#ok sorry for oversharing on the internet
monstrsball · 1 year
the thing w having a shitty ex you weren't that attracted to is now you can't decipher whether you weren't attracted to HIM specifically, or if you aren't attracted to men period.
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malikselfindulgence · 11 months
Being the bigger person and emailing my mom's inactive email "kys" instead of saying it to her face directly
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
Fucked up how I know taking a shower would solve all my problems and perhaps every problem in the history of the universe but I can’t take a real shower bc I can’t get my bandage wet 😢
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wullfric · 8 months
My life has been spiralling down since I got out of high school at this point I am unable to diferiantiate one day from the other I sleep for most of the day and rot in bed on my free time I usually only eat a sandwich and tuna every day I do not want to think that I peaked in high school because that souds pretty pathetic but I guess I am pretty pathetic but that is ok because I am kinda into being pathetic anyways I am kinda hoping that university will help me get any sort of motivation for being alive back or maybe to give me some sense of order by having a set schedule and shit
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jessaerys · 7 months
in 2017 i went through a horrible depressive episode where i watched mad men all the way through THaREE times consecutively and i was reading and writing a lot of rpf beatles mclennon fanfiction. as a chronic oversharer its been hard not tell this to my loved ones as sometimes it would be objectively extremely funny to reveal but immediately after it stopped being shockingly hilarious it would be absolutely mortifying. im in a 3 year long relationship and ive not cracked anyway POST yassified ferb in love; it would free her (the girl who drew it)
i am holding both of your hands it's okay ages 19-24 i was in a long term lived together relationship and i also never cracked (about pnf yaoi). mad men back to back and mclennon is basically mainstream in this day and age are you kidding me. be cringe and free. i love you. here's the pherbcest
OK SORRY I CANT JUST DROP IT I NEED TO DEFEND MYSELF. CONTEXT: i was 15-16 and living in a highly controlling christian cult hellhome so cartoons were basically the only thing i could watch openly and objectively pnf is a really clever funny and well-written show and my little sister really liked it
also it was the late 00s if you wanted gay you had to diy it in the deepest fringes of the internet (deviantart)
ALSO the concept "what if your parent married another parent and you and your new step sibling were best friends but also fell in love. wouldn't that be so complicated and full of potential drama" is objectively pretty compelling (see: contemporary disney channel show My Life With Derek, which basically had that exact premise)
i'd like to peresonally apologize to dan p*venmire and jeff "swampy" m*rsh
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i actually really like these two like ambiancewise. the art is good. two extremely different vibes. the duality of pnf yaoi
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bonus pher/bnessa
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i must kill myself now
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calimanc · 2 months
Hi beautiful mutuals,
Last week I had a thing happen that I posted about on here and caused some concern for my safety. I then had an oversharing hangover and some gnarly feelings about bringing that part of my life on here because this is supposed to be a fun, safe place for me and I felt like I had sullied that. I tend to withdraw into myself when I don't know what to do so I did that.
I'm OK, I'm safe. I'm still in it but the thing I thought had happened does not seem to have happened. If you reached out to me, thank you so much. It means more than I can say. And I'm so sorry it's taken me some time to check in. I know it isn't fair to say something that makes people concerned for my safety and then disappear. I've got a bit of a shame hangover about that.
I still feel weird about it but I'm making the decision to return to being Normal About The X Files on here because it's something that brings me a lot of joy. I'll try to not do that again because life is hard enough without worrying about an internet stranger's wellbeing. But thank you for caring, you guys are the best. ❤️
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joesmemes · 2 years
Assembled by @sheenathehyena.
I gave you a beach house now be normal
It's just so fucking ridiculous it circles back around to being poignant
I'm fine but what an inconsiderate toolbox
the fucking white boi who is trying to "find himself" that you meet all of once at the beginning
Yeah you want me to shoot my baby batter all over you cover you with almost - children
Not sure how to feel about talking to actual fucking yakuza members for entertainment purposes
On a scale of Balan Wonderworld to Silent Hill, how are you dealing with your trauma?
Roses are red, violets are blue, singular they is older than singular you
Concerned Ape noises
You ever think about the fact that [name] really said "the birds work for the bourgeoisie" & they were right
My patience for slipping over improperly spilled blood has run out.
If you can see the bones of your whipped pupil, you failed.
You know the healer's oath: Only do moderate harm to those who cross you.
Man I don't know if lack of shame is a blessing or a curse.
Parsooth m'lady but would you be so kind as to partake of the exquisite past time of role playing?
So they aren't DENYING the piss kink
uhm you need to be more of a doormat…..your boundaries are making me uncomfy 😦
That's HARLEQUIN NOVEL descriptors of sex
where is my mouse arrow? where is it holy fuck
fetishize urself ig
It's always people with feet fetishes or fat fetishes that be so open about it
Look at this unhinged mother fucker
Fuck you I hope your pice of shit family burn in a dumpster fire
Sorry you had to overshare about a tough time with some random chick in school but it's not relavent to my cat at all.
We're at a sword store and it's full of exactly what you'd expect.
Nobody was reading Lemony Snicket going "teehee they made Count Olaf bitch sauce"
Wikipedia I love you but your donation pleas sound like a lying teenager begging for money online
There's no right way to look at the guy that tossed his baby off a cliff and say "I think he needs to look cool for a minute there" is all I'm saying
Okay, wonderful. GREAT, take them all. Please leave immediately
one time I ran a server and I was being weird so I changed literally everyone's nickname to Frank
AKGHDLK I'm gonna SOB they asked if they could share their ticklefics
heavy meals always make me HONK MIMIMIMIMI
I found a fucking book of Mormon lmafo
lemme go take a dump and ill set it up
tell her it was you who farted, establish dominance
I have been hoarding vidya games for the three of us to play like a dragon
Nearly had a heart attack because I was poopin and saw blood but realized it was my period
Ok we need to get a big cardboard box and a vaguely feminine scarecrow dressed as a boyfriendless girl
Puts my head in your lap like a cat
Some Filipinos wanna buy your titty mousepads
the chris chan trials are about to be the depp vs heard trial for people who had unrestricted internet access at a young age
Now u will screenshot us talking shit and put it in the callout 😭
🙂 our fursona is gonna b friends with sonic
I both love and hate [name]’s writing. How they go from ancient purple prose to “oh shit oh fuck”
i guess you could say…. this was a triumph
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imagine making au art for some random person on the internet
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literally couldnt be me (it was exactly me)
if its unrecognisable im sorry!! its a shitty day but knowing there's dreamxd artists out there makes me feel better (including you!!)
this is my first ask with images so sorry if it doesnt work, i just wanted to show you them because im an oversharer B)
Op. Op, im in love. oouugghhh look at thheemm AAAA!!!!! Theyre JuST SOME GUYS!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 im gonna cry FRRR
Ok ok ok I love these sooo muucchh oommmg ;v; XD is soo cool in the second one especially. And Oohh poor Dreamie my Dreamie, he's so sad and lonely!!! Not XD tho, L
Thank you so muchhhh h h hh :'D
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stereopticons · 1 year
oversharing on the internet
Thanks for the tags, @jettestar @celeritas2997 and @mostlyinthemorning ! Sorry this took me a minute, I just got home from traveling.
ONE: Are you named after anyone?
No, though I do have the same middle name as my mother. Her primary reasoning for naming me what she did was that she always wanted people to call her a “boy’s” name growing up but no one did and so she made my initials a “boy’s name” so that people would call me it (no one ever has). I wish someone would have told her you can ask people to call you whatever you want.
TWO: When was the last time you cried?
About twenty minutes ago when I stepped on the pointy end of a toothpick that was stuck in a blanket on the floor (welcome home, I guess).
THREE: Do you have kids?
david rose absolutely not dot gif (I searched for it but tumblr hates me)
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I do, but sometimes I feel bad using it because I know many people struggle to understand it but it’s so deeply ingrained in the way I talk
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play?
For an un-athletic person, I seem to have tried a lot of things: soccer (grades 3-5), swimming (ages 6-15, this is the only one I was actually ok at but quit because it interfered with band), dance (ballet, jazz/modern, ballroom), tennis (one brief summer that my parents were trying to keep us occupied), fencing (college, this was so fun but it was too expensive to keep going), gymnastics (it was called tumbling actually because we were very small), yoga, weightlifting
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people?
I…don’t know. Is this a thing people know?
SEVEN: What's your eye colour?
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings?
This is a false dichotomy (and I’m bi so that exempts me from choosing between things)
(for legal reasons that’s a joke)
NINE: Any special talents?
Not unless you count making every conversation awkward.
TEN: Where were you born?
In a town that I still have to google to make sure I’m spelling it right.
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies?
Theoretically, reading, writing, baking, crochet, playing music, staring at large bodies of water but tbh my brain has been so broken lately that I haven’t been doing much of any of them
TWELVE: Do you have any pets?
Three small monsters of the cat variety.
THIRTEEN: How tall are you?
Completely average.
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school?
Does band count? Instead of taking calc my senior year of hs, I took three band classes because I was sure I was going to be a professional musician and insisted that all the math I needed I had learned by fifth grade (jokes on me, I ended up in a v math heavy field!)
FIFTEEN: Dream job?
Sometimes I still fantasize about quitting everything and opening a bakery/coffeeshop/bookstore/bar. Or going to work with the otters at the Monterey Bay aquarium. My ultimate dream musician jobs (see previous question) were to be a Broadway musician and/or own my own recording studio. Sometimes I miss that person.
I’m way late to this but if you didn’t get tagged, please consider this your tag.
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rosquinn · 9 months
*steps out of the shadow*
*gives you flower* c can we perhaps-
can we
can we be friends? 🥺💖✨ (I'm training to be a lit nerd btw. to me, classic/ older pieces of literatures are truly fascinating. I've read through your book list and it intrigues me to know that there were someone on this planet that share such love to these masterpieces. I might have merely enough brain cells to type all of this out, but I'd like to know more about you and your interested bc it's that cool. sorry for sounding like an impressionable elementary school kid btw i kinda suck at communication. I should calm down/hj) (sorry if I made a mistake somewhere while writing this ask. also sorry if I overwhelm you with this nonsensical wall of text. also does this count as oversharing? if so, sorry(x3) ) also, if we do have a chance to talk, I'll try my best to not step over your boundaries. pinky promise ; D and last question, do I pass the vibe check? : O✨ hopefully holding the flower, -a person on the internet who isn't a qualified bookworm, but have stockpiled literature at home and is currently waiting to finish their current writing project before consuming them whole like that giant snake Jörmungardr (and also fellow kid with (mild) autism (sorry if it's not the correct term, I'm not sure if 'mild autism' is still a diagnosis or not and I have not throughoutly done my research since I worry so much that this tab would abruptly close while I'm typing.) (wait did it said on your carrd that you're following the milgram series too)(woahh let's go that's amazing!!!!) (. my energy level is almost drained now, so sorry if reading through all of that drains the life out of you too. anyway, I know it's a bit late to introduce myself, but I'm Swaen, I'm currently attending high school. my pronouns are she/her, but they or even he/him is also ok : D I'm also interested in typology as well, and I haven't seen anything in your dni categories that I might fall into, but if there is any, it would seem that I don't have any strong opinion on that topics and most of my beliefs changes overtime as I continue to grow and develop as a person.) whether you reply to this or not, I wish your days are wonderful, happy and full of joyful things. : D
hello!!! yeah ofc we can be friends!! dont worry about the long ask, it was entertaining to read. it's always nice to have new gothlit mutuals
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svnflowermoon · 1 year
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hey! i'm lucy and i currently use they/she pronouns but this may change! i used to be very active on tumblr but then my mental health got bad and i disappeared off the face of the earth for like 2 years. but now i'm back and i've made a new account to start over!!! this is my little intro post but knowing me i'll write WAYYYYY too much and it'll be a lot less aesthetic than intended but oh well fuck it idgaf. (I've already written way more than i wanted to but idk what to delete ugh) (bare with me i promise I'll get to the point lmao)
ok so I'm lucy, they/she pronouns, and I'm comfortable with petnames (please tell me if you're not bc I kinda automatically use them but I won't if you're not comfy <3)
i'm (basically) 16 (my birthday's tmrw i think I can round it up now lol) and i'm an absolute raging lesbian and i always have far too many crushes for my own good.
i LOVE music and i will actually adore you forever if you give me music recommendations (I'll tell you my honest opinion tho so don't give recs if you're gonna be offended when i don't like it) I tend to listen to pop but I'm open to suggestions :)
if you're an artist and you want to be friends PLEASE tell me because I love having artist friends. bare in mind I'll barely ever post my art (bc i tend to be way too critical with myself) but i will support your art as much as i possibly can <3
the same goes for writing please if you need a friend I'll be as supportive as i can and I can also read through and give advice if you want (I'm surprisingly good at editing lol) (i probably will post my writing bc I'm absolutely shameless when it comes to how shitty my writing is and I literally couldn't care less)
this was meant to be an aesthetic intro post but ig im just not a very aesthetic person lmao (I also make a lot of typos sorry ahaha)
i have a tendency to overshare on the internet have you noticed babes???
i literally cannot write something without telling a whole backstory WHY CAN'T I JUST BE FUCKING PRECISE FOR ONCE SND GET TO THE POINT 😭
basically: im lucy, they/she, very very gay, music = coping mechanism
ok bye i can't write a decent intro post for the life of me but oh welllll
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ojibwa · 2 years
omg ok og content spam over i am so sorry its my legal duty to overshare on the internet <3
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green-lights-33 · 2 years
are you going to make more yr content when the next season comes out ?!?
ok i’ve gotten this ask a couple of times and at risk of oversharing on the internet i’m not gonna go into detail lol but long story short i don’t remember actually watching the show (like i literally have no memory of it or making any art for it) and i most likely won’t be watching the next season.
so sorry love i won’t be making anymore art for young royals 😔
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lovemars · 2 years
hm. time to psychoanalyze myself i think. cw traumadumping cw long ass post cw oversharing 😭
the srs cws are talk of sex and stuff but in a sad way not a horny way, sa, men on the internet being gross, bad coping mechanisms, etc
like. idk. i was thinking abt this last night and now im thinking abt it more and like. i feel like. the way i appear in headspace and stuff is just. completely based after. OH MY GOD SOFT BOY CAME OUT? um. sorry it just came on shuffle. ANYWAY. 😭. i feel like how i appear and everything is just based off of like our brain trying to be attractive to- well men mostly. other genders nd stuff but mostly men Specifically cis men. and like. literally none of us actively want to have cis (esp cishet) men attracted to us ❤️. but its like, i know Why like i know its cuz one of my roles is a sexual alter and our brain made us appear the way we do in headspace as part of it trying to keep us safe etcetc WHATEVER i dont care 🫶. like. i literally even- like for instance when we were dating our ex i remember trying to like. be attractive to her and make her like me/us even tho like. i was uncomfortable as fuck and like. i did the same with redacted from irl and just didnt set boundaries at all- no thats not true we definitely did set boundaries. i was just bad at enforcing them- i guess cuz i was like. idk completely lost in this mindset of like, not being able to say no and not feeling safe and feeling like it was my only purpose inguess?
and then like- i also feel like. imean i dont really get the love languages thing but if i had to pick one it would definitsly be words of affirmation and like- i feel like. okay 😭. im not a good person by. whoever the fuck uhh. pat the bunny i think? plays in the background. like for years and by for years i mean ever since 4 days after i turned 18. my thing had been like. posting on reddit . in various subreddits that like, Well the men in them are not very nice to me or to women . and like. i feel like that ties back to the words of affirmation thing cuz i was like intentionally seeking out people who would hurt me (<- which also ties into being a persecutor). and i dont do it anymore because months in the getalong shirt with nik made me feel bad abt it 😭 and then i started to realize that i like when people are nice to me actually. and then i was like Huh maybe tjats not super healthy for me probably. (it is not). well and thats the reason im banned (by nik) from reddit and sex with cis people forever.
but like. 😭 SORRY THIS IS SO LONG. writing a damn novel here. ANYWAYYYY. the whole posting images on reddit dot com -> talk to creepy men on reddit dot com -> intense self hatred and shame -> nik fronts and freaks out and deletes everything -> i feel bad -> i do it again next time i feel like making myself feel terrible on purpose for fun Spiral. like. ive spent all this time gojng down that spiral and now its like. bro i jusr want someone to be nice to me. like i spent ages convincing myself that actually i didnt care abt the shit those men were sayinh & that i liked it and now im like. i literally dont. like. i dont wabt someone ive never spoken to who didnt even say hi or ask what im ok with to say like. waves hand. stuff im not repeating just make up something genuinely disgusting and a bit terrifying and ive probably heard it. and now i dont even KNOW like. what i want i guess. idek my sexuality cuz ive never bothered to think abt what i want cuz i was too focused on what people i dont like/am scared of/etc to think abt how i felt. which in retrospect. bad and scared and. etc.
anyway. idk its just dawned on me the other night how much of who i am is wrapped up in how much i want everyone to like me all thw time and also how much i dont like myself. and like im working on it. and if working on it means thinking about drm from minecraft youtube ******* ** ** ***** so be it i guess 😭. idk man if nik can read dr*amnotnap fic and call it coping i can thirstpost abt drm in my head. idk.
ig im just. now that im able to be more normal and rational and stuff im able to see like. damn i was really bad at dealing with my emotions and tried to do that in ways that were not healthy for me or anyone else. and now all my sense of. who i am is wrapped up in that i guess. which sucks. and im working on it . SLOWLY! but im working on it
tldr: damn this guy should probably talk to a therapist abt all this shouldnt he. well thats okay at least hes hot
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rainswept · 3 months
heh... it seems as if you're not the only oversharer on the internet........ something something. i must commend you, detective..... Okay enough of that. THAT'S SVARY BUT GOOD JOB 😭 . i'll admit i'm a bit embarrassed but what's said and done is said and done and i honestly don't care that much aside from the fact i made the blog when i was like. 14? and it has embarrassing holdovers 🦕
I’M CRYIGN i’m so sorry 😭😭😭 I DIDN’T MEAN TO… it’s ok don’t be embarrassed i didn’t stalk u THAT much i’m not that patient. ur blog seems cool anyway i would totally interact w you first if i wasn’t terrified of everyone and everything. anyway can i follow u back . would that be okay 💔 or i can pretend i never found it 💗💗💗 up to u
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izanagyan · 1 year
sooo no hearing urs? thats ok if not 🥺 but just life really thats what inspired me 😁 ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ༄
sorry, I'm not comfortable with oversharing on the internet
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