#oh yay they are playing queen now
groupwest · 1 year
the music in here sucks >:~/
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phaedraismyusername · 2 months
It's been forever since I've mentioned any books so I just wanted to shout out a few of my favourites from this year so far
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Mapping The Interior by Stephen Graham Jones
This little 100ish page novella was my very first read of the year and I truly could not have started with better. It follows a 15 year old Native American boy who believes he sees his dead father walk through their house one night and his mission to recreate the experience to find answers. It's an exploration of grief and trauma, and whether or not these cycles can be broken
Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
This is so not for everyone lol. I've read four of Tremblay's books this year and this is my favourite. This book is about a horror movie that was never released. A couple of decades later, after a few scenes and the screenplay made it onto the internet, the film has gained a cult following and the only surviving member has agreed to be a part of a much anticipated remake. This is told through excerpts of the original screenplay, the autobiographical audiobook by "the thin kid" and the current timeline of the film getting made. It's weird and uncomfortable and I ate it up in a single day
Sea Change by Gina Chung
Obligatory sad girl seeks peace entry in the list. Ro has just turned 30, works at a mall aquarium, and her boyfriend has just left her to go to Mars. Estranged from her family and sidelined from her best friends life as she plans her dream wedding, Ro spends her nights drinking sharktini's and generally making bad choices. The only light in her life is a giant Pacific octopus, Dolores, who she sees as her last real connection to her missing father, and what happens when Dolores is put up for sale. It's sad and melancholy but with a throughline of hope that slowly blossoms into what my heart needed to read lol
Siren Queen by Nghi Vo
I loved this so much. This book follows a Chinese American girl named Luli Wei as she breaks into 1930s-ish Hollywood and her journey to becoming a star as the monster known as the Siren Queen. I know that's a short summary in comparison but that's because the sale is absolutely in the vibes which are basically 'what if classic Hollywood was Faerie and make it sapphic' and if any one of those words appeal to you in the slightest then I beg you to try this one. I took out an American library e-card just to get my hands on this and it's best decision I've made all year. Please read it lol
Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson
This audiobook y'all. The book follows Lillian as she reconnects with her childhood sort of best friend from boarding school who has written to her begging for help with her politician husbands two children when their mother suddenly passes away. Lillian, living the life of the persistent down and outer, agrees easily, it's just for the summer and she can't turn down the money, after all how hard could it be? There's one little catch though, sometimes the kids burst into flames. When I say this audiobook broke my heart and then healed my soul I promise you I am barely exaggerating. I'm sure you could just read it and it would still be good, but Marin Ireland's narration brings so much heart to this story that I physically cannot bear to recommend it any other way lol. If you only listen to one book this year then this is the one it should be
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thelostgirl21 · 3 months
Somehow, I don't think I've ever truly taken the time to appreciate just how sort of... ridiculous Radovid's introduction scene is?
Not Radovid himself, he's adorable!
But it does make you wonder...
How often does King Vizimir just... randomly yell his name at the top of his lungs like that to get his attention, and then, just... basically lets him carry on, because turns out he didn't want anything from him?
He's like: "Nah, don't worry about it, 'bro! I just felt like loudly shouting your name in a crowd rather than simply telling Dijkstra that I'd decided you'd be leading the 'Princess Ciri finding efforts' from now on! Just reminding him of how adorable you are, you know? Look Dijkstra? Isn't he adorable? That's my baby brother with his little bottle making cute little "whoo! " sounds right there..."
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Because, you know, once Radovid realises that his brother is calling him, he makes literally no effort to go see him, either!
I know he's playing dumb/drunk, but still!
"What's that?! Oh, okay! It's just Vizimir trying to locate me. Whoo!"
It's like a parent at a children's party suddenly going "SAMUEL!".
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Child: *Stops playing to look at their parent.* "What?!"
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Parent: "Oh, no worry, honey! I just wanted to make sure you hadn't run off, drowned in the pool, got kidnapped or something! But I see you've got your grape juice bottle and are having fun with your friends, everything's fine! Go on!" Child: "Yay!"
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I mean, you might reasonably expect King Vizimir to shout Radovid's name in a crowd like that to get his attention so he can motion to him to come over, and then introduce him to someone he's never met before.
Which, on a meta level, is technically what he's doing: introducing Radovid to the audience.
But in Universe?!?!
It's Dijkstra. Dijkstra knows who the crown prince of Redania is, Vizimir! You could've just told him, and he'd have gotten it! No need to get all dramatic about it!
TL;DR: King Vizimir is a ridiculous drama queen that loves showing off his pet baby brother every chance he gets!
And Radovid's gotten so used to it by now, that he's totally stopped attempting to figure out what his big brother wants when he calls him.
What if it's not just Vizimir, though, and Radovid just has that reputation for constantly getting himself into trouble if left unsupervised for too long.
So, people at court have a habit of periodically shouting his name; just to get him to manifest himself in large crowds, or crawl out of whatever hole or tight space he's crammed himself into, make eye contact, and locate him.
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Therefore, in my new personal headcanon, there's now a scene at the Thanedd Ball that pretty much goes:
- Dijkstra: "RADOVID!" - Philippa: *walking over to him* "I think I saw him leave earlier with his royal security detail. He's probably sniffed out the bard's scent..." - Dijkstra: "Oh, good! You made sure those guards understood their assignment, right?" Philippa: "Of course!"
***Meanwhile, in the nearby woods.***
- Captain of the guards: "RADOVID!" - Other guard: "It's no use sir, we've lost him! " - Captain: "Gods damnit! Dijkstra won't be pleased..." - Radovid: *having already put plenty of distance between them, on his way to go see Jaskier* "Whoo!"
It's a good thing Philippa wasn't with them, or what might have happened would have been something closer to:
- Philippa: "Don't worry! I've got this!" *in whispering tones* "Sabrina was right. Valdo Marx's compositions are far superior to Jask -" - Radovid: *instantly traveling across space and time to appear right before her* "Valdo Marx has NOTHING on Jaskier! His sublime ethereal melodies, and the poetry of his lyrics, elevate the bardic arts to -" - Philippa: "Oh. Look. There he is!"
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riemoi · 2 months
Twisted wonderland Royalty Au
Sorry it took me forever but it SavannaClaw time. YAY!! also the spelling and punctuation are bad.
Tw: yandere, cringey, Ooc
reader has no gender.
SavannaClaw Characters, Heartslabyul characters
Summary- You are royalty of a nation that each year holds a festival for all to come and enjoy. Guests are starting to arrive, So It makes sense that the neighboring kingdoms are the first ones.
Relationship with the kingdom — Your two kingdoms were always at each other’s throats. It also didn’t help that your parents had a petty rivalry with the king and queen. In fact it wasn’t until the first prince took over that it started to get better. So despite them being your neighbors it’s they’re first time being here for the festival. Fun fact! Sometimes the king and queen of the savanna will visit just to debate something with your parents. For some reason, Their kids came along too.
Leona Kingscholar --- Prince
You met Leona one day when the king and queen visited for their routine argument with your parents. You were in the garden making flower crowns when a boy sat down next to you doing the same thing. You knew he was the second prince and probably ran away from the “debate” just like you. That day started a friendship between you guys and the two of you would play together any chance you got. So imagine your excitement when your prince friend was finally visiting for the festival! It was just the princes and some workers coming because the current king is bedridden. He of course was probably more excited to see you than you were! Why wouldn’t he be, you’re the only person that didn’t care about his brother instead caring for him. He was your first choice. Not his brother. That was one of the reasons he loved you! You would think he would visit more often if he loved you right? Well he was always scared too, for some reason Leona thought you stopped loving him and didn’t want to see him. Why did he think this? Well you see, trying to fix your two kingdoms relationships. Falena was going to your kingdom a lot which means he was seeing you and knowing his brother, you two were probably getting along swimmingly. Imagining you forgot about him and chose Falena, gave him nightmares!(He Dulu.)But all those thoughts disappeared when you happily skipped his brother and greeted him. Oh so you do still love me, *Yawn* So I was just being an overthinking dumbass. *Hahaha!* Wait… where are you going? Ruggie. Why are you talking to him? I’m right here. I’m all you need. So why are you talking to that gross mutt?
Ruggie Bucchi --- Worker for Leona
You never thought you would see him here with Leona and Falena. You would see him around almost everywhere you went, doing odd jobs.You don’t know him very well. Hell you don’t even know his name.  He always waved at you when you walked by him like you were an old friend tho. After a short while of being confused as to why he was in your house as you weren’t informed of him coming for another job, you learn he’s working for Prince Leona. Perhaps another quick cash grab. You weren’t that happy though. Because he treats you like he’s known you for as long as he lived. So he kind of weirded you out. Wow! Do I really have to remind you? That just because you don’t know someone doesn’t mean they don’t know you. Ruggie, well, he feels like he’s known you for all the years he’s been suffering on this earth. He was always doing jobs around the castle, to make some money. Ruggie remembers it all. At the age of Five he memorized your favorite things. Ages Seven - Nine, he learned royal etiquette from the maids.(After he forced them too.) Ten - Fourteen, Ruggie spent learning about you and royal stuff. Right now, he’s working for Leona but that’s all part of his plan to get closer to you. Why? You may ask. Well the first reason clearly is because he loves you. Second is when he marries you silly! He can't let himself be an embarrassment to you. What if he makes a mistake in public being your husband that mistake would also be put on you. He can’t let himself tarnish your reputation as the perfect person you are. Ruggie’s happy that you love him enough to come welcome him back! He gets to talk to you, yay! Huh? Are you introducing yourself to that knight? You guys barely talked. Why are you moving on? Hey, I didn’t even get to tell you my name yet! Honey. Come on. You already make me feel lonely. Do you really need to make me jealous too?
Jack How --- Knight
You just met him. When you first glanced in his direction you were rightfully shocked. I mean even for a  typical knight this man was buff. (Like sir, calm down on the working out pls.) you were hesitant about  introducing yourself. Wishing to make this quick and praying he wasn’t one of those gym whores who live off of protein powder and riding rich men’s cocks. You had to deal with some knights like that before and it was hell. So to ur surprise and delight. He stuttered when Introducing himself. It was honestly kind of cute how he was stuttering while trying to do an introduction. You did find it a little weird as to why he was here as your family had enough knights to protect the kingdom’s princes. Until in Jack's introduction (When he finally got his act together.) he mentioned that being here was part of his training. Just when you were about to say something Trey called you over to the dining room for lunch. After you say goodbye and the other people go do their other own things, Jack could finally breathe. Why’d he have to stutter? It was so humiliating! Out of all people it had to be you. His idol. From a young age Jack looked up to you. You were about the same age as him but so much better. Be it academics, looks, or anything else it seemed.You were better. Even status. Jack was always one step behind you. Admiring from afar. He hated you as much as he loved you! You should have seen his face when he first found out he’ll get to see you as part of his training plan. But man! Was he not expecting you to be so gracious as to talk to him? God. Were you trying to make him die? I mean he wouldn’t mind doing that if it means you’ll spare him another glance. He plans on becoming a knight fit for protecting you so much so that during his time here you were constantly being jumped scared by this man because of his “duty to be your knight”
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poetryandfluffycats · 4 months
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A/N: yay! more kidnapper Nikolai! I'm thinking about making this into an actual chaptered fic with lore and shit instead of just random drabbles, but that's way in the future. for now, enjoy this brainrot.
Pairing: Kidnapper!Nikolai Gogol x fem!reader
Content: Nikolai sets up a wonderful date for the two of you down in the basement! And you realize that you may be developing some... unwanted feelings towards the jester.
Warnings: kidnapper au, stockholm syndrome, first person writing, mainly fluff<3
Words: 755
Oneshot under cut!
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I walked in from the bathroom to a scene of nothing but pure beauty. A blue hue reflected off the usually boring walls of the basement, courtesy of the projector Nikolai had wheeled into the room. The device was portraying something of a time lapse of the night sky, stars twinkling and spinning in their constellations. Blankets were spread out all across the floor, all of them having some sort of spacey print. Stars, the sun and moon, the solar system, comets, you name it, it was there.
Sat in the middle of the blankets with his back rested against the bed frame was Nikolai. He didn't look like Nikolai, though. No face paint, no crazy eyes or smile, no jester outfit. Just a normal man in his-you guessed it-space themed pyjamas, a stranger to the clown I had grown to know.
"You mentioned wanting to see the stars again" He stated simply, patting the empty space beside him. His tone was so foreign to me, sounding almost like an apology. "I figured, if I cannot bring you to the stars, I will bring the stars to you"
I was quick to join him, sliding my head into the crook of his shoulder and inhaling. He smelt different without all that makeup on, more like natural manly musky scent and less like a chemical sweatshop mixed with undertones of blood. "You remembered..." I mumbled, reaching a hand behind his back to play with the end of his braid. "Thank you"
"Of course! Anything for my love, my little space queen! Oh, and I have another little surprise for you, but that's for later! First, stargazing"
Nikolai rambled on, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me in close. Our legs tangled together in a messy heap, his bare feet brushing against mine. I made a note of how cold they felt.
I hummed in agreement, turning my attention back to the projection against the wall. I had always wondered about what was out there, beyond our universe. If there was life somewhere else, a whole world we didn't know about. Maybe it would be better than this one, well fuck, anything would be better than what I was currently going through. I'd choose living in space over Nikolais basement any day, anyone would.
To be free, Nikolai talked about that alot. About how this was freedom down here. Being free of any laws the government forced onto society, being free of judgement and hate. It was just me and him here, this was being free.
And there was something about the way his mismatched eyes stared into mine when he said it that made me want to believe him. That this was where I was meant to be. Moments like these only furthered that idea in my brain, and it was the worst feeling ever.
A shooting star flew across the screen, a flash of light in the night sky. It lit up Nikolais face like fairy-lights, and if I didn't know any better, I would have said he looked angelic. His white hair glowed blue in the light of the room, eyes sparkling, lips parted, and cheekbones sharp as knifes.
"Make a wish, Kolya" My body felt like it was moving on its own accord as I brought my hand up to cup his jaw, tracing my nail over his bottom lip. "It'll come true, you know"
Maybe this was what Stockholm Syndrome felt like, maybe that's why I felt so starstruck staring at this cold-blooded killer.
"My wish..." Nikolai trailed off, leaning into my touch and closing his eyes, a faint but genuine smile playing on his lips. "... does not matter. I have everything I need in my life right now. What is your wish, my dove?"
I pondered the question for a second. My real wish was to fly amongst the stars, but that was stupid. He'd just laugh if I told him that, and that would ruin this new found peace I liked so much. So, I lied. Told him something he would want to hear instead.
"I want you to show me that surprise you said about, that's my wish"
"Aha! Of course, come here"
His lips were on mine in a heartbeat, soft and slow, unlike every other time he had stolen a kiss from me. There was a strawberry taste on his lips, chapstick? Had he applied that just for this? Cute, so damn cute.
Shit, I was falling for the enemy.
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ghostieyanyan · 2 years
You know I think Jamil is one of those characters I can envision as a yandere. If you’ve seen Aladdin, you’d know that once Jafar took over the kingdom, Jasmine became his slave? I like to imagine that overblot Jamil kept MC around instead, dressed them up in that red slave outfit and put shackles on them which sounds really kinky. Jamil would like to keep MC around as a slave but is also like crazy about them even before their overblot because MC was kind to him and didn’t treat him like a servant. Maybe he teases them a little bit to rile them up. Kinda like a glorified pet but also lover at the same time
Yes yes YESSSSSS!!!! without a doubt i love overblot jamil so much... its kinda bad xD
~My Jasmine~
Overblot!Yan!Jamil x mc
(i drew mc fem so it’ll fit the jasmine outfit. the red one, chef kiss. also chapter 4 spoilers. also sorry for my spelling and grammar mistakes. this is why i draw qwq)
i feel like jamil had a love at first sight with mc. like when they met in the kitchen and they offer to help with cooking and hearing his troubles. like yes, he wanted to used them at first but after like a few minutes he fell HARD. 
He knew he wanted mc as his queen/king but he, of course, needed Kalim to be out of the picture. With him as housewarden, he’ll be highly respected with his beloved by his side. and Kalim? well he’ll be gone, who knows maybe he’ll be kicked out of NRC too. If Jamil plays his cards right.
But noo... you just had to run from him and fall into those slimy octavinelle’s hands. They even had to mock him when they came by! Stupid slimy-.
During his Overblot!
yes yes yes! he will totally have you as a pet. his personal play thing. even with this power, he’ll be bored, so entertain with him.. 
no? you don’t want to play with him? what’s going to happen to your friends? oh, that’s the last thing you should worry about. master has to teach you how to behave. He can’t have a pet that bites that hand that feeds it, right?
I think at first he wont actually use his unique spell, it'll be a waste to just force you to behave when he can just train your body to behave first and you’ll stay like that for the long term. instead of the short term option, right? Let’s just hope you body and mind can take it.
but hey! if you be good, he’ll treat you. maybe he’ll feed you and look inside your pretty lips. Or he’ll keep you safe from those roaches that insist on coming back and steal what rightfully belongs to him. 
Just don't leave his side. K, pet?
for nicknames, i thought of pet and desert flower but then i was like wait... i know a flower, jasmine! but now after finishing the drawing, idk how i feel about it? cuz its an actual name.. so ya sorry if you don't like it. i really dont want to fix it rn TWT also i didn't know if i should keep his bangs so i did one with and one without. so yay. i’m actually very happy with his picture, it might change in a few days but rn, i love it. i hope you guys love it too. ^^
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My thoughts on Murder Drones Episode 8.
• The teacher taking a slap from one of Cynessa’s tentacles so nonchalantly was amazing.
• Also, was Uzi saying, “Oh, fuck you” when Cyn told her and N to stop?
• Uzi and N falling through space was so cute! Nuzi confirmed!
• QUEEN V IS ALIVE! And she’s on a sentinel with a cowboy hat! Everyone bow down and throw roses at her immediately!
• I didn’t expect V and J to already know about Tessa being Cyn. I don’t know why, but I expected J to find out in this episode and be broken mentally. But since they treat death so nonchalantly in this show, I shouldn’t be surprised.
• Come to think of it, I still have questions about Tessa. Which drone was the one that killed her? What was the point of her character other than being a tragic hero and a vehicle for Cyn to get to Copper 9? Tessa felt underused. So did J.
• Don’t think I didn’t notice you using Uzi’s catchphrase, V.
• Cynessa is oddly cute.
• LOL at Cynessa cursing.
• Supportive mom Nori!
• The nightcore song being played during the final battle was peak fight music.
• Cynessa’s reaction to Uzi swallowing the black orb was priceless!
• “You don’t know me and I hate you!” OMG I can see where Uzi got it from! Khan’s reaction was wonderful. “Kinda hot?”
• Uzi’s new yellow and purple eyes are pretty cool.
• Uzi giving a presentation about how she, N, and V saved Copper 9 was a fitting callback to the pilot! Consider Uzi’s hero’s journey fulfilled!
• “That’s my girlfriend!”
• V and Lizzy being top Uzi haters once again.
• That sudden cut to Doll’s corpse was so uncalled for OMGGGGGG. FOUL.
• Uzi scares her classmates once again lol.
• Good thing they had a memorial for Doll. The “babe-a-tron queenthousand” needed one. I hope she’s happy with her parents. And DAMMMNNN they went for Rachel’s throat (or should I say core?)! Plus, Thad’s pose is the best!
• I wonder if the drones did anything to honor Tessa’s memory after everything was said and done? In fact, I wonder how N, V, and J felt about her death. I like to think that they miss her.
• Nori is back with her family now! Yay! I wonder how Khan reacted to his wife’s return?
• Is that the original, unpossessed Cyn living in Uzi’s tail, or is it the Absolute Solver? Perhaps both?
• We didn’t get a Nuzi kiss, but that’s understandable. Some relationships take more time to progress than others and that’s okay.
At the end of the day, while feeling more rushed than I anticipated, I enjoyed the finale! I feel it’s a satisfying enough end for such a good show.
Anyways, peace out!
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awwfur · 25 days
WoF x TWST. Yuu, Grim, and the great seven.
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Master post More WoF x twst AU! More info and rambles past here
(And size chart at the bottom cause I know WoF sizes are wack)
Makes the most sense to start with Yuu first, yea?
Yuu: They get to be human still! Yay them! In this AU I wanted scavengers/humans to be extinct. Why? To make Yuu even more outta place. There’s a bit more to them as a character, but I’ll save that for the writing of the AU.
Grim: I played with the idea of making him into some kinda cat-like fantribe. But settled on making him still very cat like but with more dragon like qualities. Also bigger. And I’m still playing with the idea of him having a smaller form closer in stature to him cannon size. (So he can still ride on Yuu and have something unique to him) He was really fun and really hard to figure out, cause I almost made him more wild cat looking, but I didn’t end up liking it.
(I don’t plan on giving the ramshackle ghost their own full fledged refs, or even just head shot/bust refs. Apologies to all.)
and now onto the seven! Who I’ve turned from Disney Villains into WoF villains/antagonists (they are in order of left to right too to bottom)
Queen Scarlet: “The Scarlet queen” I know that an icewing might have been more fitting, with all the rules they have. But! I went for color pallet. I’m also heavily bias. So Scarlet gets to be queen of hearts
Queen Wasp: “The Queen of Tribes” a big reason for picking Wasp over Blister in place of scar is the fact that, well, she did rule over the silkwings for a good 50 years give or take. And I have this head cannon that she’s fair more clever than she’s depicted in the books.
Albatross: “The great seawing animus” I REALLY wanted Ursula’s WoF substitute to be a seawing. And there was NO WAY I was using whirlpool. (If you know you know) also I have him holding the drawing for the summer palace
Blister: “The sister of Brilliance” If this clever villain wasn’t getting to be the Scar stand in, she was going to be the Jafar stand in. (And yes I drew her holding the eye of onyx. If you know. You know.)
Chameleon: “The beautiful shapeshifter” okay. Scarlet would have gotten to be the Evil queen stand in if I wasn’t dead set on making her the stand in for the queen of hearts. So I had to pick the next best character. That being Chameleon. I don’t have any big reason for him being the Evil Queen besides the fact he has those scraps of scroll to turn into a few other tribes (I can’t remember if there were more than the Icewing, Nightwing and skywing. Because I wanna say he had four tribes he turned into) and also I have him holding Darkstalker’s scroll
Queen Diamond: “The queen of Ice” another one who I just kinda picked the “oh ugh-this’ll do”. I mostly picked her cause of the spell she cast on foeslayer to keep her trapped. So I guess she gets to be the Hades stand in.
Darkstalker: “The Darkstalker” that title is subject to change. But since he already had one in the books may as well use it! Anyway, it only made since to make the most clever and powerful Wings of Fire villain be the Maleficent stand in. Drew him when he escaped from under the mountain because that pose felt like the most powerful one for him. (Although like scarlet I’m very bias)
welp that’s the WoF seven (shockingly hard to pick who would be who. Besides Darkstalker he was easy)
Size chart time!
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The dragon examples are Skywings, and I’m of the belief that mudwings and nightwings are larger than skywings but I picked skywings to be the chart comparisons because not meany characters will be much taller or shorter than an average adult skywing. Well, besides the staff but that’s besides the point.
it also has Grim and Yuu because I feel it’s very important to know how tall these two are. (And if I give them exact measurements my brain won’t remember) I was also tempted to add in some kinda animal in here because we’re going largely with mega fauna and flora. But it made the chart crowded. But know I intend for even chickens to be larger than Yuu. (Or about the same hight not sure yet)
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trevvylovesspence · 2 years
Video Game Lover
Ethan Landry x reader
You had a sleepover at Sam's house, the whole group deciding to hang out and stuff your faces with candy. You brought your switch, initially it was to play Stardew Valley once everyone fell asleep but once you realized Anika brought hers you ditched that idea and played Just Dance with her. Ethan and Mindy sat on the couch behind the both of you as Chad and Tara stood in the kitchen and Sam and Quinn were doing nails in Quinn's room.
So Anika picked the first song "Lover! Taylor Swift is queen" "of course" you responded, beginning to dance terribly besides Anika who made you look like a fool but you just both giggled and kept dancing. When it was your turn to pick the song you went with backstreet boys, I want it that way, I mean come on it was a classic.
As you danced terribly, Ethan bit back a smile from his seat. I mean come on, this was probably the cutest way he had ever seen you, pajama pants, hair ties up messily to stay out of your face and one of his shirts, hanging loosely off your shoulders. Usually he was neutral about you in his shirts as you usually stole them for ' their nerdy charms' as you said. Right now, it was a Star Wars shirt. And he wanted nothing more to see you wear it all the time.
He hadn't even realized how many songs had passed as he watched you jump around and laugh with Anika. But now Anika was tired and laying down beside Mindy. "Ask Ethan to play" Ethan turned to Anika, being pulled back into reality. When he turned back to see where you were standing, you were now on your knees in front of him. "Jesus" he jumped back slightly, this definitely looked provocative.
"Ethan pleaseeeee" your bottom lip jutted out in a pout, and it gets worse. "i-im terrible at dancing." You tilt your head to the right staring up at him. "Ethan pleaseeeee" his face flushed and he finally agreed. "Yay!" You jumped up, handing him a joycon and starting a song. "I love you Ethan!" He flushed, "mhm, you're just using me for a dance partner"
Ethan smiled, before realizing your song was a partner dance, somehow you had ended up wrapping around each other, just spinning and dancing. You had played a couple more songs which Mindy and Anika had disappeared to Sam's room during that time. By the time you and Ethan were done playing Just Dance you were the only two in the living room, guess this was your sleeping arrangement.
"I will never forgive you for getting me stuck on this god awful couch" you laughed, plugging in Anika's switch and grabbing your own out of your case reaching into Ethan's bag to grab his. "Hey didn't your mother ever teach you not to go through a ladies purse?!" You giggled, "oh I'm so sorry Ethan didn't know you were a lady now" You threw his switch onto his lap, grabbing your blanket and sitting down on the couch, laying your spiderman blanket across your lap and Ethan's.
You laid your legs across Ethan's lap as you opened Stardew Valley "Wanna play SD?" Ethan already knew what you meant and nodded. You guys played for a little before you let out a comically loud gasp. Ethan turned to you as you glared at him. "How dare you!" Ethan gave you a confused look. "That bouquet better be for me and not Penny!" Ethan smiled at the thought, you being jealous of a girl from a game. "Oh so you're asking to be my girlfriend?" You blushed as he laughed quietly. You had somehow in that time leaned in close to each other. "Would you be my girlfriend?" You softly kissed him. "Yes." Ethan turned down to his switch. "I guess this bouquet is for you then. He looked back up at you. Kissing you softly and using one hand to cup your cheek.
"you better get busy planning your proposal." You laughed, it being 2 in the morning as you sat on Ethan's lap playing Stardew Valley together still. "I love you Y/n" "I love you too Ethan"
Bro ty @b0nes-phobic for coming up with this idea in the first place and letting me turn it into a ff 🤭
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canirove · 8 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 5
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"Rúben!" Julia screamed when I opened the door. 
"Hello, little one" he said, picking her up with those arms of his. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you!" she said. "I'm Queen Elsa and she is Anna."
"Oh... Is that why you are wearing those braids? I like them."
"Thank you" I said, feeling my cheeks getting warm. Why was I blushing? We had been able to have a proper conversation earlier, and now...
"So if you are Elsa, and she is Anna... Who am I?"
"Kristoff! He is Anna's boyfriend."
"Is he?" Rúben said, looking at me with a cheeky smile before putting Julia down. He was giving me a cheeky smile. Me. Because Kristoff is Anna's boyfriend and I'm Anna and he is Kristoff and... 
"He is! You'll see, we are watching "Frozen" tonight! And we have popcorn, and chocolate, and gummy bears!" Julia said, grabbing his hand and taking him to the kitchen. "Look!"
"Can you eat any of this? You probably have to follow a very strict diet to look like that" I said, my eyes going all over his body, something that he definitely noticed. "In shape I mean. For football." 
"I can eat some popcorn, don't worry. And if I eat too much, I'll make sure to burn it tomorrow during training" he replied, this time with the same smirk from when we first met. Oh, dear Lord.
When we sat down on the sofa to watch the movie, Julia was between us, the popcorn on her lap. While I had my arms crossed over my chest, trying to not freak out, Rúben was feeling himself at home, one of his arms stretched over the back of the sofa, his fingers just millimeters away from my neck. My exposed neck because of the braids. If he moved just a bit, he could touch it, and I would probably melt just as Olaf does in the movie.
Thanks to Julia's constant comments I was able to stop thinking about it for a while, but during one of the songs I looked at him and he was... singing? Rúben Dias... was singing... "Love is an open door"? What? And he also sang "Let it go". Word by word. He said he was a Disney fan, but this? This was unexpected. 
"Can we watch "Frozen 2" now?" Julia asked when the movie ended.
"It's bed time."
"But it's a Friday! C'mon, please" she said, looking at me with puppy eyes. 
"We'll leave it for next Friday."
"Will you come?" she asked Rúben.
"If I can I will."
"Yay!" she said, giving him a hug. "Anna can't be without Kristoff."
And what was Rúben's answer to that? Another smirk. While looking at me.
"Let's go get you changed, Julia" I quickly said, getting up from the sofa.
"Rúben, can you take me flying to my room?" she asked him, already climbing into the back of the sofa.
"Wait, Julia.” But before I could say or do anything else, she was jumping, Rúben catching her and making her fly as if she was Supergirl. 
"Look, I'm flying!" she giggled. "To my room!"
"Ready for landing?" Rúben asked her when the three of us made it there. 
"One... Two... Three!" he said before throwing her into the bed, Julia bouncing when she landed, her laugh echoing around the room.
"You already landed, it can´t happen again. Now it's time to get changed."
"Boring" she pouted.
"I'll wait outside."
"But you are coming back to say boa noite, aren't you?"
"Of course" Rúben said, closing the door behind him but coming  back later so they could say goodnight to each other in Portuguese. And maybe, just maybe... I was melting like Olaf while watching it all.
"Next time you have to make her fly" Julia said, pointing at me. "She's a guardian angel but she doesn't have wings."
"She may be scared of flying..." Rúben said. And yes, he was smirking again.
"She isn't, she's been to Spain."
"Then I'll make sure to make her fly." And the way he looked at me, the way he smiled at me... That told me that he wasn't talking about carrying me around with those stupidly big arms of his. He was thinking about something else. Could have I been imaging it? Maybe. Maybe my brain was playing tricks on me because I thought he had been flirting with me earlier. But what I was feeling all over my body was too real to be just my imagination. 
"Let me help you clean everything" he said once we left Julia in her room.
"You don't need to, you should probably go rest too. Aren't you playing this weekend?"
"On Sunday. Why don't you come?"
"You and Julia. You said you are spending the whole weekend with her, right?"
"I am, yes."
"Then come to the game, I'll get you tickets. We are playing against Chelsea at 5 pm. When you get home she'll be so tired  that she'll be asleep before you put her to bed."
"I'll have to ask Lucy first."
"Yes, of course" he said, the popcorn ball and all our leftovers on his hands while he walked into the kitchen. "But if you come, can I get you both my shirt? Or is that too much for an Arsenal girl?"
"I'm not an Arsenal girl" I said, following him. "I mean, yes but no."
"How so?" he said, letting everything he was carrying on the kitchen's counter and leaning against it. But not like normal people. No. He did it on the sexiest way possible.
"I... I've never really been into football” I finally said, focusing on looking at the clock behind him. "My grandad has been taking me to Arsenal games since I can remember, and when I was eight I actually started playing. My feet weren't made to kick a ball, but my hands were really good at stopping it."
"Were you a goalkeeper?"
"For a year I was, yes. They gave me a medal and everything. But then my dad got scared because I could injure my fingers or wrists, which would mean no more piano, and piano was the only thing that mattered. Not if I was happier playing football."
"He made you quit?"
"He didn't make me. He forced me to. And after that I kind of stopped caring about football because it made me sad. I still went to some games with grandad, but it wasn't the same."
"I'm sorry" Rúben said. He had moved forward without me noticing and was standing very close to me. Very close. 
"Thank you" I whispered, my eyes fixed on the floor. If I looked up, that was it. It would probably faint, die, or both things at the same time. But that could still happen without looking at him, because his hand was moving towards my face. No, it was on my face. His thumb was on my cheek and... 
"Fuck!" I screamed when the phone rang, my heart on my throat.
"Are you ok?"
"Yes, yes. I just wasn't expecting to hear the phone."
"Me neither" Rúben chuckled. And when I finally looked up... There it was. Another smirk. 
"I better pick that up, it probably is Lucy checking in."
"I asked her about the game" I said to Rúben after talking with Lucy.
"She said yes."
"Great" he said with a big grin. He looked so... Happy? But it was because Julia was going. He clearly loved that kid. "I'll send you the tickets tomorrow. Can I get your number or your email? Maybe both? Just in case something happens."
"Perfect" he said after I wrote both things on a paper. "I'll see you on Sunday, Anna."
"Elsa and I will be there, Kristoff." 
And he smiled, and I smiled. And after he left, I was still smiling. And oh, my God. Had all that been a dream? Had I imagined it all? Or had Rúben spent half the day flirting with me?
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littleandless · 2 months
spoilers ahead, of course.
i realized during this episode that corlys has lost his brother, both of his children, his heir, and now his wife as well. it’s certainly enough to bring anyone down. but i’m bothered by the fact that he offered to make baela his heir, despite her being the future queen, and not rhaena who lacks a dragon, a fiancé, and any inheritance of her own. she literally has nothing! and i understand that she’s far away and he doesn’t have the chance to advise her in being the lord/lady of the tides, but she’s still young, and as far as he knows there may still be time for that after the dance is concluded. someone PLEASE throw rhaena a bone, i’m begging you😭
baela and jace enjoyers (me) were feasted tonight. baela seemed so noble and fierce, and jace has fully embraced his sassy boy era. like, compared to the last few episodes where they have a combined screen time of 2 minutes, we are positively gorging ourselves.
at this point we all know alicent was made redundant as soon as aegon was crowned, but watching her slowly and painfully acknowledge her fate as a bystander in all of this bloodshed has been hard to watch. the part she played (and is currently playing) is not small by any means, but it’s mostly done. she was a large part of the setup for the dance, but now her lot is mostly to sit by and watch everything fall into place…much like rhaenyra.
YAY SOWING OF THE SEEDS YAY!!!!! that means we’ll see more addam soon🤭💋🩷
ugh…what else to say about daemon? he was never my favorite character, but at least in season one there was more to him than whining about his title and betraying his child bride. please do us all a favor by passing away! oh and the mommy boinking was certainly something. i was not expecting alyssa targaryen to appear at all, let alone in a waking oedipal dream. i’ve become mostly desensitized to targcest but mother-son action is still a bit too far for me.
alys rivers is based as usual. lovely side profile, too. her and mysaria are the new heroines of the show.
aemond fully doesn’t give a fuck anymore. from his very first appearance in the show, we saw him wistfully imagine what he’d do as heir. when aegon complains about his sister-wife helaena, aemond says that he’d do his duty if their roles were reversed. he claims vhagar in the dead of night, seizing an opportunity to ride the most fearsome living dragon in westeros. he honed his body and mind if not his social skills and lied in wait for an opportunity. he wanted to rule, knew he could do it better, and said as much when it came time for aegon to ascend. but for the most part, he simmered. he was always outwardly dutiful and obedient, knowing that he and his brother needed to appear as a united front against those who supported rhaenyra. this is something alicent told aegon, and probably aemond at some point too, but he was the only one who really took it to heart. aemond suffered humiliation at the hands of his nephews, but he probably had an easier time coping with that from the rumored bastards of a contested heir than he did from his own brother, the other claimant to the iron throne whose case was only stronger than his own because of pure chance. aegon had everything aemond ever wanted, even his own loyalty, and he couldn’t even respect him enough to cease the teasing in adulthood. so i can’t say that i blame aemond for taking a shot at his competition, even if they are technically on the same side. there are many for whom any son would do at this stage. and hey, we saw him and helaena speak to each other for the first time in a long time. maybe he’ll take her too.
also we’re hearing more disillusionment from the smallfolk yippee!!! the mask is slipping.
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barelylivingscholar · 9 months
“Herta, with a childhood bestie who is in Genius Society as well…”
Crack post. Don't ask what I was on while making this... - You and Herta met during kindergarten, whereas you would act as her “research assistant” in her tiny experiments which would evolve into something else pretty soon… How did Herta ask you into becoming her assistant? You basically won the idgaf war regarding her attitude and that pretty much sums up how you two became “friends”. - At first, it was strictly business. But over time… You got her involved in many of your chaotic ideas and experiments that you would do whenever she’s out and about… Somehow, she would always catch you in the act… 😃😃😃 Be it be… Feeding the warp trotter with your latest invention that’s named “Scooby Snacks.” 😈😈😈 It ended up with the trotter becoming hyperactive… Or, that time when you said you wanted to test if you could go to the moon without using oxygen and just by using a trampoline… Yeah… 😬😬😬 It was pretty embarrassing but it worked! But you ended up in the hospital for days since… Y’know…   - Fast forward to when you guys were teenagers, you grew up to be a chaotic scientist that would usually either… A. Do experiments that would either end up in flames or something will go wrong or B. Do experiments whereas people expect it to flop 🤢🤮 but it didn’t??? 🤨🤨🤨Okay but you slayed??? Somehow??? So yeah, a mixture of yay or nays, while Herta went off to become that bitch by whipping up experiments that have a 100% success rate like okay queen pop off! You were proud of your bestie despite the attitude she gives you while the two of you collaborate on research… 🙄🙄🙄 Oh, and you get to like, have some of her “leftovers” meaning, her research that was unfinished because she, quote — unquote “lost interest” like girl what is you doing??? 🤨🤨🤨 - Anyways another time skip and she got invited to the genius society and you guys were now old while she went off to become famous for her contributions, you on the other hand, was also famous but… Not in the way you expected… It was the memes, the iconic interviews you did with other people, and the contributions that you made that made no sense but YOU made it have sense… 💅💅💅Idk where I’m going with this but POV: You are famous for the memes not for your contributions lol. So… You got invited by Nous too, slayyyyyy 💅💅💅and Herta invited you along with some random people, like president robot, cake lady who somehow magically always have cake wherever she goes, and kid who plays games 24/7… You were confused about the lineup but sat down on that chair anyways… So, Herta invited you to become a part of the simulated universe project and you were like??? The f am I going to do in the project??? Troll the beta testers???And then… Herta looked at you seriously 😈😈😈 and said, yes. So now you’re a part of the team, you ended up talking with the president robot, side eyeing the lady with the cake so she gives you more cake, and trolling the kid who does not touch grass in his games…
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the1gayteen · 2 months
Pink Pony Club Episode-911
Thanks to @speaknowbuckley I gained the motivation to finish this plot idea for what I picture for a queer central episode (Gay club, because its LA and I am desperate for ABC to allow us to see that side of the city!)  for 9-1-1!  (Also im back from vacation yay!)
Title: The Pink Pony Club (Please know that its been a Chappell Summer for me truly) 
Main Plot/Episode Dynamic:  
I see this following a bit after Bucks initial coming out as Bi (I initially had this before he actually was confirmed bi so I saw him coming out alone, but I can still see this with the buck/tommy coming out as well!). Takes place during pride month and Hen is watching as Buck is excited for his first pride month as not and ally™. I see her wanting to take Buck out with her and Karen to the bars to celebrate, and of course Chim and Eddie may have overheard and become jealous to join (letting them all come along for support and just fun). Overall its an episode that explore a lot. Buck feeling scared to feel accepted into the queer community finally, that maybe he isn't queer enough (possibly exploring Bi hatred within the community) (for me bi hatred and eraser is something that I would love to see touched upon especially now with how people have been reacting to bi characters becoming a norm) and scared to head out to the bars. But having a Buck and Hen brother sister scene where she convinces him that he should celebrate and love himself. Eventually planning outfits together. I see buck finally letting go as he walks into the first bar. People dancing around without a care, queens, men, women. Standing on the floor and letting the music mute his racing mind, finally letting himself sway to the music with a content happiness. Hen and Karen smiling proudly as they join in.  
Oh but don't think this whole story is just on Buck and Hen. I love a queer Eddie arch and if I was a writer for ABC this would be the first fucking stone cast for this arch. Eddie walking into that bar initially without any worry. He was an ally and doing this for his best friends, no worries there. Why would he be? He’s straight... right? But why as he's watching buck dance with men does he have this pain in his chest. Or seeing other men dance together with such joy and ease. Why as he sips and chats with a drag queen at the bar does he feel the most like he’s at ease and belongs somewhere than ever before? Why does the episode end with Eddie sneaking off back to the very same bar the next night without the rest of the 118 as a soft melody of pink pony club plays, a smile etching across his face as the lights over cast his face (I NNEEEDDD). 
Oh and Chim, having a fucking blast as per usual with Maddie.  
Songs Used/When they would be used: 
9-1-1's sound track to me at least has always been phenomenal for storytelling and setting the mood. So for an actual pride episode like this I would want some good bangers (I made a playlist that I may post later lol) 
1. If I Had You- Adam Lambert 
2. Pink Pony Club – Chappell Roan  
3. Rush- Troye Sivan (See this as more of a background song) 
4. I Know a Place- MUNA 
5. Its Raining Men- The Weather Girls 
There is more but these are *my* essentials 
Possible Emergencies: 
I would love for the conversation of Buck wanting/starting to look into queer culture and history after coming out to be shown on a call at a drag show/club. The same club that the 1(gay)teen shows up to later in the episode. Something about the dimensions of how certain heels are made for drag performers or how thick costumes (tights, tucks, etc.) can be and how that queen or queens ended up in that situation.  
A pride parade incident? (I wrote a possible scenario where there is one with Take me to Church over it and gods let me be a writer, PS I don't think I'm a good writer at all lol) 
Again thank you for coming to my Ted Talk I will take my exit..
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queerdraws · 1 year
⚔️👒 Zolu Playlist 👒⚔️
28 songs Full tracklist, selected lyrics, n writeup below cut
(Contains: The Happy Fits, PUFFY, Illuminati Hotties, Paramore, The Shins, The Orion Experience, Best Coast, Utada Hikaru, etc) (+a couple songs absorbed from ao's zolu playlist)
1. The Shins - Simple Song Mixed POV, Zoro being recruited by Luffy. ... You sure must be strong And you feel like an ocean being warmed by the Sun // My life in an upturned boat Marooned on a cliff You brought me a great big flood And you gave me a lift // I know that things can really get rough When you go it alone Don't go thinking you gotta be tough To bleed like a stone Could be there's nothing else in our lives so critical As this little hole?
2. Slow Pulp - Cramps Zoro POV, vibing with being a pirate, actually. realizing he's a lot like Luffy / they have a lot in common. Wants to protect his crew. Part of a family now. But also specifically drawn to Luffy, drawn along with Luffy. Has a nice confident, grungy, fighty vibe. ... Be a better lover, I know that I'm a runner Oh no, I think I've become her There's nothing better than being the protector Out of a routine, the only one I've ever seen I wanna be a foolproof machine There's nothing better, wanna be like Heather I'll take anything That you wanna give But I want everything Everything
3. PUFFY - Friends Forever Mixed POV, perfectly in sync. friends forever. big adventuring vibe. facing the world together. slight nod to whiskey peak. sidenote: it's really annoying to find this song on youtube without scooby doo noises playing over it (official music videos my beloathed...) the "pokemon and their trainers" (...gijinkas) video is the best one for my region at least. ... Just when I thought I had to make it alone You were right there by my side Making a stand holding my hand the way you do There to remind me of a "me and you" When I'm with you all my fear disappears Like if I reach, I touch the sky You've got my back, pick up my slack when I can't see But nothing picks me up like knowing we'll be Friends forever Face whatever Friends forever Yay! we're never gonna be apart You and me, we are so oddly the same The way we think, the way we play Right from the start, so off the charts, about this thing But we didn't know at first that we were making Friends forever Bound together Friends forever Yeah! We'll always be there Oh yes, there also can be times that get rough And all that can be said is "sorry" That we were wrong and said some meaningless stuff And we'll go on together, through any nasty weather Yeah
4. Illuminati Hotties - Sandwich Sharer Luffy POV - flippant & happy vibe. but also visceral, grungy, fighty. kissing. sharing food. "you thought i was bleeding but that's just my spit!!". ... Restarted kissing You said "I'm dreaming" I couldn't stop from laughing Cause it's the realest thing I ever did Taking our clothes off Painting on rooftops Sit back on shingles in the shade, I bare my teeth at future fake outs we had coming Drooling tomato sauce, to make it look legit You thought i was bleeding but that's just my spit Sandwich sharer Unprepared for What comes after this Take the big half I will bite back What you won't finish Until we're finished
5. The Happy Fits - Sailing Zoro POV oops catching feelings for a friend ... My body's achin' My ship's left the shore Your eyes are waiting My knees on the floor And it's been so long Since I had a friend And it's been so long Why can't we just pretend? And I feel your laughter Your warm, open stare And I'm chasing after Somethin' that isn't there
6. The Pillow Queens - Favourite idk just vibes "tell me i'm your favorite" + "i'm being so normal" ... i’ve got no reason to be feeling like you’re mine for the next four seasons let it die, let it die i can’t help hoping that you think i’m really nice want some brief hand holding on the sly, on the sly hey you can say it, i’m your favourite hey you can say it, i’m your favourite
7. The Beths - Warm Blood Luffy POV - Zoro is warm and good feelings. Not "you make me feel protected", but "you are a raincoat". Feels very Luffy. "you really get me" ... Nothing makes me feel like this Nothing makes me feel like this Nothing but you Nothing but you My head is hanging from the roof I'm floating all about the room Because of you Because of you I wanna bask in the rays of the way I feel right now (Ooh oooh) I wanna bask in the rays of the way I feel right now (Ooh warming up my blood) You are a raincoat, you are a zeppelin flight You are a bonfire burning a three dog night You are an isle of calm on a stormy sea You really get, you really get You really get me I wanna be here when you call Pick up the phone and I would fall in love with you In love with you
8. MONKEY MAJIK - Around the World Mixed POV. During timeskip. Counting down the days until we can see eachother again. We'll change the world, make it better, we're training to make that happen. sidenote: the mixed eng/jpn version of this song is my favorite and the one i'm referring to here ... Every night I look to the skies And wonder what we did Always a naive point of view that breaks us in the end If I could find the meaning of it all I’d take the chance Maybe in time We’ll walk the mile and change it if we can It’s now and always (How did we get this far,did we get this far now) Always (We’re making a brand new start, just a brand new start now) Always (Nothing will hold me down, never hold me down now) Always (Wave goodbye to me!) Around the world 新しいことに(with the power to) Around the world 踏み出す力で(step forward to something new) Around the world 世界は変わる(I'll change the world) But don’t run away ’cause if it’s not OK! I’ll change that world Into something better honey!
9. Natalie Holmes - Hideout Zoro POV, Luffy brings light to all those around him, reawakens ppls dreams and leads his crew in to a beautiful inspiring new life :') ... Under the stars, out in the elements If there's no room, there are no elephants When you speak the waves are radiant You've got a face that softens every muscle in my body I’ve never needed all these things to feel whole Something familiar in the love that you provide (And now) I’ve got an empty hideout cause I don't need to hide now The wind can blow out the candle, cause I'm certain I can't fall You've got a face that softens All of the glass I’ve trodden Now I’ve got an empty hideout I don’t need to hide now I don’t need to Something in your love makes everything light up We don’t say a word although we want to Your heart was on the line now suddenly it’s mine There’s something in your love Something in your love Something in your love, in you love
10. Daft Punk - Digital Love just vibes. dreaming. dancing together. having fun. ... Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside you And it looked like everyone was having fun The kind of feeling I've waited so long Don't stop, come a little closer As we jam the rhythm gets stronger There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun We were dancing all night long The time is right to put my arms around you You're feeling right, you wrap your arms around too But suddenly I feel the shining sun Before I knew it this dream was all gone Ooh, I don't know what to do About this dream and you I wish this dream comes true Ooh, I don't know what to do About this dream and you We'll make this dream come true Why don't you play the game? Why don't you play the game?
11. Mitski - Stay Soft Mostly just like the bridge "open up your heart like the gates of helllll". But feels more like Zoro POV (thirsty). And touches a little the communication issues these two have ... Fury, pure and silver You grip it tight inside Like a knife, it glints in your eye It's why I've arrived, your sex god Here to take you where You need to go, to where the dark remembers you Open up your heart Like the gates of Hell // I am facedown on my bed Still not quite awake yet Thinking of you, I tuck my hand under my weight Just tell me what you want to do Tell me what you want to burn away 'Cause I could be your stoker
12. Air Traffic Controller - You Know Me Mixed POV. You know me! Perfectly in tune. ... You know me You know everything about me now My heart is in your hands, and you know you could break it But wouldn't you rather make me sing like this? You know me I try to find some good in everything Since you came along, somehow this got easy 'Cause all you wanna do is please me, my love This could be a roller coaster But we're gonna make the most of it Whether on top, or we're going down, you know me You know me (I know you) And how I get when I'm uncomfortable If I'm too hot, or cold Tired, bored, or hungry I'm fine when you're around me, boy And you know me I've never been on time for anything I do apologize, I know it's such a bother I promise to try harder for you, girl, oh I will
13. The Orion Experience - Honeysuckle Kisses Luffy POV. Desires filed away in a very Luffy way "All I want is all my wishes, and I've love to have your honeysuckle kisses". Romance as an afterthought to the great big adventure. ... They say we're crazy, completely insane I don't give a damn, I think we're fascinating We keep it moving and riding this train They can stop and stare But I don't care Oh, they just can't see who we are You and I, yeah We belong to the stars No matter how they try They won't tear us apart All I want is all my wishes And I'd love to have your honeysuckle kisses All I need to fulfill my bliss is Is your honeysuckle, honeysuckle kisses That's what I want
14. The Happy Fits - Around and Around Zoro POV, Pre-relationship, unsure about what's happening due to poor communication. Things are coming to a boiling point. And also "I could see the world with you" - be by your side forever, go on adventures. Do you want that? Do I? Will you have me? ... I don't know what I'm seeing, when the world keeps spinning around my eyes I think I lost my meaning Just another day to survive And I can't keep thinking about it, keep thinking about it Can't be still anymore No, there's nothing so simple about it, nothing simple about it Can't be still anymore I can't be still anymore I can't be still anymore I'll go 'round and around Go 'round and around with you No, don't slow me down No, don't slow me down, will you? And I could see the world with you And I could see the world with you
15. Paramore - Proof Mixed POV, during timeskip. They're apart. Missing eachother. Believe in you, ride or die. So strong! They'll meet up again, even stronger than before. ... It's really hard I can't cry in your arms 'cause you're not here It's not your fault, and if it was, I wouldn't care My heart is bigger than the distance in between us I know it 'cause I feel it beating So strong, it'll knock you down So strong, so strong Over here I can count the miles away from where I wanna be I bet your skin is warm and that you're smiling Yeah, that's what I always loved the most about you So strong, come and knock me down Hey! Baby, if I'm half the man I say I am If I'm a woman with no fear just like I claim I am Then I'll believe in what you say There's nothing left for you to do The only proof that I need is you
16. Utada Hikaru - Chikai (aka zolu "wedding" song. Primarily Zoro POV, making oaths, matching rings, liking someone so much it makes you feel uncool, waaaaaaauughhhhghgh😭) ... I don’t know about fate But this time I have to accept that it exists // Today is a day without lies It's a perfect day for making an eternal vow Don't need pretty flowers or witnesses Let’s wear rings of the same color // What I say now isn't borrowed words It’s not a promise, it’s an oath I can’t go back to being a liar Let’s wear rings the color of the morning sun Let’s dance with our hearts pounding Let’s celebrate being alive in this moment // Kiss me once, kiss me twice Give yourself to me Let’s listen to sound of the sun rising, side by side Let’s swear to live our lives together
17. Best Coast - When I'm with You Mixed POV ... The world is lazy But you and me We're just crazy So, when I'm with you, I have fun Yeah, when I'm with you, I have fun // I hate sleeping alone
18. Gerard Way - No Shows Pre-relationship. Not wanting to be tied down, but also being drawn in to it anyway, idk. ... Been weeks I been living And your smiles are giving me All types of treble Weak knees I been given And those nights are making me Star-struck and metal Stay free, don't go 'Cause we don't need no Try to be living as your vice And can you be my type? 'Cause we need to be given a good life And can I be your type of metal? Stay free, don't go 'Cause we don't need no shows
19. VUKOVI - Colour Me In Mixed POV - Follow you anywhere, die for you, we're one together (you're mine you're mine you're mine!) ... All I am And even more I'll give it to you Couldn't count All the ways That I'd die for you We are one We are whole And I'll go with you Breathing out, breathing in And I loved you again // Where you go, oh, I'll follow Through our bodies in the dark We want it and it's perfect With you in my arms Where you go, oh, I'll follow Through our bodies in the dark You're mine You're mine You're mine Mine
20. Opus Orange - It's What I Do Mixed POV - just vibes. I feel like it describes them but can't explain it ... every time you look for me you know i think i might disappear every time i look for you i know the bright lights interfere ‘cause i’m not the kind that’s so easy to find when you’re looking for me you’re not the kind with the salt water eyes at the bottom of the sea so take my hand we are the blind leading the blind no i don’t have a plan so let’s go where the sea meets the sky now we're gonna float away everything i want to say to you gets washed away downstream everything i want to give to you is a shade of blue or green i’m not the kind to draw straight lines in the desert sand you’re not the kind with peace of mind and a gun in your hand
21. Illuminati Hotties - Toasting Primarily Luffy POV. Just vibes. Short and sweet, flippant and reckless. They cause descruction and just laugh it off, and move on. ... Toasting a Pop-Tart And thinking of you There's a lot I'd rather do Instead I'm biting my lip And I'm biting yours too 'Til the blood tastes like chocolate goo Our bodies Are twirling The kitchen is burning When we both choke down the ashes You mention you're bored I guess I could've toasted more
22. The Happy Fits - Sweet Things Mixed POV after the end of their journey, pirate king and worlds greatests swordsman continue sailing together forever ... So tell me three things, three words that you know about me I'll say, I'll say "won't you come with me, baby?" Nothing lasts forever It's only now or never Tell me sweet things, sweet things that you know about me I'll say, I'll say "won't you bury me, baby? Underneath our loving forever" Don't you take me, take me all the way and then erase me I could be the one if you stay here Underneath our loving forever So take me home Well you say that nothing matters Well you said that nothing mattered except when I'm here with you Does it feel right? (Does it feel right?)
23. The Black Keys - Go Narrator POV - The two boys growing old sailing together ... There comes a time, two hearts of gold Leave together, run forever on the open road They gotta go oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh They gotta go oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh In the winter time, when the day is long You're halfway there, the field is bare And the fire is gone Are you all alone? Are you feeling cold? Find your flame, call her name, and hit the road
24. PUFFY - Love so Pure Mixed POV - love so sure. two people perfectly suited for eachother from the start. mutual trust. soulmates. :) ... I was his from the momentthe we first met From our solo to duet, it took no time Call it fate Or just two hearts magnetized But I never felt so high Since he's been all mine We've got a love so pure, yes a love so sure The kind of love you hold so tight We've got a love so pure, yes a Love so sure The kind of love that lasts a girl for life! With a kiss I can't resist on turn away All I want is him to stay, it's paradise With out a word Nothing heard me say so much With a look or silent touch I know we'll bе all right
25. Tegan and Sara - BWU Mixed POV - don't need to follow conventions to prove their love. ... I love you I don't need a ring to Prove that you're worthy You're under my skin It's easy I don't need a lock to Prove that you trust me I walk the walk To be with you Just to be with you Oh, to be with you Just to be with you Save your first and last dance for me I don't need a white wedding Save your first and last born for me We don't need a white wedding All the girls I loved before Told me they signed up for more Save your first and last chance for me 'Cause I don't want a white wedding
26. IRONTOM - Partners Just what it says on the tin. They're partners. lol ... Partners, we're partners We're partners, we're partners
27. Ashley Eriksson - Arguably Mixed POV - idk, vibes ... Sometimes I wish I was talkin' to you 'Cause you know everybody that I do You would hear my story, and you would agree We are always right on, you and me And you can always count on my company On and on and on, endlessly We're all loving creatures of the same decree But we've got one up on them don't we? Don't we? Arguably, don't we?
28. Animal Collective - The Purple Bottle Luffy POV. Frantic. Explosive big feelings. Can't stop talking --about Zoro to other people, and to Zoro about anything (sometimes i'm talkitive and you're not talkitive, I know...). And idk, the vibes. "purple" as a metaphor for sensuality, feels playful and lovely. But the end of this song really drags on so it's at the end of the playlist lol. ... I've gotta big big big heart beat, yeah! I think you are the sweetest thing I wear a coat of feelings and they are loud I've been having good days Think we are the right age to start our own peculiar ways? With good friendly homes // Sometimes you're quiet and sometimes I'm quiet, (Hallelujah!) Sometimes I'm talkative and sometimes you're not talkative, I know // And my dear dear dear Khalana I talk too much about you Their ears are getting tired of me singing all the night through Lets just talk together You and me and me and you And if there's nothing much to say Well, silence is a bore. // Can I tell you that you are the purple in me? Can I call you just to hear you would you care? When I saw you put your purple finger on me There's a feeling in your bottle Found your bottle, found your heart Gives a feeling from your bottled little part
Aaaand that's all of it! Thanks for reading :)
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My reaction to episode 3 of season 2 of Criminal Minds Evolution
Spoilers under the cut
"Are you okay?" Emily does that man LOOK okay?????
A deepfake porn site??? that's the big secret???? is anyone else a little disappointed???
Also there's no way voit could have said all that in such little time???
Luke: a secret will fracture the team and voit knows that and told me on purpose Emily: don't play his game then. just keep it a secret. Me: .... Huh?
Is... is this going to be the Ultimate Jemily Moment???? Is there some weird fake Jemily porn on this site which is why Emily is SO adamant JJ never find out and worried Luke looked???? If that is the case, Jemily fans I am so sorry
them managing to give Penelope a cat-related opening quote is honestly HILARIOUS
Oh, THIS is where Emily's wack-o neighbor comes in. Ofc. He was a conspiracy theorist after all
Bailey mention 😭😭😭
Oh so "that was fire" is about literal fire 🤣🤣
"Can I drink lighter fluid instead?" Babygirl you are so dramatic i love you. but please keep this energy toward tyler PLEASE
and we're back on the jet!!!
Luke looks physically uncomfortable keeping this a secret from JJ
I find it hard to believe Emily didn't know JJ already knew considering how close they used to be
This jj/luke friendship is SO important to me
Luke is babysitting 🤣🤣🤣
Luke is so awkward around those girls 😂😂😂
Sydney has a point...
I think Luke just wanted to watch anything BUT anime 🤣🤣🤣 otherwise he'll get upset
Fellow Girl Dad Luke truthers how we doing with this scene?? him teaching them to play soccer???
Luke is so smiley!!!! Like @lklvz said to me, his Adam Rodriguez is slipping out. he's such a dad!!!
Brian Garrity what's up my guyyy
They changed Brian's ex-wife's name???? In "Saturday" it was Patricia and now it's Sheila
Me, the second i hear the camera click: ohhhhhhhhhh shit
I need this couple to survive. They're probably not going to but oh my god she's pregnant i need them to survive
Penelope giving herself a script for a difficult phone call is such a mood
Tyler what the FUCK, man
wtf was that scene???
aaaand he cloned his cell phone TYLER FUCKING STOP
tyler texting penelope nooo
Oh Holly.... when i saw her pulling at her sleeves i though that was what was happening. Oh my heart is breaking for this poor girl.
oh i am SOBBING
yay they saved the couple!!!!
Not Tara calling Rossi old 🤣🤣🤣
"Pilates, upper-body work, a little help from SWAT" these visuals are hilarious
Tara you are so pretty when you smile
Luke definitely didn't tell JJ everything. i can TELL by his face there is more he wants to say to her
Oh my GOD poor JJ
Tyler Green if you show up at Penelope's house while she is stress-baking I'm gonna scream
And adding to the list of Luke/Tyler similarities, this pose Tyler is making against the door is the same pose Luke made against the frame of the elevator when he and Penelope had their first on-screen interaction
Go OFF Penelope
Tyler is obsessed with Penelope being the black queen. Luke just... wants her to be herself. I feel an essay coming on
Brian's about to get himself fucking shot
JJ sweetie NO don't look i PROMISE you don't want to see
shaking cam slowly drawing away from JJ's face as she sees what's on screen.... three cheers for our director! I love Adam episodes. Although this is the first one with no garvez which makes me sad
aaaand now Emily's under arrest. perfect.
Brian you FUCKER
we are 3/3 so far for Emily saying "fuck" in an episode 🤣
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pigtailedgirl · 6 months
Now I'm curious how you got into due south originally, if you feel like explaining :)
Sure! It's nothing too exciting I guess, but my Dueser origins begin as a wee girl. I know my family must have vaguely watched it because I remember the image of All The Queen's Horses mountie chase pre-dates my series watch beginnings. I know my grandma later confessed as I had it on tv one summer that she watched it. Cause cute Benton Fraser lol.
But real seeing and watch began with a random catch of Free Willie one morning on the Showcase Network. Thank you kindly Showcase.
Yeah, I caught it one morning and stayed to watch because I think I vaguely recognized it, and just fell in love with it's charm and wit and Fraser and Ray. It was the first episode so great timing too. And they had it schedule set to air one episode in the morning, the same at night, five days a week. Perfect for catching up.
Promos were hilarious too. I should see if any are online.
Oh, and it was original edit, so it had extra scenes like the different Victoria's Secret ones.
So I caught up on the series quick. Also, what I think really cemented my season 1 and 2 love was they played that set for months at least before switching to the 3/4 season. That highlighted the difference in tone to my POV too I think, and it's why I kinda view them apart still.
But I really got to experience show first this way.
I think I found fandom when starting Livejournal same time the show hit resurgence there. And I happily caught the tail end of Yahoo Groups so got to back read fan stuff there. Missed most of Ray Wars. Yay. There was the 2000's snippets, but everyone was so fun at content creation and love, that was the best take-aways. It made for a great time. I participated in a watch-along! A big highlight of fannishness for me! That's when I saw The Pilot. Or my fav was squeeing about Pizza and Promises.
Just, some of the many wonderful fans like Nina_DS and movies_michelle and duenorthlaurie for episode discussion, and Sdwolfpup, Belmanoir, Aingeal8C as content creators, or Scotchsour, and Lozenger8 who made some banging icons....Truly, there were so many wonderful people, I couldn't even name them all. Due South provided so many wonderful glimpses of other fans to share with. LJ friends were so lovely.
I fell out in LJ world strangely cause I felt kinda outside the fandom wave as it crested I think, not shipping F/K or really loving those seasons as much. And just personally felt not into fannishness as whole after awhile. It's a me thing across everything, not just Due South. I took an internet break for a long time. I still watched the series on tv, with Showcase and TV Tropolis and DejaView lol, and by then DVD often. Along with new TV of course, although not much cause Tumblr me is not too different from old LJ me. Still kept an eye of forums, sometimes, or such, cause I love discussion as you can see by my screeds versus tech/creative skills, but not actively or with comment.
I return cause, I don't know, seeing people express love for the series again is hitting a happy place of nostaglia I think. I had a rough bout with real-life and comfort fannish stuff is reminding life was full of small good moments. The joy of the endearing nature of the show and the spirit of love for it in the fandom is proof of stuff enduring. Joy that it's still on rebranded Showcase here on the weekends lol, even if you never know which season.
And a new vidder made a wonderful F/V fanvid that, timing again as I hit Tumblr, I stumbled into, and just had me crying when I watched at the beauty and love I remembered in the pair. It spoke to my love of them so hard I think it jolted me into thinking hell yea that love deserves happy expression, I can do it too maybe. Sadly they took it down, but yeah, that was the spark, and that's me fannish story.
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