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putschki1969 · 6 years ago
What about Seventh Heaven? ^^
Thank you so much!! ♫꒰・‿・๑꒱ Okay, this is like five million years too late but I still had it in my drafts so I thought I would FINALLY post it (with some updates). It’s never too late for something like that, right? ^_^
♫What was your first impression of it? I didn’t really like it all that much at first. I thought it was quite boring actually. I don’t even know why but it didn’t leave a lasting impression. Up to this day the studio version doesn’t do anything for me…
♫How do you feel about it now? I think the first time I really noticed this song was when I watched their live performance during the 10th Anniversary Type Moon Festival. This was the first live version of Seventh Heaven to be officially released so everyone was looking forward to it and boy, this performance certainly did not disappoint! I don’t know what it was exactly that suddenly appealed to me but Keiko’s parts in particular really touched my heart. Her lines sound so much different when they are performed live! From then onwards I really started to appreciate each and every performance of Seventh Heaven and it has officially become one of my all-time favourite Kala-songs.
♫Rate the song on a scale from 1 to 10 (with 10 being the best rate)! 8.5/10
♫Describe the song in one sentence! All-time favourite Kala-song that has a similar vibe to Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku but instead of focusing on Wakana and Keiko, it also heavily features Hikaru .
♫How does it make you feel? There’s just so much love, gratitude and comfortin this song. You know that feeling of being overwhelmed with happiness when you can’t help but cry because you don’t know how you ever deserved all of this…Like I just said, it reminds me a lot of Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku (even the lyrics have a lot in common) so it’s really no surprise that it makes me feel all the feels XD
♫What do you like most about this song? Keiko’s solo lines and the ending
♫What’s your least favourite part about it? That the studio version doesn’t do it proper justice.
♫ Best version of the song? I am probably biased because I have actually seen it live but I think it’s the one from their “far on the water Special Final��. 
♫Favourite lines in the lyrics?それは夢のような Each and every day日々の中 feels like a dream貴方が笑ってる You are laughingそれだけでいい and that alone is wonderfulただ傍にいるからjust because you are here by my sideもう一人じゃない We are not alone anymoreずっと Forever united二人で行く we’ll walkまほろばtowards paradise
♫Thoughts on the musical arrangement and the use of instruments? I don’t much care for the studio version and the drums can get a little too overwhelming in the live version (towards the end). I definitely prefer the acoustic version.
♫Wakana, Keiko or Hikaru? Whose vocals are most impressive in this song? I’ll have to go with Keiko! Her parts are simply gorgeous, I’ll never get enough of her solo lines in this song.
♫Share something creative related to this song (picture, gif, video, artwork, poem, anecdote, headcanon, interpretation etc…knock yourself out!) I love, love, LOVE this moment from their “far on the water LIVE TOUR”. This is right before they sing “seventh heaven” and the way Hikaru and Wakana smile at Keiko makes me melt into a puddle of goo.
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I also love how we got some insight during Keiko’s 10th Anniversary Pamphlet interview. To realise how much Keiko has actually struggled to sing her solo lines properly (and man, she really DOES sing them perfectly!) Awww, I really treasure that sort of background info. It makes me appreciate songs like this even more because I know how much effort they put into it.
Kalafina Song MemeTag: #kalafina song memeRules: Be honest but please try to be respectful when answering those questions.
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cyphertaehyungie · 7 years ago
For the letters thing: S 😊
@samwol @sftae @springsn0w @seokjoonies @sirtae @sin-taehyung
give me a letter and i’ll tell you my 5 favourite blogs starting with that letter
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holy-jinsus · 7 years ago
Aaah could you please please gif Jin's leading parts on Best of me comeback show?? I love when he sings "haru haru" ♥
Done! I love when he sings that part too 😢 his voice is so perfect and beautiful
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vanteslens · 7 years ago
For the songs rec ask: Your song, Sam Kim ^^
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
this song is so cute i liked a lot thank you 💕
send me song recs ✨
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yaasbts · 4 years ago
I love you ❤️
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jingifs · 7 years ago
Can I please request a gifset of Jin with bandanas? ^^
Done :)
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kimdaily · 7 years ago
In case anyone has told you this today, your account is a blessing and I love seeing you in my dash♥ i hope you have a beautiful day!
🗣🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊!!!!!!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ THANK YOU SO MUCH
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yaasbts · 7 years ago
@okeuphemia oh so that’s how you wanna play? Mean woman, I miss you already. Today sucked because I could’t share it with you. Hope you’re safe on land while you read this.
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seokjins-epiphany · 6 years ago
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU TO SOME OF MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE ON TUMBLR FOR BEING MY SAFE PLACE THIS ENTIRE YEAR @loverknj @yoonyjeong @okeuphemia @psycho-slytherin @jingertonic and I’m sure I’m missing out on so many but yall few are the OG who really helped me get through all the breakdowns and also screamed with me through the highs and I wish distance wasn’t a thing bc I love yall so much and I wanna give each of yall a star to illuminate those dark nights BUT IN THE WORDS OF CUTIE PARK JIMIN "I WANT YOU TO BE YOUR LIGHT" so let's all listen to him instead and continue being pretty pretty lights ok 💜💜💜 Thank you for existing and being who you are, I love you!!!
To everyone else I’ve interacted with and not tagged I’m so sorry but know I’m equally grateful for your presence in 2018 as well @kimseokjinniestan @bts-soccer-moms @indecisivefangirling @kimmieseokjinnie @porrronesianparapio @wallpaperandviolins @hwagaemkt @namjoonchronicles @yoongisatoori @cosmo-poli-tan @sugakookiesbutbadass @thekkid @vanillataehyung @jinbabyangel @pesticine 💜 💜 💜 I PURPLE YOU
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To my favourite boys in the whole wide world, the weight of my thank you feels less insignificant each time I say it, but I mean it more than every yesterday. Thank you for being my magic shop, I can't wait to continue walking with all of you in 2019! I hope happiness, peace and self love will find you more easily than the year before. Love ya'll very very much 💜
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putschki1969 · 6 years ago
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Odaiba Release Event ~ News articles & pictures
@okeuphemia Can you spot yourself? ^_^ I am seeing you there in the crowd!
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yaasbts · 6 years ago
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「StepByStep ❀ Do not edit in any way」
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cyphertaehyungie · 7 years ago
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stage requests: Taehyung + Spring Day stages for @okeuphemia
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smilyoongi · 7 years ago
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🌙 a night out with hoseok 🌙
requested by @okeuphemia 。.:*
Taking requests!
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vanteslens · 7 years ago
@okeuphemia replied to your post “@okeuphemia replied to your post “maybe i’m reading too much on today...”
Haha nah I meant about the bracelet lol but thank you fo your ted talk i always enjoy them
ops sorry ajkdhgd also it wasnt a bracelet, it was a necklace! it happened in bon voyage 2. basically taegi went shopping and they bought matching necklaces which they promised never take it off until get home but next episode yoongi’s necklace were long gone already. you can see it on this photoset. tae was really sad about it and it lowkey break my heart bc tae put effort to connect w yoongi that seemed to not care at all..
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hongjoongssailor · 7 years ago
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Has this been done yet? @bunjunggukie @adore-jhope @lhoseokl @whiskeyjimin @hobislobster @okeuphemia @j4yhope @winemom-yoongi @min-gummy @lululovesseokie @ixjhs @bluesxde @btshasmeshooketh @minsbutt @jhopejumper @tinymintyoon @raplinesbitch @blondejinismyreligion @sapidsuga @hoeseok 
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seoknetwork · 7 years ago
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We are happy to announce our newest members! Everyone who has been tagged in this post has been accepted.
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@1-800-134340 @acrylicjeon
Reblog this post to confirm your membership. (we will check!)
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You’ll be added to the kkt chats in a short amount of time!
- Admin Deby and Admin Shruti.
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