#okay tag rant over I'm normal now.
nellasbookplanet · 4 months
Do you remember when c2 ended and a bunch of people got angry at Matt and Liam because they thought they didn’t make shadowgast canon enough. Anyway Caleb and Essek have been dating for 7 years and Caleb calls Essek dear and Essek calls Caleb in the evening to chat and drops german zemnian words in casual conversation and once turned into a fish on one of their Aeor dates and Caleb carried him around and they’re both absolutely smitten
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 [Part 3: Glow]
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And suddenly, the thing you feared most becomes the only thing you can seem to trust.
Main tags/Warnings: Werewolf!Jungkook, Werewolf!Bangtan, strangers/enemies to lovers, romantic Jungkook x reader, Platonic bangtan x reader, eventual smut, mentions of past emotional/psychological manipulation, hurt and comfort, fluff!, some angst, actually a bit more than just some, but we're getting spicy
Length: 2.5k words
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None of it makes sense. Or at least, you refuse to let it make any sense.
Suddenly, the medications in your drawer look more like poison to you, as you anxiously unlock your phone to search up the name of it online. But the moment you do, you accidentally accept Jungkook's call- who's unaware of the panic you're in right now. "I was wondering where you were. You're not ghosting me right now, are you?" He laughs, jokes, but you can't really see any fun in it right now.
"I'll- Jungkook can I call you back later?" You say, trying to sound normal- but you don't, because Jungkook's now serious tone gives away the fact that he knows something's up.
"Everything okay?" He worries. "You sound upset." The alpha wolf states, and you sigh, running a hand over our face.
"Yeah- yeah!" You force out. "I'm good, just, a little sick. That's all." You stutter out, staring at the now opened letters from your mother and the final notice you got today.
"I'm sorry but I'm not buying that at all." He sighs on the other end of the line. "Do you need anything? Even just some company?" He asks, offers, and you're not sure about that. "I can just stay on the phone, too. Don't have to come over or anything-" He rambles, when you swallow thickly, cutting him off.
"Do.." You start, before you summon all of your strength to speak it out loud. "…Do you know a medication called Amatropin O-plus?" You ask, and he's quiet for a moment, before he answers you.
"I know of Amatropin A-plus. It's.. a prescription medication used to control instincts in prime-Alphas." He explains, and you put your phone down at that, putting your face into your hands. "Why are you asking?" He presses, saying your name after to gain your attention back.
"What the fuck.." You breathe out. "I'm gonna lose my job- my whole life-" You rant, deadline for your IC-evaluation test staring back at you, before you grab your phone. "How do I get out of an IC test." You demand to know, voice quivering.
"What are you talking about?" Jungkook asks. "An IC-evaluation is mandatory, you can't just get out of one. But why are you even-" He suddenly stops. "…I knew it." He suddenly says.
"Knew what?" You bark. "Knew what?! Has everyone been lying to me now?" You break, as Jungkook's voice is heard again.
"Can you let me in?" He asks, and you're not sure what he's talking about- when a knock is heard on your door. and as you open is, he's right there, ending the call before he slips his phone back into his pant pocket. And you're not sure why exactly you do it- probably some weird wolf-shit that you just don't understand yet, but you just open the door fully, and let him hug you for a good little while.
"What do I do now.." You whine, while he closes the door behind you, and wraps both of his arms back around you.
"We'll figure it out." He reassures. "Can you show me the notice?" He asks, and you part from him and sniffle, collecting yourself a little to walk him into your bedroom, where the floor is littered with ripped open envelopes, handwritten letters, and lastly- the notice, right next to your opened box of medication. You sit down in the mess, and he himself takes his place right next to you, taking the official notice for himself to read over it. "It's a final notice. Where are the other two?" He asks, and you shrug.
"Probably having been sent to my mother." You say, defeated. "God my whole life is over." You complain, face in your hands.
Jungkook doesn't want to pry, but as he reads some parts of the handwritten letters, he begins to put one and one together. It's not unusual- especially with omegas, situations like this happen more often than not, really. Parents hiding their daughters and sons either out of shame or fear- and in this situation in particular, he doesn't know which one it might be.
Some parents are ashamed due to the stigma russounding omegas. Others are afraid because of how they're treated, and how often they're the victims of crimes.
"She knew. She.. must've known that they'd send me this, right?" You ask, and Jungkook shrugs, trying to contain his own instincts right now. You've probably not taken your medication since yesterday now, because your smell is now a lot more present than he's used to.
"Absolutely." He agrees. "She probably didn't react to them either, which is why they searched for your personal address now for the final notice." Jungkook explains. "You can explain to them what your situation is though. I'm sure they can offer you more time to prepare."
"But I've been technically living alone in the city illegally, right?" You worry. "I've been working illegally- oh god what if I go to prison.." You whine, and he runs a hand over your back in comfort.
"You didn't know." He tells you softly. "I'll help you with things, okay?" He offers, and you nod, trying hard to calm down now. "And I'm sure you have a place with Namjoon and the pack too, if they really deem your score turns out too low to stay here." The wolf comforts.
"She's not even my actual mother." You mumble quietly, staring at the letters with an empty gaze. "She knew all along what I was, but she didn't want me like that. She just.. kept me because she promised my dad to take care of me."
Jungkook feels for you. Omegas aren't seen very fondly, especially not by humans- simply brushed off as sex-hungry beasts who can't even take care of themselves properly without a pack or alpha around or a dick inside them. Which is entirely untrue- but years of written fantasy novels and the misuse of them in online erotica and porn in general has given them a stigma they can't shed. Just like alphas are said to be violent creatures with no sense of control, Omegas are just filled with lust and nothing else.
He's upset at that. You don't deserve to be forced into a situation like this- no one does.
"But that's the past now." He tells you. "I very much want you just the way you are. And I promise you, the rest of the pack won't mind you either." He explains, and you nod.
"Jungkook?" You ask, and he hums a reply, before you lean into him, clinging onto his warm body. "Thank you." You mumble, and he can't help but smile.
"No problem."
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"Not surprised." Yoongi says as he finishes his food. "She might've been able to fool other humans, but not other wolves." He says, while Jimin sighs.
"Poor thing." He sympathizes with you. "I remember my mom went through the same thing. She was so glad when I turned out to be a Beta." He remembers, and Jungkook nods.
"I'm going to try and push the evaluation date back as much as I can today." Jungkook explains. "There's no way she can just be evaluated in two weeks, when she's never even had enough time to prepare. It wouldn't be fair at all.." The alpha wolf complains.
"It's never unfair to them in any case." Namjoon worries to himself. "I still can't believe that they're still seen as something to be ashamed of. I mean, that's her mother we're talking about." He shakes his head. He doesn't know the full situation yet, and Jungkook also doesn't want to involve them too much until you yourself want to.
"I'm more concerned about her safety." Yoongi argues. "Is she taking her suppressants?" He asks Jungkook, who shakes his head.
"She's scared of them now. Refuses them." He explains.
"So you left her?" The alpha growls. "You left an omega alone, who's never even experienced her own Instincts without any control before, and is under added pressure of her entire life basically falling apart?" He scolds angrily, causing Jungkook to shrink in on himself.
Yoongi can be quite intimidating.
"Yoongi has a point." Namjoon offers a lot more kindly. "I'd suggest you either stay with her, or even better bring her here so she's in a safer environment while she adapts to things." He suggests.
"I can ask her if she wants that." Jungkook nods, before he gets up. "If not, I'll stay with her instead." He mostly tells himself, leaving the packhouse.
"Do you think that's a good idea?" Hoseok wonders. "I mean.. we all noticed it.. right? Will he be okay alone with her?" He asks, and everyone grows a bit more quiet.
Because you're not just any kind of omega.
And everyone worries about the added challenges you might face because of that.
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"Maybe you should ask about a lower dosage before you just quit them like that-" Jungkook tries, watching you struggle with your clear headache next to him on the couch.
You shake it softly. "No, I don't have time for that." You deny. "I've got too much.. paperwork to fill out and all.." You complain, raising your head to look at all the unopened and opened letters on the table, stacks of paperwork ready to be read and filled out with your personal info as soon as you want to.
Or can, in your case.
"You do have time." He gently argues. "Half a year, remember? Six months to prepare, and these documents don't need to be signed for another three weeks." He attempts to explain to you. "Please think about your health first. Quitting medication you've been on for years just like that isn't a good idea." The alpha urges, and you sigh.
"I don't want them." You argue however. He knows it just has to be overwhelming- if not just mentally, then physically as well. Your body is entirely confused and out of balance now that the usual hormones and other ingredients of your medication aren't present any longer. And yet, you refuse to see anyone for it, and he doesn't know why
Is it shame? Embarrassment? And if so, what does that say about what you think of him?
But he swallows that down, or at least tries to, when you furrow your brows in confusion, suddenly looking around, before your eyes find him. He looks at you in question, when you stare into your kitchen in alarm, getting up to check- but on your way, you already stop, because no, that smell is not coming from there at all.
One look back just offers you Jungkook sitting still on your couch, confused as ever.
"I.. you.. smell that too, right?" You ask, and his golden eyes are unsure.
"I don't really know what you mean." He asks. "What exactly do you mean?"
"Something.. burning. I don't know. It smells like.. I'm not sure, like plastic burning almost." You cringe, and at that, his face softens.
"I'm sorry. That's.. probably me." He chuckles a bit as you walk back towards him to sit down once more. "Your senses are probably.. I guess returning as they're supposed to be." He offers.
"But- my meds are only for instincts-" You start, when he shakes his head.
"No, they're used to prevent sensory overload." He explains. "That's a bit different. It's to basically shut down all the things that make us.. well, different. Our instincts get shut up, our senses become dull, and in turn, our own scents and stuff become almost unnoticeable too because our bodies dont produce the same hormones and stuff." He shrugs. "Which is why I'm trying to tell you you shouldn't just cut them off like that. It'll be incredibly hard to go through that." Jungkook offers.
You feel horrible for him.
For years you believed all the stories told, never actually thinking about what he or any of his kind must be going through. He probably deals with all of this daily but knows how to handle it- and from what you read online, his instincts are even stronger than most.
Which is another thing you want to know more about.
"Jungkook.. what does 'prime' mean?" You ask. "It's.. like, it's in front of your sub-gender, and on the evaluation invite it said the same for mine." You wonder with a good amount of worry.
"That's something for another time." He offers, while you wince from the pain in your head as you move it too quickly to follow him with your gaze as he walks towards the kitchen. "For now, lets settle with some simple human meds for your headache, and then we'll visit a specialist, okay?" He questions, squatting down where you sit on the couch with a glass of water and some regular headache pills.
"...you don't have to go everywhere with me, you know." You mumble, reluctantly taking the items from him- mostly because your headache is getting unbearable at this point.
"I can ask someone else from the pack then- but you shouldn't be out in this state by yourself." He sighs, before he takes his place sitting next to you again.
"Why not?" You whine, after taking the pills and eagerly chugging the cold water down. Somehow, you feel thirsty.
"Because.. You're pretty much a walking target right now." He sighs. "Wolves might not be what they always say but they're still.. some have the potential to be dangerous, let's just say it like that." He offers. "Your scent alone.. is like a drug to alphas especially." He says.
You watch him for a moment.
"Even for you?" You ask, and he shrugs- and only now do you notice the sweat on his hairline.
"Even for me." He nods, before he smiles. "But I've got good self control, so no need to worry." He tries to joke- but you don't find it funny at all.
"I'm sorry." You shake your head, staring into the kitchen where the medications lay. "I.. didn't think about how this could affect you at all.." you apologize, but he just shrugs it off. "No- it's not fair on you at all. You're being nothing but nice to me and I'm acting like a child basically.."
"Your whole life got turned around. I don't blame you for anything." He just shakes it off, and it doesn't make the weight on your soul feel any lighter.
"Jungkook.." you ask quietly, and he leans a bit closer to hear you better. "Can we... still be friends now? Even though I'm.. an omega and all?" You worry.
And Jungkook just laughs.
"Of course we can."
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
1 - First Name Basis
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Part 2
Feisty Coffee Girl
Tag list - send an ask to be added
Seattle is known for one thing: tons of rain and anyone who comes here always complains about it. Now that's not to say that those who have lived here their whole life don't get annoyed by it too. Nobody likes walking in the rain. Most find enjoyment in it because it means you get to stay in bed all day or you're a farmer and your crops desperately need some water. Anyway to the point of my ranting of rain is that I would find enjoyment in it on a particular morning. The morning I met the particular surgeon who would change my whole life forever….
The morning started out like any other; the news reported a heavy chance of rain. Jumping out of bed I missed my alarm and one of my friends who was supposed to babysit today was running late. Holding my phone up to my ear I was running around like a mad woman. “Caroline, please hurry. I need you to please be here.”
“I'm coming up the stairs now. I got stuck in traffic. Why is today so important exactly?” My best friend from home who I had moved with here asked me.
My sister Izzie and I grew up in a trailer park in Chehalis, Washington. Our mother basically raised us on our own until Izzie told her she wanted to go to medical school. Our mother spent up the money that we had saved for this to some psychics she went to see. I didn’t really understand why she needed the appointments but I could assume it was because both her daughters got pregnant young. Yet only one of us kept the baby….and I was the one who did it. “It is important because my boss said I would be getting my promotion today. The only requirement is that I come in earlier than normal.”
“Okay now I remember. And calm down, I am outside your door.” She knocked on my apartment door three times while I tossed my phone on the coach, heading to open the door letting her inside.
Caroline Brooke, my childhood best friend, smiled at me. Her curly blonde hair falling over her shoulders when she sat down at my kitchen island. “Why don’t use ask your sister to watch Eve?”
“Because she works 40 hr shifts and she’s only just an intern. She can’t afford to miss a day.”
“And apparently neither can you.” Caroline sent me a half glare. “Have you ever thought about giving your mom the spare room so she can watch her?”
Shaking my head I knew she had a good heart but she didn’t grow up around my mother all the time. My mother was happy I kept my baby up until the point when I had started working at the diner near our trailer park and I wouldn’t give her my money that I had earned. “Caroline, I love you. But my mother only cares about herself nowadays.”
“Sorry," I asked. Hey uh we should probably get Eve to school soon.” She clasped her hands together in her lap.
Looking back over my shoulder to the clock I saw it was almost 9:30 and I needed to be at work before 10:15am. Sliding on my feet I went down the short hallway to my daughter’s room creaking it open. “Everly, we need to get going. Caroline is here to take you to school.”
“Okay, mommy.” Everly came out wearing an orange sweatshirt with an orange on the front and some blue jeans and tennis shoes. She ran past me hugging my best friend sweetly. “Caroline!”
Grabbing my bag by the front door I slipped on my brown boots. I had put on my black leggings and a long green sweater that was required for our uniforms at the coffee shop. Caroline walked towards the door with me and so the three of us headed downstairs. Entering the store my boss Mandy came around the back corner. “Stevens, I need you to work the orders for a few hours until our meeting.”
“I'm on it, boss.” I called her from the back room. This had become our busy morning with the heavy rain everyone wanted a warm drink to fight off the cold. Scrambling around with a tray of coffee I handed them to each one in line who had already prepaid.
I heard someone call my name to head back to the front cash register. “Y/n! Somebody’s at the register waiting.” Della, my work friend came around the corner throwing her brunette curly hair in a ponytail switching jobs with me.
Moving back to the register seeing a guy with green eyes and brown hair. He also had a good scruff going on his chin. “Well now my day just got a whole lot better. You’re the first beautiful thing I have found in this city since I flew in last night.”
“Oh wow. I was not expecting this to start my morning off. Uh what can I get you?” I chuckled, tucking some loose hair behind my ear avoiding his gaze.
The stranger sent me a smile. “A bone dry cappuccino. Unless you have any other recommendations.”
“I’ve had the blueberry scones here and they are pretty good.” I tilted my head to the side.
The stranger reached into his jacket pocket. “I’ll take one of those too.”
“That’ll be $8. 05.” I finally lifted my gaze up to his. Blinking my eyes I just stood there for a second as he handed me some cash and I saw it was a twenty dollar bill. “Uh this is too much. I’ll give you change back.”
The stranger sent me a smirk shaking his head no. “You can keep the change, little blonde.”
“The names Y/n for your information since you didn’t choose to read my name tag.” I rolled my eyes at him, slightly turning around to make his coffee. Pouring the different liquids in a cup focused on my task until he spoke up again.
“My name's Mark. Mark Sloan even though you didn’t bother to ask me. “
Putting the lid on the cup I faced him once more sliding the cup to him. Opening the food case I slid the blueberry scone in a paper bag and handed it to him too. “Ah first name basis already. Next thing I know you’ll be asking me out on a date for just giving you your coffee.”
“I mean I am a lot of fun on a date. I could be down if you’re interested, especially for a night in bed.” Mark smirked at me, raising his coffee cup up and taking a long drink.
My face heated up quickly at the way he just blurted that out in public. I haven’t dated anyone since I had gotten pregnant back when I was thirteen. Izzie would get pregnant two years later. I felt it had become too hard to date or all awkward with me having a young kid. “Oh I don’t know about that. I am not great with dates.”
“You seem like you’d be pretty fun to me.” Mark chuckled, picking up his paper bag. He reached across the table writing down something on one of the comment cards we had near the register. He holds out the note in front of me.
I knitted my brows together confused at what he was holding out towards me. “What’s that for you already paid me?”
“It has my phone number on it. If you’re interested you should call me later.” Mark offers still waiting for me to take it from his hand.
I paused briefly just staring into his eyes. He was obviously attractive there was no doubt there. Della rounded the corner tapping me on the shoulder. “Y/n, our boss wants to see us in the back.”
“You seriously think I am going to go on a date with a stranger?” I ignored Della standing there.
Mark kept his gaze focused on mine. “We’re on a first name basis, Y/n. We wouldn’t be strangers if you take me up on my offer right now or sometime later.”
“Y/n?” Della called my name again.
I didn’t turn my head away when I lifted my right hand taking the note out of his hand smiling before Della was tugging me away from him by my forearm. “I’ll think about it. I…I’m coming. Hey I’m coming - I’ll think about it, Mark.”
“I’ll be waiting for your call, little feisty blonde.” Mark chuckled watching me and my coworker going around the corner and he found himself wanting to see you again the next day.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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coulsonlives · 1 month
Y'all. There has officially been "furry" drama on the neopets subreddit, and I'm crying. It's such a trainwreck.
Someone posted anthro artwork of their neopets OCs, which looked like this:
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And I guess it was reported as NSFW by multiple people, because these neopets were really um, well. I'm not gonna lie, they look like naked people with super short fur, and they even have pretty big mons pubis (genital area) which for anthro characters, especially super humanoid ones, is normally covered by clothes and/or thick fur.
Plus the poses seem a little playful (tongue sticking out? toesies?) and could easily be interpreted in a sexy way, especially once you factor in the more realistic anatomy, which again, there are shapes there in the genital area that aren't even really hidden. So I'm not surprised a lot of people were uncomfortable.
My opinion? It shouldn't have been taken down (and it wasn't!), but people had the right to be confused about why it wasn't marked as NSFW.
My thinking was, you wouldn't want to open something like this at work and show it to your coworkers. Or leave it around the break room table.
But of course, the artist got snarky. Apparently this happened to one of their older posts too, so they were really annoyed and acted like the mods were spineless (literally, they said multiple times that the mods should "grow a spine"), and there was some weird implication that the mods were censoring women's bodies, or fatter bodies, or something. They also compared their OC artwork, which is of the above very-humanoid neopets, to the Fontaine Sisters (who ofc, are always fully clothed sigh), and said if the Fontaine Sisters would be allowed to be posted, their naked humanoid neopets should be, too. Uh?
Then, they made a totally separate rant post on the subreddit, titled "yes, neopets is a furry website", which was promptly removed (I didn't even get a chance to see it, rip).
But I'm scrolling through the comments, and oh my god.
Someone replied with this comment:
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The <image> link goes to this picture, with a few comments:
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This person also seemed to agree on the general interpretation that it was a very "sexy" rendition:
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And someone else on the original post with that character:
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So hrmm, okay. Nothing wrong with drawing what you think is sexy, but. Own up to it and accept it might get marked as NSFW.
Someone made the following comment...
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And the third reply checks out tbh. If I was still working with kids, I'd probably get written up too lol. And no, not everyone has a hip with the kids, totally down to hang boss, so that's a weird argument. If you couldn't leave this in an office break room, like I said before, it's not okay.
This person explains why the NSFW tag actually is appropriate, even though the artist claims it isn't:
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Another comment that points out the mons pubis:
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To which the artist replies:
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To give them credit, they're not wrong that humanoid animals and humans in general do have a shape in that region! And it looks weird to just have a totally flat silhouette there, especially if the rest of the character is super curvy. But. again. There is almost no fur. So it comes off as nakey + features too humanoid for some peoples' routine, at-work browsing.
Someone else comments:
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When... the artist could've just dropped the subject as soon as their post was labelled NSFW, but instead they had a tantrum and made a totally new post to whine about the mods' decision and peoples' reactions? Um.
Here's someone else trying to explain peoples' reactions, and the artist's reply is just silly:
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Those are dogs and cats and fish. They're. not. extremely. humanoid. anthro characters. Now I'm getting annoyed reading all of this stuff lol. Is this really the hill you've chosen to die on? This has happened twice now. Mods are gonna mod. Get over it or leave. Your art isn't the same as say, King Coltzan even if people do thirst over him too. He's fully dressed.
Another commenter who missed the point about how most neopets characters have clothes and aren't very, very humanoid:
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But thankfully the mods came in and locked some of the comment chains:
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So um. That was wild lol.
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d1s1ntegrated · 3 months
~・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ~
i'm a new blog so pls be patient!
------please have ur age in ur bio/on ur page somewhere if u want a follow back. i do check.------
i run a few other blogs, (a kink blog ew, and a "witchy" "normal" blog) but i finally wanted to make a blog for my fav anime/hyperfixations. its been almost 11 years for me on this godforsaken site and i am tired of pretending i am not a giant loser that loves being h-word for awful men in media.
i will be posting mainly mha stuff!
my fav my hero chars are (this doesnt necessarily mean i will write ab them, i just enjoy them. the highlighted ones i will typically write ab unless requested otherwise):
shigaraki (THE LOML MY FAV BOY)
lady nagant
i won't lie and say i'll have variety, i'll be forthright in saying this is a shigaraki simp blog and i will most def post him the most.
however, again, i will take requests!
my ask box will be open 24/7/365, so throw anything in there for me.
read more for more info about me, my fandoms, and what i plan on writing!
tags directory:
here's the basics:
name: opal/opi/opium/opalium
age: 21 (mdni w my nsfw. again, pls, u will get blocked!)
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: shigaraki (okay but real shit i'm pan lol)
my fandoms
solo leveling
there's so many more but does it truly matter LOL ?
what i write:
-crazy rants ab how much i love (insert char here)
i am also on ao3 (@/opiumandopal) , but i dont have anything posted yet. i think once i start gaining some momentum here, ill post full fics on the ao3 so give it a follow if ur interested!
fun facts ab me:
i play d&d!
i have a cat he is black he is very Good
i've been on tumblr since 2013
i've been into MHA since 2019
i love metal and alt music the most
i have over 32 themed spotify playlists for my fav characters
i am in college, but have an undecided major (torn between a creative writing degree, psychology, or social media)
i tried to sell my feet on feet finder but immediately gave up because i didn't want to pay the subscription fee LMFAO
okay that's it for now.
i'll set the rest of the blog up as time goes on <3
also i need moots but that'll be a separate post okay bye guys thanks for reading if you read all the way through i love u big smooches for u mwah!
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I have suddenly gotten very hyper-fixated on FNF vs Sonic.exe (insert update/ encore) which led to me being back into Sonic and Sonic.exe, Then I found your blog while catching up on 10 years of missed lore and I am over the moon!!! I love the corruption!AU its gorgeous, I just read through everything I could in the tag lol I do have a few questions though- maybe suggestions to stew ups some ideas, just suggestions <3 I saw a post about how did Sonic get infected? My brain went right to "How did The Rot get on the planet? Was it dwelling underground or..." What my brain went to was an astroid and Sonic being Sonic went to check it out, because he's the hero! he has to make sure people are okay! But that made me think? Would Sonic be patient zero? or are there a bunch of others who have turned already? City's are canon within the comics. The Rot wants to infect would it restrain itself? Say like scoping the area, say go out act as normal as possible and observe others, looking for the biggest group of people (family, friends, etc.) strategizing basically? or does it attack first chance? would it be able to use its host's "powers" like chaos control, Sonic's speed, Silver's telegnosis, and Espio's invisibility? What does it do when there's nothing left to consume? one last thing, wherever it comes from, would it have to practice speaking? like patient zero, being the first to be consumed, would it have to "test it out"? Sorry for the rant, I'm just in love!! <3 It has my gears turning
I’m glad you like the au! This type of story has always been my favourite, so seeing people enjoy it makes me very happy!
A few of these questions have already been answered in previous asks, so I’ll answer the ones that I haven’t answered yet
How did The Rot come to Sonic’s world? Is Sonic patient zero?- Now that’s spoiler territory. You’ll know soon enough. He is ‘patient zero’. That’s all I’ll tell you.
Would The Rot restrain itself from infecting? Does it attack first chance?- The Rot doesn’t have an ‘urge’ to spread. It’s just doing what it wants to do. Like an animal in nature. It will wait as long as it needs to before it infects someone, that wait time can be days or weeks, even months if it comes to that.
Would it have to practice speaking?- Not exactly. It already knows how to speak as it can simulate lungs and vocal cords and whatever else it needs to speak. Though it takes a while before their hosts voice becomes less layered and growly and more clear and unsuspecting. The more hosts it has, the easier it can be to speak clearly. Until then, it rarely speaks in front of others, only saying short words or sentences when it needs to.
What does it do when there’s nothing left to consume?- Well, there has been a thought bubbling around in my mind about that for a while… but I sure ain’t gonna tell you it. You’re just gonna have to figure that question out yourself.
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regalautumn · 3 months
Why I hate Jack Krauser for all the right reasons
Okay, so before I get lynched by someone; this is just my opinion and thoughts, I haven't played much of the original and so I'm solely going off the remake here. [I'm sorry in advance if I end up upsetting anyone. I'd be more than happy to hear other's thoughts on the topic of Krauser.] I wanna start with the obvious reason why. Killing off one of my favourites, Luis Serra. [Listen, I know it was different in the original RE4 where it was Saddler instead but let me be salty for a moment.] Luis had the Amber, he had his ticket out. He could've escaped with Ada yet helped Leon and Ashley at the same time (I know he technically still does help even after he dies by giving the lab key) But then Krauser had to come in, kill the beloved Spaniard to retrieve the Amber and proceeded to duel Leon with the intention of killing him. Just the pure malice in his voice when he says the word "Rookie". It's enough to practically send a chill. And then when Leon had originally reached for his gun and Krauser puts the same knife he killed Luis with to Leon's throat. The speed at which he moves at is terrifying. I know there's the counterargument of Krauser being controlled by the Plaga. But I still wanna go over the boss fight Krauser was Leon's mentor, that is pretty common knowledge. But just the build up to the fight. The dog tags that were left on display and the photo of rookie Leon with the words "I'M WAITING". Like, he didn't need to do that. But he did anyway.
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And then the back and forth between them before the actual fight. Leon tries to talk sense into Krauser, but it's evident that Krauser was already too far gone. That is a shell of who he once was, and now he just wants to end Leon. Also the way his body mutates during the boss fight really puts the final nail in the coffin. The line "Dead? No, I've been reborn..." really shows just how lost the actual Krauser is inside that body. Now it was just a husk of a man, a mindless mutant that's set out to kill.
And by the end, when Leon hold Krauser's knife, he sees a reflection of himself in it. Unlike earlier when in that one sequence after Verdugo it was Krauser's reflection looking right back at Leon. It really just reflects for a moment as to what had occurred. Leon had defeated his mentor, the very person who had trained him to be the agent he was today. I know this isn't normally the type of stuff I post and this is just a rant that could've been summed up with "I don't like Krauser because he killed Luis :(" and me being salty about it. But I do see the appeal! I can see why people like him. Hell, I think he is a pretty damn good rival to Leon due to both their past together and how Krauser matches his skill and strength level (I know, he used to be his mentor, no shit). [Though I don't see why some people ship them. That's just not my thing.} Anyways, if you read all of that: I'm sorry. Why? It felt like I just pointed to the obvious things that happened in game with some parts probably being overlooked. Okay rant over. Have a nice rest of your time awake.
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bones4thecats · 2 months
It is currently 3:54 in the morning where I'm at and I haven't slept one bit.
I have literally been sitting in my bed for over 5 hours reading a bunch of fanfic, listening to music, and watching maybe to much youtube. I need to set up a medical appointment soon, suspecting I have a hormonal issue that is making my 'times of the week' a lot more difficult to bear. By that, I mean by I don't get them for almost 1/2 of a year, and when they return they are a son of a fucking bitch to handle. Basically, cramps have kept me up and I just wanted something to do out of sheer boredom.
Anyways, I have a surprise coming out here soon. It's about requests and my fandoms. So, stay tuned. Y'know what screw it I'll just announce it now.
(I'm literally pouring what I'm thinking onto my keyboard and on this post so bear with the confusion and small rant plz)
Now to the surprise. I am possible
Hint the word
adding two previous fandoms back onto this list. While the names are not going to be revealed yet, I will make the post tags lists and the characters as well and have the announcement with their names come out right before posting them.
Also, I am posting a couple things from my Upcoming Pieces List because I have been needing to get that thing trimmed down for a while but have been busy with having requests come through first.
Okay I'm gonna make this quicker because my pelvic area feels like it wants me to suffer the physical amount of pain that I felt after watching Optimus die in the og series' movie.
These parts'll come out here soon and I will end up releasing a monthly schedule that shows days I plan on having requests open and I'll probably have vacation days on there as well. P.S: be aware that I may be posting random shit about 'The Dark Crystal'
Idk why but I watched a video made by TheOdd1sOut and have practically fallen head-over-heals for the movie. I literally saw the puppets and went 'childhood nostalgia: unlocked'. You guys should also go check out TheOdd1sOut, the guy is a boss when it comes to making entertaining content for somebody like me to watch. I watched like 3 minutes of his review of 'The Dark Crystal' movie from 1982 and went;
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Just a heads up! Now, enjoy the rest of your morning/nights. Idk where y'all live so pick one ig... I need some goddamn sleep... if anyone has a solution to a comfortable sleeping position when on your period please leave a comment for me to see because I NEED THE REST. MY SLEEP SCHEDULE IS SHITTING BUT THIS IS WORSE THAN NORMAL.
Or if you have another over the counter medication name that helps with periods (other than Midol, I need to get more soon)
Thanks y'all for listening to me half-awake and painfully-not-thought-through announcement!! Love you guys to bits!!!
Btw here's a link to TheOdd1sOut in case you do wanna check his videos out;
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kaijuree · 3 months
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[my beloved partners- @clovergeneral, @tobywizardb]
[pronouns page]
// im in my change era \\
Herez a cool playlist!!! 🪩🗯️🎧‼️
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[❓] What is to be expected here?
[❗️] I'm an artist & writer, so expect mostly that type of content!
I have a tag system btw!! It's fairly new (except for my art tag) so don't expect there to be much on there.
#☆ kais art! ☆ will be used on art
#asks 💭 will be used on asks (i also have an askbox game thing scroll down)
#kaiju posts will be used on normal posts
flavors of posts
🍃 trotting around! // therian stuff
📓 yearbook! // pictures, images, not art
#roleplaying shenanigans 🌀 will be used on me roleplaying...
#kai yaps will be used on ramblings & lore fun facts
flavors of yapping
🍤 shrimp flavor // lore drops, explainations
🍱 bento flavor // updated lore, changes
🍡dango flavor // fun facts, little bits
🍛 curry flavor // lore with designs, art!
🍙 rice ball flavor // just yapping
#kai stinks!! will be used on vents & rants
#announcement! will be used on, you won't guess what (/sar)- announcements.
flavors of announcements
💬 just a heads up... // minor announcements
🔈 /srs // serious announcements
🔔 reminder! // announcement for lore
#reblog!! will be used on- you guessed it! reblogs.
flavors of reblogs
📂 ooh! // will be used on stuff i find interesting
💌 yay! // will be used on stuff featuring characters i like/love
🎉 yippee! // will be used on reblogging announcements with a /pos tone/context
🗯️ frowns // will be used on reblogging announcements with a /neg tone/context
#📊 poll! will be used on polls
#blorbo posting! (+ an emoji for each character) will be used for me yapping & posting about my blorbos
blorbo tags
blorbo posting! 👻 // ghostwalker phighting...
blorbo posting! 🐍 // DARKHEAR...
There will also be a fair bit of me being silly & rambling. I also try to keep my blog free of political & controversial topics. I do not want to be involved, so please keep it away from here.
Alot of my writing & AU stuff contains sensitive & disturbing topics that may make people uncomfortable. I am a proud horror & angst enjoyer- so I tend to get extreme with it sometimes. So please keep that in mind & be cautious if you're triggered by said things.
Adding onto that, please let me know if you don't want angsty roleplays on my blogs. I rarely ever to fluffy stuff, so if you're uncomfortable or annoyed with it please tell me. I do not pick up on hints about that I am so sorry.
Speaking of my au & stuff, I have some ask box games going on!! Here they are!! (Send me asks pls)
[❓] What are some basic things about yourself?
[❗️] First of all, I am a minor. Please keep NSFW & that gross icky stuff away from me. I am fine with suggestive stuff- & there might be suggestive things here & there.
I go by any & all pronouns!! Please use them interchangeably!! I also prefer to go by gender neutral terms & compliments, but I'm okay with some gendered ones. I really don't care
I go by many names!! Primarily Kai, Kaiju, Hexx, or Hexxagon!! But others include Squid, Beetl, Roxx, & Reed.
I am a pretty private person. I have trust issues & therefore I like having my personal life separate from my online life. This does not mean you cannot ask what I did today or how my day was, but just expect me to be vague &/or hesitant.
I'm autistic!! I don't always understand &/or get things so tone tags would be appreciated. I don't fully understand them myself yet, I'm still learning, so I don't use them all the time! Here is a masterpost/masterlist of tone tags if you have trouble understanding them..
[❓] What are your interests?
[❗️] As of right now, I'm hyperfixated on PHIGHTING! My favorite characters are Darkheart, Ghostwalker, & Subspace in that particular order.
I make a lot of OCs for things I'm obsessing over, & that also means making my own AU & writing my own lore for it! Please ask me about it!! It makes me so happy.
I have an unnamed PHIGHTING! fanon that I'm making/have made with one of my beloved partners, @clovergeneral. I have a community for it!! It's here!!
I also have a lot of original stuff that I probably won't talk about much, but I might share it with you guys when I properly write it. I've shared some things about it so far, & it's called 'Glitch! Trio'. I have a side blog about it, @glitch-trio. They mean sm to me....
As for other interests, I'm also interested in Pokemon, Pokepasta, ULTRAKILL, Regretevator, IHNMAIMS (I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream), Project Moon games (more so Library of Ruina & Lobotomy Corporation), Item Asylum, Mandela Catalogue, The Walten Files (TWF), & Jujutsu Kaisen.
Notable mention. I fucking love keytars. They're so fucking cool I love them.
[❓] What are the rules for this blog?
[❗️] First of all, use common sense. It shouldn't be hard in the first place. Think before you speak or ask, that stuff.
I am a person too. I have a life, goals, feelings, etc. So treat me like a person. I'll respect you, please respect me back.
Basic DNIs. Homophobes, transphobes, racists, xenophobes, zoophiles, pedophiles/maps, proshippers, comshippers, anti-furries, anti-therians, or any other creeps. I will block you if I feel like it or if I'm uncomfortable.
Again, please do not bring up political &/or controversial topics. Religion is....okay. I prefer not to speak too much about religious stuff because I myself am an atheist, because I don't know all that much about other religions & I don't want to say anything that will get me in trouble. I respect all religions though.
[❓] What are your other blogs?
[❗️] Here is a masterpost of all my side blogs. I have an addiction to making new blogs to expect the number of them to grow.
[❓] What else do you do here?
[❗️] I do silly stupid shit, & I also roleplay as characters on this blog because I either haven't made a blog for them yet or I just feel like it. Oh also there's some 'events' that happen.
For example- it's kinda an inside joke between me & my partner Clover but I'm gonna explain it real quick. I was keyboard smashing & I accidentally pressed the British flag emoji (🇬🇧) so I thought it would be funny if I pretended to get 'colonized' so. Sometimes I'll do that & british kai will shitpost.
I'm making a tag for it because it's funny. Uhhh uhhh it's #🇬🇧🇬🇧 GOD BLESS THE QUEEN 🇬🇧🇬🇧 (im so funny haha. im funny right. right guys)
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absolutely-wretched · 9 months
the twilight reveal (my dissertation)
I'm back on the Buffy comics train and just finished the second to last volume of season 8 for the first time since 2020 and here we goooooo (read more so if you want to hurt yourself physically and emotionally with spoilers you can, but you have an out.)
Twilight's mask comes off. I remember this. I don't remember it in detail, but my head instinctively goes into my hands. The trauma. The pain. The cringe. I've never felt so betrayed by Joss until I read the single worst thing he's ever written. and it hurts, just like in 2020. except not i'm reading it with my fiance and it compounds the cringe.
Spike got his SOUL BACK FOR YOU. He died for YOUR CAUSE. And just like when Angel comes back to give her the amulet, it all goes out the window for captain fucking forehead and I'M PISSED. Not to mention the most painful sex I've ever had to witness. Painful in the sense of cringey. Also, is Buffy possessed by Twilight too? Because why in all fuck would she be superpower fucking her ex just because he says "don't you want to be happy?". He's not acting normal at all, and all of this is bombastically weird and makes very little sense and Buffy just does it without questioning it? Let's live in our own microuniverse? WHY?????? Help? Why? Joss what were you going through when you wrote this??? I couldn't have come up with something worse when I was writing fanfiction at 14. I know that's the worst hurdle in the comics but damn. At least there's swearing in the comics, though, I'm not complaining that, it's very realistic.
Okay and why is NO ONE concerned about angel losing his soul??? Everyone knows it's happening and no one asks. Buffy doesn't ask. I'm screaming at the pages for someone to ask bc I'm asking and it makes no sense. the chill days of me defending the writing choices of buffy and satsu and taking mecha dawn in comedy stride are over. what in the absolute fuck. I hate it so much.
so then we get to buffy rejecting this INSANITY finally and that's cool. fuck destiny and all that. there's my girl. my selfishly driven girl (and no, that's not a chracter trait the comics invented, i could write a dissertation on buffy's character flaws from the show, they just seem to be amplified in the comics). dawn is actually the only one who seems to be questioning everything so i'm now team dawn. and xander rejecting buffy. i like xander a lot in the comics.
The best thing about this volume is this:
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But I fear, since it's the end before the last volume, that i will be SO FURIOUS about a lot of things said and done in the issues cooming up, since we will have Spike and Angel and Buffy all in the same room together, and I really hope they don't do to Spike what they did in s5 of Angel which is downplay how great he is to make captain boredom look better in comparison.
and GOD i miss lynch so much. i'm not sure if it's the people writing joss's ideas or writing with joss, because I know lynch wrote after the fall but it was joss's story, so I'm thinking maybe the people writing the comics might have made it worse (even if joss's story BEATS for this was already bad). I at least know whoever storyboarded made a god damn mess of it, because half the time i couldn't figure what was going on based on the drawings in the panels.
ALSO I had this rant in the tags once about how much it bothered me that they took away Spike's black nail polish after he got his soul, genuinely annoying me that something so iconic was ripped from his design. so YAY for the return of the nail polish! Keep it!
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 9 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
I was tagged by @telomeke (thanks! 😘)
Also appreciation that this post helped me finally take the time to figure out how to find my blog archive, lol.
January-June 2023
No posts! I was still in my lurker phase. Somehow I thought I had started earlier, but it's just been 6 months! That is insane to me. It has felt so much longer. Timey whimey and all that. Clearly I have made up for lost time. Now I cannot not talk about stuff on here.
July 2023
most popular - A whole 19 notes! When I was still totally on board for Be Mine Superstar. That did not last.
favorite - My very first post, in defense of Tai in La Pluie. Not so much because of the content, but it was the moment I just had to say something, and I'm so glad I did. Once you break the ice, it's so natural to keep going.
August 2023
most popular - My first genuinely popular post, and still my most popular post, where I joke about gay mafia. I start to get an idea of what makes y'all tick. It still gets likes now. I find that hilarious.
favorite - I think this one, on Hidden Agenda. It was the first time I started to genuinely dip into analysis, and I think I was on to something, considering what we learn about Zo and his mom's relationship!
September 2023
most popular - My cuddling friends agenda is supported!
favorite - I am deep in my Papang love. And yes, he is absolutely delicious, but is also such an amazing actor, and needs to be a goddamn lead already. Closely followed by my Bosston appreciation post, he rocked my socks in Be Mine.
October 2023
most popular - We were all losing our minds over Kiseki, clearly. Normally my recaps aren't that far-reaching, but this one apparently hit right at the high point of Chen Yi/Ai Di fever.
favorite - My proposal for GMMTV, inspired by @respectthepetty's gym bros post. YinWar have come through for me, which means that Petty deserves some goddamn Gym Bros already!!
November 2023
most popular - I love that this one was popular, because I still laugh at Meen's perfect "howwwww" face.
favorite - My thoughts on Shadow and forgiveness. As someone who's had family harmed by a religious figure, and as someone who worked in human services for a while, I have a lot of feelings about how often forgiveness is used as a cudgel against victims. And I got a private message from someone that my post actually helped them with how they were feeling after the episode. Which means so very much. And I reassert - it's up to you and no one else if you forgive, and it's ok if you decide you never will.
December 2023
most popular - Another one I'm so pleased was popular, because Saint deserves it. Also I like ranting about how much I like people or things. So much more fun than ranting about what I hate.
favorite - my love letter to you all. And I mean it!
I think anyone else I would tag has already been covered by @telomeke, but if we missed anyone, feel free to tag yourself!
Also, if you've been hesitating to stop lurking and start posting, just do it! The rewards are plentiful. This is a great corner of tumblr. We are nice people. You'll be ok.
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animasola86 · 11 months
Gotta vent, sorry.
You know, it is not just mildly frustrating to spend hours taking screenshots, editing them, carefully arranging them and then scheduling them to share with this fandom to then have the post completely disappear from the face of the earth as soon as it's supposed to be published - it is infuriating!
It only shows up on my page, not even on my dash and isn't seen anywhere under any tags! I can't even see my own posts on my dashboard - and it seems to be laggy anyway, since yesterday I feel.
I'm just mad, sorry. So much time and effort for basically nothing bugs me more than I care to admit. I could say that I take these screenshots for my own pleasure, like I write solely for myself, but let's be real: I want to share these things with others! I want to contribute, bring joy, do anything to share my passion with others who think alike. (I just want to be seen, okay tumblr??? Lemme be seen!)
And having that taken away just sucks. Maybe it's just a normal weekend on tumblr where it's usually slower, but I don't know. Not seeing my own posts on my dash doesn't feel right at all. (Could it have anything to do with the type of content I post? Who knows, but it's a weird timing to affect me now...)
I hope this will sort itself out soon. I have so many posts planned, but now I'm afraid to post anything! I don't want it to fall into the abyss to never be seen again!
Rant over, I guess. Didn't help much tbh. Lemme go back into the shadows now.
(Edit: Well, the post is there now, 1,5 hours after it was published. I don't get it. Still mad though, not gonna delete this now.)
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hiiiii i don't know if you are okay with your followers ranting, if you're not just disregard this and I'm super sorry! (And sorry about any typos I'm on phone and sometimes autocorrect does what it wants)
But basically I was feeling down in the dumps and I wanted to read some content about comfort characters and I stumbled upon a Mihawk fic so I started reading and (trigger warning here!! Mentions of abuse but nothing graphic described!!! take care of yourselves and your peace!!!) it sadly was untagged with tw and for some reason, in what should have been a normal mihawk x reader, there was him being extremely toxic and demeaning towards his significant other either because he had a bad day or he was jealous and stuff like that.
I know it may seem silly to some people, but it really screwed me over. I know everyone can write what they want and headcanon characters how they want but it got me really upset and I figured someone who finds comfort in writing and watching shows and stuff could understand
Thank you for all your content, and especially for not making Mihawk abusive towards the reader. To me, he always seemed just as you portrayed him. Cold, perhaps, but not one to put you through emotional and especially not physical turmoil. Your fics and even little drabbles and comments are super nice and they helped cheer me up so thanks a whole bunch. And especially thank you for tagging tw stuff too and making this a safe space.
This applies to all characters, by the way, not just mihawk. You write all of them wonderfully and I love reading through them, especially Sanji and Shanks. It's just at that particular moment your mihawk content really saved me a good few silly tears. Thanks ❤️
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This is very very important and I'm glad you sent me this. I'm NOT glad at all that you had to go through that. So I'm gonna make this a PSA.
It takes very little time and effort to add a trigger warning to a fic and there's no excuse not to. We don't know what everyone's triggers are, no; but if it's something blatantly obvious like toxic and abusive behavior, mental health troubles, graphic violence, etc:
And Anon, I'm so so sorry you had to go through that. I wholly understand the importance of comfort characters and how stumbling into that kind of fic unknowingly can essentially ruin it.
I'm beyond happy you've found my blog to be a safe space, and I hope that it continues to be one for you and anyone else that needs it.
I also understand that everyone needs to let out a good rant now and then, and this is absolutely a safe place for that too!! I'm happy to hear from anyone at any time about anything, my ask box and inbox are both always open, so please don't hesitate utilize them ❤️🫂
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shittyelfwriter · 10 months
ALRIGHTY here we are at weeks three and four for the santa clauses series! I did not rewatch a second time because genuinely, these melted my brain. anyway, lets get into it below the cut!
So apparently according to the tsc tag, episode 3 that I missed last week is a sort of filler episode? OH BROTHER REALLY
Normally I would not complain bc I miss old format, 20-23 episode series but because I know this Isn't That? DREAD. how are you going to plot well and good in 7-8eps if some are filler? that is just SO condensed, my guy
Counterpoint to people who were sad about it but: I thought the teen romance was annoying and I'm GLAD they ended it even JUST for a bit (it will come back to haunt again, trust. It’s a disney series ffs.) Whoever is writing this needs to ask a teen about how they talk nowadays. This is not it.
I also think we're driving the whole "Buddy is terrible at everything" punchline WAY past its breaking point. Which I would argue was last season entirely, but. At the very latest, last episode with how heavy on cringe it was. Yes, EVEN for kids/teens.
Again, they are not antagonizing Magnus Antas enough for me to hate him. waaaaay too funny to be a villain. I can't take him seriously and DON'T want to
The way that Noel keeps sideyeing the Betty cutout as if to say "do you see this shit?" during his brunch with the Clauses SENT me tbh. That's bernelle coded and I love it
I do not know why Disney gets OFF on the Clauses being absolutely inept parents but I wish they would stop
LOVING the exterior shots of the workshop and Elfsburg. As someone who has POURED over all available screenshots from the movies of those I am LIVING for new angles (even though I do NOT think bernelle would live that close to the Workshop, but it doesn't seem like Betty and Noel can POOF like Bman and Elle can (and do))
I don't know why there are TWO instances of a "misspoken turn of phrase" in this episode but neither were funny and TWO OF THEM was REALLY bad
Crossing guard callback? For what? (okay, shrug I GUESS dot meme)
Why does this specific franchise always have to make EB SO WEIRD. WHY. Nothing about this is funny it's just off-putting. Just like the previous EB flirting with Carol's MARRIED MOM in tsc3
This Carol and La Befana scene was actually very good. LOVE it when they actually just let the characters be HONEST with each other. Women supporting women core. Even if Carol's reason for being mad at her was really shallow and obviously stems form Carol's lack of identity as Mrs. Claus because they just cannot wrap that plot point from last season up.
THE LETTERS DEPARTMENT. It looks dope but HATE the explanation for it. Half assed as hell. WARNING! Rant incoming: like from what I know a LOT of postal services have little lore stories about how they get the letters to Santa. WHY COULDNT WE JUST SAY THERE ARE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN SANTA AND OTHER ADULT PEOPLE WHO KEEP THE SPIRIT ALIVE FOR OTHERS AS WELL? Why is this series so obsessed with making everything only powered by magic and never by others (yes, humans) who want to keep the spirit alive as well? It feels like magic is being used as an "explain it all away" crutch narratively. Even in season 1, the "solution" to mass consumerism wasn't for people to be kind to each other and do little things to keep the magical parts of Christmas alive, it was to show the world that magic was real. Season 2 so far, the answer to everything is also just magic. I'm hoping that maybe the B plot with Kris will touch on this. Because as it stands right now, it feels like the writers are talking out of both sides of their mouth. Commercial Christmas is bad, but Kris is a loser for having a Santa theme park. Like?? Homogenization of Christmas is the Big Bad at large, but also up at the Pole they are trying to find ways to do the same thing to be "current". CHRISTMAS IS MULTIFACTED. It is both secular and religious! That is OKAY, I don't even think "woke" people are arguing about that. Sheesh.
Can't believe I'm micro rambling IN my ramble post. New achievement unlocked omg
The way Magnus Antas picks up on modern slang so quickly practically puts Scott to shame. Good for him
AGAIN, the misturn of phrase jokes. DEAD. Not funny. STOP
If they are going to make Sandra so op that she can just Wanda Maximoff chaos magic "I just say something when I'm mad and it happens, anything I want with no negative impact on me" I will not find that swag. That is in fact Mary Sue territory, lads
Sandra's little outburst @ La Befana was giving magical nepo baby for a moment there. Oof. "Too bad I'm just naturally more skilled than you even though I'm new and you've been a witch forever" girl SHUT. UP. You are like a little baby. Also that is so mad disrespectful like no WONDER La Befana is wanting you to slow tf down. You fly off the handle WAY to easily and we ALL know you lose control when you do! Okay loose cannon! Werk!
Riley. Girl. "we never see each other" you were just up at the Pole?? Like. OFTEN?? This is so stupid of a breakup but they are teenagers so go off kids, be dysfunctional or what have you. Rah rah, as Jack would say
Episode four now, lord help us. God has cursed me for my (loving this one Christmas movie series) hubris and my work (watching it's hellish series spin off) is never finished
"Reversing a transformation is never a guarantee" what is this La Befana? the Sims? Sounds like transformation ray odds. Magic is not THAT unpredictable, even by in-universe logic
ARE YOU SO FUCKING FR RN. SO BERNARD IS MARRIED TO A SENIOR CITIZEN AND CURTIS. FUCKIN VAPORIZED?? FROM STRESS? WHAT'S NEXT? Lemme guess, Judy joined the circus. Quintin is a crypto investor or works for Tesla. WHAT ARE WE D O I N G
Not Scott moving the scissors like he's afraid Buddy will shank him or others?? SIR
So they just con him? As though that's a long term solutio-- OH MY GOD NOT SCOTT USING SANDMAN'S SAND ON SANDMAN HIMSELF?? that's ILLEGALE?? According to tsc3 lore: "We legendaries can't use magic on each other?" I am so bewildered by the level of retcon occurring before my very eyes at BREAKNECK speed
Sandra doesn't need magic she needs THERAPY for her ANGER ISSUES bruh. Damn. She doesn't need a rage room (in someone's house too I might add? okayyyy) she needs to learn to process like a normal human being wtf
Scott being able to look like his normal self whenever he wants and they just didn't tell him? For like. 25 years? Like its clear that by the series standards, the elves think he's a total moron. But it pendulums hard and fast between "haha funny joke" and "damn they really think he ain't shit, huh"
Edie being a fashion diva is such a serve she's grown on me this season ngl
"I had to teach him how to do all the Legendaries jobs" Scott I know you're waffling, absolutely FUMBLING but what the FUCKKKKK is that excuse??? What's Cal going to do? Be EVERY Legendary? TERRIBLE AWFUL HATE IT UNINSPIRED. Not to mention, SOME OF THE OTHER LEGENDARIES MIGHT NOT TAKE THAT NEWS WELL. Some might even feel THREATENED
"The man I die for in my sleep every night" UM? Noel? You okay there bud? Holy heck
Do you guys think according to this new lore Edie made Jack's suit? because me thinks PERHAPS
Magnus Antas is kind of popping off, damn. Like I think if the gnomes hadn’t given him MAJOR delusions of grandeur and an ego trip, he could have stayed totally a vibe. But stop giving the Santas snow powers and reconning Jack holy SHIT dude. First Scott now him? HATE IT
The way they made Scott and Cal look when "invisible" is Not a Good Look heck. Its like a bad picsart filter
These Scott visions. I get why, its through the Santa magic, right? But dang its corny
So Scott knows Magnus Antas is back now. Okay. They got away from him. Lost visual on Olga, have a bad feeling she somehow sneaked into the sleigh. Weird cliffhanger but EVERY episode has been like that so far
Final thoughts: I feel like they're definitely trying to make this season take itself less seriously, but I feel like the trade off is that the writers are taking too many liberties for diversions from source material and are therefore, losing the plot entirely and retconning movie lore at will and convenience. Tl;dr, it's messy. Concepts are fun until things just become so irreverent they fall apart or lean into entirely unfunny territory. Which is just a hallmark of T*m All*n brand humor, tee em, but you know.
It feels like this series is doing everything and nothing. It wants woke points, but immediately doubles back and makes fun of those same things. It wants us to feel empathy for these characters, and immediately makes them insufferable. I am so confused as to what the takeaway is supposed to be. It all feels so poorly executed--the series retcons itself constantly, not to mention the movies. I want it to be fun, and to take it at surface value, but if you know literally anything about the movies, that becomes a challenge to do. I'm just so confused dude.
I will be shocked if this gets a third season. Truly.
Also, I miss Betty too, Noel. Wish this whole season was about HER shenanigans, instead.
So. See you all next week then?
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strawberryamanita · 1 year
Alright, it was a bad idea to go into the neurosparkly tag. People are chill in the neurospicy tag, but it's just hatepost after hatepost after hatepost in the neurosparkly tag.
I was gonna keep my mouth shut, but now I'm pissed. Y'all really know how to make a person's skin crawl.
Rant below.
Listen, this reeks of one person pulling "neurosparkly" and "neurospicy" out of a very obscure conversation and going "hmm, this gives me the willies, so it looks like an acceptable target to me!", and I'm already sick of it. This gives me the exact same vibes as that one famous post about transmeds vs transtrenders -- this idea of pinning one form of self-expression against another, in the name of dunking on fellow marginalized people that are giving your demographic "a bad name". To that end, I'd like to remind y'all that the original artist of that post admitted they weren't acting right about trans people that aren't like them, and so I'm hoping we get over this and get over it soon.
Because we cannot keep doing this.
Every. Summer. Every fucking Summer, this website has to put a spotlight on a new group to punch down on. First it was just about every LGBTQIA+ group outside of cis gay men you could imagine -- lesbians, bis/pans, trans people, ace people, non-binary people, people who identify as queer (we're literally all queer, but that's another convo all together), you name it. It literally never stops, you people have to be taught over and over again that, no, this one group isn't okay to target either, that's your family too, you're not better than them for being a different flavor of weird.
Now we're doing this to neurodivergent people? Neurodivergent people. The overwhelming majority of this website. You're gonna try and clown on other neurodivergent people for, what is it, being cringe? After we just agreed that embracing cringe is a huge step towards self-acceptance and self-love? tumblr is THE cringe website. We don't do optics here, we don't clean our metaphorical rooms when guests are over.
Like what, we have to take every moment of our neurodivergent lives seriously? It's ridiculous enough that we have a "normal" model for how a brain should be, compared to all the different ways a person can develop. Are we such tragic figures that we can't take the smallest delight in calling ourself a fun little nickname? It's not self-censoring, it's not like "handicapable vs disabled", let's not treat this thing like a gust of wind on the house of cards that is our (quite necessary) camaraderie.
Are we gonna start zeroing in on specific neurodivergent conditions next? How long are we gonna play this stupid game of Who Is It Okay To Bully on this website? If you wanna look like a mature and poised and respectable lot, you can't be doing something so petty, whether it's for fun or "for the cause".
Y'know what? I support neurosparkly. I support neurospicy. My neurotype is glow-in-the-dark. It's glittery, it's color-changing, it's metallic and covered in rhinestones and smells like artificial fruits. My neurotype is crayon drawings and old kids' meal toys and bubble machines and getting bleary-eyed over Muppet songs. My brain is covered in holographic stickers and playing 8bit videogame music on loop. I am Cringemeister General. You could only wish to be as cringe as me.
Now cringe. Cringe and cope and seethe and mald. Dig up everything you can about me to attempt to punish me for disagreeing with you, and let your confirmation bias run wild. Post me on r/cringe, make a YouTube or TikTok video about me, pick me apart on a livestream, make me the poster-boy of your disgust, print out a screenshot of my blog and throw darts at it. Dance the dance of self-hatred, and then wait in the wings until you get to dance it again.
I'm gonna close this rant using every argument that I've seen effectively shut down these yearly attempts at putting eachother in the pillories, because I don't know if I can take another Summer of this:
If you start picking on people for using "neurosparkly" or "neurospicy", I'm assuming you're a fed. Infighting only helps the oppressors, and if we spend our energy trying to police eachother we're not going to get anything done. Kill the cringe cop in your head. There's as many ways for a person to live as are, have been, and will be people on this planet; there's a good chance you're gonna hear about some people who give you the ick, but you're gonna have to swallow that ick and respect them anyhow.
Every ounce of energy you spend rolling your eyes at people you consider beneath you can be spent chipping away at a person in power. Every minute you choose to spend tsking or turning up your nose at "weird" kids can be spent advocating for that weirdness and normalizing being fucking nice to people. You punch down or punch across because it gives you quicker, more visible results; if we're all punching up, they'll have no other option than to listen to us.
There is enough room for everybody. Even the neurospicies, even the neurosparklies.
PS: Any attempts to make fun of me or the people I talked about in this post are just straight-up gonna be ignored. I don't see why you'd want to convince me to think less of others, so trying to sway me is gonna be difficult on your part. I'm not debating anyone's rights, and I'm not gonna conserve spoons to argue with a stranger. I have Anons turned off already, so if you wanna get up in my virtual face you won't have a disguise to protect you.
Thank you for your time.
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daisydood · 1 year
Ramblings About God of War: Odin addition!
First of all: MY ASKS ARE OPEN!! I'm running out of ideas for character analysis jelp
Note: yeah I know I said I was gonna make Freyas next but I wanna talk about how much I hate him. He sucks so much i hope he dies again all my homies hate Odin he sucks so much you don't even understand
Odin: The top Gaslighter, Gatekeeper, and Girlbosser
Tis' the season to point out the diffrent manipulation tactis odin uses! God, Odin is so horrible. Hes a horrible dad, grandfather, friend, role model, and basically everything ever.
There are few things that motivate villians. The main ones are fame, money, vengence, and power. I think the thing that motivates him is solely power. He wants power over everyone. He claims all he wants is knowledge and vengence, but he just wants power, in my opinon.
For the first time Atrues went to Asgard, Odin excpictly stated he was only in it for the knowledge. But he wants power. As the saying goes, Knowledge equals Power. I know basing this entire character Analysis on one old saying doesnt make much sense, but hear me out here.
Odin loves being on top of the world. He loves having people do anything he wishes. He keeps (or, well, kept) his trusty servant, Heimdall near him at all times. He did, however, manipulate people countless times, which i will get into later. OKAY NOT THE POINT-
My point is; When Odin said that he only wants knowledge, he was telling a half truth. Odin wants knowledge in order to gain power. Because Odin knows so much about everything ever, (or, at least he says he does) people are bound to trust him more. ergo; The knowledge that Odin has equals power over the people who don't know. ...ergo knowledge = power but YOU GET THAT BY NOW.
Each manipulation tactic my least favorite old guy used on his targets
Thor: Odin earned Thors dedication by a very common tactic: Bullying. Hes so unnecessarily mean to Thor, and I think he does this because he can not emotionally manipulate him in his normal tactics, so he just resorts to bullying him like a middle schooler.
Atreus: Promises and flatter. Atreus' entire storyline is wanting answers. And here comes Odin, trying his hardest to convince Atreus that he can have those answers if he just helps him out with translating a mask. But, obviously, he has worse intentions than he claims.
Kratos: Harassment. This is the last tactic that manipulators try to use. Similar to Thors, Odin can't do anything to Kratos. After all the ranting Odin said when he went to Kratos' and Atreus' house all he said was "No," then almost killed his son. So, the only way to get him to do what he wants is physical violence.
Heimdall: literally nothing what happened there he came out the womb worshipping him
Edit: @/pgirl1986 made a really good point about Heimdall !!! Go check it out😱😱
alright folks‼️
That's all I've got for him. I hate him so much. I might add more manipulation tactics later but I think that's it. My asks are open for any thing you want me to analyze about god of war, I might even do some animes 😱😱 okay I think that's it time for tags
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