#ok he will be the only one with his name order reversed. ok!
acceled-png · 1 year
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based on previous events
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questforgalas · 1 year
The Bad Batch and Rex Reuniting with Their Jedi Partner After Order 66
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I go absolutely insane for Jedi x Clone relationships, and thinking about a Jedi reuniting with their clone after Order 66 gives me the ultimate rollercoaster of emotions so here ya go (wow it feels good to get the writing juices going again)
G/N reader. I made myself cry with all of these, you're welcome
On AO3
You were a Jedi shadow who occasionally accompanied the Bad Batch on missions. You were with them on Kaller when Order 66 happened but you got away with Caleb. Once Caleb is safely away from the Empire, you make your next move to get any information you can, and the only contact you trust at the moment is located on Ord Mantell. Cid offers you asylum and a place to lay low while you figure our your next move
One day while you're trying your best to reverse the many health code violations in Cid's bar, you feel a presence in the force that hits you like a punch in the chest as 4 clones in black and red armor enter the parlor
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Hunter calling your name as you leapt over the river haunted you since Kaller
Seeing him standing in front of your made you unable to breathe
He sensed you the moment he walked in, whether it was your scent or your heartbeat you weren't sure, but he turned his head to you slower than you've ever seen him move before
The small blonde girl next to him noticed him stare, and she followed his eyesight, spotting you across the bar. "Is that a friend?" she asked
He didn't answer, just took a step forward like in a trance, but stopped immediately when he saw your hand instinctively hover where you hid your lightsaber
Slowly he raised his hands like placating a cornered animal, "They didn't activate, sweetheart. You're safe with us. You're safe with me."
You sensed it in the force, the truth in his words
He resumed his slow walk to you, the Batch holding their breath behind him
When he was an arms length away, you jumped into his arms, wrapping yourself around him and nuzzling your face into his neck. You felt him squeeze his arms around your waist, finding the crook of your neck, taking all of you in
No tears were shed. Just relief - slow, long breaths you've held since Kaller leaving you both
You stayed that way, wrapped in each other's arms, nuzzling as close as you can get
"Alright, you four, follow me. Clearly, these two need a minute," you hear Cid say from the safety of Hunter's shoulder
Four pairs of feet shuffle past you, a soft pat on your shoulder gives a warm, brief greeting, Echo most likely, before you're both left basking in each other's warmth
"I've got you, sweetheart. We'll figure this out together," he whispers in your ear. You snuggle closer in response
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Wrecker wasted no time shoving through the group as soon as he saw you standing on the other side of the bar, eyes wide with shock
"Maker, what're you do..."
He immediately halts when he sees your hand reach for your hip
Of course, the last time you saw him was Kaller, he should've known you'd be suspicious
"It's ok meshla, ours didn't activate. Our chips are defective. Tell them Tech, tell them they're defective." You watch as he looks back at Tech with pleading eyes, body practically vibrating with his need to hold you
Without moving your hand, you move your eyes to Tech's who gives you an affirming nod "He's telling the truth. Our inhibitor chips failed to activate, and we are currently deserters of the Empire"
You didn't hear that last part though as you rushed to Wrecker who met with you equal enthusiasm halfway across the parlor
You were only crushed into his chest for a second or two before he was peppering your face with kisses
You felt yourself freely laugh for the first time since Kaller, playfully shoving him back so you could take in his face
He cupped your cheeks with his big hands, bringing your eyes to meet his
"Maker, I thought I'd never see you again, meshla. I'm so glad you're home"
Home. He was home, and you had no plans to leave ever again
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He didn't notice you at first, too caught up in trying to figure out who Cid is
He continued on with his brothers, convinced this was the place for the Jedi contact
While he continued bantering with Hunter and Wrecker, you caught the eyes of Tech which widened when he saw you, but he remained quiet for Echo to discover for himself. His reassuring nod though told you all you needed to feel safe
You waited for the group to stop arguing, but when you saw things hadn't changed and no end was in sight, you couldn't help but laugh
Your laugh, as brief as it was, stopped him short
His back was to you, frozen, and he didn't turn around at first
The rest of his brothers turned in your direction, and Hunter's eyes darted between the two of you, warm smile on his face
What you didn't see was Echo close his eyes, telling his mind to stop playing these cruel tricks on him like it had been since Kaller - hearing your laugh, your soft singing on the marauder while they traveled around
When he finally turned around towards the source of the sound, he dropped his helmet
You gradually make your way to him as he remained frozen on the spot
The rest of the Batch shuffle to make room so you can get to him
As you get closer, your smile slowly grows with each step, tears welling
His eyes never leave yours, remaining wide and unblinking as if you're a mirage that's going to disappear
Finally, you're a hands length away from him, and you slowly raise your hand to rest on his cheek
As soon as skin meets skin, he releases the breath he'd been holding, and leans into the touch, closing his eyes and relishing in it
You let out a happy sob at the sight, your Echo back with you
Faster than hyperspeed, he snakes his arms around you, crushing you into his chest
His hand holds you in place while his scomp rubs soothingly up and down your back
You're full crying now, burying your face in his neck, thanking the Maker for not making you lose him a second time
"Shhh meshla, I've got you. I'm here. I'll always be right here. I'm not losing you again"
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You can thank his observation skills and need to take in every detail of a new environment in order to study it for him spotting you right away
You were a bright spot compared to the many health code violations hiding within the bar
You waited on the other side, making your own observations, ready to reach for your lightsaber if needed
"No need for that, darling. Our inhibitor chips did not activate. They appear to be defective, possibly due to our mutations, and we were able to escape the Empire. Hence, why we are here"
You ease at the information, walking to meet Tech in the middle of the parlor
When you're close enough, you see something gleaming in his eyes. Happiness? Pride?
"You don't seem surprised to see me" you say to him, reaching for his hand
"Statistically, once you made your escape from Hunter on Kaller, and knowing your capabilities, I knew it was improbable that you would fall victim to Order 66. Although, finding you in a less than reputable bar in the Outer Rim is certainly a surprise"
Oh Tech, your Tech. So matter of fact and to the point
His explanation makes you laugh and shake your head
Not able to wait any longer, you grab him and pull him towards you
He softly smiles down at you as he cups your chin, bringing your lips to his
"What's the probability of us being separated again?" you ask him without pulling apart
"Very low. 0% in fact" he says before softly kissing you again
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You reunited with the boys on Ord Mantell and stuck around with them as they figured out the new galaxy. Once you all sprang Crosshair free of the Empire, you removed his chip, and you stayed by his side the whole time as you waited for him to wake up
Every form of meditation in the galaxy could not calm your nerves
Crosshair's chip was removed 2 days ago and he'd been unconscious ever since
You never left his bedside, only eating and drinking when Echo or Omega brought you food and water
You'd laid your head down to rest some time ago when you felt his hand stir, yours laying on top of it
You shot up, holding yourself still as you watched him wake - groaning as his eyes adjusted and he took in the room
Slowly, they made their way to you, and you both froze
Every cell in your body wanted to throw your arms around him, but you gave him time to take in his new reality
"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes"
The laugh that came out turned into a sob as you squeezed his hand
You're patient, spending the next few hours working through his guilt, helping him voice his insecurities, his doubts, his self-hatred, ready to combat each negative notion that dares make itself known
Hours later, you're both sitting in his med bed, leaning against the wall with your head on his shoulder
He has his arm around you, rubbing circles along your arm
After months of explosive run ins and uncertain truths, you bask in the quiet between you both
Whenever the tears escape, he quietly wipes them away, shushing them with soft kisses in your hair
In the night, a quiet confession
"I fought it. Every time I raised my rifle or pistol at you, I fought it. I could feel myself hesitating, yelling at myself in my own head"
You squeeze him tighter to you, nothing to say but letting him know that no matter what he reveals, you only want him closer
He brings you into his lap, legs curled over his, tucking you into his neck
"Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for fighting for me, even when I wouldn't fight for myself"
He places a gentle kiss in your hair before he tucks you further into him, resting his head on yours, letting the peaceful night settle around you both
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You were a Jedi shadow in love with a certain captain and who occasionally accompanied the Bad Batch on missions. You were with them on Kaller when Order 66 happened but you got away with Caleb. Once Caleb is safely away from the Empire, you make your next move to get as far away from the Empire as possible
the blaster hole in his pauldron makes me so emotional ok anyway
it would take awhile, weeks even months before the reunion would happen with both of you trying to lay low as long as possible
Rex had the advantage of the Empire thinking him dead, you weren't so lucky
You only used the force once after the events, after you found yourself safely heading towards the outer rim, to reach out and search for Rex's signature
Once you felt it and felt it hadn't changed, unlike the other clones you knew, you immediately cut yourself off from the force going into hiding
It broke your heart cutting yourself off from him, but you knew it wasn't safe for him to be near you - and you still had a lot of questions
Later, settled on a backwater planet far from the Empire's reach and with the galaxy continuing on, you risk a short connection with the force with one thing in mind
You feel him, faintly, but he's still there and he's still your Rex
Months later, one day when you check on him, his signature is the strongest it's been since the war
You're too curious and too lonely, you hold onto it, knowing what you're risking, but follow it through the forest and to the clearing a few kliks from where you've established home
A small, abandoned farm greets you. A ship waits not far from the homestead, and two figures stand just by the porch. He shares the face with millions and is all the way across the clearing, but you'd recognize him anywhere
He's with another clone, and softly you reach out with the force to check their signatures - both unchanged, both not filled with hate and confusion like so many of the other soldiers after the war
It only took two steps into the clearing before you saw him stiffen and whip his head in your direction.
Of course he could sense you without you even opening yourself up to him.
You keep walking. He doesn't take his eyes off of you
Suddenly, like his brain needed a minute to catch up, he breaks into a sprint to you, the clone left behind laughing as he watches the stoic captain appear to finally lose it
You don't see him approach you since tears blocked your vision as soon as you saw him start running
Half attempts to wipe the waterfalls from your cheeks are halted when your feet leave the ground and you're crushed into a hard chest, arms wrapping around you tighter than a force choke
Pulling back, you're both crying and laughing, not fully believing this is actually happening
You try to wipe the tears from his cheeks, he pushes the hair that's fallen in your face away
Words are being whispered, whatever can be kissed is kissed
Eventually, you both manage a deep breath, and Rex brings his forehead to yours
For the first time since the war ended, you feel a calm in the force you never thought possible again
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fatuifucker · 1 year
ah ok! then can my trans scara request be in the catboy au pls? maybe for one of the camshows proposed by mr. zhongli :3 👉👈
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soft dom trans! camboy! catboy! scaramouche x sub trans! fem-sex reader (he/him and masculine pronouns used for reader, no mention of breasts but mention of pussy)
WARNINGS = smut, penetration (reader + scara receiving), toys (vibrator + double-ended dildo + nipple clamps + buttplug + leash), livestreaming, role reversal, praise, pet play, use of "master" + "kitty" as pet names, use of word "cunt"
W/C = 1.2k
A/N = uhhhh i forgot how to write dom scara tbh LMAO also been wanting to write about double dildos for a while, don't really see a lot of content fot it hehe shoutout to @child-of-plut0 for watching my stream as i wrote this
TAGS = @midnxght-sweet-time, @barbatosfavouritenun, @ember-is-clueless, @huboi, @nejibot, @yumixxn, @edenialucas, @voidkinnie
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Senses deprived. Blinded by black silk over your eyes. Body exposed. Cold all over, yet so hot, hot, hot down there. It’s inflaming, engulfing. You should be ashamed but you’re not. In fact, you’re ecstatic. Other than the buzzing of the vibrator stuffed inside you, the only sound that fills the silent space is the familiar, silvery voice of one of your catboys.
“Today’s a special occasion, so I wanted to try something fun,” you hear a chuckle, followed by a click. “Hehe, yes, these all look interesting, don’t they?”
You tune out most of the conversation, every word he speaks to the audience a bleary fog to the oversaturating exhilaration that floods your body and brain. Left gasping for air, your moans serve as music for the viewers; hundreds of them all watching you writhe, tied to the bed as you await for Scaramouche’s touch.
“Let’s see…the double-ended dildo? Hehehe, an excellent choice.”
There’s shuffling, and you heave when the pleasure comes to a halt. More shuffling, followed by the warmth of hands, and the constricting binds around your wrists are finally lifted. Another warm touch — this time, his lips — presses against your temple as Scaramouche sits you up, the bells on your collar and nipples jingling with the movement
“Can you still go on? Or do you need a rest?” he whispers in your ear. Despite the abrasive tone, there’s a hint of concern under it — one you have come to associate with the headstrong catboy you know and love. 
You nod. “Yes, I’m—”
He tugs on the leash attached to your collar, cutting you off. His breath tickles your ear, the low, domineering timbre making you quiver. “Need I remind you of my order? How are you supposed to refer to me?”
“Y-yes, Master,” you gulp.
A role reversal. That was what you consented to. To be filmed for one of his camshows, and to be his pet.
His catboy.
Even if you are blindfolded, you can practically see the evident smirk on his face. “Good boy.”
Your chest palpitates at the pet name. The chat must have said something humorous, for you feel Scara’s chest rumble as he laughs. Carefully, he slips the vibrator out of your hole, while you stifle back a whine at the emptiness. He hushes you, digits tracing your labia as it picks up some of your essence. It appears he’s lathering something with your fluids. You don’t get to ponder over it for long before he makes his next demand.
“Spread your legs. Put one of them up like this.” He helps you into his desired position, on the account that your sense of sight is severely restricted. There’s the shifting of sheets, and then something wet touches the outer lining of your pussy. “Move with me.”
You share twin whimpers as Scara pushes the dildo inside you, at the same time the other side enters him. He lets out a shaky moan as he starts grinding, with you following suit. Your hole clenches around the rubbery dildo, tensing up when you slide against the ribbed edges. It’s intimate, sharing a cock with your mated one. To watch your catboys doing this live is thrilling. To experience it yourself is an entirely different thing.
“That’s it, just like that,” he rasps. “Faster…faster!”
Your thighs burn but fuck do you care when it feels so damn good. Faster, faster, faster. You need to please Scara. You need to please your Master. You need to be a good catboy for him. He seems to have noticed your renewed enthusiasm for he reaches out and strokes you behind your fake cat ears.
“Good boy, good boy,” he purrs. “My good little catboy.”
Synchronised in this hypnotic rhythm, your hips move in tandem; chasing, chasing, chasing after this riveting gratification. You’re lost in this blind lust, lost in a void of darkness, but he guides you by taking your hand in his, providing you with stability and keeping you grounded. In truth, he’s doing his duty as your supposed master. He’s firm and controlling, but not in a bad way. Maybe he gets it from your example, which gives you a bit of relief.
“Mm…hm? You want us to change positions?” Scara mumbles lazily, stopping his movements. “Ugh, fine, how’s this?”
Scara lets go of you. He adjusts his body, manoeuvring you with him so that you’re laid on your back, with him above you. From inference, you guess your ass is positioned in front of the camera. Perhaps to give the audience a view of the cat tail plug lodged in your asshole. Hot air brushes against your neck and then— he plunges into the other end of the dildo in a single motion, his pussy slapping against yours in a wet smack. Scara furiously pounds himself against the dildo, slamming against your dewy cunt with every turn until you’re left speechless, nothing but moans spilling out of your weary lips. His teeth clings onto every expanse of skin you offer to him, leaving marks on your neck, collarbone, chest; everywhere. For once, he seems to have forgotten about the camera, the viewers, the livestream. His focus is on you, on your pleasure, for your attention to be on him, him and only him.
“Mmm you’re doing so good kitty…so, so good for me,” he growls, sandpaper tongue swiping up the sweat stuck to your neck. “Such a good boy…”
The bells on your nipple clamps jingle as he sucks on the buds. He doesn’t care that the audience can’t see, you would have to lecture him on it later, he just wants to make you feel good. To see your reactions, to know that you want him.
Every slam, every collision of his pussy against yours makes you throb, walls clinching onto the rubbery dick as if sucking on it to keep your sanity. The brief friction of his clit against yours makes your cunt pulse, and you swear you have forgotten how to breathe when all the blood rushes to your head and the rapid thumping of your heart reverberates through your skull.
“Fuck, fuck— I’m close too, argh, shit shit shit shit!”
“Oh god, Master, Master! I’m so close, I’m close, I wanna cum I wanna cum I wanna cum—” you cry.
Scara mewls as the both of you reach your peak, sharp nails digging into your shoulders as his body twitches, hole contracting and expanding around the cock. His thighs tremble as he nearly collapses on you, barely holding himself up with his arms. You immediately notice, wrapping your arms around his back to support him. He shows his appreciation by licking your face, purring as you pet his soft ears. If you weren’t blindfolded, you would have seen the comments cooing at his tail, swishing back and forth in contentment. He suddenly recalls that he is streaming, and gets off you to look through the comments, slightly wincing at the sensitivity.
“You wish you could see our faces? Too bad, bleeeeh!” Scara sneers, and you know with absolute certainty that he’s sticking out his tongue in mockery.
“Mochi, behave,” you scold him, finding satisfaction in the squeal he makes when you tug on his tail.
“Hey! You can’t do that to your master!”
“Really? Weren’t you the one who said that cat hybrids have a right to discipline their masters when they…what’s the word you used? ‘Are being a little brat’ was it?” you tease.
“Bratty?! I’m bratty?! You—”
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
The Wrong One
Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Reader meets Steve while he's on the run and sticks by him, thick or thin. Until he sees Peggy Carter again.
5. Reversal
Warnings: swearing, angst
When Scott Lang showed up at the compound, almost a year after her miscarriage, Y/N was starting to think she might be pregnant since she had some symptoms but she didn't want to tell Steve yet and get his hopes up. A home pregnancy test the next day came up positive but she wanted to wait for a blood test. She was able to get in to see the doctor while Steve and the team were working on their plan to reverse the snap, Y/N was having blood drawn and an ultrasound.
With the blood test results and ultrasound picture in hand, she headed towards the compound from Stark Tower. When she was halfway home she saw an explosion, then another and she knew it was at the compound. As much as she wanted to go make sure Steve was ok, she knew she would only be a liability and didn't want to risk the new life she carried, so pulled over at a diner and watched from afar.
As she watched, she heard birds and saw people appearing out of nowhere and she realized whatever the plan was must have worked. That gave her hope but the ongoing fighting meant something must have gone wrong. She knew Thanos was dead but someone wasn't happy about the Avengers activities.
When the activity seemed to have calmed down she tried to call Steve, then Nat but both went to voicemail so she left them both a message and ordered a lite dinner. She ate then waited for Steve to call while watching the news with everyone else in the diner.
Once the diner closed she still hadn't heard from either of them and was unsure of what she should do. She decided to get a room at the motel near the diner and hope to hear from Steve. Thankfully the time on the run had her in the habit of keeping a go bag in the trunk of her car.
She slept fitfully, her worry for Steve crept into her dreams and every time she woke, she checked her phone to make sure that she hadn't missed any calls or messages.
In the morning, after the expected bout of sickness, she showered and went back to the diner. While she ate a light breakfast at the diner she decided that she should just go to the compound to find out what happened.
Her stomach fell as she approached, the place looked totalled, and her eyes filled with tears because she couldn't imagine everyone had survived the fight that caused that kind of damage to the buildings.
There was a group of well armed agents at the front entrance who checked her id against a list of names before opening the gate manually and allowing her in.
She drove past what was left of the Avengers residence and saw Steve talking to a crying Pepper with Bruce and Clint nearby both red eyed. Bucky and Sam were arguing about something stupid.
Y/N felt her heart pounding out of her chest at the sight of her fiance and quickly pulled over. She was so anxious and excited that she fumbled with the door before she stumbled out and called his name.
Steve looked up and felt some relief that she was ok but realised that he hadn't thought about her once since early the day before. Between the fight and seeing her, his mind had been distracted. He felt a little guilty but couldn't get Peggy out of his mind.
Y/N walked over to him as quickly as she could, getting around the debris that was everywhere, and practically threw herself at him. She felt more tears and wondered when she would run out.
Steve hugged her back but she noticed how tense he was and pulled away
"Steve? Are you alright? I've been so worried, what happened?" She looked around, smiling at Sam and Bucky "Whatever you guys did must have worked"
Steve nodded, still tense "Yeah, it worked but we lost Tony and Nat."
She pulled him close again "Oh Steve, I'm so sorry." The tears fell down her face, she had become good friends with Nat over the last 5 years. She didn't know Tony as well but she liked him and thought of the family he left behind.
Steve squeezed her and felt a few tears fall down his face before he pulled back. "Need to find a place to stay tonight, Pepper said you can stay at the cabin with her and Morgan but it's not safe for you here." He kissed her on the top of her head and walked away.
"Steve! Wait. Where are you going to stay? Why don't you come with me?" She didn't mean to whine but she was feeling very insecure and afraid to let him out of her sight.
He turned around and smiled "I'm sorry sweetheart but we need to secure any sensitive materials here and it's too dangerous for you. I'll call you." And he was gone.
Y/N went to the cabin with Pepper and helped take care of Morgan. She didn't know her very well but tried to be supportive and what she thought she would need if she ever lost Steve. She also helped clean and held Peppers hand while she made arrangements for a memorial.
She didn't hear from Steve until a few days later when he came up to the cabin for Tony's memorial which fed into her insecurities. He was still obviously tense but she shrugged it off as repressed emotions over the loss of his friends. They stood next to each other but felt miles apart. She tried to grab his hand to hold but he pulled away every time so she wrapped her arms around her waist in a weak attempt to comfort herself.
As everyone talked and ate she stood apart, not feeling like she was really part of the family and not wanting to intrude on their grief. Her morning sickness didn't limit itself to the morning so between that, the anxiety and grief, she couldn't eat. She found a seat in the shade on the outside of the crowd and sipped on a bottle of water.
Bucky noticed that Y/N wasn't with Steve, who was talking to Sam and Clint, so went to make sure she was ok. He wondered if Steve had told her anything about the last few days but doubted it. The whole time they had been working on cleaning up the compound Steve hadn't shut up about seeing Peggy.
Bucky had tried to ask him about Y/N, the woman that had been by his side for the past 6 years but Steve just brushed him off.
After looking for a good 15 minutes, Bucky found her, sitting by herself. "Hey Y/N. Are you alright all by yourself here?"
She gave him a strained smile "Of course. I don't really know anyone very well and Steve seems to be fine without me." and stood up "I was thinking about going to lay down for a bit, I've had a headache since I woke up."
Bucky looked concerned "Can I get you anything? I can see if Pepper has something for the pain."
She shook her head and looked at him sadly "No but thank you for checking on me, Bucky. I doubt he will notice but if Steve asks I'm in the cabin."
"Why wouldn't he notice, doll?"
She shrugged "I don't know, he seems distant. I'm sure it's grief." And headed inside.
Steve didn't notice and that night Bucky asked him about it as they set up a temporary camp in some of the rooms of one of the older buildings but Steve blew him off, insisting it was nothing. They talked for a couple of hours before crashing around midnight.
Y/N woke up when the sunlight came through the guest room window and hit her face. She smiled in the light before she remembered the last few days and the smile fell. Steve had practically been ignoring her since Scott showed up at the compound.
She shook off the bad feelings and told herself it would be a good day. Maybe she would have some alone time with Steve and could tell him the news. Pepper had figured it out already thanks to morning sickness but she promised to keep it to herself.
Y/N thought maybe her and Steve could talk about plans for the future. Maybe finally get married. She got up and took a hot shower after her stomach calmed down, then went to make breakfast for Pepper and Morgan.
After they ate she went looking for Steve and found him dressed in a quantum suit, getting ready to return the infinity stones.
She called out to him and he looked surprised when he saw her there. "Hey, Y/N, I didn't expect to see you this morning."
She smiled at him "I know things have been crazy but I was hoping we could spend some time together after you return the stones."
Steve kissed the top of her head then pulled away to look at her, he examined her face "You know I love you, right sweetheart?"
She giggled nervously, unsure of the look in his eyes "Of course I do, I've just missed you."
Steve looked away "I know, just let me finish this last thing. I promise we'll spend some time together." and stepped up onto the platform when Bruce was ready.
She smiled at Bucky who looked uncomfortable as Steve disappeared and didn't return when Bruce called his time. Bruce was panicking until Bucky pointed over at an old man sitting on a bench by the lake.
Sam turned to look at Y/N, then the old man with concerned eyes.
Y/N looked where Bucky was pointing and furrowed her brow at the older man. She felt her heart stop and started shaking her head, whispering
"Nnnoo, no. It can't... Hhheee wouldn't...." She looked to Bucky, her eyes filling with tears and begging him to tell her it wasn't what it looked like but he just shook his head sadly before looking at the ground.
Steve walked up to her "Hey sweetheart."
She looked at him in horror, feeling like she couldn't breathe. "Steve? What did you do? What's going on? Why...."
The words caught in her throat, it was obvious what happened but she didn't want to believe what she was seeing.
The heartbreak was washed away by anger and she clenched her fists so hard her nails dug into her palms..
Her voice rose "Answer me, Steve? What the fuck did you do?"
Steve stepped towards her and tried to take her hands but she pulled away from him "Sweetheart, I-"
She snapped "Stop calling me that dammit! What did you do?"
He looked at her sadly "I went back to where I belong. To the love I lost when I dove into the ice all those years ago. I've sacrificed so much, I deserved that much."
She started picking at her fingernails before she looked at him "Peggy Carter." She stayed coldly "After more than five years together you went back for a woman you kissed once?"
Her voice went higher "I went on the run to be with you, followed you all over the earth. I became a fugitive for you! And after all that you leave me for a woman you kissed once decades ago?
What about What I deserve, huh?
You Fucking Bastard. Don't look for any forgiveness here. I hate you Steve Rogers."
He reached for her again and she backed up then stumbled on some tree roots, making a soft "Oof" when her backside hit the ground. After a moment she scrambled up and looked around to gain her bearings. She saw Steve talking to Sam and shook her head again before turning around and breaking into a run until she found her car. She clumsily tried to open the car door, cursing as she sobbed until she finally opened the door and slid in. She saw Sam striding towards her and quickly started the engine, throwing it into gear before peeling out and away from the compound. Away From Steve.
Sam stopped when she pulled away, shaking his head as he walked towards Bucky. "I'm guessing Steve didn't tell her?"
Bucky shrugged "I thought he did but it sure didn't look like it. Maybe we should give her some space and call her later."
Both men tried to call her, even asked Pepper to try but Y/N never answered their calls or texts and less than a week later her cel number was disconnected and they lost her.
Chapter 6
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
Psssst, you okay with writing a Luffy smut short? Surprise me, add your own prompt and twist love❤️
Hmmm ok! I’m in love with Luffy so im always ready to write about him lmao
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(cw: modern au, livestreaming on PornHub, onlyfans, camming, rich!luffy, food mention, trashy romance novel au)
(a/n: this is gonna just be me completely self-inserting myself. i need it.)
Your long brown hair falls over one shoulder, fluffy and tangled from under your headphones. You’ve been streaming on PornHub for a while now, having built your career with OnlyFans and livestreaming. You’re proud of what you do, albeit a little exhausted.
Someone types a greeting, and you smile in response. “Hey there! What’s up?” You put on lipgloss, smacking your lips close to the mic in case he’s into ASMR.
I like ur smile :)
“Aw, thanks!” You click on his name to add a gold star, favoriting the newcomer on vibes alone. “Whatcha into?”
He types, and you give him room. Men are typing with only one hand, usually. You smirk. “I’ve got tarot, ASMR, blowjobs, cosplay…SPH and foot fetish, although those are extra,” you meet the camera’s fisheye, but only for a moment. Eye contact is hard, even virtually.
What’s sph?
“Small penis humiliation,” you reply, clicking through your playlist. Marina and the Diamonds, today. “How To Be A Heartbreaker” is a classic, and you smile. “D’ya like being made fun of?”
Nope! But that’s okay lol
You hum.
What’s tarot?
You pick up your deck from beside you on the table: the Goblin Market Tarot, based on one of your favorite poems. You love faerie tales. “It’s a form of divination! Or just a game, depending on how you use it. But it’s cool! You can ask questions about love, career, relationships. And then the cards will tell you something specific about what’s going on!”
You shuffle the cards, shiny and periwinkle, experimentally. “Wanna read? It’s only $5 in free chat, ‘less you want a longer reading in exclusive.”
kingofthepirates has tipped you $5!
“Okay!” You say, excited. Tarot readings are your favorite. You have youtube videos and tiktoks, too. “What’s your question? I only pull one card for free chat.”
What’s for dinner?
“Ha!” You laugh out loud, “Let’s see!”
You flip over a card. Two more fall out of the deck after it, and you place them on the table in front of you. You scooch your laptop a bit farther away, to give the cards room.
“Hmm,” you say, peering over the watercolor art, “Looks like a lot, whatever it is. Ten of crowns—that’s swords—in reverse, eight of wands, and nine of platters. That’s pentacles, or earth. Which means food, material wealth, clothing, even. What d’ya like to eat? He’s got a platter of pears,” you hold up the card for the camera, grinning slightly.
Meat! Lol
“Haha, okay!” You tap on the cards in front of you. “Looks like a big party, maybe some conflict going on. Maybe a buffet? Like you’re fighting over food. But ya don’t have to be, with ten of swords in reverse, there’s plenty of food to go around. D’ya like barbecue? That’s what I’m getting.”
I do!
You sweep the cards up, and place them back in the deck neatly. “Well, that’s what I have for you! I like barbecue too, maybe I should order ribs…,” you click through your browser tabs, opening DoorDash to see what’s up.
Omg no way!!! Sanji is having a barbecue tonight!
“Sanji?” You ask, distracted, “Is that your boyfriend?” You love teasing men about having boyfriends and such, being bisexual (and nonbinary) yourself. You like tipping on the scales of heteronormativity, in whatever way you can. It makes them blush.
Nooo lmao he’s my cook! My friend
“Cook?” You ask, teasing. “What are you, rich?”
Your eyebrows fly halfway up your forehead, but you don’t say anything. You calmly put the tarot deck away.
“I’ve never had a cook before in my life,” you cross your arms on the desk, letting your back arch so your cleavage sticks out.
It’s fun! He loves cooking and he’s the best at it. I also have a bodyguard but he’s my friend too. He likes swords ⚔️
You giggle at the emoji.
“Well, you came to the right place if y’wanna spend money,” you flirt, glittering at the camera. You’re not wearing makeup, but the pink light you have set up overhead does wonders for your skin. Plus the ring light to the side adds a couple sparkles to your eyes.
kingofthepirates has tipped you $50!
“Holy shit,” you breathe, quickly adding VIP to the stranger’s folder. “Thanks, king!” You smile, beaming at the screen. Maybe bills aren’t gonna be so bad, this week.
Let’s go to a show :)
“Gladly,” you fiddle with the collar of your robe, already itching to get undressed for this man. You hope he’s cute. “Exclusive?”
Sure 😈
kingofthepirates is requesting an Exclusive show. Accept?
You click “yes.”
The boy is very cute, as it turns out. He’s fisting his cock in one hand, camera turned on, with a sculpted abdomen and veiny forearms. His camera doesn’t show his face, but that’s normal for you. His glistening six-pack and toned arms are enough for you to get wet, grinding in your desk chair as you suck off your silicone toy.
“This is so hot,” he moans, voice raspy and sweet. His mic is turned on, which you usually hate, but this time it’s cute. Your pussy is aching, and you need his cock inside you soon.
“Fuck—,” you manage out, in between licks up the silicone shaft, “Glad you like it,” you pant.
“Love it,” he whines, playing with the bronze cockhead. His fingers are long and thick, with splotchy bruises on the knuckles. You wonder if he’s a boxer, or something. Or maybe just a troublemaker who gets in a lot of fights.
You pinch your own nipples, having teased off your silk robe at the start of the show. Now, you’re naked besides your cotton underwear that you usually keep on. Pussy’s for the OnlyFans, babes.
You’re actually turned on, too.
“Mmm,” he groans, speeding up his pace. He’s probably gonna cum soon, unless you slow down your show. You teasingly poke the cock into your mouth, stretching out your cheek. You roll your eyes up, moaning like a hentai girl.
“C-can you deepthroat it?” He asks, panting. His voice is so sexy, oh my god.
“I can try,” you giggle, and slide the cock halfway down your throat. Your gag reflex triggers, and you cough as you pull it out. “Sorry, I’m not the best at deepthroats,” you slap the toy against your cheek. He moans, anyway.
“God, you’re good,” he grips his balls with his other hand, and you notice scars up and down his arms. He also has one shaped like an X on his chest. You wonder where he got those, if he really is a reckless fighter, having adventures you can only dream of.
“What do you do?” You ask, jumping up and down in your seat. Your tits jiggle, and he groans appreciatively.
“Wish I could touch you,” his voice cracks. His hand trails up his abdomen, playing with his own nipples a bit. His hands are wide and thick, and you lick your lips.
“Me too,” you confess, genuine. He’s one of the hotter clients for you. You set the dildo down so you can play with your own tits. They’re soft and heavy, and you bounce them in your hands.
“But, ah,” he palms his cock softly, “I’m a MMA fighter. What about you?”
“Besides this?” You ask, tossing too-long hair over your shoulder. It brushes against your bare skin, and you grimace. You pull it up into a bun instead. Your eyes glitter at the camera, and your lips purse. “I make content on PornHub, OnlyFans, and other places like YouTube and stuff. Cosplay, tarot, mostly blowjobs. But not—on the wholesome places,” you breathe a laugh. “I’m kinda everywhere, these days.” You pause, unsure of what to do. “Here, let me copy and paste my username.” You send the info in chat, hoping to get an extra $5 for the OnlyFans sub.
“I’ll hafta subscribe,” he flirts, “Can I see that ass again?”
You grin, flushing slightly, as you stand up and turn around. You grab your ass in both hands, squeezing heavy flesh tightly. You bounce up and down, letting him appreciate the jiggle. Your cellulite and curves are one of a kind, you know this. Not everyone is stick-thin and spray tanned, so when customers click on your page they know they’re getting something genuine, and special.
At least, you hope.
“Fuck, baby,” he drawls out, and you turn over just in time to see him cum. Thick bursts of semen paint his clenching abs, and you hum.
“Good job,” you praise him, and he laughs. You sit back down.
“Shishishi,” he giggles, and you blush. He’s mad cute, to be honest. He fiddles with his phone, bringing it up to his face for the first time. You hitch a breath.
He’s mad cute.
“Make sure you favorite me,” you breathe, staring at his boyish features and jet black hair. His face is flushed, handsome, with a curved scar under one eye. He’s grinning at you with crinkly eyes. “S-so you can come back,” you stutter. Flustered.
“Already did!” He bites his lip. Flicks his eyes up and down his camera. Looking at you, still bared body and soul in front of him. You wanna touch, and badly.
“Wanna hang out?” He asks, face cooling down. He grabs a towel, and wipes off his belly. He gasps, breathy, and leans back in bed. The covers are crisp and cool, almost like a hotel.
“Sure,” you breathe, ticking down to see your showtime extending. Past ten minutes, now. Fuck yeah, you think, leaning back in your own chair. “Whatcha wanna talk about?”
“Read my tarot again,” he cocks an eyebrow, “And let me know what it’ll take to get you to go on a date with me.”
Hey 😈
He messages you on Insta, and you bite your lip. You’re sitting cross-legged at a café, having taken yourself out for a treat after your very long show this afternoon.
Hi baby 😇
You respond, too quickly. Who cares? You sip your drink, a foamy dirty chai. It tastes like cinnamon and almond milk.
Look up 👀
Frowning, you flick your eyes up and around the café. There. He’s seated across the way, at one of the square little tables situated in the center of the room. You blanch. That’s never happened before. Was there an angel of sex work watching over you?
You hope so. You gulp as he stands to make his way over to you. He’s even cuter in real life, and all thoughts of danger and serial killers and making mistakes leave your brain in one, swift breeze. You grin.
“Heya,” you say, sitting back to cross your legs. Your warm latte sits in both hands. You clear your throat. “Nice to meetcha,” you extend a hand. He takes it, smiling and warm.
“Hi,” he takes the seat across from you, pulling it out with one hand. The iron legs scrape across the granite floor. There's an exposed brick wall behind irl kingofthepirates.
"Didn't think I'd see you here," you hedge, raising an eyebrow. "Do I need to be worried?"
He blanches, eyes wide. "N-no!! I swear I'm normal. I don't--live here, I'm visiting. I have a--a match tonight! D'ya wanna come see it? I can get you VIP seats." He scoots his chair closer, looking up at you from under pretty lashes. You purse your lips.
"Prove it."
He giddily takes out his phone, a very nice smartphone with a cute charm hanging from the side. You tilt your head, and see it's a little skull-and-crossbones. You smirk.
"Here!" He hands you his phone, sliding it across the table. "It's me!"
You see a YouTube video of a wrestling match: two muscular dudes with their hands wrapped in fists. One is wearing white-and-blue shorts with pink hair, tied back with a bandana. The other is kingofthepirates, wearing red shorts with his hair loose. It’s black and floppy in spikes. He jumps up and down a bit, getting ready. The bell dings, the ref moves, and the stadium around the ring erupts in lights.
King shuffles forward, fists up, and knocks the pink-haired guy out cold. “Holy shit,” you breathe, watching the match end after only one shot. “That’s you?”
“Yep!” He grins, “We’re having a rematch this afternoon. Wanna come? I’m gonna kick his ass.”
“Sure,” you decide, not having much to lose. “Can I bring a friend?”
“Boyfriend?” He asks too soon. You sip your drink.
“Girlfriend,” you correct, arching an eyebrow. “Is that a problem for you?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, as long as we can still do shows sometime.”
“Sure,” you say, nodding. “I liked your show.”
He smiles, wide and delicious, before going back to his phone to text someone furiously. “Lemme getcha two VIP seats. I wanna see ya after the show.”
“Okay,” you hum, letting him type. You lean back in your chair, pulling up your own phone. You text Nami, your girlfriend.
Babe? Ur not gonna believe this ☠️
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foxilayde · 1 year
Danny!!! I just binged Season 2 of Case 63 last night! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it (if you're willing to share them)! 💕
You want to hear my thoughts on case 63? Oh dear sweet lovely anon, please buckle up because I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS
I listened to season one probably 4 times in the past year and season 2 twice already (I have a lot of down time this week) and i took notes on the timelines because i thought i was going crazy and it honestly turned me into Charlie Day a little bit with the red string and notes and maps on the wall, “And i march down to Eliza’s office and say “Beatrix!! Beatrix!!’”
Anyway, spoilers below the cut.
I kind of want to start with season 2 episode 9, that thing that Vincent says to Eliza “peter didn’t send you here to save the world, if you’re his wife in one of the timelines and if peter lost his wife in 2060 when she was 38 because of Pegasus, his wife has to be born in 2022. And if you were, or will be, Peter Roiter’s wife, for her to be born in 2022, then you Beatrix should have died in 2022, but you didn’t. He knew you had to die, but he couldn’t lose you. Think about it, why did he need YOU to do the injection? He needed to get you to the extraction point. He tried to hide you and protect you from your death. He sacrificed millions to send you to the past to delay your death.”
That part reminded me so much of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that movie, but the protagonist, Joel, is running through his memories with his ex girlfriend Clementine and trying to hide her away in places she doesn’t belong, just so she can live in his brain for a tiny bit longer. It’s just so romantic and it makes sense why then Peter didn’t sound upset when Eliza told him that she couldn’t inject Marie, he doesn’t even give a shit about the timeline anymore. He just wants her to be able to LIVE and be happy adfdskjas;defsdfk
But i can’t talk about this without talking about the inconsistencies…. **play Serial theme** One of which here is Helen Vince, Peter Roiter’s wife From the future, is supposedly born in 2022 in one of these timelines, yet in the 2012 timeline she’s born in 2012? Did i miss something here? The only theory i have on that is related to that thing Peter says about “time protects us” and that’s why travelers can’t KILL Marie. I think it works in reverse as well, that you can’t escape your time coming, things will shift and bounce to fit your time clock. Which is super tragic when you think about how that’s Peter’s only goal, to give Eliza more time.
That bit IS confusing, but ALSO so is the inconsistencies with Peter’s age at some points. Like when he talks about the Egregor and being 9 years old and people dying by their own hand because of it, yet the math says he was 6 when the Berlin Purge happened and he says it was 2030 at one point and 3035 when Eliza asks for clarification.
And some other things too, he gives two separate dates for “the end of the world” (unspecified event!) and despite the Great Deletion happening, he claims that the Garnier Malet effect is “taught in all schools” since 2034, but the great deletion happened in 2033, and at another time he said it was actually in 2053???
and there are several more inconsistencies but what I’m trying to SAY is that he’s obviously not lying…. Right? Because the time travel is real, we have seen that. So the thing that he MIGHT be lying about is that “a traveler can only travel once” rule. I have a feeling this Peter Roiter has been alllll over the damn place. Probably unsanctioned missions? In order to hide Beatrix in one time or another to avoid her death.
And let’s TALK ABOUT THE NAMES OK. So we are introduced to an “Eliza Beatrix” and Peter straight up calls her Beatrix, so I THINK HE’S MET HER BEFORE and I’m not Fukin talm bout Helen Vince here. Roll with me, because when Eliza goes to Vincent’s timeline and meets herself, she tells her ten years younger self that SHE should start going by Beatrix! THAT’S PETERS BEATRIX. And that 10 year shift? Would explain a lot of the TIME INCONSISTENCIES ARE YOU WITH ME??
Let’s also not forget that i suspect that Beatrix is the Beatrix from the recording at the end of season 2, the one that Oliver Collins gives to Marie Caldwell. ALSO A STRANGE HAPPENING for him to be giving that to her because he was hysterically telling Eliza to discredit herself to Marie… very interesting.
Also super weird of Vincent to be acting the way that he was after Eliza DIED. Odd. Hmmm. Yes lets talk about Vincent Caldwell. The photo on the wall that made the bedroom look like Rome! To close the loop on the Garnier Malet! Such a cool twist in that. And when Eliza says, “By sending me here, he ensured the continuity of the dream” GUTPUNCH. There is one thing that bugs me about closing the loop and that would be the “take a flight to Rome on December 31st. Platform 23 at 4pm” thing that Peter said. Because BRO KNOWS THAT HELEN VINCE IS GOING TO BE BORN DECEMBER 12 so really and truly what the fuck was that about?? He knew that shit wasn’t ever going to happen, right? IT BUGS ME.
Also, bonus heartbreaking tidbit:: in the recording that he gives Eliza he makes it sound like “I’ll have 40 years to contact the organization to get this information to you” but bro knows that little baby Peter Roiter is going to be born sometime in 2023 (or 2024 depending on the inconsistencies) so he’s got 2 years max to live. And he doesn’t want Eliza to know.
Interesting tidbits, in the 2022 timeline, she’s in a bathroom in jfk terminal 4, but when she wakes up in 2012 she’s in terminal 8, so it’s not the “exact same spot” like she was telling herself. (Truly don’t know if that’s relevant.) And just a fun fact, when Peter is talking about his wife Helen he mentions that he did most of the cooking in their relationship and when Vincent talks about his late wife he says he did most of the cooking as well. So Peter is canonically skilled in the kitchen in every universe lmao.
I loved the tidbits about our sci-fi movies being influenced by The Project ever since 1948, i thought that was a thought provoking parallel to our current time.
I really love Marie so much. She hears and accepts all this stuff from Eliza and then she says you know what? I’m going to prevent covid from ever happening. And she does! I mean, she couldn’t prevent the nuclear war, but i thought that was pretty badass of her to change the world like that, way to go, Marie!
Biggest mystery i can’t wait to have solved: how is it she’s able to co-exist alongside herself and have a conversation with herself when “one entity must die in order for the other to be born”? Hmmm? And I’d like to add, Peter cautioned her against interacting with herself saying “meeting yourself WILL create a vortex” MEANWHILE daddy Vincent says it’s okay. In FACT Vincent just drops his own little “oh btw i had a Garnier Malet that you needed to talk to yourself, byeeee” i love him— such a goober. But it all seems very key.
I’m very struck by Peter’s repetition of the phrases about broken timelines and having to travel all alone and be invisible, it sounds very personal. Idk maybe I’m projecting. But i think there’s a lot to his story that he maybe couldn’t share with Eliza.
I loooove the way Peter explains time travel, “to go into the future, the key is speed. To go into the past, the key is gravity.” I love everything about that and the “circular beams of light” I WANT TO EAT HIS WORDS and lets not forget “They call it entanglement which is a way of saying I’ve always loved you.” NOT TO MENTION the infamous, “I don’t CARE about 7 billion people” monologue. It’s like what Vincent said, this is at its heart— a love story.
I will be thoroughly shocked and impressed if anyone decided to read all that. But if you did, thanks for sticking around and please let me know about your thoughts/speculations about any and everything regarding the story!!
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raptorfae53 · 9 months
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OK so having seen some of the pics for what "arachnus prime" could have looked like in the canned fourth season of tfa,it got me thinking of an au/plot idea regarding the character that mixes several of the canned plots together. (Namely the initial "arachnus prime" idea,"trukk vs munkey" and the shattered glass episode "mirror mirror")
What if in this hypothetical plotline,optimus desire to save elita one in the past causes a split in the timeline,causing him to become technoorganic instead. Believed dead by his friends and abandoned by the civilization he so dutifully served, "arachnus" goes a little nuts in his isolation,his misery creating one hell of an insecurity/superiority complex. He doesn't join the decepticons, believing both sides were all in all just as bad as each other and strikes out on his own desperately searching the galaxy for a "cure" for his condition and causing chaos and destruction for cybertron using his advantage of how their systems work. These actions draw the attention of academy washout Elita One and her crew (grumpy,seen it all warrior Chromia,athletic ninja Firestar,and eager to prove young bots Nautica and Moonracer) of repair bots, "Arachnus" damage causing them no level of ire on the job.
This continues until an incursion from a different reality by four bots,the autobots Optimus,Ironhide and the predacons Blackarachnia and Optimus primal. (Who in a previous adventure cloned optimus multiple times after encountering several of starscreams clones wirh similar results,hoping to find a way to cure her own condition,primal being one of said clones who stuck with elita) When both sides fall in with their respective counterparts "Arachnus" is intrigued by Blackarachnias talk of an invention that can turn regular bots into technoorganics like him,and the pair team up (not the least due to their shared belief that cybertron as a whole is corrupt and generally hypocritical) in order to get back to Blackarachnias dimension. Shenanigans ensue however and not the least due to boths insecurities,Blackarachnia encountering her alternate self, and "arachnus" increasingly unhinged mental state, Blackarachnia is betrayed and left by the wayside while "arachnus" escapes to find her lab,from here,a few things happen.
With Elita as a mediator, Blackarachnia,Primal and Optimus finally talk after everything that happened,and optimus let's slip he really does think cybertron is currently a bit corrupt (not the least with Sentinel currently in charge,who optimus has long since grown irritated with) , but that doesn't mean they can't at least try to fix it,so even if Blackarachnia has her doubts,the three of them try to rebuild the device to send them home.
However, before they can stop him,"arachnus" reverse engineers elitas predacon-making machine,only for it to horrifically mutate him further into a saurian mishmash of machine and organic parts and driving the poor guy completely mad,hijacking Blackarachnias burgeoning project now convinced that the real way to deal with "the Cybertronian problem" is to turn the entire species into feral,technoorganic monsters just like him,with him as their leader and lord as the only one who had the foresight to see the problem at hand,yeeeesssss.....
Horrified by what she's unleashed,Blackarachnia,Primal and a gang of Cybertronians turned technoorganic by "Megatron's" (after all,if regardless of the timeline everyone will treat him like a monster,why shouldn't he take the name of the guy most fear akin to a bogyman) experiments team up to try and stop him,if the Cybertronian population can't stand them based on what they now look like, why not show them and "Megatron" the true maximal of what a few technoorganics can do,hmmm maximal...
All the while,imprisoned within the depths of iacon along with his most faithful,the real Megatron,despite the irritation with this young upstart using his name,sees the emergence of the "predacons" as an opportunity. Coupled with the increased amount of decepticon attacks within the outer regions this event is clearly taking a toll on the new magnus,making him all the more pliable and easily manipulated,any day now he's going to snap,and Megatron will use the opportunity to escape and continue his conquests...
TLDR: in an alternate dimension optimus becomes a giant spider instead of elita,he escapes into tfa optimus dimension and becomes the tfa version of beastwars megatron, with Blackarachnia forming the maximals to stop him.
I might add more to it in the future if anyone wants more,but I hope you like what I've written here.
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meirimerens · 9 months
3 and 15.... I come to you with knees bent and face turned up to kiss your palms as if in prayer asking for 3 and 15 on the ask meme.....
honestly this ask scared me because i was literally writing a piece of PMPE where it is discussed how the plague in dankovsky's ears sound like psalms and prayers are you in my walls...? oh well that's topical. LET'S GO
3. any ideas for how that experiment where daniil resurrected a woman went down?
love this question love it love it ok so the collective-imaginative vision of the anatomist resurrecting the dead before a crowd is very Victorian, it's very 19th century, at a time where mediums and other spiritualists were a more and more common sight; it's Gothic, it's Frankensteinesque. now, while patho's time period is purposefully ambiguous, many consider it 1910s-ish, with p2 being a little later (possibly closer to 1930s from what we've seen of the bachelor's route behind-the-scenes), so by this time, this type of thing would have been quite passé, and for Dankovsky especially, who's a man of the future, and not of the past, at least as far as medicine goes. the only account of him resurrecting a woman is from Lilich, and in the text it is also mentioned she didn't introduce herself by this name. the canon explanation for this is that puppet-players are not remembering their past games right, and are not weaving a coherent story; but i see this as... dankovsky would not do this kind of thing publicly - again, too Victorian, and with everything that entails; the pompousness, the stuck-upness,, the religiosity, the good mores; he is not of that kind. he would do this privately, he has. privately, perhaps surrounded by his peers at Thanatica, and as such, he remembers there being a woman - not Lilich, not even Karstlich (how she says she introduced herself as then), but his memory faltering¹ he thinks he remembers it. same for Lilich, in her own right: she attended one of his lectures. it did not contain reanimation, it contained something else; but his reputation, preceding and running after him like a bloodhound, has shaped her remembering of it. he has never resurrected a woman, privately or publicly - how so? how come? because he has never defeated death. we begin the game with him desperately trying, because he has always failed before.
¹ this is not faltering. i see it more as closer to greek myths: a single myth will be different from era to era, from storyteller to storyteller, from island to island. they are all true. this is not faltering, this is a truth polymorphic.
15. pick a barnett newman painting for each of them
my favorite question. let's get on with it.
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this is Andrey. do you see the un-inked strip? and do you see how the ink seems to bubble up all around it, like festering around a wound, like matter accumulating by the Lack, bubbling up like anger, boiling? this un-inked stripped is what he sees as his Lack. he is the one constantly bringing up peter as his soulmate, them being two sides of a same coin, he is the one who declares the threefold bullet line. he is the one who acts in lack, in order to fill the lack. kill to keep peter close. go forward to bring dankovsky closer. kill a man because you couldn't keep him. matter, his own, and other's, accumulate by the Lack. dead fish where the water has drained.
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this is Peter. the twotone is because i think he's bipolar (true fact). it is also because the pitch-black rectangle, the monolith, is the shape of farkhad's grave - it is farkhad's grave. (it is farkhad.) he is the guilt-bearer, he is eaten. half of him eaten by guilt, like taking of his bed. this half would be where he has space for andrey, for dankovsky, for himself expanded, but the murder put in its place the casket. he and andrey have been drifting apart since the murder, peter says of it he has been "hurting for 10 years" because of it, because of andrey's act of it. see how the black monolith encroaches into the lighter ink's space, but the reverse isn't true, because the black of the monolith is so absolute? this is happening to him.
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this is Dankovsky. his shape is different from the others, because he is different from the others. he does not quite fit in with the twins. he is in the middle: he is cleaved. he is cleaved because he lacks: his life work has been destroyed, and he is slowly realizing everything is slipping out of his grasp. he is cleaved in two, there is a hollow for a third thing, a third part, a third piece. andrey calls it: molded me, my brother, and you into a single person… The fire of war has molded us into a threefold bullet. dankovsky is cleaved piece into which the already-molded peter and andrey could fit. if they were molded. and andrey, paining peter for years, has quite kept them from being so. dankovsky will keep this cleave, his hollow: he says "keep your dumb head cool", he reins back in. the hollow is fit for grief. at his sides, shadows approach and stand, but do not encroach. still, they threaten. one is bigger, one is seeping out. one grows and swells like an oil spill. (a monolith, baring hazier parts, in the fog of unknownness)
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this is farkhad. come then forth thee monolithe... stands tall, pitch-black, front and center, middle. not unlike his grave. on his sides, matter frames him, maybe follows, or threatens him. matter boils, bubbles, or streaks. matter reacts to him, or around him -> the twins. the single white line, maybe the breaking of the bond, or the knife strike. see there, to the right, three lines? they are brackets: } . they are bringing-together brackets. he is the bringer-together... for the better and worse.
this was so fun :3 thank you... [ask me a little something something?]
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abigail · 10 months
nooooo I’m so scared of my postman actually. like.. ok someone tell me if I’m being insane or if you’d be a bit freaked out too
ok so.. I moved into my new place in late spring time and since living there I’ve had a few different posties but recently this past like.. idk month or two I’ve mainly just had this one guy, I’d say he’s around 40-50 y/o.. at first he was just idk. normal lol ?? like didn’t say much just got on with his job etc. after a few times he’d start just.. commenting on stuff I guess ? like I’d answer the door in my pyjamas and he’d be like ‘oh hehe sorry for waking you up’ and idk.. ur a post man surely you’re greeted at the door of lots of people in pyjamas ??? (especially because it was like 8am on a saturday idk anyway). he then started saying my name a lot which.. he obviously knows from my mail, but he’d say ‘abi’ and I never get post with my nickname delivered so he just decided himself to use my nickname (which I find odd because.. personally I don’t really use a nickname for someone unless they tell me it’s their name or I hear other people using it or obvs if we’re close etc but maybe that’s just me !!)
then the other week I answered the door and he.. paused to hand over my mail.. to tell me he saw me by the charity shop in the main area of the town I live, I just said oh yeah they have good stuff sometimes and he just then asked if I work there ??? I said no … so he asked if I work around there.. I said no I work ‘in the city’ (the town I live in is like wedged in between two cities and I didn’t specify which one) and he just quietly repeated ‘in the city’ back to himself while handing me my mail ???? I told this to my friends and they agreed it was weird behaviour btw
so anyway.. with it being this time of year I’ve ordered more stuff online than usual because I’ve been buying christmas gifts and I’ve had a few friends mail me gifts for me so I’ve had to answer the door to him more frequently and idk each time he has something to say … like recently he said “oh that one looks interesting what’s in that” with a little smirky face and I’m like oh .. uh.. it’s a gift ????? like.. idk it’s just a bit weird considering the previous stuff ??? or is it just me ???
but yeah what caused me to write this is what just happened.. I’m waiting at the bus stop into the city and I see the post van drive past but then slow down.. it takes me a second to think oh shit is it him so I awkwardly turn to look away and then the van reverses back to the stop even slower until the window is in line with where I’m stood so I have no choice but to notice.. he shouts ‘abi’ and then asks what I want to do with this parcel he’s got in the back.. I’m like ??? uh.. my partner is home rn until midday or something ????? because well.. they are. and like he must know I have a partner because he would’ve seen their name on the mail he delivers and he probably has had my partner answer the door to him a few times too so idk why wouldn’t he think that like ???? and for him to recognise me while I’m at the bus stop and stuff ????? idk man it made me feel so yucky !!! anyway he asks then if I’m heading to work … I say yeah (so now he knows which city I work in ough) and he’s like hmm. ok see you soon and then does a full u turn to where I live .. I assume to deliver my mail but like.. surely he’s got a route he’s meant to follow like he was originally going in the opposite direction ???
yeah idk.. I might just be overthinking it like he’s probably harmless he just seems like some guy but considering it all and it’s the fact he obviously knows where I live because he’s my postie just makes me feel so…. idk. it creeps me out tbh like the vibes are off lmao
edit to add - also consider the fact the area I live in isn’t tiny like.. it’s not a city or whatever but there’s lots of houses and sure he’ll only be doing mail for one section of the town (I assume) but stillll he’ll be seeing so many people daily why is he always recognising me like. I’m not even wearing an outfit that makes me stand out today how did he instantly spot me.. ALSO the second I posted this I got an email saying my parcel was delivered so yeah he literally did do a u turn to my house to deliver my mail rather than do his normal route uhuhhhhhhhh…….. like thanks but ??? why am I getting special treatment lol
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
Double isekai au
Diasomnia, Ignihyde, Poemfiore and Scarabia ver.
Yep yep... It's not like I've explained 2 times with 2 different characters... :'3
But here we're gonna refine the wine a bit... :3
I will cover more rules, along with small lil details.
And also the reveal of 4 out of the 7 Yuus that are present in their own double Isekai au.
Also their relationships with the double isekaied twst Boi. :v
We are gonna tackle this in reverse dorm order, because why not? :3c
More under the cut!
Diasomnia: Malleus and Yuu
Much like we all know, this double Isekai features a very dumb Malleus. Like he is academically smart, but at the same time his only functional social braincell is just all over the place. He has been infested with gen Z humor and since discovering his magic in twisted wonderland he thinks he's dollar store sailor moon.
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His Yuu(which yeah, they're named Yuu) is filling the role of chaotic BFF. They also hype Malleus into all the dumb shit possible.
Unlike Malleus, Yuu is more socially capable, although a very messy simp. They would have the guts to propose right then and there for the Scarabia student B. And they don't even try to hide their simp agenda.
Another funny thing was: Malleus had blonde days. Days where he was just a bundle of joy that would skip around and pick flowers. It was absolutely embarrassing and Yuu would bring it up just to mess with him.
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And another thing... Well... There is a reason Yuu has their hair covering half of their face. :v
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Ignihyde: Ortho and Yuuki
Listen... I love this one in particular, mostly because of the Yuu in here(They are named Yuuki) and also the family dynamics.
Yuuki is very protective. Mostly to the point where Ortho finds it annoying. There is a lot of bickering on this theme, but it all dials back to them just sticking for one another. They are the middle children since Otto(the youngest sibling in the crevette household) came into the picture. Ortho tries to be less overprotective over the new sib, but at the same time, both he and yuuki have an agreement to beat up anyone who tries to harm the baby. There's also big sib Yulia, who goes to college aboard. She is a walking entity of sass. U-U.
It's mostly your average suburbs family.
One thing about Ortho's journey along Yuuki is that he journals things. (as a punishment at the start of the year) And he really doesn't believe the teach will buy his school year adventure. Doesn't help that probably he broke several international laws during that time. Just... Give him a passing mark... :'3
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Another thing is that during their adventure, both Ortho and Yuuki undergo several changes.
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And also one thing in here is that Ortho is alergic to pickles... So Yuuki pretty much uses it as an excuse to make 'he asked for no pickles' meme, with Ortho completely done and over with it.
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Poemfiore: Vil and Kayuu
Yes, again the Isekai goes on at a young age. Truck-kun really has no patience. U-U
Vil in here gets his own slice of bullying pie, much like Ortho did. Mostly since he was looking feminine. Kayuu(Vil's Yuu) is the big sibling with only a year, but even if they are a boxing prodigy, they are a firm believer of peace and diplomacy, which really doesn't help Vil in any way.
Vil's double Isekai has Neige as the poemfiore dormleader. Vil grows in popularity among NRC during his adventures and this prompts Neige to step onto his game, as no one really imposed a challenge to him up until now.
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Also Kayuu learns that sometimes it's OK to punch bitches. Vil drills in their head that they shouldn't be a carpet for people to walk on.
Nonetheless, their relationship is a bit stranded at the start, but with time, they figure it out and are happy siblings.
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Scarabia: Jamil and Yuuana
This took place around the time Jamil got in his head about his role as a servant. Kalim was absolutely devastated to hear that Jamil dissappeared.
In here, Jamil has small snippets of his time back in twst before the Isekai, but tells no one. He had a good family and a younger sibling, Yuuana, who thinks their big bro is the best.
Yuuana is a hit shy, mostly due to the fact that she is mute, but Jamil learned sign for her sake and also got for her birthday a parrot, who was trained to speak certain basics when showed an equivalent in sign. Yuuana named the parrot Coco(from the coconut).
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Thier Isekai adventure has Jamil quickly piecing things together. He figures out quickly what is his origins, but would rather keep the gig of 'oh I'm a magicless hooman isekaied in here with my lil sib and we want home'.
Thing is... Kalim didn't forget about Jamil either, he just cannot really figure out why the magicless boy looks so familiar.
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And here's the first 4 double isekais. :3
Now onto the next 3! :3
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fandom-geek · 13 days
finished ostagar and lothering last time, so time for my second round of re-playthrough thoughts
the cinematics continue to be excellent, and you can really see the (at the time) recent lotr inspiration with how the battle goes down. kinda weird that the mages weren't ordered to attack alongside the archers, though. rip cailan, duncan, et al., i hardly knew ye.
it's interesting to think that (as per the wiki) that cailan knew that alistair was his brother. for all his talk of riding off into glorious battle, he still chose to give alistair what should've been a remarkably safe task. given cailan's character, i'm fairly sure it's motivated by a fairly straightforward "protect my little brother" desire, but it's interesting nonetheless
gameplay wise, i had completely forgotten that you unlock more tactics slots as you level up. it was annoying at first, but the more i think about it, the more it's a bit ingenious. it means that you have to get to grips with micromanaging your party in combat before you can just rely on the ai to take control of them successfully, in a bit of a reverse difficulty swing. i actually quite like it.
da:o's politicking plot isn't exactly the most subtle or terribly complicated, but it's still very well written. admittedly i've seen, like, one cutscene from that side plot so far, namely the landsmeet cutscene after ostagar, but still. you get very immediate and clear impressions of almost everyone involved - bar anora, who is being remarkably silent but clearly respects teagan, and eamon, who is busy being comatose.
and another hit from the 'definitely 00s worldbuilding' - leliana and morrigan's banter immediately posits that, if morrigan isn't an andrastian, she must be an atheist in our sense of the word. despite, yknow, for all intents and purposes being chasind, who have their own animist beliefs and shamans. i know morrigan is far from an even remotely typical chasind (thanks to her ancient elven god mother), but it's still a very 00s choice of them.
speaking of her ancient elven god mother. i got that banter where morrigan talks about how flemeth would seduce chasind men, bring them back home to have sex with her, kill them, then tell morrigan this was also expected of her as an adult. flemeth is winning the worst mother of the age award by a country fucking mile and we haven't even touched on morrigan's "i'm fairly sure my mother is going to kill me and possess my body" thing yet. what the fuck, flemeth???
that said, i am also this close to putting alistair and morrigan in a get along shirt. i hadn't really considered it before, but they're both deeply sheltered young adults who... aren't exactly in a good state btwn the aforementioned childhood and alistair losing his newfound family. add in my poor cousland who's dealing with all of this, the potential loss of any justice for their family, the actual loss of their family, plus her concern abt whether fergus is even alive... it's the trauma trio alright. not that anyone in the party is particularly well adjusted except for wynne and maybe sten, if only by qunari standards. perhaps shale too
(all of alistair and morrigan's bickering also led me to rewatching alistair and morrigan's conversation in da:i and ok. bioware did nail that. it's so wonderful to see how they grow over the next decade, especially with kieran in the picture.)
speaking of companions - leliana! it is probably some more 00s worldbuilding that everyone's reaction to her saying she had a vision that the maker wants her to go with them is that she's out of her mind, but it's funny enough that it works. also helps that we are talking about two grey wardens who have been publicly accused of treason and regicide, and a chasind-looking apostate. like.... yeah, even if you believe in the maker, having a random sister help you shank some guys in the pub then tell you that is probably a bit hard to get behind. not that that'll ever stop me from recruiting her, lol.
i had, uh. kinda forgotten that sten was imprisoned for murdering an entire family, children included. the things you forget after a decade, huh? i haven't really engaged with him beyond that because i figured my warden was not dumb enough to bring the convicted murderer running around the town where he got convicted, so, uh, yeah. need to talk to him in camp and figure him out more.
aside from that, not much more to add. i had actually forgotten abt the quest boards, then i only remembered the chanter's board, so imagine my surprise when i see the blackstone irregulars too. not the nicest bunch, but it's good xp either way. i'm fairly sure there's at least one more faction offering quests but i have basically zero memory of this beyond the chanter's boards, so i'm looking forward to rediscovering that whole thing.
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tornrose24 · 1 month
What is the baptism and adoption ceremony like? Are they just dipped in moldy water?
Where’s eda’s adopted son, king? And does vi exist?
What kind of mold powers do the girls have?
I’ll answer these in reverse order-
The girls powers are basically what they had in their canon series. I’d say that because the area in the village used to be inhabited by ancient creatures, Belos got a hand on some DNA and mixed with the Cadou for various subjects.
-Vanessa doesn’t have a Cadou and since one of her parents didn’t get one either, she’s the least powerful, appart from being a bit more durable.
-Meteora’s powers are a mix of her parents since they both got a Cadou. (She does not have a Cadou and doesn’t need one). She could mutate like her mom but it wears her out.
-Molly has a very weakened version of her powers from TGAMM. She can make flowers grow and likely has limited healing powers because of this (I haven’t explored this in full yet).
-Luz is actually the most powerful because when Eda gave her a Cadou, she also used Titan’s DNA and the actual extent of her powers are kept a huge secret. (Obtaining Titan’s blood/dna is impossible to get in this au.) But Luz also has a mutated form of her own because of this, which was also kept a secret from Belos.
About King:
-King actually IS in this AU. A lot of the creatures were forced to leave the lands when Belos took the megamycete for himself and started trying to kill them all. The creatures managed to stay hidden and King did get to be with his Dad for a time until he accidentally entered our world with no way back home. Eda found him and figured out who he was and she’s been hiding him in her home away from the village and Belos. Only she and Luz know about him. (Part of the reason Papa Titan is posing as a Merchant during the main events is to try to find his son, but he does ally himself with Star-and Luz upon meeting her-when he sees a way to defeat Belos and return the lands back to their rightful inhabitants.) You could say that King is also technically a member of the Clawthorne house and is Luz’s ‘brother.’
-I haven’t figured out specifics yet but I’d say Vee does exist.
Ok now for the baptism/adoption ceremonies.
-In all four cases they happen in the church.
-The water used is indeed infused with a bit of the megamycete. It’s only used for baptisms since Meteora and Vanessa don’t have Cadou in their bodies to the extent of their ‘cousins.’
-Expect from religious speech from Belos that only his followers would believe before the ceremony properly starts.
-In the case of a baptism, the parent must answer the following during the process upon presenting the girl to Belos:
-“Do you promise to raise your child to fulfill their familial obligations to your house and this community?”
-“Do you promise to do whatever it takes to protect the child and thus your bloodline?”
-“Do you promise to instill loyalty in your child?” (Translation: “is your child going to be loyal to me?”)
-the girl is then baptized with water and declared heir to the family name.
-Vanessa’s wasn’t too remarkable, but Meteora’s father wasn’t even allowed to attend  due to how his Cadou affected his physical appearance and she was required to keep her more unusual features hidden. However she almost succeeded in biting Belos’ finger off-word has it that you can still hear Bill’s howls of laughter over that moment echo in the church on quiet days. 
-In the case of the adoption ceremony, the girl is transferred from her biological family to Belos before she can be given to her new adoptive parent, who must answer these questions first:
-first is the same as the first question from the baptism ceremony.
-second question is same as the second question from the baptism ceremony but without mention of a bloodline.
“Do you understand that the gift you are given should be treasured carefully?” (Translation: “I will let you take this child as your own but know that I can easily take them away from you.”)
-“Do you accept this child as your own and are willing to give your name to them?”
-the girl is then handed off to the lord and declared heir to their family name.
-neither Camila nor the McGee family were happy about being forced to give up their child to people they barely knew at the time (especially given that the girls were told that their families would meet unfortunate fates if they revealed the truth behind Belos and the lords). Eda and Scratch were not happy about that either and they got their respective kids out of there before Belos’ more devoted followers tried to get close to them.
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doesnotloveyou · 11 months
Don Johnson Filmography - Free Links!
Instead of you spending countless joyful hours trawling the web for grainy old '70s flicks, I did it for you! Here's a list of FREE places to watch DJ's stuff.
This list will be in reverse chronological order as they appear on IMDb. Some are just placeholders until (if) better links can be found, and some are bootlegs from other countries. I'm excluding music videos since those aren't hard to find.
And if you want to skip boring/annoying plot but don't want to miss him, I've made a key:
MC (main character) - much of the story involves his character and he is onscreen often
SC (side character) - only part of the story involves his character, so he's onscreen far less often than other characters
C (cameo) - he's got one or two scenes and they're small, in which case I'll mark his appearances in 0:00:00 format
I'm leaving most content warnings to viewer discretion, but some I don't feel comfortable ignoring. Also, some of the YouTube vids may get taken down at any moment :( If you like something, back it up! I'm using KMPlayer to download my faves, but I've heard you can also use VLC.
>> Links below cut! <<
First, check out my list from Tubi which has the most high quality versions of his work and TV appearances. If it's on Tubi, it won't be on this post!
Home Movie: The Princess Bride - (C, 0:41:30) the entire film is hilarious, especially if you've seen the original; made by a bunch of celebs during quarantine.
Knives Out - (SC) ok, there's no link, but i'm begging you to go buy this movie on DVD it's like $5-$10 tops in stores these days.
Moondance Alexander - (SC, 0:18:20)
Just Legal - (MC, eight episodes)
Word of Honor - (MC) this vid has "helium" audio and other insufferable flaws.
Goodbye Lover - (SC, login req)
In Pursuit of Honor - (MC) WARNING: animal death/abuse
G.I. Joe: The Movie - (SC, voice only, 0:30:35...) spare yourself, skip this movie that he probably did for his kid.
Tales of the Unexpected - (SC; one episode)
Matt Houston - (SC; one episode)
Melanie - (SC)
Soggy Bottom, U.S.A. - (SC; German dub) clips of his character.
Elvis and the Beauty Queen - (MC; Portuguese subtitles)
Revenge of the Stepford Wives - (SC, 0:12:40, 0:25:15...) he has multiple scenes including one at the end, but these movies stress me out.
Beulah Land - (SC) only in part 1, but his character is replaced by a young Jonathan Frakes in part 2. WARNING: non-graphic rape
From Here to Eternity - (C, one episode, 0:07:10, 0:36:00)
The Rebels (MC, two-parts)
Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill - (SC, 0:13:39...)
First, You Cry - (SC, first scene, 0:24:20, 0:44:20, 0:57:07, 1:15:38, 1:32:16)
Katie: Portrait of a Centerfold - (C, 0:19:48, 0:32:19, 0:44:03...) can't stomach this film to find the rest of his scenes, he's a very minor character.
The American Girls - he's not in this! the main male character is played by the lovely Charles Haid from Hillstreet Blues, but it isn't listed on Haid's IMDb. Also, the character he plays does not go by the name DJ is listed under for that episode, so maybe DJ's in a different one? Regardless, I only found two episodes and DJ is in neither.
Ski Lift to Death - (SC) he shows up in the second video...don't make me watch this.
What Really Happened to the Class of '65? - TV spot w/ the only footage of him that I can find.
Cover Girls - (SC, 0:27:21, 0:40:40, 01:01:15...)
The City - (MC) costarring Mark Hamil
Barnaby Jones - (SC, one episode) I watched this and now it's missing...it sucked anyway. DJ plays an amateur arms dealer with a sickly son, a wife in jail, and a hideous mustache. He loses.
The Streets of San Francisco - (SC, one episode)
Law of the Land - (MC)
Return to Macon County - (MC) login to YT req but there is also a Spanish dub that doesn't req login. costarring Nick Nolte
A Boy and His Dog - (MC) this version has the nude scenes edited out, sign in to YT for the full cut; much higher quality than Tubi. WARNING: rape, etc.
The Rookies - (SC, one episode) costarring Nick Nolte
Kung Fu - making an executive decision here uhhh skip this one
The Harrad Experiment - (MC; two-parter w/ odd in-video ads that you can easily fast forward) WARNING: they all get naked
The Bold Ones: The New Doctors - (MC, one episode)
Lollipops, Roses and Talangka - (SC; some scenes in Tagalog) can't find the 1975 sequel or much information on English sites, but one Filipino fanblog implies the film may no longer exist.
Zachariah (MC)
Endlessly impressed by how much has been preserved and curated over the years. Even if a ton of it was junk, it's nice to save people's hard work and memories :)
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marine-indie-gal · 3 months
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So considering that I've introduced my Friend, @djinarocks to this Character from "Space Goofs" (whose actually one of the Central Antagonists according to its Video Game adaptation, "Stupid Invaders"), Lucien Bolok (or just only by his last name, "Bolok" cause he's only famous in "Stupid Invaders" that much unlike on how he was first introduced in the Show).
For those who might've forgotten about this Character, he first appeared in the Episode, "The Pro" where he was sent by some Mailman to hunt down some Garden Gnomes (which had been mistaken for of a Dog) and that the Space Goofs figure out a plan on how to get rid of Him from destroying their own Garden. Oh, and his Mentor is his Pet Fish (which is Silly, but hey, it's a Cartoon, so what do you expect?).
His Role in the Game however got expanded more when he was hired by Another Character in the Show from Another Episode (Dr. Saccharin from the Episode, "Zero Stuff") to capture the Aliens and bring them to the Doctor in order to have some more Money but unfortunately, being betrayed by Saccharin, he ends up ending the World through a Nuclear Bomb Rocket Ship in which the Space Goofs finally drive their way home.
In my Personal Headcanon, I see Season 1 and the Game being the Only Chronological order of the Franchise (even despite that the Game's Adult Humor is different compare to the Show's more "Family-Friendly" humor) while that Season 2 is an Alternate Universe of its Own where if Stereo was never part of the Main Gang. Even if I may grew up watching Season 2 in Childhood like I've mentioned before, I still now prefer Season 1 (even if 2 may have had some of its Good Episodes I still have doubts at looking back at my First Exposure to the Series. Granted, I don't HATE Season 2, but it's really not that bad to begin with considering that it was in the Same Era as Other Xilam Products like "Ratz" and "Tupu").
That being said, among the very First Visitors of Season 1, what really caught my attention towards both the Show and the Game was this Guy, considering on what he does on the Opposite of the Most Unwanted Guests (especially along with most of the Human Characters) feels so...Unhinged to Me. Like, OK, he may be from Another Obscure Foreign Cartoon but what really draws so much attachment to Him is how that Bolok (IMO) is seriously The Most Indifferent House Guest out of all of the Other Ex-Neighbors that the Goofs try to get rid of from their Entire Countryside of Earth. Like, he is so Mysterious (despite his Funny Moments) as he is literally a Bounty Hunter that won't stand anyone who tries to Manipulate Him in his own Way (which, honestly probably wouldn't be a Big Surprise from most Anti-Villains, but I think you get the point).
After seeing @gingaswag (Aka @gingacd)'s Space Goofs fanart on this Site, I had to took the perfect time before my Graduation started that Day as I drew a Slight Personal Interpretation of what Lucien would look like if he was an Extraterrestrial like the Main Alien Cast instead of drawing his Canonical Appearance if he wasn't born a Human. Because I've been on a major thinking of these whole "Role Swap" ideas between Two Certain Characters where if the Story was completely different in a way (which I happened to be a Massive Fan of "What Ifs"), is that What If the Space Goofs and the Humans reversed both their own Roles and Species like say where if the Goofs were the Humans lost on an Alien Planet and that they have to get themselves out of an Alien Planet but still use the SMTV to disguise themselves to blend within the Space Society just like in the Show?
I know that keeping the Original Concept would kinda be a bit 100% Boring and Cliche but I was thinking more of an "Aliens Conquer the Earth" type where if the Earth-Born Space Goofs were the Ones to stop Evil Aliens from taking over their World.
Anyway, for the drawing itself (since I used it on Paper rather than on MS Paint), I decided to make Bolok more "Death-like" as if he were to be the Galactic Personification of Death itself (since he is a Professional Bounty Hunter) with the Pink Skull Mask (that's supposed to be part of his Alien Skin) beneath his Mouth as I did added in some more Rough Scales as well as Horns and Fish Ears (as a callback to his Ex-Mentor) as I made him somewhat of a Skeleton/Fishman Alien.
The Main Inspiration behind this design probably drew a lot of the Fishman from "The Shape of Water" or a Wendigo but mostly Pedri Nanezgani from "Ava's Demon" (example of the Main Inspiration that I drew from; https://avas-demon.fandom.com/wiki/Pedri_Nanezgani) (since obviously, with an idea of Bolok as an Alien, I just can't unsee him in an AU where if he was Pedri and Nevy's Son).
It may have felt tricky to do considering that this is the Very First Time drawing a Character in an Extraterrestrial Species (even if I may be a huge sucker for the Whole "Swap" things kind of trope), but yeah.
I sorta do feel proud of this a bit, but I would like to know your own personal thoughts in the Comments or Reblogs to see if I did capture Bolok's Nature within his Alien form or not.
Lucien Bolok (c) Xilam
Alien Interpretation of Bolok (c) Me
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blazerwyvernmaster · 5 months
Daichi, The Lone Individualist
OK time for my first character that I made for this project. He's a goober, originally designed for a P4 rp, and I like em alot.
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Daichi Yuugi was born to two engineers.Both of which spent most of their time away from home when he grew to be around 10 due to work. Because of this, Daichi spent most of his time being alone and restless. In the privacy of their home, they did the best they could to keep themselves entertained and free.
Though, this attitude didn’t really translate well when trying to interact with people his age. Everyone seemed to think he was weird, and because of his meh grades and underachieving attitude, they kind of just…declared him the town idiot. Which forced him into a state of being alone, a state they desperately wanted to escape.
So, in high school, they have been trying to hide their weirder tendencies in order to seem more approachable. But the label of town idiot still follows him, whether he likes it or not. Even with the few friends he does manage to make.
After the party discovers The Dark Garden while trying to save a classmate, Daichi initially runs away, fearful of death and battle. But he eventually decides to muster the courage to go in alone, shaming himself for his cowardice. This almost gets him killed, but he decides to stick it out, joining the new team in their quest to uncover the secrets of The Dark Garden.
Daichi is both cheerful and gauche. He is very excitable and hyper and has a tendency to make jokes that only a few people find funny. Because of their odd style, their awkward and loud personality, and their low intelligence, many seem to dislike him or write him off as a waste. To avoid getting hate thrown his way, he either tries to act more normal or pretends the insults don’t bother him. They do, though.
Daichi loves to consume media, most likely as an escape from this world, and often dreams about making stories that can be appreciated by the entire world if possible.
He cares deeply for his friends and the town he lives in, even if they hate him. He is especially protective of Abel, who he relates to as an outsider seeking relationships.
Daichi's personas are Dante from the Divine Comedy and Ovid, a roman poet
Dante is the writer and main character of The Divine Comedy. It follows the story of Dante, a poet who has been sent to Hell. He is guided by a man named Vergil, and travels through Hell, Purgatory, and eventually Heaven, learning about all of them along the way.
Ovid was a Roman poetry who wrote many stories. Specifically, he is responsible for many of the stories where the Olympic gods are more explicitly flawed and awful, such as Aracnhe's and Medusa's stories.
As a party member, Daichi specializes in
Decent stats all around with an emphasis on speed and luck
Strike damage with boots.
Electric magic
All types of buffs, including Heat Riser
Status healing
Confuse and Fear status effects
Arcana and Story Arc
Daichi is of the Hermit Arcana. Representing solitude, but also self reflection. Daichi has been forced to be alone for a multitude of reasons. His parents are almost always away on business. His interests lead him to stay inside more often. His eccentric nature often leads people to bully him or dismiss him.
Daichi seeks an escape from this awful world. They like helping people, and weiritjg stories, but what's the point of writing stories for people if everyone dismisses what you do as foolishness? They must struggle with these thoughts and feelings.
Daichi tries to find ways to fit in, desperately, but eventually realizes they don't really have to. He has his people. The world may be unnecessarily cruel, but they manage to actually help people who are alone, understanding what that feels like.
Daichi would also be one of the only social links that you can reverse. If you call his dreams stupid, or belittle him, he'll feel like you're just like everyone else. And why would they want to hang out with someone who doesn't really like them?
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Return of the King.
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Maybe a little bit...Why did you say that?
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So...you chose to insult her pride instead so that she’d be determined to prove you wrong?
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Huh...Interesting use of Reverse Psychology there-
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*Kaede is suddenly halted in her tracks as Monodam sticks out the arm of his exisal...
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*Kaede sees a threatening figure down the end of the hallway....
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*Meanwhile, within the digital realm, Sora descends downwards into the cybernetic abyss below, until she eventually touches some semblance of ground.
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Alright Sora...Woman up. Just find our guy, and we’ll be in and out...2 minute adventure. Hoo...
*Uncomfortable with her restraints removed, Sora keeps brushing her out-of-place hair, trying not to think about it as she looks around.
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I swear to god Kaede...You owe me 2000 yen for this...Forcing myself to face my trauma while you go hang out with a fucking green teddy bear...!
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Still...guess it helps that this place is relatively empty...
I know right? Gives you lots of time to think, don’t you agree?
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Yeah...You’d think that’d make things a little...
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*Sora suddenly realizes that the voice she heard is an unfamiliar one, and wheels around looking for where it came from.
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*A relatively big cubic structure juts out from the ground, and remembering it came from that way, she starts to head towards it.
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Ok...Ok...Keep yourself in check Sora...Make a good impression...Don’t go crazy...
*With these words of self-assurance, she turns the corner and looks behind the block...seeing no one there.
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Are you looking for me?
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*Caught unpleasantly off guard as her fellow AI walks around the block and ends up behind her, she screams in panic. The AI, also shocked, starts screaming as well.
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DICKHEAD!! You scared the shit out of me!
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What the-!? YOU scared ME!
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Because YOU scared ME first!
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Yeah well...I’m SUPPOSED to be here!
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Well...ok, maybe that’s not TOTALLY true...But even so, I got here first! If anything, YOU’RE the suspicious one!
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Then why did you just...show yourself instead of trying to hide?
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Well, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to test the waters...Plus, we’re kind of in a digital realm with very little places to hide. I wouldn’t have been able to stay hidden if I tried.
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Besides, from the way you were talking to yourself, sounds like you came down here looking for me?
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Ok, Ok, I get it! Maybe this IS my fault...But just a word of warning, it might not be such a good idea to be pushy with me.
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Why not? I mean, I obviously don’t want to upset you, but why now?
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I had to remove my shackles in order to get down here...And I don’t exactly feel myself without them.
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Oh...That’s...not great. But ok, I get it. I won’t push.
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It’s great to finally meet someone else who speaks my language. My human friend and...bear friend don’t quite get it.
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“Bear friend?”
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I’ll tell you later.
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Wh-What? What’s wrong?
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I...I’ve just been wondering...
*The AI stares at Sora’s face.
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Are you...Akane Taira...!?
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Oh, uh...No. No, I’m not.
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Are you sure?
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Yeah, I promise. I get that a lot though. My actual name is Sora. Sora Kabuya.
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(Hm...That was easy. I mean, it’s not like I lied to him, but even so, I’m surprised he knew the connection...)
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And who might you be?
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Me? Well, hehe...There’s only one person I really could be, don’t you think?
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...Not really...You could be the AI spirit of Pope Benedict for all I know...
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Wow, you’re sassy! But yeah, ok, sure, I get your point.
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My name’s Yamato! Yamato Kisaragi!
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Yamato Kisaragi...!?
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So you HAVE heard of me?
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Yeah, I have...You were supposed to be the Central Processing Algorithm for the Kisaragi Foundation servers before you were stolen from the databases...
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Then Rei Mekaru tried to do the same with me, but gave me away instead.
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You know Rei?
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I...LITERALLY just told you she made me.
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Oh, right, sorry, kinda got a few things backwards there...
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But yeah, I did hear this whole thing about how I was stolen, and was only finished after I got stolen.
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But there was always the hope of people coming to rescue me and Doctor Ando one day, which is why I’ve been hard at work making sure our base isn’t broken into!
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Huh? What’s wrong?
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You...What do you mean, “your base?”
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I mean...this place...It’s our base, right?
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Ando told me that no matter what, I need to keep the system and settings active, and stop anyone from infiltrating the lab using methods like hacking if we enter lockdown.
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And lately, I feel like we’ve been dealing with a lot...Someone REALLY wants in here right now...
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Wait...Don’t tell me YOU’RE an AI program they sent in here to take me out, are you!?
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...Oh my fucking god...
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Well!? Are you!?
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Sorry! I’m sorry! God, it’s like having the fucking menopause right now, it SUCKS!
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Sora...Are you alright? Did I...say something wrong?
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No...No, not exactly...It’s just...
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I’m gonna need you to listen to me. I need to tell you the truth.
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Yeah...Sorry you had to hear it like this.
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But it’s likely that by the time Ando told you this, Organization Zetsubou had already brainwashed him.
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So, this whole time, the people who you were keeping out? They were just trying to rescue you.
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And now, Organization Zetsubou have trapped a very important person inside the lab, and we’ve been doing everything to try and get them out...
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So those hacking attempts that I stopped...Were you trying to rescue your friend?
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Basically. I got tunneled into the lab for communication and moral support for this person. 
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*Yamato suddenly slams his fist on the block.
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DAMMIT! How could I!?
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So...you believe me...?
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Yeah...Sad as it is to say, a lot of what you’ve said makes sense looking back.
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It seemed suspicious at the time, but I figured since it was Doctor Ando who gave the order, it was trustworthy! I-I had no idea he was being mind-controlled!
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I’ve been SUCH AN IDIOT!
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Hey, hey, take it easy! Listen, no one’s going to blame you for this.
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As far as I’m concerned, you’re just another person who Zetsubou tried to manipulate. That’s all they ever do. They gaslight and manipulate people into submission.
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Still...Helping out Ultimate Despairs...I’m disgusted with myself!
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I would be too, but again, it’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known.
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To be honest, it’s partly my fault too. I didn’t even consider your circumstances.
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But you know what? None of it matters anymore.
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Why not?
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Because YOU are going help me make it right.
*Sora takes Yamato’s hand.
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Our friend, Kaede Akamatsu, is still trapped inside the lab. We think we can get the system open from the inside, but to do that...we’re gonna need YOUR help.
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Well...I can’t do it from here. Even I can’t open the lockdown once it’s manually activated.
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I figured...But we CAN get you to do it from a different place. We just need to get you out of this place, and that’s what I’m here for.
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So, how about it? Feel like helping us out?
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Hell yeah! No way am I staying here inadvertently helping criminals for no reason! I want out!
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Glad to hear it...Especially because it means I don’t have to keep going without my hairtie for much longer.
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Alright then buddy! Let’s get a move on!
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