#older agere
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gq-olivia · 8 months ago
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Trying to find a Picrew I like that I can use as a PNGTuber. Best option so far!
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veggieowlet · 2 months ago
being a cg to a teen regressor makes me think about the endless opportunities of taking care of an older kiddo.
instead of monitoring and scheduling "playdates," i'm slipping a bit of cash to my baby when they hang out with friends, sending them off with a curfew and an embarrassing amount of kisses before they're out the door. or, letting them control the radio on road trips, rocking out all the while to the tunes.
it's also being a gentle yet firm guardian, from monitoring social media consumption to limiting energy drinks for their mental/physical well-being. but most importantly it's letting them feel heard when (despite being in an older headspace) words and feelings can still be hard to understand and communicate. its okay to feel frustrated or angry or upset at the world, you will always have the space to feel heard here because mama will always be right there for her baby with open arms.
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banner refers to 18+ content! older regressors are always welcome to interact with me here
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windupdollie · 3 months ago
I need an older man to read fairytales to me before bed
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smallsafespace · 6 months ago
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Bean Buddies: Pumkin and Spooky!
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impish-baby · 4 months ago
Platonic yandere "friend" group...they're essentially bullies but they're just nice enough to keep you wondering if maybe you're just being sensitive when they're mean (maybe they're like stereotypical popular kids and you're a bit of an outcast..)
Sorry, they'd invite you to go with to the mall but they kinda wanted it to be just them :((
You can totally come hang out at Hannah's after though!! :D You're not upset, right? You understand? Giving you a playful nudge that's a little too rough.. (snickering about it when you're gone, how can someone be so naive? It's funny)
Getting mad when you start turning them down instead, who do you think you are? Seriously? What makes you think you can say no when they're so graciously willing to spend time and money on you?
They don't buy your lame ass excuses, you're a horrible liar. You're hanging out with some other dweeb over them. Over them. After they've done so much for you!
It's ridiculous, really. You think you aren't their friend? Stammering and fidgeting all pathetic as you try to stick up for yourself, yeah ok. They'll show you just how kind they where being, you can learn how good you had it before you decided to be a brat
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sippycuppup · 1 month ago
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older brother middlere puppy regressor !
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24hrsoda · 3 months ago
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that one time the batman adventures writers gave us two entire agere bruce comics
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impish-baby · 5 months ago
Ima need some more big brother Jaiden (is there any other siblings also?)
The reckoning - Jaiden's reaction to his baby sibling leaving - (Yan big bro x reader)
(There are more siblings! Jaiden is a middle child, a set of twins are the oldest)
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Jaiden scoffs after his mother asks if he's seen the youngest of the household. Of course, he fucking hasn't! He could care less about the brat, they're probably just at a friend's or something.. No, he doesn't know who any of their damm friends would be. No, he can't call them! God.. fine, he'll help look for the twerp at least..
Seriously... he's going to be so pissed when you get home. Mom and dad are making a huge fuss over what? You apparently haven't been at the house for a few days, big whoop. You're an adult. You barely took any of your crap with you, you didn't run away! They need to calm down for five goddamm seconds, they really think you ran off somewhere? You? Who's always clung to your family like a leech? Yeah, right...
Except.. a few days turn into a week, and there's nothing. Mom had thought that maybe you'd go to the twins, but they haven't heard from or seen you at all. Even those bastards are starting to worry and... Jaiden will never admit this to anyone, but he's starting to worry too. You had always followed him around like a little lost ducking, even as you've gotten older. And now you're what? On your own somewhere? He knows you're too dumb, too naive, too trusting to be by yourself. If you get hurt or if someone takes advantage of you, who's going to be there to help? Can you even take care of yourself if you get sick? Shit...
He feels so fucking pathetic.. but damm does he miss you. There's no one climbing onto his bed to watch him game or pouting at him to drink something other than energy drinks... it feels so lonely. It's why he's lying down in his little siblings' bed, cuddling the childhood stuffed animal they left behind. You... left it. You would always bring it everywhere with you growing up, and you just...left it. Like you left him. Abandoned more like it. He didn't even get a fucking goodbye!
Does he not deserve one? He.. jaiden knows he hasn't been the best older brother, ok? But is he really so terrible that you didn't even feel the need to let him know that you're leaving, to give him a hug, at least? (He'd always shove you away... wouldn't he? Jaiden doesn't remember the last time he ever really showed you any affection...)
Fuck...he's sorry! He's sorry, he's sorry, he's so damm sorry... please just come home... Jaiden feels like he's going to drown without you, he needs his little sibling..
The stuffie is damp with his tears by the end of the night, but jaiden refuses to let the stuffed animal go, clinging to it like a lifeline as he falls asleep in your bed. Don't worry, he'll make it right, you just need to come home. Please... come home..
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(a/n: aw, poor guy :(( he's going to be clinging to that stuffie every night, it still smells like you afterall..)
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smolmoss · 1 year ago
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mostly agere themed emotes !!
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bowlofceral · 1 month ago
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v4mpiirew1tch · 3 months ago
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someone pls go get kirishima and izuku,, @crysabie
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berrymoos · 3 months ago
so we can all agree this is a baby right
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like the eeniest little girl to exist. i think her headspace varies wildly, anywhere from baby-baby (a few months-a year or two old) to young kid (5-8ish), but she rlly only regresses to the latter headspace if someone else is regressed with her too (like caitlyn or jinx)—she is a big sister through n through & not only is she so used to taking care of others, she loves it as well !! (♡´▽`♡) also i think she is very big on clifford the big red dog & knocking over the towers she builds with her blocks X3
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little-pup-pip · 1 year ago
Can I request a Childhood Sleepover moodboard? Like ,,, your mom/dad/parental figure(s) let you have a friend over for the night? Lots of pizza and nostalgia movies? And maybe a fort? Thankieee in advance!
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impish-baby · 5 months ago
Oc intro: Jaiden (Yan! Big brother) - 🖤
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Jaiden loves his siblings. He really does! It's just that the youngest had always been... annoying. The brat just gets on his nerves, constantly whining for attention. No, he doesn't want to play games with you! Ugh.. being so smug when his baby sibling finally stops bothering him all the damm time. Smirking and making a big show out of how relaxing it is without having you around. He definitely doesn't start to miss it..
(Is he not the cool big brother now? What do you mean you don't need help beating that boss anymore?? His dumbass friend showed you??? His baby sibling that always looked at him with stars in their eyes shutting him out. Who the hell do you think you are, brat..)
It never helped that Mom would always pester him to be nicer, she didn't want to deal with the little shit either! She was just trying to pawn them off to someone else, not wanting to deal with her youngest anymore than Jaiden did. Seriously... how annoying do you have to be for your mom not to even want you
(Banner by saradinka-graphics!)
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valant1n4 · 5 months ago
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How i look up at daddy
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