#oh my god....... i have owed this for SO LONG i'm so sorry.....
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"We need cash." Two, Soda, Steve, Dallas, Pony, 'n Johnny crowd the living room in a loose circle like mourners at a funeral. Between them, the shattered, stacked, 'n swept together corpse of what had once been their TV.
"We? Ain't my fault it's broken." Dallas kicks at a shard of glass 'n Pony narrows his eyes at him. "Blame it on the kid 'n call it a night."
"Hey!" Pony stomps a foot before he can catch himself, crosses his arms. "It wasn't me!"
Steve scoffs, rolls his eyes. Pony's face darkens murderously. "Was too."
"No, it was not! You were the one who fuckin' threw me!" Soda 'n Two's eyes ping pong back 'n fourth between the two of them.
"Did not! 'N if I did it was only 'cause you started the fight."
"Bullshit!" Pony's voice hits a shrill high note 'n Steve smirks at him, self-satisfied. "I only started it 'cause you were fuckin' callin' me names you asshole."
"Well, I wouldn't have been callin' you names if you hadn't been actin' like a brat." Pony lets out an indignant wail 'n Soda has to fly across the group to snag him by the waist so he doesn't start right back up again.
"Ok, ok. Enough you two." Pony writhes around like a fish on a hook for another moment before Soda jabs him in the ribs 'n he howls but stops fightin'. "This isn't solvin' our problems."
"I don't see how this is an us problem." Dallas tries again, hooks an arm around Johnny's shoulder 'n pulls him close. "I just got here, Johnny wasn't involved, 'n neither was Two. Soda bites the bullet for not stoppin' 'em 'n Darry can string the idiots up as he so pleases. What's the problem?"
Steve 'n Pony both turn on him, united for the first time that afternoon, fingers pointed 'n accusin'. "'Cause Two was bettin' on us-"
"Hey! Look, all's fair 'n love 'n war or whatever they say. Nobody asked ya to start rumblin' in the livin' room of all places."
"Yeah, 'n Darry'll love to hear that." Steve grabs his hip, wags a finger in a pretty damn passin' imitation of Darry. "Two-Bit Mathews you're how old now? Glory God almighty when are you gonna get any sense- OW!" Steve hollers at the comic Two's rolled up 'n thumped him over the head with.
"Ok, Ok fine. But I wasn't fuckin' bettin' against myself!" Two glares pointedly at Soda who rocks back 'n forth on his heels, suddenly findin' the floor real interestin'.
"Soda!" Steve stops nursin' his head to glare at Soda with wide eyes.
"Hey! Look! I'm sorry!" He blinks, tries his best tip-earnin' grin. "It was all on you, Stevie."
"SODA!" Pony whips on him quick as quick, quiverin' with as much indignance 'n outrage a fourteen-year-old can manage. Soda swallows back a snort, grabs Pony's face in his hands. "I'm sorry-"
"Well. Tough shit for y'all. But I don't see what this has to do with me or Johnny 'n I'm of the mind to beat it before Darry gets home 'n raises hell."
"Uh, Dal." Johnny clears his throat 'n tries to ignore the pointed stares of the rest of the gang hot on his face, runs a hand up the back of his neck, blows out a long breath. "IhadfiftycentsonPonyboy."
"Johnny!" Dallas drops him but doesn't sound half as annoyed as he does impressed.
"Well at least someone was in my corner-" Pony shoots Soda an aggravated glance 'n Soda throws his hands up placatingly.
"Yeah, speakin' of which." Two whips his hand out, palm up, 'n makes a grabbin' motion. Both Soda 'n Johnny huff but reach in their pockets 'n pull out quarters, dumpin' into Two's waitin' hands. He hoots his laughter 'n shoves the dollars' worth of change into his pants.
"Wait, who were you bettin' on Two?" Steve crosses his arms at the same time Pony plunks his hands on his hips, both glarin' accusingly.
"Me? I wasn't playin' for neither of ya! I bet y'all were gonna break somethin'!" Two cracks himself up, howlin'. It doesn't last for long 'n Pony 'n Steve turn succinctly on him, draggin' him down to the floor 'n landin' jabs wherever they can reach.
"Good lord. Well, y'all have fun with that one. I'm peelin' outta here."
"Oh no you don't." Soda catches one hand deftly in the collar of Dallas' jacket as he turns to leave, hefts him back. "You even think about wormin' outta this I'll tell Darry about that time you smoked all that pot 'n threw up 'n I had to carry a bowl a soup down to Buck's for your scrawny ass."
"Yeah, or that time you got picked up for shopliftin' 'n when the cops called I picked up the phone 'n never told Dar." Steve pauses in his onslaught of Two-Bit to throw his hat in the ring. The moment he's not focused Two wriggles out, flips him easily onto his back.
"Or that one time with Tim-"
"OK. Goddamn! No wonder Darry's goin' grey. Y'all are enough to send a man to an early grave." Dallas scowls 'n throw his hands up, shakin' Soda off. "So what now?"
"Now we need cash." Two says plaintively 'n they all stare down at the wreckage again.
"Ok. Thanks, genius." Steve rolls his eyes, clambers back to his feet, offers Pony his hand 'n hauls him up. "What are we lookin' at here? Like what? Twenty bucks?"
"Twenty bucks? Steve, what world do you live on where a TV is twenty goddamn bucks?" Dallas toes at the the box 'n it sparks. "Jesus Christ, none of you unplugged it? Hurry up 'n yank the plug out before we gotta by Dar a new house too."
Both Soda 'n Johnny dive for the cord 'n Johnny pulls up at the last second so they don't crack their heads together.
"So what, like fifty?" Pony 'n Soda exchange a glance, avert their eyes.
"Uh, try more like eighty, man." Soda plops down on his ass, looks desolately at the hunk of plastic 'n glass again.
"EIGHTY? Guys. We're dead. More than dead. Dar's gonna kill us, bury us, 'n then dig us back up again." Steve chews at his thumbnail, paces quick back 'n forth.
"Naw, Steve. Be realistic." Two grins, stuffs his hands into his pockets. "He'd never go through all that work for us. I think just killin' us the first time around'll do it."
Pony groans, presses both his palms into his eyes 'n collapses back into the armchair. "Not funny, Two."
"Aw, not even a lil-" He's cut off by the throw pillow Steve beams at his head, hittin' him square in the face.
"Man focus. We got cash, right?" Dallas refocuses the room, looks at them each in turn. The silence is answer enough, the celin', floor, 'n walls becomin' real fascinatin'. "Man, y'all've got to be jokin'. Steve, don't you have some money from the DX or your da put away?"
"Uh, well, no. Not really. Kinda, uh, lost it. All." He twiddles the bottom of his vest between his fingers, refuses to look up.
"Whatta ya mean lost it?"
"Look you lose one goddamn drag 'n suddenly everyone's crawlin' up your ass! How was I supposed to know that? 'N hey, what about you, Two? I don't hear you offerin' anythin' up."
"Ha! What money? I didn't have anythin' to start with don't look at me. Ask Soda, he's employed."
Soda throws his hands up guiltily. "Don't look over here. I got six bucks to my good name."
"Yeah, good 'n broke-" Soda pulls a face 'n kicks Dallas hard in the shin before he can duck outta the way.
"Where'd your paycheck go, Soda?" Johnny prods at him with his foot 'n Soda playfully catches it, yanks at him.
"Hey, I keep the lights on in this place!"
"And the rest of it?" Johnny pulls back 'n, when he realizes Soda ain't lettin' up, reaches down to jab at the ticklish spot on Soda's ribs.
"What? A man can't be afforded a lil' fun?" Soda yowls 'n drops his foot, wrigglin' backwards to get away. "How was I supposed to know a guitar was twenty-five bucks?"
"Soda!" Pony's jaw drops open. "You can't even play!"
"Hey! Yet! Gimme some credit! Plus I don't wanna hear anythin' from mister no job over there." Soda crosses his arms dramatically but he's grinnin' the whole way 'n all of them know he doesn't mean it.
"That ain't fair! Darry won't let me get a job. 'Course I don't got no goddamn money. Look at Dal. He's got a job!"
"First of all, I didn't even break the fuckin' TV. Second of all, how much money I got is none of your damn business." Dallas scowls, turns his nose up. Steve groans, drops down to the couch with his head in his hands.
"God so we're all broke."
"Shut up, Dal." Two cuts him off 'n Dallas' shifts his glare, damn near murderous. "Johnny Cakes?" He tries, weakly hopeful.
"Uh, I got three bucks." Soda quirks an eyebrow up 'n Johnny plops his hands on his hips.
"Where did you-"
"Ya gonna ask questions or are ya gonna take it?" Soda studies him for a moment, arms crossed still 'n doin' a cartoonish impression of a fussin' hen.
"Boys, we got a real hood among us here today." He hoots 'n Johnny kicks him in the hip, both of them still howlin'. "So that brings us up to, what?"
"Uh, nine bucks. Ten if someone can wrestle that change outta Two's pocket." Pony leans forward, elbows on his knees, 'n sizes Two up like he stood even a single chance.
"Man. I want lillies at my funeral. Can I put that out there? Should we do last rites now or-"
"Aw, hush up, Steve. Look, we just gotta scrape together a little money before Dar gets back. We can get, uh, what was it?" Soda frowns, counts absently on his fingers.
"Seventy more bucks." Pony dead pans 'n Soda's self-assured smile wavers a bit.
"C'mon, that's nothin'! We just gotta put our heads together." Soda climbs to his feet, rubs his hands together in thought. "How do we get our hands on some quick cash?"
Dallas 'n Two open their mouths 'n Soda throws out an accusin' finger to each of them. "'N nobody's doin' nothin' illegal 'cause if Dar has to pick one of us from the station before he comes home to no TV he's gonna start inventin' cruel 'n unusual punishments, y'hear?"
Dallas rolls his eyes 'n mutters 'n Two nods absently in agreement but they both don't offer any other ideas. "Anythin' else?"
"Uh, pawn shop?" Pony offers.
"Yeah, great idea, Pone. Anyone have any expensive jewelry they've been keepin' back?" Steve drawls, dryly, apparently resigned to his fate.
"Well, it ain't mine but I got, uh, a Singer we could sell." Dallas leans back in the doorway, waits for the onslaught of questions. They don't disappoint.
"A Singer? Dal, you've been watchin' me hafta hand hem 'n you had a Singer?" Soda howls, goes to kick him in the shin again but Dallas is prepared this time 'n dodges it.
"Where the hell did you get a Singer-?"
"Look! It was Sylvie's, right? When I kicked her out she didn't get the chance to take it or nothin'. It ain't mine." He throws his hands up defensively, eyes Soda still standin' close enough to wallop him if he decided to. Soda glares back like he's still makin' up his mind about goin' for round two.
"Aw, man. We can't pawn off Sylvie's stuff." Johnny backs outta the way as Soda decides to give it another go 'n jabs at Dallas. "She mighta been a lil' mean but she don't deserve to have her shit sold off."
"The bitch- Soda get offa me- two-timed me? Remember?" Dallas knocks Soda's hands deftly away 'n Soda sneaks in on more solid kick before retreatin'.
"Oh, yeah." Johnny rocks back 'n forth on his heels, still clearly uncomfortable with the whole idea.
"Maybe Soda 'n Steve could pick up some extra shifts for a bit?" Pony tries again, clearly not as willin' as Steve to lie down 'n take his medicine.
"Yeah, another winner, Pone. 'N when Darry comes home to no TV tonight?" Steve scowls at him 'n Pony glares back, the two still dangerously close to another all-out scrap.
"Well, at least I'm comin' up with somethin'."
"Doesn't help if it's all stupid-"
"Alright you two, knock it off. We can't afford to have to buy anythin' else y'all broke 'cause y'all can't keep your traps shut." Two cuts in 'n they both round on him, glarin'.
"Look who's talkin'!" Steve mutters 'n Two grins 'n flips him off.
The laughter 'n bickerin' trail off, lapsin' into silence again. Each lookin' guiltily at the disaster, eyein' each other. "Well, uh, is anyone not above beggin'?" No one says anythin' 'n Two clicks his teeth, nods. "Yeah, didn't think so."
"Hey, guys." Six heads turn to look at Pony, suddenly ashen 'n lookin' past them up at the clock in the kitchen. "Is this a bad time to tell y'all Dar told me to tell y'all he'd be home early this afternoon?"
"Pony." Steve flies to his feet, grabs Pony by his shoulders. "How early?"
Somehow, Pony manages to pale even further. "Uh. In like. An hour?"
As if it had heard, the TV hisses, flashes, lets out one final death rattle 'n falls silent so it's just the seven of them, eyein' each other like men at the gallows.
"Dallas?" Johnny gives himself a shake, grabs his jacket from the back of the sofa.
"Yeah, man?"
"Let's get your girlfriend's stuff."
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moutheyes · 2 days ago
gelboys cinematography go brrr: episode 4
sorry this is a bit rushed but here were some of my favorite moments from episode 4, aka sad boy club hours.
previous posts: episodes 1-2 | episode 3
the agony and the ecstasy of baabin
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same doorway + shop, same splash of pink to center the eye on baabin's signature color, but vastly different moods. lighting slightly darker, baa in motion vs baa standing still, the absence of decoration as a motif showing emotional exuberance. (also wanted to point out that they used some of the stickers on baa's guitar, love the consistency!)
three's a crowd
this episode hurt me in a lot of ways, but the camera framing was especially cruel to baabin in this scene:
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baabin thinks he has nearly succeeded in pulling fourmod back from the depths of his obsession with chian, only for the man himself to show up and interrupt their nail art (friend)date. at first we see the three of them in the same frame; baa is physically situated higher than the other two, positioned to be "above it all"—it's the role he's chosen to take when it comes to this mess, even if it's a lie on his part. although he wants to remain in between fourmod and chian (as in the first frame), he's forced to the outside by the reverse shot.
the camera goes on to cut him out entirely, keeping only fourmod and chian in frame in the ensuing conversation. but when fourmod addresses baabin directly, the camera emphasizes, with a slight re-angling of the shot, that baabin only sees fourmod—chian is the one cut out. it felt like a subtle nod to the way fourmod has kept baabin dangling this entire time. just a little dagger of a scene, both in the dialogue and in the visual framing of these three.
more shot-reverse-reaction
this is a variation of the episode 3 ending scene, so I'm not going to break it down further except to say ow. the successive cuts between the dirty framing (establishing context + conflict), baabin's pov shot (audience participation), and baabin's reaction (audience empathy) is just so effective.
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the little heart sticker on his cheek the entire time his actual heart is breaking, oh I'm unwell.
"you don't have to be exactly like him. just a little bit is fine."
I sucked in my breath when fourmod said this, because the show has consistently demonstrated just how similar yet different they've been, using slight adjustments in framing, positioning, and actions. here are three examples:
1. the train car (their positions are swapped)
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2. the dressing room (different shop, fourmod helping chian take off a hoodie vs. fourmod helping baa put on a hoodie)
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3. the lap sprawl (public vs. private space, indicated by the length of the shot)
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fourmod is still hiding
this boy, I swear to god. the way he has to physically remove himself from chian's sightline in order to go spiral, the way he still can't lay himself bare because his want is like an open wound, so he has to partially put a visual barrier (the pillar) between himself and chian. the way they both would have kept on like this were it not for baabin's selflessness.
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miscellaneous cool shots
loved seeing the bts of the overhead shot—it's not a shitty rig if it works!!!
the static shot through the window of chian approaching the nail store and seeing who was inside. did it fill anyone else with dread.
loved the over-the-shoulder focus through bua's arm, and the way this shot was held for so long, insinuating that bua had to have seen baabin, but chose to ignore him until baabin made the decision to approach him first.
the concert lighting made me clap in delight (I'm sure there was some non-diegetic lighting but they made it look natural, also brilliant use of cell phones and lightsticks).
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yashabana · 1 month ago
❛ the walls are so thin you can hear everything. love, hate, jealousy… ❜ @ beast
Kyouka wonders if Verlaine's words are perhaps part of a new poem he's been working on, or if instead they're a riddle meant for her. It's not always easy to understand the meaning behind the executive's words, but he doesn't use them meaninglessly - at least that's the impression she's always had of him. Who can say if that's accurate? Above all else, Verlaine is a man steeped in mystery, impossible for her to fully understand.
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"I wish it was quieter." Kyouka replies, her voice deceptively gentle, though she knows it won't be fooling him. Jealousy... that's something she hasn't thought about for a long time. Is she jealous of him? Often, he seems to weaar confidence like a second skin, and never seems bothered by the dirty work of the mafia that spills blood like it's nothing. Maybe she's jealous of that... or maybe not. Why should she be jealous, when she has Atsushi by her side? Although... ah. That's not the case anymore, is it?
Whatever she's feeling, perhaps Verlaine means to tell her that he can see it clearly. But how can that be, when Kyouka doesn't even know it herself?
"...I can't hear the voice of the person I want to hear the most." Even with that gentle voice, Kyouka's tone is far too dull for that of a young girl her age. She feels flat, lifeless, like a flower pressed between the pages of a book - and yet, despite it all... there are still things that she wants.
"How do you cope with that? The silence."
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osachiyo · 1 year ago
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ᴀᴛ ᴍʏ ʟɪᴍɪᴛ ! | ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ➣ nanami x fem!reader
⟣ ──┈ · · · + ᴄᴡ ➣ nsfw content (mdni or I'll beat you), brat!reader, hard dom!nanami, hairpulling, pussy slapping, spanking, fingering, throat fucking, bathroom sex, degradation, teasing, jealousy, 1.3k+ words of filth
⟣ ──┈ · · · + ᴀ/ɴ ➣ I'M SO SORRY FOR HOLDING THIS UP FOR SO DAMN LONG this man makes me so damn feral it's not even funny.. this is for my angel @nanamibeloved (hope I did ur man justice rylie !!)
⟣ ──┈ · · · + sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ ➣ during your house warming party, you have the genius idea of flirting with your husband's co-worker, how wrong could it go, right?
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Kento was pissed, to say the least. You guys threw a house warming party tonight, just for you to cling onto satoru's arm the entire goddamn night. It was infuriating, and downright insulting to your husband, Kento. He was way too prideful to show it though, brushing you both off with a wave of his hand as he sips on his drink.
Somehow he lasted until dinner, you being seated next to Satoru, tits pressed up against his arm as you giggle at his stupid jokes. You were supposed to sit next to him, not the white haired dumbass. He was gonna be patient, though. There will be plenty of time to punish you later��� "oh my, 'toru your muscles are so big!" You giggled, shamelessly feeling your husband's co-worker up in front of him as Satoru's lips stretched to reveal a sleazy smirk, and your lover decided he had enough. Cursing under his breath, Kento formed a polite smile, excusing himself from the dinner table before discreetly glaring at your direction, silently demanding you go with him. You smirked to yourself, this is exactly what you wanted.
You were slammed against the bathroom door as soon as you locked the door. You looked up to see your husband towering over you, a menacing aura surrounding him, it intimidated and turned you on at the same time, your thighs clenching together, god− you wanted him so bad.
"on your knees," Kento's jaw was clenched, palms flat against the door, effectively trapping you in. Scoffing, you tugged on his cheetah print tie, yanking him closer to you, "why don't you make me?" You could almost see the vein popping out of his forehead, "so you're playing that game, huh? fine, have it your way." Was the last thing he uttered before you were pushed down to your knees, a large veiny hand tangled in your roots as you winced in pain. "ow! kento− it took me like 3 hours to style my hai−" you were cut off by your husband's hardened length slapping against your cheek, effectively shutting you up. "I don't want to hear your blabbering," he sighed, pushing the bulbous tip past your lips as he shuddered in delight. "now, get to work, slut." You whined at the derogatory name, licking the underside of his cock before taking him in your mouth again, suckling lightly on the tip. He hissed when you slowly started to take him fully into your mouth, fingers tangled in your hair tightening with each inch you swallow. You took half of him before abruptly pulling off− his brows twitched in annoyance and he breaths a quiet "enough" before slamming into your mouth forcefully, the mushroom tip reaching the very back of your throat as you sputter and gag on it, not expecting him to be so rough. he keeps going till your lips touch the small tuff of dirty blonde hair near his base before pulling out almost completely− then brutally thrusting back into the wet heat of your mouth.
It went like that for what felt like an eternity− brutally thrusting in and out, in and out until you were on the verge of passing out, your hands that were previously slapping and scratching at his muscular thighs now went almost limp beside you before he pulled out with a groan. He felt a pang of guilt in his heart when he saw you coughing and breathing heavily, saliva and precum dripping down your chin in webs, trying your best to get air back in your lungs. But all of that guilt quickly disappeared once you looked up at him with a cocky but weak smirk, tears gathered in your lashes− "that all you got? I'm disappointed."
Oh you were such a vixen, and that's exactly what he loved about you. He was going to break you.
Even as he pushed you onto the marbel sink, large hands prying your thighs apart and he could practically smell your arousal− saliva pooling in his mouth. God, he needed to taste you. Right now.
And he did− thumb sliding your panties to the side as his tongue licks a fat stripe up your cunt, savouring your bitter sweet taste on his eager tongue. The tip of his tongue gently circled your swollen clit, your hands clawing at the smooth marble as you arch further into his mouth− only to be put back in place as he presses down on your lower tummy, looking up at you from between your legs, his saliva and your slick coating his chin as he peers up at you with those beautiful, brown eyes that held jealousy, lust and most importantly− so much love and adoration for you. The look in his eyes let you know that this was indeed, the man you fell in love with. The sweet, caring Ken−
Your thoughts got cut off by him slipping his tongue into your hole, groaning lowly at the taste− his fingers digging into the fat of your thighs; rough and calloused from his ruthless years of jujutsu. He'd never get tired of your addicting taste on his skilled tongue, it was almost like dopamine to him− the feeling of your clit throbbing against his tongue as he slurped everything you had to offer. "god, could never get tired of this pussy," he groaned lowly into your cunt, the vibrations from his gravelly voice against your sensitive core made your head spin− how was he so fucking good at this? Every time felt like the first time with him and you loved it− you both did, really.
He loved how your thighs trembled pathetically as he blew on your clit, two thick fingers slipping in to massage your inner walls. His tongue lapping and sucking softly on your little bud before biting it gently, laughing cruelly when you tried to close your thighs around his head. "darling, you're only making things worse for yourself," he sighed calmly before brutally cracking a hand down on your inner thigh, making the soft flesh jiggle and sting as you let out a pained yelp, a fresh wave of tears gathering in your pitiful eyes.
"s' mean.." you sniffled, timidly wiping your tears with the back of your hand, broken gasps emitting from your mouth as he lands soft slaps on your pussy, webs of slick sticking to his fingers as they collide with your aching cunt. "didn't you want this?" He scoffed, two fingers spreading your lips apart and licking his lips at your hole clenching on nothing as it gushed more of your sweet essence− pooling on the fancy marble. "wanted to be taught a lesson− and fucked stupid? huh?" he swiftly landed two spanks right on your clit− a loud cry leaving your mouth and he glared at you with those brown− almost fully black now eyes, effectively getting you to quiet down. You didn't want to see what happens if you angered him further. You honestly didn't expect him to be this rough.
But you couldn't get yourself to complain when he flipped you around, taking his beloved tie off and binding your hands behind you− tight. He easily picked you up and pushed you against the door once again, face smushed against the high quality wood as he pushed your panties down to your knees in one fluid motion− quickly lining up with your entrance before pushing the fat tip in, making the both of you let out quiet moans. Your nails were digging into the sweaty palms of your hand at this point− yelping in surprise when he grabbed your hair and yanked your face to the side before enveloping your parted lips in a kiss. The kiss was much sweeter and gentle compared to his borderline brutal thrusts− a perfect balance, if you will.
Your ass recoiled with each slam of his hips against it, nasty squelching sounds filling the walls as you tried your very best to stay quiet. But unfortunately for you, your husband wasn't having any of that. Instead of shushing and telling you to keep quiet− he encouraged you to be louder− to scream his name until your lungs burned. He wanted you to be so damn loud so that fucker Satoru would know that you're his− that you're Kento's and he would make sure of it.
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
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buckyalpine · 4 months ago
18+ Minors dni Enemies to lovers with some massage therapist Bucky. Breeding kinnk, aftercare, Bucky is a secret softie, all that.
Imagine Rival Biker Bucky x f reader. A smutty, slutty little concept while I add the finishing touches to another fic, just getting this out of my system first. I just love the idea of a sexy, bad boy Bucky getting his hands on the one girl who won't give him a second glance because she's too good for him and they're from opposite worlds. Since childhood. Now he's a biker. Covered in black ink. He works in an auto shop. Owns the bar that brings in chaos. He's smoke, whiskey and leather.
She, however, is soft, pretty, smart and does not have the time to entertain someone like him. She has her degree. Working on a second. She has a career. She does not associate with the likes of him, not as the police chiefs daughter. She'll be damned if she has to even breathe the same air, especially when his gang is the cause for half the problems in the town that her father has been trying to get rid of.
Now, imagine that hours of working on her notes and papers leave her with unbearable knots and kninks in her back. She doesn't want to take a break but the pain only gets worse as the week goes by. It doesn't take long for her to shoot her regular massage therapist a message to book the very first available appointment.
You unclasped your bra, folding and setting it off to the side while waiting for Wanda in the warmly lit room. You could have sworn she was a witch with the way she made pain disappear; she’d also become a good friend after your many visits.
The knock at the door interrupted you as you slid your shorts off, leaving you in your panties, not rushing to jump onto the table considering it was just Wanda anyway.
“Come in!” You smiled, making your way to the massage bed as the door clicked open- “Oh my God!!” You nearly shrieked seeing Bucky walk in, a shit eating from spreading across his face as you scrambled to grab the tiny towel to cover yourself though it was a futile attempt. “What the hell are you doing here?!”
"You have an appointment, don't you?" He quirked an eyebrow as if it was clear as day why he was there.
"Yeah, with Wanda, why are you here, did you get lost on the way to jail?" Your face scrunched in a mix of confusion and disgust ignoring the roll of his eyes while you snatched your shirt to better cover up.
"Well Wanda couldn't make it in but she sent me" He said with a shrug, sighing when he saw your less than impressed face, "Don't flatter yourself, I'm just training under her as part of my physiotherapy internship"
"I'm sorry, you're trying to tell me you of all people are learning how to give massages? Please"
"Physiotherapy" Bucky corrected, "You're not the only one who has a degree, princess" Bucky watched as you groaned realizing you hadn't put your bra on, opting to stuff it in your bag instead of putting it back on in front of him.
"You are NOT laying a finger on me-ow!" You hissed, feeling the knot in your back tug at the rest of your muscles.
"You're not gonna be able to do a whole lot with that much pain" Bucky smirked, only half joking. He wasn't wrong. The pain was worse than before and you needed this an you really didn't have the time to reschedule.
"Fine" You mumbled, turning away from him so you could take your shirt off again, glaring at him when you noticed he hadn't turned away. "Could you at least give me some privacy instead of lurking in the corner like a pervert"
"Whatever you want, princess" He bit his lip as he faced the wall, hearing your feet pad across the tile to lay down on the massage table.
"Alright" You huffed after covering your lower body with the towel, now laying face down, immediately second guessing yourself as he walked over.
"Let me know if anything's uncomfortable or if you want me to stop" His voice was no longer snarky; in fact he sounded professional. "Where do you feel the most tension?"
"Um-shoulders and-lower back" You mumbled out the last bit, he was going to massage you there anyway so there so no pointed hiding it. You tensed at the feeling of his oiled fingers starting to work at your muscles, he had no right to be that good. At all.
“Shit” you hissed trying to keep your voice down, ignoring the clench of your stomach feeling his rough fingers press down on the areas that were tight. Little did you know Bucky was struggling far more than you were.
It went against every bit of professionalism he had. Every moan you tried to silence went right to his cock, his hands making their way lower before trailing up again. Fuck, you sounded so pretty...
"Better stop making those sounds"
"Or what" You challenged back before you could even stop yourself.
"Your attitude is what needs fixing" Bucky growled, professionalism be damned, "fuck this"
You have no idea how you ended up here. It didn't matter though, not when there wasn't a single cohesive thought in your brain as you wailed letting Bucky absolutely rail you. Your back didn't feel an ounce of pain as he took you on all fours, pulling your hips to slam back against him, gripping your ass with enough strength to leave you sore.
"Feel better now huh baby, not trying to stay quiet anymore, are ya" He let out a low chuckle which melted into a groan feeling you tighten on his dick, "Such a good little princess like you letting me put my dick in you, dirty girl"
You hate to admit it but the clench of your cunt betrays how much you love this. It was so wrong. You had no business fucking someone like him and yet where you were letting his precum paint all over the inside of your walls.
"What would your daddy say princess, if he knew where you were right now, what you were doin'? Thinking you're studying when you're actually all pretty and naked, letting me rub that gorgeous body up and down, bet you'd let me put my cum in you too, huh? Bet your dad would love that, his perfect little girl all knocked up with some bikers baby"
You could have said no, stayed silence, just about anything but nope. You screamed feeling his fingers reach around the massage your clit, your orgasm wasting no time hurling towards you.
"MMMPHH I love the sound of that baby, could get used to hearing you sayin' my name, say it again princess, say my name with my cock in you, c'mon, that's it"
"Fuck-James-I-James" You were a mess and loving every bit of it, tears starting to flow down your cheeks, all the pent up stress you were feeling finally releasing. You felt your throat tighten, a sob escaping your lips as you let go, your arousal making a creamy mess on the dark curly hair on the base of his cock.
"God, you're milkin me, you want my cum that bad huh baby, want a little biker baby in that tummy of yours, I'll give it to you, give you so much I might even put twins in there-FUCKK"
"Shhhh" Bucky cooed, wrapping you up in a fluffy towel while cuddling up your limp body, wiping away any remnants of tears while you stayed floating in a subby, post sex haze. "I got you, you did so good princess" You only manage to let out a weak whimper, giving into his warm, thick arms that rock you.
"You alright angel?"
"Mph" you mumble against his chest and he reaches over for a glass of water that's nearby, bringing it up for you to take a sip. You're surprised at how sweet he's being, drinking up before snuggling into him again. Damn him for being so warm and comfy.
"Y'know, there might be a little Bucky in there" He whispers with a playful smirk in his voice, fingers tickling your lower belly, chuckling when you narrow your eyes at him.
"You wish" You sass back, ignoring the butterflies you feel.
"I do" He admits, biting his lip, his previous cocky demeanor replaced with a shy one, though he tries to mask it. Poorly. His cheeks are pinker than the time you threw paint on him for pulling your pigtails. When you were both 4. "I'd want Bucky jr. to have your brains though"
Imagine that incident sets off a very interesting chain of events. A confession of feelings. You both couldn't be happier, meanwhile your father is grumbling about how he knew this fuckin' day would come, God damn it.
"I never liked that boy" He struggles to keep a scowl on his face watching you giggle like you were 4 again, running to the door as soon as you hear the rumble of his bike.
"Shut up, you love him" Your mom chides, watching Bucky swoop you up for a loving kiss, heading you a bouquet of yellow flowers as he always does.
"I still don't like 'em" Your dad says while you roll your eyes, your arm linked with his as he walks you down the aisle.
"Is that why all the files you had to build a case against him all suddenly went missing?" You tease and your dad shugs.
"Wasn't me"
just an idea.
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poguehearted77 · 1 month ago
rafe with pogue!reader with a mouth. she’s so sweet unless you don’t deserve it. and we all know rafe has done some things to get him in the dog house. she’s not afraid to put anyone in their place. but he finds that bending her over id the best way to shut her up.
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mmfff. I love this ask.
Pairing: Sweet Girl! Reader x Rafe Cameron
a/n: answering some requests bc i'm finally back lolll
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Rafe considers himself a lucky man to have a girlfriend like you--the luckiest, some would say, and he wouldn't disagree. You're sweet, kind, empathetic and probably too good for him if he's being honest.
You're the girl who bakes fresh bread and brings it to the nursing home on the weekends and volunteers her time at the local food banks whenever you have the chance.
It's a stark contrast to your stone-cold boyfriend who was rarely caught smiling in the presence of others except for his closest friends, but even they had a hard time making plans with him.
He's hard to get a hold of, and no one understands that more than you do at this moment. You're currently sitting at the elegantly set table in a reserved section of the Italian restaurant Rafe had booked just for the two of you.
Your diamond-embroidered watch which was a valentines gift from your overbearing boyfriend receives another frustrated glance from your intense stare. With precision the minute hand strikes, signifying the top of the hour and the end of your patience.
You couldn't believe Rafe had stood you up, despite your efforts to call him and the few gentle reminders you sent to his number. They were all in vain.
"Would you like more bread, ma'am?" The waiter comes back for what you guess is the fourth time in the last twenty minutes. Your cheeks rose over at the repeated question, realizing you'd have to admit that there was no one joining you any time soon.
"No, I'm alright thank you. Just the check will be fine." Your words paint a perplexed expression on the waiter's face before he visibly understands what's happened.
The waiter is sweet when he returns with the bill, "He's an idiot."
You didn't quite catch what he whispered under his breath, "Pardon?" His shoulders relax as a small smile graces his lips, "The guy's an idiot for standing you up." It's said thoughtfully, not with any ulterior motives, and you agree, feeling what was just surface-level disappointment morph into a simmering bitterness.
Rafe was going to deal with a bitch at home.
You found yourself stirring your freshly blended smoothie behind the kitchen island as Rafe continued his desperate attempts to get back in your good graces. "I'm so sorry, baby. The meeting went long and I couldn't get out of it." His hand tries to wrap around your waist from behind and you smack him away.
"Don't even, Rafe." The words come out through clenched teeth. He's startled but not surprised. He's seen this side of you before, though only once when a rude cashier had been insulting to your mother at the store.
"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? The meeting ran longer than-" You don't even give him a chance to finish when you interrupt, "Oh my god, Rafe. Leave me alone!" You scoff, trying to push past him with your drink in hand but he holds you at the waist, cautiously taking the cup from you and placing it on the counter behind him.
He holds a stern gaze as he talks down to you: "Listen, I get it. You're upset, but you're not even giving me a chance to expl-" He tries to reason with you, but you don't want to hear it from him.
"Shut Up." You make dead eye contact, his towering height not intimidating you in the slightest. You're pissed off and now Rafe is too. Within the blink of an eye Rafe had you pinned down to the cool marble of the island with an arm behind your back.
"Ow~ Rafe!" You whine and he chuckles. "M'sorry baby. Am I hurting you?" He tightens the hold he has on your pinned arm, pressing his hips into the fat of your ass giving you a vivid understanding of where your attitude was taking you.
"You're such a fucking-" With his other hand he forces your head back down against the counter roughly but making sure not to hurt you. "Don't you dare." He warns from behind and you bite your tongue at the harsh tone he was using. He was not in the mood to play around.
"I'm sick of you avoiding me. I'm tryna talk to you-- tell you I'm sorry and you're not fuckin' listening." He curses as he lets your arm go, now moving its way under your dress the caress your ass.
He leaned forward, ensuring the breath of his words would tickle the shell of your ear as he spoke. "Such a shame too, you're usually such a good listener. A good girl." An icy chill runs down your spine as you feel him flip up the fabric of your dress.
There's a laugh, one of amusement.
"No panties? Thought I was supposed to be going to dinner with my girlfriend, not a whore." Your lip is tucked between your teeth when you hear the sound of his belt unbuckling. "Huh? Where's all your backtalk now, dollface?" You whine, arching your back up against your boyfriend.
"Rafe please-" He doesn't let you beg before he's sliding himself between your soaked folds, letting himself be overcome by the wet, hot sensation of your contracting walls. "Tell me you forgive me," He all but purrs in your ear. His words paired with the way his cock stretched you so good, you almost said it.
"Fuck you."
He made you eat those words. The way he pistoned his hips into yours over and over with no remorse filled the kitchen with the lewd sounds of flesh against flesh. Your acrylics scratched against the marble tops desperately searching for something to hold on to.
"Say it." He grits and you shake your head, pathetic moans slipping with each thrust he gives you. "N-no!" He angles his hips, the head of his cock perfectly hitting the sweet spot. "Oh fuck- Rafe! I'm-"
"I won't let you finish until you say it-"
"I forgive you, fuck! I forgive you. Let me cum, please please-"
He gives you everything you need to stumble over the edge of ecstasy and more, he finishes soon after you. His weight leaning on your back, feeling his chest heave as he catches his breath.
"The waiter called you an idiot, you know." You mumble, cheek still pressed against the counter. "I am an idiot. I'm sorry, baby. Let's put this gorgeous dress to good use and let me make it up to you."
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whimsyfinny · 6 months ago
How to Avoid the Love of Your Life
Dean Winchester x F!Reader
Summary: (Y/n) had spent the last four years of her life avoiding him, but when her and Dean inevitably cross paths again it could go one of two ways - either really good, or really bad.
Warnings: Language, angst (so much fucking angst I'm sorry), Smut, PinV, Fingering, Oral (F receiving), Overstimulation, Dean being a sex God, reader being anxious, bad breakup, reader having a gun
MDNI! 18+
Word Count: 8200 (wtf I'm sorry I got carried away)
A/N: Here it is! I'm sooooo sorry @jackles010378 that this took so long. I would've had it up last week but my kid got sick and I had to learn how to solo parent hahaha. Anyway, this is the final competition oneshot, and I hope you enjoy it!
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“Well well, what do we have here?”
A voice that I knew all too well reached my ears through the crowd of people in the bar. The deep tone of his voice immediately brought goosebumps to my skin and a small smirk to my lips. I straightened where I stood besides the pool table, lowering the cue and leaning on it lazily as I turned to the direction the voice had come from.
“Dean Winchester,” I let my eyes travel over his rugged form; taking in the faint new scars on his face, his weather-beaten jacket and distinctive choice of plaid and denim. He looked virtually the same as he did when I last saw him four years ago - just older. His eyes now holding more haunting memories than any man should ever have to keep locked away in the depths of ones mind.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” I asked with the tilt of my head as he took a step closer, ignoring the bustling of people trying to get past him to order more drinks.
“You know why we’re here,” he pushed his hands into his pockets as he took another step, slowly creeping closer.
“Hmm,” I hummed, reaching for my beer and taking a sip, letting the bitter bubbles sit on my tongue for a moment before swallowing them down.
“So, I take it this has nothing to do with coming for that falsely promised personal visit, and all to do with the pack of werewolves that have moved in across town?” I jabbed the beer bottle in his direction, feeling the smile on my face lose its warmth. Dean sighed and looked at his boots, and when he’d pondered on his answer, ready to verbalise it, I cut him off.
“Jody has been doing her fucking best to keep shit safe around here with the skills you taught her. The least you could do is check in a couple of times a week - visit once a month.”
“Listen sweetheart-”
“I don’t need to hear how you saved the world five hundred times this week. I don’t need to hear it second hand from other hunters. I need to hear it from you. She needs to hear that you’re ok. We all do.”
Dean looked up, his eyes meeting mine, clouded by a regretful shadow.
“(Y/n) I’m sorry. Life has been so fucking messed up and sometimes I don’t even know what fucking month it is. I’ll do better. Me and Sam - we’ll be better.”
I stared at him intently, reassuring myself that he wasn’t saying ‘he’d be better’ if he didn’t mean it. He’d fed me empty lies wrapped in colourful silk in the past and I’d unwrapped every one with a hopeful heart, disappointment following every single one of them. People live and they learn, and I was no exception.
“If you’re not better, for Jodys sake - for Claire and Alex and even Donna - then I will never forgive you.” I stared at Dean long enough to feel the frustration towards him start to simmer in my veins, reminding me why I did what I did all those years ago. I was willing to endure him for my family’s sake despite hating that stupid pedestal they’d put him on - hating how in their eyes, he could do no wrong.
If only they could see him through my eyes.
The sound of long-strided footsteps and a familiar voice exclaiming “oh shit” snapped me from my festering thoughts, and I looked up to see Sam walk up and stand next to Dean.
“Sam!” I smiled, his face the picture of apprehension as he nervously smiled back.
“H-hey (Y/n), it’s been a while. I’m surprised to see you.”
I raised an eyebrow and looked around the room incredulously before locking eyes with him again.
“Surprised to see me? Drinking in a bar, in my hometown? Where you guys know that I live? I know, right? Who would’ve thunk it.”
Sam shifted nervously, like he wanted to whisper something to his brother or simply whisk him away to a booth where they could sip beers, work a case and ogle waitresses. I sighed out a mentally exhausted breath - the presence of the Winchesters flooding my mind with memories of a better time - a simpler time. Dean was right about one thing - that life was messed up.
“Look, I’m clearly keeping you boys from your secret club meeting. I promise to behave if you do too,” I eyed them, waiting for them to accept the proposal of peace. Sam nodded, offering a few lacklustre words of poor convincing whilst Dean just stared at me, his lips twitching into a slight smirk, his eyes swimming in defiance.
“You’ve never been one to behave yourself, have you? Let's see how long this lasts.”
“Fuck you, Dean.”
Sam pulled Dean away before any more weaponised words could be fired, Deans lips forever holding that slap-worthy grin as he eventually turned his back and headed to the other side of the bar.
For the whole evening I could feel eyes on my back and a prickle on my skin. No matter what I did or how much I tried to distract myself - I was so hyper-aware that the Winchesters were sitting at a table just across the room. Every time I turned my back or walked to the bar, I could feel myself scrutinised under an unwanted observation. As I politely turned down the offer of a drink from a handsome stranger, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I reached to answer it, my palms growing sweaty when I saw the name flash on the screen.
“Hey Jody,” I fought to keep my voice steady, my previous frustrations starting to bubble to the surface again.
“Hey (Y/n)! You’re never going to guess who’s in town!”
My teeth immediately clenched and I shot a glare over to where the brothers were sitting, watching Dean tuck his phone back into his pocket and drop his head into his hands.
When I failed to utter a single word at Jody’s excited proclamation, she instantly caught on.
“Oh shit, you know already, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You at the bar?”
“Have you spoken to him?”
“I feel like I spoke at him, which counts I guess.”
Despite knowing my inner conflictions, she chuckled slightly.
“You give him a piece of your mind?”
“Yup,” I sighed, running a hand over my face, “I think I’m going to have to keep my distance from him, Jody. Just seeing him - looking at him after all these years - it hurts. It fucking hurts and he doesn’t realise how much he messed me up with everything that he did and said,” I could feel that all too familiar burn in my eyes as I fought desperately against the tears; biting my lip to stop it from trembling. When I gave my emotions away with a not-so-discrete sniff, Jody’s more sympathetic side emerged.
“Aw sweet girl, I know it’s hard. Do you want me to come and get you?”
I shook my head despite knowing she couldn’t see me and wiped away a rogue tear.
“No it’s ok, I think I just need to be alone. Plus I know you - you want to spend some time and catch up with them, which is fine and I get it. It’s just not something I can be there for right now,” I lifted my head and looked through the crowd of people, watching how Sam talked to Dean and Dean fiddled with his beer bottle again. I looked down before he could see me, though I knew he would be able to pick me out of any crowd anywhere within a matter of minutes. I hated that he knew me so well.
“If you’re sure, you know where we are if you need anything.”
“I know, thanks Jody. And… I’m sorry for making this so complicated for you. I know you have no reason to hate him, and I don’t like putting you in the middle like this.”
“(Y/n) I get it sweetheart, you have nothing to apologise for. Just…” she paused, as though debating if her words were worth saying.
“Just what?”
“Just don't do anything stupid,” I could hear the slight amusement in her voice despite her words of caution. I chuckled slightly, wiping away another tear.
“You know me - I can’t make that promise. Bye Jody, see you later.”
After the farewell I hung up the phone, deciding some fresh air would help me to cool my head.
I'd barely taken five steps out the bars entrance and into the parking lot when the harsh sound of rowdy chatter drew my attention. Snapping my head towards it, cold blood filled my veins at the sight in the shadows - the gut wrenching sight of a small group of men huddling together and attempting to steal a car.
To steal Baby.
The cold sensation of dread quickly transformed into the heat of fury as my blood started to boil at the sheer audacity of the thieving group, now doing their best to stay out of the glow of the street lamp. They were lucky it was me that had found them and not Dean, as the latter would have dropped every single one of them by now and not left a soul breathing. I know Dean and I no longer had any sort of relationship, but when we did, this car had been witness to every moment. Baby saw every smile, laugh, and happy tear shared between Dean and I, along with petty lovers quarrels and raw moments of lust filled passion. I'd lost count of how many times we'd steamed up those back windows since we were teenagers and Dean stole the car from his old man for our first date. Then there were the long rides from case to case - Sam and I arguing over who rode shotgun - with Metallica blasting from the speakers, windows rolled down and the wind wisping every worry away as we belted our lungs out. Those were the best moments of my life. In that car. And I'd be damned if I let some dive bar fuckheads steal her.
With zero hesitation I pulled out the gun tucked into my boot and fired three warning shots to the sky before aiming my piece at them, wary that they might also be packing.
“Get away from the FUCKING car - NOW!”
The anger in my voice was a deadly warning as the group turned to me like rabbits in the headlights before turning tail and bolting - one of them dropping a hefty crowbar in the process. As I lowered my gun when they fled, I turned around at the sound of hurried footsteps thumping on the gravel behind me.
“What the hell is going on?” Dean had arrived at my side before Sam and he reached to rest a hand on the small of my back; guided by muscle memory. I turned to face him, a small crowd gathering outside the bar to witness the fleeting commotion. As Sam arrived I explained, my voice harbouring a slight tremble of adrenaline and frustration.
“Some assholes tried to steal Baby-”
“WHAT?!” Deans voice filled with horror, yet his hand remained on my back.
“But you- you're ok right? They didn't hurt you?”
“What? No, I'm fine.”
With my confirmation he withdrew his hand and doubled over, resting his palms on his knees and dropped his head, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Ugh thank fuck - you scared the shit out of me.”
Sam, who appeared shortly after Dean, patted him on the back and flashed me a split-second grin, the glint lingering in his eyes.
“Yeah, I don't think I've seen Dean move so fast - like… ever.”
I couldn't stop the soft, airy laugh leaving my lungs, a memory flooding my mind.
“I think the fastest I ever saw him move was when we used to hunt with your dad, and Dean took the car without permission. John ended up stranded at that god-awful motel for six hours after we accidentally fell asleep in the layby-”
“Oh god, was that the motel with those raccoons?” Dean stood up straight, the memory seeming to light up his face as he looked me straight in the eye, the corner of his mouth twitching into a grin.
“Yes - oh my GOD those raccoons were awful,” I started to chuckle and I could tell Dean was holding it in.
“Raccoons?” Sam asked, looking between us with a raised eyebrow. I opened my mouth to explain but Dean beat me to it.
“In every corner of each room there was a taxidermy raccoon, however the person who taxidermied them obviously had no idea what an actual raccoon looked like.”
“Most of them had eyes that were too close together and their bodies were way too long - like some sort of ferret-raccoon hybrid,” I chimed in, the memory bringing warmth to my chest at the comical idiocy of it all.
“I remember dad turned his so they faced the wall and away from the bed,” Dean let out a small laugh, managing to pull one from Sam as well as we slowly made our way over to the car, my gun returned to the holster in my boot.
“I'm pretty sure that was the first and last thing that ever gave John Winchester genuine heebie jeebies,” I looked up at Sam's disbelieving expression.
“And your brother hid his in the bottom of the closet.”
Dean grimaced before chuckling again.
“They had tiny little ferret-raccoon buttcheeks.”
“Oh god yeah, they were so prominent.”
“So prominent.”
Stepping up to Baby, Dean gave her a thorough once over, running his large hands gently over the places most likely to have laid victim to the crowbar. After three laps and continuous scrutiny, he deemed her unharmed.
We stood together for a moment in silence, the conversation having bled out, leaving nothing but our prior heavy tension and my own dwelling sorrow. I looked up at them both, my gaze lingering on Dean.
“Look, I need to go. I can't- I can't be around you right now, Dean. I'm glad Baby is ok and I…” I sucked in a breath, steadying my voice, “I wish you all the best. Both of you. Stay safe out there.” with my final words I spun on my heel and left.
The motel room was pitch black save for the small box TV flickering in the corner, the original Ghostbusters playing through blown out speakers. I sat in the middle of the couch rocking baggy plaid pj pants and an old band t-shirt (likely Deans, much to my own dismay). With criss-crossed legs and a bowl of popcorn in my lap, I attempted to wallow, Rory Gilmore style, over a man who I would never fully get over. Mine and Deans relationship had ended years ago, yet here I was, the wound still as fresh as the day it was inflicted. Most days I get by, and sometimes even forget the pain he caused me, allowing me to feel light and almost normal. But seeing him in the flesh, catching the scent of him and hearing his voice had turned my defences to ash. I felt exposed and raw, my heart practically on a silver platter ready for another round of being ripped to pieces. I thought I would be able to handle it if I ran into him. I knew deep down in my gut that it would happen eventually, that it was unavoidable given my living arrangements. That he would likely come and visit Jody and the others, and I would have to pretend that everything was ok - that my heart wasn't still breaking over him. I'd avoided him for this long, always able to find the perfect excuse to not be around when he showed up. It was about time the avoidance streak ran it out.
The sound of his laugh earlier this evening had tightened every muscle in my chest, reminding me of every blissful moment we'd spent together - obsessed with each others company and craving nothing else on this fucked up Earth. His smile had made me want to weep, knowing I no longer got to wake up to it every morning or let it be the last thing I witnessed before sleep. The smile that got us both into so much trouble, both as teenagers and adults alike. The smile that always made arguments feel absurd half way through. No matter who I encounter in life or how many people God throws at me in an attempt to fill the void left behind by Dean, it's an incurable hole in my soul that can never be healed.
I shovelled a handful of popcorn into my mouth as I watched the movie unfold - desperate for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to reach through the screen and devour me along with my melancholy attitude. Too preoccupied with the film and the strange attraction I seemed to be harbouring to men in boiler suits, I almost missed the low rumble of an engine pull into the motel parking lot outside my room. An all too familiar engine. My ears pricked before reality dawned, the blood draining from my face.
“That son of a bitch.”
I scrambled off the couch and ducked behind it, popcorn flying, knowing all too well that he'd come peering in through the gaps in the blind - which my dumbass had left open so I could watch the rain. Heavy rain and self pity went together like jack and coke after all.
There were a few breaths of silence after the squeak and slam of the impala door, and I thought maybe I'd gotten away with it. Perhaps he was staying in a room further down? Fate was forever against me though when there was a loud knock on the door. I flinched, anxiety dampening my palms as I tucked my knees into my chest and held my breath, praying to Chuck himself that Dean would leave. That he'd convince himself that he was making a reckless decision by being here, or that he had the wrong room. I almost jumped out of my skin when he rapped on the window and his voice boomed through the pattering of rain and static-y TV audio.
“I know you're in there (Y/n), now open the door.”
Even if I'd wanted to move, the ability to do so had fled my body, my muscles petrified at the thought of confronting him. I jumped again when he hammered on the door this time, the cheap wood rattling on its hinges.
“Jesus Christ, (Y/n)! Your truck is parked outside and I can see your hunting gear on the table. Open the fucking door!”
“Go away!”
“Not until you let me speak to you!”
There was a loud THUD as his boot collided with the door and I heard him growl in frustration. I could just picture him pacing in a circle, running a hand through his hair.
“Please, Dean, just… just don't. I can't look at you.” I felt my voice shrink as I pulled my knees tighter to my chest, unsure if he caught my words. He did.
“What- why not?” His voice was a wretched mix of desperation and confusion, cracking between words.
I was quiet for a moment, letting the silence hang thick in the air before I pushed myself to my feet, instantly missing the comfort of the upright foetal position. I wandered over to the door, my fuzzy-socked feet padding on the thread-bare carpet.
“Because,” I leant against the wood, my heart aching at the thought of him being so close yet so devastatingly untouchable, “if I open this door I'm going to undo all the progress I've made with getting over you, Dean.” His name was bittersweet as it slid off my tongue. The quiet sound of Dean sucking in a breath hissed through the gaps in the wood.
“Please, sweetheart. I need you to open this door.”
The softer tone of his voice made him infinitely harder to resist, but I had to stand my ground.
“Dean, you know I can't,” my eyes burned as the tears started to well, my voice objecting to my words with a pitiful rasp.
“Yes you can,” he paused, “you have to, otherwise I'm going to kick this piece of shit down.”
My eyes flew wide.
“No-no Dean-”
“Stand back.”
I grasped the handle and flung the door open, my heart dancing with my stomach when I finally caught sight of him. There he was, soaked through from the rain and giving me that woeful Mr Darcy stare. The water droplets clung to his lashes and trickled down his cheeks, the breathtaking beauty of him erasing the pre-prepared sentence from my mind. Now, all I could think at that moment was to get him warm and dry. The noose around my heart tightened when I reached a hand out to grasp his, pulling him in out of the downpour. As the door closed behind him there was a pause, my quickly dissolving self restraint making it agonising to be in his presence. And Dean seemed to know that, yet he remained.
“Don’t,” as the cold water started to pool around his boots, I paced over to the bathroom, quickly emerging with a fuzzy towel in hand. I passed it over to him slowly, treating him like a wild, unpredictable animal that could pounce at any moment. He took it gently from my grasp, his fingers softly brushing mine. His skin was cold and damp from the outdoors. We stood in silence for a few moments whilst Dean dried his hair as best as he could, shortly after shrugging off his jacket to hang on the dining chair beside him. As he continued to ruffle his hair dry, I steeled myself, taking a deep breath and crossed my arms over my chest.
“Why are you here, Dean? What do you want?”
He lowered the towel and hung it with his jacket, sighing from the pit of his stomach.
“Me and Sam went to see Jody and the others. I was hoping to run into you again - I wanted to talk to you. But when you didn’t appear, Jody said you’d checked out for a few nights - said you wanted to be away from the house when… uh…” his voice faltered and something akin to guilt flashed in his eyes. Unable to finish his sentence he leant on the table, staring intently at the pile of hunting gear I'd dumped there.
“When you arrived,” I finished it for him, “Yeah, that’s right. And I told  her not to tell you where I was.”
“She didn’t,” he stood up straight again, holding his hands up, “I knew you wouldn’t have gone far, so I drove around until I spotted your truck,” he admitted, gaze flitting down to the floor. More silence followed, the atmosphere thickening as the seconds ticked by.
“Dean,” my voice was small as my anxiety spiked again, the question ready to spill from my mouth though no matter what he said, I knew I wasn’t ready for the answer. “Why are you here? What do you want from me? You say you want to talk, but you’re the one who ended everything. You ended our decades-long relationship out of fucking nowhere. What could there possibly be to talk about anymore. It’s been four years.” My voice trembled and he clenched his teeth, looking away from me before setting his eyes back to the floor. He dragged his gaze back up to mine, and something burned deep in those evergreen irises that took my breath away. Yet he remained silent.
“You crushed me when out of nowhere you said we were over - that we had no future. That you couldn't imagine growing old with me, like we'd always talked about. You have no idea how much you broke my fucking heart, and then you just expected me to live alongside you in the bunker like nothing was wrong? In my own room, far away from you? Why did you think that I would be ok with that?” I felt the familiar drip of hot tears and they flooded down my cheeks and rolled off my chin, the dam I’d fought so hard to contain now bursting wide with vengeance.
“You think I wanted you to leave?” Dean spoke up finally, his voice deep and gravelly, like it always was when he was upset. “You don’t think that telling you that everything was over wasn’t the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to do? That I was happy watching you pack your bags and walk out without so much as a goodbye?”
“You didn’t love me, Dean, so why would you have cared? You obviously didn’t love me the way that I loved you.”
He flinched, but took a step closer. 
“You think this is because I stopped loving you? (Y/n)... it wasn’t safe- you weren’t safe in the bunker. You weren’t safe with me…” his expression turned to one of pain as his brows pinched and his eyes glistened. He took a deep breath. “I thought maybe if you just stayed in the bunker with little to no association with me, then it would be ok. I mean, I'd still get to see you, talk to you. Be in your fucking presence. I never expected you to- to…” he took another deep breath, his lungs almost stuttering. “I didn’t think you would leave.”
He never took his eyes off mine. I saw the years of hurt and heartbreak intertwine with glimmers of green and gold, the emotions I always knew he’d struggled to cope with were swimming in a pool of desperation and fear. On the outside, Dean Winchester was the strongest there was. He was an undefeated and undisputed leader of men. He was the King of hunters. The Alpha. The man who could make you wish you were dead. Yet here he was, wearing every vulnerable emotion on his sleeve as he stood before me with anxious breaths and fearful eyes. The sight made my heart break all over again.
“Dean,” his name was like a quiet prayer as he moved closer again, “I don’t think you understand…”
“Understand what, sweetheart?” the rasp in his voice pebbled goosebumps on my skin, and when he reached for a lock of my hair to twirl around his finger, I had to fight off every instinct to just throw myself into his arms and bury my face in his chest. His familiar scent floated through the air and wrapped itself around my senses, and when I breathed him in the aroma of old leather and gunpowder went straight to my brain like a hit of cocaine. The pleasant hum from my chest was involuntary. 
“I don’t think you understand that… that…” I sighed a woeful breath, looking up at him and seeing nothing but a warm, expectant gaze.
“That I’m still in love with you.”
The finger Dean had looped around my hair froze in place and I heard him suck in a breath, his lips parting. He remained unmoving, as though every thought racing through his mind had taken precedence over his body. It was a moment before he blinked, coming back down to Earth. When he looked down at me, all of the desperation, hurt and heartbreak dissipated from his eyes and in their place was the blazing heat of hope, accentuated by a small upturned twitch of his lips.
“You do?” 
“You’re not fucking with me?”
Before I could react Dean had scooped me into his arms and crashed his mouth onto mine. The urge to push him away and tell him to get the fuck out bubbled up inside me, however when his familiar taste graced my tongue, a taste that was home, every desire for him to leave evaporated. The years of being apart, of being unable to touch him had made every caress electric, no matter how feather-light. My hands had tangled in his shirt as he pressed his mouth harder onto mine, pulling him crushingly close. His embrace was almost suffocating before he gently slid his hands up and threaded his rough fingers through my hair, and I lifted my own hands to do the same. I took my time with the motion, reminding myself of what he felt like - not that the memory of him ever truly left. I remembered how the muscles across his stomach and chest felt hard beneath a soft layer of skin. I remembered the way they quivered at my touch, and how my touch always pulled soft moans from his lips. My hands crept up to take hold of his face, the familiar feeling of his rough stubble beneath my fingertips ever present, a reminder of how that rough stubble felt when it tauntingly brushed against other parts of my body. I cupped his cheeks, feeling my own tears dampen his skin. He kissed me in a way that said I’m sorry, a kiss that held four years of pent up emotions with a desire to be released. A kiss that I knew was designed specifically for me. Our breaths and lips became frantic, the pace in which we were now devouring each other was still not enough to soothe the wounds in our hearts that were so desperate to be healed. Dean pulled away and held my face in his hands, running his rough thumbs over the soft skin under my eyes to wipe away the tears.
“I miss you, so fucking much,” his voice was low, his words for my ears only - not that anyone else was listening.
“I miss you too,” I sniffled, resting my palms on his chest again and relishing in the heat seeping through his shirt.
He leant down and rested his forehead against mine, taking a deep breath with his eyes closed. The atmosphere shifted however when he dipped down lower and pressed a hot kiss to my cheek, then to my ear, and then to my neck - each press of his lips drawing a shiver from my spine. I gasped when he nibbled my pulse point gently and my hands flew to grasp the short strands of hair at the back of his neck, my nails dragging over his scalp. He groaned against me at the sensation, one large hand moving to grip my hair at its roots whilst the other slid to my hip - squeezing the soft flesh. A moan of his name slipped past my lips and it was like a switch was flipped as he pulled away suddenly. He turned to take a few steps across the room, attempting to put some distance between us. I stood, baffled for a moment, but when he turned back to me and his vibrant eyes were now black with lust, I almost knew what he was going to say.
“Do you really want to go there sweetheart? Do you think you’ll be able to handle it?” he started making slow strides back towards me and I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. 
“Yes,” my voice was more breathy than I’d anticipated.
“No regrets?” he was almost within reach again.
“No regrets.”
When his hands landed on my waist again, his frenzied kisses on my lips, I was expecting to be able to ravage him equally; but when he lifted me and threw me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing I let out a shocked yelp. 
He chuckled, the sound low in his chest as he strode over to the bed and threw me down, the impact on the mattress knocking a breath out of me.
“I’ve not been able to fuck you sensless for four years, there ain’t no way I’m going easy on you tonight sweetheart.” I propped myself up on my elbows and watched as he tore his top from his body. I barely got a glimpse of his rugged physique that I’d so terribly missed before he all but pounced, trapping me beneath him. My hands immediately clung to the tight muscles of his back, my nails digging in and drawing a hiss from his clenched teeth before his mouth pressed to my neck right below my ear.
“Do you remember how you used to scream my name?”
I nodded.
“I’m going to make you scream much, much, louder than you ever have before. I’m going to make all past encounters feel like a warm up compared to what I’m gonna do to you tonight.” I shivered at his words as his hot breath fanned over my skin. His hands were fast, desperately tugging on my pyjama pants to slip one inside the soft fabric, not bothering to remove them entirely. There was an urgency to his movements like nothing I’d ever seen, the air leaving my lungs on a gasping moan when his fingers grazed my underwear. He chuckled slightly, pressing a series of searing kisses down my neck to my collar bone. 
“Well, aren't you sensitive? How long has it been, darlin’? Since someone else touched you - since someone else made you cum?” The heat rose to my already flushing cheeks at his words and I tried to cover my face with the back of my hand. My attempts to hide were futile as his long fingers wrapped around my wrist and he pinned my arm above my head. 
“Well?” he pressed, a smirk on his lips.
“Four years,” I all but squeaked. He thought for a moment before his smirk evolved into a widespread grin. “Don't let it go to your head, Winchester,” I did my best to bite out my words yet my voice trembled with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. My head rolled into the quilt and my back arched when he pushed his finger against my clit through my underwear a second time, this time harder, more purposeful. His own breath was shuddering as he continued to plant hot kisses against my skin, the slight dampness from his lips cooling quickly when he pulled back to sit on his knees. My heart didn't know if it wanted to stop dead in my chest or palpitate itself into oblivion when he looked down at me. Dean eminated a dark, primal hunger, glazing his eyes with lust as he gnawed his bottom lip. There wasn't a part of me that he hadn't seen before, and despite my current lack of nakedness it was as if I wasn't wearing anything at all. He made a noise in his chest that seemed to roll up his throat, like a growl of approval as I lay like prey beneath him. Dean may be older now, but he was bigger. Broader. Larger. The years of saving the world and fighting every abomination in his path had forced him to bulk up most exquisitely. With my free hand I traced over the scars adorning his shoulders, chest and abdomen: some old and silver, some newer and pink. There were even a fresh few, still scabbed over, and he shivered at every gentle touch. His gaze, however, was unrelenting. Without uttering a word he yanked my pyjama bottoms from my legs and tossed them into the depths of the room, immediately doing the same with my underwear. Instinctively I attempted to pull my knees together despite him being planted between them and he laughed softly, dragging his dark eyes over my slightly squirming body. He clutched my hand that was touching his chest and pinned it with my other one above my head, leaning down to lift the hem of my t-shirt, to gather above my breasts with his teeth. A shiver tore through me as his hot breath dusted the soft skin of my stomach and ribs, perking my nipples instantly.
“I think your body missed me sweetheart.”
“Definitely not just my body,” I panted. He breathed over my lips for a moment, every possibility of tonight's endeavours flashing before his eyes before he dipped his head to kiss me. His mouth moved slightly slower this time, like he was desperately trying to control the beast inside and make every moment count. To make every moment memorable.
“Do you remember Oasis Plains, Oklahoma? With that fancy house we borrowed?” His voice dropped an octave, eyes hooded as he recalled the memory.
“Yes,” I practically clenched, remembering the late night escapades from all those years ago. In my mind it was like yesterday - the way his lips felt on my skin, how his strong fingers bruised my thighs, and how he brought me to total completion no less than three times. His lips twitched up as he slid down my body and off the edge of the bed to kneel on the floor. He roughly gripped my thighs and threw them over his shoulders before slowly, tantalisingly sliding his hands up the supple flesh to grasp my ass and pull my whole body towards him.
“I’m gonna make you lose your fucking mind, just like you did back then. Maybe I'll even beat that record.”
My eyes could've disappeared inside my skull with how far they rolled back, his mouth's quick descent over my most intimate area - a soft kiss placed just above my clit - had me gasping in anticipation. Without a second to gather my thoughts he pressed his next kiss to that bundle of nerves; the wet heat of his mouth sending a pulse after pulse of fire through my veins as I twitched at his touch. He was an expert. Every flick of his tongue was practised and calculated, knowing which way to swirl, to caress, and how much pressure to apply. It was only a matter of minutes before my hands plunged into his hair and I grasped desperately at the soft strands, feeling that tidal wave build, and build, and build before he daringly grazed his teeth over my clit and it sent the wave crashing down around me, my body arching off the soft mattress as I came undone in his arms at the mercy of his mouth. 
“F-FUCK- Dean-”
My limbs twitched as they relaxed on the come-down, Deans tongue softly tracing up and down my opening. Without pulling away, he spoke in a husky tone:
“Fuck, sweetheart. You have no idea how many times I've reminisced about you moaning my name like that.”
The breath from his words made me shiver, and I moved to prop myself up on my elbows. 
“Ready for round two?” His voice remained low, not waiting for my inevitable confirmation before slowly dipping a finger into my still-clenching walls. The moan that slipped past my lips pulled a groan from Dean, a second finger joining the first as they curled up to push against the soft cushion hidden in the depths of my core. He knew where to find it with zero hesitation - his fingers seemingly acting on muscle memory as he beckoned another orgasm from me. He coaxed it forward, my inner nerves dangerously sensitive as the pleasure began to pool for a second time. With every motion of his finger, again and again, I started to feel the coil twist. I was in two minds on whether to be mortified by how easily he could pull a climax from my very soul, or impressed by it. Either way, he had me teetering on the edge a second time before a single flick of his tongue snapped the coil and euphoria claimed me once more.
His name merged with the endless moans spilling from my mouth, my hazy brain struggling to differentiate the two.
“Shit, you taste so good baby. I could devour you all night.”
“I wouldn't stop you.”
He grinned.
“As much as I would love to indulge you, I need to fuck you. Now.”
He pushed on the backs of my thighs, urging me to centre myself on the bed before he climbed back over me. I could feel myself salivating at the sight of his broad shoulders flexing under his weight, his skin damp with sweat from being trapped beneath my thighs.
He leant down to capture my mouth again, a kiss fueled with raw, carnal desire as he struggled to hold himself back. He shuddered under my fingertips as I trailed them down his torso to his belt, hastily unfastening the buckle and top button of his jeans. It was a joint effort to push them off his hips and down his thighs, but that's as far as they went. The feral need to be inside me had consumed him, and I'd barely withdrawn my hands from between us when he lined up and buried himself to the hilt. 
The burn and stretch was immediate - knocking the air from my lungs as I clutched his solid biceps like a lifeline, my nails indenting his scarred skin. He had the common decency to stay still for around ten seconds before his self restraint diminished yet again and he withdrew slowly. I could feel the divine ridges on his length through the immense build up of my slick and his spit, and as he eased back in he dropped his head into the crook of my neck with a gasp and a groan. A large, rough palm glided down my thigh, goosebumps in its wake as he grasped beneath my knee to rest my leg on his hip. Another moan filled the air between us at the new angle, the top of his cock kissing the soft, sensitive cushion inside. His mouth was hot on my neck as his hips found a rhythm against mine - a rhythm that gradually increased in speed with the intense pleasure unrelenting on my over-sensitive insides. My next impending climax swiftly appearing on the horizon.
“Dean,” I pleaded, my eyes cracking open to look up at him through welling tears, “I'm getting close again-”
He lifted his head, that play-boy grin finding his lips as he saw the mess I'd become at his touch; the mascara-stained tear tracks smudging on my cheeks and the unruly sex-hair was always a good sign of a good time.
“I need you to let go sweetheart - cum for me. Please…”
His words were the cherry on the cake for my undoing yet again and I felt my whole body explode with pleasure and tense up around him. The third orgasm of the night had my vision blurring when he cursed under his breath at my contracting walls, yet he didn't let up. He fucked me through the mind blowing bliss, not letting me catch my breath as a fourth climax hit me out of nowhere, the torturous attack on my g-spot making me feel close to blacking out.
“F-FUCK- Dean- Please- I can't,” my voice was hoarse from the moans and ragged breaths ripping from my throat every other second and my whole body trembled, slick with sweat from both myself and Dean. Despite the death grip I had on Deans cock, every involuntary clench making my knees twitch, he still wasn't finished. His powerful thrusts stuttered slightly before he pulled out, causing me to suck a breath through my teeth. Before I had a chance to query his actions he flipped me with ease, landing me flat on my stomach, my face buried in the soft quilt. Much like before, he didn't wait for an invitation to push back in, the overstimulated nerves in my core sending a jolt through every aching muscle in my body. The deeper angle pulled a cry from my lips when he bottomed out, and if I didn't know any better I would've said that his cock was in my ribcage. Deans large, warm hands took up residence on the supply flesh around my hips, tugging them up so my ass was in the air.
“Shit, (Y/n), with a view like this I'm not gonna last much longer- fuck,” Deans words were strained as he picked up the pace again, albeit this time there was an urgency to his movements. A desperate desire to experience the same Earth shattering euphoria that he had hand delivered to me. With my face in the fabric I snuck a hand down between my legs, finding the pleasure of circling my clit both a relief and an amplifier for the scorching pleasure Dean was inflicting. It didn't take long for him to tear my hand away, only to replace it with his own - pulling noises from my lips that were a whole new calibre of erotic that I didn't know I was capable of. My moans had an effect on Dean, and the hand that was on my hip, that was kneading my soft skin with a bruising grip had shot forwards and planted beside my head, bracing his weight above me. I couldn't see him but I could feel his solid chest against my back, his head dipping down to place rough kisses against my shoulder, his stubble tickling the sensitive skin there. I prepared myself for the bruises I'd find on my body in the morning - his firm hold on me would have been almost painful given any other situation. That's not to forget the biting and sucking he was now subjecting my neck and shoulder blades to - the sensation setting my skin ablaze. Deans strained breaths were a tell for his own impending end, with his hips losing their strong rhythm as he panted out laboriously. The sound of him on the verge of bliss, accompanied by every other agonising ministration performed on my body had me unravelling one last time; one hand fisting the sheets whilst the other reached back, my nails brushing over Deans scalp and toying with his short, soft hair. The fluttering of my channel around his cock was all it took to bring him to his long awaited fervid finish. I trembled beneath him as he groaned into my ear, the sound something primal, something almost unhinged. We remained still for a moment, waiting for the post climax clarity to come along and make us regret our decision. He pulled out slowly, earning a hiss from both of us at the loss of warmth and intimate contact. The simultaneous feeling of emptiness and relief was an odd feeling, as I know full well he’d ruined me for anyone else - no one in Heaven or Hell could compete with that. Not that I wanted them to in the first place. Every nerve ending in my lower region fizzled with overstimulation, yet I couldn't have felt more relaxed; more satiated. For the first time in a very, very, long time, I felt complete. 
Dean grabbed the towel he'd left on the back of the chair and used it to catch the evidence of our intimacy, the wetness cooling quickly on my thighs as I pushed myself to sit on my knees. I turned and looked up at him, watching as he stood beside the bed, eyeing me nervously. I raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on my lips.
“What's wrong? Regretting the whole ‘No Regrets’ thing already?” 
He shook his head.
“Do you?” His voice held a crackle that equaled his nervous expression.
I shook my head. He looked down at his clothes on the floor.
“No, although I'm getting the impression from you that this was a one time thing,” he must've heard the disappointment when I spoke, his eyes flying up to meet mine.
“Why would you say that?”
“Because you're picking your shit off the floor like you're about to leave, that's why.”
“You…want me to stay? I thought-”
“Did I fucking stutter when I said I still love you, Dean? Because I do, and it's all-consuming and to be totally honest, I never want to leave your side again.” Heat bloomed across my cheeks at my sudden proclamation. Deans grip on his clothes slackened, letting it all fall back to the floor. From the look on his face it was like I'd just declared him King of the world; like a light switched on behind his eyes and a smile threatened to spread across his face.
I fiddle with my fingers in my lap, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth.
I didn't get the chance to feel bashful or embarrassed when Dean tackled me onto the bed. At first he peppered my still-damp skin with small kisses that tickled with his stubble, before placing his mouth over mine. I couldn't recall a time that he'd kissed me so softly, and accompanied by the gentle embrace of his arms with his fingers carefully threading through my hair, it was enough to bring me to tears.
“I've missed you so much,” my sniffles brought an almost relieved smile to his features as he pulled back and stroked my hair with overwhelming tenderness.
“I've missed you too, sweetheart.
So fucking much.”
Taglist: @roseblue373 @hobby27 @calibootsgirl @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lyarr24 @autistic-gothic @wattpaduser200 @spndeanwinchesterlvr @mxtansy @libby99hb @magssteenkamp @redmaro86 @slut-for-evans-stan @spookyysinsanity @localjisung @king-of-milf-lovers @xshortputax @jerksbitch @multifandoms-saidwhat @deans-baby-momma @writersxxx
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wvllicms · 4 months ago
𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝖆 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌
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summary — your new to the whole 'sex' thing and when your cousin's hen party strolls into a sex store, life gets a whole new meaning - storeclerk!rhea au. pt.2
warnings — smut, inexperienced!reader/experienced!rhea, oral, fingering. men/minors dni
wc — 9.2k?
an - the long awaited part 2! sorry it's taken so long guys!
"so you're the girl rhea's been tellin' us about," the tall boy smirked at you from behind the counter.
"shut up, damian," rhea slapped his arm as a blush came to her own cheeks, making you giggle again. you extended your hand to him, unsurprised at his rough handshake.
"damian." he smiled.
"nice to meet you."
"bout time you bagged a nice girl, hermosa," he elbowed the girl next to him as she clocked out on the computer.
"oh my god, please stop talking," she shook her head in embarrassment before rounding the counter with her things, smiling at you, "you ready?"
you nodded eagerly and followed her out of the store and down the sidewalk, curious as to which bar you would end up going to. each one was slightly different, but for the most part, they were all the same from what she remembered from ariana's bachelorette party.
"any specific bar you wanted to go to?" rhea asked as you made your way down the sidewalk.
"not really. i didn't particularly enjoy any of them last weekend," you admitted honestly.
"how come?"
"it's just not really fun being the responsible one in a group of drunk bridesmaids that you don't even consider as friends," you shrugged with a sigh.
"well, there's one up here that's my favorite. i'm gonna make sure you have a good time tonight, okay?" rhea smirked, "i owe it to you after my creepy approach to asking you out."
"yo be fair, i came back to the store earlier this week cause i wanted to see you, so… i guess we both have a few stalker-ish tendencies," you blushed furiously at your confession.
"at least i'm not the only creepy one," rhea chuckled before grabbing onto your elbow, pulling you to the side, "whoa, watch out."
you yelped a little when you were tugged, but rhea had saved you from walking straight through a puddle of vomit. "ugh gross. thanks," you turned to face her with a grateful smile, a chill running down your spine when the taller girl's hand trailed from your elbow down your forearm until your hands were woven together.
"no problem," rhea smirked, hiding her small victorious grin from you. god bless whatever wasted person stumbled out of that bar. "it's not too much farther."
"okay," you smiled with a shaky breath. only you would be this nervous about holding hands with a girl. it wasn't a big deal. rhea didn't seem to think it was, since she just kept her eyes straight ahead and didn't seem to be having an internal freak out. but if it wasn't a big deal, why was your heart beating a mile a minute?
before you knew it, your hand was empty as rhea opened the door for you, a gracious smile on her face as she ushered you in first.
"thank you," you grinned shyly, stepping into the dimly lit bar. the music wasn't too loud and it wasn't too crowded. but you waited for rhea's lead. your hand itched to be in hers again, and like the mind-reader you were sure she was, rhea took your hand to lead you over to the row of bar stools. you sat down in one carefully, straightening your back and crossing one leg over the other as rhea flagged down the bartender, giving you time to glance up at the chalkboard menu on the back wall. you weren't sure what was going to happen tonight, but you didn't want to get too drunk. you just wanted to loosen up a little.
"hey, rhea," the bartender greeted her when he came over, wiping down the space in front of them, "the usual?"
"the usual for me," she nodded with a smile before turning to you, "see something you wanna get?"
"um, can i just get something small where you can't really taste the alcohol, please?" you smiled, a bit embarrassed. you didn't mind drinking, you were just picky. not to mention alcoholism ran in your family. the bartender nodded and walked away after checking your id, leaving the two of you in your own little world. "so… you come here enough to have a usual?" you laughed nervously as you turned your head to face the dark-haired woman beside you.
"i work here, actually," rhea chuckled, "only every now and then when they need the extra help, though." she watched as you nodded and traced your fingertip along the marble wooden counter nervously, placing your hand up on the surface beside rhea's. "did you have class today?"
"just a morning class," you shrugged.
"do you go to nyu?" you nodded, "what are you studying?"
"psychology. with a minor in child development."
"do you wanna be a child psychologist or something?"
"exactly that," you nodded.
"that's so cool.iI don't think i could handle that. i don't mind listening to people vent, but trying to help them through their problems… just seems like too much responsibility for me. especially for kids. what made you wanna do that?"
"you know that saying 'be the person you needed when you were younger'?" rhea nodded, "i saw that quote somewhere online when i was in high school, still wondering what i wanted to do for college. and the whole child psychology thing just… clicked, i guess. i feel like it would be a very rewarding career."
"yeah, totally. it takes a special kind of person to wanna devote their life to helping kids," rhea subtly ran her pinky along the side of your hand.
your breath caught in your throat as a shiver ran down her spine. "are you in college?" you asked, your voice breaking a bit with nerves, watching as rhea shook her head.
"nah. the whole college thing never seemed right for me. it's way out of my budget, and what i wanna do doesn't really require a degree anyways," she chuckled, thanking the man behind the bar when he dropped off their drinks.
"any idea what this is?" you asked her, looking at the fruity looking drink in the old fashioned glass.
"looks like a vodka sunrise. literally just orange juice and grenadine with a little vodka. it's not strong at all," she shook her head, watching as you swirled it around with her straw before taking a sip, "good?"
"really good, actually. Sorry, i'm kind of picky when it comes to drinks. i'm not a big fan of the taste of alcohol," you smiled, resting your head in your hand.
"i don't judge," rhea chuckled, sipping at her beer.
"so you just work, then?" you cleared your throat, getting back into their conversation.
"pretty much. i do a bit of freelance photography every now and then. weddings, concerts, senior photoshoots, that kind of thing."
"that must be fun. you must be really good if people trust you enough to take pictures of their weddings," you sipped at your drink again, "what's your favorite thing to take pictures of?"
"depends on my mood, i guess. sometimes i just feel like going to the roof of my apartment and taking pictures of the skyline at sunset. i love working with people and letting them be models for a few hours. but weddings are probably my favorite," rhea smiled, picking up her drink and standing up from her stool, gesturing for you to follow.
"why do you say that?" you asked, following her to a table along the wall towards the back corner, slipping into the booth seat beside her.
"i dunno. i haven't really thought about it, honestly. It's probably just the environment. there's just something about weddings and capturing the look on a guy's face when he sees his fiancée start walking down the aisle, or photographing a first dance…. ugh, it just gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, y'know?"
you nodded as that exact same warm fuzzy feeling took over you. maybe it was the alcohol going to your head already. maybe it was the look on rhea's face when she talked so passionately about her hobby.
"but what about you? what do you like to do when you're not at school?"
you blushed as the attention was put back on you, trying to think of what you did in your free time. "i like to draw, i guess. i'm not that great at it, but i enjoy it."
"i'm sure you're amazing," rhea grinned, "do you have pictures of anything you've drawn?"
biting your lip, you nodded and reached for your phone, scrolling through your camera roll for one of the things you'd drawn recently. it was a copy of the portrait of yourself and your mother, taken a few nights before she'd died. you never really shared your art with anyone, but despite your nervousness, you felt comfortable with rhea. pursing your lips into a tight line, you handed your phone over to her, sitting anxiously in your seat as you waited on her reaction.
"holy shit, you drew this?" rhea gaped, glancing between you and the phone, "you didn't trace this or anything?"
"all freehand," you blushed.
"who's the woman? she's cute," rhea chuckled, zooming in on the details.
"that's my mother."
"I see where you get your good looks from," she smirked, making your blush turn a deeper shade of pink.
you wanted to tell her about your mom, about what had happened to her back in high school nearly ten years ago. but the last thing you wanted to do was put a damper on the night like that. you felt awkward enough already.
"you're really talented. that's amazing. if you hadn't told me it was a drawing, i would have thought it was a black and white photo at first glance," rhea chuckled, handing your phone back to you.
"thank you… do you have any of your photos on your phone?"
"all my best work is on my blog," rhea shook her head. "but…that one on the wall right over there," she pointed across the bar to a large framed photograph of the blue boat house, the sun setting behind it. "i took that."
"that's beautiful," you smiled, looking at the photo.
"i guess you could say i've got an eye for beauty," she shrugged with a slight smile, placing her hand gently on top of yours.
you swallowed thickly, slowly turning to face the confident woman beside you. you tried to think of something, anything to say back to her, but everything you could think of made you cringe internally. flirting wasn't exactly your forte. defeated, you just breathed a bit of a laugh and took another sip of your drink with your free hand, trying to ignore how heavily your heart was beating.
"you're not used to compliments, huh?" rhea chuckled, somehow making you feel more comfortable and nervous at the same time.
scrunching your face up uncomfortably, you lowered your shoulders with a deep breath, shaking your head. "i get them, i've just…always had a hard time believing them, i guess," you bit your lip, meeting blue eyes with your own.
"well, believe me," rhea squeezed your hand on top of hers, "it's not just some dumb pick-up line. you're a beautiful girl. fuck whoever made that hard for you to believe."
you felt like water was flooding in your ears as you stared at the serious but gentle look on rhea's face. you found no trace of insincerity in her eyes. "thank you. i think you are, too," you whispered, barely audible over the music and buzz of voices from the surrounding people. rhea squeezed the top of your hand again before leaning back against the booth, propping up her elbow and leaning her head against her hand.
"so tell me more about yourself," she smirked, sipping her beer.
"what do you want to know?"
"something that no one else knows," rhea grinned in a way that sent a chill down your spine, but in a very good way.
you had to think about that one. there were a lot of things about yourself that no one else knew. no one knew you were gay. if they did, they never brought it up to you. no one knew that you were the one who lost your pet hamster when you were eight. no one knew that the boy you dated for five months in high school used to make you feel miserable and ugly every day until you had the guts to break up with him. there were plenty of things you could choose from.
"you were right," you muttered quietly, sipping the last of your drink through your straw, "earlier when you called me a newbie."
"that doesn't count, i already pegged you for someone who hadn't been tied up before," rhea laughed, keeping her voice at a respectably low volume.
"no, i mean, i'm new to…everything."
rhea's brows furrowed in confusion until realization noticeably dawned on her. "wait , are you saying you're a virgin?" she seemed so shocked.
your face scrunched up a bit at that word. the group of girls you called your friends had tormented you with it for so long.
"don't be such a virgin," harper would tease you for not wanting to go out clubbing in high school. she always claimed that it was meant in a loving, joking way. but you always hated it, joking or not. the jokes stopped when you snapped, telling the raven-haired girl, your dreaded ex took your virginity back in high school before he moved back to adelaide with his family. and while you had hoped that the lie would keep harper off your back, she just found new ways to make you the butt of every joke within their inner circle.
"i guess so," you nodded as your eyes shined with tears of embarrassment, keeping them at bay.
"hey, it's not a big deal," rhea scooted closer to you on the bench, placing a hand on your shoulder, "i promise. i was just planning on going with the flow tonight. if something happens, cool. if it doesn't, it's not gonna make me lose interest in you. okay?" she watched with her heart clenched as you quickly wiped a tear from your cheek, nodding.
you stared at the empty glass in front of you and took a shaky breath. thankfully with the bit of alcohol in you, you were calm enough to not be completely embarrassed. but you felt all your worries melt away when rhea wrapped her arms around you in a tight, reassuring hug. you stiffened at first, not used to the affection, but you felt yourself not wanting to let go when you hugged her back. you didn't know what it was about rhea, but you felt like she could tell her anything. the woman was just so naturally approachable, you felt like you'd known her all your life and you could trust her with anything. all this time, you had been waiting for the right person. the right woman. and now here she was right in front of you, holding your hand and rubbing your back, bringing you the comfort you'd always craved. and you found yourself craving more and more.
pulling back, you looked into the warm blue eyes you were already so fond of, shivering as rhea grazed a thumb delicately over your cheek. your jaw slacked, causing your lips to part slightly as you took in the look on rhea's face. you couldn't even describe it. but under her gaze, you felt warmth spread through your body. a warmth that you could curl into, safe and happy for the rest of your life. comfort wasn't something you felt often, but you felt comfortable here with the tattooed, dark haired girl you barely knew.
but regardless of how content you felt in this moment, you still surprised yourself when she leaned in to kiss the pillowy pink lips that looked like they tasted like strawberry candy. a mousy whimper escaped you as you pushed yourself closer, needing to be closer to rhea. the woman's polished fingernails lightly scratched at your lower back under her blouse, pulling you in. you couldn't be bothered to think about anyone else in the bar right now. as far as you were concerned, you were the only ones there. running solely on instinct, you hooked a hand around the back of her neck, gently scratching at the shaved underside of rhea's hair, keeping her close until you had no choice but to pull back for air. you gasped for breath and swallowed thickly, a blush coming to your cheeks as a smirk spread to rhea's.
they sat in silence for a few moments. a stunned silence on your part. you shivered as rhea's nimble fingers tucked loose strands of hair behind your ear, trailing her fingers along the sharp line of your jaw to your chin to lift it gently. "what's on your mind, angel?"
licking your lips, you glanced down at her denim-clad lap where rhea's hand rested on your thigh, lightly playing with the frayed strands from the holes that had been manufactured into the fabric. she had a tattoo of the grim reaper on her forearm, drawn on and shaded like something from your own sketchbook. you ran your own finger against it, tracing the faded outline as she thought of what to say. what was on her mind?
"i want to… with you," you stammered quietly, biting your lip hard as you tried not to cringe at your own words. but you watched as rhea's smile grew as her hands grabbed hold of yours gently, running her thumbs over her knuckles.
"you wanna get out of here, then?" she smirked, the tone of her voice sending another chill down your spine as you nodded eagerly.
your lips were met with rhea's once more before you were being gently helped onto your feet, your hand tightly in the taller girl's safe grip. your mind was racing and you felt like you were floating in water, liquid clogging your ears as you felt light and you She remembered watching rhea talk briefly with her friend behind the counter. you remembered sitting under the florescent lights on the train, kissing the dark-haired girl shyly as pale fingers ran through your hair. you remembered key points, but it was mainly a blur between the bar and where you were now, standing in the middle of rhea's dimly lit bedroom, hands fumbling with the buckle of her studded belt.
your breathing was heavy as the dark haired girl backed you up towards the bed, lowering you down against the soft mattress. it smelled like a comforting mix of detergent and whatever perfume rhea wore. If you weren't busy tossing rhea's belt off the edge of the bed right now, you wouldn't have minded curling up in the warm softness of the comforter.
rhea's lips moved fervently against your own, leaving you breathless and pinned beneath her. a slight whimper came from your throat as the soft lips you were quickly becoming obsessed with trailed down to your jaw, nipping at your earlobe. your face was buried in the thick mane of dark hair as you felt yourself being shifted up towards the head of the bed. rhea had one hand hooked under the bend of your knee, gently easing you up the mattress until your head was rested against the pillows by the wall.
"rhea," you gasped, your voice needy and wanton before you were silenced with a gentle kiss, pale fingers cupping the side of your face. they were warm but felt cool against your hot, flushed skin. you kissed her hard, trying to release any and all apprehensions you were feeling. "please," you whined against rhea's lips, arching your back against her chest.
"please what?" you could tell she was grinning so smugly into the kiss.
"w-want- hmm," you hummed breathily, catching rhea's lips in yours again, unable to get enough.
"tell me what you want, angel," rhea tore her smirking lips away, attaching them to your neck again, kissing a hot, aimless trail against your throat.
"y-you," you gasped, lightheaded and breathless as you whimpered in her ear.
rhea continued the mind-numbing assault on your neck, scraping her teeth against your pulse point before soothing over the skin with her tongue, sending a shiver down your spine. she sat up carefully, straddling your thighs as she brought you up with her. chests flush against each other as rhea took your hands in her own, lacing your fingers together, just squeezing them reassuringly as she stared down into your dark, lust-filled eyes. the pink blush on your cheeks turned a deeper, rosy shade as you averted your eyes and flicked your tongue shyly over your lips.
"it's okay to be nervous you know," she whispered, untangling her fingers from yours to cup your cheeks again, brushing your lips together softly, "you call the shots, okay? i'll do my thing, you just do what feels right to you. but if you want me to stop, tell me to. I promise, it's okay."
you flicked your eyes back up to rhea's, seeing the genuine concern and sincerity in the deep blue orbs. uou barely knew this woman, but you felt like you could trust her with anything. she wouldn't laugh at you or make you feel like nothing. in fact, she felt like rhea had the ability to make you feel everything that your ex never could. all the pain and heartache he put you through, rhea would make you feel just the opposite.
as confident as you were trying to feel, you must have still worn apprehension on you face since rhea cupped your cheeks reassuringly again, grazing her thumbs over the soft, flushed skin before pressing a kiss to your lips once more. "i've got you, okay? you can trust me," she whispered, making your heart flutter in your chest. you'd heard the promise of trust from many people, and not one person, besides your mother, has kept their promise. but you could just feel that rhea would be the exception. you felt it in the way she looked at you and touched you.
"okay," you whispered, nodding slightly before you felt rhea's lips on yours again. you didn't think you would ever get over that feeling, not that you wanted to. "i trust you," you murmured against her lips, your heartbeat picking up speed as rhea took your hands again, guiding them to the hem of her loose tank top before letting go so you could take the reins. with a deep breath, you gripped onto the frayed hem of the tank top, lifting it up slowly as rhea pulled back and raised her arms so you could ease the shirt over her head. you already felt so overwhelmed as you took in the sight of the smooth tattoed skin than had been hiding under the loose cotton material. the lacy black bralette she had on left little to the imagination, but you just knew that once it was off, you would be left breathless once again.
"can i take this off?" the dark haired girl kissed you again, whispering in reference to the guns n' rose shirt you had on. but she made no effort to remove it after a quick nod from you. "this is only gonna work if you're verbal and honest with me, angel," she kissed you again before pulling back to look into your eyes. she tugged gently on the frayed edges, toying with the ends teasingly as she asked again, "can i take this off?"
"y-yes," you nodded again, leaning up to kiss her. your hands roamed curiously along the soft skin of rhea's sides and back as she grabbed the ends of the tank top , pushing it gently off your shoulders. you bent your neck back as the dark-haired girl sat up higher on her knees, giving herself some height over you.
rhea grazed her lips against your jaw, leaving no inch of skin untouched as she took her time memorizing the feeling of your skin against hers. she thought it was cute that the consistent blush on your face seemed to spread to the rest of your body as far as she could see, the pink contrasting with the white lace bra that would have otherwise blended with your skin.
bravely, you ran your fingers up rhea's front from the waistband of her jeans to her breasts, smirking a bit at the feeling of goosebumps rising under your touch. either rhea had sensitive skin or you really had the power to make this girl shiver. either way, you were feeling a little cocky as you pressed your hands more firmly against her chest, your fingertips toying at the edge of the lacy material as you palmed at the full breasts beneath.
"mmm, fuck," rhea grunted, deepening the already heated kiss, gliding her tongue against yours. you couldn't help but giggle, your lips curling up into a smile as you fiddled with the little plastic clasp between rhea's breasts. as confident as you had been feeling, you hesitated, pulling back from the kiss to duck your head so you could see what you were doing. "you can take it off, angel. i know you want to," the taller girl teased, flicking her tongue over your lips as you took the moment to catch her breath.
you bit your lip shyly, undoing the clasp with trembling fingers and removing the bralette with rhea's help. your teeth sank into your lip harder as you gazed over her breasts, swallowing hard. you found yourself at a loss for what to do, but rhea the mind reader took her hands in hers, guiding them back to where they had been before, pressed back against her chest. your heart pounded as you kneaded at them, getting used to the feeling of them in your hands as rhea lulled her head back with a hum of pleasure, boosting your confidence as you explored her body.
"y-you can take mine off, too," you mumbled quietly, just above a whisper, "if you want."
"do you want me to?" rhea lowered herself back to sit on your thighs again, her fingertips already teasing up and down her back near the back clasp of your bra. she smirked when you just nodded, leaning in to kiss her before resting your forehead against hers. "tell me to do it, baby. you call the shots, remember?"
your breath hitched in your throat as your jaw slacked, breathing heavily against rhea's lips that were so close and yet so far. "take it off…please," you whispered, tightening ypur hold on rhea's breasts as if you needed leverage.
"good girl," rhea smirked, her words doing something to you that she'd never felt before. it made you lose your breath and fogged your already cloudy mind as you let out the tiniest whimper, feeling rhea smirk into the kiss she planted on your lips. skilled, nimble fingers trailed tantalizingly slow up your back to where your bra rested against your skin, and before you knew it, you were helping ease the material off, leaving you just as exposed as rhea.
you lost your breath at the feeling of skin against skin. you rarely had physical contact with anyone even with clothes on, and this had you feeling like you were already having a sensory overload. it was comforting , but it sent a chill through you as you found yourself getting more aroused by the second.
rhea eased you down onto the mattress again, kissing from your lips to your neck, slowly and teasingly making her way down to your collarbone. your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. but every kiss and teasing lick rhea placed on your hot skin had you losing it all over again. your hands moved from her perfect, tattooed chest to tangle in the mane of black that was hovering over her chest, tugging gently as she scratched at her scalp.
"fuck, you're gorgeous," rhea grunted, reacting positively to your fingers in her hair as she kissed down the valley between your breasts. ahe teased you with a smirk, trailing her lips up the curves, avoiding the sensitive skin of your nipples as you writhed and whimpered weakly beneath her.
"r-rhea," you gasped, bringing a hand down from her hair to cup her cheek, subtly trying to guide her to where you wanted her.
compliant, rhea chuckled low in her throat, nuzzling her nose against the pale pink nipple at the peak of your breast, closing her lips around it. she held onto the sides of your ribs, trying to keep your from writhing, though it was nice to see you squirm in delight. "you like that?" she smirked, pulling at the pink bud with her teeth and letting go so the taut skin could snap back into place.
"y-yeah," you mewled, nodding your head.
"you want more?"
"mhmm," you must have sounded so needy and desperate, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. your body was on fire and rhea was the ice you needed to cool it down. you cried out when the dark haired girl switched to your other breast, the suction of her lips going from gentle to firm as she pinched and toyed with the one she had just finished with. you tossed your head back against the pillows, gasping for air as you felt every suck and nibble against your sensitive skin.
it was over far too soon, and it took everything you had not to whimper in disappointment as rhea moved her lips back up to yours. you kissed her hard, needy and wanting for more from the aficionado hovering over you. "how you feeling?" rhea whispered, gingerly tucking frizzed out hair behind your ear, gazing down at you affectionately.
"really good," you panted, looking up into the beautiful eyes that were staring down into yours. reaching up, you cupped her face softly, bringing her down for a tender kiss. you were sure that you would never get sick of kissing rhea.
"mm, good," her voice was low and raspy, sending a jolt of electricity to your core as your hips jerked up involuntarily. "think you can handle more?" you bit your lip anxiously, nodding your head with doe eyes that could melt the coldest of hearts. it made rhea's own heart clench before she leaned down to kiss you again. and the kisses didn't stop there. she left chaste pecks and slow, affectionate kisses all over your neck once again leaving no inch of skin unappreciated before she moved down to your chest. she teased at your breasts again, leaving teasing bites and soothing licks on the perky pink buds on her way down.
rhea was no stranger to sex, obviously. she had a natural charisma about her that made it rather obvious that she was a girl with experience. she'd be the first to admit that she had several trysts in the past. she'd taken the virginities of several women, but she'd never felt anything like this with any of them. rhea could play a woman's body like a fiddle, but she found herself caring more about learning your body. figuring out every little thing that made you twitch with need while memorizing every freckle and birth mark on your pastel skin. it was a new feeling and she would be lying if she said it didn't scare her. but she made a promise to you, and she had never been the type to break a promise.
kissing a fiery trail down your torso, rhea eased her way down the bed, her body nestled comfortably between your thighs as she flicked her tongue teasingly into the dip of your belly button, chuckling at the reaction she got. she could feel the your abdominal muscles trembling and clenching with each kiss that she pressed along the waistband of your jeans.
"hey, look at me," she whispered, reaching for one of your hands, tugging gently to get your attention. she stilled her movements until you werre perched up on your elbows, glancing down at her curiously. "tell me if I'm going too fast, okay?"
your eyes shimmered with a glint of adoration as you nodded, biting down on your lip when rhea's skilled fingers reached for the button of your jeans and popped it open. "okay," you whispered, nodding and flicking your tongue over your lips. you could feel your mouth going dry.
with a nod in return, rhea placed a slow kiss to the heated skin below the button of your jeans, teasingly dragging her fingertips under the denim until they were hooked into the sides. she tugged at the material tantalizingly slow as you lifted your hips, propping yourself up on shaky legs to give her a hand. if you weren't blushing before, you certainly were now knowing that your arousal was probably embarrassingly obvious through your white cotton panties.
sitting up, rhea slowly peeled the skin-tight jeans off of your slim legs, dropping them over the edge of the bed as she just took in the sight of you, wet and wanting against the plum colored comforter. humming quietly, she ran her fingers up the soft skin of your legs, scratching lightly at your inner thighs as she crept closer to your aching center. she could practically feel the heat radiating from your core, and she'd be lying if she said it didn't leave her mouth watering. you shivered under her touch when rhea walked her fingers from your inner thigh to the waistband of your underwear. she purposefully avoided your center, giggling when you whined and arched her hips up.
"somethin' you want?" she smirked, rubbing her palm over your flat, quivering stomach.
"stop teasing me, p-please," your brows knit together as you whimpered, arching up again, wanting to feel rhea's touch in the one place you hadn't yet.
"i'm just taking my time with you," the dark haired girl smirked, feigning innocence.
"yeah right," you panted, a light chuckle coming from your lips as you propped yourself up on your elbows again.
rhea leaned over you, placing herself between your thighs once again before placing a slow, sensual kiss to your lips, easing you back down onto the comforter. lips tied together in a string of searing kisses as rhea ran her hand up and down your bare side, keeping herself propped up with the other. she traced the lines of your ribs and kneaded at your breast before slowly massaging her way down your torso once more. you held her face in your trembling fingers, sliding your tongue against hers as rhea gave her warm shivers all over.
it seemed like an eternity to you, waiting for rhea's fingers to finally reach the apex of your thighs. and when they did, it was well worth the wait. even through the damp cotton of your panties, you felt like you could come right then and there. your body was on fire and you knew that rhea was only just beginning. it was only the first touch and you had no idea what was in store.
"rhea," you mewled against her lips, your jaw dropping with a gasp as the taller girl palmed your center, giving you the friction you desperately needed. your hips bucked up to meet her touch as she cupped you through the ruined fabric, the heel of her palm rubbing just right against your throbbing clit.
"you're so wet already," rhea hummed, smirking against your lips as she noticed the material dampen even further at her words. meanwhile, you just whimpered into the feverish kiss a blush of embarrassment took over your face once more.
tearing her lips from yours, she slid her tongue along your hot skin, the air conditioning making you shiver as rhea made her descent down your body again. she did as she had with your jeans, kissing a line along the waistband. but while you expected her to take them off next, you were surprised to feel her start to kiss over the pristine white cotton and lace that covered your hips. rhea really knew how to make you feel good and special, even if she was a terrible tease, you appreciated the fact that she was taking her time, going slow with you to warm you up and give you time to adjust. but nothing could prepare you for the jolt of warm electricity that shot through your body when she felt rhea's lips over your clothed clit, lightly sucking through the cotton.
"w-wow," you panted, unconsciously reaching up to grope at your own breasts as the dark haired girl took hold of your legs, bending them up with one draped over her shoulder. your heart was racing more than ever as you felt rhea's hot breath on the warm, wet cotton that covered you.
"god, i can't wait to taste you," rhea whispered, breathing against you as she hooked her finger onto the side of the material, pulling it aside to expose her smooth, rosy pink folds. she couldn't even bring herself to smirk at how you appeared to quiver at her words, only able to focus on trying not to dive right in and devour you until you weren't able to speak. she held herself back, taking her time in leaning in to flick her tongue against your clit, keeping her eyes up to watch your reaction. she held her hands on your hips, keeping you grounded as best she could as your hips jerked up at the sensation.
"this okay?" she whispered, pulling herself away from you only briefly while she waited for an answer, bringing a hand up to rub your clit in circles under her thumb. but you just mewled in response, nodding your head as your heel dug into rhea's shoulder blade. "talk to me, baby, tell me if i should keep going," she mumbled, sitting up on her knees to strip off her own jeans.
you squeezed your eyes shut, trying not to feel embarrassed in how exposed you were. but you couldn't help but close your legs now that rhea wasn't placed between them as if would shield you from potential judgment or embarrassment.
"angel?" rhea's concerned voice sent a shiver down your spine and you could feel her shift up the bed beside you, "hey…baby, look at me." she ran a comforting hand up and down your arm, propping herself up on her elbow, "what's wrong? do you wanna stop?"
"no! no, not at all, it's just…" you trailed off, shaking your head and biting your lip, "embarrassing."
rhea glanced over your face as you averted your eyes, biting her lip before leaning in to kiss you softer than ever before. "you're so fucking beautiful, baby, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. i know it's new and different for you, i totally get that. if you wanna stop or take a break just say the word, okay?" she reached for your chin, holding it gently between her fingers.
"i don't want to stop," you whispered, biting your lip anxiously. your body was still on fire and you were honestly rather upset with yourself for causing this stand-still. "please…"
the dark-haired girl smiled warmly and kissed you again. "i'm gonna take care of you, baby girl, don't you worry," she mumbled against your lips, chuckling at your tiny whimper. she kept her lips on yours, rubbing a hand against your chest before sliding it between your thighs, sliding her fingers through your wet, swollen folds. you shivered as rhea coated her fingers in your arousal, nearly passing out on the spot when the dark haired girl brought those fingers to her lips, sucking the gloss off with a pleased hum that made you weak in the knees.
as if that and the look on rhea's face weren't bad enough, the fact that she leaned in to let you taste yourself on her tongue made you feel like you were floating. your head was spinning with need and you knew it wouldn't stop until you got that release you knew rhea was going to give you.
tearing her lips away, rhea brought her fingers back down to the apex of your thighs as she nipped at your earlobe, chuckling low in her throat as you brought your trembling hands up to cradle one of her breasts bravely. she could feel you getting wetter by the second and she knew she wouldn't last much longer without a proper taste.
with one last slow kiss to your slack lips, rhea laid you back down against the pillows, sliding down your body until she was comfortably nestled between your legs again. she draped one leg over her shoulder again, gently pushing the other one further to the side so the rosy pink flower petals could bloom open before her. her mouth watered as she felt your thighs trembling around her. keeping her eyes on the you above her, she leaned in to flick her tongue lightly against your clit, smirking when her hips bucked. she traced the line of your slit with the tip of her tongue, just barely touching your clit again as you whimpered, trying to squirm through rhea's grip on your hips and thighs.
"r-rhea," you panted, blindly reaching down to grasp one of her hands, feeling like you would float away if you didn't.
"Iive got you, baby, just enjoy," rhea smiled against your folds, placing a gentle reassuring kiss to the spot above your clit before suckling it between her lips. you gasped at the feeling of the sensitive bundle of nerves in rhea's mouth, being laved over by her skilled tongue.
you gripped hard at her hand, your hips rocking into her mouth to the rhythm of rhea's gentle suckling. you were so sensitive, you could feel every bumpy taste bud on her tongue. every breath the dark haired girl took through her nose might as well have been a harsh gust of wind. her tongue lapped at your slit expertly, hot and wet against the your slick skin. "f-fuck," you gasped, raising a hand to cover your mouth, trying to muffle the moans of pleasure that were escaping you.
"you can be loud, darlin'. tell me how you're feeling," rhea took a hand from her hips to reach up for your arm in an attempt to pull your hand from your mouth, "how are you feeling, baby? am o making you feel good?"
"mmhm," you nodded weakly, your voice sounded so pitiful, "s- so good, i w-want more."
rhea just smirked, sucking your clit between your lips again, a bit more harshly this time. "mmm," she hummed against you, sending vibrations through your body, "good girl." her level of cockiness grew as she tasted the effect of her words, sliding her tongue against your hot, throbbing entrance.
"rhea," you whined, becoming more bold and vocal as the minutes went by, "s-say more things i-like that, p-please." you were practically begging at this point, finding the warm wave of arousal that shot through you at rhea's praise too addicting to deny.
"like what, baby?" the dark haired girl grinned devilishly, bringing a hand up to trace your slit with a fingertip as she kissed around your inner thigh, "like how you're being such a brave girl for me? or how amazing you taste on my tongue?" she held in a chuckle when she felt you shiver as you became impossibly more wet under her touch. "things like that?" she asked, biting her lip as she tickled the underside of your clit with the gentle tip of her finger.
"y-yeah," you nodded, your face twisting in pleasure as you rocked your hips into rhea's simple touch, wanting more. rhea teased your entrance with a single finger sliding it inside only slightly to test the waters as she dragged and flicked her warm tongue against your clit, knowing you were enjoying it. her finger snaked and inched in farther, taking her time so you could adjust. she could feel your walls clenching tightly around the single slim finger, seeming to pull it in more as rhea bit her lip in anticipation. "you feeling good, baby? you want more?" she practically cooed, stroking your inner walls slowly as she placed a second finger at your entrance, not inserting it until she had your permission.
"more p-please," your back arched up desperately, trying to push yourself further against rhea's fingers, "please, rhea. i want more." you never imagined yourself in such a position, and you certainly never imagined yourself being so vocal. but rhea seemed to like it, and god, you loved getting what you wanted. with a high pitched squeal, you bucked your hips up as rhea slid a second finger inside, nearly losing your breath when she curled them up. "th-that feels -ah!" you gasped as the pads of rhea's fingers stroked against a certain spot that had you seeing stars, "oh my god."
rhea relished the sound of your gasps and whimpers, giving herself a mental pat on the back as she felt your arousal leak into her palm from the stimulation on your g-spot. "you're doing so good, baby girl," she whispered, bringing her lips back down to suck your clit into her mouth again, flicking her tongue over the bud quickly as her fingers picked up a bit of speed, "so good."
it was driving you crazy in the best possible way. you felt lightheaded as you tried to control your breathing. but it was hard to control when every flick of rhea's tongue and fingers sent you into overdrive. you weren't sure you were going to last much longer. all you were sure of was that this was so much better than the toy that brought them together in the first place.
propping yourself up on an elbow, your fingers reached down to tangle in the dark strands, raking rhea's hair back so you could watch. you didn't think anything could be better than how the taller girl was making you feel. but to your surprise, the sight of rhea doing what she did so well heightened your pleasure more than you thought possible. just looking into her lustful eyes as she lapped and sucked on your clit had you quaking.
"i want you to come for me. can you do that for me, angel?" rhea asked low in her throat. she kissed soothingly over your thighs, being slow and gentle despite her fingers picking up speed, rubbing against you diligently, "come on, good girl, come for me."
you arched your back again, your hips bucking up into rhea's touch, losing rhythm as rhea sped up. you could feel your own wetness coating your skin, but you couldn't even bring yourself to care or be embarrassed like you normally would be. your breathing became more erratic as your chest heaved. you tried to push yourself further against rhea's expert touch. it was all becoming too much. with rhea's fingers inside you, her kisses and licks against your clit and quivering thighs, her hot breath against you, you knew you weren't going to last much longer.
"r-rheaa," you whined, writhing into her touch as you felt yourself approaching the edge quickly.
"let it go for me, baby, come on," rhea hummed against you, sucking hard on your clit again.
you tugged at her dark hair, pulling her closer as you finally let go. you released a high-pitched cry, unable to hold back as rhea guided you through your orgasm. your hips jerked wildly as you lost all control of your body. even with rhea's tight grip on you, you felt like you would fly off the bed. you tossed and turned as best you could as you rode out your high, never wanting the feeling to end. your cries and moans turned into pathetic whimpers and sighs as you came down. rhea's fingers slowed to a stop inside you, pulling them out carefully, leaving you feeling empty. but she kept her tongue lapping soothingly against your aching folds, cleaning you up in the most nurturing manner as you twitched uncontrollably.
staring up at the ceiling, you tried your hardest to catch your breath, barely feeling rhea moving around beneath you. your whole body felt like jell-o and you had a feeling that it would be a while before you could even move your legs again. kisses were being placed onto your neck and chin before you knew it and it took what little strength you had left to turn your head enough to catch rhea's arousal-covered lips in your own, kissing her breathlessly.
rhea just smiled against your lips and brought a hand up to the side of your face, gently tucking damp strands of hair behind your ear as she kissed you slowly. "you okay?" she whispered, stroking your cheek with her thumb, tangling her legs with yours as she turned onto her side.
"mmhm," you hummed, swallowing thickly as you curled into rhea's arms, trying to hide your yawn in the curve of her neck and pouting at the chuckle rhea gave you in response, pulling back to look at you, "what?"
"you're cute," the dark haired girl shook her head with a grin, kissing you slowly.
the familiar itch of a blush tickled your cheeks as you hid your face again. you wanted to make rhea feel as good as you just had. you just needed a minute to gain back the feeling in your limbs. but your heart dropped when you felt rhea pulling away from you, getting out of the bed. your anxiety was back, telling you that the girl who just blew you away was going to tell you to leave. biting your lip, you didn't question rhea's actions. you just sat up slowly, awkwardly quiet as you wrapped a nearby blanket around you so you could reach for your clothes, your back turned to rhea so the dark haired girl wouldn't see the embarrassment all over your face.
"what are you doing?" her voice made you flinch a bit, despite how gentle her words were. turning your head, you saw rhea back in her loose tank top, holding a grey t-shirt in her hand as she stood confused at the side of the bed.
"i- i thought you would want me to leave…" you bit your lip, holding the blanket firmly to your chest.
"no, i was just grabbing something for you to sleep in…if you wanted to stay, that is," rhea shook her head, holding out the t-shirt to you. she didn't usually let people sleep over, but you were different. she still wasn't sure how or why, but she knew that she didn't want you to leave so soon.
with a shy smile, you nodded, reaching for the shirt and slipping it over your head, inhaling the scent of rhea that clung to it. "thanks," you muttered, following her lead as you got under the covers and laid down against the pillows, "wh-what about you, though?"
"i can wait," rhea shrugged with a smirk, leaning over to kiss you again, "tonight was about you. and fuck, you were amazing."
"so were you," you giggled shyly, "i didn't think feeling like…that…was possible."
"you deserve it," rhea smirked against your lips, moving down to place a line of comforting kisses against your neck, "het some sleep, angel. not to toot my own horn, but i know you're exhausted." She chuckled a bit into your skin as you smiled against the shell of her ear.
"thank you," you yawned, not bothering to hide it as you laid your head down, falling asleep almost instantly with rhea's hands tracing random patterns on your lower back under the t-shirt.
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shiki-jin · 25 days ago
sweet embrace
hawks x reader (angst -> comfort)
was feeling like shit so i wrote this rq,, also probably definitely not how you're supposed to take care of wounds but i wrote this in one sitting so o7
CWS: self harm, almost dying (but it's implied your quirk saves you), a lot of blood
when you're on your own, blood dripping down your arms, keigo gives you a call.
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the phone rings beside you.
you barely have the energy to look over — keigo is calling you.
‘i should probably pick up.’
you reach out your arm, slowly, shakily, and press the little green ‘accept’ button.
“mind if i pay a visit?”
he speaks with a certain charm that makes the blood rise to your cheeks.
“go ahead.”
your voice is tired, he notes. makes sense, considering it's past midnight.
in the silence, he hears dripping.
“... you leave your sink on, birdie?”
you look at your arms, nodding like he can see you. “oh, i think so. i'll turn it off soon. 'm tired right now.”
“gotcha. i should be there in five to cuddle all that fatigue away.”
“..oh. can you, um, take a bit longer, maybe?”
“hm? why's that? you don't have to get anything ready or clean for me, ya know. just wait for me in bed, okay?”
you think for a second. “no, i still…” your vision blurs. you feel the cold of the tiled floor against your face. “ow.”
keigo's voice grows more concerned by the second. “you okay, sweetheart?”
you push yourself off the floor, your hands and arms weak and trembling. “i’ll be fine. just, like, go get takeout or something.”
he stays quiet, long enough to hear you messing with something… metal? no, it sounds like paper now. he keeps listening.
“ugh, this is annoying…” he hears you mumble, ripping something akin to —
“i’ll be there soon, just— agh, hey, keep talking to me, okay?”
you tilt your head, but nod not a second later. “sure. uh, i'd prefer you get something small since i'm not super hungry, but i don't mind eating… ugh, um, eating the leftovers t-tomorrow.”
your vision keeps going in and out, and right when you're going to stand up to wash your hands, you slip. you could've probably heard the flapping of keigo's wings quickening if you weren't so preoccupied.
it feels like your entire body is shaking now. you don't care that much. “okay, gimme like, s-some 10 extra minutes… it'll probably be,” you feel lightheaded. “it’ll be clean, by then. i think.”
he doesn't respond. you hear the front door click open, and you can't help but sigh. he's probably going to yell at you, or something. god, you couldn't even stick to one easy agreement. isn't that pathetic?
you try to push yourself off of the floor, but all the liquid you've been letting run down your wrists is making it difficult. you manage to sit on your knees, awaiting the scolding you'd get for being so stupid.
the moment the bathroom doors open, you close your eyes.
“shit, that's bad—”
his hands are taking yours before you can object, and he's using the same bandages you got out of the first-aid kit to wrap up your wrists. the material dyes red quickly, but at least it's somewhat stopped the bleeding. you can hear keigo cursing under his breath, and you feel a bit guilty.
“mmh, 's not that bad, look,” you lift up the unbandaged wrist and show it to him. “they're half-healed, already. i wasn't... wasn't trying to die.”
“don't— you're on the verge of passing out, that's pretty bad in my book!”
he takes the chance to wrap up that arm, too, and you're honestly surprised he hasn't started his lecture. you open your eyes ever so slightly, and you realize his chest is right in front of you. you lay down on it, your head on his shoulder, and relax.
“but i know. i know you weren't trying to die, i know. just stay with me, kay, [name]?”
he's obviously scared, he's speaking quickly, and you feel even worse. “...kay, i'll try.. 'm sorry.”
“it's okay, it's okay, i'm here with you. for you. just stay awake for a bit, that's all i'm asking, dove.”
your breath hitches, and you practically cry the words out. “just yell at me already. just get it over with, i get it, i'm pathetic — i can't keep to a single promise, so yell at me.”
your hands turn to fists, and keigo feels his shirt getting wet. he hugs you tightly, and you can't help but return the gesture. “i'm not going to yell at you, i'm not angry or mad, i understand. i get it, i really do. you're not pathetic, you don't deserve anger.”
raising your head you can see blood all over the floor and sink. you realize it's probably in your clothes by now — and keigos, too. you try to push yourself off him with the little strength you still have, but he keeps you close.
“...i still need to clean—” he shakes his head. “i'll take care of it, don't worry, just focus on me, birdie. just talk to me.”
you suppress the whine that wants to escape your throat. “...i, i tried. i really, really tried, i swear,” you inhale sharply, trying to calm down. “i—i tried really hard, b-but, i couldn't stop, a-and...!”
“i believe you, i promise, i believe you, baby. i know you tried your best, and i'm proud of you for it.” he presses a gentle kiss against you. after a few moments of silence, he speaks calmly. “could you show me your wrists again, dove? 'wanna make sure you're not bleeding too much.”
you nod, and lift one of them up for him to hold. “...okay, that's good, seems like it's healed up. the other?” he presses another kiss to your hands. you lift up the other wrist, and he holds it just as gently as the first. “thank you, baby... they've both healed, for the most part, so do you want to lay down in bed?”
you think for a while. you're tired, exhausted, but if you go to bed...
“will you stay?”
he doesn't think about it.
“i will. i promise.”
you nod. “t-then, yeah, i wanna go to bed.”
he picks you up, holding you against him while he walks to your bed. he sets you down on it, and lays on the other side. “can you face me for a bit, songbird?”
you pull your legs just a bit closer to your chest, one of your arms holding your knees while the other rubs your tears away. you shake your head. “don't wanna.”
“that's okay. can i hold you, then?”
you nod, and he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer so that he's spooning you. his legs tangle with yours, and he presses soft kisses to your back, your neck, your scalp.
you're shaking less now, he thinks. he pulls the covers up so you can both be warm, and one of his wings instinctually covers your body. “is it okay if i make a suggestion? no need to answer right away, we can talk about it in the morning — or whenever you're ready.”
before the exhaustion completely takes over, you want to get an answer out. “go ahead.”
“thank you. i... when you get these types of urges, i'd like for you to call me. talk to me. if i can't talk you out of it, that's okay, just ask me to come over. i want to help you with this.”
you listen intently, his voice so soft and sweet it almost lulls you to sleep.
“okay. i'll... i'll call you, promise.”
he presses another kiss to your neck. “thank you for trusting me with that, dove. i'm proud of you.” you can tell he's about to fall asleep, too. “you should rest now, though. i'll be here when you wake up.”
the next time you're in the bathroom with a box cutter to your arms, he's the one to pick up the call.
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deadsetobsessions · 11 months ago
To the mf who had my house before me, if you see me on the street, turn around and run the other way. Because if I see you, know that it’s going to be on sight. Who even puts tile like that?? Anyways, I'm kind of sick, so that's why I've been kind of inactive.
But good news (ish) I got me a house! Yay! Let’s hope I can keep it. To celebrate, y’all can have this! And a few chapters! So technically this is a chapter update post?
Danny’s most favorite thing to do with Alfred Pennyworth is groundskeeping. While he might not be Sam, Danny could still appreciate the serenity and beauty of nature.
“Ow, fuck!”
“Master Danny, please refrain from using explicit language.”
“Sorry, Alfred. I got stabbed.”
“Oh dear. Will you be needing a bandage?”
“Nah, it’s okay. I think…” Danny hummed, peering closer at the reddish brown thorns sprouting from the ground. “That might be the rose bush?”
Alfred paused his snipping, turning around and coming closer to inspect the plant. “How peculiar. It seems to have grown a branch beneath the soil.”
In unison, Danny and Alfred lifted their heads to look at the rose bush, innocuously sitting three yards away.
“Huh. Weird.”
The door to one of Bruce Wayne’s many gardens, all opulently gothic to hide their vigilante disturbances, opened. The hinges swung without a single creak, as Alfred the butler always carried WD-40 on his person and a squeaky hinge in this mansion was an affront to his professionalism.
"Hey, guys! Whatcha doing?" Duke greeted, followed by Jason.
"Gardening! You wanna help?"
"Nah, I'm a Gothamite, not Poison Ivy, man. I don't do grass." Duke replied, plopping down on one of the lawn chairs with his drink. "But I can totally give you moral support... from over here."
Danny snorted. "What about you, Jason?"
Jason shrugged. "Sure, what are we doing?"
"There's a rose bush that grew all the way over here."
"Woah, crazy."
"Indeed, Master Jason. I shall go get the shovels."
"Okay, Alfie," Jason absently agreed, focused on finding where else the rose bush had grown to. "You wanna keep the bush, right?"
"That would be preferable."
"Duke, can't-" Jason paused, throwing a quick look at Danny before visibly changing tracks. "Can't you get us some drinks?"
"Kitchen's right over there, Jason." Duke pointedly leaned back and took a sip.
Danny piped up. "I'll get it! What did you want, Jason?"
Two hours later, covered in all manners of dirt and blades of grass, Jason and Danny sat back to survey the messed up garden.
"You sure we can't hire Ivy to move the plant somewhere?"
"She'd just make it worse," Jason grumbled.
"You guys can do it!" Duke cheered, scrolling through his phone and cherry picking the most hilarious pictures of Jason and Danny to send to the group chat. He chose the selfie, where he was grinning into the camera as Jason fell on his ass as Danny pulled up a long section of thorns.
Duke gets nailed in the face with two clumps of grass from his disgruntled brothers.
"I believe it is time for a shower." Alfred Pennyworth smiled, content. Days like these made him glad that his grandchildren found their way back.
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frankieburieshisdead · 1 year ago
ℬ𝓇𝓊𝒸ℯ 𝒲𝒶𝓎𝓃ℯ 𝓍 ℳ𝒶𝓁ℯ ℳℴ𝒹ℯ𝓁 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇
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cw: NSFW
~ You liked modeling enough. It was exciting, and new, and you got to meet a bunch of people you otherwise wouldn't. For instance, if you could go back to the skinny, slightly effeminate brace face in rural Smallsville and tell him he would be hanging off the Bruce Wayne's arm at a promotional after party in Gotham he would laugh in your face. But here you were, and here he was, all 6ft (6'7? 6'8? God he was intimidating) wrapped around your shoulders, two of the girls from the shoot on his other side. You didn't know either of them very well, but they we're kind to you whenever you crossed paths, and it was always nice to see more black models in the industry.
~ So why did you feel so much vitriol towards them? This ugly feeling curling in your stomach every time Wayne leaned slightly towards them, slightly away from you. You chopped it up to star power, pure unadulterated charm that came with being one of the richest men in the Americas, but as long as it had been, you still remembered what it was like it have a crush.
~ It was hard to not have a crush on Bruce Wayne. He was confident, ridiculously so, but not the kind of confidence that made you feel small. When you arrived, he asked you "Do you like dark chocolate? I can't stand the stuff but for some reason people keep giving it to me." You could see he was lying, and that maybe he had just wanted to give you an expensive box of chocolate without making you feel like you owed him anything. It made you feel special.
~ It didn't take him long to invite the whole party back to his manor. His home was beautiful. Like a castle in one of the picture books your gran used to let you borrow from her job at the library. You told Bruce that, and he had smiled so genuinely you hadn't stopped blushing for the rest of the night.
~ You ended up asking yourself up to his bedroom. One of the bottle girls had popped the cork right over you, drenching your pants in sparkling cider. She had been so apologetic, and you hadn't wanted to make a scene, so you stumbled up the stairs in into the nearest unlocked door you could find. You closed the door behind you, stripping out of your soaked jeans to dab them clean in the joining bathroom.
~ "Not that I'm complaining, but I have to say it's not everyday I find pretty boys stripping out their clothes unprompted in my bedroom." You must have jumped about a foot in the air, hiding behind your thread bare trousers. "Oh god Mr. Wayne I'm so sorry, I just needed- there was this champagne girl- and well-"
"Relax, I'm just teasing." You looked at him properly now, his weary tone bleeding past your initial embarrassment. He was propped up against the bedpost, shirtless with one hand clamped firmly over his ribs. There was a mean purple blotch under his fingers, and his chest rose and fell in stutters. He was in pain.
"What happened?" You were across the room the next second, pants forgotten on the floor as you scooted next to him in your briefs. There was a slight blush across his chest and cheeks. Maybe he was drunk. Maybe you were.
"Got into... a brawl. Nothing serious don't worry." You got the feeling he liked that you were worried. You wondered how many people worried about Bruce Wayne. You had seen an older man in butler attire fussing over him when the party first got here. You hoped he was looked after.
"Well... I best get going." You were inches apart now, you could feel his harsh breath against your top lip.
"Best." He replied, curling his lip to mirror your Midwestern accent.
You fell into him first, crashing your lips against his as his arms came to grip your biceps. He lifted you with an insane show of strength, you squealed into his mouth, ending off in a giggle. He gave that genuine smile again.
~ You were straddling him now, grinding down on a ever hardening length. He gasped into your mouth, squeezing almost painfully as he pressed you firmer against him. He was massaging the v on your waist, teasing just above where you wanted him.
"Can I?"
You nodded manically against his shoulder, the both of you generating a frantic energy. He dipped down, palming you through your underwear.
"Protection?" You managed to pant out, remembering every talk your granny had drilled into you since you came out.
"Bedside drawer."
~ 3 hours. You kept going for 3 hours after that. He had taken you, knees pressed up against your shoulders, hitting all the right spots until you had come dry and untouched. He was still hard inside you, panting and you squeezed your way through your orgasm. He was kind, clearly straining to not thrust forward while you were so sensitive. You hooked your legs behind the dip in his waist and tugged him forward. A dare. The result of which had you on your hands and knees panting and keening after your third, fourth? climax. He was good afterwards as well. Sweet. He held your head up as he poured water from a sealed bottle down your throat, petting through your slim locs. You woke up tucked against his side, unsure if he had even slept a wink as he stared down at you. He had to go, but he had arranged one of the cars for you as soon as you wanted to leave. The butler, Alfred, had cleaned and dried your jeans while you were asleep, although Bruce had made it clear you were welcome to his extensive wardrobe. You giggled, imagining getting back to your apartment in a pair of 1000$ tracksuit pants with the ankles rolled up to your calves.
~ When you finally made it back to your apartment, you patted down your jeans, pleading to whoever was listening that you hadn't lost your keys in the chaos of the previous night. Instead, you pulled out a neatly folded parchment paper, thumbing it open to find barely legible handwriting reading:
Call me if you liked the chocolate.
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laviannasfanfics · 2 months ago
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Loving injuries
Vi x injured reader - pt 1.
Warnings: (blood-kinda)
This is my first story, so uhh, lmk what I need to improve on or if it's good or not! Ps: I am dislexic and I'm so sorry If I spell things wrong js plz lmk😭🙏🏼
Made this a little different from the show like:
After Vi "died." Everyone went their separate ways, some better than others.
Ekko met Vi after she got out of jail, letting her stay with at the firelights hide out.
Ekko was like an older brother when you guys were little, but you haven't seen him in forever(he still has that brotherly act of protection and is still defensive over you)
You and Vi were child hood friends and you had the biggest crush on her but then she "died". She was romeing the streets then she finds you against a building, sleeping....but she doesn't notice your hurt..
"Y/n?" Vi shakes your shoulder to wake you. She moves you hood out of your face. "Oh my god, y/n!" You wake up and realize someone's talking to you and touching you.
"Get away, I'll hurt you." You say as you whisper, slowly grabing her wrist, using up all your energy. "Y/n it's me, Vi." You look up at her, letting go of her wrist, but you can't see her. Your visions all blurry.
"No, stop, get away from me!" You tilt your head up to try and look at her better. "Y/n..I'm right here."
She squats to your level. She's strokes her thumb on your cheek. You wince at first, but then you look up to see the comfort of her light powder blue eyes and the pink shade of her hair.
You relax, your head into her palm, and start tearing up. Trying to use your arms to sit up but end up slowly leaning back down to the ground.
"I thought you died. What happened to you?...We needed you. I- I needed you." You muttered the last part in hope that she didn't hear you.
"I know... I'm so sorry. I got arrested... I'm sorry I left the way I did."
She gets down on her knees to hug you tightly when you whimper in pain. "Ow shit shit shit!" You shift your hand to hold tighter on the side of your stomach.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
You steadily move your hand and show her. There's a large blotch of blood seeping through your shirt.
"Y/n what the hell happened?! Who did this to you..?" She shifts her hand twords the injured area. "It's fine.. I'm fine. I've been like this for a few days."
She lifts your shirt up to see the wooned. You rapped that part of your stomach in bandages, but there's still a hole lot of blood on them. Vi slowly unrapped it while looking up at your eyes ever once a while.
She takes it all off, and she sees the huge wooned. It looked infected. Yellow coloring around the area and was still parshly still open and somewhat still bleeding. She could see where you tried stitching it up.
"Y/n, this looks really bad. How long have actually been like this?"
"I-...I've been here for a week. You sigh, knowing if you lied to her, that would make her even more worked up than she already is.
"I got stabbed almost two weeks ago.." You pause to take a breath. "I dont know who did it. All I know is I was trying to... okay, well, I was trying to steal some food... L-listen, I know it's bad, but I don't have any money, and I can't get up without the risk of it opening back up again.." she looks at you with her wide, worried eyes.
"Look, I know a place where you can rest, and I'm not giving you a choice. You're coming with me. Okay? And we'll figure out how to get you up." You admit defeat and relax your muscles against the wall again.
She raps you back up but puts the bandage on tighter so it doesn't rip.
"Okay, ready?" She holds your face, putting her forehead against yours. Getting back into a squatting position.
"No, but that's fine." She chuckles "Okay I'll pick you up slow. Don't worry about putting your weight on me. I can handle it, I've got you."
"Okay... thank you." You mumbled.
You rap your arms around her neck. She picks you up as slowly as possible. As she stands you up, you whine in pain, tucking your head into her neck. She tapes your thigh, letting you know she wants your legs up around her. She's holding you up by your thighs. You close your eyes, resting your head on her shoulder, loosening the rest of your body against hers.
"You okay, princess?"
You froze up. You haven't heard anybody call you that in a really...really long time. She would call you that when you guys were kids, it would annoy you back then, but now? It sounds so comforting coming from her, but in truth, you start to get flustered.
Your whole body heats up, and you hide your face back into her her neck so she doesn't see you blushing.
"I- um. Yeah. Yes. I mean, I'm okay."
She noticed your body tence up and the warmth of hers against yours.
"Okay..." She lifts her eyebrow side eyeing you with a smeark on her face. She didn't think you would react like this. She laughs lightly under her breath.
You fell asleep while she walked the both of you through the sewers. She meets what seems like a dead end. She knocks a certain rhythm, allowing the door to slowly open.
As you slowly wake up, you're greeted by lots of lights. "Ahh." You shelled your eyes with your arm, trying to get used to the bright lights. "Well, good morning, sunshine." she laughs lightly.
"Hey...Vi?" Ekko says as he jogs up to Vi noticing you in her arms, not knowing it's you. Your breath chokes up hearing such a familiar yet unfamiliar voice.
"So uhh...you gunna introduce me?"
You turn your head slowly. Your eyes meet his, starting to tear up. Getting out of Vi's arms as quickly as you can, still having a hard time walking. You tried to walk to him, you lean for him almost falling if him and Vi didn't catch you. Your arms go around him as he goes around your neck.
You start sobbing immediately when he hugs back.
"I...I haven't seen- seen you in f-forever." It's hard for you to get a full sentence out, trying to catch your breath from crying as well from the pain on your side.
"H-how are you-...are you..are you real..?"
Hugging you tighter and placing his head on top of yours. Ekkos voice trying not to crack, but how could he not? You were like his little sister.
As you stay like that for a moment, he pulls away. Vi pulling you back so you can rest your weight on her chest. You stumbled a bit, but she held you with support.
His eyes widen, looking down at your stomach. "God! Your bleeding!" You lightly laugh it off, but you couldn't hold back your coughing. Sweat dripping from the side of your forehead. You grip your side tightly.
"Ekko, she needs to lay down. Now."
"I got it. Hey, we need backboard now!" Ekko yells waving his hand in a hurry.
"Guys, really, I'm fi..." Your sentence fades as you faint, leaning back on Vi, now all your weight is forced onto Vi front body.
"Shit shit now!" Vi yells, grabing under both your arms. Ekko quickly goes to you, grabing the back of your neck so you don't hurt it.
Vi, Ekko, and some of the firelights lift you onto the backboard. They lift you up, walking to the room where Vi has been staying.
Setting you down to put you on the bed slowly. Ekko asked the rest of them to leave. Vi was sitting beside the bed, keeping a close eye on your movements, while Ekko was leaning against the wall.
"Why didn't you tell me you knew where she was.." Ekko says with his head down, zoning out on the floor. "Ekko, I just found her not even two hours ago.. If I knew she was hurt.. hell, if I knew she was still alive, you think I wouldn't tell you?" Vi starts to raise her voice in defense twords him. Ekko was about to speak when they both noticed you turning your head.
"Hmm...? Oww shit." You bring your hands up to cover your face in pain, then to your side.
"Hey princess... how you feeling?" She brushes her hand along the side of your cheek. Your eyes look up at hers with such a soft glimpse.
"I'm- ow- I feel sick.." You cough a little more aggressively than early. To aggressive for Vi's comfort. She rests her hand on your head, feeling for your temp. "Cupcake, you're really hot. Drink some water." She says as she helps your head up, putting her hand on the back of your neck, and brings the cup to your mouth.
"I'm gunna go see if we have any more blankets and possibly some pillows, okay? I shouldn't be out too long." He looks past Vi, making it seem like he was only talking to you. You could feel the thickness of the tension in the room between the two.
"Okay, thank you." He walks up to you, smiling, giving you a peck on your head before walking out of the room, closing the door.
The blinds are shut, as well as the windows. It helps, but it scares you a bit to be in such an unfamiliar area. Vi can tell from your expressions that you feel uncomfortable.
"Baby, what is it? Is something the matter?" As you turn your head twords her, looking up at her, surprised at the pet name she called you. Vi gently cups your face, strokes of her thumb slowly makes your garde go down.
"Im...fine. I just don't feel good, and I'm a little... uncomfortable being here.."
"Yeah? Why is that?"
You stay silent for a moment, not knowing how to express your emotions.
"Is there anything I can do to help cupcake?" She looks at you with care in her eyes.
There she goes again. Those names... god, they sound so sweet coming from her. You can't believe you ever thought this was annoying.
You hold eye contact for a few minutes, maybe? It feels like it could be forever from how locked your eyes were set on each other.
"I.." You turn your head away, looking over, breaking eye contact. It was getting to be too much for you.
She gently turns you by your chin to look back at her. She looked at you with such soft eyes while her eyebrows frowned lightly.
"I'm okay Vi. I'll be alright, okay?"
She leans twords you, resting her head against yours. As she picks her head up, she looks down at your bandages, ghosting her hand against it.
"Do you want me to restich this?"
"If you can, please...I don't want you to go out of your way, though."
"It'll never be out of my way if it's for you. Understand? When you need me, I'm there. When you call me, I'm there. Okay?" She spoke so softly yet firmly to get the point through you.
Her lips brush a slow kiss on your head.
Once she takes off the bandages fully, she takes out the old stitchs slowly, trying not to hurt you. Somewhat successful. She pulls out the alcohol. Your whole body tenses up, moving yourself over to the other side of the bed, scared of how bad it's gunna hurt.
Vi sets the bottle down and reaches for your hand, slowly trying not to scare you away. You let her hold your hand as her thumb strokes the back of your hand.
"Princess, it's badly infected, I need to clean it before it gets worse, I'll hold your hand all the way through. Please just...let me help."
You stay in the same spot in silence, hesitating to rest back on the bed, even though it hurts like hell.
"I have a feeling you're feeling this sick because it's infected." She brings your hand up to her lips, brushing kisses on the back of your hand, in hopes to comfort you. Each kiss makes you relax your body against the bed.
"Okay... just don't put it directly on it. Please."
"I wouldn't, I'll use uh... this."
She said as she looked around for cotton swabs. Finding some holding it up so you know what it is.
"Okay, just be gentle..?" You look at her with puppy eyes, not realizing what you were doing.
"Of course, princess, always." All Vi could think about is pulling your face close to hers to kiss you...
Part two soon! Ik this is really long for my first one but I really like this plot ig😅
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always-just-red · 2 months ago
001 with raf would send me to the MOON 😭❤️ (don’t tell zayne i sent this 🤫)
😎 Don't worry. I've got you. *slides this over the table to you real casual so Zayne doesn't suspect a thing* (Also happy new year aaaaaaaa!!!) GUYS Christmas isn't over until I say it's over and it's not over until I get through these festive prompts, ok? 🥺 THE HOLIDAYS LIVE ON!!!
Under The Mistletoe
Rafayel x Reader 🔥🎄☃️❄️
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Prompt #001: under the mistletoe, placed sneakily above a doorframe.
Warnings/additional tags: established relationship, teency bit of suggestion, a few joking references to gaslighting, injury (Raf I love you, I'm sorry I won't let you catch a single break!!!)
| Word count: 900 | Masterlist | Opt-in to my taglist here!
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
The moment you open the door, something falls. Or should you say… someone? There’s a clatter: heavy and metal. A thud, too— even an “ow!” You don’t know what you struck or toppled, but you do know it sounds bad.
“Rafayel?” You peek around his door, afraid to do any more damage by moving it.
The man is sprawled over the floor like a sad-looking starfish. Maybe a dead starfish? His eyes are closed, but his chest rises and falls, rises and falls; you haven’t killed him yet. “Are you okay?” you ask, stepping the rest of the way into his home and pushing the door closed behind you. “Raf? Rafayel? You still with me?”
His eyes open: rock pools swirling with a momentary disturbance, but then settling, still. “Hey,” he says, once the waters are calm and full of your reflection.
Hey? That’s it? “What are you doing?”
He props himself up on his elbows, wincing. “Oh, you know… art stuff.” When you lift an eyebrow, he clarifies: “Tryna get a new perspective from down here. You get it.”
Glancing around, there’s no half-completed artwork, nor painting strung to the ceiling (though that wouldn’t much surprise you). “Perspective on what?”
“Uhh. The world?”
“And how’s the world looking from down there?”
“… Different?”
“Yeah, I know.”
So he’s not going to cooperate? Fine; this is hardly the first time you’ve walked into his studio and had to play detective. Ignore his narrowed eyes, just begging you to contradict him. You crouch down, stroking your chin. There was that metal sound, remember? And a stepladder is lying nearby. Why would he—? Your eyes follow the line of the doorway, roaming up, up until…   
“Mistletoe, Raf? Really?”
He tuts. “That’s not mistletoe, cutie. It’s holly. Wishful thinking much? Gods…”
You stare at the plant fixed above your heads: its long, smooth-edged leaves and its berries, white like pearls. You’re not an idiot. That’s mistletoe. “Trying to gaslight me now?”
“What?” he gawks. “No!”
“You so are! Look at it, that’s—”
Suddenly his hands are over your eyes. “Don’t look at it, cutie. It’s holly, okay? You’re seeing things, trust me.”
“Raf!” you squeak. “That’s—” you can barely get the words out as you laugh, wriggling to get free— “that’s gaslighting! I know what I saw! It was—”
“Shhhh. You saw nothing.”
One hand is on your mouth now, stifling your protests. He shushes you as he pulls you back until you’re seated between his legs. His body is over and around you. You could nip at his fingers— could twist out of his arms and have him pinned to the ground in little more than a second— but it’s the holidays, so you let him have this one.
Eventually, his hands slip down, wrapping around you in a lazy hug. Your head lolls back against his shoulder. “It’s a shame it’s not mistletoe,” you say wistfully, gazing up at the ‘holly.’
“Yeah?” he asks, making you giggle again as his teeth graze your ear.
“Yeah. If it was, then we could…”
You trail off, angling your face until your lips meet his— almost. There’s an inch between you: a tiny space always full of longing, no matter how many times you close it. Seconds of longing, like every first time you see him. Minutes, hours: when you stand, meeting eyes across a crowded room and holding back on a rescue, because Thomas is watching, too.
Then there’s years. Years on a quiet, empty beach, picturing this, waiting for this.
A reunion.
Rafayel leans closer.
“Oh well!” you exclaim, going to move away from him.  
“No, no, no!” he stammers. “Wait! Wait, okay? Just let me… let me think for a second.”
You lean back against him, a smug smile on your lips as you study the mistletoe above you. You’re not the only one looking at it.
“It’s mistletoe,” Rafayel mumbles, barely audible.
“Huh? Say that again, sorry, I didn’t quite—”
“It’s mistletoe!” he groans.
You gasp: “It is?!”
“Plot twist, yeah?” His fingers are on your chin, turning your face back towards him. He chuckles as you let him kiss you this time: sweet and gentle, like a tide afraid to trespass on the shore.
It isn’t enough. “You know,” you say, drawing back and straightening his already-straight shirt collar, “now that you mention it, didn’t we see some of that stuff the other day? Somewhere else? The bedroom, maybe?”
He grins. “Now who’s gaslighting?”
You shut him up with another kiss, then break away from him, clambering to your feet. “You wanna check it out, or not?”
“Oh I do, I definitely do.”
And you’ve got a head start, so you might as well lead the way. You tiptoe around various messes— the fallen stepladder, and then the more traditional paint cans and brushes. Rafayel should catch-up to you, should be lifting you over this colourful obstacle course, but he doesn’t, and he isn’t.
You slow down to a stop, glancing over your shoulder.
The artist has rolled onto his front, his chin held up by his hands, and his eyes are the only things following you. You put your hands on your hips knowingly. “Hospital?” you ask.
“Hospital,” he agrees with a sheepish smile.
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nikamuhlsrealwife777 · 16 days ago
After that absolutely masterclass by the one and only Azzi Fudd, I think this means we should get an Azzi fic 👀
Keeping it simple and just her and her gf celebrating her domination in that game and her gf being so freaking proud of her
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yet again guys....if it's not good let me know
For our princess, Azzi, cause she cooked today
"UCONN UPSETS SOUTH CAROLINA IN A BLOWOUT GAME," I couldn't believe my ears. UConn really just played like their lives depended on it, and it gain them a win. The shouting, the upsetting groans, it was a thrilling experience I didn't think I was gonna experience...ever.
"Oh my God! We did it!" Azzi pulled me into a hug over the bench she had been sitting. Laughing aloud, I hugged the girl back. The energy radiating off the girl and the team.
"Baby, you need to go celebrate with the team...not me."
She shakes her head, nuzzling it further into my neck, "but I wanna celebrate with you."
I sigh, "Azzi...."
"Yes, my love?" Her eyes meeting mine, playing innocent.
"You know what."
"Fineee...but I wish we could go back to the hotel....cuddle...maybe throw in a movie while I read my book," I laugh as her eyes light up.
"And we'll do that...after you spend some time with Paige," I noticed the blonde making her way towards us, "speaking of the devil."
Paige scrunches her face up in disgust, wrapping an arm around Azzi. Pulling the girl away from me a bit. "First of all, I am an angel...not a devil. Second, why are you holdin' the people's princess back from her team, y/n/n? Like, girl, come on!"
Rolling my eyes, I snap back, "sorry your best friend would rather hang with me....guess I'm just better."
Paige's turn to roll her eyes, Azzi's never leaving mine, "whatever, bruh...can I steal your girlfriend for like two minutes?"
Azzi's eyes plead for me to say no, but that didn't matter to Paige. She would've taken the girl anyway.
"Sure...just don't keep her too long...I wanna have my fun with her too."
The blonde's eyes widened, "aye yo....chill out there."
Blushing, Azzi laughed, "P....get your mind out the gutter. We're just gonna have a movie night."
"Sure....almost 30 point game and watching movies is all you're gonna do....right," The curly haired girl shoved Paige playfully. Sending the blonde back, her raising her hands in surrender before walking back with the team.
"Yeah....I wouldn't wanna wear you out of course," she slapped my shoulder, "ow!"
"I need you to stop being a flirt," she took a quick look before leaning in to place a soft peck to my lips, "You might make Paige jealous."
"Good," a smirk played on my lips, "cause she's missing out."
She rolled her eyes, "wait for me by the exit, okay? Oh, we should totally grab something to eat on the way to the hotel too."
I snicker, "you got it, princess."
She leaned in for another quick kiss, running off into the locker room with the rest of the Huskies.
After about 20 minutes, I get a message, Azzi was on her way out. Waiting by the doors, I watched as the girl made her way through the hallway. Her smile was bright, her laughter was warm, she made me forget about everything else in the world. Everything bad or good. The only thing I knew was Azzi.
"Hey babe," kissing my cheek, I intertwined our hands.
"Hey baby," Paige let out a loud gag before sprinting off, "I don't even have to flirt to make her jealous."
"Whatever...I was thinking...."
"What were you thinking?"
"What if we stopped and got a pizza," I nod, "then, we run to Barnes and Noble."
"And why do we need to go there, Az?" I tilted my head, knowing what the answer was going to be.
"Since I had such an amazing game....maybe you could buy me a book?"
I laughed, "you got it, but that's totally a princess move."
"And I'm proud of it," she held her head up high, soft chuckles falling from both of us.
The car ride was nice. We listened to whatever she wanted to play, we stopped by Barnes and Noble to buy the book she was wanting,.we grabbed drinks from Dunkin, and finally stopped to get pizza before heading back to the hotel. I sat down the box before throwing myself on the bed. A small laugh fell from Azzi's lips.
"I'm so tired," I whined.
"You're tired? Baby, I'm the one who literally played a game," a teasing tone dripped from her voice.
"I get your tiredness... we're just connected or something," a laugh escaped her again.
"What happened to movie and cuddles though," I could hear the pout in her voice, my head snapped to look at her. Her lips out in a pout, her eyes wide.
I jump up, pulling Azzi into me, before falling back in the bed, "then come lay with me!"
Without fighting, she just let me hold her. Her arms tighten around me, her head resting on my chest. I knew I loved her, I always had, but something about this moment felt different. It was so easy yet so charged with emotions. I didn't know what to feel.
"I love you, princess," mumbling the words against her hair, placing a soft kiss afterwards.
"I love you too, y/n/n."
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iikatsukii · 2 years ago
the lost sully
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synopsis: there was one rule…
pairings: sully family x sibling!reader 
warnings: angst no comfort
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i'm taking a hiatus. Idk for how long but i will not be posting or responding to anyone or anything unless we are mutuals and i’ve told you what happened. Please don't pry all i will say is someone very close to me died today. this will be the last thing i post for a while so sorry if its halfassed.
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"now they'll never find me," you said as you laughed, feeling the rush of the wind blowing on your face. you had broken the only rule you and your siblings had when playing hide and seek.
no ikrans
you figured it wouldn't be a problem because you knew the forests like the back of your hand and weren't going far anyway. you spotted a clearing near high camp where neteyam was counting, giving you guys 20 seconds to hide around the nearby area. you, on the other hand, were feeling daring today. you hadn't won a hide-and-seek game in years, and your siblings continuously rubbed it in your face. 
of course, as you guys grew up, you had less and less time to play games, but recently, with you finally completing your rites, you were able to hang out with your siblings more. you would find yourself tagging along with lo'ak, kiri, and neteyam when they went to hang out with other na'vi your age. 
thinking about your siblings made you laugh as you finally settled into your hiding spot. you were hiding inside a log in the clearing you had found earlier, waiting for your eldest brother to find you. you placed your palms flat on each other, facing the ground, and rested your face on your hands, allowing them to act as a pillow as you drifted off to sleep, knowing you would be the last one found. a little victory nap wouldn't hurt.
you would rest here amongst the flora and fauna of your home. a little fan lizard scampered into the log, snuggling up to you, seemingly joining your nap. then you felt another running up the back of your leg, coming up to cuddle into the small of your back. you giggled as a few more gathered around you, packing into your little hiding spot. you loved moments like this. moments that you could share with the fauna that eywa has blessed your home with. 
much like kiri, you were very in touch with the great mother, but while kiri leaned more toward the flora, you were more in tune with the animals of pandora. always being able to steer away an angry mama palulukan rather than having to fight. you sighed as you felt sleep consume you. who knew sleeping in a log would be so comfortable? was the last thought to cross your mind before you allowed your dreams to consume you. 
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waking at the sound of an ikrans screech was startling, to say the least. unfortunately, you forgot where you fell asleep, so when you jumped up, you hit your head pretty hard against the top of the log. 
"OW- ow. oh my god, ow…." you whimpered out, being in so much pain that the only thing you could do was just sit there and process what the actual fuck was happening. so much was happening so fast that you didn't have a moment to collect yourself. your blood was rushing thanks to your little alarm clock, so you slipped your body halfway out the log, looking up at your ikran, txep, with a glare. he returned your look with a mischievous glare of his own.
"oh, you think it's funny." you sneered at your companion. he screeched in response as if he was antagonizing you. 
"well, i'm glad you do because now we're both gonna have a headache while flying back, you skxawng." you groaned as you pulled the rest of your body out the log, wincing as you stretched. you brought your hand to the back of your head, which was now a dull pain. you decided to sit down for a second to give yourself a minute to gather. 
and then everything came back to you, the hide and seek game, your ikran ride, your "victory nap"...
you looked to the sky, wincing as you noticed it's been eclipse for a while now. 
mom and dad are gonna kill me…
you were honestly scared. you were never one to get into huge trouble like your brother lo'ak, but you knew that you would definitely be getting into huge trouble when you got home. you sighed as you stood and looked over at your ikran, still coddling the back of your head. 
"come on. let's go home," you said as you made tsaheylu and mounted your saddle. txep made soft noises of uncomfortability as he now felt the effects of your pain through the bond.
"sorry, buddy, but you can only blame yourself here." you managed a laugh in times of grave fear. taking off in the direction of home, you knew you were only 5 minutes away from the scolding of a lifetime. at least, you thought you were until 5 minutes turned into 20. then suddenly, 20 minutes became 40, and 40 minutes became an hour. you felt like you were flying in circles. you couldn't find high camp, your headache worsened, and your vision blurred. txep could barely fly straight.
you decided it would be best to land somewhere to avoid getting hurt while flying around with an injury like this. the time between when you were in the air and landed on the ground was a blur. but as soon as your feet touched the ground, you passed out. the exhaustion and pain was too much.
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as you awoke again, you heard strange sounds disrupting your sleep. you groaned, assuming it was your brothers messing with you, but once you opened your eyes, you saw a roof above your head. but the architecture isn't that of the omatikaya, and the air smelled of salt water and sea life. you shielded your eyes as you were met with the sun gazing through a… window?
"oh, thank eywa, you are awake. my mother began worrying when you had not woken up after a week."
A WEEK?!?!
she noticed the panicked look on your face and quickly settled beside you, rubbing your shoulders as a comfort method. 
"do not worry. you are safe. your ikran is safe. you had a head injury and were passed out on an island just outside the reefs. i am going to ask you some questions. is that okay?" the girl asked. she had teal skin, and her arm, legs, and tail were thicker than your own. 
"what is your name?" she spoke softly like she didn't want to scare you. 
"y/n," you replied, barely above a whisper. you didn't even feel your mouth move.
"hi, y/n. my name is tsireya. how old are you?"
"i'm 13. i just got my ikran… i just completed my rites… i–" your voice was shaking. 
"hey, y/n, it is okay. i just have one more question for you," she said as she continued to comfort you. you sighed, not wanting to speak anymore as your reality came crashing down on you. 
you don't know where you are.
you had broken the only hide-and-seek rule you guys had, and now you're lost. stranded on the islands of pandora, not knowing how to get home
"do you know where you are?" you didn't respond as you felt your tears escape the corners of your eyes. whimpers and sobs creep out of your throat as you shake your head in response to her question. she sighed, her ears pinned to her head as she could only feel sad for you. 
she decided to lay down, holding you in her embrace until she felt your breathing even out. she wigged herself out of the cot you were lying on as she left the pod. tsireya assumed that you had fallen asleep, but she was wrong. the second she left, your tears returned tenfold, but you managed to hold in your sobs. your thoughts were loud in your mind, but one sentence silenced them all. 
one sentence that had intensified your cries, now having to use the cushion under your head to muffle your cries.
now they'll never find me.
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pitchouna · 10 months ago
helloo, I will leave a request over here ♡ What about a Jealous Goku? Ty.
Jealous Goku x Reader!!
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Goku is irritated. And when I say irritated, I mean very irritated. Earlier, while training, he decided he'll surprise you with an unexpected visit he actually wanted to cuddle with you so bad, but when he was home, he did not see you. And he looked everywhere. Checking if you were cooking, were having a bath, or just napping. He even checked in the toilets!! Not finding you made him grumpy. As he ran onto his son, Goten. "Oh! Dad! Aren't you training?" Goten asked him with his usually high-pitched voice. Goku just shook his head as he immediately wanted to ask him where you were. "Hey Goten, where's your mom? I don't see her anywhere!!" Goku spoke in an annoyed tone. "Oh mom? She went shopping with Bulma and C-18!" Goten answered earning a pat from his dad. "Thank you Goten. I owe you one! See ya!" Goku waved as he teleported living a confused Goten. "Why did he wanted to see mom?... Have I done something wrong?" Poor Goten started worrying hoping he won't get yelled at later. Even if he didn't do anything, we never know with you.
"KYAAAAAA!! WHAT THE FUCK !!??" You've screamed earning the attention of Bulma and C-18. They ran towards you and opened the curtain hiding you changing. And they see you, and Goku in a weird and tight position making both of the women yell. "What the fuck?? Care To explain Goku?!" Bulma yelled. Making Goku chuckle. "Yo ! Wanted to see Y/n for a moment!!"Goku explained. Not noticing you being choked in his chest due to the lack of space. "We don't care just release her look she's not breathing" C-18 said. "O-oops. Sorry Y/n hehe..." Goku chuckled getting out of the changing room which made other people seeing you half naked. You immediately closed the curtains, grateful only Women where in this shop. "Can't you warn when you'll join!!?" You've yelled behind the curtains, embatssed that Goku spawned while you were changing. And that some girls you don't know saw your body. "Hehe... Sorry Y/n... But I wanted to see you right now!! I just could not wait anymore!!" Goku explained to you making you sigh in irritation as you open the curtains now fullyclothed. "Well as you can see right now I'm not free to spend time with you. It has been a long time since I saw Bulma and C-18 because of me taking care of your ass." You spoke bluntly making some of the women laugh since they can hear your conversation. "Anyways you should go, this is a shop only allowed to Women. If you don't go away I'll call the security!" You've said wanting him to go as soon as possible. "This isn't kind Y/n!! It makes me feel you don't love me anymore.." He pouted, making his cute sad puppy eyes, that he used when he desperately wanted something. It always works.
"O-ouch that hurts Y/n!!" Goku whine as you drag his ear to the exit of the shop, and throw him outside. "See you this evening." You've said as you walk away, not giving him a chance to say anything. Goku just sighed, disappointed he didn't get to spend time with you right now. "her problem.. I won't allow her leaving the bed tonight.." Goku pouted irritated flying back home. "Hey Y/n... Wasn't that a little too harsh?" C-18 asked you, making both you and Bulma shocked. "What the hell? You're even worse than me and Y/n reunited when it come to Krillin!!" Bulma explained, making C-18 annoyed. "Me and Krillin is another story. Plus I didn't asked you." C-18 said making Bulma irritated as she was about to explode before you interrupted them. "Oh my god shut the fuck up girls!! Look how cute this top is!!" You've said as sparkles appear in your eyes, as you show them this crismon red Henley top, making them gasp. "Oh my god Y/n !!! Are there other colors??! I need it in purple!!" C-18 said in awe "I want it in blue too!!" Bulma exclaimed. "Yup, there are some right there!" You've pointed towards a cute special stand where there was a lot of cute tops and jeans, and Bulma and C-18 both saw the one they've searched for. "Wahhhh!! I'm in love with them! You have such a good eye when it comes to fashion Y/n!!" Bulma said making you Huff in pride. "Hehe now let's go try them on girls!!" C-18 said like a little child, making you both happy and giggling like teenage girls.
At the same time, a bored Saiyan was rolling over your shared King sized bed, whining non-stop about how he's bored. "How could Y/n do this to meee??.... For once I want to spend time with her and she doesn't want to!! Then I'll bet she'll complain when I'll just focus on training again!" Goku's making a fuss to himself like a big ass baby. "What do I do now?... Y/n will probably finish in some hours... But training do not excite me anymore right now..." Goku whines as he get off of the bed, going downstairs, making his way towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he sighs as he sees it's dead empty, and there's just one tomato left in there. "Pff...there's nothing else to eat too... I think I'll just nap right now..." Goku gave up searching something to do. Until an idea popped on his head. "Wooh! I bet Y/n won't be able to refuse my deal!! But I need to get money to do this... And Bulma will probably say no..." Goku started to think for the first time in his whole life. And he thought too much his head started burning, making smoke. "Oh!! Right! I still have some left over Zenis I've gained when I worked as a farmer!!" Goku exclaimed proud of his amazing idea, getting ready.
As Goku prepared to put his plan into action, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside of him. For once, he would be the one in control in their relationship. He quickly got dressed and slipped on his casual clothes for once because he knows it makes you weak, feeling more confident than ever. As he stepped outside, he couldn't help but imagine the look of surprise and excitement that would undoubtedly appear on your face when you saw him. Now, it was his turn to make you feel happy. With a determined smile on his face, he teleported towards you, eager to start making his plan come to life. "Yo!" Goku said behind you which startled you. "Wahhhh!! Goku I've told you to warn me before appearing!! You scare me every damn time.." You've scolded him once again as he chuckled playfully. But something was off. You looked at him up and down and after 5 minutes of thinking you've realized he was in casual clothes. Which was very rare of him to drop his iconic orange gi.
"Oh? Is today a special day Goku? Why are you dressed like this??" You've asked curious which made Goku smile mischievously. "Since you didn't want to spend time with me earlier, I'm kidnapping you with me on a date!!" Goku said this with pride, which was very cute to see. "So... You're the one paying?" You've asked him smirking. And he nodded. "Alright !! I'll get ready!!" You've exclaimed excited to show him the new dress you bought with your girls earlier. "When do we go? And where do we join?" You've asked Goku which made him frown. "Huh? Why would you want to know that? We're going together right?" Goku said as confusion ran into his non-existant brain. "I want you to see me at the very last moment!! I'll be so gorgeous you'll fall in love with me once more." You've said confidently. "But I'm calling in love with you more everyday already?" Goku said so innocently that almost made you giggle and kicking your feet. But you were not a teenager any more, so you've controlled yourself and only blushed. "W-well it won't stop you to fall in love again." You've said not looking in his onyx eyes. Worried to show your teenager girl side that desperately wants to manifest itself. "Hehe. Fine! But you better be breath-taking!!" Goku smirked challenging you. "Oh yeah?! Challenge accepted!!" And with that, Goku gave you the hour and the place you both will meet up.
When the sun disappeared and the moon appeared, you were surprised to see what Goku has planned was a cute little picnic near a clear lake filled with petals of roses. There he was standing in what seemed a suit, he really wanted to impress you on this one. And it did. The sight was so breath-taking. The way his hair flowed through the wind, the sweet aroma of the roses mixed with the fresh scent of nature, and just the way the candles perfectly lit up the place was perfect. Goku sensed your presence and turned towards you "You're finally here Y/n! I was waiting for-" Goku just stopped talking. You looked ethereal. The way your hair was tied up in a side bun, with a rose to perfectly match your crismon red semi-long dress that flowed through the wind. The last time you saw Goku looking at you this way was the day of your wedding. "Woah.. Y/n.. You look so.. Gorgeous.." Goku struggled to find the perfect words to describe you as he walked towards you, helping you sit down the picnic mat. "So... Did I succeed making you fall in love with me once-more?" You've asked your husband who just responded you by cupping your cheek with a sweet and loving kiss, then saying "Is it possible to marry someone once more time?" he asked innocently making you laugh. "I wish it was. But it's not." You've answered making him pout. "Let's just start eating I'm hungry anyways.." He said. "What did you bring?" You've asked him, curious "I've brought sweets!! But we can always go somewhere else if you want to go-" You've just shushed him with your fingers, enjoying the moment you're both sharing.
On the way home, you've decided to walk around the city a little before just flying back home so the moment will last a little longer. But you both did not expected that this would ruin this perfect date. "Excuse me miss!! May I have a picture with you? You're just so beautiful!!" A child made it's way towards you and politely asked making you melt as you accepted. Goku feeling the warmth of your hand gone, as you had to stop holding his hand to take the picture, made him pout... But that was just the beginning. Immediately when you came back, you were interrupted again. "Hello!! May I ask where you bought your dress? It's beautiful!!" A woman younger than you asked so nicely that you forgot to take Goku's hand. "Of course!! Here I've bought it at "_____" The woman thanked you and made her way towards the shop as you waved her. You've turned towards Goku and spoke. "So what were we talking about-" This time, it was a little girl who interrupted you. She just poked your side shyly and it made you melt once more. "H-here.. Take this rose... It's as beautiful as you..." The little girl shyly said making you blush... "Thank you little one!! That's very cute of you!!" You've thanked her taking the rose in your hands enjoying the nice scent of it. Her mother took her and apologized for her interruption and you've just brushed it off saying it was alright. But it wasn't, for the Saiyan that is starting to get irritated. Pouting and tapping his feet as he's waiting for you to get finished. Just as you were about to come back, other people gave you flowers, coupons for free food at restaurants, (which Goku did not really mind tbh) some asked you how are you so beautiful, and some asked you to join a model agency!
Goku watched as you received flowers, coupons, and compliments left and right. He couldn't help but pout and tap his feet impatiently as he waited for you to finish talking to the people around you. But as soon as he heard you say, "I accept," his heart sank. He knew you had always wanted to be a model, but the thought of you being approached by other men with ulterior motives bothered him. Goku couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy and possessiveness wash over him. He wanted to keep you all to himself and protect you from any potential threats. "Okay now that's enough.." Goku growled but you didn't hear it. You've finally walked back towards Goku, carrying the flowers and coupons in hand. But before you could say anything, Goku spoke up, his voice filled with irritation. "I can't believe you just accepted to become a model! Did you even think about me? I don't want those men to just ogle at your beautiful body all day!" Goku exclaimed. You tried to reassure him that it was just a one-time opportunity, but Goku just couldn't help but get even more jealous. "I don't care if it's just for one day!" Goku snapped back at you. "I don't want to risk it. I don't want those men looking at your body." Goku started grumbling, crossing his arms. You've sighed, trying to calm him down. "Goku, please understand. This is a one-time opportunity. It's not like I'm going to be a model permanently. And besides, I'd be paid well and we could use the extra money!" You've tried to reason with him, but to no avail. Goku just couldn't shake off his feelings of jealousy. Goku continued grumbling, clearly not happy with the situation. "But what if those men try to make a move on you? What if they try to take advantage of you? I don't want anyone else touching you but me." Goku couldn't help but voice out his insecurities and fears.
You've finally had enough of his possessiveness and jealous behavior. "Goku, enough!! I can take care of myself! Do you really have so little faith in me? Don't you trust me to handle myself in this situation?" You've confronted him, your patience running thin. Goku was taken aback by your reaction. He did trust you, but his jealousy was getting the better of him. "I do trust you, Y/n. But I can't help but feel protective of you. I don't want anyone else touching your body but me." Goku admitted, his possessiveness creeping in again. You've let out a frustrated sigh, feeling overwhelmed by his possessive behavior. "Goku, this is really getting too much. I'm a grown woman and I can handle myself. You need to stop being so possessive and jealous. It's not healthy for our relationship." You've tried to reason with him, hoping he would understand and control his emotions. Despite your attempts to reason with Goku, he refused to listen to reason. His possessive behavior and jealousy continued to take over, making it impossible for him to see things from your perspective. You felt more frustrated and hopeless with every attempt to make him understand, and it seemed like there was no way out of this cycle of jealousy and possessiveness. "Ugh!! I'm done!" You've said walking away making Goku worried "Hey! Where are you going?" Goku asked curiously. "I'll sleep at Bulma's this night. You've pissed me." You've said until you took a Taxi, leaving an irritated Saiyan all alone. He just decided to leave you be, thinking that you're the stubborn one here. He just kept mumbling on his way home that this night was near perfect until strangers ruined it.
The same night, he just couldn't sleep at all. The bed felt empty without your presence. Usually it doesn't mind him when it happens, when he goes training for a long time or just when you go to sleepovers with your friends, but this time? It was... Not the same. It felt cold empty and he hated it. He hated how bitter this night became. So without a second thought, he sensed your Ki, and teleported at Bulma's, in the room she gave you to sleep in. He looked at you, sleeping calmly, as if nothing happened. And as of you do not miss Goku's presence while he did missed yours. "Gosh... How can she acts as if nothing ha happened?.." Goku complained joining you into the bed and taking you in his arms and nuzzled in your neck. With you in his arms, he fell asleeo with ease and looked like a big fat ass baby. He also kept mumbling in his sleep things like" You're mine" "There's no way I'm meeting you go there." "No photoshoots we'll stay together today." He's the cutest. But won't hesitate to take advantage of his strength to lock you in his arms so you won't leave him.
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Bitch sorry for randomly disappearing I just forgot this account existed tbh but anyways I'm back!! I have a lot of requests too but I'm super busy sorry y'all will have to wait.. Anyways I love u guys Take care!! <33
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