#oh you sweettalker~
bacchuschucklefuck · 6 months
this whole thing being abt rage is also really interesting. I feel like it comes up so much in fiction as a motive because it's the one emotion that's unifyingly restless while everything else can be petrifying, and just personally nothing hits like impotent rage for me, esp. with teen characters, esp. with characters whose rage is stoked by Someone Else to further that Someone Else's cause. like you'll have done all that in a bout of passion and when you're done you look around you and nothing has changed. those sentiments don't get quelled by being satisfied. righteousness withdrawal is a horrible thing to intentionally drag someone into, least of all just some kids.
#I think Ive brought my personal experience into this whole thing lol but yeah just.#the ratgrinders read so much like radicalization to me. or you know just. high control group recruitment#and I've seen that one time brennan brought up uhhh conservatism? and where people come from with that#that quote of his thats like. before youre a fascist youre a bully. like extreme sentiments take root on specific soils#and that's like a higher level than what we're talking abt here lmao it's fake fantasy high school role playing#but yeah just like. the simultaneous understanding of the grift working on these kids bc they already think a certain way#and also the other part that is no matter what the way that they think is not. conducive to them being happy#like yeah a nasty person is nasty to be around! but that also means they're often isolated#which makes them even easier prey for people who want to use them#fhjy coming out in The Current Climate makes that connection so apparent too lol like#me hearing abt the rage god: oh so like twitter#for the record of course I Dont Know if this is a read that's intended by the show#but it maps well onto my experience with radicalization/decentralized cult#Ive just. been thinking abt the rat grinders in those terms ever since I made the connection#like. you're accomplished and high level and such. is this sustainable? have you done anything For Yourself#or has everything you've done so far been coerced out of you by someone else's sweettalking#anyways if I can run porter cliffbreaker over with a car I would. and I'd reverse on him too#truly thats the highschool trauma as well as the grown man with niblings talking lmao#nothing gets me more mad than a shitty teacher#not art
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togrowoldinv · 11 months
Hot Chocolate
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
The family plus Yelena spends time decorating for the holidays
Note: Very soft stuff here y’all. Enjoy it!
Natasha Masterlist 1, Natasha Masterlist 2, Natasha Masterlist 3, Main Masterlist
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Soft music fills the room as Natasha watches the scene before her.
You’re at the coffee table putting toppings on everyone’s hot chocolate. Belle is right by your side, telling you how many marshmallows she wants.
Ali and Ivan are standing by the tree, arguing about what tree topper will look best. Taylor and Jack sit by the fireplace in their cozy winter clothes.
Yelena and Fanny are on the couch chilling. She only offers her input to poke fun at Natasha or if one of the kids sweettalk her into helping with the tree. Belle’s sweet words and eyes usually do the trick.
Later on, the team will be over for a late Thanksgiving and early holiday celebration.
Natasha has no idea how she ended up this lucky. She catches your eye, and you share a soft smile with her.
“Belle, can you ask Mama how many marshmallows she wants?” You ask the little girl.
She stands from beside you and waltzes over to Natasha, undoubtedly her favorite mom. Belle reaches her arms up and Nat lifts her up to settle on her hips.
“Hi printsessa,” Natasha greets her.
“Hi Mama,” Belle replies. “How many mallows do you want?”
“Hm,” Natasha pretends to think hard. “What about 100?”
“100?!” Belle asks, her mouth dropping. She turns her head to you. “Mommy, do we have enough room for 100?”
“No, we do not,” you say, a chuckle following her reaction. “Ask Mama to give you a reasonable number please.”
“You’re no fun,” Natasha pouts.
“It’s okay, Mama. I’ll get you as many as I can,” Belle says before squirming out of Nat’s arms.
Natasha grins and walks around the couch. She places a soft hand on Ali and Ivan’s shoulders as she makes her way around the room. Taylor reaches for her, and she easily brings the girl into her arms. She drops a kiss to Jack’s head before she walks to sit next to Yelena.
“What no motherly hug or kiss for me?” Yelena jokes.
“Oh, my bad,” Natasha says. She grins mischievously.
Yelena gets up from the couch quickly and Natasha follows her, leaving Taylor on the couch. The two women chase each other with no regard for the furniture or the tree.
“Hey! Both of you stop right now,” you turn on your mom voice. All of the kids’ ears perk up. Natasha halts immediately. She looks at you to see a serious face. “No horseplay in the house.”
“Sorry, detka,” Natasha says. She nudges Yelena’s shoulder.
“Oh, yes. Sorry, y/n,” Yelena says.
“It’s okay,” you say. “It’s hot chocolate time.”
“Yay!” Taylor cheers from the couch. Yelena reaches over and lifts the girl up, throwing her in the air and catching her a few times until Taylor is giggling too much to continue.
Natasha makes her way to help you pass out the drinks. She then settles next to you on the recliner. You’re practically sitting in her lap, but she isn’t complaining.
“What does everyone want to make sure we do this year for the holidays?” Natasha asks.
The kids think while Yelena speaks up first.
“Can we have a big holiday party?” Yelena asks.
“We’re literally doing that in two hours,” Nat replies.
“What? I’m not dressed!” Yelena panics. She runs upstairs and you all laugh at her.
Natasha keeps the conversation going, “Al, what about you?”
“A Christmas movie marathon,” Ali says.
“Great answer,” you reply. “Ivan?”
“A cookie decorating contest,” he says.
“Everything is a contest for you,” Ali says, huffing with annoyance.
“That’s because I’m talented as hell,” Ivan says.
“Language!” Natasha scolds him.
You can’t help but laugh as she realizes she’s turning into Steve. Belle raises her hand like she’s in school. Nat calls on her.
“I want to read Christmas bedtime stories every night,” Belle says.
“Now that’s an idea,” you say.
“Yeah, we can do that baby,” Natasha agrees. Belle grins from ear to ear. “Jack attack, what about you?”
“Um, I don’t know. Maybe go see some lights,” Jack says.
“There’s some displays in town. We could definitely go,” you say. “And that leaves Miss Taylor.”
“Yeah, what do you want to do for Christmas, Taylor?” Jack asks. The little girl shrugs.
“What about making gingerbread houses?” Ali pitches.
“Okay,” Taylor says simply. “I’ll need help.”
“We’ll do it together as a team,” Natasha says.
You kiss her cheek and listen in as the kids talk to each other about anything and everything. You need to get up and cook for the party, but being here with your family is more fun.
Natasha feels the same way. She holds you close and thinks about her wonderful family. It will be a happy holiday season, and she can’t wait.
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 months
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Name: Li'l Marcher
Debut: Yoshi's Crafted World
Remember the joke of Yoshi Tax Fraud? That was really funny as a single Tumblr post! And then not funny at all as a meme. And then kind of funny again when Suppermariobroth unearthed that Yoshi tries to sweettalk people into tax breaks in Fortune Street!
But that is all old news. Let's talk about Yoshi's real, canon crimes! Yoshi has performed a museum heist. Isn't that great?
"No, it's not great. I hate it!"
Oh. Sorry. And who are you?
"I'm Li'l Marcher from Yoshi's Crafted World. And I hate museum heists! Share my story with the world. The people need to know that I hate museum heists."
Yeah okay. Sure. I'll do that. I'm sure people will be very interested in that.
"Thank you. They will. I'll be the next Goomba."
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Well, this is Li'l Marcher, and it hates museum heists! Yoshi, on the other hand, loves them, and is sort of just casually looting this place after hours. That's some Wario behavior! But he must be careful, because if he's seen by the automated spotlight, the security system TAKES CONTROL and starts ATTACKING the Yoshi! This security system is the Li'l Marchers, an endless supply of little waddling siren guys.
And being a security system is really their whole thing! If Yoshi is seen, the sirens are released to Get him, but not to alert anyone. Just to Get him. Addressing the fact that this museum is easy enough to enter that a dinosaur got in? No thank you! They just want to kill that intruder and die themselves in the process, because they die instantly upon bumping into Yoshi.
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Look at that. Bumbling, I tell you! What's so important about this museum that these bulbs of buffoonery risk their life to protect?
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I don't know, but there ARE paintings of Li'l Marchers displayed around the museum! Perhaps they feel in the organization's debt, due to it showing them this appreciation? Or it could be their very own art, and the poor things fear that some of the little culture they have is at risk of theft. Whatever the case, they sure love this painting, because the exact same one is displayed all throughout the stage!
Maybe the true reason they are so dedicated to protecting this museum is that it is frankly just not a good museum. A far below average establishment. The painting is nice, sure, but I only really need to see it once! When you buy a ticket to this museum, proceeds are absolutely not going toward improving its collections. They are instead going to making even more cute little security guards to Kill You. If you're dead, you won't find out that the museum sucks! It's a perfect plan! If you ever plan on going to a bad museum... be careful!
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prettyboypistol · 8 months
TF2 Mercs x M!Shy!Reader
Honestly likes how shy and quiet you are because it makes him seem more macho (not just for that reason ofc but still)
Likes teasing you in public with whispers in your ear or sneaky PDA that makes you jump and squeak
Jeremy is very protective and possessive. Very "Is this guy bothering you? Nah, nah, I'll kill him for fucking with my boo!"
He shows off a lot to impress you, but also is fine with failing because you either laugh at the stupidity or fuss over him after.
Jane is a little hard headed sometimes and sometimes gets frustrated about things he doesn't understand. Like at a restaurant, he has trouble really understanding why you have issues telling the waiter your order was wrong.
Talks for you a lot (/lovingly but ohhhh my goddd)
Soldier means well and loves your more reserved nature, but he also wants to show you the world! This causes some communication issues.
Kind of babies you a little and loves being the leader and guiding you around places
Overprotective like Scout, but a lot more supporting rather than confronting.
Shares their balloonicorn with you 🥺🥺🥺
Pyro is fine with being an introvert lover, so absolutely is fine with cuddle dates and movie nights
This man TEASES. Like, NEVER STOPS. Scout on steroids.
Whispers dirty things in your ear in public and adds a little "Aww, why are you so flustered? Only you heard the nasty things I wanna do to you."
His favorite thing to do to you in public is put his arm over your shoulders and pull you in close- maybe just a little too close for friendly PDA- but most people brush it off as "drunken balance issues"
Loves when you squeak and squirm behind closed doors, the way you shy away from even kisses.
Doesn't push it in public and usually gives you your space. If people give you a hard time in public, he gets rather protective in that kind southern sternness.
In private, he's a lot more lovey and sweet on you. Pet names. Kisses. Teasing.
He's not too dirty minded about the teasings since he's a little worried about making you uncomfortable. Usually he lets you make the signals before he takes initiative.
Dell loves giving you knowing looks in public to make you blush, but that's the most he'll ever do in public.
This man keeps you safe like a baby bunny in a big bear's arms. Any attempt to even look at you is met with a glare and an escort out of the room.
Scary dog privilege energy fr. As long as you're around you don't have to worry about your orders at restaurants being wrong or people looking at you! They're all busy staring at your man!
Heavy loves picking you up and carrying you around to keep you safe- but even that is embarrassing! As you cover your face, Heavy mumbles in your ear :
"Why so nervous? You like my strength when we're alone."
RIP man, this mf is ruthless. He loves to fluster you any and everywhere he can. Your shyness is a game to him and Medic is top of the leaderboard.
Somehow he's even able to sweettalk you when under the knife! You're not sure if it was out of genuine opportunity to flirt or to see your physical heart accelerate.
Has probably pavlov'd you into blushing whenever he speaks German let's be honest
The most out and proud about your relationship. What are they going to do, fire their only good Medic?
Since he's rather introverted himself, he's not one for PDA or flustering you in public. In private he's a little more lovey-dovey.
Mans likes smacking your ass when you walk by or when you're turned away from him. He thinks it's funny when you cover your butt when you walk by him.
Mundy likes murmuring sweet nothings only occasionally, believing that sweet words matter most when the moment is right.
He is the resident "fine, I'll be the group extrovert" between you two and usually handles social situations and talking.
Oh he thinks your shyness is absolutely adorable. You know what you want, but just can't muster up the words out of mortification? It totally gets him going to give you exactly what you want.
Flowery words, actual flowers, and frequent date nights as "business partners". Of course business partners give brief kisses before a meal- it's a French thing! (jk jk)
Has an entire mental file on what flusters you the most in each situation. His favorite way is to sneak up behind you, put his hand on your shoulder, and whispering in your ear.
He has worried about you choking in his smoking area due to all your hyperventilation, so he makes a habit of airing out the smell of cigarettes and marijuana.
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nishloves · 1 year
heartbreaker • yoon jeonghan
pairing : yoon jeonghan x f!reader
theme : fluff ☁️ / angst 🌩️
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cooking up mischief was his cup of tea, cleaning them and saying sorry was yours, he couldn't exist without you— well, people wouldn't let him exist without you being there to sweettalk them out of hating him.
jeonghan had many weaknesses, many problems but there was one problem which he considered his asset. you.
putting up with all your thoughts, your antics, your cravings was certainly a hard job but he didn't mind them, he loved being your friend, he loved the fact that he was the closest one to you, and you would trust no one but him with everything but, he hated dealing with your feelings, your feelings for him which you oh so desperately tried to hide.
if he was an imp, you were a succubus
if he was a joker, you were a queen
if he was a— you get the point.
he saw many broken hearts throughout his life, many of them were caused by you, you were a siren in some way, attracting everyone around you, not in a cliché perfect way like it happens in movies— where everyone would fawn over and fall because you're just so ethereal but, in a way where even one conversation with you, would unlock deepest depths of their heart, almost as if a colourful river full of bounties were unlocked, basically their blood pressure increased in a good way.
"you were a refreshing morning breeze which made everyone feel cared for and heard." was what jeonghan was told by boys and girls when he asked them exactly why they liked you so much, he could never understand it, you were just a human and you seemed very normal to him.
once he read a book called "percy jackson and the olympians" and even though you argued just how much you fit into the apollo cabin, because you were borderline perfect (you knew you weren't, you just liked to hype yourself up) and did have a longing to be a doctor, jeonghan would never believe it and always place you into the aphrodite cabin, his reason? your sweettalk which had saved him numerous times.
he never understood the expression of "his heart melted" why would anyone's heart melt? but once when he was in deep shit and no one had ever believed him, you had hugged him and whispered, "hannie~ i trust you and i always will, i love you, please don't do something which you will regret."
i love you.
his heart felt warm? almost immediately? as if someone had heated his blood lightly and threw it on his heart in a good way. that day he understood why you were a siren.
you lulled people with your fake words and sometimes genuine care and your ability to actually empathize when you wanted to or when you aren't emotionally invested in yourself, your quirks... made people happy.
as much as jeonghan would like to say that you're perfect, he knows you like the attention which you rightfully command, he knows you like it when boys are just so nervous in front of you that their bodies will literally shake, he knows you feel better when even slightest of your touch would send jitters up their spine and he knows you enjoy it when some girls would stare at you longingly, wishing you were more interested in them than the gender with cooties.
you would purposefully ask them for favours (only small ones because you would do the hard and important things by yourself, saying that you are independent and you don't trust others with shit) favours which they would gladly do for you, bring your bag from the fourth floor to the ground floor while the elevator is under maintenance? that's easy. do a fifty page assignment because you had honestly overslept and were a little panicking about your grades? finished it in an hour with three different handwritings and an errand boy printing out pictures.
it wasn't because you desired attention or gave them attention, you certainly enjoyed attention yet didn't desire it, you are sweet and caring and kind to everyone no matter how bitchy and awful personality they had, everyone just had to like you and some insecure personalities loved to call you fake.
you were sometimes sad by people's assumptions, you didn't like the fact that being a decent human being these days was considered fake; but you would say that you don't mind it because at least jeonghan knew that you weren't fake.
but you were a heartbreaker, that's for sure.
and you didn't even acknowledge it, you never understood why people liked you that much, but you were thankful for it, yet you never would accept that you were a heartbreaker because yes, you have rejected many people over the course of time— you never deemed yourself that important for the others, you didn't think you had that much of hold to make them feel devasted,
you were wrong though.
and jeonghan hated to deal with your feelings, hated to be reminded again and again that you can't look at him in the same light, that you can't love him as more than friends.
you still stayed friends, you never pushed him away after he had confessed, you acknowledged his emotions and denied them, as simple as that; and then you would also hit jeonghan lightly and chuckle whenever he would "jokingly" say that he loves you so much.
maybe it would be better for him to take a break, to go far and far away from you so that his heart doesn't break and isn't strung on a daily basis, he might be a jokester, but he's human too, you made him realise that.
but, when he told you that he was going away, there were tears in your eyes which you tried to subside and gave him a tight smile saying,
"i will miss you, do fucking well."
yeah, you saw him as nothing more than a friend.
but on your part, were you actually aware of what you felt?
"hannie... are you really going?" you asked as jeonghan was at the airport, bags in hands for his over a year of travelling.
"ofcourse, why would I come to airport if not?"
"i will miss you, please text me and facetime me on a regular basis, send me pictures," she said as jeonghan patted her head, affirming her that he will never ever forget her, but how will he ever will?
flying between the clouds as he marvelled at their amusing shapes he wondered, if he will ever move on from you.
as he flew he remembered some pranks he did; leaving lizards on his language teacher's desk? you made sure that the teacher never suspected him; stuffing his face with grapes, you made sure he didn't choke to death.
even as he was a thousand feet above grounds, his heart kept looking for you, unbeknownst to him.
he saw you in everything, the water fountain, corridors, eastsides of cities, westsides of cities, during sunsets and sunrises, in the stars, in the moon, oh he saw you everywhere and that's when he realised, this time he's in an actual deep shit.
the trips felt small, the time spent seemed long if that made sense anyhow, he wished nothing more than wanting to see you again, yet he wanted to run away from you at the same time.
when he landed, why didn't he expect to see you? why didn't he expect that you will run up to him, hug him, kiss his cheek and just wouldn't let go of his hand because her year without him was terrible.
jeonghan wanted to run away again, just to experience her longing again.
as he laid in her backyard looking at stars, she came near him grasping his hands she whispered something to him, he didn't answer, maybe it was jet lagg but he was really tired, almost exhausted.
yet when he found himself buried in covers of a familiar yet unknown bed he panicked for a short while, but when he saw her standing near her desk with her lamp light on as she buried her dear diary deep in her drawer, jeonghan closed his eyes and went quiet.
he didn't want to leave her room yet, the covers smelt like her and he has slept in her bed before, they were inseparable since childhood and during college trips too they had shared a bed with pillows in between them.
yet today, when the bed shrank because of her weight she didn't put any pillows and just stared at him longingly for a while.
closing her eyes she whispered, which jeonghan heard, and he was glad that he did for she said,
"i love you, and i don't lie, i love you so much it's hurting my heart; i want to stand with you wherever you are yet, i feel it's too late... i feel you have moved on and i... don't want you to spiral back to me when you're doing so great in your life."
jeonghan couldn't sleep that night, and he couldn't wait for the sun to come up, so that he would scream enthusiastically and confess to her about everything he has ever felt for her and how much she means to him, distance didn't bring sadness for the first time.
"and kids, that's how i met your mother." jeonghan smiled, content. and still in love.
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coffeeghoulie · 1 year
Kinktober Day #23: Facesitting
The Ghostober prompts were put together by @kroas-adtam, and divider made by @gothdaddyissues, thank you both so much!
Pairing: Mountain/Swiss
Summary: Swiss sweettalks Mountain into trying something he knows they'll both enjoy.
Trans Mountain, cock and cunt used to describe what he's working with, Swiss being goofy and the two of them being sweet on each other, a bit of negotiation but everyone is super into it, Mounty just has some concerns.
Read under the cut or on AO3!
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"I am going to break your neck, Swiss," Mountain groans, rolling his eyes as he washes his hands. He's changed out of his work clothes into a comfortable pair of sweats, no shirt, scrubbing dirt from underneath his fingernails that never seems to go away.
Swiss leans against the bathroom doorframe, gold eyes half-lidded as he stares at Mountain's profile. "Oh, come on, maple. You won't break my neck. Even if you did, what a way to go." Swiss whistles lowly, eyes dragging down, and Mountain can feel the heat of his gaze burning against his hip.
He shuts off the water, drying his hands on a spare towel and turning to face the multighoul. "You want me to sit on your face that bad?" He questions, furrowing his brows.
Swiss laughs, bright and bell-like, standing up straight and kissing the earth ghoul between his eyes, wrapping his arms around his hips. "I want to make you feel good," he shrugs. "It doesn't have to be you sitting on my face if you really don't want to try it. Tell me how you want me, and we can work something out."
Mountain sighs, ducking his head down to press his forehead to Swiss's shoulder. "Swiss. I'll do it, but you need to tell me if I'm hurting you."
Swiss cards his fingers through Mountain's hair, gently pulling the tie holding back his auburn waves. Mountain chuffs as Swiss guides him up to look him in the eye. "I promise, Mounty. I will let you know."
"Thank you, edel," Mountain says, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
Swiss grins, deepening the kiss as he walks backwards into their bedroom, guiding Mountain by the hips to their bed. He jolts as the backs of his knees hit the edge of the mattress, breaking the kiss with a laugh.
Mountain grins as Swiss shucks his shirt, laying down flat on his back. He makes a face, biting his lip as he plays up being seductive. He reaches for Mountain, using two fingers to make a come hither gesture, waggling his eyebrows.
Mountain laughs, eyes crinkling as he grins at his mate. He fumbles with the ties of his sweats, kicking them and his underwear off, trying to get them at least near the hamper before climbing onto the mattress. He straddles Swiss's broad chest, suddenly hesitant about what they're about to do. He crosses his arms over his chest, mindlessly rubbing over the scars under his pecs.
"Hey," Swiss whispers, staring up at him, the reverence palpable. He settles his hands on Mountain's hips, not gripping tight to bruise, just holding, smoothing his thumbs along the sharp juts of his hipbones. "You don't have to do this just because I want it, maple."
Mountain blushes, the contrast vivid against his freckles. He tries to hide behind his hair, but sighs and looks down at Swiss. "I do want this, edelweiss. Just really don't want to explain to Aeth why we're in the infirmary."
Swiss throws his head back into the pillows, laughter bright and contagious. "Come on, Mounty, it'll be okay. I've gotcha."
Mountain smiles, shuffling further up towards the head of the bed, wrapping his long fingers around the headboard as he settles over Swiss's face. The multighoul moans loudly, hit with the earthen smell of Mountain's arousal.
"Shit, maple, you must be really into this," Swiss groans, eyes squeezed shut. "You're so wet."
Mountain's breath hitches, his little dick twitching where it juts out proudly from his folds. "Yeah," he admits. "Just thought I was too big, was gonna hurt you."
"You wouldn't hurt a fly," Swiss groans, grip beginning to tighten around Mountain's hips. "You gonna give it to me, maple? Lemme make you feel good."
He starts to tug downwards, and Mountain takes a deep breath before letting Swiss pull him down onto his face. He gasps, slumping forward as Swiss presses the flat of his tongue to his cock, putting divine, wet pressure against the sensitive flesh. Swiss's mustache prickles against his folds, and he keens, hips jolting out of his control.
Mountain's horns thud against the wall, his tail wrapping tight around Swiss's thigh. "Shit," he hisses, sinking his fangs into his lip as Swiss groans against him.
"Yeah, maple?" Swiss turns his head, pressing kisses against the freckled skin of his inner thigh. "S'good?"
"Yes, good, you're always so good at that," Mountain hisses, his eyes squeezed shut as Swiss turns his attentions back to his cunt, lapping at his entrance with a groan. Swiss's eyes roll back as he drinks Mountain down, the earthy, almost herbal taste of his slick consuming every sense.
He pulls Mountain down firmer against his mouth, unglamoured tongue slipping inside, and Mountain keens, auburn hair falling over his eyes, sticking to his sweaty forehead. One of his hands lets go of the headboard, sneaking down between his thighs to hold onto Swiss's curls as he works.
Mountain rocks his hips as gently as he can as Swiss licks at the spongy spot inside of him right behind his cock, the one that never fails to make his vision go white. His knuckles pale as he digs his claws into the headboard, pulling Swiss impossibly closer. "Shit, fuck, edel, Swiss," Mountain pants as Swiss digs his fingers harder into his hips.
"Yeah, baby, is it good?" Swiss asks, panting as he catches his breath, bringing one hand to the apex of Mountain's thighs, rubbing his cock between thumb and forefinger.
Mountain keens, hips bucking into Swiss's hand. He nods frantically, trying to get Swiss's mouth back on him, his previous concerns fucked out of his brain. "Fuck, Swiss, close," he pants, hips bucking minutely out of his control.
Swiss stares up fondly, suckling Mountain's cock between his lips, swiping his hot tongue across the tip. "Do it, maple, drench me."
Mountain doubles over with the force of his orgasm, coating the lower half of Swiss's face in slick as he shouts. Swiss coos wordlessly, working him through it, lapping greedily at the taste of him.
When his body stops trembling, Mountain slumps off of Swiss, rolling to lay on his back next to the multighoul. Their chests heave as they both catch their breath. "Fuck, edelweiss," he groans, cock twitching valiantly as he sees the way the lamplight glints off of Swiss's soaked chin.
"Yeah, Mounty?" Swiss grins, licking his lips like the cat that got the cream. "See, you didn't break my neck."
Mountain reaches over and smacks Swiss's shoulder, and the multighoul dissolves into laughter. Mountain can't help but join in.
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missn00tson · 3 months
Am I the only person that hated s4 of tua?
Look, i am a big fan of the series, and I was so happy when the new season came out.
And s3 was a bit long for me, in the sense that some scenes were boring, so I wasnt too unhappy with a shorter season.
But what was this
Spoilers for The umbrella Academy season 4!
First of all, the whole Five and Lila relationship.
They are platonic friends, like siblings. Who thought it would be a fun idea to make them romantic all of a sudden?
"Oh, but they got stuck in time for 7 years its only natural"
You have to be shitting me.
I've been celibate for over 7 years, you think I'd date my brothers WIFE if we spend time tgt for those years? No. Fuck no.
It doesnt even seem to click with Five's personality, because he's so insanely loyal and caring towards his family. He would not do that, if we were to follow his personality from s1 to 3.
This brings me to Ben.
I have never been the biggest sparrow Ben fan, I'll admit that. I've always been an umbrella Ben fan and sometimes I wished sparrow Ben was more like him.
So you can imagine, I was happy when he started to appear more caring for Jeniffer.
Until they totally switched up his character.
Yes, he was influenced by the bond (which reminds me of the whole nesting situation of the last episode, which I must admit was very entertaining) which made him more loving yadaydaydaya. But everyone shows their love in a different way, sparrow Ben' type of loving is in no way shape or form sweettalking and grossly cutesy forms of affaction.
You might think so (the writers apparently did) but I surely disagree.
So his personality was, as you might guess, also out of the window.
His talking brings me to my next point. The dialogue.
I'm not sure if its just me, but it was so.goddamn.messy.
It was no dialogue, it was just a bomb of one liners aiming for nothing.
It had no feeling, no personality. Its as if the writers saw the one liners we liked, pasted them into an ai engine, and let it spit out 100 new ones to fill the movie.
I would like to give specific examples, but it happened all.the.time. If you dont believe me, watch the last episode. The only in character person was Victor (even though he's not my bestie, I loved that they stayed true to his character) with wanting to save his siblings, standing up to their father, wanting to keep his peace but always choosing to help his siblings no matter how much they hurt him in the past.
He was the only one who felt like the same person as the other season. Even Reggie was a goddamn mess (and thats something to say about that uptight bastard)
Now this part is purely personal. But the plot? The scenes? The entire construction was such a mess.
First of all. 7 years in that station? 7years? Youre telling me that super smart old man Five didnt think to look at those lines first before stepping in that train? You think "I must know everything and enything about everything and anything" Five didnt look up, took a good glance at those letters and knew. "Mhmm. Thats that weird writing my father used. How bout I try to TRANSLATE it BEFORE i step on this mystery train?"
If you think him stepping on a random train, not even looking at the map he picked up is in charcater? Sincerely, quit shitting my dick cuz no way you think that.
And then him giving up on finding his siblings? He was in an apocalypse for what? 50 years? And he always kept the stupid eye, thinking it might save his siblings. And now, here he is, giving up on them cuz he' a lil lost in daddy's train station?
Babes, you cant be serious.
Im aware that this post is very opinionated, and perhaps negative, but thats just how itll be. But if you feel offended by anything here, I do apologise. I love the series aswell, but his season, felt more like a 12 year old' followup story of season 3 (and that is not to say that 12 yo' cant write, cuz some of them r amazing, but you get the idea) and I cant believe they actually funded this.
And that is not to start about the decisions they made. Ben making them drink the marigold? Five not just going back to that moment if he could time travel (which he coulve bcz him and Lila went back to the "present" which is 7 years earlier than when they were stuck). Then stop them from drinking the Sake/Marigold. Merging the marigold with Jennifer and everything is fixed? Bcz they didnt have their powers anymore?
Either way
I might follow up on this, I might not.
But I do hope that some share my opinion, even if many dont.
Bye loves!
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rush-the-stars · 2 years
any spare thoughts abt yan kaeya 👀👀👀
yan kaeya....yan kaeya is sooooo....
cw: reader is drunk/helpless, obsession, mention of stalking, mention of harm to others, mention of masturbation, a sudden pov switch lol
the wine is tart and heady, crushed berries, plush in your mouth. makes your head spin. makes warmth blossom swift inside you, up against your cheeks, in your chest, pooling in the core of you.
the moon hangs heavy and round, sweetened gold, in the sky above your heads. the fire snaps and bursts into the night, people singing and dancing and drinking around it, just outside the city walls. the forest sings sweetly, a balmy, autumn night, the faint taste of late summer just on the back of your tongue.
you've traded your usual attire for a looser dress, rosy, just shy of a chemise. shawls and silks adorn your hips, drape around your shoulders. a bodice of white and gold and berry red hugs your waist and in the fire, flashes like the pretty fins of a fish, a little jewel in the night. you've lost your shoes long ago, dancing freely in the brush with friend and stranger and potential lover.
the night feels young and sweet. you laugh as you're spun around and around and around. the world blends and bleeds in night-color, deep tones, flashes of flame, and icy jewels.
kaeya watches coolly as you dazzle.
he's watched the whole night, unknown to you while you dance and drink and sing out into the sky.
(watched for longer than tonight, kept close eyes on you for some time now–couldn't help it, can't stand it, sick with it–)
and his patience wanes as he watches another man grab for your waist, twirl you into another dance. he commits the face to memory. if the man disappears tomorrow, whose to say? who would know?
(if you disappeared tomorrow, whose to say? who would know? he'd take care of you, he swears.)
you don't know it, but he's growing restless, watching, unable to look away. and he's a moment away from doing something he shouldn't when you all but twirl your way into his trap.
you stumble a little, head swimming with wine, gasping as he steadies you.
"well, look what we have here..." he croons.
"captain!" you squeak, righting yourself and oh, that embarrassed, surprised look on your face makes him grin. canines flash.
"you seem to be having a good time." he comments and when you try to step away, he doesn't quite let you. won't let you go now, not that he finally has you.
but you're so malleable like this, you melt easy into where he wants you. something tremendous and horrible flashes inside kaeya, runs it's teeth along the tender parts of him, as if the beast of his desire is asking to be let out, out, out–
"i am," you say earnestly, and then, sweet as you are, you ask, "are you?"
"yes, even more so now," he hums, twirling a strand of hair around his gloved finger.
"kaeya," you admonish and the way you say his name has that beast inside him purring, growling in satisfaction, "'lways the sweettalker–"
you slur the words together, gazing up at him with wide, beautiful eyes that catch the light of flame. you flutter your lashes like ashes upon your cheeks.
he thinks about taking your jaw in his hand. he thinks about taking you away from everyone here, everyone too interested in you for your own good. burning it all down simply because they looked at you, touched you, tried to have you the way he should have you. he thinks about how you'd melt caged beneath his arms. how your throat would look with something pretty to decorate it or his hand around it.
"dance with me," he says, taking your hands, guiding you back towards the fire.
"'m not sure if i–" you shake your head a little, trying to keep up with him, "kaeya, i'm feeling dizzy."
"one dance." he says, getting his hand around the curve of your waist to pull you right up against him, "and then i'll escort you home, like the chivalrous knight i am."
he smiles when he says it, sharp, like a fox.
you go easy enough, sweet rabbit you are, into his arms, let him guide you into a sultry dance to the strings and drums playing. hands all over your waist, your sides, skimming fingers along the underside of your arm to get back to your hands.
you shy away at first and he can't help it, can't help but dig into you a little;
"aw, have i made you nervous?" he asks when he's got his hips flush up against yours. and perhaps you can feel him, perhaps–
"you're so–" you gasp, "you're not as chival-chivalrous as you claim."
he laughs, low and hot in you ear.
but you warm to him and maybe it's the wine, maybe it's just because this is where you belong; in his arms, with him.
your torso turns like waves beneath his hands, up against his own body, and he can feel you move and twist in his arms. he turns you, lets you spin, lets you nimbly dance away, only for him to chase after you. you loosen up, listen to his commands;
"wrap your arms around me."
"that's it, sweet thing."
"now turn for me."
hands on your thighs, he lifts you, spins as the people around you cheer. as you toss your head back and giggle brightly, as a laugh of his own spills out.
and he has everyone fooled, he thinks, that he just wants to dance with you. that he is their good captain, just here for a night of revelry and not for you, you, you–
one dance turns into two, turns into his hands all over you, mouth hovering over yours. turns into kaeya pouring wine into your parted lips, letting it run rivulets down your gasping throat, your heaving chest, into your bodice.
he thinks of licking it clean, following the trail down, down, down–
one dance turns into him coveting you.
it turns into him guiding you away from the revelry finally, hand at the small of your back.
"you'll take me 'ome, kaeya?" you slur, clinging desperately, stumbling enough that he finally decides to lift you clear off the ground. you yelp in surprise, but your arms come around his neck and you tuck your face into his chest.
"of course," he purrs, even as he walks, you cradled in his arms, towards his own home, and not your own. helpless thing you are, even when you fuss a little, when you realize, dazedly, that this isn't your home, but his.
and if you wake up in his bed, covered in fur blankets, perhaps in his clothes, don't think too hard about it–kaeya's a knight, right? too good? he only took care of you. you're unharmed, clean, and warm beneath his covers, so he must've only helped you to bed.
(he was good, he vows to himself; he didn't touch you, just himself, to the sight of you beneath fur and his clothes, sleeping soundly.)
if a man from the night before has gone missing, you shouldn't think all that hard about him, either. can hardly remember, anyways, can you?
all you can remember is kaeya, is that it? and the water he coaxes into your lips the following morning? how fun he was to dance with the night before?
and the look in his eyes, maybe, when he finally caught hold of you and simply wouldn't let go.
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inkofimagination · 1 year
jealous hasan 🗣️ jealous hasan 🗣️ jealous hasan 🗣️
i LIVE for him!
Like the reader and him were at some kind of event where there still keeping their relationship in private and some guy just had the never to sweettalk her all night because he had no idea that she was taken.
"Why are you so worked up?"
"No way.... You’re actually jealous."
''Oh come on, you and i both knew what he was doing."
"What are you laughing at? I don’t see anything funny..." Hasan is just starring at her in disbelief.
''[laughing] I’ve never seen you that mad before."
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Lmaoo one archon ready to put Neil down if he looks at her the wrong way, the other swooning over Johnny. Yeah, that seems right.
Like Britta needs more shame??? Goddamn, let this girl just be for once. 😭
Wynn 😭 this is all making me very sad. I need my babies to be together please.
Poor Miles, proven again to be just a pawn in the game of his sire and the camarilla. For someone who needs control so much that must be incredibly hard to deal with, especially with Neil's revelation and everything from last episode to boot.
Lmaoooooo Neil just focusing on getting Britta's stuff back from Pendragon in all this. Of course he would focus on the lost items. Our sweet little hoarder.
Oh my God, she's telling them!! and Wynn isn't there. Also Johnny 😭 you're such a sweetheart goddamn. I love his use of iron heart always to comfort the others. He's the best dad.
Of course our 5 humanity bb doesn't know. 😭 Also Britta feeling so guilty and apologising. "I think I can get my jacket back, Neil." goddamn that really got me.
Lmaoooo Johnny! 😂 Breaking the tension.
Miles, pulling away from everyone, trying to surpress all his emotions, pretending they're not there, focusing on the practical and rational.
We. Cannot. Lose. Wynn. I REFUSE!
Neil, wanting them to remember Wynn didn't want this.
Johnny, getting info from Tully, kind of taking over Miles's job in smoothtalking and stuff, but doing it his way by calling them narcs.
It makes me sad any time they talk about the nosferatu just leaving Fester behind. And it makes me like Renwick so much more. He did care.
Miles saying Johnny so sharply. (listen this is all very distressing I need to focus on the kernels of goodness okay to distract myself from despair!)
Okay I shouldn't have said sweettalking. But I know Johnny is trying his best to talk.
Speaking of trust, Noooo Neil😭😭 also I'm sorry you found out, the whole point was you were never supposed to find out. That is not an apology Neil! I hope you know that.
Ohhhh the long pause and then the angry but calm "I wasn't supposed to find out?!?"
The tearful "okay" when Miles says he doesn't want to talk about it now but after the siege.
Miles shrinking away from Britta's offer of comfort, pulling himself back in. God so sad.
God and now we're at Wynn. Goddamn she's forcing Wynn bloodbonded to her??? Oh boy Wynn hates this. And she can't even fight it.
Oh no eye contact, that must mean something bad.
NO NONO they cannot make Wynn do this. 😭 Why does she have to kill Miles. I don't want this to happen! To have Wynn sacrifice Miles to save the rest. Again feeling powerless. Just yesterday she wanted to meet the sun and if she had she wouldn't be here now having to do this.
Also how has he defied them multiple times??? He just did one little diablerie and sanctioned a bloodhunt in new York. That's all!
Is it better or worse to be enslaved to do this? She can't even be able to talk about it??? How are we going to stop this then?!?! 😭 She's a weapon instead of a killer, but I don't think it feels better.
Future missions??? She has to do even more after all of this????
No no no nonononono. I don't like this! This all feels very final! Like there is no way to get around it. 😭 I thought we were having fun, hurting the bbs a little, but this little is a whole lot and I am not prepared.
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Masquerade of Units || Chapter 3/5
Prev: Chapter 2 Start: Chapter 1 Fandom: Xmen
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 2506
Summary: Hey you know what solves the questline sooner? When two of the three party members start arguing about stuff until the third one is questioning his life choices -------------------------
The three of them stared at the guy at the door, with Gambit leaning back with an annoyed groan. Seemed like tonight was the night of running into people he didn’t necessarily want to run into in the first place. But at least this one shouldn’t be too difficult to deal with as he lightly elbow pushed Miranda forward by a smidge.
“You go distract him.”
“Wh- wait, hold up a minute, why me?!” she asked in a high, annoyed whisper, “you’re the one with the charm gift here, not me.” “I haven’t had any luck with my supposed charm all evening,” he replied back in an equal hiss of a whisper, “besides, not even my charm is going to work on an actual straight guy, Miranda!”
“Who’s married, by the way,” Forge dryly remarked in a soft tone as he was behind both of them listening to the argument unfold, “with two kids.”
“Two?” Gambit asked, as both of the other mutants turned to Forge while he casually dropped this bit of knowledge into their lap.
“Yup, second one on the way from what I’ve heard through the grapevine.”
“…. Huh.”
Forge tried to keep his face unmoving as Miranda almost dramatically turned to Gambit, green eyes spewing fire and oh, if only they actually could.
“You knew he was married and you still want me to go over there and flirt with him?!” the tone of her whisper sharp and almost venomous as her ire seeped through in every word she hissed through her teeth.
“I said nothing about flirting, don’t be putting words I never said in my mouth!” his tone was just as sharp if not more so than hers, not appreciating it in the slightest that she implied he wanted her to start messing about in someone’s marriage, “just distract him, there’s other ways to do that than sweettalking someone!” “Then why don’t you do it?!”
“Because luck has been abandoning me all evening!”
Forge just looked back and forth to whomever was speaking, a sigh coming from what seemed to be the deepest pit of his soul as these two were having an argument on who had to talk to the guy at the door, rolling his eyes and wishing he had brought popcorn along to watch the debate. What finally stopped the whispered bickering between the two was when the actual lights started flickering, all three looking up at the light fixtures as Gambit grumbled that that was a great secondary problem that decided to make itself known if it wasn’t a mere fluke of the gods getting equally annoyed at their squabbling. Miranda on the other hand zoned out for a moment, her mind concocting a plan with the sudden flickering of the light as she looked at the guy.
“… Then I hope he’s superstitious,” she muttered, taking off her gloves and immediately without a word handing them over to Gambit, who just stared at her in an attempt to figure out what the hell she meant by that. She took out her ruby earrings, wanting to hand them over to Gambit as well when her hand suddenly halted above his in a moment of hesitation as she rolled her eyes to him.
“I want those back. They cost me a pretty penny.”
The absolute death glare she got in response would have been funny had she not been serious, and had Remy not taken genuine offense at the implication that he would steal from a friend as his red eyes were now the ones ablaze with anger
“Skill issue.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up.”
“I don’t want your damn rubies; I can get my own for whatever purpose I need, thank you very much.”
“Oh, sure, because you gave that zircon you quote unquote found to Shadow out of the mere goodness of your heart, huh?”
“Miranda,” he growled, eyes flashing pink in a warning that she was seriously pushing his buttons right about now, to which Forge reacted by actually stepping in before these two decided to turn on each other like two rabid dogs fighting over the same bone
“Will you two knock it off?! Seriously, having to listen to you argue like a set of school children is making me want to be a part of this less and less by the minute, so get a move on; we have more important things to worry about than this childish argument between the two of you!” Miranda dropped the earrings on top of the gloves, vanishing from sight as soon as they hit the fabric with the only thing still showing being the sparkles of her dress in the light. She had no intent of being graceful about this anymore, walking over with an annoyed growl coming out of her that she could easily use for the plan she had been trying to set into motion. It was enough to startle the man with the dark curls and green spotted skin away from his leaning against the door enough that with a simple approach and a hard push with her hip she shoved him further away. She threw the door to maintenance open, easily spotting a light switch that she angrily and rapidly pushed on and off to make the lights down the hallway flicker. 
Deep brown eyes looked on in increasing concern and a faint sense of horror as all he saw was light reflecting off shining particles before an almost poltergeist scenario played out in front of him
“Uh, that’s-“
His sentence interrupted by the loud slam of the door being forcefully thrown shut on it’s own with no one nearby, the frog mutant instinctively leaped up and back from the noise, temporarily sticking to a window near the base of the stairs before sliding down and leaping up again as the door was throw back open with the same angry vibe coming off from the force
“… something I’m not dealing with on my own,” he concluded to himself, hopping off in big jumps down the hall back to the ballroom to find one of his friends. Miranda didn’t care if he brought the whole party, flicking back into view herself while leaning on the wall near the door with her arms crossed over her chest as Gambit and Forge approached.
“…. Subtle,” Gambit remarked, dropping her belongings into the hand she held out to him as soon as he got close enough, “see, no need for flirting with a married man. Thanks, by the way, for thinking that’s what I wanted you to do, like I’m some sort of homewreckin’ heartbreaker.”
“Now who’s putting words into someone’s mouth?”
“I seem to be learning from the best, here.”
“Stop,” Forge bit at the both of them as Miranda inhaled to start the argument back up again, deciding that if they still didn’t want to play nice with each other, he was going to take reign on this operation if they had any hope of actually finishing what they set out to do, “You, you stay by this door and let us know if anything happens. There’s a unit to your left, over there; if that starts working we should be in the clear. And you-”
He turned to Gambit, clearly and absolutely fed up with their arguing and stabbing at each other that he had decided the best course of action was to physically separate them for the time being
“Come with me,” it was a firm request he didn’t give an opt out option to, his gaze firmly on the other mutant, “I need your help with this AC.”
“Do not argue with me,” and the almost parental tone of his voice finally seemed to shut both of them up despite Gambit having a need to always have the last word in a conversation, “come with me. Now.”
Gambit groaned, but obeyed the command regardless, with Miranda silently mocking him and the situation as they left, despite still fuming internally at the whole thing. She just listened as their footsteps went further away down the hall to what she hoped was whatever controlled the AC units, so when they fixed it the whole night would be fine and she didn’t have to deal with either of them for the rest of the damn evening. The boiling rage in her stomach seemed to cool and settle, and with it her heart sank a little. Her mind took over, overthinking the situation while guilt started swirling in her chest over the things she had said. Remy was right, she was implying things about him she had no right to put on him. She shut her eyes to try and ban the tension head ache that started to emerge, only to open them and look directly in brown eyes so dark they were near pitch black. She let out a mangled, soft yelp at the sudden presence of someone way too close in her personal space like that. The silver haired man tilted his head like a curious dog, looking her up and down and immediately laughing when her invisibility flicked on- there was little point in hiding from someone who knew where she was already, and he placed two arms on each side of her with a speed she had no hope of ever matching, trapping her in.
“No you don’t, hi, mind telling me why you’re scaring the living daylights out of my friend, hm?”
“When you’re done sulking, will you give me that miniature wrench over there?” Gambit huffed at the request, but grabbed the tool and handed it over to Forge.
“Dunno, by how this evening is going, someone’s brother is going to accuse Gambit of stealin’ that off him.”
“Remy, will you stop?”
“She started it by implying I wanted her to flirt with a married man and that I would steal from my friends, like I don’t have enough on my plate without her accusations. I gave her back the stupid earrings, what do you want?!”
“For you to breathe, and cool your temper for a minute. Fine, she started it, you’re right, is that what you want to hear? You did little to deescalate the situation back there, or anything to explain what you actually wanted from her.”
“Oh so the logic there is that because I don’t tell her what kind of distraction I need we’re just all going to assume I want her to jump Tolansky’s bones, or what?! Grand. Really making me feel appreciated right about now, when I’m trying to save this evening for her sake.”
“Are you? Because to me, it’s starting to sound like you’re doing what she did to you; putting words in our mouths. I certainly didn’t expect that to be your intent, but neither her, me or you possess telepathy. Unless both of you start talking about what the plan actually is, without taking stabs at each other over things the other has no control over, the two of you will never form an actual good, functioning team, now will you?” “She wouldn’t be here if I didn’t convince her to go, which means she would miss out on an evening with Nightcrawler; insulting me, accusing me of shit I didn’t do is her way of repaying that?”
“Oh, and what a night it’s been; Nightcrawler amongst many boiling alive in a mansion that forgot that machinery like this need maintenance that they haven’t bothered to hire the staff for apparently, and Gambit meddling in the business of his friends because he’d rather set those two up then deal with his own business, causing him to cold shoulder ignore the woman making heart eyes at him as soon as he appears on the scene. Am I missing anything, or is that an accurate enough summary?” The call out hit him hard and raw, as Gambit crossed his arms with a scowl and leaned back on the nearest flat surface. Yes, Forge was missing something, the part where Miranda implied he was going around wrecking the relationships of others for the hell of it or for quick gain. As if he wasn’t in the middle of trying to tie off the loose ends between the residue remaining of how he had felt about Rogue, while simultaneously trying to make sense of the absolute overpowering wave of emotions and feelings Shadow shook loose in him by merely looking at him.
… Which she couldn’t actually know about, and for what it was worth Miranda had kept her word about not telling anyone about seeing him and Shadow kiss. Sure, bringing up the zircon was a stupid stab; but giving someone a gift was something he could still play off and come back from in a way he couldn’t if she ran her mouth about that kiss instead. Tension left his shoulders as he could at the very least not blame her for the bind he found himself in; Miranda had nothing to do with the struggle he felt between two women he did genuinely care a lot for.
“Why did you bring me here, Forge? You don’t actually need Gambit to help you with any mechanical know how.”
“I brought you here to stop you and the lady from actually tearing each other’s throats out back there. You’re both bullheaded and enjoy pressing the buttons of the other too much to walk away when things get too real, so I figured if you two weren’t going to separate yourselves I would step in and make you; before someone said something they couldn’t take back or turned it physical; I saw that warning flare in your eyes, Gambit. You two genuinely fight like siblings, so I figured I would treat you as a pair to give both of you some time to mull it over, away from each other. Speaking of,” Forge leaned back, looking on one of his widgets to check the time, “that should have given us just about enough time.”
“For what, the AC to be fixed?”
“For Todd to get back up.”
“…. Wait, what?”
Forge rolled his head to Gambit, a neutral expression on his face as he sat down by the machinery he almost had running again, waiting for a minute to see if the situation dawned upon Gambit by himself.
“As far as Todd is concerned, he got attacked by a Victorian ghost haunting this place. You know as well as I do that he went to go grab a friend to come help him check it out. Fast,” and as soon as he emphasized that last word, Gambit turned his eyes to the ceiling in a groan as if his soul wanted to escape and in turn haunt the mansion they were in. “Merde. He’s bringing Maximoff.”
“Yup, and if her claim of you having the better talking skills holds any water, then she isn’t talking herself out of that one.”
“… I’m going back.” “Good choice, my friend.”
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dojae-huh · 2 months
Finally watched the programme with Doyoung and his fan who draws webtoons.
PDs did a really good job in choosing her. It's not just a nice story (a fan inspired and motivated by the idol), she has a perfect personality for a wholesome content of this kind. She was shocked and delighted but adapted quickly. Heh, see how she changed when she was showing Doyoung her fanart of him. She was proud, not just happy. She has a pretty, crisp style, and she progresses quickly (there is a noticeable jump from her early sketches to her CG current works). SM should commission some Naevis staff form her.
It also was a benefitial meeting for Doyoung. We remember individual stories, not statistics. Fans en mass bring idols a lot of troubles, its easy to get hurt and resentful, but they remember those who touch them with their words in fan letters, who use their songs in projects for kids in kindergarden, who are motivated by their work, and other people who show them they their work matters, that it changes someone's life or brings happiness.
I also like the girl's ambitious dream. So many don't even start on a journey believing they are useless/talentless and can't achieve anything above average. Wish the girl to keep her positivity and not be crushed by the obstacles on her way.
"Starting is accomplishment". Sounds like sweettalk, but actually profound for several psychological reasons. Of course, there should be a hidden stipulation "and finish what you have started", heh.
Ah, Doyoung-ah, give me some of your unfounded confidence...
Checked if people still watch and leave comments. They do. Some return to the video. This content is better than a one-time promo, it will keep helping Do to find new fans/secure them in the future as well.
P.S. Oh, there was one with Taeyong. I wasn't aware.
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senka-mesecine · 2 months
This gonna sound possibly weird but could u write headcanons for having a three way with rhah and king or Elias and Barnes? Your choice! Much love from Portugal btw
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Barnes & Elias; Threesome x Reader -
― Barnes probably walks out of the threesome and waits out front, not because a threesome offends him in any particular way as much as the fact it's with Elias of all people that silently grates on his nerves. He might easily sit in and watch (and shoot orders like a natural) if it was anyone else, but as things are, he just quietly decides to light a cigar, lean on a nearby wall and wait it out because, if we're frank, what he sees as Elias' attempts (what he sees as 'attempts', mind you) to flirt, take part in foreplay, sweettalk and schmooze annoy him to no end even though he doesn't really show it to the degree he makes himself momentarily scarce rather than vocalize it except, perhaps, with his glares and his eyes. Oh, he's there alright. Barnes doesn't leave. Too jealous and territorial to actually go and opt out. But he sure as hell doesn't take part in it either and it's only once Elias is actually done that he goes for his turn.
― Being last doesn't offend him; does nothing negative for Barnes' ego, the same way Elias is too humble to be humbled by going last and too down to earth to get cocky because he went first. The pecking order of the here and now doesn't bother them as much as one silently repels the other merely through each other's presence alone. I wouldn't even outright say these men hate each other in the classical sense too much to be in the presence of a naked person together with a sexual connotation involved; they're simply on opposing sides, ideologically, mentality-wise, where beliefs are concerned, through their overall conduct and they're both very well aware of it to the point they put up invisible barriers between one another all on their own because they're wildly different people in the same platoon, running on platoon rules, tolerating each other because the gears demand it. Barnes know his turn starts when Elias leaves and Elias knows Barnes ain't crossing that threshold until Elias does leave and that's just the way it is.
― Would go as far as Elias being incredibly kind on Barnes' behalf while with you; he's almost apologetic on behalf of his fellow Sergeant explaining that Barnes is Barnes and he acts the way he believes is right, so you shouldn't take it to heart, because it is nothing against you personally, tactically deescalating the heaviness in the air and soothing and comforting you if you were having any sudden trepidations due to the fact that one guy's waiting out front; no, see Elias wants you to feel good and he makes sure you do because he doesn't intend to leave here with you being bummed out or blue. He, in ways, prepares and paves the path for Barnes more so for your sake than Barnes'. For Elias, this is about you. He might kiss your forehead at the end of his informative bit of pillow talk. Maybe pinch your cheek and smile down at you to ease you up further. But even so, all while showing a strange amount of respect for what could be considered a rival, not everything is peachy keen here.
― I mean, even though they're not in the same room, with the same person, doing them at the same time like a threeway usually implies, there's still undeniable tension in the air, even once it's halfway done and Elias walks out the door and past a looming, quiet-as-the-grave Barnes saying nothing. I think a threesome involving these two even in the most harmonious of circumstances gives off this heavy sensation lingering in the air even though nothing hostile is technically being said or done but still, one could get the undeniable impression things are seconds away from escalating in a really violent direction and if they don't, it's only because Elias could have way too much respect and sympathy towards you to let himself be offended by Barnes' overall vibe and ruin your good fun (or aggrieve you) and because Barnes is far too much of a stoic to bare his weaknesses upfront. So, it's a delicate stalemate and an incredibly complex dynamic hanging by a thread.
― Only once Elias is definitely gone and the door is closed, offering privacy does Barnes say something directed your way in the vein of 'You done?' in a partially sarcastic or semi accusatory manner possibly disguised as gruff humor as he unbuckles his belt. He almost comes off as weirdly matrimonial about it; like you're a petulant spouse he just indulged with this whole shebang and now he's home to collect his dues, set you straight and he's here to stay. Just because Barnes willingly walked out and went second doesn't mean he lost the game in any way or that he capitulated on his own authority. Quite the opposite. He views Elias' his turn as merely the interlude that needed to be moved out of the way before the real thing can begin and while he doesn't say it, that's how he treats the whole thing. Elias's been here, he's gone, you might've liked him and that's your prerogative but if things need to be settled, they'll be settled out in the field and not here.
― Which is an unusual way to view it because Barnes might think war's for war and men in war should fix their disputes as God demands, out in the bush, no courts involved, no laws, no eyewitness, no courts or courtrooms, just the cleverer man winning, giving him a whole extra reason to shoot Elias later on and it's a scary thought given how the whole thing that seemed to have been tensely cooking in between that waiting corridor and the room you had sex with both men separately was only just a brewing pot that exploded at a later date and in a later place and that the threesome could've been the thing that simply added to Barnes' reasons to commit murder. Funny how that works. Might've thought this threeway...worked out okay for all intents and purposes --- a little on edge, but ultimately, okay and how very wrong you were when a killing was literally committed in your name.
― Meanwhile, you might've never guessed so because Barnes otherwise came off seeming pretty cold and even unaffected and seemingly grimly detached from the whole affair, like he only barely wanted to be there in the first place, leaving you unsuspecting that his jealousy was actually so vast the whole time it cost Elias his life, except, that that score was never meant to be settled in front of your door, your bedroom or anywhere near the proximity of your presence and knowledge, but that instead Barnes took his business out to the jungle. A threesome's never just a threesome in this platoon and there's no such thing as casual fun, and even if one gets the impression there is, they'll be a serious toll to pay for it down the line because the dynamics of this squad are often so intricately complex that actions you might think harmless actually kickstart a whole domino effect that escalates wildly out of proportion. What's worse, I almost get a feeling Elias would know this and anticipate it. Barnes was willing to kill for you and Elias was willing to die for you.
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karolincki · 2 years
Dearest coffee machine, my beloved
Summary: Lambert and Aiden own a coffee shop together. Yet some days their coffee machine refuses to comply. Bribes and sweettalking seem to be the only solution, but what is if she turns a deaf ear to their begging?
I wrote this ages ago, cleaned it up with the help of @flightsfancy22 and I'm now posting it as part of the @reverseprompts current challenge! I hope you enjoy it
Read it on Ao3
It was a calm morning. Lambert had enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his walk to the cafe he owned with Aiden. The man in question was yelling at their poor coffee machine as Lambert entered.
“Come on, you stupid…argh! Why won’t you work for me?”
Lambert cackled as he stepped closer. “Aiden, Aiden, Aiden, you never learn. You need to speak to her more gently, then she won’t be a bitch to you. I never have a problem with her.”
Aiden just stuck out his tongue at him. He tinkered some more with the machine, but she just huffed and puffed and then went silent.
“Woooork, pleeeeease, I need to make money with you.” But the machine stayed silent.
Aiden dramatically flopped over the counter.
“Look at her, she is mocking me.” Aiden glared up from between his arms at the very innocent looking coffee machine. Lambert just huffed and pushed Aiden to the side.
“She wouldn’t, she is a beautiful angel, aren’t you?” Lambert cooed at her. “Look, you just need some kind words, click here, then here aaaaaand…”
Absolutely nothing was happening.
Aiden howled with laughter, spluttering words that Lambert couldn’t understand. Traitor, Lambert thought. He tried the same thing again. Still nothing.
“Well, sometimes you just need to restart her, you should know best that it takes some people more time to wake up,” he grumbled. Just yesterday it had taken him 20 minutes to throw Aiden out of bed.
Lambert restarted the machine, Aiden next to him still smiling way too cheerfully. Lambert boxed him in the side.
“Hey!” Aiden yelled while shoving back, which promptly turned into a little wrestling match. The machine just made some happy little crackling noises. Nothing could ruffle her feathers.
“Ass,” Lambert grumbled when he managed to pin Aiden to the ground, eyes twinkling with mirth.
“You started it!”
“Whatever,” he said, standing up with a groan. “Let's see if we managed to wake up our lovely lady.
Aiden sprung up with an elegant twist and threw himself over Lambert's shoulders. “Oh fair maiden, please take pity on us lowly peasants and bless us with your delicious coffee.”
Lambert rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hide his smile. “You are ridiculous.”
“Hey, you said I should be nicer to her!”
Lambert listened with half an ear to Aiden complaining about how he was such a hypocrite, clicked a few buttons…and again, nothing. Their machine stayed silent. Lambert would never say so out loud, but he started to agree that she might be mocking them.
In defeat Aiden put his head on Lambert’s shoulder. “Maybe we should call in Eskel? He helped us with setting up the wifi.”
“The fuck we will! He will never let us live that down if we can’t even manage to get a simple coffee machine to work!”
So they started again. Cursed some more. Got the manual out. Cursed even more. Started threatening her. Sweet talked to her. Begged her.
But still. Fucking. Nothing.
The coffee machine just sat there, utterly silent and content to make them suffer.
Suddenly the front door opened and in stepped Eskel. He was carrying a huge box that smelled heavenly of freshly baked goods.
“Morning guys, I just finished baking the pastries for the morning and we got a lull at the bakery, so I thought I’d pop by and trade some sweets against a cup of coffee?”
Eskel grinned at the men behind the counter. Lambert looked over at Aiden’s equally defeated expression. They didn’t want to admit that they couldn’t make the coffee machine work, but neither of them could ever turn Eskel away. That would be like kicking puppies.
“If it is inconvenient, I can come back later? I did not want to bother you.”
Lambert panicked at the sad notes in Eskel’s voice. “No! No, you could never be a bother. It’s just that…that…'' Helplessly he turned to Aiden, but he had flopped over the counter again. Lambert looked back at Eskel, who just looked so lost in the door that he couldn’t help himself and just blurted out the truth.
“We really want to have you here, but you see the coffee machine is broken…”
“Lambert!!” came the angry hiss from below.
“…and we don’t know how to fix her. She is being really difficult this morning.”
A sly grin spread across Eskel’s face. “Broken you say? How could this lovely bringer of heavenly goodness be broken, let me see.”
Aiden groaned and mumbled into his arms. “Not Eskel too, now I have two of you idiots who think a machine can be sweet talked into working.”
Still he righted himself to look at what Eskel planned to do. Eskel pulled a pastry out of the box and put it on top of the machine.
“For you my darling. I know these two dumbasses don’t appreciate you like I do, but would you please let me have some coffee? I will bring you a pastry each morning.”
Lambert and Aiden both held their breath as Eskel reached out to press the exact same buttons as they had previously and finally, with a glorious rumble, the machine came to life.
Delicious coffee flavour filled the air as liquid black gold poured into the cup below.
Cheering rang through the little cafe. Lambert and Aiden couldn’t contain their joy. Eskel found himself suddenly with an armful of Aiden who was pressing kisses all over his cheeks.
“Thank you so much,”Aiden cried, still wrapped around Eskel. “I will never doubt your coffee machine whisperer abilities ever again!”
Lambert grinned and bumped Eskel lightly in the shoulder.
“I hope you are prepared to come now every single morning to bring madam here her pastries. You promised her. I will not let a pastry-bribing scoundrel like you break her heart, she is still my baby.
“Even if she apparently doesn’t love me anymore,” he added with a glare in the direction of the coffee machine, who again just sat there, quiet and peaceful after a job well done.
Eskel laughed and tried extricating himself from Aiden’s grasp, which was a job harder than it should have been. Aiden had a death grip when it came to cuddles, and seemingly more arms than an octopus.
“Why won’t you both sit down and I will make us two more cups of coffee and then we can discuss how you will appropriately bribe me to bring the lady over here her morning pastry.”
Seeing Eskel, personified sunshine and kindness, every morning? Lambert and Aiden grinned at each other. They would absolutely not have a problem with that.
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ask-vinyl-scratch · 14 years
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Damn what a bro!!!
dont make fun of my drawings! it's really hard to draw stickponies when you can only use your hooves! my hoofwriting is bucking shit rn
yeah I gotta Luna-damned magic limiter ring horn I gotta wear all the bucking time now, so I haveta write this by hoof! yeah, Tavi found out about the rave I went to last night and damn was she concerned! made me feel a little bad like. she took me to the horspital and the doctors said I should wear this magic limiter to help me recover from the drugs and the cocaine withdrawal, which, fair. the wubs I was involuntarily shooting off from my horn were kinda starting to shatter wine bottles (sorry Berry!) I was still pretty skeptical of the ring until Tavi said that since I told her I wouldn't go to the party like she wanted and I did that I could make it up to her by wearing the ring and having a quiet evening in and a sedate double date with Lyra and Bon Bon so I could rest and recuperate, which, fair.
Tavi started to joke that it's like a wedding ring or something, but then she started to comfort me and hug me after I started
dont read that part
while were talking on the subject of you journal-people, I gotta say Don't make any other things appear for a little while, k? Im keeping that you're still here a secret from Tavi because she would just get worked up about you guys and then I'd be out of a magic journal. besides, you're the only place I could possibly get more cocaine, if I ever possibly wanted it for reasonable uses.
kinda bummed that I can even still get these ask things (or submissions?? hell's up with that???????) but at least you seem like a pretty cool mare, Banana Pie. see ya round Ponyville, if you do in fact live there... oh hey I could probably see you at that Luna-worshipper party going on in Berry's cellars tomorrow night at 10:00! yeah I should be outta here with the magic limiter off by tomorrow. cuz damn if Vinyl Scratch aint able to sweettalk her marefriend into letting her go to a party!!! but maybe the wubs would make the party worse...?
Ok Tavi's calling me to our double date with Lyra and Sweetie Drops. bye
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zahlibeth · 1 year
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I'm still in love with the pilot there's just So Much going on. thoughts under the cut because i don't shut up
starts with a classic voice-over! i miss the cheese sometimes. Abby is absolutely a main character in S1 and also i love her
Hen calling Bobby "Captain" with two syllables?? who ARE these people??
Buck and "c'mon kid" with that first victim, Buck and kids just a theme from the start huh? him sweettalking the tiny baby later just fucking GETS to me
Bobby's "I've been where you are, I know how you feel" to the jumper?? s o b b i n g 😭 we see later that you can't always trust a story Bobby tells to a victim but this one? yeah this one is real and it hurts
also not reaching out for Bobby's hand vs Devon in the next episode!! I'm not counting this for the """foreshadowing""" square btw because I was explicitly meaning this to be unintentional-looks-hilarious-in-retrospect stuff, not legit storytelling
didn't remember that the audience got Bobby's backstory way way before the team!
"some are sex addicts" immediate scene transition into firehose!Buck!! love it when they do Scene Transitions with capital letters. the "can I get your actual number" bit hurts, I knew I was going to fall for Buck from here p much
"oh dang" Buck is SUCH a fucknig frat bro omg
"THIS IS NOT A FAMILY" says Bobby, you know, like a LIAR
"see the fire, put out the fire, the rest is blah blah" oh Buck you complete fool
Chim: "you know you're not helping him by going easy on him ... I'll remind you of that after he gets you killed" OUCH
the whole scene with Athena and Buck outside the hospital? yeah that's when I knew for sure I was gone for Buck. because he's a punk ass frat boy and literally every other character knows it and is not going to put up with his shit. as soon as he did his confident psshh demeanour and the camera panned to everyone else deeply unimpressed? chef's kiss, perfect. you know they're gonna buff those rough edges right out and he's gonna be a giant fucking softie all the way through
Michael & Athena's arguments were also when I knew I was down bad for the whole show because there's actual fucking NUANCE in them, they both have points, there's no easy answer
Buck: "as far as I'm concerned the world started the day I was born"
Hen's "why is [violence] always the first option for you white boy macho tough guys?" i love her i love her
also still not over Buck's ARMS in his "I always choose to save the more attractive one" scene like REALLY please
deeply in love with bitchy Bobby this episode. why DON'T we talk about what a bitch he is more??? straight up calls Buck a moron, his line about Athena saying Buck is an asset and him saying she's half right??? ICONIC. I'm counting this as a fanon violation honestly
Hen also is perfect, marching to the beat of her own drum as always "for what it's worth everyone things this sucks" / "it's my own fault" / "yeah, everyone thinks that too", i love her. also "I told [Bobby] he should just get a dalmatian instead" pffffft "I'm legit sorry to see you go, you got some skills, just not a lot of discipline" my boy has adhd and Hen reads him for filth so fucking fast
Buck with his "you're the real hero here" for Abby is perfect, he's a sweeheart, I ship them so hard in season 1 they're delightful together
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Best look: ruffled firehose Buck in the engine obv, interesting that we barely get anyone in civvies
Worst look: the unflattering dispatch polos
Character notes: Bobby is "50 years old" though it would be fair to take that as a general estimation rather than an exact number, "lost a decade of my life in and out of rehab ... back in the job 18 months"
Chim is terrified of snakes and Hen apparently Knows Snake Facts
Buck knows neither Rambo nor Conan the Barbarian
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