#oh right after i posted this my cat walked by me and my life flashed before my eyes
stevenbasic · 2 years
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GITJ Post 297: Painting His Apartment, p3
I felt every inch of my nudity now, naked and exposed. 
My legs had failed, yes, through my climax in her hand. Their strength was now slowly returning, but my new Office Manager and even more newly-appointed girlfriend Melissa Monroe still held me up. It was the casual strength of her left arm down across my chest that supported me as we gazed at the spectacle of ourselves in the mirror. My massively outsized cock was deflating in her right fist as she towered over me from behind, now resting her chin atop my head and smiling with a grin that was huge and satisfied. She had just made clear to me how excited she was to have a new man in her life that could make her feel so big and huge and strong. The television was still broadcasting the enormous rallies of women across the country who likewise were striving to gain the same thing. 
”you w-want to feel big?” I asked, as my eyelids fluttered under the attention of her obliging right hand, which still gently squeezed and massaged my spent, sagging member, floppy and goopy with my own come. It felt nice, indulgently warm.
My query brought her smile a new sparkle, and she answered me with honesty after a moment of thought. “Every time, Jay, that I walk in front of a mirror these days, or watch myself as I step out of the shower,” she began, “I can see, little by little, how my body is changing. Expanding. Getting taller.” She watched my face, how I listened to her with rapt attention. The concept of her growing, the experience of every day her waking up as a larger and larger woman was exciting not only to her but obviously to me as well, and she enjoyed how enthralled I appeared. “Every time I step on a scale I’m heavier,” she continued, “Every day I’m putting on more mass, more weight.” At that she paused and regarded me with a new tenderness. “And with each pound I gain, I always say to myself, ‘It´s for him…’”
That came as a surprise. “F-f-for me?”
“Yes, for you,” she smiled. 
“B-but…why?” I asked, half in disbelief again that I had the attentions of such an incredible, beautiful woman. My fantasy girl, in so many ways. What was I but a middle-aged schlub, destitute and failed, sickly and small? A physician still, yes, her employer and erstwhile boss. Maybe my education and accomplishments were attractive to her, a simple girl of little sophistication. But I was older than her by more than a decade, ruined by divorce, and had seemingly so little to realistically offer. 
“‘Why?’” she repeated, “Why do I want to keep growing through clothes and busting through bras and - haha ripping through jeans? It’s so I can be more for you, Jay. It’s so I can take better care of you, protect you.” Still she gently massaged my softened member in her hand, all squishy, comfortingly. “And, besides…it just makes me feel sexy,” she giggled, “because I know you like big boobs.”
At that I flushed, in chagrin, caught dead to rights. ”Jesus, Melissa, you are sexy, you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, already…”
”mmmm thank you…” she purred, her eyes flashing into mine in the mirror, contented, “go on…”
In my post-orgasmic bliss I didn’t need any encouragement to continue singing her praises. “…a-and this w-weight you’ve, uh, put on…the height you’ve g-gained…”
“Yes?” she urged, lowering her head, now, leaning in a bit more on my left so our faces were right besides one another in the mirror - hers larger than mine, jaw strong, cheekbones perfect and eyes bright. 
“…it’s all…it’s all,” I struggled, fighting my hardest not to sound the sniveling simp but failing miserably, “…it’s all so amazing.” I felt her big warm breasts pressing into my back. 
“You think big is sexy, do you?” she asked, eagerly curious, “Big women? Amazons?”
“oh g-god yes,” I admitted, all caution apparently gone. 
My confession made her smile grow, to that of a jungle cat’s, feral. “Well, if big girls turn you on then I, little man…” she purred, still staring me straight in the eye, still casually playing with the wet, flaccid smushiness of my spent member in her right hand, “…I want to be the biggest.”
I groaned, despite myself, and felt myself somehow starting to waken, in her hand. Maybe it was what she was insinuating, or maybe it was her tits or her pretty face or her perfume, but - though my legs still felt weak and unsteady - my cock was coming back to life.
“Oooo, you think I should do that?” she laughed, obviously feeling a pulse of my new vigor in her hand, and hearing it in my throat, “You think I should go to the gym more, eat healthy, eat lots, get nice and big and strong for you?”
“oh, god, Melissa,” I moaned, eyes fluttering again and leaning back into her strength. I was so far past gone I didn’t even realize what I said next until it was too late. “Is it…is it just that you want to feel big..?” I stammered, now unable to keep her gaze and letting my eyelids droop, “or…d-do you like seeing me be small?” It was like all my submissiveness was pouring forth, the floodgates opening.
“Oh, honey, yessss…” she growled, her eyes flashing again into mine in the mirror, her mouth dropping open in thrill. With that, she delicately peeled her palm away from my now-spongy cock, taking with it a handful of my thick jism. In one smooth motion she slowly wiped it across my belly and lower chest, frosting me with sticky glaze, and showed me her hand. It still shone with wetness.
“oh god, Melissa…” I sighed. I knew - I fucking knew - how pathological the deviant psychology of this moment was. I tried to wrestle with it, resist, exert myself…but it was also just so fucking hot, sinking into this meek, obsequious role.
“Here, do this," she chirped with a new smile, holding her hand up with all five fingers extended, as if to indicate the number "5", “It’ll be fun…”
Compliantly, I mirrored the gesture, and she placed her hand against mine, sticky. My eyes widened at the revelation that my hand was roughly a full digit’s joint smaller, in terms of extended size, than hers.
"Now, you've got really nice hands," she continued, "smooth, soft...and small." She smiled, coyly and innocently, looking down at the size comparison, her hand being so much bigger, and then into the mirror, to watch my own reaction.”Haha, I bet that makes you feel pretty small, huh sweetie?  Seeing my hand look like it’s gonna absolutely swallow yours?”
At the word “swallow,” Melissa had curled her fingers down over the top of my fingertips,  wrapping her long fingers around mine, emphasizing even more obviously our size difference; it actually did look like her big hand was about to “swallow” mine. And worst of all, my reaction to all of this was to feel even more aroused.  Why was I getting turned-on by this craziness!?  What was sexy about Melissa dwarfing me?? Despite the ignominy, I answered her.
“y-yes…” I replied, “I…I feel small.” I looked up to see her staring intently into my eyes in the mirror, still holding my hand, threatening to fully engulf it in hers as the two stuck together with the crust of my climax.
She cocked her head, watching me, and then gently released my hand. “Here, turn around,” she said, using her hands now to move me by the shoulders, spin me until I faced her.
I wobbled a bit, my legs now on their own in supporting my weight now that she was no longer holding me up with her left hand. But they found purchase, and I found myself staring into her chest, mere inches from her formidable bosom in her big black bra. Jesus christ her tits were enormous, filling my vision.
“Y’know what else would make you feel pretty small..?” she next offered from above as she stood up straighter in front of me, once again absolutely dwarfing me, my head now barely at the level of her breasts. I needed to lean back for fear of being knocked over, and I watched as she put her muscular arms out to the side above me and continued: “...This.” 
At that, she clenched both her hands into fists, curled her arms and flexed, producing two solid, round biceps that I could not believe were that of a female, let alone my Office Manager and new girlfriend. “I’ve been working out a lot, for years, and more since I first met you,” she said, flexing again and watching as my line of vision had moved from her tits to her arms, right, then left, my mouth gaping in awed admiration, “And I’m pretty proud of the results so far. What do you think?”
My jaw trembled, and I watched as she continued to flex, to pump her arms up even larger, smiling proudly as she swelled up with the efforts of her hard work. It was ture, watching this woman demonstrate her strength and size above me like this was making me feel absolutely small and meager, bubbling with insecurity. “I…I don’t know what to s-say…” I finally admitted, piteously.
She smiled knowingly. "Not bad for a girl, huh?" she quipped, flexing once again, making her biceps dance and peak with muscular rhythm. “Here, give them a feel," she offered, standing straight and now posed in a perfect, double-biceps pose. Because of her distinct height advantage, her raised upper arm was above my eye-level and I needed to reach up to my right, raising my hands to place one on top and one below the swell of her muscle. Even with both hands I could not fully encircle the bronzed upper arm of this young, voluptuous beauty. Spellbound by her brawn, I squeezed, and then gulped audibly. She was soft, her skin smooth and warm, but below she was solid as oak, and her bicep didn't budge one bit to my effort. As I held on she lowered, then raised her forearm. flexing twice, and then laughed loudly at my amazed expression as my tightly gripped hands moved in sequence to her actions.
“You like that, hm?” Melissa chuckled, “You like my ‘gains’?”
“It’s incredible, Melissa,” I said, honest and earnest.
"Well, then, since we're on the subject of ‘gains’,” she beamed, as she lowered her arms and begin to turn around, presenting her huge, amazing rear to me, “how about checking out some more of my progress?"
“Whoah,” I couldn’t help but gasp, as her butt turned to meet me, halfway up my chest. Torn asunder as the seat of her jeans were, the glorious cheeks of her monumental ass cleaved by a black thong  bloomed out from ripped, time-faded denim under the dramatic light. 
She posed, like a professional figure model, lower back arched, shoulders back, presenting her rear for my inspection. I fought with all I had for self control to keep from grasping my hands onto her stupendousness and planting my face on her. I struggled with the urge…but then she invited me to do just that.
“My butt’s gotten so big. Can you help me, hun,” she asked, “to get these ripped up things off it? It needs a kiss…”
My heart leapt, and I let out the feeblest of little cries. She giggled, looking down over her right shoulder at me, seeing me absolutely overcome by the sight of her. Her waist, so narrow, and then the giant, muscular swell of her rear was a sight not meant for mortal eyes.
“Is that a yes?” she asked, with another giggle, and pushed her butt out another fraction of an inch towards me.
“Y-y-yes…yes, okay…” I managed, raising my hands now to take hold of the hem of her jeans on either side of her broad hips. I took a moment to marvel at the sight; she was wider across than me, possibly twofold. What would that feel like, on me? Me gripped to her, hanging on like a baby monkey to-
Shaking myself back to reality, I tugged down, tentatively, and immediately knew this was going to be a harder task than it sounded. I tugged some more, and then with all my strength. She giggled, because all I was doing was sending jiggles through her hips and flesh, cheeks bouncing up and down with my efforts.
“Do you need some help, sweetie?” she cooed, still looking over her shoulder and down at me, “Is it too much?”
I eyed her, and tugged again. “Yeah a little,” I admitted.
At that, her hands came behind her to join mine and, with a few giggles, wriggles and jiggles, together we were able to lower the jeans off her massive hips and begin to scooch the torn jeans down. Peeling them down her butt slowly, her big, vigorous glutes were grabbed lower by the tension and then *bounced* back upwards with seismic energy when the taut hem cleared their biggest swells.  
“*Boop!*” she giggled, as her cheeks quaked mightily and caused me to gasp, her ass now free of confinement. Lord god in her black thong little was left to the imagination, each tan cheek presented proudly like it’s own small planet. She stooped, a bit, bending at the knees to allow the jeans down her thighs, to her knees. Pushing me back even further her butt was huge, wider by far than my entire body. If I’d thrown my arms around it I’d have little hope of encircling her hips. 
“Making you feel small, sweetie?” she cooed, as she dropped her tattered jeans to her ankles, wriggling her hips at me. 
“Jesus Melissa you’re big,” was all I could answer, marveling at the perfection of her round, majestically muscular ass, “so much bigger than me.” 
She seemed to like that, and with a series of giggles off came her sneakers and socks, allowing her to kick the ruined pile of denim across the room. Next, she spun me around again so we were both facing the mirror, stepped next to me, her left side to my right, and put her left hand on my right shoulder. 
"Do this," she chirped, and extended the toes of her left leg, stretching it out and planting her bare foot a pace or so in front of her. Following her lead I imitated the move with my right leg. This time, she actually seemed to embarrass herself with the volume of her laughter, a sudden snort. "I'm sorry baby, but jeez! Look at the difference." She was actually holding her hand to her mouth to stifle her nearly uncontrollable giggling. Smiling along as best I could, I actually had to agree that the comparison was almost comical. Out of shape, my lower limbs were thin, yes. But not terribly below average for a guy of my, uh, size. Five-two? Last I checked…But, anyway, compared to hers my leg looked like a children's stickball bat, almost a full foot shorter. By simply wiggling her toes, Melissa was able to generate a ripple of well-defined muscularity that put my own leg to shame. Her thigh was toned and tan, thick and long, smoothly perfect and obviously powerful. Mine, lightly hairy, was thin and pale and weak. 
“What do you think?” she asked, beaming down at the comparative sizes of our legs and taking my right hand, suddenly, and laying it on her thigh. She glanced again at the sight of us in the mirror, her smile changing, and then back down to my small hand on her massive leg. I had to shake my head, disbelieving the size difference. “How’s it feel?”
It was, this huge expanse of female muscle, so smooth and warm of skin I actually shuddered. “P-pretty impressive,” I praised, appreciating the strength I could feel through the soft upper layer of her thigh, “you obviously put a lot of work in at the, uh, gym…”
“Yeah my legs get big quick,” she agreed, flexing her quadriceps for my benefit, making them ripple and pulse under my hand. She then playfully swung her hip into my direction, catching me in the middle of my rib cage as an unspoken reminder of her considerable size advantage.
Smiling down at me, our eyes meeting again in the mirror, Melissa made another non-verbal gesture of her physical superiority by placing her right palm on my head, then moving it horizontally in her direction until it stopped an inch or so from the top of her broad left shoulder. I smiled wanly at her and once more gazed at our reflections, side-by-side in the mirror on the back of my door. 
“I mean, godddd, look at us,” Melissa marveled, a new excitement deepening her voice. She’d pulled her leg back in again, my hand falling back to my side. She stood there, proud and tall, in her black thong and matching bra, while I stood naked, emaciated and emasculated.  I was struck again - and, I’m sure, so was she - by her blatant physical superiority over me. It set my heart quivering once more, and it was all I could do to keep from whining. 
She took the moment, watching us in the mirror, to raise her arms and release her hair from its ponytail. Her huge mane of raven hair fell in great waves around her shoulders, making her seem even larger in the mirror and even bigger in comparison to me as she shook it out to full volume. 
In an involuntary spasm of my own submissiveness, I had the sudden urge to give her what she wanted, to look even smaller, to emphasize and embellish even more the vast difference in our sizes. I gave in to the instinct and began to huddle myself, stoop, cave in my already thin shoulders, bend my neck, tuck in my chin. 
“What…what are you doing?” Melissa asked, chuckling at first but then a husky arousal taking over her voice as she watched me seem to physically start to recede next to her in the mirror, “Are you…trying to look smaller?”
I decided I couldn’t say anything, and merely grunted a weak reply, huddling down even further, bending slightly at the knees. Jesus what was wrong with me?! This was pathological, but immediately I could tell it was working. Melissa’s pheromones began to fill the air again, and I felt her left arm reach around my shoulders. I shifted down, further, under her arm. 
“Oh my GODDDD, Jay!” she groaned, wide eyed, putting her right hand over her mouth and stepping into my game, “You’re, like…you’re trying to be tiny!”
“I…uh…yeah…” I peeped, unsure of myself, inadvertently playing even further into this submissive role, “i-is that okay?”
“Yes yes yes please,” she urged, obviously excited, her voice dropping, and then adding: “do it some more.” She eyed me with new, aggressive eyes, and I could see her pick up her role in this little game…if it was really just a game, that is…and stand up demonstrably taller. “You’re getting so fucking small these days…” she breathed, nostrils flaring.
This shouldn’t…this shouldn’t have been a surprise to me. Women everywhere were getting into this “vulni” thing, looking for smaller, thinner, more submissive guys. It was the latest trend; why should I expect Melissa to be any different, right? I could…play along, right? But still, my male pride did have a bit of life left. “Hey, I- I mean, come on now,” I attempted, thinking I could maybe save some dignity with some ironic humor, “I’m not…not that small. Just smaller than I was...”
“Uh, compared to me, you are small,” Melissa insisted, her voice sounding dead serious, and not about to let me go. To prove her point, she again pulled me into her body, so that our sides were squished into each other, side by side.  Naked as I was, she in her undies, there was ample flesh contact, and I shuddered as I felt the pure pleasure of her warm, smooth flesh pressing all into me. Her thigh and her hip into my flank, and her JJ-cup breast plastered into the side of my head. I saw in the mirror that my cock, unsurprisingly, had sprung back to life. Melissa seemed to be focused on other things, though, and hadn’t acknowledged it yet.
“I mean, just look at us, Jay,” Melissa breathed. It sounded like she was as in awe of the comparison as I was, if not more. “Just a couple months ago we were basically the same height, maybe you were even taller than me,” she said, “And now, I’m so much bigger, so much taller, so much stronger than you.”
“Don’t remind me,” I muttered weakly, lapsing into the sullenness regret that I knew would spur her on into even greater indulgence. 
“And now,” Melissa continued, taking the feed, her voice quickening, “I’ve gotta be twice your size, twice your weight. Wouldn’t you think? I mean, my thighs might weigh more than you. They’re thicker than your waist. My ass totally dwarfed you, and my breasts…”
At that, she pulled me tighter to her, using her left hand to press the side of my face and head into her left breast. 
“…my breasts are bigger than your head, Jay.” 
I groaned, losing my fight with the urge to just turn my face to the right, nuzzling my nose into her bra and the firm form of her enormous left breast, a swell of which was bare under her armpit. I closed my eyes, breathed her in, and mewed little words. The scent of her deodorant, the scent of her perfume, and the swell of her side tit had me absolutely enthralled. I’d thrown all caution and dignity to the wind and decided to become utterly obsequious to her breast. 
“Oh my god, Jay…” she moaned, palming my head even more firmly into her, rotating her torso just a fraction so as to push more of her enormous breast into my face, “Wh-what are you doing…?”
My submissiveness was working, I was revving her up, and I felt myself responding in kind. As I nuzzled into her I fought the instinct to reach down and grab my stiffening rod, show her tribute by stroking myself to her. She would like that, I knew, but even I had enough self control to resist that urge. Instead, maybe I could get her to-
“Flex,” Melissa suddenly spoke, calling my attention to us again in the mirror. I’d opened my eyes, seeing myself hideously plastered into her left tit, and I met her heavy-lidded gaze with my own questioning one. What did she mean?
“Flex,” she repeated, her voice deep with arousal now, and as I felt the mass of her body alongside me seeming to gather itself for something, I immediately understood. To the best of my ability I did as she asked. Watching myself in the mirror, I curled my skinny left arm and flexed my bicep. I tensed my shoulders, stiffened my legs. The result was, yes, maybe you could now see through my pallid skin the meager framework of what muscles I had. It was pathetic, but it was me. 
And then it was her turn. 
Still with me nestled into her left breast, her left arm curled around me and holding me to her, Melissa began to flex. Not just the arm around me, not just the leg I felt alongside, the one I’d unconsciously started to straddle, but everything. I watched in the mirror, and felt all around me, as her musculature just swelled and grew, each muscle growing again to twice its size. Her shoulders ballooned, her lats flared. Her traps peaked and eclipsed her neck. Legs burgeoned, abs solidified. And all the while she watched me as I watched her, seeing me stare in rapt awe at the spectacle of a beautiful woman growing right in front of my eyes. 
Melissa’s body had become superior in every way, to nearly every human on the planet. Her muscles were becoming bigger, her limbs were longer, thicker and stronger. Her breasts were freakishly huge and firm, hips and legs shapely beyond belief. Her body’s perfume was a powerful aphrodisiac, her hair grew like a god’s, and even her skin was smoother and tighter, with a healthier-looking sheen than any mere mortal I’d ever seen. But even beyond this, unbeknownst to me at the time, there were other things that were becoming plainly superhuman with Melissa. Her strength, already you’ve witnessed, was unnatural…but what we’ve seen so far, what she’d shown me, was at that point nothing compared to what she’d been able to do now in the secret gyms and labs in which she’d more-or-less been raised. Her lung capacity had grown to match or exceed even the most elite of the world’s athletes, her reflexes and coordination were becoming extraordinary. The list could go on - her immune system, the durability and density of her bones, the fucking strength of her fingernails, for god’s sake - and I don’t think even she realized what she was becoming. She still couldn’t add a simple column of figures, though, or alphabetize a stack of files. But physically she was becoming unparalleled, especially by someone who was becoming as…well…feeble as myself. It wasn’t that I was sickly or unhealthy per se, it was more that I just looked fantastically unimpressive in the mirror next to my accentuated and augmented new Office Manager, who was currently flexing every single fucking superhuman muscle she had to make me look like a twerp. 
“It’s…it’s not even really close, is it?” chuckled Melissa, winking at our reflections and pulling my face more firmly into her massive bosom, “You and me?”
I mumbled something into her breast - I can’t recall what, now - and in the next moment she bent and I felt her pass her right arm behind my knees, her left coming to support my back, and I was scooped up into her arms. She looked down at me, and with a nod of her chin she directed my gaze back to the mirror where I was greeted by the sight of my girlfriend holding me in her arms like a small child. My head lolled, and I leaned back into her embrace, onto her strong left arm in an admission of my subduction. Her huge, beautiful smile beamed back at me, white and bright under the single light above us, as pleased as Punch at the figure we struck. “Look at us, honey,” she said, in fact, “It’s perfect.”  
I had ended up in Melissa's arms again and - turned back up to my caretaker's beaming face, her brilliant white smile and her twinkling golden-green eyes - would have been content to stay there forever. She wrapped her embrace around me tightly, practically sandwiching my torso between her enormous breasts and spun me around in a circle, laughing a bit like a crazy lady. It made my stomach twirl and head spin, but before I could protest she’d plunged her mouth onto mine, parting my lips with her tongue. Waiting for my world to stop whirling I attempted to resist for a full half-second before I gave up and kissed her back. Well, Melissa did all the work, really. She made out with me passionately, squeezing my body into hers. She spun again, and again, as we kissed, overcome and overjoyed in the moment, but then after a particularly quick twirl-
She suddenly had me pinned up into the wall again, hands holding my by the shoulders, her face scant inches away from my own.. Thankfully, the paint behind me had dried. “Did you like this before?” she asked, a crooked smile full of mischief making my heart flutter. 
“Oh god yes” I was just able to reply before she crushed me with another deep, soul-sucking kiss. My limbs stiffened  as - god lord - her tongue was once again nearly down my throat. I moaned into it, letting her know she could do anything she wanted with me. 
She broke our kiss, though, after just a moment.
“I can’t wait to get even bigger for you,” she said in a low, lusty voice, consumed by a passion that seemed to be gathering more and more steam,. “It’s, like...oh my god...I just can’t wait.”
I throw any caution I still had to the wind. “I...can’t wait either,” I returned. I was so aroused that I was having difficulty breathing…plus my breath was caught in my chest because she had suddenly started massaging my torso, running her hands down my chest, holding me to the wall with the exertions of her affection.”I want you to get bigger too…” I further admitted. 
“Oh my god,” she whispered, not quite believing what she was hearing, “I’m gonna do it…I’m gonna do it for you…”
“Jesus Melissa I can’t believe what you do to me already…”
“Yeah I can see…You’re so hard again...”
“Y-yeah...” I whispered back. It all seemed so crazy, and yet, somehow I could tell, to the both of us this moment had been a long time coming. I, at least, had just been too blindly proud, in my stereotypical thick male conceit to see it.
She kissed me again, and I seemingly had not a care in the world as I made out with this goddess of a woman. I didn't care that she was five, ten, fifteen, whatever years younger than me, that she worked for me, or that I was only recently divorced from a woman who would be hell-bent on ruining me if Melissa and I ended up together. At that moment she was my dream girl and exuded more raw sexuality than any woman I’d ever met. I was completely under her spell, and if she’d have me I was hers. 
Now beyond any sense of reason - if you want to feel big, does this help? - I instinctively wrapped my legs around Melissa's waist, to get into an easier position and put my weight on her hips. This had the effect of making me seem to cling to her larger body, like a stripling. Of course, it also had the effect of pressing my crotch directly against her stomach. 
She moaned, feeling me both hard up against her and my placing my smaller body on hers. “Oh god Jay yes let me carry you,” she sighed, kissing me and stepping away from the wall, sliding her arms behind me, under my bottom for support. She began to carry me around the room like that, me clutched to her body with thin legs wrapped around her lithe waist, her breasts ballooned voluptuously between us. 
Before I knew what I was doing, I was gently bucking my hips against her. Melissa chuckled into our kiss, driving her tongue even deeper into my mouth again. She tightened herr embrace, essentially giving me the 'go-ahead' to keep doing what I was doing. She held me to her as she carried me around the room, each of us driving the other wild. She kissed me with abandon, but pulled back after a while to allow me air and speak to me. 
"You know, I've…” she began; I could feel an unusual new trepidation in her voice, “I've done this a little before, as you can probably tell. Well, not like this haha but, y’know…”
“Yeah, I get it Melissa,” I said, my breath shallow, “y-you don’t have t-”
"But I never... I...I realize now that I didn't really like doing it until I met you,” she continued, a big smile now blooming on her face, gorgeous and earnest enough to melt my mind,  “and now I want to do it to you every waking minute! Some days it's all I think about!" 
“oh god me too Melissa..!” I cried. 
She groaned, and pulled me back to her mouth again, holding me to her like she never wanted to let me go. She kept doing that, driving me to the edge of madness with her kiss and the press of her breasts sandwiching themselves between us and covering nearly my entire torso, then gazing into me with such a lovestruck look and pouring out her heart to me.
“The only thing I can think about is turning you on,” she’d say. 
"I want you every minute of the day," she’d repeat.
And finally: 
"I love you more than anything," she admitted. 
I stiffened, in her embrace, my eyes going wide. 
She kissed my face, my cheeks, my nose and chin, my eyes and lips, in a frenzy of motion and emotion, and pulled my hips more firmly into her abdomen. 
“You don’t have to say it back…” she said.
<smooch smooch smooch>
“…I know it’s really soon…”
<smooch smooch smooch>
“…and there’s a lot going on…”
<smooch smooch smooch>
“…but I couldn’t keep it in any longer.”
“Melissa I-“
“Shh,” she stopped me, bringing a quick finger to my lips, “Not now, think on it. I just needed to tell you how I’ve been feeling.” She then took to kissing me again, first on my forehead, then down my face. 
Thank god. For myself I couldn't think or move or focus on anything except those lips, those plushly exquisite lips, kissing my cheeks, my ears, moving all over my face and down my neck as she hoisted me higher in her arms, that and the rhythm I’d picked up, humping her waist.  Melissa had me bent backward by the irresistible force of her massive boobs, and I was hanging in her arms as she ravished my upper chest now with kisses, so insistent that all I could do was hang my arms back limply as I swam in the onslaught of her lips. .
She was tireless, never wavering, never slowing down in her urgent kissing, and her hands held me pressed into her, rubbing me against her strong abdomen, with these sexy little cries coming from her lips every so often as she kissed me, now back on my mouth. 
“Oh god Jay I love you so much,” she gushed. 
“J-jesus are you sure?” I stammered, caught in this hurricane of emotion that was Melissa Monroe, my new Office Manager. I was, I have to admit, a bit incredulous. Look at her, and then look at me. “I mean… “
“Shh!” she stopped me again, almost in a scold as she read my thoughts, "I don't want you to ever think you're not right for me, Jay." Her eyes searched deep into mine and she squeezed me into her boobs so hard I saw stars. "I love you as your funny, smart, friendly self, not someone worried about not being good enough, or rich enough,” she continued, “These last few months have been like heaven to me. I've never been treated so wonderfully by any guy - boyfriend, boss, whatever - and now that you're mine I never want to let you go-“
“Melissa I-“
“Please, Jay, let me keep going,” she said, earnestly, a wild look building in her eyes, “If you wanted to quit everything and move away together I would do it without a second thought. If you wanted me to drop to my knees and worship you from the moment I woke until I couldn't keep my eyes open, I would do it. Or I can be your Queen, if that’s what you want…”
“oh god Melissa, I-”
She was speaking more quickly now, right over me, her fervor building. “I would do anything for you, Jay. I want to be your perfect woman. I’d quit working out, or work out so hard I'd be a hundred times stronger than you. I’d make my breasts smaller, or grow them so big they’ll fill the room. I'd do it all. I'd do anything you wanted. All I want is for you to please please just let love me you and trust me. Don't worry about rich guys or bigger guys or any of that. They don't even exist to me."
“Melissa I…I don’t know what to say…” I offered. It was so overwhelming, and I felt both so confused and so on top of the world. This goddess was practically begging me to just be hers, and not worry about any of the stupid things I was so concerned about. Because what is there, really, but love?
“I told you, sweetie, you don’t have to say anything,” she repeated, once again looking into my eyes like she was trying to decipher me, a crazed, passionate intensity in her expression. “But, Jay,” she then asked me, “can you handle a girlfriend who's changing like me, with emotions like mine? I’m big, baby, and I’m only getting bigger.” 
I looked into her face, overcome by the strength of her passions and seeing in her eyes the huge, cresting wave of her feelings and shaking with the thought of being swept away in her tsunami, taken into her ocean storm like fragile flotsam. Was I man enough to ride the wave out, surf her swells? God, I’ll stop with the wave metaphors but…yikes. You know what I mean?
What was my other option, though? To say no, pull away, be so cautious with my feelings and fragile frame that I’d rebuff her, tell Melissa that it was better for us to be apart? That way I could try to rebuild my life, my health, maybe start to repair my marriage. I…I knew what the reasonable, adult thing to do would be, and I knew already what my decision was.
“I want you, Melissa, I want all of you,” I said to her, “Get as big as you want - I can take it.”
At that, she basically exploded.
In a motion both smooth and violent, her hands slid up to grab me by the sides of my bony ribcage and I was lifted from her waist only to be <*SLAM!*> slammed onto my back onto my small kitchen table, which was right behind me. <*snAP!*> came from the tabletop below me, as she’d cracked the wood with my body.
As I regained my senses and, half-panicked, tried to sit, I felt her push me firmly back onto my back. I raised my head off the table to see what she was doing next. I followed her eyes to my own erection, which now stood once again huge and monstrous, rising up from my bony hips. Being manhandled by my girlfriend like this had thrown fuel on my excitement, and though I’d climaxed just a short while ago there was no denying how ready I was for her again. I felt the adrenaline of fear and arousal pump into my system as I watched her. Standing over me, towering between my outstretched legs in her pumped-up glory, her phenomenal musculature shadowed strikingly in the dim light, she looked down at me like a woman possessed. Her huge breasts heaved with each deep, mighty breath she drew as she looked down at me like a conqueror with their spoils. She’d grabbed my ankles and spread my legs.
“Did you like the movie?” she asked me, plainly.
“W-wh-whu-what?” I stammered, voice quivering, suddenly confused.
“Did you like ‘She-Hulk’?” she clarified, speaking more slowly, more evenly now, but still with the eyes of a woman of the wild, like someone unhinged. Her ardor and passion burned behind her eyes like flames inside two arcane gems. “The movie we just watched last night?”
“What? I-i-I uh…” I continued, still confused. I’d slept through most of it, but-
“You love the she hulks I can tell,” she said, cutting me off, raising my ankles now off the table in her hands, spread-eagled up high into the air. Suddenly I felt more exposed and vulnerable than I’d ever been, before her and her immeasurable strength and manic passion. My legs were spread nearly as wide as they could possibly stretch, and all my intimates were laid bare. She looked down at me, her mouth dropping open, my cock responding to the sight with a surge of new vigor. I felt like, as she held me like that, that she could snap me like a wishbone.
And then she started to flex.
“I’ll give you the fucking She-Hulk,“ she then growled, pulling my ankles up and towards her, doing a modified double-biceps pose while holding me akimbo. And then, with a deeply primal <*ROAR!*> of feminine rage, I watched as she suddenly redoubled again in size, muscles flaring all over her body, her frame quaking with the effort and the room around us shivering. My eyes watered, I turned my face away from the sonic assault, and if plaster began to fall from the ceiling or the windows exploded outwards from her impassioned fury I would not have been surprised.
As she continued to completely control me, she began to get even more aroused and her muscles continued to grow, every muscle in her body bulging. Her back arched and
it seemed that each muscle in her massive body was at least twice its normal size. My rear had been lifted off the table in the meantime, lofted into the air, and my cock waved wildly between my legs. Her eyes went once again to it and she became focused, like a laser, upon it.
<*SLAM!*> I was back on the table, my ankles still held aloft in her hands, and now her head was buried between my legs. Like a serpent dragoness she had struck, and impaled herself upon my already throbbing member. I was sunk down deep into her throat and I felt her lips and mouth and teeth spread wide and clamp themselves around my entire scrotum. She could have torn me out by the root with a single, fierce toss of her head, but instead she took to sucking on me, pushing my ankles back towards my head so my knees came closer and closer to me. This was an amazon-position blowjob if there ever was one, and I watched the mighty arms of my own personal Amazon Queen flex and ripple, surging and swelling as they held my legs up and my back down, helpless.
“oh god…!” I cried, “oh god oh god oh god!” My pleas, my whimpers and moans only spurred her on to greater brute force, and at a point I felt my legs might be torn out at the hip. But the pleasure was unearthly and my orgasm was imminent, and as I threw my head back I knew what she really wanted to hear. “H-how t-tall are you?” I asked, in a voice labored and cracked.
“I’m six-foot five, two-hundred and twenty pounds,” she snarled in a deep thunder, raising her face from my crotch for just the mere moment it took to answer before diving back onto me again.
In answer I craned my neck back, tilting my face to the ceiling and clamping my eyes shut as I prepared myself to be destroyed by my climax. “a-and how tall am I?” I retorted, whining, whining whining.
 “You’re fucking tiny,” she told me, and I exploded in her mouth.
============================================== big credit to Anuar at  @artaibyanuartor for the original image, before my rework. Also check his NSFW Patreon. And once again I have to tip my hat to authors, particularly Pac, whose style I am absolutely stealing here, along with some blatant passages and lines of dialogue.
My own Patreon is Here
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fawfulydoo · 2 years
listening to the yume nikki soundtrack while in the kitchen in complete darkness may not be the wisest choice
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved AU
[edit: check out the link at the bottom of the post for more buzzfeed unsolved au content :)]
hinata and kageyama:
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90% of the show is them yelling and nobody watches it with earphones on
both of them believe in ghosts but that doesn't mean they want to see one
hinata will literally go to the bathroom five times before going to the spooky house and kageyama gets mad at him for it but there is Fear in his eyes
producer: 'were you scared?'
kageyama: 'pfft, no'
cameraman: *points camera down to show that kageyama's legs are shaking*
they also bring a shit ton of food with them when they stay the night at a place and they'll deadass be eating while talking about the history of the place
‘this house *crunch crunch* was built in *crunch crunch* 1972'
the producers tell them to stop bringing snacks but fans of the show love it
sometimes they'll shoot a mini mukbang video
SPICY, BARBECUE POTATO FRIES | Mukbang at the Waverly Hills Asylum'
hinata: *looking up how to do a seance on wikihow* it says we gotta offer some food for the spirit
kageyama: *spills the doritos he was eating on the table
*after 20 minutes*
kageyama: fuck this
hinata: *starts eating the doritos*
producer: ...
the ghosts: ..................the, audacity
tsukishima and yamaguchi
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pretty much a ryan and shane duo right here
yamaguchi: we'll be visiting this place as part of our ongoing investigation on the question, are ghosts real?
tsukishima: *shakes head*
yamaguchi just wants to see the look of fear in tsukishima’s eyes at least once
yamaguchi: *hears a random thump sound* fUCk tSuKkI a gHoSt!!!
tsukishima: *sees a chair being tossed across the room* huh, the wind is pretty strong today
he likes to stick his head into attics to scare yamaguchi
yamaguchi always carries a water gun full of holy water
yamaguchi: i have holy water with me and i'm not afraid to use it! but i'm also sorry you had to die such a horrible death i hope you find peace soon
tsukishima: *walks into a basement that is supposedly a portal to hell* fuckin’ take me already
so many 'yamaguchi being an angel and tsukishima being a demon for 10 mins' video compilations 
daichi and sugawara
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a very chaotic buzzfeed unsolved duo
suga, who is satan’s child himself, and daichi, who needs a raise
daichi: hello everyone! this is daichi,
sugawara: and suga
daichi: and you’re watching...
sugawara: jackass!!
daichi:...buzz...buzzfeed unsolved??
daichi started out being afraid of almost every place he had to walk into but after having to deal with the chaotic mess that is suga for an entire season, he no longer Feels Fear
this is because suga will deadass film a tiktok dance video no matter where he is
daichi: suga, someone was literally axe-murdered there
suga: *dancing along to ‘I’m a Savage’ or whatever that tiktok song is called*
daichi: *at cameraman* do you see what i have to deal with every day?’
suga is only genuinely scared by ghosts when his followers point out that a ghost was caught on camera in one of his tiktok videos
suga: *watching the video*
that was the end of suga’s tiktok career
tanaka and nishinoya:
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another bunch of loud bois but they are much louder than kageyama and hinata
they’re very much into proving the existence of cryptids and are most known for that episode they spent hunting bigfoot by dressing up to look like bigfoot
tanaka: ‘you know that thing they do in cartoons where they stack on top of each other under a coat so they look like just one big guy?’
nishinoya: ‘ryuu i love you so fucking much’
other guy there who is also trying to catch bigfoot: oMg ItS bIgFooT *takes picture with the blurriest camera he could find*
both of them are very committed in their investigation of the supernatural and they’re very unconventional approaches
nishinoya: *lying on the ground in a creepy basement* EAT MY HEART DEMONS! WE’LL PUT THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!
tanaka: *takes out a spirit board* *spells out O-M-A-E  W-A  M-O  S-H-I-N-D-E-I-R-U*
ghost: *spells out N-A-N-I*
tanaka and nishinoya: *screaming*
kuroo and kenma: 
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kuroo deadass flirts with any ghost or demon they encounter and kenma would sleep over in a haunted asylum for ten bucks
kuroo: *sidles up to the infamous annabelle doll* hey there little lady, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a locked, glass case with a ‘don’t touch’ sign like this?
kenma: kuroo, there’s a demon inside her
kuroo: well, i’m a bit of a demon myself
kenma: she attempted to choke a guy in his sleep
kuroo: oooh, choking. i can get behind that...
kenma: *looks at camera*
the demon in annabelle: d-daddy??
“kuroo flirting with demons and kenma looking at the camera for 5 minutes”
kuroo’s actually a huge fucking scaredy cat and kenma secretly tries to push him over the edge
kenma: *plays computer-generated screams of the damned on his phone*
kenma: ...I didn’t hear anything *looks at the camera as if he was on the office and plays the sound again*
kuroo: i was too scared to close my eyes last night
kenma: i was actually able to catch a bunch of pokemon last night. who knew the winchester mansion is such a hotspot
producer: did you catch any evidence of ghosts?
kenma: ...i caught a gastly
bokuto and akaashi:
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bokuto is a die-hard mothman fan and akaashi is emotionally involved in proving that ghosts exist he will stop at nothing
akaashi: all of the evidence on the shadow figures and orbs spotted in this place can only suggest one thing...
bokuto: mothman did it
akaashi: no
bokuto: yes
akaashi: mothman is literally five states away
bokuto: he has wings
during their individual investigations, akaashi has already foreseen how bokuto is going to react
producer: it’s been quiet for a while. do you think bokuto’s no longer scared?
akaashi: oh no. he should be screaming right about now...
bokuto, inside the haunted house: *screams and waves his flashlight around*
akaashi:  and then he’s gonna call for help
*few hours later*
bokuto: i saw my life flash before my eyes in there
akaashi: *muttering incoherently near his ‘evidence wall’ full of blurry pictures and red string*
bokuto: i must’ve stared into the abyss at one point
akaashi: this place is fucking haunted. can i go back? it’s for sale right?
ushijima and tendou:
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ushijima’s knowledge of ghosts is based on hollywood movies and tendou has exorcised places just by vibing
ushijima: *brings out a pottery wheel* if there are any ghosts in here, you know what to do
he’s actually never watched Ghost he just knows That One Scene
tendou: *naruto-running through the goatman bridge with a go-pro strapped to his head* IT’S MY BRIDGE GOATMAN, IT’S MY BRIDGE!!!
the Goatman Himself: i’ve never felt so fucking scared in my entire fucking life
ushijima believes that chanting in latin will Summon the Ghosts and tendou takes full advantage of that
tendou: *handing ushijima a slip of paper* here, apparently this will summon a full-bodied apparition
ushijima: thanks *begins chanting*
producer, interviewing tendou to the side: okay, what did you make him read this time?
tendou: i typed out ‘let me eat your ass’ in latin on google translate and went from there
cameraman: *zooms in on ushijima chanting*
the ghost haunting the castle: *is confused in French*
in the end neither of them get evidence on ghosts
ushijima: well, we'll have better luck next time
tendou: maybe even revisit this place ?
the ghosts: i know i'm dead but this is the first time i've been scared for my life
[EDIT: for more buzzfeed unsolved au content written by me, check out The Search for the Mysterious Mothman, a headcanon set feat. bokuaka]
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kyun-toast · 3 years
[ATEEZ] Mafia!San - Will You Join Me?
word count: 2.9k warnings: explicit language, gun use, violence, description of death (not explicit), sexually suggestive, gets a lil steamy summary: cupid has a bullet with your name on it a/n: Y/N a little dramatic and San annoying af. I wrote this in a two hour flash at 2am, so this might be deleted after I reread it tomorrow because I’m pretty sure a lot of this is just me chatting shit.
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1. Yoon, David – 12:45 Note to self: likes donuts. probs dunkin’, maybe krispy? idk just look for a man w a paper bag.
“I’ll have to warn you though, the lift is under maintenance, so you’ll have to take the stairs.” The receptionist smiled at you sympathetically. “I can get someone to help you with your suitcase if you’d like?”
“Oh no, it’s ok, I’ll just find another place to stay. I have weak knees anyway.” You forced a laugh and hoped the lady didn’t notice the dead look in your eyes.
“I’m sorry about that, love.”
Turning away with your suitcase in tow, you headed towards the building opposite the hotel and hoped that the rooftop would be easy enough to access.
It was quite irresponsible of you not to have a backup plan. It seemed that being named the sharpest shooter in the underground world had gotten to your head a little, but you argued that a bit of spontaneity never hurt anybody. Though your target would beg to differ.
Being a public building of offices, it was all too easy for you to reach the roof of the building. You found that walking with your held head high and gaze set straight ahead would never get you questioned. Who would ever stop someone with a walk so confident?
Thankfully, the rooftop hadn’t been turned into some garden space: an air-conditioning fan over here, a water tank over there. You checked your wristwatch reading 12:40 and muttered under your breath. The damn hotel lift had taken precious minutes of your time and compromised your view.
You opened your suitcase to set up your sniper, giving your little black cat charm on the side of your gun a squish. Cute.
Sitting on the case with your stock snug against your shoulder, you peered into the scope to get a closer view of the revolving doors to the bank. Oh great, there’s a lamppost in the way.
Mr. Yoon was apparently quite the punctual man, always seen stepping into the bank doors after his lunch break at exactly quarter to one and therefore, your window of opportunity was thin.
“I want it done today or you’re getting sniped yourself, Y/N.” You heard the voice of your boss yap in your head again. Blah blah blah, same old threat. You argued that procrastinating the man’s death was actually something very considerate of you to do.
You heard a familiar clatter of metal hit the floor and you turned your scope to the rooftop opposite to see a man in overalls with his toolbox open on the floor.
“Lift maintenance guy?” You muttered to yourself and wondered if the mechanics of elevators ran all the way through to the rooftop. You made sure that you wouldn’t be in his line of vision and swivelled back to your original position, cursing the man under your breath for ruining your first choice of setup.
“Come on, Yoon. Lunch time’s almost over.” Your finger lay restless on the trigger, itching to get a glimpse of the bank teller.
20 seconds.
“Krispy or Dunkin’ what will it be today, entertain me.”
10 seconds.
You saw the man turn the corner and waited for him to get a little closer for you to shoot.
5 seconds.
“That’s it, just past the lamppost and you won’t even know what hit y- what the FU-?” You shouted and quickly clasped a hand to your mouth. Mr. Yoon hadn’t even made it past the post, and he was already laying on the pavement in a growing pool of blood.
Calculating the angle in which he was laying, you spun your vision around to the hotel rooftop and saw the maintenance man begin to pack up a sniper back into his toolbox. Taking off his cap, you noticed a flash of white in his jet-black hair and just like he knew you were watching, he turned with a smug grin on his face and shot you some finger guns.
“Oh, you little fucker.” You spat, and watched the man jump down into a hatch to disappear.
You slumped dramatically onto the floor and splayed your limbs to stare blankly at the sky. Never in your life had you ever missed a shot, let alone have it stolen by someone else, and your boss had your phone ringing to rub it in your face.
“That wasn’t you, was it?”
“Listen, what if? You know, what if that was my thirteenth reason? I just couldn’t take it anymore and that was it. No more Y/N. You wouldn’t even come to my funeral, would you?”
“No, I wouldn’t because you’d be too broke to have one. You realise you’re not getting paid for this?”
“Why? He’s still dead?” You sat up in disbelief.
“Well, it turns out someone else wanted him gone too. I can’t lie to our client and say that we did it.”
“You’re oddly moral for someone that runs a hotline for hitmen.”
“I’ll call you if I find you another job.”
“Justice for freelance contract killers.” You muttered weakly as he ended the call. The faint sound of police sirens filled the air as you let out a heavy sigh and lay back on the concrete.
You pictured the man and wondered who it was that would even think to render the notorious Y/N L/N jobless. Though you did have to admit that it was a clean shot.
“Skunk-hair looking ass.”
2. Kim, Seungho – 18:00 Note to self: babysitting. easy target but kid knows NOTHING.
You were stationed by a corner window in an unfinished apartment building with a trainee by your side, setting up his kit.
Stood by the trainee, you scanned to see if everything was in the right place, checking the kid’s posture too. You had been sent by your boss to reluctantly train a young recruit and you joked if you had been demoted following your last predicament. You were never in it for the money though, you lived for the adrenaline.
The boy had potential and you saw it, he just needed to make cleaner shots because three bullets somewhat near the target’s vital organs wasn’t going to cut it.
“What’s your name again?”
“Jisung. Han Jisung.” The recruit replied, his eyes never leaving yours, in absolute awe.
“Eyes on the scope.”
“I’m sorry, nobody told me I’d be getting trained by you. The Seoul Shooter? Like wow.”
“Ew, is that what they’re calling me?”
“Yeah, well I think it’s a pretty cool name, they used to call me ‘Jitman’ in my hometown, not very creati-”
You shushed the boy and tapped his shoulder as you pointed to a small figure in the distance.
“You see him through the scope? Now keep your hand steady, never feel as if you’re being rushed. Death works to your schedule.”
“Got it.” Jisung said, following the man with his gun.
“Ok, on 3… 2… 1…”
You heard the bullet cut through the evening air and hit the target neatly through his office window.
“Bro? That was so clean? That has to be one of the sexiest shots I’ve seen in a while-” You began.
“Uhh, that wasn’t me, Y/N.”
Before you could even process what had happened, you heard the rustle of footsteps patter down the stairs behind you. Taking out your handgun, you moved towards the open door to find the same man you had seen on the hotel rooftop stop in his tracks on the landing. Clad in a fitted black sweater and jeans this time, he looked a whole lot more attractive close up.
“You again?” You exclaimed; gun still pointed at the man as he dropped his duffel bag to raise his hands.
His eyes widened, not in shock, but more with an excited glint in his eyes.
“Oh my, it’s Y/N, the Seoul Shooter.” A coy smile painted his lips as he shook his white fringe out of his eyes.
“See, everyone calls you that.” Jisung interjected from behind.
“Shut up, Han.”
“Word around town is that you’ve been unemployed for some time now,” nodding towards Han, he added, “and it looks like the rumours are true.”
“I’ve actually decided to take a break you know? Let the other kids have a chance at making a name for themselves. Bit of charity work.”
“Y/N kinda got demoted because you keep taking their shots.” Han interrupted again.
“Hey, who told you that?!” You narrowed your eyes at the boy. Han Jisung was a smart ass and you vowed then and there that you wouldn’t take on any more training sessions.
You whipped your head back around to the man eyeing your body up and down.
“My eyes are up here, sir. Unless you really wanna get shot.” You spat.
“Well, I’d die a happy man if you were the last thing I’d see.” He smirked in retaliation and studied your eyes carefully. “Well, my job here is done, I better be on my way. Got a big cheque waiting for me.” He grinned as he reached to grab his bag and carry his way on down the stairs with footsteps too light-hearted for your liking.
“Why didn’t you shoot him?” Jisung asked as you watched the man disappear into the evening.
“I don’t think killing a man for taking my shots is justified.”
“What, and sniping Mr. Kim Seungho just before he gets to feel the bliss of clocking out is?” He laughed. “Do you know what I think, Y/N?”
“I don’t know, I’m not going to say anything.”
Han Jisung tormented you the whole drive back to the quarters.
“Y/N and Skunk Man sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes lo-”
“Ouch, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I was just kidding.” He laughed as an idea struck him, “K-I-D-D-I-N-”
3. Park, Kiha - 10:32 Note to self: bad man. bad, bad man. but big, big cheque.
Having had your last two shots stolen, mystery Skunk Man was beginning to get on your nerves. You were seething to the point that you demanded your boss give you another job, itching to defend your title of being the finest shooter in Seoul.
Laying on the floor of a rooftop hangar, the man had the gall to pop up out of the hatch to set up his station right next to you, as if you were both on some picnic.
"Nice seeing you here today, Y/N." He said, sitting cross legged to mount a scope to the top of his sniper.
Not even bothering to take your eyes off the target, you muttered, "I got here first, you better back off." voice laced with venom.
"Well I've been promised a cheque too, we're all just trying to get fed around here."
Ignoring him, you glanced down at your watch that read 10:31. Any time now, Park Kiha would be walking through the glass bridge to get to his meeting in the twin building.
Steadying your finger against the trigger, you held your breath and counted down from three, two, o-
"I like your cat charm by the way."
You pulled the trigger only for it to stray a little to the right, still hitting your target, just a little less central than you would have accepted.
You shot up from your position to face the man laying on his side, head propped up against his hand to look at you.
"Do you have something against me? Do I even know you?" You exclaimed, carding your gloved hand through your hair.
"No uhh, but I saw your face on a bounty poster once and thought you were cute." He said, attitude too blasé. "That was a nice shot though, I was going to wait a few more seconds."
"So you saw my picture, and started following me around to antagonise me?"
"Nah, I just happened to be super lucky to have been put on the same cases as you. Big bad men have a lot of people after them I guess?"
Throwing your equipment back into your bag, you watched the man proceed to roll over onto his back with his arms behind his head to look up at the sky.
The mid-morning sun cast a golden glow over his skin and though you spent most of your life working with guns, his uniform and kit next to him looked a little different, almost attractive. They suited him a little too much and you thought that if a sleek sniper were to be personified, it would look exactly like this leather clad man.
"I should ask for your number, the way you're looking at me right now, Y/N."
"Good luck, you won't get it." You turned to step down the hatch as he propped himself up again to watch you leave.
Choi, San – 15:25 Note to self: he’s kinda hot tho :/
So, we had finally put a name to the face. As your boss handed you a folder, you were slightly taken aback at the small ID picture pinned to the top of the file.
“You might be a little happy about this one.” He said, taking a sip of coffee. “He’s been recently recruited by ATEEZ as their sniper. Quite a deadly one too. He was scouted shooting pheasants down in the Namhae countryside apparently.”
“Hmm, how much?” You questioned.
“A million dollars.”
“Excuse me? A mill-?” You choked on the air and composed yourself just as quick to nonchalantly lean against the filing cabinet and look out the window, “I don’t know, he didn’t look a million dollars-worth to me.”
“He hasn’t been in the game long, but man has he taken down some big names.”
Though you didn’t necessarily feel too attached to Choi San, you did think that you were going to miss him a little. It was nice having a friend on your level to spar with.
Who were you kidding? You thought he was hot and that it would be a shame to have to shoot him.
But on second thought, you had been itching for the adrenaline in the trigger again, and the million dollars looked a lot sexier to you than some man.
“I’ll take it.”
San was all too easy to find. He seemed to enjoy hiding in plain sight since no common person would recognize him in the bustling streets of Gangnam. Nestled in the corner of another rooftop, you zoned in on the recognizable black and white hair sat outside on the terrace of a café.
Once you were ready, you repositioned your finger on the trigger and focused the cross hairs on the familiar head. You were steady until San lifted his head and stared right back at you through the scope, sending you a wink.
“Shit.” You muttered, his actions throwing you off and when you repositioned your aim, he had slipped into the crowd, now lost.
“No, no, no, no, no, Choi San, ugh.” Seeing that he knew what you were up to, you got up to pace around the rooftop. Your mind worked nonstop to find an alternate solution but all you could conclude was to go home, stay low and pick another day to continue.
This man had thrown you into the worst slump of your life, but you were somewhat enjoying the chase and you hated to admit it.
The abrupt sound of a closing of a door behind you had everything clicking into place.
“You pretty motherfucker, had this planned, didn’t you?” You laughed.
Upon hearing the cocking of a gun, you turned to pull out the throwing knife strapped to your thigh and pulled his body in by his collar to reach his throat. And it just turned out that San had the same idea in pushing his handgun up underneath your chin at the same time, faces a little too close.
“I like your beret.” San said candidly, jerking his brow up at the hat on your head.
“Me, too. It’s Marine Serre.”
“Nice choice.”
“I’m going to count down from three and we’re going to drop our weapons, ok? And talk this out like adults because I for one, didn’t wanna kill you.” You bargained.
“Three, two, one!” The both of you pulled away for a split second in bluff only to reposition your weapons against each other’s throats again.
“I knew it.” San smirked.
“No, for real this time. I mean it.”
“Go ahead, baby.” He smiled as his gaze dropped to your lips.
“Three, two, o-”
San cut you off by leaning into your lips, placing onto them a kiss so intense, almost mirroring the violent nature of the situation. However, what surprised you more was that you let yourself melt back into him. He let his gun clatter to the floor to walk you backwards into the wall behind, hoisting your leg up around his waist.
You broke away from the kiss for air when he smiled, “I mean, it is kinda hot, but I would appreciate it if you could stop holding that knife against my throat right now, Y/N.”
“Ugh, fine.” You muttered as San leaned back in to kiss you whilst roaming his hand around your thigh, ridding you of the rest of your knives and smirking against your lips in satisfaction.
Feeling his bulge grind between your legs, you both only grew more fervent for each other as you kissed.
“Wait, I wanna take you on a date first.” He pulled away to look you in the eye.
“Are you serious right now?”
“Mhmm, to Bar 1117.” He hummed, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
“Isn’t that your company’s place…?”
“Yeah, they’re gonna love you.” He whispered, peppering small kisses down your throat.
“Are you trying to recruit me or fuck me, San?”
"I mean, you can kill me now and leave for that million dollars or you can come with me for a new job and that million dollar dick."
"You're unbelievable."
“I heard you were doing freelance anyway, baby.” He looked into your eyes again, a mischievous glow blooming across his face, “So, will you join me?”
disclaimer: San’s pie chart hair is one of my all time faves but I also can’t stop thinking that it looks a little skunk-like. In the cutest way. a/n: I've edited this a lot since I posted it and I think I'm gonna keep it
Mafia AU Masterlist
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berkmansimagines · 3 years
Wildest Dreams
a/n: With the new season approaching I'm seeing all this Barry stuff on my dash again! It inspired me to finally finish this fic and post! I can't wait for season 3 ❤️
Summary: Barry and his wife find out they are having a baby.
Pairing: Barry Berkman x hitman!wife reader
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“Will your husband be joining us?”
You’re at the Doctor’s Office. A few days ago you took a pregnancy test and it was positive! You scheduled an appointment to confirm the results and see an ultrasound for the first time. You took the first available appointment you could. Unfortunately, Barry already had a job lined up on the same day and it couldn’t be moved. He told you that he’d finish the hit as quickly as possible so he can make it in time for the appointment.
“Yeah! He’ll be here soon. He, uh, just got off of work,” you explain.
Barry suddenly rushes in. He looks completely drained and out of breath. Your eyes widen.
“Sorry I’m late,” Barry apologizes to you and the Doctor.
Barry walks over to you and kisses your forehead, “Hey. I didn't miss anything, did I?”
You shake your head.
“Babe, you have blood in your hair,” you urgently whisper.
“Huh?” Barry raises his eyebrows.
“Looks like we’re ready to get started,” the Doctor announces.
You and Barry are taken out of your private moment.
“This might be a little cold,” the Doctor tells you.
She puts a cool gel on your stomach and runs the transducer over it. Barry takes your hand.
It’s quiet for a moment. And then-
Thump, thump…. Thump, thump
That’s your baby’s heartbeat! Your face lights up as you keep your eyes glued on the monitor. Barry kisses your hand. He’s so happy right now.
Thump, thump…. Thump, thump
Barry’s mind flashes to the two of you with your baby. You’re living in a big, beautiful house. There are two cats in the yard. Everything is perfect. The daydream feels so real….
Thump, thump…. Thump, thump
But then Barry sees chaos. He remembers the job he finished right before the doctor’s appointment. He was ordered to kill his target at point blank range, which is how he got some blood in his hair.
Thump, thump…. Thump, thump
He momentarily squeezes his eyes shut to get the image of the target’s dead body out of his head.
Thump, thump…. Thump, thump
Barry’s eyes shoot open. It suddenly hits Barry that he ended a life today but he also just helped create one too. That’s a feeling.
Your husband is in some sort of a haze for the rest of the appointment. You leave the Doctor’s office together. Barry parked on the other side of the lot, but he wants to walk you to your car.
“You seemed a little off in there. Are you alright?” you ask Barry as soon as you step outside.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he quietly replies.
You’re not buying it.
“Barry, this wasn’t the first time you’ve gone somewhere else. I know when you get stuck inside your own head. What’s going on?” you keep pushing.
Barry shrugs and looks down at his feet.
“It’s just work stuff.”
You take a deep breath. You understand better than anyone.
“Well at least you don’t need to stress about work much longer. With the baby on the way, it’s finally time for us to get out,” you try reassuring him.
You and Barry promised each other that if you ever got pregnant then you’d both quit your jobs for good. Now that you’re starting a family, you want to keep your child safe.
“That’s true,” Barry nods.
“Nothing lasts forever…” you sigh, and then, “Seeing the baby on the sonogram made everything really sink in for me. It’s happening, babe. We’re actually going to be parents!”
“I can’t wait,” Barry says softly.
Once you two arrive at the car, you wrap your arms around Barry’s shoulders. He rests his hands on your hips, keeping you close.
“You know, even with blood in your hair, you’re still handsome as hell,” you tease.
“Oh yeah?” Barry smirks.
“Yeah,” you smile, leaning in for a kiss.
After a moment, you both pull away. You unlock your car.
“I’ll see you at home?” you ask.
“Yeah, uh, I have to meet Fuches first. But I’ll be home soon,” Barry tells you.
“Okay,” you nod, “See you later.”
You get inside the car and Barry watches you drive off. Despite all the good things happening, your husband can’t help but be a little anxious. He knows he should tell Fuches today that he’s quitting, but he has no idea how. Fuches will definitely try to fight him on this.
Barry shrugs and starts walking across the parking lot towards his car. He’ll figure something out…
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druigswhores · 4 years
sleepovers with peter (and ned)
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summary: in which you have a sleepover with your dork of a best friend and your boyfriend peter.
content warning: peter parker x fem!reader, fluff, set after spider-man homecoming (friends to lovers, mutual pining)
note: this is from my old tumblr account adoringparker i decided to post it again but change some things up :)
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! (let me know if you want to see more content like this <3)
the entire thing being ned and yours idea because you've all been having so many exams recently and barely hung out after school due to revising and peter’s schedule.
peter being hesitant because he was worried that something bad could happen in new york and spider-man wouldn't be there to stop it
you reassuring him that the world can survive without spider-man for one day
oh man you were wrong
you three started the sleepover right after the school bells rang !!!
going to delmars to get sandwiches before you all went to peters place (forgetting the fact that there's only two beds in his room)
you and ned making fun of peter because has to state that the sandwich has to have pickles and be squashed real flat
“peter parker picked a pack of pickled peppers”
"why are you guys ATTACKING me.”
also getting slushies, peter trying to be creative and get red and blue to match the spider-man colours, ned getting red and you mixing cola and cherry to ‘make a cherry cola slushie’
“that is so disgusting y/n”
“shut up pickle breath”
going back to peters apartment and greeting may with a hug (she loves you <3)
“how's my favourite sweetheart doing?”
peter immediately cutting in like the dork he is
“i'm doing pretty good may!! how are you doing?”
teasing peter back
“she likes me more than you pete i’m her favourite”
eating ur sandwiches at the table while talking about what happened in school
“man today’s debate was so easy!”
you and ned throwing lettuce at peter in response “that’s because everything is easy for you smartass”
“did you hear that flash showed photoshopped pictures of him and spider-man during bio and said they went to a party together last night?” “that- i don’t even know how to respond to that..”
going back to peters room once ur done
ned wearing the spider-man top you jokingly bought for him to annoy peter for his pyjamas
“hey pete what'd you think abo-“ “WHY DO YOU OWN THAT”
peter walking in with his messy brown curls wearing his star wars shirt and grey pyjama bottoms but still being able to look fine as hell
peter forcing you to wear his sweater
“do you feel cold? you could wear my sweater- i mean if that’s what you want-”
you walking back into peters room after changing in the bathroom to be greeted with peters cutest smile ever
his eyes would be full of love he feels as though he fell in love all over again
he pulls you into him and hides his face in your neck while hugging you mumbling “you're so pretty in my sweater” ¥]!|¥\$]€{$]
having a star wars marathon and quoting the movies
“i have brought peace, freedom, justice and hot guys to my new empire-” “y/n that’s not the quote!!” “yeah but LOOK AT HIM?”
ned and peter reenacting the mustafar in front of you with rulers instead of light-sabers
“only a sith deals with absolutes, i will do what i must.” “you will try.”
ned winning the ‘light-saber’ duel
“god your such dorks” “and you love it”
ned falling asleep after the third movie bc it's already midnight
peter being antsy about not going on patrol tonight because he still feels like something wrong could be happening right this moment
you searching the latest news articles to see whether anything is happening to reassure him
“see everything is okay-” you get cut off by a bunch of sirens
worst. timing. ever.
him shooting out of his seat very quickly due to the spider reflexes, muttering a quick "i got to go" and kissing you on the forehead before putting on his suit and swinging out of the window
you worrying about peter bc he could be hurt
him coming back home at 4 am in the morning with cuts and bruises on his body
"so did spider-man stop the bad guys?" "he did"
tending to his wounds and scolding him for not being careful enough
him being so tired that he begins to say weird things as you continue to clean his cuts and bruises
"hey y/n, y/n y/n baby listen to me y/nnnn, angel, baby, pretty girl, you’re so pretty i love you”
him asking you to make him hot chocolate at 4am in the morning
resulting in the two of you sitting at the table drinking hot chocolate talking about life
"do you think we're going to stay friends after high school?" "of course we’ll stay friends!”
him talking about your future together not aware of the feelings it's giving you because although the smartest person ever, peter could be so clueless sometimes
"do you think we're going to have dogs or cats?" "w-what i-"
falling asleep on the living room couch with ur head on his chest and his arms around you tightly
waking up to the smell of May's choc-chip pancakes !!! (that ned mostly helped with)
wow i wished i had this
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skellebonez · 3 years
Why Worry At All?
I had so much trouble writing certain parts of this out for some reason, which makes no sense to me because I chose to write this on my own without a prompt. But I finally nailed out the in between parts that were giving me trouble! So... Billy Kametz can sing, huh?
Xiaotian knew what they were hearing. They knew it!
They'd heard Xiaojiao before and she wasn't that deep. They'd never heard Sandy but he had to sound much deeper if he could. Tang and Pigsy were out of the question, Tang couldn’t hold a tune to save his life and Pigsy never did more than hum at a much different octave. It couldn't have been Wukong, he'd still been asleep from overexerting himself in their last fight.
So that only left Macaque as the one who could have been singing outside the med bay door.
“But then I guess we know there’s blame to share... and none of it seems to matter anymore...”
It was such a soft tune, something that Xiaotian barely recognized from a video online he watched long ago. Maybe something Xiaojiao had shown him. Something soft and gentle, which made no sense given the possible culprit. Or the fact he heard it being sing just outside his mentor’s room while he was checking on him. But he was hearing it through the door nonetheless. Almost whisper like in how soft it was, it was too weak to have been heard belted from a distance, and muttered almost a bit off tune. That only left it being from someone right outside the door. But why not just come inside?
Unless the singer, who again Xiaotian was certain was Macaque, didn’t want anyone- even Sun Wukong- to know it was them who was singing and they didn’t realize that anyone was in the room with the power drained immortal.
So, like anyone who heard a mysterious singing voice would do, they pulled out their phone and started recording.
The song only lasted for another few seconds before silence, and then the almost deafening in comparison sound of running footsteps.
And as Xiaotian looked down at the recording on the phone, less than even 20 seconds in length, they were struck by a realization.
“... I can use this.”
“Well well well,” Macaque said with a chuckle, turning to face the person who joined him on the deck of the self piloting drone ship. Just where they knew he would be at this hour of the morning. “Didn’t take you for a morning person, kid.”
“I’m not,” Xiaotian grumbled, hair down and unkempt and clearly barely brushed just to keep it out of their face. "But I wanted to check on Wukong after what happened yesterday.”
This made the other’s fur stand up and his tail tense, though whether this was because he realized what Xiaotian meant or of it brought his mind back to the fight of the day prior they couldn’t tell. The fight that, for some reason, Macaque left himself vulnerable during. That left him wiped out and barely able to move out of the way of an oncoming attack. That make Sun Wukong rush in and save him much to the surprise of everyone involved, Macaque himself included.
The fight that Xiaotian was beginning to think was going to change a lot more than just knowing the de-powered duo’s limits.
“You’re going to be honest with me for once.” they proposed, joining the immortal monkey at the guard railing he casually leaned against.
“What makes you think I’m going tell you anything?” Macaque asked, chuckling boastfully and smirking that damn smug smirk he’d been wearing almost every minute since he had been taken onto the ship.
The longer Xiaotian saw it the faker it seemed to be.
“Oh, I dunno... maybe this?” They rebutted, pulling out their phone and hitting play on the open audio file they had pulled up long before the conversation, and they watched with their own smirk as a look of surprise and then horror and then something akin to “resigned but impressed” flashed on the ancient demon’s face.
After hearing the other speak there was no doubt that the two voices were identical now.
“Qi Xiaotian,” Macaque said, an almost cat like smirk gracing his face. This one seemed slightly more honest than the last one. “I didn’t take you for a blackmailer. Maybe I did have an influence on you after all.”
“Why were you singing this outside Wukong’s room?” Xiaotian asked, not in the mood for playing the other’s games this early in the morning. “Why were you trying to hide it? Why did you not realize I was in there? And...” He gestured to his phone, the soft gentle sounds of an almost uncharacteristically sweet song playing through his speakers. “What the hell is this song!?”
“Alright alright,” Macaque said, holding up his hands before he leaned forward on the railing. “No need to give the the third degree, great hero. It’s just a song I heard online.”
“You know how to use the internet?”
Turning his head, Macaque leveled the other with a very over exaggerated wilting gaze of disbelief. “I am honestly offended you’d think I wouldn’t learn how to.”
The tone of voice he had did not give the impression that Macaque even gave a shit, but Xiaotian muttered an apology regardless, to which the other simply laughed at.
“There’s this guy... Bill something? Kinds sounds like me, you know. Found him by chance one day and just kinda looked for all his songs and memorized them a long time ago out of boredom.” He shrugged, a distant far off look on his face. “Almost considered just being a copy cat voice for him once, way before I found out where our great King was, but I never followed through with that. Shame, though, knowing I’m on par with Broadway. Probably could have snagged a pretty decent amount of yuan from desperate fans. Don’t really have much use for money, though so eh.”
He shrugged, and for once he sounded... honest. Just honest.
“I wasn’t really trying to hide it, not from you anyway. Just... didn’t wanna deal with Wukong waking up and hearing me sing for the first time after. Ya know.” He waved his hand with another shrug. “History and all that. It was just a moment I had with myself, nothing more.”
Xiaotian took particular note that he avoided one particular question.
“You’re awful open about all this stuff,” the Monkie Kid mused, the two of them watching the horizon slowly move under the drone ship as the sun rise continued. Everyone else would be getting up soon enough. “Even for blackmail.”
“It’s not really effective blackmail,” Macaque admitted after a moment, tail lazily swishing behind him. “Not content wise, anyway. I was bound to be heard eventually no matter how much I hid. Think of this as more a... reward for you being able to catch me unaware. Take a lot of skill to do that with my ears.”
“I know most of your powers are gone too,” Xiaotian said bluntly, dropping the real piece of information he was here to hold over the other’s head out in the open, and that got Macaque to freeze instantly. “Not like ours are but... I dunno. I didn’t really think that far ahead. But if you still had most of them we wouldn’t be talking right now. You ran away instead of just whooshing into the shadows I know were in the hall. You’ve been wearing earplugs since we let you stay, I saw Sandy give them to you and you’re even wearing them right now, but even with your hearing dulled you would have been able to know I was in that room. You’ve been walking through doors instead of just vanishing. I don’t think I’d seem you walk through one except for at the shadow play before last week, and that was obviously to get my attention. I don’t think I’ve seen you make a clone or transform either, or manipulate a single shadow. Why not flaunt your powers over us, knowing we don’t have ours since you’ve made a point to annoy us about our lost abilities, unless you don’t have yours too?”
The elder said nothing, only growled and glowered out at the horizon before letting out a deep sigh.
“You really are a good kid,” he said with a humorless chuckle. “Smart, too, when actually you put your mind to stuff. But you’re only half right.”
“What do you mean?” Xiaotian asked in shock, amazed that the other was even still admitting to anything point blank at this point.
“I still have all my powers, it’s just... Not a good idea for me to use them too much,” he said vaguely, shrugging his shoulders and turning to walk away from the young man in a way that clearly indicated this line of conversation was over with. “I know you can keep a secret, kid, so do me a favor. Keep quiet about this.”
That same humorless chuckle, the one the young man now realized was more common from the demon’s mouth than not, sounded as he stepped into the forming shadows of the driver’s post from the rising sun and seemed to fall and melt into the floor in an instant.
Xiaotian couldn’t help the flinch that ran through their body at the implications of that final sentence. His training of Xiaotian. The second meeting. The Calabash.
The White Bone Spirit...
“Asshole,” Xiaotian muttered under their breathe, taking the door instead.
The very first thing Xiaotian was greeted with when they entered the communal kitchen was low and muttered but still the less than whispered tune of a song by a pop punk bank from overseas.
“Why do we worry at aaaaall,” Macaque sang just loud enough for everyone around him to hear, the baffled and in some cased impressed faces of everyone (barring the presumably still resting Wukong) looking in his direction as he seemingly ignored them to prepare his own fruit based breakfast. “Why, just tell me why do we worry? When worries never happen tell me why, why worry at all?”
When Macaque turned to look at Xiaotian he smirked almost playfully, winking at him.
And the only thing that ran through Xiaotian’s head was “there goes half of my blackmail... asshole.”
Though... when he looked closer...
Macaque seemed oddly tired.
Did he have the dark bags under his eyes during their conversation before?
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notasiren21 · 3 years
26 for Lukanette WIPs please. :)
26. Party Crasher!Luka
Party Crasher
-Lukanette oneshot
“You mean to tell me Agreste ditched you? After all that pleading to let him take you to the party for your successful launch line for next season, he’s ditched you?”
“Kagami, don’t kill him.”
“Fine, remind me why I can’t though? This is such an ass move of his if he’s trying to prove he’s the one for you.”
“Because,” Marinette grits out, faking a toothy smile to a work couple that waves from passing, “I want to castrate and kill him myself.”
Kagami laughs roughly in surprise, “Why the castration?”
“So I can fit his small ass into the tightest pair of skinny jeans we have for our tall teenage girls.” The not so stoic girl sips on her wine, pleased with her friend’s rage. “I told him I haven’t been interested since we were 14, but him thinking I’ll forgive him if I even had a silver of interest in dating him? Fuck him.”
“Or,” Kagami drawls, long nails tapping the stem of her glass as she leans to peer over her friend’s shoulder, “You could fuck him instead?”
Mari gasps in offense, “I am NOT trying for a one night stand, no matter what you guys say.”
“No, you little mouse,” she admonishes, fully heartedly agreeing with the sentiment, “I just mean your big and handsome protective snake is here to save the day.”
Marinette’s mind took a second longer to click the pieces together, trying to make sense of Kagami’s nicknames for her friend group, before her heart thudded and she slowly turned.
There, passing by the models who had walked in Marinette’s designs and batted their false lashes at the rockstar, was Luka Couffaine.
Dressed to the nines in a very punk like and sophisticated way that revealed he very much wanted to impress her and did in fact listen to her fashion advice. Black skinny jeans only he could pull off, high top converse and a white button up with a black vest to overlay it. The cheeky and handsome bastard forgoing the tie to leave one too many buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up to reveal his tattoos.
Oh, on the life of his cat Sass was she proud of him.
And maybe drooling just a little?
He approached her, a sly smile working its way to his lips as he eyed her up and down, eyes shining bright at her black low cocktail that she paired with navy blue heels.
So maybe she sometimes used Luka as a whole for inspiration.
He raised a hand, finger wrapping around a loose curled tendril out of an elegantly messy low bun, “I thought it was the models you were supposed to make the stars of the show.”
“Had I known you were gonna show up, I would’ve worn one of my bests here.”
His hand froze, “This isn’t your best? You tease,” he broke out in a grin. His hand moved further, thumbing at the collection of piercings in her ear he accompanied her with to get years ago. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful.”
“Well, I’m suddenly glad I can only acknowledge this as awkward and not feel it.” Kagami noted into her class. Her phone buzzed, electing a sigh from her as she began turning. “Have fun, my mother decided to remind me why this wine was a good idea to have before she came.”
She watched her friend walk away, her other -her best friend and other half, remained taking her in and stroking the soft spot under her ear he once claimed with a mark-
The one time they admitted their crushes and strong attraction towards the other the night before he left for tour years ago.
It was the only time Luka had indulged himself in his wants and desires, the only time he had asked to and still provided her with an out. And now he still remains far off in her memories, even as he stands in front of her with that look on his face years later.
“How did you,” she swallows when his soft gaze flicks back up to her eyes with his full attention. “How did you get in? It’s a ticket only event.”
He shrugged, turning to offer her an arm and walk around. “I may or may not have seen Adrien’s post about his mom and dad going to a gala event and him going to see his cousin there. Seems like that took precedence I guess.”
Marinette huffed low, “Félix has been in town for three weeks. Adrien and I had lunch with him the other day.”
Luka stilled as a busboy stopped in front of them, offering them glasses of champagne. Luka’s nose twitched, then his lip as he turned away with a polite smile. Marinette shook her head in turn as well.
“You know you don’t have to pass just because of me, right?”
“Hey, we do this ‘young 20 some year olds unable to drink alcohol’ in solidarity together.” He cracked a smile at that, “Soda is my alcohol.”
“Alright, you can be an honorary member of the alcohol intolerance club.” Luka laughed when she hummed gleefully. “Dork.”
“So, back on topic, Adrien just really had no excuse then?”
“Ha, no, even his dad stopped by an hour ago to congratulate me and get press photos done to promote the line. All his son did for me was send a text with a sad face attached to his cancellation.”
“... I can kick his ass, you know?”
“I know, I’m just saving for a rainy day.” She laughed, stepping closer to his side and wrapping both arms around his. “So, the ticket, you party crasher.”
“Right, yeah, I may or may not have called your assistant earlier today to swipe it. I took a guess that she held onto it for safe keeping so-,”
“She’s new, I’m not surprised she just gave it up that easily.” She let Luka guide her into a dance. One hand with painted black holding hers to his chest, the other gently tugging to hold his shoulder before he held her waist.
“Oh, that, that explains a lot now.”
He flinched, a nervous glint flashing across his features. “I may or may not have lied about who exactly I was since she didn’t know my name-,”
“Doesn’t listen to your music, already told her the sin she was committing.”
“And who I was to you, specifically-,”
Marinette tilted her head back in a laugh, Luka’s arm tightening to brace her weight, “You said you were my husband, didn’t you?”
He flushes at a memory of once getting a creep off her back a year ago by claiming that very title to her.
“Erm, no, I said I was your boyfriend and may have sold it by saying some pet name and swooning over you just a little,” he watched her eyes go wide then soft, a smile twitching to show. He stepped closer, almost pulling her flush to him, “But if that’s what you want, I can go out and get some marriage certificate?”
She flushed, lips parting and a rush of air passing them.
“Maybe call Jagged up and fly us to Vegas? I mean, we’re both looking good right now, you more so.” Her face went a shade or two deeper. She jumped in surprise when he let go of her hand to play with a tendril again on the right side, tilting her face to press a kiss to her left cheek. “God, you’re such a pretty little thing.”
She squeaked.
“What, what was the pet name?”
“Hm?” He lazily met her gaze, a dream like haze filter over them as he moved her body to sway with his. “Oh, that.”
“What was it?”
Baby, babygirl, beautiful, gorgeous- he may have said more than one.
He gave a slow and wicked grin, twirling her out and back into his chest in a swift and stunning movement as he nudged his nose to hers.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He teased, smile spreading wider and radiant as she forgot to breathe for a second.
What. A fucking. Tease.
The need for him to make good on his words and looks hit through her hard and reminded her of their one night together that they both never forgotten. And how much she wished that was every night, as long as it ended up with them curled right around each other and love and happiness coaxing them to sleep instead of stress and loneliness.
He watched her steel her gaze, her jaw tightened. He swallowed when her height, now of five feet thanks to heels, straightened and forced him to pull up. A violent shiver rocked through him when both hands held along the back of his neck, one slipping under the collar of his shirt to scratch along the nape.
“Marinette-,” he choked.
“I’m only asking so I can show my reciprocation.” She leaned closer, kicking her shoes off into some corner and standing on his converse that every elder of theirs had eyed in question during the night. He supported her actions fully, of course. Still stepping them around in dance within a fluid motion. “Not gonna tell me, hun?”
He coughed, loudly and looked away from her to catch his breath. Watching adults cheat on spouses everywhere or everyone else minding their own business to stare at models or the shrimp on the tables.
He almost tripped when she wined in protest, her hand gripping his chin lightly and turning it to face her. His eyes were flickering between admiration, lust and love, growing three shades of deeper blue than was possible.
“C’mon, baby, tell me.”
“Baby?” He stammered out in surprise. Teenage Luka was having a fucking field day with this. “Marinette, I was only joking earlier and-,”
“Were you really though?”
“No,” his response was fast and instant, a wince playing at the corner of his eyes and his button nose scrunching in loss of control.
“Hey handsome,” he preened under the nickname passing her lips, even if close to millions called him the same thing, it paid more effect when it was Marinette calling him it. “Tell me why you came tonight.”
His neck was aching from staring down to meet her eyes now that the heels were gone but he let himself down lower to press his forehead to hers. “Because you deserve better than what he gives you.”
The girl stilled, expecting an awkward or a flirtatious remark. “What?”
The rockstar looked away sheepishly, a little ashamed. “I know you’re considering getting with him, but when I heard he was canceling on you I let my jealousy win out and I just wanted to be there for you.” He bit his lip when he felt her tugging his face back in her direction, choosing to resist the pressure. “You have to believe me when I say I came with no ulterior motives other than protecting you from going stag to your own party tonight.”
“You, you came to protect me?”
He shrugged, another small shiver racking through him when her hands moved along and glided across his neck. “And make sure you had a good night. I even asked your mom what you were wearing tonight just so I could make sure my outfit complimented yours to cheer you up.”
She was silent for a minute or so, and he waited, patiently as ever and guiding her to rest her head against his chest as he swayed them.
Luka, doing all the work. Luka, taking matters into his own hands when someone fails her. Luka, going the extra mile to make sure she has a happy memory.
Fuck giving second chances to other people. Luka is the only one to have shown her he’s the most earning of the concept and notion.
She pulls away, feeling the slight reluctance in his arms on her waist before they drop to his side, “Grab my heels.”
He raises a black brow but complies, turning to find them and hooking his fingers in the backs. He eyes them, used to seeing her shoes laying around the Liberty when she comes over or even at her own place, but he always has to remark that, “You have small feet.”
“You’ve also called them cute,” she huffs, tugging on his hand and pulling him near the entrance.
He follows, like they always do for one another. “Because they are- where are we going?” He stops them as they round an empty corridor, away from the hotel’s event room where the party is still very much happening. The heel of his palm grips tight to archway, pressing against it, the small shoes still dangling in his hold.
“Home, your place or mine. Actually, mine’s closer.”
He laughs brightly, “You can’t ditch your own party for another movie night, Mari.”
The petite girl turns to him, a fierce expression in his eyes that makes him swallow harshly. “No, but I can ditch to celebrate in getting what I really want. For finally getting what I want.”
“The Chinese takeout place is closed this time of ni-,”
“What?” Luka wheezes, he blinks stupidly at her. Prettily and stupidly. He straightens, freehand tugging at his collar a little like he needs room to breathe. “Come again?”
“I’m going home. I’m taking you with me. And we’re gonna celebrate that I finally got off my ass and got what I wanted.”
He hums, nervously and a bounce starting in his hand, a shake in one hand, his dark brows furrow, “And you want?”
“You- you want,” he sucks in a sharp breath, pain flashing across his features as he clears his throat. “You want me?”
Her eyes soften, a smile showing as she steps closer to him and takes his face into her hands, pulling him down to be eye level with her as he braces his weight on the wall next to them with a hand.
“Yes,” he looks awestruck as she giggles. “I want you... can you let me keep you?”
He laughs nervously, “I’ll fucking sell myself to you if that’s what you really want, fuck.”
She’s smiling, leaning up on tiptoes to alleviate the strain in his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips, muffling the undignified noise of surprise that escapes him. She lets him get used to her for a second, kissing him slowly and purposely as starts to eventually overcome the shock and kiss her back in reverence.
He pulls away suddenly, a guilted expression on his face.
“Wait, wait. What about Adrien?”
“What about him?”
Luka fidgets, a quick glimpse of insecurities and jealousy showing to her before he regains a semblance of control after having his walls knocked down. “He’s been trying to go out with you, win you affections.”
He only knows of the situation, but never presses her to talk about it. It’s natural for it to come up in conversation everyday when he asks her about work knowing the stress of being twenty-two in a high end fashion company could be a bit more than overwhelming. He wanted to be a safe place to her since the beginning.
“There’s nothing about him. I’ve shut him down an handful of times and now it’s just a matter of letting him indulge himself in what he thinks are romantic gestures when me saying no doesn’t cut it. There’s nothing going on between him and I, just his belief that my crush from years ago accounts for something today.”
Luka still looks wary and isn’t touching her, most likely his conscious trying to be the better person between him and Adrien by not going out with the girl his friend is pining after.
Even if said girl is Luka’s legitimate best friend and the very same girl he’s been in love with since he was a kid.
Marinette feels like it’s a dirty tactic as she gets closer to him, trying to gauge where it’s jealousy and where it’s insecurity in regards to Adrien.
She presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Luka’s head turns minutely at the attention, tilting less than a centimeter to catch her lips before he catches himself. He struggles when her next kiss falls to his lips and is soft and slow, how he always wants to kiss her.
“Remember our first kiss?” She whispers, wounding arms around his waist and pressing close to him.
He matches her volume, an adoring look winning for a split second, “Of course I remember.”
“Remember our first date?”
“At the ice cream parlor, you wore a pink skirt that kept twirling when you did.” She feels his resolve break a little, his own right to be selfish with her slipping out a little.
His arms slip around her, and he presses a gentle kiss to her temple. “Remember our goodbye at the airport?” His arms tightening around her speak more volumes than his strained, “Yes,” does.
She’s just a little closer to convincing him to stop being so sacrificial with his own wants or needs. She just has to push more.
“Remember waking up in one another’s arms that morning?”
He’s silent for a few seconds, thinking of what he can say in response to that. Wondering how honest to be, “... every day, I think of that morning every day.”
She still hears the clipped apprehension in his voice. That tone she knows so well that’s gonna lead into him giving her advice to rethink this whole decision and talk to him when she’s absolutely sure. How she shouldn’t think on impulse and lunge at what she wants unless she knows she does wanna keep with it.
But, he has to know she always thinks back on moments with him and that she longs to have jumped on impulse if it meant being with him.
Every time he’s showed up with takeout at her place. When he smiles so freely at her. When he bandages her cuts and blisters from working all night long.
When he showed up tonight looking like he had been her dare to begin with. How her heart felt when he admitted to lying to her secretary. The way he looked carrying her high heels that were much too small for his hands but he didn’t care because she asked him to.
How he crashed her own party to make sure she’d have fun tonight.
She’s sure she wants this, him.
All those nicknames they could call each other. All the benefits of dating the other and having a date to everything the other needs to attend. Having her best friend be her boyfriend meaning there’s no holding back from anything.
She’ll cringe about it in the morning, but it’s gotta work to break his long instilled fear of being a bad friend or person. Of being unselfish.
“Do you still remember that night?”
She’s sure he’s stopped breaking by the way his entire body seems to shut down, but then it reboots and he’s shaking against her and can’t seem to breathe correctly, his eyes avoiding hers as he swallows again and looking like he’s willing to risk going into an allergic reaction for the sake of one drink.
“That- that’s not something you forget, Marinette.” His hands are twitching on her waist, grip tightening just a little and a vein is jumping in his arm to do something to prove he remembers alright.
One more push, “Do you still remember how I tasted that night?”
He seizes her waist, lunging to kiss her desperately like he did that night and when he left, a growl passing his lips onto hers. He’s cupping the back of her neck, fingers threading through her hair, breathing her in and shaking against her as his resolves breaks completely and the selfish side comes out. The one that’s nowhere near as selfish as the average person, but enough to take in the matter of his own needs and wants. He pulls back, letting her watch his eyes darken, the pupils expanding until the blues are next to near mere ridges of color. He’s watching hers do the same before he nudges her nose and kisses her slowly, more loving and affectionate. His control slipping back into place and resulting in the Luka she so loves regaining the handles of his own mind.
He’s careful in the way he tugs her lip with his teeth, how he coaxes her to let him kiss her fully before pull back and panting against her lips.
“Yes, I remember,” his voice is rough and he has to glance away from her and straighten. She watches him take a few meditative breaths before he looks back at her.
“Does that really help?” She gestures to his chest and mouth, “the breathing?”
He laughs hollowly, “No, not really, but it bought me time to create some distance in this,” he glances around, “Not your apartment place.”
She laughs at the suddenly horrified look that crosses his face, the image of them making out and the threat of almost being caught in public instantly dawning on him. He glares playfully at her.
“You did that all on purpose.”
“Had to, you were just about to give me up for the sake of being a good friend to me and Adrien.” She pauses, a wicked idea forming to prove her point, “Unless, you want Adrien to know what that all is like?”
A dark look crosses Luka’s face; unrestrained bouts of suppressed jealousy, possessiveness and territoriality. “No,” he growls out, eyes squeezing shut and having to clear his throat. “I’d rather not let him know any of that personally.”
“Not even how I taste?”
“Marinette,” he warned, the growl resurfacing. She cooed, wrapping him up in a hug and pressing a kiss to his jaw as an apology. He whined, “It’s not funny when you do that.”
“No, but everything you feel is alright to feel. Don’t hold back for the sake of not being selfish. You can be selfish with me, you’re a reasonable guy and know boundaries.” She sighed, nuzzling further into his warm embrace. “I don’t like Adrien the way he wants me to, and lately, it’s hard to even be his friend. He needs to move on from me. Hell, I’m better friends with Félix now than him.”
“Just hope they don’t switch up on you again.”
She huffed in amusement. “God no, I’d kill them.”
“It’s adorable how how your less than five feet body resorts to violence and death threats.”
“Mm, except you, I’m quite fond of you.” She looks up at him, chin pressed to his chest and smiling when he looks at her softly and presses a kiss to her nose. “This, us, is not an impulse. Just a restrained want I’ve had for awhile.”
“Okay, I understand now.”
She grins cheekily at him, “Or need, if that makes you all possessive hot yet secretly adorable rockstar boyfriend mode again.”
“Boyfriend?” He smiled slowly, radiant as always and heart stopping. “If teenage me could hear you, he’d probably shut down from being overwhelmed.”
“Nineteen year old you certainly didn’t that night,” she mumbles, grinning at the loud bark of laughter that surprises the both of them when Luka throws his head back.
“Yeah, thanks for reminding me what age I lost it at, totally rockstar of me, right?” The blush that’s coating his neck and ears is adorable, a shy smile quirking at her briefly.
“I think it’s sweet, cute even.”
“Yeah, because you’re the one I lost it to.” He deadpanned without conviction. “But, I guess I’ll take being sweet and cute.”
“It’s okay though, I mean, I did the cliché of losing my virginity to someone I was in love with.” Luka does in fact shut down in her embrace hearing that. Hands jittering against her and fingers tapping like he’s trying to speak through notes against her skin.
He takes another minute, before pressing a kiss to her hair. “If this is you confessing your love to me -and believe me, it’s killing me to stop you right now, I’d rather you do it in regards to another topic and not the fact that we were one another’s first time.” He avoids the dangerous smirk aimed his way, or the sharp angle of her cocked, black brow above breathtaking blues. “C’mon, let’s go dance some more and celebrate your success before we leave, maybe find your assistant to introduce me as your boyfriend to.”
She pours at him when he tugs on her hand in the direction of the party. “But-,”
He breathed out shakily, a waning patient look in his eyes and a false smirk aimed at her. “Can I sleep over tonight?”
“Do you want to?”
“Yes,” he breathed. “I’m very close to just following you home at this point, trust me. I don’t care how the night ends, just as long as it’s you and me tonight.”
She’s letting him make them dance again, feeling as the nerves leave his body as he gets them to fall in step with the tempo. He doesn’t care that he has to bend a little ways down to rest his cheek on her hair, not when she’s letting him pull her up against his chest when she typically only reaches the bottom of his rib cage.
They work well together, they fit perfectly together because they’re more than used to the instinctive adapting to one another.
Her hands cup his cheeks, kissing him carefully without reservation and the anxiety, “It was only an impulse at times because I love you and have for awhile.”
Luka deepens the kiss just a little, thankful she’s the type of girlfriend to let him indulge in her as he smiles, “I get it, I’ve had my share of impulsive thoughts for as long as I’ve been in love with you since we were young. I love you, Mari.”
“Enough to crash a party for me, apparently,” she whispered, a little moved by the thought that they were finally together. He thumbed her tears away.
“Enough to kill Adrien or Félix if you ask me to,” he replied in a loving tone, soothing her gasps for air when she broke apart in giggles against his chest in reaction.
He didn’t leave after that night. And he went to every party as her date too.
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juletheghoul · 3 years
Sub Terra
So in honour of the upcoming milestone of 300 (still shocked tbh) I am posting this completely self-indulgent Dio (the one and only goth king) fic. It's short and I always keep these things open-ended because you never know. I'm dedicating this to my fellow -former-goth/emo teen @mouthymandalorian
Literally talked about how both of us would have been ALL OVER Dio as teens and because of this we are fucking kindred lol.
Dio x F!Reader
Pairing: Dio x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Language, Smut 18+ dirty talk, Oral-female receiving (dio begging you)
It wasn't the classiest of establishments, but the music was loud, and the drinks were cheap.
It was a busy night and you kept to yourself - it wasn’t hard having perfected the death glare in case anyone got too close.
You noticed a small group of girls crowding a tall lean guy across the bar. Even though the music drowned out everything around you, you could almost hear the pretentious tone he was speaking with.
You knew him, everyone knew him. The only person living life at the ‘next level’, in his opinion of course. It’s almost annoying how attracted you are to him, tall and lean - that neck. Rings and earrings adorning his golden skin, reflecting brightly when hit with a light. Annoyingly drawing your eye to him each time.
Even with all of the black clothing, all of the accessories, the long black jacket, the circles under his eyes - you wanted him. You saw him talking to a group of eager women, looking almost bored. You could see him - taking note of each of them, deciding which one was worth his time, none of them ever were.
His dark eyes flash up to you then and he smirks, expecting you to turn away shyly like all the other girls do. His gaze was intense and it shamed you slightly to admit that it sent a bolt of arousal straight through you but you didn’t show it. You held his gaze, your face the very picture of boredom. You raise an eyebrow at him in challenge when he didn’t look away and you knew then you had him. He smiled slyly, looking back to the girls vying for his attention. You turned, giving him your back, smiling at the face he'd surely make to realize your disinterest in him.
Girls were a game to him, a hunt - he was the same to you. It all comes back around.
You felt him slide in next to you as you watched the crowd- could feel his eyes burning into you from your periphery. With you sitting on the stool - he towered over you, taking up so much space.
You ignored him - keeping your eyes focused on the crowd and your drink.
“What’s your name?” He said it directly into your ear, much closer than necessary. You told him - without turning to face him. You could feel the electricity coming off him in waves, trying to get you to look at him. You resisted - you wanted to see if he would get tired of it and leave. He didn’t.
“I’m Dio, what are you drinking? Let me get you another.” You felt him turn to get the bartender's attention.
You finally turned to him, he was swimming in his jacket and you wanted to crawl into it with him. He smelled like cigarettes and a spicy cologne, hairspray and liquor, not too strong but strangely appealing. You finished the rest of your drink in a large swallow and put your empty glass on the counter.
You could see him looking down at your cleavage, licking his lips at the gap between the dress and the lacy bra you wore. He saw you looking and it didn’t deter him. He drank what you thought was absinthe as he continued to look you up and down - you had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. Of course he’d be drinking absinthe.
You kept your face neutral and let him drink his fill, not failing to notice the girls at the other end of the bar staring daggers at you.
“I don’t think your friends like me.” You looked up at him, subtly gesturing to the girls watching your conversation with an acute intensity.
“Oh they’re not my friends, they just want my attention.” His smugness would normally have turned you off, but you couldn’t help but be attracted.
“And what do you want?” You swirled your drink as you licked your lip, mirroring his earlier gesture back at him.
“I want your attention.” He leaned in and you pulled back smiling.
“Did you think I would just give it to you?” You laughed as you drank your drink in a couple of gulps, the burning in your throat grounding you. You walked away - knowing in your heart he’d follow you. He did not disappoint.
You felt him grab your hand as he caught up to you and pull you towards him, crowding you, curling his body to surround you as he spoke into your ear.
“I like the chase, and I can make it worth your while. Let me taste you.” he placed an open-mouthed kiss at your pulse point. You let him work himself up against your skin before pushing him away with a laugh.
“I’m not convinced - you gotta make me believe you really want it.” you pulled back enough to see his expression, his eyes were dark. He was enjoying this.
“Believe me, I want it - I want to make you cum on my tongue.” He made to kiss you again and you once again pulled away. You briefly looked to the girls at the bar and if looks could kill, you’d be a bloody heap on the floor.
“Why don’t you go ask one of them - I’m sure any one of them would let you do whatever you want.” you kept your hand on his chest - keeping him at bay. He looked back briefly, before turning his attention back to you.
“I’m not interested in them, I want you.” His hands were at your waist - pulling you close to him, it was so tempting to let him kiss you but you were enjoying his desperation.
“Who says I want you?” you laughed in his ear - biting it to get him really riled up. He groaned and lowered his hands to roughly grab your ass through your skirt.
“I think you do - I think you’re intrigued and curious, and I think you’re going to let me lick - what I have no doubt - is a very pretty pussy.” You let him get close but quickly grabbed his jaw - holding him a hair's breadth away from your mouth.
“It is very pretty - but it’s not for you.” You licked his lip before shoving him firmly away from you. You had a bold idea - quickly making sure no one was really paying attention you swiftly reached under your dress to pull your panties off. His eyes widened as he watched you quickly shimmy out of them. You threw them into his face and you saw him shudder.
“That’s as close as you’re going to get.” you walked away from him to head up to the mezzanine of the club you were in. He didn’t follow you right away - standing there clutching your - very noticeably wet - panties to his face. He was rapturous and it took him a couple of minutes to reign in his excitement.
You kept an eye on him as you made your way up, after a few minutes he stalked his way up the stairs two at a time to reach you. The look on his face was dangerous in its intensity. When his eyes locked on you, it was like butterflies burst in your stomach. How far were you going to push him?
As far as you could.
You looked over the balcony at the crowd dancing below. The second bar up there was closed off, leaving it empty.
He pressed himself against your back, the proof of his excitement straining against his dark jeans and the curve of your ass. His arms resting on either side of you - blocking you in.
“You can’t tell me you’re not excited- your panties are soaked, let me lick it.” He bit at your neck as you surveyed the crowd.
“Beg. Beg to lick my pussy.” You turned to look up at him, head tilted playfully although your tone was anything but. His pupils were blown wide, enjoying this way more than he’d care to admit.
“Please baby, please - let me lick it. Let me kiss your cunt. I want it so badly - look how bad I want it…” he guided your hand to press it against his cock. It took everything in you not to gasp.
“Fine, kneel.” His eyes widened and you swore you felt his cock twitch under your palm. He quickly got down onto his knees and kissed your belly through the dress.
“You want me to do it right here?” He was smiling up at you, asking the question even as he lifted your dress and brought your leg up to rest on his shoulder. You nodded, smiling.
“You said you wanted it, you even begged like a good boy. Let’s see how fast you can make me cum.” You grabbed his hair and pushed it towards your aching cunt, spreading your lips open for him with the other hand. He moaned at the sight.
His tongue was heaven.
His hands grabbed at your ass to get closer to you, sucking your clit into his mouth. You moaned at his enthusiasm, you almost hoped he wouldn’t be good at it but he was. You ran your fingers through his hair, holding him in place as you ground yourself onto his tongue.
“Oh god right there-“ you moaned, you were close already. The fact that anyone could come up was exciting you even more. You felt filthy and powerful as you looked down at him, his dark eyes locked on you.
You felt him slide a finger into you and you threw your head back with a whimper. The wet glide of his tongue, steadily sliding over- again and again. The rhythm of it driving you into a frenzy.
Your grip on his hair tightened and he moaned onto your skin, the vibration throwing you over the edge. You came with a moan, clenching around his finger. Drenching him in your arousal.
He licked you until you pulled him away from over-stimulation. His face was that of the cat who ate the canary. All smiles and bravado as you pulled your dress down.
“Was it everything you wanted?” You let out a sigh as he got back on his feet, adjusting himself in his pants.
“Best thing I’ve ever tasted.” You let him kiss you then, tasting yourself on his tongue. His hands grabbing at your ass again. You pushed him away and his eyes were unfocused, he was ravenous.
You said nothing as you dragged him out of the bar by the collar, his shirt bunched in your hand.
He followed you like a puppy and you smiled the whole time.
Let me know if you don't want to be included on all things Pedro
Tag-list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @sambucky21 @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @mouthymandalorian @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
A Shakespearean Soliloquy in Two Parts
Relationship: Asexua!Spemcer Reid x Asexual!Male!Reader
Summary: “Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” William Shakespeare, Julius Ceaser
Warnings: Scool shooting, asexual Spencer Reid and reader, implied autism.
Word Count: 7520 words
A/N: To be frank, I meant to post this at like, three pm. Also Asexual Spencer Reid owns my ass and I will only write him as such. Please enjoy. Edited by the outstanding, amazing, show stopping @mystic-writes​ . I love you please forgive me for forgetting.
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"Are you sure/That we are awake? It seems to me/That yet we sleep, we dream" –A Midsummer Night's Dream
"Hey, Shelly," you say with a smile at the small book store you are currently checking out in. "Good to see you again." 
"You as well! Only one book this week?" Shelly asks and you nod. 
"Yeah. I have too much work to do, so I can't focus on more than one book," you say. 
She scans your book and you pay quickly. She hands you the book back and says with a smile, "Enjoy your book!" 
You nod and turn around quickly, taking a step, before colliding with someone. The books in their hands go crashing to the floor, and you do as well, crying out as you land suddenly on your tailbone, and stars flash before your eyes. 
"I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have been that close and I wasn't paying attention, and I should have been looking where I was going and-" you hold up a hand to silence the man who was speaking a mile a minute in front of you. 
"Really, it's okay. It was my fault," you say, wincing as you try and get up. 
The man holds out a hand out and you take it. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" 
He takes his hand back almost immediately once you're standing and you smile. "No, not really. Just bruised my tailbone," you say and the man sighs. 
You lean down and pick up a couple of the books he was carrying, and when you go to the last book, his fingers brush yours. You look up and see your faces are inches from one another, and you feel your face heating up. You see him blush as well and you both pull your hands away. You stand up so he can grab the last book and you shove the books you're holding into his arms. 
"Sorry again!" you say, not looking at him, and you leave because you can’t embarrass yourself any more. 
It isn't until you're in your car that you realize you gave him your book as well. 
"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love." –Hamlet
You walk into the Alley Cat Café, a new café that just opened a block from your flat that also offered an area where you could hang out with adoptable cats. You never went in there because you would just adopt all of them and you didn't have the time for that right now. 
You walk into the café and the little bell above the door jingles to signal your arrival. You walk up to the counter and order your regular, the Calico Chai, and pay before finding a seat near the back close to the window where you could watch the cats. Your order is called, and as you get up, you look over to a table, and see a very familiar man reading a book at a remarkable speed. 
You distractedly grab your tea and go back to your table, gathering up your things before plopping yourself next to the man. 
"Hello again!" you exclaim and he jumps, looking up from his reading to glare at whoever interrupted him. 
When he locks eyes with you, however, his eyes widen. "Oh! Hello!" he exclaims and a small smile forms on his lips. 
"I think I may have given you my book on Tuesday," you say sheepishly, and his eyes widen even more and his mouth drops open adorably. 
He turns and fishes around in his bag, before turning back to you and holding out a book in both hands. "I've been carrying it around with me hoping to give it back to you," he says, blushing, and you grin, taking the book from his hands, your fingers brushing his. 
"Well, thank you," you say, grabbing the large book. 
"So, the complete works of Shakespeare, huh?" the man asks and you nod. 
"Yeah. I've never actually owned a copy before," you say. "I've only taken it out from the library or borrowed it from friends. I actually wanted to major in Shakespearean studies in college before ultimately deciding to go another way." The man nods, and silence falls over you for a moment before you say, "You know, I never got your name."
"Oh! Doctor Spencer Reid," he says with a wave. 
You wave back and say, "Doctor [Y/N] [L/N]."
"What's your doctorate in?" he asks, excited. 
You reply, "Biological Anthropology. I teach it at Georgetown."
"That's where I got my PHD in Chemistry," Spencer says and you grin. 
"Really? When was that?" you ask. 
"Thirteen years, two months, six days, and seventeen hours ago," he says and you blink owlishly. 
You think for a moment before saying, "You must have been really young when you got that."
He nods. "I was seventeen. It was my second PHD. I have three. One in mathematics, one in chemistry, and one in engineering. I also have five BAs."
You stare at him for a moment, not saying anything, before you whisper, "That's really impressive." You feel your cheeks heat up. "I didn't get my PHD until I was nearly 25."
"I have an IQ of 187, and eidetic memory, and can read 20,000 words a minute," he says and you smile. 
"You're one of a kind, Spencer Reid," you say, holding your book to your chest. "That must have been a very lonely childhood though," you remark, and he looks away from you. He nods but doesn't say anything. "What do you do now?" 
"I'm a profiler with the FBI in their behavioral analysis unit," he explains and you smile. 
"Maybe I'll have you come in and lecture to one of my classes some time," you say and he smiles. "Though Biological Anthropology isn't very exciting to anyone but me…" you look away and scratch the back of your neck, but Spencer assuages your fears. 
"Actually, I find it quite interesting. I read an article the other day about how work stress is actually de-evolving humans, causing their bones to actually lose density, causing them more physical pain and inability to do physical tasks, as well as loss of sleep, appetite, and more," he says, and you grin. 
"But, the study was only on French individuals, and it could have different results based on where the study is done. Like, in Japan for example, there may be the same amount of stress but they handle it better because in their culture, work is just a part of life and you have to deal with stress. Or in America, where we have different ways of dealing with stress that may cloud the findings," you add, and he nods. 
"That is true, though you'd have to factor that into the initial hypothesis and-" 
Spencer is cut off by his phone ringing. He picks it up and the phone call ends quickly. 
"I'm so sorry to have to do this, but I have to go to work. We have a case," he says and you nod in understanding. 
"Of course. It was nice talking to you Spencer. I hope we can talk again some time!" you exclaim. 
A small smile tugs at his lips and he says, "I do too, [Y/N]." 
You stare at each other for a couple moments before he turns around and leaves the café. You sip your now cold tea and realize you didn't get Spencer's number. 
“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt." –Measure for Measure
You sit at the bar and nurse your glass of water as the music and lights cause a headache to split at your temples. You groan and massage your head, but it doesn't do anything to relieve the pain. You take another sip of your water, and look up to see a familiar face looking down at you. 
"Co-workers bring you here too?" Spencer asks and you smile and nod. 
"Yeah. It's Fiona's birthday today and she wanted to go to a club," you say, and Spencer sits down next to you. "I got dragged along. And apparently I got a splitting headache too."
"Do you want any help with that?" Spencer asks and you look at him, questioningly. "Turn around." 
You do as he asks, slowly, and you feel his fingers lightly resting on your neck. You wince as he presses into your spine right where your head and neck meet, but after thirty seconds he releases, and your headache dissipates. You grin and turn around. 
"How did you know to do that?" you ask. 
He shrugs. "I had chronic migraines when I was younger, and I read a book on pressure points once," he explains and you nod in understanding. 
"Right. You're a genius," you say with a forced smile and he frowns. You sigh. "You just…" you put a hand on his cheek, and he stiffens for a moment before relaxing into your touch. "You make me feel inferior. Like I'm just never going to do as well as you."
Spencer grabs your hand lightly and squeezes it, putting it away from your face as he looks into your eyes. "Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. You're a doctor working at one of the best schools in the country," he says and you smile. He returns it. "And, don't compare yourself to me. I can read 20,000 words a minute. I'm a freak. You're more normal than I am."
"Spencer Reid, don't you ever say that again!" you exclaim, taking his other hand in your own. "You are not a freak!" He goes to protest but you take one of your hands from his grip and put it over his lips. "Nope. No arguing. What I say is final."
You pull your hand away and you see he's smiling. "Yes, Doctor," he says, his words dripping with sarcasm. 
You grin, before gasping. He looks alarmed as you say, "Oh! I forgot!" he places his hands on your arms. "You didn't give me your number in the café!" 
He sighs in what looks to be relief, before reaching into his pocket and taking out his wallet. "You want to see a magic trick?" 
You nod and he grins an adorable smile that has you grinning as well. He holds up a business card, probably his business card, and moves his hands in front of his face, and when they cross back over, the card is gone. 
"Oh come on! It's behind your hand! I know this trick," you say, and he raises an eyebrow. 
He opens up his fingers and turns his hand around, showing it's nowhere to be seen. Your eyes go wide and your mouth drops slightly in awe. 
"Hey, I think you have something in your hair… right there…" he says, pointing to your left ear, and you reach up before he can touch you. 
You feel something, and when you pull it out in front of you, you see it's Spencer's business card. 
You laugh and flip the card over, checking to see if it's real or not. But it very much is. 
"Wow Spencer, that's amazing!" you exclaim and his cheeks flare red. You take out your phone and put his number in, calling it. He looks up at you and you place your phone to your ear. He picks up and you say with a smile, "There. Now you have my number too."
"This sounds very strange, can I hang up now?" Spencer says out loud, and it's repeated in your ear only moments after. You laugh and nod, and the two of you hang up your phones. 
Almost immediately, his phone starts ringing again, and you put up your hands in innocence. 
"JJ," he says into the receiver, pausing for a moment, before saying quickly, "I'll be right there." He hangs up his phone and places it in his pocket, before saying quickly. "Sorry, that was work. I really have to go."
You smile and nod. "You have a job to do. Go save some lives." He smiles and turns to leave, but you call out, "Spencer!" he turns around and you stand up, lean forward, and place a kiss on his cheek. "For good luck." 
He grins and walks out of the club. You watch as a couple more people file out, and sit back in your seat and finish your water.
"Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. then your love would also change." –Romeo and Juliet
You're flipping through papers when you hear someone call out to you. 
"[Y/N]!" they shout and looking up you see Spencer Reid walking down the hallway towards you, a messenger bag slung around his shoulder. He was wearing something similar to what he was wearing in the club only two nights ago. 
"Case ended early?" you ask and he nods. 
"Yeah. Child abduction. We had less than forty eight hours to get the child back alive since the family didn't report her missing until twenty four hours had passed," he says. 
"And did you? Get the child back alive, I mean," you ask and he nods. You grin.
"Oh, good. So! What are you doing here? You didn't come just to see me, did you?" 
Spencer blushes and you place a hand on his arm. "No, Doctor Priya Chopra wanted my help on an article she's going to write about fungal growth on skin and the potential benefits it could have, as well as any side effects it may cause," he says and you nod. 
"Well, I can show you to her office! She's new so it wouldn't have updated on any maps yet," you say and Spencer nods. 
He stops and you halt in front of him, turning as he says, "Oh! Do you want me to carry any of your papers?" 
You smile and shake your head. "No, it's okay. I'll just have to walk back anyways. My office is in the other direction."
"Oh, I don't want you to have to go out of your way. I can probably find it on my own…" Spencer trails off, looking helplessly at the myriad of plain beige hallways. 
You shake your head and bump your shoulder with his. "Really. It's not a big deal. I want to do this," you say with a smile.  He smiles back and you lead him down a couple hallways, until you stop at a door with a nameplate that reads, 'Dr. Priya Chopra, PHD'.
"Well, this is your stop," you say, almost sad with a slight slump to your shoulders. "With that eidetic memory of yours, I don't think you need me to show you around anymore."
Spencer places a hand on the small of your back and points at the paperwork in your arms. "You look like you could use a little help. How about I come by after my talk with Doctor Chopra? I know where your office is," he says and you grin. 
"I would love that, Spencer," you say, and watch him until he disappears behind Doctor Chopra's door. 
"One may smile, and smile, and be a villain." –Hamlet
You hear a knock at your door and you look up from your work to see a familiar head pop out from behind the door. You grin and say, "Parker! It's good to see you again! Come in." 
The young man with dark circles under his eyes slowly walks into your office, he wrings his hands out in front of him, and sits down in the chair across from yours. He slowly takes his backpack off and reaches in, pulling out a grey folder. The movements were slow and methodical, but you can see the young man's hands shaking slightly as he does so. Finally, he pulls out a stapled stack of papers and holds it out to you. 
You take it carefully and frown, looking it over. It was one of his essays that you just gave back a couple days ago with a big red 'F' on the front. 
"Why did you fail me?" Parker whispers and you sigh. 
You lean back in your chair, folding your fingers on your stomach as you say, "Your essay is all over the place. There isn't a coherent theme or message in any of it. Also, you should really find someone to help edit your grammar at least. You have misspellings and incorrect comma usage all over the place, Parker." The man in question looks down away from you and you sigh again, this time louder and lean forward onto your desk. "How about this. Go to the writing center on campus, find someone to help plan out your essay, and if you do a good job, I'll bump up your score to at least a B, if not more if you do really well, okay?" 
Parker looks up at you and gives you a toothy, forced smile, almost as if he doesn't smile much in his life, and says, "Thank you, Mr. [Y/N]."
You smile and nod, handing the paper back to him, and just as someone knocks at your door, he gets up. 
Opening the door, Parker comes face to face with Doctor Gerard Holden, professor of microbiology at Georgetown, and the man looks shocked for a moment before steeling his expression and saying over Parker's shoulder, "Dr. [L/N], do you have a minute to talk?" 
You smile and nod, before addressing Parker again. "Parker, I want to see that essay on my desk in a week and a half at the most. I hope to see some improvement."
Parker doesn't turn around but he nods and slides out of your office as quickly as he can without touching Dr. Holden. When Parker leaves, the older man walks into your office and closes the door behind him. 
"That boy is very strange. I don't know how you put up with him. I've had to kick him out of class before for being disruptive and talking out of turn," he says and you sigh. 
"He's a good kid and an even better student. I bet if you pushed him a little more, and actually called on him in class, he wouldn't interrupt so much," you say and the doctor in front of you is pale. "But, I hope you didn't come here to discuss our students."
The man shakes his head and goes into a lengthy question about having you guest lecture during one of his classes. You agree quickly and get the time and date and what you'll be covering before Dr. Holden opens the door to your office.
You see Parker standing on the other side of the door, and you know he heard everything you and Dr. Holden discussed about him. 
"They do not love that do not show their love." –The two Gentlemen of Verona
It's a Saturday. You and Spencer are sitting in your apartment reading. Spencer's stack next to him is significantly smaller than yours, and whenever he finishes a book, he places it on your stack. Whenever you finish yours, you place your book on the ground and pick up whatever book Spencer just finished reading. 
It's nice. 
"If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die." –Twelfth Night
"Come on! I don't want us to miss this!" Spencer exclaims, grabbing your hand, and pulling you along as he runs through the small park. 
"Wait! Spencer! I didn't know we were running! I would have brought my inhaler!" you exclaim as you try and keep pace. 
Spencer doesn't stop though as he says, "It's not far, now come on!" The two of you continue to run through the trees, and eventually you come upon a clearing. There are a few couples there, but not actually as many as you would have expected. The thing that shocks you the most are the group of college age students all standing around with boxes in their hands. 
"Spencer what-" 
You step closer to him, still holding his hand as the students all step up, and take the tops off the boxes. Light start flying out of the uncovered cardboard boxes and you realize that they're lightning bugs. 
You gasp as a swarm flies towards you before dispersing into a hazy cloud of blinking yellow and green emanating from the lower abdomen. You reach out and the bugs fly away from your hand in streaks of light and you laugh. You turn, grinning at Spencer's face. He's looking right at you. 
In the low glow, you can see Spencer's handsome features on display. His cheekbones are softer in the light, his auburn hair a deep brown and his hazel eyes reflecting spots of green back at you. You reach up and place a hand on his cheek. He looks beautiful. 
"What is this?" you ask, breathless. 
He smiles softly and you look down at his lips. They look inviting. "The biology majors at Howard under Professor Trudy study fireflies for a semester before releasing them here. Did you know that many fireflies do not produce light? Usually these species are diurnal, or day-flying, such as those in the genus Ellychnia. A few diurnal fireflies that inhabit primarily shadowy places, such as beneath tall plants or trees, are luminescent. One such genus is Lucidota. Non-bioluminescent fireflies use pheromones to signal mates. This is supported by the fact that some basal groups do not show bioluminescence and use chemical signaling, instead. Phosphaenus hemipterus has photic organs, yet is a diurnal firefly and displays large antennae and small eyes. These traits strongly suggest pheromones are used for sexual selection, while photic organs are used for warning signals."
You're silent for a minute before you say, "You said firefly."
Spencer frowns. "Huh?" 
"You said firefly. People around here say 'Lightning bug,' which means you're not from around here. Where are you from?" you ask, and his frown subsides. 
"Las Vegas," he says and you smile. 
"You're a long way from home," you reply, looking around at the lightning bugs floating lazily around you, taking in their new environment. You look back at him and say, "I'm glad you're here Spencer. I'm glad I ran into you at the book shop. Literally," you say, laughing lightly. 
"Me too," Spencer says with a small smile on his face. 
You lean up and kiss him, quickly, before pulling back, not really giving him a chance to react. He stares at you, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open, before leaning in and capturing his lips in yours again. You lean against him, turning so your front is pressed against his, he places his hands on your hips and you thread yours through his hair and rest them on the back of his neck. 
When you pull away, the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, but you're so lost in Spencer's eyes you hardly notice. 
"I am not bound to please thee with my answers." –The Merchant of Venice
You jump as someone hits their bowl a little too hard with their spoon, causing a loud crashing noise it seems like only you can hear. You can feel your heart rate picking up as another person accidentally drops a glass on the floor, shattering it. Your eyes dart around as people talk loudly over one another, shouting to be heard over the low din of the restaurant. 
You look up at Spencer sharply, your eyes going wide. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, reaching a hand out. You nod but don't take his hand, instead picking at your nails underneath the table. "I was just talking about the underlying effects of corsetry in the modern era…" Spencer continues as if nothing is wrong but another loud crash causes you to jump and lose focus from him again. 
You hear Spencer sigh and you look up at him, your cheeks flaming up. "Sorry…" you mutter. 
"What's wrong?" he asks plainly. 
"I-" you begin to say, but flinch as someone laughs loudly at a table nearby you. "I don't really like restaurants. They're too… loud." 
Spencer looks at you with that blank stare for a moment before sighing in what you hope is of relief. "Same here. A co-worker of mine suggested I take you out to dinner and when I told him I don't like restaurants either, he just said you would," Spencer explains. 
You frown. "Who did he think I was? We read books in your apartment all the time!" 
Spencer looks away sheepishly and pulls his hands into his lap. "I haven't used pronouns for you, so he assumed you were a woman."
You snort. "Wouldn't be the first time." Spencer frowns at you. "I've dated a lot of bisexual men with straight colleagues. The co-workers always assume I'm a woman." 
Spencer nods, and the two of you are silent once again in the loud restaurant. You flinch once more as something crashes together, and Spencer sighs. 
"Do you want to go somewhere else?" he asks, almost begging. 
You nod enthusiastically. "Yes. Please. We can go back to mine?" Your eyes widen at that. "Not for sex!" you exclaim and a few people look over at you. You blush in embarrassment and say, quieter, "I-I just meant to read or watch a documentary or something. I didn't mean to imply."
Spencer smiles softly. "It's okay. I didn't even realize. I'm not sexually attracted to people."
Your eyes widen and you grin. "Me neither!" 
Spencer grins with you and the two of you hastily pay and make a quick exit out of the busy restaurant. 
"God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another." –Hamlet
"Mr. [L/N]?" 
You jump and look up from your work and see Parker standing in your office. You put a hand over your heart and laugh. "Parker! You scared me!" 
"Sorry…" he says, not making eye contact. 
You chuckle as you say, "I should put a bell on you…" you see Parker flush a deep red but you ignore it. "So, what can I do you for?" 
Silently, still red and blushing, Parker pulls out a stapled stack of papers from his backpack and holds it out to you. You take it and see it's the revised version of his essay you failed last week. 
"I did want you asked…" he says quietly and you quickly look over the first page. 
You smile up at him, grateful. "Thank you, Parker. I'll get it back to you by the end of the week-"
"NO!" he shouts and you jump at that. 
"Parker, I have a lot of work to do and-" 
But he cuts you off again, shouting, "No! Get it done now!" 
You sigh, knowing he's not going to relent, and you pinch the bridge of your nose. "Okay. How about this. How many classes do you have left today?" 
"Two…" Parker says, and you almost miss it seeing as he's so quiet. 
You nod. "Okay. How about I work on it while you're in class and you can come back after."
Parker nods and without another word, leaves your office. You sigh loudly and lean your head into your hands. 
"I must be cruel only to be kind; Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind." –Hamlet
That night, you're sitting in Spencer's apartment, his head in your lap as you both read. You can't help but think of Parker, of hearing him yell for the first time since you met him. The boy was always so quiet, except in class where he was engaged and able to answer every question, even if his answers were a little all over the place. 
"[Y/N]?" You hear Spencer ask and you look down at him, dazed. 
"You haven't even looked at your book for six minutes and twenty-seven seconds," Spencer says and you frown. You put your book face down next to you on the side table and rub your hands over your face. You feel hands at your wrists, and they tug slightly, pulling your hands away from your face. "What's going on?" 
"Just a student of mine yelled at me today," you say. Spencer frowns and you lean down, kissing where his brow was furrowed. "It's okay. I've just never seen him even raise his voice above a whisper besides when we're in class. And even then he doesn't yell." You pause, and sit back up. Spencer sits up as well and lets go of your wrists, leaning into your side. "A lot of the students and faculty don't like him because he's disruptive in class, but I know he's a good student. He's driven and knows a lot. He just needs to be pushed in the right way." You sigh again and lean over to rest your head on Spencer's shoulder. "I told him that I would finish editing his essay by the end of the week but he yelled at me, telling me to finish it right then and there. I told him I would finish it by the end of the day. I knew he wasn't going to stop asking, so I made a compromise I thought he could live with."
You look up at Spencer's face and see him frowning. "How long has he been like this with you?" 
You let out a huff of humorless laughter. "What, you jealous?" you ask, joking. 
Some of the tension eases from Spencer's face but he doesn't stop frowning.
"No, I'm not jealous. I'm just cautious." He looks into your eyes as he says, "You should be too."
You sigh and lean down, kissing him. "I know. I will be. I just don't want to push him away. I think I'm the only friendly face he has around campus…" 
Spencer nods, and opens his mouth as if to say something, but he closes it, and the two of you spend the rest of your evening in silence, unanswered questions lingering in the air between you. 
"Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall." –Romeo and Juliet
"You okay?" you ask Spencer one night while you're sitting on your bed together, watching something on your laptop. Tonight you were trying to get him into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but he seemed more distracted than normal. 
He looks up at you, a glazed look in his eyes before sighing. "The case we finished today? It was a stalker case. This man was in love with this woman and we had to make her tell him she was in love with him to get him to let his guard down," Spencer explains and you turn to face him, not saying anything. "We shot him. In the end. He died while the woman was sobbing into her husband's arms." You reach out and place a hand near Spencer, not touching him. He reaches out and takes your hand, kissing it. "I just keep thinking about how she'll never feel safe around another man again."
"You did what you could and you saved her life, Spencer," you say quietly and he looks at you sadly. "I'm so proud of you."
"But what about the people we can't save?" 
You sigh and kiss Spencer lightly. "You can't think about that. Think about the families you saved, the women, the children. You saved a life! That's amazing, Spencer."
Spencer smiles and nods but he doesn't look convinced. You just kiss him again and go back to watching Buffy. 
"<i>For which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me?</i>" –Much Ado About Nothing
You startle as a knock sounds at your door. You aren't expecting visitors. Spencer's out with work, and he said not to expect him back for a few days. It's only been two, and he can't have caught the guy that quickly already. 
But when you open your door, Spencer is standing there, his eyes puffy and red, and before you can ask any questions, he's pushing himself into your arms. You stumble back and close the door before sinking to the floor, letting Spencer cry into your arms. 
"Love comforteth like sunshine after rain, But Lust's effect is tempest after sun. Love's gentle spring doth always fresh remain; Lust's winter comes ere summer half be done. Love surfeits not, Lust like a glutton dies; Love is all truth, Lust full of forged lies." –Venus and Adonis
"I love you," you say one evening while you're sitting on the couch, Spencer's head in your lap. You're running your fingers through his hair as you say this, making it fan out around his head like a halo of auburn curls. 
He cracks an eye open at you and smiles. "Really?" 
You roll your eyes. "Yes. I do. And I just thought I should say it," you say, and Spencer sits up, leaning in to kiss you. You put your hands on his cheeks and smile into the soft kiss. 
He pulls away and says, "I want you to meet my mom."
Your eyes go wide and you open your mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. You frown before asking, "When?" 
"I have some vacation time saved and we could wait until summer break!" Spencer exclaims, causing your frown to drop. "You're not teaching again until the second half of summer break, so we can see her then." 
"I've never been to the west coast before…" you say, trailing off and looking away. Spencer goes to say something but you cut him off with a smile. "But, that's okay. I want to meet her." 
Spencer grins and grabs your face, kissing you like his life depends on it. You laugh as he gets up and runs out of the living room, whooping with joy. 
"I love you, Spencer Reid!" you shout. 
"Love you too!" he shouts back. 
"Lovers and madmen have such seething brains Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend More than cool reason ever comprehends." –A Midsummer Night's Dream
It's a week until the end of term, finals right around the corner, and you have been stuck in your office for most of the day. Most of the week actually. You gave your students the last few days off to study for their finals, and to finish their final essays for you while you finished editing the last of their work before you were bombarded with essays and tests. 
Your phone rings on your desk, but you turn off the noise, groaning as the red light beeps incessantly. It's been doing that for the past half an hour. You even had to turn your mobile off and shove it into an unused drawer of your desk. 
After another five minutes of the light beeping, you pick up your phone. 
"WHAT!" you scream into the receiver. 
"Uh, Dr. [L/N]?" you hear someone say quietly into the phone. 
"You know, I'm very busy right now and I can't handle distractions so if you would just-" 
"Someone's shooting up the school." 
Your blood runs cold as a knock sounds at your door, and you watch the knob turning. You gulp as the voice on the other end of the line tries to get your attention, but you can't hear them. All you can hear is the creak of your door as it's slowly pushed open. 
"Mr. [Y/N]!" You hear someone shout as they enter your office. It's Parker. And he's holding a gun. "I thought I heard you in here! Who are you talking to?" 
You go to answer, but the words die in your throat. 
"I- I don't actually know. They-they were calling to tell me about you," you say finally, hanging up the phone as the person yells on the other side of the line. 
Parker closes your door and walks over to your desk with a happy smile on his face. "I came to get you, [Y/N]," he says, and you force a smile onto your face. 
"Really?" you ask, hoping your nervousness doesn't give anything away. 
He nods. "It's just you and me now! Forever!" 
You gulp, but smile. "Uh huh…" 
"The only thing left in our way is that whore who calls himself your boyfriend…" Parker says, and your smile drops. 
"Spencer?" you can't help the wavering in your voice as you say his name. 
Parker nods and places his hand against his chin. "Yes. Maybe you can call him? I'm sure he's already on his way over here."
You gulp, but nod. You pick up your desk phone and dial Spencer's number from memory. While your memory may not be anywhere close to as good as his, you forced yourself to memorize it in case it was an emergency. 
After the first ring, the phone is picked up. "[Y/N]? Are you okay? I've tried calling you for the past twenty minutes and you haven't picked up!" Spencer exclaims on the other end of the line. 
You take a deep breath before looking up at Parker, who's smiling expectantly at you. He nods. "Spencer, can you come to my office?" 
"I'm outside. Is everything okay?" he asks. 
"Tell him to leave his gun and vest outside," Parker whispers and you nod. 
"You need to leave your gun and vest outside," you say, your voice shaking with every word. 
"Oh!" Parker exclaims and leans forward. "And tell him if he doesn't do all that, I'm going to kill you."
You let out a sob and say into the phone, shaking, "If you don't do what's been asked, he's going to- he's going to kill me, oh!" you exclaim, another sob escaping your lips. You hear Spencer start to say something, but Parker puts a finger down on the plunger and you hear the dial tone in your ear. You slowly take the phone away from your ear and look at it shaking in your grip. 
You watch absently as Parker's fingers brush yours, getting you to open your hand, and you let him take the phone, and put it back down on your desk. 
You keep staring off into the middle distance, even as Parker's hand rests on your chin. He turns your head and your eyes lock onto his. You can see the simmering rage bubbling underneath the feigned love that he's projecting. It's probably not even conscious. You don't know if a man like him even <i>could</i> fall in love. 
You hear a knock at your door and Parker moves away from you, but grabs your arm forcefully. Your hips push into the desk painfully and you let out a small whimper. Parker's hand on your arm relaxes slightly and he pulls you around your desk to stand next to him at his side, his gun pointed at the dark wooden door that is slowly opening. 
You see Spencer slowly pushing the door open, his other hand raised to show he's unarmed. 
"Stay there," Parker says, holding his gun level at Spencer's chest. 
"Okay. Okay," Spencer says, putting his other hand up. "No one needs to get hurt." 
Parker shakes his head. "No. No. They do. They're going to come in the way of us!" 
Parker looks down at you and you look up at him, wide eyed. "No, they won't. No one can come in between us," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "Spencer's right. No one needs to get hurt."
Parker closes his eyes and shakes his head again. "Spencer, Spencer… Why Spencer? Why him? Why not me?" 
You grab his arm and say, "It is you, Parker! It will always be you!" you look over at Spencer, asking with your eyes if you're doing a good job, if this is what you should be doing. He gives you a miniscule nod. You remembered from before when you talked about guys like Parker. "I don't love Spencer. I love you."
Your heart breaks as you say this, but you know that Spencer knows it isn't true. Parker's the only one who needs to believe it. 
"Say it," he says, before looking over at the man in question, "to him."
You gulp and look at Spencer, leaning more into Parker's side as you say, "Spencer, I don't love you. I never loved you. I'm in love with Parker. Nothing will be able to keep up apart." 
"[Y/N]..." Spencer says, heartbreak evident on his face. Either he's a really good actor or he actually believes it. You sincerely hope it's the former. 
Parker nods when you look at him, and grins. "Let's get out of here…" he says, holding out his hand. You take it gingerly and he pulls your back to his chest, still holding Spencer at gunpoint. He flicks the gun further into your office, and Spencer moves with his hands up, tears streaming from his face as he moves across from you in the room. 
Parker backs up slowly through the room towards the door, his gun still pointed at Spencer. As soon as he steps out into the hallway, you hear the gunshot. 
You feel Parker fall behind you, and you run back into your office, falling to the floor, and only then do you start crying. You sob loudly, and when you're pulled into a chest, you only cry harder. 
You hear Spencer whispering to you, and you feel his tears on your hair, your neck as he says, "I can't lose you too. I can't. I just can't…"
You pull him closer, pulling your legs to your chest as you sob, "I love you. I love you so much. I didn't mean anything I said!" 
"I know," he whispers, kissing your head. "I know." 
"I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest." –Much Ado About Nothing
"I've never been to Vegas before!" you exclaim as you get off the plane. "Can we go to any casinos? I've never gambled before!" 
Spencer chuckles as he grabs your hand, pulling you through the airport. "We'll see. I've been banned from a few, so I don't know if they'll let me in…" he says, trailing off and you laugh. "Did you know that what most people think of as Las Vegas is actually called Paradise? In the late 1940s, after the second world war was over, the city of Las Vegas actually banned gambling. The rich gamblers in town weren't happy with that so they created a town called Paradise and made gaming legal there. Well, it's not a town, but more like unincorporated land that doesn't follow Las Vegas' laws." 
You grin and grab your bag when it comes around. While Spencer was talking, you had gone to the baggage claim and your bag had already been around once. While Spencer was used to traveling light, with only a go bag, you were not. 
"I did not know that," you say, leaning up to kiss his cheek as he pulls out towards the exit. 
You get the car he rented and you let him drive you to Bennington. He wanted to go back to the hotel for a night before seeing his mom, but you didn't want him to waste any more time. You would freshen up after. 
You and Spencer are ushered through the sterilized, but still personable, halls of the sanitarium, and into a large room with a couple of other people in it. You see a blonde, short haired woman sitting on a couch and Spencer starts walking over to her. 
When she sees him, her face lights up and she exclaims, "Spencer!" 
"Hey mom," he says, giving her a wave. "I wanted to introduce you to someone."
She turns and looks you up and down, before wringing her hands out and looking at her son. "Is this the man you told me about in your letters?" 
Your eyebrows raise at that and you ask Spencer, "You talked to her about me?" he looks at you, nervous, but you smile. "All good things, I hope." He grins and grabs your hand. You turn to Diana and hold out your hand. "Hi. I'm Dr. [Y/N] [L/N]. Spencer's told me so much about you. He really loves you." 
She smiles and takes your hand lightly before letting go. "Yes, he's told me a lot about you too. He loves you too," she says, and you smile at him. 
"And I love him," you reply. 
"Journeys end in lovers' meeting; every wise man's son doth know" –Twelfth Night
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kaylathekittykat225 · 3 years
Carnival Ride of Horror // Steve Harrington x Reader
Carnival of Horror // SH
Warning/s: Cursing, laughing at inappropriate times, (very minimal) mentions/implications of abuse/stalking (just wanna warn, its super small but just in case!)
Word Count: 3.5k
Hey guys! It’s been a bit since I’ve written, lemme tell you, life has been kinda crappy and its just a little less crappy now! So I decided to start pecking at the keyboard again and this is what came of it! This lovely person requsted this work and I just got around to starting to really write because I had a free week. Anywhoodles, it’s good to write something again and I hope yall enjoy it!
Again thank you for this idea @seraphiiii
omg i came across your post about writing ideas in my feed and got so excited to see both steve harrington and young justice in the tags lmao. but i think a steve harrington x reader where reader and him go to an amusement park and reader is terrified of the rides so he’s like comforting her throughout them and encouraging her but also laughing (in a good natured way obvi) about how scared she is and stuff? i think that would be so cute!!
Here’s my Masterlist.
“Stevie, when we agreed to have a date night away from the kids, I didn't think we would be going into a mass of more kids.” As he pulled the keys out, you stared at the bright light shining machinery that had been set in the middle of a field outside the city. The annual summer fair had finally made its way to Hawkins, and it had left a buzz in the air as everyone planned when they would go, talked about what rides had come this year, who their ride buddy would be; it had been all the kids had been talking about for weeks. They put a day together the coming weekend to go as a group and they planned to drag Steve and you along on the off chance that they needed an “adult” to allow them on the rides.
Funny how they assumed either Steve or you knew how to adult.
“Cause I thought it would be a nice change from us just watching movies or having dinner.”
“Oh, so dino nuggets are no longer date-worthy for you.” Steve almost took you seriously, but he saw the grin that has graced your lips at your own comment. He relaxed a little knowing that you weren’t upset with his idea for date night, but he had always wanted to kiss someone at the top of a Ferris Wheel, and he would do anything to get you to the top of the rotating ride.
“So, you’re not mad that I chose here for tonight?” You shook your head and pulled at the door handle separating the two of you from the outside life.
“Of course not Stevie, I just thought it was an interesting choice.” The smile you chose to have was one that hopefully convinced him that you were okay with where the pair of you were going, even if you weren’t happy with the choice.
You can be happy with the idea of going to a carnival as long as you don’t go on-”Cool, so what ride do you want to do first?”
“Shit.” The world slipped out before you could stop yourself as Steve finished paying for your tickets and asked what you had said. “Nothing just kicked myself. Um…” You looked around frantically for something to do that wasn’t flashing brightly and spinning faster than the legal highway speed. “Let’s go over there!”
Steve followed your hand as he saw you point towards the stands of games that were rigged and way too fricking expensive, but he would do it for you. “Alright, starting out with some games I see, I like it.”
The two of you ran through a few of the games, most of them where Steve got way too into it and you had to step between them as he tried screaming that he deserved that stuffed bear/pony/cat/fish, because he almost had it every single time. He did beat out the basketball one, one of the last ones the two of you did on that strip, bolstering his confidence just enough to get him into a cheery enough mood.
“Alright! We played some games, and let the crazies test out the rides so I’m pretty sure they won’t break down on us. Which one should we do first? They got a drop tower, or how about the pit viper swings? Or, or, or how about we…” The night had been going enjoyable up until Steve turned to the rides you had managed to distract him from and pointed at the glowing and fast-moving monsters.
“How about we do the haunted walk over there?” Steve followed your pointing finger with a quizzical look, he hadn’t really taken note of the scary attraction before, never thought to really look to it with everything else going on. “I bet it won’t even be scary to us after everything we’ve been through right ha.”
You took off with a dry laugh without waiting for a response from him; his cries were head behind you, but the haunted house looked better than anything else around you. “Y/N.” He called you again, but you walked faster. By the time you got to the stairs leading into the building, you were practically running up them to get into the dark house with smoke billowing out of it.
“Y/N!” Your name was the last thing you heard before diving through the door and physically bumping into one of the scarers dressed as a zombie. He seemed nice, breaking character enough to ask if you were okay before you had already turned the corner and left him behind too.
Twisting and turning, you didn’t pay much mind to the screaming witches, zombies, skeletons, or anything that happened all around you; over the music and screaming, you could vaguely hear your name, giving you an indication that Steve followed you.
Not too far in, you found a quieter corner with only a couple cobwebs around it where you quickly ducked back into and tried pressing yourself into it deeper, hoping to watch Steve walk right by you.
Why the hell were you running from your boyfriend? You gained a sense of logic for a second where you paused. Why were you running? This was super childish of you and really had no reason. All Steve wanted to do was go on a few rides and you were being selfish and completely ruining what was going to be one of the few evenings you didn’t have to babysit the kids.
As the guilt started to swirl with your desire to not be found, you didn’t notice as the Frankenstein in the room had taken notice of you hiding in the corner and started to tromp over to you. “Hey, miss, you can’t be hiding in here, you gotta keep moving.”
“I’ll be out in a second, sir, let me just-” “You can’t be here-” “If you give me a second, I will leave as soon as I can-” “Miss you have to leave-” “Give me one dan minute-” “Y/N!”
Among all the screaming the Frankenstein and you had been doing was your name being called by a third and new voice along with a hand clasping onto your shoulder. Looking to the hand, you saw the unmistakable outline of the man you were hiding from. “There you are babe, why were you running off.” Just looking at the Frankenstein’s demeanor, you could tell he went into defense mode suddenly.
“Were you hiding from him miss? Are you okay? Do you feel safe?” The painted man moved to step between you and Steve in an attempt to separate you two.
“Whoa, whoa buddy, back off. She’s my girlfriend, chill out.” Steve tried stepping around the man o little success.
“Oh, your girlfriend? And she’s running from you? I don’t think this is looking very good for you, buddy.” The two were shooting back and forth at each other, getting chest to chest, and starting to cause a larger disturbance that started o be heard over the music and background scream noises. More workers it looked like started to slip into the room and try to get the two men to quiet down, going so far as to begin threats of throwing them out of the haunted house.
You were pulled away from the situation before being pushed away and into the next room, looking like it was on its way to the exit in the next two or three rooms: your destination.
“Y/N?” His voice finally chirped up next to you as Steve took a seat next to you on the grass at the edge of the carnival. “You okay?” When he saw you sitting over here, he had quickly jogged over and took her in as he did so: sitting with her face pressed into her knees and arms wrapped tightly around her legs as she kept herself in as tight of a ball as possible.
You didn’t respond at first, only moving your head to look up at your boyfriend, the person you have embarrassed tonight and most definitely pissed off with your childish antics tonight. “I’m sorry.”
“Whoa what do you have to apologize for? I’ve been worried about you and wanted to make sure that you are okay.” His hand found its way to your back and began rubbing circles into your shoulder blade.
“I was really childish today and you didn’t deserve it, all because I was scared of the stupid rides.” Your words may have been mumbles, but he heard every word clearly.
“Hold on. Babe, did you say you were scared of the rides?” Your small and timid nod was enough for him to understand. “Why didn’t you tell me? I never would have brought you here if I knew that!”
Swallowing the thick feeling in your throat, you looked up at him and saw the disappointment and hurt in his face and that hurt. “Because you were so excited about it, I thought I could get through it and do at least one or two with you. But as we got closer, I guess my nerves got the best of me and I just...ran. Like a stupid child.”
“Hey, hey, hey, no.” Steve quickly shuffled to kneel in front of you and grabbed your hands, holding them in his own and your legs fell down to where you were now criss cross apple sauce. “I’m not gonna force you to do any of these rides if you don’t wanna. If you want to just go home, we can make this a movie night if that works better for you.”
“No, Stevie,” His mouth quirked up at this name. “You already bought the tickets; I don’t want you to waste the money you earned because I’m a scaredy cat.”
Steve took a second to think, racking his brain on how to salvage what has been an eventful evening. “How about…” He paused again and just stared at you with you staring back at him, waiting to hear what he wanted to say. “You can say no, how about we try a few rides, to try and get you on some. If you don’t like riding after one, we can go home, and you can at least say you did it.”
Mulling this idea over in your head, your eyes shifted from where your boyfriend sat in front of you to the bright and joyous scream filled rides were. “I suppose they don’t all look so bad.” You murmured to him, staring particularly at the giant Ferris Wheel that turned, a small memory from early on in your relationship popping into your head. Steve had mentioned a few times that his dream date would be to take a girl up on a Ferris Wheel and cuddle her and kiss her when they got to the top.
“Okay, we can try a few.” Though shaky, your voice was a little stronger this time and you gave Steve a small smile.
“You sure?” A nod. “Okay, I’ll let you choose which one we go on, okay?” Another nod.
Together, the two of you stood to your feet and approached the hustle and bustle of the carnival grounds again. “What did that Frankenstein do to you? I hope he didn’t get you in trouble or anything.” You asked as you laced your hand with Steve while the other went to hold onto his arm, squeezing it slightly as you got closer to the machines and your stomach growing heavy again.
“Oh him, he didn’t do much, just tried scaring me when he though I was some creep chasing you.” He chuckled at the short story, glancing over to you as you took in the carnival for really the first time, looking for something that didn’t freak you out. “How about we start with those spinning pods over there? All they do is spin around and if you want it to, we can make it spin on the inside too.”
Following his finger, you saw what he was referring to as it did spin around, the four small egg things with windows in them were spinning on the main machinery but also appeared to be spinning on their own. As you got closer and apparently joined the line, you could see inside one of them a group of middle school boys cackling as they pulled on the weird center disk that kinda looked like a pizza pan. “Yeah, we can give it a try.” The shakiness in your voice had come back and your grip on Steve tightened.
“Hey, you got this I’ll be right here with ya.” He returned the squeeze to your hand and fishes through his pocket for two tickets to hand over at the entrance. “Up ya go.” He mutters as he helps you up the three stairs leading into the egg ride thing you were entering before he stepped in behind you and took his place next to you. You were already holding a death grip on the center console when the door was shut, and Steve sat next to you. “You know what this is?” He asked gesturing to the disk you were holding onto with the vice grip.
“Something for me to hold onto?” You shocked yourself with how violently your voice was shaking as you heard something start to rumble around you. “Oh, shit its moving.” Steve let a quick chuckle out before he stopped himself and tried explaining the center console would cause the pod thing to spin. “Fuck no! Don’t you dare make this thing spin.” Bloody murder was not even near definitive enough of how much you were screaming.
“Babe, babe calm down, it’s fine! I promise, ha!” In comparison to your screaming, Steve seemed to be having the time of his life as he laughed; at least he wasn’t making the ride spin. “Babe, babe, babe, I’m so sorry I’m laughing, I promise I didn’t mean to, but you were screaming so much! And it was hilarious!” Steve held onto his sides as he nearly fell out of the pod and waited for you to follow his laughing self. When you didn’t step out, he turned back around and saw you still had your hands clenched very tightly to the metal plate, your eyes wide and your lips pursed together. “Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about the rides, do you wanna go home?”
Hearing him soften up got you to finally look at him and slowly let go of the wheel. “N-n-no. I’m…” You paused to catch your breath and steady your voice. “I’m good, I just don’t know if I can do any more of these kinds of things.” Taking his hand, you pulled yourself up and stepped out from the ride and have yourself a few seconds to remember how to use your legs.
“You okay?” You nodded at him and gave a shaky, but okay smile. “You sure you wanna do another one? Cause we can go-”
“No, no, I can do…” The carnival really did have more rides than just ones that wanted to make you die, but none that really made you want to jump on them. “Can we do the carousel? I know I can do that one at least, my mom took me on them enough as a kid to be desensitized to those ones.” Steve looked over and saw the carousel that was filled predominately by smaller children, but if you wanted to do this and it was because he bought the tickets, he couldn’t make her do something else.
“If that’s what you wanna do, then we can do the carousel all night long, babe.” You nodded at him and followed him as he took your hand and the two began the walk to the carousel.
The carousel ride was much less curse filled, thankfully. You and Steve had found a pair of horses sitting side by side and the two of you quickly claimed them. Like you had said, you did get to enjoy this ride due to having done it before and you were able to just chat between the two of you, talking about how the kids were cute, how excited you were to take the kids to the park and not have to rides. It was a fine ride, definitely better than the last one.
“You ready to go home, babe?” Steve turned to you with a smile on his face. Getting you to ride two of the rides was honestly enough for him, plus, he knew Dustin would ride all of them with him later, with you waiting at the end for him.
You were about to agree and leave this eventful evening behind you, but you saw what Steve was standing near and bit your lip. Should you do it? Could you do it? “Actually, I wanna do one more.” He gave a quick quirk of his head before he followed your eyeline and turned around.
“What? Babe, we don’t have to do that, you have been through enough today and you were great, you don’t have to prove anything.”
“But...you have been wanting to do it, you told me about it one time.” You responded a little shyly as you confessed that you were doing it back of what he told you that one time. “I just...I really want you to be able to do it.”
“You...you remembered?” Steve was kind of shocked that you remembered him mentioning it, he had told that to girls in the past, but none of them really went out of their way to think about it, hell, even to remember it. “Are you su-”
“Steve, yes, I wanna do it with you.” The grin on his face was immaculate and contagious as one grew on your face as he quickly took this well and pulled you towards the line to the Ferris Wheel and dug around in his pockets for another round of tickets.
As it went around, you felt your stomach grow heavy again when you finally saw how high it got and had to calm yourself down without causing another scene. “Come on, babe, looks like ours is up.” He gently tugged on your hand and pulled you into the seat next to him before the handlebar was lowered and locked in front of you. “And here we go!”
The squeak that left your mouth was nothing but surprise and terror as you clung onto the bar for your life, your knuckles turning white with the sheer force you were holding on. “It’s really stupid you know that the only thing holding us back from falling to our death is this small bar and it’s really stupid because was if I was reall-holy shit this is really tall!” You finally removed your hands from the bar and moved to press yourself in Steve.
You could feel him trying to stop himself from giggling as he moved his arm to wrap it around you. “You can laugh you know; I really don’t care. I’m the coward of an almost twenty-year-old who’s scared of a carnival.” A chuckle did come through as the ride kept rotating and you slowly moved closer to the bottom.
“I’m not laughing at you, babe, but the noises you are making are fricking hilarious.” His voice still held the chuckle as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, and you responded with another squeak of shock as you started rising again.
Making it to the top again, you were waiting for it to hit its peak and for the relief of lowering the cart to begin, but instead there was a shudder before the ride stopped. “What’s going on, what’s going on, why are we stopped? Oh god we are about to die, fuck, shit, I don’t wanna die.”
“Babe, calm down, someone below us is getting off so they had to stop the ride for a bit. Remember when we had to get on? Same thing probably happened to someone else.” You nodded your head and just stared ahead to the tops of the trees you never thought you would have seen.
“It’s...it’s not too bad up here.” You finally mutter after a few beats of silence and getting your bearings. “I wouldn’t want to stay up here, but it does look nice.” Steve hummed in agreement and pulled you a little closer. “Hey Stevie?”
“Hmm?” He responded looking down at you.
“Thanks, tonight was fun.”
His face broke out into a grin again at your thanks. “Of course, thanks for giving a few of these rides a chance.” Smiling up at him, you sat a little straighter and caught his lips with your own, the two of you humming to the other that you were happy with your evening.
Though it was not as long as Steve would have wanted to stay in that moment with you (the ride started again and you broke away with another shriek), but he wouldn’t have traded that moment for anything else in his life.
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vanilla-vivillon · 3 years
"we're exes and we meet again" maybe?
Oooooooooh interesting!!! I decided to do a Genya Safin x David Kostyk one because I haven’t done that yet for some reason
Also college AU yes please.
Genya Safin knows what she wants
And what she wants is to get through her studies
Become a plastic surgeon
Support her friends
Maybe get a cat
What she doesn’t want is to meet her high school ex at a party
She doesn’t want to talk with him for hours
She doesn’t want to relive the hurt
But the universe never does care for what we want does it
“C’mon Nazyalensky it will be fun!” Nikolai was trying to convince Zoya to come to the party he was throwing in his dorm
Nikolai was throwing a party to celebrate the start of there third year at Stanford
“Nikolai there is a lot of studying we should be doing instead of drinking our cares away” Zoya shot back
“Genya, love, please knock some sense into Zoya?”
“It could be fun, plus the school year started two weeks ago. No profesor is going to assign a big test anytime soon” Genya said
“You have never met Proffesor Baghra” Zoya said Speeding up
They were all walking to the dormitories together
Zoya was studying law. She wants to be a lawyer
“Are you really gonna let some old hag with a stick up her ass ruin your fun?” Genya retorted stopping in front of them
After a long pause zoya finnally relents and says “Fine. I’ll go, but for you, that way your not stuck with Alina and Mals drama”
Ever since Alina started screwing the professor with the the dreamy dark eyes and looked far to good to ever be a professor, mal had been insufferable
Flashing his million dollar smile Nikolai turned towards Zoya “I knew you would see sense”
“Now leave my sight before I change my mind” Nikolai sped off towards his dorm no doubt to finish preparations for tonight
Genya typically enjoyed parties
Cool people, cool music, cool boys
The list went on
Reapplying her deep red lipstick Genya turned towards her roommate Alina
Alina Starkov was a foster kid bouncing around homes in a small town, Keramzin.
She and her friend Mal felt so out of place in California
Genya helped her a lot in the first year and after some drama in there second year friendship was finally back on track
“Okay how do I look?” Genya asked giving a little spin
She chose a short red dress with a black leather jacket and thigh high black boots
“You look Perfect” Alina complimented finishing up on her own eyeliner
“Of course I do”
Alina laughed that fluttery sound that had become far to rare these days
“Listen Alina, I’m worried about you”
Alina took a pause before answering “I’m fine Genya”
“Alina you’re sleeping with your professor”
“So what!” Alina snapped “We’re both adults! Besides I don’t want to talk about this tonight, let’s just go to the party”
Genya let out a sigh
Sometimes Alina could be the most stubborn woman on earth
Loud music was blaring through the speakers Nikolai borrowed from Mal
Genya was socializing with some of her friends
While Genya did like parties the constant people was always a little stressful for her
So after giving some dating advice Genya went to go grab some beer
Pouring it Genya reflected
She was doing well in her classes, most of her friends were okay, she personally didn’t have a cat but across the hall from her is some dude Harshaw who did
one thing was missing
Journals and glasses and caramel candies
Genya had been in love once in her life
And it’s seemed once was all she would ever get
“Oh sorry!” Genya exclaimed accidently spilling beer on someone
Looking up she lost her breath
There he was
All brown hair and wide eyes and sunkissed skin
And all the memories came crashing back
Geny first fell in love with him in the sixth grade
Well not love really
More like awe.
Back then he was really into legos
He built this giant airplane that Genya thought was so cool
But they first talked in seventh grade
They were partners in a group project
David hadn’t been very interested in Genya then
But Genya even then loved the way his brain worked
But she never said anything
In there sophomore year of high school after years of being friends Genya finally got the courage and told him her feelings
David was so suprised then he had to leave the room and come back two minutes later to say he reciprocated her feelings
They started dating and were inseparable
Whenever David had been pulling an all nighter on some new idea she would go over to his house and bring him some Carmel candies
Whenever she raved on about this new surgery technique he would listen and give her that soft beautiful smile he rarely showed anyone
But there happiness came crashing down in senior year
David was going to go to MIT all the way in Massachusetts while Genya wanted to go to Stanford in California since she was a kid
At first they were going to do long distance
But it didn’t work out
They both got busy
And didn’t talk
And Genya hated having a boyfriend who was never there
There was never some big fight
Never some big cheating scandal
One day Genya posted a picture of her on a date with the cute classmate who winked at her and that was that
They never saw each other again
But that might change tonight where she met those impossible chocolate eyes again
“What are you doing here?” Genya said after her shock
“Genya, I…. I live here” David said stuttering
Clearly he was just as suprised as she was
“Hey Genya you meet my new roommate David!” Suddenly Nikolai appeared “He just transferred from MIT”
He transferred
David Kostyk transferred to Stanford
The one who got away was standing right in front of her
“Do you two know each other?” Nikolai asked sensing the tension
Ignoring him, Genya said “would you like to talk outside?”
After knowing David for years Genya knew she should probably initiate conversation
David gave a slow nod ignoring his roommate’s bewildered face
Walking outside they turned to each other again
He had gotten cuter if that was even possible
“So…. You transferred?” Genya attempted to start talking
“MIT was great, but it felt kinda isolating. So when Nikolai suggested transferring… I took him up on the offer”
That made sense
David always had a hard time making friends
In high school Genya practically had to force him into her friend group
It mustve be hard all alone
Genya was the opposite
Although all through elementary school she was ruthlessly bullied and sophomore year of college was complicated, she had always been able to make friends
“Well I’m glad your here now” Genya said looking away to hide her blush
“I think I’m glad to”
David and Genya talked the whole night
About there studies and friends
Genya couldn’t way to introduce him to Alina
They had a lot in commmon
Things between the two weren’t perfect
But then again in matters of the heart it never was
Genya wasn’t sure of what she wanted
But if she had a Carmel loving genius by her side she might be able to be okay with that
Omg it’s finally done. This has to be one of the most difficult things I’ve written. I didn’t enjoy it at all but I’m really glad I went through with it. Thank you @ninamorozova and @confused-as-all-hell for encouraging me to complete this.
Thank you @wafflesandschemingfaces for the prompt
If yall really like this I might make a part two with David’s perspective
Please reblog. Likes are nice but te logs actually help
My ask box is open and I take any Grishaverse requests
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
Walk Me Home
Chapter 3 of In Breakable Heaven! I don’t love this chapter, but it felt necessary. idk. Everything picks up in the next one!
Summary: It’s pretty much all in the title! 
Warnings: confronting a cheating ex
Word Count: ~2200
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“You really didn’t need to walk me home. I didn’t mean to make you leave earlier than you wanted.” You said as you walked next to Spencer.
“Trust me. I’m normally home by now anyway.” He replied easily. You shifted closer as you thought about the buildings surrounding your apartment complex.
 “Where do you live?” You blurted out, unable to think of anything else to say.
 “Oh, I live in Langham Apartments.” He replied. You thought about the name, recognizing it as you had toured there when you first moved to DC.
 “Isn’t that North of Penelope’s though?” You said, double checking you were walking south toward your own apartment.
 He sighed. “Yes… I know what you’re thinking. Your place is definitely not on the way to mine, but I didn’t want you to walk by yourself and I didn’t think you would let me walk with you unless you thought it was convenient for me. More than 70% of violent crimes happen at night, and midnight to 1:00 AM is the busiest hour for many of those crimes.” You stopped walking, turning him to look at you by grabbing his hands. “Thank you.” You said it with as much sincerity as possible, wanting him to know how much you really appreciate the action.
 You dropped one hand so he could turn back around, but held the other as you walked down the street in a comfortable silence. You were still drunk enough to not think anything of the innocent act. A cat ran out in front of you, scaring you in your still tipsy state. You jumped into Spencer, with your hands grabbing his arm, and you pulled yourself closer to him. He laughed as he saw the source of your sudden fear. Shuffling past the feline, you didn’t make any effort to distance yourself from him. If anything, you leaned on him more as you grew tired throughout the walk.
 You didn’t want to say goodbye as you arrived home. Spencer, being the incredibly intelligent and observant person he is, felt you tense beside him as you turned the corner and your building came into view. “Are you okay?” He asked as your grip on his arm tightened.
 “Yeah, I just… it was a lot easier to think I would be able to get rid of all his stuff before actually having to look at it.” You replied.
 You saw something flash across Spencer’s face before he stuttered “I, uh, I guess, I could, um, go up with you, uh, if you think it’ll help.” You turned to him, a small grin slowly spreading across your face.
 “That would be amazing. I just don’t think I can be alone right now.” You were entering the elevator, pressing the button for the fourth floor before returning to cling to his arm.
 Nothing could have prepared you for the sight in front of you as the elevator doors opened. You held tighter to Spencer’s arm as you realized it was Drew standing in front of your apartment door. He looked almost sad, but quickly shifted to anger as he glanced down at your hands around Spencer’s arm. “Drew, I don’t want you here. I want to move on from my life and pretend like you were never in it.” You could feel the tears pooling in your eyes, threatening to escape as you confronted Drew.
 “I came to apologize, but obviously you already found someone to move on with. You were probably already sleeping with him.” Drew’s words felt like a whip hitting you in the face.
 “How. Dare. You.” You spit back at him, the tears giving away to pure hatred. “You are not even the least bit sorry. God. You don’t get to yell at me for having a friend- that’s right A FRIEND, help me through the complete bullshit you’ve put me through. You are the one who cheated on me. On our fucking anniversary. You don’t get to spin this around and act like I’m a bad person for trying to forget you. Get the hell out of my apartment building or so help me god I will…” You trailed off, not knowing what you could possibly say that would intimidate him.
 “You’ll what? You can’t do anything to me Y/N.” Drew’s eyes were cold and careless as he laughed at your rage.
 “She actually can. She can file a restraining order.” Spencer started. “You see, I work for the FBI in a unit that specializes in catching the world’s worst criminals. We’ve handled our fair share of stalking cases. I will not hesitate to see you prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if you so much as think about contacting her again.” Spencer’s eyes were hard. He was staring down at Drew as if he were invincible. You clung to him as Drew muttered “Yeah, whatever. Like I’d waste my time on her anyway” before leaving.
 You forced a smile on your face as you walked into your apartment and looked at Spencer. You wanted to be happy that he’s gone, completely out of your life, but you just felt empty. You have experienced way too many emotions for one night and you know exactly what you need right now. Rushing over to your speaker, you turn it on and pull up your Taylor Swift playlist for when you are feeling everything all at once. What can you say, the woman really knows how to write emotions. As you hear the soft music of this is me trying begin to play, you sink into the couch and start crying.
 Spencer shuffles over from where you left him by the door. As he sits next to you, unsure of what to do next. He’s not really sure why you put on this song. It sounds like it will only play into your upset state. You know you just need to flush yourself of the emotions before ridding your life of him entirely. Instead of asking about the music, he surprises both of you by pulling you into his lap and rubbing circles on your back. The small gesture is so kind that you start crying even harder, remembering how nice you thought Drew was. You aren’t sure how long you cry for before you eventually fall asleep.
Reid’s POV
Spencer wasn’t sure why he was so set on walking you home, but upon seeing your reaction to Drew standing outside your door, he’s very glad he did. He’s never really been an intimidating person, but there was some instinctual feeling in him to protect you. Not that he thinks you need protection. He just knows you are in an emotionally fragile state and the man who put you there just accused you of the exact thing he had done hours before. It was pretty messed up. Maybe that is why he threw all his rules out the window for you.
 He really doesn’t understand the choice of music. Although, it does cover a range of emotions. The only thing he is completely sure about is that he never wants to see you this sad ever again. Maybe that is why he pulls you into his lap. You clearly need comfort right now, and it would be worse if he just awkwardly left. His barrier to touch has never been broken down so easily. It takes a lot of getting to know someone before Spencer would ever even consider shaking their hand.
 The songs shift from gut-wrenchingly sad to sweetly reminiscent to seductive before he’s sure you’ve fallen asleep. Every time he tries to stop rubbing your back, the softest whimper leaves your lips. At least, that’s what he tells himself as he drifts off, dreaming about meeting you under happier circumstances.
In typical fashion after a night of drinking, you wake up around 6:30 wide awake. As your eyes adjust to the dim light, you notice you are still on the couch, but now laying down, with Spencer’s arms still wrapped around you. He looks so adorable sleeping. You slowly untangle yourself from him, so as not to wake him up, before walking into the kitchen for some water. It’s always good to hydrate, even if you don’t ever feel the hangover.
 You began thinking about what you could do to thank Spencer for everything he did last night. Not to mention you forced him to sleep on the couch. You settled on breakfast, but you knew if you started cooking you would wake him up. After finally deciding on a plan, you quickly get dressed. You grabbed your keys and left a post it on the door saying you would be right back, just in case he woke up before you returned.
 You quickly ran across the street to your favorite diner. Not knowing what Spencer would like, you order pancakes, French toast, an omelet, two different breakfast skillets, a sandwich, and sides of bacon, sausage, and toast. While you’re waiting for the order, you walk farther down the street to the small coffee shop you frequent. Again, you could only guess how Spencer liked his coffee so you ordered your usual mocha with extra sugar, a cold brew, and a hot black coffee. After collecting your drinks, you make your way back to the diner to pick up the food.
 It is a struggle to re-enter your apartment with all the food you just bought in your hands. When you finally push the door open, you see a confused Spencer sitting up on the couch glancing in your direction. He glances at the bags in your hands and his confusion only grows. With his help, you finally manage to set everything down on the counter. “Coffee?” You ask, gesturing to the cups.
 “Which one is for me?” he chuckles. “Oh! Right, I got a few different kinds since I didn’t know what you’d like. You can just take your pick and I’ll grab one after.” You begin to unpack the food choices as he tries the first coffee. Almost instantly he gags.
 “That one must be mine.” You say sheepishly as you take the cup from him. “That’s the usual response when people try my drink of choice.” He looks at you funny as he settles on a cup.
 “Really? I thought that was a normal order. I just like my coffee different than pretty much everyone.”
 You look at him as you take a sip of the drink, instantly spitting it into the sink that was behind you. “ew ew ew, that is black coffee. That is disgusting. Oh my god how can anyone drink that.” You chug some water to rinse the taste from your mouth. “Which coffee did you pick?” you ask as you grab the creamer and sugar to fix the monstrosity in front of you.
 “The sweetest one…” Spencer looks almost shy as he admits how sweet he likes his coffee.
 “Ahh, the mocha with extra sugar. That’s my go to.” You say as you dump the sixth spoonful of sugar into your dup. He stares at you in amazement as you finish stirring the now creamy looking beverage. “Much better” you exclaim after taking a sip.
 “I have never met anyone who likes their coffee as sweet as I do.” Spencer has a dopey grin on his face as he looks at your cup. “It’s refreshing not to be judged for something so minute.”
 “I know exactly what you mean! It’s so weird how people can think they are superior for some reason just because their taste buds don’t automatically reject the disgusting bitterness of unsweetened coffee. I mean, I’m still a perfectly capable adult even though I like sugary things. You don’t have to fit into some mold…” Your rant fades from your mind as you meet Spencer’s gaze. “Sorry, I tend to ramble.” You look sheepishly at the floor, immediately jumping into describing the foods you bought. “Now, as for breakfast. I wanted to say thank you for last night, but I wanted to make sure I got something you liked.”
 You scan the array of food you’ve placed in front of you. “You can even feel free to have some of each if you want!” You say as Spencer just stares at you with a look on his face that you can’t quite place.
 “You are incredible,” he says as he takes a seat and gets some food. You don’t really know how to respond to that, so you just grab some food for yourself as you sit down across from him.
 Talking with Spencer during breakfast is so easy. It’s almost as if you didn’t have a major break-up less than 24 hours ago. All too soon, breakfast had come to an end and there are no more dishes to do or leftovers to clean up to stall anymore. Spencer grabs his bag and says “I should probably get going, I have a few errands to run.”
 You let out a small sigh before responding “oh, yeah, of course. I wouldn’t want to keep you. Thank you again for everything yesterday. It was really nice of you.” Spencer shrugs before responding, “I just wanted to help,” turning and walking out of your apartment.
 After locking the door behind him, you sink to the floor fully letting your strange mix of emotions take over. You just might need to listen to that playlist again, only now you’re feeling a range of emotions instead of just a range of sadness.
 tag list:
@mac99martin @eevee0722 @l0ve-0f-my-life @haylaansmi @dinonuggets15 @laurakirsten0502 @green-intervention @burnin-passion
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alonelysimp · 3 years
Ты тоже красивый
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Characters: Tartaglia x GN! Traveler! Reader
WC: 1683
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of violence, swearing
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, M/GN, fluff, Established relationship, Love confession, Lots of flirting
heavy simping, send help ;-; i cried way too many times writing this /pos
Also full disclaimer: no i no not know Russian, apologies if anything is mistranslated. the closest thing ik regionally would be dutch or my shitty half assed excuse for german qwq
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Your foot stays firmly planted on his chest as you lean down and press the blade of your sword to his neck.
“You wanna kiss me so badly right now it makes you look stupid.”
“Shut up, tortellini.” His dumb smile probably reflected your own, a light blush dusting his cheeks at the intimate position. You could feel your rapid heartbeat in your chest, whether it be from the adrenaline of fighting or your proximity to him. Excitement sparkles in his eyes, almost as if he were asking for a rematch. His breath tickles you as your gaze traces the minor cuts and bruises on his face. His hands tug at the front of your shirt, lips ghosting across yours. “I hate you.”
“That’s not what you were saying an hour ago.” You scowl at him and push up from the floor, leaving him on his back. The sound of your sword sheathing echoes off the walls of the golden house.
“At least you didn’t destroy it this time. You can’t rely on your fatui money forever,” you mutter. The metal pieces of his coat clink against the floor, scrambling to go stand by you.
“Can we go again?” You glare up at him with the most annoyed, deadpan expression you can muster. He huffs, flicking your forehead.
“Hey, hey, watch the pretty face. I worked hard for this shit,” you hiss and cover your forehead with both your hands.
“I could say the same, жизнь моя. (zhizn moya ‘my life’)” He pauses after every syllable of the nickname, gesturing to the tiny marks on his face.
“Oh, shut up, you’re fine.” You turn to the door; his arms wrap around your waist from behind. He buries his face in your hair, lifting you off the ground slightly.
“You’re so mean to me~”
“Tartaglia, I feel like a cat getting picked up by a toddler. C’mon, let’s go home and get you fixed up, attention whore.” You blink as your eyes adjust to the daylight outside and grab his hand. He intertwines your fingers. The smirk on his face burns through the back of your head.
“Aww, so you really do care about me.”
“I hope you trip and fall on your face.” He pulls you closer beside him as you walk down the dirt path to your home, the midday sun shining down on the two of you from above. You only had to pull on his arm a few times to slow down on account of the difference in your strides.
As soon as you step inside, he releases your hand, opting to collapse on the bed.
“Dipshit—” you pull the supplies from the shelf, “up.” He doesn’t move, even when you nudge his shoulder, pretending to sleep. You sigh, summoning your sweetest voice and sitting down next to him. “Darling, can you please sit up for me? I need to take care of you~” His eyelashes flutter open just enough to peer at you. You grit your teeth, burying your face in his chest, embarrassed. “I hate you,” you mumble, muffled by the fabric of his coat. His fingers gently run through the hair at the bottom of your hairline and slowly work their way up before cupping your face and making you look up at him.
“Thank you for caring about me.” Your eyes narrow, heat pricking at your cheeks.
“I should’ve left you back at the golden house.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head and sits up, letting you lean against him still. The post-battle heat radiates off him but the smell of sweat is beginning to get to you.
“So are you just gonna lay there or..? I know how comfortable I am, but I was under the impression you were gonna help.” He laughs when you push yourself away quickly and set the supplies down on the nightstand. You begin to unclasp his coat, fumbling with them slightly before getting it open. You punch him lightly when he opens his mouth, knowing full well what he was about to say. “So mean~” He pulls you into his lap while you work, dabbing the soaked cloth at the various scrapes.
“Was I too hard on you?” you ask him softly. He laughs, leaning back and resting on his hands.
“It’s not an easy task to defeat me, ангел (‘angel’). I’m proud you were even able to land a hit.”
“You won’t fight me using your delusion. What if I go overboard and hurt you?” Your fingers dance across his skin, flitting over his muscles.
“Is it bad that I want to make sure I don’t kill my beautiful ангел (‘angel’)? If you don’t want me to hold back, you better not either.” He giggles, pressing his lips to your forehead and smiling “Wouldn’t it be fun?” The soft linen sheets brush against your skin as you shuffle to face his back, taking care of any wounds, regardless of how slight they may be.
“I’d have to patch your weak ass up after, though.”
“I wouldn’t mind watching you turn beet red undressing me.” You choke, covering your mouth with the back of your hand. The alcoholic smell from the cloth quickly deters you from keeping your hand there, but it doesn’t stop the mindless panic you’ve been thrown in. At least he wasn’t watching you burn up, you’d never hear the end of it.
“S-shut…” you stutter out, failing at a desperate attempt to regain your composure. He laughs and turns to take the bottle and cloth from your hands.
“Hmm, I didn’t expect such a rare treat today.” He sets the things back on the nightstand. “Is this your way of apologizing after being so mean to me earlier?”
“Not to your crusty dusty ass,” you mumble, not making eye contact with him. “Go take a shower, you reek.” The palms of your hands press against his chest, more in a gentle urge than a demand. He chuckles, sighing, and presses a kiss to your forehead before standing up to head to the bathroom.
You take the opportunity to stand up and put away the antiseptics and clean the cloth. The soft white noise from the shower fills the house as you hang the towel up to dry. He steps out a few minutes later though, you wonder how he always manages to take such short showers. Yours takes a few minutes longer, and you slip into a clean set of your usual clothes after.
“I have to go do guild stuff, you coming?” You stand by the door, messing with your hair. He glances up his food, a chicken mushroom skewer leftover from breakfast. He hums, tossing the bamboo skewer in the trash.
“Of course ангел, (‘angel’)” he says cheerfully, moving to stand by you. He takes your hands in his, fixing your part line himself. Your arms wrap around his waist, pulling him close in a hug. His lively heartbeat drums against your ear as the scent of sandalwood floods your nose. His fingers run through the back of your hair with one arm around your waist, pressing you closer.
“Hey, darling?” He hums, waiting for you to continue while stroking your hair. “I like you.” You look up at him. He melts, the dumb smile on his face making it quite evident. He buries his face in your hair, mumbling out a “м-милая. (m-milaya ‘[you’re] c-cute’)” You manage to pry him off you, taking him by the hand as you lead him to the harbor.
The commissions you received were nothing out of the ordinary, just little deliveries around Liyue and a few hilichurl camps to clear. You sighed, plopping on the edge of the cliff. The grass rustles as Childe sits next to you, leaning back to watch the sunset.
“I have to admit,” he breathes, “the sunset in Liyue is unlike any other I’ve seen.” The fiery sky matches his hair, a sight you could never see from such a city like Snezhnaya. Your breath hitches when you turn to glance at him. He looks… stunning. The way his hair glitters in the light, cerulean eyes shimmering. How in Teyvat did I manage to land someone like him? He looks over at you, concern shadowing his eyes as he brushes his thumb across your cheek. “What’s wrong котёнок? (kotonok ‘kitten’)” You reach up to your face, fingers coming away wet. You laugh softly and wipe them away.
“Nothing, just thinking about how lucky you are for having such an amazing partner.” He pauses, realization flashing on his face after a few seconds. He huffs, pouting, and pokes at your side.
“Hey! Stop making me think I messed up somehow.” You push his chest lightly, turning away. He huffs, breath tickling the back of your neck as he pulls you into his lap and nuzzles your hair.
“...You’re beautiful.” The waves crash against the cliffside as you stare into the sunset. He pauses, resting his chin on your shoulder. The salty Liyuean breeze ruffles his hair and tickles your cheek as the sun dips below the horizon.
“What do you mean?” His hands shift against your waist, holding you ever so slightly tighter. Your brows furrow together slightly, chewing your bottom lip as you pause to think. You sigh, the hesitant silence lasting between you for a short while.
“Do you know how much you mean to me? You’re incredible. Everything I hope to be and more. I can’t stop thinking about you and it messes with me so badly. I can’t get enough of you, your smile, your touch, your voice. You make me feel ways I never knew I could and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m so... mad, how irreplaceable you are, how much you’ve become in just a year but I love it and—” Your breath catches in your throat, tears beginning to well up. He takes your hands in his rubbing them with his thumbs. He presses a chaste kiss to the back of your neck.
“Ты тоже красивый. (ty tozhe krasivyy)”
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omg thank y'all for the support I'll try to post more consistently (。ŏ‿ŏ)
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is this all i have?
^ hey all, a little different fic I have for you today.
If you decide to read it, it’ll give you some insight into why I haven’t been posting a lot ... it says more than I probably would normally share about my struggles but @genshin-karebear encouraged me to be honest and, so, here I am. (thank you, friend)
Warnings -> negative self-talk, comfort, one curse word 
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I sat at my desk, head in my hands and tears on the verge of spilling over the edges of my eyes. For days I’d been struggling, frantically, painfully trying to get back into the swing of things with nothing to show for it other than tear stained clothes and empty pieces of paper.
Where did it all go? Where was the spark that used to ignite in my heart when I sat down to write the words which once came so easy? Am I spent, have I used up all that skill in a matter of months … what’s wrong with me.
A single tear cascaded down my cheek as I stared at the massive nothingness that lay before me. The taunting paper which looked back at like a score card of failures after failures, as if to remind me that I will never be a person worthy of it’s time. I rubbed my eyes, pushing my glasses over my brow and feeling the hot liquid which rested in them, this would be the tenth time I’ve done this today.
“I’m just spent and I don’t know what I’m going to do anymore.” My lip quivered, my cheeks became wet, my eyes blurry. “I’m a failure.” I whispered to myself shaking my head and holding onto the last ounce of energy I could muster - it didn’t matter that the sun was warm and shined through my window, there was nothing strong enough to push through my veil of despair.
I looked out the window and saw the world move on around me; it never waits, while it pushes on I’m left behind. The trees continue to spread out their leaves in an attempt to soak up the necessary nutrients they need to survive, seeds float on the wind looking for a place to rest, bugs move from place to place at random, the cat lounges on the chair lost in its dreams as its fur is warmed by the sun I cannot seem to feel. I’m jealous of that cat.
I contemplate getting up and doing something different, but there is a voice inside of me that tells me to push through, to keep going and write something - put anything down on this piece of paper. Fuck you, paper … you are nothing to me and yet you have total control over my pen. I’m angry and frustrated at an inanimate object when I should really be mad at myself. It’s my fault I cannot get anything out --- I’m broken, that must be the only answer.
The tears have all fallen, water droplets speckle the parchment and my eyes look onward without any ounce of life left. I feel empty and hollow, I have no more energy for it all and so I lay down the pen, drop my head to the table and close my eyes.
I don’t know how long I sit like this, time has been moving so slowly for me as of late that this feels like nothing new. I don’t even hear the sound of the door opening, or footsteps headed my way. In fact, I barely register there is another presence in the room until I feel a hand on my shoulder.
“Hazel?” I stir, but only enough to turn my head onto its side and glance at the person who called me by name, a name I didn’t feel I had the right to claim. I looked up and felt my stomach drop, of course it would be him … the one person who I continued to fail over and over again. “Are you okay?”
I bit the inside of my lip, desperate to keep my emotions in check. I hated looking weak, and complaining about my frustrations only made me feel worse. These worries and inadequacies are my own issues to deal with, there was no need to drag others down into my sorrow, so I changed the subject.
“You’re back earlier than I thought you’d be.” I leaned up from the desk and turned myself to face him. Instinctually, I placed my hand on the blank paper, an attempt to hide my shame.
“Yes, there wasn’t much for me to do, it seemed everyone had it under control and I didn’t see a need to stick around.” He placed a few items down on the table in the study. It was some of the only sounds which broke the monotony of my day. “… did I disturb your work?”
“No, I only just started.” I lied, grinning to add another layer to my coverup.
“Oh, normally you get started much earlier than this …” His observation was accurate, even if it stung a little. He was right after all, I’d been sitting at this desk since we parted ways earlier in the morning … I felt chained to it, obligated to do something worthwhile at this god forsaken wooden nightmare.
“Normally, yes. I just, uh, had some things to get done before this …”
“Well I’m sure you are eager to get started, I’ll leave you to it.” He looked down at me kindly, and I yearned to have more than just his words and kind eyes at the moment, but I knew it wouldn’t be possible to ask that of him.
“Sounds good, I’ve got a lot of ideas and think I can get some good stuff done today.” Another lie.
“I believe you will.” He looked at me and my brain screamed. It battled between the side of reaching for him and letting him go. As busy as he was, he didn’t need to be bothered by my struggles. So, in an effort to keep them under control I pushed my knuckles to the small space between my chin and lips, the nail of my index finger digging into the corner of my mouth for extra sensory support. I smiled weakly at him and watched as he made his way through the threshold, disappearing beyond my line of sight. When the door closed I stood from my chair and walked to the window, my hand extended to capture the rays of the sun which normally brought me comfort, but today only illuminated my skin.
The emotions bubbled up in my chest and, like a sad child who didn’t get what they wanted, I removed my glasses, dropped my head into my hand and cried. Soft, quiet sobs spilled from my mouth while my eyes remained shielded by the darkness of my hand. Something caught my attention and as soon as I allowed my vision to adjust to the source, dark cloth and a flash of red envelope me.
“What …?”
“I knew something wasn’t right.” His voice was so soothing, his arms tight around my body, his chest inviting and the way his hand spread across my back ... it all meshed perfectly together. “For days, you’ve been acting strange … I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner.”
“What .. what are you talking about ..?” my voice was strained, telling of my emotions, and still I tried to push through. “I’m fine, I-I just got something in my eye.”
“You know you can be honest with me.”
“I know …”
“So, tell me what’s on your mind.”
“This isn’t something to worry you over.”
“Isn’t it?” He pulled back so he could look at me and I was glad my glasses were still off. I couldn’t bear to see him clearly right now. “Something is clearly weighing on you, how could I not offer my support?
“It’s stupid, and I just need to get over it.”
“If it makes you feel this way, then whatever problem you have isn’t stupid.” He pressed, and his words, combined with the closeness of him, was starting to break my resolve. I didn’t want to put anything else on his shoulders … I didn’t want to appear weak … I didn’t want to be a failure.
“I’m … struggling.” He didn’t let me go or say anything, which made me fill the silence with my own pitiful words. 
“I’ve been trying for days to get something, anything out and every time I do the words don’t flow like they did. I’m worried … did I write all that I’m ever going to write. What if I can’t do it anymore … what if this is all I have …” The tears began to slip down my cheeks, some found a home in the bend of my lips and filled my mouth with the taste of salt. I shook my head and bit my tongue, this is stupid, I’m acting like a child. I tried to push away from him but he only tightened his grip. “God, there are so many more important things to be upset about, and here I am whining about something so petty.”
“When was the last time you took a break? Perhaps, that may help?”
“I’ve done that … I’ve taken such a long break -- I-I don’t want to take a break anymore. Why is this so hard.” I felt the pressure of my brows as they moved closer to one another, the bending of my nose as I scrunch my face out of frustration. “I’m wasting time and people are waiting on me … how long can I ask them to wait … how long do I deserve their patience …”
“Has anyone pushed you to work faster than you can?”
I parted my lips and ran my tongue over the back of my teeth, “No … but I can’t expect them to wait forever. There’s gotta be something wrong with me, right? That’s the only explanation I have at this point. I’m not good at it anymore … I’m worried and stressed and ... just ... so sad.”
His hands slipped around my arms, one resting against my shoulder and the other cupping my face. “I know this feels like an impassable obstacle, but you haven’t lost anything … you just need to give it time.”
“Haven’t I done that?”
“You told me you’ve been in here trying to force yourself everyday, have you really taken time to rest?” I shrugged my shoulders and shifted my eyes away from him.
“You don’t take breaks either …” I mumbled, my words were an effort to get even and show him how the suggestion was nothing but a silly statement that had no meaning.
“Maybe, I should.” I didn’t want to look at him, but I could tell his tone had grown more thoughtful. He let his hands fall to my wrist, the feeling of his glove against my skin was somehow comforting. “Come with me.” He gripped tightly and led me through the door of the study faster than I could protest. We walked down the stairs, confused maids and staff staring at us as we blew by them before leaving through the heavy doors of the winery and onto the dirt path which held endless possibilities of destinations. I protested, but there was no escaping his grip and, soon, all my effort was on keeping up with his pace.
When I thought I couldn’t take another step we stopped, he released my hand and with him no longer keeping me upright, I fell into the grass below me, my arms sprawled outward. I breathed in deeply and relished the feeling of the wind against my face.
“It’s been a long time since I moved that quickly.”
“How do you feel?”
“Let me get back to you on that… ” I laughed and rested my hand against my chest, the beating of my heart pounding there as I tried to breathe with hot lungs.
I looked up at the sky, the vastness of it stealing my vision and removing anything else. My skin was tickled by the blades of grass that brushed against it, and I watched as a small bee flew over my face his swaying movement mesmerizing. When was the last time I was outside like this… it felt like such a long time ago.
I stretched my hand toward the sky above me, the blue color peeking through my spread fingers, my palm cutting off the fuzzy clouds that moved lazily along. His face came into view and I realized I had yet to put my glasses back on.
He bent down to meet me, his back falling into the grass at my side, hair following the pull of gravity and spreading out in the grassy hill. 
“I can’t believe you are laying in the grass.” I chuckled and dropped my hand back onto my chest, turning my head to look at him.
“I’m known to have a few surprises up my sleeve.” He responded, turning his head to look at me, the light from above gracing his face and somehow only making him even more beautiful than he already was. It was so blinding that I had to look away.
“Hah, well, color me impressed.” For the first time in days, I feel a small reprieve from the darkness which had seeped into my skin. Something internal began to tingle, starting from my fingertips and slowly up my arms and as I took in a deep breath the smell of sweet flowers filled my nose. “Thank you, Diluc.”
He reached for the hand which was moving back and forth above the grass at my side, his strong, large grip providing protection and comfort, and for the first time in days, the feeling of warmth.
“Promise to tell me next time you are struggling; don’t hide away alone.”
“I’ll do my best.”
I feel much like Kiki did in Kiki’s Delivery Service ... how can I fly again when I feel so ... bleh 
I’ll keep trying, all <3 
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blazedgraysons · 4 years
Could we get a part 2 to the virgin concept please... Maybe their first time idk
a/n: holy shit, i’m so sorry that it took me so fucking long to finish out my requests. i’ve just been feeling super disconnected from tumblr, but here’s a little something as i get back into wanting to write and post. i’m gonna be clearing out my inbox over the next few days (not that there’s anything to clear lmaoo, i have like four requests I want to do), but if anyone wants to send me something, i would love to write it for you! many kisses, angels, thank you for reading anything i write. i really appreciate it <333
warnings: loss of virginity, more first times, an overuse of the word fuck and probably the softest smut you’ll ever see on this account.
(this isn’t really a series, but it’s suggested you read this and this first.)
“Stop trying to be sexy.”
Grayson’s outside, doing pull-ups, soft grunts spilling out of his mouth with every rep. He looks up, a bright smile on his face when he sees you standing at the entrance of the backyard.
“I wasn’t doing anything.” He says, dropping down from the bar to move towards you.
“That’s more than enough, sometimes.” It was true; recently, it seemed you could be turned on by nothing more than just Grayson being Grayson. “Are you done, amour?”
He nods, leaning down to kiss you on the lips before walking towards the bathroom. You follow, sitting on his bed to scroll through your phone while he gets ready for a post-workout shower. Since the two of you have been taking your relationship further, everything’s escalated between you two - this unavoidable tension growing whenever you’re near each other. If anything, it was like waiting for the drop on a never-ending rise of a roller-coaster. You both knew what you were leading to, but neither of you brave enough to take the fall.
“Hey, have you seen my towel?”
And there was this part, the relentless teasing between the two of you. It was like the two of you knew about this cat-and-mouse game you two were stuck in, wanting to see who could give in first. Lingering touches whenever Grayson passes by you, warm hands always on your lower back and upper thigh. And, of course, the always semi-nakedness. He stood at the doorway, skin still shining with sweat from his workout and underwear low on his hips, showing off his abs and deep v-line. His constant working out recently has been paying off, appreciation present on your face as your eyes slowly drag down his frame.
“Y/N.” His voice roughly comes out, breaking your concentration of following a bead of sweat through the contours of his muscles. You hadn’t noticed your tongue slowly swiping over your lips, Grayson’s mouth drying at the small movement. You look up at him, trying to act as innocent as you can after getting caught checking out your boyfriend.
“My towel?” You don’t comment on how his voice is a few octaves deeper, instead choosing just to shrug.
“Probably in the wash. Just grab a new one.” He nods, watching you bite your lip as you continue to work yourself up over your own thoughts. You really weren’t joking when you had said that his presence was more than enough to turn you on, and he was starting to find it really attractive. He’s a simple man, and knowing his girlfriend finds him attractive is a healthy ego-boost, enough to make him want to see how far he can push you.
He walks over to you slowly, feeling a little stupid at this whole seduction attempt. The look in your eyes, however, resolves any insecurity he might be feeling.
“What… what are you doing?” You ask, stuttering slightly as you become eye-to-eye with his dick. You move forward to touch him, slip a small hand underneath his underwear, anything, but before you can, he stops you. He leans down to cage you in, arms on both sides of your body, so you’re face-to-face. He’s close, close enough that you can make out every minuscule detail on his face. He glances down at your lips, eyes several shades darker than when this whole interaction started, and you can’t help but moan softly, clenching your thighs as he moves closer. You feel the heat radiating off of him, and it’s like the two of you are feeding off of each other's energy, growing more turned on without having done anything yet.
He traces a palm along your inner thigh, stroking softly. Before he reaches where you want him the most, he reaches past you to grab his phone lying on the bed behind you.
“Forgot my phone.” He waves the iPhone in his hand before turning back to use the shower, laughing at the long slew of curses you’re throwing out at him. He knows that however long his shower is will be more than enough time for you to forgive him, being apart giving the both of you time to calm down. And if it isn’t, he knows just the way to apologize. He palms himself lightly, turning the water down to a colder temperature than he would’ve liked, but wanting to kill his throbbing hard-on. He knows he promised he’d wait for you, giving you however much time you needed to feel comfortable enough to sleep with him. However, he’s still a man in his prime, and he can’t help craving more than sloppy blowjobs and unpolished hand jobs. He craves you in the most intimate way, and it seems harder and harder to resist picturing you underneath him, softly moaning out with sharp nails trailing down his back, his mouth marking up your chest.
He shakes his head, almost as if trying to physically clear the image from his head. He was more than happy to wait weeks, months, even years until you were ready to be with him in that way, and he wasn’t going to let whatever fantasies he had ruin that. What the two of you needed was a hard-reset, something to break this rising tension between the two of you. He hops in the shower, shivering slightly under the cold water while coming up with a plan to romance you in the way you deserve.
When he’s finished, he walks out, surprised to see you with damp hair and a sundress on, seeming to have taken your own shower in the meantime. You smile up at him, already have forgotten the teasing from earlier. Grayson’s stomach somersaults at your soft smile, heart beating out of his chest with unbridled love for you.
“C’mon, I have a surprise for you.”
It takes about 30 minutes for him to get everything together, ordering some food to be delivered to his house before you find yourself in the passenger seat of his Tesla, hair blowing in the wind as you sing along softly to the Kid Cudi song playing in the background. He looks over, smiling at the way your skin seems to shine gold in the setting sun. You hadn’t questioned where he was taking you yet, moreso curious at the changing scenery as you drive further and further out of L.A.
“You’re not kidnapping me, right? This is the part where you finally get sick of me?” You joke, hopefully trying to prod some information out of your uncharacteristically silent boyfriend.
“You can never be romantic, huh?” He laughs, looking at you over a pair of sunglasses. After about 45 minutes, you arrive at the beach, car parked near the sand. Grayson grabs the food out of the backseat, handing you the blanket that stays in the trunk of his car.
“A picnic on the beach?” You tease lightly. “Very cliche, Dolan.” He laughs, grabbing your hand.
“Humor me.”
He leads you along the shore, waves providing a background melody to whatever meaningless conversation the two of you are having. The moment he finds a spot he feels is secluded enough, he sets the blanket and food down, pulling you into his lap.
“You’re never this nice to me.” You raise an eyebrow jokingly, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pepper light kisses along his face and neck, humming appreciatively.
“What do you mean, I’m always nice to you. Besides, can’t I spoil my gorgeous girlfriend?”
“Mhm, but you’re laying it on kinda heavy.”
“You’re so annoying.” He rolls his eyes playfully before taking out the food, handing you your meal before digging into his. You can’t help but admire the adonis of a man in front of you, the sunset giving him the infamous golden hour wash. He’s chewing on one of the sandwiches he ordered, concentrated heavily on the vegan goodness in front of him. He looks up at you, poking your face slightly.
“Quit staring. S’not nice.” He jokes, feeding you one of the chips. You don’t know why, but that simple act of domesticity does it for you, images of the future flashing in your mind. You see every part of your and Grayson’s life together, coming together like pieces of a puzzle. It seems overly apparent that there’s nobody else for you except for him, and you start to feel overwhelmed with love for him. There’s no doubt in your mind about what you want to do next.
“So, there's something I’ve been thinking about recently.” He turns to you, still chewing on his food. He cocks his head, giving you a sign to continue.
“I think I’m ready.”
“Ready for what?” His eyebrows furrow, confused at the lack of explanation.
“Ready to, y’know.” You trail off, tilting your head in hopes he’ll catch on to what you’re insinuating. When he still looks at you with a blank expression, you move your hand towards his dick, palming lightly over his pants.
“Oh.. oh!” He swallows deeply. “Are you sure, angel? I’m not trying to rush you or anything, just did this because I love you.” Your heart melts even further, and you lean forward, capturing his lips in between yours.
“Of course. Not doing this out of a whim or anything; I want it to be you because I love you. You knew that.” He laughs softly, pulling you closer to him for a light kiss. You lean forward, kissing him deeper, running your hands through his hair and shifting in his lap, trying to guide him in the direction you desired without saying anything.
“Now?” He questions. You nod, already leaning back in to keep kissing him. He pulls back.
“Are you sure, angel? I could make this better, get us a nice room, take you out to a nice dinner beforehand?”You shake your head. Whatever Grayson had planned in his mind, this was so much better - more the two of you.
“This is perfect, amour.” You assure, already leaning back into to continue where you left off. He holds your shoulder, stopping you from going in for the third time.
“Are you sure, Y/N? I want this to be perfect for you.” You stop, pouting slightly at his hesitation.
“Yes, amour. It’ll be perfect so long as I’m with you. Now, please. I don’t want to beg.” You whine, and if Grayson was any less of a man, he probably would’ve made you. However, he could feel you already growing warm in his lap, so he moves to kiss you, pulling you closer to him as he does. He feels every fiber of his being light up, electricity following wherever you touch him. You lean back, pulling on his shirt to get him to discard it. He takes it off quickly before leaning forward to kiss marks down your neck. You moan softly, trailing your nails slightly down his chest. You both lean back, breathing heavily as the sun sets completely, enveloping you two in darkness.
You take him in, not knowing what you want to do next. Even though this is your first time, you still want him to feel as good about this as you do, and so you move off his lap, him looking at you questionably. You lean down slightly, hands moving to unzip his pants. Before you could pull him out of his underwear, he stops you.
“Uh-uh, this is about you.” He grips your jaw lightly, bringing you back up so your face-to-face with him.
“What if what I want is for you to cum with your dick in my mouth?” You narrow your eyes teasingly, moving back into his lap while watching as his own eyes widen at your bold statement.
“Fuck, where the fuck did you learn to talk like that?” You smile at his response, feeling his dick jump lightly underneath you. You roll your hips experimentally, swearing breathlessly when he grips your hips harder. He controls your movements, peppering kisses from your neck down to your chest.
“Fuck, Grayson. Please, I need more.” You’re not exactly sure what you’re asking for, but he, knowing you like the back of his hand by now, is already pulling your dress off. He groans slightly when your tits are exposed, nipples hardening due to the cold ocean air. He leans forwards, taking one into his mouth, sucking and nibbling lightly, circling the other nipple lightly. He switches sides once he’s had his fill, giving your other breast the same attention, watching as you arch your back into him. Once done, he kisses down the valley of your chest, stopping at the edge of your underwear.
“Lay back.” He whispers, moving you, so you’re laid out on the blanket. You don’t hesitate, leaning back on your elbows, so you don’t miss a single movement. He slips your underwear off, whispering a ‘fucking perfect’ once you're exposed to him. He glances up at you again, features illuminated by moonlight, and you can’t help thinking how that statement perfectly describes him as well: fucking perfect. He licks a long stripe before sucking on your clit slowly.
“Grayson!” You jolt, slowly growing wetter with every movement. He slips one finger in, moving slowly.
“Grayson, more.” You whine, bucking your hips. He places a palm down, trying to still your movements.
“I know, I know. Gotta stretch you out first.” He curls his finger a few times before adding another, and you moan louder. It’s slow torture, knowing that he’s right about prepping you properly but also just wanting him to fuck you already. He moves his hand to rub your clit, and you’re done, moaning loudly as your orgasm wrecks over your entire body. You knew it wasn’t going to take much, already having worked yourself up the whole day. He leans back, letting you catch your breath while he slips off his pants and boxers.
“You good?” He checks in, watching as you focus on his dick in front of you. He laughs slightly when you just nod wordlessly and reach forward to jerk him off, hand moving up and down his shaft. He moves out of the way to position himself in front of you, sudden nerves appearing in his stomach. He’s not a virgin at all, but he might as well be, any previous experience flying out the door at the thought of wanting to make this memorable for you. He starts to stress, feeling this overwhelming pressure to make everything perfect. You lean up and kiss the crease that’s appeared in between his eyebrows.
“Just relax.” You whisper.
“I should be the one telling you that.” He chuckles. He coats himself in your wetness before slowly moving his hips forward, thrusting into you softly. And you suddenly understand why he wanted to stretch you out first, because fuck, is he big. You knew it already, having spent a lot of time sucking him off, but feeling every inch slide further and further into you makes the statement even more true in your mind. You whimper softly, and he pauses all movements completely, kissing both your cheeks lightly.
“You okay, angel?” He reaches down, rubbing your clit to help with anything you’re feeling. You nod, taking a breath. It’s not unbearable pain, just a dull ache from a foreign feeling, but the longer he remains still inside you, the more you want him to continue. You moan gently when he throbs lightly, wrapping a leg around his hip to pull him closer to you.  
“Fuck.” He whispers softly, staring down at where he’s bottomed out. He waits a moment, watching every expression on your face for any pain or discomfort. He starts to kiss along your neck and chest again, every kiss peppered with an unspoken vow of forever - knowing he had an unbreakable grip on your heart. You move your hips slightly, both of you moaning out when you squeeze around him. He rolls his pelvis into you, checking to see your response, and your eyes almost roll back from pleasure.
“Move. Please,” Your voice cracks and Grayson almost loses it at the expression on your face, knowing that this is all him. He’s the only man to ever make you feel this way, and if he had anything to do with it, it’d stay that way. He moves his hips again, watching as your face twists into pleasure, almost losing it at the way your velvet walls are gripping him. He picks up speed a little, still rubbing your clit consistently.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He rasps out, overwhelmed with deciding between to look at your face, breast moving with every thrust, or where his dick is entering and leaving your body. It’s almost like a sensory overload, and he prays he doesn’t cum too quickly to ruin this for you. You moan out loudly, not even having words to describe how you’re feeling, that being the only way to express how good he’s making you feel. Grayson thanks every higher power that the ocean is so loud, because between the wet noises from every thrust and your increasing moaning, he knows the two of you would’ve gotten caught in seconds.
“Fuck, angel. You’re doing so good for me, takin’ me so well.” You whimper loudly, eyes closing from his soft praises. He keeps that in mind, watching your reaction whenever he compliments you. He can tell your close, having spent enough time in between your legs to know when near cumming. Just as he thought, it only takes a few more seconds before you’re spilling on to his dick, back arching slightly. He stops, watching you so he can commit every moment to memory, kissing down your chest.  
“Aren’t you going to cum too?” You ask, opening one eye when you still feel him rock hard inside you. He looks down at you, wanting to shake his head at your expression. Here you are, recovering from your second orgasm, and you’re worried about him.
“About to angel, wanted to see you cum first.” He murmurs, kissing your neck once again.
“Cum for me, Grayson. Please, inside of me.” And fuck, he was close, but that does it for him, thrusting once, twice, three times before cumming deep inside of you, both of you moaning at the feeling. It takes a moment for him to catch his breath, kissing you lazily until he feels like he can speak again.
“How was it?” was the first question that comes to mind, not wanting for you to feel any regret.
“I think I have sand in my hair.” You respond.
“I meant the sex, you asshole.”
“It was perfect. You were perfect, amour.” He kisses you softly, moving your waist, so you’re closer to him. You pull back, and he takes you in under the moonlight, sandy hair (which he knows you’re going to bitch about later) and swollen lips. You look so dazed and love-stricken, and he’s sure that if he saw himself, he would have that same dopey expression on his face. He leans in to kiss you once more until you open your mouth to ask -
“Can we do that again?” He slips out of you, you shuddering at the emptiness that overtakes you.
“Whenever you want, angel.”
“Now?” It’s at that moment that Grayson notices his cum leaking out of you, dripping down your thigh, and he can feel his dick hardening again.
“Fuck, give me 5, and then I’m all yours.”
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