#oh shit i gotta get ho-oh too
princehatterene · 1 year
caught 4 legendaries in soulsilver in one night 😤 (legendary beasts and mewtwo)
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writingouthere · 8 months
singlemom!reader x neighbor!sukuna. you miss having a baby and Sukuna is dying from a combination of your sexual tension, his lowkey(highkey) baby fever and the drudgery of attending a child's birthday party
cw: Sukuna's breeding kink, red flags are present and accounted for, no one gets laid tho so sad face. this actually ended up being way more sincere and heartfelt than I intended but honestly very typical of me
"Oh we're not together, Sukuna's just been letting me and Bug crash while we look for an apartment."
"Oh he's not my boyfriend, we're just friends!"
"He's actually not Bug's dad. No, no. But, they get along really well. She enjoys having someone else to hang out with aside from me, I think."
Your laughter after the last one plays on repeat as he goes to grab the two of you some refreshments. Sukuna feels like he's living the world's worst version of groundhog day, except instead of being some sad loser who relives the same day over and over, he's apparently a sad loser who is going to live the same conversation over and over again.
"Fuck this shit."
"Um, excuse me but could you watch your language. This is a kid's birthday party." Sukuna wants to ask the bitch who is correcting a grown man's language if he would mind watching his own fucking business but you seem to care about what these losers think and he won't make life difficult for you.
If he happens to step on the guy's foot as he leaves with two cups and a juice box caught in his elbow, well, his steel toed boots need the exercise.
Sukuna knew that if any of his acquaintances, he didn't have friends after all, could see him now, they would die laughing. Die ,because he would kill them for laughing, but fuck he couldn't even really blame them, even in his hypothetical.
Once upon a time, Sukuna was a feared criminal. People pissed themselves when he cornered them in a dark alley. Other bad guys would look at him and say, "wow that guy's a real piece of shit" and now look at him. Stuck at some three year old's birthday party. One more kidzpop butchering of an already shitty song away from committing another felony.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he knew he was at least getting some pussy out of it, but he had just spent the past two hours hearing you deny him to anyone who asked and it was really starting to get to him.
He knew he was being a little bitch about it, and he wasn't upset just because you weren't fucking him. He was upset that all the things you were telling people, they were technically true. He was just letting you and your daughter crash. He was just your friend, not your boyfriend. Even the comments about him not being Bug's dad, but him being positioned as some kind of really invested babysitter, those might have stung more than the ones about your relationship but you thought that was true too.
Thinking about the kid made him look for her, not that Sukuna ever wasn't aware of where you and your daughter were. It had become instinct before he was even aware of it.
Bug was laughing with some kids he recognized from daycare and others from their regular trips to the park. Her happiness was contagious and Sukuna found his lips twitching up at the ends despite his shitty mood.
Your daughter's eyes found him from across the playground. "kuna!" she called, waving her little hand at him. He waved back with his available hand and made his way towards her. She met him halfway, her little legs unsteady on the wood chips but she didn't seem to notice. She was always like that when she saw him, she ran fearlessly. Maybe she just trusted he'd catch her.
Was it so wrong of him that he didn't like the reminders she wasn't his. That it stung, not just because of his feelings but because it just couldn't be true. He might not have fathered her, but fuck anyone who said this little girl wasn't his.
"I got you a juice, you've been running around so much you gotta be thirsty."
"Not thirsty," Bug argued leaning into him. He held up his hands that were holding the grown up drinks for the two of you, and moved the package still lodged in the crease of his elbow towards the petulant toddler. "Take it, or I'll drink it."
Bug stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed it. She struggled to get the wrapping off the straw and Sukuna didn't even notice what he was doing until she had the straw stretched out towards him and he was pulling the wrapper off with his teeth. He spit it out on the ground as your daughter gave him a polite thank-you and then walked away, sipping her juice as she went to catch up with her friends.
What had become of him?
"Need a hand?" You smile at him and Sukuna hands over your cup before taking a sip of his own. There was unfortunately no alcohol in it but drinking it occupied his mouth before he acted like a pussy and asked you, "what are we?" or "should we get married?" or something equally as pathetic.
"God, I want a baby."
Sukuna almost spit out his drink but he manages to tone it down to just a little cough before turning to look at you. You don't even seem a little embarrassed which is just infuriating. Sukuna's about to make a suggestion on how he can help with that when you sigh and point to where some loser is holding their ugly baby.
"Aren't babies just the cutest, I miss when Bug was that age."
Oh, so this was just you looking at other people's red-faced brats and feeling nostalgic and was not in fact a call to action. Sukuna rolled his eyes and leaned back on the hand closest to you so he didn't touch you as he was so tempted to do these days.
"That baby, like all babies, is hideous. All they do is cry, shit themselves and vomit and I'm not even sure Bug is the exception to that and she's the best kid there is."
You look touched at his affection for your daughter but also fired up on behalf of babies everywhere.
"You can't just say a baby is hideous, Sukuna. Those are the Zenin's. Bug is friends with some of them."
"Well are the older ones cuter, because that baby looks like someone fucked one of those hairless cats."
"Sukuna!" you hiss but he sees you smile, despite yourself. "Okay, maybe that baby isn't like the cutest baby-"
You continue after smacking his arm. "But Bug was cute, okay. And I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom." You take out your phone and quickly swipe until you get to what you're looking for. "See, cute baby."
Sukuna grabs your phone and looks. It's not the first picture he's seen of a young Bug and he's taken his share of photos of her himself, but he finds himself taken in by it anyway.
It has to be a picture from when Bug was really young, she still had the scrunched up, red face that he associates with newborns. But he thinks you're right, she's still cute. He doesn't know if it's because he knows that baby will grow up to be your daughter, but he finds his thumb caressing her little baby cheeks, the wisps of hair he can see peaking out from where she's wrapped in a baby blanket. It's then he sees she's not alone in the picture and there's a different version of you holding her.
The thing that stands out to him is how tired you look. He thinks this couldn't have been too long after you gave birth but still, he wondered if you'd gotten any rest those first few months. You still didn't like talking about your ex, or the circumstances that had led you to his apartment, but Sukuna knew that chances are you were taking care of Bug single handedly and that couldn't have been easy, cutest kid or not.
"She was beautiful, she still is." He reluctantly hands the phone back to you and you look at the picture again, tears building up in your eyes.
"She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I-I wish that the circumstances were different in how I got her. Sometimes, I wonder how I'll explain everything to her when she's older. She just deserves so much better than him, you know?"
"You both do." Sukuna reaches over and brushes away one of the tears that had managed to fall down your cheek. He leaves his hand there a moment, holding your cheek in his palm, just appreciating the warmth.
"Do you want any?"
"What?" Sukuna isn't sure what you're talking about anymore. He can only see your lips right in front of him, the way that your eyelashes brush against your cheek as you blink faster and faster.
"Babies, do you want any?"
Something short circuits in Sukuna's brain and he wants to say, fuck yes.
He wants to tell you that he thinks about it every day. Every time you put Bug on your hip or send him youtube videos of hairstyles you want to try on her. Whenever it's late at night, and little feet pad out of your room and Bug asks him in the loudest whisper he's ever heard, if he can get her some water because she's so thirsty.
He thinks about it when the sun streams through the curtains of his apartment in the morning and it lights up your hair as you move throughout the kitchen, a force of nature, a creature from somewhere far too good to have ended up here with him.
He thinks about it when the three of you go out and people just assume you're a family, because of course you're a family. When you and Bug play some made up game, or Bug gets tired even though she denies it and he carries her sleeping form against his chest. When he holds her in his lap on the subway and you lean to rest your head on his shoulder and he feels like this, this is what he's always wanted.
He's not all pure and good though, because he thinks about it late at night in his bedroom too. After a day of your smiles, of seeing your thighs stretch out of those sleep shorts you started wearing when the weather warmed up, whenever he remembers the feel and smell of your panties when he's lucky enough to find a pair in the laundry basket, he thinks about how the two of you would make some really cute fucking babies.
He's imagined it a million ways. He's imagined you telling him you've gone off your birth control and you need him now after he takes you out on an anniversary dinner. Or him crowding you up against the kitchen counter and you begging him to put a baby in you.
His favorite fantasy is currently one where you get so carried away when you finally finally fuck that you don't ask him to wear a condom and he spends the whole night making sure you're nice and good and full of him and when you tell him a few weeks later you missed your period, he'll let you freak out. But then he'll tell you that he'll take good care of you, and Bug, and your soon to be little one and he'll finally have you, all of you and once you have your second, he'll knock you up again, as many times as he can because there could never be too many mini-you's running around.
At this point, Sukuna remembers he's talking to you, the real you and he swallows a few times before he speaks.
"I do," he says simply but something must show on his face because you're looking at him in a way you never have before. He hears your breath hitch and he leans in to kiss you, and you smell so good and his thoughts are consumed by the little family he just knows you're going to have when suddenly he's pelted by a variety of sharp, little objects.
Sukuna immediately holds up his arm to shield you from what he now sees is a barrage of wood chips which are being thrown at you by an army of toddlers, including your daughter.
You immediately get up and start talking to the kids about the danger of throwing what are basically large future splinters at people's faces and Sukuna is contemplating the murder of every child that isn't his own when you turn to look at him.
You're not just looking at him, you're seeing him and oh. Maybe he would be getting laid tonight, after all.
The slow burn is almost done folks.
thank you to the amazing reception to this series and the one-shot I posted(which there will be a prequel of soon!). it's literally so insane. Masterlist will be up tomorrow which I hope helps with accessibility!
edit: masterlist is up!
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shower-phantom-ideas · 7 months
Batman figures out Dannys secret identity but the thing is that hes not in the system. Like any system. His face isnt a match for anyone in any database anywhere??!?! This needs investigation. So someone bumps into him for some dna. Which turns out wasn’t even needed because he got stabbed while defending Damian so we got fresh blood samples now baby! But nothing. Not even a relative or anything.
What they do learn is that he just started appearing on cameras a little over 6months ago but before that? Nothing. And he doesn’t seem to be any older than 15 (hes 16 and a half fuck you batman) but how could someone so young be so hidden in the system. Hell even in paper records they can’t find anything in him.
Maybe Bruce can vent to his Justice League friends…. No who am I kidding man would rather die then that. Probably Red Robin (yum) who gets to vent to his friends. Anyway I just need Clark added to the mix because I want him to think Danny isnt human. Boiz heart isnt going fast enough. If it’s going at all. Holy shit Bruce is that a ghost?? Ahh a ghost! … ok wait I hear a beat phew not a ghost. But he might need medical help.
Oo maybe now we have something. A reason hes not jn any record. He might be a testtube baby. Look at how scrawny and guarded he is. Aww B he might have been some sort of labrat. Oh we gotta help him out. He hardly gets any social interactions so it totally makes sense. Look at him B he doesn’t even run from Joker (I hardly know her). We have to protect this poor lost child.
Oh lord now the batclan is spiralling with crazy theories about him.
Do you think Danny would know too? Like maybe hes watching all the nonsense unfold. Or hes trying very hard to convince the bats that no hes just a normal human 16 year old. Like he ho la di da look at me just a normal kid doing normal kid things.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Angel Dust: "I want some personal deets on you, Vaggisaurus, it's about damn time! All I know from LIVING with ya is spears and lesbianism! Give me a fun fact or something! Bra size! Girth! Anything!!!"
Husk: "Anything BUT the fucking sizes PLEASE."
Vaggie: "Sure I'll tell you about my inches."
Angel Dust: "For real!?"
Vaggie: "Why not."
Husk: "If you do so will my fucking stomach-"
Vaggie: "Every inch of me is filled with love for my girlfriend."
Angel Dust: "...."
Angel Dust: "There's not many inches TO ya though, is there toots?"
Husk: "Ah shit."
Vaggie: "....true."
Angel Dust: "Wh- wait where'd that thing come fr-"
Vaggie: "So I guess there's no point in me even trying to be the bigger person here, is there Angel Dust."
Husk: "Well there fucking is now."
Vaggie: "Why don't I measure you with this handy spear. You know. Just to make sure."
Husk: "True."
Angel Dust: "SEE?? DICKS OR DILDOS OR HIGH HEELS- WHATEVER! YOU DO YOU! Or you do her! Or have her do ya while you're wearing-"
Vaggie: "Cut yourself off right there before I do it for you."
Husk: "Maybe just go ahead and cut him down to size anyway."
Angel Dust: "Not the hair though right!?"
Vaggie: "I'll start with a little off the top-"
Angel Dust: "NOT THE HAIR!!! And I ain't no top!! Go aim at Whiskers if you wanna trim one!"
Husk: "WHAT!?"
Vaggie: "He could use a shave..."
Husk: "Fuck off!"
Husk: "And don't YOU come any fucking closer!"
Vaggie: "Flank him."
Angel Dust: "Oh baby it's, MAKE OVER TIMEEEEE!"
Husk: (HISS)
Charlie: "Hey everyone! I'm ho- mooooo....."
Husk & Vaggie & Angel Dust: "........."
Charlie: "....Is uh, is everything going okay?"
Husk & Vaggie & Angel Dust: "......"
Charlie: "Wh, Vaggie, why are you and Angel pinning Husk to the bar counter...?"
Vaggie: "Charlie! You're back!!" (drops spear) (hugs gf)
Husk & Angel Dust: "..."
Vaggie: "I've missed you so much sweetie~ Our shitty friends are great and all, but they're not the same as you."
Charlie: "Oh Vaggie~ I'm sorry I was gone a whole hour! I missed you toooooo~"
Husk & Angel Dust: "....."
Angel Dust: "... ya know. Guess it makes sense."
Husk: "Fucking what does."
Angel Dust: "Them. Always all sweet and snuggly. She's so small, right? Only can hold so much girlfriend at time yeah?"
Husk: "So what?"
Angel Dust: "So of course she's always gotta be getting herself topped off-"
Husk: "Don't."
Angel Dust: "-with a little more Charlie lovin'-"
Husk: "I will motherfucking bop you with her spear."
Angel Dust: "Ooooh~ Mee-ow~ Go on daddy, ya can bop my brains out anytime~"
Husk: "Ugh."
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echobx · 6 months
husband & business man!Rafe hcs
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◆ he'll be coming home from some dumb golf game or something boring and it was so annoying that he has to let it all out by fucking you into subdrop
◆ and then he'll be all sweet after peppering you with kisses to bring you back to reality
◆ but the first time it happened he was actually scared that he hurt you and kept rambling, like "shit baby, I didn't think that was even a real thing. you good? can I keep going or do you need a break?"
◆ and he's never been good at aftercare, but he gets into it and somehow it's incredibly fulfilling to carry you around after and wash you and put you in your favorite pjs so you can sleep and regain your strength
◆ and the morning after he'll make you breakfast in bed and shower you with compliments of how good you were to him the night before
◆ and that rhythm repeats once or twice a month because that's just how his work life is
◆ and he's a busy man, so every time he leaves for a project somewhere else he drags you with him because "we gotta get a scratch away map and scratch off all the countries I made you cum at least five times in a row"
◆ and although he's a doggy kinda guy, he's not appalled by doing a little missionary once in a while because you look so pretty when you cry because his dick is just that huge
◆ and he'll kiss away the tears and tell you to not be such a little bitch about it and just take it like a good girl
◆ and you'll nod, because who are you to argue with him over it because you know he's right
◆ still the tiny fight just always gets him to fuck you a little harder every time you do it
◆ he'd say shit like "gonna fill you up and get you pregnant like a slut" but he's also the one who made you get on birth control, so you know he doesn't actually mean it
◆ but he does mean it when he says he wants to make a little tape in case you can one day not go with him on a trip so the both of you have something to work with
◆ and you do it and it's not bad but not very good either but he doesn't care at all bc "look at that, such a pretty pussy taking all of me. god, you sound pathetic when I fuck you, baby. I love it."
◆ he'd tell you to get your nipples pierced but you refuse at first bc that shit hurts but he keeps saying it and once you do it he acts all surprised "oh baby, you really shouldn't have. that's the best birthday gift ever."
◆ ofc he pays for your manicures and for every little thing. but especially the manicures bc god damn he loves it when you scratch him like a wild animal
◆ he loves showing you off too, especially to his friends who still don't understand how you got him to settle down
◆ and he'll be a real ass over it too, telling Topper and Kelce to look at how hot you are
◆ and the first time round they actually did look at you, but just a bit too long for his taste and then he threatened them and they know him well enough to be actually scared
◆ and you're so sweet and bubbly and he's always looking at you
◆ especially when your eyes are fixed on some other girl who keeps eyeing him and he knows you could tear her to pieces if he let you
◆ the thing is, you know he only wants you, you know there's no real threat, but it still makes your blood boil to know that they think they have a chance
◆ sometimes you even let him fuck you right in front of them, like that one time at a party in a hot tub
◆ and he'd never deny your wish to show off how good he is at fucking you
◆ but once you get back home he makes sure that you remember that he is the one in control
◆ and you'll babble on and on about how you can't take it anymore but you both know it's a lie so he keeps railing into you until you squeeze him so hard that he sees stars
◆ and every time it ends the same, with the two of you cuddling and him showering with "I love you's" and whispered musings, telling you "if I hadn't already married you I'd do it again and again"
please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
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twst-drabbles · 11 months
Malleus 11
Summary: You offered Malleus your lap as a joke after Grim’s tantrum. Malleus accepted the offer.
(It’s been on my mind and I felt this would’ve been so funny to have as an option. I want to hold. I want to spoil.)
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“Nah, it’ll be too crowded. I want to sit here!” Grim demanded, smacking his paws on the table. You had half a mind to flick his forehead to get him to behave, but honestly, you’re in the mood for some fun.
“Well, in that case,” you leaned back in your chair, catching Malleus’s ever intense stare with ease, “Hornton, how about you sit on my lap instead? Grim clearly doesn’t want to sit on it.”
You meant that entirely as a joke. Mozus knew of your usual antics, so his reaction was a mild stiffening of his shoulders and a world weary sigh. Truly, you must be a most tiring janitor to deal with.
Azul, however, choked up on his spit and pounded on his chest to clear it up. Idia sputtered and upon realizing he made way louder noises than usual, shrank into himself and nearly vanished under his collar. Silver was more or less stone still, like you slapped him awake. And Sebek?
His hand immediately went to his sword, clearly ready to fight for ‘His Lord’s’ honor, if his thunderous face was of any indication.
“Y-you! How dare–!” The crack in his voice almost made you lose it.
“Ho… Aren’t you a bold one?” He practically purred out your name, “Are you ready to deal with the consequences if I accept the offer?”
…that’s not a rejection. Oh shit, that is not a rejection. Fuck, now you gotta commit to the bit! If you back out now, you’re gonna be the asshole for offering in the first place.
That and as much as you enjoy Malleus’s presence, if you take back the offer, he’s going to chide you like you’re a fickle and impulsive kid. That treatment will just grate on you and it will ruin your whole day. You hate it when that pops out, that worldview of fae being superior to humans, and therefore should be cared for like children.
So, to avoid that entire headache, you pushed back to make more room and patted your thighs with a sharp smile.
“Go on ahead, my lap can take it.”
You heard a dying wheeze come from Idia and a nervously laughing Azul.
Malleus laughed along with him, loud and joyful. He placed a hand on the back of your chair and managed to calm himself enough to say, “In that case, I accept.”
Grim gave a cheer at his free seat and Malleus graced his legs over your thighs before settling quite comfortably on them. He straightened his back, as though sitting on a very well crafted throne. Malleus was practically sparkling as he put a hand on his chin, little chuckles escaping him as he let himself enjoy this atmosphere.
You can’t say you weren’t enjoying yourself, though you do hate that you put yourself into this can of worms. Oh well, it’s not the worst. You’re comfortable and that’s enough.
Just for a bit of revenge, you wrapped an arm around Malleus’s waist and pulled him in closer.
The light, “Oh!” escaping his lips had you smiling.
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Keep Up With Me
Sub!Eddie x Dom!Fem!Reader
Description: your boyfriend breaking up with you because you're too much for him to handle might be the best thing that's happened to you. It's certainly the best thing that's happened to Eddie!
A/N: bitta angst, mostly smut, best friends to lovers, not me and my horny ass projecting again promise, I'm English excuse my language tally ho what what
Warnings: use of pet names (baby girl, sweetheart etc) reader uses she/her pronouns, NSFW, minors DNI or I'll smack you with a wet fish, F!Masturbation, lap riding, M!Oral receiving, slight M! Orgasm denial, p in v protected sex
5k words
You perch on the corner of the checkout counter at Family Video, legs swinging, fingers tapping on the side.
"So, apparently that makes me some sort of slut." You looked at Robin, one of your closest friends, and shrugged.
"Shit, what an asshole! So he basically dumped you because he couldn't keep up with you?"
"Yup. Sad ain't it." You inspect your fingernails, trying to come off as more aloof than you actually felt. You weren't in pain as such, not from losing that asshole, it's just his words kept ringing in your head.
Why do you want to fuck all the time? Must be some sorta slut. Are you a freak or something? What's wrong with you?
The harsh, sobering words ran through your head on a loop, wearing you down even further.
"Hey, I know that look, stop thinking about that jerk he did NOT deserve you, seriously! You just gotta find someone else, you always do." Robin stares at you, hand hovering over yours.
"That's the problem aint it. I just do this over and over. Too fricking horny for my own good!" You laugh; Robin giggles with you. "Hey there's worse problems to have!" You both chuckle for a bit, but you're still upset about his words. Slut. Freak. "Maybe I am a freak." You sigh.
"Whose a freak?"
You jump, and look around. Eddie Munson, your other best friend and long time crush, had just walked in the door. He flashed you a lazy smile, brown doe eyes creased at the corners.
"We are not talking about you Edward if that's what you think."
Eddie mimes being shot in the chest. "Oh sweetheart you wound me! Don't call me that." He pouts at you.
"It's your name, isn't it?" You poke your tongue out at him.
"Urgh, yeah, government name, but it's so not metal." He picks you up off the counter and spins you round, whilst you squeal.
"Put me down Edward!"
"Whose Edward?" He grins, still holding you, lightly tickling your sides.
"Okay Eddie please!"
He places you on your feet with exaggerated care, brushing imaginary dust of your shoulders.
Robin's eyes flick between yours and Eddie, widening and gesturing her head at you. You know she's dying to say something, but you had told her a million times, Eddie was just a friend. Sure he did shit like that, but it's like you were his little sister or something. There's no way he felt the same way about you.
"Well if you two are done flirting, I've got a job to do." You open your mouth to protest but Robin smirks, grabs a few videos and runs off like a baby deer to shelve them. looking at Eddie, you see his face is flushed. Silence for a heartbeat.
"So aren't you seeing loverboy tonight?" Eddie waggles his eyebrows at you.
"Oh I've just come from EX loverboy's house. Here to pick a horror film and pretend all the victims have his face. Oh and eat ice cream until I'm sick."
"Oh shit sweetheart I didn't know, sorry."
"It's all good, just trying to get some stuff he said out of my head. He's a dick anyway."
Eddie frowns, his brow furrowing. He knows this is affecting you more than you are letting on but he doesn't question it.
"Look, I've got a deal to do, but do you want to come over? I can drop you at mine and I'll be like 20 minutes max. I'm up for horror movies, ice cream and a joint or two?"
"Sounds good Eddie. Thanks."
"No problem sweetheart."
You pick a movie each and summon Robin from her hiding space to check them out.
"Okay you kids have fun!" She beams at you both, waving over enthusiastically.
"Robin you are such a dork." You laugh and leave, turning back to make sure the door shuts and doesn't leave a draught. Robin's still staring at you two, gesturing and putting her thumbs up. You roll your eyes and make your way to Eddie's van.
Eddie, true to his word, dropped you off at his trailer. You were standing in his room, all alone since his uncle was at work. It was odd; you'd been here before several times, but never alone. You sat on Eddie's bed, surrounded by his smell. Laying back against the pillows you grab one and drink in the scent. Okay you've definitely crossed over into freak territory. He wasn't even here and you were obsessed; surrounded and engulfed by his scent. You felt a familiar warmth between your legs, your desire growing for him with each passing second. You hadn't even realised you had unbuttoned your jeans until your fingers met your underwear.
What the hell are you doing he'll be back any second! Despite knowing this, it gave you a little thrill to think he might catch you with your hand down your pants. Maybe he'd finally give you what you've been craving. Working your hand into your underwear, you find your clit with a gasp. You already felt wetness creeping from your folds, desire being something that seemed to run hot within you, all the time. Teasing at your clit, you run your fingertips in soft circles, building up that tingling feeling in your core.
Throwing your head back you groaned softly, increasing the pressure on your sensitive bud. You imagined it was Eddie's fingers doing this, rubbing you, teasing you into an orgasm. It definitely helped. Soon you were panting, chasing your release.
Your mind races, thinking about how he picked you up earlier so effortlessly, you thought about his strong hands holding you firmly, rings pressing into your flesh. You think about what it would feel like, his hands on you whilst you grind against him and that did it. You come undone with your own hand, your release shattering through your nerves. Laying there for a moment you gather yourself, feeling a twinge of guilt. You shouldn't be thinking about your best friend like this. Maybe there was something wrong with you.
Freak. Slut.
No time to unpack all of that, hearing the crunch of gravel outside. The front door opens.
"Hey honey I'm home!" Eddie chuckles, and you hear him coming towards his room. You quickly try look less dishevelled, wiping your hand and hoping against hope that what you just did wasn't written all over your face.
Eddie struts in, chucks his metal lunchbox on the bed and throws himself after it. You can't help but laugh at his exaggerated movements.
He lays there on his side, propping himself up on his elbow.
"Ya miss me?" He grins.
"Always." You smile at him, trying your hardest not to appear flustered.
"So, I'll roll, you pick what to watch, and we'll make a nest."
You laugh at that. "A nest? What am I an egg?"
"Just do what you're told baby girl." Jesus that's a new one. That nickname went straight to your cunt. He sits up, cross legged. "Oh and hand me those papers on the bed side table."
You bend across and grasp the papers, passing them to Eddie. For a fraction of a second he looks down and looks back up at you, face flushed pink.
"By all means get comfortable." He coughs and looks away.
You look down and realise you left your jeans unbuttoned. A small triangle of red is exposed from the front of your black jeans. Trust me to pick bright red underwear today. Flushing magenta, you try and cover your tracks.
"Shit, sorry Eddie the jeans were digging in you know."
"No worries princess, you want a pair of sweat pants? You need to be cosy in our nest" he grins at you.
"Sure, thanks Eds." 
He grabs you a clean grey pair from a drawer and you go to the bathroom to change, cursing yourself for being so stupid. When you return, sweats hanging low of your hips, he had rolled and was waiting for you with a lighter in hand.
"Shit Eddie you could have started without me."
"Nuh-uh. This is all for your benefit, and I'm a gentleman. The lady gets first toke." He reaches over once you've sat down and puts the joint in your mouth and lights it. You take a drag, holding it in for a couple of seconds, then release it. You take another, deeper toke.
"Wow this is decent." You smirk at him.
"All my stuff is decent babe."
"Oh so we aren't talking about the other week with that shit that was all twiggy?"
"No idea what you're talking about." He looks pointedly in the opposite direction. You snort at his actions and pick the first film, loading the VCR.
You both lay back, arms touching, watching the film. The joint goes back and forth, and you begin to giggle at the movie, feeling your high settle in. Laughing with each other at the ridiculous plot, you feel so much better about everything that had happened that evening. You were with Eddie. He always made you feel at ease.
Once the movie had finished Eddie started rolling another, and you ejected the film to put the next one in.
"So, you ready to tell me what happened?" Eddie asks, licking the spliff into place.
Your eyes go wide thinking about what you did in his bed. Shit, how did he know?
"What- what do you mean?"
"I mean why did lover boy break it with you? You never said."
Relief started to spread through you, then you remembered the reasons. Freak. Slut. No way you could tell Eddie that. It was too embarrassing.
"Just standard guy commitment shit. Nothing new." You try and brush it off. It might have worked with someone else, but Eddie could always tell when you are lying.
"Nope, nope. You weren't even serious, you said. So go on, tell me?" His soft brown eyes bored into you.
You started to feel hot and bothered at this amount of attention.
"He said some stuff, it wasn't nice, I don't want to go through it again."
"Did you tell Robin?"
Ooft. How did he always know?
"Okay he said some... stuff that got to me. Jesus Eddie its not important!"
Eddie strokes your arm and looks you in the eye, "if it wasn't important it wouldn't have gotten to you. I just, I want to help."
You look into his eyes and see pure love there, and it does help. You take a deep breath, and, looking anywhere other than Eddie's eyes, you explain the real reason for the break up. Eddie sits silently, listening to you recount the events. When you are done, he looks at you and begins to smirk.
"Eddie it's not funny." You scowl at him. That throws Eddie over the edge. He laughs out loud, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. Feeling embarrassed, you move to get up. Eddie's hands grab your waist, holding you still.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart, I'm not laughing at you I swear." He's grinning, face slightly red from his outburst.
You stare at him. "Then what the hell are you laughing at?"
He chuckles a bit, then strokes your arm, "it's just, it's like he's gotten rid of any man's wet dream, seriously. What man doesn't want a hot girlfriend who wants to do him all the time? He's clearly fucking crazy."
"You- you think I'm hot?" You stutter at him.
"Of course, look at you, you're fucking incredible. Baby girl, any man would be lucky to have you."
Part of you thinks this is just Eddie being a good friend, but the way he looks at you and the lingering hand on your hip; that tells a different story. You decide to push it a little further.
"Any man, right?' You look into his eyes.
"That's what I said sweetheart."
"So, that includes long haired, metal loving, tattooed men right?" You look up at him through your lashes.
"I mean yeah if that's your type..." you see the penny drop behind his eyes. "Oooh, Er yes, those too. Maybe lead guitarist men. Men who like to play D&D?" His voice getting higher. He tilts his head to one side, looking at you with hopeful doe eyes.
"You think there's guys like that in Hawkins?" Batting your eyelashes at him, you move closer.
"Well, I can certainly think of one or two," he says, moving one hand to the nape of your neck, stroking your skin.
"Well, give me their numbers and I'll mmmph!" Your reply is muffled as he presses his lips onto yours.
His touch is electric, the feel of his lips on yours heated. It's more than you could have ever dreamt, the passion of the kiss is something you've never experienced before.
You press your tongue into his mouth and deepen the kiss. Eddie's hand holds you by the hip, fingers pressing into your sides, rings warming against your hot skin. You need to feel him closer so you move to straddle him, but in your eagerness you manage to push him onto his back. Leaning into him, legs either side of his hips, never breaking the kiss. You caress his chest with one hand, the other moving to grab him by the waist, as if he could get any closer without being inside you.
Both of your breathing becomes laboured, desperate. You break the kiss, panting at each other. Eddie's face is a picture, he looks like he's in heaven. A stupid grin is plastered across his features.
"So I've wanted to do that since forever." He beams at you, hand moving to cup your jaw.
"Why didn't you?" You frown at him.
"I dunno, I just thought you weren't interested in me like that."
You look down at him, gesturing to how you were straddling him. "Well, I mean, you're okay I suppose..." you tease him.
Eddie thrusts up with his hips, rubbing against your clothed pussy. You feel he is hard, almost busting through his jeans, and you whimper.
"Seems I'm a bit more than okay pretty girl." Eddie smirks at you.
"Shut up Eddie." The teasing that was a daily occurrence between the two of you puts you at ease. You hold him by the shoulders, and grind your core over his hardened cock, back and forth. Eddie groans low in his throat, his eyes rolling back.
"Jesus Christ, shutting up." You laugh at him, and reach to pull your top over your head, exposing your red cotton bra. It's just plain, soft cups with the tiniest bow on the front. Eddie gazes at your chest as if it were clad in the finest lingerie. You continue to rock against him, feeling your own pleasure mount up.
"You're gonna be the death of me sweetheart" he says but there's no malice in it, just pure admiration. You smirk at him and start planting kisses on his chest, fingers feathering their way to his belt. You undo it and his jeans, yanking them down to his knees, and continue leaving hot, open mouthed kisses to his stomach. Your fingers dip into the waistband of his boxers and you look up at him for confirmation. Eddie stares at you open mouthed for a second, then nods frantically. You smile back at him and bite your lip, pulling his underwear down slowly.
His member springs out to greet you, bigger than average but what really surprised you was the girth of it. You couldn't help but feel your pussy clenching around nothing in anticipation. Licking a pointed stripe from the base to the tip, you massage his balls with your hand. Eddie's head rolled back, his eyes scrunched shut. Lowering your mouth onto the tip, you swirl your tongue around it, licking up his pre cum. Eddie's groan was borderline pornographic. You look up at him and slowly take him into your mouth, using your hands for what didn't fit. Bobbing up and down on his length, you use your tongue to massage him. You'd wanted to feel his dick on your tongue for so long, this almost didn't feel real. There was something about being in control of Eddie's pleasure that made you feel extremely powerful. You could feel his cock twitching already, Eddie was practically whimpering. You could tell he was close.
"Baby girl, shit, I can't take much more, I'm gonna-"
You pull away with a wet pop, Eddie whimpering at the loss of your mouth.
"Baby girl please please." Eddie looks a mess, his face is red, his breathing coming out in heavy pants, trying to grab at your arm, side, anything he could reach.
"Patience baby", your voice dripping honey.
You fling your sweats off and move up him, straddling him in your underwear. Not letting him enter you. Not yet. You were enjoying dominating him.
You start to grind down on his length again, making Eddie whine.
"Please-" Eddie looks at you, breathless and pouting.
"No." You smirk at him. Eddie gasps and looks at you in surprise. You continue to rub  your wet heat against him, "I was thinking about this earlier, wanted to find out what it felt like," grinning, grinding your cunt against his rock hard dick, feeling your slick drench your underwear and him.
Eddie's falling apart in front of your eyes. You unclasp your bra, letting it fall. Eddie's eyes widen and he whimpers, thrusting against you. You let out a moan.
"Touch me Eddie." He wastes no time in grabbing at your chest, smoothing rough fingertips over your hardened nipples. You feel a familiar sensation, a burning in your stomach and chest, desire building and building, setting your insides ablaze.
You increase your pace, rubbing back and forth, your wetness soaking Eddie, making him a slippery mess. You feel him twitch under you, fingers pinching your nipples almost painfully and it sends you over the edge. You cry out his name, your hands in your hair, still riding him, extending the outrageous feeling.
Eddie's hands suddenly grasp your hips, hard. You open your eyes and look down just as his scrunch shut. He comes then, violently with an exaggerated moan. His own release pebbles his stomach, your stomach, even a smattering reaches his chest. You look down at him as you come down from your respective highs, and you both start laughing.
"Well, I've never come like that before." Eddie's stroking your sides, gazing at you in disbelief.
You laugh, and get up off him, readjusting your underwear. You go to the bathroom to clean yourself off, and return with a dampened wash cloth. You kneel beside him, wash cloth hovering over him.
"You gonna help me or just stare baby girl" he smirked, poking you in the ribs, his other hand gesturing to the mess on his stomach.
"Hey, just admiring my masterpiece. Have to take a picture next time." You watch as Eddie's mouth springs open, his face turning purple. You simply hum and wipe him down, passing him the cloth to get anything you missed.
"Holy shit, I was right. You are literally every guys wet dream. Fuck. You're a-a pervert!" He points at you dramatically.
Laughing loud at that, you flop down next to him. He turns on his side and strokes your face, moving a couple of stray hairs.
Feeling self conscious for a moment, you look at him, cheeks flushed slightly.
"You don't mind then?"
"Mind? Mind?? I think I won the lottery." He beams at you and brings you in for a kiss.
"So you wont mind what I meant, when I said I thought about that earlier?" You're testing him, seeing if this could actually work. And you want to see the look on his face.
"Oh please for all that is good tell me." He practically pants at you.
You giggle, "well when you dropped me off I had some time to fill, so I might have touched myself thinking of you."
The groan that escapes Eddie's lips travels straight to your core. He envelopes you in a fiery kiss.
"Jesus baby girl, fuck!" He rubs your back, one hand snaking into your hair, pulling it. "In my bed?" You nod. "So yeah I'm hard again."
You laugh, "looks like you weren't kidding when you thought you could keep up with me," you smile smugly at him.
He pushes you onto your back in response and starts to nip and lick at your neck, leaving opened mouthed kisses in his wake.
"Oh I can keep up with you baby girl, trust me."
Then he's mounting you, the tip of his cock begging for entry.
"Someone's eager, have you got protection?"  You raise your eyebrows at him.
"Yes, God yes, please baby please." His eyes dart to his bedside table.
You push at him, smiling, teasing him, "so you're all confident until you have any pressure at all, I see. Lay back then baby."
He immediately lies on his back, quiet and unassuming, holding his cock by the base. He looks painfully hard but he's not moving a muscle, looking at you for your say so. You feel immensely powerful, gazing at him in such compliant position.
You reach to the drawer at his bedside, rummaging through.
"Oh, what do we have here?" You exclaim, pulling out a dirty magazine, folded to the centre. You cant help but notice the model's hair is just like yours.
"Hmm, she's hot I'll give you that. Kinda looks a little like me eh?" You wink at him mischievously.
He blushes crimson at you in reply.
"I, I suppose I have a type?" He shrugs, face red as a beetroot.
You can help but laugh, "I'm just flattered baby." And then you find his condoms. You pull one out and rip it from its packaging using your teeth.
"So, you gonna be a good boy?" You question, it almost being a joke but you receive a very certain "yes ma'am!" As a response.
You cant help but chuckle, "oh, so the dungeon master wants someone in control, I see how it is," and you grab the base of his painfully hard member.
"Please...' Eddie nearly drools out of the side of his mouth in response.
"Hmmm its good to hear you beg. Well I suppose I'll humour you. For now," you smirk out the corner of your mouth. You roll the condom onto his hard cock. He hisses at the friction. You line him up to your entrance, straddling him.
As you slowly lower yourself onto his hardness, he cries out at the sensation. You see his eyes screwed shut in response, his cheeks flushed pink. You already feel obsessed by the look of him as he entered you. You want to record this forever, the moment you finally got to take your crush. The moment you realised you could completely take control of him; everything you'd ever dreamed of. He's compliant, melting to your touch. You take him into your cunt until you're sitting on him fully. He's buried in you to the hilt, stretching you. Its bordering on pain given his size, but delicious in itself. It's a good pain.
You hold him by the waist, almost possessively. Searching his eyes as he meets your gaze, you see tears gathering at the edges of his eyes, flustered and fucked out already. The look on his eyes is pleading, almost praying.
"Mother of God, fuck...."
"I thought we settled on ma'am?"
"No.... definitely seeing God... baby..." it's a shadow of Eddie's usual humour.
You giggle at him, a sound seemingly innocent, considering Eddie is buried deep inside your pussy. You start to slowly move against him, bouncing up and down on his length, grinding against him every so often. Eddie's eyes roll back, he grabs you firmly by the hips, rocking you back and forth. You take a deliberate, pounding pace against him and feel your release begin to build again.
Eddie is babbling, passionately holding you as tight as he can.
"Jesus, baby girl, you feel so tight and warm, fuck."
Eddie's words of encouragement and blissed out face spur you on. You take him harder, faster, gripping onto him with your fingertips. Every thrust bringing you to ecstasy. You can feel him through every fibre of your being, deep within your core. You cry out in pleasure, the feeling of Eddie in every nerve. Moaning and writhing above him, you know you're about to cum, your walls flexing around him, squeezing his length. Eddie whimpers and you practically scream, your pleasure coming to a head, the feeling pulsating through your every limb, taking over control. Your body rocks in absolute rapture. You shake and stroke his sides as you come down.
"Fuck, Eddie, oh my God." You quiver above him, legs shaking.
"Baby, please can I get on top of you. Please." He looks up at you, wide eyes beseeching you. How could you say no to that face?
"Go on, whatever you want." You remember his reaction from earlier, " you've been such a good boy."
Eddie practically growls at that, flipping you onto your back.
He finds your entrance, slipping back into you deeply with a groan. You pull one leg over his shoulder, the other hitched around his waist and see his eyes roll back. He thrusts into you, deep and slow, planting open mouthed kisses onto your calf.
You stare at his face, one hand cupping his jaw. He's pink tinged, sweating, wild eyed.
"Hey, Eddie, baby, look at me. You're being such a good boy, taking me, using me so well baby."
"Fuck yes" Eddie breathes, his eyes now fixated with yours, grounding him. "Thank you thank you thank you." He chants as his thrusts get faster and sloppier. He grabs onto your hips, plunging as hard into you as he can, and you feel a mounting desire burning in the depths of your stomach.
"Eddie yes fucking me so well, oh God baby, I'm gonna cum so hard." Your words of encouragement send him over the edge; with a stutter and a high pitched moan he comes, shaking and gripping you tight. He continues to thrust in you though, looking at your face, brow furrowed. It must feel too much but he wants, needs you to come again. You grab him by the ass and push him into you as far as he will go, arching your back, releasing a toe curling moan as you orgasm.
You both try and slow your breathing as you move your leg from his shoulder, still quivering.
"Jesus Christ, baby girl that was... wow" Eddie chuckled in disbelief.
"Yeah? That good huh?" You smiled up at him, stroking a stray hair from his face.
"I just... if I knew you were gonna be so..."
"So what?" You frown at him.
"So... in charge! I mean, fuck that was... wow." He grinned at you, and you see your Eddie again. He rolls off you and disposes of the condom.
"What would you have done?" You smile at him, grabbing the blanket to cover yourself up.
"Well, probably just thought about it a whole lot until you made a move." You laugh at that.
"Eddie that's what happened."
"Hmmm, impeccable logic. Still, you had no right keeping this to yourself."
You laugh and throw a pillow at him. He pretends its heavy and it knocks him to the bed. He wiggles underneath it, seemingly pinned. You crawl over to him, moving the pillow, and cage him in with your arms.
"So, I'll roll, you put the movie on, and then round three yeah?" You tilt your head with the question.
"Fuck baby girl you really are gonna be the death of me. But what a way to go!"
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daddydixonscrossbow · 1 month
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Summary: After reader does something to ‘save the group’, it’s still seen as a problem by Rick.
Warnings: TWD themes, walkers, blood, killing/death, weapons, arguing, reader’s in their 20’s, Daryl and reader have something going on, Rick and reader don’t get along, gorey/horror-ish
I’ve had this idea stewing in my head for days
Word Count: 2.4k | unedited
»»———-  ———-««
You watched the walker drop to your feet as you withdrawal your knife from its skull, “Are there anymore?”
Maggie shakes her head, “No, I think that’s all of ‘em, for now, at least.” She lets out a sigh, “I just wanna get these kids to the kingdom. Who knows what’s going to happen with hilltop.”
You nod, “We will, okay.” You reach out and squeeze her arm, “These kids are my number one priority right now.”
“Alright. Let’s keep it movin’.” Rick announces, “Should be about another hours walk.”
Maggie moves to walk next to the carriage and you fall back to walk next to Daryl, “What’s going on with Rick lately?”
“Whatcha mean, darlin’?” He asks as he glances over at you.
You shrug, “He’s just been, how do I put it without sounding too mean.. mm.. a major ass?” Daryl chuckles at your words and you scoff, “I’m serious, Daryl. Maybe it’s just me but-“
“Nah, it is just you. I ain’t gon’lie.” Daryl smirks, adjusting his strap on his shoulder, “He don’t like how y’go against him sometimes.”
“All for good reason.” You mumble, and Daryl nods, “I know, I know. But it’s-“
“Just how Rick is.” You glance over at Daryl and he sighs, “He’ll come around, y’jus gotta fall back a little.”
“Fall back a little.” You laugh and shake your head, “You must not know me at all.” You smirk at him and he shrugs, shaking his head, “Know y’better than y’know yourself.”
Everything comes to a halt and you and Daryl quickly snap into action.
His cross bow up, and your pistol tight in your grasp, “What’s going on?” You whisper and Maggie turns around, “Rick see something.” She shrugs, “I don’t know, he just put his-“
“Everyone. Woods. Now..” Rick motions to the tree line and you, Sasha and Glenn instantly start helping Maggie get the kids out.
Luckily, there were only five on this trip, and most were old enough to understand what was happening. You motion for them to follow Maggie and you follow behind them.
“Maggie.” She looks at you and you motion towards a fallen tree and she nods, guiding the kids and in the direction.
Rick and Daryl stay back, closer to the road to see whats going on. You turn to Sasha, “Go with Maggie. I’m going to stay in between, watching for anything around us.”
“You sure?” She asks and you nod, “Yeah, just protect those kids.”
She nods and moves back with Maggie.
You look around, staying at the ready. Your blood was pumping as you seen an old car come to a stop, four people stepping out at once.
“Oh ho ho. What do we have here?” The one says from a distance, “Looks too fresh for it be left here, right?”
That wasn’t people from the kingdom, hilltop, or even Alexandria.
You glance back at everyone by the tree, and your attention is caught by some old sheds that are taken over by overgrown weeds.
You motion for Sasha and Maggie to look behind them and they both quickly pick up on what you’re saying. As they get ready to move, Rick, Daryl, and Glenn move to where you are and you can hear Rick sigh, “Why are they moving?”
“There’s some old sheds back there. I figured it would be sa-“
Rick cuts you off, “You think it’s best to move them when they’re literally right there on the road?”
“A’right, a’right, we don’t have time for this.” Daryl glances back towards the me and you watch as Maggie and Sasha get the kids into the sheds, them following.
Rick doesn’t say a word, he just looks down, shaking his head.
“Shit. They’re comin’.” Daryl pushes you against the tree and stands in front of you. Rick and Glenn move to different trees and you wait.
“They gotta be around here somewhere.” The one says, “With somethin’ like that, they can’t be too much further.”
“How many ya thinkin?”
“Probably a few. Ain’t no way someone solo is travelin’ like that.”
Daryl glances down at you, giving you a nod and you nod back. He leans out slightly and looks, leaning back in. He looks over at Rick and motions and Rick nods, mouthing, “Don’t. Move.”
You hear the footsteps get closer then they stop.
“Hey, Lyle. Over here.”
The footsteps depart and Glenn quickly makes his way to the sheds. Rick moves over to you and Daryl, “We need to wait them out.”
“They know we’re here, jus’dont know where.” Daryl shrugs, “We can take’em out, there’s only four of’em.”
“And risk open gun fire into the sheds, no.” Rick motions to the buildings and shakes his head, “No way.”
“I have a plan, but I don’t think either of you are gonna like it.” You look between them, “I’ll distract them. Two of them are bound to follow me. You guys get the other two, then go with Maggie, Sasha, and the kids.”
“You ain’t doin’ that alone.” Daryl argues and you shrug, “What other choice do we have?”
Rick stays quiet, and you sigh quietly, “I’m fast. I’ll lose them then loop around to the kingdom. Just tell them I’m coming and let them know about what happened.”
Before either one of them can stop you, you take off, running back the way you came from.
“Hey! Hey! There’s one!”
You were running as fast as your feet could carry you.
You ran for a few more minutes before you dive down behind some large rocks, giving yourself a few seconds to catch your breath before you get up. You peak around, looking to see if they’re coming.
Two of them are following. Just like you said they would.
You heard faint gun shots from where you left Daryl, and you can only hope that it was successful shots from your side.
“I think she went this way.”
“We gotta go back man, they probably killed Lyle and Paul.”
You being your gun around, firing off a quick shot which hits one in the arm, “Ah! Fuck!”
“Shit, shit, shit! Brian, hold on.”
You take your moment and keep going, ducking down when you hear the gun fire. You stop behind another big tree, panting as you check to see how many rounds you have left, and thankfully you have more than enough.
“Come on out, sweetheart. We just want to talk.” The man chuckles, “If anything.. I think we need to work on your aim.”
You roll your eyes, snapping your head over when you hear a few walkers making their way towards all the noise, “Shit.” You whisper quietly, resting your head back against the tree as you think quick.
“I promise I won’t hurt’cha.” The man sighs, “Here. I’ll even take care of these living dead shitbags for you.”
As he fires his gun, the guy you shot comes around the tree, only to be met with your gun to his face, “If you want your friend here to live I suggest pu-“
The guy fights back, slamming your wrist against the tree. You drop the gun, groaning as he pushes you against the tree. You kick out, catching him in his side and he groans, stumbling back, “Fuckin’ bitch.”
You drop down, picking up your gun and firing at him. His stomach takes the bullet and he drops to the ground, yelling for his friend, “Get her, Derek. Fuck, she’s right here.”
You feel a hand on your shoulder and it’s a walker. You grab its arm and push it towards the guy on the ground. His screams fill the air and you back up, waiting for the other guy to show his face.
A bullet smacks off the tree next to you and you turn to run. You duck down behind a fallen tree and aim, waiting for the perfect time.
The guy peaks his head out from behind the tree and you fire. You instantly hear the gurgling scream and that’s when you know, your aim is fine.
You walk back up, knifing the walkers in the skull as you make your way to where the guy was laying, choking on his own blood.
You bend down, taking his pistol, “Looks like my aim is just fine.” You walk back, killing the walker that ate half of the guys face. You grab his gun and keep walking.
As you make your way back to the sheds, a part of you hoped they were still there, but a part of you hoped they got the kids and ran.
You go to each of the shed doors, whispering before opening each one, and there was no trace of them. You let out a sigh of relief, walking up to the other two bodies that were lying on the ground.
One had a hole from an arrow and you couldn’t help but crack a smile.
The other one, you assume, Rick shot in the chest. You bend down, knifing him in the head before picking up the knife laying next to his body.
You make your way out to the road and start walking towards the kingdom.
If you had to guess, you were about a half hour or so, behind them. So it wouldn’t be long until Rick was tearing your head off.
You were tired, so you weren’t rushing to catch up to them, you knew you’d be fine. And you were. As soon as you walk up to the kingdom, you’re met with the guards and they let you in.
Sasha and Maggie run up to you, “You okay?” Maggie asks as she looks over your face, “Ya aren’t hurt are you?”
You shake your head, “I mean, my wrist might be a little bruised, but here.” You pull the two guns from your waist band and hand them to Sasha, “They were on the two that were following me.”
“You are one badass bitch.” Sasha laughs as she takes them, “Glad you’re good. Seriously.”
You nod, looking over at Daryl who’s leaning up against the one house and you give him a smirk.
That smirk is quickly taken away when Rick steps into your line of sight, “Can we, uh.. talk for a minute?”
“You mean yell at me for a minute?” You roll your eyes and look over at Maggie and Sasha who are walking away.
“You could have gotten everyone killed.” Rick grumbles, “Do you not think?”
“Oh no, Rick. I thought about it. I thought about the lives of those kids who made it here in one piece. I thought about just taking a shot at all of them. I thought about shoving you out in the open and letting them fire at you. Trust me, Rick. I thought about a lot of things out there.” You go to walk away and Rick keeps going, “I had a plan, y/n. Okay? I had a plan to get us all out of there without having to separate like that.”
“What? You were going to talk our way out of it? How many times has just talking your way out of it work? Huh? The, the, fuck. Terminus? Um, those guys on the road? Rick you bit a guys fucking throat out.”
“We’re not talking about terminus or the guys on the road. We’re talking about children, and how your actions about got them-“
“Don’t you dare put that on me.” You shake your head, walking up to him, “I made it easy on you. I ran, took two with me. From the looks of it, you and Daryl had it easy, or at least Daryl did. The chest, Rick? Really.” You laugh slightly, “I don’t understand why you have such a fucking problem with me.”
“You don’t listen to anything anyone says here.” Rick scoffs, “You’re rebellious. You’re thoughtful and you just do what you think is best. You crossed damn like, y/n.”
“I crossed a line?!” You laugh slightly, your anger boiling up even more, “You do what you think is best, right? Rick, I always have a plan. No matter who the hell I’m with. I always have a backup plan. An escape plan. Whatever.“ you shrug, “I’m a person of action.”
You turn to walk away but stop, “Oh, and they didn’t start firing until I was a good distance away from the sheds, so fuck off, Rick.”
“I want you out of here.”
You stop, looking up at Daryl who’s now walking over with his attention now turned to Rick.
You turn back, “What?”
“You heard me. You can leave in the morning.” Rick shrugs, “If you’re not going to consider everyone else’s safety then-“
“Those kids were and will continue to be my number one priority, Rick. Why are you so blind to see that I put my life on the line so you could get those kids here?”
“I didn’t ask you to do that. I told you to not move and what did you do?” Rick tilts his head and you squint, “Those kids are safe. I’m okay. You’re okay. What is the big fucking issue?”
“The issue is-“
Daryl cuts Rick off, “A’right, that’s enough. Drawin’ a crowd.”
Rick walks away and you purse your lips to try and not laugh, “someone’s gotta pull the stick out of his ass.”
“I told ya to lay off.” Daryl stares at you and you sigh, “Can we do this later, I need something for this wrist.”
“Yeah, c’mon. You can tell me what happened then I can give ya the whole spiel.” Daryl chuckles as he lays his arm over your shoulders.
“You know I’m right, Daryl.” You smirk up at him and he shakes his head, “I’m not sayin’ you’re not. I’m just sayin’ you can’t be doin’ what you did all the time, y/n.”
“You’re worried about me.” You tease with a smile and he scoffs, “Whatever ya wanna call it, a’right.” He leans in to kiss your head and you glare at Rick as you walk by him to go to medical.
»»———-  ———-««
This was just an idea off my head, I needed to write it. Sorry if it sucksss. Love yas!
Here’s a kiss for likin’ and reloggin’💋
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feathered-serpents · 3 months
The Trouble with Soulmates Chapter 2 - First Scene Preview
Hey! I do feel bad about being slow getting the update out despite what I promised. My time management has not been great this summer, admittedly, but I am making good progress finally!
I wanted to share one last preview scene to hold you guys over until the release. This is the first scene (sans prologue) of the story, taking place IMMEDIATELY after the end of the first chapter. It's unbeta'd and subject to change so please keep that in mind! Otherwise, enjoy! ----
Husk hadn’t slept in Anthony’s room long. Really, he didn’t sleep at all after Anthony left, though he did try. When he realized he wouldn’t be sleeping, he decided he had to go. He wasn’t the type to lounge naked in someone else’s bedroom, no matter the circumstances that led him to lounging naked in someone else’s bedroom. 
Now he stood, clothed, behind the bar counter, cleaning out two scotch glasses behind an empty counter like he would any other day. Only today, he hummed while he did it and maybe smiled in the right light. 
Husk didn’t consider himself “good” at much. 
There was bartending, but all you needed to be “good” at that was a half-decent memory and familiarity with your inventory. There was gambling, but “good” was never a word he used to describe him and gambling. He had an appetite for it, he was certainly skilled at it, but good? No. Not that.
But this thing he was doing… 
Honestly, he didn’t know exactly what he was doing. He knew he’d gone from rolling his eyes at an actor to drinking with an Angel Dust, to liking someone called Angel, to starting a thing with someone named Anthony.
And he wanted to be good at it.
“You’re making noise,” said a needle-shaped voice from somewhere around his knees. 
He looked down, and standing by his feet was Niffty, feather duster in hand, blinking up at him with her head tilted like a curious toy poodle. 
“It botherin’ you?” 
Niffty narrowed her eye, and brought her fingers to her chin with a long hmmm. She held the pose for a moment before she finally shook her head. “I don’t think so.”
“Let me know if that changes,” said Husk. He put the scotch glasses back in the cabinet, brims down, and grabbed this morning’s bottle of whiskey. “Don’t wanna be on your bad side today.” 
He brought the whiskey to his lips, lazily letting it fill his mouth. 
“Is it ‘cause you and Angel had sex?” 
And spit it back out. 
Niffty grinned sharply and climbed on top of the counter. She swapped her duster for a yellow rag Husk hadn’t seen on her and began to mop up the discarded whiskey drops. 
Husk wiped off his mouth after coughing out the burn between his nose and throat. “You don’t gotta go around sayin’ that, Niff.” 
“But you did!” 
“Yeah, but-” a sudden shock of horror- “How do you know about that?” 
“I chased a roach into a room and saw you guys in there.”
“You saw-” He growled. Pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. “Y’know what? Nevermind. Just don’t go spreadin’ shit that ain’t no one else’s business.”
Niffty crawled onto his shoulders to begin to dust the upper shelves while he went about his usual work, and it was not long after that Alastor appeared. As he always did when Niffty and Husk found themselves together on their own. 
He sat on the leftmost barstool, leaning his cane against his leg and his chin on his clasped hands. Husk turned his back to him. 
“And what are we discussing this fine morning?” he asked.
Niffty leapt off his shoulder and onto the bar in front of Alastor. “Angel and Husk had sex.”
Husk broke this morning's bottle of whiskey. Clenching it to bits in his fist.
“Oh-ho! Niffty! My dear, that was wholly too much information,” Alastor said with a polite pat on her head. “Still, I suppose that warrants congratulations, Husker.” 
Husk allotted Alastor one sour look over his shoulder before beginning to clean up the glass shards now on the back counter. “Yeah.” 
“I had hoped you would enjoy yourself here,” Alastor cheerfully continued. “I am glad to see you settle in after all this time.”
Husk dusted a few tiny shards off his palm. He may hate his body, but the pads it put there did keep him from getting cut. Maybe that’s why he thoughtlessly responds: “...thanks.” 
He hears the way Alastor tilts his head. 
“My, my, a sincere expression of gratitude! From you! Fornication can work wonders, it seems.”
Husk snarls. “You gotta fucking say it like that?” 
“There he is.” Alastor stands, taking his cane in hand and twirling it. “Come, Niffty, I do believe we are beginning to irritate him.” 
Husk catches them in the corner of his eye as they walk past him. Alastor’s grin grows larger, something that long stopped surprising Husk. He closes his eyes and nods at him in an exceptionally friendly way, with Niffty scuttering at his heels. 
Husk chooses another bottle from the shelves, and the day trickles on. 
Maybe he should get a phone. 
He’d never considered it before, he and boredom were on good terms. He could slip into a nice stupor and wave hours and hours away in a half-conscious haze, and if someone wasn’t in front of him, he had no desire to speak to them. He also had no desire to speak to someone who was in front of him. He didn’t need a phone.
But as he hummed through the hours today, consciously, he kept finding himself thinking about Anthony. Not anything specific about him, just him. And if he had a phone, he wouldn’t have to wait the day away for him to come home and have their nightly talk, drink, and, as of last night, perhaps some new nightly activities. 
Then again, maybe it wasn’t the best idea. Husk might not have kept up with technology, but he knew enough to know you can send photos with a phone, and while he hadn’t quite sussed out just how far apart Anthony and Angel were, he had a suspicion Anthony still wouldn’t be doing much talking. It was far more likely he’d just send Husk photos of himself. Nude. In obscene poses. All night. Then, spend the day sending him the ones he didn’t have time to send the night before. 
Maybe he should get a phone. 
He snaps back into himself, turning around to see Charlie running down the main staircase. Vaggie walked behind her, casually, her hand on the railing as she walked down the steps above the first landing when Charlie had already landed on the lobby floor. 
She ran—walked with purpose as she put it—up to the bar. As she got closer, Husk realized she was holding Anthony’s pig, its little ears flopping in time with her steps accompanied by giddy snorts. 
“Is Angel back yet?” Charlie said as she reached the counter. 
It’s already strange to hear others say that name like it’s his. Husk had only met Anthony yesterday, yet he felt like he knew him better than he would ever know Angel. 
Still, he doesn’t correct her, just like he didn’t correct Niffty. Not his place. 
“Nah, not yet.”
Charlie leaned down and was out of sight. When she stood back up, the pig was no longer in her arms. Husk heard the soft snuffling of a curious thing exploring the space around the bar. Her face had that furrowed brow between confusion and concern. She looked at the clock that sat by the bar wall, shook her head, and shrugged like she was telling herself to relax. 
Then she smiled back at Husk. 
“How’d it go?” she asked, hands on the bar, half rocking and half bouncing in place. 
“Ask Niffty.”
“It was good,” said Husk.
“Just good?” 
Husk never much liked people prying into his business, especially since he wound up down here. But Charlie’s interest was so innocent and genuine as if she were giving him a gift. He couldn’t help but smile, well, make about three-quarters of a real smile. 
“Real good.” 
“C’mon, Husk,” said Charlie. A ragged exasperation on the O of the first word. “Give me something!” 
Husk completed his smile. “I ain’t gotta tell you nothing.” 
Vaggie finally reached them. She put a hand on her hip as she stood beside Charlie. 
“She is the princess of Hell.” 
“Sure is,” said Husk. “And I ain’t telling you shit, princess” 
Vaggie looks at him knowingly, Charlie pouts falsely, and Husk chuckles genuinely. 
Then, the front door opens.
The pig makes a sound. 
And something is wrong. 
Anthony walks in, and he looks fine. He’s standing at his full height; he’s walking steadily, but that’s the part that gives it away. He’s walking purposefully. Long determined strides, intent to get him from the door to the stairs as quickly as possible with as little notice as possible. 
If that wouldn’t have told Husk something was wrong, the next detail would: He isn’t looking at anything—not at Husk, not at Charlie, not even at the floor. His eyes are fixed on a single point of nothing. His lips loose around his mouth, his upper arms crossed over his chest, while the other two simply hang. 
And something is wrong.
Charlie doesn’t see it. As Anthony approaches, she says, “Angel! Husk said your date was ‘good,’ but that’s all he’ll tell me. I wanna know everything!”
Vaggie doesn’t see it. She says, “Maybe not everything-” 
Anthony walks right past them.
Right past him. 
That is when Husk moves. 
He’s following him, which he shouldn’t do. He doesn’t do. He does it now. He follows Anthony to the base of the stairs, and he calls out after him, “What’d he do?” 
Anthony is climbing the stairs without slowing or looking back. He mumbles, “Nothin’.” 
Husk is worried for Anthony. Of course, he’s worried. Why else would he be trailing after him like a limping puppy? But that response stings, and before he feels the pain, he feels the anger. 
“Ain’t we done with bullshit? I don’t like bullshit.” 
Anthony turns around. 
And Husk has made a mistake. 
“So I only do what you like now?”
There’s light in his eyes again, but this kind of light is violent. It’s sunlight streaming through a bullet hole. 
“One night, and you start telling me what to fucking do?” 
There’s a bite in Anthony’s voice that Husk has heard before but never felt before. When he’d heard it last, he’d been ready, armored. Armored and ready the way he was for everyone, every day, thoughtlessly. But, just as thoughtlessly, he’d become unarmored and unready around Anthony months ago, and so he feels it now. He feels the pointed tooth in every word. 
“Shut up!” 
He’d rather been shot than hear Anthony speak to him like that. 
“My name’s Angel Dust, got it? It ain’t- it ain’t that.”
And Husk understands. 
He understands what he looks like. He looks like an ugly old man chasing after a beautiful younger man who has told him no. He sees it in his mind's eye as clearly as if he were standing outside his body, judging it. 
He goes numb. 
“…yeah,” he says. “Got it. Have a good night, Angel Dust.”
He turns around.
He hears Antho- Angel Dust run away from him. Heavy heels on hard stairs. Husk is nearly thrown over when his pig darts past him, following Angel Dust away. Husk does not look back to see them disappear. 
He walks back to the bar, heavily, his wings and tail dragging. He knows the feathers there are picking up clumps of dust and dirt on the carpet like fine-toothed combs, but there is nothing in him that could lift them. 
“You said it went well…” Charlie says as Husk takes his place behind the bar. 
“Guess not.”
Husk’s heart wasn’t broken. He was too old for that. Too old, too bitter, too dead for heartbreak. 
Husk chooses a bottle from the shelf. Thick, reddish brown, truly Hellborn stuff that would stop the heart of someone topside after one shot. 
“Husk, please don’t-”
He pops the cork.
“Go on. I don’t need no shoulder to cry on.”
He downs half the bottle in one swallow. 
“I’m sure he just-”
“Get the fuck away from me!”
He smashes the bottle on the counter. 
It’s an impossibly loud moment, but he still hears Charlie’s gasping scream as Vaggie pulls her into her chest. Arms wrapped around her, shielding her from the bullets of liquor and glass. She’d done it as quickly as the bottle broke. She looked at Husk with an eye wide with anger and disgust. 
He steps back. 
Charlie looks at him from the gaps in Vaggie’s arms. Her eyes terrified. Husk wished he were younger and dumber and couldn’t tell the kind of terror in Charlie’s eyes was not the terror of someone afraid of him. 
He needed no sympathy.
Wordlessly. Methodically. He reached for the bar rag on his shoulder and began to mop and sweep the counter clean. Vaggie and Charlie shuffled away, eyes on him until they were out of sight. 
He stayed there alone. Far into the night. Cleaning and sorting glasses without making a sound.
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lanadeldixon · 1 year
Summertime Sadness
Pairing- Daryl x fem reader (some Rosita x reader if you squint)
Word count- 1.1k
Warnings- angst, implied panic attack, mentions of death, someone being beaten, starved Daryl :(
Setting- s7 Alexandria
Summary- The saviours come to collect their 50%, but when you see the condition Daryl is in it’s hard to cope.
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“Oh my God,” I whispered “Daryl?” His name a symphony of worry on my lips. A name I used to say with such love now drained of its positivity and filled with fear instead.
Vulnerability shone through his eyes as he turned to me, “Y/N?”
As soon as my name fell from his lips, the end of a gun struck him straight in the jaw, the loud thud of his body hitting the ground echoed through the town.
My breath hitched and a tear rolled down my cheek as they hit him again, yelling at him, “SPEAK WHEN YOU’RE SPOKEN TOO!”
“Leave him alone,” my voice choked up to the point where it came out in only a whisper.
“Let him go,” I cried louder this time, desperate to draw them away.
Hands wrapped around my mouth, too quick for me to react, my screams came out as muffled cries as I attempted to call for help.
But it was no use, I was dragged backwards into my house,
“Shh, you have to calm down, okay?” I immediately un-tensed at the sound of her voice.
“You gotta be tough, you do shit like that you’ll get all of us killed.” Rosita exclaimed sternly.
Her hands released me and she circled me until we were eye to eye.
“You’re not gonna be doing us any favours getting yourself killed,” it was clear to see she was still in grief, she was mourning a man she’d killed off in her mind a long time ago, only now he was truly gone and it was still sinking in.
She had become colder, no one could blame her, however all of us were too busy drowning in our own insurmountable grief and missing loved ones to pay attention to anything else.
I nodded at her like a school kid following her teachers orders then opened my mouth preparing to respond.
“Bam!” The door swung open.
“We said 50% didn’t we?!” His voice shook us to the core.
Whispers of the dead conquered my thoughts as I turned to look at him.
“Woah ho ho well you must be the girl?!”
Negan exclaimed following it with a slight laugh.
“Well you sure are a pretty thing ain’t ya!” His hand reached to my face as he said it, I stared him down, not daring to move but still not hiding my resentment.
“If I weren’t such a fan of your boy Daryl I think I’d have to make you one of my wives,” a sinister grin took over his face as my mine began to pale.
He leaned close to my ear, to the point where I could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke, “Hell, im the boss, I could just do it anyway…”
I tried to hold back my anger, to not say anything out of fear of what he might do. But the idea of having to marry him sickened and overwhelmed me, “fuck you,” I snarled, eyes finally meeting his.
“You got some massive lady balls and I gotta say, I dig that.” He stated, pulling his face away.
“I’m so tempted to bring you home darling.” He finished, deep down I knew he was just teasing but the thought revolted me.
“I would never be the wife of someone like you,” I responded, my face scrunching up.
He looked at me still with that daring smile.
At that point I couldn’t taken it anymore, my rage boiled until finally, it spilled, I looked at him and let out a large wad of spit aiming it right at his leg.
“Go to hell,” I stated, storms in my eyes.
His face finally faltered as he stared at the stain on his trousers.
“Ho ho ho, you bitch,” he said grabbing the back of my hair and yanking me outside of the house.
“How about we put on a little show, huh darling” he purred in my ear.
I felt ill as he forced me to my knees and began to gesture with Lucille.
“Now I was gonna be nice today but it seems some of you still need an example of how to behave.” Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned as he spoke.
I didn’t cry, I was very careful to heed Rosita’s advice and made sure I didn’t once show my fear, Daryl however did not do the same…
“Y/N!” He screamed as if I was already dead.
“DONT TOUCH HER,” he cried with rage, “I’LL KILL YA!”
“Bring him,” calmly, he gestured to the woman on his right as he spoke.
She dragged him so he was diagonal to me, she then kept her hands on his face, forcing him to keep his eyes on me.
Now I knew to be scared but all I could think was how tired he looked, behind the rage and upset was masked malnutrition and exhaustion. I couldn’t help but worry.
“We’re gonna break up another couple tonight,” he laughed aiming and fake swinging his bat at me.
I grimaced at his statement recalling the story of what happened to Glenn and Abraham and the devastation Maggie and Sasha were left with.
“I’m sorry, you would’ve been a real treat to come home too but looks like you’re gonna end up another lost treasure.”
“Last chance to say goodbye lover boy,” Negan warned.
Daryl was screaming profanities at him, doing everything he could to divert Lucille’s attention to him instead but to my relief, his attempts failed…
That was when the countdown started…
“10…” my breathing quickened.
“9…” I could see Daryl’s mouth moving, his whole body scrambling beneath the saviours holding him back, but all I could hear was Negans voice.
“8…” “just continue to do this when you’re scared okay baby?” I could hear my mums voice infiltrating my thoughts, guiding me to breathe.
“7…” I can see the flowers, they look so pretty, especially now that the lilies have grown, my mother didn’t like lilies, she always loved roses.
“6…” I can see the sun, it shines so brightly today, beaming down its light onto all of us, I think of Daryl’s nickname for me.
“5…” I can see my friends, I love my friends. Part of me wishes I could see Maggie again, the other doesn’t want her to see this.
“4…” I can see the sky, it looks painted today, the way the clouds are floating looks ethereal.
“3…” I can see Daryl. My Daryl, I smile.
“2…” I can see the bat, it blocks the sun as it’s lifted high into the sky.
“1…” I can see Glenn and Abraham, I didn’t think I’d see them so soon but I’m happy-
“I’LL JOIN YA!” Silence overcame the crowd as Daryl pleaded.
“Just let her go, that’s all I ask” his voice quaked, there was a frantic look of desperation in his eyes.
Negan chuckled before his face turned stern.
“Who are you?” He commanded in a teasing tone.
“I am Negan…”
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little-teacupss · 22 days
Memes/Vines/Sounds with MFH and the VK's!
Warnings: mild cussing and Hook's trauma
Hook: I put red lipstick in your Valentino white bag.
Fay: Lipstick in my Valentino white bag! Wha- what-
Fay: Just wait til Peter gets free, then you'll be sorry, Hook!
Hook: Wait, you call me this too? Is this a universal thing? How long have people been calling me this?
Morgie: Well, isn't it that your name? Hook?
Hook: NO! It's James! Who told you my real name was related to the worst accident of my life!?!?!?
Hades: -exists-
Hook: Oh my gosh, that's so mean.
Morgie: Is it his eyes?
Hook: - takes sunglasses off -
Morgie: Is it his smile?
Hook: - smirks -
Morgie: Is it-
Hook: Stop! If you must love me - stares into Morgie's eyes - love me for my IQ!
Hook: There are just too many dads living here in this home.
Morgie: And just what is that supposed to mean?
Hook: Well, haven't you ever seen that show my three dads!
Hades: Yeah, it's called full house, you dipshit.
Hook: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Maleficent: What's up your ass today?
Morgie: Hey.
Maleficent: Hm, never mind.
Uliana: - random eating sounds as she watches this unfold -
Hook: I must be Santa Clause cause I get Ho! Ho! Ho's.
- five minutes later -
Hook: I actually don't.
Uliana: Look at this fat, giant, morbidly, obese squirrel. What are you doing?
- shows a picture of Bridget -
Fay: It was gay. Why should I have to apologize, I saw gay, so I said gay, that ain't bully that's an astute observation!
- Hook and Morgie in a room alone -
Hook: We're like a big happy family, and I'm the dad, Uliana's the mom.
Uliana: Why am I the mom? What kind of gender roles are we assuming here?
Morgie: I know there probably thinking I'm the son, but no I'll be the gay, emo cousin.
Fay: and I am the son the hot shot who just wants to be a star.
Maleficent and Hades: And I'm the sassy aunt who talks shit about everyone
Fay: I was silent.
Uliana: Were you silent, or were you silenced?
Fay: I was silenced.
Morgie: Would you kiss the pope if he asked?
Hook: If he asked me to kiss him, no way, dude, never kiss someone who asks you to kiss them. You know that's rule 101.
Morgie: That's a rule?
Hook: That's rule 101 of the book, Morgie.
Morgie: They say you.
Hook: Bro, you're gonna tell me if an old man walked up to you and said 'kiss me'.
Morgie: No, not just any old man.
Hook: If it's the pope, and he comes up to you and says,'kiss me'.
Morgie: You gotta ask me.
Hook: Wha- no, he's no.
Morgie: You can't demand me to kiss you, I'm not gonna kiss me.
Hook: Can you kiss me?
Morgie: I'd be like I can.
Hook: Will you kiss me?
Morgie: I don't know.
Hook: Your being a flirty little bitch aren't you!?
Fay: Get this in every group of friends. There's the dumb one.
- they all point at Morgie -
Morgie: Really?
Hook: I'm so sorry. I think your sister maybe having my second son.
Fay: What they didn't know was a romance was blooming.
- Hades and Maleficent look at each other -
Fay: A romance lasting a lifetime!
Maleficent: No!
Fay: Let me see what you have there!
Hook: A knife!
Fay: No!
Anyway, I hope you all like this. If you want to see a part two, just tell me, and thank you all so much for keeping up with MFH. You've truly made my co-founder @giveityourworst, and my dreams come true!
Tagged list: @giveityourworst, and @brokenmilkcrates. If you want to be on the tagged list, just ask!
Anyway til the next story! Ba bye!
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itsohh · 8 months
Popstar MK1 Intros
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A/N: Now I've finished off Electra Heart heres some intros set after it. This focus's on popstar reader being in costume when they come to fight + them still being in their relationship with Johnny.
Fighters: Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Smoke, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung
Warnings: None
Intros Part 1 Electra Heart
Johnny: Oh ho-ho-ho gotta say babe that is a great look on you. I always said that the big screen never captured how truly hot I am but I think it also applies to you.
You: Eyes up here Johnathan. I'm not a doll for you to gawk at.
Johnny: Oh fuck that's hot.
Johnny: After this can I eat-
You: Not another word.
Johnny: Ooo you're so dominant in character, should wear that to bed. I might even leave a little bit on you at the end of the night.
You: Hmp.
You: Wait-wait-wait. Ah fuck lemme take these heel's off I can't keep fighting in costume. This was made to sing in no fight.
Johnny: Hey, hey if your feet are hurting go for it. There's no rush, I can wait. Last thing I want is you hurting.
Johnny: Have you written any songs about me perhaps?
You: Oh this is kind of embarrassing, but try an album.
Kenshi: Flashy.
You: And impractical.
Kenshi: When I see you like this it really makes me realize how much you and Johnny are a match made in heaven.
You: Kenshi you're literally blind.
Kenshi: I think any blind man can see how bright the sequins are on that dress.
Kenshi: Why the name Nightingale?
You: It's a long story.
Kenshi: You always say your stage self is a character you play but I've yet to hear any difference.
You: That's ‘cause that shits embarrassing off stage. I can get away with Johnny because… I mean look at him.
Kenshi: Johnny said you wrote an album about him. He hasn't shut up about it.
You: Yeah might have dropped the ball confessing that one.
Smoke: Woah I can't believe your- woah.
You: I'm surprised you're familiar with my work actually.
Smoke: Of course, it's a bit of a guilty pleasure but I loved your second album.
You: You know if you're ever free your welcome to tag along to one of my concerts and hit up backstage or front row whatever you prefer.
Smoke: Really?
You: Anytime! I always let my friends hang out.
Smoke: Your outfit is more stunning in person than I could have possibly imagined.
You: Yeah but the glitter gets everywhere.
Smoke: I remember your fourth album got scrapped, how come?
You: My fucking manager rejected it. Too off brand.
Smoke: Johnny's always talking about bad managers, have you tried talking to him about your situation.
You: ...I haven't. My manager isn't terrible but maybe I should.
You: The timeline you come from, was I like this?
Liu Kang: Admittedly I didn't know you very well.
You: Were we not friends in your timeline? Is that why titan me didn't answer your summon?
Liu Kang: You died man years prior, you were forced to come back only to see Johnny mourning his second wife.
You: So me and Johnny have always been together?
Liu Kang: That I don't know.
You: Am I destined to die again? So that Johnny can remarry?
Liu Kang: That is not what I have planned for you.
Liu Kang: In my timeline you were always in costume. You fought dressed like this all the time.
You: Fuck that. I can barely get through one fight in these shoes.
You: Why change up my destiny? Why not make Johnny happy with his second wife?
Liu Kang: I didn't decide on who you should love. I might have put you in the right place at the right time but that was all you.
Shang Tsung: Well well, this is certainly a change.
You: Don't worry, you're still the king of costumes you fucking snake.
Shang Tsung: You wound me dear.
Shang Tsung: It's a shame you chose to work with these imbeciles-
You: Don't even bother trying to manipulate me. I've been in Hollywood long enough.
You: At least I'll look good, at least I'll look good-
Shang Tsung: What are you mumbling? Don't be afraid to speak up. I don't bite- hard.
Shang Tsung: It's curious the way your people worship you, for music alone…
You: You could always give it up and come a musician instead of the whole ‘murdering everyone with souls’ thing you do.
Shang Tsung: Hahaha, you truly are an entertainer aren't you?
You: Let's get this over and done with.
Shang Tsung: So eager to meet your demise?
You: Had a long concert today- kinda wanna go nap.
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mrsjavierp · 7 months
Where you belong?
Chapter 9 - I'll be your Dirty Little Secret
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: Thanks for your feedback, hope you enjoy this chapter! Hope to hear from you all soon! I gotta say I'm really fucking horny for Javi lol
Tag: @creedslove | @pedrostories | @mjoee13 | @immyowndefender | @iamsherlocked-1998 | @pedroswife69 | @szde8-blog ***
Narrator's POV:
“Oh, cariño, you're never off the hook, not with me.” - he responded to you, joining you in the bathtub. - “Fuck, cariño, are you trying to cook us? This water is insanely hot!”
You laughed, still feeling fuzzy.
“I like it, Javi…” - you coo.
Your bodies glue as if they were magnets. Your skin, even with hot water, crawls. He sat behind you, covering you, feeling you, getting drunk on you again.
“God, I could stay like this forever, cariño…” - he kisses the back of your neck, softly.
“Me too, Javi… Me too.” - your words come out slowly.
He notices how you melt on top of him. He is relieved that you don't seem desperate to leave him again. 
His hands start to touch your waist lightly, with the tip of his fingers. 
You groan, Javier smirks. 
“Cariño?” - he whispers in your ear.
“You know you didn't follow my rules, do you?”
“What do you mean by that, Javi?” - you answer, clueless. You didn't recall that had just happened, your mind was still kinda foggy from all those orgasms.
His smirk grows.
“You came without my permission, cariño. I didn't forget that.”
“And what are you gonna do about it?” - you tease.
His hands started going down your body. You shiver.
“Javi…” - you try to form a sentence and fail.
“Cariño, don't make me be meaner that I intend to… Is how they say: don't do the crime if you can't do the time.” - his hands are on your thighs, avoiding where you need them the most.
“Oh, fuck… But Ja-javi, I-I-I warned you…” - you try to argue, your voice barely came out.
He laughed. 
“It wasn't yours yet to take, cariño…” - One of his fingers got inside of you, without any warning. - “You're mine now, cariño.” - A second finger enters. 
You bite a moan.
“I wanna hear you, cariño. No more denying what's mine from me, I already told you that. I hate repeating myself.” - his tone was serious and he put in a third finger. 
“Holy shit, Javier!” - you exclamate. He barely let you get used to his fingers before he put them inside of you one by one.
His smile is growing by the second.
“That's what I wanted to hear…” - his other hand went to your throbbing clitoris, circling on. - “I know you can be a good girl, cariño. You just needed me to help you get there…”
“Javi, please, I'm still sensitive from all of it, I w-won’t be able to ho-hold…” - you didn't want him to stop, but let you come without any permission. Your legs closed, trying to figure out how to obey him.
“Cariño, I know, that's why it's a punishment.” - his tone was so… Arrogant. The hand on your clitoris circled a little faster. - “If you start to get closer, tell me, okay?”
“Javier, for God's sake!” - you yell again.
“Your pussy is hugging my fingers so tight, I already miss you on my dick, cariño.”
Your mind is still foggy. Javier seemed delighted to see you so… So his. His cariño, his baby girl.
A couple minutes later, you held on the bathtub’s rim and yelled, mixing English and Spanish, to Javier have mercy on you.
He smiled widely and responded:
“Promise me that you're not leaving me again, that you're mine…” - his circular motions on your clitoris got even harder and faster. - “Promise me!”
“I promise, Javi!” - you yell. 
“Oh, do you? Are you sure, cariño?” - Javier mocked you.
“Yes, Javier, I do! Please, please let me!”
“Let you what, cariño? Use your words.” - he continued in a ruthless rhythm.
“Javier, for crying out loud, let me come!” - you yell so loud you're sure someone heard you. 
Not that any of you cared per say. You can't remember the last man who made you shake like that.
You can feel Javier's smirk behind you.
“I don't know if I believe you, cariño…”
“Javier, I swear to God…” - you manage to respond.
“You can come, cariño.” - he whispered, like music to your ears.
You come hard, squirting in the bathtub, still holding the rim.
You come screaming Javier's name.
And Javier, at that moment, could die a happy man.
You both took an actual bath, after. And one that cleans you. 
After a few minutes, you both get out, get dry and go to bed.
As you both walk naked back to your room, Javier asked:
“Do you mind if I sleep here, cariño?”
“Peña, for the fucking love of God, you just fucked my throat and pussy and you're asking if we can sleep together?”
“Of course I am!” - he said, as he joined you in the bed. - “It's your bed, your room, your apartment…” - he leaned towards you and his mouth right next to your ear. One arm held you close to him and the other held your pussy, cupping her. - “But you belong to me, cariño. And this pussy is mine. I'm not letting you run away again.”
You tremble under his hands.
He had a smile on his voice, you could feel it.
“I love when you call me, you know?
“Oh, yeah?” - you moan. 
“Yes, cariño. When you do it, it confirms where you belong.” - he whispered, in a way that made you shake under him. - “Yes, cariño." - he repeated. - “You belong here. Don't forget about your promise.”
“Javi, I won't…” - you managed to respond.
“Good to know, cariño. Buenas noches, Hermosa.”(Good night, beautiful.)
“Good night, Javi.” - you respond.
He kisses you lightly and you both pass out.
You wake up alone in your bed.
Fuck, it was payback for leaving him… God, I'm so stupid... - you thought 
But then, you smell coffee from your kitchen.
You get up naked, without realizing it and walk towards the smell.
Javier was wearing only his boxers, preparing coffee on your machine. 
He turns to you, with a wide smile and a lustful look in his eyes.
“Good morning, cariño.”
He hugs you and feels you against skin. You're so soft.
“Good morning, Javi… I thought you left without saying goodbye.” 
“I couldn't do that to you… Not before coffee.” - he jokes. - “Let's have it… I think it's ready.”
He served you and poured himself some in your white mugs. You both drink it, sharing an intimate glance.
“God, that was good, Javi. Future coffee duties are your responsibility in my apartment.” - you smile at him.
He seems genuinely happy to share that moment. His free hand went to your cheek and fondled you.
“Cariño, it's still early… Do you mind serving me breakfast?” 
“Sorry, I didn't get it, Javi… You want to eat something?” 
“Yes, cariño. Sit on the table and open your legs, please. I'd like to have your pussy as my first meal.”
You look at him, in disbelief. 
“We don't have all day, cariño. Go ahead.” - he sat down, waiting.
With your still very much naked body, you sat down in front of him, just like he said.
Javier devoured your cunt as a starved man.
Walking back into his office with a huff, carrying a file with some information on one of Pablo’s Sicarios, he hands it to Steve, who sits at the desk in front of his. 
“Got this from the FBI’s archive.” - and hands it to Steve. - “Seems that our boy Luiz is more than just a sicario, look.” 
Steve passes through the file, interested. 
“God, I need coffee.” - he complains. - “You and your lady friend didn’t let anyone sleep in the fucking building…” - he mocked.
Javier looked at Steve, with his eyes widened. 
“What the fuck, Murphy?”
He laughed.
“Dude… You should really keep it down. Seriously. Our boss is our neighbor, if Connie was here, she’d kick my and your ass. Stop this kind of shit.”
Javier stared at him, without saying any words. You both were actually really fucking loud. Seconds later, the phone on his desk starts to ring.
“Agente Peña.” - he picked up.
“Hello, you…” - you say to him, in a sexy tone. 
You’re looking through your office window, as Javier’s posture flinches. He’s not expecting you to be this bold at work. He knows you’re really uptight about these things.
Javier clears his throat and tries to put on his usual stoic act.
“What do you want?”
“Not saying my name, pretending to be annoyed so as not to alarm Steve… You’re better at sneaking around than I thought, Javi.”
“You know me so well… What do you need this time?” - Javier responded, ironically. 
Steve looked at him, confused.
“You, Javi. I need you. This morning wasn’t enough… Come here to my office.”
He looked at your window, observing your sly smile. 
“Well, that certainly gets my attention. I’ll be there in a bit… You should know I’m in a terrible mood, I did not get much sleep last night” - he teases you in the same annoyed tone.
Steve looked at him, shocked.
“And that’s your fault… You barged into my place, did you forget about it?”
“I didn’t forget. I’ve been remembering every minute of it.”
“Oh, you've been remembering?” - you're a little surprised.
“I certainly have…” - Javier tries to hold back a smirk.
“Control your face, Javi. No one can know about us… Not even Steve.” - you recall him.
“I may not be able to do it if you keep talking to me like that.” - his tone is serious, but you know what he actually meant.
“Stop it…” - you laugh.
“You’re the one who called, you stop it!” - his tone sounded harsh, but his eyes on you were full of lust.
You’re both having so much fun with all that teasing.
“That’s true, I did… So stop fooling with me and come to my office, Javi.” - you whisper.
Javier holds back a smile and respond:
“I’m on my way.” - he hangs up.
He gathers some random files, to help him disguise his visit to your office. As he does it, Steve asks:
“Hey, where you going?”
“Y/LN’s office.”
“Good luck and I hope she doesn't kill you...” - Steve snorted.
Javier rolled his eyes and knocked on your door.
“Come in.” - you tell him, in your normal voice.
Peña stepped in, closing the door behind him.
Without looking at him, reading a file in front of you, you demand:
“Lock the door and close the blinds, Peña…” - the same cold tone that hid all your arousal.
His face holds a smug grin, anxious. 
You get up, look at him, sit on your desk, as he is across the small office, after he closed the blinds.
He stared at you, you can tell he's holding back his urge to pull you into his embrace. 
“Did you miss me?” - you teased Javi.
He gives up on the little self control he's got and comes closer to where you're sitting on the desk. His fingers softly moves along your legs and then your back, as he leaned down your ear and whisper:
“I did, cariño…”
“I missed you too.” - you coo. - “I know it’s not like me to act like this while we’re at work, but… I can’t think about anything else besides how you ate me up on my kitchen table…”
Javi smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. He pulled you closer, kissing your neck before leaning his head back, breathing in your scent. 
“I don’t see how that could possibly be a bad thing… I was looking forward to doing a replay of that for the entire day, I couldn’t think of anything else… Oh fuck, you smell so good… Please don’t tell me it’s the same fucking perfume you used in the first night we’ve got together…”
“Okay, I won’t tell you…” - you respond, with a sly smile.
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me, cariño…” - he whispers and kisses you passionately.
The way he touches you is so addictive.
“Oh damn, you’re wearing that shirt that smells like me… The one from the first night…” - you observed.
Javier chuckled.
“I thought it’d be perfect for today… It smells like you and you’re all I can think about.”
“No one noticed, right?” - you question him, kinda afraid. - “Not even Steve? You know we have to be careful…”
“Calm down, Agente Y/LN.” - he said. - “Steve didn’t notice, I’m sure he thinks we’re arguing. Changing the subject a little, to help you relax, I was thinking…” - Javier starts, as his hands move to the flounce of your dress and slowly lifts it. - “We could go on a date tonight, would you like it?” - His hands go to your pussy, to find out that you’re not wearing panties. - “What a dirty girl, cariño… You forgot about wearing panties, when you picked this dress today?”
“I’m not Agente Y/LN for you and I’m not providing evidence against myself to you, Agente Peña…” - you mumble, as he felt how slippery your pussy was, so wet for him already.
“Oh, you’re not, Agente Y/LN? Interesting…” - he coats your folds, moving his fingers as you slightly open your legs and and looks at him.
“Oh, fuck…” - you moan almost inaudibly. - “It’s no-not ‘Agente Y/LN’ for you, Peña… It’s Jefe Y/LN.” - you answer.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” - he pretends to be remorseful, as his index finger teased your hole. You know he’s not sorry. - “Jefe Y/LN, tell me…”
“Ye-yeah, Peña?”
“Did you or did you not forget your panties on purpose this morning, so you could mess around with me?”
You moan, looking at Peña’s smirk. Sometimes, you wish to punch and kiss his face at the same time. 
He inserts his index finger on you, slowly, torturing you.
“Yes, I did.” - you confess, between moans.
Javier’s smile grows and he puts his middle finger. 
“That’s it, cariño… I just wanted the truth.” - he responded to your confession. His fingers continued to work and you could feel your orgasm building on your gut. Javier seemed to know your body better than any man who ever touched you.
“Oh, Javi!” - you moan softly. - “That’s so good, keep going.” - you demand.
“Do you think you can demand anything in your position, cariño?” - He asked. His voice was arrogant as usual. - “No, cariño, I’m done with you calling the shots for the past few weeks. It’s my turn now.” - he toys with your pussy for a bit more and takes off his fingers.
“You’re mean, Peña.” - you groan, missing his touch. 
He smirks, looking deep in your eyes. Without saying a word whatsoever, he pulls you off the table and spins you, so you turn your back on him. He lifts the remaining fabric covering your ass and slaps you.
“Fuck!” - you hiss. - “What are you doing, Peña?”
You hear his belt opening and zipper going down.
“Giving you what you asked for, but in my way.” - answer. - “Hold on the desk, cariño.” 
You obey, as he slides into you, with his big fat dick.
Javier’s hands traveled, one tapping your mouth and the other on your throbbing clitoris, circling it fast.
He bit your flash, to shut him up and not alarm what was going on behind your office’s doors.
Both of you came just a few minutes later, holding back all your noises.
Gasping for air and tucking himself into his pants, Javier asks:
“So, I pick you up at 8?”
“Yeah, knock on my door at 8h… But where are we going, Javi?” “Será una sorpresa, cariño.” (It’ll be a surprise) - he said.
At 8 PM sharp, Javier knocks on your door, wearing that black leather jacket that fits his broad shoulders, black pants, boots and button shirt. He was sweating, but had nothing to do with the weather: that night was, surprisingly, a bit chilly.
You opened the door, with a big smile on your face. His eyes widened when he noticed your pretty dress: a bit different from your work clothes, your dress was short, loose and white, hugging your waist and loose in your hips. 
You two, as a couple, were almost a Yin and Yang picture. 
“You’re gorgeous, cariño.” - Javier recognized.
“Thanks, Javi… You’re not so bad on the eyes yourself.” - you respond. - “Wanna come in for a drink?”
“As much as I’d love to, I’d rather just go… I’ve got no self control, cariño.”
“Okay, lead the way, Javi. I’m quite curious.”
* Javier takes you to a bar downtown, however, he didn’t know that was a reggaeton dancing night. You insisted on staying, as you were eager to see him dancing. 
A few drinks later, you begun your plan:
“Come on, Javier! You’re Tex-Mex… You’re telling me you can’t dance?” - you tease him.
“It isn’t a can’t, it’s a won’t dance.” - he rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah? Let’s see.” - And you simply get up and start dancing by yourself, luring looks.
Javier was astonished at how bold you were… Your body moved sensually and naturally as the music played.
A random guy tried to approach you, inviting you dancing, and the fire from Javier’s desire turned into a sea of jealousy flames.
As you’re about to turn the guy down gently, Javier finished his drink in one sip and he scared the guy off.
“I thought you weren’t dancing with me, Javi.” - you whisper in his ear, provoking him again.
His hands pulled your hips to touch his, leading you to dance with him. To your surprise, Javier was actually a good dancer. He spins you, making you stay at the same position he fucked you earlier, but with all those clothes dividing you.
“Well, I wasn't, to be honest… But you’re something else, cariño.”
Javier's voice was so full of desire… Since your ex, you couldn’t remember the last time he or any other did that to you. Javier not only expressed you by using words, but by showing you, touching you. 
“Oh my God, Javi… You’re making it so hard…”
“Hard?” - he asked.
“Hard for me to resist you.”
He spinned you, so you could look at him. His eyes were warm, burning for you. At that moment, it felt like only the two of you were there, at the bar, with those sexy reggaeton songs playing.
“Why are you still holding back, cariño?” - he asked, in a tone that made you feel something else in your chest. He wasn't demanding, he wasn't angry. He wanted to understand you, make you feel comfortable with him. One hand was on your waist, holding you against him and the other fondled your face, not letting you look away. You could feel his big body embracing you, holding you firmly, not in a way as if you were fragile, but as if you were precious.
“Javi…” - your voice was nothing more than a whisper. - “How about we continue this somewhere more private? We can go back home… My place or yours?”
“Yours, cariño… Let's go.”
Arriving at your place, you both are a bit nervous, not knowing exactly what to say or how to begin an awkward conversation.
“Care for a drink, Javi?” - you ask him, while serving you one more shot of whiskey,
“Sure. Neat, please.” 
“My kind of man…” - you joke, smiling and handing him the drink.
You toast, in silence.
“So…” - you start. - “Are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room or not?”
“Well… We can do it, of course. But if you don't wanna do it right now, it’s okay…”
“We kinda have two options: we could actually talk about it or we could do something more… Interesting, per say…”
“I’m listening, cariño…” - Javier lifted his chin and eyebrows, his eyes full of lust, his mind going through possibilities on what you both could do.
You just look at him with a mischievous smile, not responding to him verbally, also fantasizing all the things you’d wanted to do, without knowing how to begin.
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jjs daughter has a seizure.
warnings- reader has a seizure, blood, throwing up
it was a normal day. y/n had gotten home from a long day of school.
"hey, y/n/n john b called out from the kitchen of the chateuo as she walked through the door.
"hey" she answered. "have you seen my dad?"
"he's working putside, what's up?" he asked putting down his phone.
"I dunno, I just don't feel great" she shrugged and sat next to Sarah on the couch
"what's wrong?" Sarah mouthed to y/n
"period" she mouthed back. "I gotta headache can you get my some ibuprofen? she asked walking back into the kitchen.
"yea, here" john b handed her two ibuprofen from the bottle and she got a.glass of water. she sat on one of the stools up to the counter and took her medicine.
out of nowhere, there was a thud from the kitchen
"y/n?" sarah asked from the living roo., wrapped.in john he arms. she walked in to see y/n on the ground, her body twitching and shaking as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "john b!" she yelled as she looked down at.y/n
"what?" he asked walking in. "oh shit... go get jj" she continued to shake and John b squatted down to hold her head, noticing the blood on his fingers "shit" she was still seizing and john b still held her head even though he would get her blood all over his hands
jj and Sarah came running in, jj covered in dirt that tracked into the house. he noticed the blood and hos eyes went wide. Sarah noticed too. she ran to the bathroom and threw up at the amount of blood.
"what do I do?!!" jj yelled looking down at his daughters twitching, unconscious body.
john b remained calm for jj. "call an ambulance, shell be ok, but they need to stitch this"
"ok,ok" jj reached in his pocket for his phone "shit, its outide."
"mines on the couch, use it" he watched y/n as her shaking settled and twitching became farther apart. her eyes shut as she lied still. too still.
john b checked if she was breathing "shit" he started doing compressions her body. he knew how to do it from his days life guarding at the country club. jj walkes back in in shock on the phone, but he trusted john b. he took john bs place holding her head as he gave her mouth to mouth.
she started breathing on her own but wasn't conscious. "shes good, Shea good" John b reassured jj. "just make sure she keeps breathing"
sarah came back from the bathroom feeling super guilty but she couldn't help it.
"is she ok?" Sarah asked, wiping the tears in her eyes
jj went to grab a towel or something to try to hold more blood in.
"sarah, come here" john b motioned his finger for her to come closer.
"yeah?" she asked scared
"I need you to hold down right here, can you do that for me?" he asked, nudging his head down to wear his fingers were checking to feel her breath. "I need to keep the bleeding under contoll, but I can't do that if I can't tell she's breathing" he spoke calmly
sarah walked over and sat next to john b, placing her finger under her nose to feel the air, and her head on y/ns chest. john b catches the towel jj threw to him swiftly as jj kept on the phone with the 911 operator.
"they'll be here in ten minutes" jj told the pogues as he slammed his phone on the counter.
"hey guys! what are we- omg! what happened!?" kie yelled as her and pope walked in through the door
"we will explain later" john b spokw, pushing y/n hair out of her face
out of nowhere, she started seizing again, her body jumping up and down and thrusting side to side. "its ok, its ok" john b assured Sarah as she watched in horror
pope and kid watched, holding onto eachothter. jj was outside.waiting for the ambulance while this was going on.
"w-what can we do?" kid asked john b.
"we can't really do anything. not until we know what's going on." john b informed. for the short while his uncle was with him, he had seizurers, leaving john b to take care of him and know what to do.
she suddenly stopped jolting. john b wronged out the blood soaked towel so soak up more. "is she breathing" john b grunted
sarah put her head over her chest and listened for her breathing as the rest waited in suspense
"I-i don't kniw" she cried. john b looked at pope, directing him with his eyes to check.
"nah" pope informed as he couldn't hear anhthing.
"hold this for me" john b instructed as he took a listen for himself. "shit, this isn't good" he pinched her nose with his bloody fingers and blew air into her mouth.
sarah cried to kiara "is she gonna be ok"
"not sure, we need the parametics" john b huffed after waiting to give her more air. "uncle T didn't have them this bad" he informed, looking down to y/he body
after a few more puffs, she was breathing again. "how's she doing" jj asked, oblivious of what just happened
"I don't know dude" john b huffed, smackinf his hands on his pants. "are they almost here"
"I think so" jj sighed, looking down to see y/he discolored face
"Did she say anything other than she didn't feel good?" John b asked Sarah after a moment of silence
"she said she was on her period but nothing else" she sniffed
"sign of epilepsy" john b muttered
"having your period?" jj scoffed
"no, dumbass, seizing when your on your period" he replied
"how the fuck you know,smart ass" jj added, rolling his eyes
"bro go to the couch and pick up the newpapers on the fucking table. uncle t had epilepsy, remember?"
jj got up and walked over. "for the first time in john bs life. he ain't wromg" jj joked
"can I see it" pope asked. "hold the towel, j" he washed his hands of the blood and looked at the pamphlet. he read for a MI Ute "its likely she has epilipsy. I mean that was a tonic-clonic seizure according to this" he stated
"how do you know you weren't even bere" jj asked, burrowing his eyebrows
"she just had another" kid informed
"whats taking them so long" jj huffed,looking at the clock. "its been more than ten minute" he rolled his eyes
he had gotten a call from the hospital. "hello?" he asked
"we were gold to send an ambulance your way. unfortunately, there was a car accident that's eager that we need to take care of. if you can wait another thirty minutes, you can stay there but if not, take her to the hospital." she informed through the phone
"we donf have a car, it's in the shop" he grunted through the phone.
"then you'll have yo wait, I'm sorry, I know this is not ideal"
"shes bleeding and unconscious, I mean we can't wait thirty minutes" he complained
"make sure she keeps breathing and do anything you can to stop the bleed, pack it." she directed
jjs phone died.
hopefully remember to finish tomorrow😊
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
blurb ideaa for george so gigi is out with a boy and she runs into george and he is in protective uncle mode hahah he’s like wait until i tell your dad
gigi is maybe fifteen when she starts showing a proper interest in dating. she's had little crushes and maybe a sweet little first kiss or two but honestly was too busy just doing her own thing to be that bothered. but she's been seeing this guy for a bit now and she thinks she really likes him. apart from all the questions swirling in her head, am i old enough, does he like me, what's it like being someone's girlfriend, the biggest one in her mind is, how is she going to tell her dad. she had a boy round when she was a bit younger, and he invited the whole band to dinner to stare the poor lad down. luckily he thought it was cool.
but now she is out with her crush, and her parents think she is with friends, but they're too busy with the little girls to really notice what she is doing today anyway which is fine by her. they've walked to get coffee, well frappucinos, and they are now wandering to the park. it's a warm day and gigi is on summer break and hasn't seen her crush since school broke up a week ago. she's giddy. she's even more giddy when he reaches out and takes her hand, swinging it as she walks. this is what her dad writes songs about. she's convinced!
then she sees him. he'd stand out anyway. bleached blond buzz cut. abnormally tall. dark sunglasses. it's george. he's walking towards them, still at a distance. charli isn't there, which gigi thinks with regret, would probably make the situation less bad.
"oh shit," gigi says. the boy looks at her.
"what? what is it?"
"that guy," she says, pointing to him. he's getting closer. she's panicking. "that's my uncle."
"aw nice!" the boy says, "shall we go say hi?"
"no!" gigi says, "of course not. you have to hide."
"i have to what."
"hide. now."
the boy looks around, grinning, amused at her, "where am i supposed to hide. it's a street."
"erm. er. fuck," gigi says, and george is already too close. he's spotted them. his face has lit up.
"hey gus gus," he says, he scoops her into a hug. "what you up to?"
"oh nothing, just hanging with a friend."
george's eyes land on the boy. he raises an eyebrow.
"friend?" he says.
"yep!" gigi says, brightly, "anyway, we've got to go." she all but shoves the boy on. he doesnt move.
"you alright mate," george is saying to him.
"yeah thanks, you gigi's uncle?"
"yep," george says. he straightens up, tall. he blocks out the sun with his head. he puts them both in shadow. gigi takes a deep breath.
"you taking care of this girl?" george says, his face a hard line now.
"yes sir," the boy says. he holds his own. looking at george in the eye.
"you don't do harm to this girl, correct?" george says.
"yes sir."
george snaps back into his happy self. his goofball self. he smiles.
"i gotta meet my missus. cant keep the ladies waiting," he says, "can we?"
"no sir."
"nice to meet you. bye gussy. come round soon okay?" he says. he hugs gigi goodbye.
"please dont tell my dad," she whispers to him. he doesnt respond until he starts to walk away. he winks at her.
"oh ho ho. i'm telling your dad," he says. and then he is gone.
gigi puts her head in her hands, "we're screwed."
"we'll be okay. you're dad doesnt sound like a hardass," the boy says, putting his arm around gigi.
"he is when it comes to me," she says, "he'll pretend to be all cool with it but he'll stare at you when i'm not looking. cry to my mum about me growing up. "
"nothing i cant handle," the boy says.
"then he'll write a song about you called, little shit get away from my daughter or something."
"that sounds pretty cool," the boy grins at her.
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evilminji · 9 months
Back at it again? With more BNHA? My goodness!
See, in one my WIP, which haunts me like a cursed Victorian doll in the night, chanting to me my sins from beneath the floorboards, I got a few OCs. As ya do. Gotta flesh out that world building. And I am ALWAYS a ho for some sweet, sweet SI-OC action!
Because the stranger in a strange land, can see what SHOULD be mundane and familiar anew! There are Moral Quandries! You get to put your sticky lil gremlin fingers ALL over the set dressing and look inside those boxes they put in the background of the scenes! What's IN there? Secrets? We bet it's SECRETS.
Tis the BEST, really. I enjoy it.
But of course! If it's BNHA then we must assign Randomly Gifted Genetic Fuckry(tm) : The Super Powers Edition. Where in? My love of "immediately obvious powers are for cowards. There are no such things as weak powers, only weak and uncreative minds" comes into plaaaay~
Supposedly "minor" ones! That everyone says "oh that's a minor power. Sucks for you" and expects you to just leave it at that! Give up. Like you're some sort of fuckin CASUAL.
Nah, we pushing this fucker until REALITY breaks. You are gonna be legitimately asking "how the FUCK did you do that!?" And the answer is Will Power, Spite, and "Cause Fuck You, I'm Awesome".
Which of course, is how we got Kimiko. The most high femme, kawaii, little pastel pink bundle of Rage and Bloodlust the Heroics world has ever seen. She is that stage of little girl where they like to wear tiaras, princess dresses, and want to MURDER EVERYTHING. But never grew out of it.
She grew IN to it.
Got a lot of rage, that one. Probably because everyone is all "ooooh, kimi! Your Quirk is so CUTE! You'll be such a good housewife! Such a good sweets maker! Aren't you so CUTE! Let's all infantalize Kimi!" *murder intensifies*
She can turn part of what she is touching into Marshmallow.
*slaps a hand on your shoulder* There are NO restrictions on that~☆! ANYTHING she touchs. Is she touch you? Air? The ground? This building we are standing in? Wanna keep talkin shit? How do you feel about Marshmallow lungs? Enough training and eventually she can take out a building!
Cause Marshmallow? Not a very strong support. Ground under your high rise better be sturdy if you want it to hold, you know? Things to think about. Other things, are the "part of" aspect. Which she is slowly getting better at. Wanna see a trick? *a Marshmallow plops down on the table on the far side of the room* Still air! Still touching~.
Hope your technology is AIR TIGHT and not IN the air. Or moving through it at any concerning speeds. Like, say, a car. Fun thought! Don't fuck with her again! Kimi out! *removes threatening hand of possible Marshmallow Murder*
She's besties with the SI. Himiko. They are the Koko's and WILL be going to UA specifficaly because Kimi was told she couldn't make it. Himi wants nothing to do with this bullshit but is being dragged along like a cat in a harness.
She has my favorite super power. Egg.
Just... Egg.
Egg? Yes. She can summon eggs. Into the spoon. Like those challenge races. Except there is no race, its just her in her pjs trying to eat her damn breakfast. But SUPRISE! Raw egg. Full on, chicken egg in a shell, in your spoon. Perfectly balanced.
And in this iteration, it does have to be in a "spoon" or spoon-like shape. Defined as a bowl with a handle. The egg will fit the spoon. And? Most importantly! Not restricted to chicken eggs!!!
Tiny spoon? Tiny egg. Large spoon? Large egg.
Theoretically? Stadium sized spoon? Stadium sized egg of unknown species never to be seen on planet earth. Because YES. Those thought popping into your head. "Ha ha, what about a dodo eg-" Yeah, see, not ass funny when you actually DO that as a sleep deprived toddler because you HAVE TO KNOW. And now conservationists are hunting you for sport.
Do you have? ANY idea the lengths certain folks would go too to save endangered bird or frog species? If it comes out of an egg. Yes. She CAN make it. No risk of inbreeding for the already critically small populations. Just viable, healthy eggs. Ready to be incubated.
Took her an afternoon.
Needless to say... things get Exciting(tm). People need to be threatened. Himi gets lifelong job security at age four. Neat.
But!!! Not why I started writing! I had a THIRD OC child! Who never made it to the limelight! Gasp! I know! The secret comes out! I scrapped him in favor of Kimi. But his power was one I enjoy Pondering about!
Unlock. You can unlock doors. All doors.
No, you can't "unlock" the bonds between atoms or something. It has to be a Door. But! Begs the question, don't it? Would you... would you have "door sensing"? If there was a perfectly blended in or painted over door? Would you be able to say "it's right there"?
What happens if you use your ability on a tree? Doors are often made of wood. Would there be any effect? Even if no "opening" happened? Could you open metaphorical doors? If someone PAINTED a door, could you open a wall? If so, how deep? If we painted a cliff face, could you open a door to the other side of the mountain?
How far does you door opening power stretch?!
I understand you Izuku! I too, want to study these cool Quirks! See how far they can develop! No more strength quirks! More minor quirks with unusual applications! Woooo!
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @mutable-manifestation @hypewinter
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