#old rex is kinda hilarious
gildeddlily · 1 year
Rebels has become something so precious to me!! while I will always prefer Clone Wars to it (cause duh in CW there are the clones) Rebels is so much more enjoyable to watch. even the filler episodes are useful to the plot in adding more characterization to everyone involved, helping to build the big episodes, the ones with the real deal- and they're so entertaining! I watched the first season in one day and it was so easy to watch, so well written and full of interesting twists and yk character growth, and for now (i'm mid season three even tho I got the s4 finale all spoiled lucky me) (fuck you ao3 I was only looking for some kanan&ezra bonding fic to satisfy my urge to find found family fics!) the first season's my favourite. even tho the second one has Maul and Vader and Ahsoka (words aren't enough to explain how I love her) and the third Thrawn the first is so fresh and sad and comforting and such a good start for yk entroducing new characters! The ! overuse is translating my excitement at having discovered something so beautiful!!!!! (every time I procrastinate watching something it ends up being mind blowing) (still not gonna stop reading ff before finishing the show!!!!)
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A long list of Clone Wars headcanons just cause
Sometimes Ahsoka will get the zoomies and how she handles that energy is roughhousing with Anakin who's more than willing to participate 
It becomes a show for the 501 because seeing the small togruta tackle the lanky ass nightmare that is Anakin Skywalker to the floor is hilarious 
They are both guilty of not knowing their strength so some people (cough cough Obi-Wan cough cough) caution them against it they don’t really listen tho which has resulted in some pretty hilarious injuries 
One of those injuries happened when they were playing around and Ahsoka shouldered Anakin so abruptly that he fell back on him tailbone and got the wind knocked out of him she sat by his side laughing her ass off
It took her an unreasonable amount of time to realize he was in pain and when she did she started apologizing like crazy she still gets embarrassed when people bring it up and still apologizes years later
There was another time when Ahsoka turned her back to Anakin when they were roughhousing and he pushed her so hard that she almost fell off of the landing platform they were standing on
He snatched her up by the stomach while muttering “I’m so sorry” and then he started frantically checking to make sure he didn’t seriously hurt her while Ahsoka laughed so hard she swears to this day that she pulled something 
Unfortunately when the laughter stopped she did realize she managed to sprain her wrist and when Anakin found he helped her wrap it
You’d think that they’d learn from these incidents but nope they still play fight like two big dogs 
Even tho Anakin and Ahsoka’s place is pretty clean it’s never really quiet there’s always gotta be some kinda noise 
Sometimes it’s Ahsoka’s music playing loudly in her room, sometimes it’s a holomovie in the living room, and sometimes it’s just them bickering in the kitchen
It doesn’t matter what it is it’s never truly quiet even at night there’s a small amount of noise from Anakin’s snoring (which he denies) and Ahsoka’s purring thing (which she also denies) 
As crazy as it sounds the people closest to them will admit that their noise is strangely comforting  
Anakin and Ahsoka are so freaking similar that it turns heads sometimes they’ll say something the other said but they’ve never heard like “This is where the fun begins” 
It’s stopped Obi-Wan in his tracks before it kinda freaks him out and worries him a little bit but it also puts a small smile on his face when the duo says the same thing at the same time
They’re also able to predict how the other will react once Ahsoka was teaching the clones tricks with her saber and they broke it they felt terrible but they were also terrified about Anakin’s reaction 
Ahsoka was the only calm one in the room and explained to the group that Anakin would pretend to be pissed for about an hour but then he’d “calm down” and ask for the parted to fix it and by that time rolled around she’d already have his favorite holo prepped and food from Dex’s
They listened to her with a healthy amount of skepticism and were happily surprised to find out the next day that she was right  
There was another time when Anakin and Obi-Wan decided to buy Ahsoka her favorite boba to soften the blow that she wasn’t gonna go on a mission Anakin told Obi-Wan that she’d be happy for a minute before asking what happened and he was right 
When Ahsoka got closer to Anakin the clones and everyone else she showed her secret passion for acting like she doesn’t know them in public when they piss her off
It worked a couple of times and one of those times Rex almost got arrested because the officer didn’t believe that they were the commander and captain of the 501st Rex didn’t blame the dude because he couldn’t prove it without Ahsoka’s help and she refused to back him up
Ahsoka finally dropped the act when the cuffs came out but she was still kinda reluctant
She did agree to take a break from that prank and she stopped doing it entirely when Obi-Wan had to bail Anakin out of jail (she bought a lot of boba for a very long time to make up for that one)
They will reference the prank occasionally by asking each other at random points in the day “Do I know you?” 
Like sometimes they’ll be out and Anakin will ask “Have we met before?” most of the time Ahsoka will answer “No actually we haven’t” (this girl is wearing his cloak he’s wearing one of her headwraps and his arm is resting on her head) 
Sometimes Padme will make a big deal of taking Anakin and Ahsoka out to do something just the three of them
Whenever Padme and Anakin show the smallest form of affection towards each other Ahsoka makes a big deal about gagging Anakin makes a bigger deal of “evening it out” 
Like if he kisses Padme and Ahsoka gags he’ll grab her and give her a big smooch on the forehead and then like the little shit that he is he’ll whip his lips calling her greasy
She gets him back by whipping the spit off her forehead with his robes (and also backhanding him which Padme kindly ignores)
Padme will sometimes tease her too like if she grabs Anakin’s hand then she’ll link arms with Ahsoka and make a small comment like “There now you’re even”
Sometimes Ahsoka will get them both back in the moments when they check on each other first she’ll make a big deal about saying “Well kriff me I guess” even if she doesn’t have a scratch on her 
Both Anakin and Padme will make a big deal about checking her for injuries with a couple of comments like “Oh my poor little padawan you have a scratch from training last night how did you cope”
I said in my first post that Ahsoka and Anakin have a playlist and I love the idea that they have different titles for them like “Obi-Wan’s least favorite playlist” “get ready to kick seppie’s ass” “the council pissed me off again” and stuff like that 
It’s all in good fun but they’ll never let anyone else see those titles because they know it’ll get a good scolding from Obi-Wan
The moment Obi-Wan knew Anakin had formed an “unnecessary attachment” wasn’t some big life-or-death moment on the battlefield 
In hindsight it was a pretty funny moment that was caused by Anakin’s stupidity cause he had broken a glass earlier that day and he thought he got all the pieces so he didn’t feel it was necessary to tell Ahsoka
Next thing he knows the poor togruta is gasping in pain and when he goes to check on her she’s sitting on the kitchen floor while the mother of all glass shards is sticking out of her foot 
Now you might be asking “How did Anakin miss a glass shard the size of his hand?” he honestly couldn’t give you an answer but he could tell you was in that moment he realized that he forgot to restock the med kit even though Ahsoka had reminded him about it earlier that day
All Obi-Wan got to see of this was a blur of Anakin holding his profusely bleeding padawan while yelling at the top of his lungs “Move she’s bleeding out!”
No one can really blame the man for dropping everything he was doing to chase after his former padawan and they also can’t blame him for assuming the worst like her being stabbed or shot
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he walked into the halls of healing but it wasn’t an embarrassed Anakin standing over a cackling Ahsoka as the healers scolded him for causing a scene
He makes a silent note to give Anakin a small lecture about keeping his emotions under control before checking on his giggly grand padawan
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alicepao13 · 6 days
Here we go again, Hudson and Rex S01E01!
God, I love 1080p.
Oh, Diesel. He's so young in this episode.
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Okay, what is going on back there, the show has only just started lol
I forgot this show's only colors for S1 were blue and... blue. And some yellow.
Charlie in his suits. I could say I've missed it, but it gets old fast. You get more options with casual clothes.
Charlie verbally sparring with Mankiewicz is so good. I don't know why they didn't find more opportunities to get him back on the show, he's a good villain.
The part where Mankiewicz says Evelyn's name, I always thought that was intentional, judging by the way he looks up, like if he's waiting to see whether Charlie will pick up on it, which he does. He's probably judging his foe's intelligence.
Is it just me, or was John Reardon's voice even deeper in S1 (I remember I'd thought that before, it's not just this episode)? Or if not deeper, different somehow.
Rex displaying his intelligence as he "infiltrates" the bad guys' hideout. Also, I'm kinda curious about his screentime in this episode. If I'm right, it's significantly lower than other episodes.
I now remember than Kevin Hanchard had said he filmed all his scenes of S1 at the same time or something like that. I will be looking for hairstyle discrepancies lol
Ah, the old house. And Charlie looking at Rex's empty dog bed. And the first hints of whump as he's shot with a tranquilizer dart. I appreciated that.
Doesn't everyone get their forensics expert with them when looking for a missing kid?
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Calm down, guys, it's the first episode.
Not much skill in the henchmen who had kidnapped Evelyn.
Hilariously, Sarah doesn't enter her lab once in the first episode.
I also do notice a not so subtle effort from direction/editing of making sure that Sarah gets in and out of the boat without Charlie's help, I guess they're making sure that Charlie is not doing any of chivalric things a man could do for his female coworker? He does later say that the perp should point the gun at him but it's after he's questioned from the woman herself and after Rex's timely takedown, Sarah is the one point the gun at the woman, while Charlie does the arrest.
Charlie hugging Rex after being separated from him for a whole day.
And Charlie shooting the guy, which apparently no one remembers lol
Jesse getting shot! More whump! I don't think anyone believed for a moment that he would die, though. Also, can someone shoot Charlie? I've been asking for years.
"He's not a dog, he's my partner". Ah, the corniness. I'll allow it.
The ending scene. I can clearly tell that John Reardon has some snack for Diesel in his hand after we've been shown the trick.
I honestly never thought that episode was a good pilot, not because of the quality of the episode itself, I consider it above average for S1. But you give the audience the wrong idea about how this show is going to be. Personally, upon my first watch, I was given the impression that Rex would be alone doing his own thing quite often. Also, it doesn't give the audience almost anything in terms of Charlie and Rex's partnership. And they promoted this show with lines like "good detectives, great partners", etc., focused on the partnership, which is the whole point of the show from its origins anyway.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: “Brothers of the Broken Horn”
Hooooooondoooooooooooooo! :D
When we open we see that Phoenix Cell has temporarily taken to port at Garel.
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Which is looking as lovely as ever.
We pan down with a pleasant musical cue to see that Rex has set Ezra up with some blaster training, enlisting Chopper as a moving target.
Ezra’s already clearly frustrated and grows moreso when Kanan shows up and tells him he’s missing a Jedi training session.  His discouraged, “What if I don’t want to be either [a soldier or a Jedi]?” surprises Rex but alarms Kanan, who knows how desperately Ezra wants to be a Jedi in normal circumstances.
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Neither man can figure out the reason why Ezra’s upset though (really guys? y’all be dense), and they’re interrupted by Sabine calling them in for a briefing.
The mission is honestly a little bit incidental to the plot, only really there to establish the MacGuffin that people will be wrestling over trying to possess this episode.  Ezra doesn’t get to participate as now Hera is on him also, to scrub the Phantom.
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So many “teenager whines about chores to parents” vibes in this scene, especially when Hera chides Chopper for laughing about it and makes him help too lol.
Ezra is understandably feeling overwhelmed by the myriad pressures that are colliding over him right now, complaining to Chopper about it.  Kanan and Rex are pulling him in opposite directions and fighting with each other over it every step of the way, and this has made him discouraged, unsure of his path forward, and missing the simplicity of his life before the Ghost, as rough as it was.
So of course he jumps at the opportunity to distract himself from everything when Chopper picks up a distress signal from Vizago’s ship.
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Borrowing Mom’s van to make a wellness check on your old criminal fencing friends lol.
Yes, this is super irresponsible and dangerous but also Ezra really needed this little day trip to clear his head and remind himself how much he’s changed from the kind of person who would’ve jumped at Hondo’s offer.
So this episode is mostly character building/character renewal for Ezra and also a Friendship Fetch Quest that nets us Hondo Ohnaka.  After Rex, he’s one of the most important allies we gain this season.
But I’m getting a little ahead of myself.  Back to Ezra doing things that absolutely got him grounded after this episode. XD
(Lol at Ezra’s defensive little, “I know how to fly.” towards Chopper, immediately belied by him scraping the Phantom on its hooks.)
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Garel be pretty, what can I say?
Hilarious that the ship got stuck in Garel airspace, I have to assume Hondo and Vizago met with their, ah, “disagreement” literally almost as soon as they took off lolol.
Fyrnock cue coming back here, I guess we’re using it as shorthand for uncertain perilous situations now.
The similarities to the previous episode in the creepy seemingly abandoned nature of the ship I’m going to assume were deliberate in order to catch us off guard when it was all subverted and Hondo was introduced, instead of some horrible danger.
And yeah, Hondo is a bit “defanged” from his Clone Wars incarnation but I think it kinda fits, you know, the all-consuming overwhelming evil of the Empire is such that mundane run-of-the-mill pirates and criminal overlords are simply just not as frightening or dangerous anymore.  The Empire ruins everything, even the lives of outliers who used to just fly under the radar.
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Ezra keeps darting glances at Hondo’s arm around his shoulder like he’s not entirely comfortable with it being there, lol.
I mentioned that Ezra’s mechanical skills sort of fall by the wayside as he grows into his role as Jedi so it’s nice that he gets to use them here.
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“This was such a bad idea, Hera’s going to kill me when if I get back.”
Ah man, Ezra continues to have just such a look of regretting all of the decisions that led him to this point, poor bby.
He slips pretty naturally back into his street orphan trickster/swindler/pickpocket persona though, smoothly bargaining with Hondo to distract from his swiping the sentry droid control.
Frynock cue transmuted to strings instead of brass as we descend.
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Nice to see a moon that looks like an actual moon.  This is a pretty unique location and I’m glad we get to visit it again later in the season.
Ezra planning ahead for trouble because he remembers how this kind of thing can easily go down, kind of a subtle hint at how familiar he is with the workings of the criminal underground.
And it’s a good thing he did because it’s Azmorigan that we’re meeting.  Love Ezra’s immediate look of, “Ah hell.” and hiding his face.
“I don’t deal with washed-up old relics!” “Come now, let’s leave your wife out of this.” PFFFKJHGKH HONDO PLZ.
This brief comedic exchange actually kind of gives some insight into Hondo’s changed circumstances.  The current criminal overlords consider him outdated, washed up, from a bygone era, an old fool desperately clinging to relevance.  It fits because Hondo is a bit of a classic romantic at heart, fond of what we would call “swashbuckling adventure”.  It’s the reason he loves the Jedi and thinks back on them wistfully and nostalgically, they represent the kind of dramatic tales and bold feats of a golden era full of opportunity for reward and glory.  But there’s no more room for that kind of frivolous excitement under the iron oppressive hand of the Empire, you adapt or you die out, and Hondo refuses to do either.
...Right, now that I’ve given myself feels over a comedic side character let’s move on.
The light woodwind ditties in the soundtrack belie the actual tension of this scene, especially when Ezra has his helmet pulled off.  (The cadet helmet he had Sabine paint for him, which he keeps retreating into when he feels unsafe in this episode, the biased shipper in me would like to point out.)
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You can practically hear the string of curses inside his head as he tries to hide his face here.
No dice, Azmorigan recognizes him, cue Big Damn Heroes moment from the orange tin can murderhobo himself and a decent little action setpiece.  What I’m most impressed with/interested in in this sequence is Ezra himself, how he moves with such skill and finesse.
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Also catch me crying remembering when he was tiny enough to hop over his own bound hands like a jumprope.  I don’t think that trick would work as well post growth spurt.
An impulsive and genuinely selfless move from Hondo as he pushes Ezra out of the way of the cargo ladder Azmorigan sent rolling at him.  And this is before he knows Ezra’s a Jedi so Hondo really basically just took one look at this kid and decided he’d die for him.  Which, you know, valid.
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This droid is a menace lol.
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Ezra takes a risk by using his Force abilities.  Fortunately Azmorigan is too busy fleeing for his life from Chopper to see, and Hondo loves Jedi.  (See again: classic romanticist at heart.)
“You must have many responsibilities.”  “Yeah.  Too many at the moment.”
This kid. :((((  He’s under such pressure.
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Ezra’s little “Wait a minute.” side look here lol.
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And he continues not to enjoy Hondo’s affection ha ha.
It’s cute but also my brain is wandering to the fridge on this one because:
A) Ezra is now comfortable with all the casual touches and gestures of physical affection from the Ghost crew, which mirrors how he’s found a new home with them and no longer belongs in Hondo’s world.
And B) given the events of last episode it’s not surprising Ezra is a bit touchy about weird strangers violating his personal boundaries.
“Maybe I would make a pretty good pirate.  Inquisitors don’t hunt them do they?”  Honey you are Force Sensitive and already on their radar, hanging out with Hondo would only hide you for so long.
(Yet another thing that’s apparently been on his mind and adding to his anxieties.  In light of that his initial refusal to help Vizago makes more sense, the kid has so much on his plate already and just does not want to deal with anything else.)
Lol Ezra talking to Vizago like Vizago’s a problem child he’s babysitting.
Right, this whole scene right here is why I don’t do stories with casts of morally gray protagonists, the constant backstabbing and side-switching are exhausting.
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Look, even Ezra’s exhausted.  Poor kid needs a nap he looks so tired.
Fortunately for Ezra, Chopper has his back, having put the Phantom on autopilot beforehand.  So he winds up not losing the Phantom (this time) and actually accomplishing the mission without really trying.
I do wanna see that missing scene where the Phantom returns to the Ghost and Hera’s all ready to let Ezra have it and then this weird Weequay pops out lolol.
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They look so proud, like, “Awww that’s our little gremlin child.”
Aaaaand this little heartwarming look from Hondo is getting to me a bit this time around.
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He’s so fond of Ezra ajkhaksfjfh.
Hera’s taking the whole “running off with the Phantom instead of doing his chores” thing remarkably well all things considered.  I guess it helps that he lucked into finding some generators.
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There is no reason for this shot to be this pretty this is just a hanger.
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*sobbing forever about how Hondo functions as narrative foil for how Ezra could have turned out if not for his Found Family and how that’s acknowledged in-text*
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I caught a lot of unexpected feels rewatching this episode, I’ve always liked it for being a fun Ezra-focused episode but I’m seeing just how it fits neatly into his character journey.  Things got hairy last episode, the stressors and pressure points (Rex and Kanan’s bickering) continue to increase and he got understandably overwhelmed.
The growing pains in his self-identity, questioning whether or not he even wants to be a Jedi at this point, just to get granted a glimpse of what his life might have looked like if he had continued on that self-serving path and realizing how much he’s changed... aaaaaaah I love it!
Another successful Friendship Fetch Quest accomplished.
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ebisul · 2 months
TCW Rewatch: Season 3 Episodes 1-4
Not much to say about these episodes but I love the clones and Riyo Chuchi so it’s nice to see them.
Episode 1: Clone Cadets
* Echo and Fives Kamino backstory episode
* Why does cutup have such a wildly different accent
* Dont be mean to 99
* Or Echo
* No wonder you fucking suck, you all treat eachother like shit
* Shaak ti vouching for domino squad and the humanity of the clones <3
* I love Shaaki Ti
* The interaction between cutup and brick is my favorite bc hes so snarky toward him and has like zero respect for him
Episode 2: ARC Troopers
* Is this episode another flashback episode? It ties into the Rishi Moon episode in season one i think
* The Hevy tribute on their armor is such a great detail
* Kamino was already having an issue stretching Jango’s dna and now the dna is getting targetted, is it not possible to clone the clones? Or use one of the unaltered clones dna? How does cloning work?
* Oh no not Colt:(
* Love to see Obi Wan throwing Grievous around
* Oh no…
* Rex comforting Cody after 99 is so sweet
* I do like that we get more clone episodes this season
Episode 3: Supply Lines
* Separatists attacking Ryloth
* Naming him Ima-Gun Di is cruel amd hilarious
* The Jedi Council are contacting Bail to help get supplies to Ryloth due to the Separatists destroying the fleet protecting Ryloth and breaking their supply lines
* Why would anyone ever send JarJar to do any negotiations
* I still dont totally understand Dooku’s motives, I want to study him like a bug
* Toydaria is closed to outsiders, for what purpose? Like specific reason, other than the ongoing war.
* I thought Toydaria was one of the Republics allies??? That was liek the whole first episode of this series?
* Toydaria already sided with the republic over the separatists in the very first episode what changed?
* The freedom fighters are losing faith in the Republic to help them
* The Trade Federation is arguing against helping the Twileks
* Toydaria denies Organa the formal base to transfer supplies, but allows them to transfer what they have behind the trade federation’s back
* JarJars only skill is circus tricks?
* Cpt Keeli has a sick ass design
* Oh :(
* Oh shit hes.. oh no hes dead dead this time
* I should stop liking side clones
* If I ever have to see Cody die i think I would actually mourn irl
* “The Republic has heart, my friend, but I am not convinced it has the strength to prevail”
* King of Toydaria is reconsidering his neutrality and sets up a meeting with the Jedi?? Why not the Senate? Or something like that?
* Actually the Senate’s whole issue is that its ineffective because procedures and such slow all progress to a halt, so i kinda get it
Episode 4: Sphere of Influence
* The Riyo Chuchi episode!
* Trade federation has blockaded pantora, causing political unrest and rallying pantorans against the Senate. Dooku offers aid in exchange for and alliance with the Separatists
* Its well known that the Trade Federation is aligned with the Separatists, so says riyo, but last episode it was treated like it was meant to be uncertain in universe
* Ok no i get it, the TF trades with both republic and separatists and claims to be neutral although they have a clear bias and repeatedly blockade republic worlds
* I love Riyo so much
* The new pantoran chairman is pushing to ally with the separatists to aid their people
* Its an interesting tactic the separatists keep using, to blockade a world with a “neutral” party and then offer their assistance in exchange for an alliance, using the issues of the Senate to their advantage bc the Senate would never vote to help in time.
* Its very “cause problems to set yourself up as a hero” of them especially after the kidnapping
* I do really enjoy the political espionage episodes i think theyre so enjoyable
* I have a really ungood feeling about today, i just got wild deja vu from this episode
* How old is Riyo Chuchi? She looks to be slightly older than ahsoka by maybe a few years? But the youngest Senators were mon mothma at 19 and leia at 18 so she must be older
* The Pantoran Chairman is friends with Jabba??? How?
* Pantorans have better aim than most droids or soldiers we see
* Girlboss Chuchi is one of my favorite characters
* So the trade federation is just allowed to blockade whoever? That can’t possibly be legal
War Crime Counter
Separatists: 13
Republic: 7
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curious-sootball · 8 months
Rewatching the beginning of a campaign with the Deadlands lore and Q&A in mind is An Experience™️
First, Johnny's hints become increasingly hilarious; they're trying so hard to give the rest of the party hints on what's going on while maintaining the bumbling old man persona its a show in itself (also, is it just me or is Jane hell-bent on not metagaming things? She played Deadlands before, she's clearly aware of the meta, and I had no idea until watching the Q&A)
One big, nay, giant "what if" idea that keeps nagging on my brain is Garnet, Nate and Delacy being more social in Dead Man's Worth(ep. 2 and 3) - what if they talked to the other contestants(more than just Slim Hawkins) and tried to tilt the odds in their favour? Like, Andy straight-up said he had written the backstories for all the contestants, and since I watched a good chunk of "The quick and the dead" thanks to this campaign, I have a big thick suspicion about some of them(especially those of Hattie McGuill, Rosa Conamerania and Big Bill). Imagine if all of them decided to talk and agreed on making Ben Bellows's day an absolute nightmare - how much faster and funnier the contest would've been? Andy could even keep the tone whiplash from planning to troll and trolling Bellows to him still straight up slaughtering his opponents anyway(e.g. Delacy shooting the gun out of Rex Randall's hand to rightfully eliminate him from the contest, and Bellows shooting Rex through the throat in an all-out gunfight later anyway. Bonus points if he would've came back as a Harrowed and complained about the bullet wound fucking up his vocal chords).
Also, other contestants could've had clues that Bellows isn't as human as he'd like to appear to tip the players off about what was really going on, and I'm kinda surprised they hadn't tried that line of investigation. (Also#2 - was the bartender supposed to be suspicious??? Because "The quick and the dead" has both a cowed saloon owner and a guy shot in both hands the exact same way The Jewel's bartender is - except the second guy was a cocky trick shooter who falsely claimed credit to one of the villain's kills while being in said villain's hearing range. That guy fucked around and found out; and while I'm reasonably sure it wasn't the case for The Jewel's bartender, was this detail supposed to be a clue that cast decided to ignore???).
Third thing about Dead Man's Worth - I love how Andy tweaked the contest rules from "The quick and the dead" - Bellows gives contestants a clear reason to fight each other over teaming up and fighting him directly(a pre-drawn elimination brackets instead of anyone challenging anyone else and killing being optional and becoming mandatory halfway through the contest). Combine this with the prize and the only way to sow more discord among the contestants would've been to yeet a gilded apple with "for the sharpest aim" written on its side into the crowd on day 1 of the contest. This absolute motherfucker of a character(also, I strongly suspect that his bodyguards/gunmen are people from his cavalry unit and most of the other population of the town is their families). I can see why Andy brought him back in the finale.
One more thing: after I looked up the lore, Johnny's reaction to the Dishonourable judge M.T. Boudreau became comedy gold(judge himself also became funnier, but he's not in the spotlight now). Like, they played Nate so fucking smart in that arc, I love it. (Also - imagine if judge could actually kinda see demons attached to the characters and tried threatening Garnet's demon with arresting them for swearing/murdering their huckster after the trial?). Also - am I the only one that looked up the official illustrations of Hangin' Judges and found it kinda underwhelming? Those tiny blades really don't fit the "sword-gun things that he's trying to shoot you to death with" description; Andy made them sound so goddamn cool and the official illustration didn't live up to hype (to me).
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emonewtype · 5 months
Back at it again in Neo Twewy
got sick for a bit last week so I kinda stopped playing at the start of week 1 day 6, got a few thoughts.
1: This game is comparatively much more chill to start than the first game, which kinda went hard in the intro and then eased up before getting serious again. As of day 6 our heroes are only now starting to internalize the stakes of the situation they're in, and consequently have been spending a lot more time on funny shenanigans in the meantime. Lets see where this all goes.
2: Pin variety seems a bit limited, it feels like everything with a similar input has a similar effect, and any given psych is only ever on one input regardless of what pin you're getting it from (likely to prevent nonsense infinite beat drop combos) but it feels very restrictive.
3: This big 'ol cartoon bomb is doing absolutely bonkers damage and Nagi's VA went full silly mode for her lines when using it. Highly Approve of this.
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4: Sad that scanning random civilians always seems to use the same pool of thoughts regardless of day, IIRC I read somewhere that the pool doesn't ever change unlike the first game. Am appreciating the use of civilian thoughts for shout outs to/continuity with the last game, glad to see people were equally devastated in-universe at the closing of Ramen Don as I was.
5: Confused as to whether Tasty Bonuses when eating food are random or if its actually based on each character having a preference list. Also wondering if each food can only proc the bonus for each character once or if it can go multiple times.
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also all of the secret menu items are hilarious so far, but this one is the best. Increase your Style with Expensive As Hell Canned Air.
6: Using remixes of old songs mostly as overworld themes is probably a good choice to make this game have its own unique identity, but it throws me for a loop when the game plays a remix of a "battle" song even when we're just chillin out.
7: This game is giving out amazing reaction images almost every cutscene, someone bother me to get to cropping them out of my screenshots
8: I have hit the yen cap at least once and have kept my level cranked down all the way to 1 even though I've maxed Hard Mode drop rate on most enemies like 10 levels ago. The T-Rex noise will make me suffer for this but I will not learn my lesson.
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abbinurmel · 1 year
GUYS GUYS GUYS, you guys, who wants to share and discuss old obscure kids cartoon shows with me, huh huh huh??
While this was just another obvious Rugrats/Muppet Babies rip-off, for what it's worth, this show was HUGE to me and my baby sister. We played pretend more so as these guys than their better well known far more original predecessors yet even other kids during the 90s didn't much care about this show. It's too bad they lacked merch at least in the US cos if they had any I would have bought it all. I dunno why this mediocre cartoon was so big a deal but I guess we can chalk it up to us simply being into all things dinosaur across the board.
Overall the writing was neither amazing nor terrible, just average for a wholesome kids show, but the entire thing's appeal hinged around one tiny aspect:
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This guy! ...LOOK at this guy! Such a cute lil bastard! He's PRECIOUS! ❤️He's gonna go cruelly concuss some little children with coconuts just for fun from high above, FOR NO REASON, yes he is, YETH HE IIIZ! 😘
This red eyed fiend was called Dak, who was the only antagonist ever on the show, and basically a male Angelica; constantly teasing and pulling tricks purely to get food he could already more easily reach and hoard, or just giggle over suffering. He played things like witches and vampires/ other villains in any retelling of fairy tales and I found him so cool cos pterosaurs were almost always among my favorite dinos, but they didn't quite as often show up. 99% of the time, at least in media up til this point, any evil/mischievous dino, even ones that were not feral just 'playground bullies' or 'rude neighbor' sort of guys, the species chosen for such was always a velociraptor or T-rex, usually portrayed as big, slovenly dumb and older brash teenagers or stupid adult stereotypes.
Sometimes you'd get fictional non-descript looking Bowsers or kaijus. Pterosaurs and pterodactyls meanwhile always got the shaft. You had that one segment of Fantasia, and Don Bluth's Petri, and that was it. Subconsciously even to this day it seems we still have relegated nearly ALL flying dinos to only cowardly sidekicks or filler roles, if not simply outright mindless mounts or 'birds' or five second 'sentient Flintstone-tool' gags. Which is crazy, because if we read up on them, these beasts were literal some of the top apex predators, *nightmare dragons* with private plane wingspan at their mightiest worst, the nastiest and shittiest of cassowary or Canada geese at the lowest end. Which is quite possibly lots worse for us humans to deal with if you dwell on it. Have you ever fucked around with angry swan or Canadian goose? Do NOT TRY.
Dak meanwhile, was not only a pterosaur, he wasn't even any bigger or older than the other babies on the show. He was cunning, mean and extremely agile and literally had the exact same personality and voice of a tamed Zorak from "Space Ghost Coast2Coast"...which is hilarious because nobody else in the show sounds like that. Can you imagine having a friend group like this, I mean in actual real life?...Everyone else has your typical 90's child voice, or at least voices attempting at sounding *kinda* like a child, and everyone else has fairly normal human names like Franklin and Marshall. ...All except this one weird guy who is only called DAK and is clearly AN ADULT and screeching like he was the unholy spawn between Mrs. Bighead and one of the Dark Crystal's Skeksis. You got for no reason this one crackhead or irl Invader Zim character hanging around and constantly harassing you and you can't make him go away so you begrudgingly accept him as your friend AND HE CAN FLY.
...Maybe it's just me? There's just something really kinda funny about having a bunch of normal kids standing around, and then there is THAT guy; the one guy who for no reason hangs out just to be a pest and has fucking bloodshot red eyes, and speaks like Gollum except he eats cigarette butts from the trash cans every day. I can't explain, I just... love it.
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imthepunchlord · 2 years
If you could make a fix it fic, which fandom would you do it? For me, it would be Jurassic, because... there's a lot of "what an idiot" moments on the franchise, same with Star Wars.
Oh gosh, I have a growing list. I can't just stick to one! There's so many I have to ask the writer(s) what are you even doing?
Since you mentioned Jurassic in the ask, I'll keep the focus there, cause I do have issues with the franchise and there are some ideas I could think of to change up the series. Though it would be more directed towards the World films. JP1 and JP2 I can't think of anything I really need to fix, and JP3 only thing I'd have changed is the removal of the dumb dream. That was silly. But the rest of the film I was good with.
Now JW1, which was the best of the World films, at most I'd do minor tweaks. Make the older brother less creepy and stop staring at girls. Remove the mention that the brothers parents are getting a divorce, we don't need that. It's just pointless exposition. I'd also either overhaul Owen's character or replace him. Like, removing the actor from him and viewing him as a character, he's unlikable and just doesn't click with the other lead Claire, cause they're both stiff in different ways, she's controlling and orderly while he's gruff and hostile and it just wasn't pleasant seeing them work off each other. Maybe... given that raptors are social animals, the trainer should be sociable and a little playful, but gets serious as required.
JW2 I'd just overhaul all together, work off the trailers more. Like, at most, I'll give the film that the Indoraptor was hilarious cause that thing thought he was in his own horror film, but for a film that was built up on dinosaurs getting loose, and our era is about to be a "fallen kingdom" and we're truly about to enter Jurassic World; well the movie should've been more about that. And given the opening, maybe it should've been that the Mosasaurus should've been the focal big antagonist of the film. Have Claire spending her life focusing on the dinosaurs and handling the mess of the fallen theme park, being in charge of handling the dinosaurs and overseeing the island. And it's discovered the Mosasaur got out and Claire is to assist in the termination as it's doing a lot of damage in the ocean, and while this sea horror film is going on with the Mosasaur, in the B plot, Biosyn is coming to the island to gather up the dinosaurs, with Dodgson leading the way. Idk how, but the two plots will come together, and because Biosyn is over ambitious, dinosaurs break free are now loose in the United States and is set to some how spread to other parts of the world. And that would be Dominion, full blown dinosaur apocalypse with people trying to survive, and adapt to dinosaurs now being a part of life and can come and go wherever they please, and seeing what changes have to be made and just embrace the horror of this setting. I'd also like the Camp Cretaceous kids make cameos.
Speaking of which, I'd overhaul s4 of Camp Cretaceous too. I'd go that the Mosasaur pushes the campers onto Site B and they got to survive on the new island, and it keeps dinosaurs as the focal threat with our old buddy Spino, we see the rex from JP2 grown up, and of course the raptors. This will also be the season for Sammy to shine a little as Mantah Corp is here to do illegal experimentation, which maybe here is where you get to see the Indoraptor as I cut that out in my idea of JW2. And the guy that blackmailed Sammy's family is here, and she and him are going to have an actual confrontation for what he did to her and her family. I'd also reveal that Mantah Corp picked up on the SOS signal and purposely ignored it. And it could be set up that s4 they were able to get a hold of Mantah Corp's tech and get a message out that Dave and Roxie and Darius' older brother picks up and keep in them coming in to help in s5. Also the scientist they come across in s4, I'd either cut her out entirely as she was kinda pointless, or make her another Mantah Corp operative, not kept in the dark about what they're doing, but she also wasn't here for child murdering, so she helps the kids however she can.
I'd keep in Kenji and Darius making up, but change up the reasoning, instead of Kenji's mad at Darius for endangering his (apparent) crush Brooklyn, he's mad because all the campers are his first time friends, he had lost Ben, he nearly lost Sammy, and so soon Brooklyn is in danger right now and Darius left her in that danger (though she did tell him to leave her). And he was mad at Darius for taking that risk for their friend cause between Sammy and Ben, it really clicked for him how terrifying it is knowing that another is in danger. And I would clarify that Kenji isn't wrong in his feelings, but it is something he needs to get past cause now isn't the time for there to be tension in the group.
Also, if any couple is going to be made official in s4, it's going to be Yaz and Sammy.
As for the matter of PTSD, I'm going to clarify that all the kids have PTSD. I am baffled that s4 claimed that Darius, the 12 yo who had to step up as the leader of these kids, struggling to survive, running from dinosaurs that wanted to kill him, had to deal with bounty hunters that wanted to kill them, and the horror that was the Scorpius Rex; apparently doesn't have PTSD, that he's good. Yeah that can go. That felt like some cheap means to try and separate Darius from the group and help establish Kenji as the new leader; yeah that go out the window. That was irritating.
As for Kenji's dad being in charge of Mantah Corp... I actually still need to watch s5, but I'd lean that he isn't. Like, the man is a VIP at the park, he has his own spot on the park that's isolated and exclusive to him, he has access to hidden routes under the island that can go into any of the exhibits. Why does his company need to hire a teenager to be a spy and gather dna and intel for him???
And for sure, I'd have CC officially end around the time that FK ends, and when Darius sees a dinosaur in his neighborhood, there is horror and dread in his face cause that's not supposed to be here, and that ends with your build up for Dominion, and setting the tone of what's to come.
And so concludes Punchie's ranty rewrite of the Jurassic franchise. I hope you guys like it better than what we got.
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newtabfics · 1 year
I was wondering what advice you could give for anyone wanting to write snoo-snoo? It doesn't have to be anything crazy. I'm just curious.
Okay, writing good snoo-snoo is very hard. I might end up making a full post about it later on but 2 things you should know:
Repetition will happen. Unfortunately, there are only so many ways someone can say "Thrust" before you repeat it again. My rule of thumb is to TRY to say it only once every other paragraph. So Let's say there are 3 paragraphs. As long as paragraph 2 doesn't have it, paragraph 3 can. Of course, I mean this for the description of the action. So plunge can't be used in consecutive paragraphs.
Read good AND bad snoo-snoo. There are tons of recommendations out there.
More information below this cut cuz I def went on a full tangent.
Personally for good build up and writing, I recommend "A Touch of Darkness" by Scarlett St Clair. Very good retelling of the story of Hades and Persephone. For just cutting straight to the good stuff, The "Ice Planet Barbarian" series by Ruby Dixon. Definitely a good safe read for anyone getting into monster lover stuff. The world building in it is pretty cool too! Lots of badass moments too.
If you wanna talk about BAD recommendations that I just recommend so you can understand what you want to learn from, I have 2. Fifty Shades of Grey series and Taken by the T-Rex.
Going over 50 shades. Do I have a distaste for the book as a whole? Absolutely, but it's great reference material. These book aren't well-written by any means, but that doesn't mean it's a bad story! The thing that sucks is the story is actually a good romance, BUT it focuses too much on the wrong things. I won't get too into it if you haven't read it but my biggest gripe with it is how this series goes over the BD/SM community.
I'm actually a...consumer? A participant? I'm not sure. Either way, I engage with this community rather regularly.
My biggest issue is how this series handles "Consent." Everyone at one point does consent, and that's my issue. It isn't like a "he seduced me because that's how sexy he was and I let my body take control". No. There is the topic of "Nonconsensual Consented", as in, they only said yes because they felt pressured. The main characters BOTH go through this.
And it's just accepted. On top of that, the ending for the first book. Again, if you've read the series, you know what I mean. The ending of this book was resolved within chapters of the second book. It didn't feel like there was a point to it at all.
The second book. Taken by the T-Rex. This is a terrible story. It's hilarious, and terrible. Dinosaurs want hot and sexy cave women near them and the women are like "oh...fuck yeah <3"
I recommend this because the ero-scenes are actually really good. I do think this series would've taken off so much better had the writing been taken a little more seriously. It's an ero-comedy, I guess you could say.
That said, this is POORLY written. Like, I mean, My Immortal (tm) level of poorly written.
And if you don't get that reference, here is the link. You need to read this as it is a treasure of the lost times. Just know, I love this series because it's hot garbage. For me, it's an old relic that should never be forgotten because of the cringe. Embrace the cringe.
Every author out there that reads this will think this exact thing: "Oh I've written that kinda story before."
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trans-zhongli · 2 years
stuff people don't usually get bout zhongli:
-he likes to make jokes. often about his own identity
-he behaves extremely differently as "zhongli" vs "rex lapis"
-he does not like to be called rex lapis or morax in his new mortal life, always referring to either of those sides of himself in the third person
-he enjoys being useless and a little bit lazy in retirement, and is also quite soft in reality. (getting paimon and the traveler to get the bamboo shoots for him, immediately afterward saying that he'll have just 'one more cup of tea' before doing his actual job, he enjoys playing with birds and taking walks and generally doing nothing productive (as per xiao's voiceline about him and his own voicelines), he uses cloud retainer's supreme cuisine machine instead of just making his own food, many many other examples)
-he is affectionate and gentle. this is proven many times over and is probably the thing most people don't seem to realize, because he often says things in a very even tone and a straight face (he has kind of an RBF anyway). he enjoys giving gifts and straight-up telling people they mean a lot to him ('you will shine like gold in my memories', the chopsticks for childe, the glaze lily for the traveler's birthday, etc)
-in the 2022 lantern rite event, he calls the book "rex incognito" something closer to fanfiction than reality, stating there was 'much less ostentatious shapeshifting'. a lot of people take this to be a confirmation that he never took the form of a woman, however zhongli himself several times mentions those legends. in the 'stone harbor treasure journal' web event and the choosing of the perfume at the statue of the seven specifically. im perfectly happy to let others interpret this how they will, but to claim canon denies outright that he ever decided to live as a woman is just as ambiguous as headcanoning him as trans. both have their own canon proof.
-he's just kinda some guy. he forgets his mora (he has it! he just forgets it at home! he's not broke) and often spends more than he needs to because he's easily scammed. but he's also really good at somehow getting things paid for... by others. his hobbies are literally feeding birds, taking walks, collecting antiques, enjoying flowers, etc (old man alert). he is kind and genuine and never holds back on giving praise (and criticism in equal measure, but always constructive). he makes new acquaintances easily. he's very fond of jokes (he just has a deadpan sense of humor). he very consistently reminds others that he does not want to be treated or referred to as his previous identity (rex lapis ofc) and outright tells xiao "i should be deferring to you as a mortal speaking to an adeptus".
-SERIOUSLY, he is very verbally affectionate and gives praise easily!!! he literally gives gifts and does words of affirmation!!! idk where people got the idea that he's unfeeling and detached, especially if you write him in a relationship, because he very much is not.
-him asking the traveler to do stuff for him with a sly little smile, and claiming he's a mere funeral consultant in the same manner, is fucking hilarious
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rexismycopilot · 2 years
😭 bro I was in the shower and I have the best idea for 50 shades (this is kinda long, sorry 💗)
Obi-Wan pisses Anakin off. How? Idk but that’s not what this is about
Anakin, naturally, is like “ok so like, fuck you, you old bastard???” And goes on a shopping spree in retaliation
(“Don’t ever break up with a man who comes home with a check. Instead, use his card to let him know you’re still hurt.”)
because we all know Anakin has money insecurities, it’s actually not that big of a deal bc it didn’t even dent Obi-Wan’s bank account. Obi-Wan, instead, finds it hilarious. (My guy CACKLING)
Anakin gets beyond offended with Obi-Wan laughing at him and goes on another one, our boy Qui-Gon with us this time (I know, unlikely duo for this but here me out Rex)
Qui-Gon has, for god knows how long, been waiting for an ex of Obi-Wan to do this. He used to be afraid of it because, well, shopping spree/credit theft/etc - but with Anakin he is DOWN for this shit
He is practically carrying Anakin around the mall - the rich area - and into stores with soft fabrics that feel nice to Anakin to be fitted into suits (and maybe a dress.. who knows) as well as shoes and “ooo Ani they have SPARKLING GOLDEN DIPPED roses in here- IS THAT A FUCKING GOAT? Anakin, I beg you, get the goat. I would never need to mow my lawn again.”
(Ok maybe I just need Anakin and Qui-Gon being insane and unhinged together in my life)
This time around Obi-Wan is like “AYO??” (It’s still not HORRIBLE - Anakin still too scared - to the bank but bad enough the more useless and more impulsive purchases need to be sent back … “this does not include my goat Kenobi- no, it doesn’t! Fennec is my dearest daughter and sending her back would be a crime, isn’t that right honey baby fen? Yes it is-“)
Please. I beg you Rex. Give me this 🧎‍♀️ make it one of the stand alones if you must. I will do anything a poor person can do for this
(I also gonna need this to end with something like “Hey daddy?” “… yes?” “Don’t ever fucking do that again or ILL spank you AND break your account.” “Yes dear.”)
Okay, unhinged Anakin and Qui-Gon together would be quite the sight hahaha
And I could honestly see that if Obi-Wan and Anakin buy their new house and Anakin goes balls to the wall with gardening.
Qui-Gon's weakness: garden centers.
Every time Obi-Wan comes home, there's a new plant on the patio waiting to be potted or planted. Qui-Gon is spending an awful lot of time at their house.
Their backyard becomes all plants.
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bougiebutchbitch · 5 months
A, F, H, J, L
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I gotchu!
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
No contest - Meredith Poppins. It's a big source of comfort to me, and working on it again really does feel like coming home in a way I can't express! It's definitely the fic that makes me the most warm & fuzzy inside, and writing/editing it is genuinely fun in a way most other fics aren't.
Considering which fic I think is my best... I'd veer towards Crawling Back to You and if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind for the exploration of trauma, perhaps Porn and the Art of Shuriken Maintenance for character writing, and Meredith Poppins for worldbuilding, because exploring alien nonsense is a delight.
My favourite smutfics are Porn and the Art of Shuriken Maintenance and Size King because they make me snigger. Sex is inherently silly and kinda hilarious in my ace-leaning mind, and these fics capture that.
F: Is there a song or a playlist you associate with Lady of Shalott?
I have a big, biiiiig playlist! It's jampacked with bops like 'Heaven on their Minds' (JCS), 'Labour' (Paris Paloma), 'No Children', (the Mountain Goats), 'Brutus' and 'Rex' (The Buttress), 'I Can't Handle Change' (Roar), 'I'll Be Good' (James Young), 'Power Over Me' (Dermot Kennedy), 'Fuck Me' (Crawlers), 'You Me and Steve' (Garfunkel and Oates), 'The Winner Takes It All' (ABBA), 'I Wanna Be Your Dog' (AJJ), 'Bite The Hand' (boygenius), 'Rusted from the Rain' (Billy Talent), 'My Lighthouse' (Rend Collective), 'Saint Bernard' (Lincoln) and a whoooole lot of Mitski.
...Wait, that's just a Steddyhands playlist in general??? sldkgflsdfg
H: How would you describe your writing style?
Variable! I like to switch it up depending on the vibes of the fic.
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
My favourite trope of all time (OF ALL TIME!!!) is found family, which accounts for 100% of my gotg fic, 100% of my Critical Role fic, 100% of my Naruto fic, and like a solid 75% of the rest of my ouevre. Maybe one day I'll write something that doesn't fit this trope, haha. I just love how strangers can slowly grow closer and eventually just. mutually adopt each other. grah. Gets me every time.
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Hmmmm. White Noise for sure. That fic is trauma central (affectionate) and features a lot of dissociation/mindbreak stuff. I literally stopped writing fanfic for... months because I pushed a bit too far with that one. I still have the final chapter sat half-finished on my laptop, and I keep telling myself 'one day'...
In terms of a more... positive challenge, I really enjoyed writing Watch the Wall and Team Seven and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Roadtrip, which are from the perspectives of an eight-year-old and a twelve-year-old respectively. Writing from the PoV of a child is a really fascinating exercise, especially considering their individual level of comprehension regarding the fucked up worlds around them. I love that sort of dramatic irony, where the reader can pick up on all the hints that they're missing... Sakura and Peter are both very perceptive, but also lacking in experience and still breaking free of their baked-in convictions about The Way The World Is. I love exploring that whole arc!
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed writing this up!
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 30/05
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And they really do. It’s kind of a crime that they never grew up together, because that would have been the funniest shit ever. 
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I’ll give them a look soon then! I’m planning on doing a few in-between things like that after the conclusion of Act 4.  
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That’s four accidental references. I guess when your comic is already so reference-heavy, this becomes kind of a statistical inevitability. 
I really gotta check out this game. 
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That’s hilarious, but also - people do live reads on Twitch? That’s so fun! It wouldn’t be for me, but I’d love to watch some of those, once I’ve finished the comic. It’s such a novel way to do something like this. 
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The Midnight Crew are duplicated across sessions, and I think it’s pretty likely that the same goes for all unique Carapaicians. I’m fairly confident that WV, PM and AR all exist in the troll session.
If he’s always predisposed to rebel, then he’s just another card Sburb can play. It’s like anon said - if the Reckoning is coming on a little too early, he attacks the Black King to delay it, so Players can get there on time.
But he can’t ever win, because the game decrees that Prospit can’t be spared. This is why I hope he isn’t scripted, because if he is, this whole thing gets really tragic really fast. 
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Hah, I noticed after I posted it, but I didn’t bother to change it. It really captured the energy of those last few panels.  
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Hell yeah! 😍 It’ll be cool to see how the design evolves as I learn what each of the trolls’ features actually mean and signify.  
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They’re honestly a ton of fun to make. I haven’t done any sprite work in a long time, and it’s been really fun to get back into it!
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Damn it, this is what happens when you type your FAQ at 2am...
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Theory: The Guardians weren’t cloned from themselves. They were created from mutant TBH DNA, and the Striders are the least mutated of all. 
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As a former security analyst, I am honor-bound to practice good infosec and not share my birthday online. But yeah, we’re in my season! 
I never liked having a summer birthday - I much prefer winter weather, since I’m kinda photosensitive. I’m also the only one in my family with a summer birthday. In defiance to Gemini symbolism, I stand alone. >:)
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Oh, yeah, I can for sure believe that people would still ship these kids post-Veil - lest we forget the perfect storm of discourse that was early Supernatural. 
It’s probably a good thing that these kids were thirteen-year-old online friends, and not eighteen-year-old college roommates. That could have got really awkward, and I imagine (read: hope) that Sburb intercedes to make sure such situations don’t arise. 
Again: My heartfelt thanks to all readers for not asking me about shipping pre-Veil. I don’t think I would have shipped RoseDave or JohnJade, but if I’d actually had reason to think about it at the time, you never know...
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Like, I know this stuff is probably just being alchemized, but I can’t get over the possibility that Players have ‘iconic accessories’ built into their DNA. 
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Except the Striders. They just get big ol’ eyes. 
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Love the idea that Battlefield Carapacians have their own distinct culture. Living in an eternal war zone would change you, no matter how deeply ingrained your Sburb programming was.
I like to think that when WV rose up, it was the war-weary Battlefield Carapacians who were the first to stand beside him 
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[ Rex Duodecim is really good but it spoils some stuff later on. you should watch it after Act 5 fully ends... maybe even liveblog it? - Cat ] 
Thanks a bunch, and get well soon! I’m glad that the liveblog is helping you through it!
So it’s a fanmade video that was confirmed as canon later on? Or is it more that the author likes it so much that they consider it canon? Either way, I’ll check it out when I can be sure it won’t spoil me on anything!
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Thank you! You can thank @beneath-these-bones for the initial design. It’s a fantastic base, and I plan to update it when I get round to drawing some alchemy gear.
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It works either way! Despite the fact that I never get assigned the Space Aspect, I still love all things astronomical. 
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Yeah, I’m inclined to agree. I love the star’s dopey face, but the planet does look a lot better. Initially I made the planet’s ring fully horizontal, but this is definitely an improvement.  
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Chillingly plausible. Now that we know Rose’s Grimoire is the real deal, who knows what effect that thing was having on her, over the years? Plus, she’s been dreaming on Derse her whole life...
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papakhan · 2 years
PLEASE share companions reacting to jessup!!!
oh my god I'm gonna do it. actually I don't think I have the power to but I'll try. I'm imagining this as like they've all been left in the Lucky 38 or something okay
Arcade: Definitely the most friendly off the bat, even if it is in an "I'm keeping you at arm's length" sort of way. Went up to him and sat on the couch and just shot the shit for 20 minutes and came away pleasantly surprised. Jessup's a little rough around the edges but nothing he's not used to dealing with at the Fort. Tries very hard not to imply Jessup is stupid the same way he does with a low int Courier, and he laughed at least one of Arcade's lame jokes so that's got to count for something. I think they could be friends if Jessup wasn't so quick to escalate things to violence.
Boone: Jessup beat the shit out of Boone the second he saw him and Boone just let it happen because he thinks that a Khan kinda deserves to rock his shit and he's not wrong. Arcade had to separate them and now they're not allowed in the same room together. Has no idea Jessup and Manny are old friends.
Cass: Hated him off the bat because Caravaneer v Raider. I can imagine her just making some snide comment about either Khans or drug users and Jessup hearing and immediately picking a fight. Idk she just seems very hostile if Jessup wasn't all in Khan gear she'd probably get along with him pretty well, esp my hc of him whos pretty sensitive about addictions and would empathise with her issues with alcohol and with the caravan grind (just in. absolutely the wrong way) but alas
Veronica: I think perhaps they'd be friends. Veronica's probably like the Only member of the Brotherhood who pays any amount of respect towards the Khans, and wants to talk about how they're as old as the BOS but survive through almost opposite ways of life. Jessup knows about the BOS from old stories but just kinda thinks they're weirdos. He awkwardly blurts out "you mean those guys who got junked by the Vipers?" when Veronica asks if he's heard of them but she thinks he's hilarious. They'd go on hikes and camping trips and shit together, gay/lesbian solidarity for when Veronica gets sick of Arcade's complaining or needs someone who actually knows how to navigate by the stars and didn't just "read about it one time"
Raul: His voicelines say he doesn’t think the Khans are too bad which is weird considering how he feels about raiders but I’ll take it. He remembers the Khans from their heyday years ago and thinks they’re a better bunch then most. Also thinks Jessup is as dumb as a bag of rocks epsically when he takes Raul seriously when he jokes about pulling his toolbox out from behind a rock. He’s just kinda fine with him. Even tho the game says otherwise I’d like to think the Khans combined respect of their elders and care for history that they’d be nice to ghouls. Jessup does ask him if their dicks fall off tho and Raul says yes just to mess with him.
Lily: Jessup stays as far away from Lily as humanly possible and thinks everyone else is insane for not knowing what Nightkin are. He sorta gets dragged over by Veronica to say hello and she Lily complements his hair and asks how he gets to to stay up like that and boom thats it they’re talking about hair for 3 hours. She finds House’s old hair products and gives them to him and he cries but pretends he didnt.
Rex: Weird hair = hat???? oh but he scratches really good behind the ears so hes fine actually he can live. Jessup grew up with big dogs hes fine
ED-D: [confused beeping]
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thecodyagenda · 2 years
for fandom ask time - star wars rebels :3
fave character: hera…my beloved…
least fave character: bendu. This guy. Idk I kinda just…don’t like him
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Idk I think I hallucinated whenever he came up
brOTP: gotta be Ezra and Zeb, hilarious besties. Like you’re trying to get thru ur day then this 16 year old suddenly has beef with you so then you argue back and suddenly ur friends? Hilarious.
OTP: Kanan and Hera <3333
OT3: hmm I don’t actually think I have one for rebels tbh
NOTP: honestly Sabine and Ezra, I think they have sibling energy
Fave storyline: the ones where Rex and Kanan have to work together, so emotional and yet has some really funny moments
Least fave storyline: I don’t think there’s any I particularly don’t like? There’s elements of parts I don’t like but overall I enjoyed most of the storyline.
What I wish had happened but didn’t: kanan lives :(((((
What happened that I wish didn’t happen: the SLANDERING of lando’s character. WHY was he flirting with a 16 yr old PLS??
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