dst-outlast · 2 years
Waylon likes eggs and bacon
Mary likes the veggie salad thing
White doesn't need to eat "mortal" food but enjoys meatballs
Waltz likes roasted carrots
Wells likes Waffles
Wayne likes Kabobs
Wynter likes Froggle Bunwich
Wylie likes Dragonpie
Nine likes Nitre
Winnie likes Meaty Stew
Winnifred doesn't have a favourite
Wyatt likes jerky
Whitney likes powder cake
Warbles likes roasted birchnut
Wisteria likes mandrake soup
this is answering that favourite foods ask. i'm dumb and forgot to press the answer button. RAAAH
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sunflowerwizard · 11 months
Yknow what, this is My House and I can post Wyll/Aele'nor babies if I want to-
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Left- Sylvia Ravengard, a draconic soul sorcerer and firstborn. lovingly called "Bunny" by friends and family because she inherited those big ol gith ears
Right- Wynter Ravengard, aspiring wizard and Tiefling who has her dad's horns. Once summoned a Mud Mephit in the backyard much to her parents' dismay (and Uncle Gale's pride)
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ghelgheli · 3 months
Stuff I Read In June 2024
bold indicates favourites
Bodies That Matter, Judith Butler
Manufacturing Consent, Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky
A Monster Wants to Eat Me, Naekawa Sai
That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class' Green Tea Bitch, Xian Jun
My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover, Fujimatsu Mei
Childhood Friend, Big Love, Kanno Fumi
An OL at Her Limit and a College Girl, Obata Rui
She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat (Vol 4), Sakaomi Yuzaki
Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord, Yodokawa
Sora and Haena, Jackbull
Short Fiction
Does a Bee Care? Isaac Asimov
Silly Asses, Isaac Asimov
Buy Jupiter! Isaac Asimov
A Statue for Father, Isaac Asimov
Rain, Rain, Go Away, Isaac Asimov
The Right To Exist, Rana Issa [link]
Ugly Enjoyment, Nadia Bou Ali [link]
On October 7, Gaza broke out of prison, Mariam Barghouti [link]
Queer &c.
How to get Fucked by a Trans Woman, lily bloodguts [link]
Why Be Nonbinary? Robin Dembroff [link]
Amelioration and Inclusion: Gender Identity and the Concept of Woman, Katharine Jenkins [link]
Toward an Account of Gender Identity, Katharine Jenkins [link]
Why the Trans Inclusion Problem Cannot be Solved, Tomas Bogardus [link]
Evil Deceivers and Make-Believers: On Transphobic Violence and the Politics of Illusion, Talia Mae Bettcher [link]
Trans Identities and First-Person Authority, Talia Mae Bettcher
Through the Looking Glass: Trans Theory Meets Feminist Philosophy, Talia Mae Bettcher
Transgender Studies: Queer Theory's Evil Twin, Susan Stryker
Under Construction: Decolonized Queer Masculinities, Shay-Akil McLean [link]
The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto, Sandy Stone
Transsexualism: Reflections on the Persistence of Gender and the Mutability of Sex, Judith Shapiro
Anti-Blackness as Disavowal and Condition: Rethinking Foucault’s “Carceral Society”, Melayna Lamb & Tia Trafford [link]
1492: A New World View, Sylvia Wynter
Against the Logic of Submission, Wolfi Landstreicher [link]
Who’s Behind All the `Pussy in Bio` on X? John Herman [link]
Why Do We Keep Inventing the Magical School? Tanvi Chowdhary [link]
Pants Scientists and Bona Fide Cyber Ninjas: Tracing the Poetics of Cyberpunk Menswear, Esko Suoranta [link]
Graffiti, Through Grief and Discovery, Clement Gelly [link]
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jplupine · 1 year
Day 7: Sajin Komamura ~ Knotting
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Pairing: Sajin Komamura x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~4.4k Date Published: October 7, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Sub!Sajin, Exophilia, Small Dom/Big Sub, Feral Behavior, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Knotting, Praise, Stomach Bulge, Biting, Creampie Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Wynter also uses terms like 'sweetheart' to refer to Sajin. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: It may be summer, but Sajin can't help himself when he catches the scent of Wynter.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  Birds and bugs filled the air with a cacophony of sound as my feet softly thudded over the wooden walkway. The heat of the summer sun clung to the air even in the shade. It stuck to my skin and made me sweat every time I went outside.
  Sighing through my nose, I pulled my uniform open just a little more to get some relief as the air hit the exposed part of my chest. I couldn't wait to get back inside where the air was cooler and I could sit down.
  Stopping in front of a door, I knocked with the back of my knuckles and waited for an answer.
  "Come in." A low voice came from the other side, and I opened the door.
  "Captain." I gave a bow out of respect before lifting the files that had been tucked under my arm. "I was told to bring these reports to you."
  "Thank you. You can put them there." Sajin pointed to the corner of his desk without looking up from the papers he was writing on. When I got closer and placed the files where he had pointed, I then paused while thinking. "Is something wrong?"
  "Not really. I was just wondering....would you mind if I stayed a bit longer? It's really hot outside." I smiled while rubbing the back of my neck, and Sajin scoffed.
  "As long as it is not cutting into your other duties. Here." He then got up and went to a table where a pitcher and some cups sat. He grabbed the pitcher and poured what looked like water into one of the glasses. And, with his back turned to me now, I could see how his tail was softly wagging underneath his Captain's Haori.
  When he turned back around, he handed me the glass, and I accepted it.
  "Thank you, Captain."
  "These past few days have been very hot. You can't forget to drink plenty of water." His tone was gentle as he looked down at me due to the extreme height difference. I saw his ears flick before he cleared his throat and crouched down. "I'm sorry. It must be uncomfortable having to crane your neck so much."
  "It's fine." I chuckled before taking a drink, and I could feel the cool water going down my throat. "Ah, thank you. If it doesn't start cooling down out there, I think I just might melt." Sighing, I placed my hand on my hip while holding the glass against my neck to help cool myself down.
  "That wouldn't be good." Sajin softly chuckled, the low, gentle sound making me smile. Captain Komamura was known for being more rigid than some of the other captains, but he was a lot more lax in a quieter environment. And since it was just us in his office, he wasn't even bothering to cover up his face either.
  "I know. Who would get stuff done in my place?"
  "I admire your work ethic if it's any consolation. But if it gets too much, do not be afraid to ask for help."
  "What, are you offering?" I raised a brow, and his ears perked up as his eyes slightly widened.
  "I-I just meant in general."
  "Ah. And here I was thinking the great Captain Komamura was offering to help little ol' me." I dramatically sighed, and Sajin's ears turned back as he glanced away for a second.
  "Of course. What other captain would let me hide out in their office and offer me water on top of that? You're the best. Don't tell my Captain that." I laughed, and to my amusement, his tail began to wag.
  Did he actually enjoy the compliments?
  "It's the least I could do. You came quite a ways to bring me those reports. Would you like to have a seat?"
  "No, thank you. If I sit down now, I might not get up. That sun really drains you." I sighed while lowering the glass just a few inches. It felt so good against my skin as the cold condensation mixed with my sweat.
  Sajin had gone quiet, and when I looked at him, I saw that his eyes were downcast. His tail was still wagging with his ears perked straight up, but his gaze drifted lower. It wasn't hard to figure out what he was focusing on as I could feel the sweat and condensation dripping down my half-exposed chest as his eyes seemed to follow it.
  He then shook his head before looking at my face again, snapping out of the trance he had been in.
  "Everything okay, Captain?" I pretended not to notice what he'd been staring at and took a drink.
  "Fine." His response was quick, and I pressed the glass to the other side of my neck this time. He was clearly not fine, but I wasn't entirely certain if I should say something. Perhaps the heat was getting to Sajin as well.
  His eyes weren't focused on my face for long when his gaze drifted back down to my neck and chest. Did he not realize how obvious his staring was? ....Or was he too used to his helmet hiding it?
  His tail began to wag faster as his nose twitched, and I couldn't hide the smirk I got while realizing just how captured Sajin was. His senses being heightened likely meant he was picking up on things most others couldn't.
  I began to wonder what exactly he was sensing to make him forget about the conversation and that I could see him staring. Either way, the temptation to tease the captain rose. I could do it so easily with him being the way he was.
  Heavily sighing, I tilted my head to the side and grabbed the front of my uniform to wave air at myself. The action revealed more of my chest, especially to Sajin given his height even while crouching.
  "I'm sorry if I stink. I know you've got a sensitive nose, and I just came in all sweaty." I softly laughed, and Sajin swallowed.
  "You shouldn't worry about such a thing. You smell quite nice, actually." He took a second to realize what he said and visibly panicked. "I-I mean, the soaps you use. I can smell the soaps you use. My nose- It's not on purpose. I'm sorry if I've offended-"
  "Relax, Captain. I understood what you meant. And thank you. Also glad to know I chose good soaps." Sajin's eyes bounced between my face and my neck and chest now. He was trying to focus and failing spectacularly. "You know, it's a lot easier to talk to you without your helmet on."
  "It is?" He seemed genuinely surprised.
  "Yeah. Your helmet is usually like a barrier and hides your expressions. It's also a bit intimidating." I chuckled.
  "....You think the helmet is more intimidating than my face?"
  "I do. You have kind eyes, and I think your ears are cute." Almost as soon as I said it, his ears turned back against his skull while his wagging tail was creating too much noise to ignore. "Happy to hear that, are you?" I chuckled, and Sajin's hand shot behind him to grab his tail.
  He was embarrassed and wouldn't let his tail go. He couldn't look at me either and cleared his throat.
  "I'm....not used to such compliments." Sajin ran his hand over his ears and the back of his neck in a nervous manner. He then glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "Would you....like to touch them?"
  "If you don't mind." I was surprised by the offer, but I could tell he was seeking an excuse for contact. Sajin leaned down further and placed a hand on his knee with the other resting his knuckles on the floor. Setting my cup on the desk, I then reached up toward his ears.
  They were so soft. His fur was well-maintained, and I ran my fingers up the backs of his ears. Sajin's eyes were half-closed as he leaned in closer. Rubbing my thumbs over the insides of his ears, I could feel his breath against my chest from how close he was now.
  He was breathing in my scent more now as I continued to touch his ears. Tilting my head, I watched him and slowly lowered my hands to his cheeks. My fingers sank into his fur as he leaned into my touch as if he craved it.
  "You're so soft." He suddenly pulled away and stood up.
  "Okay, that's enough." Sajin was louder with his words rushed. He looked embarrassed again, and when my gaze dropped, my eyes went wide.
  "C-Captain Komamura...." I muttered while feeling the heat rising in my cheeks and ears. Given the height difference, when he was standing up all of the way, the top of my head was only up to his hips.
  And he currently was inadvertently putting his erection right in my face.
  I didn't expect him to get this excited, and neither had he from how he panicked. Sajin quickly stepped back while trying to cover himself and stumble out an apology. However, he ended up running into the corner of the desk and falling. The glass of water also toppled over, landing in his lap and getting water everywhere.
  Sajin looked as if he wanted to hide in a deep hole with his ears pressed flat against his skull while his eyes were full of horror as he looked at himself. Covering my mouth with my hand, I knew it would be polite to turn away, but the sight of him on the floor with his soaked hakama clinging to the outline of his hardening cock was too much.
  I swallowed, feeling that familiar tingle crawl up my spine as heat flooded between my thighs. I was looking at proof that Sajin found me attractive at the very least, and it took a good amount of self-control to not pounce on the massive man.
  "Are you okay, Captain?"
  "I-I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry. I don't know what has come over me." He covered himself with his hands while curling forward as his tail tucked against his thigh.
  "Hey, calm down. It's okay." I placed my hand under his chin to lift his face. "If you haven't noticed, Captain....I've been flirting with you for a reason." His wide eyes snapped up to look at me. "You didn't notice I was flirting?"
  "....No. I, uh, I thought you were just being nice."
  "I want you, Sajin." I said it plainly to make sure he understood. A smirk pulled at the corners of my lips as I heard his tail thumping against the floor. "Can't you smell it?" I saw his nose twitch before his pupils widened more.
  Stepping closer, Sajin leaned back. Grabbing the hem of my kosode and shitage, I pulled them open all of the way as the garments fell off my shoulders. The fabric bunched around my elbows as I stood between Sajin's thighs.
  "So what do you say, Captain?"
  "....What's the catch? Have you lost a bet?"
  "Would I be this aroused if I had?" I questioned while watching his eyes search mine. "Now answer me." Lifting his chin with a finger, I listened to how his tail continued to beat against the floor. The fur on the back of his neck seemed to rise before he licked his maw hungrily.
  "I say yes."
  "Good." I took a step closer, straddling his hips as I placed my hands on his chest to push him back a little bit more. Slipping my fingers behind the front of his uniform, I pushed it open, revealing the pale fur covering his chest and stomach. I let my eyes wander, seeing how Sajin was nothing but pure power beneath his clothes.
  Pushing the layers of garments off his shoulders, they fell to the floor around his wrists. I dropped my own kosode and shitage to the side before reaching for his sash.
  "Perhaps we should hang your hakama to dry. Unless you have a spare-"
  "Wait!" Sajin quickly grabbed my wrists as his ears turned back. "I...."
  "What?" My hands stopped moving as I waited for him to say something. His massive hands engulfed much of my forearms, and he swallowed.
  "Wynter, I'm not sure-"
  "If you don't want this, just tell me."
  "It's not that."
  "Then what is it?"
  "I'm not sure you'll want to. I'm a Wolfman. I....I'm not like other men."
  "Well aware."
  "No, I mean...." He was struggling to explain, and I softly sighed through my nose.
  "Stop worrying so much. Relax, Captain. I'll take care of you." I kissed his cheek and pulled his hakama down since his sash was loose enough. Looking down, I saw what possibly could've been what he had tried to explain.
  His cock wasn't quite human-looking. In fact, near the base looked to be a knot that made my eyebrows raise. I'd had a feeling this might be the case, but seeing it was another thing entirely.
  "If you were to knot me, how long would it take for the swelling to go down?"
  "I want you to knot me. Trying to figure out the logistics if you did." My words made his cock twitch, and I smirked. "My, my. Your tail really gives you away, doesn't it? I don't think I've ever seen it wag so much."
  "To tell the truth....I have wished to have you look my way but never expected much given what I am and how I look." Sajin muttered, and I gently kissed his forehead.
  "I've been looking your way for a long time now." My fingers went through the fur on his cheeks and down his neck. "Please touch me." My voice was gentle as my hands traced along his collarbone and toward his shoulders.
  Sajin hesitated but still raised his hands. His palms hovered several inches away from my body, not coming any closer as his doubts were creeping in yet again. Grabbing his wrists, I forced his hands closer until they latched onto my hips. Pushing them lower, my hakama got caught and pushed down as well.
  His palms were warm against my sides, and his ears turned back as he watched more and more of my skin become exposed. I led his fingers even lower until they were cupping my ass, and my hakama finally fell down my thighs. Sajin's nostrils flared as his pupils got even wider, nearly obscuring his golden irises entirely.
  He leaned in closer until I could feel his breath on my stomach before glancing up at me. There was something wild and hungry in his eyes that made a tingle run across my skin. His jaws parted, exposing his large fangs and long, pink tongue. He licked across my stomach while squeezing my ass in his big hands.
  Resting my hands on his broad shoulders, I kicked my hakama off the rest of the way and to the side. When I went to take off my underwear, Sajin bit into the fabric before tearing them off between his hands and fangs. My heart beat faster from excitement as I grabbed the ruined garment hanging from his mouth.
  "Aren't you eager?" I smirked and tossed the ripped underwear over my shoulder. "How about we put this to work since I can't take your cock just yet?" Tilting my head to the side, I watched Sajin's reaction as I held my fingers on his tongue. His ears were still turned back, and there was a soft whine from the back of his throat. "Go on, then. Have a taste."
  His head lowered to lick the crease of my hip before breathing in deeply through his nose. Sajin's eyes were closed as he pressed his nose against me. His cock was still hard and beading precum. The way he scented me and his short claws pricked my skin sparked something primal in my brain.
  Sajin's tongue then slid out and licked over my core. I heard a low rumbling sound and realized he was growling. He grabbed the back of my thighs to spread my legs more before licking again. My fingers buried into his mane as I took in a sharp breath when his tongue found my clit.
  His hands began to wander, groping and squeezing in exploration. Sajin groaned as he tasted me, and his hand traveled up my back in a way that made me shiver. His tongue was broad and strong with each lick sparking my nerves. He pushed his face even closer, pressing his nose against my clit as his tongue found my entrance and dove inside.
  I moaned which only spurred him on. In the blink of an eye, I was on his desk with my legs over his shoulders. Sajin softly growled while dragging his claws down my sides. He was gentle enough to not break the skin, but the light sting went straight to my pussy as my back arched.
  With his tongue buried inside me and his nose pushing against my clit, I could only hold onto the desk as pleasure washed over me. Sajin was like a starving man lapping up everything he could get. His ears perked to listen to me moan and grunt, and his tail was swaying from side to side behind him.
  He grabbed my thighs and pushed them closer to his head. I caught his eyes looking at me and understood his desire. My thighs clamped around his head as his tongue went deeper, and he growled again with the vibration going along his tongue.
  Burying my fingers into the fur on his head, I pulled him closer while moaning. His head was now trapped in place just like he wanted. Sajin remained kneeling in front of his desk with my legs wrapped around his head as he so diligently worked to prep my pussy.
  "You're doing so good." I panted and groaned. His tail wagging was audible as it swished through the air. "You really want me that badly, huh?" Sajin couldn't really answer, so he instead whined with desperation.
  The captain was certainly wrapped around my finger now, making such a pathetic sound while on his knees for me. A man of his status and stature now with his head stuck between my thighs.
  When I couldn't take it anymore, I pushed his head back, and saliva mixed with slick stretched between his mouth and my heat. It dripped from his chin as he panted and looked so lost. Standing up, I looked down at Sajin before smiling and turning around.
  Leaning back against his chest, I lowered myself until his cock was sticking out between my thighs with his knot pressed against my core. Sajin looked over my shoulder, and his hands twitched as if he wanted to touch me. I hummed while thinking as I looked at the sheer size and girth of his dick.
  Sajin was over 9 feet tall, so I had to figure out a way we could do this comfortably. I wanted him inside me already, but I needed to think this through.
  "Put your hands here." I said while pointing at my thighs, and Sajin did as told without hesitation. Placing one of my hands on the back of his neck, I braced myself. "Lift me a little higher. That's it. Now...." I trailed off while running my fingers along his cock. Sajin jolted at my touch as his hands briefly squeezed.
  Lining up the tip, his precum smeared and mixed with the saliva and slick already on my skin. Tilting my hips to get a better angle, Sajin softly whined through clenched teeth as the head slid inside. Biting my bottom lip, I felt how my body accommodated his cock, stretching around his girth as he inched deeper.
  Sajin huffed through his nose while feeling tense against my back. He was trying so hard to stay still and let me have control. I took it slow, inch by inch while listening to the sounds Sajin made as he struggled with himself.
  "All right, sweetheart. You can move now." With one hand still on the back of his neck, my other hand ran up his chest, feeling his fur between my fingers.
  Sajin slowly rocked his hips and whimpered at the back of his throat. He thrust in deeper, and I moaned. His fingers dug into my thighs as he quickly lost patience and began to go faster. His panting filled my ears and mixed with his low, rumbling groans. His voice shook me to the bone as his hips kept hitting my ass.
  There was a wet smack each time his knot hit me, and I moaned while relishing in the feeling. My back arched as my grip on his mane tightened. Sajin's maw twitched up into a snarl when he tried to choke back the sounds of his pleasure. His chest rose and fell with each heavy breath, and there was no sign he had any difficulty in holding me up still.
  "Let me hear you, Sajin." My hand went over his cheek and along his jaw. "Please?" My tone was close to a purr as I tried coaxing him into openly moaning again. He leaned into my touch and crumbled, parting his jaws to let out a low, bassy groan that made me clench. "That's it. Don't hide anything from me."
  Sajin shuddered and slammed into my pussy, making us both moan as his knot finally went in. He moved my legs from his hands to the crooks of his elbows to be able to touch me. His palms went up my stomach as he licked my shoulder.
  "Oh, fuck~!" I moaned while feeling his knot popping in and out from his cock pistoning. He held me with such strong arms while licking the sweat off my neck. Sajin was sweet but with a deep need that had his claws scraping my skin and his hips snapping. His groans bordered on growls, and he nipped me.
  My nails dug into his neck, and my head tilted to give him easier access. Sajin licked where he had nipped me before biting. My toes splayed with his dick balls deep and making feel so full.
  As his knot swelled more, it became harder for him to give full thrusts. It felt so good, and his cock hit spots that made my head feel light. Sajin panted and moaned next to my ear as he was even drooling.
  "W-Wynter-!" He groaned while forcing his knot in again before it popped back out.
  "Getting close?" My voice was breathy as I panted, and he nodded. "Give it all to me, Sajin." It wasn't a suggestion but a demand. And given the state the man was in, I knew he would obey without hesitation. His doubts were too far buried to make him hesitate anymore.
  I found myself on my knees with my chest against the floor as Sajin held my hips in place. He groaned and whimpered with desperation while trying to maintain a steady pace as his knot swelled more. Even just listening to him was driving me wild, the baritone of his voice as it changed pitch from him losing himself to the pleasure.
  Sajin snapped his hips into me, shoving his knot in again with a loud moan that was nearly a howl. He couldn't pull it back out again, leaving him to give heavy, shallow thrusts. I grabbed one of his hands off my hip and moved it to my lower stomach, letting him feel how his cock made it bulge.
  His fangs clamped on my shoulder as he pressed his chest against my back and growled. With his other hand on the floor for stability, he was rutting while his balls hit me with each thrust. I held onto his arm while moaning and drooling on the floor.
  My hand on his slid lower to find my clit. Rubbing my fingers against the throbbing bud made me clench and moan, and Sajin snarled while feeling me squeeze around him. He began to lose rhythm in his thrusting and more needy.
  "Oh, fuck!" Sajin groaned. He only gave a few more thrusts before going balls deep again with a howling moan. His cock twitched with each spurt of cum, and I kept rubbing my clit to chase my own high.
  I managed to orgasm within a few seconds, shivering and clenching around Sajin's sensitive dick and making him whimper. I cried out and tensed as wave after wave crashed into me. And when it finally passed, I let my cheek rest against the floor while relaxing and trying to catch my breath.
  Sajin was panting and slowly rubbed his hand over my stomach before nuzzling my hair. His palm gently went up my side and down my back, making me hum with contentment. He licked the bite marks and spoke quietly.
  "I didn't want to hurt you."
  "You did exactly what I wanted you to do." I replied with a smile and reached up to run my hand over his head. "You did very good, Sajin." His tail swished through the air, yet again giving away how he felt.
  "I hope your squad doesn't come looking for you. You won't be able to go anywhere anytime soon...."
  "Mm. I needed a break anyhow." I chuckled, and Sajin wrapped his arms around me so that he could sit up with me in his lap. He leaned back against his desk and continued to nuzzle against me with his hands running over my skin in a gentle, comforting way.
  "Do you need anything? Water?"
  "No, thank you. I'm fine." I softly sighed while fully relaxing into his body. The pressure from his knot still inside me felt better than I thought it would. His gentleness and sweet touches made it even better.
  "You are a wonder." Sajin muttered. I just chuckled as my hand trailed up his arm.
  "Does that mean you'd like to do this again sometime?"
  "....Yes." I heard his tail thumping against the floor and couldn't help but smile.
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just like ol’ times Hat Shoppe Ms M- @cassikombat (right) Ms Wynter - @dondreawynter (left) #introducing @adorethemua @newmahogany in her first @riversidenewyorkcity #hamiltonfineart #editorial Beauty for Ms M by @dianaaaa_r #hasselblad #hasselbladx1dii #mediumformat #mani @manifrenchcouture #wardrobe @beyondcostumes #styledby #thatotherguy @hamilton_terrance (at Chase) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjCEPs5Ay5V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thecat-inthehat · 7 years
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Interview meme for Helisent!
What is your full name?
“Helisent Nive-Shine Wynter.” She doesn’t elaborate. 
What do your friends call you?
“Hel, mostly? Though I’ve got a few friends that call me things like ‘darling’ and ‘love’ and it’s, um. It’s nice.” She looks away, drinking from her cup. 
What is your favorite animal?
“Morpho butterflies. I have one that follows me around sometimes, ever since I saved it a few years back.”
Where were you born?
“Umm... Ma didn’t really say, but I think it was a small village outside of Ala Mhigo? The Salt something or other?” 
Do you have children?
She chokes on her drink and has to set it down. “Not that I know of? I’m careful with anyone I go to bed with, I swear.”
Is there a person/people you love?
At that, she flushes and mumbles something about stupidly pretty Auri women. 
What is your favorite color?
“Greens, mostly, and browns. Typical, I know, for a forest-raised conjurer.”
What is your full occupation?
“Gridanian-trained Conjurer and healer.” She makes a face, her lips pulling into a grimace. “I don’t work for Gridania anymore. Too many innocents dead.”
Are you good at physical fighting?
“I haven’t really trained, but I can throw a mean punch I guess?” 
Which form are you best at?
“Didn’ you just fucking ask that?” 
What about magic?
“Well no shit. I kind of have to be.” 
Which type are you best at?
“Conjury, obviously. Though my conjury leans heavily to wind spells and wind aspected things. Makes me incredibly unbalanced and a threat to society, as Brother E-Yumi-San put it.” She seems completely unbothered by the idea. 
“Needlework. Your shirt is horrible and needs to be refitted, by the way.” 
Any other skills?
“I can float and kind of fly? It took me a long time to get to control it properly, so yeah, it’s a skill.” 
Are you an only child?
“No. Nive’s my sister, though not by birth.” 
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Helisent makes a vague waving gesture with her hand and shrugs. “That’s the question, huh?” 
Have you ever almost died?
“Couple times.” 
Do you have a secret, not just a secret, but like a really big secret, hardly anyone knows?
“I’m not... really sure what you’re asking?” She frowns, eyeing them over her cup. “Um. Not really? My life’s pretty open.” 
Salty or sweet?
Do you like yourself?
“More than I used to.” 
Do you believe in the Twelve?
Hel shrugs. “Kind of hard not to, with Nophica this and Nophica that being tossed around when you’re a toddler.” 
Are you religious?
“Not particularly, but I do kind of feel closer to Oschon. And my mother worships Rhalgr, like most Ala Mhigans.” She seems oddly bitter about the fact. 
Do you carry prejudice with you?
“Don’t think there’s a person alive who doesn’t. I try not to let it define me though. I’m still kind of an ass when it gets down to it.” 
What do you consider entertainment?
“Thunderstorms. I love watching them. And also flirting with pretty people.” 
Favorite drink?
“Hot chocolate. I’m considering going on a crusade to Ishgard and telling them to stop hoarding the damn stuff behind their frozen walls.”  
Do you have any family traditions?
Hel nods, looking a bit wistful. “Yeah. My ma and I used to go out to storms or cliffs whenever it was more than a drizzle, before I left. Nive and I tend to dance together a lot, actually. But don’t tell her I said that, she thinks she can’t dance.” 
Are you a good person?
“Well, I’m a useful person to a lot of people? I’m a healer, and that’s generally considered a ‘good’ thing.” Despite her answer, she looks like she’s dodging the question. 
Thank you for answering my questions. 
“Sure, no problem. Not sure why you asked them, but if that’s what makes you happy.” 
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monotone-artist · 3 years
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some rogues, rambley stuff bout them under read-more
this is probably all subject to change but ya
this group of rogues is led by scotty, and they have a territory next to bigclan (aka doveclan and hawkclan but they're so tightly entwined with each other they're sometimes just called bigclan, but theyre technically separate). the rogues and bigclan aren't friends or anything, but they have a kind of understanding with each other and leave each other alone. after all, life in the taiga is very dangerous.
(that understanding changes when a bigclan apprentice, batpaw, accidentally rips out wynter's spirit from his body, fundamentally killing him and leaving his spirit stuck following her around much to both of their frustration, and that leads to war but digress)
the rogues are like this big ol family, even if they aren't all blood-related. scotty is like everybody's grandpa. autumn, drake, and wynter are siblings, and whistle is their mom. their dad was power-hungry and he tried to hurt the kids and overthrow (aka murder) scotty so whistle killed him.
other than that! the rogues are doing pretty good. they actually kind of have this friendship-kinda deal with the local wolf pack. the cats are too small of a meal for the wolves, since the wolves usually just hunt caribou, so they sometimes hang out. the wolves protect the cats, the cats help patch up any injuries n illnesses and all that since theyre better with herbs. though the rogues still have to watch out for hungry lone wolves or any rival wolf packs.
but ya thats pretty much all i have for them rn. the rogue group is pretty big too, ive only just drawn these five so far sdfdsfjhdf
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brkfstgrrrls · 3 years
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@rapturcd - Where to start to describe a friend? Nox is a close online friend whom I’ve had the pleasure of following for the last few years now. We’ve been able to keep up with each other from blog to blog, and continued to do so when she revived this blog right here, a Bioshock oc. I’ll admit that when I saw her move here, I had no clue what the hell Bioshock was other than some video game. I’ve been graced with so many exciting details, passion has been poured into every message and post she makes upon the dash, it instantly made me a fan of this little franchise. Though the Bioshock rpc is small, Nox has found a way to make it her own. Her blog is filled with so much helpful information, and one look at her extremely well thought out, and detailed OC page will tell you all you need to know about this vast universe. With every OC she makes, it’s done with love and care, but something about Nicholas is truly special. Aside from being from one of the most interesting and unique fandoms, Nicholas was crafted with more detail than the gods could give any living being. Nox is also a plot driven writer, I know I am too so if that’s your thing, you’ll be glad to know not only is she a peach but she’s very fun to bounce ideas with! She helped me learn so much about Bioshock, it made plotting feel effortless and an overall thrill. If you don’t follow her, not only are you missing out, but I’ll personally be offended on her behalf.
@segadore - It’s been a few years now, and I have not been able to get Fawn off of my tail, damn you— I’M KIDDING, no but really, Fawn and I have been buddies for the last few years, and I started following her on her Steve Harrington blog. I’ve already gushed in the past about how much I love her Steve, so in the same way she’s so kindly embraced my OCs, I’d like to do the same with hers. Let’s start off with this: Fawn is the one person I see constantly and without a second thought embracing all writers, you could write an oc, canon muse from a different fandom, female oc, doesn’t matter– she will love them like her own. You speak with Fawn ooc, and you’ll feel at home, you’re never a bore nor bother. They’re one of the few people in this RPC I feel so genuinely safe around, and they make me feel like a valued writer even when I’m being ignored by others on the dash, I feel important, and it’s thanks to them. Fawn writes a very amazing muse named Mykah, from what can only be described as a non-existent fandom. I learned about Dead Like Me through her, and I’ve since been completely hooked on this concept and universe. Mykah is a very special, and well-thought out muse. He’s a soul collecting reaper from California, and he’s got so much wit, charm, and attitude, how could you not love the guy? He’s got a tough exterior, but he’s so funny as well, you can tell when you’re reading something Fawn wrote, they have such a unique tone, your eyes will be glued to the screen instantly as soon as you see a reply in your inbox. From the bottom of my heart, I hope we continue to write for years to come. If you want some fresh content you’ve never seen before, and perhaps one of the kindest friends, with the most goddamn creative mindset, please, go look at Fawn’s content. For the love of GOD go look.
@wyntered​ - You know how when your favorite musician or celebrity makes a post on Instagram or twitter, you go “Ah! There’s _____ again, classic ol’ _____, love them.” and you get all giddy in your seat, overwhelmed just by their presence even if it isn’t for you? That’s how I feel everytime I read each and everyone of Chantelle’s posts. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t get to read all of my rp partners replies to other folks, sometimes I’m too busy, or honestly? I don’t feel like it. But the amount of effort and research they’ve put into this, how could I not? I love reading both her replies to myself and other people, I love reading her meta posts and headcanons, because I know it’ll not only be helpful but just wonderful. It’s also so nice to see how much care she’s put into writing such a complicated man like Bucky Barnes, her portrayal is uniquely her own, and she’s truly made sure to set a realistic example for others. I’ve learned so much, and it’s thanks to her. They’ve also been so gracious in writing with my own Marvel OC, Alice, and never act annoyed or bothered. That’s not something you often find with people who write popular canon muses, but it’s something I’ve been lucky enough to find with Chantelle. Do yourself a favor, buckle up, and get excited. Go and give her a follow, because I just know in my heart she’ll be more than happy to embrace you with open arms. Thanks for giving me the most iconic and kickass friendship for my daughter! It’s probably obvious to y’all by now that I love Chantelle’s work, so you know this message is genuine.
@capnsolo - I found out a few weeks ago that Kayla and I have been mutuals for years, and neither of us knew it. We’ll ignore that for now. I know Kayla as the most fantabulous Han Solo mun on the block, no really, she’s amazing. We found each other again because I writer princess Leia ( over on @/hopescorned ) and well… SCOUNDRESS! Together, we’ve managed to create our own little version of canon to their storyline, and we continue to develop it each time we speak. I’m not very good at articulating my thoughts, but my point is, Kayla is a very skilled, and creative woman. She’s smart, she knows how to use canon as a crutch, but doesn’t rely on it. She let’s her brain do the talking, and she knows how to collaborate well with others, and happens to be very open minded and flexible to other people’s muses. No matter how outlandish the idea might be for a story, Kayla will find a way to work with it. I’ve never seen someone capture Han’s tone so well, each time I read one of her replies, I can truly see and hear Harrison Ford acting each of the stories we create, out in my head. She has a way with her words, and she’s a true talent. Please, even if Star Wars isn’t your think, at least give her work a chance, it’ll be a pleasant surprise.
@nostlgic - Ash & I have been writing together since February, and the day we started speaking, they were one of the kindest souls I’ve been graced with speaking to. A passionate writer, you’ll be pleasured to see that their muse list is rather long, and diverse. Ash is the kind of writer that is always up for the challenge. You have an OC no one is interested? Cool, Ash is now interested in writing with them. You have a crazy rp idea you want to pursue? Ash is the first in line to give it a try. Whenever I write with Ash, I know it’s going to be a new and exciting adventure, each story is different from the next, and with each muse, they shift tones effortlessly; Stephen King would envy them. I made a post probably a month or two ago about how I wanted to write with an Edward Scissorhands, and within approximately 10 seconds, they volunteered to add him to her muse roster, and a mutual friend of ours even went to comment “I was going to tag Ash but it seems she’s already here” and why is that? That’s just the kind of person Ash is, and I truly love it. Go and peep her profile, because I can guarantee there’s at least one muse you’ll want to write with.
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futurewife · 4 years
11 and 15 for the man himself, cable👀
11. Do you two like to roleplay? If so, what?
Cable would probably try his best if I asked, but I don’t think we’re theatrical enough to maintain any kind of roleplay for more than like, two minutes before it devolves into good ol’ simple fucking. If the opportunity were to come up we’d probably be playing up the trainer/trainee (teacher/student?? something that plays up the age gap) angle which we have in real life anyway. I can’t imagine Cable really being into anything too complicated in the bedroom. 
15. Kinks you two would participate in?
(to the tune of dirty talk- wynter gordon)  
Probably going to forget some but off the top of my head: daddy kink, gun play, impact play (not with tools so much as just being lightly slapped around/handled roughly a bit and spanking with bare hands), orgasm control/edging, cockwarming, overstim, somnophilia, clothed sex, thigh riding, dirty talk, begging and..... we have a sizable sex toy collection. These are my personal favourites and I love that self shipping means you can have your cake and eat it too...the perfect sexual partner. 
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foxsimthings · 4 years
New follower here. What a delight stumbling on to your page has been! So happy to have found it. Your sims are absolutely stunning and your posts are super original. Definitely a nice change of scenery from a lot of the same ol’ thing. ♥️♥️ anyway, I do have a question in all this lol. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get the lovely hair for Sitanna in your latest post with Wynter that has the bangs and the buns? Thanks so much in advance! 💜
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Aw, thank you so much! Welcome to the party! I really appreciate it, I’m sure my dummy sims would appreciate it too  ❤️ ❤️ You guys and these dorks are the only things keeping me sane rn. Also I’ll admit, I was having a really crummy night last night and I may have seen you show up in my feed, it made me happy to know someone was enjoying these guys so thank you for that!
It’s a Pinky Patchy hair called Spring, and you can find it right here!
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thornbolts · 5 years
Honest But Lazy
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October Writing Challenge
DAY 29: Ancestor
"Do we have anyone that can challenge the otherworldly High Elf from the North?!" The announcer boomed as he swept a hand over the tall figure to his right, shrouded in a blue hood, and a sleek-looking curved bow slung across her torso.
The high elf pulled her hood down, a pair of pointed ears extending out from the cloth as her blue gaze wandered the enamored crowd. A sly smirk pulled at her lip. Westfall certainly was a strange place, and an elf here, of all places, was practically unheard of outside of fairy tales and distant stories from the days of Arathor.
"I'm curious to see if anyone can match a farstrider," the queldorei admitted in an accented Common. "Surely, one of you Human-folk is well-learned with the bow? Or perhaps another projectile-spewing weapon?"
The crowd went silent, looking to one another with raised eyebrows. Farmers and cattle drivers weren't worthy competitors for an archery match.
The queldorei sighed, shaking her head as she set her hands on her hips, turning on her heels "Onto the next town th--"
"I'll humor ya," piped up a gruff voice from the back of the crowd. It parted for a man dressed in beaten leathers and a wide-brimmed sun-blasted brown hat. His lips parted in a cheeky smile at the farstrider, scratching at his stubbled face.
The farstrider stopped midstep as she turned over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow. Her grin returned, turning back on her heels to face the man in the hat.
"Bows, guns, crossbows... Hell, I'll even play ya in darts if'n ya want." The stubbled man poked his pinky into his ear, twisting. "What's yer call, lady?"
The farstrider nodded her chin to the bow at her back. "Arrows. Are you opposed?"
He shook his head. "Nah. Though I do prefer ta at least have the name 'a my fellow opponent. What do I call ya?"
"Lyrin. Lyrin Winddream. And you, hatted man?"
The man winked, shooting off a finger gun in the high elf's direction. "Julian," he offered. "Julian Thornbolt. But most folks call me J."
"Legend has it that ol' Julian managed to meet the elf in marksmanship shot-for-shot. Yeah. My dad was the talk 'a the town after that happened." Gregory smiled, looking over to his enraptured daughter.
"What happened to Lyrin? The farstrider?" Remington asked.
"Took her loss like a winner. She bet that no one could match her in Westfall, and she was proven wrong." Gregory's grin grew even wider as he hefted up Remington onto his shoulders. "Invited our entire family, the Thornbolts, up ta Eversong fer a spell. Pops never did make the trip."
"Why?" Remington rested her chin onto her father's scalp as she reached up, brushing her small hand through the leaves overhead. "Was it dangerous?"
"Nah. He was just lazy as all hell." Gregory laughed. "But that's yer grandpa fer ya, Rem: Honest but lazy."
@turning-through-the-never@kharrisdawndancer@iestyn-crowe@belillinafireseeker / @lianellie-quinne@saltsparkle / @gloamingdawn @lylianwyatte@selysona-wra@darbiebot@andijelly @cupcakes-blood @twosidedsana@eliceynbirch@deadlypursuits@luminashdawnwing @raxwel-blythe / @amorthonblackwood@hmratking @thornbolts@brillraven@ wynter-b@lovingthewildlife@veleanthe @theconstructsworld@waroftwowolves @taliandrahflamesurge / @gam3rj3nn@embraelle @kjblynx@escapism-velocity@rayne-storm @stonestridernerd@centoridellanir@valarin-sunstorm @cyrolar-riverblade@sylrin-featherblade@altherei @trisandrah@riverblade @raevan-muns-supercut @safrona-shadowsun
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stillthewordgirl · 5 years
CaptainCanary: Roommates
For the “AU starter/drabble” thing I reblogged a few days back. @pir8grl requested No. 24: Roommates. CaptainCanary, of course!
This...may have to turn into a full story. It’s already about 1,000, which, uh, passes for short for me.
Len wouldn’t admit it, but he’s got a lot to think about.
After he betrays the Weather Wizard and, more so, the Trickster, to warn Barry Allen, it makes sense to get the hell out of town for a bit. He considering trying to find Mick, but he’s pretty sure the other man won’t understand why he’s considering changing…things. And Lisa’s on a road trip, doing her own version of introspection, and he thinks it’s best to leave her be.
An acquaintance had a small apartment up for sublet for a year in Coast City while they travel, and Leonard, far more impulsively than usual, takes it. That’s not an area where he’s ever pulled a job, and it might give him some space to think things over. He’s just semi-settled in, though, when there’s the sound of a key in the lock.
Leonard’s standing in the kitchenette area, eyeing the contents of the cupboard with a vague discontent, when he hears it. He’d had no reason to expect trouble; his cold gun is in its case in the bedroom, and he doesn’t have so much as a knife on him. Still, instinct is such that he quickly snags a steak knife from a drawer before the door opens.
The short blond woman standing in the entryway stares at him, obviously just as surprised to see him as he is to see her. Leonard, taking in the situation as quickly as he always tries to do, despite his unpreparedness for this surprise, notes her stance, one that goes instantly from shock to ready to fight, balanced, graceful and wary. 
But…there are dark circles under her eyes, and she also looks unbelievably weary. She’s in trouble. Crap.
“Excuse me?” he drawls before she can speak, grabbing for the upper hand. “People generally knock, you know.”
There’s a man in the apartment.
Sara’s surprised enough to simply stare at him for a long moment as he stares back. He’s attractive, her tired brain notes—something of a surprise in itself, considering that her post-Pit system has been too absorbed with other things to pay attention to that sort of thought. Older than her, with gray in his hair. The sort of lean, fit, wariness that says he might be dangerous if he wanted to be. Well, dangerous to someone who wasn’t her. She saw the unobtrusive way he’s holding that knife.
Blue eyes, wide in surprise, then narrowed in intent thought.
He really is rather attractive.
Sara tells that particular mental voice to shut up…right as the man speaks.
“Excuse me?” he says in a low, insolent drawl, eyeing her. “People generally knock, you know.”
Well, fuck you very much, Mr. Hottie. Sara’s chin goes up. “I’m renting this apartment,” she retorts, gripping the key tightly. “I have a contract signed by both myself and the owner, and…” She holds it up. “…a key. Obviously. What the hell are you doing here?”
A flicker of surprise again, quickly concealed.
“Renting this apartment,” he says smoothly in that damned drawl. “With my own contract and key.” A pause. “I think we might have a problem.”
Sara stares at him a little longer—she may, perhaps, be a little too tired right now to deal with this crap. Then she thinks back about the acquaintance who’d offered this apartment. About a certain shifty-eyed look, and a mention that there are, after all, two bedrooms.
She sags against the door, unable to keep the fatigue from catching up at this point. She hates looking weak in front of this stranger, but she’s been looking forward to some rest and a quiet place to try to get her head together a little more, somewhere where no one knows her.
“No kidding,” she mutters, wiping a hand over her eyes. “Damnit.”
She doesn’t even bother to move when she hears the man step toward her.
Leonard has no idea why, but the flash of sympathy he feels for this woman is immediate and strong. Surprising, but definitely there. Instinct and long knowledge tell him that she’s not running from a domestic situation—he’s willing to bet she can take care of herself physically, just from the way she’s holding herself—but she looks exhausted. Like she just plain needs a break.
He gets that.
As she sags against the door frame, rubbing her eyes and letting the bag in her hand drop to the floor, he waits a moment, then hesitantly steps forward. Unless she’s the sort of actress that shouldn’t bother with this small-time shit, she’s not playing him here. And he might be a jerk, but the idea of hustling her back out onto the street would be considerably more than a jerk move.
She doesn’t even open her eyes. He’s not sure if that’s because she’s too damned tired, or because she’s sized him up as not a threat—at least, not one she can’t take. He’s pretty sure it’s the latter, and that’s a little disconcerting.
And attractive. He has a type.
“Hey,” he says quietly, trying to think of her as if she were Lisa…something that’s even more difficult when she opens her eyes and gives him a direct blue-eyed look that makes his insides do a flip-flop sort of thing. “Come in, at least. Ain’t your fault Ainsley tried to double-dip with the rent with they’re gone.” He hesitates. “Not trying to be a creep. Honest. Call someone first, if you want.”
She visibly sizes him up again. And, yeah, rather obviously decides she can take him if necessity, nodding and stepping in, closing the door behind her. Not great for the ol’ ego, though his is usually quite healthy.
However, the different sort of onceover she gives him once inside is, and the smile she lets touch her lips. Is this a flicker of interest there? He thinks there is.
“My sister already knows where I’m supposed to be, if I were to suddenly vanish,” she tells him in an arch tone. “And she’s a DA. And my father’s a cop.”
Of course. Leonard can’t help but smirk. He holds his hand out with a nod. “Len Wynters,” he tells her smoothly.
“Sara Avem.”
“Well, Sara. You think we could manage to be roommates a while?”
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ranger-of-estel · 6 years
Not as planned: Chap 2
Plan in place, the team heads to the first round of competition. Also on AO3
Thanks to @leonardsnartbigbang​ for the Beta
Execute the plan
               The second morning begins much like the first. Leonard wakes to find Sara already training; they share coffee in the kitchen. Len enjoys the quiet companionship as they each prepare for the tasks at hand.
               Once Mick is up and they’ve had breakfast, the three prepare for the first day of the competition. Leonard sits on the patio, scanning the historical records on the competition in hopes of minimizing any change. Away from the furniture, Sara is sparring with Mick, walking him through tricks she’d picked up over the years and scolding him for things that will get him disqualified. In a way, it reminds him of life with the Rogues (well, aside from the crappy safehouses). There’s a comradery here, three people who can exist together. Without judgment, without scorn, something Len wasn’t sure he’d ever find again outside of Lisa and Mick.
               “Alright,” Sara’s voice draws his attention back up once more. “I, for one, need a shower before we do this.” She turns from Mick, giving a gentle touch to Len’s shoulder as she passes him into the living area. “You two decide on lunch!” she calls back over her shoulder.
               Mick drops unceremoniously into a seat across from Leonard. “I say we pick up burgers on the way in.”
               Len shrugs, adding a couple final notes to the small blueprint he’s sketched out for Sara. “Fine by me. We should have time to eat before you are in the ring.”
               It’s quiet a couple minutes before his partner’s voice again breaks into his thoughts. “You aught to make a move.” Mick motions toward the door. “Blondie’s interested, know you aren’t blind about it.”
               “First,” Leonard drawls, looking up from his work carefully rolling the papers. “Sara and I are…friends.” He holds up a hand to cut off Mick’s response. “Second, if I was interested, that is not pertinent to this mission.”
               “Cause you’re so likely to talk to her with the ‘ole crew wandrin around.” Mick rolls his eyes, rising once more. “I’m gonna go get ready.”
               Leonard watches him go, briefly wonders when Mick got quite so perceptive about the unspoken things between people around him. Len rises with a shake of his head, reminds himself that there is no unspoken thing between himself and Sara. They make a good team, that’s it.
               Once they’ve all changed into street clothes, Mick and Sara having packed a bag with clothes for the event, they begin the walk to the arena. They stop at a burger joint on the way, Mick and Sara solidifying a story about how they met and a few various details, should their relationship get questioned.
               It’s not until they get in sight of the building that Leonard gets to see Sara change. The warrior shifting into something entirely foreign. She tucks herself closer to Mick, the sway in her step bringing further attention to just how tight her jeans are (not that he’d noticed).
               “Name.” The bouncer looks between them.
               “Mike,” Mick offers a wild grin, “Heatwave.” The man nods, and Mick drops his arm to Sara’s waist, pulling her closer. “This is my girlfriend, Kara.” Sara just leans into him for emphasis, giving a little giggle that Len finds somewhat disturbing from the Assassin’s lips.
               “His trainer, Leo Wynter,” Len offers, gaining another nod from the man.
               “Alright, you’re clear.” He motions inside, and the three walk in.
               It’s easy enough to locate the locker room, Sara and Mick both pulling out their alternate outfits before heading to change. Leonard remains behind with their stuff, looking over the other contestants that have arrived early. The competitors are all a good size, but he doubts Mick will have any issue holding his own against them.
               Mick comes back first, black shorts with red and orange flames down the sides, predictable. He has a portion of his forearms taped up, hiding the worst of the burns than Leonard knows lay beneath. Sara comes out just after, footsteps heavier than her usually soundless movements. She’s still in the tight jeans, but in place of the T-shift she now wears a red crop top, her hair bouncing around her shoulders and lipstick a few shades to bright.
               But the playful amusement in her eyes is familiar, and offsets some of the strangeness. “So, the girls are definitely chatty, shouldn’t be too hard to slip into the ‘in crowd’.” She makes air quotations.
               “Good.” Len nods, motioning toward the ring. “I want you with us the first match, make an appearance, cheer your lover on. Then try and find our mark.” He tilts his head. “Do you have the –”
               Sara pats her pocket, “Yep.” She smirks at him. “This isn’t my first undercover op, Leo.”
               He nods. “Just being thorough.” He glances around. “The quicker we find the goblet turned trophy, the sooner we can get out.”
               “Just don’t hurry too much,” Mick cuts in, glancing between them. “I’m looking forward to a couple good fights.”
               Before either of them can reply a voice comes over the loudspeakers, “Five minutes competitors.”
               “That’s our cue,” Sara grabs Mick’s arm, “Let’s get this party started.”
               As it turns out, Mick doesn’t fight until the third match, so they stand off to the side watching. On the occasions Leonard pulls his attention away from the competitors, he finds Sara watching intently. It’s a familiar look, the warrior sizing up her opponent. He almost wishes that she was the one going to be in the ring, though with her training it would hardly make for a challenge.
               Finally, they call Mick out; Len checks his gloves, and puts his mouthpiece in place. Once they are both in the ring, Sara pulls herself up by the top rope to press a kiss to his cheek. Only those paying close attention notice her whispering in his ear before dropping back down.
               The bell rings, and Mick starts to circle the other figure. “Pointing out that his opponent favors to swing wide with his left arm?” Len glances over at her.
               She nods. “Easy opening for a rib shot.” She shifts to stand slightly closer, both standing with their arms crossed as they watch. “You did remind him that the goal isn’t to kill anyone, right?”
                “He knows a kill would prevent him getting another fight.” Leonard smirks. “He’s looking to forward to the competition for that.”
               “At least it gives Ray’s suit a break, I think he about melted it last time,” she quips.
               Mick’s opponent goes down hard, drawing their attention back to the ring. He manages to get up, and they go another round. Mick comes out on top, slipping out of the ring to join them once more. Sara grins, grabbing a towel from the stool beside her and handing it to him to wipe the blood from his lip. She and Len remove his gloves, and he pops out the mouth guard.
               “Hope that’s not the best they’ve got!” There’s a wild glint in Mick’s eyes that Len hasn’t seen since they last time they were in Iron Heights together. And for a moment, he’s not sure if this mission will work in their favor, or against it.
               They sit through another match, and then Sara sneaks off to try and find the artifact they were sent to retrieve. Part of him doesn’t like it; not because he doubts Sara, he doesn’t. But he’s used to being the front line of a heist, so if a problem arises he knows right away, can act without having to explain a plan.
               “Girlfriend’s were a bust, so was the office.” Sara states through the coms, Leonard lifting one hand to cover his ear to block the noise around him. “I’m going to go back to the lockers, maybe another competitor brought it.”
               “Keep alert,” he replies easily. “These aren’t the kind of men who like their belongings searched.”
               He hears her chuckle, “Copy that, Crook.”
               Mick goes back in the ring after that, and Len focuses on his friend, makes note that he’s learned several new moves. People have always accused his partner of being brute strength; they rarely credit him for the skillset he displays in hand-to-hand battle.
               “Um, guys, we have a problem,” Sara hisses over the coms.
               “What’s going on, Sara?” He watches Mick deliver another solid blow to his opponent’s jaw. And here he was beginning to think they might actually get through this plan smoothly.
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iincantatorum · 5 years
“It suits you.”
Compliment Starters
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“What, this?” 
Apollymi playfully used her father’s smoke pipe. Well, she didn’t use it the correct way, by inhaling it, but she held it up and merely acted, just something she did idly while Wynter was around. Not only that, she had a monacle on and knew she was starting to look like a pompous ol’ gentleman.
“It’s my Turn of the Century look, glad you like it. I got bored- you know when you’re bored you get to do all you can to pass the time.”
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arathergrimreaper · 7 years
Even if Rhowan didn't have more scars than a chopping block, she still wouldn't accept a marriage proposal from a man. Her Granny knows this and keeps dropping hints for years that Rhowan is probably a big ol' lesbian that she doesn't pick up on until she meets Wynter and vows to write Granny and apologize for the years of Rhowan Bullshit(tm).
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Dear Future Cassanova,
You should be twenty-four by now and now a graduate from The University of Phoenix. As you read this think about the past and that you were twenty-one when you wrote this for a school project in your first writing class ever and they told you to put this somewhere safe and to open it years down the road. Well, now that you have opened it, what did you all accomplish in such a long time frame? Did you change your major or did you stick with it? Are you still working part-time at Devil and Urban or did you finally leave that in the past? What about Rhys? Are you two still together with children or are you married? Writing this sounds so crazy and so stupid but anything can happen in four years down the road. I know right now as being twenty-one there is just so much to do and I have no clue how to even accomplish it all. 
I can’t believe it! I wrote this my freshmen year of college and now I’m sitting on the cold hardwood floor of my room with it in my hands. She thought to herself. Looking around in her room she imagines her past self as a ghost walking around her room day in and day out getting ready for school, work and dates she had with Rhys. Finding this letter she had put under her floorboard the day she wrote it. Cassanova had completely forgotten about it until she stepped on the wood plank remembering the day she first moved in she needed to fix it and just never got around to doing so. But once she stepped on it, just a few minutes ago she remembered that letter as she was packing up to move. This letter meant so much to her back then and why all of a sudden she just now remembered it, but she kept reading.
But you’re Cassanova Anna Freakin’ Ryder nothing will ever hold you back and you’ll never let anything slow you down, not now and not ever! Just remember that the past is the past and you grow and move on. With people by your side like Reyes, Chase, Wynter and even Rhys just remember they will always be there for you and nothing will change that. Don’t be scared to turn to them when things get tough they are family and will be there by your side don’t push them away open up and speak up. So let’s start on why each one of them is important to you, shall we. Reyes the oldest Ryder brother who is overprotective but he has his reasons and no matter what he loves you and is always thinking what is best for you. You two may not be as close as you like because of the age difference and you both have different views on life but he is always here to protect you and to make sure his baby sister is okay. Hopefully when you do read this letter your relationship with each other is a lot better between you too.
As Cassanova looked up tears started to flow in her eyes she tilted her head back to fight the tears away. Younger Cassanova was right about Reyes he was only protecting her, thinking back on it she was here in the first place to get to know her older siblings a lot better, besides just going to school. But with her being in dark times she was slowly pushing them away because they didn’t understand her because she wouldn’t let them in. She was hiding her true self from them for so long because she was known as the perfect child who could do no wrong. She had kept so much away from them that it ended making herself distant from them and she only had herself to blame. Looking back she was right to keep some things hidden but not her whole life making her a stranger to them. She stood up and walked to her now bare dresser, luckily there was a box of tissues sitting there and she grabbed a few as she was sniffling her nose. Looking in the mirror after whipping her face she smirked at herself laughing in her head because she didn’t know her younger self could bring so many memories and tears to her eyes, but she stood there for a moment before looking back down at the letter in her hands.
I’m probably making you cry aren’t I? Not going to lie, I’m crying myself as I’m writing this too you while listening to your current favorite song on our phone in class. Do you remember it? Probably not it was four years ago and you went through new songs like every month. As I let you think about it let’s move on down the list to good ol’ second oldest brother Chase. Now you know how much you hate and love Chase but let’s get straight to the point. You two are a lot closer in age than Reyes let’s face it Chase and you are like always fifty-fifty with each other. Jekyll and Hyde never ever agreeing with each other because let’s face it secretly you too are too much alike too probably ever get along.
Cassanova laughed at herself thinking about her past self and how much she was right about Chase and her, even before continuing to read she thought about her and Chase were a lot alike. Cassanova hated that her and Chase were a lot alike and even after her dark secrets had come out nothing really much changed between them at all. Sure Chase was upset at her for doing what she had all done and they did indeed stop talking for a short period but that was family it wasn’t going to last long though it felt like forever for her. Cassanova ended up being the one to fix the feud between them before mentioning his flaws and how much they needed each other and that she wasn’t that little girl anymore that he once protected or spent time with. Cassanova thought about the past as she made it now to her closet making sure she cleared it all out before heading to the bathroom with an empty box. Picking out her most important things first before going further in depth with the later she thought about her and Chase forgiving each other and how it changed everything between them and how Zoey and him ended up made her see how crazy life was. As she collected everything from her bathroom she closed up the box and headed back to her room thinking about their wedding and how soon something like that was in store for her. Setting the bathroom box down on top of another she pulled out the marker in her pocket and wrote. ’BATHROOM’ on it in all caps so she didn’t have to look through boxes to find the right one and then shoved the maker back in her pocket before sitting on the end of her bed to continue reading.
But Chase is your brother and with no doubt you won’t ever get another one like him so whatever happens be the one to step up and forgive him because neither one of you are perfect or ever be perfect to be honest you two may always but heads but in the end you are family. But don’t forget out of all the siblings you have you two sisters and one just so happens to be your only half-sister and her name is lovely Wynter can you imagine that you two just met at Clarke’s burlesque club not too far from the university. How you two met was pretty crazy am I right the funny thing was Clarke knew you two were related and it took you like an hour to figure it out once you both brought up that you had older siblings and a younger one at that. From then on you two both live separate lives but somehow you two where irrespirable with each other. Finding out you have a sister that is only four months older than you it was something you always wanted and it happen at such a random time and yet I bet you to are still close telling each other everything. I bet as you are reading this you looking down at your phone or felt your phone vibrate from a text message from her, because you told her about the letter you found under the floorboard. Yeah, I know myself pretty well to know what your reaction might be like at the moment. Take a breather trust me you have one more person I have to mention and this will be a tear jerker believe me because I know you two are still together.
As Cassanova looked up and out her bedroom door she laughed as her throat tighten making it hard to swallow. Her younger self was right at that moment about the text message Cassanova had received a text from Wynter asking her if she needed help moving or if she could come over to help out. This letter did indeed scare Cassanova a little because even though the note was written four years ago it could have been written as if it was yesterday. As she looked beside her she knew she couldn’t carry the boxes downstairs they were just too heavy for her at the moment. “Rhys, I need help with these boxes they are a little too heavy.” She yelled from where she was sitting to hearing Rhys and her brother’s downstairs moving things. She then looked around her room one more time filled with so much emotion about leaving her first home in Phoenix to a place a lot bigger. Turning back down to the paper she let go of one side and played with her engagement ring on her finger thinking of just how much things have changed for the better and she smiled before continuing to read on.
So I bet you are now wanting to know what I wrote about Rhys, your Reese Cup you used to call him or if you still even do that’s if you lasted this long. But I’m sure you did since you two have this kind of connection people would die for. So even though you and Rhys have your ups and downs like any other couple I bet you didn’t think you two would have lasted this long dealing with the obstacles you’ve face along the way. How long did you keep you two a secrete because I know you two didn’t last long and writing this now I feel the urge to just come out after school today and just tell everyone and forget who cares, I mean it’s your love life no one else is going to change the way you feel about him unless something happens. So you might have to kick some or go all out to prove your worth.  Rhys’s is a difficult one but trust me he is well worth keeping, he even promised your brothers to do right by you so he wouldn’t get his own ass kicked. And if you two aren’t together as you are reading this then you need a slap back into reality because what the hell were you thinking because I know in myself that I ended it all and you need to put down this letter right now and go fix it! But if you had a reason than it better have been a good one because neither one of you are perfect and both of you keep each other sane. So just remember he is the best thing in your life that has happen and if you two are still together than damn you made it through everything and you probably have everything you ever wanted with him.
As Cassanova finished reading she touched her stomach feeling her little one move inside her as Rhys was coming up the steps to help her carry the boxes downstairs. As she stood up she kissed him intertwining each other’s hands together before she pulled away and half whispered. “Wynter texted me I think she is already to give her up.” She spoke breathing in his lingering smell she craved. “Well, she acts just like you I wouldn’t be surprised.” Rhys half smiled with his classic grin on his face. “What is that supposed to mean?” Cassanova questioned him giving him the ‘Oh Really.’ Look. “This little guy here acts way more like me, than what you think.” Rhys spoke rubbing her stomach with their future son. She bit her bottom lip and followed his hands on her stomach before looking back up at him. “I think we need to get going before it gets too dark.” Cassanova spoke again but as she did so Rhys reached behind her and grabbed the letter that was sitting on her old bed and read out loud ‘Dear Future Cassanova….’ Looking up at him she wondered if it was going to surprise him too on what she wrote as if she predicted the whole future.
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