#old man yells at cloud moment
nordfjording · 4 months
The thing that gets me about ppl threatening to vote conservative because times are hard under left-leaning goverment is like. do you think you would be having a better time with the alternative? do you think mr free market capitalst would regulate utility and housing costs? do you think you could pressure self-described morally conservative politicians to recognize palestine? because man im sorry that the world didnt turn into utopia the second we got a social democratic prime minister but unfortunately we're going through the most turbulent times our generation has experienced in our country so like maybe "not actively making it worse" is a decent place to be politically.
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hesperidia · 6 months
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nov4-rocket5 · 8 months
Alan Moore: *names a character Rorschach* People: *Have wildly different and varying views and takes on said character* Alan Moore:
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saintsugoi · 10 months
i hate most (not all) incorrect quotes posts because they’re like
character a: *flanderized trait*
character b: *flanderized trait*
character c: “ermmmm… what the freak just happened?”
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jadenite · 2 years
Okay the spam/porn bot follows are getting out of control now, and it seems to be getting worse if I am less active, which..wHy? wherefore? wherewith?
We’re nearing two (2) decades since this site’s been around and no one seems to be willing to find and implement a fucking solution to this yet. And don’t come and tell me “but it hard”. No. I don’t buy it. Some asshats managed to make those godawful (and also morally & ethically reprehensible) image generators and ChatGPT and whatever satanic ritual powers the instagram/twitter/tiktok algorithms, and you’re gonna tell me they can’t find a bunch of coders to spend 6mo-1yr to come up with a decent bot repellant? The bigger social networks would beg on their knees at Tumblr’s door to get a look at it, too. You’d have the coolest leverage in the world wide web. Do it.
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footlongdingledong · 2 months
my one (1) take on like trigger lists or whatever the fuck the kids call them these days is that the more specific it is and the more it sends you into a breakdown the less you shoukd fucking tell people about it. if you have a bug phobia and want people not to send you bug photos thats fine but if the mention of an obscure swedish black and white 1917 film that your mom used to watch pushes you to the brink of a week long panic attack then dont fucking put it on ur fuckin rentry or tell a discord server full of strangers about it
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yupitsmekat · 1 month
Random thought at 1am but if anyone is still in the Assassination Classroom fandom, wasn't it kind of fucked up how ppl kept showing Nagisa in feminine outfits despite him being as on the nose allegory for transness as possible. Or how Kaede was villified for being the "love interest", when her main story was about getting revenge? And that it both happened mostly for shipping?
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raylangivins · 7 months
I love the phrase “which could mean nothing”. It’s SUCH a good phrase and really succinctly explains the backbone of all rpf tinhatting. Aren’t all rpf ships exhibiting behaviours which could mean nothing?
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tlcartist · 1 year
I’m so tired of people not being able to treat Giorno’s character with any degree of nuance. Why are the only options either “he’s the perfect golden child who’s never done anything wrong ever and he’s my little baby uwu” or “Giorno is a monster who ruthlessly uses everyone around him for his own personal gain and he doesn’t actually care about anyone”?
Like I’ve seen so many bad takes that start off looking like they’ll be an interesting discussion of his character because they correctly point out that Giorno is definitely flawed but then they take a sharp turn into “Giorno purposefully killed everyone around him for his own personal gain.” There has to be a middle ground here. Giorno can be blinded by his ambition while also caring for his friends and their loss can deeply affect him. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.
I think that sometimes we forget that while yes, he’s Dio’s son, he’s also Jonathan’s. Yes, it’s impossible to deny that Giorno inherited some qualities from Dio. His charisma, his intelligence, his drive and passion to achieve his goals, but I think it’s also fair to say that he also has some of Jonathan’s qualities. There’s a gentleness to his character that just flies in direct opposition to who Dio was as a person and to me, that’s what it means to have the heart of a Joestar. I’m sorry but viewing Giorno through lens of pure Machiavellianism feels really pessimistic and like it goes against the spirit of the series and I just have no interest in it.
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americankimchi · 6 months
god i wish they hadn't retconned maul's death. i get wanting to explore more of his character because he was, objectively, one of the coolest star wars characters to ever hit the big screen and didn't get much screentime prior to his death, but also his role was fulfilled perfectly within those constraints so i wasn't too upset by it.
but by retconning it and making it so he never died it's like. okay. what now? the whole point (well, to me, ymmv of course) of the theed generator fight was that it was the first ever fight between the jedi and the sith in thousands of years, and that in the end even though the jedi (obi-wan) won the fight, a jedi (qui-gon) and a sith (maul) still died. a master and an apprentice dying together to herald the start of a new age/the return of the sith. perfectly paralleling the way in rotj a master (palps) and an apprentice (anakin/vader) died together to herald the return of the jedi. in both instances, a father figure (qui-gon/vader) dies in the arms of their son (obi-wan/luke) as a sith (palps/maul) is cast down into the abyss to their deaths. (palps being alive in the ST and retconning his death in rotj is also annoying for this reason)
i mean i like maul. don't get me wrong. he's an incredibly compelling character and i enjoy seeing more of him... but there's always the thought hovering in my mind like "he should be dead though. he should 100% be dead. this wouldn't be happening if he was dead, but i honestly would rather it not if it meant that maul was dead."
like the tpm fight just doesn't hit the same knowing that canonically he's just. going to become a robot octopus at some point. (shoutout to palps becoming sith glados in the ST) it cheapens the moment for me. it was supposed to be a moment of triumph marred by the deep and soul-crushing loss of a loved one and it's just... not, anymore. or at least not to the same extent. AUGH i'm just. frustrated. wish star wars as a whole wasn't constantly reframing/retconning what's been established. just puts a bad taste in my mouth.
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catinelle · 5 months
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happy 25th anniversary to the movie of my childhood
my piece for @themummyzine 🌙 check it out, it's free and it's awesome
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unironicallycringe · 11 months
I know everyone on Tumblr and Twitter regards people who are 25+ or god-forbid 30+ to be in fandom for nefarious purposes only and should be doing adult things like having a shitty 9-5 office job and then getting home and staring at a beige wall.
I'm here to tell you that my experience being 30 is largely unchanged from being 20, except I now have better communication and empathy skills from years of therapy and also from gazing into the void. Also I have more bills and stress, which means I value my time being able to enjoy a hobby like playing with metaphorical Barbie dolls.
Also, I can offer you such gems of lived-experience advice like "you may have a quarter-life crisis in your twenties as adulthood comes stampeding over you, it will suck absolute ass but you are not alone and you can do this."
Anyways shout-out to the age range who are not-elders-but-regarded-as-such-online-for-some-reason. I met a 60+ person playing my cool new gardening sim game and he's legit af. I am baby compared to that guy and he's still vibing. You're allowed to be part of online communities at any age as long as you respect the people around you.
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hawnks · 5 months
I wish fandom didn’t move so fast nowadays; I’m still in tears of the kingdom mode…..
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fights4users · 1 year
The quorra problem | Programs, isos and the real world
Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with Quorra as a character! It’s more of a story element critique if anything, please read and don’t jump on me for the title. Quorra is adorable and I enjoy legacy- even if it doesn’t look like it from how I keep tearing it apart.
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It’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. On one hand you can’t leave her inside the grid when Flynn decides to literally go nuclear but you can’t leave her in the real world either. They have to because they wanted Flynn’s self sacrificing ending or wrote themselves into a corner (this isn’t about reintegration but I will still complain) and this was there way out. But they didn’t consider the implications of it at all.
Cosmic horror-
I’ve made several posts about it and still want to write something with this idea but to a program— the real world wouldn’t be so miraculous like how we see theirs. The minute you’re outside you’re Imediately bombarded with sensory overload and just too much information to process. The grid, which is much more human in its design than the ENCOM system, is still infinitely more minimalist than our world. One of the best scenes is Clu and his team raiding the hideout and not knowing what a single thing is and freaking out, she seems too well adjusted for someone who’s spent a few hours max here— look I know it’s the end of a movie and they can’t do that whole arc, but I digress.
Also don’t get me started on the rumored Ares plot and how they totally forgot quorra is already a program(technically iso) in our world- also it’s not really a “tron” movie plot— where’s the allegory?! The metaphor?! The symbolism?!
Another thing is that…Sam can’t tell anyone about her. Maybe Alan but her mere existence in our world is brain shattering. Trying to explain a advanced humanoid being that’s not here to harm us and is totally cool guys almost never goes well. It also leaves people a LOT to grapple with…like everything we know being forever altered.
This whole situation should be terrifying from both perspectives, however I love the theory that the only reason she was able to get out into the real world at all was because of Flynn’s data stored in the beam. That’s a great thought that almost makes me like her being in the real world just from how much impact that is.
What happens now? She can’t be revealed to the world (yet) and to put her back in the remains of the grid would be cruel. Putting her in another system would be wildly irresponsible because- do we even know what ISOs do? Across all media its “they’re special” but absolutely squat on their actual function or what they’re capable of. We see they have some kind of digital dna that’s literally a miraculous occurrence but that’s about it. Did Flynn even know? Are they just there- existing but not effecting/having a real world computer impact? Or worse - what if clu was right and they did contribute to the crumbling state of the grid? (I think it was a combination of his own fear and scapegoating—I’m just tossing the idea out there).
Sam transferring her over to another system without knowing what she does or how she could effect it would be disastrous. Am I saying she’s dangerous or would have any intent to harm? No not at all that’s now who she is, but it’s sort of a “releasing a domestic cat into the woods a state over” you don’t do that.
Does she get a regular job now, does Sam hire her at ENCOM? She’d likely be some sort of computer smart…in that she come from one. Or does he like —- set her up at a McDonald’s? How’s she get energy does she get plugged in- being in the real world isn’t going to magically give her a stomach. Sam just takes her to a power grid and she causes SoCal to blackout lmao.
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Open portal-
I’m aware most of this post is just me overthinking the implications of everything they didn’t intend us to think to hard about. It’s supposed to be “yippee they’re safe” and I’m worried about digital ecosystems and what the human brain can handle. I think my problem mainly strives from this trope where the character brings home their friend from the other world/ is the reverse situation and no one bats an eye at all. It’s because they want the characters to still be friends no matter how many rules it breaks or sense it makes. It happens most commonly in cartoons. (There’s at least 3 in recent memory)
I’m not saying I want quorra to have been caught in the blast but that there’s a way they could’ve kept communication without world breaking. Open portal situation where he goes back to visit, he chats with her on the screen, both stay in their own worlds its sad but logical etc (I’m not writing a new ending but you get the point).
I guess it annoys me so much because it’s left so open ended, ride off into the sunrise while ignoring the implications™️. “I guess, We’re going to change the world” ok how 🧍‍♂️. The movie did not nearly give me enough information about ISO’s to see what changes they exactly do besides taking over ENCOM. “They[Iso’s] changed everything” ok how🧍‍♂️. Yeah it’s immaculate conception but what do they do I am shaking your shoulders Disney what do they do!
It’s not quorra I’m mad about or even the concept of ISO’s but it’s how the writing just falls short in these HUGE areas that require a lot of lore and information to be given that they just do not. And consistently don’t In the other media forms like betrayal (I haven’t seen uprising maybe they explain something). If you’re going to have beings that shatter your ideas of reality you sort of have to explain that!
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runawaymun · 11 days
god i wish i could turn off my 'this is fucking toxic' radar while reading shipfic. It would make it so much easier to find shit i like.
Like I am absolutely here for 'this is fucking toxic' because that's VERY interesting. What I am not here for is 'this is fucking toxic' but isn't it so romantic?
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scaralol · 2 years
i need to get this off my chest i’m so sorry y’all 💀
if you’re gonna use images containing text on your site please, please, please include alt text… honestly, you should include alt text regardless but it’s especially important in this case imo.
keep contrast in mind when picking font colors and background colors. make sure your fonts are readable. avoid font sizes that are too small.
and if you’re gonna include flashing/blinking graphics or eyestrain in general, please use some sort of window alert() that people have to go through before they enter the site… or maybe have your index/first page list the potentially dangerous content (with none of the graphics in question on it)… basically something that gives people a chance to stop and leave before they’re exposed to anything. 100% doesn’t count if the warning is on the same page and is visible at the same time as the graphics/eyestrain/flashing lights.
aesthetically pleasing and accessible should not be mutually exclusive. make your website as aesthetically pleasing as you want, but keep accessibility in mind as you do.
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