#okay jackie taylor ass
eugeniedanglars · 1 year
you know what. if no one else is brave enough then i'll be the one to say it. all those posts that are like "characters haunting the narrative they were doomed by" are secretly about jason blossom from riverdale.
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shaunamilfman · 15 days
yellowjackets + affection headcanons
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pairing: Shauna Shipman x r, Jackie Taylor x r, Lottie Matthews x r, Natalie Scatorccio x r note: seperatelyyyyy.
Shauna Shipman
very subtle demonstrations of affection. she’s definitely not a fan of over-the-top displays of PDA, preferring to express her feelings through her actions. show, don’t tell type.
does a lot of small things like making your favorite meal, leaving you little notes, and letting you pick what to watch even if it’s not your turn.
a lot of what she does isn’t especially romantic in nature, though it’s not to say that she doesn’t have her moment, but it’s always demonstrative that you’re special to her in some way or another.
very clingy, but not necessarily in public. she really likes to sit flush against you on the couch, the entirety of her side pressed against yours as she rests her head against yours. 
she’s a big fan of just laying together, even if you’re not necessarily intending on going to sleep. running her fingers across your skin absentmindedly as you lay together on the couch.
gives you compliments almost as if they’re an afterthought, but they’re always so sincere that you know she’s put actual thought into them even if she pretends otherwise.
drunk Shauna or jealous Shauna is all over you, though. she sees someone breathe in your direction and nearly jumps the couch to get over to you.
she’s so protective of you, even over the smallest things. imagined injustices are too much for her. tell her Nat was mean to you in a dream, and her ass is glaring at her the next time she sees her.
she’s always watching you in one way or another. sometimes it’s because she's being possessive, but she mostly just likes to know that you’re okay. any time you’re separated at the same event, you can relax knowing Shauna knows exactly where you are at any moment.
Shauna Shipman will not forget a date. she knows every milestone of your relationship and could list off the day they happened. she’s kind of cheating because her ass is going straight home and writing in her journal about it the day it happens, so she can always check back to the date.
Jackie Taylor
likes to make your life easier any way she can. unfortunately, Jackie’s ideas of what would make your life easier aren’t always exactly true. but she’s trying, and that’s the important part, right? sure, you spent twenty minutes trying to figure out how she reorganized your kitchen, but she did it with love.
queen of PDA. she’s all over you all the time. her ass will climb you like a tree in public. absolutely does not understand that there’s a time and a place for all that, but who would want her to?
always, always, always holding your hand. tries to pull your hand off the wheel at every single stoplight because it’s been sooooo long. kisses your cheek any time you’ve done anything that made her even the slightest bit happy, or also just because. she’s not picky.
no one on Earth will talk you up more than Jackie Taylor. she’s showering you with compliments, both to your face and to anyone who will listen to her talk about you. they’re all so genuine too.
plans the most complex dates you’ve ever seen. truthfully, they’re mostly for her own benefit, but you always have a good time anyway. she will expect to hear how impressed you were with whatever she planned out at length. she needs the reassurance.
so physically affectionate. hand-holding where she just plays with your fingers while watching TV. anytime you’re lying down, trust that Jackie will be climbing on top of you and staying there. falls asleep on top of you, and you’re stuck there till she wakes up.
listens very intently whenever you talk, but eventually her eyes always end up falling to your lips. she’s just a girl.
she’s so playfully mean to you. always gently poking fun at something you’re doing as she skips up next to you and presses the entirety of her body against your back.
so incredibly possessive. god forbid you even look in someone else's direction or it’s on. as much as she craves your attention on her all the time, it truly is just the way she cares for you.
quality time!!! your ass isn’t going anywhere.
Lottie Matthews
Lottie’s trying to get you lore dropping on the first date for sure. she’s very emotionally aware and enjoys the intimacy of sharing secrets and feelings between the two of you.
loves to take care of you. she hates when you’re sick but also loves to smother you in love and care whenever you are. definitely confesses it to you guiltily one day like it’s a grievous sin.
stocks her cabinets with things that you like. walking around the store with a little list of everything she’s ever seen you eat before you stay over for the first time.
forces the nastiest herbal teas on you for your "health.”.
gives you so many gifts. most of them are just small little trinkets that remind her of you, but they’re always so thoughtful in nature. remembers anything you’ve ever mentioned being interested in or looked at when out at shops.
the type to drop in while you’re studying all day with a snack because she knows you forgot to eat. pulling you out of your chair to get up and dance with her because you haven’t moved from your desk in four hours. pulling your headphones off your ears and dragging you to bed because you have to get up in six hours.
she’s so physical touch. Lottie’s always touching you in some way or another. just small touches mostly: brushes of her fingers across her arm as you walk past her, fingers intertwined as you walk around whatever market she’s dragged you to today, her thumb against your face as she rubs off the tiniest speck of dirt, brushing hair out of your face as you talk animatedly.
good luck getting Lottie’s head off of your shoulder. doesn’t matter if you’re standing or laying down. she’s zeroing in on it immediately.
Natalie Scatorrcio
not traditionally affectionate in the slightest. she’s very awkward with it at the best of times. epitome of like, “I dunno, you’re cool, or whatever,” while kicking the toe of her shoe against the dirt and avoiding eye contact. does not have any experience with giving or receiving affection at all.
she blushes to her ears at even the slightest hint of love or care once you get closer. girl does not know what to do with herself; she's so stressed.
it takes forever for Nat to tell you anything personal about her life. so when she finally does start talking that vulnerability is a major sign of her affection for you.
quality time where you sit together and do separate things. sitting on opposite sides of the couch while Nat keeps sneaking looks at you whenever she thinks you’re not paying attention.
she’s not great at comforting you while you’re upset, but she’ll always listen for as long as you want to talk about it.
so incredibly loyal and protective. she’s not even letting rightful criticism of you go. at least when other people say it. argues with someone for twenty minutes about something you did, but the second you’re alone she’s like, “that was so lame.”
she’s really physically affectionate in public, but not in the traditional sense. bumps your shoulders together a lot while giving you that crooked grin of hers, taps her foot against yours under the table, that sort of thing. in private, I think she would like more full-body contact stuff like cuddling than handholding or stuff of that nature.
Nat’s the type to drop you off at the front of the store when it’s raining while she parks the car. always walks on the curbside of the sidewalk so that car “hits her instead." always tries to open the door for you even when it’s inconvenient (think rushing around the car).
definitely the type to present you with pretty rocks she found and grins stupidly whenever she sees it sitting on a shelf at your place.
likes to try to fix things around your house.
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alottiegoingon · 5 months
art fair
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jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: jackie taylor is the elementary school's art teacher.
warnings: too much fluff, jackie and reader being adorable, not proofread
you weren't expecting to stay for any longer than five days this time. that was the initial plan and the words you had said to your parents on the phone before you arrived to wiskayok, new jersey.
the second high school was over, you took the first bus to new york and never looked back. okay, never was a strong word. despite the strong feeling you had to free yourself from the place where you had an awful time in high school, sometimes you would come back to visit your family and your sister, in special.
not wanting to miss her growing up, you had to work extra shifts on the bookstore to pay for a decent looking car, capable of going back and forth from new jersey to new york twice in a month.
now, it was an special occasion. for her 8th birthday, you promised her that you would spend the week in your family home and spend time doing fun things. and by fun things, she meant fun things for her.
the first thing you were asked as soon as you put your feet inside was "what did you get me?"
after wishing your sister a happy birthday and watching her open her present, you sink into the couch with drowsy eyes after some good two hours driving, feeling exhausted. you were so tired that you weren't even paying attention to what the small human full of energy was chattering around you.
"what do you think we should do first? we can go roller skating!"
"bug, i hate roller skating. you know that." god, you remember the last time you fell on your face. you wore a purple eyes for weeks.
"...or we could go get me new books! mom promised me you would go out with me." she keeps talking, not paying attention to you. that was going to be a very long week.
the very next day, you could barely open your eyes when your sister forced you to wake up early and drive her to school, affirming that it was part of the birthday package you promised her even though you didn't actually recall that
you had the brilliant idea to go straight home after dropping the kid at school and sleep for the rest of the day. or until she got home with quick loud steps and a vibrant high-pitched voice.
your great idea fell apart when you were effectively blackmailed by a tiny human dragging you to her classroom, excited to show you everything. you weren’t even sure if you were allowed in there but you followed her anyway.
"that's cool, bug! you did that?" you encouraged her regardless of the many screams of the other kids hurting your ears, right after seeing the paint strokes in a small canvas forming the figure of a person. for a eight year old, the kid had some actual talent. it was better than what you could do.
she nods, extremely proud of herself. "ms. taylor is teaching us how to paint for next week's art fair. you’re coming, right?"
five days. five days was all you could do. it was a pain in the ass to convince your boss to let you skip work for a week and you only managed to do it cause she was a friend of the family. more than that and you would turn into a jobless woman.
“i’ll see what i can do, alright?” you get on your knees to match her height. “now i’m gonna go home and later we can watch…” your voice trails off when your attention is stolen by a woman entering the classroom.
wearing baggy and colorful clothes with glasses that made her look even more attractive, she had a few books threatening to fall from her hands and loose paper sheets. nothing like the old women you used to have for a teacher when you were young.
“good morning, party people! sorry i’m late today.” she doesn’t seem to notice you, too busy and overwhelmed while organizing her desk. she was probably used to be surrounded by loud gremlins all the time, you thought.
she was about to say something but her lips closed after not even a second, knitted brows and an uncertain but polite grin painted on her face. “oh, and i think we have a visitor today.”
and your world fully stops when she looks at you. flushed cheeks as you were practically drooling.
“that’s my sister, she's visiting for my birthday!” the little one fills the awkward silence, not looking like she cares about your unexpected loss of words.
“aw, this is so sweet.” she frowns for a second and all of sudden, her eyes are on you “and are you having a good time down there?” she chuckles, causing your heart to skip a beat, and only then you notice your knees hurting. you were still on the floor, looking like a full time idiot. you hear the other kids the room laughing as well.
“yeah, i was just… tying her shoes.” you stand on your feet as quickly as possible, nearly losing balance.
“no, you weren’t. my shoes don’t have-.” your hand flies over your sister direction to cover her mouth.
your legs were feeling like thin sticks as you walked towards the light haired woman, extending your hand to her. “hi, sorry.” you said falteringly.
“it’s all good. i like to stay on the floor sometimes too.” she offers you an empathetic smile. “i’m jackie.” she finally shakes your hand.
“jackie.” you echo her, subtly shaking your head. it felt like you were absorbing her name into your soul. even her name sounded like something that could be in a movie. “hi. i’m-“
“i know. your sister talks a lot about you. but i guess i wasn’t expecting you to be like this.” you freeze again.
“like what?" your voice trembles as you ask.
she didn’t say anything but you feel her eyes wandering around you while she smiles.
jackie gave you an excuse, apologizing for interrupting the conversation but emphasizing how she desperately needed to start the class. she was already late and you felt bad for taking so much of her time.
“it was nice to finally meet you.” is all she says and you made sure to say it back. before walking through the door, you quickly wave at your sister, not wanting to disrupt them anymore.
you immediately gave up on the idea of sleeping for the entire day. how could you when you had just met jackie taylor?
overthinking everything was like a piece of cake for you, as easy as blinking. but it wasn't hard to overthink things when jackie's first impression of you was probably a terrible one, knees on the floor and making a fool of yourself.
you were happy to welcome your sister back home from school, disregarding the fact that she told your parents that you were drooling over her art teacher on your damn knees. how can kids remember so much?
wanting to know more about her very interesting teacher, with ice cream for dinner, you succeeded in finding out that jackie taylor wasn't a married woman.
"why do you wanna know that?" you struggle to understand the few mumbles thanks to her stuffing her mouth with ice cream.
"okay, i think you had enough." you whisper, slowly moving the bowl away and ignoring her question.
for the next two days, between a bookstore visit or going out for ice cream, you would give jackie taylor a thought. not because you cared or was interested, of course, you were just curious. and you wanted to fix the impression you made on her.
"are you driving me today?" was the question you were asked every morning.
too tired, too sleepy, too early, bad headache, terrible cramps. were all the excuses you gave her so you could have a few more hours of sleep. until the third day.
"school is starting soon!"
"hmm, i don't know if i'm taking you... i'm feeling so-"
"ms. taylor's class is the first one today." you notice her playful tone. she knew you too well.
"good. i'm actually feeling so good today." fast as the wind, you shoot out of the bed.
"you don't have to walk me there anymore. i'm not a baby." the eight year old complains as she notices you following her inside.
"sure, i know. i just wanna make sure you're safe." that wasn't a full lie. yes, you were looking forward to talk to jackie again, but you still cared about your sister.
you were fifteen minutes earlier that the actual class time and by the time you walk into the room, jackie was already there. with your sister going straight to talk to her friends, that was your chance.
"good morning." you timidly knock on the halfway open door, not wanting to scare her.
"hello there!" jackie closes the book that was laying on her big desk in front of her, fixing her gaze on you. lips curving upward. "not tying any shoes this morning?" standing up, she adjusts her slightly crooked glasses as she watches you get closer.
"not today, no. too hard to find any customers." you join her tease, feeling like you have been blessed as she laughs.
"you should try the art exhibition next week. lots of shoes to tie in there." you caught yourself thinking that she may be flirting with you but maybe you were just going crazy for drinking so much coffee lately.
"i would love to tie some stranger's shoes on a school event." playing along, all you could think was that you urgently had to stay for more than just five days. time to beg your boss twice.
"nice! i'll see you there, then." about to end the conversation, jackie's smile widens and the simple act almost makes you fall on your knees again.
"actually..." you fight to not stumble over your words as you create the fastest excuse ever to see her again. "my sister and i are going out for roller skating tomorrow. you should join us."
jackie's gaze lifts back at you, eyebrows raising in curiosity.
"why should i?" she had the casual smirk adorning her face, probably enjoying this entire situation much more than you.
"because... we're going to a park nearby and there's a few tables in there. what's greater to an art teacher than a pretty view to paint?" you were quite proud of how quick your mind worked.
jackie seems to take a brief moment to think about your words, even though she had already made her mind minutes ago.
"it's a deal."
"what? you hate skating. remember when you had a purple eye? that was funny." you turn around to find your sister standing by the door, giggling at the memory of your swollen face. jesus, for how long she was in there?
you met jackie at the park after spending the entire day double-checking your helmet and all of your safety equipment. you couldn't afford to fall again. not this time.
with a huge bag and many art supplies, jackie carefully placed everything on the picnic table while being squeezed in a hug by your sister. the first thing you noticed was how jackie dressed the exact same way out of school. free of any boring clothes and with no glasses this once.
"you actually came." you shyly mirror her grin.
"of course i did. i need to paint something for the fair and i thought that the good old blue sky and pretty trees would do the job."
"so an empty canvas is what made you come?" nervously, your eyes dart back and forth at the brushes on the pine table and her eyes.
"not just that. i think the companny is pretty rad too."
after feeding the ducks with your sibling, you joined jackie by sitting in front of her. she appeared to be so relaxed even when being so gentle and cautious with the paint. you couldn't help but feeling at ease as well.
"found something worthy of being painted by you?"
jackie looks at you over the canvas with rosy cheeks and a contented smirk, affirming with her head. "i think i did."
"it's nice of you to stay longer." her narrowed focused eyes are back on her work, sometimes meeting yours.
you didn't remember telling jackie that it wasn't on your initial plan to stay that long and as if she was capable of reading minds, she snorts before explaining herself.
"she told me you wouldn't be here for the art exhibition." her head points at your sister, skating around the small lake.
"she really does talk a lot about me." you joke, referring to what jackie said when you first met her.
"why did you?" eyes locked on the piece of work, jackie tries to sound unbothered.
"stay longer?" she agrees silently.
"i figured that i really like art. and i couldn't miss such an important event for her."
"so your love for art was what made you stay?" jackie questioned and, once or twice, you would catch her more concerned glance at you.
"not just that. i think the art teacher is pretty rad too."
in the middle of longing stares and jackie blushing for the first time, you hear a childish voice calling you.
"aren't you coming? you're so boring!"
snapping out of the jackie taylor effect, you realized that you still haven't fulfilled your promise to skating with your sister.
jackie, not worried about the painting anymore, quickly put on her rollers with a huge beaming expression. without a single effort to stay still on those things, you became aware of how experienced she was.
"come on, i'll help you out." standing in front of you, she offers you a hand and you don't wait much to accept it.
you were a nervous wreck when the big day came and it wasn't even your works that were going to be exposed to people. in honor of jackie, you tried to wear something formal like a nice looking suit and elegant shoes. a bit too much for a simple school event but it was much more than that to you.
at school, you were surrounded by an impressive quantity of paintings already framed on walls. some of them were adorable, made by younger students.
being pulled by your sleeves, you spend a few minutes in the area where your sibling's works were hanging in and seeing her so happy made you pleased to your decision to stay.
with a single poppy in hands, you find jackie talking to someone, probably a parent. at the exact moment your eyes met, she quickly excuse herself from the conversation to walk towards you with energetic steps.
"all of this looks amazing. you look amazing." is all you can say, not caring about the ear to ear grin on your lips.
"hi! you look great too. i like the suit. so fancy." her hand tenderly brushes over your shoulder, feeling the soft fabric of your clothes.
"it's a special occasion, right? and, here, i got you something."
jackie's face radiates happiness at the second she sees her favorite flower being handled to her, eyes sparkling at you.
"thank you! how did you know i like them?" she tucks the flower into her hair, prettier than ever.
"you know, she talks a lot." you two share a laugh. "aren't you gonna show me your work?"
as her silky hands covered your eyes from behind you, she guides you to the wall with all of her artworks.
"you ready?" your nod in response and she let go of your eyes.
as soon as you open them, one specific framed canvas catches your attention. it was jackie's first view from when she was sitting at the picnic table the other day. you and your sister feeding the ducks on the lake, with the exact same clothes you were wearing. there was no doubt.
"jackie..." you gasp, stunned, jaw almost hitting the floor.
"you like it? i thought it would be something worthy to paint." she's nervous. you can hear her shaky voice as she speaks.
instead of saying something, you spin around to face jackie behind you. with trembling hands, you trace her jawline before pulling her in for a kiss.
you were a big fan of art now.
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Jackie Taylor x fem reader
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(Jackie Taylor x fem reader - reader with body dysmorphia)
[Warnings - Talk of eating disorders and body dysmorphia, closeted lesbians, love confession, first times, body worship, praise, gentle soft-top Jackie, fingering, oral, vibrator, thigh riding]
You were checking yourself in the locker room mirror for the fifth time, frowning with focus as you pulled down on your shirt, sucking in. You had always been a curvier girl, always comparing yourself to every other girl you saw and thinking in your mind, “That’s what a normal body looks like, skinny, toned, pretty, while you were just curvy, thick, chubby as every single guy you spoke to would say. That’s one of the reasons you were now a closeted lesbian, I mean, it was 1996, lesbians weren’t really excepted and the only open lesbian you knew was Van, she was a really good friend to you and she had close to the same body type as you, but she had confidence and you just didn’t, you wished you could be as non-caring as her.
Jackie frowned from the corner as she did Shauna’s paint for the field, she always kept an eye on you, as the leader of the team and one of your friends she had to, but also it may be because she feels a little something more… But anyways, she kept seeing you tug at your uniform. Jackie kinda knew you always had problems with body confidence and eating, you always denied snacks or food when offered and only ever ate an apple or a granola bar for lunch. She tried multiple times to offer you food but you always said you liked eating the same thing every day, that it gave you routine and structure. The way you said it made Jackie worry, she always worried about you because she knows of your family life. Your parents, whom she met on occasions were super overprotective, Christian, conservative, republican people who sheltered you way too much, you were actually homeschooled only until this year when you finally got your parents to let you go to school just so you could play soccer.
At first your parents didn’t agree, saying how they didn’t want you to wear the uniforms that were too short, but you were able to get a custom uniform online with sleeves that went down to your elbows and shorts that went down to your knees and you promised them that you would excel and you’d get amazing grades. It put a extreme amount of pressure on you to be perfect all the time, sometimes you forgot to eat, or you’d skip lunch and go to study hall instead. Everybody on the team really worried about you because of this, especially Jackie, Lottie, and Van. Luckily this year at school you had kept up with the perfect image, getting straight A’s, behaving good at home and school, and doing your absolute grueling best at soccer and practice so you could show your parents that you were the best, even your coach told you that you needed to relax at some point, but you always just said you liked to work and move, it keeps you distracted.
“Hey, Y/N, are you okay? Jackie spoke with concern as she walked over to you, pulling you out of your thoughts, giving her a quick smile which she saw straight through as you spoke, “Yeah, I’m fine, just fixing my shirt.” She only nodded and crossed her arms, giving you a gentle look, “That’s the sixth time you’ve fixed your shirt Y/N, look, you look gorgeous, okay?” She smiled brighter as she turned you to face yourself in the mirror, making you blush simply from her hands on your shoulders as she looked at you through the mirror, “Even with this baggy conservative ass uniform, your one of the very few that can pull it off and make it look sexy.” She finished, making your heart speed up, (Did Jackie really think you were sexy?) “I’m not really going for sexy, I don’t like when people notice me like that.” You mumbled out, you really liked to just be invisible. You loved to be the best at things, but you never wanted to be noticed for your efforts.
“Well then, sorry toots but you are, your pretty and so sexy that even with this uniform that covers up all your good bits, you have the boys always drooling after you like dogs with a bone.” She complimented you, Jackie was tying to hype you up, to be the team leader and give you a pep talk, but really all it did was make you embarrassed and shy, blushing, you didn’t really believe her, every time you got compliments you thought they were out of pity, of coarse Jackie would give you compliments, she’s perfect. “Isn’t that right girls, Y/N is absolutely beautiful?” She yelled out with a smile, getting rounds of playful wolf-whistled, noises, “Damn straight!” Van called out with a smile while whipping Taissa with a towel, making her jump and nod. “Yeah, Y/N, you have no idea how pretty you are, I wish I had your curves honestly.” Lottie just smiled and walked up to you with that little head tilt she does, her eyes soft as she reached for your hands, looking you in the eyes, “Y/N, you shouldn’t even waste time worrying about your looks, your absolutely adorable and one of our best players, we all see how hard you work yourself, your beautiful and you shouldn’t ever think otherwise.” You smiled tenderly at Lottie’s little pep talk, but Jackie, Jackie honestly felt a wave of jealousy watching Lottie with you, a quick frown crossing her face, (Why did Lotties pep talk comfort you but hers didn’t, what’s so special about Lottie?” She thought, unconsciously dropping her hands from your shoulders to your waist to hug you from behind and nuzzle your shoulder with a smile, pretending to playfully pull you back against her in a “friendly” hug and totally not just doing that to get you away from Lottie.
You just laughed a little with a pink blush from all the attention, compliments, and Jackie’s hug, your heart was pattering so fast you were terrified Jackie would feel it or somehow see how you had this overwhelming crush on her. Jackie finally pulled back from the hug, calling the girls so you could head out onto the field and start practice, “Alright, let’s go Yellowjackets!” She cheered with a jump before you were all jogging out onto the field for another day of grueling practice. You worked your ass off like usual, only today you were driven by anger, or self-hatred, you were running and sweating, trying to mentally burn off as many calories as possible, really pushing yourself today, and it didn’t help that the softball boys were practicing right on the open field beside the team, shouting wolf-whistles and gross compliments. It only spurred you on more, which the team seemed to notice your attitude, getting some worried glances from the girls and coach, but Jackie was paying the most attention, coming over to you after practice as you were sitting on the grass, panting heavily while tying your shoes, sitting down next to you, “Hey, Y/N, nice footwork out there, what’s got you so pumped?” She tried to seem like she was teasing, her smile as she nudged your shoulder with hers, nodding over towards the boys, “You trying to make a good show for the boys?”
She just teased lightheartedly, Jackie really hoped that you didn’t like any of the boys, but she just wanted to use that as an excuse. She didn’t know if you were interested in her the way she was into you, and really, Jackie herself was severely confused about her sexuality but after so many nights fantasizing about what it would be like to be with a girl, only being able to masterbate and cum to the thought of girls, she assumed she was definitely lesbian. Even when she was dating Jeff she had to fake so many orgasms, she was only with him to try to convince herself to be straight, but eventually she just knew it would never work so she broke it off. You frowned at her question, you always got so worked up when Jackie would tease you about being interested In boys, that’s one of the reasons why Jackie did it, she thought you were adorable when you got flustered, your scoff as you looked up at her, “What? Of coarse not, they disgust me just from their stares.” You grumbled out, that was the truth, men just disgusted you, even from a young age while girls were fawning and gushing over boys you never got that attraction, you forced yourself to “date” like three boys in your lifetime and every single time all they ever said was, (They liked that you were thicker than other girls.) It just made you feel disgusted by your own body, knowing that was all you were seen for was… heartbreaking for you, and you grew a hated towards men instead. “You were just really working yourself out there, even Lottie couldn’t keep up with you.” Jackie chuckled with a worried look, but you were too busy looking down at your shoes, sighing, “Look Jackie, I’m fine, I just wanted to do my best.”
“Oh that was definitely your best, I’m proud of you.” Jackie smiled, putting her hand on your back in soothing rubs, making you soften a little bit and blush, looking up at her with a more sullen look of defeat, you were really tired and it was hard to keep hiding your feelings, Jackie’s expression softened too at your look, silently giving you a look of understanding as she spoke gently, “Hey, it’s Friday, how about you text your parents and ask if you can spend the night for a sleepover at my place?” You immediately smiled a little at the idea, your parents met Jackie already and they got the best impression from her and met her parents, they thought Jackie was the perfect little princess, (due to Jackie’s amazing acting skills) she won your parents trust and favor. So when you texted your parents while getting dressed in the locker room after practice, you got a yes as long as you were home by Sunday for church. Smiling at your phone before shutting your locker, you looked over at Jackie with excitement and relief, “They said I could-“ Jackie cut you off with a teasing smile and tone with her hands on her hips, “As long as your home by Sunday, yeah, yeah.” You giggled at Jackie which made her only smile more, she loved it when she got to make you smile or laugh, you rarely ever did due to your constant state of stress, so she treasured those moments.
“Come on, let’s go.” Jackie smiled as she jingled her keys, giving you a playful look as she wiggled her brows, you just smiled gently with a nod, grabbing your duffel bag before heading out with her to the parking lot. You got stopped by Jeff and some of his boys in a truck next to Jackie’s car, you could practically predict some sexual remarks as soon as you saw their smiles and stares, like predators with their prey, Jackie grabbed your hand immediately with a confident look on her face, leaning closer to you to speak gently, “Hey, don’t worry, their just assholes, ignore them.” She gave you a gentle squeeze with your hand in hers, you always felt so protected by Jackie, it made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, your heart was pounding as she led you to her car, one of the boys shouting out from the trunk of the truck, “Hey, church mouse, show us your tits!” Jackie glared burning holes into the guys, that was your name at school, church mouse, it was derogatory because you were quiet, more private, and just a good girl overall. “Fuck off pervs, you wish!” Jackie spat back at them with a roll of her eyes, guiding you into her car before she got in on the other side, slamming the door and putting a tape in to turn on some music and drown out the guys before pulling out of the parking lot. “Hey, I’m sorry about those assholes, men only think one thing, sex, my mom always told me that.” Jackie gives you a gentle smile which you were grateful for. “It’s fine, thanks for standing up for me.” Jackie just nodded, her expression was so caring, reaching her hand over to place on your knee with a gentle squeeze, “Always.”
You got to Jackie’s house in about 30 minutes, she didn’t live too far, getting out of the car with your bag as she led you inside her house. Jackie’s parents were on vacation, which you didn’t know about, having the huge house all to yourselves which Jackie was practically jumping with excitement about as she led you up to her bedroom to settle in. “Are you hungry?” Jackie asked as soon as you both settled in, sitting down on her bed beside you, “I can order pizza or something while you take a shower.” She spoke with a hopeful tone that you’d say yes, she hadn’t seen you eat for the past couple of days and she noticed you’d lost some weight, your uniform shorts getting baggier than usual. You frowned at her words, you didn’t wanna say no and have her be suspicious, but also you didn’t wanna eat pizza, terrified of gaining weight. Jackie must have seen the worry and stress on your face, sitting up more in her bed to sit on her knees and take your hands, smiling reassuringly as she shook her head, “Or I can go downstairs and make us both fruit salads, Dad just got some fruit at the market the other day.” She tried to find to find someway to get you to relax and eat, “Because I’m starving, how does that sound.” You felt a wave of relief at her alternative suggestion, fruit wouldn’t hurt you as long as you didn’t overdue it, nodding with a small smile, “Yeah, sure, if it’s not too much trouble for you, I’m sorry to make you do that for me.” You apologized before she shook her head, “No, no, Y/N, i love doing things for you, go take a shower and I’ll come back up with a bowl for us and we can watch movies and just relax.” She smiled affectionately, getting out of bed swiftly.
You just nodded and headed to Jackie’s bathroom, she had one attached to her bedroom. You decided to take a quick hot shower, getting out once you were done before realizing you forgot to grab a change of clothes from your bag, cursing as you walked back into Jackie’s room, she wasn’t back yet so you just thought to drop your towel and get dressed, but unlucky or lucky for you Jackie was literally right at the door, holding two bowls, stopped with a burning blush and her mouth open as she caught a glimpse of your beautiful body through a wide crack in the door, since it was just you two, neither of you thought to close doors really. Jackie blinked a couple of times just in shock, you were so gorgeous, she just wanted to walk in and do unholy things to you, but she had to keep her secret until she was sure you weren’t straight. She decided to do a alternative, pretending to walk in with a loud. “OH! Sorry, Y/N, I thought you’d be done already.” She spoke quickly as she turned around quickly, you jumped with a burning blush on your cheeks at her having seen you naked, quickly pulling your shirt and shorts on, “God, I’m sorry Jackie- I didn’t even think.” She cut you off with a shake of her head before turning around once you were dressed with a blush, “No, hey- it’s okay, we’re both girls.” She chuckled out nervously, trying to hide the fact that she is blushing so hard not from embarrassment but from attraction to you, handing you a bowl of fruit which you took before sitting back in a beanbag chair in her room, there was a couple moments of awkward silence as you took a few hesitant bites while Jackie met your eyes a few times, “Y/N, you know your beautiful, right?” Her sudden words caught you off guard, rolling your eyes with a sigh which Jackie caught, “Hey, I’m serious Y/N, you are.” You just shook your head, speaking out mid-chew,
“Of coarse you’d say that, your literally perfect Jackie.” Your words made her blush with a soft smile as she stared over at you with a affectionate look. “I’m not perfect, but thank you.” She spoke shyer, shrugging before speaking again as she sat down her bowl, watching you eat while biting her lip, she was trying to be careful with what she said. “Y/N, can I tell you something?” You looked up at the hesitancy In her tone, nodding as you gave her your full attention as she stood up to sit closer to you in her bed, “I have a crush, on this person… and I’m not sure they feel the same way I do.” You felt your heart shatter at her words, at seeing your brief expression because she felt her heart flutter with hope, just a friend wouldn’t look so devastated at her best friends confession, you didn’t really know what to say except, “Oh, um, well- why don’t you just tell them, be blunt, the worst they can do is say no.” You shrugged, you were always a no none sense, blunt kinda person, you hated wasting time and beating around the bush. Jackie just smiled and chuckled at your advice, she always admired your advice, looking down as she spoke, “It’s not that easy, their a friend of mine and I don’t wanna ruin our friendship.” You shifted in your spot with empathy for her, it felt super awkward to give her relationship advice while your heart was breaking at the thought of Jackie being with anyone, “If they make you happy and it’s torture not being with them, isn’t it worth the risk instead of suffering?” You spoke from your heart, realizing how close you and Jackie were when you saw her nod, her eyes briefly flickering down to your lips, god- you were such a hypocrite, and fuck- why is she so pretty?
“She’s too important for me to loose.” Jackie spoke out softly before her eyes widened, realizing what she just confessed when she saw your expression change, it wasn’t hard to click the pieces together just the, she meant you, Jackie liked you? You knew it was you as soon as she said, she. Jackie quickly just took in your shocked expression before catching you copy her, your eyes flickering down to her lips, making her swallow and slowly lean in closer, her heart racing when you didn’t pull away, her hand reaching up to your cheek before she pressed her lips against yours in a slow, passionate, deep kiss, sighing out against your lips in pure relief when you started to kiss her back. You were so happy you couldn’t help but smile against her lips, making her smile too, pulling away with such a bright smile it made your heart flutter, the both of you catching your breath as you stared into each others eyes, her voice was a little raspier than normal, making you flush, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Her words shocked you, you were so sure Jackie was straight, you’d trained yourself to be heartbroken and miserable your whole friendship with Jackie while watching her with Jeff, but now she was confessing she liked you? It felt like a dream. You just stared at her with this look in your eyes that made Jackie heat up, you looked so adorable to her, leaning back closer as she sat up on her knees, cupping your cheek with a soft tone,
“Your so beautiful… please, let me show you how beautiful I think you are.” Jackie husked out while slowly pushing you down on her bed, carefully straddling your lap with a shutter when she felt how hot you were against her core through the thin fabric of both of yours sleep shorts, god she was embarrassingly wet already, sighing out as her eyes fluttered, looking down at you as she gently slid her hands under your shirt to your hips, rasping out, “Is this okay, Y/N?” She asked you gently, watching your expression for any signs of discomfort. You just nodded with a breathy, “Yes, Jackie…” She smiled down at you so sexy, rolling her tongue against her teeth before leaning down to kiss you slow and deep, nibbling on your bottom lip a few times as she rolled her hips for the first time, the noise you made against Jackie’s lips made her groan, pulling back with a nuzzle to your nose, tugging your shirt off over your head, “Your so fucking perfect, Y/N, I swear to god…” she spoke with such passion and adoration as she squirmed in your lap to sit back and kiss down your neck to your chest, her hand sliding behind your back for your bra clasp, making you shutter as she spoke again for consent, her breath against your ear as she pushed down against you, “Can I?” You were hesitant this time which she noticed immediately, skipping your bra to rub your back and pepper more kisses across your gave this time which made you giggle, “Jackie…”
She smiled at your giggles, “What? I’m just appreciating the beautiful baby girl I have under me.” Her words made you blush, rolling your eyes before Jackie cupped your chin and guided your eyes back to hers with a more sensual tone, “I mean it, Y/N, I mean it when I say your beautiful and perfect and sweet and gorgeous…” The more she spoke the more embarrassed you got, so you decided to change the roles, pushing up your hips before grabbing Jackie’s waist to flip the two of you, getting a surprised squeal from her as her head hit the pillows, the bed squeaking as you threw your leg over her waist to straddle her instead, you had a tendency to get defensive or controlling when embarrassed or vulnerable, leaning down to husk against her hips with a lustful look,
“I think the beautiful one here is you, why don’t I show you instead?” Jackie just blushed, biting her lip, she wanted to worship you, to show you that you were gorgeous and that she wanted to take care of you, but also she didn’t wanna deny you the pleasure of getting to take control either if that’s what you needed, she’d be happy to receive.
“H-hey um- I have a vibrator in my dresser if-“ You were already reaching for her nightstand before she finished, making Jackie smile as she sat up on her elbows, laughing as you almost fell out of bed, you were just too eager and excited to see how Jackie would respond to pleasure, I mean you thought about, fantasized about it, but to get the real thing? Oh god… You were quick to crawl back to her side, and oh god, the smile on Jackie’s face was so adorable, like she only had eyes for you, leaning down to kiss her delicately before clicking on the tiny pink vibrator, deepening the kiss as you spread her thighs open more, making her sigh out against your lips, her eyes fluttering as you pressed the vibrator to her clit, moaning into your mouth with a shaky gasp, “Y-Y/N, O-Oh fuck- baby…” she was already panting against your lips, laying back in a arch as you circled the vibrator around her clit.
You bit your lip with a soft moan at watching her, making Jackie get louder. Jackie was panting, trembling, and squirming as she gripped at her sheets. When she heard your soft breathes and moans it only spurred her on, her voice getting higher and shakier before screaming slightly as you turned the vibe on a higher pace with a smile, “Y/N!” You only giggled out innocently, sliding your free hand up her torso to her cheek, caressing it while pressing the vibe harder against her clit, wiggling it as you leant down to nuzzle her cheek with a kiss, husking out the words that sent her over the edge, “Cum for me, Jackie…”
As soon as Jackie heard those words and locked eyes with you, she was gasping quickly and tensing, her face twisting into a pained-pleasurable expression while her mouth dropped open in a breathy-whiney moan while trying to maintain eye contact, she came harder than she ever had, screaming out at the intensity of her orgasm and the stimulation on her clit, crying as she lurched up, kissing you roughly so you could swallow her whimpers, slowly calming down into breathy pants, you watched as she slowly started to slump back down in a flushed mess, taking the vibrator off her clit before laying next to her, kissing her cheek, “Your so beautiful Jackie…” she chuckled out breathlessly before whining, her face scrunching up, “I was supposed to make you feel cared for, not the other way around…” You just giggled, you feel alot more comfortable at Jackie’s side after making her cum.
Suddenly after a couple minutes of snuggling and silence, Jackie sat up with a soft look before reaching for your shorts with a experimental tug while locking eyes with you, asking for permission, “A-Are you okay with me- you know… using my mouth on you?” Jackie spoke out so softly, a timid look on her face as she bit her lip with such a pouty look like a puppy, “Please? I wanna taste you, Y/N…” she practically whined out, making you whine at her cuteness, feeling a little embarrassed and self conscious about what she’s going to think about seeing you but Jackie just tapped your thigh, she saw you overthinking so she kissed your inner thigh, “Baby? Hey, i mean it when i say your beautiful. Every. Single. Fucking. Part. Of. You.” She spoke out between kisses as she slowly pulled off your shorts and panties, she looked completely in awe at the sight of your soaked pussy, her breath quickening as you saw her pupils dilate, her lips twitching into a smile, she looked disheveled, wild, primal, she looked like she wanted to devour you.
And devour you, she did.
Jackie immediately got to work at the first nod of permission, she didn’t use her vibrator, she didn’t need it, she was determined to pleasure you and she damn well was gonna show you how much she meant she cared about you, crawling up into her knees as she bent down into a arch, spreading your thighs open while rubbing her hands up and down your inner thighs soothingly, she thought your thighs were so soft and squishy, mumbling out to you, “I can’t wait to have you squeeze your thighs around my head baby.” Her words made your jaw drop, blushing so red as you let out a noise you didn’t know you could make, Jackie just smiled wildly, pushing your thighs up to your chest and holding them there before burying her face between your thighs. She went wild, pushing her tongue straight through your folds like she was starved, sucking on your clit before darting her tongue inside you, making you gasp out a moan, jerking with such surprise at the intensity of her actions. (Fuck, you really didn’t know Jackie was so good at this) Jackie ate you out like a starved woman, moaning and sighing out against your clit, every roll of her tongue and suck made you make noises you didn’t even know existed and Jackie was so fucking proud of herself, when Jackie pushed a finger inside you, you were surprised at how different hers felt from your own, it was different, but Jackie’s fingers were almost as experienced as yours, she knew exactly where to curl and pump, suckling on your clit while she flicked her tongue over your bud all while pumping her fingers at a quicker pace, it wasn’t long before you were trembling and tensing with a loud cry, clamping down on Jackie’s fingers so tight it made her moan as you came, covering her fingers in cum which she licked up every drop, her voice was so husky and hot when she spoke, you were recovering from your earth shattering orgasm, vision still back with muffled hearing as you heard her,
“Good girl, baby.”
You just smiled lazily, panting heavily as Jackie squirmed to lay down beside you, wrapping her arms around your waist to spoon you and kiss your shoulder, “Im so proud of you baby, your so fucking pretty when you cum.” You just rolled your eyes, making Jackie frown a little, tightening her arms around your waist, “Y/N, do I need to fuck you in front of my mirror and make you watch yourself until you believe it?” You choked on nothing at her words, eyes widening with your mouth open in shock at her words.
You had no idea how serious she was to do it either.
(Worked all fucking day on this masterpiece, nobody can convince me Jackie was straight, sorry not sorry)
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helloalycia · 8 months
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summary: when you stumble across Jackie after she's just broken up with her boyfriend, you feel a moral obligation to make sure she's okay. Naturally, that turns into something more.
warning/s: none.
author's note: it physically pained me to write soccer instead of football for this lol, a few 'football's might have slipped in out of habit. But yeah, hope you like this! it's a three parter and jackie taylor deserved better oops
also y/bf/n = your best friend's name
two / three / masterlist / wattpad
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My fingers fumbled for the catch at the back of my camera, opening it up and revealing the freshly wound up film. As I grabbed it, I barely had chance to think about my next move before the door behind me slammed into my back, knocking me forward and making the roll fly in the air momentarily.
"No!" I yelped, reaching out to catch it before it could hit the concrete stairs and roll away into oblivion.
"Shit, sorry," someone said with realisation as I caught the roll and sighed with relief.
Gripping the roll tighter than ever, I closed the camera and let it hang from my neck as I turned to see who it was. "It's fine, maybe I should stand somewhere other than the entrance to unload my– shit, are you okay?"
My brows furrowed with concern at the sight of Jackie Taylor, the captain of the girl's soccer team. Her presence wasn't what concerned me, but rather the obvious tears on her face that she awkwardly tried to wipe away when our eyes briefly met.
"Yeah, I'm–" she started, but was interrupted by her own sniffling, and she completely turned away in an attempt to collect herself.
This was the opposite of the Jackie Taylor I'd come to know over the years. Having witnessed her rise into captain as I photographed the team's success – the Yellowjackets – for the school paper had given me enough time with her to know she was usually a happy, confident girl. I'd never seen her cry like this before, especially not at school.
"What happened?" I asked gently.
She shook her head, forcing a smile. "Nothing, I just– I broke up with Jeff."
I wasn't sure what to say at first, familiar with her boyfriend but knowing they were known for having their breaks here and there. Still, this looked worse than usual.
"I'm sorry to hear that," I finally spoke, chewing on my lip. "Is there anything I can do?"
She shook her head, straightening up suddenly. "No. But do you know when the next bus arrives? I was supposed to get a ride home with him, but–"
"No, er, I don't really get–" I started, but amended, "I mean, I can check, but–"
"Forget it," she said with a sigh. "I'll figure it out. Thanks."
Without another word, she walked past me and down the steps. I watched her, debating whether or not to offer her a ride since I knew for certain I'd never seen her catch a bus in my life, and it was well after school hours so they might not even be running now. There was also the fact that she was clearly upset, and my conscious wouldn't rest easy knowing I'd left her alone.
"Jackie, wait," I called out to her, pocketing my film canister and jogging to catch up to her. She stopped, turning around, and I pulled out my car keys. "I can give you a ride."
A little surprised, her hazel eyes widened slightly. "Oh. Are you sure?"
I nodded. "Yeah. C'mon."
She silently followed me to my car, getting into the passenger's seat as I did the driver's. It was never awkward between us before, but our exchanges were always limited to greetings, soccer talk or photo ops. Now however, there was a slight tension in the air, mainly because of her situation. She didn't speak except for when she told me where she lived, and after that, I didn't speak up either, not wanting to pressure her into sharing if she didn't want to.
"Thank you," she muttered halfway through the drive, and I glanced over at her to see her watching me apologetically. "Is your camera thingy okay? Whatever I knocked?"
"The film, yeah," I assured her. "No worries. It was just the roll from the baseball game yesterday. So pretty low value considering they always lose."
It was a poor attempt to make her laugh, since it was universally known that the school baseball team were below average, especially compared to the Yellowjackets, but it seemed to work as she let out a quiet chuckle. I smiled, glad she was cheered up a little.
"Well, sorry anyway," she added politely.
I shrugged. "No harm done."
Another silence fell upon us the remainder of the drive to hers, but it wasn't awkward any longer. Once I pulled up outside her house, I tried not to let my amazement at how huge her place was show. I'd always known she was rich, but this was another level.
"Thanks for the ride," she spoke, pulling me from my stupor.
I met her gaze, expression softening slightly. "You gonna be okay?"
She nodded, and I had no choice but to believe her.
"Okay then. Well, see you tomorrow, Jackie."
She smiled a little before getting out the car and heading inside. Despite her feigned confidence, it was obvious she wasn't happy, and I only hoped she would feel better tomorrow. Whatever had happened between her and Jeff hadn't been like the usual, not judging by the state of her.
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The next day after school was when I had chance to properly check on Jackie. I was at the Yellowjackets' practice, shooting for the yearbook, and she was there too.
"You gonna make us look good, right, Y/L/N?" Nat, one of the players, asked when she saw me heading on the field.
"Always," I returned with a smile, and she grinned as she jogged away to get started.
My eyes scanned the field before I spotted Jackie by the goal, using the post to stretch. I subtly approached her, not wanting to draw too much attention in case she hadn't told anyone about the breakup.
"Hey, Jackie," I greeted her, making her pause from her stretching. "How are you doing? Y'know, about the yesterday thing?"
She smiled gratefully, nodding. "I'm good, Y/N, thanks."
I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth, but I also didn't expect her to confide in me, so I simply nodded.
"Good, well... if you ever wanna talk about it, I'm here."
"Thanks," she said quietly, smile fading a little. "I appreciate it."
I gave her a genuine smile. "Anytime."
And with that, I left her to it, feeling a lot better knowing I'd at least offered up my help.
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The Yellowjackets' soccer game was after school at the end of that same week, and I was paying them a visit beforehand to wish them luck and also gift them some candid portraits they'd asked for a few weeks ago.
When I let myself in their locker room, they were pretty much dressed in their uniforms, some helping each other out with braiding their hair back or engaging in some pre-game superstitions. It always made me smile because they never failed to hype themselves up and it showed.
"Heeeeeyyyyy! Y/N's here with our close ups!" someone shouted, and everybody cheered as I rolled my eyes playfully.
First on the pile of photos in my hand was Van, who I found searching in her locker whilst singing along to a song that was blasting from the stereo in the corner.
"There's my favourite goalie," I greeted, and she laughed as I handed her the photograph in a plastic wallet. "For you. The one you liked in the paper, right?"
She straightened up when she saw it, smile brightening on her face. "Oh, hell yeah, this is so badass! Thanks, Y/N!"
"No worries," I said dismissively, before moving around the room to hand out the rest of the photos.
Everybody seemed pleased with what they got, which was always reassuring to hear since it was supposed to be my best skill.
"Last but not least, Jackie," I said, finding the team captain by her locker, fixing her hair in the mirror that hung inside.
She flashed me a smile as I handed her the photograph. In it, she was mid-kicking a ball into the net, scoring a goal for the team.
"Y/N, I love it," she said with gratitude, eyes taking the whole image in before looking up to me. "Thank you."
I held out another photograph, earning a confused look from her. "It's a little bonus photo. Thought it might cheer you up after everything."
She raised her eyebrows slightly, before accepting the photo and studying it. This one was a photo I'd taken at the Yellowjackets' last game, moments after they'd won. Jackie was cheering with her teammates and I'd managed to take the perfect picture of her as she was surrounded by them, a grin on her face, eyes bursting with excitement. It was probably my favourite of the two.
"You didn't need to..." she started, but stopped herself. And then she surprised me with a hug, wrapping her one free hand around my neck. "I really appreciate it."
Before I could even think to hug her back, she pulled away to give me a heartwarming smile.
"Anytime," I told her, acutely aware of the mild butterflies in my stomach from her gaze, but that was merely because I wasn't stupid and Jackie Taylor was very pretty. "If you're ever thinking about you-know-what, just remember. At the end of the day, he's just some guy."
Her smile widened and then she let out a laugh. "Very true. I won't forget."
I smiled, nodding and taking a step back. "I'll leave you to finish getting ready. Good luck tonight. Not that you'll need it."
"Be sure to get my best side," she joked, turning her head to the left.
I laughed. "Jackie Taylor doesn't have a bad side."
She winked playfully, and I left her to it as I headed out to the field to get ready to photograph tonight's game.
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As expected, the Yellowjackets won and I got a lot of good shots in of their winning goals. Even though a lot of the photos were similar to others I'd taken, I didn't mind it as it challenged me to try out different things with my camera, like messing with the shutter speed or even using a double exposure to create cool effects.
After snapping some final shots of the team celebrating on the pitch, I moved out the way of the friends and family who were there with them and focused on changing the roll of film in my camera. Just after rewinding the current roll and opening the back of my camera, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder unexpectedly. Startled yet again, my hands twitched and the roll flew up and out the camera. I managed to catch it before it could fall into the grass, and turned around to find Jackie failing to stifle her laughter.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to scare you again," she said apologetically.
"Oh, it's fine," I said sarcastically, stuffing the roll into the canister in my pocket. "It's only the winning goals on film."
She sighed through her nose, her lips pursed into an amused smile. "Sorry. I came because the girls wanted a team photo."
I gave her a knowing look. "On it."
After gathering the team together and replacing my film, I took a few photos of them with their medals and trophy before my job was officially done for the afternoon.
"They come out good?" Jackie asked afterwards, as I put my camera away.
"I'd like to think so," I said sarcastically, making her roll her eyes lightheartedly.
"So, the party tonight," she started, piquing my interest. "You're coming, right?"
I quirked a brow. "Huh?"
"It's at the usual spot," she added.
I pursed my lips, unsure how to tell her that though I knew what she was talking about and I'd always been invited, the post-soccer game party wasn't my thing.
"You don't usually come, do you?" she caught on, crossing her arms with amusement.
"It's not really my scene," I admitted.
"Well, d'you wanna perhaps make a change tonight?" she asked, pleading with her eyes. "I'd love to see you there."
I wasn't sure why she suddenly wanted me there – maybe because I'd been extra nice to her recently and she felt she owed me? And I also wasn't sure if she knew the effect she had on people when she gave them her whole 'innocent doe-eyed' look, but maybe she did since it seemed to work.
"Fine," I gave in reluctantly, making her grin. I nodded to my best friend, Y/BF/N, who was sat in the stands as she made notes on tonight's game – she was a journalist for the paper. "Can I bring Y/BF/N?"
"Duh," she said like it was a dumb question. "You're both always welcome."
I nodded. "Okay, I guess I'll see you tonight."
She tilted her head, eyes sparkling with her usual Jackie mischief. "See you tonight."
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"I'm so glad Jackie convinced you," Y/BF/N was saying with excitement as I drove us to the deserted clearing where the party was being held. "I've always wanted to go to one of these things, but you always say no."
"I've literally never stopped you," I said, giving her a sideways glance.
"I couldn't just go without you," she said, in a somewhat sweet way which made me feel guilty for never going to one of these things with her.
"Well, feel free to go crazy tonight," I said with a slight smile. "I'm driving."
"Oh, you bet I will," she said eagerly, making me laugh.
When we got there, the party was in full swing. A bonfire was set up in the middle, with a lot of people from our grade hanging about. Some were dancing, drinking and chatting away, celebrating the Yellowjackets' win. As Y/BF/N and I passed a few of our classmates to reach Jackie and the team, I was reminded why parties weren't my scene, but sucked it up for Y/BF/N.
"And there she is!" Nat shouted, spotting me first and pulling me in for a side hug. "When Jackie told us you were coming, I could swear she was bullshitting."
"It's good to see you too, Nat," I laughed.
"And Y/BF/N is out tonight too," Lottie noticed with a smile. "It's nice to have you both here."
"Anything to support the team," Y/BF/N played along, making everyone laugh. "Now, what's a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?"
As Nat tugged her away to find her a drink, Jackie approached my side and nudged me gently.
"I'm glad you made it," she said, eyes doing a once over of me which admittedly made me nervous. "You look pretty. And it's the first time I've seen you without a camera, who knew it was possible?"
I rolled my eyes, though a smile ghosted my lips. Judging from her stifled grin, she was impressed at her own joke.
"You want a drink?" she offered, already about to leave and grab me one, but I shook my head politely.
"Thanks, but I'm designated driver tonight."
"Me and you both," Shauna said, raising her cup of water.
I cracked a smile as Jackie looked back to me hopefully.
"Okay, well how about a dance?"
I tried to hide my surprise, unsure if I could handle dancing with the Jackie Taylor without freaking out. No, I wasn't insanely head over heels for the girl, but yes, I had eyes and knew I'd get nervous dancing with a flirt like her.
"Maybe when a good song comes on," I settled on the safe response.
She studied me curiously. "Hmm. And what's a good song?"
I listened to the music that was on now, definitely not my style, and truthfully answered, "Definitely not this. Maybe some [your favourite artist]?"
She sighed defeatedly. "Your lucky day. I don't think anybody brought that tape."
I shrugged playfully. "Shame."
It was her turn to roll her eyes, feigning annoyance, but she got me a cup of water nonetheless and I stayed to chat with her, Shauna and a few others in her team. Y/BF/N returned with Nat not long later, and conversation soon changed from the soccer game to the paper. I didn't mind, enjoying talking to them about it all, as did Y/BF/N, but then a few of them were after some more fun 'party' stuff, and headed over to get a little more drunk.
Shauna and I, designated drivers as we'd established, stuck together for most of the evening. She watched as Jackie danced the night away with the others, and I watched as Y/BF/N had the time of her life, flirting with some of the jocks. By the time an hour and a half passed and my social battery had completely drained, Y/BF/N was pretty drunk and I knew we had to leave.
I said my goodbyes to Shauna before finding Jackie to the do the same. She wasn't as drunk as Y/BF/N, but definitely tipsy. As soon as she spun around, a massive grin fell on her lips and she hugged me.
"Okay," I said with surprise, receiving a lot more hugs from Jackie Taylor this past week than I had in my life. "I've gotta get Y/BF/N home now, Jackie. Just wanted to say goodnight."
"Thank you for coming," she said, pulling back with a drunken smile, but alert eyes. "And for the photos you gave me. And in general, for being a really great friend."
Yep, definitely bordering drunk.
"Thanks for inviting me tonight," I said, patting her arm before letting go. "I... liked it."
Okay, maybe not, but she was trying to be nice and I had to return the favour.
Jackie Taylor wasn't stupid though, even in this state, and a quiet chuckle from her told me all I need to know. "You owe me a dance."
"One day, maybe," I breathed out, glancing at her.
She smirked. "I'll take it."
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Jackie had always been friendly with me around school, but since that week, it was as if she made more of an effort to be. Whether it was saying hi to me in the hallways, smiling at me between classes or chatting to me more whenever I was taking photos, she was more involved in my life. I didn't hate it of course, but it was something new.
One weekend, I was running some errands around town when I decided to finish up at one of my favourite coffee shops and treat myself. Armed with my purse and current read, I headed in and ordered myself a mocha with the intention of settling in the corner of the store and having some 'me' time. Of course, when I collected my drink from the counter, a familiar voice called my name and I spun around with furrowed brows.
To my surprise, it was Jackie waving at me from her table by the window, seated opposite Shauna. It felt a little rude to ignore her, so I headed over and smiled at them both.
"Fancy seeing you here," Jackie said with a grin, before motioning next to Shauna. "Join us?"
I glanced at Shauna, who had a welcoming smile on her face, so I replied, "Oh, er, thanks. Good to see you guys!"
As I took my seat, I left my bag next to me, expecting my reading time to become nonexistent now that I'd joined the two soccer players.
"We're not bothering you, are we?" Shauna asked considerately, making me smile with amusement because she was so different to an oblivious Jackie.
"Nah, you're good," I assured her, before looking between them. "What are you two up to then?"
"Oh, just having a girls day," Jackie answered, leaning back in her seat and flashing me her signature smile. "How about you?"
"Just running some errands," I said with a shrug. "Picking up some more film, getting some stuff for my mum, not much."
"So, I take it you finished the English assignment due tomorrow?" Shauna asked.
"Oh, yeah, got that done weeks ago," I said like it was a silly question, and then I saw the look Shauna shot Jackie and realised. "Wait, you haven't finished it?"
Jackie scoffed playfully. "Oh, come on, of course I have!" When Shauna kept staring at her, she continued, "I just need to write the conclusion."
"And the introduction," Shauna mumbled.
"Okay, yes, fine," Jackie gave in. "But it'll be done!"
I quirked a brow at her. "You not even worried? Mr. C isn't known for his leniency."
"Oh, Mr. C does not scare me," she said with assuredness. "Besides, I reckon I can talk him into giving me a two day extension."
I exhaled, trying not to laugh. "Of course you can."
I was convinced that there wasn't something Jackie Taylor couldn't do, and judging by the satisfied smile on her lips, I think she knew it too.
The three of us stayed there as I finished my coffee, and continued to sit there chatting about all sorts. I'd never really hung out with them properly outside of school, so I was oddly surprised with how well we got along.
Eventually, Shauna checked her watch and was sorry to interrupt our fruitless conversation about the rumours regarding our Chemistry teacher and IT teacher hooking up.
"I'm sorry, guys, but I gotta shoot off," she said with a slight frown.
"Oh, no worries," I said, straightening up, ready to leave the booth so she could leave.
"Aw no, really, Shauna?" Jackie said with a pout. "It's not even been an hour!"
"Hey, I'm not stopping you from staying, but you'll have to catch the bus home," Shauna replied with a chuckle, making Jackie scrunch her nose with disgust.
As I got up, letting Shauna stand, I realised what the problem was and looked to Jackie. "I don't mind giving you a ride."
And just like that, her smile returned. "Really?"
I shrugged. "No biggie."
"Awesome, thanks, Y/N," Shauna said gratefully, squeezing my shoulder. "Can't have Princess Jackie stranded without a carriage."
I laughed as Jackie rolled her eyes at the insult, and Shauna tried to hide her smile as she said her goodbyes.
"It's not that funny," Jackie stated, when she saw the smile still on my lips.
"It kind of is," I said with a breathy chuckle.
She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at me lightheartedly. Now that we were alone, I figured now was a better time than any to properly check in on her.
"So, how have you been doing?" I asked carefully. "Since the whole you-know-what?"
Unlike the last time I asked her a few weeks ago, she actually seemed to be doing a lot better, no hint of sadness in her eyes. "Pretty good. Think I might be over it now. You know how boys can be."
I hummed, awkward smile forming on my lips as I suddenly distracted myself with whatever was going on outside the window. I failed to remember how observant Jackie was though.
"Wait, have you never had a boyfriend?" she asked with surprise, leaning forward slightly.
I settled with shaking my head, and she tried to make me feel better by shrugging and sipping her milkshake from the straw.
"You're not missing out on much," she assured me.
I couldn't help but snicker, shaking my head, though grateful for her attempt at putting me at ease. "That's what people who've had boyfriends usually say."
She smiled, cheeks dusting pink when I caught her out, and now it was my turn to assure her.
"It's fine," I said nonchalantly. "Boys are gross anyway."
She snorted with amusement. "Amen. It would just be easier to date girls, wouldn't it?"
I was surprised she'd said that, staying quiet for a second too long, and her eyes widened with realisation.
Suddenly embarrassed, she stuttered, "Oh, you like– I mean, you're– you're a–"
"Lesbian?" I finished with an entertained smile. She nodded awkwardly, and I confirmed, "Yeah, but I don't exactly go around shouting it out. People don't tend to react well when they find out."
She exhaled softly, eyes flittering around the table nervously. "Oh. Well, I won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about."
I shrugged, soaking in a flustered Jackie for a little longer, holding in my laughter. Truthfully, it was very amusing watching her figure out the best reaction because I knew she was harmless. It would have been easy to embarrass her a little more for fun, but she was clearly going through it with her deep pink cheeks, now matching the colour of her lips.
After a moment of collecting herself, her hazel eyes met mine in an attempt to return to normal. "So, are there any girls you're interested in?"
It was impossible not to laugh now as I gave her a questioning look. "Really, Jackie?"
She nodded quickly, eyes returning to the table. "Right. Sorry."
I giggled at her expression before changing the subject, knowing it would definitely make her feel better. Despite my confidence in my sexuality, a small part of me hoped she wouldn't treat me any different after finding out, and thankfully, she didn't. We still chatted like usual, enjoying each other's company, until she finished her milkshake and it was time to head off.
It might have been the sugar from her milkshake, or just her plain inability to sit still, but when I was driving home, she wouldn't stop messing around with the radio stations, trying to find a good song.
"Oh my god, you're driving me insane," I finally said, making her stop.
"Not my fault the radio is garbage," she said in a knowing tone.
I rolled my eyes playfully before nodding to the centre console. "I have some cassettes. Find something you like and please stop breaking my radio."
She smiled cheekily before doing just that, flicking through the tapes I had. Finally, she decided on some Mariah Carey and managed to keep quiet the rest of the way. Occasionally she'd hum along, but I much preferred that over her touching the radio a million times.
When we reached her house, I pulled up outside and offered her a smile. "Was cool hanging out with you and Shauna today."
"It was," she agreed, before grabbing her purse and resting her hand on the door handle. "We should do it again sometime."
I shrugged, not minding, and her smile widened before she got out.
Leaning her head down to look at me through the open window, she added, "Thanks for the ride. Again."
I cleared my throat, a smile ghosting my lips as I said, "In the wise words of Shauna Shipman, we can't have Princess Jackie stranded without a–"
"Ass," she mumbled, leaving before I could finish, but a smile crossed her expression as I laughed to myself.
I suppose hanging out with Jackie Taylor wasn't so bad.
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shiqmns · 4 months
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Insult to Injury
no pregnancy au!
title from salt in the wound by boygenius
what the actual fuck just happened, you think to yourself, shauna—you’re girlfriend, sweet, perfect, sane—shipman just went apeshit on lottie fucking matthew’s, in front of everyone. she’s spitting blood what the fuck.
you knew something like this was going to happen, you knew something was off with shauna—you knew because she’s your girlfriend—you knew because jackie fucking taylor, her other half, her #9, had died from some fucked argument they had—you knew because you loved shauna shipman with you’re entire being—you knew this was going to happen, the way her moods had been shifting, the way she’d been writing in her journal (that she would kill you if she found out you’ve been reading every letter of her messy, scrambled, panicked, handwriting), the way she’d wake up in the middle of the night and just stare—stare out that window where she had seen jackie’s cold, lifeless, frozen over body, stare out there wondering what it felt like—how jackie felt—what if she just went out there that night and stopped being an ass?—endless thoughts endless ‘what ifs’ running through her mind that you knew, because you know shauna more than she knows herself.
no one knows what to do—you don’t know what to do, do you help lottie or do you calm your scared out of her mind girlfriend down?—just as you think that shauna all but runs outside but not before making sure #5 was alive (barely), anyways you choose the latter looking around the room at the panicked faces that were staring at lottie, but you ignore it you bolt out the same door shauna left just seconds before (not forgetting your coat and hat as you do so.)
you find her in the meat shed, as is the norm as of now, she’s packed away into the corner making herself oh so small when you know she’s so much bigger than that, bright, beautiful, loving—you know she’s not whatever this is—this sad, angry girl who doesn’t know how to show her emotions—you know this isn’t the same shauna who had written you letters, love letters, back home—sliding them into your locker during those passing periods that you took for granted, that you’d do anything to get back to—
no words are spoken as you place yourself next to her plopping down on the freezing, rotting, semi-damp flooring, no words are spoken as you take her hands into yours and wipe away the blood from the bruises you absolutely know she’s going to have in the morning on your coat, not even caring about the stains or the smell—, no words are spoken when you kiss her knuckles, lightly she doesn’t even know if it’s real or if she’s imagining it just like she’s imagined her #9, no words are spoken as you look up at her, studying her face trying to see what she’s feeling wanting to know what she’s feeling—but then finally—she speaks, a quiet but trembling “i’m so sorry” you can tell she’s on the verge of tears and all you know how to do is bring your right hand up to her so so cold yet soft cheek and hold it, not wanting to scare her away in her fragile state but wanting to let her know that you are there. yet again, nothing is spoken but she knows in her heart that she will be okay—that you and her are okay.
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babydollmarauders · 5 months
Okay, I am here with Frat!Jack thoughts
1.) Baby doll likes hickeys but doesn't like having to bundle up when the weather starts getting warmer coz lil sensory issues with sweating (girl same) so jack comprises with leaving them in her thighs just BARELY covered by her skirt.
2.) Frat!Jack finally pulling his head out his ass and coming back for his girl coz Luke said she was going on a date (she wasn't) to a coffee shop (it was the first time she'd left the house semi presentable in days) with a guy on the basketball team (god fucking forbid) and Jack's brain was just *car crash noises* and he came storming in like "YOU'RE MY WOMAN BE GONE THIEF." except no thief. Just baby doll like 😧
3.) Hockey Frat House is a big party house for the girlies coz the guys drink their respect women juice coz Queen Ellen is feared and beloved
4.) everyone on the devil's (once jack gets head out his ass) expecting the rookie to be a little fratboy shithead chasing puck bunnies except first game Baby doll comes too he's all 😍😍 wife guy but in the not weird way and the team is like. Okay.... Sure.
5.) That icebreaker scene that blew up on Tiktok of the main dude coming to get his girl to come back to bed with him in the middle of a party in just his boxers to cuddle? That. Twice.
6.) Jack being given a Taylor swift style friendship bracelet that's bright pink that says Babydoll on it as a joke but he wears it ALL THE TIME.
7.) Trevor being absolutely scandalised whenever they so much as look at each other. Because obviously.
....I have other au thoughts....
addressing these one by one!!
1. babydoll loves hickeys but no one loves them more than jack! his absolute favorite thing is to mark her up! they definitely compromise by letting him give them to her only in spaces that can be covered by her skirts. jack goes a bit overboard sometimes,, i’m talking upper thighs, hip bones, lower stomach, ass, ALL OVER THAT AREA and babydoll gives him a look like “really?”.
2. i’m a firm believer that babydoll and luke become besties when he gets to umich and jack hates it but loves it at the same time. but it definitely comes in handy during times like that when jack and babydoll are on a break and luke pulls some matchmaking strings to get get them back together.
3. oh for sure! i mean, the guys might be fuckboys, but they’re respectful! most certainly because they know Mrs. Hughes wouldn’t hesitate to yell at them if she heard they were anything but respectful!
4. the devils guys definitely expect some cocky fuckboy frat boy, so when jack arrives and won’t stop mentioning his beautiful girlfriend and talks about how he misses her because she’s still in Michigan for another year? the team is shocked and just like “oh?? okay then…”. there’s definitely still a few teammates that expect him to be sleeping with puck bunnies the first chance he gets, but then at their first team outing at the bar after a winning game, jack is just incredibly drunk and moaning about how he just wants his girl and turning down any other girl who comes up to him.
5. that happens at least twice! just a sleepy and still a bit tipsy jack, wandering down the stairs of the frat in nothing but his boxers, earning quite a few whistles and shouts as he walks straight to babydoll— boy will not take no for an answer, he doesn’t even give her the time to say anything, he just lifts her into his arms and turns back around and straight back to his room. babydoll is just looking at him stunned and goes “jacky, what are you doing?” and he’s all pouty, replying with “you left. i need cuddles.”
6. he definitely receives the bracelet at a sorority party that one of babydoll’s friends put together. all the other guys that got bracelets with their girls names on them threw the bracelets away, but not jack. that bracelet becomes a staple in his wardrobe, only coming off to shower.
7. oh god, babydoll and jack even breathe in the same vicinity and trevor is giving them the most disgusted look, telling them to “get a room.” and “not everyone wants your love disease, some of us don’t wanna see that.” and jack and babydoll are just “?????”
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ultrone · 1 year
Can I please request a yellowjackets fic of platonic Jackie x younger sister reader (sort of like Travis and Javi’s relationship - maybe reader could be friends with Javi too), I don’t really have an idea for a plot though maybe some sort of tension and fight w Jackie but then everything is fixed by the end? And reader is like pretty different from Jackie - in typical sister style. That’s so unspecific I’m so sorry I suck at ideas I just crave big sister Jackie (I feel like she’d be a Nancy wheeler variant) okay ty bye ily
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𝗢𝗟𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗦𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗝𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗜𝗘 𝗧𝗔𝗬𝗟𝗢𝗥 ┊ 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀
cw. just siblings fighting, javi & reader being friends
wc. 1.5k
n/a. tysm for ur request <33 at first i wanted to make her an overprotective sister (so that she was kinda like nancy) but i felt like making her bratty fit better with the storyline lmaooo, i hope it's what you were expecting tho :) if not lmk and maybe i can work on a protective sister blurb or something.
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"Uno! Take that!" You exclaimed with enthusiasm, celebrating your third victory in the one-on-one game against Javi.
"This is so unfair," Javi said, rolling his eyes. "Let's play again. We're not leaving until I beat your ass." He spoke with determination.
You were grateful that you had packed your Uno deck in your backpack for the trip. Being stuck in a cabin with a bunch of teenagers and having nothing to do except stare at the rooftop for hours turned out to be more boring than you had anticipated.
Since the crash occurred, you and Javi had grown close. While you shared a few classes at school, you had never spoken to him before. But the shared misfortune of being on this trip as guests brought you together — Javi accompanying his dad, the team coach, and you accompanying your older sister, Jackie Taylor, the team captain. Not to mention that both Travis — Javi’s older brother — and Jackie were being assholes.
The initial weeks were challenging, to say the least. Jackie was being extremely annoying — she still is —, constantly bossing you around and disregarding your feelings. It seemed as though she was too absorbed in her own frustrations, always venting about the unfairness of the situation and the social events she was missing out on, like Rutger's rush week and all the frat parties. You knew Jackie didn't mean any harm, but it still bothered you. Additionally, the age gap with everyone being around three years older than you made you feel like an outcast and useless. Thankfully, you and Javi started getting along. You were assigned similar tasks, such as picking berries or fetching water from the lake, since both of you were younger and unable to handle more demanding activities. Thanks to this, you began spending a lot of time together and eventually became very close friends.
"What are you doing?" Javi asked incredulously, his eyebrows furrowing. "You can't play a +2 card after a +4 card," he pointed out.
You were aware that Javi was right, but decided to push back. "Yes, you can. It's literally stated in the instructions," you replied, attempting to gaslight him.
"No, it's not. You're lying," he insisted, firm in his belief.
"Fine, you got me," you admitted, flashing a playful smirk. "I'll take these four cards just so you don’t start crying," you teased.
“Ha, ha, so funny,” Javi responded with a smile.
Interrupting your playful banter, a voice called out from behind. "Hey, Y/n," Jackie said, grabbing your attention. "Have you seen my red lipstick?"
You let out a sigh as you glanced at your sister. Lately, she had been even more irritating than usual, probably because of the problems she was having with Shauna. Not that you were particularly invested in their drama. But the last thing you wanted was to engage in conversation with her, knowing all too well that it would probably lead to another argument.
"Yeah," you responded casually, briefly glancing away before returning to the game.
"Okay... So, where is it?" Jackie asked, her tone growing slightly impatient.
"I used it to write the S.O.S message on the plane," you replied nonchalantly, as if it were the most obvious thing.
"Wait... What?" Jackie exclaimed, her anger starting to rise. "Why the heck would you do that?”
Rolling your eyes, you replied sarcastically, "Oh, I'm sorry, Jackie. I forgot that packing a sharpie was at the top of our survival essentials checklist in the wilderness."
"You didn't even bother asking me!" she complained, her frustration evident.
"Well, maybe I didn't ask because you're such a self-centred bitch, always whining about missing out on your stupid parties," you retorted, your voice tinged with irritation. "It was the only thing I could find to leave a message for whoever might be searching for us. Stop being such an ass. I mean, you clearly wanna get out of here, dont you? Cooperate a little."
Jackie let out a loud huff, her lips pursed and a deep frown etched on her face as she stormed off, making her way towards the cabin. In her haste, she bumped her shoulder harshly into Van, who was heading to the lake. "Hey! Watch out!" Van exclaimed, her voice filled with surprise and annoyance. She followed Jackie's retreating figure with a confused and perplexed expression before turning back to you. You simply shrugged your shoulders, raised your eyebrows, and nonchalantly returned your focus to the game, leaving Van with a sense of bewilderment.
Javi gazed at you in stunned silence, but he didn't utter a word. After all, if someone could understand you it was him, as he had to deal with Travis. Without saying anything about the previous exchange, both of you chose to brush it off and swiftly changed the topic, resuming the game as if nothing had happened.
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Three hours had passed since your argument with Jackie. After playing with Javi for about an hour, you decided to lend a hand to Tai with boiling the dirty pads. Once you finished the task, you stayed there for a while, gossiping with her and Van.
“I’m getting kinda cold, I’ll be right back,” you announced, rising from your spot on the ground and making your way towards the cabin to retrieve a hoodie. They nodded in acknowledgment as you left.
You entered the cabin and opened the shared closet, scanning its contents for your favorite hoodie. Once you found it, you slipped it on and turned around, ready to make your exit. However, Jackie stood there, blocking your path to the door.
You tried to walk past her, but Jackie swiftly reached out and grabbed your arm, preventing your escape.“Nope, you’re not leaving. You’re finally gonna tell me what the heck is going on,” she declared, her arms folded and her stance blocking the door knob.
You hesitated for a moment, contemplating your response. "What are you talking about? Nothing's going on," you insisted, trying to downplay the situation.
Jackie pursed her lips, clearly not convinced. "Okay... Liar," she responded, tilting her head slightly.
You made another attempt to leave, but Jackie swiftly blocked your path with her arm. "No! You've been distant and acting weird for weeks. Not to mention how mean you've been towards me," she argued, her frustration evident.
"Well, what did you expect?" you retorted, your voice laced with exasperation. "Huh? The only thing you've done since we got here is complain and do nothing except act like a child. I'm scared and I miss home too, and the fact that my older sister, the person I should be able to rely on the most, is behaving like a brat, doesn't help me at all, okay?" Tears welled up in your eyes as you spoke, the pain evident in your voice. "I just wish you were more like Tai or Van," you expressed, your voice filled with disappointment. "They take better care of me than you do.”
Jackie's expression softened as she listened to your words, her remorse evident on her face. She let out a deep sigh and her shoulders slumped. "I... I didn't realize," she admitted, her voice heavy with regret. "Shit, I'm so sorry, Y/n," she apologized, her words sincere. Without hesitation, she pulled you into a tight hug, holding you close. "I'm really sorry," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine remorse.
Overwhelmed with emotions, you couldn't hold back the tears any longer. "I'm sorry too, for being a bitch," you confessed, your voice filled with regret. "I just wanted my sister back. I'm so scared, Jackie," you admitted.
Jackie gently pulled away from the hug and tenderly wiped away your tears with her fingers. "I'm scared too, but we'll get through this together, okay?" she reassured you, her voice filled with warmth and determination. "Everything will be okay, I promise," she added, a soft smile gracing her lips. A tear escaped from her own eye, reflecting her sincerity. You nodded in response, feeling a renewed sense of hope and comfort in her words.
You embraced Jackie once again, holding onto her tightly. "I love you, Jackie," you whispered, your voice filled with genuine affection. She reciprocated the sentiment, her voice soft and comforting. "I love you too," she replied, her hand gently caressing your hair.
"But, shit, I just lost 10 bucks," you exclaimed, separating from her with a disappointed expression.
Confused, Jackie asked, "What do you mean?" Her fingers continued to caress the sides of your arms.
"Javi and I made a bet about who had the crappiest older sibling," you explained with a mischievous smile. "You apologized before Travis did to him, so now I owe him 10 bucks."
"Oh my god, I can't believe you," Jackie responded, playfully pinching your side. "And don't ever compare me to Travis. I might be a brat, but he seriously needs professional help with his anger issues," she argued.
You burst into laughter. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," you replied with a grin, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her outside with you.
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takow · 1 year
Jackie Taylor headcanons
♡ She has a french grandmother (on her mom's side) and she worked as a designer for haute couture parisian brands like Dior or Chanel
♡ Jackie's parents lived in London when Jackie was a baby and they moved to NJ soon after (french granny did not like that)
♡ She has two little twin brothers and she pretends to be the perfect older sister when in reality she wants to murder them (repeat after me 'thinking about murdering your siblings is okay as long as you don't do it)
♡ Shauna was her first friend when she arrived in NJ
♡ She had a thick ass brit accent when she was younger
♡ She used to play lacrosse before discovering the superior sport (soccer)
♡ She'd like to be a designer like her french grandmother (who criticizes her french every time they talk to each other)
♡ Her full name is 'Jacqueline Elisabeth Taylor'. Jacqueline is her french grandmother's name and Elisabeth is her british grandmother's name
♡ My girl loves dressing expensive mainly because of her granny (I mean that's pratically canon. girl was wearing lacoste and ralph lauren in the fucking woods)
♡ She loves popsicles
She's a lesbian but she chose Jeff as her crush because they'd look like 'the perfect couple' together (JACKIE CHOOSE ME I CAN BE A BETTER BOYFRIEND THAN HIM WITHOUT EVEN BEING A MAN)
♡ She is autistic
♡ She tries to fit all of the expectations bestowed upon her. Little miss perfect is her anthem but she never got to kiss her friend (rip jackie you were too repressed that's why you couldn't use your lesbian plot armor)
♡ She could totally drive but she loves being Shauna's passenger princess. It's their moment together and Jackie would do everything within her power to keep it (gay gay homosexual-)
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lottieurl · 1 year
you can literally always hate jeff in the tags of my misty posts btw im reading those tags the way one reads a morning newspaper. the fanon version of jeff seems so different to canon jeff like he’s not really the dedicated malewife people make him out to be shsjsks. he didn’t want to even try strawberry lube like c’mon now. he freaked out when she saved their asses and grabbed the gun. perhaps this is an unfair assumption for me to have of the writers but ive seen it happen in other shows and i fear they might’ve seen how the general audience liked there’s no book club!jeff and added more of him and that general vibe bc of it. but to me s1 jeff worked bc you spend most of it distrusting or disliking him and then he has a shining moment at the taylors and thennn he goes back to being Like That when you find out he’s the blackmailer. and it’s like this really sad, terrible marriage two people are stuck in for various reason so idk where the couple goals even in a fun failmarriage way comes from. he’s not even the most interesting non shauna member of the sadecki family!!! callie is right there esp if they’re focusing on her motherhood!!! ANYWAYS. jeff & walter’s downfall 2k23 im with you
okay thank you for giving me the excuse to talk about it actually cause i was thinking this since the season started. people's ENTIRE interpretation of jeff as a character hinges and is almost exclusively based on THERE WAS NO BOOK CLUB? literally everything else he does gets twisted so he can stay this fanon dream himbo wifeguy. and that's the show's fault to an extent for sure cause there is a framing there due to how much they want jeff in the comic relief role. but the show does make a point of showing that jeff is deeply disturbed by shauna, that he's been a shit husband actually and he's kind of an awful person tbh. like! thats not a character flaw per se, we are all here for awful characters. but people don't want an interesting dynamic between those two or for jeff to be more than a one dimensional goofy idiot. and they also want shaunajeff to be like. santa clarita diet marriage or whatever which. loved santa clarita diet but that's AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THING. and an entirely different type of show and we do all get that this would strip shauna of all her amazing nuances right? right? anyways back to jeff. people will see how he reacts to shauna pulling that gun or how he's entirely against everything shauna does regarding callie and go omg wifeguy always supportive. he is not? and for good reasons lmao? people will see teen jeff cheating and be like ye shauna was awful for doing this to jackie but jeff is just a poor little idiot plus (did see a take like this which. hello) jackie wouldn't have sex with him so he's without fault. like. what. anyways he's a cheater who found out SOME of what his wife experiened in the wilderness (not everything for sure cause that man is way waaay WAY too freaked out by shauna's behaviors to know it all lets be real) and decided to profit off the victims he knew as a teen dgsbjfjdjdsb like he offered to go to jail for adam murder in part cause his own blackmailing scheme is what pushed shauna to kill adam? just cause he's kind of funny every once in a while doesn't mean he's A Loving Himbo Wifeguy. all jeff related posts are that and its why i started having an allergic reaction to jeff
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ayo smoshblr fic writers
so in addition to the giant ass whump fic i'm working on, i also have a series that's based on songs. i cant stop getting ideas for it help.
current playlist:
1, 3, and 8 are published
1: outsiders inside the home that we built (ianthony)
3: without you, there's no way i'd be standing here right now (spommy)
8: i hope you're okay, but you're the reason (spommy)
there's also the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me (spommy) named for the alchemy by taylor swift, but i didn't put it in the playlist cuz the plot doesn't really follow the lyrics.
2 (for damien/jackie) and 10 (for spencer/amanda) are currently in progress.
the rest of the playlist are free floating vague ideas.
4 i was thinking amangela
5 i don't have a pairing idea yet but the series is titled 'you sound like a song' so i kinda have to use it
6 i dunno yet either but its about someone being far away so maybe something with jackie again?
7 for shourtney
9 and 11 for ianthony
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apricops · 2 years
Folks, President Sunny Roosevelt here! It’s President’s Day, and to celebrate, I’m gonna do a reading from the Deck of Statesmen for all my loyal voters and subscribers! I’m still learning, I’ve done some practice readings and stuff, but this is my first time doing a big reading for a crowd, so be nice.
[Sunny begins shuffling a deck of cards. Stream comments: “ohhh this is gonna be good;” “LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOO;” “I want Sunny to shuffle me”]
We’re gonna do a five-card reading today. If you’ve been living under a rock and dunno what that means, you’ve got the Upper Seat on top, three Chamber cards in the middle, and the Lower Seat at the bottom.
[Sunny places five (5) cards face-down in a + (plus) shape]
So first is the Upper Seat, the one on top, and that one sets the tone for the rest of the reading.
[Sunny flips the top card to reveal a portrait of Martin van Buren (Two of Stewards). Stream comments: “Deece;” “TOPDECKING GAS BOYS;” “lol who”]
Ooh, the Two of Stewards in the Upper Seat. I’m getting… so, he’s a transitional figure, and creating something new isn’t always a good thing. Sometimes you become part of something, or create part of something, and you get swept up in it, or it gets carried away. This card is technically a lesser symbol, but it’s very… nuanced, it’s actually one of my favorite cards. Moving on, we have the Lower Seat, it’s like a balancing counterpoint to the Upper Seat, the soft power versus the hard power.
[Zachary Taylor (Five of Generals) is revealed in the Lower Seat. Stream comments: “FUCKING WHO LOL;” “he always looks like he’s holding in a fart;” “SWORDBOY CONFIRMED”]
The Five of Generals in the Lower Seat. Ooh, that’s interesting, very ‘other side of the coin’ to the Two of Stewards. Sort of falling into something, being the one left holding the bag and not knowing what to do with it. So it sounds like, a lot of tension between the structure versus the people in the structure. But obviously you know I’m on your side. I love my boys. ❤️
[Stream comments: ”WE LOVE YOU TOO;” “MOMMYYYYY;” “god all the lower Generals are exactly the same”]
Now let’s take a look at the Chamber. Starting from the left…
[The first Chamber card is Franklin Delano Roosevelt (High Steward). Stream comments: “WE’RE SAVED;” “NO RELATION LOL;” “MY MAN;” “NO RELATION LOL;” “THE BIG DICK MOTHERFUCKER HIMSELF;” “NO RELATION LOL”]
The High Steward! Help is on the way, folks, haha. No, but seriously, everyone says ‘no card is all good or all bad’ and that’s true. The High Steward is one of those figures that holds the moment in his hand and guides it. He’s strong and benevolent, but also kind of greedy. He’s a linchpin, and linchpins can be dangerous, y’know? You don’t want all your eggs in one basket. 
Especially in the Chamber. The Seats are more concrete and the Chamber is more abstract, where the Chamber is coming up with the big ideas and trying to solve everything and the Seats keep asking “okay, but how are we gonna do that?” So a High card in the Chamber is very… it implies some power-sharing, responsibilities being split. Still, it’s always good to see him! Next up…
[The middle card is flipped over, revealing John F Kennedy (Martyr of Discoursers). Stream comments: “BOOM HEADSHOT;” “JACKIE PHAT ASS;” “Reading’s looking kinda grim boys, High Steward might not be enough to save us”]
The Martyr of Discoursers. The drama! Haha. But yeah, the Martyr of Discoursers basically means drama. And in the Chamber, that could mean a lot things - it could mean big revelations or high tension, but it could also just mean distractions. It’s kind of a reminder to keep your priorities straight and not get distracted by dead ends, or not get lured in by something that’s flashy but without substance. Alright, last card…
[The final card is flipped, revealing Grover Cleveland (Three of Paragons). Stream comments: “FUCKING WHO LOL;” “always sucks when the last Statesman is cringe lol;” “why tf is this nerd a Paragon”]
Hey, the Three of Paragons isn’t cringe. None of them are – okay, very few of them are cringe, haha. And he’s a Paragon because, like I was saying, none of them are all good or all bad. Paragons are about sticking to your beliefs and principles. Sometimes that’s really important, but sometimes it means being stubborn or refusing to learn. And the Three of Paragons is - y’know how I was just talking about drama and linchpins and all that? He’s a balancing force against that. He’s very grounded.
So this is interesting. Looking at the reading as a whole, it seems like the Chamber is very diverse - you’ve got principles and drama and ambition all right next to each other, a lot of these big personalities jostling against each other, and they’re sandwiched between the Seats, who are these balancing and tempering forces trying to corral all these thoughts and ideas and build some structure. 
Yeah, that’s what I’m getting. To sum it up, the Chamber, our ideas and thoughts, they want to go big and loud and dramatic, and they’re being tempered by the Seats, who are kind of quiet and diligent. We’ve got all four classes on the board with a slight Steward majority, which says to me that.. it’s always hard to say when you’ve got a 2-1-1-1 split, because there’s technically a majority, but it’s a small majority. The Seats don’t have a figurehead grabbing everyone else and leading them forward, so right now isn’t the time for any big decisions. It’s saying nobody has all the pieces yet. As tempting as it is to charge ahead and be independent, you should really take a moment to think things through and talk with people.
[Stream comments: “AI gonna take over AGAIN at this rate lol;” “we pulled High Steward so I’m happy;” “Sunny you’re so centrist lmao”]
So, there you go! I hope you enjoyed watching my reading, I had fun doing it. Don’t forget to vote, comment, and subscribe, and check out the store! We’ve got a big President’s Day sale on everything, including a new, that’s right, a new dakimakura design, so make sure you take a look! Mmkay, bye-bye~!
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
okay i have more jackie thoughts that i need to get out (its like one but..) more stardew valley because im OBSSESSED RIGHT NOW.
jackie would be so freaking excited after she gets you into stardew like she's gloating!!! but she barely lets you play and shes yanking the computer that's about to blow up from your hands because "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SELL THE COPPER ORES" or "your farm is really ugly..let me design it for you." 😭
and Omg...doing co-op with her. she's yelling at you from the other side of the room to hurry up and plant and water the crops and she sounds like a military sergeant 😭😭 don't even get me started on jackie finding out you're romancing someone.... Lord. she'd ignore you in game AND irl. literally pouting and fuming from the couch when you marry haley LMFAO. she's secretly entering your cabin and giving her the gifts she hates the most because shes so jealous
god I've been playing stardew for a few hours today lmaoo. told myself I wouldn't get back into it but here we are. keep thinking about yellowjackets and stardew fr (probably because I named it shipman farm lmaoo)
i just know jackie runs that farm like the navy. still, she refuses to do any of the hard/boring work. she's running around feeding and petting the animals, making cheese, making wine. and then she has you running around watering her 100 plants, fishing, mining, etc. drops like 10k in furniture at Robin's for the hell of it. spends all of the joint money on decorations I fear. you still have the 12 backpack slots and default tools while she's running around with 36 slots and iridium tools. got your ass sifting through the garbage cans I fear.
love that we all romance Haley (best Bachelorette). no but god forbid she sees you talking to Haley lmaoo. "a coconut?? you gave that... that... girl a coconut right in front of me?" moves her bed away from yours and everything. it's serious.
god Jackie giving you bad gift advice whenever you talk to a female character I just know it. she has them all memorized and will use them for nefarious purposes. "oh no. guess you'll just have to marry me since Haley hates you 😁😁😁" twirling her hair around her finger and shit
i just know jackie meticulously named every animal instead of clicking through the random names too. they're all themed. like every coop/barn has a different one. got the chickens all named after her teammates, the cows named after Taylor swift albums, etc.
girl pouts and will not talk to you after she realizes that you've never put water in your pets bowl I just know it.
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alottiegoingon · 4 months
hc! on the sunny side of the street
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jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: jackie taylor has a massive crush on you.
warnings: jackie not being subtle at all, reader is a yellowjacket, pure fluff, not proofread
୨୧ jackie was on the sunny side of the street every time you were near and she was very obvious about that.
୨୧ you joined the team last year and, at first, you were frightened of her. judging the book by its cover, jackie fulfilled every requirement to be a successful and typical mean girl; silky and shiny hair, extremely popular, team captain and a huge collection of admirers.
୨୧ it took you half a second to alter the perception you had of her when you joined her in the locker room after the short reunion you had with coach martinez. jackie was so energetic and excited to welcome you in, with an inviting smile and arms enthusiastically pulling you closer to a warm embrace. the sweet perfume of her lingered on your mind for days.
୨୧ on your first day as a yellowjacket, most of the girls were receptive and patient and ready to help you in whatever you needed.
୨୧ “okay, everyone. let’s give her some space!” jackie used her bossy team captain voice to disperse the crowd of curious people around you. at the second the other girls backed off just enough, she grabbed your arm and started to gush about a new party that was happening on friday night, inviting you to go with her.
୨୧ jackie didn’t want to give you some space. that girl wanted you to give you a space from the others!
୨୧ remember that jackie wasn’t subtle at all? well.
୨୧ during practice, van failed it to stop the ball a few times and even though it was no big deal, jackie got furious.
୨୧ “if we can’t even catch a ball, maybe we shouldn’t even bother to try for the nationals!” she lectured the team with arms folded across her chest and flushed cheeks for running too much.
୨୧ “it was just a mistake, jackie. relax!” taissa is the first one to defend her girlfriend, never afraid of going against jackie.
୨୧ “a mistake that could cost us a lot!”
୨୧ but then, the moment you literally tripped over the ball with your big ass feet and fell on your face, jackie was all over you with concerned eyes and tender touches on your arms to help you up.
୨୧ “are you serious? she sucks.” mari scoffs, rolling her eyes. a few of the girls were covering their faces with their hands to hide a laugh.
୨୧ “don’t say that. it was just a mistake! everyone makes mistakes sometimes.” jackie snarled at mari and decided to ignore the multiple death stares at her when she ignored your beginner mistake just to yell at van for something harder than just chase a ball.
୨୧ “you have to be fucking kidding me.” tai sighs.
୨୧ the very next day during practice, everyone was warming up and getting ready when jackie came in. hair flawlessly soft with a yellow ribbon adorning it.
୨୧ “attention, everyone! the nationals are coming, as all of you may know, and i thought it was a great idea to work on our speed. so…” she smiles proudly, hands forming a cup to hold a few pieces of paper. “i’ll randomly select a few people every day to run around the field for five minutes.”
୨୧ at the speed of light, all of the girls began to protest and call jackie a crazy girl. it was a lot, actually. the field was huge and if you were a panting mess after a simple practice, you would be dead after running for five minutes.
୨୧ “come on, yellowjackets. don’t you wanna win the big game?” she tries to encourage them with a forced smile, while disregarding the discontent comments.
୨୧ knowing that neither of you had a say on this, the silence settled in when jackie began to choose people and you were praying to all of the gods to not be chosen.
୨୧ “and the first one is…” she holds a small piece of paper in the air and reads the name written on it. “mari!”
୨୧ “are you serious? that’s not random, i saw you looking at it! i wanna see the it.” mari defends herself and jackie pull her hands back to her chest, protecting the papers like it was something worth of dying for.
୨୧ jackie knew damn well why she couldn’t show the papers. she spent a few minutes of her night yesterday writing only mari’s name on a sheet of paper. she could just pick someone else who was bothering you later tomorrow, she thought.
୨୧ “jackie, this is cruel. you’re just mad at her cause she said something about your precious girlfriend.” nat stands up this time, visibly annoyed.
୨୧ “and the second chosen one is natalie” jackie looks straight at the blondie, not even bothering to look at the names in her hands and act surprised. “have fun.”
୨୧ she was definitely favoring you and you were worried that everyone would hate you for that.
୨୧ if jackie wasn’t defending you from the girls passive aggressive comments, she was glued by your side like a god damn guardian dog.
୨୧ “good job today. you look so pretty.” says jackie after you missed the ball twice, kicked shauna’s leg by accident, almost lost balance when nat accidentally bumped into you and your hair was wildly all over the place. ignoring all of that, she definitely made you blush.
୨୧ it was quite a performance, an adorable and smart one. she would bat eyelashes, twirling her hair around her finger like in those cliche movies and acting all giggly and foolishly before saying goodbye.
୨୧ shauna would always give jackie a ride home and at the moment she got into the car, shauna was looking at her like 🤨 “what the fuck was all that about?”
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tabithatwo · 1 year
Ella Purnell I'M IN YOUR WALLS..... I WANT THAT MOMENT WHERE SHAUNA GETS HER BACK TO BE IN THE FINALE PLEASE GOD. LET'S MANIFEST IT. YOU'RE SO RIGHT THEY ARE SETTING IT UP. THEY HAVE NOT JUST DROPPED THAT STORYLINE THANK FUCK I WAS SO WORRIED THERE FOR A SEC. JACKIE HAUNTING SHAUNA IS SO UNBELIEVABLY CRUCIAL IT CANNOT LITERALLY JUST DISAPPEAR IT WOULD MAKE NO NARRATIVE SENSE WHATSOEVER!!!! I need to calm down but I do think, even if I dislike the creative choice due to my Jackie Bias, that it does make sense for Shauna to temporarily lose the ability to hallucinate her after cannibalizing her and thus feeling the absence of her physical body. Jackie is inside her now but she can't see her so it's not as easy as projecting that false image of her being alive onto her corpse like she was before. Actually kind of excited to see what will allow Shauna to conjure her up again.... In my mind the Jackie we've seen thus far truly was a hallucination because she was so clearly vocalizing Shauna's subconscious desires BUT I desperately want them to actually communicate. I want Shauna to see Jackie and have a conversation with her and for it to genuinely feel like Jackie's ghost. Need Jackie to be tangible I miss my girl so bad. I know she's got shit to say LET HER SPEAK! I know you might not answer this ask but I'd love your thoughts !!!!
ELLA HAS BEEN TRYING SHE'S BEEN LIKE HEYYYYYYY YELLOWJACKETS LET ME OUT OF MY CAGE I WOULD LIKE TO PLAY JACKIE TAYLOR MORE which is why it is so frustrating to me like DAMN i am in the walls of the showtime execs who didn't wanna pay for her ass and/or showrunners who didn't wanna use her WHATEVER. my biggest fear is the lack of her presence (ella or not!) in 2021 HOWEVER i think that this show is very WILLING to do a thing i don't love but need to get on board with i guess, which is completely reshape the way the adults interact with things based on what we're seeing unfold in 96 (nobody come explain narrative storytelling to me PLEASE i beg you, i've learned to give so many disclaimers that i Understand Things now cause BOY do people want to educate you, i understand pulling focus to a theme i pinky promise!!! i just think that, partly because of all the other characters and storylines they crammed into 21, they shift to a degree that Lacks The Level Of Character Continuity That I Desire, okay it is a personal PREFERENCE, if you don't care about that i am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!) sorry anon, for the obligatory pls know i understand things aside. NOW 96 jackie. yes yes yes agree!! meat shed jackie that we've had was hallucination, with near 100% certainty. i think that if they're planning on delivering on all the threads they start to unravel in this show (which doesn't always happen in any show so i am cautious in my optimism) they have got to do something with 1x10. the cabin guy presence in the dream realm is really a firm suggestion that there are ghosts happening. laura lee can be written off as a dream they would have, but he is NOT. now i DO think they're putting way too much effort into this dream realm to NOT have it be developed or mean something, and i think that the separation between everyone else in jackie's death dream and cabin guy and laura lee coming in and welcoming her is pretty concrete. there is...whatever the fuck the uncanny valley versions of the yellowjackets are (i think they're "it" playing tricksy games personally) and the Actual Dead (cabin guy, laura lee, jackie). SO ALL THIS TO SAY yeah. i think there is real potential for them to pick up that thread and establish ghost jackie. i think there is also potential for her and shauna to communicate. i think PERSONALLY (no one come to my asks to tell me this is stupid i literally cannot handle you today okay give a girl a break i beg) that there's a very good chance that by the end of the show shauna in the 21 timeline sees/communicates with/(joins?) ghost jackie, whether she gets to see her in 96 tl or not. these are my thoughts they have diverted maybe from your point and if so i am so sorry lol along those lines i have RAGING adhd, so when you say i might not answer i hope it isn't because i haven't responded to an ask you've sent me before but if it is i promise it isn't personal! this goes to anyone else too, like i really have 17 things happening at once at all times and i drop the ball sometimes lol but know that i love to hear people's thoughts <3 <3
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cdyssey · 1 year
Yellowjackets 2.05 Reactions:
The stacks of VHS tapes everywhere in Van’s house/shop are so charming. 😭 The rainbow carpet! The past due bills!
“Parker Posey is my new dream woman. I would marry her today.” So right, bestie.
Tai collapsing after seeing her ex for the first time in 25 years because she hasn’t slept in, like, five days. Go, girl failure. Give us nothing. <3
Shaunatai friendship moments. 😭 Tai being so gentle with her. I’m actually unwell about them.
“Happy wife, happy life.” I fucking love her.
Atm, Shauna is firmly in nothing-fucking-supernatural-is-happening-here-at-all-camp with Tai and Nat! It’s really interesting that this makes three out of our core four. (I honestly half-suspect that it’s actually four out of four, and teen Misty is just going along with the majority right now to be included.)
Shauna overhearing Lottie creepily prophesy the sex of her baby again and Tai turning around to watch her. 😭
Fucking creepy grown ass detective who is taking this underaged teenager on dates!! Preying on her emotions for a gd case!!!
“I sexually hustled you.” Oh, God, Callie. Go home. ☠️
Good on Callie for figuring out who Matt is by looking at the check!!!! Okay, yes, she absolutely did not need to be having feelings for this man, but also, I feel so bad for her. Everyone this girl cares about hurts her in some unimaginably fucked up way.
“Maybe he did die, and that’s his ghost.” ANANWJJEJWNWDIWWI
Akilah naming the mouse Nugget. ;w;
Misty kissing her and Crystal’s pinky swear. 😭 Mari is 100% manipulating the chore cards.
Callie lying to Matt!!!!!! Oh, God, she’s in it to protect her parents now. Her mom. So fucked up, but so good. All she has wanted this entire time is to feel close to her mother.
“There’s only ever one rule: Win.” Very suspicious line, lmao. I wonder if this is going to end up being Walter’s ethos.
Van immediately knowing that Tai is there about the sleepwalking.
THEY WENT TO SHAUNA’S WEDDING. OH, GOD. THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. And that also means they were together at least for a little bit after returning from the woods. (We know from Jeff’s bro-off with Kevyn that he and Shauna basically got married almost as soon as Shauna got back from the woods. It’s wrenching that Mrs. Taylor was there in so many ways. Wow. For Shauna, who was so entangled with Jackie, and now she’s about to literally live her life. For Jeff, whose two girlfriends died and one of them came back wrong. For Tai and Van and other Yellowjackets if they attended, who had to look at the Taylors and know that they ate their daughter. And even for Mrs. Taylor, a grieving mother. Just one line, but it’s so, so loaded.)
“Promise you won’t freak out.” / “Sure.” / “No.” AJWJWJJWIWJSJDW.
CONCERNED PARENTS ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COP’S AGE!!! Listen, the Sadecki family is fucked up to hell and back, but I love them.
“So… I did fix it?” / “You-you did that great.” So, so effed up. <33
NAT IS STILL WEARING THOSE GODDAMN LEATHER PANTS. GIRL, YOU’RE GONNA GET AN INFECTION!! This being said, it’s notable that she’s wearing a purple top now.
Akilah being a skeptic too. Also, every time we get a new piece of Akilah lore, I want to die a little inside because it’s so lovely and they’re 100% priming us for her inevitable death. 😭 Her friendship with Tai is so sweet, though.
I love the distinction that Akilah makes here, though—doing the pre-game rituals and going to Lottie’s morning sit-down not because she believes in these things, but because they make her feel good.
“Well, yeah—because you’re totally whipped.” AKKQKQOQIEIEJWJEJDJS. Splashing each other with water. Kids being kids, even in the desolate and unforgiving wilderness. 😭
Oh, God. This Travis/Nat confrontation. So upsetting. Nat immediately fessing up to it is incredible; she’s not a character who likes to deal with lies.
Lottie curling her hand around Nat’s shoulder!!! Gays, we win again.
“Actually, uh, before we go into the black recesses of my soul, I just need a minute.” Same.
MISTYNAT REUNION!!!! What if they kissed between the gate slats. Then what
(I’m sorry. I ship almost all of these women together. I think if this season doesn’t end with ALL of them making out by the fire in Lottie’s compound, it’s a missed opportunity.)
Misty’s look of utter horror as Nat stalks away. She came so far for her.
I know it’s just the effect of Tawny Cypress’s contacts, but Tai’s eyes being slightly red at certain times is just chef’s kiss.
Tai sitting in the chair like a child, knees pulled up to her chest. She looks and sounds so vulnerable, even as she’s trying to be glib.
Misty and Crystal trading secrets back-and-forth QNQKQKKWJE. So funny and so effed up.
You know, I could have done without the shot of the shit and piss being poured out. We can imply that. 😭
KRISTEN. 😭😭😭😭 The fact that she went by the mistaken name just to keep her peers’ approval. So Misty-coded.
“You’re the reason we never got rescued?”
“You’re not that good of an actress.” Fair in this moment, but Misty did slay that Steel Magnolias monologue.
“I’ll… fucking… kill you.” JESUS CHRIST
Directly on the heels of Misty losing her best friend in the wilderness, we get adult Misty reeling over Nat. I am so fucking unwell.
“Maybe Lottie is jealous of what Natalie and I have.” Natalie has two hands, Misty. <3
Walter having done the due diligence of checking to see about Adam’s murder, but coming to the wrong conclusion.
“You think I’m capable of murder?” DIRECTLY ON THE HEELS OF KRISTEN’S DEATH. I’M SO FUCKED UP.
WALTER STILL BEING INTO MISTY EVEN THOUGH HE SUSPECTS SHE’S A MURDERER EJWNDNNE. Listen, I love him, but I think he’s as dead as a doorknob by the end of this season.
“… regardless of your extracurricular activities.” AMQMQKWKDNSSN.
Shauna all dolled up to pretend to have an affair, lmao SNDNSNDNWJNS.
Randy Walsh being such a dumbass is one of my favorite recurring bits. Just stellar.
“After what you and Jeff did, you owe me.” ANQKWJRJWJJWNDJSSN. Where else on television will you find an emotionally unwell, violent MILF who tells her husband’s best friend who blackmailed her friends to go jerk off into a trash can? Go on, tell me.
“Hey. Don’t you you dare think about me.” AKQKQOOQJEEIENNWIEIWKWJDNNENEJD. SOBBING.
Tai playing the mediator between Lottie and Shauna.
Van having cared for her mother—despite everything—in the last years of her life. Goddamn.
“I’m mixing my pop culture metaphors ‘cause I’m fucking upset!” AWKWKWKJEDJWJ. Lauren Ambrose is killing it.
“I’m losing my fucking mind, and I’m terrified!” GOD, THAT WAS VISCERAL. The way she can’t admit to not having been this afraid since the woods. The way she can’t ask for help because she doesn’t want to hurt any other people that she loves. She still loves Van . Absolutely fucking devastating.
Tai breaking down in sobs. I’m so upset. 😭 TAIVAN EMBRACE.
No, Yellowjackets, I did not need to be in the bathroom with Randy Walsh failing to jerk off. Thank you for asking.
Nat screaming at Lottie!!!! “She’s preying and profiting.”
Nat breaking the fuck down in front of Lottie.
“You know what he was going through. You started it.” JESUS CHRIST.
“Maybe that’s true, but I need to know.” YELLS, SCREAMS.
Tai following Shauna out into the woods, even though she’s giving her the silent treatment. 😭
“But I’m rightfully freaking the fuck out about having a baby in the middle of the fucking woods, and news flash, having a bunch of psychos praying for me in some weird fucking tree cult isn’t making my life any easier.” GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD.
“I don’t need your fucking prayers. I need you to have my back.” / “I do.” LOSING MY MIND OVER THESE TWO.
Misty sobbing over Kristen. Calling her by Crystal twice before she says her actual name. Ugh. Trying CPR to the Bees Gees. Jesus CHRIST.
Can they go into Randy’s room without a warrant???? Kevyn so badly doesn’t want it to be Shauna. I really do appreciate that about him.
Javi speaking cryptically about someone not telling him to come back, a “she.” 😬
Misty coming up with a believable lie about Kristen, and one of the last things Kristen ever said to her was that she was a bad liar. FUCK FUCK FUCK.
Van screaming for Tai and Shauna. Misty calling out for Kristen, even though she fucking knows that she can’t hear her.
Tai finally sleeping soundly at Van’s. 😭
Oh, my fucking God. Van taking the pills out of the trash can.
“This isn’t where we’re supposed to be.” AUHDJDWNH.
“He was seeing some girl. Part of me wanted to ruin it. But another part of me just missed him.” This line of dialogue is so goddamn raw and brutal.
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