#okay not a deck. maybe like. the major arcana
kaetor · 1 year
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wanted to draw some of my favorite shades of magic characters as tarot cards i thought fit them; here's alucard as the moon
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tuliptic · 6 months
Let Me Describe Your Aura
Hello, I'm back again. I have this in my drafts for a very, very long time (since last year), and I have finally completed it. This was meant to be a short reading for Instagram, but well, it ended up longer than what I expected. Tho I posted it there, you can still read it here. Honestly speaking, this reading ended up quite different from what I've expected and I don't really know what I was hoping to get from this. Maybe colours? And vibes? No idea. But still, I hope you all enjoy the reading.
As usual, close your eyes, breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck  (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck.
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Pile 1:
For some reason, it gives me a very Uranus vibe? It’s like you’re a person who’s constantly on board with change as you constantly get involved in almost everything possible. You also give me the feeling that you’re… Not satisfied. You are not satisfied with a lot of things, especially with finances. Imagine the hierarchy of needs. Every time you fulfill one of them, you constantly seek to fulfill the other level.  You’re constantly pushing yourself to achieve better and achieve more, but with this, you’re unable to have some form of balance and may have some conflicts with people you work with. I wouldn’t really say it’s insecurity, but there’s some form of fear and being “not enough” for others that I’m seeing here. Perhaps you come from a big family, and you feel that you have the responsibility to feed everyone and to answer to their needs as well as wants.  There’s an inner child in you that is trying to nurture yourself despite all the rush that you’re putting yourself through, sending you messages so that you can take a break from time to time. You not only receive messages, but you also send them out as well. Some (or perhaps, most) of you may like writing memos or notes for your loved ones.
Tl;dr: Instead of saying aura, I would say that there’s this air of uncertainty that you bring with you. You wouldn’t be called a wildcard, because there’s still some elements of earth in you, aka a sense of stability. But still, many may wonder how to approach you without feeling threatened, I guess. For some of you, you may also have an air of authority, or maybe an RBF, hence the fear towards you too.
Pile 2:
For some reason, the first thing I’m picking up here is that you like to present yourself as mysterious? However, there is some secrecy involved here that I’m seeing, and you may be good at redirecting conversations or attention to other people. Butterfly effect as well? It’s like you’re fluttering away and not caring about what you’ve done or what are the actions they’ll take.  You have swords and court cards here, and I’m feeling that you’re that person, providing mental insight and stimulation to people around you. Just that there may be some concerns with how you present yourself, how you word yourself, and how people can be easily offended by you. Honestly, I’d say that they’re more offended to you as a person instead of your words or what you do. It’s like… They’re threatened by your presence. Pile 1 makes people feel threatened by their nature, but for you, people are threatened by what you’re capable of bringing - an unwanted change. It’s like seeing you will remind them of what they’re lacking and how much comfort they’ll need to give up, and hence, you may feel like an outcast most of the time, feeling that you do not belong to anywhere.  Still, I’d say, people who are close to you, especially your friends will find comfort in you. You’re a good listener and will be able to provide valuable insights. They’ll be glad that you’re on their team with whatever project you’re working on. If you’re ever interested in working on a collab, do it. You’re meant for it. 
Tl;dr: For you, your aura would be swords-ish, sharp but clear. You know how a sharp and strong sword can be used as a mirror? Yeah that. That’s you, reflecting the fear of others. It’s difficult, but with time, I believe you’ll be able to work along with it.
Pile 3:
Hmmmm. Harmonious, I’d say. That’s the first word I’m picking up. I kinda have an image of an orange cat sleeping in the sun, probably the warmth, coziness and fuzzy feeling that it gives. You may have heard your friends or people around you describing you as a fun or sunny person, or that you’re like the sun, bringing warmth to people around you. You may also have a lot of passion projects and most of them are incomplete as of current, the same goes with how your life is right now too. Remember to continue whatever efforts you’re putting in. The rewards will come at unexpected times. Another thing I’m picking up is that you like to go along with the flow. Good things happen? Great! Not so nice things happening? Aww sheesh better luck next time. Kinda feeling. Or perhaps, this is what you portray yourself as. I’m getting a weight on my chest eventho there are happy cards. Probably it’s because you put up that mask so that people around you won’t see the pain you’re in.  Vulnerability sounds like a theme that you’ll need to explore, understand, and wield. It sounds difficult and probably painful, but it is needed for you to be able to understand the various facets of life. You’re very perceptive, or perhaps, you have a gift in it. But then, to be able to utilize that skill of yours, you’ll need to expand your knowledge base, experience the various emotions, look into all the tiny things that life has for you. 
Tl;dr: Some may say that you’re a person of culture but you know you’re far from that. Still, people generally like you with how amiable you are, and how you put an effort to make people around you comfortable. However, people will not cross you because you have respect for yourself too. There may be some similarities to Pile 1 with the earthy energy here, so you may check out Pile 1 if you’re drawn to it as well, especially if you have Saturn energy.
Pile 4: 
A Chinese idiom came to my mind when I see this pile: 与世无争. It means there’s no quarrel or argument with the society, but it generally means a way of avoiding conflict in a passive way. As though you want nothing to do with the current world. Not sure if it’s correct to say that you’re disappointed with the society but there’s some apathy in here, not having much hope with the people you’ve seen. With this, you may have decided to keep yourself closed from the people around you. Not to use strong words, but you may detest the world and build a utopia in your head, imagining a world that is ideal to you and the rules you live with. Majority of the cards here are in reverse, which explains the dejection and dissatisfaction I’m feeling here. I am having problems in describing this pile and it’s making me scratch on my keyboard because of how I’m unable to phrase words. Still, despite all of that, you’re a very capable individual, especially with the King and Queens in your reading. You may have more feminine energy or may present yourself in a more feminine way than others, tho there’s a chance of you rejecting it. People may come to you for help and advice not only because they trust you, but also your words are able to assure them that things will be alright. You have quite a lot of resources on your hands, may it be finances/monetary resources, knowledge, or even network/connections, and you use them according to your needs and values. There may be some… Unconventional skills that you have. I’m not sure what they are, but it’s up to you to figure out how you want to put them to good use.
Tl;dr: This pile is the most difficult pile for me to write as the energy is all around the place yet focused at the same time. It’s very conflicting and confusing, which may be the aura that you exude. There is no clear definition of good or bad in this reading, but more of what you want yourself to be and how you’re going to work on it. 
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psychhound · 6 months
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[ID: a banner for a TTRPG. there is a light tan background and large brown text that reads "the narrator paradox". smaller blue text beneath it reads "all you've ever been is a storyteller ... now the story is fighting against you". there are tilted blue and orange boxes behind the word paradox. end ID]
There is a way the story is meant to go. You have seen the future. The past and the present. You know the hero of this tale, and where they end up. You know why they go there and every ally and foe along the way. Every fleck of sand moved beneath their boot has been foretold and defined and the words that tell of it slip from your lips like the oldest of hymns …
So if that little bastard could just STOP going off script that would be really great. What do you MEAN the protagonist isn’t listening to you!? This is a STORY—don’t they know they’re in a STORY? They aren’t meant to have … have … AUTONOMY or whatever other silly thing has gotten in their head.
You need a raise. Not that the human concept of money influences your role as a narrator in any way. But, like … anything would be nice. A raise. A swift kick in the head. Maybe the undefinable concept of storytelling will talk about a union.
Sorry—they’ve done WHAT now? Okay, chat’s over. There’s a protagonist to wrangle. 
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[ID: a lineart drawing of one open book and two closed books on a light tan background. end ID]
The Narrator Paradox is a one page solo-narrating game where you try to tell a story ... if your protagonist will let you. In it, you determine the five acts of your story based on an oracle, then make rolls for your plot beats to see if you can wrangle your protagonist into the prescribed narrative. If you can't, they defy you and take the story into their own hands. Wrestle the story into shape against a rebellious hero, or lose them forever and have to finish the story without them in it. 
What you'll need:
The Major Arcana from a tarot deck 
Two 6-sided dice
A coin 
The inspirations for the game include The Stanley Parable, The Princess Bride, and Stardust
Get the game now on itch!
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lovebvni · 3 months
Pink Pick-A-Pile (from 08.28.2022)
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but before reading, please realize when i made this, i was in a My Hero Academia reality shifting community. Currently, I am no active there, so if you find these posts,,, yes they were me. LMFAOOAOAO and some of this blog has been edited for my sanity.
│ᵒᵖᵉⁿⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ...
[ 🖊 ] created ⋮ 27.8.22
[  ] published ⋮  27.8.22
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨ ✰ Arsyn   ⋆  ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊•
┊       ⋆     welcome to my blog !
┊     °
hi lovelies!! changing what i did last time for a pick a pile, im going to be doing a more motivational one!
by no means does it mean im going to be all nice, im just going to praise you and all that you and all you’re doing. its just gonna be less about WHAT and more about HOW you can change it and also motivating you to do more/what other things you can do to help you shift faster (if you’re still working to your first attempt) or how you can positively change your shifting journey. also you guys know i can be kind of blunt and then the alice in wonderland tarot is BRUTAL but im using the White Numen deck this time (which honestly is my nsfw deck LFMAJSUHNTE BUT I WANT AN EXCUSE TO USE THEM FOR A PICK A PILE!!!)
breathe in...
and out...
now please, pick a pile or two
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Pile 1
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Hello pile 1 and welcome to your reading!!
confirmation for this pile: 1111, angel numbers, reunions, supernatural dr, stability, not changing ‘im not seeing results’, pisces, water signs, christmas/yule, holidays, “its just out my reach”, unstable perspectives, cows, animals, outdoors
cards: the hanged man, knight of cups (r), six of wands, ace of swords
not even gonna lie, at first i got 11 cards.., i shuffled the 11 i got to make this pile smaller so i dont drain myself during the first pile jaoishtioeh
this pile is in either a state of waiting or a state of wanting change. you’re waiting for it and you’re working on it but its almost tiring? maybe you’re loosing the hope, motivation, the fire under your ass because of this waiting. i just remember that one blog that said that sometimes shifting is like a waiting game, i feel like thats the place you guys are right now.
in the kindest way possible, your emotions are out of wack. i feel a lot of stress, anger, hurt and just instability in emotions. maybe doing shadow work, vent art, sharing your feelings, poetry, etc. dont avoid these feelings because once you confront them and move on with life, it will be much easier.
again with being creative and venting in a not natural (?) way, ace of swords and six of wands is kinda like a ‘yeah do this.’ a nod in the right direction. being creative and changing the way you develop and think about things will help you a lot. you got this babes! you’ll get the big change you want when you start thinking outside the box. dont do the things you always used to do, but change the way you approach them and how you look at things. glass half full not half empty.
thank you pile one! i hope this resonates!! 
Pile 2
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hello pile 2! and welcome to your pile
heres confirmation:  burning bridges, coming to an end, breaking negative cycles, “i know how it is”, not trustworthy, being pissed off and arrogant, 555, spiritual connection (soulmates, twin flames, etc), 888,666, snakes
cards: Temperance, the hierophant (r), 10 of wands (r), the lovers
okay wow the first thing i have to say is so many major arcana cards - literally i thought the would ALL be major
this pile seems burnt out in a way (no pun intended based on the pile image) and you need to find a way to light your flame again. dont give up, and dont be scared to ask for help. if you’re struggling with spiritual beliefs/shifting/your journey PLEASE ask for help. dont cry in silence. break free from any cycle you’ve been in. cleanse your energy and the energies around you. break ties with people who aren’t helping you in any way. who are negative in your life. hold your ground and speak what you think and know is right. dont let someone else control and manipulate you in any way. be powerful, because you are. you’re in control.
with temperance and the lovers coming out i feel like this is almost why you’re shifting/what keeps moving you to shift. its moving into your god/goddess energy. being that powerful being you are. being assertive and knowing what is right for you. when you’re shifting/thinking about shifting/making an attempt remember why you started. remember your past self and who you want to be in the future, and who you want to surround yourself with. the people? are they different? know how to control and change the situation if you need it. you got this okay? you’ll see who you want to see and be who you want to be.
thank you pile 2! i hope this resonated
Pile 3
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hi pile 3!! literally accidently typed 333 so anyways
confirmation: 333, childhood, hello kitty, red, actions speak louder than words but its more about the effect on you life rather than what they did, water, ocean, 555, penguins
cards: five of wands (r), three of pentacles (r), death (r), the chariot, five of wands
okay first things first we have 3 reversed cards and thats like kinda?? because pile 3, accidently typing 333 and three of pentacles?? but lets move on
you’re moving away from hardships and being stuck in your own head and coming to terms and being at peace with your cr/or. you’re letting go of the things that made it bad and accepting them as memories and just things to hold on to and never let go of. more about the people than what they did.
are your goals not written out pile 3 and your true intentions behind them? or are you just not working to them? you may know your goals and not work to them, are you burnt out? take a break then! take care of yourself. you guys are the stubborn time but you need to listen to me when i say TAKE A BREAK ITS FOR THE BETTER! you may even shift on your break. you need to take a moment and be still because it will actually boost you forwards in the long run. sometime taking breaks helps you move forward. being able to take time and relight your candle. this will lead you to a peaceful and good ending. you can see the shore and you’re about to pull up.
honestly five of wands seems out of place to me, i ask spirit to give me cards in a way thats comprehensive and makes sense with the cards near/around it. it represents rivalry, conflict in a way. maybe spirit is saying on this break fix your relationship with someone, stop fighting and going back and forth. hold your ground, agree to disagree, and let go. also shifting isnt a race or competition, so dont rush it or you can get thrown off course.
thank you pile 3! i hope this resonated
Pile 4
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confirmation: water, water signs, oceans, harmony, boobies , feet?? IN WATER??, “the universe must have divined this” - dove cameron’s ‘boyfriend’, bo burnham, “i gotta get out of here”, deities, blue, white, red, AMERICA
cards: two of wands, four of cups, six of swords, three of cups
okay so something i noticed right off the bat is there is a LOT of water i mean even in a card that supposedly represents air signs, shes in a boat in the water. anyways you guys are PLANNING unlike the last pile, you guys have a set out plan, goals, and reasoning. now you have a decision to make, are you going to look to external sources or work with yourself? i was called to get an oracle card bc you guys are different.
I got two cards actually, a time to give rather than take, new moon in virgo and a time for healing balsmic moon. so these cards, surprisingly, are saying the same thing. a change is coming, it may seem like its slow but its coming. i promise, and it will be surprising when it happens.
back again to tarot, because i actually only got to one card(!!) you guys are reevaluating and reflecting, i feel like you have been for a while, thinking and dwelling on the things you can change, have changed, and how far you’ve come (NOT GOODBYE BY BO BURNHAM COMING ON IM DONE walks out door ok im back.. but anyways) stop romanizing everything and look at it in worse case scenario vs best case. the best case was already stated, now look at it as the worst thing that can happen. make that like the fuel for your flame and dont let it hold you back, let it drive you forward. this is where six of swords comes in, you ARE moving forward and you will keep moving forward the more you do. you will heal (ORACLE!!) and you are healing. six of swords can also be interpreted as an escape. maybe shifting is an escape for you?
for the last card, 3 of cups is all about harmony, friendships and community.
i know a lot of people (AND I MEAN A LOT OF PEOPLE) have left the MHA shifting community recently, but keep close to the ones you need/have made an impact on you. maybe they’re leaving/have left but yk what you do? ask around. search and find. it reminds me of a bible verse “ask and you shall gain” or something like that. keep close to those who help you, keep the positive in your life not the negative. keep friends close okay? and talk to them, dont let go.
okay pile 4!! thats it, hope this resonated and you have a great day! also little side note, throughout writing this pick a pile i saw the lovers. so that may be important to some of you. im not putting it in confirmation because if you get this far down that means something for you.
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adeleidetheexplorer · 30 days
ᰋ ׅ࣪ ꒰ tarot lessons 101 ♡︎ how accurate tarot cards are? ꒱
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disclaimer: this post is based on my own experiences and observation, the main point of this post is to teach other's on ‘‘how to read properly in an easy way’’. i don't intend to hurt anyone feelings with my post rather let me know about if there's something disturbing or uncomfortable about it.
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table of contents:
1. how do tarot cards works
2. what does ‘‘take what resonates and leave when it doesn't?’’ actually mean?
3. can you learn tarot for a week or a day?
4. why is it important to know the differences between major arcana, minor arcana and court cards?
5. how accurate is tarot reading?
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before going in a depth explaination of this post, you need to know first how tarot cards works.
tarot is working on our energy for ourselves, past, present and future ones - it's not gonna show you the detailed reading but it's a peak or highlights of the situations you'd asks from the tarot decks especially if the reading is general. if you were gonna asked me, this seems like an instrument or a friend to rely on asking for advices about what we are gonna do on our lives. tarot is like life full of mysteries, purpose, passion, magic and miracles to uncover - if you believe, it will happen while if you don't believe, it won't happen. it's easy, you don't need to make it hard. in the end of the day, they're just an instrument and we are still the handler of our lives and fates. but after all of this, you need to know and learn first how every tarot cards means and being interpreted.
what does ‘‘take what resonates and leave when it doesn't?’’ actually mean?
you probably sees this line most of the time in every general reading. let me tell you something. resonates with me means and it explains that you have experienced it in such a heartfelt and personal way that you can relate with that reading and those parts that seems inaccurate you may need to throw them away or set them aside first because maybe it's not yet the right time for them to uncover the truth, if that's happens you may need to wait for few days, weeks, months or few years to know the results of the reading itself but sometimes in a reading you might take nothing at all and that's okay. that doesn't applied and mean that the reader (tarot reader) is wrong (unless they're fake and pretenders) because they're just working on energies most of the time, it's not your fault either.
can you learn tarot in a week or a day?
yes, if the eagerness is there - you can! but for me, i bought 3 sets of tarot decks with different perspective of meanings and i realized each deck's has their own meanings and interpretation. this is based on their illustrations and colors. i started practicing and learning tarot since august, last year (yup, pretty new). but the desire of learning tarot by myself is always there so i start practicing and memorizing each one of them from major arcana down to minor arcana cards for 8 months that had past. just an advice for you to don't messed up on how to learn their meanings make a notes about them this will include your own interpretation, intuition, the cards meaning from the guide book, feelings (what do you feel when you read), combination (what's next or before to one card from another) and observation : look at the spread carefully, each pictures and see what's this spread and each cards speaks to you like a conclusion.
i. the decks i can suggest if you are pretty new and wanted to learn tarot
a. tarot-waite raider - this deck can be used in every situation and questions, let say a general and all rounder deck.
b. the antique anatomy tarot - love this deck, the box has a mesmerizing outlook. the book (guideline) is insightful with great and clear instructions of the zodiac signs, colors, illustrations and numbers.
c. light seer's tarot - love this deck a lot, the colorful aura and drawing of each cards makes me feel excited when i do reading for my family and for few of my friends, of course. love how the cards giving off the ‘‘blithe’’ energy although i didn't follow much it's meaning, i like using it.
why is it important to know the difference between major arcana and minor arcana?
there's a lot of variation of it's description about what is difference between major vs minor arcana means, to make is short - i will explain them in nutshell. major arcana have 22 cards including 0-22 numerical roman numbers while minor arcana have wands, cups, swords and pentacles and it counted from 1-10's including the court cards which are the kings, queens, knights and knaves (page). major arcana can talks and indicates about bigger human experience while the minor is a daily-basis experience of a person.
how accurate is tarot card reading?
accurate as ever. it may not be happening to you now but timing makes it perfect. it will happen like the cards speaks to you. it's always did. especially i booked with these 2 tarot readers from an online shop before and they're actually accurate which makes me shiver. it's the feeling of expect the unexpected. the feeling you are in between of knowing and being in knows. but as i observe, if you read it in a wrong way you definitely get a different and inexact answers but despite all of that you're question must be in the right form and construction of words too so you can get an accurate answers. because sometimes you may need to look if they're in a correct way for example - ‘‘what to do with this situation?’’ like what kind and if ever with whom, it's better if you'd ask ‘‘what i can do with my (current,be specific) situation?’’ or ‘‘what will happen about this situationship with this (your person's name)’’ this only applicable if you do this by yourself. but that's okay, if you don't read it by yourself and rely it to other readers because tarot is also about predicting especially if you come at them in an open reading : a form of reading where you don't ask a specific question but they able to give you the answers you were searching for. but after all, that's all of my observation and i'm not calling out anyone here, so no bashing. remember you can correct someone in a proper way forms of words without actually hurting them.
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artsyhamster · 1 year
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Part 3!
And oh boy, this one definitely needs explanation, so see you down in the ramblings.
I gotta be real, this is my least favorite set so far. I was very unsure about the characters I chose for these and it also shows in the compositions. I might redo them at some point but I want to finish the major arcana as a whole first, before I lose myself in revisions. Maybe I shouldn’t be too harsh on myself anyway, because this is just a fun project but, ah, perfectionism.
Anyway, citations from here, as always.
THE LOVERS - Actually means that the protag feels sexual urge or need for relationship. Harry basically flirts with everyone and is still hung up on his broken relationship, that he doesn’t even remember, so the meaning here is pretty warped. So I just chose some lover figures. But who to choose? Klaasje and Lely? Well their relationship gets known pretty late, and didn’t end very nicely. Also I do not know how Lely looks like as not-a-corpse so-- Klaasje and Ruby? Seemed to me more like a fling, and didn’t interest Harry much except for some lecherous line he dropped. So I chose Sylvie and Garte, because Harry actively gets involved in their business. He can help them get together or ultimately break their relationship before it could ever bloom (Shoutout to the cock carousel) so I chose them because Harry is the most involved here.
THE CHARIOT - I’m just gonna quote for a bit “The Chariot represents the vigorous ego that is the Fool's crowning achievement so far. (...) we see a proud, commanding figure riding victoriously through his world. He is in visible control of himself and all he surveys.” Not many people with horses around there in Martinaise, only people driving cars. None of the lorry drivers fir the description for me though. The chariot is also described as commandeering and rigid, and René fit the description for me the most. He is definitely a proud person, commandeering and strict, and also surveying the world around him from his booth up at the harbour. Otherwise, yeah I got nothing. This one was just hard lol
STRENGTH - “[The fool] is pressed to develop his courage and resolve and find the heart to keep going despite setbacks.” was a line that made me very desperately want to choose Kim here, but I had other plans for him already. Strength is part of the Virtues trio, and spoiler spoiler, Kim will get his place as one of the three Virtues, but this one goes to Cuno, because I feel he is also very influential on Harry. Another quote for the card is “The Fool also discovers the quiet attributes of patience and tolerance.“ which I think fits Cuno quiet well. Because boy do you need a lot of patience and tolerance with him to make him trust and help you. But ultimately he is also there in the end if you need him (and Kim is unfortunately not present) All in all, what could make you want to get your shit together more than escaping the mocking words of a potty-mouthed kid. Horrifying lol
I tried really hard okay. I’m sure there are other interpretations but that’s the best I could come up with.Meanwhile I also bought an art book of a really pretty tarot set I saw at the last convention I was at, and there were so many lovely compositions that almost made me question what I am doing here. But again, I’m doing these for fun [*self prep talk*]. Still, take a look at this magnificient tarot deck (Instagram Link) I’m so sad they were sold out, but at least I got the art book.
Uhhh anyway enjoy. Next set will be better I promise. I like the upcoming one a lot : )
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morrch · 1 year
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okay, I want to draw a ofmd based tarot deck 😳
for now, i’m only thinking about major arcana with the main plot line. the fool’s journey where stede is the fool (respectfully)
but it would be so fun to draw all 72 cards!! with all the subplots and characters
i’ve done some rough sketches for the start, i’ll continue after season two is out. idk yet if I should wait even for season three with this project (if it’ll happen lol) maybe i’ll just redraw some cards later… who knows! I think I need to draw my ideas while they’re fresh anyway lol
so about what’s going on with the cards now
THE FOOL start of stede’s journey where he’s still hopeful and a bit naive. sign of the new beginnings
THE EMPRESS represents femininity, motherhood and creation. I think mary with her art is perfect for this card
THE EMPEROR father figure, authority and structure
THE LOVERS scene from the picnic where luscious first noticed the spark. I also like how the original card has a snake as a sign of temptation and in this scene, they also eat a snake (I wasn't planning on it when started to draw I think it’s destiny)
THE HERMIT so here is the s2 izzy where I assume he’ll get so of redemption arc and will face himself on top of everything else. also, he is almost always surrounded but the candles and has a clear attraction to the flames, I wonder how it’ll affect the symbolism. anyway this card is still a speculation, this is only my gut feeling
DEATH originally this card is not necessarily dark, it is mostly about the ending of a cycle. but in this case, I thought that this particular scene defined ed’s relationship with death and the act of killing. also, it’s kinda about ending a cycle of abuse (not sure about this one)
THE DEVIL I think it’s mostly about how ed sees himself and I wanted to draw the figurines lol (idk i’m too heartbroken about my emo baby girl I can't explain my feelings aaaaaa)
THE TOWER this is where it all started for me haha. this is the card that represents the destruction of beliefs and foundations and I think the lighthouse painting is PERFECT for it. how it all shattered and stuff (screaming)
THE MOON love this one is about anxiety and betrayal and not important about seeing the danger in the wrong things. and I like that on the original card there is a wolf and a domesticated dog and they are such a good parallel to ed and steed 😖 and izzy is the crayfish sorry not sorry (more like cryfish amIright??)
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cursecuelebre · 20 days
Using Tarot within your Spellwork & Spellcasting
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Tarot was created for divination purposes however Tarot is a tool in our witchcraft or folk traditions, it can help advise and push you to do things that will make your life better and easier. There is a lot of divination tools like Runes which are magic themselves, Oracle which can also work really well, same with charm casting, etc. these tools can help manifest things into our lives. Simple as putting a card near a candle flame. I am focus on Tarot cards in this blog but play around and see if these methods can help you.
If you believe that Tarot is infused with energy which I believe, it’s more than just paper and ink. Yes can it be a regular deck of cards yes but we can infuse them with our energy drawing it from other energies that bring them almost like alive in a way. I do interviews with my decks and every single one has a different energy and purpose in my practice. This will definitely help with Spellwork.
I use the cards as a source of power, major and minor arcana, sometimes I’ll shuffle and let them pick the cards or go through the deck and pick out the cards that I think will really work in the spell. I recommend doing the latter since it’s more good on your intuition and more accurate. You can charge them using the moon or incense or even sound. You may have specific decks for specific spells for example if you are doing a love spell maybe using a romantic deck themed cards Sexual Magic (Only 18+), Romance Angels Tarot, the Lovers Path Tarot, if you are doing shadow work spells or darker forms of magic get a darker deck like Haunted House, The Black Tarot, Bianco Nero deck, etc. if you’re doing spells that involve a certain practice of paganism like Celtic magic in Welsh traditions the Llewellyn tarot or Italian Folk magic the traditional Visconti deck. I should mention if you’re working with animals or nature there’s is plenty of all animal decks like Woodland Wardens which is a really great deck. These specific themed decks can really help with symbolism, energies of certain entities, if you’re having a hard time finding certain decks oracle decks can really helpful in this sense.
But if you just want to keep it simple use any witchcraft or magic themed deck, heck any deck that you feel comfortable to be using in spellwork. A simple RWS deck is good enough!
You can also do a quick read on what type of spell and if you need to do one.
Methods of placement
1. Charging an Object
I like putting said cards in a circle or cross formation leaving the center blank. You can most definitely put a card in the center for a bit extra energy. You can add an oracle card to fill the center as well, I don’t have specific placements of the cards really if I’m creating a specific spread I’ll use the same cards each time but you can use directions, shapes like the seven pointed star and pentacle, elements, Zodiacs, etc. you can always be creative with it. But I do prefer putting the main card that is the main point of energy above the object.
Charging an object can multitude of physical things for this example I’ll use an amulet my Mjolnir which symbolises protection, strength, courage, and overall the spirit of Thor. So I can charge this during a Thursday if I really wanted to (but I’m impatient woman) so I’ll take any card that shall resonates with these attributes if you have a specific card for a deity like Thor it’s good to use in this sense. There are multiple cards for Thor I associate with the Tower, Emperor, Strength, but I’ll use Strength and Tower. Negative cards to me in this context doesn’t matter rather what it represents but use your intuition if you have a better understanding what energy fits right and most definitely can use more than one card. It might take awhile to find some cards to help during this step which perfectly okay, read the guidebook or traditional meaning of each card if you still unsure for beginner or advanced there is nothing wrong with that.
I got 7 cards for this spell and depending your space you can switch up the spreads, limit the cards even one card can be powerful, switch to a different surface.
Strength (main focal point) for courage and endurance and strength
Seven of Wands for protection and defense
Two of Swords for boundaries and protection
Ace Of Pentacles for wealth (possession which this case the amulet)
Moon for enchantment and magic to give the spell bit more energy and power.
Tower for Thor representative
Ace of Swords for defence and offense
It’s helpful to write down why you pick certain cards especially for the chant. You can light a candle and burn incense to get in the mood for the ritual. I use a bell and go into a circle calling out the cards names “Strength I waken thee!” I like to be dramatic lol over each one to essentially call upon them. Of course call upon the deity that I have represented in this spell of course, evoking Thor to help for this ritual. You can do it first or after awaken the cards. Then once you’ve completed that it’s time to draw that energy into the amulet, by using a wand really helps in this process but your finger or pen or anything pointy can work!
“Strength I call upon thee for blessing of this amulet of courage and fortitude!” Then imagine energy coming from the card as you slowly dip the wand’s tip into the soft energy then pulling it to the amulet I tap the amulet around three times or you can even blow on the amulet. Then do this for the number of cards you have. For Thor, I lift the amulet up from the table to the ceiling and praying for Thor’s blessing of protection.
Now you’ve done all that it’s time to wrap up the ritual, depending on your practice and preference you might want to leave the amulet and the cards as you have them for a time till the next day maybe have near crystals or charging beneath the moon. For me I thank the cards for their help and Lord Thor’s for his before by lifting the card close to my lips whispering “Thank you” it’s a mindful gesture and having complete trust and thanks. Placing them back into the deck all except the main focal point card of the spell which is Strength keep the main focal point card out, then take it to your altar placing it there with the amulet ontop of it. I set my mjolnir and the Strength card on my Norse altar next to Thor lighting his candle for awhile not too long nor too short. Again it might depend on what spell you might be doing.
This doesn’t just have to be an amulet of course but jars, crystals, spell tools, statues, talismans, Poppets etc.
You can also perform candle magic Just be mindful of wax make sure the candle wax can be caught in a dish or there is plentiful space from the card so wax won’t drip onto the card cause that wouldn’t be good. Just place the candle in the center of the ring of cards. I’ll probably make a specific blog about this method.
Even though I have my own method there is nothing wrong to mix it up and doing your own thing. There is plenty of ways to use Tarot not just for divination. I hope this blog gave some folks inspiration in their witchy works!! If any questions please feel free to ask on this blog or the ask me button! 💖
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ᰋ  ׅ࣪   ꒰  tarot lessons 101 ♡︎ how accurate tarot cards are?  ꒱  
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disclaimer: this post is based on my own experiences and observation, the main point of this post is to teach other's on ‘‘how to read properly in an easy way’’. i don't intend to hurt anyone feelings with my post rather let me know about if there's something disturbing or uncomfortable about it.
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table of contents:
1. how do tarot cards works
2. what does ‘‘take what resonates and leave when it doesn't?’’ actually mean?
3. can you learn tarot for a week or a day?
4. why is it important to know the differences between major arcana, minor arcana and court cards?
5. how accurate is tarot reading?
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before going in a depth explaination of this post, you need to know first how tarot cards works.
tarot is working on our energy for ourselves, past, present and future ones - it's not gonna show you the detailed reading but it's a peak or highlights of the situations you'd asks from the tarot decks especially if the reading is general. if you were gonna asked me, this seems like an instrument or a friend to rely on asking for advices about what we are gonna do on our lives. tarot is like life full of mysteries, purpose, passion, magic and miracles to uncover - if you believe, it will happen while if you don't believe, it won't happen. it's easy, you don't need to make it hard. in the end of the day, they're just an instrument and we are still the handler of our lives and fates. but after all of this, you need to know and learn first how every tarot cards means and being interpreted.
what does ‘‘take what resonates and leave when it doesn't?’’ actually mean?
you probably sees this line most of the time in every general reading. let me tell you something. resonates with me means and it explains that you have experienced it in such a heartfelt and personal way that you can relate with that reading and those parts that seems inaccurate you may need to throw them away or set them aside first because maybe it's not yet the right time for them to uncover the truth, if that's happens you may need to wait for few days, weeks, months or few years to know the results of the reading itself but sometimes in a reading you might take nothing at all and that's okay. that doesn't applied and mean that the reader (tarot reader) is wrong (unless they're fake and pretenders) because they're just working on energies most of the time, it's not your fault either.
can you learn tarot in a week or a day?
yes, if the eagerness is there - you can! but for me, i bought 3 sets of tarot decks with different perspective of meanings and i realized each deck's has their own meanings and interpretation. this is based on their illustrations and colors. i started practicing and learning tarot since august, last year (yup, pretty new). but the desire of learning tarot by myself is always there so i start practicing and memorizing each one of them from major arcana down to minor arcana cards for 8 months that had past. just an advice for you to don't messed up on how to learn their meanings make a notes about them this will include your own interpretation, intuition, the cards meaning from the guide book, feelings (what do you feel when you read), combination (what's next or before to one card from another) and observation : look at the spread carefully, each pictures and see what's this spread and each cards speaks to you like a conclusion.
i. the decks i can suggest if you are pretty new and wanted to learn tarot
a. tarot-waite raider - this deck can be used in every situation and questions, let say a general and all rounder deck.
b. the antique anatomy tarot - love this deck, the box has a mesmerizing outlook. the book (guideline) is insightful with great and clear instructions of the zodiac signs, colors, illustrations and numbers.
c. light seer's tarot - love this deck a lot, the colorful aura and drawing of each cards makes me feel excited when i do reading for my family and for few of my friends, of course. love how the cards giving off the ‘‘blithe’’ energy although i didn't follow much it's meaning, i like using it.
why is it important to know the difference between major arcana and minor arcana?
there's a lot of variation of it's description about what is difference between major vs minor arcana means, to make is short - i will explain them in nutshell. major arcana have 22 cards including 0-22 numerical roman numbers while minor arcana have wands, cups, swords and pentacles and it counted from 1-10's including the court cards which are the kings, queens, knights and knaves (page). major arcana can talks and indicates about bigger human experience while the minor is a daily-basis experience of a person.
how accurate is tarot card reading?
accurate as ever. it may not be happening to you now but timing makes it perfect. it will happen like the cards speaks to you. it's always did. especially i booked with these 2 tarot readers from an online shop before and they're actually accurate which makes me shiver. it's the feeling of expect the unexpected. the feeling you are in between of knowing and being in knows. but as i observe, if you read it in a wrong way you definitely get a different and inexact answers but despite all of that you're question must be in the right form and construction of words too so you can get an accurate answers. because sometimes you may need to look if they're in a correct way for example - ‘‘what to do with this situation?’’ like what kind and if ever with whom, it's better if you'd ask ‘‘what i can do with my (current,be specific) situation?’’ or ‘‘what will happen about this situationship with this (your person's name)’’ this only applicable if you do this by yourself. but that's okay, if you don't read it by yourself and rely it to other readers because tarot is also about predicting especially if you come at them in an open reading : a form of reading where you don't ask a specific question but they able to give you the answers you were searching for. but after all, that's all of my observation and i'm not calling out anyone here, so no bashing. remember you can correct someone in a proper way forms of words without actually hurting them.
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lunarsilver · 2 years
What awaits you in December?
As always, choose the picture or number you feel most drawn to.
I’m not a doctor, a psychiatrist, a therapist nor a psychologist. Tarot readings will never replace meetings with them.
It’s a general reading, so not everything will resonate.
If you can’t choose between two piles, probably both of them have some messages for you. You can also not identify with any of them and that’s okay too.
Readings can help you make a decision, but they shouldn’t be the main reason of making it.
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1 ~ 2 ~ 3
Theme (Major Arcana only): The Lovers – Back of the Deck: The Empress
More info: Ace of Pentacles (R) – Ace of Cups (R) – The Fool – Back of the Deck: Seven of Swords (R)
Oh man, so many cards related to new beginnings!
The theme of your December will be relationships and feminity (regardless of your gender). The deck I used for this part of the reading futures characters from a certain game – both of them are young girls being in touch with who they are and what they want (maybe some of you play Genshin Impact and Barbara or Fischl are somehow special for you). There’s this stepping into your power and embracing who you are. Even if some may think your hobbies or how you express yourself is weird or cringe, there is also a lot people out there that would adore you and appreciate what you do for them.
As I said at the beginning, the second part of the reading kinda shocked me, literally all of the cards except the one at the back talk about some sort of a new start, pretty straightforward. This December is a whole new beginning, why wait for the new year. Be careful, there’s some chance you can miss if you won’t act. Plan ahead. There will be some looking into yourself, understanding your emotions. Do you have an imposter syndrome? There will be harder moments, but The Fool heralds a new beginning, stepping into your power and having fun with discovering new things. Seriously, getting to know yourself better and embracing it just keeps popping up. A truly „stop cringing, embrace the cringe” message.
Kinda an afterthought, but your relationships with family can be important, most likely with your parents and/or siblings, especially with your (older) sister.
Theme (Major Arcana only): Death (R) – Back of the Deck: The World
More info: Queen of Wands (R) – Three of Pentacles – Five of Pentacles – Back of the Deck: Knight of Wands
Looks like you will experience some blockages and stagnancy, but it’s also pretty clear this December is all about your inner self: seeking closure and inner transofrmation. It isn’t really about outer world, more about you yourself. Maybe some of you will feel a little stuck in your spirituality or disconnected from your ancestors/spirits. In case any of you plays Genshin Impact, I used a deck with characters from it for this part of the reading and the ones on your cards are Hu Tao and Paimon, maybe they’re somehow significant to you.
Now, going more into details – we have Wands and Pentacles here, fire and earth. Do you plan to visit some older building, all in white and beige, maybe abandoned, full of plants? Pretty specific, but it came to my mind when I was looking at the pictures of the Pentacles cards, they have both a pretty similar vibe, calming and kinda mysterious. A museum? Renaissance vibes.
Yeah, this Queen of Wands in reverse? That’s what I was talking about earlier, you concentrate energy on yourself now. You may spend more time alone, to understand yourself better. However! It doesn’t mean you won’t have people around you, after all we have two cards from the Court here. You will work on some project together. Remember about clear communication with each other. Nearer the end of December you can have some struggles; save some money for sure, and remember to have reliable people around you. You know, if you ever feel lonely, remember it’s always temporary. Knight of Wands says you’ve got it! You have this passion and determination, pile 2, you can do this! Oops, the Knight slided out of the pile and The Lovers showed up from under it. So, there was this feeling in me that for some of you The Knight can actually represent someone else that will be important for you during December, and I feel like these Lovers kinda confirm it. Some bond, maybe? As if this Knight was about to bring a precious relationship, you are the queen and someone else is the knight – for some, of course. Alternatively, it’s a confirmation of my words: you will do it. Some choices are to be made, and you have the fire in you to make it.
Theme (Major Arcana Only): The Tower – Back of the Deck: Justice
More info: The Hanged Man – King of Pentacles – Six of Swords – Back of the Deck: Knave of Wands (R)
Okay, guys, some major, sudden change, a big event or process that can be hard for you to handle. After The Tower usually something better comes to us, so keep it in mind when it won’t be easy for you. This change is related to what Justice represents: clarity and truth, cause and effect, Justice doesn’t take anybody’s shit. Whatever it is, justice will be served. For some, it can be more literal, be about law. For others, maybe someone who treated you unfair or bullied you is going to deal with the consequences. If you feel like you can be the bad guy in someone’s scenario, it’s time to change. Wow, sorry for being so serious here, just gotten into this mood after seeing the cards. In case any of you plays Genshin Impact, I used a deck with characters from it for this part of the reading and the ones on your cards are Raiden Shogun and Jean, maybe they’re somehow important to you. Some problems with keeping balance in your life?
Moving on, the beginning of this December is about letting go, stopping for a moment, reflecting, looking from a different perspective. It looks like you will be in your power, pile 3! Money, work – you have this under control. Maybe you will be some kind of a leader. Working on some passion project? There’s this stability and reliability in you, even thought different things can be frustrating. Remember to be patient. The end of the December will bring you a transition of some kind, leaving something behind – probably The Tower will be in ruin by now and you will start something new, better than what this Tower was. We have here Major Arcana, Pentacles, Swords and Wands, we only lack Cups (I actually saw a reversed King of Cups while shuffling but it didn’t pop out) – this can signalize a disconnection from feelings. Remember to give yourself some time to think about why you feel a certain way.
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bluemoonpunch · 11 months
⭐Relationship Reading for Ohm and Nanon - Tarot and Oracle Reading
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[This reading covers the relationship dynamic of Thai actors Ohm and Nanon, on a subconscious and energetic level. This particular reading can cover romantic, platonic, and familial relationships and is designed to put a connection between two people into perspective, showcasing what is gained from the relationship as well as the highest potential of it. For this reading, in particular, I used 4 decks — the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, The Linestrider’s Journey Tarot deck, The Arcana of Astrology, and the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle. This spread is an original design by me. This reading lasted 3 hours .]
Reading Performed: June 26, 2023 😨
Reading Posted: November 11, 2023 😭
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Before I can get into the main reading, I definitely need to talk about the energy signatures that came up with these two as individuals. To start off, Ohm’s energy was much more open and receptive, which seems to be a major feature of his overall energetic signature. There’s a lot of very stable and warm energy being emitted at all times, but it’s very controlled and streamlined at the same time, which seems to create a bit of pressure when it comes to how he processes certain kinds of energetic influences. This is what I saw for Ohm:
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The blue represents this very clear energetic body that is incredibly receptive, on all ends at all times. In contrast, this red line that projects around that energetic body represents more of what he actually expresses or emits. When he is receiving a lot of positive energy, a lot of positive influence, love, kindness, and so on, he can’t help but reflect that. It’s a full body expression, expressed in his body language and facial expressions especially, even though it may not be projected verbally. He, without any filtration, will always reflect the positivity he is receiving at any given time. However, the very jumbled and almost explosive energy around his head is where things seem a bit concerning.
When it comes to negative energy, negative influences, negative behaviors around him or that he is on the receiving end of, he will very consciously make the choice to not allow that to be reflected or expressed. This is where a lot of that control is. He’s very conscious of it and therefore the filtration of this energy occurs in his head. Originally, I thought maybe this was indicative of Third-Eye or Crown Chakra stimulation, but those are receptive energy centers and he was displaying explosive projection. Quite literally it’s like he can not stop himself from taking those energies and influences in, but he can stop them from coming out, and from there they build up and eventually explode out of his head. This is where involuntary verbal expression or a less controlled face may occur. People who know him very personally, people he would be comfortable expressing this with, or people he feels okay letting that guard down around may even describe him as hot-headed or easily stressed.
He’s very careful to not allow that expression to come out publicly, but it’s like a volcano, when it erupts it erupts, and there’s no stopping it. This, of course, doesn’t imply a massive outburst or physical violence, it’s still very concentrated around his head, around his facial expressions and his words. When he is at a “breaking point” it may be the slightest of things that actually set off that explosion, thus leaving people around him quite confused about his reaction or attitude, while also leaving him somewhat embarrassed or ashamed of his lack of control over his emotions.
This feels a lot like the transition between Pisces and Aries, this grand receptive space followed by a rather chaotic explosion of expression. There’s also a reflection of the transition between Scorpio and Sagittarius as well, but that would imply a more… sophisticated (?) or well-polished version of taking in both the positive and the negative and being able to project it all in a positive and constructive way. Considering that, according to what I was able to see online, Ohm is an Aries (some websites say Pisces) while Nanon is a Sagittarius, this may show a higher connection based in balancing and “leveling up” each other on a soul level as well as a conscious and physical level.
Compared to Ohm, Nanon’s energy was very, very closed off at the time of this reading, and I do believe, based on what I saw going forward, that this is a temporary state, but one he may have some trouble allowing himself out of. Because Nanon’s energy was so closed off and guarded, the observation was “from a distance” and with that came a bit more of an abstract image that I tried my best to draw:
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Nanon’s energy itself is represented in this bean-shaped stone, smooth like the ones you may find in a river bed, polished by the running water. This would imply a similar level of receptivity as Ohm, but rather than fully taking it in, it moves around him, shaping him in both positive and negative ways. When I was seeing this image, the stone (along with everything else in the image) was red but there was also a brighter red light pulsing slowly from within the stone.
This stone, representing Nanon and his receptive sensitivity, was shown to be sitting high up in a tree, on a tree branch, that was surrounded by very thick cobwebs. I usually think of spider webs as something to represent attraction or trying to acquire something, trying to draw something in, but here, these webs were well worn and thick, almost like they weren’t meant for catching things, they were just there to hide the stone, to deter anyone or anything from trying to get close. In the background, far off and away from the stone itself there was quite a chaotic storm with very thick red clouds and almost continuous lightning.
Full reading is available at bluemoonpunch.com!
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tuliptic · 5 months
My Way: Finding My Place in Adulthood
Don’t be afraid, dreams are everywhere, just keep going as I always have, this is my way.
Henlo adults here, this is another reading for y’all. This reading is specifically targeted to all adults: young adults to ease their minds; regular adults to get used to adulthood. Adulthood is really… Something… And this is coming from someone who’s turning 30 soon. I still have no grasp about what I’m doing, how I’m living my life, etc. Adulthood is still scary to me, though I have to say I’m seeing myself getting better and better day by day. Taking baby steps is important, as we all grow from what we experience.
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: How am I supposed to move around in adulthood, being an adult? Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1 - Pile 2
Pile 3 - Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. Also, I do not consent to my work or images being used by third parties on this platform or other websites as well.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck.
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Pile 1: Don’t be afraid, dreams are everywhere
One card to represent you: The World
I feel like there’s some sort of fear and enlightenment here. Some of you have an idea of what you want to do or achieve in your life, some of you know your life purposes, most of you are content with how your life is right now and are just going with the flow. However, all have a certain discomfort in common, which is fear of uncertainty. Most here may have earth influence in your chart, where stability is needed, where you are able to hold certain control over your own life. What if I do this and I could no longer go back? What if I give up my job and pursue something else? You have the answers to these questions, but you’re not ready to take the first step because of how certain you are that things will not go as you planned and hence, you’re in a standstill. (PS: Some of you may be into spirituality as well, and you might be called to use this gift to achieve enlightenment for yourself and the people around you.)
1. What are the expectations I have for myself? - Four of Wands rx
For some reason, I feel that… You expect difficulties. You don’t expect or believe good things can come to you without lessons or pain. You believe in fairness and balance, that amazing things can only come to you if you put in the effort and work hard. Hence, you tend to not take certain opportunities either because you think you don’t deserve it or you don’t think you’re capable of it. In a sense, I’d say that this way of thinking has caused quite some conflict and tension, not allowing you to enjoy the peace and security you usually like. What has brought you comfort in the past is now hindering you to accept new happiness in.
2. Feasibility on achieving those expectations? - Seven of Cups rx
Seven of Cups is a card of illusion, but with it in reverse, it is a card of choice. This relates back to the first card pulled, the card to represent you. You know what to do, you are capable of doing it, but there’s fear holding you back. Or maybe, fears. To you, you’re not only jumping out of your comfort zone, but into a danger zone where you have no idea how to manage the risks. Accept your fears, let yourself fall, let yourself fail. Have courage, believe that you’ll still be able to stand up after the fall and grow better from it. You’ll be surprised with what you’re capable of.
3. What are my weaknesses and how do I compensate? - Death rx
This card here is very self-explanatory: You fear change. That’s it. You prefer stability over anything else, and you fear losing control over what you have. What is yours needs to remain yours. This may stem from insecurities that were caused by traumas when you were younger, may it be people leaving you, or being disappointed by others, or something else. It has definitely affected your thought process, your understanding of the world and your way around it. The first thing that came into my mind was therapy, because there are some deep-seated issues that you may have. You’ll need to identify your fear, the root cause of it, work it out, and step out to try something new, constantly regenerating yourself on the way.
4. What are my strengths and how do I get better at them? - Nine of Wands
You’re resilient. You may not think so, thinking that how you function is just the norm and everyone else does the same. No, you’re different. You have gone through a lot of things and those experiences help you manoeuvre yourself around the present issues, and you learn as you grind through the challenges presented. People may see you as an inspiration with how you manage to not dim your lights through the darkest nights. You need to know that you have a side like this, and that you’re able to encourage others through you being you. Shine. Accept yourself and shine brighter, be the inspiration you’ve wanted to be. You’ll be surprised with how things will fall in place and come to you.
5. What is it in adulthood that I should focus on? - Eight of Wands
I’d say building connections would help you in the long run. Eight of Wands is a card that talks about action, which is… Again, self-explanatory. But what sort of actions should you be taking? In what field? Connections and networking. I’d say most of you have a way with words, or some may even have 3H or 11H placements. By building a web of connections, you’re able to gather information and help from various parties that will help you to get on the right track. Some may even push you towards the direction that you want to head to. Be proactive in making friends, talking to people, and taking the first step. Once you throw yourself out, people will know you and will be able to provide the support you need. And then you can vroom your way.
6. What are the directions and advice that I need to know/hear? - Five of Pentacles rx
One comforting message here is that difficult times shall pass. You may think you overcame something but there’s more to work on, which you’ll realise that the issue you face is still affecting your decision making as of current. You’ve got to review your past and learn your lessons, know that you can’t afford to stay in this mindset for long. This card acts as a sign that it’s time for you to move from feeling insecure to a more adjusted mindset, which will be prompted when you see new perspectives. You will be receiving messages from your guides and higher selves in various forms. Trust your gut feeling, believe in every reason that makes you feel better.
Overall energy: The Tower, Five of Cups rx
The themes of lesson, growth and replacing things and values that no longer serve you. Liberation will come to you when you move past that phase that’s holding you back. Hmm… Lemme reword myself. This pile gives me the feeling of something promising is coming, but you’ll need to go through the lessons (aka accepting that good things can come to you without your expected cost, it’s alright to fail, the need to find out the root cause of insecurities, etc). Life will present opportunities to learn, and will bring in new people for you to grow together. You know you are loved. If you don’t know it, now you do. Believe it.
Pile 2: Finally we begin
One card to represent you: The Empress
I would say that you have a gentle energy, you’re the person others go to when they’re feeling down or when they need some advice. You radiate a warmth that’s calming, providing a space of comfort for the hurt and wounded to rest and heal. You are intuitive, tho I have to say that your wisdom outshines it. It’s not just wisdom, it’s not just gentleness, but also a sense of belonging, a place where one returns to. Your intuition is what gives you the ability to see through things, people as well as the unknown. Some of you may have clair abilities, especially claircognizance. 
1. What are the expectations I have for myself? - Ten of Pentacles
I would say that you expect to build a life, build a family of your own, to be your own source of whatever you want. You do not want to rely on other people for things, especially financial abundance and happiness. You want to be your own provider so that you would feel secure with it, and that you’ll be able to contribute or give out what you have without needing to be conscious of how others look at you. There’s a hint of family themes among this, so it could also be you wanting to be the provider in your new found family without losing your own independence, if this makes sense.
2. Feasibility on achieving those expectations? - Ace of Swords rx
It’s doable, but it’s difficult. I feel that there’s quite some conflict between you and your family, resulting in you wanting to build a new family or to have your own found family. There’s this tension in you that is blocking a lot of blessings, I’d say. There’s a lack of clarity and undefined goals, preventing you from achieving success and happiness (depending on what you define them as). You will need to review your expectations, to set clear and measurable goals, only then you’ll be able to see your progress and further decide on how you want to proceed or to make changes along the way. Do not try to cover up facts or find excuses. You know that it’s not going to help you in the long run. Face it, accept it, work with it. 
3. What are my weaknesses and how do I compensate? - The Sun
Optimism is great, but being overly optimistic is not good. You tend to see the good side of things and may end up beautifying them, exaggerating them, or even fabricating them unconsciously. For some reason, I’m also seeing that you may be beautifying self-sacrificial tendencies, or attempt to attract people with your pain. You want to shine, want others to pay attention to you. Some of you may be prideful, but some would use whatever they’re “lacking” to attract attention. Example: Your friends use iPhone, and you use Android. Instead of saying you want to be different, you probably will go with the approach of “people who use iPhones are just keeping up with the trend and thinking that’s the higher end”, when in reality you can’t afford an iPhone. This is just an exaggerated example illustrated here for you to have an idea.
4. What are my strengths and how do I get better at them? - Death
Change is your forte. Some of you may not know it, but some of you do (and perhaps do not accept it). It’s not flexibility that we’re talking about, but more of an open-mindedness along with acceptance. Once you’ve overcome your weakness, you will be more open to listening to what others have to say, and forming your own opinion based on whatever information you’ve gathered (from others, from your own research, as well as updating outdated data). The transitioning phase will be smoother during then, when you shift from the old to the new. Right now, I’d say that there’s still a part of you who’s unable to accept that you’re wrong, or incorrect at certain things. There’s no fault in having pride over your knowledge, but if it is hindering you from improving, then you may need to work on that. 
5. What is it in adulthood that I should focus on? - The Emperor
Focus on your goals and what you want to achieve. For you, I’d say, one of your goals would probably be something that’s legacy related, may it be inheriting something (finance, career, skills, connections, etc.) or starting a new legacy (starting your own company, building network from scratch, starting to take up a very specific and niche role, etc.). I would also say that you’ll need to look straight ahead. The Emperor can’t afford to look around, only focusing on the path that’s in front of him where he tread carefully but boldly, carving the steps out for his people to follow (somewhat a legacy too). Do not be distracted, do not easily give in to temptation.
6. What are the directions and advice that I need to know/hear? - Eight of Cups rx
First thing I’d like to say is that your journey is going to be lonely. It’s not just going on that journey alone, but it’s something akin to a burden or a mission that you can’t tell anyone. You may have tried telling a family or a friend about it, and they don’t think it’s a big deal, resulting in you swallowing the pain alone, no longer willing to trust. The disappointment and disillusionment has uhhhh thicken around you. Think of them as fogs around you, and as they thicken, the more difficult it is for you to see your path. That. Communication with boundaries is very important for you right now, where you can put a balance between the socialisation and exposing yourself thoughtlessly. It’s difficult for some people, where you unknowingly overshare too much. Learn from it, find out a way that works for you. Open yourself to things, allow yourself to be open to inspirations from things and people around you.
Overall energy: Strength, Six of Swords rx
You’re strong, knowing where to go and how to reach your destination. Just that whatever that’s happening around you is preventing you from moving forward. You’re holding a lot of things back because whatever situations you’re in, but your passion and faith in life is strong enough to support you. You are doing your best with whatever you have right now, looking for opportunities in life’s challenges and learning the lessons. It is a difficult time, but have faith that things will turn for the better. Prepare your boat, and once the wind blows, set sail.
Pile 3: No matter what I’m going my way, to the place I’ve dreamed of every night
One card to represent you: The Chariot
I would say that you’re someone who’s goal oriented. You know what you want and you'll work towards it. I would also say that you may be impatient at times, wanting to achieve things in a short time. It feels like you feel that you're running out of time, especially when you compare yourself to your peers. For example, people your age have been talking about career advancement while you're still figuring out what to do, or your friends are married with kids and you're still single and feeling miserable. You know you're on the right path at your own pace, and you appreciate your days and blessings, but sometimes you just feel anxious about being “left out”. 
1. What are the expectations I have for myself? - Three of Swords rx
You expect yourself to be healed from your wounds and traumas soon. You want it quick, you want it urgently, and you’re pushing yourself far more than you can deal with at the moment. You probably may have gone through some childhood traumas and you’ve left them as they are. It may be due to the society or environment you grew up thinking that whatever you experienced was normal (Asian families, perhaps?). You thought vulnerability was a fault until recent years, where you learn to accept and honour them, and from there you proceed to heal your inner wounds. You may have thought that once you’re done with Phase 1, you can immediately complete Phase 2 of your healing, and… Sorry to break it to you, it’s not gonna happen that way.
2. Feasibility on achieving those expectations? - Two of Swords
It feels like you’re asking yourself the question: Am I healed or not? And your answer to it is either yes or no. Which… Is not how healing works. Healing is a process; a journey, not a mathematical equation which is either right or wrong. You may think you’ve been healed but in reality, you may not have achieved that yet. You’re not seeing a lot of things yet, which is why you need to rely on your senses, especially hearing. You need to learn to listen to the whispers of others, may it be your friends or your guides. You are not alone, you have people accompanying you through this journey because you are loved. Healing is not linear, so take your time.
3. What are my weaknesses and how do I compensate? - The Fool rx, The Devil
I would say that you have expectations and you may think you’re living up to that, believing that you’re better and you live like it. … Lemme rephrase myself: You think you’re alright and that you’re living as how you expect yourself to be when you are not. It’s like you’re putting on a mask to deceive yourself and to show others that you’re doing fine. There’s this saying that you’ll need to fool yourself first if you want to fool your enemy. That’s you. You’re pretending and putting up an act, which will eventually cause your downfall to be greater than what you’ve experienced. Your insecurities are devils in disguise, which you probably know of. Now that you know of this side of yours, you will need to think and use your brain to figure out as you go. 
4. What are my strengths and how do I get better at them? - Four of Swords rx, Eight of Pentacles rx
I would say that you’re very action based, and you think a lot. One thing that’s special about you is that you know when to stop thinking. Unlike most people, once they start thinking, they spiral into their thoughts and have no way out. You, however, know when to stop and how to pull yourself out from that headspace. From there, you then use that energy and time to focus on earth-themed items, such as career, work, fame, building something, etc. You’re basically the healthy combination of brain and physical energy, making sure both of these aspects are taken care of, working on them when others are still trapped in their heads. If you think that you do not have this trait, maybe you can try it out. I believe all can achieve this, but your pile is able to tap into it easily as compared to others.
5. What is it in adulthood that I should focus on? - Four of Pentacles
Learning to focus on yourself, to put yourself first before others. I’m not sure if you’ve been called selfish for putting your needs above others, but you’re not. You can only share when you have extra/excess, and that’s when sharing becomes something comfortable and meaningful. Remember, you are not supposed to burn yourself to warm others. Let yourself have your own time, build connections with yourself and with others. Collaboration is something that you can work on, may it be work related projects or personal projects. Passion projects are things that will help you redirect your energy, and for you to keep yourself occupied when you realise your thoughts are jumbled up again with the excess energy.
6. What are the directions and advice that I need to know/hear? - Three of Cups
I would say that you will need to build your own home with people you trust in, with people you’re comfortable with. You may have gone through quite some family trauma, and your safe space may no longer lie with it. Remember, home is where the heart lies. As long as you feel comfortable, comforted and safe, you are home. For some reason, you may have been seen as the black sheep of your family. You have been told that you have great communication skills (may also have 3H placements), and it would be great if you know how to use that skill to its full potential. There’s more you can do with it, may it be drawing people to you, or drawing people away from people who harmed you. 
Overall energy: Judgement, Wheel of Fortune rx
I feel that you tend to judge yourself a lot, or people may have passed their biased judgement onto you when you’ve decided to not go their way. There are also some… Remnants? Of feelings of unjust? You have felt that life was unfair and things have not been going your way. Though you may have put that thought aside real quick cuz you believe in yourself more than what the stars or fate has said. You prefer to take things into your own hands instead of whatever higher beings there are out there, and I’d say that you’re doing a good job with it.
Pile 4: I admit it now life is a long marathon, the difference is that I set the course
One Two cards to represent you: The High Priestess, The Lovers rx
The first word that came to me is intuitive. You know you’re intuitive and you have used your intuition on a lot of things that came into your life, may it be making decisions or using it to discern those who come close to you with agendas. But still, you probably have some… Troubles with love? Not necessarily romantic ones, but platonic and love towards yourself as well. For some reason, I feel that you may feel called to be a lover. It can be self love, but personally, I feel that the energy here is more outwards, where you are supposed to love others, and yet there’s no one out there deserving of your love. Some of you may have 12H or Pisces placement as well, which may give others an impression of being dreamy or drunk in love. (My logical head thinks so, but for some reason I’m feeling that heart-clenching feel, as well as a sense of loss. Not sure how to phrase it well tbh.)
1. What are the expectations I have for myself? - The Moon rx
Weirdly, for some reason, I’d say that you expect yourself to be… Different? You know you’re different and that you may sometimes feel that you are unable to align with how this world functions. Hence, when you feel you’re becoming too “earthly”, you may feel torn, because you expect yourself to do or achieve “unearthly” things, eg: to be a spiritual guru, to do reiki healing, etc. You are definitely one pile that is more prone to the spiritual side of the world, where you’ll often have a nagging feeling at the back of your head when you’re not doing anything of that sort. 
2. Feasibility on achieving those expectations? - The Empress
It is definitely something achievable, that is, if you focus on healing yourself as well as creating meaningful bonds with the people around you. One of the main themes of The Empress is to nurture, which you are called to not only nurture the people around you, but also to nurture yourself. You will also need to be with the right group of friends who will be able to help you flourish (and of course, you helping them as well, as this is a mutual relationship). I honestly don’t know what else to say about this because the message is repetitive, and I think you know it as well. 
3. What are my weaknesses and how do I compensate? - Two of Cups rx
This card in this position talks about tension, deception or even lack of trust between you and your spiritual side. For some reason, I’m feeling that you are holding too strongly to a certain thought or a belief. It causes stress and fatigue, making you lose hope in the process. Instead of taking a forced “temporary” approach, it would be better for you to reflect on what it brings you, and to let go of past beliefs that no longer serve you. Two of Cups is supposed to be a card of joyful celebration, a union between two parties. You will need to turn the card upright. It’s time to release the old and embrace the new, only then you’ll be able to grow into your very best self.
4. What are my strengths and how do I get better at them? - Six of Swords rx
I would say that one of your strengths is special, because it is not so to a lot of people. You do not let your problems push you, but you work your way with it. See, most people’s first reaction is to solve the problem or to run away from it, but you choose to live with it and rebuild your life around it. There’s a part of you that is unwilling to make your life a mess by running and avoiding the problems. You surrender. Not in a negative way. You surrender the pain and stress, you abandon the old, limiting beliefs, and you live in the present. The best way I can describe it is… It’s like you’re a monk, where you live with whatever that is happening around you. Waves (troubles and challenges) are around you, and you’re on the boat, keeping yourself calm, not bothering with what the world is doing, keeping your calm. It's like you know there's a life after death and that you're working on it right now instead of being present in the current earthly life.
5. What is it in adulthood that I should focus on? - Ace of Wands
Ace of Wands is the first card in the Minor Arcana. What I’m picking up from here is that you’ll need to create a new beginning for yourself. I wouldn’t say it’s The Fool kinda journey, because The Fool’s journey is of meeting people and learning the lessons on the way. Your kind of journey is understanding what you want, seizing opportunities, and turning your enthusiasm into actions. You have an idea of where you want to go, when you want to reach there, how you’re going to move, with whom you will want to travel on this journey. I would also say that it would be a great time for you to filter your circle so that you’ll be able to go on this journey with the least distraction.
6. What are the directions and advice that I need to know/hear? - Four of Pentacles rx This is a time where you should consider relaxing your mind and remember that you cannot control what others are doing or holding. You know you have enough, and instead of focusing on the action of others, focus on yourself instead and how you can block out the noises. With this done, you will be able to move from a period of control and fear and anxiety to a stage of being more open (and blank). It’s like… Once you are able to clear your mind, those noises no longer mean a thing to you, and you’ll be able to focus on yourself and what you want to achieve. I’m also picking up words like “zen”, “calm” and “enlightenment”. … Yeah the word “monk” too.
Overall energy: The Devil, The Chariot
I am feeling some self-sabotaging themes here. It may sound difficult to accept but I do think The Devil here talks about you, where you’re embodying some traits, thoughts or beliefs that you’re unwilling to let go. Y’know how some things turn toxic when there’s excess or if you hold onto it for too long? That. It’s burdening you and you probably are actively trying to run away from it. I’m having the image of you being annoyed at how you’re not progressing, and you end up flipping the table, scattering all the plans you’ve made for yourself. Probably some big changes are bound. Clear up the space and welcome your spirit guides to show up in wondrous and unexpected ways.
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cookinguptales · 7 months
leap year tarot readings!
I haven't done a tarot night in a while, so let's have fun together today!
For my new followers (or a refresher for old friends), here's the low-down. I am not psychic. I cannot tell the future. That said, I do love tarot cards. I won't get into the personal significance they hold for me right now, but I will say that I studied the history of tarot in college and collect decks now. (I have a lot!)
So now periodically I do tarot readings for people on tumblr. Just simple 3-card draws, but we have fun here. Again, I am not psychic. That said, I do believe that, since tarot is based on archetypes that apply to all people, all people can see some of themselves in a tarot spread. I can't tell your future, but if something in the spread brings up something you've been thinking about lately... well, maybe that's your brain telling you to think things through a little bit more.
I always relate tarot to that one saying: if you want to make a decision, flip a coin -- and then see which side you find yourself rooting for. I think tarot is similar in that, when we see a spread, we find ourselves subconsciously latching onto certain parts of it. And I do think it's wise to listen to your subconscious occasionally. A strong gut feeling shouldn't always be followed, but I do think it should always be explored.
Anyway! If you would like to request a tarot reading, here are some quick guidelines.
Please send me an ask that I can reply to. A lot of people like seeing the cards themselves, so I'll be posting all spreads publicly.
You can be anonymous, but if you are, please put an emoji or something so you can identify yourself. (And to keep my notifications at all navigable.)
I am going to be using both the Rainbow Connection Tarot and the 5-Cent Tarot this time. Please let me know which you'd prefer, and please keep in mind that the Muppets one is just the major arcana!
I am not psychic! So if you ask me a specific question, I will not be able to answer it! But if you'd like me to keep a topic in mind while doing my reading, I'll do my best.
I like to take my time with my readings and also take frequent breaks to pace myself. So please be patient with me.
This always seems to come up, so let me just be very clear! These readings are free. If you'd like to do something in return, I always like to ask you to pay it forward by just doing something nice for someone in the next few days.
Please don't talk yourself down when you send a request! No "sorry to bother you"s or "if it's okay for me to ask" or whatever. I do this because I enjoy it. You are taking nothing from me that I am not freely giving, and when I need to take breaks, I will do so. You are just as entitled to my time as anyone else in my inbox when I have specifically put aside time for y'all to claim.
Uhh... okay! One more thing! One of the times I did this recently, I posted what song I was listening to when I did your reading, and I thought that was a lot of fun. This time, though, why don't you choose a song? I'll listen to it while I do the reading. It can be your favorite song, or one that has to do with the vibe you want, or one that you're just really feeling today. Go wild! Just make sure that it is physically possible for me to find on the internet. lmao
Finally, as always, if you don't want to see all this, please block "#tarot shenanigans".
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magicalgirlagency · 1 year
Needless to say, my current situation isn't one of the best ones, really...
Okay... I believe I should give you all some reason on my abscence. It's only fair!
So, after that disasterous latest episode of Hirogaru Sky PreCure, not only I have given up on magical girls, but I also came down with a nasty fever, got food poisoning, and now my throat hurts.
So, in an act of impulsivity in trying to lift my spirits up, I have bought a tarot card deck so I can relearn how to do my own readings and possibly get my shit together after being disappointed by one of my passions for the umpteenth time.
And it wasn't just any tarot deck that I've bought, no; it was the beautiful Star Spinner Tarot, by @trungles. Here's some of the cards (the Major Arcana)...
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...plus the four variants of The Lovers:
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I've chosen the sapphic/WLW variant, since it's the one that currently resonates with me. I don't know what to do with the other ones, but I'll keep them somewhere safe for posterity, for they're just as beautiful. Maybe I'll keep on switching when the mood strikes me...
So, Long Story Short: No, I'm not dead; just frustrated, is all. And I REALLY haven't given up on magical girls for good, since I'm clogging up my likes with magical girl stuff for when I eventually return.
I just want to feel something again and spice up my life a bit, at least until I'm ready to resume things (or if I see something interesting, like Battamonda eatin' shit; whatever comes first).
Anyways, that's all I have to say on the matter; until then, have fun with what's already on this here blog. Laters, potaters; I need my rest.
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rebeltarot · 11 months
Regarding your tarot education request, could you maybe cover like the basics, I’m a complete newbie😭
Maybe stuff like what the cards mean, what groups they belong to, what their reversals mean, how to interpret them for different topics. Just stuff like that. Thanks!☺️
Oh, I can definitely do that. So basically like a Tarot 101? I'll collect some prompts right here so I can refer back to it. Let me know If I am missing something. 🫰🫰🫰
Educational Topic Requests:
Tarot 101 - The Basics (sign/planet and element association as well as upright meaning)
Tarot 101 - Reversals (incl. whether it is necessary to read reversals and when it makes sense or not)
Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, and Court Cards - What does that mean and what do they represent?
Tarot in different areas of your life (career, love, friendship, life)
Tarot and personality traits
Tarot and advice
Tarot and timing
When to prioritize intuitive interpretations of tarot over classic interpretations.
How to choose the right tarot deck for you.
Okay, that's all I was able to gather out of your request. If I am missing something let me know. Also @everyone: please feel free to request educational topics all around tarot and other divination tools such as oracles, etc. via my ask box.
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firsttarotreader · 2 years
One for the tarot- does Pedro like his bf/gf cooking for him? 🙈
Hello! Now let’s see if our man who can’t cook might like a partner to cook for him. I asked my Marseille deck about it directly and the Major Arcana were The Emperor, The World reversed and The Fool reversed.
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Okay, so here's The Emperor again, Pedro being able to do anything he wants, powerful, a ruler, a leader, BUT cooking is his World reversed, his setback to full satisfaction. That is the thing that he definitely lacks, what "stops" the Emperor from reaching his full on "happy ending". The Fool reversed might mean cooking makes him feel "late" and "far behind in life because he can't do it, something he avoids like the plague and hesitates doing, making excuses for it and not really having any motivation to do it.
The Minor Arcana were the Page of Pentacles reversed, Queen of Wands and Knight of Pentacles. Page of Pentacles reversed with the Emperor shows that, deep down, this Emperor still feels disappointed in himself and discouraged, thinking that every time he tried to cook, he failed. Queen of Wands brings some action and fire energy to this whole problem with cooking, and she could represent the partner (any gender). She is good at taking care of her home, she rules it with consistency and care, and she will make things, she will not stall or avoid anything. It could be that the partner who knows how to cook could give him a hand with his problem. Knight of Pentacles with The Fool reversed, however, seems to be pointing to Pedro wanting to help, to learn what he can do to be of assistance to whoever wants to cook for him.
So he doesn't really love it if the partner cooks for him. It will help him a lot, but it only emphazises this feeling of "personal failure" when it happens. He will not want to just sit down and watch them cook like it's 1950, he will want to feel useful and do something to help.
I even asked my Tarot de la Nuit the same question to see what else would show up and the result was quite interesting. The Major Arcana were The Tower, Judgement and The Sun reversed.
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The Tower could mean that he feels like a disaster in the kitchen. If he tries to cook, he will cause havoc and "destroy" the kitchen, so Judgement points to this idea that he has accepted he can't do it and has no motivation to do it either and he just decides what is best for him in this situation. He tries something different, he orders food, he finds other ways out (frozen pizza). The Sun reversed is so curious, it could point to some "embarrassment" in a way to let the partner know how useless he feels in the kitchen. It's something that causes him a lot of disappointment when it becomes clear and noticeable.
The Minor Arcana were Page of Pentacles, 4 of Swords and 2 of Wands. Page of Pentacles with The Tower shows he has tried, and tried so hard for a while, to learn how to cook and to do it properly, but in the end he was just as ineffective as can be. Again, disaster, no matter how hard he tried. 4 of Swords with Judgement shows his decision. With a heavy heart (lol), he decided to step down, to back away from cooking altogether. 2 of Wands paired with The Sun reversed could point, once more, to him being around the partner in the kitchen trying to give ideas and offering his help, and trying to help, maybe set the table? lol He really wants to do something about it, and it's so disappointing.
So, again, it doesn't look like he particularly LOVES when a partner cooks for him. He won't hate it either, it's more like he would be embarrassed that he can't do shit and he would be eager to help somehow (not doing the cooking directly lol), but he would feel very uneasy to just sit down and watch the person cooking.
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