bluemings · 1 year
👶 con navilia y seokbina
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name suggestions: samantha "sam", charlotte "charlie o lottie" physical features they took from my muse: el cabello oscuro, algunos lunares y una marca de nacimiento cerca de la cadera. physical features they took from your muse: las pecas en su rostro, la estatura, complexión física y carita de bebé. which parent do they act more like?: quiero decir que es más como tj en el sentido de que es mucho más aventurera y extrovertida. definitivamente el alma de la fiesta y logra voltear miradas en cualquier lugar que esté. sin embargo, cuando está sola es mucho más como xiao, callada y disfruta su tiempo a solas. podría pasar toda la noche despierta con un buen libro u organizando cosas para el día siguiente. diría que es un contraste perfecto entre las dos, apuntando un poco más por ser como tj en cercanía a las personas. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: después de un turno de veinticuatro horas, luego de perder a alguien de la misma edad de la pequeña xiao decidió llevársela tanto a ella como a tj a un viaje espontáneo. algo muy poco común en ella pero necesitaba aire libre. manejaron por horas hasta un estado distinta, juntas cantaron canciones, comieron comida chatarra y se quedaron en hoteles baratos pero estando las tres, xiao pasó unos de los mejores días de su vida cantando a todo pulmón con las dos personitas más importantes de su vida.
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name suggestions: mijoo, eunbi physical features they took from my muse: la sonrisa, misma estatura, lunar justo debajo del ojo e incluso la misma forma de los ojitos. physical features they took from your muse: nariz, orejas y forma de la boca. which parent do they act more like?: como ryung, es una persona que actúa fría hacia los demás haciendo bromas poco pesadas que terminan en discusión la mayoría del tiempo. sin embargo, cuando se encariña por alguien podría hacer hasta lo imposible por elle. es fiel, es atenta a los detalles y tiene buena memoria. siempre se preocupa por su hermano gemelo, siendo la mayor por 3 minutos tiene sentido de responsabilidad por él. le gustan los lujos, gastar dinero y las maravillas que el capitalismo le puede ofrecer. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: llevarla por primera vez a la jaula de bateo. claro, tenía cinco años y apesta por completo. sin embargo, era su hija y le gustó como desde un comienzo mostró interés por el deporte, recuerda que el casco le queda grande y el bate probablemente era más pesado que le pequeña, rieron hasta que se cansaron y ophelia sacó como veinte fotos para pasarle a ryung de su hija con el uniforme de su equipo. fácilmente una de sus memorias favoritas por el simple hecho de que había reído con facilidad, cosa que ophelia no hace en público, mucho menos en el mismo lugar que entrena su equipo.
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name suggestions: minjun, eunseo physical features they took from my muse: el frondoso cabello oscuro, la resting bitch face y lunares alrededor de los ojos. physical features they took from your muse: estatura, estructura facial y el mismo cabello ondulado natural. también la nariz y forma de los ojos. which parent do they act more like?: actúa más como ophelia, al contrario de su hermana es mucho más impulsivo y usualmente es el rey de las malas decisiones y el primero que odia afrontar las consecuencias de sus acciones. ¿relaciones? solo tiene a su hermana, a quién le bajaría todas las estrellas si pudiese y mantiene en un pedestal solo por respirar. ama los sour patch kids, también prefiere comer en el piso que tomar la molestia de colocar la mesa. le da igual todo lo que es el dinero, si tiene que viajar en clase económica con sus abuelos lo hará o si tiene que hacerlo en un jet privado también, siempre y cuando pueda tomar una siesta en el camino. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: una vez que iban de viaje hacia algún país extranjero, el pequeño le tomó la mano y le señaló un concurso de lo que parecía ser una empresa de sour patches que sostenían en el centro comercial. por supuesto, tanto él como su madre fueron a la competencia y lógicamente terminaron ganando porque era un concurso de puntería en el que ophelia terminó ganando por... mucho. llegaron a casa con cupones y paquetes del dulce válidos como para un año. ryung terminó escondiéndolos todos y solo permitirle cierta cantidad por día; no se queja alguien tenía que detenerlos.
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mymiraclebox · 6 months
What about Ommen for a drabble
[Ommen's bio here: Raven of Probability]
[Yanna's bio.]
Ommen ruffled her feathers, yellow eyes gleaming as she stared into intense golden ones, which watched her unblinkingly. A smirk tugged at her beak, the Center of the Miracle Box gleaming bright as the two of them stood in the middle. The other kwamis of the box surrounded them, each standing in their designated space of the Center circle, surrounding her and Yanna.
The Bison kwami tossed her head, horns gleaming and fur shaking. Ommen stayed still, before reaching down to toss several dried beans to the side her and Yanna, adding to the small pile that was their betting pool. Snacks were the most common things to be gambled, having the most value in the Miracle Box. They were consumable, unlike trinkets and knickknacks, and were limited due to the Guardians providing limited food for them to take into the box.
But despite the frequency food found itself as currency for their games, putting one's favorite food on the line was a rare thing indeed.
So Yanna's eyes were wide as she saw the kidney beans enter the ring, Ommen sending a silent challenge. Murmurs from those standing around the Center echoed about them, all kwamis eagerly awaiting to see what would happen next.
The Bison kwami reached for the dice, not adding anything herself to pool– just tossing the two dice. Ommen watched the cubes as they rolled, resisting the urge to extend her powers. To tip the Probability into her favorite, but she knew it was never that simple when fighting against Victory herself.
The dice landed each on a one.
"Habuu-eyes!" The kwamis watching cried excitedly. "Zero points!"
"Just call it snake-eyes," the Rattlesnake muttered.
Yanna grinned, in a game were earning the most points would make you lose, this was the best roll she could get. Especially since this kept Ommen's score as the highest. As soon as one of them hit a thousand the game would be over, and they were steadily crawling closer to that point, and Ommen knew it would be a dangerous game from here. The more Victory Yanna gained, the stronger the Bison became. Ommen didn't let her worry show, however, just drifting over and scooping up the dice herself, letting them drop.
Once again, she did not exert her powers– in fact, she had not turned the tides in her favorite once the whole game. Despite that she hadn't been losing by a landslide this whole time. Perhaps it had been luck, or perhaps Victory's aura had been rubbing off on her. Either way Yanna assumed Ommen had been her using powers, and must be thinking that she was getting drained.
Ommen looked down at her roll– a five and a six– nearly the worst roll possible, adding eleven points to her score.
Yanna grinned Victoriously, cheers going up among the watching kwamis. Ommen was rapidly approaching a thousand points, which would not only end the game, but let Yanna claim the whole pot. There was a good claim as well, quite the assortment of treats were waiting as the prize, along with a beautiful doll Ommen had her eyes on, and a golden pocket watch she had lost several decades ago in a game that she was determined to win back.
Yanna did not reach for the dice as her turn came again, instead zipping back a ways. Ommen floated up high, looking to see what the Bison was flying away to retrieve. Her eyes widened when she saw what exactly Yanna was flying back with, causing all the other kwamis to mutter as they realized just how much the stakes were now being raised.
Yanna placed a square piece of cake at the top of the betting pile, eyes bright and determined. Yanna loved cake of all kind, it was her very favorite of all foods, but it was also one thing she never gambled with. Yanna didn't even need to say a word to declare the confidence she was feeling on this game, because Yanna would never risk her cake–this was a statement that said she was sure she going to win no matter what.
Ommen smirked as Yanna tossed the dice up into the air, at last reaching out with her powers, throwing all she could to turn the Probability to her favor. With Yanna's Triumph ability running high she knew that the odds were naturally in the Bison's favor, but that wasn't accounting for the powers she had been holding back until now.
Two sixes shown up from the Center as the dice landed– the worst roll possible in their game, and earning double points.
Ommen didn't waste a moment, sliding forward to strike the dice, sending them rolling once more. A pair of snake-eyes showing as they came to a stop. This caused Yanna to hesitate for a moment, before slowly moving to the dice once more, rolling them with only a moment's pause, her eyes widening as once more two sixes showed up.
Yanna looked up at Ommen in disbelief, her confidence from before now completely gone.
"975 to 988," Ommen mused to herself. Technically she was still losing being the closest to a thousand– but she was completely fine with that. She rolled the dice again, not getting snakes-eyes, but the three points wasn't bad at all either. "Make that 991."
"Nine more points and it's game over for you," Yanna said softly.
Ommen grinned as Yanna picked up the dice again. "May the odds be in your favor."
But when you controlled the odds, those words didn't mean a thing. Ommen let a small glow surround her wing as Yanna rolled the dice, excitement racing through her as she found yet another two sixes were rolled, twenty-four more points being added.
999 for Yanna.
One more point and Victory would lose.
"So it comes down to this," Ommen said as she picked up the dice for the last time. "If I get nine or more points its your game. If I get lower... well, then I take the whole lot."
Yanna's eye twitched, looking at the piece of delicious cake she had added to the pile.
Ommen didn't even roll the dice far, just letting them fall from her gleaming wings. They clattered against the floor, tumbling a ways before coming to a stop, revealing a two and a six on the dice.
Eight points, putting her up to 999 as well.
Ommen scooped up the dice, flying them over to Yanna, placing them into her hooves. "You can still win if you get snake eyes, you know."
Yanna snatched them from the Raven, saying nothing. She tossed the dice over her shoulders, not looking at what they would roll as they tumbled towards the edge of the Center. All kwamis looking on craned their heads, flying up to watch if this would be the game match.
One of the die landed on a one, the other one skittering to a stop. Everyone held their breath as it teetered for a moment, before it fell.
Two gleamed on top– three points.
Ommen let out a cheer alongside the fellow kwamis who were watching, which told Yanna all she needed to know. Hooves were crossed, eyes seeming to burn as she took in her loss. Ommen didn't waste a moment, zipping over to the pile of goods that were now all hers.
"You did it, Ommen!" Fawnna screamed, the Deer running to tackle her into a hug.
"Fascinating game," Dess muttered, the Cougar keeping their distance as the others rushed forward, cheering and chattering.
Ommen stayed on top of her new pile of treasures, looking out at Yanna. The Bison was looking down a the ground, muttering under her breath, before her gaze flickered up at Ommen. Her eyes were bitter, there was no denying that she was not happy with her loss.
Yet despite it all, a gleam of pride smoldered beneath it all– because after all it was no easy feat to defeat Victory herself.
"Good job, birdbrain," Yanna said with a grunt. "You better enjoy that cake."
"Oh, I don't plan on eating it," Ommen said with a sweep of her tail. "I'm sure you'll see it again in a future game."
Yanna's eyes gleamed with an unspoken challenge at this, the two rivals smiling at each other– neither could wait for the next game they would play.
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Dutch scouting camp site Gilwell Ada's Hoeve in Ommen, Overijssel, Netherlands
Dutch vintage postcard
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I just realize that the Hector pissed off for the bird signs scene happens in the iliad, but on a completely different context.
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dimitrablur · 1 year
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jurjenkvanderhoek · 2 years
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In het boek "De wereld is mijn atelier" ga ik op reis met kunstenaar Erik van Ommen. Hij is mijn reisleider, hij trekt voor mij de wereld in om dieren van divers pluimage in verschillende technieken op papier en linnen vast te leggen. Zodat ik er daarna van kan genieten. Van al die pracht en praal van Moeder Natuur. Het kijkt als amateur vogelaar vooral naar de gevederde vrienden, maar schuwt ook niet om Afrikaanse viervoeters of een ijsbeer langs de Noordpool te portretteren. Maar het boek is vooral een vogelgids, en voor mij een handboek op een virtuele reis. Met het boek opengeslagen voor mij op tafel maak ik namelijk een papieren trip en kan ik de beschreven dieren determineren en de afgebeelde vogels onderscheiden.
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Van Ommen heeft deze daadwerkelijk opgezocht en vastgelegd, want de wereld is zijn werkruimte. Zo hoef ik in principe de deur niet uit om de verre reis te maken. De kunstenaar heeft voor mij gekeken en met een fotografische manier van werken opgetekend. Met vaste hand schets hij de beweeglijke vogels, terwijl op zijn olieverven iedere veer in de compositie is gefixeerd. Daardoor lijkt de vogel zo van het papier weg te kunnen vliegen. In andere technieken is het resultaat meer speels, hoewel Van Ommen de werkelijkheid nooit uit het oog verliest.
Niet voor niets is het boek uitgebracht bij KNNV Uitgeverij. De uitgever van informatieve en inspirerende boeken over onder meer natuur en duurzaamheid. De uitgeverij geeft waardevolle kennis door aan een breed publiek en draagt zo bij aan de bescherming van de Nederlandse natuur en aan het plezier dat je eraan beleeft. Hoewel Van Ommen zich niet enkel richt op de binnenlandse leefomgeving, maar ook zijn blik richt ver over onze grenzen.
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Met hem ga ik op safari en ontdek dieren waarvan ik het bestaan eerder niet wist. Niet alleen komen olifanten, neushoorns en gemsbokken naar de drinkplaats, ook secretarisvogels en kroonkraanvogels vliegen over, staren geelsnaveltokken en krokodillen me grimmig aan. Ik schouw in gedachten zebra's, buffels, wrattenzwijnen en een nijlpaard. Niet allemaal op hetzelfde moment op dezelfde plek, maar al bladerend gaandeweg door het boek. Door de gedetailleerde beschrijvingen is het alsof ik lijfelijk aanwezig ben, de geuren ruik, de geluiden hoor.
Wanneer ik ooit de Zambezi met een kano zal bevaren herken ik de dieren langs de oevers en de vogels in de lucht, omdat ik ze eerder zag op mijn trip thuis met gids Erik van Ommen. Ik ontdek de driekleurige glansspreeuw en de ornaathoningzuiger, herken het mannetje van de paradijsvliegenvanger aan zijn verlengde middelste staartveren en vergaap me aan de prachtige kleuren van de vorkstaartscharrelaar. Het is een vogelparadijs waar de kunstenaar mij mee naar toeneemt. In diverse technieken legt hij de levendige natuurlijke schoonheid vast.
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Eigenlijk is het daarmee ook een document, want helaas zullen vooral vele van de door hem vastgelegde vogels er over een aantal jaren niet meer zijn. Door de door de mens over zichzelf afgeroepen klimaatverandering en opwarming van de aarde zullen populaties minderen en uiteindelijk uitsterven. Zo eindigt althans het boek, wanneer Van Ommen afscheid neemt van poolijs en ijsbeer. Maar eerder in het boek is het zover nog niet en kan ik me voorstellen hoe Adam zich in het paradijs voelde toen hij iedere vogel een eigen naam mocht geven.
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Wat een diversiteit aan schoonheid, waar ik hier met mussen, mezen en vinken in eigen tuin geen weet van had. Ik was al blij met de overvliegende Vlaamse gaai en een kort bezoek van de bonte specht. Van Ommen bleef op een kwaad moment ook thuis om zijn tuinpopulatie noodgedwongen vast te leggen. Het coronavirus hield hem in eigen land. Maar daar valt ook genoeg te beleven getuige zijn waarnemingen. Het houdt hem dichtbij huis. Eigen tuin, de regio niet ver van huis, de streken in de omgeving. Bos en veld die ik op zondagse ommetjes ook weleens doorkruis. De vogels komen mij bekend voor, zelf spot ik ze ook bij tijd en wijle of merk ze op wanneer deze overvliegen. Echter door de registratie van Erik van Ommen ga ik beter kijken naar wat er zoal vliegt, trippelt en hipt. Want dat is ook een taak van de kunstenaar, de beschouwer beter te laten kijken. Oplettend de wereld in turen, anders leren kijken.
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Hij is geen vogelschilder, geen vogelaar of wetenschapper schrijft Van Ommen over zichzelf in het boek. De bioloog vergaart informatie door te observeren en te noteren, de kunstenaar verzamelt ideeën door te kijken. Wat hem boeit legt hij vast in een schetsboek. “Daarna komt het aan op creativiteit, doorzettingsvermogen en soms een ingeving.” Hij maakt geen foto’s om later na te tekenen, zijn ervaring is dat je dan slechter kijkt en minder goed het geziene onthoudt.
Hij uit zich in verschillende technieken, waarvan hij de werkwijze in het boek en aan de hand van korte films uit de doeken doet. Deze video’s zijn door een afgedrukte QR-code in te scannen af te spelen. Dus heeft het boek naast gids te zijn en handleiding om vogels te herkennen nog een functie, namelijk een educatief karakter in technieken om op kunstzinnige manier de wereld vast te leggen. “Vanwege de tijdsdruk en het feit dat vogels beweeglijk zijn, gebruik ik geen potlood, dat duurt te lang, maar penseel en zwarte aquarelverf”, beschrijft hij zijn aanpak en plein air. “Daarmee zet ik in een paar streken een vogel op papier, dat is dus het werk niet. De meeste tijd gaat op aan kijken, concentreren en wachten op een boeiende pose. Wat ik noteer zijn slechts vlekken en lijnen die een suggestie van een vogel weergeven.”
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Van die schetsen in potlood en met inkt zijn, naast de uitgewerkte resultaten in waterverf en met olie- of acrylverf, gesneden in hout of geëtst op koper, veel voorbeelden in het boek afgedrukt. Zo krijg ik inzage in de opzet en het ontstaan van de schilderingen en de grafiek. Een kijkje in de keuken zo gezegd, een blik in het atelier.
Erik van Ommen heeft een gedegen klassieke opleiding, hoewel hij op de kunstacademie geen vogels schilderde maar portret, model en stilleven. Dit heeft een basis gelegd, een voedingsbodem om zijn oeuvre op te laten groeien en bloeien. “Ik stak veel op over het gebruik van lijnen, vlakken, kleuren en het maken van een compositie. Ik leerde er tekenen, schilderen en etsen en ervoer het als een inspirerende tijd die mijn behoefte om nieuwe dingen te onderzoeken stimuleerde.”
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In het verwerken van zijn inspiraties onderzoekt Van Ommen andersoortige technieken dan het tekenen en schilderen. Hij legt de natuur vast in grafische technieken als het etsen en de houtdruk. Maar bijvoorbeeld ook in de Japanse sumi-e techniek, het schilderen met inkt. Dat is een meditatieve bezigheid – voordat er ook maar een streek op het rijstpapier staat moet de afbeelding in zijn hoofd gevormd zijn.
Net als de trek de vogels op de wind welhaast rond de wereld voeren, zo brengt de liefde voor de gevederde en gevleugelde dieren Erik van Ommen over de aardbol. Voor het boek trok hij door verschillende landen op het Afrikaanse continent en langs kusten en over eilanden in Europa. Hij is wadwachter op Richel en cursusleider in Helgoland. Hij doet een vogelrondreis over IJsland en is artist in residence op Spitsbergen. En overal merkt hij het gedrag op en legt de vogel in de eigen habitat vast.
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Hij is geen indringer, want oogt van een afstand door zijn kijker het natuurlijke schouwspel. Zijn zuivere blik voor de schoonheid maakt dat het werk indringend aanvoelt. Het boek is een must voor de vogelaar, de vogelspotter en de natuurliefhebber, maar zeker ook voor alle anderen die ieder jaar meedoen aan de nationale vogeltelling, gewoon genieten van vogels gelokt door de winterse voedertafel. Feitelijk is het boek voor iedereen die op ontdekkingsreis in de vogelwereld wil gaan.
De wereld is mijn atelier. Erik van Ommen, kunstenaar op reis. KNNV Uitgeverij, 2022.
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empire of death thoughts+reactions part 1
previously onnnn (super short sdlkfj)
sdlkjs morris a literal 13 year old having guns on his lil' scooter thing.is UNIT ok.
omg even the vlinx TOT
the birds will sings again!!!!!!
dust of death mmm delicious alliteration
"im sorry there's nothing we can do. we're dead" vibes
loving this action sequence ngl
maybe is not [insert character]. maybe mrs flood is just an old lady who is Like This.
"my true name" "ur true maker" whats her true maker if not RTD!!! / clowning
"we've got worse problems" that's gonna come back to bite him skdfljdskl
does anyone remember the clara / 1 paintdoktahwho comic "dont take that one. take the tv"
thats what im thinking ot
(askdjlad UGH my iplayer stopped so i refreshed and while skipping to the place i think i spoiled my self for susan ?? TOT sutpid internet stupid preview skipping thumbnail function grrrr) im not a tardis smasher in general but the memory tardis….. would. maybe
"remember it harder" i would be a useless companion here tbh. memory of a goldfish.i would doom the earth.
IT'S A TV SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sdflkdfj sutekh spining in the vortex. 2 cute
the temple……….. tardis as the thing in the hill meta INTENSIFIES
oh ok i jut got spoiled for the clip OF susan sdlkfjdskl FALSE ALARM FOLKS
"never yours again, never"
my angels of death………………..
"i find that good" i feel they did this same exact phrasing once for a "death is beautiful" monster like this but i cant remember which story?
also, flux? flux anyone? 13 vs entropy itself?
"i am an extinction event" OOF
(oh this clicks on why the doctor clings sm to living / immortality despite how much it hurts)
memory is a time machine TOT idk but that Hits Harder
"sutes" dlkjfslfk cute
"and doesnt it feel good?" holy shit
yayy mel's not dead yet
(idk why but that's what's made me cry slkfjsd)
"ruby roo" sdkljsfd
lasdkj if a regular tardis is 6 people driven then a memory tardis is probably meant to be piloted by every single doctor and companion ever
"meleanie b" TOT (doctor trait unlocked: when 15 is stressed he intensifies on the cutsey nicknames)
CHEKOV'S INGELLITEN GLOVE !!!!! damn i thought for a second about putting that on my bingo card but didnt skldfj
i like that the subtext of "when disaster comes, he's there" / "the tardis is an ommen of death" & "he has one constant companion… death" isn't literally being stated as being "sutekh did it lol" lol cause that would feel a lil cheap. i think instead rtd took a smarter choices of keeping that subtext, but keeping it that stricly speaking what sutekh did was just putting the susan copies everywhere.
73 yards……………
omg wait so in a memory tardis u can remmeber anything to existence………….. what if heiimagines susan at the end
ohh wait so this connects perception filters and 73 yards. put on a pin on that (and presumably……. taking down the perception filter is what happened re: ruby? that's why people ran away? people saw beyond her perception filter to the elderitch abomination bellow?)
"you've landed on earth a 100th times" is probably a huuude understimation lol
"she was reborn stronger each time. this monumental figure" dr. who as a cultural institution meta
shots outside the tardis my beloved
1999….. the movie... 2005 …. obvious. 1066 was the fire of london right? with 5?
this is rlly working for me ngl. dr who is all about death meta but it's literal but it's not
and a lso the whole. when u are a time traveler everyone is already dead. we must be like ghosts to u . etc etc
telos… THE OOD SPHERE noooo
mel being like "well…. at least 1% of the universe is fine. that's all right then" .
this |5 "it's all my fault" beat feels a lil' weird until u remember [all the traumas] / flux trauma and then it's like yeah i getchu doc i too take everything bad that happens as proof that it is my fault even tho, factually, it makes no sense as a reaction. trauma/depression girlies united.
THE SUN IS DEAD. rip 42's sun.
omg thank u sutekh for finally fixing that over-blue colorization in the unit set. not all heroes wear capes tbh.
aaaand the end.
fade to black.
doctor who is done! we can all go home and become trekkies everybody. congrats!
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silverslate221 · 1 year
An Updated List of all my Kwamis including the Canon Kwamis some of which I've altered to fit my Headcanons since I've realized my old list was very outdated xD. (Just something to keep in my mind I'm horribly indecisive and all of these are subject to change)
Mother Box-
Tikki the Ladybug of Creation (Alpha)
Plagg the Black Cat of Destruction (Alpha)
Trixx the Fox of Deception
Pollen the Bee of Subjection
Wayzz the Turtle of Protection  
Duusu the Peacock of Manifestation
Nooroo the Butterfly of Transmission
Mullo the Mouse of Multiplication
Stompp the Ox of Determination
Roaar the Tiger of Confrontation
Fluff the Rabbit of Evolution (Timekeeper)
Longg the Dragon of Acclimatization (Elemental)
Sass the Snake of Repetition (Timekeeper)
Kaalki the Horse of Migration (Spacekeeper)
Ziggy the Goat of Imagination
Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Orikko the Rooster of Illumination
Barkk the Dog of Loyalty
Daizzi the Pig of Love
Great Plains Box-
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Electricity* (Elemental)
Maii the Coyote of Wisdom
Katta the Cougar of Passion
Liiri the Eagle of Freedom
Rummpa the Buffalo of Prosperity
Lokko the Wolf of Detection
Sorren the Falcon of Victory
Amikaa the Beaver of Innovation*
Livv the Deer of Vegetation
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension (Spacekeeper)
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Ommen the Raven of Probability*
Hoppi the Rattlesnake of Beauty*
Tyyto the Owl of Truth
Honnk the Goose of Cooperation
Zibbi the Otter of Jubilation
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice
Wandering Box-
Tangg the Mantis of Order (Alpha)
Kastorr & Poluxx the Hydra of Chaos (Alpha) **
Kirrin the Qilin of Light* (Elemental)
Rassi the Spider of Destiny* (Timekeeper) **
Slikki the Snail of Stagnation* (Timekeeper)
Deed the Stick Bug of Distribution (Spacekeeper)
Etterni the Salamander of Resurrection
Mikka the Ant of Conflict
Renn the Crane of Peace
Fianna the Koi Fish of Perfection
Finn the Shark of Fear
Døddie the Moth of Scarcity
Deuill the Dove of Mercy
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption
Hunduu the Cicada of Ruination
Taachi the Weasel of Secrets
Murrae the Eel of Elongation
Zodiac Box-
Flikker the Firefly of Hope
Emburr the Phoenix of Combustion* (Elemental)
Atticus the Sparrow of Oblivion (Spacekeeper)
Gemm the Chameleon of Transformation
Gloss the Ibex of Friction* (Aries)
Urazz the Aurochs of Preservation (Timekeeper) (Taurus) 
Oskrr the Squirrel of Duality (Gemini)
Cerra the Crab of Emotion (Cancer)
Rroy the Lion of Action (Leo)
Duchess the Swan of Dreams (Virgo)
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice (Libra)
Scorro the Scorpion of Vengeance (Scorpio)
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision (Sagittarius) 
Akwaa the Seahorse of Perception (Capricorn)
Nøkk the Kelpie of Hydration* (Aquarius)
Nerrea the Whale of Compassion (Pisces) 
Savannah Box-
Gaale the Griffin of Air* (Elemental)
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression (Timekeeper)
Taamus the Hippo of Gravitation
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Parra the Giraffe of Confusion*
Equus the Donkey of Mathematics
Duune the Camel of Transaction
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memories
Kuuji the Gorilla of Connection
Irris the Hawk of Vision
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Keraas the Rhino of Substance
Zella the Antelope of Elusion
Gnuu the Wildebeest of Courage
Purr the Cheetah of Agility*
Grevyii the Zebra of Clarity
Chatter the Lemur of Negotiation
Jungle Box-
Tonna the Quetzalcoatl of Earth* (Elemental)
Legmm the Sloth of Isolation (Spacekeeper)
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception*
Ecco the Parrot of Communication*
Vammp the Bat of Absorption
Rivver the Piranha of Contempt
Bubiic the Mosquito of Plague
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Clikk the Dolphin of Sound*
Flairr the Toucan of Pretension
Ocellus the Stingray of Immersion
Charmm the Angelfish of Gentleness
Polaritti the Gecko of Magnetization
Tropical Box-
Allcy the Kingfisher of Sacrifice
Prrysm the Platypus of Distortion* (Spacekeeper)
Dontii the Pufferfish of Expansion (Spacekeeper)
Kicc the Kangaroo of Endurance*
Aumm the Koala of Relaxation
Lekyys the Pelican of Zonation
Alliss the Frilled Lizard of Extortion
Dideea the Shrimp of Patience
Xiphiaa the Swordfish of Honor
Prikk the Echidna of Boundary
Conkky the Wombat of Temperance
Tazz the Purinina of Temptation
Arctic Box-
Shaade the Grim of Darkness* (Elemental)
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition* (Timekeeper)
Maarus the Walrus of Realization
Demiis the Penguin of Glaciation
Fawnna the Elk of Wilderness*
Attlantis the Octopus of Choice*
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Curri the Narwhal of Wonder*
Pinna the Seal of Altruism
Sotaa the Wolverine of Aggression*
Hidden Box- 
Vitaa the Panda of Life* (Alpha)
Shii the Crow of Death* (Alpha)
Uunice the Unicorn of Magic* (Elemental)
Italic- Canon Kwamis
*- Any kwami marked with an asterisk either belongs to my close friend @graaythekwami or draws from elements of one of their kwamis that I'm incorporating into my own headcanons
**- Any kwami marked with two consecutive asterisks draws inspiration from @this-wildchild-writes and their original kwamis
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graaythekwami · 6 months
What powers and concepts would you give to the Miraculouses in the Native American box?
Here are my headcanons for the Native American Box! Links lead to my bios for them, with more detailed info and art:
Upper Box:
Kiikaa the Thunderbird, kwami of Electricity. She rests in the Center of the Upper Box. Kiikaa has control over all things related to Electricity. This doesn't just mean shooting lighting, but also manipulating electronics and even mind control (as the nervous system uses electric signals).
Yanna the Bison, kwami of Victory. She rests in the North section of the Upper Box. Yanna's powers allow her holders to become stronger when winning, and to always claim their prizes for their Victory.
Remmi the Coyote, kwami of Despair. They rest in the East section of the Upper Box. Remmi's powers increase the Despair people feel in an area, and create beings known as Prowlers that protect and feed on sources of hope.
Liiri the Eagle, kwami of Freedom. They rest in the South section of the Upper Box. Like in canon Liiri's powers Free people from emotional and mental restrictions, though I have also given them the power to break Free of physical restraints too.
Vollee the Locust, kwami of Invasion. He rests in the West section of the Upper Box. Vollee's powers allow holders to create clones of themselves that attack in sync, and to appear behind a target to strike.
Lower Box:
Ziibi the Otter, kwami of Transformation. His powers allow his holders to transform into different people or animals.
Dess the Cougar, kwami of Apathy. Their powers allow them to drain emotions from someone and influence those people.
Sorren the Falcon, kwami of Observation. His powers allow one to see anything from anywhere in the world.
Chaapa the Beaver, kwami of Innovation. His powers allow one to plan and construct things at enhanced speeds.
Fawnna the Deer, kwami of Wilderness. Her powers lets one summon and influence nearby animals.
Drill the Woodpecker, kwami of Expansion. His power manipulate the amount of space something can hold.
Finn Salmon, kwami of Navigation. His powers lets one always find what they are seeking.
Shashh the Bear, kwami of Preservation. Her powers seal events of the past so time travel cannot alter them.
Ommen the Raven, kwami of Probability. Her powers allow one to tip the chances in one's favor.
Habuu the Rattlesnake, kwami of Beauty. Her powers let her take on one's ideal form and influence them.
Tyyto the Owl, kwami of Secrets. Her powers let her make things hidden and to learn others' Secrets.
Karrma the Goose, kwami of Justice. Her powers let one subject someone to what they've done to another.
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fransopdefiets · 10 days
16-9 Ommen
Op maandagavond kun je uit eten gaan in Nederland wel vergeten, er is hier een ongeschreven regel dat je dan thuis eet, zo ook in Schoonebeek. Maar tot mijn verrassing bleek Schoonebeek niet het dorp waarvoor ik het aanzag, want er is een hele grote supermarkt in het centrum. Dus ik kocht een biefstuk, krieltjes en een grote zak gesneden groente, want als er iets is, waar je structureel te weinig van eet als je op reis bent, dan zijn het groenten. Na het eten keek ik nog even naar de Nederlandse teevee, op dat vlak heb ik de afgelopen maanden niks gemist, zie ik al.
Om half acht wordt het ontbijt binnengereden op een voor dit doel bestemde rollator, een mand vol bruine boterhammen, krentenwegge, kaas, worst, jam, yoghurt, cruesli, gekookt ei, verse jus. Daarna moet ik echt even bijkomen, voordat ik verder kan met inpakken. Ik span nog één keer de tandriem van de fiets iets aan, want ik kon de laatste dagen aan de trilling voelen dat ie weer wat opgerekt was.
Het eerste stuk naar Coevorden gaat langs de grens, aan de Nederlandse zijde zie je de gesloten olieputten, aan de Duitse zijde knikken de pompen in een rustig tempo door. Daarna volg ik de Sallandroute naar Ommen, veel bos, soms wat open veld en één keer kom ik langs een zandverstuiving in aanleg. Veel bijzonders is er niet te zien onderweg, wat me vooral opvalt is dat de boerderijen en woonhuizen er in tegenstelling tot Duitsland uiterst verzorgd uitzien, goed in de verf, gestraalde gevels en vers riet op de daken. De wegen hebben geen gaten in het wegdek, de fietspaden zijn glad en breed. Volgens mij hebben wij het hier zo slecht nog niet.
Het weer is trouwens weer helemaal op mijn hand, wind in de rug en een lekkere temperatuur, van de kou van de afgelopen dagen is niets meer te merken.
En zo raak ik steeds dichter tot het definitieve einde van deze onderneming. Een interessante vraag is natuurlijk, wat komt hierna? Nou, als ik niet toegeef aan de menselijke neiging om mezelf te moeten overtreffen, dan kan het gewoon weer alle kanten op. Ik hoef volgend jaar helemaal niet de zijderoute af te fietsen of naar Johannesburg te vertrekken. Domburg is ook goed. En dat is wel een bevrijdende gedachte.
Morgenavond komt Mayke me opzoeken in Ermelo en dan fietsen we de laatste dag samen naar Amsterdam. Ik kijk er naar uit, ik vind het heel leuk dat ze me tegemoet komt.
Gefietste afstand: 60 km
Gefietste tijd: 4 uur
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bitchkay · 1 year
Hear me out: a tol, muscly fem!Rio with big tits. She can put me in a headlock and I would thank her
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I love women so much yall👁👁
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
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Ommen's bio is now up!
Ommen, the Raven kwami of Probability. She's a competitive kwami and always a risk taker, and it doesn't help that those risks usually go in her favor. She loves her holders dearly, but encourages any reckless behaviors they might have.
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wedthrice · 1 year
i feel like i don't talk enough about just how much i love house t/yrell in that. they're the epitome of don't hate the player, hate the game. they're so understated in their treachery and their schemes to some of the other major houses, yet they're consistent – just as you can always expect a s/tark to do the honourable thing, a t/yrell will always do what they think is best for their house. they're really only loyal to themselves, yet are consistently perceived (by the audience and the small folk and a good portion of the characters in-universe) as being decent.
from the start of the targ reign, house t/yrell was founded on the principles of usurpation and waiting to see which side is winning before picking a side. they were uninvolved in the dance, and somehow got out of pretty unscathed. at the start of bobby's rebellion, they're loyal to the targs, and yet are pretty unenthusiastic in supporting their rightful king. they lay siege to storm's end, make no attempt to storm the castle, and when bobby proves victorious they submit, having barely lost a man in the whole entire war. when bobby dies, they instantly plot with r/enly to steal the throne (before this, remember, they were plotting to have bobby set aside c/ersei and marry marg). nobody at this point knows that joff isn't the legit heir, so they were totally for treason just to advance their own house. r/enly dies and instead of following his bannerman to s/tannis' side, the tyrells just plan to fuck off back home.
but then! marg is betrothed to joff! and so the l/annisters and t/yrells together can crush s/tannis. and everybody forgets that the t/yrells (in a way) created the very crisis that led to joff being betrothed to marg. because their pr team is that good. so now they're on top with a daughter as queen and a son in the kingsguard. two goddamn minutes later, they're plotting to kill the king. sure he's an abusive sadist who's more than likely going to abuse the shit out of marg, but she's also definitely going to be more capable of manipulating a boy king like t/ommen, so it's a win win situation. they literally commit regicide and get away with it. they even try to steal s/ansa away and marry her to a son of m/ace's, which would give them a claim to the north. bitches r ambitious and smart ok
they are continuously grabbing at power and switching allegiances and fucking over houses left right and centre and they just! they kinda get away with it! every time! they're parasites who attach themselves to whoever can give them the most power. they are gentler than the l/annisters, but as lady o/akheart says, that's the same as saying they're dryer than the sea - doesn't mean much. to me, i think it's hilarious that they kinda represent just desserts for the l/annisters, and especially c/ersei, because anyone can do what she did, marry and murder. it happening to her is something she just hadn't foreseen idk
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The Conjuring - One of the more bizarre things to happen on set occurred when the Perron family (the real-life family The Conjuring film is based on) finally visited. Originally, they were too afraid to visit, but finally they did. Crew members say a sudden strong wind started whirling behind the family. Yet somehow, trees across from the family didn’t move an inch.
Director James Wan and stars Vera Farmiga and Joey King all experienced strange things, too. A few days after the Perron family and wind incident, Wan stayed up late in his office working. Suddenly, his dog began barking at an invisible entity. Farmiga claims to have seen “three digital claw marks” on her computer screen moments after accepting the role. King, just a child at the time, had the worse of it. Like her on-screen mother, she began waking up with mysterious bruises on her body.
The Omen -  Getting struck by lightning is already rare. So what were the chances that two people working on The Omen would both travel by planes that were struck by lightning? Sadly, Gregory Peck, the star of the original film and one whose plane was struck, would also experience tragedy: Before filming began, Peck’s eldest son committed suicide. The list of cursed moments goes on. One stuntman’s scene with Rottweilers went wrong, and the dogs bit through his protective gear. An on-set zookeeper was mauled to death the day after finishing their work on The Omen. One of the worst things happened after filming when special effects director and assistant John Richardson and assistant Liz Moore got into a car accident in the Netherlands. Richardson survived but Moore was beheaded. Media outlets were quick to point out how close the accident happened to a town called Ommen — 66.6 kilometers away.
The Amityville Horror -  In the 2005 remake star Ryan Reynolds and other cast and crew members all claim to have woken up at 3:15 a.m, the time the true killings happened. Also, a body was washed up by the set right before the shooting began.
The Ring 2 - The set flooded. On any other occasion, this wouldn’t be too odd or spooky for a set, but many were quick to point out the eerie similarities between the flooding and the way the main antagonist in the film died — drowning at the bottom of a well! Naomi Watts even claimed to feel inexplicable vibrations while filming.
Maxium Overdrive - Misfortune always seemed to be lurking around the corner of this 1986 flick. Laura Harrington explained, “You always felt like someone was going to die on this set.” It turned out her intuition was picking up on life-threatening events that were to come. Due to the nature of the film’s plot, the filming environment was already cause for concern. Multiple crewmembers were put in dangerous situations, with one cinematographer, Armando Nannuzzi, losing an eye in a lawnmower accident. As if that weren’t frightening enough, the set was hit by a hurricane in the middle of production. Luckily no one was seriously injured by the storm, just utterly unsettled.
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idc-liz · 1 year
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Pim Mulder jumping with Memphis Z ( Mylord Carthago x Candillo ) at csi ommen in the 1,55m class
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Heeyyyy salvis bestie <3 Firstly you are very pretty.. secondly where are you from? Haven't seen a troll like yourself before!
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AC: Uhm... hi... I ☽on't think we've met before?
AC: Thanks for the ☾ompliment, though I ☾an't say my looks have serve☽ me well so far.
AC: I'm from this ba☾kwater village away from most of ☾ivilization. Very tra☽itional pla☾e, worshiping ol☽ go☽s an☽ ☾linging to some really weir☽ i☽eas about things... AC: Honestly surprise☽ I ☽i☽n't en☽ up ☾ulle☽ for my mutations. AC: Maybe they figure☽ it was safer not to, or that somebo☽y that's un☽esirable might ☾ome in handy for a future sa☾rifi☾e...
AC: I ☽on't re☾ommen☽ you visit that pla☾e... AC: Then again, I guess I ☽on't really live there anymore... AC: They ☽i☽ get ri☽ of me in the en☽...
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