#okay i kmow
growlithe · 9 months
eating an apple (part water type) to combat my indigestion (fire type)
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saexy · 2 months
mdni : word vomit
okay but vamp!sae would rupture your ass.... each time youre on uour period.. tge smell of your blood intoxicatess him.. its maddening how much of a control he can havee on himself.. you in yoir shorts moving around the place bleeding... it drrives him insnaae.. his senses barely able to distinguish and all he is clouded w is your sweet dripping blood..
vamp!sae would love to have you on his chest.. ass facing him.. its starts w an innocent eating you out.. youre estrogen being so high.. he finds it sweeter than usual... his fingers dipping in your softness... his tongue works like god like.magic.. runninh laps like an animal in heat.. making you rub your ass in his face, for more.. his mouth, his chin smothered in your blood... he takes it up as aa challenge..letting you ridee his face... its not enough.. you feel his sharp canines digging in between drawing blood in between.. he feeds on you hungrily.. the growining starin in his pants.. it frustrates him... but nothing in thsinworld even comapres to the high your blood does it for him..... you cry out... begging him to slwo down for a secind but he is so deaf to everything.. however your swollen pussy is so welcoming to him.. your puslatating cunt is the only rhythm keeping him him from tearing you apart.. the faster it beats.. the more he paces his tongues.... your legs feeling shakey... until your falling on him.. squaimring trying your best to detach his tongue.... but his grip so tite you can barely move.... for the first time he slows down- you think its over.. when his teeth starting to sink in the soft plumps of you asscheeks.. blood dripping out, on his shirt.. as he admires your ass bruised w bites.. all the scarlet sweared on your ass... he is is just not giving up yet. GOOD LORDDD I NEED IT.
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Annabel Lee & Fears: A Short Essay Based On Ep70
Here it is, folks, the truest crux of Annabel’s character, her deepest fears is not going mad or even people discovering she’s not as put together as she tries to appear, but rather:
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Was that gambit of constant scheming and using others worth it, Annabel? Was always trying to think ten steps ahead and always keep yourself in a position of power and control truly worth it, because how can you ever be trusted when all you do is play 5D chess with everyone?
There is is, folks!!! Just like her greatest strength- her cunning willpower- is centered around a certain bright moon, Annabel’s greatest fear is rooted in Lenore. The deepest, darkest trenches of her soul, the one thing that would shatter her heart and send her lungs choking fer breath? The killing blow that would end her and make all these charades worthless? It’s Lenore seeing her constant conniving and asking Annabel, “Why would I be any different? You already have no problem using everyone else as a pawn, how could I ever possibly trust you, Annabel Lee?”
The way Annabel is SUCH a great morally grey character, y’all tell me you love hot villains yet many a time I’ve seen people calling Annabel too heartless. She’s the opposite! She cares!! SO MUCH!!! She would burn the world down if it meant kissing Lenore one last time, to the point where her deepest fear is losing Lenore in the process of trying to protect her. All Annabel knows is using manipulation to gain the upper hand because simply being born a woman in the Victorian era she was so throughly disadvantaged by such a horribly misogynistic society that girlypop had to scrape together any form of control she could. Annabel wants so badly to protect Lenore but all she knows are her own methods of protecting herself, which involves plausibility deniability and facades and sometimes sheer cruelty, and that’s where the conflict arises. From the start Annabel assumed Lenore and her had the same understanding of this ‘fake enemies’ ploy going on but surprise surprise babygirl, not everyone is overthinking four parallel universes ahead like you do. This boils over into her lover having doubts on what’s real and what’s not, which then culminates into Lenore asking if Annabel is using her affections as empty currency to get what she wants, and Annabel’s first move to tell Lenore to fucken kill her????
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“To you alone, I have left myself completely defenseless.”
The drama of it all!! The shattered facade leading to exploding vulnerability of it all!! The dim sun sparking out into a heat death just to prove her sincerity of it all!!! The exposed innermost organs ripping out my heart with my bare hands and begging you, “Do you see it now? Do you see the way it beats for you and only you? Tell me you see it, tell me you see me…” of it all!!
Oh baby the way Annabel still retains this deep fear of Lenore not truly believing in the “only thing that’s real” to her, the way her lover’s ghost still lingers and haunts her and is then ripped up from her innermost psyche like a desecrated grave and given form by Ada’s power. The way, after all this time- and I mean all this time from Lenore’s constructed resurrection, to their relationship blossoming into a wedding, all the fucking way up to that bell tower scene, the fucken way Annabel still never truly let go of her fear that Lenore doesn’t see her, doesn’t see how she alone bashed through all of Annabel’s walls and made a home where her heart laid. I’m sure during their living relationship all the way until the wedding Annabel’s fears were greatly settled, but it’s the fucken way these panels implied that this wretched heartache never completely left Annabel’s guilt-wracked soul.
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I just know, okay I just KNOW, that even up until she was putting her wedding dress on Annabel still questioned if she even deserved this happy ending because she still feel phantoms of guilt fer this betrayal. This comic only furthers this implication of unabsolved guilt when it’s made clear as day that Annabel’s biggest fear is Lenore not believing in her love. And before anyone argues how Annabel can currently feel guilt fer betraying Lenore when she hasn’t recovered the memory yet, I’ll argue back that from the very beginning of the comic these two were inexplicably drawn to each other even when they had NO memories. Therefore, even if she doesn’t have the explicit memory, I highly doubt Annabel’s subconscious would ever let go of something as huge as deeply hurting the one person she truly cared about in such a wretched way.
Fuck, dude, I mean Annabel’s greatest fear wasn’t even Lenore dying- which was already a huge thing if y’all remember her tearstreaked, panicked, “What is left? If she’s not here, what’s the point?”- no her greatest is Lenore!!! Not!!! Believing!! Her!!! Like yeah losing Lenore physically definitely would’ve cut so deep even her bones would bear the scars, but losing Lenore in the form of the other woman walking the same ground as her but choosing to stay away?? Call her fucking selfish because some people would rather have their other half still be alive even if they’re not by their side, but Annabel ain’t one of them that’s fer sure. Babygirl has spent a lifetime perfecting the craft of deceiving others fer her own gain, but the ONE TIME she’s genuine her heart is to be called nothing more but empty??? Oh babbyyy that’s gotta fucken hurt.
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The thing is, I don’t think Annabel really loves herself all that much. I really don’t. A huge focus on self-preservation doesn’t necessarily mean one really loves themselves, and when we add the aforementioned guilt she carries? Plus, the fact that Annabel being forced to swallow down her anxiety attacks from a young age could easily lead to her having a rather sour view of her 'not normal' self? Yeah no yeah, I truly don’t think Annabel loves herself that much, if at all. So really, this line is adding immense insult to already grievous injury. Not only does Annabel deeply fear Lenore not believing her affections to be true, she also fears the New Yorker misconstruing her as nothing more but a shallow as hell, prissy, little pampered damsel, a role pretty much everyone else regulates her into whether she wants it or not (right from the beginning, before she even set her schemes in full effect, Annabel was already explaining, “Ada wanted a queen, so I gave her one”). Lenore, the only one Annabel had believed to ever really see her fer her, is now discrediting Annabel’s vulnerable affections AND seeing her as that unloving ice queen like everyone else?? Horrible terrible horrible!!! She may have a ribbon threatening to strangle her right now, but it’s clear that ghost!Lenore’s words are what truly cut her down to size. Y’all seeing that fucken pain in Annabel’s eyes? Her worst fear is just so… personal.
Which actually leads me to my next point, which is how just before Annabel’s worst fear is revealed in stark, horrifying detail, we see Prospero’s. Lemme just preface this by saying what Prospero went through is n o t any less terrible and is a super fucken mega valid fear/trauma, but let me cook y’all just hear me out. Prospero’s fear seems to be about medical malpractice and/or being conscious during a painful operation that likely went south (aka ‘oh shiiitttt he fucken DEAD-‘), and that’s fucking tragic as all hell. Yet, okay let me cook here, it’s more… I don’t want to say general, because that does NOT mean his fear is any less significant but it’s like. Way back when, death via medical bullshit was more or less fairly common, especially during wartimes (which is the era I headcanon Prospero to be from); meanwhile, Annabel’s fear is so uniquely hers, it’s borne of a culmination of specific experiences tied together by her relationship with Lenore.
By contrast of a more common fear vs something so deeply personal and specific to this one person- because it’s not just unrequited love, it’s being so vehemently denied and misunderstood by the ONE (1!) person who you wholeheartedly trusted in your entire life who also oops mega died on you- this distinction gives way to an almost more raw, more visceral feeling to Annabel’s fear sequence. Again!!! I am not undermining Prospero’s own trauma, I promise!!! But you have to admit that there’s something, from a narrative standpoint, that hits so much harder with how deeply personal Annabel’s fear is. The contrast is even more great when you look at how Prospero’s involved a buncha bloodied hands not really tied to any faces or even any indication of personhood like accessories, scars, etc etc. It could’ve been a group of anyone holding him down hurting him; on the flipside, Annabel is being restrained by one very specific person we see in full view. The faceless crowd who could’ve been anyone at anytime vs the lone perpetrator whose history you know like a second name. It’s just!!! So personal!!!
In conclusion, on the surface level, one would think a character so deeply ingrained in using deceptions and manipulation would have her greatest fear tie into having her true nature revealed to everyone she’d fooled, but then it turns out it’s the complete fucking opposite. What homegirl fears the most is her truest, innermost self not being believed and accepted by just one (1!) person. The way it’s framed is just so heartstabbingly personal, especially when you parallel it to a previous fear sequence just a few panels preceding it. This is it, your honor, this is Annabel’s deepest driving force broken down to its bare essentials. To hell with whatever reputation she’s carefully crafted! Who cares what anyone else thinks of her if she doesn’t believe her, if she doesn’t SEE her. Really, truly see her. Lenore is the defining point that Annabel has revolves around so wholeheartedly, and there’s no point to anything anymore if Annabel loses her. This crux of her character, OHHH BBAAABBYY it’s just so well done because we, as the audience, have been given clear evidence to build up this narrative of Annabel’s characterization fer so long now and to finally see it come together in a fiery explosion of lesbian angst with this latest chapter??? Gods, the writing of Nevermore will never not drive me absolutely insane in the membrane.
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ableedingpromise · 3 months
I miss cutting so much I wish I could cut
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Why can I only ever feel dread and never excitement, I'm just incapable of being excited until I'm physically doing whatever it is
#like months before going to austria#i had to apply and everything#and just would have horrible horrible panic attacks and was losing it#and it was just so so so much dread and absolutely no excitement#i had to just resign myself#and then whoops i get there and its a whole month of fun!!! like was really barely every upset#and then: Austrian GP#same situation like dying about it. literally physically sick the morning of#i get there....oh okay fun fun fun!!#anyways this is about how atm i have the possibility of going to COTA#and like i know i should and i kmow i shouldn't miss out on something like this#but god the dread and existential crisis is so bad#like i cant even pinpoint *why* and its always been this way#i just need to someone to assure me and tell me i should push onwards 😭#my brain: what if its disappointing. what if it doesnt live up to whatever preconceived notion you have#me: my brother in f1. this is literally my brainrot that i obsess over daily! why wouldnt it be fun?????#its just some mental hurdle i really struggle to get over and like i just can never feel excitement#like theoretically im like ofc yes this would be fun! but in reality can only dread it#but i really thinm i need to push thru it even tho i feel horribke abt it#bcs its the same exact thing every single time#and just all these stupid inconsequential things always come up in my head#like the fear of missing out on content on here. can literally bring your phone 😭😭😭#anyways panic attack yayyyyyyyy#i just really should go right? AGHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭#trying to think positive is genuinely impossible. theres some other part of me that reminds me of all the potential bad things#and also this like weird guilt of 'people will think im greedy and spoiled and etc etc etc for getting to go to two'#its not like i really believe any of this but its also like so unavoidable#catie.rambling.txt
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tadpal · 1 year
nothing sillier than getting spooked by a folk horror. literally why i am hyping myself up to put the dog to bed bad things can't happen to me i don't live in yorkshire
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taviokapudding · 10 months
I wonder if Kyo is going to switch to Vshojo or Holostars
Considering Nijisanji's pay is ethically horrendous (as far as corporate vtubers goes), I can him switching to get better benefits and actual management than does management after the past 3 weeks.
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br1ghtestlight · 2 years
its weird bcuz being in the osc has made me MORE open to different types of media?? like i mostly only watch object shows but bcuz of the people i know in this community i just like feel so much more emotion towards what tv shows and movies are popular, whats coming out in the next few months and who the characters are and how the box office is doing. bcuz im friends with these HUGE movie nerds but its the best thing ever and im so happy i get to know abt this stuff because i feel like i didnt before but its making me life better. i love caring about movies and tv and everything cinema related <3 i wanna watch more movjes this year and i want to care about them and TALK ABOUT THEM with people!!!! movies i love youu tv shows u are awesome yay
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caracello · 1 year
I MISS 🧨!!!!
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froqgy · 2 years
scariest things ive played
dmc1- atmospheric scariness. more aesthetic tham anything (which i looove). scariest thing was me worrying the spikes would shoot up from the ground to shish kebab me as i was walking over to the lever that clearly turns on the spikes (i did not know this at the time).so not actually scary
ib- scary to play but tolerable bc it was pixels. jumpscares few and far between, and rather tame. it was a good kind of scary. i wish i could replay it for the first time.
thats it
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blueslight · 2 years
I wanna draw so badbbut my tablet pen broke ARGH
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kdyism · 2 years
you know how to figure out if you like someone for your friend or not? find out what he says to his friends about her, not what he says to you or her about her.
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10nantscompanion · 4 months
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not sure whether my friend is bullying me or complimenting me by constantly telling me that me and seonghwa look alike lol
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whitemochacoffee · 7 months
To my friends; i'm just really really sorry for everything. I love y'all
#delete later#vent post#personal#sorry i just really need to let this out somewhere#i've been following advice to get better#ive been working well and ive been going out#but i just feel so incredibly suicidal when i complete things that are meant to make me happier that are meant to improve my mental health#i want to be okay#but i think the fact that i'm sick just fucking messes with every bit of my being#i love my friends so much i dont want to hurt them by offing myself#but some part of me thinks that they'll be happy i'm dead because i've been such a burden#i'm deaf and i've got chronic fatigue and walking is hell for me but i try not to let it show#i feel like if i stop my performance i'm going to die#finita thats it thats done#i'm so fucking ingenuine i hate it but its better than being a fucking rock when i hang out with people#i hate that i was spending time with some folks down by the river and all i could think of was how i can drown myself#they would deem it an accident because yknow#i've been here since 8 am its now 6pm and i can't help but think of just offing myself in the most quiet way possible#i don't kmow if i'll make it through the month#but i think i'll be okay#i hope i will be okay. i will be okay#gOD WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY MUSIC MY FRIEND IS PLAYING#honestly the shock of hearing american english shocked me out of my daze 2hat the fuck#this music makes me want to go fully deaf#imagine being in the deep asian wilderness and outside the toilets youre taking a breather at fucking american country songs start blasting
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realrogerhours · 1 year
I can't sleep
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st7rnioioss · 8 months
౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ migraine
chris sturniolo x fem!reader (y/n)
word count: 547 (i know it’s short, don’t flame me)
warnings: FLUFFF, kissing, not really more than that
a/n: helllooooo everyoneeee😋😋 posting this because i had the random urge to write a small chris fic LMAO. I KMOW ITS SHORT, OKAY😔 i’m not that creative after all. hope u enjoy it!!!
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“Chris?” you yelled out from the bathroom, searching all the cabinets and drawers for an aspirin. You have had a pounding migraine the whole day, probably due to your period. In desperate need of relief, you had tried taking showers, drinking hot tea, even tried adding hot and cold pressure to your neck, but nothing had worked.
“What’s up, ma?” Chris answers, opening the door to the steamy bathroom. You were wearing a tow, the mirror still foggy.
“I cant find the aspirins, do you know where we put them?” you asked, still rummaging through a box.
“Uh, I think they’re up here,” he said, opening the top cabinet, pulled out a small paper box with aspirin tablets in it.
“You still got that migraine?” Chris muttered, placing the box on the counter to hug you.
“Yeah. It’s fucking terrible,” your voice breaking a bit, mumbling against his chest. You felt your eyes swell up with tears. He just gently stroked your hair before kissing the top of your head as he then realised you were about to cry.
“No no, don’t cry. let’s get you clothed and we can cuddle, okay?” he smiled down at you, his thumb wiping away a tear. You chuckled weakly, squinting through the pain.
“I’d love that,” you giggled weakly as Chris kissed you one more time, then leaving the bathroom.
You pulled an aspirin out, downing it with some water you had left over.
Chris was positioned on the bed as you walked through the door to your bedroom.
“There you are,” he looked up from his phone, beaming a smile at you, opening his arms out for
you. You chuckled, getting into bed beside him, immediately resting your head onto his chest, facing him.
“Is the aspirin working?” he mumbled, a finger stroking through your hair.
“Mhmm,” was your only response, your hand resting on his cheek. Chris smiled softly, his cheeks turning a soft pink, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“That’s great,” he whispered, his other hand trailing up and down your back.
You slowly got up, trying to reposition yourself, now wrapping your arms completely around his neck, your legs intertwined. Chris strokes your hair a few times before playing with it. Before you knew it, he had plait a loose braid in your hair, leaving it rest down your neck and shoulder.
You looked up at him, already gazing at you.
“I love you, y/n,” he whispered, kissing your whole face. From your chin to your nose to your ear. You giggled, kiss he left on your jaw tickling. He then noticed and started kissing your neck, kind of aggressively, but in a ticklish way.
“Chris! It tickles!” you both laughed, squirming trying to hide your neck from his kisses.
“I win! “ he cheered, kissing your neck once more. He then stopped, looking up at your before pulling you in, by your cheek, to kiss your lips softly.
“I love you too, Chris,” you panted, giggling again as he continue to kiss your neck.
You had ended the night with a bunch of tickles, your migraine mostly gone. Chris’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him, his face in the crook of your neck, as you were both sound asleep.
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