#oliva wedding
olivawedding · 11 days
Vì sao chụp hình kỷ niệm ngày cưới trở thành xu hướng mới
Chụp hình kỷ niệm ngày cưới 5 năm 10 năm 20 năm là một truyền thống lâu đời ở phương Tây. Nhưng đối với Việt Nam, văn hóa hóa mới này đã được thu nhận và mở rộng trong khoảng 5 năm đổi lại ở đây. Đây cũng là dịp để bạn ôn lại những kỷ niệm trong những năm tháng sát cánh bên nhau. Những khó khăn, hạnh phúc, những nỗi buồn cũng như những niềm vui bằng những tấm hình cưới. Nó không chỉ là vật vô tri vô giác mà sẽ mang lại giá trị lưu niệm, bồi hồi xúc động khi đôi bàng quan nhìn.
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playroom · 1 year
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Black Pottery Double Spout Wedding Vase/Vessel.
Height: approx. 18cm
By Martin Olivas
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sandybeachgirl · 11 months
THE Wedding Dress Act 3
If you have been following this random blog you know the story of THE wedding dress Acts 1, 2 & 4. But what about Act 3 you wonder. It’s a great one! Read on to see if you agree. I asked good friend Sherrie to write down the story she verbally told me about lending the dress to another friend and this is what she jotted: “Wow…this is going to test my memory!! My friend Charlotte (Char) from…
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a-998h · 3 months
hi, may I know the reaction of fatui harbingers to the fact that the creator got pregnant from Dottore? 9 months later, she gave birth to a daughter and called her Olivia
I'm changing the name from Oliva to Feodora due to Sneznaya being themed after Russia from the bit of it we have seen, also because I like the name better.
Two year after you and Dottore's wedding, you started to feel off. You were fatigued, dizzy, and you had killer headaches. At first they thought you just got sick, which sent them all into a panic. Dottore checked you over and you seemed physically fine. But things turned frighting when you messed your period, you start to panic. Dottore cheks you over and then does some math, as he realizes something. One pregnancy test and examination later, you're now discovered to not only be pregnant but you're also 3 months pregnant.
Que the panicking from both of you, mostly you. You both wanted kids, and you were right in the danger zone. Also, you now have to tell a group of people who love you, but hate Dottore, that he got you pregnant. So, you two come up with a solution, don't tell anyone until you're out of the danger zone.
So, you did. It helped you weren't showing yet. But now that you were out of the danger zone, and you had to tell the other Harbingers.
The other Harbingers have been norice how off you and Dottore have been acting. You've been having mood swings, when Childe made you favorite dish you frowned and didn't eat it, and other strange behaviors. Pulcinella was worried so he was going to organize a meeting with you, then he was told that you and Dottore wanted to meet with with them all.
"We have something to tell you," You begin.
"You're a getting a divorce?" Sandrone asks.
"What, no!" You exclaim.
"Then why are we here?" Arlecchino asks.
"I'm pregnant," you say.
There is a deafing silence in the room, and then Pulcinella gets up, and charges at Dottore. Pulcinella is yelling about how Dottore defiled you.
Once you calm everyone done, and make sure no one kills Dottore, your pregnancy has changed.
Arlecchino would be giving you and Dottore parenting advice and might send you baby toys and blankets from Fontaine. She also buys parenting books for Dottore. She takes you baby shopping in Fontaine, or she does the shopping alone and sends the items to you by mail.
Pulcinella is... conflicted. On the one hand, he is thrilled to be a great grandpa, on the other hand he is not happy that the child is Dottore's. But, he tries his best to help. Makes sure deranged followers leave you alone. He also makes sure you stay safe, your cravings are met, and that you have the best doctor possible. He also reminds Dottore to be a good parent of else.
Pantalone is buying baby and nursery stuff. He also just hands you money for the baby. He will spoil this child when they're born. He buys high quality stuff. Will also take you shopping.
Sandrone is now making dolls for the as yet unborn child. She is also planning to teach the kid how to make robots when they're older. She's more hands off compared to the others because children are kind of a fence in a workshop. She is also supply the nursery with books.
Columbia is so excited. She is being the best future aunt se can. She is the once who plays music for the baby in your belly. Writes down which music the baby "likes" and "dislikes". She will sing and pet your belly. You have to pull her away from your belly, she also complies with your cravings.
Scaramouche is not that happy about it, at first. He's just grumpy and children are loud and annoying. But he warms up to the idea. He can't handle your hormones and modd swings. He sneaks you craving foods. Overall just tries to keep his patience from snapping. He will try and stay away from everything because he has no idea what to do and doesn't want to upset you. He well try his best though. He will keep the crazy followers away from you.
La Signora is so excited. She will definitely has rich aunt vibes. She will also do baby shopping with you. She also helps by making sure you have everything you need. She uses her position as a way to keep people from bothering you. Also makes a list of what foods you can and can't eat, along with what foods you're craving. She is the most helpful and makes sure nothing bad happens to you or the baby.
Capitono is more protective over you now. He knew you were already fragile, but now that you're pregnant... he's in overdrive. Whenever you go anywhere, he's going with you. He is worried anything and everything will hurt you and the baby. Other than being a guard dog, he doesn't really do much.
Childe is uncle material. He is super excited. He will also give childcare advice and he might give you hand me down things from his siblings. Is also one of your scary guard dogs. He wants to make sure you and the baby are safe and healthy.
Pierro is lost. He doesn't know the first thing about raising a baby or pregnant women. The only thing he's good for is keeping the crazy people away from you. He is neutral about all this, cause again, he has no idea how to handle you now.
There was much debate over the baby's name. Dottore wanted Sumeru names, Arlecchino suggested Fontaine names, Childe and Pulcinella suggested Sneznayan names, and La Signora suggested Modstandt names. Eventually, you pick a name... Feodora.
Once Feodora is born, everything turns upside down as you all have to get used to having a baby around.
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Yandere Baki Short Stories: Lost & Found Pt 1
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Yandere Merman Jun Guevara x Princess Reader x Vampire Biscuit Oliva
By the time (your name) had gotten most of the blood washed from her skirts, it was too warm to wear. The salty ocean water did little to remove the crimson stains off the once white skirts of her dress. It was hopeless to even try to remove the blood off to begin with but it helped her try to stay sane in this predicament she found herself in…
She turned her head to glance at the vast inescapable ocean she found herself surrounded by on this small island… the island he had taken her to. A bull shark merman named Jun Guevara had saved her when a wave had tipped over the ship taking her to her fiancé’s home country to be wed for the peace between their nations… a shame she never made it to him.
In a way she was thankful to the merman who had rescued her from a cold, painful death but at the same time… she wished she had died with her knights and servants since she was now trapped on this small island.
(Your name) didn’t dare enter the forest any deeper than she had to in fear of there being other fantastical creatures like Jun. she doubted they’d be as ‘friendly’ as he was.
“Meu anjo!” Speak of the devil… she turned her head to see Jun peak his head out from the sea, the merman giving her a toothy grin. His dark eyes softened when he saw her sitting on a rock. He wondered if she waited for him all day… “I’m back. I brought you some fish… are you hungry?”
Jun swam over to her in less than a second, the tan merman placed a large tuna fish in front of her with a smile. The merman then used his muscular forearms to pull his body onto the rock to sit beside her, his gray and white tail curled beside him as he leaned his upper body close to hers.
“You’ll catch a cold in those wet clothes… do you need me to find you something, querida?” Jun asked softly, his clawed fingers running over the damp fabric of her skirts. His tongue clicked in annoyance. “I hadn’t meant to ruin them… I can try to find you something-“
“It’s alright, Jun. Thank you.” (Your name) smiled at Jun, which made the merman beam brightly like the sun. His clawed fingers found themselves affectionately stroking her hair now.
“You’re so sweet, querida… I’m so happy to have saved you.” Jun brought a lock of her hair up to his lips and gave it an affectionate kiss. “I’ll do my best to be a good provider for you… I’m trying to find a way to stay on land longer so I’d be able to keep you safe.”
(Your name) did her best not to shy away from his touch. She had no idea why he was so insistent on keeping her company, but he was helpful. Perhaps Jun was lonely…
Jun ended up spending the rest of the day with her. The merman sharing tales of fighting pirates and other creatures in the sea. But then his eyes got dark when he cast a glance towards the large mountain on the island.
“Meu amor, swear to me you’ll never leave the shore where I can’t reach you.” Jun whispered softly, his hands wrapped around hers. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you if you end up in mister Unchained’s territory…”
“Mister Unchained?” (Your name) tilted her head. It seemed Jun knew another fantastical being on this island… and from the way the other creature sounded, they must be dangerous.
“He’s a vampire that resides in the castle on top of the mountain. He has gone mad since the death of his lover over a century ago.” Jun gave her hands a squeeze. “He hasn’t come out of that castle for years but even then… It’s best to avoid him.”
(Your name) frowned, a part of her feeling sympathy for the poor man. She could not imagine losing a lover and being along for a century… a part of her was curious on what kind of man this Mister Unchained fellow was.
Jun leaned forward and pressed his lips on her cheek. Despite him being on land for awhile, Jun’s lips were still as cold as a fish’s belly.
“I’ll figure something out for us… Just stay close to me.” Jun rested his head on her shoulder, his wavy locks tickling her soft, tender skin. “It’ll all be situated soon.”
(Your name) allows him to touch her in hopes of him not harming her in anyway, but from the way Jun was… she wondered if he saw her as his mate…
Hopefully not. She really wanted off this island.
(Your name) laid in her makeshift hut after Jun finally left, a comfortable fire burning in front of her to keep her warm. Tomorrow she’d look for more wreckage to see if she could upgrade her shelter and maybe even wear some more suitable clothes…
As her eyes fluttered shut into a deep sleep, she failed to realize the vampire bat that shifted into a man in front of her shelter. A giant, muscular man stood before her with a soft look in his eye. A large hand ran across the soft skin of her face, his brown eyes full of awe.
“Now what’s a darling thing like you doing out in a place like this… it’s not suitable for a lady at all.” The man glanced around before her carefully scooped her up into his arms like a bride. A warm smile on his face when she subconsciously snuggled into his arms. “I’ll take you back to my castle… it’s much more suitable for a princess like you…”
The man carefully carried the young woman towards his home, all while she was none the wiser…
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faghubby · 4 months
caught with our pants down (part 2 to caught with her pants down)
In the morning Stephanie and I had a serious conversation, she swore she would never cheat again. She explained how she had thought Olivia was a woman at first. How she was curious. And she loved me.
Over the next few weeks, we both got busier. For her it was wedding plans. Had to meet the caterer, sample cake, dress fittings, even canceling our dinner dates on occasions. Although I was busy Stephanie was even more so. Our love life suffered at first but then it was even general conversations. We barely saw each other.
Then one day she informs me she is pregnant. At first I worry about that one time with Olivia. But what are the odds so I let it go. Now on top of insane schedules Stephanie being sick, or just not in the mood because of the pregnancy. By the time my bachelor party rolled around we had not had sex in two months. I was tempted that night easy enough to slip off with a stripper. But stayed true to Stephanie.
It was two days later as I stood at the alter. When Stephanie's sister Jamie came to tell me that Stephanie was sick due to the pregnancy just give her a few minutes. 15 minutes go by and out comes Gina her college roommate and one of the brides maids. Makes excuses again. I try and go see Stephanie, but she is sick in the bathroom I can her her gasping. I go and apologize to everyone but they all understand.
Again a bridesmaid alice appears to tell us to be patient. I even have the caterers start serving drinks and oredurves as we wait. Suddenly Olivia appears, I had not even realized she was the matrain of honor. She announces that the bride is ready. The ceremony goes off wonderfully. Stephanie is in high spirits. I mention Olivia when we have a moment alone.
"Paul, I asked her long before I couldn't take it back, how would I explain that to everyone" Stephanie told me. I nodded understanding
"Besides I love you" we go on with the celebration. We are spending the night in the hotel before we leave for Hawaii on our honeymoon.
The day winds down and we head to our suite. I even carry Stephanie over the threshold. I help her out of her gown. And start kissing her when suddenly the room is full of people. Hiding in the closet or in the hall. I am pushed face down on the bed.
"Sorry baby, but you will understand how much I need this" Stephanie tells me, as I see her forcefully stripped of her lingerie by her own friends. I watch as Gina is wearing a huge black dildo. She lays Stephanie on her back and mounts her. Stephanie takes the toy with such ease.
Olivia is the one holding me down. She leans in close to my ear.
"Your wife is carring my baby" she tells me. I been fucking her every week for almost a year. I can't look away as I watch Stephanie get pounded by her friend. Olivia tears my clothes away. I try to resist but my sister in law grabs my wrists. As Oliva tears my boxers. She rubs her rubbed cock against my ass. More hands hold me as she works the tip of her cock into my ass.
"Don't fight Paul, let her take you" Stephanie moans reaching out and holding my hand. I try and call out. As I do a pair of panties are stuffed in my mouth.
"Do I taste like my sister?" Jamie asks she is barely 18. Olivia works her massive cock into my ass. I look over and see Jamie getting fucked as well. As Gina stuffs her pussy.
"Your ass is even tighter then your wife's the first time I took it" Olivia tells me. Olivia is now working the full length of her 9 inch cock in and out of my ass. I spit out the gag, but now I whimper and moan. As she fucks me. I look over to see. Stephanie now has her face buried in between Gina's thighs. As Alice fucks her asshole. We hold hands as we are taken together as man and wife. Olivia comes pu,ping her load deep into my bowels. I am humiliated but as I go to stand I realize I had cum all over the bed. My little sister in law grabs my hair. And shoves a dildo in my face.
"Suck it bitch. Show us how much you want this" she pinches my nipple hard. I open my mouth and taste the pussy covered dildo. Who's pussy is this? I think. I am made to kneel and watch Stephanie get gangbanged for a second time today. She wasn't sick today. She wasn't allowed to get married till she made them all come on her tounge. Stephanie has had enough she has passed out. Gina puts her dildo under my ass. And pushes me down on it. I gasped and Olivia appeared in front of me she held her cock to my mouth. I took it. I started to suck the til its al, I could fit.
I could see Gina and Alice working on poor little Jamie. And Jamie called out for more. I was on my knees with a huge dildo shoved up my ass as this mean but buetiful Trans fucked my mouth. And I was excited seeing my sister in law take it like a whore from two lesbians next to my new wife.
What was wrong with me. Olivia came in my mouth then had Jamie kiss me we shared her seed.
"You are going to be a mother and father to my child. And an excellent sourse of entertainment for me" Olivia hissed in my ear as they all left . I laid next to Stephanie. Her body covered in little bruises. She reached out and pulled me to her. We held each other as we fell asleep
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Love another
Pairing: Austin!Elvis x reader x Oliva!Priscalla.
Warning: STEP-SISTER INCEST! Love triangle? Little reader, Sex tape, Creampie, Little space, Fluff, Fingering, mention of sex, Dirty talk, Pillow talk, Augst, Daddy and Mommy kink, Elvis kissing women, jealousy, Soft Dark Austin!Elvis, Soft Dark Oliva!Priscilla.
Summary: You were 11 when your mom married Priscilla Beaulieu's dad and Priscilla was 13 so when Priscilla meets Elvis at the age of 14 and you were 12 you sorta get a crush on him but you saw how your step sister was happy with him and saw how happy he was with her so you hid it away but over the years you hide a secret not knowing they already knew and multiple stuff happen starting with Elvis performing at one of his concerts at the international hotel ( @galaxygirl453 )
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You strolled down the hall to Elvis's room where you and your sister were hanging out, A big grin stretched on your chubby cheeks, and holding drinks for all three of you, every step you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. You still couldn't believe it, you got to hang out with your celebrity crush! You turned to walk through the open bedroom door but pause watching with a broken heart as the man you loved made out with your sister, tears threatening to spill, you run downstairs and pushed the drinks into a soldier's arms.
You cried the whole night and Priscilla being the wonderful sister tried everything to get you to tell her why but you refused to, determined to keep to yourself so after a while, she just give up. What you didn't know was that was only the first of many heartbreaks and tears along the way.
You cried on their first date, at their wedding, and when you realized you were in love with them both, you had cried so much that you would go into another headspace, one that longed to be held and loved, babied. You had some partners here and there but Priscilla nor Elvis ever approves of them.
Either one would scare your boyfriends away, or worse like when you were 16 and you lose your virginity to your boyfriend at the time Once Elvis and Priscilla caught you in the act Elvis almost beat the poor boy to death, and Cilla wouldn't help you until you promise not to bring a boy home, fearing for him and Elvis you agreed. It took a lot of pulling, Cilla threatening not to kiss him and you threatening to never talk to him ever again to get him off not without him shouting at the boy saying if he ever saw him around you again he'd finished the job.
Even now through their married, they were still protective of you. You shook your head and focused on Elvis as he sang 'love me tender' on the hotel's stage you could help but smile, his voice was like an angel but your smile turned into a frown as he suddenly jumped off the stage and kissed the women in the crowd. Your glaze switches to Priscilla, whose eyes were filled with sadness and hurt 'Oh hell Nah' you slid out of the circular Booth and stormed your way to Elvis "What the fuck Elvis?!" you yelled but before you could yell at him more his lips and tongue mets yours, his big warm hands hold your face, kissing you deeper.
It took everything in you not to kiss back and push him away "How..How dare you?" you glared at him "(Y/N)," He started however you didn't let him finish "Fuck you, Elvis Presley." you hissed in a low voice, eyes wet with tears and speed walked out the hotel ignoring both Cilla and Elvis, calling your name. You got into your car and drove to your apartment, you can't stop replaying the kiss for as long as you could remember you wanted nothing more than to be kissed by Elvis, and be loved by him, you had loved him since you were 12 but it was wrong, so wrong. You needed to time to think.
A week or so when things went downhill, you got fired for nothing and lost your apartment the next day. Without another place to go you called up Priscilla, with a bruised ego, asking if you could stay at Graceland with her and..Elvis although you didn't want to talk to him until you could get back on your feet. A team of movers arrived 10 minutes after the call and Jerry came to pick up you to drive you to Graceland where the couple waited by the door "(N/n)!" Priscilla smiled pulling you into a tight breathtaking hug, you return the hug with a fake smile plastered on your face.
"Darlin' look about what happened," "Hey Cilla I want to go see my room. Show me yeah?" you took your sister's hand and walked into her house leaving Elvis standing there, regretful and in pain watching the ground, he had to make it up to you. All day you and your sister caught up, she luckily didn't bring up what happened. You brushed your hair in front of your vanity and remove what little makeup you had on and dressed into your favorite baby doll. You happily sigh into the comfortable mattress and in no time you fell asleep.
Elvis sighed outside your closed door since he met you and Priscilla, he could see you like him at first he wasn't attracted to you in that way then you grow into a beautiful young woman he didn't realize he had fallen for you until he caught you giving your innocence to that cowardly son of bitch. He wanted to kill him hell he almost did and he wouldn't regret you were his, even if you didn't know it.
He felt so guilty for loving you Priscilla's little sister, of course, he still loved his wife but it became so overbearing, so much he breakdown to Cilla, imagine his surprise when she confessed she was in love with you as well. "we can do it, it's now or ever baby." his wife soft voice helped to relax him, Elvis hummed and nodded, with a deep inhale he opened the door and walked to your peacefully-sleeping form, "Darlin' wake up, let mommy and daddy show you how much we love you." Elvis cooed, moving your hair behind your shoulder "Dadda?" you moan, slowly opening your tired eyes," that's right it's dadda." Elvis smiled "Want dadda plewes." you begged, making grabby hands, He quickly took his robe off and flipped the blanket off of you "What do you want princess? Mm?" He kissed your neck as he towered above you his hard cock laid against your covered cunt, you whined and rolled your hips upwards "fuck me dadda." you pout, your eyes shined with frustrated tears, Elvis cursed under his breath, and yanked your underwear, freeing your rapidly wet pussy to the cruel-cold air, Elvis put two of his fingers into his mouth wetting them before sliding them in your tight-hot core, he set to work loosening you up to take his dick, his fingers curled as his thumb rubbed at your clit in a harsh speed, his fingers soon thrusted at the same speed.
Priscilla smiled as she watched behind the video camera at her love and sweetheart, Cilla could already feel herself getting wet but this wasn't about her it was bout you, and she didn't mind, she pressed recorded, Elvis and she is gonna enjoy replay this.
You whimpered cumming around Elvis's large fingers "that's it sugar, dirty daddy's fingers." he cooed with hood lust-filled eyes, his thrusts quicked almost slamming against your special spot as you finished, he was slow to pull out and sucked your juices off his digits, his dark orbs glazed into yours, smirking, his another hand stroked his leaking cock. "please, please! Fuck me!" you cried, pulling him closer, Elvis hissed as he slammed himself inside, his tip hitting your poor cervix. His strong hips rocked your shoulders against the bed as he stood up on the mattress and pulled your lower body up, his pounding moved into a new punishing angle.
His eyes rolled back, his arms around your thighs pulled at you to match his fierce hammering, moans, and fucks, goddamns leave Elvis, you weren't any better yelps and moans left you "Fu-So fucking right, gonna be my slutty princess huh? Let daddy use you whenever I want" his dull nails dig into your legs as he spreads them, his balls tightened at the pretty tight below him, your breasts bounce with each hard thrust, hair in beautiful waves, eyes hooded and look at him, lips fell in an o shape "your s-slutty princess dadda, Mark me please!" you jerked your hips, the invisible knot started to break "Goddamn, princess!" Elvis growled as he thrusted faster, his hot cum spraying into your walls and womb, pushing you over the edge with a blessed out scream.
You moaned, rolling to the edge and off the bed with a thud "Fuck! Ow" you barked getting off the hardwood floor and pausing when you felt something drip and pour down your sore legs "So h-he, that was real?" you stutter when the dots connected, you felt your face heat up, you had to find Elvis. You showered and changed into a white short dress, and started your journey to find Priscilla and Elvis. The endless doors made you feel like you were turning insane, you opened the last door upstairs, and the room was way different from the rest, a Circular pink bed sat in the middle, and toys, crayons, colored books, and plushies littered neatly around the white-wallpaper room. A big closet stocked with rows of pretty clothes that had colors of the pastel rainbow. You felt yourself slip "Ya like it princess? We had it made for Ya." Elvis whispered laying his ring-covered hands on your hips with Cilla on your right "Momma? Dadda?" "That's right! let's go color something honey?" Priscilla smiled taking your hand, and gently pulling you to the coloring table.
'Finally.' Elvis smiled putting his hands on his small waist watcing his lovers play together.
Taglist; @littlewierdalien @starwarsf1lms @galaxygirl453 @plasticfantasticl0ver @godlypresley
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(@galaxygirl453 )
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jqmalikhsgib · 6 months
yn is super excited for tonight! it was the first night she’d been out in awhile to an award show. she’s been laying low for awhile, trying to make sure what her and aaron had was the real thing.
today she’s heading to the amas with her mom as her date. having told her mother she’s pregnant and her and aaron were getting married, her mom took the first flight out to come watch her baby get married to the man she’s fallen for four years ago.
yn asked her mom to be her date to the ama’s soon after the wedding. her and aaron agreeing to have a proper honeymoon after their baby is born.
yn currently wearing a beautiful red gown her mother picked out. she felt really grateful she wasn’t showing just yet. she wasn’t ready to tell the world that she’s pregnant, wanting to at least have her album come out first before spilling all the beans on her life.
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“rihanna! rihanna! over here!” yn looks over and waves at the photographers. she’s holding her moms hand as she walks from one place to another to get her photo taken.
yn smiles and poses as her mom moves out the way for her to have her moment. “we love you, ri!”
“i love you all!” yn blows a kiss.
yn holds her hand out to her mom. she takes it as they walk over to do a few interviews.
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when they got back to the hotel, yn calls aaron immediately. telling him about how amazing it was to be back out there. he listened to her gush about the fans and how much she adores them. aaron loves hearing her talk about her fandom! they meant so much to her.
“how’s the baby?”
yn runs her hand on her stomach with a smile. she knew it was probably in her head—or even just a food belly—but she swears she feels a little bit of a pudge.
“he’s good! barely got sick.”
“he, huh?”
yn blushes. “i just have a feeling it’s a boy. plus i really like the name river.”
aaron chuckles. “river, huh?”
“river road hotchner.”
aaron hums. it’s a nice name, he’ll admit. “and if they’re a girl?”
“melody rene hotchner?”
“already got names for our little one? we’re ahead of the game!”
“it’s just names ive liked for awhile. do you have any?”
“i always like oliver, wes, matt, and kai for a boy.”
“oliver hotchner? that rolls off the tongue well! little ollie for a nickname. oh, what about elizabeth for a girl?! or oliver and oliva for twins.”
aaron laughs. “twins? honey, let’s get through one baby before we think of two.”
“sorry, i just want thousands of little hotchner babies with you!”
“thousands, huh? a whole lotta practicing.”
yn giggle. “well, it’s totally worth it. got a good partner.”
yn hums. “the best ive ever had.”
aaron scoffs. “big shoes you put on me, babe.”
“big shoes and big co—”
“woah, getting dirty there? is my baby feeling needy?”
yn was feeling extremely needy. it hadn’t been long since her and aaron had sex, but she could never have enough of him. she wasn’t lying when she said he’s the best she’s ever had. aaron took time to learn her body like no other. he made her toes curl each and every time. he truly cared about her and her pleasure.
“im always needy for you, aar. you know that! please don’t tease?”
aaron laughs. “i love teasing you, baby. gets you all hot and bothered, make you sweat, beg for it.”
yn whines through the phone. “aaron!” she whines.
“what could i do for my baby, hmm? what do you need?”
“i want to come home and get fucked, like that time we went to vegas? remember? fucked me like i was just your play toy, your plaything. remember?”
“mhm, remember it like it was last night. i can do that again, baby? i can fuck you like my dirty little slut, huh? when you get back home i can do whatever filthy little things my wife wants.”
“yeah? god, being called your wife has to be one of the biggest turn ons, ever!”
“yeah? my pretty little wife soaked for me?”
yn runs her hands over her body. she gently grazed her hands over her clothed heat.
“i want you, so bad babe.” yn whispers.
“you’ll have me, babe. you’ll have me as soon as you’re home. i promise babe. i would do whatever for you, you know that? it’s why im gonna tell you we’ll finish this up when you get home, yeah? i know when my wife’s more tired than anything.”
yn grunts. she knew he was right though. you’re exhausted and a bit jet lagged. “i love you, husband. my forever.”
“love you too, my star!”
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clearly i like the name oliver. think it’s beautiful and if i ever have a son his name will be oliver!
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thehammondlegacy · 4 months
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Hemlock Abbey - 5 pm
Assistant: Welcome, ma'am. Your luggage will be taken to your room once the staff is done preparing it for you. We are sorry it's not ready yet. We were expecting you tomorrow morning
???: It's alright, dear...
Sofia: It's my fault, really. I decided to travel a day earlier
Assistant: You can wait at the dinning room while we finish things up in your room. The Queen already knows you've arrived, ma'am
David: I can't believe you were scared!
Olivia: Well, I'm not used to being around horses like you! You play polo and go on parades, I don't do that kind of stuff! I'm normal, you know!
David: *laughs* You are not normal, Liv!
Olivia: I am normal! Wearing a soldier's costum and riding a horse, that's not normal!
David: It's not a costum, it's an uniform! Granny! What are you doing here? I thought you were coming tomorrow
Sofia: I managed to leave earlier, honey
David: I'm so glad you are here...
Sofia: Oh, it's been a while since you gave me a big hug like this one! It feels nice...
David: I've missed you...
Sofia: But it's only been a couple of days, honey...
David: I know, but I wanted you to come
Sofia: Well, here I am
David: Hey, granny, do you remember Olivia? She came here with Robb for my birthday
Sofia: Of coruse I remember...
Olivia: Hello, Your Majesty
Sofia: Hello, Olivia... It's been a while since the last time we met
Olivia: Yes, ma'am, it has...
Sofia: You look well, dear. I hope my grandson is not getting you into trouble
David: There's already been an incident with a horse, and she made Robb lost a game
Olivia: *laughs* I guess that can be considered as getting into trouble
Sofia: I'm glad you are having fun... It's been a while since I saw you having fun. So, where's Louise? I was hoping to resume her classes soon
David: Oh, I guess she's upstairs. She's been working on the reception for days now
Sofia: Aren't you helping her with the wedding, honey?
David: I'm taking care of all the ceremony things, she takes care of the reception. That's the agreement
Sofia: So you have been spending time with your friend while she takes care of the wedding? Haven't you asked her to join you three?
David: She doesn't want to...
Sofia: Have you met her, Olivia?
Olivia: I have, ma'am...
Sofia: And? Didn't you two hit it off?
Olivia: Not really... I'm afraid we don't have much in common
David: I'm so glad you are here, granny! Maybe you can teach Louise how to be a better hostess
Sofia: Well, I guess I understand her, honey. It must be hard for her seeing how much you guys have in common... It's not easy to join a new family, let along a new group of friends who have known each other for years now. You know that, dear... I remember when you came to the picture. You had a difficult time at first
Oliva: Yes... I remember that
Sofia: Specially with Lottie
David: That's not the same, granny. We were kids back then, now we are adults
Sofia: That's true... But I guess she still feels left aside, honey. Try inviting her playing video games with you next time
David: *laughs* I doubt she wanna do that, granny... But I guess I could try. I promise I'll include her more if you ask her to stop her unreasonable jealousy
Sofia: Honey, jealousy is not unreasonable when it involves another woman. The two of you have a long history, and she may feel threathened by it. I think you should go easy with this friendship, cause it can cause a lot of trouble
David: She just needs to get used to. I can't just stop seeing my friends
Sofia: Just be gentle and give some attention to her as well. No one likes to feel ignored
David: Well, we have to go, granny...
Sofia: Oh, are you going out?
David: We are gonna get something for dinner. Maybe pizza or some burgers
Sofia: Why don't you order, dear? Or send Tom to get it
Olivia: We have to go, ma'am... It's a dare, we lost a game so we are getting the food on our own
Sofia: Drive safe!
David: We will!
Olivia: We should get some ice cream while we are at it
David: Ok, but you are paying. I have a wedding to plan!
Olivia: Can't you just go to the city hall?
David: Nah, my family frowns upon that
Olivia: What are you? Some sort of Prince or something?
David: Kind of...
Olivia: Sucks to be you! Ok, I'll buy, but only because you could get me out of jail one day
David: *laughs* Or send you to one!
Olivia: You wouldn't dare!
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foxes-that-run · 1 year
2021 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
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2 January - Harry at Jeffs wedding with OW. Holding hands at wedding photos - the Paparazzi Clint and his partner follow Olivia to a hotel in Santa Barbara. He later does an hour long podcast on following them and explains he then realised Harry was there and takes photos. After a few phone calls, the two photographers discover rumors of a romantic relationship between Harry and Olivia. 10 minutes later, photographed them together. in Nanny tell all Nanny said Olivia was still texting Jason to say she loved him, that Olivia was pretending to not have service. Nanny found out she was at the wedding online.
3 January - walking with OW in Santa Barbara
4 January - Harry hike in LA
15 January - Ted Lasso Season 2 starts filming London, in Nanny Tell all nanny said that Ted confronted her on the plane there about her telling Olivia that Jason had been crying and not coping. Jason then offered the Nanny a life coach to get info out of her and they were attending therapy with the Nanny.
18 January - Coney Island released as a single.
14 February Olivia at Harry’s LA house with luggage. Don't worry Darling filming wraps. On the 21st Taylor Lover tour cancelled.
16 February - E News Harry and OW fly to London together. DWD wraps, Harry OW cast photo
20 February - OW near Jason Sudeikis /her kids London house
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6 March - Oliva posts photo of Branston Beans from Harry's Kitchen, the curtains can be seen. Lockdown laws mean she should not have been able to travel there and was bragging about it and posting inside his house.
10 March Instead of congratulating Harry on the nomination Zayn posted “F the Grammys”
15 March -Talk at the Grammys, Taylor and Harry part of small group of attendees. Harry goes over to Taylor and they are polite, Harry seems a little awkward and says “well it was nice to see you”. He keeps looking at her during his acceptance speech for record of the year.
Taylor wrote High Infidelity and WCS with Aaron Dessner while in LA for the Grammy's, when she saw Harry & J Mayer.
Niall and Liam congratulate Harry on his Grammy win, Zayn and Louis do not.
31 March - architect of Harry’s Erskine House renovations posts photos of the interior to their website. It has a black, wood pale grey palette with pink stairs
13, -25 April - OW with Harry london
April 27 - Joe leaves UK to Belfast to film.
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May 11 - HS & TS both at Brit awards (the 26th was a blood moon)
May - Harry’s bassist since HS1, Adam Pendergast, leaves love band (date from his LinkedIn)
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20 May - Harry and Olivia dinner at Refuel Bar & Restaurant at The Soho Hotel. ET Rumours Joe and Taylor engaged.
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15 June - Harry seen with fans wearing Apollo eleven tshirt
21 June - Harry wrapped My Policeman in Italy, started in Feb. Released 1 September 2022. Holiday in Italy
2 July - renegade released
3 July - Harry at England v Ukraine game Italy
8 July - Harry and Olivia on yacht and in Italy
26 July - Charlotte Clarke (Harry’s backup singer) said she was let go and doesn’t understand why. won’t be on HSLOT
28 July - Taylor posts for folklore' anniversary, "It’s been one year since we escaped the real world together and imagined ourselves someplace simpler." with a photo from Donegal Ireland. Heavily TTPD coded with Victorian gown, like the Betty speech’s on eras tour and lakes (poets), two coffee cups too, was it already a double album?! Coffee also as in the end of the Karma MV. Joe posted photos from the same trip on July 22nd
9 August - 26 August Harry in studio maybe mixing Harry's House in the behind scenes photos here you can see outfits he wore in LA on these dates.
4 September – 22 July 2023 - Love on Tour, Harry has a new bassist Elin Sandberg
7 September - Taylor in Belfast visiting Joe. Red TV entirely recorded at Kitty Committee Belfast UK (her home)
9 September - Taylor at Toronto Film Festival and to premiere all too well
11 September - Harry at Toronto Film Festival to premiere My policeman, talks about wasted time being the worst thing in presser
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17 September - wildest dreams TV released, TikTok about recording Red TV and a glitch. Harry and Olivia in Phili with Xander, max and family
May 11 - HS & TS both at Brit awards (the 26th was a blood moon)
May - Harry’s bassist since HS1, Adam Pendergast, leaves love band (date from his LinkedIn)
May 24 - Joe and Taylor together in Paris
3 June - Harry OW her parents London
21 June - Harry wrapped My Policeman in Italy, started in Feb. Released 1 September 2022.
30 June - H Holiday in Italy
2 July - renegade released
8 July - Harry and Olivia on yacht and in Italy
13 July - Jason sudokis GQ that he still doesn’t know why they broke up and it ended in November 2020. Harry mentioned.
14 July - HSLOT announced for September
26 July - Charlotte Clarke (Harry’s backup singer) said she was let go and doesn’t understand why. won’t be on HSLOT
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7 August - OW and Harry had guests at house, Harry has moustache and greets someone.
9 August - 26 August Harry LA in studio maybe mixing Harry's House in the behind scenes photos here you can see outfits he wore in LA on these dates. Walking with Olivia 19 August
31 August - Taylor and Joe hiking Franklin Canyon
4 September – 22 July 2023 - Love on Tour, Harry has a new bassist Elin Sandberg. OW at first show.
7 September - Taylor in Belfast visiting Joe. Red TV entirely recorded at Kitty Committee Belfast UK (her home)
9 September - Taylor at Toronto Film Festival and to premiere all too well
10 September - Harry golfing in Dallas
11 September - Harry at Toronto Film Festival to premiere My policeman, talks about wasted time being the worst thing in presser
17 September - wildest dreams TV released, TikTok about recording Red TV and a glitch. Harry and Olivia in Phili with Xander, max and family
18 September - Harry seen with Olivia near her parents in DC before show there
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22 September - first heart kiss since 2018! St Paul - Falling, with Two Ghosts intro (4:31). Then again weekly till the end of the year
25 September - Taylor London Lena's wedding.
29 September - & 1 Oct Harry played Nashville and wore a white satin outfit, he played with his rings while performing Beautiful. Harry plays To Be so Lonely for 9 shows then never again, including Nashville N2 and NY. In Nashville looks up. OW at shows
3 October - OW parents at HSLOT but she is in LA.
9 October - Harry in Florida dinner
13 October - fan sends to DM that they saw Harry, no OW at Pittsburgh cathedral of learning with “more police and security than I knew existed” wouldn’t have recognised him if it wasn’t for them.
16 October - Harry wore “all things must pass” hoodie NYC OW walked awkwardly holding him. One security person.
22 October - one more photo of Taylor and joe in the bathroom leaked (the proper selfie), photos from 2016 leaked in 2020
25 October - Harry seems to be in a bad mood when he first goes on stage in Boston, also wearing no rings. Heart kiss in Falling, OW there and not seen with him until harryween in a week.
26 October - Taylor posts TikTok "Autumn Lovers RISE" as a reenactment of a 27 September 2017 Tumblr post. She writes lyrics to ATW "just between us did the love affair maim you" "and Plaid stuff and ankle boots" she's wearing a skirt but says 'stuff' plaid shirts and ankle Chelsea boots is Harry in 2011-2013. And "Maroon/Hunter Green" The ATW move included a book coming out 13 years later about the love affair.
30 October - Harry dressed as Dorothy at harryween MSG NY, Olivia as Dolly Parton posted photos with exercise bike and boobs
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1 November - rumors Harry and OW fighting
10 November - heart kiss in falling. Tumblr anon said about OW “I was working at the venue in Sacramento when he played during LOT. Her backstage privileges were revoked after the show prior to that...which was..I think...Portland. Our backstage security was instructed to not allow her backstage under any circumstances. She didn't even arrive to the venue with him. From what I understood from Sacramento through the end of that tour her security access was no more than say..contest winners..radio personalities etc. I was shocked at the time that they lasted another year since there was clearly trouble in paradise.”
11 November - Harry has a bruise on his back I. Love on tour backstage photo
12 November - Red TV released Harry wears red in his show on the 11th. All Too Well Short Film premiere Dylan O'Brien (who is in ATW film) is included in this footage of Austin and Dylan cheering when Jack plays Question..? in the Studio. Appears on Fallon and says she easter eggs 3 years in advance in reference to ATW.
16 November - Pleasing launch with Harry on bike photo on cover of Dazed
17 November – Taylor leaves NYC for Panama to go see Joe. Taylor posts a drunk TikTok from Panama. On the 20th she went to the national theater and leaves on the 22nd. Joe stays and films. Midnights written while gone
21 November - Last time Taylor is photographed in public for 3 months is the SNL performance for All too Well
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25 November Rolling Stone noted the Haylor call and response “the long-running songwriting badminton between her and Harry Allegedly is pop call-and-response the way it ought to be”
28 November- 13 December Harry MIA. after his shows. OW seen alone in LA
1 December Taylor wore Gucci lion ring to Zoe’s kravitz birthday throwback photo shared day after YLM date identified by Jack.
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5 December - You're losing me written. Love on Tour in Buenos Aires
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28 December - Harry and OW Italy. Fans post they saw them Hampstead NYE, no photos.
Continue to 2022
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donnetellotheturtle · 8 months
Chapter 7
Hugo was warm. Cuddled into a bed, someone curled at his side. The sun had come out too early, he thought.
The feeling of his partner shifting made him smile.
“good morning sleepyhead.”
Sleepy baby blue eyes met his. He brushed black hair with a teal streak out of the way of his lovers eyes.
“The baby didn’t wake up all night.” Varian mumbled.
“lucky us.” Hugo said softly.
Varian snuggled in more to Hugo.
A searing pain. Getting thrown up against a tree. Nuru telling him to stay awake.
Hugo gasped.
Hugo blinked, rubbing his head. “I…it’s nothing.”
Varian nodded softly. “Okay…?”
Before Hugo could think more about the strange vision, there was a cry of their daughter. Varian chuckled. “I’ll get her.”
He crawled out of bed. Hugo followed not long after he closed the door behind him. He stretched, then stood up, looking in the mirror.
…when had he grown a beard?
He touched it. It wasn’t much. A blonde goatee that vaguely reminded him of Flynn rider in his prime. He couldn’t remember…
Oh. That’s right. The memory slotted into place. He’d decided to shortly before his and Varian’s wedding, thinking he would look too baby faced for the paintings.
“Hue?” Varian called out from the hallway, snapping Hugo out of his stupor.
“Can you make breakfast this morning?”
Hugo paused. Last time he did, it didn’t end well. Still, he called back. “Okay but, don’t blame me if I start a fire!”
Today. Hugo told himself. Was going to be the day he made an actual, edible, delicious fucking breakfast for his husband and daughter.
So with determination, he put on his clothes and went to the kitchen.
Varian was holding their daughter, Lucia in his arms, trying to get her to eat some of her baby food. Varian mumbled. “Come on lulu…”
Hugo chuckled. “forcing her isn’t going to help goggles.”
“hey goggles. You miss me?”
“pfft, no!” The way varian had pulled back with that cute blush. The way he had smiled as he hugged him tight. So warm.
...when did Varian start calling him Hue? What was the nickname he called him?
“Hugo.” He looked to his husband. “You okay?”
Hugo nodded, softening. His child cooed. Right. Onto breakfast.
Varian hadn’t slept for a week. Since Hugos kidnapping, he had been working on ways to get there. He wouldn’t leave Hugo behind. Not now, not ever. He didn’t leave him behind.
He ignored Nuru as she came into the room. If she was going to tell him to rest again, she was going to be ignored.
“Varian you need to sleep.”
“make me.” Varian snapped. He kept working.
“I’m not resting until he’s home.”
“You asked for it.”
Varian ignored her. Which proved to be a mistake due to her immediately casting a sleep spell on him.
Varian went down like a sack of bricks. Only saved by Nuru catching him.
“God you’re heavy…”She mumbled. Oliva climbed up onto her shoulder, followed by Ruddiger. She groaned at the weight. “Guys, you’re not helping…”
The animals didn’t respond as Nuru dragged Varian to his makeshift bed in the corner of the room. That boy was out cold.
She sighed, looking at the two on her shoulders. Oliva had now climbed up on Ruddigers shoulders. Surprisingly the raccoon and her were friendly.
“Okay guys…time to get to work.” Nuru rolled up her sleeves.
She couldn’t pretend to understand all Varian’s formulas and seemingly random thought patterns scribbled into his book.
“Gods Varian you couldn’t have written this sanely?” She mumbled to herself.
She sighed. This was going to take a while.
Hugo tried really hard. He really did. But the breakfast burned in the pan. He didn’t even know what he did wrong this time. This wasn’t edible at all. He frowned.
“…Hairstripe I tried my best but-“
Varian came over and stole a piece of bacon.
“Hue this is delicious.”
Looking at the half gone piece in his husbands hand, it was perfectly cooked. No burnt edges or anything. He looked down. The food that had been burnt before.
It was perfect.
“I knew you could do it.” He kissed Hugo’s cheek.
There was something seriously wrong here. Hugo could do many things but cooking perfect food, hell, even edible food, was not one of them.
And it has been burnt a moment ago. “what the…”
Varian put Lucia into his hands. She cooed softly. Hugo looked at her, still feeling like something was off.
“I swear it was burnt a second ago.”
“What do you mean?”
Hugo paused, looking at Varian. His eyes…they had changed color…
That’s when Donella came in. “Sorry I’m late.” She said. Cyrus was behind her, smiling. It put Hugo at ease.
Donella. The thought of Varians odd eyes instantly left his head and he smiled at her.
“no problem.” Varian said. “We were late this morning too. We have plenty of food for breakfast.
Cyrus gave Hugo an odd look.
Cyrus in the cave. Those teal eyes. He couldn’t remember what he said.
Hugo rubbed his head. What was happening?
Cyrus’s gaze had shifted from that odd look to one of knowing. He gestured his head in a way that Hugo knew meant “Private space. Now.”
The two walked off to the bedroom, Hugo closing the door behind him.
“You’ve been getting those flashes too.” Right to the point.
Hugo nervously wrung the bottom of his shirt. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Cyrus almost scowled. “Kid.”
“Fine! Yes! I have. They’re weird it’s like...like…”
“another life?”
Hugo looked to the side. “yeah…yeah. Maybe it’s just cause I’ve been sleeping weird. Or maybe I should see the doctor.”
Cyrus frowned, thinking. “…do you remember how old you are?”
“Of course!” Hugo laughed. Silly question. “I’m…” Hugo wracked his brain. “I’m…” Why couldn’t he remember?
“Something weird is going on. Donella knows it too, not that she’ll acknowledge it. I think she likes it here…but for the past couple days you’ve been too sweet. Too nice. Too perfect.”
“perfect?” The last couple days had been nice, he’d admit. But him? Perfect?
“I don’t know what changed. But you seem more you.”
Hugo chuckled, this was too crazy. None of that meant anything “are you sure you don’t need a doctor? I mean you’re talking more now than I’ve ever heard you talk. Hit your head on something?”
Hugo went for the door. Cyrus grabbed his shoulder. Hugo groaned. “Cyrus it’s a beautiful day. Let’s just enjoy it and not talk like conspiracy theorists okay?”
“I don’t like this.”
“You don’t like much, Cyrus.” He left the room.
Hugo came back in, smiling at his small daughter sitting in her booster seat. Lucia had his dads dark hair and his papa’s green eyes. She was perfect.
Nuru worked tirelessly. Most of varians notes didn’t really make sense to her but she realized the only real way to the library was a combination of magic and alchemy. She definitely had the magic part down.
She glanced at Varian. He hadn’t woken up for hours. The sleeping spell didn’t actually last that long so his body must’ve really needed the rest.
She poured over her book. It had ingredients for the magic portion of this which she surprisingly found around the lab. It seemed like Varian had everything purely out of a “What if” scenario. Which this, she figured, was one of those times. Later she’d have to talk to him about his hoarding. Right now she was grateful for it.
She laid all the ingredients out like the spell in her book instructed. She sat in the middle, closed her eyes, and chanted.
When she finished, all the ingredients as well as her magic were fused into one orb. A magical power source. It only had to work for a short time when they put it in the gate...right they’d have to build a gate to get through. But where? She’d have to ask Varian when he woke up. There had to be a good spot somewhere.
Nuru yawned. Making that orb took a lot out of her. Oliva sat on her shoulder, Ruddiger curled up on Varians stomach which was rising and falling slowly.
She gave Olivia a little pet on the forehead, quickly realizing something. This wasn’t a normal mouse. This was a familiar. Hugo had made a familiar. She wondered how. She’d never been taught how to do that, and she was top of her class at school. Interesting.
She didn’t quite feel like sleeping yet, so she did some research in Varians moms journal. Nothing of huge interest. Things they already knew. But Ulla sounded a lot like Varian. The way she wrote. The way she talked about her research partner. It sounded like the way Varian talked to Hugo.
She looked to Varian. She may never understand Hugo or his particular brand of magic, but she understood love. She understood just how far Varian would go for Hugo and being cooped up in the lab was probably killing him.
She took a deep breath. Back to work.
Read this on A03!
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ryeriy · 2 years
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Champagne Problems - Mathew Barzal
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Ib: "she would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head" -T.S
A/n: on the verge of making a pt. 2. Should I?
warnings: toxic family, swearing, angst with a slightly fluff ending
It's been ten months since me and Mathew broke up. We both thought it was for the better. Me and Mathew don't really talk much ever since we broke up, but it was for the better. With both of us being busy, it was just so chaotic.
I recently got invited to one of my best friends wedding. It so happens to be Mathews cousin Olivia. Me and Oliva have been friends before I met Mathew. It just happened to be that he was her cousin.
Olivia's family was going to be there. So I knew that Mathew and his family was going to be there. I wasn't going to let stop me from going to support my friend on her big day. Her parents loved me and had no problem with me. It was Mathews. They think I'm a monster for breaking up with him even though it was a mutual agreement.
I was going to try my best to push through it all for her. I'm not going to let something in the past effect me.
On the invitation it said I was more than welcomed to bring a plus one but I wasn't dating anyone and if I brought someone who wasn't Mathew it would cause so much drama. Olivia asked me if I wanted to be a bridesmaids but I told her no. It would just stir the pot and I wouldn't want her to deal with that stress.
Today was the day of her wedding. I had a nice elegant lavender dress. Wasn't too revealing. Just nice and cute for a wedding. I didn't have high hopes things were going to gosp smoothly. You know what they say, fake it till you make it.
Things started to sail smoothly before the wedding. I got their at the time she told me to be there. Three o'clock in the afternoon. My eyes immediately drawed to Mathew as soon as I walked in. Glaring at him before sitting on the grooms side. I didn't sit on the brides because I was already getting stares and hearing gossip about myself.
The ceremony was great. No drama caused a burst of anger from anyone. Now, it was time for the reception. It was just right next store in a gathering hall next to the chapel. Hopefully things don't go down hill.
I took my time getting out of the chapel. Making sure I didn't exit at the same time Mathew and his family did. I guess I was wrong because as I was leaving Mathew came up behind me.
"Why are you here?" He whispers to me as he walks next to me trying not to draw attention. Not even looking at me.
"Olivia asked me to be here. I've known her longer than I've known you Mathew. I came here to support my friend. I would appreciate if you and your mother would stop making horrendous comments about me ans just let Olivia enjoy her day." I told while walking away from him and entering the hallway leading into the gathering room where it was a bit dim.
Partying has started. For majority of the reception I was sitting down at my table. It was very awkward for me to be here but I did it for Olivia.
But when I did decide to go on the dance floor I heard Mathews family talking badly about me almost yelling it as if everyone needed to hear it. I just ignored it until I heard something I couldn't unhear. My name and slut should not be used in the same sentence.
I quickly went to go find Olivia to tell her I was going to leave. Trying not to cause a big scene.
"Aww but we haven't had cake yet!" She told me.
"I know Livvy. I'm sorry but I'm just feeling tired tonight." I was faking it so hard. I honestly felt bad for her.
"Well it's okay. Thank you for coming!" We exchanged in a hug before I went back over to my table. Grabbing my coat and purse and heading out.
As I walked out I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Wiping away my tears as some softly left me eyes. I sniffled before walking out.
Walking out of the bathroom on my way out to the parking lot, I wasn't expecting to see Mathew waiting there for me.
"What do you want? You've already ruined my night. What else could you possibly want from me!"I exclaimed at him in anger. More tears streaming down my face.
"I'm sorry about them. I told them to drop it but they wouldn't. I'm sorry (y/n). Sorry for everything."
"Bullshit! If you where sorry you would've never let this happen! You fucking talked shit about me to your entire family and now they hate me!" I am hurt by this. You can hear the pain in my voice.
"Just hug me." He held his arms out for me. I walked into his arms. Wrapping my arms around him. Feeling his arms around me, pulling me closer to him, gave me flashbacks.
Crying in his arms made me feel a bit better. No way I was going back in there but I just needed this.
"Thank you." I said while pulling away from him wiping the tears off of my face.
"I still love you." He says. The tone in his voice is soft.
"I know. I do too." I looked at him trying not cry again.
"Is this goodbye for now?"
"Yes. Goodbye Mathew."
"Goodbye (y/n)."
Walking past him and exiting the building. I looked back at him before I left. He let a tear race down himself face as I left. This was not goodbye for ever. Perhaps one day we'll meet again.
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
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So @sabrinajenre96​
Requested a one shot of Jamie Wheelan and as I wrote this I got to the very end and I realized I may have mis inturped what she mean. I feel hella dumb lol so  I will re write what you actually meant in the meantime  I hope you enjoy this 
First one it's the reader is the daughter of Benson and she's married with Jaime she's a detective and she's Elliot goddaughter she goes visits her husband at work while baby siting nolan and whelan makes an entrance
  A/N: If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work
Being the Daughter of the famous Oliva Benson and the God daughter of Elliot Stabler 
meant you were going to be a cop no matter what. You grew up in the precinct and didn’t know any other life besides this one. 
You were grateful for the life you had. You were able to give back to your community and help others in need.
 You worked in the Major Crimes department and you loved it. You were working major cases. It also meant you were able to work with different departments. 
It’s how you also meant your husband Jamie Whelan. He was a police officer and later on joined the task force. 
He wanted to be able to take down any dirty cops. When the two of you meant you didn’t exactly hit it off right away. 
It was not one of those cute love at first sight stories. You thought he had this ego about him and that he was full of himself.
 He did help you out of a really tight case though. So you gave him a chance. 
He was hard at first he had a lot of complicated layers with him. But then you thought we all do right.
 You were grateful that you gave him that chance because was the love of your life. He was really kind and he cared and you guys had a lot of common. 
When he told you that he was working with your godfather you honestly had no idea of how that was going to work. Elliot was a good godfather but as a co worker that was a different story. 
You were able to help him on his last case and my goddess it was like he was totally a different person. Some would say aggressive you tried to phrase it as being passionate. 
He could be a hot head and would just do things without thinking. It cost him a lot sometimes. Even your mom warned you about working with him. Which has a lot of weight. 
You were currently working with the OC team again. They were working this big case where they think a man was murdered for his apartment. A casino was going to be put there and the man didn’t want to leave his apartment. 
There were all eyes on this case. It was a huge deal in the news. You were offering help with the case. But Elliot’s ego would only let you help with the little things. 
And to be perfectly clear you were the only one able to help. Because of his trust issues he didn’t want anyone but you from the unit to help. 
The case was heating up and the district attorney was coming by to get some files and evidence
.  The rest of the team was out and Elliot asked you to come back to keep a close eye on him. 
Even though we were all on the same team his exact words where “ I don’t know this man why would I trust him alone”. You were slow at work so you came over to do him a favor. 
When you got there he was waiting outside of the building. He saw you walking over and looked over and smiled. 
“Detective Benson thanks for coming to babysit me” Nolan said. 
“Yeah sorry about this but you know how they are over here” You said 
“Oh I know I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t ask for backup” Nolan said. 
The two of you walked in and you helped him gather the information he needed. It was wires and files and just a bunch of other stuff. 
You were sitting on your husbands stuff and eating the food he left on his desk. On there he also had a picture of the two of you on your wedding day. It was a nice candid picture. 
About an hour had passed and you both were still here. If you were being honest you did not think it was going to take this long. 
You were playing on your phone letting Nolan do his thing. Suddenly there was a noise coming from outside you instantly  went into cop mode. You sat up and was getting ready to engage. 
Then the door swung open and Jamie walked in. You took a sigh of relief and relaxed when you saw it was just him. 
“Hey what are you doing here” He asked looking at you confused. 
“Did you forget Elliot asked me to come by” You said looking at him confused 
“Yeah sorry forgot about that” He said in a serious manner
He always tried to act as this tough guy outside of the office. Nolan was too busy focusing on whatever he was doing. 
Jamie walked over to you and gave you a small hug and sat down. You tried not to laugh about how serious he was. 
“Wow is that your wife or a co worker” Nolan joked. 
“Be quiet and just do your job” Jamie said. 
“Come on don’t be mean” You said 
“Mean he’s” Jame was starting said something. 
“Hey come on now there is no need for all of this” You said 
Jamie opened up his desk and you were trying not to look suspicious because you had eaten all the candy in the desk. 
He opened up the drawer and was riffling around in drawer for something. 
“Hey what are you uh looking for” You asked 
“My snacks are all gone” He yelled. 
A bit of an over exaggeration for some snacks but maybe this man was just hungry. 
“Hey you did you think my stuff was your evidence” Jamie yelled. 
He walked over to a confused Nolan and got all up on him. Nolan looked at him with a confused look on his face. You went over to break up but then suddenly a loud familiar voice took over. 
“Hey what the hell is going on” Elliot yelled. 
“This son a bitch took my stuff” Jamie yelled out. 
“Okay that is crazy and I did not” Nolan yelled. 
“Jamie this is crazy just move on” You said stepping in between the two of them 
Elliot then grabbed your hand and gave you a look. You looked at it and realized it had some cheeto dust on them. You swiped your hand and tried to wipe away the evidence before anyone else saw it. 
“Uhh not so fast I think we have a suspect in the case” Elliot said. 
“What are you talking about” Jamie asked 
“See told you I had nothing to do with it” Nolan said. 
“Y/N has some orange all over hand. What’s this about” Elliot asked. 
“No I don’t” You said 
Trying to secretly wipe away the dust.
“See she’s doing it again” Elliot yelled. 
“Me no I’m not I’m not doing anything” You yelled 
Jamie walked over to you and grabbed your hand and held high in the air. There was Cheeto dust on every finger. 
“Are you kidding me right now” Jamie asked. 
“Well you see I was gonna tell you but uh” You started off looking at the ground. 
“When was that gonna be” Nolan shouted out. 
“Uhh you know everything just happened so fast” You said 
“What kind of marriage is this that you just betray me like this” Jamie asked
“Oh don’t be so dramatic you steal my stuff all the time” You yelled. 
You looked up and Elliot had his arms crossed and just looked at you shaking his head like a disappointed father he was. 
“This was all good and all But i’m out before I end up being accused of more stuff and a riot starts” Nolan said. 
“Such great detective work going on around here” Nolan yelled as he was leaving 
He grabbed his stuff and headed out. You bust out laughing after he left. The whole thing was just so funny you though to yourself. 
“Yeah Next time I ask you to baby sit  also I should call your mother ” Elliot said 
“Yeah well next time supply food and I won’t have to go looking for it and just a side note you should call her because you just need a excuse to talk to her ” You snapped back. 
“Damn she called you out” Jamie said smirking. 
“Shut the hell up newbie” Stabler shouted. 
You grabbed your stuff and was heading out. They both shot their heads up and looked at you confused. 
“Where are you going” Elliot asked. 
“Where else to get food I’m hungry” You shouted leaving. 
“I would ask how your still hungry but it’s you so not a question.” Wheelan said. 
“Wait up though were hungry were coming” Elliot yelled. 
“Great your buying” You said 
“What why me” Stabler asked 
“Well for one I’m your god daughter and second one payback for making me babysit”  You said. 
“Fine deal but just for you that other man who I still am trying to care for has to pay for his own” Elliot yelled out 
“Deal” You said laughing. 
Elliot walked over and wrapped his arm around you and shot a death glare at Jamie who was just mean mugging him. 
You all 3 left and headed out and you were just glad you got what you wanted out of the day. Which was a free meal.
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rockislandadultreads · 11 months
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Twisted Fairy Tale Retelling Picks
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid
In her forest-veiled pagan village, Évike is the only woman without power, making her an outcast clearly abandoned by the gods. The villagers blame her corrupted bloodline—her father was a Yehuli man, one of the much-loathed servants of the fanatical king. When soldiers arrive from the Holy Order of Woodsmen to claim a pagan girl for the king’s blood sacrifice, Évike is betrayed by her fellow villagers and surrendered.
But when monsters attack the Woodsmen and their captive en route, slaughtering everyone but Évike and the cold, one-eyed captain, they have no choice but to rely on each other. Except he’s no ordinary Woodsman—he’s the disgraced prince, Gáspár Bárány, whose father needs pagan magic to consolidate his power. Gáspár fears that his cruelly zealous brother plans to seize the throne and instigate a violent reign that would damn the pagans and the Yehuli alike. As the son of a reviled foreign queen, Gáspár understands what it’s like to be an outcast, and he and Évike make a tenuous pact to stop his brother.
As their mission takes them from the bitter northern tundra to the smog-choked capital, their mutual loathing slowly turns to affection, bound by a shared history of alienation and oppression. However, trust can easily turn to betrayal, and as Évike reconnects with her estranged father and discovers her own hidden magic, she and Gáspár need to decide whose side they’re on, and what they’re willing to give up for a nation that never cared for them at all.
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
You may think you know how the fairytale goes: a mermaid comes to shore and weds the prince. But what the fables forget is that mermaids have teeth. And now, her daughters have devoured the kingdom and burned it to ashes.
On the run, the mermaid is joined by a mysterious plague doctor with a darkness of their own. Deep in the eerie, snow-crusted forest, the pair stumble upon a village of ageless children who thirst for blood, and the three 'saints' who control them.
The mermaid and her doctor must embrace the cruellest parts of their true nature if they hope to survive.
Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore
Summer, 1518. A strange sickness sweeps through Strasbourg: women dance in the streets, some until they fall down dead. As rumors of witchcraft spread, suspicion turns toward Lavinia and her family, and Lavinia may have to do the unimaginable to save herself and everyone she loves.
Five centuries later, a pair of red shoes seal to Rosella Oliva’s feet, making her dance uncontrollably. They draw her toward a boy who knows the dancing fever’s history better than anyone: Emil, whose family was blamed for the fever five hundred years ago. But there’s more to what happened in 1518 than even Emil knows, and discovering the truth may decide whether Rosella survives the red shoes.
The Crane Husband by Kelly Barnhill
“Mothers fly away like migrating birds. This is why farmers have daughters.”
A fifteen-year-old teenager is the backbone of her small Midwestern family, budgeting the household finances and raising her younger brother while her mom, a talented artist, weaves beautiful tapestries. For six years, it’s been just the three of them—her mom has brought home guests at times, but none have ever stayed.
Yet when her mom brings home a six-foot tall crane with a menacing air, the girl is powerless to prevent her mom letting the intruder into her heart, and her children’s lives. Utterly enchanted and numb to his sharp edges, her mom abandons the world around her to weave the masterpiece the crane demands.
In this stunning contemporary retelling of “The Crane Wife” by the Newbery Medal-winning author of The Girl Who Drank the Moon, one fiercely pragmatic teen forced to grow up faster than was fair will do whatever it takes to protect her family—and change the story.
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thereasonsimbroke · 27 days
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Zack Snyder’s highly anticipated 2D adult animated series, #TwilightOfTheGods, will premiere on #Netflix on September 19.
The show blends epic #Norse mythology with striking visuals. The series features a mix of 300 and Cartoon Saloon’s Wolfwalkers and tells the story of warrior Sigrid (Sylvia Hoeks) and her romance with mortal king Leif (Stuart Martin). Their wedding is destroyed by Thor (Pilou Asbæk), leading Sigrid on a quest for vengeance.
#ZackSnyder, Jay Oliva, and Eric Carrasco co-created the series, which The Stone Quarry and Xilam animation studios produced. It features a notable voice cast, including Rahul Kohli and Paterson Joseph. Snyder praised the 2D animation for its graphic possibilities and emphasized the emotional depth of Sigrid and Leif’s relationship.
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Yandere headcanon where u tell then you're family is making you marry someone else because your family dosent like them (baki hanma characters)
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Your parents don’t approve of your Yandere when they meet them? Too bad!
From who will try to get your parents to like them and to who doesn’t care
AFAB reader
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Kaioh Retsu
Your parents like him. They don’t have a problem with him at all
Retsu is super polite and he’s very level headed. They nor you see that he’s absolutely obsessed with you and that he’s super manipulative. Retsu has your parents wrapped around his fingers with how charismatic he is. He rains down the compliments on your parents
“I see (your name) got her good looks from her mother.” And “You never told me your dad was so funny.” Retsu knows exactly what to say and do. He’s super calm and confident in all of his mannerisms. How could your parents not like him?
They allow Retsu to marry you in China and they go there too
Muhammed Ali Jr
He’s all about your parents’ approval. He will do anything for it. He’s a really great guy although he is obsessive
He’s really upset your parents try to arrange you to marry someone else. He’ll definitely get his father involved to try to change your parents’ mind (bribe them)
If they don’t take the bribe, he’s crashing your wedding in tears. He will declare his love loudly for you and then swing you over his shoulder and run
Orochi Katsumi
Will not accept that your parents don’t like him. His parents love you. Absolutely adore you! Why don’t your parents like him too? (They know he and his parents are nuts)
He will try to get them to like him to the point it gets annoying. He’ll try to mow their lawn and fix things for them but they’re not impressed
When they arrange for you to marry someone else, he does not accept it at all. Nope. He’s livid
He’d baby trap you asap. Even if he has to drug your food to be sure it happens or give you aphrodisiacs, he will do it. Katsumi is absolutely crazy about you and he’ll be damned if your parents get in the way
Together forever and he will plan out your entire wedding next. Katsumi planned out your entire future together within a week of knowing you
Jack Hanma
Now he may try to be pleasant with your parents at first but they’re so scared of him. Jack is a giant and he’s covered in scars not to mentions his titanium teeth
They inform him that you should marry someone who isn’t so… terrifying like him
He bends down to your dad’s level and tells your father that he will fight your ‘fiancé’ for your hand in marriage to the death
Your parents immediately drop the subject and let Jack have you. They feel bad about it but Jack is too strong for them to fight
Baki Hanma
He laughs in your parents’ face when they say they don’t like him. Do they even know who he is?
Would probably fight your dad
He beats the crap out of your arranged partner too. It’s not happening
Hanayama Kaoru
Your mother faints when he walks in the door. Her little girl is involved with a yakuza boss? Absolutely not
Your dad would try to arrange you to be married to someone else but two days later your fiancé shows up in a body bag on their doorstep
Hanayama will pull up to your dad’s job in his limo and ask him to take a ride with him. Hanayama would probably hold your dad over a cliff until your dad yields you over to him
Hanayam will then let him go and tell him business has been a pleasure. Your dad will have to walk home
If you dad still tries to fight it? Hanayama will make your parents homeless and make sure they can never get a job again. You are Hanayama’s. The sooner the accept it, the better
Jun Guevara
This man doesn’t care. He’s a pirate
If he wants to be with you then he will
If your parents try to marry you off then he’ll just whisk you away on his ship. Simple as that
He doesn’t care much about impressing mommy and daddy dearest. You’ll never see them again anyways. You just need Jun
Biscuit Oliva
Now isn’t he a little too old for you? And… big?
Your parents do try to encourage you to be with someone your age but Oliva calmly informs them that he’s going to be your husband. He has shown up dressed to the nines to your parents’ house
Oliva will rip his suit right in front of all of them just by flexing his muscles. Your dad is knocked out cold on the floor from a button hitting him in the face
Your parents let you be with him once he explains WHO he is. They’re not trying to get involved with the government
Sikorsky & Gaia
Two boyfriends… TWO BOYFRIENDS?! Your parents are foaming at the mouth
They do not approve at all and they’re calling you all kinds of names. Sikorsky guides you out of the house and Gaia decides to have a little talk with them
Needless to say you don’t have parents anymore
Hector Doyle
As soon as your parents see him and say they don’t approve of you being with a wanted criminal, they’re dead. Hector isn’t dealing with the disapproval of you parents. He could care less
You’re the only person he likes in this world and no one is keeping you apart
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