#okay gonna go to my scheduled crying session
yourfavouritetasha · 5 months
I'm in academia, both as a student and actually working for uni and my department, so of course I'll be the first one telling you it's not worth it and you shouldn't be putting yourself through it if it's not for you, really, just fuck it
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dollfacedsl1ut · 9 months
hellooo, im here to request bimbofication with Karina, maybe with some marking aswell if thats alright with u ^-^
thank u and i hope u have a great day!<3
omg I think I have the perfect scenario "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა
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╰ Mommy rina finds out you showed your body to men on the internet 👀
Pairing : !dom step mom rina x !fem reader
Content : Smut, Bimbofication (think this is right), mentions of sex over cam, fingering, squirting, crying, spanking, clit slapping(IJBOL), rina is mean
Word Count : 477
a/n : first anon omg I hope this is good >.< sorry for any mistakes!
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Flopping on your bed tiredly you open your bank account seeing a tip from your recently cam session smiling to yourself you texted the person a thank you note before scheduling another session the next day you yawned seeing the time 2:38 a.m. “damn it’s that late” you murmured, shutting off your phone before cuddling up against your pink silk pillow then falling asleep.
At 10:52 a.m. your finally woke up slipping on your fur slippers and walking down the the kitchen making a bowl of cereal your step mom Karina storms down stairs before slamming her phone on the table “Y/n what the fuck is this!”, peeping at her phone you seen… yourself from the cam session nearly 9 hours ago “w-what I-he said he wouldn’t send it to anyone” Karina glared at you before yanking you out your chair and pulling you back to your room “i-I’m sorry I didn’t know please-“ karina ignored your sobs before slotting you up against your desk “since you wanna act like a slut I’ll treat you like one” she pulled down your shorts as they fell against your ankles “I’m sorry mommy please don’t” ignoring your pleads she spanked your butt harshly “count each one” she landed harsh spanks on your butt as tears rolled down your cheeks , after 20 spanks your bottom was left red a bruised, eyeing your disheveled state she noticed the wetness of your panties “You really are a slut aren’t you” she patted your clit confirming her suspicions, “awe gonna cum from a few spanks” giggling softly she pulled down your panties before plunging her long slender fingers in your puffy cunt her fingers filled your cunt so deliciously she pressed her palm against the small of your back your hips flushing them against the table, moans and whimpers escaped your plush lips as she rutted her fingers inside you, wetness and precum soaking her fingers with each movement you clenched around her fingers “please m-mommy I won’t do it again” your plead rang in her brain as she ruts her fingers inside faster brushing against your cervix, your whimpers getting higher until on high pitched moan lead to your release, cumming all over her fingers, she pulled them out before hitting your red puffy cunt, your thighs trembling “I can’t hold I-it in” hearing that Karina pressed her palm against your tummy hitting your clit in the same pace “f-fuck I’m gonna cum again” Karina giggled “then cum you did it before can you be good for me” the sensation of her hand against your sensitive cunt caused you to squirt against her forearm “mmh good girl” Karina tapped your butt softly “don’t let me catch you do this against okay?” You nodded as Karina walked out your room you peered at your phone seeing the alarm go off for your next video session….
© psychoz4nymph.tumblr please do not copy, steal or translate my work without permission
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As promised, pumpkin pie! (/p) Here's my two cents for our favorite kiddo reader. The heir of Apocalypse!Peepaw Leo. The edgelord (and rightfully so!) turned dork nugget and their kooky adventures because I say so >:3
– ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ Adopted Reader Fluff!!! My serve!! (probs a smidgen of angst bc this one specific scenario has been rotating in my head & i definitely meant to include it in the headcanons last night but, as previously mentioned, my eyes felt like they were gonna fall out 🥴) ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
p.s , I am also listening to the Goofy Movie soundtrack, specifically Stand Out + I 2 I which are my faves!!! Tevin Campbell did not have to go that hard. Highly recommend.
Even More Reader Post-Movie Headcanons!
Okay so
I really wanna start out with the scenario that I am positively aching to show you bc I really wanna know what you think, ANDDD I think it weaves in so well with the repairing (or rather, building) of Reader and Leo’s relationship in this timeline!
But, we’ll get there. 😉
After the events of the movie, everything is still raw. Not only are we recovering from a literal war, but all the issues that come with coping with a timeline that we aren’t used to – a timeline we’ve only heard nostalgic regalings of from Papa, lullabies and tall tales and stories meant to keep up some sort of hope and light in the midst of the darkness they lived in day by day, as well as in the mystic projections of Uncle Michelangelo 
. . . but now?
Seeing it in all its prime and modern-day glory?
It’s so, so beautiful.
Reader can’t and would never deny that. 
It’s vibrant. It’s colorful. It’s free. It’s such a far cry from the blood-red skies and dilapidated wastelands they grew up with. The ruins were their "sunny skies and rolling fields" so to speak.
Now that they are here. In the flesh? 
It’s. A lot to handle. 
Reader is wrecked, for sure. 
Casey is too! He’s just better at handling– hiding? Coping.
He’s more open and excited and gentle and polite and cheerful and.
We learn a lot from him as time goes on.
I like to imagine that Casey is a really big help in Reader’s journey to peace; not only within and with themself, but with the people around them too.
Sure, it’s still a bit awkward with everyone; you guys are kids from the future stuck in a different timeline - with the people who raised you and they're the same age as y'all! What more could you DO to them? (/lh)
Ah. But they’ve got their family. and it’s no joke that they’re a big help!!
Mikey is in his Prime as Doctor Feelings and scheduled regular sessions with Reader bc his EQ is very sharp, as we all know, and he notices just how bad Reader wants to come to terms with everything, and he wants to help. He does help. A lot.
Donnie is ever the 'tism with the emotional constipation (/aff) but he helps and provides in his own little special Donnie ways!
Even if he may not outright say it all the time, he cares and loves his family so so much and he'd do anything for them.
He sets Reader up with some fun and unique techno-cool gifts that help them with things they don't speak up about;
– – like upgrading their mask to have a panoramic-projection so they can put a whole visual to the audio recordings and playbacks stashed in the device memory (only if they want tho! he won't touch it otherwise :'3)
He pretends like he's not hanging on to Reader's every little word when they do engage in casual conversation [which becomes more and more frequent as time goes by!] under the guise of typing on his phone or smth,
and takes those tidbits to create something so heartwarmingly thoughtful and faceted that we may as well just take a big ole stamp that says "You're Not Fooling Anyone With That Bad Boy Persona" and bash it on that forehead of his. JSJSJ (lovingly ofc :*)
Speaking of panorama-projectors, I can see him making it to interchangeable sceneries!
I'm talking about galaxies and solar systems (feeds into Reader's crow tendencies *sniff sniff* soooo many shiny thingssss)
Deep-sea oceans like Ariel's cove-esque or Pandora's sea settings from Avatar
Or even peaceful golden hills and orchards, just them and the big blue sky, the sound of the breeze dancing and larks singing in their ears.
... whatever they want, Don makes it happen.
He definitely takes Mikey's artsy avenues and teams up with him so they can surprise the Future Kids together!
– – 🩵🩶 Casey and Reader fall asleep curled up together in a pillow fort with the projector playing, and it's the best sleep they've gotten since the sleepovers with their Papa.
made myself cry thinkin' that up *sobs*
And isn't Uncle / Big Bro Raphie such a sweetheart during it all? He's the rock of the family, but he's learning to let the family in a lot more. He's learning to not be so "overbearing", especially with his Protective Instincts flying off the handle since the battle. Sure he can be heavy-handed, but he just wants to keep his family safe. And he always has! He always will. He heals to a comfortable place with time, and while he'll always be everyone's rock, you all are there for him too.
Family is stronger together, and-
You all reassure him of that.
In quiet moments, rare moments when it's just him and Reader – they tell him just that. Their hand is comically small on his forearm, but their eyes are earnest; they stare up at him with a sparkle of admiration. They'd only heard stories regaled fondly by their surviving family members, often accompanied them when they visited his shell on the wall lit by candles.
– meeting their uncle, so young but endlessly strong, is a fickle kind of honor. But still an honor.
(and Raphie may or may not have cried whenever Reader gets him right in the feels hurk-)
Reader and Casey get spoiled rotten (i.e: given the basic necessities to which they did not have access to in their timeline sjjsshahahd) by their family nonetheless!!
UGhhghghh imagine it with me, Normie!
Bubble baths! Warm, cozy clothes! Books that weren't rotting, charred, or furled at the edges! Taking them to comic book stores! Convenience stores! The park! The WATERPARK! The mall!! Introducing them to music and headphones/earbuds to match! Conventions and cons! Amusement parks! Ice cream parlors! Casual strolls throughout New York and doing all these things!
Oh and don't get me started on the adventures they get into in The Hidden City!! :DDD
seriously, don't–
foreshadowing -thickens-
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In all honesty, the whole clan becomes clingy with each other post-Invasion. That goes w/o saying.
Even Case and Reader, despite the initial tension, have little to no qualms with being pulled into Turtle Piles, nor all the casual affection that comes with healing and growing together!!
It's odd but sweet :')
—Casey and Reader eventually grow out of always seeing the guys as uncles/aunties/parental figures (save for Splints + Draxy + etc.), it becomes more sibling-like in a way!
But they'll always be just as close.
They were just that in their timeline.
But that timeline is lost.
And scary as it may be, they're building themselves a new life. A better life. It's what Papa would have wanted.
So. Why not do just that? :')
>> fam that gets traumatized together STAYS together (/gen)😤
Tragedy brings them closer in ways they didn't think it would.
the awkwardness between reader & leo melts into something more mellow, and we owe a big part of that to Casey!
He's their bridge. Seeing as he's closer to Leo at the given time, he hangs out with his sibbie and Leo at the same time so that they can hang together too. >:3c
Such a genius boy ueueu.
— and before they know it, Reader and Lee-Lee are actually bonding really well. It takes time, and there are withdrawals and setbacks along the way, but it is those obstacles that pave the way for something strong. Something true, honorable, pure, and real.
The reader knows — you know, glory do you know ... that this may not be your Papa.
But maybe...
Maybe that's okay.
You had him. You had Casey. You had your family, the ones once lost to fates beyond your control, and now here you were.
You had all won.
And if that in of itself wasn't something to celebrate with every breath you took,
—you would have given up on that war all that time ago.
Reader and Leo come to a mutual ground with one another.
Let's come to a place where they're more than civil with each other; Leo adores casual affection, and Reader does too— they just weren't willing to give way for such in the beginning.
But it's not unusual to see Leo and them curled up next to each other. Most of the time, Casey's with them too! But in the rare times he isn't, Reader and Leo are comfortable and just doing their own thing.
Like they'll be reading a book, or playing on a handheld device (game, Switch, phone, etc. they're amazed by present-day technology) and Lee's got a comic book,
or he's resting his head close to theirs while he guides them through what they may be doing on their fun little screen.
Leo finds a comfort in you, and you find a comfort in him— once you both let each other in.
All the time it took was worth it :')
I can see them being the most annoyingly caustic yet affectionate besties SNSNJJSJSJ biiig "only I get to make fun of them >:(" energy
or a complete opposite:
once we get past all the vitriol, they're so soft for each other hhhh-
Like Reader becomes fairly protective over him; handles him gently with small smiles and murmured words, helps him out and gives the best muscle massages or is quick to redress and assist when he's smarting from his wounds, knows him well enough to comfort him through panic attacks, indulges in his stupid jokes and puns bc he raised them, hello.
They bounce off each other for hours—
the rest of the guys have resorted to begging, multiple times jsjsj.
and Leo, by this time he knows how much Reader meant- means to him, but he doesn't try to take their Papa's place; he's not scared of them, he does learn to love them /p, and tries to translate that in the most respectful yet straightforward way possible,
and that helped their growing relationship a lot!
He rough-houses (gently) and spars with them, teases them just enough to see their flustered expression, annoys them affectionately — but is the first to come to their defense when someone else gets too cozy.
A lot like a best friend or a sibling.
... He also cuddles and slings his arm around their shoulders and gives the best bear hugs (when they want/need). He reads to them- either one of his comics or one of their acquired books- when they can't sleep or just needs something to hear other than the overbearing voices in their head. He always eats with them, introducing them to new foods he thinks they'd like and giving them the bigger portion (when they get used to stomaching it ofc). Holds their hand. Protects them from the small things and encourages them with the big things, because he knows they can handle it and they just need that little nudge. And to know that someone is right behind them the whole time.
All that good stuff.
(and Casey is so jazzed two of his favorite people are getting along so well aaaa!!)
—hey or maybe it's a healthy mix of both!! ♡₊˚ yeahhhhh.
big BIG ride-or-die energy. I like to imagine that (ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
At the end of the day, they'd die for each other all over again. It gets to THAT point.
Both figuratively and literally.
One milestone in their bond took place and in a way nobody really saw coming—
They were in the Hidden City, stopping by Señor Hueso's for some good grub,
but Leo's leg was pinching a bit more today, and Reader felt a migraine coming on; they wanted to get back home for Mikey's Miracle Migraine Tea, maybe a scalp massage if they pulled the puppy eyes the aforementioned taught them in the future (they don't need to. he'd do it at the drop of a hat. they just like to be eggstra 💅🏼),
so they're both kinda rushing this little outing. Reader's a touch grouchy and their notorious RBF makes a whole comeback, but Leo knows them well enough to know it's not directed at him. He feels for ya, and he sticks close as you both wait for your pickup order to come through.
Then, out of nowhere, some gigantuan yokai comes skulking over.
Reader notices immediately, having folded to lay their head on the cool countertop at the pickup counter; Leo was rubbing up and down their back in comforting circles, smiling down at them with warm, sympathetic eyes as he tries to distract them from their discomfort. He was too focused on them to notice.
and when they spot the glint in the yokai's eyes, they can practically smell the sinister intention as they stride over to them. They're looking for something they had no business to.
Reader tenses, hackles raised and fingers twitching where they gripped the forearms of their hoodie, and their eyes gleam as they peek out from under their hood.
Leo, who thinks they're about to be sick, frets and gently maneuvers them to sit on a nearby stool; he doesn't see the yokai until he's being clapped on the shoulder - the one that's sore, conveniently so - and nearly jumps out of his skin when he whirls on them.
This yokai - stocky, menacing, and a sadistic air about them, simply chuckles and cocks their head at the duo. They're wearing a server's uniform. Reader and Leo both realize it at once-- Reader with dread and Leo with (miscalculated) relief: they're an employee.
Anyways, Leo is put-off by this sudden intrusion of personal space and onslaught of bad vibes, but he's the Face Man and naturally a people person, so he greets them casually and asks if he can help them.
Alongside the incessant ringing in their ears that's their warning before disaster, alarm bells started going off in their head.
They can't really discern what Leo and this bum are saying at this point - everything was fuzzy and garbled like they were underwater; even from their vulnerability sprawled out over the countertop, Reader can tell from their body language that the convo is going in a very wrong direction,
especially when Leo is suddenly shoved back- too hard- and lands in a graceless heap on the floor behind them.
Your mind goes blank. A mindset that was wired into your being from birth – one you haven't had to enter for a while – burns your mind and chest and the alarm bells are deafening, even more so than the sudden uproar of commotion happening vaguely around you.
You're not focused on them. You become laser-focused on the yokai behind you, and between one breath and the next, you're out of your seat and tackling the yokai with a snarl, and you're beating the ever-loving spirits out of them.
You don't stop. You grab at fur and a muzzle, probably a tusk, but you don't care. You don't care, you don't care, you don't care–
– – you're relentless.
All that was in your head was blaring red letters: Protect. Family. Leo. Hurt. Still recovering. Threat. Protect.
White-hot rage is pumping through your veins and powering your every strike.
You have them by the nape and slam the yokai's face into the ground muzzle/snout-first; you throw punch after elbow after backhand after punch, even as you feel bone and tendon cracking rather explicitly beneath your knuckles,
and when you're kicked off, rather weakly all things considered–
it doesn't deter you at all.
You use the airborne energy to bounce right back off the countertop (it would ache and bruise like heck later),
rip the stool that you were occupying just moments earlier, clean off its hinges,
and start wailing in on the no-good lowlife bully that thought it beneficial to try your brother.
–– it doesn't stop until the very seat of the stool cracks to shrapnel, the center rolling away like a hubcap, and you're gripping the bar in your hands, heaving like you just ran a marathon.
When the yokai unfolds their arms from shielding their head to peek at you, scrambling to stand, shaking and wide-eyed, your gaze is ferocious.
The skeleton of the once-seat in your hand gets thrown right at their face with a ridiculous strength, and if their muzzle/snout wasn't broken before, it was shattered now.
The yokai shrieks in pain and goes right back down as red iron seeps from their nose, mouth, through their fingers, writhing on the floor-
and you stomp forwards, plant your foot steady in the center of their chest, and press in close until you can see their pupils trembling; that's when you finally speak your first words of the evening:
"Don't you ever come near my brother again. If I see your sorry shank even breathe in his general direction? That stool? The end will find itself shoved right up your pathetic excuse of a voice box. You'd like that, yeah?"
Terrified head shakes and an even more terrified wheeze in response,
"You listen and you listen real good, geezer. I will find you, and a simple warning like this will be the least of your troubles. A warning in which I'm letting you off with, seeing as you're clearly mistaken in your endeavors. Even think of touching Leo, and you deal with this except a thousand times over. It won't be just me. Okay?"
your poorly concealed sadism makes a minor appearance in the sudden change of pitch in your voice and the smarmy grin that stretches your dry lips as you quirk your head and eyebrows in question; when the yokai does nothing but give an immediate jerky nod, you gently pat the side of their face, satisfied.
–which was a lull into a false sense of security, because you shifted your entire body weight and last bit of strength to shove their face back down as you stood up, ignoring their yowl of agony as you did so.
meanwhile everyone in the restaurant be like:🧍
when you came to, everything crashed into you at once: nausea rolled in violent waves in your stomach, the migraine came thrumming full-force, and your ribs creaked as you stumbled over to a shellshocked Leo.
You pulled him up on shaky legs, but much like every patron in the joint, his eyes were trained on the yokai you just obliterated, still writhing on the ground.
Eventually, Senor comes rushing out and, taking in the damage of the scene, demands an explanation. Reader is all-too glad to give it to him, eyes glazed over and voice a lot more calmer than the actual predator they previously were
But once they do, his eyes look over both of them and soften, especially when he takes in how Leo is visibly shaking and Readie looks like they're milliseconds away from passing out.
They get out of there, food in tow, Leo still extremely shell-shocked and Reader worse for wear at what just transpired.
Blue barely manages a portal home- but they do, and when they're safe in the familiarity of the Lair, they both metaphorically collapse.
The night ends with the perturbed fretting of the Clan, but it all boils down to one thing for sure.
Leo has Reader's hand in his, Reader is gripping with the same intensity, and they refuse to be separated for the next few days thereafter.
Anata wa hitori janai.
That is the Hamato way.
oh and that employee never showed up to the restaurant again :D sorry not sorry for using them as collateral for my bebes
more tidbits that came to mind when typing that storm up:
reader's a bad mofo . didn't ya know they were the scourge of the apocalypse? they were clandestinely feared by the kraang. leo kept them under wraps bc he knew how powerful they were. (/j) reader: they protecc, they attacc, but most of all, they gone need ice for they bacc SNRRRTTT
HOOOWEEEEE, THAT'LL DO IT– ˚ ༘`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ I hope you do read all this, sugarcube!! I got kind of carried away, ahaha ^^;; I'm sowwwyyyy!~ But i AM excited to hear your thoughts, whenever that may be! <333
I'm mostly glad I finally got the well-awaited scenario in there!! Basically, Leo has a no-no moment with some lowkey bully and Reader completely overcompensates, even thought they're BOTH still tender from war, yet they go batty-bonkers over his oppression! >:( Don't touch their family!!! The scenario was inspired by a ficlet I read a while ago with Leo in the same situation, but Reader was in Donnie's place :''))) I'll have to find it for ya if you haven't read it yet-
aaa after this, i think i can chill without so much heaviness!! i need to indulge in some crack! some fluff! somethin' now that we've explored the reader and leo's dynamic!! they're the sillies ever and we need more!!
muwah! Hasta la vista, baeby! I'll be back!~ /p
Aaaa goodnight now XD! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ Love ya loads, toots!! Enjoy the nomz, haha!🍓❣🍰💌🧸
Now that that's out of my system, let the headcanons begin...
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Post-movie, after everything calms down, and everyone's just trying to heal,
You definitly open up a bit more.
You'll apologize to everyone for how you acted before,
For being so hostile towards them.
Casey will 100% nudge Leo and you into hanging out together.
It was hard to do since you avoided Leo like the plauge, and he kinda thought you hated him or something.
Casey manages to kill the awkwardness, and now you and Leo go EVERYWHERE together.
Besties for realzies.
Donnie will try to be subtle with his gifting,
Spoiler: he isn't.
Most of the time he'll just leave whatever it is on Reader's bed for them to find with a small note.
He's dissmissive when you thank him too,
"Don't worry about." "It's no big deal."
The projector is now your most prized possesion aside from your mask.
I feel like you always had trouble sleeping in the dark,
In the future it would have been hard to have any kind of nightlight.
Limited resources and all.
So Uncle Michelangelo would fill your and Casey's room with little glowing lights.
Think Gaurdians of The Galaxy when Groot saves everyone, the little balls of light?
So thats what you usually project into the room.
And obviously you and Casey will have the occasional stargazing night.
Meeting Raph for you was pretty much the equivilent of Casey fan-girling over Leonardo.
The stories Papa told you about him made Raph sound like some kind of super hero.
So when you met him, you had to physically try to keep your rbf on, and not freak out.
You think he's so freakin' cool-
Omg if you show even the slightest signs of discomfort or sadness Mikey is on that crap.
Here comes Dr. Feelings, tell him what's wrong.
No family of his is going to be sad for long.
He'll 100% do his best to make you and Casey feel more at home in your new timeline.
Sometimes you'll turn the tables and now you're Dr. Feelings.
He doesn't like it, but he knows mental health is important, so he deals and ya'll have therapy sessions with eachother.
You not so subtly try to spend lots of time with Splinter as well.
You didn't have very much time with your Grandpa before the end of the world took him as well,
But now he's here, and you can tell that he did not change one bit with time.
His younger counter-part is exactly the same as the one you knew in the future.
You do the same thing with Draxxum as well and omfg he is so weirded out.
Like, why does this teenager want to willingly spend time with me? Did Mikey put you up to this? WHAT IS GOING ON-
But nope.
You just missed your weird alchemist Gramps.
April takes you for walks around the city, kinda showing you and Casey what it looks like when it isn't in complete ruins.
She shows you all the cool things it has to offer, and you even come back to the Lair with some shiny things you find on the ground!
You lost your old collection when you left your old timeline, so now you have to start your hoard all over :(
It's ok though, people drop tons of shiny things down water ways and sewer drains.
You and Leo will wander around the tunnels and look for your shinies.
It's a bonding experience, and he teases you about it.
Great gallileo the back and forths between you are so horrible.
They last almost all day, and when ever one of you starts one evryone groans out loud.
The only two people who can get you two to drop it and leave eachother alone are Casey and Raph, but Casey rarely does anything to stop it-
Once you and Leo get close he is such a little terd-
Teasing, and picking and poking.
Big brother energy for realzies.
He'll wake you up by playing California Girls really loud in your ear, and then giggle about it all day, while you try not to strangle him.
If he ever overexerts himself, god help him escape the scolding-
EVERYONE is on his shell about it.
It's even worse when you get upset at him, because after everyome else is done scolding him, they'll move on.
But you? You are so petty about it.
You scold him for hours,
Then you'll just kinda... sit there, silently glaring off into space.
It makes him feel so bad for worrying Reader, that he doesn't overwork himself more than like- five times before guilt makes him just chill tf out and heal.
That scenario you wrote, where Reader absolutely rocks that yokai's shit for messing with Leo?
(Wonderfully written by the way, truely a masterpiece)
First of all total fuck around 'n find out energy.
Second of all, I'm in LOVE with the idea of Reader going absolutely feral on the battle field.
In the future, EVERY fight was life or death, and I think Reader may need to learn that here, in this timeline, not every fight requires you to freakin' wreck the opponent.
Raph kinda has that talk with them after Senor told him how they messed that employee up.
Not every fight requires your 100%.
Then he'll totally congradulate you for destroying that jerk that hurt Leo.
Reader gets a reward cookie.
Apologies this took so long to answer my dear (/p).
But here it is!! That scenario at Runof The Mill- *chefs kiss*
Beautiful. Amazingly written. I LIVE for feral reader.
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sugar-omi · 10 months
i start school in 12 hours 😧
so to keep from losing my sanity imma ramble about how Cove would make school fun if you hate it, like me!
Going to school with him, rather it's by bus, car, or on foot is always nice bc you guys can just talk and hang out on your own.
If someone ever tries to start shit w you, he's there and ready to kick ass. (not literally, he's a gentle giant. i mean unless he really has to)
If you get easily burnt out and lack motivation to do your school work, you guys can have study sessions!!! although results may vary when it comes to how much work you actually get done 💀
Sits next to you in all your classes and pouts when your schedules don't line up. Promises to see you at lunch and if you hate the caf like me he makes it soo much more bearable just by being there.
If you're a complainer like me, he'll listen to you and give solutions
his solutions: "let's just skip."
you don't tho. not too often at least
i feel like Cove would definitely be the type to skip for you. Like you tell him you're not going to school and he's already at your window like 'ok so what are WE gonna do then?'
doesn't matter if he was dressed and ready to go, he doesn't wanna be there without you.
school was hard for me socially n I never did the homework, so cove would definitely help you do the homework even if you end up copying some of his answers
socially, like I said before he tries to take thr heat off you. and I agree he doesn't rlly get physical!!! but if someone is giving you a hard time he comes up behind them, puts a hand on their shoulder.. "why don't you stop bothering them?"
or will stand in between you and crosses his arms. cove isn't that scary but he doesn't care abt that, he just wants to protect you
will indulge in your complaints too!!! even shares his own complaints. AND BACK TO THAT SKIPPING THING
okay just to set the scene, let's say you're really stressed and end up having an anxiety attack or feel one coming on before class. cove pulls you to a secluded spot and you end up calming down and crying while he holds you, eventually falling asleep with your head in his lap while he stands guard.
after that, whenever you get stressed or tired. anything like that, he finds a spot you guys can hide and you'll skip class.
you try not to do it often since they'll end up calling your parents, but you treasure those little moments bc he'll share a snack or doodle w you, or even better play more hangman w you <333
will play tic-tac-toe in the middle of class!!!
also I love cove climbing thru your window fully dressed for school and he's like "so, what did you dream last night bc I dreamed I was a SHARK which was rlly cool but then you were a fish n I ate u and I woke up and cried-"
this man is crazy istg
omg if this is like step 3 n youre dating he'll walk you to all your classes and squeezes your hand goodbye bc he's too embarrassed to kiss in front of your classmates n teacher (definitely does it once on the cheek and RUNS AWAY)
yall never live down how lovesick you are I promise
once had terri deliever a little sticky note w a heart on it or smth and terri went "omg yall are so CHEESY EVEN WHEN YOURE APART" randy is giggling and teasing you too
omg imagine he's in PE and he sees you. he runs to the door or window and looks back and forth before he steals a hug or kiss (pls kiss him, if not you owe him 2 kisses to replenish his energy fully)
teacher: holden! get back here. stop making out w y/n!
cove: *jumps 10 feet* y-yes! omg.... I'll see you later y/n<3
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Higurashi When They Cry - Watanagashi All-Cast Review Session
Okay so you may have noticed that my plan to post more consistently once again didn't work out.
Every time I think my life is done turning itself inside-out I end up being wrong, so: a Pologies to my Many Fans (4) because unfortunately a consistent posting schedule is forever beyond my grasp, and by extension yours
BUT! I was one post away from finishing Watanagashi. And that fact has honestly been bugging the crap out of me. So I'm just gonna write this one post real quick, after which point you'll go back to not seeing me for at least another month I suspect
So I don't really remember what happened in Watanagashi, but basically, Mion was the good guy, right? :)
Nah but in all seriousness, by which I mean in all copium, something I remember considering at the time is that like, making a green person listen to Toddlers being brutalized is only so cruel a punishment for a green person with no personal connection to those Toddlers. Like, there's a certain Cruelty Minimum there which no reasonable person would be especially inclined to exceed, but without any deep familiarity, the Cruelty Maximum can only get so high.
Anyway, Rena is once again glad I read Higurashi. Took her long enough to show a little gratitude, yeesh.
The Toddlers are pissed off again. Mion is reveling in being the center of attention. Good for her.
The Toddlers complain that this should have been a Toddler 01 arc instead of a Mion arc. Rena stares directly into the camera and says "Maybe some other time."
The Toddlers start talking about boobs. For some reason, this summons Camera. It summons Ooishi too, which is the worst tragedy in all of Higurashi.
Camera's girlfriend and Shion also show up, to up the ante from last time when there were only six guys. Keiichi doesn't show up, because he has to always be a punchline.
Toddler 02 uses her thumb to point at Camera and says "I'll have what she's having," while smirking.
Toddler 01 says "Thank god, Higurashi is solved now." Shion says "Yeah duh" Ooishi says "Yeah duh" Toddler 02 says "Haha yeah"
Rena gets increasingly uncomfortable.
Camera's girlfriend says "Y'all're dumbass bitches"
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me in court
Mion says that the prior incidents definitely weren't an elaborate Sonozaki conspiracy because no crime family that smart would spontaneously get so stupid.
Rena, Toddler 01, and Ooishi say "Hooray! Team Supernatural Explanations wins!" I forgot that they had that team, but apparently they had that team.
Shion is like "Uh, NO, you dolts don't win, because, uh, it was all Me all along"
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me and my friend when we're trying to drop subtle hints that we don't like someone
Everyone decides that it was an elaborate two-person scheme for Mion to make herself into an Absent Scapegoat so everyone would stop thinking about the various incidents. Toddler 02 doesn't think that's true. Camera's girlfriend is like "lol"
Everyone starts talking about how it doesn't make any sense why bad things keep happening to Keiichi.
Ooishi says that Keiichi must be the key to all of this, so Camera speedreads all of Higurashi in 0.00001 seconds to look for clues. He spots nothing.
The Toddlers say that Keiichi must be getting killed as retribution for being sexually aggressive towards Toddlers. "How enviable," says Camera. "Yeah, I wish I was him," says Ooishi.
...guys, stop...
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That sounds really hard. I wouldn't bother if I were you...
Anyways that was nice. Goodbye forever
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
embarrassing storytime
i embarrassed myself big time and now i can't think straight because i want to disappear off the face of the earth like arghdhhghgh
so i had an exam on monday. it was differential geometry which is one of the easier subjects. the prof is very chill, he's not a very good teacher but he's a good guy, you know the type.
and i uhhh... had a panic attack 5 minutes after walking into the exam room. i was shaking uncontrollably, asked to get some air and ran to the bathroom to throw up. like i was literally shaking and crying and throwing up.
so anyway, after throwing up i went back into the exam room and tried to write the exam anyway, all while shaking and still feeling super nauseous. there were lots of calculations and i kept getting things wrong like id write that 2*3 is equal to 5 and stuff like that. so yeah, i wrote god knows what.
and important context, this exam is eliminatory! so if i didn't pass, i would be kicked out of the faculty. and i would have to write an opposition letter to ask them to not kick me out. and get a doctor's note and everything. that's why i was also super stressed. because failing thing exam would possibly mean 4 years of studying down the drain.
so i finish the exam, hand in the paper, cry a little and rush to the maths counselor's office. i break down crying in front of him, saying that it's all over. he consoles me by saying they'll definitely accept the opposition letter if im kicked out, everything will be okay, ive been a good student so far, it's not that bad, etc. and he says that i should see the science faculty counselor and tell him about my situation.
so i call my parents like shit shit shit, im getting kicked out of uni. they freak out obviously. cos that means im gonna have to restart everything and graduate when im in my 30s. and basically not get a job, be a failure, etc. etc. they don't sleep the whole night, they're super worried, my stepdad and my mum get into a fight over all of this. the family is falling apart.
the next day i go see the faculty counselor and he says that if i give a doctor's note saying i suffer from anxiety before getting the grade, i have a 50/50 chance of being allowed to retake the exam. but it has to be done before they announce the grades.
i don't have a gp, i don't know any doctors, especially those who'd be okay giving me a note that says that i suffer from anxiety. my stepdad suggests that i call the therapist i used to go to back in 2020 and say that it's an emergency and that i need to see her asap.
i call the therapist, she doesn't reply so i leave a voice message, sobbing like "this is life or death, please can we schedule a session, this is urgent". thinking about this voice message makes my skin crawl like ughhh it was so bad.
then im like shit shit shit, if i can't get a note from her today, what if they announce the grades tomorrow and im getting kicked out ahhhhhhhhhh
so i message the geometry professor and the two assistants like "guys, i was shaking and crying and throwing up during the exam. im trying to get a doctor's note from my therapist before the grades drop. when are you gonna announce the grades i need to know??? i vomited everywhere, just fyi". again, very embarrassing impulsively written email.
and 10 seconds later the assistant replies like "everyone passed the exam, no worries".
and im like what.
then about an hour later the professor replies and says "i looked at your copy, your work looks pretty solid, you'll get a 4.5 and we'll announce the grades tomorrow, is that okay with you?". and im likeeeee bro
passing grade is a 4. a 4.5 is like really good. like reeeally good.
so im like shit.
what was all of this for??? why was i so dramatic for no reason?????
i made my poor parents panic for nothing.
i feel so bad.
and the therapist replied yesterday evening like "we can do a session tomorrow at 9am exceptionally". and like for what. what am i gonna say to her now??? that i was being a drama queen????
like i literally want to disappear like i feel so embarrassed. all of this drama for an easy exam. brb im gonna self isolate for a year. like i wanna kms.
and what do i say to the therapist?? like oopsie, i was just kidding. adjhdjjhdjfh i hate that i have to face the consequences of my actions.
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skzhocomments · 4 months
The Boundless Sphere of Fate - Lee Taemin - Chapter 10 - An unexpected call
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General masterlist
Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
Chapter 10 - An unexpected call
word count: ~760 words
Blair’s days are getting harder and harder to navigate, as all the time she spends away from the house – away from Taemin – makes her more than extremely exhausted.
Turns out that functioning with only half of your soul truly takes a toll on you. It’s hard for Blair to move her body, and she actively feels it starting to fail her. Getting up from her chair at work requires all her force and causes extreme fatigue, she frequently gets nosebleeds and she feels weak all the time.
Thanks to her boss, though, she was able to negotiate a hybrid schedule, and she only needs to go to the office 2 days a week, while she can simply work remotely forcing Taemin to keep a hand on her at all times for the rest of the 3 days.
She resorted to ordering most of her food or grocery shopping online, which worked wonders, as shopping trips were now almost excruciating to go on.
Now, Blair is at home trying to do some household tasks, which she absolutely hates.
“Ugh, why does laundry never stop?” She whines while Taemin chuckles next to her.
“Because it never starts, Blair.”
She furrows her brows.
“And that means…?”
“That you haven’t used the washing machine in so long, I was afraid it’s not gonna start up anymore.”
“Mean!” She sticks out her tongue. “You don’t have any grounds to speak, ghost boy. You’ve been wearing the same shirt for the past 7 decades.”
“And it looks so good on me, too! Didn’t you say that even if it’s old fashioned, it’s sort of hot?” He smirks.
“Ugh. You fucking-” just as she starts to curse, her phone rings in the other room, interrupting her.
Curious, she gets up quickly and accidentally separates herself from Taemin, which makes her legs go weak, causing her to fall.
“You okay?” He reattaches a hand to her back immediately and helps her up.
“Now I am.”
“You know, Blair… I was thinking. Didn’t you say there’s one more warning you don’t remember?”
“Wait, Taem, let me see who’s calling first.” She drags him after her and picks up the phone, noticing an unknown number.
“Hello?” She answers, furrowing her brows.
“Hello, is this Kim Blair?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Oh, that’s great. Hello, darling, sorry for calling all of a sudden. I am your mother’s solicitor. I regret to inform you that she’s tragically passed away. The funeral will take place in two days. I hope you can make it, there’s also her will to discuss.”
“Wh-what?” Blair asks, shocked. “How did she die? This truly is sudden.”
“Yes, indeed. She’s been found dead in her house. Heart attack. Sorry for your loss.”
“Oh, wow. Okay. Uhm… thank you for calling me, and… I’ll see you there in two days.” Blair quickly ends the call and looks at Taemin.
“What was that about?” He asks, concerned.
“My mother… she died, apparently.”
“Oh… I’m sorry, Blair.”
“No, that’s… everything’s okay.”
“Come here.”
“I don’t need any-” Blair starts, but Taemin has already pulled her into a tight hug, and she doesn’t know how, or why, but the news is weighing down on her enough to make her burst into tears. Taemin starts comforting her, and she doesn’t understand why she feels the need to cry for her mother, who always loathed her, but she allows herself to sob in Taemin’s arms for the little girl who loved and cherished her mom, and who wanted nothing more than to receive her approval and love back.
“What were you saying?” Blair wipes away her tears after a good crying session.
“Uhm, yea… You said there was one more warning you don’t remember…”
“Oh, it’s not that I don’t remember it. I couldn’t read it at all, the ink was smudged.”
“What if it was something really, really bad?” Taemin asks, worried.
“What can it be? Come on, nothing really bad happened yet, and we’ve been like this for about… 4 months now, right?”
“I don’t know, Blair… it seems like you’re getting weaker and weaker without me.” Taemin frowns.
“… yeah.” Blair nods. As much as she’d like to contradict him, he’s unfortunately right. It’s been getting harder and harder to function, and she has no idea how she’s going to drive back to her old city to go to her mother’s funeral.
“How will you go to your mom?” He asks, as if he could read her thoughts.
“I’ll… take the bus. I’ll try to only be gone for two days, and then I’m gonna hug you non stop and not let you go until I get my energy back.” She chuckles nervously.
Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
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thatpunkmaximoff · 1 year
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Storyline: 5/5 Smut: 2/5
Fuck Ianthe! That is all. Now back to my regularly scheduled reading session.
Alis seeing right through Feyre’s act 😏 I love you. Pls don’t make me regret it.
Feyre fucking up Ianthe’s ceremony has me cackling lmao. Fuck that hoe.
Ayyyy. Feyre making Tamlin think there was something going on with her and Lucien 😂 I’m loving this. I need her to fuck shit up asap.
Oh shit. She let Tamlin’s power hurt her. She’s gonna turn everyone loyal to him against him 😂
Dammnnnnnn! Feyre really just did that to Ianthe huh?! Bitch deserved it.
Holy fuck! I’m glad they took out Brannagh and Dagdan.
And Lucien! Going to Night Court 🤗 pls don’t make me regret being happy about this lol
“I suggest you drop my lady.” // dear lord I am dead. I need me a winged boy.
They’re reunited 😭 I’m so happy.
You know something’s wrong with me when Rhys threatens to rip out Lucien’s throat and I grin so hard. Goddamn that’s hot.
Please tell me I’m going to like Nesta soon? I know the last book is heavily about her character and right now all she’s doing is pissing me off.
Okay so… I really don’t like Nesta. Girl hated her baby sister because she was more capable than herself, and she’s even more hateful towards her now that she’s immortal. For fucks sake, man.
So Feyre wants to ally with monsters. This is either going to go very bad or very well.
Oh. Oh no. Elain is Lucien’s mate, but Azriel is interested in her..? And she actually spoke to him?! Oh my god. Do I ship it or not?!
Fuck Keir for suggesting Rhys whore out his mate. This dude needs to go. But ERIS?! Rhys, baby, what are you doing?
Keir and his people have limited access to Velaris. Oh no.
And Mor is so fucking hurt. Omg. I don’t like this.
Orgasm by wing stroke 😂 Rhys, you dirty bastard. I love it lmao
Holy shit. What did Feyre make a bargain with?!
Nesta.. I’m starting to tolerate her now.
Damn! Mor and Feyre are slaughtering hybern soldiers left and right at Summer Court. I love it!
Lmao. People are injured and/or dying, you heathens! People are bleeding out and Rhys is getting his dick sucked 😂 I can’t.
Oh shit. Tamlin showed to the meeting of the High Lords. Let the shit show begin!
Fuck. While they were bickering like idiots, Hybern destroyed the wall 😬
Oh shit. Feyre made another bargain with the monster in the library. Poor Cass 😂 I can’t wait for him to see it in the battlefield.
So Jurian’s a good guy and Tamlin betrayed them again?! Wtf!
Cassian and Nesta having a moment as she wraps her wrist 🥹 ..and then Mor ruining it 🤦🏻‍♀️
She fed Ianthe to the Weaver! HOLY SHIT!
The fucking Suriel’s death! Why?!?!
Fuck! And now Elain is gone!!
They got her back. Oh thank god.
Tamlin saved them? Wtf.
Elain and Nesta curling up around Feyre. I can’t take this anymore. I’m so scared.
God. Rhys’s speech to his inner circle has me crying. I’m not ready.
The Weaver, the Carver, and Bryaxis. Holy shit!
Oh goddammit. I’m crying again. Their father was helping this entire time!
I’m ugly crying so hard rn. I hate y’all. Why didn’t anyone warn me?!
He’s back. He’s back! And so is Amren! For fucks sake. My heart still hurts.
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Hi Kenma! i was wondering if i could request high school or college shenanigans with the chuckle sandwich boys? with a gender neutral reader too please
just them being platonic besties <3
and could I be dragon anon?
High School Shenanigans with the Chuckle Sandwich Boys
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Chuckle sandwich x reader (gender neutral) (platonic)
Requested by dragon anon
Proofread: Nope
Music: It's All Futile! It's All Pointless by LoveJoy
Warnings: Underage drinking, partying, ditching class, being chaotic
Author's note: Hello! I love this! Of course, you can be dragon anon! This is gonna be a mix of headcanons and scenarios that I have in mind! I'm basing most of this off of my own high school experience lol
-Mod Kenma
Being friends with the trio that called themselves 'Chuckle Sandwich' was a handful to deal with. They were all chaotic in their own way, which made high school interesting.
You met Ted first. You were taking theater as an elective class and he sat behind you. He was super funny and you always laughed at his jokes. You two got closer when the class did an improv session. He pretty much carried and you played off of him pretty well. The teacher saw the potential between the two of you and ended up pairing each other for almost every project. Let's just say the two of you ended up with easy As.
You met Schlatt in your English class. Your class was reading The Great Gatsby and Schlatt always had something to say. He would also crack jokes but his would be darker. You would roll your eyes and chuckle at every quip he threw out, finding him annoyingly funny. When seats were rearranged, you two sat at the same table. Your other tablemates were never in class so you two were pretty much left to your own devices. At first, he would play devil's advocate to piss you off, making it hard to get any work done. Slowly but surely, you two were able to get along when it came to what you were passionate about.
And finally, Charlie. You met Charlie in your chemistry class. Your schedule had to be changed since you weren't given the right science class. You were sat at a table with only one student there, Charlie. He was a jokester and got scolded for talking in class. The teacher had hoped that you would straighten him out a little. With all that pressure on you, you assumed Charlie was a bad kid. When you watched him work, you realized that he has a knack for comedy and is really smart. You ended up opening to him more and became more comfortable around him.
One day, you were in line waiting for lunch. They were having your favorite and you honestly needed a pick me up. While in line, you were shoved into someone. You almost fell and the weight of your backpack wasn't helping. You were ready to just give up and cry till the person you ran into stepped back and held your shoulders. "Are you okay?" You looked up and saw Charlie, concern written all over his face. "It's been a rough morning." He nodded slowly and helped you move through the line. The two of you grabbed lunch and walked out of the cafeteria. Before you could scout out your own table to sit at, Charlie offered you a seat at his table.
At first, you didn't want to bother him. He had his own friends and you didn't want to intrude on that. But the smile he gave you made you give in. You followed Charlie to his table and were pleasantly surprised to see Ted, Schlatt, and a few other faces you sort of recognized. You sat down awkwardly, giving yourself enough space from the others. Not that you didn't like them, it was that you had never talked to any of them outside of the classroom. Little did the four of you know, this was going to be the beginning of a brilliant friendship.
You four end up eating lunch together more often till it becomes a daily thing
The first 'outside school' thing you guys do is study. I know it sounds boring but it was for a test you all had
So you two went to Charlie's house and studied. Well, kind of studied
It was the four of you goofing off while trying to get work done. It was a good time
You four have your own inside jokes that nobody understands
You know some of the bits from Chuckle Sandwich? You're in on them and you two reference those inside jokes all the time
The first birthdays in the friend group were chaotic. You guys had birthday bashes and spent most of the time playing video games and just hanging out
On days when one of you isn't feeling good, the other's will ditch class and focus on whoever doesn't feel good and try their best to raise the mood
Charlie got stung by a stingray and freaked you guys out
Like, how does one react in a calm manner when one of their best friends gets hurt in such a way
Most of the time, it's Ted and Schlatt trying to convince you and Charlie to ditch. It's always for some dumb reason too. Like Schlatt is hungry or Ted wants to sneak into the cafeteria to get milk cause he didn't get any at breakfast.
Sometimes, you guys will leave school early and play DND at Charlie's house. He teaches you guys and he is SO proud. The campaigns you guys play are so fun and you always have a good time.
Now, sometimes Schlatt gets invited to parties by his friends (Wilbur, Dream, Skeppy, Quackity) and spreads the invitation along
Most of the parties consist of loud music and drinking (pretty boring in my opinion)
So when you guys go, you hang out with other people
You usually sit and chat with Sapnap and Punz, watching them stroke each other's egos with a smirk and an eye roll
Schlatt is egging people on to do stupid shit while Ted is trying his very best to get Schlatt to stop
Charlie is just laughing at everything, especially when someone does something stupid
Honestly, you four have gotten caught doing stupid shit on campus. Here are some examples: Talking too loud in the library, stealing drinks from vending machines, accidentally breaking a printer, making those sticky note window art stuff, trying to highjack the speakers and play music, somehow playing apex on school computers, and the list goes on.
But at the end of the day, these three idiots are your best friends and you wouldn't change it for the world
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Don’t Worry, Darling (one-shot)
Synopsis: Falling in love with a co-star is something that can hurt, especially when it seems like they’re talking to other people behind your back, but falling in love with a co-star and being unable to help when they’re sick, is even worse.
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, SMUT 
Warnings: COVID-19, sickness, swearing, SMUT (fingering, m going down on f, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it))
Word count: 11 968 (yoikes)
Please note I’m not trying to make light of the pandemic or the virus and those impacted by it. It’s a very real and serious thing, which is why I decided to use it. Please stay safe and healthy, follow the local health guidelines and if you have the ability please get vaccinated. Let’s keep ourselves and one another safe, frens :)
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When Y/N got the call she’d gotten the role of Jack’s ex-wife who’d disappeared in mysterious circumstances, she was over the moon. As a Marvel alumnus, she was excited to work with Florence, as she’d loved Midsommar, and knowing she was going to be one of the new faces carrying the next Marvel chapter, she wanted to get to know her. Having played Tony Stark’s adopted daughter since the age of six, she was very protective of the franchise but was excited to see where it’d go.
      Then Shia LaBeouf, Chris Pine as well with Dakota Johnson’s announcements coming soon after, Y/N got even more stoked, and with Olivia Wilde leading all of them, she was sure the movie would be a hit.
      Shia and Dakota had to drop out due to scheduling issues (which Y/N couldn’t lie – she was kind of happy Shia couldn’t do it), and that's where Harry Styles took over the role of Jack with Kiki Layne Dakota’s Margaret.
      Now, when Y/N had seen Harry’s picture next to the re-cast e-mail the whole production had been sent out, she might’ve had a little (a massive, like a ginormous) freak-out. As much as she’d grown up listening to classic rock, due to Robert Downey Jr. and Iron Man, she’d been an avid One Direction fan. Like to the point, it might even seem a bit creepy. Y/N had sort of grown out of the obsessive phase of it all, but most definitely admired the solo albums they’d been able to produce, and when Dunkirk came out, she was excited to see Harry join the acting world, with the amount of talent he had.
      The first table read was sort of awkward, and definitely the weirdest one, given how a pandemic had started, and everyone was at their respective homes using Zoom. 
      Y/N and Florence had been the first to join the conversation about half an hour before the official beginning, and by the time everyone else did, they were crying from laughter and had to excuse themselves from their computers to collect whatever remaining composure they had. 
      “You two alright?” Oliva Wilde had raised her eyebrow, as the women re-joined, still chuckling. “Will we have to use body doubles for the scenes you two are in?”
      “Nohooo!” both of them yelled through laughter. “We’ll be as professional as professionals are. Which is very professional.”
      Then Y/N made the mistake of glancing at Florence’s square, and the two busted out laughing again, spewing apologies in between, but no one seemed to really mind. In fact, it looked like they appreciated how casual and open everyone was being, hoping the set wouldn’t be stiff either when they moved onto filming.
      And for the two women, it wasn’t really. Actually, they grew closer than ever. The amount of time Florence spent in Y/N’s trailer was to the point that the two started to talk about just moving in together. After scouring the nearby apartments for rent, they settled on a three-bedroom apartment, as two-bedroom ones were non-existent. 
      When Harry grew closer to them as well, given how he spent quite some time with both women, they suggested he move in as well.
      “You know, what? I changed my mind. You’re taking away our closet, and I don't like that,” Y/N pouted, watching as Florence lifted a pile of her clothes and moved it to her room. “That’s not very ‘treat people with kindness’ of you.”
      All he did was flick a finger at her forehead, which Y/N swatted away with a smile. When he’d double-checked about moving in with them (which, mind you was the seventh time, and half his stuff was already there), the two women were ecstatic. They got along amazingly on set and basically having a sleepover with friends every night suited all of them quite well. 
      At that moment, Y/N was sitting on the edge of her bed, knitting while Harry painted all of their toes and Florence put on facemasks.
      “Wine!” Y/N suddenly exclaimed, almost knocking over the light blue nail polish bottle as she jumped up, throwing her needles back on the bed. “We need wine!”
      “Do not ruin my masterpiece!” Harry hollered after her, as she waddled away on her heels, toes separated by foam and hight up in the air. She even had to manoeuvre around the carpet to avoid any hairs and fibres that could get stuck inside the still wet lacquer.
      It took her a second to find a bottle all three of them could enjoy, given their tastes were so different – Y/N preferred sweet and red, and didn’t care if it was a three-dollar bottle from Target, Harry had a bit more of an expensive pallet, giving preference to something with a more of a lingering aftertaste and in the higher ranges of price point, while Florence liked rosé and white wines.  
      Taking two glasses in one hand and the bottle with a third glass between her fingers, she shuffled back to her room when she heard the two muttering something in low voices before Harry whispered harshly, “I’m not telling Y/N that!” 
      “Won’t me what?” Y/N’s question made him and Florence spring back where they’d been engaged in a heated conversation when she re-entered the room, putting the wine bottle and glasses on the nightstand.
      Florence waved her off, giving her a smile, she didn’t believe in. “Nothing. Now come on, Harry will do your fingernails now, and I think it’s about time the mask came off.”
      And that’s when Y/N’s heart dropped. She’d been in the industry long enough to know how fake people could be, how they could put on smiles so inviting and friendly while hiding their true intentions behind them. She just didn’t think two people she’d found so genuine and sweet would be like that.
      And the thing was – it wasn’t the first time she’d heard the two whispering like that and hushing up when they saw her enter the room or even come somewhere near to them. 
In the beginning, Y/N had chalked it up to the two being closer, given they had to spend more time together, so they knew one another better, but this time sort of solidified it wasn’t the fact the two were closer, it had to deal with Y/N specifically.
      So, she started to distance herself. She’d had enough users in her life to last her for the rest of it. Y/N excused herself from the movie nights they had on most Fridays, she no longer joined in on the cooking sessions and mostly spent time in her room, or on work calls.
      When she re-entered the flat, four weeks after their falling out, they watched as she nodded to them, and went inside her room, closing the door, much like she’d been doing for the past thirty days. 
      “Do you think she knows?” Harry asked, brows furrowed and bottom lip between his teeth as he hoped the doors would open, yet, obviously, they didn’t. 
      “Well, I haven’t told her, and unless you did, then I doubt it…”
      Harry stood up, running a hand through his hair. “I’m gonna talk to her.”
      “You think it’s a good idea?”
      “No, but if she’s upset maybe she needs to talk to someone.”
      “Or maybe she wants to be alone.”
      Harry bit his lip thinking over Florence’s words. When he was upset about something, he himself did like to kind of retreat and become a little bit of a recluse, to sort out his emotions before anyone else tried to jump in and help with it, but the thing was – Y/N’s distancing started the night when she’d walked in on the two of them arguing, and it’d been about the girl in question herself, so he shook his head. “I’ll just ask if she’s alright.”
      He took a deep breath and went to enter the room he hadn’t seen in almost a month. “Hey.” Harry poked his head through Y/N’s door, making her swirl around in her chair. She looked adorable to him. She’d changed into a big fluffy nightgown, the hood up, a headband pushing hair away from her face with a green facemask covering her skin. The domestic life flashed through Harry’s head like a freight train, as it was something he craved, but pushed it away. There was no daydreaming before figuring out what was in front of him in reality. “You okay?”
      “ 'M fine.” She shot him a quick smile. “Why? Did Olivia send something new for the script?”
      “Um, no, ‘s just you’ve been, I dunno – detached a bit?”
      “Look, Harry… I may be younger than you, but I’ve been in this industry longer than you or Florence.” Y/N stood and shrugged before crossing her arms. “And the thing is – I don’t care for shit like that. So, you two can gossip and whisper and talk whatever you want about me behind my back. Everyone else is doing that so, you’re not that special. But’ I’d prefer if you did it somewhere else besides my room, my space, and I’ll say this once, but very clearly – we’re not friends. I don’t need friends like you. We’ll be civil and we’ll do our jobs, but…” Harry’s heart broke at her eyes, seeing the pain in them as she nodded and made sure he understood where she stood. “We’re not friends.”
      She didn’t leave any room for argument. When Harry left, Y/N didn’t even look over her shoulder to see him exit.
      The next couple of mornings she didn’t see them leave nor come back, seeing as Y/N had the week off from filming, but the morning of the seventh day was awkward as hell, given how all of them had to go and get tested, and well, they had their allocated time slots one after the other. Usually, they’d take one car together, but this time, Y/N drove off on her own, while Harry and Florence carpooled on their own.
      The tests were always nerve-wracking. If one person went down, the whole production did for at least two weeks. And as much as she hated going in alone, she was glad no one was with her in the car, because as she stepped out, a certain notion swept over her that this would be a lot different than usual.
      A doctor dressed head to toe in protective gear motioned for her to sit down, as another processed her ID and work ID. Her leg was bouncing up and down the whole time, and he eyed her. If she could see his lips, she was sure they’d be pursed. “Anything wrong?” He handed her back the IDs before moving to the table where a set of large q-tips seemed to lay in sterile packs.
      Y/N sighed, biting her lip and nodded. “Woke up with a sore throat and a small cough appeared on my way here as well. I wiped and cleaned everything down at the apartment I’m staying at and wore gloves and a mask the whole time.”
      “Anything else?” the doctor asked, writing down each word as Y/N said. “The feeling of breaking bones, fever, muscle pain, eyes hurting when you look up, lost sense of smell or taste?”
      “No, nothing like that. Just a sore throat and a small cough.”
The doctor let out a large sigh, probably from having to wear a full-on hazmat suit. “Alright. Just for safety reasons, so we know who’s a potential contact person, who are you staying with?”
      “Florence Pugh and Harry Styles. We’re renting an apartment together.”
      “Do you know if they’ve had any symptoms?”
      “No,” Y/N shook her head honestly. “And I haven’t really interacted with them this past week, as they’ve been on set, and I didn’t have any scenes to film, and by the time they get back, I’m already asleep, and I’m still asleep when they leave so there’s been no direct contact. We have our own kitchenware, so there shouldn’t be any direct contact. I think.”
      That last bit was half-true, seeing as she hadn’t been asleep when they came back, but she might as well have been. The second Y/N heard the door click, she’d place her headphones on or leave the room, only glimpsing the two faces falling as she did that.
      The doctor clearing his throat and motioning for Y/N to open her mouth so he could take a swab and then to do the same for both her nostrils, was what brought her out of it. She was so used to it, it was like nothing at that point. “Okay. We’ll need you to stay in the car while the test is being run, and if it comes back positive, you’ll be placed in a separate flat, as to not endanger the rest.”
      Her ‘alright’ was barely audible. Fuck. It just felt like the universe was against her. First, the two people she’d gotten closest to were whispering behind her back and being fake to her face, now she might have a super contagious virus to which there was no medicine really, nor was there a vaccine, let alone the thought she’d have to miss filming for potentially more than two weeks.
      The thirty minutes of wait were agonizing, her leg bouncing up and down. Y/N’s eyes kept watching the line of cars slowly move forward through the tent and then settle behind hers. She knew Harry was about five cars away, and she was glad he wasn’t closer. They weren’t really allowed to get out of their vehicles while the tests were being run, and Y/N didn’t think she’d be able to not look back at him through her review mirror. 
      Two more minutes passed when finally, one of the med students in the full hazmat suit came up and knocked on her car window.
      “Miss Y/L/N?”
      “ID please.” It was standard so that no med info got leaked. The only reason she had to rummage through her stuff was, because she’d bite the little plastic card in half if she didn’t throw it somewhere deep inside her bag.
      “So.” The man sighed, and he didn’t need to elaborate. Y/N understood, but still, he had to confirm it to her. “Your test came back positive for COVID-19. The production has been informed, and for safety reasons, everyone will have to self-isolate for two weeks.”
      Y/N’s head slammed against the back of the seat. “Fuck. Okay.”
      “Because so far, you’re the only positive case, you’ll be placed into quarantine. We’ll need the address you’re staying at, and if you need anything from your apartment, we can send someone over to grab a few things. You’ll have to follow the black SUV right there.” He pointed further down the lot where indeed a black SUV stood. “They’ll take you to where the quarantine apartments are. Is there anything immediate you’ll need?”
      “I – uh – I need my pills, my birth control that is. I take it every evening. Computer, chargers. That’s the most immediate I can think of. Maybe some food? I didn’t get the chance to eat breakfast.”
      Even through the mask, Y/N could see the man smile. “Well arrange that. In the meantime, here’s the number for the coordinators who’ll get you the rest of your things and deliver them to you.”
      “Thank you. I’ll call my assistant, and she’ll drive down to the apartment. She knows where everything is.”
      “Have you been in close contact with her?”
      “Just through the phone. She hasn’t been on set in almost a month, as I told her only to come when it’s an emergency… Guess this is it.” Y/N let out an awkward chuckle.
      And truly that was it. With one last motion as to where the SUV stood, she started back up the engine, reversed out of the spot and followed the car to where the ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ production had set up a few quarantine apartments, specifically for actors and crew, speed-dialling her assistant Anna and letting her know of the situation.
      “Shit, girl,” she’d cursed. “That sucks.”
      “Tell me about it.”
      “Okay,” Anna huffed. “Do you have a spare key for the apartment by any case or do I need to go down to the lot and ask Harry or Florence?”
      “Both of them will be at the apartment, given how everything’s shut down, so they should be able to open the door for you. Hopefully, if both of them are negative. If not, call me, I’ll tell you where we hide the spare. Thank you, Anna.”
      “Of course.”
      As Y/N pulled up behind the SUV, a man and a woman in face guards and masks stepped out. She ended the call and stepped out as well, pulling on a cloth face mask, an envelope in their hands, which they handed to her.
      “Your flat’s on the third floor, 367. When you have the list of things you need, forward them to us, and we’ll gather your things.”
      Y/N nodded and gave them a tight smile. “Thank you. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
      With a sigh, she took her bag and entered the complex. As much as she’d only had a small cough in the morning and a sore throat, walking up those flights of stairs made her winded more than it usually would. Maybe it was the knowledge she had a sickness, or maybe it was stress about missing work and putting everyone on lockdown, or maybe it was the combination of it all with her falling out with Harry and Florence on top.
      She placed the key in the lock and twisted, revealing a studio type apartment, and it was so bare it made her heart clench. As much as she felt awkward being around Florence and Harry, their flat was a bit messy, had little pieces of clothing thrown around, giant knitted blankets on the sofas, a candle always lit whenever someone was home. Harry’s shoes were typically all over the place while Y/N’s make up was scattered around everywhere. Literally. Florence and Harry had gotten back early one morning from a night shoot and found her looking under the sofas for one of her lash glues as she started to get ready for the day. They’d made that flat their home for the time being. This… this was nothing like that.
      She threw the keys on the small kitchen counter and shrugged off her jacket. They was going to be a long two weeks. At best.
       Back at their place, Florence and Harry were pacing around, having heard the news that someone was positive, and everything had to shut down for the time being, yet Y/N was nowhere to be seen when a knock at the door disrupted them.
      Harry was there and flinging it open in a matter of a second, only to be stopped by Anna instead of Y/N.
      “Hey.” His brows furrowed as she and two people all wearing masks and gloves entered. “What’s going on? Is Y/N alright?”
      Anna sighed, nodding her head for the two strangers to go towards the woman’s room. “She was the one who tested positive for the virus. Gave me a list of the things she’d need while in quarantine. We’re here to pick ‘em up and get them to her.”
      “And she’s not doing that here?”
      “Per the safety instructions, she’s been placed in a separate flat in self-isolation.”
      “She could’ve done that here. We’d be fine with it,” Florence butted in, arms crossed over her chest. “We’re more than willing to take care of her. She’ll need someone to help her.”
      “You both tested negative.” One of the people piped up, carrying a box of books and yarn. “I’m sorry, but she’ll have to quarantine separately until she’s no longer infected. She’s under the supervision of doctors, and she knows if an emergency happens, they’ll be there in ten minutes tops. I’m sorry, but this is how it has to be.”
      Harry sighed, nodding as the people exited their place, but before Anna could leave, he took hold of her bicep. “Hey, can you please tell her to call me? I just wanna talk.”
      “I uh – ” Anna furrowed her brows, showing Harry that Y/N hadn’t said anything to her about the falling out they’d had. “I’ll uh, yeah. I’ll do that.”
      With that he was left to close the door and just wait for… anything.
       In the two hours Y/N had spent in the apartment, she already felt like going insane, having been left alone with her thoughts, so how she was going to do another two weeks after finally getting back into the rhythm of work was beyond her. She didn’t have any of her knitting supplies, didn’t have any of her books (yet), and most likely there was no reason to look at her script anymore, as she’d made up her mind about a lot of things. 
      There was a knock at the door, and Y/N instantly had a mask on her face and gloves on her hands. She peeped through the peephole and when she saw boxes lined in the hallway, three people in masks and faceguards at least six feet away, only then did she open the door and give them a wave.
      “Everything should be here, but if you need anything else just pop me a message.” Anna then pointed at a bag that sat atop everything. “There are the most important things, so you don’t have to rummage through everything and a pizza is on the way while I do some grocery shopping for you. And umm, there’s a paper you need to sing that you know you need to be in self-isolation and that you understand what happens if you’re not.”
      Y/N hoped all of them understood she was smiling underneath the mask, grateful for having them help her out like that. “Thank you. So much.”
      She rushed inside found a pen and signed it, moving between the boxes to place the papers on the stairs so that they could be safely retrieved. With that, the two assigned people left, leaving Anna to say goodbye.
      “Call me.” She pointed at Y/N. “No matter what, even if you just wanna talk for five seconds.”
      “Will do.” Y/N nodded and gave her a thumbs up. “If I could, I’d hug you.”
      Anna sighed, cocking her head. “Same. And umm, Harry told me to ask you to call him.”
      “Yeah, uh thank you.” She knew he probably wanted to talk, so it wasn’t that big of a surprise, but it still made her stumble on her words. “Take care, Anna.”
      “You too.”
       The next two days Y/N spent worrying as to how to present her decisions to the cast and crew. She felt worse with every hour, and with that had come her thought process, but as much as everyone was going to be impacted by what she was going to do, Olivia would be the one dealing with it most, so later that night she hopped on a Zoom call with her director.
      “Hey, girl.” Olivia gave her a warm smile, and Y/N almost melted. God, she loved that woman. She was like the older sister she never had. “How are you doing?”
      “I’m alright. Feelin’ kind of woozy from time to time, throat’s killing me, and I’m fairly certain I’m getting abs from how much I’m coughing.” That made both of them chuckle before Y/N bit her lip and ran a hand through her hair. “Look,” she sighed, looking at Olivia. “The reason I called you is that umm… well, I think it’d be a lot more cost-effective for you to re-cast me. We’ve barely shot one scene with me. I’ll be out of commission for two weeks, as a minimum. It could get worse. And I’m definitely not going to be back before I get two negative consecutive tests.”
      Olivia shook her head, running down her hands over her face and then through her hair. “Y/N, I really don’t want to do this. There’s a reason we cast you. You’re amazing, and yours and Harry’s chemistry is off the charts. We’re all quarantining for two weeks, and I’m sure you’ll be fine in no time, back on set and killing it like you always do.”
      “You don’t know that.”
      “Of course, I do! Nothing’s gonna happen to you.”
      “All I’m saying it could take up to a month to get those two negative tests. By that point, you could’ve shot at least a fourth of my scenes. Olivia…” Y/N gave her a small, sad smile. “I know you know I’m right. I hate to pass on this, but I won’t hinder the production. If you want my input, I’ll help with the re-casting, if it takes the guilt away.”
      “I still feel like shit this is an option we even have to consider.”
      “’S not your fault. You didn’t get me sick. We should be happy it’s just me, not someone else or more than one person.”
      For two more days, it was radio silence from Y/N, and Harry and Florence were anxious messes. If they could distract themselves from the falling out while on set, then now, having to be cooped up inside the apartment with pretty much nothing to do, was so much worse, not to mention Y/N declined all of their calls and left their messages on read, leaving the only option for checking in either through Anna or what she decided to share on her social media, which wasn’t a lot. But the thing was, Harry knew his best bet was to call Y/N in the middle of the night. Disorientated and barely awake, she probably wouldn’t look at the caller ID once. And he was right.
      A bleary face appeared on his screen, eyes squinting as she tried to block out as much of the light as possible. “Hello?” Her voice was scratchy, and Harry’s heart clenched at just how much pain her throat must be in, let alone how she was feeling as a whole.
      “Hey, there, lovie.”
      It took her a second to comprehend the person who was speaking, and she’d be lying if she said hearing Harry’s voice didn’t bring her some sort of joy. “Hey, H. Are you alright? Why are you still up?”
      “I couldn’t sleep. Kept thinking about you.”
      Y/N hummed, rolling on her side, and immediately regretting it as the action elicited a coughing fit. “Yeah?” she asked hoarsely. “ ’Nd what about me?”
      ‘How shitty I feel about everything’, ‘I miss you’, ‘I’m so fucking terrified’, but instead he asked, “How are you doing?”
      “Alright,” Y/N croaked out before her body was racked with coughs once more. Harry’s own chest hurt just hearing them. “Fever’s finally down, so I’m getting some sort of sleep. Throat’s killing me though, and they’ve hooked me up to an IV. They’ll be coming in two hours or so to change the bag. How are you?” she asked quietly. “How’s Florence?”
      “She’s alright. Upset. Just like I am.”
      Y/N’s brows furrowed. “Why’re you upset?”
      “Are you kidding me? You’re sick, alone in quarantine and… and we can’t help you. I can’t help you.”
      A genuine chuckle escaped her. “Didn’t know you had a medical degree, Styles. Could be my personal nurse. Fetch me my water and shit.”
      “No, but at least I’d like to be there for you.”
      “I like you,” he said after taking a deep breath, hoping that the break he’d heard in Y/N’s voice as she’d said his name wasn’t just because of the sickness, but because her heart thudded just as fast as his when he thought of them together, that her mind reeled with the possibilities of where their futures could take them and that whenever they touched, she could feel the electricity that ran through his fingertips, igniting his whole body. “That’s what Florence and I were whispering about all the time. Is that I’m madly crushing on you, and I couldn’t gather the courage to say it to you.”
      A strong coughing fit made her drop the phone on the bed and lean over, as she gasped for breath, and through it all, all Harry wanted was to be there. Fuck him possibly getting the virus, as long as he could make it easier for her in some way. 
      “ ’M sorry,” Y/N whispered, trying to keep her voice as low as possible as to not aggravate her throat. “Harry, I’m so sorry.”
      “Hey, there’s nothing to apologise. You’re sick, you can’t help –”
      “No,” she shook her head. “I’m sorry I assumed you and Florence were talking bad behind my back. I never should’ve done that. And this is not an excuse, I’m not trying to shift the blame from being in the wrong, but I like you too.” She gave him a shy grin that he thought was as bright as the sun. “I really like you too, Harry. I think that’s why it hurt so much to hear you two whispering ‘bout something. And thinking it was about me, and it was something bad, hurt even more, ‘cause I really connected with Flo, and I kinda, well I kind of fell for you. Hard.”
      “You did?” His tone was like he didn’t believe what his ears were hearing.
      “Yeah. A lot actually… I – I really like you, Harry.”
      He couldn’t explain how his heart expanded in his chest while simultaneously was being crushed by his inability to help, by the distance between them, while the hope that glimmered in his eyes at Y/N’s words made her heart break as much as his was, when he asked, “So you won’t resign?”
“Harry,” Y/N made her voice as tough as it could sound with her condition. “I told them to re-cast me not because of you. I’ve been on enough sets and worked with enough pricks, and still gotten the job done. Genuinely, this is not because of you or Florence. I just – I just don’t want to hold up production. You’ll all be out in what – twelve days or something? I’ll be here for at least twice that, if everything goes the way it’s going right now.”
      “I don’t want anyone else to play Larie. You are my Larie,” he muttered, which made Y/N smile, but in a true Y/N fashion she just wanted to make others feel better. 
      “You do know Jack murders Larie in the middle of the night.”
      Harry’s mouth opened like a fishes’ while Y/N’s mouth pulled up in a grin. “That’s – that’s not what I mean, and you know it!”
      Both of them were laughing now, all tension having evaporated. 
      “I know.” She bit on her lower lip. “But um… we’ve gotta be practical. I sent Olivia my resignation letter already, and she signed.”
      She saw Harry sigh and throw back his head at her words. 
      “ ’M sorry, Haz. I didn’t want to but –”
      “I know.” His smile was gentle, understanding. “You always put everyone before yourself. God, this just sucks major ass.”
      “Trust me,” Y/N started before being interrupted by another major coughing fit. “I –,” she took in a breath. “I know.”
      Her heart cracked seeing Harry’s face and his green eyes, the eyes she’d gotten lost in more times than she’d ever admitted being lined by tears. “I wish I could help you.”
      “But you are. Just by – by talking to me, by keeping my mind off things. You’re helping me more than you’ll ever know.”
      “When you get out, I’m taking you on a date.”
      Y/N couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on her face. For the first time in a while, she felt good, despite being sick. “Is that a threat, Styles?”
      “It’s a fucking promise.”
      That night she fell asleep listening to Harry talking, seeing as it became harder and harder for her to do so, so he just took over, telling her stories that lulled her to dreamland where he was there, and she could touch him. 
      The following days she also had calls with Florence and the rest of her cast to explain the situation, but she wasn’t doing much talking anymore, and one night they’d even seen her almost throw up from coughing so much, which broke everyone’s hearts. They were lucky the only Covid case before Y/N had been a light one, so witnessing just how brutal it could be, made everyone appreciate what they had, but at the same time, feel as helpless as ever.
      A week and a half in, that was when shit really hit the fan. Despite her feeling shitty the previous days, now Y/N woke up from the feeling as if she was drowning. She’d fallen asleep while talking with Harry on FaceTime, his features illuminated on her phone. At first, she thought it was just her dream still lingering and causing that effect, but when after a minute or so her lungs still remained on fire, she knew she had to dial the doctors.
      In five minutes’ time, an ambulance was at her door, and it was a miracle she’d been able to get out of bed to open it because the second she did, her whole body pretty much collapsed into the arms of one of the nurses. 
      “Come on,” Harry muttered into the phone, pulling on a pair of trousers as quickly as possible and a knitted sweater he took from the floor as he immediately tried to redial her, having heard the call drop. “Come on! Pick up, Y/N!” Her voicemail answered instead.
      “Damn it!”
      It took Harry seven minutes with the way he was driving to get to her assigned isolation place, only to be greeted by red and blue flashing lights, an ambulance right in front of the entrance, and it took Harry five seconds to feel his heart drop as a team of three doctors wheeled out a gurney on which lay Y/N, face covered in a mask, an IV stuck inside her arm while a huge plastic cover domed over her body.
      Without even thinking about himself or his safety, Harry jumped out of his car, rushing towards the ambulance.
      “Sir.” One of the doctors extended a palm towards him, keeping him back as Harry tried to get towards the inside of the car. “Sir, you can’t be here.”
      “Is that Y/N?” Harry felt like he was spinning out of control, and his mind was dizzy from not being able to take in a proper breath. “Is – is that Y/N?” 
      “Are you family?”
      “I –,” Harry so desperately wanted to say yes, to say he was her boyfriend at least, but he couldn’t lie. “No, I’m just her collegue – friend! I’m her friend. Is she alright?”
      “Okay, well is there anyone we can contact from her family?”
      Harry nodded, knowing that her mum and dad were on her emergency contact lists. “But her family is out of the country, and they won’t be able to fly out with all the restrictions in place.”
      “Alright.” The doctor sighed before looking back inside the car. In a way, Harry was happy he couldn’t see Y/N because he was sure if he did, he’d completely break down and crumble to the ground. “We’ll contact her parents, but if you could leave us your number as an emergency contact on place that’d be a lot of help.”
      “Okay, uh…” Harry took in a deep breath, held it for five seconds and then let it out before reciting the number he used while in the USA and his permanent UK number as well, so he could be reachable anywhere and at any point in day or night, no matter the time. 
      “Well keep you up to date.”
      And with that, the ambulance doors shut, and they rushed away, the vailing of sirens echoing in the dark night, leaving Harry with a hand in his hair, tears streaming down his cheeks and without a clue as to what to do.
      In the end, Harry had gone back to his car and cried for what felt like ages, but instead, it was just twenty minutes. He pulled himself together but was still shaking as he made his way back to the flat where Florence basically ripped open the door. Seeing his face told her everything she needed to know.
      “She’ll be alright,” the woman muttered as she soothed Harry by rubbing a palm up and down his back, letting him hide his face in her shoulder. “It’s Y/N. She’d pull through an atomic bomb.”
      They spent the rest of the night and the following day on the couch, glued to Harry’s phone waiting for any sort of updates. From time to time a text message came from the hospital letting them know what procedures were being done on Y/N, that her parents have been informed, and if necessary, they’d allowed Harry to be the main contact person because of his proximity to their daughter.
      Three days later and the quarantine for the rest of the cast and crew ended, yet when they returned to the set, everyone was in low spirits. Especially, Harry – he was miserable. Every moment spent not reciting lines or acting was occupied with the thoughts of Y/N, how she was doing, was she improving, was she still breathing, how he wanted to just ditch everything and run to her, to help in whatever way he could.
      “This sucks,” Florence grumbled, arms crossed over her chest as they took a break while re-setting already in for the fifth day of filming, eight since Y/N’d been in the hospital. “Can’t believe they won’t allow a phone in with her.”
      “It’s the same policy for everyone, but trust me,” Harry sighed and looked up at the bright blue sunny sky above. “The number of times I got out of my bed in the middle of the night and had the car keys in hand is ridiculous. And the number of times I’ve thought about breaking into that hospital is even more concerning.”     
      Florence let out a small chuckle and nudged his shoulder. “I’d cover for you if you did. As long as she doesn’t have to be there alone.” She hung her head, blond strands falling down to curtain her face. “Can’t imagine how scared she must be.”
      Harry just sighed. There really wasn’t anything he could say. 
      Something vibrated in his pocket, but he no longer furrowed his brows when unknown numbers called, knowing it was from the hospital. It was nerve-wracking though to pick up the call each time because he had to mentally prepare himself for the possibility of bad news, even though he always hoped for good ones. 
      “Yes, hi. Hello. I – oh,” he put a hand over his mouth and sagged down onto a chair. “Oh, thank god, thank you, doctor. Yeah. Yes, I’ll let her know, and someone will be there to open the flat. Thank you again. For everything.”
      He took away the phone from his ear and stared at the ground for a minute before leaping up and hugging Florence, laughter escaping his mouth.
      “What’s wrong?”
      “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong, it’s the opposite. Y/N’s out of the hospital.”
      “Oh thank god!” Her hands flew to hug him back.
      “She’ll have to stay in self-isolation until the two negative tests and will be monitored by the doctors, but she’s out.”
        Immediately he was dialling her, and Harry had never been as happy for the invention of a video call, because when he saw Y/N’s face light up the screen, as tired as she looked, it was the most beautiful sight that graced his eyes.
      “Hey, lovie.” His voice was soft and low as if anything louder would worsen her state.
      Her ‘hey’ was barely audible, but he heard it, and it made the weight of a boulder drop off his shoulders.
      “I’m so – I mean we all are so happy you’re back home.”
      Y/N smiled, shaking her head. “I’m happy too,” she whispered. “I missed you. Missed everyone, but most of all I missed you.”
      Harry was happy they were separated by a screen because if she was anywhere in a five-mile radius, he was sure she would be able to hear his heart beat out of his ribcage at her words. “How are you feeling?”
      “ ‘M alright,” Y/N tried to let him know. “Very tired.”
      “Then get back to sleep, lovie.”
      Y/N shook her head. “Wanna talk to you.”
      “I’ll keep talking,” Harry promised. “Like we did before, okay.”
      And so, he did. He kept talking as Y/N listened, and he watched as her eyes slowly closed before she drifted off to sleep. Even though Harry had to go back to filming, he didn’t dare end the call. He’d never end the call. 
      It took a month and a half for Y/N to get those two consecutive negative tests, to feel somewhat human again and when she did, she probably garnered at least seven speeding tickets with how fast she was driving down to the set.
      It was the most inconspicuous outfit she could scramble together, consisting of a hoodie and baseball cap, as she watched Harry as Jack lean down to peck the actress’s lips, then step into the vintage car and rev out in the driveway, while a dishevelled Florence started the scene from the side, eyes racking over Jack’s first wife, who was dressed the exact same way, hair styled like hers and even nails painted the same, her character putting all the puzzle pieces together. 
      “And cut!” Olivia yelled across the lot, nudging Y/N’s side and giving her a smirk. “He’s gonna freak. You’re all he’s been talking about on set. We almost had to put a ban on you as a topic,” she muttered that part so only the woman could hear while telling everyone to re-set, so they could do the scene from another angle, but not before asking the three actors to come and look at the monitors so they could understand how to move in order to keep the continuity.
      Y/N moved to the side, ducking her head down as Harry, Florence and Mandy, the actress that took over her role, all leaned closer to watch the monitors. Y/N had to bite on her lip to keep the grin away, as all of them analysed their movements and the scene, nodding along to what Olivia was saying.
      “Y/L/N, what do you think?” Olivia asked, grinning. 
      Y/N stepped forward a bit, seeing all of their shocked faces through her peripheral, as she pointed to the screen, lifting her head so that everyone could see her face fully. “I think it’s great, you might want to step to the side a bit more, Harry, when –” but she was unable to finish the sentence as he swooped her in his arms, lifting her basically off the ground, and burying his face in her neck.
      “Watch the hair! Daniele will have a fit if you ruin her masterpiece!” Y/N laughed, holding one of her hands on the base of his neck, the other tightly wrapped around his shoulders, but he just shook his head, and she could feel tears splash her skin.
      “Fuck the hair!” He let out a small chuckle, and she could hear the lump in his throat. “I’ve missed you so much. I was so scared.”
      “Same,” Y/N whispered. “Missed you like crazy. And your stupid, unfunny dad jokes.”
      “ ‘M hilarious, lovie, what are you talking about?”
      He finally set her down but didn’t let go of her waist, and she smiled cupping his cheeks. “A true comedian, that’s what you are.”
      “I know. Why’dya think I got that SNL slot?”
      But his eyes, as he gazed into hers once more glassed over.
      “Hey,” Y/N cooed wiping away the tears running down his cheeks. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry, cause then I’ll cry, and we’re both gonna be crying messes, and then these guys will have to deal with that.”
      Harry sighed, leaning into her touch. “Happy tears, lovie. All happy tears.”
      The two looked at one another as if there was no one else in the universe. And for the two of them, there really wasn’t. Neither had to say what was on their minds, they already knew.
      His face was inching closer to Y/N’s, and heart started to beat erratically, not that Harry minded, as his palm rested in the middle of her back. In fact, his own heart mimicked the rhythm, but it stuttered when someone behind him cleared their throat and interrupted their moment.
      Y/N hid her face in Harry’s chest as he sighed at Olivia’s raised eyebrow. 
      “You’ll be able to smooch as much as you want, but we need him in hair and make-up.”
      “Now,” she let out a small laugh. “Before Daniele removes my head from my shoulders.”
      “Go,” Y/N patted his side. “I’ll still be here.”
      “Is that a threat?”
      She grinned up at him. “A fucking promise.”
      Harry dashed away like lightning, hoping that the quicker he was done, the sooner he could have Y/N back in his arms even if it was for a second, but her attention was taken by a woman with long blond curls, a flowing green slip on her figure; her steps unsure as was the wave she gave her, but Y/N’s heart melted at the sight of her.
      “Hey, Flo,” she whispered and brought the girl in a bone-crushing hug, holding onto her, trying to convey how much she regretted her words and actions, especially because they were unwarranted.
      “I’m so sorry,” Y/N said, and she nodded.
      “Me too.”
      Y/N shook her head. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
      “And I should’ve made sure Harry pulled his head out of his ass.”
      That made both of them laugh, and it was nice to do it not only without having to cough up her insides, but to do it with someone she’d connected with and had become great friends with.
      “He did that. I just hope if he wants to make another move, it won’t take me dying to push him to.”
      Florence pointed at her, a serious look on her face. “I’ll kill him with my bare hands if he does.”
      A small noise of someone clearing their throat from behind Y/N took both of their attentions for them to go onto the actress who’d been cast as her replacement, the woman coming forward and extending her hand for a handshake with a nervous smile. “Hi. I’m Mandy.”
      “ ‘S very nice to meet you.” Y/N tried to give off as open and accepting of a vibe as much as possible, because she genuinely wanted Mandy to feel respected and that she wasn’t a threat. “Before you think anything if you’re worried about me taking the role, don’t. It’s all yours, so don’t worry about that. I just stopped by ‘cause I hadn’t seen anyone in almost two months. Never thought I’d say this, but fuck did I missed people.”
      Mandy shook her head, her smile a lot lighter and brighter now. “I – uh thank you for that actually. I’m a huge fan of yours, and well, can only try and live up to what you would’ve portrayed.”
      “Well, I’m sure you’ll absolutely kill it, and I can’t wait for the movie.”
      It was great to see Mandy’s shoulders drop in relief. “Would it be too much if I asked for advice on the role?”
      “No,” Y/N laughed. “But I would say that you should make this role your own. It is yours. You are Larie now. And Harry’s Jack. Make it yours.”
      As she said that, she turned to watch Harry who was practically bouncing on his feet, green eyes flitting back to where she was standing, and when their gazes met, neither could help the smiles blooming on their faces.
       “You know he messed up a scene once and said your name?”    
      Y/N’s brows furrowed as she looked over at Mandy. “What do you mean ‘said my name’?”
      “It was a kissing scene. The wedding bit, actually. As Jack and Larie recited their vows, and he leans down to kiss her, he was supposed to say, ‘I’ll love you Larie, until the very end’. He said your name instead.”
      That hit Y/N more than a semi-truck wheeling a ton of bricks would. Yes, she knew Harry liked her, and he knew she liked him, but love was a big word, and for him to admit that, whether it was a flub or not, was even bigger.
      Harry was a private person. While he openly talked about what he felt, he guarded heart at the same time, much like Y/N did. But she had to wait until Olivia yelled cut for the day, and had to watch him make a mad dash for hair and make-up before running to the dressing trailer as he didn’t want to miss out on a second he could spend with her. Even as they walked up to their shared flat and he opened the door, his fingers stayed intertwined with hers.
      “How does it feel to be back?”
      “Kinda shitty, honestly,” Y/N laughed throwing the keys to the table and shrugging out of the jacket and taking off the cap, Harry immediately helping her and putting it on one of the racks. “I’ll have to move out, now that I’m not part of the movie.”
      “Why? ‘S not like the production is paying our rent, we’re doing it out of our own pocket.”
      “Yes, but now that I don’t have a job, I kinda need to look for one.”
      “And what says that you can’t live here while you do that?”
      “I –,” Y/N’s brows furrowed. “I mean nothing, really… I just… kinda thought because I’m not part of the movie anymore it’d be safer if I found my own place. But um… I think I have something else I’d like to talk about. Mandy,” Y/N dragged out her name a bit, a sly smirk appearing on her face, “told me you had a flub on set.”
      Harry’s heart was pounding underneath her palm where she’d grabbed onto the lapels of his dress shirt, so he couldn’t run away. 
“I’ve uh,” he let out a nervous laugh. “I’ve had a couple of flubs on set. Who hasn’t?”
      “I don’t doubt that. But she said you misspoke a name.”
      She made him look into her eyes and wouldn’t dare let their gaze break. “You said my name during the wedding scene. You said Y/N. Not Larie.”
      Harry looked like a cross between a deer in headlights and a fish out of the water, eyes wide with his mouth opening and closing, no sound coming out, which made Y/N worry a bit.
      She placed a palm against his cheek. “Harry? You alright?”
      “I – I meant it.” He let out a deep sigh and leaned down to press his forehead to hers. “And when I thought back on it, I don’t remember seeing her face or Larie’s face. It was yours. And the lips I was kissing belonged to you too. I was holding your hand, and you were holding mine. And I know it’s way too quick, for a wedding -”
      “Unless you threaten me with it –”
      “I –,” Harry stuttered before laughing, all tension evaporating from his body. “No, that I don’t want to be a threat. That will be a question asked with love and hopefully an answer given to it the same way.”
      Y/N nudged his nose with hers. “Well, we’ll see. I mean if you don’t kiss me what makes you th–,” 
      But she didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence before his lips were on hers, pressing with such gentleness, it made her weak at the knees, and she would’ve crumbled if Harry’s arms handn’t woven around her middle, fingers pressing into the sides, the pressure increasing with each second their mouths were connected. 
      Harry’s hand drifted up Y/N’s back and settled on her neck as if he could pull her any closer, her own palms slipping over his stomach, pecks and grabbing onto his jaw, fingers lightly scratching at the stubble that’d grown throughout the day. He had to shave every morning for the role of Jack, but each evening she’d see a small, darkened shadow across his skin, and Y/N would be lying that when she’d realised her attraction to him, she hadn’t thought about how delicious it would feel to have it leave small burn marks on the inside of her thighs. 
      Unconsciously, she clenched her thighs, trying to create some sort of friction which became more and more unbearable as she felt Harry moan into her mouth, tongue sweeping against her lower lip, asking for permission without words, which Y/N granted without a second to spare. 
      It was heavenly to have him so close to her. She did wonder if the sensation was intensified by the fact, she hadn’t been able to touch anyone properly for almost two months, but that thought vanished when his fingers skimmed underneath her hoodie, brushing against her heated skin. No. It was because it was Harry.
       “I –,” he was breathless as he pulled away, but Y/N didn’t let him get too far, her lips attaching themselves to his neck, making him groan in pleasure. “I don’t want to push this too far.”
      Her brows scrunched up, as she took a look at him. “What do you mean? If you think I don’t want this, then let me be perfectly clear – I do. A lot.”
      Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m so fucking glad you do, but… Y/N you just got out of the hospital, where you were on a ventilator. I don’t want to make anything worse.”
      “Not your choice to make.” A devious smile appeared on her face, as she stepped a few feet away and lifted her hoodie over her head, making Harry inhale sharply. “So here are your two options.” Her hands went behind her back, unclasping her bra and letting it slowly drop to the floor, the green eyes that hadn’t left her now wide as saucers. “Number one.” She toed off her boots and popped open the button of her jeans. “We can stop this, obviously, just say the word, and I get to my room, start packing and looking for a new place. We can have some dinner and just chill. Or number two.” Y/N hooked her jeans behind her thumbs and slowly dragged them down her legs, revealing more and more of herself to Harry. “We can go inside your room and make up for the lost time. In every position imaginable, for as long as you want. But.” Y/N’s eyes glimmered with mischief as she made her way to Harry’s room. “I don’t think you wanna take the first option.”
      Harry ran a hand through his hair, turning it from the meticulously gelled hairstyle into a mop of messy strands. “You know you’re making it really hard for me to be a gentleman.”
      Y/N swayed her hips a bit more as she took another step closer to his room, the door meeting her back, and one of her hands went to the doorknob, pressing down on it. “Well, a gentleman doesn’t kiss before the first date, and definitely not like that.”
      He stood there, hands on his hips, eyes not leaving her body, as she cocked her head. “So, what’s it gonna be?”
      They were ten torturous seconds for both, hearts beating out of their chests, but it only took three steps for Harry to cross the hallway, his hand sneaking behind Y/N’s back and pressing down on the doorknob as well, revealing the inside of his room. It was messy, much like her own, but it wouldn’t take too much to rip all off the tossed around bedding leaving a whole bed to themselves. 
      “You. Are. The. Devil.”
      Her smile was nothing short of wicked. “I mean you can listen to the angel on your shoulder.”
      “I’d rather listen to you.”
      Together they stepped inside, and Y/N nodded. “Making good choices already.”
      “Can’t get on your bad side, can I now?”
      “I mean you can.” Her legs hit the back of his bed and she fell down on it, Harry leaning over, resting his elbows next to her head. “But bad boys get punished.”
      His nose skimmed over hers. Now he was the one smiling like a devil. “I’ll hold you to your word. For future reference, that is.”
      That kiss was nothing like their first. This was messy, and passionate, all tongue and teeth, hands grabbing everywhere possible to get the other unclothed. Or at least that’s what Y/N was trying to do, seeing as she was pretty much naked already, and Harry was the one still wearing too much.
      Her hands pretty much ripped open the shirt. It one of his expensive Gucci ones, she was quite certain of it, but it didn’t seem like he cared, as he shrugged it off, throwing it to land somewhere on the floor.
      Y/N sighed into his mouth as her hands were now freely allowed to run over his chest, over the ink embedded into his skin, over taut muscles that relaxed under her touch, and dig into his sides in an attempt to leave her own marks on him, much like he was going to do to her. 
      “Think you can take your pants off? It’s only fair.” Y/N muttered into his mouth and his own travelled down to her cheek, then neck and to her chest.
      “You mean my trousers?”
      Her lips quirked up and she shrugged her shoulders. “No, in this case, I meant pants the British way.”
      “And if I’m going commando?”
      Y/N pressed her hand against his chest and pushed him away from her. “You had nothing underneath all day on set?”
      “No! I wouldn’t subject the dressing department to that. But underneath this.” He looked down at his jeans and smiled at her. “I do have nothing.”
      “Well then? Get on with it!”
      Both of them were giggling, as Y/N tried to unbuckle Harry’s belt, his own fingers mixing with hers as he went for the zipper and the button. He nudged his head towards her. “Your socks and pants come off as well. Or we’ll be unevenly matched.”
      Y/N lifted her eyebrow, as she went for her own remaining pieces of clothing. “No socks during sex?”
      “No, what kind of a weirdo do you think I am?”
      “And if my feet get cold?” She threw them away somewhere.
      “We have a blanket.”
      As Harry removed his jeans and his own socks, Y/N slipped off the dampened piece of clothing that’d been on her, now both of them completely naked. 
      “Alright.” He leaned over her again, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and pulling them chest to chest. “Happy now?”
      Y/N deeply kissed him. “Very. But I think we can make each other even happier.”
      “Agreed,” Harry hummed. “Wanna get a taste first.” He attached his lips to her collarbones sucking a bruise there. “Can I?”
      She groaned at the feeling, knowing there be a pleasant ache that accompanied mark. “You can. Don’t have to, if you don’t want. No need to do this for me.”
      “And if it’s for me?” Harry was moving lower and lower with each word, wet tongue flicking against a perked bud, and making Y/N gasp. “What if I wanna feel you cum on my tongue, and what if I wanna do something I’ve dreamed about for months now?”
      His hands were kneading her breasts, mouth having left a trail of kisses down the middle of her stomach as it was moving towards where an ache that’d been left untreated made itself more and more prominent. 
“Then please, please, please do something, Harry.”
      “With pleasure.”
      Luckily for Y/N, she didn’t have to beg any more, as his mouth attached itself to where she wanted him most, tongue sweeping past her lower lips and licking up a broad, steady stripe.
      One of her hands went to fist into her hair and the other into Harry’s. “Shit,” she moaned. “Fuck, that feels good.”
      “Guide me.” He licked a circle around her clit. “Tell me how you like it.”
      “Mhgm, fuck, okay,” Y/N breathed out. “I – I mean you’re doing great on your own.” Her chest was heaving as if she was running a marathon, and Harry shifted her legs so that they lay over his shoulders. “But umm, like if you lick around my clit, but like really press down li – oh, fuuuuck, just like that.”
      The coil in her stomach tightened with each pass he did, just like Y/N had instructed, small tight circles just how she did with her fingers, only what took her sometimes half an hour, Harry managed to do in less than ten minutes, to have her toes curling and hands grasping anywhere they could find purchase to just keep onto something real.
      The vibrations from Harry humming sent shivers straight to her core. “What else, lovie? What else, do you like?”
      “If – if –,” Y/N panted, “if you suck on it, but like – fuck – shit! If you kinda keep a seal around my clit, that fuck! Yes!”
      The way Harry was eating her out was almost sensational, but what made it even better wasn’t that he just decided to do something and assumed, she’d like it, he asked, he wanted to learn and discover what made her tick and turn, or in this case – cum. 
      “Harry, ‘m close,” Y/N warned him, feeling the warmth slowly start to spread all throughout her body. 
      “I’ll get you there.”
      He let his lips go for a moment before slipping two of his fingers so that they pinched her clit and moved them slowly but tightly up and down it, while his tongue went to slip inside her hole, and that did it for her.
      With a gasp of air, Y/N’s eyes rolled to be back of her head, hips lifting up as euphoria exploded through her veins. Her mind went completely dizzy, and she was quite sure some drool also dribbled down the side of her mouth because she’d lost all ability to function.
      “ -o me, love,” Y/N heard as if through a fog, and then felt two soothing palms running up and down her legs. “Come back, love. There you go.”
      A drunken smile bloomed on her face, and she ran a hand down it, the same hand that’d grabbed Harry’s hair like a vice. “Fuck. You’re good, you know what you’re doing.”
      “Well, I’m certainly glad you enjoyed yourself because I thoroughly enjoyed myself.”
      She watched as he straightened out to sit on his knees, her legs still over his shoulders, cock slapping against his stomach, and when she looked down there was a wet patch on his side of the sheets, a sly grin morphing on her face. “You liked eating me out so much you came yourself?”
      “What can I say – bringing pleasure, gives me pleasure. And your cunt’s probably the sweetest I’ve ever eaten. But… do you think you’re ready for me?” Harry asked, kissing the inside of Y/N’s thighs and watching as she vigorously nodded her head, but he just smirked. “I think I need to test it out. Just to make sure.”
       “Harry,” Y/N whined as she felt his fingers skim the apex of her thighs, teasing her. 
      “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
      With that, he used one of his hands to open up her lips, his thumb pressing down on her already sensitive clit, eliciting a gasp before he allowed two fingers to skim her entrance and then slipped in.
      “Still so tight,” he said, watching as Y/N sighed and her mouth fell open, his fingers curling in a come-hither motion. “Told you needed to check if you were ready. What kind of a gentleman would I be now, if I didn’t make sure you could take it?”
      Y/N gritted her teeth. “I can take you.”
      “Don’t doubt it.” Harry left kisses along her leg, as he continued on with his movements, noting how her hips slowly started to grind down on his palm, so he pushed his fingers in deeper so that the heel of his hand could rest against her clit, making the pleasure intensify. “But I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you when all I wanna do is give you pleasure. And you weren’t stretched out enough. Not yet at least.”
      “Oh, god, Harry,” Y/N groaned, one arm thrown over her eyes as his fingers hit just the right spot.
      “That’s it? Right there?”
      “Yes, right there,” she moaned. “Just. Fuck! Just don’t stop, please, don’t stop.”
      “Gonna cum again?”
      “Yes, just – just curl your fingers and twist them a bit more.”
      And much like the first time, a couple more times was all it took. Her orgasm was even more powerful than the previous and fully knocked her breath out of her lungs. Her legs fell open around his shoulders, stomach and chest spasming from the intensity. 
      Gentle fingers skimmed up and down Y/N’s arms and featherlight kisses fluttered over her breasts, then chest, neck and finally were peppered across her cheeks.
      “Kinda spaced out on me there. You alright? Not too much?”
      “ ’M – I’m good. But I’m pretty sure you’ve killed me.”
      Harry chuckled, and Y/N leaned her head to the side so she could press a kiss against the closest of the swallow tattoos. “Hopefully not. I still wanna take you out on that date.”
      Her eyes landed on Harry’s left hand’s ring finger, where a golden band still laid. 
      “Oh, yeah.” He lifted the digits, still covered in her cum before pushing them past his lips and licking them clean. “Forgot to remove it. Hope the prop guys don’t kill me.”
      She hated how his eyes sparkled, absolutely knowing what that sight did to her, how it made her stomach flutter and heart thunder against her ribs. Y/N was sure with the force it was pounding, they’d crack. 
      “Well, if they don’t, I will.” She pulled him down, nails raking on his skin, dragging to rest on his ass as they bit into it. “Now get inside me.”
      “No, ‘m on the pill.”
      “I’m clean, I swear, but it’s still not a hundred per cent safe.”
      Y/N shook her head. “I’ll buy the morning-after pill. Just need you inside.”
      “You sure?” Harry placed a strand of hair behind her ear. 
      “Yeah. I mean I’m clean, and uh… I just wanna feel you.”
      He’d cum once already, and Harry would be dammed if he did it again before having the chance to know how heaven feels like. As gently as possible, he took himself, giving a few strokes before nudging the tip against Y/N’s clit, her sharp inhale stalling him until she nodded. 
      Her nails dug into his biceps, as he finally slipped inside her, making both of them moan at the feeling. Even with all of the stretching out he’d done with his fingers, and the two orgasms he’d drawn from her, the slickness helping everything to be easy and smooth, Y/N still felt a little sting.
      Harry’s head dropped to Y/N’s shoulders and even from under him, she could feel his thighs and stomach shaking, as he tried to hold his composure and give her a little bit of time to adjust.
      A couple of deep breaths later, she tapped his ribs. “You can move now.”
      “ ‘ya sure?”
      “Mhm,” Y/N nodded her head and pecked his lips reassuringly. “Please.”
      His dishevelled and sweaty hair shook as he nodded and slowly drew back his hips so that just the tip of his cock remained in her before gliding back inside. The sight alone was more than enough to make both of them explode, but they wanted to last longer than thirty seconds, especially for their first time together. There’d be quickies for later, now they wanted to have a proper shag.
      Bit by bit, Harry’s pace quickened, pearls of sweat gliding down his skin and dampening the sheets below them, much like it was with Y/N. Her leg slid up to rest around his hips, giving him a better angle and more leverage for him to strike the right spot, as he pushed her knee to rest against her chest, Y/N’s head falling back to the pillow.
      Her insides were shaking from the pleasure, and it was like an invisible force was pushing down on her chest, as she struggled for a proper breath. “Harry,” she dragged out his name, the word turning into a high-pitched whine.
      “I know,” he responded in the same breathless voice. He could feel her tighten around him and wasn’t sure just how much longer he’d be able to keep up the pace. “Touch yourself ‘f me, lovie. C’mon, use those fingers.”
      Y/N did as she was told. It didn’t give her that butterfly feeling like it’d happened when they’d been Harry’s, but it did make her cum faster, and the sensation of her gushing around his cock made him lose all self-control and he spilled inside.
      It wasn’t enough for Y/N, but she guessed she needed to settle for it. She knew that nothing really ever touched in the universe, that the closest atoms ever come to touching one another is when their wave packets overlap, much like she and Harry were now overlapping, his body lying on top of hers, skin sweaty and frame trembling as he came down from his own high.
      “I uh,” Y/N cleared her throat, finger tracing the outline of one of the butterfly in the middle of Harry’s chest. “When the people came to get my stuff, I umm, asked them to take your rainbow cardigan. Wanted something that smelled like you, so I didn’t feel so alone. Was the first thing I put on when I got out of my hospital gown.”
      She felt his body rumble with laughter and a kiss being pressed to her forehead. “I know. Saw Anna stash it inside the suitcase. I uh, I was the one who also put in one of my sweaters. Know how cold you always get.”
      She hid her smile against his collarbones. “Thank you. For thinking of me.”
      “ 'M always thinking of you… Will you knit me one though?”
      Y/N raised her eyebrow. “Knit you one?”
      “Yes. I know you knit –“
      “Everyone knits nowadays.”
      Harry drew himself back a bit, and she pushed away the matted down strands from his forehead, wiping away the sweat from underneath his green eyes as well. “Yes, but the point is – there’ll be a million other Gucci shirts and sweaters and cardigans. But I’d like to have one-of-a-kind made by you. So, I have something to sleep next to when you’re not next to me.”
      Y/N ran a finger along his jawline, biting away her grin. “It’ll probably have mistakes. I’m not that good at it. ‘M not a professional.”
      “Exactly.” Harry tilted her head up with a finger and their eyes met. “Which is why it’ll be perfect.”
      “The arms will most likely be different lengths in the end.”
      “Don’t worry, darling.” He pecked her lips before hugging her and not letting go. “It’s flawless for me.”
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Harry Styles tags: @sarcasticallywitty15​ @breezykpop​ @girlboss99​ @harrystylesdoesntknowiexist​ @alliyjane​ @sirtommyholland​
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​ @breezy1415​ @crazy--me​ @thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog​ @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
A/N: My tags are always open :)
P.S. please don’t repost my work without specific written permission onto other platforms :)
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
The Miracle Question-Bucky Barnes x Reader
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(GIF credit to @sebastianruinedme​)
Summary: When Bucky doesn’t tell (Y/N) that he missed his appointment, nearly getting into trouble with the government, she becomes furious and upset with him. She demands to have a session with him, wondering if their relationship is as stable as they thought it was, and if it’s actually making Bucky worse. To add to her anger, the new ‘Captain America’ decides to step in.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Sam Wilson x Reader (platonic), John Walker x Reader (acquaintances), Lemar Hoskins x Reader (acquaintances)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Mentions of therapy, arguing, slight violence, fluff
Why would he do something like this and not tell me? He was doing so well with his appointments, and although I knew he wasn't enjoying them, at least he was going so he could get them over and done with. We hardly spoke of them, he was never the one to bring up the topic, it was always me; I just wanted to know how he was doing, I cared for him so much, and it was hurting me to think he wasn't able to open up.
"Sam." I got his attention as I briskly walked into the police station.
"Hey," he could see I was upset, immediately using a calmer tone,"he's alright. His therapist is here, she's got everything sorted."
"But why did it take me watching a video on twitter of my boyfriend being arrested to know about this?"
No one had called. Surely I was one of his emergency contacts? And if I (bizarrely) wasn't, why hadn't Sam called me?
Sam sighed."He didn't want you to know. He missed an appointment he had to go to and-"
"Didn't want me to know?!" I raised my voice, not caring if I grabbed the attention of anyone around us.
Sam held up his hands, trying to quieten me."Look, I'm not getting involved with your personal matters. That's up to you two. Just keep your voice down, we are in a police station."
I scoffed in disbelief."Why didn't he want me to know? He knew I would be angry, but I would never argue about it with him, or make him feel bad about it. I would support him."
"I know you wouldn't, and so does he. Bucky is still getting used to opening up, even with you. He just doesn't want to hurt you."
“Sam,” an older woman interrupted us,“I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Doctor Raynor, I’m James’ therapist.”
They shook hands.“It’s so nice to meet you.”
Raynor put her attention on me, also shaking my hand.“You must be (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the girlfriend. I’ve also heard a lot about you.”
“You have? Oh, didn’t think he would talk about me that much.”
“Thank you for getting him out.” Sam quickly interjected. 
“Oh, that was not me.”
“Christina!” another voice called out.
We all turned to see who called, and I almost rolled my eyes when I saw who it was. John Walker, the new ‘Captain America’, was headed our way, almost swaggering. People immediately wanted pictures which he agreed to, and although I know Steve might have done the same in some cases, it wouldn’t be a priority for him, nor would he look like was was enjoying it. Although I didn’t want to judge others before knowing them, America had given the title to some random man, forgetting that Steve was not only a hero, but a friend and family to people like us. 
“It’s great to see you again.” Walker said as he shook someone’s hand.
“You gotta be kidding me, you know him?” Sam mumbled.
“Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day.”
“Heard you were working with Bucky so I thought I would step in.” he said as he approached.“Bucky’s not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer.”
“We haven’t finished our work. Who’s authorised this?”
“Um...” he smiled as he gestured to himself.
Who was he to come in here and change everything? Bucky was doing well in his therapy sessions...or at least I assumed he was, we never spoke about it. And I hated the way he called him ‘Bucky’; only close ones were allowed to call him that. 
A loud buzzer sounded throughout the station, and I whipped my head around, relieved to see Bucky walking out with two police officers. I no longer listened to Walker, running towards my boyfriend. He easily caught me as I threw my arms around him, not caring that the policemen escorting him out were watching.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, seeming both worried and annoyed.
“Bucky, you got arrested! I had to come see you, make sure you’re OK. Why didn’t you get someone to call me? Also, why did you miss your session anyway?”
“It’s a long story. And it’s not worth telling.”
“What are you talking about?”
Bucky’s eye line was now on Walker as he shouted over his shoulder,“I’ll be outside.”
Before I could say anything else, Dr. Raynor spoke,“James, condition of your release, session now. You too, Sam and (Y/N).”
“That’s OK. I’ll be out here with-”
She interrupted Sam.“That wasn’t a request.”
Bucky was silent as he slid away, reluctantly following the doctor. I tried holding his hand, but he was making it difficult to even grab it in the first place. My heart sank at the thought of Bucky not wanting me there, not even wanting to be comforted. When these sessions first began, he would come home and want to be held, be comforted; sometimes he asked if he could hold me, just to ensure that I was there with him, that I could feel safe in his arms. That was happening less and less now, it scared me to think he didn’t want this relationship anymore. 
We were sat in an interrogation room, Dr Raynor on one side and two chairs on the other. She told Bucky and I to sit first, and that she would deal with Sam later. Nerves suddenly washed over me, petrified of what sort of answers Bucky was going to give.
“OK, so we can all sense a lot of tension in this room. And although I’m going in a slightly unprofessional route, I feel that we all need to do this to ensure you are all OK, that is my job after all. So, who wants to go first?”
She looked between me and Bucky. Part of me wanted to get the confrontation out of the way, perhaps that would make things go quicker and we would get out of here sooner. But my fear held me back. 
“No volunteers? Wow, that’s surprising. Okay. We’re going to do any exercise. It’s something I use with couples when they are trying to figure out what sort of life they wanna build together. Are you familiar with the miracle question?”
I nodded.“Yes.”
“No.” Bucky answered at the same time. 
“OK, it goes like this. Suppose that while you’re sleeping, a miracle occurs. When you wake up, what is something that you would like to see that would make your life better?”
Shit, that was deep. There’s a million things I could think of that I wanted with Bucky. We used to talk about it all the time. He wanted security in knowing that I wanted a life with him, and I wanted the same, hoping that one day it would happen. Glancing at him, Bucky was slouched in the chair, staring at his hands folded together on his lap. It didn’t look like he was going to be saying anything soon, so I took the first step.
“Um...” I started, unsure how to word this.“I would want to take away any suffering Bucky has gone through, so that he could have a somewhat normal life, and didn’t have to force himself through things like this. No offence doctor. That way he wouldn’t have to feel pressured into opening up and he would tell me anything that was on his mind.”
“That’s a good start.” Raynor slowly said.“And it’s a very sweet sentiment, but it’s what you want, (Y/N).”
“That is what I want. All I want is for Bucky to be happy, I love him.”
“Again, very sweet, I know you care about him very much. But let’s try looking at it a different way. You want your miracle to be that James opens up more. That he lets you into the side of his life you don’t get to see in person.”
“I...I guess.”
“You feel left out of the equation, because James won’t express how he’s feeling?”
“Yeah, when you put it like that, that’s what I want. I want my boyfriend to be able to feel like he can tell me anything, no matter how gruesome, traumatic or even little it is.”
“Right. Glad we got there in the end. OK James, your turn.”
I watched in anticipation for Bucky to speak. What if I had messed things up? What if that was the opposite of what he wanted? 
“My miracle would be...not having you involved in that side of things.”
He didn’t even look at me as he spoke. He also didn’t look phased by his answer. So his miracle would be to not have me know about a huge part of his life? He was a hero for god’s sake! Why was he shutting me out? What had I done to deserve this? Had I hurt him in some way that made him feel that he couldn’t talk to me anymore?
“What? Bucky, have I done something to upset you?”
“I just think it would be easier for both of us.”
“You know I’m always here for you, right? We’ve spoke about this before, I don’t understand why you’re only expressing this now.”
Raynor tried to get us back on track.“Alright you two, I think we need to dissect this-”
“I’m sorry doctor but I would like Bucky to elaborate more on this matter, because I’m not fully understanding.”
“What’s not to understand?” he finally looked at me, but I hated this expression. It was as if I had asked the stupidest question in the world.
“Bucky, why are you being like this? You used to tell me about everything, what’s changed?”
He didn’t answer. I just scoffed, hastily grabbing my handbag and coat.
“(Y/N), please sit down.” Raynor asked. 
“I can’t. I can’t sit here and wait for an explanation that I’m not going to get. Just focus on the two heroes, I’ll find out about all of this never.”
I rushed out of the room, breathing heavily as I tried not to cry, but my eyes were already watering. Ignoring looks from people in the waiting room, I couldn’t stop myself from starting to cry. Although I had every reason to be upset that my boyfriend wasn’t communicating with me anymore, I also felt slightly guilty for just storming out of there. Maybe we would have resolved it. 
“Miss, you OK?” 
Oh, I did not want to deal with Walker right now. He would only piss me off.
“Do you need help? We can provide assistance if you need it.”
Although I had wanted to walk away, I knew I should have, my feet were already leading me towards him. I was embarrassed that I was still crying, but I tried to block that from my mind by now. He was leaning against a police car with his friend, who’s name I hadn’t bothered learning.
“You don’t look so good, shall we get a cop to drive you home?”
“Who do you think you are?!” I snapped.
“Well, I’m Captain America-”
“No, you’re someone who thinks they’re anything close to what Steve was. He didn’t go around introducing himself as Captain America, He didn’t care about the title. I understand you’re under a lot of pressure Walker, Steve has a huge legacy to live up to. But don’t you dare come waltzing in expecting those two amazing men to immediately work alongside you like nothing has changed.”
“You got all of that out of your system?”
My eyes widened at him.“Are you serious right now?”
“Look,” his friend butted in,“we just don’t think it’s a good idea for you to get mixed up in this. We’re dealing with something major here, it could effect the whole world.”
“Sorry, but who are you?”
He rolled his eyes.“Come on man, how many times? It’s Battlestar.”
My face remained emotionless.
“Lemar Hoskins? You know, the new Captain America with his-”
“I don’t think she cares.” Walker explained. 
“You think I don’t know anything about trying to save the world? My friends are part of the Avengers, my boyfriend fought against Thanos. He disappeared in the Blip and I was left by myself wondering if he would ever come back. I’ve been targeted, I’ve seen aliens close up. Nothing could effect me now.”
“Well, I’m sorry you’ve had to endure that.”
“Do you two just not listen to anyone but yourselves?”
“(Y/N), listen,” Walker dared to put his hand on my shoulder,“you’re a normal citizen like us. No super powers, no hidden strength, yet here you are with a super soldier that’s over a hundred years old! I mean, do the maths here, you could have walked away from all this danger. And yet, here you are, by yourself at a police station, whilst your boyfriend cares more about his ‘job’ than making sure you’re safe.”
That was it, the last straw. I slapped his hand off of me, preparing to punch him square in the face, when someone pulled me back.
“No (Y/N)!” Sam raised his voice as he made sure to distance me away from Walker. He quickly stood in between us. 
“What did you do, Walker!?” Bucky quickly stormed over.“Did you touch her?!”
Sam was desperately trying to diffuse the situation, knowing that people could be watching.“Bucky, calm down.”
“Did he do anything to you?” Bucky asked me quietly, his hands cupping my face as he looked over me.
My heart raced at the gesture, forgetting for a second that I was upset with him. I shook my head with his hands still on me, and they slid down my arms, one wrapping around my waist to keep me close to him. 
“I didn’t touch her Bucky, I was just trying to....you know what, it’s not even important. Can we talk, privately?”
“(Y/N) is staying.”
Walker sighed.“Look, if we divide ourselves, we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that.”
“So what do you got?” Sam said.
“Well the leader’s name’s Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians who’ve been helping Karli move from place to place.”
Lemar spoke up.“They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe.” 
“We think she’s taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps.” Walker added.
“Well, there are a lot of those all over the planet since the Blip.” Bucky pointed out.
“Hundreds probably.” I said. 
“So I guess you’ll have to look real hard.”
Walker smirked.“Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?”
“Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?”
“No, we don’t know, Bucky.” Walker was agitated.“It’s only a matter of time before we find out.”
Bucky had to push his buttons even more.“Things are really intense for you, aren’t they, Walker?”
Sam came to stand between us and Walker.“Take it easy. Look, Walker’s right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them. But you guys have rules of engagement and all kind of authorization you have to get. We’re free agents. We’re more flexible. So it wouldn’t make sense for us to work with you.”
Sam and Bucky turned away, Bucky guiding me with him. Walker called after us.
“A word of advice, then. Stay the hell out of my way.”
I instantly became defensive.“What the hell is that supposed to mean-”
“It’s OK.” Bucky reassured me, making sure I didn’t go back. Frustrated that Walker got the last word, I hesitantly followed my boyfriend. 
“Hold up,” Sam stopped us,“I think you two need a quick chat before we delve into anything else. You both know that this is something big, we don’t know what we’re fully dealing with yet or how to fix it. Before we do all of that, you two better resolve whatever happened back there. I’ll be waiting Buck.”
We both watched Sam walk away, unsure how to start this conversation. He clearly showed that he still cared for me back there, but should I still be worried that our relationship was headed in a rocky direction?
“You OK?”
“Honestly? No, not really.”
“Do you realise how much you hurt me back there? I don’t want you to feel like you can’t speak to me anymore. And about me not being involved; what do you think the last years have been like? I know everything, you’ve expressed so much to me, opened up about your past. Why has that suddenly changed?”
“Because we have a chance now. The world is...relatively back to normal. I got an opportunity to make sure you’re safer, keep all of these nightmares away from you, not pass on my torture to you.”
“Bucky...what have the past years been for? Nothing needs to change. Just because things are getting back to how they used to be, it doesn’t mean we need to forget about the past. If I don’t know what’s going on with you, how can I look after you? How can I help you?”
“You shouldn’t have to do this-”
“I already made that decision when I knew I wanted to be with you. But we can’t revert back to how it was Bucky, not after all the work and effort we put in.”
“I’m sorry. I really thought I could make everything better.”
I sighed, reaching out to hold his hand.“They already were. I know whatever you’ve got yourself into is big, but I’m here for you Bucky, I always will be.”
“I’m sorry again, I’ll make sure I keep opening up to you. That’s the least you deserve.” 
I went on my tip toes to kiss him, still worried despite everything he had said. Bucky was still fragile, but now he was on another mission. I wasn’t sure if it was the best thing for him, something for him to focus on. Or it could send him in a spiral, and I wouldn’t know anything about it. I had to stay close to this mission, even if it meant I was in danger. Though what would change there? I had to keep an eye on him, I had to make sure he was OK. I loved him too much to let him slip back into the dark.
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parkers-gal · 3 years
Heyy. Could you repost the fic where reader announces She s pregnant but gets scared that Peter will reject her so she breaks up with him? (I had requested part 2 of the 2 parts if I'm not wrong.) You don't have to ofc! Love you 💙💙
yep, i’ll post part two too!
warnings: lol pregnancy, slight angst, cursing (characters are all 18+)
wc: 2k
There was a fine line between a lot of things, but being pregnant and not being pregnant was not one of those things. In hindsight, maybe Midtown should have told the students which condom brands were least effective, or maybe even May or Pepper. And just by luck, Y/N happened to have skipped her birth control pills for two days in a row, the two days she spent entirely with Peter. And now, though she didn't know it was inevitable, she was facing consequences she thought would come much later in life, if at all. 
What would her parents say? How would Peter even react? Would she keep it? Would Peter support her either way? 
She didn't want to find out the answers to any of the questions flying through her mind. In all honesty, she didn't want to ask the questions at all. Instead, she sat on the bathroom floor, leaning against the cabinets as she let tears slip in realization that this was going to change her life forever. 
Wiping off a few last stray tears, she tucked the test into the back of the cabinet before getting up and leaving the bathroom, grabbing her purse and making her way to the front door.
"Y/N, honey? Are you alright?" Her mother asked right before she left. "You were in there an awful long time, hun."
"'m fine, mom, just thinking. I'll be back, probably gonna get more of my stuff."
Y/N was just in the middle of moving out and into her own apartment. She was corning her last year of college, and she figured it was best to slowly transition into her own life as an independent adult. As of right now, her apprenticeship wasn't the best she could get, so she was only moving into the Avengers tower with the rest of the team until she got the promotion her mentor promised her. Despite being an avenger, she didn't actually work for Tony or Bruce, and she didn't depend on them as much as Peter did. She was still close with all of them, though. 
Walking through the double doors, she gave a small nod and smile to George, the man who stood on guard at the entrance of the tower. Making her way to the elevators, she pressed the button and debated on what she was going to say to Peter. 
The living quarters of the tower were two main floors, but the central living center had the kitchen, so most Avengers stayed there until "curfew," as Tony had called it. 
Making her way through the halls, she passed the kitchen, where Bucky, Sam, Steve, Wanda, and Natasha were located, talking and drinking what must've been one of Steve's old fashioned drinks. 
"Hey, Y/N," they greeted her individually. In response, she only nodded, trying to get to Peter as fast as possible. Furrowed brows and wide eyes they were, shocked at how closed off she was being. It was only when she left the room that Wanda gasped, staring at the spot Y/N had just been on. 
"What?" Nat said quickly, urgently. "What is it? What's wrong?"
Back in Peter's room, Y/N had just knocked, Peter granting her access and she stepped inside, clutching her purse close to her as her breathing quickened and her pulse increased. 
"Hey, babe," Peter said, his back to her as he fiddled with something on the bookshelf. 
"P- .. Peter, we need to talk." 
At this, he spun around, glancing in her eyes to try and decipher what she was thinking and what she was about to say. What came next was not what he expected. 
"We need to break up."
"W-what? Why? I though- I thought w-"
"We just need to break up- I'm breaking up with you," she rushed out. 
"Baby, come on, let's talk about this. Tell me why. Did I do something? Did something happen? I can make it better, I can change- make things right, c'mon don't just-"
"Peter I'm breaking up with you," she said, her voice cracking as she finally allowed the tears to flood her eyes. Peter was full on crying as she turned around and left his room. Thirty seconds passed before he went sprinting out of the room after her. 
Wanda and Natasha had called just about every Avenger into the compound's kitchen, and just in time to see Y/N leaving with tearful eyes and Peter chasing after her. 
Wanda hadn't explained to anyone what she had read in Y/N's mind. Though they knew something was up, they weren't prepared to witness the action of the words (or thoughts). 
"Y/N," Peter breathed out. "Y/N!" he said again, gripping her wrist to spin her around. "Why? Why the fuck would you just drop that? What happened to us?"
"Don't make this harder than it has to be, Parker." 
"I'm not! I just want to know why the girl I'm in love with is leaving me so sudden! Don't you think I at least deserve to know why?"
A few more tears fell down her face before she exhaled. "I wish.. I wish I could tell you, Peter."
"Well why don't you?!"
"I- I can't."
"Did you stop loving me? Was that it? Did I do something?"
"I didn't stop loving you. I could never stop loving you-"
"Then why are you giving up on us?!" Peter exclaimed with defeat, both of his hands pulling at his hair before covering his face as he started crying again. 
Y/N stepped forward, hesitantly about to reach out to console him before deciding against it and leaving altogether. 
When she was gone, Wanda breathed loudly, Natasha doing the same. 
"Peter.." Nat said, walking towards him slowly. "Are you... alright-?"
"She just- did it!" Peter whined out, abruptly cutting her off. Natasha rushed forward to catch him and he gripped her tight as he cried out to whichever god cursed him.
"We need to talk," Wanda whispered to Nat, before filing out and leaving the two alone. 
"What the fuck was that about?" Sam exclaimed in the training room. The Avengers had resorted to the gym for some privacy, knowing neither Y/N nor Peter would come willingly unless they had scheduled training, which neither did. 
"Seriously, though," Bucky replied. "They were doing so well, things were going so great-"
"Okay everyone just sit down!" Wanda exclaimed, pacing back and forth as Natasha stood next to her, rubbing her forehead in thought. 
"Do you know why?" Steve asked after a moment. 
When Wanda didn't vocalize her response, merely making guilty eye contact, the Avengers knew. 
"Of course you know," Bruce said. 
"Okay, what's this about?" Tony said, coming through the doors, a few minutes late. 
"Y/N just broke up with Peter," Loki stated blandly.
"What the fuck?"
"I know, right?" Steve said, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and sympathy for the pair. 
"And.." Tony glanced back and forth between Nat and Wanda and the rest of the crew. "Wanda knows?"
"Mhmm," Nat hummed. 
"Well, wouldn-"
"Y/N is pregnant," Wanda blurted out. 
The silence that overcame the group was deafening. Pure shock and surprise were overwhelming emotions as the heroes struggled to wrap their minds around the realization, the truth. 
"Holy fuck," Sam whispered. 
"That's why.. she broke up with Pete?" Bucky said. 
"Mhmm," Wanda hummed back quickly. "I could feel the anxiety she had. I think she let it get the best of her. She was still in shock, still panicking. I don't think she's known for long." 
"We have to do-"
"No, we don't do anything. Nobody says a thing, nobody does a thing," Natasha informed strictly. "I swear to fuck if any of you do something I will come for you myself. Let Wanda and me handle this. You all don't know the start about female anatomy." 
"Yes, ma'am," Bucky replied, the others nodding in agreement. 
About a week later, Y/N was walking into the training room. She saw Steve, Natasha, Peter, Tony, and Bucky standing around talking about something, and as much as she wanted to avoid him, she also knew that she had to attend training. 
"Hey, Y/N/N," Tony greeted. "I'm making some schedule changes."
"Okay.." she said after a moment, putting her bag on the bench as she glanced at his clipboard before making eye contact again. 
"Pete, you're in for four days a week, each a two hour session. You'll spar with Steve for two sessions, five mile runs with Nat, power training with Bucky and Sam, you know the drill."
"Y/N," he started, flipping a page. "I'm.. cutting your sessions to thirty minutes each. Only twice a week."
"What the fuck, why, Tony?" She asked.
"Yeah, that seems unreasonable and unfair. She gets less time and I get more?" Peter joined. 
"Well, I just want to be cautious with the baby on the way and all that," Tony said nonchalantly.
Time seemed to freeze as the group went dead silent, all except for Peter. 
"Baby? What baby? What the fuck are you talking about?" he asked, glancing between Tony and Y/N. "Y/N? Ar- are you- are you pregnant?" 
She closed her eyes and exhaled, her hands clammy and sweaty as they were balled into fists.
"Is that why you broke up with me?" he said, his voice dropping to a whisper as the realization hit him. "You thought you'd leave me before I had the chance to do that do you?"
"I can't do this right now," Y/N breathed, rushing out of the room. Peter ran after her, and Natasha punched Tony in the arm once they had left. 
"Y/N, Y/N!" Peter exclaimed, catching up to her and spinning her around. "Is it true?"
She closed her eyes before nodding again. When she opened her lids, her eyes were glossy and red, "Yeah." 
"Were you ever going to tell me?" he whispered, voice cracking. 
"I don't- I don't know, Peter! I was so afraid you were going to break up with me or leave me or that you were going to hate me if I didn't keep it or that my parents would disown me or some shit like that! I just did it first to avoid it all."
"Avoid it all?" Peter repeated. "I love you, Y/N," he stated, grabbing both of her hands. "A baby isn't going to change that, whether you keep it or you don't. It's your body, so it's your choice," he said, and her head rolled in disbelief as she sighed. "I love you," he stated again, tightening his grip on her hands. "And you're carrying my baby. Did you ever think I'd be happy?"
"Peter we're so young, basically fresh out of high school-" 
"I know it's unplanned, Y/N, and that makes it so scary. But I would never abandon you like that."
"I really love you, Peter," Y/N huffed out, her tears beginning to free fall now. 
"I know baby," Peter said while pulling her into his chest and embracing her for the first time in a week. 
After a few moments, Y/N's breathing evened out and Peter spoke up. "Are... are you going to keep it?" he whispered, kissing the top of her head. 
Her throat was sticky from crying, and after a few seconds, she answered. "I am." 
Peter held her at arm's length to look at her, really look at her, and he kneeled down and kissed her stomach, voicing his excitement and feelings. 
The Avengers, who were watching from the doorway of the training room, smiled in relief, a few of them wiping stray tears and rubbing their eyes to regain their composure. 
"God they're growing up," Tony whispered. 
"Not just yet," Pepper fired back, glancing at the pair before grinning herself, thankful they were in this together. 
(part two is out)
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stylesberries · 4 years
Rainbow Cardigan
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Summary: Harry loses his favorite cardigan. You learn how to knit. (Based on the JW Anderson cardigan knitting trend.)
Genre(s): fluff, a sexual innuendo
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning(s): mentions of sexual intercourse.
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Harry’s sense of style is one of the main things that make people around automatically drowns to him. High waisted flares, custom Gucci suits and newsboy caps - Harry in a nutshell.
His style is so distinctive, that even if his face and tattoos were covered, people around would still recognize him just by looking at his outfit.
You, of course, are one of the many fans of Harry’s style. Being his girlfriend had its benefits. Getting to steal his clothes was, obviously, on top of the list.
“Sweetheart!” Harry calls out for you from the bedroom.
You got up from your place in the living room, following your boyfriend’s voice. You knew that if he just wanted to tell you something, he would’ve texted. He clearly needs you to come up to him, so that’s exactly what you do.
Going up the stairs, you kept thinking about who could be the killer in the new detective series episode you’ve been watching.
When you reached your bedroom, your eyes trailed right to your worrying boyfriend, who was walking in circles around the room with his brows furrowed and in deep thought.
“Love, is everything okay? You seem upset.” You gently started.
He really looked frustrated, and you had no idea what was the reason behind it. He would always take every hardship light-heartedly, knowing that everything can be solved and everything can be fixed, and if that’s not the case, he would say, “Well, that’s what life’s about, isn’t it? It can’t always be easy. That’s the beauty of it.” Your mind started walking in circles just like your distraught boyfriend, thinking about anything that could’ve caused him to react this way.
“Y/N, I think I lost m’rainbow cardigan.”
Then it hit you. He really loved that cardigan. It wasn’t just adorable, warm and cozy. He wore it for your first date, and being someone who imbues everything with meaning and gets emotionally attached to things, his reaction wasn’t surprising to you.
“My dear, I’m sure we will find it. Come on. I’ll help you lo-”He cut you off full of sadness and frustration.
“I’ve already looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I’ve looked in every room, on every shelf. I looked under every couch, just in case. I even checked the stove. Like, come on, it could never be there, but I still looked! I don’t know what t’do. I always take it along wherever I go. If I am here and it’s not - I lost it. I fucking lost it. Y/N, what do I do? Where else could I look?” He was full-on bawling now. You couldn’t help but cut the distance separating you short and hug him.
“Don’t worry, Har. We will find it. I know how much it means to you. We’ll find it.” You kept repeating it. Although, your voice was muffled by his hair, he caught every word leaving your mouth.
“I cannot lose it. I can’t. What if it’s lost forever? How could I let it out of my sight?” The sight of him so genuinely saddened by the situation made you let out a sigh. You were full of compassion and understanding, trying to remember the last time you saw the poor cardigan. Failing to do so, you turned to your crushed boyfriend and tried to get information out of him.
“When did you last see it, baby? Do you remember?” You carefully asked, trying your best not to push him even more. Judging by his appearance, you knew that he could easily beat himself up for losing the cardigan to a point of having an anxiety attack, and that was the last thing you wanted right now.
You watched him slowly breathe air in and out, trying to slow his heart rate down.
“I haven’t seen it for over a week. The last time I’ve seen it was at the studio, I think. I put it on t’go there. It was cold that day.” He explained.
You remembered exactly what day he was talking about. He went to the studio early and you missed him a lot, so when he came back home you jumped on him, which later on led to a heated make out session. The thing was that you didn’t remember taking the cardigan off of him that day.
“Har.” You tried to be as gentle as you possibly could, but you knew that there wasn’t anything that could make him feel better about losing something so dear to him.
“Yeah?” He took a step back and looked at your saddened face.
“I’m afraid you came home without the cardigan.”
After having your crying-your-eyes-out-because-of-a-piece-of-clothing session, you were determined to find the cardigan. Knowing that Harry just went to the studio and back that day, you did the same. Harry asked everyone working at the studio if they’ve seen the cardigan, and with every new person your hope withered more and more. As you asked more people and tried to track the cardigan down, you realized that it was probably lost on a bench he sat on by the studio, to drink his morning coffee. That meant that you’ll never see it again. Understanding the hopelessness of the situation, Harry gave up looking.
Seeing your Harry walking around the house completely destroyed by the situation, you couldn’t help, but think about a way to make him feel better.
He would skip his morning runs to sulk in the bed, cuddled up in the blankets with his feet tangled with yours. Harry was never one to skip any part of his daily routine, so you understood how attached he was to the lost cardigan.
One night, after you both finished your dinner and went to watch some rom-com in the living room, your grandmother called. You apologized to Harry and answered the call.
As you gave her an update on your life these days, Harry cuddled closed into your side and let his eyes close.
Your grandmother asked you about everything, starting from what you had for breakfast to how your university project was going.
In couple of minutes Harry started lightly snoring into your ear. Next thing you know she’s telling you about the new blanket that she knitted.
Then an idea came to your mind. You’ll knit him a new cardigan.
Next day was spent shopping for yarn and needles and watching knitting tutorials. The fact that Harry was out in the studio made it even easier for you to bring your ideas to life.
In the beginning you found it a little hard, but with a little motivation you knitted a couple of colorful squares, just like the ones in Harry’s precious cardigan.
The image of the cardigan mostly came from your head, but whenever you needed a reference you could type “Harry Styles Rainbow Cardigan” into Google and freshen the memories.
It took you some time to get the cardigan together, knitting every little square with the other, making sure everything is as neat as possible.
You felt bad for lying to your sweetheart, but you had to admit - it was fun running around hiding your surprise from him.
When the cardigan was ready, you took a look at your creation.
Although, it wasn’t the same as the one you both had so many memories with, it was made with love, coming straight from your heart.
You finished the last touches at about 7 o’clock, and Harry was supposed to come home a bit later today due to a meeting with the management. You waited for him until late evening and found a box to put your little creation into.
After folding the wrapping paper around the box and tying a bow from the ends of the yellow ribbon, that was now wrapped around the sides of the box, you laid down in your bed and picked up an unread book to finally finish it.
In an hour or so your exhausted boyfriend stepped into the house. You could head his steps coming from outside of the bedroom. By the time he came back home, the book found its way back on the side table, as you wrapped the blanket around yourself to mimic the warmth of missing Harry.
Harry walked into the room slowly, making sure he doesn’t step on certain creaking planks in the floor, not to wake you up. He carefully undressed himself and folded the corner of the blanket to get under it. As he carefully positioned himself next to you, you turned around, making sure not to take him by surprise and scare the living shit out of him.
“You’re so late, love. Did something happen?” You asked, hoping that everything was okay with the upcoming tour. Your mind didn’t view anything else as a possibility because you trusted him completely. You knew you had nothing to worry about, as he proved his loyalty to you enough for you not to have any doubts about it.
“Jeff kept me a bit late, m’precious. We were going through the tour schedule. I’m sorry I made y’worry, baby.” He wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed a kiss on your temple. You let him shower you with more and more kisses, before you remembered the box you hid in the closet. You eyes abruptly opened and Harry caught the look of realization on your face.
“What happened, bean? Not in the mood?” He made sure to ask you.
You got up from the bed, pushing his hands off of you, and walked right to the closet.
“Baby? Is everything alright?” Harry was confused over the way you were acting.
You left his questions unanswered and grabbed the box, after opening the doors of the closet looking for it. You walked back up to the bed, but now from Harry’s side. He seemed completely oblivious of what was coming next and, obviously, awaited for an explanation.
“It’s a present. For you.” You now let yourself smile at him, after putting on a show to freak him out. You let out a laugh after seeing Harry look insulted by the way you played with his feelings.
“You’re a meanie. That’s not cute. Was gonna make love to you just now, but I am no longer going to do so.” Harry ended the dramatically long sentence with a theatrical frown.
Despite the little show he put on for you, he couldn’t help but keep looking at the box, laying in front of him.
“What’s that?” He curiously asked.
“Open and see for yourself.” You moved closer to him, with only the box separating you.
Harry carefully unwrapped the bow, making sure he doesn’t rip the paper you carefully wrapped. Something so small, almost unnoticeable, but another thing you loved about this man. There was love in every little gesture and move of his. He could’ve just torn the paper and the ribbon off, acting on his curiosity, but he didn’t. He knew you took time to make it look pretty for him, and he wouldn’t ruin your creation, even if it’s just wrapping paper.
When Harry got to opening the box, he looked up at you, as if asking for your permission. You nodded, smile grazing your face.
As the lid came off the box and the bright colors of the carefully knitted cardigan started gleaming from the light, coming from the lamp on the bedside table, Harry’s facial expression turned from curiosity to utter shock. Noticing his surprise, you chose to speak up.
“I made it myself. I knew how heartbroken you were after losing that cardigan, so I thought - maybe I could knit it for you. I know it’s not perfect, but it would make me very happy if you kept it.” You nervously blabbered, thinking that he didn’t seem as happy as you thought he would be.
“You knitted it yourself?” He looked up at you in shock with tearful eyes, as his hands finally let themself touch the buttons of the item.
“I did. I watched tutorials on YouTube. Thanks to those, I learned how to knit.” You joked, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.
“You learned how to knit to make this for me?” His voice turned raspy, as it always did when he got emotional and he looked like he desperately needed a hug.
So that’s what you gave him.
“Come here, my love. Please don’t cry. I didn’t knit it to make you sad. I wanted to make you happy.” You cooed into his ear.
Harry held onto you with such need and desperation, that you haven’t seen him show before. He squeezed you closer, his hands still keeping hold of the knitted piece.
“You made me so happy. You make me so fucking happy.”
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© all right belong to stylesberries. do not repost or modify.
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lallyloo · 3 years
(So @imincognitohere and I were talking about EB recs, and porn, and how Link’s entire porn collection would consist of a dark haired guy with glasses and a John Mayer lookalike. Then we imagined Rhett finding Link’s JM porn collection and crying, and then just railing Link. And now we’re here.)
He’s not really supposed to be on Link’s laptop, but Link’s running behind and Rhett really needs the May 2022 Ear Biscuits schedule now.
He silently curses himself for not keeping the schedule on his own laptop, or even his phone, but Link’s the one who types during planning sessions and they’re always together, so it’s never mattered before.
But today Link’s stuck in traffic on the way to the creative house, and Stevie’s trying to book their first guest in nearly two years, and Rhett needs the info now.
And they have each other’s passwords for this very reason.
So Rhett waits for the sign-in screen to appear, and he types Link’s password.
And he’s in.
 The desktop is just a line of neatly organized folders against a backdrop of some douche playing guitar.
Rhett stares at the douche for a second.
He knows his name is John Mayer.
But in Rhett’s mind he’s just ‘douche’.
Link’s crazy about his music but Rhett’s not, and the guy seems like a tool anyway.
And why does Link need him on his desktop? Why not Christy? Or the kids? Or hell, why not him and Rhett? Would that be too much? No.
And sure, Rhett’s desktop is a silhouetted photo of himself in Death Valley, but that’s neither here nor there. It was a great trip, and it’s a great photo, and it’s not just some random musician guy.
Rhett tears his gaze away from the background and scans the labels on the desktop folders, stopping when his eyes hit one called ‘May’. It seems to be the most obvious choice, likely full of schedule info, brainstorming, personal appointment times, etc.
To Rhett’s surprise, the files inside seem to have much more random names than the desktop folders.
It doesn’t seem like Link at all, and Rhett is a bit flummoxed as he reads down the list of random letters and numbers jumbled together.
He settles on a file called 324_eB_32_MMdrmfanta.
He’s in such a hurry he doesn’t pay attention to the file type, and Rhett realizes it’s a mistake as soon as he clicks it.
It’s not a list of dates or information. It’s not a schedule.
It’s a video.
And it looks like porn.
There’s a room. An office maybe? The camera pans and there’s a desk and a chair and a window.. and a bed. Yep, it’s porn.
The camera pans to socked feet, and up bare legs, over a little red speedo, to a bare chest, up to the face of someone who looks a bit like a younger Link.
Dark hair, blue eyes, glasses.
There’s a knocking sound in the video, someone at the door, and Rhett is curious to see who might walk in. It’ll be a blonde woman, he assumes. A Christy lookalike.
“Link you dirty dog..”
He’s invested now, curious to see what kind of fantasies Link is into. He knows Link and Christy’s relationship has its ups and downs, and Link’s blue balls have been an ongoing joke for years, and maybe he’s invading their privacy a bit by watching this video.. But it’s not actually Link and Christy. It’s just porn. Just a fantasy Link has. And they’ve talked about fantasies before. Hell, Rhett told him about the first time he ever jerked off. Watching a little porn video is nothing.
The guy with the glasses heads for the door and Rhett is enraptured as the scene unfolds – slipping off the chain lock, a hand on the doorknob, turning it slowly. Rhett wonders what the woman’s going to be wearing. What she’s going to say. What they’re going to do. How they’re going to fuck.
On screen, the door opens and Rhett pulls back a bit, surprised, when he realizes there’s a man on the other side of it. Another brunette, with longer hair – not as long as Rhett’s, but longer than Link’s. And flowy. The guy’s kinda pretty.
Huh. Maybe it’s a threesome video? Two guys and a girl? The guy with the glasses looks surprised but pleased, and Rhett stares at the screen, wondering when the girl will show up.
The other guy says something Rhett doesn’t register, and then he steps into the room, wraps the glasses guy up in his arms, and shoves his tongue down his throat.
The unmistakable sound of a porn sax overdub echoes through Link’s office, and Rhett pulls himself out of it. He clicks through the video, skipping ahead, his eyes growing wide as he gets quick glimpses of erections, blow jobs, sloppy kisses, a finger in a butthole, AND IS THAT HIS TONGUE?? And fucking, so much fucking, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Rhett skips to the end to see the long-haired guy trailing his tongue over the glasses guy’s dick, licking up every messy drop of cum.
And. Oh.
The girl never showed up.
Rhett closes the video.
So Link watches porn. Gay porn.
And he’s never told him.
Rhett can’t help but feel a little confused. And a little jealous.
Why hasn’t Link told him? Why haven’t they talked about it?
Does Link like guys?
Rhett’s never been into guys. Not once, like ever.
Well, sure, he’s thought about Link once in awhile. What it might be like to touch him. Kiss him. Maybe more.
But that doesn’t count. Because it’s Link.
It’s Link!
Rhett’s not into guys. Link doesn’t count.
And if Link is into guys he clearly doesn’t want to tell Rhett yet. And that’s fine.
Isn’t it?
Rhett is a little hurt, but he’s alright with letting Link tell him in his own time. That’s what best friends are for. They’re cool and they’re understanding and they’re patient. And Rhett is all of those things.
He closes the folder, and his eyes fall to the desktop again.
To that douche.
With the familiar face.
Why does he suddenly seem so familiar?
Rhett stares at him for a moment and his blood runs cold.
The video.
The guy at the door with the stupid floppy hair.
Rhett quickly opens the folder again, choosing another file at random.
Cheesy porn music starts and Rhett watches another slightly geeky dark-haired guy with glasses flirt with a dark-haired flop. Rhett skips ahead quickly. There are blowjobs, and the flop is lifting the cute geeky guy, kissing him, spreading his cheeks as the glasses guy gasps–
Rhett closes that video, and clicks another one, and moans fill Link’s office as the video starts right in the middle of a fucking scene. Two guys. Another cute eyeglassed guy with dark hair, and some long-haired jerk. As Rhett watches, he catches sight of a guitar in the background and his face burns hot.
Rhett fumbles with the laptop, slamming it closed, but the video keeps playing and the moans of two guys echo through the room as Rhett turns towards the door.
Link looks furious.
“Dude, what’re you doing??”
“I was just looking for– ”
“You’re snooping on my laptop??” Link pushes past him and opens his computer, typing in his password.
“No! I wasn’t! I was just– ”
Link clicks the little x in the top corner of the video and the room falls quiet as he turns back to Rhett.
“That’s my private stuff.”
“I was looking for the Ear Biscuits schedule!”
“And you thought you’d just watch some of my porn while you were in there?”
“It said May! I thought it meant the month!”
“Well it doesn’t mean that!”
“I know that now!”
Link looks at him for a moment and then rolls his eyes. “It’s a stupid name. I’ll.. rename it.. and hide it, I guess.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“What if you need somethin’ else in the future?”
“Well I’ll know not to look in the John Mayer folder.”
Link makes a sound, something akin to a squawk. “What??”
“That’s what it is, right?”
“It’s– I mean, it’s..” Link stutters, unable to look at him. “NO.”
“Oh, come on.”
“It’s not.”
Rhett gestures to the laptop, which still sits open on the desk. “You’re tellin’ me all those dudes with the long hair don’t make you think of… him?”
Link doesn’t answer the question, he just frowns. “I should’a called it something else.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. PORN maybe?? THIS IS MY PORN RHETT DON’T LOOK AT IT?? Does it need to be that obvious?”
Rhett can’t help but laugh, “That wouldn’t help at all. You know it’d only make me more curious.”
“True.” Link says, and he’s smiling now at least. “So fine, I’ll call it something you won’t care about.”
“Like what?”
“Well I’m not gonna tell you, ya dummy.”
Rhett raises his hands in defeat, “fine, fine.”
The room is quiet for a moment as they look at each other, and Rhett can’t help it when his gaze moves from Link’s face down to the idiot on the screen.
He’s so smug. So full of himself. He writes stupid lyrics and people just swoon over him. Link swoons over him.
But Rhett writes lyrics too. And he sings. What’s wrong with his songs?
“What’s John Mayer got that I ain’t got?”
Link’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “WHAT?”
“I didn’t even know you liked guys,” Rhett says quietly, “and now you’re into HIM of all people.”
“What’s wrong with HIM?”
“Well, for starters, he’s a– ” Rhett stops himself from calling the guy a name. Yeah he’s a stupid dumb idiot who steals the affection of certain best friends, but Rhett doesn’t need to say that to Link. He doesn’t need to make him more upset. “He’s not.. ”
“I know you think he’s not cool,” Link rolls his eyes again. “I don’t care.”
“It’s not that.”
“Well what is it??”
“He’s not.. me.” Rhett can feel his face start to burn the moment the words are out of his mouth. It’s stupid. He’s stupid. What is this? What’s he even doing?
“Not you??” Link laughs. “Dude, don’t tell me you’re jealous of John Mayer now too.”
“Well, I wasn’t,” Rhett says, and Link shoots him a skeptical look. “I mean, maybe just a bit. But now...”
“Now what?”
“After I saw those videos..” Rhett chokes out. “Link, why’re you thinkin’ about him and not me?”
“Rhett, you’re not into guys!”
“And you are??” Rhett can’t seem to help the hysterical tone in his voice.
“Well, yeah, man.”
“Since when??”
“Since.. always, I think.”
“What about Christy?”
“Christy knows,” Link shrugs, “she’s okay with it.”
Rhett thinks of his own wife and how she’d react if it were him.
Lately Jessie’s been more open-minded than anyone, more willing to learn and explore and grow. Would she be okay if he were.. if he liked..
And he already knows the answer – has heard her say a hundred times, a hundred ways, ‘we’re not who we used to be.. so whatever that means for you and Link, that’s fine by me. The four of us can figure it out.’
Rhett hadn’t questioned her at the time. Hadn’t realized what she meant.
“So, look, you found my porn,” Link is saying, “but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about this whole jealousy thing you’ve got going on. I’m not gonna stop watching it just because your feelings are hurt.”
“But what??” Link asks, exasperated.
“I want you to think of me.”
“Look,” Link sighs and takes off his glasses, rubbing a hand over his eyes, “I used to think of you..”
Link shrugs. “Awhile ago. Years.”
“Why’d you stop??”
“Rhett, listen, I knew it was never gonna happen with you so I made myself stop.”
“And it’s gonna happen with John Mayer??”
“No,” Link laughs, “it’s just a.. just a stupid fantasy.”
“So let me be your fantasy.” Rhett hates himself the moment it’s out of his mouth – he’s never said anything more embarrassing – and Link just gives him an odd look.
Rhett cringes, “I know.”
“I’m not gonna fantasize about my straight best friend.”
“But I want..”
“Rhett, WHAT.”
“I’m not into guys,” Rhett tries to explain, feeling like an idiot, “but I’m into you.”
“Well, I’m a guy.”
“I know, but you’re – ”
Link steps forward, and before Rhett can say anything more Link leans in and kisses him. It seems to be a test at first, gentle, and then Link slips his tongue out, pressing against Rhett’s lips, encouraging Rhett to open for him.
And Rhett does. He doesn’t even question it. His brain just screams, yes! Finally! And he’s kissing Link, soft and wet, and an ache shoots through his body, straight to his dick.
When Link pulls away, Rhett’s still got his eyes closed, his head tilted, with a smile plastered to his mouth.
“Did you like that?” Link asks.
“Yeahhh,” Rhett sighs dreamily.
“Then you’re into guys, you dummy. The percentage don’t matter.”
Rhett’s eyes snap open. “Okay, I’m into guys.”
Link looks at him, wide-eyed, and smiles. “So kiss me again then.”
Rhett does, taking hold of Link’s face and kissing him, and he knows he’s supposed to be doing something else. He came in this room for a reason. A file or something.
But none of that matters because he’s kissing Link and Link’s kissing him back, and as Rhett pushes Link up against the desk they bump the cable on Link’s laptop and it beeps to notify them that it’s come unplugged.
“Hold on,” Link mumbles, pulling away to plug the cable back in, and Rhett’s eyes are fixed to the photo on the desktop.
Stupid John Mayer douche.
He’ll never have Link.
“What’re you lookin’ at?”
Rhett glances up to find Link watching him curiously.
“You’re staring at my laptop like you wanna murder it.”
“What,” Rhett sputters, “no I’m not.”
“You really are jealous, huh?”
“You sure?”
“Link, I’m fine.”
“Guess I’ll just leave it open then,” Link smirks. “Since it’s not botherin’ you.”
Rhett reaches past him and slams the laptop shut. “No.”
Link laughs. “You’re like a jealous girlfriend.”
“Oh, you’re my boyfriend now?”
“Maybe,” Rhett says, and he’s dying. Literally dying. Link’s never going to let him live this down.
But Link kisses him again and suddenly Rhett doesn’t care. They’re kissing and Link is touching him. Link’s hands move down to unbutton his shirt, so Rhett grabs hold of Link’s shirt and tugs it up and over his head.
“What ones did you watch?”
“What what?”
“The videos, which ones.”
Rhett nearly chokes, looking away, and Link takes him by the chin and pulls his gaze back.
“You can tell me.”
“I don’t know,” Rhett admits, “I just skimmed a few.”
“Well what’d they do in them?”
“Blowjobs,” Rhett says, replaying the scenes in his mind, “lots of fingers everywhere. Fucking.”
“Yeah, tons of it.”
Link’s fingers slide down Rhett’s belly, stopping at his belt, and the buckle clinks as Link undoes it. “You wanna act it out?”
“Act it out??” Rhett feels like he might actually scream.
“No!” Link laughs and shuts him up with another kiss. “Just be you, dummy.”
“You want me to– ” Rhett stammers, speaking against Link’s lips, “Want me to go to the door?”
“The door? Why?”
“To knock? Like in the video?”
Link laughs again, and at least Rhett’s managed that. If nothing else, he can always make Link laugh.
“You watched the dorm fantasy video?”
“I don’t know.”
“Guy studying? Red speedo?”
“Ohh, yeah, that one.”
“And how’d it end?”
Rhett’s eyes go wide. “Fucking.”
“Right,” Link says, smiling back at him. “So you wanna just skip to that?”
Rhett’s died. He’s a corpse.
But he manages to breathe out, “Yes.”
Link opens a drawer and tosses a bottle of lube on his desk, and he’s saying “come on, come on,” and Rhett’s brain finally returns to him, because if there’s one thing he’s good at it’s using his dick.
He’s not quite sure of the next step because he’s never done THIS. But Link walks him through the lube and the prep, and god, his ass is beautiful, and now Rhett gets to fuck it, and when Link’s hand slips over Rhett’s dick, slicking him up good, Rhett’s knees nearly give out.
Then Link’s turning away, still talking to him, teasing, asking, “You gonna fuck me better than John Mayer would?” and Rhett grips his hips and slides in slow, easing in deep, gasping at how tight Link is around him.
And Link groans,“Oh god.. fuck, you’re in..
And moans, “Rhett, do it.”
And Rhett does.
He fucks the hell out of Link.
Plows him into the desk.
Tries to fuck John Mayer right out of his mind.
Just rails him.
And Link keeps gasping, “Yeah, like that, yeah, Rhett, fuck me like that,” and when he breathes out “better than John Mayer ever could..” Rhett stops and grabs hold of him, turning him around, needing to see him, wanting Link to see who’s fucking him and giving it to him so good.
Link goes easily, seemingly happy about it, and when Link is bare-assed on the desk with his dick in his hand, Rhett hooks his arms under his knees and fucks in again.
“Tell me,” Rhett sputters as he fucks with everything he’s got.
“Tell you what?” Link is looking up at him, dazed, and they both know Link’s teasing.
“Tell me I’m better.”
“Better than who?”
“You know who,” Rhett grits out, and he’s going to come. Soon. Real soon. And he needs to hear it so bad. “HIM.”
“Oh..” Link grins, and his voice catches in his throat as he says, “John Mayer?”
Rhett can only nod, silently begging Link to give him what he needs.
“You’re better,” Link smiles up at him, his breath stuttering, and Rhett can feel him tighten around his cock. “You’re so good, Rhett, fuck, you fuck me better than anyone.”
“Yeah,” Rhett gasps, pulling Link’s knees up higher, fucking in tighter, harder, faster, and he nearly folds Link in half when he leans in to kiss him again.
And Link breathes against Rhett’s mouth, “No one fucks me like you..” and he comes, shooting hot between them, and Rhett groans and stills, coming hard inside Link.
“Fuck, yeah, so much better than him,” Link sighs, “You’re bigger too.”
And Rhett’s pretty sure he passes out.
When he comes to, he’s still holding onto Link, and he lets go slowly, easing his legs down.
“You alright?” Link’s asking, with a little worried expression on his face.
“Yeah,” Rhett says, “was I out long?”
“You were out??” Link sits up quickly, getting a better look at him.
“I think so,” Rhett shrugs, “I dunno. Maybe it was just too good.”
Link laughs, “Dude, stop.”
Rhett stares down at him, looking hurt.
“What, you’re sayin’ it wasn’t good?”
“Rhett– ”
And Rhett knows he’s teasing again, and he knows it was good, but Rhett pushes against his chest anyway, encouraging Link to lie back down on the desk.
And Rhett leans over and licks up every messy drop of cum from Link’s chest, and sucks his dick clean too.
He’s clearly better than John Mayer.
And he definitely likes guys. Especially Link.
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mutigold · 3 years
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⌗ DAY OF THE FORGOTTEN — chris bangchan
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where it seems no one remembers your birthday, not even your boyfriend.
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pairing. bangchan x reader
c.w. fluff! lil’ angst! a tiny bit of cursing, happy ending, upset reader, clueless channie.
w.c. 1.1k
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“good morning, sweetheart.”
hearing the raspy sound of your boyfriend composed a smile upon your face; and involved with you turning around to see his sleepy figure. his moppy dyed hair looked beyond the ordinary since he was tossing and turning all night, and the sleepwear he wore was wrinkly.
“good morning, hon’. looks like you had quite the hour.” you teased.
bangchan dropped right next to you on the sofa and took the cup of the black beverage out of your hand. “thank you.” he thanked happily.
while sipping the drink, the boyfriend could feel your eyes burning at him with anticipation. it was like you were waiting for him to go on and say something, or even glance your way. making him nervous, bangchan swallowed slowly thinking of what the possibilities were.
while sipping the drink, the boyfriend could feel your eyes burning at him with anticipation. it was like you were waiting for him to go on and say something, or even glance your way. making him nervous, bangchan swallowed slowly thinking of what the possibilities were.
while sipping the drink, the boyfriend could feel your eyes burning at him with anticipation. it was like you were waiting for him to go on and say something, or even glance your way. making him nervous, bangchan swallowed slowly thinking of what the possibilities were.
“w-why are you staring at me like that?”
“you remember what day it is; right?” you questioned gazing at the sleep-deprived australian.
bangchan began to think real hard, questioning himself with, “day? come on, what day is it. it must be really important if y/n tried to remind you.”
just then, it clicked. “ah! yes, thanks for reminding me, sweetheart. the guys and i scheduled a studio session for the new album. can’t be late for that, i’m gonna go get dressed and see you later.” he rushed handing you back the coffee and springing up back to the room to get ready.
you couldn’t believe it; he left you. he left you with this stupid hot drink you didn’t even like but still made for him, forgetting a day that only happens every year.
your birthday.
“y-yeah. i’ll see you later.”
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trying to forget the incident that happened this morning, you decided to visit the guys during their session. it was always fun watching them get so professional and in the zone. plus maybe the others would remember your special day.
cautiously strolling into the room, you observed all eight members sitting around in an awkwardly shaped circle conversing. “i think this verse would be good with felix’s part. what do you think?” changbin stated.
“ah, that would be sick. combining those two would create a perfect melody.” han insisted so excited for the song to be heard by their fans. you lifted your lips in a small smile witnessing the produced family.
your presence wouldn’t have been known unless the baby, jeongin, hadn’t pointed it out. “hey, y/n is here!”
eyes wandered to your section, making you squirm. “oh, hiya sweetheart. what are you doing here?” bangchan examined.
“i-i just came to see if you were too busy to get some lunch.” you stuttered with a flushed face. you were totally embarrassed, especially when you saw the look on chan’s face. like he wanted to decline the invitation, but couldn’t figure a way to not hurt the little of feelings you had left.
“it’s okay, i’ll just see you later at home-”
“actually, i was gonna stay a few hours after dark to catch up on some lyrics; that is if you don’t mind.”
tears welled up in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. shaking your head with a confirmation, since you could not speak at that moment unless you wanted your boyfriend and the rest of the members to hear you cry, and walked out.
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“it’s like everyone forgot today!”
you heard a small cough behind you making you roll your eyes. “expect you and my parents.” you were currently staying at your best friend’s house spilling about everything that has happened to you in the past twenty-four hours.
when you stormed into their apartment sobbing, they quickly rushed to your rescue giving you a present from your favorite store. “well, what a happy fucking birthday to me, huh?” your friend rushes toward your teary frame, hugging you tightly.
“i’m sorry, hun’. but did you ever tell him what’s been going on?”
with a signal no, they get up from their seat next to you and demand, “well? what are we waiting for? get up so you can give him a piece of your mind!”
“n-no! i don’t want this to be a big issue. it’s okay, there’s always next year anyway.” you try to imply. however, knowing your best friend, they weren’t gonna let this go. so, you two took a trip back to the company building to give your boyfriend words.
“w-wait, seriously! we don’t need to do this!”
with your best friend tugging towards the door, they opened it and push you in. falling inside, you don’t see much. well, you don’t see anything at all. the room was pitch black dark with no sight of people around. “um? hello?”
you screamed loudly afraid when everyone jumps up with party supplies in their hands. “happy birthday, y/n!”
“oh my goodness.”
“happy birthday sweetheart.” a familiar voice calls out. you turn to find bangchan holding an average-sized iced cake that had candles with your new age on it. you didn’t know it, but saltwater tears ran down your face observing the whole situation.
your boyfriend hadn’t forgotten your special day.
“oh, baby. i thought you forgot.”
he chuckled at you bringing the cake closer for you to blow the candles out. and once you did making your wish, he replied, “hon. i wouldn’t disregard your day like that. i was just pretending for the surprise party.”
“did you plan this out for me?”
han and minho came from the side grabbing a slice of cake. “loverboy sure did, y/n. he demanded everything to be right just for you.” han emphasizes making you and chan blush before strolling away.
“what about the studio session you said you had?”
“that was just an excuse for us to plan the party, but you came too early so we had to make up something, hence me telling you i had lyrics to write, to make you leave. plus i knew you would go to your friend’s place, so i explained the plan and they brought you here.”
more tears came down listening to chan’s plan. “aw, sweetheart don’t cry,” his hands wiped your face and replaced the tears with vanilla frosting from the cake. “no more tears, it’s time to celebrate your day.”
happy, you grab your boyfriend avoiding the cake he was still holding, and thanked him. “thank you. thank you so much baby.”
smiling, he whispers a “happy birthday y/n.”
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! may i request hcs of the haikyuu boys watching/helping their significant other workout? maybe yoga or just a regular workout? would be sweet if it was all of them but i know there are so many, so mainly kuroo, kageyama, bokuto, oikawa and nishinoya <3 thank you!!
hi anon!! i’m sorry i didn’t do all the boys, but i wrote for the specific boys you requested. if you, or anybody else, wants these hc’s for other boys i’d love to do them hehe. hope you enjoy!
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kuroo tetsurō
he’s so excited as soon as you’re like “hey wanna work out together”
like his whole body freezes up and then he just
if you’re already like pretty athletic, he makes everything a competition
but doesn’t actually compete
he just wants to watch you 😏
no fr he’ll be like “i bet i can do more squats than you”
and then just doesnt squat and only watches you squat
this mf 😭
he gets way too excited and puts an alarm at 4;30 am to text you/wake you up to go on a run with him
you: see that’s what we’re not gonna do
if you’re not very athletic or you’re just starting to get accustomed to working out
he is so. encouraging
like sickeningly so
tries his best not to overwhelm you and does really basic workouts with you
but also if ur laying face down on the ground crying “i dont wanna do this anymore” he will NOT have any of it
good luck unsubscribing to his services
he just wants to see you succeed 🥺 👉🏼👈🏼
cooks you the best healthy meals you dont even feel like youre missing out on anything
listen he’s so cheeky
he’s so mf TOUCHY
couples yoga with kuroo >>>>
it’s so funny bc this man is so strong he can do pretty much any move that requires any type of strength but pull out the flexibility card and he will pass away on the spot
he also just likes to watch you do yoga
not just bc he’s a pervert
but also bc it’s just interesting to see you in your zone
buys you yoga pants just bc <3333
“u just wanna stare at my ass”
“how dare you i would never objectify my gf”
stares at your ass <3
kageyama tobio
remember when i said kuroo would make everything a competition but wouldn’t really care
kageyama cares
he’s so annoying youre just trynna have fun working out w ur bf but here he is trynna kill u bc he’s so much better at everything
okay but if YOURE better 🤑
it pisses him off at first but then he realizes he’s pissed off bc ur so hot and make his spine tingle
work outs with him are intense as fuck
like he goes all out
but then he helps you stretch and 😏 it’s worth it
if he’s helping you workout, he’s kinda harsher than he intends to be
and when he realizes that yk maybe he’s being a lil extra
he apologizes and just asks how you wanna do it
spends the night researching hehe 
is encouraging in a demeaning way like “do you WANT to regret not working harder” ur like tobio i swear on my life i will start crying
when y’all are done he does like give u a small kiss and the sweetest smile “good work” and it makes it all the more worth it
about yoga though
when he first watched u he was horny hwbwjwks
he was like oop what is this feeling
but then it clicked lmao
avoids watching you unless you’re doing it privately so he can embarrass himself less
if you invite him to join you it’s just rigorous head shaking but he loves you sm he’ll do anything for you
he just follows your lead and is listening so attentively and is trying to mimic your movements exactly and is so awe oh my god he’s so CUTE
once ur done and ur both just laying on the ground you roll over and kind lean over him and give him a kiss “thank u for doing this with me”
“we should do it more often”
not horny just in love with you <3
bokuto kōtarō
so hyperactive good luck keeping up with him
he’s also like
LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN. HIM???? no way he doesnt go crazy w the work outs
if you suggest to work out together he’s so excited and he just does everything normally the way he does at 2.5x speed and you’re just like bruh 🧍🏻‍♀️ slow down
you do eventually find your own rhythm that kinda matches his own
and it’s nice to have him with you because like if you’re at a gym and ur using a device across the room from him he’ll just yell and wave at you and blow you a kiss god i love this dork
after you’re both spent you just sit on the ground across from each other stretching just talking just vibing
gives you a big smooch in between everything if he can
it becomes a really positive addition to your life ngl
if he’s helping you work out
he is actually the fkn BEST
despite him being a work out freak, he doesn’t force that on you in any way
if anything i think he’d be super gentle
so cheerful when encouraging you
and rewards you a lot
too much probably
he doesn’t just say it he really does mean it when he tells you he’s proud of you
loves it when you do yoga
immediately tries to join in
“oouu teach me this move” proceeds to fall on his ass <3
 t’s okay he has a lotta cushioning 😏
he always wants to try the couples yoga moves
he saves them on his phone to show you later and you cant say no bc ur already in gear and the yoga mat is on the ground hehe
(if you watch cody ko and kelsey kreppel’s couples yoga video that’s basically how it goes with you two)
^^^ in one of the moves he has to like lift you up by your arms as youre sitting down and he’s standing and he accidentally just shoves your face into his crotch
you both couldn’t stop laughing until you nearly peed and thats the beauty of love
oikawa tōru
he has to repeatedly ask you if you’re s u r e you wanna work out with him 
if you’re s u r e you can keep up
please hand his cocky ass to him <3 
if you’re athletic, prepare to have him try to one up you every time you do something 
it’s so sweet though cause he’s so determined and he’s sticking his tongue out between his lips and you’re just like baby please what is this 
tells you to lay beneath him while he does push ups so he can kiss you 
you complain about how sweaty he is but really you just want him to take his shirt off <3 
okay two important things i want to go over
one. oikawa does not know when to stop. so, honestly, you probably suggested to work out with him to keep him in check and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself 
please make him drink water and take breaks when necessary :( 
two. his knee :( he would probably need to be very careful and he’ll teach you the correct way to massage it and prep it before he does any critical work 
if you approach him one day about helping you work out cause you’re clueless — yes it will get to his head
but like ??? he’s your boyfriend??? your very athletic boyfriend??? 
who else would u ask tf 😹
anyways he makes a whole like list and shit
organizes it so well with color coding and different handwriting 
keeps you up to date with your progress and always says things like “look how well you’re doing babe!” and gives you a hugeeee hug 
now, oikawa is either weirdly flexible, or not flexible at all
we’re gonna go for the first one for this yoga hc 
joins you randomly and starts doing the poses correctly right away ur like ??? sir ??? 
distracts you. so much. 
“can i have a kiss— another one?— one more— one more babe— okay an—“ 
make out sessions ensued :)
nishinoya yū
actually i think noya would like to be in own zone kinda thing when he’s working out
probably blasting some katy perry in his ears ngl 
but when you tell him you wanna go work out with him?? 
now you’re both blasting katy perry in your ears 
stares. stares so much. provocatively. 
he’s your bf so you get it
but women have come up to you in the gym asking if you’re okay hbwjwkwe
makes you try out his routine while he tries out yours 
“wow babe this is sooo easy” he’s dying dont believe him
you guys probably have a handshake that’s so motivating to do before and after eeekkkk he probably makes you feel SO good about yourself after
takes you to eat the unhealthiest shit he can find after a workout because why not right ? chivalry? undead 😻
if you ask him for help he’ll accept right away
competes with you to help you improve 
“one day babe you’ll be beating me at these with such ease” 
he’s the loud kind of encouraging 
yells a lot
like so much 
body worship all the time <3333
“god u look SO good right now i love you so much” 
this simp i love him sm
anyways. onto yoga 
did i mention he stares 👁👁
because he does 
he already knows you do yoga and he will find out your schedule 
just. likes to watch you tbh 
if you offer to do couples yoga with him he refuses bc he likes the view where he is lmfao 
there are so many tiktoks of him just doing the dances while you calmly do yoga 
it becomes a trend lmfaowjwnsj
anyways yes best supportive bf award goes to noya (actually all of them who am i kidding)
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end note; MY BEST FRIEND PAINTED AKAASHI FOR MY BDAY GIFT I STOPPED BREATHING ,,, anyways i hope y’all enjoyed this!! feel free to request some more mwah
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