#ohhhhh this is a fun style i love this art
tazuransi · 1 year
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anyone else a fan of women
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
To give a small update, I've been making jewelry the past few days with pearls and necklaces with repurposed charms/earrings. It's pretty fun, to be honest. Has anyone here ever made jewelry before? A few relatives of mine used to make jewelery and sell it/gift it to people as a side job/hobby. It might just run in the family😅 This being said:
Imagine a Reader who makes jewelry...
Necklaces, chokers, bracelets, earrings, rings, anklets, you name it, they can and will make it.
Picky about your beads? Never fear! They have TONS of them! Bags and boxes and crates full, some repurposed from old pieces, some brand new, some from thrift stores or craft sections, it's all there! You like a certain color but want a gem for it? Reader has you covered! Amethyst, crystal, pearl, amber, fluorite, tiger's eye, garnet, pyrite, obsidian, etc. ! You want something more down-to-earth? Reader can do that, too! Wooden beads in all shapes and sizes and shades, crafted glass beads in different flora and fauna or abstract forms, even charms of metal and plastic and ceramic, if that's your style!
The platonic yamderes would definitely ADORE whatever Reader themed after them! A pair of earrings with lighting bolt charms and cloud puffs after Storm, complete with a weather-inspired necklace full of little cloud puffs and sun beads and rain crystals? She'd model it for you if you wanted! You want to make an entire cottage-core themed bracelet set with frogs and toads and mushrooms? Toad would love to be your muse, so you can capture their essence! You used animal bones and rough stones based on how Wolverine and Sabretooth are? Ohhhhh honey, they'd be supplying you with any bones you want, all while seeing how it looks on them. Point is, if you have ANYTHING that is based on or themed after any of the mutants, they are so going to be taking a look and talking about it!You want to sell your jewelry? They're your hype men. You need to find customers or a crowd who enjoys your craft? Surprise, the entire superhero, supervillain, and mutant communities are informed about it, and suddenly you have a steady stream of buyers. Oh, someone wants to show them in a gallery or show? They'll be pushing people towards your masterpieces, all while talking about the artist, who they know personally (you). You can bet the mutants who have some money tucked away buy the entire collections that are based on/themed around them (and they are NOT cheap when it comes to buying every last piece centered on them).
You can bet yourself that the platonic yans would be all for you and your craft, no matter the cost or trials it brings. H*ck, they're probably funding/donating to your art at this point, making sure you're never out of jewels, beads, threads, wires, metals, or jewelry pliers. If you need an extra hand with something, you have several willing volunteers. You need a new muse? Sign them up, they'll do all sorts of stuff with you to give you that inspiration you crave. You need a break from working too hard? Sit down, have some tea or coffee or orange juice, and let them help you wind down. They love you, and they love what you do, but they won't have you stretching yourself thin just to make ends meet. If you need anything, say the word and they'll be there. You've always been a pal, a friend, a sibling, or kid to them; let them repay the favor. You're their jewel, their gem, their lucky charm, and they wouldn't ever want to let you down.
(Should I make a post about the type of jewelry/sets/collections each X-Men Evolution character would have made by Reader based on them and their theme/colors/powers?)
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monakisu · 3 months
Hi!!! I really admire your art, artstyle and aesthetic!!! I've been silently reblogging from afar so far (especially the akeshu art, you have incredible taste), but your style keeps coming to my head when I want to draw, so I tried to replicate it somewhat... your use of shapes is impeccable and I wanted to try too (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Hope I succeeded a little bit lol, I know its not exactly your style but I very much had fun drawing it!!!! Keep being awesome!!!! <3
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this is stellar!! sublime!!! stupendulous!!!! u really nailed my style (which is IMPRESSIVE because im constantly changing parts of it until it’s utterly unrecognizable _| ̄|○) i love that u even drew ur cutie patootie character in the same hand pose i tend to default to! aarrrghhh!! thats an insanely accurate read of me LMAOOO i was hoping nobody would notice but u rlly did ur studying 💀 the little fly-away hairs… the jaunty knees…THE SHOES!!! i cant even draw sneakers that well!! thats all on u bro!!! ჱ̒ ー̀֊ー�� )🩵 i can just sense ur character’s sassy saucy snarky self from this image hahaha 🩵🩵🩵
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the fact that gojo genuinely wanted to teach him about love…… that he wanted to reach out to him and save him from his isolation.
YES!! the whole "i will remember you.." HAS ME FUCKED UP like. there's a few ways it could be interpreted but it gives me the same feeling as when you 'love' someone so much, you honour or cherish the memory of them forever.. AHHHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
thank you ari for the link <33 when i read the chapter I will be back to let you know my thoughts and feelings :3 I have so many photos in my camera roll of just me sobbing after jjk so :3 definitely scared :3 With 252.. you're very right it's really sad that it's actually quite far from how detailed Gege likes his fights to be. Art style and breaks are on two different spectrums. Complaining about him taking breaks is the biggest NO from me. like PLEASE let Gege release a chapter a month. Every single week is WAY too much for a mangaka - there's only so much a person can do within 6 days :// From a pure quality and marketing standpoint it'll allow him to : process his OWN thoughts, more detailed drawings and (longer) chapters, perhaps even formulate a proper plan for the manga, and the hype will be bigger as well. Especially right now where it is getting criticism and being called repetitive - there is less hype because everyone knows they'll get answers in the next week. But most importantly REST. he is not a machine and you are very right about that!!
something to look forward to :3 (tbf i was especially into it bc i love takaba and kenny lmao but i still think you’ll find it fun!! you can tell akutami was having a blast)
also!! i just thought I'd let you know.. i never really got kenny (kenny is so messed up and i dislike(d) them) but you're the blog that made me understand the lore!! and I even started reading some kenny fics.. Anyways, i think that's enough for today and I'll shut up now haha!! <33
i agree completely 🫂 when i saw that line i kept thinking of sukuna like. centuries into the future…. in a completely different world ….. STILL remembering gojo and no one else. it’s such a wonderful fucking line not only because sukuna looks so sincerely pleased saying it but because it’s proof that gojo DID reach him!!!! gojo wanted to prevent sukuna from feeling alone and he succeeded because sukuna will never truly be alone as long as he’s carrying gojo’s memory with him. they make me insane
PLS DO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE CHAPTER ONCE YOU READ IT …. i’d love love love to hear!!!! :3 take your time though… get your tissues ready……. aaa and !!! 100% agree on the monthly chapters. that should just be a standard atp but sadly it isn’t…. :ccc i rlly do think gege deserves one long longgggg break to rest up properly.
also!! i just thought I'd let you know.. i never really got kenny (kenny is so messed up and i dislike(d) them) but you're the blog that made me understand the lore!! and I even started reading some kenny fics..
ALSO THIS !!!!!!!! ANON…….. T_T this made me so happy you have NO idea. i’m so glad i could turn you around on him!!! he’s such a silly, interesting, fun little guy :’3 (very fucked up too but that’s just another charm point imo) and aaa the kenny fics !! the world needs sm more of those … i’m working on a no curses au fic for him but i have no idea when it’s getting out …… </3 hopefully soon!!!! anyway pdhdjdj i’m just so happy that you’re a kenny enjoyer now!! welcome to the cult club !!!! 🫂🫂
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plumadot · 5 months
I love your art so much!! It has such a soothing visual style to me, and I'm always overjoyed to see it on my dash! Anyways though,
What's your favorite tarot card? (Also, which mcyt character you think would fit it best?)
ohhhhh thank you thank you :D <3 <3 <3
i'm actually not super familiar with tarot cards gfjkdjgkdf but i looked over the major arcana and "the hierophant" and "temperance" caught my eye because i think those are fun words :')))) i have no clue what they actually mean in the context of tarot cards i'm sorry gkfjdgk so i don't really know who'd fit them!!!
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erebus0dora · 16 days
hi, just wanted to let you know I absolutely adore your art, your art style and your ability to capture the likeness of the characters. you're not only incredibly skilled in digital art but also in traditional art and I'd love to see more of it. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day!
ohhhhh 🥹😍
thank you!! i hope i can share more; it's frustrating not to have enough time or energy to create more, but honestly, it's such a fun experience - and it's incredible to know you like what i do 💜
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 years
Hi u didn't ask for this but uhhh uh you deserve it , because, ur cool, or smthin. ANYWAYS
Hey Kia, your art is genuinely amazing, I truly mean this. But that alone isn't really "enough" of a compliment.... so, I love you're style... but what exactly? Well I love the way you always are able to morph expressions to fit a scene properly, enough to look really expressive, but not top much to look unnatural. I love how you're able to shape the heads and eyes of a character, subtly or not, in a way to make them more... them?
I love how you color so comfortably and pleasantly, it's like a free treat to the eyes. Your understanding of composition, be it conscious or not, always surprises me (/pos), my eyes always find the just right place to rest, and you somehow don't make designs feel obnoxious or crowded even when they SHOULD be annoying to look at, you make it work!!! You just make everything so... CONSUMABLE, in the BEST WAY.
And oh, ohhhhh don't get me started on your storytelling and writing. I LOVE reading your fic(s). They're compelling, fun, engaging, everything I'd want. They always lure me in and keep me thinking about. The way you do storytelling in comics too, it's fascinating truly. You can position things, draw rhem out, cut them short... in JUST the right way for an amazing emotional pay off.
Not only that... your comics and art are so MEMORABLE!!! I catch myself thinking back to so many of your pieces fondly, or find myself taking subconscious inspiration off of things. One in particular always sticks out in my mind, but it's most likely due to my bias towards angst and Dreamtale. That short mini comic being... hm, I don't remember it exactly, but it was of Dream and Nightmare, they had unique designs, the setting was cool. Dream was crying, scared maybe. Nightmare was angry, then remorseful. I can remember each panel so clearly in my head. It was a very nice experience.
You also shade and light pieces beautifully, you always manage to take my breathe away with your full scenes. They're always so brilliantly crafted, I adore them SO much.
Now, for a more recent piece I've come to adore for who knows why... that art of Dream!Sans you made for that anon! The colors, the anatomy, the expression. It's so so fucking good, it's soft, it's careful, it's so full of love.
Something to note about me, is I can smell or taste images/videos, I want you to know the overlying taste/smell of your art is "Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Creme" which is a very positive taste/smell.
I've never wanted to eat someone's art so bad before.
Thank you so much Kia, genuinely, honestly.
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OUGUOEYYUE...........DOIVE........THSI IS TOO NICE..............
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howldean · 8 months
1, 3, 4, 11, 16 for the fandom asks
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom — this is all on supernatural because of course it is. a) there’s so many people with niche skills, like we have incredible levels of meta, incredible artists and storytellers, and a literal jarchaeologist. what the hell this is genuinely incredible b) oh buddy it’s only monday. brother it’s ten am on a tuesday yesterday was tuesday but today is tuesday too. sparkle on its werewolf transgenderism wednesday. cas died on a thursday it was sunny. fingers in my mouth fitzgerald fuck of desitel friday. i always know the day of the week c) there are so many freaks i get to call my friends and i think it’s wonderful. everyone from point a can also be your friend. your buddy who gives you music recs and asks how you’re doing after a hard day or sends you a gift to celebrate recovering from surgery and coexists with you and sends you asks and treats you with kindness and love. for the hell of it. like damn
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate — ohhhhh rufus absolutely. i loved bobby and rufus’ dynamics from the start but input from others has helped me fall for so many of the side characters on a deeper level like. i probably wouldn’t have even become so much of a garthboy or a jimmyfucker if i didn’t have people that were right there with me in the derangement soup
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship — i think sastiel girlies have so much fun amidst all the horrors and i love recreationally receiving sastiel posts even if i don’t live the lifestyle (said in the tone of a moderately conservative uncle trying to his best about the gays) the posts i see are like a hearty stew.
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making — i’m really proud of a wip i’ve been outlining this week. and my first blip into letting myself write in my preferred style with oh, baby.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate — this one’s a toughie because i forget literally everything ever. i don’t think watching dog dean afternoon counts as a “tiny” detail because it’s an entire episode but so many people skip it and it fundamentally reshapes dean’s relationship with dogs. so instead i’ll say that dean got a ged!!!!! he didn’t need to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but he did!! just for himself
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sweetgaleria · 2 years
hello tumblr user sweetgaleria!!!!! I just thought maybe u could use a reminder of what an AMAZING artist you are. honestly your art makes me smile SO much. a couple months ago when u posted that drawing of adrien simply standing there and being a whole entire cutie I was like dhdjdjDHJSSK💕💕💕 IT’S HIM. THAT’S MY BLORBO. I’m dead. Because holy cow do u make him the BLORBO-IEST. like. You just have this way of drawing faces that is So pleasing. Activates intense Cuteness Aggression in me. Makes me melt into a pile of goo. It’s just, like, this level of baby that seems like it should actually be unattainable, yet somehow, you attain it. You’re the master of little baby blorbos and I am crumbling at your feet about it. i do not know how else to describe it but that when you draw blorbos they are soooo blorbo shaped. Like there’s the exact amount of Beloved packed in there that there should be. The beloved is just baked into the crust. Mixed into the sauce. MAN UR ART STYLE IS JUST!!!!! SO CUTE!!!! AND SO GOOD!!!! I know this is like ancient by now and I wasn’t even around when you posted it but the first time I saw that post-reveal Christmas comic you did with the sweaters I was just like 😭😭😭😭 ohhhhh that was so soft I melted like butter dude. It’s still one of my favorite pieces of fanart in this fandom but you have grown a lot as an artist since then and it’s amazing to see!!!! You create beautiful things that make people (me, and also others but very much me) happy and that’s such a special gift to have. Your coloring always feels soooo warm and cozy, like a big hug 🥺 and whenever you post an animation my brain goes 💥💥💥 because it’s incredible!! It is honestly so cool and sexy of you to be a whole entire animator out here and I have no doubt you are gonna kill it in that career and make so many amazing things. I know school can be Rough, especially when it’s taking a lot out of you and you don’t have the time or energy to create :( but hang in there!! you will make things again! It’s not lost. If you’re not able to create right now that’s just bc your formidable powers are in charging mode. They got a little pooped out bc brains and bodies can only do so much but they’re charging up and you’ll be back to a full battery and it’s gonna feel so good. Be kind to yourself 💕 and remember that you are GOOD at this. you’re GREAT at it. your skills and talents are so impressive to me and the heart that goes into your work is what makes it truly special💜 please don’t feel pressure to draw or post if you aren’t up for it but whenever u do I will be extremely delighted,,,I am always so excited to see your art. I’m a sweetgaleria fan. anyway I hope you have a nice day!!
tumblr user carpisuns I've been reading this ask for so long and I still haven't found the proper way to say thank you??? These past few months haven't been the easiest in a number of ways, so your message really did make my week, thank you so so much <33 I don't think I have the mental capacity to reply to your message the way I wanted to, but I hope you know i am also a huge carpisuns fan, seeing your rambles and your doodles and your tags on everything is always so exciting and fun!!! You put a lot of love and care into the things you do, and that shows. I hope we can continue to see each other grow through the years!! And same goes to you!!!! You will be able to create again, you are AMAZING at what you do, and it's normal to feel like you can't draw or write the same way you used to. It's like exercise, once you stop, to get back into it you have to warm up for a while before catching up where you left off. I feel bad sometimes for not improving as fast as i'd like, but then again.. we have the whole rest of our lives to get good, you know? Theres fun in improvement, too And again, thank you so much for your message!! It really did make my week, my whole month even 😭🧡
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the-cannibal · 2 years
If you wouldn’t mind, could I have a matchup?
I’m nonbinary (they/them) and genderfluid, and I really like playing with gender norms (mixing masc and fem things is really fun). I’m also very autistic. I’m a very smart thembo
I draw(pen/paper and digitally) and sing but I’m actually hard of hearing (a mix of being able to hear tones but not the clear sounds and the fact that I wasn’t always hoh means that it doesn’t negatively affect my singing much, I just struggle with telling words apart so if I’m singing a song I need to see the lyrics)
I tend to be pretty anxious but I have the Mom Friend Override so I’m absolutely willing to fight for my loved ones. Considering I wrestled for years I’m also confident I could kick some ass if need be
Of course you can! Hope you like it!
I paired you with…
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Jason Vorhees!
Mom friend X undead zombie mom friend
You two are constantly worried about each other. I can just see you two bundling each other up in jackets and blankets because you don’t want him to get cold, but he doesn’t want you to get sick! It’s like a couple of mother hens.
Your style wows Jason. You are just so gorgeous? Stunning? Beautiful, handsome, pretty, the most amazing thing he has laid his eyes upon? Gah! There’s just so many words to describe you, he can’t choose just one!
Man would totally hover over you while your working on art, just watching you. And then you look up at him like “???? You can sit with me Jason, it’s fine.” And rather than sitting next to you he just plops you on his lap and watches you as he rests his head on top of yours. It’s quite adorable I must admit.
He loves to hear you sing! Please sing him to sleep after he’s had a rough day, he will love you forever and ever…. Well he already will no matter what, but he’ll love you even more!
RESPECTS 👏 PRONOUNS 👏 ALWAYS 👏 ohhhhh this man is such a pronoun respecting king, I strongly believe this man does not care about gender as long as you are a kind person, bro would probably buy you the cheesy pride merch you see in stores, but it’s coming from a good place I promise :)
I feel like Jason struggles with anxiety too so you guys can help each other with that! Lots of snuggles! Unless you dont like being touched when your anxious, then he is happy to give you your space or listen to you or do whatever helps you!
You are his thembo and he is your himbo ❤️
Hard of hearing? Well that’s alright! He’s hard of talking! So you aren’t so different from him!
Omg wait imagine wrestling with him. Honestly I have no idea who would win because Jason is a HUGE dude but I like to imagine it’s you that wins and when you pin him down to the ground he is just filled with love. Please teach him your moves!
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
hi yes hello i'm here to share some of my favorite artworks with all of you because i love art with my whole heart (ew rhyming) and i just wanna be able to put that somewhere, yk?
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Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, Monet i've only just discovered this painting today, but my god is it beautiful. i'm not even the biggest fan of impressionism, but something about the dappled lighting and the clothing and the style and the heart drawn on the tree and- okay. it's also quite interesting because i'm not entirely sure what it's really called? when you look up the name, another painting comes up as well, and they both seem to be monet's work, both titled Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe (luncheon on the grass, i believe?), so i'm not entirely sure. either way, i love it.
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2. The Calling of St. Matthew, Caravaggio so, fun fact about me- i absolutely adore baroque art, and caravaggio in particular. something about his style of lighting is so beautiful to me, the way that the faces and bodies are lit up as opposed to the really dark background is so <333 (TENEBRISM BAYBEE!!!!!)
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3. The Ecstasy of St. Teresa, Bernini ohhhhh, god. god i love this sculpture. first of all- THAT'S MARBLE!!! THAT'S FUCKIN MARBLE!!! secondly, there's so much incredible detail in everything. the exaggerated texture in the folds of the fabric creates such a dramatic feel to the piece, which i LOVE- and, fun fact! there's a special window up above and behind the piece, out of view, so that light will stream in through it and highlight the piece, looking like light from heaven up above. IS THAT NOT SO COOL??? there's such a fascinating erotic undertone to the entire thing as well- the posing, the expressions, the everything. this was one of my favorite works that we went over in the art history class i took last year :)
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4. The Ambum Stone, unknown guys. guys look at him. LOOK AT HIM!!!!! it's about 3,500 years old, and was originally used as a pestle. i actually made a replica of this out of clay last year- it's not quite the same, but i love him nonetheless. funky lil dude
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5. The Harvesters, Pieter Bruegel the Elder PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY! i love any kind of painting that has an emphasis on farming, there's something so peaceful yet riveting about them. the color scheme on this is absolutely stunning- the toned down greens next to the vibrant golden yellows make my heart go WHEEEEEEEEE
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6. Queer Body, Queer Nation, Anonymous Queers
okay, so. as you can tell, this image is shit. this is because, no matter how hard i try, i can't find this piece online ANYWHERE- so we're rolling with the picture i took of it when i saw it myself in person, in a history museum in new york. just- i mean, just look at it. it says so fuckin much. fuck me i love this piece.
anyways. i have loads more art that i love, but these in particular are really special to me <333 MWAH
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Thoughts on each TDI Reboot episode, finally the finale at 13! SPOILERS UNDER THE READMORE.
This also has my final thoughts for the season!!
Feels unreal that this is the last episode. 7 years of nothing besides Dramarama, and now I've watched an entire new season fresh out of the oven.
Millieeeee noooooo ;n;
The bracelet!!!
Bowie I love you (platonic), but the bestieesssss nooooo
Priya calm down please, Millie is a wreck, can't you tell she's not proud of what she's done?
Raj is so happy to see Bowie again.
Eewww Chase and Emma making out ickkkk
Bowie immediately picks Raj :'D
Ohhhhh the wheel feels like a callback to the semi-finals in og Island. But without the torture
Zee is still my sweet dumb boy
Let's go Damien!!!!
Die Ripper Die Die Die
Nooooo let Bowie have Raj, not Julia
Omg they're making a contract. Hope it's not legally binding for Bowie's sake 😬
Ripper go away your plan is shit
Lava lake. Fr, how is the EPA not all over Chris again.
Bowie use your little twink arms and go go go!!!
Chris leave Bowie alone
Damn Priya actually gonna kill Millie.
Raj!!! He's so adorable how much he cares for Bowie.
Wayne stealing Raj's popcorn while his bestie's bf might die. Lmao
Oh noo where Chef Hatchet's Chris Leash.
They need a snack, Bowie, let the goats be.
Chef what happened to you. I thought you were the good one.
Wonder what Zee's reaction to the goat milking is.
Ohhh the milk balls is how they're gonna do the alternate ending.
Raj crossing his fingers for Bowieeee
At least now she can go to med school hopefully.
Firstly, Raj comforting Bowie over his loss while Priya is celebrating her win is so sweet. Second, yipiiieie new season confirmation!!!
A short but sweet ending!!! Excited to see what the alternate ending for Bowie will be like. Hoping it's the canon ending lol.
This season has been so much fun to watch, and has been soooo refreshing compared to previous seasons. As much I love Revenge of the Island (my favorite season overall) and enjoy All-Stars (my childhood favorite season), they can feel a bit... much, at times. This season kept everything simple by going back to basics, using the old formula from og Island, while still using everything the writers have learned from every other season. And then improved all of that. Despite the characters being based on stereotypes as always, most of them have been shown to be waaaay more than what they were based on. And it creates good representation for more groups of fans like queer and disabled people, as well as adding even more good bipoc representation. And for me the cherry on top of the writing is making the main couple of the season be a friendship instead of a romance. I won't deny potential lesbianisms are afoot with Priya and Millie, and I'll probably looking for fic of the two when I'm not scouring Ao3 for RajBowie lol, but their friendship is so sweet and wholesome and such a breath of fresh air.
The art and animation are the best they've ever been for the series. I can feel the amount of love and care that went into making this season and am very excited to see what's in store for the next season. So many of the drawings and perspectives have blown me away. And the 3D!! Genuinely it's some of the best bits of 3D work I've seen incorporated into 2D animated TV. They matched the style to the 2D artwork so well that it just blends in, and without a keen eye or closer inspection, you wouldn't even know it's 3D. Really hoping they experiment with more 3D and even try bigger scenes in the next season.
Despite my praise for this season, there's still a few hiccups. As much as I gush over Raj and Bowie, their relationship still feels a bit shallow. The characters themselves are great, much more fleshed out than I thought they'd be for their introductory season. But Raj's elimination felt like it cut off all development between the two way too soon. I know they agreed to put any relationship at all on hold until after the show ended, which is the smartest thing any couple in this series has ever done, but I still feel like they could have developed a bit more of a hook to get viewers invested and wanting more for next season. Instead of the hook mainly being them sharing some looks and a few kisses, and that RajBowie is the show's first canon gay romance, y'know? Beyond that: the entire farting episode is just disgusting toilet humor at best and a poorly disguised fetish at worst. Emma's entire arc was thrown right down the drain at the last second when she went back to Chase (TWICE). And the early boots, as always, didn't get any chance to shine. Rip all Caleb, Axel and Nichelle fans, y'all were robbed as soon as they handed you something.
All in all, setting my biases aside for my personal favorite season, Island Reboot has probably been the best season of the series since og Island. Personally, I don't think it tops Revenge of the Island for me, but its pretty darn close. I haven't felt this much joy watching Total Drama since I watched ROTI and All-Stars for the first time. It still feels unreal that we have a new season of the show AND another one on the way. My hyperfixation of the show came back at the perfect time and I can't wait to make and reblog fanart and fics!!
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ryoki-ph · 2 years
caught up on episodes 8 + 9 of chainsaw man and. oooough boy. ohhhhh man. like the tone and pacing of the manga meant [REDACTED]’s sacrifice just kind of floats past you before it’s already going on onto the next portion of the whole set of scenes but they REALLY hammer home the emotions of it all in the anime - which while i think is more typical of the medium, it could be seen as deviating from fujimoto’s core style of storytelling and kind of softening it, so to say. generalising it in a way that takes the personality out of it (personally for me those opinions kind of just co-exist and you can like both versions for different reasons, it’s complicated but neither are especially ‘bad’, if you subscribe to that way of defining art, which i don’t.)
also i like how they adapted the horror elements, i could like. feel the adrenaline rising in my body from the suspense in a way i didn’t really feel reading the manga. things like gunshots going off when everything was quiet, makima being Like That mixed with the visuals of those dudes kinda just splattering like blood bags was fun (although i wish they had done That specific train scene you might’ve seen going around better). also the music is So Fucking Good. Kensuke Ushio is at the absolute top of his fucking game here, i love all of his anime ost stuff so so much.
also the action is fucking cool as hell. fluid and easy to follow, beautiful looking, and it irons out some possible problems that people might’ve had with readability of the fights when reading the manga. also kobeni my beloved my sunshine my starlight i love her so so much i love how her little breakdown is done, the voice actor for her is very good. alright i’m done
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ae0nx · 4 years
This episode was half a romance novel and half regular fruits basket shenanigans and as always it was fun! Plus, I reallyyyy needed a Fruits Basket episode today just to lift my spirits and it worked perfectly. Let’s get into it.
- Like ok, Uo-chan... a lot of people accidentally spill their shit on the floor, just admit you’re in love with Tohru 😜
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Okay, meet-cute! Let’s go!
- ‘You don’t have to be an adult, just take responsibility for your words and actions’ go off, Mayu
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- Honestly? Hana not bothering to get good grades unless she’s motivated is real af. And definitely me in high school... which is why I then later went to art school... ahaha don’t go to art school and get a real degree, kids
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Hatsuharu... I... never mind... keep being you <3 (Why haven’t he and Hana formed a goth drama squad yet?)
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I LOVE Momiji and Kyo moments! I don’t even know what to say about this moment besides it was cute!
- The more I watch Fruits Basket, the more I find me and my friends in Tohru’s constant need to not disrupt the flow and prove she’s ok... hmm...
- But really, this episode sets up so nicely how often Tohru puts herself before other people to a point that it could hurt her and leaves it open... for later... digestion
- Hatsuharu was really golden in this episode (even in last week’s episode too: he’s on a streak!). Him trying to calm Tohru down in classic Haru style. I have nothing but applause for him really. I don’t know whether to eye roll or to hug him for being such a good boi.
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Kyo trying to be Hatsuharu’s sensei is always great content too. <3
- Ok, furuba shenanigans are over, back to the romance novel.
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The audacity. The gall. Who asked you to be so attractive, Kureno?
- Yuichiro Umehara’s performance as Kureno is great and sooo endearing and I totally get why Uo fell for him if not for his looks, his voiceeee. I also can’t wait to hear Ian Sinclair as Kakeru because I’m a big fan of his VA work and this is a pretty different tone and character than his most known roles so I’m excited to see what’s coming up! (Also, I feel like Ian Sinclair as Bokuto in Haikyuu is so underrated... just wanted to say that)
But seriously...
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Really, dude? With your tiny eyelashes and shit... <3
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Ok... look... I honestly don’t know where I stand on this. Obviously, in real life, I’m not here for underage/overage relationships. Of course. The development of a high schooler is way different than the development of a young adult. Even, if both of you have been through hell and back. It’s still too far of a separation.
But fictionally? And with this specific coupling? ...I can be swayed. And I totally understand if people don’t think it’s ok, and I wouldn’t argue against it at all. 
But... they cute. 
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I can’t. I can’t with this romance novel shit. If this wasn’t Fruits Basket, I probably would’ve rolled my eyes at this but... they cute. They cute.
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I would’ve asked the same tbh lol. Hana being the only single person in her group of friends and still being happy and gothic and attached to her friends? Hiya, it me.
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Lol is that a promise?
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Ohhhhh... no. 
Oh, fuck no.
When I think about Akito and how they basically forced and manipulated Kureno, I just... 
(and people want me to be forgiving to Akito, FOR WHAT)
But, that rant is for... another day...
Anyways, this was a good episode! I really like how Kureno was introduced! (SPOILERS) Especially since every zodiac member has been introduced for the most part through Tohru’s eyes and experience of them, it just highlights how removed he is from the rest of the zodiac. It’s great stuff!
See you next week!
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 33
[sees rewind cover] time to be emo
swerve giving us a nice lil recap of the wild events of slaughterhouse thus far
and then the roll call page...I love how the last one is ‘rewind?!?’
I adore that nautica has a list of in-jokes to check off 
ohhhh man I forgot that alt-lost light rewind doesn't really know skids?? bc the alt lost light never picked him up....
POOR REWIND he wakes up all elder scrolls style and then immediately autobot megatron is just There without explanation lmao this poor lil guy
love the casual gender stuff honestly
nightbeat: ayyyy rewind!! sup? what horrific slaughter happened here? spill the tea! 
hvakjdfbskdf poor rewind is going thru it jesus
nautica and riptide hvbhkjasdsfasdfn ‘are jokes not funny where you come from?’ immmmm
nautica is so cute I love her
ohhhhh I love the panel of the two lost lights going off in separate directions with the title right below 
‘I remember it well. kind of’ that's a really funny line actually hbvkdjfnasdfl
I really like how on the alt lost light, rodimus’s risky stunt with the sparkeater actually kills him - I mean I'm glad that didn't happen in the main story but that's such a cool jarring discrepancy 
ok but its inherently VERY funny that the djd like, murdered the entire lost light, but later in the story the lost lighters are obviously still around and not dead...that's so fucking funny, the djd were probably like ????????????????? what the fuck didn't we kill these guys?????? but also they were tripping so they cant be sure
isn't it brainstorm who called the djd on the alt lost light??? oof 
LOVE the continuity of the alt lost light being the place that the djd went at the end of the scavengers 2 parter wayyyy back in the beginning of s1
more horrific slaughter, as one would expect from an arc called ‘slaughterhouse’ 
jeeeesus I forgot how completely fucked up all the shit was for poor rewind 2. christ 
also the like, thematic irony of alt-chromedome refusing to erase rewind from his memory and choosing to die horribly instead....SCREAMS I cant handle it
ITS SO HORRIBLE I'm so sad. poor rewind
‘silly string’ I love riptide
nautica is so smart I lov her 
oooh skids going off on megatron is really good. I find the whole ‘cons are super anti-organic/alien life’ angle interesting, bc it like, Makes Sense that a race of robot aliens who live for millions of years wouldn't consider shorter-lived organic life to be on the same level as them, but its also like, not morally right, so the autobots are correct w/the whole ‘freedom is the right of all sentient beings’ thing...its LAYERED
rewind: ‘I'm tiny’
me, crying: yeah...
honestly I really really love the quantum duplication plot in this arc. its like, peak sci fi nonsense but it also like, Makes Sense, and is presented in a very understandable manner...plus its like, super entertaining and fun, so I just love it
love how they're perusing brainstorms lab and just stumble across a dead body. classic
aaaand the plot thickens, with the reveal that brainstorm is a decepticon????? whoaaaa
I love that twist too oh man. I cannot WAIT for the time travel arc yessss
oof nautica being in denial about brainstorm being a con :( 
I find it kinda funny that getaway is IMMEDIATELY like, punching walls and going full that-one-wack-storm-trooper-from-that-star-wars-movie abt brainstorm being a con lmao, like what's even ur beef dude
when nightbeat is all like, wait there's a Type™ for decepticon double agents? and megatron says ‘hm. have you never been approached?’ bvhjaskdfbaksfd
mannn tho, I love all the character stuff this issue...I love the panels of megatron where he looks mad and crushes brainstorms mask, bc like, he’s gotta be thinking abt the fact that the djd, his personal squad of bloodthirsty attack dogs, were the ones responsible for all of this, as well as overlords presence, and brainstorm secretly being a con....
ok rewind and megatrons interactions are fantastic
like, rewind IS the nice one, but the definition of ‘nice’ is probably a little different than it used to be due to Big Ole War 
how are they propelling themselves in space????
NOOOOOOO I'm so fucking sad, rewind 2 is literally like ‘I'm fine with being deleted from existence bc my husband and everything I knew is gone’ aughhhh
and then megatron lies and tells him that he and chromedome, on the og lost light, are ‘inseparable’ 😭😭😭 I mean I guess that's not a lie if you count cd rewatching rewinds goodbye video on loop...AUGHHH
‘let’s not drag out the goodbyes’ but rewind, what about one of the story’s themes, ‘how to say goodbye and mean it’? 
and we cut off right there for maximum suspense...
omg I love swerve like, fistbumping cyclonus in the chest, and cyclonus is just like ?
skids,,,,,maybe surprising chromedome with his not-so-dead alternate-version husband isn't the best idea...like, this isn't exactly a zero-explanation-necessary kinda situation...
I adore rewinds massive shoulder pads tbh
oh god. GODDDDD. the panels of rewind and chromedome sitting next to each other, not saying anything, and just slowly moving closer to each other while looking out at the stars....literally these gay robots invented romance, thank you very much
I'm so fucking tender guhhhhhhh
like,,,,the fact that both of them separately watched the other die horribly and could do nothing to stop it, and now they're reunited here, and they don't even need to say anything...AUGH.....
OUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm sorry I can’t. SO tender
and MANNNN I'm so so glad that rewind is back. I don't always love when characters don't stay dead but I'm completely happy w/it here for multiple reasons, like the fact that I really like rewind and chromedome’s story after this arc - like, I LOVE that they addressed the fact that rewind 2 is different from OG rewind, despite being fundamentally the same person, so he and cd cant just immediately get back together and pretend everything's fine, but also there's really only an 18 month (?i think) disparity between the 2 rewinds which is nothing compared to literal millions of years, soooo
ALSO I literally never considered this until this reread but it would've been kind of an L for rewind to die and stay dead considering that rewind and cd were The First transformers gay couple, and that's a really big deal! and I don't really consider it bury your gays bc like, rewind doesn't stay dead that long and also there are soooo many other gays, but STILL 
plus rewind and cd ended up having a lot of story left to get thru, which is awesome
also I just love rewind so I'm glad he’s back :) 
ok the fact that the suspense over brainstorm being a con still isn't resolved bc not everyone knows....spectacular tbh
don't knock the power of love, nightbeat! 
the briefcaseeeeeee
ok but I really don't remember jros explanation as to why rewind 2 and the briefcase didn't get deleted hvbhjsdkhfk I gotta go look that up again
I fucking love this scene bc this is basically the culmination of brainstorm being Completely Ominous for the entire story thus far, like, it really hit me this readthru that brainstorm was so totally sinister for like most of his screentime up until this arc...and this scene is the pinnacle, I love how everything brainstorm says is overlaid with so much tension for the reader bc of what we know now about him
like brainstorm saying ‘yes - here’s to fixing things’ is so fucking sinister even though out of context that sentence is just normal
and when atomizer basically voices what the entire audience is thinking as brainstorm opens the briefcase - ‘brainstorm, you can’t do that.’ bc yeah, what the hell, he’s opening THE briefcase, Oh Shit
AND THEN THE FINAL SHOT....brainstorm front and center looking SCARY AS HELL.... ‘I can do whatever the hell I like.’....everyone suddenly collapsed around him...the fantastic shadowy lighting...the ominously open briefcase...the clear segue Directly into the next high-concept arc....[chefs kiss] ART
seriously I love this issue so much. SO many good things. such good character stuff, really great interactions, some fantastic plot development, super creative sci-fi fun times...all around just an extremely solid and enjoyable issue, 10 outta 10
and MAN OH MAN I cannot wait to get into the elegant chaos arc, it fucking SLAPS, that arc and remain in light have always been my favs, I'm so excited to revisit it 
AND ruth bought the physical comic TPB for like issues 34-38 or something and I'm so so glad I can read that instead of braving the many split-up double page spreads on the online comic 
so yeah, cant wait!
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obrientheknot · 6 years
Fun fact: ya girl went dress shopping.
I know that all of my experiences are not universal and I obviously enhance them for drama but like this shit was DRAMATIC..
so we pull up, it’s me, my mom, my sister, future M.I.L, and two of my best friends. Now I’m an idiot, and wore white because my thought was “aww it’ll be so cute I’ll buy this cheap ass bag on amazon and look like a bride going dress shopping!” Now in my advanced state of thinking I conveniently forgot that #1 I can’t wear white because I become a stain magnet #2 it will be 30 degrees out and I will be cold. Fast forward to dress shopping, my nips could have cut diamonds and I had to throw the $8 dress away because of make up.
We get to Bijou Bridal in Ardmore, which I was told by MULTIPLE PEOPLE would be THE SPOT I would find my dress. I told the woman on the phone when I made my appointment that I was just testing dresses out I was not intending to buy that day, I wanted to see what I like and if I got lucky I got lucky..but that was on the phone.
We go in and they tell us to look around and find some dresses that we like and our girl will be with us shortly. So we start and we’re making fun of some and then picking out some we think are cute when young Molly Ringwald joins the pack. I legit thought this woman was going to start quoting the breakfast club she looked DEAD like Molly Ringwald. Tragically, she did not. Instead she VERY EXCITEDLY had me introduce the squad and then discussed my likes and dislikes. She asked about pricing and style and designers and then told us to give her the dresses we like. I was then separated from the herd and led to a dressing room while they were told to sit. She was soooo excited and happy and kept saying YOURE A BRIDE!! As I felt like I needed a Xanax and a second to breathe.
I picked out like..meh 6 dresses? That I liked and she was like alright! I LOVE ALL THESE AND I LOVE YOU AND JUST GET NAKED TO YOUR COMFORT LEVEL AND I WILL PUT YOU IN THESE BEAUTIFUL GOWNS. Like..okay. I almost wanted to tell her to relax but I was hyperventilating over the fact that I was dress shopping and I was just about naked in front of this woman I just met so I didn’t.
Also, I tried on like..one of everything. I didn’t know what I liked or what was comfortable so everyone just sort of went for what they thought was cute aligned with my taste preferences. Pro tip: if you don’t know what you like..don’t naturally assume what you dislike. I walked in there with my mind made up that cap sleeves would not appear on my body but now I don’t hate them. Also swore I wanted a sheath style dress but guess what..no. They didn’t let us take any pics unless we decided to buy for reasons but I did get one!
So we go through and I think she forgot the fact that I said “I don’t like sequins” because she kept pulling sequin numbes that were itchy and scratchy and made me look like Jay Gatzbys dream in Art Deco doilies. She also kept saying “so you want the least looking wedding dress wedding dress..” like girl no. I just want something simple!!!! The concept is not hard to grasp!!!! I was laughing but inside I was like 😒
After the first dress it felt like prom shopping. I would put it on, walk out, she’d put a veil on me. Everyone would judge and I would hobble away. There weren’t any tears or arguments like on say yes to the dress. It was very low key. I think they could all tell I was overwhelmed and didn’t want to freak me out.
We get to this last dress. Hella plain, tulle bottom, medium train, lace detail. I liked it a lot on the hanger and when I put it on it was like zam okay.
I put my little heels on that I brought because I wanted to see how I’d look with a little lift. When I walked out they all started with the tears like omggggg this is your DRESS. Then I start crying cause like..my moms crying...but every time I look in the mirror I’m like ew are y’all seeing me this looks terrible. Then Molly R throws a belt on it and the veil and the tears are renewed. I liked it but I wasn’t like FUCK LETS GET IT YALL.
She’s like let’s go see it in the natural light so you can see how it photographs...like that made a difference to me somehow...it didn’t but everyone was like ooooohhhh love it. And then she asks “OMG RACHEL IS THIS IT IS IT YOUR DRESS? IS IT? OMG” and I just shrugged and was like I guess? And everyone yelled and I was like wtf did I just do??
Thank god for my sister, I looked at her like help!! And she mouthed “you don’t want it?” I shook my head and she pulled the girl aside and was like yeah she’s overwhelmed and she’s not getting this dress. It was so overwhelming. Like everyone was waiting on me and eyes popping out of heads. It was too much pressure for me to make a decision.
She was like ohhhhh that’s too bad, I’ll write the info down for you and you can call us back any time to come see it. So with that I apologized profusely for wasting her time, got changed and went out to lunch with the squad.
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Here’s the dress. Very pretty but like...I know there is something out there better for me. I really just wished Kyle was there with me so I could’ve gotten his opinion but I guess that’s the point 🤷🏼‍♀️
My takeaways from my first ever wedding shopping experience are as follows:
1. Definitely have an idea of what you’re interested in style wise, but dont limit yourself to only trying those dresses on, you literally don’t know what you’ll like until you see it ON YOUR OWN BODY (aka capsleeves)
2. Bring a strapless bra, heels that would be similar in height to what you’d wear on the day of, and underwear (that’s really just for me because I hate underwear). It’s possible that you’ll try on dresses without a bra. It took me until the end to realize I looked better in the dresses without them.
3. Yes it’s scary but try to have fun with it. Everyone is there for you so don’t be afraid to be emotional.
4. If you’ve got and ED or body dismorphia issues like me, bring friends. I know what my mom and sister wanted me in but having friends there who know what I like and how I wanted to look helped me look past the mirror and see me how they saw me, and swayed me from just listening to what my mom and sister wanted which would’ve had me in something different. Also don’t freak out that the dresses don’t fit or close. They only get certain sizes for people to try on and trust me, they only fit those sizes. They don’t mean you’re fat or bad, just means the dress doesn’t come in your size.
5. Don’t stress if you don’t pick a dress, AND DONT BE PRESSURED TO BUY A DRESS! I almost did and I’m so glad I didn’t. If you’re not completely like over the moon, don’t buy that shit!
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