#okay i'll stop posting about this and stop clogging up the tag
tiarnanabhfainni · 2 years
also maybe there’s something to “rebellions are built on hope” like the season finale wasn’t necessarily a happy one but it was hopeful. maarva died off screen but we get to hear her final words. cassian’s friends have to leave ferrix but they leave with their lives and there is a chance that cassian will see them again. salman paak died but his son survived his suicide mission because the community ensured that he did. bix was tortured and kept alone a cell but someone came back for her in the end. all of dedra’s knowledge and planning and fascist state backup couldn’t save her in the end from an angry crowd. (only the presence of some weirdo creep did anything for her in the end). the anvil guy kicked a stormtrooper off a tower
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symphonic-scream · 9 months
Okay. Random thoughts and notes from Lovers Naoto au! I'll just lay out the team roles here again for clarity as this post goes on.
Wildcard - Kanji
Magician - Rise
Star - Teddie. Still
Chariot - Yu
Priestess - Yosuke
Emperor - Yukiko
Lovers - Naoto
Fortune - Chie
Alright. Time to just. Lay a bunch of them out! Putting a cut here cause it'll probably end up long, don't wanna clog any tags with Long Post :)
So the idol group Naoto's in, Royale, they're all pretty close. Naoto, Prince, and the member called Knight were the first two chosen for the group at age 12, with the last being the member Dame at 13. They're all the same age, Naoto being the oldest by like. A week, and Princess pouts about it all the time
They have assigned colours! Naoto, Prince, is Blue. Knight is Yellow. Princess is Pink. Queen is Purple. And Dame is Red. They're like, the rising group at this time and, it's causing stress for poor Naoto
The girls call him Naonao, but not Knight. She only calls him Naoto, they're the closest of the group. She's always been his number 1 supporter, and. They're in the same boat, kinda. She's, very gay. Having to pretend to be into Prince, is hard
Queen's changing room is the one that they find the camera in. That's what sparks Naoto into having his breakdown that forces their rest period. Idiot was pushing himself
When Naoto renegotiates his contract, the agency reluctantly agree to stop forcing him to keep his T doses cut in half, to keep his face pretty and shit. And, surgery dates. And, when he returns after his recovery from top in Inaba at age 17, the agency. Realize they can actually use this
He's got very minimal scars, and it's rather easy for them to cover them for music videos and shows. So, they have a party themed album. Night life theming or something. All that matters is they're covered in glow paint handprints, and Naoto is in a mesh shirt
Rise. Buys that poster immediately. Hangs it in her room and longingly stares at Naoto. Maybe she has a cardboard standee of him that she talks to like a therapist. Very "oh Ariana, we're in it now" energy. Except that's her boyfriend
Naoto gets it done in Okina, so the gang is there to have a boobless and high Naoto handed over to them by the idol girls. He's. Very giggly. Slurring his words as he talks at length about Neo Featherman on the drive back in a van borrowed from Junes
Rise and Kanji stay to help him heal. Kanji is there for just a few days to carry the drowsy Naoto around, and. Rise stays the whole time and longer. She missed him. Also, someone needs to make sure he doesn't overwork himself again
He's real sweet the whole time, cuddling and smiling all gooey at her. He missed her! And he feels a lot better now. Back feels better, he can breathe better, he feels, more himself. He's glad he got a whole month to recover with Rise
Naoto with. Face scruff. None under his nose, but. His chin gets real scruffy before he notices. And man, Rise loves it. His fans don't get to see him in the morning when he's unshaven, that tickly blue scruff on his chin as he shuffles around the kitchen making breakfast. That's for her eyes only
For the final Royale shoot, right as theyre going to all retire at age 20-21, their agency ends up doing a whole special photo book and magazine. A special farewell to the group, as it were
There's a few pages for a beach spread of course. The girls in, revealing suits. And Naoto, both surgeries over with and healed, is handed some flattering shorts
He feels good. They make him shave all over so he's. Smooth. But, he mentally notes to get the IT together for another beach trip again
...Rise also buys these
Now. Back to their first meeting
Naoto: ...uhm. hi? Could you step aside? I have to run an errand for my grandfather and. You're standing in my way
Rise: ...*oh my god I got in his way I'm going to die.* hahaha sorry!
Naoto: ...now you know what I'm truly like... I'm sorry you had to see that,
Rise: we all have our things we hide,, it may change some things about the way I see you, but, overall, I think I'm still your number one fan. Both as Prince, and, as Naoto
Naoto: ...*fierce blushing*
Rise likes to pinch at his cheeks. He's still got a little of the Roundness that first year, and, she loves how flustered he gets when she just. Does something so simple
She starts taking photos of their friends making fake angry faces and adds the caption "are you binding safely"
He finds them. Somewhat amusing. But also the one of Kanji is. A little scary
Naoto's bedroom starts off real plain. The one in Inaba. To the point where when the team goes there to get clues, there's. Nothing. But slowly, as his break progresses, he gets more little decorations
So when he goes to stay during his recovery, it feels a little like coming home
Princess: I think your little girlfriend hates me
Prince: hi this is Rise!! And yes I do <3
Princess: lmao I like her!! Don't mess this up
Dame: if you don't marry that girl I will
Dame: she's cute, and remember, we have the same type, mister. Treat her right or I'll make her *my* lady
Knight: buddy she's teasing you
Prince: ...
Dame: HAHA
Queen: leave him alone he's gone through enough this year
Princess: lmaooo I bet he's bright red! Cherry flavoured Naonao!
Dudes who like Royale: man that Prince is lucky, being surrounded by those four pretty girls all the time
Naoto: I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot
The big thing that doesn't change is that Rise still stares at the fire alarm every damn day
Kanji and Rise doing each other's nails, Naoto hugging Rise from behind and rambling about Phoenix Ranger or something
Kanji: they really don't take advantage of your collarbones dude! Tell your stylist they need to highlight them more, you've got manly ass collarbones
Naoto: ...thanks, I think
Kanji: yo, do you two wanna have a first years sleepover?
Rise: ooh! That sounds like so much fun!
Naoto: I mean, I don't see why not,
Kanji snoring on his bed with Naoto and Rise passed out on the futon, some romcom still blasting on the TV
Rise: Naokun and I will help you find a boyfriend!
Naoto: we will?
Kanji: you will?
Rise: yup!! A manly man, someone perfect for you!!
They do not succeed.
Naoto: what about Yu?
Rise and Kanji: he's gay for Yosuke
Naoto: ...is. Yosuke not straight?
Rise and Kanji: he isn't. Hadn't figured it out yet
Naoto: ah
Naoto: sorry, Kanji
Rise: yeah,, we're sorry,,
Kanji: dudes, I knew this would be the result. Thanks for trying. You're my best friends
Kanji: wassup little dude
Kanji: wait why are you in Kyoto
Kanji: hell yeah man true love
Kanji sobs the whole time. And at the wedding. He just loves their love okay?
Kanji: congrats on the dick surgery man.
Like. Maybe a week into bottom recovery for Naoto and-
Naoto: thanks,
Kanji: I brought over my Play Station so we can game in your room. I bought Phoenix Featherman Arena too, it was supposed to be your birthday gift but I suppose it works as Penis Gift
Naoto: if I wasn't straight for Rise I'd kiss you
Kanji: ...I'm good without a kiss man
Rise sits behind Naoto and massages his scalp as the boys play. She. Tried for a bit, but she isn't too good
She prefers to dote on her boy
Rise: med time!
Naoto: noo, they make me sleepy,
Kanji: it's cool man we can play tomorrow!
Rise: we'll both be with you, all night
Naoto's soft snores, Kanji sounding like a fucking. Chainsaw level of snoring. And Rise occasionally humming softly
Naoto: ...babe why is there a poster of me from the party album on the ceiling in your room
Rise: you looked really good
Naoto: ...please take it down while I'm here
Rise: fine,
Remember, this is Navi Naoto
Naoto: Rise, you're low on health! Make sure to get some healing!
Naoto: ...when did I ask?
Yu: if I had a healing move I'd heal you Yosuke
Yosuke: thanks bro
Rise: apologize to Naokun and I'll heal you too, Yosuke
Yosuke: WHAT
Yosuke is surrounded by queer people.
Cause. Kanji is very gay, Rise is bi, Naoto is bi and trans, Yu is gay, Yukiko and Chie are both gay-
Yosuke: I'm the only straight one...
Yu: ...we just made out. You're not that straight
Yosuke: we're wearing socks, it's not gay
Yosuke getting saved by the fucking. Rainbow parade that is the starting trio in this au
Rise rejoining Naoto at the like entrance TV set every time with a big leaping hug
"you did good,"
"Thank you!! It's cause our Navi always has my back~"
Yosuke: I hate them
Yu: ...you did wonderful
Yosuke: I wish Rise jumped at me like that-
Ten seconds later they all hear Yosuke shout in pain cause. Yu jumped on him
Naoto: ...ignoring them-
He's cut off by a kiss
Rise: sorry!! You're just, too cute with those glasses,
Rise always wears flats. Especially since it makes her just short enought that with Naoto's platforms she can be under his arm
They're awful during the ski trip. Naoto and Rise. Always trying to sneak kisses but they're not sneaky at all
Yosuke: guys. Where are Rise and Naoto
Chie: probably making out
Yukiko: probably
Yu: they bought hot chocolate, I saw Naoto in line there
Kanji: they're probably making out yeah
Yosuke: damn, I'm so jealous of Naoto!
Yu: ...
Yu: we were making out the other day. Your hand was in my pants
Yosuke: yeah, the back. That's not gay man!
Chie: okay, let's bet. How far until Yosuke admits its gay? I'll say. Pants off, both sides
Yukiko: hm, hand in underwear
Kanji: both butt naked
Yu: ...full on. Actual gay sex.
Chie: ...dude,
Yu: ...why do I love him
They're not usually the couple to make out constantly. Typically it's, sweet kisses. Spending hours together, Rise napping while Naoto watches Featherman. But. They do occasionally get carried away. It happens more as Naoto gets his T increased. But that first year? They're not too much
Rise: *giggling* your hair is so soft, I could play with it for hours,,
Naoto: sjfjfufhfj,
Rise: awe!! You're all blushy,, gosh, now I *have* to kiss you
He just. One hand in her back pocket, the other, palm flat on her back, fingers just under the hem of the comfy T-shirt she stole from him
Rise trails her kisses up towards his ear, sucking a quick mark right under it, where she knows Naoto's weak. He's a puddle on the couch, and she can kiss down to those Very Nice collarbones before he'll recover enough to pull her back in for some proper kisses
Naoto: I wanna, flip
Rise: go for it, big guy~
Naoto: its a thin couch, babe. I. Both of us need to work this out
Rise: ...oh, right
They awkwardly shuffle, until it's Rise lying back on the couch
Naoto: ...did you leave a hickey on me again?
Rise: *giggling* maybe~
Naoto: grandfather is going to so kill me...
Rise: well, as pay back, you can give me some?
Naoto: what do you mean some? Is there more than one? Rise-
She quickly pulls him down for another long kiss
After his bottom surgery, the rest of Royale just drive him right to his place in Inaba where he has three months off to heal and be with his friends. It went a little rough this time, he reacted weird to the anesthesia and his legs are. Wonky for a bit
Naoto post surgery just talks the other idols' ears off about how he can't wait to see Rise again
Knight: Im driving so someone else please LIGHTLY poke at his side for me
Dame: DIBS
Knight: anyone but Dame.
Naoto: I mish her so much,,,, wanna. Kiss her, and snuggle, and, maybe take her shirt off-
Princess: oh my god I'm going to do it. I'll tape his fucking mouth shut-
Queen: I'll be giving your recovery care package to that Kanji boy, right?
Naoto: mmmmmyewh,,, him. Him and, and my Rise are gonna watch over me,,,, *little giggle* I'm gonna get to see Rise again!!
Knight: yeah. Give it to the big guy. I think Ms Rise is gonna be a bit occupied with this one
The van isn't even parked and Rise is running up to open the back door
She gives him a tender smooch, ruffles his hair
"hey, Handsome. You're looking so good!"
"Youre soooo pretty,,,,"
Knight: where's Kanji? We were told he would help get Naoto inside
Kanji comes out in a little pink apron with kitties on it, ready to carefully carry Naoto up to his room: sorry, I was making him his favourite ramen
Kanji: hey little man, feeling okay?
Naoto: I got. Dick. I'm, great,
Kanji carries him up all slow and gentle, Rise with his blue duffle over her shoulder, getting hugs from the rest of Royale. They've come to adore her through Naoto. The photos, the way his face would always light up at her texts,,
The others come by to visit Naoto who. Has been coming down from the pain meds and is less than happy his friends are around while he's stuck lounging in bed in just his boxers
Naoto: I wish I could put pants on
Rise: I don't
Yu: ignore him. We're happy you're feeling more like yourself, Naoto
Naoto: I'll feel better once I'm healed. Looking down and seeing. Unhealed surgery results. Can be horrifying
Rise: the first time he got up to piss in the night on his own he screamed and fell over
Kanji: Yeah I thought he was being attacked so I grabbed the chair
Naoto: it was very embarrassing
Kanji: okay, you're healed enough for a bath. You've got three options: you bathe alone, you have one with me, or one with Rise. Either way, I have to help you into the bath
Naoto: ...no offense, but. Kanji. Why would I choose to bathe with you over my girlfriend?
Kanji: we're bros
Naoto: I'll share with Rise, thanks. But. I'll have a towel around my waist until I'm in the water. I'm sure Rise can help me to get that resorted afterwards
Kanji: whatever you say man. I'm game to keep my eyes closed
Naoto: do not handle me with your eyes closed. Please.
Rise: I'll be there to help guide him though!
Rise slips into the tub behind Naoto, helps him remove the little waist towel, and then they're just. Relaxing in a warm bath
Rise: I have to sponge you down, but. I think we'd both prefer some skin time first
Naoto: mm. I've missed you so much,
Rise: I know. But, this is your last year. After that, we can do whatever! I can move to Tokyo with you if you want to continue being an idol, or you can move here with me, and we'll take over the tofu shop, or do our own thing
Naoto: I love you more than I. Ever imagined I'd ever love someone. You're truly special, Rise
She presses little kisses along his shoulders, hands tangled with his under the water
Rise: I understand, cause I feel the same about you!!
Naoto: this is gonna be the best three months ever ...
Rise: mm~ you just worry about healing, mister. Then we won't have to rely on Kanji to carry you around like a little doll
Naoto: yeah that's. Embarrassing.
Naoto: I'm 19,,, I'm a man, right Rise?
Rise: ...hm? Yeah, yes of course, you're my man too.
Naoto: ... are you thinking about the scruff?
Rise tracing on the light hairs on his chest, smiling as she trails down to the patch growing just under his belly button
Naoto: uhm. Babe?
Rise: sorry, got distracted. Do you need something?
Naoto: ...please move your hand. *Please*.
Rise: ...OH IM SORRY
Kanji: hey I made cookies!
Kanji: ...why are you both blushing like that
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nomapsupport · 28 days
i mean this as respectfully as possible... nobody scrolling through the anti radqueer tags wants to hear about your interests. PLEASE stop tagging your posts with the "anti radqueer" tag unless it is a negative post about radqueers which most of your posts in the anti radqueer tag are not. that is considered spam and it's actually against the tos + it clogs up the tags and is just annoying in general.. i'm half asleep so this probably sounds ruder than intended but please just tag your posts with "radqueers dni" or something if you don't want radqueers to interact
you couldve phrased that waaay nicer if you actually were trying to be as respectful as possible. but okay. im autistic & didnt really think there was any difference between the tags since ive seen other people using "anti [x]" tags instead of dni tags in the past. i'll change my tags, but maybe you should stop sending asks when half asleep because you were pretty damn rude even if it wasnt intentional.
here's a tip: "hey, the anti radqueer tag isnt a dni tag, it's only for posts about being against rqs" wouldve been way more polite than "nobody cares about you or your interests, & im going to get you banned for spam over a harmless, insignificant misunderstanding"
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toddstool · 11 months
some art trends/stuff im tired of seeing
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perfectly normal face but then the eyes are right under the hairline and the forehead is nonexistent. why. why is this a thing I've see this multiple times with different artists.
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the ai before the ai, same face syndrome artist that only posts portrait after portrait and they all look like this with like a glowy background. bonus points for colored hair. it pops up on ur feed and u look and it has 107,563 likes. we as a society need to grow and start shunning these people.
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male artist that's "SOOOOOO good at using shapes!!" and stuff and all their male characters are really unique like this^^ but ALL their female characters look like this:
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this specific nose shape and type of mouth with the rounded upper lip. sometimes just the upper lip line. was cute for like 2 seconds in 2012
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the purposely ugly art style. why do you all draw like this. bonus points for eye bleed color schemes. as an actual ugly person I'll say this: there's a difference between drawing ugly people and having an ugly style okay. i am not for this representation.
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i don't have to describe this one. sometimes it's just a full on child but she's supposed to be 24. okay. sure. *calls the fbi*
honorable mentions to the calarts style of course. i swear we can do cartoons in a different way y'all. I'm sure we can. i also wanna talk about how some people clog up social media, tags, sites, etc with their objectively bad art. like its okay to be bad at art. it's okay to make bad art. you do not need to fill up online art and fandom spaces with your 2 minute made drawing. ur 13, you shouldn't be on the internet in the first place. no seriously, STOP TAGGING UR ART POSTS IF ITS A SCRIBBLE IN UR NOTEBOOK.
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
1, 3, 10, 25? i'm really curious about these, i always find this topic really fun tbh
- cygnus
1 - the character everyone gets wrong
okay im realizing why im bad at these ask games it's because im indecisive. and also i just wanna answer kaeya for most of them. because people get him so wrong so often its painful!!! there's other characters too obviously but outside of our little kaeyablogger bubble it gets SO bad i hate every second of it. the slutification. the completely skewed perception of his personality and inner workings because people only seem to approach him from diluc's point of view and not as an individual character. oh i have already discussed it at length i never shut up about it (reason why this blog was made)
3 - screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
oh man. from the top of my head i can't remember the WORST take ive read but examples of things that have made me block people just because of how bad their takes were include: people who insist kavetham is super toxic, people who wouldn't stop talking about crepus being a bad abusive parent, etc. though to be fair i block people extremely easily if they as much as clog up a character tag with takes i disagree with. i have a feeling that as soon as i click "post" i'll remember all the worst things i have ever read on this webbed site
10 - worst part of fanon
worst part. hm. generally speaking i think it's the phenomenon that happens in every fandom ever: when people flatten out and twist every character to fit them into their little incorrect quotes cliche dynamics even though whatever is going on in canon is far more interesting. absolutely terrible. no character or relationship is immune to it
25 - common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
. Okay. allow me to be very fr right now because the ask game did say to choose violence. sometimes i get a little tired of the discussions about the fetishization of mlm relationships in fandom. i fully admit that people have a right to make that complaint and i dont deny that it really does happen, i just think it gets a bit repetitive? and though it isnt at all the fault of the people complaining about this, i kind of wish we'd have more discussions about some other issues in fandom. i know it's terrible and annoying that some people are weird about your gay ships. like genuinely im not being sarcastic people can complain and call out whatever they want. and there really is something to be said about how some people approach mlm ships but i think it's either not a very big problem in the grand scheme of things or its just a byproduct of other overarching issues . if that makes sense
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bloodpenned · 3 years
Can can you continue the sibling stuff like,, Kylar rushing into your room after hearing you getting scared by thunder or a nightmare or smth… or maybe just player waking up to Kylar breathing down their neck and touching their cheek…
cw: incest. though ‘unrequited incestual feelings’ would be a more accurate tag. tied to this post!
You bury your face in your pillow, muffling your sobs as much as possible, fingers aching from how you're clutching the fabric. It's okay, it's all okay, it was just a dream, they can't hurt you anymore, you're no longer there- The creak of your door is lost on your ears, but the hurried footsteps aren't so easily drowned out. Fuck, did you wake someone up? But how? There's no way you were heard outside of your room, or are the walls thinner than you thought? Your face burns and you only cry harder. The last thing you wanted to do was bother someone else.
"A-are you okay?! Did something happen?" You don't recognise the speaker, and you freeze to the point you stop crying for a moment. But then you the pressure on your chest remind you that you need to breathe, and another choked sob leaves your throat. You squint in the darkness. Despite the lack of overall lighting, there’s a mess of dark hair, green eyes illuminated by a sliver of moonlight peeking in through a crack in your curtains. Well, it's no surprise you weren't be able to tell it was them. A new record for most words spoken in a row! Kylar is the last person you expected, especially sounding so worried. A trembling hand is placed on your head.
They don't push you to talk. Kylar sits and waits, rubbing your head in awkward movements. It’s the thought that counts. Having someone right next to you, touching you, does help pull you back to the present and ground you. Your breathing slows down, your tears run dry, your shoulders stop shaking. A warm breath ghosts over your forehead, and their lips press to the skin in a quick kiss. That's a bit... Much. But they've never had siblings before, maybe they're just clumsy with the dynamic. Parents do it sometimes, were they thinking of that? You don’t want to ruin the moment to comment. But, in the end, it doesn’t matter. Kylar jerks back in a sudden, quick movement, removing their hand like they were burned.
"Uh, I- I, um, s-sorry, that was- Do you want me to l-leave? I'll go, sorry, I'm-" They stumble to their feet, hitting their knees against the side of your bed and hissing.
"No," You croak out, barely. "A moment." How quick they are to fall to drop in position at your bedside again is revealing. You laugh, which sounds a lot worse with your nose all clogged up. After wiping at your face, you prop your head up on one arm to get a better look at them. In the dark, you can't make out their expression. Either way, their head is bowed down, hiding it. You hope they’re smiling.
"Kylar, thank you, but... I really don't get why you're here. Honestly, I didn't think you cared about me at all."
A beat of silence. Their head jolts up, mouth hanging slightly open. "Huh?"
"This is the first time you've actually talked to me. Whenever I tried to do anything with you, you just... Ignored me. Or it seemed like you did. I couldn’t get a word out ot you. You were always holed up in your room, and id you weren’t, you left after you saw me. It didn't- It didn't feel like you wanted to get to know me." You stare at the sheets, rubbing your fingers together. "I thought you didn't want me here. Like I was intruding."
"I d-don't... I couldn’t hate you.” They laugh, high-pitched, strained and over in a second. "Sorry. Again. I'm just- I'm just not very good at talking to people. Or being around them. O-obviously. And you seemed so cool and, uh, nice and you were going to be here for a while and I didn't want to mess things up-" Kylar starts to scratch the side of their neck, and freezes when you grab their hand to get them to stop. You think you catch their lips quirk up. Their fingers press down on your skin. "I was nervous. And, and- I t-thought... If I just kept my distance, I couldn't ruin things either... But, uh, I still kind of did?"
"It's okay. I don't hate you, I just thought you absolutely loathed my presence and wanted me dead." And you both dissolve into a fit of giggles , Kylar following a moment after you laugh, that robs the air of tension. You suppress a yawn. "This was nice," Kylar is still holding your hand. You can’t let go. “Let's talk more tomorrow. You've got school too, right? Don’t stay up any later for me. I just- I just had a bad dream. Nothing special." They tilt their head to the side, their eyes almost seem to glint.
"A-are you sure you can fall asleep on your own again...? Don't you want me to stay...?"
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arandomshine · 2 years
So this is it, the Finale story hope you enjoy some words from my self will be at the end of part 3.
I have decided to divide the story in 3 separate posts because its just really long. This is part 1 which at the end will have links to part 2 and 3 or you can find all three parts linked in the master post.
This is also the only part of story which will be main tagged with #empires smp #scott smajor etc. Just so I don't clog up those tags with one huge story.
So here is the Finale of an empires character that may not have been canon but for me she always was :)
Leigh: talks like this
Scott: talks like this
Xornoth: talks like this
The end of a Life (is the beginning of a new)
Leigh just wanted to visit Fwhip she had no reason to suspect anything bad but, when she was almost knocked to the floor by tremors which were accompanied by the sound of a giant explosion, that came from the direction she was going she hurried fearing something had happened to Fwhip.
Arriving at the Wither rose fields she thought she'd faint:"What. the. Fuck!,, she never swears, her parents told her not to and she had always listened to them but in that moment she didn't care she had other things to worry about:"Why the hell are the Grimlands all blown up?! And where is fwhip and his dogs, are they okay?!,, She was stunned with shock but adrenaline quickly took over and made her run home towards Rivendell fearing the same might have happend there, fearing it might all be destroyed, fearing that her King or her parents might have been injured. She had to get home NOW.
She kept running soon, she saw Rivendell on the horizon. But seeing it only made her run faster. From where she was running you could clearly see it. Rivendell was full of corruption, this could only mean one thing:"Xornoth's out..,, Leigh thought as she hastily ran towards Rivendell.
Finally she reached one of the bridges you'd use to enter Rivendell and stopped to take a breath. "Aeor help me that was exhausting,, she stood up straight again after being bent over to take a breath while so she looks around and slowly walks into Rivendell. Snow and ice were completely gone and replaced with tentacles and lava. Walking futher in she saw her house, it was covered in lava. She rushed over scared but took a sigh of relief seeing that the owls had already left, she hoped so anyway. While infront of her destroyed home she looked around Rivendell, on a tentacle, futher up a few cliffs she saw the back of a somewhat humanoid figure seemingly talking to another person on the cliff infront of it. She knows who this "it" is, she know exactly who that is. Leigh wanted to beat them into a pill of mushy meat but she knew getting involved would only endanger the person that demon was talking to even more. But she wanted to know what they were saying. "What can I do?,, she thought then, she came up with an idea: "I know, I can sneak up to the foot of the tentacle Xornoth's standing on from there, i should be close enough to listen in!,, It was a stupid idea she knew that, if that demon caught her she'd be dead meat. But in that moment she just didn't care she was to curios. So she began sneaking up to the tentacle, looking towards Xornoth seemingly every five seconds to make sure he didnt see or hear her. Arriving at the foot of the tentacle which was located, in the area where the trading villagers had lived she looked up once again, Xornoth was now right above her, she could hear everything he was saying but that meant he could hear her aswell so one wrong move and she'd be dead. Nevertheless she stayed where she was and listend to the conversation wanting to know who the demon was talking to:"...don't worry i'll make sure it hurts when i get them all, especially  that one fish boy your fond of,, "Y-You leave Jimmy alone!,, "Now, now brother i thought i was the one with the temper, but i know your going to be a thorn in my side if i don't deal with you first. So let's sort that!,, Then it went quiet, she looked up again fearing the silence was caused by Xornoth spotting her that however was not the case the demon was gone. She knew now  exactly who that demon had talked to,
[Part1: You are here] [Part2] [Part3]
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Celebrity Jeopardy...Cordonia Style
Liam, Drake, Leo and Alex Trebek
Wacky Drabble #6: You make no sense sometimes.
Profanity is spoketh in this.
A/N: This was a hard one to write, but, I tried 🤷
Wacky Drabblers: @emceesynonymroll @burnsoslow @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @dcbbw @theroyalromancexx @jessiembruno @stopforamoment
Asked to be tagged: @romanticatheart-posts @innerpostmentality @ao719 @texaskitten30
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Liam, Drake and Leo were escorted into the green room, to await their debut on Cordonia's Celebrity Jeopardy. The room was filled with savory hor'devours and iced water for them to peruse; the show held back no expense for the three famous people it was hosting.
"I can't believe this day has finally come, I will actually get to play this time", Liam said nervously as he smoothed his hair back while glancing in the mirror. He was still salty as hell from being kicked off Family Feud.
"You know what I can"t believe.....you talking me into this shit Liam, and where the hell is the liquor at in this damn place...I have needs?".
Leo smiled as he pulled a fifth of Jack from his pants, waving it in front of Drake, "Ah my scowl faced, woe is me, everything is great friend, this stuff is like an American Express, I never leave home without it".
Drake and Leo grabbed glasses from the shelf and began pouring themselves and Liam, large amounts of the amber liquid.
"No thanks", Liam scoffed, "it's 9 o clock in the morning and I've gotta have my game face ready".
One hour later....
The three of them stumbled out of the green room, tripping over one another, laughing and singing, as they made their way to the stage and respective podiums....very, very wasted.
To say they felt good was an understatement, as they poorly scribbled their names down.
Announcer: And now your host of Celebrity Jeopardy, Mr. Alex Trebek.
The audience cheered as Mr Trebek entered.
Liam was excited and eager as he jumped up clapping erratically, thus losing balance and tumbling backwards onto his ass.
He grabbed onto Drake's leg beside him as he laughed it off.
Drake: Get the fuck off my leg Liam!
Liam: Drake....you is kind, you is smart, you is important (he laughed while tracing a heart into Drake's leather boot)
Leo: What the hell Liam? You are ssooo shit faced right now.
Alex: Gentleman, we have started the show.
Drake: Yeah? What's your point?
Leo: We're ready man...let's kill this!
Alex: Well...His Majesty is still on the floor talking to Mr. Walker's boot.
Liam: You had me at hello boot....you had me at hello.
Alex: Would someone get the king off the floor please.
Three stagehands lift Liam from the floor, and place him back into his position.
Alex: Are you ready Your Majesty?
Liam:  For what?
Alex: (exhales loudly) Okay, lets just get this over with?
Leo: That's what your mother said to Drake last night...hahahaha
Alex: Mr. Rhys, thats will be enough from you.
Drake: Thats what your sister said to Leo last night...hahahaha
Alex: Stop this now!
Liam: Thats what your grandma said to me this morning...hahaha
Leo: That's fucking disgusting Liam.
Liam: I wanted to bone someone too?
Drake: You make no sense sometimes, Liam... no one says bone for sex anymore.
Alex: Gentleman!.....The categories are..
Cordonian History
Famous Mothers
Things that are Large
Royal Duties
Loud sounds
Trash it now
Alex: Liam, pick a category
Liam: I'll take Famous Mothers for 100
Drake: The answer is Mother Fuckers Alex.
Leo: You would know Walker.... right Alex?
Alex: NO! We are skipping that category and no one is to mention my mother again! And Mr. Walker, we didn't even reveal the answer yet.
Drake: Are you for real yelling at me right now?
Alex: Liam, choose another category.
Liam: I got this one, Royal Duties for $1000
Leo: I took a royal duty once, that shit clogged the toilet up so bad.
Liam: I know, you yelled for me to come look at it before you flushed it.
Leo: it was a proud moment little brother
Alex: the answer is...
Liam: (interrupts) My wife has a royal duty to fulfiill when I get home....Im ready for you my queen.
Alex: Does anyone see me here...talking at all.
Drake: Speaking of royal doodies, I'll take Tra Shit Now for 500.
Alex: Mr. Walker, you know very well that says Trash it now.
Drake: no no...I see it....tra shit now.
Liam: Yeah...yeah...I see it too...its moving around the screen but definately Tra Shit Now.
Leo: All this talk makes me wanna tra shit now.
Alex: No wonder you guys were kicked off Family Feud, and you....You"re the ruler of this country, shame on you for this behavior.
Liam: Take it back man! Take it back. I've got King Fu moves.
Leo: He's about to take a Royal Duty on your ass Alex.
Alex: Cordonian History Liam....This King has a naked statue in the watch tower square.
Leo: Do you guys hear that sound?
Liam: Does it sound like birds?
Leo: (Farts) told you I had to tra shit now.
Drake: You buck futter, I just inhaled all of that!
Liam: Was that the Loud Sounds category? I think I know the question.
Alex: (Rubs head) Lets just go straight to the Final Jeopardy round. You know what, just write your name, or any name for that matter.
Liam fiddles with his hands, while Drake is deep into drawing something. Leo stands there wiping the air behind his butt.
Alex: Okay, times up. Liam...how much did you wager? ......You wagered.... a drawing of eyes?
Liam: Those are boobs Alex
Alex: Your answer was......a picture of a penis between the boobs. Good Lord Man!
Leo: Nice picture bro
Liam: Thanks....I drew it from memory.....with Alex's grandma!!!
Alex: You are a horrible, horrible person.
Alex shakes his head as he approaches Drake.
Alex: Mr Walker.....what was your wager?.....a whiskey bottle with a heart around it......okay.....your answer......Cow?
Drake: (Lifts arms in the air) My day has come! I just beat the tra shit out of Liam on a game show.
Alex: No you didn't. Anyway, Leo.....oh my good Leo, you stink.
Leo: Is your sisters scent still on my lips Alex?
Alex: I hate all of you!!!
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Superheroes with Secrets: Chosen Family (Fic part 27) (Set in 2001)
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places.
Tags: @piratewithvigor please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts
‘Giantess’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
Reference Posts: Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms
Kirby ‘The Blacklight Bandit’ Roussimoff
Notes: The story is set in 2001, which would make Helms 27 and Kirby 31. This story also blends Kayfabe and Reality. Certain people speak in different colours, Mainly: Helms is Green. Kirby is Orange. Kane is Red. Undertaker is Purple. Big Show is Blue.
Other members of the BSK are also in purple.
Other women are in Pink.
Kirby pulls Helms into a tight hug, whispering into his ear, "it's okay, it's okay. I've got you, I got you. Helms, calm down, everything is going to be okay. I love you, I don't know how you manage to keep such a positive attitude when you have dealt with such a tragic accident, but I love you. I love you so fucking much."
"Ain't just all that..." he whispers, his voice clogged with tears. "My brother... he was the golden kid. Had a full ride scholarship for NC State. My parents loved him best. I was... the loser kid who hung out at skateparks. After he died, they never really looked at me. Avoided me if they could. So I tried everything to get their attention. Grew my hair out, got the tattoo, started doing worse in school on purpose... They hardly ever spoke a word to me until I told them one night I wanted to be a wrestler. That was the night they told me that it was a good idea. That if I stayed gone, I'd stop bringing so much shame to the family. I was gone by the end of the week and that was the last they ever talked to me..."
Kirby pulls away to hold his face in her hands, "Shane Helms, you listen to me and you listen good. I don't care if your family hates you to hell and back. I love you more than any words can ever state. If I wasn't so scared of losing you I would have asked you if I can go teach your parents a lesson in humanity, but I don't want to risk losing you. Do you understand me? Do you understand that?"
He nods slowly, looking up with wet eyes. "Been so damn scared to tell you... worried you'd leave me when you found out..."
"Helms, I love you too much to leave you. It would kill me every single day of the rest of my life if I lost you or left you. I don't give a flying fuck if I never meet your parents, because they sound like assholes, and I'm not going to force you to think about them, in fact I'd rather if you could say fuck it and forget about them. You don't need to think about them anymore, you have me, and Lita and the boys, and everyone we work with. Sure it sounds cheesy, but you can choose your family. I know that as well as anyone. André choose me and I'm choosing you."
A small smile spreads across his lips. "Thank you. For choosing me. For giving me a family when I thought I'd never really have one again."
Kirby pulls Helms into a heated kiss, before pulling away and pressing her forehead to his, "I'll never, ever leave you. You're stuck with me until the end of time itself, boy." Kirby whispers jokingly.
"No one else I'd rather spend eternity with. Not a soul in this world."
"You need some sleep and so do I"
"Big day tomorrow. Lots of nothing to do." He chuckles.
"Lots of tapes to watch of me as a kid, the full spectrum, from tiny kid me up to last year." Kirby murmurs, yawning.
"Perfect way to spend a few days off."
By the time Helms wakes up the next day (04 September, 2001), there's the smell of bacon wafting through the house and loud chatter from downstairs. Kirby isn't next to him, bit he can hear her laughter coming from the kitchen downstairs. She's in a good mood; it's the perfect moment to take his revenge.
After fetching the box and the bag from Matt's empty room and Jeff's makeup bag, Helms sneaks into the upstairs bathroom to get changed. It was arranged very last-minute with not a lot of time to do a fitting, but in the bag is a custom replica of the suit Gomez Addams wore. The box has a matching pair of shoes. It takes a little fiddling with the tie to get it right and far too much combing to get his hair to sit right, but after a quick few final touches with Jeff's eyeliner, he looks like a perfect fusion of Kirby's green fiancé and the world's most dashing goth husband. He's quiet going down to the kitchen and doesn't announce his presence, just leans in the doorway and faces his bride-to-be.
Kirby almost faints at the sight of Helms, cautiously approaching him, she's not sure if this is a dream or reality, she even pinches her own arm to make sure she's not dreaming. She removes her apron and wipes her hands on a kitchen towel, and approaches him, "Mon sauvage. Mon cher. Mon ange. Mon amour."
"Ma princesse." He grins, caressing her face gently. "What do you think of my revenge?"
"Oh, mon ange, I love it. Wait here." Kirby rushes off to get changed into a dress she's owned since 1992, an exact replica of Morticia's dress, fitted to Kirby's proportions. She got it for Halloween, but held onto it afterwards, she slips into some black heels and cautiously makes her way down the stairs.
"My beautiful dark mistress of the night." Helms grins, knowing he's got absolute heart eyes going on.
"My perfect opposite, my everything in this mortal world. My one and only." Kirby smiles as she takes cautious steps towards him. With the heels on, she practically towers over him, but he couldn't be happier seeing her so happy. Kirby reaches him and dips him into a passionate kiss, before letting him up.
"You're so beautiful..." he whispers in quiet awe. "I don't know how I got to be so lucky."
"Simple, Big Show pulled the right prank at the right time, which made us meet, which got us talking, and one thing led to another and we're together from now on. Forever."
"Think we may owe him one."
"Speaking of Big Show, the last time I had company here, it was him and the brothers of destruction." Kirby states, before a glint of excitement flashes in her eyes, "I made you pancakes with maple syrup and blueberries." Kirby whispers to Helms.
His eyes light up as much as hers did seeing him in the suit. "If I hadn't already, I'd want to propose again right now."
"I taught myself how to cook so I don't know how good they are." Kirby murmurs.
"I know they must be delicious."
Kirby doesn't get her hopes up, instead making herself a cup of coffee and grabbing a plate of bacon, eggs and toast before sitting at the head of the dining table. Helms takes a bite and has a near-orgasmic moan. "How the fuck did you make these?"
"They're somehow a mix of British pancakes and French crepes. I mixed in a splash of uhh... vanilla extract and added the blueberries whilst they were cooking. Then drizzled syrup on after" Kirby explains.
"I know you must hear this from all the boys, but I want to have your babies." He grins, hardly able to speak around shovelling them into his mouth.
Kirby nearly chokes on her toast after hearing Helms say that, coughing to clear her throat.
"Choke all you want, but I think just eating this plate means I've sold you my soul."
"I am not a Succubus, I swear." Kirby states, gradually getting through her breakfast.
"You sure about that? Won't mind if you are."
"I'm a giantess, not a succubus. Don't get them confused." Kirby jokes.
"No difference to me. You own my heart, my soul, my mind and my body. I'm never going to stop loving you and it'll take more wild horses to drag me from you than who walk the earth."
Kirby blushes, taken aback slightly but completely enthralled by Helms' words. He notices her blush and turns back to his pancakes, trying not to grin. "When I found out you liked Gothic stuff a few months ago, I looked up and memorized some poems in case I needed to impress you."
"Are you going to continue to find new ways to shock and impress me by using my gothic-ness against me?" Kirby questions.
"That's the plan. The aesthetic has been around for hundreds of years, so I've got a lot to work with."
"I'm never going to run out of superheroes to call you." Kirby jokes.
"You'll run out eventually. Someday, Stan Lee is gonna kick the bucket and then where will you be?"
"Probably married to you, possibly pregnant, maybe even a mother already." Kirby states matter-of-factly.
"Well shit, he isn't that old yet. Figure our kids will be getting close to high school by the time he kicks the bucket."
"Yeah, and we'll still be fucking. Every. Single. Night." Kirby teases.
"You're right on that, sweetheart."
Kirby blushes slightly as she finishes up her breakfast and drinks down the final sip of her coffee, walking into the kitchen to put the plate and mug in the sink.
"Next time we have a week off, we should spend it completely in bed, John and Yoko style."
"Babe, I have literally no idea what that means. Oh, when you're done with your plate, I think the dishwasher might be almost done soon, so put your plate in the sink."
"I mean we stay in bed an entire week and we get paid to do it." He laughs. "Like what John Lennon did with Yoko Ono like three or four times."
"That would be nice, if I didn't prefer walking around the ranch to staying in bed." Kirby murmurs.
"Not just lying down and sleeping you know..." he grins devilishly.
"Oh" Kirby's cheeks are bright red.
"Also seeing who can jump the highest, obviously."
"If we break the bed, I'm blaming you." Kirby murmurs.
"Never been propositioned to break a bed before, future Mrs Helms." He chuckles.
"And we won't be breaking my bed, it'll be the guest room's bed." Kirby whispers into his ear before kissing his temple.
"Good call. Blame it on Jeff."
"Speaking of Jeff, he and Matt said they were going to look at the lake." Kirby murmurs.
"Were you wanting to join them or babysit them?"
"I don't want them hurting the frogs" Kirby sighs, a hint of worry in her voice.
Helms kisses her cheeks quickly before going out on the porch and shutting the door behind him. All Kirby can hear is a slightly muffled "HEY FUCKHEADS DON'T HURT THE FROGS" before Helms walks back inside, cool as a cucumber. "I spoke to them. Your frogs are fine"
Kirby pulls Helms into a kiss, "thank you for protecting the frogs. I love you."
"I love you too. So damn much."
"Helms, you still wanna watch the tapes, or do you want to walk around the property?" Kirby questions.
"I figure we're all dressed up like this. Might as well make the most of it and go on a stroll through the early morning mist."
"There is a graveyard nearby if you want maximum gothic-ness"
"Got a camera around? I think this morning calls for an engagement photo shoot."
Kirby kisses Helms before rushing off to do her morning routine, fix her makeup and find one of her photo cameras. He double checks his eye makeup, but doesn't really feel confident in knowing if it sucks or not. Kirby returns with her makeup and hair done, looking like a blonde Morticia and holding a camera and her camcorder.
"The first video of the next chapter." He grins, looking her over with so much love in his eyes.
"The first chapter of the rest of our lives. Are we going to get one of the guys to take the photos?"
"You want those lunatics around? There's a timer, right?"
"Well, yeah there's a timer, but I'm thinking of where do we put the camera to take photos?"
"On top of the graves?"
"I mean we could, I don't see why not... Helms, babe, do you want some help with your makeup?" Kirby asks gently.
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