eddiesxangel · 1 year
For a request what about drama queen!reader (think Sharpay from High School Musical) x Eddie he gets stuck painting sets as a detention for something
"EDDIE! Can you not do anything I ask?!" you yell at the lanky boy goofing off with a wet paintbrush in the corner of the art room.
You had been assigned to supervise detention as they were to help paint the sets for this year's upcoming school musical.
You needed everything about this show to be perfect. You were the first student director Hawkins High had, so you volunteered to watch over set design, not trusting anyone with your masterpiece.
Eddie whipped his head around to glare at you when you shrieked his name. If looks, could kill he would be out cold on the floor. He wasn't sure why he did everything he could to bother you but it gave him a thrill. He liked to poke fun at you. Ever since the beginning of the year when he saw you in his English class, he felt the need to get under your skin. Who even was that pretty anyway?
"I will not be lowering myself to your demands" he squints his eyes down at you.
"They aren't my demands, they are Mr. Parkers, I'm just supervising" You roll your eyes a cross your arms.
"Then why are you here?" he questions cocking his head as he stepped closer to you. The wet paint brush was getting very close to your pink tweed jacket.
"I'm the director of this play, this is my play, OK? So it has to be perfect and I'm not going to have you go and mess it all up!" you poked at his chest.
Eddie got a funny feeling in his stomach when you touched him. You felt it as well. A small spark ignited in you, but that washed away when Eddie stepped closer and the wet paintbrush with blue paint made contact with your sleeve.
"Eddie! " You screeched again.
"That's right scream my name" He laughed.
"You are so infuriating!" you marched out into the hallway whipping off your jacket to clean it in the bathroom. All you wanted was to have things done properly! Why was he making this so difficult?
You marched away not realizing Eddie had followed.
"Oh my god!" You clenched your chest as you saw him standing behind you through the mirror.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He put his hands up in defence.
"You cannot be in here! this is the girl's room!" You scold as you scrub at the paint under the running tap.
"I really am sorry, I didn't mean to mess up your jacket."
"Well you did!" you glare over at him.
"It will come out, what's the big deal?" He shrugged.
God, he was infuriating, his stupid smile made your heart flutter, and his stupid hair that made you want to run your hands through it. you hadn't realized you had been staring a him while you zoned out.
"What do I have something on my face?" he put the brush up to his cheek and ran it down to his jaw.
"Eddie!" you couldn't help but giggle.
"What?" he played dumb as the blue paint coated his skin.
"You're so dumb" you roll your eyes.
"I really am sorry let me make it up to you?" He seemed genuine but when has he ever been genuine?
"What's the catch" you squint your eyes at him.
"No catch" He smiled again, latching his hands behind his back and stepping closer to you.
"Ohkayyyy?" you state, still skeptical.
"Let me take you out."
his words caught you off guard. that was not what you were expecting him to say.
"What?" you cross your arms.
"You heard me, or did all that director power go to that pretty head of yours" he raised his brows.
Did he just call you pretty?
"i-uh -"
"What? Cat got your tongue?" he smirked as he took another step closer so his chest was brushing up against yours.
He was so cute, and he smelled like fresh laundry and cigarettes.
"Fine. Pick me up Friday at 7."
"see you then Drama Queen" with that he turned and left yu standing in the girls room dumbfounded.
What just happened?
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9w1ft · 4 months
Karlie looked really gorgeous in that black dress 🙈🥰
ngl the first photo i saw i thought it was a pantsuit and so i was like ohkayyyy and then i saw the other photos and noticed the slit and i was like ohhkayyyyy
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blizzard202 · 5 months
Blizzard's Newsies Character Interactions :)
Update 1
Jack: "Ok, byeeee!"
Jack begins to exit Davey's apartment, Davey grabs Jack's shoulder and turns him around
Davey: "Hold up you forgot the-"
Jack shudders
Davey: "...Money"
Jack: "Oh, uh... thanks."
Davey: "Ohkayyyy..."
Jack turns around and opens the door
Davey: "...fag"
Jack: "..." *sigh*
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aaand back to watching Kinnporsche! I decided to make one post instead of spamming people's dashboards and the tag with several posts of me being overly excited at this absolute goldmine of a show. right now i'm at
Episode 5
starts off with porsche kicking kinn out of kinn's own (?) room after the drug and sex thing last episode
my asexual butt doesn't enjoy sexy scenes but that one was funny bc i was busy laughing at porsche doing the boob jiggle (this might be my favourite sexy scene ever and i never thought i'd have a favourite sexy scene in my entire life)
and guitar boy snoops around and finds papa's diary?? I see family secrets incominggggg
porsche looks like SHIT maybe he needs a hug?
"as a boss i'm supposed to take care for him" pretty sure you're supposed to pay for his HEALTH INSURANCE and not F*CK HIM KINN!!!!
WAIT A SEC HOW DOES PAPA KNOW WHAT THEY DID HOW???? omg does he have spy cameras. dear lord please no
I feel like Tankhun might actually be the smartest of all
"are you okay? you look like rubbish man" YEAH NO SHIT maybe forcing him to wriggle round the floor wasn't a good idea
also did Porsche forget the sexy time with Kinn and only now remebered it?
is the other guy talking about injuries during the job as something that has happened to him too or about literal sex with his boss?? nope, it's punishments ohkayyyy
uhhh nononono Porsche no not the woman nonono ohhh the parallelism artistically very good, but psychologically? maybe y'all should talk this out you're having issues, clearly
the way they put Tankhun in the car it's amazing
Tankhun SINGING this is gold i love it
Pete (is that his name? still learning names) can you not learn to put on underwear? this is the second time this has happened!
"what's wrong" "he might need to shit" lol
NO IT'S KINN????!!! wow that silence is SO uncomfortable HA!
porsche being pissed AND savage like pour your own goddamn beer
aand his friend mentions the "crappy boss". in front of said boss. this will be so embarrassing!!!
they're having the talk and Kinn is squirming trying to stay patient and calm like Pete instructed
"what the heck is wrong with you" a lot, evidently
and we end the episode with a cliffhanger i see ... i'm very excited for the next episode, not sure when i'll have the time to watch it though sadly :(
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Halloween-ish. I’m wearing a black dress 😌// oh my bride is gonna look like a goddess 🥵😍 I’ll wear a blood red suit with some black in it to match you babe
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formationlapsz · 1 year
ohkayyyy 😌
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maxawello · 5 years
Saving Nat - Alternate to Avengers Endgame
you have been warned.
Plot: Nat doesn’t die in Endgame.
Also please don’t come at me with potholes with regards to this. I’ve been roasted already about it and I just want a happy ending okay? ahahahah ha ha ha :(
Little did they know that that one word would have so much impact. Little golden lines were moving from their original position, time moving along its newly regulated path.
Nebula stepped into the heart of the Avengers headquarters, almost having skipped the group meeting, but making the last-second decision not to, finally feeling as though she was part of the group.
All of the heads turned and in a split second she felt bashful. If her skin hadn’t been blue, she was sure a red tinge would have shown up. Petty humans. Somewhere in the back of her now-machine mind she had room enough to chortle and to remain composed on the outside.
“What do you mean wait? This is our chance.” Natasha was the first to speak up, voicing what everyone else was thinking as the girl who had been on the other side for too long began to plant a seed of doubt in their already doubtful minds. Especially Tony’s.
Nebula took in a deep breath, surprised at the lack of training war had given her for situations like these. It was always so much easier to just eradicate something - a blessing and a curse of being a daughter of Thanos.
With every single eye on her, she looked at the drawing board.
Three in New York, one in Asgard and one each in Vormir and Morag.
“Do you remember what happened when my father collected the soul stone?”
Steve cocked his head, trying to think back to any mention of it. Rocket looked to Thor and Thor looked to the beer bottle in his hand.
“We don’t have time for this,” Tony said, tapping the screen. The glass sound echoed through the room. “Hurry up with your story.” His mind was racing and every second that they didn’t begin to work, he doubted whether or not it was worth it to leave. After all, he had two, who were waiting back home, who loved him 3000.
Nebula fought to stop her eye roll, although her optical implants were hindrances to them spotting it. “My father – ”she stopped for a second. “Thanos,” she corrected, swallowing hard. It was a habit. She had only wanted to please him her entire life until so little ago she had seen what was wrong. She sighed. “He left to Vormir. With my… Sister – ”
“But Gamora never came back,” Rocket finished, understanding the meaning behind her story.
It flashed before Tony’s eyes. He had been so close to taking the gauntlet off the purple giant but then one imbecile had knocked the giant head and sat him loose from the weird girl’s spell.
Tony grit his teeth. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could three words rang out.
“Whatever it takes.”
Natasha and Clint spoke the words at the same time, eyes immediately looking up to meet each other’s gaze.
“I’ll do it.” Again, they spoke at the same time.
She glared at him although there was no anger behind it. “If this works – ”
“And it will,” Steve interjected.
She sent him a soft smile, knowing he couldn’t help it and that it was exactly what she needed. “When this works,” she corrected, “you’ll have your family back.” Her words rang true and deafening to the rest of the Avengers. “Don’t you think Laura should see you again? Your children?”
Clint hung his head, holding his face in his hands as he thought back to the five years without his family. “I’ve done bad things. I can’t let you take this one.”
“So have I.” She took in a deep breath and then let it out. “But I don’t have a family waiting for me.” She looked up, her eyes met the combination of Bruce and the Hulk. He knew her secret even if no one else did. She gave him a smile as well before nodding away her fate. “It has to be me.”
And in the midst of all the drama, Steve had actually been thinking. He would hate to sacrifice his old friend in the process. He was always never able to trade lives. “Wait.”
Everyone turned to him.
“I have an idea.”
“Do you really think that’s gonna work?” Nat asked, sceptical but hopeful at the same time.
Steve nodded. “If we return it to the exact same time, then yes. He’ll never know.”
“I have a really bad feeling about this plan,” Scott said, checking his suit as they flew closer to Vormir. Natasha’s newly learned flying skills had been put to the test and had generally worked with the help of a couple programmed coordinates. After all, how hard could it have been if the Hulk had been able to do it?
Scott on the other hand, he’d been set as the highest stake player in this timeline with one and only one objective. Not to die, and to get the soul stone back to the future.
He did a mini jog on the spot, psyching himself up. “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.”
Natasha watched him, pitying him, but knowing why it had to be him. No one could manipulate the equipment as well as he could.
Someone small enough that Thanos doesn’t notice.
We have one shot.
“Approaching the drop in three, two, one…”
Scott exited the spaceship, Peter Quill’s flight tech on him with a couple advancements from Stark. It would be a silent drop in so that Thanos wouldn’t hear him coming. The plan was to get as close to the mountain as possible, grab the stone and then get as far away from Thanos as possible.
“Nat, I’ve entered the atmosphere.” And as he dropped, he prayed that the bottom of his suit wouldn’t light on fire as he tried to slow his entry, careful not to turn on the boosters too loud. He couldn’t shrink yet or he would take too long to descend and be a sitting duck as he did. But as he fell, a light emanated from the mountain, shooting up into the clouds.
“Are we too late. What was that?” he questioned before he spotted a purple body lying in the water. Thanos.
He frowned, shrinking as he hit the ground, close enough to the body to run towards it. Stealth had to be key and in the midst of all of the dirt he was sure he could make it. The whole crux of the plan lay on Thanos being emotionally affected enough to the point that Gamora’s death would bring him one step towards foolishness. They just needed him distracted for a second.
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” he asked, more to himself than anyone else because he knew that whilst they could watch, any communication from the ship back would be dangerous. While he could omit a small signal, the ship would overpower that by many times and any neighbouring ship would be able to find the signal. “Is it just me or is it too easy?” Much like the coincidental rat had been. And in how many other universes had the rat stepped perfectly to trigger the sequence?
Natasha watched from on board the ship, chuckling and shaking her head. “Easy is good,” she said to herself. To her, Thanos was only a dot on a screen, and the small ant sized man was running towards him, just another dot on the screen.
She took a break from watching the two collide. Nebula had educated them on Vormir but nothing had prepared the earthlings for its beauty. Dark, but beautiful. Enticing. It reminded her of a reflection of herself.
Meanwhile, below on the planet, Scott jumped into the water, guided by signal on his forearm. “Getting it now.”
In a delirious hand, it was easy to fit and to get a good hold.
“Got it!” He wrapped his arms around the stone and launched himself back through time to 2019, sacrifice free.
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beholdingslut · 3 years
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thirstyandbeautiful · 3 years
It’s being horny for Lando time again….it’s so hot today that all I can imagine is watching Lando do one of his garden workouts through the kitchen window while you’re making lunch, just watching how his shirt is completely stuck to his back and the sweat is dripping off his curls. And when he’s done he comes in from the garden straight up behind you, turns you around and pins you to the kitchen counter with the hottest make out session ever. So hot you don’t even care that he’s dripping with sweat and now has you soaked. In every possible way. You’re both just full of gasps and moans. He then peels away from you just long enough to growl “Shower. Now” in your ear and grabs your wrist and pulls you upstairs and into the bathroom…..
He would press you against the counter, almost all his weight against you, trapping you and make you more breathless as he kissed the life out of you
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khyaali-baatein · 3 years
I want to live but I don't think that there's a lot of life left in me
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wonderlustology · 3 years
“I think he did it but I just can't prove it. No, no body, no crime but I ain't letting up until the day I die. No, no I think he did it.“
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aubainmary · 3 years
❰❰ GAZE ❱❱ our muses make extended eye contact
She'd come to know the angel quite well. Hell, she even likes him, quirks and all. One of those was his never-ending staring, much like a cat ready to pounce its prey. Castiel's stares at her never had that menacing quality in them, fortunately, but it was still quite intimidating. Usually, she broke eyecontact herself. He could see right through her with those piercing cerulean eyes. What little secrets she had, she liked to keep, thank you very much.
This time she was curious how long he would stare if she just stared back. When his glance fell upon her after she'd informed him about a strange occurrence in a town a few miles over, she glanced right back. Two pairs of blue eyes met, blinking rarely, just watching, studying, observing.
Once she'd fought through the discomfort, it felt... safe, somehow. There was peace in those eyes: a calmness and reassurance that she could never find within herself. Her mind was scattered, always busy, always thinking and overthinking and then thinking some more. Her breathing slowed down and she held his gaze, not as a challenge anymore but because it had become a safe space.
A gentle smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She wondered about how long they could keep this up. For now, she was more than happy to stay right here and find peace in Castiel's eyes.
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OHKAYYYY DAMN 🥵😩// you’re the vision on wedding love I’m just following you 😘
Lmao I already made a Pinterest board on how I want it to look 😏
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youn9racha · 3 years
angry sex. lixie.
(bonus points if he slaps u accross the face OHKAYYYY)
inagine him going: ok enough, im gonna have to put u in ur place baby.
and hes always so good and gentle but toDay uve been a brat sonure gonna get it HARD SHEESH
especially with his deep voice, he’d probably put you in his place when he lowly grumbles by saying “y/n, watch yourself,,,” before he starts to wrap his hand around your neck and holds you right there, leaving you wide eyed and shaking and aroused at this sudden movement.
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Ohkayyyy so I've been holding off on "announcing" this cuz I wanted to wait to say somethin until I actually GOT a job, but I'm so excited that I can't wait anymore SO HERE GOES:
I'm currently studying to become a flight attendant!!
I'm honestly SO EXCITED for this!! I've really found all my coursework so far super interesting and I'm extremely excited for my class in October!
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ravenousgf · 3 years
aight so i tried listening to the songs you recomended me but they arnt really my thing. i remember you told me she also does alt rock or something? can you recomend some of those? (alt and indie pop are also cool)
ohkayyyy so alt rock, and indie pop? perfect <3
invisible string
Treacherous (soft rock)
this is me trying
The Story Of Us (pop rock)
i've linked the lyric videos! most of them are indie✨
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