#okay some regrets cuz it was expensive
the-firebird69 · 5 months
NY vs. Trump: Judge delivers jury instructions as opening statements kick off | Fox News
The amount of the purchase the bond was too low so they doubted that they were back it and because they're outside of New York so they pulled it and they said they would not back it under certain circumstances so it became no good you can't say that to a court and they got nervous and walking back and the other thing is this is a court session what you want and stuff and you're a weirdo you come out and think you're making a deal with people there's no deal here most people hate you especially our son okay money bags you're saying it in purpose to annoy him and wear annoyed other people are annoyed we're taking your money a lot of it is going to be poor and they're going to have to leave we're shutting down all sorts of financial things because you won't give him $5 or something I was going to take you apart for what you're doing I'm going to make you suffer and you're going to be finished the other thing is your bad-mouthing the judge and your bad mouth and the district attorney and you're saying that the whole court case is Biden and they're not bite and supporters and you're wrong and by the way you're breaking the law by some of what you said and we're going to send it into the court with one person or another and you're going to say ouch and stupid things like that and boy you are rude b**** and ignorance of the law doesn't mean you get out of things you hold it to our son all the time and he's obeying the law anyways so we're going to run over you.
Thor Freya
We do have a lot to say about this it's all true the above we are going after Trump for his lies and evil stuff and we're going to make him pay we need to him out of here if he's not out of here we're going to use him against the realm. The max have a big program but he has a large amount of robots we were discussing it this morning nobody has listened to us at all about our warnings and we wore them every day and we look a little odd and a little weak and that's okay but it's not okay for it to continue and we do know what to do since there's a huge amount of robots and the guy is a big jackass to you and very rude and really he is so confident it's not even funny and it's called false flag and he's been attacking his own people not necessarily race the whole time so we see what your problem is we get that you're very rude too but you're going to regret what you been doing to our son here and to our daughter and it's going to be very expensive matter of facts we have manufacturing capacity and places you don't bother checking in just a few days we can duplicate the numbers of robots he has I don't know if that means anything to you idiots
I understand most of you don't care about each other cuz this guy Trump is making me powerful and I'm going to take over more of the Earth using the above method. Soon I will have what I need I will have what I need and people that want to shot at getting me stuff will be able to do it oddly enough it's going to work. People have been harassing and threatening me you don't deserve him try doing things but we have a lot of power and now we're going to have more because of this wise ass and his threats and comments against me and my people and my wife all he wants to do is harass and be a little baby boy it's expensive and I noticed that people wouldn't happen so this is what we're doing you can kiss your stashes and caches goodbye I don't need to have any of that stuff and a little ships too don't worry about all that stuff you have your mouth to do the work
Zues Hera
I'm afraid he's right folks we just sitting here blabbing at him and threatening him pretty soon she's going to have what he needs and we don't give a s*** that's not my attitude that's the attitude of most of you idiots here I noticed him saying it too you never overcome them there's a huge pile of them and you guys don't have the resolve the max don't care that's what I'm looking around for someone who cares the minority warlocks too they said you didn't ruining this isn't half just come to what you're saying so they're rolling in and these ideas keep laughing at them I'll tell you what they want to fight they're going to get one I know who to call
Mac daddy
So he says inside of a Ghostbusters or the Viet Cong supposed to ladder and that's really awesome yeah we're going to come in there and kill this bags it's so bad at it
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divkazkdovikde · 1 year
life update
(a vomit of random thoughts)
my insomnia is kicking again, and i’ll be sooooo fucking tired when they’ll call me to the work during the day. but. anyway.
guys guys guys. i’m manifesting so hard rn. i’m looking for flats with my friend, okay. and we found the prefect one. and we fell so much in love with that flat? like we would have each our own room? with a fucking french windows? (french fucking windows!) and it’s only a little over our budget? and an ideal location just between our unis? huh what really oh my god?
yeah yeah yeah
we absolutely must get that flat. we have a tour planned in a week, so we hope everything goes alright and they’ll rent it to us. we’re not the only ones who want that flat, but damn we hope we’ll get it. so, manifesting. everyone must manifest in our favor. oh i’m begging the universe like i never did before.
yeah, hopeful very. i’ll go insane if this won’t work out, so it better will, because no one wants that to happen, me to go insane, that is.
also i’m currently slowly planning how i want to furnish etc my future room. my dad is a joiner, so i’ll have to ask him to help me re-do a bit of some of our old furniture that’s waiting for me to take to a new home. and there’s some stuff i’ll have to buy (really how fucking hard it’s to find an ideal chest of drawers? fucking hard and annoying, i’ll tell you. and too bloody expensive, for no fucking reason. i would have my dad make it but has enough work as it is, but goddammit, just let me have some nice drawers, i beg you.) and i’ll make some stuff myself too. can’t wait.
when we’re at spending money, i bought me marshall headphones last week, for no fucking reason. i absolutely didn’t need them, i had a perfectly fuctional headphones at home already. but nahh, little ol’ me decided she wants to throw some money out, but damn they cute and the sound? oh, i definitely do not regret it. i have the brown ones, so cute.
i’m currently reading a little life, guys. yeah… not doing okay, no. and i’m only at page 100-ish. i actually haven’t touched the book in two weeks. i needed a break already and now i don’t really have time to get back to it. but i will! it will destroy me, that’s for sure, though. also you know what i found out just yesterday? the name jude means among others also ‘praised’ and ‘prince’. and i haven’t been the same ever since. cuz like in the book, jude is basically everyone’s in the group centre of life, consciously or not. and if the author did this intentionaly? oh my, genius. if not, what a hell of coincidence.
oh and, i discovered this new theory about folklore by taylor swift. there’s this specific order in which you can listen to the album and it’s like a whole story based on the folklore love triangle betty-james-augustine. and it makes so much sense, it’s insane. so i absolutely have to pass it further. look look look:
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insane. i know taylor said something else about the love triangle, but this absolutely makes sense too. also, i found this playlist on spotify, where are both folklore and evermore in a specific order, and that order makes such sense as well, it’s amazing.
4am now. i’m dead already. i’m so tired but can’t sleep, i hate this.
day before yesterday i saw my friend i have a huge crush on, and lemme tell you, i’m so deep in friendzone, he didn’t even need to say it. i actually don’t know shit. i have such huge mixed signals from him, i just wanna die. we were on a beer okay, didn’t see each other for a few months and it was a spontaneous rendezvous among friends. and he paid for me. you don’t do that on friends rendezvous dude- but like he did it so casually, jesus christ. also when we were saying goodbye, we hugged, which we normaly don’t do, cuz we have this weird history and thus we’re too awkward with each other in those stuff. see? mixed signals! and i’m not even talking about how much i enjoy talking to him. anyway. i freaked out about this to my friend after. then i calmed down and came to the conclusion, that he’s litterally just a guy and went on with my day.
hmmm. i made me four new playlists.
oh and i bought these georgeous rings and star-earings from this one small business and i’m so excited, they are so cute! i have the rings already, earing are on the way, yaaayy.
i really should stop spending so much money. i’m doung that a lot lately.
also i’m going to austria in two weeks. can’t wait. i love it there. but i’ll probably die on some hill there because i lost all my sport abilities since i stopped competing. my lungs will betray me, that’s for sure.
and i’m booked for another two tattoos! can’t wait for that either. especially since the tattoo artist is my friend and i haven’t seen her in a while. will be nice to catch up again!
mhm. there’s so much and nothing happening at the same time these days. it’s kind of weird. but, well, it is what it is. could be better, could be worse. ew, anyway. i’m too tired for talking deep shit. there will be time for it some other day. so i’ll go try to fall asleep. because, yeah, i’m surely gonna die at work today. wish me luck, bye.
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
OH I THOUGHT YOU WERE WAY SMALLER LIKE 160CM OR SOMETHING SHSGHSGS and i also love tall (and short) (and neither tall or short just average???) women but idk i dont like it on myself👲
my all albums cost over 400€ and last and this month i payed 137€ for new albums💀 bitch im crazy today i was in a bigger city and i bought there another enhyoen album like dark blood the white and red one and now i just bought the last version that i need to have all👲 i also bought the weverse version cuz i didnt pull heeseung and jake today (you cna say over 80€ today for albums🔌🔌) and im collecting official photocards in my photocard albums just so i can flex to my children who i pulled when i was their age (they will so totally listen to kpop, lana del rey, taylor swift etc. i can see it) so i eill probably sell one day some albums for idk what price but probably like 15-20€ with some inclusions or something (i literally see people selling albums for 5-10€ like how😟😟) (some photocards cost that much💀💀💀)
okay so im too scared so i probably wont do it💀 like i saw a cute guy today (train) and there wasnt anything to sit down (it was so a lot people) but only the place next to the guy right so i asked him if i can sit next to him snd he said yes and i wanted to ask for his number but i shit my pants and now i regret it a lot but st least i know it which city he lives💪👲
i didnt choose anything in germany and in poland i can live with my fsmily, in france (toulouse) i can find a job (my french teacher studied there and she also worked in a cafe and she was like the employee of the month or something a lot of times and she still has contact with the people there and she lived in their “hotel” for like 1/4 of the price (like 500€ a month) (she was earning over 1000€ a month) and she will get me all this) my french teacher was so supportive after she found out that i want to study there and we literally have such long conversations all the time and also talk about if i got accepted or not👲 i can still apply to somewhere in germany tho idk imma just go wherever i get accepted to and then find a job and my parents will probably support me too (like with money) (omg im having a stroke reading all this because my english got so bad in such a short time💀)
BECAUSE PEOPLE MIGHT THINK THST IM WEIRD OR PICK ME OR SOMETHING “omg i’m so delulu😭😭🥺🥺🥺 i love them so much but they will never rven look at me🥺😭” this type of shit
DO I FEEL LIKE I'M SMAL??? 😭😭😭 yk when i was young i got tall so fast and so i was the taller out of everyone..........and then i got into high school and i stopped growing up so everyone became taller than me </3 i took it personally </3
400??? DAMN YOU HAVE A LOT 😧 i think i got one treasure album, two blackpink, and one straykids and that's it 🙏🏼 what's your favorite album out of the ones you have?
hMMMMM ABT THE SONG YOU SHOULD SING IT'S HARD TO CHOOSE IF I DON'T KNOW YOUR VOICE YET............ but since i sung over me you should sing say my name 🤭🤭🤭
oh you'd go to toulouse if you come to france??? i heard the city is super pretty and it's not too far away from where i am!! that's so cool that your french teacher was so supportive of you like <3 that's so cute. plus if you go there you'd be able to have the assurance of her help. it's better to come to a city like toulouse if you come to france cuz it's not as expensive as paris.
tell me when you get your answers for college!! hope you can go somewhere it won't be too hard for you
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stylinsuns · 1 year
Hiii! I’m sooo glad you’re doing well!! And yess we do have soo many things to have debates on. I’ve been meaning to get in touch but the seasonal allergies has been killing me. But on the bright side i got a haircut and also just donated blood today for the first time, which my mother was not very happy about cuz I didn’t tell her, she was like kabhi aisi bewaqoof harkat dobara na karna and i was like cmon i donated blood its main bewaqofi kya hai but I understand she was concerned that i was alone and on top of that right after i went to attend a 3 hours long class. Anyways tell me everything thing, how’s life?! What have you been up to?
helllloooooooo ohmygod im a terrible person i think i saw this(??) and then forgot(??) anyway IM REALLY SORRY im the absolute shittest at remembering to reply to stuff but HELLOO!!!! seasonal allergies sounds bad hope you're ok. all we have here is humidity that's being mistaken for SuMmEr.
HAIRCUT! how short? veeery short or just shorter than before? also in which style? i want to know i am interested have you gotten used to it yet? or still getting regret pangs here and there because i do. i get them for a good month after the haircut.
BLOOD DONATION IS SO COOOOOOL but i agree with your mom not on the expense of your health you do not want to spook your system like that. but stil!!!!!! very cool. always wanted to do it myself but then i would just not for some reason. idk im not even scared of needles or anything but it just feels too real when you're really about to do it idk idk then i started getting tattoos regularly but i haven't in some months so maybe i'll go sign up for the next one i see!! that was a long, unnecessary sentence sorry kfgdkjhsbfkjds but you're crazy. after a THREE HOUR LONG CLASS??? nuts that is. insane. was it an impulse thing? because if it was then don't they require quite a lot of like documents and official stuff or something? im just making guesses in the air here of course. i've only seen those from outside crying emoji
i'm good too. nothing as drastic as what you've been upto obviously. i have exams as i know you know now from the new ask, but yes. everything else's pretty much okay. it was so brightening to know your lot of ventures, i hope there's more of these to come that you'll want share here <3
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okay but there’s something weird to me,,, so barelys (early/late inputs) end perfect campaigns, aside from for a handful of games in ds (shoot-’em-up, frog hop and lockstep; i should note that despite this, they don’t count as hits in a regular gameplay, i.e. you could get a technical perfect in lockstep but still get a just ok), and those are the only exceptions,,, supposedly.
there’s actually another exception (maybe a couple but i just know one) that i’ve never seen anyone bring up: built to scale (fever).
so in built to scale, a barely presents itself as the rod bouncing at an angle with,,, i believe a doink but i don’t remember for sure, but it bounces to the next,,, thing fine. this doesn’t end a perfect campaign (at least in fever, not sure in megamix). as long as the rod gets bounced, the perfect campaign keeps going.
maybe people don’t bring it up because built to scale’s already so easy (i will admit it’s easy but it’s still pretty fun imo), but i’ve seen literally no one mention it and that’s really weird to me.
how do i know this, you may ask? i got several (i believe) barelys when i perfected built to scale and built to scale 2. granted, i might just be wrong and those just count as early/late aces/perfects/hits/whatever you call them, but i believe they’re barelys, yet a perfect campaign doesn’t end with one (as i said, in fever; in megamix i don’t have built to scale because it’s like eight flow balls? screwbot factory is cheaper than built to scale, where were their priorities??).
so yeah just something interesting i think people should mention; i’d include footage but idk if there’s any since i’m pretty sure the main perfect video for built to scale just has aces and i’ve already perfected built to scale + don’t want to install a rom of fever just in order to showcase this,,, i’m not even on the computer where i could-
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whatafuckinnerd · 8 years
E Q U W Y ;>
e – easiest person to talk to     People...people aren’t easy to talk to. I’ll choose the person that’s been in my life longest and knows me and my patterns best and has thus learned how to best engage/interact with me, @yourfloorislava​. Literally can’t get rid of him going on 8 years now. 
q – question you’re always asked      “What are your preferred pronouns?” or, as of late, “what happened to your back/why are you walking with a cane?” The answer to both, if anyone wants to know, is A) I have none (don’t refer to me), and B) My body has been trying to kill me since I was a child, but unfortunately belongs to me so it’s too fucking lazy to finish the job. This is it’s most recent attempt in the form of a back injury.That parenthetical part is a joke...sort of. 
u – underwear color      Oh, darling, I’m not wearing any =O
w – worst habit     Flaking. I flake like a motherfucker. I just am not good with people. Even people I like. I’m a full-blown hermit at this point in my life. Positive note, though, my crazy pills are working on this with small amounts of success!
y – your favorite food      Oh fuck. I love food. I just fucking love it. Even when I’m on my ADHD meds and can’t eat even half a meal without getting full. I fucking love food. How do I choose?! Umm...pasta? I love pasta. But I think I’ll go with asian bbq. Mongolian, Korean, ooh! Shabu shabu! Which, okay, I know isn’t bbq but fuck it, I’m gonna count it cuz it’s kind of the same style. Yea, asian bbq is just the fucking best. It beats pasta. And gravy. And potstickers. And sweets of all kinds - even nothing bundt cakes, this bakery by my house which is to die for seriously I’m super fucking fat right now because I basically ate an entire bundt cake from them for my birthday last month (and then had a second cake but hush!). Phiily cheese steaks get beaten by asian bbq. In-n-out loses out. Okay I need to stop because I’m getting hungry again and if I eat any more food tonight I will have to throw away my Blob-in-Training sign because I’ll have reached by goal. 
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sunookkii · 3 years
Hi there! I saw your request are open if you don't mind could you do enha reaction to arranged marriage with fluff ending ^^. Thank you so much also sorry if I disturbing you. May you always have good day. ↖(^ω^)↗
a/n : SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE AGES I HOPE YOU ENJOY THOUGH ,, currently tryna clear out my inboxes as much as I can ; requests are still open ;))
Enhypen with an arranged marriage 💍
Genre : arranged marriage 😺👍
Warnings : I don’t think there’s any but if there is plz feel free to lmk !!
Requested : yes tyty !!!!
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So his parents were like yeah she’s gonna be your wife and you can’t do anything abt it 😹😹
So he was basically just like uh okay ??
Probably a bit annoyed abt how his whole marriage was arranged without his permission
but like yk this is just a business relationship ntg more than that
‘let’s just meet the girl my parents set me up with’
His rich parents reserved a spot at a really fancy dinner to have dinner with your family to let you and Heeseung meet each other for the first time
When he first sees you his first thought abt you was stunning, beautiful
And surprisingly you two get along really well, a little too well
You guys were stuck to eachother like glue for the rest of the night
His parents notice how he looks at you differently, he can’t contain his smirk/smile ever since he met you
You two ended up living a happy life together with no regrets <3
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At first he wasn’t really happy.....
he barely gets into fights w his parents cuz yk jay is very respectful
might even raise his voice a bit
Convinced himself that he will hate you
Probably not interested in you what so ever
but tbh he is interested to see who’s he’s stuck with for at least two years until the contract is over-
hehe,, little did jay know...
for some reason when he met you at the party he was feeling nervous ??!?? THE jay park feeling nervous bc of some girl *gasp
ngl you two really did have some sort of chemistry
After a while it was hard for you not to fall in love with his personally so here you are head over heels for the boy
And to your luck he felt the same
jays parents : “see this isn’t so bad is it”
will definitely end up keeping you 💪
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ngl he was pissed off when he figured out that he wasn’t able to make any decisions abt the arranged marriage
Probably really really annoyed but knows he can’t do anything about it. His rich parents wanted him to marry a girl who was also rich as him so two families can become powerful.
Most likely to rant to Layla how he doesn’t want to meet you because he thinks you’re probably going to end up being own fo those snotty rich girls
But oh boy was he wrong
You were the most humble sweet funny girl he could ever imagine, you were beyond his expectations
Yeah he met a lot of hot/pretty/cute girls but all of them had horrible personalities
he found it attractive how you were different
you two ended up having so much in common and wouldn’t be able to separate for the rest of the night
Anywhere there is jake there will also be you ;)
So I guess you can say you guys got along well
you got along really really well..;) a little too well..........
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Mad to the point that he’d ignore everyone and not speak at all. Pissed off to the extent !!
Tbh he probably didn’t even want to meet you, scratch that he didn’t even want anything to DO with you.
Like jays parents they reserved a spot at a expensive seven star restaurant
The whole dinner he was cold, rude and arrogant. Would sigh a lot and glare 😺
though you were a totally opposite personality of him. You’re were bubbly, sweet and cute
even though he wanted to hate you he couldn’t he hated to admit but you were really adorable
he might even sneak a smile, well not sneak cuz when he smiles everyone seems to notice. (Lets just pretend he’s cold too every girl he meets but w u it was different lolol)Sunghoon has such a cute smile
As days goes by living with you he learned how much he cared for you and that his feeling grew ever single the day he met you
Ice prince finally now had an ice princess
after two years had passed the contract was over but he was already in love with you by then, you two ended up getting married properly this time
You guys were a match made in heaven 🌥
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I don’t think he’d mind, he might just be disappointed but tbh idk I don’t think he’d care.
As long as you’re not one of those stuck up bitches !!!!
but like he would definitely be surprised when he heard the words ‘arranged marriage’ his face would be like 😯 huh???
Actually kinda excited to meet you, he loves meting new people
when he finds out that you’re cute beautiful smart and kind. He knew that you two would get along quite well
You guys matched each others energy so well, you guys quickly became best friends so you didn’t mind living with him
He was a great cuddle buddy
so after a while of all this skinship and spending so much time together being able to be yourself you soon fell for him and viseversa
You two are blessed to have eachother, you guys ended up being soulmates until the next life and so on forever
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Like sunghoon he would be super cold
He wouldn’t even wanna meet you nor have anything to do w you
He’s mad at the universe that he never got a chance to find his soul mate on his own
But little did he know he was abt to meet her at *wink wink your house
Was actually forced to be here, and already planned out in his head that he wasn’t going to talk to you and have his poker face one the whole time
you ended up being really pretty, sweet and funny.
He forgot all about his plan to try and push you away instead he unintentionally did the opposite 😭😭
You two exchanged phone numbers, he put your name under as ‘future wife ❤️’
It was supposed to be a business relationship but he ended up having a really big crush on you
boy can never ever keep his smirk to himself
He’s just so adorable himself how can you not fall for him 😞😞🤲
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Another one that would be pissed and disobey their parents
Would probably “run” away to some convenience store nearby to get some bungeopang where he bumped into some girl that was tryna grab the last snack
He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone and neither were you
You two ended up bickering whether who gets to keep the snack when you suddenly blurt our “IM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD MY PARENTS JUST TOLD ME THAT IM GOING TO BE IN AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE WITH SOME GUYS NAME RIKI SO JUST ELT ME HAVE IT PLEASE”
Then he’d be like “really you too??? I’m riki”
He lets you have the snacc cuz he sorta likes you even though he just met you :,)
You two ended up talking to eachother for the rest of the night until one of you had to go home
Ended up realizing how funny and cute you were. Comes home with a big ass smile in his face
that’s how he met his future wife
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missskzbiased · 3 years
The Things We Don’t Tell
Summary: You were sure your life was written and directed to fit a sketchy Rom-Com and nobody could convince you otherwise. First, your boss was too hot to be true, and burning with desire didn’t even begin to explain the tingling sensations he left on you. Second, your coworker (a.k.a. Ex-About-to-be-FWB) insisted in turning your life into a living hell, which wasn’t the exact kind of hotness you were into. And if having these two hot men around you every single day of your life wasn’t enough to prove it, maybe the threat of your slutty secret identity about to be busted would be… But you couldn’t let this happen.
WC: 7,5 K
Genre: Smut, Humor (?)
AUs: Office, Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin X Fem!Reader X Bang Chan  
(Not really a love triangle as Hyunjin is the Lead. However, Reader wants to Bang Chan)
Rebloggable Masterlist    //   Main Masterlist   //   Tag List
Warnings: Language, Thigh riding, Public space (Office), Exhibitionism, Possessiveness, Pet Name (Baby girl), Sir Kink  
[If I forgot anything, please let me know! I’m kinda sleepy right now]
Notes: There will be at least one more chapter but I won’t do a tag list post for now, only if someone wants it, cuz I’m too lazy to think about doing it right now. This fic is an attempt to experiment with some writing style things that I’ve been wanting to try. I don’t think it worked, tho SUHAHUSAUHSUHA But that’s life
- I’ll quite possibly change the title in the future-
  You are a superhero.
    Okay! To be honest, you may be exaggerating a little bit ─ a tiny harmless little bit ─ but that was how you felt every single day of your life, alright? You had this glorious and mysterious side of yours that you hid from everyone else in the world… That mask that you couldn’t let come to the ground and would fight for dear life to protect… That side to your persona that no one was allowed to meet… The fierce, bold, and dark aspects of your soul that—
    “Y/N! I want those papers on my table!”
    “Yes, sir!” You shrieked in an embarrassing (not even slightly bold) way.
    — That you couldn’t show at your work.
    Yeah… So maybe no one actually thought of you as a superhero, but you really believed someone should start to. Was there something that different between your life and those low-budget TV shows people seem to enjoy so much? You didn’t think so.
  To be fair, sometimes you felt like someone wrote a questionable script and poorly directed your life to fit you as the leading lady of a sketchy rom-com. As if they just focused on checking out every point on a bullet list made up with rules for a successful superhero office drama that wasn’t even that good…
    … And speaking of which…
    Rule Number One: The stern (maybe kinda attractive) boss!
    If you had to define Bang Chan with a couple of adjectives, you would choose undeniably beautiful ─ extremely professional of you because the right words to describe him were fucking hot ─ and committed. Fortunately, it wasn’t an “I have someone waiting for me at home and a bunch of kids I must put to sleep” kind of commitment, which would destroy your hopes of having this man one day. Unfortunately, it was an “I’m better than the header and gonna run this company by tomorrow night” kind of commitment, which destroys your hopes of a peaceful day at work.
    Now, it’s not like you don’t want to do your job! It’s just that you didn’t sign up to be Bang Chan’s perfect little toy ─ definitely not the better words to describe it ─ and you didn’t expect to be joined by the hips ─ really? ─ with him or any of your coworkers. The thing is that Bang Chan wants to be on top ─ someone has to stop you ─ and he believes the only way to get there is to work as a team and be as perfect as one can be. In other words, Bang Chan wants absolutely everything and everyone to be neat, tight, and ready to be used ─ again… Not the better way to put your thoughts into words ─, but this just wasn’t who you were.  
    It also wasn’t the point right now.
    The point right now should be the fact that Bang Chan was striding to his office looking like he owned the whole damn place… If this was a movie, the camera would be focusing on his expensive, black leather shoes before scanning all the way up to his waist in slow motion. The scene would zoom in on his fine ass only to go a little bit up and catch the shiny, black belt wrapping around his figure. The outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination, but you had a hell of a productive mind… You could think of a few things you shouldn’t really be thinking about right now.
    Bang Chan didn’t seem to understand he was at work either.
    He rolled his sleeve up in a sexy motion that should be illegal. It isn’t. You can tell by the way there are no cops bursting inside the building and arresting this gorgeous son of a bitch.
    The lack of any authorities to stop this atrocious moment had you lowering your gaze to your desk ─ a vain attempt to ignore the way his forearms flexed as he gestured and ordered people around. If you were a little bit less professional, you would have some ideas of how he could do it in bed. With you. But you weren’t some kind of creepy perv who would be fantasizing about riding your own boss from dusk till dawn.
    Not at all.
    “Do you need me, Sir?” His secretary asks politely.
  A question that you would love to ask him too… In a totally and strictly professional way, of course.
    Rule Number Two: The (extremely unnecessary) nemesis!
    The shiver running down your spine could mean only one thing: Hwang Hyunjin ─ your obnoxious coworker ─ was standing right behind you, just like a bloody damn ghost. There was no need to turn around. You knew he had his mocking eyes glued on Bang Chan’s figure, and you could feel the air shifting as he tilted his head in a silent sneer before leaning on your desk.
    You refused to turn around and acknowledge his presence; painfully aware that he would flash a wide grin while looking at you with a knowing glint in his eyes. You wouldn’t give him the taste of seeing in your face that he was right; that you were staring at your boss as if you were a starving vulture. So you did the only thing you could do in this situation: You started to work. The sheets scattered over your desk wouldn’t walk by themselves to Bang Chan’s room, right?
    And neither would you if it depended on Hyunjin.
    The attempts to swipe the papers in your direction and gather everything you needed ─ to finally get rid of Hyunjin ─ proved to be vain as his hand took root on the desk. You pursed your lips in annoyance while glancing at his prominent knuckles and slender fingers; wondering if he would be so collected if he knew you wanted to crunch them. Probably not. But he gets off so fucking much on upsetting you that he might just want to take the risk anyway.
    “What do you want, asshole?” You hissed; stopping your motions before turning around to stare blankly at him.
    The face of an angel was the most accurate way to describe the sight in front of you. Plump, pink lips molded into a sweet smile and dark brown eyes morphed into cute crescents. None of those features fit his true self, though. Underneath the angelic façade, there was a demon called Hwang Hyunjin ─ who was resting his free hand on your shoulder for no reason besides driving you crazy.
    It would be easier if he was just a pretty face, but Hyunjin had a good body too. The guy looked just like a model ─ slim, tall, and classy ─, and even though only his collarbones peeked out from down his shirt, you knew that there was much more than the eyes could see.
    Well, you never saw it, but you had felt it.
    As far as you could remember, each curve on Hyunjin’s abs was craft by God himself. The way his chest was built for you to caress would be forever craved on your mind. You might never forget how soft his lips were in contrast to his lap… How his thighs flexed just right when you pulled his hair… How reactive he was… How his moans sounded… And how he put everything to waste.
    “Oh, nothing” He shrugged. As usual, his voice was just like sweet, hot honey; still, you could wipe the poison dripping down his chin, “I was just wondering if you had enough time to do your job while fucking your boss inside your head” He clarified sarcastically, cracking you a smile.
    Sometimes you regretted not putting his mouth to good use… He really needed to learn how to shut up for a while and stop being so… Unbearable. The silence he met had him scoffing; body leaning even closer to the point his face was practically hovering over yours ─ smugness plastered all over it. You held his gaze to confront him; breathe mingling with his in a heated mix that matched the anger under your eyes.
    Was he licking his lips as he stared at yours? Oh boy… He definitely wanted to get laid. It was your time to scoff as the frown on your lips turned into a smirk; eyes twinkling mischievously as you looked into his in a silent teasing. As if sensing that he was in trouble, Hyunjin tilted his head to look even more obnoxious than he was; face coming closer to yours to defy your newfound confidence.
     “You know what? If you stared at him any longer, I think his balls might have fallen off…” He whispered in a tone loud enough for just you to hear “Unless he saw the way you were looking at him… Then I guess his dick would go straight up” He assured you with a ‘friendly’ pat on your shoulder as he finally let go of your papers and straightened his back.
    “Are you saying it from experience?” You sneered; grimacing at him.
    “Are you telling me that you want me to fuck you too?” He retorted gibingly; not even thinking twice about it.
    “No” You tilted your head, trying to stay composed, “I’m reminding you that you couldn’t even kiss me without getting a boner… Just like a teenage boy” He arched a brow at your statement; pursing his lips as he hummed in wonder “I’m surprised you never came in your pants like the pathetic thing you are” He laughed; poking his cheek with his tongue before squeezing your shoulder in a silent warning.
    “I must have been quite a sight if you can remember it so vividly” You pretended not to notice the way he sniggered, pushing away the urge to punch his face.
  Nemesis was just a classy way to call him a pain in the ass.
  Rule Number Three: The (plain and uninteresting) secret identity!
  It would be impossible to miss the moment Hyunjin’s devilish smirk morphed into a bright, friendly smile. The snarky comment on the tip of your tongue was swallowed back in a bit; grimace dissolving into a wide grin as if you weren’t about to throw your fists at him. He giggled as his arms spread open before snaking around your body to pull you into a tight hug; holding you close and rocking your body side to side as a soft huff fell from your lips.
    If you didn’t know any better, your knee would be buried between his legs.
  “Way to go, Y/N!” He chirped, loosening his grip to take a better look at your face; eyes smiling as if the both of you were the bestest of friends in the entire world, “You’re awesome! I’m so proud… I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you as my teammate” He pursed his lips; dimples showing as he offered you nothing but affection in his gaze.
    You did know better, though, and it wasn’t too hard to figure out who was standing behind your back as you opened your mouth to answer him: “There’s no one I’d rather be with!” You reassured Hyunjin in a sweet, mirthful tone; tilting your head to return the fondness in his look in an act worthy of an Oscar “We’re a team, you know? You can’t get rid of me so easily” He laughed wholeheartedly at that; ruffling your hair before leaning closer to you again, resuming the hug.
    “We’ll see about that” He whispered in your ear, making you scoff.
    “What are you gonna do? Cry to Daddy so you won’t work with me anymore?” You hissed back; breaking away from his hug with a tight grin before turning around to meet Chan’s gaze.
    The surprise plastered over your face was millimetrically calculated; just like the way you pretended to be flustered as you stared into your boss’ eyes to see the pride shining on them. You brought the papers closer to your chest in what was meant to be an innocent, coy way ─ a technique mastered over the months you worked for him ─, and Chan seemed to fall for it as he giggled in delight. The poor guy had no clue all of this was as fake as your camaraderie towards Hyunjin, and he wasn’t about to discover it anytime soon if it depended on you.
    Luckily, it did! You had taken some acting classes; just enough for your next words to be naturally convincing: “I’m so sorry, Sir! We’re just so happy that –” The words were deliberately drawled to give him enough time to interrupt you. Just like you knew he would. And it was a good thing that he did because you had no idea of how you were supposed to finish that sentence anyway.
    You were a good actress, not a professional improviser.
    “Don’t mention it” He cut you off giggly; detaching himself from the doorframe he leaned on as he watched the friendly scene taking place.
    The amount of cuteness this man could deliver in his smile wasn’t fair, and it didn’t match the sensuality a simple gesture of his overflowed with, enchanting you. You gulped down as he gave both of you a silent order to follow him into his room, wondering if the duality he had in the office was remotely similar to what he could do in bed ─ a thought that shouldn’t be having a place in your mind right now.
    Hyunjin seemed to pick up on it pretty quickly too, and as soon as Chan turned around to head to his office, he bumped his shoulder onto yours. The obnoxious action was followed by your elbow diving into his ribs; a retaliation that took you less than a second and, luckily, Chan ─ or any of your coworkers ─ didn’t seem to notice. Neither of you gave away your silent quarrel as Hyunjin closed the door behind him, smiling at you when Chan finally took his seat.
     “It’s good to see that you guys have such chemistry” He confessed, and you had to suppress a scoff when you looked into his eyes. He had no idea… The chemistry between you two was enough to make you want to blow each other, “You know what I always say, right?” He boasted on a sing-song; much more at ease than he seemed to be earlier.
    You weren’t about to put that on the line, though.
    “You can’t have teamwork if you don’t have a team!” You warbled in unison.
    “That’s the spirit!” Chan gurgled, heading to his desk in a visibly good mood.
    What was going on? He wouldn’t be so happy just because you and Hyunjin were being friendly… Were you missing something? He didn’t seem in such a peaceful state of mind when he came in… It had to be something that happened after that. Perhaps he got some good news from his secretary? Or maybe… You narrowed your eyes as you caught a glimpse of Hyunjin’s hands fidgeting in front of him; his foot tapping the ground rapidly but quietly before moving slightly to step on your toe.
     Or maybe Hyunjin had something to do with it…
    “As I said in the email, Sir, I happened to hear some stuff around and… KQ managed to get an exclusive with Han Jisung” The sentence sounded just like a normal introduction to a report, but you knew it wasn’t. Hyunjin’s eyes darted to meet yours, glinting with anxiety and despair. He was informing you of what was going on, not Chan, “And as we all know, Jisung is a rising producer star, which is bound to raise their sales and might get in the way of ours…” He continued, swallowing dryly and widening his eyes ever so slightly.
    He was definitely trying to warn you of something.
    “Yes, I read the e-mail, Hyunjin” Chan agreed sternly; smile disappearing as his fingers intertwined to serve as a support for his chin. He looked classy and incredibly sexy, but your mind couldn’t afford to focus on it right now. You had to figure out what the hell Hyunjin suggested to Chan before blowing everything up, “You also said that Y/N might have the solution for this…” Oh, so that was it, you thought when Chan arched his brow; eyes connecting to yours.
    And now what?
    “So?” He encouraged you, detaching his chin from his hands so he could rest them on his desk “I’m waiting” He smiled gently; a closed-mouth smile that was supposed to calm your nerves, even though you could see how tumultuous his gaze was right now.
    It was practically a silent threat.
    In a normal situation, the predatory way he was looking at you ─ resembling a wolf when you were nothing but a sheep under his radar ─ would get you… Thinking.
    Your job wouldn’t be at stake in a normal situation, though.
    The pressure on your toes increased; the subtle way Hyunjin found to snap you out of your mind, despite your silence hanging in there for just a few seconds. It was obvious that he was freaking out just as much as you were, and you couldn’t help but blame him for this. Couldn’t he have told you about it earlier? What the hell was going on inside his mind?! Instead of taunting you about wanting to fuck Bang Chan, he should have warned you about that shit!
    That’s not the time for this, Y/N.
    The muscles on your face tensed as you tried to not give away everything going through your mind; lips twisting in a tight smile as you looked at Hyunjin: “Yeah, he was right” You answered calmly, even though your stomach was settled on becoming an Olympic athlete right now, “As I was telling him before coming here, Sir, I have someone in mind…” The relief washed over Hyunjin’s face; a genuine smile adorning his features as he withheld a sigh, “I happen to know I.N, and I think I can get us an exclusive” You confessed, shifting your gaze from Hyunjin to Chan.
    “The writer?” He blurted out, astonishment plastered all over his face.
    “Yeah… They’re a friend of mine…” You trailed off, embarrassed to say it out loud “They’re in the top trending now since their novel will become a drama and…” You cleared your throat, lowering your head to avoid his gaze. There was just so much of acting you could handle for a day, “I mean- It’s… Adult stuff, right? But they never—”
    “I know! That’s perfect!” He beamed, getting up from his chair to walk your way “They’ve never been seen! Nobody knows anything about them, Y/N” He laughed ─ he genuinely laughed ─ while clasping his hands together “Han Jisung is good, but I.N is better! This is hot news… FrontPage… How come you never told me about that?” He chuckled, placing his hand on your shoulder “Rest assured that when I get my promotion, I’m gonna have you right here in this room” He promised you in such a serious tone that a shiver ran down your spine.
    Rule Number Four: The (kinda horny) true self!
    There was not a single soul in the office as you made your way down the hall; eyes focused on the mesmerizing view outside. The sky was colored in purple shades, so deep that you would have mistaken them for black if it weren’t for the dazzling, sleepless city and its dozens of skyscrapers lighting everything up. Not even the full moon would be able to compete with such a beautiful brilliance, but it wouldn’t be necessary either as your gaze was abruptly torn away from the night.
    The darkness surrounding you didn’t allow your brain to connect the dots immediately, and you couldn’t help but wonder what happened when you bumped into something. The surface was much softer than a wall, yet firm enough to have you wincing for the impact; eyes snapping to meet the unlucky bastard that stayed until so late. The moonlight kissed his skin just enough for you to recognize the sharp features of your boss; clenched jaw revealing popping veins that distracted you for a fraction of a second.
     Your eyes trailed the path from his jaw to his neck, and you couldn’t help but wonder how it tasted like; if you could savor it like the sins you wanted to commit with him. The closeness didn’t work in your favor, and the hint of his scent intoxicated your senses as you connected your gazes. Something must have given you off ─ maybe your hesitation, maybe the lust glinting in your eyes ─ because the next second, Cristopher had his hand placed on your lower back.
   The warm sensation grew to a burning feeling as his eyes darkened while diving into yours; his stern, cold gaze contrasting to the feeling of his touch and sending a shiver down your spine. Could he have noticed the way your legs trembled as his grip tightened around you? The look on his face was indecipherable, and the intensity of his gaze made you feel too exposed and vulnerable to keep looking for an answer, so you averted your eyes away from him.
    “Weren’t you supposed to come as soon as you got his answer?” The way his voice made its way to your senses had the embarrassment washing over you. The huskiness in his tone made you gulp down ─ throat dry from thirsting over him ─ and the calmness in his sentence alarmed you as it didn’t match the disapproval in his eyes “It’s so late that there is no one else here anymore” He added nonchalantly; mixed signals getting you confused to what he meant by it.
    Was it just a way to scold you or was it an invitation?
    “I’m sorry, Sir” Despite not having anyone around, you whispered the words as if you could be caught at any moment now, “It took me longer than expected, but we—”
    “We?” His eyes were sharp enough to cut you off but the real reason why you couldn’t manage to finish your thoughts was the way he pulled your body impossibly closer to his “Were you with him this whole time?” He hissed right into your ear, letting his hot breath fan over your cold, sensitive skin in a silent threat.
    “Working” You corrected, even though he didn’t say anything.
    “Working” He hummed in agreement; hand going to tuck your hair behind your ear “As in how we work late at night?” He sneered, manhandling you to press your back against the cold surface of the glass wall that separated his office from the rest of the place “Or is it as in how he wants to work you on his desk?” He scoffed; soft huff almost as degrading as the way he held your cheeks with one hand and guided your eyes to his.
    “Neither” You guaranteed breathlessly; voice quivering in excitement.
    “Are you going to pretend that you didn’t notice his looks?” He narrowed his eyes at you; his knee making its way to the gap between yours before slowly rising to your thighs, “That you don’t know how much he wants to fuck you?” He laughed humorlessly, shaking his head in disbelief, “You better not, ‘cause I know you love it” He warned as he kicked your legs apart.
    “He could never fuck me as you do” There was such seriousness in your tone that it had him chuckling, and he nodded in approval before burying his nose in your neck, “I-I’m yours only, Sir… I know my place” You promised quietly, trying not to give away how aroused his jealousy made you feel.
    “Yeah…” His raspy laughter tickled your skin, and you muffled a whine as he grazed his teeth over your neck teasingly “But you like being reminded of it, don’t you?” He taunted, taking in your scent in a way that made you feel too small and helpless. He groaned as soon as you let a whimper fall from your lips, and you couldn’t help but struggle to stay still while knowing what was about to come, “Do I have to spell it for you, baby girl?” He snickered before sucking on the tender spot of your skin that he knew too well at this point.
    “N-No” Somewhere inside your head, you acknowledged that your reaction was insanely humiliating. He just needed a couple of words spoken in a sultry tone and you couldn’t even form a proper sentence. That was the power he had on you. And you loved it. “Only yours” The rushed tone made him smirk against your neck, stopping his path of kisses for a second to look into your eyes “Sir” You panted; returning his gaze with just as much intensity as he had on his.
    “Claim your place” His order was so tantalizing that you didn’t even blink before you finally let your knees give away, losing the support of your legs to earn the support of his thigh, “That’s right… You do remember your place” Somehow, this sounded like the best praise he could ever offer you, even under his amused tone, “But you have been such a bad girl lately…” He pouted as he caressed your cheek; hand stopping to grab your chin gently “And I don’t like bad girls… You know that, right?” He let his thumb reach for your lower lip, fiercely staring at it before grazing his finger on your teeth.
    Your answer was as silent as his request; tongue welcoming his thumb before you sucked on his digit. He hummed in appreciation, pushing it inside your mouth as you looked at him with big doe eyes to show a coyness that wasn’t really there within you. The action was followed by a swirl around the tip of his finger; as if to leave in his mouth the taste of what he was missing and prompt him to give you what you really wanted: Him.
    If he picked up on your plans, he showed it by giving like for like.
   He didn’t say a word as he pressed his thigh against your heat; leaning closer to let his breath fan over your neck once more. He stood like that for what could have been seconds, maybe minutes, but nonetheless time enough for his warmth to creep into your senses. He was like a poison to you; the intoxicating presence clouding your better judgment and destroying any will you had to have him losing control. You didn’t even mind the way he scoffed as you started to grind his leg; brows twisting to shout out a needy plea for release.
    “That’s a good girl” He approved, catching your earlobe between his teeth. The moan that fell from your lips was muffled by his finger and he didn’t seem to appreciate it, “I don’t hear you, baby girl” He complained, moving on to your jaw with a path of open-mouthed kisses that weren’t enough to distract you from his other hand “There’s no one here… Be loud for me” He allured you as his hand found its way under your shirt.
      The temptation was great… Scream his name as he fucked you senseless in the office... No risk of being caught… Just you, and him, and your dirty little secret…
    Your thoughts were all around the place, and you had no hopes of grasping them back as his cold hand brushed your side, contrasting to the warmth under your clothes. The way he touched you made shivers run down your spine; his slow, delicate motion enhancing your senses to every single second of his caresses. You held your breath when his finger finally managed to reach its destination; grazing over your nipple to have you succumbing to his wishes.
    You fought it as you could, but you were never much of a fighter.
    It was too easy for him to have you under his control, and he knew it. You could tell it by the way he chuckled as soon as you gave away how lost you were at this point. The moan that left your lips came all the way up from your chest, sounding crystal clear in the room as you let your mouth fall agape. Sucking on his finger and following his orders were the last concern you would have for this moment. The only thing worthy of your attention right now was the fact that you couldn’t get as much friction as you needed, and you had to do something about it.
    So you grind on his leg for dear life.
    “You’re so needy” The mockery didn’t have much effect on your mind anymore, so you just kept sliding up and down his thigh as if that was the only thing that could keep you going “You’re not even listening to me, are you?” He huffed in disbelief; thumb leaving your mouth so he could cup your face “That’s all you can understand, right?” He taunted, pinching your nipple to get your attention again, “Are you still there, baby girl?” He leaned closer to whisper in your ear.
      “F-Fuck me” Was the only answer he would get.
      “Manners” He warned; licking the sweet spot next to your jaw.
      “Fuck me, Sir” You corrected yourself; wrapping your arms around his shoulders to look for some support as you practically bounced on his leg, “Please, fuck me, Sir” You repeated, forehead resting on the crook of his neck as you clawed his back, trying to bring him as close as possible to you.
      “Louder” He demanded, and you didn’t need to look at his face to know that he was grinning, “Louder…” He instructed in a tone so low that you could barely hear him over the rustling sounds of fabric against fabric. Your breath hitched as his hand gently caressed your hair; moving some strands away from your face to take a better look at you. However, he didn’t get to see your teary eyes, “Come on, baby… Look at me” He asked in a tantalizing tone, alluring you to try and meet his gaze.
    There wasn’t much you could see through your hooded eyes; vision too blurry for you to grasp what was going on inside his mind. You could tell he enjoyed it, though. He always did. That moment when he could pinpoint you had given up on your control, that you weren’t yourself anymore and would be willing to do whatever he asked… He lived for it, for that rebellious flame of self-control extinguishing from your eyes.
     For who you become when lust overcomes you.        
    The grip on his hair wasn’t unexpected, and Cristopher offered you a small, wicked smile before you connected your lips. The kiss was messy and hurried; tongues exploring every corner they could find while your hands were occupied on getting rid of your clothes. Neither of you cared about anything else but feeling each other’s bodies as you ripped your shirts. The cold breeze hitting your bare skin wasn’t enough to cool down the heat consuming you, but it was enough to have you squirming and whining.
      “Beautiful” Was the only thing he said before pushing your back against the glass and adjusting his grip to take your nipple between his teeth. The groan that escaped your lips was almost animalistic, prompting him to answer with a grunt of his own as he sucked on your skin. The vibrations ran from your flesh to your core, enticing another moan that seemed to fall into deaf ears, “Louder, baby… I want him to hear you…” He pleaded, letting go of your breast just to grope it and give you a kitten lick on the next second “To know who made you like this…” He added before sucking on it again.
    Perhaps it was the fact that he thrust on you, just to tease your senses and make you thirstier. Perhaps it was the fact you had to support yourself on just one leg as he pushed his hips against yours and you tried to seek for your balance by involving his leg with yours. Perhaps it was his hand sliding to meet your clothed core; finger pressing against your clit to add a delicious, needed stimulus for your orgasm.
    Perhaps it was the words that slipped through his lips.
    “W-What did you say?” You panted; hips faltering as you tried to keep riding him, but steading their pace as his finger circled your clit to goad you “M-Mhm… S-Sir” You cried; hand burying in his hair to pull it and translate the utter bliss waving down your body. The string of mewls and urgent pleas spilled from you like a chant, getting him more eager than before, “P-Please” You whined, even though you weren’t sure what you were asking for.
      “Hold it” He ordered; straightening his back to look right into your eyes, but failing as yours rolled back to your head. His hand made its way to squeeze your cheeks, forcing you to look at him with a soft shake to catch your attention “Look at me” It sounded like a warning; stern enough for you to try your best to focus on him, “You’ll only cum when he walks right through that door… Do you understand?” He searched for any signs of stubbornness in your eyes, but his smile showed he didn’t found any.
    “W-Who?” You managed to ask; body trembling as you tried to hold every single string inside your mind in place, even though each one of them was ready to snap and unravel the crashing pleasure that was building up.
    “Why does it matter?” He scoffed, quickening his pace as the unmistakable ring of the elevator sounded on the room “You love being seen, don’t you?” He chuckled, watching as your body shook violently and your knees started to give away to the sensations running down your body.
      “Y-Yes, Sir” You could bet your voice echoed inside the building, and Christopher seemed to agree with you as he grinned in approval.
    “So look at your guest, baby… And scream my name” He instructed, pushing your face to the side. The doors opened slowly, revealing the lights inside the small cubicle right in front of your eyes “Let him know who you belong to” He whispered in your ear; hand pushing your underwear aside so his finger could come in contact with your core.
    The mysterious figure detached from the corners of the metallic walls to finally reveal himself. You met his eyes for a half of a second; enough time for you to recognize the one who worked with you every single day of your life. For the past few years. Someone who would be your partner for years to come, and who would witness and engrave your face in your most vulnerable moment.
    You came hard; probably the most overwhelming orgasm you had ever had in your life. It was impossible to hold back your voice, and you couldn’t help but howl his name; legs shaking and body collapsing into your boss’ arms. You squirmed and whimpered as you tried to recompose yourself; letting him help you ride you out of your orgasm and occupying yourself by staring into your coworker’s shocked eyes.
    “Thank you, Sir…” You breathed out, gripping his arms for dear life while the shame sank into your soul.
    Rule Number Five: The (grateful and satisfied) fans!
    And… Post.
    Oh, well… You did it. Again. There was something about displaying your deepest fantasies for anyone to see that was kinda thrilling to you. Your heart raced inside your chest just like a drum ─ well, if a goddamn drummer decided to do a solo but was too offbeat, to begin with ─ and you couldn’t help but stare blankly at the page without a clue of what to do now. It was out there… Why didn’t anyone say anything yet? Was it that bad? Should you delete it?
    Well… People have to read it before commenting, you know?
    Yeah, right… You just posted it.
    You licked your lips before biting them; feeling the rush that was posting about your boss online when no one else knew about it. If you were being honest, the best part of this wasn’t having the chance to live your fantasies throughout your writing. No. The best part was knowing that only you knew the true identity of Christopher… Or what you really wanted to do to him while he walked down the hallway. The best part was that no one would ever figure out that you were the author of the bestselling novel of the moment… That this steamy romance between boss and employee was nothing but your rawest desire.
     Who would think that the boring, shy girl from the office would be a smut writer? Who would think that you would have a horny, interesting secret identity? No one else but you.
      And this was priceless.
     Or maybe… It was priceless.
    As far as you knew, every single thing you cherished about being a secretive horny bitch could go down the drain tomorrow. It would be all fine if it was just a… Well, actually everything would suck. How would you look at Chan’s face if he knew you were writing about having sex with your boss while he was your boss? What would you do if they decided to fire you because of it? What would you do with your life from now on?!
     Don’t panic, Y/N.
    You had everything under control… Tomorrow morning you would be going to Jeongin’s house and interview him as if he were you. No one would ever suspect you after that. You would save your ass, Hyunjin’s ass, and Chan’s ass. And that was it. The perfect plan. Nothing to worry about. Just trust Jeongin to follow your script and make sure everything would go as planned.
    Flawless. Totally safe. Perfect.
    That’s right…
    You just need to take a deep breath and rela—
    The sudden sound caught you off guard; eyes focusing on the screen once again so you could understand what was going on. All of your worries vanished away as soon as you saw the notification on the top of it; announcing that you had just got a message from a fan.
    The weasel icon was so familiar that you chuckled while opening the message; a smile plastering over your face as you let your eyes wander around the words. There was nothing more fulfilling to your writer ass than seeing the way Weasel always had something to say about your story. Sometimes, he’d give you some feedback on your style. Other times, he’d freak out about how much he wanted to “try those things out”, as he usually said. There were also times when he’d just get excited over the characters and their conflicts, which always got you laughing.
    It was fun to talk to Weasel.
    He was just as mysterious as you… There was no name to his face, and also no face to his icon, but both of you were friends anyway. He had been keeping up with your stuff from such an early stage that it felt natural to have him around and getting his feedback. It was so comfortable, that you didn’t even mind when he slid in your DMs, embarrassed to let anyone else know that your smut made him… Feel things. There was no need to elaborate on what he did about those feelings or those things. But it was kinda hot to know he enjoyed himself throughout your fantasies.
      His fantasies.
    Well… For the number of times that you used them to write your stories, it was some sort of shared fantasies by now. As a matter of fact, you never intended to make Christopher a jealous character but Weasel made the idea seem too hot for you to ignore. Sometimes, he’d open up about that girl from his work that he really liked and how jealous he was of the guy she liked and then… Well, it felt… Interesting.
    The thought of being desirable to the point a guy would want to claim you as his like this? Not that Weasel did it. He actually just mentioned that he hoped she was into this as a kink. You couldn’t help but picture the way he would touch her in such a greedy way… The possessiveness blinding him for a second… The grip tightening… The mean words and the humiliation… Oh, the sweet humiliation that would crush you as he whispered how much you would cum for him… How he was the only one who could make you like that… How he would ask you to say his name… To tell him that you were his…
    You could drink holy water and still be shaking just by picturing it.
    “That was such a good chapter… I didn’t expect you to use her friend like that. I thought it was a given that she’d end up with Chris” You read out loud, chuckling when he reached for your DMs to talk to you “Will we get a threesome or something, miss? 😏” He joked on the next line and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at this “I’m waiting for it”
    “You’re just a horny bitch, aren’t you?” You typed, smirking as you stared at his messages “No spoilers for you, though, baby boy… You’ll have to wait like everybody else” Teasing him was always funny, and he never failed to amuse you.
      “I’m not the one writing porn online” He pointed out, and before he could write anything else you shot him.
    “Yeah but you’re the one getting off to it” You retorted, getting a whole set of gasping and shocked emotes that had you laughing.
    “I have no words to express how offended I am” You chortled, shaking your head in disbelief.
     “Alright, Drama Llama” Why was it so fun to mock him? You wished you could actually meet him offline and banter like this in real life “To fill your horny ass, I might write a dom!reader next time… I was thinking about torturing the 2nd lead a bit”
    “First of all… I don’t think I want my ass filled, thank you for offering tho” Why was he like this? “And I was just joking” You frowned at that, confused by what he meant “Don’t you think that a threesome doesn’t go along with the characters? Her friend likes her a lot and Christopher is just a kinky son of a bitch… I thought he’d just show him that she was his and be an ass as usual”
    “What do you have against Chris, dude?” You rolled your eyes, although he wouldn’t be able to see it, “He’s way better than her friend! At least, he does something about her”
    “I have the 2nd male lead syndrome! You know that!” You chortled, very aware of this, “And isn’t that the perfect opportunity for him to do something about it?! I mean… I don’t want to be nosey but having a threesome is way out of character for them” He pointed out, and you had to admit he was right.
    “No, you’re not nosey…” You sighed; shoulders dropping for a second “It’s just that I’m upset about something that happened at work today and you know that projecting my problems on those characters is my thing” You pursed your lips, staring at the keyboard for a few seconds before deciding to continue “Besides, I’m about to spend an entire day with a guy that kinda inspired the 2nd lead and… I don’t really want to think about a sex scene with him, you know?” You confessed.
    “But thinking about torturing and having a threesome with him is easy” He mocked you.
      “That’s because that threesome would never happen” You sent it before you could think about what you had just written.
    “Ooohhhh!” Holy shit… The amount of emotes he had just dumped on that chat couldn’t be a good sign, “So having sex with this guy is something you want?! And that could happen?! ” Great, now you would have a Drama Llama-Weasel trying to get some juicy gossip about your inexistent sex life… WORSE! Your sex life with your nemesis! “Why don’t you go for it? I’m sure he’s into you if he’s anything like his character” Poor thing… He had no idea.
    “Shut up, it’s not like that” You brushed it off.
    “If you say so” You could almost hear him snickering, even though you didn’t know how his voice sounded like “I’ll just have you regretting this for the rest of the night” You snorted, shaking your head in disbelief. He was unbearable! “I have work early tomorrow but I’m gonna come back with questions, Miss… Wait for me”
    “What I meant is that it’d be easier to happen than having a threesome, not that I want it to happen, moron” You defended yourself but he didn’t even get to read it as he logged off right away.
      Great… He would never let you live it down.
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kythed · 3 years
“teenage wasteland.” kuroo tetsurou x reader
“yo,” kuroo says, opening the door quickly after you ring the bell, “you finally made it.” 
“what do you mean, finally?” you complain, kicking off your shoes and slipping inside. the dry heat of his family home’s living room assaults your bare face, a sharp contrast to the december frigidity outside. “you texted me like ten minutes ago.”
“felt like longer,” kuroo says with a crooked grin. “you want something to drink?” 
“I kinda meant something stronger, but sure, water,” kuroo says, filling a glass at the kitchen sink. you furrow your brows.
“something stronger? I’m sorry, but last time I checked we were still underage,” you say, and kuroo laughs breathily — it’s almost a giggle, actually. for the first time since arriving, you notice an odd flush in his cheeks. “oh my god. are you drunk?”
“drunk?” kuroo gasps. “no, no. tipsy, yes. drunk, no.” 
“tetsurou,” you scold, reluctantly letting him pull you towards the hallway. “all those big, bad college boys can’t have been a very good influence on you.”
“I’ve had a stash of jack daniels hidden beneath my bed since sophomore year,” kuroo whispers conspiratorially. “those ‘big, bad college boys’ have nothing to do with it. speaking of which — you want some?” 
you shake your head vehemently and dig your heels into the carpet, realizing he’s trying to drag you into his bedroom. despite being kuroo tetsurou’s official best friend of a decade, you’ve never been inside his room before. you’ve never been inside any boy’s room before, actually — you’ve never been much of a rule breaker. 
(you suppose that’s why you and kuroo get along. you’re forever the straight-laced goody goody, and he’s forever the secretly bad, outwardly good honor roll kid.)
“I don’t drink,” you insist, and kuroo loops his arms around your neck. you stiffen. “and stop being so touchy. it’s freaking me out.”
“what?” kuroo says, feigning offense. “you don’t like my hugs?” 
“no!” you say, and he shoots you an exaggerated eye roll. “you’re being weird. I can probably count the number of times you’ve voluntarily hugged me on one hand.” 
kuroo ignores you, choosing to instead pick you up and toss you over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. 
“kuroo tetsurou, you’d better quit it before I call your mother!” you pound on his back, a little taken aback to feel his shoulder muscles rippling under your palms as he staunchly marches you into his room. “I do not want to enter your disgusting cave of a room, you teenage garbage troll!”
“getting real creative with the insults there,” kuroo laughs, setting you down and backing up against the door to block you from running out. “come onnnnn. I thought we could play a game of monopoly or something. listen to the radio. finish the bottle before my mom comes home and whips my hide.”
you sigh and perch your hands on your hips. “so that’s why you invited me over.”
“no, no,” kuroo protests, crouching to pull a clear bottle of amber colored liquid out from beneath his bed. “I also just vastly enjoy your company.”
“why not just throw it out?” you ask, gingerly sitting on the edge of the bed. 
kuroo’s room is a lot neater than you imagined it would be — navy bedspread tightly tucked in at the corners, vinyl floor completely clear save for a small rug. his desk is probably the messiest part of the entire room, holding an old, chunky desktop that’s covered in post-its with smudged, scribbled notes, ranging from “email prof. miyazawa about missing grade” to “buy mom flowers to apologize for broken mug.” 
there are a couple posters on the wall, too, one for the japanese national volleyball team, and one for some punk-looking band dressed in an overabundance of leather, ripped denim, and hair feathers. 
“this shit was expensive,” kuroo says, gesturing to the bottle before screwing the cap off and taking a long draught. your eyes widen as he drinks down a quarter of the remaining liquid, his adam’s apple bobbing with each swallow. “I can’t let it go to waste.”
“I think you’ve probably had enough of that,” you say, gently twisting it from his hands. kuroo smiles angelically before coming to tower over you. 
“if you’re not gonna drink it, I will,” he says, reaching out to grasp the bottle’s neck. you hold onto it stubbornly.
“you’re clearly wasted, tetsu,” you say. “just let me throw it away.” 
“I may have a small drinking problem,” kuroo says, “but I’m sober enough to know I’m not about to throw away the fifty bucks I spent on that. give it.” 
kuroo tries to wrench the bottle from you, and you spend a solid thirty seconds wiggling in his grasp before finally pulling it away. in an impulsive attempt to keep kuroo from getting even drunker, you bring the rim of the bottle to your lips and chug the rest of the whiskey.
kuroo’s eyes widen, and he guffaws loudly. “that was a lot of alcohol just now.”
you nod, wincing at the acrid taste, unwilling to swallow — the liquid is still swishing in your cheeks. you move to go spit it out in kuroo’s sink, but he grabs your arm.
“do not spit that out,” he warns. “that’s over two hours’ worth of minimum wage salary. I don’t work twenty hours a week in the wendy’s drive-thru just for you to flush it down the drain.” 
“mmmm,” you protest, breathing through your nose. “hrghhhh mmm mm mhm.”
“I have no idea what you’re trying to say,” kuroo says, obviously trying to stifle his laughter. 
you gesture wildly to your face, and then to the empty bottle, and then back to your face. 
for a moment, kuroo wrinkles his nose, and then slowly smoothes out his expression. a small smile stretches across his lips, and he steps close to you. you’re acutely aware of your personal bubble being popped, as well of the fact that he smells strongly of old spice and mango body wash. 
“I’ll do it then.”
“mm?” you squeak in confusion when he takes your chin in one hand and guides your face close to his. you’re not sure if you’re smelling the alcohol on his breath or tasting it on our own tongue. you’ve never been this physically close to your best friend in your life, and you can firmly say you’re absolutely petrified. you shake your head vehemently as he slowly leans down, tilting his head. 
“calm down,” he says quietly, and in spite of yourself, you do. “I’m just taking a drink.” 
then he presses his mouth to yours, and you freeze. oh, shit. 
kuroo wedges his tongue between your lips, forcing them open, and then he sucks the whiskey from your mouth, one hand keeping your jaw open while the other snakes around your waist. your eyes widen just as his close, almost as if he’s enjoying the kiss. slowly, you close yours too, letting yourself melt into him as he keeps kissing you even after swallowing the liquid. 
it lasts for a good ten seconds before you reluctantly pull away, letting your hands rest on his shoulders. he’s smiling, evidently very pleased with himself. 
“what the hell was that?” you say breathlessly, searching his face. 
“I was thirsty,” kuroo says nonchalantly. “and a little drunk. and you’re very pretty, as far as best friends go.” 
you feel like you should be offended, yet you can’t quite bring yourself to be. you’re definitely flustered, though, and a little embarrassed. (okay, a lot embarrassed.)
“I think, um, I think I should go,” you say, breaking eye contact. kuroo raises a hand to stop you, but you brush him off, bounding out of the room to grab your bag and keys from the kitchen counter. “we can talk about this later, okay? you need to go take a nap or something.”
“no, hey, wait —”
but you’re already out the door and in the car, jamming the key into ignition. you just kissed your best friend. or did you? does that count as a kiss? or was that just kuroo being stupid? your mind spins with useless speculations on the drive home, and as you sprawl out on your bed for an hour afterwards. it’s not until later that evening that you check your phone, greeted by a handful of social media notifications… and a text from kuroo.
with shaking hands, you swipe it open, face immediately splitting into a grin.
kuroo: sorry about that
kuroo: ok, not really
kuroo: I’m not that sorry
kuroo: cuz you’re a good kisser
kuroo: a really good kisser
you: you too
you wait for a moment as the three little dots on kuroo’s side pop up.
kuroo: thanks
kuroo: I was still kind of stupid tho
kuroo: my b
you: you regret it?
your fingers shake in suspense as you await his answer, feeling all the world like a lovestruck fifteen year old. you’re a little disgusted to find yourself suddenly crushing on kuroo tetsurou of all people, but what can you say? maybe falling for your best friend is a little cliche. maybe it’s a little overdone. maybe the fact that you kissed him with a mouthful of whiskey belongs in a cheesy teen movie, but you can’t help but find yourself delighted that it happened. 
kuroo: nope. not at all.
kuroo: not at all.
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ackermansupremacy · 4 years
MORE marley kids headcanons because i miss them
Goddamn Ophi how much u finna write about them 💀
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They are so chaotic my God
Falco is the “parent” of the group
Whenever someone (Gabi) does something stupid and ends up getting hurt he acts like it a catastrophic event
She’ll get a paper cut and hes like “OH MY GOD GABI HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?”
Gabi Zofia and Falco once tried to convince Udo to say one swear word
They tried to pay him 50$ to say damn and he WOULDN’T
Until one day his favorite minecraft world got deleted and he just yelled “M O T H E E R F U C K E R”
Only Falco was there and NO ONE believed it happened
Zofia is the strongest out of all of them
So one time the four of them were all able to balance on a bike and zofia was able to pull it no prob
Udo just LOOKS like he has chronic stomach pain
Gabi is lactose intolerant but she will eat an entire pint of ice cream, three boxes of mac and cheese and wash it down with some milk
With NO regrets
Their not allowed to hang out at Zofia’s house anymore
Because one of them Gabi broke a really expensive vase kiss kiss fall in love
Falco is under no circumstances allowed to pair his phone to Gabi’s bluetooth speaker because of his wildly unpredictable music taste
The LAST thing Gabi wants is for him to start blasting Freak by Doja Cat on full volume within earshot of her mom
Because he has no idea what those types of songs even mean hes just sitting there listening like 😀 while everyone is scrambling to turn it off
Zofia is a really devoted dancer so she travels a lot for dance competitions
So she leaves her beloved betta fish in Udo’s hands everytime she leaves because he ACTUALLY knows how to take care of it
Zofia doesn’t let ANYONE go through her sketchbook
So one time when she was at a dance competiton Gabi stole it and looked through it
It was full of charcoal sketches of fairies that she was too embarrassed to show anyone
Halloween is their TIME
They stock up on snacks, go trick or treating and have a big slumber party!
Which always involves them watching a scary movie and having to turn it off when they get too scared LOL
Sleepovers are a common thing between them
Theyre always at Udo’s house cuz he has “the cool mom”
But that comes with its own stress...
*CRASH* “Sorry Mom, Falco fell out the window” “HUH?” “Hes okay though! I think!”
There went the beautiful hydrangeas you spent so long planting
They will be up intil 4 am making tik toks
Like ive mentioned before, Udo is like the clingiest kid ever
So a few times a week he’ll come into your room at some ungodly hour of the night like
“Mom I had a bad dream can i sleep in here?”
If you tell him no he will either sleep on the floor or just come back later and not ask💀
So you just wake up with a child in your bed and it scares the shit out of u every time
You would think that when his friends spent the night this would stop that from happening but NOPE
He would go into your room under the guise of saying goodnight then have the audacity to fall asleep until you wake him up and send him back out w his friends 💀
Falco is the ultimate drama king
He def follows Colt around when he gets bored
“Falco can you leave me alone for five minutes?” “OH JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE 18 NOW MEANS YOU’RE TOO COOL TO HANG OUT WITH ME?”
Harassing Reiner is their favorite thing to do in their spare time
They’re still kids so its just absolute headassery
They still ding dong ditch his ass 💀
He thinks its wildly irritating but also thinks its funny because it reminds him of his childhood
But you get a lot of calls from him like “YO COME GET YO DAMN KIDS”
So you have to shoot them a text like “Gabi please stop harassing your uncle”
He doesn’t understand why hes the butt of the jokes, he never gives the reaction they want
Zofia is a secret anime fan
When shes asked about it shes like “yeah i watch it occassionally” but has a Killua shrine in her closet 💀
She also has a secret instagram with like 20k followers that she posts aesthetic pics on
S-Should i post more about these beans
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Contents  hide 
1 Moen
2 Grohe
3 Kohler
4 Whirlpool
5 Delta
6 Toto
7 American Standard
8 Gerber
9 General Electric
10 Pfister
11 The Final Word
Several of the above or combined into Ferguson plumbing and a couple into moen
*there are a few that stand out and are on their own such as American standard and we are taking it over and still in the process however we're meeting with John remillard and we're going to go over it and fire him from the company and we still will proceed to continue to take it over no today is a signing. There's a lot of stuff we have to go over and this company is one of them and with other people well he's in the room and the a****** tries to attack them and a lot of them leave because they can't stand it anymore and we get rid of John remillard he comes by and he thinks he's taking over
*there's another one up there thats not bought out it is Delta it is a huge company between these two and then other third of it and the rest of the 20% or so the rest of them and he's four kholer was huge and it is huge, it's just now it has only about 10%. It's probably going to skyrocket because people like it in their houses they last long time they're reliable introduce some product as well as American standard and Delta those are top sellers and moan is a higher end product that's very weird that it's some of the most and it makes a product that's expensive and most people can't afford it and John arena Lord was doing that on purpose to try and get his men to be the only ones so we're taking over all of these companies and we're firing John Reema Lord and he thinks that he owns the companies who the hell knows why he gets arrested like every time and beat up
There's several other companies were taking over and they're not plumbing supply companies and yes these companies provide all the piping all the internal piping the packs fixtures and fittings and welding materials and soldering materials as well as fixtures large and small water heaters water storage tanks and showers and you name it hose bibs and they're going to be doing it they don't do sprinklers but they do everything that's inside the house that you can imagine and the supply all sorts of fixtures to industrial and commercial applications including the restaurant industry American standard is big into the commercial industry and the supply 90% of it in kitchen equipment company is supply things that are ancillary and all their stuff mounts into it for the most part and these companies are different than refrigeration and freezing companies and stoves and that kind of thing and those are different than kitchen equipment companies but they're huge companies and Donald Trump trying to combine them and was attacking the FBI the whole time and it was to the advantage of Tommy f and he doesn't regret it yet cuz he is really not bright and yeah he thinks he's taking over Lock stock and barrel because some of the terms are familiar to him
One such company is American standard no we already talked about them it's a kitchen equipment company and they're pretty big and they want us to put the names up so we shall
Thor Freya
I'm just trying to say hello so you're saying hi back it's been a long day of me not talking he says that's true there's something to add that I hate this Ferguson company and I want them cleaned out of there and we do a name change the name is not that old it's not true and it's but it's not ours and they suck so bad that it should be a name change and it's going to attract the idiots they're going to think about it but it sounds good they say and I know you appreciate the input and I just made a song I was just saying hi no I was just going to blab which is fine
Okay I'm a girl so that's what she said I don't have to plow in and tell people he knows you have to sneak in like a sneak like a thief in the night so he's expecting weird behavior from you when you first meet up she's laughing good and sneak up on you
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80s4life · 3 years
Until We Meet Again”
Word Count: 1,353
Status: Not Requested!
A/N: This is completely off from the movie, like, it has nothing to do with the story line. It was just a little something when I got in my feels. I might make a part 2 depending on the hype and whether or not this was actually like lol.
Fandom: The Expendables 2010-2014
Relationship: Tool x Reader
Summary: When the reader has an unexpected turn of events, they realize all the things they’ve never done, and some of the things they should’ve done. Will they make it out or will they never get the chance?
Warnings: angst, regrets, blood, assumed death, Reader is shot, blood loss, violence mentioned, language, VERY SAD (I warned you)
Taglist: @snapessecretdiary ( @one-boring-person​ cuz u love expendables)
Masterlist Expendables Masterlist
{gif is not mine, credits to @hellofagirl​}
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People say that, when death happens, your life flashes before your eyes, giving you a slideshow of all the good, the bad, and the downright dirty. Usually, when this happens, regrets and prideful moments occur, making you either want to keep time the way it is or change it in some way, making you burn inside. It is also common for you to die peacefully, surrounded by the ones you love, whether it be of old age or other natural causes. All the people you want, there and supporting you throughout your final hurrah.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for you, you were not one of those people to die of natural causes or simply old age. You weren’t even surrounded by any of the people you loved. You were just a nobody, someone that was used at other people’s expense, used to kill and terminate any threats and rescue what’s stolen or held unlawfully. 
Hence your group’s name, The Expendables. Highly trained mercenaries, veterans, and weapons experts used to do as you do best.
You were on a mission with them when your worst nightmare occurred, it being thoughtfully planned and kinks worked out days prior, giving you preparation as multiple other missions had time and time again. Just like any of the jobs you took with the team.
The objective was to take down a newly popular mafia, not unusual to you, the mafia not being too strong or big of a family just yet. However, when finally on the battlefield, you, along with the rest of the team; Barney Ross, Lee Christmas, Hale Caesar, Gunnar Jensen, Toll Road, and Yin Yang, had noticed just how wrong the mission truly was.
It was a set-up, one put in place by your highly unidentified employers, sent to tear your one-of-a-kind, intelligent family apart from what it was. You weren’t very fond to your past enemies, taking them out, ruining their plans, and destroying what could’ve been years of work to put together. This had led to many menacing opponents.
Barney, your leader, had sprung to action quickly, splitting us off and protecting us, being the amazing leader he was. Something you never got to fully acknowledge at times, sometimes being so pissed, you didn’t care if you had threatened his superiority or level of expertise. Hurting his feelings immensely.
The mission had gone fairly well for a while, working hand-in-hand with one another, tag-teaming with your brothers at separate times, given your unexpected predicament and disadvantage.
This was until you had managed to unknowingly cut yourself far from the group of mercenaries, having to run from a silent assailant wielding knives. Running underneath an archway, scared and exhausted, you felt your legs, abdomen, and lungs burn as the only missions in mind now were to get to safety and come home to the one you love undeterred. 
Only time would tell if these were going to be successfully accomplished.
You duck and weave through crates and buildings, running through a small town, but quickly run out of options as you draw yourself into a massive clearing. You scream over the comms, turning your mic on, asking for help, anyone, anything.
But they were too far away, rushing as fast as they could, wanting none other than to be at your side, fighting off anything that were to threaten you. You were their sister, whether it be blood or in arms, you were family and connected as one.
You spin on your heels, looking for a way out, but find nothing. Nothing to protect you or hide away in.  Nothing to just get you out. Accepting your fate, you decide this is it, facing your pursuer now, hands above your head in an attempt of surrender. The surrender goes unanswered though, unaccepted, your attacker pulling a gun from his waist band, shooting you square in the chest, not giving you a chance. 
Walking now, the killer comes to your side, body encased in a pool of blood, seeping into your clothing. Deciding his job is done, he lowers his gun, looking you in the eyes before disappearing into the distance, concluding that a slow death was the best revenge. 
All you do is lay there, unmoving, your mic still on and blaring with the voices of your team, concern and anger lacing their tones. You do not answer however, motivating Yin Yang to track your location from his keypad, Caesar and Toll deciding that bullets weren’t enough anymore, throwing grenades and bombs instead, killing the multiples. Barney, Lee, and Gunnar finishing the last of the survivors off, the full team hurrying to get to you from all different directions.
Gunnar is the first to find you, pumping his long legs harder now as he fears the worst, knowing this situation is a close two-end street, your chances slimming by the minute. Lee and Barney file in a moment later, followed by Toll, Yin Yang, and soon, Caesar. 
All you can do is stare, lovingly, regrettably, and solemnly all at once, knowing there is so much to say but not enough time to do so. So you told them, as quickly as physically possible, the blood now rushing into your lungs and mouth. You told them what you loved most, what you had regretted saying or doing, knowing the full effect of the past now.
And, when the pain gets to its worst factor, you turn to face Barney, him knowing you the most. “The pink book,” you choke out, Barney knowing exactly what you were referring to, “Give it to Tool for me, will ya’? There’s so much I haven’t told him, and just about everything should be in there.”
“Yeah,” Barney answers, his voice fading now, tears in his eyes, “Yeah, I’ll give it to him. I know what ya’ want, and I’ll send the message. You’ve always had a better way of speakin’ than me, and I think he’d like if you came back home in one piece, Kid. Just focus on stayin’ awake for me for now though, okay?” The last of his sentence comes out choked, tears now pouring from his eyes. Tears pooling from all of the men now, knowing that your fate is nearing its end.
“I love you guys...Always know that okay? Keep it with ya’,” I say, my body now feeling immensely lighter than any high could’ve.
“Yer not dyin’ on us Y/N...Ya’ can’t!” Gunnar yells, his emotional defense kicking in as his way of coping. “Yer supposed to be here always-”
All you can do is watch, tears of your own flowing in waves down the corners of yours eyes, rounding my eye cheek bones, slipping down towards my ears, and falling in delicate puddles. They’re all falling apart, and there’s nothing anyone can do to help it. Instead, you weakly motion your hands, grabbing one of Barney’s and Gunnar’s, the rest motioning to either hold onto one another or a limb of your body, such as your knees or legs.
As your vision starts to fade, and the familiar faces of your family dim and disappear, the last face you see is one that wasn’t there. One who will never know what would’ve happened until the group returns home, your body being held within their own arms. Tool. The most talented, artistic, and loving man of my dreams, will never know the full extent of your passion for him. And now, as darkness overcomes you, your last final regret lies on him, your last tears shedding from your eyes. Closing them, seeing the darkness, and feeling the last bit of your being being lifted, no longer seeing or feeling anything. Just black.
Whoever said death was a pleasant goodbye never really understood all of what leaves with the hollow body of a once joyful, full of life person. The regrets, stories, love, and connections staying remnant within them and never truly leaving even when they are no longer visible. For even as they part, the people who knew them now are haunted and reminded of a person no one will ever see again. Never have the beauty of knowing just like they had.
That is, until they part ways as well. 
Until then, it is just a bittersweet goodbye.
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callsignbaphomet · 2 years
So some time ago my aunt decided she wanted to replace the kitchen cabinets. However, she doesn't know how to do it and hiring someone to do it for her would be far more expensive. Solution? She signed up to a women in carpentry class not even 10 minutes from home. 3 hours every Wednesday. It even caught the attention of local news and they did an interview and my aunt was on tv lol
So last week was their final class/graduation and she was so happy and proud! She's even got a setup in the back where she's making my mom a table from scratch.
Cut to yesterday. My mom gets sick and we test her for Covid and it came out positive (today she got tested again and it came out negative so we're all just confused. No fever, she's breathing fine and eating well at least.). Yesterday was the day of the pool party, the class and teachers were gonna meet up at one of the student's house and celebrate but because mom got sick she couldn't go in case she's got it now and to take care of her. Still, she spoke of the pool party with this tone of regret and sadness and that totally broke my heart.
Okay, we all have our differences but what family doesn't. I felt so bad for her. That woman has made so many sacrifices for all of us and does so much for us. It wasn't a pool party cuz we don't have a pool but C and I snuck out and bought her a really cute cake. It got a big ol' dorky smile out of her so at least there's that. Hope to pay her back for all she's done for me and C some day.
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Nishikiyama (Junior High Student) [RGGO]
Wow, 3 stories in 1 week, I’m on a roll! But I’m slowing down now, cuz the Daigo one’s pretty long, and I need to get back to studying to make up for the oral revalida I bombed XD
Anyway now it’s time for Baby Koi Boi, the partner card to Baby Dragon! I’ve always loved Nishiki, but I think I love him even more now because of this, he’s just so much more emotional and passionate than anyone else in the series <3
Also! According to this, Junior High spans from 13 to 16 years of age (cuz its 1984). Sooo it’s slightly less weird to imagine 16-year-old-pornstached Kazama buying a porn mag in Kiryu’s story XD
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Story: Yuko, who STILL doesn’t get a character sprite even in RGGO, tells her big brother that she has a boyfriend. Nishiki freaks out.
Nishiki, beating up a poor civilian: “That’s for dating my sister!!!!”
Innocent civilian, getting beaten up by an angry teen: “I don’t even know who you are!!!!”
Note: In Chapter 3, the term “jealous of jealousy” or ヤキモチを妬く is used. Based on this article that took me ages to search, it means something along the lines of “gaining a crush on someone you’re jealous of” (kinda like tsunderes in anime I think) or “having a crush on someone who has a crush on someone else” or “wanting someone all to yourself”, with a hint of “love is blind”. But all of those are phrases MUCH too loaded for me to be including in here on the shaky basis of one google-translated article, so I’m leaving it as is. (But if someone who knows Japanese can confirm or deny it, please tell me so I can edit and put in the right term!)
|One day in 1984. When Nishikiyama Akira and Kiryu Kazuma were still in junior high school . . . |
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[Theater Square]
Junior high school girl A: “Ah, Nishikiyama-kun! Yoo-hoo!”
Nishikiyama: “Hey.”
Junior high school girl B: “We’re all heading to the arcade. Come join us, Nishikiyama-kun!”
Nishikiyama: “No, I can’t. I have somewhere to go today.”
Junior high school girl B: “Ehh~! . . . Oh, that’s right. Sorry for disturbing you.”
Nishikiyama: “I’m sorry, please invite me again some other time.”
Junior high school girl A: “Yeah, see you next time!”
{Nishiki leaves.}
Junior high school girl B: “. . . That’s right, Nishikiyama-kun is visiting his younger sister today.”
Junior high school girl A: “Nishikiyama-kun really cares about his sister. I’m a little jealous~.”
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Nishikiyama: “Yo.”
Yuko: “Onii-chan.”
Nishikiyama: “How are you doing?”
Yuko: “Same as usual. Onii-chan, won’t you be in trouble with Kazama-san?”
Nishikiyama: “That’s nothing to concern yourself about.”
Yuko: “Is that so. Good luck-”
Nishikiyama: “Easy, easy. Just lie down.”
Yuko: “But . . .”
Nishikiyama: “I just dropped by to see you. I’ll go home soon.”
Yuko: “. . . I really worry for my Onii-chan.”
Nishikiyama: “Shut up, it’s not like that.  . . . Hm? Yuko, what’s with those live flowers?”
Yuko: “Oh, these? They’re called Phalaenopsis orchids. Aren’t they beautiful?”
Nishikiyama: “Yeah, they look really extravagant.”
Yuko: “Yup.  . . . Y-You know what?”
Nishikiyama: “Hm?”
Yuko: “Th-This is . . . a gift from my lover.”
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Nishikiyama: “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
Yuko: “A-Ahaha. What do you think, Onii-chan-”
Nishikiyama: “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
Yuko: “. . . Onii-chan? You’re suddenly quiet, is everything okay?”
Nishikiyama: “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
Nishikiyama: “. . . Ha! Y-Yeah. I was spacing out a little. Okay, okay. I’m perfectly fine. 100 percent. Perfect. Yup. Everything’s fine. There’s no problem at all. Onii-chan’s not going home yet, I just remembered a little errand I have to do.”
{Nishiki runs out.}
Yuko: “Eh?! A little- Onii-chan!”
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[Pink Street]
Nishikiyama: (A lover? To Yuko? Yuko and a lover? A lover and Yuko? Lover? Lover? Lover? She has a lover???? She’s still a kid? But she has a lover? A lover? I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it . . .)
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High school girl: “Kyaa! Please stop!”
Hooligan A: “You want me to do something good to you, don’t you?”
Hooligan B: “Yeah yeah, come feel good with us!”
High school girl: “I hate you! Let go!”
Nishikiyama: “A lover . . . to Yuko . . . mumble.”
{Nishiki distractedly walks into the hooligans.}
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Hooligan A: “Hey! Watch where you’re going!!”
Nishikiyama: “mumble . . . mumble . . .”
Hooligan B: “Hey, bro. You can’t just bump into someone and then ignore them-“
{Nishiki swings around to throw his fist into the guy’s face.}
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Hooligan B: “Hgugh?!“
Nishikiyama: “Shut up!!!! I’m dealing with something right now!!!!”
Hooligan A: “Huh?! Th-Th-This bastard . . . don’t think you’ll scare us off by yelling!!”
Hooligan B: “Punching me out of nowhere . . . I’ll kill you!!”
{Nishiki beats the crap out of the hooligans and sends them running.}
High school girl: “U-Um, thank you very much!”
Nishikiyama: “. . . mumble.”
High school girl: “U-um . . . ?”
Nishikiyama: “No but, Yuko with a lover . . . she never said anything about it and then suddenly . . .”
{Nishiki wanders off, still mumbling to himself.}
High school girl: “I-I wonder what’s up with that person . . .”
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Nishikiyama: “. . . Damn it. I can’t get my head straight. Calm down. I need to calm down . . . ! Inhale~. Exhale~. Inhale~. Exhale~. Okay, taking a deep breath to calm down. I’m perfectly calm now. Now that I’m thinking with a calm head, I can clearly see what I must do. Yuko’s lover . . .”
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Nishikiyama: “I’m going to find that guy and kick his ass!!!!”
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Nishikiyama: (Yuko’s lover . . . what an arrogant bastard with a bouquet . . . Well, it was Phalaenopsis orchids. The flowers look expensive. Maybe he’s a criminal whose modus is a bouquet of flowers! Wait, I can use the bouquet as a clue-)
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Drunk A: “So? What happened to the woman in question?”
Drunk B: “It’s perfect! Women are simple after all . . . it was easy!”
Drunk A: “Seriously? But I feel sorry for the woman though. Doesn’t she know you have a second?”
Drunk B: “Idiot, it’s not just two, I have five! It’s my technique so I can drop a woman anytime!”
Drunk A: “Five?! You’re the worst! Gyahahaha!”
Drunk B: “Hehe, I even gave one of the women a bouquet! That’s right-“
{Nishiki suddenly punches the five-timing drunk.}
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Drunk B: “Bgyagh?!“
Nishikiyama: “You gave the bouquet . . . ? So you’re the culprit!!!!”
Drunk A: “Eh? Eh . . . ?”
Nishikiyama: “Playing with Yuko’s heart is a sin . . . I’ll make you regret it!!!!”
{Nishiki beats up the drunks.}
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Drunk A: “O-Oi! Of your five women, are any of them this guy’s little sister?”
Drunk B: “No way! All five of them are older than me . . . !!”
Nishikiyama: “Oi . . .”
Drunks: “Yes?!”
Nishikiyama: “Didn’t you deliver that bouquet to Yuko’s hospital room?”
Drunk B: “W-W-W-W-Wrong! I gave that bouquet to Machiko, a cabaret girl!!”
Nishikiyama: “. . . I see. Don’t be so misleading next time. Jeez.”
Drunks: “We’re sorry!!!!”
Nishikiyama: (Damn it. If I don’t do anything, the culprit won’t be revealed. How do I figure out the criminal . . . )
Nishikiyama: “No, wait a minute. There IS a clue . . . !”
Drunks: “Yes?”
Nishikiyama: “You bought a luxurious bouquet to give to a woman, where did you buy it?”
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[West Shichifuku Street]
Nishikiyama: “It should be in this area. Here . . .”
Nishikiyama: (According to the drunkard, there’s a flower shop in this place. I have no idea who Yuko’s lover is, but maybe if I find out where he bought the bouquet that he gave her . . .)
Nishikiyama: “What was the flower again . . . a Phalaenopsis orchid? I suppose I should ask who bought them.”
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Flower Seller: “Welcome! Oh? . . . I have a lot of cute customers today.”
Nishikiyama: “. . . Do you mean me?”
Flower Seller: “Ah, sorry for saying that out of nowhere. Earlier today a boy in a school uniform around your age came to the store.”
Nishikiyama: “Hey . . . is that unusual? A customer of my age . . .”
Flower Seller: “Yeah. Unless it’s Mother’s Day, a child your age has no reason to come to a flower shop, isn’t that right?”
Nishikiyama: “Definitely . . . if you ask me, then yeah. I wanted to know, did anyone come by today to buy Phalaenopsis orchids?”
Flower Seller: “Phalaenopsis orchids? I think that boy I mentioned just now bought some?”
Nishikiyama: “! I-Is that true?! What kind of guy is he?! Do you remember his name or what he looked like?!”
Flower Seller: “He’s just like you, a strong-looking kid who seems like he gets into fights. His name was . . . ah, right.”
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Flower Seller: “It was Kiryu-san.”
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Nishikiyama: “. . . ha?”
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[Champion District - Empty Lot]
Nishikiyama: “Yo, Kiryu. I’ve been waiting for you.”
Kiryu: “Nishiki . . . why did you call me out here all of a sudden?”
Nishikiyama: “Kiryu . . . do you have something to tell me?”
Kiryu: “Something to tell you . . . ? No, nothing in particular . . .”
Nishikiyama: “Is that right . . .”
Kiryu: “What are you angry about? Does it have something to do with what you want me to say?”
Nishikiyama: “Kiryu . . . earlier today, did you deliver a bouquet to Yuko?”
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Kiryu: “!”
Nishikiyama: “. . . the look on your face tells me I’m right. Since when did you start sneaking around?”
Kiryu: “I wasn’t sneaking around . . . it started the day before yesterday.”
Nishikiyama: “What, that’s quite recent.”
Kiryu: “Yeah.”
Nishikiyama: “. . . Was it your idea?”
Kiryu: “No, it was originally Oyassan’s idea.”
Nishikiyama: “O-Oyassan?!”
Kiryu: “Yeah. He said he was sure it’ll make you and Yuko happy.”
Nishikiyama: “Why . . . did you keep quiet about this?”
Kiryu: “I was . . . going to surprise you.”
Nishikiyama: “I see . . . certainly, I was surprised to death . . .”
Kiryu: “Then what are you angry about? Did Yuko not like the bouquet?”
Nishikiyama: “No, she was very happy with it. Did you choose those flowers yourself?”
Kiryu: “That was also Oyassan’s idea. Phalaenopsis orchids mean ‘happiness soars’, apparently.”
Nishikiyama: “Tch! You keep saying Oyassan this, Oyassan that . . . Kiryu, what are YOUR feelings on this matter? You aren’t saying that’s ‘Oyassan’s idea’ too, are you?”
Kiryu: “It’s not like that. I followed Oyassan’s suggestion because it aligned with my feelings.”
Nishikiyama: “Is that right . . . so it really was you . . . to think I thought you were a good guy . . . damn you . . .”
Kiryu: “Nishiki, what on earth are you so angry about?”
Nishikiyama: “. . . Don’t you know?”
Kiryu: “I don’t know, I’m drawing a blank.  . . . Could it be? Are you jealous of your jealousy for me?”
Nishikiyama: “Yeah, that’s right. I’m jealous. I’m burning you with my jealousy, Kiryu!”
Kiryu: “So you’re jealous . . . because the other party is your sister?”
Nishikiyama: “Yes because she’s my sister! And my sister is important to me, so that’s why I’m angry with you!”
Kiryu: “I see . . . I get it now. Yuko is your dear sister, so I should have consulted you properly about this. My bad . . . the line is different in matters like this, and I crossed it. How can I make it up to you?”
Nishikiyama: “Duel with me, Kiryu . . . !! A no-holds-barred, one-on-one battle!! I’ll use my fists to make you pay for this . . . !!”
Kiryu: “Okay, I understand. If this will make you feel better, then I’ll accept your challenge with my whole power!!”
Nishikiyama: “Let’s go! Kiryu!!!!”
{Nishiki and Kiryu duke it out in the lot.}
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Nishikiyama: “Jeez, as usual you’re still stupidly strong . . . Oww . . .”
Kiryu: “Haa . . . haa . . . So, are you done . . . Nishiki?”
Nishikiyama: “Yeah . . . thanks. It’s regrettable, but I have to admit . . . you being Yuko’s guy, she really does have a discerning eye for people!! To be her lover . . . no one would be more suitable than you!”
Nishikiyama: “I’ll accept it!! You and Yuko . . . dating!! . . . I’ll have to ask Yuko about this matter . . . kyoudai? From now on, call me Onii-san.”
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Kiryu: “. . . Nishiki. What are you talking about?”
Nishikiyama: “Huh? Oi, oi. Yuko’s bouquet of flowers in the hospital room, that was given by you. Isn’t that true?”
Kiryu: “Yeah, that’s right.”
Nishikiyama: “So that means you’re Yuko’s boyfriend.  . . . Am I wrong?”
Kiryu: “Why would that make it so?”
Nishikiyama: “Aren’t you Yuko’s lover?”
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Kiryu: “L-Lover . . . ?! Oi, what are you saying?!”
Nishikiyama: “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
Nishikiyama: “. . . I’m sorry, could you give me a minute, Kiryu? I’m going to make a phone call.”
Kiryu: “Y-Yeah. Go ahead.”
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[Phone Booth]
Yuko: “Hello, Onii-chan?”
Nishikiyama: “Hey, Yuko. About that lover you mentioned earlier-“
Yuko: “. . . I’m sorry. Onii-chan, that was all a lie.”
Nishikiyama: “! S-So that’s all it was . . . But- But why did you . . .”
Yuko: “I’m really sorry.  . . . I was reading a book.”
Nishikiyama: “A book . . . ?”
Yuko: “Yup. A story of a sick girl like me getting a bouquet from a dreamy boy and falling in love with them . . . When I read that, I got jealous . . . I’m a fool. There’s no way something like that will happen to me. I lied so that even for a brief moment, I could be like that girl in the book. You were so shocked. I’m really sorry . . .”
Nishikiyama: “. . . So it was all a lie?”
Yuko: “Um-hm . . .”
Nishikiyama: “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
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Nishikiyama: “Haaaaaaa~~~!! I’m so relieved~~~~~~~~!!!!”
Yuko: “Eh?!”
Nishikiyama: “My hair was turning white already . . . No, what you did was bad and it’s good that you told me, but . . . Anyway, can you make things clearer next time? And if you do meet a really good guy . . . tell me first, okay?”
Yuko: “Okay . . . Onii-chan, thank you.”
Nishikiyama: “Oh! I’ll come see you tomorrow.”
Yuko: “Okay, see you tomorrow.”
Nishikiyama: (Haa~. I got absolutely played by my sister’s cute lie . . . )
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Kiryu: “Nishiki, you’ve been gone for a long time. Are you alright?”
Nishikiyama: “. . . K-Kiryu.”
Kiryu: “Hm?”
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Nishikiyama: “Kill me~~~~!!!! I’m sooo embarrassed~~!!!!”
Kiryu: “???? What is it, Nishiki . . . ? Ah, no, I mean Onii-san . . .”
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
I woke up to my alarm tellin me to get out of bed and so naturally I checked your tumblr and I'm,,, concerned
There's a small anon war over what hoodie smells like and I have no sense of smell whatsoever so I'm not contributin, but, leafs.
Petition to change the plural of leaf to leafs instead of leaves. Leaves is an ugly ass word. Leafs just rolls of the tongue, its nicer, its what the people want
Also the same with sheep like what, why is the plural the same, I refer to them as sheeps cuz it makes me happy
Also I don't like the y/n either because "y/n" is usually a whole ass person all in itself. And they're usually a girl in most fanfic, along with the fact that they are the Mariest Sue That Ever Mary Sue'd.
I've been considerin why LJ is my favourite and I think it's purely because if any of the more sane (Masky, Toby, Slenderman, etc) took one fuckin GLANCE they would run away. I have hope that clown boy is too far gone to care about my mental state too much.
If you squint real hard my braincell count looks like a normal amount
I'm so exhausted I'm gonna talk to you, my favourite online human, because the blue light from my phone keeps me awake.
But I think my favourite dynamic ever is Rivals to Lovers™. Not enemies to lovers, cuz enemies have two different goals in mind; whereas rivals compete for the same thing.
I'm a sucker for medieval shit so,, a scene that's been annoying me all day is~
you're invited to a Royal Ball (because isn't that how all romances start these days, just roll with it brother) and you go, finding out it's a masquerade ball. You get there, you dance, being passed from person to person in a never ending loop of jewel-embeded skirts that were swept across the marble floor of the (obscenely) bedazzled castle, and suits that seemed more expensive than you were.
Regret never came because the wine chased it away; it flowed in waterfalls into your glass, the scent of it filling the room but not enough to drown out the everlasting smell of expensive perfume. Sometimes the odor of it clung to the women of the ball tighter than their corsets. The massive drapes were pulled back, latching to the wall in attempt to keep them from falling and blocking the view–of which captured your gaze immediately. The doors were swung open to let the air in, and ensuring that no glass got in the way of what lay beyond; the moon, full and impossibly heavy hung, stranded in the crisp night air. The moon was the only one that didn't judge the events that took place in the ballroom that night, the only thing watching the crowd of people with a pure, impassive gaze.
Because later that night, after multiple drinks had been passed around and a cacophony of laughter, dancing, and food had been consumed–after many glasses of wine had passed your lips and your body– of which was feeling tingly and impishly confident–had wandered to a far corner, darkened by the domed ceiling, seemingly on its own accord. In that moment you would give everything to stay in the Palace, to twirl until your feet blistered and you withered away into old gnarled bones and ashes that could still dance with the wind.
"I do hope that you know well what you wish for; not for clarity of the concept, my dear, but for clarity of consequence." The voice that spoke in your ear was deep, low, and held even darker undertones. It siezed your attention and captured it in both hands, strangling the curiosity out of you. It had come from your right, even further into the pitch-black corner, but as soon as you moved all the thoughts in your head sloshed about, banging against the interior of your head. It was either equivelant to that or a sledge hammer, one of the two. The wine was probably just twisting the voice's around you, making them appear. You tried to convince yourself but alas, even you deemed it vastly unlikely.
Turning around was more difficult then you planned. Just when you thought you would see the owner of the voice, nobody was there. Yep, probably just the abundance of alcohol making you dizzy.
Shifting back to dancing wasn't hard; it was as if you were floating down along a stream, merely following wherever the river took you. Voices pressed against you on all sides, soon becoming a background noise too, a faint buzzing sound. It rose and fell like the waves, ever-changing in volume.
You started to lose a grip on reality; eyes fluttering closed as you danced, just taking a breath of air, letting the delicate night wash away your worries, who you wer–
What the fuck!?
You did a double take, eyes now wide fucking open, because outside you spied someone that had to be atleast a foot taller than anyone else in the ball. The darkness seemed to congregate behind it, flourishing, and the only thing you could see was a wide smile and a pair of eyes.
It seemed that you couldn't get enough air into your lungs, couldn't focus; the voice's that used to be hazy surround sound was now piercingly loud the people were just too much, everywhere at once. Your breathing only picked up even more as you gripped your chest.
The.. Demon had disappeared by the time you glanced upward, you you scurried outside, barely making it before you collapsed on a golden railing. There were fine drops of rain scattered about, eluding to the fact it had rained earlier. Your masquerade costume was getting wet, leaning against the railing, but you were so dizzy you didn't care.
It was the wine, it had to be. Nobody could be that tall, it–it was humanly impossible. Moving was now akin to attempting to romp through thick syrup; a stagnant pace, uncoordinated, unsteady. Then it stopped. There was a hand on your shoulder.
You skimmed the person; they had a dark blue suit that sparkled with the occasional gold highlights, with a blue mask covering their face–it seemed that it covered all of their face, and didn't quite match what a masquarade mask should look like, but you didn't care. The support was welcomed.
"You seemed as if you required help, my Lady," He said, his voice deep and low, so much so that you questioned if you would even be able to hear him over the music blaring in the ballroom if the two of you were to venture back inside.
You looked back to where you saw the tall being, with its eyes and smile that seemed wrong, and wrong in a terrible, dangerous way.
"Care to dance with me?" You asked, relieved when he slipped his arm with yours and led you inside. The music had slowed to a waltz, nothing like the big parade of dancers that came in flurries of colour and left just as fast. His arms were solid and a comfort, welcome as the breeze on a sunny day. It felt like he protected you from everything that might have caught you off guard, in a way. Plus, he kept you from falling flat on my face, which is always a good thing.
The song changed and you were about to ask him for something else; his name, maybe, but fate had other plans. Both of you were bumped and somebody else had picked you up in their arms, hands landing on your waist as the dance consumed you. Your mystery man in blue was gone, it seemed, and you sighed. Being safe was a hard thing to ask. Instead, above you now was a man dressed in dark browns and yellows– he had a rather strange mask that curled around his mouth and eyes, leaving the centre free. His brown locks looked ruffled and messy and he jerked every once in a while, moving sporadically. It didn't stop and he didn't seem to be able to control it so you didn't mind. The slight jolts emitting from him caused you to wake up more, which was always welcome.
"Are you okay?" You asked, after his gaze had wandered elsewhere. It came back to you in a heartbeat, and you sensed be was smiling under the mask.
He twirled you, spinning you gracefully. "Of course I am," he said, coming in close again. "For now, I'm winning."
The night surged on quickly and you found yourself caught between multiple strangle figures; a woman with silky black hair and a mask that made her eyes appear the same colour, that offered you a drink that wasn't wine. A man that had offered you wine, that stood next to the big buffet table with a full glass and a white mask. He had stood with a black-masked man, but he weaved through the crowd until he was another string in a pile of wool. Your blue mystery man made another appearance, but not with you–he was talking in low tones with another man (you didn't mind that they were mostly men; seemingly just because it never occurred to you that they might be connected) who had black hair, like the other woman, and pale white skin. The palest you'd seen in a long time. However, at that moment, he had looked up and seen you staring, only for you to catch scars at the ends of his mouth. You crossed it down to makeup or a deformity of some kind. Through all this, you were atleast grateful you didn't see the tall being again.
And everything carried on. Until it didn't. Blood stained the carpet black and the screams were too loud to ever fade away, seeming to shake the walls. You had tried to run from it, from them, but you tripled in a hallway and couldn't even get up because of your many glasses of alcohol. Struggling was futile and someone easily pulled you back.
With horror you realised it was one of the men from before; you recognised the scruffy brown hair and occasional movements. He held you there, between life and death a moment more, a moment where all the men you'd seen that night, and the woman, came around the corner. Their voices were distorted to your damaged ears but your eyes focused on the tall being; he was real, and black and white, with hands that weren't normal and a nose that was even less so. They're all abnormal, your consciousness whispered to you, and you believed it. The man on top of you grinned, happy that he had caught you. Your stomach turned.
"Bring them to the Mansion," a voice ring out in your head. Your 'companions' seemed to hear it too. "And bring them alive."
As you can see I've never written anythin in my life so this is shit lmfao but I don't care an im just here to brainstorm anyways
Have my little scene, take it, because it was fun to do. It's not spellchecked, I've not read through it, because I can't be bothered, so if anythin is wrong laugh and move on brother. Also tryin to write without cuttin off the g from my words and shortenin them was so hard so halfway through I didn't bother lmao
I think this is my longest message yet so, sorry about that Red
Cheers if you actually made it this far.
I agree. Leafs is better. SHEEPS- thats the cutest thing I’ve ever heard and I love it.
Y/n is a stereotype in itself so I agree, it’s usually ya know, the whole “im different” kind of chick who can do everything and anything (basically bella from twilight), when in reality the reader is human and humans have imperfections. Lots of ‘m …LJ is my fav for a lot of reasons, at this point he’s a comfort to me. Plus, I (oml) relate to him so much, and I can do a post about this- if someone cares or asks. And I have similar traumaaa
Oh geez, I’m your favorite online human, AGH my heart, again, its burning. I agree, RIVALS TO LOVERS SOUNDS SO SOSOSOOSO GOOD I LOVE IT. (I would say my fav trope is “lovers who ache to be together but due to circumstance one starts to lose feeling for the other and it’s an agonizing pain to the other” or maybe that’s just me because I find completion in sadness, which is horrific. But I really itch to angst.)
Here’s me reading your scene and also talking about it at the same time. ‘Regret never came because the wine chased it away’…that’s a good line, thats a good line. The way you just take one thing and mash it with another aspect like wow. Like as each idea were droplets of water on a leafs and you happen to tilt it, connecting them so effortlessly. I’m jealous. The descriptions are amazing, and how you make it the reader’s thought process-damn. I WANNA WRITE THIS GOOD, YALL OUTSHINE ME. And then you say this was shit. *slaps you* DONT YOU DARE UNDESESTIMATE YOURSELF MISTER
Also the way you just subconsciously cut off the g’s is spectacular. I try to, but it’s hard for me. SORRY? SORRY?! Nononono thank you, because the longer the message the better. Apart from the fact that long messages make me happy, especially from you, it means you put time into talking to me! Which makes me super happy too. Heheheh. Thank you love! This made my morning, along with that drawing submission from cam anon, you should check it out! It’s really good.
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
She didn’t show.
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Pairing : Dean x Various, Dean x Reader, Sam
Word count : 3,589
Written for : @spnfluffbingo​
Square :  Online dating.
Warnings : Flangst, online dating, unrequited love, catfishing, guilt, angry Dean, regret.
A/N : I had this idea, and ended up shoving it in this square for a fill and now I’m not thrilled with how it turned out. So this idea is going to eventually get re-done and given some proper justice. Until then, enjoy this version lol.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
SPN Fluff bingo 2020 Masterlist. 
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Dean smirked to himself as he hurried past the library and towards the garage. His eyes were so focused on his phone, he didn’t notice he was being watched. “Where you headed?”
“Hot date.” his smile widened.
“Yeah? Finally treating your left hand to something nice after all the work it’s done for you?”
“Fuck off.” Dean snapped. “I’ll have you know it’s a real person.”
“Pictures or it didn’t happen.” you crossed your arms, leaning back in your chair. You were surprised when Dean stormed over and shoved his phone in your face. A blonde haired bombshell sitting on a classic car covered his screen. “Looks like something you’d find on some dudes calendar.” you chuckled.
“You’re just jealous that I’ve got a date.” he said smugly before walking away. “Don’t wait up.”
“For you? Never.” you laughed.
As Dean vanished from view, your phone chimed. You pulled out your phone and opened the app with the bright red notification.  Going to your messages you licked your lips as you read the latest one that had just come in.
> Can’t wait to finally meet you tonight.
Leaving it on read, you closed the app and hit the power button on your phone as Sam walked into the library, handing you a beer. “Where’d Dean go?”
“Manicure?” Sam stopped half way to his seat on the other side of the table and gave you a confused look.
“Said he had a hot date.” you shrugged. “I figure either a manicure, or maybe he’s going to buy some gloves.” Sam’s smile was bright and wide as it grew into a laugh. “You know, change it up a bit.”
“You're an ass.” Sam shook his head, still laughing as he finally got to his chair and sat down.
“You love me.” you lifted the drink to your lips.
“Didn’t you even consider that he might just have found some new porn so embarrassing he’s scared to watch it here?” you snorted, your drink almost coming out of your nose. “Yeah.. you’re right.. It’s Dean. He has no shame when it comes to porn.” Sam shook his head as you laughed hysterically.
“And what could possibly be worse than what he’s already watching?” you clutched at your stomach, sliding lower in the chair as Sam shuddered at the thought.
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An hour and a half later, Dean walked back into the bunker, eyes on his phone with a glare as he mumbled.
“Dean?” Sam sat up straighter in his chair, watching as his brother stormed past.
“You’d think he’d be happier after such a hot date.” you mused.
“Fuck off.” Dean snapped. “I’m not in the fucking mood.” he growled before disappearing down the hall.
Getting up, you left Sam behind and went to find Dean. He was pacing around his room, eyes still on his phone. “Dean, you okay?”
“She didn’t show, okay?” before you could say anything he turned to you, finger pointed right at your face. “And don’t you fucking laugh or give me some bullshit about how everyone gets stood up, I don’t.” he growled the last two words.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know.” he tossed his phone onto his bed. “I don’t fucking know.” he sighed. “One second she can’t wait to see me, the next.. ghosted.”
“Okay, but for real, Dean. Since when do you give a shit? Since when do you not just move on to the next?”
“I kinda liked her.” he mumbled quietly. “But whatever, right?” He shrugged. “Her loss?”
“Yeah. Her loss.” you gave him a smile. “Beer and pie?”
“There’s pie?”
“There’s pie.” you nodded.
“You’re so good to me.” Dean pulled you into a hug and you smiled, ducking your face against his chest as your arms went around his waist.
“What are friends for, Dean.” the sentiment earned you a kiss on the top of your head before he let you go and you headed for the kitchen.
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“You’re in a good mood.” you smiled up at Dean from the motel room table as he walked in, coffee tray in hand. “Let me guess, waitress slipped you her number?” Dean chuckled and shook his head. “Really? Huh.. okay.. Uh.” you thought for a second. “Oh, soccer mom, fresh from school drop off is sexually frustrated cuz her husband is shit in the sack and you’re gonna give her exactly what the dr ordered?”
“You’re disgusting, no.” he shot you a look. “New state, new matches.” he smiled, putting down the coffee and pulling out his phone. “Matched up with this one girl-” you tuned him out as he showed you the girl he’d messaged while out getting coffee.
“Looks hot.” you mumbled, reaching for your cup and tearing your eyes away from his screen. Doing your best to hide the jealousy.
“She is.” he grinned. “You should see this one pic-”
“I don’t think Y/N wants to see some other woman's nudes, Dean.” Sam joked, stepping out of the bathroom in boxer briefs and a shirt, towel drying his hair.
“Of course she does.” Dean scoffed. “She’s my best wingman.”
“Actually, I need to piss. Been waiting for Sammy to get out of that bathroom since the turn of the century.” you laughed as you got up from your seat, leaving Dean laughing at his brothers expense behind you.
“I wasn’t that long.” Sam defended himself.
“Sure there, Rapunzel. “ Dean laughed as the door shut behind you.
Once locked away from them in the privacy of the bathroom, the smile you had plastered to your face fell. Another one? He already had another one? It was the third girl he’d talked to so far this month. Was he planning on meeting her? Fucking her? Of course he was, otherwise he wouldn’t be smiling like an idiot.  Pulling out your phone, you opened the app, signed out, and signed up creating a new profile. You kept everything basic but intriguing, found a random picture on google that you knew would grab attention, and hit create. Taking a deep breath, you got to work, swiping past various people as you flushed the unused toilet and ran the water in the sink for a moment. You finished up on your phone, tucked it back into your pocket and stepped out.
“What's your excuse?” Sam teased, poking at how long you were in the bathroom.
“Coffee.” you answered. “You want the details?”
“No ma’am.” Sam was quick to turn back to his own coffee, smile gone from his lips.
“Didn’t think so.”
“Hope you sprayed.” Dean muttered, eyes on his phone.
“Yeah, entire bottle of that cheap cologne you bought for that date last month.” Dean’s eyes shot up and he glared.
“Oof, that bathroom must smell nasty now.” Sam teased.
“Both of you can fuck off, okay, it smelled good.”
“So good she didn’t show up.” Sam teased with a laugh.
“Fuck you both.” Dean spat, getting up from his chair and storming out of the room.
“Think we took it too far, Sammy.”
“He’s done it to me enough times. Since when does he buy cologne anyways?”
“Fuck if I know.”
“Did you really spray it?” Sam asked.
“No.” You laughed. “I threw it out a week ago. He hasn’t noticed yet. We’ll just pretend he left it behind somewhere.” you put your finger to your lips to signal it was your little secret.
“Deal. I hope I never smell it again.” Sam scrunched up his face before opening his laptop. “Did Dean get those files from the sheriff?”
“Yeah, I think so..” As you reached for Dean's bag, your phone chimed. Peaking into his duffle, you saw the folders sitting on top and pulled them out, handing them to Sam.
“Maybe we can figure this out while he throws his tantrum.” Sam muttered as you pulled out your phone.
“Yeah.. maybe.” you answered quietly, opening the dating app and seeing you had a new match. You smiled to yourself as you clicked to send a private message.
< For some reason I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on ;)
It was ballsy. Forward and crude could go very wrong, but it just might make him laugh and you were hoping it would. You waited, baited breath as ‘read’ appeared on the screen but nothing followed. You waited a few minutes, pretending to research on your phone before you cursed yourself and closed the app. Your gamble had failed.
With a sigh, you opened your browser and started to actually research. “What’s wrong?” Sam glanced over.
“Dead end.” you lied.
“Yeah.. it’s a rough one.” he nodded, eyes back on his laptop again.
A moment later, your phone went off again.
> Impala67 : Are you a parking ticket, because you’ve got FINE written all over you.
> Impala67 : I’m Dean, by the way.
< Charlotte.
> Impala67 : Nice to meet you, Charlotte.
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You expected Dean to come back after an hour pissed, but he didn’t. You didn’t see him until some time a bit after 4:30. “I take it the date went well?” you tried to hide the bite in your tone and were thankful enough he was still enjoying enough of his post fuck high to miss it.
“Didn’t show, but quickly recovered.” he winked as he shut the motel room door behind him. “Why you up so early? Did you wait up for me?” his smile got wider.
“No. You said we were leaving at 5am, remember?”
“Okay but it’s-”
“Almost 5. And Sam’s showering.”
“I’ll just use yours-”
“I’m already checked out.” you turned your attention to your phone. “Next time, take others into consideration, please.”
“What the fuck is up your ass?” he snapped. “Since when do you care where I am or when I get back?”
“Since either I have to smell the stench coming off of you the whole drive, or we’re behind schedule.” you got up from your seat and grabbed your bag. “I’ll be in the car, praying you didn’t fuck in my seat.”
“They’re all my damn seats.” he snapped at you as the door shut behind you. “What the fuck is going on?”
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You were behind Dean in the car, he’d jumped in a quick shower, even changed his clothes but when you looked up your eyes were drawn to the dark mark on his neck. Rolling your eyes, you unlocked your phone, signed out of the app and created a new profile.
“What’s gotten into her?” you heard him mumble to Sam.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
You glanced up, and Dean's eyes were on you in the rear-view, but you were quick to look back down at your phone.. “Never mind.” he sighed. “Forget it.”
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Another city, another stand up, another pissed off Dean, and then it was back home to Lebanon. The recently finished case on no one's mind. Dean's mood was shit. It was the 12th time he’d been stood up and he was swearing he was done with the dating apps. Fed up with women ghosting him like he was some chump.
You were answering messages on your phone when Dean slammed on the breaks, making you hit the back of the seat in front of you and drop your phone.
“HEY ASSHOLE! YOU NEVER SEE A FUCKING STOP SIGN BEFORE?” Dean was screaming out the window, much to Sam’s embarrassment. The guy flipped him off and Dean revved his engine ready to follow.
“Dean.” Sam warned.
“Whatever.” he surged the car forward, making you fly back against the seat again. With a sigh and a head shake to Sam who’d glanced back at you, you looked out the window and waited for the bunker to come into sight.
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Dean was still sitting in his car, parked in the bunker garage. He couldn’t figure it out, and he was trying. Was it something he was saying? Was he being too eager? Too desperate? Too cocky? No, this always worked for him, he hadn’t changed anything. Maybe it just wasn’t how shit worked online, but why agree to meet up if they weren’t going to show..
He was deep in thought when he heard a phone chime. He sighed and pulled out his, but saw no notifications. That confused him until he heard another chime. He glanced around and into the back seat. It took him a minute, but then he spotted it, your phone down on the floor. You must have dropped it when he’d slammed on his brakes when that asshole almost plowed right into him and forgot it. Leaning over the back of the seat, he reached for it.
He was making his way out of the garage when your phone chimed again, and he looked down at the screen as it lit up with the notification. “Dude is coming in hot.” he laughed seeing the beginning of the message some guy had sent. “Is this the kinda shit chicks like?”
Curious now, he swiped his thumb across your screen and was surprised it unlocked without some kind of code. He’d scold you about that later, because he knew he’d get an earful right back for snooping.
He recognized the app that opened. It was the same dating one he’d been trying out. He had no idea you were on there and wondered why he’d never come across your profile. “Why does she even need online dating?” he wondered, reading the messages from some strange guy.  Dude was bold, coming on too strong, and he could see your messages were half teasing, but mostly uninterested.
Then he saw the name. “Son of a bitch.”
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“You!?” You spun around as Dean stormed into your room, your phone in his hand, and your eyes shot right to it. “It was fucking you!?”
“Were they all you?” he demanded, and you clamped your mouth shut. “They were, weren’t they?” he scoffed. “I can’t believe you. I thought we were friends, who the fuck does that to someone? Do you know how fucked up that is?” he unlocked your phone and showed off the messages with him that had spanned the last week and a half until he got stood up and you stopped responding. “Why would you do this to me? WHY!?”
“Don’t you fucking tell me your sorry.” he growled. “Sorry doesn’t mean shit to me right now, sorry doesn’t even begin to fucking cover what you did to me. I thought it was me. I thought I was the fucking problem, but it wasn’t. It was you.” he shot your phone onto your bed.
Tears blurred your eyes. “Dean, I-”
“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t even want to fucking see you.” he spat before storming out.
You stood there staring at the spot on the floor he vacated. Fighting not to let the tears loose. You’d fucked up. You’d fucked up so bad and there was no taking it back. Swallowing, you turned and started re-packing the bag that you’d be unpacking when he stormed in.
You were working on your second bag when you heard Sam sigh from the doorway. “Why’d you do it?”
“Doesn’t matter.” you mumbled, not turning to face him. Not wanting to see the same look his brother had given you before storming out.
“It matters to him.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Where are you going to go?” Sam asked after a moment of silence.
“I don’t know. But I’m not wanted here anymore, so..” you zipped up the bag and grabbed your phone and keys before slinging one of the bags over your shoulder and grabbing the other.. “It is what it is.”
“Keep in touch, at least?”
“No promises. Good bye, Sam.” and with that, you walked past him and headed for the garage and your car that had been parked there for months.
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Before deleting the app, you send out one last message, an apology. Then you deleted all accounts, deleted the app and changed your number. You’d driven off beyond the Midwest and out of their lives, trying your best to never look back, but it was hard. You’d been moving from motel to motel, hunt to hunt like you use to years ago. You’d gotten so use to having somewhere to settle, somewhere to call home. Now all you had was shitty diners, shitty beer, and even worse motel rooms.
It had been about 4 months since you walked out of the bunker. You were tired, and lonely, but no one in the bar you sat at caught your interest, so you finished off your beer and left. The 10 minute walk back to the motel in the cool air doing nothing for your mood. But nothing had been able to lift your mood in a long time.
You walked into your motel room and looked around. It was time to move on, you’d been here a week too long already, but you weren’t sure where to go next. Dropping onto the bed, you grabbed your laptop and started to look for a case.
A knock sounded on your door, and you ignored it. Then again. The third time it was louder. “I’M NOT FUCKING INTERESTED.” you yelled out, only for whoever it was to pound on the door this time. “Jesus fuck.. Take a goddamn hint-” the words died on your lips when you yanked the door open and saw him standing there. “Dean..”
“About fucking time.” he muttered stepping past you and into the room, looking around at the mess. “Looks cozy.” he teased.
“A real home away from home.” you muttered, shutting the door.
“Speaking of, when are you coming back?” he glanced back at you behind him. “I think your tantrum lasted long enough, don’t you?”
“I’m not.” you gave him a confused look. “You didn’t want to see me again, remember? So I left. Why are you here, Dean?”
“Couldn’t exactly call you.” he pointed out. “Numbers disconnected.”
“Changed it.”
“Yeah. And ghosted me again.”
“Again, you didn’t want to see me again.” you pointed out. “What do you want from me?”
“I want to know why. Why’d you do that to me, you have to admit, it was fucked up.” You sigh as you cross the space and drop back onto your bed, staying quiet. Dean sits so he’s facing you and asks again. “Why’d you do it?”
“Because I love you, you dumbass.”
“You-” his brow furrowed as he watched you, you were looking down at your hands like you were afraid to look at him. “How does that even make sense? Why didn’t you just say something?”
“I did.. I tried.” you were picking at the skin around your nail. “But you didn’t seem to notice. You were meeting girls at bars, at diners, and then you started with the app.. You had more dates, spent more and more time on your phone.. I can’t compete with that, Dean. I got jealous, I got upset. I made that first profile not thinking I’d actually get anywhere, but then I did, you saw me, you talked to me like you talked to them and I got lost in that feeling, it felt so good to finally be seen. But then you wanted to meet. And I got scared. Scared that you’d be disappointed it was just me, but I couldn’t bring myself to say no to you, I never could.”
“So you said yes and didn’t show?”
You nodded. “And you were upset, and I felt bad. But I wanted that feeling again, I wanted more than anything to be anyone but me just so you’d see me again. So I became someone else. Always someone else. Catfishing you seemed to be the only way to get your attention. You liked me, Dean. Each and every time it was me and you seemed to like me, but when I acted like that with you, face to face.” you shrugged and finally looked up again. “Sometimes even saying the exact same things, I got nowhere. I was your wingman, I was your friend, but you couldn’t see me beyond that, and I should have just accepted it. I should have respected that I was nothing more and this was one sided and just moved on. I realize that now, and I’m sorry."
Dean was watching you, taking it all in. Processing. He could see the guilt all over your face, the tears stinging your eyes, he knew you meant that apology more than anything. To be honest, he’d forgiven you months ago, but now he had answers to process.
“I’m sorry I fucked up.” you continued. “I’m sorry I fucked up our friendship. I regret it, I regret all of it. I miss you, I miss having a best friend, I miss having a home.” the tears started running down your cheeks and Dean reached out to wipe them away.
“Then come home.”
“I can’t. It can’t go back to the way it was. I can’t just sit there, and watch you with someone else, or-”
Dean cut you off, pressing his lips gently to yours before pulling back again. “Come home. I miss you too.”
“I hurt you..” you whispered.
“Yeah, you did.” he agreed. “We’ll figure it out. Because you’re right, I did like you. I loved our late night chats, I love how dirty you get in DMs, and I miss my closest friend by my side. Come home with me.”
“You sure?”
“Positive.” he smiled. “Don’t ghost me this time.”
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Tagging :  Dean - @akshi8278​  @adoptdontshoppets​   @evyiione​ @karikatz12481​ @idksupernatural​
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore​     @kalesrebellion​   @deanwanddamons​
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