#ohhh kline i love you my baby
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zketylers · 1 month ago
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I COME WITH THE RAIN (2009) dir. Tràn Anh Hùng
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superneightural · 8 days ago
this next chapter of superNAYtural is eating my ass ggggrrrrrahhgrhhgrgggrowlgrr barkb bark
here have a silly guy wearing a badass jacket and a anthro guide on some pony visuals for the fic. Also I have decided they all wear clothes now unless I want to draw all their patterns and markings bc fashion makes no sense in this world but I need to put them in OUTFITS in a way that is concerning for my friends and family
very based on the cartoon logic of magic pastel ponies and also my desire for the characters to have large ranged weapons
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Obvi there is more nuance to how human-ponies and monster-ponies get around, like flying or different ways of transport! Ignore how the legs look in the sitting position I did not try at all
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mysteryartisticwriter · 5 years ago
Being Crowley’s daughter and dating Jack Kline would include...
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
Of course you were half demon, your mother was human but died when you were 10
You met the boys way back when you were a teen; maybe around 15 years old in season 8 or 9
You were half demon but your mom showed love, taught you to give it back and be kind
You were the ultimate princess of Hell duh
While the boys were hesitant around you, they eventually grew to love you
And ohhh...your dad always threatened them if you tagged along in hunts
“You let a monster lay one finger on my little bear’s head, and I will end you two.” “Daaaaaad….”
Rowena never admitted it, but she utterly loved and adored you. She thought of you as an apprentice since you sometimes practiced spells with her
During Kelly’s pregnancy with Jack, you became her protector as well as Jack’s
Kelly was also hesitant around you since you were half demon, she didn’t want you to maybe end up killing her and her baby or even using Jack as a weapon once he was born
Just like the Winchester brothers, she grew to care for you too. Kelly knew Jack liked you from the start because he always just happened to kick whenever you touched her stomach
You were there when your dad killed himself for the boys, Sam was the one holding you back
Your dad’s last glance at you was a small, simple smile. “Goodbye boys. Take care of my little bear.”
When he stabbed himself, you screamed so loud that Sam and Dean winced at the pain in your voice
When Cas died a little later, you were crying right next to Dean on the ground because he was practically an uncle to you just like Sam and Dean
You mourned for three people that night; your dad, Castiel and Kelly
You vowed to avenge your dad no matter what, you were angry and sad just like Dean for so long
You never went back to Hell and you were sure that you weren’t even the next ruler of Hell anyway, not that it mattered to you
When you guys found Jack, it was strange to see that he was actually your age
You barely talked to him, angry at him for what his father did to Cas and made your dad do
Soon, you slowly began to open up to Jack more and more because he was really one of the only people you could talk to
His innocence was actually kinda adorable, his questions about life were funny too
“(Y/n), what is this?” “That is a pair of headphones, Jack.”
You were still a little bitter towards him until you literally cried on his shoulder one night about how you felt
“I was too weak to save my father, to save Castiel and soon, maybe I’ll be too weak to save you and the boys.”
You half expected Jack to be a little angry at you but he was actually really kind and gentle about it
That was when you realized you were gaining feelings for the nephilim and you didn’t even bother denying it
Unknown to you, Jack was feeling the same way
Castiel coming back was amazing to you and Dean, your uncle came back from the dead!
“Two salty hunters, a half demon princess, one half angel kid, a guy who just back from the dead. Team Free Will 2.0, here we go.”
But the happiness didn’t last long when Jack ran away because he didn’t want to hurt anybody after he accidentally killed a man
Once you found him again, you almost slapped him and yelled at him
“How dare you leave like that?! Do you know how scared and worried I was for you?!”
That was when you had your first kiss with him
He was trying to calm you down but you just caved in and smashed your lips onto his own
Jack didn’t really know what to do but went along with it anyway since he really liked you too
Rescuing Jack and Mary (the Winchesters’ mother) from the other dimension was tiring but you did end up saving both of them later on
Seeing Lucifer again and Jack went off with him, you felt mildly betrayed and hurt
Lucifer tried to convince his son that you didn’t really love him, that you were just using him to get back at his father
Jack never bought it though, he knew you loved him more than anything
He felt so powerless without his grace, Jack was so tired and all he wanted to do was be with you again
When you were trapped in the church with Jack, Sam and Lucifer, you tried your best to kill the devil with your powers
“Poor little girl…left all alone by her daddy.” “Screw you.”
You felt so weak not being able to defeat Lucifer, so vulnerable and weak
Lucifer finally tired you three out and gave a small proposition; one of you dies by the archangel blade and the other two walks out alive
Sam gave you and Jack the blade and told you to kill him but you weren’t having it, so you took the blade from him and pressed it against your own stomach
“I love you, Jack. I love you both so much.” “(Y/n) no!”
Just before you could finish the job, Dean came in and began to fight Lucifer with Michael
Jack was holding you from collapsing becuse the blade had drawn some blood
“Why would you do that?” You smiled weakly at him. “Because I’m not letting either of you die for someone as worthless as me.”
The battle was won by Michael!Dean and finally after all these years, Lucifer was dead
The victory was short lived when Michael had taken full control over Dean and left
Dean was MIA for so long and Jack was feeling worthless without his powers, it was all so much
You, of course, comforted Jack about how he felt. He didn’t deserve to have his grace taken away by someone he thought cared about him
You were so scared when his illness was starting to take him over. Jack was dying and there was nothing you could do to help
When Jack died and went to Heaven, his own Heaven was with you and the boys until he (sadly) had to leave it to go to his mother’s
Jack brought you up to her, telling Kelly that he was in love with you to which she just smiled
“I’m in love with her, mom.” “I know, Jack. I know.”
Rowena was used as a suit for Michael and when he went to attack at the bunker, Jack killed him and gained his grace back….at the cost of burning his soul out
Soulless Jack was saddening to you, he was empty and wasn’t the same boy as before
You weren’t even sure he loved you anymore since he couldn’t feel anything at all
You set your feelings and concerns aside and continued to act the same as you normally would with Jack in your relationship, but it was never the same
After he killed Mary Winchester, you became much more worried about his condition and mildly scared at his actions
Jack being locked away by Sam and Dean was torture to you. Yes, he didn’t have a soul anymore but he was still the same boy you fell in love with. You missed him
When he escaped, God/Chuck came back and was the one who told you that you needed to kill Jack or it could be very dangerous
Instead of Dean, you were the one holding the gun to Jack’s head while he kneeled on the ground, ready to die
In the end, you couldn’t kill him. He was still Jack, he was still your everything and still the love of your life
But before you knew it, Chuck killed Jack himself and raised the souls from Hell
As you and the boys were trapped in the tomb with no way out, you sobbed and mourned over Jack’s dead body with his eyes burned out
The amount of anger you had for Belphegor when he had the audacity to use your boyfriend’s body as a vessel was only felt once for when your dad died
Sealing off the town was hard enough when you had a demon in your ass the whole damn time. Belphegor never left you alone
“Hey sweetheart...” “Belphegor, I am half demon and I will literally send you back to Hell no matter what.”
You went with Belphegor and Castiel down to the rupture in Hell in order to finally get rid of all the ghosts and souls
While down there, you found out that Belphegor was really planning on sucking up all the souls to be as powerful as God
You managed to get him down and punched him so many times that his lip was bleeding and his sunglasses came off, showing Jack’s full face
“Please (Y/n)...stop. It’s me...Jack.” “....You’re not him. And you’ll never be him.”
You killed Belphegor using your powers and needless to say, Dean was not very happy about going off-plan (which was stupid to you because you would’ve had to kill the demon anyway)
You had never felt so depressed and empty in all your life. Your mom and dad were dead, Rowena was dead because of the spell she had to use and Jack was dead as well. Everyone you ever loved was dead and you were just an empty shell of who you used to be
But when Jack was resurrected by Billie the Reaper, you felt the same way as Dean did when Cas came back
It wasn’t until you realized that he was the exact same as before, soulless. You couldn’t bare it, Jack didn’t love or care about anything anymore.
As much as you still loved him, you finally broke things off with him because no matter how much you tried to deny it, your old Jack was gone
When those hellhounds were after you all, Sam and Dean were the ones holding the doors shut while you, Jack, and Cas were in the main part of the chapel trying to activate the Occultum...until Jack swallowed it
“Where’s the Occultum?” “I ate it.” “YOU WHAT?”
Just before the hellhounds could maul the four of you to death, there was a bright light that killed them and Jack’s unconscious body appeared onto the floor
Later, Jack was found awake in the bunker’s kitchen, crying to himself and Cas told the rest of you that his soul has been restored
You couldn’t help but let a small tear escape your eye. Jack was so innocent and new to the world but already was introduced to so many horrible things within three years
You loved Jack, and you always would no matter what happens to him or you
A/N: Most of you might know about the BLM protests and the unjust murder of George Floyd but if you haven’t donated or signed any petitions yet, I would strongly suggest that you do! Black Lives Matter! I hear you and I stand with you.
Justice For George Floyd - https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd
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thevelvetseries · 5 years ago
Life’s Complicated (Part 2)
Overall Summary : When Bella Mikaelson was 17 she had a little baby girl. She went off to college and studied drama and music, while her parents looked after her daughter Camila Mikaelson. When she graduated she started auditioning for different movies and TV and ended up getting a role in the CW show Supernatural where she meets her new family.
Pairing : Alexander Calvert x Reader / Jared Padalecki x Reader (Platonic) / Jensen Ackles x Reader (Platonic) / Misha Collins x Reader (Platonic) / Genevieve Padalecki / Danneel Ackles
Warnings : Fluff, Angst, Smut, Semi Smut, Drinking
I decided to give the reader a name in this fic.
Series Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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I was in peaceful sleep when I was woke up to something poking my face over and over again. At first I didn’t wake up, until I hear a little cute voice by my ear, the voice that always put a smile on my face. “Mummy, wake up” I smile and I blink my eyes a couple times and when they finally open I see a little mini me looking me right in the eyes. Since she had only just woke up she had the biggest bed head ever and it always put a smile on my face. She really did look like me when I was younger. “Morning sweetie” I say before reaching out for her and bringing into a hug before I started giving her attack of kisses. She starts to giggle and it was like music to my ears, it’s still the best sound I could ever hear. She is just the sweetest little girl in the world. I finally finished my attack and asked if she would love some waffles for breakfast. “Yes pleaseeeee. Ohhh, can I have chocolate milk too please.” She asks and I agree and we make our way downstairs to the kitchen.
It was now the first day of hiatus, and it was time to relax and spend time with my baby girl. One we had finished eating our breakfast, we decided to have a lazy day. We got washed and put on new, clean pyjamas. Once we were ready we made it into the living room and spent the day watching original Disney channel movies and eating pizza that we ordered and lots of junk food, since it’s something we never do.
During the third movie we were watching my sister Veronica texted me saying “I’ve finally finished my final exams early and wanted to come out for awhile to see us.” I let her know we were coming home in a couple days before we were going to be heading up to Texas for awhile, and even invited her to the convention season so she could hell me look after Camilo and spend time with both of us when we have free time to spare.
“Mummy, can I have another slice of pizza please?” Camila asked while wiggling in her seat.
“Yes sweetie.” I reply before getting up and grabbing her another slice of pizza for her. I also went to the kitchen to grab her another juice box.
It was now 7pm and it was now time for Camila to go to bed, we went upstairs and brushed her teeth and put her to bed. Bella spent the next few hours finishing packing her suitcase and then went into Camila’s room and packed her suitcase too, since I’m two days they were flying to New York.
When we finally got to New York, we were met by Veronica at the airport. She drove us back to our family home where my mum had made a full feast for us for dinner. I missed being home. I missed my family. They were everything to me. Mum decided to make my and Camila our favourite which was fried chicken, and mac and cheese. Home cooked food is just the best. We all sat down around the table and stuffed our belly’s until we where full. Camila started to get tired so I took her upstairs and put her down to bed we all sat down in the living room watch a movie when my mum starts with the normal questions again, like every time I visit her.
“So. Is there anyone special in your life yet?” She asked.
“Seriously mum. Not this again. I’ll find someone when I’m ready. At this moment in my life, I’m happy. I’ve got an amazing job and a beautiful child who I love very much and I don’t need a man to complete my life. It’s already quite amazing.”
“Baby. It’s been nearly 3 year since he passed. I’m sure he would be ok with you moving on. He wouldn’t want you to be alone forever.” Mum said which a sad smile.
“I know mum.” I say with a sad smile.
“I just want you to find somebody who you can share you life with and have actual adult conversations.” She said while taking a sip of her hot drink.
“I do. At work.” I scruff back.
“You know what I mean. Isn’t there anyone at work you might like?”
“No. I haven’t been there long enough to get to know anyone to feel that way, and I’m always busy with or when I’m not working looking after Camila. I’m fine with were I am right now.”
Life’s Complicated Tag-List
@myopiamystical @ms-reader @musiclovinchic93 @tvshowlover123 @scatchia @sixx-sic-sixx @imaginationisgrowth @hettolini @leftjensenackleshollywoodshoe @dolans-lover @alittlebittyuniverse @smoothdogsgirl @xostephanie @idksupernatural @imsuperawkward @notsoftstcn @hazelle-uvu @amywinchesterxx @easygoingtheatre @jack-kline-world @simonadii @uglycryinginthekitchen @c-ly-g @hellosweetdeath @clawsandshotguns @sarsmilesah @catieiscute2001 @midnight-archer03 @lidibug @101stshippersquad @maesflower @shadowhunter82 @alliedimlerr​
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infinitysgrace · 6 years ago
SPN 14x03 in a nutshell
Dean: Ugh I hate your beard
Sam: sucks to be you
Hunter man: Hi chief
Sam: oh fuck... you weren’t supposed to hear that. 
Dean: I-
Dean: ._.
Jack: omg I missed you
Dean: mkay I guess we’re doing this now
Cass: oh hello
Dean: oh you’re here
Sam: Dean are you-
Dean: I’m fine
Sam: ... anyway, nick?
Cass: he left
Sam: there is absolutely no way this can backfire
Cass: how is your brother
Sam: yikes
*W I N G S*
Dean: random scar is random
Cass: yikes
Dean: Pop culture reference
Sam: are you sure...
Dean: Dean vernacular English
Sam: ok
Cass: the fuck was that
Jody: ring ring
Dean: I’m back bitches
Jody: ok
Dean: prepare for trouble
Sam: and make it double
Jack: father?
Sam: no you can’t come.
Jack: but whyyyy
Dean: Dean vernacular English of the rude variety
Sam and Cass: Bitch what the fuck
Jack: ;-;
Dean: nuu I’m sor- ok he’s gone
Hunter Woman: plz help
Cass: guess I’m staying
Sam: talk to me.
Dean: no.
Sam: why
Dean: because you wouldn’t understand
Sam: ... On may 2nd 1983 I was born the true vessel to Lucifer, and 6 months later a yellow eyed demo-
Dean: So anyway we’re almost there
Sam: BITC- ok. Whatever.
Jody: I love that car.
Dean: yeah she loves you too *hug*
Jody: Ok where’s my sunshine child?
Sam: JODY!
Sam: HA
Dean: anyway, job?
Jody: Job.
Sam: Job.
insert random reference
Jack: Nobody understands me.
Cass and co: job
Jack: uwu what’s this?
Cursed girl: halp
Jack: ooo I am of use.
moving on
Sam: uwu what’s this?
Dean: split
Jody: I agree
Dean: y’all are the worst
Dark Kaia: grr
Dean: GRR
Jody: Wha-
Sam: I hate this
Dark Kaia: GRR
Dean: gr.
b plot
Hunter Woman: oh oh oh it’s magic
Cass: get the nasty eye from the jar
Cursed girl: is that your dad
Jack: yeah I have like two, sometimes three of them, a wine aunt, and a sperm donor. What about you?
Cursed girl: I have a mom but I thought nobody understood me so I left
Jack: that just gave me a moment of self reflection
Cass: why is that familia-
back to the winchesters
Dean: vrrrmmmmmm
Sam: WAI- and he’s gone
Jody: yikes
The marvelous misadventures of Jack Kline
Cass and Hunter Woman: you knoooooww, never believe it’s not soooo
Cursed Girl: *cough*
they really need a therapist
Sam: you gonna tell your kids?
Jody: they’re my kids. They have a right to know.
Sam: I will definitely be using that later.
Jody: well... Dean’s a wreck
Sam: Yeah I know, I wish he’d stop doing that but he’s all like “nobody understands me”
Jody: why is that familiar?
Sam: RIGHT?!
Dark Kaia: woop woop
Dark Kaia: shocked grr!
Dean: grr
Dark Kaia: GRRR
Jody: should we do something?
Sam: no, they’re communicating, watch
Dean: GRR
D!Kaia: grr 
Dean: gRr
D!Kaia: inconspicuous foreshadowing
Ambush: let us congregate and figure out how to surprise the girl
D!Kaia: they’re following us.
sad times
Jack: We couldn’t save her ;-;
over the river and through the woods
Jody: we should do something smart and take her in
Dean: No I’m going so far off the deep end right now
Sam: wat
D!Kaia: boi wants my spear
Dean: GRR
D!Kaia: GrR
Jack: I got it!
a cabin in the woods
Dean: GRR
Jody: -_-
D!Kaia: more obvious foreshadowing
Dean: GRR
big boss(if you get this reference you’re a legend)
Jack: I’ma smart
Cass: that’s my boy ;-;
woop there it is
Ambush: caughtcha bitch
Sam: Guess I’m already tracer
Kaia: hehe, bye bitch
Jody: sad
Sam: sad
Dean: seething
Jack: I did it, I did it, I did it
Cass: I’m so proud ;-; 
Jack: *cough*
Cass: are you o-
Jack: I’m fine 
Cass: I’m sure you actually mean that this time
baby baby baby ohhh
Dean: finally talking
Sam: *suspicious silence*
Jack: *coughing up blood* why is this familiar?
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castielss · 5 years ago
Top 10 male characters of Supernatural
Ohhh Daaanng! Gonna be so hard ahhhhh
Dean Winchester (my babe since the first time I saw him, this damage man who needs all the love)
Sam Winchester (my babie who is incredibly hot and also so good for words)
Castiel (my pretty boy angel)
Kevin Tran (the prophet thar stole my heart)
Jack Kline (the nephilim that deserves the world he is too good and he loves his 3 dads to much)
Bobby Singer (We was a big part of the boys life and well we was so good to those idjits)
Crowley (If you don’t hate to love and love to hate the King of Hell we can’t be friends)
Garth (Hello it’s Garth?! Do I have to say more)
Balthazar (The sassiest Angel who was also a dick)
Benny (He helped our boy Dean and was a hell of a good vampire, he deserved better)
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kubatron7 · 6 years ago
Rambling Thoughts as I Watch 14x07
I'm not hating this Nick storyline as much as I thought I would... so far
Motherfucking Castiel tricorder Misha Collins hand porn
Is this the first time in the show that we call him Jack Kline?
Ok, wtf is this reporter interaction
Love me some trenchcoat-less Cas
Yes! More Rowena!
Btw, this is who Jack is
I need gifs of Rowena meeting Jack
Sweet bby is delicate
So was that like, showing Dean's body giving way after losing archangel grace?
Creepy Nick is creepy
No way that girl would randomly invite him into the club like that
Ohhh more vessel no longer having archangel grace = blurry wonky times
BL are obvious with exposition, usually (right?)
Carbs! Vegas! Nice!
Dean feeding his family
Ketch!! (I actually miss him)
Dmitri as Misha as Sergei Castiel meeting with Dmitri as Sergei
Sad Sam face
Jack starting Baby / "Oh boy"
Jack and Dean in Baby is the wholesome content I come here for
Hi, I'm Nick, I'm here to kill you
Oh dear god they're fishing. My heart!
So, like, did the director just get a new drone? Not liking this camerawork. Feelings weirdly voyeuristic.
Jack loves his dads!
"Who'd've thought hanging out with me would make you sentimental?"
Cas matches his car to his eyes tie
I need all the gifs of awkward slumping floor-sitting Cas
He's no foster nephilim, he's their son!
"With porn stars, yes, I know the story"
I take back what I said earlier about the Nick storyline
Side note: is neighbor Artie the fake Dean from Community? Nope, but he did play the pastor in Season 5 Episode 2, Good God Y'all (the one with War)
Cool teacher Nick sitting down to rap
"Even if it wasn't you, it was still you" / Nick = Lucifer
But seriously, how is he getting away with all this messy, obvious murder?
Aw, Sam holding Gabriel's grace
Aw, my smiley boys! So short-lived!
Love pissed dad!Cas, though
Empty skeleton Hexxus with Lucifer eyes is NOT OK
Yeah, that's totally Lily Sunder
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
Kelly’s 6th Birthday; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
And here we go guys the last update for now. This chapter contains an equal amount of both fluff and and angst so I hope you all enjoy it and still have those tissues and maybe some ice cream (or other sweet treat on hand cause you’ll need it). Now I’ll stop talking and let you all get to reading these chapters, hope you all enjoyed them and until the next chapter (but you all are gonna hate me for it cause I have a feeling you all may know what I’m gonna write for the next chapter).
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*November 13th, 1991*
It was a nice cool November morning in the backyard of Roger Taylor’s home.  Everywhere decorations were being put up with the help of not only Roger, Brian, Deacy, Jack’s family, and the ladies of Queen, but some of the loyal roadies both from Queen and the Rock Angel.
Walking through the garden wearing a handsewn replica of Belle’s famed yellow dress, little Kelly Kline was walking towards her mom who was talking to some of the party planners.
“Just be sure that Elton and Bernie are sitting next to each other, those two can’t be separated no matter what. And see to it that David is seated here.”
“Of course Mrs. Kline.”
*My POV*
Whew who knew planning a princess themed party was such hard work.  But thankfully the planning was coming along.  We hadn’t had any hiccups or misplacements.  Mum as well as Gen were making Kelly’s dress since they were the most skilled at sewing, and it was nice for dad to lend us his backyard for the party.  God he truly likes to spoil his goddaughter.
When I turned around I gasped in awe.  There stood my little five year—well almost six year old baby girl in the famed yellow Belle ballgown dress.  
Ever since she’s seen Beauty and the Beast, it’s been her favorite movie and she’s begged and begged to have a Princess themed party where she could be Belle.  And so here we are.
“Do you like it?” she asked me with a hopeful smile.
“Ohh Kelly, you are an absolute vision. You are gonna be the talk of the party and not just because it’s your birthday.” I said as I kneeled in front of her and took her hands in mine.
She smiled and I held my arms out and she came into them as I hugged her.  God I can’t believe my baby girl’s growing up so fast already.  I mean it seems like only yesterday she was just born and now here we are almost six years later.
“How’s it coming?” I heard Jack say.  We separated from each other and when he saw his daughter he gasped and said. “And just who is this lovely princess before me?” she giggled and said.
“It’s me daddy.” Jack got down and leaned in real close to her making her giggle some more.
“Why yes it is. Oh my darling baby girl truly is a princess now. Did mums and auntie Gen do good on the dress?”
“Yes, I love it.”
“Did you thank them?”
“Yes daddy I did.” He smiled and hugged our baby girl close to him before placing a peck on top of her head.
“Oi Jack mind giving us a hand with this!?” Jensen exclaimed as he and Jared were trying to hold up one of the platform towers to help make the setting more authentic.
“Duty calls, I’ll be back later.” He kissed Kelly one last time before racing off to help his cousins.  I stood up and took my daughter’s hand as I told her to follow me.
“Ohh I just can’t believe how big you’re getting.”
“Mummy! Please don’t tell anymore baby stories. I’m not a baby anymore.” She whined.
“Ohh forgive me, but no matter how old you get, you will always be my little baby waby girl!” I cooed as I held her close and she tried to squirm but I warned her not to mess up the dress and ruin mum and Gen’s hard work.  “Oh that reminds me. I have a gift for you.”
“Really? What is it?”
“Well your uncle Freddie had it specially made. It took a few strings, even though I told him not to do it. But you can never tell that man to not do something. And it’s a symbol that makes every princess a princess.”
*3rd Person POV*
In one of the bedrooms where (y/n) kept Kelly’s specially made diamond princess tiara.  Gen and Jared’s 5 year old daughter Odette managed to find the tiara in it’s special box.  She too who loved all the Disney Princess movies wanted to know what it was like to wear one that was real and authentic, and not just a plastic crown.
She placed it on top of her head and looked at the full length mirror and couldn’t help but smile at herself.  Feeling almost proud and regal at this point.
“Odette?” she heard her aunt’s voice.
*My POV*
I went into Roger’s study where I had put the tiara knowing that the kids wouldn’t be able to find it in there. But it would seem curious little Odette managed to find herself in there and was wearing Kelly’s tiara.  I called out to her and that’s when she jumped back and took the crown off as she began stuttering.
“A-auntie (y/n) I—I’m sorry I…I just wanted to…..”
“How dare you!” Kelly sneered as she walked up to her younger cousin. “That’s mine! It’s not for you.”
“Sorry Kelly I just wanted…..” Kelly took back the tiara and said in a snotty tone.
“Poor kids don’t get to wear real tiaras.”
“Enough!” I said in a firm tone.
“Auntie (y/n) I’m sorry…..”
“No. I was talking to Kelly.” I interrupted her. Kelly turned towards me and owled back.
“I thought your father and I raised you better than that Kelly.” I spoke with my mother tone as I looked down at her disappointedly. “It doesn’t matter where we come from in life, everyone deserves to be treated with love and respect.”
“But Odette took my—”
“She apologized. And it isn’t yours yet.” I stopped her before she could even make an argument with me.
“Auntie (y/n) it was really my fault.”
“I respect your honesty Odette. But your cousin must learn. Kelly,” I knelt down in front of her and continued, “We are all the same.”
“But you’re a rockstar mummy. That makes you rich.”
“Well yes, to a degree. But that doesn’t make me better than anyone else. This party for instance, can you tell me what it’s for?”
“Yes. It’s to honor me on my birthday.” She answered with pride as she raised her chin up like a real princess.
“No. It’s for you to honor your family. And to show everyone that by being a kind, and caring young girl, you will continue to grow up to be just that.” I took the tiara from her hands and held it before her as the two of us stared into each other’s eyes. “When you are crowned with this, on your birthday. It will show everyone that like a real Princess should, you will treat everyone with love and with kindness. Just like Belle did for the Beast. Now do you understand?” she smiled and nodded.
“I do mummy.” I smiled at her and I gestured towards Odette to tell her to say that she was sorry.  Kelly turned and said. “I’m sorry Dette, I was selfish. I didn’t mean to get mad at you.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I took your tiara without asking permission first. Daddy and mommy says I should never take something without asking first.” The two girls hugged each other and it warmed my heart to see them forgive each other.
“Alright Odette, go run along and play with your brothers and the rest of your cousins.” She raced off leaving Kelly and I alone in the study.  We walked up to the full length mirror together and I handed her the tiara once more and as she held it she said.
“It’s so pretty.”
“Your uncle Freddie spares no expense for you.”
“Can we go see him?” she asked.
Now that’s where I was hesitant.  See the last time I had seen Freddie, he was looking very, very ill.  And there’s not to say I was paranoid against the AIDS virus, I would never want to isolate Kelly from her favorite uncle, it’s just—I don’t want to have her be upset at seeing him like this.
“Ahh so here’s where the two Kline Queens snuck off to.” We turned around and there stood Roger.  I playfully scowled at him and that’s when Kelly raced up to her godfather and said as she even did a little twirl.
“Papa Roger, don’t I look beautiful?” Roger was in awe as he said.
“Ohhh lovie, you are so beautiful mademoiselle.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it, just like he was greeting real royalty. “I can’t believe I have the highest honor of being in the presence of Princess Belle herself.”
“You’re silly papa Roger.”
“Oh lovie, I’m crazy for you!” he picked her up and playfully spun her around in his arms, the two of them laughing.  I shook my head at his playful antics and that’s when he said as he stopped spinning her around. “So what were we lovely lion queens talking about before I came in here?”
“I was hoping to see uncle Freddie.” At hearing his name, Roger grew solemn.
“Uhh Kelly, why don’t we try for a visit tomorrow?”
“Aww why?”
“Well because we’re still trying to build your party love. And I need to stay here and help out with the planning. And your father still needs to finish setting up the towers and the other decorations we need—”
“I’ll take you to see him.” Said Roger interrupting me.  I looked at him in shock while Kelly looked overly ecstatic.
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to see him myself. Why don’t we go together.”
“Can I go mummy please?” she turned toward me giving me the puppy dog eyes that she inherited from her father.
“Papa Roger can take me, please I haven’t seen him in a very, very, very, very, very, very, very long time.” I looked to Roger and he looked at me in assurance that it would be okay.
“Alright, but change out of your dress and into your normal clothes okay.”
“But I wanna show him!”
“Hey, either you take off the dress or there’s no visiting uncle Freddie.” she groaned but she knew I was right.  Roger set her down and she headed back to the room to find either Gen or mum to take the dress off and get her normal clothes back on.  “You sure visiting him is a good idea?”
“Well we can’t just keep her away from him. Plus he’s been asking for her lately. Especially now since her birthday’s next week.”
“Will you tell her why he’s so sickly? I mean compared to when she last saw him at the beginning of the year, he’s gotten worse. He can barely leave the bed.”
“I know. I’ll—try to ease her into why he’s so different.” He said.
“Just—break it to her slowly. And if she cries…..just be there for her.”
“I promise love.” He said as he wrapped his arm around my neck and he kissed my forehead.
I helped her into the backseat of Roger’s car and I said to her.
“Now you listen to everything your godfather tells you. And…go easy with your uncle Freddie once you see him okay?” she nodded. I kissed her cheek and told her. “Have a good visit.”
“No worries mama lioness I’ll take care of her.” He started the engine and the car revved.
“Bye mummy!” I closed the door and he pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road to head to Freddie’s place at Garden Lodge.  I waved bye to them and that’s when Jack came up behind me and said.
“She going to see him?”
“Yeah. I just—I just wish I could be there with her, she…..she doesn’t deserve to see her once mighty uncle in his lowest state. I’m so scared she’s gonna be so upset. He—he hardly has any time left. I fear he’s gonna die any day Jack.” I wept softly while he held me close to him allowing me to cry for the first time in months.
*3rd Person POV*
It took about 10-15minutes but soon enough they finally reached Garden Lodge.  But as it has been for months ever since the leaked rumors of Freddie’s illness with the growing rise of the AIDS outbreak, the press were out pacing around like hungry wolves waiting to storm in and photograph Freddie.
“Papa Roger, the bad photo guys are here.” Roger growled and muttered.
“Those fucking wankers.”
“Mummy calls them desperate hyenas.”
“More like pestering vultures, but your mum is right.”
“Why do they do this?”
“For their own greediness unfortunately. Here I need you to be quiet for a moment while I make a quick call, okay?” she nodded and Roger pulled out his installed car-phone and dialed Fred’s number.  
It rang a couple times before an answer was heard.
“Jim, it’s Roger. Yes I’m here with Kelly and we’ve come to see Freddie, but the press are crowding the gate…..Yes, okay. Alright we’ll wait out here. Thanks Jim, see you in a minute.” He hung up the phone and he turned to Kelly. “Care to watch a little game?”
“What kind of game?”
“It’s called ‘fool the mindless baboons.’ Any second now, a car’s gonna pull out from uncle Freddie’s place. We’re gonna make those baboons chase after the car thinking your uncle Freddie’s in the car. So while they chase after the car a few times around the next few blocks, we can go in and see Freddie, sound fun?” she nodded happily.
Then just as Jim told Roger, Freddie’s driver Terry came driving out of the gate and that’s when the press took notice of the car and took off running after it with their cameras out and all shouting over each other.  Kelly laughed as she said.
“Stupid baboons.”
“You said it love, now c’mon let’s head inside before the gate closes.” Roger unbuckled himself out of his seat and quickly raced over to help Kelly out from the car.  
He picked her up and held her in his arms, and as he quickly raced over towards the gate he noticed another car parked just nearby.
“Well it seems Brian and Anita are here as well.”
“Really?” Kelly’s tone grew excited.
“Yeah see that’s Miss Anita’s car right there.” Roger said as he pointed out the car.  She nodded and that’s when Roger took her inside and the gate closed behind them.  He walked right up to the front door and knocked twice before adjusting Kelly in his arms to move her from hanging off his hips to his waist.
The door opened to reveal Jim standing there.
“Hi Uncle Jim.” Kelly waved.
“Hello lass, hello Roger, good to see you both. Thanks for waiting.”
“It’s no problem. Anything to get those vultures off Fred’s property for a while.” Jim allowed the two of them inside the home.
Normally Freddie would either be in the music room playing the piano or in the living room with most of his children, but it was all quiet.
“I’m told it’ll be someone’s birthday next week.” Jim said trying to make conversation.  Kelly nodded shyly and said.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be six years old.”
“Wow that old already? How time flies.”
“Tell me about it. Seems like she was just born yesterday and now I’ve got a growing lion cub on my hands.” Roger said as he playfully bounced her up in his arms.  Kelly softly giggled and leaned her head against her godfather’s shoulder and Roger placed a kiss on top of her head.
“Can I get you both something to drink?”
“Just a warm cuppa for me, once we’re done here gotta help continue to build this young one’s princess party.”
“Alright, and for you Kelly dear?”
“Can I please have some milk?”
“Sure thing, one cuppa and one milk coming up. Please make yourselves comfortable.” Jim said as he gestured towards the living room.  Roger placed Kelly down on the couch and that’s when one of Freddie’s cats and Kelly’s personal favorite Romeo came up and rubbed against her ankle.
She got down and greeted him and began to stroke him as he let out a loud purr and leaned into her hand.
“Here we are, one cuppa and one milk.” Jim said as he brought in the two cups.
“Thanks Jim.”
“Thank you uncle Jim.” Rog took a sip of his cuppa and he said.
“So I noticed Anita’s car out front, they still here?”
“Yeah, they arrived just five minutes ago before you both showed up. They’re upstairs with Freddie and the doctor.”  As the two men continued to talk about grown up stuff, Kelly being the clever girl that she was, slowly snuck away from the couch and as quietly as she could, headed up the staircase to find Freddie.
When she reached the top of the stairs, she wondered along trying to remember which room was his.  That was until she heard the sound of her uncle Brian’s voice. She quietly raced towards it and peeked in.
There she could see her uncle Freddie in his grand master bed.  But she was shocked to see that compared to the last time she saw him, he looked even worse.  He was so thin and frail, it looked like he was a skeleton in her eyes.
“I see that the garden’s been tended to Fred. Brian spoke from the window.”
“I agree Brian, are those newly planted magnolias?” Anita spoke up.
“Guys….you don’t have to pretend to make conversation with me. I’m just…glad you’re here.” Brian smiled solemnly at his dear friend. It was then Anita turned towards the door and could see a small figure quickly try to hide away.
“It would seem you have an unexpected guest Freddie.” Both Queens looked toward the door and shyly peeking out was Kelly.
“Kelly.” Said Brian.  He walked over to her and knelt down in front of her and said, “What are you doing here?”
“Papa Roger brought me here. I—wanted to see uncle Freddie.”
“So that old fart finally came to see me. He downstairs?” Freddie said from his bed.  She nodded and that’s when Freddie extended his arm out and said. “Come here my sweet nightingale.” She turned to her uncle Brian and even through the sad hazel eyes, he managed a soft smile as he nodded telling her to go on.
She walked over to the bed and took his hand in hers.  Freddie smiled warmly as best he could as he said.
“You just get bigger and bigger every time I see you darling. And I hear you’ll be what? 8 next week?”
“No I’ll be six.” She softly giggled.
“Ahh yes, the big number six. God it’s hard to believe you’re getting older.”
“Yeah.” She said hesitantly.  Even through his exhaustion he knew something was going on in her head.  So much like her mother in every way.
“What is it my sweet darling?”
“I wanna cancel my party.” She said.
“I don’t wanna have a party without you. I can wait uncle Freddie. And then we can turn it into a celebration once your better.” Freddie held onto her hand as tight as he could, but to Kelly it was like holding a baggy in between her hands.
“No my darling, we can’t cancel your birthday. It’ll be alright.” He took a soft deep breath in and said to her, “I’ll—try to be right as rain by then. I wanna see my little nightingale walking in that beautiful tiara I had specially made for her.” His index finger stroked her cheek faintly.
Kelly held her uncle’s hands tighter and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand.  She looked up at him, tears in her eyes but a strong face adored her features.
“I don’t care about my birthday, all I care about is you.” Kelly whispered as she placed her other hand over her uncle’s heart. Freddie couldn’t handle the level of kindness that was in this little girl.  Here his niece was willing to cancel her birthday even after months of it being planned and everything coming together, and she was willing to just throw it away and wait for him to get better.
Even though he knew he wasn’t.
Suddenly he began coughing rather harshly.  He turned away from her as he coughed into his left hand which held a tissue.  The coughing grew louder and more harsher, it was like he was gonna cough a lung out.
“Brian!” he groaned out as best he could.  He refused to let his nightingale see him like this and risk scaring her.
“Kelly love,” Brian immediately came up to Kelly who just stared at her uncle Freddie fearfully.  Brian placed his hands on her shoulders trying to redirect her attention to him as he said, “Let’s leave Fred to rest, it’s alright.” He quickly picked her up and as Freddie’s doctor came over to help him, Brian and Anita left with Kelly to watch in shock at seeing her uncle so sick.
When Fred was finally done coughing, the tissue was practically coated with blood and a small bit of it even ran down his throat as well as a tear.
Kelly kept her eyes at the doors of Freddie’s bedroom and that’s when she buried herself into her uncle’s shoulder, burying her face into his mass of curls and let out a sniffle.  Brian stopped and softly told Anita to head on downstairs.
She nodded and rubbed Kelly’s back comfortingly for a bit before heading on downstairs.  Brian found a bench to sit on and he said as he gently pulled Kelly away from him so he could have a good look at her.
“What is it Kelly-cub?”
“Is—is uncle Freddie going to die?” she suddenly asked.  At hearing her say those words, Brian had no idea what to say to her. I mean…..how does one tell a child that someone they love is dying of a terrible disease that can’t be cured like the stomach flu or the common cold.
She began to softly cry as she buried herself back into her uncle’s shoulder.  Brian stroked the back of her hair trying to calm her down as he gently soothed her as best he could.
“We—we don’t know love.”
“I don’t wanna lose him!” she whimpered out.
“Neither do we.” Brian whispered back to her. Brian continued to embrace his niece for as long as he could till she just sat there motionlessly.  He then decided she needed to be with her godfather at this point.
Brian stood up and walked down the stairs and when Roger saw the sight of his goddaughter he sighed brokenly.  He walked up and Brian transferred her over to him and Roger held Kelly close to him and patted her back soothingly.
“I should take her back. I can come back later to see him. God (y/n) is gonna kill me.”
“She probably knew this would happen Rog. Maybe we should talk to Fred and (y/n).”
“After her birthday Brian. She doesn’t deserve to be sad just days before her birthday party. I know Jack and I can’t allow that to happen.” Roger kissed the back of her head and stroked through her mother’s inherited (h/c) hair.
After a few minutes of talking with Brian, Rog buckled Kelly up into the backseat and drove back to his place for her to rest after such an emotional day.
One week later; family and friends were invited to Roger’s place for the greatest birthday in history.  
*My POV*
I was currently dressed in a white Cinderella style dress and I knew Jack would be dressed as my Prince Charming.  I was adjusting my dress and putting the final touches of my makeup when I heard a knock at my door.  Standing there were Roger and Brian.
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“Well look at you Mrs. Kline, a true Queen.” Said Brian with a soft smile.
“Now, now boys this is supposed to be Kelly’s night. I’m merely just trying to look my best.”
“And no doubt, your majesty.” Roger did a mock bow doing a dramatic hand gesture as he bowed.  I rolled my eyes at them and I said to them.
“But I’ll admit you two clean up rather nicely. Quite dapper yourselves. Like true Princes, Anita and Dominque are lucky ladies.”
“Well so far most of the guests are starting to arrive. Thankfully no press have come yet.” Said Roger.
“Good. I refuse to have a bunch of kids photographed just because celebrities are here. Especially when it comes to my kids.”
“Don’t I know it.” Muttered Brian.  There was an uncomfortable silence between us and that’s when I decided to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
“Alright, I know why you guys really came up here. You’re here to talk about talking to Kelly in regard to Freddie’s health.” They looked at me.  Before they could speak, I held my hand up and walked towards one of the chairs in mine and Jack’s guest room that Roger kindly lent us for the week till the party was over.  “You guys know I’ve been keeping this secret ever since I found out at the beginning of the year. Not even Jack knows about it, not my mum, not Misha, not even Jared and Jensen. Kelly’s been asking questions but I refused to tell her the truth because I promised Freddie.”
“We would never have asked you to carry such a responsibility.” Roger said as he came up to me.  I sighed heavily and stopped a tear from coming down my face.
“I know that every child has to go through death at least one point in their life. Whether through a pet, or unfortunately like in my case with both my parents. But—never did I think I’d have to prepare Kelly or my boys for this. How do I tell her?” Roger placed his hand on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s the hardest thing every parent goes through. Believe me, it wasn’t easy to tell my kids about my father passing, they loved their grandfather and he loved them. But—if Kelly finds out a different way, it may damage her to an extent, especially if some news press makes it out to be Freddie’s fault. She at least deserves to hear it from the one person whose loved Freddie almost all her life.” Brian said to me as he stood by my side.
“And if you need us to be there for you when you tell her, we will.” I nodded and fanned my eyes out and that’s when Roger held out a handkerchief for me.  I smiled and dabbed my eyes.
“Alright enough of this. Don’t want to show teary eyes at a six year old’s birthday party.” I stood up and grabbed the box that held Kelly’s tiara.  “Ready my kings?”
“Lead the way our beloved White Queen.” I raised my chin up acting the part of a Queen and I left the guest bedroom and headed down the stairs and headed for the backyard.
All around there were people dressed in full costume of either Kings or Queens or Princes’ or princesses.  Kids were running about chasing each other or talking at the kid’s table.  There was a bouncy-castle with a dragon plushie inside.  A stage was set up for not only Kelly’s ‘coronation’ but Brian and I had prepared a little something special.
To the left of the stage, there were mountains of presents and on the other side was the snack table where the cake, and all the other treats were at.
There were fun party games for the kids to play, and even some of us grownups got involved with the games like musical chairs, the bean-bag toss, and the three legged race.  When the clock struck six o’ clock I grabbed my champagne glass and took my knife and lightly clanged them together as I said.
“Excuse me, can I please have everyone’s attention?” Everyone quietened down and Jack handed me a mic. “Thanks love, okay first of all I would like to thank everyone who came out here today to celebrate a very special someone. I know some of you have traveled across the ocean to get here but we greatly appreciate you taking the time to fly out here.” I spoke of my family and some of Kelly’s school friends in America.
“Now we’d like to ask that the birthday girl come up on stage. Kelly sweetie.” Jack said as he now took the mic while I walked up on stage.  Kelly raced up and took her daddy’s hand and he helped her up the stairs so that she could sit on the red velvet, faux gold chair that Roger had lying around in the attic to use as Kelly’s throne for tonight.
He sat her down on the chair and I took the tiara out of the box and walked behind her and presented the tiara to everyone.
“Sweetheart, your mother and I would like to finally present you, your crown. For it was on this hour just six years ago you graced us with your lovely presence.” I placed the crown on my daughter’s head and that’s when Jensen and Jared came up carrying the cake while Misha lit the candles. Once the candles were lite we all began to sing to her.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Kelly.
Happy birthday to you!
I swore at this moment, I thought Kelly’s smile was just gonna pop right off her face with how wide it was.  At the end of our song, Misha kissed his granddaughter and said.
“Make a wish sweetie before you blow them out.” She shut her eyes before blowing as hard as she could, extinguishing the candles. We all applauded her and she hugged her grandfather first before turning to me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss.  I kissed her temple and rubbed her back happily.
We all then had cake and ice cream, and all the while mum was in charge of taking the pictures and she sure did get in a lot, especially of her precious granddaughter.  Brian was also our main photographer and while Kelly was opening her presents, I pulled both Brian and Elton aside so that we could prepare the next special surprise for Kelly.
After getting a whole bunch of presents from new Barbie dolls, to drum kits, mini-guitars and dozens of other games and toys, Kelly thanked everyone for her gifts and that’s when Elton sat down behind the keyboard while Brian and I came up on stage.
“If we could have your attention for another quick moment.” Brian spoke into his microphone.  “Kelly love, this is a special gift that your father had us prepare for you. We hope you like it.” Elton soon began playing the opening chords for “Beauty and the Beast” and soon coming out from the left side of the stage, Jack had changed from his white Prince charming attire to the famed blue outfit the beast wore.
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As I softly began to vocalize, Jack walked up to our daughter and knelt down to her height as I began to sing the first part of the song.  He presented our daughter with a rose and she smiled and took it from her daddy before standing up and curtsying at him.
When Brian came in with the next part of the song, Jack extended his hand out and she gladly accepted it and the two of them walked out before the stage as Brian and I began to sing the duet part of the song.
For you see as many times as she’s seen the movie, she always made Jack dance with her the exact same steps that they do in the movie.  It’s honestly quite adorable to see as the film running, the two of them get the spins and turns right on cue.
So for months; Jack has wanted to finally do the dance the right way.  And since Kelly wanted a Princess themed party, this was the perfect time for him to get tailored in the exact beast outfit and he had me practice with him the exact steps while Kelly was in school so that he could get it right.
But I knew I couldn’t sing this song on my own so that’s why I chose Brian to be my singing partner because when he needed, his voice can do such raw passion in an angelic belt, but he could control the level in which he did it.  
We were also lucky to have Elton join in on the party because Bri isn’t as big of a fan of the keyboard as he is with the piano.  So Elton gladly stepped in and got the sheet music for the song (since under secrecy he’s apparently involved with an upcoming Disney film).
As Brian and I kept singing the song, Kelly and Jack continued to do the waltz right down to the last step.  It was like seeing a live action of the film right before us.  I could see the kids were in awe and the grownups couldn’t help but fawn at how adorable it was.
I could see Roger leaned up against Dominque’s shoulder and she leaned her head against his as the two of them softly swayed while keeping their eyes on the adorable dancers up front.  Even John had a slight smile as he and Veronica were cuddled close together.  
It was like even through all this shit that’s been going on with Freddie, he still managed to find some light as he watched his beloved niece dance with her father.
By the end of the song, Jack picked our baby girl up and held her in his arms leaning his forehead against hers.  A common sign of affection he’s done with her ever since she was born.  Her eyes closed as she touched her nose to him.
Everyone soon applauded and I couldn’t help but wipe away a tear from my face.  I hugged Brian and I said.
“We’d also like to thank Mr. Elton John on the keyboard.” Elton stood up and bowed to the crowd.  When Jack put Kelly down, she walked up the stairs to us and hugged both Brian and I to the best of her ability.  I picked her up and held her in my arms and she said.
“You both sang beautifully.”
“Thank you love, happy birthday.” Brian said as he pecked her nose.
“Don’t I also deserve a thanks?” Elton asked as he walked up to us.  She turned to him and she reached out for him.  Elton took her hand and kissed both her cheeks.
“Thank you uncle Elton.”
“Anytime darling, you danced divinely. Just like your mum does.” I playfully scrunched my face at him and adjusted Kelly in my arms.
As it got darker and it was starting to get to be the younger kids’ bedtimes, we ended the part right at 9 o’clock.  I handed out all the party favors and thanked everyone for coming and they thanked us for inviting them.
I just got done hugging and kissing Elton and Bernie goodbye and thanked them for coming, when David was the next to come up.
“Thank you so much for coming David.”
“It was my pleasure love, and I hope the mini you had a great birthday.” Kelly who looked like she was about to pass out on Jack’s shoulder yawned and nuzzled closer to her dad’s shoulder. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I handed him his party favor and we kissed each other’s cheek goodbye.
“I’ll get her bathed and ready for bed.” Jack told me as he walked back inside the house.  Soon my mum and Gen came and helped out with the rest of the party favors for the guests while the boys took care of taking down the decorations and clearing out the backyard of the Taylor household.
Half an hour later, everything was all cleaned up and thrown away.  I yawned tiredly when Dominque said.
“Never thought a six year old’s party could be tiring work huh?”
“I’m just thankful we didn’t have any press stalking about, or any insanely sugar crazed kids. And luckily we were enforced with more adults than most parties I’ve taken the kids to.”
“I’ve got most of the important parts of the party recorded. I can edit it out then ship it to Freddie in about 3 days.” Said Misha.
“Perfect, thanks dad.” He nodded and gave me a kiss and a hug.
“Give my regards to the birthday girl.”
“Will do, you and mum have a safe flight back home tomorrow.”
“We’ll call you guys when we land.” I nodded and that’s when he and mum left the Taylor household back to their hotel to get some rest before flying back to the states.
“Well I better get out of this dress, god this corset has been killing me all night.”
“But you definitely work it girl.” Dominque said. I playfully stuck my tongue at her as I carefully walked back up the steps.  As I came to the bedroom, I heard the sounds of Kelly’s laughter.  I leaned against the door and peeked in and that’s when I saw both Jack and Roger tickling her.
“Four…..five…..” Jack counted down.
“Five and a half.” Roger continued for him. Oh dear looks like both of my boys have decided to gang up on my poor baby girl with the annual birthday tickles.
I don’t know whether to be relieved that I no longer need to deal with those from Roger anymore or be ashamed that my daughter must now carry the intense burden of Roger’s evil tickles.
“Five and three quarters…..and…..”
“Six.” They finally stopped leaving Kelly in a pile of giggles.
“Are you two jerks torturing my poor little cub again?” I asked revealing myself.  The two guilty men turned towards me and Kelly whined out.
“Mummy they kept tickling me.” I awed at her and came over and picked her up and held her close.
“I understand your pain. They are cruel, heartless tickle demons aren’t they?”
“Oh come off it darling, you know you loved it when you got your dose of birthday tickles.” Roger said.
“You were a sadistic torturer Roger Taylor. Like a true lion on the hunt. And you Jack Kline, are like a sneaky wolf trying to claim a lost lamb for lunch.”
“Maybe, but I didn’t hear you complain.” Jack teased. I shook my head at the two of them and that’s when I said to Kelly.
“Alright birthday girl, time for you to go to bed.” The boys got off her bed and I tucked her in.  “Did you have a good birthday?”
“The best, it was a lot of fun. Thank you mummy.”
“Well you should really thank your godfather for allowing us to use his house for the party.” Roger knelt down beside her and she said through a yawn.
“Thank you—papa Roger.”
“Only the best for you my little lovie.” He said as he stroked her hair and gently brushed some strands aside.  He kissed her forehead and gave her an Eskimo kiss before standing back up.  Jack then knelt down on her other side and she said.
“Thanks for dancing with my daddy.”
“Hey you know I’d do anything for you. You’re my best girl Kelly.” He gave her a kiss and the three of us left her bedside and stood by the door.
“Goodnight love.” I whispered.
“G’night mummy, daddy, papa Roger.” She said back.
“Sweet dreams birthday girl.” Said Roger with a gentle smile.
“See you in the morning sweet pea.” Jack said as he turned off the light and we left as he closed the door behind him.  We both bid roger a goodnight and we went over to our bedroom.
After getting a shower and changing into my night clothes, I got into the bed beside Jack and we kissed each other.
“Another successful birthday.” He said with a warm smile.
“I’d say we did pretty good.” I shrugged.  We then lay down together and as I pressed my head against Jack’s chest I began to worry about tomorrow because it would be in the morning that Brian, Roger and I would talk to Kelly about Freddie’s health.
I wasn’t going to enjoy it, but I knew it had to be done.  Cause like Brian said, I’d rather her hear about it from me, rather than an article in the paper or magazine completely blowing it up based off of radical minds.
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thevelvetseries · 5 years ago
Life’s Complicated (Part 1)
Overall Summary : When Bella Mikaelson was 17 she had a little baby girl. She went off to college and studied drama and music, while her parents looked after her daughter Camila Mikaelson. When she graduated she started auditioning for different movies and TV shows and ended up getting a role in the CW show Supernatural where she meets her new family.
Pairing : Alexander Calvert x Reader / Jared Padalecki x Reader (Platonic) / Jensen Ackles x Reader (Platonic) / Misha Collins x Reader (Platonic) / Genevieve Padalecki / Danneel Ackles
Warnings : Fluff, Angst, Smut, Semi Smut, Drinking
I decided to give the reader a name in this fic.
Series Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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My name is Bella Mikaelson. I’m 25 years old living in New York, Lower Manhattan with my 8 year old daughter. I’ve lived here my entire life. I graduated from New York University Tisch School of the Arts where I spent my time studying drama and music, and also in my free time did some photography. Ever since I was a little kid all I wanted to do was perform, tell stories whether it was through acting, writing or singing a song. I did musicals all throughout high school, but during my senior year I became pregnant with my boyfriend at the time Caleb, we had been dating since sophomore year. Everything was perfect, my parents came around and supported me the same with Caleb and his parents. Sadly during my second year of Uni, he passed away in a car accident leaving me and leaving Camila fatherless, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have some good father figures. That’s when I started working harder on my studies and starting adding more hours to my job so I could make more money to make sure my daughter would have a good life growing up. During my last year of University I got a modelling job, it wasn’t anything big but it paid well. Around that time I also joined an acting agency started getting little jobs doing adverts, then getting small role in TV shows nothing big, just one liners. I had saved up a lot of money at this point and hired an manger to help me get auditions. Around 2 months later of going on auditions I get to audition for Eric Kripke for his show Supernatural. During season 14 they were looking for a new hunter who Sam and Dean come across on a hunt. Near the end of the season. So we sent in a video tape since I was nowhere near where auditions were being held. Then a few weeks later I get a call saying they wanted me to come to Vancouver and audition in person. Let’s just say I ended up getting the role and I have been living in Vancouver now for the past 4 months with my daughter Camila. My mum also came with us until I got enough money to be able to pay for a nanny to help me look after Camila while I was at work. I also spent a few weeks before filming bingeing the whole seasons from 1-13 since I hadn’t ever watched the show before.
We are currently working on the season 14 finale episode before wrapping up before head out for hiatus. My contract had already been signed as I was wanted back for season 15 as well. However, I was only staying for half the season, as they were killing my character off in the upcoming season. I was currently on set, just finished filming a scene with Jared and Jensen in baby. It was now lunch. We all headed over to catering to grab something, I ended getting a chicken salad and grabbed myself 2 bottles of water and headed to the little seating area outside where we all sat during lunch. We only had one more scene to film before we were finished for the day and would be wrapped for the season. During hiatus we had different cons we would attend to but we also had time to relax and I couldn’t wait for that, to spend loads of time with my girl and take her on a mini holiday, as we never really been on a real holiday before.
I was currently eating my salad when Jared and Jensen came over after getting their food and sat down opposite to me on the bench. We were talking about what we were doing on our time off before convention season starts which I was being invited to as the viewers really welcomed my character Toni with open arms. It was like over night my life changed. I was now financially stable for one thing, so I could make sure Camila was well looked after which was the most important thing to me.
“So Bella, What are you going to be doing during hiatus?” Jared asked while eating a chicken sandwich.
“Thinking about going home fore a little while, back to New York. Cami hasn’t seen my parents in a little while, I could tell she is missing them a lot like me. So going home for a bit to relax doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Then maybe take her on a little mini holiday, just the two of us. What about you guys” I say.
He nods “Yeah. We’re going to do pretty much the same. I like having my family around. I miss them too much” Jensen agreed with his statement.
Throughout the rest of our lunch break we continue talking about little small things and what was going to happen during con season. Once we had finished lunch we headed over got some retouches as we had just eaten and then we headed into the library set to finished our last scene for the season.
It was currently around 8pm, sine we started filming early this morning we gad enough time to get all the shots we needed and got to head home a little later than normal as while shooting the final scene Jared and Jensen kept trying to make everyone laugh but we got through it and got all the shots we needed. I was getting my belongings from my trailer and FaceTime Camila as it was getting close to her bedtime and I never liked not saying goodnight to her, even though I was leaving I just like to make sure. I could get in traffic and I would be annoyed with myself for not doing when I had the chance.
“So how was you day sweetie?” I ask.
“It was good. I finished all my math homework even though I found hard, but I figured it out” she said proudly.
I smile. She always made me smile. “Well that’s good. I’m proud of you, keep that up. Don’t give up and you can do anything sweetie. So what did you end up having for dinner tonight?”
“SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS” she screamed. I start laughing as I know that’s her favourite meal in the world.
“Ohhh. I’m jealous. Hehe. Well I’m gonna just about to leave work right now to come home ok. I’m going to try and get home in time baby, but if I don’t I’m gonna say goodnight now ok.”
“Ok mummy. Goodnight. I love you.”
“I love you too my sweet baby”
“Sweet dreams petal.” Then we end the call and I finished putting my things away in my bags when a knock comes from my trailer door. I call for the person to come in, when Jensen pops in with Jared following him.
“Hey Bella” Jensen said while leaning on the counter and Jared sat down on the sofa.
“Hey, What do you guys need?” I ask while putting my laptop into its case with its charger.
“We forgot to ask you this at lunch today, we are having a BQQ in a couple weeks. It’ll be our to families as well at the Collins. Alex is coming we just spoke with him, now we are asking you? You think you’ll be free Sunday before the Cons start?” Jensen said.
“Errmmm… let me check my calendar.” I say and get out my phone and opening up my calendar app. I had nothing planned. “Nope, looks like I free that weekend.”
“Great! You’re coming then. I’ll text you the address, it’ll be at my house. Bring Camila too. It’ll be nice to have all little ones around together.” Jared said.
“Yeah” I said with a smile. We said our goodbyes and they headed off while I collected my packed bags and headed to my car and leaving and heading back to my Vancouver home. If I rushed I would make it just in time before Camila had to be in bed.
Life’s Complicated Tag-List 
@myopiamystical @ms-reader @musiclovinchic93 @tvshowlover123 @scatchia @sixx-sic-sixx @imaginationisgrowth @hettolini @leftjensenackleshollywoodshoe @dolans-lover @alittlebittyuniverse @smoothdogsgirl @xostephanie @idksupernatural @imsuperawkward @notsoftstcn @hazelle-uvu @amywinchesterxx @easygoingtheatre @jack-kline-world @simonadii @uglycryinginthekitchen @c-ly-g @hellosweetdeath @clawsandshotguns @sarsmilesah @catieiscute2001 @midnight-archer03 @lidibug @101stshippersquad @maesflower @shadowhunter82 @alliedimlerr
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
It’s a kind of magic tour pt.1; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys wow been awhile since you guys got a Rock Angel update but I figure it’s time you all got an update, and good news, it’s A TWO PARTER!!!! Okay so here’s the deal with this chapter, it’s all one thing but I’ve chosen to break it up into 3 parts because this chapter is ALL about the It’s a Kind of Magic tour, the very last tour Queen did with Freddie.  So this first chapter is strictly the Wembley performance, the next chapter I will post up is the Budapest events, and the last one is the very last show Freddie did at Knebworth. 
So in this part prepare for some fluffy feels, and LOVEY-DOVEY MUSH!!! Not really any hard warnings, except for the swearing or two. And for anyone interested in watching the concert to follow along are free to watch it on this link----> Concert here
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*July 11th, 1986. Wembley Stadium*
It was the hottest tour that Queen had ever done.  In light of having just recorded some songs for a movie known as “Highlander” Queen came to the decision in calling their next tour the “It’s a Kind of Magic Tour”. A full on summer European tour filled with new surprises, new songs, and of course the partnership of the decade, for the Rock Angel was also in on the show as the supporting act.
So in reality it was really called Queen+Angel “It’s a Kind of Magic ‘86” tour.  Tickets were filling up and had sold out quicker than any tour in the past for both Queen and the Rock Angel.   One place in particular ran out faster than anywhere else, and that was Wembley Stadium, so the tour managers of both Queen and the Rock Angel worked out that they would do 2 nights performing at Wembley so that fans could get the chance to see them perform.
*My POV*
I was currently in my dressing room getting ready when I heard a knock at my door.
“Who is it?” soon peeking inside was the face of my loveable husband.
“Fanclub of the Rock Angel, party of two.” It was then Jack came in holding our baby girl in his arms. I smiled and turned towards them.
“Aww there’s my little girl. Ohh darling you’ve gotten bigger since I last saw you.” I cooed as I took my daughter in my arms and held her close.  I kissed her cheek repeatedly making her coo and laugh.
“So baby about tomorrow when do you want to head out for our dinner date?”
“Oh Jack I don’t know. I’m scheduled for a full rehearsal all day tomorrow, and then the concert. By then I don’t know if I’ll be up for anything.”
“Then why not just a simple room service dinner and a bottle of champagne. Then I could make you a bubble bath and we could—get in together and……”
“Jack you dirty man. Not in front of our daughter.”
“Ahh she doesn’t know what all that means, do you sweetie bell?” Jack cooed down at her as he took her back and held her once more.
“I swear you’re as bad as Roger and Jensen mixed into one.”
“So how long do you guys got till showtime?”
“About ten minutes. C’mon why don’t we go and try to find the guys?” I asked him.
“When did she last have her bottle?”
“I gave it to her on schedule right before we left the hotel. So she should be good.”
“And how about her nappie? Does she feel wet at all?”
“You know I can never get used to that word, why do you guys call it that here?”
“Because we just do. And why did you Americans have to change it to diapers? I swear it almost sounds like you’re saying diarrhea.”
“That is not what it sounds like at all! Those are completely different words.” Jack tried to defend himself and for all Americans in that manner.
“Whatever, but seriously does she feel wet?” Jack felt around and he said.
“Oh yep, it does feel a bit damp. Must’ve done it on our way here.”
“Okay, c’mere love-a-bug. Let’s change your nappie.” I placed her on my loveseat couch and took off her dress so that it wouldn’t get wrinkled.  Jack handed me the diaper bag and I took out the necessary things I needed.
Thank god for the Sensei-Veronica and her wise teachings about changing nappies.  Cause boy when it came to changing her nappie, Kelly sure could throw a tantrum.  She then began crying as I took off her diaper, her legs kicking in protest.
“No! No none of that now. We gotta get your wet nappie off of yah. Don’t want you to go smelling like pee all day do we? No I don’t think so.” She continued to fuss and kick her legs as I threw the soaked nappie away, applied the baby powder and medicine on her, before finally getting her into a fresh nappie and putting her dress back on.
“Aww see there’s our good girl, don’t that feel better?” Jack said as he picked up our girl while I grabbed my Red Special.  We then left my dressing room and went down the hall where I knew Freddie and Roger’s dressing rooms.
Already from down the hall I could hear Freddie’s vocal warmups.  Which made Kelly alert and her eyes widened as she reached out. I gasped and said as I took her.
“Who’s that? Who is that poppet?” I could even hear the faint echo of Roger’s vocalization and at that point she let out a “Bah” “Yeah that’s papa Roger and Uncle Freddie, shall we go say hello?” we then walked over to the dressing room but stayed hidden as to not ruin the surprise.
Freddie continued going up his scales in a scat like manner that he always did and that’s when I heard Roger go.
“Ohh-Ohh!” Freddie replied in a slightly higher octave.
“Ohhh!” Roger sung again before Freddie and him laughed.
“Well I see you guys are doing your little vocal competition as per usual.” I said as I came around with my family in tow.
“And I see you’ve brought the entire Kline clan with you.” Freddie sassed back at me.  I grinned and said as I adjusted Kelly.
“Hope you guys don’t mind your smallest fan coming today.”
“Of course not love, you know we love it when she comes to see us.” Roger said as he came around and took his goddaughter in his arms.  “Plus I thought that was her making all that fuss, for a moment I thought it was her mum.” I mockingly gaped at him.  A wide, gummy smile spread across Kelly’s face as her godfather played the helicopter game with her.
“Happy to see her again Rog?” Jack asked.
“Of course, last time I saw this adorable face was the around Christmas time. So it’s basically been seven months, and she was still such a tiny thing. Kiddos growing like a weed.”
“So how has parenthood treated you both?” Freddie asked.
“She’s a blessing. I mean there are a few nightly wakeups but other than that she’s good.”
“Although she’s still scared of the horses over at Jared’s place. Anytime we go near them, screams her head off like a banshee.”
“Aww poor baby, did the mean ole horsies scare you?” Roger cooed as he brought her close to him and bounced her up and down gently while rocking her soothingly.
“Well I thought I was hearing a baby earlier but I thought my ears were playing tricks on me.” We turned to see Brian coming out from the tuning room, holding an acoustic guitar in his hand.
“Yep. Our mini-angel came to see us.” Roger bragged as he bounced her once more.
“What do you say lovebug? Wanna go see Uncle Brian?” I said.
“No she doesn’t, she wants to stay with god-papa Roger, isn’t that right my little lovie?” he said as he softly tickled her tummy with just his index finger.
“Oh no you don’t get to dictate on who she stays with. She loves all of you guys equally.” I proclaimed as I took my daughter out of his arms and walked over to Brian and allowed him to hold her.  “Careful now Bri.”
“I know (y/n), I know this isn’t my first rodeo trust me.” He assured me as he held Kelly in his arms.  Out of all the guys she was always entranced with Brian (probably because of the hair).
Sometimes she would reach out to touch it, and it goes either one or two ways either she tugs it, or she just holds a strand of his curls in his hand.  The first few times she did tug at them, but then she relaxed and we told her not to pull it, but of course there’s the occasional pull and tug.
Luckily this time all she did was touch it and even stroke her hand down, almost like she was petting a dog.
“I swear Brian dear you’ve got that little girl wrapped around your finger, and I’m the one whose supposed to spoil her.” Freddie stated with a wave of his hand.
“It’s the hair what can I say?” Brian said as he handled Kelly very delicately and allowed her to take hold of his finger.
“So there’s no chance of you ever cutting it or even changing it, is there?” I asked.
“Not on your life my dear. Especially if this little one likes it, huh? Whatcha say Kelly?” she babbled and continued to grip onto Brian’s index finger.  She even started to nuzzle herself into his shoulder.  We all awed and that’s when I asked.
“So where’s Deacy? I’d figure he’d want to see his little niece.”
“He’s probably up backstage with his Deaklings as well as the rest of the Queen family.” Freddie replied as he stroked Kelly’s head softly.
“So everyone else is here?” asked Jack.
“Yep, Chrissie brought the kids, and Dominique brought Felix and baby Rory.” Brian replied.
“Well why don’t we head up there now, seems like we’ve got about seven minutes till showtime.” I said as I looked down at my watch.  We gathered up our stuff and walked out of our dressing rooms from the bottom of the stage and headed up outside towards the stage entrance.
For some reason security almost wouldn’t let Brian through because he didn’t have a pass. So I spoke for him in the light of mentioning you can’t have Queen without their guitarist (and I may or may not have threatened the guard to let him through cause Brian was still holding my baby and I wasn’t gonna be parted with her for another second).
As the kids reunited with their parents and the crew took the backstage pictures that they wanted to get.  I was sitting and watching as Jack stood beside Dominique as Kelly was entranced with baby Rory.  Even with being six months apart, Kelly and Rory got along very well.
I was even imagining that when those girls got older, they were gonna be more than just cousins to each other.  They would grow to be sisters.
“You doing okay love?”
“Yeah. Just—picturing what Rory and Kelly are gonna be like since they’re technically sisters by law.” I said with a soft smile as I turned towards my brother Deacy.
“Roger did luck out in making you the godmother. Seeing how you fit into the mother role so well with your own baby girl.”
“That or to just make it even since he’s Kelly godfather.”
“Or that too you’re probably right.” I hummed a soft chuckle before turning back. “You miss her when you go on tour, don’t you?”
“How could you possibly know that?”
“C’mon you’ve heard this time and time again sister dear. We know you too well. Plus I know firsthand how that feels. Remember I had my first child at around your age. So I know how hard it is for a first time parent to be away from their child for such a great lengths. But I have a feeling you’re feeling it much worse than what I did, cause after all I didn’t give birth to Robert.”
That finally got a laugh, a real laugh, out of me which made Deacy smile and he wrapped an arm around me as I said.
“I just—I don’t know how you guys do it every year. Every tour you all go on.”
“Having children puts things in a whole new perspective. Same thing with relationships.”
“I totally get your song now. The line ‘I’m happy at home’. It all makes sense now. Because did you know that I missed my daughter crawl for the first time ever?”
“Really? Kelly’s first crawl?”
“Yes. It happened during our show in Paris. Jensen and Jared came for a visit to our home in Napa, California and they were trying to get her to crawl. After hours of getting nowhere, when they had their backs turned, Jack came down from doing some laundry to see Kelly crawling across the floor. Of course poor baby ended up bonking into the couch but she crawled Deacy. And I missed it.”
“It’s hard missing those milestones. Believe me I would know. I missed Robert crawl for the Night at the Opera tour, during News of the World I missed Michael take his first steps. And my little girl Laura, she actually said her first word, and it was my name. Well title name, during the Hot Space tour. I was fortunate with Joshua but.... I can never take back the first experiences with Robert, my first child, or my only baby girl Laura.”
“Oh Deacy I—I can’t believe that. And here I am bitching about missing a simple crawl. Man I’m such a drama queen.”
“No you’re not. You’re just protective and loving mama bear, well mama lioness I should say. After all you had Kelly inside you for nine months.”
“Nine months and a week.” I corrected him.
“Oh yeah, that’s right.” We both softly laughed and he said as his hand came up and ruffled my hair a bit. “But there’s no doubt in my mind you’ll make it up to Kelly. And there will be plenty of milestones to come, because she’s gonna need someone strong to look up to, and I already know she has the best role model a kid could ever have.”
“When did you ever get so wise?” I asked him with a teary eyed glaze.
“Comes with the territory, and experience. You’ll get there one day.”
“Thank you brother mine, really this talk….it’s been the best relief I’ve had in a while. I don’t even think I could’ve talked about this with Roger or Brian.”
“I’m always here for you sister dear. And anytime you want to talk, I’m here for you.” He leaned his forehead against mine and I closed my eyes and drew in his strength.
After the whole family reunion; it was getting close to showtime.  We were escorted by our team towards the stage, all five of us pumped up on adrenaline.  Even though I wouldn’t go on till the guys started Under Pressure, I was still feeling the anxiety of going on stage.
“Good luck guys, I’ll see you all in a bit.” I told them.
“We’ll see you then darling.” Freddie said as he came up and kissed both my cheeks.
“You’re gonna kill it out there as always.”
“We try our best.” Brian said as he tuned his Red Special.  As the opening for ‘One Vision’ began echoing through the speakers and we could hear the audience clapping along and cheering I knew it was time. The guys got into position and I waited backstage from my spot on stage where I would enter and I heard the roar of the crowd as Queen finally made their appearance.
As always Freddie was extravagant on stage, a living legend and a God amongst men.  With songs like “One Vision”, “Tie your mother down”, and a surprise for both me and the audience two oldie but goodie songs of Queen, “In the Lap of the God (revisited)” and “Seven Seas of Rhye”, “Tie your Mother down” and “It’s A Kind Of Magic”.
During “A king of Magic”, giant balloons of the guys’ cartoon drawn selves from the album were floating and bouncing amongst the crowd and it was comical to see.  Once the song was over Freddie starting doing his vocal echoes with the crowd.  As usual they replied back to him with each vocalization that Freddie gave them.
If he held out a note, they did the same thing.  But I was noticing that his voice didn’t hold the same amount of power as it used to, even kinda cracking but he still powered through it.
“I can’t go any higher than that. Aye-Oh! Let’s go down. Aye-Oh!” Either it was just due to age or just due to the fact he’s been working his voice so hard, but it surprised me that Freddie couldn’t go higher than he just did, cause just a year ago he was able to.  But he still held a long “Aye-Oh” just like he did last year during Live Aid, which I admired. “Fuck you.” I grinned and shook my head.
“Ohh Fred you cheeky son of a bitch.” It was then Deacy began playing the bassline for ‘Under Pressure’. One of my roadies “Lucky” handed me my mic and he gave me a thumbs up and I mouthed a thank you.  I shook my jitters out as Freddie and Roger began the song.
*Roger and Freddie*
Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure that brings a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets
Um ba ba be
Um ba ba be
De day da
Ee day da that's okay
*Freddie (Roger)*
It's the terror of knowing
What the world is about
Watching some good friends
Let me out (Let me out!)
Pray tomorrow gets me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets
Day day de mm hm
Da da da ba ba
Chippin' around
Kick my brains around the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours
Ee do ba be
Ee da ba ba ba
Um bo bo
De do
People on streets ee da de da de
People on streets ee da de da de da
I had my Red Special on hand, I took a deep breath as the two volunteers pulled back the slaps of the see-through curtains and I walked through the smoke and sung the next verse. And as soon as the cameras showed me, everyone was in a roar of applause as I came right up and stood next to Freddie.
And as agreed for this performance whenever I came in at the second verse, I would go up in my high, controlled alto range with Roger and Freddie backing me up before Freddie ended the bridge.
It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Scream! (let me out)
Pray tomorrow higher
Higher high!
Pressure on people
People on streets
When the bridge came out, Roger, Freddie and I sang in a mezzopiano volume before Freddie sang the rest of the bridge before Roger and I came in on the first “Why”.  Then to show off my vocal range, I did a sorta ‘Freddie’ vocal with my why’s and adlibbed a bit.  Before we ended back together.
All the while Fred and I danced around together, even sharing his mic at one point as I joined Brian on guitar.
*Me, Freddie and Roger*
Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
But it's so slashed and torn
*Me and Roger*
Oh why.
Tell me why?
Insanity laughs under pressure we're breaking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance
Why can't we give love that one more chance
Why can't we give love give love give love give love
Give love give love give love give love give love
*Roger, Freddie and me*
'Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And loves dares you
To change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
*Freddie and Me*
Under pressure
Under pressure
Freddie and I hugged and kissed each other.
“Ladies and Gentlemen the Rock Angel herself Mrs. (Y/n) Kline!” Roger spoke into his microphone. I bowed graciously as the crowd roared in applause.
“HELLO WEMBLEY BEAUTIES!” I then saw Rock Angel signs being raised high in the sky like a banner waving in the wind.  I then heard Deacy strum and fiddle with his bass another familiar bassline.
“I’m feel a little boogie coming on, what do you think?”
“I’m feeling it to Fred.” I spoke into my mic before proclaiming to my dad, “HIT IT ROGER!!” He gave us a beat before counting into the microphone.
“1 2 3 4!” And it was then he and Deacy began playing “Another one bites the dust”.
“Hey! You both called me out.” Freddie spoke.  I grinned at him and began playing alongside Brian as the crowd began going crazy and clapped along.
During the song it was like a little competition between Freddie and I.  He would sing the first verse, then get the crowd rolling to sing the title of the song with Roger backing him up.  Then it was me and Brian getting the crowd pumped up during the second half of the song.  Then during the instrumental break, he and I would have a “Scat-off” which is basically all the ’be-boops’ or “de-ba-ba-boop” scats that Fred is known to do very well.
We would even have a competition between the guys and the girls to see who could chant the title out louder.  I obvious led the girls and Fred led the gentlemen.  Before the two of us would end the song together, and by the end of it all as the crowd cheered, Fred and I hugged each other once again.
After dabbing his face with a towel and I already needing to get myself wiped off from the summer heat as well as the beaming lights, I went up and stood by Brian who was up by the keyboard and he would tell me that now was the time when I would play his guitar part for their newest song, “Who wants to Live forever”.  Fred took a sip of beer before saying into the microphone as he walked further up towards the edge of the stage’s catwalk designed specifically for him.
“You know something there’s—there’s been a lot of rumors lately. About a certain band called Queen, along with a talented female artist known as the Rock Angel. The rumors are that uhh—the rumors that we’re all gonna split up and—break our partnership, what do you think?” at that point the crowd began booing and crying out in protest.
It's true.  I don’t know where or how it came to be.  I mean I myself have heard the rumors about Queen cause to my knowledge, they are literally the longest band to stay together without fully breaking up.  I mean yeah there was that break 2 years ago, but Freddie and all of us learned to forgive and forget because we’re family.
And families have their fights, but it’s those fights that keep us together.  But now some of the press are saying that Queen is planning on splitting up, and that I may also be thinking about severing my ties with Queen.  To fully go off and no longer want anything to do with them.
And it warmed my heart to see Freddie pointing to his ass before proclaiming.
“They’re talking from here!” I grinned and nodded as the crowd cheered.  Brian placed his arm around me and I leaned my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around him. “My apologizes but I say what I want. You know what I mean. So forget those rumors, we’re gonna stay together until we fucking will die I’m sure.” The crowd cheered and I nodded. “I keep—I must tell you, I keep wanting to leave but the Devil Angel back there won’t let me.”
“Watch it Mercury.” I warned him into my microphone as the crowd laughed and cheered.  He grinned cheekily at me before blowing a kiss my way and I blew one back at him, but also snuck in the finger.
“Also I suppose we’re not bad for four aging Queens and an eternal youthful angel, are we? Really what do you think?” the crowd whistled and exploded with an applause.
“I’d say you guys look great. Better than ever even, what do you all say?” at that point I heard some airhorns go off.
“But you my fine Angel. Serious folks some may not know but that angel right there, just became a mother for the first time ever just several months back last year.” At that the crowd went awe and I even heard some shouts of congrats and cheers, mostly from the women in the audience “And she’s positively glowing, what do you all think? Cause she’s been saying all tour how she wasn’t ready to come out just based off her body now.”
At that point the crowd all booed at the last part and I even heard some men shout out “YOU’RE STILL BEAUTIFUL!”
“Thank you all it really means a lot to me. At first I didn’t even want to do this tour but—it not only took these four misfits to get me back on stage, but all of your love and support. So I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.” I blew the audience a kiss and whether it was the hormones I still had or just seeing all this support from thousands and thousands of people, I honestly got a little teary eyed.
I wiped them away so that I wouldn’t be crying on stage but I could hear the sounds of the crowd awing me.  It was then I felt Brian give me a real hug and he said in my ear.
“You’re still beautiful (y/n). We all love you.” He gave me a kiss on top of my head, which showed up on the cameras and I continued to try and suck in my tears.
“Thanks Bri.” I said to him before we separated from each other. “Okay,” I spoke into my microphone, “Before you all truly make me cry. This is a new song of Queen’s ‘Who wants to Live forever’.” The audience clapped and that’s when Brian led in on the soft and gentle intro before Freddie’s voice entranced the audience.
Just like Brian had taught me the scales and notes for this song, I came in when necessary while he kept at the keyboard.  When the solo came on, I walked up center stage onto the catwalk and performed the solo which had the audience cheering and whistling as Queen came back on the song.
I got to sing the backup vocals alongside the guys by the end of the song, Freddie sung out the last line as I gave the whammy bar a soft shake to make the last note of my Red Special vibrato a bit before we finally closed the song.
The concert continued with a couple more Queen songs before we did some of my songs like “Rock the World”, “Who I am”, “So good”, “Shallow” (accompanied by Roger, with Fred conducting the audience to sing along since he knew this song was special to me and Rog), and a new song from my recent album, a song I called “Rush”.  After that, Roger, Deacy and I left backstage to change while Brian and Freddie took over the stage with “Love of my Life” and “Is this the world we created”.
After that it was time for a little close in personal bonding time as all five of us came down the stage, Rog with the tambourine this time, Deacy and Brian standing at each end, me standing between Rog and Deacy and Freddie (who was now sporting a police officer’s helmet) gathered around as we began to sing our ‘medley’ songs like.
“(You’re so square )Baby I don’t care”.
“Hello Mary Lou”.
And some new songs of mine, one of which I had dedicated to the guys called “Protecting me”.
“No One”
“Tutti Frutti”
Then there were the more popular songs of Queen like their famed “Bohemian Rhapsody”, the audience participation that was “Radio Gaga”, the groovy dancing of “Crazy little thing called love”, the head banging that was both “Hammer to Fall” and my famed song “Set it all Free” (which was more of the audience singing the song and all I did was sing the chorus).
By the end of the entire concert after singing the last two songs “Friends will be Friends” and “We are the Champions.” Freddie came out for the first time on stage in his kingly attire that consisted of a very long red and white robe and a king’s crown that had red velvet inside and had jewels that could actually rival the actual Crowned Jewels of her royal highness.
Like the true Queen he was, he held his crown out to the audience as the boys and I rocked out the final part of the song and once we ended the song, Deacy, Brian, Roger and I came down with Freddie and waved goodbye to the crowd.
“Thank you, you beautiful people. Goodnight, God bless you.” Then as a final touch to the end of the tour we decided to add something special.  You know how in every Queen concert you hear their rendition of ‘God Save the Queen’, well for my second album, I included me actually singing Britain’s National anthem.  And thanks to the brilliant mind of our sound department and sound mixers, they’ve found a way to combine the two versions together so it sounded like I was singing alongside Queen’s recording.  
All for this tour.
As the five of us waved goodbye and I could hear them singing alongside me, I came up to Freddie who had actually placed his crown on top of my head and he bowed before me.  I went along with the act by knighting him with his music staff before he stood up and wrapped an arm around me and the two of us walked out, waving and blowing kisses to the audience with the rest of the boys trailing behind us doing the same thing.
After all that, we quickly raced out towards the back where the cars would take us back to our hotel. So all of us gowned in our after concert robes, mine being a red with white wings on the back quickly raced out with my assistants by my side with towels or water as we quickly raced towards the cars.
I got in my car and as soon as I got in, my driver took off back for the hotel.  When we all finally arrived, we all had a celebration up in Freddie’s suite with some drinks (non-alcohol due to the fact we had a show tomorrow) and food.  It was a small family party really with all our loved ones surrounding us and congratulating us on yet another successful concert.
The next day it was the same thing all over again at the same place.  But I began to notice that Jack was acting a bit strange today. He knew that today was our 2nd anniversary and yet he was playing it off like it was no big deal.
I mean yeah I told him I would be busy today rehearsing for today’s concert but I would’ve thought he’d at least wish me a Happy Anniversary.  But here’s the catch, whenever I tried to talk to the guys about it, they also waved it off like it was nothing and told me to keep busy.  
So I decided was going to get to the bottom of this.
“Now we sure she doesn’t know anything about it?” I heard Brian say.
“Oh she doesn’t have a single clue darling.” Freddie’s voice rang out proudly.
“Shhh! Fred lower your voice. Do you want her to overhear you from her dressing room.” Roger hissed.
“Too late!” I made myself known.  They gasped and turned towards me all huddled together, almost like they were hiding something. “Alright spill it, what are you four Queen’s up to?!” I demanded.
“Up to?”
“Up to?”
“Up to?”
“Up to?”
They all chorused out one at a time starting from Deacy, Roger, Brian then Freddie.  Brian began stammering trying to find the right words while Freddie threw some accusations at me for thinking that they would be behind something devious (coming from the most devious one of the Queens, that was just rich).
“We want you to rehearse the drums for ‘Now I’m here’.” Deacy blurted out.
“That’s it!” proclaimed Roger.  Soon I was hurried out by all four members with Brian and Freddie gently pushing my back or shoulders, while Deacy and Roger each had my wrists gripped in their hands as they proceeded to drag me away from the room.  All four of them agreeing with Deacy’s statement.
“But I wasn’t told I had to do the drums in tonight’s show.” I said to them.
“Well things have changed darling.”
“Yep and you’re skilled enough to learn it.” Roger said as he handed me his drumsticks and kissed both my cheeks and nose.  “Now go and practice at my kit love.”
“And don’t rush through it.” Advised Brian
“Take all the time you need.” Said Deacy.
“Practice, practice, practice.” Freddie proclaimed.  I rolled my eyes and went on to practice at Roger’s drumkit.  I waved them off and turned the corner to head up to the stage.
*3rd Person POV*
The four band members continued to wave so long to her, then when she turned the corner, Deacy muttered.
“You still think she doesn’t suspect?”
“Of course not Deacy dear, now c’mon.” Freddie turned with a clap of his hands. “She’s gone!” he proclaimed and that’s when her roadies, costume designers, hair and makeup team as well as Jack came out.
“You’ve kept her busy?” Jack asked.
“Yep. Got her practicing the drums. And she always struggles with ‘Now I’m here’ so she’ll be there for a while.” Said Roger.
“Excellent, okay everyone I’ve got your assignments. Hair and makeup, I want you all to make sure that tonight she looks her best, including waterproof mascara.” Jack explained.
“Yep, cause lord knows she’ll be bawling her eyes out once we execute the surprise during the show.” Freddie said.
“Costume designers, make sure she wears the dress I had picked out once Brian and Freddie begin ‘Love of my Life’.”
“Right-o Jack. And may I just say you picked out a wonderful dress for her to wear. It’ll fit her like a glove.” Her head costumer Phillipe said.
“Thanks, and roadies, you all are in charge of setting up the color themed lights for our dance, as well as the video projection of our wedding.”
“We’re on it Jack.” Said Lucky, (Y/n)’s head roadie.
“Okay now we don’t have much time, get going go!” Jack said with a flick of the pencil to the clipboard and the Rock Angel’s team all scattered to get ready.  “And you guys will come out with the cake right?” he said to Roger and Deacy.
“You can count on us Jack.” Deacy said.
“Ohh she’s gonna be so surprised!” Freddie said with pumped up fists.
“And guys, thank you again for helping me plan this. After last year’s anniversary kinda going down the drain due to late rehearsals for Live Aid, I wanna make this up to her.”
“We’re happy to help you Jack darling, anything for you two.” Freddie said with a pat on his shoulder.  Jack smiled at the frontman of Queen and said.
“Okay, before she gets even more suspicious, let’s head out and see if we can help the others.” The band nodded and they left the room and helped out around backstage.
*My POV*
As the hours ticked by, it was finally concert time.  It pretty much ran the same way as it did yesterday with the songs in the exact order as we sang them yesterday.
But what was odd was that just before ‘Now I’m here’ which the guys told me I was gonna drum to, my roadies and agent pulled me aside and my wardrobe and makeup people began to fit me into something else.  I was now sporting a wine ruched bodice high silt velvet dress.
The two spaghetti straps were snug against my shoulders and the slit in the dress only came up to my mid-thigh and was barely noticeable unless you moved and exposed it. I was also forced to wear 2 inch black heels and my hair was done up even curlier than before.
“Okay Phillipe what in the world is going on?”
“My darling I am sworn to secrecy I cannot explain.” He said in his heavy French accent.
“Then can you at least tell me where this dress came from?”
“Maybe from a secret admirer no?” he teased as he told me to look up and he applied some mascara on me. “Ahh and there she is our beautiful Rock angel is complete!”
“Oh wait one more thing,” his assistant Marie said as she came up with a wand and gave me some wings at the corner of my eyes.
“Oh brilliant Marie. Now then my dear, let’s get you back on stage.”
“But how am I gonna perform looking like this?”
“Oh don’t worry it mon Cherie. Now go out there and be beautiful. Kisses.” He kissed each of my cheeks before he and Marie shoved me out and shut the door.
“God what the hell is wrong with everyone today?” but I walked back towards the stage.  When I arrived I could still hear the roar of the crowd and that’s when I saw the lights go down and a spotlight came onto Brian as I could hear him prepare to play ‘Love of my life’.
“This is the point where the guitarist gets to speak, now and again.” I grinned softly. “And today I don’t have very much to say except thank for you making this the hottest ticket we’ve ever seen. You’re great we love you.” He played a few more chords before then saying something that caught me off guard, “But tonight, tonight is something very special. And I’d like all of you to give a warm welcome back onto the stage the beautiful Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline.”
Oh god, with me looking like this I’ll be totally out of place but Phillipe and Marie went to all this trouble and work and I hate to disappoint them.  So I slowly walked out from backstage and I could immediately hear the wolf whistles and proclamations of love.  I smiled and waved before going up to Brian and I said.
“Tell me what’s going on right now May or I swear your Red Special will be missing by morning.”
“Just trust us darling.” He said to me.
“We’d also like to bring out another special person,” Freddie said as he came up beside me. “He’s the one who took this lovely Angel away from us, and was also the one who knocked her up.” I slapped his arm which made the audience laugh, “But he was also her bass player for a time, ladies and gentlemen give a warm Wembley welcome to Mr. Jack Kline!”  
The audience cheered loudly as Jack came on the stage sporting a white button up shirt, dark grey pants, and his hair sleeked back.  I looked at him and my heart went BOOM! But with that boyish grin, it also made my stomach flutter.  He came up to me and took my hands in his and wrapped them around his neck.
“For you see two years ago today, was the day these two young turtledoves became one.” At that point the audience awed and was in a roar of applause. “So this song is dedicated to them, Happy Anniversary Jack and (Y/n).” Freddie said.  Finally Brian began playing the final opening chords before Freddie began to sing “Love of my Life”.
All the while Jack took me towards center stage under the spotlight so that we could have a slow dance together. What was even more romantic was when Freddie conducted the audience to sing the song, and Jack stopped dancing and had the two of us look out as the audience sang.
“They’re singing to us baby.” By the end of the audience participation, I cupped Jack’s cheek and brought him down for a kiss which made the audience cheer and whistle.
Love of my life, you've hurt me You've broken my heart and now you leave me *Audience*
Love of my life, can't you see? Bring it back, bring it back Don't take it away from me, because you don't know What it means to me
*Freddie and audience*
Love of my life, don't leave me You've stolen my love, you now desert me Love of my life, can't you see? Bring it back, bring it back Don't take it away from me Because you don't know What it means to me
You will remember When this is blown over Everything's all by the way When I grow older I will be there at your side to remind you How I still love you
I still love you
“He still loves you (y/n).” Freddie spoke as he came up to us which made the audience cheer.
“I love him too.” I said into Freddie’s microphone and as I kissed my husband of two years once more under the pink lights that shined down on us, the audiences whistled and cheered. The sweet sound of Brian’s acoustic playing and the warmth of my husband holding me in his arms as we continued to sway, had me feeling like I was in heaven.
It was then I took notice of the monitor and saw that there were pictures of us playing on the screens in a slideshow format, some of is were just us goofing around from the summer we met, to our first Christmas and birthdays together, then finally our wedding pictures.
Oh, hurry back, hurry back Don't take it away from me Because you don't know what it means to me *Audience*
Love of my life *Freddie and Audience*
Love of my life Ooh, yeah
As the song ended, the slideshow ended with Jack and I at the wedding doing our first kiss as husband and wife.  It also did a cute little editing of fireworks and a heart around the two of us before finally ending in elegant cursive writing.
Jack then softly dipped me before capturing my lips with his and I gladly accepted the kiss. I stroked my hands through his hair and down his jawline before he sat me back in the upright position, as the crowd was in a roar of whistles and exclamations.
By this time I was in full on waterfall moment as tears kept pouring down my face.  I hugged my husband before turning to Freddie and hugged him.  He patted my back and kissed my temple then I turned to Brian.  He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my other temple before saying.
“Happy Anniversary love.” I turned around and that’s when I saw Deacy and Roger coming out with a cake.  The two of them grinning as they clapped along with the audience.  I buried my face into my hands as I jogged towards my dad and brother and hugged and kissed them.  Jack came up and wrapped his arms around me before kissing my cheek and the two of us stared down at the beautifully decorated vanilla icing cake with angel wings decorated around it with the words HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KLINES KLAN.
“As an added bonus; we’ve elected to give our beloved Rock Angel the rest of the night off to spend with her beloved husband who worked so hard to put this together.” Freddie said into the microphone.
“Wait what?” I said through the crowd.
“We talked about it love and after having to miss your first anniversary last year for Live Aid stuff, we want you and Jack to have what you couldn’t last year.” Roger said.
“But what about the audience?” it was then I saw Deacy go towards Freddie and Fred handed him his microphone and for the first time Deacy spoke to the audience.
“She believes that she should stay here and continue with the concert. Should she?” at that point the audience all hissed in rejection, telling me to go and be with the love of my life.
“Seems your spoken for darling. Now go on you two crazy kids. Spend your anniversary together.” Freddie said.  I smiled and lowered my head when I suddenly felt myself being carried bridal style.  Jack grinned cheekily at me before leaning forward and gave me another kiss and carrying me backstage, some of my roadies taking the cake back out.
Once we reached backstage, Jack set me down and wrapped his arms around me.
“I can’t believe you did all this for me.”
“How could I not? I know how devastated you were last year, so I decided to make it up.”
“But you know I had said we could’ve just made it up with wine at the hotel after the show.”
“I know that’s not what you really wanted. I know when you really mean something, and when you said that to me yesterday you were just trying to cover up the hurt you thought I would feel fearing we had to miss another anniversary because of your career.” Damn him, he’s just as perceptive as Brian and Deacy combined.
“Oh Jack, I love you.” I sobbed happily as I hugged him.
“I love you too baby, happy anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary.” With that we raced out of the stadium and caught a ride with my driver Louis.
“To Mazzello’s Italian restaurant Louie, and step on it. We’ve got special reservations tonight.” Jack said.
“Right away sir.” Louis said graciously before starting to car and getting us on the road.
We arrived at the restaurant around 20 minutes later and that’s when Jack led us inside after Louis wished us a Happy Anniversary, which we both thanked him for.  Jack opened the restaurant doors for me and I thanked him in a posh tone before he followed in after me.
We went up to the front desk and Jack said the reservation name and the waiter confirmed it and escorted us up the stairs to the upper level of the restaurant.  He then led us outside to the balcony sitting and it turned out we were the only ones there.
“Here we are signor, signora.” The waiter said as he set up our table with our menus.  Jack allowed me to sit down first and he scooted my chair in before he himself took a seat.
Our waiter came in and Jack ordered us the special champagne they had going on sale for tonight and we both ordered our meals.  Jack ordered the spaghetti with meatballs while I got the Fettucine Alfredo with a side of calamari for the both of us.
Once our food came and we both began to eat, it was then I saw the band come up to us and I heard the accordion player begin to play a familiar tune.  Oh my god no way, it was then he began to sing “Bella Notte” from my favorite Disney movie, Lady and the Tramp.
“Jack you didn’t.” I said in awe.
“I knew it was your favorite movie. So…..shall we give it a go?” he said as he held up a single strand of spaghetti.
“What did I do to ever deserve you?”
“Just lucky I guess.” I then took one end of the spaghetti and placed it in my mouth as Jack did the same for the other end, till we both slowly came towards each other (timing it with the song just right) as our lips met in a kiss.
Like Lady did, I turned away and blushed thinking I couldn’t believe I had done my fantasy dream kiss. I felt Jack take my hand in his and he stared at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his.  He leaned his forehead against mine as the two of us fell under the spell of the Italian singers singing to us.
After dinner the two of us took a romantic stroll under the moonlight in the park.  The streetlights and the fireflies being our only source of light, along with the full moon and the stars.
As we walked along the sidewalk, guess the two of us were too dazed and entranced with each other to realize we were now walking on wet cement.
“Oh bugger!” I swore as I laughed embarrassingly.
“Not really, look.” He knelt down and drew a large heart with his first and last initial.  I smiled and knelt down beside him and wrote mine in the heart underneath his.  Then we imprinted our hands next to the heart before looking at each other smiling lovingly at each other.
Once that was done, we cleaned our shoes and hands off at a nearby sink and continued on our walk through the park.  As we came to ‘Lover’s bridge’ we stared down at the small lake stream that flowed under the bridge and watched as two swans swam together.
“Did you know that swans are known to be monogamous?” Jack asked me.
“Yep. It’s even said that when they swim together, they can intertwine their necks into a heart. Which makes swans the sign of love.” Jack said as his hands cupped around mine and when I looked down at my hands, I saw that both his and mine made a heart with mine being the inner heart and his being the outer.
I looked up at him and he looked down at me.  He slowly leaned down towards me, his lips softly grazing against mine, his nose nuzzling against mine.
“I hope we can last forever, just like those swans down there.” He whispered.
“I want that to my love.” I whispered back as we turned back towards the water to see the swans intertwine their necks together to form the famed heart shape.
We ended our walk by sitting on top of a hill that overlooked the rest of the park and had a great view of the moon in front of us.  Jack and I spoke not a word as we turned to each other.  Because truthfully there were no more words that needed to be said at this moment.
I loved Jack and he loved me.  As the two of us cuddled close together to stare up at the moon and enjoyed what this night meant to us.
The night we became “And”, the day we became “We”, the day we became husband and wife.  
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