#ok yay time to get 2 hours of sleep.
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since i've seem other people doing it... screw it, note thing
5 notes - i'll finish my math homework
10 notes - i'll clean my room
20 notes - i'll try to go on a 10-20 minute walk everyday
30 notes - i'll try to brush and teeth and floss everyday
40 notes - i'll try to ask for help if i need it with school and stuff
50 notes - i'll try to get 8 hours (or more) of sleep every school night
75 notes - i'll try to get 8 hours (or more) of sleep EVERY night
100 notes - i'll go a full 24 hours screen-free (will do on 1/25)
150 notes - i'll try to get out of the ✨situationship✨ i'm trapped in
200 notes - i'll post my art here more
250 notes - i'll try to post my writing here more
300 notes - i'll come out as trans to my two closest friends
400 notes - i'll do a voice reveal :)
500 notes - i'll try to survive the rest of middle school
750 notes - i'll try to convince my parents to let me learn how to animate
1000 notes - i'll tell my therapist how i kinda want to kms
2000 notes - i'll come out as trans to my little sister
5000 notes - i'll come out as trans to my parents
Green - complete (short term stuff)
Blue - in progress (short term stuff)
Orange - in progress (long term stuff)
Red - complete (long term stuff) (qualified for this if it either has a set date or @ end of school year, whichever comes second)
RULES - 10 notes per person, yes you can tag people
edit 2 - y'all are terrifying. how. also time to start the stuff! (yay?) (also i just realized how many long term goals i put on here huh)
edit 3 - um. what the fuck? also i really hope my sister isn't transphobic ;-;
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Don Lorenzo’ trivia (src: EGOIST BIBLE 2)
☆ Character's color: Zombie Purple.
☆ Weapon : Zombie Step.
☆ Birthday: 4th July.
☆ Current age: 19 (at the start of NEL).
☆ Zodiac: Cancer.
☆ Nickname: "The Star Eater"
☆ Birthplace: Florence, Italy.
☆ Family: Father. Mother. Older brother. Older brother. Himself. "I don't know after that."
☆ Current height: 190 cm.
☆ Foot size: 31 cm.
☆ Dominant foot: Right.
☆ Blood type: O.
☆ Visual acuity: 1.5
☆ Grip strength: 66 kg.
☆ Motto: "Life is not something to be thrown away."
☆ Team: Ubers.
☆ Starts playing football: At age 6.
☆ Hobby: Wild parties "Don-chan loves lively atmosphere ♪"
☆ Favorite food: Caramel popcorn. "It's fine as long as it's super sweet."
☆ Dislike/hated food: All mint-flavored food.. "What's the point of having a minty mouth."
☆ What goes best with rice: "SUSHI!"
☆ Favorite animal: Anaconda. "Just watching them gives me chills. Do you get it?"
☆ Favorite season: Spring. "Because the whole world feels light and fluffy."
☆ Favorite manga: Jujutsu Kaisen.
☆ Favorite movie: Seven Samurai. "Kurosawa's films are the best!"
☆ Favorite music: Uptown Funk.
☆ Favorite football player: Paolo Maldini.
☆ Favorite subject: Gambling. "Huh? There no such thing?"
☆ Ideal type: "A girl with cute smile who I can hang out with ♡"
☆ At what age he experiences first love: “I don’t know. I fall in love too quickly!”
☆ The first time he got confessed to: “Never have one. I always fall in love first, and I always end up disliking them first.”
☆ Fixation: Smiles. "Girls with cute smiles are the best!"
☆ What would make him happy: "Giving me money. Giving me work. Giving me love."
☆ What would make him upset: Arrest. "No bad things, ok?"
☆ What he thinks his strength is: Super Ultra Super Positive ♪
☆ What he thinks his weakness is: Can't live thinking about the future.
☆ What made him cry recently: “When my favorite actor committed s**c*d*.”
☆ Usual sleeping hour: 5 hours. "I wake up easily."
☆ Place he washes first when taking a bath: His eyes. "No particular reason, just instinctively my eyes."
☆ What will he do if received 100 million yen: "Play poker in Las Vegas!"
☆ At what age he stops receiving presents from Santa: "I’m still getting them, you know? Hope!"
☆ What was his last wish from Santa: Dreams, hopes, and love.
☆ How he spent his holiday: "Drinking, gambling, girls, and partying♪"
☆ What will he do during his last day on Earth: "Earth’s Last Party ♪ Yay~~!!"
☆ If he hadn't encountered soccer, what will he be doing: "I'd be dead in in a gutter!"
☆ If he could only take one thing to a deserted island, what would it be: "Money. My entire fortune. I’d like to try living with stacks of useless cash."
☆ If he had a time machine, would he go to the past or the future: "The future, of course ♪ I want to experience all the things that have evolved into even more pleasurable experiences!"
note: i want to apologize in advance for any mistake made in the translation!
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Dear readers, we've been through so much together and you know at this point it takes a lot for me to describe a situation as 'out of control'.. yet here we are. So Kea moves in and the following happens in the span of like 2 hours:
Barth beats up Felina.
Kea beats up Spice.
Barth beats up Cyan.
Felina beats up Barth. Like seriously, ENOUGH. I've decided that next generation when we're at the third cousin tier relation I'm just gonna let whoever wants to date a cousin do it because holy hell, breaking them up has been a disaster. Everyone is near aspiration failure, everyone has shit grades, we're BROKE, and to top it all off..
Why. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING WE DON'T OWE ANY BILLS LIKE THIS IS LITERAL THEFT. I also love how everyone is already so miserable so the repoman just comes and takes all the fun objects we can't afford to replace, FML
Barth's aspiration meter is absolutely pathetic as a result of everyone viciously assaulting him and desperate times call for desperate measures..
-Well well.. If it isn't Glitched Butler #9.. How's it hanging? ;)
-Same as always, I'm here to not cook and to open the doors we no longer have thanks to Baby.
-You know what, I'm too depressed to seduce you so will you just sleep with me?
-As you well know my butler programming prohibits me from doing anything helpful!
FFS. It's ok Barth, I will fulfill your throw a party want, I don't see how anything could go wrong with the situation in this house being what it is!
-Hey there! Join our party! Sleep with me! I COMMAND YOU
Barth please get it together.
-Ugh, Spice is so hot when he's crying after I beat him up.
Ok Kea, I'm only gonna ask this once: are you fucking kidding me????
-What? It's only natural to be attracted to your girlfriend's ex who is her cousin and your enemy.
I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see this shit and move on.
So I have invited several of Barth's existing and potential lovers to this party and my goal is to figure out who, if anyone, I'm gonna marry him to. Now please enjoy this sequence of events:
a) Barth is flirting with my current top spouse pick, Stella Terrano, and it's going great!
b) Barth leaves Stella Terrano to go sleep with GODDAMN GUNNAR. Since I can't seem to shake this fucker off, the only option remaining is to give him a ridiculous fake accent to make him bearable.
-Oi luvs you, Barth!
-Why are you talking like a servant from Downton Abbey? Also who the hell caught me cheating now?
Who knows or cares? Let's continue:
c) Barth goes downstairs to beat up Cyan.
d) Klara aka my former top spouse pick attempts to leap into Barth's arms and HE LETS HER DROP
-Äääääh mein arsch!
-Sorry Klara but I refuse to get caught cheating by Gunnar..
-..unless it's with Stella Terrano!
LOL OMG, I really thought I'd have to marry him to fucking Gunnar due to THIS SHIT:
But God's mercy finally shines upon me!!!
Oh man I'm so upset by this >:)
-Ha culd youse do 'is, ya broke ma 'eart!!!
-Oh my, turtles are considered the sexiest animal in my planet👽
Stella ffs. Oh well, so sad, goodbye Gunnar, I was really hoping to add your freakish lack of chin into our gene pool but looks like I won't have the chance huhu!
e) Barth flirts with Stella again and is caught cheating AGAIN..
f) ..by Sarah Love who I keep forgetting exists but man that's a HARDCORE slap, she legit got her fingers in his eyeball(s)
Yay! See Barth, our amazing party did the trick and now everything is gonna be ok!
Excuse me?! You know what Barth I'm done helping you, nothing is ever good enough for you!
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20 Questions for (Fanfiction) Writers
Tagged by @serbarris thank you!! :)
How many works do you have on ao3? 20 published! don't... just don't ask how many are on my computer hard drive.
What’s your total ao3 word count? 187,071. I'm going to be honest guys I did this with a calculator from my 'Works' page and only after the next question did i remember the 'Statistics' page exists and i did not have to do all that.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fallout from the Fade | DAI | 780 kudos F!Hawke x Fenris; 90k; In progress/hiatus: what if Hawke manages to survive being left in the Fade, but then has to deal with the aftermath? -- My angsty longfic darling, my outlet for cliffhangers and torment. This fic is on "hiatus" in that I have decided to stop posting chapters until I finish writing it to the ending. But it's not abandoned, just secret progress only due to the Agonies and Horrors and all that (grad school).
Provided it tied you down first | DAI | 527 kudos F!Trevelyan x Solas; 17k; Complete: Solas & Trevelyan have to go undercover in a Tevinter sex dungeon, and Trevelyan can no longer hide her secret desire for Solas -- what? yeah. i wanted to try writing porn for the second time and just looked through the kink!meme prompt list until i found a funny but challenging one. sometimes the fun of writing is taking something unbelievable and working backwards like, ok so what WOULD it take to actually lead to this otherwise out of character situation? also i ran out of birth control and became Compelled to write something horny. to everyone who asks for a sequel i'm sorry i went back on the meds too fast.
Lost to Night | DAI | 227 kudos Solavellan; 11k; Complete: Solas and Lavellan slip away for some alone time after the events at the Winter Palace, but before the party really ends. -- Obligatory Halamshiral hookup fic. This was my first attempt at writing smut, i would do things somewhat different now but I like the fic. The most important thing of course is the Angst is still in there.
Less a man than a wild cat | DA2 | 263 kudos F!Hawke x Fenris; 15k; Complete: Hawke & Co are out drinking while Fenris is away on business, but then a grey cat with white markings that look extremely familiar turns up hissing at Anders and demanding attention from Hawke. -- this is the closest thing to fluff I'lll ever write, probably. just some silly fairytale style fun.
Letters to Fenris | DAI | 200 kudos F!Hawke x Fenris; 1.6k; Complete: a selection of letters that can be found in Fenris' room, after Hawke leaves to help the Inquisition. -- Short & sweet, my favorite hobby is making readers smile and then punching them directly in the gut. Yay!
What fandoms do you write for? Dragon Age and Mass Effect (look... i know I only have one ME fic posted, but I did write a lot more than that. just never shared it). For me personally... fanfic is most interesting when it's for exploring customizable characters & their relationship to the world of the setting. Or the NPC characters in a world that's shaped by the choices of the player. I've never really gotten into fanfic for things like books/movies/tv for this reason, just rpg's.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Hoooooo so like... i do wish i was the kind of author who thanks everyone who leaves a comment and replies thoughtfully within a reasonable timeframe. I wish it!!!!! however the 6-12 months after I started writing fanfic, pretty much every weekend for me looked like this:
stay up all night Sunday writing a chapter
Once finished writing, reward myself with respond to comments on the previous chapter
post the new chapter at 4am with minimal edits if any
sleep for 2 hours then drive to the USGS office, get in the fieldwork SUV, and take a Car Nap on the 6 hour drive to Death Valley or wherever
spend 5 days wandering the desert measuring plants with NO cell service or internet
return to Civilization covered in sand and sweat on Friday, terrorize the locals of Vegas/Moab at the grocery store, and spend 1 day recovering and checking the internet/reading all the comments left over the last week/getting filled in by friends on whatever internet memes i missed while away
now it's Sunday again and repeat this entire process
Anyway this got me in the habit of like... commenting was something i did only after i finished the next update, rather than as people leave them (since I only read them in bulk when I got home). like as a reward to keep me motivated to finish the next chapter so i can talk to people back!! and it's been 3 jobs and 10 years(🙃) since then but the habit persists. but then if it's been more than a month the last update it feels like i'm Too Late to reply anyway so i often don't. idk! maybe part of it's also that i take a LONG time between chapters nowadays bc of Life, so, i am also hiding from the fact that i'm not ready to post the next bit yet. like if i don't reply maybe you can't see me spending 7 hours per day on tumblr wasting time, and be mad that i'm not writing. i know i'm the weird outlier about a lot of fanfic things and processes haha. i do love getting and reading people's comments, sorry i'm so shit at addressing them!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Reunion, my pre-DATV release (so no spoilers) Solavellan one-shot where I wanted to make myself as sad as possible imagining a potential outcome for them. What's worse than one half of your ship dying? Maybe both of their psyches getting locked together and one subsuming the other, so what remains is neither fully the individuals or someone new, just a shattered amalgamation left to cope with all that.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Staring at this like. do i ever write happy endings?? probably the Fenris-is-a-cat fic, but even that i left kind of open. i think my Hawke-deals-with-Leandra's-death fic has a pretty hopeful ending, but the fic itself is a grief exploration, so...
Do you get hate on fics? Every now and then someone leaves a comment like "I'm so sad this fic was abandoned" which, is not really a very motivating way to phrase that. and i've only really abandoned like 1 fic, i consider the others just "perpetually on the back burner", but once you get past a year with no updates I don't blame people for the assumption. my writing and hobbies are on a geologic scale rather than the fast-past biologic scale of the rest of fandom. sorry to make this about geology again.
Do you write smut? Yes... though I've only published 2 pieces and have a 3rd currently being posted. A dozen or so more exist but don't yet have fully fleshed out stories to put them inside lol (sorry Rookanis...). whoops!
Do you write crossovers? I have not. Actually wait, one time I wrote like 2000 words of Mass Effect x Animorphs in a tumblr reply and then the page refreshed and i lost it all and the Murderous Rage about that was too overwhelming to rewrite it. someday though...
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so. I don't think my writing is popular enough to get noticed like that. Though I also write more than I read so if it did happen, I probably would never notice.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Both Fallout from the Fade and Letters to Fenris were translated into Russian by a very kind reader :)
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Nope. I think I'd be pretty miserable to collaborate with. I don't even use beta readers for this reason.
What’s your all time favourite ship? Listen. I know this is my dragon age blog for dragon age things but I'm breaking character for a moment here. for all my love of sollavellan and shakarian and fenhawke. My real otp is FitzChivalry Farseer x The Fool from the Realm of the Elderlings series by Robin Hobb. these books broke me. they changed how i think of storytelling and how i think of love. i cannot emphasize how insane the relationship between these two characters is, and i read the last trilogy AS IT WAS RELEASING, i waited YEARS for the resolution #iykyk. there is no greater love story in my heart than this one. "is it actually gay" it would take me 10 years and 10,000 words to answer that don't worry about it just trust me and read them. yes there's 16 but that's not relevant just read the first trilogy at least and if you have the brainrot you'll be happy for the rest and if not you can just stop there and be satisfied with a solid fantasy story.
now. i do not actually read OR write fanfic for this series. this is because it does not need it. to me the frustrations and agonies and disbelieving joy i get out of FitzLoved are part of what makes it perfect. I have basically nothing to add that is not already covered in the books and the ending, to me, is perfect.

this is the second time ive used this image in 3 days AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN as often as needed!!!!!!!! until everyone in my life gives in and reads them
What’s the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Of things I've somewhat posted: the Trevelyan x Corypheus fic i got off the k!meme randomly-generate-a-pairing-and-situation post. I wrote a chapter or two more, realized it was shaping up to be Way too long to actually commit to at the time for crack-treated-seriously, and it's been backburner ever since. I would like to go through and sketch out something that is at max 15-20k so i can put a cap on it because i DO think it was really fun as character exploration for Corypheus who is otherwise a CRIMINALLY underutilized villain. he's great ok. the timing in DAI just... doesn't do him justice. also his best dialogue is locked to the Templar route which almost everyone else in the tumblr DA fandom skipped.
Of things i've never posted, a ME: Andromeda fic focusing on the relationship between Ryder & Sam. I got like--15k? or so into that and again realized it was gonna be a 100k endeavor for something probably no one but me would read, due to weirdness and tiny number of people who stayed active in MEA fandom. so i tabled it for a future ME obsession period that has not yet come to pass.
i'll also sneak in here my confession that I now have over 20k of words written for Rookanis and yet have not posted anything to AO3/only a 500 word snipped to tumblr. and probably several of these starts/sections will never get fully formed fics. but i DO intend to finish and share... something for them at least.
What are your writing strengths? I think I am pretty good at building tension, and making the reader feel invested enough to be sad/stressed/nervous when i want them to. my favorite compliments are often the ones like "i don't usually care about this character/trope/whatever but you sold me on it" because that's a harder target than someone already invested.
What are your writing weaknesses? Editing and then sharing it lmao. I'm GREAT at writing as in typing a bunch of things all in a row. everything after the process itself is done? not nearly as interested. I also have a hard time transitioning between sections/scenes and tend to overwrite the in-betweens to get from bit to bit--something that could probably be fixed more in editing if i bothered to do that part.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? I think if it's more than a few short phrases or single sentences you can guess from context it can get annoying, reading wise. if there's some sort of in-line translation or hover-over-alt-text that makes it nicer. however i do write this anyway myself bc i love the idea of lost language/reverting to old habits or selves/etc too much, so like, just because it's kind of annoying to have to read through doesn't mean i think people shouldn't do it/it's not worth it. i sure won't stop.
First fandom you wrote for? Dragon Age: Inquisition lol. the first fanfics I ever wrote are still on my account. i wince at them now, but i think it's nice to have that proof of my progress/growth there. i don't need my AO3 to be a greatest highlights reel, just an archive.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Like Teeth Against His Heart, my Solavellan DAI-era prose poem weirdly formatted ficlet ♥︎ (on tumblr as the zine pages here, and on AO3 here). I am slowly Marinating the Trespasser & DATV sequels to this in my heart, but it will be slow to get them fully formed on paper.
whew 20 is a lot and i talk too much, this got long oops! Anyway tagginggggggg @baejax-the-great @m-m-m-myysurana @sageadvice @songofamazon @loquaciousquark @genjyoandgojyoandhakkai but i love reading writing-meta stuff like this so if any followers wanna do it, go ahead and do so & tag me so i can read everyone else's too :)
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Daisy Johnson, aka Quake. Probably the most bisexual character besides Tony Stark in the (she's not actually in, shit!) MCU.
And yes, that's a headcanon, I know. But that's why I'm writting this.
Welcome everyone to:
How I imagine Daisy Johnson as a Bi icon Pt 1
(Plus some Skimmons because I couldn't keep my hand).

Ok, so. I think anyone who has seen Aos and is gay has noticed the heavy queerbating in this series, and although I enjoyed these scenes mostly imprinted in comedy without any problem and accept the straight couples, you can't tell me that the bus kids aren't all, at least!, bisexuals (no hate to the canon couples, by the way. I really, really love Fitzsimmons, Philinda and I'm serius when I say that Daisy and Lincoln will haunt me forever).
So yes. They're bi. That's canon to me, and if you have any doubts, you will not get answers here. This is just my personal opinion and thoughts. Besides, most of these headcanons will be about Daisy with women, because we've already had a lot of her with guys on the show. We need Daisy kissing girls, thank you!
That being said, today we'll be focusing on the one and only Quake. But first, just a quick disclaimer: These are purely headcanons based on the Agents of Shield series. I have absolutely no knowledge of Daisy in the comics, and while I plan to change that soon, today is not that day. 🤷♂️ Also, this is dedicated to a very specific group of people, so if you don't like it or disagree, that's totally fine (yay!) as long as you don't attack me or anyone else for it (boo).
Now yes, here it is:
1. First encounter with it.
Look, Daisy (or as she was called at the time, Skye), had a very hard life. With SHIELD watching over her from the shadows and her totally unaware of this, believing that no one really wanted her, I can totally see her running off to fool around with boys. She is young, probably too young to experience all those things at the same time (cause, you know, teenagers like to rush and grow up fast), and she does all this stuff, dating guys, sleeping in their cars for a few days, having sex and maybe falling in love with one of them every now and then. But she knows what she's doing, ¿Right? At least she thinks she does.
But then something odd happens to her. I bet it's probably at some kind of bonfire at one of her friends' houses, because yeah they're still teenagers, but Skye always was a bit alternative and that was a clear no for a club. So it's just getting drunk at some house party, breaking or setting something on fire just because, and Skye kissing some guy at some point during the night.
Only no boys really catch her eye, so she just hangs out with her friends. And then this girl comes along, a little older than her but not too much, who's a friend of a friend of a friend, and... you know, she's just there. And she has this cute lip piercing, and her hair, wow, her hair. Skye just wants to run her fingers through it. But at the same time, this girl is nothing special really, like, she's not dressed too flashy, just a tank top under a worn, old shirt. But Skye can't stop looking at her and thinking: Fuck, she's so pretty.
The girl notices, of course. And she realizes that this kid who keeps staring at her might actually be interesting, so at some point she sits down next to her and starts chatting with Skye. It turns out they don't have much in common besides music and clothes, but Skye laughs at all of her jokes and feels an incessant fluttering in the middle of her stomach. She's kind of drunk, so she chalks it up to that. But then the girl drags her into the bathroom and they make out for what seems like hours, and the girl keeps calling Skye adorable and cute, and normally she doesn't really care when guys say things like that about her, but now she's blushing like a 13 year old girl and It doesn't make any sense.
2. How she found she's 🏳️🌈
It happens, actually, the next day.
After that it's a blur, but she knows she didn't sleep with her. But when she wakes up she can only question the interaction. I mean, sure, they kissed and she enjoyed it, but that doesn't automatically make her gay or anything. Like, come on now, every girl Skye's ever met has kissed another girl at least once. It doesn't mean anything. Plus, she still likes guys.
She likes the way it feels to kiss them, she likes the thick skin under her fingers and the smell of men's perfume. But now she can't stop thinking about pretty hair, small hands on her waist and soft lips without a poorly trimmed beard, and the damn piercing against her mouth. And remember, Skye was raised in a Catholic environment. How could this be happening to her? It's not possible to her, and now she's freaking out a little.
But then Skye is a kid again, not only that, but suddenly she is Mary Sue Poots and she's at Saint Agnes' again, and the nuns are scaring the little ones with that speech she's always hated. "The wrath of God", they used to say. As if the nuns did not contradict themselves by saying that also God was love.
So yeah, she's a little bit a mess about it. And it probably will be for a few months.
It makes her feel vulnerable, to be honest, and she doesn't like feeling that way. But then!, then something funny happens, because Skye gets really angry. How does Saint Agnes continue to torment her after all this time? Come on!, She is no longer a kid, she is not weak or afriad and she's not Mary anymore. So she does what she does best: She uses her laptop and investigates.
It turns out that God is love. Or at least Skye wants to keep that phrase from her childhood to herself. She also finds a curious word: Bisexual.
She doesn't know if that will even help her, but it's a step somewhere. Besides, the flag is pretty (point for the gays).
3. Jemma Simmons.
Boom, she's 25 now! She's quite an adult, and she's very confident and has already fully accepted her sexuality by this time. Skye is now proud and likes to have a good time regardless of who she is with. She has dated a lot of girls and guys at this point, and has this cute heart-shaped bi flag taped to her laptop and even has a strap now. There's nothing she can be afraid of, she already had her sexual crisis at seventeen, thank you very much.
But then she screws up and somehow ends up at SHIELD. All the shit happens with her ex-boyfriend and rising tide and, wow, now she's actually working here? And for these people? Sick.
And look, maybe it's the fact that she's stuck 24/7 on a plane with a reduced number of people, but she still doesn't mind working for SHIELD, not when there's the pure, lovely Jemma Simmons. Oh, Skye is going to have a great time corrupting her. Hear, Skye's all grown up now. She's become quite the tease and flirt over the last few years, especially once she stopped getting tongue-tied over pretty girls. So of course she didn't waste the chance to flirt with the nerdy, British girl of her age. Never seriously of course. Just to have fun and pass the time.
But the thing is, they've become friends over the past few months, and Skye really enjoys her company despite everything. Plus, Jemma seems to have caught on quickly to Skye's flirtatious nature, so she rebuffed any attempts at anything in the most hilarious and awkward ways. Man, Jemma was hilarious and adorable. Skye loves it
So yeah, they quickly fell into a routine. Skye would sneak into the lab, flirt, and then just bug Simmon to explain whatever he was working on. Or maybe she'd just use her laptop, or phone on silent, and that would be all. And that would be great. Really.
Which was weird. Skye doesn't normally constantly seek out people's attention, she hasn't done it in years and it feels weird. She feels like a child who constantly needs attention and to be seen.
Then she freaks out. Like, really freaks out. And she does what she does best (not computers, the other thing): Bingo!, she starts avoiding Jemma. I mean, who needs friends, right? This is just work. So Skye is suddenly everywhere on the bus except the lab. And Jemma... To be honest, she doesn't notice at first. There's always noise on the bus, there are always missions and things to do, and there's always Fitz finishing her sentences (and sometimes even her thoughts) at her side.
But then, probably several days later, one night (very late at night) Jemma can't help but notice the annoying silence around her. Fitz had just gone to sleep and she feels restless, uncomfortable. Why is it so quiet and she can't concentrate? What is missing? What-?
"Oh", she realizes. Skye.
Jemma suddenly feels very embarrassed. She has done something wrong and she didn't even have the decency to notice that Skye was avoiding her for it. Now conscious, Jemma (being the little ball of anxiety that she is) begins to chase Skye around like a kicked puppy. And what the fuck. Skye has no idea what to do. Is Jemma really hurt by this? I mean, sure, Skye is nice and sociable, but people don't want her like that. That's just how things work. So why? Why does Jemma seem desperate to talk to her and hang out?
"I thought you didn't care," Skye finally confesses, looking at Jemma with more curiosity than pain (although it is there too).
And Jemma can't believe she just said that so easily, so she gets piss off. "Of course I care about you, you daft woman! Do you have any idea how difficult it’s been to work without the sound of you typing away on your laptop? Or laughing at something on Twitter? Or—"
And Skye kind of blushes. Just like that, out of nowhere. And she feels her breath hitch before she bursts out laughing, which makes Jemma piss off even more now, and starts ranting about how if Skye had a problem with her, she had to tell her so they could talk about it and fix it, so Jemma could finally go back to work normally.
"You know what my problem is?" Skye, still laughing, asked. Jemma, her cheeks red with annoyance, shook her head. "That you're adorable, Jemma Simmons."
4. When she falls in love.
Okay, so. Skye has been here before, she recognizes the feeling ... And did you see how she was bragging about her game and her strap a few paragraphs ago? Well, Skye, who used to be a mess around pretty girls, turns into one again when she had a crush, or worse, when she falls in love.
So now I hope you can imagine Skye's despair when she realizes she has a crush on Jemma. Because, come on, Skye!, you can't fall for your coworker who happens to be the only other girl your age on a fucking plane. Sure, I mean, Jemma is stunning, not only that, she's super smart and endearing, plus she smiles at everything (literally everything) and she's also kind of super hot when she gets angry, and when she wears her lab coat and doesn't leave the lab for days until she has that messy ponytail and... Oh god, who is she kidding. She's fucked.
But the thing is, she's doing okay for a while, getting back into her routine with Jemma, finding out more things about her (like that she's a terrible liar, that she loves bugs, and that she had scoliosis as a kid). But then she starts to stumble, literally and figuratively. It's like her damn feet can't coordinate every time she hears Jemma's voice, or every time she smiles (have I mentioned that Simmons does that a lot?), or only exists three meters from her. It's pathetic.
And she also completely loses her game. Whereas before she flirted with Jemma as easily as she could breathe, now Skye is a mess of meaningless words, with most of her stuttering ending with "pretty". Because Jemma is pretty, but damn Skye, you can do better than that.
It gets worse when, one night, the younger members of the bus settle down on the couch with some beer cans and start talking about exes. Skye isn't quite sure how they get to this point, but everyone ends up getting a little tipsy and sharing details, even Ward.
Ward has so far admitted that he only had two serious girlfriends who ended up pretty badly due to his job, and that he had several casual encounters before he was sent to this team. Jemma chuckles, still mysterious about which type of guys she's dated despite her bringing up the subject. It's just as Fitz is about to speak and Skye almost leans forward (curious to know what kind of girls he's dated), which Jemma chuckles again and nudges her friend.
"Oh, do you remember Tom? He was so sweet with you."
"Jemma!" Fitz groans, sinking into his seat. "Don't make me remember him. I can't look at robotics the same way I have since then."
Skye blinks owlishly, staring at the man with her mouth open. "You're into dudes?" She hears Ward snort from beside her, as if it's obvious and she ignores him.
Fitz looks at her, almost regaining sobriety when, as an impulse of protection (or maybe his usual sarcasm), asks Skye. "You're not?"
Skye feels her jaw slacken even further, and then she feels Grant's amused gaze on her, but also Jemma's, who is studying her like a mission report sheet and god, she feels stupid. She's already accepted her sexuality, although if she's honest she doesn't remember coming out to anyone but herself.
At the silence, Jemma frowns a little. Protectively, she asks with a slightly pointed look. "Do you have a problem with that?"
"What-!? No, no, of course not!" Skye practically yells, completely panicked. "Me too! I mean... Shit, yeah I like guys too, but girls... girls too. I'm bi?"
Jemma's shoulders relax, clearly relieved. Then she asks amused. "Are you asking me?"
Skye groans, sinking into her seat. "No, I'm... I'm bi."
Fitz leans forward, laughing, but still sympathetic as he gives Skye a small pat on the thigh to comfort her. "Thank you for telling us."
Skye just sighs, closing her eyes. "Sure, Fitz."
Aaand this is where we end up. I'll write the second part soon, probably about what Skye would be like dating Jemma, and also what Skye would be like if she's in love with Bobbi. For now I offer you this honest work, and I say goodbye with the promise of continuing to write things like this with other MCU characters. If you have any character you want, please tell me. Although I have already prepared do something like this with Natasha.
I think this will be like some kind of a section, which I decided to call Marvel Gay Icons.
Anyway, if you've made it this far, wow! Thanks. I hope you enjoyed whatever this is, and also hope to hear from you soon.
Bye until the next time.
With love, Dai.
#daisy johnson#agents of shield#aos#queer#bisexual#skimmons#bioquake#jemma simmons#phil coulson#leo fitz#melinda may#fitzsimmons#marvel#marvel mcu#marvel is a bitch#headcanon#quake#robbie reyes#lincoln campbell#inhumans#queer icons
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AH OMG (I'm the one who requested the husk coworker one! If you wanna call me anything 💜 is fine!) I LOVE IT OMG PLEASE DO A PART TWO ITS SO CUTE
Good day, 💜!! Here's your part 2, you weren't the only one who asked for it! I hope you enjoy, I'm quite proud of this one even if it's just double the length of the original - no warnings, just fluffiness :3
Here's Part 1 for anyone who hasn't read it yet!
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
Actions Speak Louder - Part 2
You’d think the night following your first kiss with the demon you’ve had a soft spot on for a while would be full of wonder, hours spent daydreaming about what you and him could possibly become after this, and well, in a sense it kind of is.
At first the giddiness about it all is what’s keeping you awake; no matter how many times you toss and turn in your bed, or how many times you try to engage in an activity such as reading or simply staring at the ceiling waiting for tiredness to take over you... nothing seems to be working.
But, as time inevitably passes, something else becomes the reason why you can’t get to sleep. The room adjacent to yours happens to be Husk’s, but he doesn’t seem to be having as much trouble falling asleep as you are: in fact, he’s snoring so loudly that you can barely hear your own thoughts at this point.
You even wonder what makes you love him at some point, this should probably be your last straw – jokingly, of course. It would be a little silly if you really couldn’t sleep all night because of his snoring, so at what you guess is probably way too late of a time to be doing this you lazily get up from your bed, wrapping a blanket around your form, and make your way in front of Husk’s door.
Something about Husk that makes you appreciate him a lot is how he doesn’t lock his room at night; it doesn’t seem like much, rather it’s probably unsafe and not a good idea overall, but he knows not to fear most of the residents of the Hotel anyways and his reasoning for it is rather sweet; sometimes, someone will have a particularly rough night, and he’s open to hearing them out at any hour. He wouldn’t want to miss the knock on his door, so he just prefers leaving it open in the first place.
So you open it, careful not to make too much noise as everyone else is probably sleeping as well; you navigate through the room with difficulty, as the only light source happens to be the red moon outside of the window, but eventually your knee touches something soft that you’re safe to assume is the bed...the snoring seems awfully close too, after all.
You whisper, “Husk, hey.”
Too quiet, doesn’t seem to be working. You try being louder and gently shaking his shoulder.
“Husk, you’re snoring, wake up...”
There’s a grumble coming from him and finally the snoring stops, your ears thanking you profusely. He mumbles something before you hear him shift and sitting up, his tail accidentally brushing against your leg in the process.
“What...who is it?” he asks, voice deeper than usual; your heart might have skipped a beat. He struggles for a bit but he eventually manages to reach the lamp on his night table, turning it on; “Oh, ‘s you-“
“Yeah, sorry, you were...snoring very loud.” Suddenly it dawns on you how awkward this conversation is, especially with everything that happened earlier in the evening; “Just make sure you sleep on your side or something, man.”
“Ah, shut it...” he retorts, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
You stretch tiredly and turn on your heels to leave his room and go back to yours, pretending the snoring was your biggest issue, but his tail unexpectedly wraps around your ankle, almost making you trip and make a fool of yourself.
“...Stay for a bit, will ya?”
“...Oh, sure thing. You’re not upset I woke you up?” You ask, sitting down next to him. Silence fills the room, before he groans and mumbles something. Your eyebrow arches;
“Can’t really hear you, I’m exhausted.”
“I said, I was dreaming ‘bout you anyways. So it’s like...”
You patiently wait for him to continue, a blush spreading across your cheeks. The light from the lamp is fairly dim, so hopefully he doesn’t catch that – he’s looking away anyways.
“Ah, whatever.”
“No, now I...kind of want to know.”
“It’s like, better to have you actually here. See I was a romantic once, now it jus’ doesn’t hit the same.”
“Oh.” Is the only thing you manage to let out. He’s just about to tell you to go back to sleep and forget about it, when your lips part once again; “Well, it kinda does hit. I was thinking about you too, after all.”
“Ah.” It’s his turn to be speechless. You’re not really sure what to do, all you want to do is honestly lie down next to him and cuddle into his soft chest – that would be kind of out of pocket though, you guess, but tiredness is taking over.
“Listen. What...”
“What are we, Husk?”
You ask in unison, surprising each other in the process. He blinks at you, and you blink back, both waiting for an answer from the other. You guess he’s been romantic enough tonight, asking you to stay and confessing to have been dreaming about you, so it’s your turn now.
“This is silly, I could’ve waited until tomorrow to talk to you about this, but I just...am impatient, I guess. I really enjoy your company-“ It’s like the hours at the bar fly by when we’re working together, you want to say, “Certainly more than I enjoy a friend’s. The kiss was also...something I’ve been waiting for. B-But if you want to give it time...!”
“I’m fine.” He immediately replies, “Really. Don’t think I’ve ever felt more comfortable. Which is weird ‘cause I’m surrounded by sinners and owned by an Overlord, but with you I forget all that.”
In the end, none of you ends up answering the original question out loud. You guess you both already know by the way your hand fits so well into his own; by the way he gently cups your face, retracting his claws to avoid hurting you, and kisses you once again, ever so cautiously.
In love, that is what you are.
#husk x reader#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin x reader#x reader#hazbin hotel fanfiction#husk hazbin hotel#husker x reader#husker#part 2
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Whumptober 2024 (day 1 to 5)
Yay, finally @whumptober's month is here ! I'm a bit late, but my brain fog won't lift so I hope this five first drabble with, as usual, Skyrim's cvf, will be ok :D
No. 1: RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK (search party)
The weight of the dragon had caused a great tremor and the ground opened up beneath its feet. The ground was swallowed up and the Dragonborn with it, leaving a gaping hole revealing the hidden depths of an ancient Dwemer ruin.
Kaidan rushed to the edge of the hole, screaming the Dragonborn's name as the dragon circled above them.
"We absolutely have to go get him, he's probably injured, or...", Lucien called out, his voice half-choked with anguish.
"I'll get the dragon's attention. Grab some ropes and go. Time is running out!", Taliesin shouted. (99)
The Dragonborn watched Nebarra from across the campfire, the flames casting shadows over his moonstone helm. A pit settled in their stomach. Trust came hard, and with Nebarra, an Altmer mercenary who fought for the Dominion, it was harder still.What if Nebarra had sold them to the Thalmor in exchange for amnesty for his desertion from the army? The Dragonborn's chest tightened. Behind the visor of his helmet and beneath the layer of all his trauma, it was hard to imagine everything that could be going on in Nebarra's head.
"You don't trust me.", Nebarra finally said.
The Dragonborn swallowed. "Should I?" (105)
No. 3: SET UP FOR FAILURE (wongfully arrested)
His friends have warned him hat curiosity could prove perilous. Lucien barely had time to react when the guards grabbed him. Rough hands yanked his arms behind his back, twisting them painfully as shackles clanged around his wrists.
“I-I’m not a spy! Please, I was just... !”
“Save it for the Jarl, Imperial scum.”, one of the guards sneered, shoving him face-first into the dirt.
Lucien’s heart pounded, panic rising.
“This is a mistake!” He tried to struggle, but a heavy gauntlet slammed into his ribs, forcing a gasp from his lungs and tears from his eyes.
“Jarl Skald doesn't take kindly to Tullius’ dogs sniffing around.” (105)
The Dragonborn woke abruptly, heart pounding. They saw the others wide-eyed, in the dim light of the Dawnstar Inn. All were silent, but their haunted gazes spoke volumes. Ever since they had set foot in the Pale Hold, Vaermina had tormented their minds with nightmares, forcing them to stay awake for fear of what awaited them in their sleep.
Hours passed. Shadows crawled along the walls, whispering. The Dragonborn rubbed their eyes, but the crawling figures didn't stop. Auri trembled, eyes darting as if she saw something the others could not. Inigo flinched at unseen enemies.
Outside, the wind howled like laughter. (104)
No. 5: SUNBURN (healing salve)
Taliesin, his face red and blistered from hours of walking through the glistening glaciers, grimaced as Xelzaz surveyed the damage.
“It’s worse than I thought.”, Xelzaz muttered, reaching into his satchel for a greasy pot of salve.
Taliesin groaned, eyeing the thick concoction with obvious disgust.
“Does it have to be so… greasy?”
“Unless you want your face to peel, yes.”, Xelzaz replied, spreading delicately the salve over the Mer’s burned skin.Taliesin winced and grimaced, but didn’t protest further, letting the Argonian work.
“...I guess I’ll have to thank you for saving my handsome face, then.” (96)
#whumptober2024#skyrim#skyrim custom followers#no.1#no.2#no.3#no.4#no.5#race against the clock#trust issues#set up for failure#hallucinations#sunburn#quake#beating#snowburn#kaidan#lucien flavius#taliesin#nebarra#auri#xelzaz
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Something really neat about living on a farm with like 3-4 generations of a family is that you get hand me down bed frames. And they're uncomfortable and you always need a box spring, but they're SOLID WOOD. They're durable asf.
Anyway I've been suffering general body aches for the last two years cause of the condition of my bed/mattress among other things ( both hand me downs, durable but the MF box spring HURTS) and I also more recently had a footboard, which meant I couldn't have my fan at the end of the bed which means I'm fucking hot all the time. I eventually see a daybed at a local antique store. Immediately want. Its perfect, fits the vibe of my room, immaculate. FAN ACCESSIBLE WHICH IS SO IMPORTANT. Turns out my grandma has one that isn't 'probably haunted' and costs 0 dollars and maybe a couple of hours of labor. So 2-3 hours of taking beds apart, transporting, putting em back together, I have a daybed. Yay. Dream come true. And this shit is so comfortable. Its amazing. no box spring needed I sleep like a baby, for the most part. Mental issues aside.
Anyway TODAY IT FUCKING BROKE. BECAUSE ITS NOT WELL MADE AND I AM A FAT DUDE OK. Whatever no big deal put it back together and plan to get some plywood as some extra strength but ITS no big deal
Well it is now 4 am and considering I work the longest shifts this week I have worked in a while, the wood has become number one priority CAUSE THAT SHIT BROKE AGAIN WHEN I WAS LAYING ON IT. RAGHH.
Morale of the story and the tldr is this particular bed is shit and I should have bought the almost definitely haunted antique daybed :)
#ahaha#anyway#its not major but i was already not sleeping well tonight#so#not a great way to get me to sleep :/#also i have si much goijg on this week hghh#v not ready for that#the thing is that the fixing is easy#but its so frustratinf that it keeps breaking#the spindles are held up by these fuckig plastic bits#and since the bed is meant to be a little flexible it tends to stretch a bit under the weifht#of me#and also i did previously have a 20 lb weighted blanket on here#but not usually at the same time as me so i dint thibk it was affectung ut#augh#frustrating#queue
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ok the random ask post. you're gone. i'm bored. i have no sleep schedule
1 how often do you Beach as an aussie
2. what's your main book genre :33 might be in your intro post but also i have the memory of a concussed goldfish which has been repeatedly tasered
3. best subjects. like moodboard/vibe wise but also personally
Yay I’m so exited. Sorry I was walking to the shops to get toast milk and crumpets.
1. I live 5 a minute walk away from the beach but I don’t go outside so maybe once every week or so. I went swimming in this beautiful ocean bay two or so days ago, but that was an hours drive down the coast. I am incredibly lucky to live so near to the ocean but heat is my worst enemy and I mainly just stay inside all day. My brother goes out more and so do my mum and stepdad.
2. Idk. I’m reading some classics but I find them hard to get to. My dad downloaded the throne of glass audiobook onto my audible when I was seven and that started a hyper fixation on Sarah j mass’s books which I’m fervently trying to escape. I like old books and romance, thriller and philosophy stuff. I’m reading the secret history Jane eyre and crime and punishment right now. I really loved the illuminae series and how it broke the format of books with its semi comic scrapbook thing going on and I FUCKING LOVBVBERREEE BUNNY BY MONA AWAD. READ IT. READ IT NOWEEEEEWWWW. I WILL SEND YOU PHOTOS OF EVERY PAGE IF YOU NEED ME TO. PLEASE JUST READ IT. I read it in 2 days and it was like a fever dream. The writing is to die for and it’s just confusing enough for me to find it fun to decipher. Could not recommend more. Obviously Rebecca as you know but I also grew up on the odyssey and I can recite the first page of the Aeneid in Latin, thank you Steiner. I also really liked the book “playing Beaty bow” which I read in year 7 and “the bone sparrow” which I read in year 8, animal farm was great we did a play on it and I read it in my own time. I was the narrator in the play. Very fun.
3. Best subjects I am unsure what you mean but if you mean school subjects you may or may not be surprised that they are in order
-main lesson (it’s a Steiner thing it’s basically humanities art and English in one aka the best when it’s not fucking stupid)
-everything else is shit but I’m good at maths.
-I almost failed or because I just refused to do anything. I DONT WANT TO PLAY FUCKING PICKLEBALL.
A mood board of what I think I’m like (I have no clue) but here ya ago

A collage of my style/vibe+a pic of said ratty old docs because I think they’re a part of me
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Reflections: Cillian Murphy’s Limited Edition
Season 3, episode 8
✨it’s almost Thanksgiving but I’m finally in the November episodes✨
*I am a music prof (predominantly classical vocalist), and I LOVE listening to Cillian’s music choices! That being said, sometimes I won’t like a song simply because of a vocalist (it’s a professional hazard - sorry!) 👩🏫
** The following are my own observations/opinions. We may not agree, and that’s ok! That’s what makes music fun! 😊
*** I wouldn’t say I’m well-versed in Cillian’s music preferences, but I do enjoy them (for the most part). I always wind up adding to my own playlists after listening to Cillian’s recommendations.
*snuggles up in my blanket with my tea* alright. Let’s do this 😎
🎵Set 1 (Kick in the Eye - Teenage Wildlife)
Kick in the Eye: 😎 what a cool way to start the show!
Teenage Wildlife: FINALLY some Bowie! I’m honestly impressed that he was able to wait this long to get a Bowie song in 😂. Bowie is a love/hate relationship for me. I like his music and LOVE covers, I just don’t like listening to Bowie’s voice. 😕 it actually makes me sad I don’t like him more, but I just can’t do it.
🎤Talking Break
Woo November!
Ooh uninteresting facts again!
“So delicious and dull”
“Nap for 13-15 hours at a time” - cries in tired teacher 😭😭😭😭
Cillian. Howwwww do you sleep with the light on?!?!?! HOW?????
I can see how it reflects a little of “Heroes”
I love his Moog synthesizer talk! THANK YOU FOR THAT, CILL!
🎵Set 2 (Good Listening - Générique)
Good Listening: ah yes, the swing/big band jazz days! I love it! ❤️
Ohh… an ident! Is this Duke??? Sounds like him.
I’m Beginning to See the Light: Duke is amazing. Hands down! And I loooooove the plunger mute - such a fun timbre! I love how he sounds so classy and raucous all at once. But who’s the vocalist??? The track list doesn’t tell me 😢
Générique: Miles! 😍 so Cool…. No words, just vibing.
🎤Talking Break
Ooh a soundtrack track! And of course they just improvised…
And yes - it was Duke!
Blues accordion. I am intrigued!
🎵Set 3 (Trouble in Mind - Slippin’ Into Darkness)
Trouble in Mind: yes. It is blues accordion. Why does this work??? 😅👍
Slippin’ Into Darkness: it’s got such a mix of styles! It’s gospel-like, rock, Motown, all sorts of stuff! I like! 😎
🎤Talking Break
An exclusive!
A reading from a memoir!
🎵Set 4 (Superstar -
Superstar: kinda cool how it starts with low bass and higher guitar melody. And the vocals sound like they’re in a cave. Fun cover!
Deep Blue Day: nice and atmospheric ☺️
Left Hand Path: this is like the previous 2 songs had a baby. I like it, but it just fits SO WELL in this set! 😂
🎤Talking Break
Lots of covers!!! Why are covers so good???
Irish music!
I’m glad he pronounced all that 😅
🎵Set 5 (The Trees They Do Grow High - Travel Size)
The Trees They Do Grow High: I must say this sad/angsty feel fits the folk song so well, but it’s also quite jarring if you know the song well!
Travel Size: ooooh this is so pretty! I like that this embraces treble for so long! Very few songs will do that today. Then halfway through it gets intense and mysterious! And of course a random sax 🎷 because why not??? ✨might be my fave for this episode✨
🎤Talking Break
“Brand new tunage”
Yay! More new music!
🎵Set 6 (Vampire Empire)
Vampire Empire: monotone, but so fun! Even though it’s new, it sounds like ‘70s music! And I like the upward leap on “chills” - great touch 👍
🎤Talking Break
Controversy over Yorkshire Man!
I love that the best guess is “idk” 😂
🎵Set 7 (Farewell, Farewell - I’ll Keep It With Mine)
Farewell, Farewell: beautiful vocals! I like this a lot. I always do appreciate folklike undulating melodies
I’ll Keep It With Mine: same group, but this time it’s got a Joan Baez vocal quality. ❤️
✨These 2 are awesome✨
🎤Talking Break
“Lots of covers on the show tonight, which I wasn’t prepared for, but I can handle, I think, just about”
🎵Set 8 (Everything - Barcelona)
Everything: yes - awesome jazz! I do love newer, experimental jazz styles. 👍
Barcelona: absolutely beautiful, but I am genuinely confused as to why he’s got an Italian lyric in a song about a Spanish city. So confused, in fact, that I googled! If what I found is correct, that makes this song even more poignant and meaningful. It is speculated that the Italian comes from Verdi’s opera Macbeth. Makes much more sense now.
🎤Talking Break
Gotta love how he’s obsessed with music from the beginning of his career
🎵Set 9 (Atmosphere - Toast)
Atmosphere: no, I don’t think I like this. 😳
If I Fall Under: this is more groovy!
Toast: … this is not what I expected 😅😂 I don’t even know how to explain it! 😂😂
🎤Talking Break:
“That was good, wasn’t it? That was… energetic” - no Cill. No. 😂
Ask a reasonable question!
Dude. That’s a lot of posters! 🙀
🎵Set 10 (Timing, Forget the Timing - Bukom Mashie)
Timing, Forget the Timing: this is a fun disco/synth track! 💃 🕺 🪩
Got to Get Your Own: oh yes - I honestly kinda am sad that the flute was only heard in ‘60s pop/jazz and didn’t really go further. It’s so iconic, it honestly needs to come back into mainstream (course maybe that’s what Lizzo is trying to do?)
Bukom Mashie: ok now this is fun! Awesome bass and percussion, but the brass feels so jazz! JAZZ FLUTE. YES. ✨fave jazzy piece of the evening✨
🎤Talking Break
The end! 😢
Improv one-take pieces. Yes, please!
“Mind yourselves”
🎵Set 11 (Marginalia #59 - Copenhagen One)
Marginalia #59: this reminds me of Olivier Messiaen. He was famous for using bird call as inspiration, even transcribing bird calls and writing them into his compositions.
Chant: I can kinda see how this is like a chant. It’s not got a defined meter or beat, and it centers around one predominant tone. Interesting!
Copenhagen One: super atmospheric - perfect for sleepy time. It reminds me of something in particular, but I can’t think of what. Could certainly be used as film score.
Thank you so much for reading! If it’s Thanksgiving for you this week, eat plenty and enjoy the day with loved ones! 🥰
Tag list:
@iammrsrogers @deliciousnutcomputer @mariamoonie @brownskinsugarplum76 @look-at-the-soul @kj-davis @neverroad @teapothollow @thepurplearmyposts @possessedmarshmallow
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It's our 6th weekly smiles!! I can't believe we've made it this far on Tumblr 🥹!!
What made me smile this week?
Monday, 9/2/24 - today, we had the day off because it was Labor Day! And it is my favorite month! It is Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month! And also my third human year as a Quadriplegic! Which for me is baffling to me! Sadly, the day didn't end well. Luz, our friend, ended up feeling sick and not feeling well! She had bad back pain! But we chilled for the day and slightly slept in knowing I could enjoy those few minutes of sleep without being panicked by time! That made me smile!
Tuesday, 9/3/24 - today we went back to school! And this week is shorter! Yay, so that's fun. In the first period, I continued working on my online assignments, and then we got a bunch of papers, but I didn't do any of them (don't worry, they're not due this week). At 9:30 Am, I got called for senior pictures! I walk in there all nervous but come to find the people are pretty enlightening! So that made me smile! (Keep in mind Matthew only got these senior pictures) But first, Matthew Tucker and Sydney all got their indoor photos. Many poses and pictures were done! (And surprisingly I don't think y'all know Matthew wears glasses!) But there were some shots of him that needed his glasses removed and we cannot wait to see those images once they're ready! We then head outside and get their outdoor photos! They had a blast knowing Sydney struggled to figure out how to sit in the chair lol. All in all, it was hectic yet fun, and we enjoyed missing most of the second period! Lol, and also, I started my period today, which is fun! I mainly chart this because of endocrinology information since they ask me these types of questions and I've always been bad at remembering! So I'm smiling knowing I'm taking better care of my health! We soon went home and enjoyed our night.
Wednesday, 9/4/24 - this morning I woke up in a pretty good mood! And then I chilled on the bus for a while. In the first period, I had to work on a very confusing assignment, which basically talked to the teacher about it, and I decided I'd work on it tomorrow! In the second period, I chilled as we got some notes and assignments we had to work on. Sadly, this assignment was pretty difficult as well, and it was hard to work on, but soon I got it done, and it went well! Then in the third, I got all my work done and had a pretty ok-ish salad, and then in the fourth, we chilled and talked about a really weird subject. Lol, today made me smile!
Thursday, 9/5/24 - today I sadly woke up with symptoms of feeling sick! Like runny nose and coughing! So that scared me a bit. I continued working on my assignment and actually started labeling some of the sticky notes that were required to label the large mannequin. I soon got the hang of it! I started labeling the mannequin. Sadly, I only got two things labeled, lol, so that was fun. Then, in the second period, we had a sub and started working on a worksheet! That was very long lol! But I got some of it complete (don't worry, it wasn't due until Tomorrow!). Then, in the third, we chilled and just learned about our brains! And how it can lie to us again that was super cool! In fourth I was pretty tired because I was feeling semi ok! I was scared I was going to get sick, but by the end of the day, we chilled for a while! And slept most of that night
Friday, 9/6/24 - today I sadly woke up sick and super congested! I could barely talk without my throat hurting and it sucked! On the bus, I kept coughing. Thankfully, I had thought the congestion had gone away in the first period. I was all right, but I was still coughing and sniffing! But I actually got my mannequin fully labeled and got my labeling sheets fully filled out! And colored coded it made me proud that I got all that work done! I was only two hours into my chemo session so I was pretty impressed with how well I was doing! Lol. Then, for the rest of the class, I worked on skeleton labeling and drew some magnification of muscles and tissues! I think I did ok! Then, in the second period, we had a sub who will now be our permanent substitute because we found out that Mrs. Mauney was having a baby! And that Monday, we'll get information, or however many days pass, we will get more news as our substitute gets it! We enjoyed the class as it was pretty chill. Sadly, we had a quiz on Matter and density! I think I did ok then I finished the rest of that worksheet sadly my back was killing me and my throat was not feeling great :/ that didn't make me smile! At lunch, I kept coughing but enjoyed my salad 🥗. Then, in the third period, we chilled and did a sheet that required us to answer questions from different websites. It was super easy, and I got it done by the end of class! Then, in the fourth period, we were doing notes, but I felt so tired and drained and kept coughing my lungs out; my throat hurt, and my back hurt more than anything! It was really miserable! But I was grateful it was fourth period and Friday so I could deal with this sickness in peace. Later on at home, I basically sat and chilled most of the day and then headed to bed around 8:03 P.m., which is not normal for me, so I definitely knew that the cold wore me out! Today was exhausting but it also made me smile!
Saturday, 9/7/24 - today, I woke up at 8:00 Am not normal for me, considering I almost always wake up around six in the morning. I sat on Instagram most of the day and continued coughing my lungs out. My throat hurt less today than it did yesterday, and luckily, the back roller trick I did yesterday or last night had worked, and my back pain, for the most part, was mainly gone! So that was good! And then I ate ramen that day and two bags of Takis the whole day, so my appetite wasn't completely shot, but it also wasn't that great either. I mainly took a chill day, to be honest, considering I had just gotten sick and I just had chemotherapy! But during my chill day, which wasn't a lot of work, we brought in a Walmart order, and then Matthew had to dump a whole thing of moldy food! Not fun at all and then he had to dump old peppers out! Again, it was not fun. Then we did laundry, and then we went to bed around nine p.m. Today was very boring yet chill, and it was exactly what I needed! Today made me smile!
Sunday, 9/8/24 - today, I woke up around 8:00 Am again, so not normal, but I am happy to report I am feeling much better! I do have a runny/blogged nose, but my throat barely hurts, and my back is not even sore! I'm glad I did most of my recovery at home, and I believe I only need two more days, and hopefully, I'll be back up and moving! Only time will tell. In the morning, I mainly chilled on Instagram, where I've been finding myself recently. Then, around 10 or 11:00 Am, we did some laundry and chilled. We mainly watched shows and casually relaxed! We were laughing at how floppy my body was and how horrendous our friend Luz's burp was! It was so hilarious, and then we saw Donny's old self (outfit) and tried to fit it in his wheelchair (and no, sadly, we don't have a picture). It went horribly wrong and sent everyone into abrupt laughter! Then, later in the day, we got some yummy pizza with pepper flakes! And Parmesan cheese (don't hate until you try it!) was very good. Matthew and Emmie had 5 slices well, almost 5! I had a few bites since I cannot chew pizza very well! But my few bites were delicious! I got a new outfit and enjoyed the chill afternoon watching shows with my baba and my babe drinking beer 🍻! Lol, we had a nice night, and now I'm going to end the entry here! Thanks for reading this whole week, and I'll see y'all next week. This whole day and week made me smile!
What made you smile this week?
Img desc #1: shows the tall mannequin skeleton with some blue labelings.
Img desc #2: shows Emmie smiling on a cruise near a glass wall with a brown handrail Emmie is seen wearing a pair of black sunglasses 🕶️ and a green short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans she is smiling while sitting in her electric wheelchair
Img desc #3: Matthew and Tucker are seen facing back to back. Matthew, seen on the left of the image, is seen smiling while his head is tilted back towards Tucker's head. He has a dark green buttoned-up long-sleeved shirt, and his hands are cuffed around his bicep area. He is standing near Tucker, giving a big smile. On Matthew's face is a pair of bulkyish pair of transparent glasses. Tucker, seen right of the image, is seen with his arms crossed, his hands cuffing around his biceps. His head is tilted back. He is wearing a white long-sleeved buttoned shirt and a golden and black colored blazer with a golden and black bowtie. There is a wooden background behind them. They are smiling very brightly.
Img desc #4: the large mannequin is seen standing on a grey desk with a few blue labels taped to the mannequin.
Img desc #5: doc is seen smiling slightly with her face red from coughing and sneezing all day. She is wrapped comfortably in Emmie's hoodie, grey sweatpants, and white socks. On Doc's lap is a big puffy pillow. A big brown pillow is seen behind her weak floppy Head!. She is very comfy!
Img desc #6: doc and Emmie are seen smiling in the dark near a building Emmie seen right of the image is seen smiling in her electric wheelchair wearing a white short sleeved buttoned up shirt with beige colored squares designed on her shirt paired with her shirt is beige colored shorts. Emmie's hands are propped up by her electric wheelchair. Doc who is seen left of the image is seen in her electric wheelchair and smiling while wearing a brown colored short sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans and brown shoes she is smiling big!
Img desc #7: doc is seen looking shocked while wearing a grey short sleeved shirt and grey colored sweatpants! She is seen near a group of friends and a glass transparent door.
Img desc #8: doc and Emmie is seen smiling doc is seen beaming with excitement! And seen wearing a black short sleeved shirt and grey sweatpants Emmie her wife seen wearing a white short sleeved shirt and smiling in her manual wheelchair they are seen near trees and a beautiful sunset 🌇.
Img desc #9: doc is seen asleep in a car with her head strap (she barely needs this as of right now but she is getting close and we wanted her to be comfy) her back was sore and her throat hurt and she kept sneezing sadly not a fun day! She is seen wearing a pink Hawaiian themed Short sleeved shirt and beige colored shorts her eyes are closed and she's fully conked out!

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Samtember Day 2:Bird telepathy
"Come on. What does it even do?"
I am getting pretty sick of people who aren't Torres testing out their tech with me. Who is calling the shots here? Who ran the background checks? Who's stuff is it, and who's asking for it? That's what I always didn't like about the military: everything is on a need to know basis, and I never need to know, apparently.
"It lets you communicate with the birds."
Bucky from across the room cracked up laughing with no intent of stopping anytime soon. Yeah, I sure as hell didn't ask. The poor intern smiling at me like that was actually helpful doesn't deserve my oncoming long chat, though.
"Thank you, tell whoever sent you that they should expect a very in-depth report from me on how it works."
They still stood there all wide-eyed and practically vibrating with the urge to do something, most likely embarrassing.
I sighed before resetting, "Do you want a picture?"
"Yes! Thank you. Thank you. I love you so much! Yay! Thank you!"
Ah, the whole hero thing is possibly worse than a movie star. At least a movie star has a security detail. Heroes are expected to be able to protect themselves. The guy ran off looking so happy that it almost made up for it, though.
"Ah, is Captain America not a fan of children?"
"Hey, I love kids."
"What was that about anyways? I get useless upgrades all the time."
"Birds are girls in British speech."
"Oh, ha ha. Like I needed help. I mean, I am positively charming."
"Sure, whatever lets you sleep at night."
I knocked the ex-assassin in the ribs for good measure, and we took off towards the plane to our next mission we were probably over-qualified to help out some country who didn't want us and could handle themselves.
I was glad for them, though. It beats avoiding the press and politicians. I'd rather punch some bad guy than have to withstand a conversation with someone trying to exploit my image. I worked too hard to make it an image people can look to for the courage to have it twisted to help some political agenda. Plus, it's a whole four days in some beautiful country with the only slightly unnerving staring of the Winter Soldier.
"Dude, I thought we were past this."
This guy exudes peak little sibling energy. Which is ironic because he was the oldest. If I point out I don't like something, like snow or his staring, then he will specifically make sure that we're on a plane to Latvia in January where he intends to stare across at me for the entire trip just to screw with me.
I looked down at the tiny piece of tech added to the goggles of my suit to distract myself. I didn't know how I felt about some government brainiacs stealing my Wakandan gear from the dry cleaners. Seems a little illegal to me. If it happens again, maybe I'll have Bucky ask Shuri to chew them out. It's her brains they're sponging off of after all.
Plucking up an iPad from the floor as it slid past during the take-off, I started breaking down the basics of how it worked. I wanted to make sure it wasn't gonna be an open mic to all the helicopters around. What was the point even? I already have a radio to tap into all the friendly and sometimes not-friendly channels. If I wanted to talk to the birds, all I have to do is call them.
By the time I determined that the whole thing was safe even if I had no clue how it worked, Bucky was concked out in a very undignified manner I just had to snap a picture of. With a little over three hours until we landed, I figured it was safe to follow suit.
"Mornin' sleeping beauty."
"Ah, shove it, Barnes."
The insistent poking didn't stop.
"Alright, alright, I'm up."
The guy was down the stairs before I could even right myself. Or at least that's what I thought happened. He was gone gone. The guy is immune to sleep-induced slowness, I swear.
It's time to get debriefed. Bucky had better not decide midway that he couldn't handle the accented English and ask them to just give it in their native tongue again. He can understand it just fine, sure, but I'm left in the dark. Bucky has a very different idea of what essential information is.
I like knowing all the information. Too many times, we've walked into things unprepared, and it's ended with blood. The other side of being a celebrity nobody talks about is how many people hate you. Between myself and the Winter Soldier, we've checked just about every box for people's reasons to kill us in every country.
I actually feel safer in a different country than back in the States. Normally, the armed forces we are called in to help are just as surprised and irritated about us being there as the bad guys who were expecting them, not us. They don't account for our gear and skill sets. We walk away with a lot less bruises that way. If my sniper of a partner would quit insisting on doing everything hand-to-hand, it would be a lot less bruises. The scathing looks we got for our infringement on situations that the country had "under control" on the other hand. . . made up for the lack of colors on our skin.
That's the thing. Even if you expect the looks, the words, the hits, it never makes them hurt less. It just makes you tense up, and contracted muscles can't take as much damage. Not many are mad enough or drunk enough to take a swing of any sort at us, though. They don't have to say a thing, though. We see what they think of our presence.
Of course, nobody seems to like my presence no matter where I go or what I'm doing. That's why I'm doing what I want to do with the people I love to do it with. People don't like me, but I love people. If they're gonna make life tough, I'm gonna work to make it easier.
Bucky was at the bottom of the stairs, against which he leaned reading a book with one hand. He glanced up and flipped it closed and into some hidden pocket when I reached the bottom step.
"Ah, look who's finally up."
"Don't look so comfortable. You ready to go?"
"Ready when you are."
I started walking before continuing, "Don't be so indecisive."
"It's called being considerate."
"It's called being a pain."
"If you find pain from my kindness, I'll just have to be more rude."
"Oh, that'll be a sight to see. I didn't notice you were being kind."
"Wow, I'm glad they don't need you for your bird's eye view, for you are oblivious."
I let him have it as we approached the base. No use appearing divided in front of people who don't even understand what we're arguing about.
"Wow, look what the cat dragged in."
"Ho, ho. Get a look at these songbirds."
"Hey, peacock. Ain't it time for you to head back south?"
"Yeah, we don't want you're eye sore around here."
The whispers weren't really whispering this time. They were pretty loud, almost as if they were coming through the suit's headset. I wasn't half as colorful as Steve, though, so they're just making fun out of principle. America isn't even south, though, guys.
So the crowd's more brash than usual. This is looking out to be a great start.
The higher-ups finally got done begrudgingly debriefing us. The only thing brightening their sour looks was Bucky's Latvian inquiries. He wasn't even listening to the answers he just wanted to give them the chance to not have to obey the rules of English grammar.
It was simple. In and out. Terrorists, hostages, the works. Something a small team would probably be better for, but the politicians back in Washington need something good to blow in the public's face that we did for the baltic states to cover up some equivalently gross deed.
I only let it happen because at least those good soldier's lives aren't at stake. I can't count the number of times we've walked into "easy" situations that turn out to have hydra or alien weaponry that blows the whole ordeal into another category.
It gets ugly fast.
"Ugg, they're back."
Well, good to see you too. Oh, don't give me that confused look.
"So, how do you feel about being stuck in a nest?" I asked Bucky once we cleared the compound.
"He speaks of nests. Poser."
What is that even supposed to mean?
Bucky answered as if the lingering voice wasn't there, "Eh, makes me feel like a glorified cop."
"Don't all these do that?"
"Then we'll be fine and back in the States in time for the Sunday football game."
He shot me a look that said, "Now that's more my speed."
Then, a truck pulled up to whisk Bucky away to his sniper spot. I was left to be my own ride. Good thing I have a GPS in this thing because I don't remember how to get there at all.
Unfortunately, I was bombarded, not 20 seconds in, "Hey, bozo, watch where you're flying!"
"Abort abort! Bank left. Bank Left! *Donald Duck Noises* Who gave that idiot a license."
It doesn't make sense. With all the air rushing past, the only thing I can hear are the coms. Nobody is that snarky on the comms, usually upon seeing me.
"Hey, this is bird altitude, buck-o. Go a few hundred meters up if you want in the skies."
Bird altitude? Really? I'm sure there's some other environmentalist plan that doesn't inhibit my ability to get a job done that can be focused on for the 16 hours I plan to be in this country. I do not need a ticket for violating air space rules.
"Ah, Piper, isn't this a nice-- ahh!"
Where is the mute button on this thing? This idle chatter is driving me nuts.
"Yeah, us too buck-o."
Oh, birds.
"No, really? What you thought we were chickens?"
There's a roof, I'm finding an off switch. This is gonna get me killed.
"Yeah, because if we have to hear you think, we're gonna do it ourselves."
I'm issuing a formal complaint when I get back. I might enjoy writing this report.
Bucky's never gonna believe this one.
No bird telepathy today, that's for sure.
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why does everyone hate overwatch and especially overwatch 2? i know ppl hate it but i never see anyone say why. if anyone else wants to offer opinions in the notes i'd love to hear them. i'm not defending the game(s) i'm just curious
ok so recovering from surgery has fucked up my sleep schedule so bad i'm actually up and at my pc to answer this at 7 am on a sunday bc i have a lot to say and i didn't want to type this all out on my phone lol. (also i have to take my antibiotics in an hour so i might as well get up) this is going to be LONG because i have a lot of thoughts and a lot of reasons
i think the biggest one, just to get it out of the way, is that blizzard had a MASSIVE scandal over sexual harassment. this basically changed everyone's opinions on every blizzard property, but from what i understand, the overwatch team actually didn't have a harassment problem (FROM WHAT I KNOW), but obviously it still affected people's perception of the game and i'm not defending blizzard on this issue. i think several people should die over this.
anyways, i think one of the big things was blizzard randomly announced overwatch 2 back in 2019 to distract from them banning a pro hearthstone player over supporting the hong kong protests in an interview. the development of overwatch 2 brought overwatch 1 to a COMPLETE fucking standstill like. there was literally no actual update for 3 years because they moved the entire dev team to overwatch 2 so overwatch 1 was updated by a skeleton crew, which a lot of people weren't happy about (me included). the only real difference between 1 and 2, when 2 was announced, was that it was gonna have PVE, which was already weird because in the past they said PVE was going to be in overwatch 1 and now it's not?
and then overwatch 2 finally comes out and it's like. there's no PVE. it's "coming later." they later admit that the PVE campaign was cancelled back in 2021 (remember overwatch 2 came out late 2022) BUT THEN KEPT ADVERTISING THAT OVERWATCH 2 WAS GONNA HAVE THE PVE CAMPAIGN? THEY LITERALLY JUST LIED TO EVERYONE FOR A FUCKING YEAR?
it took like 3 years for overwatch 2 to come out and at launch, all it had to offer was 3 new heroes and a few new maps and its like, if they just kept developing overwatch 1 we would've had way more by 2022.
overwatch 2 is also free to play, which is like, that's fine on paper, yay everyone gets to play it, but in practice it means that overwatch 2 is rife with microtransactions. skins cost like $26. new heroes cost AT LEAST $10 depending on when you buy them (or you can spend a ridiculous amount of time unlocking them for free) and its like. i fucking bought overwatch 1 for $40, these characters and skins would've been goddamn free in overwatch 1, i'm not spending money on this. ALSO I SPENT $40 TO BUY THIS GAME WHY THE FUCK AM I SPENDING MORE MONEY TO UNLOCK CHARACTERS???? there's some PVE missions available in game now but they're nothing like what was promised and they. also. obviously. cost. fucking. money. and i already spent $40 on the first game.
also there's a battle pass now for monetization reasons and i fucking hate most battle passes. the microtransactions in this game are fascinating because they make the overwatch 1 loot boxes look good.
also, they started the overwatch league in 2018, which is like, professional overwatch gaming, and i really liked watching it (and even went to some games irl) (i won a raffle there once!), but then they started balancing the game around the pro competitive scene which kinda made it hard for casuals to enjoy because they would keep changing the casual game mode (quick play) to be more in line with competitive, which was getting balanced around like 0.001% of players, which just made it less fun lol.
+ when they released overwatch 2, it went from 6v6 to 5v5 which was a change i never liked because my usual team was 6 people so this means that we have to rotate someone out, and they removed the 2nd tank role when switching the game to 5v5 which was uh... my main role was off tank... which they fucking removed.... because the game's 5v5 now. my main (dva) feels borderline unplayable in 5v5 because she kinda just sucks now lol. idk i don't really like the flow of the game or how short team fights are with 5v5 and i absolutely hate being the only tank. i think 6v6 was the perfect balance for overwatch but that's been thrown out the window.
ALSO they removed capture point maps which i actually did enjoy and im still salty over this
tldr basically it's like. overwatch 1 died for 3 years and blizzard killed its momentum for overwatch 2 but then overwatch 2 has literally nothing new to it and it's just overwatch 1 but worse. we waited 3 years for literally nothing.
although, i will say i saw a lot of people online make fun of the game when they announced lifeweaver because he's, iirc, a pansexual thai man, and honestly, that never sat right with me because like. it was a bunch of online leftists making fun of the game for being.... too diverse? or feeling like it was checking off a list and i was never comfortable with it because like, even just 6 years ago we would not have gotten a character like him in an AAA game. i think it's because one of the studios under blizzard posted their "diversity tool" that they used to diversify their game and it was really fucking weird and gave points to characters depending on their race and sexuality and etc, and i think they even used overwatch characters as an example, which was REALLY weird, because the tool was being used by king and not the team developing overwatch and even the dev team called it out like "we don't fucking use this, what is this shit lol, stop using our characters for this"
also lifeweaver was made by a thai person on the team to represent his own culture so i genuinely don't think he was made with the diversity tool lol.
idk i still think representation is important and i think making fun of him was weird since like. pan thai men definitely exist irl. idk. it was weird as fuck and this is probably the only thing i'll actively defend overwatch on. #LeaveLifeweaverAlone or whatever. i mean he sucks in game but that's bc his abilities are lame and his healing is shit, not because he's pan lol
but also why do they keep making their japanese characters ninjas lol. i like playing kiriko but man why can they all wall climb.
also like, the final thing, regarding everyone else hating it is like, im gonna be blunt, i think a lot of times the internet will just randomly turn on something it loved (marvel (rightfully honestly), borderlands, someone provide more examples) and say it sucks/its cringe/etc because loving something is #Cringe and hating everything is #Cool or whatever, and overwatch has reached that phase of its life, and all the issues i mentioned above really didn't fucking help. the internet adores its hate trains yknow
idk genuinely my relationship with overwatch is super fucking complicated as someone who loved/loves the game. i really do like a lot of the characters and i think the game is still fun SOMETIMES, but it's definitely lost that spark it had in 2016 thanks to shit management and blizzard focusing on the wrong things. i think a lot about a world where blizzard didn't suck and overwatch never had all this shit happen to it.
also WOW IM SORRY this is so rambly i've had like 4 hours of sleep and this is just something i do feel strongly about since the game is/was important to me and quite literally changed my life, so it sucks to see how it turned out. when i was 16 i really was enamored by this game where the whole premise was fighting for the future and it was just optimistic about the future, and i think that really was important for me at the time, as dumb as that is. a game being like "hey, the future's gonna be awesome" during a year that was really nerve-wracking for me was something i did need at the time. it really does suck that overwatch's own future wasn't as bright as the future it was envisioning.
#LONG POST#talking about all this actually made me kinda sad LOL#i would kill to go back to 2016 overwatch genuinely#sorry for dropping this on everyone at fucking 7:30 AM on a sunday
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what are your atsv hcs??? :D
YAY!!!! someone asked !!!!
hi ollie :]]]]
ok so the aranchkids r all datin each other (except for gwen n miles) like miles - pav margo n hobie hobie - pav miles margo n gayatri pav - gayatri miles n hobie i thought a bf for gwen he’s pretty cool 😎(miles n hobie have the tism while gwen pav n margo have adhd, they’re also all polyamorous)
i’mma do like individual hcs now :))
first gotta start w my boy, miles !
he’s transmasc genderfluid n bisexual(with a male preference)
pronouns r he/she/they(just like me ^^)
him n gwen r queerplatonic
he blasts selena every chance he gets(thank mama rio for that <3)
he’s catholic(not really a headcanon but not really canon either)
gets the munchies real bad, he cannot go anywhere without a couple of snacks
was definitely that kid that couldn’t have too sugar
ipad kid
mama’s boy(not really a headcanon but c’mon)
has wanted grills but his parents instantly dissed the idea
carries around all sorts of lip glosses n chapsticks, no chapped lips on his watch
talks in solely spanish when he’s angry or real excited
has freckles(it’s canon but whatevs)
next is my girlie, gwen !
she’s trans n bisexual(the trans part is basically canon but 🤷🏾♀️)
pronouns - she/they
she loves punk rock(what her n hobie bond over)
she plays the guitar but drums is more her choice
has the best fashion sense besides hobs n pav
is the certified weird girl of the group /aff
loves 2000’s fashion
her music taste is generically white
once thought she was lesbian until she saw miles
loves no doubt n bikini kill
had a puppy crush on miles
her n penni r besties (canon 2 me)
onto hobie 😎
he doesn’t care about labels
pronouns - any
possess a certain gender most want
looks so cool but once you getta know him he’s such a loser /aff
the troublemaker of the group
since he doesn’t believe in consistency, his style changes but it mostly returns back to punk
uses a bunch of british slang intentionally to confuse the others
is definitely one of those ‘kiss your homies goodnight’ kinda guy(so is miles but don’t feel like addin it)
when he’s overstimulated/goes nonverbal, he talks through his guitar or signs(all the gang know bsl n asl so it’s all good 👍🏾)
my all time fav, pav !!
he’s transmasc n pansexual
his pronouns - he/she/xe/they
has tons of energy
needs all 10 hours of beauty sleep
rants in hindi(i’m assuming that’s what language he speaks but someone correct me if it’s somethin different)
talks way too fast, hobs sometimes translates
has random urges to scream
the mom friend of the group(miles is too again too lazy to add)
sometimes he hangs on the ceiling, says it helps him think
finally, my girl margo !!!
she’s transfem n bisexual(with no particular preference)
pronouns - all
prefers virtual reality to humans
very awkward
had a hello kitty phase from ages 6 to 11(it comes back sometimes)
loves beyoncé n 90’s r&b
can hold her breath for a long period of time
has social anxiety
used to wear glasses but thought they were tacky so she switched to contacts
has worn puff puffs since she was 4, her signature look
#asks#mutuals💗#miles morales#gwen stacy#pavitr prabhakar#hobie brown#atsv headcanons#itsv headcanons#across the spiderverse
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Studying as much as I can (1/21)
Let me tell you, yesterday was a productive day! I managed to wake up at 6 a.m. easily, and the day went well after that.
I did some more research about study tips on that Instagram account I mentioned, and here's what I found out:
- It is good to have previously defined times to use screens
- It's good to have analog hobbies, that don't involve screen time
- It's good to have some time to be outside, to get some sun and fresh air
- I must seek a susteinable routine, meaning something that I can maintain for a long time without getting absolutely exhausted
- It's good to enjoy vacations and holidays. I will try to plan some trips during these times
- There's no need to buy expensive study materials to succeed. Sometimes we correlate rich privilege with success
- There are some tips to change habits:
1. Do a list of pros and cons
2. Study about risks and benefits of the habit
3. Make plans
4. Have short-timed, small objectives to reach, and have a map with these objectives
5. Have reminders
6. Try to avoid relapsing
7. Have a social network of people who also want to change habits
- It is good to focus on health over aesthetics when thinking about food and exercise
- It makes things easier when I have a map of step by step concrete objectives I can complete in order to reach my dreams
Ok, so after this research, I did some stuff. I researched some stuff to do during my end of the year holidays. I don't think I'll manage to travel a lot (money...) but I can still explore my city. I searched my Instagram and ended up with a bunch of restaurants, museums, libraries and beaches I could visit:

It's all in Portuguese because, well, I'm Brazilian!
I also searched the net for some analog hobbies I could do during the day, specially to avoid being glued to screens all the time. I work on screens, I study on screens, by the end of the day I NEED some other stuff to do other than looking at more screens. Here is the list:
Analog hobbies:
- Reading
- Gardening
- Walking
- Crosswords and analog puzzles
- Calisthenics (like push-ups)
- Stretching
- Listening to music
- Martial arts
- Lifting
- Cooking
- Journaling
Many of these I could do turing my Pomodoro intervals, like the push-ups. Ok, modified push-ups, I'm a big potato, and can't manage full push-ups yet. I went on Hybrid Calisthenics and got some modified versions. During my Pomodoro intervals I did some incline push-ups and bended knee-raises.
I think walking will be good too. On the longer intervals, I can take walks around my building. That will get me some sun and fresh air too! And I need it, I stay inside my apartment almost all day.
Cooking is a good one too, to do during longer intervals, and will help me meal plan and work on healthier eating!
So... about the study... I actually managed to study full 2 hours yesterday! Yay for me! Let's see if I can keep up with this! I consider this a success!
Sleep: 8h
Magnesium: yay for pumpkin seeds!
Therapy: had a session and got more homework to do
Exercise: rest day. But still got some calisthenics in
Vitamins: nope. Fuen fuen fuen
Water: 4 full bottles (2 L)
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AUTHORS NOTE: This episode took months to write, so sorry for the shift from Script Format to Novel Format.
MOONY (CALMLY): Oh... ok!
SUNNY (RADIANT): even Lunartic got in! :D
LUNARTIC (APPEARING): What? Whattareya gaspin' for?
MOONY (CALMLY BOWING): Nothing at all.
LUNARTIC (SINISTERLY): Good, because if you were gasping at me getting in...
Lunartic: Sunny would be getting it.
Moony (PLEADING): Loonie, please, he's JUST a kid...
Lunartic (sadistically): So? Children can get it too...
Sunny (excitedly): GUYS!! LOOOK!!
Sunny (excitedly grabbing Moony and Lunartic's Hands): The bus is here! LET'S GO! :D
Moony (weary): I have a bad feeling about this...
Sunny (waving excitedly as the approach the Bus's Entrance): Hi, Mr. Host! :D
The Gourd: Greetings...
The Gourd (Dramatically): I...
am the Gourd.
Sunny (excitedly): AND I'M SUNNY!! C'mon!! Let's goo!! :D
(Moony and Lunartic silently follow behind, and sit in one of the 3-person wide seats.)
(Sunny begins to yawn, feeling tired.)
Moony (nurturing): Maybe you should rest, sweetie...
Sunny (tired, closing his eyes.): okk...
(Sunny goes to sleep laying his head on Moony's Lap, which somehow doesn't combust.)
(Hours later...)
(BUMP! Sunny wakes up.)
The Gourd (turning in his Bus Driver's Seat.): We're here.
Sunny (excited): YAY!! Let's go! =D
(All 24 contestants get off the bus and look around.)
The Gourd: One last thing...
(The Gourd levitates the Bus in the air, then claps, making it disappear.)
The Gourd (Cheekily): No leaving!
Question Mark: Where are we?
The Gourd (appearing behind Question Mark): Obviously the (a garble of the words "Texan", "Floridian", "Mexican", "Californian", "Canadian", "Italian", "Zealandic", "French", "German", and "Spanish") plains!
The Gourd (moving on): Now form 8 teams of 8! =)
Sunny (to Moony and Lunartic): Let's stick together! :-)
Lunartic: Alright. Moony?
(Moony is staring in the distance at Starry.)
Lunartic (scoffing): Jeez, just move on already...
Moony (reluctantly): ...alright...
(Cut to Phantous building his team...)
Phantous: Alright, we've got... 5? People?
(Comedai, Tragedai, and Mime are counted as 1, 2, and 3, while Paperplates says "Yep!" and is counted as 4.)
Phantous (thinking): Good...
(He turns and looks at the pool of contestants.)
Phantous (excitedly): How about these?
(He points at Hangman, Starry and House.)
Hangman (hovering over): Alright..
Starry (walking alongside): Sure, I suppose...
House (sitting): You guys are creepy, no thanks!
(⅞ Team Members!)
Phantous (to GyroGyro, Penta, and Cloudy.): You three?
Cloudy (intently): Sure! I'll join!
Phantous (excitedly): Yeah!
(8/8 Team Members!)
Question Mark (to Lunartic and Moony): Let's merge teams to make a full set.
Lunartic, overlapping Moony, said "Alright."
Moony noticed Sunny's disappearance and said— "Wait, where's Sunny—?"
Lunartic, shrugging, says; "Oh well, one less issue."
Sunny, holding GyroGyro, says; "I want him!! He's so silly!!"
Lunartic yells at Sunny, screaming— "Sunny, what have I said about—"
(GyroGyro haunts Lunartic into a daze.)
Question Mark, referring to The Colon Duo, adds; "also these two!"
Angel, at the same time as Devil, says; "Salutations!"
Devil, at the same time as Angel, says; "PERISH!"
Sunny, agreeing, shouts; "YAY!!"
The Gourd, listing, noted "then by automation, Star, Heart, Penta, Triangula, House, Cuby, Lightning and Flower are all on the same team!"
Sunny immediately chiming in ring; " Oh!!! I bet this team will be so FUN!"
("Team FUN!" is now Team 1's Team Name.)
Phantous shouts; "They're naming teams?! Well, I formed this team with Comedy, Tragedy, Mime and Paperplates since we were already a group... why not be..."
("The Masquerade" is now Team 2's Team Name.)
The Gourd, to Star, Heart, Penta, Triangula, House, Lightning, Cuby and Flower, said: "and you're...?"
House, confused says; "What?"
(Team "What?" is now Team 3's Team Name.)
Star offended, shouts: "THAT'S NOT WHAT HE—!!"
The Gourd, clapping, cuts in with: "Alright, be quiet now!"
The Gourd now turns around and stares at a piece of land.
Hangman, after a moment of awkward silence, asks: "So what's the first challenge?"
The Gourd then hovers his hands over an area, an aura pulsating as from the ground, a strange stone structure erects.
The Gourd now blasts upward.
Hangman disappointingly groaned; "I'll go after him."
House curiously asked; "How will–?"
Hangman groans before grabbing House and being raised by his rope upwards.
Hangman arrives, followed by The Gourd clapping.
The contestants appear as Gourd says–
The Gourd would now announce— "CONTESTANTS! The first challenge... is to cross an OBSTACLE COURSE DANGLING ABOVE LAVA! Watch the example contestants VERY closely!"
A Circle and an Egg are used.
"You must find a way to get to the other side of this vat of lava! Use either the large, yet trickety platforms, or the thin-yet-stable beams! If you fall into the lava and die, you are DISQUALIFIED!" Gourd says.
"Wait, you're going to let us die—?" Starry asks, being ignored as Gourd shouts "GO!"
"Oh, alright—" Starry said as we pan over to Team Fun.
"Guys! I have a plan!" Moony said.
"Shoot." Devil Colon said.
"Sunny and Colon Duo, you guys can carry us across the obstacle course while me and Lunartic simply do the obby!" Moony stated.
"Sounds good! ^^" Angel said, now picking up Question Mark on her head, While Devil Colon carried Exclamation Mark, who began screaming, on his back.
Sunny now jumped into the lava, being unaffected, and caught GyroGyro and Period.
The Colon Duo now flew over the Obby, and waited for Gourd.
"Hoho! Excellent loophole skills!" He praised. "I never said you CAN'T just avoid the obby, so The Colon Duo, Question Mark, and Exclamation Mark are safe!"
Switching to Team "What?" and The Masquerade.
Cuby began trying to hop across the large-yet-trickety platforms, inviting Heart along.
"Uhm, there isn't much room, darling!" Heart exclaimed, despite there being a perfect amount of room on the platform.
Paperplates jumped, only to be blown into the vat of lava and burn.
"7 members on The Masquerade remain!" Gourd annouced.
"Aren't you gonna bring her back or something?" Question Mark said to Gourd, who blinked, before closing his hand into a fist, and...
Paperplates was back! ...with a small stain of soot on her.
Mime and Phantous got across, since Hangman was carrying them, while Cloud carried Starry across.
"Alright, that means—" Phantous was about to speak...
Penta, Lightning, House, and Triangula are safe!
Sunny, Period and GyroGyro are also safe!
Switch to Moony and Lunartic.
"Loonie, c'mon!" Moony said to Lunartic.
"...I could kill you right now if I wanted to." Lunartic said.
"...Loonie, no."
"Do it.
For us."
Randomly, as Heart and Cuby were about to cross, an asteroid was thrown at the two, blocking their paths.
"Good girl." Lunartic said, now crossing the platform to be considered safe alongside Moony.
Star tackled Comedy, killing both himself and Comedy.
"Comedy is disqualified!"
"Yes!" Heart said, glad her off-screen suggestion worked.
"Which means since Tragedy crossed, albeit crying, THE MASQUERADE IS SAFE!" The Gourd announced.
"No!" Heart said.
"Team What?, you're on the chopping block tonight." Gourd said.
The Gourd now flies out of the chamber, flying downwards before teleporting the contestants back onto ground level.
"You have a few moments before the elimination ceremony begins! GOOD LUCK." The Gourd said, before cackling maniacally and dissolving into the air.
"Hey, hey! It's alright!" Phantom said, trying to comfort a flailing Tragedy.
"Eugh, overreaction..." Heart groaned. "For real..." Lightning agreed. "Tsk... speaking of which, I think we know who to eliminate..." Heart told Lightning, "Ugh, yes! That FREAK has GOT to go, like honestly, what was he even doing...?"
Star and Comedy were then revived.
"Let's go." Star said. "FREAKS! Follow me. WE'VE got a plan."
"Welcome to elimination, Team What?, all 8 of you will now vote for ONE person to be eliminated. Whoever has the most votes LEAVES, voting... is NOW."
"Goodbye, silent-y." Star votes Cuby.
"Nobody will miss you!" Heart blows a kiss.
"I have to get on their good side, sorry buddy." Penta votes Cuby.
"Uhm... I don't... like her... she makes me feel... uncomfortable." Triangula votes Heart.
House casts a vote.
"We've GOT to stick together! We're like, BFFLs right now!" Lightning votes.
Cuby angrily slams a button.
"The way they're treating poor Cuby... I despise that woman..." Flower sighs deeply and votes.
"If you get a Marshmallow, you will be SAFE!" The Gourd announced.
"Oh yeah! I knew I could count on you guys."
"Let's go girl!" Lightning exclaims to Heart.
"Ooh, yay! <)" Flower says, taking his marshmallow.
and House!
House opens his door as the marshmallow flies through.
Now half of you are safe;
and half of you are NOT.
Triangula, you're overreacting. You're safe.
and so is Penta.
One of you got 3 votes.
The other got 5.
Heart is shocked as she stares at Cuby angrily.
Cuby is out, receiving 5 votes from the rest of his team.
Cuby begins frantically scribbling, however, Gourd begins to spin the Cube back into...
A lifeless Nintendo GameCube.
Flower stares in shock as Heart and Star celebrate.
"That's all for today...
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
Cuby holds the flyer, before gripping it.

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