#ok ok i'm going back to calling him god instead of got
pharawee · 1 month
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Are you thinking about me now?
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phantom-dc · 2 years
A deal with the Ghost King
Part2 AO3
Danny was getting impatient.
He had been annoyed at being summoned, then exited when he found himself in the Justice League Watchtower. He was in space! But then the guy in the raincoat begun offering a piece of his soul in exchange for destroying a meteorite, and he had become annoyed instead. He doesn't want a soul! Doesn't this guy get he'd be Danny's slave for eternity? So taking a page off Clockwork's book, he said something cryptic and ominous so no one else tried to bribe him with souls. They had turned white and raincoat guy asked if they could be excused for a moment before pulling the other heroes into a different room. Wich, first off: Rude. Second: Danny couldn't leave the summonning circle unless he made a deal or if he was send back. At first he had been curious what they would offer him now, settling into a more humanoid form instead of the eldritch nightmare being summoned always forced him into. That had been a while ago though, and now he was getting impatient. They better come back soon so he can go deal with the problem. He'll do it for a Pop-tart at this point, as long as he can go break that overgrown space-rock!
Jason was pissed. Batman had ordered everyone to come to the Watchtower immediatly. Jason wasn't even allowed to wear his helmet (he scared the younger Leaguers), having to settle for a domino mask instead. Good thing he had 2, because Nightwing had even brought Alfred! Jason wanted anwsers, why did B rush them here? He hadn't even greeted or explained anything to them, just had Plastic-man bring them to a room to wait. But Jason was done waiting, so he stormed to the main briefing room. He expected B and his Justice club. Instead he found a glowing, floating hero. The floor glowed a bit beneath him, his skin tinted green and his hair floated as if underwater, a crown surrounded by its own northen light. He was beautifull. Anger forgotten, he made his way over, deciding to make some small talk. 'Hello there! Are you a new hero? I've never seen you before?'
Danny was startled. He'd been focussing on the door the heroes left through, trying to will them back. He hadn't even noticed the Liminal behind him until he spoke! He turned around, and was again caught of guard. Even with the Domino covering his eyes,he could tell this guy was really handsome! A mountain of chiseled muscles and a white streak of hair that gave him something mysterious. Oh crap, he was staring. What did he say again? 'Hello! I'm Phantom. It's nice to meet you!' The Liminal introduced himself as J. 'Anyone ever tell you you're drop-dead gorgeous?' Danny laughed. Hot and death puns? Yep, he's going for it. The Leaguers aren't back yet anyway.
Jason was kicking himself. Really? That's the best he could come up with? Thank god Phantom had seemed to like it. 'Well, it certainly wouldn't get a rise out of me if they did!' he said. 'So what are you doing here? I didn't see you at the meeting?' Jason shrugged. 'No idea actually. B called for all hands on deck, so here I am. What are you here for?' Phantom sighed. 'They got me here to deal with some stupid rock, but then ditched me here for an impromptu meeting. I just want to go take care of it, but I can't just leave.' Phantom looked annoyed. Jason asked if Phantom wanted a tour of the Watchtower, surely Flash could get him when they needed him? Phantom looked dejected. He couldn't leave without being dismissed. Jason decided to make a move. 'Ok, how about this: you deal with that rock, and afterwards, we can meet up in Gotham and I'll give you a tour there! Deal?' Phantom looked up, an inhumanly while smile on his face.
After that Phantom had left, saying the boyscouts had their chance. 'I look forward to our date!' He said and then dissapeared. Jason was exited! He went back to the others, who hadn't noticed he'd left. No matter, he had a date to plan!
Contantine was freaking out. The meteorite had proven too much for the Justice League. Most of their heavy hitters had been off-planet or out off commision. The damn thing was even made of kryptonite! He had no choice but to summon the only being that he knew of that could deal with it and could be bribed. He had offered the mighty Ghost King a piece of his soul, but been rejected! Batman had offered his own soul instead, but again this offer wasn't enough. The Ghost King explained there were billions of mortals about to become his subjects. Why trade that for 1 measily soul? He needed a better offer if they wanted his help. Panicked, Constantine had pulled the other League members into a different room, not wanting them to make a deal by accident. They were all making desperate suggestions. What could be worth more than every soul on Earth? They had made a list of magical and historical artifacts from every members background. It was a long shot, but the meteorite was getting too close. As they went back to the Ghost King they were praying it would be enough.
The King was gone. Suddenly in the distance the meteorite exploded. Someone had made a deal with the Ghost King, and no one knew who. What had they offered?
What could possible be worth more to the High King of the Infinite Realms than every living soul on Earth?
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
Hey, Yuri, do you think Yuu would ever run the risk of being put in danger by having a romantic relationship with any of the more high-profile members of the cast? I mean, we’ve got royalty, nobility, celebrities, and the very wealthy attending this school. I’ve just been rotating my brain about how these relationships would work out and Yuu is a pretty vulnerable target without NRC’s security. - 🦐
Hmmmmmm. I have a bunch of thoughts about this actually... I tried ranking them from least to most dangerous if that makes sense? But don't read too deeply into the bullet point placements they were mostly just a stream of consciousness thing.
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Not that Risky (surprisingly)
Leona- we don't really have details about his brother's marriage, but I don't think his family has been shown to be overly keen on forming alliances with outside countries, the Savannah seems more concerned with itself. I don't think his family would be too fussed with his partner being a magicless person from outerspace, if anything this might be seen as a plus to the councilors that are always mocking Leona behind his back as his partner's lack of royal blood makes him even less fit for the throne. Not to mention Leona himself is more than enough to protect Yuu, he's the only royal at the school without a proper retainer (which you could argue is because no one at home likes him) but I doubt his family would let him do that if he was genuinely in danger.
Rook- he's Rook. His family does sound rather sweet from the very very very little we know about him (he also seems like he was kind of sheltered as a kid, something I should chew on sometime) so I doubt they would allow anything too bad to happen to Yuu.
Vil- his main issue is his contract, the Japanese Idol industry is cut throat and often sees things like bans on relationships as part of the contract. Vil doesn't want to risk his career or reputation, he mentions that he himself is a brand and I can't see him wanting to put that pressure on Yuu if they're not up for it. But... there are also celebrities who have really private personal lives and I sort of get the sense Vil is like that? And I don't think he would be too bothered if Yuu didn't want to be super public, it would certainly make it easier to keep you safe.
Idia- S.T.Y.X. might be a gloomy place but no one knows where it is
Medium Danger (danger is real but can be managed)
Jade and Floyd- we don't actually know what their family does, just that it's probably sketchy and that Mama Leech calls them every day, taught them self defense, and just generally seems to worry about them a lot. The danger is very real under the sea, but I also sort of get the sense that messing with the Leech family is skipping the fuck around and going straight to find out.
Azul- his business is going to make him enemies sooner or later, but at least during school Yuu should be more or less safe. Azul's able to keep on top of the students who mean Yuu harm, and Yuu is able to politely ignore their boyfriend's business (or maybe they have a knack for helping?) When you get older I can see Azul's need for a security team expanding, but he'll have money to get the best.
Riddle- ok so. I don't think his mom would try to kill you. But god she would be such a toxic person to manage. I'm actually working on a (very old) request atm that involves discussing what Riddle's mom might do if she finds Riddle with a partner instead of his studies (which I assume she's paying for) especially during his internship. She'd go full scorched earth and get very confused when Yuu doesn't back off like Trey did.
Huston We Have a Problem
Kalim- the amount of assassination attempts my poor boy has already canonically endured... I imagine there are probably going to be more in his future. I can see Yuu needing their own retainer (which could be a fun concept for an oc) to protect them and test their food. When Grim becomes a great mage I'm sure he could help with that actually, wouldn't that be cute?!
MALLEUS- acceptance of humans is virtually non existence in Briar Valley AND his mother hated humans so much she "blessed" her child to only be loved by fae. We don't actually know how the senate works but I imagine they would lose their ever loving shit if Malleus brought home a human as a friend and now he wants to make them his spouse? No. They say no. Time to show them what an absolute monarchy means I guess.
Assuming Yuu isn't in a relationship with Malleus I could see their friendship actually sort of being a boon to them, especially if Yuu was with Kalim or Azul. Pissing of the merchants is one thing, but the King of the Abyss? No thank you, they'll just take their losses and go.
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Time travel au where Steve is the last one to go through the gate in Eddie's trailer, except when he comes out, he's not in his Hawkins anymore. Instead of being greeted by the sight of his friends safe and sound and Wayne's mug collection, he's standing in some random guys trailer.
He gets shoved out the front door and into the strange new world that is undoubtedly Hawkins, but not the Hawkins he remembers.
Everything feels wrong. The people look strange in their weird clothes and a lady across the park screams into a flat rectangle in her hand. The trailers look the same but there's something about them that's definitely wrong. Some guy blows smoke in his face while walking past and instead of the gross smell of cigarette he was expecting, it smells sweet, almost like strawberries. He's so fucking confused. He knows he's causing a scene by walking around gaping at everything, but what else is he supposed to do? Steal a car and drive off? He's never seen cars like this in his entire life!! Do they even work the same way?!
Maybe he has a concussion. Maybe this is his version of a vecna hallucination.
And then things only get more confusing when a little girl runs over to him and beams up at Steve like they've been best friends forever. "Hi, Mr Harrington! Why are you here?" She can't be older than 9.
Why does this little girl know him? He stares at her and his confusion must show because she tilts her head and frowns. "Are you okay, Mr Harrington?"
She keeps calling him Mr Harrington, is he a teacher here? Oh god, does that mean there's another version of himself running around here?! Wherever here is.
"I'm... fine. I'm just a little lost." He walks away before he scares the poor girl with his rising hysterics. Steve knows these roads like the back of his hand, he's driven them his entire life, but he takes a million wrong turns because there's suddenly so many new streets he's never even heard of. Where there should be a huge clearing, there is now a building so high Steve swears it touches the sky and the tree him and Robin used to have picnics under is now gone and replaced with a parking lot filled with more weird cars.
"What the fuck? What the fuck?!" Steve finally makes it to where his house should be and there's... nothing. It's just a block of land for sale. It tips him over the edge. He can't remember the last time he cried but right now he is balling and hiccuping as he stumbled down the street he grew up on. But it's wrong. It's all so wrong. People drive past and give him weird looks, a lady even stops jogging and takes out the tiny earplugs that play music so loud Steve can hear it, and asks if he's OK. "No, I'm not. This isn't real. This isn't real!"
It has to be vecna. He's got him. That's why he's stuck in this nightmare. "You have to play music! Give me your plug things! Make them play anything! Get me out of here." The woman refuses and does nothing but stand there in shock as Steve sinks down to the sidewalk and starts singing Everybody Wants to Rule The World as loud as he can.
"I'm calling 911. You need help." Steve doesn't hear her. He's singing so loud people are starting to come out of their houses to see what's going on but that doesn't matter to him. This isn't real. Vecna has him and he needs to get out.
When the ambulance pulls up, Steve's run out of tears. He's cried himself dry and he's resigned to the fact that any minute now, Vecna is going to snap his arms and legs. "I'm ready." He says quietly to no one but himself. He'd rather it be him than any of his friends. He knows they are probably watching him and trying to bring him back but it's too late. He can't hear the music they're playing.
"Steve?" A familiar voice drags him out of his own head, but it can't be real. He heard that voice take its final breath just mere minutes ago, he can still feel his drying blood under his fingernails. Steve lifts his head and there he is, it's Eddie, no doubt about it. His long hair is tied up in a bun and his eyes are sparkling with worry as he crouches down in front of Steve. It's then that Steve realises Eddie is in full paramedic gear and he's pulling all sorts of things out of a bag to check on Steve.
"Eddie, you're alive." He whispers in disbelief as Eddie checks him for any head injuries. "Where are we? How do we leave?"
Eddie pulls back and there's panic behind his eyes as he slowly helps Steve to his feet and gestures to his partner to grab the stretcher. "Steve, love, I need you to tell me what happened. Why aren't you at work?"
At work? What is Eddie going on about? And did he just call Steve love?!!
"Eddie, this isn't real. I need to leave. I can't stay here with you." He says it slowly so that Eddie understands. He may be some figment of Steve's weird dream imagination and he doesn't want to freak the poor guy out by telling him he's actually dead.
Eddie breathes in and out, his hands a little shaky as he helps Steve onto the ambulance stretcher. His partner helps get Steve set up in the back of the ambulance before they're driving off. Eddie reaches out and holds Steve's hand gently, the gesture surprising but not unwelcome. "Steve, baby, this is very much real life. You're in Hawkins. It's March 21st, 2023. Your name is Steve Harrington, remember?"
"Wait, what?!" Steve tries to sit up but Eddie gently pushes him back down. They hit a bump in the road and Eddie swears softly under his breath about his partner's driving. "It's not 1986?!" He's panicking. He can feel his heart rate spike and his breathing starts to quicken. Eddie tells him to stay calm and just breathe in and out but Steve can't hear him.
Maybe this really isn't Vecna. He'd be dead by now if Vecna had him and Eddie's touch feels too real to be a dream.
Before he knows it, his vision is going spotty and then he's out; the panic and absolute absurdity of it all finally getting to him.
"You'll be okay, Stevie."
Except this isn't the Steve Eddie knows and loves. His Steve, his darling husband, is currently having a dilemma of his own back in 1986.
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not-magdi · 5 months
-first kiss / pablo gavi
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Warnings: None / sorry for any mistakes I'm too lazy to proofread it currently
Words: 1.3k
Reading Time: 5min 20 sec
I've had this in my drafts fo sooo long now it's unbelievable. But I'm done now so yeyyy!! Hope you enjoy it
Love you guys, Magdi
To celebrate Barça's win and Pablo's reappearance at the stadium today, Pedri invited the whole team to a get-together at his house after the game. And like every time Pablo got invited somewhere, he asked you to come with him as his plus one.  
You were always Pablo's plus one at any event, it didn't matter if it was a fancy gala or a simple team dinner, you were always by his side, and you never really gave it much thought. 
"Y/N, hurry up!" Pablo screamed from downstairs. You had to drive to Pedri's house as Pablo still wasn't allowed to, which meant he had been waiting for the last 30 minutes for you to get ready. 
"Jesus Christ! I'm comming, ok!" Adding the last bit of shimmer to your eyes, you make your way downstairs, completely missing the way Pablo's eyes nearly pop out as he sees you. 
You see. Pablo has been trying to muster up the courage to ask you out for about a year now, but every time he comes close to telling you, he chickens out. Because the last thing he wants is for a lifelong friendship to end just because of an immature crush. 
So, for the last year, all of your friends had to painfully watch how you two would pin after each other. Then, contrary to Pablo's belief, you weren't any better than him. The slight difference between you is that your crush has been going on since you were twelve. 
You managed to hide your feelings pretty well, or so you thought. The truth was everybody knew you liked Pablo except himself. Which was pretty confusing for everybody as you were "Looking at him with heart eyes," in Aurora's words. 
Anyways, back to now. After some slight arguing over what music you should play, you finally drove off. The car ride was silent, not an uncomfortable kind of silence, more a comforting kind. You were both recharging your social batteries again before meeting his teammates. 
Something you and Pablo have in common is not being the most talkative on the planet, you two prefer to be affectionate rather than talk someone's ear off.  
*Timeskip cause I'm lazyy* 
After arriving, Fermín dragged Pablo away, wanting to talk about "football stuff". You didn't mind it, knowing Pablo missed his teammates terribly, so you let him be, getting yourself something to drink and sitting down next to Pedri, who greeted you with a big smile.
"Y/n! It's so good to see you! How are you doing?" 
You fell into a relaxed conversation with Pedri about his season, how his brother is doing and many other things. You were finishing your fourth drink when Pedri bid his goodbye to find Ferran, you gave him a lazy smile and said bye. 
You start to feel the alcohol in your system and decide to look for Pablo. You haven't seen him since you arrived, and that was 3 hours ago. With a slight sway in your walk, you make your way around the house, trying to find him. 
You nearly gave up, wanting to call him instead, you saw him outside, sitting on a lounge chair with Fermín deep in conversation. Carefully opening the door, you step out, sneaking up behind Pablo to scare him.  
"Hey guys!" 
"Ahh ... Dios Y/N!" 
Pablo nearly falls out of his seat, screaming like a little girl. Fermín still sits in his chair, holding one hand to his chest, looking at you with a shocked face. You, on the other hand, nearly fall over laughing, holding onto the wall beside you. 
"Oh my god! Y-you guys should have seen your faces, hahah!" 
Sitting up again, Pablo looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, grumbling something under his breath. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you." 
Fermín starts to laugh when he sees your shocked expression. "Excuse me! I'm awesome!"  
Pablo raises his eyebrows at you and says nothing, his expression already tells you enough. 
You cuddle yourself next to Pablo on the lounge chair and throw your legs on Pablo's lap. Almost naturally, his hands find your legs and start to stroke them. 
You two completely miss how Fermín watches the whole scene with a knowing smile, too engrossed in each other to notice anything. 
It was currently half past twelve at night, and at some point, the topic of the conversation changed to first kisses. 
You now know that Fermín had his first kiss under the bleachers of their old training grounds as children. You laughed at him for the next ten minutes, asking if it could be even more cliché. 
"Okok, stop laughing. Was your first kiss any better?" You heard Fermín ask between your giggles. 
"How should I now. I never had one." You just blurted out casually. 
"What!!" Both men screamed in unison.
You were startled by their sudden exclamation nearly falling back with your chair. 
"Dios mio, what's wrong with you two?!" 
Fermín was the first one to find his voice again, "So you're telling me that you never kissed anybody in your entire life? Like ever?" 
Taking a sip of your beer, you answer, "Jep, never." 
Both men now look at you like they've seen a ghost, mouth hanging wide open, eyes staring into your soul. 
"Guys it's no big deal really, calm down." You couldn't contain your laughter any longer as you kept looking into their faces, they looked absolutely ridiculous. 
After a few minutes they calmed down again and the conversation flowed easily, well you and Fermín talked, Pablo kept quiet the whole time looking like he was lost in his own world. 
After some time, Fermín left, mumbling something about being way too cold. You didn't pay him much attention your focus shifted to Pablo a long time ago. 
After Fermín left, there was silence between you and Pablo, not an uncomfortable one, more a comforting and calm one. 
"Is it true that you've never been kissed?" Pablo breaks the silence. 
"Yes, you idiot, why would I lie about something like this?" You laugh at his question.
"I don't know, the tequila scrambeled my brain." 
Giggling, you throw your legs over his and make yourself more comfortable. 
"You know, I've always imaged you would be my first kiss." 
You were talking so quietly Pablo thought he heard you wrong, but he realised quickly what you said and looked at you with a gaze you couldn't read. 
"Why did you never tell me?" 
"Well, what did you want me to say? Hi Pablo, nobody ever kissed me. And I know we have known each other since we were 5 but would you want to? Yeah right." 
"I would have ..." 
Looking up from your lap, you see his brown teddy bear eyes looking at you. 
"I would have kissed you." 
His tone and his expression told you he meant what he said. You didn't know if it was the alcohol or something else, but a wave of confidence hit you, which led you to ask him, "Would you also kiss me now?" 
Pablo said nothing but started to lean in, grabbing your chin with his hand and making you look into his eyes. 
"I would love to." He whispered before leaning in, softly connecting his lips with yours.
The feeling of Pablo's soft lips against yours was addicting. You never wanted it to stop, ever again.
Sadly, the lack of air in your lungs made you two pull away from each other, taking a deep breath while gazing into each other's eyes. 
"And, was that ok for your first kiss?" 
"Ok, it was magical!" You exclaimed, linking your hands behind his neck. 
"That's good because I was not planning to stop at one kiss. Is that ok with you?" 
A blush made its way onto your cheeks as you heard him say that, nodding you hide your burning cheeks in the crook of his neck. 
"Yeah, I'd really like that." 
"Good, then come here." 
Don't forget to leave a note if you enjoyed it, feedback is always welcome !!! ❤️
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moriartyluver · 11 months
Hello🙋 it's me yet again. How's it going?
Are you still taking requests? If you aren't, please ignore this.
If you are, could I please request a William x Reader oneshot? I got inspired by that poker chapter (I hate Johnson).
So, one night, William, Albert, Moran and Bond decide to play poker, and the winner will be recieving a kiss from William's wife (they somehow persuaded her to do it💀). So, William pulls some intelligent shit (I'm stupid, ok?) and obviously wins. Bonus, he asked reader to sit in his lap for good luck🤭.
I really hope this is not confusing and thank you very much! ❤️🥰
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A/N: I’m still taking requests dw 😭 this request got me giggling and blushing omg 🤭 I’d sell my soul to get to sit on liams lap 🛐 (I hate Johnson too)
Character(s): William James Moriarty x fem! Reader
Format: oneshot
Genre: fluff + spicy
Prompt: above^^
Warnings: established relationship (marriage), reader is female, gambling??, a little bit spicy. Way too short 😞
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“That’s right, darling. We’d invite you to join but..” William trailed off as you scanned the table. Fred and Louis were observing while Bond, your husband, Moran and Albert were all sat around a table, the poker set out.
“But what?” You asked, feeing slightly left out. “Because I’m a woman?” You were half joking but everyone knew that playing games like cards or poker were not very ladylike.
Bond shook his head “You’re the prize, (nickname). The prize can’t be playing because then what shall you get if you win? It’d make more sense for you to watch instead.”
You raised a brow in confusion. You? The prize? What on earth was that supposed to mean?
“When you say it like that, it makes you sound perverted.” Moran commented from beside Bond, a subtle smirk on his face.
You look over to William as if demanding an explanation. He smiled sheepishly, it wasn’t him who had declared the bet and he’d much rather not have you on the line.
“What Bond meant to say was that the winner is supposed to get a kiss from, you, (name).” Albert explained with a smug look and a sip of wine as usual, watching his little brother furrow his eyebrows in slight irritation from beside him. “Nothing too extreme, just a little peck on the cheek.”
Clearly he had some of not all the responsibility of creating the prize. Albert wasn’t as much of a mastermind as William was, but God, he had the tendency to meddle and scheme in other peoples lives whenever it could provide entertainment.
You looked at him with wide eyes. “I didn’t agree to this! You can go bet on something else,” then you paused “Nevermind that, as the lady of the house, I’d much rather not have any gambling take place within the estate, or anywhere for that matter. Haven’t you learned anything after that run in with Mr Johnson?”
“Oh don’t be like that, (name), it’s just for fun.” Moran laughed, although there was a slightly guilty tone in his voice, like a child caught misbehaving “Besides, we all know Louis acts more like the lady of the house much more than you do.”
Louis glared at the colonel then rolled his eyes while you held back a snort from his reaction.
You sighed begrudgingly “If you insist..but if I do, then the loser has to do all of my chores for the next month.”
“Two weeks.” Louis negotiated with a stern look.
Fred was about to pull a stool out for you to sit on but was stopped by William calling out to you. He had his evil (yet attractive) little mischievous smile on so you knew he was planning no good. Chances were, he was probably going to win if Moran didn’t cheat as usual but with a kiss from you up for grabs, he had become even more competitive and determined to win. Both because he adored any scrap of affection he could receive from you, and because he dreaded the idea of you kissing anyone but him, even if it was strictly platonic.
“Come sit here, my dear,” He said, patting his thigh. The corners of his lips were turned upwards “I need my lucky charm to help me win your affections.”
“Do I have to?” You groaned, clearly flustered by the idea.
“Please?” He pleaded, looking at you with a teasing yet innocent expression. You gave in, walking over to him and sitting on his lap while your husband wrapped his arm around your waist, securing you in place. You look at him as if to say ‘you’re lucky I love you.’
“L-Let the game commence.” You said, hoping not to draw attention to your flushed expression as you played off your stutter
“Oooh, unlucky Bond,” Albert chuckled as James frowned at his loss.
It was finally William’s turn as he was sat beside Bond and the turns went clockwise.
“Your turn, dear.” You said, hand on his shoulder. You could see a smirk forming on his face. One that he would usually wear whenever he would bring corrupt nobles to justice or read of Sherlock’s work in the paper or whenever you would tease him. A smirk he would proudly wear with satisfaction.
You peer over to look at his cards, eyes widening momentarily. You look back at your lover’s face as his eyes land on you. William gives you a wink, ever so smug from what is seconds away from being a win. You had been observing him the entire game, and yet he still managed to get his way as usual.
His hand clutched his cards, ready to spread them over the table while his other hand caressed your waist, thumb massaging the soft flesh over your clothes.
Everyone had been waiting in anticipation, silently observing your reaction aswell as William’s. It was a general presumption that he would win though, partially due to his intellect, partially due to his possessive nature.
“Royal flush.” William stated nonchalantly as he spread his cards on the wooden table.
Moran tossed his cards to the ground in anger, clearly because he had the potential to win if William wasn’t so damn lucky (not for the sake of being kissed, just for the fact he was once again so close to beating William but just not close enough) James has his hand cupped in his cheek, glad Moran didn’t win whilst Albert could care less, he just wanted another glass of red wine.
William could only smile, hoping not to appear boastful despite how badly he wanted to brag, not because he won, but because you were going to kiss him. Although it seemed you had forgotten that now because of how proud you were that he won.
“It seems I’m much deserving of a prize now,” William whispered to you, pulling you closer to him “Don’t you agree my love? I did play so well just for you.”
You pause, recalling the original deal. You hesitantly nod, still annoyed that you were the prize because if you weren’t, you probably would have won anyways.
“Fine.” You groan, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
Except you don’t.
The cheeky bastard turned his head at just the right moment, possibly intentionally, for your lips to land on his. Wolf whistles echo through out the room along with a “get a room” from Moran who recovered from his loss.
You pull away gently, tapping William I’m a faux scolding manner before sticking your tongue out at Moran, about to hurl some insults before William kisses you once more.
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his-lune · 8 months
☾ Just Like This | MiriTama ☽
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A/N: Hi~ this is my first ever work for MHA. I haven't written in a year or two so I'm hoping my writing didn't get too bad 😭 requests are open, but please check out the requirements before requesting. Happy reading! 🩷
Relationship: Amajiki Tamaki x Fem Reader (ft. Togata Mirio)
Word Count: 2,793
Genre: Fluff, semi-smut (?)
Warnings: Making out, grinding, cumming in pants, mention of tentacles, implications towards future smut ;; I think that's all! Please let me know if I missed anything
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It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon, the forecast called for a few showers here and there. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to spend time with your boyfriend of two months, Amajiki Tamaki. The two of you were in his room watching the second movie of the night. The first movie was full of action, but Tamaki decided to put on a romance movie this time, hoping to make the date more romantic.
As the beginning of the movie started, you noticed there was still a good amount of space between the two of you. While you wished you were cuddling, you knew your boyfriend was normally an anxious person. As the movie progressed, the indigo-haired male slowly started to shyly shuffle closer to you. Once his thighs finally touched yours, his face became red with embarrassment. His body was tense, nerves running through him as he couldn’t help but think if you were uncomfortable. Noticing how he started to slightly shake, you gently took his hand in yours and gave him a small smile. The action calmed him down, and the two of you put your attention back on the film, forgetting that your hands were connected. An action that would normally cause him to furiously blush and stutter.
Halfway through the movie, the lead actors passionately kissed, making you sigh. Your boyfriend glanced at you and noticed the longing expression on your face. Swallowing, he awkwardly turned to you, looking at you with anxiety. Feeling his gaze locked on you, you turned towards him and gave him a comforting smile, “Is everything ok, Tama?”
“Y-yes…” Tamaki whispered, gaze dropping down to your lips before quickly returning to gaze into your eyes. He didn’t know how to bring it up, never having been confident especially in these types of situations. “I just…” 
You hummed, letting him know he could take his time, “It’s ok, Tamaki. Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.” Your thumb softly rubbed against his hand, once again soothing him. It’s silent for a few more moments before he can’t hold it back anymore. 
“I want to kiss you!” Tamaki squeaked out as he removed his hand from yours to completely cover his face. His cheeks were red, shoulders shaking as he hid from you. God, I’m so dumb. She’s going to break up with me now…
Biting your lip, you took hold of his hands and softly moved them away from his face. “Tamaki,” you cooed, voice sweet and comforting. His eyes shakingly met yours, gaze vulnerable. “I’d love to kiss you, too. But only if you’re sure you’re ready.” His expression lit up with wonder, shocked that you would want to kiss him as well.
“I d-do, I’ve been wanting to kiss you, i-it’s just,” Tamaki started, “I’ve… I’ve n-never done this b-before.” Knowing that he felt comfortable enough with you to not stutter as much filled you with warmth. 
Smiling at him, you got onto your knees to face him better, “It’s ok, Tama. We can go as slow as you need.” Your boyfriend nervously nods with a shaky smile. 
Tamaki shyly placed one hand on your cheek, the other hand hovering, not knowing where he should place it. He let out a quiet squeak when you moved his hovering hand to your waist. Scooting closer, you gradually leaned in, pausing just before your lips could touch, “Are you sure, baby?” 
Instead of saying anything, he just pushed forward and placed his lips on yours. Not realizing how much force he actually used, he ends up accidentally slamming his forehead on yours. You pulled away with a quiet wince, hand coming up to rub at the sore spot. Glancing up at Tamaki, you noticed his eyes widened with embarrassment and anxiety. He was hoping your first kiss would be sweet, romantic. Not painful. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t notice you calling out his name. His body trembled as he shakingly rose from his spot and rushed out of his room, slamming the door behind him.  
You stared at his bedroom door with confusion, lost on why he just rushed out of the room. Thinking he was just embarrassed about what had happened, and shy from his first kiss, you shrugged and got out your phone to pass the time. 15 minutes later and the only sounds filling the air were TikTok edits.
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You brought your attention from your phone to the door that was silently opening. Sitting up straight, you watched as Tamaki walked in with Mirio trailing behind him. You raised an eyebrow at the sight of Mirio, questioning why he was even there to begin with. Looking back at Tamaki, you noticed his head down, not being able to meet your eyes. 
“Baby?” You asked, putting your phone on his nightstand. “What’s… what’s going on?”
Your boyfriend nervously glanced up at you before setting his gaze back on his bedroom floor. “I-I,” He swallowed and tried to steady his voice, “I asked Mirio if he’d.. If he’d b-be willing to show me h-how to k-kiss you…” 
Not knowing what to even say to something like that, you just stared at the two with wide eyes. Silence filled the room for a few moments as you tried to process what exactly was supposed to happen. Seeing you think, and noticing how his best friend was starting to get anxious, Mirio spoke up. 
“No need to worry anymore, I’m here to help you cuties!” Though Mirio’s grin was wide, you could tell how nervous he was to be there. Given how Mirio only lives 10 minutes from Tamaki, it's no wonder he got there so fast. You’re just surprised he actually agreed to this. Then again, it is Mirio and he’d do anything to help his best friend. Noticing how silent you were, Mirio started to get worried. He didn’t want to do anything if it’d make you feel uncomfortable. No matter how much he wanted to kiss you and feel your body on his.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Y/n?” Mirio asked as he stepped a little closer to where you were sitting on Tamaki’s bed. Said male was standing behind Mirio now, nervously shifting in his spot as he watched things unfold, cheeks flushed a bright red. Mirio noticed where your gaze was and cleared his throat, “I asked you a question, Sunshine.”
Looking back at him, your breath hitched in your throat at the lust that filled his eyes. He actually wanted to do this. If he was willing to do this, and Tamaki was the one to come up with the idea, then what was so bad if you were to say yes? 
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The air was hot and heavy, tensions rising higher and higher the longer your lips were locked. It was a wet and messy kiss, Mirio’s strong hands held you close to his body. The blonde’s rough hands were trailing up and down your sides, slowly going under your shirt to feel more of your skin, wanting to feel all of you. You whimpered into the kiss once you felt how hard he was beneath you. Even without seeing, you could tell he was thick and long. Knew that he’d fill you perfectly if given the chance. Hearing the sweet sound that left your mouth caused Mirio to groan and hold you closer to him, shuddering when he felt the way your core brushed against his. One hand gripped your waist, and the other held your thigh, slowly guiding you to grind down against his hard cock.
“Mirio!” you gasped as your mouth parted from his, a string of saliva connecting your swollen lips together. Eyes fluttering, you gripped his shoulders as you continued to grind down even harder. Your moves became more frantic and desperate as you felt his cock twitch in his pants, chasing that sweet release you were so, so close to. 
Mirio grinned at the sounds leaving your mouth. Staring behind you, he caught Tamaki’s lust-blown eyes. Mirio prevented you from moving, relishing in the desperate whine you released. Grabbing your chin, Mirio cooed at you, “Shh, it’s ok, Sunshine. Why don’t you show Tamaki how much you appreciate him?” 
You nodded and slowly got off of Mirio and watched as he got up from the bed. He had gently grabbed Tamaki’s hand, helping him sit down on the bed where he just was. Mirio then turned to you and smirked.
“Go on, climb on top of him,” Mirio said in a husky voice as he watched the way you swung your leg to straddle your shy boyfriend. “That’s it. Don’t be shy, put all your weight on him. Let him feel how needy you are for him.”
Tamaki’s breath caught in his throat when he finally felt the way you felt on his lap. He felt so awkward, once again not knowing what to do with his hands. Was he supposed to immediately grab you and move you along his covered length? Or was he supposed to start slow? He had watched the way Mirio slowly riled you up with teasing touches and sensual kisses, but now that he was the one in that position, he was scared to mess up. He didn’t want to lose you just because he still didn’t know what to do. Having noticed the way Tamaki was just staring ahead with confused and shaky eyes, Mirio stepped up behind you. 
“Just like this,” Mirio mumbled as he guided Tamaki’s hands to your waist, humming in approval when Tamaki pulled you closer to where your chests were touching.
Tamaki let out a nervous breath as he shyly started to move your hips against his. He couldn’t help but whimper when your clothed core grinded against his cock just right. His fingers tightened on your skin, sure to leave bruises that you’ll stare at with lust later on. After he got used to the slow and gentle rhythm, he hesitantly placed his lips on yours. They were so soft against his own that he couldn’t help but use more force, his desperation apparent in his inexperienced movements. The kiss was sloppy and wet, but it was perfect. 
The feeling of kissing you felt so magical, so right. He didn’t want to be anywhere else but here. Right here, where your hips were frantic against his own thrusting hips. With the most beautiful sounds he’s ever heard falling from your mouth, panting into his own. It had to be his favorite sound in the whole world, and knowing he was the cause of it? He was already so close to breaking apart, cock twitching in his tight pants, knowing there was a noticeable wet spot. Whether that spot was from your own juices or from his own leaking cock, he didn’t care. He loved it.
He wanted to have you cum on him, he wanted to cum on you. Yet, he also wanted to see you cum on his best friend. Did this make him a horrible boyfriend? Wanting to see you get off on another man? No, it wasn’t just some other man. It was his best friend. Only his best friend. He only trusted Mirio to treat you right, make you feel the way you deserved to feel.
Right as he felt like he was ready to cum, he broke away from your lips, panting hard. “Wait.. wait!” Hearing his desperate voice, you immediately stopped moving on him, cupping his face in worry. Seeing you about to ask him what was wrong, he quickly spoke up, “You didn’t do anything wrong! I loved every second of that… I just… I think I want to watch you m-make.. out… with Mirio instead…”  
“Are you sure, baby?” You asked him, voice soft and tender. He nodded as he glanced at Mirio, telling him with his eyes that he was serious and ok with it. 
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“That’s it, Sunshine,” Mirio panted out, fingers tightening on your hips, “Being so good for me.” The praise left you whining with your mouth open. “Oh? I think your girl likes to be praised, Tamaki,” Mirio said to your boyfriend now, never taking his eyes off of you.
Tamaki moaned quietly, “S-she’s such a good girl!” The end of his sentence was cut off by him gasping and whimpering at the pleasure shooting through his sensitive body.
Both yours and Mirio’s attention locked onto where he was sitting in his desk chair, watching as he palmed his cock through his pants. The sight of his flushed cheeks, lustful eyes, and parted mouth paired with the way Mirio was moving you on his cock had you instantly crying out as an orgasm ripped through your body. Feeling your shaking body release on his lap had Mirio groaning and continuing to move you, helping you ride out your release. Not even a few moments later, Mirio had also started to cum in his jeans, thrusting his hips up against yours, wishing there was nothing that separated the two of you. The sound of your overstimulated whine was like music to his ears. He wanted to hear more sounds from you. As the two of you came down from your highs, you could hear Tamaki’s quiet voice. 
“Can…” Tamaki trailed off, staring at where you and Mirio were connected, “I want…” Mirio hummed as he helped you turn around to see your boyfriend better. “I want to make her…” 
Mirio grinned teasingly at his best friend, “Go on, Tama. Tell us what you want to do to your girlfriend.”
“I want to make her c-cum on me, too,” Tamaki embarrassingly said as he tried his hardest not to cover his red face in shame. The depraved words coming from your boyfriend had you ready for more already. Overstimulation forgotten. 
The blonde laughed as he felt the way you subtly grinded onto his still rock hard cock. Once again, he helped you off his lap, groaning when he saw the stain of arousal you left on the front of his jeans. Fuck, you were so wet for him. Once you were seated on Tamaki’s lap, Mirio took the desk chair and pulled it closer to the bed. His hand trailed down his toned stomach, coming to rest on his cock, palming himself to the sight in front of him. The view of you and Tamaki locked in an intense kiss as you dry humped each other had him feral with want. Pairing that with the sight of Tamaki lifting your shirt up to feel more of your skin against his hands made Mirio feel like he was going to lose his mind.
Mirio couldn’t help but to shove his hand down his jeans, fingers gripping and stroking his leaking length. His hand moved up and down slowly, trying not to orgasm too soon. He wondered how your hand would feel on him…His grip tightened and the speed of his movements sped up when he saw the way Tamaki’s fingers had turned into tentacles. God, the sight of the suckers latching and popping off your skin had him groaning with his head thrown back in pleasure. He knew the sight of the small circles left behind on your waist would never leave his mind.
“Oh? I think she likes your tentacles, Tamaki,” Mirio mumbled from behind you, hand coming to hold the back of your neck with his strong hand. When had he gotten up from his seat? “Maybe you could try that out some other time, hm? Would you like that, pretty girl?”
Moaning, you frantically nodded your head at his words, “Yes! Wanna feel them on me more, wanna feel them… Feel them inside of me!” You ended with a gasp right as you wrapped your arms around Tamaki’s neck, clinging to him as your body jolted from the pleasure rolling through your system. Tamaki cried out as he was also hit with his release, desperately holding you to his body, eyes squeezed shut.
It took a few more moments before you and your boyfriend finally released your arms from each other. Smiling at him, you lightly kissed his kiss-swollen lips. Mirio stared at you two with a soft gaze, happy he was able to help the both of you. Looking up at his friend, Tamaki shyly smiled at him. 
“Thank you for the help, Mirio,” Tamaki whispered, realizing you had fallen asleep in his arms, snuggled into his neck. He shuddered at the way your warm breath hit his neck. 
Laughing quietly, Mirio waved his hands, “It was no problem! I’m happy to help anytime!” His words had Tamaki’s mind racing with thoughts of what else could happen between the three of you…
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©his-lune 2024 ;; Don’t plagiarize, translate, or post my work on other platforms.
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c1tr1sfl0w3rs · 1 year
Soft!dark!Ethan Landry x Pastors!Daughter!Reader 18+
Ethan Landry with the pastors daughter and he has a corruption kink. 😩😩 He's so bf
Ethan had been watching you for a while. You were so cute with your knee high socks and that god damned cross that hung right above your cleavage. It was like you were teasing him. He knew you weren't though, you were too innocent for that. Ethan loved that about you. He could tell you were a virgin. The way your face would turn bright red with any kind of mention of anything remotely sexual. He didn't believe in God, but thanked him when the two of you were put together for a partner project in your econ class. By the end of this project he promised himself he'd pop your little cherry.
After your professor dismissed everyone Ethan came up to you. "So I was thinking we could work on it at my apartment." He was so pretty you thought and his voice made you feel- No no, stop being weird. "Yeah, that sounds good. I'm free whenever" He smiled and you swear you melted a little bit. "Let's start working tomorrow after class then." The two of you exchanged numbers and went your separate ways.
The second Ethan got to his apartment he ignored his roommate Chad and went straight to his room. He locked the door behind him then laid on his bed and unbuttoned his pants. His dick was aching, he thought of your soft skin and pretty lips. The sounds you would make for him as he split you open. He would be the one and only person to touch you. You'd beg and cry for him and he'd make you cum every way imaginable. His hand pumped his leaking cock slow and hard. Just how he imagined that the two of you would make love. He called out your name just as he came in his hand. When his head finally cleared, he just knew he was going to have you.
You didn't know how you got here. The two of you were supposed to be studying instead you were sat in Ethan's lap, his tongue in your mouth with your shirt off.
He was holding your hips so hard it felt like it would bruise. He pulled away a string of spit connecting between you both. "Not so innocent now are you? Hm you dumb baby." He tapped your cheek as he talked to you. God he was right, what would your father say? He was just too tempting. He was the snake and you were Eve. The chemistry you both had was the forbidden fruit. "Oh I wish you could see yourself. I bet you're soaked."
Ethan was right, your face felt hot and you tried to deny but he stuck his fingers in your mouth. "No your little pussy isn't wet? Hm ok what's this then?" His tone was condescending as he reached up into your skirt and found the big wet spot on your panties. You let out a little moan and a big grin grew on his face. "Are you gonna let me fuck you bunny? Are you gonna be my good little slut?" He tilted his head as he asked and pulled his fingers out of your mouth. "Yes please, please don't stop touching me." He chuckled a little bit. "Since you asked so nicely baby." He leaned back in for a kiss as he pulled your panties to the side. You locked your legs around his waist. He found your clit and began to gently circle it, you had never felt pleasure like this before he did it so much better than you.
"Do you touch yourself princess?" You nodded a little, you wanted to cry this felt so good and he barely had started. "What do you think about pretty?" "I think about you, laying me down and being gentle with me." He smirks and slips his long middle finger into you. A cry forces it's way out of you, his finger is so big and he keeps curling it against the perfect spot inside you. "You say you want me to be gentle but I think you wanna be treated like the whore you are."
He pushes another finger into you and you gush down his hand. All you can hear is your own moans and the sound of your soaked pussy being fingered so good. A feeling builds in your stomach and your legs begin to shake. "Ethan, Ethan, Eth-" you break off into a moan and your eyes roll back into your head as your orgasm crashes through you. Ethan helps you ride through it, and he sticks his sticky fingers into your mouth. You taste the tangy taste of yourself and when he takes away his fingers he pulls you into a kiss. "God you're addicting baby." He holds your face like you're the most precious thing he's ever seen. You want to tell him to never say the lords name in vain but you aren't exactly a saint right now. He then unclips your bra and palms your tits in his hands playing with the pebbling nipples. "Are you ready for my cock bunny?" You beg and plead for it. You need him so bad that it aches all throughout your body. "How could I say no when you're such a sweet needy little thing."
He pulls off his shirt and you touch the exposed skin. He's so pretty. "Pull me out, show me you really need it." You climb out of his lap, nervously unbutton his jeans and he helps you pull them over his hips. The outline of his hard cock through his boxers is so big you don't think it'll fit. You pull it out through the hole in his boxers and feel the heavy warm skin in your hand. It's so big, with a pretty pink tip and covered in veins. "Now get me ready, move your hand up and down baby." You do as he says, tugging on his gorgeous cock and he moans out. "I need to be inside you right now." He lays you down, like you imagined. He climbs over you rubbing your clit with the tip of his hard dick. "Please Ethan I can't wait anymore." He listens and pushes inside you. Except he isn't gentle he does it in one harsh thrust. You feel so full, the stinging pain making your pussy wet his dick. "Oh my sweet bunny you're so tight." He pulls out a little and harshly thrusts back in. You moan out, you can feel him in your guts. "Look baby I'm in your tummy." He says as he pushes down on your belly bulge. Your pussy throbs around him, it's all too much, it's too good. He keeps one hand on the bulge and one is wrapped around your neck as he fucks you. "Awhh look at how pathetic you are, you beg for it but look at you now. Crying because you can't handle my big cock." His words surprise you because you were so lost in the blissful lust you didn't realize you had started to cry. Your legs shake around him and the coil in your stomach is about to snap. He moves one of his hands to play with your clit and you cum so hard. "That's it princess, gush all over me." Your walls pulse around him as he fucks you through your high. He doesn't stop though, even after you're overstimulated and crying even harder. You cum a second time, except it feels weird this time, like you peed yourself. He moans out your name and then stops. "That's so hot, I can't believe you squirted on me." You mumble something incoherent out too tired to exist after he just fucked you like a whore. He cleans you up and snuggles into bed with you.
He's so grateful you were put together for this project, grateful to pop your cherry, and grateful that you were too tired to notice he came deep inside you.
The both of you were gonna make great parents <3
HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE FIC!! Sorry it took me so long to post, school has been hectic. Sunny out ✌️
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aurumacadicus · 8 months
You know what would be funny lmao
Tony hadn't been entirely enthused when Steve had showed up after a run with puppy eyes and said, "Just until his owners contact us? He's part husky, someone must be looking for him." He wasn't a dog-person. He was barely a person-person. But he'd conceded, since the dog was staying a finite amount of time, and Steve had promised to bathe it before letting it roam the apartment, and the dog turned out to be house trained already. He even got JARVIS scanning local social media to find its owners. It wouldn't be for long.
And then JARVIS had found a picture and gently informed them that 'Dodger's family had been among the casualties during the alien invasion and while he kept getting adopted, he also kept getting returned, because he kept running away.
"Oh," Steve had said, choked up, and Tony had miserably ordered a dog bed and monogrammed dishes. (He'd reached out to the owners' families, first, of course, but they'd admitted they didn't have the time or space for an escape artist dog that liked to run for hours.)
Dodger wasn't really so bad, though, Tony thought. Steve kept him very well exercised, and Dodger was a great running buddy because Steve never had to worry about tiring him out. He didn't get on the furniture unless they called for him. And sure, he was loud, but Tony found himself talking back to him as if he was a person, and Steve was apparently smitten about it, if Natasha was to be believed.
And, Tony couldn't help but think smugly, Dodger liked cuddling with him better. It was probably because Tony was around more (Steve still went on missions that could last for weeks, but he'd set up an account with a dog-walking service so Tony didn't have to worry about that either). When Steve was there, Tony tried to stay hands off, but when he was gone, he and Dodger got to sulk about it together, and it was a very uniting endeavor. So most nights Steve was gone, they'd lounge together on the couch, Tony watching old movies that didn't require too much attention and Dodger with his nose buried someplace a wet nose was particularly annoying, like on his stomach or the back of his neck.
"I'm home," Steve called, and then, "Really? Neither of you are coming to greet me?"
"You were supposed to be home three days ago," Tony grumped, not looking away from the TV. He'd told Dodger that he was giving Steve the cold shoulder yesterday, and Dodger had yelped back something sounding like 'woo woove woo,' which Tony had decided meant he agreed with him. He knew he'd break eventually, but he decided Steve had to work for it this time, especially because he hadn't wanted him to go undercover for a month anyway.
"Hydra was literally chasing me all over Sweden," Steve said, flabbergasted, as he finally came over to the couch. He frowned at Dodger. "This is no way to treat your main owner."
Dodger lifted his head, mouth opened in a grin, and let out a 'wowyow!'
"I'll remember this when you want to go out for a run with me tomorrow," Steve groused, then scowled at Tony. "And you too. I'm gonna leave him in while I run so he can just bother you."
"I'll cuddle him instead," Tony told him flatly.
Steve let out a wounded noise, then couldn't swallow back an amused huff, leaning over the couch. "Yeah, well, we'll see about that." He waited a beat to see if Tony would take the bait, but he'd been stewing over his safety for three days, so he got nothing. Sighing, he rolled his eyes and sat up a little, reaching out to lay a smack to Tony's ass, because he knew that, at least, would get a reaction.
Tony barely had time to jump in surprise before Dodger was up, barking at him. "Oh my god????"
"Dodger oh my fuck," Steve spluttered, rearing back with his hands up.
Dodger hunched over Tony's body protectively, still barking, loud, assertive noises that left them both absolutely gobsmacked. Finally, though, Tony came out of his shock and turned, wrapping his arms around Dodger in an effort to soothe him. "It's okay, sweetheart, Daddy was just trying to rile me up."
"It's not like he hasn't seen me smack your ass before," Steve exclaimed defensively.
"Maybe if you'd spanked me three days ago, he wouldn't be barking," Tony scoffed.
"Unbelievable. I didn't want to lead Hydra directly to my boyfriend and you're scolding me," Steve said in disbelief. Then he rolled his eyes and sighed, turning to head for the bedroom. "I'm going to shower. Maybe we'll both cool off."
"I'm fine," Tony said sternly.
Steve tossed an unamused frown over his shoulder. "I meant me and Dodger."
"You're both very anxious dogs," Tony agreed sympathetically, then squealed when Dodger shoved his cold nose against his throat, covering Steve's gleeful 'you deserve that!'
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thedevilrisen · 9 months
can you do a jack hughes imagine after a break up inspired by the song logical???
i love you’re writing
Sure thing angel!
Master manipulator 
God, you're so good at what you do
Three dates and she was a goner. 
His charming smile, charismatic, playful tone, gentleman like manner when he picked her up, dropped her off and was with her in public.
Jack Hughes was, in her opinion, destined to be her forever. After three dates turned into daily events, whether it be Netflix and chill, a fancy dinner or just a spontaneous late night drive. Three months in she met his family and when the season approached with an unsavory haste she made the bold move to follow him to Jersey.
Then it started.
And I'd put myself through hell for you 
Hear all the rumors lately
That you always denied
Throughout the preseason, you were just naively learning the lay of the land. Jack being his usual charming self helped, he introduced you to the other wags and showed you around the city, he quelled your fears and held you while you cried about missing home.
Scared and quite frankly, alone in this new city you just continued following blindly.
Three weeks into the season, Jack had seemed to settle back into his habits. The good and the bad.
Partying most nights after wins, most you weren’t invited to go with him to. You always obeyed him, if he asked that you stayed home, you did. Even though this meant you spent most nights at home, crying yourself to sleep after scrolling through social media and seeing the various photos of Jack with other girls. Close enough with these girls that the tabloids were speculating about who he was dating.
How silly you were to trust him when he came home, kissed the tears off your cheeks when you confronted him about them and reassured you that you were the only one he wanted.
You mean all the words you said.
I’m sure that girl is really your friend.
“Jacky, talk to me. What’s going on, you barely talk to me anymore!” she had exclaimed in frustration after Jack had again stumbled in reeking of floral perfume and alcohol.
“What are - hic - you talking about, baby! We live together, it’s hard not to talk to each other!” he grinned dopily at her whilst toeing out of his shoes, shrugging off his jacket and stumbling towards her. “Let's go to bed, I’m tired!”
“Alright Jack.” she sighed disappointedly accepting his over the top embrace as he pulled her clumsily down the hallway to their shared bedroom.
“Hey Jack, could we talk about something really quickly please.” she called out into the hallway from the door frame of the bedroom.
“Yeah sure, but make it quick. I’m going to Nico’s for drinks and I need to leave soon.” he spoke distractedly looking at his phone as he walked down the hallway and into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
“Ok, uh. It’s about more photos that have surfaced of you… with other girls.” you spoke quietly but after the look that crossed Jack’s aggravated face your rushed, “I know you wouldn’t do anything! I just get scared.”
She had every right to be.
“She’s just a friend Y/N! You have no right to be scared! Are you really that insecure!”
'Cause loving you is loving every
Argument you held over my head
Brought up the girls you could have instead
“Y/N I swear to God! If you talk to me about one more picture of me with girls I might be dating! I might just!” Jack screamed
“You might just what Jack?” You yelled back “what might you do!”
“I might just go to some of those girls! They’re perfect Y/N, they would bug me about this plus, they have very nice bodies!” He yelled, and under his breath I swear I heard him mumble “better that you.”
And now you got me thinking 
Two plus two equals five
And I'm the love of your life
'Cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine
Then changing you is possible
“Y/N, you can’t keep coming to my place like this after you and Jack have a fight saying you can fix him.” Your friend chastised, soothingly rubbing your hand and you sobbed in her arms on her entryway floor.
“But I can!” You sobbed “I can-plea-let me!”
“Honey, for your own sake.” She whispered resting her head on yours.
‘Goodbye Jack,’ you mumbled to the apartment you once called home. ‘I hope your happy.’
A single tear rolled down your check as you dropped the note.
No, love is never logical.
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raethereptile · 2 years
Maverick pisses off another Admiral.
But instead of trying to ship him off to Antartica or somewhere equally unpleasant, this Admiral sits him down.
"Ok, what's going on Mitchell? Because, your guardian angel normally would have called by now."
And Mav just breaks down.
Sobbing his fucking heart out, and the Admiral just *oh god what have I done* panic pats him on the back and makes soothing noises.
The whole thing comes out, Ice's cancer, Mav not being there for him because he pissed off an Admiral at the wrong time and now he's stuck here and he's trying goddammit but the Navy doesn't want what he's got not really and ice is the only one who sees his worth and that so fucking selfish because it shouldn't be about him not right now but I can't do this without him and how he should fucking be there but what good will he be when all he does is cause trouble but ice shouldn't be alone I'm his wingman goddammit and what if he dies oh god oh god oh god-
Later, much later, after Mavs been sent to his bunk, the Admiral sits at his desk with a finger of whiskey and thinks why not.
Ice looks up at the nock on his office door.
Maverick walks in, sheepish but with worried eyes. He's fiddling with the file in his hands nervously.
"What are you doing here? Oh god, did you piss off another Admiral? What-"
Mav clears his throat, "I've been reassigned."
"Goddammit! Where? You know I need to be told as soon as possible to mitigate the damage! Why didn't anyone call me? Why didn't you call me?! Where-"
Mav hands him the file, "Captain Mitchell, reporting for duty, sir."
Ice freezes.
He opens the file.
Mavs been reassigned to work for him, if he wants him.
He looks up and smiles.
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aluria-sevhex · 3 months
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hey if you wanna read all of my posts as i play through ISAT, they are all tagged as #Aluria plays ISAT for the first time (please don't spoil)
-aight i'm back yippee
-title theme my beloved
-i always find it so funny when an enemy tries to freeze Mira
-gonna try this boss again
-ok i think i'll just replay Floor 3 on this loop instead of looping forward after i find out another one of Bonnie's favorite foods so i can build up everybody's stats
-heh Bonnie slapped Siffrin
-uh... the audio is REALLY ominous...
-oh, Bonnie...
-Siffrin you ok i don't think that was helping ur mental health issues your eye is covered in shadow in your dialogue portrait
-i will once again NOT kill Siffrin via anaphylaxis. i will take the fish head
-...i didn't. get info on Bonnie's favorite foods this time.
-ok according to the save screen that didn't count as a loop
-anyway time to try looping to get the Bonnie snack info
-hey... the Tear dialogue isn't as silly anymore (it just says yes or no without the 'looping time' or 'living time')
-hey i didn't skip any loops this time!
-time to kill this pair of assholes again
-"carry my ashes with you" aw that's a sweet dialogue option
-i am so tempted to kill Siffrin. but i won't.
-awwww... i talked to Bonnie and now Sif is comforting them
-ok how the fuck do i get the info. BONNIE PLS.
-hold up. does Siffrin no longer nod when zoning out? :((((
-...Mira's roommate. was learning to make bombs. why???
-lol Isa knows how to make a bomb
-Mira has anti-anxiety meds. this makes a lot of sense tbh
-...what are these papers for???
-so i decided to try using the silver coin since a person said that you can do something with it related to the croissant lore. and it said "you think about the Incident" or smth like that lol
-lol Sif forgot the term 'stuffed animal'
-idk why but it feels like a lot of Craft skills are like. slower. or have bigger cooldowns in Act 3. even tho i KNOW they don't and my brain is fucking with me
-ok the game accounted for the key thing
-in the bathroom again
-Sif is calming themself again and figuring out what to do
-Siffrin, self-loathing and calling yourself stupid won't help :(
-i zoned out at some minor dialogue but i don't remember what the dialogue was the first time so i am fucking clueless about what was going on with a choice i made. sorry Mira idk why i 'saved you' by smacking your mouth ;_;
-i love getting to obliterate weaker Rock enemies with Paper α V
-i have now gotten Sif to level 60
-sometimes it's nice to take a break and talk to Loop
-wait a sec. doesn't one of the lower floors have a sharpening stone?
-ok it's been a while and now i have everybody back to level 52. time to kick the asses of the 3rd floor boss
-ooo Odile got a new skill
-time for the last snack break!
-Bonnie's upset now because i didn't try the fritters D:
-time to face the King again... and hopefully talk to him
-welp. *that* didn't work
-oh nvm now i can ask him questions via the Craft menu!
-you. you can give the King the flower.
-yeah the characters have a point! why Vaugarde specifically?
-the King is NOT responsible but he says Siffrin has an odd smell. huh... the only other things where an odd smell has been noted is Bonnie saying the star crest Sadnesses smell odd... but if Sif had that smell then it would've been noticed sooner...
-dude. how rude to say that if Siffrin doesn't understand Time Craft they can't understand the King's methods. maybe i should read more on Time Craft in one of the libraries? or that one book on craftonomy...
-the "you have heard this before" for zoning out got more and more annoyed
-once again. what does the King need to say?
-hm i was talking to Odile and Bonnie piped in really excitedly that they have more pineapple in their pocket
-time to talk to Euphrasie and loop again ig
-hey what's that in her hair?
-"you inhale sharply, almost choking on the smell of burnt sugar around you" BURNT SUGAR BURNT SUGAR THAT'S THE SMELL OF TIME SHENANIGANS AS SEEN WITH THOSE SADNESSES
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-how do i get the familytale?
-ok i talked to Odile and i'm gonna help her!
-am i gonna have to go all over town for this?
lmao yeah i think i will
-oh hey the wizard-loving kid is named Manon
-oh my god. i have to go back to the boulanger
-oh THAT'S why Odile is in Vaugarde
-oh... her mom left... all of her travels here have been to try to reconnect with that part of her...
-damn. bro has amnesia
-...bonding proposals???
-oh my god Mira joined a dating website group
-"we have one of those at home"
-"oh, i don't have a type! i like all kinds of people equally!" is this in a bi way or an aro way
-oh, Mira :( you're not the problem you don't have to do anything like that you're not comfortable with
-hm this game is dealing with personal identity a lot
-:( :( :( oh, Mira...
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If the Sun Starts Setting
Of Oak and Ivy, Chapter 7
Series Masterlist         Next Chapter
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader 
summary: In college, Matt Murdock had two best friends, Foggy Nelson and you. However, life had no intention of letting you graduate with him. When he reconnects with you in adulthood, he is troubled to see the hand God has dealt you and vows to use every tool at his disposal to save you from damnation.
warnings: Swearing, family drama, characters celebrating Christmas, mom with terminal illness, crying mentions
a/n: Sorry to post this so late everyone! I have had the WORST brain fog today. I hope you enjoy! As always, comments and reblogs fuel me!
After just one semester of law school, the drive between suburban Connecticut and the Columbia campus was one you were becoming well-acquainted with. It wasn’t unbearably long, nor flooded with traffic on a dark Sunday evening. Headlights of oncoming vehicles painted swatches of light against the navy sky, a semi-urban work of art unlike anything you’d enjoyed before. Usually, it was a sight you took the time to admire. However, this particular evening you were unable to focus on anything but the tinny voice bubbling out of your phone’s speaker. 
Gritting your teeth and rolling your eyes to the heavens, you cursed the universe for a moment, tuning out the man on the other end of the line while you did so.
The sharp call of your name across the speakers regained your attention. ”Are you listening to me?“
Your father's inflection was grating on the best days. After three weeks spent waiting on him and your two ungrateful siblings while they preached about the importance of family during the holidays, you were ready to scream with every word he spat at you. The two hour drive back to campus was supposed to be the growing light at the end of the tunnel. Instead, you'd spent the last third of it arguing with your father about healthcare charges.
”Yes, I'm listening.“ ‘Unlike some of us’, you thought to yourself. ”As I said, that charge was for her brief hospital stay over Thanksgiving. I've already paid it and it might take a week or two to reflect—“
”This is a debt collection notice, hun. That means they didn't receive the payment yet. Which means they'll be coming after me when your mom inevitably cannot pay.“
Contemplating banging your head against your steering wheel just to remove the memory of this conversation, a flash of movement across the parking lot caught your eye. Expression softening, you almost sobbed in relief when you caught the two beaming expressions of your friends waving from the exterior door. Unfortunately, your father wasn't quite done arguing with you.
”Dad, I understand you don't want to be on the hook for this—“ ‘Not like you would be anyway.’
”I most certainly do not.“ He interrupted. Once again ignoring his rambling, you snatched your backpack and exited your car, slamming the door with a bit more force than usual.
”Dad, just forget about it, ok? I'll deal with it, just—“
”Well, clearly you won't deal with it in a timely fashion, which is why I'm calling...“ ‘Was he trying to kill you? It sure felt like it.’
”Ok, well I just got back to school so I need to go now.“ You tried to nudge him into polite farewells as you practically sprinted across the pavement towards your friends. As expected, he didn't take kindly to being rushed off the phone.
”Of course you do,“ He laughed incredulously. ”You know, this is your mother's livelihood we are discussing. It wouldn't kill you to be a bit more compassionate.“ ‘You're one to talk asshole.’
”You're right. I'll try to work on that this semester,“ You remarked drily. ”Gonna go inside now. Bye.“
Not bothering to listen to the screaming that answered your callous goodbye, you hung up, breaking into a strained smile as you greeted your boys. ”Why hello there, strangers.“
As if he didn't just witness you walk literally and figuratively closer to a breakdown, Foggy squealed, nearly taking you to the pavement in a tackling hug. “Welcome back, bug!”
“Christ, Fog, you're gonna crush her.” Matt laughed, hearing you grunt as you fumbled to stay upright with Foggy coiled around you like a boa constrictor.
“I missed you too, Fog.” You murmured, tears welling in your eyes at the sensation of being embraced.
You had missed them. Deeply and almost pathetically. After an entire semester at each other's sides, the few weeks in your hometown for Christmas had felt like an eternity.
After Matt and Foggy had been struck with the campus flu, the rest of the semester passed in a whirlwind. The two clingy boys had unsurprisingly infected you, meaning you were unfortunately sick for Thanksgiving and had to remain on campus to avoid passing the virus on to your immunosuppressed mother. Matt had been incredibly apologetic, and plagued with his typical Catholic guilt, so he'd stayed with you while Foggy returned to Hell's Kitchen for Turkey Day.
The next few weeks were spent cramming for finals and, eventually, celebrating the end of your first semester at Columbia—which you had all, amazingly, passed. Leaving for the lengthier winter break had been an abrupt end to the joy you felt over your grades, however.
You returned to New Haven a day earlier than expected to sit in the local hospital's oncology ward with your mother. While you were ill over Thanksgiving, she'd had a recurrence of stage 3 pancreatic cancer, which meant more frequent trips to see her doctor as well as numerous bills that neither of you could afford. Because of her declining health, your father and siblings had come to Connecticut for Christmas. The extra company meant that your holidays–which were meant to be a time for recuperation following a strenuous first semester–had been frustrating to the point of tears. Which, embarrassingly enough, Matt had been burdened with when you called him to complain.
The two of you called multiple times a week, exchanging stories and annoyances just like you did when you were living within a few blocks from each other. But it didn't stop you from missing him and Foggy fiercely for 24 excruciating days.
Swallowing a lump of pent up emotion, you huffed out a shaky exhale, your breath clouding in the frigid winter air. “Ok, Fog. You know I love you, but it's cold as fuck out here.”
“Right! Sorry.” Foggy withdrew from the embrace, blushing furiously as he scratched at the back of his neck.
Immediately replacing Foggy in front of you, Matt took a chance to hug you quickly before pulling you inside. “Glad you're finally here, I thought Nelson here was going to combust.”
Letting Matt usher you inside, you heard Foggy's baffled scoff. “Do I look like a patient man to you, Murdock?”
Matt smirked, “How would I know?”
You and Foggy both groaned loudly, looking to each other for support as Matt cackled. “C'mon, you set that one up perfectly. What's a guy to do?”
“You should've heard him over break, bug. He was driving my poor mother towards a stroke, I swear.” Foggy shook his head in feigned irritation.
“Oh please, she loved me.” Matt shoved his roommate, nearly bowling the three of you down the staircase as you trudged toward their room.
“I bet she did.” You snorted, “You probably dialed the charm up to 11.”
“Try 15.” Foggy remarked, unlocking the door and shoving it open.
Ignoring the jab, Matt held out a hand for your bag, allowing you to slip out of your coat and shoes.
“Who were you on the phone with?” His question was meant to open the can of worms in a structured way, rather than answer his own burning question. He’d bet dollars to donuts that it was–
“My father.” Came your fatigued response, confirming his suspicions. Your words were tinged with a bitterness that he’d expected, but they held a deeper upset thinly veiled by your exhaustion.  
“Is everything ok?” Foggy asked quietly, his brow pinching with worry as he studied the bags under your eyes. The blond was less informed on the hell you’d been put through over the last month or so, only picking up bits and pieces if Matt relayed them.
With a groan, you collapsed unceremoniously onto Matt’s bed beside him, leaning heavily into him as one of his arms fell across your shoulders. “Of course, it’s just…it wasn’t the pleasant send off I was hoping for.”
Your pulse jumped when you spoke, steadying out as you reached the end of your sentence. Matt already knew that things weren’t “ok” with your mom or your home life in general, but he blinked in surprise to hear the disappointment that coated your words as you referenced your father’s curt goodbye. Making a note to bring that up when you seemed more inclined to be vulnerable, he rubbed a palm over your arm in a comforting gesture.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wish it had been better.”
Huffing a tiny laugh, you let your head fall against his shoulder. “Me too. How were your holidays?”
“Pleasant.” Matt murmured at the same time Foggy clapped his hands together.
“Fantastic! I forced Matt to watch all of the Star Wars movies with me and we ate our weight in cookies.” The long-haired boy explained with genuine enthusiasm. As he began to recount the escapades from the annual Nelson holiday party, your eyes flicked upwards to look at Matt, whose arm was still moving slowly across your shoulder and back as he caressed your sleeve. His eyes were trained forward, but a muscle in his jaw twitched as you focused on him, so you had a sneaking suspicion that neither of you were listening to Foggy’s story. You’d forgotten how well he could read you, until he gave you the option to pretend everything was fine with your dad.
He knew it wasn’t, and you did too. And maybe shoving that shit deep down and pretending it didn’t exist wasn’t a healthy way of handling it, but if you met Foggy’s worried gaze right now it would make you cry, which you were not prepared for. So, whether it was a wonderful coincidence or Matt could truly read you like a picture book, you were thankful for his deflection.
Smiling softly, you looked back to Foggy, listening to him talk about his drunk aunts fawning over Matt and feeling the thick tension bleed out of your shoulders.
Eventually, Foggy took a deep breath, slapping a hand to his forehead. “Woah, head rush!”
Matt chuckled, “You didn’t even stand up, buddy. You ok over there?”
“Yah, I’m fine! Just excited!” Foggy waved a hand, unfazed.
“And I can’t wait to hear about everything, Fog. But maybe we should take a break for presents?”
“Presents?” Foggy’s eyes widened along with his grin, his behavior as animated as a child’s at the mention of gifts. “Why didn’t you lead with that?”
You laughed, prying yourself out of Matt’s secure grip and opening your bag. Tossing two wrapped bundles across the room and onto Foggy’s bed, you set the other two in Matt’s lap.
“Merry Christmas, my lovely Musketeers!” You giggled as Foggy mime-fenced toward you. As soon as the blond was finished beating you in the imaginary sword fight, he eagerly tore into the glittery wrapping paper. Next to you, Matt looked much more apprehensive about the packages in his lap.
“Go on, Matty. Open them!” You encouraged, bumping his shoulder with your own.
“But we don’t have anything for you,” Matt’s lips curled into a pout, looking like a sulking kitten as he trailed a single finger along the crisp edge of the parcel nearest to his hand.
You rolled your eyes fondly. The poor kid had a strong enough sense of justice for the whole campus. ”Matty, we're in college. And I'm the only one with a job. I didn't expect you to get me anything.“
”But—“ Matt argued, but you cut him off with a laugh.
”No more buts! I got these presents for you because I wanted to, not because I thought I’d receive something in return. Please open them?“ Though he couldn't see your face, you batted your lashes and widened your eyes, hoping he could sense the pleading expression.
With a frown, he nodded once, carefully peeling the tape from the paper as if the task required surgical precision. Grinding his teeth as the paper crinkled raucously, he slid the first gift out of its casing carefully, as if he was expecting it to shock him if he moved too quickly. Withdrawing a lump of the softest material he'd ever felt, he ran a thumb over it, trying to decipher what it was. The strip of wool was composed of thick braided stitches, promising to retain warmth in even the most bitter winter weather.
”A scarf?“ He asked, his lips pursed into a small, surprised oval. A rosy blush dusted the tops of his cheeks.
”Yes! I made one for you and one for Foggy. Except yours is a deep red and his is orange.” You spoke softly, smiling over to where the longer-haired boy was wrapping the length of yarn around his neck triumphantly.
“Our favorite colors.” Matt murmured, his fingers still tracing the fuzzy stitching. “You remembered?“
”Of course I did, trouble. That's important information. I'd be a fool to let it slip through the cracks.“ You hoped the joke would make him laugh, but he continued to stare blankly at the scarf as if it was an animal that had just died in his arms. ”If you don't like it, I can take it back, and donate it or something–“
”No!“ Matt looked up, horrified, clutching the scarf to his chest. ”No, I love it. I just...“
Turning his face back to his lap, he licked his lips before continuing. ”I've never gotten something like this before. I don't know what to say, is all.“
”No need to say anything, bub. I'm glad you like it.“ You rubbed your palm over his arm, mirroring his actions from just a moment ago.
Still focused on his own gifts, Foggy's excited screech startled both you and Matt. ”NO WAY!“
Turning to you with a dropped jaw, Foggy shook his head. ”There is no way you got this.“
”What is it, buddy?“ Matt asked, his lips curled into a soft smile as he heard Foggy open a hardcover book eagerly.
”A first edition of The Fellowship of the Ring!“ Foggy was practically giddy, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he rifled through the pages. ”How did you even get this?“
Grinning at him, you giggled. ”My mom has a friend with an extensive book collection and asked where we could find one. Turns out, the friend had one of her own and was willing to part with it for next to nothing. Guess she owed my mom a favor.”
Diving across the room to crush you in another hug, Foggy kissed the top of your head. “Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!”
Laughing brightly, you struggled to shove your friend off of you. When he was this worked up, Foggy had the tenacity of an overexcited golden retriever. As usual, Matt helped release you from his clutches. ”You're welcome, Fog. I wanted to get you a nice copy since you lost the one you brought to school.”
“I'd say you accomplished that, my lovely jitterbug.” Foggy ruffled your hair, retreating to his bed and launching himself onto the mattress–the rusted springs creaking in protest.
Giggling at him, you turned back to Matt. “Alright, Murdock. Your turn, again. After this, I promise never to put you through this torture again. Until next year.”
Matt groaned in response, snatching the second gift with more vigor. “Let's get this over with.”
Approaching the gift with the same systematic tactic as the first, he slid the paper off of the box without a single tear. Setting the wrapping aside, he opened the cardboard package and pulled out his real gift.
“Ok so, I'm not sure how helpful these will be,” You warned, fidgeting with your hands as he ran his fingers along the band connecting the ear pieces. “But, they're, um, noise-canceling headphones?”
Matt's breath caught in his throat. He was overwhelmed with guilt and affection and surprise at the present, all words of gratitude pulled back down to his vocal chords as he focused solely on not bursting into tears.
Over the past few weeks, the Nelsons had been kind enough to invite him to stay and celebrate with them. He was flattered, and so thankful, but he wasn't used to so many...people. During a few of your phone calls over the break, he'd mentioned that the excessive stimuli, mainly noise, had been getting to him and giving him headaches. And rather than chastising him for being ungrateful, you'd listened and sympathized with him over the phone, ultimately buying him a solution to the issue with your own money.
Sure, there was no guarantee that these would work for his heightened senses, but you didn't know that. And the idea that you were willing to go to such immense lengths to ensure his comfort...it was evidence of a love he hadn't experienced in a decade.
“Are you ok? Did I do something wrong?” Your worried murmur broke his train of thought.
“No,” He choked out. ”No, they're perfect. So is the scarf. Thank you, bug.“
”Of course. Merry Christmas, Matt.“ You kissed his cheek gently and he felt a flush crawling up his neck. Wrapping an arm around you, he tucked you close to his chest, hand cradling the back of your neck.
”Merry Christmas, sweetheart.“
The two of you sat there in silence, holding each other close for a minute before your phone rang. Sighing deeply, you rested your head against Matt's shoulder as you fumbled for your phone. Thankfully, the screen displayed your mom's contact information, not your father.
“Sorry, trouble. I have to take this.“ You squeezed his arm, pulling out of his embrace and stretching as you stood. ”I'll be right back. Hopefully.“
Smiling at your near-groan, Matt jerked his chin towards the door. ”We'll be here.“
Slipping into the hallway, you lowered your voice. ”Hey mama, everything ok?“
”Hey baby, everything's fine, just had a couple questions for you about bills.“ Her sweet voice was strained and you could practically see her flicking her gaze to meet your father's, his metaphorical gun to her head as she made the call.
”Ok,“ You ground out, trying not to snap at her when she wasn't the reason you were frustrated. ”Um, what questions did you have?”
“You did pay the one from November?” She asked, predictably.
“I did. It'll reflect soon and Dad has nothing to worry about. The bill is attached to our names, not his. That's why Collections isn't writing to him.“ You explained as calmly as you could, knowing that she was aware of this already, but probably had you on speakerphone. ”Was that all?“
”Not exactly.“ Her tone shifted, pitching lower and sounding almost embarrassed. A crackle rippled over the line and suddenly your father's gruff voice replaced the one you adored.
“You need to come home next weekend to help your mom with the next round of billing. I've run out of time off and can no longer assist.” He commanded, the ‘compassion’ he held for her livelihood nowhere to be found.
‘Oh because you were so helpful this month when you were ordering us around.’  You griped internally. “What round of billing? The one from Thanksgiving–”
“Was four appointments ago. These things aren't free, you know. They’re wanting us to pay for them.”
Both you and your bank account were intimately familiar with the steep cost of her treatment. Inhaling deeply, you paced a few steps from Matt and Foggy's room. “I know they aren't free. We signed her up for a payment plan two weeks ago that offers a deferral–”
“She was denied.” His laconic answer made your spirits plummet as time came to a halt. Your pounding heart froze in place, dread creeping up your spine. 
“What?” On the off chance that he was being unintentionally misleading, you needed to clarify.
Your mother's apologetic voice came over the line once again. ”I wasn't accepted into the financial assistance program, baby. But, it's ok! I can pick up more shifts–“
”No!” You exclaimed, the shrill edge of your cry echoing down the hallway. You tried again, digging your nails into the flesh of your palm as you fought to keep your voice steady.
“Don't...you don't need to do that mama. I don't want you to overwork yourself. I'll come home on Friday and we can talk about options, ok?“ You bargained, running through your work schedule in your head to create a plan.
”Are you sure, honey? Won't you be busy getting a head start on the semester?“ 
Blinking back tears at her obvious care for you, you cleared your throat before answering. “It’s alright, mama. It’s just syllabus week, I’m sure I’ll have time to come home and sort things out.”
“She’ll make time.” Your father’s promise was more for your mom than you, but it felt like a swift kick to the gut all the same. 
Because you would make time. You had to. No one else would. You were your mom’s last line of defense. Prioritizing yourself and failing to be there for her wasn’t an option you had. The emotional burden you were carrying felt impossibly heavy, as if there was a line of anvils across your shoulders and chest, slowly forcing the oxygen out of your lungs until you perished. 
“Of course I will. I’ll see you this weekend, mama. Love you.” You choked out, slapping a palm over your mouth before you broke. 
“I love you too, baby. Have a good week at school!” You could picture her tired smile as she wished you a proper goodbye, the image cracking your composure. 
You hung up before the first tear rolled down your cheek. Dropping your face into your hands, you bit your lip to stifle a sob, letting the tears flow silently instead. Falling back against the wall behind you, you let your legs give out as you collapsed to the disgusting dorm hallway carpet. 
The blood rushing in your ears drowned out the noises drifting through the thin walls, an urge to scream churned in your chest. Ugly, rage filled sobs were barreling up your throat, desperately trying to claw their way out, to make your pain known. Hunching over your knees in a pitiful crouch, you shielded your face with your arms, preventing any passersby from seeing your much-needed meltdown. 
Choking out a breath around another half-smothered sob, you nearly screamed when a warm hand landed on your shoulder. Looking up frantically, the outburst downgraded to a strangled whine when you saw Matt’s furrowed brow directed at you. 
Wordlessly, he sank down beside you, opening his arms with a frown. Throwing yourself into his embrace, you couldn’t help the hideous sounds that escaped you as he enveloped you in his muscular arms with ease. Tucking your head under his chin, you shook violently against his chest as you bawled. 
“I can’t do this, Matt. I can’t–” You gasped out, your breath stuttering as you wept forcefully into his shoulder. 
Shushing you gently, he rubbed circles into your back with his large hand.
Whimpering at the touch, you wiped at your tear-streaked face furiously. “”I’m barely an adult. How am I supposed to do this?” Your voice shattered around the words, throat constricting with anguish.
“I don’t know,” Matt cooed, stroking a fresh pair of tears away from your skin with his thumbs. “But I’ve got you, sweetheart. We’ll get through it together.” 
Burying your face into his neck miserably, you shuddered with distaste. “I can’t ask that of you.”
“You don’t have to ask.” He whispered gravely, pressing a kiss to your crown. 
With that promise, your brain seemed to shut off. Your tears gradually slowed to a halt, leaving you dazed and exhausted in Matt’s lap. Heaving out a shaky exhale, you closed your eyes, letting his soft touches wash over you like the tides. Kissing your forehead tenderly, Matt cupped your cheek. 
“Why don’t we go sit somewhere softer than this shitty floor, hmm?” His small question was meant to make you laugh, but your fatigue had chased away every other emotion. 
Nodding softly, you let Matt pull you from the ground and back into his room, welcoming the darkness after the harsh fluorescent lighting of the hallway. Sliding off his glasses and placing them on his nightstand, he guided you to Foggy’s bed. The blond frowned at you, setting his book aside. 
“You ok, bug?” He asked, sitting up to inspect your puffy eyes.
Shaking your head tiredly, you crawled onto his mattress and let him wrap you in a hug. Matt, with an impressive amount of agility, somehow leapt onto the bed behind you, snaking his arms around your middle so that you were sandwiched between him and his roommate. You listened to their steady breathing, letting the sound lull you into a more peaceful state of mind. 
Tangling his fingers with yours, Matt’s lips scratched over the back of your head. “Fog, think you could read some of your book for us?”
“Uh, yah totally.” Foggy pouted, gaze still lingering on your drained face. “Let me just find my page.”
The combination of your worn-out consciousness and the comforting presence of your two best friends was dangerous. Your eyes fluttered shut and you could feel yourself drifting off. 
As if reading your thoughts, Matt kissed your hair. “Go on, sweetheart. We’ve got you.”
Squeezing his fingers, you stopped fighting the darkness pulling at the edges of your vision, drifting off into a dreamless sleep. 
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Taglist: @eugene-emt-roe@abbyhaslongshorts @mrs-bellingham @abucketofweird @yeonalie @jadeunstablexx @spider-murdock @0ctober-writes @danzer8705 @mattmurdockstateofmind
Please tell me if these tags aren't working for you all because Tumblr has been acting up :/
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queenie-ofthe-void · 5 months
Here's a crack Stobin idea
It's platonic Hanahaki by instead of puking flowers, it's migraines and mind reading.
After they're injected with the same experimental mystery drugs in the Russian spy bunker, Steve wakes up two days later with a killer headache.
Must be the concussion.
Except throughout the day it gets worse, worse than his migraines after his fight with Billy. He tries to go to sleep early, but the pain's so intense he seriously thinks his head might implode.
Does he call Robin?
They aren't what he'd call friends. But they survived torture together, so that has to mean something, right?
No, he decides. She's got her own problems and it's almost midnight.
He's up, can't sleep. At 6:30am he wraps an ice pack around his head and sits in a warm bath. At 7:30am he's throwing up water and bile. By 9am he's got a bloody nose and he's popped a blood vessel in his right eye. Just as he's about to pick up the phone, there's knocking on his front door that feels like a hammer to his skull.
Robin's on the front stoop, the front of her Fleetwood Mac sleep shirt covered in drops of blood and she's holding a wad of napkins to her face. She's crying and practically collapses into his arms.
The pain recedes so quickly he gasps. He didn't realize how difficult it was to breathe. The sharp stabbing behind his eyes is gone and it feels like he hasn't eaten in days.
Robin's still holding his shoulder, looking at him with wide eyes. She moves the napkins and even though her face is a mess of dried blood it's clear the bleeding has stopped.
"Steve, what's going on?"
"How the hell should I know?"
Her hand slips from his shoulder as he backs into the house, and suddenly the pain's creeping back in. It's minimal compared to before. Robin grabs his hand again and the pain recedes.
He looks up and she's staring at him wide eyed, mouth hanging open like a fish.
"I do not look like a fish!" Robin scoffs.
He didn't say that.
"Oh holy shit you didn't say that!" she practically screams at him.
She grips his other hand, squeezing them both tight as they stare into each other's panicked eyes.
Oh my god playing on loop between them, yet Robin's mouth isn't moving and he's pretty sure his is closed.
Can we read minds?
I have no idea Steven I've never done this before! You're the freaky stuff expert.
It's called the upside down Robs.
He's so bitchy.
I'm not bitchy!
"OK we have to stop this," Robin finally says. He knows she said it. He saw her mouth move and everything.
"Jesus I'm not sure I can handle your brain Harrington I've already got enough going on up here on my own."
"Yeah tell me about it," he replies as he thinks about her rambling about nothing for hours on end during shared shifts.
Robin sighs, squeezing his hands again as she scuffs her shoes on the white tile.
For what it's worth, I like your rambling.
I light smile ghosts her face. He always feels better when she's smiling, and that gets a wet chuckle from her as she wipes her teary eyes.
"Ok," Robin says, putting her game face on. "We're going to figure this out and I've got some ideas."
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haecien · 1 year
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SEVENTEENS reaction to their s/o being scared/screaming about bugs.
Note: I have no idea who is & is not scare of bugs in svt... this is just my interpretation!! If there is a video/post about this tell me!!! also fun fact, a Cockroach was roaming around my room while writing
Warning: mentions of killing, the word die😭 all of this is jokes, none of these are real! slight cursing!
Genre: fluff, jst fluff
766 words 3,883 characters
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C.SC -
At first he thought you were dying when he heard your blood curtailing scream, turns out there was a fly just roaming around and it happen to just touch your face.
Now he has learned to carry at least 1 tiny can of bug spray just for you, it gives him a heart attack over your screams. He finds it a bit cute whenever you clung to him after seeing a bug near you.
Y.JH -
Same reaction for the first time of coups. But.... instead of comforting he just... almost teased you to death/j
He'd secretly hide those fake toys of bugs ALL around your shared house/apartment/...idk any living place lmao
You'd almost kill him for doing that, still gets you everytime. Ofc he made it up to you, he is still your boyfriend after all
" Hey... come on I'm sorry! I forgot to remove itt"
*silent treatment*
H.JS -
He would try to calm you down at first, if you were still wailing about the bug he would try and kill it or carefully place it outside.
He would endlessly caress you and tell you that you're alright
(Bro im giggling)
"Joshua i swear ill love you til I die" " Then die😊🤭" /j
(If ykyk)
Who knows he'll eat the bug, jk. He would prob scream with you, he'll act up like " I'll protect you! " then comes running back to you terrified
Eventually he sucked it up and very "bravely" shoo shoo away the bug. BEGONE! " You know! I was just acting, I wasn't really scared... " " Totally.... "
" AAAAAAAAA " Wow is HE more scared than YOU? Yes, a matter of fact he is.... " You know i've seen tigers beat bigger enemies... yet you're scared of a single bug?? I guess you're not really a tiger. "
Those exact words, they made him furious and he quickly got a broom and vigorously whacked the bug away! In times of need you just made him question his identity as a tiger.
Honestly, would be kinda chill. He carefully took a piece of paper and a glass and scooped up the bug and placed it outside.
He asked if you wanted to play with him to help you calm down, you said yes NEVER wanting to set a foot outside right now. (Ok now imagine resting your head on his broad ass shoulders while playing and he'd run his fingers through your hair)
Same reaction as Wonwoo, BUT It would take him awhile to come down from his room😭the time he came down you'd almost started thinking of burning this entire house to the ground. (No reason, i keep thinking about the fluffy hair jihoon with THE black turtleneck shirt that's kinda tight)
So... Fuck it he's letting you take care of it/j yeah he's gnna flame that bug, BURN THE WITCH! If he mocks you about this you would bring up the thing with him and frogs😭(if you don't know I remember seeing a video of seeing minghao being scared of irl frogs but not animated ones ex: keroppi)
Hes a big boy... but he's just a puppy tbh, LITTERALLY LOOK (I got off track sorry HAJSJSK Free gyu pics ig HAHA)
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Deff is also scared of the bugs too, poor baby just stood there frozen while the bug flew on his face. Prob had to call a friend to help you HAHA
You know he's gnna hit those high notes, who's going to help you both in this state oh my god. "YOU'RE THE MAN. GO GET IT. " the bug flew away before you both could even do anything " Sunshine i drove it away!! " ".... YaaYyyy.... " *dies*
" HANSOL... " he looked at you confused literally deadass holding the now DEAD bug in his hands " what do I do with it? Throw it o-- " "NO! " bitch I thought you were scared of it " ... ill just do whatever "
He gets scared easily too so... hajimalago/j would be sassy about it " Why don't you get it! You saw it first " kind of guy you'd end up bickering with him too much that the bug decided to just dip out
The only guy who actually protected you HELP, you'd move to another room and let him take care of it. He'd keep reassuring you that you were fine and that the bug was gone, no more bugs will bother you anymore
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serve-corps · 2 months
Haruhi x fem RICH reader
Haruhi's secret girlfriend snuck Haruhi out of school for a date <3 part 2 here part 2
The cross-dressing girl sighs as the so-called 'daddy' of the host club shrouds himself in a corner with mushrooms being his only trusty companions.
she deadpanned at the male as he kept complaining about how his precious daughter held such low standards as she confessed how she didn't care if those girls from that school, what was it called? oh yeah! Lobelia Girls' Academy; didn't care if they flirted with her and tried to persuade her to join their school instead.
basically, the prefect and most idolized pupil of that school was a massive lesbian. she had no issues with this, but her friends did. Tamaki was terrified of someone stealing his precious little girl from him.
welp. that ship's sailed. ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯ she's already got a girlfriend!
our poor Haruhi, (I'm sorry for the bad joke there) flipped open her phone impatiently as she had been doing for the past 2 hours whilst dealing with clients sat RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER.
our (little shit) Kyoya took notice of this and was jotting it down in his little rip-off death note and further analysed her uncharacteristic anxious behaviour.
oh? this was new....her eyes were flicking to the outside, more or so to the entrance.
every noise that sounded like footsteps made her snap her neck in their direction with wide eyes, her facial expressions weren't giving away anything about her emotions or thoughts.
Now, back to Haruhi. She was only slightly worried which is unusual of her, but if the host club was reacting like this to the thought of her going to a different school, how the fuck would they react to her girlfriend who's been with her since middle school.
things got a whole lot worse when her phone vibrated 20 seconds after she put it down, she snapped it open almost at Mach 20, hoping it was her most prized person. AND IT WAS! her lips twitched upwards a little but fell once more as she read her beloved's message.
"hi daffodil, ill pick u up an hpur early today! dont worry i got consent from dad dearest and he phoned the school bout some appointment (fakest shi-) "
"but do u want me to go to ur class and pixk u up or meet me bo the g8? gimmi the word gurl"
"lets make this date as long as possible, ur dad gave the rec spot, said it was "✨️fabulous!✨️". yeah. i could see the sparkles as he said it bro. "
Haruhi smiled as she read over the spammed texts, as soon as she finished reading one text, another popped up with a buzz, she smile widened a bit and her eyes softened as she read over them. she jumped as she remembered she had to fuckin reply of course.
"ok tea cake, ill meet you outside by the gate, try be quiet. also, turn auto correct back on <3"
she closed her phone expecting radio silence but as soon as it was back in her pocket it buzzed once more, sighing and smiling, she flipped it back open to see her lover's message in retaliation.
she chuckled at the ironicness and childishness, she could almost hear how she was whining in real life, a phantom voice. God she was making her schizophrenic.
another buzz and she looked at her screen, in calm a calm manner which flustered her,
"love you daffodil"
her cheeks dusted pink at the message, it was the little things that got her down bad, she shut her phone with a loud clap, shoving it into her pocket and she looked back at the club.
all eyes were on her, shit.
for starters, all the clients left about 10 minutes ago when her middle school sweetheart started messaging her, but none of the host club members left.
some were giving her weirded out looks, some were smirking at her knowingly and some were just seriously fucking confused.
the 2 smirking were Hikaru and surprisingly kyoya, the weirded out was Kaoru, and again, weirdly enough mori the remnants were the confused one's honey, and the one and only Tamaki.
she snapped out of her embarrassment and flusteredness, turning herself to face Kyoya.
"Kyoya Sempai, my dad arranged an appointment for me today so I'll be leaving an hour early. I'm sorry but can you move my duties to tomorrow?" she winced at her own question, knowing this was going to be added to her debt.
"hm... I'll just cut today's costs and add them to your debt Haruhi. a completely understandable deal as you're about to go fooling around, not to an appointment." his smirk grew as he cornered her verbally.
he's been onto her for a few weeks about this but he could never picture Haruhi being romantically attracted to anyone. he must have been wrong because she jumped at the remark as if she was caught red handed trying to eat some fancy tuna without the hosts noticing.
her phone buzzed again and she twitched faintly, but since the hosts were already looking at her, they noticed this time, kyoya already noticed the past few times but this was the fist time the whole gang saw it.
she flipped open her phone and turned around, hunching over her phone in secrecy as she felt as though her privacy was about to be deeply invaded.
she looked intently at her screen and it was a message from her oh so precious girlfriend.
"hey daffodil, I messaged u while I was driving b4 but I'm outside ur school now ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ"
Haruhi's eye twitched at the thought of her girlfriend texting while driving only to remember her car can do text to speech, she also has a slang filter on it, it's a digital car! wowie! que the eye-roll.
she snapped her phone shut, turning back to the group, she slowly inched her way backwards to the door subtly, and casually said to Kyoya,
"right you can think what you want but...! well i gotta get to this appointment because as a commoner i can't afford a cancelation fee from the doctor! HAHAHA." she awkwardly came up with excuses and conversation to distract them until her hand touched the door handle. She yanked it down and swung the door open,
"BYE!" she shouted; slamming the door behind her, leaving all the hosts stunned into silence. a shared glance among them.
the crossdressing bloke sprinted down the halls, despite never being the most athletic, this was the fastest she'd ever run, she even skidded a few times on corners! badass.
Once she got to the doors, she barged them open with her shoulder and continued to run down the steps leading out the door, she undid her blazer and tied it around her waist, loosening her tie until it came off. her footsteps thumping on the tiled floors rapidly as she heard Tamaki shout after her screaming "WAIT! HARUHI!!" she was halfway down the path at this point, the gravel making her almost fall a few times but she quickly picked herself back up again. some students male and female blushing at the 'boy' changing while running extremely quickly.
the sound of a car engine could be heard, she panicked and miraculously ran even faster, hearing multiple sets of gravelly footsteps behind her made her panic and alarmed as she was hoping to avoid any confrontation. She skidded as she turned the corner around the fence, to keep herself stable she placed a hand on the cement to make sure she didn't fall, leaning on it as she rounded the gate seeing a car that she recognized in the distance, (y/n)!
she ran down the pavement, running past people who were drawn to the car, accidentally running into a woman and Haruhi apologised profusely.
She ran towards a crowd of people. people who were looking, not because of Haruhi's rush. Even people on the street were looking. not at Haruhi. people were covering their ears, not because of Haruhi. people were taking pictures, not of Haruhi.
they saw something sleek that looked jaw-dropping, it was attracting attention, it looked amazing and even sounded amazing, let alone expensive.
a Gordon Murray T.33, in white and reflective silver, it was stunning.
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Anyway, it was a convertible and the hood was up, a girl that was no older than 17 was casually sat in the driver's seat with (y/h/c) hair as she had the sun visor mirror down applying the finish touches of mascara.
the (y/h/c) girl turned in the direction of where she heard running and a out of breath Haruhi who looked like she was being chased by a tall black-haired male and a set of twins lacking behind.
immediately the girl in the driver's seat pressed a button and the hood of the car retracted back into the boot/trunk of the car, she applied a lip balm while this went on, she was calm yet her girlfriend was getting chased by a bunch of men. she didn't give two shits. she knew they wont be an issue.
Haruhi jumped over the car door into the passenger seat with a hop, skip and a fucking jump. panting like there was no tomorrow and like she ran around the country twice at the very least. she looked at her girlfriend in panic as she was still applying lip balm, not even turning on the car to get ready to drive off, it was still in stationary.
"(your nickname!)" Haruhi shouted in desperation.
the boys were getting scarily close to the car and her girlfriend was meant to be a mystery! they couldn't let them find out she had a girlfriend which they already did, but it'd be so much worse if they found out who it was!
if they get caught they're done for!
"aaugh..." Haruhi threw her head back as she shook her head, accepting her fate that not even her lover could save her from this fate.
just as she had that thought,
you popped and smacked your lips together a few times, making sure the lip balm was evenly coating your lips. you snapped the cap back on, putting it into the side door of the car with a neutral expression.
your face then changed to a focused look, you cracked your knuckles and put your hand on the gearshift.
then, shifted the gearstick to automatic mode and the lights turned on in the car, it revved loudly and people cheered at the sound while some kids covered their ears at the loudness. with as much power as you could muster up, you put your foot on the pedal and pressed it to the metal as hard as you could.
the tires spun a few times as you stayed stationary; wobbling a bit as the tired made a squeaking sound and left marks in the road, but then the car shot off into the road, zooming away from the school going straight to 60mph casually building speed to 90mph! your girlfriend put on her seatbelt then she sat up in the car and stuck her hands in the air with a massive smile. this is why she missed her lover. She made her feel free.
the boys that were chasing Haruhi were left in the dust, even more shocked than normal, not even Kyoya was expecting that as he slowly walked up to the boys who wasted their effort in chasing her down.
"hm..." the male with glasses hummed.
back to the lovely couple,
"so haruuu, how was school?" you asked casually as you lowered the speed as there was no way the boys were still on your ass, going the speed limit to make sure there were no issues.
your girlfriend sighed, "some girls from this other school just kept flirting with me, trying to persuade me to join their school and their host club. I'm so done with it" she said in her normal voice.
the car sped up a bit at that comment then slowed right back down with a jolt, making Haruhi lunge forward a bit and turn her head to her girlfriend who was a bit wide eyed, holding the steering wheel tightly.
you slowly turned your head to Haruhi, keeping your eyes on the road until your face was pointing at her, then your eyes left the road and met her own eyes that showed worry.
"huh?" was all you could say.
"Don't worry, I whispered to them I'm taken....they didn't take it well...they thought it was with another member of the host club...."
you stared at Haruhi for a bit until you both jumped at a long, loud honk which was directed at you as you were now going too slow in the middle lane, you turned your eyes back to the road and drove properly only to squeak out a question,
"Fujioka....are you ashamed of me?" your grip on the wheel was faltering only for your worries to be soothed when she replied.
"oh god no. you're like the best thing I have in my life, other than dad." she said, not showing a care in the world. her head leaning on her hand as she absentmindedly looked outside of the window, watching as we sped by some stationary cars and trees.
you sighed a breath of relief.
"I just don't want people trying to be friends with me to try and get to you, and I'm not even talking about money." she said with a sarcastic eye-roll.
your heart swarmed at the consideration Haruhi had for you, that was her way of trying to be protective.
"I love you..."
Haruhi jumped slightly while turning her face to you, her cheeks only faintly pink because she was caught off guard.
"what's with that all of a sudden?" she said questioning your motive, though the comment wasn't unwelcome at all.
you chuckle to yourself then mutter a 'Never mind', you slowly increased your speed as you have a set time you were meant to arrive at the place you were surprising Haruhi with.
"Just let me treat my amazing girlfriend to something that's also amazing" you huffed as you moved your hand from the gearstick and placed it on top of Haruhi's hand which was resting on her lap, you stroked her hand with your thumb, she smiled softly at this and flipped her hand over so she could intertwine her fingers with yours.
"you don't have to y'know?" she retorted while smiling gently at you, observing every detail about your face, hair, smile, eyes, all of you.
you would never think that Haruhi would be a romantic sap but here she is, head over heels for someone who was always her shoulder to cry on when her mother passed, when times were rough, (y/n) always made sure to comfort her, she was good at it too. one second she could be shivering in fear from a lightning storm and the next she's doubled over and laughing her lungs out of her chest.
"again, Daffodil. i want too. anyways! we're gunna head to Tapas Molecular Bar. its about 10 minuets away from where we are now." you said with a wink.
"oh okay- WAIT WHAT?!" Haruhi reacted panicked as she knew damn well that place was expensive.
"nonononono!- I wont be able to afford that!"
you cut her off by clasping your free hand over her mouth.
"daffodil. I'm doing this for you. you do realise this is my 'I'm sorry' present because I missed your birthday?" you said with a frown, still beating yourself up over not telling your parents you couldn't go with them to Russia for business and celebrated with your girlfriend instead. but luckily Haruhi's friends celebrated with her which you were grateful for.
when will your parents realise it's your company not theirs? they treat it like it's their money.
she leant back in the car seat, hitting her head on the headrest in the process. "but (y/n)-" "No buts!" you said with a grin, going around a roundabout and pulling up to a services area and parking.
Haruhi looked at you confused, weren't you meant to be going to a Michelin restaurant?
"love, in the nicest way possible, I think you'd feel a smidge embarrassed if you went to a food place in your uncomfortable uniform" You already knew her question and giggled at her face.
"you don't have to if you want-"
she sighed, cutting you off. "no I see your point. do you have any clothes- of course you do." she rolled her eyes and you wrapped your arm around her seat and grabbed something from the backseats. you pulled out a folded pair of flared black trousers and a flowy white long-sleeve shirt. fashionable and androgynous.
you left the car and went around it, you opened the door for her to step out; clothes in hand. you shut the door behind her and clicked your car key to lock it.
walking in was simple for Haruhi, not for you. people were trying to get you to go in their shops as you looked like you had money to spend. some men hit on you but you scowled at them with disgust and they got angry and pissed off. leaving you alone.
you walked Haru to the bathrooms and kept a watch for any creeps. 2 tried and failed only to leave the building with 5 more bruises than when they came into the building.
Haruhi left the bathroom in her new set of clothes and you wolf-whistled, looking her up and down, apologising immediately after.
she smiled at you and walked out of the automatic sliding entrance doors, you snapping out of it and chasing after her.
getting back in your car, you finish the rest of the drive towards the restaurant. it was quiet as it was a weekday.
Haruhi and yourself sat in a secluded and quiet corner, not very visible to the public, she tried to order the cheapest thing on the menu but you quickly ordered some for her, seafood and a glass of lemonade/lemon soda with exotic berry flavouring while you ordered some other fancy shit that you know tastes damn good with a light cocktail to wash it down. (they didn't ask for ID in this place because you had to be an adult to book and it's pay upfront. they don't care)
Conversations were had between the both of you, laughs were shared and you just fell deeper in love with your girlfriend with every second. it seemed like she was feeling the same with you. some jokes from middle school were brought up which made you both cackle like witches, some problems currently happening were brought to the table and solutions and condolence were shared.
soon enough, the date was over, sadly. the very kind waiter that you two had today placed the cheque in the centre of the table, expecting the bill to be split. you snatched it quickly before Haruhi put some money in, you wrote down the payment of  ¥50,400 (£274.79, $348.76, or €405.10)
Haruhi was left with her hand reaching out to thin air going to grab the cheque before it got snatched with a shocked smile on her face, she didn't even see the price yet but she knew damn well the price was high. she'd pay for the tip at least-
"here, your tip ma'am" your soft voice said to the kind woman.
damn, you beat Haruhi to it. wait... that's a wad of cash! no way! that's more than 15%!
she felt herself die a little inside as you stood with the waiter thanking you profusely and bowing.
you grabbed Haruhi from her seat and rushed her to the car, once again opening the door for her, being a gentlewoman. you drove off back to her home, on the way, however, you forgot to buy dessert at the restaurant! shitballs!
you did some quick thinking and drove across a small stall along a road, pulling over to park somewhere quickly, you jumped out of the car, leaving Haruhi in and locking it. she just sat there confused as she watched you run away.
less than 5 minuets later, you were running back to the car with two large ice creams in your hands, you unlocked your car with difficulty and Haruhi rolled down a window and grabbed the both of them, you then sat in your car, clinking your ice creams with little smiles.
you gazed into her eyes as your hand didn't move, she started brutally attacking her ice cream like it owed her money, usually its the other way around.
she noticed you staring at her so she turned to you and tilted her head in confusion and innocence. you leaned over to her side of the seat and softly kissed her lips, her breath hitched and eyes widened only for her to melt like your ice cream. her lips were cold because of the sweet treat which largely contrasted yours as you hadn't even made a start on it yet. she was pushing you back a bit by pressing her lips firmly back onto yours, so you weren't leaning over her; straining your neck and you both enjoyed it.
you pulled away from her as her lips had warmed a bit and coincidently so did her cheeks, you smiled at your accomplishment at making her look more cute than normal, starting on your melting ice cream.
the silence was deafening for a minute or two, then both of you broke out into a fit of giggles, it always feels like your first time whenever you kiss her, I'm guessing it's the same for her but it just adds to the cuteness.
you finished your ice cream as it was basically liquid yet hers was still in her cone, you felt jealous. eyeing up her ice cream that was somehow by some miracle solid, you leaned your head on her shoulder, slowly shuffling your head closer and closer to her ice cream until she sighed and just put it in front of your mouth.
a bright look crossed your face as you stuck your tongue out and scooped a bit out of the cone. savouring the sweetness, you relax yourself back on her shoulder. She chuckled at what you thought was your pure stupidity. but to her; adorableness.
she turned her head to face you whilst your eyes were shut. they only opened once more when you felt her put her lips on your own, you let out a startled hum only for you to close your eyes again and place a hand on her cheek, now savouring her instead of the treat. this kiss lasted a long time, you were no where near complaining, you just remembered you had a deadline you had to bring your girlfriend home to. you shot up from her shoulder as well as her lips unfortunately and checked the time.
"shit! sorry Haru! i gotta get you back your dads gunna kill me!!!"
you started up the car and almost sped to her apartment, barely dodging a few tickets here and there but you made it in one piece. you parked your car and opened the door for your beautiful soulmate and held her hand, walking her up the stairs.
just as you got to the door, you noticed something. of course it wouldn't be a classic date if you got ice cream and you didn't clear ice cream off her face., you rolled your eyes at the cliché antics of how the world worked.
in the illuminated hallway Infront of her door, you said "Haruhi, don't move please"
you leaned down and pecked the side of her mouth, clearing away the remaining ice cream. she looked at you with wide eyes and then pouted at you.
"oh c'mon...how could you miss?" she retorted with sarcasm, you were confused so this time it was your turn to tilt your head in questioning, only for her to grab your cheek and go on her tippy toes to plant the softest peck onto your lips, your face turns red at the display of affection as you were very under prepared for that, your mind was scrambled as she rubbed your cheek and chuckled, she tuned away towards her door and yanked down the handle, shouting a " DAD! I'm hoommee!!"
she walked through the door, giving you a wink before she got glomped by her father and closed the door on impact.
you strode back to your car and headed for the location called home which was all your property by the way, your parents just claim it's theirs despite the fact you paid for it.
as soon as you left, you were unaware of the group watching you drop her off back home, most were left stunned for multiple reasons, for the fact Haruhi was so happy for once, it seemed genuine. she seemed different, she managed to get someone romantically and finally, someone was crying because his "daughter" was no longer pure.
despite how hard he tried, kyoya couldn't find out a single thing about you...the only one who matched your description was the self-made billionaire child prodigy who originated from the United Kingdom and travelled globally for work, named (y/n) (l/n). there was no way....she could shut all of their companies down as a host club and their parents in one collaboration... how did Haruhi get with someone like her?
your thoughts on your drive home and for the rest of the night were, 'how in the hell did I get with someone as great as Haruhi?...'
part 2 here part 2
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