#okay so the actual details are a bit vague but i have a Vision
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gabbysdawsons · 6 months ago
911 + Buck love interest? <3
shoutout to the althea in 911 ask that i never answered- for giving me this idea-
Liberty Libby Whitman
she's a former med school student- she dropped out during her residency because she just couldn't handle that kind of pressure.
Her parents are both doctors and so is her older sister so its's- a bit of an issue in her family that she didn't go through with being a doctor.
after that she has a bit of a spiral, hopping from random job to job, trying to find something that really- makes her passionate. very Buck 1.0 of her, actually.
except instead of going from state to state she just ends up with a bunch of odd jobs all over LA- she was a sign spinner for a couple weeks-
and in all of these odd jobs she ends up as a temporary 911 operator where she meets Maddie Buckley
and i haven't really worked out exactly how she meets Buck but it's obviously- through Maddie. and they end up bonding over the- absolute messes they still both are.
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askablindperson · 1 year ago
Hello, I am a writer who wants to write about a character with Lebers Congenital Amaurosis, and I’ve been struggling to find resources or descriptions on what vision is like for people with that condition. If you’re okay with it, could you describe what vision is like for you? Thank you and have a wonderful day! And sorry if you’ve already been asked this a million times.
Hi! Thank you for asking, and I would be glad to answer. I know what you mean, too. LCA is still somewhat common in the blind community, but I have also found quite a lack of resources to explain how it works to other folks. LCA is rarely included in any of those blindness simulation filters, either, though those also aren’t perfect representations.
A quick disclaimer: most of what I will share here is based on my own personal experience as well as the other blind people with LCA I have personally met in the trends I have observed in the community. I’m not a medical professional though, and I really don’t know that much about how these things pan out statistically Speaking.
First, one thing you should know is that LCA is progressive. It tends to be very slow and steady about it, and it took me 10 years to notice that I had had a significant change in vision which I only fully noticed in the last few months, but it is progressive, so it will inevitably get worse over a person’s lifetime. It just might take its sweet time getting there, and you won’t notice any overnight changes. at least not in the folks I’ve known, or in myself, or in most of the literature I’ve seen discussing it. There may be outliers though that I am less aware of.
The other thing I will say is that most of the other blind folks I have known with LCA actually have significantly less vision than I do, usually being born with little more than light perception and often losing what’s left of that light perception within their first few years of childhood. so a lot of them are totally blind as adults, or still only have light and shadow perception.
As for mine, at least in my experience, I seem to be somewhat of an outlier in LCA, in that I’m quite a high partial case. I believe I’ve been at least legally blind since birth, meaning my visual acuity was at least 20/200 or worse with some visual field issues also, but I’ve always had quite a lot more residual vision than most of the other folks with LCA I have met personally. Not all of them though. When I was a young child, my visual acuity was probably around the 20/200 Marc, but now at 27, my better eye is at about 20/650 and the worst eye is somewhere in the ballpark of 20/5000. Don’t ask me how they can even measure it when it gets that severe lol.
In practical terms, the way I have always described my vision is that it’s a lot like looking through a fogged up mirror when you get out of the shower, a foggy window in the winter, or the super blurred out background in a movie. You can make out plenty of shapes and colors and lights, and you can get a vague sense of what a lot of objects might be, but there is no detail and it’s extremely blurred out. if you happen to wear glasses, I often say that it’s like a lot of folks without their glasses on, but amped up to 11, and that’s even WITH my glasses. Without them, it’s even blurrier, though I don’t really wear glasses much anymore.
That description is in reference to my better eye, mind you. The worst one is so much worse that I can rarely make out actual objects with it or even silhouettes of people. It’s still colorful and everything, but the blurriness is significantly worse to the point that the eye isn’t really useful.
For me personally, as I have gotten older, my central vision has actually deteriorated a little bit faster than my peripheral vision, so I can ironically see a little clearer out of the corners of my eyes then I can looking straight ahead. I don’t know how common this is amongst folks with LCA, especially since most of the folks I know only have light and shadow perception where it’s harder to measure that, But that’s how it is for mine. It wasn’t like that as a child, I would have considered my central and peripheral vision to be fairly similar most of my life, but in the last 10 years, my central vision is noticeably worse now than my peripheral. if I look at a ceiling light through the corner of my eye, and then shift my eye so I’m looking at that same ceiling light to the center of my eye, it is instantly blurrier, like a little foggy film was put over it.
Also, at least for me, I have quite a few blind spots in my vision that impact my overall visual field. Contrary to what those vision loss simulation filters will have you believe though, those are not represented by black spots or white spots in real life. They’re just gone. Think of it sort of like Photoshopping somebody out of a picture. If they are standing in your blind spot, it’s not that there’s a blob over top of them, it’s as if that section of the picture was just cut out, and the two halves around it smashed together as if that part was never there. It’s just missing.
In actuality, everybody has a blind spot, even people with no vision problems whatsoever, so you may be able to get a better understanding of this by researching the general Blindspot that everyone has. I just have more of them because pieces of my retina have completely deteriorated and died off from my disorder.
The discussion of central versus peripheral vision and the blind spots applies to both of my eyes, but like above, just a lot more severe in the eye that’s worse. It’s not quite to the point where it only has light and shadow perception, but it’ll probably get there in the next 10 years or so. I’ve never leaned very heavily on that eye because it’s always been the much weaker one, but these days it is a little bit funny to see just how wildly different the exam for my right eye is compared to my left eye nowadays.
Lastly though, that does finish up the description of what my vision actually looks like, but I do want to leave you with one final note of consideration, which is not to focus overly hard on exactly what your character sees when writing them. At the end of the day, most of us who have been blind our entire lives don’t really go about our days actively paying attention to exactly what we can see and what we can’t, or thinking about what things look like through our eyes at that moment in time. We’re just living our lives with the vision we have, because we were born this way so it’s our normal, and sometimes focusing on it too much in the writing can cloud the characterization more than it helps.
All of that said, I do hope that this provides a useful framework. Mostly, my vision is just ridiculously blurry and really only gets a tiny bit less blurry with glasses, with a few holes punched here and there for good measure lol. To be honest, when I’m spending time with other blind people, we don’t actually usually spend all that much time describing exactly what each other’s vision looks like to each other or anything—it’s usually not exactly the most interesting thing we want to talk about—so I don’t know how common my specific details are to others with LCA. But that’s pretty much the long and short of my personal experience, and hopefully it can be useful when understanding your character.
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philtstone · 8 months ago
psych crew of your choice, "putting a hand over the other's mouth to shut them up"
shoutout to zainab and bbc's the musketeers for inspiring the chaos that is fic
The number of times Gus has had to smack a hand over his best friend's mouth in the last twenty four hours is really starting to get unhygienic. 
It doesn’t help that even while in the throes of crisis, Shawn’s first instinct is always, without fail, to stick his tongue out and lick Gus’s palm. This was true when they were six and is still somehow true now at age thirty. While Shawn’s phone rings – immediately proceeding the third time they’ve successfully panic-crashed back into the Psych office before Shawn can blurt out something that gets them both jailed – Gus tells him off. It doesn’t matter that Shawn could be finally losing his last marble due to the machinations of cosmic irony; Gus refuses to be licked another time. 
“You know how disgusting it is to have your spit on my hand when you literally just threw up two hours ago?” Gus asks, over the irritating jingle of Shawn’s ringtone going wild on the table. Shawn himself has already collapsed backwards onto the couch. Well, really, he kind of tripped. There’s an old pillow pet on the floor that both of them have forgotten to pick up for like, two months, and Shawn’s ability to keep his balance vacated the premises about six hours ago when, mere moments after Gus entered the office, thinking it was going to be a totally normal day for them, his best friend grabbed him by the shoulders – looking vaguely ill, definitely sweaty, and concerningly flushed – and declared, with no little amount of panic in his voice, that he might have actually turned into a real psychic.
A recent phenomenon, of course. Like, just within the last twelve hours. They don’t have any concrete proof, other than the fact that Shawn is convinced he saw, in technicolor, the exact details of a murder that he has encountered absolutely zero evidence for while he was trapped in a supply closet (Gus has no idea how he got there), and, also, had an extremely vivid and detailed vision of himself and Juliet, married.
This last thing happened about twenty minutes ago. 
Shawn’s spiraling. 
“Okay,” Gus had said, an eventful nine hours earlier. “Explain to me exactly what it is you’ve been seeing.”
“When?” Shawn wailed in a high-pitched approximation of Robin Williams’s Mrs. Doubtfire voice. Gus, perhaps unwisely, brushed this off as only slightly less normal than standard Shawn behavior. 
“Yesterday!” Gus said. Shawn had explained – in between three bouts of nausea and one ten minute stint in which he recited all of Ally Sheedy’s lines in St. Elmo’s Fire from memory – that the weirdness started in the middle of the previous night. “What makes you think you’re – seeing things?”
“Because,” Shawn moaned, “I can’t remember why they’re in my head! Or when they’re from. Gus, I woke up at two a.m. and my head was so fuzzy and dizzy that I threw up! And then after I threw up I saw a man, standing in broad daylight, eating two cherry-filled cruller donuts and sporting the world’s ugliest toupe, and then another man falling off the edge of a pier, the pier, it was that pier right outside, but I can’t remember actually seeing either of those two things! Except they’re in my head, Gus! I swear to God they happened! But when?” Shawn, at this point, took a deep long breath, swayed a bit on the spot, and added, “and then I thought maybe to clear my head I should microwave and eat a frozen burrito.”
“Let me guess,” Gus said, in only mild distress, “then you threw up again?”
“Oh my God, how did you know? Gus. Gus. Are you turning into a real psychic too?”
“Man, I don’t know! And, wait a minute, at what point did you end up in the supply closet?”
At this, Shawn put both hands up to his head and looked vaguely deranged. “Gus … there’s no supply closet in the Psych office.”
Oh, boy, Gus had thought.
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heatwa-ves · 7 months ago
please explain your izuleo playlist with as much detail as you want im interestedddd
MIKIIII THANK YOU. okay here's my playlist and im gonna do a song by song breakdown... I'll try and keep it decently brief so this doesn't become one million words but we'll see. my playlist is vaguely chronological so it starts pre-checkmate!
astroboy- suggi
okay so this one is just straight up a leo song. you just have to listen to it it's literally about him "I raised my hands up real high, they called me stupid when I asked why we couldn't fly. am I too far ahead of my friends, or I am late?" hellooooo hello. hi. leo tsukinaga everyone!!!! right down to the moon/space theming
"oh, the rain, you're losing your flame, where'd the burn, the passion go? you run through the pain, you're losing your aim, and you feel like you alone missed the grow" LITERALLY about his breakdown post checkmate. uagh.
cheerleader- ashnikko
an izumi song!!! I don't have to explain anything here you get the vibes
brand new city- mitski
having to preface this by saying I do not listen to mitski this is the only song of hers I listen to and only because it makes me think of izumi so much I feel like throwing up.
"If I gave up on being pretty I wouldn't know how to be alive, I should move to a brand new city and teach myself how to die." yeah. izumi sena.
yoru ni kakeru- yoasobi
well I'm sure you know this song and the story behind it "the seduction of thanatos" I think it works very well about the izuleo dynamic around this time when they're very codependent and leo is so severely depressed and suicidal. they're fucked up 👍
it's all so incredibly loud- glass animals
so this one makes me think of izumi going to see leo in a similar vein to lionheart but probably before that and he sees leo so broken and neither of them can bring themselves to say anything. "I tried, for you and I, for too hard, for too long" makes me think of the ending scene of lionheart and so on
softcore- the neighborhood
"you've been my muse for a long time, you get me through every dark night. I'm always gone, out on the go, I'm on the run and you're home alone"
"every time I kiss you, baby, I can hear the sound of breaking down"
you get it. you see the vision. more depression era stuff.
less of you- keshi
depression era leo... there's so many lines in this song that correlate to them but a fav is "too much time in the limelight, gimme your all on the land line, want it so bad but I won't lie and it just gets worse in the night time."
are you happy? - shy martin
"and I know I thought that pain's part of love, but I think I broke you, though I didn't mean to. but are you happy, looking back at us when you met me? would you go back and tell yourself to leave it, knowing what we know?" UARFGHBHBB izumi.... who killed cock robin ass song.
from now on we are enemies - fall out boy
I've talked about this one EXTENSIVELY before but it really is just a song about leo tsukinaga. what else can I say.
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always- keshi
well yk.
bad thoughts- half alive
i love when they hate eachother. they don't actually truly hate eachother but man sometimes it feels like it. everything hurts. "like a time you gave your all but just got hurt, like a crack in the mirror bringing out your worst"
to everyone who wants to die- takayan
read the translation oh my goddddd. leo. leo
sing to me- missio
this is a song I DREAM of making an animatic to its just so deeply fundamentally leo
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never ending song- conan gray
okay this one is a bit more specific but I like to think of leo while he's out of school seeing izumi in a magazine or an ad or something.. and that brings with it a whole ton of complicated feelings
"but we've grown too close, now it can't amount to nothing. I can hear your voice in the music on the radio, and it goes on and on and on, like a never-ending song" you get ittttt
bodybag- chloe moriondo
more of the vibes more of the complicated feelings . this one is mostly here bc I love it and was thinking about izlo while listening icl. unrelated but chloe moriondo is cool as hell they have some awesome music videos especially the one for this song
love or the lack thereof - isaac dunbar
the epitome of pre/early ! izlo love. to meeee also I just love love loveeee it as a song
last minute - kitty
"you're the loop of rope I hung up in my stupid closet" "you're all poised and im made of poison" do you get it do you GET it. it's leo about izumi frfrfrrr
"could you wrap your hands all the way around my neck, and tell me where I stand, tell me everything I'm wrecking when I spin. take over my breath, in out in, I am missing you to death"
android girl- deco*27
I love this song and while I love the original im partial to rachies english cover especially the lines
"we restart and fall apart together, what we have will drag on in this way forever"
"make it stop, make it stop there's so much guilt and regret, I don't get how I can forget and start to hope again, we haven't even come to the end, so much for promising together forever, we aren't even friends"
the girl in my memories- jeebanoff
"in place of your fleeing love, only my sad solitude remains, even though that time won't come again, the memories that are gone, are forever" more depression yaaay
achilles come down- gang of youths
SORRY it's just such a compelling look at depression and being suicidal... so many of these songs are about Leo's depression but I swear this part of the playlist is over soon and moves further in the timeline. I really love this song it's just... everything about it... leo is achilles here of course and the voices talking him down and telling him to go through with it are his family/izumi and his own mind/the students from school respectively.
calender girl- stars
"all of the things that I thought were so easy just got harder and harder each day. december is darkest, in june there's the light, but this empty bedroom won't make anything right, while out on the landing a friend I forgot to send home, who waits up for me all through the night- calendar girl who's in love with the world, stay alive"
"I dreamed I was dying, as I so often do, and when I awoke I was sure it was true. I ran to the window, threw my head to the sky, and said "whoever is up there, please don't let me die," but I can't live forever, I can't always be, one day I'll be sand on a beach by a sea"
crush of judgement- knights killers
i don't need to explain this one
move me- half alive
THE izuleo song THE reason I made this playlist. won't you be my song when I cant dance WON'T YOU BE MY SONG WHEN I CANT DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!! LIGHT MY FIRE BURN THE TREES!!!!!!!!! also watch the music video it's gorgeous
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the third heart- harumaki gohan
first of all go play genei ap rn it's a short mobile game created by this artist featuring lots of their songs about a reserved girl who loves music and her more extroverted friend who asks her for song recs. it's a very izuleo vibes game and just a beautiful game in general I think you'll love it sm mikiii
second of all.... just. this song. play the game and watch the music video for the full impact frfr 🫶 anyway back to izuleo
back around- half alive
depression never truly leaves but you get better!! it gets better!!! there are bad days but there are so so many good days!!! this whole album is kinda izlo vibes
you get me so high- the neighborhood
"you're my best friend I'll love you forever" 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 makes me think of them... kind of talking about their past .... not very well because they have no emotional maturity but still.
silent oath- knights
for obvious reasons
reunion- harumaki gohan
I imagine this is after the end of ! era .. they've both grown and matured immensely as people.. it'd probably have more impact if I read requiem but um..... I'll get to it... (I've been saying this for a year and a half) to me it's a goodbye to their teenage years and the ups and downs and them moving forward into adulthood and a more stable relationship
don't be so hard on your own beauty- yeule
they help eachother heal 🥹. this one is a bitttt more reliant on some of my takes on izumi that I don't really wanna get into rn but yk. it's here. it's vibey. things were bad and now they are better. there's sunlight streaming though their apartment window. they don't have anywhere else to be this morning. yk.
work of art- downer Inc, kellin quinn
ueeeghhvhb they love eachother.... izumi brings leo inspiration.... these descriptions are getting less and less coherent
I swear ill never leave again - keshi
infinitely ordinary- the wrecks
I like the romance of mundanity.. I think they could be happy.. it's very hopeful and a good ending to the playlist
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deadfrog-and-friends · 2 months ago
domestique part 9: in which we sweep the dishes and meet the human vacuum
(read parts 1-8 here)
Another month went by. I learned how to type, and to surf the internet. I helped Sistress type up some very basic spells ("reward helpful crows with good luck", "tits enlargening spell level 1", "video game dexterity buff") and started dollposting. Things started feeling normal. Then a cyclist from Merxy's team contacted Sistress.
He wanted to come visit, chat with Sistress, and pay his respects.
I listened to Sistress explain to him over the phone that Merxia had been restored to life, but she was a bit vague on the details. She didn't want to admit that she'd done so by stuffing another doll into Merxia's unresponsive shell, that probably wouldn't sound very good to a stranger. "So while this fellow visits, just don't say a lot" said Sistress. "You don't have to pretend to remember him, I told him you came back different, forgot most everything."
"You should have told him not to come," I said.
"But I think he wants to give us money," said Sistress. "In my tarot reading the other day it said a man on a horse was going to visit and bring gifts. I bet it meant a man on a bike. Anyway, you've been dollposting so much you should have your own laptop."
"What's this guy's name, anyway?" I asked.
"Wiebe? or Weibe? Wiebe S….sierksinga, or was it—"
A roar of noise rose up in my head and I couldn't hear anything else she said. My vision disolved into black and white static. And I saw the man's face. Actually I did remember him from when we watched the races. The commentators had called him Wiebe Sierkstra the Human Vacuum and he was another domestique for the team. He would always vacuum up his team mates, the commentators said, and make sure they got to the finish line. Sistress would always say "and then he—" and then make a rude gesture with her tongue in her cheek. He had been in the background of the shot of Merxia's interview, after her illicit sprint, looking pale and troubled.
This was the first time Merxy had pulled me out of consciousness in the middle of the day to show me something. He must have been important.
Moments later, well I'm not sure how long it was, the face cleared, the noise cleared, and I saw Sistress in front of me. She was holding my hands and peering up into my face.
"H-hi," I said.
"Nell," she said. "I'll tell him not to come."
"N-no. It's okay," I said. "I think we'd… like to see him."
That night, a bit nervous, I asked Merxy about him. Merxy flooded me with memories. There were in fact a lot of memories of him kneeling in front of her between her legs as she gently held his head in place, her fingers between his sandy hair. In hotel rooms. On top of mountains, next to their bikes. On the team bus, with others watching. Interspersed were memories of normal conversations with him, or memories of him holding her as she wept. She had wept a lot. It had just been very hard to be so hard from Mistress. Wiebe seemed to care.
I cleaned the entire house in the days leading up to Wiebe's visit. It wasn't for Sistress, I told myself, it was for Merxy. I didn't really know how to clean, but I watched videos online and talked to some of the maid dolls. Sistress took me out to buy cleaning supplies. (I finally learned to use the stairs.) I purged the house of years of dust, and swept every dish. Sistress was, I think, a little unnerved.
Wiebe arrived. The gift was Merxia's team bicycle, an extra one. I didn't know we had a heart, but it started beating like mad when we saw him standing in the doorway with the bike. I almost fell over, but Sistress caught me. She took my hand, and we all went into the living room.
Wiebe looked at his hands. "Thank you so much for having me." He had a light accent, pronouncing his v's like f's, his intonation lilted up and down and up and down. His voice made us shiver. I could feel the static rippling up and down my arms and legs.
"Of course," said Sistress. "And what a beautiful bicycle you've brought for Merxia. Though… we don't know if it is still able to ride."
"For sure, for sure," said Wiebe. "And…" he peered at us. "Miss Isabel said you might not remember much."
I blinked. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. "Ah…wa…" were the only sounds it seemed like I could make. My fingers twitched. I remembered the sex memories Merxia had shown me. There was a throb between my legs.
"You know what," Sistress said, blushing, "maybe she does remember you, Wiebe. Let me… give you two some privacy." She got up and left.
I glanced down realized that Sistress must have seen my doll parts become hard through my dress. I wondered if she felt jealous. I wondered if Wiebe noticed.
Wiebe sat down on the couch next to us where Sistress had been. We gave him our hand. He took it, and ran his finger all over it. We saw a tear fall on it. He was crying.
Crying. He was crying. Awa.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. We lifted our hand to his cheek. "Het komt goed, het komt goed," this one crooned. "Het komt goed, liefje."
"Liefje…" he repeated, through sobs. "When you went off the cliff… I went after. I went to you."
I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. We put our arms around him, repeating "het komt goed, het komt goed." We were telling him it was going to be okay, maybe.
And he said, "I thought… I thought… I thought I felt you die, in my arms."
It was something about his voice. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. "Sorry, sorry," this one said. "Sorry…" Looking up at the sky, this one's sight darkening, the top of its head is gone, arms are around it, they are shaking, shaking, shaking, this one smells dirt, and sweat and tears. His—liefje's. Holding this one…while he cries. No. Wrong. Error. Error. Erro
"Merxy," this one said, "Broken." Error. Try to explain. "After Mistress. No race no more. Could not no." Holding him. While he cries. Log error. It is this one. Who should cry.
"I know," Wiebe said. "I understand but…it hurt so much more than I could have ever expected. A-and then… they took you away. A-and you never came back."
Failed. Failed liefje. "Sorry, sorry. Sorry to leave liefje. Leave liefje like that. This one's fault. Please. Do not cry. Broken doll not person, no problem not matter. Replace." Log. Broken doll. Decommission.
Wiebe shook his head, and lifted it. He was smiling through his tears. "No, don't you see?" he said "Nothing could replace you. D-don't worry about me. You're here, you're alive. Alive, and talking to me. And you … you remember. I thought you'd remember your Mistress, maybe, Miss Isabel, maybe even the directeur sportif, but me? A-and our name for each other? A-and—" He glanced at this one's lap. And didn't say anything more.
This one stroked his cheek. "Important," it said. He remembered himself.
"Y-yes. You're very important. I didn't tell you, so I was going to come here and try to explain to Miss Isabel, your only family, h-how much you meant to me. How…precious you are. I can't tell you how happy I am… happy that I can just tell you, directly."
"H-ha-appy?" this one said, its speech malfunctioning. Log. Its speech, whole body tremble now. "If happy, why so c-cry?"
In response, liefje kissed this one's cheek, from which tears freely flowed. "I love you," he said.
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aranarumei · 3 months ago
10 17 24 I think was the last one. hi kiri Ask game :)
ask me something from this list?
putting these answers under a cut bc it got long
10: what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
okay I need to do some research for this one. I think this question means to ask, like, how long I’ve just… not worked on something before coming back to it and completing it? and that’s different from “how long have you worked on a project” which is… also a bit hard to determine. I’ll just note some interesting spans of time, then. my current WIP has existed in some form since October of 2021, which is fun. I’ve definitely spent a good 6 months not touching it in the slightest, maybe longer during the early years, but I’ve not finished this one yet. I am committed to completing this, though. it’s just a fic that takes and deserves a lot of work. apart from that, I’ve been writing vague scenes related to freed & laxus’s relationship, and snippet #4 was written 2 whole years after snippet #3. so I’m definitely someone who can return to old ideas… especially around 2021 and forward, my style hasn’t deviated enough for me to really never want to return back to any of it. so I tend to add to fics I haven’t touched in a long time. my ideas usually just hang in unpublished limbo for years, sadly. most of it will probably never see the light of day even though I like it. I’m trying to get more comfortable just posting scenes with little context, but it’s tough.
as for published stuff, for “bloom” I wrote the first scene in September of 2019, and then started working on it again in September 2020, which is when I then posted it.
17: talk about your writing and editing process
oh boy… how do I talk about this. I’m unsure even how to describe any of it.
like titles, I think my fic ideas stem from two places: the “point” and “concept” at hand. sometimes I’ll think “oh, this situation would be really fun to explore” (like, hanzawa showing up in the case files of jeweler richard) and work from there to figure out what the main idea of that story would look like (okay, so I think this would lead into discussing how hanzawa puts up a façade, and seigi’s influence would change him in a way that is impactful yet minimal enough to work for merging both canons), and sometimes I’ll think “oh, I really want to express this aspect of a story / character” (I want to write about what interests me regarding hanzawa and tashiro’s relationship) and have to figure out how to get there (I can have them discuss hanzawa’s dyed hair during club practice, and expand that out into various musings).
these usually start out with me just like… writing a scene, if I’ve got a vision of one in mind, but some just start out with like. a topic sentence. it depends how clear I am on what I’m doing. These days I outline more often, so I tend to hash out the concept alone or with a friend, collecting various ideas for how I might expand on whatever I initially thought, so it can actually be a complete piece of work. I first start by outlining various “scenes” or “moments” I think would work, and then I try to break it down into way more detail and build stuff out. for longer things, I might have extra notes just analyzing various parts of the piece.
writing is usually just pretty much… sitting down and doing it. I tend to write scene by scene, and write later scenes only when it’s like, I’ve got a perfect vision of how it’ll go and have to write it down. so I can have snippets of stuff that shows up later, but it’s not usually intentional. for fics where I have a detailed outline of bullet points, I stick that section of the outline in my draft and write while going through each bulleted point. delete a bullet point every time I complete that bit, until I’m done with the scene.
I edit a bit as I go, but to not get too stuck, if I’m struggling for words I tend to put that bit in square brackets [like so]. when I edit, I usually ctrl+f for these square brackets and try to address any notes I might’ve written down. then I like to just read through it and either mark it up as I go or just fix it as I go. it depends on the level of work something might need. I edit scene by scene, though when I edit is up to when I feel like it. sometimes it’s just at the end, or other times I write a scene, edit the scene, and then write the next one. if I can, I’ll sometimes get someone else to read over a scene, especially if I feel unsure about the direction.
lastly, I like to sleep or rest my eyes before doing a final check for grammar, spelling, and formatting. in general I like to try and have “fresh eyes” while editing!
24: how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
…do I? I feel like I almost always want to write and want to be creative. Usually it’s life that’s hampering me. but there’s definitely times when words feel beyond me. I usually just sleep, or I try to switch formats… instead of prose, why not bullet point my way through it first? or talk through it and just vocalize all the dialogue? or I switch to handwriting text, or I change the font so what I’m working on looks visually different to before. I think that helps the work feel less stale. I also love talking to other people, because that makes me get a bit of external motivation.
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banana-pancake5 · 7 months ago
Hmmmmm I wanna ask questions but idk where to start (that being said feel free to give me anything else you have, any fleeting thoughts or the like)
Heads up this is basically a live brainstorm. I’m literally writing what comes to my head in the moment and derailing myself many times (this top sentence I’m writing half way through writing everything else below it)
To actually answer it more in depth, it’s a yes and no kinda? Frida has no hope that Vita is alive— OH WAIT OHNO WAIT IDEAS OKAY I INTERRUPT THIS TRAIN OF THOUGH WITH A SUDDEN IDEA
Okay okay okay what if —hear me out— before Frida begins running the Nexus she hunts down any surviving Foot Clan members as a solo mission type thingy. Through this she finds out —AHHHH THOUGHTS— that Vita was lost to the prison dimension (she just thought Vita was lost in some experiment she didn’t know the details.) after that she DOES have the hope that Vita is alive. She has this small twisted strand of hope that Vita survived all those years trapped and she searches. She goes off and searches for months for her sister and… well I have conflicting ideas… either she does find Yūrei —OH YESYESYEYESY NDIWXJNIJNE—
Okay ALRIGHT. Frida is on this long search for her sister. She’s been searching for months with no sign of anything. She’s on her way back, that small strand of hope finally snapped, but she is attacked by a hoard of Krang hounds, or a Krang mech. While running or fighting she falls with her head slamming against a rock. Her visions is blurry and she’s drifting between states of consciousness. Then Yūrei appears. Frida should be terrified but… she feels oddly safe. She doesn’t make the connection it’s her sister because she believes her sister is long dead, even if she had escaped. Then. Frida loses consciousness completely. When she wakes up she’s in a cave. There’s a fire lit beside her with Yūrei roasting something above it. Yūrei’s Krang mask is set down by the fire. She sat staring at the fire with a wide smile spread across her face. She stifled a few giggles with a hand to her mouth. When Frida stirred slightly Yūreis smile dropped into a scowl as her head whipped toward her. Her vibrant krangified eyes met with Frida’s frightful gaze. Then before Frida could blink Yūrei took her mask off the floor and dashed away. Frida didn’t recognize her as Vita but felt a strange connection. She didn’t get a good look at her but if she had she would have known in an instant. After that interaction Frida started back up the Hotel and in the back of her mind hoped that Yūrei would stumble upon it. She wanted to feel that connection again. She wanted to know why she felt it.
OH OH OH!! And when Vita sat there smiling at the fire it was because of the feeling that stranger (Frida) gave her. It made her feel warm and fuzzy and she couldn’t place it. It felt so right to be beside Frida. She felt an almost primal urge to protect Frida with her life. But her other instincts were screaming at her to get away. That it was dangerous. So she fled, in fear.
Perhaps at one point Vita met Leo???? Similar to the situation above but when Leo is on a mission WITH BABY CASEY she comes and saves him from what would be a fatal blow. Leo doesn’t stick around but as he runs off with Jr. he hears her manic laugh and recognizes it as Yūrei. But, when he shares the tail with his brothers they don’t believe him. It’s a “Boy who cried wolf” scenario. I imagine Leo would love to try and scare his brothers with false stories of meeting Yūrei.
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allenvooreef · 2 years ago
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
Ohhhh let's see! I've been drawing mostly original art these days (never thought I'd be that person but here we are xD) but that makes it all the more fun to dig up some fanworks!
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This Skyward Sword piece! Spent hours and hours painting every little detail, and enjoyed every bit of it.
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This CritRole piece! I'm glad the colors turned out as dreamy as I'd pictured them.
The huge-ass Dragon Age medley I arranged and performed a couple years back! Proud of myself for actually finishing such a beast of a project.
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A more recent Dragon Age fan piece that was a lot of fun to make. Just finding references for the mabari alone was a blast xD
And lastly, let's add some writing to keep it varied. I don't do a lot of that, but this small moment of reassurance between two Wardens was something I really enjoyed putting into words.
With a gasp she sat up on her bed roll. Breathing erratically, it took her a moment to grasp her surroundings and distinguish reality from the blood-curdling visions slowly fading from her mind’s eye. She heard a voice, distant at first through the sound of her blood rushing loudly in her eardrums. “Oh- Maker, I… Sorry! It’s okay, it’s-” Her hands searched around in the darkness for familiar fur, but instead found skin; an arm, a chest, a face. “It’s okay, it’s just a dream. Hey, you can calm down now.” “Alistair…?” she muttered, as her eyes started to adjust to the darkness. She could make out his silhouette against the glow from the campfire. Her breathing slowly returned to normal as she remembered. She was at camp, somewhere between the Korcari Wilds and a town called Lothering. The fatal battle, Flemeth’s rescue, it all came back to her now. His voice was soft and hesitant. “I- I should… Sorry.” She only realised she was still holding on to Alistair’s arm when he got up. Instinctively she clasped the heavy fabric of his shirt, hanging on to that reassuring bit of warmth, of human contact, for just a little longer. “No!” she blurted.  Alistair froze, uncertain.“I mean… Please.” She forced herself to let go of him, feeling like a complete idiot. They had known each other for what, a week? She certainly wasn’t the type to make friends easily, and it’s not like he had chosen to travel with her; a terrible twist of fate had forced them into each other’s company, along with the surly mage.  Between Morrigan having to leave the Wilds unwillingly and Alistair dealing with the loss of his fellow Wardens there hadn’t been much room for friendly chats. And yet, as she sat there, beads of sweat on her forehead and the memory of the nightmare still fresh, the young Warden felt like the only real thing in a world turned violently upside down. “I saw you turning in your sleep and I thought…” He sat down beside her, close enough to feel his warmth in the cool night air but not so close that they touched. He glanced at her. “I mean, not that I was watching you sleep or anything. I’m not- That would be really creepy. It’s just that… I have them too.” She stared past the campfire, where she could vaguely see Morrigan’s tent in the distance. Her dog was strolling through the bushes, no doubt in search of places to mark his territory. “The nightmares, I mean,” he said. “I have them too. They can be pretty rough. It’s a Warden thing, but I guess nobody got the chance to warn you about them, so…” He tousled his hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have woken you.” “It’s alright,” she said, but her voice came out strange and soft. She cleared her throat and wiped a strand of hair from her face. “It’s alright,” she repeated, more firmly this time. “Thank you, Alistair.” He smiled. They sat in silence for a while, the gently crackling fire and distant sounds of forest creatures filling the air. There was so much to say, so many questions to be answered, but this wasn’t the time. Right now she just took comfort in his presence; warm, safe, near. After a while he stretched his legs. “I should let you get back to sleep, we have a long day of travel ahead of us. I’ll be over there when you… If you need me.” “Alistair?” She hated that she was about to ask him this, but she was too tired to stop herself. “Hm?” “Could you… Would you stay? In case I…” She felt like a child, asking her father to leave the bedside candle on. But Alistair caught her gaze and in that moment she knew he understood.   She slept soundly the rest of the night, listening to Alistair’s steady breathing next to her. In the nights that followed the nightmares returned often, but the Wardens quickly grew into the habit of watching over each other. Turns out after you entrust your dreams to someone, making a friend is easy.
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cerusee · 15 days ago
hope chest + 9 for the recent ask game :3 feel free to hold off answering until you've posted more of it if you want! just got here from reading the new chapter and it was on my mind (tortuously and deliciously)
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Hah! I appreciate the note on waiting, but I don’t have the patience. However, for spoiler reasons, I am keeping it vague-ish.
Yes! Despite this being THEE fic I’d written the Most Detailed Ever Outline For, I departed a LOT from that outline, as I wrote this story.
In the original version, the entire Carp Tower sequence (upcoming; chapters 8-12) was…meant to be a lot shorter and faster and more door-slamming farce, with so many people just popping into the same room to have dramatic moments, only to be shoved aside by the next round of characters slamming open the door and coming in to have their own moments. This did not actually work when I got around to writing that portion of the story, for various reasons.
Among them: I’m not as gifted at writing comedy/farce as I’d like to be; I hadn’t really explored the mental environment of Carp Tower or thought that much about Jiang Yanli’s time there when I wrote down “carp tower clown car” in the outline; everything I wrote up to that point demanded more time for itself anyway, etc, etc. TL;DR: the most casually laid plans of mice and women.
Also, I put this in the author’s note already, so it’s not a spoiler: in the original plan, Wangxian got to kiss in the last chapter! They do not kiss in this version of the story.
This is a lil bit because I did some stuff in the expanded Carp Tower chapters that deserved to throw a shoe into Wangxian just by itself—but I think part of the reason I was so okay tossing that shoe in there, and delaying their hookup, was that having them kiss would have been kind of cheap and not really earned by what I’d written up until then. I think the basic premise is pretty compatible to Wangxian hooking up, but the bulk of the story that I ended up writing just didn’t do enough relationship work for them. I might have stuck with it anyway—but once I knew I was writing a Chengqing sequel (I knew this pretty early on when I picked up writing this again, after a long delay), I also knew I’d rather push the wangxian hookup to that sequel, and give myself as much time and space as I wanted to explore that, rather than trying to force a smoochie HEA that wasn’t organic to the actual writing on this story.
I also made a critical switch at some point to pick an element of one canon over the other (think novel vs. CQL) which had an impact on certain character relationships. It’s an element I’m semi-agnostic on, and I generally go with “whatever works for the story better/is more interesting in this context.” The original outline went one direction; the final story went with the other, and I adjusted accordingly. Jin Ling…has different uncle-based brainworms in the final version, than he did in the original vision. That’s all I’ll say about that.
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confusedshades · 8 months ago
Ok I'm throwing Jason into this for maximum chaos and drama.
Jason had just gotten back from a mission with the Outlaws, which is why he can be forgiven for not knowing but as he stared at the group chat messages on his phone he wasn't sure whether to laugh at Bruce, sigh in exasperation at the adoption tendencies, or go guns blazing to find the kid's parents.
Jason decided to kill two birds with one stone. He went on patrol that evening, eager to find out more information on the new sibling and tease B about his adoption tendencies simultaneously. Luckily he found Batman easily enough early in his patrol and followed the man for a bit. He raised his eyebrows at the violence he was doling out at the criminals, but they were all left for the cops to process so that at least told Jason something.
He dropped down on the rooftop next to his father.
"Hood." The hand on the back of his neck in lieu of actual scenting grounded Jason further. Settled something he didn't even realise was unsettled.
"Heard you've found yourself a new trainee."
"Hng." Oooh that meant it was bad.
"How is baby Bat treating his successor? Any biting yet?"
"D is badly traumatized. He barely seems aware of his own dynamic. N caught him letting out a purr today and he was horrified at the reaction apparently."
Green tinged the edges of his vision like they hadn't in ages. A pup afraid of purring? Yeah he was heading back to get his favourite knife after this. "What do we know about him?"
Batman moved closer and as one they stepped away from the edge of the roof. He looked around before pressing a button on his gauntlet to start a small white noise machine. The big bad Bat breaking his own rules about personal details on the field? At least he remembered the white noise to make sure no one else could hear them if they tried.
"Danny Fenton is all we've been able to get out of him. He won't say anything about where he came from or anything else. We've figured out he's fourteen and physically okay. Emotionally and psychologically is a very different story. He doesn't have any scent - not even his own, doesn't know how to react with any of the dynamic centred behaviours. Scenting, cuddle piles, scent based emotional reading."
Jason's anger increased. To not even know what to do, to not even recognise anything meant the kid's instincts had been suppressed via training. "Was he kept isolated from everyone except his trainers?" He growled
Batman shook his head. "He lets things slip about friends or a sister, about classes at school. He knows how to interact with people and emotionally and socially his development seems fine. Just his dynamic which has been targeted."
The subvocal growl stuttered out in Jason's throat. Everything else was fine but just his dynamic was affected? A vague idea began to itch at the back of his mind. "B, are we sure the kid is actually from around here? And not an alternate dimension where they don't have dynamics?"
"Leslie did a full check up to rule that out early on. He has the biological aspects of the dynamics like extra scent glands and puppy fangs."
"I think it's time the kid met his older brother. Maybe a new face and fresh eyes will help."
The two agree on some logistics and part. Jason, due to his long absence decides to do a short patrol of his territory, check in with his men, remind people who keeps an eye on things. It's the twilight hour before sunrise, when even Gotham becomes silent for a breath, that he catches sight of a kid furtively trying to catch his attention.
He drops down to the ground to see what the issue is. "Oh thank the ancients I never thought I'd find you! I need help. These people keep trying to adopt me but they're also doing all these strange things that they say is normal for kids but they make me feel uncomfortable and strange and I just want to escape. Please I know I'm new to Gotham but everything I've read about you says you protect children, you have to help me!"
Jason looked around and tugged the kid towards one of the Alleys. Once they were out of sight he took off his helmet. It was effective in a lot of things, but when trying to talk to kids, he'd found that an actual face and voice were helpful for them, and being able to smell was helpful for him.
The minute he took off his helmet though he knew someone had not kept their eye on the ball. Because this kid vaguely smelled like pack, like the Batpack, but he didn't have his own scent. He could see the kids distress and lack of sleep all over him. The eye bags, the chewed till broken lip, picked edges of an obviously new sweatshirt.
"Alright kid, I'm going to need some information from you to help. What is your name? And do you have someplace safe to go?"
"Danny and uhh no. Not really. I can't go back to my own home but I can't go to the fruitloops either."
"Alright. I have a safe place close by if you want to stay with someone else," a rapidly paling face that shook made it clear that wasn't a possibility. "Or I can have you staying at one of my bolt holes. It's not the nicest place but it's got food water and security."
"Okay. Yeah. The, the bolt hole sounds good."
dc x dp prompt
So I just got into the dc x dp fandom very head strong and I’ve been reading dc x dp fics left and right, some of the fics containing a/b/o dynamics and I just had a thought what if Danny one day took a trip to the DC universe and this universe had the a/b/o dynamics
Danny: I am a traumatized teenager that is alone and is totally normal
Adopting orphans left and right Bruce Wayne: don’t worry pup I’ll take care of you, you’re obviously neglected due to you’re having no parental scent
Danny: STRANGER DANGER, There’s a child sniffing pervert on the loose protect your childern(runs away)
Bruce Wayne: ???
Bruce Wayne: was it something I said.
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jahayla-parker · 3 years ago
I have one for Peter to celebrate 100 followers.
Y/N is the daughter of Wanda and Vision (and she also possess the same abilities as Wanda) she’s dating Peter.
One night she gets a call from a crying Peter telling her to come to the school roof. When she gets there, she sees him on the floor crying. She goes over to him and hugs him, him hugging her back (afraid he'll lose her like he lost Aunt May). They stay like that for what feels like forever until MJ and Ned come and find them. They introduce them to Peter 2 and 3 and they agree to help cure the villains (basically the same scene from No Way Home)
When they get to the lab and get to work, Y/N notices some big cuts on Peter's face and uses her powers to heal them. They talk and Y/N wants to help them cure the villains. (I'm thinking Y/N can wear the same outfit as Wanda from MOM) .
During the fight, Y/N and Peter find the Green Goblin and begin fighting him. Peter loses control and begins to get more aggressive. Y/N tries to get him to stop but he won't listen. Peter 2 comes and helps Y/N reason with Peter to get him to stop.
(Can you just do the same ending as No Way Home but with Y/N remembering Peter even after the spell?)
Hope you like! ❤️🖤💜
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Hiii! Thank u for this! I’ve been mentally writing one similar to this without te Wanda aspects of it, so This was a being able to actually write it out.
Thanks everyone for joining my celebration💟💜
Join my taglist here!
Loss: A NWH Holland!Spider-Man/Peter Parker
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Summary: Peter has lost May and relies on gf!reader to help him. They fight and cure all the villains but are faced with Peter having to be forgotten by the world.
Fortunately, y/n remembers Peter even after the spell, but at what cost?
More details in the request above.
Warnings: NWH spoilers, death of May, angst, a few curses
Notes: when italics as used for whole paragraphs/sections it’s showing a flashback or otherwise previous event. I don’t think it was needed but hopefully cleans it up a bit lol.
Please lmk you guys want a part 2! Part 2 here
Waking up to her phone ringing loudly with Peter’s personalized ringtone, y/n abruptly mutes the sound so her mother won’t hear and then proceeds to answer his call.
“Petey? It’s late babe, is everything okay?” She asks, sitting up.
“C-ca-can you” Peter attempts, his voice breaking constantly.
“Peter?! What’s going on?! Where are you?! I’m coming to you!” Y/n promises, promptly getting out of bed and rushing to change into some clothes she can leave the house in.
“I-I’m on the school rooftop” he whispers, his voice still catching.
Slipping on a sweatshirt of Peter’s, she grabs her shoes but something feels off.
“Peter, are you safe?” She asks, wondering if his safety was in jeopardy and that was the cause behind her unease.
She would be uneasy with him simply crying as he was now, but this felt different.
“F-for now” he sniffles.
Squinting at his vague statement, y/n rushes over to her closet and decides to change once again.
As she changed into her scarlet colored “hero outfit” as the avengers called it, she kept Peter talking.
She hadn’t gotten him to explain what was happening that made him upset, but he’d finally stopped crying, him stating something about just hearing her voice making him less panicked.
Checking to ensure her outfit was complete, she zipped her boots.
Y/n threw on a black hoodie Peter bought her so that it concealed her leather corset-like top and threw her crown headpiece into her school bag.
She informed Peter she would have to hang up so she could get to him as she planned on using her levitation power to fly to him rather than walk or steal her mom’s car.
She was fairly experienced with using this power and used it more often than her mother Wanda, aka The Scarlet Witch did. Much to her mother’s disapproval as it often was done because y/n was late.
But, she knew she’d need both hands free to get to Peter safely and as quickly as she could.
As she rocketed across the sky, rain blowing past her once dry face, she looked around at her surroundings.
She and Peter always enjoyed looking at the lights of the city lighting up the evening sky and streets as they’d levitate/swing through the night.
However, tonight it was just her.
And while it was beautiful still, she couldn’t feel any positive emotions towards the city as she knew that something happened tonight here that made Peter upset.
She had told Peter she’d never use her abilities to try and read his mind, or otherwise do anything unethical, years ago when they first met.
However, tonight she dared to use her telepathy to communicate to Peter that she was nearly to him.
Doing so, she could feel the immense emotional pain he was experiencing and it nearly caused her to drop to the Brooklyn streets below her.
She had to fight to steady herself and keep her levitation going.
She also had to resist the urge to look around in his mind to see what was causing her precious boyfriend this much pain.
She knew Peter’s identity had been exposed but after Mr. Murdock helped him win his case against Mysterio’s false allegations, he’d started to feel more like himself.
She also knew that not getting into his dream school or even backup schools was troubling for him but she’d assured him they’d figure something out.
He felt horrible that he had impacted y/n’s college prospects as well, even though she assured him that her mother’s own mistakes a few years ago in Lagos already made it difficult.
She hadn’t heard much from him tonight as he simply told her he was going to speak to a mutual friend about college.
She knew he meant an avenger and while she didn’t think it was necessary, she figured no harm could really come of a simple conversation and asking for advice from one of their allies.
After all, they all knew who he was before his identity leaked and they had been sure to protect him and y/n from a lot of the more serious or dangerous aspects of their work.
She had no idea he’d went to Dr. Strange today to request he use a spell to undo the recent events. Let alone that he had done it to help y/n, MJ, and Ned with their schooling.
However, she was soon about to find out all of the chaos that erupted in the last 24hrs.
“Oh, Peter!” Y/n gasps, landing in the rooftop a few feet from him.
Peter’s head lifts and turns to her, breaking her heart as she sees the steady flow of tears on his face.
Y/n sprints to him and drops to her knees, her arms cradling his shaking body.
“What happened baby?” She asks, her hand pushing water out of his hair as she strokes his soaked head.
“M-May” he sobs, gripping onto y/n’s sweater with a vise grip.
“What about May?” She asks, her heart rate increasing as his does.
“I- I.. she… we…” he says, trying to figure out where to start.
“Shhh baby it’s okay. Where’s May Peter?” Y/n asked softly.
Peter sobbed more and held y/n closer to him, causing her to feel a tidal wave of nausea and anxiety rise as she contemplated what his reaction likely meant.
“Sh-she. She’s dead” he said, his body crumpling into her arms.
Y/n held her own emotions back for his sake and apologized to him as she merely held him to her.
She knew she didn’t need to apologize, she’d done nothing wrong.
But she wasn’t sure what to do and she knew what it was like to lose a loved one.
To lose a parental figure and have no control over it.
It was an unbearable pain that she wouldn’t wish upon anyone, certainly not Peter.
They sat there for a while just listening to each other’s heart beats and breathing.
“Peter, what happened?” Y/n asks, noticing his breathing has steadied from what it was when she arrived.
“I- I can’t” he whimpered, looking at his lap.
“Can you?” He asks, looking at her and tapping his head.
“Are you sure?” She asks. “Any limits?”
“No limits” he informs her, pulling her closer to him in desperation to feel her presence and know she’s here.
“Okay” she whispers, hesitantly reaching up to hold his face and let her telepathic ability connect easier.
Peter stared at her as she sifted through his memories.
He could feel the recollection of events faintly but realized she was manipulating it in a way that would allow him to not feel additional pain from it as she watched it unfold.
He knew she’d never try to erase his pain or emotions as much as she wanted him to be happy.
After a particularly rough mission, they talked about it and both agreed it was better to feel pain than to feel numb and that’s when she told him she’d never manipulate his feelings.
He acknowledged this was different.
It wasn’t his own brain forcing him to recall the memories at this moment.
If it had been, she would’ve left his emotional connection alone.
Instead it was the visual playback she was watching through his memories that was minutely noticeable rather than the memories themselves.
He watched her face trying to see her reactions and see if she blamed Peter the way he blamed himself.
Once she had finished, she lowered her hands as the tears she’d managed to contain thus far fell freely.
“I messed up” Peter whispers, hating that this is now causing his girlfriend pain as well, “and now May had to suffer”.
“Peter, this isn’t your fault and we’re going to get through this okay?” Y/n promises.
Peter forces a nod.
“N-no one has come to try to hurt you yet?” He asks, his eyes trying to look over her but the sweatshirt was covering her arms and upper body.
“No Peter. I’m safe, I’m here” she assures him.
Peter whimpers, “I was so worried you’d be hurt”.
Before she could reassure him again, he continued.
“If I don’t fix this, you could be. I… I can’t lose you. I already lost May… if something happened to you-” Peter rambles.
“It won’t. You won’t lose me. Okay?” She kisses his forehead as tears stream down both of their faces.
Peter snuggles in closely to her chest as he refuses to let her go, as if holding her tightly would prevent any harm to her.
Y/n embraces him back and rocks them slightly as she rests her chin on Peter’s head that’s tucked into her neck.
Neither one are sure how long they’ve been in that position when Peter hears someone approaching.
Peter instantly pulls back and stands up, stepping in front of y/n as she starts to stand.
Y/n places her hand on his shoulder to calm him when she see’s it’s Ned and MJ.
“What’re you guys doing here?” Y/n asks as Peter’s fear lowers but he doesn’t move away from shielding y/n.
“We heard what happened…” MJ replies.
“Yeah… the news covered it. We’re sorry Peter” Ned says, walking towards the couple.
After multiple apologies and attempts to comfort Peter, Ned bites his lip as MJ gives y/n a face that says she’s about to drop some big news.
Last time MJ made that face towards y/n it was about MJ admitting she actually had feelings for a classmate.
However, tonight y/n knew that face was likely a much bigger topic.
“What is it?” Y/n asks hesitantly.
Peter looks between his friends and girlfriend as he waits.
“So… you know how you said the villains were from other universes?” Ned asks, looking at y/n since she’d been the one to catch them up.
The news obviously covered the villains showing up out of nowhere, May’s death, and Peter’s connection to all of it.
However, it didn’t cover what exactly transpired with any detail which left y/n to do that for MJ and Ned.
Y/n nods her head, prompting MJ to respond, “well, we kinda knew that already”.
“How?” Peter asks, rubbing his already red eyes to get the rain out.
“That’s not a very easy answer… see… MJ and I were at my Lola’s house… watching the… news. When some people showed up” Ned explains.
“Are you guys hurt?” Peter panics.
“No, they were not villains” MJ says, “trust me, I even threw bread at them”.
“Bread?” Y/n laughs once in shock.
“Who were they?” Peter asked.
“Well, why don’t you ask them?” Ned points just as two shadows appear.
Peter steps back in front of y/n again protectively, even though her hands are already glowing in preparation of an attack.
“Aye, wait wait, woah” Peter blurts as the two men hop closer to their group.
“Sorry, about May” the older one says, his hands held up in surrender.
“Yeah. Sorry” the other one says, y/n and Peter noticing his outfit is similar to Peter’s Spider-Man suit.
This man tries to explain that he knows what it’s like but Peter cuts him off.
“No please don’t tell me you know what it is you’re going through” Peter remarks.
He turns his head back to look at y/n only to see she’s at his side now instead.
He makes eye contact with her before looking back to the man, “y/n is the only one here who knows and she didn’t even try to tell me that. She let me feel what I’m dealing with. So you don’t get to tell me you understand and hope it helps. She- May is gone”.
Squeezing Peter’s hand, y/n eyes the two men in front of them trying to understand what is happening.
“And it’s all my fault” he chokes.
Y/n tightens her grip on his hand as he holds his ground with the others, letting him know she didn’t agree about his self blame and that she was here for him.
It took some time but Peter and y/n were informed and caught up on who these two guys were.
Turns out… they were Peter Parker… well a Peter Parker.
Evidently there were Peter Parkers who were Spider-Man in other universes and when Dr. Strange did the spell, it brought them here.
It took some convincing to get Peter, her Peter, to once again agree to help the villains recover and get home.
Now they were seated in the school’s science lab, working on antidote methods for each villain.
Y/n pushed her notepad away and turned to face Peter. The real Peter. Her Peter.
“Oh Pete, do they hurt?” Y/n asks, her thumb underlining the gashes on his face.
“A bit” he admits, his hands on her thigh, “but I’ll be okay”.
She shakes her head and raises her other hand to cup his face.
“It’s an easy fix” she lies.
It wasn’t a particularly difficult task given her abilities but it was one she didn’t have a ton of experience with.
You’d think with her boyfriend being Spider-Man that she’d have used her powers to fix his wounds and ailments on a nightly basis.
However, she’d only recently learned how to utilize this particular power.
It had taken a random elementary school aged child bleeding in Europe after having fallen from the Ferris wheel during Mysterio’s attack projections for her to learn she could.
She’d watched the kid trying to limp away from the scene but struggling due to the large leg wound.
Planning on just applying pressure, y/n rushed to her and placed her hands on the injury and felt this tingling sensation in her hands.
When she pulled her hands back, the child’s leg was healed.
She’d worked to replicate that healing ability since and learned that -as with most of her powers- it required great concentration on the task at hand.
This was particularly challenging tonight considering there were two strangers with them (who shared her boyfriend’s new and alter ego) in their school lab that they’d all broken into in order to cure villains that killed Aunt May.
It was a lot to process to say the least.
“Are you sure about this Peter?” Y/n asked the pressing question she suppressed asking until his cuts had healed under her fingers.
“About?” He asks, kissing her hands as a thank you.
“This whole curing them thing” she says, shrugging.
She knew how it sounded, but she knew what it was like to be in his position.
She also was hurting herself over May’s death as they’d been very close.
“You don’t think we should?” He asks.
“It’s not that. Peter you’re incredible and I’ll do whatever it is you want to do. It’s just that need to know it’s okay if you’re hesitant about this” she tells him, looking into his eyes.
“I am a bit… namely with…” he trails off but y/n nods to tell him she knows who he’s referring to.
“But I think it’s what May would want me to do” he adds.
“I agree, it’s definitely a May thing and you pushing past your reservations is definitely a Peter thing” y/n comments, squeezing his hand.
“A Peter thing?” He laughs softly.
“Well a you thing I guess. I don’t know about the other Peters, but they’re here after all, so probably” she explains.
Peter nods, looking around at the older guys who share his name and identity.
His fear spikes knowing what they told him about losing their loved ones and namely about Gwen…
Y/n can see the turmoil in Peter’s eyes prompting her to squeeze his hand so he looks her way.
“You share a name and a hero identity. But you’re not the exact same. Things aren’t going to play out the same way. You’re my Peter, my Spider-Man. And together we’re going to accomplish this side by side” she assures him.
“Together” Peter nods, pulling her in for another hug.
“Osborne, please, I know you’re in there” y/n argues, struggling against the grip Green Goblin has on her.
She could easily blast her powers and send him flying, but that wouldn’t allow her to inject him with the serum they needed to cure him.
“As I told your little friend, Norman’s on sabbatical honey” he chuckles darkly.
Y/n groans and lightly pulses her power to send him off of her but keep him in near distance.
“We’re trying to help” she remarks, standing up and walking towards him with flaming hands ready.
“I don’t need your help” he hisses, stepping on to the mini hoverboard he used.
Y/n raises her hands to shield off the shots he begins firing at her.
Meanwhile, Peter (1) finishes tossing Ned one of the solutions when his spidey senses begin alerting him.
He throws his head back and forth, looking between each villain and his teammates.
His pace quickens when he still cannot find y/n.
His heart races, thumping wildly against his chest as his strained eyes search through the dark.
He mentally counts off which villains he’s found and which he hasn’t, hoping maybe he’ll find the villain she’s with first and then find her.
Just then, shots ring out and his body freezes as realization hits him.
She’s with Green Goblin.
She’s fighting Green Goblin, alone.
His eyes narrowing on anything green, he locates y/n and shoots a web as far as he can, swinging himself off a bar and closer to them.
His breathing hitches as he sees the panic on her face as her shield wavers slightly from exhaustion.
Y/n curses herself for not being more diligent in the training her mother wanted her to do.
Peter uses his webs to pull the hoverboard out from under Osborne’s body, sending him crashing down.
Y/n drops her shield and rushes to them as Peter lifts the hoverboard above his head and walks towards Osborne.
Y/n sees the rage in his eyes and decides to use her telekinetic ability to pull the board from his hands and set it down elsewhere.
Peter frowns before focusing back on Osborne as they exchange fists.
Y/n helps Peter in trying to incapacitate him so they can cure him.
However, without using her full abilities and both her and Peter being exhausted mentally and physically, they’re struggling.
Osborne gets a decent strike in and uses a shattered piece of glass from the ground to hit y/n in the abdomen.
Peter notices as she lands on the ground, pressing on her wound.
One downside to her healing ability? It doesn’t work on herself.
Peter was already enraged and wanting to kill Osborne but he fought it for May, for y/n, and the vision they saw of who he was.
But now, killing Osborne is the only option Peter can see. The only path before him.
Peter flips himself backwards to grab the board and while his webs deactivated the majority of weapons on it, the blades on the points at the front are still functional.
That’s all he needs to finish this.
Peter feels a surge of energy as he thinks about how ironic, how almost poetic, it will be to use his hoverboard to kill Osborne the way he killed May.
“Peter! Don’t” y/n yells, realizing his intent.
She scrambles to her feet and tries to reach him but she knows she’ll be too late.
She debates firing a bolt of energy towards the board to break it, but rejects it knowing her injury may cause her aim to be off and hit him.
“Peter please! This isn’t you! Don’t do this!” She pleads, shakily stepping closer to him.
While earlier tonight, she wondered if he really wanted to cure them, she never saw this coming.
She simply assumed maybe he’d just want to send them home without curing them first.
Not kill.
In her peripheral vision she sees Peter 2 running over and begs him to help stop Peter 1.
After much struggling, her Peter finally submits and drops the drone/hoverboard.
Peter 2 takes the syringe and injects Osborne as her Peter rushes to her.
“Are you okay?” He asks, pushing his hand against her wound.
“I’m okay Pete. It’s over now, look” she says, pointing to where Osborne, the true Osborne, is sitting next to Peter 2.
He nods and strikes her face with his free hand, “we need to get you help”.
“My mom can handle it” she says, laughing.
“Your mom will kill me, rightfully so” Peter sighs.
“Stop. It’s not your fault Peter” she argues.
Peter helps her up and supports her weight as they walk after she fights him carrying her.
“What’s that?” Y/n asks, pointing towards the sky where there is a bright purple glow.
Peter gulps and looks at Peter 2, “can you get her to safety? I need to handle this”.
“Peter what?” She asks, reaching for him as Peter 2 holds her up.
“I’ll explain when I can” he kisses her forehead before launching himself towards where Dr. Strange was waiting.
“No, absolutely not” y/n cries, shaking her head so adamantly it causes her torso to shift an tug on her poorly done stitches.
Since she couldn’t heal herself, Peter 3 used the stitching from her backpack (she’d brought with to carry the serums) and a shard of metal to stitch the wound.
He’d had experience stitching his own wounds, but he had limited resources here and y/n knew she’d need her mother to cleanse the wound and heal it so it wouldn’t be infected.
"I'll find you. okay? I promise you, whatever happens, I’ll find you, and we'll be together, and everything will be good again” Peter promises, cupping her face.
She shakes her head as tears keep falling, “I don’t like this. Peter… this plan sucks. Magic sucks. I’d give mine up to not lose you”.
" I'll always find my way back to you." He assures her, rubbing some dirt and dried blood from her cheek.
"Hey…. no tears, alright? This isn't goodbye” he says.
“I could never forget you, but I don’t like this risk. Magic has fucked us over in the past. Please don’t” y/n pleads, a firm grip on his suit.
"Y/n, I have to. I’m so sorry, I never meant to get you involved or get you hurt. I have to fix this and this is how” he says, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Fine. But Peter, you... you must know, before anything else happens tonight. You must know that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me” she says.
Peter closes his eyes and holds her tightly.
As the sky flows brighter, he pulls back and gives her a desperate, needy kiss.
“I love you Petey” she whines, resting her head on his forehead.
“I love you y/n y/m/n y/l/n. And I promise, I’ll make you remember me. I’ll explain everything. We’ll figure it out, together” he promises before heading back to Dr. Strange.
Y/n sobs as MJ and Ned embrace her.
They all watch as Peter and Dr. Strange begin the spell. Y/n attempts to throw up a shield around her brain.
But her exhaustion, injury, and promise to Peter to let him do this stop her.
Instead, she feels a tightness in her chest as she watches the sky glow so bright it forces her to close her eyes.
———2 months later ———
Peter felt his hands shake as he stood outside y/n’s door.
He groaned as the internal battle in his head reigned on.
For the last two months, Peter had kept his distance.
He tried to keep his promise, he really did.
Immediately upon the successful completion of Dr. Strange’s spell, Peter drafted a note trying to explain to y/n who he was.
A week later he was ready and went to the cafe MJ and y/n worked at.
He had the detailed note in his hand as he entered the cafe, seeing MJ at the counter and Ned drinking from a mug next to her.
His eyes darted around for the one person he desperately needed to see.
“Can I help you? A name for your order perhaps?” MJ asked, clearly not recognizing him.
Peter knew the plan had worked when he returned to no home and little to no belongings but hearing his friends not recognizing him hit harder.
He looked at the scratch above MJ’s eye and then the one on Ned’s arm.
While the sight of their injuries joined his plague of guilt, he knew seeing y/n’s would cripple him.
“I.. I’m Peter. Yo-your head, are you okay?” Peter asked.
“Oh, uh, yeah. I don’t know how it happened. I think probably a car accident as my friend Ned” Mj said pointing towards him, “has a cut too and so does our friend y/n”.
Peter forces a tight nod, “and you’re all okay?”.
“We are mostly. Y/N’s got infected as she was really upset after whatever happened and refused to let anyone treat it. She’s better now, but it wasn’t good.” MJ told him.
Peter felt bile in his throat as he crumpled the note in his coat pocket.
He knew it wasn’t likely y/n remembered him, she wasn’t supposed to after all.
But, her reaction told him she at least knew something was off and it caused her to act against her best interests.
And he was the one to blame for that.
He was the reason she was hurt.
He was the reason she felt off after the spell.
He was the reason she refused care.
Even if she didn’t remember him, he was the reason behind her trauma.
He couldn’t be that reason anymore.
If she never remembered him, she’d be safe.
If she never remembered him, she’d be happy.
If she never remembered him, she’d move on.
If she never remembered him, she’d find someone who deserved her.
If she never remembered him, she could live her life.
If she never remembered him, he would hurt for the rest of time.
But, If she never remembered him, she’d be better off so the pain he’d have would be worth it.
“Oh, I’m sorry” Peter said, ducking his head and quickly leaving the cafe.
Just as he stepped into the cold, he could hear her voice as she asked MJ what she missed.
His heart shattered as he hear y/n whisper his name, “Peter?”
He wasn’t sure if the confusion in her tone was her wondering why he was leaving abruptly without ordering, if some part of her recognized his name, or if she was simply reading the name MJ put down for his order.
He wouldn’t let the desire to find out win. He pushed it down and closed the door behind him without looking back.
That was two months ago.
Since then, he tried calling her, texting her, going to the cafe to see her, etc. But this battle in his head stopped him every time.
He let the guilt for May’s death and y/N’s injury take ahold of him.
He concluded the voice in his head telling him he was to blame and that the only way y/n could truly be safe was to let her forget him.
Yet, here he was… note in his shaking hand, knocking on her door.
Before he could regret his choice, the door opened and revealed y/n.
She was wearing one of his sweatshirts, her eyes red, no makeup on, blotchy skin from crying, an icecream container in her hand.
She looked just as beautiful as when he saw her last.
Her breath caught suddenly before she set the tub of icecream down.
Peter watched her for a moment, wondering how to explain who he was.
Little did he know, she knew.
Of course she knew.
She knew from the moment after the spell.
She didn’t now how or why she’d remembered him en no or else did.
But she did.
Everyone told her she was crazy.
That she made up her boyfriend as if he were some imaginary friend.
They told her Peter Parker did not exist.
But she knew they were wrong.
In fact, there were at least three Peter Parkers.
She’d met them just the other night.
There was only one though that was her Peter.
She needed her Peter back.
Since she remembered him, she hoped MJ and Ned would too.
But they didn’t.
She was all alone in her memories of the selfless boy she’d fallen in love with.
The boy she fought side by side with to protect their city and the world.
Yet, no one knew his name.
No one knew him.
No one but her.
It hurt her on a daily basis and yet Peter never showed.
He promised.
She trusted him.
She spent that first week trying find him.
But due to the spell, there were no traces of him anywhere.
Roughly a week after that night, she’d been at work when it seemed he stopped by.
She’d been in the bathroom but upon entering the cafe lounge, she felt this weight lift and she curiously looked around to see why.
Then she saw him.
Peter had his back to her, one foot out the cafe door.
But she’d recognize him anywhere, even from his side and/or back profile.
Her breath hitched but she called after him weakly.
He paused for a fraction of a second, reaffirming her recognition of him.
But then he was gone.
He heard her but didn’t respond.
He never turned around.
He never looked to her.
He never tried to tell her like he promised.
He just cut her off.
Now months later, he is standing in front of her apartment.
How he even knew where she lived was beyond her as she’d moved since last seeing him.
She couldn’t stand sleeping in a room where Peter had been.
A room where the photos she had framed with him in them were suddenly gaps on her wall.
A room where he’d comforted her when she needed it.
A room where that no longer happened.
A room that was a constant reminder of him.
A room that was a constant reminder of what they were.
A room that was a constant reminder of that night.
A room that was a constant reminder of May’s death.
A room that was a constant reminder that he was gone.
A room that was a constant reminder that they were done.
A room that was a constant reminder of his broken promise.
Her mom and Happy helped her get her own apartment hoping it would help her.
They attributed her suffering to May’s death.
And wile that was part of it, that wasn’t the whole story.
“Can I help you?” She asks, putting up an emotional wall between them.
“Uhh… yeah. This will sound crazy… but please hear me out. My name is Peter and-“ Peter began, scuffing his across her doormat.
“I know who you are Peter. Why are you here?” She asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Y-y-you do?” He stutters, eyes wide but a small smile starting.
“Mhm. Of course I do. We went to school together, we fought together with the avengers, we went nearly everywhere together” She begins.
“You were my best friend, my confidant, my l-l-love of my life… my boyfriend” She finishes, shaking her head.
Peter feels his heart swell at her compliments and recognition of him, but his stomach drops at seeing the emotion in her eyes.
“Well I guess you technically still are my boyfriend since we never officially broke up. I guess I’ll fix that now for us-“ she begins, desperately trying to reform her distance from him so he couldn’t hurt her heart again.
“Y/n, I-“ he says, his voice weak.
“No Peter. I don’t want to hear it. I’ve waited over TWO MONTHS for you to give me this conversation. Two months with nothing from you” y/n says, hoping he’ll just tell her he was too nervous she wouldn’t remember him to seek her out.
“You weren’t supposed to remember me” he whispers.
Y/n scoffs, “yeah well how well did that work out? Hmm? Because I do Peter. I remember it all”.
“I- I’m sorry” he sighs.
“For what Peter? For lying to me? For breaking your promise? For betraying my trust? For breaking my heart?” Y/n chokes as tears start falling.
“Y/n, I didn’t mean to hurt you” He frowns.
“Yet here we are” she says coldly, trying to keep her walls up against him.
“I thought it would be what was best for you” he admits, lifting his eyes to look at her.
“W-what?” She whispers, confused.
“I thought a fresh start with someone else would be good” He sighs.
“A fresh start?! So it was your way of ending things! That’s fantastic Peter! You couldn’t even just tell me you didn’t end to be with me any more. No you had to pretend I didn’t exist. That-… that we didn’t exist all because you wanted a fresh start?!” Y/n snaps, her chest tightening.
“Do you truly think so little of me?" Peter asks, tears in his eyes, “I didn’t want to breakup with you. I wanted you to move on to someone else, someone who wouldn’t jeopardize your safety “.
“You don’t get to make that choice for me Peter!” Y/n yells, the hurt in her chest reaching maximum capacity.
"I thought you’d forget me and if it stayed that way you’d be safe. It wasn’t easy but I tried to forget you. To protect you. I’ve never tried so hard in my life. But, it's impossible. It’s simply not possible for me to stop thinking about you” Peter rambles.
“So what?! I don’t get a choice because you wanted to ‘protect’ me. You fight to forget me but now that you can’t and now that you’re hurt , you come ? If that’s the case, you’re saying your pain isn’t worth my safety all of a sudden when for the last two months it evidently was?!” Y/n argues.
“No, it’s just… I realized that, like you just said, it wasn’t my choice to make. That if I focused the energy and time I put into trying to forget you, into getting stronger, faster, and otherwise more adept to precut you that we wouldn’t have to lose what we had not risk your safety. “ he explains, rubbing his neck.
“Your safety always has and always will come first. I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t thought this through meticulously” he adds, trying to grab her hand.
She steps back, “I don’t need you to protect me Peter. I can take care of myself”.
“I know. You’re more than capable but I don’t ever want to be the reason you’re hurt” he sighs, looking at her side even though it is covered by her sweatshirt.
Y/n sighs and runs her hand through her tangled hair, “I don’t know what to do here Peter. I don’t know where to go from here or how”.
"Well, we're a team. Remember? So let's face this one together” he suggests.
“Together? Is that meant to be a cruel joke?! Where was the togetherness when everyone called me crazy? When everyone told me I made you up? When I had to cut MJ and Ned out of my life because they reminded me too much of you while they didn’t even recall who you were?!” Y/n asks angrily.
“I didn't mean for any of this to happen!” He defends.
“I know Peter. But you don’t get it, that makes this so much harder because then I feel bad for hating what you did to me. Because it wasn’t intentional. Except that part of it was. The outcomes may not have been what you wanted but they were a result of your choices and actions the worst part is you don't know what it was like” she sobs.
“If you’d wanted to, you could’ve talked about me to anyone. When I tried, I was told I was crazy. I had no one to go to. I should’ve at least had you. But I didn’t because you chose to remove yourself from my life without even consulting me. I was told I was crazy so often by those I cared about that I started to wonder if maybe I was crazy. After all, the Peter I knew, would never break a promise he made me, let alone my heart. But you did” y/n says, her fists clenching to stop shaking.
“I don’t care what your reasons were, you hurt me. I can't believe I ever trusted you...” she finishes, refusing to look at him as tears stream down both of their faces.
"I will never stop apologizing for this y/n but please, just... tell me how to fix this. " he begs.
“Peter, you lied to me. You abandoned me. I don’t think you can fix something like that” y/n says, breaking her own heart at the confession.
“I can't lose you...” he cries.
“Don’t you dare Peter! I was the one who lost you first, not the other way around! You say you don’t want to lose me yet chose to push me out of your life” y/n gasps.
“I know! Believe me, I’ve questioned myself everyday. Wondering if I was doing was really what was best for you or not. Because it hurt like hell. I’m sorry. I want to fix us, I want you, I want us back. So please?! What am I supposed to do?! I beg of you! Tell me, what the hell I am supposed to do?! " he sobs.
“If you don’t want to hurt me, please don't look at me like that...” y/n whispers, her eyes breaking away from him.
“Like what?” He whispers.
“Like you’re still in love with me, like you’re still the same exact boy I loved, like you’re still my Peter” she sighs.
“But I am y/n, I swear. You have to believe me” he pleads, stepping closer.
“God damnit Peter! I did! I believed in you, in us” She cries, stepping away, “but now…”.
“Now what?” Peter asks hesitantly a more of awkward and tense silence.
“I can’t trust you anymore” She concludes, choking on another sob as she shuts the door between them.
Do you guys want a part 2 with a happy ending?! Let me know!💟💜 Part 2 here.
Peter taglist: @galaxyholland @spideysbae @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat
Why am I in such an angsty mood? Poor Peter has been suffering 😭
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andreafmn · 4 years ago
Collision - Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3,434
Characters: Female Reader Uley Character, Sam Uley, Allison Uley, Charlie Swan, Bella Swan, Seth Clearwater, Billy Black, Jacob Black, Emily Young, Paul Lahote, Harry and Sue Clearwater, Leah Clearwater
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life at it’s first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same. 
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Twilight, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Stephanie Meyer and Summit Entertainment. The only thing I own is Uley Reader insert, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 1/?
A/N: There’s no Cullen’s in the first chapter, we’ll see them soon though. Also, Esme is in the story but her and Carlisle are not together romantically. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
Chapter 1
Going back home felt bizarre for (Y/N). It had been 4 years since she had moved away from the La Push Reservation on a scholarship to a prep boarding school in Seattle. Although students were expected to go back home during summer break, she spent her time in summer taking college classes or attending internships in the area, so going back didn’t fit into her plans.
But she had just graduated from high school and decided that taking a gap year could not hurt. Seeing her family wouldn’t be that bad either.
(Y/N) Uley had not reunited physically with Sam and Allison Uley since she left for school, only calling occasionally but always being to busy for anything else. The mother and son duo had grown accustomed to the short phone calls and vague emails they would receive from their studious family member. The Uley siblings used to be a very close pair, being only a year apart helped their bond. But since (Y/N) had invested all her energy into her high school career, their relationship rapidly dissipated; replaced by untold secrets and life-changing details.
The Uley girl had no idea what was in store when she went back home. She had left when she was 14 and was coming back an 18-year-old with a high school diploma and a bachelor’s degree. (Y/N) had always been an over achiever and applying to the school she had and taking dual enrollment was no surprise to her mother and brother.
The bus ride from Seattle to La Push lasted almost eight hours, so (Y/N) equipped herself with two books, plenty of snacks, and a fully charged iPod to handle the ride. She had gotten the earliest ride available always enjoying the intriguing mystery that 3 am travels brought. Her brown eyes surveyed the curious characters that voyaged alongside her a young woman sat with a sleeping baby in her arms, the dark circles under her eyes signaled the baby was still a newborn getting adapted to a sleep schedule; there was a middle-aged man, his eyes attached to a computer and a briefcase tight to his side; there were two teenagers, backpacks at their feet and shared headphones in between them. They were wearing light blue polo shirt and her school insignia embroidered on the left side of their shirt. She had seen them in passing, two freshmen still energetic and excited for their school life. She looked at them and smiled, remembering being in their shoes four years ago.
Four hours in, (Y/N) had finished one book, and the bus made its first stop in Port Angeles, the place where everyone that traveled with her got off. It wasn’t surprising to see from the top of her book as everyone got off, she didn’t recognize any of them from the reservation so it would have been surprising if any of them had stayed in the bus. For the next four hours, (Y/N) continued to read her second book surrounded by a comforting silence. The sun had risen about an hour ago and a nice warmth was streaming from the bus window and (Y/N) felt herself drift in bliss.
Her eyes fluttered open once again when she felt the bus finally rolling to a stop. She blinked a few times as she adjusted her vision to the bright midday sun and her brain restarted normal functions. The brunette gathered the bag with her travel companions and got up from the chair she had been glued to for eight hours.
“Have a good day,” the driver chimed as (Y/N) was walking down the bus.
“You too, drive safe!” The girl smiled and got her two suitcases out of the side of the bus.
(Y/N) got startled as she felt two arms wrap around her midriff and quickly swung her elbow back.
“Woah, woah, careful with those arms, (Y/N). It’s just me,” the girl turned around, a gleaming grin adorning her face.
“Sam!” She jumped onto the open arms of her older brother, seeing the years that had passed on his tired face.
“Look at you, darling. All grown up,” Allison Uley smiled, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
“Mom, I’ve missed you.” (Y/N) hugged her mother tightly, noticing the difference in heights of her and her mother. Another thing she noticed was the strain between her mother and her brother. Before she left, they all had a very close relationship but now it felt like so many things had interlaced into their bond. “Let’s go home yeah?”
“I’m, actually I gotta go to my house,” Sam scratched the back of his neck.
“What house?” (Y/N) chuckled.
“I moved out, but I’ll come over for your welcome dinner.”
“Sam, she just came back. Don’t you wanna spend time with your sister?” Allison begged, wanting to have both of her children under the same roof again.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I just can’t, mom. Leave it.” Sam sighed. “I’ll see you at dinner, (Y/N).”
He kissed the top of his sister’s head and left. He wanted to tell them the whole truth, but he knew he couldn’t. Knowing that information would put them in a level of danger that he didn’t want them to be aware of.
(Y/N) stared at the retreating figure of his brother as he ran down the street, leaving her and their mother.
“What’s up with him?”
“Oh darling, if only I knew.” Allison sighed grabbing one of the suitcases her daughter had brought. “Let’s just head to the house so you can rest.”
“Yeah, let’s.” (Y/N) gave Allison a comforting smile and wheeled the second suitcase towards the truck.
The drive home was as short as she remembered, and the house hadn’t changed a bit. She walked up the steps to the porch and opened the old wooden door; it still made the same creaking sound. The house still smelled of seawater and pine, an odd mix but a comforting scent. (Y/N) regretted all the summers she missed here and all the days she spent away from her family.
She made her way up the stairs and entered the first door to the right. She ran her fingers through the stickers she had pasted on there when she was 13: a wolf, a rainbow, a heart, and a picture of her family. Her name still carved at the highest point of the door and she smiled at the memory of that. She sat atop Sam’s shoulder when she was just 12 years old, a trembling hand holding a pick as she carved as best as she could the name “(Y/N)”.
The doorknob as it was turned let out a squeaky groan and the door needed an extra push to open. The room had not changed at all. The walls were still painted a light green, the light switch still had the pink princess cover, the bedding had the little purple butterflies embroidered on them, and the pillows were all pink and purple. In a corner rested the five boxes (Y/N) had sent to the house from her dorm room.
“It hasn’t changed a bit,” (Y/N) commented as she felt her mother’s presence behind her.
“I didn’t want to change it until you came back,” Allison smiled. “But I’m sure you’d like to give this place a bit of a makeover.”
“Definitely,” she laughed. “I think I’ll go to Port Angeles this weekend, doing some shopping can’t hurt.”
“That’s true.” Allison side hugged her daughter as she laughed. She headed towards the door but stopped when she was called upon by her daughter.
“Hey, mom?”
“Yes, darling?”
“By any chance, do you know where Sam’s living?” Allison’s body stiffened but shared the information with her daughter. Maybe she could figure out why he’d just disappeared.
(Y/N) was surprised to hear he was living with a girl she barely knew. She knew of Emily Young through Leah Clearwater, but not much after that. Last thing she had heard Leah and Sam had been dating. She certainly had missed some very important pivotal points in her brother’s life.
The house wasn’t far, so she decided to walk there. Upon arrival she could feel the warm and inviting aura that the quaint house emanated. The blue door called to her as she knocked on it. It finally opened and revealed her brother.
“(Y/N), what’re you doing here?”
“I’m here to see my big brother. Is that such a crime?” She laughed.
“No, of course. Come in,” he smiled begrudgingly. “I don’t have much time so we gotta make this quick.”
“Wow, feeling the love there,” she chuckled passing through the doorframe.
“There’s just some things that I have to do before dinner tonight.”
“It’s okay, I get it. I just wanted to ask if you could help me on the weekend with my room. I’m bringing it four years into the present, gotta make sure it looks like an 18-year-old sleeps there.”
“Yeah, I’ll come over Sunday afternoon and help you then. Anything else you need?”
“Well, not exactly, but it wouldn’t help to catch up. You know make up for four years of chit chat conversations and get me up to date with at the happenings in your life.”
“There’s not much to say other than I moved out and I’m engaged.” He said nonchalantly.
“Excuse me?! You’re engaged and failed to mention that to me?”
“It’s not that big of a deal, (Y/N).”
“Yes, it is, Sam! You’re getting married and this is the first I’m ever hearing of this or the fact that you moved out or the fact that you’re engaged to your ex-girlfriend’s cousin. I think it is a big deal.”
“Okay, yeah. Kind of a long story on that one.”
“Enough time to tell it to me?” Sam hesitated. He could hear Emily’s truck approaching and two male voices coming back from patrol. He needed to get (Y/N) out of the house before they got here.
“Maybe another time. I’ll call you on Sunday, yeah?” Sam asked as he nudged his sister out of his house.
“I guess.” (Y/N) mumbled as she was pushed out the front door. “Bye.”
“See ya.” Sam kissed the side of her head and closed the door.
(Y/N) left the house with more questions about her brother that she had begun with but didn’t want to press on. There was no use if he wasn’t going to talk, so she walked back home.
Her mother had gone out, possibly grocery shopping for tonight’s dinner, giving (Y/N) time to catch up on some much-needed sleep. She walked up the stairs and into her room, plopping down on the bed not caring how she landed. All she wanted was to close her eyes and rest.
By six in the afternoon her eyes fluttered open once again. She could smell the dinner her mother had been cooking. The room had darkened as the sun was going down and thankfully her mother had turned on a lamp for (Y/N) to have some vision. The girl got up from bed and grabbed some clothes from her suitcase to take a quick shower before dinner. She stripped all her clothes off and let the water wash away all the hours of the day. As soon as the water started turning cold, she shut it off and got out.
For a second, (Y/N) stopped and stared at herself in the mirror above the sink. She barely recognized the girl staring back. The bags under her eyes were deeper than the last time she had seen herself in this specific mirror, her cheekbones were more defined than before, her skin paler than usual since she hadn’t really seen the sun in a while.
It didn’t take her long to change into some new clothes and head downstairs, where she saw her mother on the phone. Disappointment evident in her eyes.
“Sam, it’s your sister… please… ok, fine. Just don’t flake on her on Sunday,” Allison sighed, turning off her phone and slamming it on the counter.
“Everything okay, mom?”
“Oh, yeah, darling. Your brother won’t be able to join us, but Billy and Jacob, and the Clearwaters are on their way, and I also invited Charlie and Bella Swan. I hope you don’t mind that they join in.”
“No, I don’t mind. What about Paul?”
“You know I’ve never liked that boy, honey.” (Y/N) stared at her mother. Refusing to continue the conversation until Allison answered the question. “I did invite him, but he couldn’t come.”
“I love seeing you make an effort,” (Y/N) laughed and kissed her mother on the cheek. “I’ll set the table.”
“Thank you, darling.”
(Y/N) grabbed the 10 plates needed for the night and the respective cutlery. She still remembered how her mother liked the table arranged and set it as such. She set the vase filled with fresh flowers in the middle of the table, leaving space on the sides for the dinner platters. The arrival of the guests was soon after. (Y/N) had grown alongside Jacob and Leah, and on the summers, she would spend her times with the Swan girl. Once Seth was born, he became very close with the Uley girl.
“My oh my, (Y/N), how you’ve grown.” Billy Black grabbed Uley’s hand and smiled up at her, with the warmness that summer brought.
“Indeed, I have, and you haven’t aged a day in four years. What’s your secret?”
“It’s in the genes,” he laughed alongside the young girl. She’d always been a charmer, he thought “You remember my boy, Jacob, right?”
“How could I ever forget? Hey, Jake!”
“How you’ve been, (Y/N)?” Jacob approached his friend and wrapped her in a hug. “Been an awful long time.”
“Four years, that’s not much,” she smiled. “Come in.”
The father and son duo entered the house, and next came the Clearwaters. Harry, Sue, and Seth. No Leah. They had always been close to the Uleys, a bit of divide coming after the rupture between the eldest offspring of each family.
“Oh, wow, where has the time gone?” Sue commented, greeting the girl with a tight hug.
“4 years really do go by quick, don’t they?”
“They sure do, Harry.” (Y/N) smiled, motioning the couple in.
Finally, Seth walked in and engulfed (Y/N) in a tight hug. The girl was 5 years his elder, but he considered her one of his best friends. Seth and Paul were the only two people (Y/N) kept in close contact other than her family. For some time, Paul and (Y/N) had drifted apart but Seth always sent his monthly excited letters, updating her on what he had been up to.
“I missed you, (Y/N)!” Little Seth spoke into a bundle of brunette hair.
“I missed you too, Seth.” She smiled as he walked past her, joining his parents.
The last to enter were Sheriff Swan and Bella. The cop smiled at the girl and gave her a quick hug, commenting on how much she had grown, a low chuckle leaving his throat. Bella entered with hunched shoulders, possibly not wanting to be there but she still smiled at her old friend. Vague memories filled the girls’ heads of summer play dates and days at the beach.
“It’s been quite some time, huh?” Bella muttered.
“It sure has. It’s great to see you again,” (Y/N) smiled. “How have you liked Forks now that you’re back full time. Still hating cold weather?”
“Yeah,” the pale girl chuckled. “But it has its better days.”
The girls joined in a quick giggled before joining the rest of the group at the dinner table. Allison had already set the table and had said her hellos to the group.
The three males had engaged in sports conversations and the teens were all huddled in the kitchen munching on cheese and crackers and engaging in small chit chat.
“So, (Y/N), 18 and already a degree, how does that feel?” Jacob asked, stuffing his mouth with cheese and ham.
“Well, as good as it can be. Don’t know exactly what I’m gonna do now. All I know is that I’m taking a year off and taking a breather for the first time.” (Y/N) chuckled.
“I just can’t believe you’d spend all this time going to school, twice as much. I don’t like school at all,” Seth chimed in, picking apart the cheese and filling his mouth.
“So, you spent these past four years studying, including your summers?” Bella added.
“That’s correct,” (Y/N) smiled. “And now I have a degree and nothing to do with it.”
The group chuckled and moved towards the adults as they were being called to dinner. In the center of the table was a big platter of spaghetti and meatballs, (Y/N)’s favorite food, a tray of toasted garlic bread, and a bowl of a colorful mix of spring salad.
(Y/N) always enjoyed her mother’s cooking. Even on her saddest days, Allison’s cooking could warm her heart at any time. She and her mother had a very close relationship, even after four years of distance. Since her father left early in her life, her mother had always tried her hardest to make sure both her children were loved and cared for. And she stayed wondering where she had gone wrong with Sam and hoping (Y/N) didn’t stray away as her eldest had.
The dinner group had all taken their seats at the dinner table and were passing around the various platters, serving themselves their desired portions. Jacob and Seth were overfilling their plates, receiving a laugh from their respective parents. Charlie, Harry, and Billy were filling their plates with more protein than carbohydrates and the moms at the table smiled at the males engulfing the meatballs. (Y/N) looked around the table and smiled. It had been a long time since she had sat down with the important people in her life and was relaxed, even if two of them were missing.
After everyone was served, everything went almost quiet. Some background music could be heard from the living room and the sound of forks hitting plates and mouths chewing filled the environment. Everyone was comfortable with the silence, but there was still one question in everyone’s mind.
“Where’s Sam?” Seth spoke up, voicing everyone’s question. The whole table paused in action and Seth felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Sue softly elbowed her son. “What?”
“It’s okay, Sue,” (Y/N) smiled. “He couldn’t be here, bud.”
“Maybe he was feeling bad, like Leah.” He added earning a burning stare from both his parents.
“Maybe, Seth.”
“I just wanna apologize for our daughter missing this dinner. I know she really wanted to see you, (Y/N).”
“Oh, Harry, it’s really no problem. I’m sure I’ll catch up with her soon enough.” (Y/N) smiled trying to ease the tension felt in the room. She could see her mother gripping her fork tightly as she kept her head down. “But I would also like to apologize on behalf of Sam, I know he wanted to be here.”
Everyone simply nodded and went back to their plates. The rest of the evening was enjoyable. No one mentioned the pair that was missing, and (Y/N)’s past four years were questioned in depth. She had an answer for everything except “What are you gonna do now?”
She didn’t know and that’s what she answered. She mentioned she wanted to study medicine, having finished a degree in biology and always loved taking care of other people. Sue was excited, being a nurse herself. But (Y/N) had landed at a standstill in terms of her life and career. A vast portion of her life had been defined as a student and now that this part was over, she didn’t know who she was.  
The dinner festivities were over soon thereafter, leaving Allison and (Y/N) to clean up after the group. The Uley pair put everything away in silence, exhausted from the eventful day. (Y/N) could see as her mother wiped away a few stray tears, sniffling behind her hair. The girl knew better than to bring the topic back up and left her mother with a kiss on the temple and a good night.
Upstairs, (Y/N) prepared herself for bed. The event had drained nay energy still left in her and she plopped down on the bed with a small thud. She had prepared her clothes for the next day, knowing her energy would also be drained but still excited to have this change. Her eyes fluttered close as she heard in the distance her mother’s quiet footsteps on the staircase, darkness overtaking her.
A/N: if you wish to be tagged for the next parts, please let me know. I’d be happy to. <3
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years ago
Childe/Tartaglia: Fiancé HCs
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Aww, I give major points to anyone that actually reads my tags because it’s a whole lot of word vomit and brainworms. THIS IS MY FINAL OFFERING TO CHILDE SO BUDDY  👏 COME 👏 HOME 👏 This will probably be my last fic this week since I’m going to be busy with term tests and 1.1. Can you tell how slow I am with these asks?
I need to stop tagging so much because tumblr keeps making me repost...
This isn’t necessarily a part 2 from my other Childe fic [ “Enemies” to “Lovers” ] but you can go ahead and read it that way. Not sure if this counts for tags but it doesn’t hurt. To be honest, I was planning for this to be the direct part 2 but then his character story dropped and I got slapped in the face with inspiration.
 [taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@youaskedfurret​ @diaxfeliz​ @wintergreen-aix​ @dandelily​ @thegayrubberducky​ @lovelykittycatmeow​ @yuunoagivesmelife​  @dokidokisama @hanniejji​  @mikeysbike​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @twistedsunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​
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Childe/Tartaglia: Fiancé HCs
Your relationship with Tartaglia is unorthodox to say the least. Usually, the average length of an engagement is 13 to 18 months but you didn’t need a calendar to tell you it’s been far longer than that. You probably spent more time with your fiancé’s sister than with the man himself but that was okay with you. Tonia was a really sweet girl and you knew what you were getting into when you accepted and returned his feelings when you two first started going out.
Before he became a Harbinger you were friend’s with him and Tonia. Almost everyone in Snezhnaya was part of the Fatui, working in factories, or a devote follower of Tsaritsa. So it was a breath of fresh air to meet two people that didn’t align themselves to that mindset or become a slave to work. You slowly became closer to the two siblings until the day a stuttering and pink Tartaglia confessed his feelings to you. You think back on that moment fondly since that was probably the first and last time you’ve seen him act in such a shy manner.
The day he proposed to you was the night right before he became a Harbinger. It wasn’t anything grand and you were pretty sure he hadn’t even told Tonia he was planning on proposing that very night. He said that he was waiting for the right moment and somehow felt the right moment was when you were in-between consciousness. When you couldn’t even give him a proper answer since he popped the question right as you fell asleep, but for all intensive purposes, that was probably on purpose. You had to chase him down in freezing cold weather, coat not even properly tied, as you yelled he was a piece of shit and that if he never came back you would hunt him down and kill him yourself.
He just grinned innocently and waved back to you as the ship departed. When asked by a curious merchant who wasn’t native to Snezhnaya asked if he had some...family issues he simply waved it off and said you were his beloved fiancé. The merchant was left very confused on Snezhnaya’s customs and traditions on marriage.
You both made an agreement that only he would write to you. He said that it was because trying to get in contact with him would be impossible, considering how often he moves, plus the different names he goes under. But in actuality, it’s because he want’s to keep the people closest to him as private as possible. The Fatui know of his sister already and most likely know of your existence but as long as he remains a Harbinger they can’t do anything. He won’t let them. But the Fatui have many enemies and while he hates denying your existence, if it’s to make sure you live a peaceful life with his sister, he’ll continue to pretend he’s never heard of your name before.
While he writes to his sister that he’s taking care of trivial matters when he’s on his assignment, he writes a bit more honestly and detailed in his hidden letters to you. You make sure to keep them in a box hidden away from Tonia so she never discovers them but you have an inkling she knows what her brother is up to. She watches the way your face pinches, that your fingers clutch the paper a little tighter, and how you seem to tap the page two times in sequence.
Despite the raging winter storms that swirl around Snezhnaya, you are always warm. He thinks you’re secretly a pyro vision user waiting for the right moment to make good on your word and burn him alive. Whenever his travel’s run late into the night and he arrives home tired and cold, he seeks Tonia’s room to make sure she’s sleeping peacefully. Then to you to do the same. Sometimes when you’re lucky and you wake up early, you’re greeted to Tartaglia clinging onto you refusing to move because you’re warm. Even going through daily routine’s he always has an arm around you or some part of his body against yours. You feel that his habits is rubbing off on his sister because slow morning’s like these see’s you as the human heater. With Tonia hugging you from the front, arms wrapped around your waist, while Tartaglia support’s from behind, arms around the both of you. Your hands laced with his as you both act as a shield for little Tonia.  
Tartaglia’s hands are always numb. He could be in Natlan where it never snows or facing the harsh winters of Snezhnaya, they are always numb. As if the skin of his fingertips were scalded off. Touching anything gives him an uncomfortable sensation so he wears gloves all the time except for two occasions. When he need’s to replace his gloves with a new pair or to lace your hand into his. He can vaguely feel the heat from your hand, see that you don’t have the same callouses that he has from wielding weapons, and can feel the same tingling sensation that would usually have him wrenching his bare hand away if it had been anything or anyone else, besides his sister of course. Instead he holds on as if you’re his last lifeline in the middle of the ocean, commits to memory the feeling of your hand in his, and the pins and needles that prick his fingertips fade away.
He grows restless when life is ordinary and boring so he’s always off fighting or doing something completely dangerous. He was the same before he became a Harbinger which leads to some fights between the two of you. You both handle fight’s pretty badly due to the upbringing of Snezhnaya and it makes Tonia sad when she sees her family argue. So instead you convey your inner worries through taps. One is for annoyance. Two is for worry. Three is for anger.  Likewise, Tartaglia has his own system.
On one rare occasion, Zhongli managed to catch the sight of a flicker of light on Tartaglia’s clothing. It confuses him since aren’t ring’s meant to be worn on the hand? The only response he get’s from Childe when he asks why is a vague answer filled with mirth. He say’s that he’s holding onto it for someone. Zhongli doesn’t quite understand since wouldn’t it be better to keep the ring in a box if it were meant for someone else? Childe wears a ring on his pinky already but it might be a Snezhnaya tradition to wear one ring on the hand, while the other is close to the heart.
He keeps his cheerful attitude on even when it feels as if the world is crushing him. That might be why he names himself Childe. But when it’s just the two of you he takes the mask off, the armor slips off, and let’s himself relax. Time’s like this he just wants to hold you and as he puts it, recharge.
For all his confident nature in fighting he knows that a committed relationship with him is hard. That if you ever want to walk away and find someone new he won’t stop you, but that you never contact him or his family. He won’t open his heart for another person for a long while or ever. He would still give you your ring and whatever you choose to do with it is up to you.
Tartaglia’s goals won’t change. He still has his family to take care of and even if you decide to leave, that doesn’t change the fact he still sees you as apart of his family.
You don’t mind if his goal takes him away from Snezhnaya for years and years. Or if the letter’s he writes become fewer and fewer.  As long as he comes home you don’t mind waiting.
It’s the middle of the night and he’s still awake. He just returned from his last assignment and Tsaritsa is already sending him across Teyvat for “business” related reasons. He just finished checking up on Tonia to see her sleeping soundly. She’s growing up really fast, he smiles slightly at the thought. She can already sleep on her own. He gently opens the door to your room, well really it’s both of yours but he hasn’t been doing a lot of sleeping there, and cringes slightly at the creek the doors give.
He takes a small minute to lean on the doorway and relaxes. He won’t have enough time to bask in your presence if he’s too make it on time. The winter storm continues outside, as if Tsaritsa herself is yelling at him to start moving. He doesn’t think there’s ever been an instance when they’ve been silent.
“I care about three things in this world. My sister, you, and my home,” Tartalia says softly as he walks over and kneels down beside your laying form, resting his hand beside yours as he places a soft kiss on temple. “When those three things are safe I can rest.”
You tap him two times. Your hand has laced around his in a loose grip to which he tightens. You both sit in silence as he wait’s for the pins and needles to stop spreading across his arm before speaking again.
“I know I already proposed but let’s elope somewhere. My next assignment is taking me to Liyue. I heard it’s quite a beautiful place. I’m thinking a spring wedding perhaps?”
One more tap but he’s learned to take your annoyance as you jesting or being flustered.
“Promise me you’ll be safe,” you ask.
“I can try but I can’t guarantee everyone else will be,” he laughs.  
You tap him three times. If you weren’t half asleep you would have probably thrown your pillow at him. He gives one last chuckle as his finger’s rubs patterns into your hand.
“I promise,” he swears.
He hears you hum happily as you begin to relax back into slumber. Slowly letting the feeling of his heartbeat lull you to sleep until your grip loosens around his wrist. Even as the winter winds howl outside you can sleep so peacefully. Unlike him where in the back of his mind are restless thoughts. Tsaritsa is asking something huge of him, another test of his loyalty and strength. He silently stands up as to not wake you again, gives you one last squeeze of the hand, one last fond look, before he leaves. Closing the door as quietly as he can, he steels himself to go back out into the cold.
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disregardcanon · 3 years ago
okay, so i’m unlikely to write this because *gestures vaguely to everything* but i REALLY like the idea of luz as a greek demigod who ends up in a new rome adjusted to feel more like the boiling isles. a few details
1. camilla had a brief fling with apollo before meeting and settling down with antonio. they both know that luz is biologically this other guy’s child and antonio never cared. camilla had NO IDEA that the guy was a greek god, though.
2. the blights are a VERY old roman family, descended from roman nobility and jupiter himself. they’ve transitioned each time the remnants of rome have moved, and try to periodically intermarry with demigods to keep the godly blood going. odalia’s godly blood is fairly diluted, but alador is a son of vulcan. ed and em both got very little power, but amity ended up with quite a bit of it.
3. willow is a distant descendant of ceres on one side and mars on the other. neither of her fathers inherited anything, so they assumed that she wouldn’t get anything either. she ended up with a blessing from great great great whatever grandmother ceres though and ended up with a great deal of power
4. gus is the only other full demigod in the bunch. he’s the son of perry porter (distant legacy of apollo) and trivia (the roman counterpoint of hecate).
5. belos is something resembling nero in trials of apollo, except he’s... actually in charge of new rome. the backstory that i’d probably go with for that would be that he’s. actually romulus and that caleb was actually remus. after killing remus and founding rome, he was able to reach a level of immortality/semi-godhood like the emperors in the series. he’s spent a GREAT deal of his time obsessing about what life would have been like if caleb hadn’t betrayed his vision for rome, and we get a hunter who’s half abused nero stepchild, half an attempt at resurrecting remus.
6. how does luz end up in new rome when she lives in connecticut? well. reality check is in california, you see. so. *insert circumstances here*
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kikuism · 4 years ago
here are the books i've read lately that i want to talk about!! all of them are debuts too.
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the witch's heart: a story about the giantess angrboda, whose union with loki produces three unnatural children: the wolf who will swallow the sun and moon, fenrir; the world serpent, jormungandr; and the keeper of the realm of the dead, hel. they live their life at the edge of the world, away from prying eyes, in domestic idyll bliss...until angrboda’s visions plague her, and she sees her children responsible for a large part of the destruction that ragnarok—the end of times—will bring about. are her children monsters? how far does a mother's love go to protect her unnatural children destined for destruction? these are the questions at the heart of the book and they really truly tugged at my heartstrings. i wasn't prepared for how emotional this book made me feel. at its heart it is a story about family, about motherhood most of all. my budding interest in norse mythology also greatly upped my enjoyment of this book. i'm definitely going to keep an eye out for more books by this author in the future. i can't believe this is her debut!
these feathered flames: inspired by russian folklore, twins asya and izaveta are thrust apart by two separate destinies: asya trains to become the firebird that keeps magic in check in the realm, and izaveta trains to be the next queen. however, tragedy brings them back together: the death of the queen. suddenly izaveta is crowned the new queen, and asya prematurely must take on the role of the firebird. tensions rise between the sisters, who not only have not seen each other in years, but whose new positions have never really worked in tandem with each other before. the sisters must navigate growing political tensions as well as try to figure out what—or who—killed their mother.
in my personal opinion this book promised more than it delivered, and i think if the execution were a little sharper I'd have enjoyed it more. i wanted to get more of a feel for the characters. it was there, but i wanted more. i admit i enjoyed izaveta's parts more than asya's—i think i have a thing for ice queens trying to navigate their new roles (god....not to bring up frozen, but i was so excited for elsa's character and....they just didn't do anything with her). izaveta reminds me of what elsa would be like. also, i'm sorry, but...the f/f enemies to lovers romance that was a big part of this book’s hype absolutely failed to do anything for me. i so wanted to like it, but unfortunately i couldn't care for it. and i know it's because i didn't care enough about the characters that i couldn't get invested in their romance. if i can't care about them as individuals, how can i care about them together? also, the pacing of their relationship was just not it. i also expected this book to be steeped in russian folklore and culture the way the bear and the nightingale was—with that book, i felt like i had truly stepped in medieval russia; it was dripping with culture. but with these feathered flames, it felt like just a little dip into what should have been a richer world. yes, there is russian food and clothing and names, but i still felt the impression i was reading about some vague european setting rather than a fully established russian one. all in all, it wasn't terrible, but it didn't really do much for me. i give it a generous 3.5/5. i might pick up the sequel.
ariadne: ariadne and her sister phaedra are princesses of crete, who have grown up hearing the thunderous bellows of their brother, the minotaur, in the massive labyrinth underneath the palace. every year fourteen tributes are brought over from athens to be sacrificed to the beast. until one year, one of the tributes turns out to be the legendary theseus, who vows to defeat the minotaur and end this cycle of violence and bloodshed (yes! suzanne collins was inspired by the myth of theseus and the minotaur). ariadne falls in love with theseus and aids him in killing her brother. but what does this mean for her—is this betrayal worth it?
i enjoyed this book. i think by now i have a soft spot for mythology retellings (thank you madeline miller 🤍), and the writing in these kinds of books is close to my own style, so i love that. i had originally thought the entire book was going to be about the maze and the minotaur, but it's just the first part! i won't say what happens, but...things happen. like all mythology retellings, this story too takes place over the course of the subject's life, so there's a sense of the passing of time. i must say that the writing is gorgeous and so expressive. it was a real treat to read. i think the overall reason i don't Love this book though is because 1) the ending was rather abrupt, and 2) the main theme, to me, really just boiled down to 'men ain't shit'. which....yeah, valid, but also i sort of wish it was a little more substantial than that. i wish it had something more to say too. i remember sometime around the middle of the book i just paused and was like, ‘okay but what's the point? what is this book trying to say?’ but regardless, i really and truly sympathized with the women in these book, mortal and immortal alike. they had it rough....we still have it rough....the universal timeless experience of being a woman.
the poppy war: *shrieks* i'm so glad i gave this book another chance. i could not put this down. it's the better 'orphan goes to boarding school' story. in fact, the first part tricks you into thinking it's going to be cutesy boarding school antics. but holy shit....no. no. this is a horrific story about war.
the poppy war is a historical military epic inspired by the second sino-japanese war and overall china’s bloody twentieth century. knowing a bit about east asian history myself i could actually recognize some of what was going on in this book. main character rin aces the keju, a nationwide exam that seeks to root out only the most talented youth—and is accepted into the most prestigious military academy, sinegard. however, tensions are fraught just across the sea as the federation prepares to make its move against nikan, her home. rin soon realizes she has an affinity for shamanism, a mythical power that calls upon the gods, and which might just be the key for winning this war and saving her people. but is this great power worth the even greater cost?
the best way i can describe the writing in the poppy war: it's a shounen anime come to life. the action is so amazingly written and explosive, from the swords to the magic, especially the way it's interspersed with the emotional moments. the way everything is written, i can see everything happening so clearly in my mind's eye. it's such a visceral experience. the writing just flows.
but this book is about war, first and foremost, and all the horrors that come with it, down to every last garish detail. it takes a lot for a book to unnerve me, but this one did and more. it made me uncomfortable and disturbed and horrified. this book delves into war intimately, not a small dip but rather a full submersion. there's a section detailing carnage in a city that's just going to stay with me forver. it's like that scene in mulan where they abruptly fall silent as they reach the massacred village, except every inch of that carnage is described in full intimate detail. it's not for the faint of heart. at one time i clapped my hand over my mouth because i couldn't believe what i was reading.
and it asks questions about war, too. who's right, who's wrong? is any of this justified? is vengeance the way to go? and the thing is....it's not. duh. venegance is Not the way to go. we all know this. but oh my god the way r. f. kuang writes, you want Nothing more than pain and death for rin's enemies. you want to see them suffer in the worst way possible. like rin, you want to get back at them in the worst possible way. and it's like...yes venegance is not the answer but you want her enemies to hurt So Badly. you start thinking, maybe it's okay, because they're so horrible and vile and inhumane, retaliation is the only possibly course. vengeance Must be served. but then.....what does that make you? what is the cost of vengeance? can you pay it? can you ever? is it worth it?
this book is insane and epic in the best way possible. i'm so glad i gave it another chance. the world building is so rich and lavish and the cast of characters is huge and i care for each and every one of them and i'm just. So Invested in what's going to happen next. SO MUCH happened in this first book, i'm still reeling, i feel like i've read two books in one sitting. i can't even predict what's waiting for me in the next book, which is a whopping 650 pages....i'm going to be fed so well.
also, here is a list of triggers. please exercise caution going into this book as it deals with some very dark themes:
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raviposting · 4 years ago
Okay so I’ve seen a lot of conflicting responses to Buddie this episode, from it being clear to people that they’re getting together, to thinking the writers have unintentionally messed things up to thinking it’s purely queerbait.
And I get the different responses, I do - tbh I’m somehow in two camps, where I simultaneously believe it’s a slowburn but I also think it’s bait. And those are two very different opinions to have and it got me thinking about why we have these different responses as fans to the possibility of a queer ship (namely two men who would presumably be bi/pan) being canon. 
While people talk about how it’s just people wanting two characters to kiss or entitled fans - sure, that’s existent in every fandom, but I think there’s also a very real fear from queer fans who don’t want to get their hopes up and I d on’t love how the conversation has shifted to calling queer fans stupid for having hope, so I kind of wanted to break it down into 3 aspects that I’ve noticed: 
How writers portray bi characters and why that makes fans hesitant to have hope
What queerbait actually means as a concept
How much “slowburn” has changed in procedurals
1. How writers portray bi characters
Something I’ve thought about a lot are the bi characters I’ve seen on TV - Darryl (CEG), Sara Lance (Arrow), Lucifer (Lucifer), just to name a few. These are great characters imo and I think you’d have a fun time watching but a thing to note is that all these characters were established as bi within the first season of their respective shows and they all fairly quickly fell into a clear romantic ship as well (with the exception of Sara as she spanned multiple shows). It may have taken time for them to say the word bisexual, but it was still clear these characters were queer fairly quickly on. You could maybe argue that Lucifer was a slowburn, but then (while it does not take away from him being bi/pan so do not use this as an excuse to be shitty about him) it’s a m/f ship which is still not the point of my post, to find a m/m or f/f ship that has that same treatment.
Some writers have done it - like for Valencia in CEG, or Petra in JTV - when they saw that fans read them this way, but trying to find those characters were few and far between, and when I looked at popular queerbait ships (whether or not they actually are queerbait) it’s usually ships where the characters are largely viewed as bisexual. A lot of times this also comes with pushback from both straight and to be frank, other queer fans as well. Straight fans don’t always see the signs that queer fans do, so to them a queer character who hasn’t been explicitly clear from the start comes out of nowhere. And what I’ve seen from certain queer fans are concerns that people aren’t appreciating the canon queer characters in a show - and I think there is a conversation to be had about that, but I don’t think the response should also be about then demanding less representation for people either. 
If we go back to 911, people talk a lot about how it has canon queer characters, which it definitely does - Michael, Hen, Josh, Karen, and David are all canonically gay/lesbian and that’s awesome, and we absolutely should talk about fans (white fans in particular) ignoring these characters. It also does not change the fact that none of these characters are bisexual and that is the representation people are looking for. Both of these things are true - these characters are often under appreciated in canon AND people deserve bisexual representation. They don’t contradict each other and to act like one negates the other does a huge disservice.
And even if a character was made bisexual in the canon text we don’t get that slowburn. This may be true for things like Leverage, or LOK, but there’s also a real fact of censorship that affected these shows and the fact that general audiences may not understand the queer text tjat the writers intended. It doesn’t make the writing any less wonderful or the ships any less poignant or beautiful or important, and there’s ofc shows like She Ra that made this more obvious (or the.....mess that was Supernatural that made it. Half true?) but these are still real things that should be acknowledged on why people are so hesitant to call it slowburn - because it’s something most queer fans haven’t SEEN DONE, because m/f ships will get that care for slowburn when it’s done but it’s not done for m/m or f/f ships in that same capacity.
2. What queerbait is
This one’s fun because I don’t think many people understand what it is, but queerbait is very dependent on the intentions of the writers/creators/etc. - which tbh can be hard to gauge, because a genuine intention that ended up not happening or someone baiting fans or someone trying to support all ships and not be rude all have very different intentions but to a fan who only sees bits and pieces of this person on social media, it can be hard to gauge.
Honestly with how much the 4th wall gets broken because of social media now I’d personally say we’ve probably moved into a different definition of queerbait - unintentional vs intentional - because we’re at a point where a show knows what ships are popular and at what level of excitement fans are for it - but that being said, there’s still a clear spectrum of intent. And imo? I don’t think 911 has that intent of queerbait - whether it’s a slowburn or they have a different vision for buddie that I (probably) won’t agree with remains to be seen, but this show usually treats its storylines with care. Are they perfect at it? No, definitely not, I definitely think that they’ve dropped the ball a few times (especially with just how many characters they have lmao), but they also clearly do their storylines with earnest and with genuine care for these characters.
Is 911 getting them together? I want to say yes. I don’t think this was always the plan, just something that they decided along the way, but I also don’t think that changes anything about the ship. A lot of people point to Tim Minear being vague about the ship, or the actors and their interpretations, but 1. We have no idea what they’ve been told about Buddie moving forward and 2. No show runner is going to spoil their show that much. 911 may be keeping quiet because they have a different plan for buddie, sure, but also maybe because they’re still figuring out how exactly they want to do this and/or they want to make this slowburn and don’t want to give it away.
3. Slowburn in procedurals
I feel like this is something that procedurals have started shying away from, but slowburns used to be very common - Bones, Castle, their ships didn’t get together for literal years, but that’s just not something that many shows do nowadays, even for m/f ships. Even things like Deckerstar will have the characters get together after ~3 seasons and explore the relationship onwards, whereas a few years ago, y ou’d pr obably be watching a sh ow and it’d take them 7 seasons to get together. My assumption for this is that shows are afraid  of getting canceled, but there’s been a pretty big shift in getting a couple together after say, 6 seasons to now getting them together about halfway through the show. I don’t think either one is bad or good - in good writers’ hands, either can be amazing - but that shift has made it so that a lot of younger fans in particular, I think, don’t fully recognize slowburn when they see it.
911 as a show tends to run pretty fast - it kind of has to with its depth of characters they have - but when they do have slower running storylines they really do make use of that as well. Bobby’s addiction is something that’s always going to be present in his character, May’s suicide attempt was brought up again front and center after 3 seasons, even Chim’s dynamic with the Lees was brought up again and it was reinforced again that they’re his family. There are certain storylines that have to be continuous and aren’t a one and done type of thing, and that includes Buck and Eddie, especially if you want to establish them as queer to a general audience who doesn’t think about these things.
And honestly, despite my fears, I think they are laying groundwork there. We have Buck learning to be more confident in his relationships, we have Eddie ready to date and learning to follow his own heart, we have Buck and Eddie both establishing that Buck is family and will always be there for Christopher. These are pretty big steps to do for a ship and we’ll obviously have to see how the show goes forward but they’ve already insinuated Eddie and Ana are breaking up, I’m sure Taylor and Buck may last a season and be over, but we do have to see what this next season brings. Do I think they’d say this? No, definitely not.
911 is a show with good viewership, but there’s always a possibility they can’t continue with their season and then their promises would feel like a lie. Or they may still be hammering out the details as this season hasn’t been written. Or they may just simply not want to spoil their show,  or they don’t want people criticizing a story before it’s finished, all of these could be reasons. The showrunners, writers, actors, ultimately they owe nothing to us as a fandom to potentially spoil their series, or do something, change it or their schedule for it, and get accused of bait. 
But it also doesn’t change why fans are wary of this storyline either, and I wish people would have more nuance and compassion for fans who are worried about queerbait (whether they think it’s not queerbait and dislike people worrying about it or if they do and are calling people idiots for believing it). There’s a lot of reasons why fans are wary and don’t want to have hope, and it’s not necessarily about 911 specifically as it is a pattern of writing seen in other pieces that have fans worried. These things can all coexist and I wish we as fandom in general could acknowledge that, because pretending that they don’t and criticizing each other/people’s intentions or knowledge when they have certain expectations also doesn’t do much to help.
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