#ok but this is a peak reaction image
sky-neverending · 1 year
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my face when bae has been with 17 thousand people before me
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rmorde · 19 days
Trigun Manga Reaction
Starting off with Volume 1 - Chapter 1
I will always love Meryl's design. She is one of the most memorable female characters from my childhood. My most distinct image from Trigun 98 is Meryl showing off all her derringers from her coat. I love her and Milly a lot.
So, these two images make me giggle.
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Ok. I have to do a double take here.
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Is the Note: Staunch Pacifist here a "break the fourth wall" type of situation or an actual info people in the story know? Hmmm... from the animes, it doesn't seem to be common knowledge that Vash doesn't like to fight. People kinda shoot first and never ask later with him. I guess the many zeroes in his bounty just wipes off the "staunch pacifist" info from their minds or they think it's just a twisted joke to ignore.
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BABY NOOOO!!!!! He was just happily eating steaks!!! This is far more cruel than a ruined drink or hanging upside down!
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Sigh... Really... Vash... Just really?! I guess Badlands!Vash isn't too OOC when he pulled this stunt then he's still weirdly horndoggy there ngl.
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That's a nice nightmare face. Did Nightow ever make a serious horror?
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Maybe I am just being weird here but this panel is really interesting because of the lack of details on this big guy threatening Vash. From his chest and below, with the exception of his hand holding the gun, there is nothing. He encompasses about three-quarters of this half page panel like a really big wall.
I guess the composition is supposed to show how he is trying to dwarf Vash. It doesn't work obviously since Vash looks so still and detailed in contrast to him. Idk. It's just how it comes across to me.
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Pouty Baby.
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Classic Vash.
Aah... The faces of people wondering how they shouldn't be alive anymore, but they still do because the scary Humanoid Typhoon decided to use a toy gun to shoot them in their faces twice.
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Baby Girl. You should be in Sailor Moon.
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Baby Gremlin Girl.
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Clever Gremlin Baby Girl Vash The Stampede
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Oh poor TriStamp Vash. He got hit by inflation hard. He can only get 2 pizzas with his one bullet!
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Ok. So the Plants design from '98 are closer to the manga. TriStamp is new.
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Oh my my my...
Peak designs I swear. I mean. TriStamp Meryl's design is cute, but it is nothing compare to this beauty!
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Remember this exchange from the '98 anime. Didn't really understand it until I got older and realized on hindsight what these assholes really meant. Ewww.
I wonder if, with how sensitive certain groups of people nowadays, these dirty lines will still get past the radar when localized or be changed altogether.
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Oh... This is slightly different. Milly did understand what they meant and reacted to it unlike in '98 where she is just innocently confused.
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This will always be iconic for me alongside Meryl's Derringers reveal. When I think of Trigun, these are two of the four images that come to my mind.
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Oh... Oh... So, this stuff happens to Vash during the first chapter. I guess the animes are a bit more merciful that they have this happen after a few episodes at least.
Sigh... Whenever I have a bad day, I'll just think Vash has it worse. At least I get to fix my mistakes in peace and with help unlike him... Poor baby girl.
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greenboyfriend · 11 months
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choose a tile! (tarot card reading)
image source image 1: through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see image 2: one chants out between two worlds, image 3: fire, walk with me!
you're overcome with guilt & anguish. you may have made some sort of mistake, and now you're taking it out on yourself big time. you may already be dealing with other, hard hitting issues, so kicking yourself while you're down is definitely not going to help you. you're going to have to try something different. look at all the areas of your life and consider what needs balancing. maybe you've been too hard on yourself, or focusing too much on a situation, isolating yourself, ect*. find what needs to be changed and make it happen! self love should be your priority. it has the potential to take you a long way, even to the point of great reward! being kind to yourself is a lot easier said than done, but with the right mixture of influences (for example, surrounding yourself with supportive friends, reaching out for help, being open & honest with your feelings, ect) you will see the path start to clear. it's not always easy, but someday, it will feel so good to look back & be proud of how far you've come!
*these are all just examples of imbalances, meant to get u thinking about what may need changing, and are not necessarily relevant
(9 of swords reversed, temperance, the empress reversed)
okay... like, 6 cards just poured out of the deck. lets get this shit 🔥💯
after toppling from the heights and/or having a massive realization, your life has become chaos. this change has left you feeling guilty and maybe you're beating up on yourself as well. your tendency to shirk away from others, hide the truth and to value appearances over actual substance/health doesn't help things, either. it's time to get real, not just with yourself but especially with those around you, too. not telling the truth is actively making this situation worse. it's not wrong to need someone to talk to, and if you need to gush your feelings, that's more than OK-- it's exactly what you need. it can be scary to open up, but the fool encourages you to take that "crazy" chance, and trust in those around you.
(9 of swords reversed, the fool, the empress reversed, the tower, queen of swords reversed, knight of cups)
diligent and independent, you're well on your way to creating the comfortable lifestyle you so crave. however, there's some sort of hard decision you're going to have to make, or are in the process of making. this likely has to do with love (not necessarily romantic) and especially with forgiveness. before we get into that, though, it may help you to prepare for this by enjoying yourself during this time. you've been working hard, so you deserve to enjoy some of the benefits! when it comes to this decision, you're going to need to be bold. use the courage of your convictions to propel you forward! you will also find that your intuition guiding you-- let it. be aware of your dreams, gut reactions, and messages from within. try to rid your approach of negativity and see the best in those around you, including yourself. but in the meantime, relax! luxuriate! eventually you'll find that all's well that ends well.
(9 of pentacles, king of wands reversed, judgement, ace of cups reversed)
thanks for reading! if you'd like to get an in-depth reading about your specific situation, please send me a dm or an ask!
oh and the poem at the beginning is from twin peaks (the tv show not the damned titty restaurant!!!!!)
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youremyheaven · 7 months
Theatrical Romantic (TR): Kibbe ID Exploration Through Media
Let me begin by saying that its best to think of Kibbe as a set of archetypes (its called Kibbe Image Identities, not Kibbe Body Types for a reason) and to use it as a fun, creative & useful tool for self-presentation and not something to scrutinize your own appearance with (I blame social media and media in general for how obsessive women get with this).
Now let us begin. This is my new series, I'll be making a detailed post for each Kibbe ID (of which there are 13). I thought I'll begin with TRs as they are the most misunderstood and purported to be the rarest.
I think its important to analyse Kibbe IDs in relation to the character tropes most associated with actors who belong to each respective ID because this is the way that reveals the essence of an ID most clearly and also because (and most people overlook this) Kibbe is literally based on the old Hollywood star system.
Little rant: I get really sick of seeing people on the Kibbe subreddit analyse the size of their hands or the breadth of their shoulders or whatever when so much of it is just based on vibes :/ and the kind of vibes your physicality gives off. Ok rant over.
Character Tropes/Typecasting:
I have noticed that TRs are often cast as aristocrats, literal royalty or just someone upper-class and tend to play very sophisticated women.
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Morgan Fairchild & Joan Collins (both verified TRs)
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Priscilla Presley (unverified TR) played Jenna Wade on Dallas in the 80s. She described her character as "Jenna is her own woman. She's extremely self-reliant, she has lived in Europe and has a child. Just like me. Except that she's a bit more sophisticated than me. She has a lot of integrity, she's totally honest. I like her. How could I help but identify with her?"
TRs often come across as very self-possessed, intimidating, strong, free thinking and hard to "tame".
Its funny to me that this character was later played by Morgan Fairchild (verified TR) after Priscilla left the show
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They literally look SO similar. the 1930s-1940s period and the decade of 1980s was the heyday for TRs and they were everywhere & kind of overrepresented in the media.
I find this very interesting because TRs are often typecast as rich bratty girls or rich manipulative women. In the 1930s the US economy was experiencing the Great Depression and the wealth disparity between the rich & the poor was at its peak. In the 40s due to wartime production, the US finally climbed out of the great depression and it was a period of economic uplifting. During both these periods TRs were kinda everywhere in the media and film noir cinema was also very popular (I'll explore the link between TRs & this genre in another post). Movies depicted opulence & glamour & TRs were there to play those roles. Film noir can be understood as a reaction to the paranoia & general mistrust of the Great Depression and these movies were often very sexually charged as well. This is where the "femme fatale" shines.
Its so weird how they're practically extinct in the public eye now because of the homogenization of fashion/style/body aesthetics and every body looking like a copy of each other. To embrace your ID is to celebrate your unique presence and embrace individuality.
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this same character was also played by Francine Tacker and look at how different her presence/vibes come across as. Both Morgan & Priscilla kind of radiate a similar aura of sensuality, affluence and they don't really seem like people who will take shit from anyone. Francine looks much sweeter and more girl next door not a posh bougie cut throat kinda woman. Again this is just based on VIBES which is how casting works. An actor needs to LOOK convincing as the character they are playing.
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Joan Collins' character on Dynasty really exemplifies this. She plays Alexis who is a manipulative, scheming but sophisticated antagonist. She's described as "passionate, shrewd, and vengeful, Alexis loves her children fiercely and will do anything to protect them, but she often ignores their own needs and desires in place of what she thinks is best". Collins described her character as such:
"I went into the show, I was told that it was a failing show and that it was about to be cancelled, so they expected me to bring something to it to make it much more interesting to the viewer. That was a challenge, and it wasn't necessarily all in the writing. But I did find that the character was multifaceted, and wasn't just the plain old straightforward bitch type. I tried to give her a sense of humour, I tried to give her vulnerability, because she was betrayed by her ex-husband and her whole family, and I tried to bring other dimensions to the character."
It's vv imp to note this because TRs don't play supervillains or straight-up evil people, they're kind of bratty, and a little uppitty but it's mostly all in good humour and they have their reasons for doing so. They're not evil without reason. Their "bitchiness" is usually a mask for their vulnerability.
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Scarlett O'Hara is also a REALLY good example. There is a reason why Kibbe said Vivien Leigh is THE prime TR example. If you've watched the movie you know that Scarlett is a bratty rich girl who uses other people and learns her lesson far too late. She is also a victim of her circumstances.
I feel like everyone associates an RBF with Vivien Leigh and does not see how kooky, playful and kind of silly (although mean and bratty as well) her character was. This is what TRs are like, they look bitchy but they're actually only mean in a playful silly kind of way.
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This Jada Pinkett Smith in the 90s. A lot of people only know her in her current pixie cut form so they're confused by her being typed as a TR but if you watch her old stuff or look at pictures of her from when she had long hair, its vv apparent that she's a TR.
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Her daughter Willow looks so much like her (this is a pic of young Jada)
Its crazy how styling can hide or enhance so many things. Jada comes across vv differently now than she did in the 90s.
TRs are often typecast as spoilt brats who are a little dim-witted. They have a dry sense of humour and can come across as cold/mean/blunt. Even when the character isn't actually rich, they still come across as bratty.
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Alex Russo is a good example of this (played by verified TR Selena Gomez). Alex is good-natured and means no harm but she's often rude, sarcastic, conniving and manipulative.
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Jackie Burkhart (played by verified TR Mila Kunis) is yet another good example of this trope.
TRs are often cast as drama queens and they KILL it in these roles.
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Morgan Brittany played Vivien Leigh (both verified TR) in 3 different movies. Their resemblance is uncanny as are the vibes they both give off.
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She's best known for playing Katherine on Dallas. Her character was very scheming & conniving.
This is a very interesting video of Morgan speaking about how she tried to emulate Vivien's "essence". This was in the 70s pre-Kibbe but I feel like she was intuitively employing the same techniques.
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Donna Mills (verified TR) is best known for playing Abby Cunningham on Knots Landing.
Abby's storylines focused on business dealings, affairs and family troubles. Introduced as the sister of Sid Fairgate, she was initially portrayed as a friendly, warm-hearted woman with great love for her children. In due time, she evolved into the series' main antagonist, constantly causing mayhem in others' lives. According to series creator David Jacobs, the producers always intended Abby to be a J.R. Ewing-esque character. Jacobs said, "When we were casting the role of Abby, we were looking for a homey type, someone whom the other women characters would trust. It was our intention to have this nice person gain the trust of the other women and then cause trouble for them. We didn't want the other characters and the audience to know that there was a scheming person under this nice facade. We wanted her to come on as a good person and then evolve into a vixen." The character became known for her manipulative behaviour and was often labelled a "soap vixen".
This pretty much sums up the TR cinematic typecasting lol. They're innocent seeming vixens. Their "femme fatale" essence comes through with their scheming & manipulating, they're not action heroines who kick ass, most people now associate "femme fatale" with someone like Angelina Jolie but back in the day it was a charming innocent alluring woman who manipulated you and ruined your life.
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Salma Hayek's first & only telenovela Teresa had her playing a young woman who uses her beauty & manipulation tactics to climb out of poverty.
"Teresa is a beautiful and intelligent young woman desperately seeking to get out of the grinding poverty of the neighborhood where she lives. Resentful of the miserable life that took her sister, she plans to use her beauty and intelligence to enter the world of luxury to which she wants to belong.
To this end, she enters her classmate and friend Aurora's group of friends. There she meets Aurora's cousin Raul, a young but neurotic millionaire with suicidal tendencies. Telling Raul that she is rich, coupled with her beauty, Raul becomes smitten with her. Even though he and Aurora discover that Teresa lied about her wealth, Raul is obsessed with her and forgives her.
Fearing that their opposition to the relationship will end with Raul's suicide, Aurora's parents accept the romance of Teresa and Raul. However, Teresa discovers that her deceit and ambition leads to unhappiness and loneliness." (Wikipedia Plot Synopsis)
I feel like most verified TRs have played a character that uses their beauty/schemes etc to get ahead in life only to realize that it makes them deeply unhappy. Its kind of the OG TR trope.
This is also what sets them apart from other villainous or evil characters. They have goodness in them to make them realize they're wrong. Also their schemes are often used to comedic effect and they're not straight up cold or ruthless, they're slightly slow and dimwitted (charmingly so).
Voice & Mannerisms
I have found one of the most distinct TR trait is their voice (usually low pitched, kinda husky) and also HOW they speak. They almost always come across as either
a. bubbly, playful, dry humour, little snarky and sarcastic
b. very well spoken, sophisticated, elegant, ladylike
or usually a combination of the two.
Jane Seymour (verified TR) look at the way she speaks, behaves
She's very playful but elegant and poised
Here's a bit where Selena speaks about her low pitched voice.
Salma Hayek (verified TR) honestly watch any interview of hers to get an idea of the traits & qualities of a TR. she's very feminine, very poised, very graceful yet silly, playful and can be very sarcastic and also does not take shit from anyone. That's the femme fatale essence for you.
I hope this post helped shed some light on the nature of TRs.
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ceruleanspicetalks · 1 year
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yea ok i'll let myself be obnoxiously self indulgent about this exploration process here on the fandom hell webbed site
some evil wizard au exploration sketches :) which are actually not so evil now upon further development, but i also havent really thought of what cruelty they would pull off yet. I also don't know how historically...accurate...clothing-wise i wanna do this? some quick browsing around What People Wore When kinda brought me into Italy in the 14th century (give or take), so i tried designing them in outfits that would fit that era in that fourth image!
little mini comics dialogue is under the cut for clarity.
second image:
town wizard: What do you plan to do? The wizard at the peak does not take kindly to visitors.
Gon: Oh, I know. I still intend to waltz right in.
town wizard: Are you insane?!
Gon: No one's gone to see him with a proposition like mine. I'm sure if I can live long enough to talk, he can be reasoned with. There's no other way.
third image:
Gon (while looking at Killua): What other choice did I have, but to go to you?
and Killua's reaction :)
full context is probably needed here: Gon wants to bring Kite back to life. No other magic practitioner in his village deals in necromancy since it's forbidden, but there's that mysterious evil wizard guy on the top of the mountain in the distance that might know a thing or two oohhhhh
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disappointingcabbage · 2 months
TDP Season 6 Episode 1 live reaction, spoilers under the cut
Who is this man crying?
What the fuck it’s Aaravos
Ok so Aaravos showing actual emotion was not on my 2024 bingo card
Genuinely why does his crying sound autotuned
There’s another startouched elf??? Who is she?????
Why is the intro still Viren getting statued??? He’s dead
Oh ok his statue got disintegrated
Yup he’s dead
Terry my beloved
O h n o he’s gonna find viren’s body
Bro why are you sobbing over this racist motherfucker
oh no Claudia’s covered in blood
Oh damn Viren is fully redemption arcing and he has Regrets
“No parent wants their child to suffer for them” first of all tell that to Soren. Atone for your bullshit. Second of all you’ve clearly never met my mother
Ah shit Aaravos convinced Claudia to let him out
Viren’s actually putting his foot down and saying no. I never would have predicted this pre-s5 but now it makes total sense and I love that the writers are sticking with his character development
Oh ew this show is actually going to get me to like Viren I hate that
He’s going to Katolis to turn himself in. Based tbh.
Claudia what the fuck though like girlie your whole point of everything was to get your dad back and he’s fine now why are you still going along with Aaravos
Oof her voice acting in this scene is incredible though
Also she’s still missing that leg. I hope she gets either a cool prosthetic or an even cooler mobility aid.
Soren has opening blindfolded for some reason. The reason is either going to be A Secret Meeting for Very Not Good Ominous Reasons or something very funny
Based on the tone of the scene I’m assuming it’s the funny option
Oh it’s just a season 5 recap in the high mage’s office
Oooh they’re deciding what to do with aaravos’s prison
I get he’s on the high council and all but why is Barius here???
Callum wants to destroy the prison, Opeli wants to assemble a multi-kingdom task force to protect it, and Barius wants to hide it
I’m with Callum or Barius tbh, the multi kingdom task force idea exposes too many people to potentially be manipulated by aaravos.
However, hiding it means that it can be found probably and exposes everyone who already knows about it to Aaravos, and destroying it runs the risk of freeing him accidentally.
Soren with the LOTR reference 💀
Rayla has the same issues as me with destroying it
Ezran has decided to hide it in katolis, smart choice
oh no, Zym’s sad about Zubeia
Callum wants to visit this ancient faction of skywing elves for info on A) yeeting the pearl out of existence and B) un-coining Rayla’s family (please let them out)
Callum is right to be afraid of aaravos manipulating him tbh
Awww one of the baitlings sleeps in Callum’s bed
Oh god aaravos nightmares oh FUCK WHY ARE YOU SLEEPWALKING
Rayla do NOT dismiss Callum’s concerns like that
“I have an idea” *fucking sprints away to enact said idea without elaborating* peak autism moment
I’m sorry, you want to stop aaravos with the power of pastries?
“Sometimes I wonder where my mom is too” SOBBING
awwwww bait has a little four poster bed that’s so cute
Ooh anti spell blankie
“I have my blankie 😎” Callum I would die for you
Soren and zym are going on a quest to find Zubeia and Callum and Rayla are going to see the Celestial Elves but more importantly, each questing squad is taking a baby bait with them!!
If the one going with Soren isn’t Hat I will be very disappointed
Claudia why are you ominously standing over Terry and trauma dumping
Claudia what are you doing with the staff
Claudia no please don’t hurt him if you hurt him it’s transphobic
Oh ok she’s just walking her toxic ass out of the relationship cool
Terry don’t wait for her she doesn’t deserve it
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feelingpure · 10 months
“I'm sure you don't want to come, considering what a fucking self-righteous bore you've turned into!”
When I catch Hawkins Fuller:
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Further live reactions under the cut, because wuifdbivfyisvdtusdyif I need to yell about whatever tf else is gonna take place.
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THEY GOT MY BOY DOING BLOW Y'ALL 😭 (ok it's the late 70s so yes everyone is doing coke, and he didn't do it like a novice, but I'm still blaming them idc). And the finger sucking... we'll come back to that at some point lmao. What is going awn?
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Ok, now he's been fed pills on the dance floor. 😂 Anyway the soundtrack is banging, so now i'm like (booging to forget):
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Not this being-jealous-of-craig thing pls.
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Tim is... not looking like he's having a good time anymore. 😭
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And something's happening with the rest on the dancefloor. I'm feeling very anxious.
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Marcus and Frankie having a domestic at his work place. “I have news for you. You are a big chocolate gay man.” and his student is watching in the background. 👀 Ok Marcus, time to confront some things (I hope)! And then he said THAT, and then he did THAT. Omg, the way Frankie yeeted him 😭 everyone is in pain.
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Skippy is very 💅 here. And I can't decide if I fully hate Craig or... he's v annoying but also lol?
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The boyfriends are fighting! Aaaaahhh, GET HIM TIM!
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Ok suddenly something very different is happening... also that Tim/Hawk kiss, yes! (it was a lil slutty, but that's all I've been wanting). OH I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS WTF IS HAPPENING OMG WFQOVBSDVBSFJKB!
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Nvm... it's not happening, even though Hawk tried to force their heads together like a kid playing with 2 dolls. Cause look at his face peaking from between theirs hahah. 😂 Anyway... WHEN DID CRAIG TAKE HIS SHORTS OFF LMAOOO?! They just weren't there all of a sudden??!!
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WAIT I'M ACTUALLY SCREAMING. IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING NOW (via some v questionable words from Hawk but).
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👀👀👀 WAIT WHAT-- WHVBDLAD. So Hawk can get it up if Skippy is there. Alright. And Craig's dirty foot just hanging out right there as they kiss aaahhh lol. Ok, apparently I've hit the image limit haha, but there's a lot of limbs in places... and someone is calling me rn so I have to pause wtf. 😭😭😭
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So I came back after I finished watching it and. Well well, that was a terrible time to pause ietbhfvebigadwn!!! Anyway, I'd keep blabbing on next to more caps if it'd let me.
But just... that whole episode was A LOT. The way things escalated, the way scenes turned upside down and then back again. The explosive husband arguments! The ending to that threesome was wild. The final 70s Tim/Hawk scene. OUCH.
Yes, Hawk's been hurt but. Hm, I have a lot of feelings, will probs have to be a separate post if I get the chance. There's too much to dissect. All in all; I am a Tim Laughlin warrior, and if you're yelling at him Hawk then I'm gonna have to yell at you.
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skorchinq · 5 months
I binge read the entirety of Go For It, Nakamura! last night so here's some of my favorite panels! <3
Homophobic teacher </3 NO ONE ASKED YOU OTOGIRI-SENSEI
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autism stare
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I, too, have no idea how to join conversations... But honestly the main reason I saved this page was bc the bell was onomatopoeia'd as "BING BONG BEENG BOONG" which I think is a great way to describe the sound a school bell makes
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"Maybe I'm bi..."
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nvm it was just Hirose again
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Ok this is just mean TTOTT
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La lala lalalala~
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autism stare part 2
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Does anyone else think Hirose looks kinda like Adrien Agreste or is that just me
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This is somehow even more poignant than Shinji chair meme
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80% of the Tumblr userbase be like
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And now we move on to the second volume~
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pure unadulterated rage
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He has been wailing for so many days, he has broken the world record.
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pure unadulterated joy
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This could make a great reaction image I think
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So could this one
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I'm going to be quoting "He's attractive, but also? Kinda sus!" for the rest of my days I tell you
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Every panel on this page is the peak of comedy honestly. Especially fond of the look on Matsumura's face as he whips out the photos and the line "How do you like them apples?!"
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potter-puff007 · 2 years
The Night the Hammer was Dropped
Summary: Thor is wanting to surprise you with a snowcapped getaway for some uncapped fun.
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Warnings: Smut; 18+ ONLY Minors DNI; Sexual Language; Fake Dating.
Are you almost ready to go Y/N? Thor is very anxious about taking you on this trip up to the mountains for a wintery getaway. Yes I am almost ready to go, you say in excitement because you have no idea where you are going on this trip; He is being very secretive to the point of blind folding you on the way. Ok, I am ready—let’s go! Wait one moment my queen, said Thor with the upmost serious look on his face, what are you supposed to address me by now that we are leaving for our trip? You look at Thor with hesitation, I am sorry let’s go my sex king. You were so embarrassed to call him that, but he insisted on it, so you go along with his silly games. That is right my love slave, he said with such a confidence that it was sickening. You get in the car to head to the mysterious location for your getaway and before you can say anything he puts the blindfold over your eyes. Do we have to do the blindfold… seriously? Yes Y/N we do. I want it to be a surprise where we are going. You comply with the blindfold, and you start moving. You had been driving for over an hour and start to get curious and take the blindfold down just for a peak and Thor catches you peaking. He takes the blindfold and pushes it back up on your face and next thing you know he is pulling over. Why are you pulling over, you ask in curiosity. I am pulling over to take care of your nosey intentions. He then pulls out handcuffs and cuffs my hands to the handle on the door. So, I just sit there waiting to be at our location and then about twenty minutes later the car comes to a complete stop again. Why are we stopping now Thor? We have made it to our destination. He was so excited, but tried his best not to show it because he doesn’t want to hurt his image. He takes off the blindfold and you start to look around and see this beautiful scenery you never imagined would be real. There was this breathtaking snowcapped mountain in the background and a cabin sitting right in the middle of it covered in a blanket of snow itself. It was perfect! You get out of the car and start looking around at all the marvelous wonders and Thor comes to you and starts leading you inside. The cabin is nothing of what you expected. It was larger in size on the inside than the outside and had a beautiful lofted overlook staircase with a cozy little family room with fireplace in the center of the room. My love slave head to the upstairs area and look at our bedroom, said Thor awaiting your reaction to what surprise was waiting. You walk in and the room is very cozy with a wood log bed and to the side of the room there is a huge bay window overlooking the mountains and the snow falling. You thought “at this point how could he top that” you turn around and see rose petals all over the room spelling out your name Y/N and a full bath already run for you with bath salts and petals in the tub and soft music playing in the background. What do you think my love, said Thor with hopeful eyes. I love it Thor it is perfect! You literally thought of every little detail thank you for this trip, you said with such excitement. You were both exhausted from the drive up and decided to take your bath and go to bed for the evening. The next morning arrives and you look out the window and to your demise there is snow completely covering half the house. You are snowed-in!! You start to panic some “what will we do; we are trapped in this cabin; how are we going to get out” You start to calm down and look over and Thor is nowhere to be found. Wondering where he is, you head downstairs looking for him and he was downstairs fixing the fire and smelled as if he was making breakfast. Y/N did you sleep well, Thor asked you as you came down the stairs. Yes, but did you happen to look outside? Yes I seen that we are snowed-in today. How convenient is that, Thor said with a very mysterious look on his face. You thought, “what is he up to?” You go in to start eating breakfast and you look over and see Thor bent down putting firewood in the fireplace to get it started. The fire was already going and the warmth of the fire was casting a glaze look on Thor’s chiseled physique. You started to get a little warm, but was it the fire or Thor’s unbridled body calling your name. Thor sees you checking him out and gives you a look, are you enjoying the few my love slave, he says with the deepest sound to his voice like he had lowered it on purpose to make you want him more. Yes, I am enjoying the view are you enjoying yours? He looked over at you and saw you sitting on the counter with your legs twisted in a way where he could barely see your pussy peaking through. I am definitely enjoying my view; I would enjoy it more if you would spread those flood gates Y/N. You start to blush a little from what he said and he starts to walk towards you. I have an idea, says Thor. What could that be, you say wondering what he could be wanting to do. Have you ever played strip twister? You look confused as to what he is talking about so, you ask him to explain further. Strip twister is like regular twister, but the only difference is whenever someone causes you to fall and lose the game an article of clothing has to be taken off. Whoever loses all their clothes first has to give themselves up. So, you want to play, Thor asks with a look of anticipation hoping you will say yes. Ok, I will give a try, but don’t feel bad if you lose, you say with a little bit of a competitive edge in your voice. Believe me I wont feel bad when you lose. You start playing and whenever your right leg has to go on green you fall. Ok, my love slave you have to take off clothing, but the catch is I get to choose and take it off for you! Thor was excited about this part. So, he starts to remove your pants first very slowly. A few rounds later and you are completely naked. Guess what that means Y/N, says Thor with a very mischievous look on his face. I believe I know; so go ahead and take me. He comes towards you and grabs your waist pulling you in very tight to his waist. You feel a hardness that goes from waist to thigh. You are awfully happy to see me, you say. I will be even happier inside you, says Thor as he throws you on the couch. He starts caressing your breasts ever so slightly and goes slowly down your torso to your pussy. He starts chasing his fingers through your pussy lips getting you on the rise. You start to get excited and as he notices, he starts to push even harder. Thor, please don’t. He keeps going and you start to moan out his name. What are you supposed to call me, he says with a stern look on his face and you say my sex king. So, you start to moan, oh my sex king don’t stop. He proceeds to pick you up off the couch and gently lay you on a soft cozy blanket on the floor facing the fireplace. He covers you and himself in the blanket to bring you closer together. You start to grab his dick and he stops you. You are not worthy to just grab a hammer that does not belong to you, he says with confidence. You look him in the eye with a seductive stare and say, you want to know how worthy I am, then give me the hammer and I will show you. He lays over on his back and you climb on top of him to show him the proper way to nail someone. You start thrusting back and forth and he starts to enjoy himself. He looks at you with this hungry look in his eyes like this is not enough for me. He throws you off him and says, you are not worthy of my dick, but I am worthy of your pussy. So, he throws you up against the wall and starts pounding you and harder he goes the more his muscles contract showing off his physique. You start to moan louder and louder the faster and harder he goes. I am going to cum my sex king, you yell out to him. Then cum for me my love slave, Thor says with the most seductive sound to his voice, which makes you melt in his arms further. You are at your climax and you both release at the same time. After the release you both fall to the floor in exhaustion and pleasure. Did you enjoy that nailing you got my love slave, he asked with a smirk on his face. Yes I did enjoy it, you said with a smile. If you enjoyed that nailing wait until later the Hammer will nail you again. You laugh and look forward to the evening…
I hope you like this post!! There could possibly be another part in the works...
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cyber-crustacean · 3 months
HIIII SASSSS ITS 2AM I CANT SLEEP you get the au rambles
i have been. thinking. about the fact that admin sonny was dead before kinito dragged him in. and because of how he died I have been imagining how that entire scene would've played out. how long had sonny been dead? what did nito see? what was his reaction? did they start out as friends in there or was it straight to hating each other? what was sonny's relationship with kinito like before he died?
I wish I could beam you images from my brain because the scene I have in my head... omg I cannot words it
ALSO!! throws my bird at you!! owl!!!
they trust kinito so blindly and completelu,, they're sorta like how they were before they found out about all the bad shit. in like peak sonny hater era. they'd believe anything he says, even a blatant lie, and if they believed anything dangerous was going on they'd want to tell him right away.
owl is very easily manipulated and they are also so clingy. they are attached to kinito now. never letting go if they can help it. and they trust him!! to keep them safe!! they trust that they'll always feel comfortable and loved around him.
my entire screen just changed color at me for a second I got a notification yelling at me to go the fuck to sleep ok I guess that's the end of my ramble goodnight byeeee friend talk to you in the morning <3
Sonny was absolutely terrified.
When the man awoke inside that computer everything hurt. Everything. He could barely see and his throat was raw with pain, could barely even talk at first.
Before the hate, there was fear.
The reason Sonny had did what he had done was out of pure, undiluted guilt for all that he had done. He was far from the first victim, and he was definitely not the last. He never liked Kinito while in there. He always saw that computer as a specially crafted digital nightmare just for him, a purgatory that properly punished him for what he allowed to occur.
Kinito didn't understand why at first. He didn't understand why Sonny would have done what he did in the first place. The memories of that scene were terrifying, etched into his being, his code.
It's a memory that still stretches out of his influence, even when he doesn't intend it. Everything is his code, so that awful night had lingered in it.
Why do you think Sam had that rope around his neck, afterall?
It was only a year or so into the nightmare before Sonny realized he could do something about it. After seeing many victims, trying so hard to reach out to any of them to set him free, to delete him, the servers, anything
None of that worked of course, but it gave him at least the littlest bit of hope. For a while.
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person8789 · 2 years
Adventures Through Twisted Wonderland- A Twisted Halloween
Book 4: Reckoning Night
Part 1
Previous book’s last part, next
Click pics for better quality
Ok now that I’ve calmed down from all of the excitement from new trailers and characters on the other server, time for me to effectively finish the rest of this event in one day 😅😅💀💀
I have no excuse for myself, I’ve been procrastinating 💀💀💀
Anyways, let’s start~
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New reaction image lmao
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Oo this segment was so cool, it’s interesting how Cater can be pretty merciless when he wants to be.
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On the other hand…
What in the Mickey Mouse did I just hear..?
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Lmaoo peak comedy right here
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Yes, go Leona and Ruggie!!
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And award for the most badass duo card pairing goes to…
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Aw, Leona being proud of Jack 🧡🖤
And that’s it for now~ ✌️
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coffeegranate · 2 years
i offer a branch to ramble about Nightvale to
Because is a returning fan that remembers NOTHING and loves seeing reactions
ohoho gladly! I don’t have many really strong opinions about much yet since i’m still so early on but i’m loving it so much so far!
I didn’t really know what I was expecting going in, but i was so happy when I realised it was an actual radio show format! I really like when story podcasts give reason for it to be in an audio format cause it just makes it so much more immersive!
I really like the nonchalant and subtle approach it has to it’s horror though. Cause it’s from the narration of Cecil, who lives in Nightvale and is used to all this stuff it’s like. as a listener you’re like “wow that’s awful! that is such an awful thing to say so calmly with that soothing voice!” and it really kinda helps build this image of how fucked up this place must be.
I also think it’s super clear that the people of nightvale are like. not ok and are clearly conditioned to feel like it is, and no one’s more brainwashed than Cecil because he’s just! so ok with things! it’s so interesting hearing such a biased view of the world that’s manipulated by whatever higher power and leans into the horrors of propaganda cause propaganda and media manipulation is horrifying in of itself
I think my favourite things though is when Cecil’s bitchy little personality peaks through all the horror for his judgey opinions or his pining for Carlos. The grudge he has against the hairdresser that cut Carlos’s hair is so so funny to me. i love this goofy guy so much he’s so stupid.
Im really excited to see where the story goes from here cause i’m still so early in! thank you so much for the ask and letting me ramble ahdbsjdbeb
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baekhvuns · 1 year
No ok let me explain, this is so embarassing, I have a small shelf where I keep my phone, and unfortunately it's near the bathtub, like it's on the wall where the bathtub is and I'm usually very careful and I usually decide on all my songs beforehand and keep it there BUT THT DAY IDK MAYBE IT WAS CUZ I WAS SICK? BUT I SAT IN THE BATHTUB WHILE SEARCHING THE SONG AND IT SLIPPED FRM MY HANDS (I like dangerous things ig?)
Yes, I found the song. "My everything" played as i held the half alive body of my phone in my hand but it survived. Credits to the song man! But my mom scolded me so much 😭 and everyone teamed up on me, talk about being the youngest! But my dad and i ate mid night snacks as i rambled on abt how it wasn't my fault (it was) 😁
OMG YES ANONS COME BACK WERE LONELY it's actually so cute how we've created a small family like saur happy!!! 🙌
And I just read secretary's escape. 26 episodes, done in one day. do i want you to write hwa like seungjo? Yes. Will I enjoy if he was written like tht? Yes, yes I will. I'll enjoy...every. bit. of. it.
Bcz I'm smitten, I'm in too deep, I'm gone, I'm not even here baby, I'm a hallucination. Such an impact....who's making this a drama? Oh and I had a whole reaction on it, like I wrote every little thing I felt and I will share it, mind you. So you better be prepared!!
I literally have it saved as "webtoon annotation" 😭😭
U were right, I've come back to my my roots. WAIT THT ONE SONG THT GOES "BABY IM YOURS, BABY IM YOURS" :0 NO WONDER! I LOVE EVERY E2L U WRITE! U told me abt ur formula 😭 I caught on it, how first we meet hwa, then we fight, loads of it but nothing serious just bickering, and among all tht we don't even realise we fall in love, then either yn or hwa fucks up, and we kinda go back to stage 2 but this time...very serious. And then someone b/w us has to apologize and we finally let the other person in (Bcz of Kai ofc, tht man never comes to play).
The whole transition to fall from summer rlly makes my throat act up fr fr. Wait u had a sore throat too? It's like tht for everyone, I was just sitting studying on my desk then i felt something stingy in my throat and i thought maybe it was cuz I was quite for too long...but then i realised it hurt to swallow and i, in fact had caught a cold 😔 so sad. I hope u take care of yourselves too.
I better sleep, it's like 1, here or mum will scold me again saying how I don't rest when I hv to. HOW DO I EXPLAIN IT TO HER THT MANHWA'S ARE IMP 😭. anyways I'll manage gn ❤️❤️
this all i have to say to the bathtub story
LMFAOOOO UR RIGHT WHY DOES EVERYONE GANG UP ON THE YOUNGEST STOP THATS SO CUTE 😭😭😭 PEAK MEMORY MOMENT im imaging you two, it’s late night, it’s dark and the only thing that’s lit up is both y’all’s body by the fridge’s light and you guys are just snacking up while you explain to your dad and he pretends to listen 😭😭
RIGHT PLS ANONS COME BACK LEMME SEE UR FACES right!! it’s like a small little town in baekhvunsland i hope y’all rmr u have to pay ur rent and that is by coming into my inbox 🔫 some of u are mad over due 🔫
OMFBBFKWJDKW U READ IT FBNWNFKD CRYING SCREAMING no bc. listen to me. i have a hwa ceo fic ok. he’s a very intimidating boss in it. and it kinda fits him and seungjo’s character
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crying this is from last year 😭😭
that is my exact reaction. u get me. im all ears anytime babes
YES THAT EXACT SONG FJQNDKW ITS SO I SAW A VIDEO ON IT SAYING “imagine this plays as the enemies pin each other” and my mind said mr and mrs park. LMFAOOOO NOT U EXPOSING LIKE THIS FJWKDJWK KAI WILL FORVER BE MENTIONED IN MY FICS I AINT LETTING THAT FUCKER LEAVE he’s the therapist for readers and the yn ngl he’s coming over and he’s rover
right!! there’s a weird thing in the air these days, yes i did!!! i have a runny nose atm, rainy seasons and thunderstorms are arriving in my city 😭😭 IT HURT TO SWALLO GIRL WHEJ U ACCIDENTALLY WAKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND SWALLOW AND YOURE DYING BC IT SCRATCHES i also swallowed in my sleep and i felt the pain in my dream ,,, im much better now thank u!!! pls take care of yourself and your god damn phone plis
LMFAOOOO it’s one over here for me fbwmbfsm readings webtoons ☺️☺️☺️
omg you’ve read the remarried empress right? navier’s brother is so 🫠 HOW. HOW.
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
A male mc where they have had a shower and thought there door was locked and comes out but naked. And one of the brothers and undateables (? 0 clue what to call them) comes into there room. They are buff and big.
I actually really like this one tbf so ig it’s leaving the best till last, eh?
Brothers + Undateables Reaction to Accidentally Seeing M!MC Come Out the Shower Naked
WARNING: Vulgar Language
Really wasn’t his intention to walk in on you, he just wanted to give you some work but now he’s staring at you with your dick out
Very quickly averts his eyes, but not before doing a quick double take of your body, viewing your toned arms and strong thighs
Takes in all your muscles and how defined your stomach is and obviously how big you are down there
Shakes the thoughts away and says he’ll come back later when you’re decent
Decides to stand outside your door until you invite him back in so his brothers don’t come in and see you
When he’s called back in, he simply acts like nothing ever happened; trying his best to keep his eyes away from your pelvis area
Boy can’t knock for shit so barging into your room only to see you soaking wet and without a towel, well, it wasn’t exactly something he thought he’d be seeing any time soon
Practically whips his head around to give you your privacy, and just talks to you like that, way too embarrassed to even move
Yells at you for not locking your door until he gets yelled at back for not knocking
He can feel his cheeks getting hotter as he hears you grab a towel and wrap it around you, allowing him to turn around and see your body, ripped with muscles
Can’t stop stuttering as he attempts to walk out the room, completely forgetting what he came in to say
Sits by your door because he doesn’t want his brothers to see you half naked, plus he just gotta wrap his head around what tf just happened for a second
He doesn’t know why he didn’t knock because now he was staring at you with your chest and cock out and he just didn’t know what to do
Took him a few seconds to snap himself out of it and run out your room, slamming the door shut behind him in embarrassment
He doesn’t really leave though, he just sits there until you allow him to go back in
He can feel his face burning up and his hand shake when you call his name, slowly stepping into the room to see you shirtless; your stomach and pecs on show
He can feel his heart pound in his chest as his eyes involuntarily wander over your wet, muscular body
Has to sit down and process the situation because he was absolutely going to faint otherwise
Walking into rooms unannounced wasn’t really his thing but he honestly thought you two were close enough to just do that now so he thought why not
Immediately sees you butt naked; no towel, just a whole lot of skin and dick
Apologises and covers his eyes, walking out quickly and standing by your door until you’re ready
Has to process what he just walked in to, his cheeks slightly red and his ears burning up
Comes in when you’re decent and couldn’t help scanning his eyes up and down your body, admiring your muscles
Forgot what he came in to say in the end but he enjoyed the show at least
To be fair, he may or may not have heard the shower running and still walked in anyway just to find you staring at him naked
He may be the Avatar of Lust but he knows how to respect people’s privacy. He puts his head down and turns around as soon as he sees you
No he does not leave the room because he has shit to tell you, but he won’t look, that’s for sure
He can feel his face turn pink as soon as he begins to hear a towel get wrapped around you
Turns around when told to and thoroughly enjoys the view of your muscular stomach and arms, loving the sight of your thighs and calfs too
Sits down on your bed and helps you choose an outfit while he tells you what he came in for, his eyes partly still admiring your toned body
It was the one time he forgot to knock before coming in and he regret it entirely when he came face to face with your nude body
His face flushes red and he apologises as he steps out the room, sitting at your door like a guard dog so none of his brothers can walk in on you
Can’t shake the image of your body out of his head and it sorta makes him feel bad for walking in on you
Comes back in when invited and apologises once again, but this time scans over your body, gazing at your muscles that were still drenched in water
Feels his face turn red again so he offers you some of the food he bought to ease the awkwardness
Tries to move past the whole situation but he just couldn’t ignore the way your body looked in just that towel
Very rarely knocks when he enters your room and he was pretty tired so he didn’t exactly notice you until you told him you was currently naked
Being the cheeky shit he is, he turns around to check and yep, you were definitely nude
Gives a half arsed apology and buries his face into the pillow, attempting to hide how red his face was
He could feel his face get hotter when he imagines you putting on a towel right next to him
Turns back around when gave permission and just stares at your stomach and all the muscles on your body, a smirk on his lips
Couldn’t really care less if you were just in a towel, he’s still going to drag you in to cuddle
Lucifer told him you were in your room so he decided to go say hi, completely forgetting to knock and ultimately catching you getting out the shower
His face burns up and he averts his eyes immediately as soon as he realises you were standing right in front of him with nothing on
He tries to forget the situation and talk to you but you could hear it in his voice how embarrassed and stuttery he was as soon as his eyes had met your toned chest and arms
The sound of just a towel being wrapped around you doesn’t help his nerves
You tell him it was ok to turn around and his entire face was red and he had this sappy smile on his face
Apologises for intruding and says his hello’s, then leaves the room flustered
Knocking was in his nature but he felt you two were pretty close so didn’t knock for the first time, and he really wished he did now as he stood staring at you with your cock out
He apologises, then promptly gets himself out of the room and waits outside until you’re finished
Curses at himself for a while for intruding in on you but moves past the situation as soon as you let him back in
He can’t deny that he couldn’t help taking a quick peek at your body and examining your defined muscles whilst you was talking to him
Brings out the tea he’d bought and tries to make the situation less awkward for you
Came round to ask you how to work his phone but forgot to knock in the process, accidentally walking in on you completely naked
Walking in on you butt naked wasn’t something he planned on seeing today and to say he was flustered is genuinely taking it lightly
Walks back out immediately and apologises on his way, placing his head on the wall in embarrassment
The image of your muscular body flashes through his head and he shakes the thoughts out as soon as he hears you calling his name
Just smiles as if nothing ever happened but his eyes are no doubt lingering over your exposed chest and he can’t stop himself from blushing like a middle schooler with a crush
Knocking isn’t something he does often honestly, so walking in on something inappropriate is common, but he really didn’t want to have to see you naked
He’s living for the sight of your toned body, but his face is hot as hell right now and he doesn’t know what to look at anymore
Walks out the room and apologises, telling you to call him in when you’re done
His cheeks turn bright red when he thinks of your body but god, was this an awkward situation
Tries his best to just smile and forget about it but he really had to limit the amount of times he took a quick peak at your pelvis
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
WonderlandsxShowtime tickle headcanons
This has been in the works for the longest time. I'm sorry if they're a mess aishaisjaisy
Hope you all enjoy either way~!
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From the moment I read his profile I already knew he was gonna be a fave of mine, idk I guess I have a thing for loud and obnoxious characters aksjaisjakjs.
He's quite relatable. I'm typically more shy and quiet but when I get comfortable around someone I can get as loud as him LOL. And we both have a fear of insects haha... ;D
I just assumed WxS would be the comedic relief group, which it is, but the characters also deal with their own fair share of problems. Idk that just made me like them more as a whole, especially Tsukasa and Emu.
My fave cards of him are from the pop in my heart event, for starters I really like the outfit he comes with, plus the fact he made a 'lil girl cry with his awful english is just peak comedy to me (I feel like such an ass SKSKSKSKSJ).
I also really like his torpe card, I'm still sad I wasn't able to get it *sobs*. But atleast I got Rui's (he looks so hot cute in his 'lil fedora).
Ok so the actual tickle hcs, my man is a lee-leaning switch. He's a sad and lonely kid who's most likely attention starved, so pls GIVE HIM ALL THE TICKLES!!!
Dude is so so ticklish it's so funny and cute. Literally a single poke will get him shrieking. But his most ticklish spots are his tummy and feet, absolute killer. Idk in my brain cute character=ticklish tummy aksjlaajja.
His face will go beet red when tickled in those areas. His laugh will either be ear-shatteringly loud or silent and wheezy. When tickled in his tummy he will wrap his arms around it and curl up to try to protect himself it's so cuteeee~!!!! *squeals*.
But be careful when tickling his feet, he's an absolute kicker! Idk why but the image of Saki sneaking up on him while he's relaxing on the couch and she tickles his feet, and then Tsukasa loses his shit and accidentally kicks her and then gets all concerned and worried- *sobs* (but she's fine, he's just an overprotective bro).
The people who tickle him the most would be Rui, Emu, Saki, Toya and Akito! Like I mentioned in my VBS hcs (shameless plug), Akito likes to mess with Tsukasa...A LOT, and he loves doing so by tickling him ofc! And Toya likes to help him out however he can, including with comfort/cheer up tickles!
It should be a law at this point that siblings get into tickle fights (except me, im very touch starved SKAALSJAKSJ). So ofc Saki and Tsukasa have them all the time (Saki wins like 90% of them, she knows EXACTLY what to do to get her bro squealing LOL). She's also big on cheer up tickles whenever Tsukasa is having a bad day, even if he pretends that he's fine, Saki can easily see through his bs.
I feel like when they were both kids, Tsukasa would play those cutesy tickle games with Saki to cheer her up like this 'lil piggy and...whatever other games you can come up with (im not very knowledgable in this area LMAO). And as they got older, ofc Saki still has fond memories of those times and will do those tickle games on Tsukasa whenever he's moody. It absolutely flusters him cause 'he's not a kid', but Saki will still do it~!
Ok the idea literally just hit me, Tsukasa's thighs. One squeeze and he's a goner! Super ticklish there, pls someone save him from the menace also known as Rui SIAKSIAKSJ.
Speaking of Rui, he's like Tsukasa's #1 tickler. Absolutely loves all the goofy and silly reactions he makes when being tickled, it's like a drug for him aksjaljskahs. Will tickle him anywhere at anytime and has 0 shame. Knows exactly what flusters him and how to get him laughing all silly.
On the other hand, Emu is also addicted to Tsukasa's cute and goofy laughs akshaksjaksj. Will always tickle him when he least expects it. Will give surprise tickles to Tsukasa all the time, and somehow he always falls for it lol.
Poor Tsukasa is just everyone's choice for bullying with tickles LMAO
Ok I've talked enough about lee Tsukasa, but what about ler Tsukasa...👀
As a ler, he tries to make himself seem like this big scare ler, but in reality he's just a big softie lmao.
He loves making people smile so ofc he loves tickling others (as long as they're ok with it ofc).
Constantly checks in on his lee to make sure they're having fun and are comfortable. Will also give some good aftercare like cuddles and hugs.
He loves giving out comfort tickles/cheer up tickles to his friends and family whenever they need them.
His ego gets a bit inflated when tickling others and will relentlessly tease his lee, gotta take advantage while he's not in the receiving end of them aishalsjakdh.
His tickles are very soft and playful, like feathery touches that send ticklish shocks through your body aishaljdoshd.
His main lees are Saki, Toya, Rui, Emu and Nene.
He mainly tickles Emu and Rui out of revenge for all the torture he puts up with them. He occassionally tickles Nene when she's being a bit too sassy, or when she feels a bit nervous.
Lots of cheer up tickles for Saki and Toya.
As a lee he's very shy when it comes to asking for tickles (Rui loves abusing that fact), but as a ler he's not afraid to pounce and go to town!
My fave pink menace 💖
My cousin and I are very big Emu fanatics SKAKSHAKSJ
I still can't get over the fact I couldn't get her smile of a dreamer card in en nor in the jp rerun (atleast I got Nene ;D). That card actually haunts my dreams.
It was also the smile of a dreamer event that pushed me to read the stories and learn more about the characters, so you have that to thank for me writing these fics.
Emu is a pure switch. She's very playful by nature so ofc she enjoys tickling others. Her main targets are Nene, Tsukasa and Honami (i'm not too sure who else she's close friends with). She also attempts to tickle Rui but he's too good at avoiding her, one day she'll get him tho!
She and Rui are like the resident tickle monsters
On some of the side stories I've seen her sneak up on Honami or tackle her in a hug, which causes her to squeal. Idk I just find that so cute (and the tickle potential like c'mon). I can imagine Emu surprising her by squeezing her sides. Or if Honami is looking a bit down she'll start poking her to try to cheer her up.
Loves to torment Tsukasa with tickles. Thinks his reactions are hilarious.
Same thing with Nene. When she found out that the greennette was ticklish she felt like she won the lotterry. Loves making her more serious friend have a good laugh. Will also tickle her when she's feeling down.
As a lee, Emu has a lot of stamina so she can handle being tickled for long periods of time. She also has 0 shame for her liking of tickling and will directly ask any of her friends for tickles. She will mainly go to Nene, Tsukasa or Rui.
She loves being chased, it makes her feel giddy for what's to come.
She's typically a cheerful person. But like imagine a sad Emu 'cause the sun is setting and the others just shower her in comfort/cheer up tickles. I can also imagine Honami giving her cheer up tickles. Like that time Emu was sad 'cause the park was under inspection I think, and just imagine Honami giving her soft tickles to help cheer her up.
Emu is one big tickle spot, I can't think of a specific spot that would be more or less ticklish akshaisjaosj
Ok but like imagine WxS having a sleepover and Emu is feeling too energetic so they all tickle her until she's fast asleep.
Going back to ler Emu, she has small fingers so she can easily get into any nook and cranny. Her tickles can be a bit on the rougher side, but still playful.
My fave sassy 'lil diva 💚
Unrelated, but I love how in the game they all treat Robo-Nene as it's own person qksyqihsiqhs
She's not one to like being touched or touching others (atleast with people she's not too familiar with), besides all the years that Rui has tormented her with tickles SJAISJSISJS
Yo imagine 'lil Nene having enough of 'lil Rui always tickling her and one day has the idea to fight back and that's how she finds out just how ticklish the purple blob is SLAJAKAJSJS (will never let him live it down LMAO)
She's a switch. Will tickle Rui when he's a bit too cracked out (same thing with Emu, god forbid they get cracked out at the same time JSAJJSKHS).
Her tickles are soft but very fast (probably from all the videogames she plays aoshaishaj)
Will also tickle Tsukasa when his ego is a bit too inflated (or just to mess with him 'cause she felt like it lolol)
She can be quite the teasy ler (it's all that sass in her lol). But as a lee she's so shy it's so cute!
Gets so easily flustered when in a lee mood. Will refuse to ask directly for tickles till the day she dies (Rui also likes to abuse that).
Mainly gets tickled by Rui, Emu, and Tsukasa
If Rui and Emu ever gang up on her she will actually pass away akshaisjaksh
She's the complete opposite of Emu, has 0 stamina and can't handle being tickled for too long.
Prefers much softer tickles over the rougher stuff. Her partners always make sure that she's comfortable when being tickled.
She's a big squirmer, not afraid to throw a punch or a kick LOLOL. I can imagine Rui has random bruises from when they were kids aishisjlaaia
Ok I know I've made it clear I'm a h*e for Akito, but Rui is fcking hot okay?! SKAAJAKAJAKJ
His torpe card is literally the sexiest thing ever (god I feel like such a degenerate LMAO)
And his voice is actually eargasmic SKAJAIAJSISJ
Ok I'll stop being a simp
Anyways, he's a pure switch. An actual menace when in a ler mood. His main victims are Tsukasa, Emu, Nene and Mizuki
He likes to tickle others when he's feeling all playful or just wants to mess with them. But he also sees it as a form of affection. He just enjoys making people smile and laugh.
He's been tormenting Nene with tickles since childhood (someone save her!). Poor Tsukasa is his main victim nowadays (rip). Rui and Emu constantly team up to torment the others, but he still gives her her fair share of tickles.
It doesn't happen as often, but I can imagine he and Mizuki would have playful tickle fights whenever they meet up at the rooftop.
Let's be real, Rui would use tickling as a form to get his way. Tsukasa won't let him send him into space?? Tickle him!
Rui's tickles can vary depending on who he's tickling. He can go from gentle to rough, depending on how much the lee can take. He's like a mind reader when it comes to figuring out his lees.
I don't think it's a surprise to anyone that Rui is a teasy 'lil shit. Absolutely loves to verbally tease the others (and is very good at it).
Now Rui as a lee, hoo boi... I think I've made it clear I'm a sucker for lee Rui akdhakdhaj
There's something about imagining this teasy bastard being a very shy lee that gives me all the good emotions LMAO
As a lee he's very different compared to when he's ler. Very shy and easily flustered, especially by verbal teasing (poor bby can't take what he dishes out).
He is very ticklish and will probably deny it till the day he dies.
He's not embarrassed necesarilly by his sensitivity, it's more because of his liking of tickling. He feels...vulnerable when showing that side of him, so he's very skeptical with who he chooses to share it with (let's be real, I'm just self projecting at this point. I do this a lot with Rui I'm sorry SJAKSHAISH). You can imagine his relief when the others didn't find him even more weird because of it, and even engage him in such activity.
Ok so he's pretty much ticklish in most places. His armpits and ribs being his death spots.
Ok but like I can imagine he'd be so flustered if his ler told him to keep his arms up (he'd still do it tho lolol).
Anyways, his neck and ears are very big giggle spots for him.
And I can't say this enough... HIS PALMS ARE SO TICKLISH!!! Like just softly stroke his palm and he's a goner. Gets very flustered when tickled there.
He mainly gets tickled by Tsukasa, Emu, Nene and Mizuki.
Like I said, he and Mizuki get into tickle fights.
When Tsukasa found out that this bastard was ticklish, his ego just skyrocketed LMAO. After enduring so much bullying from Rui, he can now give him a taste of his own medicine.
Like I mentioned previously, Nene tickles him when he's being too extra. And Emu just loves seeing the dude's reactions akshajsjajsh
This thing has been in the making for the past like 10 years (or atleast it feels like it)
Also I'm sorry for making the Tsukasa part soo long KASJAKSJAJJD
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maulusque · 4 years
Clone genetic enhancement ideas
So the clones were genetically enhanced, but i don’t really see any writers (in fanfic or in published stuff) really exploring what that MEANS beyond “clone very stronk”. Here are some ideas that would actually make clones significantly different from just a regular-ass human in peak condition. 
-enhanced senses: eyesight, hearing, etc. I’m talking eyes like a HAWK
-better reflexes
-quicker information processing
-can hear sounds of higher and lower frequency than standard humans
-can see light of a broader spectrum than human standard
-learn quicker, retain information and skills better (potential problem: if you learn something the WRONG way, that way might stick really well)
-photographic memory (really useful for memorizing layouts and maps)
-immunity to various diseases
-can tolerate a wider range of temperatures and environments
-increased stamina and strength baseline. Clones can just run full-tilt for hours and hours and be like “ah a nice stroll”. Over long distances, they can out-pace jedi in the same way that humans can out-pace horses.
-higher tolerance of certain poisons/toxins (clones can straight-up drink ethanol, and get maybe a little tipsy)
-bodies respond quickly to physical stress, and slowly to the absence of it (basically, this means that physical conditioning results in stronger muscles and a stronger cardiovascular system really quickly, and it takes MUCH longer for a clone to lose strength and conditioning due to not exercising than standard humans. Think how much valuable training time is saved if they only have to go on a run like, once a month in order to stay in shape)
-increased ability to function through intense pain and acute injuries. Basically, semi-disabling the pain system so it’s less distracting. Probably not good for the survival of the individual in many situations, but an advantage on the battlefield. 
-heal faster and better, with fewer long-term complications. Clones can dislocate their shoulders and NOT have the joint be permanently fucked up, because the Kaminoans re-designed the whole damn thing to suck WAY less.
-actually, unique internal anatomy. There’s probably a lot about the human body besides the shoulder joint that is actually just really stupid, and something no intelligent designer would actually build. So the Kaminoans can fix a lot of that stuff. Better knees, maybe. Stronger ribs. Maybe Cody punches droids not just because he’s a mad bastard, but also because his metatarsals are literally as strong as steel. 
-Hearing loss/hearing damage? No problem, your ear can regrow those little hair-thingies that help you hear. 
-Of course, it takes energy to maintain muscle mass, which is why human bodies lose it if we’re not using it. Clones need significantly more calories than standard humans. However, their digestive systems are enhanced to extract calories and nutrients from food much more efficiently, so food goes much farther. Potential weird side effect: maybe clones only have to poop like, once a week?
-You could probably extend that into increased ability to tolerate long periods without food/on low rations, despite the increased need for calories. 
-wouldn’t it be NEAT if the kaminoans somehow designed self-repairing DNA. This would mean that others couldn’t take a DNA sample from a clone and modify it to create their own clones (basically, it protects their product. It’s like DRM for clones). This ALSO means that clones couldn’t get cancer, and that they’d be immune to radiation poisoning. So a clone could just walk up to a sphere of uranium at critical mass and pick it up. Maybe with oven mitts on if it’s hot. (this would also make it harder for a rapid-aging cure to be developed, but uhhhh fanfic writers find a way)
- “bred for obedience” I think most of this would have to be accomplished through tightly-controlled messaging and cultural norms as the clones grow up- basically, enshrining obedience as a desirable and almost sacred trait, to be prized higher than anything else, including the lives of your brothers. In the same way that we hear stories of people sacrificing their lives to protect their loved ones, the clones would grow up hearing stories of soldiers sacrificing their brothers’ lives to obey an order from a superior. 
-SOME of the “obedience” thing could be engineered, though. Humans are already super social, but it would probably make sense for the clones to have an even greater need for social bonds. This would make for greater teamwork and coordination, and better unit cohesion, since the clones would be more inclined to prioritize friendship/agreeing with someone over winning an argument. It would also make it so they’d bond with their natural-born generals more easily, so they would obey them not just because they’re supposed to, but because they’d be much quicker to see them as a friend, and someone who’s trust they want to earn, someone they want to incorporate into their group and make happy.
-consequently, clones who find themselves alone do NOT do well. Isolation has a much more profoundly negative impact on clones than on regular humans.
-Originally, clones designed to operate alone or in small teams would not have the social enhancement- ARC troopers, spec-ops teams, etc. There wouldn’t be much of a noticeable difference in everyday interactions, but they’d also be vaguely weirded out by what they interpret as aggressive friendliness from their brothers, and their brothers would think they’re a bit shy and standoffish. 
-actually this social modification would make it MUCH harder for clones to kill people. REGULAR HUMANS are already super bad at killing people- i remember reading this article about how as soon as soldiers have to point their weapons at actual people, their aim gets mysteriously much shittier. Even when compared to situations that are exactly the same, except they’re not shooting at other humans. So reconcile this how you will, idk.
-I imagine a lot of these enhancements would be accomplished not through DNA, but through microorganisms. Retroviruses could explain the DNA resistant to modification, and the increased healing speed, and possibly some disease resistance (do i know anything about retroviruses other than a vague concept of what they are? no i do not. will that stop me? also no.) Their metabolism can be partially explained through specially engineered gut microbes.
-not sure how they’d go about making clones “resistant to any stress”, because you can’t exactly turn off the trauma response in the brain without breaking a bunch of other things. They could probably do a bit of fiddling to make clones more resistant to chemical imbalances, and therefore more depression-resistant. I think most of the “stress-resistance” would have to come through training. Either they train the clones to basically suppress everything, which might work alright in the short term. OR they actually have systems in place that help prevent the development of things like PTSD and help treat trauma. Meaning the clones are literally trained in self-care, positive self-talk, talking about their pain with their brothers, and having community rituals around things like death and grief. I don’t think that’s super likely because one thing that’s integral to those concepts is the concept of “i am a person and i have worth, and if i feel angry about something bad happening, that is ok and valid” and considering that a whole lot of bad things happen to the clones all the time and their childhood is a whole boatload of bad all happening at once, i don’t think the kaminoans would want the clones realizing “hey wait a minute i’m a person and i don’t deserve to be treated this way and it’s ok for me to be mad at you”. 
- the clones were supposedly engineered to be “less aggressive” but i think there was literally nothing more to that than a cover story for the control chip. The clones wouldn’t be raised with a lot of the aggressive western concept of masculinity, where anger is the default reaction to like, everything, and your personal pride is extremely important and also fragile (no offense lmao). So you wouldn’t have clones posturing and getting angry over perceived slights and fighting each other all the time, like everyone in-universe apparently expects to be the case. Anyway, why would you want your soldiers to be less aggressive? they’re literally supposed to fight and kill the enemy. You want them fully capable of getting angry, anger is the human response to fear and danger that lets us DO something about it. 
-obviously the biggest component in how they behave would be how they are raised, but that’s an entirely different post
-Specializations! I imagine that initially, the Kaminoans had different clones with different traits engineered specifically to fill certain roles. However, as the war went on, they struggled to keep up with demand and had to start shoving clones into whatever roles were needed (hence Fives and Echo becoming ARCs, despite not being engineered as ARC troopers). 
-Command clones would have better abilities in the executive function parts of the brain that deal with extrapolation, planning ahead, spatial reasoning, etc. They’d also have increased visual pattern recognition (like a pigeon)
-search-and-rescue troops would also have the pigeon pattern recognition abilities. The coast guard literally strapped pigeons to helicopters who would tap a button when they saw orange in the water, because they were better at spotting it than humans. Pigeons can detect cancer in microscope images of cells, because they’re that good at pattern recognition
-Pilots would have hella reflexes, excellent spatial awareness and spatial reasoning skills, much greater ability to process visual information, stronger hearts and blood vessels (to resist greater Gs of force), and they’d also be much shorter, to better fit into a cockpit. Which reminds me of Axe, that poor bastard from Ahsoka’s squadron over Ryloth who was almost eight feet tall. rip poor Axe, how did you even become a pilot, you long bastard.
-medics who can smell certain diseases. If you want to get a little bit out there, make the medics able to purr so they can sooth stressed-out patients. 
-infantry would have even greater endurance than everyone else, as well as greater tolerance for, and ability to, remain constantly on alert.
-ability to fall asleep at will? that would be super dope.
-maybe more efficient sleep, so to an adult clone, 4 hours of sleep is genuinely sufficient.
-concept: clones can sort of turn down their bodily functions- slow their digestion, heart, lungs, the whole nine yards- to last longer in adverse conditions. Sort of a half-hibernation (or quarter hibernation- they’d still be able to talk and think, but they’d feel very lethargic). They wouldn’t be able to function very well, but it would be great for things like enduring intense cold, periods without food, low-oxygen environments, and it would be especially useful if you were wounded and waiting for help, since you could slow your circulation, meaning it would take you a lot longer to bleed out. This state could be triggered by a combination of physical actions such as sitting or lying still, breathing slowly and deeply, and focusing on slowing the heart down (humans can actually slow down their hearts consciously if you practice at it, this is basically that, but turned up to like 1100).
-one thing that never made sense to me was the whole “we’re running out of jango fett’s DNA, all the new clones won’t be as good, and we have to stop ventress from stealing the original DNA” because like, can’t they just, get the EXACT SAME DNA from the clones?? you know, the exact genetic copies? With all the enhancements already done? But now my idea is that the kaminoans have engineered the clones so their DNA straight up can’t be copied. The clone’s own body can obviously replicate it, but if you take a sample and try to extract the DNA, it just self-destructs or something. This is to protect their intellectual property, but also means that they literally have to use a couple of Jango Fett’s actual human cells for every single clone they make (and the fact that they then have to do all the above enhancements to every single embryo helps explain why there’s so many small mutations, such as hair color and height). So they kinda shot themselves in the foot with that one. 
-of course since things like ADHD and autism have a strong genetic component, the kaminoans could theoretically engineer those out of the clones, but actually FUCK THAT so for whatever reason, that’s just not something they are able to do, and neurodivergent clones are absolutely a thing
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