quiet blooms.
12 posts
independent portrayal of kyouka izumi from the bungou stray dogs BEAST au. written by meri, sideblog to devouund.
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yashabana · 12 days ago
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like this post for a starter from kyouka! this is a mostly beast-centered blog atm, but i'm thinking i might try writing her canon verse here too, so please specify if you have a preference for what verse you get. thank you! ;w;
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yashabana · 12 days ago
thinking about a plot that's like, kyouka time travel involving her meeting a past verlaine??? it could be set around the time of fifteen or stormbringer - maybe she's trying to prevent rimbaud's death due to some event that happens in the future, or maybe his death's already happened and she has another purpose for going back...
i don't feel like she'd be able to hide things from him very well for long, but it'd be really fun to see her try. maybe his future self gave her advice on what to say, lol. i am just thinking about their mentor and mentoree dynamic again today and i'm losing my mind!!
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yashabana · 17 days ago
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yashabana · 17 days ago
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like this post for a starter from kyouka! this is a mostly beast-centered blog atm, but i'm thinking i might try writing her canon verse here too, so please specify if you have a preference for what verse you get. thank you! ;w;
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yashabana · 23 days ago
create something in my workshop.
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a sword.
it’s a beautiful thing, truly. the edge shines, razor-sharp, and the hilt gleams with polish. it looks like something that only you could have created. it looks like a part of you, made metal and melted into a blade. every detail and decoration along the hilt makes it really and truly yours. when you use it, it works just as any sword should, right up until the final hit; and then it fails. the final stroke through the dragon’s neck. the final strike against the chains. the final slice through an enemy. right as you need it, truly, it slips. or it catches against something. or it breaks. it fails you, in the end, and through the disaster, you’re not sure if you’re glad to see the dreadful thing finally shatter or heartbroken that it couldn’t stay.
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yashabana · 1 month ago
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yashabana · 1 month ago
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like this post for a starter from kyouka! this is a mostly beast-centered blog atm, but i'm thinking i might try writing her canon verse here too, so please specify if you have a preference for what verse you get. thank you! ;w;
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yashabana · 1 month ago
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YASHABANA: an independent portrayal of KYOUKA IZUMI from the bungou stray dogs official beast au. written by meri. since this is a sideblog, all follow-backs will come from @devouund!
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yashabana · 1 month ago
my kyouka muse is waking up from hibernation........ just in time for the spring. i am so grateful tbh ;ww;
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yashabana · 1 month ago
❛ the walls are so thin you can hear everything. love, hate, jealousy… ❜ @ beast
Kyouka wonders if Verlaine's words are perhaps part of a new poem he's been working on, or if instead they're a riddle meant for her. It's not always easy to understand the meaning behind the executive's words, but he doesn't use them meaninglessly - at least that's the impression she's always had of him. Who can say if that's accurate? Above all else, Verlaine is a man steeped in mystery, impossible for her to fully understand.
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"I wish it was quieter." Kyouka replies, her voice deceptively gentle, though she knows it won't be fooling him. Jealousy... that's something she hasn't thought about for a long time. Is she jealous of him? Often, he seems to weaar confidence like a second skin, and never seems bothered by the dirty work of the mafia that spills blood like it's nothing. Maybe she's jealous of that... or maybe not. Why should she be jealous, when she has Atsushi by her side? Although... ah. That's not the case anymore, is it?
Whatever she's feeling, perhaps Verlaine means to tell her that he can see it clearly. But how can that be, when Kyouka doesn't even know it herself?
"...I can't hear the voice of the person I want to hear the most." Even with that gentle voice, Kyouka's tone is far too dull for that of a young girl her age. She feels flat, lifeless, like a flower pressed between the pages of a book - and yet, despite it all... there are still things that she wants.
"How do you cope with that? The silence."
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yashabana · 3 months ago
&. 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝟐 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  dialogue prompts taken from the silent hill 2 remake, developed by bloober team. trigger warning for dark themes. feel free to change as you seem fit. )
❛ in my restless dreams, i see that town. ❜
❛ hey, it's okay. i didn't mean to scare you. ❜
❛ i'm kind of lost. ❜
❛ i guess i don't really care if it's dangerous or not. i'm going either way. ❜
❛ what happened to this town? ❜
❛ whatever it is, it's not human. ❜
❛ i didn't do anything! he was like that when i got here. ❜
❛ you wanna come with? maybe together we can find a way out of this town. ❜
❛ sorry, but i can't leave. not yet. ❜
❛ are you afraid? ❜
❛ did you find the person that you were looking for? ❜
❛ don't worry, i'm not crazy. least, i don't think so. ❜
❛ should i go with you? this town really is dangerous. ❜
❛ what's a big dumb-dumb like you doing here anyway? ❜
❛ hey, that's not very nice. didn't your parents teach you any manners? ❜
❛ do i look like your girlfriend? ❜
❛ i can't believe it. your face, your voice... you could be— ❜
❛ i don't look like a ghost, do i? see? warm. ❜
❛ i can show you if you want. unless you have somewhere else to be? something else to do? ❜
❛ hey, easy there. i'm just messing with you. ❜
❛ you're coming with me? can't you just tell me where it is? ❜
❛ what, you were just gonna leave me here? alone? with all these monsters around? ❜
❛ is it because i remind you of... her? ❜
❛ this place we're going to, what is it, exactly? ❜
❛ you ever stay in a place like this? the walls are so thin you can hear everything. love, hate, jealousy... ❜
❛ i think you just saved my life back there. ❜
❛ hey. you think i'd look good in this one? ❜
❛ this room... there's something wrong with it. i think we should leave. ❜
❛ oh, loosen up. it sure beats running around with those monsters out there. ❜
❛ what will you tell her if... when you find her? ❜
❛ oh, c'mon. don't give me that look. i was just kidding. ❜
❛ can we stay? just for a little while? ❜
❛ this place, this whole thing, it's like a nightmare. i just wanted to get away from it, even for a second. ❜
❛ here. something to take the edge off. ❜
❛ we should probably get going. ❜
❛ we could come back later, if you want. you know, in case we need a break. ❜
❛ i wanted to ask you... what if you can't find [ name ]? what will you do? ❜
❛ thanks for checking up on me. it's very sweet of you. ❜
❛ how do you know my name? ❜
❛ i'm sorry, but i can't let you just run around this place. you might get hurt. ❜
❛ please open the door. there's something in here. ❜
❛ i was almost killed back there! i've never been so scared in my whole life! ❜
❛ all you care about is that dead wife of yours. ❜
❛ you couldn't care less about me, could you? ❜
❛ stay with me. don't leave me alone again. you're supposed to take care of me. ❜
❛ i don't know, for some reason i feel like it's up to me to protect her. ❜
❛ well, whaddaya know... a stroll in the rain. how romantic. ❜
❛ i'm trying to keep things light. just humor me, okay? ❜
❛ you think you could give me a hand? ❜
❛ you're supposed to be the big man around here. how's a little girl like me supposed to help? ❜
❛ what's wrong? i thought you wanted to get out of here. ❜
❛ this place is different from what i remember. i guess... things never really stay the same, do they? ❜
❛ you... still don't want me to go with you? if we stick together, we just might make it out of here. ❜
❛ ain't no big deal. just put the gun to their head and... pow! ❜
❛ you can't just kill someone 'cause of the way they looked at you. ❜
❛ please. i'll be good. i promise. ❜
❛ it's always the same with you. you're only after one thing. ❜
❛ i don't know who you think i am, but i don't want to hurt you. ❜
❛ i thought that thing killed you...! are you hurt? ❜
❛ but that thing... it stabbed you. there was blood everywhere. ❜
❛ stabbed me? what do you mean? ❜
❛ honey... did something happen to you? ❜
❛ are you confusing me with someone else? ❜
❛ you said you took everything. but you forgot the videotape we made. ❜
❛ it doesn't matter who i am. i'm here for you. ❜
❛ see? i'm real. ❜
❛ don't you want to touch me? ❜
❛ i'll come back, i promise. ❜
❛ how many times do i have to kill you? ❜
❛ it doesn't matter if you're smart, dumb, ugly, pretty... it's all the same once you're dead! ❜
❛ you wanna talk down to me some more? tell me to relax? ❜
❛ you know i'll find you! ❜
❛ guess i deserved it, huh? the fartface that i am. ❜
❛ you got any other things planned? i think i saw a dark room back there you could lock me up in. ❜
❛ where are you? i'm waiting for you. please, come to me. ❜
❛ i think you were right. what we're looking for... it's not here. ❜
❛ thank you for helping me earlier... but i wish you hadn't. ❜
❛ i know what you are. i know why i needed you. but it's all over now. i don't need you anymore. ❜
❛ it'd be easier if they just killed me. ❜
❛ why are you still here? i told you to go. ❜
❛ wait! please don't go. don't leave me alone. i didn't mean what i said. ❜
❛ please... tell me i'll be okay. ❜
❛ i'm here for you. so what if i'm not her? ❜
❛ i can give you what she never could. i can be better than her. ❜
❛ what else do you want me to be? ❜
❛ i won't let you do this to me. i won't let you go. ❜
❛ the truth is, i hated you. ❜
❛ i wanted my life back. ❜
❛ i tried. i really did. but... i just... can't go on without you. ❜
❛ i can't forgive myself for what i've done. ❜
❛ i want you to go on. i want you to live. for yourself and for others. ❜
❛ you made me happy. ❜
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yashabana · 3 months ago
❝ i can't even say he deceived me. i knew exactly what he was and i jumped in anyway. ❞
❝ i think eventually i got so used to the chaos and the pain and the toxicity i began to look for it. ❞
❝ i never got a chance to discover myself. i never had that privilege. ❞
❝ you can tell me anything. i mean i can't promise i'm good at keeping secrets, but i'm a hell of a listener. ❞
❝ no one wants to yearn anymore. ❞
❝ i'm doing some of my best work here and you don't even have the decency to roll your eyes at me. honestly it's hurtful. ❞
❝ i know what you're thinking. ❞
❝ if i ask for your help are you gonna make a big deal out of it? ❞
❝ can we just be normal for like two seconds for once. ❞
❝ i would say i don't know what's wrong with you but i actually do and that's the problem. ❞
❝ against my better judgement i trust you and i think that says a lot about the state of the world right now. ❞
❝ i don't actually care but i'm bored so i'm here. ❞
❝ last time i listened to you we almost died. ❞
❝ i would've come sooner. i would've been here if you'd only asked. ❞
❝ i don't want to hurt anymore. ❞
❝ you don't have to hurt anymore. you can let go of those burdens. ❞
❝ it'd be a lot easier if i actually cared as little as i pretend to. ❞
❝ i do need you. i wouldn't be here if i didn't. ❞
❝ sometimes you don't know it's wrong until it's too late. sometimes you don't know you're being hurt until you realize you're in pieces. ❞
❝ pretending you don't need people doesn't make you strong it just makes you a jackass. ❞
❝ you're gonna be okay. eventually. but first you gotta not be okay for a while. it's gotta suck so you can actually recognize when you're alright again. ❞
❝ you shouldn't have said that. ❞
❝ sometimes i wish they had done something worse. then it'd justify how hard it's been to get over it. ❞
❝ i wish you actually understood me. ❞
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