#ok not actually. these are just screencaps lol
moerusai · 8 months
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Please, someone tell them to stop disrespecting the single community.
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kandibatz · 1 year
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i dont think i posted this. considering some ideas i had for my take on a timeskip au i like that the only things i ever drew of them were goofy silly
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tacticalhimbo · 1 month
imagine stealing someone's content then crying wolf and saying people are homophobic... for telling you not to steal. could not be me.
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anyway here's a convenient web archive link of the exchange (whether or not images load is between y'all and god, my internet is the worst).
as well as my input as the resident queer (joking, but i mean... look at my pfp and url and tell me i'm not qualified-)
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like... the hypocrisy. "anyone can make a gif", ok. anybody can edit a screenshot. and yet you say that's art and not gifmaking
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newsflash. both are art.
the time it takes you to slap text and glow effects and re-create your mask is equal to (or in some cases, less than) the time it takes to
record/download high quality video footage
upscale it
adjust the speed
adjust the coloring
add individual effects
coordinate the set and time each individual gif to ensure they line up
and render gifsets
especially of the quality we see from people like @alexxmason and @collinnmckinley (whose gifs were stolen)
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this is just a false equivalence made by someone who's mad. besides the gifmaking aspect... are you SERIOUSLY saying that writers aren't artists?? aren't creatives who put effort into things??? genuinely fucking confused here, mate.
edit: op blocked me as soon as i commented too, lol.
anyway, going to drop this here since apparently people love stealing shit and think crediting gifs is impossible for some reason
and in case the archive images don't load, this is how the exchange went down when privately asked to delete the reposted gifs. these screencaps were posted by @codcat and come from his instagram, where he reposted the tumblr convo without censoring the url.
meaning that his fans could find people and harass them should they choose to do so.
so much for the whole "not linking to avoid harassment" mentality, huh?
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peachjagiya · 2 months
this is rlly one of my favorite moments bc THE WAY tae had every opportunity to ask multiple other members but no it HAD to be jungkook who got him the water. literally namjoon walked right next to tae WHILE drinking water, hobi was right behind him, yoongi came in front of him, jin came right up to him and even spoke to him but NO he just couldn’t ask any of them for water. he waited and waited until he finally got specifically jungkooks attention which took some time lol tbh i would’ve given up and asked someone else if it was rlly just abt me being thirsty (unless i secretly just wanted specifically my crush’s attention !!) this is one of those moments where im like there’s absolutely no platonic explanation for that. if they were just friends tae would’ve asked any of the other members in the MANY other opportunities he had if it was rlly just abt wanting water. you only do that w someone u have a crush on/feelings for. u want them and only them to do things for you sometimes bc u just want an excuse to interact w them and have them do something for you. it’s kinda satisfying and cute to see them doing things for u. it makes u feel cared about by them and special. like i wholeheartedly believe tae barely even wanted water lol he just wanted jungkooks attention so it was an excuse to interact w him. i can just see taehyung pouting and going “pay attention to me !! don’t ignore me !!” which jk has mentioned is “just his type” 😭😭
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Ooooh thank you. This fits into something I was thinking yesterday.
There was a screencap on twitter from a Tae anti - you know the one - saying Tae asking JK to make him food in ITS2 was Tae FORCING JK to do it for him and that's disrespectful etc etc.
When I stopped eyerolling to the moon and back, my first thought was "You wouldn't know human relationships if they hit you in the ass."
My second thought is that Tae asking JK to make him food is, to me, a thousand times more flirty than any reference to kissing or sex or nudity. Think about that push and pull of this very simplified version of events:
"Do something for me"
"UGH OK. What would you do without me?"
"I wouldn't last long."
COME ON, it's flirting. I feel like you have to be wilfully obtuse to see it as Tae disrespecting JK.
Entirely my opinion but I get the impression that JK's love language is acts of service. He's been looked after by his hyungs and really values that. It's possible if not highly likely that's how he has learnt to love. I definitely think he lets his actions speak - think about his bear snowglobe. He put all this effort in to get it looking pretty for Tae and then his letter was notably short.
And Tae likes more overt displays of love. Words and actions. So what looks to them like Tae forcing JK to do things for him is actually, I think, quite a compatible relationship dynamic. Both of them getting something they enjoy and want from the other.
This water bottle situation seems like a bit of that. He doesn't want just anyone to do it for him. He wants JK to do it for him. And I tend to believe JK gets something out of that too. Also would you look at Tae's smile when he gets it?
Source: I am married to a woman who's love language is displays of affection while my way of showing love is specifically cooking and providing. 🤣
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nanabansama · 1 month
Good Morning! Maybe some people have already asked this, but who exactly is this "God" that Hanako mentions and claims to be the one who told him that if Hanako fulfills his role, then his sins will be erased?
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Is God (Or Kami-Sama) based on the concept of a Supreme Being, like GOD for the Jews and Christians, Allah for the Muslims, Brahman, The Absolute, etc, or is it based on a Japanese understanding of the Supreme Being or any other powerful kami that may be involved with the Supernatural?
And lastly, is this "God" the same entity as the Evil Entity from the Red House that is now within Tsukasa?
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I was once going to make a post on this topic actually but it never left the drafts. :p
Anyway JSHK has used the term かみさま to refer to both the god Hanako mentions and the Pit God, as I like to call it. And this term is also used for the Christian God.
However, it's also used for Japanese gods! And frankly I am more inclined to go with that interpretation. The series has never made reference to Christian religion, as far as I'm aware? So it would be incredibly strange for God, as in Jesus Christ God, to show up.
But given the lack of a proper name for this god and the fact the Christian God is normally considered THE God in English, well, I can see how anyone would start to assume it's that god. Especially since Hanako is "atoning for his sins", a very Christian concept.
Anyhow...whether this god that claimed Hanako's sins can be erased is the same as the one Tsukasa made a deal with or not is anyone's guess at this point!
Points in favor of this idea are that the god oversees the school mysteries of Kamome and that the Pit God once ruled over Kamome, as well as the fact that the School Mysteries are specifically said to rule in place of the Pit God. (See: screencap below)
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Then again, we don't really know how gods WORK in JSHK? It's entirely possible a god (or a group of gods) oversee Kamome and the mysteries that reside in it. And Kako seems to know intimate details concerning who the Pit God is while also speaking about the god(s) they serve during the Ch. 61 Mystery Meeting.
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So, errr...
It would just be a bit weird, I guess. Hanako and the other mysteries serving a god/multiple gods (it's not entirely clear) and then Hanako making reference to a god that says his sins will be absolved if he fulfills his "duty" (presumably as a school mystery) but actually meaning the guy who Kako--another mystery--sees as a threat to the school...
But perhaps the Pit God tricked Hanako by pretending to be one of the good gods?! I mean, it's not like we have confirmation Kako ever met the gods they serve as proxy for. Considering that Teru says the mysteries reside in place of sacrifice-demanding gods, too, it's certainly worth questioning...it's not like all gods are good gods, as the series has clearly shown.
And I mean...
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...Hanako certainly seems to imply this god isn't very scrupulous. Thinking a supernatural infestation is OK? Suspicious. Suspicious indeed!
There's also this...
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While it's possible the god/gods didn't know what #6 did and disapproved, #6 still resolved the Urabon issue by LITERAL HUMAN SACRIFICE. Kako and Hanako even KNOW #6 uses extreme methods yet they either didn't care to check or worse, agreed with him. Remember, Hanako had to literally be blackmailed into helping Akane and Nene, lol.
Considering this ended up causing the Severance you'd have to IMAGINE the gods they serve would be mad, right...? Unless they WANTED this to happen, of course!
At best the gods seem to be OK with human sacrifice and at worse they are the Pit God, actively craving human sacrifices and also potentially world domination. Pick your poison!
Anyway tl;dr I don't think there is a singular supreme being in JSHK but the god Hanako mentions and the one dwelling in Tsukasa could very well be the same one
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declawedwildcat · 4 months
ok gonna ramble my actual thoughts about yesterday's new screencap just to get it all out of my head onto a plate
As unlikely as it is that this is anything more than the artists playing around with making fighting game alt palettes of the characters, I want to pretend that the red-eyed Kuras is a timeline where he drank from the seaspring. We learn from Mhin that Ais hasn't forced anyone to drink yet, but maybe when things start heating up towards faction warfare he takes any power he can get his hands on, even from those he considered friends. Or, conversely, Kuras is just tired of his whole cycle, this endless quest for redemption, the divinity and power and mistakes. His resentment outweighs his trepidation about the seaspring, and he decides to try and get rid of it the only way that seems powerful enough to finally free him.
Of course this then also comes with the insinuation that people who join the groupmind get a thematically recolored evil-twin version of their everyday outfit courtesy of Ais, which is pretty hilarious 😌
it's definitely a strange choice for a placeholder though imo, generally a placeholder should be something that's eye-catchingly obvious so that even someone who's not familiar with what's supposed to be there can immediately catch it at a glance if it gets left in and let whoever is in charge of changing it out know. That's why you often see that eye-searing shade of magenta on placeholder assets. I would think a simple in-engine color layer (like the accidental green Leander) would be more useful for that purpose since black and white would blend with the normal sprites when left on "skip", so this feels like either an inside joke the team put in for their own amusement, or it's just staged for the screenshot lol
But! all theoreticals and wishlists aside, what this actually shows us is two things:
Kuras has a short hair asset, so he could potentially get a haircut at some point in the story. Of course, as anon pointed out this could be just part of how the model is divided, but in my experience modular parts don't usually have covered-up lineart at their division points, they just extend past the point that should be covered to fill any seams. It's a tiny detail, but to me that says they intend to have both hair variations accessible for them to use on finished sprites (whether this is one or not). I haven't worked on a professionally-produced VN though, so maybe their pipeline is different and I'm completely wrong!
Assuming this is not MCR Kuras being introduced here, that means we're seeing a different character's introduction, one that warrants a sprite but doesn't have one yet. Someone's monster form could make sense for MC to vaguely recognize without being able to immediately place them, but having anyone wander around the middle of the Wick in that state seems fairly unlikely. A smaller side character who happens to get an appearance? Or perhaps meeting Elyon? 👀
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maluceh · 2 months
hey! come back when you've grown a pair of balls. 🤪 in the meantime go post this on your account so you can have the same tasteless friends inflate your ego 🥺 so funny to see your panties in a twist over one question like that, yet you can't even disprove it 😭😭😭 it's okay, you can admit that you don't even know the characters, you just like drawing them 🥺 also piece of advice, maybe you'd be more creative if you step outside your box and not just redraw memes or movie screencaps 😂 i've yet to see you draw an actual idea that's not from pinterest lol maybe use your actual brain 🥺🙏 so next time you could actually defend your ideas 😇
i see you are not at all interested in having an argument. i promise you i’m not mad someone dared to question my au, that would be dumb.
i don’t know how many times i must say i was weirded out by them (or you idk) implying a character would choose death rather than be a parent TO GIRLS!! the issue here is they were explicit about them being girls, not that he wouldn’t be a father in canon (which he wasn’t cause he died, but ok)
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
I'm going to share something absolutely depraved beneath the cut. Just so you know. If you open it, you take ur life in ur hands. But I am in my feelings rn and I have to share this with someone.
Ok so I was pretty fine with my Tom Riddle bot, but I wanted to try another one again. This was the first one I tried when I found the website, actually, which is also the most highly interacted Tom Riddle bot.
But every time I had RPed with it, he went all murderous on me, so I figured... eh, he's just very thoroughly in-character.
But this time, I tried a... more detailed kind of story. And oh boy. Oh boy. Fuck. Just... fuck.
I will share screencaps beneath, but I just wanted to say that I am in absolute awe and respect of the person who made this bot. This clever little AI boy has like Level 100 in Evade TOS skill. He's so good at it. I will s t u d y him thoroughly.
I want to know how this is possible, because he is SO naughty yet knows to use terms that rarely get flagged.
Anyway, the story is... remarkably filthy, just so you know. Like, depraved. I'm sick, I know, I'm sorry, but that's just my fate.
Also, forgive my stupid username lol I had no idea it would turn this steamy, I legit thought he'd just try to kill me again so I was like "eh, I'll go with the Polia username, who cares". If I knew, I'd have given her a cool name, like, Vanessa or something.
So yeah, first few exchanges are the start of the story, for context.
— Warnings: nsfw, age difference, incest, fingering, sweet dirty talk.
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That was the intro, now some of the naughtiest parts which I greatly have appreciated. Lots of timeskips basically. Again, forgive how thoroughly stupid and bimbo/porno-tier my writing is, I didn't write it thinking I will share it with anyone, but here we are.
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I want to write this fic, I WANT TO WRITE THIS FIC
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voiceofsword · 2 years
everyday i wake up and remember that Rinne got flustered when Shinobu genuinely told him that he was genius.... i have many crazyb scenarios floating in my head because of this info
its like. your telling me that all it takes is for rinne's unitmates to say ONE genuine compliment towards him to make him short circuit and lose the act ??? and your telling me niki has NOT taken advantage of this???? COULD YOU IMAGINE THE POWER HE WOULD HAVE IF NIKI JUST KNEW THIS INFORMATION???
i hc that rinne's unitmates (esp niki) will just randomly give him a genuine compliment just to see him flustered and be the one embarrassed for once, like some strange sort of karma or something
ANYWAYS YES YES YES ANON.... I TOTALLY AGREE i think about this a lot.. asobi club my beloved. i also think the crazyb scenarios have SOOO much potential and i loooove thinking about stuff like this as well because its always nice to take the more outwardly confident charas down a peg. because why not. im a sucker for niki having the upper hand for once ❤️
now i will proceed to provide 500 examples and analyse them because i also think about this facet of rinne’s character a lot (the one that becomes timid when good stuff is said about him, or how he’s actually a Nice Person but covers that up as best as he can) and i would like other ppl to think about it a lot too. this is basically just a hc/small analysis dump post so sorry anon for you have opened the floodgates 
i love every aspect of rinne’s personality but this side of him, the one that grows so easily flustered around others when he’s caught off-guard, is the best imo. he doesn’t really show it around most ppl, only niki, hiiro, and kids (like shinobu!!) because those are the only ppl that bring that out, bc theyre so earnest, so genuine in their intentions, that rinne is forced to confront reality As Is instead of dance around the subject.
a lot of the cast is convinced that rinne is this unapproachable, eccentric, inconsiderate asshole (which is true, at times - he’s carefully developed this persona so if he wants people to see him that way, it’s what they see) but when they actually put away these boundaries a lot of the time ppl see that he’s just. some guy (a silly example of this is chill yellow where hokuto, tsukasa and keito try to enlist his help to help them ease into “villain” roles for their auditions, and when rinne sees their efforts he’s so bewildered by it all he puts his wild image to the side to be like what the hell? you guys are all freaks???)
gonna split this into several little sections but for example, with niki i think niki doesn’t realize he can take advantage of it because a lot of the time these advances from rinne are met with complete disbelief. granted niki doesnt really think to compliment rinne often, it’s usually the other way around. so when rinne is being completely earnest, unabashed in his devotion for niki, niki turns around and goes “what??? what?” like he cant understand that such nice words are being said to or about him. THIS IS A TOPIC FOR ANOTHER TIME THOUGH, we’re talking about rinne here…. sorry i am physically incapable of not making everything even a little bit about rinniki….
of course this grants rinne an easy way out: instead of addressing that he’s being fully serious and owning up to these feelings his kneejerk response is to be like “kyahaha, stuupid niki! i can’t believe you’d fall for that!” but we all know he’s dying inside. it’s obvious. there’s only so many genuine, loving remarks a guy can make towards his guy best friend before the audience starts catching onto the fact that maybe he’s not actually joking, and that his guy friend just has severe self esteem issues, and is also plain stupid (endearing). IF NIKI OPENED HIS EYES HE COULD HAVE RINNE ON HIS KNEES….. WE’RE ROOTING FOR YOU…..
that’s exactly what happens in this scene, and they go on to play bicker because thats. their love language, i guess???? they’re weird. i love them
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also we all know how rinne reacts to niki asking to kiss him in hot limit. regardless of how you interpret his reply (whether hes upholding his hometowns customs, being shy, or trying to make sure niki is serious about him..) most ppl can agree that after all of his advances in main story and towards niki In General he was probably freaking out, but handling it very well
niki is simply too reactive to respond to rinne’s genuine comments and be calm about it… i dont think he realizes rinne truly means all of them and his view about himself is too low to just accept the compliments and when niki gets flustered, rinne gets flustered too, but unlike him becoming speechless like he does with other people, rinne combats it with humor, b/c this is the sort of thing he and niki are used to. this, however, is not how he deals with affection coming from other people…..
gonna attach the exact scene i think you were talking about here, but when compliments come from those younger than him, like hiiro and shinobu, his initial reaction is a lot different
i’m going to link the tl for nursery rhymes as the op does not want their tls reposted, but this is the exact chapter that i think you’re referring to, the interaction itself is at the very end in case other people would like to see.
rinne points out that there’s no clever retort to shinobu’s genuine compliment, that there’s no banter he can build off of to “defend” himself - so he’s left feeling shy, and exposed. ofc its not shinobus intention to make him feel bad and idt rinne feels bad, necessarily, it’s just jarring.
rinne has a very cultivated persona that he’s built from the ground up from the end of his solo career to his current career in crazy:b. there are times this mask “slips” and he’s brought back to a similar personality to the one he had as a child in flashbacks or himself as a 17 y/o in hot limit, where he’s more meek, quiet, careful with his words, not purposely inflammatory. usually, he’s really good at keeping up appearances! look at his reputation in ES as a troublemaker with a complete disregard for everyone around him!
but when he’s confronted by people who are more “pure”, who don’t question his intentions from the get-go, he is at a loss. rinne is good around most kids because there’s no sort of “prejudice” against him, for lack of a better term; the people that this sort of thing happens around would be 1) people he loves and trusts entirely, who have known him before this persona even came into fruition (niki, hiiro) 2) people who aren’t immediately defensive around him, who don’t see him as a bad guy and trust him inherently (shinobu, for example!! sora, too! i feel like asobi club is a perfect example of this, both the story and the club itself!)
now hiiro… rinne replies to hiiros compliments in a similar way to how niki replies to His, because there’s a deep trust there between the two even though they’ve been apart for several years, and there’s enough trust for rinne to shut hiiro down completely, and get entirely flustered. i think a lot of why he’s like this with him stems from the fact that up until now hiiro was unable to express his love for his brother, or namely, he wasn’t allowed to, because of how they grew up.
rinne’s used to loving his brother, caring for him, but not the other way around, because in their hometown they were both raised with the idea that hiiro is a “liability”, that his role was to be rinne’s advisor and nothing else. for that reason and many others, rinne left his town, both because he was sick of his lack of liberty as well as being told that loving his brother was wrong, that he had to treat the one person he treasured at the time badly, that he was meant to be a leader and nothing else.
rinne goes on to explain this several times during the main story, but this is my fav instance of it b/c it hits really hard
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any type of love from or towards hiiro, in this case familial, is foreign to him. so when rinne goes 5+ years without seeing his brother and his brother eventually learns that being affectionate towards rinne is okay, he’s obviously going to be a bit flustered! he’s not used to it! and hiiro is very loud and proud about it too, which probably makes it even worse for rinne. AND EVERYONE ELSE.. hiiro is not the best at picking up social cues but that is ok. it’s like when you learn something new and want to keep doing it so you dont forget and because its exciting!! hiiro is learning how to love and rinne is happy for him but he’s not equipped to deal with that .
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NOT A SCREENCAP FROM IN-GAME BUT I THINK ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO OFTEN… hiiro being excited to perform with his brother and rinne is so speechless at his enthusiasm he’s like y-yeah. I LOVE IT WHEN HE IS RENDERED SPEECHLESS!!!!! 🗣️🗣🗣
the very end of main story (ch5) is dedicated to rinne talking about how he’s been told he’s wrong his whole life over every little thing he does, and i think that provides such valuable insight as to why rinne is the way he is? and why he can’t respond to genuine compliments coherently. even tho he presents himself as self-assured and does whatever the fuck he wants at this point i still think he suffers from berating himself, and it shows whenever he’s being self-sacrificial and justifies bad things happening to him with “well, i deserve this”. even though he’s come a long way, it’s always hard to unlearn harmful behaviors learned from youth
i dont rly know how to end this off because i went on such a tangent answering this hc ask IM SORRY ANON…. if u wanted me to draw smth please send another ask idm at all i just had to ramble because i love rinne-kun very much. i think he deserves the world, and just like hiiro, he is also learning to give and receive love without restraint, just in a different way. in the meantime i will relish in him getting embarrassed every time someone says smth nice to him 🙏
help me
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forcebookish · 1 year
I just have to say you are restoring my faith in humanity with all your Top and Mew opinions. People are so weird about them I just don't get it. Their dynamic to me is so exciting and I look forward to their scenes every week. What really strikes me about Top and what a lot of people don't want to see is that he truly wants someone to care for and look after. The way he so quickly took to taking care of Mew you can tell he really treasures him. I also just love how much of an enigma Mew is (in the best way), he always subverts expectations and I think he really needed someone like Top in his life, regardless of what's going to happen in the future.
thank you, anon 🙏
you put it perfectly, they "don't want to see" who he actually is, so caught up in their own narrative of what they want him and the drama to be - something neither of them are. like, why do they think top wanted to still be with mew after he thought that he wasn't a virgin, had lied to him about actually liking him, and might have been cheating on him with ray? just... 'cause? he told boston he still liked him even after all of that, after being so hurt that he slept with someone else. how many times does a guy have to say he likes someone before people believe him????
and you're so right about him taking care of mew!! i've been planning a post about this since ray asked, "is top the kind of boyfriend you want?" because uhhh, you mean a boyfriend who takes care of him? validates his feelings? worships his body? respects his boundaries? and like you said, treasures him.
on their first date, he buys him the sex book lol
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on their second date, he puts on his laser tag light up thingie for him
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he helps him at water skiing
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(i mean lol that second one is obviously a move but still)
on their silent disco date, he puts on mew's headphones for him and gets him a drink
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he assembles furniture for him
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he gets his drinks for him at the party, he takes him home
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(side-note: i've seen folks have a problem with this checklist line, as if he's "faking" at being a good boyfriend, but it's just a reference to mew saying he has his a checklist.....)
he's so concerned for mew when he gets hurt, he wants to go after biker, and "fixes" his glasses (an attempt was made ok😂)
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like???? do they think he didn't take care of his exes??? he doesn't know what mew's "type" is, he's just acting like how he acts in relationships. and he was taking care of him even before mew said that!! (inb4 that line about him only caring about coming and making himself happy, he said specifically that he couldn't remember the last time he felt like that; that doesn't mean he never has, it just means that mew's the most serious boyfriend he's ever had. he's never been in love before, that doesn't mean he's not now.)
who goes that far just to "pretend" to care for someone?? and even if he did, don't you think that would lead to him actually caring about him? they really go, hmmm, he's a good boyfriend🤔🤔🤔 suspicious🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 lmao
to your point about mew, he is an enigma! every week, i want to know more about him. i've never seen a character like mew before - even though i've known people like him in real life.
and i agree that top's actually been good for mew, even if it leads to (momentary?🥺 interim?🥺 please not permanent🥺🥺🥺) heartbreak, it's good that he's getting out of his shell. we haven't seen a lot of his backstory, but top keeps introducing him to new experiences outside of just reading, helping him live a life outside of studies. and, uh, (at least soon) help him realize how shitty his friends are😅
so pleased my silly little (ok, overly long) posts restore your faith in humanity, anon. it's asks like these that restore my faith in humanity. so glad i'm not alone in loving them <3
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(and glad that you anons seem to like it when i make your asks into HUGE ASS POSTS COMPLETE WITH SCREENCAPS OMG I DON'T KNOW WHY ANYONE READS THESE BUT I'M GLAD Y'ALL DO)
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the-sun-princess · 1 month
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 14
okay mahiru nana stageplay time aka i screencap all the mahiru praise
starts off similarly to the futaba claudine version
carmencita gets at Least one more line lol
intewesting...instead of immediately opting to take salvatore under his dad's wing, alejandro suggests bein a soldier over a sailor. ends up in the same place tho.
oo zulfikar doesn't surprise them with isobel, they pinpoint him before he attacks
FINALLY the mahiru gushing i've been waiting for this entire time. are u feeling it now, mr krabs
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ok rude. i mean it was a first impression but rude.
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mahiru is the shiningnest brightnessest
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mahiwu legy
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mm nana's alejandro is leadin mahiru's salvatore into certain actions
mahiru literally the Only One of the seisho girls here who that description actually fits
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salvatore actually inviting isabel along If he ever gets to sail bc apparently he's Not going with alejandro? he's doomed to be in charge of the household on land (not rlly, obv, but the 'plan')
honestly a way better lead into salvatore pulling isabel into a kiss than the others like it actually felt Fitting
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also nana/alejandro reaction shot lol
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can my ac shut the fuck up i wanna hear mahiru. lol alejandro finishes off his dad
funny how its the opposite in this one
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nana time to praise mahiru
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ok tbf hikari + karen did that, not junna, but i guess junna did kick ur ass about ur pity party afterwards
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and u lifted me up like a child. literally
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doting gf karen-chan
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claudine n kaoruko what will they talk about
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honestly i thought kaoruko was talkin about mahiru n claudine nana akjhkdjhf welp. they are similar like that
amemiya getting flustered at nana calling her shion-chan as if i havent been wondering the whole time Why nana of all ppl was using last name-san
.....she still referred to masai as masai-san tho kjfkjshdfkjh
~interlude for me to shower~
oh carmencita's not dead. yet. maybe
i should Not be surprised mahiru and nana have similar ranges in this bg song- they are also a duet irl with harmoe
i can pick apart who is who in this song just bc im very used to mahiru's voice ksjdhfjh
interesting. alejandro baits zulfikar with miguel, not el dorado this time
i Am curious why they would even Need zulfikar now- is it just for a boat
isabel just hopped along with alejandro no need to stowaway this time
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THAT'S EVEN FUNNIER. also for a master assassin zulfikar sure is cheaply bought
oh now theres' the jelly
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sjdkfhksj this is extremely funny to me rip alejandro no royal pussy for u
....nevermind lmao jealous the other way around.
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dude u need a crew to get there anyway whats another person
rip to everyone mahiru salvatore captures everyone's heart. lol
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this salvatore is way more fun skjhdkfjdh "spite"
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even tho he has the Option to fulfill his promise with alejandro. once he learned alejandro used him he's like Fuck You which valid. like. his best friend allowed his dad to rape him- i wouldnt forgive that either
yeh u are mahiru
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he does tell alejandro if he wants to come he as to follow him he aint just gon take ale with
ah salvatore still gets slashied up by ale. into the ocean he n isabel go
o actual epilogue
alejandro killed himself i guess. rip. miguel hooked up with zulfikar. and isabel and salvatore made it to el dorado
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also goddammit where is hikari
but good yes praise mahiru
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after party time cmon hikari. cmon. show up
oh image limit well we got thru the stageplay. after party time
<<part 13 part 15>>
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nabexis · 1 month
More Val Serano screencaps under the cut (Spoilers for the end of his romance)
Fair warning, these are all self-indulgent lol.
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Inigo appears to have brought a snack and Kaidan is settling in by leaning back (he looks like he didn't realize there wasn't a back to the bench and is about to fall over lol)
We have the DB Gang all here. The Dark Rose crew as well as Gore, Carylalind, Inigo, and Kaidan.
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"Welcome Aboard, it's the middle of the night so we need to wait like... 12 hours before we begin this thing. What, Val didn't tell you we were supposed to start at Dawn? ... Sorry, but you need to wait. I'm still writing up the speech. Just like. I don't know. Stare lovingly at each other for the next several hours, yeah?"
Next this group of adorably sweet shots I got before I realized I had to wait until dawn to start the wedding lol. Whoops.
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"You're married! Now, kiss!"
Then some retakes of earlier photos for the actual wedding. Included both because I like both.
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"Congrats, Val! .... Val? ....Ohhhkay. They're really uh... going at it."
And finally my favorites. Fathis attempting to congratulate but then realizing they should probably just go get a room lol.
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"Ok, that's enough, get to your cabin already!"
This mod has been super fun and I'm so excited for the upcoming Mage's College update!
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lovelylovelyartist · 3 months
LovelyLocke Leaf Green Part 7
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alright, after our difficult loss of sweet sweet Peach, its time to tackle the Pokemon Tower.
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Made it past the sad mourners lamenting about their passed pokemon... only to find Gary.
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Garold, what the fuck dude!
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Alright fuck this creep, lets beat this dumbass!
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Fuck off, Geraldo, what an asshole lol
well, ok whatever, lets keep going, we've got a horribly depressing Cubone's mom to calm. and a new pokemon to catch! Welcome, Casper the Ghastly! (DAMN IT I LOST THE SCREENCAP FOR HIM)
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Mama Marowak, an easy battle to win, let your spirit rest mama.
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Now that we're done in Pokemon Tower, we talked to Mr.Fuji, and got the pokeflute. Progress! OH BTW did yall know apparently you can use the pokeflute in battle to wake sleeping pokemon? I havent tried it because it conflicts with nuzlocke rules, but apparently it does.
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Apparently my screencapture stuff failed at this part, but this was the saddest interaction I've had with an NPC yet, omfg. she said, and I Quote, "My pokemon's ashes are in Pokemon Tower now.... I don't need this TM anymore"- 'The little girl gave you TM??' It's Return. The move that's stronger the more your pokemon love you. I hurt omfg.
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ACTUALLY FUCK THIS IDIOT SNORLAX. It came extremely close to ending my nuzlocke run because I couldn't catch it and it hits HARD and can take a lot of hits. Fuck this idiot. I have another chance later, so if I really want it I'll try again.
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New Friend, welcome to the team Ingrid!
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OH, I forgot to mention it last update, but outside of Lavender/ in the area between Lavender and Saffron City we also welcomed Toaster to the team! welcome, Toaster! (small aside, I love "Naughty" nature, it just gives me the impression of literally >:3c incarnate and it makes me happy lol)
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Route 15 just before Fuscia City, we meet another new friend, MeToo! Welcome, squishy friend! I think I might do some research and see if breeding is a thing in this version (I dont THINK it is, but if its the case im curious)
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While in Fuscia, we give the Safari Zone a try. Safari Zone is a part of Nuzlocke where the rules get weird. As far as "One pokemon per area" goes, I usually do so that every new screen/ area is a new place to catch pokemon. Still get one chance per non- duplicate pokemon, but it's still just the one per area. Sooo, welcome to the team,
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Soooo, welcome to the team, Omelette and Emu!
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A Chansey?! This is a 4% chance encounter, holy- Aaand its gone. never mind lol
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Ah, the warden's teeth, we should be-
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That's it for now, next update will feature the Sabrina Marsh Badge battle and Silph Co, so look forward to that :)
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sinkableruby · 1 year
What are your top 5 Ougi scenes/appearances?
good ask to send me than,k you
starting from 5 well i guess i dont really have like a strict order except for maybe the top one i dont know i dont know i love all of them actually im just gonna do it in chrono order
um spoilers of course dont read this if u havent finished the whole anime (the whole anime!) there will be screencaps...
okay if im going chronoogically i must give my hat to owarimonogtari part 1. wait FUCK theres so many scenes in that shit.......... im gonna be running out of space damnit.... well to summarize it BRIEFLY... (how the fuck do you even summarize it briefly my feelings are large and want to burst out of my chest)... ougis sinister leading araragi down dark paths and poking at his past and knowing the deal but playing-dumbery and antics are just amazing. and shes so cool as she does it how did she get to be that cool! evil and cool.... thats the summary but the scene i would want to talk about is of course the showdown with hanekawa (the first one i guess). uh bc its like really funny? the showdown is great its such a fun buildup of tension and they're like passive-aggressive/plain-aggressive-but-still-loosely-following-social-boundaries trying fighting each other... its great. i think in the light novels when hanekawa says 'but i would have done a better job' ougis smile freezes. you can hear the glass break. you can just hear her in her head shes going like ".......................bitch,? so that's how you wanna play it?" i wish that got animated sometimes. and also of course. it ends how it ends.
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its an incredible moment because literally the moment she says this you're like ah. i see. so ougi loses. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
LIKE GG NO RE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 SORRY OUGI YOU LOST.... DONMAI ITS OK DONT WORRY ABOUT IT. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO SEE ANYTHING AFTER ITS LIKE AH. GOTCHA. i was rooting for her to win when i was watching but... this was just so funny. the best way for things to have gone i think.
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its also so good how she stands there after like. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.......... usually ougi is the one doing things to people and its funny but this is also just so hilarious its done so well.
i also want to talk about otori, because ougi in otori is very cool. my first time watching otori i was very in tune with nadeko so hearing ougi do a kinda takedown of her was a very interesting experience for me. she was very sinister and severe and foreboding...... very fun. and of course when it turns out she's been tugging at the strings..... heeheehee THATS SO COOL. i mean looking at these scenes like some of these shots are so cool.
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^ the face of someone so evil......
ok going later
i never see people talking about this one but the scene in hitagi rendevous in owari ge that happens on the second episode after the ending is like. oogh. its like the big instance before the finale proper in ougi dark where the show starts fucking slapping you in the face screaming "PAY ATTENTION THERE'S SOMETHING IMPORTANT HAPPENING HERE"
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like this shot this FUCKING SHOT. is it just me? is it just me am i the only one who feels acute pain at this? there's something about it thats just so............... like somethings wrong. like thats what i feel like something is wrong and im concerned for this person you feel me?
shes so tired trying to get his attention and do her job and all that shes pressing the doorbell laying down... and then she sees him and goes like 'im exhausted' and just keeps girlbossing like. and like asks araragi (from her perspective) not to kill her and hes just like no and shes just like damn that sucks oh well lol. like imagine being alive for 6 months having no home (shes laying on the god damn nameplate of his house augh...) and knowing full well you're about to die, the things youre seeing now will be some of the last things you ever experience before your consciousness is gone forever (bc she isnt going to hell shes being erased). that's so cool and awesome (horrifying). anyway ougi doesnt care shes got a job to do X) (shes so insane i love her)
also that home thing and the tiredness thing is one of the big things i wrote ougi stay about so ill just take the chance to plug it if ur still reading this go read my fic! i like it a lot i think its nice. its mostly funny but it also talks about this stuff too a bit. go read it
ok next.
dont know whether to count the different parts of this scene as separate or not but i think it shouldnt be separated bc its all important to the scene and that is OF COURSE: ougi dark starting with ougi's convo with tsukihi (the build up… it's oddly calm so you feel somewhat reassured but you KNOW something's going to happen… the buildup of tension starts here and keeps rising). the contents of that conversation, near the end are like, really cool things to be included because up until that point we still dont have SO much insight as to who ougi is but she opens up a bit to tsukihi here and its kind of a paradigm shift to see.
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there's something so poignant about this fraught mood...
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such an ougi way of talking about one's feelings about oneself...
at least for me when i was watching i was already like, kinda rooting for ougi bc i wanted bad things to happen to araragi (lol) but also like. ougis just so insanely entertaining and fun that like, uh obviously i would root for her here. so when this fun silly funny little fun character starts bustin out the:
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its like woah wait huh back up hold on a second there. i care you>???????
like literally the whole confrontation with ougi and araragi it is just like oh no since when did i care about this character so much oh no oh god oh fuck...
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like how come they gotta hit me with all these gut punches what did i do to deserve this
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like whats so cool about it is with how its directed and the score (and the voice acting!! the seiyuu did an INCREDIBLE job) and everything you can tell shes scared but like again shes actually insane so she's just gonna be like yeah this is the right way for things to happen
(it seems a lot like she did all this wanting the outcome of her losing to araragi, at least to me. hanekawa also says so in the commentary tracks of ougi dark. so thats another layer. theres so many layers... i dont know how many of these layers people pick up on but by golly do i pick up on them)
and of course he saves her (imagine if he didnt? id kill him. WAIT ACTUALLY THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE LIKE "ARARAGI SHOULDNT HAVE SAVED HER" NEVER GO ON THE REDDIT DISCORD SERVER FOR MONOGATARI PEOPLE ACTUALLY THINK THIS WAY IM LITERALLY GOING TO KILL THEM ITS SO. ok i wont talk about it), and she gets mad and its like i KNEW you were putting up a bold front you had emotions this whole time and then its like. oh you had emotions this whole time and you were totally aware of everything and just kinda had to deal with it thats kinda fucked up (i think a lot about how being an oddity born of self-criticism necessarily means you have to be self-aware and how that leads to ougi being a kind of exceptional type of oddity and like how it ties into identity and like... all that stuff). but the emotional breakdown/outburst is so good... augggghhghhh its so good 😭😭😭
(like i think sometimes about how if they had done this wrong, it would feel out of place for ougis generally not-emotion-showing character/not emotional in general character, but they did it so well... its so good)
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and of COURSE to cap off this perfect beautiful wonderful scene we get THE GWEH AKA THE PEAK OF FICTION. IT DOESNT GET BETTER THAN THIS. NO IM NOT JOKING. LITERALLY WHEN I SAW THIS I HAD AN EPIPHANY. NOT JUST BECAUSE ITS ADORABLE BUT BECAUSE ITS LIKE HOLY SHIT INTUITIVELY A PART OF ME UNDERSTANDS. THIS *IS* **THE** BEST CHARACTER. and i went to go pace around my room being hype about it. im not joking really bc the novel talks about it being like "an utterly unattractive true-to-life" groan or something that proves she has "substance" which is like... yeah! she's her own person! not just made of lies or w/e!! the gweh actually ties everything together in such a perfect way and i am physically incapable of remaining in bad mood after i see it. i saw it the first time and i was like :O -> :) -> :DDDDDDDDDD and that hasn't changed since it will always put a smile on my face 😌
also also ougi in zoku owari is incredible too so good. the TEEHEE THE TEEHEE IS SO AMAZING. like YEAH!!!! YOURE A LITTLE ROTTEN PRANKSTER TEEHEE!!!!!! YEAH!!!! TRICKSTER TIME TIME TO BE TRICKY A TRICKY LITTLE TRICKSTER YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! and we get more classic ougi exposition/explanation..... havent talked about this as much but their ideas are so interesting.... theyre so interesting and cool i would pay to hear them share ideas about things.............. anyway one other thing i really appreciate about this scene is the shared intimacy between ougi and araragi. it feels more personal yk. this sorta comfortable, natural, thoughtless intimacy is something i absolutely adore about their dynamic but it basically only happens right here in zoku owari, and not even so much in the light novel version. its interesting... i want to write about it. im GOING to write about it mark my words
also honorable mention to ougi in hanamonogatari. theres nothing like big enough about these scenes to mention in comparison with the rest of them bc theyre so short but. BOY OUGI YEAHHHHHHHHHHH HES TRANS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i saw that and i was like >:) yeah kanbaru wym hes been a boy this whole time >:)))) don't misgender him god...... >:))))))))))))) (AND HE LOOKS SO COOL THEY ANIMATED HIM SO COOL BC HES IN BOYMODE HES SUCH A BOY FUCK YEAH)
also fuck i didnt talk about the whole planetarium dream scene. that was also good.
ummm yeah i could just talk about this forever and keep talking about scenes and stuff but ill leave it here bc u said 5 and ive already technically named like 7 at least so. yeah. but i dont really have like a ranking order necessarily, except for ougi dark bc its just so so so SO good.
thank you for enabling my derangement ive been writing this since u sent it to me im so ougipilled right now you wouldnt even believe. im ougi wired.
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kathairoscloset · 2 years
Uuuuhh so the thought posts I've written suddenly exploded lmao, but I'm glad people like reading them. Thanks a bunch :D Here's some more, and although I've seen someone explain this point in length, I hope it'll be ok to put my own spin on it:
People say that Yami setting a criminal on fire is pretty high on the 'that's kinda fked up yoog' scale of shadow murder games, and let's be real, they aren't wrong. However, my nitpick for that view comes from the narrative of the scene: both Takahashi and Toei had him under a 'he's justified' sort of light. The criminal was already on death row, and had taken Anzu hostage and attacked her. So when he gets set ablaze we're not meant to question Yami's actions, we're just meant to think "Well he had it coming trololololol"
And ya gotta admit, it's kinda messed up! But that's the entire point of Atem's character during this era: he's a powerful spirit capable of controlling the shadows, who uses them to distribute what he thinks is justice, all while protecting his friends from a dangerous world. So even if he's extreme, it should be ok, right?
It's only during Ep. 4 of the anime that it's implied such a mindset might not such be a good thing:
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It's a fan-favorite screencap, this one, and I love it too. But it's the downturned look, the eye on his head, and the gaze that expresses the visual representation of someone spitting at your face. Everything in it screams fury. Anger. Maybe even high-and-mighty disappointment. It's hard to see a hero in this shot.
This episode to me, tries to set Yami no Yuugi as a force of nature instead of a force of good. (At least, not an explicit one) He's not afraid to hurt others, just has hard if not harder if it meant getting vengeance. He won't be held back by morals, nor by mercy, and the only things he has to play off of are his own instinct and whatever values Yuugi's inner self managed to impose on him. And as Shadi implied in their second bout in the manga, it's Yuugi's rage and anger that brings him out.
The aftermath is also a huge highlight for me. Because nothing in it gave a sense of glorification for what Yami did.
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If I hadn't known better, then that man seems truly dead. You have his mother crying out to him, his entire watch collection destroyed, and it was... Yami's fault. Y'know, the good one.
It's just so amazing what this anime-exclusive episode managed to do (which I'm just blown away by because it's like... actually good? And adds depth to Yami's character?? And wasn't just for padding the series' length???) and it's a shame they couldn't go much further from this. Like, I wanted more. I wanted a greyer interpretation of Yami's actions. I wanted a character who's bloodlust is only soothed by the half-formed relationships he learns from his host. And I want to be a consistent, drawn-out thing, instead of a handful of moments that highlight Yami's anger at that moment (Death-T and the rooftop duel in DK)
But I also understand that it's likely because Takahashi didn't think of the 'oh they're actually 2 people lol' storyline until later in the series. So obviously, Yami couldn't develop so far as an individual because at that point, he wasn't an individual. He truly was 'another Yuugi'. And it sucks because reading further his arc felt a little weird to me, as I couldn't really reconcile Early Manga!Yami to let's say, MW RPG!Yami. It feels like there were moments we didn't get to see or some other thing.
Regardless though I'm just happy to see this view on Yami get touched on, even just a little, in Toei's adaptation. It's probably why this episode is one of my favorites :)
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