#okay this looks kinda okay now i played with the formatting for ages instead of going to sleep đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜©
magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
Reveal Your Watch & Rewatch Drama List
i was tagged by @onstoryladders thank u <333 i love doing these games so feel free to tag me whenever <333
Currently Watching
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i'm keeping up with enchanté! i'm really enjoying it altho the drama that's coming up is kinda annoying and predictable in my opinion. and also my beloved side characters natee and phupha (especially phupha) got really bad endings to their stories imo. i have a way better version in my head. but! jimmy!!!!! finally made his appearance so it makes me want to forgive them
Cutie Pie
i've been really liking this show so far but i gotta say kuea makes me want to commit murder. i understand that everything he does is in character and that's just how he is but i just think he's so so so stupid and he's annoying me sm đŸ€§đŸ€§đŸ€§ i LOVE yidiao tho and altho nuer is being a little BITCH atm i Am curious as to how his story with syn will unfold
Honourable Mention: Bridgerton Season 2
i decided to include this as well even tho it's not a drama but why not u know. i am one of the many people who watch this show yes 😔😔😔✊ is it objectively a good show? no. is the dialogue extremely corny and sometimes downright cringeworthy? yes absolutely. is it enjoyable and entertaining tho? absolutely
Starting Soon(er Or Later)
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i used to have a whole watchlist in my notes app on my phone but then my phone broke and i lost all my data so i'm currently working with what i have and remember. which isn't a lot. i'm also suffering from a severe case of brainrot atm so my motivation to watch new things is. lower but here are some shows i would consider watching soon!
The Merciless
i'm currently working myself thru the merciless evil devil from hell watchlist so this is def smthg i'm gonna watch some time. since it's a movie i think it will be easier to watch for me since it'll be faster
Strangers From Hell
another merciless evil devil from hell thing altho i think this is gonna take me some time before i watch it. i'm not over the last show yet so this is still months away i feel like
ofc like everyone and their mum i've been waiting for this for ages!!!! and i hope it'll drop soon! i'll def be watching it live!
GAP The Series
so excited for this!!!! absolutely will be watching it as soon as it comes out
To My Star
J told me abt this and said i might like it so i might watch it??? not sure yet tho
i'm still on the fence about star in my mind (in your mind? or whatever it's called girlies idk 😭😭😭) so idk yet if i'll be watching that
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Beyond Evil
u really shouldn't have asked me abt this bc i cannot shut up abt this show @disaster-j knows that better than anyone else. literally this show made me go absolutely entirely insane so obviously i went on a rewatch immediately. and it's still so good. i still haven't recovered like man....these gays......ugh......
(also look at this fucking cinematic masterpiece of a poster. oh my gOD)
Color Rush
i'm not rewatching that yet but i've been meaning to. so i hope i'll get to that soon!
@disaster-j & @toddblacksoulmates (hope u guys haven't done it yet???? no pressure to do this tho <333) and anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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leggomylino · 4 years
Roses Are Red | Bang Chan
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Genre: fluff, a little (ridiculous) drama, and a whole lot of crack
Pairing: Bang Chan x princess!reader
Au: royal / fantasy au
Word Count: ~11.2k
Warning(s): some censored language
?, author rambling on and on, some underdeveloped plot what can I say this is mostly for laughs and giggles
Summary: Royal Gardener Christopher Bang only ever wanted to make music all his life, but being orphaned due to a senseless war against the Fire Nation left him at the hands of the kingdom to decide his fate. When tending to some of the many royal roses one day, he happened upon the kingdom’s princess, Y/n, and love at first sight was quite the understatement. However, what they are both unaware of is that she may already be betrothed to another

A/n: Requested by @hanniiesuckle17​ | Masterlist linked down below and in bio!!!
Tag List: @hanniiesuckle17​ / @distrikt9​ / @hanstagrams​ / @hyunsunq​ / @smolboiseavey​ / @jisungsjheekies​ / @iluvlix​ / @straycozy​ / @stay-nctzen​ (Let me know if you’d like to be added! Comment, ask, or DM me! <3)
჊ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ჊
Howdy y’all
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything in this format

I know many of you are still waiting for me to finish light switch and let me tell you it IS still...under construction ._.”
I can’t stay loyal to one story at a time and life gets hectic ya dig?
...But I promise that EVENTUALLY MAYBE SOMETIME SOON I’ll get around to carving the second half of it
N E way let’s get this ball rolling! ->
So once upon a time in a far away land

...Did you just roll your eyes or yawn? >:(( Don’t do that this is totally exciting
Okay so once upon a time in a far away land
There was a princess named Y/n <3 yes, that would be you, sis
She was the cream of the crop, the bees knees, the peanut butter to everyone’s jelly
...Well maybe like 90% of the jelly
There’s always gonna be haters or skeptics nothing we can do about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway you were basically loved by almost everyone in the kingdom, for your kindness, hospitality, forthcomingness, honesty, bravery, generosity, and sophistication
Also, you were quite beautiful <3 like now teehee
But there was only one problem
Besides the fact that 10% of the jelly jar had peanut butter lodged in their brain
And that was that your father, the king, refused to let you go outside. Like ever. The only time you saw the sun and felt the wind through your hair was from your highest-Rapunzel-tower window, during required festival appearances or during emergency evacuations because THE FIRE NATION WAS ATTACKING!!!! đŸ”„ (╯°□°)â•ŻđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„
This, however, rarely happened...er, maybe just once, but it was a false alarm because your half-brother Felix had stayed up too late playing video games (YES there is technology in this medieval au sorry not sorry) and he was just...seeing things
He’d been really stressed because his mother, your actually kind and not at all wicked stepmother, had been lowkey pressuring him to find a lovely princess consort or young fletching maiden
He didn’t necessarily have a problem with that, except for the fact that the whole thing was a huge problem that was stressing him out...marriage??? What was that again??? He kinda just wanted to run around the forest practicing archery with his friends, Dark Knight Changbin and Court Jester Jisung (read: pizza and video games)
...Which is what I was getting at
You see
Felix was a great brother regardless of his mistake of screaming about a false Fire Nation attack and throwing you out of bed at 4 am
Besides being fun and great support/company, he also had this...friend...
A boy named Christopher Bang (♄‿♄)
He often went by Bang Chan tho, and he was ALSO your kingdom’s royal gardener
You know this because you often enjoyed watching him tend to the roses outside your tower, and occasionally would hide in the closet when you were SUPPOSED to be at violin lessons but instead dressed Felix up as your stunt double to spy while Chan watered and changed out the soil of the daffodils in your room
Daffodils were your favorite flower next to tulips and cherry blossoms and sunflowers
Almost every other flower in existence that Chan had anything to do with (♄‿♄)
...What could you say, you were hopelessly in love
But he didn’t know that
And the odd thing was
He felt the very same way about you
Can we finally get to some real-time story now?
Okay well
Channie’s pov now here y’all
Bang Chan had been the castle gardener for what felt like eons
His parents had disappeared to fight in the war with the Fire Nation and never came back

So from a young age, before he was old enough to count, his mom and dad entrusted him to kingdom’s orphanage with care
The local nuns raised him well, and blessed him many times over
He grew up with two best friends there -> a shy boy named Han Jisung and a more confident one named Seo Changbin
The three of them were transferred to work under the kingdom after the local coming-of-age ceremony given to all children when they turn 15
And I totally didn’t steal half of that from an anime or anything...well, just a bit; 25%
So the three of them were whisked off to be given roles of their own to fulfill in order to contribute to society
Changbin was given the title of Dark Knight for his bravery and supreme combat skills
Jisung was awarded the title of Court Jester due to the fact he always made everyone laugh, despite his naturally shy and more introverted demeanor
And Bang Chan, as he preferred to be called, was granted the title of gardener...because...well, they actually denied his musician application, believe it or not
Now, before you get mad
...Well, they were ignorant buffoons, unfortunately (ïœĄâ€ąÌïžżâ€ąÌ€ïœĄ)
So he was forever stuck as a royal gardener because, he worked hard, the court knew it, and their predecessor gardener at the time was kidnapped by the Fire Nation
No one knows why and it’s not important (sorry random garden dude)
He’s okay though...we think
So Bang Chan fit the role
And now at 23, to this day he still fit the role
It was the same mundane routine every day
W a t e r  t h e  p l a n t s
C u t  t h e  v e g e t a b l e s
S n i p  t h e  t h o r n s
T r i m  t h e  v i n e s 
C h a n g e  t h e  s o i l
U G H ! ! !
It got to be downright tedious and vexing repeating the same routine like a Zombie by Day6
Which is the song he often hummed with a lull in his eyes as he w a t e r e d and c u t and s n i p p e d and t r i m m e d
And c h a n g e d eua;bhuisahfvirs WAIT A SECOND
(Oh, we’re backing up to age 16 for a sec)
He’s outside the tallest tower s n i p p i n g the thorns on another rose bush when
He looks up to see what time of day it is and stretch his aching back
And he sees
Up in the window
A g i r l ? ? ?

Who is she
She’s h o t đŸ„”đŸ„”
Like the sun beating down on his face right now
Hot hot
OUCH! The thorns

He can’t be getting lost in the waking daydream glancing out her window above him, he’s got a job to do
Flashforward to a few days later, when he makes an excuse to go back to Tower C and tend to the roses that don’t need tending to
She’s not there :((
He looks left and right before burying himself into the bushes so he can wait and see if she shows up
But this poor boy is so overworked that he falls asleep
Poor guy needed a nap anyway 😔😔
He’s having a peaceful dreamless sleep when a song enters his mind
It’s actually a song he wrote, when he applied to be a castle musician
He wakes to hearing the song above him
The sweet, sweet melody just wafting daintily through the air
It’s coming from somewhere above him
...But he’s snagged in the thorn bush and can’t get out 🗿💧
O o p s 
Maybe the bushes did need some work after all--
By the time he rips himself out and basically lost half of his shirt in the process, the song is almost over, coming to a soft decrescendo into a gentle pianissimo
That’s fancy music talk for slowly growing softer and more quiet and ending with a soft, maybe slightly breathy tone
Thankfully it’s cloudy that day so he doesn’t have to squint this time
“Oh, that’s Princess Y/n.”
Boy deadass just pops out of a rose bush like a weasel 🗿💧 what the what
His court jester hat has a few loose thorns in it, and it’s fallen askew to cover half of his face
“...That’s Princess Y/n?” Chan askes, totally in awe
You have such a lovely voice
And he’s bewildered as to how you know his song, seeing as it was a confidential piece he only played for a private group of royals once when auditioning
Jisung just nods, fixing his hat only to have a few of the bells bounce around and whop him in the face
One jingled all the way right into his eye

But he carries on unaffected; must be used to it <_<
“Yeah, her dad is a total overbearing crazy-protective psycho. ...Well, maybe not psycho, but...he’s crazy protective of his daughter. He’s scared if she takes one step outside, some Fire Nation goon is gonna come popping out of a bush like Team Rocket in almost every old school pokemon episode and kidnap her like Pikachu.”
“...I thought Pikachu always got away.”
“...Oh yeah. đŸ€” Bad example then.”
“You are a bad example.”
“Oh yeah?! Well you’re...a good example!”
“...Jisung that was a compliment. And thank you.”
...Moving on
“What can you tell me about her?”
“OOOOOOO...Why? You got a crush on her, bro?”
“...I’m just...curious why the king would wanna keep her locked away in a tower like a Christian Anderson tale.”
Jisung sighs and places his hands on his hips like a lecturing mother. “Are you serious? I just told you, His Majesty is crazy overprotective of his only daughter...also, wouldn’t you wanna keep a beauty like that locked away if she were your daughter???”
Chan gives him a disgusted look. “No? Because I’m not an insecure psychopath?? Everyone deserves to be happy and free
” He glances up to the tower. “That can’t be healthy being held prisoner in a giant dungeon like that.”
“True, true...I’d still keep her locked away, though.”
“Jisung!!! Seriously?!”
Chan clamps his hand over his friend’s mouth. “I’m gonna stop you right there. Goodbye, Jisung.”
He looks at you one last time, marveling at your beauty with a hint of pity in his eyes before walking away
You hadn’t noticed that day, seven years ago, being too lost in a daydream over whether you wanted tea or a nice iced latte with your lunch...despite how loud they were being
It was one of the few enjoyments of your day
One the few things you got to look forward to: choosing what to have for a meal
Choosing what to wear that was within your parent’s standards
Choosing whether you wanted to wile away the hours reading a book or watching Royal TV or scribbling some poorly drawn comics of what your life COULD be like were you NOT a princess with an overbearing father

S i g h
You’re hanging upside down on your giant canopy bed in a very unladylike fashion when Felix enters the room. You must have not heard him knock, and he’s like
To which you “oop-” and quickly throw yourself over in an upright position
“...Sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s fine.” He laughs a bit and closes the door behind him. “So, whatcha up to?”
Did he have to ask you that? The question sort of burned. What were you supposed to do??? “Just...chillin.”
“Like a villain?”
“In the...millen.”
He laughed at your attempt to carry out the rhyme. “What’s a millen?”
You shrugged. He sat down at the dining table you normally ate at, crossing his feet over the table. “Well, I’ll do you one better. I came to ask if you’d like to accompany me to--”
\(àČ AàČ )/
You’re right there in his face, shaking his shoulders before he can get another word out.
Felix, wanting to take you OUT OF THE PALACE?!??!?!?!?
...You should still probably let him finish, though
Felix (@-@) <- was dizzy for a moment, but once he got his head back on straight, he explained that he’d ask your father if the two of you could go shopping together-- just for a few hours
Felix was the sweetest brother ;-; the sweetest BOY àČ„_àČ„
You were going to have so much fun browsing the shops that you’d only ever read about in novels and seen on TV
The two of you would get popcorn and ice cream and feed the pigeons and do rain dances around the park fountain
And you’d come back with so many souvenirs and nostalgic timepieces from your little journey (â•„ïčâ•„)
It was going to be the BEST. DAY. EVER!
*insert that Spongebob episode here*

Or not
Shortly after the two of you skipped hand-in-hand like Hansel and Gretel down to the Royal Throne room
Your father gave the two of you a big fat N O

His booming voice declared, “NO BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER OF MINE WILL BE SEEN BILLOWING ABOUT THE CITY STREETS!!! That’s like asking to be kidnapped and used as a means of war!!!”
So, the two of you are forced back to your room alone

And Felix comforts you and apologizes a thousand times over, words that should coming out of your father’s mouth instead
Well, it’s more like evening now
The sun is setting comfortably over the horizon
And Felix has just returned from his shopping trip without you 😔😔
Now before you get angry and call him a traitor, he actually had a fit and refused to go
He even came close to knocking over a table
But that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly and his mother was present
It was his mother that insisted he had to go in order to make a required public appearance for the kingdom and “hopefully find a lady that spotted his fancy” or whatever
Yeah, Felix rolled his eyes too
But he had no choice ://
If it makes you feel any better, he didn’t enjoy himself at all
He spent the whole time thinking about you and looking wistfully at the palace in the distance, to the tower you were most likely glaring wistfully back from
He was now tromping tired princely feet up the winding steps to at least give you a nice gift he’d brought back for you, and some flowers he’d gotten from a recently opened flower shop called Christopher’s Garden
A very nice not-yet-elderly couple ran the shop in honor of their lost son, who they hadn’t heard from since they returned from war
The story was quite sad and bittersweet

Shhh we’ll get there later it’s called foreshadowingïŒˆâˆ©â€żâˆ©ïŒ‰
He’s about three-quarters of the way there when he’s suddenly ambushed by-- you guessed it-- Team Rocket!1!1
Jk it’s Jisung and Changbin
They’re the new Jessie and James of this story except they’re actually good
They nearly gave him a heart attack!!! >A<
He almost beats them with the flowers, too, until he remembers last minute they’re for you
Changbin sighs in his heavy, overzealous knightly gear. “Maybe the two of you can keep it down before you wake the princess?”
Felix shrugs. “Eh, Y/n is always up at this hour. She’s actually a night owl, but don’t tell the king that. Or her teachers.”
Bin smirks. “Noted--”
Felix has to smack him, which is a hard two second decision but you’re his sister and family comes first 😔😔 But he makes it up by giving Bin a flower, which he awkwardly accepts
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?”
Jisung nods his jingle bell hat all over the place like a bobblehead. “Yeah, okay, so-- check this out!”
He jumps a few steps ahead so he can have room to put on a one-man show. Changbin groans and crosses his arms, while Felix eyes him curiously
“I have this friend, right? Well, we do, actually! Me and Changbin!”
The Dark Knight tilts his head. “You mean Chan?”
“YEA-- I mean, yeah!” He starts bouncing around, mining walking around the garden surrounding the palace walls. “So...I never told you this, but a few years ago...more like seven, I was going for a walk when I spotted him outside the princess’ tower! And I stopped and went ten-thousand stealth mode!”
He mimes diving into the bushes. Changbin rolls his eyes.
“He’d totally fallen asleep in the rose bushes, so I--”
“Could you maybe not talk like you’re twelve?”
Before the two can start quarreling like a couple of twelve year olds, Felix takes on a responsible air, stepping between them
“Hang on...your friend? Was loitering outside my sister’s room?”
Jisung pops his head over Changbin, which really isn’t that hard. “Yeah, he’s the royal gardener! But like, I don’t think the roses needed tending to that day...and after I revealed myself, he was asking a LOT-- well a few...questions about her. Hint hint, my boy’s in love.”
“Love, bro. Like the real sappy stuff.”
“Your friend. Is in love with my sister.”
“...That would be what I just told you, yes.”
“...Wait. Chan as in, Bang Chan? ...OUR friend Chan?!”
“That’s him!”
“Okay okay hold on,” Changbin waves his arms through the air. “Love is a strong word...and this is Chan we’re talking about. He loves just about everybody. He’s nice and empathetic to everyone. Just last week I had to turn away two maids and a palace chef who’d gotten the same mixed signals.”
Jisung shrugs. “Yeah, well
“Also this was seven years ago?!”
Changbin deadpans. “So you got me all hyped about jumping Felix for some love story that probably isn’t even real. Seven years is a long time, Jisung. He may have forgotten about her already-- NOT THAT SHE’S SOMEONE TO BE FORGOTTEN.”
He had to finish that last sentence real quick from the look Felix was giving him. The boy sighs, shifting his gifts into one arm so he can run a small hand through his wind-blown hair. “...This is kind of crazy Jisung, even for you. Why are you bringing this up now of all times?”
“I overheard a royal meeting I shouldn’t have about an hour ago...and your dad was talking about having Y/n engaged.”
“To the Fire Nation king.”
“People often refer to him as Zuko, for reasons unknown, but his real name is Minho.”
With fever and a newfound energy, Felix tries bursting up the steps to your room. But unfortunately, Team Rocket stops him.
“MOVE! I have to talk to Y/n about this!!!”
“Hang on! The whole reason I brought up my homeboy in the first place was to maybe stop this suspiciously dangerous and shady deal! If Y/n has already fallen in love with someone else, maybe the king will have a change of heart!!!”
Felix groans, glaring harshly in a manner that isn’t really like him. “Han, her father keeps her locked away in a plush-tailored dungeon and refuses to let her go outside, not even on a short shopping trip with her own brother. He doesn’t want her to be seen, and he certainly doesn’t want her falling in love.”
” Changbin groans. “So you don’t think I’ll be able to ask her out this weekend?”
“......” “......”
The glare he gets from both men is a definite no
So what are we to do about a situation like this?
Well I’m glad you asked because we’re about to find out
IRONICALLY right at that moment, you were supposed to be in a late-running math session on how taxing the economy works but 
Instead you were blissfully hidden in the closet, watching Chan plant a newly discovered breed of roses on your balcony the author forgot to mention you even had
It was an indoor balcony of sorts; fenced in with mesh and curtains to keep the bugs and trespassers out
There was a cute little garden table with comfy chairs and a small bookshelf
As well as a mini bar and even a small stereo system B))
You’re the princess sis
This was your world since you weren’t allowed to experience the real one
To explain, you had a window right next to it that you often looked out, since your balcony was more or less closed off

Hopefully that makes sense ._.”
Alright anyhoo
So Chan is planting some gorgeous purple roses that only ever existed in Animal Crossing until now
The most lusciously soft and purpley purple that ever was and ever would be
And here’s you, hunkered down in the closet like a stalker spying on him with one eye and a slit through the cracked door
The door flies open!
A wild Felix appears!1!1
He’s probably looking for you, but given the equally wild look on his face
He’s probably not aware of Chan’s job, coming in to tend to your plants when you’re scheduled to be absent
Wait they’re friends right
So he isn’t gonna kill him...right?!
Or does this mean he was gonna kill him that much more?!
You’re holding your breath and waiting for the right moment to pounce and topple your half-brother to the floor when apprehensively
He checks his surroundings quickly before shutting the door behind him

What the what is this about--
“We need to talk,” Felix starts, pacing to the dining table where he usually sits. Chan freezes, blinking a few times into the roses and the air above them before turning a blank stare the prince’s way.
“Okay,” he states back, “what’s on your mind?”
“About Y/n
About you?
“Princess Y/n? What about?”
Yes, what about you?
” he sighs. “Look, I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked. Let me start by apologizing about that.”
“Oh, no need to apologize. You’re the prince, and I’m the gardener. We’re both quite busy with our—“
“Jisung told me you like Y/n.”

I’m s o r r y
Okay okay hold up
Han Jisung was the court clown and notorious for pranks and lying his ass off
Surely this was just a (albeit cruel) joke


Bang Chan’s ears are turning red
Redder than the roses outside your window
He’s biting his lip, like he wants to say something, but is trying hard to suppress said something
His hands are clenched down into the dirt

“...Well?” asks Felix. “Is it true?”
Haha get it


Like seeds

He nods, softly, barely. Bang Chan nods his approval at Felix’s proposed statement.
Is this even real right now
Is this allowed?! đŸ˜©
Instead of jumping the guy like you thought he would, Felix instead smiles, so brightly it would be enough to scare off the Fire Nation and save thousands of lives
“Oh wow. Oh f*ck. You like my sister. This is...shouldn’t I be mad right now?”
He begins to pace
“...But I’m not. I’m genuinely okay with this. Better than okay. It’s...weird.”
“Probably because Y/n may be saved from marrying Prince Hellhole of the Underworld now.”
The two of them (and you still in the closet) jump at the sound of a new voice wafting in from the ceiling. Looking up, a set of bells can be seen hanging out if the air vent
...Has that always been there?!
Oh my gravy what if Han Jisung has spied on you before
What if someone else has?!
Felix scowls angrily at the vent before lifting a pen off your desk and throwing it with surprisingly good accuracy
It must have hit something because next thing you know Jisung is saying “ow!” and climbing down at the Prince’s demand
“What the hell were you doing up there?!”
“Detective work.”
“You’re banned from doing detective work anywhere near this room.”
“What about Changbin?”
“Oh uhhh...nothing.”
The clanking of heavy armor trying to escape travels across the ceiling

And Felix huffs.
So I’m gonna do a mini skip right here to get the ball rolling
After Bin is dragged down and everyone (minus you) is accounted for
The four guys are sitting around your dining table, a sinister(?) plot coming to notion
“Okay,” Felix begins, “So what we know is, according to what Jisung overheard, this arms race war of sorts against the Fire Nation is coming to a rock and a hard place for both sides. And to resolve this issue, it would appear that Y/n is being offered as a bargaining chip. A wedding to unite the two kingdoms.”

Everyone is pretty silent
You included, not that you can say anything at the moment

But just because you’re silent on the outside doesn’t mean you don’t have a million thoughts racing through your head
Let’s get to the most pressing one that’d likely catch your attention first: MARRIAGE?!?!
With whom?!?!
How dare some old geezers try and pawn you off without your permission?! To the enemy?!? To a man you didn’t even know?!?!
Han suddenly has something to say
Then again when does the boy not
Chan’s ears are turning red again. He’s got a brow quirked like he doesn’t know what Jisung is talking about, but averts his gaze all the same in a guilty manner
Felix is tapping his fingers against his forearm in an attempt to ignore that confession
And Changbin is just sitting next to Chan half confused and half annoyed
“I- I can’t just
 Jisung what you’re asking is
“It’s too much,” Bin cuts in. “Jisung you can’t just ask someone, much less tell them, to marry a person they have a far-longing crush on, but really know nothing about. They’ve never even spoken to each other before, I can assume, and you’re telling them to spend the rest of their lives in a commitment? That’s intense.”
Jisung pouts. “Yeah, but
“What if we just faked a marriage?”
Three stunned faces (four if we’re counting you) turn eyes upon the eldest and only prince. He smiles warmly, sending a warily comforting shiver down your spine that you have trouble placing as good or bad.
“What do you mean?” Changbin asks.
“I doubt the king is going to accept Y/n’s wishes in all of this, so we can’t just have her or Chan ask to be wed. But if they’re already married
Jisung’s face lights up. “Then there’s nothing the king or Fire Nation fools can do about it!!! That’s BRILLIA--”
“But it would just be a ruse. We’ll have a fake license made, and I can supply the rings. I’ve got plenty of underground connections~”
You’re looking at Chan’s face to see what he thinks of all this, but unfortunately his back is to you, and Changbin is blocking 90% of your view

You can, however, see that his ears are still a flushed scarlet, as well as the base of his neck
“Would you be okay with that?”
He jumps. Felix and the others blink expectantly. 
“...Are you okay with being my sister’s fake husband for a few hours?”
It’s gotta be the awkwardest question you’ve ever heard coming out of your brother’s mouth, but then

“Yeah. If it’ll protect Y/n...let’s do it.”

It’s the first time you’ve heard him not refer to you as the princess, but rather, just yourself
Meanwhile in a diabolical castle not too far away but still kinda far 
(ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°)⊃━━☆.*ïœ„ïœĄïŸŸ
We’ve got an evil firelord named Zuko over here
But he’s not really evil :(( In fact he’s not evil at all!!!
His name isn’t even Zuko it’s Minho
And he’s just kinda mean is all

Just a smidge | |
“My Lord Zuko!!!” An attendant bows, groveling at the steps to the throne
He’s some weird guy with an eyepatch
Not important but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Fire King growls, swirling a glass of something strong
“I told you that’s not my name,” he states, tossing the glass after a single gulp. Dang. Intense.
The attendant :((, covering his face like a scared manchild. “PLEASE FORGIVE ME YOUR GRACE!!!”
Minho rolls his eyes. “If I do, will you man up and give me the details on the Nation of (Your Kingdom Name Here)?”
“Oh, yes, yes! Thank you, sire!!!”
“...S u r e.” He blinks a few times, only sparing the slightest hint of a smile when one of the three cats wandering the kingdom jumps onto his lap. “Well? Get on with it.”
“Yes, sire, right away!” Patchy pulls out an enormously large scroll that should NOT have been able to fit in his pocket similar to the mechanics of Animal Crossing (seriously how is it you’re able to fit a giant whale into your pocket and like a freaking tarantula and a hive of wasps like idk about you sis but I would NOT be putting those things in my pocket-) “It would appear that the Princess of (Nation) has given her consent to marry His Royal Highness of the Tallest Order Fire Nation King Zu-- ...L-Lee Minho of the Tallest Order of the Nation of Fire and All Things Cat Related.”
Minho is nodding, a pleasant smirk on his face. Things were just going swimmingly for him. “Perfect. Just as I thought they would. Seungmin? Jeongin?”
From the shadows, two boys stepped forward. “Yes, Your Grace?”
“Please plan my arrival to the Nation of (Your Nation) at once. I’d like to arrive no later than the end of the week.”
“...Sire, with all due respect
” Seungmin swallows. “That’s in two days. Normally, I’d have to send a carrier pigeon to customs since you banned technology after that one disapproving cat commercial, and as you know, your cats are constantly eating both the birds and the notes
Minho shrugs. “And? So? Just write a new note and buy more birds. There’s no time to waste!”
Seungmin and Jeongin share a look. Arguing against the King would be suicide, so

“...Yes, Your Unreasonable Grace.”
“Grea-- wait what?”
Comically, they both vanish before any more words can be said.
Moving right along here
That night, after the sun has fully set and you’re getting ready to tuck yourself into bed
There’s a strange sound coming from the window

. . .
Creepy but probably nothing
It’s just the wind, right?
You choose to ignore it and continue organizing the pillows (and dolls?) on your bed in a fashion that suits your fancy when
Tap Tap Tap
. . .
It’s either an incredible coincidence that wind can tap in such a rhythmic fashion, and not so sporadically, or

There’s someone at the window
...No, really
On the twelfth floor tho?!

Should you answer it
Survey says no
Are you going to?
The stars say yes
You grab an ornate candlestick from your nightstand and start heading that way
Slowly, carefully, one foot at a time
The closer you get, the more prominent the shadow outside the window becomes

It almost looks kinda like

...A tumbleweed? A scarecrow???

You’re scared
“Princess? Princess Y/n?”
Gasp you know that voice

Without a moment to lose you ditch the candlestick and unlock the hinges, tossing the windows open to

Watch your beloved

...Almost fall and crack his head open ._.”
Chan is laughing nervously hanging onto the windowsill with a faint pink mark on his cheek from where the window popped him
You cry out nervously and with an effort on both parts, manage to hoist him inside
Where he clichely falls on top of you 🌚🌚 Teehee đŸ„Ž
You can feel the heat rising to your face and swirling around your head that’s already been spinning with thoughts for a while now
And Chan, catching his breath over you, practically mirrors that reaction
I Am You
I see me in you--
Okay sorry
Chan laughs the whole thing off and rolls himself off like Nishinoya performing his famous Rolling Thunder, and helps you up while profusely asking if you’re alright, if you need to sit down, you should probably sit down, oh I’m so sorry Felix told me you stayed up late so--
Ah wait
“He told you that? When?”
You’re now sitting on the side of your bed, and Chan is standing a few feet away with windblown hair that could easily be mistaken for a tumbleweed through the dead of night
The fact that you’re staring at it makes him a little self conscious, but really you were just thinking about how cute he looks
“Uh, he told me a few hours ago. We were just...chatting, and um

He cuts himself off and sighs into his hands
“I’m so sorry. You probably don’t even know who I am.”
“I do.”
“You do?”
“I do.” You smile. “You’re the gardener. Your name is
” You blush. “Christopher Bang. You take care of the roses at the base of the tower and you planted the purple ones on my balcony today. You’re also a friend of my brother’s.”
“Wow, okay yeah.” He smiles back. Seeing him smiling at you while acknowledging the other, the faint flicker of candlelight (Felix broke your lamp during a karate stunt to make you laugh)...it’s almost too much to handle. “That would sort of explain why you let an absolute stranger into your bedroom at night.”

He had a point there
Blame the author sis she’s got three other WIPs rn and wanted to get this done while doing a semi-decent job (ïœĄâ€ąÌïžżâ€ąÌ€ïœĄ)💧
“I-I just...have a strong sense of adventure,” you lied. Kinda. Reality was, you really WERE longing for a chance to explore and have just a little excitement in your life instead of the same boring gray stone walls each and every day
Lucky for you, that’s exactly what Chan was here for
The next thing you see is his hand in your face (a still-respectable distance away), offering you quite the gentlemanly smile. He managed to fix that windblown hair of his in the seconds you spent spaced out over your longing to leave this place
“Come on. I actually came here to ask if you’d like to go somewhere with me.”
A little disclosure here
Normally, you should never, EVER let someone you don’t really know into your home (much less your bedroom) late at night, and you certainly should not agree to go somewhere with them
This is just common knowledge, I know
But, for crack, time, and in the spirit of classic fairytales, I’m going to allow it to happen :)))
AND SO, Y/n chooses to defy common sense, and takes the hand of the boy she really likes (▰˘◡˘▰)
To make things slightly less weird and insanely unnatural, Chan gives you a note from Felix. It’s got his secret seal of approval that he only uses when addressing letters to you, one that only the two of you know about, so it’s gotta be legit and valid
Just pretend it makes things A LITTLE bit better for me, okay?
“Author do you know how illogical this all is and that, like, ANYONE could figure out--”
The note says:
đ’Ÿđ‘’đ’¶đ“‡đ‘’đ“ˆđ“‰ 𝒮/𝓃, 𝒮𝑒𝑒𝓉! 𝒮𝑜𝓊 đ’žđ’¶đ“ƒ 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓂𝓎 đ“‚đ’¶đ“ƒ đ’žđ’œđ’¶đ“ƒ, đŒ 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓋𝑒 đ“đ’Ÿđ“€đ‘’đ’č đ’œđ’Ÿđ“‚ đ’»đ‘œđ“‡ đ’¶ đ“Œđ’œđ’Ÿđ“đ‘’ ;) đŒ đ’čđ’Ÿđ’č 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 đ“‰đ’œđ’Ÿđ“ƒđ“€đ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘” đ’¶đ’»đ“‰đ‘’đ“‡ đ’¶ đ’žđ’œđ’¶đ“‰ đ’¶đ“ƒđ’č 𝓅𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝓌𝑜 đ’¶đ“ƒđ’č 𝓉𝓌𝑜 đ“‰đ‘œđ‘”đ‘’đ“‰đ’œđ‘’đ“‡...đ“‰đ’œđ‘’ đ“‰đ’œđ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘” 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 đ“ˆđ“‰đ’¶đ“‡đ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘” đ’¶đ“‰, 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁, 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃...đ’¶đ“ƒđ’č đ’¶đ“đ“ đ“‰đ’œđ‘œđ“ˆđ‘’ đ“‰đ’Ÿđ“‚đ‘’đ“ˆ 𝓎𝑜𝓊 đ“ˆđ“…đ’¶đ’žđ‘’đ’č 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝓃 𝓂𝑒. đŒđ“‰ đ“Œđ’¶đ“ˆ đ’·đ‘’đ’žđ’¶đ“Šđ“ˆđ‘’ đ‘œđ’» đ’œđ’Ÿđ“‚, đ“‡đ’Ÿđ‘”đ’œđ“‰? 𝒮𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 đ“đ‘œđ‘œđ“€đ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘” đ’¶đ“‰ 𝓂𝓎 đ’·đ‘œđ“Ž đ’œđ‘’đ“‡đ‘’. đŒ'𝓋𝑒 đ‘”đ’Ÿđ“‹đ‘’đ“ƒ đ’œđ’Ÿđ“‚ 𝓂𝓎 đ’·đ“đ‘’đ“ˆđ“ˆđ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘”, đ’¶đ“ƒđ’č 𝓃𝑜𝓌 đŒ'𝓂 đ‘”đ’Ÿđ“‹đ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘” đ’Ÿđ“‰ 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝒱𝑜 đ’œđ’¶đ“‹đ‘’ đ’¶ đ“ƒđ’Ÿđ’žđ‘’ đ“‰đ’Ÿđ“‚đ‘’, đ“‰đ’œđ‘’ đ“Œđ’¶đ“Ž 𝓃𝑜𝓃𝑒 đ‘œđ’» 𝓊𝓈 đ’Ÿđ“ƒđ“ˆđ’Ÿđ’č𝑒 đ“‰đ’œđ‘’ đ“…đ’¶đ“đ’¶đ’žđ‘’ 𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓁đ’č đ“…đ“‡đ‘œđ“‹đ’Ÿđ’č𝑒 đ’»đ‘œđ“‡ 𝓎𝑜𝓊. đ’«.𝒼. - đ’Żđ’œđ’Ÿđ“ˆ đ’·đ’Ÿđ“‰ đ’Ÿđ“ˆ đ’»đ‘œđ“‡ đ’žđ’œđ’¶đ“ƒ, 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓅 đ“‡đ‘’đ’¶đ’čđ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘” đ’œđ‘’đ“‡đ‘’, 𝒮/𝓃!
đ’œđ“đ“‡đ’Ÿđ‘”đ’œđ“‰ đ“‚đ’¶đ“ƒ, 𝓃𝑜 đ’œđ’¶đ“‡đ’č đ’»đ‘’đ‘’đ“đ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘”đ“ˆ, đ’·đ“Šđ“‰ đŒ đ‘”đ‘œđ“‰đ“‰đ’¶ đ’č𝑜 đ“‰đ’œđ’Ÿđ“ˆ đ’·đ’Ÿđ“‰. 𝒮/𝓃 đ’·đ‘’đ“‰đ“‰đ‘’đ“‡ đ’·đ‘’ đ’·đ’¶đ’žđ“€ đ’œđ‘œđ“‚đ‘’ đ“Šđ“ƒđ’œđ’¶đ“‡đ“‚đ‘’đ’č đ“Šđ“ƒđ“‰đ‘œđ“Šđ’žđ’œđ‘’đ’č đ“Šđ“ƒđ“ˆđ’žđ’¶đ“‰đ’œđ‘’đ’č đ“ƒđ‘œđ“‰đ’œđ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘” 𝓁𝑒𝓈𝓈 đ“‰đ’œđ’¶đ“ƒ đ’œđ’¶đ“…đ“…đ“Ž đ’·đ“Ž 𝓃𝑜 đ“đ’¶đ“‰đ‘’đ“‡ đ“‰đ’œđ’¶đ“ƒ đ“‚đ’Ÿđ’čđ“ƒđ’Ÿđ‘”đ’œđ“‰ đ’¶đ“ƒđ’č đŒ đ’·đ‘’đ“‰đ“‰đ‘’đ“‡ 𝓃𝑜𝓉 đ’»đ’Ÿđ“ƒđ’č 𝑜𝓊𝓉 đ’¶đ’·đ‘œđ“Šđ“‰ đ’¶đ“ƒđ“Ž đ’»đ“Šđ“ƒđ“ƒđ“Ž đ’·đ“Šđ“ˆđ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘’đ“ˆđ“ˆ đ‘”đ‘œđ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘” 𝑜𝓃 đ‘’đ’Ÿđ“‰đ’œđ‘’đ“‡. đ”đ“Šđ“‰ 𝓂𝑜𝓈𝓉 đ’Ÿđ“‚đ“…đ‘œđ“‡đ“‰đ’¶đ“ƒđ“‰đ“đ“Ž, đ’œđ’¶đ“‹đ‘’ đ’¶ đ“ƒđ’Ÿđ’žđ‘’ đ“‰đ’Ÿđ“‚đ‘’. :)
-- đ’Čđ’Ÿđ“‰đ’œ đ“‚đ“Šđ’žđ’œ đ’čđ’Ÿđ“ˆđ“‚đ’¶đ“Ž đ’¶đ“ƒđ’č đ“ˆđ“‰đ“‡đ’¶đ“ƒđ‘”đ‘’đ“đ“Ž đ‘œđ“€đ’¶đ“Ž đ’œđ’¶đ“…đ“…đ’Ÿđ“ƒđ‘’đ“ˆđ“ˆ, đčđ‘’đ“đ’Ÿđ“ (ℱ )
...Well, there you had it
Now, onto the date! 

àČ„_àČ„ 💧
Chan is about to take your hand and wisk you out the window like Rapunzel or some Romeo and Juliet au (hey btw??? That ain’t a bad idea someone request this from me)
He nearly forgets about the height difference and the fact that he don’t have any rope or long flowing locks to grab onto to :D so instead the two of you opt for an idea that comes to you after nearly tearing your room apart to look for rope:
You have to move some furniture around but it’s not like anyone is gonna come into your room or find out about you missing anyway
Reader: “Chan came into my room tho--”
After getting lost for approximately ten minutes in the winding air ducts, Chan manages to get his poor sleep deprived brain together and leads you down the right path, coming to a purifying viel(?) he knocks out of the way to kick the door open to outside
 ぀ïčâ•°ïŒ‰

You can’t do it
Chan jumps out easily onto the grass to some East side of the palace, but you just sit there, hunkered down in the opening space of the vent
Just staring at it
The grass
The trees
The tumbleweed that is Chan’s hair blow by
It’s almost too much

Your body won’t move. You’ve been locked away in the palace for so long now...something inside of you is telling you it’s morally wrong to change that now.
“Hey wait author I have a question”
I’m kinda in the middle of telling a semi-deep part of the story but okay sure
“If Chan and I were on the twelfth floor how is it that we made it to the--”
Chan is watching you with some sort of softness in his eyes illuminated by starlight. He holds his hands out to you.
“It’s okay. If you need me to, I can carry you for as long as I’m able.”

But you refuse
You need to cross this bridge
And then you need to burn it đŸ”„
...Except you’re always open for an excuse to be close to Chan so đŸ€Ș💓
You jump in his arms without much of a second thought, and without thinking he spins you around, and a moment later
Both of your slippered feet hit the ground below
Soft earth enveloping your heels
Blades of grass tickling your skin
It’s a good kind of weird
A kind of weird you’d love to get used to
Hand in hand the two of you slip off after that, out into that starry starry night that looks like a Van Gogh painting
It’s beautiful and blurred yet sharp and soft yet bright and you feel like queen of the world as you’re running through Central Park, riding on Chan’s shoulders
Dancing around the center fountain
Nearly blowing your cover when a racoon runs by
It’d be kinda bad if someone saw you, much less recognized who you were 😅
The two of you lay on the hillside, where Chan makes up stories about the stars and you smile at the sound of his voice, and the feeling of wildflowers against your cheek
You’re so enthralled that you scarcely notice when his voice trails off as he’s watching you, admiring your beauty as he often has in days gone by, only this time it’s up close and nearly surreal
The girl of his dreams lying in a bed of flowers
Not palace-tainted ones either -> wildflowers, flowers that are free to billow any way the wind takes them
And the moonlight casting perfectly angular shadows over your body
He has to get a hold of himself and tear himself away with a sharp breath

But he’s adding the image to a memory in his heart, that’s for sure
He takes a moment to mull over it a few more times before dusting himself off, standing, and reaching out to you. Something you also want to get used to other than being in the Great Outdoors. “Come on,” he says, “We’ve almost used up all our time, and I haven’t even been able to show you the town yet.”
SHOPPING~! (っ◔◡◔)っ ♄
...Ah wait it was night time 😔 You’d have to settle for just seeing the sights and playing pretend
“We’re gonna do something called window shopping.”
“Window shopping?” You ask, taking your first steps down main street. “What’s that?”
Surprisingly, there were a few stragglers still out and about at this hour, so you had to keep your head down and wander as seamlessly as possible off to the side of the road.
“Window shopping is when you wander around a shopping district just to look at the stuff on display. You shop with your eyes and pick out things you like.”
That sounded kinda fun
Of course anything with Chan sounded like a good time to you (♄‿♄)
And so, still hand in hand, the two of you quietly walked the cobblestone streets, examining clothes and trinkets in the large glass windows of stores and commenting lightly on things you liked/disliked
And, over a short span of time, you felt a gentle shift as Chan entwined his fingers with yours
ÆȘ(˘⌣˘)┐ ÆȘ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
You wander the streets for a while longer, taking a left here, a right there, when after pacing a little ways down a side street connecting to a sleepy neighborhood, Chan stops quite abruptly
His arms and posture is rigid af, so it almost yanks you back a bit, and a little startled you look up to see what it is he’s gawking at

It’s a flower shop
And the big sign across the roof’s edge says, “Christopher’s Garden”
Christopher’s Garden was the name Chan’s parents had wanted to name the flower shop the two of them had dreamed of opening together
Chan knows this because of the letters he’d receive at the orphanage during the war
The last letter he received was when he was eleven years old; a simple “hello we miss you” update with a miniature bouquet of pressed wildflowers
Flowers he still kept in his small room at the palace, tapped to the inside of the box where all his letters are stored
Faintly, he reaches out towards the sign, like it’s the only thing around him; suddenly there is no village, no night time, and there almost isn’t a Y/n either
Not that you aren’t important

He just simply can’t believe that

This couldn’t be real, it had to be a coincidence
A cruel one, but still
A coincidence nonetheless
And he’d continue to think that had he not lowered his hand, and found the face of an older man staring back at him
A man with burn marks on his cheeks and the scars of war apparent in both his features and his eyes
He has to grip the doorway to keep himself from falling backward
For it may have been many years, but he could never forget the face of his own son; not even after time had aged him
The parental spark was just there, a father’s intuition

As if seeming to understand, Y/n lets him go
She retreats stage left, one, two paces
And watches with heartfelt joy as the two men embrace somberly beneath the moonlight.
You wanted to stay and watch
You really really did
You wanted to be that support beam for Chan, but
In a way, you also didn’t want to intrude on such an important family moment
...And you were more or less due back at midnight 🙄 Cinderella much?
You’re racing along the alleyways right now
Slippers puffing a muffled breath with each step along the pavement
Buildings casting shadows and jagged shapes of light along the way
A random cloth you borrowed from behind a grocery masking your head
You found it lying over some crates of produce; and you may or may not have borrowed a few plums for the road, too

...You’d have someone pay them back with interest đŸ€·
You probably should have told Chan you were heading back, but
He needed his family, right?
This was really important to him, you could tell he obviously hadn’t seen his dad, uncle, or whoever that man was back there in a while
You could catch him up later, right?
He’d probably spend the night there and be back by morning or mid-afternoon
You’re just now reaching a fork in the road
You could keep going straight or make a slanted right venturing toward the front gate, which connects the pastures of hills (making up Central Park) to the palace

It would probably be better to stick the backways, but you didn’t know the area that well

If you went back into civilization, although it was after curfew and despite your disguise, someone may still spot you
What to do what to do what to--
“So you’re the Princess of (Kingdom Name).”
Did someone just--
“You don’t have to be frightened.” the voice says, stepping closer. “I’m here to take you home.”

Yes okay now we RUN đŸƒâ€â™€ïžđŸƒâ€â™€ïžđŸ’š
You make a break for it down the straight path, letting your veil fly away from your body and temporarily blind whoever’s following you
You also make good use of those plums you stole, tossing them like bombs over your shoulder
“Argh--! Dang it, sh*t, I can’t sEE--” Your pursuers flail about before shredding the cloth to bits, whipping the fruit off their faces. “AFTER HER!!!”
The sound of heavy metal clanging against cobblestone bounces off the space behind you as you’re pounding, scrambling, flinging yourself in a zigzag pattern in case someone is trying to snipe you
But alas there are so many boxes and wheelbarrows and junk in the way...
But wait who even is “them” anyway???
Do you even need to know?! It was probably some councilman your stepmother or  father pissed off
You’d seen it all on TV and read plenty of horror stories in books to know there were endless reasons why someone would be targeting you for vengeance
...And, also

Blast it all
You could hear your father’s voice echoing:
“NO BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER OF MINE WILL BE SEEN BILLOWING ABOUT THE CITY STREETS!!! That’s like asking to be kidnapped and used as a means of war!!!”
“A means of war!!!”
“A means of war!!!”

...g u l p 
But boy were you getting your fill of excitement now
If you could just make it back to the palace, maybe you could use this as an excuse
Say you were kidnapped and made a grand escape
...It wasn’t a TOTAL lie

“Oh Princess~ Princess Y/n, slow down, won’t you please?!”
NOT ON YOUR LIFE BUDDY đŸƒâ€â™€ïžđŸƒâ€â™€ïžđŸ’š
~ t r i p ! ~
Oh-- ...

àČ _àČ 
You slowly look up to the enemy
(ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°) ❀ “Guess who? ...Oh, wait, we’ve never met before.”

The plan was going to be very simple: swoop in, rescue the princess, and take her back home to appease to the King and speed up the royal wedding of the century
Unfortunately, nothing was ever simple in the Fire Nation
That and, well, Minho had spies everywhere
He’d seen your photograph
He knew what you looked like
And when one of his minion’s squeaked saying they spotted a certain soon-to-be-and-technically-already-so engaged princess and coming-soon queen of the Fire Nation running around after hours with another man, well
He just couldn’t have that
It simply wasn’t allowed
The king had promised him your hand
And that’s exactly what he was going to get
“Tie her wrists tighter. Yes. Now a little closer to the left
He smiles at you from inside the back of the carriage. He was about to make this go his way faster than he could have hoped for.
He leans forward, now dressed in some ridiculous royal garb festive with plated armor and flapping ribbons, patting your knee with smooth-lined fingers that shouldn’t belong to someone ruling the Fire Nation. And he knows this, too. He was and still is the youngest king to ever hold the throne. “Don’t worry, Princess, I simply wish to escort you home. This is, however, a pleasant time for us to get acquainted. Since I will become your husband in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”
To this, the Princess of (Your Castle) makes some sort of a scoffing remark beneath her cloth-covered mouth and fidgets herself away, as far back against the plush carriage interior as she can. Even beneath the pale moonlight and faint swaying torchlight outside, bobbing in the hands of soldiers, he can see the scowl of disapproval and hatred on her face.
That would have to change real’ fast. No way he was tolerating a disobedient bride for long.
A rapping comes from outside the window. Carefully, Minho opens the small glass door, pulling the curtain aside along with it. “What is it?”
Seungmin’s face appears in the open space. “We may have a problem. Two, actually.”
“Yes, yes, what are they?”
His first attendant licks his lips nervously. “Well for starters, Jeongin is going to have a mental breakdown if Doongi scratches his face one more time. Your pets--”
“My family.”
“...Your family is getting antsy being cooped up in the carriage for so long.”
A hissing can be heard in the distance, followed by Jeongin’s muffled scream. Minho sighs.
“Fine, Fine
” He glances tentatively at his soon-to-be bride. “We’ll stop at the next fork in the road and switch passengers. I will ride with the children and Jeongin can accompany Princess Y/n until we arrive.” 
“Very good, Your Majesty.”
Minho makes a face, suddenly. “...It shouldn’t be long now, yes?” ((After all, you and Chan did WALK into town.)) “What’s taking so long? How much farther?”
Seungmin looks a bit grave. “...That’s...the other thing I wished to speak to you about.”
You can hear the shouting from your new location inside a smaller (yet still quite plush and fancy) carriage that’s covered in cat fur...and a pitiful attendant with a bloodied face
“So we’ve been traveling in circles this whole TIME?!?!”
That kind of anger didn’t bode well for whoever’s plan this was
we’re so sorry, Your Majesty! But the guard won’t let us through! They refused to take us seriously when we proclaimed to be the Fire Nation escorting the Princess home
The Fire King let out a groan.
You zoom your attention on the boy before you, holding a dampened cloth of alcohol to his face and hissing as it makes contact with several wounds. Poor guy is young, and he couldn’t be too much younger than you. Give or take three to four years.
“M-mm-m, mm mm-mm mm m.”
He looks at you like you’re speaking in tongues. Which, quite frankly, you may as well be. “...What?”
“Mm mmm, m-mm-m, mm mm-mm mm m!”
Peering left and then right, he makes sure both curtains are closed before leaning forward and pulling down the cloth over your face. You cough a bit, spitting out pieces of string and fabric and the dry taste in your mouth. “...”
“......” Jeongin seems to be admiring you in a new sort of light. It’s a bit weird, but flattering. “Um, what was it that you tried to say?”
You look him dead in the eye, which is somewhat hard to do, but your anger helps you manage. Jeongin winces backward, something twitching in his mind. “I said, if I were you, I would blow this joint.”
“.........” Jeongin glances down at his shoes, staring hard at the laces. He seems to be taking your words quite seriously, though you’d half meant them as a joke. “...I’m in no position to do such a thing. Just thinking about it is treason.”
“Treason? For having thoughts? You don’t have any mind readers in your country, do you?”
Slowly, he shakes his head no. It was kinda cute how seriously he was taking your words...and a bit sad, too. “No, we don’t dwell in psychics or anything supernatural. But the author of this story has been kinda thinking about making a supernatural au for some time now--”
A rapping comes at the carriage door. Jeongin acknowledges it with a nod. “...Never mind.” He opens the window. There, again, was Seungmin’s floating head alongside a ball of fire.
“His Majesty Pain-in-the-Ass is being difficult again. Imagine that. He wants us to make camp and then plans on playing the martyr card come tomorrow morning.”
“...He expects us to camp out in the woods?”
“That’s the order.”
Jeongin groans. He leans back in his seat, tossing the rag down in frustration. “...Maybe I really should consider running away
are you hiring, by chance?”
It was meant to be a joke. But you take it all too seriously.
“Why, yes, actually, I am.” :))))))))))
And so that is how you have now ended up here
In front of a roaring fire
All comfy cozy in the new fleece pajamas Jeongin and Seungmin sewed for you out of one of Minho’s extra capes and some “spare” fabrics
Sipping some freshly pressed apple juice and flipping through King Minho’s edition of Royalty Daily
Seungmin, to your left, is fashioning you a new pair of slippers that you can wear both indoors and out and will feel as if you never stepped out of bed
And Jeongin, to your right, slowly moving an electric fan around your face, in a pleasant manner that wasn’t at all distracting
It was glorious, really Ù©(˘◡˘)Û¶
You never imagined being so relaxed in an enemy camp held hostage, even if you were a Princess

...The only thing sour was the sour look of King Minho brooding at the other side of the fire.
“What is the meaning of this?” he hisses, eyes flitting back and forth between his two former attendants and you in-between. “Why aren’t the two of you doing your normal duties?”
“We are doing our normal duties,” Seungmin explains, snipping the thread he was working with.
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, we are.”
“Are you defying me right now?!”
Minnie scoffs. “Defying? You? Wouldn’t dream of it, Sire.”
“......” Minho dramatically rose from his seat, snatching a slipper off the boy’s lap. “Then what is the meaning of this,” he demands, shaking it about. You notice from a new angle of lighting the cute white polka dots patterned along dark pink fabric. Adorable. “Why are you...restyling my slippers?!”
Seungmin gives a reputable glare, snatching the slipper right back in the sassiest way possible, and dusts it carefully, as if it were tainted by the mere touch of another. “These are not for you, dear King. They are for My Lady, Princess Y/n.”
Now surely you can imagine, the look on Minho’s face is not a good one. “They’re
 Y-Your whAT?!?!”
“SHHHHHHH!!!” Jeongin chimes. “Lord Zuko, you must keep your voice down! The Princess is trying to read, and she has sensitive hearing!” >:((
You sip that apple juice like it’s the sweetest tonic out there
And Minho, stunned, can only watch...until he throws down his foot and starts having an unroyaly absurd hissy fit
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR PRINCESS?! SHE’S MY BRIDE, AND THE HOSTAGE!!! And what do you think the two of you are doing?! What are you saying?!? Have you...are you telling me you switched sides?!?!”
“We aren’t telling you, we were hoping you’d get the memo by watching.”
!? “ARRRGH!!!”
The three of you watch with second-hand embarrassment, along with a couple of nearby guards, until
The King has to pause mid-fit
For a rustling in the bushes pulls his attention aside-- along with the others.
Minho seems to gain his composure surprisingly quickly. With serious glint in his eyes, he pulls his sword, in unison with the surrounding army he’d brought.
Behind you, Jeongin respectfully pulls you close, Seungmin brandishing his own blade and standing protectively before you.
You’re confused, almost, at how high the tension had magically become
You can feel Jeongin’s heartbeat against you back, and the silence amid the rustle is deafening
A single bead of sweat rolls down your neck

And then evaporates when a field mouse screeches at the glinting of sharp metal objects and flees. 🗿💧
“Oh...false alarm
” the Fire King sighs. His army groans, reupholstering their swords and spears
And then jump in surprise at the ambush that comes after
I know we’re đŸƒâ€â™€ïžđŸƒâ€â™€ïžđŸƒâ€â™€ïž flying through this story kinda fast now but just hang tight
Cause a few familiar faces had come to save the day B))
Familiar faces known as Sir Changbin, Newly-awarded Knight Jisung, and brother who loved you a little too much, Felix
The way your brother’s sword clashed with Minho’s as your new attendants hurried you into the awaiting cart was a sight to behold
And you could still hear the screams of startled men even now :(((
Luckily Felix held a philosophy unlike your father to not cause any permanent damage at all costs, so no casualties occurred; just a lot of smoke-bombing and a few cuts and bruises
Then there was Jisung, who had to hang on to the roof bc he went flying during the ambush and landed in a tree and there just wasn’t enough time to get him inside so Changbin had to snap a branch and let him fall on top...but
You know
No casualties :))))
“Are you okay?!?!” Felix is demanding, checking you face, your neck, your hands. You sigh and shake your head, which at first he takes as a no and has a small panic attack but you give him a little shove followed by a hug
“I’m fine. I’m sorry I was gone for so long...but thank you for saving me.” <3
Felix hugs you back, though a grim look resides on his face. “I’m gonna have a serious talk with Chan. I can’t believe he just left you out in the city-- or the forest-- to find your own way home in the dead of night when you’ve scarcely left the palace before!”
You jump back, startling him a bit. “Chan didn’t leave me! Please...don’t be mad at him.”
“Wha?” He lists his head. “Then what happened?”
“......” Oops. “I...I left him. I thought I could make it back on my own.”
His arms cross. “And what the heck made you think that?”
At this, you almost felt a sense of defiance. Almost.
Felix didn’t think you could make it on your own?! You?!? A twenty-something year old young woman?!?!?
...Well he was right because you had absolutely no sense of direction except where the shampoo was in your royal bathroom 😔
“You? Yes?”
“......” Sigh. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you...but first you have to let my friends go.”
The screen pans over to Seungmin and Jeongin, tied back to back with apples shoved in their mouths. Seungmin stared a hole into Felix’s head while Jeongin was actually making some decent progress getting a bite out of the apple to free himself...until some juice went down the wrong pipe and he started choking.
“Your friends?” The prince huffs. “These are the Fire Lord’s attendants. I’ve met them on two occasions in the past. Trust me, they aren’t your...friends.”
You stamp your foot, to which everyone comically flinched. Outside, Han howled at the branches slapping him in the face and the dust in his eyes. “They work for me now, and they’re my friends!!! đŸ˜€đŸ˜€ So let them go right now or I’ll push them out and roll out of here right beside them!”
Felix couldn’t have this, so
He gets to untying, and once freed, the four of you sit on the empty cart floor: you and your attendants on one side, Felix on the other. He exchanges a few words with Changbin up front and Han still on the roof before settling down for your story
“We should be arriving to the west gates shortly. Also, Han is fine, so don’t worry about him. Tell me everything that happened.”
You do. You start from the beginning, with Chan, and the wonderful time the two of you shared. Then you tell him about the village, and how lovely window shopping was, and the moment that all came to a halt. You explain Christopher’s Garden, the aging man who sleepily walked out the front door, the exchange that occurred between him and Chan...the way they embraced. You’d felt so happy but out of place, you decided to venture off and give them the privacy they very much deserved.
Then you come around to Minho. How you’d tried to run, but only made it so far thanks to your new mortal enemy, rocks. You’d become a hostage, and you quickly rush through the rival king’s evil(?) plan to lie his way to victory.
And, of course, you mention the proud and wise decision of his most loyal and trusted adversaries switching sides and how good you are at making friends (ჩ˘⌣˘)♄ so that happened
By the time you get through the whole (short? Not really) story, the six of you have arrived at (Castle’s) West Gate.
In the past tense bc the author’s random switching is a meme
A certain evil(?) king named Minho was angry
You can understand, right?
I mean, his future bride had escaped, his former friends(?) betrayed him, and he got his ass beat pretty flawlessly by some punk prince who didn’t even injure him that badly...ON PURPOSE
This was a DISASTER
In fact, he was following the trail with a few uninjured guards as he spoke
“Keep following the tracks,” he demanded from the window of his carriage. Doongi, Soongi, and Dori all meowed in agreement. “I want those fools hand-tied and the princess back in her station before the sun rises. Is that clear?”
“Crystal, Sir!!!” They all cried. Minho scoffed, closing the window and falling back exhaustively in his seat
He messaged his temples...since Jeongin wasn’t there to do it for him
How did this happen?
How could he lose?
How could he let you and the others just escape like that...and fall for such a subtle, dumb trick?
...there was the matter of his childish behavior from before
In front of the princess, his future wife
His friends
His army

That really hadn’t been like him at all
He just...was so stressed lately
And exhausted
Did he mention exhausted?
What time was it, like, 1 am???
That might be fine for you, but normally this king had his ass under covers by 11 pm
He could scarcely keep his eyes open were it not for all the rocks and potholes and--

And the curious young man that just stumbled out into the road.
Minho leaned forward, staring through the open front window, squinting in the darkness to make out a face; was that one of the boys? Was that Seungmin, or Jeongin perhaps?
It certainly didn’t sound like it-- the sap was calling out a name, and seemed to be dressed in tattered old clothes. Probably a peasant looking for his lost sheep or dog.
But then his men pulled the carriage closer, since that previous battle had spooked all the horses away, and Minho was able to make out a name: “Y/n!!! Princess, say, “here I am!!!””

(ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°)
To be continued...maybe.
჊ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ჊
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I Need You
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Summary: The relationship through the years
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing, just a lot of fluff, mentions of anxiety
A/N: This is probably the longest fic I’ve ever written I got a bit carried away so I apologise - sorry if any of the times/ages are wrong! Just go with it! I’m kinda exhausted writing this so I was trying to do the kinda basic maths in my head and it just gave me a headache but please excuse any issues with age that there may be! Also I’m actually really happy with this one and it made me hella soft writing it so I hope you enjoy! Please remember to like, comment, reblog, send asks and just let me know what you thought of it!
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~~ 2008, Age 12 ~~
Y/N’s face was scrunched up with nerves as she waited for the bus to arrive. The previous two days her mother had driven her to school, Y/N too nervous to get the bus in. But then the boy who lived down the street had asked her during school why she didn’t get the bus to school like he did.
Y/N had shyly admitted to the boy - Michael, that was his name - that she was nervous about it.
“You came!” Michael’s grin was wide when he arrived at the bus stop. Y/N’s lips up into a nervous smile and she nodded mutely. “Here!” He thrust a bottle at her. “My mum gave me two orange juices and told me to give the other to Cal but you can have it instead,” Michael gave her an innocent smile and Y/N took the bottle.
“Thank you,” she said nervously but she clammed up again the moment the bus pulled into the stop. 
Michael bounded onto the bus before her, leaving Y/N behind.
“You coming, love?” The bus driver asked, a kind smile on her face. Y/N looked around her, noticing that she was the only child who had yet to get on the bus at her stop and gave an embarrassed, awkward nod of her head.
Her steps were shaky when she stepped onto the bus. She flinched as the door shut behind her. 
It was the typical kind of school bus, the exact same formation as it had been like at her old school at her old home town - the youngest pupils at the front and the eldest at the back.
Y/N was just going into year 7, as was Michael, so she knew that she ought to sit at the front but she didn’t know where.
It was the start of spring term, Y/N having moved house late in the year meaning that she didn’t know anyone other than Michael.
There were some empty seats next to other year 7s but Y/N wasn’t sure whether they’d allow her to sit next to them or not.
“Y/N! Come sit here!” She was relieved to hear Michael’s voice calling to her from one of the three seaters, where he was sat in the middle seat with a friend next to him at the window, an empty seat on the aisle. 
Y/N practically fell into the seat next to Michael, giving him a thankful, exhausted smile.
“This is Calum! We’ve known each other since primary school!” Michael introduced.
“Mike said he gave you my orange juice,” Calum said, looking to Y/N with a hurt expression and her eyes widened, her jaw slackening and she was quick to hold out the juice to him, not wanting to make any enemies in her first week. Calum looked at the bottle before his face broke into a wide grin, shaking his head. “I was just joking.”
“Y/N just moved here,” Michael informed Calum who nodded.
“You’re in my History class, right?” He asked and Y/N’s eyes flashed with recognition and she nodded.
“Yeah,” she confirmed timidly.
“You should sit with me!” He told her and Michael frowned.
“Why aren’t you ever that excited to sit next to me?” He accused his best friend and Y/N couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her.
~~ 2009, Age 13 ~~
“Everything sucks and I want to die,” Y/N looked at Michael for a moment in silence before nodding.
“This is why we don’t talk too much,” she informed him and Michael scoffed.
“So not the reason,” he grumbled.
“No the reason is that Y/N has other friends,” Y/N couldn’t stop herself from smiling when she heard Calum’s voice and she turned around, watching him take the final few steps towards them in the lunch hall.
“I still sit with you guys on the bus every day,” she pointed out and Michael pointed at her with his fork
“Good - don’t you fucking dare forget your roots,” he said through a mouthful of food, making Y/N wrinkle her nose in disgust and she looked over at Calum to see a similar expression on his face. “I’m the only reason you have friends here,” he insisted, shovelling more food into his mouth,
“I forget why I sat with you today,” Y/N said to him.
“Because you knew I’d be here?” Calum offered with a cheesy grin.
“Because we were your best choice since Sandy’s being a bitch?” Michael offered instead and Y/N stuck her tongue out at her friend. “How mature.”
“Fuck you, Mikey.”
“You were nicer when you were anxious all the time.”
Y/N was friends with Calum and Michael - for the first half of term that Y/N was at the school the boys essentially took her under their wing, showing her around the school and introducing her to new people. But after that Y/N made her own friends, a group that ran in similar circles to Calum and Michael but they weren’t one group. 
Despite that, though, they still sat together on the bus every morning and evening and her and Michael still walked to and from the bus stop together. Michael’s mum still provided Y/N and Calum with a bottle of something to drink on the bus in the morning and the three of them did still hang out together, just not as often as they had when Y/N was still a new student.
“Heard you’re planning on trying out for the football team?” Y/N mentioned, looking over at Calum, who had just taken a bite from his sandwich and he nodded, his eyes bright.
“Yeah! Next week!” 
“That’s amazing, Cal!” 
The fluttering in their chests was inevitable, really. 
~~ 2010, Age 14 ~~
Calum looked up, surprised when Y/N slid into the seat next to him on the bus. 
“Mike’s ill,” she said awkwardly. “It’s... I’m still okay to sit here, right?” 
“Of course it’s okay,” Calum laughed and Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at how adorable he looked when he smiled. “Has he just never been sick since you started here?” He questioned and Y/N shrugged.
“I guess so.” 
Silence fell between the two friends for a moment and then Y/N nodded towards Calum’s headphones.
“What’re you listening to?”
“All Time Low,” there was a pause before Calum asked: “want to listen?” 
“Is that okay?”
“You’ve not been this nervous around me since we first met,” Calum informed her and Y/N smiled, moving over into Michael’s usual seat, close enough to Calum so that they could listen to the music together.
“I like this album,” she admitted quietly.
“If you didn’t we’d have serious issues.”
Y/N smiled, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.
“Thanks for letting me listen,” Y/N said when they pulled into school and Calum shrugged.
“I saw you haven’t have yours for a while.”
“Yeah - the dog chewed them up,” she saw Calum’s eyes light up at the mention of her dog.
“How is Alan?” He asked as the two of them got off the bus.
“Misses you, Cal,” she assured, giggling.
“I miss him,” Calum sighed longingly.
“You can come over any time and see him,” Y/N pointed out. Calum smiled at her and nodded.
“I might take you up on that,” silence fell between them as they walked together towards the school.
Normally by this point in the morning Y/N would have left Calum and Michael to seek out her other friends and the two boys would go to the music room or Calum would have an early morning team meeting for football.
But this morning was different - this morning, neither of them wanted to leave the other.
Without Michael there, it was easier to get wrapped up in one another’s presence.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Calum’s hands were playing nervously with the straps of his bag, refusing to look over at his friend.
“Would you maybe wanna see a movie together, or something?” 
“We’re going to see one with Mike this weekend,” Y/N pointed out, laughing a little. “You already asked me, Cal.”
“No! No, i mean... one without him?” Calum offered awkwardly, clearly feeling he had gone too far now to go back on his question. “Like... just the two of us?” Y/N stopped in her tracks, staring wide-eyed at Calum.
“Are you... Cal, are you asking me on a date?” He looked up at last to meet her eyes, anxiety dancing in his. Y/N began to feel her own anxiety building up in her stomach, which was strange, she hadn’t felt nervous around Calum since the day that they first met. “Because... Because if you were,” she spoke again when she realised that Calum wasn’t going to clarify what he meant. “I’d... um I’d like that.”
~~ 2011 Age 15 ~~
“So you’ve found a drummer now?” Y/N asked from her seat in the music room, where she was watching Calum, Michael and their friend Luke tuning their instruments.
“Yeah - Michael found him,” Luke confirmed, giving a shy smile to Calum’s girlfriend.
Luke had been introduced to Y/N a few months ago by Michael and Calum as the guitarist in the band they were forming and yet the two of them were still painfully awkward around one another.
Not for Luke’s lack of trying, he was putting a lot of effort into befriending Y/N but she was constantly nervous when it came to talking to new people, even those who had been so highly talked of by her boyfriend and Michael.
“He’s called Ashton,” Michael supplied before looking to Calum with an unimpressed look on his face. “Don’t you tell your girlfriend anything?”
“No,” Calum shrugged, a smirk growing on his face. “All we talk about is how fucking annoying you are,” Calum looked over at his girlfriend when she snorted with laughter, her hands flying to her mouth in shock from the noise she had just made.
Calum bit his lip to stop himself from laughing and shook his head, affection evident in his actions.
“Well when we hang out we just talk about how much she regrets saying yes to your date,” Michael countered, challenging Calum.
Luke looked over at Y/N.
“Are they...?”
“Yeah,” Y/N filled in nodding with a sigh. “They’re always like this.” 
“Only because Mike’s bitter that I asked out Y/N before he could,” Calum gloated arrogantly and Luke and Y/N burst out into laughter at the look of disgust on Michael’s face.
“Should I be offended that you’re that against dating me, Mike?” The young boy rolled his eyes.
“Whatever - girls have cooties anyway.”
~~ 2012, Age 16 ~~
Y/N was sat on Calum’s bed, watching him pack.
He was chatting away happily to her, eager to tell her all of his plans for exploring London while he was away. Telling her all about the plans that the band had for their debut album that they were planning on recording since their first single and EP had been such a hit.
His eyes were bright and sparkling with excitement as he continued to go on about all of his plans.
Y/N just watched and listened, nodding her head and making noises of agreement whenever it seemed appropriate.
Calum paused for breath, his cheeks flushed with excitement and he turned to face her, his smile so heartbreakingly wide.
“Isn’t it insane?” 
Y/N nodded her head, trying to muster up excitement. Because she was excited. Of course she was excited both for Calum and the rest of the guys.
She had known Calum and Michael since they were all eleven and being in a band, recording albums, touring was all that they had ever dreamed of and now two thirds of that was already coming true and they were only fourteen, fifteen and sixteen.
“I’m really happy for you, Cal,” Y/N confirmed, her voice gentle and a little sad. Calum’s face dropped into a frown and he sat next to her on his bed, his arm resting around her shoulder.
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah I just... I’m going to miss you,” she admitted, resting her own head on his shoulder.
“We’re not going to be gone for long,” he promised her.
“Come on, Cal, you have to realise by now that you guys are gonna be big, right?” Calum snorted a laugh at that.
“Yeah, well, we’re never going to forget our number one fan.”
“You can’t, Liz is going with you,” Y/N deadpanned, pride filling her chest when Calum started to laugh.
“It’s going to be weird not having you there,” Calum mused. “Who’s going to tell Michael that he sucks on the daily?”
“It’s okay, Cal, an ocean isn’t going to stop me from ensuring Mike’s head doesn’t get too big.”
“Well there’s a relief.”
~~ 2013, Age 17 ~~
“That’s amazing!” Y/N congratulated, amazement and pride filling her chest.
The previous two months had been interesting for them to say the least, with Calum in London with the band song writing and collaborating with other, UK-based artists. 
Y/N missed him - of course she missed the band as well, the three boys who she had become close with since the band had formed and she had met Luke and Ashton, and Michael who she had seen every day since she was twelve - but she wasn’t ashamed to admit she had missed Calum the most.
It was strange. They were so young and yet, they had spent nearing three years of their lives calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Too young to know about love and yet... that was what this was. Love in its purest, most innocent form.
“I can’t quite believe it,” Calum admitted and even with an ocean between them on a crappy phone connection Y/N could hear his smile. See his expression.
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Want a confession?” Calum asked, just a hint of guilt in his voice but amusement being the overlying tone.
“I haven’t told my parents yet,” silence fell over the line for a moment before Y/N burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry!” 
“Don’t tell them that you told me first or they’ll be so offended!” 
“I promise,” Calum chuckled.
“You’re still coming home next week, right?” Y/N asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two teenagers.
“Yeah,” Calum confirmed. “And on the tour we’ll be playing in Sydney and the One Direction guys promised that they could get you a good ticket.”
“Man... I can’t believe you’re touring with One Direction,” Y/N reiterated and she heard her boyfriend release a long breath on the other side of the line.
“Neither can I,” his voice was a whisper.
“Hate to be that bitch but... I told you you were going to be big.”
“Mum did always say that I should listen to you,” Calum teased, causing Y/N to let out a gentle laugh.
“You can repay me by getting Louis’ autograph.”
Y/N had been joking at the time, but she wasn’t particularly surprised when Calum returned a week later and brought out a prototype shirt for the ‘Take Me Home’ tour which had been signed by all five members of One Direction.
~~ 2014, Age 18 ~~
Y/N’s arms were around Calum the moment he stepped out of the airport gate. Her boyfriend laughed, dropping his bags to the ground and wrapping his arms around her waist, nestling his face into her neck.
“Shit, you’re really here,” she mumbled and Calum’s arms tightened a little. If Y/N didn’t know any better she would have thought he was crying.
“I’m really here,” he confirmed. Y/N went to pull away but Calum wouldn’t let her. “Just give me a second,” he pleaded.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want the fans to see I’m crying,” he admitted bashfully and Y/N laughed.
“Calum Hood? Crying?” She teased and Calum laughed, pulling back but only so that he could kiss her for the first time in months.
“Fuck off,” he mumbled, resting their foreheads heavily together.
“I like the hair by the way,” Y/N added. “Very punk rock.”
“You know what I didn’t miss you,” Calum said decisively, pulling away from her, but the smile on his lips contrasted his words entirely.
“I wasn’t joking! I do like it!” She promised, her hands reaching up to gently comb through the curls. Calum’s face softened and he ducked down to kiss her again.
“I’m so glad I’m home,” he confessed and Y/N laughed a little into his mouth.
“I am too - but I’m sure your family is as well,” she pointed out.
When Calum went to go greet his parents, Joy pulling him into a bone crushing hug, Michael’s arms slipped around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling her into his chest.
“Miss me?” He asked and Y/N laughed, turning around to hug her friend. 
“It’s so good to see you all again!”
“Is that us included?” Ashton piped up, looking over to Michael and Y/N with raised eyebrows.
“Not you.” Ashton giggled and walked over, wrapping his arms around Y/N and Michael, who were still hugging. Luke was swift to join in. “You guys stink!” Y/N groaned, wrinkling her nose in distaste.
“Bloody rude,” Ashton commented as the three bandmates released her.
Calum reached over and interlaced their fingers, pulling Y/N back to his side.
“You two ready to go for food?” Joy asked, a knowing look sent to the couple. Calum pressed his lips to Y/N’s forehead and nodded.
~~ 2015, Age 19 ~~
“I’ve missed this,” Calum admitted, the two of them walking down the road, their hands linked together, swinging slightly where they hung between them. Y/N’s dog, Alan, was bounding down the road in front of them, knowing the path to the park well, able to quite contentedly lead the way, the couple following him.
“Yeah? You over your rockstar life already?” Y/N teased, squeezing Calum’s hand and he let out a soft laugh at her question, shaking his head.
“You’re really annoying sometimes, you know? Like, honestly, every time I even try and be cute you have to go and ruin it.”
“You trying to be cheesy and cute makes me uncomfortable because you’ve always been a bit of a shit to me,” Y/N told him, a serious expression on her face, which cracked the moment Calum shot her an offended look.
“It’s one hundred percent the other way around,” Calum grumbled.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Y/N scoffed.
“You and Ash have been taking the piss out of me ever since you first got introduced,” Calum claimed.
“Yeah - thanks for introducing us, by the way. I love Ash,” Calum burst out laughing at her tone, tugging on her hand to bring her closer so that he could kiss her temple.
“I’d say ‘you’re welcome’ but I do think that it’s the dumbest move I’ve ever made.”
Silence fell between them again as they followed Alan into the park. The outing made both Y/N and Calum feel somewhat nostalgic - walking Alan together around the park was something that they had done as dates since they got together and before they were together Michael would also join them after school.
Of course, all the band had tagged along at some point or another when Y/N went to walk her family dog but it was Calum’s favourite thing for them to do as a casual date - Y/N was insistent that it was because he preferred Alan to her, to which Calum never responded to other than to laugh.
“I’ve missed this too,” she finally confirmed, gently squeezing his hand again. “Walking Alan’s just not the same without you.”
~~ 2016, Age 20 ~~
“I’m so in love with you,” Calum’s words were whispered into Y/N’s hair. Calum’s arms were wrapped tightly around her, keeping her safe and secure, as close to him as he could physically manage to keep her.
A secret between the two of them. So much of his life now was public, had been since he was sixteen. Y/N and their relationship was the one thing now that felt private, that made him feel safe.
Even his friendship with Michael, the one he had had for as long as he could remember, was in the public eye, no longer with the privacy of inside jokes to hide behind. 
He wasn’t sure what he’d do if he lost Y/N.
And he almost had.
Or at least, he thought he had.
Y/N had flown out to stay with him and the other guys on tour, having just finished university for the year and having the whole summer to do whatever she wanted, until she had to go back for the start of term in late September.
It was the first time she had been with him for anything other than the Australian leg of the tour and the two of them had been looking forward to it, planning it for months.
But it had all come crashing down so quickly.
Y/N wasn’t used to the same lifestyle as Calum anymore. She was used to the paparazzi following them around home occasionally, fans coming up and asking for pictures when they were together but nothing could have prepared her for tour.
Everything was publicised, all the time. Nothing felt private anymore. Y/N had never felt so exposed in her whole life and she despised it.
Y/N had panicked. They had gotten separated in a crowd of fans and Y/N had had a full blown panic attack, which Calum hadn’t seen happen because he was the other side of the crowd, taking photos. Ashton had found her and brought her safely back to the bus, where she had sat shaking with nervous energy, waiting for the boys to return.
Calum was the first through the door to the tour bus, rushing over to his girlfriend, eyes wide with worry as he tried to get a grasp on her mental state.
Y/N had assured him she was fine and Calum hated himself for dragging her into this kind of life, which she had never asked for.
“I love you too, Cal,” Y/N promised, nuzzling closer to him. They had taken themselves off to their bunk early, wanting to recover from the stress of the day. Normally they would at least pretend for a little while that they would be sleeping in separate bunks to avoid the teasing of their friends but they were both unwilling to leave the others side after the previous events.
“But... are you sure this is what you want?” Y/N rolled over so that she was hovering on top of him and if Calum hadn’t been caught up in his own thoughts and fears about their relationship he would be astounded by how gorgeous he thought she looked.
“Cal, I’ve loved you since we were thirteen... I’m not... of course this is what I want,” she settled on, leaning down to kiss him gently. “You’re what I want.”
“But this... this isn’t what you agreed to when we first started going out,” he pointed out, gesturing with his free hand around them at the tour bus and he watched as Y/N just shrugged.
“No - but it’s what I signed up for now, Cal... you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
~~ 2017, Age 21 ~~
“It’s nice that you’re finally taking a break,” Y/N mentioned, watching Calum bustle around his kitchen from her place sat on top of the breakfast bar.
Y/N normally did most of the cooking when they were together - she would joke about the only reason Calum inviting her down to spend her holidays with him was because she would cook for him.
But this morning, Calum had insisted on cooking her breakfast. Y/N had put up little fight and allowed Calum to do as he pleased, deciding on cooking pancakes for the two of them.
“Yeah - it gives us the time to actually properly think about this album, you know?” Y/N nodded in understanding. She knew how hectic the past few years for Calum and the band had been and she knew that they weren’t necessarily with all the songs they released as they could be had they just had a little more time.
It was also nice for them to be taking some extra time off and to themselves because it meant that she got to see Calum more with him flying himself to her university, her being able to get to LA and it was nice being able to see him so much.
“Okay, so I know it’s early to be asking this,” Calum stated, turning around with two plates of pancakes in hand. He stopped short though when he saw where Y/N was sat. “Can’t you just sit at a chair like a normal person for once in your life?” He sighed and Y/N laughed, moving off of the counter and taking a plate from Calum, pecking his lips.
“Thank you for breakfast,” she responded, sitting at the table. Calum rolled his eyes and sat opposite her.
“As I was saying,” he went back to his previous train of thought, shaking his head a little at his girlfriend’s antics, adoration swimming in his eyes. “I was thinking about us,” Y/N froze. She knew those words were almost never good. Calum picked up on her sudden nerves and reached over the table to grab her hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it as he knew always soothed her. “Nothing bad, baby, I promise. Nothing bad,” he prefaced and Y/N nodded, letting out the breath she had been holding.
“If you say it’s nothing bad and now break up with me I’m going to kick your ass, Hood.” She mumbled, listening to Calum start to laugh.
“What I was going to ask is if you want to move in together when you’re done with uni?” Silence fell between them for a moment and Y/N nodded hesitantly.
“I do...”
“Is there a but?” Calum asked, his heart sinking at her expression. Y/N grimaced a little.
“I’m... where would we live? I... I’m not sure I want to live in LA, Cal.” 
Calum moved his hand in hers so that they were holding hands more properly and he squeezed it gently.
“Hey, that’s okay - we’ll figure it out, yeah? Reach a compromise?” Y/N nodded again, a nervous smile forming on her face.
“Then yeah - lets do it.” Calum beamed, leaning right across the table so that he could kiss her.
The couple were broken out of their bubble by the sound of Calum’s apartment door opening and gasps of delight coming from his band members, who just regularly invited themselves around.
“Nice! You made pancakes!”
~~ 2018 Age 22 ~~
Y/N shifted from foot to foot in front of Ashton’s house, waiting for him to answer the door. 
She had gotten a call from Calum about an hour ago during work, imploring her to come over the moment she was finished because he missed her.
Luke had taken the phone from him pretty quickly and insisted she bring alcohol with her as they were running out at Ashton’s house.
As Luke spoke to her, Y/N could hear Calum complaining in the background, which had made her laugh. 
Calum always was a clingy drunk.
“Oh thank fuck you’re here!” Michael exclaimed, reaching out of the door and pulling Y/N inside.
“You good, Mike?”
“Cal’s being complaining about you not being here for hours,” Michael groaned, dragging Y/N behind him into the kitchen.
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at the scene in front of her. It had turned into a small party in Ashton’s kitchen. Calum, Luke, Ashton and Michael all had dazed looks in their eyes, their smiles slightly dopy and their laughs just a little too hysterical.
Sierra and Crystal were also in the kitchen, sat at Ashton’s bar with drinks in front of them, watching the band members in amusement.
“It’s literally half past five and they’re hammered,” Y/N stated, joining the two girls, who laughed, nodding their heads in agreement.
“They were smashed after the first video,” Sierra contributed.
“Well... Mike and Luke definitely were,” Crystal mused. “I think Cal and Ash hung on until the second.”
“Y/N!” Calum’s voice broke through the room and Y/N turned around, raising her eyebrows at her boyfriend, who had raised his arms, eyes bright in delight as they fixed on her.
“Cal you’re in the middle of filming!” Y/N pointed out.
“I don’t care! Come here!” He pleaded but Y/N shook her head.
“Not drunk enough for that, babe,” she told her and Calum’s eyes slipped over to Sierra and Crystal, pointing at them seriously.
“Get her drunk so she’ll come on camera - need to show her off,” Calum took another drink and Y/N turned back to the girls.
“Okay at what point do we need to cut them off?”
~~ 2019 Age 23 ~~
“You okay?” Y/N asked when Calum flopped onto the sofa next to her on the tour bus, resting her free hand in his hair as she continued to scroll through her phone.
“Yeah,” Calum sighed, nuzzling closer to her. “Glad you’re here.”
“I promised, didn’t I?” Y/N pointed out, gently running her fingers down his cheek. “Couldn’t let you spend our anniversary alone,” she teased.
“I’m sorry we’re stuck on the bus for it,” he sighed but Y/N just shrugged.
“I don’t mind, Cal - plus, lets be honest, even if we weren’t stuck on the tour bus, the guys would find a way to crash our plans. They always do.”
It was true. Calum and Y/N had never managed to have an anniversary where it was just the two of them. Every year at least one of them would crash it and invite themselves along to whatever it was that the couple were doing. When they moved in together they had been hopeful of spending a quiet anniversary together at their home with just Duke for company.
It had been a vain hope and both Luke and Ashton had invited themselves along to their movie night.
By this stage, Y/N and Calum were pretty much certain that they just did it to annoy them.
This year, Y/N had booked off two weeks from work months in advance so that she could join Calum on tour and Calum when he was looking at the dates for the tour had done his best to ensure that they could spend their anniversary in a hotel rather than on the move so that they could go on a real celebration to a fancy restaurant.
Unfortunately, at the last minute there had been a change in the tour and more dates had been added, meaning that they were spending the night of their anniversary on the tour bus, Calum having spent the day doing promo with the band and the Chainsmokers.
“Yeah I know,” Calum sighed. “Guess I just wished this year had been different,” he admitted. Y/N’s smile softened and she put her phone to the side, ducking down to kiss him.
“Nine years, Cal - that’s quite a while,” she mused and Calum nodded in agreement. “Having any doubts?” She teased and Calum reached his hand up to curl around her neck, ensuring that she remained close enough for him to kiss her again.
“With you? Never.”
~~ 2020 Age 24 (almost) ~~
Calum’s arms wrapped around her from behind, his face nestling into the crook of her neck.
“What’re you doing up?” He mumbled.
“Jet lag,” Y/N sighed, relaxing back into his arms a little bit.
They had only recently flown back home to their LA apartment (Y/N had given in to his pleads for them to move to LA, understanding that it was where Calum needed to be) from spending the time with their families in Australia.
“Could’ve woken me,” he told her and Y/N chuckled lightly.
“I know - but you need sleep, Cal,” she turned around in his arms, wrapping her arms back around him. 
“I need good sleep - I only sleep well with you,” he told her, not a hint of untruth in his voice, just telling her what he honestly felt. “Been an issue since we first shared a bed when we were sixteen.” 
“Sorry to ruin your sleep like that,” she giggled when she heard Calum’s breath against her neck, laughing.
“What were you doing anyway?”
“Just on Instagram,” Y/N shrugged. “Looking through my tagged.”
“Anything interesting?” Calum asked, practically dragging Y/N over to the chair situated on their balcony, sitting down first and pulling Y/N on top of him in an attempt to keep himself warm.
“Everyone wishing us happy anniversary,” Y/N told him.
“Our anniversary was months ago,” Calum pointed out, blinking his bleary eyes to focus them on her screen.
“I haven’t been on in a while,” she admitted. “Stalked you for a bit as well.” She mused. “Liked the post you put up for our anniversary,” Y/N added and Calum chuckled.
“You really haven’t been on in a while.”
“It was cute,” she told him, turning around and cuddling closer to his chest.
“Thought you were gonna hate me from putting up photos from when we were fourteen.”
“As Mike would say,” Y/N cleared her throat. “I would never forget my fucking roots,” she said, a poor imitation of Michael’s accent sending Calum into fits of laughter.
“That was awful,” he told her as he tried to catch his breath aain.
“It made you laugh,” Y/N shrugged, looking up at him, a softness in her eyes that was reserved purely for him.
Calum felt privileged in the knowledge that it had been for him and only him to see ever since they were fourteen. To know that no one else had ever seen that look directed towards them.
“That’s all I ever really want to do,” she promised.
“I love you so much,” Calum whispered. He took her hand and placed it over his chest. “This beats for you,” he brought the hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to each finger and went back to kiss her ring finger again. “We’ve been together almost ten years and I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
“This isn’t an official proposal,” Calum prefaced, shaking his head. “Not yet - the ring isn’t ready yet,” Y/N’s eyes widened and Calum’s lips perked up at the reaction. “Didn’t you think I was going to propose?”
“I mean, I guess,” Y/N shrugged and Calum kissed her, their lips moving together in a way that was so comforting and normal for them.
“So it’s not an official proposal until I get the ring,” their foreheads were pressed heavily together, breathing into one another’s mouths. “But I just needed - need - you to know that I want to marry you. And...” Calum trailed off, seeming to loose some confidence.
“Whenever you’re ready, Cal,” Y/N vowed, kissing him again. “Whenever you’re ready to ask, I’m ready to say yes.”
Before you go: If you enjoyed this fic and want some more of it, check my blurb masterlist under 5sos blurbs and there you can find any spinoff blurbs I have done for this fic :)
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fearfulkittenwrites · 4 years
“Just a normal night”
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Inspired by @s-mscott​ - link for the art, please check it out!
Word count: 2832
Notes: HEY. THIS IS JUST BEEN SITTING ON MY FILES FOR THE LONGEST TIME AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT DKJFHAKJHAKJDFH. Anyway, it's a long time coming. The writing probs isn't as neat or as good as the latest uploads bc of that, but... idk. Hopefully it's good! I couldn't bring myself to edit it again, sorry about that. I hope you can enjoy it anyways and please go check out the artist, @s-mscott​!
“Guys?” Dick asked, on his tiptoes as he rummaged through every cabinet in the huge kitchen “Hey are we out of cereal? I can’t find my Lucky Charms anywhere.”
“I think so.” Jason answered “I ate the last of the Lucky Charms last night.”
“Yep.” Tim said, popping the ‘p’ as he slid through the countertop, landing a bit behind Dick “I had the last of the frosted flakes two days ago.”
“Froot Loops?” Dick asked.
“I had those.” Duke answered “Sorry.”
“Fruity Pebbles?”
 Cass raised her hand, looking at the ground.
“Reese’s Puffs?”
“I finished the box yesterday.” Damian announced, crossing his arms as he leaned against the marble sink.
“Damn.” Dick murmured and pouted as he closed the cabinet’s door “I’ve been craving cereal today.”
“We can always go get some.” Jason shrugged.
“At three in the morning?” Duke asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Actually, four.” Jason corrected, putting up a finger “And yeah, why not? I mean, we had a hard patrol tonight, and if Dick wants some cereal, I say let’s go get some cereal.”
“It’s four in the morning, Todd.” Damian said.
“I mean, the closest Walmart is open 24/7.” Tim interfered.
“You can’t be seriously considering this, Grayson.” Damian frowned at his older brother.
“Why not? I’m not sleepy anyways.” Dick crossed his arms and shrugged.
“Yes!” Jason hissed “Late night adventures with the baby bats. Let’s roll!” He clapped his hands once, and started to walk out of the kitchen, his siblings following him to the garage.
“Oh wait!” Dick said “Let’s ring up Bruce and see if there’s anything else we need.”
“Bold of you to assume he’d know what we need.” Tim interfered.
“Yeah, well, it’s worth a shot. Plus, do any of us really want to wake up Alfred to ask him?” Dick said, taking his communicator out of his pocket and placing it in his ear “B? Have a sec?” He asked
“Nightwing. What’s wrong?” Came the answer, Batman’s raspy voice flowing through the device.
“Oh, nothing’s wrong. We’re going to take a quick trip to the supermarket, I wanted to ask if you need anything.”
“... At four in the morning?”
“Yeah. Do you need anything?”
Bruce sighed.
“We’re running out of the coffee blend that Tim likes. Alfred the cat’s favorite treats have been gone since last week, and Cass’ favorite ice cream is done. Oh, buy Duke that soda he likes, I drank the last can. Also, Jason’s cookies and that brand of chips you like, we ran out of those. Oh, and buy something with Iron in it, I’m worried that Damian might not be getting enough.”
“Like spinach?” Dick said, writing it down on his phone’s notes.
“Yeah, that’ll do. Ah, and we’re a little low on milk.”
“Okay. Will keep that in mind. Thanks B, have a nice patrol.”
“Please don’t give the papers any headlines.”
“You got it, B. Bye.”
He placed the device back on his pocket.
“Okay, there’s a lot of stuff to buy, so let’s get going. I’ll drive.”
“Shotgun!” Jason yelled.
“We’re taking the S.U.V., one of you will need to ride in the trunk.” Dick said.
“I’ll go.” Cass’ eyes twinkled. No one could understand why she was always so fascinated with the idea of riding in the trunk, but she seemed to find it fun and all of them thought that her excitement was cute.
“Alright then.” Dick smiled, ruffling her hair. Her grin grew wider, and Duke set her hair straight again before they got into the car.
“Hey, can I play my music?” Tim asked from the backseat.
“Don’t force us to listen to the atrocity Drake calls music, Grayson.” Damian complained, arms crossed “Let me play something.”
“Uh, I’d rather not listen to Mozart and Bach while we’re in the car.” Duke protested.
“It’s called classic for a reason, Thomas.”
“Doesn’t matter, bat-brat.” Jason said “I’m with him on this one. Besides, universal car rules, shotgun DJ’s.”
“Since when?” Tim asked.
“Since now.” Jason said, plugging his phone in.
“Uh, I don’t think so.” Dick took the cord from him “According to ‘Supernatural’ rules, ‘Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole’. So that’s mine.”
“No one else watches this show Dickhead!” Jason pulled the cord back.
“Doesn’t matter, because I’m older!” Dick pulled it back again.
“Age is just a number!” Tim pushed himself to the front seat and took the cord back.
“Great point Drake!” Damian pulled him back by his waist, stealing the cord from him too.
“Hey, stop with the fuss, I’m gonna crash the car!” Dick said.
“Maybe we should just play BeyoncĂ©...” Duke suggested. The car went silent for a while.
“Okay.” Dick said “Put on ‘Single Ladies’.”
“No. ‘Halo’ is her best.” Damian complained.
“Uhm, no way? I’m playing ‘Drunk in Love’, and that’s it.” Tim shot back.
“Are you crazy? Play ‘Formation’.” Duke interfered.
“I like ‘Run the World’...” Cass said quietly from the trunk.
“Yeah, okay,” Tim murmured “We’ll play that.”
The girl smiled as the first notes from the song filled the car.
There weren’t many cars in the parking lot, which was expected. They picked up two carts, and Dick hopped inside the one Jason was pushing.
“Dude!” Duke started “You’re in your mid-twenties!”
“Leave me alone, I nearly sprained my ankle today.” Dick stuck his tongue out. No one else questioned anything beyond that. The employees simply sighed, used to the two older brothers and their antics.
“Hey Parker.” Jason greeted the nighttime security guard.
“Hey. I see you two brought the whole gang tonight.” He answered.
“Yup.” Dick smiled.
“So this is a regular thing for the two of you?” Duke asked.
“Are you really surprised, Duke?” Tim shot back.
“No. Not really.”
“Okay. First stop, Bruce said we need to get Tim’s coffee.” Dick exclaimed, looking at the list.
Jason led the way, Dick grinning like a child on the cart, Cass quietly following as she pushed their second cart, Duke making friendly conversation with her while Tim and Damian kept bickering right behind them.
“Oh, wait!” Dick held on to the metal bars “We’re right next to the cookies and Bruce said we’re out of your favorites, Jay.” He looked up.
“Alright, a little detour then.” Jason turned them around, quickly grabbing his treats “Anyone wants anything else from this aisle?”
“But... We don’t need anything else from the aisle.” Duke pointed out.
“Um, we have a billionaire’s credit card?” Tim said “Bruce won’t freak out if we buy a few extra things.”
“Uuuh, they have those koala shaped cookies!” Dick hopped out of the cart “How many do I get?”
“I want one.” Cass said.
“Chocolate or strawberries?”
 I want both.” She answered.
“Okay, one each for the lady, two strawberries for me...”
“I want a chocolate one.” Tim said.
“Me too.” Damian asked.
“Oh, just take twenty boxes, ten of each flavor.” Jason interfered, dumping them on Cass’ cart “We’ll share later.”
“Oh my God, those are expensive!” Duke said, exasperated.
“Yeah. So?” Jason shot back.
“Bruce is a billionaire, bro. He won’t mind.” Dick said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, well, it’s easy for you guys to say it. You grew up like that. It’s kinda hard to accept this when you aren’t used to having so much.” Duke answered, scratching his neck.
“Hey, I get that feeling lil’ bro.” Jason tapped his back “I spent my childhood in Gotham’s streets.”
“Yeah. I mean, I grew up in the circus. I wasn’t used to the idea of getting brand new stuff instead of asking for hand-me-downs from our friends whenever I grew out of my clothes.” Dick interfered.
“But... Just think about it like this.” Jason got closer to him “We now can get everything we couldn’t in the past.”
Duke frowned. Jason nodded encouragingly.
“That... Doesn’t help.”
“I tried.” Jason shrugged. Dick hopped back in the cart “To the coffee aisle!” He exclaimed, pushing his brother around.
“Hang on.” Tim said “This is where they leave the energy drinks. Let me take some.”
“Why do you insist on drinking this crap, Drake?” Damian scowled, reading the label in one of the cans “If you have such a death wish, jumping in front of a train is a much cheaper, quicker alternative.”
“Shut up, little devil.” Tim picked up cans from his favorite brand.
“Jason, push me a little farther down the aisle, please.” Dick asked “They keep their iced teas over there.”
“Ugh, Grayson, you disgust me.” Damian rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be so judgemental Lil’ D.” He smiled, being pushed away by Jason.
As they examined the cans, Dick noticed he had attracted the looks of a middle aged man, a couple of steps from them. He was staring at his hoodie, that contained the frase ‘I love dick’ printed on it.
“Oh,” He exclaimed, smiling at the guy “My name is Richard. That’s why it’s funny.” The man nodded “I’m also queer as fuck, so that makes it better.” He added nonchalantly, and the man’s eyes widened “Okay Jay, I picked up all I wanted, let’s go back.”
“Alright you little shits, back to the coffee quest.” Jason said, leading the way once again. This time, they finally made it to the coffee aisle. Tim crouched down, looking for his favorite blend.
Cass got a little curious once she laid eyes on a colorful package on the top shelf. She picked it up and handed it to Dick.
“Read. Please.”
“This is an espresso roast. Here it says that it has notes of strawberry? Vanilla and... Sugar cane. Colombian coffee. Seems nice. Wanna take it?”
“Yes.” She nodded. Dick dropped it on his cart.
Cass wandered away, still looking at all of the coffee blends.
“Hey girlie,” A guy whistled at her, next to his group of friends “Nice ass.”
She squinted at them.
“Yo, asshole!” Tim screamed, getting their attention “That’s our sister!” He threw a bag of coffee beans at the guy’s face, causing his nose to bleed.
“Hey, who do you think you are?” One of them started to walk up to her brothers. Cass could tell that he wanted trouble, so she grabbed his arm and slammed his face against the shelf, so quickly and brutally that it barely budged, leaving the products unbothered, but the guy fell to the floor, disoriented. She stared at him.
“We are Waynes.” Damian answered, pacing towards them quietly, hands on his pockets “I suggest you apologize immediately for the troubles, if you wouldn’t want to get a hefty lawsuit for your harrasment.”
“Uh, sorry bro.” One of them started, a little scared “We didn’t-”
“Not to me.” He interrupted “To her.”
“We’re sorry, miss Wayne.” All of them mumbled.
“Now promise you won’t do it again.” Damian added.
“We won’t do it again.” They started at the floor, next to where their fallen friend laid down.
“Good.” He squinted “Help your friend up, and get out of my sight.”
They did as they were told, helping his friend walk straight again. As Cass headed back, Dick gently touched her arm, looking up at her.
“Hey, are you alright?” She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled back.
“Does this happen often?” Jason asked.
“Sometimes.” She shrugged “But they always say sorry after I break their nose.”
“Ayy, that’s our girl.” Jason praised “Alright, we got the coffee. Where to next?”
“Let’s see... Next item is Alfred the cat’s treats.” Dick said.
“Ha!” Damian laughed loudly “As if Alfred would eat the... peasant treats that this store offers. No. I’ve already bought the adequate brand from an online shop.”
“Okay...” Dick raised an eyebrow “Then... Cass’ ice cream is next, but I think we should leave that as the last item, so it won’t melt, which leads us to Duke’s soda because Bruce had the last can.”
“Let’s go then. I think that the cereal aisle is on the way, so we’ll get that first.” Jason said, pushing the cart around again.
“Which ones do we get?” Tim asked, looking through the shelf.
“Everything that has sugar.” Dick answered. His brother began handing him boxes, when they heard a small whisper.
“Oh my God, are those...?” A girl said to her friend, attracting the eyes of the siblings. The duo averted their gaze quickly. Cass frowned at them.
“Relax.” Jason smiled, placing an arm on her back “They’re probably just... Fans.”
“Fans?” She asked, still staring suspiciously at them.
“Yeah.” Dick shrugged “I mean, we’re not super stars, but we do hit the papers pretty often. A bunch of people know us here in Gotham.” The girls were looking again, and Dick gave them a small wave, making them giggle “See? Nothing to worry about.”
“Hey there, ladies.” Jason greeted, a cheeky smile on his face “What brings you to this fine establishment tonight?”
“We ran out of energy drinks.” One of them answered “What about you?”
“Cereal.” Dick answered, lifting two boxes. They giggled again.
“Hey, um... can we maybe get a picture?” The girl asked “It’s just that... no one will believe us when we tell them about this.”
“Absolutely not!” Damian answered.
“Nah, don’t listen to the little brat.” Jason said “Go ahead.”
Dick held up the boxes again, smiling as Jason made a ‘crazy’ motion with his hands. Tim turned around as the photo was being taken, turning him into a blurr with tired eyes.
“Can we get some selfies too?” The other one asked, grinning.
“No!” Damian protested again.
“Of course you can!” Dick said “Duke, Cass, come here.” He called.
All of them gathered around the cart Dick was staying at, even Damian. He didn’t look so pleased as the photo was taken, but neither did Cass.
“Thanks. You guys really are nice.” The first girl said.
“Oh, you have no clue on how nice I can be.” Jason winked, making her blush “Tell you what, why don’t I give you my phone number and you can text me those pictures later, hm?”
“Sure.” The girl bit her lips as Jason scribbled his number on her wrist.
“You are such a flirt.” Dick rolled his eyes as the girls walked away.
“What, like you aren’t?” Jason snorted, pushing him away, looking for where they kept the soda.
“I think Cass didn’t like that interaction very much.” Tim whispered to his older brothers, who turned around to find a frowning baby bat. Jason chuckled.
“What’s wrong, sis?” She scowled at him “Oh, c’mon, don’t get jealous.” He threw an arm around her shoulder “You know you’ll always be our number one girl, but a guy has his needs. And sometimes, a guy needs a date.”
Cass pushed him away, rolling her eyes as Duke placed five soda cans on her cart.
“Why would you even drink this sugar filled monstrosity, Thomas?” Damian asked, reading the labels “Grandfather wouldn’t even feed his prisoners something as revolting as this.”
“Because, Bat-brat,” He said “We’re all entitled to enjoy at least one or two things that may ultimately be responsible for our deaths.”
“I suppose.” He murmured, lifting an eyebrow “You make much finer points than the rest of them. Father has been looking for heirs in the least suitable places, I assume.” He clicked his tongue “It’s a good thing I’m here to help.”
“Okay...” Duke answered, raising his eyebrows and averting his gaze. There was only so much strangeness that he could handle.
“Great, now we need to get my chips and spinach.” Dick stated.
“Spinach?” Tim asked “Why spinach?”
“B thinks Damian may have been needing more iron in his diet.” Dick shrugged.
“Aaw.” Tim said “That’s actually kinda cute. Do you think he ever worries about our diets?”
“Don’t be stupid Tim, of course he doesn’t.” Jason answered.
“He does.” Dick shot back “He worries about us, he just... Really, really, really, reaaaally sucks at showing it sometimes.”
“Potatoe, potatoe.” Jason murmured.
“Yeah, whatever. Keep me moving Little Wing, we have stuff to pick up and my tiredness is catching up to me.” Dick pointed forward.
“Sure. But the chips are in the opposite direction.”
“Well turn me around then, do you want me to look like an idiot?” Dick said, a little exasperated.
“I wish you had an off button sometimes.” Jason sighed as he made his way to the chips section.
An employee, mopping the floor with a bored expression, looked up from what he was doing when he saw the Wayne gang talking loudly. Dick tried to control his brothers from inside the cart, and had just told Jason to separate a fight between Tim and Damian. Duke and Cass snicker as they saw a bored, six feet tall Jason pushing his much smaller brothers apart.
“Yep.” The employee murmured to himself “Billionaires shopping at Walmart at four in the morning. Just a normal night.”
Hey! If you made it this far, please consider reblogging this? It helps with spreading my fics and it makes me very happy, hahahaha!
Regardless, thanks for reading <3
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Animaniacs: King Yakko Review (Comission by BlahDiddy)
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Hello my beautiful technicolor rainbow! It’s time for Animaniacs, and while there is no balonga in my slacks there is one last christmas review for my friend to finish up, and after two visits to Acme Lab for the spinoff we’re finishing up with a look at Animaniacs proper.  Suprisingly for a show that stands so easily on it’s own it’s existance is entirely thanks to another show: Tiny Toon Adventures, which had largely the same staff, including ep and co-creator stephen speilberg and Todd Ruegger, who was brought aboard from A Pup Named Scooby Doo. Since TIny Toon was a colossal hit with tons of awards and merch, including some very good video games I wish Warner would find a way to re-release, I mean.. come on if disney can rerelease the disney afternoon games (If...not..for..switch), and LIon King and Aladdin games (If somehow FOR switch), then Warner, which has it’s own game stuido no less, can put together a collection of the good Tiny Toons games when the new show comes out soon. 
Point is it was a mass sucess and Warner Bros likes money, so they had Speilberg try to get Rutger to come up with another show for the two of them to do, something with name value. Rutger found his inpsiration when seeing the iconic warner water tower and taking some platypus characters, came up with our heroes and the rest is history.. well okay he retooled them from plataups’ to early looney tunes and other toons style characters minus the racisim of say bosko the tall ink kid but still, the rest after that is history. And the rest of this review is after the cut
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The show was, and KINDA still is, a variety show: taking a page from looney tunes, as well as tex avery’s other work, the crew decided rather than just focus on the warners, to instead create a whole cast with various ensembles to work with so we got Pinky and the Brain, The Goodfeathers, Rita and Runt,  the Hip HIppos, Katie Kaboom, Chicken Boo, and my personal faviorite Slappy Squirrel.. and the bane of my existance, Buttons and Mindy.. or rather Mindy’s Mom. The kid did nothing wrong.  So naturally the first thing Animaniacs related I cover.. is an episode entirely breaking from format for one 20 something minute Warners cartoon. I do intend to do more animanics stuff in the future, so i’ll hopefully get a chance to talk about everyone, I just feel unlike with say house of mouse most people reading this probably know who they all are, and I can save any deep dives for if I cover the characters specifically. Spoilers: there’s probably never going to be a buttons and mindy deep dive unless someone tourtues me by paying for it. 
So with that out of the way, we can dive into the episode.. which I won’t be covering in my usual recap it point by point because the writers have freely admitted that’s not what Animaniacs is about. While some of i’ts SEGMENTS are more story based like Pinky and the Brain, Goodfeathers and Rita and Runt, most are just based on simple set ups to reams and reams of gags. And I love it. I grew up with this stuff not just Tiny Tunes and Animaniacs but the classic Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry and Droopy shorts. 
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Their well timed, well executed feats of comedy and most have aged pretty well.. emphasis on MOST. I’m keenly aware why there are several gaps in the shorts for both Tom and Jerry and The Looney Tunes on HBO Max, including all of the Pepe LePew and Speedy Gonzalez shorts. Also all of Droopy is missing. 
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My grumblin aside though, it is VERY NICE to have all the classic Warner and Tom and Jerry shorts at my fingertips and it was one of the biggest selling points of Max for me. Last year I gained an intrest in the old disney theatrical shorts, hence my various birthday specials, so I BADLY wanted to revisit the theatrical shorts I grew up with. And honestly.. Max is the best way to do that: their in crisp hd, in neat season collections (Though the Looney Tunes one is better sorted, tom and jerry’s seasons are just.. random smatterings of shorts across various eras), and most importantly EVERY SHORT they felt comfortable with putting up there is on there. Every. Single. One.  I make a big deal about this because Disney.. has only maybe 30-40 of their hundreds of shorts on there. Now lucky for me the vast majority are still on youtube and I get why some really arne’t suitable.. we probably don’t need the donald duck short where he prepares to shoot a penguin in the face or the Goofy short where his own reflection, the goofy equilvent of tyler durden I guess?, keeps saying “Hey Fat” to him. And yes BOTH of these actually happened. But.. there’s MANY shorts with no clear excuse why their absent like the triplets first apperance, gus’ only apperance, and one a friend told me about.. that time mickey built a robot to box a gorillia. Again not making this up, just wondering why you can’t restore the rest of these for plus. They’ve ADDED shorts ocasionally, but it still dosen’t make a whole lot of sense to just.. not have them all up there. and to not put them in some sorta collection for easier consumption but hey it’s Disney. They either full ass things or half ass it. There is no middle ground.  Point is Warner.. actually cares about their heritage in shorts and honors it and thus has everything avaliable in the best quality, so tha’ts nice.
My point after that detour is I really love this kind of humor, and now as an adult I can see the effort the timing, pacing and character chemistry these shorts had takes. And Rugger and co.. they got it. They got it down perfect. And this episode is a great show of that and just how they barely updated this format for the 90â€Čs. But as I said it’s more about the jokes and basic setup, our heroes are slotted into x scenario and just left to run wild. It’s been the basic seutp for looney tunes, tom and jerry and all the gag based greats, and it works perfectly here. Sure there’s some setting and continuity with the warner lot, scratch n sniff, ralph, plotz and in the reboot Rita, but it’s mostly just our heroes go up against “X asshole” and it just works. 
And that’s.. entirley what this episode is. The short is an homage to the graucho marx film Duck Soup, which given the warners were based on the marx brothers that isn’t a huge suprise, a film like brian’s song I have not seen, but genuinely want to. The basic setup is the same: An underqualified womanizer, though since htis is Yakko it dosen’t get past hitting on his chancelor, played by hello nurse, constantly, which is still.. ewwwww... but clearly not the same thing, becomes king of a small nation and ends up at war with another country. There were spies and other stuff in the original short but that was left out to streamline things.  But this homage stands on it’s own fine: The basic plot is this: Yakko, due to being a distant relative and the last one alive, becomes king of the small happy and very musical, as the wonderful opening number shows, country of Anvilania, which makes anvils and why yes there is one MASSIVE anvil gag as a result at the end. Yakko says he’ll try his best and geninely tries to with the shenanigans you’d expect, including Dot not gettnig Polka Dot’s are a thing and instead taknig any mention of it as a sign to polka, Yakko again hitting on his colleague and wanting ot get a new anthem because the current one by “Perry Coma’ puts people to sleep. Honeslty that gag didn’t do it for me: Partly because I genuinely know next to nothing about Como and he’s far past my generation.. and because despite this, SCTV did a MUCH better Perry Como gag over a decade before this episode that while still left me baffled as to why anyone cared about mocking him, was 80 times funnier and felt far less like you needed to know who he was to be funny. 
That being said it’s one of only three running gags, and jokes period that didn’t land for me. The other ones being the hello nurse bits, because it’s aged really badly to have Yakko harass one of his employees and his age is hte only thing that keeps it from scuttling the episode as he’s just 13 or 14. Maybe 15. 
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So SO glad I now have that on hand whenever i need it. The other being the “Your highness” joke as it just.. dosen’t make much sense and isn’t very funny. But that’s it: a refrence i specfically don’t get and I doubt most of you will, and if you do fine we all have our frames of refrences, a joke that’s dated very poorly, and one that just.. didn’t land. And even then the Perry Coma thing’s third use to knock out the opposing army DID work for me as did the VERY clever joke of “Sire” “Maybe later”, so even the weaker bits still had some legs.  But getting back to what little plot there is the king of the rival country, upon hearing this, assumes he can easily intimidate a child into giving him the throne and goes to a royal reception. Instead, as you’d expect, the Warners mistake him for a party clown, show him no respect and fail to take his delcration of war seriously, and while in a REALLY great gag, and the reason i’m not doing a strict summary is 90% of the review would be me saying something to that effect, Yakkos’ call to action for his troops ends up having them all run off in fear, the Warners take out the army as noted above and then in one of the most GLORIOUS climaxes in the series history...
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 In which the Warners give the bad guy “all the anvils” as he requested. I sadly coulnd’t find a clip of it but seek it out if you got hulu, my words can’t do it justice as they hit him with anvil after anvil in increasingly clever and insane ways till the guy finally gives up and it .. is glorious.  Other highlights not already mentioned include: The opening song, the bad guy dictator from the other nation not being able to hear because of his helmet and his attendee having to lift it, leading to Yakko taking off his helmet just to end the “what’ running gag, Yakko’s bit explaning his distant relation and more.  So yeah not a ton to say on this one. It’s a very good, very funny episode but also very typical of a warner cartoon in structure, just stretched over 22 or so minutes. As I said with few exceptions the jokes work, the anmation is crisp as always, and the climax is one of the series best. A crisp, quick watch and a nice quick review after a week of with some really tough ones behind me and ahead of me and a month of rather large ones a few weeks out. So yeah if you like animaniacs, even ifyou’ve seen this one worth a watch, if you have any more animaniacs you’d like me to take a look at feel free to comment or comission and until the next rainbow..
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crystalelemental · 4 years
Okay.  Deep breaths.  Serious banner talk time.
I’m so mad at myself.  How did I not predict Quan and Eldigan?  That should’ve been the most obvious thing in the world.  Of course they’re his groomsmen.  Like, of course.  How did I not guess that and guessed family instead?
Anyway, Lachesis.  Sweet, wonderful Lachesis, with proper art, in all her glory.  And she’s the demote.  A green dagger flier.  I love her so.  Honestly, I initially thought she was a 5* locked unit.  Air Orders seemed really obvious for being 5* locked.  But apparently Air Orders gets to be on a common.  Before Guidance.  That’s a choice.  Cantrip skills also immediately got demoted, so like...RIP Dorothea.  Courtly Mast+ seems solid.  If she’s got over 50% HP, gets +5 attack and res during combat, and reduces damage from foe’s first attack by 50% if they can follow-up.  That is AMAZINGLY good.  It only works if they can follow-up, so being faster than her or have guaranteed doubles, but still.  I really like it.  It probably won’t be a huge deal for her, though.  I imagine other dagger users will have great utility for it.
Ethlyn is also gorgeous, it’s amazing.  Courtly Fan+ is...yeah.  Attack/Speed +5 on initiation, and neutralizes skills that prevent follow-ups.  That’s going to be one hell of an option.  Windsweep is...interesting.  I get that it’s basically “I will double you and you can’t do shit to retaliate, but you know.  It bugs me that they’re able to do things like this.  Joint Drive Speed is of course also beautiful.  But hey.  What the fuck is with the AR-D skills?  I thought we killed those.  This is really the best you can do?
Quan...okay, his art looks a little weird.  Courtly Bow+ is the same as Lachesis’ weapon, but with attack and defense instead of attack and res.  Joint Hone Defense plays into that well, and Flier Formation is...well, a choice.  But hey.  What the fuck is Attack/Defense Bond 4 supposed to be?  We have Unity skills as of like...two weeks ago.  Step up your game, loser.  You’re the unfortunate 5* locked due to fodder option, and your fodder isn’t even that good.  Quan.  Quan, come on.  You’re better than this.
And then there’s the Duo, Sigurd and Deirdre.  Let me start with this.  Get absolutely fucked.  I’ve never been so happy to not really like Sigurd or Deirdre, because it means my soul won’t hurt.  Gilt Goblet is nice.  A 17 might weapon with Attack/Res +6 if foe is at full HP or initiates, and cuts magic damage and AoE attacks from them by 50%.  You’re gonna need that if you’re going against Ophelia, given color disadvantage.  Attack/Res Bond 4 is super unfortunate.  Lull Attack/Res is fantastic.  Joint Hone Res is a choice.  I think that’s the last Joint Hone actually?  So that’s nice.
Here’s where life sucks for the Duo.  Their Duo effect is trash.  It refreshes every turn, but all it does is act as a reposition for up to two units, just switching them to the opposite side.  It only works if they’re already adjacent, so like...okay.  But the stats.  38HP, 55 attack, 18 speed, 16 defense, and (presumably) 37 res.  If you haven’t noticed the problem, allow me to spell it out.  They’re slow as fuck, can’t take a physical hit, get absolutely no support from Duo effect, weapon effect, or toolkit to offset this, and are severely lacking in raw damage potential for one-shots.  They are a purely dance support focused unit, at a 185BST.  They didn’t get a unique dance, so apparently their only unique status is being the first cav dancer (called it).  While cav dancer is at least mildly scary, the fact is cavs fell off the meta ages ago, and three movement dance isn’t scarier than L!Azura’s bullshit of turning whatever she danced into a three-movement nuke.  The severe drop-off in SP scoring means they won’t even top the Arena charts.  More than likely, they’ll be used for AR, specifically in cav lines, but even there I can’t imagine they bring all that much to the table aside from “is cav.”  The fact that many supertanks in AR are ranged means they can check the mages like Brunnya, but are absolutely demolished by archers like Norne, who pack Spendthrift Bow to delete their one saving grace, and hit them right where it hurts.  I recognize dance support is a fantastic thing, but I honest to god feel like their toolkit is astonishingly limited.
Once again, I feel like maybe the devs have it out for Genealogy.  Seriously, as far as banners go, this is very limited powercreep compared to previous fare around this time.  Hoshidan Summer gave us Dancer Micaiah, who was an absolute nuke of a unit with dual effectiveness, and inheritable weapons with Hardy Bearing built in, alongside some kind of effectiveness against specific threats.  Last year, the dancer banner came with the advent of Gen 4 powercreep, and gave us the powerhouses of Ishtar and Reinhardt, as well as the supremely physically bulky Berkut.  This year feels...tame by comparison.
And yet.  I love it.  I kinda wish more banners were like this.  I don’t like obvious and intense powercreep.  The only thing I would change is giving Quan a better A-skill, since Bond 4 is now irrelevant, and that the Duo were less...like that.  I really don’t think “Cav Dancer” is enough to distinguish them.  But I guess we’ll see.  Maybe being a magic check is a thing after all, who knows.  Probably not with that speed, anyway.
Oh yeah, and Eldigan is the free unit.  I hate Eldigan, so that sucks, but at least my grails are safe.  Also he’s a lance flier, so get fucked buddy.
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edithmissesdnpg-blog · 4 years
breakup / phan one shot
read on ao3 (i cant link wattpad because i’m useless at using tumblr loll)
description: dan just got out of a breakup and phil just wants him to feel better.
words: 849
warnings/tags: fluff, slight angst?? not even between dan and phil though, breakups, kinda short it's been in my drafts for ages tho 😔
"James," Dan sighs, reaching his hand out to touch the clothed shoulder of his 'boyfriend'.
Their love recently had burned, when Dan met Phil. They were just friends, but Dan couldn't help but want to be held by Phil instead.
"Dan, just stop," James mutters, pushing his hand off his shoulder.
"Please, I love you," Dan murmurs, tears streaming down his face by now, his vision clouded.
Sure, he said 'I love you', but it didn't feel right.
"I love you too Dan, but it's obvious you aren't in love with me anymore." James' voice was shaky, like he was holding back a storm of tears.
"You can't do this to me James, please," Dan sobs, brushing his hair out of his eyes. His entire body was shaking, and he was on the edge of a panic attack.
James meant so much to him, he couldn't just do this to him. He didn't like Phil like that, James was overreacting.
"Dan. I-," James pauses for a second, as if he was considering whether he should say the next sentence or not.
"I have something I should have told you a long time ago. Dan, I- fuck, I have a girlfriend." James stammers out and Dan broke.
The tears were not stopping now, Dan couldn't believe it. They had been dating for three years, Dan trusted him, and he fucking cheated on him.
And without another word, Dan was out of the door, on his way to the place closest to home right now. Phil's place.
He ran by the city, probably getting some odd looks, but he didn't care. He needed Phil right now, James could just go to his girlfriend anyway.
Why did he cheat? Was Dan not good enough for him? Dan tried so hard to make James happy, and he was never even faithful in the first place.
Once he got there, he was banging on the door, hoping Phil would answer.
The door opened, to see the raven haired boy with a messy fringe, glasses and grey sweatpants, with a pain blue t-shirt on.
"Hey Da- oh my god, what happened?" Phil said, running forward to hug him, stroking his back calmingly.
"James- James cheated on me, Phil, he had a girlfriend. He just told me," Dan sobs into Phil's shoulder.
"Oh my god Dan, I'm so sorry, come in," Phil whispers soothingly, leading him inside to the sofa.
They both sit down, and Phil's arms are wrapped around Dan, while he cries uncontrollably into his shoulder.
"I just, I loved him Phil, so much, he was my first ever boyfriend," Dan cries, Phil stroking his hair in a loving way.
"Dan, it's okay, it's not your fault. Do you want to sleep over here for the night?" Phil asks, his voice soft and loving.
"Please," Dan says, and hugs Phil, even tighter than before.
It was a week after his breakup, and all he could think of was James. James seemed to be over it, as well, and Dan just couldn't understand. He spent most of his days just crying and eating, while Phil tried to convince him to go outside with him.
One thing, he noticed, was that James had one good point. He felt something for Phil.
He knew he shouldn't, he was his best friend, and he had just gotten out of a breakup, but he so badly wanted to kiss phil's perfect pink lips.
"Hey Dan, I'm heading out to go to starbucks, do you want anything?" Phil's voice shook him out of his thoughts.
"Oh, I'm fine, thanks for offering though," he sighed, playing with his curls in his hair.
"You sure? You never turn down starbucks." Phil pushes, trying to figure out what's up with him.
"I'm sure Phil, god." Dan rolls his eyes and Phil's mostly confused. What was up with Dan? Why did he act so annoyed over a simple question?
"Right okay, sorry," Phil says, sounding slightly upset, before leaving to get his coffee.
Dan feels kind of bad for acting like he did, Phil was only asking if he wanted coffee after all.
When Phil came back with his starbucks, Dan attacks him with a hug.
"Woah, that's a way to say hello," Phil chuckled, stepping backwards to regain his balance.
"I'm sorry, I just- fuck, I've been moody to you all week, and I feel really bad. I've taken all my anger about James out on you, and you don't deserve it," Dan rambles, not letting go of Phil, tears forming in his eyes again.
Phil just puts his finger on his mouth to shush him, and then bring his chin up to make him look at him.
"Dan, listen. He betrayed your trust, you have all right to be mad." He says softly, and their faces are so close together, and before Dan could even think their lips were connected, in a short, yet sweet and loving kiss.
"Shit, Phil I'm so sorry, I wasn't-" Dan tried to excuse but Phil cut him off by connecting their lips once again.
a/n: i’m new to tumblr i have no clue how to format things, also this is old but i’m publishing all my one shots onto tumblr too so uh yeah pls just deal with me while i figure it out !
pls be nice i’m so bad at writing shjsjdjdjs
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mashitandsmashit · 4 years
America’s Got Talent: Season 15 - Auditions 2
11: Thomas Day. Is it okay to mock his hair, or is the Ace-Ventura-in-that-scene-where-he-was-wearing-a-tutu look just in these days? Alrighty then, let's get to the talent...He was good...And that's about it...I generally agree with Howie that his nerves somewhat got in the way of an otherwise charismatic presence, but I suppose he was JUST likable enough that I'd give him a pass...Though this does tell me that he's probably already been advanced to the live shows, because why else would they show an otherwise unremarkable audition in full...?
10: Kelvin Dukes. It's like if Steve Urkel WASN'T irritating and was actually kinda likable! Personality aside, his singing was also...good...Nothing mindblowing...So that's two of three singers at the bottom of my list...I assure you, the other one is much higher!
9: Simon y Maria. Cute and likable, which is always the magic formula for child dance duos. They're very talented for their age, though they better pray they never get pitted against that Indian duo from last week...
8: Frenchie Babyy. I'm usually fine when watching people contort in all these nasty ways, but this time I actually did get a slight bit queasy...Not sure how he stacks up against Strauss Serpent, but I do see potential...He just has a way to go before my enjoyment of him overshadows how much I cringe at him looking like his arm's about to come loose...
7: Divas and Drummers of Compton. STRAIGHT OUTTA...Yeah...This made for a very fun opener to the show, and everything from the precision to the choreography came together excellently! Obviously that three-year-old (looking scared out of his mind of the giant audience) is just there to add a little extra cute factor...Otherwise, they were clearly keeping him off the stage for both said stage fright and to avoid him getting kicked like a football into the field they usually cheer on...Anyway, I see a lot of promise with these kids!
6: Florian Sainvet. This is where the list gets a little tricky, because I greatly enjoyed everyone from this point on...But I guess this human disc burner gets the lowest spot, because I can very much see him...well...burning out...If he can prove me wrong, great! Until then, this was very slick and a lot of fun to watch! I guess the only issue is watching him drop those CDs all over the place...Those things aren't cheap, you know! That said, Howie looked unimpressed, and they didn't show him giving his opinion and whether he said yes or no...Chances are, the Shin Lim Effect came into play here, though in my opinion, this was far enough removed from the usual card tricks that I see Shin as a non-factor...
5: Jennifer and Daiquiri. I'm also quite surprised that there hasn't been a magic dog act before...(I have once pictured a DANGER dog act, though that would probably bring the ASPCA knocking faster than you can say “Woof!”) But this was a fun twist on the usual pet trick formula! And the most baffling trick of all was getting that big dog to fit through that little hoop! I'm all for this act! I legitimately hope they do well!
4: Usama Siddique. Finally, a comedian that isn't a middle-aged woman or has a disability! This is another case where I wish he went longer, but I almost come to expect that by now...Though since Heidi actually called it out this time, maybe that will change real soon...
3: Bonavega. Move over, Hans! There's another flamboyant superstar in town! I won't lie, I was expecting a disaster as well, but aside from being energetic and fun, the dude was actually a pretty decent vocalist...Granted, I didn't hear what he was saying a lot of the time, but I guess it's hard to hear him over all the noise he's making as well as the cheering he got...Oh yeah, and he's not half bad at guitar either! Last year I thought that the drag queen with the beard would be Hans 2.0, but this time I would say Bonavega HAS to be the successor...He has everything Hans had, and more!
2: Roberta Battaglia. When this girl came in with still over half an hour to go, I knew one of two revolutionary things would be happening with the Golden Buzzer...Either the act that I predicted would get it just from looking at the promos would NOT get it, and it would instead go to something different from usual, or they finally refrained from putting the GB at the very end of the show...I was mostly hoping for the former, but the latter makes perfect sense! Why would you want to make it a formula to put the awaited reveal at the end of every show, when that could lead to many of your viewers just tuning in at the very end? What's more, Sofia's selection is very much justified! Not only could this girl sing about as well as Lady Gaga could, but she emulated all of the inflections and tones from the song perfectly! She SOUNDS like Lady Gaga, and I could see her doing a good Miley Cyrus as well! (Say what you will about her music, but that chick can sing!) So far she's the most likely candidate to win this season, though I have my doubts because she doesn't quite have any of the unique draws that helped every other winner stand out...That said, I believe I've heard that she has a lot of fans (from another Got Talent she competed in or something), and we're yet to see how big her video's gonna be or how much media attention she gets...We'll just wait and see if another act comes along that fits the mold better...Though if nothing else, I can totally see her as the runner-up!
1: Bello Sisters. When I read their names on the Wiki before watching this show, I was thinking that Bello Nock's daughter was back with two sisters I didn't know about before...But I guess what we got instead wasn't too far off...Anyway, this had everything you could ask for from an act like this! Already they're putting the Messoudi Brothers to shame (at least when comparing auditions)! And I guess it's only fair, as after said distaff counterpart gave some eye-candy to the ladies, now the dudes get to watch three hot sisters put their hands and feet all over each other! The formations were mesmerizing, and I really hope this act goes at least as far as Messoudi did! Though it is worth noting that there are far more female viewers of this show than the male ones...Just keep them from competing the same night as say, Thomas Day, and we'll be peachy...
This was another overall solid episode! Sure, a few of them weren't anything amazing, but the fact that I consider more than half of the passing acts tonight slam dunks is a good sign! I'm still hoping that MAYBE they can find a Golden Buzzer that doesn't sing, but as long as they're great like tonight's choice, I don't mind too much...
Let's see if that lady they've been hyping up in all the promos gets it next week...
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kolbisneat · 5 years
I’ve really stepped up my comics reading having fully embraced my local libraries. You can just borrow them whenever you want! Also saw lots of movies and watched a lot of the Bachelorette. It’s been a good summer. 


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Midsommer (2019) Oh wow. I’m not one for scary movies but this never felt like a scary movie. Sure it was definitely “horror” in the sense that so much of it is horrific, but it never relied on the typical “scary movie” tactics. For this, I am grateful.
Paddington 2 (2017) The perfect counterpoint and emotional reset after our matinee screening of Midsommer. This video does a better job of explaining why I love these movies, but if you haven’t got the time then know that the Paddington movies are a masterclass in efficient storytelling, visual comedy, and good natured entertainment for all ages. It’s not quite the same as Pixar sneaking in jokes that only adults will get, it’s more that it tells a universal story with familiar characters that land at any age. Just beautiful.
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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Okay so I get that illustrating a tie-in book for this movie means I likely can’t be objective, but I really dug the film. Solid themes that carried through to most of the characters and their arcs, as well as some of the most comic-book accurate visuals I could have hoped for. And I really dig the Parker/MJ dynamic here. Ugh it’s just all so good.
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Alien (1979) I don’t need to tell you how well this holds up. Still as subversive and terrifying as it was 40 years ago. Still not sure what the alien was doing in the escape pod before Ripley shows up.
The Dead Don’t Die (2019) This was a weird one. Meta zombie movies already exist. Zombies as social commentary already exist. Zombie comedies already exist. I suppose I was just hoping for something...new? It was all of these things, but it didn’t seem to push any individual element into unexplored territory. The cast seemed like they were having a good time, but I don’t think it quite translated to the screen. I’d recommend Shaun of the Dead, Fido, or Zombieland instead.


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Instant Hotel (Episode 2.01 to 2.06) A 6-episode season of Australian reality tv judging Airbnbs? A cast that includes an 80 year old trying to look 20 and perfect couple who find each other hilarious? Sign me up. It’s available on (Canadian) Netflix but if you can find it, check it out.
Stranger Things (Episode 3.01 to 3.08) Without spoiling too much, I’ll say that this season was on par with the first, and felt better than the second. It’s not as moody and contained, but it really embraces what I take to be the spirit of 80s media. I feel like the early eps were setting up more of a zombie/body-snatchers plot but I don’t think the series likes to stray too far from the core of that first season. Super fun, wildly silly, and once I embraced the lighter tone it really delivered.
Queer Eye (Episode 4.01 to 4.08) This season really seemed to focus on philanthropic and independent businesses and I’m here for it. There was a Wayfair product placement towards the end which...felt out of place given the politics of the show, but dang if this series isn’t a light in the darkness!
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Episode 1.01 to 1.03) What a mood. It’s a slow burn but I’m really digging that the world feels established and that we’ve come into something well after all the big revelations happened. Now that the crazy has settled, we get to spend more time seeing how the crazy affects the day-to-day. Or what the day-to-day looks like in a new, wild world. Digging it.
The Bachelorette (Episode 15.08 to 15.13) Just wild. Watching that rollercoaster with Luke P was excellent television and terrible dating but that finale was *chef’s kiss* perfect.


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Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (Page 230 of 406) Fun so far! There’s far less of the angel/demon relationship than I expected, but that’s only because I’m going off of what the Amazon show has been promoting. I need to do more research into how they shared the writing because the humour and meandering chapters really feel like Pratchett. I’m keen to see where it all goes!
Mr. Splitfoot by Samantha Hunt (Abandoned) I read half the novel before deciding this one wasn’t for me and it’s not because it wasn’t well-written or an engaging story. I found this on a list of good reads for those who like Wonderland and Alice’s adventures, but I’d say the links between the two were...thin...at best. When you’re expecting fanciful worlds and exaggerated characters, but get far more human (and all too real) trauma then it’s a jarring experience. I read a synopsis of the last 100ish pages that I missed and admit that I think I would’ve been satisfied with the conclusion, but it’s a bummer that the first 60% of the book felt like a holding pattern to get to the good stuff.
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Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 5 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) Still one of my favourite fantasy comics. The characters are nuanced and are continuing to get developed, as is the setting and supporting cast! Every so often it’ll break format, but I appreciate that the gimmick (including a monster-based recipe in each chapter) isn’t getting in the way of good storytelling. I love everything about this and you should be reading it.
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Superior Spider-Man Vol. 1 & 2 by Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Humbero Ramos, and so many more (Complete) I wasn’t sure about this before picking it up but it’s a fascinating study of Spider-Man. It feels like an answer to all those that focus on plot holes and logic. Doc Ock has taken over Spider-Man’s body and he, as the epitome of troll, is just going through and “fixing” what Peter Parker gets wrong. It’s an interesting study in learning more about someone with opposing views. It even keeps Parker’s spirit around to dramatically and comedically respond to his life being taken over by a villain. It’s good! Not the first Spider-Book you should pick up, but worth reading if you want a spider-change. 
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Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 1 by Alan Moore, John Totleben, & Steve Bissette (Complete) After hearing good things about the TV series based on this character (still haven’t watched it) I figured I’d check this out. Knowing very little about the character going in, I loved every second of it! It’s a little bit horror, a little bit classic superheroics, and just a touch philosophical. Can’t recommend this enough.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 2: Squirrel You Know It's True by Ryan North, Erica Henderson,  (Complete) I can’t (and won’t) stop praising this book. It’s fun, creative, and funny! Pitting Squirrel Girl against an evil Squirrel just makes sense and is a fun break from the classic Marvel villains. Hopefully we get back to more of the classics, as that’s what I enjoyed most about volume 1, but it’s good to see that the book doesn’t shy away from variety.
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Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff (Complete) Such a great adventure comic! Set in the early 1800s, it’s like a Female Indiana Jones adventure with all the swashbuckling and plundering that you’d want out of a treasure hunter. Mature in its handling of a number of topics, but done in a light tone and without heavy violence. I think it was sorted as a young adult graphic novel in my library, and that feels fitting. Stellar art and charming characters.
The Undertaking of Lily Chen by Danica Novgorodoff (Complete) Very character driven and an interesting foundation for the story (set in northern China when tradition demanded men be married even after they’ve died). There are really inspiring moments with the watercolour artwork and while it didn’t always resonate with me, it really served the story.


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Maze of the Blue Medusa  (Satyr Press) We very nearly had our first character death! Almost multiple! But they’re playing with level 9ish characters and with quick wits it’s proving difficult to defeat them. They’re still kinda wandering around this maze, but I think it’ll all start to come together soon!
And that’s it! As always, feel free to send me anything you recommend to see, read, hear, play, and so on.
Happy Wednesday!
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vespertine-legacy · 5 years
As I said, I have A Problem, and I made a Watcher Two|Keeper|Shara Jenn playlist. Information about the playlist in general and the tracks below the cut.
Apologies if you’re looking at this on mobile; I found out with my description of my Lana playlist that the formatting gets fucked on mobile, so hopefully it’s at least navigable.
This playlist was compiled with Watcher Two|Keeper|Shara Jenn/Female Imperial Agent|Cipher Nine (OC: Vero’razimiri’vosis aka “Raz”) heavily in mind. Frankly, it was a travesty and a crime that my Raz could not romance her. Also, yes, I will forever and always call her Watcher Two probably, because that’s just how she kind of got stuck in my mind, and because I have adorable tags for her (like “#watcher two where are you” for all the damn times that it would be like “Go to Intelligence HQ and see Watcher Two,” you get there and someone tells you “sorry, she’s busy, you can’t see her,” and “#watcher two i love you” which should be obvious. I may or may not sing those tags to the Scooby Doo theme song; you are not allowed to judge me for that here in my own house).
Without further ado, the tracks:
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie
If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark
[Are you kidding me, Watcher Two would follow Raz anywhere (figuratively, at least - she can’t really leave her station much, but she is only a holocall away and following Raz as best she can through the metaphorical and literal dark on every camera and satellite she can slice)]
Hardliners - Holcombe Waller
Now don't laugh 'cause I just might be The soft curve in your hardline There's no doubt that you are mine, babe There's no doubt that you are mine
[“I don’t get close to my agents, they tend to die on me.” Yeah, okay, Watcher Two, you tell yourself that. We all believe you.]
Nobody Does it Better - Carly Simon
I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me It tried to hide from your love light But like heaven above me The spy who loved me Is keepin' all my secrets safe tonight
[Watcher Two opens herself up to friendship with Raz while the Cipher Agent takes down the terror cell on Balmorra, and doesn’t even realize she’s open to it being more than that until it is too late (but she’s not going to tell Cipher Nine that]
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - Cake
So if you really love me, say yes But if you don't, dear, confess And please don't tell me Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
[Yeah, this one is Raz to Watcher Two. Maybe after fighting Jadus. She gets it - it’s dangerous for someone in their positions to have too many attachments that can be used against them, but still, just say it.]
Love me Like You Do - Kurt Hugo Schneider, Madilyn Bailey, MAX (cover)
What are you waiting for? Fading in, fading out On the edge of paradise Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've gotta find Only you can set my heart on fire
[Fantasizing (ăƒ»Ï‰<)]
I Summon You - Spoon
All that you can give is a cold goodbye The law enforcement's impressed you've survived to this age Strapped-up soldiers They'll lock you in a cage without a goodbye
[Why Watcher Two can’t just say it. Not only is she too Imperial/British, she’s worried about the consequences for her Cipher.]
Chameleon Boy - Blue October
Stand by for another break down. Sound off the alarm. Is this the chameleon boy I swore I wouldn't become? So now we've come upon the hardest thing I've ever done. It's telling you that I'm a mess. What sort of mess I mean is self destructive gasoline... The kind that strips you of your best. While I play instead... The way that most would end up dead. You sleep alone at home and wish that I were in our bed. With this I'm telling you my color changes back to blue... How do I ask you this? Will you help me through?
[Another from Raz to Watcher Two. Being a double agent is hard on Raz, and they both know it. The “my color changes back to blue” line is possibly supposed to be a bad thing, but in this context, it’s good. Raz is becoming herself again (come on, she’s Chiss, she’s literally blue), it’s Raz finally being able to fully shed the “defector” cover. “It feels good to be Imperial again” - “You were always one of us.”]
Winter - Joshua Radin
Your voice is all I hear somehow Calling out winter Your name is the splinter inside me While I wait [Just in general because names are so important and change so often in this storyline.]
Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez
One night to be confused One night to speed up truth We had a promise made Four hands and then away
[Has there ever been a time when Raz had a full night to recover from a mission, and actually got to see Watcher Two, for them to have spent a night together?]
One More Night - Stars
When she's breaking his heart she still fucks like a tease Release to the sky, look him straight in the eye
[Look, I’m gonna be real with you. Raz got a fade-to-black with Vector, and I feel like there’s no way that Watcher Two didn’t know about it. Raz doesn’t actually have feelings for Vector, but he made advances at a time when she was just having a lot of feelings in general that she wasn’t letting herself deal with, so they banged. She fixed things later, but it wasn’t a good thing for Vector or for Watcher Two (or for Raz, honestly).]
Polaris - Jimmy Eat World
You say that love goes anywhere In your darkest time, it's just enough to know it's there When you go, I'll let you be But you're killing everything in me
[Watcher Two has feelings after sending Raz off to become a double agent.]
Think I’m In Love - Beck
I think I'm in love But it makes me kinda nervous to say so What if it's wrong?
[Well, duh.]
How’s It Going to Be - Third Eye Blind
I wonder is there anything I'm going to miss I wonder how it's going to be When you don't know me How's it going to be When you're sure I'm not there
[Hi, I hurt myself again and imagined that she was still fully aware but just locked-in while the damn holoconference was overloading her brain. You’re welcome.]
Nicole - Hotel Books
I think I'm losing you, but I will never regret choosing you Because I am in love, and for now that will be enough And the ones around me convince me that I was the only person who was dumb enough to believe that you and I had hope But now I know even after you began to let your emotions slow the only reason I stood alone was because I was the only one who knew our love was never going to let go
[Raz, while Watcher Two|Keeper is comatose.]
Somewhere Out There - Our Lady Peace
I'm waiting for this sky to fall I'm waiting for a sign
[This one is Raz. The Wellspring on Voss did some things she didn’t expect. It’s more hopeful than it might sound.]
Desperately Wanting - Better Than Ezra
Take back your life and let me inside We'll find the door if you care to anymore
[Corellia. The distortion on the voice isn’t enough. Raz’s heart knows that voice.]
Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
I will never let you fall I'll stand up with you forever I'll be there for you through it all Even if saving you sends me to heaven
[Corellia. They both know the plan is terrible, but it’s all they have, and Raz will do anything for her.]
Demons - Kurt Hugo Schneider, Sam Tsui, MAX (cover)
Your eyes, they shine so bright I want to save their light I can't escape this now Unless you show me how
[Getting ready to take down the Star Cabal, babey. The Minister can get fuckt, but Watcher Two and Raz have got each other.]
Tell Her This - Del Amitri
Tell her what was wrong I sometimes think too much But say nothing at all
[If this isn’t our Watcher Two, I don’t know what is.]
Hey Ya! - The Blanks (cover)  no I will not apologize for including this song don’t even @ me
My baby don't mess around 'Cause she loves me so This I know fo sho!
[Raz is a goddamn dork, can you imagine her damn face when Watcher Two finally actually says the words “I love you” out loud?]
Songs I was going to include but they aren’t on spotify:
Snakes & Ladders - Basia Bulat
When only you could be the one To win out over me, When it isn't just a game; i's the way we come undone
In My Lady’s House - Iron & Wine
There is light in my lady's house And there's none but some falling rain This like a spoken word She is more than her thousand names
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pixelgrotto · 6 years
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The horrific Resident Evil playthrough, finale
Approximately one year ago I began the somewhat mad quest to shove as much Resident Evil into my brain as quickly as possible. I blazed through thirteen games, a handful of spin-offs, and as much supplementary material I could get my hands on. I chronicled my thoughts each step of the way via posts here, on Twitter and in a massive ResetERA thread where a lot of good people gave me advice on how to proceed with the series. Not all of the stuff I experienced was great (those Paul W.S. Anderson movies come to mind), and sometimes this massive undertaking felt like work, but now that I’ve come to the end, I can say that it was worth it, because it’s quite the feeling to bring yourself from having zero knowledge of something to morphing into a Wiki-reading fiend in just a year. At this time in 2018, I had only the barest notion of what this series was about and who characters like Jill Valentine or Leon Kennedy were. Now, I could probably write a pretty heated Twitter thread about how Jill needs to be brought back to the forefront of the series not just with a remake of Resident Evil 3, but with an entirely new game, because she’s been sidelined for years despite being the central figure in promotional material like the fancy artwork that I’ve posted above! Ahem. 
My initial desire to become more familiar with Resident Evil has been part of a larger push in recent years to consume more horror media, mostly because as I get older I find myself increasingly attracted to eerie stories that I was too much of a weenie to dive into when I was younger. Some of it probably has to do with the fact that as an adult I now find stuff like health concerns, existential dread and paying taxes to be more horrifying than things that go bump in the night, but part of it is also because that even as a scaredy cat kid, I was always kinda intrigued by macabre stuff like Resident Evil, even if I couldn’t bring myself to play through the games. 
Now that I’ve plowed through the franchise, I wish I could go back and whisper to my younger self that aside from the first game, RE7 and perhaps bits and pieces of both versions of RE2...Resident Evil isn’t all that frightening. The series does have its jump scares and gore, but it quickly crosses genres into the realm of action, and even in its more tense entries, Resident Evil stays dripping with a fine dollop of cheese, either through B-movie dialogue or moments when the main characters wink at the camera and suddenly take a zombie to suplex city. Action, comedy and horror are unusual but frequent bedfellows, I’ve learned, and with RE embodying all three of these genres, translating them to the realm of electronic entertainment via a format emphasizing survival, it’s only appropriate that this is the franchise that has come to serve as the face of spooky thrills in the video game world.
Resident Evil’s also in a very good place at this moment in time. RE2Make has gotten well-deserved praise from just about everyone who’s played it, and after a moment where it looked like Capcom was going to tilt the mattress and upset the delicately placed bedfellows - emphasizing action and over-the-top comedy more than horror - now it appears that the devs have gotten their heads straight and maintained the balance once more. There’s still room for improvement and careful experimentation though. As the series forges ahead into the 2020s, I hope that Capcom doesn’t get drunk off of RE2Make’s success, milking its formula to exhaustion. I want at least another mainline game to utilize the first-person perspective of Resident Evil 7, which worked better than I ever would’ve imagined, and I’d also like to see the Revelations sub-series, which was supposed to focus on stories that took place in between the main games, continue - in spirit if not in name. (A Revelations 3 or similar spin-off with fixed camera angles - perhaps in a mid-tier budget point ‘n click style a la Detention - would be something that I’d love, though Capcom probably will never go in that direction.) Finally, I’d like Resident Evil to remember that it had fabulous female representation in its earlier entries. The later titles have mostly had male protagonists front and center, which directly reinforces the trope that it’s okay for survival horror games to star the “must be protected” ladies, but anything action-orientated should star dudes so that male players can have their power fantasy trip. This can easily be fixed by doing what I said in the first paragraph - bring the queen Jill Valentine back. 
Finally, because these sorts of franchise reflections are never complete without a good ol’ fashioned list... Here’s how I’d rank the mainline games, complete with a snappy sentence or two for each.
Resident Evil REmake - Because if I had to recommend just ONE game for someone to get a decent idea of this series’ mechanics and themes, it would be this one.
Resident Evil 4 - It’s survival action instead of survival horror, but when the gameplay’s this good, can you really complain?
Resident Evil 2 - Over 20 years old and still a thrilling experience. The epitome of the fixed camera angle games.
Resident Evil 7 - I was afraid that the change to a first-person perspective would alienate me, but I beat this game in two days and couldn’t put it down.
Resident Evil RE2make - Almost as good as the original, and a great sign of the franchise’s future. 
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Worth playing for the return of Barry Burton and the moving story alone, which is basically about fathers and daughters, loss and acceptance.
Resident Evil 1 - The OG that started it all. A little clunky to play in this day and age, but the magic’s still there. 
Resident Evil 6 - The equivalent of an overstuffed exploding cake, RE6 is excessive as hell and sometimes infuriating...but one thing you could never call it is boring.
Resident Evil 5 - A solid series entry about Chris Redfield punching boulders in Africa, this one’s excellent if you play it co-op. Solo, a little less excellent.
Resident Evil Zero - RE probably didn’t need this prequel showing what Rebecca Chambers was doing on the night before she got stuck in Spencer Mansion, but good chemistry between the main characters makes it worth experiencing.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - A lot of folks love this one, but IMO it feels less noteworthy than RE2 and RE1, probably because it was originally designed as a spin-off. I rank it low but am eager to see how a RE3make could boost it. 
Resident Evil Revelations - Jill Valentine’s in a wetsuit that clings to her booty this whole game and she hangs out with a partner who looks like Russell Crowe. Aside from that, Revelations is fine but kinda forgettable.
Resident Evil: Code Veronica - The only RE that truly annoyed me with backtracking and some cheap bosses, Code Veronica is technically still an okay game. But Steve Burnside is a garbage character. 
Thus, we bring the horrific, 2018-2019 Pixel Grotto Resident Evil playthrough to a gentle finish. *Cue relaxing save room theme here.* It’s been fun, ladies and gents. I need to rest up a bit and try some other games that aren’t survival horror for a while. But I like the idea of doing more series playthroughs in the future...
And I think Silent Hill might be a good choice for the next one. 
The header artwork is a textless version of the radical Biohazard 20th Anniversary poster that Capcom put out in 2016. 
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disruptedvice · 6 years
2019 writing meme
i was tagged by @startofamoment​, no doubt because I’ve been talking up that b99 porn star au that I started writing in 2016 but never completed.
It looks like how this meme goes is two lists: Things I am definitely going to write (or things I am definitely most likely going to write from startofamoment’s post) Things I’d like to write, time (and creativity) permitting
But I’m gonna do mine a little different, cause the thing is, I’ve already started writing drafts for literally all of these, like years ago in some cases, so- I mean, I’ve already started writing every single one of these, and have 4+ pages on some, 16+ pages on others, and there’s no telling what year they’ll actually be posted, but here’s some things from my technically wip stuff
Basically, works that I’ve already started the process of writing but who knows when they’ll be completed and just damn, I’ve got so much
The starmora/thorkyrie one shot where Valkyrie reacts to meeting and finding out who Gamora was the way that everyone expected Thor to react to Gamora in IW (confrontational AF- cue Valkyrie harshly whispering “How can you trust them?” and Thor just deadpanning “You literally sold me into slavery when we first met”)
Starmora college AU + artist!Peter and kickboxer!Gamora
Peraltiago Contract killer!Amy and target!Jake AU
Peraltiago Conceptual photographer!Jake + Model!Amy (also, former Art Student!Amy)
Childhood friends starmora AU/both raised by ravagers
Post IW/Post Endgame thorkyrie reunion one shot
Flight attendent!Jake Peralta + hates flying passenger!Amy Santiago
Pornstar peraltiago AU + coworkers to friends to lovers trope
The married peraltiago pregnancy multichapter fic I’ve been planning for AGES
Peraltiago Actors AU (Jake and Amy are actors on a TV show called Brooklyn Legal)
More and previews/excerpts under the cut ~ 
(And because tumblr mobile is going wonky, if this post looks weird, you can just open this post in your phone’s browser and tada! It’s in a readable format and looks like how I actually posted it!)
Dude, so I’ve got some previews for some of these, but I literally just copied and pasted without editing the slightest, so you can see while I may have pages and pages written out for all these stories on microsoft word/google docs, they are still very clearly not ready to post
That multichapter peraltiago pregnancy fic that I’ve had planned since, oh, FOREVER and still haven’t gotten around to-
“I just realized I'm gonna have to stop making sex tape jokes and switch over to dad jokes.” ”Jake, you already make way too many puns to be healthy and tell soul crushingly lame jokes all the time. You already make dad jokes, but they were just called lame jokes before you had a kid. Now your lame jokes can be called dad jokes. But you always had them.”
[In baby fic Jake still tackles her and pulls her to the ground, but its a careful tackle and he always makes sure to catch her and break her fall. It's kinda amazing how quick he does it, how they'll be chasing each other and he'll pull her to the ground, pull her into him. It's almost strange, how quick and gentle he is with it. With her. At first she might have worried about his rough housing, but he was always delicate. Careful but still fun. And she never had to worry about losing her balance with him]
Jake tackles her and she's laughing and hitting him on the arm and saying ”The baby, the baby!” And he pulls back and says “You know, you can't keep using that excuse. It's not fair.” And Amy says “I've still got months and months of that excuse” and he says ”It’s like saying you have to pee during a tickle fight. Now I have to let you go.”
{When Jake says excuse not fair cause its like saying she has to pee during a tickle fight and she thinks that's a fair excuse too not just baby, Amy asks jokingly "do you want me to pee on you?" And he says "you don't know. I might be into that."}.
Contract killer!Amy and target!Jake AU-
where they used to be childhood friends but hadn’t seen each other since they were like 9 years old, and then Amy realizes she recognizes the person she was just hired to kill
She's been struggling with this dilemma in her head for the past few days and even though it's completely irrational she decides not to do it. She decides to help him. She decides to help keep him alive. She actually did a coin toss. Heads she goes through with it and shoots him, tails she helps him. She flipped the coin. It landed on heads. And that cemented her decision.
She was going to help him.
She breaks into his apartment that evening since she learned he would be out.
She wears gloves. Looks through any papers he had, trying to find financials, but there's nothing to suggest why someone wanted him dead.
She wouldn't be much use keeping him alive if she didn't know why someone wanted him dead in the first place. And all the wire transfers for who hired her were anonymous. She turns on his computer and it isn't even password protected. It was a desktop and not a laptop, but still.
He must be the most naive and trusting idiot in the world.
She looks through the files on his computer and nothing useful turns up. He's so normal it's pissing her off.
She looks through his emails and there isn't even a hint of one lousy affair.
And she doesn't feel an ounce of guilt invading his privacy because it was a whole lot nicer than killing him.
She deserved a thank you.
But she can't find anything on why anyone would want him dead.
His plans were dinner with friends or something and it's been an hour at this point and she knows he could walk through the door at any moment and catch her.
Catch her having broken into his apartment. And she still had nothing.
And she decided to fuck it and just ask him. Just sit down on the couch in his living room and ask him who would want to kill him when he gets home.
This whole operation was already fucked, why not fuck it up some more? ___
she hears him unlock and open the door when he gets home. She hears him enter, shut the door, lock it behind him.
He walks down the hallway, finally to his living room and sees her.
He just stares at her and she says "c'mon dude, why the hell is it so hard to find out who wants you dead?"
And Jake blinks a couple seconds and then he says "uh, are you okay? Do you need help or something? Do you know where you are?" He asks like she may have accidentally gotten into his locked apartment cause she had a concussion and didn't know who the hell she was.
And she says "seriously? Seriously, man? I broke into your apartment and you ask me if I'm /okay/?" She sounds frustrated.
And he says "I think that's a fair assumption unless you were the worst robber in the history of ever. I walk in and there's a stranger sitting on my couch. Not stealing my couch, sitting on my couch. Correct me if I'm wrong but professional robbers are A: supposed to take stuff and B: supposed to be gone by the time the home owner comes back. So an empty handed stranger sitting on my couch who just starts talking to me like it ain't no thang instead of trying to flee the first thing my mind jumped to was not a criminal mastermind. Though that actually might be a smart plan after all. If you would've gotten a bowl of cereal and kicked back with the TV on the only logical assumption would be that you just walked out of a hospital ward and and the homeowner would probably call an ambulance to take the obviously confused and concussed woman back to the hospital and you could just walk out the door with all their valuables while they're making that call. That would actually be a great plan."
And Amy's like "don't give me tips on how to rob you better! What the hell is wrong with you?"
And Jake says "but you're not actually robbing me, are you? Cause you're doing a pretty piss poor job of it. Since you're not actually stealing anything can tell me what the hell you are doing here?"
Pornstar peraltiago AU + coworkers to friends to lovers trope
After the confessing feelings for each other part and kissing the heck out of each other:
“Okay, this is really nice and I'm loving it, but I also wanna be with you, not whoever we're supposed to be at work. I want to be touched by Jake Peralta, you know?” Her voice tiltered out, almost wincing, but she was sure he got what she meant. “Fuck, that's all I've ever wanted. Amy Santiago. Who I watch movies with and laugh and who falls asleep on my couch and I have to resist kissing her on the forehead every time.”
Brooklyn Legal - Peraltiago TV show actors AU
Eliza was essentially the let loose wild card character in their cast ensemble, something that could not be more opposite of the actor playing the character, Amy Santiago. Jake's character was in the main cast too, Lucas, who was the awkward book type, preferring hard cover law books when he had to research any preferences for cases instead of just using a computer. Jake and Amy still end up falling for each other.
Starmora college AU + artist!Peter and kickboxer!Gamora
“Your drawings. They’re not bad,” she said simply. “And either you messed up on this one here, or that man was not showing proper form,” she pointed out, down at one of his figure drawings of a man kicking the open air.
“Would you like me to show you how it’s actually done?” Gamora offered with an air of disinterested professionalism, though he’s certain he can see a smirk that’s just begging to be brought out from her lips.
He stared at her, blinking like an idiot. Then he started nodding, still like an idiot.
She gave him a single, curt nod in return before heading back to the mat she was practicing on, this time with a specific move in mind.
Gamora moved into position, breathed out, and let it overtake her.
  "Would you like me to show you how it's actually done?" She offers with an air of disinterested professionalism, though he's certain he can see a smirk that's just begging to be brought out from her lips. Peter blinks once, twice. Like an idiot. Then he starts nodding, still like an idiot. Gamora nods at him once before walking away, walking back towards the mat, positioning herself right where she was practicing before. This time, though, with a specific movement in mind, putting on a show. She goes through her practice arsenal of moves, throwing in that one basically two or three moves, since his goal was to capture figures in motion, not figures in a pose. She kinda loses herself in the routine, and what he probably expected to be a 30 second demonstration turns into 5 minutes of her exercising and moving fluidly through her practice until she's breathing heavy and broken out into a sweat. When she decides to pause and take a break, she looks back over to her new friend/acquaintance, who is furiously scribbling in his sketchbook. Well, that's not quite true. His pencil is gliding across the page in a swift and fluid fashion, much like her movements were earlier. They're both getting their practice in of the art forms they've done a thousand times before, moving through the motions.
Conceptual photographer!Jake + Model!Amy (also, former Art Student!Amy)
When they're about to get started Amy says “I - I like your works.”
And he gives her a soft and polite smile with a “Thanks.”
And she realizes that everyone probably tells him that. Everyday. And they're probably all lying. And if they're not it was probably because they looked them up the night before and memorized all the facts so they could impress him.
That's why she got the polite smile. Because he hears that lie a million times a day by people trying to be polite or something.
And she recants immediately “No I don't. That was a total lie. I didn't even know your name until two weeks ago.” And she's totally flabbergasted but his smile is genuine now instead of polite and she doesn't know what to say or where she's going, but he has a really good smile and she just wants to keep talking so he'll keep smiling. “I like a work of yours. It was the only one I'd seen, and I didn't even know it was yours until two weeks ago when I looked you up and I saw it and I saw you made it, but I just recognized it by sight cause when I heard your name I didn't think I knew anything you ever did, but I was scrolling through it all and I realized that I'd seen it before. And I really liked it, I just didn't know who made it. I mean it's in a museum by my house and your name is on the plaque but all the times I looked at it I never even bothered to read the plaque. Not because I didn't like it, I just never read the plaques in art museums even on the stuff I really love. So I don't like you works or even really know any of them. I just really like the one.”
Childhood friends starmora AU
Later that night, after the eclector had left port, Gamora and Peter were sitting in Peter’s room, just talking.
“How come you didn’t tell me you could fix ships?” He asked, thinking that would have been something good for him to know to convince Yondu to let them take her aboard.
“I don’t,” Gamora said simply. At the confused look he gave her, she grinned something mischievous, like they were partners in crime. “I lied,” she admitted, laughing into her hand.
Peter in turn laughed that much harder.
“But I am a quick learner!” Gamora added quickly. She was pretty sure she could trust Peter, but she had still only met him today, and she had lied to his- captain? From the insolence he spoke to Yondu with, he seemed more like his father. Not in the way that Thanos insisted on calling himself Gamora’s father, but his actual father. She had come up with the lie spur of the moment, because her situation was urgent, and she needed to get off the planet as soon as possible. Anything was better than her siblings finding her and taking her back. Any repercussions from that fib paled to what would be in store if she was brought back to Sanctuary. “I’m good at memorizing stuff, so I can learn how to fix engines if the mechanic on board shows me how. I meant that, about earning my keep. I can be a- a apprentice or something. It wasn’t a total lie.”
“You’re not gonna tell him, are you?” She asked worriedly.
“What? No! I’m not a tattle tale!” Peter told her immediately, and even though she didn’t know what a tattle tale was, she could figure out what it meant from context clues. “He’ll probably figure it out on his own, though. But that’s okay-” he added quickly, when he saw the look of genuine fear in Gamora’s eyes. “Yondu says he values ‘ngenuity ‘‘n stuff. That just means if you manage to pull one over on him he’ll prolly laugh and give you a pat on the back and maybe a smack on the head for being a smart ass, but that’s it. I wouldn’t be here right now if Yondu wasn’t impressed by the few times I’ve managed to actually trick him. I mean- many times. I’ve tricked him oh so many times. Lots.”
Gamora laughed at that, because Peter was such a horrible liar. She didn’t think that was such a bad thing. No, it wasn’t bad at all.
Then flashforward like eight or so years and of Peter and Gamora fall in love because of course they do. So it’s really more of a raised by ravagers falling in love with your best friend starmora AU with a childhood friends prologue (plus some good ol fashion Peter whump with him almost dying on a solo mission they undertake cause yessss)
Post IW/post endgame Thor/Valkyrie reunion fic
“Hey! It’s me! It’s really me! I swear!” Thor held his hands up in a defensive posture, but that only seemed to anger her more.
“I know it’s you! That’s why I’m hitting you!”
She took another swing at him that he easily blocked- either she was too sleep deprived to at least hit him well, or she wasn’t trying as much as she wanted to seem.
They’d sparred before, and this definitely wasn’t even close to the full force of the Valkyrie. Still enough to hurt, though. Her movements were sloppy in a way she’d scolded him for when they had trained together following Ragnarok (“You’re too open, your majesty,” she informed him, with her trademark mocking tone at his title. Thor didn’t really mind. The teasing tone. He definitely minded the kick to the ribs he just got- it felt like they’d been punted into him. “When you swing, you swing wildly, and you make so much of yourself a target. You need to keep your hands up, when you punch, pull back, keep your shoulders tucked. It’s like you’re expecting your opponents not to hit back. Sure, you’re fine if you knock them out on the first punch, anything other than that, your technique leaves you wide open and your ribs prime for kicking,” she informed him, smirking while he was still struggling to breathe evenly again.)
It was the same too open critique she’d criticized him for months ago, the one that she said was fighting like he was expecting his opponents not to hit back. Her swings left her wide open, now.
Though, if she knew it was him, then she also knew he wouldn’t hit back. So maybe the too open fighting made sense right now.
“Aren’t you glad I’m alive?” He asked, blocking an elbow strike and deflecting the punch that followed. He caught her wrist, wrapped his hand around it before she could pull it back (“You’re too open”)
“Of course I’m glad you’re alive,” she growled, sounding much more mad than glad.
Starmora AU where they live in a seaside town and go to college together, and have a competitive rivalry going on as captains of the swimteam, then one day Gamora’s out on the ocean and a storm comes rolling in and she’s tossed overboard, only to be rescued from crashing waves by mermaid!Peter - like seriously, what the hell? This idiot that she’s known for years has a motherfucking mermaid tail???
Oh, and there’s a Sentinel/Guide AU with sentinel!Gamora and Guide!Peter
Plus, some lovely Elspeth Quill prompts that make my heart glow
Also, the B99/Peraltiago Daemon AU where Jake’s daemon is a badger named Jeremiah, and everyone’s like, how did the most cuddly person of a human being get something as scary and confrontational as an American Badger? They took on bears and wolves! On purpose!
Almost forgot about the multichapter Peraltiago space ark AU- it’s technically a series of one shots in the same universe, and a song fic, based on a concept album (so there’s 11 chapters, since the album has 11 songs in it) - I have the first chapter of this completely done, but nothing close to the other 10, and I feel bad about having so many multichapters open at the same time and updating them so slowly (hence why all this crap is in my unposted junk), but I might post chapter one of this soon just as a little ‘screw you (I say to myself and sense of obligation/anxiety), I’m having fun writing this, that’s the only mandatory thing about fic writing, if I’m enjoying myself and taking forever, that’s something to rejoice in, not feel bad about
So yeah, goodness knows when all this shit will be out. I think the closest things I have to done are the Peraltiago space ark ch 1 AU and the Thorkyrie reunion fic
Ima tag @peraltiagoisland, @nymphrea, @star-munches, @marypoppinswasmyfatherbitches, @thingssunspokenorotherwise, @interabangs, @perilinpeace @elsaclack
Please don’t feel obligated to participate if I tagged you, and if you’re looking for an example for the way you’re actually supposed to do this ask meme and not my weird way, startofamoment’s post here is good
(cough cough elsaclack i almost didn’t tag you cause i didn’t want you to be pressured cause i know how that be sometimes, but i love u, and your writing, and also wanted to wave some of my peraltiago stuff that i’m exctied about in your face and be like ‘look what I made!’/’haven’t made yet’)
But really, same goes for everyone here, you’re tagged because ily and i love your stuff, and don’t feel obligated to participate, don’t do this if it’ll stress you out/make you feel pressured in the long run, only do it if it sounds fun cause you’re all so freakin’ great and i want you to have fun
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stardustreviews · 6 years
Blog All Day, Meme All Night
over a month ago, actual ray of sunshine @lynchmatthew​ tagged me in this and uhh i finally finished tweaking this blog so why not do it now!!
tagging @the-little-witches-books, @jostenne, @wylans, @pynchvinsky, and uhh anyone else who wants to!
╰☆╼1. YEET – which book would you yeet out of existence?
Highkey? A Court of Wings And Ruin. That was the book that made me realize that I just couldn’t read anymore Maas. I hated the way she wrote romance, how all her male characters were possessive, the half-hearted attempt at “representation”.
╰☆╼2. CRYING KIM K – which book gives you lots of feelings?
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust. I need to write a review for this at some point, but basically-- it’s an absolutely beautiful book, a feminist retelling of Snow White, and the mother-daughter relationship between Mina (the Wicked Queen character) and Lynet (the Snow White character) is meticulously, wonderfully crafted. I cannot recommend this book enough!
╰☆╼3. AMERICA, EXPLAIN – favourite book set outside the us?
The creator of this tag, @meriknihar​ definitely intended this to be an In-Unvierse question, so uhh,, Illuminae definitely counts, right? It takes place in our cosmos, just very far away in both time and distance. I just love how tight and unexpected the plots were, and the format they chose was so interesting
Otherwise, I’d say The Book Thief, which is set in Germany and made me cry my heart out.
╰☆╼4. RIP VINE – your saddest character death?
A Darker Shade of Magic’s Holland Vosijk. V. E. Schwab created a beautiful, tragic character, and even thinking about him makes me sad again. He deserved the absolute fucking world, man.
╰☆╼5. WHAT ARE THOSE? – a book that left you confused?
Caraval by Stephanie Garber. It wasn’t that I didn’t get what was going on, but it was just too disorienting. The reader never really finds their footing in her story, and even at the end I was still not sure what was real and what was part of the performance. I don’t know, I guess I just felt like the protagonist’s agency didn’t mean anything when the rug was being pulled out from under everyone’s feet each chapter, and each twist seemed to negate the last. It was just too much.
╰☆╼6. BIG DICK ENERGY – favourite character with BDE?
It took me a while to figure this one out, but probably The Cruel Prince’s Jude Duarte. She will do whatever the fuck she can to get ahead, she refuses to be intimidated, and she’s an amazing Slytherin queen who is more than welcome to murder me if she wants.
╰☆╼7. I WON’T HESITATE BITCH – favourite book with a morally grey protagonist?
Vicious by V. E. Schwab. I read this the summer of my junior year and I fell in love with the story. She’s just,,, so good at crafting characters, and I need Vengeful now that it’s out.
╰☆╼8. MOVE, I’M GAY – favourite book featuring a lgbp+ romance?
Anyone who’s been around me for more than 2.3 seconds knows I am a weakass hoe for Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova. It’s a fun yet dark adventure novel featuring Latina witches, realistic and loving families, lots of magic, and the softest wlw couple I know. My heart belongs to Alex and Rishi.
╰☆╼9. STREET SMARTS – favourite book featuring a protagonist whose strength is their intelligence?
Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore! Bitterblue is a puzzle of a book about mysteries and healing, and unlike the warrior Katsa, the titular protagonist doesn’t have strength or survival instincts. Instead, she has a deep desire to do good, and the brains needed to get to the bottom of the wound her father left on her country. (A close second is An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson; it’s a delightful story about a painter spirited away to Fae territories, and she survives largely due to her cleverness. Plus the book has some wonderful reflections of stagnation vs progress and the price of immortality,,, would highly recommend.)
╰☆╼10. ALEXA PLAY DESPACITO – character death you were happy about?
Severus Snape from Harry Potter. I don’t care that he was on The Good Side, and I really don’t care that He Will Always Love Lily. Severus Tobias Snape is a toxic slimebag, and when he joined the Wizard Nazis and called his best friend/crush a fucking slur, got butthurt that she didn’t want to hang with him anymore. He was willing to let an innocent man and a fucking baby be brutally murdered to save Lily, and even after she clearly rejected him, refused to get over her and let it become creepy and borderline-obsessive. The whole thing where he tore a photo of the Potter family so he could have Lily’s picture and no one else’s? And where he tore off her signature too? What the fuck. Also he has the emotional maturity of a 12 year-old, taking his anger out on two innocent and already traumatized children, to the point where he was one of those children’s greatest fear that is not okay. Anyways he can choke.
╰☆╼11. THEN PERISH – a book you DNFed?
Snow Like Ashes. I didn’t get very far into it, but I remember the premise not really grabbing me, and then it was due back to the library and I didn’t really care enough to get it ever again.
☆╼12. KERMIT SIPPING TEA – a book that makes a statement?
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness is a great one. It’s a story about being the side characters, the ones who aren’t the Chosen Ones who get sent on an epic quest against evil. They’re just people, dealing with real problems, mental health issues and conflict with friends, and Ness handles the subject with a deft sort of beauty.
The Twelve Little Cakes also qualifies, too. It’s a memoir of a woman’s childhood in a post-Stalinist USSR-era Czech Republic. Despite the depressing setting, Dery manages to write a book bursting with optimism, with belief in the goodness of people and a better world, and that persepctive is as refreshing s it necessary in this modern age.
╰☆╼13. SAME HAT – the character you relate to the most?
I had,,, a lot of trouble with this one, so I’m going to say that Lara Jean from To All the Boys Ive Loved Before really reminds me of my high school self. She daydreams a lot, loves The Aesthetic, is not very grounded in reality, Is Soft And Kinda Anxious. Sure, let’s say that.
╰☆╼14. OH WORM – a book you didn’t expect to love?
I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson. I’m not normally a contemporary person, but I finished this book sobbing instead of working on a health essay. Books that have conflicts shaped like mysteries and puzzles, where personalities and situations clash in a way that looks a little bit like tragedy? Those are books are automatic favorites.
╰☆╼15. SHREK – favourite book featuring mythical creatures?
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater revolves around the capaill uisce (aka kelpies). Stiefvater is brilliant with characters and atmosphere, so even though her books are more slow-paced, I was still absolutely enchanted.
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gundampilot · 6 years
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Inspired by @dialup2002 to post some more old stuff. :) This is a desktop screenshot I posted on my DevART account January 2005. Kicking it with Windows XP, but I loved/preferred the classic style that I was accustom to (95-98-ME). I made the wallpaper used, but I’m having trouble finding a copy of it. I’ll prob try to remake it in non-1024x768 resolution lmao. Not sure if this is from 2005. It might have been from 2004, but I hadn’t posted it yet. I did that a lot. Some fun notes about some of the software icons pictured (lots of info):
Firefox - THE FIRST BROWSER TO DO TABS OMG. I was a huge advocate for Firefox, especially in its initial releases. They were doing things on the internet nobody had really seen up to that point, and made it popular! Since I had so many issues (as most people do) with Internet Explorer, I was shopping around for a new browser at the time of this shot. Google Chrome didn’t exist yet. (Can you imagine??)
IE - As stated above, I disliked IE. It was kept for various reasons, however. Such as testing website layouts, since the mass-majority of people used it and things looked different in browsers when you were coding.
Opera - While giving Firefox a try, I also managed to snag a very, very early copy of Opera. I’ve always been the type of person that loved to try out new stuff as early as possible, and this was a very special piece of software that I wanted to give a go. The reason that it was special? You had to send away for a CD for it. That’s right, kids. They snail-mail’ed me a CD because it was considered “commercial software.” I paid to get that browser lmfao. I was super super hyped later in 2005, because it became “freeware” and I was able to more-easily push my friends to try it out. The devs were (and still are) seriously awesome. This is why I still use Opera as my main browser today! Ya’ll should try it if you aren’t already! You can even use your most-beloved Chrome extensions on it. :)
Soulseek & WinMX - Holy crap, you guys! lmao Is anyone here old enough to remember these programs?? XD This was basically where most people went after Napster bit the dust. This was when we were all scrambling, trying to find a new P2P sharing program. This was right in-between the eMule/Donkey phase and before the Limewire/KaZaA fiascos where people’s computers were being overloaded with viruses from companies trying to stop pirating. Ahh, the wild, wild west... Days were so exciting when you spent hours downloading something that could potentially ruin your computer lmao
WS_FTP - Still one of my favorite FTP programs for Windows! Works like a charm! These days I use Transmit 5 for Mac, but this was my first program ever for file transfer protocol. It’s basically a tool for uploading files to my website’s server, because back when I first registered it, there was no web uploader for that kinda stuff. Now I stick with that because it’s easier and I’m used to it lol
Veo Digital Studio - Used to use this for my webcam back before webcams were built into laptops, and before they were common enough to have amazing freeware available for them.  (Also this is hilarious.) The quality was horrible, but I was hella excited to take pictures and share them with friends and on my blog at the time. From what I remember, there was something I used after this that was some type of South Korean selca software. Haduri? Something like that. It was really cute and even let you do little animations. :) 
Animation Shop - Okay. So... from what I remember, this might have been owned by the people that made Paint Shop Pro? I think it was Corel. I honestly don’t remember where I got this from, but this is what I used to use to make animated gifs (because Photoshop just....didn’t for some reason? I had to use PSP at some point, I remember that. I just don’t remember why lmao. It might have been my copy didn’t allow it, or my computer was just too shit to run it good enough, or just stopped working because....Windows). 
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 - I originally got this rip from a friend of mine, whose dad got a CD from his company that he worked at. It was an official/real license, which was really awesome! I think this was the first version of Photoshop I ever owned (!!), which is pretty amazing to think about about! I had that CD copy for a few years. I initially was gifted a copy of the CD around 2001-2002 or so. I know for a fact I had newer versions (7.0 was legend before CS suite came around), so I’m not sure why I was using this one at this point lmao. My guess is, like mentioned above, something happened with my computer and I didn’t want to format it and reinstall everything lol or because it was the fastest version I had installed to boot up and do a quick photo edit.
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 - I do remember this took a long time to start up. I can only imagine this was like a bad pirated copy or something, or was so bloated with new stuff in it, and that’s why I kept 5.0 for a quick boot. I know I used this majority of the time, though. Most of my backups for brushes and fonts are from backups that include 7.0 as a zip. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  My computer wasn’t the most powerful at the time, despite what I pushed it to do, so this is prob why.  But hell yeah! Photoshop represent! lol I still use it today, and its still one of the first things I install on a fresh OS install. Enjoying CC 2017 these days.
Nero Start Smart - I was so excited to make mix CDs and share them! Back in the day before you had stuff like playlists that were sharable on YouTube/Spotify, etc, you had this to share music. Or play in your car. Or CD walkman. Nero was a software you could burn your CD-Rs and make your own laser-etched album art! I begged for years to get a CD burner lmao. Back when casette tapes were still around enough that my parents were like “but why???” lmao. They were not common back in the day like they became over time, just, like, included on your computer. Back then you had to buy one and install it into your computer tower yourself! I got mine I believe.....in 2001? It was the year after the Playstation 2 was released. The first one I got was just a very standard burner. Did a very specific type of CD burning at a low (slow af) speed. It was $700 lmfao. Let that sink in for a minute because my parents didn’t let me forget about it for the next four years lmfao. I saved up birthday and Christmas money and went halves on it. Then I upgraded to the one that this one was! c: Which did the laser etching, and DVD burning! (And you better believe I was burning DVDs of stuff I was downloading online lmfao this was the golden age of the internet where everything was just available everywhere as long as you had the patience to download that shit, because it took forever to download)
Volume Control - My dad and I messed with the wires on all of these random computer speakers and stereo speakers that we had collected over the years and hotwired our own version of a 5.0 surround sound in the room, which was mounted to the ceiling corners and above the computer station. It was lit. I needed Volume Control easily accessible because sometimes the speakers needed redirecting, or I needed to turn the beats down because my mother was tired of my fifth time playing the Gundam Wing OSTs and Miyavi. (It was metal, okay???)
Windows Media Player - I did not use this to listen to media. Let me reiterate that. I did not use it to listen to media on. lol this was specifically used to rip tracks from CDs that friends lent me, because it was the easiest software I was able to use to change the KBPs for quality control and the ID3 tags so I could save it and organize it for use in Winamp and know wtf I was listening to lol. Nobody used WMP for listening to music.... xD 
Winamp - The best music player. Period. Still. Nothing beats it. Pls, pls, Nullsoft! Come back and make a native version for MacOS. :’((((  I would buy it! Doesn’t even have to have new features or look different. Classic look, pls pls! 
Media Player Classic - Do people still use it??? This player was amazing! Paired with k-lite codec pack, it played everything. It was like VLC before VLC. And it looked good. Clean. Small. Could be installed anywhere which was nice. And the codec packs just made everything look and run fantastic! 
Recycle Bin - .... Trash XD 
Magnifier - This was for my dad because he had bad eyes and couldn’t remember CTRL +/-/0 to increase the text on pages that he wanted to read.
My Documents - Where I saved all the stuff I downloaded. Not the real My Docs. Just a folder that I named as such, with a custom icon. I don’t know why I wanted it there lol. I think to just have a uniform square on my desktop haha
Journal - I renamed this. I forget the original name of the client, but it was the official client of LJ. It was basically a program that let you write up posts for Livejournal and you could format things, draft them, etc, and post without uploading to your journal/blog. I liked it because sometimes I couldn’t post right away, and it made making drafts a lot easier for me to go back and edit. It also let you edit past posts, which was really convenient instead of looking for it on the web version one post at a time.
AIM+ - I loved AOL Instant Messenger, but over time the ads became too much. I invested a lot of time in 3rd party clients. I was constantly switching between AIM+, Adium, DeadAIM, Pigeon, Trillion, etc. Depended on what I wanted to do that day. Want to clone a SN? Want to skin the colors of the chats? Need transparency? Want to customize your lists? Want to log into more than one msg system at once? They all had their strengths. This was my msg service of choice. Back in the day you were either on this, MSN, or Yahoo!. Some people rocked ICQ and there were a few others, but these were the most common from who I knew/hung out with. I miss those days. <3 
You can see WinMX running in the taskbar lmfao so I was prob downloading something at the time of snagging this quick shot. I also had DevART open (prob because I was gonna share this on there). I really wish I had more programs open at the time of this! XD It’s wild to look back at some of the software changes over the years!
Anyway, that’s one of my oldest screenshots that I can find that I’m able to share right now. :) I’m going to be posting a remake of that wallpaper that I did later today for those of you that want that, too.
If you read this far, thank you!! Hope you had fun reading about old stuff! 
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seenashwrite · 6 years
See you thought it was fun, and now I’ve gone and done some pondering #prayers for Sal
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salvachester replied to your post “Hello, new Nashooligans!”
but NASH, it's fun to see you lecture when you are actually right (srsly, what part of "don't steal from others, Stealing IS BAD" ppl don't get??)
@salvachester I’ve actually given this some thought, Sal, and - other than it not being addressed formally by parents and/or in school - my guess is it’s the knee-jerk thought process of “Well if it’s not for sale, it must be free.”
This was likely a rhetorical comment, but it’s Monday and I’m avoiding Monday adulting, so here we are. Feel free to ignore. Or hey, waste time with me, it can be a group activity.
And I don’t know if the opposite - being almost wary of stuff that’s not got clear parentage - is my knee-jerk due to having gone to school for a thousand years (citations! proper biblio! what does the literature say! footnotes! robust sources! gaaaah!), or if it has to do with age. I already had one foot into adulthood when social media exploded. I’m sure I’ve failed in the past, but now-a-days, I try not to pass along things that appear to have been slapped on here/the Twits without being “shared” as appropriately as possible.
Which, I tell you, the way I was “raised” in terms of leadership style/management style is to train your brain - in a situation where a subordinate has made a mistake - not to immediately blame them, but to first consider were they in any way set up for failure? Meaning: was this related to a systems issue/supply issue/staff support issue/etc. 100% incompetence and/or willful malice should be the conclusion when all else is eliminated. 
So most of these sites - the ones with broader focus than sharing quick thoughts or life updates (like, Twitter’s primary function wasn’t about sharing artwork, Facebook’s jam was supposed to be non-business networking, I know things evolve, but you get my point) - in particular play a big part in this, too. Specifically for the lack of share buttons with every popular media site listed, which should then alert the creator to the publishing of their thing on an outside site. It’s nigh impossible to track, just for plain ol’ metrics, but also because if I were able to see an uptick on Instagram, I’ll know to keep an eye out for folks who do the ol’ screencap and pass-a-long thing.
I’ve thought about locking this blog down to the “nth” degree possible (it’s currently viewable by anyone), and making a side blog for CASPN that’s public. I know that won’t prevent 100%, but maybe it’ll shave off the top.
I also am really convicted regarding naming names, if a thief (or accidental re-posters who can turn themselves into thieves) has been informed and given a link to follow and asked to kindly delete their post, then does not do it. I give them about a week, depending on if it’s evident they post multiple times a day, and then if not? I think the given fandom should be told.
That garbage overtook my blog and drew out a handful of cranky folks who were apparently having a bad day and needed to process it aloud and it fell at the NashHole Inc doorstep (and, hey - they lucked out, they could’ve done it to a dragon slayer instead of someone who decided a loooong time ago to go the educational windbag route with those types of folks), and it really wasn’t my intent. I *am* thankful that nobody piled on that kid, that people did as I asked and just reported the post/spoke bluntly but not rage-y in messages, but lord have mercy, I wish I could shut it down and let folks know this particular one is over, and there’s no need for anyone to waste their time going over there, or clog up their blog.
So here’s my thought: Should there be a blog that’s focused on SPN thievery, story plagiarists, etc., exclusively? Kinda like how Canon SPN gifs is just.... well, canon SPN gifs. And it’d have a whole slew of mods who’ve been around forever, who live in a variety of continents/countries/time zones so that the mailbox 24hr coverage so to speak, and ideally a good chunk of whom have had things stolen from them. And it would have a process similar to what I describe: the request to take down; some standard time period with flexibility based on whatever circumstances (say, if they’ve noted somewhere that they’re on a hiatus); if that time period passes with no response, or they block the rightful owner or behave rudely, then comes the report to the site in question followed by the “report to the fandom” via this blog in an agreed-upon simply formatted post; tag the post with the thief’s name so that people can come back and search for updates; and of course, update the fam along the way.
I figure that way people can follow or subscribe for alerts, and then reblog at their discretion, or could make a tiny post of their own with a link back to a certain post at the theft blog being like “Y’all need to look at this post if you’re a writer, the SPN Thief Alert blog found a Wattpad user with a ton of stolen stories”. 
Anyway. Hmmmmm..... Okay, sorry my brain droppings fell on you, you lucky victim! MWAH!
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disneydreamlights · 7 years
So, while most of the Norts in the MMO AU follow the rule of "personality traits through the filter of Xehanort", Terra-Xehanort would be different, due to Terra/Eraqus and Xehanort constantly struggling for control. That, combined with his amnesia, would result in Terranort developing a split personality. One is how Terra views Xehanort, which would later become Ansem, and the other how Xehanort views Terra, which would later become Xemnas. Extracting Terra's heart wouldn't fix this.
...Which would explain why neither Ansem SoD or Xemnas aren’t a lot like Xehanort at all. I’d imagine it must’ve driven Xigbar crazy though. (Good.)
So, what keeps the Dandelions from being total gamebreakers once they're freed is that they are, for the most part, pacifists. This means that they'd just serve the in-universe explanation for where the other players in Multiplayer come from, unless there is an in-universe explanation for them to be more involved in the plot. Additionally, I imagine most of them would hang up their Keyblades to live normal lives after being freed. And to be frank, I wouldn't blame them.
I wouldn’t either given all that the MMO AU puts them through.
As for the Keykids running the Ice Cream shop, they'd both be Dandelions due to being from different Unions and not wanting to have to fight each other. They would not wear their ice cream uniforms at the Dandelion meetings, since they're not on the job, and the ice cream is more of a hobby. They would both wield Sweetstack though, even when off the job. All the Sweetstack Materials would be Ice Cream ingredients. Strelitzia and Mog were their favorite customers.
As for how the fact that they're siblings would be revealed? After you ask them about Ven's whereabouts (which wouldn't be easy seeing as they change what World their located in every day), Black Hair would remark on how surprising it is that they get along despite being in different Unions, while White Hair would bring up that they're twins. Cue the flood of angsty oneshots about them fighting and killing eachother in the Keyblade War until they're revealed to be Dandelions.
As for why they're running an ice cream stand? It was the family business, and they both want to keep their family's legacy arrive. They open up the shop whenever they both fill their Daily Quotas. And I just now realized that I accidentally created two OCs with a cute yet angsty backstory while trying to come up with an excuse for Sweetstack to be in the MMO AU. Although I kinda wish I knew how to draw because I just realized my imagined uniforms for them aren't in the canon game.
Ice cream twins you’ve got me sold I am now invested in these characters.
As for where the Ice Cream Vendors would run their shops on what day? Dwarf Woodlands outside the mines on Monday, Wonderland by the White Rabbit's house on Tuesday, Agrabah's Bizarre on Wednesday, Olympus Coliseum by the stands on Thursday (In the Underworld near the entrance in October), Beast's Castle in the Courtyard on Friday, and Daybreak Town in the park on the Weekend. They'd sell ice cream to the spectators during your matches in Olympus Coliseum, just to give the tournament more flavor
Can we buy ice cream while we watch matches or is it just the NPCs and they’re just there to add more character to the Olympus Coliseum stands and as a cute Easter Egg.
You know, after COM put forth the idea that death was the best possible ending for Repliku and that beings like himself could never be happy because they're not real people, I'm REALLY glad that the future games that remember he existed treated his demise as something tragic and not some kind of "mercy kill". His death always made me so mad because it was ultimately POINTLESS to the plot and a great example of a WASTED character. There's a reason I NEVER go down the same route canon did with him
That’s because it wasn’t really a mercy kill. Repliku shouldn’t have existed, it’s true, but once he did he also didn’t really deserve to die. He deserved a better life than the one he got, and its why the fact that he had to face Riku and die all the more tragic.
You know what, can we just have an AU where Namine stops Riku and his Replica from fighting to the death so that Repliku has the chance to be his own person and go on a journey of self discovery? Although I feel like he'd be relieved if Riku got a Keyblade and he didn't just because that would be one difference between them both. He'd probably also style his hair differently from Riku as part of that "forging my own identity" thing. It would be difficult and painful, but at least he'd be alive.
So I don’t quite have that at my disposal, but:
How do you feel about a 500+ chapter AU in which we get to see Repliku saved on the brink of death and shoved into a completely new universe where he is the only Riku? Because I can supply that for you it’s basically the starting point of one of my favorite fics.
Okay so, in KH3, while Roxas would have grown alongside Sora, Ven would not have aged a day while he was in the Chamber of Waking. This means that Roxas would look older than Ven. Vanitas would also look younger than Sora, due to not aging while his Remnant survived through sheer force of hate. Poor Ven, he's ancient but looks younger than the 3 year old.
This is one of the most hilarious things I have ever heard rip Ven.
I imagine Back Cover would be where all the vitriol that was once directed at Brain would then be redirected at Lauriam. Because once you see a 14-15 year old flashback to how he lost his sight and friends just days after the fact, and witnessed someone murder their closest friend, it's kinda hard to not rethink things like that.
I mean all my hatred towards Blaine if I had any would be immediately redirected towards Lauriam once Strelitzia is dead so I don’t even think I’d need Back Cover to hate him, assuming she’s revealed before Back Cover releases at least.
Laurie would lie about Aced killing Strelitzia before 2.8 released. In Back Cover, the famous Case of Luxury scene would be shown when Ava asks Luxu if he's the traitor, and cut back with the implication that he told Ava what the Master told him. The fun-sized Chirithy Ava squeed over was totally Nightmare Chirithy. Invi and Ira would be fighting during Ava's confrontation we Luxu.
Hey Lauriam don’t blame my son for my daughter’s demise.
Anyways, I’d like that transition more. Tbh I kinda wish we did get to see the Keyblade War unfold. It’s one of the only things I don’t like about BC is that it doesn’t follow X to its conclusion.
Okay so, in the MORNING AU, I imagine that the Mango could continue past KH2 depending on why the Manga ends there. As such there would be a Manga Adaptation AND Novelization of KHX. The novelization would have the default male protagonist, while the Manga would have the default female protagonist, and have her be part of Anguis. They'd also be characterized differently, the novel protagonist being more timid and the Manga protagonist being more snarky.
So yeah, the protagonist of the Manga would have Lauriam and the Keyblade Wielders from the Neoshadow Arc as party members until the Neoshadow Trio become Darklings. She'd leave the party after Lauriam blames her for what happened to their three party members. The Novel protagonist MIGHT be an Ursus Wielder, not sure yet. Aced would terrify both of them, since neither could defeat Ava when she was holding back, and Aced would actually be trying to kill them.
If they’re part of Ursus, I doubt they’d be afraid of Ursus. If you ask me, I think novel protag should be a member of Leopardus though. Creates good contrast versus Ava, and could create a lot of interesting arcs.
Both would have Medals in the "Toon Medal" deal. The Manga protagonist would have a Power-type Medal while the Novel protagonist would have a Speed-type Medal. The first time we hear either say their names would be when Ephemer is introduced. Neither protagonist would talk much, though the Manga protagonist's thoughts would serve as narration. The first time the Manga protagonist speaks would be to tell off Lauriam at the end of the Neoshadow arc before leaving his Party.
So, the Novel and Manga protagonists would both have Medals in the "Toon Medals" deal. The Manga protagonist would have a Power Medal while the Novel Protagonist would have a Speed Medal (if in Ursus) or a Magic Medal (if in Leopardos), in accordance with the idea that all the Keykids are the type that their Foretellers are strong against. They'd be the closest thing we'd have to Medals based off the Player, though both would be treated as distinct characters.
I think there should be a KHUx Toon Medal deal later on actually, where you can get Player and the five Foretellers, since in Ux they’re dead and could be used as medals.
So, MMO AU 0.2 would be virtually unchanged, save for the more intense version of "The End of a World" cutscene that I'm already forming a new idea for in my head, but that's a story for another day. But there would be one other change. You'd actually be able to see what abilities Aqua has on the difficulty you're playing on. Aqua'd have Treasure Magnet on both Beginner and she and Mickey'd both have it on Critical. There still wouldn't be prize drops in Critical, it's only there to taunt you.
...Wow, that’s cruel. Good thing I don’t play Critical because I’d cry I think.
So, in the MMO AU, starting up Back Cover in 2.8 would play a "spinning heart scene" like in the game. Unlike the games, the little screens would depict moments from past Kingdom Hearts games instead of moments from Back Cover. The music that plays over the spinning heart would be "Ventus". The credits themes would be "Case of Foretellers" and "Cavern of Remembrance". I'd probably keep the cutesy recap opening, just without the annoyingly formatted text layover. That was just BAD.
Actually maybe "The Dream" would be more appropriate than "Ventus". Anyway as for how I'd change "The End of a World" from my original idea would be to have the Keyblade Graveyard get absorbed by Kingdom Hearts. THEN Kingdom Hearts explodes, vaporizing the entire universe save for Luxu who survives by hiding out in the Realm of Darkness before Kingdom Hearts can absorb him. I mean, escaping from that to fulfill his role would be kinda difficult.
Honestly please change the entire intro. Maybe keep some of it but that intro could’ve been done so much better than they actually did.
Wow, honestly poor Luxu. Hiding in the RoD to survive doesn’t sound like it’d be fun.
So, I've lost track of what all I've sent you over the past couple of weeks, but I did have one idea that could be cool: imagine if there had been a movie based off the fall of Radiant Garden. I imagine that Xehanort would start out as the main antagonist until he splits between Ansem and Xemnas, at which point one of them would take over the role. I don't actually have as many ideas here as I do for the MMO part of the MMO AU.
I don’t need as many ideas make it a full length movie collaboration between Disney and Squeenix and I’m sold.
So, Sora would be conspicuously absent during Strelitzia's solo game as well as during the Epilogue DLC is that for the final phase of the final battle against Xehanort, Sora would trap himself and Xehanort within Kingdom Hearts. While the final clash would only be about as long as the battle against Xemnas' final form, outside of Kingdom Hearts, an entire year would pass during that duel. Fortunately, Sora would escape as soon as Xehanort is defeated, unscathed save for losing his powers again.
Damn...Poor RIku and Kairi. THey’d probably be searching for ways to rescue Sora the entire time instead of doing anything involving the other characters.
I kinda can't help but notice something mildly amusing about the MMO version of Back Cover. Mickey Mouse (or rather, a holographic double of him) is basically a herald of the apocalypse. I mean, his appearance is what tells the Foretellers that the people in the Book of Prophecy's Holo Worlds can leak out into the real world, explaining where the Heartless came from. Lauriam and Ventus just confuse them, because they KNOW they're not holograms.
So yeah, Invi basically accuses each of the other 4 Foretellers of being the traitor throughout MMO!BC. First she accuses Aced when he tries to kill her for talking Gula out of their alliance. Then she assumes it's Gula upon learning that Ira thinks that's the case. Then she accuses Ava upon learning about the Dandelions. Then, upon learning of Aced's true role, decides that IRA must be the traitor. The fact that Ira intends to wipe out everyone who fights in the Keyblade War doesn't help.
Okay so, Invi is kinda like Aqua in her devotion to the MoM, save for the fact that she LITERALLY worships him. That's kind of why her last words implied she was okay with the World ending, she had pieced together that the MoM WANTED the apocalypse to happen, and who is she to defy his will? The MoM is, amused by her worship of him, and he probably could have told her his true goals without her lifting a finger to stop him. It's Ava he's worried about.
So yeah, the reason he's so uncharacteristically serious around Ava is because he needs her to get Ven and Lauriam into the Unchained State. He needs Xehanort's plans to end a specific way in order for his eye that he placed in his Keyblade to end up in Kingdom Hearts, while Xehanort needs to drop Ventus off at the Land of Departure to notice the darkness in Terra's heart. Ava and factors he knows he can't control (the Gazing Eye doesn't see everything), could make everything fall apart
You know given how Invi was meant to invoke appearances related to Aqua with color scheme the fact that she parallels Aqua is really fitting.
Him being super serious around Ava makes sense if she’s the biggest threat though. Taking her more seriously means she’s less likely to mess things up for him.
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