#okay okay ur not a snake but now i have a great new saying
arriansarchive · 1 year
Harry potter being an absolute brat (while trying to be subtle in front of your friends) but you can see through his act, so you need to put him in his place... maybe with degradation and edging involved. I love your writing btw :)
Sub!Brat!Harry Potter/Dom!Male!Reader
I hope my take on this is suitable because I really love the prompt
You didn't specify gender, so I made reader a guy
More eighth year shenanigans
Words: 1389
Reader I guess is a Gryffindor in this? It could be seen as any id think
Please if anybody else actually sees this; I'm begging you to request. I love peoples requests. I need to fulfill my duties
I got my amazing friend's help on this with deciding some things, so he is now a part of Arrian inc. (bad joke yes)
And anon I'm sorry but this might not seem like Harry's being subtle or anything I just didn't know how to incorporate that
I might've bent your request a little. I'm really sorry, but it turned out in an orgasm denial after edging
Okay okay ur great anon thank you sm
Oh also I've upgraded and I said cock one time in this story. Be proud of me
Summary: It is up above this for the basic rundown
The big halls of Hogwarts seemed more empty than usual as you walked down with Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Neville.
You all were talking about the new Herbology assignment. All of you meaning Hermione, Neville and you with Harry putting in a snide comment to you ever once in a while.
To any other person it might seem like he was in a bad mood or didn't want to do the assignment, but you knew it was something different.
"Y/N, what plant are you going to do your project on?" Hermione asked.
Harry decided to snicker and say, "He's probably just going to cheat off of you again."
You looked at him with a puzzled expression. You had never cheated off of Hermione, and she knew that well. You were a top student too after all.
This comment just made curiosity as well as a little anger spark in the bottom of your stomach. You wondered why he was acting like this.
You had known Harry since first year, and he admitted he was in love with you in your fifth year. Neither of you have told anybody yet, though. You pushed it off as just waiting for the right time, but now your not so sure.
"Harry, what are you talking about? He's never cheated off of me, and I know that because he doesn't need to." She cocked an eyebrow at him.
"He's just the type."
You decided you've had your fill of Harry's nonsense and tried to confront him. "What's your deal? I'm right here."
Harry just looked at you out of the corner of his eye with an evil, sinister smirk present on his face.
Neville apparently started to feel the awkward tension and stuttered his goodbye before going into the library, Hermione following. Ron made an excuse that he was heading to the cafeteria for more pumpkin juice made by the elves and split as well.
"Now it's only you and me, so you can tell me now." You opened a door into the abandoned boys bathrooms, ducked in, and locked the door.
He looked at you with venom in his eyes, but there was also something you couldn't place. His expression looked uncomfortable.
"I don't have anything to tell you." He spat.
You finally felt your patience give out, and you shot forward and pinned him to the back of the empty wall. It was kind of disgusting in that bathroom, but it would have to do.
"I'm getting sick of this bratty ass behavior. Can you just tell me already?" You leaned into his ear, so he could hear your lustful whispers.
He chuckled that ended in a small whine whenever you reached your hand down into his black pants and pulled his waistband to snap back onto the flushed skin.
"Is this really what you wanted that entire time?" You sneered, scoffing whenever he nodded. "You really can't keep it in your pants for a walk to our dorms?"
"It seems not." Harry shrugged under your intense grip.
"Don't sass me, whore." You hissed.
He bit his lip harshly and tried to snake one of his hands under your belt and into your uniform, but you swatted it away.
"What the hell?" Harry's eyebrows furrowed.
You stared at him intensely. "Get your cock out if I have to do this."
"Make me."
You pretended to ponder over this for a moment before diving in and biting him hard on the neck. You like to think vampires aren't real, but if they were you definitely have some genes in you.
He groaned out and struggled to get one of his hands free. You realized he was reaching for his wand, so you let one of his hands go.
Harry gripped his wand with shaking fingers. "Silencio!" He called out, his voice trembling.
You heavily doubted that anybody would hear or try to come into the lonesome bathroom, but you were glad that he actually thought about it since you didn't.
You took the wand roughly out of Harry's hand and threw it down on the sink beside him.
"Now take it out or else I'll leave you here like this. I would've been much nicer if you had just waited" You said angrily.
He obliged this time and pulled his pants and boxers down to his thighs. He winced at the cold and clammy bathroom air hitting him.
You grabbed a hold on him and stroked up and down quickly. You swore you saw Harry's eyes roll back into his head.
"Fuck, Y/N." He muttered.
He twitched in your hand a few times, beads of pre-cum leaking onto your hand slowly. You raised your hand in front of his face and with your other you forced his mouth open and shoved your wet fingers in. He whined through at the loss of friction.
He gagged around your fingers a few times before you took your hand out, a string of saliva threading yourselves together.
"You think that'll suffice?" You ask and held up your hand for him to see.
He nodded furiously and tried to shove your hand back down to him, but you ripped your hand away from him.
"Fuck this, Harry." You said, wiped your hand on your shirt, and walked to the bathroom door.
"No, please!" He shouted after you.
You unlocked the door and walked out briskly. The rapid footsteps behind you signalled that he had put himself away, and he was coming to find you.
That only made you walk faster.
Now, you had no intention to actually leave him that way. You just wanted to make him work for it (and embarrass him for it).
He pleaded after you, but you refused to listen to his desperate begs until you both got to your dorms.
The stairs seemed to take forever, and you were starting to get desperate yourself. Harry finally caught up to you after a few minutes of struggle and began to curse you and your entire bloodline
You reached the common room after five minutes of ignoring him, and you immediately grabbed his wrist to start pulling him to the prefect dorm rooms.
At this time of day the prefects were out doing duties, so you had no doubt that nobody would come in.
"Shut the fuck up." You demanded and started to take his cloak and shirt off.
He grumbled at the buttons that ended up flying off whenever you were doing your relentless heist to get his shirt off but stopped as soon as you bent down.
He was red and seeping, so it excited you to no end. You kissed it, and he moaned lightly. Harry was deathly sensitive from your earlier encounter.
Eventually after licking stripes along the edges and making him beg a little you took the tip in your mouth and sucked vigorously.
He moaned out in practical agony at the edging you were submitting him to. You would drag your lips up and down him painfully slowly.
"Please let me cum, Y/N." Harry whined.
"I will later." You rolled your eyes dismissively.
You hollowed out your cheeks and wrapped your hand around the length that you couldn't quite reach.
He groaned and gripped your hair as you started to get faster, allowing his release to come closer and closer.
He whispered something almost unintelligible if you weren't so close. "I'm gonna cum."
That was your signal to pull off quickly. He watched in horror as it looked like he came, but he didn't feel anything. The white liquid spurted out in globs, but the orgasm never came.
You smiled devilishly at him and stood up quickly. He looked at you in denial at what you were doing.
You kissed him on the cheek lightly, walking away from Harry.
"Hey, where are you going?" He questioned irritatedly.
You shrugged and grinned. "I gave you what you wanted. You came."
He looked on in disbelief as you walked out of the opened door and into the dorm rooms, snickering loudly.
"If you touch yourself at all your going without me for two weeks!" You called.
Whenever you heard him groan in protest, you felt accomplished enough to go down to the cafeteria and take some stuff from the house elves.
Overall, a day well done.
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queeninthnorth · 7 years
When will maraya wake up she needs to see my amazing pun
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger who can talk to animals
Avengers x reader
warnings: spiders, snakes, frogs, other crawly things. its a ton of animals.
a/n: antonio from encanto type beat
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you were actually a lot more useful than you seemed
specialties included scaring, infiltrating, and poisoning enemies without giving yourself away
because nature is usually uncontrollable
but you get teased by the avengers a ton
“hey, we’ve got our own disney princess on the team!” -clint
“clint, that was very offensive and you will have an uninvited guest in your bed tonight” -you
creatures always listen to what you ask of them, you can be very persuasive
and you treat them very kindly, too
this includes feeding them
birds, squirrels, strays, you name them, you feed them
“y/n, can you answer a question for me?” -tony
“sure..?” -you
“how did i rack up $1,000 in charges from petsmart?” -tony
“i have no idea” -you, side eyeing the window at a group of birds waiting for you “not now!”
always being excited to go out and meet new “friends”
“oh, hello! thank you, that’s so sweet!” -you, petting a dog that just complimented you
“are we completely sure that y/n isn’t just crazy?” -natasha
“i…no” -steve
missions anywhere were no problem for you
in the city? swarm your enemy with pigeons and squirrels. over water? shark infestation guaranteed. forested area? call in the big dogs.
“half of you are named after animals and, i’m not gonna lie to you, they aren’t all happy!” -you
*natasha, sam, clint, peter, scott, t’challa all peering at each other*
“are the spiders cool with me?” -peter, raising his hand
“sorry, they said you were an imposter. you don’t have eight legs. that goes for you, too, nat” -you
“what about us birds?” -sam
“the falcons are cool with you, sam. clint, the hawks think it’s lame you can’t fly” -you
“oh, yeah? well, i just have their eyes. maybe they should use their tiny brains to figure that out” -clint
“i’ll let them know you said that” -you
“and me?” -scott
“oh, yeah, don’t worry, scott. you hang out with the ants, they love you” -you
“yesss” -scott
“i suppose it is my turn?” -t’challa
“i’ve actually never met a black panther before, which really sucks, but the cats i’ve met think you’re pretty neat” -you
“i’ll take it” -t’challa
sending snakes inside top secret areas to scare off people, or bite them if you come across a dangerous friend
“you did very good, my friend! thank you for your help!” -you
“is it a bad time to mention i really don’t like snakes?” -bruce
“he says if you’re a friend of mine, you’re a friend of his. you’re safe!” -you
introducing natasha to a real black widow
“say ‘hi’ to your namesake! she’s going to be helping us today” -you
“two widows on one mission, huh? do you happen to be from the red room?” -natasha, giving in
<3 your little friend biting so many goddamn bad guys
ur like a proud parent to all these animals
“so, what is it like talking to animals?” -thor
“oh, it’s great! nothing like talking to humans, not at all. and i love meeting new species, they all have something interesting to say!” -you
“i shall have to take you to another realm one day, you’d love to meet the creatures i have, they’re much different than you would see on midgard!” -thor
tony offering to take you to the zoo
which you explained that if he ever took you to the zoo, he’d have to deal with the repercussions of a mass breakout that would coincidentally happen while you are there
“y/n! y/n, i have a question for the spiders!” -peter
“uhh, okay. do you have your own spider or do i have to find one? cuz that’s extra” -you
“shit—uh, no. i don’t have one” -peter
“okay,” -you, grabbing a spider off the floor “shoot”
“right, okay. uh. hi mister—or miss spider? i wanted to know if you think i’ll be affected by bug spray more than a normal human would? will i die?” -peter
“she says that’s a stupid question. and spider’s don’t like peppermint either, it makes them sick” -you (thru miss spider)
“that’s why i can’t eat candy canes anymore!” -peter
forbidding anyone in the avengers compound from killing any insects or animals
“oh, shit! y/n? Y/NNN?!?!” -sam seeing a spider in his bathroom
“yeah? oh, hi.” -you, picking it up “he says ‘thanks for not killing me’”
“yeah…no problem” -sam
infodumping all the facts you know about animals
to anyone who would listen
“hey, wanda! wanda, wanna hear about frogs. i have a lot to say about frogs!” -you
“uh, sorry, y/n, i have to go do something. im sure thor would love to hear about frogs” -wanda
“did someone say frogs?!” -thor
“yes!!!” -you
sneaking animals in your room
which tony is not a fan of
or so he says
“what do you got there, tony?” -nat
“y/n’s friends” -tony, holding 2 kittens, a third standing on his shoulder and licking his face
“they’re cute” -nat
“i guess” -tony
you frantically looking for them
and finding tony sleeping on the couch with all of them
“tony? can i have the kittens back” -you
“please, take them” -tony
“they say thank you for the pets. and you smell like meat” -you
freaking people out when you walk around with snakes wrapped around you or something
“don’t worry, they’re harmless…to me” -you
“y/n? can you, uh, find me a nice dog for my kids? they’ve been bugging me nonstop for one” -clint
“give me half an hour” -you
when you met rocket raccoon, you lost it
“oh, my god, you guys can hear him, too?!” -you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @spoodermans // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl // @cyanide-mustard // @druigmybelovedone // @beth-gallagher22 // @bad4amficideas // @magnificentzombiebasement // @sheridans-dynamos // @seraphinevalentine // @happypixy380 // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @pogueslandia // @xoxobabydolls // @ruvaakke // @wild-rose-35 //
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
PART 13: ...O-OH?
it’s the night of the big stream. y/n uncovers a strange, albeit deep, bond with charlie. corpse interrupts her garden date with sykkuno quite unceremoniously. tensions are high as ever; proximity chat reveals internal monologues and stray thoughts. y/n’s “batshit insane” energy affects everyone. this is, quite literally, the best game of among us bretman has ever played.
─── corpse husband x reader, sykkuno x reader (if you squint, it’s very one sided)  ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 6.1k oops ─── ❥ reqs: sum people requested some interaction w bretman + jealous corpse + flirty sykkuno
author’s note: guys....GUYS WE’RE ON THE 3RD “OH” hope ur excited cus i am!!! this was rly fun to write, but then again, everything is better than writing an essay lmao! this is extremely chaotic and a bit seggsy but like a minuscule bit u wont even notice it i swear xx there’s not much social media in this one, mostly written lol. as always lmk wat u think n thank u for all ur kind words n sooo manyyyy ideassss!!! love u lots
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous. ҉   next.
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It’s happening, you think, picking the discreet, angelic white color for your astronaut - with a halo and all, truly, you are a seraph that stepped through the gates of heaven and descended onto earth to grace these morals with your presence...quite literally, you’re not only donning white in game, but also in real life, cute as a button or more like as a bunny. Cat girls are overrated - cat boys, on the other hand, you’ll ardently defend till your last breath - but bunny girls...Safe to say, your chat had been going feral. Your endless ego is fed well. You even swore on your heart that no devilish trickery would follow in this game - you had left your snake ways behind you.
No one believed you. The Roaches know you too fucking well.
The influx of new subs, however, do not. Look at this cute girl! She wouldn’t hurt a fly! You chuckle at the compliments. At the exact same moment, Rae pipes up on the discord call, “Y/n is leering and cackling evilly. No one trust her.”
Demon woman herself must be watching your stream before starting her own. You pout, all adorable and innocent, but your eyes gleam slyly. Truly, a mastermind of manipulation! Look at you go! The chat is swooning. The viewer number steadily climbs past 16K and you hum happily, welcoming all that decided to join your little clan, “Don’t listen to Rae. Wifey is mad because I said I’m not bringing her back a souvenir. Well guess what, bitch, I’m the gift.”
Your perfect image does not quite align with your tone, nor the affectionate nickname you call your roommate (bitch, not wifey). The new viewers are none the wiser though, just like your new stream mates.
There is laughter from people you don’t quite know. The lobby is almost full, but not everyone has trickled in yet.
“Filing divorce papers right now.” Rae mumbles, but you hear the smile in her voice. It makes you crack a grin, too. 
More hello’s and shy introductions to the people in the lobby. Sykkuno’s green astronaut pops in with a upbeat, “Hey, everyone! Hi, Y/n!” as his character circles around yours. A collective awww echoes in your stream chat as you, quite breathless at the wholesomeness, reply with a “Hi! Hi hi!” as well.
Corpse is next to join, mysteriously ominous. The discord call is pure chaos, everyone screaming over the other variations of his name while stressing different syllables. Silent as a grave, he just stands there, his black astronaut seemingly eyeing everyone in the lobby. 
Alas, when the noise dies down, he utters, “Whaddup, baby.” and it’s pandemonium all over again. You are screeching/laughing along with the rest. His astronaut swiftly glides to Sykkuno, still circling around you, “Hey, Sykkuno.” He says. The latter abruptly stops. The game hasn’t even started, and already - betrayal! Sykkuno starts circling around Corpse now, leaving you in the dust.
“Hey, dude!”
“Yo,” You interrupt, “I’m like here too, yeah?”
“Fight, fight, fight!” Pokimane jeers. You can’t see her, but you’re certain she’s pumping her fists in the air. 
“Let’s leave the bloodshed for the game, yeah?” Dream offers past her laugh ridden urging.
“No, fuck that, let’s start this shit right now,” Charlie declares - his monotone is strangely pleasant to the ear, and you lean back in your chair with a thoughtful hum. Something about his energy just clicks with yours instantly, but perhaps you’re judging too quickly- “Got my fucking knife ready to slit some throats. You can all pretend you aren’t ready to kill on sight, but that’s not me. I’ll teabag your dead fucking body.”
-yeah, no, your initial estimate had been correct! What a pleasant surprise, you feel like you and he will get along beautifully. 
“Way to be subtle, Charles.” Rae snorts.
“Subtle doesn’t make an interesting game, Rae,” He’s quick to bite back, “and if I’m Impostor, you bet your fucking ass I’m going after you first.”
“Noooooo!” She shrieks, rushing to your astronaut, which is still just standing there, abandoned, like the equivalent of that one emoji, “Y/n, protect me.”
“Of course, baby.” You purr. 
There’s mumbling in the discord call, though it’s barely audible. Corpse seems to be repeating the word to himself: Baby...Baby?...Baby...
“You’re gonna stab me in the back the first chance you get, won’t you?” She questions, already painfully aware of the answer.
“You know it!”
“Finally, someone that’s not fucking cowering in their boots and flaunting their real nature.” Charlie says, “Y/n, form a Big Dick Alliance with me.”
“Oh for sure, man.” You agree immediately, trailing to his in game figure, “Let’s show these virgins how it’s done.”
“This is going to be a mess, isn’t it?” Sean’s voice rings with a cheerful laugh, making you flustered. Yes, you’re actually playing with THE JacksepticeyeTM. You still haven’t fully wrapped your head around that part, “I’m very excited to see where this will go.”
“Nowhere good.” You say with unparalleled sincerity - every word you speak to him, the icon, the legend, the one of the few youtubers you actually actively follow, must be genuine. You doubt you can lie to him. He’s too good of a person. You admire him too much. Stuck between wanting to be a shady bitch and an absolute saint, you refrain from addressing him more - you are simply not worthy.
its the y/n trying to act like a normal person in front of jack for me
ikr she looks ready to join the monastery
each day we stray closer to gods light???
Your viewers are snide as always. Gosh, you love them.
The last player pops in, fashionably late, “Hey, y’all.”
“Hey, Bretman!” The call choruses somewhat harmoniously.
“Hi, daddy.” He’s speaking to Corpse now, a smile in his voice - you can hear it even past the static of his atrocious mic. Your eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up. Your friends are cackling, but confusion refrains you from doing the same - were you not the only one Corpse offered, seemingly so long ago!, to be his sugar baby? 
One betrayal after the other. You’re glad for the Big Dick Alliance. The name has a nice right to it, too. 
Corpse laughs, “...Hey, Bretman. How are you today?”
Damn, two sentences for him, but not even a word spoken to you!? You’re already scripting a very melodramatic paragraph you will text him after the stream. With poorly masked discontent, you mutter, “Wow, thanks for such a warm welcome, Corpse, my day’s going great, yeah, loving the company.”
“Now now miss girl,” Bretman chimes, “we can’t be all daddy’s favorite.”
“Careful,” Charlie drones, “I think you just got yourself onto Y/n’s shit list.”
“Right next to Corpse Husband and Valkyrae.” You agree, “Sykkuno!” You suddenly call him.
“Uhm-Uh-Yes?” Is his nervous reply.
“You’re safe.” You state coldly, “For now.”
“You are not going after Sykkuno on my watch.” It must be a belated holiday miracle because Corpse finally decides to address you. His words seem to awake something in him, “Hey-Hey-Hey-” He swiftly glides to you, standing right next to your minute virtuous angel, “When are you coming back to Cali?”
corpse stop acting weird challenge
literally omg lmao
he does bring up a good point y/n y u not in cali yet?!
^pack it up corpse simp he disrespected the queen when he didnt say hi
“Back off, buddy,” Charlie interjects, “this spot is for Big Dick Alliance members only.”
“I’m never returning.” You inform him, your voice cold like the Arctic snow, and the look in your eyes is no kinder. You feel like you’re having a stare down through screen. 
Silence stretches. Is this an intimidation tactic? Because if it is, it’s a paltry one. Your conviction to be petty is stronger than any vulnerability you might feel.
“Then I have nothing to say to you.” He admits and fucks right off with that. Fine, go join Sykkuno and Rae in their little corner of betrayal! Friendship ended with Corpse, now Charlie is your best friend.
“Okay, guys, guys, guys-” Toast, noting this is going to spiral any minute now, tries to catch their attention, “Let’s start?!”
You look into your camera, and the roaches know what you’re thinking. You’re twins like that, communicating telepathically. You are taking back your tender promise of not being a conniving bastard. It’s fucking on. You will destroy everyone in your path, starting with the guy you have a stupid crush on - maybe?! Feelings are confusing, you’d rather just not think point blank period.
With no objections from the cast, the counter ticks away seconds and, for the first round, you’re stuck as CREW MATE.
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Charlie is a gift. Truly, you had not expected such a sudden, wonderful relationship to bloom. How have you not known of him sooner?! It’s a crime that you hadn’t spoken to him earlier. You are a 100% certain if you had found him before you started streaming, he would’ve been a big inspiration. 
The two of you do your silly little tasks and curse like sailors, commenting about this and that thanks to proximity chat. You wouldn’t have been able to stand the claustrophobic silence if it was just a normal Among Us game - to think, missing out on all his foully worded quips! It almost springs a tear into your eye. He’s just as unhinged as you.
worried about this dynamic 
its a trainwreck lol i love it plz collab more plz
Caught in a headed discussion in Electrical - TikTok trends, or audios specifically - you defend the app the best you can. Charlie thinks it’s super cringe, and you insist it’s part of the charm as you connect wires.
“I mean, have...-do you know that one audio, the one that goes, like,” You’re spilling your words, heated, frustrated that he’s so dismissive of the app that literally saved 2020, “it goes like, uhm,” You clear your throat, prep your voice - even take a sip of your favorite drink. Drawing the syllables, you try your best to make it drop an octave - it must sound like you’re doing an atrociously bad and nauseatingly scratchy Corpse impression with an extra dramatic flair, “My assssssss, your cockkk, you do the mathhh.”
“Did-Did I just-” You freeze hearing Corpse’s voice, finally done with your task. Charlie is muffling his laughter behind his palm; Corpse’s astronaut stands in the doorway, “What the fuck did I just walk into?” He seems genuinely confused, though a strangely winded. You’re mortified. Your shoulders are shaking. You look at the stream chat but it’s going too fast for you to follow. Manic laughter bubbles in your chest and you squeeze your eyes shut, mouth split into a toothy grin, lowering your head and trying to hide the blush dusting your cheeks.
“Hey? Guys? What the fuck are you talking about?” He questions again.
“Honestly?” Charlie chimes, “No fucking clue. TikTok, I think. Ask Y/n.”
You can’t reply. You’re crying. You cover your face with your palms, muttering a soft oh my god before bursting into a full blow laugh, throwing your head back, the motion accidentally knocking your headphones off.
“Y/n.” Corpse calls you, “Fuck was that?”
You’re howling. Your stomach hurts. There are literal tears in your eyes. You think Charlie might be laughing too, but you can’t really tell over your loud screeching. Hastily fixing your headphones, you wipe away the tears stuck to your lower lashes, heaving, “S-Sorry, I-” You stutter, breaking into another fit of giggles. Corpse patiently waits you to calm down. Catching your breath, you start again with a sniffle, “TikTok, yeah.” You idly fix your hair, trying to bite down a smile, “It’s an audio.”
“What- What kind of videos are you watching?”
“The good kind.” Your reply is instant, merciless, “Also, why are you here? We’re having a BDA meeting, you know.”
“I-I...” He trails off, “I...I heard people talking and...I just came here to check it out, but...I’m regretting it.” There’s a lilt in his voice, and you know he doesn’t regret jack shit. You bet he’s smiling. You wish you could see it.
“Bitch, then leave!” You huff. You aren’t sure what is with him today, and you don’t want to stick around and find out - his playfulness makes your stomach flip at the most inappropriate times! Like when you’re trying to sound threatening. You must retreat posthaste, “No, wait, I’ll do it for you.” You say, brushing past his character. Charlie follows after you.
“Dude, you’re so fucking lucky neither of us are the Impostor because you’d be deader than I’ve been feeling since I was 10.” Your favorite companion comments. Charlie is truly a modern wordsmith. You’re pretty sure you adore him, because you’re nodding your head, so quick to agree with him that even you’re surprised. 
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A meeting is called. You spare a glance at your fallen crew mates. They will be missed. Sean most of all, God, why does heaven always take the good ones?! The game feels emptier without him, even if you really only passed him once on your trek to Cafeteria with Charlie.
You may or may not have been avoiding him, afraid you’d accidentally say something horrible and he would hate you. It’s a silly fear, though a deep one. And with Charlie keeping you company, you had not uttered a single objectively  good, or even coherent, sentence. Your parents can’t watch this stream once it’s uploaded onto your Youtube channel. They know you’re barely keeping it together in most of your videos, but here, now? Yeah, no. Charlie is already hard to listen to on his own for sensitive viewers, and hearing you agree with literally everything he says with your own chaotic ideas? Your dad would stumble into an early grave.
Mom probably wouldn’t mind too much, but you’d have to explain your relationship status again. She is under the assumption that everyone you collab with is your significant other. You’d say it began with Sykkuno, though the exclamation of “Finally! My daughter isn’t pathetically single! We need to celebrate.” had started with Rae. Truly, a scandal.
Speaking of which, Sykkuno is gone, too, but you had time to mourn him already. You found his body roughly ten minutes ago; so torn with the fresh agony of heartbreak, you could not do anything else but cry. It was Charlie, bless his heart, that reported it.
“Someone killed Jack,” You say, voice dripping with venom, “court is now in session. I’m ready to vote the fucker out.”
People speak all at once. Toast roars over them, “ORDER! ODER IN COURT!” as he slams his hand onto his desk repeatedly. That seems to work, though briefly.
“I think it’s Y/n.” Corpse says. You stare at him, hand gripping your heart, mouth falling open in surprise.
flame him
corpse boutta be a corpse fr
beat his ass queen!!!!!
“Pardon my french,” You grumble, “but nani the fuck?!”
“It’s definitely Y/n, I found her and Charlie conspiring in Electrical. Surrealist experience of my fucking life, but it’s definitely her.”
“Dude, we’ve been over this,” Charlie sighs, shushing Rae who was about to comment something - knowing your luck, it was probably in favor of the man throwing you under the bus, “we would’ve snapped your fucking neck the moment you walked in. But we didn’t.”
“Yeah, we didn’t.” Corpse notes, “I said nothing about you, I’m just saying it’s definitely her. She probably didn’t kill in front of you because of your stupid alliance-”
“Someone sounds salty because he wasn’t invited.” Pokimane snickers.
“-or possibly she did tell you and you won’t betray her for the exact same reason.”
“That’s some big brain logic you pulled there, genius,” Charlie says, absolutely unimpressed, “sure you didn’t have an aneurysm trying to connect all of that together?”
“Well,” Rae pipes up, “Y/n and Charlie did say they will kill right before the game started. If you ask me, it’s not unbelievable. And Sykkuno was sorta on the shit list.”
“I’m writing down your name twice, Rachell.” You spit.
“Not helping your case at all, Y/n...” Dream worries, “And Rae makes a good point. Charlie and you have professed desire for murder. I’m just saying! It’s a bit suspicious, you know?”
The next words to leave Corpse’s lips sound incredibly smug, “See?” He drawls.  The pressure is getting to you - you don’t understand where this beguiling talent of his to convince literally everyone comes from, but it doesn’t inspire any confidence. Your fist suddenly feels incredibly lonely, so useless - oh, how you long to swing at him, “It’s definitely Y/n.”
“I dunno...” Toast mumbles.
“It’s Y/n.”
“Corpse-” You try, but he's ignoring you - shocker, as if he hadn’t been doing that from the very start of this stupid game - and chanting your name like it’s a fucking mantra or something, a smile in his voice, knowing, relishing in the fact that he’s grating on your nerves, “FIRST OF ALL,” You scream into the mic, successfully cutting him off; catching your breath, you exhale, and continue, calmly, lowly,  “get my pretty name out of your mouth.” 
There’s a pause full of tense silence. 
Then, there’s a sound, seemingly stuck in the back of his throat, “...O-Oh...?”
“Second of all,” You continue, words like honey dipped in arsenic, “This is the clearest smear campaign I have ever witnessed. By how hard you’re trying to frame me for fuck knows what reason, I’m led to believe it’s you that killed them. You’re the Impostor.”
“Corpse wouldn’t kill Sykkuno, though.” Rae comments, skeptical.
“Then the other Impostor did it.” You counter.
“Maybe you’re both Impostors.” Pokimane chirps.
“Y/n would never betray the Big Dick Alliance like that.” Charlie states.
You grin, “Charlie, I literally love you.” 
“Wait hold up now,” Corpse seems to get his bearings together, “what’s this about love I’m hearing?”
“I have none for you, dick.” You snap, flipping him off. Your chat cheers. While he can’t see it, you hope he senses it through the screen, “I officially hate you.”
“No, wait-”
“Boo, Corpse, you suck.” Toast laughs.
“Y/n, please-”
“Let’s all vote for Corpse Husband, okay?” You say it like it’s his full official name with an encouraging smile and multiple soft nods. Sykkuno can’t be here to nod, so you’ll do it for him. You eye the rapidly decreasing timer before clicking on Corpse’s figure and voting for him. The VOTED icon instantly pops up beside your adorable astronaut.
“Baby, I-” It slips past his lips so easily, as if he’s not even thinking about it, like it’s only natural to call you that and a spike of anxiety shoots up, making you glare. It’s only halfhearted. You try your best to ignore the rapid and uncoordinated pulses of your heart. Replace unwanted feelings with anger and hate - works like a charm, every time.
“You are not allowed to call me that.” You hiss. The chat spams snake emojis. 
“Wait-” Bretman chimes, “Hold up, y’all, slow down a minute. Why does Corpse never call me baby?”
“Yeah!” Pokimane agrees, “I want to be baby, too!”
Pokimane may not have been called baby, but you just single-handedly decided her nickname for her - Target 4. Welcome to the shit list, she is officially your public enemy number 1. You aren’t sure why the thought of Corpse ever referring to anyone else as baby makes you sick to your stomach (you actually do know why, but brain no think at the moment), but you wish this whole conversation never happened. You don’t like it.
20 seconds left. More VOTED icons appear by your friends. Corpse is the last one to cast his ballot at, you assume, you, as the rest wait for his quick explanation before everyone (or not) returns to the game, “...Because she’s my baby.”
Goodbye. Life had been sweet, and there was sorrow, though the amount of embarrassment you feel now is worse than when the internet found your cringe worthy high school pictures on your mom’s Facebook. It’s a mixture of dread and excitement - the pleasure of being noticed, cherished even, though anxious from vulnerability. Someone is screaming a very prolonged “WHAAAAT?!”, or maybe multiple people are, you aren’t sure, your ears start to hurt from the loud, conflicting cacophony of voices as you stare blankly at the screen. You received two votes, just like Corpse, Charlie got one, the rest skipped. With no one flung out, you all find yourself back in Cafeteria again.
Baby. My baby? My baby. My baby. The sentence is playing ping-pong in your mind, reverberating louder each time. You’re actually speechless for the first time in your life; your chest hurts, your heart beating so fast your hands start shaking. Had he meant it? Or was this a some joke? Was he trying to get a rise out of you again? You might just go insane from so many questions. My baby. Holy shit, this is a heart attack, this is what a heart attack feels like, dear God, you figured you at least had ten years before you get one!
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First round ends with IMPOSTORS raining victorious. Your sixth sense had been working wonders since, true to you previous estimate, it had been Corpse. His companion was Pokimane. For absolutely no reason what’s so ever, you change her name once more from Target 4 to Target 1. Normally, you’re all for girls supporting girls. Men don’t deserve anything, really, but now you’re so flustered and still reeling from what you are 80% sure was cardiac arrest that you genuinely don’t care about your established morals.
Round two starts without much deliberation. You get CREW MATE again; the game must sense your growing bloodlust, making sure that once you do get IMPOSTOR, you will not hold back. True power is granted to those who are ready and strong enough to wield it. You wait for your moment with bated breath.
Charlie is taken from you too early. The two of you were once again caught in a discussion - God knows about what, Minecraft, hentai, oh! your server! - as you tried to card swipe for the umpteenth time. The lights blew out and you just knew one of you was getting murdered there and then. Charlie’s voice abruptly cut off, and you think a part of you died with him.
It’s a cold meeting; with your new best friend being the first to go, everyone decides to skip. You proclaim you seek vengeance. When the meeting comes to an end, Sykkuno is the first to offer his condolences.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” He says, and while he’s not in Brooklyn, you somehow feel him patting your back. You feign a sniffle.
“There’s nothing to apologize for...” You murmur sadly, “Unless...” Your voice turns sharp as the knife that was surely twisted into Charlie’s back, “It was you?”
“NO!” He exclaims, “I would never-you gotta believe me! I would never kill him. I know he’s important to you. I wouldn’t do that, I swear.”
“He was like a brother to me.” You admit, solemn, “Charlie, if you’re haunting me right now, know I will avenge you. I will not let this go.”
Sykkuno hums, circling around you, “Hey, I have a task in Greenhouse. Would you, uh--Would like to, uhm, join me?” Despite the shaky start, he finishes on a firm, pleasant note. He’s trying to cheer you up. Having lost your closest friend, he’s offering you his company. You accept with a soft smile and a cute “Yes, please!” and he releases an airy little laugh. The two of you make your way to your favorite place in map MIRA.
It’s difficult to stay sad for long when Sykkuno’s so sweet; the atmosphere of the Greenhouse is strangely calming; your problems seem to be left behind the shut doors. If you tried hard enough, you could imagine being in an actual Greenhouse - the warm, damp air clinging to your skin, the unmistakable smell of earth and vegetation, the pleasant silence broken only by yours and his hushed voices and clumsy footsteps.
The two of you are talking. Mainly about your choice of attire. Cat first, Sykkuno ponders aloud, doing his task as you watch the plants grow, now bunny, what’s next? You affirm that you will most likely dress up in cow-print next, or as an adorable sheep. He laughs, admitting you’ll look good in anything before he trails off. His awkwardness is really endearing. 
“Or!” You chirp happily, content with being locked away with him for the whole game. The idea must be playing in his mind, too, because he seems in no rush to leave, “I could, like, dress as someone from My Hero Academia. I watched the stream you did with Stella, the one where she made you look like Todoroki. It was really cute. You were really cute.”
“Oh, uhm-well, uh, thank you, thanks, I, uhm-” He clears his throat, and despite his stutter, you hear the smile in his voice, “I-I think you’d look better, though. Not as Todoroki. Or, probably as Todoroki, too. But, uhm, what character are you thinking about?”
“Maybe Momo?”
“Momo!” He yeps, “Momo is good. Yeah, she’s great. You’ll-uhm-you’ll look amazing. Really. Momo is awesome. Very pretty. Just like you.”
You are blushing. A stupid, toothy grin makes your cheeks hurt. Your eyes flicker to the chat, but again, it’s going wild. Giggling, you thank him for his sweet words, so giddy it’s honestly embarrassing. Why can’t you stop smiling? This is incriminating. You hide your lips behind your palm.
“...What’s this?” Corpse question. You had failed to note his sudden appearance, too busy gushing. “Am I interrupting?”
“Hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno greets. For someone so awkward and shy, he sure is good at hiding it when he wants to. Perhaps it’s all an act and you had been deviously tricked! Probably not, but you can’t help but narrow your eyes suspiciously, finally able to calm down. You definitely underestimated him, you just haven’t figured out how yet, “Not really! Y/n was sad Charlie died so I took her here.”
“You interrupted our date, dipshit.” You deadpan. 
“...Fuck you say?” Corpse dares, his voice low and somewhat menacing - for someone who exclusively portrays his emotions through only his voice, he’s incredibly hard to read. This is payback. Your love for wreaking havoc resurfaces suddenly. Serves him right for pulling all this ignoring shit at the start. Maybe you’ll make him say oh again.
Your sly smirk is promptly wiped. Fuck. He said oh, he literally said oh out loud. The Teruhashi fangirl in you is screaming. You had been so caught up in defending yourself you didn’t even register it at first. Alarmed, you look at the camera, then at the chat. First oh, then my baby. There’s no way he had been teasing you, and this proves it. Holy shit. You mouth the words “HE SAID OH!” for your audience only.
now she notices
snail pace baby we’ve been loosing our shit for the past hour 
corpse x y/n saikik au enemies to lovers 500k words slow burn im here for it
opening wattpad rn^
Your heart races in your chest - it might be considered an Olympic medalist at this point; flustered yet again, you wish you could cave into yourself. You should’ve brought your bright blue wig with you to Brooklyn. Turns out it would have been perfect for this stream. Yes, yes thinking about unnecessary details always works in distracting you from the butterflies throwing a fucking rave in your stomach. 
“I guess it is a date!” Sykkuno admits, “Kinda after a funeral, but still.”
Corpse hums. You’re still too stunned to say anything. The black astronaut with adorable cat ears approaches Sykkuno. 
“It’s not.” He states. Your mouth falls open in shock as your date, your companion, the Shoto to your Momo is murdered in cold blood right in front of you. His lifeless body, cut in half, lays on the tiles by the growing flowers, right beside you, “You didn’t see shit.”
“...I didn’t see shit.” Is all you can utter, breathless and terrified.
“Thaaaat’s fucking right, baby.” Corpse coos, “Now I’m gonna report it, and I’ll say we found Sykkuno together. Better stick close to me after the meeting, got it?”
If Sykkuno is Shoto, then Corpse is definitely Dabi. 
why is that kinda hot tho omg
didn’t know i needed dom corpse since now but i do
y/n looks like shes boutta throw up lmao 
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You follow him around like a lost puppy - because what else is left for you to do!? You’re helpless in this situation. He’s got you in the palm of his hand, successfully eliminating everyone you had previously interacted with. First it was Charlie, then Sykkuno, even Sean, who said hello in passing, was shot instantly. Real Sangwoo behavior. You almost want to scream warnings at everyone to not approach you. You cannot mourn another lost crew mate, you don’t think your conscience can take it. But words fail to form. You’re too weak. You fake cry to your audience. They’re quick to remind you to stop acting like a little bitch.
“Mean.” Is all you say, eyeing the comments.
“Was talking to the roaches.”
“What are they saying?”
“That I should betray you.”
“...Better not.”
A shiver shoots up your spine and you half believe he will bust down your door and drag you into his basement for real. A nervous laugh slips past your lips, “I won’t, I won’t.” You reassure him, “Don’t worry, I’m sticking with you. I haven’t seen shit.”
“I like that you listen to me. You always this agreeable?”
“You’re kinda not giving me a choice right now.” You grumble, vending yourself a drink while he looms behind you, protecting you. From who?! Himself?!
“Oh my fucking God, finally,” Bretman exclaims, “girl, I’ve been running around the whole map trynna find someone, is everyone like, dead?”
You’re scared to reply. Corpse does it for you, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe? Not sure. Where have you been?”
“Oh you know,” Bretman grins, “doing tasks, talking shit, the usual. You two are not, like, Impostors right?”
You shoot a look at Corpse, but he obviously can’t see it. Biting your lip, you murmur, “Nope.”
“Just your regular crew mates doing regular crew mate things.” Corpse says, no, purrs. Because that’s not suspicious at all. You’d recommend Bretman to run, and not only because that sounded shady as fuck. But he seems to enjoy danger, or he just doesn’t care.
“Hmmmm, crew mates, sure. Miss girl Y/n,” He’s addressing you now; you smile anxiously, “How come every time I see you, you’re with a different man?! Like damn, leave some for the rest of us, for real!”
You like Bretman. You like his high-pitched whine and drawl. You would like him even more if not for the complex situation at hand. You fear for his life. Chewing at your bottom lip, you snicker, “Sorry, Bret. I can leave you Corpse if you want?”
He laughs, “Girl, I’d say yes so fucking quick, but I know he wouldn’t want that. Normally I wouldn’t care, but y’all are such a cute couple it’s making me not want to be a shady motherfucking bitch. Changing my ways, embracing the lord. Love it.”
 Corpse doesn’t correct him that you are, in fact, not dating. His lack of reaction unnerves you slightly. Does he...? No! No think! Only exist! You catch that train of thought and steer it away from forbidden territory. Looks like it’s up to you to clear the air, and that is exactly what you do after trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, “Uh, we’re not together, actually. We’re just really good friends.”
“Bitch, then move over,” Bretman says snappily,”go like, back to your other boyfriends. Or find another one. I think I saw Dream near Navigation.”
“Near Navigation, huh?” Corpse hums thoughtfully. It’s a subtle warning, but you catch it. Yeah, even if you try running, Dream’s going to join your other ‘boyfriends’ in the afterlife. Granted, killing someone by just talking with them is kind of cool. Or maybe Stockholm Syndrome is finally kicking in, “Bret, the thing is, Y/n’s scared of dying, so she asked me to stay with her.”
It’s disturbing how good at lying he is. It is also really really attractive, as bizarre as that is.
y/n stop being in a toxic relationship with corpse challenge
making fanart of this omg her face
its the blushing for me girl get your head outta the gutter!
^she cant, it lives there
“Baby, you’re gonna fucking die if you stick with her,” Bretman points out, “have you noticed the mortality rate of her partners? Rest in peace, daddy.”
“He’s right, you know.” You mutter, dramatically looking to the side, “I’m no good, Corpse.”
“Not leaving you, end of discussion. Bretman, join us?” Corpse offers, catching you by surprise. He might still be lying, though. Creating a false sense of security before eliminating Bretman. Probably would laugh while doing it, too. Wow, he truly is evil.
Turns out he doesn’t have to do any of that, because when Dream strolls into Cafeteria, he kills Bretman instead. The two Impostors are finally revealed. You promised not to snitch on Corpse, but you didn’t say shit about not exposing Dream. You press the REPORT button and say just that: “Dream just murdered Bret right in front of me and Corpse.”
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The last meeting is called. Dream had been voted out with the help of Corpse, and now only you, he, and Rae remain.
“Baby, you know what to do.”
The VOTED icon pops up beside Corpse’s astronaut. Rae wheezes, “No! Y/n, it’s not me, you gotta believe me, I swear it’s not me!”
“...I really don’t know,” You murmur, “I’ve been with Corpse a lot, and...Rae, I’m not sure...”
“Please! I swear it on my Kagayama cardboard cut out, I’m not the Impostor, please! You know me, I’d never lie to you like this.”
“She’s definitely lying.” Corpse says, sounding pleased.
“Don’t listen to him! Remember, during the first round, when he tried to convince us that you were the Impostor? He’s doing the same shit to me!”
“I also remember you agreeing with him.” You remind her.
“I was stupid! Small dumb brain moment! He was using us to win! He’s using you right now!” She votes, “Please, Y/n, make the right choice.”
You’re silent for a moment.
“I’m gonna...I’m gonna vote for who I think it is.” You lastly say.
A slow, lazy grin makes it’s way onto your lips, eyes gleaming mischievously. You had not forgotten your promise to your brother from another mother, you had not forgotten the pride of the BDA, you had not forgotten your beautiful friendship. Two miniature astronauts pop up by Corpse’s at the exact moment Rae screeches “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!”
“Fuck.” Is all Corpse says with a laugh.
The screen changes, informing of the first CREW MATE victory.
Your ears are assaulted with different voices as you appear in the lobby.
“Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about.” Charlie raves, “I swear to fucking God, Y/n, you even got me going for a second. Pulled some 1000 IQ shit right there. It was fucking amazing. Best back stabbing I’ve seen in a while, and I’ve seen a lot.”
“That was absolutely fantastic, Y/n.” Sean applauds, “I really thought you joined Corpse like some crew mate accomplice or something. Can’t believe you switched on him at the last second.”
“That’s my wifey!” Rae cheers, strolling to you, “Love you, mwah.”
“Hey, Corpse,” Charlie calls him, “How does it feel to be a fucking loser?”
“I’m surprisingly fine with it.”
yeah he would be lmao
mom is the best snake ever i love you sm y/n
rae and y/n’s friendship....the feeeeeels
As the rest sing your praises for another solid minute or two, the third round begins. CREW MATE again. Though, just because you’re stuck as an underpaid worker in a dying spaceship, it doesn’t mean you’re innocent. Your last round proved that quite well. You can’t help but silently snicker.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @bingusmode - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury--moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
4K notes · View notes
mrsmount16 · 3 years
Okokok soooo I have a request for Mason ofc lol
U know the like YouTube challenge ’my boyfriend does my makeup’? What about him and doing your makeup for a YouTube vid? Love ur writing ❤️❤️
Yep, I had this one written up for a while but I'm just now deciding to do all my writing outright now, this will be quicker. Depending on what request came first ofc🥰. Enjoy :)
Warnings: None.
"Okay, so first we have foundation obviously." Mason said confident as ever.
"Duhh, no primer, or eyebrows first guys." You rolled your eyes sarcastically at the camera.
"Yeah, that's what I said. Primer." He said offended, facing you with furrowed brows.
"Alright Mase, take it."
You gave him the bottle, he put a little on his finger and dotted it around your face, using his hands to gently rub it in. Concentration all over his face.
"Okay, eyebrows next, pass the stick babe."
"The stick?" You repeated, confused.
"C'mon, help me out, i'm a footballer not a makeup artist."
You laughed, putting your hands on his thighs and leaning over into him, a smile on your face, looking up at him.
"I'm sorry footballer, let me grab you the spoolie."
He put a hand on each of your cheeks, squeezing your face together, "hurry up" He stated jokingly.
You pulled away laughing, grabbing a spoolie and handing it to him, he brushed your eyebrows up and down and everywhere, at some point it was near your hair line.
After guiding him through everything and helping him when it came to what brush to use and what product to use, it had been an hour, the finishing touches was the highlighter, and Mason being Mason, he chose the biggest lashes he could find.
"These spiders are good."
"Whatever" You rolled your eyes playfully, starting to apply the lashes.
"So," He turned to the camera, "We have here out beautiful model, and a new makeup look."
You posed, sticking your tongue to the side and holding up a peace sign.
"Firstly, we have the eyebrows, I went with dark brown to accentuate her hair."
You waved your fingers under your eyebrows and kept raising them up and down.
"Next, we have the eyes, they're a lovely yellow to bring some light to the new Chelsea away top." He smiled.
"Mason oh my god." you mumbled.
"Obviously, the eyelashes really help the look, they just make her look even more great."
You held in a laugh, looking at your boyfriend.
"Then, we have a blue lipstick to also shine light on the home kit of the best premier league team." He pointed at your lips, and you went to bite his finger but he pulled away quickly, looking at you with wide eyes, laughing.
"Honestly, its a look Mase, you did alright."
"Thanks babe, I know."
He nodded, grinning.
You moved his head to the side and planted a huge smooch on his cheek, leaving a big blue lipstick stain, you giggled, pointing at the lens in the camera to show him what you did.
"y/n, I love it." He admired, snaking his hand around your waist, and yours went around his shoulder.
"Well, I think we're finished here, safe to say if football doesn't work out, we know where you'll be going."
"Of course." He nodded, looking impressed with himself.
"Thanks for watching guys! And thank you Mason for joining in, see you next time! Byeee!!"
You both waved at the camera, grinning.
156 notes · View notes
suganovakawa · 4 years
Hello I wanna say that I love ur work 🥺 I’m new to the haikyuu fandom and ur work gives me life! Can I request a HC with Tanaka, Daichi, Suga & asahi and how they would react when they see other teams at a tournament flirt with you and how they act when they’re jealous? Thank you !
absolutely omg i love my karasuno babies and them being jEALOUS??? this is my calling goodBYE
btw btw welcome to the hq fandom bby !! enjoy your stay here 🥺💞💘💓
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karasuno boys fend off other teams as they try to flirt with you !
— check out my masterlist !!
these boys don’t take too kindly to other teams trying to flirt with you . . . and they’re not gonna deal with it for much longer ! >:)
a / n : jealous anything >>>> and you cannot change my mind because it’s my weakness k thx bye 🥰
— ask to be added to my taglist !!
taglist : @yams046 @janellion
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ryuunosuke tanaka
lmao flirting w you is like asking for a death sentence i do not make the rules
tanaka is not afraid to show you off , nor is he afraid to show off your guys’ relationship at tournaments either
he has full trust in you dw , but that doesn’t mean he trusts the men that get a little too close for comfort
if his death glare alone doesn’t scare them off i feel so sorry for them
ryu will 100% call someone out if they’re obviously flirting with you
“ hey , punk ??? you’re trying to flirt with them , huh ??? gotta tell ya , you’re out of luck , go find someone else . this hot stuff right here is mine , thank you very much . ”
he gets so confused when you get embarrassed because what ??? he’s just telling them the truth
“ ryu ! you can’t just call me ‘ hot stuff ’ in the middle of the gym !! ”
“ why not , baby ? you are hot stuff ! they’re just bummed out you’re not theirs . ”
not to mention , 8 times out of 10 noya will probably be right there with tanaka scaring off the suitors
those two are literally your bodyguards , and once they know that someone else has their sights set on you , do not expect them to leave your side
also , he holds a FULL GRUDGE against ladies men type people
cough cough tooru i’m talking bout u bby
you are to stay a mile away from oikawa and all of aoba johsai at all times , ryu will not accept otherwise
at least , not without tanaka’s arm wrapped around your waist
gotta make sure they understand you ain’t on the market
all in all a very protective baby crow , can and will fight anyone who tries flirting with you so pls don’t test him
daichi sawamura
daichi is definitely the silent but deadly type let me assure you
i don’t care where that man is , he’ll always have an eye on you regardless
oh and he’ll probably have the rest of his team have their eyes on you too ; just in case there is a small instance where he can’t keep his eyes on you
yuu , ryu , and shoyo will be paying the most attention to you when the captain is not able to watch over you at the tournaments
lord have mercy to those who somehow actually get past daichi’s security
my best guess is that you’re probably on like , a water bottle run in between games , so that everyone can have fresh cold water during timeouts n whatnot
yeah you’ll probably get hit on by another guy in the halls ( let’s pretend it’s yuuji because i love him so much LMAO pls hit on me teru )
anyway he’ll def be at your neck like how he was tryna get kiyoko’s number
sadly you can’t do much because you have a bunch of water bottles in your hands so you’re just tryna shimmy away but terushima is not having it
out of nowhere his face blanks
literally pales
you’re about to ask him what that’s about until you feel an arm snake around your waist
like i said , the silent but deadly type
you can’t see daichi’s face as he’s staring down yuuji , but you can hear the annoyance in his voice
“ oh there you are , y/n . you need help carrying these water bottles , baby ? ”
you turn to yuuji , who has his hands up — clearly getting the message daichi was giving to him
“ alright alright , my bad ~ ! didn’t know they were yours , man . i’ll take my leave . ”
but he did add a “ see you later cutie ” before leaving the two of you alone
you couldn’t help but laugh as the captain latched onto you protectively as the two of you went back to the gym
“ daichi , it’s okay , he’s gone now ! you’ve done your job in saving me ”
“ nonsense . i can sense their eyes on you from everywhere . you’re not leaving my sight again , y/n . ”
koushi sugawara
koushi is definitely also a silent jealous type
but he’s more mellow when showing it subtly
but don’t get me wrong , the effect it leaves on others is just as menacing
he’s the type to leave that shiver of fear when he shows up
basically he’s a sweetie until people mess with you and that’s just on periodt
suga is not too protective over you , since he does trust you and has full confidence you won’t do anything to hurt him
cough cough he still wants the other nasty boogers keeping their hands off you though
i literally just imagine him going up to people like “ :))))) ??? ” when people try flirting with you LMAO
like ?? no ??? they’re ??? mine ????
not ???????? yours ??????
he’ll have that chilling ring in his voice that’s deadpan but menacing at the same time — sometimes he even scares you with it
you had a run in with tooru at the preliminaries , RIP bless his soul
you went to go watch a match while karasuno was resting ; seijoh was resting at the same time
he got a little too close for comfort in the audience stand
flashed you a famous smile of his , “ what’s a cutie like you doing here alone ? ”
“ she’s not alone , actually . ”
KFKKDKFKFKD both of your heads went a whole 180 at the sound of koushi’s voice
oh no he had that creepy smile again
“ baby , we were just looking for you . is oikawa bothering you ? ”
he turned his :) to tooru , who had already stepped a decent distance away from you
“ heaven forbid you’d be bothering y/n , oikawa , when you have a whole fanbase of girls you could be bothering instead . ”
the great king had never been so scared of a karasuno player in his life
he left in a hurry without saying much — though he was grumbling something you two couldn’t understand
switch from scary suga to soft suga uwu
he wrapped his arms around you and grinned pleasantly this time as he hugged you
“ sweetheart , don’t hesitate to tell me if anyone else is like that to you , okay ? i’ll make them go away . ”
“ koushi , you’re so scary when you’re angry ”
“ i am ? i didn’t think i was ”
“ look at how oikawa backed away when you came up ! hardly anyone can phase him ”
“ oh . maybe i am scary , but only when it comes to you . ”
he laughed and took you by the hand , and you two walked back to the rest of the team
scary suga never fails to keep the nasty boogers away
asahi azumane
he won’t even realize he’s jealous until someone points it out to him
i think nishi would be the one to point it out to him , because woah asahi looks mad
“ yo , asahi ? you good ? your knuckles are turning white ! ”
he’s been looking your direction ever since the date tech players started surrounding you , striking up conversation
he didn’t even realize yuu was talking to him until he literally had to jump up and wave in his face
asahi snapped out of it once noya caught his attention — his fists were still clenched tho
“ oh — noya . i’m fine , why ? ”
the libero didn’t buy it one bit because he didn’t know the ace even had it in him to be angry
he looked to where asahi had his eyes on the whole time before turning back to the third year with a smirk
“ you’re gonna let them just flirt with y/n like that ? what kind of boyfriend are you ? go go go ! ”
oh no yuu what did you do
“ they’re flirting with y/n ? ”
he was f u r i o u s at the thought of it
oh no no no they were not going to be flirting with you , not while asahi was your boyfriend no sir
he stormed over towards you — your back was towards karasuno so the date tech players noticed him first
asahi + scary dark death glare = run
and the date tech players — besides aone — did just that , scampering off in a hurry
you were confused until you turned around , smiling when you saw your giant teddy bear of a boyfriend
you were utterly oblivious to the stare down between him and aone
“ asahi ! shouldn’t you be practicing now ? ”
he placed a gentle but firm arm around your waist , pulling you closer to him without taking his eyes off date tech’s ace
“ yeah , but we were looking for you . i’ve come to bring you back , y/n . ”
oh heck yeah there was tension as he brought you back to your guys’ court
“ those players weren’t flirting with you , were they y/n ? ”
“ huh ? oh no ! i was just catching up with a couple of them , since i went to middle school with some of them . why ? ”
“ oh , nothing ”
you couldn’t even ask him anything else as he walked away without another word , which was very not like him
you had to get the answer from nishinoya later on , who was laughing hysterically at your description of the way your boyfriend was acting
after the tournament both of you were blubbering apologies to each other
you apologizing for making asahi jealous
and asahi apologizing for acting like a brat about it
in summary , asahi + jealousy = pls save yourself from that man he is terrifying
he’ll make it up to you with tons n tons of cuddles later so he’s still your big teddy bear <3
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
this is a tiny soft birthday piece for @l0vegl0wsinthedark -- you deserve way more than u think u do my angel and i hope this lifts ur spirits just enough to enjoy ur day like u should (and while i’m finishing a whole ass fic for you) happy birthday ilysm ❤️❤️❤️
includes: lots of weed smoking, kissing boys, and a room full of gryffindors and slytherins getting along
The chair is definitely made for one person, but that hasn’t stopped Draco from making himself comfortable on Harry’s lap in an entitled manner reminiscent of Crookshanks. In fact Crookshanks, in Harry’s opinion, looks a bit annoyed at the stolen bit of real estate. He’s contented himself with Ron’s lap but he’s watching Draco with an almost human expression of contempt.
There’s a layer of smoke sitting stagnant at about head height, like a potent cloud, that Harry had noticed five minutes ago and can’t unsee now. Had they really smoked that much?
He looks around the room: at Seamus, who is speaking rapidly and with extravagant hand gestures to Blaise in an Irish accent so thick Harry can make out only one in five words; at Hermione, with one of the two circulating joints in hand, laughing with tears in her eyes at something Ginny’s just said; at Luna, holding the other and staring peacefully off into space, completely unaware of Pansy sneaking glances at her. Yes, perhaps they had smoked that much. Goyle looks utterly blazed too, his eyes bloodshot and slitted, fingers positively caked with cheese dust from a bag of crisps. 
Bringing his focus back round to Draco on his lap — who is, from his position, engaged in conversation with Dean — Harry gives a great yawn and shifts a bit, trying to relieve the slight tingling in his right leg. Draco readjusts himself without missing a beat, moving some of his weight around to Harry’s other thigh and continuing uninterrupted in his spiel about … well, Harry’s not sure, really. He thinks it’s something about some artist or another, Draco’s current obsession.
He turns, blinking, to see Hermione holding the joint towards him and shaking it. The ash falls off and lands on the carpet.
“Oh — oops,” she giggles. “Sorry. I said your name a million times. Here, take it, it’s yours.”
He leans over the arm of the chair to reach out as far as he can while being weighed down with Draco, stretching towards her on the sofa, and just manages to snag it with his fingertips. She pulls out her wand and cleans the ash, then turns back to Ginny.
Harry drops his head back and takes a hit, pulling the smoke into his lungs, holding it there, and then blowing it out towards the ceiling. He watches with fascination as it joins seamlessly with the larger cloud. He’s become completely neutralised to the smell of the weed but he keeps getting whiffs of Draco’s shampoo, a brand new one he keeps raving about that’s supposed to work all kinds of wonders on his scalp and hair follicles. All Harry really gives a shit about, though, is that Draco’s smelled like coconut lately, which he very much likes.
He lifts his head and takes another hit, but this time he brings his mouth close to Draco’s ear and blows the smoke into it, causing him to cringe away, startled, while Dean starts laughing.
“You’re so fucking annoying when you’re high,” says Draco, trying for scolding except that his eyes are bright and he can’t quite keep a smile off his face. “Give me that.” He snatches the joint from Harry and brings it to his lips, letting the smoke drift out through his nose and looking like the world’s loveliest and smallest dragon. He must see the way Harry’s looking at him because after he takes his second hit he leans down with a coy grin and Harry meets him halfway in a kiss so Draco can breathe the smoke into his mouth. His tongue follows shortly after and Harry loves the way he can taste the weed on it, earthy and bittersweet. 
He loses himself in it quickly, his hazy, sluggish brain happily forgetting the presence of eight or nine of their friends around them as he drinks his fill. All that’s real or matters is the warm, solid weight of Draco in his lap, the smell of weed and coconut, his soft lips and wet tongue and the gentle fingers on his jaw, stroking lightly. His own hand, the one not draped behind Draco’s back, finds his hip and snakes beneath his shirt, just enough to graze warm skin. Draco smiles against his mouth and hums into the kiss before pulling away and trailing his lips towards Harry’s ear.
“I’d settle down if I were you,” he says softly, his breath tickling Harry’s neck. It’s only then that Harry realises he’s got a semi that’s beginning to dig into Draco’s arse and he lets out a quiet laugh. Just to be cheeky, he brings his lips to Draco’s jaw and kisses down his neck, grinning when he feels Draco shiver.
“But I’m enjoying myself so much,” he whispers, hand sliding from Draco’s hip to his lap, where he squeezes over his half-hard cock, causing him to squirm and gasp in surprise. He grabs Harry’s hand and pulls it away with pink cheeks while Harry laughs against his neck.
“Oi, d’you two fucking mind!” comes Dean’s voice, and Harry looks up to see him watching them with raised eyebrows.
“You don’t have to watch,” Harry tells him, ripping his hand out of Draco’s grip to squeeze his thigh this time, delighted by the squawk of indignation.
“Draco’s still holding the joint, you pillock,” says Dean. “And he’s about to singe your arm with it.”
“I’m not about to singe anybody, you troglodyte,” Draco says, whipping round to glare at him. “Not all of us are bumbling Gryffindor barbarians born without a trace of elegance in our blood —”
“Ow!” Harry yells, snatching his arm from around Draco’s back when something scalding hot touches his skin. Dean descends into howls of laughter while Draco takes Harry’s arm and starts apologising profusely. He goes as far as chucking the joint at Dean, whose laughter subsides as it lands in his lap and he jumps out of his chair before it can burn him. Harry can see it beginning to burn a hole in the carpet.
This is not by any means the first time this carpet has seen a lit joint. Hermione has fixed most of the damage but here and there are obvious reminders, which Harry actually quite likes. There is, he thinks, such a thing as too much cleanliness and perfection. If a burn mark on his carpet is a memory of a good time, he can’t see what’s so bad about it.
“I’m so sorry, Harry,” Draco coos, lifting his arm and pressing a soft kiss to the tiny burn mark.
“You did that on purpose,” says Harry, affecting a deep, childish frown that makes Draco laugh. He cups Harry’s cheeks and kisses his lips once, twice, three times, then his cheek, before pulling away.
“Oh, I’ll need more than that if you wanna make up for burning me,” Harry tells him, cheeky grin back in place. Draco rolls his eyes and Harry hears both Dean and Ron making retching noises while Seamus wolf-whistles.
“Who has the other joint?” Dean asks as he drops the roach into an ashtray on the coffee table. “Someone needs to roll a new one.”
“Harry, you do it,” says Pansy. “Blaise did the last two and they were terrible.”
“What the fuck?” Blaise says, glaring at her. “They were fucking decent, what’re you on about?”
“Harry?” Pansy presses, ignoring him. “Will you? Yours are the best.”
“That’s because he’s good with his hands,” Draco says, bringing his lips to Harry’s cheek again where Harry can feel him grinning.
“You have to get off my lap then,” says Harry, prompting a heavy pout from Draco that makes him look twelve.
“Just do it on my lap, it’s not that hard.”
Harry huffs out a breath but agrees; he likes Draco’s warm weight and doesn’t really care if it’s a little more difficult to do, but mostly it’s because in spite of the burn he’s still half-hard and doesn’t necessarily need everyone seeing it. Dean brings over the flat tray with a mirrored base that Harry likes to use for this purpose and sets it down on Draco’s lap.
Draco makes a game of kissing his neck while he’s trying to roll the joints, causing him to fumble several times to the general chagrin of the room at large.
When he’s finished, Dean removes the tray and all the scattered, ground-up weed on its surface and takes the joints, lighting them both and handing one off to Seamus so the rounds can begin again. Harry wonders vaguely how long it would take for the whole room to fill with smoke and eventually suffocate them.
Draco’s nuzzling his cheek now and Harry slips his arm back around him.
“We should kick everyone out after they finish these ones,” he hums into Harry’s ear. “I’m very anxious to make up for burning your poor arm.”
Harry laughs and squeezes his hip playfully, but he also feels his cock twitch with interest. Their friends will come again, plenty of times; more important is the very baked, very randy Draco in his lap whose mouth looks more inviting by the minute.
“Yeah, all right,” he agrees. 
“Good,” Draco says and kisses his cheek once again. His touchy-feeliness is one of Harry’s very favourite things about Draco when he smokes. It’s like he can’t help it. “I’m gonna get some lemonade actually, do you want anything, love?”
“I’m okay,” says Harry. “Don’t be long.”
With another kiss — on his mouth this time — Draco stands up and Harry takes the opportunity to swat his arse before he walks away. Draco yelps and blushes and smacks his arm but he’s smiling, and it makes Harry’s heart even lighter than the weed does.
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rickriordanfandam · 4 years
opinions on riordanverse ; my edition
a lot of people have been doing this so i decided why not right. probably gna lose some followers or smth but anyways. pls respect my opinions! if u disagree, thats fine, but please be polite. unless any of my opinions strikes u as morally wrong then pls point it out to me respectfully. thanks!
- i actually liked drew. im so sorry to everyone who hates her but full offence, why. think about it this way ok, first of all drew became hc because silena died. silena was the traitor, the one who betrayed chb, yet after she died campers celebrated her as a hero? and then drew suddenly has to replace her and live up to idk that legacy she left behind,, when all of a sudden this girl named piper swoops in and takes her place. idk abt u but i wld be salty abt that too. not only that, but as an asian, the chances of drew having faced racism/bullying as a child is pretty high (she studies at brooklyn academy). which means that when she finds out shes a demigod, and arrives at chb where most of the campers are white (this is an assumption btw), she’d obviously be scared of being bullied for her skin color right?? so the first thing she wld do before the campers get to bully her is to bully them before they can do so. (sentence structure here is wack i apologize) ofc this might not even have happened, drew could have had a perfect childhood && was a b1tch for no reason, BUT EVEN THEN HER ROLE AS A BULLY WAS PRETTY VITAL BECAUSE THAT FURTHER SHOWED THE CONTRAST BETWEEN HER AND PIPER,, HIGHLIGHTING PIPER AS A HERO//GOOD CHARACTER,, AND THEREFORE MAKING READERS LIKE PIPER MORE. anyway stop hating on drew please. ALSO WHY IS THIS SO LONGA SDFJHG
- jason isnt bland, the fandom just kinda erased his backstory (thanks to @pjohoo-memes for the phrasing lol)
- reynabeth wouldnt have lasted/would have broken up several times. idk i just see them as two extremely powerful characters who have firm opinions and will definitely clash at some point. in a platonic relationship,, i can see them as really good friends but as lovers? idk i just think theyll break up
- i dont really like jercy,, i see them as better friends than lovers. also idt jason and percy were that close..?
- the dam and not my type jokes are srsly cringey and were never funny. ik that seems hypocritical since my username literally makes use of the dam joke but honestly i dont actually like the joke. its not funny to me and has never been funny
- the seven were not best friends. they definitely argued,, and honestly probably werent as close as the fandom makes them seem. like ure dumped with 6 other people, out of which u only know a few. my introverted ass would have jumped off the argo 2 quicker than leo valdez could bomb camp jupiter up. also leo was a dick to frank. so what if frank is bigger sized?? thats not a valid reason to tease him
- the fandom needs to stop hating on octavian while worshipping luke. if u hate luke and u say u hate octavian too, then okay. but if u tell me ure a luke stan but u despise octavian?? imma disagree w u. luke was worse than octavian im sorry. first of all, octavian being a dick was kinda justified. hes been after the praetor position for so long, and everyone keeps saying to “wait for jason” when suddenly this dude, whos a son of NEPTUNE (neptune wasnt liked much by romans), and the camp decides to make him praetor?? dude i would be pissed off big time. and then afterwards, he finds out that greek demigods are real and the dude they made praetor is greek. AND THEN GREEK DEMIGODS COME TO CJ AND ONE OF THEM BOMB IT UP?? octavian has been told all his life that greeks are scum and this dude called leo valdez attacks cj. sure it was an accident, but did octavian know that? no. so it was honestly justified that he was such a salty prick im just saying. also some of yall be hating on octavian for cutting a teddy bear open and thats the funniest shit ive ever heard i swear 
- luke didnt go to elysium
- travis and connor stoll r way too underrated. the two have been head counselors of the hermes cabin since luke was revealed as a traitor, can u imagine the stress? luke, the person they probably looked up to as a brother, betrayed them. and they didnt even have time to process this when they were  thrown the roles of being hcs. that would have been so stressful and i would probably have broken down if i were them. the stoll brothers taking turns to wake up at ungodly hours because a new camper is crying and homesick and terrified, the stoll brothers having to comfort and take care of new campers, having to deal with the amount of people in that cramped space because not enough campers are being claimed fast enough. having to resolve issues between campers in the hermes cabin all the time. the stolls arent just comedic relief, and we need to stop treating them as such
- tratie shldve been canon idc idc
- demigods of the demeter cabin arent talked about enough and i love the fact that meg was demeters kid. like she isnt the child of one of the big three yet shes so powerful.
- we need to hype clarisse up more her character arc was phucking amazing 
- rachel is overhated. sis found out greek gods exist and regularly come down to earth to fuck around and went “ok cool”. queen shit behavior methinks
- the floor 19 crew of mcga is srsly underrated. like do u even remember halfborn gunderson, mallory keen, tj, etc??? bc i feel like we only remember samirah, magnus, alex, and sometimes blitz and hearthstone
- sadie (tkc) was kinda annoying at first. i like her more now tho but i rmb not liking her for a phat while
- tkc and mcga need more love
- carter kane and jason grace arent boring. theyre just really sweet boys who are too good for this world and yes yes yes 
- hazel and frank (especially frank) need to be hyped up more. i hardly ever see anything about them. also yall seem to forget that frank was literally made praetor and that even hecate admired hazel and was willing to fight beside her because of how powerful she was
- frazels age gap is kinda sketch but i still think theyre really cute
- nico definitely had trauma from going to tartarus on his own
- annabeth isnt smarter than leo but neither is leo smarter than annabeth. ive seen a lot of discussions about who is smarter and heres my hot take on it: neither. theyre equally smart, just in different ways. leos a genius mathematically speaking. he has no issues solving math problems meant for people much, much older than him. annabeth on the otherhand, is great at strategies etc. she can make an army of 1000 more powerful than the enemy, even if theyre outnumbered. so in my opinion, both are equally as smart//u cant compare their intelligence, because their talents lie in two different areas.
- while i do agree rick riordan isnt a god and that hes bound to make mistakes,, AND that hes given us a lot of representation,, if the representation offends the people its sposed to represent, then theres a problem. im talking about piper as a poc and wearing feathers in her hair. im not a poc, so i cant speak for them on whether or not its wrong, because i dont know either. HOWEVER, i have seen multiple posts BY pocs talking about how they didnt really like rick’s representation of piper, and thats an issue. pocs have been and are still oppressed and discriminated against by many. as a white cis man, we cant really blame him for not knowing (tho he could have done a research,, asked some pocs,, idk), but by representing pocs in that manner, hes influencing impressionable kids/teens into thinking “oh pocs wear feathers in their hair all the time” etc, which isnt true. the pjo/hoo series is extremely successful, and kids who read the books will probably start forming inaccurate opinions on pocs. the amount of fan art that depicts piper with feathers in her hair dont help either. “but rick said so in the books, so its canon” yeah well rick isnt a god and he can get some things wrong at times. im not saying we should cancel him, im saying we should start educating ourselves and not spread false info like pocs wearing feathers in their hair all the time. also that snake song shit where she sang Summertime was just- yeah. bc heres the thing you can be racist, and still include minorities, but portray them in a racist way. And even then, ignorance isn't a thing to admire. Getting those facts wrong still has a major impact. It continues to perpetuate racist stereotypes.
“ With the feather thing, I looked it up myself; it takes less than five minutes to figure out that Cherokees don't braid feathers into their hair. I didn't grow up in the country where my parents are from. I have many other first/second generation American friends who have also been through that, with a bit of a disconnect from their culture. But something that most of us have in common is that when we didn't know something, and when our parents weren't that big of a help, we looked it up. We sought out resources online and through other people from our culture to be able to connect more with where we came from. Some of that took a Google search. So I find it hard to believe that Piper, a girl who Rick's trying to portray as someone who is attempting to connect with her culture and is totally against racist stereotypes, wouldn't know that eagle feathers aren't supposed to be braided into your hair casually. She may be disconnected from her culture, but she's also shown to want to connect back to it. Piper wouldn't be casually braiding feathers into her hair while also telling off people for being racist. It makes no sense.” - reddit thread (down below) 
for those of yall who wanna know more please please read this, it has a lot of things i wanna add in here : https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/gy3gl2/piper_mcleans_portrayal_is_innacurate/ 
as well as https://finding-my-culture.tumblr.com/post/189422373260/maxie-ratties-and-cattie-finding-my-culture 
i will be posting screenshots of these in future posts so if ure viewing this on ig and u dont have tumblr,, dont worry 
- the fact that most of the strong female characters in the series refuse to be “girly”, and ngl i dont really like that. just because ure girly doesnt mean u cant be strong. 
- piper would have been a great way for him to start making the strong characters act girlier, but instead he went with the “I’m not like other girls” trope which is quite obnoxious to hear constantly, and I don’t think it’s necessarily great for younger girls to read that idea growing up.  the closest we've ever had to a strong female character who was also into "girly" things was Silena. when I was younger I admired Piper's "I'm not like other girls" thing, but then I got older and realized that the whole mentality of "not like other girls" is super obnoxious, and a little bit toxic
i have a heck load more that i cant rmb rn but yeah feel free to add more 
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (126-150)
Season 4 is a doozy, but we’re gonna make it through I swear. As usual, as an intro, I had about 75% of the show already spoiled for me and now I’m getting through it and recording my initial comments. Here we gooooo
EP 126 (Sculptor's Tool): - good lord lady leave Gabriel alone he's just trying to learn - ah yes Sannikov Land, my favorite amusement park, I hear their rollercoasters are killer - it's nice that Martin has a pet, even if it is just a tape recorder - hey Peter kick rocks EP 127 (Remains to be Seen): - Ah yes, another letter to Jimmy Magnet - "I want that tree obliterated" - alkjflaskdf this poor random man - Basira's trying that's something - EXCUSE YOU RAT MAN - basIRA TF U DOIN EP 128 (Heavy Goods): - JON LEVELLED UP NICE - and so ends the story of our little cockney couriers :C EP 129 (Submerged) - God can Martin and Jon please be friends again I'm suffering - as someone who lives in a hurricane area this is funny EP 130 (Meat): - wonder what entity this episode's about -  AYYYY GERTRUDE - meat pit meat piet meat pit - lmao as much as I rag on Gertrude she's great EP 131 (Flesh): - Jon just casually chopping his fingers off, what an opening - "Melanie I'm trying to chop off my fingers get out of my room" - "I need the Boneturner" "Well guess what buddy it's your lucky day" - "is it gonna hurt" IT'S YOUR RIBS, YOU STUPID MAN, OF COURSE IT'S GONNA HURT EP 132 (Entombed): - COFFIN TIME MOTHERFUCKERS - "i think i'm stuck" just keep digging, just keep digging, just keep digging digging digging - guess y'all are just gonna be roommates now - thank GOD now someone get them some damn water EP 133 (Dead Horse): - father son camping we love to see it - okay but "Everchase" sounds badass - can everyone get along for FIVE MINUTES EP 134 (Time of Revelation): - O O F MARTIN'S INTRO HURT ME PHYSICALLY - oh hey Adelard what's good - New Fear Unlocked! - damn that's a lot of bodies - I'm super interested in this fear study we're getting into - Martin yelling at a full ass avatar is hilarious - OH WAIT MARTIN LEFT THE RECORDERS AWWWWW EP 135 (Dark Matter): - time to go back to spaaaaace - that's an old ass tree - YOOOO THEY JUST TRAPPED SOME RANDOM DUDE ON THIS R O C K E T??????? THAT'S FUCKED OH MY GOOOOOD - Elias is such a s h i t EP 136 (The Puppeteer): - why are we all babysitting daisy she's grown - LMAO JON QUIT COMPELLING EVERYONE - spiiiiider tiiiiiime - jon and daisy being buddies now is actually v nice EP 137 (Nemesis): - OH is this the statement that Gertrude had sent over? Did she record it and just never send it back? - MURDER SHIP MURDER SHIP - nice try Slaughter better luck nex- well just nice try I guess - I mean hey Gertrude was right I guess - they DID have to blow up the Unknowing from the inside - also awwww Gertrude's attached to the lil emo man - ERIC DELANO MENTION I know we're approaching that episode and I am not ready actually EP 138 (The Architecture of Fear): - FINALLY THIS MOTHERFUCKER - lmao what a sad old man, him and leitner would be friends - damn I sure hope Jonah doesn't become an avatar of the eye, that would surely suck EP 139 (Chosen): - AYYYY AGNES! - DIY messiah - I feel so bad for Agnes - Jon is so upset about Martin :C EP 140 (The Movement of the Heavens): - "some weird monster disease" - comet boy's a zombie now, nice - YES THE RIB SCENE - Basira and Jon are gonna kill Santa EP 141 (Doomed Voyage): - oh this is a good title seeing as we were JUST planning to go somewhere - LMAO POOR BASIRA - Jon: my tape recorder senses are tingling - OH SPIRAL? - GOOD POINT JONATHAN!!!! Like I love Basira but he's right, they all can't keep wanting him to use his powers and then also being mad at him for not being human - In the same vein they can't keep praising Gertrude and then getting mad when he acts like her EP 142 (Scrutiny): - "I need to speak to a manager" - Martin: I've decided I am the manager now - "he look like shit? ah that's Jonathan" - awww this poor lady - "no one talks to me anymore" Martin that's not fair you're literally avoiding everyone EP 143 (Heart of Darkness): - there's seeing and then there's Seeing - "eye's peeled" LMAO - ayyyy astrophysics lady - jonny boy please stop trying to look at entity shit it hurts ur eyeballs - AYYY HELEN HOW ARE YOU - helen's just like "did you have fun with your playdate? okay go get your sister and get in the car, I'm making pot roast for dinner" EP 144 (Decrypted): - AYYY NUMBER STATIONS - I diagnose you with doom - Martin stop being a shit EP 145 (Infectious Doubts): - GERTRUDE IS INCREDIBLE AHHH - Gertrude: Banishment ritual complete Mother of Puppets: What was that? Gertrude: Banishment ritual? Mother of Puppets: Say it again, slow, just the first word Gertrude: ...Banishment- Mother of Puppets, binding her to Agnes: Wrong EP 146 (Threshold): - Door Time Door Time - OH IT'S THIS KID - okay funny haha aside I'm trying to be forgiving here but everyone constantly ragging on Jon and making excuses for everyone else is gross EP 147 (Weaver): - I SAID TO LEAVE THIS DUMP ALONE - hehe nice Daisy - stop wanting Jon to use his power and then get mad when it drains him for the love of GOD make up your MINDS - Annabelle is terrifying bye EP 148 (Extended Surveillance): - okay Basira is on my nerves rn but this is pretty great get his ass - god I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Elias, Ben Meredith is a treasure - god I know why people say to take this season slowly it drains you - AUTO-CANNIBALISM, AMAZING EP 149 (Concrete Jungle): - love Professor Mansplain - okay to be fair if I saw a little stone snake I would also pick it up - I'm starting to feel like Martin like "OKAY PETER I GET IT THE EXTINCTION IS REAL" - "maybe he just needs some help" THEN WHY DON'T YOU HELP  HIM, MARTIN?? - lmao martin can go ghost now EP 150 (Cul-De-Sac): - "life is hard" me too Herman me too - the MOOSE - i miss when Jon and Melanie would actually get along sometimes rip
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barnesbabee · 3 years
AAAAAA ure the bravest person out there anyways yEAH i need u, bs&t, run are masterpieces (actually every 2013-2017 bts song was) but fake love was my last straw for them.. they were my ult and i even went to their wings concert!! i just cant w people who worships recent bts songs like... idk in my opinion its not even kpop anymore,,,, its too focused for western public and oh mY gOd i cant even emphasize how im so embarrassed for myself when i first heard dynamite,, i thought it was korean FOR TWO MONTHS until my friend pointed it out??
anyways im proud of bts and what they have become and where they are now and they deserve it but the musicality.. i cant say more but i dont like it how i liked their old songs
disclaimer!! for all bitches out there who cant swallow a fact pill, okay, this is PURELY my opinion
ily trixie hope ure doing well 😗
Tbh I think its really funny when people say I'm brave or whatever cause I'm literally just saying my opinion, people constantly bitch about oppression and then they get pitchforks out if someone says something they don't like online (I'm obviously talking about opinions, not anything ableist, racist, homophobic, etc)
I feel like kpop is getting more and more 'westernized' and before anyone says 'iT wAs AlWaYs FoLlOwInG pOp CuLtUrE' I want you to point out one western girl group with a cute concept. Go ahead. Also while you're at it point out one group with a concept that matches cantallena. Or ko ko bop. Or no diggity, if we're gonna bring in recent stuff. You can't, can you?
These recent bts song are such generic shit to please the general public, and it's so fucking sad because they released such good music it's like they got tired of doing original shit. Releasing full songs in English as if they're all English geniuses, doing the most lovey-dovey generic lyrics with the simplest music videos (when they have some of the most beautiful Mv visuals I've ever seen in some videos) and simple coreographies... Like how did dynamite even win beat choreography???? Give it to on, bloody masterpiece, but dynamite? Rigged 💀
If I wanted to hear comercial, generic shit I'd just listen to like ava max or dj snake, I listened to kpop because it was just so unseen/unheard of back in the day. Gangnam style was so popular because it was so 'weird' and eccentric, and it's like kpop is losing it. I can see it again with some recent groups like ateez and oneus but I'm so tired of kpop trying to become fucking one direction or whatever they keep aiming for
I honestly miss old bts, I'm talking boy in luv, I need u, save me... Even n.o, I think that song had a great message and on God, it was a BOP
I'm just kinda over some kpop groups doing the bare minimum and topping charts, while other groups are bringing new shit to the table and being completely fucked in the ass by household names that take samples of what they already had and recycle it :/
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incarnateirony · 4 years
The Crucified Occultum
Actually it’s the Brazen Serpent. Actually it’s--
Okay, so to start, @jenngeek​ -- hope you don’t mind me tagging you but I’d rather credit on something like this since it’s only half-question, and more ones of your own to expand on (which I will welcome after I talk a bit) and a lot of great ideas-- but you got my ticker-box thinking on an angle I haven’t *really* broken down yet.
I’m throwing this out there because I am LATE to the party and want to see if I’m retreading ground, but— it’s pretty easy to map the progress of seasons 14/15 to Qabalistic tree of Life, @Minerva has written extensively on it. But that is the SHOW’s progress up the tree to Kether(back to the godhead)— the characters within the story are actually trapped in the boxed Universe as created by Chuck. The characters cannot progress up, languishing forever in a perfect cell in heaven or becoming corrupted in Hell and, eventually, shipped off to the Nothing. (Also Purgatory is it’s own thing.)  Which brings me to this image I saw earlier today from Atomic Monsters. 
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And it hit me, what if THAT is where this is leading? The creation of a system, a branching tree, that allows for souls to pass between the worlds, eventually beyond the Empty into true Nothingness? And what do we know grows when an Angel casts out their Grace?
Has anyone written anything along these lines?
So again, while I welcome discussion from you (or anyone else) on this front let me pitch some corresponding ideas on this matter since you’re also somewhat versed in gnostic thoughtbox and they may rattle a few ideas around.
First, I reference (not just you, but readers) to my “Heaven meta”, which is really more of an Axis Mundi meta (x) but people are more likely to mentally lock on Heaven and the association can’t be minimized or overlooked. Once people’s brains have been putrefied to a gooshy smooshy new reduced beginning to roll forward from that, and assuming they’ve read any of my Tree of Life angled posts (like this one x) to understand what you’re talking about, and how mappable our story progression IS, I’m going to sort of ask everyone to slam this collective learning together while focusing on Jack and the Snake (x)
While I have already heavily referenced the overlap of the dialogue with this Corpus Hermeticum (x) which will continue to impact our story moving forward, eg, Death and Deathlessness among other issues, I’m going to point to a great deal of collective issues and one I actually briefly referenced back in S14 (such as the ep 300 cover and Aesclepius x, or Jack’s general orphic imagery x ), there’s a bit of a new highlighter to take to this now that we have the literal serpent, the literal tree, and this Atomic Monsters shot.
So again, take all that above stuff, put it in a shake and bake bag and let your newly molten brains attach to it in a new shape.
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In its most simple form, the Serpent is a HUGE alchemical symbol. There is the Ouroboros stuck in its cycle, swallowing its own tail. There is the crucified serpent nailed to the tree which has christ-figure resonance. And, ultimately, there is the Brazen Serpent, that climbs the tree that a wrathful god would have hung it ON. The Brazen Serpent also even has a “derogatory” name of Nehushtan you can find a bunch of history on that basically, YHVH commanded destroyed as an idol, etc etc, you know the dogma game.
But the thing is, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge have a great deal of systemic overlap, so you WILL find images like this:
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Notice some familiar names even from early in the season? Barring Lilith clonking you on the fucking head, like me yelling on about Belphegor and Thagirion (x)(x)? Other stuff ringing some dingalings? Maybe? Either way, this tree shows both the Sephiroth and their Qlipoth in inversion, but notice something coyly climbed around it?
Remember all of my talk of the serpent as the reflection of the shadow in the waking world, who revealed the soul to man as formerly empty vessels, and thus gave them the right of Good vs Evil? (Or Good vs the Absence of Good, with Good = Soul; the only true good, and Good is All and God, /ignore the demiurge.)
Cool, so we’re getting there mostly, but now I point to my stuff about the Occultum.
Weird jump, right?
In order to be in the occultum, the occultum must be in you; visit the interior parts of the earth so as to find the hidden stone/soul.
The Axis Mundi--the Anima Mundi--the world soul, the axis or crossroads of man and divinity--The Garden. (*flashbacks in 3 years of posts about Shadow, Animus and Anima*)
For some, it’s god’s throne room, for others, it’s Eden. People see what they want to see here.
This is the garden, man’s beginning.
God may have made the first box, but what is the tree from which the serpent hung? What is this perfect core world that was hidden away? What grows up and descends away from it?
What is the mundi, if it changes on what we see it? If man all has their own right to a throne, and many have even asked if they could visualize it as a tree with branches, perhaps this will actually *help* some people.
Who here has heard of Yggdrasil, for example? Honestly, Big Same Energy. In this case, Jormungand just got a bad PR rep because then the gods didn’t want you finding out what’s outside of the branches you’re clinging onto. Make sense? STAY IN UR BRANCH LANE, HYOOMINS. It’s BIG AND SCARY OUT HERE. That’s why angels are totally here to “protect” you and don’t like souls wandering free.
While returning to the Empty is a possible nihilistic point of view depending on if they take the more dark gnostic road, a hermetic avenue more has freeing the Garden, the Occultum, and the Throne from the demiurge’s hands and leaving it to man himself, so he can traverse the tree and garden freely once he is done with the training wheels of his physical life and is ready to Move On.
Anyway thoughts on that, Jenn, if you please. Or anyone else, but that’s... where my brain keeps landing on. Right down to Chuck wanting them boxed into the dark terrestrial level alone with all that white mundi space outside of them and Cas locked beyond it and the tree hanging in the background, outside of their reach.
I think there's extra interesting note of the angel feathers in front of the tree still being inevitably accurate, but more shortsighted. Chuck's ending vs when Deanbobble picks up that pencil as his own, Sam too I'm sure but it's closer to Dean.
To know Cas is reborn before the Garden in the Mundi would require leaving the box.
I’ll also say there are forms of thought where Shadow-Return are less nihilistic, such as uh, well there’s a Thing in the Good Place for example, but that’s literally after thousands of jeremy-bearimy time loops of eternity over-upon itself where people have explored doing every possible thing they could ever dream of and imagine and decide to return to the Universe that way.
But I don’t think SPN is going to yield that kind of framework, as much as the possibility OF those infinite Jeremy-Bearimies with loved ones. Those Jeremy Bearimies will be the evergreen story afterward to figure out their adventures in and their mishaps and everything else figuring out what it really means to be an eternal mangod. And some characters still have a life to finish on earth. Realistically, they’re still in their first Jeremy-Bearimy. So even if the proverbial Door is there, I don’t think anyone’s taking it for a very... very long time.
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sagesparrow394 · 4 years
Losing Control - Chapter 1
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Summary: The newest video revealed a new ability of the Sides: when they get too overly panicked and stressed, they uncontrollably transform into giant animals or creatures. Patton becomes a frog, but what about the others
Chapter 1: Spider
“Roman? Please open up! Please, I just want to talk!”
There was no response from the other side.     Patton sighed, leaning against the red door in front of him. “Come on, Ro… I promise, we love you so so much. You are still and always will be Thomas’ hero! And you’re mine too. That hasn’t changed at all!”
Finally, Roman spoke from the other side. However, it wasn’t the response Patton had hoped for. “Oh really? Because it seemed to me Deceit was your knight in black and yellow armour who saved you and Thomas today! Since you both insist he saved Thomas and will not corrupt him into a horrible evil liar!”
“Ro, his name is Janus, and-”
“Go away, Patton. I don’t want to hear it.”
Patton placed his hand on the doorknob, hoping he could will it to unlock and let him in. “Kiddo-”
“I said go away!”
Patton cried, pulling his hand away from the doorknob as it suddenly erupted to a scalding temperature. He whimpered at the pain, watching as his hand went bright red, and was even starting to blister in some places. As much as he wanted to keep trying to break through to Roman, he knew he had to get his hand under some water. He quickly ran to the kitchen, turning on the faucet at the sink and holding his hand under the water. He sighed in relief as the pain began to subside. As he stood there, letting his hand be soothed, there were footsteps behind him as someone came into the room.
“Oh, hey, Pat,” Virgil said. “Um.... you and Ro were gone for a while. Is everything, like, good?”
“Well… that’s complicated. It was all really bad at first… and then things got a whole lot worse... but then things got better! Well, better for me… I learnt a really important lesson, and I’m gonna be a much better morality from now on!”
“That’s cool.”
“Yeah, but, uh… Roman isn’t doing as good. He’s mad at me and Thomas, and he’s locked himself in his room, refusing to talk to me.”
“Jeez, what got up his butt?”
“Um… well-”
“Patton, I just wanted to come check on you after what happened today.” Logan had come in, nose buried in a book. “I understand we were all rather hard on you. Not saying we didn’t need to be, but… given the rather unusual transformation you went through, I thought it’d be best to check on you, even if, from what I understand, Janus has already done so-”
“Did you just say Janus?!”
Logan’s eyes widened as he looked up from his book, finally registering Virgil standing there. “Ah… salutations, Virgil…”
“You… you two know Deceit’s name?! How?!”
Patton sighed, knowing this wouldn’t end well. “He, um, he helped me. And he helped Thomas. Basically, when we went to talk to Thomas, we were discussing moral dilemmas, and Logan was popping in occasionally to give us extra information.”
“Well, I was until someone decided to skip my dialogue, at which point Janus replaced me.”
“And I, uh, ended up being faced with a moral dilemma that I just… I couldn’t answer. I didn’t know what was right. And I… I broke down. I went a little crazy.” Patton paused. “Okay, more than a little. I was so desperate to choose the right thing, to help Thomas choose, that I completely lost control over myself. So… Janus revealed himself. And he talked me down. Explained why how I’ve been acting is wrong. It turns out, he was right. He’s been right all along. I’ve always pushed Thomas to be too selfless. I don’t give him time to care for himself. Janus’ good. Good for me, good for Thomas, good for all of us. Thomas is giving him a seat at the table now. Though Roman… isn’t very happy about it.”
Virgil’s eyes were wide, shiny like he was on the verge of tears. He took a deep breath, but it came out as a shaky terrified laugh. “He shouldn’t be… You know, Pat, I really fucking thought you’d be the last person Janus would be able to manipulate… Who knew the strictest morality in the world could be bent to a liar’s will so easily?! And you Logan?! You too?! I thought you were all about fucking facts; the opposite of lies!”
“Kiddo, please-”
“NO! You don’t know the others like I do! I was one of them, I know what they are! And they are monsters!”
Patton chuckled awkwardly. “Trust me, if anyone was a monster today, it was me…” he then mumbled under his breath, “quite literally…”
“Great! Now he’s got you thinking you’re bad for Thomas! Great! Just… fuck!” The tears were streaming down his face now. “D-did... Did you say that… that Thomas is giving him a seat at the table?! He… he accepted him?! He’s gonna listen to him?! Th… that can’t happen! It can’t!” As he yelled the last word, his tempest tongue started to play up. But that wasn’t all - his form also glitched. And it was a glitch all too familiar to Patton. Confirming Patton’s suspicions, when the glitching stopped, it revealed Virgil now possessed an extra set of eyes as well as fangs.
Logan and Patton shared a worried glance, before the former stepped forward. “Virgil, can you name five things you can s-”
“SHUT UP! I CAN’T TRUST YOU! I WON’T DO YOUR SHITTY GROUNDING EXERCISES!” Virgil glitched again, but this time it was followed by a bright flash of light.
When it died down, and Patton and Logan were both able to see again, they were met by the sight of a giant black spider, draped in the shredded remains of Virgil’s clothes and with piercing purple eyes. Patton screeched at the sight of it, running to go hide behind Logan. The spider continued to yell in Virgil’s voice.
“Look, Janus’ evil! He’s dark! I know he is, I was just like him! I was a monster too!”
“Virgil, that’s the point, you were!” Logan called up to him. “You grew and changed. Janus has done the same. I understand it may be hard for you to accept given your… past with Janus, but he is a better person now. Patton and I have seen it. We are under no manipulation, and neither is Thomas.”
“I… But he can’t become better!” As he yelled, he swiped one of his legs at Logan, hitting him and sending the logical side flying across the room, slamming into the wall. Patton cried out to him, but found Virgil yelling over his voice. “He’s lies, deceitfulness! If me growing means he can grow… then maybe I never did grow! Like… look at me! I just became a giant spider creature! I became the monster I am on the inside!”
“No… Virge, listen!” Patton bucked up the courage and stepped forward, closer to the spider, trying to suppress his fear. “This isn’t because you’re a monster or evil! Because if it was, then I guess I must be an evil monster too.”
“What do you mean, you would have to be…?”
“This… this happened to me too.”
“Remember how I said I ‘lost it’? I, uh, turned into a giant frog… But my point is, turning into this doesn’t make you a monster. I’m not one, and you aren’t either. You’re amazing, kiddo, and we all love you. You changed and became such a wonderful, kind and helpful person. You’ve come so far. But, Virge, Janus has too. If you just calm down, we can show you. You don’t need to be scared. We’ll always be here to protect you.”
“... How do I know you aren’t Janus? How do I know you didn’t shapeshift into Patton to fool me?”
Patton bit his lip, thinking for a moment. However, after a moment, an idea came to him. “Janus shouldn’t know about our card exchanges, should he?”
“No… why?”
“Then he wouldn’t know what the cards said. But I do! Mine to you said ‘UR FAM’ on the cover, and ‘ILY’ on the inside, along with a drawing of you, me, Logan and Roman, and a big red heart. Yours to me said ‘You make me wanna die’ on the cover, and ‘of laughter. Best friends’ on the inside. Still the best gift I’ve ever been given. No offence, Logan, the cat hoodie is great too.
“And we are best friends, Virge. Always will be. And best friends trust each other. I’m not asking you to trust Janus right now; I’m asking you to trust me. So please? Give me, and in turn, Janus a shot?”
Virgil blinked, looking clearly conflicted in his spider eyes. However, as he looked down at Patton, and Logan  recovering from being thrown into the wall, he could just tell: it was them. No shapeshifting, no manipulation. He sighed.
With a flash of light, he was back to normal. “I… I don’t trust Janus yet. I doubt I will for a long time. But, I guess… if Thomas wants to work with him, I… can try to make peace with that. But I’m not happy about it.”
Patton smiled, opening his arms. “That’s all I ask, kiddo.”
Virgil smiled back, before accepting the hug. “Thanks, Pat… and you too, Logan. Sorry for hitting you. That was, uh… scary. Never become a giant spider before. Didn’t even know we could do that.”
“I don’t think any of us did until Patton,” Logan replied, getting to his feet and straightening his tie. “I’ll need to look into it, conduct some experiments…  I wonder if it’s the same animal every time for each person? Will Patton always be a frog, and will you always be a spider? And I wonder what animals the rest of us would become...? The only one I’m sure about is Janus almost definitely being a snake. The rest of us however...”
“Well, Lo, I think it’s for the best we don’t do any experiments to do with this, given we apparently need to get really upset and panicky for it to happen,” Patton said. “If we’re trying to lean more into self care like Janus says we need to, that probably involves not making each other upset.”
“True. I guess I’ll have to wait until it happens again organically. Speaking of organic…” Logan went to the fridge, opening the door and getting a jar of Crofters. “Ah, my very own method of self care: delicious Crofters all for me to ea-”
At that moment, there was a sudden jolt throughout the whole mindscape, causing the jar to slip from Logan’s hands and shatter on the ground. He sighed. “Apparently I can’t have nice things…”
“What was that?” Virgil asked.
“I don’t know, kiddo. I’m sure, whatever it is, it’s perfectly fine.”
“Well, we may as well investigate.” Logan summoned his Sherlock cap and pulled it onto his head. “Watson, lets go.”
Patton smiled, summoning his flat cap and scarf on. “Okay! Time to solve the mystery of the mindscape earthquake!”
However, not much investigation was needed, as the source was immediately found when the three sides left the kitchen and entered the corridor with the “light sides’” rooms. For you see, there was an extra door that hadn't been there before: a bright yellow one. After a moment, said door opened.
“Well, what do you know? He really has properly accepted me…” Janus looked to the three sides in the corridor. “You think Thomas could accept Remus any time soon? I’ll miss him quite a bit if I have to live here now.”
Chapter 2
General Taglist: @tacohippy56900 @ibasicallyjustreblogeverything @pollylittlehigher-littlelower
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
y/n is back in brooklyn for the holidays. thinking that a stream will make her feel less homesick for cali, she starts working on her famously titled hentai.free.srv. what was supposed to be a relaxing stream turns into a special delivery about two hours in.
─── corpse husband x reader ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 2.2k ─── ❥ req: Here's one... You know those apps for delivery like Domino's or whatnot... What if reader is streaming Among Us with Corpse, and reader mentions they're hungry and Corpse offers to order them food, and readers like no no it's fine... Then there's delivery at the door (Corpse ordered beforehand) 
author’s note: fucky format is also back in town baby!!! also if you find any mistakes - no u didnt <3 thank u everyone for enjoying this story sm i literally cant believe how feral yall going strawberry cow was a nuclear explosion im still recovering tbh. got an ask a while ago and decided to incorporate it into myso. happy holidays everyone! myso will continue on monday!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.  ҉   next.
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Indeed, being soft on any social media platform was the biggest disgrace and needed to be eliminated post haste. Moreover, it was a slippery slope - once you start flooding your timeline with cute imagery and heart emojis, what will stop you from posting inspirational Facebook quotes? Disgusting. If Rae were here, she would chide you (not you thinking about her as if she’s dead or something). For once in your life, you feel like you deserve it. 
Alas, you hope this little chaos you’ve caused is enough to throw everyone off. The stans, especially. You know the hashtags, you’ve seen ARMY scourging for info online with the same fervor and ruthlessness 1 Direction fans hacked airport security cameras just to spy on the boys. If you had any dirty secrets online, they are out to the public now - thankfully, besides the Harry Styles stan account (with edits and all), you have nothing. Though, now that you think about it, exposed nudes would have been better than your Punk!Harry edit receiving almost a million views. God, your life’s a fucking mess.
Your fans aren’t the only ones out for info - you, too, are trying to decipher Rae’s message. Code: Barbecue Sauce. The two of you had come up with it roughly two years ago, around the same time when you promised that if you didn’t find significant others by the time you’re 40, you’ll just marry each other. It was one of the many rules found in your friendship codex. Barbecue Sauce signifies information - an exchange of information. And depending on how it ends or begins (”So I’m sitting there” alludes to Rae, “On my titties” alludes to you), secret data on that person is given away, usually free of charge. 
But why? And to whom did Rae give away what? You had pestered her mercilessly and even sent some voice messages where you were crying. You were only crying because of a video of a grandpa smiling you saw on TikTok, but you are a snake, and so you put those tears to good use. If streaming doesn’t work out, you’ll just become an actress. Hollywood would love you. Your PR firm sure as fuck wouldn’t, though.
Rae was having none of it. She said you’ll figure it out eventually. Told you to channel your superior puzzle skills. You were quick to remind her that you can barely count to ten without having an aneurysm. Oddly serious, she admitted that she worries for you sometimes. Why only sometimes?! you demanded. She merely sighed. uttering under her breath something that sounded closely to “Boke.”
You leave her for barely a week and she’s already neck deep in the gay volleyball anime, hoodie and cardboard cutout and everything. Your life is falling apart.
But Brooklyn is nice. It had snowed when you stepped off of the plane. Thousands of snowflakes sprinkling into your hair, dotting your cheeks and nose. You missed this sight back in Cali. You missed your parents, too. 
Home cooked meals, old sweaters, your old room and about 40GB worth of old high school pictures on your computer. You went through them all one night. Some were stomach churning, cringe inducing nightmares. You were especially fond of those. Texted some of your friends that were still in Brooklyn, met up, decided to bake. Bad idea, Rae was the resident chef back in Cali. Besides laughing till your stomach hurt, and almost burning down your kitchen, nothing all that significant happened. Somewhere down the line, at about 3 am, half-way through a cheesy rom-com you had the overwhelming urge to text Corpse.
That’s where the problems really started. God, you missed California, missed being in the same timezone with a guy you hadn’t even met yet, how embarrassing is that?! You missed skating around and taking pictures of the beach in the setting sun, sending it to him, silently wishing he was with you to admire the view. 
You really want to call him. And to hang out with him. But for some reason, the thought of that springs up immediate anxiety and you shy away from asking. Him sending you cute good morning texts doesn’t help, either. Maybe it’s better he doesn’t know that you’re a blushing, stuttering mess each time you read “baby”. 
Late evening. Your stream is already set up, people are slowly trickling in and you greet them with a grin and a soft “Hello! Hi hi!”. You did your best to make your room a perfectly chaotic backdrop - led lights, an embarrassing amount of anime merch and plushies. You always try to balance out your weeb side by dressing hot as fuck for your streams - today’s inspiration just so happens to be egirls. Mostly because you watched one too many egirl make-up tutorials on TikTok, and also because you’ve been listening to Corpse’s song all day.
Yeah, no, who are you kidding, you dressed up this way because you were hoping Corpse was watching your stream. You didn’t forget your cat headphones, either. You know he likes them. You want to make him suffer. Perhaps then, finally, he will ask you out, so you wouldn’t have to.
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“I feel like,” You start when you put away your phone, staring idly at the chat, “I feel like I need a new name for you guys. Calling you guys after two years of streaming is just... weird, no? I also don’t respect men so I don’t want to call you guys. Like, so many creator’s have, like, a name for their fans. Uhm, Cody Ko has the chodesters, Kurtis Conner has, uh, folks? Kurtis Town? Citizens! Markiplier has mommy issues--” You can’t help snorting, “So, I’ve been, like, thinking - I know, shocking! - so I was thinking I’m gonna name you cockroaches. Because you’re grimy little shits impossible to kill. And also then I can use the legendary Minaj meme ROACHES!”
Your stream enthusiastically echoes ROACHES, making the chat swim. Yes, if anyone would enjoy such a name, it would be your audience. You’re as equally proud as you are disturbed.
“Well, anyway.” Leaning back into your chair, you throw your arms out with a bright grin, “Big dick is back in town, baby! If you noticed the backdrops different, it’s cuz I’m in Brooklyn now. Don’t ask me when I will return to Always Sunny, I don’t plan that far ahead.”
While Minecraft boots up, you decide to answer a few questions.
r u dating sykkuno?
You want to smack your head into the keyboard, but as it is, you can’t exactly afford a new one, so you refrain, “No, Sykkuno and I are not dating, we are just good friends. Uhm, I’m not sure how much I’ll have to repeat this, but, we really aren’t, so if the roaches could chill - Oh my God, that sounds so stupid, I love it - uh, yeah, if the roaches could chill that’d be great.”
the roaches lmao sounds like we’re a sports team
“Oh shit, yeah it does, uh-- maybe I can make like, jerseys or something. That’d be cool, I think.”
how disappointed are your parents with the way your life turned out?
“My parents are actually not disappointed at all!” You say with a cute little smile, “Uhm, they’re both really proud, actually. They’re glad I found something I love doing and made a job outta it. Dad finds my Youtube videos endearing. Yes, they watch pretty much all of my videos, unless I explicitly tell them not to. And yeah, with all the fucks and thirsting for anime characters. Uhm, it was very embarrassing at first, but I mean, after a while, shame just...doesn’t exist anymore, I guess? Funny thing about my parents, actually, when they watch my videos-” You eye catches a comment, “Oh! No, they only watch my Youtube videos. They don’t know how to use Twitter, thank God. Uhm, anyway-- when they hear a name they don’t know, like, I dunno, Dabi, or something, they google--” You’re grinning by now, eyes crinkling, giggling softly, “--who that is, and buy me like, merch and stuff. It’s really cute. 
can i be adopted by ur parents plz
will you and corpse ever collab?!
You were about to answer, though the man of the hour himself decides to do it for you.
Corpse_Husband: yes.
Okay, not to say your heart skipped a beat, but it totally did. With a pleased smile, you nod, like one of those bobble head toys sold at the dollar store. The motion is oddly reminiscent of Sykkuno’s own nod. Perhaps you had picked it up from him. The chat seems to notice.
pack it up, sykkuno
More questions pile about this mysterious collab you and Corpse are planning. Yeah, you’d like to hear more about it, too, since he single highhandedly decided one was happening right now. Corpse remains silent. Fine, keep your secrets. 
“Okay, guys, oh, I mean, roaches, Oh my God--” You’re covering your mouth, giggling, “-calling all roaches, calling all roaches, calm down. Everyone grab a snack and a blanket I’m turning up the music volume so we can all chill. Entering chill zone. Entering chill zone. Roaches, prepare.”
we are prepared
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An hour or so passes and you grow hungry. It shows with the amount of cakes you had baked in your server. Currently, you find yourself throwing eggs at the wall of one of the renovated houses, your face scrunched in concentration and slight frustration. 24 of the 50 eggs have been wasted. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some chicks around here?” you had uttered under your breath, until, finally, a screech - the egg finally spawns a mob. Your mouth falls open, “Aww, look!” You approach it, so small, walking in zigzags beside you, “It’s a baby chicken! Die, bitch.” The baby chicken is no more as you swing your bedazzled (you have mods) diamond sword. You’re cackling by the time the dust settles.
y/n is a child murderer
“Roaches,” You address your fan-base, spurring another fit of laughter - you can’t get over the name, “I think I’m like, forgetting that eating in Minecraft won’t actually make less hungry in real life.”
take a break and go eat queen <3
“Fuck no, we starve and die like men. Now I actually really need another chicken.”
Another twenty minutes trickle by and you’re trying to lure back a panda from the jungle when there’s a knock on your bedroom’s door. Whipping your head to the side, you slide down your headphones. At the same time, your mom pokes her head through the ajar door, “MOM!” You scream, “Get OUT of my room I’m playing Minecraft!” But your yell has no actual bite to it, as you don’t manage to hide your smile. Your mom laughs, doing some sort of sign language and motioning for you to follow her with her head. That or it’s some sort of performative dance. 
“I’m live right now,” You tell her, pointing at your screen. She knows this already, though, “do you want to say hi?” 
The roaches spam the chat with friendly hellos. You mom, quite impatient now, waves you over. 
“Sorry, roaches, mom needs something. Be back in a bit!”
Stopping the stream, you rush out of your seat and pleased she slinks into the hallway. “What’s this about?”
“Your pizza came.”
“My what now?” You echo, confused.
“Domino’s. You ordered pizza?”
“What? No? I was busy with the stream, I never--”
Thankfully, you had managed to grab your phone from your room before you exited. You almost choke on spit once you read the messages.
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You decide that it’ll be impossible to stream after experiencing what you had just experienced. You tweet out a quick apology to the roaches (God, that fucking name) and say that you had a breakdown but you’re okay. That is as a close to the truth as you managed to muster. It’s a sad sight, chewing and crying; your mom winced when she saw your state - disheveled hair and rundown eyeliner and everything. “D’aww,” She had muttered, caressing the top of your head, “don’t cry my little raccoon.”
If anyone was ever to ask you where did your chaotic nature come from, you’d answer with my mom. To make yourself feel better, you took a selfie - duck face and peace sign and the horrible 2000′s angle. Sent it to Rae. 
looking hot, her message read. 
thanks, was all you replied with.
You couldn’t just leave things as they were. Once you calmed down, you wanted to text Corpse, but how would you follow up the ungodly caps lock and screeching? Impossible. An idea sprung to mind, one that was brave. Taking the first step.
Instead of sending a text, you sent a voice memo.
“Thank you for the pizza, it was delicious.”
You voice still sounded a bit raspy. His reply was instant. Your heart skipped a beat. He sent a voice memo back.
“Glad you liked it, baby.”
He was going to be the death of you.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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ziracona · 4 years
please bless me with all of your dbd headcanons even just a crumb would satisfy me,,,,, lmao. Fr tho ur hcs are godly pls give me all of them especially for og 4 and wraif
Thank you!! I’m glad you like my hot takes!
Let’s see, og4.
Jake grows facial hair pretty easy (that part is just canon). Usually he either lets it grow and ignores it till it gets long, or stays cleanshaven, but the in-between stage is physically painful for everyone else at the campfire bc you wake up and see rugged 2day scruffy woodsman stretch and he sees you staring and goes, “What?” Looking thoroughly unimpressed and Meg sheds a tear and Claudette pretends to not be looking and stares at her journal and Dwight gets heart palpitations it’s just bad for the whole group. When he shaves he’s an edgy dumbass and does it with a sharpened hunk of metal he made into a knife for himself and Dwight saw him shaving once and had to go sit down.
Jake has a soft spot for many of the survivors he’s known longer (honestly at this point, he’s pretty attached to the lot of them though), but especially the ones who work really hard at protecting other survivors. Double points if you’re younger than him. He would kill for Claudette, and take a bullet meant for Quentin, but would not convey this to them at all. Jake puts almost zero effort into making sure people knows he likes them. The people he has a soft spot for especially are also not always the ones he prefers to spend time with. While they’re survivors he spends less time with personally, Jake respects Feng Min for being the snarky little gremlin she is, and Tapp’s dedication to his job even here. Weirdly, while the people he likes often aren’t aware of affection, the ones he respects but isn’t as close to usually are aware of the respect. Jake also thinks he doesn’t like having friends and spending time not alone, but he does.
If asked point blank his thoughts on a survivor he likes, he’d probably just shrug or say, “They contribute to the team,” or “She works hard,” or “He’s fine,” because Jake just be like that. He had a hard time getting close to anyone initially because of how he grew up. Jake’s very guarded. He’s used to people manipulating and using each other, which makes keeping anything vulnerable close to his chest just necessary as he sees it. Boy doesn’t trust easy. Or open up. Ya need a can opener. Boy also does not like getting pushed around. Least favorite killers (aside from Nightmare) are probably Doctor and Ghostface, because he cannot stand being forced to do things or used. He’d rather take a chainsaw to the back than have someone lord power over him. He’s also got a looong memory, so if you fuck him over, he is not the kind to forget and forgive. He is the kind to resent and remember. Not that he never forgives people, but boy would have to really believe whatever happened was regretted and the person wasn’t like that anymore to let something that made him very angry go. He’s quiet angry though. Bide your time and get vengeance kinda angry. Would never let someone push him around. If a killer tried to fuck with him, he’d do everything in his power to kill them.
While Jake is tough and likes to hike just to be out and moving, and enjoys toughing it out, Meg enjoys being outside more as a fun thing than a wildnerness lifestyle thing. She has a lot of energy, and even in the realm, all that adhd can be a bitch. It would be easy to focus on the shitty stuff happening and drown in that, so she likes to keep moving, like she has since she was a kid and started running. Meg loves hard, and if she cares about you, she’ll make sure you know it. Not good at shutting up or realizing if she’s been going on for too long, girl has passion for everything.
Meg talks a big game, but does not have as much confidence as she pretends to have. She has abandonment issues, but they’re less, ‘my dad abandoned me’ and more ‘everyone but my mom, from him to grade school friends, hasn’t stuck around,’ so she does worry about that and coming on too strong, which she is aware she often does, but she can’t get herself to turn down the power settings on herself even when she tries. She’s never been good at making friends, so all of this in the realm is kinda new to her, since no one can leave. Meg would tell almost no one those things about herself. She cares hard though, and will try to distract other people from realm despair any way she can, because it’s what she needs and she assumes what they must need too. And to be fair, she ain’t wrong. Good at cultivating activities and drinks loving her friends juice.
Big goofball. BIG goofball. Also big gay. Well, bi af, but w a pretty strong preference for the ladies. She is simple of heart. Sees a girl, loses ability to think. Bonded with Nea over this problem. High int, low wisdom, big dumbass. Her weaknesses include girls’ eyes, voices, accents, freckles, scars, stomachs, legs, ass, titties, hair, hair dye, laughs, hands, eye contact, and cute accessories. Not great at expressing her feelings when she catches them, but tries hard. Actually pretty good at romancing once she gets into the groove. It’s just getting there she sucks at. Loyal as hell. Will go to bat for her friends and would rather die than betray them.
Meg has a real temper, especially when she feels like something being done to her or someone else is unjust/unfair, and will always try to fix those things even when it’s hopeless. Can and will weaponize her anger extremely effectively. Ridiculous memory for pop culture, shit memory for homework and things she was supposed to be doing. Memelord, but with some class.
Idk if this is because I identified with Claudette really strongly when I first started playing dbd or not, but I have always seen her as Asexual & Panromantic. Attracted to kindness. 
She gets overwhelmed fairly easily, but has been improving that by necessity since arriving in the realm, and can tap into the mom-friend override to fix problems for people who aren’t her. Has a hard time telling when people are teasing her/joking, but everyone knows this so they take it easier on her than each other.
Like Meg, had no friends before this, so it’s exciting and new, and a little scary, but mostly really good. She worries about other people a lot, and doesn’t always know how to help, but she tries. Very relieved Dwight volunteered to be team leader.
Enjoys recording things and studying. Would be fascinated by the Entity’s world if she wasn’t always being killed. Seems small and weak and easy to take down, but she has the strength of will to kill God herself if backed into a corner, especially when fighting for someone she loves. Sweet does not mean she will not fight back, and since being in the realm, and getting over her initial freezing up at the sight of horrifying murderers, she has worked extremely hard to be brave and take an active roll protecting people whenever she can. She is still terrified a lot, but has learned to push through that to help her friends and herself.
Loves animals, including ones a lot of people don’t like (bugs, snakes, rats, etc) and would and has definitely tried to snag a scorpion and a cockroach from trials to study before, and tried to befriend the realm rats now that they exist. Tries to get Jake to show her how to get birds to like you but does know how to ask him right.
Nervous about interpersonal relationships and unsure of herself. Really likes everyone but horrible at telling how other people feel. Feels like she always comes off wrong and can’t put words to things well even when she understands them super well. Does her best 24/7. Incredibly smart and talented. Knowledgeable about her passions. Is always thinking 4th dimensionally and has saved the team many a time by pulling off wild bullshit that makes sense kind of just barely but no one else would have thought of.
Dwight was a loser and kind of a douche growing up, kind of selfish and entitled and weak, but is no longer that person after a few years in the realm. He works hard to make good on his promises to look out for everyone, and cares about them very genuinely. Great at thinking on his feet and sounding like he knows more than he does, wonderful at regulating tasks to people efficiently, and not a bad strategist. 
Being the kind of person now who would not have liked the person he was a few years ago causes a little cognitive dissonance and self-doubt, but he’s trying. Genuinely enjoys hearing about people’s days and interests even when he’s completely lost. 
Not a fan of heights. If the fear of heights was not vastly overpowered by fear of sharp object, he would actively avoid the old ironworks in trials, but alas.
Used to play video games a lot. Thought he was good at them. Was not. Was definitely not.
Self-improvement king. Works hard and is a really decent dude. A very good sport. Used to be an asshole, so now that he’s nice he’s pretty damn forgiving if other people put in the work to improve too (my boy’s no hypocrite). Has mellowed out a lot and is pretty chill and nice but the damn fool will break his own heart by taking things people say the wrong way, or things they mean as a joke literally, if it’s something he thinks is true about himself, and will totally miss context and vocal inflection and just be like, “I know but I’m trying TuT.”
Big gay but in denial and confused
Just at this point really does want people to get to go home and be ok. Loves hearing stories and listening to his friends talk at the campfire because it makes him feel like things might be okay. Get the same result just by being near his friends, especially the other og3 who have been with him forever. If they’re all still there, things have to turn out okay someday. :’ ) Has never really told them that, because he’s supposed to be the leader, and thinks they’d feel less secure if they knew he depends on being able to sleep close to them at night to feel like he’ll be okay himself. Not in a they’d judge me way, but in a I really don’t want to let them down way. He wants them to think he’s got a handle on things even when he really doesn’t.
I was gonna do Philip too but I got this this morning and this post is already ridiculously long TuT, so here you go. Plus one mini Philip one.
Philip feels responsible for the young man he saw his boss kill the day the Entity got him. He knows that he killed scores of people unknowingly for Azarov, and those weigh, but he thinks sometimes late at night that if he could have just saved that one, it might have been enough to make him feel absolved someday for all the other deaths on his head. He remembers his face very well, and how terrified he was, and the moment of confusion and relief, and almost gratefulness when Philip let him go. He thinks over and over that if he’d just talked to him–assumed something was up, and gotten him to be quiet. Seen Azarov in time and stopped him. So many little things, and the young man would have lived. Even if the others were things he was completely blind to, he feels like that one is especially his fault, and that he could have stopped it. That one really haunts him.
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miscreantsmadness · 4 years
Main quests day 2
We find a familiar looking horse at the Equestrian Center and Tyra tells us that it’s Sabine’s horse, Khaan. The first time we talk to Sabine she seems hostile and defensive but after seeing us race she completely changes her attitude. She wants us to be friends and wonders if we can deliver a letter to Justin. Justin reads it and tells us he has to leave to meet up with his grandfather. Both Thomas and The Baroness react poorly to the news. We meet Alex who tries to help us find Justin since she has had run-ins with Sabine before and knows she’s up to no good. We eventually find Justin and Sabine leaving Moorland. Alex reacts poorly but can’t really tell ur why. 
Alex managed to get The Baroness to tell her that Thomas is her son and Justing is her grandson, but she didn’t want to tell us who Thomas’ father is. She said it didn’t matter because he’s long dead. Eventually we find out that her former husband and Thomas’ father is called Mr. John Sandman. 
Masterpost - find all the parts of the main quests here
Complete quest dialogue below the cut
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Player: That horse looks familiar! Haven’t I seen it somewhere before? It looks very distinctive with that glistening black coat and staring eyes...Creepy! 
Wait! That mysterious light. It’s the same mysterious light I saw when that masked rider came by Moorland and stole Thomas’ deeds to the stable! I need to ask someone whose horse that is. 
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Tyra: What? Khaan? His owner is a girl called Sabine, she’s standing ober there. She’s rather new here. I think she came about a week ago. I remember that Linda showed her around. That must have been the last time Linda was here, by the way. I wonder what happened to her...
Was she out riding last night? In Moorland? I have no idea, ask her yourself. Doesn’t it seem a bit odd though, to be out riding in the middle of the night? 
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Sabine: Um...What? I certainly have not been out riding in the middle of the night. Who are you, by the way, to come here with your stupid inquisitions? Excuse me? What are you implying here, exactly? That I was in Moorland? What would I be doing in that pathetic place when there are much better riding tracks here? You know what, you need to learn how to behave around other people, that’s for sure. You act like you’re five years old or something. Please, spare me the baby talk. 
And now you’re going to ask me about the riding track, too? Oh my God, you’re unbelievable. Just leave me alone, will you. If you feel a desperate need to bother someone, bother the stable girls. I’m sure they’re DYING to hear what you have to say. 
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Tyra: The riding track? You didn’t know about that? It’s right over there, try it out if you like! 
After completing the riding track
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Sabine: Well, that was...Great! Hey, I thought about the talk we had before... We didn’t get off to a very good start, did we? I guess I was feeling a little insecure or whatever. I’m new here, you know. Would it be too much to ask you for a small favor? Why don’t we start over, and get to know each other? Yeah? So what’s your name? Name? Hi, Name, I’m Sabine. Friends? 
Really? You will? Thank you! We will have so much fun together! Gosh, I’m so glad we worked that out. So what are you doing now? You don’t happen to know Justin Moorland, by any chance? You do?! That’s fantastic! 
Okay, so I’ve got this letter for Justin from a sort of unknown relative. He needs to get it but as you know, I’m not at all familiar with the land outside the manor. I’m sure I couldn’t find my way back here if I got lost! You know your way around Moorland, don’t you? What, ride there together? No way, I can’t be seen over there, not with my status. I have to the classier areas. I’m sure you understand. 
Please, ride to Moorland and give this letter to Justin! 
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Justin: Hello there, long time no see! A letter for me? Seriously? From whom? 
So, you’re doing well at the manor? That’s nice. Don’t feel any pressure to come back here until they can manage without you. According to what I’ve hears they’re pretty desperate for help since that girl, Linda, disappeared. 
So, I guess I’ll open this letter then. 
Hey, wait...This is...What in the...I don’t know what to...You know what? I need to leave right away. This letter...if what it says is true...
Listen, I can’t stay. You need to tell my father that I’m going on a trip. Will you do that for me? It’s my grandfather. This seems to be really important. Tell Thomas right away! 
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Thomas: Wait, wait - what are you saying? His grandfather? This can’t be true. Please don’t let this happen! Justin absolutely CANNOT see his...My...This is bad. This is really bad. 
We need to stop Justin from leaving. There’s no time to lose! 
This is nor happening! He’s gone. My son is GONE! I’ll never forgive myself for letting this happen. 
Sabine is the one who gave you the letter, you say? I don’t like that at all. Why of course I know who she is - and I know what I think and have always thought about her - she’s a dangerous, sneaky snake of a girl, that’s what she is. Been harassing my family for far too long now.  
You were saying? Well... That’s an interesting point. You’re actually saying that you think Sabine was the masked rider who stole my ownership deed? I never thought of that. I always figured it was someone from GED. That makes sense, though. That girl sure has some sort of hidden agenda involving my family. 
Listen, you should ride over to the manor and try to find out more about this. We’ll need anything we can get on this girl. 
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The Baroness: Sabine? No, she left a while ago with her horse, equipment and everything. It seemed like she wasn’t planning on coming back. It’s funny as she had just paid for a full month’s rent for the stable. 
You want to know more about Sabine? Frankly, I don’t know much about the girls here in the stable. I know their names but that’s about as far my memory, or should I say interest - goes. 
Hold on - Justin, you say? I’m sorry, what? He went to see my...His...Is this a joke, dear? Because if it is, it’s not funny. 
Well, excuse me, I... I think I need a long hot bath... Immediately! GODFREY! 
Name, wait. There’s a new girl here somewhere, she has also been asking me about Sabine. Go find her and talk with her. I’m sure you will become best friends in no time. 
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Alex: Hi, nice to meet you, Name! I’m Alex. Yes? I’m so glad to hear that. I’ve been trying to stop Sabine from both this and that and it’s difficult to say the least. Actually, right now, I’m trying to find a girl that used to work here but suddenly disappeared, Linda is her name. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sabine had something to do with it. 
What? You delivered a letter from Sabine to Justin? Uh-oh. That’s not good. And now they’re both gone... 
Wait. Have you ever seen Sabine’s horse, Khaan? He look really different from other horses, he has like a faint glow around him. His hoofprints look special too, almost like scorch marks. If we find any such hoofprints around here, maybe we’ll find Sabine! Start looking around the stable. 
Good work, Name! You think the tracks indicate that Sabine has gone towards Moorland? You may be right, probably to meet Justin somewhere, what do you think? 
Let’s follow the hoofprints together! It should be easier now that we both know what they look like. Let’s go! 
After racing to Moorland 
Alex: There they are! They’re leaving the island. Oh no! This can’t be happening. This is a disaster... What? No, it’s just... Those containers... Sabine is taking Justin to... You know, I’m sorry, but I really can’t say more right now. 
Listen, you should go tell Thomas about this. He’s Justin’s father and needs to know. I’ll see you again at the manor, ok? 
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Thomas: Name, what’s the matter? You saw Justin? Well, did you stop him? They left on a container? Well, that’s not a nice way to travel. Oh, God, please tell me this isn’t happening. My son has been taken away! My son has been seized by the dark powers! 
Thank you for the information, Name. From now on, you should do all you can to help Alex in her search. We need to get Justin back to Moorland somehow. You’re meeting her at the manor now? Excellent. 
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Alex: You told him? How did he take it? Poor Thomas! 
Ok, so, while you were in Moorland, I spoke to The Baroness and got hold of a piece of highly interesting information. The Baroness told me that Justin is her grandson which means that Thomas Moorland is her son. Who is Thomas’ father? Good question. I couldn’t get that out of her. She went on about how that didn’t matter because he’s “long dead”. 
You’re right, Name, that doesn’t make any sense. Justin claimed that he was going away to see his grandfather. Unless he is on his way to a grave, somebody is lying. 
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Councilman: Good day, what can I do for you this time? Of course, the registration books are open to the public, what exactly are you looking for? Oh, the Silverglade family? Now that could be a bit tricky. You see, there was a mysterious fire in the archives some time ago in which all the Silverglade family records were destroyed. It’s certainly peculiar - I do agree with you. Strange indeed. 
However, all hope may not be lost. An old mayor kept copies if all the records in his summer house. It’s abandoned now and has been for decades - probably ruined by kids with graffiti, I don’t know but it should be pretty badly run-down. You could go there and see what you can find - perhaps you’ll get lucky. 
The house is located on the outskirts of Hollow Woods, to the southwest. 
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Player: You find an old registration book about the Silverglade family line. The book is falling apart and many pages are moldy, but you find what you were searching for. When she was 18, The Baroness married a Mr. John Sandman from Firgrove. 
You better bring the book with you to the manor so that Alex can see it. 
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Alex: Whoa, this book is really old, it’s practically falling apart! John Sandman, you say? I wonder who that is. 
End of day two.
Masterpost  - find all the parts of the main quests here 
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Alright, a second major arc for both Helena and Tim! Let’s dive into it!
(no warnings that i can think of except genre-typical gang activity mentioned?)
For Helena:
Let’s start off with the fact that I SHOULD have read thru to #6, bc that one capped off the previous story arc v nicely. Helena Got Her Vengeance
now, technically she DIDN’T directly kill the man who like, Pulled The Trigger on her family (bc the guy who ordered the hit in the first place did that himself) BUT she did have a more active hand in THAT guy’s death. so im calling that a Win in the Vengeance Category. YOU GO HELENA
Did a brief detour with the JL adventures she participates in. nothing major to report on that front but im cautiously optimistic for what it’ll foreshadow for how well she plays with others lmao
as far as the second major arc of her solo goes: if the first arc was vengeance, this next was was Fallout. both in the sense of the legacy her father left behind, and in what almost became of NYC (and yes, she’s def operating out of NY for now, not gotham which!!! is interesting!)
the A-plot for most of it is taking down a serial killer who figured out the cypher to her dad’s ledgers and was a pretty satisfying read on its own? but then...
theres a b-plot abt a mostly drug-based gang trying to get their hands on nuclear technology and their means of doing it just... put a really shadow on the A plot to me.
like its cool to see the lines Helena’s drawing and her handling something so big!!!
but at the same time, there’s so much loss that occurs before Helena’s even aware of the situation and just... it really rubs me wrong in a way i cant fully articulate yet. but we’ll see. all early stories are flexible i suppose when her origins are going to be retconned away too.
And onward to Tim:
so the big things about the Robin mini-series and the story-arc that Dixon followed it up with... or at least what really drew my attention. was the inclusion of Shiva
bc Tim acknowledges that she’s like... actively killing people while she’s helping him and Rawlins.... but goes along with her training anyways??? and doesn’t??? yknow at least like? bargain with her to Maybe Not Kill While He’s Around???
idk!!! even Dinah at least had a throwaway line abt that from what i can remember of BoP but!!! maybe I’m overthinking it
Only, oh wait, im not, because........ when Tim confronts King Snake at the end, essentially wins the fight and then has a Moment when Shiva’s trying to convince him to push the guy completely off the ledge he just!!!! fucking leaves!!!
this is the kinda shit that got JASON in trouble with readers but im just supposed to believe that with Tim this is suddenly okay??? and OH YEAH, tim TOTALLY thinks that the dude died and either 100% has his head up his ass or thinks that Shiva would’ve simply PUSHED the guy over the edge to kill him like fkjdla;s no honey, i know ur New to this, but that is Not how Shiva kills thanks. uh-uh.
and this boy has the NERVE to tell bruce that ‘oh yeah shiva mustve killed him’ BUT TIM U WERENT EVEN THERE TO STICK AROUND SO YOU DONT K N O W
idk!!!!! idk!!!!!!! its a nitpick probably but it doesnt sit right with me and doesnt endear me to this boy one bit!
otherwise, was really cool to see the ghost dragons story done up in p quick succession and the parting line WAS p haunting, with Bruce berating tim to disobeying orders and tim reminding b that he ‘isnt jason’ like..... oof that pain.
oh, also looking back on the notes i made! “Ducard”! was a lot of fun seeing a name i could recognize! love when there’s generations interacting in comics & the layers/degrees of separation that it gives. One of these days we gotta build up a game of like. Six Degrees of Shazam or smthn where we try to find out how far apart different heroes/characters are separated from each other 
okay wow that was a WHOLE tangent. my OTHER other note was that an excuse that bruce used to keep tim off patrol (and it WORKED mind you) was that tims grades were slipping. just saying the REAL BEST STUDENT ROBIN (jason) had GREAT GRADES and couldnt WAIT to study when he got home from patrol!!! who’s the REAL smartest robin then HMMMMMMMMM
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