#oh they're so so soft <3
scriptospark · 5 days
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@enkosmios sent: “  there’s no way i can hide these marks…  ” / prompt
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Still straddling his hips but she can't help but smirk at his observation, soft fingertips gently trace over the bite marks on his neck, taking extra care on the ones upon his chest and dragging her fingernails over his skin to leave only a fleeting impression that would quickly fade away. "You look absolutely beautiful covered in my marks.~" Kafka took Veritas' wrists and pinned them up above his head in one swift motion, pressing her lips roughly against his, prolonging this moment as long as she could, then slowly trailing her lips down to his neck. No teeth this time, only gentle little peppering smooches against his skin showering the man in affection before she released her grip on him and sat there smiling contently, rosy gaze finding his eyes and staring adoringly.
"Mm... Would you rather we stay in today?" She finally turns to rest upon the bed beside him, immediately burrowing herself between his arm and torso, laying more upon his body than the bed itself, entangling a leg over his. "I could stay like this all day with you.~"
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laylakeating · 5 months
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Marrying you is my number one priority.
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
You always have such insightful posts! Thank you!
I was wondering what you thought the ten best golden wives episodes are and why
Oh, my goodness, thank you so much!! That's so sweet!! I’m really glad you enjoy reading my thoughts :)
And that's an... impossible question, oh my god. You might as well be asking me to count the stars in the sky 😂 Honestly, any episode could do -- their love for each other (whether you think it's platonic or romantic, whichever colour you want to give it) is just so woven in the way they talk, the way they move, the way they're affectionate with each other... I'm fairly sure that I could find at least one Golden Wives moment for every episode (with the possible exception of S2E26 Empty Nests, but I'm not willing to watch it again to find out).
That being said, there are some episodes that feature a specific focus on the relationship between the three of them. Through a lot of deliberation, I managed to narrow the list down to these, which you can count as my favourite 10 (in no particular order) -- under the cut, because of course I have a lot to say about them:
S1E5 The Triangle
An absolute banger. The fight between Blanche and Dorothy is harsh (they're both really hurt!!), but Rose gets to show off her abilities as she works to bring them back together (which is the literal expression she uses!!! she wants to 'get Dorothy and Blanche back together'!!!). And I mean -- that final reconciliatory hug?? The way Dorothy and Blanche look at each other?? Them yanking Rose into their hug??? Hello???? Wives behaviour????
S3E15 Dorothy's New Friend
I think my appreciation for this episode is renowned, at this point. Blanche and Rose working in tandem are adorable; I love that they do their best to warn Dorothy about Barbara, but they also try to get along with her, despite her treatment of them, because, well -- if Dorothy likes her, she can't be that bad, can she? And I love that, despite her anger and objections, Dorothy is really worried about the way Blanche and Rose feel! She says out loud that she values Barbara's friendship, and that's why she feels like she can ask her advice on someone as important to her as Blanche and Rose. Besides, I love the casual intimacy they throw in there! This is really a constant in the show, but it's so nice when it takes the spotlight like this. When speaking about Rose's masquerade ball, Blanche says: "Since when do we have to say we're going? We've gone for the past five years. We may hate it, but we always go." It's so obvious that they're going, because this is important to Rose, that they don't even have to say it. You get what I mean?
S6E12 Ebbtide's Revenge
Hear me out for a minute. This is, of course, an episode centered on Sophia and her grief for the death of her son, and it's excellent at that. But let's not forget that Phil was also Dorothy's "kid brother", and while her pain may take second stage (except for her beautiful, heartbreaking eulogy) while Sophia's is in the spotlight, it's still very obviously there. And what does she do to face the immense, unthinkable pain of losing a sibling? She turns to her wives, that's what. Rewatch this episode and pay attention to just how much Dorothy physically leans on Rose and Blanche, whether it's reaching for them, holding their hands, touching their arms and shoulders... Dorothy is always very physical with the two of them, but I feel like it's especially meaningful in this one. And, for their part, Blanche and Rose act exactly as two people with a grieving spouse would (or, at least, should) do; they support Dorothy (and Sophia) as best they can, they take care of practical things (like preparing snacks), they mostly stay out of the feud but they (especially Rose) try to offer another point of view when they think it's going to make a difference.
Also, this quote from Dorothy to Rose:
"Honey, you've been more than a help. I wouldn't have gotten through the past few days without you. I mean it."
S5E19 72 Hours
This is (unsurprisingly) one of my favourite episodes in the series, and it's especially good from a Golden Wives lens as well. I've been meaning to take a detailed look at this episode and examine Dorothy and Blanche's support of Rose, and how it shows a) how much they love her and b) how well they know her (which might actually be the same thing, now that I think about it). And Rose, of course, relies on them to an incredible degree; it takes her a little while, but eventually she allows herself to be openly angry and dejected, to lose her happy-go-lucky attitude with them, which is something she only does when she's at the end of her rope. And she's right to, because they hold her up. Look at what she says when she finally gets the good news:
"You guys were terrific. Thank you for being there for me. And thank you for making me feel you'd always be there for me, no matter what happened."
I could go on, but I'd like to make a post specifically on this episode as soon as I get the time (and some brain power...), so I'll postpone any additional observations for now.
S1E22 Job Hunting
This fills the same 'niche' as 72 Hours, in that it's an episode where Rose has a serious problem and Dorothy and Blanche give her the support (both practical and emotional) she needs to get out of it. It takes a spot of its own because it's REALLY heavy on the physical affection, even by Golden Girls standards. There's LOTS of hand/arm holding, hugging, laying next to each other in bed, sitting close, plus a cheek AND a forehead kiss. It's a delightful little gem.
S2E1 End Of The Curse
The whole mink business would be enough for me to consider putting this one on the list. Dorothy and Rose working together on a silly thing like this always warms my heart; they're a delight to watch. Of course, though, the reason why this is here is because of Blanche's situation. As always happens when one of the Girls has a problem, there's lots of physical and emotional support (Dorothy and Rose literally run after Blanche through the house to try and comfort her -- two times!!), but the real kicker is all the baby stuff!! I'm not a big fan of children, but it's impossible not to be endeared by Dorothy and Rose acting like proud moms ("the baby will have three mothers!") before the pregnancy is even confirmed, splitting up chores and bickering about the college he'll go to, while at the same time showing Blanche their unconditional support. And -- Blanche loves them for that, of course. She goes through a lot of emotional distress in this episode, but she comes out on top, and it's because of the Girls:
"It was you girls. Yes, you just let me carry on and be crazy and you were right there through it all. [...] You were caring and supportive and I wanna thank you for it -- I'm really lucky to have friends like you."
To be honest, I like her similar speech in the pilot just a bit better, but between the two this is the episode I prefer overall (if only because their characters are well settled at this point!).
S3E3 Bringing Up Baby
This is such a comfort episode for me. First of all, we get the whole raising a baby theme again (with both Rose and Blanche going from scared/unwilling to enthusiastic participants as soon as they figure out that they're going to raise the baby together!!). Dorothy and Blanche are all over each other, even more than usual -- they barely ever stop touching, like, hello?? Find a room, girls?? And Blanche's sheer glee at the thought of getting a Mercedes for all of them -- her "Don't you just love it? It's ours!" lives in my mind rent free!! And then, of course, the nose kiss. I melt out of sheer adorableness every time I watch this one. The kiss itself is super cute, but it's just the whole scene -- Blanche and Dorothy getting each other's intentions with a single look, the way Blanche smiles as she leans in and then boop's Rose's nose on top of the kiss, Rose immediately dissolving into giggles, Dorothy hugging them super tight, I love them so much oh my God 😭
S2E10 Love, Rose
Do I even have to explain this one? Blanche and Dorothy writing Rose letters? Love letters (as in explicitly romantic letters!!)? Complete with poetry? And they write them so convincingly that Rose gets the biggest crush on the author of the letters?
"It was so nice. It was so important to me that someone cared about me as much as the person who wrote those letters. It meant so much to have somebody like that in my life."
"You do, Rose, honey! You have us!"
"We're the ones who wrote those letters, Rose, and we meant every word."
Are you reading this?? Are you?? Oh my God?????
S7E4 That's For Me To Know
I adore this one and I'm not sure I can explain why in just a few lines, but I'll do my best. The way the Girls handle the major conflict of the episode (the threat that they can't all live together anymore) is so so sweet. They squabble, but they apologize and reconcile quickly; they 'vote' Dorothy out and are immediately heartbroken about it; Rose decides to sacrifice her happiness and move out herself, so the other Girls can keep living together, and she's so clearly devastated about it. I've already noted down Dorothy's speech a couple of times on my blog, but I just have to share it again, because it perfectly sums up the reason why this show works so well, imho:
"I'm afraid that no one's leaving. You see, we're a family here. Well, not the conventional one, but we love each other and [...] It's real love, Mr. Benson. It's an honest love. And, yes, we might have secrets that we stubbornly try to hide from each other [...] But we're a family nonetheless, and you can't break us up."
You see? You get why I go feral over this one? And then -- AND THEN -- Blanche decides to make them co-owners. I have no words to explain how monumental this is. This is the house she lived in with her beloved George for years, and she decides to sell part of it because she can't bear the thought of separating from her Girls. "That way you'll have equity and nobody can make you leave." It's the wonderfully poetic conclusion to the beginning of their journey; they met as landlady/renters, each alone in her own way, each hurting in her own way; here they become co-owners, equal and together, each a part of a single tight-knit unit. It's the closing of a circle. You get what I mean? Oh, I love this one so so much.
S7E23-24 Home Again, Rose
I cannot be coherent about this one. I cannot be coherent about this one. It's just. I should do a play by play of literally every second of this episode to explain why I love it so much. If I had to pick a favourite, it would be this one. It's the family of it all, the fear and then the desperation and then the joy, the casual expressions of love, it's Dorothy screaming and begging for help as soon as she realizes Rose really has fainted, it's Rose asking Kirsten to take care of the Girls while she's going under for open heart surgery, it's Blanche saying that's what house mortgages are for as if it's obvious, because to her, to them, it is. Of course they're going to help Rose with everything they have. Of course they’re going to take care of her, of course they wait for her in the hospital even if they can’t see her, of course they pray for her, of course they promise to freeze their heads for her, because they love her and she loves them. Love is stored in Rose, Blanche, and Dorothy holding each other's hands as if they’re keeping each other above water. If it’s not like that, then I don’t want it. (Coincidentally, this is also one of the best episodes when it comes to the bond between Sophia and the wives. The way she greets Rose with ‘Welcome back, baby!’ when she finally returns home lives in my mind rent-free.)
I need you to know that it took me a good couple of days to compile this list. I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since I read your ask. I wrote down about five different versions before settling on this one, and so, I think I've earned the right to mention some special runner-ups:
S1E25 The Way We Met: come on. The Great Herring War? One of the best scenes in the show -- and an incredible demonstration of chemistry from the Golden Wives.
S1E8 Break In / S4E20 High Anxiety / S5E1-2 Sick And Tired / S5E11 Ebb Tide / S6E9 Mrs George Devereaux: for when you need to scratch that hurt/comfort itch.
S3E21 Larceny And Old Lace / S4E4 Yokel Hero: I'm always a slut for the times when Dorothy and Blanche need to earn Rose's forgiveness (and get it immediately, because she can't stay mad at them).
S2E21 Dorothy's Prized Pupil / S5E23 The Mangiacavallo Curse Makes A Lousy Wedding Present / S5E24 All Bets Are Off / S7E19 Journey To The Center Of Attention: all super cute, involve a conflict and a beautiful resolution, great watches. They lose a couple of points in this context because you asked specifically about Golden Wives episodes, and these highlight a couple within the Girls (Rose/Blanche, Dorothy/Blanche, Dorothy/Rose, Dorothy/Blanche again).
Thank you so much for your ask -- answering it was hard, but I had a great time going through the episodes and picking the ones that stood out! If you'd like to share your top10, I'd love to read it :)
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Live Fast & Prosper
#VERY funny that the imposter Janeway is sort of doing her accent - did Neelix mention that to her too~??#'Also she talks like a thespian?? Which I guess is how everyone talks in Indiana.'#She also pulled the whole 'we're a workplace but I like to think of us...as a family :)' so you know she's not to be trusted#Also I fuckinglove how into it the guy playing fake Tuvok is...he's like INTO the role. Yet another criminal man obsessed with you#commander...what's your DEAL <3#I'm such a soft touch dude I felt so bad for the aliens being tricked heheheh#SNRKEHAHAHA ok...Tom & Neelix being pals is actually so funny. They're like 'how could this have happened...we're the toughest most street#smart guys in the book' OK. SURE. HEHEHEH#WHEN DID Y'ALL HAVE EDGE~?? /ESPECIALLY/ YOU TOM#Neelix was doing some shady shit (even though we all know he's a sofite) what'd you do besides get thrown in the clink Tom?#People who say there's no like...uhh character-only moments on Voyager just havent watched the show straight up#Neelix & Tom trying to swindle the EMH with a cup game <3 yeah...that's what this is all about#Janeway: (doing a great job being intimidating) / Tuvok: v_v mhm. / Janeway: Tell her all about it Tuvok.#Tuvok: O_O.....um......it's uh...whew it's bad over there....#Janeway: What about the prisons? / Tuvok: Oh yes the-the prisons....they don't give you lotion. You'll be deficient in at least THREE#vitamins before you're even brought to trial / Janeway: That's Enough of...that. <- trying not to laugh#Tuvok: (is an undercover agent) also Tuvok: I'm not good at small talk or improvisation.#Neelix how much did you talk about Tuvok bc this guy's really into it#Neelix: balablabla tuvok blablabla tuvok tuvok bla bla / Dala: ....(god this bitch is gay...good for me good for him)
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
most fucked up thing at my new job is there's only zero calorie sweeteners at the coffee station in the break room. three different kinds of zero calorie sweetener but no regular sugar because the assumption is that literally everyone is on a diet?
#is this because its a job dominated by women in particular??? idk#that's so weird#like sorry i can taste the difference and i prefer naturally occurring sugar from nature how is that not even an option#drinking nasty bitter af coffee bc i am So Sleepy but i refuse to use artificial sweeteners#they Do taste different and they're not even good for you im not doing that lol#also they got mad at me for telling one of the parents that we took one of the kids temperature and it was 99 and he threw up a little#when his dad came to get him yesterday and all of the other teachers were nowhere to be found#they were like tou shouldnhave had colleen do that#ma'am colleen went home before that and so did you#i should have left already too but waited bc the ratio on the playground was bad#anyway i did NOT say he had a fever i said it was 99 and to talk to the teacher inside#but the dad didnt yalk to her clearly then went home and scared the mom that he had a fever and threw up so she texted my boss freaking out#i literally just said he threw up a little and we took his temperature and it was 99 and to talk to the other teacher#which was all true and there was no one else there to tell him#anyway#apparently the person who had my job before me was a wacko who scared the parents with fake medical information or something#but that is not my fault and nobody told me that or not to tell the parents anything medical until this morning#ugh#also my supervisor is kind of a weirdo#she wanted to show everyone ~cute~ pictures of animals she has killed while hunting???#and i said i didnt want to see#and she was like ~oh it's not dead yet in the picture~#like okay but its dead now???#she traps them first so its a cute little fox in a trap about to be killed 😭#like wtfff#i know trappong predators is a reality but why take pictures like ohhh so cute then kill it#THEN show everyone the cute pictures like yeah isnt he adorable i killed him btw <3#huh??????#she has a bobcat tail on her keychain too she was giving it to the teachers and kids to pet like ohhh its so soft <3
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tyrannuspitch · 7 months
i think. i should read more comics.
#space viking tag#i'm just not particularly interesting in the reincarnation plotline and that's what everyone always recommends so idk where to start#idk. i mean. maybe i shouldn't. i haven't really vibed with any non-mcu stuff i've encountered so far#including aoa which is often regarded as like. the peak of marvel loki. it was good! but it wasn't rlly for me.#i have a soft spot for toa bc it's whimsical and charming and prequelesque but i also have so many complaints#idk. hmmm.#i should probably look for some thor-centric stuff but i also dk if that will do aaanything i'm interested in#bc i *like* him in context with loki and i like going teehee he's not so heroic after all he's actually extremely LIKE LOKI#and i get a strong impression that his appeal in comics is much more straightforward like... they're playing it all straight#he just Is A Hero and the complexity is that he USED to be a bully. while i prefer BOTH of those things to be much much greyer#idk.......#at least when i'm engaging w/ stuff even if it is frustrating it keeps me thinking abt thor which i always on some level enjoy <3#i've felt so unfocused and untethered since like. november :-: i need my obsession back!!#it's even fun just to like. see their little faces.#comics thor is not rlly my boy but he's the root of my boy so w/e i see him on some like marvel postcard or whatever in a shop#i still get to go teehee it's my little guy :)#but i'm not a merch person at all interestingly enough. if i buy an object i WILL forget it exists within a week#maybe not if it had a practical function?#but i feel like over time that would fade into visual noise too like oh these are just my. oven gloves or whatever.#anyway what was i talking about
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sysig · 2 months
Everything day
#Had an Extremely long Game Day with smol today and I think it fixed my brain so that's great news#Past week has been rough!!!! Got hit with a semi-minor anxiety episode and a pretty serious depression episode to bookend last week#I'm all good it's just - took a bit out of me lol#Any number of things really too many to list so I'll just sum up as blegh - feeling better now#Started a new printing project!! Looking forward to that hopefully gonna do some test printing tomorrow#It Should work out well but pfbtl I can't count on my formatting skills for nonsense - shapes wtf are those#Been drawing <3 Been writing <3#Thinking quite very seriously about returning to doodle roots something awful#I tend to spend a Long Long time editing my stuff down by three different phases#Makes them very pretty! But I think I've had enough of that for the moment#New! Novelty! Needed and necessary and I'd rather Write about these than fuss more about how Pretty Or Not they are#They're pretty enough! I've made shapes on paper that previously didn't exist and now I can think about them as they are! Magic!#So that's the current plan - do still have One more step of editing to do before that lol but smol had offered me videos to listen to during#Good to have longer videos so I'm not constantly start-and-stopped#Oh and Pepper went into molt Again and just came out and he's genuinely gigantic now#And so dark! Handsome boy was a nice soft brown when we picked him up and so tiny small and now he's nearly black and huge#And so furry now he's definitely at least twice as fuzzy#Got him to eat - he was definitely hungry but he seems to be pacing himself still#Everything everything
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keeps-ache · 4 months
brrrba pa pa da de do ♩
#just me hi#i wanna work on my stuff..#i also need to figure out the vram on my computer because i will die without my viddy games..#//oo a cat has arrived#she likes to sit on my lap while i'm using it so i'm restricted to just writing or watching videos sometimes lol :)#//but yeah i wanna work on pi.e :1#i think i should have a reason for not doing it but i just don't have one lol#just can't i guess. hmm#//been very loud recently - i both need more and more music but also i need to just repeat the current recents until they're burnt into the#grooves of my brain hfhsh#can't make up my mind so i'm on autoplay rn :3#i like lesbian songs they're probably my favorite genre lmao <33#also that generic mall rock sound. i am in Love with those hgbfhs :D#//hm i also wanna start some shows#i'll get to it eventually :)#//oh i still need to learn to make chicken alfredo pasta#i have Got to do thattt#//and aside from generic mall rock sounds i like that 'vaguely sounds like it's coming from a tin can' sound hfhs#a very tinny + strained sound if you know what i mean#that and that solid soft smooth sound#i can't explain that one in any other way but it's like the concept of that high-end plastic they use for kids' toys but Fuzzy and Soft#//i think i also need to go to the lake lol#it's just that kinda time. send me to the wortor#one of my favorite spots because when you get real far out there nobody even bothers to swim out towards you hbfhsv#/i think moats should be more popular these days. because they're neat :3#//anywho i'm gonna devote the next 15 minutes to exchanging gifs with apollo again lmao#we did this the other day because i wouldn't stop sending cat exploding gifs. so now neither of us can stop hgbhfsbf#he just sent me zuckerberg i gotta go- Ciao !!
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cxpperhead · 1 year
❤️💘💟💜🤝 - @umbrellamedic
RELATIONSHIP TYPES! (❤️ committed, romantic relationship + 💘 friends to lovers + 💟 developing sexual relationship (may include romance) + 💜 friendship + 🤝 coworkers)
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Slipping this under the cut because I don't want to clog up the dashboard with my rambling asdfghjkl
This right here? Strap yourself in because I am 100% on board with everything you've sent!! I am totally down for all of it and it's funny because even though these two have only just started interacting, already they have developed such a strong relationship and I honestly never saw it coming because DC and Resident Evil aren't series you'd expect to see together? I am glad that it happened though, because so far I have really enjoyed these two to the point of getting OBSESSED. The way you write BERTHA, her past with Umbrella and Raccoon City - everything about her character is captivating and Copperhead's in deep, whether he likes to admits it or not. Their friendship is off to a good start already. These two really aren't nice people at all - they're cold, cruel, exacting in their work and utterly ruthless as to the lengths they'll go to in order to accomplish what's necessary. Together? That coldness melts away, these two very damaged people finding common ground, even solace in one another. It's ironic in the most *chef's kiss* sense that these two people, barely distinguishable from the monsters around them can be so gentle, dedicated towards each other in ways they'd never be for others?. That blooming into a committed relationship? Sign me the fuck up because I am SO invested in what these two have already and want so much more, to see where this goes, have their feelings grow because fuck, these two need it, they deserve to be happy together??? There is a ton of potential either way, coworkers standing together as BERTHA now finds a way to move on, keep herself alive since Umbrella became defunct. Copperhead wouldn't be any more repulsed by her condition anymore than she is by his appearance and it becomes easier for the two of them to grow closer the more they discover how much they have in common. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that even though these two can be so callous, there's a genuine devotion at work here, and it becomes even more interesting taking a RE!Verse into account where Copperhead is a BOW working alongside BERTHA? I don't want to go on too much because this is already getting long but yes, yes to all of it, their feelings growing stronger over time the closer they get. The tension would be sublime, toxic in the very best way because for all their faults they can raise hell hand in hand, in a twisted Beauty and the Beast sort of way except BOTH of them are happy being monsters together. Love that for them!!! ♥
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mymarifae · 2 years
but like i am so serious. the akito-honami besties agenda. you are all going to look at it and understand it someday very soon (i finally drafted out a coherent pretty long fic about them becoming friends in my head) i’m making this everybody else’s problem
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bylertruther · 2 years
do me a favor, pls. think abt the eddie we were introduced to before he let down his walls after realizing that the party weren't who he thought they were. did u do tht? okay, cool, thank u. now, please tell me if you think that will would like him bc i'm very curious to hear y'all's thoughts 🧐📝
#see in theory sometimes im like yeah OFC someone that's into dnd that much and that is so unapologetically himself and loves what he loves#with reckless abandon and wears his otherness like a shield rather than something to be ashamed of sounds like someone will would like#and then i think abt how dustin n mike were scared to tell eddie n lucas didn't even try to and how eddie threw food at them and manhandled#them roughly n shoved them away and how he spoke abt lucas n i'm like ........hm.#the eddie that wrestles with dustin n pretends to be warriors with him n tells him to never change n makes lotr references? hell yeah#the soft joke-cracking goofy silly sweet eddie that he shows to chrissy? hell yeah#the eddie that he shows to his lambs at the lunch table? mmmmmmmm i don't think so#bc eddie didn't change until he saw that the party was cooler and braver than him lmao. he was so cagey until he realized oh these guys#know what they're doing and are not the people i assumed they were (prob bc he expects ppl to judge him so much [n they do] tht he finds#himself judging them too and i guess trying to get the upper hand if tht makes sense? idk how 2 explain it idk the Words)#and i just ... don't know that will would like being manhandled roughly by another man after lonnie#or having things thrown at him#when the most anyone has ever done with him is ruffle his hair lol#but then i think well... maybe eddie would react accordingly? like he did with chrissy? but idk#i'm not an eddie scholar idk who that man is#ANYWAY tell me ur thoughts <3#side note. ->#i like ripple effect by one of the greatest writers in all of human history aka lilacline bc of how she wrote will not taking eddie's shit#bc THAT felt hashtag real to me
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slashpaws · 2 years
wearing my new dca hoodie is such a Comfort Thing now
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#i giggled a bit w the uh#the lala very evidently likes the catboy n#😭😭 i just found it cute how she calls him yk without the clan prefix. just mhasi instead of h'mhasi ehe#n that.. was rlly funny that cutscene w the flying food 💀#AGHHHH I'M SMILING THE TWO OF THEM R SO CUTE#they have.. nicknames for each other..#SORRY IM . SMILING A LOT#AAAAA IM SMILING A LOT LIKE REALLY A LOT#THEYRE SO SWEET HDFALKSDJFSDLKFJ >//<#IM. hdfahslkdfjdskfjsdfk that was so cute i love love ffxiv's side stories so much!!!!#like i remember the. role quests was it for crafters like wvr in sharlayan? THEY R SO GAY#BUT UH. that was so wholesome 🥺 one of my fav side quests in the game fr it was just so sweet n soft n then the night sky <3#oh man i admire the wol so much they're such an inspiration fr#i aspire to be like her! to help others too n change lives in. wtvr way i can even if it's just being as kind as i could be#i haven't rlly felt like myself lately n my social anxiety has been. ;;;; so i haven't rlly talked to ppl like i used to at all for#quite a while now but i'm sure i'll find part of that old me again. eventually.#stormblood job quests r gna be really quick from this point onwards#hehe this is really enjoyable fr#help the wol rlly is probably too kind for their own good HAHA ffxiv has lots n lots of quests but it keeps me occupied at least <3#edit/ this is making me hungry.. doma's irl counterpart is basically japan n i'm really fond of japanese cuisine . help#edit 2/ THE LALA GOT A KITTY THAT REMINDS HER OF THE CATBOY I MEANTIONED EARLIER LMFAOOOO#oh this is so cute fr ffxiv really has a lot on love n it warms my heart ehe#this is. very heartwarming n wholesome n inspiring :<<#i missed just teleporting all over the game to all these places. limsa earlier n ishgard as well n kugane now :^) i missed it so much..#edit 3/ NOOOO WHAT'S THIS.. 😭😭 STAR-CROSSED LOVERS???? IM SO SAD NO PLEASE LET THEM BE TOGETHER AT THE END OF THIS#BRO RAULF'S DETERMINATION IS. MY MAN YOU ARE SO BASED#the ending is so Predictable n the whole story rlly is so predictable but STILL IM CHEERING HIM ON GO GET THAT APPROVAL <33#h'mhasi calling melkoko her 'my (i forgot the nickname)' n raulf saying 'my anzu' WHY AM I SO WEAK FOR THIS TYPE OF STUFF HFJASDLKS
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
I'll play! 😁
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Hello and thanks for playing!! :)
4. What's a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I know this is meant to make me talk about words I really love, but I'm afraid what you will get instead is a little rant on the expression never mind.
Why is it made of two words. Why. It looks so nice together. Here, look: nevermind. See? Doesn't that look much nicer to you than never mind? People even say it as one word when they say it out loud. Every time I write it down as a singular word and every time the red scrungly line appears to call me an idiot, but the truth is that I'm right. It looks better as a single word and they will never silence me on this.
... Okay, I also think the English really went off with tender. Also beloved. Also fluffy. And most of all darling. The word darling is the one and only reason I'd like to have an English-speaking girlfriend, so I can call her darling. It's the pet name to end all pet names.
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
I do not! I'm the type of person who leaves her books completely immaculate. The most I do is press flowers into them! I'm not sure there's a specific reason, I just never got into the habit (although it might have to do with the fact that I tend to read a lot while traveling, in bed, or generally in situations where I can't really write). If I want to analyze or highlight a passage I use an app specifically for that.
Some 10 years ago I would have judged you hard if you did any of the above 😂 but I've gotten much more reasonable over the years! Now I think that if writing in margins, dog-earing the pages, or reading in the bath brings you joy -- you should do exactly that! Reading is a personal, wonderful experience, and everyone should get to enjoy it in the way they like best.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Dorothy drives stick shift. I haven't been able to fit this into any of my works so far, but it's important to me that you know it.
Just to add some details: she knows how to drive an automatic car, she just learned to drive on a stick shift car and she prefers to drive stick shift. This is only because she's Italian in origin, and Italians (me included) drive stick shift. And also I think of her driving like I do, one hand on the wheel and the other on the shift, and I literally see stars, so there's that.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Answered this one here.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Ooh, fun! I enjoy smashing each and every rule when the time is appropriate, but I think my favourite one (if only by virtue of frequency) has got to be 'never begin a sentence with a conjunction'. This was drilled into me in school, but there's times when beginning a sentence with 'and', or with 'or', or with 'but', is simply more effective -- and effectiveness comes way above grammatical correctness in my list of writing priorities. Take that, grammar!
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keeps-ache · 8 days
love music so much, i'm gonna make some noises about it !!
#just me hi#WOUGH..#sounds sounds sounds !!#i've also had sweet tea n that has caffeine so this might be hyperness from that but OUGH#i wanna talk my head off about something but i do not know what. hmmmmm#there is a very large variety of things to pick..........#//oh i'm wearing one of my favorite shirts today :D !#i like the pattern and it's kinda soft#though sometimes it feels itchy.. dunno why that is !#also favorite pants#'you shouldn't wear corduroy when it's hot' well it is ever so nicely cooler outside so :33#still wore it during the summer...#in my defense these pants Are baggy. and comfortable hkfhv#//mnmnm also been thinking about worrying about Not worrying#cuz you know when you've got a pretty good feeling nothing bad is going to happen? i get that a lot so i'm usually coasting#but i Should be worrying. cuz i think that's what most people do here pfshv#but i'm here like 'well :) the Vibes aren't bad so' but what if they Are and i just don't know for some reason loll#it makes zero sense to worry about not worrying. things happen or don't happen n that's just how it is#and besides - i'm not going to get interrogated about 'why aren't you more concerned?' because that's a bit weird#but i dunno. it Does feel like that sometimes too lmfhsvh#cuz i think sometimes 'if i talk about this and don't seem worried enough- or if i mention it offhandedly w/o the gravity people would#associate with it- Could that look concerning?' and goouhhhhhhhhhghgh#it's a weird loop of thought lmfsvhhg#i'll figure it out at some point. i think for nooooow though.. :3#//i'm gonna draw later !! maybe do some redraws ? cuz i've been thinkin about them and ooouh they're calling me#OH also thinking about changing my banner + pfp but i dunno... i get attached hfbvhs#but YE. i'm gonna go get more tea and finish my Tasks :33#tooooooodles 🎉
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anantaru · 4 months
synopsis. boothill wants to know how many of his fingers you can take — one? two? or three? <3
cw. metal fingers (they're cold & vibrate), fingering + clit rubbing, calls you baby, fem! reader
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"no, no, no," boothill mutters underneath his drawn out exhale as his digits trace soft patterns over your achy clit, "don't buck back, baby, you're already so sensitive, aren't you?" as a grateful hum whirls against your temperate neck.
his eyes scan over your bare body— your tits showing erected nipples, your thighs so prettily soft and your ass, ugh, all for him to look at with your dress pulled up your waist.
naked, you're completely naked and it only made him delve deeper into his want, his need and the desire to crowd you with him.
it's all he wants, everything he needs.
you're so messy, so wet, just perfect. and boothill wonders how more messed up he could get you if he was to insert a finger inside. after all, currently he only rubbed on your clit, pulling on the hood of your pearl and playfully tugging it, surging warm curls into the reactive nerves as you're repeatedly bucking into his hand.
"you want a finger, hm?" he probs at your hole, his voice sounding so handsome, so desperately hot that in truth, you wanted him to fuck you right here and there, skip all of this and grace you with the thick press of his cock stretching you nicely, "just one now?" he winks smugly from behind as he pulls one finger in, leisurely, pressing back and forth to his knuckle and back.
you wince at the coldness immediately, the metal slipping within your temperate walls as you were already pretty much riding the finger. the clear contrast of hot walls and cold finger made you moan his name, moan it wetly and scream it even filthier as you arch your back, your ass rubbing back into his palm as he fingerfucks you.
"hey not yet, don't get too excited, gonna put two fingers in now," he groans quietly, kissing along your neck, rubbing your wet walls with one digit, "need to see you get excited for my cock later, you think you can take two though?" you're beyond overwhelmed by the single one, does he really believe the combination of one finger would give him such a reaction from you if not due to the fact that his digit was vibrating almost cruely.
a cold metal, spilling in and out, vibrating, the quivers and judders of strong sparks reaching all into the blood in your body, rushing through your weeping pussy as you slick him up with your wetness.
you nod eagerly, part your legs for him just a little more as he inserts the second— and this time, the stretch was already burning, a plenitude of pleasure melting into your sensitivity, riveting over your dazed mind. you felt a new sense of excitement enter your psyche, it's dangerous but you do not mind, and as you pull your head back to look at your boyfriend, you see bliss in his own expression, tented in the shadows of his eyes as he licks his lips.
in the most intimate sense, your budding cunt clenches down and shakes at the vibrations of his fingers adding an uncountable amount of new pleasure, the vibration like silent promises, promising you that they'll make you cum and cum all over his hand, right here and there, high on the sensation of the freezing steel entering you this filthily.
"you're so wet for me, oh, oh ugh," boothill bites down on your neck to hide his moans, but his fingers fuck you without pause, so lecherous with their precise thrusts entering your lust-filled body.
"it's so easy for me to just slide in, don't you feel it? you've been waiting for this, didn't you?"
"waiting for me to make you feel good,"
seeing your slick all over him so deviously decadent, made his heart skip a beat and cock hard, all the blood rushing to his erection— fuck, he's so hard and thick, his shaft pushing messily against your plush ass from under his boxers, the girth and length coaxing a thrilling shiver from your body.
"you want me to try three now?" your cunt sucks him in at his words, squelching noises buzzing over your ears in an embarrassing orchestra as you nod your head at him, loved to get stuffed on all ends, with all of him entering you.
"yeah? you want it? gotta be wide open for me, for later," abruptly, he adds the third and the stretch funnily enough— didn't feel too painful, which was due to the fact that you were already wet for him, soaking the insides of your thighs and your ass.
you're gasping, twitching, you're so hungry and bending around his fingers like you're made for him— as if boothill was always supposed to pleasure you this way. the compelling, pressuring thrusts of his digits rocking into your hole was enough for you to become overwhelmed by all the sensations happening at the same time.
sudden warmth fills your belly as you release all over his hand, the sparks of his fingers exuding the vibrations had turned stronger, harder and ruthless to the point where you could feel them attack your sweet, little clit, begging for mercy.
"ohh, yeah, just like that," he places a kiss on your neck, "let me see it, cum for me, pleaseplease," breathing heavily when he broke away to prolong your orgasm, "see? i told you baby, you could take three fingers, maybe more?"
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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