#okko sweet romance
tsukkiusagi · 2 years
Do you all play 'Rental Boyfriend'? Otome games are not really my type but look what I just gotten myself into.
MY BOY, AITO YOU DESERVE ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD. In other words, you deserve me :D
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eikouxd · 2 years
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skellonovella · 5 months
Games I know
some of the games on this list I haven't played before also this list is always gonna update
Most Voltage games
Obey Me
OKKO games
A Date With Death
A Double Sided Mirror
Inclement Ideé Fixé
The Kid at the Back
Broken Colors
Honey Hotline
Comfort Pillow
Mushroom Oasis
Where Winter Crows Go
Killer Trait
The Groom of Gallagher Mansion
Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack
Pretty Boy Panic
Don't Hide
Curio Compendium CH0
Darling Duality
14 Days with You
See Thru: Need a friend?
You and Him
My Dear Hatchet Man
Please Don't Hate Christmas
Invite Me In
404 Shinigami
Glass Mind
Boyfriend to Death
The Stranger From The Bus Stop
John Doe
Lurking For Love
Protagonist's Remorse
A Cry For Help
Channel 453
Horror Romance
My Beloved Diary
Sweetest Valentine
Perfect Love
Threads of You: Beyond the Bay
Can I Walk You Home?
Heart Cage
Bad End Cinderella
Assignment Due!: project blue
Found You
Infectious Doctor
Parasite in Love
Hidden Signs of Love
Going Live
Vile Strangers
The Inbetween
Eternal Dreamscape
Put your hand in mine
The Eyes Embrace
Pocket Lover
Sweet Dreams
Murder Date
Jack Frost
A walk down Changan Avenue
Love Letter
Our Dollhouse
Trembling Essence
Take me or leaf me
Dead wishes
Coffee Meet
Where Gods Rot
No more thyme
Why are you here? Guidelicious
Electric Sheep
Promise me you'll live
Symptoms of Deciet
Another chance for Finn
Hanging with Styx
403 Puppet
Dreams made of obsession
Moth to a matchstick
Close to Obsession
Pipe Dream
Binary Star Hero
Lift Your Spirits
A Banquet of Magic
Love Blossoms Anew
Today, I woke up again
Wake me up if you need me
Blooming Panic
009 Lives
Loser Named Hana
Don't Look
Error 143
Diona's Flower Shop
Gentle Fall
Picture Perfect Boyfriend
Picture Perfect
Picture Perfect Romance
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peachyotome · 4 years
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We are officially back with my last review of 2020. I can’t wait to share more crazy reviews in 2021. See y’all on Saturday ✨ -Daisy 🌼
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Finally a good idea. Ditch the rude dude, MC, and date her!
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honey-magazine · 4 years
Happy birthday Taiga! 😍🎉
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airisfujibayashi · 4 years
OHH MASATO SHII !!... You really a good boss😭 muach! ❤❤ I hope you guys read OKKO stories too... They have amazing story❤
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katriniac · 5 years
Random WTF moments from otome - Part 4
I've been collecting screenshots from the various otome that make me go "WTF". These were hilarious in the story,  but even weirder without context. I have over 600 screenshots in my WTF album. I shall sprinkle them in tumblr. You can find them all under the tag "wtfotome" Enjoy!
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nuttytani · 4 years
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Kids...no!!!you don't trust people just because they say they need help TvT ❤️
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mayasshitposts · 4 years
Phone Calls and a First Love - Kenichiro Kamijo
Hey everyone! I have used a small writing prompt to write this oneshot about our beloved boss, Kenichiro Kamijo.
Kenichiro Kamijo is a character from Okko's title, Office Lover 2. There are quite a few assumptions I have made about his character after playing his route twice, once on the standalone app, and once on Honey Magazine. These are assumptions made based on stuff said about him in his route and other routes.
I am assuming that Kenichiro is over the age of 40 in the present day, so in this story he would be around 23-24 years old. Aya Mizuno is the same age as Kenichiro. Back in the day, in 1997, they had telephones, so we do not have the use of smartphones here. In Kenichiro's route, we get to know that he was married once, but that did not work out. That has also been referenced in this story.
Kenichiro Kamijo
Aya Mizuno
Write a short story beginning with the line, "The Voice was familiar but I couldn't recognise the face,"
Phone Calls and a First Love
The voice was familiar, but he could not recognize the face. All it took was one word, to send Kenichiro Kamijo back on a trip down memory lane. It was the year 1997, a hot, sunny day in June. 23-year-old Kenichiro Kamijo was at his house in Tokyo, Japan, sifting through some of his work papers before he was supposed to head out for a meeting.
Kenichiro was a bright, intelligent, and talented young man, who had recently been hired by Oz Magic's production department. Kenichiro was a rookie planner for commercials and had not been assigned an independent project yet. He was ready to prove his passion though, so he completed each of his assignments without any complaints. His seniors and co-workers were always impressed by his hard work and dedication to the company.
Suddenly, the telephone which was lying on the kitchen table rang, jolting Kenichiro out of his thoughts. He answered the call, "Hello, Kenichiro Kamijo speaking," He greeted. There was some shuffling on the other end of the line, and Kenichiro heard a small giggle. Could this be a prank? he wondered. Just as he was about to put the phone down, a soft voice speaks up. "I'm sorry, I think I might have the wrong number," she said. "The man I met at the club gave it to me," she added. Kenichiro sighed, his lips curling into a small smile. "I'm sorry that happened to you," he said. "But if there's anything I can help you with, feel free to let me know," He added.
The girl laughed, "Then I might just call you whenever I'm bored and lonely. I wouldn't mind having a phone pal," She said. Kenichiro could feel a slight flush of pink rising to his cheeks. "I would like that very much," He said. "Unfortunately, I have to get to an important meeting, but may I have your name before I go?" He asked. "Mizuno. Aya Mizuno," She said. "I think I will call you tomorrow. Is Saturday a good day to talk?" She asked. Kenichiro grinned slightly as he looked at his kitchen table, "Saturday is a great day to talk." Aya Mizuno did call Kenichiro on Saturday, and they had a long conversation about little nothings. It was the first time Kenichiro felt he could be himself in a conversation and not be judged. Aya gave Kenichiro her number at the end of their conversation so that Kenichiro could initiate the calls too. That's exactly what Kenichiro did on Sunday morning after breakfast. He called Aya, and they spent yet another day talking to each other and having fun. What started as weekly conversations turned into daily conversations. The days turned to weeks and then the weeks turned to months. Kenichiro learned that Aya was an aspiring doctor who lived in Yokohama. He learned that she was a big fan of Queen, and she idolized their guitarist, Brian May. As Kenichiro learned more and more about Aya, he could feel his own heart opening up to her. He told her about his dreams and aspirations. He dreamt that one day, his commercials will be displayed at the Shibuya Crossing, and inspire many others to join his field of work.
Kenichiro felt excited every time he talked to Aya. He could feel a small fluttering in his stomach every time he heard her voice on the phone. Kenichiro knew that he was hopelessly and madly in love with this woman, although he had only ever heard her voice. He really hoped that their daily conversations would continue for a long long time. However, fate was cruel and had other plans for Kenichiro.
It was a cold, December evening. Kenichiro had decided, that it was going to be the day that he would tell Aya about the feelings brewing in his heart. Kenichiro had just got home from work. He had changed out of his suit and picked up the phone. He dialed the number that he had memorized by now, and waited. The familiar click signaling that Aya had answered the call, rung through his heart. He was nervous but confident. Kenichiro's thoughts were interrupted by a sob. "Hello?" said the same soft voice, quivering slightly. "Aya? What's wrong?" asked Kenichiro. He was worried now. Had something terrible happened to Aya? Aya sniffled and took a few deep breaths before speaking again. "Kenichiro, my parents have arranged for me to get married," She said, before breaking out in sobs. Kenichiro felt like he had been stabbed in the heart a thousand times. He bit back the words of sadness and frustration and tried to comfort Aya. Their conversation was everything but cheerful. Aya told Kenichiro that the man was rich, and was the manager of a big company in Osaka. Kenichiro bit back his own feelings, wished Aya well, and said his final goodbye to her.
Kenicihro had held his own feelings of love for Aya back, knowing that he didn't have a chance at a relationship with her. He felt that she would be happier in her marriage. After that day, Kenichiro put away any feelings of love that came his way and immersed himself in his work. Over the next twenty years, Kenichiro had risen up the ranks of his company and was now the manager. He had gotten married to a famous actress, but that did not work out so they got divorced a year after they had tied the knot. Kenichiro had many commercials displayed on the screen at Shibuya Crossing, and many young kids had joined Oz Magic because of him.
One day, Kenichiro had just finished a meeting with a client and sat down at a cafe to grab a bite before heading back to his office. He was scrolling through his phone, looking at some news headlines when he heard it, her. That voice was most definitely hers. He turned around to check where the voice had come from. A woman, around the same age, as he was sitting with two teenagers beside her, presumably her kids. The woman was beautiful. She had clear, porcelain skin, deep brown eyes, and long, silky black hair tied into a neat bun.
"Aya, your coffee," announced a deeper, male voice. A man sat down on the seat opposite the woman's blocking Kenichiro's view. "Thank you Taiga," said the same soft voice that Kenichiro had fallen in love with. He turned back to look at his phone, deciding not to disturb the family on their little outing, softly smiling to himself. His heartfelt at peace knowing that Aya was happy and well settled in life. That little moment was interrupted by the vibrating of Kenichiro's phone. He noticed it was a call from Hinata Hayama, one of his brightest employees. He answered the call with his greeting, "Hello, Kenichiro Kamijo speaking."
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missneko-otaku · 5 years
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(* writer’s note: (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧ This is my very first attempt to write a headcanon. A headcanon for Arabian Nights Love Story, one of my favorite fantasy romance otome games out there. I don’t know if I did good but hopefully, you like it~! ( • ̀ω•́  )✧  PS. my English is not that perfect.. ^v^;  and I added pictures for those who don’t know Arabian Nights Love Story yet, I know the pics are a bit not good, but I’ll change it when I get better ones. Anyway, enjoy~)
∘ OKKO Arabian Nights Love Story Headcanons 
∘ Having a crush on you (x Reader) (Part 1)
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》Whenever you are in the royal chamber to tell a story to Amine (his little brother) he would occasionally take a glance at you in secret as he pretends to be engrossed in the book he is holding. He just can’t help looking at you.
》Whenever he is alone with you in the reading room-- both of you quiet as you read the books you two have borrowed-- he can’t help but smile, feel giddy and bit delighted about the fact that you are with him, that both of you share the same interests. And as he thinks of it, he would grin all by himself behind his book.
》You think that you are just like a good friend to him. But to him, you are his special friend, his ally and his confidant. He treasures you a lot more than you think.
》Despite his somewhat collected and calm demeanor, deep inside whenever he is alone with you, he can’t focus at all. His thoughts all filled about you.
》He can’t help but admire everything about you. To him, you are such an amazing person. And the fact that you like to read as much as he does, make his heart flutter even more. 
》He notes everything you do. Whenever you tell a story to Amine, or have a good chat with Hardy and Sinbad, or help Alma in the house or just even when you read your favorite story. He would take notice of every little innocent gesture you make. Like how you would move your brows when you are engrossed to your reading, or when you innocently smile in front of him as you talk about random things or when you would sometimes blushed and be flustered in front of him as he teases you a bit. Or when you get bashful as he honestly says he admires you and your kindness and thoughtfulness for others. He enjoys noting every little thing you do.
》He likes your sweet company but he wouldn’t show it to you in an obvious manner.
》He hates it when you get sad. He would want to know the reason why, but he can’t easily ask you directly.
》Your beautiful smile gives him so much butterflies in his stomach.
》He would sometimes have these wistful thoughts of wanting you all by his side, wanting to embrace you forever. Sometimes too, he wishes to be like Amine, his little brother. Cheerful, innocent and carefree, so pure that his little brother can hug you boldly in front of everyone like it is the most natural thing in the world.
》Even though he really likes you a lot, he wouldn’t admit it or show it to you. He would keep these feelings to himself in secret.
》He is happiest when he is with you. Because being with you, all his fears, fatigue and problems seem to just go away and vanish.
》The very one thing he doesn’t like or doesn’t want to happen is you to hate him or misunderstand him.
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》Amine is very very fond of you. He likes you so much that it shows in his behaviour. He doesn’t feel embarrassed at all when he is being so affectionate with you in front of everybody.
》He is having the most fun whenever he is with you.
》He really loves and admires his brother, Assad. But when it comes to you, you are way way more VERY special for him.
》He wouldn’t feel shy saying to you or telling everybody how much he likes you A LOT.
》He would ALWAYS so sweetly like an innocent child ask for your attention, and you can’t say no to it.
》For him, hugging you and being with you is like having the whole universe.
》These sweet feelings he has for you is still new and unknown to him. Because he is so innocent and sometimes naive, he still doesn’t seem to figure out what these feelings of him towards you really means.
》Sometimes, he has these thoughts and feelings of having you all to himself so badly that he knows in his heart of hearts that he is being childish and selfish.
》He can’t help himself but feel soo happy and giddy and excited like a child, whenever you are with him.
》Every night, he would look forward to seeing you and hearing your stories. Your voice is like music to his ears. He never get tire of it.
》There are times when he would feel so frustrated to himself and wishes to be like his older brother, Assad. He wants to be a man for you. He wants you to look at him as a grown man, not as a child. He wants you to depend on him so much it makes him anxious, and you just don’t know it.
》He likes to hold your hand and playfully sway it back and forth as you two stroll leisurely the palace garden.
》He hates it when you are sad. So much that sometimes he would blame himself for not being able to do anything about it.
》He would probably naively give up everything right away, just for you.
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》You may not know it yet, but he cares for you so much that sometimes he can’t leave you alone and he can’t focus at all on his dancing and his work.
》Whenever he is out in the market and sees beautiful, lacy and flowy dresses, he would occasionally think of you. As he sifts through these pretty clothes hanging on the racks, his mind would often wander about you as he imagines you wearing these sheer, lacy and elegant outfits. Sometimes too, when he gets lost too much in these thoughts of you, he would have this strange feelings and curious urge of wanting you to dress up for him. 
》He can’t help but notice how naturally beautiful you are, how pretty your figure is and it is such a shame for him that you have no clue or have any idea about it.
》You are the apple of his eye. Always.
》He can’t help but be very, very overprotective of you. He doesn’t want you to push yourself too much working on the tavern and in some other things.
》He always thinks about you. Whether at work, at home or with you.
》He would always check on you at the tavern, always making sure that you are not being gang up by some group of men out there, especially Saadiq. 
》He hates it that you have no idea at all how very attractive you are. The more reason he has to be more protective of you.
》He admires you being kind and all, but sometimes he wishes for you to care more about yourself.
》You are the only girl that somehow has managed to catch his attention. 
》He likes it very much when you would cheerfully call his name right away in front of everyone whenever you sees him.
》The very fact that you two are living together under the same roof is such a pure bliss to him. He likes it so much you can’t even imagine. And to him, it feels like fate-- you meeting him and living with him. He likes the idea that he is the one always nearest to you. You-- always within his reach. 
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》He likes to tease you A LOT.
》He would visit the tavern almost everyday, saying that he has some business there to take care of but the truth is that he just wants to see you. His main purpose in going there is YOU.
》It has never been a burden for him to always accompany you home almost every night whenever it gets too dark and late from your visits to Amine in the palace to tell him stories. It has somehow became a commitment to you to always visit Amine every other night to tell him stories. And because of that, Assad or Hardy would ask him most of the time to escort you back home safely. He has always liked the idea of having this reason or excuse just to be with you.
》He would sometimes tease you in a bit of a flirty manner just to see your face blush for him. And he would laugh or giggle at you because he enjoys seeing your confused and bashful state.  Because of that, sometimes it puzzles you and makes you wonder what he really thinks about you.
》He knows to himself that he is attracted to you but he wouldn’t let you know it.
》He sometimes can’t help but feel a bit irritated when you talk about other men. Like when you told him that you like the tea Alibaba has recommended to you and such things. He gets moody when he hears things like that. He knows deep inside that he is being a jerk and unreasonable, but he just can’t help to feel this way.
》He becomes a bit touchy when it comes to you. He has this habit of touching your cheeks suddenly without any reason at all. And every time he does that you would wonder why.
》He likes giving you praises, telling you that you did a good job as he ruffles your hair.
》You are a wonderful person to him. Always putting others first before yourself. And that what makes you more attractive in his eyes.
》He is too friendly and kind and caring when it comes to you. And the funny thing is that he isn’t even aware of it himself.
》He hates to see you worried and upset that sometimes he has to hide some things from you so that you wouldn’t feel distressed or uncomfortable about it.
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》He likes to mess around with you, may it be in a good way or bad way.
》He flirts with you a lot. Whether you like it or not, whether you feel uncomfortable or you kind of hates it--- he doesn’t care at all. 
》He would suddenly, out of the blue, ask you to spend more time with him. You and him, alone.
》He can be a real total jerk. And even though he likes you, he can still be a jerk even to you. That is just what he is. A literal bad boy/ villain.
》He is (somehow) seriously attracted to you despite him being a literal bad boy.That is for sure. 
》He really finds you sexy and stunning, may it be in the physical appearance or personality-wise.
》He doesn’t really care for others, to be honest. But, whenever he sees you around, he wouldn’t just let go of this chance and he would chase you around the whole time  just to mess and flirt with you.
》Whether you are laughing, smiling, or feeling upset or getting mad at him---he would STILL find you attractive. He would STILL find you pretty cute even when you are already fuming at him, the more reason for him too, to even more mess with you and your mood.
》He doesn't know the word love, it is an alien word to him. And he doesn’t care about it. But, he would get interested from time to time whenever you would talk about things related to it.
》You always mystify him. But no matter how much he put his effort into thinking and guessing about it, he still has no idea why.
》No matter what you do, you always catch his attention.
》You two are a complete opposite to each other. You are the kind of person who is selfless and thoughtful while he is insensitive and self-serving. But, oddly, there are times he would think and care about you. And that is so weird to him and so strange that he would find himself alone, laughing it off.
》You are a very curious person to him. Very.
》Whether you like him or hate him, or find him a very hateful person---he does not care at all. 
》Most of the time, he wouldn’t accept no. If he can make you change your mind, he will try and try until you say yes to it.
》Sometimes, he would boldly ask you in a jokingly manner---in the middle of the day---to sleep with him.
》He IS a flirt to almost everybody---boy or girl. But, he is WAY MORE flirty when it comes to you. That is a fact.
》He always smiles at you.
》He somewhat adores you like a little sister but it is more than that, really.
》Whenever he chance upon you at the tavern or in the streets, it always makes his day.
》He always would become more playful and a bit of talkative when you are around. 
》He likes hanging around with you, whether you are at work or with Sinbad, Alibaba and the gang. 
》Sometimes, there will be days you would look so pretty in his eyes without any reason at all, and he would feel unconsciously bashful being around with you.
》He is sometimes cheeky with everyone but unconsciously so sweet when he is with you.
》He is attracted to you more than he thinks so. He thinks the reason why is simply because you are naturally just good-looking in his eyes although it isn’t really the case. 
》He thinks you have such a lovely personality.
》Like Amine, he doesn’t find it hard to give you a friendly hug so naturally in front of many people.
》Sometimes, he would find himself distracted. Always contradicting his feelings towards you.
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eikouxd · 4 years
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@xsagaralisa Couldn't agree with you more I need more Masaya content I havent played his route in a while but I really loved this character *one of the first routes ever played ^^ (cant believe I never drew him)
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xlysaaa · 5 years
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FINALLY! They confessed their love and Taiga told MC everything!!! god my heart he went through so much that poor baby😭😭💔I'm so happy that he no longer is or feels alone!❤ cant wait for the next chap!
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MC & Risa Ishii!
Celebrating the first female love interest in Okko games!
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peachyotome · 4 years
✨Our Reviews Masterlist ✨
We have been working on a master list for our review! 
First, we want to thank @otome-reviews for the inspiration. Your reviews are great and cover lots of characters! Also, a masterlist seems so helpful for both our readers and for us to navigate what we have actually posted. We have also included some of the reviews that are coming soon! 
On that note, we want to make sure that you are able to differentiate the reviews as we are two different people managing this account. All Daisy reviews will have her emoji (🌼) right next to the character name and Cherryblossom’s reviews will have her emoji (🌸). 
We hope you enjoy our reviews and feel free to repost! 
Ikemen Prince
Chevalier Michel 🌼
Ikemen Revolution 
Kyle Ash 🌸 / Jonah Clemence  🌼 / Edgar Bright 🌼 / Lancelot Kingsley 🌼 /  Luka Clemence 🌸 / Oliver Knight 🌼 / Ray Blackwell 🌸
Ikemen Sengoku 
Ieyasu Tokugawa 🌸 / Hideyoshi Toyotomi 🌼 / Masamune Date 🌼 / Masamune Date SEQUEL 🌼 /  Nobunaga Oda 🌼 / Nobunaga Oda SEQUEL 🌼 / Mitsunari Ishida 🌼 Shingen Takeda 🌼 / Mitsuhide Akechi 🌼
Ikemen Vampire 
Leonardo 🌼 / Theodorus 🌼 / Comte 🌼
NTT Solmare 
Wizardess Heart 
Yukiya Reizen 🌸
Nix Hydra
The Arcana
Asra 🌸
OKKO / Honey Magazine
Decoding Desire
Yushin Kuze 🌼
My Sweet Proposal 
Masaya Todo 🌼
Office Lover 2 
Kakeru Yamagata 🌼
Voltage, Inc. / Love365
After School Affairs 
Rikiya Mononobe 🌼
Enchanted in the Moonlight
Miyabi 🌼 / Chikage 🌼 / Kyoga 🌼
In Your Arms Tonight
Genji Higashiyama 🌼
Irresistible Mistakes 
Keita Mitsuura/Keita Miura 🌼 / Shunichiro Tachibana 🌼 / Toma Kiriya 🌼
Kings of Paradise 
Yosuke Sagara 🌼
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Soryu Oh 🌼
My Forged Wedding 
Tamaki Kikushima 🌼 / Yamato Kougami 🌼/ Haruka Utsunomiya 🌼 / Takao Maruyama 🌼
My Wedding and 7 Rings 
Asahi Kakyouin 🌼 / Yamato Kougami 🌼
Samurai Love Ballad: Party 
Kojuro Katakura 🌼 / Saizo Kirigakure 🌸
Scandal in the Spotlight
Kyohei Rikudoh 🌼
Star Crossed Myth
Huedhaut 🌼
Oops, I Said Yes?!
Kunihiro Kasai Main Story Pt 1 🌼 // Kunihiro Kasai Main Story Pt. 2 🌼 
Shu Hasunuma Pt. 1 🌼 // Shu Hasunuma Pt. 2 🌼 // Fiji Takao Pt. 1 🌼
Our Two Bedroom Romance 
Minato Okouchi 🌼
Pirates in Love 
Roy 🌼
True Love Sweet Lies
Kiyoharu Nanahoshi 🌼
Dangerous Fellows 🌸
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sgnehgsthsth r u going to flex ur biceps and hope she'll appreciate it 🤣
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