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robertobaoriate · 1 year ago
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El respeto dentro de la Regla de Osha, también conocida como la cultura afrocubana Lucumí, desempeña un papel fundamental en la construcción de relaciones armoniosas entre los Olorisas. Esta tradición religiosa, arraigada en la cultura yoruba, enfatiza la importancia de honrar a los orishas, a los ancestros y a los demás practicantes. El respeto mutuo es la base de una comunidad Osha sólida y un componente esencial para el crecimiento espiritual.
En la Regla de Osha, el respeto se manifiesta a través de varios principios y prácticas. Uno de los aspectos clave es reconocer el rango y la experiencia de los Olorisas más antiguos. Los Olorisas más jóvenes deben mostrar deferencia hacia aquellos con más conocimiento y experiencia, aprendiendo de sus enseñanzas y consejos. La tradición también enfatiza la humildad, ya que todos los practicantes, sin importar su nivel de conocimiento, están en constante aprendizaje.
La colaboración desinteresada es otro pilar fundamental en esta religión. Los Olorisas deben trabajar juntos para el beneficio de la comunidad, sin esperar recompensas personales. Esto se refleja en la realización de ceremonias colectivas, la asistencia a iniciaciones y la ayuda mutua en momentos de necesidad. La idea central es que al colaborar de manera desinteresada, se fortalece el tejido espiritual de la comunidad y se crea un ambiente de confianza y apoyo.
Para mantener relaciones basadas en el respeto mutuo y la colaboración desinteresada en la Regla de Osha, es esencial practicar la comunicación abierta y la escucha atenta. Las diferencias de opinión y las disputas pueden surgir en cualquier comunidad, pero abordar estos problemas con respeto y empatía puede ayudar a resolver conflictos de manera constructiva. Además, es importante recordar que el respeto no se limita solo a los Olorisas, sino que se extiende a todos los seres humanos y al entorno natural.
En resumen, la Regla de Osha enfatiza la importancia del respeto y la colaboración desinteresada entre los Olorisas para mantener una comunidad espiritual fuerte y armoniosa. A través de la humildad, la deferencia hacia los mayores y la práctica de valores fundamentales, los practicantes pueden construir relaciones significativas y enriquecedoras en su camino espiritual.
© Robert Obà Ení Orìaté
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crimechannels · 1 year ago
By • Olalekan Fagbade Oyo State Government. to support Iyemoja Festival towards earning UNESCO recognition The Oyo State Government will fully support the annual celebration of the Iyemoja Festival in Ibadan and ensure it attracts the attention of UNESCO. The Commissioner for Culture and Tourism, Dr Wasiu Olatunbosun, gave this assurance at the end of the celebration of the 2023 Iyemoja Festival. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the celebration was held at the River Bank of Popoyemoja in Ibadan. Olatunbosun said the state government threw its weight behind the festival in order to promote and preserve the cultural heritage, as well as remember the forebears in the state. “To make the approval of UNESCO a reality, the next Iyemoja Festival will be well packaged to attract a mammoth crowd to grace the occasion,” he said. The Commissioner said this would attract sponsorship to the Festival from different brands. Earlier, the festival’s Yeyelorisa, Omitonade Ifawemimo Egbelade, had said the festival was an avenue for every son and daughter of Yemoja both at home and in the diaspora to converge. “This will enable us to celebrate our past heroes and also plan on ways to move the belief forward,” she said. NAN reports that the highpoint of the Festival celebration was the appeasement to the Iyemoja deity by Baale Iyemoja, Omikunmi Egbelade. He took the propitiation and dived into the river, a symbolic representation of the sacrificial rites. Prayers were later offered for the Oyo State Government and people of the state. Other highlights were cultural displays by different masquerades, such as Ayelabola, Danafojura, the Olorisa Yemoja, Gelede and a host of others.(NAN)
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davidsoto666 · 2 years ago
"Coronación de Santo"
También llamada "Yoko Osha".
Significa recibir el ashe o espiritualidad de tu Angel de la Guarda u Orisha Alagbatori en tu cabeza además de otras deidades.
Es la Ceremonia más hermosa a la que puede tener acceso una persona dentro de la Religión Yoruba.
Es una Ceremonia cuya dirección queda en manos del Obba Oriate ( Santero con un grado importante de conocimiento ), quien es el encargado de liderar el trabajo que cada Olorisa ( Santer@ ).
Es importante que sepas que los preparativos de la Coronación de Santo inician muchos dias antes ( siete o catorce ) dependiendo de cada Santo a Consagrar; Además de los preparativos y honras a los ancestros.
En la Práctica Afrodescendiente es común realizar una investigacion Espiritual ( misa espiritual ) antes de la ceremonia.
Asi como una consulta, ebbo de entrada y rogación de cabeza, que en algunas Casas Santorales realiza el Babalawo.
El dia de la coronación, es importante que el Padrino / Madrina y Obba Oriate, ya cuenten con las herramientas, soperas / vasijas y por supuesto los "otanes" que van a ser consagrados.
La primera parte de la consagración es la preparación del "Osain", esto significa extraer las propiedades mágicas y curativas de cada hierba.
Para la preparación del "Omiero" se utilizan las hierbas más significativas de cada Orisha, y en su conjunto llegan a sumar mas de "Ciento Una".
Este Omiero nos sirve para realizar el "Lavatorio" y para finalizar, vendrá la Ceremonia de Asentar cada Orisha y posteriormente el Sacrificio.
No te dejes engañar!!!
En el Sacrificio a cada Orisha, es importante que empleemos animales de plumas y cuatro patas para cada Orisha, y estos "NO SE PUEDEN COMPARTIR", en el caso de que otra persona este coronando aparte de uno.
Al tercer dia, cada uno de los Orishas que fuerón a tu cabeza, van a darte un consejo (Itan) el cual se realizará a traves del dilogun o caracol y lo efectua el Obba Oriate.
El Iyawo deberá permanecer en su Trono adentro del cuarto de Santo por espacio de Siete dias.
Nota: Solo en el caso de Elegba, el Iyawó podrá ser liberado o absuelto si así lo determina su Angel de la Guarda y previa autorización del Obba Oriate después de su Itan.
Y asi inicia su Iyaworaje, el cual dura Un año y siete dias; Tiempo en el cual el recien iniciad@ deberá observar con estricto apego todos los consejos y tabús propios de sus Santos y signos que le hayan sido revelados.
Transcurtidos los primeros tres meses, el Iyawó debera acudir con su Padrino o Madrina para que se realice su "Ebbo Meta". Que es una ceremonia donde vuelven a comer sus Orishas ( generalmente aves, excepto su Padre y Madre de Santo, quienes ademas se les ofrece cuatro patas ).
Es importante que sepas, que finalizado tu Ebbo Meta, tu Padrino o Madrina te deben entregar todos y cada uno de los Orishas que te fuerón consagrados, asi como tu "libreta", en la cual se anotaron los signos y consejos de cada Orisha.
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empyreal-insights · 6 years ago
Egbe: The Family You Didn’t Know You Had
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While many Ifa / Orisa / Isese practitioners have heard the word egbe in the context of a social club or study group*, the Yoruba practice of Egbe veneration has only recently come to this side of the water.  
In a spiritual sense, your Egbe are your spiritual family - or Heavenly Mates as one author calls them. These beings may or may not incarnate, but they care for you in the dimension between conception and birth, and continue to journey with you after you arrive on earth. Incarnated Egbe may become our soulmates, “twin flames”, and good friends, but many remain disembodied, assisting us on another plane. 
Folks then ask: how is this different from one’s Ancestors? An Ancestor is someone who physically incarnated, and is part of the literal bloodline that resulted in your unique existence. The distinction is that they definitely lived on earth in human form, and - in the case of your parents, grandparents, and so on - created a family line.  
My humble theory is that Egbe rode the coattails of spirit guides, Ancestor veneration, and spiritualism (a practice prominent in Latinx / Caribbean sects of Yoruba tradition) until we could get back across the water and make the appropriate distinctions. 
Still, our ignorance hasn’t always saved us. We’ve had Egbe issues for generations, but even some of our most experienced spiritualists didn’t know what they were seeing.  
Premature death, fertility issues, generational “curses”, suicide, anxiety, depression, and all manner of personality issues can be - in a Yoruba context - attributed to a distorted relationship with Egbe.** 
Another telltale sign of Egbe-related problems is a life that’s going along relatively well, but with some glaring, unexplained exception. For example: someone with a brilliant career and every material comfort whose houses keep burning down. A skilled, smart person that can’t keep a job. A genuinely kind, sweet soul that people lie and gossip about, with life-altering results. 
From one perspective, it can sound a bit sinister. Why would anyone want to deal with a spirit like that?! But Egbe loves us so much that sometimes they just want us back home. They see the trials of this life and don’t understand why you had to leave while they’re chillin’ in the spirit realm. If you left a partner there, they miss you. If you fall in love with someone on this side, will you ever come back to them? 
Remember: quite a few of them never lived as humans. They don’t have the same concepts of time and three dimensional reality, and may not realize how finite life is. It’s difficult to explain that we’ll naturally give up our bodies and return. All they know is: we’re not there, right now. Where we really belong. Worse yet, we seem to have forgotten about them!
So they mess with stuff that tugs at your soul. Block your blessings. Make life just uncomfortable enough in just the right ways so that you consider leaving.  
With a few exceptions, my life was pretty dope until my mid to late 20s. In my early 30s, I noticed a shift.  Relationships dried up. I never went hungry, but there was rarely more than just enough money. Despite my previous spiritual work and training, the profound breakthroughs I experienced earlier in my journey eluded me. 
In a fit of frustration, I called my godmother. By many measures, I was doing everything right, but reaping the bare minimum. My godfather cited the proverb, “Work like elephant, eat like rat.” 
She asked Baba to throw opele*** for a quick answer. A few moments later he says, “Ah. She has to initiate to Osun and Egbe.” 
With just those words, a weight lifted and a light came on. I came close to weeping.   
Osun had always been close to me, but I’d been slated to initiate to Sango for years. I knew that could change... but, wow... Osun? And what the hell was an Egbe???
First, I apologized and pled with Egbe for mercy and to forgive my ignorance. After that, I fussed. In no uncertain terms, I let them know: “If you block me, you don’t get what you want. Without an open road, I can’t do what I need to do for you. Meet me at least halfway, and I’ll answer your call.”
In the meantime, I listened, learned, made an effort with offerings and prayers, and they showed up and showed out. 
How do I know?
There were about 10 years between the time I entered the tradition, and when I initiated to Osun. 
It only took two years after that to initiate to Egbe. 
(Which is also a testament to the power and quick work of Osun. Ore Yeye O!) 
Egbe’s energy can be overwhelming, dense, and unwieldy. They can be demanding, mischievous, even petulant. It takes time to get into a groove with them. 
But they also brought wholeness and understanding: my precarious birth; a family full of miracle babies, miscarriages, and middle aged deaths; our uncanny connection to Spirit... all of it put into context.  
I celebrate my renewed bond with my Egbe, and the sweetness they’ve brought to my life. 
I am so grateful for this joy.
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N.B. - If this resonates, please understand that regardless of the details of your current practice, instruction around and/or initiation to Egbe will likely require the assistance of a reputable, fully trained Yoruba Elegbe / Olorisa / Awo, since the practice remains a rarity in the west. 
Also keep in mind that everyone has a unique destiny. The worship of Orisa, Ifa, Egun (Ancestors) and other energies are enough for many. I can only speak for my path, and what it demanded. If your practice is working for you, keep working it! 
*E.g., egbe obinrin might refer to a women’s society / club / gathering. Egbe Obataala could refer to a group of Obataala priests and devotees gathering for worship and education centered around that Orisa.  .
**Yes, our circumstances and experiences have sometimes made it difficult to distinguish spiritual problems from the consequences of societal and systemic oppression. Still, one’s relationship with Egbe adds another layer to the story.   
This is also not meant to negate the reality of mental illness and/or clinical diagnoses. Brain chemistry is a thing. However, Egbe is capable of inducing a very particular state that mimics these things - often accompanied by a sense of feeling out of place, lonely, or separated from something important. For me, it often manifested as a deep ennui and heavy sadness.   . 
***The divination chain used by Ifa priests.
[Egbe shrine photo credit]
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thatladydownthestreet · 6 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @rooted_conjure Accepting preorders for my handmade Florida Water! I have two formulations available: Gin/Lavender and Rum/Chamomile. These are the truth and the light! They smell amazing and works great for clearing negative energies, protection, harmony, and balance.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2 oz is $8 plus shipping⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 4 oz is $15 plus shipping⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Uses include: Floorwash or wipe down any area that needs cleansing. If you choose the spray nozzle instead of a screw cap, you can spray it in areas at home, at work, in your car, or any place that needs to be cleansed spiritually. You can even cleanse yourself with it! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Remember to set your intentions when using it (what you want to clear away and what you want to welcome and manifest in your space). #floridawater #olorisha #olorisa #blessedwaters #thatladydownthestreet #ancestor #spiritualcleansing #blitch #hoodoo #handmade #rootedconjure #natural #conjure #herbalist #spiritual #rootworker #witch (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0QQBaYAZBH/?igshid=1iebuhdvw1pmm
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abundancechild · 4 years ago
A reminder to be sweet. #oritoldmetotellyou ... Only draw your sword when necessary... when there’s a worthy opponent or a just cause... and lick the blade as you watch their heads roll. Otherwise... keep your sword tucked, and your tongue coated in honey. May your sweetness give you the upper hand and advantage when faced with adversity, obstacles or folks who are hell bent on insulting you, upsetting you or just getting in your way. Maferefun Oshun. Maferefun Obba Nani. Remember to be sweet. ~OG BSK / Iya Coralí 🕊 Source @berettascottking #AdulawoTv #OrisaTv #orisa #orisha #orisalife #orisalifestyle #orisaculture #olorisa #olorisaculture https://www.instagram.com/p/CQN4MbKDTE5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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trascapades · 6 years ago
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👑💛🎨#ArtIsAWeapon 👨🏿‍🎨 @senegambia81 - OSHUN 👸🏿@oshunsweetnsour @decolonizingthecrone 📸 @chrischarles.co ____________________ Reposted from @oshunsweetnsour: "You ever have one of those moments when the Universe reminds you that it is answering your prayers, ritual, conjuring, petitions and wishes with a resounding 'Yes Daughter... keep going. Don’t look back!'? Thank you @senegambia81 for asking me with the utmost respect to collaborate on this art work together and thank you for taking my breath away. Ore Yeye O! Osun Gbe Wa O! Maferefun Yeye mi Osun!  This is my sabbatical year. My Phoenix Rising year. My 52nd rotation around the sun. My year to rebirth, rejuvenate, create and take flight! Join me! Check the link in my bio 🍯" #osun #oxum #oshun #ochun #priestess #olorisa #olosun #art #orisa #orishas #orixa #digitalart #decolonizingthecrone #phoenixrising #decolonizebeautystandards #TraScapades #BlackGirlArtGeeks🤓 #ArtIsAWeapon https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOuVMhBIK1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ojm8ido4vieg
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the9jafresh · 4 years ago
Mide Martins has two girls, will reap what she sows – Actress Ashabi Olorisa blows hot, renovates Funmi Martins’ grave
Mide Martins has two girls, will reap what she sows – Actress Ashabi Olorisa blows hot, renovates Funmi Martins’ grave
A U.S based veteran actress, Aderonke Ajenise Oduborisa popularly known as “Ashabi Olorisha” recently renovated the grave of the late actress Funmi Martin and called out star actress, Mide Martins a few days ago on social media, through a video she shared on Instagram for abandoning it. According to her “whenever I share something on social media please don’t contest it. I am not a rude person…
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karmicstar · 3 years ago
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ORISHA are the emissaries of Olodumare here on earth to do the will and work of Olodumare.
Some were born like every other being but as time goes, they discovered they were blessed with one or two powers that others didn’t possessed. Some possessed these powers right from birth while some acquired it here on earth.
They have their followers and also their dos and donts which their people follow but one thing we need to understand is that they are always in line with the will of Olodumare.
Importantly, those who we call Orisha didn’t die. Some disappeared while some left a symbol or an icon for their people to call on anytime they need their help. While they were on earth, they performed extraordinarily to the extent that people don’t want them to go and can’t afford to lose them, so they will leave a representative for their people to call on anytime they need their help.
Every human on earth have one or two guidance Orisha that is assigned to watch over them and to keep them safe. So getting initiated to Orisa is more or less like getting more connected to your guardian Orisa for your spiritual growth.
We can’t just wake up one day and say “i want to be initiated to this Orisha”, No! You need proper consultation from a competent Babalawo/Olorisa to know where your path lies.
Grand Rising
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ericotrips · 5 years ago
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All that my friend and I knew about Susanne Wenger, prior to visiting her house was the active part she played in restoring Osun-Osogbo Grove, matter-of-fact, I can say I’m quite lucky to have been to her House and the Grove, both tourist destinations were amazing!
Originally, this post was supposed to be published last week but then, Dr Rochelle Knight of Adventures from Elle was kind enough to share with us her answers to 17 interesting questions. So now you have two helpful blogposts at your fingertips!
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Susanne Wenger in Osun-Osogbo Grove
After finishing from Genesis Art Gallery [get the full gist], my friend and I visited the National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM) in the Ataoja of Osogbo Palace. While there, I asked the Chairman few questions concerning tourist attractions and he mentioned the House, National Museum, Olumirin Waterfall and a few other places I’ll be visiting later.
blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.
Finding Susanne’s House…
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41A Ibokun Road
Although Susanne’s House wasn’t on Google Maps, we easily located the place using the Chairman’s description. Just in case you’re visiting, it’s close to the Ataoja’s Palace and Osogbo City Central Mosque.
Getting there, a local informed the tour guide of our purposeful visit and after seeing us, the guide asked if we wanted a comprehensive tour of the premises or discuss one-on-one with Chief (Mrs) Doyin, Mama Susanne Wenger’s protege. Ask for both!
Fun Fact: Chief (Mrs) Doyin Faniyi is one of Susanne Wenger’s adopted children, she is an Oshun Priestess that currently resides at the house and accommodates tourists during visits.
What’s Inside…
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My friend and I climbed two flights of wooden stairs to the first floor before meeting with Chief (Mrs) Doyin, she was a bit busy with her records. Once free, she answered all of our questions about Susanne Wenger.
Chief (Mrs) Doyin spoke eloquently of Susanne often referring to her as Mama Susanne Wenger. According to Chief, Mama founded the New Sacred Art Movement and saved Osun-Osogbo Grove from endangerment.
Wayback in the 80s, Mama Susanne Wenger with the assistance of the New Sacred Art Movement and locals restored 75 hectares of the Grove which was originally two hundred hectares of rainforest.
Mama was popularly called “Adunni Olorisa” meaning “Adunni the idol worshipper” by yoruba folk. She’s known for working with figures such as His Royal Majesty Iyiola Oyewale Matanmi III, the former Ataoja of Osogboland. She also adopted and trained Chief Nike Davies-Okundaye in the Arts alongside 11 other children.
Fun Fact: There’s no restriction on taking photos of yourself or the artworks in Mama Susanne’s House.
Adunni Olorisa didn’t teach artists, instead she encouraged artists to practice African Arts, one of Chief Doyin’s most peculiar stories of Mama was when she groomed a blacksmith into a metalworks expert.
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this stone carving artist, one of Mama’s own, used to be a carpenter
Why Mama Susanne Wenger’s House is the best Cultural Centre in Osogbo…
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Mama Susanne Wenger was a versatile Australian artist who painted and practised wood carving, sculpting, writing, and batik to mention a few.
Fun Fact: Susanne Wenger’s House is a Brazilian style building in the capital city of Osun that houses over 400 artworks.
Mama with the New Sacred Art Movement contributed to many artworks in the Grove, she is known for naming a bunch of them. Today, artworks credited to the New Sacred Art Movement are showcased in the National Black Theatre in New York.
Fun Fact: If it matches the aesthetics, you can feature your artworks in Mama Susanne’s House.
If you’ve been to Osogbo in the past, especially when it’s time for Osun-Osogbo Festival in August, you’ll see how important the Grove is to yoruba pilgrims from all over the world and yes! Susanne made all of that possible.
The Sum Up…
Historically, Mama Susanne was a foreigner in Osogbo who discovered the cultural significance in what our forefathers devalued. Presently, monumental structures in Osun-Osogbo Grove are maintained by the New Sacred Art Movement. Thanks to her for the preservation of the Osogboland heritage.
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Susanne Wenger’s Bedroom
The age of Mama’s House was hard to say but I think it has existed for a long time, about six decades ago. It had ornamental doors, columns, walls and asthetics. Also, the tables, chairs and benches were mesmerising products of wood carving or metalwork and many artworks downstairs were exhibited for sale. I had an incredible experience at the house of the art maestro…
“She is not dead. She lives through her works. She only has become an Orisha. She only slept, she didn’t die.” – Susanne Wenger Follower
Thanks for reading, sharing your thoughts, and being a part of ericotrips network!
Photos from susannewenger-aot, demitalks, titiswanderlust and susannewengerfoundation
WHY SUSANNE WENGER’S HOUSE IS THE BEST CULTURAL CENTRE IN OSOGBO All that my friend and I knew about Susanne Wenger, prior to visiting her house was the active part she played in restoring…
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robertobaoriate · 2 years ago
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Por supuesto que nosotros ademas de lideres religiosos de nuestra comunidad somos hombres y mujeres , nacidos de familias, hombres con virtudes y defectos como todos los seres humanos. Pero sobre todo no olvidemos que los Orisas nos han escogido desde toda la eternidad para cumplir la misión de llevar el amor y el perdón a todos los hombres. Por ello, en nuestras vidas debe resplandecer el amor, debemos ser padres ejemplares para nuestra comunidad de ahijados y seguidores en la Fe. Todos y cada uno de nosotros debemos estar bien preparados humana y espiritualmente para poder responder a todos los retos y responsabilidades que trae consigo nuestro trabajo ya sea como Padrinos Madrinas u/y Oriateces. Ser religioso en un mundo en continuo cambio, que todo lo relativiza y que parece ir hacia la total libertad de costumbres, ciertamente no es fácil. Muchos sacerdotes sufren la incomprensión y el rechazo de sus contemporáneos. Otros sufren de soledad en este mundo, en que queda poco espacio para la Fe y el amor a la Religion, el respeto a las tradiciones que nos legaron nuestros ancestros pero, si nos mantenemos fieles a nuestra misión espiritual, y no dejamos de un lado nuestros esfuerzos y fe en los Orisas , podremos decir al final de nuestros dias con alegría: "Misión cumplida". Hoy, cuando muchos medios de comunicación social e incluso acá en las redes sociales pareciera que se regocijan, buscando y aireando casos de escándalos, estafas y abusos de poder por parte de "supuestos religiosos" , sería bueno recordar que la mayoría de los religiosos de todos los tiempos han sido buenos seguidores de las tradiciones y han cumplido y cumplimos fielmente nuestra misión. Si no han faltado infieles a su vocación, tampoco han faltado nunca religiosos eminentes para gloria de nuestra Religion y de la humanidad misma. La vocación al sacerdocio en nuestra Religion Yoruba es como un poema de amor entre el Orisa y el hombre. Es una llamada y una respuesta de amor al Amor. Es un diálogo de corazón a corazón, en el que nuestros Orisas nos llaman a ser siervos de nuestra Fe , dispuestos a dar nuestras vidas por los demás y a servirles sin condiciones ni limitaciones para siempre. El Olorisa está llamado a ser un mediador entre los Orisas y los hombres. Y nadie puede arrogarse ni envanecerse por este honor, pues son ellos, los Orisas quienes nos llaman. Recordemos siempre que el Olorisa (como guia espiritual, como padrino, madrina, Oluwo etc) es tomado de entre los hombres en favor de los hombres para la gloria de nuestra Tradición, de nuestra Fe, de nuestros Orisas. Por eso, un sacerdote no puede ser mediocre. Nuestras familias Religiosas necesitan sacerdotes al 100% y no sacerdotes a medias. Y eso debe notarse hasta en su modo de vestir y de vivir. Un sacerdote no puede llevar una vida de lujo que escandalice a sus ahijados pobres o vivir igual que cualquiera, de fiesta en fiesta y espectáculos de cualquier tipo, con la excusa de que hay que estar al día o a la moda. Un sacerdote debe cuidar su espíritu, pues debe ser un modelo espiritual para los demás, o sea, debe ser ejemplar. Cada palabra y cada acción deben estar imbuidas de su espíritu sacerdotal y de su misión de salvar la humanidad. Después de haber explicado anteriormente lo que es el sacerdocio en nuestra Religion Yoruba y de haber visto la inmensa dignidad y grandeza del sacerdote, podemos concluir que la vocación religiosa es un regalo maravilloso de Oloddumare, hay que decirlo bien alto: Vale la pena ser sacerdote y seguir nuestra mision sin condiciones y a tiempo completo. Agradezcamos a Oloddumare y a nuestros Orisas por el don inmenso del sacerdocio Yoruba . Oshun bendiga a todos nuestros hermanos. Ase
Robert Oba Oriate
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asedanaraka · 4 years ago
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Oyá é tão poderosa, que era capaz de carregar um búfalo em seus ombros como símbolo de seu poder e força. Oyá era uma exímia caçadora e guerreira. Criada por odes (caçadores), desde cedo dominava a arte da guerra e da caça. Segundo Iya Adenle Olorisa Oyá Ira, sacerdotisa de Oyá na cidade de Ira em Oyo State na Nigéria, Oyá era muito temida e considerada mais forte que um homem. Oyá era rápida, forte, inteligente e imponente. Apesar do búfalo ser um animal que simboliza Oyá não era em um búfalo que Oyá se transformava. Segundo o Baba Elesire Awodele Sowunmi Opeki Zarcel, Oya se transformava em um antílope e não em um búfalo. Oyá em suas caçadas matava um búfalo (que é um feito incrível para qualquer caçador) e o carregava sobre os ombros e cabeça até chegar em seu vilarejo. Isso indicava, além de sustento, pois o búfalo contém muita carne e alimenta um vilarejo inteiro por dias, também era uma demonstração do poder e da força de Oyá. Oyá é extremamente admirada e respeitada por Sango, sendo muitas vezes temida por Sango. Tamanha é essa admiração que Sango jamais se separa de Oyá e a tornou sua principal companheira. Sem Oyá Sango não faz fogo! Tamanha é essa cumplicidade, que assim que Sango adentrou a terra e voltou para o orun, Oyá foi junto. Brava guerreira e a grande caçadora e senhora de Ira, cujo principal templo leva o nome de Ile Oyá Okê Onira. Não há quem não respeite essa grande Iyagba. Eyi Oyá ôôô Eepaa Odo Oyá ôôô #ilêaséibádanaràká🌈 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGWCVWLHyc2/?igshid=vp3h78f042sm
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davidsoto666 · 2 years ago
Que es el Ashe
El ashe es aquella energía, que inunda a todo lo que existe , de esta forma podemos afirmar que el ashe se encuentra en las piedras, las plantas, los animales, los minerales, los insectos, los seres humanos etc.. todo lo que existe en nuestro mundo y en el universo tiene ashe, el ashe es la energía que nos ha dado Olodumare, es por eso que los olorisas, los awos, los paleros y todos aquellos que trabajamos con las energías de la naturaleza y el espiritu usamos y recanalizamos el ashe, el concepto del ashe es muy amplio para los yorubas, es equiparable al yin y al yan, al maná o el prama en otras culturas y disciplinas religiosas, el encargado de proporcionar ashe es Olorun, Olorun es la segunda manifestación de Olodumare y la tercera manifestación es Olofi, entonces Olorun es el encargado de otorgar ashe en el universo, como lo explique antes el ashe que inunda todo lo creado por Olodumare es fundamental para los Yorubas para poder conectar con Olodumare, existe una falsa creencia de que las personas tenemos mas o menos ashe y que eso no hace mejores o peores olorisas, awos, paleros etc... esto basándose en que el sagrado oddun eyeunle odi, nos refiere que el ashe se encontraba concentrado en una enorme calabaza y cuando esta cayó se repartió el ashe en todo lo existente, de esta forma se piensa que el ashe fue esparcido como cuando dejas caer un vaso de agua en donde las gotas de agua se esparcen en diferentes direcciones y concentrándose mas en un sitio y menos en otros, esta creencia es falsa, ya que todos tenemos potencialmente el ashe necesario para poder resolver a las personas que se atienden con nosotros y que buscan la resolución de sus problemas, lo que si es una realidad es que no todos podemos conectar con el ashe de la misma forma, el ashe personal se tiene que desarrollar, pero para poder desarrollarlo primero tenemos que encontrarlo, esto es posible si podemos encontrar el vínculo necesario, daré como ejemplo para todos aquellos que tienen Yoko Osha, el poder conectar con nuestro ashe personal dependera del oddun que tenemos en nuestro Orisa Alagbatori, pero el primer oddun es decir el que viene de nuestra propia mano, ya que es la forma en que ori da su mensaje, manifestando o revelando el destino de esa persona en particular, voy a dar de forma sintetizada lo que indica cada oddun y la forma de encontrar nuestro ashe personal.
A continuación dependiendo del oddun en tu orisa alagbatori, encontraras la conexión necesaria para alinear tu ori con tu ashe personal.
Okana: En este oddun se encuentra el ashe personal conectando con el mundo de los muertos.
Eyioko: A través de los espiritus del monte, o el monte.
Ogunda: A través de la fuerza de voluntad.
Iroso: A través de los sentimientos y emociones.
Oshe: A través de los ancestros.
Obara: A través de la reflexión de lo vivido.
Odi: A través de la espiritualidad.
Eyeunle: A través de la intelectualidad o desarrollo mental.
Osa: A través de los elementos naturales, agua, fuego, aire y tierra.
Ofun: A través de la sabiduria, (en Ofun nunca se logra una posición en la juventud sino hasta edad madura, ya que las canas representan experiencia y sabiduria de vida)
Ojuani: A través de la actitud de ser constructivo y positivo (ojuani es destruccion, por la tanto la forma de conectar el ashe personal es controlando el impulso destructivo, siendo constructivo, buscar la forma de ser siempre un pedastal de las personas que lo rodean)
Eyila: A través de la salud (salud mental, salud fisíca, salud espiritual) eyila hace referencia a la pasíon fuera de control que puede incrementar los problemas a los problemas existentes, por lo tanto el tener salud emocional y mental permitira tener un control sobre esa pasión desbordada) pasión, hace referencia a ser apasionado a determinado objetivo o creencia, el fanatismo es pasión fuera de control que no es sana para quien la vive.
Metanla: A través de la determinación.
Merinla: A través del control del ofo ashe, es decir el control de las palabra (los nacidos en este signo tienen el poder de invocar energías y crear circuntancias a través de su palabra, pero el no tener control de este acarreara comportamientos autodestructivos).
Marunla: A través de la practica del autocontrol y la lógica.
Meridiloggun: A través de la conexión de su ori usado como puente para conectar con Olodumare. (en este signo la persona tiene como misión en la vida incrementar su ori, es decir elevar su espiritu para poder conectar de forma directa con Olofi)
Lo antes expuesto se encuentra de forma sintetizada y resumida, tenemos que tener en cuenta que la conexión con el ashe personal siempre podrá ser para un uso positivo o negativo, por que el ashe es es neutro y la persona es el que le da un enfoque, constructivo o negativo, pero siempre que sea usado con fines destructivos obstaculiza que nuestro espíritu se eleve y evolucione.
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empyreal-insights · 4 years ago
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I'm a city girl. No Big Mama in the country, or even with a piece of land. I know of concrete, not chickens. 😄 •° Orisa worship granted me a few skills I NEVER thought I'd have. •° Also: this is the side of the work many never see. Behind the pretty cloth, bells, drums, and mysteriously veiled shrines are... a lot of very messy, earthly things. The blessings lie in both. • #olorisa #iyaegbe https://www.instagram.com/p/CF72nnxlLdz/?igshid=1makznyobjlwp
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thatladydownthestreet · 6 years ago
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“Started from the bottom now we here” Pinterest came through on this DIY herb drying rack. #olorisha #olorisa #herbalist #herbs #thatladydownthestreet #blitch #hoodoo #nailedit (at Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Hnl_-g9Vu/?igshid=1hvloje6zyke7
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i-am-iya · 5 years ago
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Oodua- Female energy of Obatala ( Among the Egbados).
Oodua is an Orisa that is associated with the Gelede Mask society. She is known in her highest manifestation as Iya-funfun ( white or extremely fair complexioned mother ).
This aspect represents the power of the female energy to cut through the illusory iron clad nature of the universe . It represents the powers associated with the Iyaamis and elevates the respect that the world has for the female energy of the Iyaamis .
Who is Oodua?
- from stories in Okanran , Ogbe and Ofun in the Eerindinlogun of the Olorisas, Oodua is seen as the wife of Obatala who also played a part in creation just as Yemoo, another wife of Obatala, assisted in the creation of mankind .
Oodua is also seen as the female aspect of Obatala because her Ase, energy, is equal or exactly like that of Obatala , infact she is praised in the same oriki as Obatala .
Having interviewed some Elderly worshippers of Oodua about the nature of Oodua, this is what some said :
1. Oodua is the wife of Obatala.
2. Oodua is identical to Obatala ,
if you are asked to worship Obatala and you find Oodua, she is as good as Obatala .
3. Some think she is Obatala , this was what the Olori Agberu Gelede of Ilaro said:
However Oodua is classified among the Orisa funfun of the Obatala pantheons, due to the fact that her ewoo (taboos) are exactly what Obatala forbids e.g.:
A. No Epo ( palm oil)
B. No palm wine
C.No salt .
.Oodua takes white things and white Animals
Oral history of Ilaro says that at the early founding of Ilaro Kingdom, the kingdom faced all sorts of difficulties and wars. And so, a strange woman, extremely fair complexioned, appeared in a village called Itolu and started performing all types of human daily activities e.g. :farming/trading . She was identified later as Oodua and she assisted the kingdom in solving many of their problems and also in defeating their enemies in war . After this she suddenly disappeared at a spot in Itolu village and on that spot appeared a mud house covered with iki -a sort of raffia palms. She left her stones and other things of Ase there and so that is the main shrine of Oodua in Egbado , a temple was built there in Itolu forest .
Worship is done to Oodua once every three years when the Gelede festival is concluded .
Orisas linked to Oodua in Itolu are:
-Ibifun and Ibisere ( both river orisas )
Before Oodua left and disappeared she was said to have stamped her feet on the earth and water sprang forth... and they became the Orisas Ibifun and Ibisere. When Orisa Yewa, the sister of Oodua, heard, she came from Idogo a nearby town to join Ibifun and Ibisere. Those three Orisas are worshipped at the stream where they met. A part of the stream is hot while the other is cold .
Oodua is praised as Abiyamo:
-Aboja gboro gboro - the mother with the long sash to save her devotees .
-Onile iki -owner of the house made of iki .
-Oro oko Afin- The great spirit husband of the Albino .
-Olowo gbogboro tin yo omo re lo ofin - The long armed one who removes her children from danger .
Oodua - Egbeji igbo ,Agbe wa ooo, Ase.
Picture of Authors Oodua
One of "our mothers," an elderly priestess of the goddess
The wooden mask shown here was created for Gelede.
The Gelede tradition pays homage to the spiritual powers of women, especially elderly women known affectionately as "our mothers," awon iya wa. The powers possessed by such women, comparable to those of the deities, spirits, or ancestors, may be used for the benefit or the destruction of society. When manifesting their destructive dimension such elderly women are termed aje ("witches"). If angered, they can bring down individuals and entire communities.
As dusk approaches after a dazzling array of masqueraders imaging countless aspects of Yoruba life and thought, a final masker--one that synthesizes goddess, ancestress, and priestess--appears to conclude and bless the Gelede spectacle. Her white ensemble glowing in the growing darkness, Iya Odua (Mother Odua) moves with measured stride toward the marketplace accompanied by her priestess, her attire mirroring that of the masker visually to unite spiritual and earthly realms. Iya Odua's slow, stately tread conveys her age, wisdom, and sacred power. Her whiteness symbolizes her cool, covert demeanor and her post-menopausal purity for she is the creative, protective, nurturing mother of the gathered crowd, her offspring.
Iya Odua’s appearance assures the community that the lavish spectacle has pleased and placated her, and that the mothers will use their power and influence for the benefit of all.
From Oloye Tayese-Okungbemi Ifayele
Source: University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art
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