#ok i’m going to stfu now. sorry
milflewis · 1 year
it’s just. Grief. it’s as bizarre and random and unfathomable as an alien coming down mid ceremony despite always talking aliens. despite dedicating your entire life to them. despite naming a fucking city for them. still. it is impossible to understand and to fully imagine until it is right there in front of you and still! still you can do nothing but stare. that little alien giving and taking and arriving and leaving no matter what they say or do. happening despite! the clock being unable to be understood and comprehended until the day the alien (grief) comes. no time left to prepare. no time to stop it. bc you can’t. bc it just is. bc it’s just happens. and it confuses everything. playing a character that is mourning his wife while mourning your lover who wrote your story. who picked you. your the wife who played my actor. use your grief. trying to do grieve right which is an impossible task! it cannot be done! even if it is a grief that can be expressed which this movie implies that it cannot! it just is! you will never understand it and it will never have more of a meaning than what it is but we can do nothing but try and try and try anyway! despite!
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findingcrow · 1 year
“Dog Days are Over (Florence + The Machine)” (aka “run fast for your mother fast for your father song) reminds me SO much of the rangers apprentice. I mean imagine, it’s the end of the book, Halt and Will are talking. They’re watching the sun on the verandah, and Gilan zooms by on Blaze, laughing and waving. Crowley is next, shaking his head but laughing too, trying to catch up with him. Maybe Horace is there too, with Evanlyn, motioning to Will for him to join them. Will looks at Halt, and Halt raises an eyebrow and nods at him. Will rushes to Tug and hops on him, running after the two, and Halt watches for a moment before getting on Abelard and catching up. All of this with Dog Days are Over in the background, or maybe Willow Tree March by The Paper Kites, or some The Oh Hello’s song. Like come on, that would be so cinematic and perfect and I would break down SOBBING and would not recover for DAYS
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newtkive · 8 months
pixels [ newt x reader - modern text au ]
ch. 2 - drama queen core
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summary: minho's drama finally catches up with him, but newt becomes a hero.
warnings: strong language, mutual pining, none really.
➥ m.list
[ 12:08 PM ]
y/n: gm pookies
newt: it’s the afternoon.
y/n: yeah well
ur east coast
newt: so are you y/n
minho: drama queen is awake
newt: you’re the drama queen min let’s be fr
minho: u want me to die be honest
newt: see .
tommy: hey guys :3 been waiting for you all
y/n: awwww tommy <3 gm
tommy: morning sweetums
minho: ew stop
newt: how did you sleep?
tommy: good! used my new heated pillow
newt: not you
minho: not you
tommy: wtf
minho: he means y/n
and there’s 4 other people not including newt and y/n dumbass
y/n: oh
why just me????
newt: cuz you stayed up til 6 am
y/n: ..
how do you know that
newt: i saw you were active on discord
gally: doesn’t that mean you were awake too then
newt: ok and?
minho: thats crazy newt
newt: no it isn’t
i just casually saw it
y/n: hehe
im ok i need to sleep more. sims 4 was really consuming me
why were you awake??
newt: up for work
minho: you get on discord before work?
chronically online..
newt: can you choke and pass out and hit your head please
y/n: he’s gotta check on his discord hoes before hitting the grind
newt: there are no discord hoes
unless you count thomas
and i don’t
tommy: well why not
newt: because you disgust me
tommy: love u too :3<3
minho: y’all about to kiss aren’t you
newt: never say that shit again im outside your door with a b*mb
minho: why censor it
just blow me up it’s my grandmas house anyway. u want to jump her that bad????
gally: blow that bitch up i say
y/n: HELLO???!,!!
gally: minho not grandma
she loves me cuz im so tall
minho: tall people always gotta remind you they’re tall 😒
like we get it bigfoot
gally: shut up tinkerbell
y/n: you’re somewhat tall minho
minho: any man under 6’0 is considered short
y/n: yeah but newt is 6 ft trapped in a 5’10 body so not totally true
newt: what does that even mean
minho: give me a break
i can tell you exactly what that means
she wanna hit
newt: stop
tommy: don’t get his hopes up
newt: dude
y/n: what newt said
gally: can we appreciate the only one actually over 6 ft here
minho: no.
tommy: im the same height as newt!!!!
y/n: yea but ur like 3 ft trapped in a 5’10 body tommy not the same
tommy: oh ..
minho: kind of real
newt: can someone kick gally i’m tired of seeing his fucking name on my phone
gally: then turn your phone off don’t you have old ladies to tend to at the library
newt: yeah and they all love me
y/n: so real
if i was old i’d go in there and imagine you’re my young boyfriend and cling to everything u say
tommy: true im the old ladies
y/n: LMAO
minho: write a fanfic y/n why don’t you
newt: yeah you both are old and not beating the dementia allegations
ur just mad you’re old as dirt
tommy: youth has left you newt and it has turn you bitter in your old age.
minho: thomas knows big words who knew
newt: which word in that sentence was big??
y/n: shut up minho
minho: wtf did i do
y/n: idk but i imagine you sitting there typing on your little phone and i got pissed
minho: WHAT???!.‘wKWHFO
yeah chubby little fingers hitting the wrong letters on his iphone 8
minho: im leaving
tommy: dont leave i forgive you for what you said
minho: i don’t give a damn
y’all mad y’all are all fake im the realest i’ve been prophesizing and reading scriptures 7000 years before y’all fake asses were born be so for real right now
y/n: not reading that
or sorry for what happened idk
about to drink my coffee in a wine glass
tommy: just drink wine
newt: it’s noon tommy??
tommy: ok and?
newt: explains a lot
minho: no coffee for me this new year only water and pussy juice fr fr
[ newt removed minho from the group ]
tommy: woah
y/n: woah..
newt: i can’t take it anymore
alby: How did you get that access..?
newt: don’t worry about it
in times of need i have to step in like that
y/n: hi alby!
alby: Hey y/n!
tommy: you’re such a hero newt
gally: that was deserved
who wants to play minecraft rn
y/n: me!!
alby: I’ll play, I’m off work today.
y/n: let’s go to the desert i want a camel
gally: alright but then the caves after i wanna mine
newt: if you mine with her you gotta bring extra food and storage when she dies so you can pick up the fallen items
gally: i forget you’re her designated babysitter
y/n: oh please no he isn’t
and i’ll bring my own food
newt: you always say that and then leave it in the stove oven
newt: sure ok
i’ll get on after work
[ alby added minho to the group ]
minho: when i get you.
newt: why did you add him back alby
alby: He was harassing me.
newt: be a man and take it
gally: im leaving
[ gally left the group ]
minho: im going to throw up and die
newt: im staying out of this
minho: (guy who caused it) im staying out of this
y/n: why does gally alwyas leave 😔
newt: why question a gift from the heavens
tommy: get online y/n gally is attacking my dirt house w a pickaxe :((((
minho: im coming to your work newt
newt: okay im locking the door early then
minho: i’ll smash through the glass idc
newt: i’m leaving my shift is over at 1 today.
minho: i’ll use life360 on you
newt: i deleted that app
minho: i’ll stand in the middle of the street
newt: ok let me position my car in front of you
just come to my apartment and we can play w them on pc and xbox
minho: …. fine but i hate your guts
newt: fine
newt: i’ll just rebuild it
minho: i’ll set it on fire just wait
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frogcoven99 · 4 months
My Thoughts on Wish 💫💜🌳🐐🫧
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First of all, this review is dedicated to that one Wish stan on Twitter who said I have "no media literacy" when I tried to say that Magnifico wasn’t really threatening, but wasn’t trying to start off a big fight or anything.
I hope that person is having a wonderful day, and I hope this review proves that I do actually have media literacy 🥰🥰
Now, back to the film:
I really wanted to like this movies guys. A film about the origins of the wishing star sounded amazing!
And after I saw the film TWICE in theaters, I was in love. I thought surely my opinion wouldn’t change.
But…the more I thought about the movie, the worst it got.
For example, the songs. I don’t think I need to explain to you guys why "I let you live for free and I don’t even charge you rent" and "throw caution to every warning sign" and "watch out world here I are" DO NOT WORK.
I don’t blame the songwriters for this, because I’m sure they are very talented people.
But they were clearly not the people who should have been in charge of the music.
Not to mention the fact that Julia Michaels was given TWO WEEKS to write “This Wish”….
The Characters
Asha 💜
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I like Asha’s design enough, like her braids. But her personality is as bland as a scoop of vanilla ice cream (jk, vanilla ice cream is goated).
Lots of people have complained that the “adorkable” leading lady trope has worn out its welcome.
I used to disagree since those “quirky” characters were some of my favorites (Like Rapunzel, Mirabel, and Moana), but Asha has definitely reached my limit with them.
Rapunzel, Anna, Moana, and Mirabel all feel like distinct characters from each other (yeah stfu ModernGurlz), but Asha feels like an imitation of them, like the cheap Walmart version.
And she’s not really interesting either, she has a passion for art, but the film doesn’t do anything with it. In fact, nothing about her feels genuine. She feels so hollow and like she only has two personality traits: Quirky and the protagonist.
Like, during “This Wish” (which is probably the worst Disney “I want” song ever) I never felt connected with her. It just felt like, oh this is the Disney “I want” song because this is a Disney movie.
I didn’t understand what Asha wanted, “something more for us than this”? Okay…what about you? What do you want?
With all the other Disney “I want” songs, I could feel a connection and what the character wanted.
So yeah, Asha is probably the worst protagonist in the modern era of Disney. At least in terms of writing.
And while I did say I like her design, I prefer her concept arts.
King Magnifico 🫧
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Chris Pine seems like he is having a blast in the recording booth, and I gotta say his performance was pretty good. But it wasn’t enough to save this character :/
So, the main problem with his character is that I can kinda agree with him on the whole wishes thing. But, I also barely found him threatening.
The most threatening things he does in this movie is crush a bunch of balls (that’s what she said) that make people feel sad and chain everyone to the ground.
Not only that, Magnifico’s use of his magic is SO LAME! Another major reason I was never intimated by him is because he never did anything really scary or threatening with his magic, all he could do was create giant hands and chain people up. Like…ok? Is that all you got? Really? 😑
Also, I don’t think I need to tell you that his villain song SUCKS ASS. You know it, everyone knows it. I’m not getting into it. Go listen to a real villain song like "Hellfire" or “Friends on the other side" instead.
As for the other characters, I don’t have much to say about them unlike Asha and Magnifico.
Star ⭐️
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The Star was really really cute, even tho they were just a Luma/marketable plushie. And also REALLY reminds me of a squish mallow, am I the only one who sees that?
I should definitely mention how he was originally gonna be a StarBoy, but we’ll get to that later don’t you worry. That is a VERY important element in our discussion.
The Other Characters This Movie Has
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Amaya is so BORING! She barely has a character outside of being the queen and Magnifico’s wife, she was just…there. You could remove her from the movie with very little tweaking and nothing would change.
I would’ve preferred it if she was also a villain like Magnifico, which WAS originally in the script. But like StarBoy, that is something we will get to later.
The Teens are fine, but really forgettable. I like how they are all based off the Seven Dwarves, that’s cute. But it feels like they didn’t have any character outside of that.
Yeah, Dahlia is Asha’s bestie, but there wasn’t enough scenes between them to show me their dynamic to make me feel like their friendship was genuine.
Simon ended up snitching out on Asha and betraying the Teens in the middle, but I literally couldn’t have cared less because what do we know about this guy other than he’s sleepy and gave his wish to Magnifico?
As for the other Teens, just like Amaya, they could’ve been removed from the script and barely anything would change. The grumpy one had some sassy moments, and he’s voiced by Harvey Guillén (Perrito’s VA) so that’s something I guess. The shy one had this one gag that had comedic potential, but wasn’t really expanded.
And as for the other Teens…uh…I can’t remember a single thing they did honestly.
And then there’s Valentino…fuck that goat man. 😑 I love Alan Tudyk and his roles in other (better) Disney movies, but yeah Valentino is definitely my least favorite role he’s ever done.
All of his jokes were unfunny, and were mostly butt jokes. Which is probably my least favorite form of comedy ever that I cannot stand for the life of me.
Speaking of which, this movie just was not funny. None of the jokes made me laugh or chuckle or even smile.
Raya and the Last Dragon is a Disney movie that I really don’t like, but there were some jokes that got a chuckle or smile out of me. Wish didn’t even have ONE good joke.
Uhh…Asha’s grandpa was build up as someone important but he just peaces out in the middle of the movie with Asha’s mom, who did not do a single thing other than a ball getting shattered making her sad.
And that’s all the characters in this movie.
Legacy Nods, why they do not work
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Alright, what else is there to talk about?
Maybe the endless amount of Disney references? I get it’s the 100th anniversary film and all and Disney has had Hidden Gems like that in their films. But the difference is the ones in previous films were subtle and hidden in the background, and it would probably take you a rewatch to see it.
But in Wish? They all feel shoved down your throat. It’s like: “HEY REMEMBER THIS MOVIE??" “REMEMBER THAT??” “DON’T YOU WANNA WATCH THAT MOVIE???” It’s so exhausting.
When I heard the movie was gonna have “legacy nods” as they liked to call it, I was excited and thought it would be so much fun to point them all out and to pay closer attention to the background.
But instead every nod was thrown at my face and was heavily obvious. Disappointing 😔
The Animation
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Let’s get to the animation now. It’s probably (one of) the most discussed things about this movie, especially when the teaser first dropped last year.
Lots of people were complaining it looks like a Disney Junior show or Ai and said it looks unfinished. Even one of my best friends who was just as excited for this movie as I was admitted it looked weird.
At first, I loved this art style and thought it was beautiful. And I was determined it would look even more beautiful on the big screen.
And now? I…actually still like it. I definitely don’t hate it, and thinks it gets some getting used to. I think it’s actually kinda pretty.
Apparently it’s supposed to be watercolor and combined with 2D animation, which is neat.
But compared to the films like the Spider Verse films or Puss In Boots 2, yeah it’s not the best.
I personally would’ve preferred it if the film was in 2D, Disney’s 100th anniversary would’ve been a PERFECT time to return 2D animation! But, nope 😒
Yeah it’s bad, but…
I know I’m making it seem like I hate this movie, but I really don’t. I’m disappointed in it more than anything.
If anything, I’m thankful this movie was still made.
Well, easy.
It allowed many people to be able to tell their own version of the story.
I’m sure we’ve all heard of StarBoy and the cut Evil Amaya.
And yeah, these concepts could’ve made this movie 1000x better.
But because of these concepts, so many amazing people have been given the opportunity to rewrite the movie and give amazing stories.
I have read so many wonderful Wish rewrites, which are so much better than the film.
At the end of the today, Wish is a bad movie.
But, I’m glad it exists.
Without it, we wouldn’t have gotten so many amazing stories.
I’m gonna give Wish a 4/10, still bad, but I appreciate its existence for the rewrites alone.
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cxhleel108 · 6 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: I love winning!
(Fusebox hasn’t proven me wrong often…damn near at all, but oh do I love when they do!)
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• Ok but his body kinda tea I’ll give him that.
• Also do I spy a Libra tattoo??? LIBRA GANG STAND TF UP!!!♎️♎️♎️
• Luna really just want every man in here except her own like damn bitch just give Jin to me since you so open to change😭😭😭
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• The spat being us disagreeing on one thing for maybe 30 seconds and then Oakley immediately apologizing to and worshipping me like ok girl, sure.
• Keep trying all y’all want I’m not turning on my man😑😑😑
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• We not doing this again uh uh.
• The fact I was finna deny speaking to Hari and then he brings up that he has intel on my man ugh they know how weak I am help💔
• The intel in question being that he was gonna ask us to go exclusive. WOW! WHAT A SHOCKER!
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• Theo what I have to say to you couldn’t take any more than 5 seconds. Stop wasting my time PLEASE!
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• Oh yes I love when a man acts “playerfully”…
• It was so obvious that the letter was from our partner can we stop being fucking dumb?
• We didn’t emote enough after reading that letter. I needed my bitch to break out into tears while screaming or something!
• They are arguing over the letter omfggg the day that this villa knows peace, pigs will be flying.
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• I busted out laughing at this cuz some of y’all were theorizing that Bea was his sister. Do you know how funny that would’ve been if she was😭
• Oh for christ’s sake can Luna shut the fuck UP? I’m so tired of her getting pressed at Jin being flirty with other bitches as if she don’t do the same exact shit. Ho mad cuz he says Bea might be hot but was just begging Hari to give her pussy a taper fade haircut, girl byeeeee!
• Theo finally manned up and admitted he wants me. Woohoo! Can we move on?
• Outfit time!
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• Ngl I thought this was gonna look a whole lot more stupid but thankfully it doesn’t. Now as to why they made accompanying shoes that we couldn’t even put on is beyond me.
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• Jin stfu😭😭😭
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• Yes use the good punani powers to distract him sis exactly!
• I’m seriously so glad I didn’t have to wait 20 episodes to see my bookie bear again like y’all don’t understandddd.
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• He just got back and he already being messy helpskdmsmasnd.
• I know they ain’t actually shocked that I dropped the rope during tug of war…I already told y’all I am a one dick woman!
• Figures that Bea is the one that’s actually with my man, yet Luna is the one that’s making me wanna smack the shit outta her.
• Outfit time again!
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• Say what you want but they are definitely killing the outfit game this season. Another bad bitch fit!
• The fact we can just tell Hari to shut the hell up so we can listen to the other date awww he really shoulda chose another girl to go after.
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• Ok I fucks with you Bea! We love real bitches here💯💯💯
• And the fact Oakley recognizes that we would NEVER play those games oh when I tell you we fucking him real good tonight!
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• God why am I so evil😭😭😭
• We actually get a private moment and they didn’t hoodwink us this time omg can we get fed like this more often?
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• Oooooo wait clock his tea bae! Cuz that actually don’t make no fucking sense like how you out of practice for 2 years and suddenly you pulling out romantic ass stories just cuz you meet one bad bitch on Love Island?
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• Oh lord someone duct tape Luna mouth shut before she start another yap fest.
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• To clarify, when I say “you both” I’m referring to Oakley and his donk. Sorry Hari!
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• Mind you the stuff that’s supposedly gonna change my mind about him is finna be some shit like “Instead of buying you a box of chocolates, he said he was gonna get you a giant teddy bear and a bouquet of roses and carnations.” Like can y’all cut this shit out it do not be gagging us anymore😕
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• Because of course as soon as y’all bring me my baby daddy back you take him away again…
• Welp, loyal girlies I guess it’s time for us to suffer for another 2+ weeks!
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zaptrapp · 5 months
Ea’s Bad Batch Finale Rant
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Here we go, doing this as I’ve done for ep.1. Of course SPOILERS AHEAD for the last episode (sigh, it’s all done and gone isn’t it?). Warning, this is going to be chaotic and emotional... so yeah, deal with it haha.
The intro… the eerie music… chills.
Is something bad about to happen or…?
Please leave Wrecker alone.
We are not starting on a good note, why’s Wrecker so beaten up???
This is not good, I’m not good.
I mean I know why, because of last ep beast, but c'mon why Wrecker...
“Clone Force 99 ended when Tech died” fuck If I’m not crying wow….
Crosshair shaking so much… nah I’m out already what the fuck is this.
Crosshair wanting to sacrifice himself, YO CHILL?!?
Hunter please discipline your children.
Dr. Hemlock x Rampart or did I just imagine the sexual tension?
But what if...
Enemies to lovers Dr. Hemlock x Rampart lmao please someone, anyone?
Kids please beat the shit out of miss Dr. PLEASE KIDS!
Omega being so smart, her character development, the courage! SLAY GIRLIE
now we're talking
"Is it Omega's or Echo's handiwork?".... "Omega's." LMAO they know Echo doesn't fuck around that much hahaha
Emerie i give you one last chance.
green kid I feel you so much, I'm also afraid of heights hahah
here we go with the Incredible 4 (aka the super clones? enhanced clones? brainwashed clones? whatever....)
they give off a lot of "Avengers Unite!" vibe
ready to slay aren't we?
When I said slay I didn't mean slay the bad batch, just to be clear.
annd Hunter is a goner
Annnnd Crosshair is a goner too i guess?
Creepiest point the show has ever been what the actual fuck is this supposed to be a children show?
Yup Wrecker is done too.
Yo the scene where Emerie and Echo see his squad being taken away. I got chills, you can fucking see his reaction, the shock.
Emerie don't fuck this up and get those kids to safety thank you.
Nala Se and Rampart too?! slay
Omg Rampart stfu for one second or just go away you're useless anyway
Not the squad being tortured
"We'll survive, but you won't" -> OOOOOOHHFFFFFFUUUUCK
Hunter be mine
Oh wow Nala Se I see where you're going with this.
Too bad we didn't have more Hemlock x Rampart interactions, boyfriend died, sad.
Aaaaaand 2 are down.
Bye Rampart and Nala Se, you actually were on my dead bad batch bingo list.
Rest In Peace Nala Se🙏🏻 you got redeemed.
Rest in Sass you bitching ass imperial Rampart 🖕🏻
UH Hemlock this was such a bitchy thing to do.
and here goes the chaos
Wrecker is so fucking menacing. HE IS PISSED
OK WRECKER IS MAD MAD and also scary scary now…
Hunter with that spear makes me feel things.
Uhhh he got it coming from a mile away
And Clone CX-2 is down….
So, uhhhh…. That wasn’t Tech uh……
Tech was….
….Dead dead?
Like actually dead this whole time?
NO ECHO fuck god
“Take a shot everytime the bad batch is on the verge of getting killed”
-> not me being absolutely wasted and with my nerves asking for mercy
Please Hunter, Crosshair, kill that bitch ass Hemlock
major disney villain vibe in the storm with the hostage secured to his wrist yada yada...
"DROP YOUR BLASTERS" well well well
Why is Hemlock’s screaming voice kinda sexy tho
I'm so sorry for what I've just said.
CROSSHAIR PLEASE bciakwnfbhc I’m dying too here
You can do it YES you can do it
Crosshar leaning on Hunter like he did with Tech in the clone wars season 7 HAHAHAHA YUUUUP I've been fed.
Uh that was personal
Guys... that's enough. Yup I-I think he's dead now. Yes, definitely gone. Uh, you can stop shooting, he's cold. He also just fell off a cliff... HE DEAD DEAD!
evil space imperial boyfriends reunited in hell
The way Omega chooses to hug Crosshair first, as a DadHunter! stan I feel a bit betrayed but comprehensible… he just saved her not missing the shot.
with one hand tooo, kudos
group hug I'm so teary
Wait so they did it?
Oh wow I bet my money on Hunter and Crosshair to die but I was wrong?? This is… refreshing.
Look at them kids!! And the clone cadets, and the rescued clones!!!
Look at them all cozy and happy
Nah Echo my man where are you going?
Rex mention pt. 2 or something...
Rex should have been there in the finale but ok i guess... a bit disappointed but still
Nah Echo should have been there for the last shot.
It’s over uh?
look at them, finally happy and free. WE DID IT.
Not the flash forward I cannot handle it
Ok Pabu!?
YOUNG ADULT OMEGA fuck yesssss
oh she looks awesome
deceased. dead on the ground. dead like hemlock.
She’s a rebel pilot
"You're our kid" I'M SCREAMING
he chose to be a dad, I knew it
She chose to keep fighting
They should have included Wrecker and Crosshair in this where are they??
But also it’s as it began, Hunter and Omega and their father-daughter bond
“Bye dad, imma be a pilot and save the galaxy” aka “imma move out from the basement and live on my own”
Oh Hunter you’re an old man now…. My heart is aching but also it means he got to live a peaceful life until the rest of his days.
the beard, the long hair, the gray hair.... i wonder how crosshair and wrecker are doing? and echo?? and howzer? AND CODY?
like you cannot leave me like this? hello?
This is gone full circle now.
Goodbye Bad Batch! It’s been a pleasure!
(I’m still crying)
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totallynoteggos · 4 months
More incorrect quotes cus yes
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(Y/N): You got a date yet Chad ?
Chad : No...
(Y/N): Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
*teen ninja Chad & operative (y/n)*
Chad : *angrily presses (Y/N) against a wall* WHERE'S NUMBUH 1!!
(Y/N): ...
(Y/N): Are we about to kiss-
(Y/N): I'm trash.
Chad : As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
(Y/N): You smooth motherfucker.
(Y/N): And yes it does.
*on the GKND prison with cells next to each other*
Chad : Stop doing that.
(Y/N): Stop doing what?
Chad : Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
*Supreme Leader Chad & operative (y/n)*
Chad:*Going over mission files with Numbuh 1*
(Y/N): How do I tell Numbuh 274 that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Numbuh 5: I beg your fucking pardon?
Chad : Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
(Y/N): Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Chad : ...
Chad : You mean ring bearER, right?
(Y/N): ...
Chad : Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Chad : I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
(Y/N): Aren't you forgetting something?
Chad : Uuh...*hesitantly kisses (Y/N)'s forehead before running out.*
(Y/N): No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
*After Operation: CH.A.D*
Chad : I owe you one (#).
(Y/N): That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even. :)
Nigel: HUH??
Stfu Nigel she's shooting her shot
(Y/N): I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Chad: That's great, (Y/N). Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
(Y/N): Is something burning?
Chad, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you.
(Y/N): Chad, the toaster is literally on fire.
Chad: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
Chad: Hey, (Y/N), what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
(Y/N): What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Chad: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
(Y/N): Can't really say I have.
Chad: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
(Y/N): Sorry, Chad. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
*At a speed dating event*
Chad: Oh wow, people are really shallow.
(Y/N): Consider it a background check. For example: Do you have a death certificate?
Chad: *Checks their pulse* Sorry, not yet.
(Y/N): Good, I'm not fucking a ghost again.
Chad: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart.
(Y/N): But I'm a kleptomaniac, so that doesn't mean anything.
(Y/N): Chad, you love me, right?
Chad: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
(Y/N): *on the phone with Chad* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
Chad: You’re pulling Oreos apart and saving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you.
(Y/N): Maybe.
Chad: *trying to get five seconds of sleep*
(Y/N), poking Chad’s arm: Chad Chad. Chad. Chad.
Chad: WHAT?
(Y/N): …We’re out of Capri Suns—
(Y/N): You’re not jealous, are you?
Chad: No!
(Y/N): Good, ‘cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful.
Chad: There. How do I look?
(Y/N): Like a cheap French harlot.
Chad: French?!
*Uno (Y/N)*
Chad, trying to flirt with (Y/N): I think both of our families suck.
Patton: Hey, what have you two been doing?
Fanny: we were helping Chad with their wedding vows and we were kicked out of their house for making it inappropriate.
Rachel: How is “Nice ass, (Y/N)” inappropriate?
Chad: There's no meeting today because Rachel is at the police station.
Fanny: They're in jail?!
Patton: We have to get them out!
(Y/N): Jailbreak! I'm in!
(y/N): I'll dress up and distract the guard!
Patton: Ooh, I'll bake some food to help distract ALL the guards!
Fanny: I guess I could bring my frying pan in case we need a shield to keep us from being shot-
Chad: No! Rachel wasn't arrested! They're undercover, taking the system down from the inside. They don't need our help!
Chad: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… (Y/N) and I are dating.
(Y/N), Patton, Rachel, and Fanny: *gasp*
Chad: (Y/N), why are you surprised?!
Maurice, about Chad and (Y/N): My god, would you two just get a room already?
(Y/N): Excuse me, Maurice?
Maurice: You both just keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing everybody else's misery. So seriously, when's the wedding?
Chad: ...
Cree: I ship it!
The Steve: CAN YOU NOT?
(Y/N): We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Cree: ... Your what?
(Y/N): My friends.
Maurice: Are they saying “friends”?
The Steve: I think they're being sarcastic.
Chad: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, (Y/N)! All of your friends are in this room.
(Y/N): Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water??
Maurice: Y- you were putting it in cold water??
Cree: (Y/N). Answer the question, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yeah??? I thought people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. didn't realize there was an actual reason.
(Y/N): Plus you think I have the patience to boil water?
Maurice: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes??
Cree: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it?
Maurice: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Cree: It takes less than a minute.
Maurice: Is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun???
Cree: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove?
Maurice: Like seven minutes??
The Steve: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes... less than that if you use a saucepan!
Cree: Why are you putting the whole mug on the stove?? On medium heat?? The Steve? Your stove is enchanted!
(Y/N): Every single person here is a fucking lunatic.
Chad: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?!
Cree: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Chad: 'Hottest Quarterback'
Maurice: 'Chillest Personality'
The Steve: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
(Y/N): 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
(Y/N): Look guys, I need help.
Cree: Love help?
Maurice: Financial help?
The Steve: Emotional help?
Chad: Help moving a body?
*Everybody looks at Chad*
Chad: What? I’m a ride or die boyfriend?
The Steve: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Maurice: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
(Y/N): Three of us saw it, Maurice. How do you explain that?
Maurice: *points at Chad* Sleep deprivation. *points at (Y/N)* Paranoia. *points at Cree* Delusional personality disorder.
(Y/N): God, if only someone loved me…
Chad: *standing behind them with roses*
Patton: *holding box of chocolates*
Maurice: *has balloons and a card*
Rachel: *facepalms* This is sad.
(Idk Numbuh 10’s real name so it’s gonna be Ashley also GKND Au)
Ace: Hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight?
Chad: Why?
Ashley: Rachel fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours.
Maurice: (Y/N) doesn't know how to banish spirits, so they just throw salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
(y/n): I hope you have an explanation for this.
Ace: We have three, actually!
Chad: Pick your favorite.
Ashley: (y/n)! What did I tell you about lying?
(y/n), looking down: ...That it only works on Chad.
Maurice: You know there are other ways to say you want McDonalds.
Maurice: *sigh* What do you want?
(y/n): Chicken nuggets please.
Chad: How many children do you have?
(y/n) with multiple cadets clinging to her: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference.
Chad: I wish I had more enemies.
(y/n): I’m sure you will someday, honey.
*Chas & Y/N got caught kissing*
Rachel: Is there something you would like to say, Maurice?
Maurice: Oh, there are SEVERAL things I would like to say.
Rachel, to Chad: When was the last time you let someone hug you?
Chad: *thinking*
Chad: 2012.
Maurice: 2012…?
Chad: Yeah. I almost died and it really freaked (y/n) out so I let them hug me.
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noeasyisnoisy · 5 months
why is the music ominous.
THE LOGO IS BLACK (did that happen before and i missed it?)
please tell me they won’t all die
this is terrifying
“guard the vault” THERE SO MANY OF THEM
yes omega they’re here but they’re not quite HERE yet 
oh god the times don’t line up
isn’t that tunnel dangerous?? like omega almost got SMACKED a million times
they’re all force sensitive though so it makes sense
if wrecker passes out or smth they’re all screwed
the fucking timing AHHDJFKFEHD
im so stressed
i’m sorry
i love kids but THIS ISNT THE TIME
HELP THAT CUT OFF (the zillo beast screaming and then emerie)
“the zillo’s loose!” echo: 🤨
ok at least emerie’s job is to find them
“omega.. she released the zillo” “how do you know that?” “because that’s exactly what i’d do.” STOP IT.
wrecker you’re not fine.
crosshair you can’t with your hand
clone force 99 is dead
i’m just
i’m gonna go cry now
“it’s what i deserve” SHUT UP
“we do this together” YAAAAA
“echo’s handiwork? or omega’s?” “omega.” HELP
holy fuck
also hemlock looked so cool with the red lights and the smoke
that guy has to be tech because HES ALWAYS THE MAIN FOCUS
crosshair is you sacrifice yourself istg
emerie and echo u need to start SPRINTING
me bc hunter has heightened sense which means the electricity hurts even more than it already would
cry count: 2
the fact that nobody has plot armor is terrifying
nala se’s gonna die isn’t she
ughdhdh tarkin
i’m so scared
my heart is POUNDING
nala se what’re you up to queen
is rampart gonna kill her
wrecker’s waking up
omega sees them
we got this!!
cmon omega free them
oh shit she’s gonna die
rampart stfu
ok but tbb minus echo aren’t in the gas
ok so i guess it’s not tech
i’m crying again why the fuck am i crying
stab him omega
you got this crosshair.
im bawling rn
now hug.
i’m sobbing
holy shit they left right as the empire got there
that’s actually terrifying
i’m sobbing again
oh it’s not over
why is he such a dilf hello
“you’re our kid omega”
i’m gonna go type a paragraph 💔
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messrsrobyn · 2 months
Ok nobody I’ve asked seems to give me a direct answer so I figured I’d just voice all my concerns with you? You don’t have to answer everything 😭😭
When it comes to fandom friends how do you move from just being moots to being friend friends? I saw a video you made about it when somebody had asked you a similar question but I’m really struggling with getting them to feel like friends and not just random accounts in my phone.
I’ve seen videos people have made and you guys are sharing jokes in the comments. I saw video of 3 girls that said “Us when anyone hates on mesrsrobyn” and you said like “Fan behaviour” which obviously shows that you’re actually their friend and you’re just teasing them.
Also how do you find people who are ok with you not responding all the time (😭😭😭) I’m just genuinely not active very much on any forms of social media. I was in a marauders gc and I was really happy thinking I was gonna make fandom friends but because I wasn’t active all the time they had a bunch of inside jokes I didn’t get and I kinda felt like an outsider.
Most of the people I see you interacting with online seem really cool and fun, so I’m just wondering where to find people like that. Just genuinely from posting?
I’m sure I’ve worded all this so strangely but honestly I’m sad because I’ve been in this fandom for 3 years in November and I have made no real lasting friendships. I feel like you yapping so much LOL
IK THE VIDEO 😭 my besties yup !!
this is long so i'm putting the lil dashy line thingy
i have v limited advice actually bc i don't think i've initiated many of my friendships in fandom?? despite how little i stfu, i'm a shyyy person. i get scared to text first.
my BIGGEST bit of advice is take. it. off. the. app.
i try to get discords mainly (bc i use it most) but once you take it off of tiktok or wherever you met it feels so much less like mutuals. like yes, we met in fandom but now we are discussing our plans for the day and getting to know each other as Robyn not Messrsrobyn.
i made most of my friends from posting !! i made my account as a whole to meet people and (ive been flagging a bit recently actually but) i always try to reply to EVERYONEEE. so most of my friends were just people that commented that i replied to, their name kept popping up in my notifs? boom. friends. one of them said they loved crimson rivers so next time i found an edit i sent it to them.
ALSO !! i'm so bad at replying.
servers im more active in i think, but just... dms? not very good at all. anyone that doesn't respect that or gets mad? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ i dont want them as a friend.
like it's frustrating i know! i hate the amount of lil red bubbles i have on every single app but it doesn't mean i value my friends any less and they all know that <3 we don't always have the time or capacity to reply and that's okie.
i tend to get it out the way immediately and test the waters. just a lil "btw i'm really sorry for my reply times! i'm not the best at it but feel free to double text me as much as you want" and always make sure that i follow up on everything that's been said whilst i wasn't replying.
im rambling a bit i fear but the right friends won't get mad at it, or make you feel less important bc of it. it might just take some time to find them but You Will.
i feel like i havent actually given much advice?? i'm genuinely so so so lucky to have found the friends that i have but i did nothing. i think i said in a few of my tiktoks rightttt at the beginning that my dms were open for friends and then i think? hope? that i've kept that energy going of like someone that anyone can message and i'll get back to them (at some point 😭 my tiktok dms are a mess but thats an issue for future robyn) so i've been able to just sit back and naturally find them.
i live by the motto of "the worst they can do is not reply" every time i send a comment or dm to a new person
we're all just losers reading fanfiction !! we all want lil friends to talk to about it so interaction and reaching out gives us that BUT it's the taking it off of the app that takes it from mutuals to friends imo.
this is UNNECESSARILY LONG omg. i never know how to answer these ones but i hope it helps a lil? <3 social interaction is NOT my finest point. potentially my worst i fear.
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harlowtales · 10 months
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Group Chat in Chaos…Again!! 😫
***18+ adult themes***
Ace: Never do that again bruh
Jack: WHAT??
Ace: I been tryna teach you how to dance for YEARS
Jack: I have a natural flow
Ace: I’m not one to kick a man when he’s down so… 😒
Trap: Yoooooo😳
Jack: Don’t start
Urban: My man’s funky chicken is top tier🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻💀
Jack: You know it bestie 🥰
Quiiso: Top tier 💩💩💩
Jack: Comments said I ate and left no crumbs😽
2Fo: You left something all right. Shame to your whole crew 😫
Jack: lies! Did you see my shoulder work??
2Fo: I tried not to look
Neelam: Jack I can’t represent you anymore
Jack: Ion need no manger that don’t appreciate a good wobble when she sees one😤
Trap: Broksi you know you only got one good ankle after that soccer game
Jack: OK y’all are not fr. My fans said…
Urban: You ATE
Jack: That’s why he’s THE BEST FRIEND
Cope: I’m the OG
Jack: My fault
Blue Panda: Let’s teach him the electric slide 😙
Ace: I tried that remember? Last cookout. He stepped on his own toes 😭
Phil: I think he’s graceful like a bird 🤗🤗🤗
Cope: Stop kissing ass to get that girl’s number Phil😕
Phil: Already on it bro 🫡
Jack: Laugh cuz imma bout to get a call from Dancing with the Stars ✨
Trap: That shows still on??
Drama: Bro. I think we have to cut ties. My label can’t be associated with this
Jack: Watch me release a deluxe dance version of the new album and make an instructional video 😈
Ace: On how to do what?😭
Y/N: Leave my man alone😤
Jack: Baby🥹🥹🥹
Y/N: We’ll get you help daddy don’t worry
Jack: Awwww I love you… wait what???
Y/N: Oops! Gotta walk the dog bye 👋🏾
Jack: Babe don’t do me like that😔
Ace: It’s ok bruh we all PG. It’s all love.
Quiiso: Yeah bruh we got you
Jack: Ion need no intervention. Y’all apologize🤨
Urban: Yeah
Phil: Yeah
Trap: STFU ass kissers😙
Neelam: Making a note to look for a dance teacher… tomorrow ✍️
Jack: Ok y’all getting lumps of coal in your stockings this year except for Urb and Phil🎅🏻
Ace: The only gift you could give me is never to publicly do that again. Swear on Usher’s grave bruh 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾
Jack: Usher ain’t dead
Quiiso: He will be when he sees this 😭 You done kilt a legend bruh
Ace: The first step of dance is admit you need help 🙏🏾
Jack: Ight… hope everyone got their shots off. Y’all done?
Urban: Maybe i’m high right now, but I’m impressed 🙌🏻
Y/N: I’m back ❤️❤️❤️🦮
Jack: oh yay😒
Y/N: You low key snapped😖
Jack: See!!! Just say it! I ATE!!!!🖕🏻🖕🏻
Y/N: Baby is that at me??😢
Jack: Idk what got into me. Sorry babe
Y/N: 😘😘😘
Trap: If y’all are gonna start I’m outta here
Quiiso: Same
Ace: Later
Blue Panda: Samesies!!
2Fo: Wait up twin! 🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾
Urban: I’m gonna go smoke…another one
Drama: 👋🏽
Neelam: 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽
Cope: I’ve got anywhere else to be but here
Phil: Not me! What are we doing besties?
Y/N: He’s all yours Phil
Jack: Babe wait!!
Phil: 😔
@jacks-daycare @itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow
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custerdthegreat · 3 months
Ok guys this is gonna be a bit of a vent so if you’re not into that you can click off now but…
A lot has been going on this month is why I haven’t been streaming as much, I’ve just been coping by playing Minecraft and smoking since my situation makes it so I don’t have a better option for help.
I’m so tired of this gastropersis shit every morning I wake up feel nauseous take my meds for it and I’m pretty sure my meds make me a little blocked up in the morning making them very hard and painful and having to eat all the time with an ED is so draining…
I’m tired of being surrounded by death this week, my uncle passed away and his wife passed a few months back now and one of my senior cats died and I was the one who laid him to rest in the backyard, my other senior has been injured and we thought he was gonna pass but after a lot of wet food (the vet had no openings) he seems to be doing better
I hate that in order togoing to my uncles funeral and seeing some of my family in Texas for probably the last time I was told I needed to dress like a girl and keep my lgbt/not conventional shit at home and the example for girl cloths and shit like sundresses.
I hate how the people in this house act, everyone feels two faced I can’t vent to anyone without it ending in the ears of people they’re not supposed to and getting in trouble for private conversation, I don’t understand how people can be actively wrong and some dumb shit then get mad at me for not being wrong? Like when my cousin bought ice cream put it in the main fridge didn’t label it got mad at us cause half of it got used for milkshakes and when we bought him a new thing of ice cream and got our self some he choose to eat our entire thing of ice cream out of spite. But I think the worst is the gaslighting telling me they didn’t fucking tell me I’d get disowned and possibly kicked out if I got the vaccine that would’ve prevented my gastropersis cause it’s caused from stuff like Covid and stuff. Or just straight up denying my medical stuff all the time.
I hate I can’t get help for things without hiding it or my family will bullying me into stopping the help it’s what happened with my therapy and mental health stuff and with some physical health stuff to.
I wish It felt realistic for me to get a job and help my partner with money but I’m always nauseous especially for the first few hours of the day and can very a lot , I feel my stomach all the time and I’m so tired all the time.
I hate that the job market is so bad and even after months and dozens of interviews my partner is still struggling to find something that will get back to him and I swear to god if someone saying that we’re just not trying hard enough stfu get off my page I have watched him spend hours almost every day applying to shit but because he doesn’t have his full license yet most places just don’t call back, I’m literally at a hiring event for him rn typing this.
I feel like such a loser rn, I can’t work, I feel like a expensive pet, nice to look at I guess but doesn’t serve much of a purpose and is like allergic to life of something other then that mostly just being a pain in the ass. I feel bad for smoking weed but I feel like it’s the only thing currently that keeps me from just ending it cause of all this shit.
I wish I had money for safe foods and none mint toothpaste so I can brush my teeth without worrying about it flaring up.
Anyways.. that’s all for now sorry for the vent just frustrated.
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triplexdoublex · 1 month
Did u see wats happening between yungblud and Colson? And then Colson liking shady post from fans about yungblud and one of the post it “defend ur friends in rooms they arint in” and then Modsun agreeing siding with one of Colsons tweets about oops saying “it’s for life with this” or something like that and then apparently at yungbluds show for the intro he skipped the “I think im ok” song and started playing a Eminem song and then also the Osborne’s deleted that clip from thier podcast that did all of this damage. Like ur Kelly and Sharon Osborne, if ur going to say something against another artist especially Sharon “don’t even get me started on him” say it with ur chest but don’t start shit and then delete it once it gets backlash. Just stfu bc that was so insanely unnecessary especially bc they did research about yungblud and knew answers to his life before he could even get the answers out, so they knew him and Colson was really good friends and they also knew bc of thier status yungblud wasint about to disagree with them and start drama with them on thier podcast. Hell just search up yungblud and I think I’m ok will pop up with pics of them together. They really was wanting to start drama with Colson so bad when Ozzy Osborne is thier dad and husband. Sorry babes but yall have absolutely no room to talk. And yungblud…. Really. Like don’t get me wrong I love him and discovered him bc of Colson and he seems like a good and sweet guy but if he really wants to be shady right now all we have to say is that he copied estfest and even did it on the exact same weekend as mgkday but we arint bc Colson is to humble
I had no clue about any of that I’ve been living under a rock with Covid. I heard about the Nathan James Drama though. @jinx-on-mars-19xx do you have any more info on the yungblud thing ?
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cocoanmelaninsims · 8 months
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Shaun: Wassup Leah Happy Birthday!
Fallon: What am I chopped peas?
Leah: Hey Shaun. Don’t mind Fallon. She’s just jealous.
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Leah: Look who finally showed up. what kept you?
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Cassie: Hello Hello,. I can see I was missed.
Leah:You still have not answered my question.
Fallon: It was... Little puppy dog Shaun was whining about you not coming.
Shaun: Yo Fallon stfu.
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Fallon: Don’t shoot the messenger.
Cassandra: ...I’m gonna go get a refill.
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Cassandra: Following me are you?
Shaun: Maybe... You’re hard to track
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Cassandra: Well I’ll cheers to that.
Shaun: Cheers....
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Shaun: Let me ask you something..
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Cassandra: Make your move.
Shaun: You ever think about that New years party?
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Cas: I think about a lot of things. Maybe thats one of them. But love makes you soft. I’m kind of a deep wandering soul...ya know?
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Cassandra: In any case... a kiss doesn't have to mean a relationship.
Shaun: Or maybe it could. I mean why can’t it. Doors clearly open, why not walk through.
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Cassandra: I could. But I guess I won’t let myself. There’s other things on my mind.
Shaun: Ok...Well It just seems like we’ve been beating around this bush for a while.
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Cassie: Come on dont be such a downer...
Shaun: Alright...Fine. But you should know, doors dont stay open forever.
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Cassie: I’ll keep that in mind.
Shaun: Right... Well let’s get you home before your mom kills you.
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Cassandra: Shaun... you’re walking me home remember... What’s with the attitude?
Shaun Sighs
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Cassie: So you’re mad at me because I won’t stroke your ego?
Shaun: I'm allowed to be annoyed that you constantly play games, Cassandra. But I'm still your friend and I dont need you to stroke my ego as you put it.
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Cassandra: I'm sorry, Shaun. I just can't do this with you right now.
Shaun: You said that already. I hear you.
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Shaun: I gotta go. Glad you got home safe.
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Cassandra: I can’t very well let you leave like this...
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Shaun: Goodbye Cassie.
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screampied · 13 days
well, hello there. (read as lady dimitrescu’s voice)
ok, vegas, you interacted with my account…again. love, i think you’re ought to find out who i am before we can even smell october 1st. so cute that you think i’m sweet, because whenever i re-read what i wrote for you im like “oh, that’s not…that’s weird”. i also think you are very sweet! i’m intimidated with people, so indeed i took the opportunity of being high and loose and approachable to send you that first ask.
i think being a whore for ghostface is as easy as saying it’s name. the masks stays on!! do i mean sex or the killing? both? yes. hm, moving along, what’s you favorite ghostface? mine would be stu and jill.
oh, oHH. ok but toji removing the mask, slowly, and the first thing you see is his scarred lips with that smirk. like stfu, i’ll show him a scream. and geto. that man is my lawfully husband, and picturing him with that knife is doing stuff to me. blood on his face, like in hidden inventory, passing his thumb to try and clean it…mshdhdjdjdk fainted
sam as ghostface would’ve been predictable, but it would still be cool. i think they could take a different approach with her. while everyone is scared shitless because a knew killer has show up, she would be excited because-well, she can kill now. again and again, with the excuse of saving her friends and sister. maybe might even kill someone by “mistake” who knows. i think it would be nice, i like the idea of the good character going a lil crazy crazy.
the thing about sidney is that they won’t have the courage to kill her. literal mother of the final girls. but… dale? yeah, i’m bracing myself and praying for her poor little soul.
yes!! they were right in what they did and the ones that loses are the directors. the movie won’t do good at all without them, so must likely they will comeback, as we say in my country, “the sorry dog comes back” as in the directors are the sorry dog, with tail in between their legs.
between cars and bikes im more inclined to cars, but bikers and drivers? ugh, i’m sold to the bikers. sukuna is the type of guy to go to street races just for the fun of nearly dying (in a modern world, of course). i picture a red vintage car with black flames draw in it. oh he would so sexy, he is sexy. others i can see in street race is toji (of course, he bets all the time) and suguru. idk this trinity can have me anytime any day anywhere.
i used to be a divergent person, but hunger games has grow in my heart. finnick and peeta forever the best boys, suzanne collins cooked with them. and then she fucking burned it with finnick’s. still not over it, how come gale is alive???
jokes aside, i actually fuck with her writing so much, because it’s true, there is no actual victory in a war, we lose too much to be able to live through it. too much nightmares and death.
i’m reading a fanfic set in the hunger games universe, nearly as many words as in the bible, and it’s so fucking good. the author wrote the aftermath of the games perfectly, the rebellion, missions, the games itself. it’s everything.
yapping is done, question of the day is favorite movie and favorite music? see ya!!
nut anon
nutty pook i rly enjoy our long chats i just wanna let u know that 🫡. also the lady dimitrescu voice ????? stawp. do you play resident evil oh now that game is my shit.
LOLLLL DID I. i swear it’s not intentional man. maybe it’s fate 🧿🧿 you think im sweet omg ty AAAAH.
sex with ghostface where the mask stays on is actually cry FUCKKK IM GONNA WRITE THAT. october is gonna bring out the slut in my writing istg. ooooh my fav ghostface ?? probably jill and roman. i love amber too, but billy ofc.
GHOSTFACE TOJIIII DONT DO THIS TO ME. he’s so do that, don’t mind me im writing this down 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️. real they can’t kill the baddest bitch, the whole franchise is nothing without mother.
sukuna as a street racer ID CREEWWAM. i literally saw a sukuna car at the race i went to. i had many interesting thoughts ……. kuna def bets ur so right, toji too with his broke ass.
KEKFLGLHL I LOVE THG ITS SO GOOD. do you like the movies or books better? i like the books but the movies slap
fav movie uhhhhh legally blond, fav music psychedelic pop and indie !!!!
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kait16xo · 1 month
Dance Moms: A New Era: Thoughts (Episode 6)
Idk if this is needed but if the story about Baby Jessica bothers you then I’d say TW for that. Otherwise, spoilers under the cut! :)
* We’re barely into this ep and there’s already crying lol
* Why is Glo talking into a mirror lmao
* I agree Bellatrix’s pirouette was so good
* Seriously? Gina’s photo was UNDER Audrey’s? That’s nasty even for Dance Moms standards
* Smiley got her solo praise jesus
* Leilah’s solo is about to be so good
* “Is your mom coming?” “Yeah she’s parking the car :)!” “Cool! (Not cool)”
* Gina should’ve been in the team to begin with at this point tbh. Idk who she should’ve beat into the team but seriously the kid is leaps and bounds above them
* “Who’s your daughter? 🤨 “ ooh sick burn or smth
* If you were gonna have so many dances with turns why tf would Smiley even be on this team? Like no offense to her but cmon
* Ok corrine slay with rhythm nation
* “Leilah can beat smily”- min mina basically: nuh uh
* Letting your child breathe before you talk to her is very smart. Good momma
* Glo basically: “so for this concept I’m gonna be smiley’s biggest opp” 🤭
* Smiley’s shorts are cute
* Despite cutting girls out, Glo is very nice about it
* Ok so now Smiley’s mom’s gonna bitch about her daughter being IN the group because she has a solo…k
* God these kids are lowkey asses to their moms. But like I get it
* “Stop being dainty and just throw the water on her domenica?” “Me?” “YES!” *practically beats poor smiley with water*
* The girls spraying the hell out of smiley 😭 lol poor kid
* Mina still has her teddy that’s my girl
* Aww one of the girls is recording Smiley’s solo how cute
* Her turns need work but Smiley is a good dancer :)
* Leilah is such a cutie patootie
* I never even realized she stumbled getting our of her Janet costume
* Girl I screamed when she hit that leg hold turn too
* Oh my god how many songs does this solo have lmao
* asia would’ve ate this up on the show
* “The dance was so bad” girl no that was fucking insanity. Poor comp kids
* I love the group eyeshadow
* Ashlan’s fake happy face is sending me
* The backs of these costumes are so pretty
* “She needs a brain break” she’s needed one since episode one but you’re not ready for that conversation
* God Glo is way nicer than Abby because this brain break would get her cut.
* Lifetime stop slowing down the dance challenge (impossible)
* My app crashed right as Ashlan got kicked I’m cackling way too hard rn
* The group was going so seamlessly too 😐 and of course the spacing get messed up right at the end
* I’m literally the cut to Leilah dancing in the wings lmao
* All the confetti and strings were so cool I love it
* “Oh no”- the camerawoman, 2024
* Jing….that wasn’t Ashlan’s fault. It wasn’t Gina’s either?? bellatrix (was she in green?) was moving the circle way too close to Gina
* 9th…that’s rough
* “7th is bad for studio bleu is bad but 7th place for smiley is a huge achievement” stfu with that backhanded ass comment
* 2nd with that big of a fumble wasn’t bad 😔
* “Sorry about the noise we are learning here” should
* Can Leslie and Domenica just stop…
* I swear Bellatrix was the one who pulled her I’m 💀 idek anymore
* “I was dizzy and seeing stars” me everyday of my life queen
* My god Ashlan should not have been on this show she’s having a whole panic attack
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hi hello my anglest angel!!! now that i have uh caught a breath from the knight!sugu fic (i went insane btw) i am here to talk about the songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE SO GOOD!!!!!! i know you said that you have Thoughts about them and now i am beggggging to hear more about those!!! please please please more knight!sugu n brat!reader crumbs i loved them so much
there’s nobody better than you // it took me a while till i knew // but you knew from the start it was us, didn't you? // it just took me a while till i knew
sad face emoji sugu the all-knowing-one sighhhhh oh i adore him so much ari i nEED TO HUG HIM
I LOVE RISES THE MOON AAAAAAAA I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH i think it fits the reader so fucking well. it's such a good pick for them. the little lamb the little fox. sigh they're very dear to me already.
btw i just realized that i asked moss a while ago for their knight!sugu songs and "tongues and teeth" was one of the songs!!!!!! idk if u happened to see that but if not then this is a very cute little coincidence it's the knight hivemind!!!!
i’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel // it’s all that i can give to you, my dear // and when you come in quick to steal a kiss // my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear
no but overall all of these songs were perfect for them i listened to the playlist multiple times and then i listened to classical music lmao don't ask it fit surprisingly well OKAY BUT NOW DON'T HOLD BACK ON ME!!!!! (THREAT!!!! VERY SERIOUS THREAT!!!) I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING YOU'RE HIDING IN YOUR BRAIN ABOUT THEM LAY IT ALL ON ME SWEETHEART I'M GIDDY I'M EXCITED I'M READY!!! LOVE YOU ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS<33333
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY I’M HERE I’M HERE I’M FINALLY HERE 😭😭😭 pls ignore the fact that i’m many months late ok my brain refuses to cooperate with me sometimes but i’ve been soso excited to answer this properly!!!! this got . Extremely long. like. actually. i got VERY carried away . i’m sorry i genuinely can’t stfu when it comes to them <///3
anyway !!!!! knight!sugu & bratty royal!reader our beloveds :333
first off!!!! i’m sooo glad to hear you enjoyed the songs 🥺🥺🥺 and that you got knight!sugu/royalty!reader vibes from them too!!!!! i’m just gonna get right into it bc we have . a Lot to discuss 😭😭 i really didn’t hold back in the slightest AND ON THAT NOTE pls just know that there’s literally zero pressure to reply to this at all, esp since it’s so late!!! i’m so happy just knowing you think of these silly little guys 🥺 i love you soooo much my sweetest little kitty cat mwah MWAHH <333
goodbye, my danish sweetheart
MY FAVORITE MITSKI SONG EVER EVER EVERRR and honestly i think it fits the fic more than any other song on this list . like. just the vibes + instrumentals alone are sooo perfect for a royalty au…. it sounds nostalgic and bittersweet and very tender . and the LYRICS 😵‍💫😵‍💫ohhhh my fucking god mickey . i’m gonna need to go through them one by one but they just … make me think of royalty!reader so much . how they just want to be accepted. the feelings of inferiority …. the belief that nobody can love them as they are . :(((
there's nobody better than you // it took me a while 'til i knew // but you knew from the start it was us, didn't you? // it just took me a while 'til i knew now i lay as i study a blank wall // would you spare me your voice if i call? // ’cause you waited and watered my heart 'til it grew // you can see how it’s blossomed for you
THIS IS SOOOO READER @ SUGU. he’s the one who keeps pushing and fighting for a connection between them and reader keeps resisting until they just . can’t. and they really do think there’s nobody better than their knight !! nobody stronger or kinder. they love him sm :(((( every time they call for him he’s there. and he waters their tiny little heart until it’s not afraid to flourish anymore…..
there’s some kind of burning inside me // it’s kept me from falling apart // and i’m sure that you've seen what it's done to my heart // but it's kept me from falling apart
AND THEN THIS . oughhh . :(((( this is both royalty!reader AND knight!sugu…… they both keep their true self at arm’s lenght to protect themselves. and they both cling to something rotten to keep themselves intact. in reader’s case they cling to the idea of themself as a spoiled, bratty, scummy royal — cling to the anger and bitterness they feel . and suguru clings to knighthood. it burns him but it makes him feel alive. it’ll turn him to ashes but he doesn’t mind. etectc.
strawberry blonde
aaaand then another mitski banger :33 i picked this one mostly based on vibes !!! the instrumental just sounds like it could fit into this au … the more peaceful scenes between the two . but the lyrics are also just brimming with devotion and adoration..
i love everybody because i love you // when you stood up, walked away barefoot // and the grass where you lay left a bed in your shape // i looked over it and i ached i love it when you call my name // can you hear the bumblebees swarm? // watching your arm // i love it when you look my way
IT’S PERFECT BECAUSE . i think the lyrics work both ways !!! i can see both sets of lyrics being from reader’s pov; loving suguru makes it easier for them to love the world . they want him to call them by name. but it also works well from sugu’s pov…. he aches for them and yearns to follow them . he loves it when they call his name, too. they’re both yearners…. what can i say…..
rises the moon
ANOTHER VIBE-BASED SONGGG i also love this one mickey … it’s so beautiful and soothing :((( i imagine it playing during the scene where suguru shares a bit of his past with reader . sitting by the windowsill in their room as the moon glows….. and then he carries them to bed and tucks them in :) i can picture him humming them to sleep with this song.
oh-oh, close your weary eyes // i promise you that soon the autumn comes // to darken fading summer skies you’ll be visited by sleep // i promise you that soon the autumn comes // to steal away each dream you keep breathe, breathe, breathe
and the lyrics are just ???? soooo incredibly soothing. i think knight!sugu brings a lot of peace into reader’s life . they feel very safe with him. and the mentions of dreams and seasons feel fitting, since those are motifs in the fic :3
honestly !! i associate a lot of my character/reader pairings with seasons …. especially this one though. i’m also always thinking about your little knight and prince and how he’s the summer to their spring :3 in my case i think suguru is probably reader’s autumn!! a bridge that softens the gap between summer and winter…. he gives them stability and comfort. and they give him both summer and winter. he meets them right in the middle <33
tongues & teeth
HEAVY BREATHING …… this one is a Must for any knight character or pairing . any character who views themself as a monster . I DID SEE THIS ON MOSS’S PLAYLIST TOO AND THEY’RE SO BIGBRAINED FOR THAT !!!!! it’s just… oughh. i think i mostly associate this one with suguru’s rampage after reader gets kidnapped but the lyrics are more readercoded !!!!
i’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel // it’s all that i can give to you, my dear // and when you come in quick to steal a kiss // my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear oh, i will ruin you // it’s a habit, i can't help it // i know that you mean so well // but i am not a vessel for your good intent i will only break your pretty things // i will only wring you dry of everything // but if you're fine with that // if you're fine with that…
IT’S ABOUT . the violence . and tenderness. a person who thinks they’ll bring this brighter, kinder, more ”pure” person nothing but pain . reader assumes they’re too much for anyone to handle so they keep everyone at arm’s lenght . i think they view the people they admire as paintings. and they’re convinced they’ll smudge the canvas if they get too close . but deep down they want to be accepted, claws and all :(((
and suguru does!!! they both accept each other as they are . a fox and a wolf. suguru will let reader bite and hiss and claw at him as much as they need. he won’t love them any less . and reader sees suguru covered in blood, manic and frenzied, and still only thinks about how beautiful he is . how nice their name sounds when it’s falling from his lips . they don’t love each other despite their flaws or because of their flaws . they just like each other. scratch marks and all . i’m normal abt them btw
the garden
THIS ONE 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 MICKEYYYY HOLD MY HAND. this one is almost TOO perfect . i love the crane wives and so many of their songs would fit super well into this fic …. but this one is just . insane . the album cover even has a little fox 🥺 BUT AAA JUST . the instrumental and the LYRICS … i’m gonna need to really pick them apart because they’re so unbelievably perfect for royalty!reader i’m going to. scream.
the crows in the garden are laughing at my expense // drowning out all the lies that i might have told instead
OK SOOO . crows . are a bit of a motif in the fic. crows remind me a lot of suguru maybe that’s why. then there’s also the garden, which is mentioned a lot in the fic too!! all the flower imagery…
but . here’s the thing. royalty!reader is a Liar. they lie. they wear a mask. they’re not honest with their own self and not with anyone else either. and they assume everyone is looking down on them. i can picture them looking out into the garden, seeing those free crows, and imagining their cawing as mocking laughter . it drowns out the sound of their own lies . (crumbles to the floor)
my stone // my shield, my steady hand // hold your light // to the darkness in my head
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mickey ….. grabs your shoulders. i know you’ll see the vision. this is royalty!reader @ knight!sugu and it makes me . Ache . very deeply. he’s their stone. their shield, their steady hand. he holds a light to the darkness in their head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oughhhh they make me insane 😔😔😔 i think reader holds a light to suguru’s darkness too though . it’s more subtle with him but i wrote the fic with the idea that reader saves knight!suguru from his destined doom. he grows to care more for them than knighthood, which saves him from his fate, which is. breaking under the pressure of knighthood. you Get me. you must choose love Every Time.
put your ear to my heart or set your teeth against my throat // give me something pretty to wear beneath my blood-stained clothes
this one is just . really fitting right??? i guess this one is more knight!sugu coded though . i can imagine him returning to the castle after a bloody duel and getting patched up by a worried little reader :((( they give him a clean blouse . maybe bite his throat a little . who knows .
…. i think they also really love the sound of his heartbeat. it helps them sleep :3
get on your knees and // dig up the garden // won’t you throw down that spade and // dig up the garden, darling? // get your hands dirty and // rip up the garden // won’t you cut down that apple tree for me?
and finally This …….. i think the garden is like. a Metaphor . you know how it is . something something reader is a flower growing under the soil…. suguru has to dig their heart up…. etcetc. but i also love the devotion of it all . the loyal knight gets on his knees and digs and digs at his lord’s request. he’s eternally devoted to their joy.
my love is sick
dies . explodes .
mickey this song …. this goddamn song….. oughhh i love madds buckley sm :((((( she’s so good!!! i adore this song and i think it fits very well for both of them but especially royalty!reader…. it goes back to the whole thing where . they think they’re unloveable. their love is ”sick.” but they still crave tenderness and companionship……
my love is sick // it’s messy and wrong // but i pray for a bit of contagion // hands without fingers // like spoons at the source // coat evenly // oh, won’t you touch me? you’re an infection // i am keeping // no matter the sepsis // you are staying my love is sick // it’s taken me whole // i’m simply a host to a haunting // ghosts without corpses // still linger in flesh // holding on to a love they keep wanting
THESE LYRICS ARE JUST . soooo good. so good. the idea that they view their love as messy and wrong but still want him to touch them . they view him as an infection because intimacy scares them so much but they still don’t want him gone.
and then the final line ….. ”holding on to a love they keep wanting”…….. yeahhh . suguru and reader are both afraid to bare their hearts to one another but they keep holding onto that love anyway.
anything, anything, anything
aaaand then finally!!! another madds buckley song :33 this one is ADORABLE and it’s just . dripping with devotion and adoration !!!! i guess i see it almost as a post-fic song ??? like. after the final scene. the culmination of their relationship. it encompasses their love for each other really really well and the lyrics are just so sweet 🥺🥺
honey, i hate wine // but i’d gladly down a bottle of your name // just to get another taste of you // a single drop not on my tongue would be a waste and i hate mornings // but i like waking next to you // you always wake up before i do // so i can sleep in your embrace and i hate time // the minutes shared will never last enough // no amount of time will ever be too much // and parting leaves a bitter taste
THESE LYRICS ….. soooo royalty!reader. they’re a little sap but they don’t want to admit it!!!! i think their love comes down to making Exceptions. like. suguru is their exception. they hate wine but they’d drink some if he brewed it for them. they hate mornings but wake up early just to get a glimpse of his sleeping face . they hate time, but cherish the clock-ticks they spend with him. they’re a little softie and i love them :(((((
we burn like gentle firewood // we yearn like vines and leaves // and we settle in the comfort of // the bones that rest beneath // and i’d stop staying home and wasting time // to keep your soul with mine
THIS IS BOTH OF THEMMMM. they burn and yearn and settle in the comfort between each other…… they’d stop staying home and stop wasting time to keep each other close .
i’d do anything, anything, anything // anything, anything, anything…
this is really like . the Core of the fic i think. especially on knight!suguru’s side . he’d do anything. there’s something very gentle and tender about this repetition and it makes me wanna cry. sniffle . i adore them mickey :((((( he’d do anything for themmmmm
BUTTTT OKAY . songs aside…… the reason it took me so long to answer this (faulty brain aside) is that i really wanted to include some siken poems for you too :’3 since his poetry inspired me sooo much when i was writing the fic!!! and so many of them are knight!sugu +/ royalty!reader coded….
i’m just gonna go through the ones that remind me of them the most !!!! :33
the way the light reflects
title of the fic was snatched right from this so ofc i had to include it 🫡🫡
the paint doesn’t move the way the light reflects, so what’s there to be faithful to? i am faithful to you, darling. i say it to the paint.
i think this. encompasses the fic. i really do. the paint and the light. the Faith. what’s there to be faithful to? well, the knight by your side has something to say. if reader is faithful to the paint then he is faithful to Them. he’s made out of it. and all reader wants is for someone to have faith in them. they’re the paint, and suguru’s the light.
i paint in his face and i paint it out again. there is a question i am afraid to ask: to supply the world with what?
and this … royalty!reader is really . confused i think. to supply the world with what? what’s their purpose? what good can someone do when they’re stuck in a castle? they don’t know, so they keep painting. and maybe that’s enough.
…. i can’t remember if i mentioned this to you before but. i imagine that reader paints suguru a Lot once the events of the fic are over. as in…… eventually a corner of their room is dedicated to him and no one else . he’s very embarrassed about it. cutie <333
portrait of fryderyk in shifting light
THIS POEM . richard siken when i fucking catch you. it’s one of my absolute favorites of his and it…. really really REALLY helped me write some scenes 😭 especially the one where reader is painting. the writing is just so beautiful and flows so well. and it fits the themes of the fic perfectly !!
i sussed the gesso into foam and white roses, stalling. i troubled the shadows and silvered his edges. what can you know about a person? they shift in the light.
silvered his edges …. something something royalty!reader @ knight!sugu . BUT MORE THAN ANYTHING …. what can you know about a person? they shift in the light. that’s another quote that really gets to the core of the fic i think….!!! both sugu and reader aren’t what they seem to be. they shift in the light!!!
i find the parts that overlap with mine and light them up in clayd and creams, yellow music singing pink, the flicker of his mouth a purple rust. his face congeals as he settles in. his hair is bronze in here, not gold: walnut, bark, and cinnamon, chipped brick tipped in ink.
OUGHHHHHH AGAIN I’M JUST . so . enamored with the way he writes 💔💔💔 the colours…. the paint……. this is what goes through reader’s head when they’re painting suguru
difficult, to be confronted with the fact of yourself. opaque in the sense of finally solid, in the sense of see me, not through me.
SEE ME NOT THROUGH ME 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 yeah. reader wants to be Seen but not Discovered. suguru does both. he sees them and sees through them and stays anyway. it’s difficult to accept yourself but he does it for them. he sees the wolf and the lamb and the little fox beneath !!!! and reader sees him for the kind wolf that he is :333
litany in which certain things are crossed out
h … heavy breathing …. another of my favorite siken poems . this one was my absolute fav for a while….. it’s a really long one and there are just . soo many lines that reminds me of them!!! :((((
of course, she wakes the dragon. love always wakes the dragon and suddenly flames everywhere. i can already tell you think i’m the dragon, that would be so like me, but i’m not. i’m not the dragon. i’m not the princess either. (…) okay, so i’m the dragon. big deal. you still get to be the hero. you get magic gloves! a fish that talks! you get eyes like flashlights! what more do you want?
THE DRAGON/PRINCESS IMAGERYYYY. LOVE ALWAYS WAKES THE DRAGON !!!!!!! reader views themselves as The Dragon while suguru views them as The Princess . he’s The Hero obviously. i think reader is bitter towards suguru at the beginning for a Lot of reasons but one of them is jealousy. knights are domesticated creatures so they aren’t exactly Free but . they have more freedom than a chained royal . they get to run around in the forest and by the sea and they get to see the world :((( what more could he want?
you said i could have anything i wanted, but i just couldn’t say it out loud.
throws up blood . yeah . the knight offers his lord anything they wish for but they can’t say what they truly wish for . they can’t push the words out of their mouth .
forget the dragon, leave the gun on the table, this has nothing to do with happiness.
EXPLODES !!!!!!!! one of my favorite siken lines Ever. idk it’s just the vibes . i know you’ll understand mickey!!!!!!!! forget the dragon, this has nothing to do with happiness……
i want more applesauce. i want more seats reserved for heroes. dear forgiveness, i saved a plate for you. quit milling around the yard and come inside.
🥺🥺🥺 this line is so…. pretty. and hopeful. it makes me think more of knight!sugu than reader because i think he’s done many things he can’t forgive himself for . but the forgiveness he yearns for is just within reach . all he needs is a push. and i think reader more than anyone wants the better things in life — for themselves and for their knight.
suguru is passive in his suffering, but reader is willing to reach for what they want. and i think that inspires him. quit milling around the yard and come inside!!!!!! stupid silly knight >:((
unfinished duet
this is knight!suguru’s anthem . boy oh boy do i have thoughts about this ……
he wants to be tender and merciful. that sounds overly valorous. sounds like penance. and his hands? his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. him being you.
heavy breathing …. he wants to be tender and merciful. sounds like penance. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i have …. soooo many thoughts about knight!suguru but the center of his character really is Guilt. shame. he wants to repent for things he can’t remember doing. knights are meant to be ashamed . it’s the catholic in them i think
then there’s the bird line ….. as much as he pushes and pushes for that connection, he’s just as scared as reader is when it comes to intimacy!! his hands turn into birds and fly away from them . he’s afraid of crossing a line or boundary. i tried to show it in the fic but like …. he’s very particular about certain things . he’s willing to bend certain rules (esp later when his devotion starts sticking more to his lord than his knighthood) but he’s Very firm about other things . like not calling them by name at first . it’s a little… too much for him. knights really have to tiptoe that line.
…. there’s this one arthurian work that i love. that you’ve definitely heard about bc it’s so popular + they made a movie out of it and i don’t think it was a good adaptation but it was soooooo so good as a movie . gawain and the green knight….. I DON’T WANNA RAMBLE TOO MUCH BUT UM. i love the arthuriana :333 and i’m mentioning this story because gawain is tested on his value as a knight right. there’s a whole thing about how he kisses a man’s wife because it’d be impolite to deny the lady’s wishes (rejecting her would go against his honour as a knight), but he can’t sleep with her because that would go against … his honour as a knight. it’s a whole. purity thing. you need to be chivalrous but also chaste. so knight!sugu acts all charming and flirty but when reader wants him to cross the line between them he’s like 😳 yeah. he’s . a silly little guy .
what did you really want? someone to pass this with me. you wanted more.
cries . throws up . this is both knight!sugu and royalty!reader actually …. they limit themselves because they don’t think they capable of / allowed to have the thing they really want :(((( just having somebody by their side is enough for now….
was there no one else? his hands keep turning into birds, and his hands keep flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
…. yeahhhh . 😔😔 yeah . sorry this poem is wrecking me a little . eventually the birds must land!!!! knight!suguru can resist and royalty!reader can resist in kind but one day that distance Will be breached. they’re doomed to fall (positive).
snow and dirty rain
and finally …. this beast . it’s the final poem of siken’s crush collection and it goes…. insanely hard. soooo many lines here remind me of them mickey :((((( it’s sickening actually . just a little push more and then you’re free 🫂🫂🫂 here is a drink for u to sip while reading i made it just for you ☕️
we can do anything. it’s not because our hearts are large, they’re not, it’s what we struggle with.
OUGHHH . yeah . knight!sugu and royalty!reader both have pretty small hearts but they’re kinda…. overfilled . i think . they both struggle with kindness despite wanting to Do Good .
my dragonfly, my black-eyed fire, the knives in the kitchen are singing for blood, but we are the crossroads, my little outlaw, and this is the map of my heart, the landscape after cruelty which is, of course, a garden, which is a tenderness, which is a room, a lover saying hold me tight, it’s getting cold.
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….. i just realized every single one of these quotes is gonna wreck me entirely . I’M JUST???? THIS IS THEM?!????? IT WAS MADE FOR THEM?????? MY DRAGONFLY MY BLACK-EYED FIRE. MY LITTLE OUTLAW. the landscape after cruelty which is OF COURSE a garden which is OF COURSE a tenderness which is OF COURSE a room of sleeping lovers. tenderness is a garden . etcetc.
we have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven, which brings us back to the hero’s shoulders and a gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.
just kill me actually . i wrote some of these lines here wayyyy back when you first sent this ask so being forced to read them again is . hurting me mickey 😭😭😭 FOR THE RECORD. this one is extremely knight!reader/prince!toru coded. the gentleness that comes not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it… yeahhh. you get me.
you said tell me about your books, your visions made of flesh and light and i said this is the moon. this is the sun. let me name the stars for you.
🥺🥺🥺 reader asks about his life and visions and dreams . and suguru tells them about the moon and the sun and the constellations ….. ”let me name the stars for you.” <- SUCH a sugu thing to say. i can’t stand him . he’s so devoted it hurts when i think about him
we were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want, so i said what do you want, sweetheart? and you said kiss me.
😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😵‍💫😭😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 KISS ME . this is literally the final scene between them . under the stars. suguru asks what they want and all they want is a kiss. THE SWEETHEART …… lowkey his favorite petname. i’m partial to it. they go through all the suffering and growing together and finally arrive at the gold room. where they get what they want. and all they want is each other . (sound of muffled sobbing)
we are all just trying to be holy. my applejack, my silent night, just mash your lips against me. we are all going forward. none of us are going back.
and finally …… this 💔💔💔 it’s just . perfect. it’s so hopeful and it makes me so emotional. just mash your lips against me; none of us are going back. even though they were both born for doom there’s a bright future ahead of them :’3
OKAY I’M DONE . FINALLY . if you read all this then just know i’m smothering you in kisses…. i’m doing that regardless though . i love you!!!! thank you for loving them with me!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 i hope this was a fun read despite the wait </3
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