#okay. Why didn’t I leave? Well cause I’m too much of a “what if they’ll invite me out this week”
ruanais · 10 months
I love laying in bed after a tiring and mentallly draining day of my church’s average bullshitting.
(Read the tags for some explanation)
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iridescentpull · 9 months
I'm working on a full transcription for Fit & Pac's secret conversation during their date and I've already covered half of it. Here are some of my favorite bits! (the full transcription should come out tomorrow if everything goes well, so fingers crossed!)
Fit: Um, so… This is… So remember the day I told you, like, Agent 18 and Foolish?
Pac: Yeah, they are kinda like something? The man with the uplifted pants.
Fit: That was– that was a test to see if you could keep a secret and you passed– you CAN keep a secret, ‘cause I didn’t hear anything else from that from anyone else on the island. Um.. so..
Pac: Hmm.
Fit: So… If I tell you about this, promise you will not tell anyone?
Pac: *stutters* No– yeah, yeah, no– how can I say this? –uh, my mouth is a rock– no, that’s not the word, that’s not the slang, uh *sigh* I don’t know, sorry, but I won’t tell anyone, you know? T-That’s a secret I will keep for my life, you know? It’s gonna go with me in my coffin, you know? I’m gonna keep it– I’m sorry.
Fit: Okay… okay, ‘cause I want you to know once I tell you this, there’s no going back.
Pac: Really? But, like– this sounds like really bad stuff, like, really bad. Like, a super secret-secret I can’t tell anyone? I don’t know, that sounds… I’m scared
Fit: Me too.
Pac: O-Oh… Oh my God.
Fit: I was sent to Quesadilla Island for a very specific purpose, yes. 
Pac: Which- Which purpose it is?
Fit: So I made a deal with someone that I would come to Quesadilla Island and obtain the player data of everyone here. And in return, I’d get paid a lot of money. But, I- I… since being on the island, though, I didn’t expect to get attached to anyone like, Ramon, or you… um, and my boss gave me one year to complete my mission of obtaining all of this player data, um
Pac: So… So you’re gonna leave… You’re gonna leave.
Fit: Well, here’s the thing, Pac– even if I complete the mission, I- I’m not leaving. Because… *stutters* I-I, I know Quesadilla Island is not exactly the best place in the world, like– we’re stuck here and the Federation are assholes but like, I care about the people on this island, like you, Ramon– we have all our friends like Mike, Philza, you know? Like– Tubbo. It’s just, I’m not planning on– even if I complete the mission, I’m not planning on leaving. 
Pac: No, that’s– that’s good to hear, you know Fit? You are very important to me as well as Ramon, Richarlyson, Mike, all my family here; and it’s good to know that you got my back, and I also have yours for anything you need…. But *stutters* I’m also scared, like– you made a deal with someone else? Like, it’s not related to the Federation? And, like, why do you need to handle the player’s datas, like, what’s up with the player data? Are there some hidden secrets? And you also have to deliver my player data as well?
Pac: Yeah, uh-huh? That’s him? You’ve been working for the Naked Slenderman?
Fit: *laughs* No, no, no– he has a very similar appearance to that. He’s like all white, but like… it’s almost like he’s hiding what his true form is. Everything’s a secret with my boss, everything’s a secret
Pac: You are kinda like mysterious too… I noticed, you know? You don’t talk much about your life, or about your goals. So it’s really nice for me to hear that from you. You know what I’m trying to say?
Fit: No, I understand. Yeah, no– I appreciate that. 
Pac: You kinda trust on me, so I think that this is really serious. 
Fit: Thank you–
Pac: That is something that I will remember all my life, that you trust me.
Fit: *laughs* I’m glad Pac. But listen– when I, the reason I said that you to keep this a secret is… If the Federation finds out, they’ll kill me. If the Rebellion finds out, they’ll probably also kill me! So that’s why– 
Pac: Oh my God the Rebellion!
Fit: It’s, yeah, so like- but–
Pac: Amiga!
Pac: Do you– Do you have my player data?
Fit: No. I think I–
Pac: W-Well, can I hand out to you– can I hand you my player data?
Fit: *laughs in disbelief* Well! Well that–
Pac: Can I? Fit: –that would certainly make it easier! But um… I think– I don’t know, my boss asked me for more than just that; the emotions of people, I don’t know what he meant by that, but like– how, how we react to things on the island. Like, all the things we go through, like– pain, our joy...
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scremogirl · 1 year
HII i love ur nonchalant reader sm since i lowkey relate to them too much💀💀 I'm wondering if nonchalant reader w yandere nerd would cause the same reaction or worse?.. :'DD
Omg stop cause why did you open a whole Pandora’s box in my mind!? I also headcanon Nonchalant! Reader as a foodie idek. Original fic here! Nonchalant reader here! Enjoyyyy!!! -Love, Sosa❤️
Nonchalant! Reader with Yandere! Nerd would be sickininggggggg. He would take full advantage of their behavior and use it to get away with things that a normal person would have slapped him for. He is delulu and your attitude is not making it any better 😭. He knows you really don’t care about anyone or anything so that just makes it easier for him.
Before he became popular he would defo try and finesse his way around you.
“Hey… (Y/n)?”
“Uhmmm.. I-I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go get something to eat after we finish this project? It’ll be on me!”
As you two pull up to wherever you decided to eat you see kids from your school through the buildings windows. Everyone has had suspicions that you two were together; you really didn’t care. You knew Yandere! Nerd was just a friend, so why argue? Unbeknownst to you, Yandere! thought you didn’t deny anything because you were already together; playing further into his delusion. You expected people you know to be there and so did he, it’s the reason why he picked this spot.
“Hey, (Y/n)! What’re you doin here? Especially with this freak?” Jeez, this knucklehead again? How many times is he gonna pester you?! Yandere squeezes the drink in his hand, it is only till he here’s the popping of the lid that he stops.
“He isn’t a freak,”
“Really? Because all the freaks I know don’t spend their time working on building fucking Lego sculptures,” he and his goons laugh thinking their funny. You just sigh and give him the classical Kubrick Stare.
“I’m gonna give you the count of three to apologize and get out of my face,” he’s about to say something when he sees you, you have a reputation and he’s not gonna be added to your naughty list. With a quick murmur of an apology, he and his friends leave. You turn back to Yandere! Nerd with a quick head nod once you notice him staring and continue to munch on your food.
That’s ranch on his pants…don’t worry about it.
After he becomes popular, his confidence boosts. He’s too bold for his own good.
“Hey, honey! Did’ya miss me?” you ignore the nickname and continue scribbling on your notepad.
“Oh how you wound me, darling,” with a dramatic sigh he flings his hand to his forehead and flops on you. He stays like that for a while before wrapping his arms around you, face buried in your neck. You continue your scribbling.
“Say, Darling,” he shifts his face around so he can see you. He pauses for a while breathing in your scent. Cucumber Melon; his second favorite to the Peach-Cherryblossom. How he knows that; well, let’s leave that up for interpretation. He sprays it on his pillows before he goes to bed at night, acting like you're there with him.
“There’s this festival after school, Townson Amour? I was wondering if you’d like to come with me,”
“Isn’t that for couples?”
“They’ll be food,”
Another example would be:
Hmmm… I swear you just had that chapstick; it was literally right there. Ah hah! There it is! As you bend down you see the door open behind and the chapstick just so happens to roll away from you to that very same door. Dammit! You’re stuck!
“My, my, my. What a lovely surprise!” You look up amused. You don’t struggle, accepting your fate.
“Hey, you mind getting that chapstick for me?” He looks down and to no surprise there it is at his feet. He bends down to pick it up and smirks.
“You mean, this one?” He waves it around in his hands before popping the cap open and applying it to his lips.
“I don’t know, this flavors pretty good,” you just continue to stare blankly.
“What are you doing here anyways? Don’t you have a club meeting or something?”
“I finished early! I was looking all over for you; if I didn’t know any better,” he walks closer to you, bending his body over yours and whispering in your ear. You can smell the chapstick on his lips, that’s literally how close he is.
“I’d say you were waiting for me,” his hands come up to your waist as he gentley pulls you back to him, successfully pulling you out from where you were stuck.
“Thanks,” you say curlty; reaching for the chapstick in his hand.
“Uh uh uh, not so fast, darling. Don’t you think I deserve a reward?” He invades your space once again.
“Maybe… a kiss?” So you do.
“Keep the chapstick,” you say, gathering your things and walking out of the abandoned classroom.
Hey! How’d that ranch get here?!
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rrenzwrld · 9 months
secreto de amor VII
chapter 7! read chapter 6 here
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“y/n~i need to talk to you.”
“you always need to talk to me. talk to your other friends.”
“don’t get smart with me. i just wanted to remind you about the business trip i’m going on. i leave next wednesday.” jean worked with a company that providing them with relaxing trips out of the country twice a year because they know how taxing the job can be.
“where you going this time?”
“it’s actually a cruise, going to the bahamas. i’ll be gone for two weeks tho, much longer than last time.”
“two weeks??” that caught your attention. you were used to jean and his trips but you’ve never been left alone for two weeks.
“i figured you don’t need a babysitter because you’re 18 but some people will swing by to check on you.”
“you tell—“
“yes i told mom and dad. they’ll come check on you and if you get scared just stay over there.”
“anything else i need to know?”
“nope, think that’s all. love you!” jean closed the door behind him. although it was only tuesday and he had about a week to prepare, it shouldn’t worry him about leaving you. he knew that you were a good kid, you don’t cause trouble , and you’re practically already independent apart from you living with him. so he didn’t know why he was feeling weird about all of this.
later on that day, you called tia to have your daily conversation and some interesting things were brought up.
“you said he said what now?”
“just reposting tweets n shit and relationships, talkin bout some ‘i’ll take my old bitch over a new bitch any day’” the dude in question was your ex you dated for two years until he cheated. he was your first and last boyfriend and luckily you hadn’t lost your virginity to him or else you’d be going mad even now.
“a weirdo for real. remind me why you follow him again?”
she shrugged. “to be nosy. give us something to talk about.”
“your brother still going on the trip thingy?”
“yeah, why?”
“just asking. don’t he always go around the same time?”
“yeah but i didn’t think you were paying attention. he’s gonna be gone for two weeks this time.”
“two weeks?? oh you’ll be dead before he gets back.”
“don’t say that! i can handle myself fine for two weeks.”
“you don’t even sound like you believe yourself. but look at the bright side,” you rolled your eyes as you already knew what would come next. “connie can come over without any interruptions and he’ll stay and keep you company, and then~” tia started clapping her hands and moaning.
you laughed. “i fucking hate you. i don’t even think about him like that, he 22.”
“so? older dick be the best dick.”
“i’m gonna hang up on you.”
“it’s okay if you wanna hang up on me to call your man.”
“i don’t have a man.”
next wednesday rolled around quicker than you thought and it didn’t seem real to you up until you saw your brother all packed up in suit and tie.
“why you dressed up? i thought you were going on the trip to relax.”
“there’s a meeting right before we board the plane.” you nodded as you watched your brother put on his dress shoes. “are you sure you’ll be okay? you’ll call or text if you need anything right?”
“yes, i’ll be okay. just have fun.”
“i already called everyone to let them know so some one would be there everyday to check on you. and don’t throw any parties or anything while i’m gone.”
“i’ll try not to.” you joked. but he knew you weren’t like that. the most you’d probably do is have tia sleep over or something and just the two of you do stupid shit in the comfort of your own home.
“well,” he started as you helped him load the last of his things in his car. “i love you, i’ll be back in two weeks. i’ll call and text everyday, just don’t die on me.” he laughed while he pulled you into a tight embrace
“i won’t die, promise.”
after the both of you struggled to let go, you bid him a formal farewell as you watched him back out the parking lot, “love you too, be safe!”
after all that, it was weird having the place to yourself but you’d just operate how you would normally do. the only difference was that jean wasn’t present and you had to get used to that. but as he said, over the two weeks, people came to check on you every day.
you had visits from your older stepbrother elliot snd his girlfriend, your mom, your stepdad, and even your biological dad who really just started speaking to you after your mom remarried. but family wasn’t the only people who were there for you. you had visits from sasha who you’d hang out with from time to time, and sleepovers with your friend tia. but one person you really should’ve saw coming was connie. but you didn’t know how you felt just yet.
“y/n~” you heard connie call out to you from your room but he stopped in the doorway when he made it. “your brother told me to—“
“check up on me?”
“yeah, but.. a little more than that.”
“he gave me a key, see?” he held it up proudly but you were shocked and maybe a bit upset.
“when did he give you a key? and why?” connie walked into your room and sat at the chair by your desk.
“he wants me to check on you
“people do that already.”
“yeah but he wants me to check on you everyday.. for multiple times a day.”
“so i don’t have a choice.. but to see you everyday?”
“multiple times a day, yes.” he smiles. “but that makes it easier for us to get to know each other.”
“don’t you have things to do? like work or..?”
“yeah but i’ll just come here after.” you rolled your eyes. although jean suspected that connie was trying something with you, he still trusted connie to keep you safe if anything else.
“whatever.” you went back to whatever you were doing.
“right,” connie stood up to walk out the room. “and imma need your number or something.”
“to track me?”
“no, just to keep in contact with you. weirdo.” he laughed. you were the weirdo? you ended up putting your number in his phone and he put his number in yours. “i turned locations on by the way. i’ll be back, bye!” he left before you could even get on him about it.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
10 call me when ur sober w drysdale!
Angst: 10. "Call me when you're sober" w/ Jamie Drysdale
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Jamie just turned 21, and every weekend since we’ve been going out to the bars. It was fun at first but Jamie gets really goofy to the point He is just childish. I honestly never got really upset about it because he could turn into an angry drunk instead, he’s just very immature.
Some of the things he says, are questionable, or their jokes that end up hurting my feelings slightly. Tonight we are all sitting at the bar table, and Jamie begins telling them a story that involves some pretty dirty details.
“Jamie no“ I say, as he Continues with the story, and he looks at me
“why babe it’s funny“ he laughs out, taking a swig of his beer, “ random parking lot she just took her pants off”
All the guys are laughing when I shake my head covering my face, “Jamie, stop”
“it’s okay” he laughs again, “they’ll think it’s funny”
“Jamie, you’re embarrassing me”
“we all have slutty moments“ he says, referring back to a story
“what is that supposed to mean?” I ask him as at this point I was embarrassed to the point that I was getting angry with him.
“you were kind of a slut” he says laughing, but I he can tell that I’m not laughing, “it’s okay I liked it”
The rest of the guys at the table saw that I was angry, and stopped laughing, and just looked between Jamie and I. One of the boys excuse himself from the table, and the rest followed, leaving Jamie and I there.
“babe don’t be a buzz kill” Jamie says, watching his friends leave the table
“I’m too sober for this and you’re too drunk, call me when you’re sober” I say as I got up, knowing this is going to turn into a fight.
“fine I’ll see you later then“ he says, is slightly hurt, my feelings that he didn’t wanna resolve it now. but I’m glad he didn’t in a public place.
“no I’m going home. To my apartment” I say walking out of the bar, then down to my apartment. I typically stay at Jamie and Trevor’s even when they’re out of town. we were almost at the stage where I was completely moved into his and I would sublet my lease to someone. But it’s nights like these where we getting stupid fights I’m glad I still have my apartment.
The next morning, I woke up to over 20 text messages and missed calls from Jamie. I skim through the messages and they all basically say the same thing about how he’s sorry he didn’t mean to embarrass me or hurt my feelings. I decide to call him even though I know he still asleep since it is pretty early and he had a late night. the phone only rings it once or twice before he picks up.
“Hey Y/n, I’m so sorry. You were right I shouldn’t of said anything like that about the personal stuff between us. and I’m sorry I called you a slut. I really didn’t mean it in a bad way, but I know I shouldn’t of said it at all. please come back sleeping in his bed without you so weird and I hate it.” he says before I even got a chance to say hi
“ I know you’re sorry. But Jimmy, every time you drink, you act so childish. I’m not your mother I’m your girlfriend and if this is going to work, you’re gonna have to listen to me when I tell you that you’re drinking too much. And in last nights case, if you are embarrassing, me with personal stuff, you need to stop when I tell you to stop”
“I know, I promise you with every ounce of my being that I will never ever embarrass you like that again. And I promise you I didn’t finish the story after you left”
“good, I’m glad you finally listen to me after I left”
“ yeah cause I didn’t want you to leave. Can you please come over I miss you.”
“Okay, I guess I’ll let you go to the doghouse” I say, with a little laugh, making him laugh along as well.
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mizuena2010 · 2 months
let the Mizuki rambles begin
okay well first off I’m using they/them for Mizuki here, but also refer to them with like feminine nicknames u could say? Idk but if that bothers you, I’m so sorry but I am NOT getting into all that gender stuff so.. respectfully, SHHHHHH.
also could anyone tell I’m obsessed w their character?
didn’t think so either (`・∀・´)
anyways. Here I go.
okay the reason why I’m so obsessed with this girly is just that they are too relatable. Like I will literally start crying like the emotional ass I am when reading their stories. Especially the What Lies Ahead event. Mizuki is faced with a lot of issues, most of them due to not fitting in. I think this is one of the most popular problems that many individuals face in today’s society, hence why their character is on the more popular side.
it is difficult for Mizuki to be themselves, and over the years, they’ve just learned to store away hurt they may face, and dismiss it like nothing. That’s why when the hurt catches up with them, it affects them very strongly, causing them to shut people out, and put up their careless act. I’ve also noticed the habit where they do allow people to grow close with them, but only at a certain point. Past that point, they fear what happens in the future if they cross that line.
Mizuki is also one who finds lying easy; a simple act to cover up concern from the people who care about them. They see their lies as something that benefits the other person, as when they lie, they won’t have to drag the other person down into their problems they see as burdens.
okay hiii guess whose brain is working again so Imma finish this up.
Besides the comments Mizuki gets, their other worries are primarily about the people they care about.
Despite the fact that they shut themselves away from others, they do get attached to people quite easily, and it doesn't take long before they think, "How long until I lose them?"
They dont wish to get so attached, but they crave for the affection that their loved ones show them. They want more of it, but are hesitant to ask for it. Experiences that are supposed to be positive for them can quickly become negative when Mizuki shifts their thinking process. Instead of cherishing their moments (not saying they dont, but they do worry a lot) they begin to think of the future, and imagining a future where the person they love ends up leaving them. This thinking process is something that develops over the years with issues like Mizuki's. They find it difficult to stay in the present, they cant help but grow sad at the thought that soon the memories they make with people they love wont matter. Change is something they dislike. They grow anxious while trying to find ways to get people to stay with them longer.
I think this is also why Mizuki was so taken aback at Ena's promise, and her words alone.
In the What Lies Ahead event, even after Ena says these things, they cant help but doubt her words. They try to imagine a future where Ena is forever by their side, but with everything they've faced, this makes it hard to do so.
It’s not like they don’t want to change, though. In many of their stories, they’re seen wistfully imagining a day where they could stop worrying, where they could stop lying to themselves and others, a day where they can have faith in the ones who promise they’ll stay.
Overall, Mizuki’s story is an interesting and well-developed one, with lots of build-up as they begin to realize that they don’t want to hide as much anymore. They want to push themselves further, they want to deepen their connections with the people they love. They’ve seen everyone around them move on, and they feel it’s time for them to move forward, too.
(I’m not ready for Mizuki5 I will be ugly crying istg)
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
Give Love a Chance || Original Post
the other day @ladykailitha posted something that just sparked so much joy, i decided i absolutely had to expand upon and write a full story abt it. idk how fast i’ll work on this, as my main focus currently is on the big bang fic, but i wanted to post a prologue/teaser of sorts. (side note: i am definitely stealing piratefishmama’s layout, shhh)
enjoy! -rowan
Steve wasn’t sure how he had gotten here, to be honest. Well, he did, but he didn’t know it would actually get this far. He would like to place the blame on either Dustin or Robin—or both, both was good, too. The point was, Steve was completely faultless in it.
When Steve got home earlier, after a long day at work, he had checked the mail, as he usually does. He saw a letter addressed to him, which, to be fair, makes sense, seeing as it was in his mailbox, but it was the sender that had surprised him. It had been several weeks—at least—since Robin and Dustin had cornered him and forced him to fill out an application to be a bachelor on Give Love a Chance, and he had honestly forgotten about it. He had only agreed to submit an application to the show because he had been so sure that he wasn’t going to make the cut. Who would want to watch a dumb reality love gameshow with Steve as the bachelor? A middle school guidance counselor with a five year old daughter?
Steve had still held that opinion even as he opened the envelope and pulled out the contents. The confidence in his thoughts only waned when he began to read the letter, his eyes had slowly widened and his mouth fell open. He reached for his cell, instinctually calling Robin as he reread the contents of the letter.
“Did you seriously just answer with—nevermind. Robin tell me why the fuck I’m staring at a letter telling me I was chosen to be on Give Love a Chance?” He asked, pacing the length of his kitchen.
“Oh my God!” Robin shouted from his phone, causing Steve to wince and adjust his hearing aid. “Why do you sound upset? This is what you agreed to! This is why we sent in the application in the first place! This is great news!”
“Robin, you and I both know that I only agreed because I thought nothing would come of it.” Steve said flatly, checking the time on the stove. He still had twenty or so minutes before he needed to leave to grab Matilda from preschool. “I’m going to tell them I changed my mind.”
“Absolutely not! I’ll never forgive you. Dustin will never forgive you.”
“What? Am I supposed to just do the show?”
“Yes!” Robin said enthusiastically. Steve let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“What am I going to do with Mattie, huh? I can’t just take her with me, she has school!”
“Dustin already told you that he and Will would take her in!”
“‘Take her in’? Rob, she isn’t a stray cat. She’s a whole tiny human.” Steve said with heavy exasperation. “He may have said that, but that doesn’t mean he will say the same thing now! There’s a difference between us joking about me getting accepted and the reality of taking care of a four year old!” Steve walked to the kitchen sink, filled himself a glass of tap water and set it to the side.
“So, we ask them again! I’m sure they’ll agree! You know they’ve been wanting to adopt! You can think of this as practice for them!”
Steve stared blankly out of the window above his kitchen sink, then groaned loudly and tipped his head back to glare at the ceiling.
“I don’t think I can leave her for the month—or more—it’ll take to film.” Steve admitted with a frown. He could immediately feel Robin’s shift in demeanor with the soft sigh she let out.
“Oh, dingus. You’ll be okay. We can video call her everyday while we're gone.” Robin said softly, trying to soothe him. “I think you should give it a go. You deserve to give love a chance.”
Steve let out a loud groan, which dissolved into a soft laugh. “You did not just say that.”
“I did.”
“That was so bad.”
“I know. But it’s true!”
“You’ll be with me?”
“Every step of the way.”
Dear Steve Harrington,
Congratulations! You have been selected as one of the bachelors to move forward into the next stage—interviewing and filming! We believe you are a perfect fit, and cannot wait to have you at our Los Angeles studio!
If you are still interested, please contact us via email to receive more details about what comes next.
Thank you,
Murray Bauman, Host of ‘Give Love a Chance’
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lonely-lost-soul · 2 years
All Dogs Go to Hell
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Part 1: New Hire
The air in Makima’s office was constantly suffocating it seemed to settle heavy in the lungs of those who breathed it in. For the room having two giant windows, there were only slivers of light that made its way in through the curtains. The fluorescent lights were always flickering a sickening yellow but they were always contrasted by her smiling face and hypnotic yellow eyes. She leaned on her desk, her head in the palm of her hands. When Makima posed the notion of therapy for the Devils and Hunters alike at Public Safety Kishibe was in disbelief. Not that he’d ever voice it, Makima would pick out the uncertainty in his tone and squash him like a bug. There had to be something more to this idea, when it’s Makima there always was an ulterior motive even if she feigned innocence. Kishibe had no idea what her end game was so he would have to keep a close eye on her and this so-called therapist. 
“You sure about this? The likelihood of the death of the therapist you choose would be practically guaranteed.” 
He shivered when Makima gave him a closed eye smile a dismissive laugh escaping her lips, “You worry too much Kishibe.” She leaned forward hair falling around her face as she leaned back in her chair, “Just leave this all to me.” 
Kishibe certainly didn’t like the sound of that but he kept his lips sealed shut. He hoped whoever this therapist was wouldn’t become a chess piece in Makima’s game, but noticing the redhead’s grin, whoever it was, was already considered Makima’s pawn. 
“Why do we have to go pick ‘em up?” Denji groaned hands deeply dug into his pockets kicking the pebbles on the ground with his foot as they walked. Aki took a drag of his cigarette letting out a low sigh, he glanced at the hybrid out of the corner of his eye. Aki wasn’t exactly thrilled about this situation either. He wasn’t sure what Makima was thinking, they didn’t need therapy at Public Safety they needed more Devil Hunters in order to kill the Gun Devil. However, he’d do whatever Makima needed of him, she was, after all, the one who held his heart.  
“Cause Makima said so, now shut your mouth they’ll be here any minute.” Aki grunted flicking his heated ashes over at Denji who growled in response.
“You dickhead-” 
“Um, excuse me?” Denji’s mouth snapped shut turning to face the person who had spoken up, much to Denji’s annoyance neither he nor Aki was considered approachable people. So he was astounded to see that it was a young woman not much older than Aki. She was carrying a briefcase and had big doe eyes, she was dressed in a black pencil skirt that snuggly hugged her hips and a white blouse that emphasized her boobs. Denji’s eyes were fixated on them and how they moved when she shuffled but she seemed focused solely on Aki, “Are you, Aki Hayakawa?” Her voice seemed to float above everyone else’s in the crowd, Denji was transfixed just how long was it till she would utter his name? 
“(Y/n) (L/n), I presume?” Aki nodded holding out his hand, “Pleasure to meet you.” 
That’s who they were meeting? This is who Makima told them to pick up? His jaw hung open lamely, watching as she took Aki’s hand within her own. Aki’s calloused palm practically engulfed her own as a dazzling smile spread across her face. Denji’s heart jumped…
“It’s nice to meet you too Hayakawa-san.” 
“Just Aki is fine.” 
She let out a little giggle, “okay just Aki.” 
Denji almost swooned on the spot.
She’s funny too! 
Aki just clicked his tongue and Denji could tell he was suppressing the urge to roll his eyes, whatever it was his loss “This is Denji. I’m sure Makima briefed you on him.” Finally, the attention was turned toward the chainsaw, he was grinning down at you. He was sure if he had a tail it would be wagging. 
“She has,” her lips curled into a delicate smile, “It’s nice to meet you as well Denji. It will be a pleasure working with you.” 
She was going to work with him?!
Makima really was an angel. 
What did Aki say her job was again? 
“It’ll be great working with you too!” He said rather hurriedly, bobbing his head eagerly “What devil are you contracted with pretty lady?” Denji’s hands twitch at his side wanting nothing more than to wrap his hands around her shoulders. He watched as she tilted her head to the side humming softly, 
“Unfortunately Makima has specifically instructed me not to disclose that information. It technically falls under doctor-patient confidentiality since it’s something that allows me to perform my job correctly.” 
Those were a lot of big words but Denji didn’t care she was pretty and smart, just like Miss Makima!
“Obviously! I should’ve known!” 
Denji heard Aki’s scoff and he glowered at the Devil Hunter. 
“It’s not a problem I’m sure you’ll find out as we continue to work together.” She spoke kindly, Denji almost burst a blood vessel as Aki’s gloved hand brushed against your own trying to take the briefcase from your grip. Denji body-checked him snatching the suitcase from you, he paid no attention as Aki flailed trying to regain his balance. 
“I can carry that for you!”
“Thank you Denji I appreciate the help.” He felt her hand squeeze his arm gently, he made sure to flex his muscles in her hold. Denji face flushed red and he flashed a sharp-toothed grin at her he couldn’t believe she was touching him so willingly. 
“Careful he could give you rabies,” Aki grunted and Denji’s smile turned into a scowl, 
“THAT HAPPENED ONCE! LET IT GO!” Denji felt your hand slip from his arm and he felt himself swallow a rather pathetic whine, this asshole was ruining his chances. “I promise I don’t have rabies anymore! I had to get a shit load of shots in my ass but Miss Makima helped me get all cured up”
“You’re a Devil you didn’t need to do all that you just wanted Makima to touch your ass.” 
“No way! not true!” Denji made crossed his arms in front of his face, it looked like a big ‘X’ as he frantically waved the arms about. He frantically glanced over at the fine-ass girl beside him ready to see the pure disgust on her features but instead, she was giggling. He was shocked, Denji stole a quick glance at Aki seeing that surprise was even on his usually stoic face. 
“Makima wasn’t kidding when she said you all were an eccentric bunch!” Denji didn’t know what ‘eccentric’ meant. All he knew was when women used big words he couldn’t understand it was sexy as fuck. It sent tingles down his spine all the way to his groin and the tips of his toes, “I hope you all will take care of me,” She bowed swiftly hands clasped in front of her both men looked rather startled. Denji glanced at Aki completely at a loss for words, Aki coughed into his fist before stepping forward and bowing back. 
Aki Hayakawa wasn’t one for promises. He’s lost too many people in his life to ever feel secure in making promises, especially to doe-eyed girls who seemed too innocent for their own good. But he had to remember Makima hand-picked her and she allegedly had a contract with an extremely strong Devil. Aki was also suspicious about how she was eyeing Denji like there was a hint of familiarity there that neither he nor Denji could place. His tongue swiped across his teeth “You’ll be safe with us at Public Safety, we’ll make sure of it.” Aki didn’t know why he felt compelled to promise her but he did and what’s done is done. She grinned up at him and his heart skipped a beat, for the first time for someone other than Makima, her eyes were the softest (e/c) he’s ever seen. 
“Thank you so much.” She reached out taking his hand within his own once more, showing she was distinctly from two different cultures colliding into an original one of her own. Aki flushed and rubbed the back of his neck, with his other hand. For the first time in his life he hoped he didn’t reek too strongly of cigarette smoke, Aki could distinctly feel Denji’s seething eyes on their interlocked hands and he couldn’t help but give her a gentle squeeze just to further piss him off. Aki practically snarled as Denji got in between the two of them arms draping over both their shoulders, he gave the boy a nasty side-eye which he promptly ignored. 
“So…how exactly do you know Miss Makima?” Denji hummed resting his head against your shoulder, Aki felt Denji nudge her forward so he could walk by her side pushing Aki to the background. Aki’s hands clenched into fists at his sides, he took in a deep breath of air before fishing another cigarette out of his pocket. Denji was definitely not walking in the right direction of Public Safety instead he seemed more content with showing her around the city. Aki’s brow furrowed hoping Makima wouldn’t be too upset by their lateness, she did seem to have a soft spot for the Chainsaw Devil after all. Aki watched as she smiled up at Denji, after all, she never answered him, Aki had just finished placing the cancer stick in his mouth when he heard her response,
“Oh, she’s my sister.” 
The unlit cigarette fell from his mouth onto the damp concrete by his feet.
“She’s what?” Denji took his hands off her like she had bitten him, “You look nothing alike! What about genetics n’ shit!? Isn’t that a thing?” Aki watched Denji cause a scene causing many bystanders to turn their way. She shyly brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, but Aki was too focused on the way pink coated your cheeks in a way he’s never seen Makima’s. 
In comparison you two seemed so…different, you seemed almost more…human. Pain shot briefly through Aki’s skull before he shook the thought away until it was no longer in his head. Her eyes seemed to shift to Aki, going soft, 
“I was adopted, all of our siblings are.” (Y/n) explained pursing her lips slightly, a shy pink still spreading across her cheeks her eyes shifted back to Denji, “She’s always been the favorite.”
“Well, it’s not a surprise why!” Aki flinched as Denji beamed, praising Makima like the good dog he was. Forcing her to listen to the praise of her sister's accomplishments, even now living in her shadow, “Makima’s amazing, she does so much good.” Aki analyzed (y/n)’s reaction with steady eyes. Her genuine smile seemed to turn, eyes dulling slightly, did she not agree with Denji’s blatant praise? He supposed it would make sense, siblings don’t always get along especially when someone was siblings with someone like Makima. “Not that you don’t or anything,” Denji hurriedly added, “you’re like hot as fuck so you must be as good-hearted as Makima!” 
“You’re very sweet Denji but hotness doesn’t always equal goodness.” Her voice cut into his ramblings like a knife into fresh vegetables Denji’s mouth snapped shut as he frowned. Aki didn’t say a word just continued to watch her speak, her voice scarily serious, “That scale is illogical according to many studies. Have you ever heard of implicit bias?” She turned to look at him over her shoulder, and Denji shook his head rather rapidly. “Implicit bias can be difficult to grasp so tell me if you’re still confused okay?” She clapped her hands in front of her face, once more Aki watched Denji nod dumbly, if he had a tail it would be wagging even though he was unhappy with her just moments ago. 
“Yes ma’am!” Denji saluted and Aki could’ve sworn he heard him bark afterward but even that weirdness didn’t deter her from explaining. 
“Implicit bias is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgments, decisions, and behaviors.” She explained while moving her hands, “Do you know what that means?” 
“Yes!” Denji shouted raising his hands in the air, 
“Give me an example!” 
“I can’t! I lied!”
“You’re such a fucking idiot,” Aki grunted and she shot him a dissatisfied look, he didn’t know why that look made him flush but it did. 
“It’s okay, remember what I said earlier about attractiveness not always equaling goodness? That’s a perfect example of implicit biases, they’re dangerous because they can then slip into stereotyping different cultures or groups of people.” 
Aki watched Denji blink a few times, “so…” Denji started, “what you’re sayin’ is I shouldn’t blindly trust all hot women?” 
“Exactly! Good job Denji! I’m so proud of you!” 
Aki watched red spread across Denji’s face all the way up to the very tips of his ears. His pupils dilated going fuzzy and soft, Aki made a revolted face knowing the thoughts Denji was thinking were anything but pure. You would have your hand's full playing therapist with Denji that’s for sure, at least he didn’t have to work with you. 
When they arrived back at Public Safety you almost laughed at the face Aki made when Makima handed him his therapy schedule. Denji was still clinging to you like a spider monkey looking between you and Makima like he was trying to figure out how the two of you fit together in a family system while you both looked and acted nothing alike. 
“Makima I really insist.” Aki stressed as he tried to shove the paper back toward Makima, “I don’t need a therapist. No disrespect to your profession, I’m sure you do your job exceptionally well.” 
“None taken.”  
You knew from your studies that if people didn’t want help, they won’t be receptive to it. That didn’t mean you’d give up on Aki, but he would definitely need to warm up to the idea of you being here. You watched as your sister smiled over at the man spreading her hands across the front of her desk as she moved to lean upon it. “Aki have I ever not done right by you?” You watched the black hair man tense and shake his head. “Then trust me and trust (y/n) she won’t have you do anything you don’t want to do,” Makima hummed holding out a gentle hand in your direction. “Plus you need it after Himeno’s passing.”
“Makima if Aki doesn’t want to participate you shouldn’t make him. He should come on his own, I’m here to provide reprieve and assistance only to those who want it.” You interrupted before she could share more of Aki’s personal business in front of others. The air in the office grew cold, and you felt a hard tug in your chest. Neither of the men seemed to notice but you shot a look at your sister who was only smiling tersely, the tether snapped immediately as you opened your mouth to speak once more, “But even so if you deem it mandatory then he has to at least show up for our sessions and I’ll do my duty to work with him.” The look on Aki’s face was almost comical, the way his nose scrunched in displeasure lines of frustration appearing on his face, but he only nodded in Makima’s direction. 
“I’m glad you changed your mind,” Makima smiled “This will be a good thing have faith in me.”
“I always do.” Aki rushed to speak up soft pink warming on his pale cheeks, you hummed in curiosity. 
“Good. I trust you’ll give these to Power as well. Denji I’m trusting you with your own copy. Don’t lose it.” 
“Yes ma’am!” 
“Good boy.” She beamed cat-like eyes lighting up in delight, it seemed it was now Denji’s turn to flush he was much more noticeable. 
‘Responds well to praise no matter how degrading.’ You mentally commented, he needed better coping skills we will need to dig deeper into that-
“Since I’m so good can I touch your boobs?” 
You weren’t one to be caught off guard, not when your job is to work alongside humans and Devils through counsel. But hearing Denji ask that so blatantly had you flushing red and blinking rapidly, no one seemed to notice but Aki, “It’s a normal occurrence don’t worry about it. Makima doesn’t mind.” You looked up at him pursing your lips, you brought your voice to a whisper as Makima giggled responding to the question. 
“Aki it doesn’t matter if it’s ‘normal’ or not. That’s abnormal coping behavior that Makima is encouraging.” You frowned cheeks still red, “there is no such thing as a consensual workplace relationship. Most of the time it’s an incredibly toxic environment, especially when someone in power, like Makima, talks to someone easily manipulated like Denji. There should be no sexual rewards period.” Aki looked at you like a deer in headlights, “It’s just what Denji responds well to.” He tilted his head reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder, “but I guess that’s why you’re here huh? To work with us and help us find those better mechanisms.” He glanced down at you and you felt yourself get swallowed by those eyes, 
‘What did you just say about Denji’s behvaior?’ The superego part of you brian scolded, while the id filled your thoughts with Aki’s eyes in other less-than-innocent situations. You willed yourself not to flush, 
‘You’re only human.’ The id purred,
‘Admiring him will never hurt anyone,’ Your ego served to remind you, settling your nerves.
“You’re right,” You smiled shyly back “Thank you, Aki.” He seemed to blink in surprise at your genuineness, “I promise I won’t let any of you down!” Your smile turned more honest grasping at his hand and pulling them to your chest, Aki’s cheeks turned a dark shade of red. 
“Alright, alright…I believe you. Calm down…” 
“(Y/n).” Makima’s voice lacerated through the air like a butcher with a machete, you stood straight looking at your sister dead in the eyes. “Your office will be here at Public Safety in room 210A, I was going to have your room here as well but the more I thought about it the more I realized having you down there with all those Devil’s might not be ideal for my sweet sister.” 
“She can live with us!” Denji’s hand shot up into the air wiggling his fingers, “We have another bedroom!” 
“Don’t just invite people to live with us!” Aki snapped striking Denji on the top of his head with his fist, “Plus that extra room is my bedroom, you bastard!” “Don’t worry Aki I know your home is full.” Makima sighed softly “I’ve set her up with Kobeni for the time being until we can come up with another solution or another space opens up.” Denji grumbled about this being totally unfair and that you and Power should switch places because you actually had a nice rack on you, you weren’t insulted by the comment but it was something you would work with him on. “In the meantime…tomorrow Denji you will take (Y/n) to meet Power and then officially start your training with Kishibe. She will be there to observe how it goes, and grasp a better understanding of what it’s like here. Aki make sure you get them here on time.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Good,” Makima smiled, “Aki, Denji you’re dismissed. (Y/n) we need to discuss a little bit more of your job here.” 
“Sounds good.”
“It was nice meeting you! See you tomorrow!” Denji chirped brightly, “Make sure you root for me and not Power!” 
“Will do!” You tossed your head back with a slight giggle, “Sleep well Denji you too Aki! Have very pleasant dreams.”
“I will! And they’ll be of you!” 
“Shut up already you pervert.” Aki snapped shoving Denji through the door, as soon as they left you heard the distinct sound of a lock clicking behind them. You turned around facing Makima a frown on your features she sat down on her desk, legs crossing over one another other foot bouncing in the air. 
“So what’s your plan here?” You asked head held high in the air, “You’ve got quite the business going on here. Killing rouge Devil’s what’s your aim?” Makima said nothing in response only tilting her head to the side, 
“Tell me sister what you think the Conquest Devil wants?” 
“They’re barely adults.” 
“And what do you know about human aging?” 
“Makima.” You hissed, “What are you getting at? The stink of pain and death permeates this place; coating it like a blanket.” It was the first time Makima’s moldable smile fell off her features nose scrunching up unpleasantly. 
“Of course, you’d notice that.” 
“I am Death.” You stalked towards her standing in between her legs, her hands found your waist resting them there. Pale fingers drumming against your hip bones in a way she used to do growing up, “I’m not afraid of you,” 
“Ah yes, the glorious Death Devil who does not fear anyone or anything. Except that, for some reason, she feels the need to masquerade herself as a human.” 
“Takes one to know one.” You scoffed, “running an organization slaughtering rouge Devils while being one themselves.” Makima tilted her head to the side red hair framing her face in a way that always has men swooning. 
“You’re working for me now so what does that make you?” 
“One of the good ones. I’m helping people.” 
“Well see if that continues here,” Makima stated bluntly, “We lose many people and I know how attached you can get.” You tossed your head back and laughed pulling away from Makima grabbing your briefcase, 
“I’m empathetic what can I say, every life matters.” 
“Not every life.” 
“That’s where we differ sister, while I’m here I will be saving everyone I can.” 
“Is that a challenge?” 
“You know as well as I do as soon as you summoned me here you had a plan already in motion.” 
“That’s why you’re my favorite.” 
“It’s why you’re my least.” You kissed your teeth, watching as Makima only smiled wider at your response. Makima soon laughed and you were left smiling at one another, pure malice rippling just under the surface of those smiles. Darkness began to surround Makima licking at her cheeks while the light in the room created a bright halo above your head. A knock on the office store made the dark shapes snap back behind Makima and the lock clicked open.
290 notes · View notes
I watched the final Netflix adaptation of FMAB. Here’s some of my notes
- “Y’know, I don’t think he has any need for his dad.” Hoenhiem. Uhm you left him he kinda did for a while so idk why you’re being bitter now
- Okay the fighting is better this time, less choppy
- Izumi’s actress is ON POINT I LOVE HER
- “I was never much of a proper parent to either of those boys” Ya don’t say. (I’m not a Hoenhiem hater, but I am a Hoenhiem critic.)
- “Maybe you should’ve told them goodbye and talked to them before leaving. Maybe then their grief wouldn’t have taken over.” SAY IT IZUMI
- “I reorganized your insides lol” Hoenhiem you could tell Izumi before you did that?? Creepy man.
- Still didn’t use the music from the original :(
- Okay Ed should be covered in blood after falling into it but he isn’t, just his head bandage. Wtf is up with that??
- Okay how tf did envy knock them onto a stone platform that was LITERALLY NOWHERE TO BE SEEN UNTIL NOW
- Mustang and Riza my beloveddddd
- The actor for General Hakuro is pretty good tho, very weird, but good
- Girlie you walked into some weird shit
- Mustang girlie I luv you so much tho hope you slay this movie
- Oh hi Father
- “Daddy…?” -al “DO I LOOK LIKE YOUR-“ -father
- Also highkey the actor for Envy is really good too
- “How do you know Hoenhiem?” “Technically he’s our father” TECHNICALLY HAHA
- Ed is like “touchy no no, no touchy”
- Girlie you are a creep HANDS OFF THE LITTLE GUY
- Ed’s just like >:/ wtf get off
- I feel violated just watching this
- Ew that’s fuckin goopy (philosophers stone)
- It looks like melted jello ewwww
- Okay idk if seeing greedling is worth it for this shit
- Why is his mind blue???
- Wait did we see greed lose his body in the first one or….
- I don’t think we did???
- Uhhhh idk and I don’t wanna go check because the first one is bad
- Lowkey he’s fine as hell tho
- Mustang looks so damn done lmao
- okay okay it’s time for me to get my Mustang being a dad moment don’t fail me now movie
- Stfu Bradley no one cares
- Okay Ed, Sig, and Izumi get to interact now :D
- Okay so now we’re getting the scar brother research moment? Outside of Briggs? Cool? I guess?
- Oh hi greedling
- Okay so apparently father killed greed cause he disobeyed him but that’s all we get for that.
- Also this story set up just doesn’t and will never work as well as the first one, so much stuff is intertwined in different events and mixing it all up like this just makes it so confusing and that’s part of the reason why this just doesn’t work
- But I’ll ignore it for the sake of things
- Mustang and Riza checking in on their kids :D
- I’m so normal about found family
- 5 minutes in Briggs and Ed is already in trouble. In character stuff
- Also we gonna talk about his automail or we just gonna skip over that for plot reasons
- am I bi
- “How’s Alex?” “He’s good!” “…shame.”
- Okay sloth looks less weird than I imagine
- Love her what a Queen
- Still wish they used the original soundtrack I will forever be mad about that
- please marry me
- Okay Ed just kicked sloth off of briggs? Girlie even with automail I doubt he could kick him that easy
- So Olivier doesn’t suspect Ed of anything? Out of character, #notmyicequeen
- Also turns out Hakuro and Raven are both the same person in this version??
- Oh Hi Winry
- “If I step out of line, they’ll do something to you.” Awww baby protect your gf
- “I won’t let anyone do whatever they want in here!” SAY IT GIRLIE YEAHHH
- please I’m begging you marry me
- on my KNEES
- They could not have casted her better
- Bb girl it’s so hard to understand you when you’re so fine I can’t focus
- Okay now Drachama is attacking Briggs
- When Sloth goes back in the hole Raven/Hakuro looks like a grandpa when he’s told he can leave the nursing home for the day to play golf and if that isn’t a summary of the entire us government idk what is
- Sorry Olivier, but it’s so hard to focus on this serious scene with your luscious lips and beautiful face
- She would murder me for saying this all but IDC IF TJAYS HOW I GO THATS HOW I GO
- Alphonse!! :D
- Hoenhiem is like “hUH???”
- He didn’t know about Al’s body????
- Okay bestie :/
- Father of the year fr
- Can’t even keep up with the fact that his son doesn’t have a body smh
- Okay Xerxes time
- Okay I get why
- Okay cool Xerxes sequence
- “Everybody is dead” lol cringe get good
- Sorry I have the humor of a middle schooler
- Oh hi Greedling
- Am I bi cause THIS MAN
- Okay now it’s Al!Pride time just out of nowhere for no reason?
- “So you’re gonna try and beat me then?” -Pride
- “… nah you’re freaky lol” -Hoenhiem
- Hi again Al
- “Don’t insult my son bitch” okay we love that
- “Okay, let’s all go beat the dwarf in the flask :D” -Hoenhiem
- Still mad we don’t get the 520 cenz promise
- Also seeing Mustangs team all together is so slay :D
- “Don’t die while we overthrow the government y’all.” -Mustang
- Oh great bad cgi soldier things
- Okay good Envy and Mustang will fight :)
- Now it’s time for CRAZY MUSTANG :D
- The way Ed got ready to fight when Mustang looked like he was going to snap at him I :,)
- “I am a giant fool forcing you all to act this way.” HUG YOUR WIFE AND SON
- “Lieutenant, please lower your gun. I’m so sorry” GONNA CRY NOW
- I still wish we got the 520 cenz promise and I will never not be bitter about that
- I don’t care that it’s not the point of this IM STILL MAD
- Okay I don’t like the fight between Bradley and Fu as much this looks more like stage fighting :/
- That’s the only one so far I didn’t like tho so….
- How tf is Riza gonna survive tho the weird doctor guy isn’t here
- Also those do not go that fast either
- I got to see one and it was really slow but fun ig
- Idk I was like 13 so
- Anyways
- Okay I wish they added colored contacts for this or smth so it’d be similar to the series and make more sense but eh… who knows
- or get revenge that works too
- Okay cgi for the absorbing god scene is cool
- Alright who’s ready to fight god?
- Am I hallucinating or is the actor for Al also the actor for god!father/Dwarf???
- All the actors for this are really good actually. I can tell they have passion for this. I appreciate that.
- Okay it’s time for Ed to almost die for the 5000th time
- Also someone get Ed. Or don’t
- Nah cause the creepy guys gonna get him now
- AL
- It’s funny cause when I got into this I was younger than Ed and now I’m older than him. Fixation really be lasting a while. It’s the neurodivergence isn’t it.
- I can’t even tell if it’s good because the series is good or if this is actually a good movie
- Oh hi greed I forgot about you lowkey
- But you’re hot so hiiiiiii <3
- Iconic.
- And get punched idiot
- “Let me at least do something fatherly in the end” AHHHHH
- “I was always a human to begin with. All is one, one is all. Even if I can’t use alchemy, I have great people in my life. My precious friends and family.” STILL THE BEST QUOTE FOREVER
Conclusion: yep. This got me in the heart, even if it isn’t the show itself. Still stuff that bothered me. But overall, this series of movies is not so bad. Not so great, at times, but not so bad. Honestly, I think they did the best they could and that’s really all I could ask for. And it was nice seeing them all in live action. For this movie, an 8/10. For the series of movies? 6.5/10. Not remotely comparable to the original series, but still a worthwhile watch and something I’d recommend if you want a recap of the series but don’t have time to watch it all again.
Let me know if you all want notes on the first one! I watched it a long time ago but I’ll do it again for y’all. Much love guys <3
29 notes · View notes
ternfic · 2 days
Chapter Three: Space Oddity
Benny was apparently something of a celebrity in Cape Space. He really was the youngest astronaut- a record that, even twenty years later, had yet to be beat- and the inventor of the cryostasis system, just as he’d said. Not only that, but apparently something of a hero, too. The details of that story weren’t particularly clear, but it sounded like he’d saved the lives of his crew when something happened to their ship. Benny would be happy to hear that they had indeed been found, very shortly after splashdown, alive and well.
It also explained the manner of his waking, somewhat.
Metalbeard wondered why there was no mention of Benny’s old crewmates after their initial retrieval, though. Had something else happened to them? He understood that he and his crew weren’t exactly in the need-to-know for that, but he hoped they at least told Benny, he deserved to know.
The residents of Cape Space had a lot of questions for them. Where had they found Benny? How had they found him? Did they still have his stasis pod? What was he like?
There was one other concern Metalbeard had, and after dropping several very specific words, he found who he needed to talk to about it.
Who knew the Director was sympathetic to the Master Builder cause?
“Captain, this doesn’t leave my office.”
“Aye, I understand.”
“Blue’s crew are still alive. Black and Yellow are here, but Red and White had to go into hiding- they started training to become Master Builders shortly after they were all retrieved, I think it may have something to do with the accident. But they never mentioned Blue ever training for it…”
“He didn’t have a very high opinion of us at first, so I doubt it. But I know what I saw- the lad was shapin’ metal with his bare hands. Only Master Builders can manipulate matter like that. I’ve no doubt he be one of us, somehow.”
“I’ll send word to Black, she’s the only one who’ll know how to get ahold of Red and White. They’ll want to see him for themselves.”
“I’d like to see the lad as well.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. Only relatives are permitted to see him right now.”
“What? But ye can let his crew see him?”
Browning quirked a rueful smile at the captain. “They’re the only family Benny has left.”
Benny heaved a bored sigh, toying with one of the few leads still attached to him. There had been so many tests, since he’d been brought to the hospital. So many tests. And they wouldn’t give him the results of any of them. But he hadn’t really received much for treatment, so he supposed he was in decent health. He did get scolded for using his head as a battering ram, though- it was a miracle he didn’t have a concussion. When he brought up the numbers, he only got odd looks. He didn’t bring them up again.
The nurses had told him that his new pirate friends had inquired about him, but no one else had come to see him. His family, he wasn’t surprised about, but his crew… They would have knocked down every door between them, just for a glimpse of him. If they were still alive. He hadn’t been told anything of them one way or the other. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself not to start crying again. He felt like such a baby.
There was a commotion in the hallway, and he wiped at his eyes as his door opened to admit a rather harried doctor. “You have visitors,” he announced flatly before promptly leaving again. Benny tilted his head. There was something familiar about all that racket…
“BENNY!” came a chorus of shouts as a very colorful crowd of four piled through the door, and he lit right up.
“Guys!!” He gave up trying to stop the tears when they crowded around him, practically smothering him with affection. “You’re all okay?!”
“I can’t believe you’re still alive!” Jenny sobbed as she clinged to him. Benny clinged back just as fervently. “They announced you officially dead when we couldn’t find you after a year…! We started to think you got burned up in atmo with the ship…”
“I asked so many times, but nobody would tell me anything about whether you guys were still alive or not…”
“We’re still here, Bluebird, thanks to you,” Ken assured, giving him a squeeze. “We were drifting for just under a day before they managed to pick us up.”
Benny frowned as he realized something, pulling back to look at them. “Hey, why do you all still look so young?”
“I’m assuming they haven’t said a word to you about that either,” Penelope ventured.
“No,” Benny confirmed. “They’ve put me through an absolute shit ton of tests, but not a single word about what they’re for or what the results are. What’s going on?”
“It’s because of the cryostasis,” Lenny answered. “It worked too well. It’s been twenty years since the accident, and yet we’ve barely aged one. And we were only under for about twenty-two hours. Benny… you…”
He drew in a shaky breath. “Just tell me, Lenny.”
“Barring any catastrophic events that would leave you in itty bitty particles, it’s looking like you’ll effectively be immortal. You might even recover lost limbs,” Penelope said. “Your regenerative abilities are off the charts right now.”
Benny gave a wobbly grin as it sank in. “Hey, does that mean I’m the cure for cancer?” he tried to joke.
“You might be,” Penelope answered, all seriousness.
“Oh, God.”
“Hey, it’s not all bad, is it?” Lenny said, giving him a reassuring smile. “You’ll still have us for a good long while.”
“But not forever,” Benny said quietly, miserably. “And what if… What if I meet someone? And fall in love and get married? He’s only gonna have a normal lifespan, I won’t be able to grow old with him, I’ll lose him way too soon…”
“Hey, we don’t know for sure yet,” Lenny soothed. “And even if Penn’s right, they might still wind up finding a cure for us.”
“Yeah right,” Benny huffed, leaning against him. “It was hell trying to figure out how to make the system work in the first place.”
“There’s one other thing, Benny,” Ken said. Benny looked back at him. “You’re, uh. Kind of on Lord Business’ hit list now.”
“What? Why? I’m not a Master Builder!”
“Actually, you are,” Lenny said softly. “Metalbeard told us about what you did to his ship, to help everyone escape. Tell me, have you been seeing anything weird? Floating numbers, maybe?” Benny froze. “You have, haven’t you?”
“How did you…”
“Ken and I are Master Builders now, too. But we had to train for it; how you just up and became one is beyond me.”
“Then why are you guys here? Why aren’t you in hiding?”
“We were,” Ken said. “Soon as Penn and Jenny told us you’d been found, we had to come see you.”
“So that’s what took you all so long…”
“And why no one would tell you anything about us.”
“Nobody here is going to breathe a word about you, either,” Jenny assured. She grinned. “We’re actually here to ‘break you out’, as it were. So they have an alibi.” Benny’s eyes went wide.
“But- but what if I’m not-”
“You’re fine,” Penelope assured. “Like I said. Regenerative abilities. You’re actually cleared to leave now.” She tossed a backpack at him. He caught it and unzipped it; his blue spacesuit was inside. “Get ready Benny, we’re blowing this popsicle stand.”
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brattybede · 2 years
home for break
disclaimer: there are multiple ages i headcanon larry as of right now. i genuinely cannot grasp how old this man is.he’s old enough to be your father in this. i never actually mention an age for you or him. also there’s a whole ephemeralartshipping (brassius x hassel) scene at the end of this. i’ve been having mega hassel brainrot, oops.
“i’m home!” you shout as you walk into your childhood home.
your father pokes his head out from the kitchen, giving you a wave.
“you haven’t seen me in a whole month and i can’t even get a hello?” you pout.
“hello, i’m so glad my spoiled brat decided to grace me with their presence,” larry quips, in a monotone voice.
you stick your tongue out at your father before making your way to your bedroom to set your things down. upon returning to the kitchen, you find him finishing with some cooking.
“i made enough for you, don’t worry,” larry takes the plate to the living room, setting it down on the coffee table.
you pick up a bottle of water for yourself and make your way into the living room.
“i figured you were coming home, so i didn’t make them extra crispy,” larry picks up one of the rice balls and begins eating.
“how’d you know i was coming home?” you ask, mirroring your father’s actions.
“hassel told me your break started today, and i know you tend to check up on me because of work,” larry states, matter of factly.
“oh, right! that makes sense,” you reach for another rice ball.
“he also told me you’re having a hard time paying attention in his class.”
you glance over at your father, “no i’m not? he always has my attention. i probably pay the most attention to him actually.”
this causes larry to chuckle, “that’s not what he tells me. hassel tells me you’re always staring just past him.”
“you guys gossip about me at work? what happened to battling?” you whip your head over to your dad.
“it’s been slow lately,” he says, stuffing another rice ball in his mouth.
you choose to drink some of your water before speaking, “hassel is a snake and is now dead to me.”
“you’re being overdramatic.”
“well, your father doesn’t know that you have a crush on someone does he?” you roll your eyes.
“so it is a crush, got it. when can i meet them?” larry turns to you, a small smile resting on his face.
“never,” you get up from the couch, pulling your phone out of your pocket.
your father calls your name, causing you to turn and look at him, “tell arven i said hi for me.”
“tell hass to count his days,” you huff, making your way to your room.
a rhythmic buzzing from the nearby coffee table interrupts the peaceful evening between hassel and brassius.
glancing down at the table in front of them, hassel notices it’s his phone causing the new sound in the room. he untangles his arm from around his lover and reaches for his phone.
“sorry, i have to take this. it’s… larry?” hassel states, confused as to why his colleague is calling now. the two rarely talked outside of their time spent at the league.
“don’t let me stop you,” brassius sits up.
“hey, just wanted to give you a heads up. your self-proclaimed nibling* is mildly upset with you.” larry explains, taking the plate from earlier to the sink.
“what happened?” hassel asks cautiously. last he saw them was before they left the academy. they wished him well over the break. what could have possibly happened between then and now?
“they know you told me about the whole arven thing. they’ll get over it, don’t worry too much about it hassel. i just figured i’d give you a heads up.”
“thanks…” the blond sighs, feeling himself get a little teary-eyed.
“i’m serious, don’t beat yourself up about it. i’ll talk to you later hass,” larry ends the phone call, leaving hassel to sigh once more.
brassius turns to his lover, “what was that about? is everything okay my love?”
“larry’s kid, the one i pointed out when you visited my class, they’re... mad at me right now apparently.” hassel sets his phone back down on the nearby table. 
“it can’t be that bad,” the other male chuckles, stroking his lover’s arm in a comfortable manner. “knowing them, they’ll forget about it before the break is over.”
“i hope so,” the dragon trainer leans over to brassius, giving the gym leader a kiss on his temple. 
* nibling is a gender-neutral term used to refer to a child of one's sibling as a replacement for "niece" or "nephew".
i try to keep my work as gender neutral as possible at best, female reader when needed but i honestly had to look up this term because there was no need to make this a female reader piece so… the more you know i guess
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This ship isn’t romantic or anything okay I’m just here to feed the Dori fans if there are any
Day 9 - Lies
Dori x Kaveh
Enjoy ^^
“Dori, come on! Just one more month!”
“It’s been four months of extensions- what, still can’t pay it up?”
“Look- just one more, please!”
“I didn’t want it to come to this, but I- I’ve called the Corps of Thirty!”
“Oh? Have you, now? Is the interest too much to bear?”
“Yes, I would!”
“A pity…that just won’t do, my dear client…hmph,” Dori crosses her arms, feigning thought- she had already planned for this legal contingency.
“They’ll arrest you and your whole operation will be shut down!”
“The Corps of Thirty is already on their way then, I take it?”
“Yes, they are, so you better listen to me now!”
“I beg to differ, we are in my very humble abode, hehe~ the palace of Alcazarzaray…which is quite a few hefty hundreds of kilometers away from Sumeru City, my dear client.”
“So? There are Corps of Thirty around, though?”
“As the owner of the palace, I ordered them to go for a bit, on the grounds of ‘privacy invasion’.”
“You-! So they’re not at their posts?”
“No, and quite frankly, they won’t be for quite a while.”
“Mhm, and the doors to the palace lock automatically, remember?”
“Ah,” Kaveh’s gusto immediately dispersed, “well…”
“Besides, it’s not like I can let you go after you blatantly said that you’d expose my lucrative entrepreneurial tactics.”
“You- what are you going to do to me…?”
Kaveh slowly backed away with his eyes wide and wary.
Dori smiles with sour sincerity, “oh, just a little transaction, if you’d be so inclined.”
“What- no, of course not!”
“How about…we keep this between us and we leave the Corps of Thirty out of it, and you’ll get that extension you’ve been whining about.”
“No, I’m going to tell the Corps of Thirty right away- you can’t do this!”
Kaveh turns on his heel and runs in the opposite direction, his judgment flooded with fear.
Dori smirks as she looks at the fleeing architect from above the rims of her pink lenses. She summons her magenta genie, motioning for it to give chase, so it does. The genie grabs Kaveh by the ends of his ruby cape.
The architect yelps in alarm as he’s yanked backwards, “wah-?!”
Kaveh lands on his back with a groan as the genie looks over him.
Dori walks over, clapping her hands, “hehe, thank you for the show, but I’m afraid theatrics are expensive- thus will go into your billing.”
“Dori…” Kaveh whines from his place on the floor.
“Hm, what is it, my dear client?”
“What are you…gonna do…?”
“I’m just gonna make sure that we’re on the same page. That’s all.”
“I’m gonna tell the Corps and you’re- ghk-! Dori?!”
Dori gives the genie a look and it slips under the gap of Kaveh’s shirt.
“What,” Dori smirks, “something the matter?”
“Stop- Dori! Hah- wait- hahahaha!”
“Hm? What? I’m not even touching you~”
“Why are you- hahaha- tickling me? Hahahaha!”
“Me? Why I wouldn’t do anything like that, my dear client.”
“Then how- hahahaha- do you explain this?!”
Dori shrugs, watching the scene unfold as the genie slides up and across Kaveh’s collarbones, causing the architect to shriek and curl up in a defensive ball.
“So,” Dori said casually, as if carrying on a conversation, “what was that about telling the Corps of Thirty about me?”
“You can’t expect me to not- hahahahaha!”
“I can, and I do.”
“Stop it! Hahahahaha!”
“Just give me your word, and I’ll let you go. It’s a very simple transaction.”
“You- gah!”
The genie slides down the architect’s waist, making Kaveh immediately rethink his decision.
“Okay! Okay- wait,” Kaveh splutters out his words between laughter and gasps for air, “I won’t tell them- hahaha! Dori, please, hahahahaha!”
“Hmph, fine,” Dori calls off the genie with a satisfied smile, “in return for your ‘understanding’, I’ll give you that extension you asked for. Now, if anyone asks what happened here what do you say~?”
“I…” Kaveh stands up and readjusts his clothes, “I say that it was all done with the Sage’s principles in mind…”
“Hehe, perfect! Well, off you go, then, my dear client~!”
Kaveh stands there for a second, wanting to protest but he knew he couldn’t.
If there was something he needed more of, now more than ever, it was going to be Mora.
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wonopia · 3 months
NUISANCE | 003. the truth
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[WC] . 2700 prev ! mlist ! next
“hey, soyeon,” eunbi greeted her, “nice shot.”
“thank you,” she smiled innocently.
nari looked up from her toes to the ceiling, “we all should eat out together as a group since we won,” she thought aloud.
soyeon looked over at eunbi for a reaction.
“sure,” she replied, “if you guys want to.”
“hey hana, ryujin, yunjin!” nari called out, the three heads turning around to them.
“do you guys wanna eat out together as a celebration?” soyeon spoke.
“yeah sure!”
“i’m down.”
“okay, first whose paying?” yunjin questioned with a goofy smile.
as the girls started to walk off campus, coincidentally the boys were just leaving too.
“hey eunbi!” a familiar voice yelled causing their heads to turn.
“oh hey jake.”
“where are you guys headed?” behind him, soyeon could see his group bundled up together in their own world walking over to them.
“we’re going to go eat out as a celebration,” eunbi told him.
“ohh i see..” he mumbled, still awkwardly standing there. the heat almost swallowing them whole.
“is that all you needed?” ryujin asked impatiently as she fanned her face with her hand due to the sweat rebuilding on her body, “it’s getting hot so we better get going.”
“she’s right,” soyeon commented, “why were you asking?”
“oh uh, we were wondering if we could join,” jake explained, scratching the nape of his neck, “why have one small friend group when you can have a one big one,” he laughed off.
“uhh..” soyeon blankly stared, clearly judging.
“sure,” yunjin told him, “but we’re not paying for you guys. no money equals no invite.”
soyeon’s head turned as fast as lightning to her best friend about to curse her out but eunbi grasped at her shoulder before anything could happen.
“catch up, yeah?” eunbi forced a smile, turning the group of girls out of the school.
“why’d you invite them?” soyeon whined, she was mostly sad over annoyed. 
she was sad that she wasn’t able to eat in peace especially since her friend group was one of the only ways he could stay away.
“it’s just one time. plus, it’s getting hot and why argue when we could just be eating,” yunjin shrugged, her face glistening as she patted it down with the rag wrapped on her neck, “and even though they’ll be at the same place, it doesn’t mean we’ll have to interact with them or anything.”
for once, soyeon had actually believed her but once they arrived at the bus stop for public transportation the boys had chosen their spots selectively.
“hey kim,” he let out a sigh, standing beside her. 
both of them turned to the street as they waited at the crowded bus stop. 
“why come if you're going to be moping?” she asked, already tired of his voice.
“as if your not,” jungwon retorted glaring an eye at her.
“i am not moping,” she told him, “i am simply hungry and it’s still blazing hot out even though it’s almost 7.”
“yeah, i’m sure girls like you are always hungry.”
she scoffed at his response, “okay.. didn’t know you were a body shamer. i wonder what would happen with your line of bitches once they find out that this is how you felt,” she fake pouted.
“i’m only like this with you,” he pointed out as if it wasn’t already obvious.
“and why’s that?”
“you’re so tease able,” she mocked, his voice echoing in her head.
he hatefully smiled at her while saying, “do you remember everything i say? are you in love with me that much?”
“ha ha, very funny. no, there’s just no need to repeat yourself, i heard you the first time.”
“then why ask?”
“why come to this dinner if you’re just gonna bother me the whole time?” she said, raising her voice at him. suddenly she wasn’t in the mood to eat dinner anymore, “god, i’m going home.”
soyeon scoffed, walking to go say bye to sunoo and her friends just as the bus was in view, her hand clutching onto her side bag.
“hey sunoo, i’m going home. i’m not feeling too well,” she said as if her lame excuse would even work, sunoos mouth dropped open a little in thought.
“i’ll go with..“
“no no no, stay here, go eat out with them,” soyeon insisted, “i’ll be fine at home. bye girls, i’ll message you guys later.”
soyeon started to walk away from the bus stop. she could hear the engine rumbling and the bus doors peeling opening. she bagan to pull her phone out of her back pocket when a hand clutched onto her wrist before dragging her alongside him and onto the bus.
beep.. beep.
“for two, please,” he said before pulling her to an empty seat for two, gesturing for her to sit at the window seat.
he turned around to face her as she gave him a ‘are you serious?’ look.
“don’t make me regret this,” she mumbled, taking the window seat. he sat down beside her, they’re shoulders pressing against one another. she could feel her face heat up, she’d never been close to a boy before, but she immediately shook the thought off since it was jungwon.
the bus ride was short and quiet. they hopped off and started to walk in a line of some sort as they headed up a somewhat steep street to another bus station. there were groups of twos and threes chatting and near the back was jungwon and soyeon. 
they hadn’t spoken since the bus, the walk was silent and the weird part was that it wasn’t uncomfortable.
most of the time she wasn’t bothered by jungwon’s company, she only minded him when he’d blabber with no objective. it’s not like he’d ask questions to expect an answer, but interrupt me before she could respond, he’d expect a reaction of some sort every single time. as if a sign of acknowledgement to remind him that he still existed. at least thats what soyeon thought. 
“so why’d you tell sunghoon about hana liking him?” soyeon spoke, making jungwon look over at her as she attempted to start a conversation and she looked back at him hoping that it would work.
he chuckled before looking forward again, “well sunghoon’s my best bud, i wouldn’t have told him if i didn’t think anything was going to happen,” he pointed forward.
soyeon peaked around the groups before seeing hana and sunghoon near the front, laughing together
“i didn’t know you were a matchmaker.”
“oh trust me,” jungwon said looking at her, “i got heeseung with his girlfriend now, jake.. sort of. well not sure about jake but jay, i got him with his 3 year crush.”
she smiled at his achievements, “impressive, i must say, but not one for yourself?” she asked.
he stumped at the thought, looking at the floor ahead of him.
“or are you not into girls?” she joked, he laughed before poking at her shoulder.
“I’m not gay.”
“okay, okay, I was just asking,” soyeon told him while taking large steps.
he thought carefully, “i..” he paused, “i never really thought about being in a relationship. i value friendships much more.”
“clearly cause we’re obviously best friends.”
“well of course we are,” he smiled, “no but even with all the arguing i would consider you a very close friend.”
now that got her attention. how could she be one of jungwon’s close friends? they don’t even know anything about each other, let alone the idea of just now being able to sit in a comfortable silence with one another. he was speaking his truth but she couldn’t seem to believe it one bit.
“from the start, i felt like we were gonna be close friends considering my friendship with sunoo,” jungwon attempted to explain, “it’d make sense if you don’t understand but it’s how i feel.”
she nodded, “i sort of understand. i can’t really say the same but maybe if you didn’t always push my buttons we would be a little closer.”
“yeah but, i’m pretty sure that the only reason we’re friends is because of how much i push your buttons,” he reasoned, and soyeon couldn’t help but agree.
3 years ago, he and her brother were already close friends but it wasn’t until the year after that, that he had started to put some notice into her. she never talked to jungwon but teasing her just became a natural instinct. she began to realize how much of a difference he had on sunoo and her. 
if she were thinking realistically, she knew jungwon for almost three years but truly began to know him two years ago. they’d been to each other’s houses, watched movies together, and at times they did get along, but for the most part it was only on rare occasions.
they had been talking and getting to know each other more as they waited at the second bus stop.
“you do push my buttons a lot,” soyeon laughed, the bus starting to halt at a stop.
“how about this,” he said as he reached for her wrist, holding it softly and lightly, “let's stop arguing and actually become friends.”
jungwon stopped to face her, meaning every word that comes out of his mouth, “i mean come on, aren’t you tired of arguing back and forth? do you really want to remember me as your high school frenemy?”
“i thought you hated me,” soyeon asked with a somewhat mad face.
“nope,” once again he led her into the bus, paying for both of them. soyeon didn’t need to say anything as he gestured the two empty seats to her, she chuckled before sitting at the window seat. jungwon sitting beside her.
unexpectedly, the ride was silent between the two. it wasn’t until they got off again did she realize he hadn’t bothered her since the hill. for once he mustve tooken her seriously.
when they had gotten off, they had to walk down a one way street before arriving at the shop.
once again, jungwon and soyeon stuck together, walking down the street in silence. it wasn’t uncomfortable but it was peaceful, and since it was peaceful. this was new, and she was starting to enjoy it.
“why are you so quiet?” she questioned, not bothering to look at him but he glanced at her due to her sudden talking.
he chuckled, “I thought that’s what you wanted.”
she kept quiet at that. she attempted to think about what to ask. it felt as if this was the only moment to ask him these questions.
“whats on your mind?” jungwon asked.
“well..” she hesitated, “you haven’t teased me yet and it feels kind of weird. what about you, what are you thinking about?”
“i’ve been thinking more about why i teased you, and the only thing that comes up was that we never truly talked. i guess i.. i dont know,” he tried to explain.
“so you decided to tease me?” she scoffed, “thats’s a horrible way to get a girls attention.”
he gasped at her accusation, “i did not want your attention,” she peeked over at him, signaling for him to continue, “i… i just wanted to be friends. i mean you easily became friends with jake and heeseung, and you were sunoos sister so i basically saw you every other day but somehow you were closer to the people you barely saw. not to mention you always being at my house because of hana.”
soyeon nodded at his reasons before smiling, “i guess that makes sense.”
jungwon paused in his tracks, soyeon copying, “would it be okay if we restarted?” he nervously asked, clearly hesitant.
“you mean you want to be friends?” she asked with a teasing smile.
he nodded in response. for one, this would be the first time they’d eaten out together even if it was with friends. in the past, the closest he got was when he would stay for dinner at their house or vice versa at his.
but this would definitely be one of the first times she’d be smiling at him. never once when they met had she ever genuinely smiled this brightly due to his presence. in a way it made him happy.
“of course we can be friends,” she told him before adding, “jungwon.”
“soyeon,” he cringed at himself, “ew its weird.”
“hey!” she smacked his arm, “my name is not weird.”
“no no no,” he assured her, “i’m talking about how weird it is to say your first name.”
“yeah, your name is perfectly fine,” jungwon reassured her as he started to walk again, and she followed his movements.
“you can call me.. yeonie.”
“is that your nickname?” he asked, for some reason he hadn’t heard anyone call her that.
“no,” she said plainly, “I just thought of it right now.”
“oh.. yeonie..” he repeated to himself, “yeonie. it works!”
“guys hurry up! they’re seating us,” eunbi called out to the pair, soyeon and jungwon could see their friends enter a small barbecue restaurant.
“come on, youre sitting with us,” jake added before turning around to hold open the door.
soyeon reached for jungwons wrist before pulling him all the way to eunbi and jake. jake held the door open, letting them walk through first as eunbi guided them to their table.
there were only four people at each table, spread out around the room. jake sat beside soyeon and jungwon sat beside eunbi and they immediately started ordering.
“so jake,” soyeon spoke, “what’s your major?” presumably because they’d went to an college preperatory high school, soccer wasn’t a major.
“i’m a physics major,” he told her, “but i also do photography.”
almost everyone at the table besides jungwon had been flabbergasted.
“you must help me with physics, i’m actually really bad at it,” soyeon laughed.
jungwon started to lay the meat on the stove as it started to sizzle and the smell of braised pork began to cook filled their nose.
“of course,” jake smiled, “if you ever need help you can always message me.”
“oh i don’t have your socials.”
his mouth formed an ‘O’ before putting his hand out, surprised she hesitantly unlocked her phone before handing it to him.
“okay okay you guys can stop flirting now,” eunbi spoke up.
“we weren’t,” soyeon sighed, recieving her phone back from jake.
“anyways, whats your guys’ majors?” jake asked them.
“i’m a creative writing major,” eunbi answered while flipping over some meat, “soyeon is an art major.”
“yeah but i’m good at math, especially pre-calc,” soyeon added.
“oh hey,” jake snapped as if he’d gotten a brilliant idea, “jungwon sucks at math, you could help him. especially since he’s basically failing pre calc this semester.”
“way to rat me out,” jungwon sighed, moving the cooked meat to a seperate plate before equally distributing the pieces of bugolgi on everyone’s plates except jake’s.
jake pouted, “oh come on.”
“nope,” he shook his head, “take the plate.”
eunbi and soyeon laughed at their bickering. soyeon started to eat, already in aw with the smell.
“god I’m so hungry,” yunjin groaned as she stared at the meat with mesmerised eyes. yunjin was sitting with heeseung, sunoo, and nari and even though they sat a table away they could still hear her.
“well anyways, i am not failing calculus,” jungwon defended himself as he kept a good eye on the sizzling meat, “i have a C.”
jake scoffed, “that’s basically an F.”
jungwon’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “no it’s not. it’s still passing.”
“not the point,” eunbi butted in.
“i could help you, jungwon,” soyeon told him.
“you really don’t have to.”
“calculus is fun so i wouldn’t mind.”
“you think it’s fun?” jungwon questioned.
“it’s anything but fun,” jake said, letting out a laugh.
“aren’t you in AP stats now?” eunbi asked while jungwon picked up the cooked meat before placing it on people’s plates as jake added more meat on the grill.
soyeon nodded before picking up her meat and stuffing her mouth with rice.
“dang you must be really smart,” jake gasped.
“is it that surprising?” she gave him a unconvinced look.
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note: long chapter, i did no lie. do you guys prefer long or short chapters. ill make a poll on my page. enjoy, my loves <3
© wonopia 2024
open TAGLIST: @seunghancore
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0sunny-skies0 · 1 year
MC Makes Them Burst into Laughter
This is my first time writing and actually sharing it, so that’s horrifying, but it’s fine. Came up with some TWST headcanons where the reader makes them burst into laughter. Didn’t do every single guy, just the ones that I feel have very rigid funny bones and are unlikely to burst out laughing (that I had ideas for). 
SFW! Reader is gender neutral.
CW: Mentions of bleeding in Riddle's story. Very short, but it’s there.
Riddle Rosehearts:
He was waiting for them to show up in the library for almost thirty minutes, and he was getting frustrated. Why ask for help with their studies if they were just about to up and disappear? Utterly ridiculous. He waits a little longer before getting up in a huff, “Where in the world is (y/n)?” he mutters to himself as he leaves the library, making his way to Ramshackle as his first guess. On his way there, he started to think. They aren’t really one to be late… Are they sick? Are they hurt? His pace quickens, being sure not to run as he makes his way through the halls. If he finds them and they’re lazing about, they’ll be in for it.
He knocks on the door to the old dorm and waits some more (even though he’s really tired of waiting). Nothing…but then he hears two voices through the doors, and may or may not have decided to listen in.
“(y/n), are you sure this is gonna fix it? You can’t hold your head like that forever!”
“Grim, It’s fine! I’m not gonna do this all day, just until the bleeding stops.”
Bleeding? Oh, absolutely not. Riddle opens the door, “(y/n)! What is going on!?” he shouts as Grim lets out a yipe. He makes direct eye contact with (y/n), who’s staring back at him with a shocked expression and two wads of tissue stuffed in each nostril. Silence takes over the room before they break it “...Hi, Riddle.”
Oh…They’re okay. He blinks as it all comes together in his head. Then he registers how hilarious their face was and the laughter ensues. One hand rests over his mouth and the other props his top half up by the knee to prevent from falling over as he laughs aloud until he’s red in the face. Apparently, this rare laugh of his is quite contagious, because (y/n) and Grim join in moments later. They explain that they were on their way to meet him, when their nose started bleeding, and Riddle lets their tardiness slide…this time. As long as they don’t tell anyone about his laughing fit.
Jack Howl: 
This guy laughs at the worst jokes, and he hates it (Well, he acts like he does at least). He's gotten better at stopping himself because he wants to be taken seriously. Too bad (y/n) is a total jokester…My god, the never-ending stream of dog jokes was just too much for him. 
"That's ruff! Get it!?"
"Pawse! Hah! Get it!?"
"You're bad to the bone! Right?...Cause you're a wolf beastman!?"
So. Many. Jokes. To the point where Jack just has to avoid them. 
One day, Jack decides to train by himself, taking a jog around campus. And it wasn't long before he ran into (y/n)...but they looked kind of…sad? 'Don't stop. (y/n)'s fine.' He thought to himself, but his legs listened to his heart instead of his brain and came to a stop beside them. "Hey, (y/n)...uh…are you okay?" He asks, trying and failing to keep eye contact. (He couldn’t help it, it was weird seeing them this way!)
"No," They sigh, "I really messed up my culinary project today, and I'm usually kinda good at cooking. I just got all jumbled up and spilled my pasta everywhere!” 
He winces at the thought, “Yikes. That sounds pretty bad.”
“I know! And Professor Crewel and the Headmage were supposed to try it! But I messed it up! And now they probably think I’m!...I’m…!” (y/n) slumps, pouting and sighing deeply “A bad noodle.”
Pretty much immediately, Jack throws his head back and bursts into laughter. He tries to stifle it with coughs, but chuckles keep coming through. “You make those dumb jokes even when you’re sad? Heh, you’re pretty weird, (y/n).” He looks at them, only to see their jaw stuck open. “Oh….uh, sorry. That was pretty bad timing-”
“Sheesh, is it really that big of a deal?”
It was. And even though (y/n) swore not to tell anyone that his weakness is terrible puns, that moment completely made their day and they’ll never forget it.
Jamil Viper: 
Okay, people are totally free to disagree with me but…Jamil is a meanie, to put it nicely. So the only time he’d ever burst out laughing at (y/n) is if it’s at (y/n)’s expense. Kind of like with the instant plant growth potion incident. 
All Professor Crewel asked was to follow the instructions for making a potion that allows plants to grow on any surface and demonstrate its ability, a fairly easy assignment, all things considered. Especially with Jamil as their lab partner. Unfortunately, (y/n) is a bit of a trouble magnet, so it’s never that simple. For someone without magic, the potion actually turned out great. The sign of success was the bright lime color and the slightly minty smell.
“We did it! You’re really good at potionology, Jamil!” (y/n) cheers. Grim chimes in “Yeah! Easy A for us today!” Jamil rolls his eyes at the two, “Not so loud! It isn’t that big of a deal. All anyone has to do is follow the instructions and they’ll succeed.” Of course, he was right, but Grim can’t hear over his happy dance…Now remember this equation:
One familiar + Happy Dance = Destruction 
Because right as Jamil puts a decent amount into a bottle, his tail whips around and whacks the bottle right out of his hand, and with one splat and crash, the whole front of (y/n)’s uniform was practically a bush. Without wasting any time, (y/n) turns to the now mortified cat and quickly spits “Grim, you’re a horrible dancer!”
What was that? Before you could turn to Jamil and determine what noise that was, the professor had already made his way to your table to scold you all. He quickly steadies his breathing to avoid making things worse. “Are you pups quite done barking so incessantly? All your yipping had better mean you’ve finished your assignment.” 
He notices (y/n)’s uniform and his eyes narrow. Fortunately, Jamil recovers enough to speak. “We’ve finished, professor. Someone got a little too excited when attempting to apply the mixture to our towelette.” He explains, motioning to Grim, whose ears are drooping.
The three of you managed to make it out of class alive and with a passing grade, and as soon as Jamil is out of the classroom, he lets all of his laughter loose. It’s clearly not as quiet as he’d like, because he does his best to stifle it with one hand while the other clutches his aching stomach. And the fact that poor (y/n) was not laughing at all made him laugh even more. Only they could take something as simple as that and make a mess of it. It was almost…almost endearing (But he won’t tell them that part).
                        You’ve reached the end! Thank you for reading!
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paperclip7805 · 2 years
{Massive Toh s3 Spoilers}
This is just gonna be a diary of my thoughts before and well watching the special, get ready for me to fucking lose it.
Kings tide, and so it begins😀
We’re only on kings tide and I’m already crying cause eda kissed hootys head. I totally forgot that happened and I’m gonna lose it
I’m sorry but hooty in a ball is so funny, like, I wanna know how long he actully is.
Imagine if Luz actually got petrified, like she literally almost died. What would have the hexside squad and every one done.
Her almost getting petrified must have been so painful, remember how painful it was when Eda was almost petrified.
Tera turning to rain and asking “Raine? Belos is giving us paradise right?” Will always be a heartbreakingly good line. I get chills every time.
willow is so powerful I love her
King looked like a bowling ball because of the way he fell down the stairs.
I forgot that Gus saw everything from hollow mind, is he gonna bring it up to luz and Hunter at all?
Ew, I didn’t know that they have earwigs on the boiling isles. I can’t escape earwigs
I love how amity and Luz protect eachother they are literally goals
the collector low key fucked Belos up lmao. I forgot how terrifying they are.
I still love the collector and his little “okay!:) boop:)”
Omg the collector is so cool, I feel like he would be an iPad kid
“I’m so happy I had you as a big sister” IM FUCKING WRECKED YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND
Gus’s little cry I can’t do this.
Okay now thanks to them
I’m so fucking terrified
Amity with the tea omgit’s adorable, I need camila needs to teach her how to cook
Hunter really went “they won’t hate you, they’ll hate us:)”
Gus is so cute ONG but he needs to stop breaking stuff
LMAO CAMILA WAS LIKE “WTF” when Hunter knelt in-front of her
Amity leaving out odalia as she should on the family picture.
Huntlow is adorable
Gus you silly goose
I’m just waiting for something absolutely traumatic to happen and then Disney is like “BUY A BARBIE DREAM CLOSET”
Omg it’s duolingo
Amity you loser, she just ate shit
A MAP?!?!
omg luz has a Fanny pack lmao
Poor luz omg:(
the kid with the gauged ears look so cool
Hunter practicing his sewing skills
Hunter is so happy:)
Oh no, now he’s so sad:(
amity, go check on ur girl
“You don’t want luz to turn out like you did” no that’s so fucking mean
Luz is so adorable saying to give the parliaments a kiss
Amity at the library is so cute
Ew not the historical society freak I fucking hate him
Vee is so cool and smart and I love her
Oh thank god Hunter is okay but he terrified, I would be too
Not the basement wtf
Oh thank god it’s just a possum
Omg hunters crying and I’m crying we’re twins
Why is Camilla so weird ab the comic?
Luz and amity are so cute with the costumes they just love eachother so much
everybody is such nerds
IS BELOS GONNA POSSES HUNTER NO OMG? IS flapjack gonna be okay
Hunter needs to go to sasha for therapy
IK that this is a very dramatic moment ad all but it’s funny to me that he put the wolf shirt on under the costume, he’s adorable I love him:)
FlapjackNO WTF
Fight him Hunter you can do this
flapjack:( this is so not okay I’m so not okay. I will never be okay again
Hunter talking to flapjack:(
Good witch luzura:) that’s so cute
IMG vee I fucking love you
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I’m not gonna be okay ever again
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My cry count is like 7:)
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unhappycylinder · 1 year
Hellfire’s Newest Member (Eddie x fem!Reader) Pt. 11
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warnings: Jason existing
---- Monday Morning ----
You woke up to your alarm, which thankfully was set about 30 minutes later than it was last week since you no longer had to walk to school since Eddie would take you, and no more than two seconds later your dad burst through the door.
"Y/n!" he shouted, half expecting you to still be asleep. You sat up and looked at him wide-eyed, he looked back slightly embarrassed
"What the hell dad?" You asked, covering yourself with your blanket
"Uh....sorry kid, I just....well I realized we never really talked about how you're getting to school, and its too far to walk..." you cut him off
"I walked on Friday, besid-" he cut you off this time
"Damn...well I don't want you to be walking all by yourself so I figured since I can't take you since I leave for work in," he checked his watch, "well now...that maybe we could get you a bike or something. But since you don't have one yet, I can still take you today and just be a little late for wor-"
"Dad I already have a ride, don't worry"
"Oh you do?" he sounded relieved
"Yeah, my uh, my-"
I don't really want to explain to my dad that I already have a boyfriend after three days of living here...so 'friend' it is
"my friend is picking me up, and they'll take me everyday pretty much so...no need for a bike"
"Oh okay. Super!" and with that your dad walked out of the room, leaving your door open and walking down the hall. "Have a good day at school then, I'll see ya later," he yelled from the kitchen. Before you could respond you heard the front door slam shut.
so much for a nice conversation with my dad
You got up and headed to your bathroom where you brushed your teeth and your hair and did some light makeup for the day. Then you went back to your room and put on some blue high-waisted jeans, a flowy white blouse with blue flowers on it, and your blue converse. You looked pretty, really pretty, and you wanted Eddie to think so too.
Just then you heard a honk outside of your house, so you grabbed your backpack and headed out to Eddie's van, where he was standing by the passenger side waiting for you.
"Hello sweetheart," he said, pulling you into a kiss by your waist, his ringed hands gripping your sides as his lips connected to yours
"Hi Munson" you said looking up at him, resting your chin against his chest.
"Ready for a thrilling day at our favorite establishment," Eddie asked sarcastically, making you giggle
"Ready as I'll ever be," you let out a sigh
Eddie and you drove in silence as metal music played on the stereo, his hand rubbing gentle circles on your thigh. It wasn't awkward, the silence, but you could tell there was something on his mind. After a few minutes, he took his hand off your leg and put it on the steering wheel. You glanced over at him, watching his face as you could tell he was struggling to form words.
"So y/n..."
"Yeah Eds?" You tried to sound encouraging, but you couldn't help but worry
what if he wants to slow things down or worse...break up....what if it was just a weekend fling
"I don't really know, it's probably nothing, but uhhh I just wanted to say that," he hit the wheel with his palms, "I'd get it if you didn't really want to be seen with me at school"
"Eddie, what?" you asked, shocked, "you're my boyfriend, why wouldn't I want to be seen with you"
"cause I'm the freak y/n, Eddie 'the freak' Munson, remember?" his tone was whiny and you could tell he was trying to mask his nerves
"Eddie you're not a freak" you began
"No but I am, y/n. You're new, you've only spent a day at this school and you haven't seen how awful people can be," he looked down before he spoke again, "they hate me y/n, and I don't want them to hate you too because you're dating me"
He was hurt and worried, and it broke your heart to see him like this. Of course you didn't care about reputation or social status or any of those things, you just cared about Eddie. But then you remembered how Jason almost beat him up last week for talking to you, on your first day, and you couldn't help but wonder if that would get worse....but if it did, you wanted Eddie to know that you were by his side through it all.
"Eddie Munson," you put your hand on his leg and drew little circles, turning your body in your seat to completely face him, "my love, I don't know why they hate you. I don't know why they're so cruel to you or why they call you a freak, because you're not. You're the kindest person I know, not to mention the sexiest and most romantic, but we don't have to get into that now"
"Oh so you think I'm sexy," he said with a smirk. It made you happy to see him lighten up a bit
"Yes Munson, you're super sexy, but unfortunately that's not the point. The point is that you've shown me nothing but kindness in the few days I've known you and you're the only person whose made this place, as foreign as it is to me, feel like home. So Eddie..." you lifted a hand to his face, caressing his cheek, "if you think for a second that I don't want the world to know that I'm crazy in love with the most amazing man I've ever met, you've gone insane. We may be known as the freaks, and people will push us around, but we'll be together, and honestly, for the next few months of school, that's all that matters to me"
Eddie sighed and put the weight of his head in your hand, bringing a hand back over to your thigh and caressing it.
"I love you so much sweetheart, you mean everything to me" he said
You pushed his head up, slapping him slightly "don't get all sappy on me Munson, that's my job"
He chuckled at you and grabbed your thigh tightly, shaking your leg a little bit as he squeezed
"You're mine" he said, glancing over at you
"All yours Eds, no matter what" you adjusted in your seat so your back was against it, Eddie's hand remaining on your leg for the rest of the drive
---- At school
You were about to enter the doors, Eddie's hand in yours, and there was no going back now. Eddie pushed the door open and led you through it, instantly turning the heads of students as you walked down the hall towards your lockers. Eddie squeezed your hand when he caught people whispering while looking at you, reassuring you that you were safe with him.
Robin was standing at her locker, which was right next to yours, and she turned around once she heard all the whispering, only to see you and Eddie walking right towards her.
"Oh my god, I knew it!" She said loudly as you got within hearing distance of her.
Eddie spun you around as you reached your locker, planting a firm kiss on your lips as he held you by the collar of your shirt, making the people around you whisper even more. Robin's jaw hung open in shock.
"I'll see you in class sweetheart," and with that Eddie was off, walking with confidence through the gossiping crowds.
You started to open your locker when Robin slammed it shut.
"Ummm earth to y/n!! What the hell was that??? Are you and Eddie like a thing now, cause if you are I so called it like right away last week!" She said quickly, clasping her hands together excitedly
"Yeah," you sighed, "I'll give it to you, you called it Robin"
"Yes! I knew it!" She slammed her back against her locker door as you opened yours once again and started taking books out, "so did you guys go out over the weekend or what?"
"Yeah um..."
fuck it, she's basically my best friend, and as far as I know, she doesn't have anyone else in this school that she'd tell
"he actually came over to my place and stayed the night after Hellfire, and then took me all around town the next day...it was really nice" you exhaled, anxiety filling your chest at what her response would be
"No...fucking....way" Robin said, wide eyed, "did you guys...do it?"
"yes Robin," you whispered, shielding your face with your locker door, "we did it"
"Oh. My. God!" she yelled
"Robin! Keep it down!" You giggled at her excitement
The bell rang and you and Robin headed to your first class together, sitting in the back like you did on Friday, once again passing each other notes for the entire class
Jason keeps looking back at you, is something going on with him?
You read Robin's note before looking up to the front corner of the room, meeting Jason's stare immediately. You broke eye contact and glanced over at your teacher before returning to once again meet his eyes. You furrowed your brow before flipping Robin's note over and writing:
Remember he and Eddie got detention last week? Apparently it was about me - thoughts?
Robin responded
He broke up with his gf a week before you got here, maybe he's got the hots for you ;)
You chuckled at her note, but a part of you knew she was probably right, and that part of you was scared what that meant for your's and Eddie's safety. You wanted to be open with Robin about this, after all the more people you had on your side in the event of a conflict with the basketball captain, the better.
You might be right, but I don't want to test it. Help me keep an eye out for him? Worried what he might do to Eddie :/
Robin nodded after reading your note, agreeing to your plan. The bell rang shortly after and you two were the last out. You were whispering about Jason as you walked out of the room but your conversation was cut short by a familiar youth-pastor sounding voice.
"Hey y/n!" It was Jason, he had been standing just by the door, and probably heard some of your conversation, making you turn red with embarrassment.
"Making you blush, am I" he sauntered towards you. You and Robin just looked at each other and scoffed, Robin made a throwing up motion.
"What do you want Jason?" you asked, rolling your eyes
"Hey now" he began, putting his hands up, "I just wanted to know if the rumors I've heard are true...if you really are dating the freak"
"You and I both know his name is Eddie," you stepped closer, tilting your head in anger, "and yeah, we're dating"
"You see y/n, you're a beautiful girl..."
"...and you deserve a man that will treat you right, who will give you the things you deserve, who will provide for you," he rambled
"Gag me with a spoon," Robin whispered from behind you
"...Munson can't do any of that for you. He's a freak and a drug dealer and he's no good. There's a reason he's not liked around here, and you're new, you don't know those things. I'm just trying to protect you y/n!"
"Jason, listen," you stepped away from him, at this point he was basically on top of you, "I appreciate it but I really, really, don't need you to protect me or provide for me or do whatever other creepy shit you just said...I love Eddie, and he's been perfect helping me adjust to living here. I get that I don't know everything about this place, but I have friends that I can trust," you gestured to Robin, she smiled, "and they're gonna support me and tell me if I'm making a mistake, I don't need to hear it from you."
Robin pulled on your sleeve, wanting to make it to class on time. You turned around and walked away, leaving Jason silent by the door.
"Thanks for pulling me away, and for staying with me for that, you rock" you said to Robin
"Oh no problem! I'm sure you had lots more to say but honestly that was a miserable conversation, and I was getting secondhand embarrassment for Jason, so I figured it'd be best if we got out of there," Robin said, grabbing your hand and walking you around the halls to your next class.
She really was a great friend, Robin, and you were excited to spend more time with her...and with Steve...during the rest of the school year.
Part 12
Taglist: @definitelynotecho @sadbitchfangirl @lfaewrites @tlclick73 
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