opttagoyeo · 1 year
it's you || naruhina omegaverse drabble (?)
fun fact: I've seen this draft again on my messenger app, back in February (that's way too long ago isn't it? im shocked too) and a webtoon omegaverse themed also inspired me of this too so I remembered writing it on my laptop excitedly, giggling to myself as I typed it away on my laptop, because duh? I specifically love omegaverse + naruhina so that's just the perfect combo! And ofc, in our community there's not a lot of nh omegaverse fics, drabbles and such so it's making me sad cuz the possibilities and chances you can use by omegaverse is just ENDLESS— okay enough ranting.. I'm sorry for that now onto the drabble...(I sound like a YouTuber there)
"Alpha," a sweet voice interject behind him leaving him shocked to his core.
He turned and what he sees almost made his knees wobbled in delight.
There she is.
His Omega.
Oh, his beautiful Omega.
Dressed in white, almost covering her entire being, engulfing her huge mounds and straining her waist. Hugging her curvy body so tightly. She is the water to this endless desert. The only light he found in this neverending abyss. She's everything he could ask for.
Her looks cannot compare to anything, for she is his God, and she deserve every worship she could ask for. He will deliver it quite well, to his goddess, to his one and only.
He didn't realized the liquid staining his tan cheeks, as he slowly and gently make his way up to hers. Shivering, every step he take is oh so slow as if he was too scared to break the haze- afraid that if he rush to her she would dissipate immediately like some sort of hallucination his twisted mind just made all because of too much insanity he have gone through in the corner of Naruto's mind. For being suppressed every damn time, devoid of any freedom.
Hinata's inner omega, smiled and surely walk towards her Alpha.
Her gentle, her oh so sweet Alpha.
She missed him a lot.
His scent.
His smile.
His warmth.
His entire being.
She started to ran, manners thrown out of the window as she teared up from joy. Her heart filled with love and thrumming loudly against her chest.
She crushed her body against him, her hands grabbing onto his shoulders and heaving his scent as she leaned her head against his chest "Alpha, O-oh.." she stuttered.
If heaven was a person, he might as well have felt it, within his arms.
With his Omega.
"I've found you, my love." Hinata smiled as she leaned up against her lover, face to face with his gorgeous sculpted beauty and tears swelling up from the corner of her eyes.
Aside from his ruby orbs, he was just the same Naruto everyone knew outside this mind realm and he scrunched up in delight, his eyes closing to smile so beautifully against his Omega. He tightened his hold on her waist, carefully pulling her closer to him. He leaned down to put his chin on her head, inhaling so gently his Omega's scent that's enough to make him dizzy yet so fulfilled.
"Yes, I am, I-I'm already at home with you." he can't help but to tear up some more due to how much joy he's experiencing right now.
Gone was the suffering, for she's his medicine that can fulfill and ease all of his pain.
And maybe he is too, for his Omega.
They've found each other, and became each other's comfort and home.
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rifki16 · 4 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode Nine Review
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healthy tortilla chips with pico de gallo
Hi yall, I just got back from my trip, and I’m trying my best to catch up and get back on track with my healthy habits. I don’t think I have a new theme of the show to add on this analysis.
What I want to talk more is about the parenting method of Hiromu and Masaki. It was in episode five when this theme showed itself very clearly to me. In that episode, Hikari was trying his best to be the best big brother as he now has a younger sister, Hinata. I think it was mid-episode when Hikari broke down because he has worked himself too hard being the model big brother to his family.
In this episode, we were introduced to new characters, neighbors of the Fujiyoshi family, Mochizuki and Michiru. Mochizuki just lost his spouse, Michi-chan’s mother, a month before they moved to the Fujiyoshi’s suburbs. What I just realized from what Masaki said in the episode was, Michi-chan and Mochizuki are the only other omega individuals in the series. More importantly, Michi-chan is the only omega child that the show shows us so far.
During the fourth encounter-playdate-between Michi-chan and Hika-chan, Mochizuki told Masaki about his trouble being a single dad. He told Ma-chan that he had over relied on his, now, deceased spouse in raising Michi-chan. He added that he was worried how he would leave Michi-chan alone during the day once his bereavement leave runs out. Side note: I don’t know whether this is real or not, but if Japan really does have bereavement leave, it’s so cool for them.
Masaki is as Masaki does, he of course offered Mochizuki to babysit Michi-chan during the day, and even though the two only had known each other for a week, Mochizuki was very glad that Masaki wanted to babysit Michi-chan.
Masaki’s daycare was going swimmingly until nap time. Hinata woke up and immediately cried. Ma-chan then quickly came to her aid and tried to soothe her. As Hinata was getting calmer, Michi-chan woke up and started to roam around the Fujiyoshi’s house looking for his dad, Mochizuki. As he could not find his dad, he also started crying. Masaki then went after him and tried to soothe him while still having Hinata in his arms. Side note: I don’t get why Masaki didn’t cut off Michi-chan as he was roaming around the house, I suppose Masaki needed to solve one problem at a time.
Masaki realized something that he had encountered already: Michi-chan was crying because he was trying so hard to be the stable anchor in the family. When Mochizuki unloaded his story to Masaki during their fourth playdate, Mochi-san told Masaki that after his spouse died, all he could do was crying. To him, it seemed like Michi-chan was the one who kept him from crying again.
Masaki tried to reassure Michi-chan that his work, as the stable anchor in the family, was noticed. He appreciated all the hard work that Michi-chan has done. Hikari then came to their little circle and tried to calm Michi-chan from his loneliness feeling.
When Michi-chan was going home, his dad asked Masaki why Michi-chan’s eyes were red. Masaki told Mochi-san that Michi-chan cried in the middle of nap time, probably because he woke up in a strange house. Mochi-san then acknowledged that, Michi-chan has actually been keeping a lot of things to himself.
This really reminds me of the many video essays I passed through on YouTube about what an ideal childhood is like. The one that came up on my Recommendation Page was how Belcher Kids from Bob’s Burgers are the best representation of how a childhood should be. I think even American Dad once has an episode when Steve needed to be the man of the house because Stan was knee-deep in reliving his childhood even though that he’s a middle-aged man.
I’m not a developmental/child psychologist, however, what I really want to stress out is that I’m very happy that Masaki and Hiromu are not forcing their children to bear adults’ responsibilities. That does not mean that they do not set boundaries or responsibilities to their children, though. The very first thing that Hikari said to Michi-chan as he was calming him down was whether Michi-chan wanted to play some more with him. Michi-chan said yes, and Hikari proceeded to take Michi-chan’s hand as if he was about to play some more with him. However, Hikari then pointed out to Michi-chan that if they actually finish their nap time, they will get snacks afterwards, hence why they should continue napping. Michi-chan then agreed to nap instead. Isn’t that marvelous? Hikari understood his task/responsibility that he needed to take a nap, a full-on nap, and he abided to that promise.
If only I could have Masaki and Hiromu as my parents. I suppose that they are the same age as me though.
I want to sprinkle some of the good character developments from the show. I think the fact that Hiromu is as FOMO as ever really chuckled me up. After Hikari told his dad that he just met a new friend, Hiromu was sad that he was really out of the loop because he didn’t know anything about this new friend, I mean, duh, haha.
Secondly, I’m so happy that Masaki and Hiromu are always honest to each other, and they always open the discussions for everything. When Masaki offered to babysit Michi-chan during the day, he did that without consulting Hiromu first. However, Masaki then talked about it with his husband. Hiromu at first seemed unconvinced because Mochi-san and Masaki just knew each other for a week, and Hiro-san was asking himself, what kind of a parent would let a, practically, stranger babysit for them? Side note: Hiromu, you clearly have never experienced a country where every aspect of your life has been dictated by neoliberalist policies. People in the states have been dreading for some kind of childcare for their children, let alone a functioning and trustworthy daycare. I already sensed Hiromu’s jealousy as the conversation was progressing. Then, it turned out that Mochi-san told Masaki that Ma-chan really reminded him of his deceased spouse. I think this was supposed to smooth the deal out; by saying that Masaki looked like Michi-chan’s mother, it meant to say that: “Oh, Michi-chan would love you as his babysitter, as you already have the look of his mother”. Hiromu then grabbed his husband and hugged him, SN: rizz, lol. Masaki then assured his husband that he did not perceive it like that, that Mochi-san was coming on to him. Hiromu then cleverly said, “even if it was, I wouldn’t let him”, SN: rizz again, lol. Masaki then really assured Hiromu that he really wanted to babysit Michi-chan because he wanted to be a good influence on another omega kid. Hiromu then agreed to do so afterwards.
Lastly, if any of my readers has watched the episode, I want to ask you, did they change the voice actor for Yuuki? Why did he sound differently in this episode? Does it supposed to mean a character’s development?
Tadaima, Okaeri episode nine was such a light fun. It seems like we’re going to be introduced to a new set of characters. I can’t wait to watch episode 10. Go watch this episode, yall!
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cloudyzeusy · 11 months
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Wanted Cuddles ||
summary: cute first sleepover
pairing: Hinata Shouyou X Kageyama Tobio
genre: fluff
warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Cuddling & Snuggling, Alpha Kageyama Tobio, Omega Hinata Shouyou, Romantic Fluff
Kageyama's POV
I waited nervously outside the Hinata's house this would be the first time I would be staying over at his house since we had started dating.
Knocking on the door I watched as his mother opened the door with Natsu his sister on her hip. "Ahh Kageyama it's always a pleasure to see you isn't that right Natsu." She cooed.
Turning her attention back to me she smiled. "Kageyama don't tell shouyou I said this but he's been nervous about you staying over so don't be surprised if there are any distressed pheromones around his room." She forewarned letting me inside the house and showing me the way to his room.
Making my way up the stairs I thought it was best to let him know I was there so I rapped on the door. "Momm I told you that we don't need any more snacks." He complained opening the door and pausing when he noticed I was there.
My voice got caught in my throat at the sight of him he looked like an angel. "Bakeyama bakeyama are you okay." He said worriedly moving closer to me.
"Boke of course I'm fine." I snapped at him instantly feeling bad at his confused face. "I'm sorry it's just... I'm really anxious." Which earned me a soft smile.
"Would you like to come inside the room?" He asked eagerly to which of course I said yes plonking myself down on his bed I just watched as he started rambling cutely about what he had planned. I really didn't mind what we did as long as it was with my mate.
Time Skip
We were now watching an anime series called 'Haikyuu' it was about volleyball which we both loved he had been solely focused on the series for ages but now we both were feeling tired. "Kags umm if you want you can sleep in my bed." Hinata piped up I was so excited I had been waiting for him to ask.
"Yeah sure that's okay," I said trying to act nonchalant
We began preparing to sleep getting ready I made my way to his bathroom. "C'mon Tobio you are going to be fine you guys are dating this should be normal now," I whispered psyching myself up then began making my way back.
"To not make this weird I should sleep on the right side and you on the left." Shouyou blushed and I agreed to lie down doing so  I resisted the urge to cuddle him and willed myself to sleep to not make this any more awkward than it should be. I sighed to myself I hope as time goes on we will be more relaxed around each other.
The Next Morning
Hinata's POV
Letting out distressed pheromones I whimpered near his ear. “Sunshine what’s the matter are you okay?” Tobio said rambling as he suddenly woke. Tobio looked at the position we were in and immediately moved away.
Waking up from the best sleep I've ever had I tried to move away but I felt confined and hot rubbing my eyes I finally realized it wasn't chains that trapped me but just Tobio's hold on me. Knowing that I felt more comforted his scent gland was right next to me I couldn't resist getting a whiff I felt relaxed he smelt like mhmm.
Fresh Oceans with a hint of blackberries... delicious.
If I wasn't careful, I would go into heat leaving me with no choice but to move away but how was I supposed to wake him up? Sigh it looks like my pheromones were my only option.
Letting out distressed pheromones I whimpered near his ear. “Sunshine what’s the matter are you okay?” Tobio said rambling as he suddenly woke. Tobio looked at the position we were in and immediately moved away.
“I’m sorry was it me I know I was supposed to stay on my side, but my alpha gets way too cuddly at night.” He rambled looking nervous I just giggled at his worry. “Tobio it's okay... I like your cuddles you were just holding me way too tight near your scent gland and I would have gone into heat.”
His face flashed with relief, so I leaned over and hugged him. “Tobio I’m glad you’re my Alpha would you like to continue cuddling me?” I smiled.
He blushed and nodded his head really fast he’s so cute I’m so glad this blueberry is my mate.
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khship910 · 9 months
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Excited to share my @kagehinabigbang 2023 piece, Crazy Rich Alphas! With art by Liv and a beta by the bestie Krisp, it's a story of meddling parents, fake dating, and annoyances to lovers. Read it on ao3!
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blazee1 · 11 months
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Original Characters, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Nishinoya Yuu
Additional Tags: Political Alliances, Slavery, Arranged Marriage, Alternative Universe - Kingdom, Fratricide, Omega Kageyama Tobio, Prince Kageyama Tobio, Alpha Hinata Shouyou, Alpha Oikawa Tooru, Alpha Ushijima Wakatoshi, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Sugawara Koushi, Omega Yamaguchi Tadashi, Age Difference, Duty, Destiny, Slow Burn, Historical, Mating, Bonding, Protectiveness, Traditions, Omega Verse, Knotting, Intersex, Loneliness, Angst, Scenting, Possessive Behavior, Mating Cycles/In Heat, First Time, Body Worship, Mating Bond, Mpreg, Pregnancy, Rivalry, Claiming Bites, Scars, Aged-Up Character(s), Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Top Hinata Shouyou, Bottom Kageyama Tobio, Master/Slave, Wedding Night, Omega Nishinoya Yuu, Original Character(s)
"Tobio, it is a heavy burden, but it ensures our family's safety."
In the heart of the ruthless Empire, an alliance takes shape as Omega Prince Tobio and once a slave, Alpha General Shouyou, find themselves bound by a political marriage.
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austajunk · 11 months
Not to be spicy and bring up the Omegaverse DR stuff again, but thanks to a post making the rounds again, I learned that spotted hyena males show their submission to female mates by presenting their erections to them.
Ngl, KomaHinaNami would work the same way in Omegaverse AUs. Just Chiaki's two bois displaying their submission by shyly "presenting" themselves.
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tobihishouu · 2 years
kghn // omegaverse
omega tobio who gets hit on constantly because they think he's an alpha with his physique. he turns them down by saying he's an omega—an answer met with doubts. 
 "no omega is this hunky", a girl says, her fingers outlining tobio's clothed chest that made him shiver in disgust. 
but tobio was too polite to swat her hand away, so he opts for a warning instead. "please don't touch me, my alpha will get mad." 
 the girl snickers, still clearly not believing him but decided to play along. "oh yeah? and where is this 'alpha' of yours?"
tobio points to a group of people seated at a booth in the restaurant. the girl turns to look, and she sees a tall, blonde man with glasses who was also quite handsome. 
 she turns back to tobio. "well, why don't you and your blonde alpha friend come with me and play?"
tobio's brows furrow. blonde? his alpha was /not/ blonde. the description sinks in and tobio realizes. did she think—? tobio fights the urge to make a face. hell would have to freeze over before he even considers being mated to that alpha.
he shakes his head at her, but before he could shoot the assumption down, an arm snakes around his waist and pulls him close to an all-familiar body. immediately tobio's hit with the scent of honey and citrus, and his nerves calm down. 
 "is something wrong?" his alpha asks.
the girl sees a short, tan redhead next to the tall ravenette.
 "oh, you must be his friend," she says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "i was hoping i could borrow him for a while, for a date." 
 shoyo looks up at him, eyes wide. "a date?"
tobio could feel a drop of sweat trickle down the side of his face. he just wants to end this already, but shoyo being shoyo, he can't help pull the dramatics. 
 the girl nods. "yeah..." 
 "is that so..." shoyo hums, and tobio has to fight his eye roll.
shoyo's so bad at acting. deep down he knew the alpha was amused. 
 "well okay!" shoyo exclaims, removing his arm around tobio that made the omega upset. 
 the girl's eyes sparkled in delight. "really?!" 
 shoyo grins. "of course! i'm not against my omega having more friends!" 
tobio could feel a drop of sweat trickle down the side of his face. he just wants to end this already, but shoyo being shoyo, he can't help pull the dramatics. 
the girl's smile falters. "y-your omega—?" 
 "but you have to bring him back to me soon, okay? or else i'll miss him so much." shoyo turns to tobio and starts rubbing his scent gland around his neck. 
 "sho, what the heck are you doing?" tobio whispers.
"just a little parting gift for my lovely mate", the alpha grins mischievously. "speaking of mate..." 
 he pulls on the collar of tobio's shirt and exposes the mating mark in full view. the girl's eyes widen when shoyo starts rubbing on it and tobio subconsciously purrs.
"oops, it's starting to fade. we'll have to take care of that on your next heat." the alpha says loud enough, smirking as he side eyes the girl who flushed in embarrassment. 
 "i—i have to go." the two watched as the girl left the restaurant in a hurry.
tobio smacks shoyo upside his head. "dumbass, you didn't have to go that far. you could've told her you were my alpha from the start." 
 "aww come on, where's the fun in that?" shoyo was laughing as he rubs his head. "and do you really think she'll believe i'm an alpha? get real!"
"but i believed in you." 
 "yeah 'cause you're weird!" shoyo hooks his arm back around  his waist, a gesture that makes the omega feel secured. "but that's how i know you're my destined one." 
 shoyo grins at him and tobio averts his eyes away, a small blush creeping on his cheeks.
"you're so corny." 
 "but you love it, right?" 
 "shut up." 
 they go back to their table and were showered with complaints and questions with why they took so long. shoyo exclaims that his boyfriend is so popular, and tobio flicks his forehead for it, but there's a small smile on his face as his hand makes its way to shoyo. 
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shilladodo · 2 years
Omegaverse pt1
Daici is an alpha and nobody can deny it. The strong scent of oak, orange and Good coffee just out of the mocha is difficult to get rid of if a hug or being close enough to him happens.
For this reason in the first year, he had "the safety distance" that he put into practice when an omega approached.
Sugawara Koshi. He is the most beloved alpha of the school at home of his appearance. Several omegas try with him, who, not being interested, goes away calmly. He prefers Betas. Its smell is Linden, Passion fruit and coriander. During matches, his inner Alpha gets so excited that he sometimes has a hard time keeping it at bay.
Ennoshita is a quiet boy, many mistake him for a Beta. Instead he too is an Alpha. The smell of him is not very strong. Lemon tea with mango and cinnamon, it's a typical smell for an omega. All this is due to relatives. The grandmother is an Alpha (alpha women are rare) the parents beta. He likes omegas with short hair.
Tanaka. Even for him it doesn't have to be said. A strong Alpha who loves the beautiful manager Kiyoko. The strong personality greatly affects the smell of her. Spices, roasted meat and a light night of tiger lily, younger alphas fear it.
Hinata's entire family is made up of betas. but he is an Omega. Until his sister was born, his uncles thought he was adopted. Also Natsu Is AN omega. They also smell very similar. They both taste like clementines. For Hinata it is also calendula and honey.
Tobio is also an alpha. He doesn't really like the attention he gets from omegas. He is blatantly gay, he will never admit it though, due to a super straight blonde alpha who would make fun of him. (Cof, cof, tsukki, stop please...) It tastes like milk, salmon and parquet wax. When he gets pissed he only tastes like rotten milk.
Asahi Is a big alfa With BDE. Unfortunately this causes many to see him as a nasty alpha, territorial and very aggressive if he touches his partner. It's nothing true. He's so sweet of a man, his alpha sends angst filled vibes whenever someone doesn't understand his good intentions. Vanilla, cherry tree and earth are its smell. Most of the time it just feels earthy. When she walks into the gym, she can smell her full scent.
Tsukishima kei. This guy is an Alpha. He doesn't know that his best friend loves him. He just can't see it damn, he needs more glasses ... Deep down he likes the company of Bokuto and Kuroo (He won't even admit it under torture though). And yes. He would make fun of Tobio if he found out that he is gay. If Yamaguchi confesses, he'll turn so red that he'll risk exploding. Its smell is of spicy udon, mint and spray paint. When Yamaguchi argued at the retreat, he was so frustrated that the smell As a chemist he did not take off his clothes.
Nishinoya, This little sliver of pure energy is a beta. His Kohai are terrified of him, again for the same reason. He hangs around like a sentinel alongside Kiyoko and Yachi. This ball of energy, it's so fast, third years don't know how to handle it. except Sugawara. the small and overly energetic beta calms down when he senses that i The alpha of the captain and the number 2 make them nervous. Although it happens that Yuu doesn't give a damn, so he ends up running away from his senpai. . It tastes like star anise, chilli pepper and green tea.
Kiyoko: Obviously it's an Omega. It's not true, she's an Alfa ass kicker too. She knows how to defend herself well from the alphas in heat who hit on her. And she hurts him, all right if she hurts him. Since alpha females are rare, they are also the most respected. So she could conveniently tell Tanaka and Nishinoya to stop "protecting" her. But he likes their liveliness. Its smell is of roses, whiskey and tobacco, inherited from his grandfather.
Yachi is considered the cutest female omega of the first year. She doesn't know, otherwise she would have passed out from embarrassment. When she met the team she was so nervous that her smell was undefined. He loves and admires Kiyoko, his omega would start crying like a baby if he ever made such a big mistake in front of his senpai. She and Asahi get along well, as they are both insecure. Its smell is composed of wildflowers, blueberry mochi and sea breeze.
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jenjenen · 2 years
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Waiting for my short story to be published in google play books
I hope it will be approved 😓😓
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cannellee · 7 months
hi cannellee!! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ i have a cute mikey x reader request that you might like.
what if bff girlies emma, hina, and reader build a big nest to have a cute lil girls night together while mikey, draken, and takemichi are at a meeting. and while they’re having a sleepover, their alphas walk in to see their cute omegas all cuddled up next to eachother purring in matching jammies!
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alpha! mikey x omega! reader
— mikey's reaction to finding his omega sleeping during a sleepover.
my masterlist : ☆
(the idea was soo cute!! though I'm not really proud of what I wrote😭... hope you'll still enjoy it 🍓anon!!)
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you, emma and hinata met each other through your boyfriends. however, your friendship grew significantly the more time you spent together waiting for them during their meetings.
at first you would accompany them at night, draken instructing you to stay close to the other while they finished this off. the proximity they urged you to have with the girls, rapidly made you friendly.
to the point that you often hung out just the three of you. sleepovers were a novelty emma convinced you and hinata to try.
you were so excited for your first night with your friends! takemichi dropped hinata off, mikey and draken waving goodbye to their respective omegas.
the moment they left you played a good movie, eating the snacks you made mikey bought for you. you were all cuddled together in a blanket on the floor.
you've decided to build a nest just before ; some pieces of your own clothing were scattered on the soft mattress you found. hinata dropped the few pillows she came with and emma rearranged you guys' safe place before you could all join in.
a great team work you were so proud of. all of your scents were mingled with each other, sweetness everywhere. you felt great and relaxed with your night.
it didn't take long for the three of you to finally fall asleep. with you in the middle, you felt hinata's head on your shoulder and emma hugging your side.
it stayed like this for a while, soft snoring and quiet hums of content. you felt great in each other's company. you cut out any noises that could've possibly bothered you, and solely relied on your nose, inhaling the mix of your sugary scents.
the deep slumber you found yourself in prevented you from hearing the jingle of the keys to the house.
it was late in the night and draken and takemichi had come to collect their omegas, the meeting being over.
draken was the first one to enter the living room, stopping in his tracks before the cute sight. he hushed mikey, who was already chanting your name.
takemichi came in, followed by an equally intrigued mikey. both widened their eyes in surprise before the unexpected scene in front of them.
takemichi felt a rush of affection for the trio, finding amusement in the adorable way you were holding to the other.
mikey stood in the doorway, a gentle smile across his face. his gaze softened as he watched his omega sleeping peacefully amidst the chaos of the sleepover.
takemichi was moved, he didn't think his omega could get any cuter.
the whole room was filled to the brim with happy pheromones and relaxed scents, a few purring here and there from how content you felt.
draken noticed the matching pyjamas, and wonder when any of you put it on because he hadn't seen it the moment they left. it was adorable, he thought.
it was nice to see their girlfriends getting along, it meant a lot, especially for them who were often away at night. they didn't want them to feel like they were getting neglected. knowing you were there for each other reassured them in a way.
mikey took in the serene expression of your face. he stood there, admiring you, his heart swelling at the sight of your curled up form. your breathing was slow and steady, filling the room with a sense of tranquility.
mikey often noticed that, how your presence seemed to always calm others down. no wonder they were hugging you the same way mikey does every night. he feels incredibly at peace when you're there.
the three of you nestled together in a cozy pile of blankets, made your alphas hesitate as to what they should do. your forms, entwined in a heartwarming affection, cracked fond smiles into their faces. they exchanged a knowing glance, the three of them acknowledging how precious of a moment it was.
after a small while, draken lifted emma up, cradling her in his arm and to the cold outside. since they've moved out together, it's always just the two of you at mikey's place. chuckling softly, takemichi also wakes emma up, stealing her from the affection of her two friends. and just like that, they're gone.
you shudder at the loss of warmth and slowy wake up when you feel strong arms lifting you up. you open your eyes to see mikey. you look around you, lost and wonder where emma and hinata are.
"sorry for waking you up baby, go back to sleep"
"and the girls, they left already ?"
"draken and takemichi took them home"
at his words, you nod meekly and allow yourself to drift off a second time, mikey slowly laying you down on your bed.
he tucks you in, pulling you close to him, his scent invading your nose. he was particularly cuddly you thought, although mikey always was one for touchy displays of affection, you noticed he was being more desperate than usual.
he caressed your cheeks carefully, as if touching a porcelain doll. he let you fall asleep, too comfortable in his embrace for you to be able to do anything else. he chose to stay awake a little longer, marveling at how pretty your face looked bathed in the glow of the moon. you always had delicate features mikey couldn't stop looking at.
too lost in the moment, he soon fell asleep to the sound of your breathing, finding solace in you, just like he always did.
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buffkitties · 7 days
Okay, now what if sdr2 went the exact same way, but it was also omegaverse. Everything is literally the same except Hinata Hajime is just a fucking omega among alphas and they use omegaverse terms.
This damn alpha..!
His pheromones sure are strange... Maybe I should be careful around this guy...
Man... At least I've already gone through my heat... I don't have to worry about embarrassing myself in front of everybody here...
S-Slick maker..?!
Huh... Seems like alphas also have their own problems. We're not that different, after all...
G-Gh... How can you talk about knotting so casually..? It's like you have no shame at all...
S-Seriously, stop talking about it already..!
Marking, my ass...
I've never actually thought about getting a mate. If I'm being honest, I actually find that thought a little embarrassing... Being claimed that way sounds humiliating.
H-Huh?! I smell fine..! What do you mean?!
Hey now... Just because I'm an omega doesn't mean I don't get this stuff, you know...
C-Crap..! They're right... I don't actually know that much about ruts..!
I just think it'd be hilarious
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khship910 · 2 years
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My piece for Myosotis’ @kagehinabigbang​ piece “Seaside!” It’s a beautiful Omegaverse story about the meaning of true love 💙🧡 https://archiveofourown.org/works/43648149
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koneko-chan-hai · 1 month
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“Slowly he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, a hand cradling her head to his collarbone. Chiaki wrapped her arms around his waist as she leaned in. Izuru could distinctly feel her relaxing, making him do the same. It had been more than a few months since they started being this close, but somehow, Izuru still couldn’t get himself used to how nice it felt to have her presence and warmth right next to him.”
Impulse and Circumstances
No Archive Warnings Apply
Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope’s Peak High School
Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Kamukura Izuru/Nanami Chiaki, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Mioda Ibuki (mentioned), Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto
Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Kamukura Izuru, Nanami Chiaki, Naegi Makoto, Tsumiki Mikan, Hinata Hajime’s Parents, Soda Kazuichi, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Pekoyama Peko, Ikusaba Mukuro, Munakata Kyosuke (Dangan Ronpa), Enoshima Junko, Kirigiri Kyoko, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Original Characters, Kirigiri Jin (mentioned)
Additional Tags:
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Hinata Hajime, Alpha Komaeda Nagito, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Positively Yours AU, Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru Are Twins, Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru are Separate People, Mpreg, Unplanned Pregnancy, One Night Stands, Strangers to Lovers, Established Relationship, for KamuNami, Rating May Change, Getting Together, Nagito is Makoto’s older brother, Tags May Change, Not Beta Read, Discussion of Abortion, Aged-Up Character(s), only Class 77 though, Mild Sexual Content, Miscommunication, Kamukura Izuru Has Feelings, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Slow Burn
“To some, those two lines could be the best news, the hope to create a family with their loved ones. To others, however, they could be the worst news.
Unfortunately, Hajime was part of the latter category.”
After years of celibacy, and after having his longtime feelings unrequited, Hajime decides to throw caution to the wind for one night. Needing to deal with the consequences of his actions, how can Hajime deal with the sudden interest of his one night stand towards him?
Words: 47,583 | Chapters: 10/? | Language: English | Updated: 2024-08-17
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
Haikyuu Male Character(s) x Male Reader Inserts Ⅱ
Tumblr Fanfic Recommendations
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Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please like, comment and/or reblog the original work!
Art work is NOT mine!
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Best Friends Brother
Summary: Bokuto never noticed just how cute his best friend’s little bro was…
A/B/O Story
Alpha!Bokuto x Omega!Male!Reader
Summary: reader is delivering bokuto some honey lemon slices, but it’s huge bomb shell when the volleyball team find out that bokuto has an omega
Akaashi's Nemesis
akaashi x powerbottom! male reader
Suna and his virgin bf
Suna Rintaro x virgin male reader
Suna Rintaro x Male Reader
cw: top male reader, bottom character, overstimulation
milk madness
farmer! asahi, kuroo and bokuto with male cow reader. the trio are portrayed in the mid 20s, reader is 20 
Bokuto & Kenma with a boyfriend
Sakusa Kiyoomi x top!male!Reader
Smut Fic
matsukawa issei x m!reader (pronouns aren't mentioned but the intention is still there)
Oikawa being a soft dom and praising his overstimmed bf
ushijima x male reader
keep up
hybrid au! wolf ushijima w/ bunny top reader
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spooky-bunnys · 5 months
"Hello, I am urgently in need of a part with the plate number 7 FOR, which belongs to Draken's brother. I am eagerly waiting for the seventh chapter of the book. Please post it as soon as possible. Additionally, I hope that you don't rush yourself and take your time. Remember to keep yourself hydrated."
Title: Draken's Brother FINAL
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Baji Keisuke x Draken's Brother
Warnings: FLUFF!
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It took almost a full week to settle everything down. Toman with some help of a few others were able to defeat the Bleeding Sirens. So that meant (Name) was no longer in danger of them. Although from what Takemichi has heard, (Name) was in for a huge ear full when he got back to the brothel. Speaking of the brothel, they just finished celebrating (Name)'s engagement/marking with Baji.
Although Takemichi wishes they could've marked under different circumstances. He's still glad for his friends. Takemichi js just glad everything is back to normal. Well as normal as things can be at the new Toman meetings that is.
"Can you stop trying to eat my brothers face?!" "He's my Omega isn't he?!" Takemichi sweat-dropped at the fighting Alpha's. He looked around for (Name) seeing him talking with the girls. They had been extremely worried about when they found out what went down. Even the original Black Dragon members have been following him around.
Talking about how (Name) is prone to danger. Which Takemichi now fully believes. Especially considering whats happened the past month. Though (Name) still attracts multiple Alpha's even as a marked Omega. Takemichi isn't too surprised about that. Now that he truly knows (Name) he can definitely see what attracts them.
But Takemichi is more then happy with his own Omega. Takemichi watches Hinata and (Name) excitedly talk about something. Emma was chatting with Yazuha and Senju about something which had them laughing. Takemichi smiled at the scene. This is what he wants the future to be. Everyone happy and together.
Hinata looks over and waves at him, making him return the wave with a wide grin. (Name) turned to wave only to notice the argument behind him. Making the Omega groan and quickly make his way over to stop the arguing before it turns physical. Takemichi watches (Name) stand between them and say something that has the two sigh and shake hands. Making the Omega grin widely.
Senju, who is apparently (Name) absolute best friend, came over and stole (Name). Making the two Alpha's yell and chase after her. Takemichi laughed at the scene before he felt a shoulder bump his. "Well partner, how's this for the future?" Takemichi smiled widely. "The future should be looking good!" Chifuyu chuckled and shook his head.
"If anything goes wrong and you have to come back. Remember I'm here for you partner." Takemichi nodded with a determined look. "Thanks Chifuyu. Hopefully the future is fixed now." The two nod at each other. Takemichi waved bye to everyone before leaving the meeting.
When Takemichi opened his eyes. He was expecting to be in either his apartment or the DVD store. Not the bathroom of a Wedding Hall. He'd been so excited thinking he was finally marrying Hinata, but apparently its the Baji's Wedding.
It's apparently been the talk of almost all of Japan. (Name) had become a famous Novelist. Baji had opened up a pet store with Chifuyu and Kazatora and business is booming from what he's been hearing. Mitsuya became a fashion designer like he always wanted. Hakkai was a model and mostly modeled Mitsuya's clothes.
Yazuha his sister was Hakkai's manager. Draken had opened up a Bike shop alongside Inui. Emma was married to Draken and they already had pups running around. The Kawata twins own their own Ramen restaurant which apparently (Name) writes at a lot.
Takemichi's line of thought was distributed when he felt his hand get pulled slightly. He turned and saw Hinata holding a pup that looked just like her. Takemichi's heart stopped. Had he done it? "H-Hina?" Hinata's smile brightened. "You're finally back! You came on a good day too! Come on Mikey's waiting for you."
Hinata dragged him to a relaxed looking Mikey who was laughing at an annoyed looking Draken. Upon seeing the scene Takemichi couldn't help by tear up. He'd finally done it. They got their happy ending. Mikey smiled and jumped up. "Mitchy will agree with me! Hey Takemitchy, who should walk (Name) down the isle? I thought Ken-chin and I could, but he was to be stubborn and says I can't help walk him down the isle!"
Mikey pouted and pointed at Draken who groaned and rubbed his eyes. "Mikey I've already told you! (Name) wanted you to do the flowers with the pups!" Mikey froze for a moment before smiling widely. "Why didn't you say so earlier?!" Mikey grabbed the pup from Hinata and ran away laughing. Hinata chuckled and hugged Takemichi's arm.
"Sorry about him Mitchy. Its been a stressful day. (Name) is so nervous he accidentally locked himself out the bathroom and apparently Senju broke it down." Takemichi could only grimace at the image. "Is everything okay?" Draken nodded. "Yeah everything is great. The future is perfect. Mikey's a professional bike racer. The only danger he is, is to the bikes Inui and I have to fix constantly."
Takemichi chuckled and chatted with the other members. Time flew by and it was finally time for the vows. (Name) looked so gorgeous in his dress suit. Apparently Mitsuya made him a part suit part dress for his wedding. It was beautiful. Baji had cried when (Name) came down the isle. It made everyone laugh.
This was everything Takemichi could've asked for. Everyone was together and so happy. He watched as (Name) and Baji kissed and everyone stood up cheering. Baji threw (Name) over his shoulder and quickly ran down the isle making some people laugh. Others like Draken, Mitsuya, and Senju quickly ran after the two. Yelling at Baji to be careful with (Name).
During the vows (Name) had announced he was pregnant. Which made Draken almost tackle the other Alpha. Luckily Emma was able to keep her husband from traumatizing the younger pups. But Takemichi couldn't ask for a better future. This was everything he wanted and more. Takemichi wrapped an arm around Hinata's waist and sighed happily. This is the perfect future.
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mariondeux · 1 year
My brain is meltin rn homeboy so I might msisepll some thigns bc my autodcorrect ain't workdin
Can I reuqest some ABO w 2wink (Aged up obviously!!) helping out a Transmasc reader??? To sum it up, Readers' been actin strange lately, not really actin like theiar usaul happy n energetic slef- So, the Aoi twins try n comfront their (bestie or s/o, either is cool) and they come across reader tryna get off bc he was in heat- (If the reader could be a catboy that would be amazing! )
Kinks? (Slight) Breeding, Overstim, Biting n Scratching (caused by reader), LOTS O PRAISE‼️
Im goig to ed now
Nighty night
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— SYNOPSIS ; You weren’t being your usual self, going as far as distancing yourself from the twins. Out of worry, they surprise you by showing up unannounced only to find you writhing in bed trying to relieve your heat.
CW ; NSFW, A/B/O Dynamics, Omegaverse, biting and scratching (caused by reader), hints of breeding kink, overstimulation, praise, double penetration, YUTA AND HINATA ARE AGED UP (18)
PAIRING ; Beta!Yuta Aoi x Omega!Catboy!Transmasc!Reader x Beta!Hinata Aoi
A/N ; The A/B/O roles weren’t specified so I just made Yuta and Hinata betas if thats okay !! Also eugh.. this isn’t my best work, but it’s whatever.
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Hinata crept up to your door, exchanging a careful look with Yuta, who was following from close behind. The two of them had noticed how strange you’d been acting lately. You were more quiet, distancing yourself from the two when they knew you enjoyed their presence as much as they enjoyed yours. Normally, you were much more energetic and happy, always so excited to hang out with both of them. They couldn’t help but worry about their dear best friend.
“Are you sure we should do this? I feel like we should’ve let him know we were coming over beforehand…” Yuta spoke up, giving his brother an unsure look.
“It’s fine! We know him. I’m sure he won’t mind it if we drop by to check on him. And anyway, what if he turned us down? We can’t back down now.” Hinata reassured his brother as he approached your door. Before Yuta could speak up to respond to him, he clamped his mouth shut as noises came out from behind the door. An intoxicatingly sweet scent wafted out from past the cracks of your bedroom door, reaching their noses.
Yuta immediately slapped his hand over his mouth, trying to keep himself under control as he connected the dots immediately. You were in heat. That explains why you were acting so weirdly. He looked over at Hinata, and before he could pull him back, Hinata threw your door open.
You didn’t try to scramble out of your bed, already so lost in the dizzying craze of your heat as you desperately a dildo in and out of your loose hole. Slick dripped onto your bed, fully coating the dildo as your hand pressed against your mouth. You couldn’t stop now. And you won’t.
Yuta’s body trembled at the sight before him. He quickly snapped out of it, noticing his brother already approaching your quivering figure.
Hinata crawled into your bed, pulling the dildo away from you, earning him a whine as he tossed the toy somewhere else. He got on top of you, gently pressing your wrists down into the bed.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were going into heat? You had Yuta, and I worried!” 
“I-I… I couldn’t burden you with… my problems…” You panted heavily, eyes glistening as you instinctively bucked your hips into Hinata’s. You clearly weren’t in your right mind. But Hinata didn’t stop you or push you away.
Yuta closed the door behind himself, locking the door before joining the two of you. “You know we can help you, right? We can’t just leave you here to deal with your heat alone…”
Yuta crawled onto your bed as well, moving over to sit on your right side. His hand placed itself onto your torso, caressing your body as you mewled from his touch.
Normally you would’ve double checked with them, but by this point, you were so unbelievably lost. 
“Please! Please, I need you two inside of me!” You cried out, leaning in for more of Yuta’s touch. 
The twins exchange looks, a silent agreement coming between them as Hinata climbs off of you. You looked up at him with a confused look, until he picked you up, sliding his body underneath yours to have you lie on top of him. Yuta got on top of you, now having you sandwiched between the twins.
“Are you ready, kitty?” Hinata grinned, wrapping his left arm around your torso as he used his right hand to unzip his pants, pushing them down to his thighs. Yuta pulled his own pants off, leaving him bare with his slowly hardening cock out on display. His hands ran up your thighs, slinging your legs over his shoulders.
You nodded eagerly, wiggling your hips with desperation. Hinata used his right hand, guiding the tip of his cock against your hole. Yuta pressed his length against your cunt, the two sliding inside of you simultaneously. You threw your head back against Hinata’s shoulder, a satisfied moan emitting from you.
“You’re taking us so well~” Hinata giggled into your ear, thrusting his upwards into yours, quick to drive his length into you as fast as he could. Both of his arms wrapped around your torso, keeping your body in place so he could fuck you without worrying about your body going anywhere. Your hands clawed at Hinata’s, your tail flicking at the air as you attempted to spread your legs wider.
Yuta kept your legs in place over his shoulders, thrusting into you at a more languid pace compared to his brothers. While maybe going crazy inside of you may be more efficient to relieve your heat, he wanted to get you to melt and relax around him. His hands massaged your thighs, burying his cock deep into you each time your hips made contact. One of his hands rode up your stomach, watching as their cocks entered in and out of you, causing your belly to bulge a little. “You look so pretty getting fucked by us, all teary-eyed and begging for more of us.”
You were blabbering any word you could mutter at this point. You don’t think you could think straight with both of the twins fucking you open like this. Your thighs trembled as you felt Yuta speed up his pace a little, the head of his cock massaging against just the right spot inside of you. Your head was going haywire. If this kept up for just a couple more seconds, you think you’d come the earliest you ever had in your life.
“A-Ah… I can feel you tighten around me… are you close? You can come…” Yuta panted, leaning over your body as his orange locks tickled your nose. You tried to close your mouth, trying to prevent any drool from making it path your lips, and yet, you failed, only making more of a mess of yourself.
“Come on, come on~ come for us!” Hinata urged on, feeling his cock twitch inside of you as your tail coiled around his leg.
You didn’t need to be told twice. Your walls spasmed and contracted around them, legs shaking uncontrollably as you came around Yuta’s cock. You felt like you were tossed onto a rollercoaster when Yuta and Hinata didn’t stop thrusting inside of you. Your arms outstretched and wrapped around Yuta, your nails wildly scratching at his back as you struggled to keep yourself composed. You were so overstimulated; the pleasure became too much to bear.
You pulled Yuta down, clamping your teeth down on his neck as your nails dug further into the flesh on his back. Yuta didn’t shove you off of him, letting you go crazy in between their bodies as they continued to fuck you.
“We’re gonna stuff you up so well~ Bury our cum deeep inside of you and have you bare our pups. Wouldn’t you like that, kitty?”
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TAGLIST ; @resluv @berrycolaa @noahrandom @1694 @raiiinydayz @rennie-1 @leoyayzies @harumagi @nazunis
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