#okay anon said that they saw that drawing very quickly and instead focused on the name it was credited for
linterteatime · 3 months
Not to be rude, but I just read your bio, and did you not draw Chasriel nsfw? I checked and it seems as though you've gotten it taken off of e621 in the last few months, which is good, but I'm a little curious if you're hypocritical now and just trying to hide it, or you've stopped drawing such things entirely.
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thebiscuiteternal · 3 years
Different anon but I need more of your YuSangYao AU! Maybe something with a little more about their love for and relationship with NHS? Or just just them being yanderes? Or both?
(I'm not actually doing a writing jam today, but I am procrastinating on working on my WIPs.)
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Have a meet cute with underlying tones of ohshit.
Muttering uncharitable things about little brothers that couldn't stay where they were put, Jin Ziyao stalked around the southern gardens of Koi Tower in search of the brother in question. The last thing he wanted or needed was for A-Yu to have been cornered by the other disciples in his age group.
They both still had bruises from the last time, and from the beating they'd been given for 'provoking their betters'.
He almost passed the pavilion at the furthest corner of the gardens, then froze before immediately backtracking, hoping he had just been imagining things.
But no, the young man in Nie Sect colors was still seated at the table, and A-Yu was still sitting across from him, chattering away on one of his tangents like they weren't in danger of another beating at the very least if they were caught accosting someone from another sect.
"-and I think it would just look more balanced with something in that corner. Maybe some sheep?"
"Sheep?" asked the stranger with a faintly amused smile, and Jin Ziyao bristled, ready to step in and protect his brother from any of the usual incoming mockery. Before he could react, however, the stranger tapped the handle of his brush against his mouth, appearing to actually contemplate the suggestion. "You know, I think you're right."
Wait, what?
As they both watched, A-Yu in stunned joy and he just stunned, the stranger swiped the bristles of the brush against his tongue before dipping it in ink and drawing in a flock of detailed little sheep settled on one of the mountainsides.
"That's much better," the stranger declared brightly. "Good idea, Yu-er."
His brother beamed under the praise, and Jin Ziyao took that moment to approach the pavilion.
"There you are," he said, letting a faintly chiding note into his voice. "I've been looking for you all morning."
A-Yu had the grace to duck his head at the gentle rebuke, but then was right back to grinning so hard it might split his face. "Nie-er-gongzi is letting me help with a painting, come see!"
Jin Ziyao did very well not to let himself feel faint when he looked at the stranger again. He hadn't been paying enough attention before, too focused on his brother, but he did recognize the other man now.
Nie Huaisang.
Of course his brother couldn't just latch onto another sect's disciple. Of course it had to be the sect heir.
Jin-furen was going to kill them both.
"Are you alright?" Nie Huaisang asked, the smile he'd had for A-Yu replaced by concern.
"Just perfect," he said curtly, quickly taking a seat so the table would hide his shaking hands.
A-Yu also looked at him in worry, then picked up the fried bun from the plate in front of him and tore it in half, offering him one.
Still somewhat numb, he accepted and bit in without thinking, and was surprised by how good it was. Rather than the overly-sweet or fancy but tasteless snacks he'd made himself get used to since being brought to Lanling, it had the salt of the frying oil and a little spice heat to balance out the custard filling.
"Where did you get this?" he asked after swallowing the bite.
"Nie-xiong let me have the last of his."
From Nie-er-gongzi to Nie-xiong already? His brother was treading dangerous ground, and at a fast clip.
"If I'd known you were coming, I'd have saved another for you. Da-ge says I need to lay off them anyway, or I'll turn into one," Nie Huaisang said amiably as he twirled the brush in his fingers, not seeming the slightest bit bothered about having already been given a familiar address despite their difference in status.
Jin Ziyao watched the motion, slowly regaining his mental footing. A-Yu leaned into his side and that helped considerably to help him fully settle back into himself.
Okay. This was fine. He was fine. It was casual conversation, that was all. "You were saying something about helping with painting?"
"Nie-xiong was stuck on the design, so I've been giving him ideas."
"Would you like to join in?"
He eyed the other man cautiously, then looked at the painting when it seemed no snide comment was forthcoming.
It was an unfamiliar village nestled among mountains, with birds swooping over the peaks and A-Yu's sheep. It was pretty; not the work of a full-fledged master, but someone who was definitely on their way to becoming one.
But it still needed... something. Nie Huaisang probably wouldn't have asked him to contribute just to be nice, at least Jin Ziyao didn't think he would, so he clearly agreed.
It needed... "Wolves. Watching the sheep from behind the trees."
"Ooh, a hidden danger narrative. Interesting..." Nie Huaisang tilted his head as he considered placement, then he did the same as before, swiping the brush against his tongue before dipping it in the ink. More trees emerged under his hand, their shadows forming a pair of canine shapes that the sheep, had they been real, would have been unlikely to notice in time. "There we go. Anything else?"
Was that a test? He scrutinized the painting, but couldn't think of any additions that wouldn't send it from balanced to cluttered. "No."
"It's done," A-Yu said with an air of finality, and Nie Huaisang smiled at them both.
"I agree. You two have good heads for this," he said as he started cleaning the brush. He said it so casually, too, like it was just simple fact and not the extremely rare scrap of praise it was.
He fought down the rise of heat in his face by focusing on taking another bite of the custard bun. A-Yu, on the other hand, was a bright pink and didn't seem to care, practically wagging his tail as he rested his chin in his hands.
"You mean it?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"We don't hear stuff like that a lot. Usually we're getting yelled at instead."
Jin Ziyao pinched his brother's leg under the table and got a sharp glare for it, which he returned in equal measure.
Even if it was true, A-Yu couldn't just say that sort of thing out loud, especially not in front of someone from another sect!
"That's a shame. You really did help me out here, I've been hating this thing for days," Nie Huaisang said, beginning to pack away his materials. Then he perked up. "Why don't you keep it?"
He and his brother both stared at the man, immediately distracted from the argument that was brewing between them. "Us?" they asked in almost perfect unison.
"It only seems fair, since I probably would have ended up trashing it without your input."
They shouldn't.
They really shouldn't.
The custard bun was one thing, no one would ever know about that. But if someone saw the painting in their shared rooms and got nosy about it- "Thank you," he found himself saying instead of the denial he'd intended to say. "We'll be careful with it."
The sunny smile made him feel a little dizzy. "Great! Da-ge should be getting out of the meetings soon, so I've got to go meet him before they call us all to dinner. I'll bring extra sweets next time!"
Next time.
Again, he said it as if it was just an immutable fact that there would be a next time.
"Yao-ge..." his brother murmured once they were alone in the pavilion. "We have to keep him."
He eyed A-Yu. "No fraternizing with other sects, remember?"
"Too late for that," A-Yu replied with a faint smirk.
"For all you know he'll have forgotten we exist tomorrow."
"But he might mean it. He might actually like us." Even with the stars in his eyes, his brother's gaze was sharp, hungry. The look of someone who'd been given a rare gift and was loathe to give it up for anything.
He'd be lying if he denied the same feeling had started to settle in his stomach. Such positive attention, and from a pretty sect heir, no less... it was enticing. Potentially addicting. "We'll see if he keeps his promise first," he said neutrally, finishing off the last bite of custard bun.
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multimilfs · 4 years
Lilith Clawthorne x Fem!Witch Reader: 5 Times the Elixir Worked + 1 Time You Needed Something a Little Stronger
Summary: An anon sent in “Lilith helping out her Cursed S/O? I guess being part of the Emperor’s Coven have its perks: like having access to the elixir your S/O desperately needs while trying to find a cure for both her S/O and sister.” 
A/N: So this really got away from me. It was supposed to be simple, but man once I got started, I couldn’t stop. This gets really angsty at points, but it does end happily, I promise. Thank you for your suggestion, anon! I hope you love it! 
Warning(s): Mild Body Horror, Blood Mention, Sickness
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“Miss Y/N, can you help me with number four?” A little voice piped up next to you, making you look down.
A witchling with yellow hair and grey eyes looked up at you, a timid looking smile on her face. You gave her a bright smile of your own, crouching next to her.
“Of course I can, Emone, what are you struggling with?” You asked in a calm voice.
The girl, Emone, was explaining what she didn’t understand when you heard a few gasps from other students in the room. Curiously, you looked up from your focus on the girl’s paper, to see Lilith standing next to your desk. You hadn’t even heard the classroom door open.
“Emone, will you give me a moment to speak with Miss Clawthorne, I promise I will be back to help you. Work on the other questions while I’m gone, alright?”
“Of course, Miss Y/N!” The girl said, diving back into her work.
It was unusual to see your girlfriend during work hours. You were too busy teaching and she had lists of tasks to fulfill for the coven. Whatever had brought her here had to be serious. Giving your students a look that said ‘get back to work,’ you ushered her out into the hallway.
“What’s going on? Is everything alright?” You questioned her as soon as the door to the classroom was closed.
“Everything is fine, dear. I just came to bring you this - it fell out of your bag.” Lilith’s tone was calm as she pressed a familiar bottle into your palm.
The yellow elixir seemed to look back at you accusingly. You were very glad Lilith had noticed it, but angry at yourself for not being more careful. Who knows what could have occurred if she hadn’t brought it? The scenarios running through your head made you feel sick.
“Thank you.” You said, wincing at how you sounded nothing like yourself.
She intertwined her fingers with yours, squeezing lightly. It didn’t take a mind-reader to know what was going through your mind right now. You worried constantly about your curse, both of you did. But while Lilith was surrounded with witches capable of defending themselves, you worked with witchlings. It would be horrible.
Lilith had dropped a few hints about giving classes from one of the rooms in the Emperor’s Castle, but you hadn’t given them much attention. You loved Lilith, but you needed your own time and space sometimes. Teaching at Hexside was your escape. And you kept your curse under enough control that it wasn’t a serious issue right now.
“Don’t let me keep you from your students,” She said softly, drawing your gaze back to her’s, “We’ll talk later this evening.”
You nodded, giving her a slightly strained smile. It didn’t stop her from placing a gentle kiss on your lips before departing. As soon as she was around the corner, you chugged down the elixir, almost frantically.
Once you got your breathing under control, you tucked the bottle into your pocket, re-entering your classroom as if nothing had happened.
As soon as your eyes snapped open in the dark, you knew what was happening. The itchy, painful feeling underneath your skin and the deep pain in your chest. You tried to remember if you’d taken your elixir. Or enough of it, anyway. The pain overwhelmed your thoughts before you could remember.
You tried to sit up, immediately doubling over in pain, letting out a low groan. It didn’t matter if you’d taken enough. You needed more, now. Reaching out blindly, you tried to rouse Lilith from where she was sleeping beside you.
“Lil-” You groaned as tufts of feathers broke through your skin, “Lilith!”
The witch jolted, shooting up into a sitting position. She immediately conjured her staff, looking around with wide, frantic eyes.
“What? What’s wro-” She started, before she saw what was happening, “Oh Titan!”
In a way that was so un-Lilith like, she tumbled out of the bed, letting out an ‘oomph!’ before standing up. She ran out of the bedroom quickly. You’d kept your focus on her until she opened the bedroom door, blinding you momentarily with the light from the living space. Not having something to focus on drew your attention back to your body.
The fingers on your left hand were lengthening, the joints letting out sickening cracks. Your skin felt like it was going to rip with the way it had to stretch. Then came your nails, morphing into sharp talons, and slicing the skin as they extended from their normal length. One perk of being cursed was that you healed much quicker than the average witch, so the cuts left behind were quickly mended. The only evidence they’d been there was rapidly drying blood.
Even though you healed quicker, it didn’t stop the pain from being excruciating while it happened. And since you were trying to hold it all back, it was even worse. You let out a pitiful whine. It hurt so much. All you wanted to do was give in.
You were so careful to manage your curse, but you could never control what happened if you turned. It had only happened a handful of times. Usually either you or Lilith grabbed an elixir before it could fully overtake you. But the times you had… well, you didn’t remember them - but Lilith always looked grim after it happened. She would tell you that it was okay and that nobody was too seriously hurt. The worry in her eyes told a different story.
“Lilith!” You screamed, feeling the curse begin to fully take a hold on you.
The bones of your ribcage were slowly breaking as the curse rebuilt your frame. Shards of bone would shoot off of the breakage, imbedding itself in the skin of your insides. It felt like a million paper cuts focused in a single spot. You couldn’t hold it back anymore, you didn’t have nearly enough strength.
So you gave in.
You don’t know what happened next. All you could recall was your mouth being pried open mid-transformation, which you hadn’t liked at all, making you swipe with your transformed hand. Something wet had soaked into your feathers and then it all went black.
When you woke up, your body ached. It was still in the middle of the night and your senses were still heightened, so your transformation hadn’t occurred very long ago. But you noticed above all else that Lilith wasn’t in bed with you.
Though it went against everything your body wanted, you forced yourself out of bed. Where was Lilith? You wouldn’t be able to rest until you knew where she was and if she was alright.
Blinking against the harsh lights of the living space, the sound of running water from the kitchen let you know where she was. But you wanted to see her. To wrap yourself in her. After a transformation, you felt raw, and would cling very tightly to your girlfriend. She allowed it, pretending she didn’t enjoy the contact.
Instead of feeling warm at the sight of her, your stomach dropped. She was next to the kitchen sink wrapping gauze over a bloody gash on her arm. A gash that looked suspiciously like talon marks. You felt frozen.
“L-Lilith?” Your voice broke, watching her.
Her eyes snapped to yours, and though it was brief, the fear that went through her eyes made you feel sick. You gripped your stomach as it rolled.
“Darling, I’m fine,” She reassured, moving to your side swiftly, wrapping you in her arms, “I’m okay. Nothing a little gauze and time can’t fix.”
“I h-hurt you.” You sobbed out, trying to pull away from her. She wouldn’t have any of it.
“It only hurt in the moment. I’m okay now. I’m okay, you’re okay.” Lilith whispered into your ear, holding you tightly against her, “It’s over now.”
As the two of you stood in the kitchen, wrapped up in one another, you couldn’t help but wonder - was it really ever going to be over?
“Darling, you have to sit still.” Lilith said, amusement clear in her voice as she watched you squirm.
“Easy for you to say, Miss Coven Leader, you’re not being poked and prodded by needles.” You snarked back, shying away as another coven healer approached you.
“We won’t know if this works if you don’t sit still,” The witch reminded you, “Or would you rather continue drinking that putrid elixir?”
Your stomach turned at the thought of the elixir, sending a chill down your spine. Lilith noticed. She couldn’t help but smirk a little bit, knowing she was right.
The two of you were sitting in the medical bay of the Emperor’s Castle. In-between missions and being there with you, Lilith had been aiding the healers in finding a more potent elixir for your curse. Rather than a drinkable one though, they created one that could be injected. They hoped it would be more potent since it went directly into your bloodstream. And though you wouldn’t admit it, you were hoping so too.
It wasn’t just that you hated the taste of the elixir - it was much better than the alternative, after all - But the curse had been evolving and the elixir didn’t seem to do the trick anymore. So you had both been a little frantic in finding something else. The current potion they were working on was the strongest contender so far. Using samples of your blood, it had been the most successful in holding the curse at bay. On a small scale.
That’s why Lilith was standing ready with a few elixirs, just in case it didn’t work. She was confident that it would, but you’d asked her to have them, just to be safe. And she could never say no to you.
“Let them inject the serum.” Lilith said when you dodged the needle for the second time.
“That’s a really big needle!” You whined, trying to give her a sad look. She didn’t budge.
“What will get you to sit still?”
“Something really nice, for a needle like that.”
“Oh, I can think of something…” Lilith practically purred. You blinked, stunned by the change. So stunned that you missed the look she gave the healer before leaning in to whisper in your ear, “If you sit there like a good girl, I promise I’ll make it well worth your while.. Later.”
You were sure that your face and ears had gone bright red. That certainly wasn’t an offer you were going to refuse. So you nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Alright. I’m ready.” You said.
“Um, I already gave it to you, Miss Y/N.” The healer said awkwardly, looking between you and Lilith.
Furrowing your brows, you looked down at your arm. She was telling the truth. A pretty pink bandaid was stuck to your skin where the needle was supposed to go in. And the feeling under your skin had stopped. It’d worked. Despite that, you looked up at Lilith with a scowl.
“You tricked me.” You accused.
“I never tricked you, merely distracted you.”
“But what about…”
“Oh darling, you know I always keep my promises.” Lilith said, giving you a languid smile.
Swallowing roughly, you avoided her eyes. Your face felt hot again. The needles made have sucked, but it was going to be so worth it.
“What did you all get for number three, class?”
The ten students looked down at their papers, then at one another. It confused you. Normally they would jump at the chance to answer the question for you.
“Um, you only told us to do one and two, Miss Y/N.” Braxas spoke up from where he was seated.
“Of course, you’re right. Thank you, Braxas.” You smiled, trying to hide your embarrassment. Little things like that had been slipping your mind a lot, so they didn’t seem to react very strongly.
Looking at your watch, it was about time for the lesson to end anyway. Their ride back to Hexside was probably outside, anyway.
“I’d like you all to do question three before class tomorrow. You are all dismissed for the day.” You said kindly, watching as they all nodded, packing their things up.
When the last student had left the room, you allowed yourself to slump down into your chair. Exhaustion had been creeping up on you all day. Since the new treatment for your curse had been proven to work, you’d also learned that there were some serious side effects. It stole a lot of your energy and made it difficult for you to keep food down, so you’d lost a lot of weight. Doing anything for long periods of time was difficult and exhausting.
As a result, Lilith had arranged for you to teach your classes from the castle. That way you didn’t have to go too far and you had access to all of the best care within the building. It had been a good idea. Not that you’d tell Lilith that. You were still a little upset that she’d made such a change without consulting you first, even if it was the safest option.
You let out a heavy sigh. That had been your last class of the day, thank the Titan, but you didn’t have any energy to spare. And you really needed to get back to your room before someone noticed you were still there - or worse - Lilith found you like this. She would be so worried and that was the last thing she needed right now.
Summoning every last speck of energy in your reserves, you moved yourself into a standing position. Though you immediately had to lean against the desk as your vision blurred. That wasn’t good. You tried to take a step, but your right knee gave you, forcing you to hold yourself up using your staff.
Your palisman, a lovely little owl named Stara, animated herself to look down at you worriedly. She nudged slightly at you, giving a concerned coo. You reached up to scratch at her feathers lightly. Logically, you knew there was no way you could get back to your quarters like this.
“Stara, I need you to go get Lilith, please.” You sighed, sitting back down with a wince. It was the last thing you wanted to do, but it was necessary. The owl let out a chirp before gliding out of the room.
Even though you’d sat down, your head was still spinning. You put your head down on the desk. If it didn’t stop the dizziness, at least it would keep you from getting sick. That was the last thing you needed right now.
The gentle flutter of wings alerted you to Stara’s return, followed by the clicking of heeled boots you knew very well. Lilith let out a worried little noise when she reached the doorway. You waved to let her know you were okay, but you didn’t raise your head from the desk.
“Darling?” She said softly, kneeling next to you, “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t walk.” You mumbled out, though it came out garbled because of the way you were positioned.
“I’m sorry?”
“I can’t walk.” You snapped, raising your head.
It felt humiliating to admit and tears were burning at your eyes. You didn’t want to be weak like this. The new treatment kept the curse at bay, but you didn’t know if your body would ever adjust to it like it had the elixirs. You couldn’t keep getting weaker. The healers said that it would continue to eradicate the curse, but you worried it’d take you before it got there.
You felt horrible for snapping at Lilith. She’d been nothing but loving and supportive throughout all of it, but losing the only bit of control you had was difficult. It was horrible looking into the mirror and not knowing who was looking back at you. You were terrified that one day Lilith would wake up and do the same thing; look at you and not know who you were. She was a beautiful, powerful witch and she could have anyone. You couldn’t understand why she stuck with you.
“Alright, darling, let me help you stand. We can fly back and I’ll hold you steady.” Lilith said casually, knowing that making a fuss would make you feel worse.
It hurt her to see you so weak, so sick. She often wondered if it was her fault; she’d been the one to mastermind your new treatment, after all. You were losing so much so rapidly. So much weight. So much mobility. So much freedom. It felt like she’d taken it from you and it broke her heart. Your body was supposed to adjust to this, but it was taking a while. She promised herself that if things got any worse, they would move you back to elixirs, while they worked on something else.
Sitting on your staff, she found a way to perch you on it as well, so that you would lean against her. She tried not to let how light you were get to her.
“Is this acceptable?” She asked softly. You nodded tiredly, not having enough energy to open your mouth to speak.
It was easy enough to maneuver your way through the halls of the castle. Conveniently, it was early enough in the day that most people were still working, meaning nobody witnessed your trip back to your quarters. Even if you hadn’t been awake enough to notice, she knew you’d worry about it later. You hated being seen in such a state.
She was careful to place you in bed comfortably, kissing your forehead gently. As she went to wrap the blankets around you, though, she noticed your nails lengthening slowly. Not having the heart to give you another injection right now, she grabbed one of the elixirs you still kept around.
“Darling,” Lilith said softly, shaking you just enough to wake you slightly, “Your body is trying to transform, so I’m going to give you some elixir right now, okay?”
“‘Kay.” You muttered, opening your mouth expectantly.
Pouring the golden liquid down your throat, she watched with a relieved expression as your nails went back to normal, the curse at bay for now. Feeling almost as exhausted as you looked, she laid next to you. You snuggled into her arms easily. Nothing could keep you away.
“Oh, my dearest, you look beautiful.” Lilith sighed out, looking awestruck.
You blushed, smiling brightly as you twirled. The new dress you’d bought for the occasion flowed elegantly as you spun. It was a brilliant sage green, bringing out your eyes.
“Do you think so?” You asked, teasingly.
“You know I do,” She purred, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you close. With a smirk, she nipped lightly at your ear, “I might have to make a few excuses and put you on bed rest for the day.”
The smile that blossomed on your face was bright and happy. Happier than it had been in months. It warmed her from the inside-out to see.
“You can’t call it bed rest if I’m not resting, Miss Clawthorne.” You quipped, placing a quick kiss on her lips.
“Nobody needs to know that part.”
“As much as I would love to play hooky with you today, this is too important. But we can revisit this when I get back.”
“We’ll do much more than revisit it,” Lilith flirted shamelessly, capturing your lips in a kiss that made your knees weak, “Enjoy your day, my dearest.”
“I will.” You smiled.
Grabbing your bag and your staff, you walked out into the hallway with a pep in your step. After the episode where you couldn’t walk, you’d woken up noticeably more energetic the next morning. It turned out that mixing the elixir and the treatment was the perfect combination. And as the weeks had passed, you regained your strength and freedom.
You still had low-energy days, but they were few and far between now. Any other time, you could dance circles around even the healthiest witches. Lilith couldn’t have been more proud of your progress. You couldn’t be more proud of yourself. It had taken a lot of work to get to where you were. But you wouldn’t trade any of it.
All of it had paid off and today was your first day back to teaching at Hexside. You were so excited to be in the halls again, surrounded by your students and peers. It had been so long since you’d been there.
When you got about halfway down the hallway, you absentmindedly went to itch your arm, only to find a few feathers there. Oops. That was another side affect of your treatment combination; the transformations weren’t painful anymore. You’d even been working on controlling them, though you always needed the elixir to bring you out of it. But progress was progress.
Hurrying back to your quarters, you swung into the room, grabbing the elixir. Lilith looked up, raising a questioning eyebrow.
“Forgot to take my elixir, but I got it! I’m really off this time. I love you!” You said, giving her another quick kiss, before downing the elixir and leaving.
As you took off for Hexside with a bright smile on your face, Lilith’s loving gaze followed you from the window until you were completely out of sight.
“Damn it, Y/N, listen! It’s me!” Lilith yelled.
This was not what she’d imagined for her afternoon.
It had been fine to start. You both had the afternoon free of work, deciding to go out for lunch - as a treat. With you going back to work and Lilith catching up on her own, personal time had been a little limited. So you intended to make the best of it.
Or you had, anyway.
Lunch had been lovely. There was a new restaurant that opened across the isles and Lilith had surprised you with a reservation. Not that you had been there very long. About half-way through your meal, Lilith had dropped a few hints of returning home for some more… adult activities. You weren’t going to say no to that.
But your luck seemed to have run out, as you ran into none other than Odalia Blight outside of the castle. You didn’t remember what she said, but it had been enough to make you lose your cool.
As you’d been working on controlling your curse and transformations, your emotions had been constantly fluctuating. They meant the difference between a good transformation and a bad one. And the combination of Odalia’s words, plus the lack of your elixir for the day, had created this - a giant, angry owl-beast going on the offensive outside of the Emperor’s Castle.
“Get a hold of yourself, Y/N!” Odalia yelled from behind a barrier she’d created, only serving to make you angrier. You lunged, clawing at her barrier, jumping back in pain when it shocked you.
Lilith rolled her eyes. Of course Odalia would cause this and then continue to make it worse. Her mind was assessing the situation rapidly. She couldn’t get close enough to give you any elixir, which was really her only hope. But you had been working hard to control the owl beast. She hoped that you had enough control to not gut her.
“Get out of here, Odalia!” Lilith yelled, before taking a chance and walking out in front of you, unarmed and defenseless.
Your beast form tilted its head, looking confused. Lilith felt familiar to you, but how? You didn’t get the chance to find out. Odalia caught your attention and you lunged once more, going to wrap a claw around her form.
Before you could snatch the woman up, Lilith was there in front of you. You stopped dead in your tracks. One part of you was screaming to continue your task, but the other was focused on not hurting the witch in front of you. The internal debate gave Lilith enough time to let Odalia get out of the way.
“Y/N, look at me,” Lilith cooed, speaking in a gentle, soothing tone, “You know who I am. My darling, I need you to transform back for me. Can you do that?”
Once more, you tilted your head, letting out a confused cooing noise. Lilith’s soothing tones relaxed you, allowing your conscious mind to finally break through your cursed mind. And with an extreme amount of focus, you felt yourself transform back, growing back to your normal height and build.
“Lilith?” You said, holding your pounding head.
“I’m here. You did so well, my dearest.” Lilith said, pulling you into her, “So well.”
“My head hurts.” You whined.
“I know. Let me get you inside.”
Lilith helped you into the castle, back to your living space. She settled you in gently, going around and securing everything, before joining you. It would still be difficult in the future to work with your curse and overcome it fully, but you had time. Time, and the love of a very determined witch.
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writeofmind · 4 years
a ghost?! (pt. 1)
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Genre: fluff, slow burn, multi-shot <3
Pairing: College!Rosé x Reader
anon: Hi! If possible could you make a master list of all the fics and scenarios you have posted? 😅 I’d also like to request a blackpink college AU focused on Female Reader x Rosé 🥺 lots of fluff and maybe some slow burn and smut? I’d be happy with any Rosé fluff or blackpink fluff though 🤍🤲🏻 thank you 😊
A/N: hi, j anon! this is part 1/? of your slow burn college!au. :D I will try to make this as slow and fluffy as possible. i don’t have a specific plot that i’m sticking to rn, but i have general ideas that i’m very excited to write. that being said, feel free to send in suggestions as to how you want this story to go! (or you can leave it up to me, and be in for cute surprises >:) ) 
a ghost?! | caramel lattes | your favorite regular
There were two things that you learned from living your college life. One, you definitely weren’t a morning person, and two, your roommate was a ghost. 
Not literally. The thing was just that you had never formally met them; when you moved in, they weren’t home, and when you would wake up in the afternoons, they would already be long gone and out of the house. Your schedules never lined up with each other, so for the past few weeks, you’ve just been barely missing them, not even knowing their name. 
You didn’t mind, really. The apartment was kept clean at all times, so it really did feel like only you lived there sometimes. But, you can say: if your roommate was a ghost, then they were the loudest ghost. Ever.
It was just your luck to be paired with them, too; they would be up at the crack of dawn, most times even earlier. You’d often wake up in the mornings to music playing or their (you’re sure you can say her) voice singing along. If you were being honest, the latter was your preferred way of waking up. She did have a wonderful voice, and you wished you could get yourself out of bed to tell her that; but she just woke up way, way too early. 
Today was another one of those days. Music was blasting in the background, yet another replay of “Call Me Maybe.” 
Ugh, god... you raised your head at the rude awakening, squinting your eyes at the door. Not this song again.
Based on what little you knew about your roommate, you had an image in your head of what she may look like. To put it short, you imagined a sorority girl, in a way. The type that dance and sing along to pop songs, dresses in tank tops and jeans, partying everyday, that sort of thing. You figured that maybe she didn’t party a lot though, considering she was already home and sleeping when you would walk through the front door. 
You let your head drop back into your pillow. You were too groggy and beat from work the night before that you blocked out the song, blocked out your roommate’s singing, and fell soundly asleep once again as her music faded out the front door and into the hallways of your apartment. Jeez, that girl needed some headphones.
When you woke up a few hours later, the apartment was silent. There was a sigh of relief from you, and you groaned as you stretched your entire body out. Class started in about an hour and a half, so you decided not to laze around in bed and instead get ready for the day.
When you walked into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat on your way to campus, you smelled something delicious. Sniffing the air, you smelled... something spicy? 
Sure enough, when you walked inside, there was a pan of tteokbokki sitting right on the stove. The aroma of the spiciness itself made your mouth water the closer you got to it- then, you saw a note next to it, sitting right under a bottle of water.
Good morning, roomie! I heard you come home late last night, (not that I was trying to be a stalker, but I couldn’t sleep so I was still up when you got back. Crazy, right?) Anyway, I figured you didn’t eat because I didn’t hear you in the kitchen, so I made extra tteokbokki this morning for you to take with you. I made it a little too spicy, so make sure you grab the water too!!
- PC
Your eyebrows raised higher the further down you read the note. She made you breakfast? And packed you a water? 
How sweet of her, you smiled. You wasted no time in scooping a whole bunch of the delicious rice cakes onto a plate and devouring every single piece. (She was right, though, it was super spicy.) 
That was really sweet of her. I should do something for her, too. I feel bad that I haven’t thought to even leave a note. And PC, huh? I wonder what that could stand for. I should make a mental note to ask. 
After eating and cleaning everything up, you realized that you wasted a little too much time in your own head and was running a bit behind schedule. You grabbed the water bottle quickly and ran as fast as you could out the door, into the elevator, and out the main lobby of your apartment. You didn’t even notice the blonde haired girl you almost ran into along the way. 
When you were finished with your school day, you always dreaded having to go to work afterwards. Not that it was a terrible job, you were just a barista at a café near campus, after all- but you would be tired and drained after pulling afternoon to closing shifts.
So there you stood, leaning against the counter top at your job as you sipped away at a small cup of espresso. You and your coworkers chatted absentmindedly. It wasn’t too busy tonight, except for a few straggling students that stayed to study. Your manager had even offered to let you go home early, but you decided you needed the money- you were practically getting paid to stand around, anyway.
The bell on the door jingled after what seemed like hours (and maybe it was). Your coworkers, all clowns, hid away from the incoming group of customers and shuffled behind the counters, leaving you to take care of them all. You glared at them and groaned internally, but that was the rules of a college student barista. If you’re not fast enough to hide, you face the consequences.
“Hey, guys,” you put on your smile as you approached the register, “what can I get for you tonight?”
When the girls got closer, you were glad that your hat was a bit too big for your head. It covered the burning read at the top of your ears at the sight of how pretty they were— all four of them, to be exact.
One of the shorter ones smiled back at you. “Hiii,” she greeted, “do you guys know what you want?”
The redhead of the group spoke up first. “Yes, can I just have a tea, please?” She turned to the other girls, “I noticed that my voice has been kind of raspy from rehearsal. I hope it’s nothing serious.”
You minded your own business as you punched in the order. “Of course, and for you?” You looked at the tall brunette, who was squinting at the menu board. You had to hide a laugh as you slid a smaller menu to her. “Here you go, our menu is printed kind of small.”
“Oh my gosh, thank you,” she laughed and took the menu in her hands. The shorter one that spoke earlier laughed too and simply pushed the brunette’s hands down. 
“Can we just get two large white mochas, please?” 
You smiled as you punched in that order too. “Of course.” You now turned to the final girl of the group, who stood silently, staring back and forth at the pastries in the case and the menu board. “For you, miss?”
When she looked up at you, you froze. 
Wow, she was cute. 
She smiled at you so sweetly, brushing her blonde hair behind her ear. “Um, yes please, can I get all of the vanilla scones that are in here? Oh, and a caramel latte, please.”
Just from eyeballing the case, there were at least 10, if not a couple more scones in there. You glanced at her with a humorous smile and nodded. “Yeah, no problem.”
As you punched in the order, you made sure that you only rang her up for four scones. It was almost near closing time anyway (you told yourself that, but really you still had a couple hours left), and you didn’t want to have to waste any pastries. 
“Can I have your guys’ names for your drinks?” You popped the tip off of your sharpie. 
The redhead, again, spoke first. “Jisoo.” 
Then went the brunette. “Lisa,” she then pointed to the shorter one, “Jennie.”
Lastly, you turned to the blonde. Again, she smiled, and nodded when she spoke. “Rosé.”
Such a pretty name, you thought to yourself. You made it a point to draw a little flower next to her name, just for funsies. You let them know that their drinks would be ready soon, and you gathered all the scones in the case for the girl to have.
The girls didn’t notice the price difference at first when they paid. After calling out their names for their orders, it wasn’t until they sat down at their table with their drinks and snacks that they realized something was off. 
It was Rosé who came back up to the counter as you were wiping it down. 
“Um, hi,” she spoke softly as if not to surprise you, “I’m sorry, but I think there may have been a mistake?”
You looked up at her from the counter with raised eyebrows. “Oh, I’m sorry. Was your drink wrong?”
“No, not at all! It’s great,” she shook her head and showed her bag of scones, “but, um, I think you mischarged me for these.”
Ah, so she did notice. “No miss, that’s okay,” you laughed at her innocence and honesty. Her face even looked worried just from you saying that. “We’re going to be closing in a couple hours anyway, and to be honest, the scones can be a bit overpriced when you buy a lot. Don’t worry about it.”
Her eyebrows were furrowed in the cutest way possible. “But— are you sure? You won’t get in trouble?”
“I’m sure, I’m sure. It’s fine, really miss.”
“Aww... well, thank you—” she beamed and squinted at your name tag, “Joy.”
Aw, shit. You internally slapped yourself in the face, I put on the wrong apron. 
Of all days to be talking to a cute girl, you weren’t even wearing the right apron with the right name tag. You really didn’t want to have to explain yourself and essentially embarrass both you and the girl right now, and you were quite frankly a bit shy already from talking to her for as long as you have. So you just smiled back. “It’s no problem, Rosé.”
With a giggle, the girl turned back around and hopped over to her table, where you could hear her recounting your conversation. You chuckled.
As your shift went on, the students inside the café began to disperse and pack up their bags to head home. One of the last students to leave was the group of girls you served earlier, and they even made sure to call out “bye, Joy!” as they left. Your coworkers looked at you funny but ended up laughing at your awkwardness once they realized your mistake.
“Oh, come on, y/n!” One of your best coworkers, Seulgi, laughed, “Now you’re gonna be known as Joy to them! Joy is not going to be happy.”
“Look, man, I didn’t wanna correct her, alright??” You sighed and palmed your forehead, “I got nervous!”
“Ah, well,” your other coworker Yeri shrugged, “at least you may not see her again. So you don’t have to be too embarrassed.”
Your shoulders dropped at the sound of that. You may not see her again? Boo. 
Your closing shift went by smoothly and before you knew it, you were walking through the threshold of your already dark apartment. You saw that your roommate’s door was closed and her light off, but her shoes were on the shoe rack, so you knew she was already sleeping. 
You almost went straight to your room to knock out before remembering what your roommate did for you this morning. You didn’t want to just leave her hanging and make yourself seem ungrateful, so you grabbed a post-it note and a pen.
Hi there, roomie, you began, thank you for the tteokbokki this morning! It was delicious, actually, and I only needed a few gulps of water between each bite. (lol, i’m just teasing, it really was good. i love spicy food.) i’m not sure if you like flavorings in your coffee, let alone if you like coffee or not, but here’s some for you for the morning, since you’re usually up earlier than me. you can use any of my coffee cups, i have way too many.
- y/n
After setting up the coffee machine to brew in the early morning, you stuck the note on top and dragged yourself into your room to get ready for bed. 
The next morning, you woke up to silence. No music, no singing, nothing. And it wasn’t early in the morning- it was the usual time you yourself would get up and out of bed.
Huh? you wondered, This feels... unnatural.
You got yourself out of bed and ready for your day as you normally would. You walked into the kitchen for your usual breakfast of coffee and a single granola bar, when you saw yet another note waiting for you on the kitchen table.
it’s no problem at all! i almost thought you hated the tteokbokki when i didn’t see any feedback when i got home. TT TT it’s so funny that we haven’t even met yet. btw, i’m sorry i’m loud in the mornings, i never realized how late you got home every night. i’ll let you sleep in more. :) and you’re so sweet, thank you for letting me use one of your cups, and thank you for the coffee this morning :)
p.s, just so you know a fact about me too, i love caramel in my coffees.
- PC
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mortedeveles · 4 years
AHHH that last mha headcanon was amazing tysm! You did great!!♡♡ Could I ask for another one with the same boys? (baku,tenya & izu!) With a crush who draws a lot? Like maybe they doodle while in class and while on break, 'cause they're bored? And the bois get curious because they're ALWAYS drawing while in the middle of class and they space out! Bonus points if the bois check their notebook and there's dumb doodles of them doing/saying something funny and some with little hearts around them. ^^"
thank you!! of course, anon! here you go, I hope you like it! a friendly reminder that my REQUESTS ARE OPEN! feel free to request lovelies! i’m ready to write for whatever you guys have in mind. i have a project coming up in 1-2 weeks and i think you guys will like it 👁️👁️! i’ll be posting the bonuses of model for me soon enough and a new series (not bakuhoe) will be posted as well! so stay tuned for more <3 as always, please leave a like, reblog, follow and/or comment if you enjoyed! support and feedback are ALWAYS welcomed! <3 
THEMES: humor, fluff. [HEADCANNONS]
TW: cursing
Frankly, school can be quite boring. Even though you're in the hero course and you learn extraordinary things, it doesn't exclude regular civilian subjects such as history, math and so.
When you lose focus in class, you like to redirect your attention to doodling. It's fun, relaxing and effortless- it's also quite time-consuming and you've spaced out of class many times.
When you space out, you lose the function to pay attention to your reality- and ever since the first day you started doodling in class, you never noticed a pair of curious eyes watching you.
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Iida Tenya is quite the gentleman. He's also known for being strict and keeping the chaotic class 1A in order- (well, try and fail many times, but he does his best.) During classes with Aizawa, the majority of the classroom is quiet- but he always hears intense scribbling from your seat.
Usually, he does his best to ignore it and focuses on the class but you're his crush- and the fact that he always hears intense scribbling every day is quite concerning. But one day, he can't take it anymore.
It's a hot and sweltering day, it doesn't help that class 1A just finished hero training and even though everyone hit the showers afterward- the classroom is boiling.
Iida's neck is drenched in sweat, Aizawa's flat and tired voice drones on and he hears furious scribbling behind him- it's all giving him a headache.
Slowly, he turns around and stares blankly at you. Your head is lowered, hand sketching in your notebook. Your movements are fluid and bold and your arm is propped lazily on the desk, leaning your head against it.
He feels his nerves calm at the sight. But then he remembers that he's class president- you're not paying attention in class and that is not okay. Iida opens his mouth and delivers a long speech. Tenya is strict- but he's not stupid- he lowers his voice so he won't embarrass you in front of the class.
After his long speech, he expects you to look sullen or simply understand where he's coming from- but instead, you're snickering with a smile.
''I'm sorry, Iida. I just space out of class all the time and I like to doodle,'' there's a playful pout on your lips, a pleading look gleaming in your eyes.
Oh god, how is he supposed to reprimand you when you look so cute and adorable?
His voice is stuck in his throat- there's a flushed expression on his face and it only gets worse when Aizawa's voice booms.
''Iida, if you're done with your important chat with L/N, turn around and pay attention. You're class president, I expect better from you.''
Iida nearly squeaks as he turns around and nods, apologizing several times. Aizawa simply sighs tiredly and resumes the lesson.
After that time, Iida spots you doodling all the time in class. It makes him concerned- do you even pay attention in class? Are your grades failing?
Eventually, he confronts you about and explains his concerns. His face is beet red when he's done, but you simply brush him off with a smile.
Assuring him that your grades and knowledge are in perfect order, you simply doodle a lot in class. After that confrontation, Iida is much more relaxed about the situation, and every time he sees you doodle, there's a soft smile on his lips.
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Midoriya is a very observant person. He has dozens of notebooks dedicated to quirks, Pro Heroes, and so on and while he doesn't write about his friends- he tends to notice several things.
For example, you. Since you began to attend U. A with Izuku, he's noticed that you spend most of your time sketching, doodling god knows what. You've never shown him your artwork.
Another thing he's realized is that when you start doodling- only Aizawa's loud voice or the school bell will snap you out of it. Izuku's tried everything- waving his hands in your face, throwing you paper balls- nothing. It's like you've been sucked out of reality..
Your manners leave him interested, curious to know more. He's sure you're not slacking off in class- he's been in several study sessions with Tsuyu, Iida, Ochaco, Todoroki, and you- you're always on track and usually have a good grasp of the subject.
You rarely share your notes- only with Tsuyu and Iida and occasionally Todoroki.
Midoriya doesn't mind, but it makes him burn with curiosity. So on the next studying session, he decides to come up with a plan.
''Y/N, what did you get on question 43?'' Ochaco asked. She leaned towards said girl and giggled.
Izuku frowned. What was so funny? The brunette's grin grew as she stared down at Y/N's notes, who was stammering and trying to hide their notes from the public view. 
When Ochaco and Y/N rose and said they needed to visit the restroom- Izuku struck. Tsuyu was chatting with Todoroki and Iida had his nose buried in his book- so they didn't notice when he grabbed your notebook.
He flicked through pages, greedily drinking in the sight of your doodles. They were all varied- some flowers, vines, others were small and cute animals- and others were more complex but in the end, doodles. Midoriya froze when he flipped through a page and saw a... peculiar sight. 
In the middle of the page, was a heart. You had doodled several headshots of Izuku, in which some of them he was saying corny or bad jokes, and in others, he was simply smiling. His cheeks burned when he saw the small hearts that you had doodled around him.
When he heard your voice and footsteps approaching the dorm- he quickly dropped your notebook in your spot and tried to act casual. Tsuyu raised an eyebrow at this, but said nothing, while Todoroki asked him why his face was burning.
He had refused to answer and remained somewhat silent during the rest of the session, his cheeks red. His heart was soaring with happiness- those doodles only meant one thing- you had feelings for him.
Once the studying session was over, Izuku would pull you aside and confess his feelings. His veins were pumping with confidence- you liked him back!
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Ever since you befriended Katsuki, he's noticed that you're a very attentive friend.
That is when you're not in class. You submerge yourself into your notebook with a pencil and nothing else- and pour all your attention into it.
Bakugou thinks it's rather annoying, he's tried to get your attention several times, only to fail miserably.
Today is no exception. Bakugou's ready to pop- dunceface and shitty head have been bothering him all day, stupid Deku gave a speech that made him roll his eyes and he was tired and just wanted to go to bed.
Unfortunately, he found himself stuck in class, listening to Aizawa talk like a damn zombie- trying to grab your attention, but you were too immersed in your doodles.
Irritated, he pressed his sweat hand on your neck and ignited a small spark- not enough to hurt you, but enough to startle you. The effect was immediate. You yelped and snapped your neck upwards, clutching the back of your neck. Everyone stared at you, bewildered. Katsuki grinned, satisfied that he finally got your attention but when you realized it was him- you narrowed your eyes and scowled.
''Bakugou? L/N? What's going on?'' Aizawa asked sharply.
Your scowl deepened. ''Everything is okay, Aizawa-sensei. I apologize.'' Your eyes stayed on Bakugou as you spoke.
Aizawa hummed in response and continued with the lesson. Bakugou bit down on his lip, swallowing a snicker.
After class, you smacked Bakugou on the head, to which he responded with a growl and the two of you engaged in a match of playful fighting, and between snickers and lunges your notebook fell out of your open backpack, loose sheets slipping out. 
Immediately, you jumped back and began to gather them, but Bakugou kneeled down and helped you as well. He froze as he held a loose sheet- there were several sketches of him with different expressions- in some, he was smirking, frowning or screaming- but that wasn't what made him freeze. It was the several little hearts that you had doodled around him.
You nearly shrieked when you saw which paper he was holding and snatched it out of his hands. In a blink of an eye, you had picked everything up and ran away.
Katsuki was puzzled. He stood there for a minute or two, gears shifting in his brain as he processed the situation. Once it finally kicked in, he raced after you and found you sitting in a corner, head buried between your knees.
''Um,'' he cleared his throat awkwardly. ''Hey.'' his voice was gruff and tense.
You groaned and shook your head. ''Go away, Bakugou. I know you don't like me, so just spare me from the harsh rejection.''
''What?'' he furrowed his eyebrows and kneeled to your height. ''What the fuck are you talking about? That's not true.''
Slowly, you raised your head and peered at him, narrowing your eyes with suspicion. ''It's not?''
Bakugou scoffed. ''Of course not. I like you too, dumbass,'' he grumbled the last sentence, feeling his ears and cheeks warm up.
''Oh.'' was all you said. The blonde snickered and pulled you upwards onto your feet.
''C'mon dumbass, I'll walk you home. Gotta keep you safe.''
(bonus extra!)
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Shoto is clever and can improvise quickly- but he can be quite dense or oblivious at times. He probably wouldn't notice your doodling habits and if he did, he would brush it off. You're just doodling in class, nothing too fancy.
He doesn't understand how far your doodling goes until he asks you to lend him your math notes after class, and you happily oblige.
Shoto spends the rest of the afternoon studying and writing down whatever he missed- all thanks to your notes that were thankfully complete.
Once he was sure he'd done enough studying, Todororki began to flip through your notes idly, appreciating your writing. The more he read, the more he realized that there were doodles...everywhere.
He thought it was quite impressive that you managed to doodle so much in class and your artistic skills were quite impressive. There was a variety of sketches- plants, animals, silly faces but the ones he saw the most, were the ones of him.
Shoto felt a strange flutter whenever he saw one of your doodles that were him. You captured him perfectly and he cracked a grin whenever he saw one in which he was saying a corny or silly joke. It was refreshing.
It made his heart warm, seeing that his crush seemed to be as fond of him as he was of them. I don’t think he’d truly understand why you would draw him several times and instead, would ask you for an explanation. 
The next day, he made sure to thank you for lending him your notes- and for making such beautiful and impressive doodles. 
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owl-with-a-pen · 3 years
Didn't anyone notice that poor Brainy was about to fall over during all of 6x01? I was like a mother with my heart in my hand. I feel like Brainia's last interaction, when they promised each other no more secrets, made all this waiting worth it. And his face when she laid her head down, as if he had been waiting for it for ages.. T-T. Could you write about that?
- I felt 100% the same, anon! Brainy didn’t get a second to rest through all of that drama and I simply will not stand for it! So, I added a little extra to Nia and Brainy’s scene, just for you. ;) x
Brainy didn’t want to let her go.
If he could have had it his way, this moment would have gone uninterrupted for lifetimes.
Since giving her his ring, he’d been trying to come to terms with the fact that Nia might not have been able to forgive what he’d done. Even after calculating the odds a thousand times over, it had done nothing to aid the hurt in his chest knowing she might never be able to look at him the same way again, that he may have ruined everything by doing this.
And yet, despite those odds, despite every intrusive, insistent voice that hammered at the back of his mind, Nia had told him that she still cared for him, that she still loved him. That, if he was willing, she wanted to fix what was broken, rekindle and reinforce their relationship. No more lies, no more secrets. She was asking for his complete transparency, so that she could trust him just as freely as Brainy had entrusted his own Legion ring to Nia not hours ago.
If there was one thing Brainy knew for certain, it was that he never wanted to lie to Nia ever again.
Their fingers were still locked together, neither one of them willing to break from each other’s hold quite yet. Brainy could feel the steady thrill of Nia’s pulse against his hand, and yet even with the warmth of her body right at his side, he just couldn’t understand how she could still be there, after all he had put her through…
The heart isn’t logical.
The longer that Brainy had to process his uninhibited state, the truer he was beginning to find those words.
He closed his eyes, allowing a small breath to pass through his teeth as he lowered his head.
Even in the peaceful lull of this small, uninterrupted moment, Brainy couldn’t help but run through every move he had made that had brought him here. There had been no correct choice, that was true, but had his decisions in the end been worth the sacrifice? He may have defeated Leviathan, but Lex had only grown stronger for it. If he had never obtained their bottled power in the first place, Kara might still have been…
Then, he felt Nia shift against his shoulder, the tickle of her eyelashes as they fluttered against his throat, and suddenly nothing else mattered. Brainy pushed that tumultuous thought track aside, focusing instead on the warmth of Nia’s breath against his neck, squeezing her leg tighter still.
The moment felt unreal and yet undeniably grounding all at once.
Ultimately, he wanted to be worthy of her forgiveness, and he knew it would start here. With honesty. Communication. The kind that they had been working on long before Lex had put a nearly irreversible divide through their relationship.
But, his mind was beginning to fog. The steady exhaustion that had been building up all day from ignoring his body’s baser needs was finally reaching its peak. He’d been putting it off for far too long already. 
His head felt heavy, suddenly, and he pressed his face into Nia’s hair, sighing softly.
He was on the very edge of unconsciousness when he heard Nia speak.
“Brainy,” Nia murmured, her voice a gentle buzz along his jaw. “You’re really warm.” She lifted her head, squeezing his hand a little tighter. “Are you okay?”
Brainy blinked his eyes open, finding that it took longer than anticipated to refocus on his surroundings.
In all honesty, he wasn’t okay. He’d put all his energy into maintaining his focus throughout the day, ignoring the uncomfortable sensations of his internal enhancements as they’d worked tirelessly to fix the damage caused by Leviathan’s ship. Alex had been right, the support of the nanites was most certainly not fun. They had played their part, but he was in no way restored to an adequate level of functionality. His head was beginning to swim the longer he kept his eyes open, and his bones still ached from the chill left behind by the Fortress’s icy floors.
That was strange in itself. He felt cold, although Nia had been right, he was definitely running warmer than normal. It appeared his implants working on overdrive to heal his body as quickly as possible had resulted in a rather nasty fever.
“I’m still healing,” Brainy said slowly, disquieted by the lethargic slur in his voice. He swallowed in an effort to cover it. “It’ll take some time before I’m fully recovered.”
“Would sleeping help?” Nia prompted.
Brainy stiffened immediately. “I should be helping in the search for Kara-”
“M’gann’s chasing her lead,” Nia said smoothly, “and Lena’s still studying the projector.” Her brow creased with concern. “Look, Brainy, I know you feel responsible, but this wasn’t your fault, and forcing yourself to keep going when you’re not feeling well isn’t going to help anyone.”
Brainy’s jaw clenched instinctively, preparing himself for a rebuttal…
But, then he saw Nia’s face, the clear worry in her expression as she waited patiently for his answer. Silently, she reached out with her free hand, squeezing his wrist.
Communication, he reminded himself strictly. Nia deserved the truth from him. And, the truth was... 
“You’re right,” Brainy admitted softly, ducking his head. “I- I am tired.”
“Alright,” Nia said gently, bumping her shoulder against his. “Let’s get you to the couch.”
Brainy blinked up at that. “Can we—” he began, before pausing, lowering his voice. “I mean- can we stay here, for just a moment longer? Please?”
Maybe Nia could hear the tremble in his voice, further alluding to how weak he suddenly felt. At the very least, he was confident that trying to stand right now would not end well. He needed the time to draw energy from a few background processes, to support him enough that he might make the short journey to somewhere vastly more accommodating to allow for proper rest.
Nia nodded her understanding, resting her head back against Brainy’s shoulder, allowing him to balance a little more of his weight against her as she snuggled in close.
Brainy smiled, burying his face into the comfort of his girlfriend’s hair.
“Just let me know when you’re ready,” Nia murmured. “I’m right here, okay?”
Yes, Brainy thought as he closed his eyes, feeling the soft pinch of her finger still tightly wound around his own.
Despite all odds, she was.
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doiedreams · 4 years
helloo!! how are you? school has been tiring. btw I love your blurbs! can I request a fic where chenle and the reader is an idol and they meet at a awards show? you can decide on how their relationship happens!! hope everything is going well for you 💚
Hi love ♡ Thank you so much for the request! I could be better, thank you for asking :) You’re right, school is so draining but you’ve got this!! Thanksgiving break is coming super soon, so let's hope for a good break when it comes! Anon, you're so sweet I'm so so so glad you like my blurbs. That makes my heart so warm ♡ In regards to your request, I mainly focused on the meeting more than the relationship itself... I’m sorry about that :( I really hope you enjoy it 🤍✨💖
- Kay 𖠌
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you unexpectedly meet idol!Chenle in the empty dressing room after an awards show. Thinking about the idol life you live, you both realize there’s a lot to reflect on. (fem idol!reader)
◈⇢ fluff ద, requested r, idol!au
◈⇢ 1.2k words
◈⇢ warnings: none
◈⇢ pt.1, pt.2 (coming soon)
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reflection • z.cl
A long night of performances, awards, and applause leave your feet in discomfort and your energy drained completely. All you can think of is going to bed, but you know the night is far from over as your group will probably be celebrating your wins ’til the morning.
You wait for the rest of your group members to get ready to leave for the company building where you're sure to have some sort of afterparty. In the meantime, you recall the several performances that left you amazed that night, one of which being a performance by NCT Dream. Something about their charisma, talent, and energy had a lasting effect on you.
“Ah, I must have left my bag in the dressing room,” one of your members mutter next to you.
You were surrounded by staff members and managers ready to send you off, but you decided to help her out and quickly retrieve the bag yourself.
“I got it,” you tell her.
You turn back towards the venue to bring her bag back from the dressing room.
After a while, you realize you aren't very familiar with the place and find yourself confused.
Which door did we come through? Which hallway looks familiar?
You end up in a very familiar-looking hall and take a mental note of how many doors you pass.
5th door down? Can't remember.
Opening the door, instead of the empty room you had been in when you were getting ready for the show, you see Zhong Chenle sitting at a mirror looking at your reflection behind his.
You clasp your hand over your mouth realizing you'd made a mistake. This isn't the dressing room you were in earlier.
“I’m sorry! I think I’m in the wrong room.” you begin.
Chenle gets up from the chair and turns toward you.
“No! I'm sorry, I was looking for the closest mirror and I figured it'd be in a dressing room and this was the closest one so I just came in here...” he trails off realizing that a simple ’it's my bad’ would suffice.
You mouth an “Oh...” after hearing his explanation and continue to stand there awkwardly thinking of what else you should say. Chenle remains in his place, wide-eyed, lost in your beautiful image. Seeing you in your stunning outfit made him weak in the knees.
He’s heard of you before. It’s hard not to when you're such a well-known idol. He's seen many of your performances even before tonight. Although you’ve never exchanged words before, he’d be lying if he said he hasn’t thought of sparking a conversation with you.
You clear your throat and glance down at your heels, beginning to feel uncomfortable under his gaze as you don't know why he’s staring at you. You assume the worst and begin adjusting your dress.
He notices you tugging at the collar of your dress, seemingly uncomfortable, and snaps out of his trance.
“Oh I’m sorry, I- I should leave.” He starts towards the door.
“No! Please, it's okay. I just need to grab something and go. I’ll be out in no time.”
You spot the dazzling purse from across the room and retrieve it before getting ready to leave the room. You stop at the door and tilt your head up realizing how you'd just ignored him.
“I’m sorry. I should've said this as soon as I saw you, ” you say as you turn back toward him. “You performed so well tonight. Congratulations on the awards.”
He beams at your commendation, feeling especially accomplished having his hard work admired by someone like you.
“Wow, thank you so much,” he replies.
“You’re welcome! I would say the same to the rest of your group but...”
“Oh, right. They're getting ready to leave. I should be too, but I needed to collect my thoughts.”
You think back to what he was doing when you first entered the room and become curious about why he was here alone.
“If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing here by yourself?”
Chenle rubs the back of his neck.
“Well...” He makes his way back to the mirror as you help yourself to a seat next to him. “Sometimes, I need to take a step back and think about what got me here.” he says, staring at his image in the mirror.
You understand what he's saying. Things like this - winning awards and national recognition for simply doing what you love to do - make you reflect on how your life has changed. How much of this do you deserve? How much more can you get from it? It leaves a lot of room for thought.
Still clutching onto the purse, you nod at his words and Chenle continues.
“I’m grateful for all of it. I really am. But I never want any of this to get to my head. I need a reality check every once in a while.”
“Mhm, I get that,” you agree. “It’s still a lot to take in. I like to think about the days when I’d sing into my plastic microphone alone in my room.”
He giggled at the thought and says, “Oh, you did that too?”
You both laugh at the memories of your childhood that led you to where you are today. You find it so intriguing how it can be so easy to lose sight of who you once were because you’re so focused on who you want to become. It's also intriguing how Chenle refuses to lose himself to the present and instead chooses to keep himself grounded in reality. It's admirable. It makes you want to hear more about him.
You begin to engage in a conversation you never thought you'd be able to have with somebody else. Everything you speak of, you assumed no one would understand. You've clearly been proven wrong as Chenle makes you feel less alone in your thoughts and feelings.
In an empty room with nothing but a couple racks of disarrayed stage outfits and dirty mirrors, it feels as if you're sharing your secrets with a stranger who somehow knows everything about you.
As you both dive deeper into the thoughts you share, reminiscing on the past and dreaming about the future, you begin to draw closer to each other in a way you could have never imagined, losing track of time completely.
Chenle stares at the mesmerizing glimmer in your eyes that shines bright when you talk about your passion, your aspirations, your hopes and dreams. He finds himself captivated by it. He’d listen to you talk all day if he could.
When you start talking about talents, you think long and hard about Chenle’s. He’s so talented in countless ways. Everyone knows it. And it's not just him. You shared the talents that he had. It's what drew you both to this career.
The way idols like you and Chenle tell stories through music and movement is enthralling. Good stories, bad stories, stories with happy endings, stories with sorrowful truths- they’re all worth telling. You couldn’t have imagined that sitting in the empty dressing room talking to Chenle about this passion of storytelling would turn out to be the very beginning of your story with him.
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a/n: I tried my best. idol!aus are my weakness. i suck at this. goodnight I’m malfunctioning ily jdhdhsn. tysm for reading <3
Not proofread
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rorynne · 5 years
Pairing: Bucky/Reader
Summary: Request:  a fic where the reader really hates being touched by someone they’re not close with and all the Avengers learn about it. Except they only accept being touched by people they’re close with or someone they like and that’s how one of the Avengers realises the reader likes them. You can do it with whoever, i know it’ll be great anyway!  -Anon
Warnings: None as far as I know, its just Rory Brand Fluff.
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: It should not have taken me 8 hours to type up 1.8k words from a notebook. ADHD handed my ass to me tonight
It was no secret that you didn't like to be touched, hated it even. You did everything in your power to avoid it. The only time you would even tolerate it was from friends, and even then it was just that, tolerating. Most people didn't understand it, they usually just wrote you off as being snobby, or maybe just a germaphobe. What they didn't get was just how much unwanted contact hurt. It was easier to manage with friends, but just one small touch from a stranger was enough to make you completely unable to speak for the rest of the day, or worse, have a complete breakdown from the sensation.
The Avengers understood though, or at the very least, they accepted without judgment. They each had their fair share of quirks and needs, and to them, your touch avoidance was no different. It was honestly a blessing to be working for them. You provided them with ground support and helped repair their gear. They provided you with moral support and freedom from unwanted contact. Of course, they weren't perfect, every so often someone might accidentally bump into you, or excitedly clap a hand on your shoulder without asking first. But that was okay, you could tolerate it from them. Especially when they did their best to make you feel included in the team in any way that they could, more than anyone else had done for you in the past.
No doubt that desire to include you was exactly what brought Steve to your workbench in the lab, a long-haired man following close behind, not unlike a confused puppy. You had glanced up from your current project as they approached, Steve radiating his typical golden retriever-like aura, while the man behind him looked none too happy to actually be there. "Y/N! I'm glad I found you. I wanted to introduce Bucky yo everyone he hasn't had the chance to meet yet."
Bucky shifted slightly uncomfortably on his feet as he gave you an awkward smile and held his hand out to you. “Glad to meet you.” You glanced at his hand and grimaced mentally. Steve had spent months talking about Bucky and the progress he was making, Steve was beyond excited to have his best friend back and on the team, but Bucky was still a stranger to you. Your grip tightened around your wrench and you glanced over at Steve.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Bucky.” You said, leaving his hand unshaken, instead, giving him a polite smile. Steve immediately jumped into action, whispering something, likely an explanation, into Bucky’s ear.
Bucky’s eyes went wide and his face went red as he dropped his hand. “Sorry.” He mumbled out quickly and something in your heart squeezed.
“No, it’s fine.” You reassured, “You couldn’t have known.”
He nodded and cleared his throat, “For what it's worth, I'm not a big fan of touching people either.” Your heart gave another squeeze and you weren’t quite sure why. His aversion to touch made sense, you recalled Steve explaining the things that had happened to him.
"We have something in common then." You said setting your wrench down on the table in front of you. "Luckily everyone here is very understanding about it."
He smiled, and for a moment your brain completely blanked as you saw the was his smile made the skin crinkle adorably around his eyes. He was attractive, there was no denying that, but honestly, something about his smile was special. "I'm glad to hear that," he said softly before pointing at the device on your work table. "What are you working on anyway?"
You blinked before looking down at what he was pointing at. "Oh! This is the Maximum Operational Radius Support Aerobot or MORSA. Tony came up with the name, I like to call him Moe for short. He's like redwing, Sam's drone? But more support focused than combat focused. He's my eyes in the sky, he's great. I wouldn't be able to be nearly as much help without him. Time to wake up Moe." You said, tapping the drone twice. It burst to life, hovering a few inches above the table, albeit as a noticeable angle. You winced at Moe's lopsided hovering, but Bucky seemed enthralled. "He isn't usually so…. Wonky. He got damaged by an explosion a few missions ago and I only just got him flying again. I'm sure Wakanda has things way more advanced but…" you trailed off as Bucky shook his head.
“Are you kidding me?” he asked, circling around for a better look. You almost didn’t notice his hand accidentally brushing against your arm as he moved past you, but to your surprise, it didn’t feel unpleasant. “It’s like that car Stark showed off in ‘43. You remember that Stevie?”
Steve seemed almost surprised as he watched Bucky gush over the drone, you would have never been able to guess that he had been begging Steve to not bother introducing him to anyone not even half an hour before. “The one that crashed to the ground?”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Listen Punk, don’t even pretend to act like you stuck around long enough to see that.”
You bit your lip to fight the urge to laugh. You would have never expected the Winter Soldier to be a science nerd. “I did base Moe’s propulsion system off Howard Stark’s flying car propulsion designs, though I reworked them to be more efficient and a bit faster. When they’re properly adjusted at least.” You finished by tapping the drone again and it gently lowered onto the table before turning off.
“That’s absolutely amazing,” Bucky said rubbing his jaw. “What else does it do?” You grinned as you began to explain Moe’s functions in detail, Bucky clinging to your every word. Neither of you noticed as Steve quietly slipped away, grinning like a Cheshire cat. It was rare for either of you to take so quickly to someone, and he wasn’t about to do anything to draw your attention to it. He could finish introducing Bucky to everyone tomorrow.
From that day, your friendship with Bucky was easy and fun. You both just seemed to click in a way you had never experienced with someone before. He would spend hours in the lab while you worked, talking to you about anything and everything that he could think of. You wouldn’t shy away from him on the extremely rare times he would accidentally touch or brush against you. Strangely, you actually found yourself liking his touch and, for that matter, him.
Actually, saying you liked Bucky was probably the understatement of the century. You were absolutely head-over-heels for him. You didn’t have a damn clue how you managed to fall so hard for him, especially when it didn’t even feel like falling at all. You could barely even focus if he wasn’t there. You had grown so used to his presence that when he was on missions the entire tower seemed to feel empty.
Which was where you found yourself right now. You tinkered aimlessly on your gadget, there were countless repairs you should be doing, but you just couldn’t motivate yourself to do any of them. Bucky had been on a mission for the last two weeks, the longest he had been away since he joined. You had no idea what to do with yourself as you pulled yourself through the paces of adjusting Moe's propulsion system. You were waiting for FRIDAY to inform you of Bucky's return, just like she always did the moment he came back. You couldn't wait to greet him as he got off the quinjet. At least then you could stop worrying so much and get some work done.
"Y/N, FRIDAY's voice echoed through the lab. Your heart soared as you looked up toward the ceiling at the disembodied voice. "Sergeant Barnes has just landed, he's been rushed to the med bay." And just like that, your heart crashed to the ground. Something fell to the ground with a loud bang as you jumped up, but you didn't care to see what it was as you rushed out of the lab.
You ran as fast as your feet would carry you as you hurried to the med bay. Horror stories played through your head as you pushed through the doors. You paid no mind to the nurses yelling for you to slow down as you searched for Bucky.
Your lungs bere burning when you found him being stitched up by Bruce, talking to Steve. Relief hit you like a tidal wave. He was okay. Bruce had just finished Bucky’s stitches when you threw your arms around Bucky. You hadn’t even thought about the contact, you were just so happy that he was okay. You only realized it when you felt a cool arm wrap around your waist.
“Don’t cry Doll.” He said softly, tightening his arms around you. You hadn’t even noticed you were crying until he pointed it out. “I’m okay. The bullet only grazed me. I promise I’m okay.” He reassured you, his hand stroking your hair. Being held by him was probably the nicest thing you’ve ever felt.
You took a deep, shaky breath as your tears slowed. You nodded as you pulled away from him, smiling weakly. Bruce and Steve stared in disbelief as they watched you. You had never so much as willingly shook someone's had, let alone hug them, and yet there you were with your arms wrapped around Bucky’s neck. Bucky ignored them, pulling you back into him, touching his forehead to yours. You sniffled, “FRIDAY said-”
“I know Doll. It’s okay. Are you?”
You swallowed and nodded again. You had never been so close to him before, but honestly, it felt right, it put your mind at ease in ways you severely needed right now. He was so important to you, and you were so scared you might have lost him. Especially before you could tell him just how important he was. You took a deep breath, filled with a sudden resolve, “I love you.” You finally said, bracing him for his response.
Tears threatened in your eyes again when he laughed. “Doll, I figured that out when you hugged me.” He brushed away a tear welling in your eye with his thumb. “And I love you too.” The breath caught in your throat and you choked out a sobbing laugh. “Want to talk about this over milkshakes?”
“I’d love to.” You smiled with a big sniffle.
“As sweet as this is.” Bruce cut in. “I need to finish bandaging Bucky up before you two try to take off.” You both pulled apart to see Bruce holding up gauze and bandages.
Bucky smiled that smile you had come to love so dearly before kissing your forehead. “Go get ready, Doll. I’ll pick you up in 10.” You nodded, giving him one last hug before leaving. You really could get used that feeling. 
@part-time-prefect @anxiousamandapanda
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ickle-ronniekins · 5 years
we have tonight, george x reader
request: from anon: “I missed your writing so much! Do you think you could write something with “you’re the only thing getting me through this war tonight.” and “but friends aren’t allowed to kiss one another.” with the boy Georgie? | oh my gosh, you are too sweet! thank you for the kind welcome back, this completely sparks my inspiration and makes me so happy to be writing these again...i missed it, and you guys, so much! :)
prompt(s): “you’re the only thing getting me through this war tonight” / “but friends aren’t allowed to kiss one another”
warnings: war? LEGGOOOOOO also, lol, can fred like, not die in this??
a/n: so the other night i was watching one of john mulaney’s skits and he said something about how he hates that all pop songs are like “we only have tonight” and “tonight is the night” and shit like that so i feel obliged to make that the title because of the irony and also, john mulaney is my hero
Battle of Hogwarts
Boom. Boom. Boom. Around me, bits and pieces of the castle fell to the ground with loud crashes. Nearly everything was in flames or destroyed, which made hiding to regain our composure so much harder. Beside me, students from every single house were holding one another, crying, screaming—not letting their differences stand in the way of them fighting alongside one another. I searched desperately through the crowd to find those who gave me comfort, but as much as I tried to find them, the more and more difficult it became.
I ran quickly through a large cloud of smoke, attempting to get to the other end of the fifth floor as quickly as possibly. I climbed over debris, pushed my way through rubble, and did my best to ignore the bodies on the ground, the lost lives, the ones who fought until the end. Tears made their way to the surface of my eyes, and pain rose in the back of my throat as I fought to push them away. Vision slightly blurred, I accidentally tripped something and immediately fell onto multiple bricks. I felt stinging on my arm, my cheek, my lip, my forehead. I didn’t need a mirror to know that I was bleeding. I gently pressed my fingertips to the stinging sensation, only to see a deep red color. I wiped my ripped shirt sleeve against my face, winced, and placed my back against the wall. Almost immediately, I heard a voice. “Y/N?”
I turned to see a very tall frame come into view. “Are you alright?” Fred said to me. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair askew, and I could see blood smeared on the side of his face.
“I tripped,” I told him. He lent a hand to me and pulled me to my feet. We embraced tightly before I said, “But I’m fine, I promise. Are you alright?”
“I will be when this is all over,” he shivered. Faint screams continued to fill the hallway and echo through the night. I slammed my eyes shut and stretched my arms out behind my back. “Let’s go, before they find us here. Where’s your brother?”
Fred pointed towards the end of the hallway. Suddenly two more Weasley brothers came info focus, frantically shooting spells into the air. Together, Fred and I moved swiftly towards them. Percy had just knocked out a Death Eater, and George was fighting one off as we showed up. Eventually, it fell to the ground, and George wobbled over to us. A huge gash shone brightly across ankle.
“They’re coming back for us,” Percy said in a low hush. He pointed forward. Small balls of light continued to puncture the shield around the castle. “There.”
One by one, we took our place. The blood stung my face, my arm throbbed, my heart pounded. On either side of me, Fred and George were steady as rocks, but their eyes showed sadness, anger, confusion, anxiety. One small moment of silence washed over us before more screams and cries filled the air. I swallowed over a lump in my throat, lifted my wand into the air, and eventually George asked me, “You ready?”
Hogwarts, Seventh Year
“Ready when you are!” I said excitedly. But truthfully, I wasn’t so patient. I listened closely to the clock ticking in the corner. “C’mon, hurry up already! I can barely stand it anymore,”
Fred and George laughed. “Tell me about it,” George said. “I’ve been wanting to sell these for years now...perfecting them took so much longer than I thought. But it’ll be all be worth it—”
“The shop is going to be fantastic,” Fred told me. The Gryffindor common room fire was dying down and one a.m. was drawing nearer. Slowly but surely, my eyes were becoming heavier, the impending doom of my early morning Potions class making me groan. But the excitement of my best friends’ inventions was keeping me awake; my admiration for them was too much to handle, their passion and creativity bursting at the seams of their grins.
The droopier my eyes felt, the harder it was to stay awake. I put my head on the table, watching as Fred and George animatedly discussed their pranks and inventions. Colorful blurs eventually turned to black, and before I knew it, I was gently awoken by a soft voice and a hand in my hair.
“Y/N?” George whispered.
“What time is it?” I asked groggily. Hair was plastered to the side of my face, and my eyes felt tired.
“Almost three,” he said. “Fred went up to bed already, I fell asleep in the armchair almost immediately.” He laughed quietly and gave me his hand. “C’mon, your four poster awaits.” He high fived me jokingly.
I yawned, stood up, and stretched dramatically. The fire in the common room was out, but I could still smell a hint of smoke. Just a few more hours before class, but all I wanted to do was sleep…
He walked me towards the stairs. “Thanks for staying up with us to test some inventions. See you in the morning?”
“Yeah, we’ll grab breakfast,” I said. “G’night, Georgie,”
He leaned in towards me, slowly pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. It was a small, intimate moment, probably the most intimate we’d ever shared. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. As the pounding in my heart continued to speed up, George noticed what he’d done, and slowly stepped away towards the boys’ dormitory, turning back once more to look at me. He smiled, and I knew I hadn’t just dreamt that moment. He slowly raised a tired hand, but his eyes still sparkled. As courage bubbled up inside me, George said to me, “G’night, Y/N,”
Battle of Hogwarts, Part 2
A scream filled the air. Not a terrified one, not a scared one—a sort of cry that escapes a body that had been hurt, scarred, beaten. I turned to my left and saw George lying on the ground, debris crushing his leg, pain escaping him. “No!”
I ran over, tripping as I went. While Fred and Percy were only a few feet from us, it felt like miles as smoke poured in between us. I began to frantically move pieces of debris away from George’s broken bones, when he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck. “What? What can I do for you?” Tears escaped my eyes. I couldn’t hold them back any longer. “Georgie, tell me what I can do. Please be okay, please be okay,” I started to mend the bones, careful not to make any mistakes, as screams left his body. “I’m so sorry,” I sniffled. “I’m sorry it hurts, I promise it will all be okay.”
Finally he opened his eyes. The pain I saw in them was heart wrenching. Before me, my funny, jokester friend had become something I’d never seen before—vulnerable, desperate, pleading. Sobbing a bit, he pulled me closer. “You’re the only thing getting me through this war tonight,”
I furrowed my brow, sweat dripping down my cheek. “What?” I asked him.
From a distance, I could see multiple Death Eaters making their way towards us. George, although in pain, stood up as quickly as he could, and I did the same next to him.
Sparks emitted from the end of his wand. I flourished mine back and forth, hitting obstacles in front of us and knocking them towards the ground below. “Do you remember,” George yelled over the noise, “when we promised one another that if we were ever in a situation exactly like this, we’d tell our favorite stories from school? Stupefy!” He screamed, and a Death Eater went flying directly into a wall, nearly crushing him on impact. “Remember that time when we tried to hex Umbridge in the middle of Defense Against the Dark Arts?” I could’ve sworn I saw a smirk.
I actually could not help but laugh. “Of course I remember,” I yelled back, “But we were twelve, and I don’t think we truly believed in that moment that we’d be fighting a war like this one—bombarda!”
Beside me, I felt George’s body tense up. Another boom, another crack. Breathlessly, he continued, “Yeah, but, I reckon it’s the perfect time, you know? Since we’ll probably both be dead in a few hours time, anyway—”
I whipped around towards him, completely leaving my backside unprotected. “George! Don’t say that…” my voice trailed off into the abyss. “You can’t say that, I don’t want to lose my best friend, how dare—”
And his arms were around my waist, his lips, though chapped and broken, were soft against mine—the surprise of it all making my head swirl—his eyelashes fluttering against my cheekbones and I could taste the salt from his tears and sweat. He pulled away suddenly and ran his hands through the bottom of my hair. Shock must have been written on my face.
A few feet from us, a large piece of wood fell and cracked into many bits, but George didn’t flinch. Instead, he looked at me longingly, with a kind of pleading in his eyes. He slowly caressed my cheek. “I don’t want to lose my best friend, either.”
I gently pressed my fingertips to my lips and blinked. “But friends aren’t allowed to kiss one another.”
A small smile, almost unnoticeable, appeared on George’s face. “C’mon,” he said to me, the desperation in his voice heavier than before. “You know we’re more than that, we’ve always been more than that.”
Everything around us went still. It’s as if the war had been put into a very slow motion, almost ended, just for this moment. I focused solely on his tired eyes, ignoring everything else around me. He was right—we’d probably both lose our lives by the morning. So, there was nothing else left to do except everything we’d always wanted, and I wanted him. I swallowed over a lump in my throat and my mouth felt dry. I could feel the cuts on my skin burn. I could hear the blood pounding in my ears. I grabbed him by the collar, pulled him close, and pressed my lips to his again. This time, it was dizzy and dangerous and hungry and pleading, like there were only seconds left for us. When we pulled away, sparks flew above us. This was not over. The war was raging on, and the darkness of the night was washing over us. I squeezed his hand and watched as life filled his eyes again. Heart pounding and eyes watering, I said to hm finally, “Let’s end this war.”
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marvelsdc22 · 5 years
Give Me A Chance
Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I hope you’re having a good day/night!! This one was requested by an anon!! I hope you enjoy!! :)
Note: Y/N is gender neutral. Y/N is a reporter at CatCo.
Word Count: 1283
Nia Nal x reader: R confesses their feelings for her, but gets rejected because Nia thinks she likes Brainy, but it’s just an infatuation. She realizes her true feelings for R when she sees R doing things for another girl that she would do for her (like doodle a picture on a post-it note put it on her desk just to get her to laugh or share terrible pickup lines just to see her smile). Nia gets jealous and is sad to see that R looks like they’re over her. You can decide the ending. Happy or not.
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She’s so beautiful you thought to yourself as you stared at Nia from your desk, resting your chin on your hand and sighing some, jumping and hitting your legs on your desk when someone slammed a book on your desk “Finally, I’ve been trying to talk to you for the past five minutes” Winn said, looking at you and watching as you blushed and rubbed your legs “Sorry, what did you need?” You asked, clearing your throat and looking at him “James wants your report in before the end of your shift… He was very adamant about it” Winn said, looking at you as you nodded “Yeah, okay… I’ll have it done” you sighed, focusing back to your computer and raising an eyebrow when Winn didn’t leave “Is there something else?” You asked, leaning back in your chair as you looked at him “You should tell her how you feel instead of just creepily staring at her from afar” Win said, giving a small laugh when you sputtered “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about” you said, quickly averting your gaze while Winn laughed and patted you on the back before heading off to finish his work, leaving you to finish your report and stew in your embarrassment.
Later that night, you sighed as you checked the time “Way past when I’m supposed to leave” you said, sighing as you submitted your now finished report before standing up and grabbing your things, raising an eyebrow when you saw Nia just leaving as well “Nia? What are you doing here so late?” You asked, walking over to her and watching as she jumped but smiled at you “I could ask you the same” she said, grabbing her things and the two of you walking out of CatCo together “Hey… Can I talk to you about something?” You asked, stopping after you exited the building “Sure” Nia said, smiling at you and you took a deep breath “Nia, I… I really like you, I have for a while… I was wanting to know if you wanted to get dinner sometime?” You asked, biting your lip and shifting from foot to foot as you watched her stare at you silently “Y/N…” She said softly, averting her gaze and you giving a small nod, taking a deep breath as you closed your eyes “It’s okay, it’s fine” you said softly, looking at her and fighting back the tears “I’m-“ Nia started until you shook your head “No, don’t apologize… I’m the idiot here, I’ll see you tomorrow” you said, walking away and getting into your car before you let the tears fall.
Over the course of the next few days, you did your best to avoid Nia which was easy since Brainy came by a lot so she hung around him a lot, you sighed as you got up and went into the break room to get yourself a snack and some coffee, taking a bite of your granola bar as you headed back to your desk, raising an eyebrow when you saw the person that was at the desk in front of you not there, you hadn’t really gotten a chance to talk to her much but you did like her and you knew of some of her interests due to the small talks the two of you had, setting your mug and granola bar down you pulled out your stack of sticky notes and doodled a quick little drawing of her favorite animal before reaching over and sticking it to her desk, smiling as you waited for her to return and catching her eyes after she looked at it, giving her a smile which she returned before the two of you returned to work.
After a few days of leaving doodles on her desk, you went over and leaned against her desk “You know you remind me of a magnet, because you’re attracting me over here” you said, giving her a cheesy smile and watching as she blushed and laughed, clearing her throat after a moment “I’m Dani” she introduced, holding a hand out for you to shake which you returned “Y/N” you said, smiling at her and looking at the doodle you had placed earlier on her desk “It’s cute, like you” you said, smiling when she blushed and looked down “Well, thank you… Want to hang out later?” Dani asked, looking at you with a smile “Of course”.
As time went on, you and Dani got closer, started working on projects together and shared stories along with a few cheesy pick-up lines here and there, during that time Nia had come to realize that she really didn’t like Brainy the way she thought she did, often finding herself jealous when she saw you and Dani together, laughing, like you were currently as she watched you from her desk “Nia!” Brainy said, running up to her desk and causing her to jump as she quickly focused her attention on Brainy “Hey, Brainy” Nia said, looking at him and watching as he raised an eyebrow “You seem upset” Brainy said, looking at her and crossing his arms as he studied her “Want to talk about it?” He asked, watching as she glanced at you again “If you liked them then why’d you reject them?” He asked, looking at her with an eyebrow raised “Because I thought I liked someone else, I didn’t know I felt this way for them until that Dani girl showed up” Nia admitted, focusing her attention on you and watching as Dani got up to head to the break room “Well, now’s your chance” Brainy said, looking over at you and giving Nia a small push.
You were typing up the last thing you needed for a report when you felt someone touch your shoulder “Dani, I told you I… Nia” you said when you turned around, biting your lip since you were still hurt from her rejection “Hey… Can we talk? Please?” Nia asked, looking at you and you being you caved, giving a small sigh before nodding and standing up, leading her into an empty room and shutting the door behind you “What?” You asked, sounding defeated and obviously not wanting to be there but Nia had some kind of hold on you it seemed, and you couldn’t bring yourself to ever say no to her “Y/N, I’m so sorry for hurting you… It was never my intention” Nia said, looking at you and watching as you nodded and ran a hand through your hair “Is that all?” You asked, wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible “No… I also wanted to say I’m sorry for not realizing my feelings at the time, I honestly thought that I liked Brainy, but I don’t and seeing you with Dani… It just…” Nia said, gesturing with her hands and trying to come up with the right words “Makes you jealous? Makes you feel like you won’t be good enough? Trust me, I know all those feelings” you said, venom in your voice as you said it and causing her to wince “I have been trying to move on for weeks now after your rejection” you said, looking at her and tears clouding your vision “Y/N, please… Just give me a chance, I’m so sorry” Nia begged, going over to you and touching your arm which you let her do as you thought for a moment “I don’t know, Nia… You hurt me and I can’t just forget about that” you said, pulling your arm away and leaving the room, shutting the door behind you and leaving Nia to stand there, thinking about how much she ruined this.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​ / @5aftermidnight​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​ / @aznblossom​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! I kinda left it to where you guys can decide what happens or if you wanted a part two, maybe? Anyways, if you want to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!! :)
Requests Open
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kpopaeipathy · 5 years
Love is in the air, and it smells like coffee (Jungkook Oneshot)
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Pairing: Barista!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You notice that the best drawings in the coffee milk are always in your cup, so you end up paying attention to the barista, and you fall for his charm.
Word Count: 1.5k
Requested by Anon
A/N: Sorry I took so long to write it! And I hope you like it ^^
Of all the drinks in the world, there were none that you liked more than coffee. From the warm espresso to the iced Americano; bitter coffee, with sugar or milk; Anyway, anywhere, you considered coffee the perfect seasoning for any situation. To you, coffee made life better.
For this reason, you were never able to tell what was your favorite way of drinking coffee, and every time you went to the Cafe, you made a different request. That, of course, until your favorite barista at the Cafe moved to another State.
At first, as you walked into the Cafe and ran into Jungkook instead of Taehyung, you felt as though you had been abandoned, as if your best friend had departed and left a fake substitute in their place. However, Jungkook proved he could come up to the position.
The black-haired barista with almond-shaped, friendly eyes was as skilled in his craft as the former employee. Over time, you came to appreciate and trust Jungkook’s work, and stopped comparing him to Taehyung.
There was, however, a characteristic in Jungkook that was completely different from Taehyung and which - you didn’t want to admit - bothered you a little. The old barista was open and very communicative, and you loved spending hours at the Cafe just talking to him and drinking the coffee he was lovingly preparing for you. Jungkook, however, despite being nice, was very shy and quiet, and you were slow to get accustomed to the fact that you wouldn’t waste your time hanging out at Cafe.
Even so, if you were asked, you’d admit that you liked to see Jungkook in the Cafe preparing your drinks. It wasn’t only because a soft smile, as charming as it was timid, danced on thick lips every time he saw you entering the Cafe (or every time he saw your name written on the request glass when he was too busy to look at the door which opened all the time); not only because he looked like an artist when he prepared the orders, always focused and meticulous. No, you preferred Jungkook for another reason, a much more selfish one. You preferred Jungkook because of the designs he made with the milk on your drinks.
The short time you spent at the Cafe was rewarded with an inexplicable talent. From a simple leaf to a picture of a person, Jungkook was able to do wonders with a little bit milk. You became so addicted to the barista’s drawings that you switched any simple drink to one with milk.
However, you never noticed that Jungkook devoted that gift entirely to you until your co-worker Yoongi asked you why you were all smiling looking at your cup of coffee. It was only you to show him your drink with a drawing of a koala and Yoongi to tell you that he had never received such a cool drawing, that you ended up wondering. How came Yoongi, who went to the Cafe as often as you, never noticed Jungkook’s talent?
From that day on, you began to pay more attention to Jungkook and his work. It didn’t take long for you to realize that other people were getting well-made drawings, but rather simple as you received more sophisticated and detailed ones. That little detail made you spend a lot of time at the Cafe, but instead of talking to the barista, you just watched him, and watching Jungkook was anything but a tedious task.
The more you watched, the more you learned about him. The black-haired guy was kind and thoughtful. He did his own work and still had plenty of time to help out in the cashier and smile at all the rude customers the other employee hated. Jungkook was able to become reddened every time a girl flirted with him, but he was also capable of stretching his five-foot-ten in front of men who thought they were better than the others.
The more you watched, the more you fell in love with him. It was not just that he was an incredible man, but also because he paid special attention to the drawings he’d give you. So you found yourself wishing he didn’t just give you the charismatic smiles and drawings.
It was on a hectic and rainy night that you decided to stay late at the Cafe, watching the comings and goings of the customers who were not afraid to get a little wet, that you decided to take the first step towards making your (non-existent) relationship with Jungkook more intimate. He had offered to take the garbage out because his co-worker was busy with the cash register and had been complaining about the rain all day. But when he reached the side door with two giant bags in his hands, Jungkook stumbled to get the door open.
You quickly got up to help him, and it was with great satisfaction that you opened the door to a blushed Jungkook who thanked you in a low voice. Not wanting to leave him outside in the rain, you left right behind him, opening your umbrella over both heads.
Surprised, Jungkook looked up, trying to understand why he was not getting any drops of that incessant rain, and when he came across the pink cover, he turned back, slamming one of the garbage bags into you.
“Oh, gosh,” he exclaimed. “I’m so sorry.”
You smiled as you rubbed your leg, wondering what could be inside that bag that was so hard. But you ignored that thought when you realized that Jungkook had approached you.
“Are you okay?” he asked, looking down at your leg, not realizing he was too close.
“I’m fine,” you answered, and you smiled a little as he turned to you and his eyes widened as he realized the short distance between you.
“Umm,” Jungkook cleared his throat and tried to take a step away, but you followed him. “What are you doing?” He asked, looking completely frightened by the proximity of you.
To tell the truth, you wanted to laugh at his extremely shy behavior, but all you did was answer his question with a smile still planted on your lips. "The rain… That’s why I left after you… so you wouldn’t get wet while you throw the trash out.”
“Oh,” Jungkook frowned as he looked back at your pink umbrella, then looked back into your eyes. “You didn’t need to do that.”
This time, you couldn’t contain the giggle. “I couldn’t let my favorite artist get cold,” you remarked, “Who will make my lattes if you’re not here tomorrow?”
That seemed to appease him… No! It was much more than that. Jungkook’s almond-shaped eyes brightened with joy as you mentioned his drawings, and the barista’s well-built body visibly relaxed as a smirk formed on his thick lips.
“You noticed?”
“It’d be hard not to notice when you have so much talent,” you replied, ignoring the heat that started to rise to your cheeks.
Jungkook sighed and the smile on his lips subsided a little, as if he was disappointed with your answer.
“Yeah,” he said, looking away from you, “I’ve already been told I’m talented.” After another sigh, he continued, holding up his busy hands with the garbage bags, “I think I’d better get rid of these and get back in soon.”
Without another word, Jungkook turned, taking care not to hit you again with the garbage bags, and went to the dumpster beside the Cafe.
You felt strange after what he said, and desperately wanted to do something to make him feel that you were different from all the people who noticed his talent. Without realizing it, you blurted out, “If you know you’re talented, why do you make the more complicated drawings just for me and make the simpler ones for everyone else?” And that’s how you realized you were an idiot.
Without answering you, letting the silence constrain you to the point where the heat rises to your ears, Jungkook tossed the garbage bags into the dumpster before turning to you. Once again he had that smirk on his face, and this time, the proximity between you didn’t seem to bother him.
“Some people would be grateful to get more attention than others,” he finally replied, “but you seem annoyed that I’m hiding my talent.”
Snorting, you responded without thinking, “I am annoyed. You could be working in the best Cafes in the country or teaching the next generation of talented baristas, but instead you’re hiding here.”
“I’m exactly where I want to be,” he shrugged.
“In an unknown Cafe inside a company with a lot of people who don’t even know the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?” You wanted to be sarcastic and didn’t expect it to make Jungkook laugh. You surely didn’t expect his answer.
“Not exactly,” he said before grabbing your waist and pulling you even closer to him.
“Oh!” You exclaimed as the butterflies flew bewildered in your stomach.
“Exactly,” he replied, closing the distance between you and sticking his thick lips to yours.
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A Telepathic Bond
For @jc-drawings​ and @merrykidgemas​, for having the conversation that inspired this. (And to the anon who asked the question that started all of this.) I hope you all like it!
This is the silly version. When I have time again, I may write a less silly version where they actually can communicate telepathically.
Edit: 8/10/18
Also posted on AO3 and fanfiction.net
A Telepathic Bond
“I don't get it,” Lance said, watching Keith and Pidge high-five after handing him and Hunk a sound beating in their recent training exercise. Hunk laid sprawled on the ground near him, refusing to get up until he felt he'd gotten enough rest. “How the heck do you two do that? You don't even talk to each other!”
“It's our telepathic bond, obviously,” Pidge said, sharing a conspiratorial look with Keith.
Lance frowned. “Telepathic bond? What telepathic bond?”
Clearly, the sarcasm was lost on him.
Keith looked at Pidge with a raised eyebrow, unsure of what she was talking about. They didn't have a telepathic bond, so why would she say that?
When she winked at him he started to understand. She was just messing with Lance. Well, he wasn't going to be the one to ruin her fun, that was for sure. “It's, uh, the one we got when we first bonded with our lions.”
“Exactly! Red and Green were apart for so long, they had to find some way to re-establish their own bond. As the arms of Voltron, we had to be able to work in perfect sync and the lions apparently thought the way to do that was to make it so we could communicate telepathically,” Pidge explained.
Lance stared at her with narrowed eyes. “So then why don't you and I have this bond?”
“Because we knew what we were doing by the time you became Red's pilot,” Pidge responded without missing a beat.
Hunk slowly sat up to better watch what was going on. He cast a quick glance back at camp, wondering if anyone would get curious about what they were doing, but they all seemed content where they were.
“Prove it,” Lance challenged, crossing his arms over his chest. “Keith, tell me what Pidge is thinking.”
“Right now?”
Lance nodded vigorously. “Yes, right now! If you two have this bond thing, that'll be easy. And Pidge, you're going to tell Hunk what you're thinking. We can all trust him to be honest.”
Hunk looked surprised to be involved.
Pidge rolled her eyes, obediently walking over to whisper something into Hunk's ear. The yellow paladin sputtered with laughter at whatever she was saying, while Pidge's cheeks colored slightly.
“Okay good. Now, Keith, what's Pidge thinking?” Lance asked, looking smug as he stared down the current Black Paladin. (Current while Shiro healed. After that, who knew? Pidge had money on co-leadership and the two swapping out.)
Keith turned his attention to Pidge, focusing hard on her for a moment before deliberately turning to examine behind himself. “Huh, you're right. My butt really does look nice in these pants.”
Hunk's jaw dropped.
Pidge looked similarly stunned, her face quickly turning bright red. Luckily for her, Lance was too busy gaping at Keith to notice her reaction.
Lance sputtered for a moment. “I – You – What?! That isn't – There's no way! Now I know you're lying!”
Pidge composed herself just in time for Lance to whirl around to face her and Hunk.
“Hunk, what did she really say?” he demanded.
The yellow paladin hesitated. He didn't really want to repeat it, but there was no way Lance would let it go if he didn't, so he sighed and dutifully repeated what Pidge whispered to him. “She said 'Keith's butt looks really nice in those pants'. Man, I can't believe you made me say that,” he grumbled to Pidge.
Lance made a noise like a dying whale, looking back and forth between them. Keith stood there coolly, arms crossed over his chest and one eyebrow raised, while Pidge avoided looking in his general direction in favor of soaking in Lance's reaction.
“Holy crow, you really do have a telepathic bond!”
From then on, that became the excuse every time they flawlessly executed a plan while barely speaking. Every time they seamlessly worked together with just a few hand gestures. Every time they took each others sides in a debate.
Lance took each of those moments as proof that the bond really did exist, reciting it every time someone commented on how well they worked together. It was so bad for a time that they considered breaking down and telling him the truth, even if it was more fun for them to continue on. It did give them the chance to come up with silly lines to make each other blush.
Pidge won on that front for the most part, up until Keith asked her on a date in a very roundabout way. (“Pidge is wondering when I'm going to finally ask her out on that date,” Keith said, ignoring Lance and Shiro in favor of watching her reaction, which was to freeze briefly and then squeak out an awkward agreement.)
It wasn't until a year later, as they basked in the soft glow of starlight and listened to the sound of festivities from their beautiful new Castle-Ship, that Pidge thought to ask about the day it all began.
“Hey, Keith? How did you know what I was thinking? Back when we started this whole telepathic communication joke.”
Keith was quiet for a moment as he stared up at the stars and shifted a little closer to her. “I saw it in a vision, actually. It was one of those glimpses of the future I got to see,” he admitted. He paused to look down at her. “I still can't believe you told Hunk you thought my butt looked nice in those pants.”
Pidge could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. “Yeah, well, he wouldn't stop teasing me about my crush! I mostly just wanted to shut him up.”
“Aw, babe, you had a crush on me?”
“I'm going to kill Matt for introducing you to memes,” Pidge grumbled. “You're not even doing it right!”
Keith chuckled and bowed down to kiss her cheek before wrapping an arm around her waist. “I'm glad I got to see this. It's what gave me the courage to ask you out.”
“I'm glad too,” Pidge said sincerely. She'd wanted to make a joke about how viewing the future was cheating, but it no longer felt like the right time. Instead, she snuggled closer to him, content to relax in his arms.
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noona-clock · 7 years
Popcorn and Candy
As requested by a lovely anon! Let me know if you like it!
Genre: College!AU/Fluff
Pairing: Kihyun x You
By Admin B
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“I’ll tell you this first and foremost,” Kihyun said just after you sat down next to him. “I’m not doing all the work. I know everyone wants to be partnered with me because I’m the smartest in the class, but I’m not a pushover. And I’m not afraid to get a lower grade if my partner doesn’t pull her weight.”
...Wow, okay. What a nice way to start class.
Your psychology professor had told you just a minute ago you would be partnering up for a project. Instead of letting his students pick who they worked with, however, he randomly drew names out of a hat. When your name had been picked, then Kihyun’s right after, you had to admit... you’d been a little excited. As he just mentioned, he was the smartest in the class. But had you been planning on putting all the work on him? Of course not. You were a hard working student, too, but apparently Kihyun had just assumed you weren’t.
“I wasn’t planning on making you do all the work,” you told him with a slight scoff. You were a little offended by his words, and he deserved to know how you felt. “I’m going to work just as hard you, okay?”
Kihyun simply nodded, pressing his lips together and looking somewhat ashamed. Good.
You spent the rest of class deciding what to do for your project, ultimately settling on researching whether or not certain types of movies made people eat more popcorn and candy. You were convinced the tension of action and suspense movies subconsciously made people more stressed and, therefore, more likely to fidget or eat. Kihyun found this a little ridiculous, so he was very interested to get started and prove you wrong.
“Let’s meet at the campus movie theater at 1pm so we can gather some statistics, okay?” Kihyun suggested after the professor had dismissed everyone for the day.
“Sounds good to me,” you replied, slipping your notebook into your bag before heading out. You wouldn’t say you were excited to work on this project, but you weren’t absolutely dreading it, either. Kihyun just seemed a little... intense. But you would most likely get a good grade, so you couldn’t quite complain.
Over the course of about two months, you and Kihyun visited the movie theater about five different times, the first being the day the project was assigned. On that occasion, you had spoken with the manager to collect some spreadsheets on concession sales over the past six months. You had compared the sales and number of refills to which movies had been released, and while there wasn’t a glaringly obvious correlation between action movie launches and the number of popcorn buckets purchased, you could still see a trend. Kihyun was reluctant to admit it, but he did say “There’s a possibility.”
You then saw several different movies there together, though you were more focused on observing the other moviegoers’ eating habits than the movies themselves. You saw two actions movies, one animated film, and a romantic comedy to see if there was any observable difference among the audiences and how quickly they ate their popcorn.
It was during the second action movie when Kihyun started acting a little... strange. Well, not strange, exactly. Just different. He had been leaning a little close toward you, jotting down when a person had gone to get a popcorn refill, and he’d murmured softly, “You smell really nice.”
“...Oh,” you had whispered, a bit confused. “Thanks.” I mean, you had worn your new perfume today, but you’d had no thought Kihyun would even notice, let alone comment on it.
And then he had started texting you. And... not even about the project. The day after that movie, you had received a message from him asking ‘Hey what’s up?’ Up until then, he’d only messaged you to make sure you’d completed your assignments. You had replied, of course, not wanting to be rude, and it had turned into an almost all day conversation.
It was weird, but... you kind of liked it.
Then, during the animated movie, you had seen a completely different side of Kihyun. He kept losing focus and getting distracted by the movie, laughing at the funny parts. You would snicker to yourself and elbow him gently, reminding him you were there to watch the popcorn eaters, not the movie. But it was really cute how much he enjoyed a children’s cartoon film.
You continued your back and forth texting, sometimes talking about the project, but mostly just talking about life. You came to understand he was so serious about schoolwork because his dad had passed away a couple of years ago, so he felt he was responsible for taking care of his mom and little sister. He wanted to graduate with the best grades he could and find a high quality job so he could provide for them.
Once you learned this, you had to admit to yourself that you had developed a crush on him. He was nice (once you got past the cold, serious exterior), funny (once he was comfortable enough to make jokes), and really cute on top of being extremely smart and hard-working. 
During the final movie of your project, the romantic comedy, your crush had only grown stronger, and you found it rather difficult to sit next to Kihyun while two characters on screen were falling in love (in a funny way, of course). 
Kihyun kept asking you if you were alright, and you kept assuring him you were. You were honestly trying to ignore him because if you didn’t... he would definitely figure out you had feelings for him.
After the credits finished and everyone had thrown away their popcorn, you grabbed your jacket and headed to the exit without really saying anything to Kihyun. You had gotten pretty uncomfortable sitting next to him, especially when the main characters had kissed near the end, so you just really needed to leave. Kihyun, however, had followed after you, putting a hand on your arm to stop you before you could reach the parking lot.
“What’s going on?” he’d asked, his brow furrowed.
“Nothing,” you’d replied, barely looking at him.
“Then why did you barely look at me during the whole movie? You basically ignored me. And I feel like you’re ignoring me now.”
“I’m not. I was just trying to work on the project.”
“But... I mean, I thought... we were getting to be... friends.”
You’d let out a sigh, closing your eyes momentarily and feeling your heart sink at the word ‘friends.’
“What? What’s that sigh?” Kihyun had asked, taking a step closer to you. “Just tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong!” you’d cried, a bit louder than intended. You had lowered your voice and assured him again. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”
“Then why do you seem so annoyed? Did I do something?”
“No, you didn’t -- you didn’t do anything.”
“Then tell me what’s going on, why you’re acting so weird.”
“I’m acting weird because I like you, okay?” you’d blurted out before you could stop yourself. But saying it had actually felt really, really good. “I like you.”
Kihyun had frozen for a second, but then he’d taken another step toward you. “Well, why didn’t you say anything?”
Your heart had sped up as you’d watched a soft smile pull at his lips. Was he... Did he...?
“Because... Like you said, I thought we were friends.”
“We are, but...” He’d reached out to take one of your hands, running his thumb gently over the back of it. “I like you, too.”
Obviously, everything had changed after that. You’d spent the next two weeks finishing up your project and turning your study sessions into dates. You’d actually watched movies together, although sometimes you still didn’t actually watch the movie, but for a different reason altogether. Kihyun had even finally admitted you’d been right about people eating more popcorn and candy during action movies, and you’d considered that to be your first victory in your relationship.
“I guess I’d better get used to this since you’ll always be right,” Kihyun had smirked before leaning in to kiss you.
The time finally came to present your project to your class, and let me tell you - it was just bordering on torture having to stand in front of everyone with Kihyun and act professional. Since your relationship was still new, you wanted nothing more than to put your feelings on display and let everyone know he was your boyfriend. 
The slideshow seemed to go by painfully slow, but you finally reached the conclusion, even throwing in a little joke about how you’d been right in your hypothesis and Kihyun hadn’t been. He shot you a playfully evil look, and you knew you’d pay for that comment later. But you didn’t care.
The class clapped in appreciation, and your professor congratulated you on a job well done. You and Kihyun high fived each other before going back to your seats and getting ready to watch the next presentation. He secretly took your hand underneath the table, drawing lazy circles on your palm with his finger and subsequently driving you crazy. You thought back to when he used to drive you crazy in an annoying way, and you almost laughed at how things had turned out.
When your grades were released a week later, you and Kihyun were more than delighted to find you’d received full marks. Neither of you were surprised, of course, since you’d both worked hard and done tons of research, but it was still satisfying.
Kihyun took your hand as you both left the classroom, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it. “You know something?”
“Even if we’d failed... I don’t think I would’ve cared.”
“Oh, yeah right.”
“I’m serious!”
“And why wouldn’t you have cared, huh?” you asked teasingly.
“Because... I couldn’t have failed. I found you.”
You held back an embarrassed smirk, nudging his side before quickly kissing his shoulder. “Shut up,” you murmured, blushing.
“Yes, ma’am,” Kihyun replied, smiling at you before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
Master list //  RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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Admit It
(requested by anon) Kai Parker x Reader word count : 5 161 summary : Reader has a crush on Kai but its too afraid / shy to tell him.  * gif by jake-riley keep reading after the cut 😉 (it turned out waaay longer than I thought , hah😅🙈) ___________________ End of the semester. There were exams and so many other things to think and obsess about , but instead Y/N didn’t care about any of those things. All she cared about was Kai , well more like thinking and crushing on him in silence. Which is one of the reasons why Stefan had offered to tutor her in history and pretty much every other subject. No one liked Kai very much but he still got free access to the Salvatore boarding house whenever he wanted. That’s exactly where Y/N was that day - studying with Stefan. She sat on the ground resting her back against the sofa with a text book in her hands. Flipping page after page pretending to read , it wasn’t like she wanted to pretend. It kind of just happened on its own.  Every time she closed her eyes Kai’s face popped behind her eyelids. None of her friends could figure out how she could fall for him of all people. In their eyes he wasn’t a good person and was definitely not good enough for her. Only the heart wants what it wants. Somehow in all those years , he had been the first one to stir something inside her. There had been other boys she liked but it had never felt this way. All she could do was think about him. Dream about him. Kai was constantly in her mind no matter if she wanted him gone or not. He had her completely under his spell , only there was a problem. Y/N was shy and was too afraid to tell Kai about any of this. Chances were he was going to reject her. “Hello ? Earth to Y/N.” said Stefan waving his hand in front of her face snapping her back to reality. “You spaced out again , didn’t you?” “No.” “Right.” he trailed off. “You are going to flunk the exams if you don’t stop thinking about him.” “I am not thinking about him!” snapped Y/N , a sigh leaving her lips a moment later. “Sorry. I - I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. It’s just…” “You like him but you are too scared to tell him.” he finished for her. Y/N nodded. Kai could have anyone he wanted. It was enough for him to smile at any girl and she’d swoon instantly. Y/N always did. His eyes , his smile , his dimples always made her so weak. “Maybe I can help.” he offered. “I can ask him , you know test the waters for you.” Y/N turned towards her friend. Stefan had the best intentions , she knew it but it just didn’t seem right. She wasn’t in 2nd grade anymore , she was in her senior year of high school. Asking someone to ask the person you have a crush on if they have a crush on you was just … childish. “No. You don’t even like him or approve of me liking him.” she stated flipping another page by habit. Stefan reached his hand taking the text book out of her hands. Y/N didn’t protest. “Also he is going to laugh at me. He said it himself - he is not burdened by emotions like love. I’m perfectly fine crushing in silence.” Stefan studied her face. He didn’t have to be a vampire to know she was anything but fine crushing in silence. Y/N needed someone to intervene for her , other ways if Kai found someone else , she’d be crushed. “Oh-kay. Do you want a sandwich ?” “Grilled cheese please.” she smiled. Stefan mouthed ‘Okay’ and headed towards the kitchen. Y/N took back her history text book and started reading , for real this time. Stefan was right. She’d flunk her exams if she didn’t focus. A few minutes later just as Y/N had finally managed to concentrate , the large front door opened. The girl hadn’t even noticed someone had walked into the house until that someone sat on the sofa and leaned in to see what she was reading. Y/N felt someone’s breath on her neck and turned her head finding Kai’s face barely two inches away from hers. “Hi.” said Kai grinning. “What are you up to ? You didn’t even look up when I walked inside. Its hurtful.” “I … I um…” she stuttered. “I’m studying.” “Can I help ?” he asked. “Its been a while but I am sure I can be of use. Also I’ve been told I am an excellent tutor.” “By who?” she wondered. Y/N would’ve said YES in the blink of an eye , if she hadn’t been this shy. Even though she was pretty sure Kai being her tutor would be more than distracting. He was a distraction even when he wasn’t around and him standing this close to her , with his hand on her shoulder had completely thrown her off balance. His blue eyes sparkled more than usual and his smile took her breath away. That day he was wearing gray jeans with a dark blue t-shirt and a black jacket. His hair was a bit longer and Y/N fought the urge to run her fingers through it, not that she would’ve been able to do more than to raise her hand and stand frozen contemplating what it would feel like without actually doing anything. “Here’s your sandwich.” said Stefan landing a plate with grilled cheese on the coffee table. His eyes darted between Y/N and Kai. At the moment Y/N had turned towards Kai and he could feel her hyperventilating at the sight of Kai standing this close smiling at her.  "Why are you here ?“ Kai looked away from Y/N giving her the chance to look away. Her gaze fell on the sandwich and all of the sudden she didn’t feel all this hungry. From the place Kai had put his hand on her shoulder it felt as if electricity had started pulsating in her bloodstream. Her heart was beating faster than ever and she was pretty sure she had been holding her breath for the past 5 minutes. It seemed as if the room had gotten hotter only it hadn’t. It was the feeling of her skin being on fire because of Kai. "Oh I was just walking by , thought why not drop in and see what my friends are up to.” said Kai amused. “Maybe I can help with the tutoring.” “We are not you friends.” said Stefan glancing at Y/N who seemed frozen , her eyes focused on the plate in front of her. Kai had placed his hand on her shoulder and Stefan could hear her heart beating way too fast , causing her cheeks to turn red. “And I’m perfectly capable of helping Y/N with her exams on my own. Thanks. Why don’t you find someone else to torment ? Like some innocent sorority girl or a cheerleader?” Y/N suddenly got up , Kai’s hand falling from her shoulder. Quickly she gathered her things and shoved them in her messenger bag. She ran roughly her fingers through her hair turning towards Stefan and avoiding looking at Kai completely. “Sorry. I - I have to go.” she mumbled not even bothering to take the snack Stefan had made her. A moment later she was out the door. “What did I do to her?” wondered Kai looking after Y/N. It appeared as if she was trying to win a marathon or something , nearly smacking her face into the door before opening it. “Every time I am around she just ups and leaves or acts super weird. What did you tell her about me ? Or should I ask my two biggest fans Bonnie and Damon?” Kai reached for the plate but Stefan slapped his hand away. “Rude.” Stefan grinned at him , taking a bit from the grilled cheese. “That’s just the way she is.” he said. “No. It’s not.” said Kai. “Last time I saw her , we were at the Grill and she nearly smacked her nose a wall and almost broke it in her hurry to get away from me. I don’t see her running away from any of you like that. Y/N didn’t even say goodbye to me.” sighed Kai with a note of hurt in his voice. Kai couldn’t figure out what was wrong. The more he thought about it , the more he thought it hadn’t been something he had done , which meant someone had said something to her. Y/N was one of the few humans left in the group. It was why he liked her. She had a chance at a normal life. Well as normal as her life could be with vampires , witches and werewolfs as her best friends. He wanted to be her friend too. There was something about her that was drawing him in. He could tell she wasn’t like her friends , but each time she acted like this it made him feel weird - sad and hurt. He hated that feeling. “Look what the cat dragged in.” said Damon walking into the house with Elena on his arm. “What ? No cheerleaders to play with ? Get out.” “I am not going anywhere until someone tells me whats up with Y/N.” insisted Kai. “Why is she acting like this around me?” “Y/N likes you.” said Elena smiling. “As if it isn’t obvious by the way her cheeks blush every time you are around or anyone mentions your name. Not to mention how she just can’t stop talking about you. Bonnie can’t stand being around her anymore.” “I don’t know why Y/N would even look at you , let alone like you.” added Damon. “You are the most awful person in the world.” he grinned. Elena punched her boyfriend’s forearm. “Damon ! Don’t say that … in front of him.” “What do you mean she likes me?” wondered Kai. Everything after Elena had said Y/N likes him had somehow gotten lost on the way to his ears. “Ugh , I know its been 18 years for you and clearly you are out of practice when it comes to girls.” groaned Damon. “But its so obvious even Miss Cuddles sees it and her brain is made out of cotton. Y/N has a crush on you.” Stefan stood there , finishing his grilled cheese and trying to figure out how to stop what was happening in front of him Y/N had specifically said 'no’ when he had offered to intervene on her behalf. “Would you two stop talking?!” he said. “Y/N would find a way to kill all of us if she figures out any of us spilled about it.” “I’m not going to tell her. Are you?” asked Damon pointing at Elena , who shook her head. He turned towards Kai next. “Now you know. Get out of my house.” “Why wouldn’t she just tell me?” thought Kai out loud. “Because she is shy , specially when it comes to boys even more if she likes the boy.” said Elena softly. Out of everyone she seemed to have the nicest attitude towards Kai , even though he knew she didn’t like him either. “Also probably thinks you don’t like her back and doesn’t want to get hurt.” “I … I think I might like her back.” whispered Kai , everyone stared at him the same way they had when he had stabbed Jo at the wedding. Elena and Stefan struggled for words. Only the eldest Salvatore seemed to be able to speak. “Get out.” said Damon pouring himself a drink. “Alright alright… I’m leaving.” said Kai raising his hands in defence. “By the way - your house is not that cool now. I liked it better in 1994.” Damon threw one of the sofa pillows at Kai , missing him by a few seconds as Kai left the house. He walked around the front yard , his hands in his pockets kicking in a small stone on his way. Y/N’s friends wouldn’t lie to him , at least thats what he thought. Either way he intended on finding out if it was true. When Elena had said Y/N likes him , something weird had happened with Kai’s heart - it had stopped for nearly half a minute. And he had felt this weird warm fuzzy feeling spread through his body. “Emotions … ” he muttered. “Why do they have to be so hard ?” *          *          *
Y/N wondered the streets of Mystic Falls for hours trying to clear her head with no luck. Finally she got to her house around 8PM , kicked her shoes right after walking inside and dropped her bag near the door. She walked upstairs not even bothering to put on her fuzzy slippers and threw herself face first on her bed , smashing her head against the pillow again and again. How it was that she was so shy ? Why couldn’t her friends compell her to be more open and straight forward ? Y/N felt like such an idiot leaving the Salvatore’s like that. She rolled on her back  grabbing the pillow and placing it over her head ready to scream her frustration into it. After she was done with that , she changed and went to bed. Y/N tossed and turned for a while before finally starting to drift into sleep. Just as she had fallen asleep someone laid on the bed next to her. “You look so cute when you are asleep.” said Kai softly. Y/N’s eyes opened and she found Kai laying on his side , his body turned towards hers. Her eyes went wide and she screamed jumping off the bed. Kai laughed. “What the hell?!” she shouted , running her fingers through her hair. “What are you doing in my bed? Get out!” “Why would I do that?” said Kai laying on her bed with his hands behind his head. “Your bed is awesome and those pillows are so soft. Plus you and I need to talk.” “There is nothing for us to talk about.” said Y/N , pulling the pillow from under Kai’s head and smacking him with it right after. A moment later she turned towards the door with the pillow in her hands. If Kai intended on sleeping in her bed, she will be sleeping on the couch. How had he even gotten inside the house ? When had he gotten there? Questions swarmed her mind but no answers came to her. “Oww.. So hostile.” said Kai serious for a moment before starting to laugh. Her heart fluttered hearing his laugh. It was so beautiful for a moment she almost let go and started laughing with him. “I guess I like it better that way. Its much more fun than -” Y/N reached the door , bouncing right off it the second she tried to get out of the room. What the …?! she thought , placing her hands where the empty space was.It felt as if there was glass instead of air only she knew better. Y/N threw her pillow at it and weirdly -  the pillow went through. A groan of frustration left her lips. “- you running out of the room whenever I show up.” he laughed getting up from the bed. Y/N sighed , turning around to find Kai standing barely an inch from her. His eyes were fixed on hers , sparkling in the dim light. Why did he have to be so perfect with his smile and everything. It felt like torture being this close to him and not being able to force a word out out her mouth or to make herself touch him. Her breath got hitched in her throat again for the hundredth time the past few weeks. “I sealed us into the room sweetheart.” he said brushing his fingers against her cheek. “You are not getting away this time.” Y/N felt her heart race and her cheeks flush at his touch. Having him standing this close to her was definitely not helping her overcome her shyness. “Not unless you admit that you have feelings for me.” he added taking a step backwards from her. Kai sat on her desk chair spinning himself on it a few times before his hands reached for a small elephant figurine she kept on her desk. He played with it for a while before getting up and walking around the room touching things - a few notebooks , flipping the pages and looking inside until Y/N yanked them out of his hands. The her childhood picture , turning it to her and pointing at it with a smile on his face. “You were so cute back then.” Y/N glared at him and sighed in frustration. Back then ? What was that supposed to mean ?! “I don’t - I don’t have feelings for you.” she said and threw herself face first on her bed again. Apparently her friends had spilled the beans. How could they do that ? Specifically after Y/N had just told Stefan NOT to do that earlier in the day. “Sure you do.” said Kai getting onto the bed with her again. He laid on his stomach placing his elbows on the mattress and holding his head in his hands.“I don’t blame you. How can you resist my good looks and my killer charm? Its mission impossible.” he laughed. “You are so full of yourself.” she muttered into the mattress. “Hah!” he laughed messing up her hair. “Deflecting hhuhh… HEY by the way I like how your hair smells like peaches. I love peaches. How is your hair so soft ?” “Get out of my room please.” “No. I told you Y/N. We are sealed into the room until you admit that you have feelings for me.” Y/N reached in her back pocket taking out her phone. She lifted her head up  running her fingers through her hair trying to fix the mess he had made , not even looking at Kai. Quickly she dialed Stefan who picked up pretty almost half a minute later. Maybe he’d back off if thinks a Salvatore might show up to her rescue. “I’ll kill you and Damon and Elena as soon as this idiot lets me leave my bedroom.” Kai laughed grabbing her phone. “Hey Steven. Sorry , she can’t talk right now.” He got off the bed and slid the phone across the boundary along with his own phone. “There. No more interruptions.” Y/N stared at him. Asking him nicely didn’t work. Involving Stefan didn’t have the result she had expected … there had to be a way out of this room. “I hope you brought food.” she said getting off the bed and casually walking to the window. “Cuz we will be suck here for a looooooooong time.” She hurtled herself at the window , trying to get out through it with no luck. Kai seemed very amused by her angry face expression. Y/N rubbed her shoulder not expecting magical boundaries could hurt that much. There’d be bruise showing up on her shoulder in the next few days. Kai grabbed her by the waist in vampire speed and tossed her onto the bed with him on top. He could hear her heart racing and now he finally knew why that was. Their eyes met and suddenly he felt the desire to kiss her , but he didn’t plan on doing that until she confessed her feelings for him. Somehow he’ll have to wait a while longer. “Come on princess. Admit it.” he teased , his lips almost touching hers as he spoke. “You are dying to feel my lips on yours. For me to hold you in my arms all day and night long.” “No, I am not.” she pushed him off her. Kai grabbed her by the waist again and they rolled onto the bed twice until he was on top of her again. “Stop doing that.” “Why ? Does me being this close to you make you nervous ?” he said innocently. “Or maybe I don’t make you nervous. Maybe that’s exactly what you want , isn’t it ? It’s OK. You can have me this close for as long as you want any time you want … just say the words.” “What?” she wondered. Y/N was starting to think that she was hallucinating. Who knew , maybe she was and all of this was a dream or a hallucination brought upon by stress of her finals. It wasn’t possible that he had said what she thought he had said , was it ? No. Kai was messing with her. He was just bored and had decided to come over and entertain himself. “Don’t what me , you know what.” he said leaning in even closer to her. His eyes piercing into hers. Y/N could feel his breath on here face , intoxicating her. Involuntary her hands reached for his hair and then froze in mid-air before dropping on the bed next to her. “I don’t like you.” she said quietly. “Of course you don’t.” said Kai with a serious expression on his face. “You love me don’t you?” “God ! Get off me !” “Whats the magic word?” he teased. “I have vervain in my night stand’s drawer?” “Wrong , but I’ll be nice and do as you ask.” he said amused , rolling onto the bed next to her and casually resting his hand on her stomach. His fingers tapped on it in the rhythm of some song , moving up and down , sending shivers all over her body. Kai was having way too much fun in that moment , specially listening to her heart beat and breathing. He noticed how every time he got close to her , her heart started beating like a hummingbirds. Her breathing turned shallow and her cheeks flushed a bright shade of red. He liked the effect he had on her , even more so now that he was starting to figure out he likes having her in his arms more than he had thought possible. A few minutes passed , Kai turned towards her seeing her eyes were closed and a small smile was tugging at the corners of her mouth each time his hand moved on her stomach. Kai was so close to breaking the boundary around her. Just a little further .. “Let go.” he whispered. Y/N cleared her throat , opening her eyes. Her hand took his , tossing it on his stomach. Not only her skin was on fire but he had her feeling a billion other things all at once. She didn’t know if it had been his intention but the more his hand moved on her stomach , going up and down , the more her head was starting to spin. His touch felt amazing , having him this close to her felt amazing. “Can you be my personal hero and poof me a sandwich ? I haven’t had dinner.” she said suddenly , feeling her stomach starting to rumble. Maybe she should’ve grabbed the grilled cheese on her way out of the Salvatore’s earlier that day. “I can’t poof you a sandwich. What is this ? A Disney cartoon?” he said , trying not to laugh. “However I did stop by the Grill earlier. There are curly fries downstairs. Your favourite right ?” Ah , of course the fries would be downstairs and not here. Clearly Kai had planned ahead. Her stomach rumbled again. “I hate you.” she muttered. “No , you don’t.” he laughed turning to his side. His fingers brushed against her cheek and Y/N closed her eyes. “Why is it so hard for you to say it ?” “There is nothing to say because there is nothing there.” she snapped getting off the bed. Kai got up right after her pinning her against the wall , his hands placed on either side of her boxing her in. Y/N’s eyes looked everywhere but at him. “What if I told you there is something … that maybe there is something on my side too?” he said quietly , his eyes drifting between hers and her lips. “You are lying.” she replied. “All you want is for me to say something so you can make fun of me later.” A look of hurt flashed in his eyes for a moment and then he pressed his body closer to hers , his forehead almost touching hers. Almost there , Y/N was almost where he wanted her but she still refused to say it. “What if I’m not lying ?” he whispered. “Would you say it then ?” “Nothing to say.” Kai took a step back from her , seeing Y/N run her fingers through her hair. “Hope you like your bedroom because … none of us is going anywhere until you confess.” he stated. “God this will be so much fun !” “Fine.” she said  , pausing for a moment. Kai looked at her expectantly. “You are sleeping on the floor. Now , move.” “No.” “No?” “No.” “Ugh !” she groaned pushing him away and walking towards the bed. “Can you at least get my pillow back please?” “You can use me as a pillow.” he said hopefully. Y/N was starting to get on his nerves. Anyone else would’ve confessed by that point. All of the sudden a new plan formed in his head. “Voudoux.” he muttered , drawing her pillow back in the room. He patted it a few times , and gave it to Y/N. “Sweet dreams princess.” Kai made himself comfortable on the floor next to her bed and yawned placing his hands under his head. Y/N stared at him in confusion , the shrugged her shoulders. She could deal with him in the morning. Just a few more hours until the sun rises. “Thanks …for the pillow.” “Any time.” he muttered sleepily. About half an hour passed and Kai started to snore. Y/N however remained awake. She laid on her stomach starring at him with the moonlight seeping through the window. A sigh left her lips and she ran her fingers through his hair carefully , doing her best not to wake him up. His hair was so soft to the touch , it was hard for her to stop. A smile showed on her face seeing Kai crunch his nose in his sleep. “I wish I could tell you.” she said quietly. “I wish I was brave enough to say it when you are awake and not sleeping curled up into a ball , looking so cute and cuddly.  I do like you. I do want you to kiss me , but I know its never going to happen.” Y/N tapped his nose lightly , her fingertips exploring every inch of his face trying to memorise the feeling because there wouldn’t be another time for her to do that. “How am I supposed to tell you that each time you are around my heart tries to leap out of my chest or that a billion butterflies start swarming around in my stomach flapping their wings like crazy? That your smile makes me the happiest person in the world or that your eyes have me completely mesmerised each time I look at them…” she sighed. “Or that I can’t stop thinking about you day or night ? I get so nervous when you are around , I freeze and act like a complete idiot. You must think I’m pathetic.” Y/N rolled over on her back , covering her face with her hands. The next minute passed in silence and she had just started to calm down her breathing when - “I don’t think you are pathetic.” said Kai. “I think you are the most incredible person in the world.” A split second later Kai was on top of her , moving her hands away from her face. Y/N looked so terrified and scared of what she had just said. He couldn’t understand way. Hearing her say those words had thrown him into a pool of this warm fuzzy feeling he always got around her. His heart did a few very weird flips hearing her say she wanted him to kiss her and he wanted to kiss her now more than ever. He knew for sure now - he liked her. “Please go.” she whispered. Kai brushed his palm against her cheek , smiling at her. Y/N wondered why he was smiling. He had tricked her , made her believe he was asleep in hopes she’d say it then..and he had been correct. Kai gazed into her eyes for a long moment and pressed his lips on hers. At first Y/N appeared too startled to react and then her hands wrapped around his neck ,pulling him closer to her. Kissing him felt electrifying , his touch waking up every cell in her body with only a single burning desire on her mind. Too soon Kai pulled away , brushing his nose against hers. “That wasn’t so hard , was it ?” he smiled at her. “Come on princess. You must be starving. Lets go downstairs and I’ll make you whatever you want. And after that we can talk about our first date.” “Wait what ?” “Our first date.” he said smiling as if its the most obvious thing in the world. “I told before but clearly you were too lost in my eyes to hear what I was saying. Weirdly how it took me so long to find out why you were acting so weird.” Y/N stared at him , afraid to move or even blink thinking all of this would somehow vanish in an instant. “I like you Y/N. You are fun to be around and … I’ve never felt anything like this in my life.” he sighed , grabbing her hands and pulling her off the bed. “Don’t look so shocked. I’m changing.Or maybe you are changing me. It’s complicated I guess.” “I - I …” “You are so cute when you are stuttering.” he pressed his lips against hers again. Kai lifted her up until her legs hitched around his waist and her hands around his neck , lightly tugging on his hair. A smile was starting to spread across her face. “So about that first date. I assume you will say yes?” Kai muttered a few words and then walked right past the door , heading downstairs to the kitchen. Y/N’s eyes were fixed on his and she wasn’t even blinking. Or breathing for that matter. “Yes.” she said quietly still unable to wrap her mind around what was happening. It was all going too fast and too slow at the same time. Kai smiled widely at her , stopping on the way down , backing her against the wall. Their lips met again in a deep passionate kiss. Sounds of someone clapping surprised both of them. At the end of the stairs stood Stefan. He rubbed his nose and ran his fingers through his hair starring at their startled expressions. “Well , I see you two patched things up.” said Stefan smiling , making both of them turn towards him instantly. “Don’t you dare break her heart. Or I’ll rip out yours.” “Stefan !” “Oh-kay.” muttered Kai , looking away from Stefan who had just walked out of the front door. “I think your friends are warming up to me. Sort of.” Y/N started to laugh , Kai joining in a few seconds later. MASTERLIST March / April 2017 MASTERLIST MAY 2017 MASTERLIST JUNE 2017
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