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rhythm heaven with funny animals!!!!! now on kickstarter!!!!!!
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dykelectric · 14 days
50 days til i see interpol …
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badgebroken · 3 months
Omg! Happy birthday!!! 🎉🎂
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CHAHLIE DARLING thank you so much !!!!! so good to see you !!!!
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missazura · 1 month
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@wackulart fed me billzura propaganda
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jigencaps · 5 months
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selfcarecap · 1 month
Watching X-Men for the first time literally drooling every second Logan is on the screen
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aajjks · 4 months
i granted alina’s wish 😁
mommy issues!JK
you’re reluctant to let jungkook go but he reassures you that everything will be okay. in the distance, you see the familiar red and blue lights and once you’re comfortable, jungkook shuts and locks the car door before approaching the police car.
“what’s up man!!”
jung hoseok is a longtime friend of jungkook’s. they met in college before going their separate way but they’ve always remained in touch. whatever jungkook needed, hoseok was right there to help him. by getting in touch with busan’s government, hoseok helped jungkook secure full custody of seol against his parents and he’s been helping him since. this situation being no different.
“you mind if i take a look at y/n?” with jungkook’s permission, he heads to the car you’re sitting in and uses his flashlight to see through the car window. hoseok grits his teeth. “looks pretty bad. mind unlocking your car?”
jungkook unlocks it and hoseok opens the door to get a better look at you and the sight is heartbreaking. “hmm…i need an ambulance here immediately. victim has a busted and cracked lip, a black eye, left cheek is swollen. there’s a lot of bruising around the rib cage area and a leg wrapped up. victim says the aggressor broke her leg. can i have your name, ma’am?”
“it’s y/n. kim y/n”
“victim’s name is kim y/n”
“copy that. ambulance will be there in 5-8 minutes”
“thanks for your cooperation, miss kim” hoseok shuts the door and jungkook locks it back. “thank goodness you came when you did. it could’ve been a lot worse and no one would’ve known” hoseok pats jungkook’s back before going inside the house and when he’s inside he sees two women trembling in fear and two men but one critically injured. “what’s up you guys” says hoseok.
“what’s up, man!” greets yugyeom.
“i’ve got everything handled, alright? i got some back up coming soon, so get out of here before you look like suspects”
the boys nod their heads before evacuating the home and 2 minutes later, more policemen show up. everyone in the house is under arrest and within 5 minutes, an ambulance appears to take jicheol away but you stubbornly refuse to go to the hospital.
“c’mon, y/n. we need to make sure you’re okay” says mingyu.
“guys, i’m fine. i just want to go home. i don’t want to be here anymore”
“we’re going to leave, i promise but you need medical attention y/n”
you look at jungkook and even he insists that you get medical attention before getting on the road. with jungkook’s help, he puts you on the stretcher and follows you inside the ambulance.
“we’ll follow you!” says eunwoo as they get inside the cars and follow the ambulance to the hospital. while in the truck, they take your temperature, blood pressure, and draw blood to do further testing. when they arrive to the hospital, the first thing they take care of is your broken leg, then your bruises.
“hi, you’re ms. y/n right?”
“is this your husband?”
“one he will be but no, he’s my boyfriend”
“aww~ well, i’m here to give you some medicine for the bruises and tell you so super awesome news”
“news? is everything okay?”
“your bloodwork is fine. no life-threatening symptoms buuuuut congratulations, you’re pregnant!”
W H A T?!
“huh? no. nonononono, that can’t be true. we—he uses condoms and i’ve never cheated on him. jicheol kicked me in my stomach—,”
“and the baby is fine. if you want, we can use an ultrasound to get a better look but according to your bloodwork, you’re 2-3 weeks pregnant”
What. What. WHAT.
Jungkook isn’t sure if what he’s hearing is right, you are pregnant?? “Umm doctor b-but my wife- I mean my girlfriend is right we always use protection?!” He questions dumb founded.
When did he even knock you up? Of course it’s his baby- jungkook looks at you with tears in his eyes, “b-baby are you hearing the doctor?” He asks as he grabs your hand and kisses it.
You’re pregnant with his child
He can’t believe it. “Oh my God.” He exclaims as you both share a sweet kiss, Jungkook is now an emotional mess. So, you endured all that pain and abuse while pregnant with his child?
“Yn baby how did you not notice?!” Jungkook questions you, when you bring up the fact that jicheol kicked you in the stomach, Jungkook’s eyes harden.
While he was busy protecting his first child- you were unknowingly carrying and protecting his second one.
After your pregnancy is confirmed, Jungkook is so full of joy, you are granted leave from the hospital due to your special circumstances.
“Yn I’m so so happy that you’re pregnant but…” now comes the dreadful question.
He’s nervous.
“Are you- do you want to keep the baby? I-I swear I didn’t get you pregnant on purpose… it’s your choice and I’ll be with you every step of the way…” he kisses your hand as you both walk to your car.
“Y-You can abort the baby if you’d like- I know we haven’t been with each other for long but I love you so much… I see my future in your eyes. So it’s going to be your choice.”
He looks into your eyes.
“But I hope you won’t because I’ve always wanted a family with you.”
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noblehcart · 1 year
because its my blog and i can post what I want and so here's ZARA'S TOP TEN LIST OF FAVORITE BOOKS below the cut and with a very brief discussion on why.
Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux This book was one of the first books that really truly catapulted me back into reading as a young adult (the first being A Winter's Tale) and I remember sitting up and crying at 2am in my bed as I finished this book just sobbing and if i'm honest ? Feeling so ashamed that I take my normal life for granted. I have never had such a reaction to a book before and honestly I don't think I ever will again in such a resounding way. For me this is not a love story its a story about humanity and our relationships with each other.
Phantom by Susan Kay This book comes second because I don't have the same emotional connection as I do to the original but hands down in reading a book cover to cover and returning to reread snippets I have read this book so MANY times my god. I always go back to this book when I'm bored or need to revisit a friend. This book is definitely flawed and its got its issues but its one of my all time favorites and I'm so glad to have like three copies (hardcover, pdf and kindle) so its always on hand. I love the depth and exploration for Erik and what shaped him and his life and the people around him and how they were affected by him. Like wow. Its just a book I will always have on my shelf forever till I die.
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy Its just so good and I don't know why more people haven't read it. Its the beginning of the creation of superheroes and double identities and it has a FEMALE LEAD. The entire book is in the POV of the brilliant and beautiful Marguerite and honestly if I had known years back that it was from a female pov I'd have gotten into it much MUCH sooner. Its dynamic, the characters are so good and the villain is so deliciously good at being bad. I loved the movie, but the book just captured my heart because Margot is this wonderfully clever but soft heroine that just speaks to me.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo WHAT can I even say about this duology other than the characters are flawless and by that i mean they are so flawed and relatable and complex. Its a wonderful book of found family and slow burns and enemies to lovers with fantastic representation. I absolutely couldn't make myself get into S&B but you can pry the crows from my cold dead hands because I adore them and go back to reread this series all the time!
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova This is also a big reread for me, but mostly I go back and reread sections that interest me most but the entire book is just gold. Its just MINDBLOWING that we never know the main heroine's name which is just shocking, but we never needed it or would've noticed if it wasn't pointed out. Its this complex beautifully woven story with history, globetrotting, mystery, suspense and some thrilling aspects that I just love love about it. This is the book that sent me down the Dark Academia rabbit hole guys.
The Golem & Jinni by Helene Wecker This book honestly is on par with The Historian for me because the pacing is very much the same and it took me a bit to read it as did the The Historian, but man am I glad that I did because its complex, its such a human story told in such a supernatural fun way that's just thrilling in a slow build sort of way that ends beautifully and I can't wait to start on the second book soon! The character development and the world building just really draws you in and makes you forget your current time to be absorbed into theirs and its brilliant.
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V.E Schwab I'll be honest and say that this book almost didn't make the list because at first I didn't think the book was as good as the hype, but upon looking back and rereading snippets again and rereading the ending more thoroughly- my god, this book is definitely going to be a CLASSIC. Its beautifully written and one of the books I made myself slow and savor each word and sentence as it wove the magic over the years of addie's life. Its a VERY good book that I'd definitely recommend to anyone and everyone. Addie has grown on me in such a different way and I love love her.
Entwined by Heather Dixon THIS is one of my all time childhood/youth/teen favorites. Yes its YA and yes it might be a little boring to the adult reader, but its one of my absolute favorite retellings of the 12 Dancing Princesses. I still go back and reread it because its that good and has a special place for me. The villain and world building is so good and easy to follow along. Its fantastic and I'd go back and reread this book over and over again. Its great if you love magic, sisters, princesses, unexpected love, dancing and magical objects.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte This is on the list because I remember loving reading the story in highschool and feeling so connected to Jane and now as an adult I love her even more for her actions and choices. Its one of the first classic books I ever bonded over with my brother on and so that in itself is a miracle. Jane just has a special place in my heart for the romance, the mystery, the dynamics and the characters and their development is just absolutely wonderful with a fantastic ending. Can't really ask for more.
The Book of Esther I have done and read and watched nearly everything I can find on the book of Esther, which is kinda the oddball on this list because its a book in the Bible, but its still a book in my definition. Its just such a beautiful story of overcoming oppression, tragedy, fear, genocide and this beautiful painting of faith in terrifying times. The twists and turns and thrills and complexities that come with this story before and after if you know the history and its setting- Persia (-gestures to Kay's Phantom-) just absolutely has me fascinated. There's also the aspect that just maybe the 1001 Nights are inspired or based off the story of Esther just absolutely delights me with its fantastic similarities because I adore that story just as much as this one. I love Esther's bravery, courage, wisdom and discernment and she's absolutely one of my heroines IRL that I look to.
Honorable mentions:
I, Strahd by P. N. Elrod - The only reason this isn't in the top ten is because it reads sO MUCH like Kay's Phantom that if I had to chose one of these it'd be Phantom, but this book was so good and really helped get me back into reading during one of my many many slumps. It was a great blend of myth, royalty, supernatural and tragedy that I've reread it a few times already recommended it to a LOT of my friends.
Wintersong by S Jae-Jones- The only reason why THIS one didn't make the ten list is simply because I already have ten and because it would be between this and Jane Eyre and lbh Jane Eyre is almost the perfect book. It was a toss up of faerie girls and Miss Eyre won it because she really was my first classical book love.
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier THIS BOOK omg its another 12 Dancing Princesses retelling and its so beautifully and wonderfully crafted in its world building and the magic and the everything of it. ITS SO GOOD and tbh I'd definitely recommend this book more to the adult reader than I would Entwined, but- BUT it didn't make the list because I would personally pick up Entwined far more often and remember the characters far more than I did in this book. It is a very very good book and I also highly recommend you read it if you like retellings, vampires, fae complexities and a blending of fairytales.
ACOTAR by SJ Maas- I did really enjoy reading this series but it is definitely not one of my top faves because its really only the last two books (not the novella) that I actually devoured. Its a good series and I def recommend reading it because its almost worth the hype but my quibble here is that I could EASILY slip out of that world/the books never absorbed me like others have. Also I didn't care for the main heroine shhh don't come after me guys.
A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers So this book was a toss up between it and Esther and it was a TOUGH one because I do go back and reread this trilogy at least 2-3x a year, but I do reread and study and think a lot more about Esther so it lost out in that competition spot. But its an excellent series and the first two books just have my heart for the romance and the intrigue going on during this time period. Its a wonderful slow burn though I'll admit the third book is slightly out of pocket, but still so good that I had to make pinterest boards about this series.
Eye of the Red Tsar by Sam Eastland THIS book is so so SO GOOD if you're into reading about the Romanovs and Russia shortly after that. The entire series is so so good and I normally don't like mystery and thriller plots but this book does have a special place for me, but was beat out by the golemn & the jinni. Pekkala is fascinating and the people and cast he meets along the way just build up in such a delightful way.
The Holy Thief by William Ryan Again this only got beat out by The Historian by a margin because vampires, but The Holy Thief oh my god is very much on par with the Eye of the Red Tsar because its the same time period and magnetic energy. I was so invested in this book and its characterse and it might be due to my love of all things Romanov/Anastasia musical wise, but it was so good and I highly recommend it. I wept, I laughed, I sat on the edge of my seat it was a great read.
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran This is a recent read and like wow...it just really blew my mind and touched me in a way I don't usually get outside of my belief system and IDK but this book is everything and more than the hype and the only reason its not on the list is because it didn't quite beat out Esther for me but its such a good book.
Tagging you because I would love to see everyone's Top 5 or 10 favorites : @walkingshcdow, @myhiraeth, @kingmakercastle, @demonstigma, @historiavn, @swede, @lordofthestrix, @fasciinating, @reverdies, @ensnchekov, @malka-lisitsa, @paramounticebound , @delanuit, @starlsssankt, @aigonakru
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campbyler · 6 months
NOW YOU TRY ON CALLING ME BABY LIKE TRYING ON CLOTHES?!!!?!!?!! WHAT? WHAT WHAT WHAT?!! WHAT IS HAPPENING KWJDJFJDJDJDJUXJDJDJDDJ holy crap lemme collect my thoughts and i’ll be back in a couple days with a whole essay bc THIS WAS CRAZY. OUTDID YOURSELVES. WON’T STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR MONTHS. MONTHS. also photo booth scenes are literally my favorite things in the whole. wide. world. thank you thank you thank you omggggggggggggggggg😍😍🫶🫶💙💛
LITERALLLYYYYYYYY NOW YOU TRY ON CALLING ME BABY LIKE TRYING ON CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!! so so so SO happy to see that you enjoyed!! and especially the photo booth scene 😗😗 thank YOU for the love!!
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aptericia · 5 months
oh my GOD the tbf puppets are so gorgeous in person 😭😭😭😭😭 the show does not do them justice omggggggggggggggggg
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liveasbutterflies · 1 year
Spoilers for ep 15
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How the hell am I suppose to function?!
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wine-dark-soup · 3 months
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gg-university-if · 9 months
Okay I have loadsss to say!!!
Apologies in advance! It's a long rant. I'm excited.
Spoilers below!
All my ROs are Male so hence the pronouns my MC is a MLM
1. Beck is the most adorable fucking thing in the history of everything. I love him. Omggggggggggggggggg just how could your brain even come up with such a bean of a dude. He seems so stressed but so sweet. I adored his interaction with Jason it was so funny to read. And how much he actually misses his friend. Loved that I can have a crush on him because come on.
On that note tho:
Can I throw Ethan off a bridge???? Like Jesus dude cut it out. I see I'm gonna have issue with him on a beck route because dude doesn't know when to take a step back and not come off as a di....dingleberry!
2. The farewell with the fam was bittersweet as my MC has very complicated feeling towards the parents but Jace is just the best brother ever. Makes me sad I'm an only child.
3. Sids cute. ♥️ just so cute. Friendly and funny. Quite charming.
4. R is such a little lovebug. I love how we cldnt say no to him. And I had to stand up for him because no one gets to push my roommate around especially if they are really hot.
On that note again: ugh I want to punch Hader so badly... but I also want to romance him.. but I also wanted to throw a can at his head..empty can.. calm down.. 🙄 he can be glad he's hot and that I'm Slightly masochistic when doing IFs.. I also go for the your an asshole but i like you routes.. unfortunately 🥲
5. F seems like he is soooo fun! Very charismatic and DRAMATIC lol
6. Question. You said we would encounter EVERY (yes i saw that) RO.... did I see correctly and is there a secret RO.. and does that mean they are in the chapter? If it's Ethan end me now. It's gonna be an enemy to lovers route cuz he is aloooot.
Hmm what else..
I love the little things. Like choosing our aesthetics. Clothes, dorm room set up. It's a nice touch in customization. You love us awww 😭
Was wondering about customization and if MC is gonna have the option to have any piercings or tattoos their family know nothing about.
Oh I did see a bit of a typo I suppose. After Haders scene and meeting F. After you choose your food in the cafeteria. Instead of saying as you take a "bite out of your chicken katsu curry" it says take a "sip" but that's all I noticed. Also if you ever need beta readers.... 👀👀👀👀
Overall I loved the entire update. I can't wait to interact more with everyone. And as I'm on a music scholarship Hader is gonna have to get used to my MC talking back 🙄 it's great. Your writing is great. This is so fun to read and reading it brought a smile to my face. Thank you for working so hard on it. ♥️
Spoilers under the cut, let's break this down!
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I love, love, love all the detail!
So I'll try and answer or have a comment for each bit since you made so much effort to give me feedback when you didn't need to.
Fun fact: Sid and the male form of one of the ROs are actually holdovers from an ill-starred short-lived mlm fic I wrote before GGGLU ever existed.
1. I'm so glad you liked Beck! I was worried that people would get irritated with him or end up not liking his personality but I thought the way I wrote him was most authentic to the story I wanted to tell for his route. He's so exhausted but so willing to help and isn't that just the cutest thing ever?
Ethan is Ethan, you'll definitely get your chance to be snarky and put down some fighting words with Ethan in the future. Infact at no point do you have to come to like him for Beck's Route but I can atleast say that there is a reason that he is Beck's University BFF and to a certain extent in my mind it makes his character a lot more...understandable if not your cup of tea.
2. (Obviously) there's the death of the author and I don't get to dictate how others interpret my writing but I'm so glad that you saw it the same way that I saw that scene when I was writing it because to a certain extent parting is a bittersweet moment for the MC regardless of how they feel about Jace and their parents.
3. Sid is adorable, just a ball of pop punk flavored sunshine. Was definitely one of my favorite characters to write in this part of the chapter and as a music scholarship MC you might be seeing more of them...but I'll shut my mouth for now.
4. Yeah I had debated allowing the MC to deny R and totally skip the cafeteria scene but I thought it was more fun if it was a compulsory event and the idea that R already has so much sway over the MC is sorta funny to me.
Hader is a bag of emotions and definitely stormy ones at that, I can't promise he'll ever be B or R levels of adorable but I can say that Riley wasn't lying when he said Hader isn't always like that and that usually he's a little more hot than scary and broody than angry.
The intended effect for my Hader-mancers was that they would want to punch and kiss him at the same time and seeing as they were already simping I had to ramp up the punching bit.
5. Fred is also good fun to write, I keep on saying this but also one of my favorites to write this time round and also one of the hardest for me. I'm not naturally a very dramatic or big personality so it's hard to write someone who is naturally charming and affable, I'm happy it was able to work somewhat as intended.
6. Hehehe the secret RO is in the demo currently and seeing as they're already implemented it's not a particularly big deal for me to reveal them BUT seeing as you guessed wrong I guess I'll be keeping it a secret for a little while longer.
A little hint: part of the reason H is so angry has to do with our beloved secret RO.
7. Customization is going to come as necessary to the story, things like tattoos and piercings are planned to come in part 2 of chapter one.
At some point you'll have a chance to get bigger tattoos but so early in the story the only tattoos you can have hidden from your parents will be pretty small.
8. I do need beta readers 😭😭😭 but I don't know how to get in contact with anyone through the proper routes and I'm famously awful with Discord amongst my friends.
If I ever figure out how to set up a Discord or interact with readers outside of Tumblr itself through the proper routes of communication then you will definitely be at the top of the list!!!
Finally we're at the end, thank you for giving me such a comprehensive breakdown of your experience. I really couldn't and wouldn't be able to write if it wasn't for your encouragement and excitement to push me forward to write.
I'm glad my writing style is atleast palatable and I'm more than ecstatic that it was able to provide a momentary amount of joy when reading.
Thank you for reading!
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essiemclaren · 2 months
russell second and norris third
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rpfisfine · 5 months
havent ever asked this before SO!!!!!!!!!!: top 5 death grips tracks
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...omg....okay....let's see *passes away*
spread eagle cross the block (my all time favorite)
centuries of damn
culture shock
come up and get me
bitch please
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