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khiphop-discussions · 5 months ago
Lil Tachi signed to Groovl1n. Yes, THAT Groovl1n! Unexpected af.
His single will drop today (9/25).
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sadfragilegirl · 1 year ago
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February 28, 2024
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite GROOVL1N artist: nafla
I've been listening to his songs during the pandemic times (2020). And up until now, it became one of those things that made me happy.
I miss you very much. I hope you and Ravi will be okay. I love you. 🤘🏻❤️🤘🏻
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muselin · 2 years ago
Hi, do you know about the Ravi situation?
I do know. For those who have not heard:
He admitted to the charges of evading military service as an active duty soldier by using a broker to fake medical records and allow him to serve as public service worker instead. Essentially these are fraud charges, potentially also special considerations for military court but I am not sure whether that would apply or how it works. He will not be arrested, but he and the 100 or so other male celebrities found to have to used brokers for similar purposes will now have to go to court for the charges and carry the consequences. Unfortunately this might mean Ravi's career in Korea is over. The public over there looks very harshly on evading military service or fraud related to this, so there's a good chance Ravi and his whole company GROOVL1N will be boycotted in Korea, especially as one other artist managed by Ravi's company has had the same charges raised against him.
It's very frustrating. I remember when Ravi turned the age that was the last possible cut off for enlisting and how somehow he was not enlisted, and then later when it was announced he would be serving as a public service worker there was no explanation why. When Leo had to enlist, he gave a full explanation of why he had to enrol in public service instead of active duty and even apologised (needlessly) and it was because of his mental health conditions and not passing the health exam for active duty. For Ravi there was no such announcement or explanation. I mean, celebrities don't owe the public such personal information but considering how another member from the same group chose to give full disclosure, it didn't quite make sense that this didn't come regarding Ravi's situation and I always wondered.
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dutchannanas · 2 years ago
A female artist is joining groovl1n 👀
Good for their PR
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xydo-official · 2 years ago
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[270323] Xydo's Instagram Update
일교차 뿌셔!👊🏼
#Thx to @nomanual.designs
Break the temperature difference!👊🏼
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sadfragilegirl · 1 year ago
Those kids are clueless but I really love this cute interaction. ❤️
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“You’re a Celebrity…?” feat. Ravi
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khiphop-discussions · 1 year ago
Hi! Sorry for the random message but do you know what ever ended up happening with the Ravi/Nafla military situation?
The prosecution is seeking 2 years for Ravi and 2 1/2 years for Nafla. This was from back in April. However, the trial/sentencing isn't complete yet.
(this is short + has no sources since I'm on mobile right now but there's a few articles on this if you search it up!)
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sadfragilegirl · 1 year ago
I know that I would get criticized and received hate messages at the end but...
I love Nafla as much I love Ravi.
End of story.
So please understand this because I can't lose both.
Ravi made me smile for many years
While Nafla made me smile during the pandemic years (Year 2020)
Everyone's talking about Nafla...They used to love him after he became part of GROOVL1N but now...they hate him now.
And it hates my guts.
It made me want to go offline and cancel the party.
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f-ngrl · 2 years ago
I've always wondered why justhis left indigo music and he went to groovl1n. he was perfect with yk yanghongwon, swings, kid milli, even with no:el. do u know why he left???
i don't know!
possible reasons that i can think of (they're all kind of similar)
he wanted a change of image. indigo had this "bad kids" image, and gloovl1n had a cleaner, more idol-like image (created by ravi) at the time
indigo didn't really take him far. he was always in the shadow of the chaotic, fun kids, while he was the skilled serious rapper in the background that many people didn't pay attention to despite being indigo fans. when he became famous in recent years it wasn't for his music and it was not due indigo's promotion, but because of smtm
i think he's been becoming less focused on rap and more on the (entertainment) business world. i know the reason he doesn't make a lot of music isn't that he doesn't like it but because of his mental health, but he's active in other areas like photoshoots, ads, merch, appearances on youtube/tv, and the crypto currency and nft business. and indigo is more about music
overall, i think he's grown away from indigo. i also didn't expect him to leave, but wasn't surprised when he did (- nothing surprises me anymore in khh :D).
also indigo has kind of fallen apart, kid milli and yanghongwon are the only "original" members. swings resigned as ceo and signed an exclusive contract as an artist elsewhere, jvcki left, no:el left. they signed more members but it's not the same anymore, so maybe he thought why not start fresh somewhere else.
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outsidereveries · 24 days ago
most to least likely: popularity in south korea
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for zerobaseone, evnne, tiot, one pact, toz, all h(o)urs & ampers&one
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1) now most likely seungmoo: 10 of cups = kyrell: 3 of cups someone has hidden fans!!! at least that's what it seems like. gunwook: the fool eh, what a nice card! he has the potential to be liked ;) jiwoong = park hanbin = hong keonhee: the chariot for jiwoong, it seems like he has fans in the acting industry and if wakeone promotes him more in that direction, he might be able to regain his popularity in korea. his fans don't seem to know that he's in a k-pop group. for park hanbin though, it seems like he has a chance to gain more fans. it's possible that he'll be on someone's show, which will gain him fans and popularity. for keonhee, the situation is similar to hanbin. seungyeon = shin yechan = jongwoo: 3 of wands i don't know the energies of the three of them well, but all three of them have the potential to step outside their comfort zone, and for one of them it could mean they could be abroad for some activity. whatever happens to them, this thing could gain fans/popularity or some buzz. tag: page of cups oh, he just needs to start taking nice pictures and they'll like his face! hyunbin: the magician either he has a chance to cover a rap song and become famous, or he could be on smtm12, as long as there's a new season. junghyun: queen of pentacles well yeah, he could gain some popularity, but with what, i don't see that much clarity. gyuvin = kim minseong: queen of swords for gyuvin, he has a small fanbase and if he develops into a specific industry (ahem, variety shows), he will gather more fans. as for minseong, this is the first time i've gotten into his energy, but he may have potential in such shows. yujin: king of swords he has gathered a small but loyal fan base. if he keeps up the same spirit, things will work out. jihoo: judgment the next few months will be key to how many fans he can have, no matter if it's in the near future or the distant future. zhang hao: 10 of wands eee… he's really struggling right now, only mentally, not because of wakeone. keita: 6 of pentacles = xeidon: the hierophant this way, that way, there's no way between the two of them. ricky: the lovers he needs to be careful. taerae: 6 of cups he's more remembered from boys planet than as a member of zb1. .. ouch. yunseo: 9 of wands complicated situation, i don't even know if he has solo fans. it's hard to feel. yedam: 7 of swords rx = seongmin/jiho: 5 of cups rx neutral. mackiah: the devil rx = brian: 8 of swords rx they might be liked, but… no one pays attention to them? it's not like they're not ignored, maybe their posts aren't seen in some places :/ jay chang = on:n: 7 of wands for jay, there are people who don't like him, and for on:n… the situation is probably similar? kunho: 5 of wands rx there are other obstacles that prevent him from being more recognizable. one of the reasons seems to be that his group is not well known enough. kamden: 2 of pentacles eh, it could still be better. matthew: 4 of pentacles it can't get any more recognizable right now. jeonghyun: 6 of cups rx = youmin: 2 of swords jeonghyun is stuck. they don't know him at all, but he can't get any more famous either. he's more like ignored right now. with youmin though, it's even more complicated because there are obstacles from other people on top of that.. kum junghyeon: 4 of swords i'm sorry, but.. does anyone know him right now (in korea)? sung hanbin: 5 of swords his situation is more complicated, but i feel like it's not wakeone's fault, and… i don't know which company he's in anymore, but whether it's the l1ve or groovl1n, it doesn't matter. they're to blame. from what i remember, ravi, the founder, is on probation and community service, but it's the tip of the iceberg, i don't see the real situation. minje: 9 of pentacles rx not from one, but other people don't like him for some reason and they seem too personal… masemi: page of swords rx ignored. siyun: 10 of wands rx let him not force his experience and when he has fun with the k-pop life, things can turn out better. choi woojin: wheel of fortune rx no luck. least likely
2) in 5 years most likely yunseo: the sun = mackiah: 9 of cups the best cards! there will be a lot of likes! kim minseong: 6 of wands oh, someone will be recognizable! and from what i see.. quite popular. hong keonhee: the magician he can focus as a solo rapper, things will happen! gyuvin = jeonghyeon: the emperor oh, they will have something developed. one may be an actor, the other in variety shows, but what they sow, they will reap. they will just make good steps. jiwoong: 4 of wands he will be in a few dramas and it seems like they will be successful! he may also do a solo song and do well! kamden: 3 of wands he may be more active abroad, but he will gain fans for sure. seongmin: 7 of cups good offers and a lot of money will be waiting for him! kum junheyeon: strength it will be good. stable job. park hanbin = seungmo: knight of swords during this period, things may turn in their favor, such as gaining more fans. hyunbin: king of wands things are good with him, they are stable. he will have a stable income… i don't see anything else. matthew: queen of pentacles i see that company of his again, eh… (that he will create one, he may be familiar with this) brian: ace of swords things look pretty good. exactly how and why i don't feel, but things will work out for him too. taerae = jihoo: the hierophant things look stable with them, but exactly how and what, i can't quite understand.. minjae: 2 of wands has the potential to develop well, but be careful and reconsider what he chooses. tag: page of pentacles has potential, but he's a bit on one level that new fans might get tired of waiting for him to do anything and he might lose them by accident.. sometimes it's good to hurry up with his plans. gunwook = jiho: 2 of swords rx = shin yechan = on:n: 7 of swords rx = kyrell: 8 of swords rx neutral. keita: 10 of wands = youmin: 6 of pentacles could be better. jongwoo = siyun: knight of pentacles well, there will be some plans, but they're on the same level during those plans. yujin: the hermit looks like he'll be on hiatus or not doing much. another possible interpretation is that he's not in the k-pop world, but i doubt it. kunho: 6 of swords he could be doing something else. acting? variety shows? zhang hao: 4 of swords rx well, it's safer for him to rest. how famous he can be is not entirely clear. seungyeon: knight of cups rx he might be blocked from doing anything. it's better not to push himself, but to rest. masemi: 5 of wands rx he'll have to get used to the fact that this many fans are the most he can have. he'll obviously have potential in the coming years, but it'll be wasted. sung hanbin: judgement rx either he'll be a victim of fraud, or his career will somehow collapse. choi woojin = xayden: the star rx it's better for them to stand up for their desires, because after a while they'll think they're fools. jay chang: justice rx they won't like him unfairly. it looks like he might get canceled, but whatever happens in the end, it's not his fault. he might even be drunk. junghyeon: 7 of wands rx he should watch what he does, he'll be canceled for now. ricky: 9 of cups rx … well… he could focus elsewhere? like china? or he won't be in the music industry. he doesn't seem to have fans… at least in korea. yedam: the devil god save his psyche, things are looking bad. i don't see any specifics, the situation is unstable. least likely
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kwavecl · 2 years ago
La orden de arresto de Ravi de VIXX es desestimada después de que admite cargos de corrupción relacionada con el ejército.
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La orden de arresto para Ravi de VIXX ha sido desestimada luego de su supuesto intento de evadir el servicio militar.
A principios de este año, se informó que un grupo de corredores fue arrestado por cargos de corrupción para evadir el servicio militar al designar a sus clientes con un neurólogo en un gran hospital en Seúl y luego darles un diagnóstico médico falso de epilepsia para ayudarlos a estar exentos del servicio militar o recibir un grado militar menor.
Según los informes, estos corredores se promocionaron a sí mismos diciendo que sus servicios fueron utilizados por un famoso rapero ídolo.Los informes afirmaron además que este rapero se retiró de un programa de variedades en mayo y se enlistó en octubre, lo que se alineó con la salida de Ravi de “2 Days & 1 Night” y su posterior enlistamiento, lo que lo llevó a ser nombrado el ídolo en cuestión.
En el momento de los informes, la agencia de Ravi, GROOVL1N, compartió que estaban examinando de cerca la verdad de la situación.La orden de arresto de Ravi fue solicitada el 2 de marzo por el equipo de investigación especial del Tribunal del Distrito Sur de Seúl por evasión del servicio militar.
El artista está siendo investigado por la policía por presuntamente evadir el servicio militar a través del Sr. Gu, un corredor que fue llevado a juicio por proporcionar falsos diagnósticos de epilepsia a quienes intentaban evadir el servicio militar.El 6 de marzo, el juez principal Kim Ji Sook del Tribunal del Distrito Sur de Seúl investigó a Ravi por presuntamente violar la Ley del Servicio Militar y examinó la validez de su orden de arresto.
Tras el interrogatorio, el juez desestimó la orden y afirmó:
“Es difícil determinar que haya riesgo de fuga o destrucción de pruebas”.Como Ravi había admitido los cargos, el juez consideró innecesario el arresto. Explicaron: “Si bien estos cargos son graves, es estándar realizar investigaciones de sospechosos sin detención. A la luz de las pruebas objetivas recopiladas hasta el momento, [el sospechoso] ha admitido los cargos. Su residencia y carrera son estables y al considerar varios factores, como los lazos sociales, es difícil decir que es necesario arrestar al sospechoso en esta etapa”.
En relación con este caso, se dice que el tribunal ha ido a juicio con un total de 23 personas, incluido el Sr. Gu. Además de Ravi, se informa que más de 100 personas están siendo investigadas actualmente, algunas de ellas en deportes profesionales y la industria del entretenimiento.
El mes pasado, el rapero Nafla, compañero de agencia de Ravi en GROOVL1N, fue arrestado por presuntamente violar la Ley del Servicio Militar y recibir un trato preferencial mientras servía en el ejército como trabajador del servicio público. El mismo juez principal revisó la orden de Nafla, que finalmente se consideró válida.
Fuente: soompi.com
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sadfragilegirl · 1 year ago
I really miss the Waterbomb days of Ravi. 😭
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minimalkhh · 3 years ago
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Nafla x Maps Magazine Issue 150
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sadfragilegirl · 1 year ago
How can Ravi be so hot?! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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khiphop-discussions · 5 months ago
릴타치(Lil tachi) - 'trippy' Official Audio
Lil Tachi's first release under Groovl1n
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sadfragilegirl · 1 year ago
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Not only I miss my ever dearest Ravi, but also I miss my sweet little gremlin Nafla.
Way back in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic era, I started to get to know about Nafla and it made my day. When he became a part of GROOVL1N gang, it made me happy. Not only he released the song featuring JUSTHIS (Who is my another favorite of GROOVL1N artists) but also he was one of featured artists on one of Ravi's songs (LOVE HATE FIGHT from his 2nd LP LOVE AND FIGHT.)
I wish Ravi and Nafla would collab with a new song again. It's a shame because they did that once and only once. 😭
And I HATE that they had been going through such difficult situations... 💔
I freaking miss you Ravi and Nafla!!!
OT5/OT4/OT3 VIXX supporter
Ravi hater
Nafla hater
Nafla supporter who hates Ravi
Ravi supporter who hates Nafla
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