#ok to rb btw!!!
Hey guys be warned not to use AO3 rn bc of a DDOS attack on it rn, both readers and writers! You can find more info if you type up Ao3 ddos 2023 if u need more info but please stop using the site for now If u can even access it jic!
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faestorian · 9 months
"came back wrong" you could not come back wrong even if you tried. you've changed, beyond recognition, but while my eyes may not know you, my heart still does. i love you.
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
quick psa bc apparently it still needs to be said
idk in which language i have to say this for y’all to understand
i dont CARE if you credited the artist i dont CARE if u found it on pinterest i don’t CARE if you found it on instagram i don’t CARE if u found it laying in the corner of the sidewalk i don’t give a shit. it’s simply not yours to take and post without permission
repeat with me. you can repost only. and i mean ONLY. if the artist has given you explicit permission BEFOREHAND, asking them after you reposted does absolutely nothing. nada. nisba. niente. zero. it’s even worse.
(and permissions to repost are not blanket statements. if an artist is ok with reposting it doesn’t mean that another artist will be too, if you have the go-ahead to repost a certain art doesn’t mean that the permission extends to the rest of the artist’s work as well. “oh but i thought—“ i don’t cARE. ASK EVERY TIME.)
PLEASE begging to show even a crumb of respect for artists/writers/creators and their work it really is not that difficult
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shkspr · 5 months
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slut-kiss-g1rl · 2 years
im not a man or a woman but im also a man and a woman. hope that helps 👍
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vampirefunkmetal · 12 days
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i dont have anything to say about this.
original under cut
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xumoonhao · 2 years
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web badges inspired by this post <3 / second set / third set
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mod2amaryllis · 10 months
i wasn't gonna share this ovulation-in-2-days comic but at jose's direction it became a whole saga
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11thsense · 6 months
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It's the first time I've sketched Bucky in at least 5 years, and it will likely be the last. But in honor of 10 yrs of CA:TWS, here is the last 11thsense Bucky.... ever🚬
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identitty-dickruption · 4 months
I'm playing around with the idea that constantly not being able to be productive is a sign of needing rest in the same way that constantly thinking about food is a sign of being hungry. as someone who sucks at interpreting my body's signals (and as someone who has a lot of difficulty around feeling lazy all the time!) it can be really hard to know what "tired enough to take a break" looks like. and I think if my brain keeps wandering towards restful activities instead of "productive" activities, that might be a pretty big signal that I need to take a rest
when I first started following the rule that thinking about food = hunger, I felt like I was eating way too much food all the time, and that I maybe shouldn't be listening to my body, but that's evened out over time. it turns out I was just starving myself for a really long time, and my body needed a lot of food!
and I wonder if the same could be true with rest. it feels like I need an absurd amount of rest at the moment, and it's been really really difficult to convince myself that I actually need the rest, and that I'm not just some kind of lazy slob. but you know what? maybe I NEED that rest! maybe I've been working myself to the bone lately, and maybe it'll take a while before I can be Properly Productive again. and that's something I'll just have to be okay with while I figure out what resting enough looks like for me
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eskildit · 1 year
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this is one hundred percent judith speak for this guy sucks and I do not like him one bit. palamedes what did you do. like sure judith and palamedes were probably never going to get along but what the heck happened here.
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butchdykekondraki · 7 months
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hey guys you're not just into that pairing so you can ship them right. you're not just considering that pairing in a romantic context right. you're able to look at that pairing without needing to view it as romantic right. you're able to talk about this pairing without explicitly making it romantic right. you're gonna explore this pairing in a non-romantic context right. right. you can do that right. right guys. right.
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7roaches · 2 months
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sorry for tormenting you nightmare its csuse i love u
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he can be chilling out.. as a treat
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k8aclysm · 9 months
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Holiday fit 2023 >:3c freshly dyed hair too!!!
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alazyparallelworld · 1 year
okay guys lets be honest with ourselves here though. like, for a moment,
to viewed & treated as an adult with "moderate/severe intellectual/developmental disabilities" you have to walk across a very thin line.
if you're too eloquent, your means of operation (ADLs, walking, talking, transportation, self-care) are assumed to be good. there is no true Passing, as an ablebodied/ableminded person online. IRL there are tics; there are deformations in the face, hands, that cue people into. "oh, you are not cognitively All There. got it."
if you are comprehensible, then it isn't that bad. you're basically an ableminded (read: normal) person. you're held to impossible standards of behavior, intellect, and motor skills - when you eventually fail their expectations, they react to it as a failure of you, as a person. that you did it on purpose. worse-case scenario, it'll spread that you're faking. your story of difficulty is just a ploy.
and this is if you're perceived and treated as an adult.
if there's visible, evident in text, that There Is Something Wrong with you on a neuron level? you become a kid. people are fascinated that you're online at all (and doubtful of your independence at this, another bell ring of are you faking?)
people mind their words around you. "fragile, like glass," is an understatement. i've had experiences IRL where strangers worriedly stood beside me, wondering where my parents/caregiver was. one woman got into my face, ignored my jolting away and stuttering, and moved my bangs out of my eyes. because it was Bad for me. (don't you know that?)
and that's, in person, when i have an adult's stature and appearance. where my drivers license has my 90s birthdate.
if your speech is broken - either in grammar or illogical - or you use assistive tools like an AAC board, speech to text, people assume that talking is hard for you. you need to be monitored by someone who knows better - you need to do as little as possible. you need to be away from everyone else; it's disturbing to see someone out of the SPED classroom, outside of the assisted living facilities.
and most of the time - even around the most sensitive, kind people and friends - i still fall into one or other binary of functional/nonfunctional. independent/dependent.
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sasukemexican · 10 months
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testament cosplay i made for anime frontier :3 got recognized by three whole people !
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