#okay so 1 i really like 'like a bear dean'
pagannatural · 7 months
-Dean is so worried about Sam and his nightmares that he offers to let him drive for apparently the first time ever. The way Sam says “you’re worried about me, I get it” like he’s used to Dean being worried about him. I’m not crying you’re crying.
-there’s just no sane reason for them to stand that close together to look at a photo of a large bear
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-I love how Dean teases Sam for using the word “corporeal” but then demonstrates that he does in fact know that word. This makes me believe that Dean is well-read but kinda shy about it because 1. reading was one of the only pastimes he has consistent access to growing up but John wasn’t much of a reader and 2. he wanted to share something with his voracious learner little brother without being obvious, which is why Sam is often surprised in later episodes to learn that Dean read The Odyssey and several books by Kurt Vonnegut
-sidebar was anyone going to tell me those excerpts from John’s journal (about child Dean protectively holding baby Sammy as they slept and Sam taking his first steps toward Dean) are canon or was I just supposed to google it myself?? Anyway the journal also said that Dean did really well in school as a kid before he was a hunter. I love that he’s smart and was probably a little jealous of Sam for succeeding in school when he never really had the chance to.
-Sam seems genuinely hurt that Dean is teasing him about being well-educated. It’s a sore spot.
-Dean: “her brother’s missing, Sam, she’s not just gonna sit this one out” self explanatory
-I wonder when Sam noticed that Dean was still wearing his amulet and if it was a relief or a given
-the way Sam just STARES at Dean when he’s speaking get a room. He has an intense gaze with everyone but his eyes just travel all over Dean’s face in open wonder
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-Dean said service to others helps with trauma (saving people, hunting things) and he’s right aside from all the extra trauma he’s racking up. The fact that it’s so normal to him is probably part of why he doesn’t think it’s bad to pull Sam back in.
-Sam’s soft little “are you sure you’re okay?” after helping Dean and then Dean twirling the flare guns to make Sam smile.
-this episode was about Sam letting Dean in after all these years by emulating him, admiring him, and letting him make him feel better by accepting his offer to drive
-it’s been said before but who looks at their brother like this
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it-was-too-cold-always · 10 months
We're Not in CW Anymore - 1
The reader gets blasted into another universe - one where Sam and Dean Winchester are real people, real hunters, and really fucked up. To her surprise (or horror), Dean has been getting glimpses of her life in his dreams and is completely enamored with her. It's nothing like the cable-friendly CW show that she knows and loves.
Reader x Dean Winchester
Warnings: language, violence
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Chapter 1: The Good News Gabriel Brings
One minute, you were reading your very spicy romance book on your couch. The next, you were sitting in some diner off the highway, book still in hand. You looked around, wondering if anyone noticed you appear out of thin air. Not a single person was looking towards you. Okay, this must be a dream, I dozed off while reading, you thought. If I'm right, I won't be able to read words. You opened up to a random part in the book, and sure enough, you could read every single smutty word on that page. Fuck. What just happened?
"More coffee, sweetie?" The waitress pulled you from your downward spiral. You accepted, though you'd rather be drinking something a little stronger. You took a sip, letting the warmth fill you up. You looked down - you were no longer wearing your oversized sleep shirt. Instead, you were wearing skinny jeans, brown boots, and a gray tank top with a blue flannel layered on top. Very autumn lumberjack, you thought. It was much more appropriate than your sleep shirt though, given the dreary weather outside. You pulled your phone out of your back pocket, surprised to find a signal. You were more surprised that you had your phone at all, and even more perplexed when you saw your purse sitting on the booth next to you. You peeked inside - thank god, your inhaler. You're gonna need that because the panic will surely set in soon. You scroll through your phone and find your messages are all gone. There's no logs of calls or contacts. Everything has been wiped. Great. You pull up the news to see if you can get your bearings a little. You weren't quite sure what else to do - after all, you've never teleported before.
You were too focused on your phone to notice a 1967 Chevy Impala pull up to the diner. Nor did you notice the two gigantic men walk through the front door as the bell jingled. But one of these men clocked you almost immediately. His face turned pale and he stopped in his tracks. "Holy shit," he breathed. The taller one looked at him like he was nuts, but before he could say anything else, the shorter (but still really tall) one found himself walking towards you. "Dude, what the hell?" His buddy was following him to your booth.
"Hey. Hi. Um, can I sit here?" Real smooth, dipshit, he thought to himself. You looked up at the man speaking to you, not really registering what he said. This man was a spitting image of Jensen Ackles. In fact, they could be twins. However the man standing in front of you had his flannel sleeves rolled up enough for you to see a tattoo sleeve and a myriad of scars peppering his skin. The man who appeared behind this man looked exactly like Jared Padalecki. "Am I being punked?" you asked. The two men look at each other and sit down in your booth, facing you. They look intrigued, waiting for you to keep talking.
"I wouldn't really say 'punked,' but I really had some fun with this one." A dude appeared out of nowhere, sitting next to you, looking like Richard Speight, Jr. Okay, what the actual fuck.
"Gabriel? What the fuck are you doing here?" the guy who looked like Jared asked. Okay, we got Sam, Dean, Gabriel...what's next? Cas? You look out the window to see the Impala and your stomach flips.
"Listen, I don't have a lot of time for you bozos, so pay attention and don't interrupt. Y/N, this is Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean, this is Y/N. Yes, like the show Supernatural, I know, whoop-de-do, let's get to the juicy parts, alright?" Gabriel looks almost irritated with his little speech.
"What the hell is going on?" Sam's patience was wearing thin already.
"What did I say about interrupting? You're a bad listener. As I was saying, Y/N comes from another universe. Dean, I'm sure you're quite familiar. Y/N, you get the gist of it, but it's not exactly like the CW show. This is more real-life, nitty gritty, not at all rated PG-13. There's a lot of shit from the show that didn't happen in this universe. The writing really went to shit after Kripke left, but that's just my opinion. I digress. Y/N and Dean are soulmates, don't ask me how they ended up in different universes, I'm just here to fix it. So boom, problem solved, have fun figuring all this shit out." Gabriel acted bored but seemed to be amused by this situation.
Your head was spinning. Supernatural. Real life. Alternate universe. Soulmates? You stared down your coffee cup as you tried to wrap your head around the situation. It was hard when the entire time, you could feel Dean staring at you. He hasn't taken his eyes off you since he walked into the diner. You thought they were attractive on the show, but in real like they're so gorgeous, it's intimidating.
"Why would you do Dean a favor like that? What do you get out of it?" Sam asked. "Nothing from you ever comes out of the kindness of your heart."
"Listen bud, I just know what's gotta happen and I do it. Any other questions?"
"Hold on! You said parts of the TV show didn't happen in this universe. Which parts?" You had to know - Rowena, Crowley, Chuck, Leviathan - was all of this real now?
"Just the dumb parts. All of season 7 basically. That weird attachment Dean had with the Darkness even though she was a kid for a while, creepy if you ask me. The whole Darkness thing never happened, don't know if it will in the future though. The Men of Letters are alive and thriving, Sam and Dean actually work for them as hunters. I don't know kid I'm sure you'll figure it all out." His answer placated you for now. It was still too much for your brain to process. You're sure you'll have lots of questions come up as the day progresses. You turn to thank him, but he's already gone. That leaves you alone in a booth with Sam and Dean Winchester.
Chapter 2
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All In or All Out?
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Summary: Dean needs an answer.
Warnings: None really.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 625
A/N: I got this very fun ask:
Anonymous asked: use a photo on your phone camera roll and write a quick scene/hc for it
So, the photo above is the one I used. Hope you enjoy what I came up with for it. ❤️
The beautiful divider below and at the bottom was created by @talesmaniac89
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"You gotta decide here and now." Dean told her in a low, firm voice. "I know it's not fair."
He looked up at her standing in front of him and tried to catch her gaze, but she purposely wasn't looking. "And you can think I'm an asshole if you want." He continued with a shrug. "That's your right, and you're probably not wrong."
Y/N shook her head, still refusing to look at him, far too aware of the sway those green eyes had over her. But Dean finally reached up to grab her chin and force her gaze back to his.
"Hey." He said quietly. "Look at me." 
She did, and she fell - like she knew she would. She would fall for this man forever. 
"I need to know, sweetheart." He said huskily. "You have to be all in or all out in this life. I know, because I've tried straddling the fence before and it just doesn't work. Live like that and hunters miss things, or they lose focus and they fumble. So, if we're gonna be together, I mean for real, for life," he was the one to drop his gaze this time, "then, Baby, you gotta decide if you can deal with me as a hunter, whether or not you can live this life with me."
She saw the muscle in his jaw flex. "Or, if it's too much for you then…okay. That's," he licked his lips, biting into the bottom one before clearing his throat, "that's okay. I get it."
He captured her gaze again and smiled softly. But his eyes were sad and they made Y/N’s heart ache. "But look…whatever you decide, sweetheart, I’ll always love you. That won't ever change."
Y/N closed her eyes and thought about the future she'd have with him; living in constant fear of losing him, watching him beat himself up when he lost people, knowing there was no way for her to stop him from doing that, putting up with him when he lashed out at her because the weight of the world was bearing down on his shoulders, and even knowing there might be some things he'd prioritize above their love - saving the world tended to be a sacrificial gig. 
She thought about all the bad, and tried to weigh it against the good, as she'd been doing for days since Dean first said that he needed her to give him an answer. She'd tumbled everything around and around in her mind and finally she was coming to the conclusion that there were dozens of reasons, big and small, for her to say no, to bow out.
And only one reason to stay, one reason to sign on to a hunter's life and that was the hunter sitting in front of her now. The reasons all boiled down to one very real, inescapable truth.
If she walked away from Dean Winchester, her soul would stay behind. 
She would never not need him, never not crave him. She was never, ever going to be able to say goodbye to that smile, and those eyes that held enough pain for fifty lifetimes, but that could still sparkle, bright and beautiful.
So, the choice he was giving her, wasn't really much of a choice. She was lost at their first hello.
She leaned forward and cupped his cheeks in her hands, her heart squeezing when he nuzzled into the touch.
"There is no other answer for me, Dean. You are my answer. My only answer." She shrugged and smiled lovingly before she pressed her mouth to his, feeling the heat of his lips sweep across her skin. She pulled back and, pressing her forehead to his, she made her vow.
"I'm all in."
Tags below the cut:
1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @jensensgotyoudean @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous
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cascodeddeangirlie · 10 months
No because what if Destiel was canon when Cas met Cain in that graveyard…
I used the actual script so 99% of the dialogue is not original! Also sorry if the formatting is weird, it’s my first time posting and I’m on mobile.
“It's Cas.” Dean put his phone on speaker. He hadn’t heard Cas’s voice for a good while, but as much as he’d like to keep it for himself, they were looking for Cain. He couldn’t afford to be selfish right now. “Hey, where you at?”
“Illinois.” It was good to hear his voice again. Especially after he hadn’t been picking up his calls earlier.
“Hey, Cas, we got a lead. Cain abducted a Texas death row inmate named Tommy Tolliver.” Sam said, sounding like he barely believed what he was saying. It sounded a little ridiculous, but that was normal for them. This seemed normal. Almost like they were working a case again.
But Sam and Dean weren’t with Cas. They couldn’t see him crouching in the woods, holding a white sneaker that had ‘TDJC’ written on the bottom. When Cas spoke again, it’s nothing close to what they wanted to hear. “He's dead.”
“What? How do you know?” Sam asked, staring at the phone. Dean was worried now, his concern clear on his face.
“Call it an educated guess. Cain has been very busy.” Castiel stood, looking around. The woods where he had been were never really woods at all, just woods surrounding a clearing. A clearing full of freshly dug graves.
Dean’s fear was clear through his voice. “Okay, where are you? We'll come to you.”
Cas felt someone watching him through the trees. He looked around, unsure where it was coming from. “I'll call you back.”
Dean sighed, exasperated, and put his phone in his pocket. With Cas leaving as unexpectedly as usual, he must be okay.
Meanwhile, Cas turned around to find Cain staring at him.
“Hello, Castiel.” Cain seemed unfazed, despite being surrounded by death that he caused. Perhaps it’s natural for the father of murder.
“What have you done?” The angel is appalled, angry.
“These bodies? Just cleaning up a mess I made a long time ago.” He still sounded relaxed. Maybe there was a tinge of regret in his voice, but it was too faint to tell.
“Cain, I know what you were. But you'd resisted for so long.” He was desperate and it showed. He wanted Cain to say something to redeem this, to say he would stop, that he could stop.
“What can I say? I got the taste back.” Cain isn’t moved at all by Cas’s attempt at reconciling him. “With Abaddon's army gunning for me, I had to take up arms again, and I liked how it felt.” As he spoke, he walked closer to Castiel.
“Those were demons. These-” Cas looked around once again. The graves were appalling. The deaths were an abomination. It never should have happened.
Cain crouched down and lifted up a teddy bear. It was muddy and torn apart, and Castiel just knew that it was a small child’s favorite toy. A now deceased child.
“Humans.” Cain breathed out, staring at the bear. “Eh, the Mark thirsts for all kinds.” He lowers the bear and looks away from it.
“This is a massacre.” Castiel’s voice was filled with anger. So many dead. Children, fathers, mothers, siblings, entire families destroyed because they happened to be descended from a killer.
“Yes.” Cain looks up at Cas. He sounds almost dreamy. “And soon it'll be a genocide.” He stood, tossing the bear aside. “My children, my whole poisoned issue. A lot of them out there right now... killers, fighters, thieves, some more peaceful than others. But they still carry it... the disease. If the Mark wants blood, I'll give it mine.” He walked closer, stepping between graves. He seemed peaceful, as though he were simply accepting this as something that had to happen, that he needed to do.
“You'll kill them all? You are Adam and Eve's firstborn. Your descendants are legion.” Cas walks closer to Cain.
“At most, I'm culling... 1 in 10.” Cain said this in a way that attempted to justify what he was doing. To say that maybe it was acceptable.
He earned himself a glare from Cas. “Of everyone.”
“I’ve got time.” Cas’s glare hardened. Cain continued like he couldn’t see it. “How's Dean, by the way? I hear he did good, took Abaddon down.”
Cas looked away, losing his glare. Cain’s expression finally dropped a little.
“He's…not well.” Cain said, realizing. He knew. Cain knew that look. It’s the look his Colette wore. It’s the look of someone slowly losing their lover.
Castiel’s gaze flickered back up to Cain. “Even with the First Blade hidden, Dean is losing his fight against the Mark. If we don't find a cure…He’ll start and never stop.” His eyes wander around the graveyard again. Knowing that one day, he could be standing in another graveyard, but next time it will not be created by someone evil, not by an entity that they are stopping, but Dean. His Dean. His charge, his human, his love. The one he risked everything for. The one he rescued from Hell and reconstructed, saw every single part of his being and soul, and fell for. There was no one else like him and there never will be. Castiel already knew that one day he could lose Dean, maybe in a hunting accident, maybe to old age, something mortal, but not like this. Watching him lose himself was worse. Watching everything that made him fall in love fade was worse. Watching the soul that he sewed back together tear itself apart was so, so much worse. This, the mark, is the worst thing that could have ever happened. “He just needs to stop. I need him to stop.”
Cain saw it. He saw that he had created another one of himself, that he was destroying someone else in love the way he had destroyed Colette. Those eyes, full of fear, sadness, anger, are the same ones he saw when he looked at her. He had destroyed her from the inside out, and now he was making Dean do the same to his angel.
But it was too late.
“There is no cure. I'm living proof of that. But don't worry about Dean. I'll get to him. In due time.” Cain couldn’t apologize, not now. He knew this would happen. He had tried to warn Dean of the consequences. The final thing he knew, the most concrete thing to him, was that there was nothing he could say or do at this point to save this angel from his Colette’s fate, his new fate.
Castiel’s moment of vulnerability with this murderer passed. His angel blade dropped from his sleeve into his hand.
“Sorry Castiel.” Cain’s gaze softened, if only for a second. He had so much more in that apology than Castiel might have realized. “I’m sorry that you have to lose him like this. I’m sorry that I’m going to kill him. I’m sorry that the Mark is taking him apart. I’m sorry…I’m sorry, Colette.”
“You’re not on my list.” Cain said, then disappeared. Castiel was alone. And as he looked around the graveyard, he knew. He knew this could be his future, that Dean could end up leaving him the same way Cain just did, cold and uncaring and only focused on killing.
And he knew he would never be able to stop him.
Thanks for reading :3 apologies if it was ooc at all
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lightofraye · 5 days
Jensen's Roles (past and upcoming)
This one is gonna be a long one! Bear with me folks. (Not his full list of work, by the way.)
1. Eric Brady. Sami Brady's long-lost twin! I remember getting into an argument with my older brother about Eric Brady. My brother insisted Sami never had a twin, and I kept saying "Well! He's her twin!" Turned out Days of Our Lives forgot Sami had a twin! (Days of Our Lives)
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2. Alec McDowell (and Ben McDowell). A genetic creation of Manticore, Jensen played two roles--first of a psychotic creation, Ben. He did such a good role as Ben they brought him back as the twin, Alec, named as such because he was sarcastic and, according to Max, a "smart alec". (Dark Angel)
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3. CJ Braxton. CJ's had an interesting storyline. He was a depressed teen who turned to alcohol to cope. Nearly destroying a number of his relationships (friends and love interests, both), CJ decided to abstain from drinking. He also joined a teen helpline called The Stand. There had always been speculation that he was the father of Jen's child, though it was never revealed. (Dawson's Creek)
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4. Jason Teague. Jason was probably a weak storyline, to be honest. He had potential, but the writers really didn't make it work. He was in a relationship with Lana, but only using her to get closer to the other characters for some stones of power. His character was unceremoniously killed off at the end by a meteor shower. (Smallville)
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5. Dean Winchester. The most famous role of all: the elder Winchester brother. Protector, stand-in parent, hunter, brother, friend. Dean would move the world to protect his brother, Sam. There was nothing he wouldn't do for him. Dean had made bargains to save his brother, sold his soul, endured lifetimes. As long as he had Sam, Dean would be okay. The show began with the brothers and ended with them. (Supernatural)
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6. Soldier Boy. The "first" Supe. (In the world of The Boys, they don't say "Superhero", largely because, guess what? It's trademarked, so a lot of other comics and such have to dance around the term.) Anyway. Soldier Boy was the first. He did it in hopes of finally impressing his father, but his father claimed he "cheated". Honestly, Soldier Boy's father sounds like an abusive douche. Ben--Soldier Boy--was also an abusive douche, continuing the family 'tradition'. Was very cruel and abrasive to his team, Payback, so much so that Vought decided they had enough and plotted to get rid of him by selling him out to Russia. It worked. Russia held him captive, tortured him for decades, until The Boys freed him in exchange for killing Homelander--who is also his son. It's a messed up family, y'all. Jensen will be returning for Season 5! (The Boys)
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7. Beau Arlen. Beau Arlen was a mystery, for the large part. The show teased at something huge that led to Beau getting divorced from Carla, that led to him "retiring" as a sheriff for a time, before he was convinced to come back as a sheriff, which led to the start of Season 3. There was a small teaser in the show that indicated a partner of his was killed and he shut down, emotionally, and Carla couldn't handle it anymore. He dearly loves his daughter, Emily, and was ready to move heaven and earth to save her. (Big Sky)
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8. Russell Shaw. What's a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a secret? You'd get Russell Shaw, that's who. What we do know: he stood up a lot to his father, who was a paranoid survivalist, protecting his siblings, at least for a time. Then their father was killed and Russell ran, afraid he would be (rightly) blamed for it. For some 20 years, Russell was in the military (approximately 18 years) before retiring to be a secret Black Ops agent of sorts for a group known as Horizon. He kept in touch with their sister Dory, but Colter kept avoiding Russell, up until Russell tracked him down and asked for help. There's a lot of hints that there's a lot more going on that Colter is unaware of--like how it was their mother who urged Russell to run instead of facing his siblings about their father's death, how Dory kept a box of stuff about their father, and so forth. Jensen will return for more episodes. (Tracker)
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9. Mark Meachum. Very little is known about this show or character. What has been said so far: LAPD officer Mark Meachum being recruited to join a secret task force of undercover agents from all branches of law enforcement to investigate. Among this secret task force is Nathan Blythe, Special Agent in Charge who’s been with the Bureau for 22 years. Then there's Special Agent Amber Oliveras, who is a DEA agent. Several others from different task forces will be joining Meachum in uncovering the conspiracy and saving the city. (Countdown)
10. Soldier Boy (again). This time for the prequel, Vought Rising. Kripke described it as: It’s a twisted murder mystery about the origins of Vought in the 1950s, the early exploits of Soldier Boy, and the diabolical maneuvers of a supe known to fans as Stormfront, who was then going by the name Clara Vought. (Vought Rising)
Phew! These are the notables. Of course, he's done voicework as both Red Hood and Batman in a number of animated films. He's done guest roles in the Buddy movies. Devour. My Bloody Valentine. And others.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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I Believe The Children Are Our Future
Masterlist pt 1
Masterlist pt 2
"Agents Page, Lee and Plant, FBI." I introduced to the doctor as the boys and I show him our badges. "Gentlemen and lady. What brings you by?" the doctor asked us. "We need to see Amber Freer's body." Sam said. "Really? What for?" the doctor asked us. "The police report said something clawed through her skull?" Dean said, questioning. "You didn't read the autopsy report that I emailed out this morning?" The Doctor asked us, catching us off guard.
"W-we had, uh, server issues." I said and the doctor walks away, we follow him. 
The doctor opens one of the freezers and pulls out the slab with Amber's body. He tosses back the sheet from her head. "When they brought her in, we thought she was attacked by a wolf or something." He explain. "Or something." I said, raising an eyebrow. "But we were wrong." the doctors said and he picks up a plastic bag from the slab and shows it to us.
"Is that a—" Sam said and the Doctor nods. "It's a press-on nail. We found it in her temporal lobe." he said. "Is that even possible?" I asked him. "Wait, are you—you saying that she did this to herself?" Dean asked the Doctor. "Uh-huh. She scratched her brains out. It'd take hours, and it'd hurt like hell, but sure—it's possible." The Doctor said.
"How?" Dean asked. "Pick your acronym—OCD, PCP. It all spells crazy." the doctor said as Sam pulls back the sheet a little further. Amber's right hand has four press-on nails still attached; the middle finger has nothing. "My guess, some kind of phantom itch. I mean, an extreme case, but..." The Doctor said. "Phantom itch?" Sam asked. "Yup." the Doctor said and he covers Amber's head and slides the slab back into the freezer, closing the door.
"All it takes is someone talking about an itch—or thinking about one, even—and suddenly you can't stop scratching." he said and I nod. "Thanks, doc." I said as Sam scratches under his collar, Dean scratches his ear and I scratch the back of my head.
Later, we were in Jimmy's house and Sam was sitting in the armchair in the living room, holding a notebook and pen, and Jimmy's father and Francine are sitting on the sofa. Dean and I wander around behind them. "Okay. Okay, now, some of these questions might seem a bit odd, but please just bear with me. Have you noticed any cold spots in the house?" Sam asked them. "Uh...no." Jimmy's dad said, a look of confusion on his face.
"Okay, uh, what about strange smells?" Sam asked as Dena and I look around the corner to see Jimmy. "Whatcha lookin' for?" he asked us. "Don't know yet." Dean said as I walk up to Jimmy. "It's, uh, Jimmy, right?" I asked and he nods.
"So, Amber was your babysitter?" I asked him. "Yes, ma'am." He said. "Yeah, most of my babysitters sucked. Especially Ms. Chancey. She only cared about two things. Dynasty and bedtime." Dean said before he chuckles and I roll my eyes.
"Did you, uh, you see anything strange that night?" I asked Jimmy. "No, ma'am." Jimmy said. "You sure about that?" Dean asked. "I—I would tell you if I knew something." he said and Dean and I look at the kid. "I promise. One hundred percent. Cross my heart." Jimmy said and Dean looks back over his shoulder, then back at Jimmy.
"Well, Jimmy, I, uh...I happen to know you're lying." Dean said to him and Jimmy looks a bit terrified. "I'm not." Jimmy said and Dean leans down and puts a hand on Jimmy's shoulder. "We gonna start talking truth, or are you and me gonna have to take a little trip downtown?" Dean asked him and Jimmy gives us, wide eyes.
Later, the boys and I were leaving when Dean holds up a packet of itching powder. "Kid said he put this on the babysitter's hairbrush." Dean said to Sam. "Dean, there's no way itching powder made that girl scratch her brains out. It's just ground-up maple seeds." Sam said. "If you have any other theories, we're open to 'em." I said as a cell phone rings.
Sam pulls his out and answers it while Dean opens the back driver side door of the Impala for me. "Aw, such a gentleman." I said to him as I climb in and Dean smiles then shuts the door and gets into the driver's seat. "Yeah? ...Yeah, we'll be right there." Sam said as he goes around the car.
Back at the hospital, a nurse zips up a body bag and he and another nurse roll it out of the room while the Doctor watches from the corridor as we come up behind him. "What happened?" Sam asked him. "Guy got electrocuted." the doctor replied as he turns to us.
"Any idea how?" Dean asked. "Eh, maybe a loose wire or a piece of equipment shorted out. So far, we haven't found anything." the doctor said. "Witnesses?" I asked. "Yeah, guy in there—Mr. Stanley." the doctor said as he points to an old man sitting in a chair in the room, looking out the window. "He says he saw it, but he's not making a lick of sense. Senile." the doctor said said. "Thanks." Sam said and we enter the room as the doctor leaves.
"Um, Mr. Stanley?" Sam asked as we walk up to the old man. "It was just a joke. I didn't know it would really work." Stanley said, upset. "What would work?" Dean asked him and Stanley looks at Dean. "All I did was shake his hand." he said and he holds out his hand, showing us that he is holding a joy buzzer. 
At the motel, Dean puts on a pair of goggles and a pair of gloves, then adjusts the goggles and picks up the joy buzzer. He looks at the joy buzzer for a moment, then turns to me and Sam. "You ready?" Dean asked us. "Hit it, Mr. Wizard." I said as Sam and I hold another pair of goggles to our eyes.
There is a large uncooked ham in two stacked aluminum-foil pans sitting on the table in front of Dean. Dean holds the joy buzzer over the ham, hesitates, and presses it to the ham. Electricity crackles and steam rises from the ham as it changes color.
When the ham is blackened, Dean removes the joy buzzer and the ham sizzles. Sam and I lower the goggles and gawk as Dean flips up the dark-plastic visor on the goggles. "That'll do, pig." he mutters. "What the hell?" Sam said, shocked.
Dean takes off the goggles, still staring at the now-cooked ham. "That crap isn't supposed to work." I said. "This thing doesn't even have batteries." Dean said as he takes off one glove and removes the other.
"So...so, what? Are—are we looking at cursed objects?" I asked. "Sounds good." Dean said as he pulls out a knife, flips it open, and cuts a piece off the ham. "Maybe there's a powerful witch in town." he said and he eats the piece of ham. "Is there any link between the, uh, the joy buzzer and the itching powder?" he asked us as I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Uh, one was made in China, the other Mexico, but they were both bought from the same store." Sam said as Dean cuts off another piece of ham. "Hmm." Dean hums then he holds up the piece of ham. Sam and I shake our heads and Dean proceeds to eat the ham.
We enter a joke shop and the door chimes as we walk in. Someone laughs and the door chimes again as we walk around. "Guys!" Dean said as he picks up a whoopee cushion and holds it up, grinning. Sam sighs and shakes his head, turning away. "You are such a child." I said to Dean as he goes and brings the whoopee cushion up to the checkout counter, which has a display of rubber chickens next to it.
Then an older gentleman comes out of the back room. "Welcome to the Conjurarium, sanctum of magic and mystery." he said as Sam and I come up to the counter. "You the owner?" Sam asked him. "Yep." the man said. "You sold any itching powder or joy buzzers lately?" Dean asked him. "Yeah, a grand total of one of each. They aren't exactly big-ticket items. Look, you three here to buy something or what?" the owner asked us.
Dean pulls some cash out of his wallet, holds up the whoopee cushion, and hands the owner the cash. "So, you get many customers?" I asked him. "Kids come in. They don't buy much, but they're more than happy to break stuff. These days, all they care about are their iPhones and those kissing-vampire movies. The whole thing makes me just—" the owner said then Dean finishes his sentence. "Angry?" he asked.
The Owner pauses, then nods. "Yeah. Yeah, I am angry. This shop has been my life for twenty years, and now it's wasting away to nothing." he said. "Which is why you hate them." Dean said. "I suppose." The owner said, shrugging. "You wish there was something you could do about it." Dean said. "Yeah, I guess I do." the owner said.
"So you're taking revenge." Dean accuses as he pulls a rubber chicken off the display and slaps it down on the counter. "With this." he said and he holds up the joy buzzer and presses it to the rubber chicken, electricity crackles. The Owner yelps and leaps back. "Oh! No!" he screams as the rubber chicken melts.
The owner stares, making inarticulate noises, while the boys and I watch him. "Yeah, something tells me this guy is not a powerful witch." I said. "Sorry. Sorry." Dean said to him and we leave.
The next day, Sam and I leave the hospital room with this man who had his teeth pulled and head to the corridor where Dean was talking to a nurse, who was obviously checking him out.
She leaves as Sam and I approach Dean, who turns to us. "What's up with Toothless? Cavity creeps get ahold of him?" he asked us. "Yeah. Close. He wrote up a description." Sam said and he reads from his notebook. "Five foot ten, three hundred fifty pounds, wings, and a pink tutu. Said it was the tooth fairy." Sam said and Dean narrows his eyes in confusion.
"So he's obviously whacked out on painkillers." He said. "Maybe. Whatever it was got past locked doors and windows without triggering the alarm." I said,  shrugging. "Come on. Tooth fairy?" Dean said, disbelieving. "And it left thirty-two quarters underneath his pillow. One for each tooth." Sam said and Dean nods.
"Well, I will see your crazy and raise you some. There's a couple of kids upstairs with stomach ulcers—say they got it from mixing Pop Rocks and Coke. Another guy...his face...froze that way." Dean said. "What way?" I asked. Dean looks in all directions, then pulls out the sides of his mouth and crosses his eyes. He holds it for a moment and lets go.
"He, uh, held it too long, and it—it stuck. They're flying in a plastic surgeon." Dean said as he pokes at his cheeks and wiggles his chin. "So, I mean, if you add all that up..." Sam hesitates and Dean and I raise our eyebrows. "I got nothing." Sam said and he starts down the hallway past Dean, who turns around to walk alongside him, I follow.
"I thought sea-monkeys were real." Dean said. "They are. They're brine shrimp." I said. "No, no, no, I mean like in the ads. You know, like the sea-monkey wife cooks the pot roast for the sea-monkey husband, and the sea-monkey kids play with the dog in a sea-monkey castle—real. I mean, I was six, but I believed it." Dean said. "Okay." Sam said, unsure where Dean was going with this.
"Point is..." Dean said and he stops. Sam and I stop and turn to him. "Maybe that's the connection. The tooth fairy, the Pop Rocks and Coke, the joy buzzer that shocks you—they're all lies that kids believe." Dean said. "And now they're coming true. Okay, so whatever's doing this is—is reshaping reality. It has the powers of a god. Or—" Sam stops and I roll my eyes. "—of a trickster." I added and Sam nods.
"Yeah, with the sense of humor of a nine-year-old." Dean said. "Or you." I add and Sam laughs and we walk off.
Later, Sam and I come into the motel room to see Dean sitting at the table, taking a bit out of a sandwich, obviously made from that ham he cooked. "Dude, seriously—still with the ham?" Sam asked as he holds up the map we found. "We don't have a fridge." Dean replied, through the mouthful of food he had. 
"Hey, don't talk with your mouth full." I scolded him as I shut the door and Sam puts the map down in front of Dean. "Well, we found something." Sam said and Dean stands up for a better view. Sam points to a red X on the map for every incident. "Um, tooth fairy attack was here, Pop Rocks and Coke was here, then you've got itching powder, face freeze, and joy buzzer—all located within a two-mile radius." Sam explains as he indicates the area containing all the red X's.
"So, we got a blast zone of weird, and inside, fantasy becomes reality." Dean said. "Looks like." I said, nodding. "And what's the A-bomb at its center?" Dean asked. "Four acres of farmland...and a house." I said and Dean looks between me and Sam.
A mail truck drives past the house and past the Impala, as we pull up and park. The boys and I, wearing suits, get out and cross the street, walking up to the house. Dean checks Ruby's knife, which is tucked into his belt. Sam bends down to pick the lock, but straightens up in a hurry when the door opens, revealing a young boy.
"Can I help you?" He asked us. "Hi. Uh, what's your name?" I asked him. "Who wants to know?" the boy asked, suspiciously, and Dean, Sam and I glance at each other.
"The, uh..." Dean said then he clears his throat and pulls out his badge, showing it to the boy while Sam and I go for our badges. "FBI." Dean said as we hold up our badges. "Let me see that." the boy said as he takes Dean's badge and examines then hands it back.
"So, what, you guys don't knock?" he asked us as Sam and I put our badges away. "Are your parents home?" I asked him. "They work." the boy replied. "Well, you mind if we ask you a few questions, maybe take a look around the house?" Sam asked. "I don't know." the boy said.
"Come on. You can trust us. We're the authorities." Dean said as he holds up his badge again but the boy looked unimpressed. He glances between us as we try to smile reassuringly.
The boy leads us into his house as he goes to the kitchen and turns off the stove, where there was a pot of food boiling. We follow him into the kitchen, looking around. "What's that?" Sam asked, nodding to the pot. "It's called soup." the boy replied as he takes the pot off the stove. "You heat it up and you eat it." he said, sounding like it was obvious, and Sam chuckles.
"Right. I, I know. It's just, um...I used to make my own dinner, too, when I was a kid." Sam said. "Well, I'm not a kid." the boy grumbles as Dean notices the artwork on the fridge.
"Right. No, I, I know. Um..." Sam stammers then he holds out a hand. "I'm Robert, by the way." he introduced and the boys shakes his hand and then I hold mine out. "And I'm Sheila." I said and he takes my hand. "Jesse." the kid said.
"Jesse, nice to meet you." I said as Dean steps closer, holding a picture of a bearded man with pink wings and tutu. "Did you draw this?" he asked and Jesse turns to him and nods. "It's the tooth fairy." he states.
"That's what you think the tooth fairy looks like, huh?" Dean asked. "Yeah. My dad told me about him." Jesse said and Dean glances at me and Sam. "Huh." Dean huffs. "What, didn't your dad tell you about the tooth fairy?" Jesse asked him. "My dad?" Dean chuckles. "My dad told me different stories." he said. "Well, the tooth fairy isn't a story." Jesse said, firmly. 
"What do you know about itching powder, Jesse?" I asked him. "That stuff will make you scratch your brains out." Jesse said. "Pop Rocks and Coke?" Dean asked. "You mix them, and you'll end up in the hospital. Everyone knows that." Jesse said then Dean pulls the joy buzzer out of his pocket and holds it up.
"You shouldn't have that." Jesse said. "Why not?" Dean asked. "It can electrocute you." Jesse said. "Actually, it can't. It's just a wind-up toy. It's totally harmless. Doesn't even have batteries." Dean said. "So it can't shock you?" Jesse asked. "Nope. Not at all. I swear." Dean said. "Oh. Okay." Jesse said.
"I mean, all it does is just shake in your hand. It's kind of lame. See?" Dean said and he presses the joy buzzer to Sam's chest. It buzzes and Sam stiffens up and turns to Dean, looking murderous, while I hold back my laughter.
"What did you say your name was, again?" Dean asked Jesse.
"Dude, what the hell?" Sam asked Dean as we leave Jesse's house. "I had a hunch. I went with it." Dean said. "You risked my ass on a hunch?" Sam asked him, angrily. "You're fine." Dean said, not worried, and I roll my eyes. "Besides, now we know who's turning this town into Willy Wonka's worst nightmare." I said. "The kid." Sam said and he stops and so does me and Dean.
"Yeah. Everything Jesse believes comes true. He thinks the tooth fairy looks like Belushi, uh, joy buzzers really shock people, boom, that's what happens." Dean said. "Yeah, but convince him the joy buzzers don't actually work, and they go from killing machines back into crap toys." Sam said. "He probably doesn't even know he's doing it." I said and we look back at the house.
The curtains on an upstairs window part and Jesse looks out at us and Dean waves. "How is he doing it?" Dean asked as we walk away.
Back at the motel, I was sitting on a bed, watching TV, while Dean was reading some book. Sam had just left to go do some research on Jesse, so it was just me and Dean here. I flipped through the channels until I found this channel that played Dr. Sexy, MD. I smiled and left it on as I continued to watch it.
Dean raises his head to the TV just as a nurse grabs the collar of the doctor's white coat. "Please, doctor, it has to be you. You have to save this boy. If you don't, then..." She said, in a exaggerated dramatic manner. "You'll what?" The doctor asked, also dramatic. "I'll quit this job." She said. 
"Oh, God, you gotta be kidding me." Dean grumbles. "What? Have to keep up with my stories." I said. "You are such a girl." Dean said. "Well, last I checked...I am a girl." I said. “Yeah, but you’re like a badass hunter girl. When did you become a rom-com girl?” Dean asked. “I don’t know. When did you become a cartoon smut girl?” I asked.
“It’s called anime and it’s an art form.” Dean said, defensively. I rolled my eyes and turn back to the TV. “Hey, don’t knock it till you try it.” He said. “I could say the same to you.” I replied, pointing the remote towards the TV.
Dean look at it and scoffs. “You can’t be serious.” He said, annoyed. “I have the remote, I pick the show, and you shut your cakehole.” I said, tapping his nose with the remote.  
Dean shakes his head and begins watching Dr. Sexy with me, annoyed. After a couple scenes, the doctor and the nurse started making out in the on-call room and Dean sits forward, completely riveted. "Alright, now we're talking." He said and I laugh. "Of course, that would get your attention I laughed and Dean turns his head to me.
"Well, you didn't say there was sex scenes." He said, a bit of a smirk on his lips. "My God, you are the horniest man I've ever met." I said and Dean looks over at me, a mischievous grin on his face. "And it's never gonna change, princess." Dean said and I scoff out a laugh. "I would hope not, otherwise you'd explode." I said.
At that moment, Sam walks in and I turn the TV off. "So, dug up what I could on Jesse Turner. It's not much. Uh, B student, won last year's Pinewood Derby. But get this. Jesse was adopted. His birth records are sealed." Sam explained as he shuts the door behind him.
"So you unsealed them, and?" Dean asked. "There's no father listed, but Jesse's biological mom is named Julia Wright. She lives in Elk Creek, on the other side of the state." Sam said and Dean and I share a look. "Sounds like a road trip." I said and we get up and head out.
A sign reading "NO TRESPASSING" hangs on the gate of a rusty, overgrown fence. Deqn pushes the gate open and walks through, Sam and I right behind. We walk around to the front door, which has two deadbolts, and Dean rings the doorbell. Then a voice, probably Julia, speaks through the door without opening 
"Whatever you're selling, I'm not interested." She said and Dean looks at us for a moment. "We're not salesmen. Agents Page, Lee and Plant, FBI." Dean said as we pull out our badges and hold them up to the peephole. "Put your badge in the slot. Your partners', too." Julia said and Dean does as she asked.
There was a pause before we head the locks clatter and the door opens, revealing a woman with shoulder length blonde hair and she looked tired and frazzled. "What do you want?" Julia asked as she hands out badges back.
"Um..." Sam said as we put our badges away. "We just had a few questions. About your son." Sam said. "I don't have a son." Julia said. "He was born March twenty-ninth, nineteen ninety-eight, in Omaha." Sam said and Julia looks up, her face expressionless. "You put him up for adoption?" Sam said and Julia sighs.
"What about him?" she asked. "We were just wondering, um, was it...was it a normal pregnancy?" I asked and she says nothing. "Was there anything strange?" Dean asked then Julia slams the door.
"Stay away from me!" she shouts. "Mrs. Wright, wait!" Dean said then he pushes the door open and we follow Julia inside. She runs to the kitchen and shuts the door, but Dean pushes the door open. "We just want to talk!" Dean said as Julia grabs a canister of table salt, wrenches it open, and tosses the contents at us. She stares at us as if she expected something to happen to us.
"You're not demons?" She asked us. "How do you know about demons?" I asked her and she looks down at the floor.
Later, Julia sits at the table with a cup of tea, the boys and I sit across from her. She sets the cup on a saucer and folds her arms. "I was possessed. A demon took control of my body, and I hurt people. I killed people." she said. "That, that wasn't you." Sam said. "But I was there. I heard a woman beg for mercy. I...felt a young girl's blood drip down my hands." Julia said, her voice shaking.
"That's how you knew about the salt." Dean said. "Yeah, I picked up tricks. It was in my head for months." Julia said. "How many months?" I asked her. "Nine." she replied. "So your son..." Sam said, realizing, and Julia nods. "Yeah, the whole time. The pregnancy, birth—all of it. I was possessed. The night the baby was born, I was alone. And the pain was—the pain was overwhelming. I, I screamed, and it came out a laugh, because the demon was happy. It used my body to give birth to a child. When it was over, something changed. Maybe the—the demon was tired or if the pain helped me fight it, but...Somehow, I took control. And the demon wailed inside me. It pounded against my skull. I thought my head was gonna explode. But I knew. I knew what I had to do. And when I was alone with the baby...A part of me...part of me wanted to kill it." Julia explains then she begins to cry.
"But, God help me, I couldn't do that. So, I put it up for adoption, and I ran." She said. "Who was the father?" Dean asked her. "I was a virgin." Julia said and the boys and I look at each other, worried.
"Have you seen my son? Is he human?" She asked us. "His name's Jesse. He lives in, uh, Alliance. He's a good kid." I said and Julia nods.
"So, now what?" Sam asked as we leave her house. "We need help." Dean said as he pulls out his phone.
Sometime later, we enter the motel room and look up to see Castiel waiting for us. "I take it you got our message." Sam said as he sits at the table and Dean closes the door. "It's lucky you found the boy." Castiel said. "Oh, yeah, real lucky." Dean said, sarcastically.
"What do we do with him?" I asked Castiel. "Kill him." he said, plainly, and we all stop and stare at him, shocked. "Cas." Dean mutters. "This child is half demon and half human, but it's far more powerful than either. Other cultures call this hybrid cambion or katako. You know him as the antichrist." Castiel said and he sits at the table, where a fart noise sounds out. It continues as poor Cas shifts positions.
"That wasn't me." Castiel said as he pulls out a whoopee cushion. "Who put that there?" Dean asked and I elbow his side while Cas tosses the whoopee cushion aside.
"Anyway, I don't get it. Jesse is the devil's son?" Sam asked and Cas sighs. "No, of course not. Your Bible gets more wrong than it does right. The antichrist is not Lucifer's child. It's just demon spawn. But it is one of the devil's greatest weapons in the war against heaven." he said.
"Well, if Jesse's a demonic howitzer, then what the hell's he doing in Nebraska?" I asked. "The demons lost him. They can't find him. But they're looking." Castiel explains. "And they lost him because?" Dean asked. "Because of the child's power. It hides him from both angels and demons. For now." Castiel said.
"So he's got, like, a force field around him. Well, that's great. Problem solved." Dean said. "With Lucifer risen, this child grows strong. Soon, he will do more than just make a few toys come to life—something that will draw the demons to him. The demons will find this child. Lucifer will twist this boy to his purpose. And then, with a word, this child will destroy the Host of Heaven." Castiel explains.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. You're saying that—that Jesse's gonna nuke the angels?" I asked him and Cas nods. "We cannot allow that to happen." said Castiel.  "Wait." Sam said, standing up. "We're the good guys. We—we don't just—kill children." Sam said. "A year ago, you would have done whatever it took to win this war." Castiel growls at Sam. "Things change." Sam said as Dean and I step forward, DwN puts a hand on Sam's arm and he and I put ourselves between Sam and Castiel.
"Okay. Hey, look, we are not going to kill him. All right? But we can't leave Jesse here either. We know that. So...we take him to Bobby's. He'll know what to do." Dean said. "You'll kidnap him? What is going on in this town, it's what happens when this thing is happy. You cannot imagine what it will do if it's angry. Besides, how will you hold him? With a thought, he could be halfway around the world." Castiel said. "So we—" Dean started to say but I interrupt him.
"So we tell him the truth. You say Jesse's destined to go dark side—fine. But he hasn't yet." I said to Castiel. "Exactly! So if we lay it all out for him—what he is, the apocalypse, everything—he might make the right choice." Sam said and there was a long silence.
"You didn't. And I can't take that chance." Castiel said to him and Sam glares at him as Castiel vanishes. "Damn it." Sam sighs.
We make our way to Jesse's house and kick in the front door to see Jesse standing there, staring at us. "Was there a guy here? In a trench coat?" Dean asked him and Jesse points at the floor: there is an action figure wearing Castiel's suit and trench coat and holding a silver knife.
Dean kneels to pick him up and looks up at me and Sam, then Jesse. He then sets the Castiel action figure on the mantelpiece as Jesse sits on the couch, Sam on a chair and I sit next to Jesse.
"Was he your friend?" Jesse asked, nodding to the Castiel action figure. "Him? No." Dean said. "I did that. But how did I do that?" Jesse asked. "You're a superhero." Dean said and Jesse looks up at him. "I am?" he asked. "Yeah. Yeah. I mean, who else could turn someone into a toy? You're Superman—minus the cape and the go-go boots. See, my—my partners and I, we work for a secret government agency. It's our job to find kids with special powers. In fact, we're here to take you to a hidden base in South Dakota, where you'll be trained to fight evil." Dean said and Jesse seemed to perk up at this.
"Like the X-Men?" He asked. "Exactly like the X-Men." Dean chuckles. "In fact, the, uh, guy we're taking you to—he's even in a wheelchair. You'll be a hero. You'll save lives. You'll get the girl. Sounds like fun, right?" Dean asked him until he is flung against the wall.
"They're lying to you." a female voice said and Sam and I turn and stand up to see Julia walking in, she was possessed. The demon flings us against the wall with Dean. Jesse stands up.
"Stay right there, dreamboat. Can't hurt you. Orders. You, on the other hand? Hurting you's encouraged." The demon said and she flicks her wrist and slams Dean against the opposite wall, then back. "Leave him alone!" Jesse yells and the Demon leans down to Jesse, speaking sweetly.
"Jesse. You're beautiful. You have your father's eyes." She said. "Who are you?" Jesse asked. "I'm your mother." The demon said. "No, you're not." Jesse spat. "Mm-hm. You're half human...half one of us." she said. "She means demons, Jesse!" I yelled and the demon straightens and holds up a hand clenched into a fist, making me groan in pain.
The Demon leans back down to Jesse. "Those people you call your parents—they lied to you, too. You're not theirs—not really." she said. "My mom and dad love me." Jesse growls, defensively. "Do they? Is—is that why they leave you alone all day? Because they love you so much? These people—these imposters—they told you that the tooth fairy was real and that your toys could hurt you and a hundred other things that aren't true. They love you so much, they made your whole life a lie. Look into your heart, Jesse. You've always known you weren't theirs. You've always known you were different. Everyone has lied to you. They're not FBI agents. And you're not a superhero." the demon said.
"Then what am I?" Jesse asked. "You're powerful. You can have anything you want. You can do anything you want." the demon said to him. "Don't listen to her, Jesse!" Dean yells and the demons holds up a hand and Dean groans.
"They treated you like a child. Nobody trusted you. Everybody's lied to you. Doesn't that make you angry?" The demon asked Jesse as she turns back to him and Jesse clenches his fist, the room begins to rattle. The Demon looks up, exultant, and the fire flares up and the lights flicker.
"See? It does make you angry. But I'm telling you the truth, Jesse." the demon said as things begin to shatter. "Wouldn't it be better if there were no lies? Come with me and you can wash it all clean. Start over. Imagine that—a world without lies." the demon said.
"She's right. We lied to you." Sam said and the Demon looks at Sam, eyes black. "But I'll tell you the truth." Sam said and the demon raises a fist and Sam struggles to speak. "I just want...to tell..." Sam gasps. 
"Stop it." Jesse said and Sam drops to the floor, released, and he gasps in breath. "I want to hear what he has to say." Jesse said to the Demon. "You're stronger than I thought." the demon said, surprised, as Sam stands up.
"We lied to you. And I'm sorry. So here's the truth. I'm Sam Winchester. That's my brother, Dean, and my friend (y/n) (l/n). W-we hunt monsters." Sam said. "Except when you are the monster. Right, Sammy?" the demon sneered but Sam ignores her. "And that woman right there, her name is Julia. She's your mother. But the thing inside of her, the thing that you're talking to—it's a demon." Sam said.
"A demon?" Jesse asked. "He's done nothing but lie to you since the moment you met him. Don't listen to him. Punish him." the demon growled and Jesse turns to her. "Sit down and shut up." Jesse demanded and a chair scoots up behind the Demon, who is forced into it, silent. She struggles to speak.
"There's, uh, kind of a...a war between angels and demons, and...you're a part of it." Sam goes to explain. "I'm just a kid." Jesse said. "You can go with her if you want. I can't stop you. No one can. But if you do...millions of people will die." Sam said. "She said I was half demon. Is that true?" Jesse asked. "Yes. But you're half human, too. You can do the right thing. You've got choices, Jesse. But if you make the wrong ones, it'll haunt you for the rest of your life." Sam said.
"Why are you telling me this?!" Jesse asked him, upset. "Because I have to believe someone can make the right choice, even if I couldn't." Sam said and Jesse thinks about this. He clenches his fist and looks at the Demon. "Get out of her." Jesse demands and the chair flies back against the wall.
Black smoke pours out of Julia's mouth and vanishes up the chimney. Then Dean and I drop to the ground, panting. "How did you do that?" I asked him. "I just did." Jesse said, shrugging. "Kid...you're awesome." Dean said and Jesse smiled a bit before he looks over at Julia, slumped in the chair.
"Is she gonna be all right?" he asked and Dean goes to look at her. "Eventually." he said then he leans down and picks up the Castiel action figure, which fell down at some point. "Look, uh, truth is, he's kind of a buddy of mine. Is there any way you could turn him back?" Dean asked Jesse. "He tried to kill me." Jesse said. "Right. Uh. But he's a—he's a good guy. He was just confused." Dean said but Jesse says nothing.
"Okay. It's been a long night. We'll...talk about it later." Dean said and he puts the Castiel action figure back on the mantel. "What now?" Jesse asked and Dean looks at me and Sam. "Now we take you someplace safe, get you trained up. You'd be handy in a fight, kid." Dean replied.
"What if I don't want to fight?" Jesse asked and I frown. "Jesse." I said, softly, and I come forward to sit in front of him. "You're powerful. More powerful than...pretty much anything we've ever seen. That makes you—"
"A freak." Jesse said, interrupting me. "To some people, maybe. But not to us. See, we're kind of freaks ourselves." I said as I look over at a side table and made it float. Jesse turns to look and sees it rising in the air. "You have powers too?" Jesse asked me as he turns to look back at me, a bit of a smile on his face, and I nod. "I was infected with demon's blood, so it isn't as strong as your powers." I said as set the table down.
Jesse stares at me then frowns. "I can't stay here, can I?" he asked. "No. The demons know where you are, and more will be coming." Dean said. "I won't go without my mom and dad." Jesse said. "There's nothing more important than family. We get that. And if you really want to take them with you, we'll back your play. But you got to understand—it's gonna be dangerous for them, too." Sam said.
"What do you mean?" Jesse asked. "Our dad...he would take us with him wherever he went." Dean said, gesturing between him and Sam. "Where is he now?" Jesse asked. "Dead. A demon killed him." Sam said and Jesse turns to me. "What about you?" He asked me. "My dad and their dad were partners. So, yes, I was on the same boat as them." I said. "Where's your dad?" He asked me. "He died as well. A demon gave him cancer." I said and Jesse looks down, sad.
"Look, Jesse...once you're in this fight..." Dean said as he leans down to Jesse. "You're in it till the end, win or lose." Dean said. "What should I do?" Jesse asked us, looking between the three of us. "We can't tell you. It's your choice. It's not fair. I know." I said and Jesse looks down.
"Can I go see my parents? I, I need to...say goodbye." he said. "Sure." Dean said and Jesse gets up and climbs the stairs.
Minutes pass on and Sam examines the Castiel action figure and puts him back on the mantel. "He's been up there a long time." I noted and we head upstairs and go to Jesse's room, only to find it empty.
"He's gone." a voice said, behind us. We turn to see Castiel standing behind us. "Where?" Sam asked. "I don't know. Jesse put everyone in town back to normal—the ones still alive. Then he vanished." Castiel said and I noticed a note on Jesse's bed. "Hey." I said as I go to pick it up and read it, my heat breaking for this kid.
"What does it say?" Dean asked me. "That he had to leave to keep his parents safe, that he loves them, and he's sorry." I said, softly. "How do we find him?" Dean asked. "With the boy's powers, we can't. Not unless he wants to be found." Castiel said.
"You think Jesse's gonna be okay?" Dean asked me and Sam as we drive down the road. "I hope so." I said, letting out a deep sigh. "Yeah, me too." Sam said. "You know, we destroyed that kid's life by telling him the truth." Dean said. "We didn't have a choice, Dean." Sam said.
"Yeah. You know, I'm starting to get why parents lie to their kids. You want them to believe that the worst thing out there is mixing Pop Rocks and Coke—protect them from the real evil. You want them going to bed feeling safe. If that means lying to them, so be it. The more I think about it...the more I wish Dad had lied to us." Dean said. "Yeah, me too." Sam said. "Yeah..." I muttered and I look out the window, at the night sky, hoping against hope that wherever Jesse is, he is safe and sound.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 8 months
once again, its been one hell of a wednesday
time to unwind with a weekly tag game!
thanks for tagging me @lingy910y @juliakayyy @energievie and @jrooc
name: gigi
age: 24
star sign: full time virgo
first language: english
second language: lol i wish, my girlfriend has been trying to teach me korean the whole time we've been together and cant comprehend that my brain is just simply not wired to learn language
favorite lip product: aquaphor 🥰 and the nars laguna lipstick it was literally made for pale autumns
the best food dish you can make without a recipe? honestly most things, even when its new i like to skim and freestyle, most often i make eggs in hell and various soups, stews and stocks
if you drink tea, what kind? the only tea i drink is bottled cold green tea, and ginger in hot water when im sick
if you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? light roast <3
favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: music videos! also watching a lot of book binding tutorials and general quiet crafting videos
favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: the dame herself ms. jenna marbles and honestly up until she left it would be the same answer
favorite item of clothing right now: i have a few very very cozy sweaters that have been in rotation over the last few weeks, but i am very excited to get back to soft loose blouses and pants
favorite item of clothing in 2012: a very cool 70's jean jacket that i still own and wear!
three movies you recommend: Chungking Express, jennifers body, in bruges
your favorite concert: tyler childers at radio city music hall, the queen of dancehall herself sister nancy and tune yards
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? not a single opinion, we can agree to disagree on things but i have unfollowed people for consistantly being really negative about everyone other than their favorite characters and just overall being a bummer
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? Nope! every fandom I've been apart of has had really lovely people, but by far shameless is the nicest which feels a little ironic
the best tv show you watched last year: Beef by far, I don't think Ive ever resonated with a piece of media with such raw emotion (also the bear and succession but yall already knew that)
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? Im not really apart of the harry potter fandom at all but sometimes marauder fancasts come on my fyp and theyre all really fun
a ship you’ve abandoned: destiel a little, i still love them that brain rot (damage) cant be undone but i rewatched supernatural last year and like, Dean is so genuinely unkind to him most of the time (/nuanced)
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? i mean, with who?
do you have a fandom tattoo? no tattoos
what fandom do you wish was bigger? none come to mind
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? no honestly im pretty okay with all of them, but i never watched any of the big ones that people hate
have you…
swam in an ocean? yes! I was a jr lifeguard, swimmer and water polo player in highschool, i am the safest person to visit the beach with
been vegan/vegetarian? I was vegan for three years but when i moved back home during covid i couldnt really keep it up while eating dinner with my family every night and now im very plant based but not vegan or veg
gone skinny dipping? many times lol
gone skiing? yes but i prefer snowboarding
been to a convention? only work related design conventions
tagging from my notes: @mickeysgaymom @rainbowbri @anonymous-galager @gallawitchxx @iansw0rld @mybrainismelted
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I know this is a twst blog but as someone who reads and loves Nevermore, I'm glad youre reading it! How're you liking it so far? (also the idea of the tweels running the school as headmasters *shudders*)
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[Referencing this post!]
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I’ve been really enjoying Nevermore Academy so far ^^ The challenges the students have tackled are so interesting and keep me really invested in keeping up with the story. I also like the mystery that comes with figuring out each student’s special powers and their pasts. The artwork, of course, is also gorgeous (I said this already in my original post, but it bears repeating ✨), I love seeing how the panels flow so seamlessly from one to the next. I admire how the author were able to integrate elements of Poe to make something entirely their own, not make each scene a 1:1 parallel of something that actually unfolded in Poe’s works.
I’m not a biggest fan of some of the side characters (especially Ada and Pluto; the former is kind of an annoying kiss-up and the latter is just kind of… there 😂). However, I do enjoy most of the cast, and I think the two leading ladies, Lenore and Annabel Lee, are solid protagonists. Prospero is fun for just how done he is with Ada and how determined he is to achieve his goals—but I have to say Merry and Mourn, the shady twin deans, are my overall favorites. Is it any surprise—
OkAY but the Leech brothers as headmasters of NRC… That would be… ill-advised at best, Actual Hell at worst 💀 I think Jade would try to maintain some semblance of decorum, but then not actually intervene whenever trouble breaks out because it’s much more funny to observe than to stop the trouble. Meanwhile, Floyd’s part of the trouble or actively causing some kind of disruption wherever he goes (and no one can really stop him because he now has the authority of headmaster). vjsbdknelekss It’d be a pretty funky situation, that’s for sure 😌
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incesthemes · 6 months
final thoughts: supernatural season 13
weird how i have a headache once again. it's like a ritual now. finish a season gain a headache. anyway let's see. a much better season than both 11 and 12 i think. but goddamn that fucking apocalypse world. i can already tell most of this post is going to be me complaining about the apocalypse world. sorry in advance.
so i'm pleasantly surprised that i only hated a sparse few episodes, actually. most of the worse episodes were either mediocre or cringe, and honestly i can accept that. there was some decent stuff here, and i'll give credit where it's due.
i think the season was at its best when lucifer and the apocalypse world weren't in any way involved. unfortunately there were very few episodes entirely absent of both (sad!), but at least there were plenty of scenes that avoided both subjects. i'm clinging to those with gusto.
lucifer... well it's the same issues i've had with him since season 7. i don't like the total rewrite of his character, and i especially don't enjoy his flimsy, superficial motivations, if he ever has motivations to begin with. i'm extremely bored of villains who want evil for evil's sake, power for power's sake. it's tired, it's hackneyed, it's entirely uninteresting. kripke's lucifer was an interesting take on the devil, with his understated and quiet arrogance: you almost wanted to believe him and sympathize with his position. he was compelling and new. but once kripke left the scene, lucifer just feels... like mark pellegrino is trying to recreate crowley from good omens, basically.
the petulant, bratty attitude lacks synergy with his earlier portrayal, and he loses a true purpose in the show. he goes from trying to fulfill one half of a destiny that parallels the relationship between sam and dean to... i don't even know, honestly. first he's a whacky and silly hallucination, then he wants daddy to apologize to him (and throws a temper tantrum to get it), then he wants... to destroy the world? i guess? and then he wants to rule the world, or something, because why not. there's barely anything reminiscent of his original purpose in the show, and hardly anything left of his original personality and character. it's really disappointing to see him disintegrate from something truly compelling to a flat, one-dimensional cardboard cutout of Evil Cartoon Villain. he's just not interesting anymore, i guess unless you really like crowley good omens and have always wanted to see him in supernatural instead. no offense intended to crowley good omens, for the record. he's just lovely in his original series, playing the role he was created for.
anyway what the fuck happened with lucifer in heaven anyway? like i keep feeling i straight-up missed a scene, or an episode. anael walked away from lucifer and then....? and then lucifer is just gone, i guess? like seriously did miss something? what happened between bring 'em back alive and funeralia???? how did they get lucifer out of heaven???? is that EVER explained????
anyway (x2) i guess i'll complain about the apocalypse world again because i still hate it. if there are 10000 apocalypse world haters i'm one of them. if there are 100 apocalypse world haters i'm one of them. if there's 1 apocalypse world hater that's me. if there's 0 apocalypse world haters i'm dead. and so on and so forth. i'm not above being petty.
i've mostly hashed out my thoughts on this world before so i won't bore anyone with the details, but i really really hate how they continued down this path in season 13. there are too many obvious narrative ploys to excuse the actions that sam, dean, and mary have taken. it's like a redemption arc for them without them ever having to do anything to "earn" that redemption. its entire existence screams "well without them doing these horrible things, everything would have been much worse! so actually it's okay!" and i can't stand that level of flippant, tone-deaf handwaving. it's like they can't bear the thought of their protagonists being anything less than morally good, and that gets under my skin and pisses me off like nothing else.
and i think this is particularly bad for mary. the thing season 12 did really well was making her a deeply flawed individual, someone who makes mistakes and is selfish and lost and just trying to make the best decisions with a shit hand and who suffers great losses because the game was rigged against her. she hurts her kids because of her choices, both in the past and in the present, and the show doesn't make an attempt to excuse her but rather encourages the audience to sympathize with her unique situation and understand that this is not and never was a black-and-white problem. there are no "good people" because everyone makes choices that harm others. this is an important theme rooted in the foundation of the show, and it's important to me.
which is why it infuriates me that the branching-off point in the apocalypse world is that mary didn't make the deal with azazel. because all that does is excuse the harm he inflicted on her kids. "the alternative was worse!" to such an extreme that the only thing the audience can do is justify mary's actions and absolve her of her sins. that's not fair to her, and it portrays her in exactly the opposite light that season 12 did, by forcing her into a pure and morally righteous role as the woman who made the Right Choice, who saved the world because of her small sacrifice. it's not fair! they took a complex female character and flattened her so badly into a Good Person simply by transforming her most destructive, selfish decision into the morally good one. it just feels like the writers couldn't handle the agony of writing a female character who wasn't either 100% good or 100% evil, and god it pisses me off. i'm seriously so disappointed in this direction, and the echoes of that direction soured the entirety of season 13 for me. because not only was mary rewritten into the morally upstanding mother, she was also reduced and limited in her narrative role. she took a major backseat this season, and what she was allowed to do was wholly motherly and nurturing. she took care of jack, she... took care of jack, she insisted that the rest of the resistance camp return to the real world with them, she... well damn, she took really good care of jack! none of the reckless, short-sighted characterization of season 12 remains, all her ruthlessness was drained, all of her power and competence ignored, and she was left to a disappointing support role as jack's moral compass, a nurturing mother to help jack develop. i'm SO angry about this, if you can't tell. SO angry about it.
i really, really, really am not someone to say that a character "deserved better" because for one that's a stupid and pointless argument to get into and i find most commentary in that vein to be both entitled and advocating for wildly OOC behavior in pursuit of content that destroys narrative integrity and eliminates drama, plot, and conflict. but mary... god i'm just so disappointed with how they used her this season. they did such great work with her last season. and this season they flattened her into Mother. and i'm so unhappy with it. If You Can't Tell.
let's see. more positive comments: i like how rowena is developing. she still falls firmly into the camp of side characters who are weirdly shallow for the roles they occupy because this show is chronically incapable of crafting good side characters, BUT now that she's getting some on-screen developments there's more meat on her bones, and i like what she's doing. that said, i really disagree with the complete about-face she made from season 12 to 13. seriously what's with the difference in characterizations between 12 and 13...? i'm so so confused here. i don't understand why rowena would ever be so broken up about crowley dying considering she tried to kill him so many times—maybe whoever decided that was the same person who decided mary had to be Mother and nothing else. mother characters have to be Mother and Mother trumps all other facets of their personality, maybe? whatever it is, i'm so annoyed by it and i hope to god this gets better in season 14. please lord i can't keep doing this. i need my women problematic, fucked up, and irredeemable. please.
jack, i'll talk about jack briefly because i'm getting sleepy and holy shit i want to go to bed lmao. i really love his character, i think he's appropriately nuanced and it's very refreshing. i suppose it's because he's a main character, and supernatural handles its main characters far better than the side characters (my issues with cas and his narrative development notwithstanding). he creates so much natural conflict, and i love how he plays off of sam and dean in really organic and interesting ways. i love how he helps to continue dean's arc from season 6 regarding his ability to be a father, and i love how both sam and dean project themselves so heavily onto him and respond to him in drastically different ways according to that perception. it's really complex and layered, which results in fantastic interactions and well-written drama that i greatly appreciate. even jack's interactions with lucifer, as much as i dislike lucifer's character, managed to be engaging and compelling. i love how much everyone is fumbling through all of this (this being parenthood) throughout the season, and how none of them really take to it naturally and those bonds have to form out of mistakes and forgiveness. it feels really satisfying and i'm so, so happy with how it's panned out.
i've seen posts floating around that dean wasn't jack's father, at least not to the extent sam and cas were, but i wholeheartedly disagree and i think dean plays a really vital role in this parenting dynamic, and he's willing to step up in ways both sam and cas hesitate to. for better and for worse, of course. and i just adore that jack so earnestly seeks dean's approval, and that makes dean giving that approval that much sweeter and cathartic. dean was able to give jack what he never got from john, in a big way. or at least dean didn't get it until john was literally on his death bed. it's a lot of character development for dean, and i loved seeing that. and i love that it continued through the season, and dean was able to heal himself through jack and find the father inside of him that can break the cycle of abuse that he inevitably perpetuated through ben. like seriously, incredible character arc. i'm obsessed with it.
i've barely talked about sam's parenting jack because i really don't have much to say. like he did so well, even when he messed up, in reaching out to jack and trying so hard to be the father he never had. he's open and honest about his intentions, his goals, his love, and his care. even though he's not great at communicating, he tries, and that eventually conveys in a way jack understands and appreciates. it's a totally new side to sam that i was anticipating because of tumblr, but that i wouldn't have expected going in blind. he's not exactly cut out for domesticity—really he sucks at it. so seeing him forge himself through dogged effort into a father was really rewarding, and i think his earnest devotion to that cause was what carried him to success there. he's strong-willed and he proved that here, and it's just really heart-warming to see him interact with jack and take care of him the best he knows how to, all the while actively striving to learn better. it's awesome.
i know dean is possessed by an archangel at the moment but i really am hoping for some nice domestic co-parenting wincest moments next season. i need it to live, i think <3
i think this is probably long enough, and also my headache is getting worse because it wants me to sleep 💔 so i'll end this here and start my season 13 detox :) i can't believe i only have 40 episodes left of this show. it feels so unreal, and it actually makes me want to skip the detox and keep going, but i know i'll regret that decision so i'll be diligent and read my wincest porn to cope with bad writing.
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What is your top five episodes of Supernatural?
Hey there! Thanks for sending me your ask!
So, I have a really hard time answering this question since I haven’t actually ever sat down and chosen an overall top 5. I even have a hard time coming up with one favorite episode of a season, or even favorite season order, never mind narrowing down to top 5 episodes. I could probably give you my top 5 episodes of each season (maybe even top 3) with reasonable confidence, lol. My favorites do change sometimes depending on a rewatch or how I’m feeling at the time.
Still, I’ll give answering this ask a try. I'm going to go with the top episodes that come to my mind right now, which are all always among my faves. These aren’t all episodes that I consider to be technically the best, but ones that I consistently enjoy for the majority of the episode, I skip no (or almost no) parts when I watch it, and that I don’t really get tired of on rewatching, so ones I enjoy most.
I don't know if you’re actually interested in my reasons, or only curious about which episodes, so I’ll just make a quick note for each.
**EDIT** I’m so sorry, I literally couldn’t narrow it down. Here are my Top 10 Instead. 🤷‍♀️ . Episodes are under the cut since this got long.
My Top 10 (as of today and in no particular order):
1) Scarecrow (1x11) - Sam and Dean have their first brother "break up" and basically spend the episode pining. Intro to Meg. Creepy monster.
2) Tall Tales (2x15) - I literally put this episode on when I go to bed. It’s funny, low angst, unique in its storytelling style and the brothers having a prolonged bitch-fest while Bobby is exasperated is amusing to me.
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3) What is and What Should Never Be (2x20) - Heartbreaking, AU done right (I’m looking at you pointedly, Season 13), showing how important being close to Sam is to Dean, Preppy Law-school Sam, Marry, Jessica
4) A Very Supernatural Christmas (3x8) - the monsters hit the exact right tone and are really amusing, the end scene with the brothers doing Christmas is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. Their silent communication is fantastic.
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5) Mystery Spot (3x11) - the shift in tones from light to dark, "six months later," ridiculous deaths, unhinged Sam
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6) When the Levee Breaks / Lucifer Rising (4x21-22)- so angsty and painful, but in a good way (yeah, I cheated with 2 episodes, but they go together).
7) The Point of No Return (5x18) - Sam has so much faith in Dean, and Dean can’t bear letting Sam down, Adam, other characters' reactions to the boys ⬇️
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8) The Man Who Knew Too Much (6x22) - Jared is frigging awesome at playing 3 versions of Sam. Concerned Dean. Interesting setup
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9) Sacrifice (8x23) - the whole episode, but especially the church scenes: Sam and Crowley, but especially Sam and Dean. The acting from both Js is just … chef's 😘
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10) Red Meat (11x17) - Sam is a badass. Dean is Romeo. Unhinged excellence. (This is also an great episode to come after Safe House which I also really like.)
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Okay, so I'm still missing a bunch of episodes that I love, or have parts that I might like more than the ones listed above, but some I left out because they make me too sad or there are long portions I tend to skip on rewatches.
Thanks again for your ask. I hope I didn’t give you way more than you wanted.
What are your top 5 ( or 10)?
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Fucked up ship bingo: (1) destiel (2) samwena (3) Crowley/dean
Okay okay okay!
So bear with me, i have no skills whatsoever in like photo editing or anything so i've gotta do this with just typing, (i really hope i'm answering this correctly ;_; bear with me)
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Destiel: Bingo for "i want them 2 make out with blood in their mouths like vampire bats" diagonally down to "committing atrocities as their silly little activities"
Samwena: Bingo for "kinda homophobic of god 2 not let me have what they have" up diagonally to "they NEED 2 get weirder with it"
Drowley: Bingo for "i don't like it but my friends do. so im like obligated" across to "the DEVOTION oh my GOD"
This was really fun, i had to think hard about it!
Link to original
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s13e6 tombstone (w. davy perez)
SAM No. You're – you're dead. CASTIEL Yeah, I was. But then I… annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back.
i mean. that's how i described it too. but laughing that we're seriously gonna say that in this moment without the boys reacting, lol okay!
please not this music, it's making me laugh. papa castiel is home! cue the cheesiest fucking emotional music. you know what it reminds me of? the zelda breath of the wild like... those flashback cut scenes, the memories? mushy ones with zelda haha (plinky piano bits around 19:19 if you're curious)
cas hitting the hug jackpot, 3 unsolicted ones! and the one with jack was sweet
whew and now we get cheesy old west music too.
DEAN Yeah, we've done more on less. Besides Dodge City's kind of, uh, kind of awesome. All right, well… two salty hunters, one half-angel kid, and a dude who just came back from the dead. Again. Team Free Will 2.0. Here we go.
no more suicidal dean apparently, get an unexpected resurrection and cowboy shenanigans and he's happy and fired up
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one thing i find endlessly amusing/fascinating is how like, all these years we're gonna have silly little logistical questions like. how they clean their suits, are they doing dry cleaning, are they rolling up their suits in their duffels with everything else, etc etc. but we got to see some ironing not long back and now, dry cleaning bags!
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cas's face is cracking me up
JACK He really likes cowboys. CASTIEL Yes. Yes, he does.
also my face at the creative team that decided this was part of dean's schtick. i want to let dean enjoy silly things. but they just push so hard
also they're gonna get one room (albeit a suite) for all 4 of them. jack doesn't sleep much, cas doesn't sleep at all. what are those two gonna do while the humans are sleeping? awkward
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SAM You're in a good mood, huh? DEAN Yeah. And? SAM Nothing. No, no, I-I-I just, uh… you've been having a rough go, so it's… it's good to see you smile. DEAN Well, I said I needed a big win. We got Cas back. That's a pretty damn big win. SAM Yeah. Fair enough.
what's up with your attitude there, sam. you don't actually seem very happy. worried he's gonna crash and burn? jealous that it's cas? jealous that cas is taking jack from him? (lol)
little bonding for cas and jack while the humans were sleeping talking about his mom was nice
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untitled 1 and 2 our old friends!! last seen i think in one episode in 10x10 and not quite some time before that. if my blog search/index wasn't so fucked i could find more details. song remains the same
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set designers let the kitsch explode. those silhouettes
CASTIEL I told you. He's an angry sleeper. Like a bear.
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cheesy but i laughed. i, too, wake up in a foul mood and should not be talked to
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oh sure dean, you're cringing over cas's line but we've all been very generous in accepting your goofy ass shit like that bolo tie and need to cosplay tombstone to begin with
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can truly appreciate the sheer awfulness of that hat cas is wearing out in the sunlight. it's so small, it's so translucent. cheapest of straw hats. (not knockin straw hats! my dad was an avid cowboy hat wearer and had a couple nice straw ones for the summer)
i don't pay too much attention to how time flows on this show, i do know sometimes it can be weeks between episodes, sometimes it's the next day (another thing that irked me on teen wolf was how they spent like... 2+ full seasons in one year to keep the kids in high school). but anyway, i just wonder how much show universe time cas was not off on some whatever, and around to do this stuff hanging out with them. them crammed in sam's room on his uncomfortable bed to watch a movie, like they did with charlie? lol. based on the number of times i've seen it in fic, i gather a bunker room with a tv does become a thing at some point, so maybe it was in there?
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.... a shootout in the parking lot of the knockoff wells fargo in broad daylight. what planet are we on right now. so jack can accidentally kill a civilian with his powers, great
CASTIEL Jack, I've killed people who didn't deserve it… my friends– I've killed people I loved. I wish I could tell you that it– that it gets easier, that with time, it hurts less, but that would be a lie because it– it never gets easier. And those moments, they never stop hurting. But that doesn't mean that you should stop fighting. Doesn't mean that just because you made a mistake – and that's what this is, Jack. It's a mistake. That doesn't mean that you can't– can't be better, do better. I believe that. I have to believe that.
so the people he killed that he loved, would that be like. angelic siblings? wonder if the wiki keeps track of who killed whom. he killed a bunch of fake deans in that one episode lol
SAM And we still believe in you, Jack. We, uh– JACK Stop. Just… Please stop.
anyway, point being, wasn't this just an accident?? like when eileen accidentally killed the bmol dude? eileen got a hug and commiseration, they're talking about who they murdered and WE STILL BELIEVE YOU'RE NOT EVIL i would tell them to stop too!
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why do they do this with him
JACK No, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just another monster. DEAN No, you're not. I thought you were. I did. But… Like Sam said, we've all done bad. We all have blood on our hands. So if you're a monster, we're all monsters.
dean gets to have his little personal growth acknowledgement
really added dimension to the terror of thinking he's a monster like sam did, with a bunch of unintended injury and now death wrapped up in it. kind of hard to... care about anything except vaguely because we sitll barely know him but if i sit and think about it, sure
and a whole other thing dealing with kid having a meltdown when they can just teleport away.
oh god just considered now dean might feel extra guilty for telling jack he was a monster and he was gonna kill him, now that jack ran away. that could be the crash and burn :p
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do you think dean winchester believes in life after love? Or can he feel something inside him say "I really don't think you're strong enough, no?"
I think it depends? Sometimes he weathers deaths okay (obviously sad—usually more visibly upset than anyone else—but managing). Other times he's done things that definitely suggested the answer was "no". Like after Sam's death in season 2, or after he lost Mary and Cas and Crowley at the end of season 12. But then there was season 6 which opened with Sam dead (as far as Dean knew) and Cas AWOL, and Dean was managing with the help of Lisa and Ben.
I think if you asked Dean that, he'd probably say "no", but I think a lot of people would say that if there was just no one they loved left at all. I think Dean typically has people he's able to fall back on when he loses someone. There's also what Dean believes about himself (which is probably that he can't make it without core members of his family) vs what's true, and I personally think that Dean has the capacity to build connections with almost anyone and form a family around himself and rebuild. This is what he does for most of the show after losing family like John, Ellen, Jo, Ash, Bobby, Benny, Kevin, Charlie, Crowley, etc. He just keeps rebuilding. I do think the end of season 12 is a turning point where we see this rebuilding become much harder for Dean—like maybe it's all been destroyed a few too many times and he's kind of like an exposed nerve, and he needs to withdraw to kind of protect the core of himself with just Sam and Cas close to the chest.
This is actually—I think—also probably related when it comes to what I said about Dean and Jack in the prev mail, because look—it doesn't take a lot to see that when they lose someone, Dean almost always takes it the hardest because he loves so deeply, and that must be difficult, and after a while, the idea of opening up your really sensitive heart to yet another person who could be taken away/go darkside must be terrifying to consider bearing yet again. Jack is a lovely kid, but also represents an... uncertainty. His got a really scary dad, a tenuous grasp on a LOT of power, a lot of people after him, etc. Sam is a constant Dean depends on, and while Dean can't depend on Cas to be a team player, he can depend on him to always come back—death never sticks to him. Plus Sam and Cas are already in there and Dean can't just... stop loving them.
I do want to be careful with this ask tho, because I think a lot of people think about the finale when they see an ask like this and think either 1) Dean lost Cas so he wanted to die or 2) Sam could live on without Dean but Dean couldn't live without Sam so it had to shake out the way it did in the finale. I personally reject the notion that Dean wanted to die or let himself die in the end because he lost Cas. Dean specifically says in that scene that he didn't want to die, that he was scared, and thought he'd have more time. I also reject the notion that Dean could never live without Sam—particularly because we've seen him do it (also that's a stupid reason to justify him dying the way he did).
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liopleurodean · 11 months
Season 11, Episode 5: Thin Lizzie
Yeah, yeah, it's been a month, I know. But I'm back!
Also, this episode title is a reference to Thin Lizzy, known for The Boys Are Back In Town (which is fitting, considering my situation 😂)
...Ghostfacers fans?
I'm watching for cold spots
Oh no
He's dead
That's just weird
This is too easy
It's no better than Dean's cowboy... thing
Ooh, good luck. The Wire has 5 seasons
Poor guy
Ouch, Dean
Forty bucks isn't much
Well, that'll do it
Dean, you have no leg to stand on
This is like 6x18 Frontierland but for Samgirls
That's perfume, Sam
That's so real of him
The rest of the place looks cool
It's all over the place
Here we go
Of course there's merch
Interesting choice of camera
I think that's the most I've heard the EMF in the last, oh... six or so seasons
That would definitely screw up the EMF
Makes sense
What did you expect from a tourist trap?
The axe is gone
Poor girl
Sorry, man
Dean's alias is Agent Gabriel, which means that "Agent Collins" refers to Phil Collins, both of which are members of the band Genesis. Collins is known for "In The Air Tonight," as well as the soundtracks for Disney's Tarzan and Brother Bear
Oh boy
Baby's back!
Poor kids
No, the kid's okay
They said "superfan" on purpose
Also just regular photography
That doesn't surprise me
You'd think she would want to cooperate
Oh, Sam knows
Whoa, hold up. Why does he have a drawing of the Mark?
What site???
It's extremely important
Oh boy
That's concerning
Well, crap
Oh, he knows her, alright
He'll believe just about anything
She's taking his soul
It's just like Soulless!Sam
Poor guy
Come on, Dean
There it is
It's possible
No, I don't think so
This is odd
Sam has the experience
He's really not
That's true
I like that theory
Len, please stop talking
I think they know
That's a horrible way to put it
Whoa. Barbed wire
Uh oh
Yay, a dark basement full of things that could kill you
Both of them?
Uh oh
The kid?
It was the babysitter???
What does that mean?
He knows her a little too well
This would be sweet if I didn't know better
So trust-fund kid was the first victim?
What was that?
Not even remotely
That's a loaded question
Oh, honey...
Somehow I doubt that
That tracks
Something like that
He is not okay
Oh boy
Poor kid
This kid really gets around in the ghost TV industry. First Supernatural, then Stranger Things, then Ghostbusters
That could work
A person without a soul
I don't like where this is going
I guess that works
That's what I was thinking
It was freaky
I guess so
Yesss, I LOVE the slow shot of Baby with the season 1 music
0 notes
dcforts · 4 years
[monday 4: bet]
Four times Eileen thought Dean and Castiel were more than friends and one time Sam (finally) saw it too.
Eileen likes the bunker. As a hunter you learn to be grateful and appreciative of things that others give for granted. Like waking up feeling safe, knowing that nothing can jump right through your window and attack you. Like pressing your cheek on a soft pillow without having to worry about bed bugs and filth. Like opening your bedroom door and smelling coffee.
She smiles and follows it right to the kitchen.
She doesn’t expect to find Castiel standing next to the coffee machine. He is in his usual attire, looking exactly as the last time she’s seen him. He looks up as soon as she enters and smiles politely at her. “Good morning” he says, “Would you like some coffee?”.
She smiles back, nods and waits for him to fill her a mug. 
Then she sits at the table and watches as Dean appears on the door, his eyes sleepy, his hair messy, the belt of his robe loosely tied. He waves lazily in her direction then goes straight towards Castiel, holding out a hand to grab the mug that he was already offering him. No words between them, just soft smiles, as if it’s a thing they do every day. She has not been around the Winchesters that much but she is fairly sure she’s never seen a more content expression on Dean’s face.
He sits down next to her and closes his eyes, lost in the smell of the coffee.
“Good morning to me” she reads on his lips, with his eyes still closed, as if he’s talking to himself.
 So, you know, Eileen is a very good observer. It’s a crucial skill for a hunter, especially someone who hunts alone and has no extra pair of eyes to rely on.
Later that day, Eileen and Sam are pressed against each other on a couch, both ignoring how “sharing a laptop” is a such a lame excuse for two adults to sit closely together. But whatever. Sam is showing her a restricted online archive about lore in European historical findings that he was able to crack into when she catches Dean passing by the door and she remembers about that morning.
“Sam,” she interrupts whatever he was saying on some magical old stones. “can I ask you a question?”
He nods. “Sure.”
“Castiel and your brother,” she signs, hoping that that’s enough input for Sam.  Clearly it isn’t, because he keeps looking as if he’s expecting her to go on. “Are they… together?”
He frowns and ask: “Together? As in…?”
In response she signs: “Love.”
Sam has the funniest reaction. His face goes blank and he starts staring into the distance as if he’s processing a word he is not used to hear. He snaps out of it right when Eileen is wondering if she should wave a hand in front of his face. “No,” he says, “it’s not like that.”
She gives him a look as if to say “Please”.
“Really, they – they are like brothers.”
Eileen makes a disgusted face and signs: “Brothers?”
He makes an annoyed face back. “Yes. It’s not like that,” he repeats.
“They act like a couple,” she signs.
He shakes his head. “You are wrong.”
“It looks like there’s something more between them,” she insists in the face of his blunt denial. “Wanna bet?” she signs raising her eyebrows.
Sam frowns and signs: “I’m not betting on my brother.”
“Come on.” she says, then signs “If I win, I want you to cook for me.”
Sam laughs. “I can just do it. No need for any of this.”
She shakes her head and smiles: “Don’t worry, you will. When I win.”
They’ve been working like crazy, taking all kinds of jobs up and down the state. It’s tiring but as a team of four they can get it down in a fraction of the time it would take if they were on their own. Plus, it’s definitely more fun even if it feels like they barely have the time to put down their bags before something else comes up and they’re out of the bunker again.
This time, it looks like a simple enough job that could take two days top. Sam is checking their supplies once again and Castiel is sitting at the map table flipping through a magazine when Dean finally appears in the room.
“Alright, let’s go” he says clapping his hands together.
Sam looks up and makes an horrified face: “Wait. Dean, what are you wearing?”
“What? Oh, yeah. It’s a cowboy shirt.”
“You can’t wear that. With that thing on your shoulders. We are not going trick or treating.”
“Hey! Don’t insult the shirt.”
Eileen laughs at the exchange so Sam addresses her. “Eileen, please tell him.”
She just shrugs amused and Sam looks betrayed so Dean keeps going: “It’s not my fault we’ve been out all week and I didtn’t have time to do my laundry. This is the only clean thing I have left.”
“Well, you can’t come dressed like that. Just take one of mine.”
“You have freakishly long arms, Sam, I’m gonna look like I’ve shrunked in my clothes.”
Eileen turns to Castiel who seems engrossed in his magazine that has titles on the cover of the kind “Top 10 poisonous plants you can find in the jungle” right next to “What colours should you paint your garden shed”. It looks like he is used to it and knows that staying away from their arguments is the safest strategy to survive with the Winchesters. She taps him on his shoulder. “What do you think?” she signs, interrupting Dean and Sam who are still going at it.
Castiel looks up but Dean cuts him off before he can open his mouth: “Why are you asking him for? He has never changed once in his life.”
Castiel shoots him an annoyed look but doesn’t respond to the provocation. “Did you check the laundry room?” he says calmly instead.
Sam glances over his shoulder to look at him.
Dean just stares, seemingly confused.
“You always forget your clean clothes in the laundry room. There should be a red one that you haven’t wore this week yet. I assume it’s still there.”
Dean thinks about it for a few seconds, then nods: “Yeah, you’re probably right. Be right back.”
Castiel sighs and goes back to his magazine without another word.
Sam’s gaze meets Eileen’s. She raises her eyebrows and signs “Cute”.
Sam mouths back. “It means nothing”.
She just laughs and takes the stairs.
It’s a rainy afternoon and they are keeping busy cleaning their weapons and filling shotgun shells of rock salt. At some point Sam looks up from where he is sitting right next to Eileen.
“Hey Cas,” he says “remember that book that you were reading last week about sigils? I wondered if I could borrow that. I wanted to scan it and send it around to other hunters.”
“Sounds like a good plan. I’ll give to you later.”
“Oh, no, there’s no rush if you are still reading it.”
“It’s not bother. I’m not reading tonight anyway. I’m watching a movie with Dean.”
Dean, on the other side of the table, lifts his gaze for a moment at the sound of his name then goes back to his gun.
“O-okay, thanks.” says Sam.
Eileen meets his gaze briefly and holds back a smile.
Only when they are left alone she nudges him with an elbow and Sam knows immediately what she is going to address.
He grumbles: “They watch movies together all the time, they are friends!”
Eileen shakes her head. “But why haven’t they invited us?” she signs, then answers her own question: “Date night.”
“No, you don’t understand. Dean has been showing him all the stuff he doesn’t know.”
“I understand very well that I won the bet” she says challenging him.
Sam sighs and signs. “There is no bet. And it’s not like that.”
They are on a hunt. Well, actually they are at some kind of fair. The spirit they are chasing has shown up in all the towns that the travelling fair has hit in the past few months, so the safest bet is that it’s somehow hunting the place.
For now, they are just walking around in the crowd, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. They have a duffel bag full of salt, shotguns and blades but from the outside they just look like four people that have come out to enjoy the fair on a fine evening.
Dean is in a very good mood. “I can’t believe they still do these things” was his comment on the way there and since they’ve arrived he has been complaining that he can’t stop at none of the games before the job is done. Eileen finds endearing the way he manages to protect that part of him that makes him excited for things like that even with the life he has. It’s not easy to reconcile the image of that man with sparkly eyes with the one she has seen swaying a machete a couple of days before.
“Hey!” he shouts at one point, jogging a few feet ahead of them and waving to get their attention. “Guys, look, it’s Cas!” He stops at one of the stands and grabs a tan teddy bear with a blue tie that is on display. Sam snorts and Dean keeps grinning like it’s the funniest thing ever and points at Castiel who has an expression on his face that seems to say Did we really stop for this? “It’s you!” Dean laughs again “I bet you didn’t know you had a twin, uh?”
“Alright, let’s go,” Sam tries to get them moving again and Dean jogs back up to them and falls in steps with Castiel.
Eileen looks his way in time to see him put his arm around Castiel’s shoulders and pull him close. His lips read: “What? It was adorable. Wanna win it for me later?”
She turns her face to look at Sam and finds him next to her.
“Adorable” she mouths at him. He rolls his eyes. “He just likes to joke”.
It happens again and again. Eileen looks pointedly at Sam when Dean pops into the kitchen to say “Me and Cas are going out. Need anything?” or when they find them engaged in a serious conversation or sharing a drink. She looks at him whenever Dean calls Castiel “Sunshine” and whenever Castiel asks “Where’s Dean?” before he even gets both of his feet in the room.
Sam dismisses every moment, finds every excuse for them. They’ve always been like that. Can’t two friends do it? Does it have to mean something? It’s just the way they are.
Now, Sam is in a sticky diner with his brother who is across from him and can’t seem to sit still. A couple of days before they got two calls in a matter of hours and they’ve gone north while Eileen has gone south. Coincidentally Cas has been contacted about a lead on God’s position so he’s gone too.
So it’s just the two of them again and Dean is tapping on the screen of his phone every two seconds as if he doesn’t trust that it will let him know if he has a new notification.
“Dude, what’s up with you?” snaps Sam when he can’t take anymore of his fidgeting.
“Cas.” he grumbles. “I texted him last night and I got no word back yet. We said we would check in with each other every night, so...” he frowns.
“I’m sure he is fine” Sam says, before thanking the waiter that brings them their food.
Setting down his plate his gaze falls on his own phone, and he is reminded of the last time he texted Eileen and she has taken a long time to reply. How he worried, how he needed to know she was fine. How he feels on his fingertips the need to type something to her right now. How he can’t wait to see her again.
He looks up at Dean who’s taking a bite of his burger.
“What?” he says with his mouth full in response to his staring,
Sam smiles a little. “Nothing.”
Dean takes another bite, still watching him so Sam sighs. “Dean,” he dares, “with Cas. I mean… is there…”
He gets interrupted by Dean’s phone lighting up with an incoming call. His brother drops his burger and picks it up without a care for his greasy hands.
“Finally.” He says, then presses it against his ear: “What did we say, uh? How many times I gotta tell you?” he barks in lieu of Hello.
Sam watches him while he listens to whatever Castiel is saying on the other end. He sees his forehead striped with worried lines relax by the second.
When Dean speaks again his voice is definitely softer. “You are an idiot, but alright. Yeah, we just got here,” the frown disappears and his voice goes quieter still, “Okay. Yeah, I’ll see you at home.” his eyes flicker to Sam and he clears his throat so when he speaks again his tone is back to normal. “Remind me to kick your ass for making me worry.”
Castiel says something back that Sam assumes sounds like You can try because Dean’s eyebrows rise comically. “What? You don’t think I can take you?” he says. “Yeah tough guy, anytime. Wanna bet?”
Sam tunes out. He touches his phone and opens up his conversation with Eileen. He types:
Alright, what do you want me to cook?
I am participating in the spnstayathomechallenge by @bend-me-shape-me @pray4jensen @helianthus21
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saltygilmores · 2 years
What happens in this episode: Lorelai convinces Rory to go to the Chilton dance even though she didn't really want to. Dean goes with her. Dean and Tristan meet and predictably form a whirling vortex of douchebaggery. A tornado of shitfuckery. Rory and Dean fall asleep at Miss Patty's and Lorelai has a shit-fit. Some boring scenes occur with Lorelai, Emily and bananas on toast. Paris and Tristan do not get eaten by bears. Memorable Quotes: "It'll be all sparkly and exciting, you'll be standing on the dance floor while some great looking guy stares at you so hard that you won't even realize that Paris and Tristan have just been eaten by bears." "Dean does not hang out in trees." "It'll be stuffy, and boring, the music will suck, since none of the kids like me, I'll be standing at the back listening to 98 Degrees watching Tristan and Paris argue over which one of them can make me miserable first." Oh come on Rory. 98 Degrees were great. And on the middle rung of the 90s boyband hierarchy too- she could have said Nsync or Backstreet Boys instead- so I'm awarding two nostalgia points. Future Nostalgia points will be awarded for the 98 Degrees poster Emily eventually puts up in her room. I was just thinking, "Okay Dean's behavior isn't all that bad yet", but then I remembered this is the episode where Dean and Tristan punch each other. Look what you made me do. I almost gave you benefit of the doubt, you three ring butt circus. Here we go, Tristin is harrassing Rory again, but she's holding her ground.
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I gotta admit, this Paris having a crush on Tristan thing feels weird and unnatural to me. He was "nice" to Rory? Paris is not that stupid. Why would she have a crush on such a huge prick? She hated Logan and as we all know, Tristin is just Low-Calorie Diet Logan. And also she really belongs with Rory instead. Is it Tristan or Tristin? I'm probably going to go back and forth between both spellings. Memorable Quote: "You're slimy and weasly, yes, but stupid, no. But you'd have to be stupid, given our history, to think I would EVER, barring a piano or safe falling on my head, want to go anywhere with you...EVER."
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A very correct assesment of Dean.
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Dean Forrester everyone! "The Good Kid/Perfect Boyfriend"
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It's no Big Silver Dick Rocket (the one Logan gifted Rory) but it's got its charm.
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I adore these two babes. Highly unrrated friend pair. Rory is surprised when she finds out that Paris took her cousin to the dance but Rory dated a boy who would eventually become her step-cousin, lol. Both the teenage girls AND adult women on the show are jealous of Rory for dating Dean, Tristan is jealous of Dean for dating Rory and now Paris' cousin is hitting on Rory. Dean and Rory are both very ordinary people so this is mind boggling to me. To quote the great Dorothy Zbornak, he has the personality of a dial tone. Huh. Dean is being suspiciously sweet, polite, well behaved and charmingly awkward so far. It's all about to go to hell. Dean and Tristan run into each other and get into a pointless confrontation over nothing. A vortex of douchebaggery opens up at the Chilton dance when two clowns meet. Dozens of students witness the confrontation. There are no teachers or chaperones anywhere in sight. The fight continues to escalate with very little interference.
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Well, I guess not every insult can surpass the burn of Dean calling Jess "The Glad Man" for taking out the garbage.
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Red flag. Red Flag. Red Flag. Red Flag. There' s still time Rory.
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I always wondered if Rory is flattered that boys are constantly beating the shit out of each other over her, or does she find it embarrassing?
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What does this even MEAN?
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Poor Rory. She looks like a defeated little mouse. Memorable Quote: "I'm not fighting you, it would be like fighting an accountant! I'll call you when I need my taxes done!" -Dean to Tristan WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! How does Tristan look like an accountant? AT ALL? Wouldn't an accountant stereotype be wearing glasses or something? My god, Dean Forrester has the WORST burns, but they're so bad they make me laugh. Dean shoved Tristan earlier. Tristan now lunges at Dean and they get into a fight. Dean calls Tristan an idiot and threatens to kill him. Within the span of two years, Dean gets into two violent fights with another boy over Rory. To Dean's credit: Tristan was really being an asshole here and getting right up in Dean's face, not letting him move, repeatedly, and lunges at Dean; and Dean did say "I'm not going to fight you", so I will give him something of a pass (not pulling the fulll Dean Card though) for trying to defend himself, but his temper was still scary and Rory should have been very concerned. Instead they merrily stroll away from the whole thing and go out for coffees. Then there was the time he started fighting Jess totally unprovoked (and somehow Jess got the blame for that one?) but that episode is a doozy for a much later time.
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Menacing shit. Tristan then tries to confront Dean AGAIN.
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CMM looks 12 here. What are we fighting for, dudes? No offense to Rory. But she's just not worth this. And, you're both walking red flags. She deserves better. Rory and Dean leave the dance, walking home calmly discussing the dance, like two people didn't just escape being arrested for assault or at a minimum, Tristan could have gotten expelled or suspended (but he will be eventually). They just left the dance like nothing ever happened. No one followed them out or asked them any questions. Rory: "I don't know how I feel about this. Having my boyfriend defend my honor." Welp it feels like it would be exhauting since this "honor defending" will continue to keep happening to her. Oh okay. Dean is now officially Rory's boyfriend. That seems like a reasonable conclusion to what just transpired.
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And Jess brings books to strip clubs, what's your point?
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Dean: What are all these little symbols on the paper? Rory: Those are called words Dean is now going to read aloud from the book and yet no one fucking asked.
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It's the Karen Brigade! Lorelai understandably loses her shit after Rory doesn't come home after the dance, but I'd really hate to see what would have happened if that was Jess instead.
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Rory really should have saved herself for Jess. Sigh.
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...yet. BIG yet. The Bad: Red Flags galore. Rory and Dean are now an official couple. Barf. The Meh: There was too much juicy drama to make the scenes of Emily and Lorelai at home eating toast on the couch seem interesting. I eventually just started to skip past them. Lauren Graham's shit-fits are so dramatic and over the top! The Confusing: Dean and Tristan nearly kill each other, so Rory and Dean make their relationship official. Dean's insults make no sense. Paris once again witnesses Tristan harrassing Rory and has a confusing reaction.
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