#omega tlh
lyssq · 9 months
A family can be a man with six lifetimes’ worth of PTSD, a red power ranger, an actual video game character, a guy who’s also a pile of goop, a deposed queen who’s better than you at everything, a girl grown in a lab to be the world’s best engineer and your spaceship’s AI who you’re pretty sure is gaslighting you and I think that’s beautiful
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themightymoose · 7 months
girlie the loud house is getting an eighth season HELP-
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Title & Lyrics from Hey Jude by The Beatles
Part of my TLH A/B/O AU
Hey Jude, Don’t Be Afraid
Matthew stared down at the little bundle in his arms. His son. The little boy who’d just spent the last nine months inside his belly, kicking to his heart’s content.
He was finally here. And Matthew didn’t know how he felt about it.
The pregnancy itself felt like a total blur, there was no morning sickness or terrible cravings, it was by all standards an easy pregnancy. Had it truly been nine months? He couldn’t say for certain.
But some time must have passed, because if it hadn’t, his son wouldn’t be in his arms right now.
If Matthew was completely honest, the biggest thing he remembered about his entire pregnancy was the day he found out.
It had all started out as a regular check up, completely routine. There’d been no symptoms, no warnings. There hadn’t been any nausea or fatigue.
Matthew had been perfectly fine. Until he wasn’t.
The doctor had done a routine blood test, just as a precaution, she had said to him with a kind smile.
The blood test was routine but the results weren’t.
He’d been in the car when he found out, listening to some old Beatles songs for the nostalgia of it, when the phone call had come.
He was pregnant.
The doctor’s words had gone in one ear and out the other, he vaguely remembered being recommended a obstetrician. But mostly he remembers feeling numb.
It had taken awhile for the news to set in and when it did, the first thing Matthew wanted to do was drink.
He was sober almost ten years then and it hadn’t been easy, but nothing had wanted to make him drink more than that news.
He couldn’t drink, so he was numb. He just simply stared off into space as Paul McCartney’s voice crooned the lyrics of Hey Jude through his speakers, as if telling him everything would be okay.
Everything else after that was all blurred. Nothing had been particularly memorable when his mindset had been as dark as it was. Still is, if he’s still being honest.
Matthew spent the first half of his pregnancy acting on autopilot, just going through the motions of life, not processing a single thing.
It wasn’t until Alastair Lightwood-Carstairs, of all people, questioned him about it, having already had children himself and knew what a pregnant Omega looked like. He had twins, something Matthew couldn’t even imagine for himself.
That was the moment that Matthew finally let himself break down and cry for the first time in months. Alastair comforted him in his own way, with pats on the back and just letting him cry it out.
It was after he had calmed down that Alastair tentatively broached the subject of if Matthew had considered his options.
His options? It had slipped his mind that he even had options besides keeping the baby.
He was passed twenty-four weeks by then and the pregnancy was considered viable, so it was too late to consider an abortion, but adoption, was still a valid option.
And it turned out to be the best option for him. Matthew wasn’t ready to be a parent, not now, maybe not ever. He was sure he loved the baby inside of him, but how could he truly know? But maybe there were some parents out there who could love that baby more than he could, parents who actually wanted to be parents.
So for the next sixteen weeks, Matthew looked at the files of so many prospective parents. Until he found the one.
A lovely couple in Cheshire who had a nice house with a yard and two Golden Retrievers. It was the perfect fit.
He hadn’t told his brother or sisters (on account of them either being an asshole or too young to understand) about the pregnancy and his plan, but his parents had been accepting, happy with his decision, as long as it was made him happy.
Not that his friends had seen it that way.
James and Cordelia were the most upset, not understanding in the slightest how he could have kept a secret like that from them, especially since he was just “giving the baby away” in their words. He hadn’t really spoken to them since.
Grace had been accepting too, taking his news by squeezing his shoulder with a sad smile in the way she always did. She hadn’t quite been the same since Christopher’s death, but then again, none of them had.
Thomas (and Alastair), of course, had been the most supportive, even offering to be at the hospital with him when he went into labor.
Anna and Ari were supportive too, having known the hardships of adoption form both ends. He probably would have even considered giving his baby to them had it not been too hard for him.
All of that led to today, the day his son was born.
Matthew had wondered how he had ever doubted before the love he had for his son, the minute they had placed him on his chest.
He loved him immediately, a love he had never known before. All of his doubts were gone and he almost changed his mind. Almost.
If his first thought had been that he loved him, Matthew’s second thought had been how loved his son would be.
It would be impossible not too.
He was the loveliest baby Matthew had ever seen. All blonde curls and rosy cheeks. He was almost cherubic, a peaceful expression on his face as he slept.
His new parents would be arriving soon for him, Matthew knew, and the thought made him sad in a way he hadn’t thought it would.
And so he shifted the little boy in arms and began to hum a familiar tune, one that had stuck with him throughout the last nine months.
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better
Jude, that was the name of his son, at least in his mind. It wouldn’t be his forever, but it was his for now.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Jude shifted in his sleep, nose and forehead scrunching up. Matthew lightly kissed his nose. “I love you, Jude.” he whispered to his son, only loud enough of the two of them.
“Math, it’s time. Are you ready?” A familiar voice said from the doorway.
Matthew pressed a kiss to Jude’s forehead and held him close for the last time. He felt tears welling in his eyes but he fought them back.
“Yes, I’m ready.”
Before the angst begins, a little treat (but is it really?)
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nex-kyit · 9 months
TLH: Zenith Devices
Spoilers for the Engineer, by Will Wight
My guess on who/where the Zenith Devices are going to end up with. The simplest guess is that one of each crew member will inherit one, but that leaves one extra device that goes either goes to no one or someone is getting two. My theory: the Magic Tower students get one!
Alternatively, Varic is getting all of them, or they end up in Horizon's cells, or they go back to sleep, or maybe all of the Magic Tower students get their own, or maybe they go to some other unknown force(the Vallenar Corporation perhaps?). These are the boring answers, so instead I'm going to focus on the first guess: all the crew members are getting one or more, and maybe the Magic Tower students. Heres a list on arguements for who could be getting which device. Names in order of who I think is most likely to get what.
Horizon/The Zenith Starship -> Varic (duh)
Shadow Ark/The Zenith Colony -> Mel, Shyrax, Students. - Mel: She has the strongest connection to Ark, as Ark already accepted Starhammer. Also Ark was found in her book, and there is the whole Ark and Mel are purple. She could probably fill the colony with Novabots too. Honestly, of the three options she has the weakest reason to get Ark, the only reason why I think shes the most likely to get Ark is because of the purple thing. In The Captain, Horizon was initially blue-green, and Varic had a blue aura, so there might be a color matching theme going on with the devices. - Shyrax: We've already seen Ark carrying and protecting huge fleets of ships, so I actually think ability-wise he fits Shyrax's role as a commander quite well. Not only that, it'll probably work as a safehouse for the Karoshan resistance, which can hang out inside the colony while the crew is out. It'll probably free Shyrax's time as well. - Students: So we know Mariala wants to keep her planet safe, and the rest of the students likely abandoned their families/lives to study under Varic. They have the strongest need of the colony, as they have actual planets to protect, something I think Ark mentioned he wanted? The fact that they are not crew members means they could also spend more time inside the colony. The problem with the students is that they are still very weak. Not even full wizards, much less archmagi, so Ark isn't likely to accept them.
The Zenith Blade(?) -> Raion, Sola - Raion: Out of all the Zenith devices, the blade seems to fit Raion the most. Like, way more than the other devices. It fits his combat art, and considering Horizon suggested it as the second device to find instead of Ark, next book (*Raion's* book) will probably have them going after the blade. - Sola: She is called the Fallen Sword, and is the Sword of the Last Horizon, so maybe she will get it. But honestly I can't see Sola using anything other than a gun.
The Zenith Chamber -> Shyrax, Sola, Omega - Shyrax: We know the least about the Chamber than any other device, as we don't have anything to go off of. At least we know the Engine is an Engine, but what is a Chamber supposed to do? Shyrax gets the Chamber because it's most likely to happen in her book. - Sola: The Chamber is described to be green. Sola's aura is green. Re. the Colony and Mel. - Omega: The Chamber is described to have a shadowy figure inside it. Omega is often described to be shadowy. Thats it.
The Zenith Gun(?) -> Sola, Omega - Sola: She has many guns. What's one more? Having two powerful guns could help her get around the whole cooldown with Worldslayer, or even replace it if Worldslayer is damaged or worse. And it fits her role as the Sword by giving Horizon even more powerful weapons. Considering her affinity for guns, I'd be really surprised if she doesn't end up with the Gun. - Omega: With that being said, there is a case for Omega to get the device. He also uses strange and powerful guns. The gun also is said to be in the Galatic Union, so maybe the crew will collect it in his book.
The Zenith Engine -> Omega, Mel - Omega: Like the chamber, we know very little about the engine, but we can speculate! The Engine could be used by Omega to boost/modify his aethertech body or subspace drive. An engine also seems fitting into his role as the Pilot. Alternatively: - Mel: Maybe she can use the Engine in her Novabots. It could possibly be used in relation to Starhammer and his evolution engine, which sounds cool, but more info. on the Engine is needed. It could fit her role as the engineer
The Zenith Processor -> Omega, Mel, Sola, Raion - Omega: The most likely candidate due to his connection with Solstice. We know the Processor can be used to process information much more accurately and faster, and we see a similar thing with Omega's scanning with his aethertech eye. It could also go well with the rest of his aethertech. - Mel: Again, could be used in correlation with her Novabots. - Sola: Could be used to buff her suit. - Raion: Could be used to understand/improve the Titan Knight. With the little we know about the processor though, any of the crew could benefit from it.
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divawomenshospital · 2 years
Nutrition During Pregnancy: 10 Do’s and Don’ts
Taking care of nutrition during pregnancy is a whole different ball game, as it requires a lot of concentration and research. During this phase, a woman is not eating for one but for two, and what she eats has a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of her child and on her as well. This is why proper research, information, and guidance are essential to ensuring you get enough protein in your daily meals during pregnancy. Also, there are various restrictions in the phase of pregnancy that must be considered by a pregnant woman. If you are looking for pre-pregnancy counseling, pregnancy care, infertility counseling and management, laparoscopic surgery, IVF treatment, gynecology, PCOS management, fibroids surgery, and total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) or abdominal/vaginal hysterectomy, then get in touch with Diva Women’s Hospital.
Dos and Don’ts During Pregnancy
1: Do eat rainbow of food
When you are pregnant, it is very important for you to have a balanced diet in order to remain healthy and fit during the pregnancy period. You must look at your plate daily and ask yourself whether you are getting enough protein or not. Ask yourself: Am I eating a rainbow of foods? Our Indian diet is limited to white and brown foods, i.e., rice, dal, and roti, which is not enough at all. Eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits such as bananas, apples, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage and so on.
2: Incorporate five essential nutrients: Iron, Folate, Calcium, Vitamin D and Zinc
There are some essential nutrients that you must add to your daily diet, which are zinc, vitamin E, calcium, iron, and folate during pregnancy. You must consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid per day and 27 milligrammes of iron per day. Also, the best gynecologists in Ahmedabad suggest having at least 1000 milligrammes of calcium a day and approximately 15 milligrammes of zinc a day during pregnancy. After following all the diet and healthy routines, if you feel uncomfortable or weak, you must see your OB/GYN as soon as possible. 
3: Do eat a lot of Fiber-rich foods.
Fiber is very beneficial for pregnant women as it helps maintain proper digestion and good health. This also helps pregnant women with some serious dizziness, such as constipation and bloating, that can make you uncomfortable for a long period of time. Pregnant women must also aim for at least 25 to 40 milligrammes of fiber per day.
4: Do drink plenty of fluids.
Dehydration can be dangerous for a pregnant woman and can cause long term sickness and dizziness during pregnancy. Therefore, having plenty of fluids such as; water, juices, and coconut water can be helpful during pregnancy as it helps in promoting higher blood volume, fetal circulation, and the development of amniotic fluid. The pregnant women must drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
5: Do get your Omega 3s
Omega 3 fatty acids are an important nutrient for pregnant women and for their babies as they help in boosting the baby’s brain development and neurological functions before birth as well as contributing to better vision for the baby. Overall, this works as a mood booster for both the mother and child, along with reducing the risk of postpartum depression. Looking for a consultation with the best and most experienced gynecologist in Ahmedabad? Connect with Diva Women’s Hospital today.
Tumblr media
1: Don’t go overboard with eating for two
There is a myth that pregnant women must eat for two. Yes, you have a growing baby inside your womb, but that doesn’t mean you need to eat for two and double your diet. You just need to change your eating routine and add a lot of nutrients and vitamins to your daily meal. You can also consult your OB/gyn about a balanced diet and exercise programme that you need to follow for an easy pregnancy and delivery.
2: Don’t overlook for safe food handling
You need to maintain proper hygiene while cooking food, and you also need to be extra careful while eating your food and getting nutrition. Also, wash and clean all utensils before using them, and cook food well so that bacteria can be killed. You must also read blogs and books, as this will help keep your mood and mind fresh during pregnancy.
3: Don’t leave long gaps between meal
As we have already mentioned in the above section, having enough protein and nutrients is required, so you must not skip meals or leave a long gap between meals. Taking nutrients and proteins on a regular basis helps keep your blood sugar level steady, preventing you from crashing or becoming sick.
4: Don’t eat junk food to curb cravings
During pregnancy, women experience cravings for different kinds of foods and drinks, which indicates that they are deficient in those particular nutrients. But you must not indulge in junk food to curb cravings, as it can be harmful for you and your baby. Looking for the best maternity hospital in Ahmedabad? Then get in touch with Diva Women’s Hospital today. We have designed our service to ensure you have peace of mind during pregnancy, from start to finish.
5: Don’t drink alcohol at all
It is almost universally known that drinking and smoking are dangerous for your health, especially for pregnant women and couples who are trying to conceive. Therefore; avoid or limit alcohol when you want to conceive, and avoid it totally when you are pregnant.
Visit Diva Hospital to learn more about precautions to take during pregnancy as we take care of all your nutrition needs during treatment.
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tscaboverse · 3 years
Rules for this universe
The Whispering Room Scene, as seen in this verse: It’s about as NSFW as the original.
James moaned as Cordelia pushed him back and laid him flat on the desk, one of his legs wrapping around her hip automatically. She kissed him to silence his moans as the scent of their shared arousal began to fill the room. James could feel himself growing wet, with slick beginning to run down and soak into his pants as he also grew hard.
Cordelia obviously felt the same way as she started kissing his neck, licking it, which just made him grow wetter, and he could feel the proof of the beautiful alpha’s arousal pressing against him.
The scent of her made him heady, and he whined, not sure what he wanted, but positive that she could give it to him. Cordelia silenced his whine with another kiss that had James forgetting how to breathe. James arched up into her, wanting to encourage her to continue whatever it was she was doing to him.
James felt her huff against his lips, his Daisy trying not to laugh. She took advantage of his new position to pull him in closer as he wrapped both legs about her hips, so that they would be as close as he could manage. Then she started to undo his shirt, wanting to get closer to his neck. She had only gotten the top buttons undone before she was distracted, which was just enough for her to get what she wanted.
Cordelia started licking his scent gland, making him moan, before closing her mouth over it and sucking, but not biting down. He lost control of his legs and just let her hold him up, James trusting Cordelia not to let him get hurt.
He hadn’t even heard the door open when the sound of Matthew’s voice startled him. “Room for one more over there?” He asked, as flippant as he ever was.
James could feel him, through their bond, so he focused just enough to moan out “Yes.” The word trailing off on the middle of it, turning into a true moan.
That was apparently all it took to make Cordelia snap out of it though, as she stopped sucking on his neck and let go off James gently, lowering him back onto the table. She turned her head towards Matthew, while James whined at the loss of her mouth, and growled, “Matthew, out.”
He couldn’t resist leaving a parting comment as he closed the door behind himself, “Have fun you two, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Cordelia turned back to James, who was looking up at her and blinking confusedly, letting out the smallest of whimpers. “Daisy?" He questioned dazedly.
Cordelia pulled him back up from the table where he was lying and sat him up, supporting him so that he wouldn’t fall back. James leaned into her, nuzzling her neck, which just made her want him more. She nudged his head so that he wasn’t nibbling on her scent gland anymore, running her fingers through his hair.
Eventually they both calmed down, and Cordelia could tell when James had pulled himself together because he had stiffened in her grip, carefully extracting himself and sliding to the edge of the table, waiting for her to step back so that he could move off it.
He ducked his head, shyly saying “I’m sorry Cordelia. It won’t happen again.” Then he walked out the door to where Matthew was waiting for them.
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a03feed-percico · 7 years
Saved From Juno
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AzJZrq
by Takara_Phoenix
Instead of living alone and without his memories on the streets for six months, Percy is instead found by Nico within days. Nico brings Percy to New Rome for safe-keeping where the both of them live in the praetors' house as "honorary guests". After all, over the past months, Nico had already befriended Reyna. And now the two alphas find themselves sharing a living-space with a very... unique omega.
Words: 5864, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 34 of The Alphas of Percy Jackson
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Relationships: Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Additional Tags: Slash, Nicercy - Freeform, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha!Nico, Alpha!Reyna, Omega!Percy, Twist of Canon, Percy living with the Romans between TLH and TSoN, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AzJZrq
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nex-kyit · 4 months
Speculations and things I want to see for The Knight and TLH as a whole. Spoiler warning for the Knight previews!
Parryl is Doctor Cryce's daughter, or a relative of some sorts. It would explain why she was raised in the Titan Knights, and why Cryce asked to Raion to specifically keep Parryl's body intact.
Doctor Cryce is dead. As the creator of the Divine Titans, I find it very weird that she was never mentioned as a potential Engineer candidate, especially when the Divine Titans are described to be the next closest thing to Zenith Devices. Also weird how Raion had nowwhere else to go near the beginning of the Captain. If Doctor Cryce cared about Raion, I would assume that she would've set up a place for him to live. I guess we don't know much about Cryce in general, but I strongly feel like she is dead. Possibly out of guilt.
A small detail I noticed: Raion said that he could feel the fact that Varic was still alive after being captured, but it wasn't until he saw the other knights again when he realized he couldn't detect their friendship. Could be that Raion gained this ability over time, thought I think Varic mentioned that Raion had this ability last time too.
The main reason why Varic sealed his curse magic away (other than trauma) is because it contradicts his nature with Eurias. Eurias is described to have a nuturing and healing nature, and curse magic seems to kinda be the opposite of that. Varic could've sealed his curse magic to increase his compatibility with Eurias.
You know how Omega said that he wanted to reveal Raion's inner darkness? I think Raion will reveal that he had to kill his friends and thats when Omega will have a gotcha moment.
Raion and Jak meet. Since Omega took Jak with him in the Engineer, I think this one has a solid chance of happening.
Mell repairs/plays a role in repairing the Red Divine Titan. After all, what is the Titan but a very big android?
If Doctor Cryce is alive, I want Mell and her to meet.
Omega makes Sola a gun.
Varic panicking at the fact that there atleast three zenith devices awake. It was pretty hammered in the Engineer that 3 zenith devices awake means somethings up, so I'm looking forward to how he's going to react to the zenith blade being awake. Horizon's and Ark's reactions are going to be entertaining too.
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tscaboverse · 3 years
Rules for this universe:
For reference, half of our ideas stem from the fact that heats aren’t necessarily sex marathons, they can be just as easily a time for cuddling and bonding. Scenting is between packmates and families, and sometimes friends, and we determined that an alpha or head of a pack/parent could bite a spot right below the ear to claim someone as part of their family, so that it can semi-permanently keep their scent on their child
In this verse heats aren’t just sex things, they’re bonding things, so lots of cuddle time and sleepiness. It can be a sex thing if an omega is mated, but cuddles are more important most of the time. Omegas will make a nest out of pillows and blankets and things that smell like their pack mates. And if multiple omegas live together they usually synch up on their heats and spend it together in a giant nest where there’s room for most of the pack to cuddle with them. Being scented by an alpha definitely helps make the heat better, but that’s part of how it can enforce pack bonding too. And especially when the omega is younger, they just want skin contact and affection to feel safe. And if there are children around they get hoarded, and kept in the center of the nest. And sucking on another omegas nipples can be very comforting to an omega near their heat, or if they are in emotional distress.
Heats when the omega is mated can vary quite a bit. Sex marathon type heats can get out of control, like not walking for a week after, type of out of control, but they aren’t always like that all the time. It more depends on if their mate is doing something specific to make it that way or how badly an omega wants a child, because baby fever can be very real.
Also, because magic is a thing in this verse, betas can take a potion that can either up their alpha traits to help an omega parter through a heat/get them pregnant, or take a potion that will up the their omega traits to help an alpha partner through a rut. And there are potions to induce heats/ruts, that work as contraceptives, and there are suppressants but the cost for taking them is high enough that some choose not to at all. Suppressant potions are strictly for omegas as well, as it mainly suppresses their instincts and heats, which happen 3 to 4 times a year depending on the individual. They have to have one once a year for health reasons, and they go off the suppressant for it. The price for being on it though is once they’re off it all of those instincts pretty much just take over and an omega will be highly suggestible and obedient. And their heat will be completely awful, like take a sleep potion and sleep through it levels of pain.
Ruts happen when an alpha presents and only very rarely if they aren’t mated. The only reasons omegas have heats so often is because they are used to bond packs. Ruts are really just for sex, maybe once or twice a year, usually matches up with a heat but not every heat.
Collars used to be worn by omegas all of the time until it fell out of fashion because it was seen as bad, although plenty of omegas still wore them anyway because it made their alphas jump them. But it has mostly fallen out of fashion by the Victorian period. Only people who were raised extremely traditionally wear them commonly. If someone wasn’t raised traditionally at this point in time, they might even see it as abusive. Leashes on omegas in public really is incredibly old fashioned at this point and rarely done no matter how traditional people are. For an omega to be on a leash is pretty much the equivalent of a flashing neon light of saying that the omega can’t be trusted to behave properly without it, or that they’ve done something very bad and the leash is there to help control them.
Pack bonds can have quite an effect on mortality, so if a warlock is mated to someone mortal for example, and adopted into that pack, then they will share the warlock’s immortality. They might age a bit, but probably not by much.
A female alpha can get pregnant by her male mate/partner, but it is much harder for her to get pregnant compared to a female beta or any omega. Pregnancies are just a bit harder on a male omega as well. A female alpha can get her mate pregnant, whether they are a female beta or an omega of any gender.
Shadowhunters have the easiest pregnancies, faeries have the worst heats, vampires are all betas or omegas on extreme suppressants, and warlocks have the highest concentration of alphas.
Characters and Dynamics:
Alphas: Charlotte, Jem, Gideon, Cecily, Magnus
Betas: Sophie, Henry, Thomas Tanner, Edmund and Linette Herondale, Tessa
Omegas: Will, Gabriel
Alphas: Anna, Jesse, Kit Lightwood, Cordelia, Thomas Lightwood, Charles
Betas: Alexander Lightwood(?), Risa
Omegas: James, Lucie, Alastair, Matthew, Kamala, Grace, Eugenia, Filomena, Sona
Alphas: Jace, Izzy, Magnus, Ragnor, Luke
Omegas: Alec, Clary, Simon, Jocelyn, Catarina, Raphael
Alphas: Julian, Emma, Aline, Cristina, Ty, Malcolm, Johnny Rook
Betas: Annabel,
Omegas: Kit, Livvy, Ash, Dru, Helen, Mark, Kieran
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Summer of Angst 2022 Masterlist
Title from Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens
Everyone’s Rankings:
Alastair - Alpha
Thomas - Omega
Before I Say Goodbye, My Star in the Sky
“Lassie, our son needs you. I’ll be okay.” Thomas panted out from behind the oxygen mask the nurses had pushed onto his face as his levels started to drop.
He looked so tired, bruises had formed under his eyes, much more prominent with the pale tone his skin had taken. Thomas was as white as a sheet, his whole body covered in a sheen of sticky sweat.
There was blood everywhere, Thomas’s blood. It was Thomas’s blood everywhere.
Alastair had done that to him. It was all his fault.
“Tom-” he tried to speak but the nurse/doctor/whoever was pushing him out of the room, effectively interrupting him.
“Mr. Carstairs, you need to go now. We’ll take care of him.” they said before slamming the door of the room in his face. He just needed to trust that everything would be okay.
Alastair walked out of the surgery wing in a panicked daze, trying to find his way back to the waiting room to update their family.
The waiting room was absolutely packed with people. Lightwoods, Carstairs, Herondales, Fairchilds, etc. It seemed like everyone they knew was there.
“Dâdâsh?” Cordelia said, looking overly concerned for him from her spot next to Lucie.
Everyone’s eyes turned to him, overwhelming him more than he already was. It gave him an opportunity to look around at everyone and their reaction.
Gideon and Sophie Lightwood looked as distraught as he felt (and probably looked, if he was being honest).
Eugenia was standing with them, trying to look strong. She was the big sister, she had to be strong. Alastair knew the feeling
Grace and Christopher were sitting with Kamala, Grace sitting between them looking half-asleep. They’d been here for hours, it made sense that they would be tired.
Even Matthew and James had showed up, though they hadn’t spoken a word to him since they arrived. Typical.
“Alastair? Are you alright, son? What’s happened? Is it Thomas?” Gideon was now next to him, a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Alastair could feel the tears starting to form again in his eyes. How could he tell his father-in-law that his son could be dying right now?
“What is it, dear?” It was Sophie speaking to him this time, her tone soothing and calm. A motherly type of tone that Alastair normally appreciated, but right now; he felt undeserving of it.
He couldn’t speak, he couldn’t breathe. He was drowning in his head, in his own thoughts.
“Mr. Carstairs?” A voice asked from behind him, unfamiliar but he turned all the same. It was a nurse or a doctor, he didn’t know, or really care.
Alastair nodded, still unable to voice anything.
“Mr. Carstairs, I’m sorry that we need to ask you this, but we need you to do skin-to-skin contact with your baby up in the NICU. To improve his circulation, of course.” The hospital personnel quickly explained, Alastair again nodded in response.
If he couldn’t help his husband, the least he could do was help his son.
Everyone looked distraught as Alastair followed the person to the NICU, ignoring the whispers of his family and friends as he went.
He was lead into the NICU, where he was sat in a rocking chair and asked to unbutton his shirt. Alastair did so in silence, still dazed and lost.
He just barely looked up when his son was handed to him. A small, squirming bundle wrapped in blue. Alastair held him close to his chest, making sure to support him as he’d been taught to do.
Their son was a small baby, as was to be expected, since he was born five weeks away from his due date. Four pounds and five ounces of a delicate little boy, who already looked so much like Thomas, barely two hours after his birth.
Curling brown hair peaked out from under his knitted cap and his expression was a mirrored image of Thomas’s when he slept. Alastair had no doubt their son would be the spitting image of his Omega father as he grew up.
But a nagging thought occurred to Alastair as he looked down at his son.
How can I know how to be a good father when mine was never around?
He’d had this thought throughout the pregnancy, not that he’d ever voiced it aloud to anyone, especially Thomas. He couldn’t tell him, he wouldn’t have understood.
It was Alastair’s worst nightmare, to turn out like Elias, to ruin his son’s life by being a terrible father.
It was easy to pretend it wouldn’t happen when he had Thomas by his side, the love of his life, who always saw the best in him.
How could he do this without Thomas?
Because right now, his husband could be dying. He could become a widower and a single father within the next few minutes.
And the thought of that alone is terrifying.
Alastair’s reverie is broken by the movement of his son on his chest. He was starting to wake up, his cheek nuzzling into Alastair’s chest, clearly seeking more warmth.
He couldn’t contain his gasp as his son’s eyes opened for the first time, one of his hands flying to cover his mouth in shock.
Tears started freely spilling from his eyes, as he looked at his son. Thomas’s son.
He had Thomas’s eyes. His big, beautiful hazel eyes.
It’s going to be okay, Lassie. He could hear Thomas’s voice ringing in his head, trying desperately to overpower the doubts.
He could picture him, looking down at him with those hazel eyes, telling him everything would be okay.
And now Alastair knew he just had to listen to him.
He pulled his son in closer to his body, pressing a delicate kiss to his tiny forehead, watching it wrinkle in response.
The tears were still flowing as he spoke again, whispering to his son.
“Everything is going to be okay, Gideon.”
Btw their son’s full name is Gideon Zarathustra Lightwood-Carstairs (Zarathustra is an ancient Iranian name meaning golden, which is also what Sona means)
This was my first Alpha!Alastair and Omega!Thomas fic, what did you guys think?
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Title from remember me by Christina Perri
Everyone’s ages and rankings:
Alastair - 30, Omega
Thomas - 29, Alpha
Remember Me Each Time You Hear A Sad Guitar
“Hey, love,” Alastair said softly, coming to sit down at Thomas’s grave. “I know it’s been awhile since I’ve been here but I have a good reason, so you can’t get annoyed with me.”
He looks over at the baby carrier sitting next to him, and the little baby sleeping within, all rosy cheeks and chubby limbs. A beautiful baby girl, a beautiful baby girl that Thomas will never get to meet.
“I had our baby, Tommy. And she’s absolutely beautiful. Our little girl.” Alastair lifts their daughter gently out of her carrier, soothing her as she starts to squirm in his arms.
His voice was quiet and filled with pride as he thought about how he never thought he’d be here.
Alastair had never liked being an omega, from the minute he presented, he had found it to be just another roadblock in his life. Persian, gay, and an omega? It was a perfect recipe for bullying when he was younger, just another thing for people to mock him for.
And his life was hell for awhile, with his home and school lives being the absolute worse. Until he met Thomas, the kindest Alpha he’d ever known.
They had met as teenagers and fell in love, there were some bumps along the road of course (since nothing could ever be easy for Alastair) but they ended up getting married despite all the odds five years ago.
But here they were now. Thomas, suddenly dead after a hit and run. And Alastair, a widower at thirty with a newborn baby.
It was a future neither of them had ever imagined for themselves.
They had talked about having a baby before Thomas died, not in depth, but they had talked. Alastair was the hesitant one, afraid to become like his own father had been. But Thomas, he’d been so sure of him, of both of them.
Thomas was born to be a father, he was so good with kids and so, so kind. It was Thomas who made Alastair so sure he could do it too.
He didn’t even know he was pregnant until right before Thomas’s funeral, when he’d taken a test after being sick for almost two weeks.
Even before he had seen the two lines, Alastair had known he was pregnant. It wasn’t his grief that was making him sick, it was his baby. Thomas’s baby. Their baby.
It didn’t make it any easier to grieve, being pregnant. It didn’t make the pain go away. If anything, it made the pain worse.
Because not only was he grieving his husband, he was grieving his child’s father. A father that she will never get to know.
She’ll know his gravestone and the words it says. The stories and the pictures, those will be all she has of her father.
She’ll know how she has his hazel eyes and why Alastair cries when he looks into them.
But she won’t know Thomas, not the way she should have been able to. She’ll never truly know how much he would have loved her and would have wanted her.
Alastair could feel the tears forming in his eyes as he thought about how their daughter would only grow up with half of him, the other half of him buried six feet below him.
“Her name is Minu Sophia Lightwood, after your mother, who’s absolutely in love with her. So is everybody else,” he looked down at their daughter, trying to fight off his tears. “I don’t blame them really, she’s amazing.”
Alastair shifted little Minu in his arms a little bit, facing her more towards the grave as if Thomas could actually see her
“She looks like me, everyone says, but I think she looks like you. Her eyes will be hazel like yours when she’s older, mark my words.”
Their daughter sneezed lightly due to the coldness in the air, starting to squirm in an attempt to get closer to Alastair and his body warmth. He complied, holding Minu closer to his chest and starting to stand back up.
“It seems to be a little too cold for our daughter at the moment, but we’ll visit you again soon. Goodbye, Tom. I love you.”
He looked back up at the sky with a sad smile, leaves swirling in the wind around them. Maybe Thomas could hear him after all.
And with that, Alastair walked away from his love’s grave, their daughter in toe.
Fun Fact:
The daughter’s name, Minu, means eden in Persian and I selected it because I though it would be a good name for Thomastair’s daughter
If anyone can guess correctly why I thought it would be a good fit, I will write a fluffy fic for them
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Title comes from you mean the whole wide world to me by Christina Perri
Part 1 of my TLH ABO AU
Everyone’s Age & Ranking:
Alastair - 28, Omega
Thomas - 27, Alpha
Milad & Arash Lightwood-Carstairs - 4 days old
Darling, You Mean The Whole Wide World To Me
Thomas looked down fondly at the small bundles sleeping peacefully in their bassinets. It’s a contrast to the fussing and squirming that he and Alastair had dealt with earlier, but the twins weren’t due for another feeding for a few more hours.
They’d come home from the hospital yesterday, three days after the twins had been born. Alastair was put on a strict bed rest and (painful) recovery period after his emergency c-section, and he was still sore and tired by the time they had gotten home, so Thomas had been handling most of the feedings and diaper changes since then.
The twins had been perfectly calm by the time he went back to lay down and check on Alastair, but it wasn’t until an hour later that he swore he heard crying coming from the baby monitor.
Thomas had quietly walked across the hall to the nursery, only to discover Milad and Arash still sound asleep in their bassinets.
But now at this very moment, he doesn’t want to be anywhere but here, watching his two sons sleep peacefully. It’s truly hit him now that, we created them. Alastair and I, created life. Two lives. He thought happily to himself, one of his fingers reaching down to gently stroke Arash’s cheek.
Just being there, when they were actually born, had been surreal. And now to watch them, sleeping peacefully, little hands reaching out and playing with the blankets every now and then…it just drove reality home for Thomas, that this was his life now.
His beautiful life with Alastair and their two sons.
“Tom?” Alastair was sleepily padding over to him. He ended up leaning on Thomas’s shoulder, yawning as he did so. “Are you okay, joon-am?”
Thomas turned his head to press a kiss to Alastair’s temple, at the same time Alastair pressed a sleepy kiss to his shoulder. “I’m fine, but you should be resting, love. How are you feeling?”
“Less sore now,” his husband murmured against his shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t mind feeding them when it’s time, though? I can do it if you want to sleep some more.”
“Not at all, I can handle it.” Thomas whispers, kissing Alastair’s temple again before looking back down at their new sons. “They look just like you, Lassie.”
“Milad is going to end up looking just like you, if his hair is anything to go by.” Alastair teases, rubbing a finger delicately along Milad’s chubby cheek. “And Arash is going to have your eyes, I just know it.”
“But everything else is pure Alastair.”
“You know it.”
Right now, the twins looked more or less identical, in the way babies do. It would seem that Milad had inherited Thomas’s sandy brown hair, but with the same curls that Alastair sported. Arash, on the other hand, was like every baby picture of Alastair that Thomas had ever seen.
Even if Alastair is convinced that he’ll have hazel eyes like Thomas, he thinks that both boys will inherit Alastair’s beautiful dark eyes. Time will tell of course, since they both only have brown eyes for the time being.
Thomas nudges Alastair lightly with his shoulder. “We made them.”
“I know,” Alastair whispers, leaning down to press kisses to both Arash and Milad’s heads. “They’re perfect and I want to give them everything that I didn’t have growing up. I-we’re going to give them the world.”
Thomas silently agrees with him. He will, until the day he dies, never let his boys feel anything other than all the love in the world.
Alastair cuddles more into Thomas’s side, arms wrapping tightly around his waist. A few happy tears escape Thomas’s eyes as he holds his husband in his arms.
We created two lives.
*Note: Arash and Milad are fraternal twins, not identical*
I will be starting a tag list for the ABO series, so if you want to be tagged, make sure to let me know
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None of these are consistent and in the same universe unless mentioned to be. Most will be in Modern AU, unless stated otherwise
Darling, You Mean The Whole Wide World To Me (Thomastair; Omega!Alastair, Alpha!Thomas)
Remember Me Each Time You Hear A Sad Guitar (Thomastair; Omega!Alastair, Alpha!Thomas)
Before I Say Goodbye, My Star in the Sky (Thomastair; Alpha!Alastair, Omega!Thomas)
Hey Jude, Don’t Be Afraid (Omega!Matthew Fairchild; Angst)
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a03feed-percico · 7 years
Saved From Juno
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AzJZrq
by Takara_Phoenix
Instead of living alone and without his memories on the streets for six months, Percy is instead found by Nico within days. Nico brings Percy to New Rome for safe-keeping where the both of them live in the praetors' house as "honorary guests". After all, over the past months, Nico had already befriended Reyna. And now the two alphas find themselves sharing a living-space with a very... unique omega.
Words: 5864, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 34 of The Alphas of Percy Jackson
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Relationships: Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Additional Tags: Slash, Nicercy - Freeform, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha!Nico, Alpha!Reyna, Omega!Percy, Twist of Canon, Percy living with the Romans between TLH and TSoN, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AzJZrq
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