started roleplaying when i was ten, so... twelve years ?  ▐ PLATFORMS USED: tumblr, skype, discord, forums, msn.  ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: uhhhhhh, honestly, i’ve had so many great experiences on tumblr that it’s hard to highlight a “best experience”. just in general, it would definitely have to be meeting all the friends that i have, esp the ones that have stuck by me for a few years. <3 
▐ MALE OR FEMALE: uh, i tend to write a lot more male muses, i’ve found. general, i prefer to write male canons, but i prefer to write female ocs. it’s not completely uneven, but, yeah, i clearly have a lot more male muses.  ▐ FAVOURITE FACE: i don’t have one rp-wise.  ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: fluff is my one weakness that kills me every time i have to write it / read it. as per my name sake, i’m definitely someone who is angst-heavy, but i do enjoy writing all three !  ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: a mix of both -- sometimes, i do need a little bit of planning or being like “hey, is it okay if i can do this?” before i go on with something, but i feel like you can’t exactly plot out everything that’s going to happen, otherwise what’s the point in writing it, y’kknow? you have to keep something open just in case something goes different.  ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: depends on the thread. i tend to go straight in the middle with threads, maybe a bit on the short side, since i tend to condense my writing, unless i’m going crazy with the parenthetical notations. if i returned back to putting that stuff in hovers, well, my multi paras would turn into one-liners. xDD  ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: never.  ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: i think i have a type for muses, but i really do try not to... project onto my muses or have my muses imprint on me ? i just write so many characters, and a lot of them are different types of characters ( i do have similar archetypes sometimes, and i do have clear types of muses i write ) that i can’t say i’m like all of them. ( also ! there’s nothing wrong with projecting onto your muses, don’t get me wrong, but there comes to a point where the muse becomes unrecognisable, and that’s... ? a little weird ? but, like, as long as you make sure people know you’re canon divergent in that sense, i think it’s fine. xD ). 
TAGGED BY: stole it from @beastrobed TAGGING: @myrddinwyllt / @spiidermiles / @youthbled / @qrkborn / @akbarasghar / @ghostlyanon / @starmarkcd / @mostmissed / @invincitaliis / anyone who wants to do it ! 
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hideyourfiresrp · 6 years
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The Rules
Hello, everyone! With us nearing the end of our site buzz, we thought now would be a great time to release the site’s rules. Please read these thoroughly and if you have any questions feel free to send an ask so that we can clarify anything or add anything you think we might be missing. Please note that these are copied from the site, so some of the information may not be needed right away. Please also note that these are subject to change.
Here on Hide Your Fires, we pride ourselves on being understanding, relaxed, and welcoming, and we like to think our rules reflect that as well. Still, we do expect everyone to adhere to the rules as we have posted them, and staff withholds the right to change or add to these rules as they see is fit. We'd like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read through our rules as well as joining or considering joining our site. We know this is long, but it's to make sure everything is absurdly clear. Below, these rules are split into sections to make things easier on you.
We ask that you register with your character's first and last name in all lower case, i.e. daenerys targaryen. If you wish to change your name, please do so in the control panel. We have this set so that they are automatically accepted. For surnames, we accept canon ASOIAF houses only, and do not accept made up houses for surnames. The only area this would be reconsidered is for wildlings and for bastards, which will always have one of the canon bastard surnames. If you need help finding an open house for your character that you can work to fit your idea, please reach out to a member of the staff team. For aliases, we will not be allowing duplicate aliases, or at least not duplicates with some sort of distinguisher, i.e. lena and lena2, or lena and lenaaa. Please look at the member directory prior to joining. If you do register with a taken alias, we will ask you if you could change it or add a distinguisher, just to make everything easier and less confusing for everyone involved.
We do not have any gender ratios or rules of what kind of character you can make, though this can change at admin discretion should ratios become terribly uneven. That being said, we do utilize character limits. Each member can have up to three major canon characters total but up to five characters total with original characters or lesser canons to start off with, and more characters will need to be purchased through our points system to prove activity. As for faces, we only accept period faces or faces that can pass as period faces, such as models. If there's questions regarding a face, please feel free to ask a member of staff at any time and we will always help with resources. Some stipulations we do have for characters, however, are the following: First, if you plan to play a character that is in close relation to another character you play, please get admin approval prior to registering. Second, if you play a major canon and are planning a plot that involves marriage, please also get admin approval for this as well as any other large plots that would affect the world or the region the character is in as a whole. These conditions are mostly for plot reasons, and while we can always make exceptions there are certain characters and their matches that would be too big to the plot to make exceptions for and some plots that would come across as power playing, which is strictly prohibited. Most major canons should marry other major canons, and any marriage of a major canon should be run past admins for approval.  To touch of the subject of the Game of Throns TellTale series, we do allow the characters featured in the games. That being said, we do not keep to the canon featured there. The magic lore and iron grove lore features in this game is not permitted on site, but if you would like to make Mira Forrester and have House Forrester feature the known words and lore from the game, we won't say no to that. Just note, some of the canon will not be the same, as we do not follow the game's lore and we are au from asoiaf canon as well.
When it comes to activity, we try to stay as laid back as possible but we also have to balance not allowing members to simply hog faces and canons without actually utilizing them. Because of this, we try to be extremely clear on what is expected of you prior to joining. For every account you have, you must have at least one in character post per week. This will not count games or development, but raven threads can be used. For canon characters, this requirement is doubled to two per week. Absences will excuse you from this requirement, but staff also reserves the right to negate an absence if we feel you are abusing this policy. We also ask that you do not make any new characters until your absence is up. We will be conducting our own checks of activity roughly once a month, looking back on the previous month and how many posts were made. If the month had four weeks, we will be looking for at least four in character posts for characters who are not considered site canons, and at least eight for those who are. If you fail to meet this requirement, we will send you a message to check on where you stand with that character. We all have bad months, and if you get back to use within two days we will not archive your account, but if you need to be messaged for a third time in a row we will automatically be archiving the character as inactive due to the inactivity. If you want to mark your character as active again after this happens, you must meet the activity requirements that you missed. You may post a reply to an existing thread or start a new, open thread to re-activate. Please post in character moderation to have your character and their topics moved back to the correct places only after this has been completed. As far as archiving goes, threads and requests will be archived if they have not been posted in or bumped in one month. For requests, we allow one bump every ten days. For communication threads, this time frame before archival is lowered to two weeks. Incomplete apps will be archived after ten days, and pending apps will be archived after seven. You may have a thread moved from the archives back to its original forum at any time by posting in our moderation thread.
Just to be very clear - we expect you to follow the general roleplay rules - be nice, no drama, if you have an issue take it to a member of staff, etc. This shouldn't have to be listed but we are going to be very clear with this one. Be respectful, don't steal content, always treat others with respect. Please do not at any time pester others for plots or posts. If you're not sure if something is okay to post, ask an admin prior to doing so. Please do not link your shipper or wanted ad in the cbox or in any discord channel except the designated channels unless it is asked for specifically. Please also remember that we all are into various fandoms with new seasons, new shows, new movies all the time as well so please note that we do not allow spoilers of any kind in the cbox or discord. If you want to chat about these things please make a discussion thread in the out of character forum so as to keep this from people trying to avoid them, with an [s] in the title for spoilers. As far as our cbox goes, tumblr links are okay, in-site content is okay, youtube videos are okay, but anything that pertains to other roleplay sites is not allowed.
We have a code bank here on site that will be added to as often as possible and because of this we ask that you please do not use codes from third party hosts, such as cttw, candyland, wecode, etc. We have included a thread for coding requests, so feel free to suggest codes or specific styles of codes for us to offer. That said, we do allow members to use codes they themselves have created, as long as the codes do not break any other coding on the site. Another thing we would like to add here is that we do not allow our codes to be used on any other site. We also do not allow our codes to be recreated, used for inspiration, or distributed as your own. If you rip our codes, we will take outside action and those found guilty of it will automatically be banned from the site. Please do not do this. The graphics necessary for our skin include the following: a 250x400 avatar, one square gif that will resize, and one rectangle gif that will resize. We post this so everyone knows in advance what graphics they may need to create, find, or request. We do have a graphic request section as well, so if you're not graphically inclined please don't worry.
We have jcink premium, implying that all adult themes are allowed, and because of this we do not allow members under the age of eighteen. Should we find that a member is lying about their age, they will be banned immediately. Keeping that in mind, we still urge our members to be respectful of one another. If you're going to be threading violence, sex, abuse or anything that may be deemed inappropriate by sensitive guests/members, please tag your thread with a [m] for mature or [tw] for trigger warning. If you feel like you need to ask if your theme is okay, please just tag it anyway to be safe. It is always always always better to over tag than to under tag. This goes for posts in developers as well. Now, on the flip side, if there is something that is triggering that you notice and there is no warning, please pm an administrator so we can go to that member -- do not go to that member yourself. On the same note of eighteen and older, please remember to refrain from blatant nudity in your avatars and profile imagery as well. Another thing we would like to touch on under maturity is that we have zero tolerance for member on member coercion. We take harassment seriously, and we ask that all members message us if they feel harassed or pressured to write something they do not feel comfortable with at any time. All threads should be consensual between all partaking members. While we don't care what you thread as long as everyone partaking is comfortable with the content, we do care when someone isn't and is being made to feel like they have to write that. Please do not pressure each other, be that for posts, plots, character, or mature themes.
Just as a disclaimer, the admins reserve the right to pend or deny characters if we agree upon a just reasoning as to why. Please note that a pend does not mean we do not like the character. Please see this as a chance for revision and character development. Roleplay is roleplay for a reason, so please remember that this is supposed to be fun. At any point after joining if you wish to leave or mark a character inactive, please just let us know. We have included this in our moderation thread to make this as simple and easy as possible, and we will never blame someone for wanting to leave our site. We want everything to be as fun and comfortable as possible, so feel free to talk to us at any time if you are having any problems. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. Always.
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