#oh would you look at that the mv dropped as i was typing this up! time to stream the album for the next 48h
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izvmimi · 11 months ago
cw: fluff. pop star!bakugou. prior breakup mention. based on the story behind the eyes, nose, lips mv, iykyk.
Even if you guys are closer than can be, your friends are typically more likely to text before they call, especially at this time of night, and less likely are they to accost you in a sudden video call the way they are now. You were asleep, just by stroke of luck waking up to the sound of your phone vibrating on your end table, too exhausted to put your phone on Do Not Disturb. It’s just a few minutes after midnight, 12:06 am to be exact, and when you pick up the phone, both of them appear frantic.
���Oh, thank God.”
“___, please tell me you’re away from a phone right now.”
“Dumbass, we’re literally calling her on the phone right now.”
“Don’t call me a dumbass.”
Still rubbing your eyes, you let out a sigh.
“Why did you two call me?” You’re still horizontal, trying to orient yourself while lowering your phone brightness. It’s entirely dark in your room, and you’ve been exhausted all day between errands and other activities, including a single 25 minute cry over your failed relationship.
It’s been 3 months since you and Katsuki split, and while you’ve overall been handling it quite well, intermittently the sadness overtakes you. After all, it was abrupt.
Dating a pop star was not all it’s cracked up to be, especially when it ends abruptly over a dinner you could never afford yourself with the words “take care of yourself, okay?” from a man you’d planned the rest of your life with. The last thing you’d asked him to do before that was to go public, and he’d been hesitant to, and you don’t know what happened between then and that night, because it all ended all too quickly, with you crying on the limo ride home. 
3 months later and you were almost over it until you chanced on a photo you’d forgotten to hide away in your digital memoirs and proceeded to sob.
“So uh… have you spoken to Katshole recently?”
You roll your eyes at the nickname your friend has given him, not bothering to tell her now to be nice. “No.”
It still annoys you. “Please stop calling him that.”
Your other friend sighs.
“So uh, anyway, he dropped a video.” You raise your eyebrow.
“I mean, sure. Is the girl in it hot?” you ask. You pretend you haven’t been looking at his social media intermittently, trying to see if there was someone new in his life, but either way Katsuki prided himself on keeping his private life hidden away, so you wouldn’t be able to tell unless it was someone equally famous or advantageous to his career.
Your two friends both grimace at the same time. One says, “I mean yes, but not in the way you think.”
You blink.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You’re up and seated now, bedsheets pulled to your lap. You’ve minimized the video and are now typing his name into Google, and can see, indisputably, that he’s posted a new music video.
“Why did you guys wake me up for this?”
“Babe, listen to me carefully. If you’re not ready to get back together, do not click this video.”
Your heart thumps, while both of your friends watch you with bated breath, as your face contorts, trying to figure out what that means.
“You’re in the video.”
You blink rapidly, your eyebrows still furrowed together, as your heart rate starts to pick up. Your mouth opens then closes.
You’re in the video.
“She’s done for,” one of your friends says, reading the look on your face, and sighs. “I’m gonna hang up, I’ll see you in the morning.”
All of you say your goodnights, and of course, you remain up, your face basking in the blue light of your cell phone, as you watch Katsuki’s urgent music video supposedly with you in it.
The video culminates in Katsuki, standing by a painted mural, and you recognize the photo, an image of your face from the first time he flew you out to paint in Italy, something that would have won any girl over just from the expense and planning, but won you over because he chose you as his model, because you can still remember how his lips parted as he mixed the right colors for your hair.
I’m sorry, please pick up my call, the video closes with the words written in his handwriting, and said with his voice, and you can feel the tears streaming down your face as you wordlessly cry.
And then your phone rings.
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logan-fields-official · 3 months ago
Can I request an sbg x fem reader one-shot who has the powers of winter from aespa's new Supernova mv in the phantom world, but the drawback is that she gets sick and vomits blood + she has lucky girl syndrome (which means she's lucky asf)
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One shots are like hcs right? I’m sorry I’m a bit slow. Also I’m feeling a lot better so I will open my request back up after I finish the other two I have.
Let’s just say that your powers were discovered in the phantom dimension during a near death/stressful situation. Ashlyn honestly would be to focus on the phantom to notice that your literally floating! Until she reaches back for what should be your arm, but instead grabs your ankle.
She’d pause for a moment then hesitantly take her eyes off the phantom to you who’s most likely freaking out because your like 5 feet off the ground, like hello gravity aren’t you suppose to be doing something? Tries not to freak out as well and actually manages to do a pretty decent job.
You all manage to get back to the base and unfortunately you still haven’t found a way back to the ground. Let’s say it took the group about ten minutes to make it back to the base and that’s when the drawbacks kick in. She quite literally freaked out and I mean freaked out when you suddenly dropped to the ground and flip around to puke up some blood. She would bring you to Ben and have him look after you as he is the more medical one of the group. Though she does check on you as often as she can.
Ashlyn’s quite observant so she’d probably notice your luckiness quite quickly. She would be quite hesitant to use it as an advantage for the group until on a mission a phantom went for her and you, but with you being a lucky girl end up managing to save both of your asses.
She’d still not want to use it to the groups advantage until stuff like this happens multiple times. Though she’ll only do it with your permission.
This probably just randomly happened one night in the phantom dimension. Aiden probably hid somewhere and scared the fuck of out of you. You ended up screaming and jumping back, but oh.. your feet didn’t land back on the ground after they left it. He’d probably wouldn’t notice at first because of him laughing his ass off, but when you sound like your panicking still he’ll look up and just pause and look at you like this ‘😃’ .
He’s confused as fuck but also thinks it’s cool as fuck that you literally denied gravity. After you continue freaking out for a bit he finally snaps out of it and helps pull you down to the ground.
Only for you to collapse into his arms and a moment later snap your head to the side to throw up some blood. Though yes he ended up jolting back and holding you more away and to the side of him cause ew. He is concerned like really concerned. He'd quickly bring you to ben and stay by your side the whole time.
Okay let's be for real here, Aiden isn't like dumb, but he also isn't smart. Speaking of which there's a huge chance he didn't notice your luckiest until someone in the group points it out and he'd say something like 'oooooh... she is pretty lucky isn't she?'
He'd end up paying more attention and notice that his tricks end up going a lot better when you do them with him. Then he begs you all the time to do crazy shit with him.
When Ben first sees you randomly start floating in the air looking confused as fuck he ends up freaking out so bad that could rival Logan. He'd help you get back to the ground or catch you if you fall cause well it's Ben and he's kinda 6'0 and strong.
Got even more concerned when you suddenly coughed up some blood. He ends up bringing you somewhere safe and turns around for he swears a second, but turns around to you throwing up a lot of blood. Poor thing Almost died on the spot. Yall ended up going to some hospital and stealing some blood bags of your blood type cause like who's gonna stop you?
Is very against you using your powers really at all because of the consequences for using them to long. Though if you end up agreeing despite his warning he'll go with you or at least be close enough to keep an eye on you especially when Aiden drags you along to do stupid shit.
Now Ben with his quiet personality is more of an observer so I feel like he'd notice your luck girl syndrome pretty quickly as he started to notice all of Aidens crazy tricks don't end as bad as they should when your around.
He'd probably always be dragging you away from Aidens reckless ideas that he tries to get you involved in like carrying him while floating and floating as high as you can or even knowing Aiden fish for phantoms.
Okay we’re gonna say this happened when the group was getting the car. You had noticed the phantom before it grab Ashlyn and managed to shove her out of the way getting taken by the phantom instead. Logan almost had a heart attack when he saw you being dragged by a phantom on a roof.
Poor thing was even more hesitant to shoot the phantom. He was trying to choose when you suddenly manage to get out of Logan’s view just enough for him to shoot the phantom. Though when he checked if you were okay he saw you fall over the edge of the roof. He thought you were gonna hit the ground but instead you end up.. floating in the air?
When you and the others all make it back safe and sound.. for the most part. Your being rushed over to the medical supplies because of you puking up blood. You thought Logan was freaking out before he’s really freaking out now. He’ll stay by your side the whole time and help you with every little thing you ask him to or he thinks he needs to.
Logan would be completely against you using your powers for a long while. Though he’ll eventually warm up to you using them when you have more control over them, but he’ll still worry a bunch.
As for you being oddly lucky, Logan always noticed that you were quite lucky, but he never thought much about it. Until he noticed that literally everything went better with you around.
Honestly starting freaking out a lot more than you when you just randomly start floating out of thin air. Your just there trying to figure how the fuck your floating and trying to get down to the ground while she’s there literally panicking trying to get you down. You end up using them for to long and fall. She does catch you, but you both go down because of that.
You’d both stare at each other for a second while she makes sure your okay then y’all would both just start laughing. Until you end up snapping your head to the side and spitting up blood. Now she’s all concerned again and immediately trying to comfort you.
While your still trying to figure out your powers I feel like Taylor would stay close to you in case you hurt yourself or use them for to long, but after you end up getting better control of them she’ll leave to yourself. Though she’ll still check on you and make sure your okay.
Okay Taylor’s not dumb for sure, but she’s kind of an airhead sometimes. So I feel like she wouldn’t notice that your oddly lucky as she wouldn’t even really pay attention to it.
Taylor probably ends up finding out because someone mentions it and then she really starts to think about and she’ll be like “Y/N is really lucky..”
Tyler would be one of the first people to notice you just floating around one night in the phantom dimension and give you that exact look he gave Aiden. Though he’s just confused and shocked as fuck, also a bit concerned cause what if you fall and hurt yourself?
He’d grumble about you somehow always getting yourself into stupid shit, but does help you get to solid ground. He actually relieved that your back on the ground though.
Tyler gets really worried the moment you start to spit up blood though and is immediately helping you out. He’ll probably immediately bring you over to the medical supplies and have the others get Ben while he waits there with you. He refuses to leave your side for more then a minute after that.
As for your strange amount of luck he’s either the first person to notice or the second. He’d see it as a type of advantage for the group and probably tries to have at least you and Taylor paired up a lot so things at least go fine for her.
Now Tyler 100% has to stop your dumbass respectfully from doing stupid shit with Aiden or at least stop Aiden from dragging you into stupid shit.
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ladytauria · 1 month ago
ghaiughairg sending you another one: falling in love with your best friend's partner and stephjaytim (in any order)?
this took me ages to write for like… no reason xD
that said, i’m really proud of it; i loved writing steph’s POV!!
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>> AO3 <<
Steph’s phone chimes, and she gladly slumps in her chair, rubbing her temples. She doesn’t regret her decision to go to college, but ooh boy does she come close sometimes—especially this close to exams.
Winter break cannot come soon enough.
She spins her chair until her desk is behind her and balances her elbow on the arm of it, cradling her chin in her hand. She thumbs her phone open. There are several unread messages, but only one catches her eye.
It’s from Tim, in the group chat she shares with him and Jason.
Her traitorous heart flutters, a smile curling on her mouth despite herself.
TIM: gna mss mv nte. sry steph 😔 m SO bhnd on bdgt rvw; tam’s gna kill me. u 2 shld stl hve fn tho
Ah, yes. Timothy “vowels are optional” Drake. He’s the most atrocious texter Steph has ever met, and she hates that that makes her feel fond.
STEPH: i thought you loved paperwork?
JAY: No, he’s a stalker who loves digging through other people’s stuff. Actual paperwork he couldn’t care less about
TIM: 🛑
JAY: No <3 I told you to do it last night, babe.
STEPH: lmao busted
TIM: ws bsy
JAY: He was gaming with Kon and Bart.
TIM: & cassie & cissie
JAY: And Cassie and Cissie.
Steph snorts.
STEPH: oh, well, that was more important, obvs
TIM: c, steph gts it
JAY: Please don’t encourage him.
Steph grins.
STEPH: oh btw i picked up brownies from the bakery this morning. needed a pick me up. i was thinking i could bring them tonight
JAY: Finals are rough, huh?
JAY: If you need any help studying, you can bring your stuff. I’d be happy to help.
Steph’s heart gives another little flutter.
STEPH: u’re sweet. think i wanna just turn my brain off for the night, though.
JAY: Fair enough. I’ve got ice cream. We could warm the brownies up, maybe. And do homemade pizza.
STEPH: that sounds perfect. u’re the best jay 💜
TIM: 😭
STEPH: do your paperwork, tim 💅🏼
TIM: prsctn
JAY: …wtf tim
STEPH: damn, babe. u made jay drop capitals
STEPH: but also. what the fuck tim
TIM: persecution
JAY: Would it really kill you to type out full words?
TIM: y 🙂
STEPH: losing battle, hon. we’re lucky he still uses letters.
He doesn’t bother with Cass. Their conversations happen in full emoji, like modern hieroglyphics. Steph gives herself an 80% chance of correctly deciphering them.
With the rest of them, Tim uses words. Or, well. Something approximate to words, chopping them down to their basest parts and supplementing with emojis wherever possible. It’s kind of entertaining, especially when it makes Bruce and Jason furrow their brows in exactly the same way.
Not that Steph would ever point that out. She has some sense of self-preservation.
JAY: Point. Okay. Pizza, brownies and ice cream, and popcorn. Dinner of champions. I’ve got some fancy popcorn, but I’ll save that for next time.
TIM: 🥰
STEPH: suppose we can put some brownies aside for him too, yeah?
JAY: I suppose. He’ll have to live without pizza, though. I doubt there’ll be leftovers.
TIM: 🥰🥰🥰
JAY: 6 still work for you, Steph?
STEPH: Yeah, 6 is still good. Good luck on your paperwork, Tim. See you tonight, Jay 💜
As soon as she sends the text she groans, collapsing back in her chair and throwing her arm over her face. The heart was too much. Hell, the pet names were too much. Why were they still hanging out with her? She was so obvious.
Her phone buzzes twice. It takes her a moment to look at them, peering through her fingers.
TIM: thx. hv fn 2nite! ❤️
JAY: See you tonight, Steph. <3
The returned hearts do nothing to calm her pulse or lower her blush. But they do make her feel a little better, at least. She checks her alarms, double checking she still has one set for movie night. Then she gets up to stretch.
She’s got two more hours of studying left. Better make the most of them.
>> AO3 <<
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colorisbyshe · 8 months ago
Click here for part one (highlights being Kaytranada and Charli's albums)(listen to Cactus Water by Channel Tres who was on Kaytranada's album)
Goat Girl's motorway is for the girlies into... the indie girlies. Music to reflect on your life to.
JESSIE WARE!!!!!!! & ROMY's LIFT YOU UP! Feel good dance track. Just vibrant and joyful. What a lovely way to end Pride month.
Normani FINALLY released her album. Not mindblowing (and some of the teaser versions of songs are better) but it's enjoyable to listen to all the way through. Highlights are "All Yours" which feels luxurious, "Take my Time" which is sweet and pleasant, "Insomnia" which has a sprinkling of Daft Punk in some of the vocoding, and a more energetic "Little Secrets" which closes the album out. This is a solid debut which promises greater things down the line. Good sensibilities, just needs a bit more oomph.
Spinning off of that, check out "Endless Night" by Maeta.
Tove Lo & SG Lewis are back at it again with a mini EP! Let Me Go OH OH sounds the way Kylie's Love at First Sight MV looks, if that makes sense. Busy Girl is for Cunts on the Runway. Heat is for dancing at the club. Desire is a club mix track that is generic and yet perfectly calculated--like a chocolate chip cookie made up premium ingredients.
Megan Thee Stallion has an album out and narrowing this down to a handful of tracks is hard, even with singles excluded! Rattle is scathing and yet too cool for the haters. Down Stairs DJ combined with Where Them Girls At has convinced me she needs to collab with Cupcakke*. Worthy is summery and poppy. Spin with Victoria Monet will have you doing body rolls without even realizing, Otaku Hot Girl is a fun sample... I forgive her for insulting Sasuke avis I know where she's coming from lol.
Nayeon's album is kinda hit or miss to me but I love ABCD's bigger than life energy and the dance break in the MV. HalliGalli is just like refreshing fruit punch on a hot day
Despite not feeling the title track, Red Velvet did pull through with some music you can just float around to, Last Drop and Night Drive would be nice to wade into the ocean and stare up at the stars to. Bubble has an almost 80s Jpop veneer to it. And Love Arcade gives the album some energy it very much needed, lol. Not my fave RV project but not the bummer I expected!
She, this blog's namesake, has a new mini album! Spectral Touch and With You are expansions of She's Chiptune sound but maybe with some appeal you might find in Kavinsky's music--not the same sound at all but that sort of "driving at night through neon lights" type vibe.
The Used has a new album out, it's more of the same, but I loved the video game trailer bombasticness of Depression Personified and the return to an older whininess (said with fondness) in Before I Leave. Emos, check it out.
Catharsis by 9mm Parabellum Bullet is more rock music. Japanese and surprisingly melodic, this track is haunting. Maybe Buck-Tick enjoyers should check it out.
If you liked the Tove Lo ep, check out Baddy on the Floor by Jamie xx. Honey Dijon absolutely elevates this track into transcendence.
Amaarae said "Fountain Baby Part 2!!!" this! is a swooning afrobeats track, wanted is a song that crawls to you and up your body and grabs your hips, and sweeeet is such a natural evolution of Fountain Baby. This whole project is worth a listen!
TuNGSTeN is by Hiroyuki Sawano (TECHNICALLY a different project than my other shout out) and it's just evocative and makes me clutch at my chest but also wanna run.
Power of Two by Victoria Monet. Idk why she's doing a Star Wars song but... fuck, she hit it out of the fucking park. It's like of Kendrick/Sza's All the Stars had a dark, more cosmic child.
Lynch. has some more Japanese metalcore for anyone interested. Standouts are the frantic Un Deux Trois and A Fierce Blaze while the track Remains might appeal more to the crowd who wants more of the melodic bits that Catharis had. Buck-Tick fans I'm saying try out Remains. Not as good but you'll see the vibe
Getting no Sleep by Tinashe is a surprising follow up to Nasty but suuch a good follow up to her album BB/Angel and its more cerebral elements.
"Know You Did" by bongjeingan is a korean indie rock song not afraid to get WEIRD with it. This is a song that is everything all at once. Goes surprisingly hard at the end.
Somethin Bout You by The Knocks and Holiday87 ft Betsy feels like a dream of the 80s had by someone who passed out at the club after too much fruity drinks.
"Security" by Raleigh Ritchie (AKA LOUIS FROM IWT!V!) is a a more lowkey track than some on this but the lyrics are relatable and I remain charmed by his blunt writing style--he gets to the heart of the matter and carves at it.
"Shout" SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]. Type of song that worked great for a Trigger adventure anime (but not dunmeshi lol).
Selecta by Chase & Status ft Stefflon Don. Dancehall drum & bass great for playing a first person shooter. Click heads and bop.
9m88 was recced to me and while I haven't explored much, "Love Rain" is crooning and jazzy and a song that exists outside of time.
A throwback older than some of my followers Sonique's Sky is just good eurodance.
*this month was too stacked and i haven't listened her new album but i WILL!!
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vulpiximisa · 10 months ago
Me: i think im burnt out from idols, i should watch something else
Me also: oh boy colorful boys, lets go DreamFes
So the fact that Crunch only has the second season should have deterred me from even starting it, but I guess I didn’t want to watch anymore IMas Side M, so here we are.
I also did not look beforehand if there was any seiyuu I know in it, but this seems like the type of show that has Nobodies. Anyway, I’ve done this before with Futsal Boys, so I can handle this.
So if I thought UniteUp felt like a sports anime, this would be the more generic, played up straight up sports anime of idols. It’s preeetty much Futsal Boys but with idols. In terms of it selling something that doesn’t quite line up exactly for the target audience? I’ve never seen any of the Puri (not Cure) series or Aikatsu, but I’m assuming those are also “magical” transforming idols using cards? The most I’ve been exposed to costume changing cards is Happiness Charge Precure, which, I’m assuming was inspired by series like that. I’m not a fan of it, but I get what vibe it’s supposed to be. So like, sentai toys, but with idols. 
Anyway, not gonna lie, I binged the first three episodes straight up because it was entertaining enough. It’s not as deep as I would have liked, where Blue’s tragic backstory was Not the “I watched someone I care about commit suicide” that I thought it was gonna be, but I guess that was semi traumatizing for a kid. I can’t say the characters are necessarily deep, as Kanade’s reason for dropping soccer kind of pisses me off, and we could have gotten a little more something from Keigo before he left for the 20:32 train. (Why was this the make or break role? Was there an on going rivalry between Keigo and Shin before?) 
The pacing of the series is too fast but at the same time doesn’t really give information. I feel like it really is targeted towards 5-8 year olds with the way the story is written. (Why the characters kept dredging up 2032’s lyrics and talking about it like that. It just felt like it was written sooo simple-y.) Also the semi-repetitive lines/gags from ep 1 and 2, mostly episode 1? Felt like they were dragging for time at some point (a minute too much of Kanade handing out balloons, a minute too much of Kanade and Yellow competing)
Also, I love transformation sequences IF THEYRE NICE TO LOOK AT. The boy’s Dorika henshins are way too samey, so yeah I’m gonna be bored at them. I get it's so they have a generic enough pose so they can CG slap the DoriKa outfits on. The landing pose, dorika catch animations are nice and fun, but iunno, I guess I like my smooth 2D henshins where they are fun to look at.
I complained about IChu’s performances but I see that DF is going to try to cram a performance into each episode. I get it I get it. I think it works for DF though, even if I think the performances themselves are kinda goofy. I like the face model for the guys, but the rest of the body feels a little wonky. (Their hands look under rendered and blobby sometimes I don’t know.) Hold the Phone, this was from 2016, which was also around the time I7 came out. And these guys look leagues better than the first MonGen MV, sooooo I think I know who is winning in this category. 
I guess I can get to talking about the characters now? …I uh, I think Kanade is cute ngl. I like the ponytail and even though his seiyuu sounds unrefined in terms of vocal range/acting, I like the boyish tone. Everyone is generic as hell though, but I was semi pleasantly surprised that Kanade (Red) was butting heads with Yellow (Junya, if I feel like remembering it) instead of the usual Red vs Blue. 
Speaking of Blue, I can’t really say that Kanade’s reason for wanting Shin to stay was super developed but ngl man that chase scene and “I dont want to not see you” etc etc, that shit got to me. See, the tone could have been more serious, if Shin’s tragic backstory was about suicide, so Kanade chasing him thinking that Shin would have followed the same path because of the scandal, etc etc etc. Anyway I’m already writing fic about them in my head while watching the episode skldjflkslfk
Also ngl, Mikami grabbing Kanade and throwing him into the car saying he wanted him Sure Was A Way to Sell to Fujoshis. It’s me, I’m the Bitches. Mikami is supposed to be the fun old star, I guess, I like him, he’s fun. The DF president is also cute! Anyway, I’m looking forward to meeting the other veterans of Sankishi.
Uh oh, I accidentally looked at the seiyuu casting and I guess there actually Are notable seiyuu in here. That’s fine though, I like when they give newbies a chance, but it’s too detached when I know Nobody. (Futsal Boys.) 
Anyway, I guess I’m looking forward to Purple Sweets Shota and his maybe not so tragic backstory with the Black other Shota that might be his Twin, because we love twins. (Not me.) Also, I couldn’t tell if Keigo was also an idol in the opening or if it was someone else? Will also look forward to finding out. 
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starburstfloat · 1 year ago
ok ok i’m rly late to watching their VMA perf bc i was out all day but oh my god they KILLED IT!!!
their presence was so powerful and the michael jackson influence was *chef’s kiss* they did so well!! IMO soogyu’s vocals work rly well for this type of song and i wish that could have been captured better in this stage :( that said, the camerawork was much better here!!
and can we talk about the styling and overall creative direction too??? something is definitely up with all the rain elements for tnc: freefall 🤨 loved the whole undressing/shoulder exposure going on — it’s def still following the whole maturity arc they got going on — a teasing kind of sensuality that works so well for them. such a delicate balancing act that they nail every time
you were right that the anitta interaction could have been spicier — we’ve seen the anitta solo perf behind vid with all her dancers grinding about!! Let them use their hips!! 🗣️
overall the boys did amazing and local twt is going crazy for them too 🥹 and i’m waiting impatiently for the song’s official release, and i’m sure i’m not the only one!!
Same here I've been so busy that I haven't found the time to properly sit down and analyze it but first off YES I agree their stage presence was excellent and I also loved the Michael Jackson vibes! I loved how confident they looked and sounded. The choice to have beomgyu and soobin stay in a lower register was perfect!!
Also idk who the performance director is but I want to personally thank them for giving beomgyu the coolest intro ever!!! Like!!!! Can we talk about how epic that was?!!!
That organ music opening with the thunder and lightning better be on the official track. Goosebumps everytime!
I hadn't even considered how the stage elements tie into the narrative arc of tnc but you're right that the rain and storm are probably indicative of where their story is going. I wonder what track position back for more will be on the album because if it's the first one it would tie well together with farewell neverland, of them having jumped and fallen but perhaps hitting a storm. I'm so hyped to see the track progression on this album and do more analysis! Again, whoever is the creative director here: I WANT YOUR JOB literally such a dream
In terms of anitta's part though yeah we really could have upped the spice 🙈 I mean. We all know what she's capable of. I think I was expecting more of an interactive choreo element with her but it was obvious that they've prepared choreography that would work well without her bc obviously they can't always perform this with her. Having said that I wonder who will replace her part in the live version at their concerts? 👀
Overall I'm with you on the reaction though; they killed it and seeing the locals go "damn didn't know these kpop boys were that good" is such an ego boost hahaha anywho~!! More rambles to come as the mv drops! Hope you're having a good week 😘
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nirvanawrites111 · 3 years ago
Arch That Back, Baby (Taemin x Dom!Reader One-Shot)
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Title: Arch That Back, Baby
Pairing: Sub!Taemin x Dom! Reader
Warnings: Smut, Pegging, Taemin sucking a strap, Unprotected sex, strong language, jealous Taemin, cam sex, voyeurism, spanking
Other idols mentioned: Max Changmin, Kai, Jimin, Ravi
Word Count: 4029
Summary: You are a songwriter for SM ent. and get a chance to collab with Max Changmin and you are the song release party. Taemin is jealous but you will handle him when you get home.
"You are really beautiful, Y/N," Changmin mentions, and he's only a few inches away from you. All night you have been near one another.
His well-tailored suit, expensive cologne, and designer shoes tell a story of a successful singing career that's lasted almost 20 years.
You, on the other hand, aren't afforded the same luxuries, and you are sure many people are wondering how you got here today.
You aren't sure if people even know who you are. All night people have come over to you two and only held conversations with Changmin and blatantly ignored you.
Changmin explains each time that you are fluent in Korean and that you are the beautiful voice on the song. Many nervously laugh in disbelief, but you ignore it.
You still smile in your black Gucci dress that your manager rented, and it makes you feel good to have such expensive textile wrapped against your skin.
Changmin takes notice, and his eyes drive down your body. His gaze moves along like he wants to call your body home, even only just for one night.
You aren't used to this type of attention from him. You sip your glass of sparkling water to ease the tension of his suggestive glares that have marked you all night.
This is the first time you've seen him behave in this way.
"That's sweet of you to say," you finally address his comment, and you clear your throat.
"How's your wife doing? Where is she?" You change the subject and bring his wife to the front of his brain so he can act like he's got some type of sense.
"My wife.. uh, she's at home," Changmin's stumbling and nervous laugh bother you a bit. "But why are we bringing her up?"
"I just wanted to know why she wasn't here."
"I mean, she thinks you're beautiful, too."
"Okay, I wish I could say the same, but I've never seen her at any of our sessions," you reply.
"It's more of an arrangement. She lets me do whatever I want," he continues to add.
You want to walk off because now the conversation is turning into something you aren't prepared for. You would rather be home in bed, but this is your last promotional event before the MV drops tonight.
"Oh. Well, I think we should continue to keep things professional."
Changmin says something else, but you tune him out. You look past him and see Taemin with his best friends. He's being overly animated and loud, and you know that's not his true nature.
You're not sure if he's had a few drinks or if he wants to grab your attention.
By his constant glares, you can tell he's wanted your attention all night, and you see how he continues to reach into his pocket for his phone.
You watch his face tighten when he looks at the screen, and he shoves his phone back into his pocket.
Taemin's eyes cut over at you, but then he quickly returns his attention to his friends Ravi and Kai.
You know he's texted you all night, but your manager has your phone. You can only imagine what the text messages say.
You've noticed during the duration of the party that Taemin's eyes haven't left your side. So, you already know that your proximity to his sunbaenim is bothering him.
You take a step back, hoping that Changmin doesn't notice, but he does, and he leans even closer to you.
"Why don't we just get out of here? Just me and you?" Changmin asks.
His forward offer comes out of left field. You've worked with him for the last two weeks to complete a feature for him. You've been alone with him, and not once has he even made a suggestive move towards you.
You look at Changmin's hand, and he's been nursing sparkling water all night, so it's not that he's drunk. Or, maybe he had a few drinks before the party.
"Again. I didn't agree to work with you to get a chance to sleep with you. I'm not going to tell you again, but I'm not interested," you say.
This time your tone is dominant. You've worked with different people worldwide, and you've always prided yourself on keeping things professional.
"Are you really going to let Changmin be close to her like that?" Ravi taunts him, and Taemin clenches his jaw.
"I didn't know Y/N liked guys like him," Kai adds. The men start to laugh, all except Taemin.
Taemin rolls his eyes for the thousandth time and is starting to feel the irritation rise in his throat.
"You know how he is," Taemin groans. He wants nothing more than to go over to Changmin and pull you away from him.
He keeps seeing it happen in his head, but he knows it's nothing more than a daydream.
"I mean, it's not like she's your girlfriend or anything. So, why trip?" Ravi asks.
"I'm not. She can fuck him if she wants," Taemin forces a smile.
"You're not serious," Kai's mouth is nearly open.
"I am.. she will probably fuck him," Taemin says.
"Is that what y'all are into? Don't tell me you're a cuck?" Ravi asks.
"I'm not. But, I can't control her."
"I dare you to go over there and make a scene," Kai says.
"I don't want to ruin her night," Taemin declines.
"Well, she's already ruined yours," Kai says.
You see Taemin approaching you with wide steps. You take another sip of your water. You aren't sure what he will say, but it's better than convincing Changmin you're not interested.
"Good Evening, Y/n," He smirks at you, then looks at Changmin. "Evening, Sunbaenim," he bows.
"Ah, Lee Taemin. I didn't know you were coming to this event tonight. I didn't know  SM's second biggest star would bless us with his presence," Changmin's sarcastic tone bothers you even more.
"Very funny. Yes, I had to support SM's best singer/songwriter. Oh, and you too, Changmin," Taemin throws shade at him, and you chuckle.
"Well, if you two excuse me, I have to mingle with a few more people," Changmin says, and doesn't even give you or Taemin a chance to respond.
"Ugh, you know that fool propositioned me?" You groan and shake off the negative energy off you.
"You seem to like it."
"Taemin, no eww.  He's married with a child. C'mon."
"I know you like older guys."
"Nope, I like 93ers."
"No, you don't. You flirted with him all night as if I wasn't even there watching you two. Laughing and do lots of skinship."
"Minnie? Are you okay?" You try to touch his forehead to see if he's warm, but he dodges your touch.
"Y/N, you're playing games with me. Why did you invite me?"
You look around the room to see if anyone is paying attention to your conversation with him. Why of all nights would he choose to argue?
You decide to go outside to the balcony to get some fresh air. The last thing you need is to have a scandal with Taemin.
When you first got to SM, you were specified and told you would never work with Taemin. You didn't understand why or question it. So, technically your "situationship" with him doesn't break your moral code.
You lean over the railing, and you hear your manager's melodic voice behind you.
"Y/n, why did you storm off from Taemin?"
"I'm not feeling well," you lie.
"There are a lot of important people here that watch everything you do. Remember, you cannot fraternize with the idols."
"Sooyoung," you turn around to face him. "You know Taemin is different."
"He's not worth losing your job. You've been doing so good. Getting caught up with him is bad news."
Sooyoung probably knows that you do mess around with Taemin. But, his bad boy backstage persona is just smoke and mirrors. He's a submissive whore who whines and comes undone on your strap.
"I'm not losing my job."
"So, why has he sent you over 20 messages since we've been here?" Sooyoung holds your phone up to your face.
"Soo! He's just my friend."
"I saw how he watched you and Changmin all night. He's your weakness. You need to get rid of him. Let tonight be the last time you speak to him. You know they are harder on foreigners, and you're a black woman."
"I know, I know. I will figure it out."
"Do whatever you have to do to get him out of your system. This collab with Changmin could be the start of your singing career."
"I don't want to be an idol," you whine.
"Too late. Lee Sooman sees something in you. This opportunity can change your life."
You sigh because you know he's right.
"Alright, I'm going home."
"Don't take Taemin, either."
You roll your eyes and suck your teeth. "You said I can have one more night with him."
"Fine. You better not get caught."
You look at the many text messages of Taemin being the bratty sub he is, and you shake your head. You stand at the back entrance and wait for your car to pick you up.
The black SUV pulls up, and you put your phone in your purse. Hopefully, no one makes a big deal about you leaving. Your manager stands shoulder to shoulder with you.
"No more, Taemin, after tonight," he reminds you.
Your manager opens the back door and groans when he sees Taemin in the backseat.
He looks back at you and starts to speak. But, you kiss him on the cheek and hop in the backseat before anyone can figure out that Taemin is in your car.
"Bye, Sooyoung! Love you, boo!" you grin, and shut the door before he can say anything else.
"What's his problem?"
"You," I roll my eyes.
"What did I do to him?"
"He says I have to cut you off tonight."
"Sooyoung doesn't run shit, and he's a new manager. Euisoo said he likes us together. He says you keep me in check."
If only Euisoo knows the things that you do to Taemin. You smirk to yourself and think about the last time you were together.
"Not enough if you had to start a fight with me tonight."
"Changmin is a whore. I didn't want you to fall for it."
"We've been fucking for three months now. I don't do anything else besides work, eat, fuck you, and sleep. You are literally a part of my routine, Taem."
"I don't know. Ravi and Kai were making fun of me. Saying Changmin was going to steal my girl."
"Ugh, I knew this wasn't you. You let them get into your head and create problems for us. I swear they are baiting you."
"You know why."
"So, you weren't going home with Changmin?"
"You're not serious right now, are you?"
"A little. I mean, he was practically all over you tonight. He danced with you like you were his woman. I mean, Sooyoung is worried about me, but he should be worried about Changmin."
"Taemin, please. Not this shit tonight. Turn Jealous Taemin off, please. I'm not in the mood. Sooyoung says they want to make me an idol."
"That's not you. You're not fake, Y/N. Your melanin is too perfect to be whitened."
"I know, but this could be a good opportunity. I could use the money."
"Don't do it. There are a million Changmins in our industry.. honestly worse than him. Just stick to songwriting."
"Well, I wanted to write for you, but they won't let me."
"I know. I told them I didn't want to work with you."
"Because I've wanted you since you stepped foot in Korea, and I knew that if we worked together, it would have been too obvious."
"Damn, you were plotting on me from the beginning."
"Of course, I was."
You stand in front of the camera and position it perfectly in front of the bed. You have already changed your wig to a honey blonde bob wig. You have on your favorite black leather bra and a matching skirt.
You turn the camera and wait for your normal viewers to pop into the chat.
KJI: Taem is trouble, right?
KW: He talked a lot of shit tonight
You smile internally when you notice who has entered the room already—his two best friends who set him up for failure.
You are not exactly sure why you've become a part of the voyeurism crew, but you like it. Sometimes you watch Jimin with his partner, Kai with his, and sometimes Kai and Ravi share the same partner.
"Yes, Minnie is in trouble. His mouth always gets him in trouble, so he'll use it a lot tonight."
"Come here whore," you call out to Taemin. You hear him walk over to you, and you grin at how he's taken the time to get sexy for you.
"Mmm... Minnie, you look hot as fuck," You compliment him. You admire the dark smoky eye makeup he's put on and a bit of lipgloss for highlighting those juicy lips.
Tonight he wears a mesh crop top with a very short skirt. He looks so damn good in those fishnet leggings.
"Thank you, Mistress," he replies.
You pull him over to the camera, and you lift his skirt. You reveal his thong to the patronage watching.
"Minnie, you look so good. You made a mistake by wearing a thong for me," you say. You squeeze his ass and slap it a few times.
PJ: Sorry I'm late.. what did I miss?
"You didn't miss anything, PJ. Your bestie was bratty all night long, so he's going to pay for it."
"Now, what was all that shit you were talking earlier?" You confront Taemin.
"Nothing, mistress. I just didn't like how close he was to my Dom. I don't want to share you."
"Do you think I'm a whore?" you ask.
"No, mistress."
"You know you don't share me with anyone. Except I fuck you in front of your horny ass friends. But, that's it," you giggle.
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Lay across my lap," you command to him. You sit back against the couch, and you look at the TV next to your computer so you can see the comments.
KJ: Are you going to spank him?
"Maybe, you'll just have to wait and see," You lift Taemin's skirt and rub on his ass. You caress him. You are thinking about to what you want to do to him.
Spanking him would just be too easy and expected.
PJ: Damn, can I be next?
"See, Minnie, your friends, are a bunch of whores. PJ is requesting that he be next," you say, and shake your head. You aren't thinking about any of his friends.
If you lose it all, you would rather take that risk with Taemin. Your connection with him is deeper than just a sexual relationship. You both trust each other fully.
"How do you want to punish me, Mistress? I've been bad," Taemin says, and you enjoy how he's craving his punishment. You continue to rub his ass, and you look at the comments.
"So impatient. I will punish you when I get ready," You say.
You read the comments, and you see a comment from Ravi
KW: I say you pound his little ass. He said you were probably going to fuck Changmin.
"Oh really?" You grab Taemin by his hair and pull him up from your lap so he can look up at you. "Minnie, you told your friends you I was going to fuck Changmin. What made you think that?"
"I'm sorry.. I didn't mea-" You stop him in his tracks and slap his ass. You watch it jiggle, and it excites you even more.
"You're sorry, what? You know your friends come back and tell me everything you say. Talk about loyalty? Your friends are literally stroking their dicks, watching you get punished. Some friends you have," you chuckle.
"I'm sorry for," you didn't wait for him to answer, and you slap his ass again.
"On your knees, Taemin," you command.
Taemin does as he's told and gets down on his knees in front of you. His eyes are connected to yours, and he's anticipating your next move.
You stand up over him and unzip the middle zipper that goes all the way down your short leather skirt.
"Open your mouth," you say.
"Yes, mistress," he replies, and he looks up at your strap and licks his lips.
You move over to him and grab the back of his head. You turn him so that they can see him from the side.
"This is what happens when you talk too fucking much," You grab him by the head and pump into his mouth.
Taemin takes it all in and slurps on your strap. He sucks on it, almost gagging, but this isn't his first rodeo.
"Suck it... Taemin, show your friends what you can do with that throat of yours," you mewl and guide his head so that it can suck it faster.
You look over at the chat and look at the comments.
KW: Damn, this is hot
PM: I feel like we should be paying to see this
KJI: Don't choke, bestie
"Aww, your friends are enjoying the show. KJI says don't choke, bestie," you say, and you hold in your laugh.
"Never," Taemin manages to say around your strap. You find his comment to be a bit cocky.
You put both hands behind the back of his head, and you fuck his throat. You look down at the tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
"Mmm.. that's right, you throat whore. Take this strap like you're supposed to," you say, and work your hips into him.
You look down and notice his dick is hard.  
You pull out of his mouth and pull him up to give him a sloppy kiss. He's thirsty for what you give him and enjoying your tongue in his mouth.
Your hands are roaming all over his body. You squeeze on his ass. You rip the crotch area of his fishnet stockings.
"You are so fucking hot," you sit back against the couch, and Taemin smirks at you.
"Strip," you say.
You watch him remove his shirt, and he reaches behind him and unzips his skirt. It falls down his beautiful body and pools around his feet.
He might have been bratty all night, but tonight he's your obedient slut waiting eagerly for your next move.
You take a moment to admire his body for a moment. He pulls down his ripped fishnets and removes his panties with your name on them.
Taemin stares at you and waits for your next instruction. You grab his hand and pull him to you. You stand up and push him against the couch.
"You ready for me?" you ask.
"Yes, mistress."
"Even though I know you want your hole ruined, I'm not gonna top you tonight," you say.
"But, mistress... I need you. I want you to fuck my ass."
You rub his chin and remove your strap. You toss it on the other chair.
You sit down on his lap and face him. "You don't want to feel my pussy?" you ask. You grind your body against his dick.
"I do," he looks down at your pussy.
"So, why are you acting like that, Taem?" you question. You hold your finger to the bottom of his chin and pull his face up to yours.
"You know I love when you fuck me hard.. especially when I've been bad," Taemin mumbles.
"You want the strap that bad?"
"Yes, mistress," Taemin says. He nods, and you tap his ass.
"Okay, get up and lean over the couch," you instruct. You get up to grab the strap. You put it back on, and then you grab the lube. You pour the lube on the strap and massage it all over it. You go over to the camera and read the comment.
KW: He doesn't deserve the strap
JM: Fuck him good, pls!
KJI: Don't split my bestie in half
"I won't split him in half, but I won't be gentle either," you respond.
You move behind him. "Arch, your back, baby."
"Yes, mistress."
Taemin arches his back, and you lube his ass, and you stick one finger inside of him. He moans and clenches around your finger.
"Relax, baby. You want to feel good, right?"
"Uhm hm.. Mistress," he whimpers.
You stick another finger inside of him to get him ready for you. He reacts to you and moans out. The sound alone is music to your ears.
You position yourself behind him and guide your strap into him. You slowly work yourself into him.
Taemin moans your name, and you speed up.
"How does it feel?"
"So good.."
"If this is what you wanted you didn't have to talk shit to get it."
You rub on his back, and Taemin throws his cute little ass against your strap. No one can take it like him.
"Fuck," he groans. You love to see him like this for you. He might have millions of people crazy over him, but he's a simp for you and only you.
You pull out of him and tell him, "Get on your back. I want to watch you," you say.
Taemin quickly moves and lies on his back. You tower over him and press your body against his. He wraps his legs around your waist.
You stroke his dick while you slide back inside of him. You hold onto his hips as you rock into him.
This position is intimate and super personal. His eyes are glossy, lips slightly parted, and moans are slipping from his mouth.
Even though you told your manager it was the last time, you know deep down inside you can't let him go. Being with him is too good.
Seeing him fall apart like this for you on your strap makes you wet. You love this feeling.
The truth is you have feelings for Taemin even though you want to deny it.
"This is all... I wanted all night," Taemin groans and grinds against you. The vibrate of both of you working together feels too good. You feel your pussy clench.
"I'm so close..." Taemin moans and grips the couch. He reaches down and strokes his dick.
"Cum for me then," you say, and fuck him harder.
His legs grip your waist tighter, and his hand works faster. He releases it, and it drips on his stomach. You pull out of him and take off your strap.
"I want you to cum inside of me," you say. You look into his eyes and see the desire in them.
You remove your strap and toss it. You look down at Taemin is hard again for you.
You slide down on his length and move forward to press your lips against his juicy lips. You lose yourself for a moment in his kisses. They are hot, wet, and passionate.
You work yourself on his dick and rock yourself on him while he holds your waist.
"You're just my beautiful toy to use. Mistress made you cum, but now it's my time. Touch me," you say.
Taemin strokes your clit, and you're still connected in a kiss. You've been waiting all night to feel him inside of you again.
"I love you," Taemin says, while in his tongue is deep inside of your mouth, and you feel yourself coming undone.
This is the first he's ever uttered those words to you, and you feel the built of all the tension from tonight. You explode on his cock.
"I love you too," you cry out. Your legs are shaking and trembling. You cum again, and this time Taemin, he releases with you.
Your mouth is still against his, and your body is still sensitive and trembling.
"Fuck, that was perfect."
"I know... it's not the last time, right?"
"Nope," you say.
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decembermoonskz · 3 years ago
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+ ateez : the world ep.1 : movement | my comeback review/thoughts °˖✧
figured i’d start doing this bc it’s a lot of fun writing these haha enjoy me screaming, making incoherent sentences and losing it over them. (tldr i love ateez so much) i used a star for my favorite songs!
album ;
now then, time to get into the album! >:)
first off hongjoong’s “wake up world” intro is so cool. it gives me chills.
the sirens(?) and the very cybernetic vibes of the synth are so cool (that synth key change freaked me out highkey it’s ominous)
when the guitar hits tho it’s so interesting, like it reminded me of “daisy” by pentagon (it’s the same key as that song actually iirc) but also it’s like a calmer “guerrilla” as well with jongho’s vocals.
this is a great intro imo
:: Sector 1 ★
THE INTRO!!! IT’S FROM THEIR PREV MVs!!!! NEAR THE END WHEN YOU SEE THE MAN WITH THE MASK!! this literally got me so riled omfg!!
but omg the song is so so good! it’s one of my new favorite b-sides from them for sure
the chill intro and then jongho comes in and it completely becomes the hype ateez dance anthem vibe again
hongjoong + mingi rap coming in again and slaying fucking fr *cries* (mingi’s rap is so so good! it’s both lowkey but has his usual aggression it’s perfect) 
the pre-chorus is so good tho omg yunho *head in hands*
the make it rain / make a wave part is so fucking catchy omg i just groove to it
san’s part in the bridge with his lower register has me feeling some type of way *looks away*
def an instant fave
:: Cyberpunk
oh my god the intro slapped me in the face
the funky synth tho is so good omg the loop isn’t too droning or annoying i like it
ooh the chorus tho... :000 the keys they’re hitting and the progression, it’s almost like a circus type of feeling i love it so much.
hongjoong’s rap is so good so fluid MINGI CAME BACK
jfc jongho went up three octaves (go off man goodness)
i like this one a lot, has a eerie vibe but very techno and dystopian i love it (the circus-y chorus made me think of the circus area in nier automata)
:: Guerrilla ★
THIS SONG MOTHERFUCKING SLAPS!! it’s definitely one of my favorite title tracks from them already. 
on first listen i knew immediately
hongjoong and mingi’s raps are one of my new favorites for them for sure *nod nod* (the relaxed vibe in hongjoongs and the flow of mingi’s >>>>)
the song perfectly captures the vibe of their stroyline and the imagery they were creating in the mv and even on its own it explains the story perfectly! if you’re just getting into them this is still a great intro into their overall aura for sure!!
jongho’s vocals are really amazing in this one, the ones in the ending of the chorus are almost haunting it’s amazing 
the clearness of the guitar at the end of the chorus is pure ear candy i won’t take any other opinions. thank you.
yunho and san’s part in the second verse!!!!!!!! i lost my mind omg the way san went up in his falsetto set me off it was soooo pretty (such a contrast to the rough and dark color of the song i loved it)
THE BRIDGE >>>>>>>>
the metal elements were not overused or oversaturated which was so nice imo i’m glad they didn’t overuse the heavy metal screaming sample i think it would be too grating on my ears otherwise. they placed it in the song at the perfect times which is amazing 
overall the song is great. the composition is amazing 10/10 for sure!
:: The Ring ★
oooh this one sounds so interesting. 
i wasn’t expecting how slow the beat was.
OMG the pre-chorus + chorus is AMAZING!!!!! omg i loved the buildup and the drop was delayed too! i was anticipating it but omg it caught me off guard. it’s so good!! the bass hits so perfectly
omg hongjoong you better mfing slay
THAT DROP IS SO GOOD *head in hands*
the ascension of the vocals i love ittttt
help- i didn’t even realize this song is freakin four minutes LOL i was like “omg it’s still going” HAHA
omg the lotr. ty salena for pointing it out i wasn’t a lotr kid don’t judge me
:: WDIG (Where Do I Go) ★
oh snap the intro!
mingi tell ‘em omg!! 
my head is bopping
the autotune is actually used nicely i’m a fan
OOOOOH THE CHORUS YES! it’s slower than i expected the hits are so good!!
omg i love this one so much!!! 
:: New World
i feel like i’m in a video game and we’re heading for the final battle
it’s such a good vibe for their storyline!! like we’re heading into the battle or starting a revolution! it’s so epic feeling
what a great conclusion to the album!!
mv/performance ;
okay now to just talk about the mv and the dance and stuff. omg this was an amazing comeback and it really speaks to their lore and storyline! they went all in with this one for their universe they’ve made and i’m absolutely in love with it!! when i saw the teaser where hongjoong took the mask off and the heavy metal screams came in i knew this was gonna be an amazing comeback and i was right!
the mv was absolutely amazing!! i loved the sets and the overall vibe. the way they’re starting the rebellion/revolution and rising up it feels like they’re phoenixes that the world they’re in tried to silence and they’ve risen again. 
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this was my favorite image from the mv by far. the symbolism and the revolution themes here are so beautiful. the colors too i love it so much. this has to be one of the prettiest scenes i’ve seen in an mv period. i love it so much. if i’m not mistaken they’re referencing an existing painting (if you guys know it please let me know bc i can’t think of it right now). 
the visual effects are so wild but at the same time they could be overwhelming when hongjoong and mingi were rapping. i for one loved them, i say this more for people who may be new to atz or not aware of their storyline/lore, however it felt like it was fitting that it was overwhelming, bc at least for my interpretation they’re overwhelming this so-called perfect system the world they’re in claims to live in.
the styling was so nice too. the all black outfits were so nice but the ones they had in the area where the blimp flew over them were nice too! i loved the styling overall and it felt so good! 
i want to say props to their staff and their team for making such a great vibe that felt so unique and distinctive for ateez and the world they’ve made.
final thoughts ; 
if you made it this far then thanks for listening to my rambling but i just had so many thoughts about this comeback (i’ll probs do this for other cbs as well when i feel up to it) this comeback is probably one of the best in 2022 and also just in general for me. i’m gonna enjoy and savor this era so much. it’s truly a masterpiece! ateez are such amazing performers and storytellers. period. 
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morkleemelon · 4 years ago
nct ideal types 2021 :: 127
dream version | the confirmed facts are all from various interviews or fan questions but ‘my thoughts’ may well not be accurate! this is just for fun~ mark and haechan are in the dream version
moon taeil
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confirmed: someone cute with a short bob hairstyle
my thoughts:
taeil is a super chill, laid back guy who gets along with more outgoing members like johnny and haechan. this makes me believe he’d want a funny, outgoing partner to balance with his personality
he mentioned cute so this makes me think small or petite. definitely shorter than him.
he said once that he would love to sing to his future girlfriend all the time (she will be so lucky oh my gosh). not to mention he is very passionate about music and dropped out of a prestigious music school to join nct. so he would definitely need someone who likes and appreciates music
he said if he were a girl, he’d date yuta out of all of the 127 members. so perhaps he just thinks yuta is boyfriend material, but maybe taeil is attracted to the strong-minded, caring type
seo johnny
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confirmed: someone who smiles at him a lot. similar to girl’s generation’s yoona
my thoughts: 
johnny seems to get along with everyone so this is a bit tricky to try to determine. he confirmed he likes yoona so going off of that, she’s obviously gorgeous and has a beautiful smile. her personality is also elegant, but down to earth and funny
he was voted by everyone including himself as the most romantic member. he says that he hopes one day he can build christmas trees with his wife just like he used to do with his mom (I’m so soft). I think he’s looking for someone who likes sappy romance and will flirt back with him
he’s tall. and since he named yoona as his ideal type, I think he’d prefer a taller girl (but not taller than him). then again, I’m not sure if he’d care all too much 
he said he would date doyoung if he were a girl so I think that entails someone easily tease-able, neat, and proper
lee taeyong
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confirmed: someone who can teach him, lead him, and make up for his flaws. a girl with long hair of any race. laid back. his ideal type is the same as ten’s. someone hard-working has a tough style. 
my thoughts:
he’s highkey a weeb (don’t deny this). no matter how charismatic he is on stage, we all know he’s a big softie who likes bugs and frogs and anime. he expressed he had a really hard time coming out of his shell and he’s quite introverted. he needs someone who’s strong-minded and knows what they’re doing
I remember when the rookies just came out in like 2014 and TY was 19 (?) ish and he confirmed that he’d never dated anyone yet. nobody believed him because he was so handsome but I have a feeling he was telling the truth. it’s been several years since then so I’m not sure how things have changed, but I have a feeling he would like someone experienced.
“any race” what a king. looks-wise besides having long hair, I can envision someone with great style. perhaps dyed hair, multiple piercings, tattoos, the works. fashion is something that tae really appreciates
nakamoto yuta
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confirmed: a girl with short hair and is around 15 cm shorter than him (so about 160cm aka 5′3″). an empathetic, cute girl who doesn’t ‘act pretty’. someone bright and comfortable
my thoughts:
he has a lot of confirmed facts about looks which are also really specific. maybe he just knows what he wants. but I also thinks he has experience. it seems like he wants a tomboy who has a strong vibe
he likes being the ‘oppa’ and taking care of others like we see him do with winwin, mark, and jungwoo. he’d be into someone who looks up to him and who he can lead
I don’t have a reason but I think he would like someone who laughs a lot and laughs at his jokes (maybe because mark does and he loves mark)
someone who’s not embarrassed to be herself
during oshiete japan��they had to pick out of 4 types of roses to gift to their ‘girlfriend’. him and haechan were the only ones who chose to give 3 roses to their ‘girlfriend’. the psychologist analyzed this and said that they’re ‘flirts who seek attention’. so that being said, I think yuta would like someone who gives him a lot of attention and reactions
kim doyoung
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confirmed: someone polite and who treats their elders well
my thoughts:
I mean this in all seriousness, someone the exact opposite as haechan. while we can see in rare times that he does care for him, doyoung usually cannot stand haechan and all his tricks and taunting. as his confirmed type outlines, doie is really looking for someone who takes things seriously and listens to him well
I think he often feels underappreciated - a lot of times during his mv viewing reactions, the editors show another member during his part or just cut him out and you can tell he’s really disappointed (it hurts my heart). he would really like someone who goes out of their way to make him feel appreciated. 
when nct 127 went on oshiete japan, doyoung was the only one to pick the potted rose and the psychologist there said that it means he isn’t looking to just date around, but rather to settle down and have a stable relationship. I strongly believe that doyoung is looking for someone long-term.
also, his love language is giving gifts (from my observation since he often gifts the members foods during mv shoots and gifted TY the couple ring). my best guess is that he’d want to spoil his partner a lot with gifts to show his feelings. someone who appreciates his gifts and understands that they come from his heart
he thinks ariana grande is hot so that’s the only visual thing I can think of. she’s obviously very gorgeous but she’s petite and has an amazing voice
jung jaehyun
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confirmed: a kind woman with long, straight hair who can communicate well with him. someone dependable, healthy, and into sports. someone usually calm but can be cute. doesn’t care if she’s older or younger. someone similar to him. someone like singer/actress IU. 
my thoughts: 
he has a lot of confirmed facts so I don’t have to make many assumptions here. someone with girl next door energy? 
he says he likes IU, so going with that, someone petite and cute. She’s not afraid to speak her mind and treats everyone with kindness.
I think J was born to be romantic (literally, born on valentines day). he said his previous ambition was to be a teen dad and his lines from make a wish english version “spoil her with loyalty” sum up my next prediction: he wants someone like a best friend who’s in it for the long run
dong sicheng
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confirmed: someone with long, black hair
my thoughts:
he said his favorite actress is shu qi. although I don’t know if he just likes her acting or if she actually fits his ideal type, she is a traditional chinese beauty which I think winwin appreciates
he’s really introverted and is often overwhelmed by affection (i.e. all of the nct members). the exception is jaehyun and winwin seems to be the most comfortable around him. this makes me think he wants someone calm and chic
sicheng prefers staying inside to going out. not to diagnose him at all, but I reckon he can get socially anxious around large amounts of people. he’d like a partner who doesn’t overwhelm him and understands him
he really can’t cook (he couldn’t turn on a stove to make an egg on winformation). in the end, it wouldn’t matter, but i’m thinking that if you can cook you’d certainly earn some bonus points with him. it’s like that saying ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’.
kim jungwoo
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confirmed: n/a
my thoughts: 
of all the members, I think jungwoo has expressed the least about his ideal type. not to make any unnecessary assumptions (but that’s all this post is really), but someone said he has strong bi energy. I can’t say anything because I’m not bi myself and I’m not him, but I can see this being a thing. take this with a grain of salt because I don’t actually have evidence
during oshiete japan, he was the only one to pick the large bouquet of roses to give to his ‘lover’. the psychologist analyzed this as him liking to pretend that he is in love and wanting to show his good side. he “can’t express his real feelings and doesn’t want to ever show his lame side to his lover”. because of this, I strongly feel that jungwoo would need someone who lifts his confidence and reassures him
the members he gets along with the most are probably yuta and mark. their personalities are quite different but based on their similarities, I think he is attracted to confidence, open-mindedness, and good work ethic.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years ago
okay so I love littlemix!reader x Tom holland??? the best pairing ever??? Anyways could you do something based of Holiday, like it’s obviously based off their lovers and maybe his reaction to the song & mv? Pls I’m in love with Baby Mix btw 😌❤️
Glad you’re enjoying the Little Mix member!reader x Tom Holland fics, I’m enjoying them too🥰 Thank you for the support on Baby Mix, btw, I appreciate it! Sorry for taking so long! Much love and happy reading💖
I completely forgot when the girls dropped the video so I’m making up a time. Enjoy:)
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Counting down the minutes to midnight, Tom continuously refreshed the YouTube app on your smart tv. The two of your were in his shared home with Harry, Harrison, and Tuwaine. You’ve been staying with the lot since the beginning of quarantine; London’s travel ban prevented you from catching a flight back home to your family, resulting in your boyfriend, Tom, begging you to stay with him and his mates. You didn’t have a problem with it in all honesty, the boys were great and respectful roommates. Though you were the only woman in the house, they provided you with entertainment and respected your alone time. They were a nice group of lads, letting you in on inside jokes and making you feel like you were part of the gang. By now, you probably were part of the gang. Harrison even considered on replacing Tom with you.
“Bubs, the video’s not gonna be up yet.” You glance at the screen that showed the previous videos the band’s channel posted. Tom huffed, nudging your arms apart so he can squeeze through them to lay on your chest. The two of you were currently in his room waiting for the release of Holiday’s music video. Tom had been anticipating the video all day, asking for hints about the music video’s concept and wondering how it looked.
With his body snuggled up against yours, he rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arm around your torso. His other hand reached towards the tv with the remote as he clicked the video for Break Up Song.
“I know it’s not gonna be up yet, but what if they accidentally uploaded it early? I wanna see the video already.” He whined. His fingers began to drum to the beat of Break Up Song on your stomach.
You laughed, fingers carding through his brown curls that have grown for the past months. He hums along to the song while you text the girls. He lets out a chuckle once he sees you on the screen doing the dance that he’s been helping you learn for the video. You had been struggling to get the choreography down and doing the moves on time. Noticing your desperate attempts at the moves, Tom offered to help you. Obviously in the end you perfected the choreography, seeing as it made the video, thanks to Tom.
“You are so cute.” He mused watching you dance around in the video. “Look at you dance, I don’t know what you were so worried about. You look so adorable when you dance and look at your face! Just wanna squish those cheeks together.” He began to tease you. You whine his name out as he reached up to squish your cheeks together with his hand. Your phone began to rang causing him to stop. He glances at the sceeen, “It’s my best friend, lemme answer it.”
“Go ahead.” You giggled handing him your phone. His head remains on your chest as he answers the FaceTime call. Jesy pops up on the screen with a giant smile but it drops once she sees Tom, changing into a playful scowl.
“Hi best friend!” Tom greets her loudly, a playful grin on his face. Jesy rolls her eyes at the boy.
“Hi Tom.” She greeted him sarcastically. “Give the phone to (y/n).”
“She’s right here, see,” Tom moved the phone further away so you were both in the frame. You waved at her, “Jess I miss you!” You cried.
“I miss you too darling—Tom give her the bloody phone!” Jesy scolded him through the phone. He let out a dramatic sigh before handing you your phone and snuggling into your stomach, mumbling something about “not being able to catch a break from the constant bullying of Jesy Nelson.”
“Right just a few minutes left, I’m trying to get the other girls on here.” Jesy explained as she tapped around her phone. Sooner or later. The two of you were joined by Perrie, Jade, and Leigh-Anne.
Perrie let out a squeal as she saw everyone on the screen, “You guys I miss you so much!”
“Didn’t we all see each other just a few weeks ago?” Jade asked sipping on a glass of wine as per usual.
“Yeah, on the set, but it’s a few weeks too long.” You pouted. You noticed that everyone was drinking except for you, “Wait, has everyone got a drink except for me?”
Leigh-Anne’s eyes scanned everyone on the screen, “You are, are you in bed already? It’s so early babe.”
“Leigh-Anne’s it’s literally about to be midnight, it’s late.” Jesy chimes. Jade makes a sound of disagreement, “I mean does time even matter anymore?”
“What day is it anyway? I’ve lost track.” Perrie thought out loud. You moved to get up from the bed but Tom stopped you. “Where are you going?” He whispered.
“I’m getting a drink, I’ll be back.” You patted his cheek before sitting up. He stops you once again and stands from the bed, “I’ll get you one.” He kisses your temple and leaves the room.
“Aww, was that Tom?” Jade asked leaning closer to her camera. You hummed, “Yup, being the amazing boyfriend he is and getting me a drink.”
Perrie smirked at you, “Gosh, there’s that smile again. She’s whipped for ‘im ladies!” The girls began “ooo-ing” like a bunch of elementary school girls. “Guys, stop.” You whine.
“Have you told him the part you wrote was inspired by him?” Leigh-Anne asked, chin in her palm.
“No, I’ll tell him while he’s watching. He’s been so excited the whole day, probably more than me.” You chuckle. As if on cue, Tom comes back in with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
“Tom’s going to be so nerdy about it, like a cute nerdy, you know what I mean? All mushy gushy. Like how he gets whenever (y/n) kisses his cheeks.” Jesy said as the girls cooed. Tom peeks from beside you.
“Did I hear that correctly? Did Jesy just compliment me?” He asked everyone, looking back at you for confirmation. You shrugged as you looked at Jesy. Jade stifled a laugh at Jesy’s annoyed expression.
“Oh fuck off you div. It’s an observation. You could barely compose yourself whenever you’re around (y/n).” Jesy playfully jabs at him. You adored their friendship, it was like a brother/sister bond. Jesy being the older sibling and Tom being the annoying little brother.
“Jes, leave the poor boy alone, he makes our baby happy.” Perrie defended Tom. Tom smiles thankfully at her, “Thank you Perrie, at least I know some of you like me.”
Tom pops open the champagne and takes one of the glasses to pour the beverage in, “But I’ll take it as a compliment Jes. Cheers to that.” He raises his glass and clinks it with your phone screen. You and the girls continue to talk until midnight. When the video was finally released you all celebrated and took some screenshots of each other to post later.
When your FaceTime call with the girls ended, you turned to Tom, who already had the video up on the screen. He made grabby hands at you and pulled you to sit in between his legs. With his back against the headboard he made sure the two of you were comfy before asking you, “Can I click play now?”
You chuckled at him as his leg bounced, “Yup.” He pressed play, placing the remote down and wrapping his arm around your front to pull you closer to him. The intro to the video starts, the title of the song appearing on the screen in a water type font. Jesy pops up on the screen singing her part, Tom cheers yelling “It’s my best friend!”
Tom hypes each of the girls up while they appear on the screen, cheering their names. When the chorus comes, his brows furrow as he looks down at you. “Wait where are you? Why—why didn’t they show you yet?” He questioned you, visibly upset. You were about to answer but instead pointed to the screen when you realized your part was coming up.
Boy, have I told ya?
You give it to me like no other guy
We got that heat, yeah, like the summer (summer)
And that's why I'm so glad I made you mine
You appeared on the screen, body cladded in a white bikini that had gold straps for both the bra and thong. You bursted out laughing when you saw Tom’s reaction. His eyes look like they were about to bulge out his head while his jaw was slacked.
“Holy...shit.” He mumbled eyes glued to the screen as you sang. The scene was you in that blue hallway type set. You looked at the camera, bedroom eyes fully activated as your back slid down the wall. You felt his grip around you tighten, his breathing getting deeper.
The scene changed to the one with the planets, sculptures, and lounging chairs. You were seen walking towards a Chaise lounge, giving the camera a perfect view of your bum. While you sat sideways on the couch in the video, Tom couldn’t help but think about how gorgeous you looked in the video. You looked like a goddess, confident as you strutted around in that little number of yours in the video.
You turned to look at him once your part was done and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “You know my whole part was about you right?” His head snaps to look at you, “You wrote something about me in a song?”
“Tommy, I always do. Who else would I be singing about?” You asked him amused. He took a second to think before shaking his head, “I thought it was in general, like it was based on how you would feel if you were with someone that made you feel that way.”
You nod at his explanation, “Well yeah, the fans could see it that way. But when I sing it, it’s about you.”
A goofy grin made its way to his face before he giggled, “It’s about me.” He pulled you into a hug from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. He turned back to the tv to see you all dressed as mermaids while you sang your part in the chorus.
“Wait what—you’re mermaids?” The look of confusion appeared on his face again as he tried to figure out the video. He looked at you then back to the screen, repeating the action a few times.
“I never thought I’d say this, but if you were a mermaid, I’d still fuck you.” He confessed with a shrug. You bursted out laughing at his confession, “How do you even fuck a mermaid, Tom?”
His hands gripped your sides, voice going down an octave, “You tell me, (y/n). Get the mermaid tail back and we’ll find out.” You looked at him shocked, “Thomas!”
He laughed dropping the act and went back to watching the music video. “Wait, I’m still cofused. I thought you guys were in space cause of the planets and stuff. Why are you guys also underwater? And mermaids?” You tilted your head trying to come up with an answer for him.
“Um—it’s a spa, on a another planet, which also has an ocean I’m guessing, and that’s why we’re also mermaids?” You explained, also questioning yourself.
“I like the concept, probably the most random video you guys have had, but it’s sick.” He approved of the video with an impressed look on his face. When the video ended, he immediately pressed replay. Though when your part came up this time he let out a “GOD DAMN” before his eyes scanned you up and down. When he finally felt like he’s processed the music video, he let it play in the background and paid attention to you.
He leaned down to kiss your lips sweetly, “Love, that was amazing. I’m proud of you.” He was quick to add on, “And thank you for writing a part of the song about me, I never thought someone would write a song about me, not even a part. But thank you, I love you so much.”
You giggled shoving your face into his neck as you both moved to cuddling. Suddenly you remembered something you and the boys promised to do.
“Tom! We were supposed to watch the video with the other boys! Remember we promised to not watch it without them?” You leaned back to look at Tom who was already shaking his head.
“Oh they’re not allowed to watch the video.” He muttered. Your brows furrow at him. Tom motions to the tv, the part where your bum was facing the camera on the screen.
“Because of that, I don’t need them seeing that, that’s mine.” One of his hands trail down the length of your back to grip your ass. He rolled over so he was on top of you, dipping his head into your neck, his lips ghosted fluttery kisses along your skin. You let out a content sigh, running your hands through his soft hair. When his lips reached your ear, he whispered, “But seriously though, you should think about investing in a mermaid tail.”
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love-amihan · 4 years ago
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| ʜᴏᴍᴇ | ᴊᴊᴋ | ᴀᴏᴛ | ʜǫ | ꜰɪʟᴏ | ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛs | ᴍɪᴍɪ |
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word count: 1k+
warning: angst, implied toxic relationship, character death, mention of blood
song inspo: ang rosas by rob deniel
amihan's note: with rob deniel's new song titled 'ang rosas' i would like to create a lil' drabble with it, ahh i love his songs sm. also the mv? beautiful and nostalgic, it's just *chef's kiss* he's such an underrated artist. okay you have to bear with me, this has sudden changes of time and settings, happy reading!
side note: i’m not kidding when i tell you that i did this on roulette, from three fandoms and it chose toge two times in a row. was planning to do it as a drabble but i guess it’s a one-shot now. special thank you to my friend for beta reading and giving more ideas kith kith <33
aged-up!toge x gn!reader -modern au-
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“toge, i have someone for you to meet” maki smiles at him, the man looks up at the mention of his name, busy with the device in his hand, not catching the half of her sentence. you appear from behind maki, startling toge.
his eyes widening, “l/n y/n” you simply introduce yourself, holding out a hand for him to shake. maki knew you're his type, she encourages him to do the same. toge smiles back, slowly and gently shaking your hand, “inumaki toge.”
“where’s y/n?” toge asks, peeking from maki’s doorframe, his poor friend has been hearing the same question for the nth time today. “i don’t know toge!” she whines out, pulling her phone away for a moment, “why don’t you ask them yourself?” she glares at him.
who in return, just pouts at her. he crosses his arms and shakes his head, “don’t want to.” maki sighs and bids goodbye to the person on the other line, “is it about that.. rascal?” she motions for him to come closer, toge nods at her words.
“afraid to start a new one?” she opens her arms and hugs him, stroking his hair in comfort. “y-yes,” he stutters out, recalling some of the memories. “they’re different, they will never hurt you,” toge sniffs from the crook of maki’s neck, a tear falling down his cheek, nodding again, “i know.”
toge’s cheeks hurt from smiling all day, neck in pain, and eyes strained from looking at his phone all day but it's totally worth it. he’s pulled back to reality by a smack at the back of his head. he looks up, rubbing the sore spot, smile still present.
he looks around the table, “what?” his group of friends looks at him strangely, “you’ve been on your phone all day,” yuta points out. “yeah and? i’m always on my phone,” he says while holding up the device.
“you were smiling… it’s creepy” yuji added. maki groans and sees your picture from your conversation with him, “he’s just in love, don’t mind him” she waves a hand to drop the subject. “i am not!” toge denies, looking at maki with his mouth agape.
“sure, sweetie pie” mai says while scrolling through toge’s phone. “give me that,” he snatches back his phone with a small blush. “this calls for a celebration!” yuta exclaims, smiling at his close friend.
toge tried. he really did, but he can't avoid it sometimes. it really has to happen the one time you’re away, “you’re worthless” the voice echoes in his head. toge covers his ears, tears streaming down.
“no!” he shouts to no one, rocking back and forth in the corner of the room. the voice in his head laughs at him, “oh you know it's true, no one will love you” the voice mocks him, toge shakes his head, calling out for you.
you drop the bags that were in your hand, seeing the apartment dimly lit. you rush to where his room is, sighing in relief but your heart breaks at the sight. you immediately comfort him, wiping his tears before resting his head against your chest.
his arms wrapping around you tightly, desperate for security, “shhh, i’m here, i’m here,” you repeat your words, afraid he didn’t hear it the first time. it’s been like this for months now and you will never get tired of reassuring him.
you are always there to comfort him, you want to fix his broken heart and you will do anything to have a happy healthy relationship with him. “i’ll never leave you, toge” you assure him, kissing the top of his head, which the man believes with his whole heart.
your relationship with toge is special and unique in a way, sometimes it’s like the two of you share the same mind. here you are standing in front of him with a white rose in hand, offering it to him while toge’s holding out a red rose with a silly smile.
“do we share telepathy or what?” he chuckles, accepting your rose as you did the same. you shrug, giggling at both your actions. he tucks the rose in his waistband nice and secure before looking at you, “that aside. may i have this dance?” he holds your hand, kissing the back of it.
the gentle water splashes from the cliff serve as your background noise, both your giggles filling the empty area. fresh air surrounds the two of you, wind passing by, making you shiver a little. you nod at him, “of course you may, kind sir” you reply, bowing back at him.
toge presses play from the remote, romantic melody echoes the place. his hands finding its way to your curves, he looks into your eyes lovingly. the sun setting behind you while both your hips sway with the song.
you hold one of toge’s hand up, wanting him to do a twirl. he giggles, doing as told, twirling gracefully for you. as he faces you, you present the red rose for him causing him to flush red accepting the rose he gave you.
he grips the red rose, the thorn prickling his fingers in the process making him hiss in pain. pain that made him realize your presence will no longer be near him, he looks down at your tombstone.
“you told me you’ll never leave me..” his voice cracking. he closes his eyes and looks up, tired of crying for the hundredth time.
“and i didn’t,” your voice loud and clear causing him to open his eyes and look around. “up here, sweetie pie,” he follows where your voice comes from, seeing your transparent frame.
your hand reaching out for him, “i never will.” you say with a smile. toge stretches his hand out, successfully grabbing yours, the red rose in between his and your hand, “i know.” his tear-stained cheeks stretching up to a smile.
gripping your hand, the thorn digs into the palm of his hand, prickling it for the second time. this time bringing him back to reality, blood trailing down his hand as he stares at it. he lets out a bitter laugh, “i will try, y/n” he gently lays down the rose in front of your tombstone, “that’s a promise.”
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
taglist; @foxxtrot-116 @tendo-sxtori @lumpiang-toge @chibishae34 @emeraldscloud @simplyrosesxr @kenmakeii @sushi-guro @duhsies
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ramblingnoonas · 4 years ago
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Ø  Pairing – idol!Jimin x female reader
Ø  Genre – smut
Ø  Warnings – 18+ NSFW, oral (f recieving), misuse of BH property. Dom jimin (a tiny bit, not really, if you squint)
Ø  Word count – 1.2k
Ø  Summary – Jimin invites you to the filming of Butter mv
(written by NoonaL - this is my first fanfic, please be gentle)
Reading his text again, your frown deepened;
come see me on set. Wear a dress. 
Wear a dress?! Jimin had never been that specific about your outfit before and he knew that you weren't really a dress girl. Feeling confused you typed a reply, telling him you'd be there soon.
When you arrived there were a lot of staff around that you knew so you were able to find Jimin quickly, but you still felt incredibly self conscious in the knee length summer dress that was world's apart from your usual jeans and jumper attire.
He was in the middle of filming and oh god did he look good. Too good! Like every Mafia and CEO au you'd ever read combined. Newly dyed blonde hair slicked back with added rainbow coloured highlights had you biting your lip. What really had you quivering was the sharp grey suit he was wearing. Oof. Teamed with over-sized sunglasses and a cocky look on his face as he bent over the table, eye brows raising suggestively as he gazed into the camera had your thighs clenching together.
He'd seen you as soon as you'd arrived, deciding to throw in that little eyebrow raise at the end of his scene just to tease you. Making a bee-line for you as soon as the director shouted cut, he schooled his features into his most innocent look, intensely satisfied by how flustered you looked watching him shoot. Enveloping you in a warm hug he inhaled your scent, "missed you angel." He purred, stroking the exposed strip of skin on your back, goosebumps erupting in the wake of his fingers "mmm...you look so good in this dress. Good enough to eat," you felt him smirk against your ear before he lowered his voice to a whisper,  "let me taste my angel." The dominance in his voice combined with the suit had you whimpering, you would've let this man do anything he wanted. Afraid of moaning out loud, you kept your mouth shut and simply nodded. "Yes? Is that a yes, angel? You'd let me flip your pretty dress up right here on set? You'd let me devour you right here in front of everyone? In front of hyungs?” He chuckled, taking a step back. To your immense embarrassment a needy whine left your lips as your fingers desperately clutched at the lapels of his jacket. Allowing himself to be pulled back in, he smirked, again dropping his voice to a low rumble that only you could hear. "Or maybe we could make use of that table? You think I don't know about your filthy late night reading habits?" He cocked an eyebrow, the tip of his tongue poking out to lick at the corner of his beautiful plump lips, pretending to think before he spoke. "I know what you want angel. Want me to bend you over that table, don't you? Want me to ruin that pretty dress fucking you over that table just like in one of your fanfics." The whole time he'd been talking your hands had been balling his jacket into your fists, you were throbbing, any second you expected to feel wetness glide down the inside of your thigh. You couldn't think, you couldn't speak, all that came out was a desperate whine of his name. Jimin’s thumb stroked across your bottom lip as his inched closer to yours. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your face, smell that intoxicating mix of cologne and something that was purely Jimin. Just as your eyes fluttered closed at the impending kiss, a loud chorus of his name broke the two of you apart. Huffing with annoyance Jimin turned towards the staff calling his name. "Don't move princess, I'll be right back." Just like that he left you standing there, feeling utterly frustrated. Park Jimin was sure to be the death of you, but oh what a sweet death it would be.
The boys had moved on to filming their individual shots in the elevator, Jimin took this opportunity to grab you, dragging you back to his set from earlier in the day; the press conference table. "Jimin!" You squeaked anxiously, "we can't! Someone will see!" Pulling your body flush with his, silencing your lips with his own he walked you backwards until your legs hit said table. His hand slammed down on the table, "sit!" He was so commanding that your body complied automatically, hoping on to the table and spreading your legs Jimin positioning himself between them. "We can stop if you're uncomfortable, angel." He was always so sweet with you,  so concerned about your comfort. Stroking your thighs he waited patiently, "no, I want to." You giggled, feeling brave all of a sudden. That was all Jimin was waiting to hear, without another word he knelt on the floor, head disappearing under your dress. Your underwear was roughly pushed down your thighs as his tongue made contact at last. Licking a long stripe up to your clit, which he sucked between those plush lips like his life depended on it. You slumped back on the table, hips rising greedy for as much of his mouth as you could get. Feeling his fingers start to gently probe at your entrance, your hips rose higher, legs opening as much as they could with your underwear still restricting movement. Jimin was masterfully skilled with his tongue, it didn't take long to have you clenching around his head and fingers. Tugging strands of pink and purple between your fingers, you tried to warn him that you were close. His fingers sped up, crooking into a 'come hither' motion that perfectly hit the spot every time, while his lips and tongue worked in tandem; licking, sucking, his teeth occasionally scraping across your sensitive bundle of nerves until your back arches, mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure. Just in time too, Jimin barely had time to stand up and yank your panties back up before someone was calling his name again. Smirking and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he helped you up, wrapping an arm securely around your waist when your legs wobbled. Judging by the looks on the other boys faces, you must've looked pretty fucked out, there was no doubt everyone knew what the two of you had just been up to. The stylists tutted and fussed with his dishevelled hair and make up, throwing disapproving glances your way, all the while Jimin beamed cockily.
Heading back to the dorm a few hours later, he intertwined his fingers with yours. Glancing towards Jungkook who was thankfully listening to music before you spoke. "It's a shame you didn't get to fuck me over that table as well, not that I'm complaining, but..." You trailed off as he grinned giving you a cheeky wink, "ah there's always next time angel."
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sanstropfremir · 3 years ago
Now that queendom is over what are your thoughts on all the contestants overall? like did they surprise you? are you disappointed? i just wanted to hear your opinions on them as someone who didn’t know them prior to this (except for hyolyn). Personally i was very surprised by kepler and i look forward to what they’re going to do next even though their stages were never impressive i really admired their energy and i can see how talented they are and i would love to give them a chance in the future, wjsn disappointed me i never saw them perform before but i liked some of their songs so i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get into them but they kept doing the same thing and i just got bored unfortunately. I never cared about viviz/gfriend and i will continue to never care about them. I was surprised by loona in a good way loved the shake it stage and the final one same with brave girls that final stage was fantastic and so much fun and you can see how free they felt because they didn’t have to worry about the ranking. Do we have to talk about hyolyn she’s a legend but i have to admit that unlike you i really didn’t like her final song which was a bummer :(( in conclusion it was fun but if they do a queendom 3 i really wish they change some of the challenges which brings me to my next question if you could design a show like this what would you choose for the challenges? (Sorry this is very long and i asked you two questions) enjoyed your weekly reviews of the performances!!
oh hmmmm, good question (the first one). other than the first one i didn't actually watch the full episodes, just the stages, so tbh i'm pretty sure i know just as little as you about all the contestants! i'm not a big girl group fan so coming into the show the only two i had any really familiarity with were hyolyn and brave girls, and both of them exceeded my expectations. viviz i knew would be be poor performers and they blew well under that expectation from me. also no one should be supporting them anyways why were they allowed on this show. i only knew wjsn from the black and chocome, and i will admit that i am disappointed by their showing during queendom. their first stage was pretty good and there was a lot of potential there, but they stalled HARD and ended up producing really lackluster stages for the rest of the run. design wise they dropped a lot of balls and also did some stuff that i consider to be very unsafe (the pantomime stage), and honestly i did not like any of their music either, so i'm not that interested in checking them out beyond the show. i don't even know if i can pick out a reason why they stalled so hard either, since i know they have the capacity to do more focused concept work bc of the black and chocome. the only thing that i can maybe think of would be that they were trying to do some sort of connected universe type thing that tbz were trying to do, but if they were it was absolutely inscrutable to me.
loona i don't think my opinions of them are changed? like i said in my reviews they clearly have access to good set and costume designers when they want to, but i wasn't particularly impressed nor disappointed? someone sent me an ask about them before the show started and i've left it until after the show was finished, so i've kind of been holding back a judgement on them until i get started on actually watching some of their mvs. they had one of the better runs on the show but i always ended up finding that their stages were incomplete in some way? like they always seemed to have one design element that was really good but then the rest fell by the wayside. like the set and lights for butterfly were good, but the costumes sucked ass, or the costumes for pose were great but the lighting was horrid. it was very inconsistent, which was not something that i've seen in any of this series before? like with kingdom i could logically map out the choices how the design teams were working; like skz had ass costumes because i know jype has garbage stylists, or how sf9 generally had across the board really good stylings. like the discrepency between the pose costumes and the shake it costumes are SO high from a costume designer's perspective. like you do a stage themed after one of THE most iconic western eras of fashion that has a ton of modern subcultures specifically surrounding it and you somehow don't manage to use THE most iconic garment from that era, but two stages later you can put up costumes that pinpoint an approximately five year chunk of history with a extremely specific situational circumstance AND include references to one of the most famous designers of the time????? i cannot explain that other than they just straight up hired a new stylist. or their stylist is really into versace history, idk. it's really weird.
kepler.........sigh. it was intensely unfair of mnet to put them on this show. these girls were fresh off of ANOTHER survival show, they had JUST debuted, they had a maximum of like five songs, and then you're gonna put them up against HYOLYN??????? also the fact that there are still minors in the group?????? like everything about having them on the show was wrong. and i can't even say that the girls made the best of it because their creative teams were making them do inappropriate shit half the time! i feel so bad for those girls. i think maybe if they had had a couple more years under their belt it would have been a slightly different story, but even then not everyone can be ateez going toe to toe with btob. i think i mentioned it in one of the earlier reviews but this process must have been very creatively demoralizing for kepler. they were so ill equipped to be competing against these more senior groups and it showed in their stages and in their rankings. the ONLY thing that saved them from placing last was that they had probably the largest fanbase. i also don't know what the deal is with their company, maybe it's because they're a project group, but it felt like they got NO good creative support. like their styling and their design work and even their choreography was just not up to snuff for the scale of this show. like they're mnet's group and i'm pretty sure they're managed by the same company that managed wannaone so like. what's the deal. you guys have money, where are you putting it? it feels like they just threw them out there to let them drown.
as for your second question, i am so so certain that someone sent me a similar ask about designing a kingdom type show ages ago but i cannot find it anywhere, and someone did ask me about my predictions/what i wanted to see for queendom before the show started here! in terms of changing the challenges, i would do a couple of things:
keep the song swap/cover song round, but instead groups would have to swap genders AND generations, kind of like what they did during rtk. so if it was queendom they'd have to do like 2nd gen boy group songs or if it was kingdom they'd have to do 3rd gen girl groups (generations are changeable, it just has to be different from the one of the performing groups). therefore there's a challenge for arranging AND for performing
i really liked what double trouble did where they would assign like a theme word with each song, so i would go for one round where everyone picked a theme word out of a hat and then they had to make a song work with that theme word
prop round. either it would be everyone gets assigned the same prop and they have to all make performances around it, or like the theme word round they get randomly assigned a prop (like canes, hats, chairs, etc) that they have to work into the choreo. tbh the props could be really weird or really normal, it doesn't matter.
i would also keep the collab stages, but instead of them being just dance/vocal units, i want them to make whole new groups. they can either be 'randomly' assigned or they can be like, all the same mbti types or zodiac signs or whatever. the unit stages are fine and i liked that they brought in choreographers for queendom 2 but i think a real test would be negotiating a new group structure. and i think it would help distribute some of the talents better.
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k-hiphop-trash · 4 years ago
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It was founded on June 26th 2019.
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Real name: Kim WonSik (김원식).
Nicknames: Ambidextrous Rapper, Lava, Lucky Boy.
His stage name Ravi means “charming”.
His favoucolours are black and white.
His hobby is body training.
Among the members of VIXX he sleeps the most.
His most valuable belonging is his lyrics notebook.
He is allergic to dust.
He enjoys drinking coffee at night.
Heloves doing graffiti.
Hehas several tattoos including: “YOLO, You Only Live Once” on his chest; an angel on his left side; “Love attracts love to the wearer”.
He was born on February 15th 1993.
He was born on Jamsil Dong.
He is 183 cm.
His bloodtype is O.
Hehas a younger sister.
He founded his own hiphop label GROOVL1n on June 2019.
He won the 2020Brand of the Year Awards: Idol Variety Star.
He is part of the k-pop group VIXX and part of the sub-unit VIXX LR, were he is a rapper and dancer.
He went to Seoul Jamdomg Elementary School, Jamsil Middle School, Jamsil High School and Howon University with a master in Musicology.
He is a very good MC and is a fairly good freestyler.
Ravi’s ideal type is a pretty and self-conscious woman.
His motto is “You Only Live Once”.
His favourite artists are Kanye West, A$AP Rocky, Chris Brown, Drake, Big Sean and August Alsina. He is also a fan of G-Dragon.
He became part of VIXX because he was one of the winners of the show “Mydol”.
He features on Chad Future’s new music video “Rock the World”.
He wrote the song “What U Waiting For” thinking of the members.
Park MyungSoo offered him to work together when he was impressed after his cover of the song “Fire” on his show “Park Myun Soo’s moving TV”.
He participated in SMTM4 but was eliminated.
He wrote VIXX LR’s “Beautiful Liar”.
In June 2018 he produced a song for the girl group ELRIS.
To promote one of his albums he held a guerrilla concert at Gangnam station.
On April 2nd 2017 he uploaded a picture of a French Bulldog to his Instagram officially introducing “Buttie”, VIXX’s new member. His nickname is “BADA$$”.
He debuted as a soloist on 2017 with his mini album “R.EAL1ZE”.
He is part of the group “Parka Friendship”, including Taemin (SHINee), Kai (EXO) and Timoteo and SungWoon (HOTSHOT). His song “Ravi Da Loca” mentions their name to express his gratitude towards them. He says his best friends are Taemin and Kai.
He appears in Brian Joo’s MV “Let This Die”.
If he were a girl he would go out with N among the VIXX members because he is really nice and reliable and he would probably not be a cheater.
He is the 3rd idol with more songs registered to his name.
He won the golden medal in bowling with Ken on the Idol Star Athletic Championship 2018.
Jellyfish anounced on May 24th that he would be leaving the company but will still promote with VIXX.
He cares a lot for the members of GROOVL1n.
He has a YouTube channel with a mini series were he interviews different artists.
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His real name is Jeon WooSung (전우성).
He was born on September 3rd 1999.
He is 178 cm.
He was born in Seoul but lived in Pohang for a long time, which is why he considers Pohang his hometowm.
He started rapping at 18.
He debuted in 2018 with his single “Gang Move”.
He joined GROOVL1n on 19th September 2019.
He is part of NFL crew.
On Februa 1st 2020, he released his first EP album “Saviour from the Hell pt1” with a music video for his title song “WASSUP”.
He rapped for 2 years before applying for SMTM at 20.
He was a contestant on SMTM777, SMTM8 and SMTM9.
He used to play piano when he was young but his fingers didn’t straighten well so he learned to play the piano and the flute.
He got his first tattoo at age 20 on his face which says in kanji “better safe than sorry”; meaning you have nothing to worry about if you are prepared. He also has a chain tattoo on his left arm that has the birthdates of the members if NFL Crew.
In SMTM9 he was a member of team Giriboy&Zion.T with Wonstein, Lilboy and Skyminhyuk.
He made it to the mic slection stage on SMTM9, but decided to drop out due to his panic disorder. Due to this, rapper Skyminhyuk performed a solo stage on his place.
He appeared talking to Ravi, the CEO of his label, about his mental health and Ravi showed lots of interest and preocupationfor his well being.
His career role model is JTONG.
He uses English on his songs because it sounds nice and looks good.
He used to go everywhere, including SMTM recordings using public transportation, but since signing with GROOVL1n he goes on the label’s car. He says this is one of the many benefites of having a label to back you up.
He also said that during the two first times he participated in SMTM he looked rough and grubby, nothing like in SMTM9. He also said that he once asked for new music equipment and the company bought it for him in a short time.
He likes clear weather and dislikes rain and snow.
He loves football and his favouclib is Pohang Steelers from K league and Arsenal from Premier league. He has a friend that play on Pohang FC and his favourite Arsenal player is Hector Bellerin.
In order to learn and understand English he uses the translator and watches translated songs.
He featured on Ravi’s single “ASURA” along with other GROOVL1n members that was released on December 7th 2019.
He’s worked with artists like Mckdaddy, DSEL, Eptend, Wonstein, LilBoi and others.
With his upcoming album he wants to break the strong image that a lot of people get from his rapping.
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His real name is Oh InSeob (오인섭).
Nicknames: Cold Valley, Coldy.
He was born on July 7th 1993.
He was born on Iksan, North Jeolla.
He is 182 cm.
He has 2 older sisters.
His bloodtype is O.
He went to Korea University.
His first music tour was with Ravi.
He debuted on July 22nd 2019 with his single “Ruined”.
He collaborated with Ravi and Xudo on the track “Fashionable (prod. gXXD)”.
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His real name is Park ChiWoong (박치웅).
Hewas born on January 29th 1994.
He debuted on August 14th 2019.
He is from Seoul.
He collaborated with Ravi and Cold Bay onthe track “Fashionable (prod. GXXD)”.
He was an underground R&B artist.
He collaborated with Ravi on his song “Hoodie”.
He says his name is hard to pronounce in English so you can just call him C.W.Park.
He already completed his military service.
His stage name, Xydo, comes from: “Try” in English is “시도하다” in Korean. The pronunciation “Shido” is similar to Xydo and he wanted a name without preconceptions, so he chose Xydo.
He says music is his best friend and that he can share it wether he is happy or sad.
He isn’t sure of how long he’s been pursuing music.
He likes songs made to express himself.
About his music: he does want his music to be tied up in one place and doesn’t want to categorize it into any genre. However, if he were to do this, he would say R&B and Pop.
He says he wants to be different from other artists and says that he wants to show his own colours.
He likes Jamie Foxx, Miguel, Nao and wants to work with Ruel.
He likes watching movies, specially ScyFy, and if the weather is good he likes to play basketball.
To people that wants to pursue music: finding your true self is the most important and he is still doing that himself.
He says having international fans is awesome and that it suddenly feels like his world is wider and brings a new perspective. He also wants to visit any place were there is a fan of his no matter how far.
One song he recommends: “I like many genres rather than just one thing. From what I’ve listened to lately, I would like to recommend “Remember Me” by Umi.
A song of his that he recommends: “Lee Sang”, because everyone tries to do something they want. I think there were times when it felt like something was getting farther and farther away.
When he feels down and feels about to guve up, he tells himself: “Believe in myself”.
A song he’s proud of is: “Drawing”, because there were a lot of difficulties in making the song but he overcame them.
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His real name is Nicholas Choi and his Korean name is Choi SeokBae (최석배).
He was born on February 28th 1992.
He is from Pasadena, California.
He went to University of Southern California.
He was a member of MKIT Rain.
He is a member of 42 crew.
He is 162 cm - 169 cm.
He has an eyebrow piercing.
He likes to die his hair red.
The name Nafla means”Natural Flavour”. A friend of his thouht of this name after drinking something that said “100% Natural Flavor”.
He joined Groovl1n on December 22nd 2020.
He has a tattoo on his left arm.
He has collaborated with artists like Babylon, Dumbfoundead, Dynamic Duo and Woo Taewoon.
He would like to collaborate with Frank Ocean.
He went to Universit with Killagramz. They used to exchange messages through Facebook.
If he wasn’t in MAKIT Rain, he would like to be signed in 1llionaire.
As of 2016 he lived on his studio.
He has been friends with Ravi for a while.
After Show Me The Money he remained good friends with Kid Milli and often jokes around that he is a member of Mkit Rain.
He founded MKIT Rain with Loopy.
Some Mkit Rain members were involved in a marihuana scandal when they were caught smoking it, Nafla was one of them. He later made an Instagram post apologising for his behaviour. However, his charges were dropped since it was the first time he committed an upinfraction regarding this matter.
During his 60 second evalua in SMTM, The Quiett said it was the first time such a good quality rap and performance was shown on national tv.
When he gets dresses, he chooses his hat first and coordinates the outfit to compliment it.
His top favourite rappers (2016) are: #1 Gaeko, #2 Beenzino, #3 E-sens, #4 Lobsta, #5 G-Dragon.
He and Loopy met in a bathroom during a concert in the USA.
The car he won in SMTM777 was given to Loppy as a present to thank him for everything he had done for him.
He won SMTM777 with team Giriboy&Swings.
According to Loopy, Nafla was thinking about leaving MKIT Rain for a while and his leave was officially confirmed through Instagram on early December 2020.
He won Best Mixtape of the Year 2015 with “This & That”.
Nafla has a lot of respect for Just Music, specially Swings and Vasco.
Nafla was involved in a diss with CJamm. Neil, who was in the same crew as him, Young Creation, dissed CJamm and somehow Nafla got involved. It was nothing serious and there weren’t any bad feelings afterwards.
During SMTM777 he was selected as the leader on the group battle and every of his team members said he was really nice and helpful. Regarding this, he said he was happy to have Loopy by his side because he has a lot of experience and helped him a lot.
Source: https://kprofiles.com/chillin-homie-profile-and-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/ravi-vixx-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/cold-bay-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/xydo-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/nafla-profile-facts/
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reen-da-queen · 4 years ago
Top 20 Songs of 2020
Hello! I honestly thought about doing this for a long time. I wasn’t going to but said fuck it why not lol. I really just reblog other peoples stuff but thought I would maybe try to post something and do something new. I thought it would be a good way to get back into writing! Idk man this is all just bc I feel like doing it    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Disclaimer: I’m new to writing on tumblr, I don’t own any of the gifs, and this post might be a little long so sorry! :)
20. Oh My Girl - Nonstop
Not an Oh My Girl fan but they caught my eye during Queendom/Good Girl
Summer bop
Mimi’s rap is everything
The fits and hair are super cute
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19. BTS - UGH!
The moment I heard the gunshot it was game over
Jhope’s rap was everything to me
Love a good BTS rapline hype song
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Iz*one always got that one b-side that goes hard and this is one of them
These girls can literally do any concept from innocent to baddies
Might be an unpopular opinion: loved the 9 version of this song but I liked the choreo as 6 it seemed more cleaner and tighter
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17. Taemin- Criminal
HE HAD NO REASON to look this good or do that with a silk ribbon
This felt like a classic Taemin song and I was 100% here for it
The song and dancing was truly immaculate
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16. Stray Kids (3RACHA) - We Go
Was I the only one who was stuck listening to the fancam audio for a year until they officially released the song? Okay cool just me.....
The beat and rapping goes way to hard...honestly are we really surprised
The performance of this song just made me like the song more
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15. Everglow - La Di Da
My favorite comeback by them
Reminded me a lot of blinding lights by the weekend
Voguing Queens
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14. Itzy - Not Shy
Wannabe was a strong contender but I overplayed that song..oops
Izty’s fits are usually bomb but the outfits this era were tragic I was not a fan
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13. Twice - Can’t Stop Me
These girls deadass came out of a lotus idk what else I need to say
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12. Hyolyn - Say My Name
Another summer bop loved the Caribbean vibes
I loved the choreography which was choreographed by none other than Aliya Janell a Queen herself
I DIED when I saw Mommy Son trying to do the choreo in the mv but tbh that’s how I would look doing it.....
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11. Taemin - Idea
I was shook by the beat drop in this song bc it was something I wasn’t expecting
BoA singing “Killing me softly”
Taemin in a crop top?!?
Criminal was a classic Taemin song but something about this song made me like it more
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10. Kang Daniel ft. Simon Dominic, Jamie - Wave
JAMIE y’all JAIME  wtf she bodied this song
I’m honestly shocked Daniel went for a vibe like this...I’ve never really listened to his music but I didn’t expect this...v impressed
The backup dancers dancing in the water is truly immaculate...I really wanted a dance practice because I wanted to see the choreo in full 
Jamie and Daniel’s soothing voices went well with Simon Dominic’s unique rapping tone 
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9. BlackPink ft. Selena Gomez - Ice Cream
Selena Gomez fit really well with this song and was really impressed with her
BP has such a strong image I forgot they can also rock a cute concept
Lisa’s rapping in this song hit different...it really changed up the vibe of the song
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8. ChungHa - Stay Tonight
Miss Chungha had many bops this year but this one was THE ONE
MEN IN HEELS sign me up
Another voguing queen
Really such an elegant queen
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7. Stray Kids - Gods Menu
You know they didn’t come to play bc Changbin started the song
One of their best comebacks, best styling, best hair, best everything really
Hyunjin’s hair....*chef’s kisses*
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6. Yunhway - One More Night
One of the best songs to come out of Good Girl
Talented singer/rapper
Going out with my girls type of vibe
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5. BlackPink - Pretty Savage
This song makes me feel like a baddie
Lisa came for my life in the performances she made me think for a second that she can become my bias
She made me falter for A SECOND BUT I’m a loyal hoe and Rose is my queen 
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4. Jessi - Nunu Nana
Jessi and Lee Hyori were such a vibe in the song
Her twerking and dancing gave me life
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3. Kai - Mmmh
Kai’s backup dancers.....do I need to say anything else
Body roll for days
Kai in a crop top......men need to wear more crop tops
I’m a hoe for R&B
2. WayV - Love Talk
First of all this song is in all english?!?!
Love the R&B vibes
Played this song nonstop
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1. Jay Park, pH-1, Sik-k, Big Naughty, Trade L, HAON, Woodie GoChild - How We Rock
Love the hook of this song
Woodie going BITCH IM PAPI
It’s Big Naughty and Trade L only being 17 and 18 for me
They are all super talented rappers love them
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If you guys are wondering what I mean about getting back into writing or want to see a more detailed post on my Top 20 you can check out my friends and I’s K-pop blog :https://wordpress.com/view/quintkpop.wordpress.com! We started writing on it a year back. We ended up going on a longish hiatus BUT we both want to get back into writing and will try to post atleast once a week. My friend has a more professional type writing style with his post while my post are more of a nonchalant, casual. We are still trying to figure things out but if y’all interested you can check it out.  
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viastro · 5 years ago
areum | lee seokmin
ミ★ synopsis: in which you’re trying to draw out a scene in the park, but end up meeting a lost, gorgeous, dog. who just so happens to have a cute owner with a beautiful smile to match.
ミ★ genre: first meetings!au, artist!reader, pure fluff
ミ★ warnings: none! unless you’re allergic to dogs or something who knows
ミ★ word count: 1,907
ミ★ pairings: seokmin x gender neutral reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! this was a really cute prompt i thought of as i was staring at my dog’s microchip HAFKWLANGLK i was going to use a gif from the left & right mv but then i saw this gif and started crying because he looks so soft i cant do thisheLP !!! but i hope you guys like this as much as i do <333 
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You sit on the bench as you stare at the falling leaves from the maple trees. Pursing your lips, you glance back down at your drawing, letting out a sigh once you realize it looks nothing like what you originally wanted to create. You rip out the page, crumpling it in your hand and shoving it into your backpack. 
You’ve been assigned a project to draw a portrait from your favorite season in the year, and it’s due in a month. Since it’s Fall, you thought it was fitting to draw out the leaves falling from the trees in the city park. However, your instructor told your class that it had to feel personal, he had to be able to look at your creation and feel the emotion you wanted to come out of it.
So you planned to just draw like… a family having a picnic or something to spice things up. Unfortunately, there is no family out having a picnic due to it being 50° F. Not to mention the fact that you’ve been trying to draw the leaves falling from the trees for the past hour and it just hasn’t worked out. You let out a sigh, placing your journal beside you and just looking up to stare at the cloudy sky. 
That is, until you feel something… wet... nudge your ankle. You glance back down, finding a happy golden retriever staring at you with no leash. You let out a smile, raising an eyebrow as you reach out to the bright dog. 
“Hi baby! Where’s your owner?” You ask in a high-pitched voice, and the dog just tip taps on its feet excitedly as you move to check out its collar. You let out a sigh of relief when you find a dog tag, finding that the sweet golden’s name is Areum. You turn the tag over to find the owner’s number, and you quickly pull out your phone. 
“Areum, stay here baby.” You say, holding onto her(?) collar. You quickly glance down again to check their genitals, to find that Areum is, in fact, a female. You pet her head as you type in the number, before placing the phone close to your ear once it rings. After a moment the person on the other end answers.
“Hello?” Your eyes widen at the sweet voice, having not expected that. “Hi! I think I may have found your dog at the park. Do you perhaps own a golden named Areum?” 
You hear the person let out a happy cry, and you laugh as they start thanking you vigorously. You nod your head, “Of course! I’m currently at Yongsan Park, do you want me to meet you or should you come here-”
“I’m already on my way! I’ll be there in like fifteen minutes!!” The owner tells you, and you smile. You say your goodbyes before hanging up the phone, turning to Areum who is just happily tip tapping her feet once again. “Now why did you leave your owner? They sounded worried sick over the phone.” 
Areum just barks in response, reaching up and licking your face as you giggle at her. You pat her head fondly, finding her to be the prettiest dog you’ve ever seen. You lift up your phone to take a picture of her smiling happily at you, tongue out and all. 
“I wonder if your owner is as cute as you.” 
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oh my god he is as cute as her. 
You stare in awe as the owner happily hugs Areum, giving her plenty of kisses. He quickly puts on her leash before continuing to coo at the golden retriever. His hair is brown with blue highlights in the front, which would typically look ridiculous on an average person. However, who we have here is not average in the slightest. 
He has a sharp nose and kind eyes, ones that become even sweeter once he smiles. He has a cute little mole on his cheek, and it makes you cry inside because it somehow makes him even prettier. He lets out a laugh once Areum licks his cheek, and you squeeze your fist at how beautiful it sounds. 
You tilt your head to the side when you feel your hand itch with the urge to draw out the scene in front of you. The leaves fall softly from the trees as Areum licks her owner, causing him to laugh loudly. All while the sun is breaking out through the clouds behind them, shining light onto the two. You remind yourself to not forget the visual so that you can paint it later.
“Don’t you ever run away like that! You made me so worried. You’re so lucky that this prett—this nice person found you!” You feel your cheeks aflame at the fact that he almost called you pretty, and you watch as the tips of his ears turn red. Seokmin curses for almost outing himself, but he can’t help it.
you really are quite beautiful.
“Thank you for calling me when Areum came up to you, she ran out of my house as soon as I opened the door and I couldn’t catch her. I almost peed my pants out of fear that I wouldn’t find her.” Seokmin tells you in complete and utter honesty, causing you to let out a laugh. You shake your head, waving a hand at him, “It was no biggie. She’s an absolute sweetheart and I knew her owner must’ve been worried sick.” 
Seokmin smiles, before sticking his hand out for you to shake, “Let me properly introduce myself. Hi, I’m Seokmin.” 
You grin, reaching out and grabbing a hold of his hand, “I’m yn, it’s nice to meet you and Areum.” 
The two of you stare into each other's eyes for a moment, the handshake being long forgotten as you both have gotten distracted by the sight before you. Seokmin tilts his head to the side, smiling softly at the sparkle in your eyes. While you take notice the softness to his eyes, hair falling over his forehead.
“How about I take you out to coffee?” He asks suddenly, and your eyes widen slightly. He releases his grasp of your hand, watching as your arm slowly falls back to your side. “To thank you, because I wouldn’t know what I would’ve done if Areum wasn’t found.” 
You let out a breath, having to remind yourself that he wasn’t asking you on a date. Seokmin grins at your reaction, finding you to be rather cute. You nod your head after a moment, brushing your hand through your hair. “I’d love to.”
Seokmin bites his lip to hold back another smile from forming, and glances down towards Areum, who is happily sitting beside him. The golden looks back and forth between the two of you, and she lets out a tiny bark. 
“I’ll just have to pack up my stuff here first, I was doing an art project.” You tell Seokmin, walking over to the bench to place your art supplies into your bag. A crumpled piece of paper falls from your bag, and he walks over to pick it up. 
“You dropped this.” Seokmin says, about to hand it to you when his eye catches a drawn out leaf. He unwraps it, and you’re about to open your mouth in protest, but the drawing is already unraveled. His eyes widen in surprise at how beautifully drawn the scene is, and he wonders why you would ever throw it away.
“This is amazing! Why is it all crumpled?” He asks you, and you reach up to rub the back of your neck out of shyness. You shrug at him, turning back to shove your art journal into your backpack. “It’s not how I wanted it to look. I’m supposed to make the drawing personal, and have a clear emotion be shown through it. I was going to add a family having a picnic, but I ended up scrapping the whole thing in general. It’s not what I wanted.” 
Seokmin nods his head in understanding, still glancing at the crumpled up artwork. He hands it back to you, and you give him a smile, shaking your head and nudging it back towards him. “You can keep it, it seems like you like it a lot.” 
“Thank you.” He mutters quietly, and you zip up your backpack, turning back towards him. Areum barks excitedly once you show that you’re ready for the impromptu coffee date, and Seokmin grins. 
“Let’s go get coffee and a puppuccino for Areum.” Seokmin states as the two of you walk side by side out of the park, and you chuckle.
“Not from Starbucks though, right?”
“Definitely not.” 
“Epic, they’re problematic.”
“I think this is the start of a wonderful relationship.”
“I think so too, Seokmin.”
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“Hi Professor Kim, here’s my project. Thank you for letting me turn it in a bit late, I wanted to make sure it was perfect.” You say as you carefully place the wrapped painting onto his table. He looks up with a smile, removing his glasses and standing up to greet you. “Of course, I know that artists always like to add last minute details.” 
You grin, and you watch as he unwraps your painting. You bite your lip anxiously, watching his reaction as he takes it in. It’s been a month since you first met Seokmin, and the two of you actually became a couple.
he also became your muse.
Your teacher lets out a soft smile after a moment of staring at the piece you created, glancing up at you. You watch as the sunlight hits the orange of the falling leaves on the painting, coordinating with Areum’s golden fur. Seokmin’s face isn’t detailed, but you can see the bright white of his smile as he hugs the beautiful dog. 
“It’s beautiful yn, your use of watercolor really brought out the softness and beauty of this scene. Are these two close to you?” Your professor asks, and you grin. “Yeah, I love them.” 
“I can tell, it really shows through this creation of yours. This is a wonderful painting, yn. Your grade should be in by the end of the week.” You nod, giving him your thanks before stepping out of the classroom. You hug your arms as you turn the corner, seeing Seokmin standing by the brick wall on his phone, waiting for you.
“Seok!” He glances up at the call of his name, a smile immediately breaking out onto his face when he sees you walking over to him. “Yn! Did he like it?” He asks once you’re right beside him, wrapping an arm over your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your temple in greeting.
“I think so, and it’s all because of you.” You tell your boyfriend, and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Nah, it’s because you’re great at what you do.” You smile, before wrapping your arm around his waist. The two of you walk down the steps, with you explaining how your professor reacted while Seokmin nods. Once you both pass the maple trees, he glances down at you to see you grinning happily. He squeezes your shoulder, smiling softly. 
what a blessing to have you.
“What do you wanna eat, bub?” 
“Hm, pork belly!” 
“You just wanna look at my arms as I grill the meat, don’t you?” 
“And what of it?”
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