#oh internet post wow
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diabetesnscoliosis · 1 year ago
Yeah so I think a lot of ppl tend ti reblog shit in good faith but when people are making oneu off of deceiving you, no. Yoi habe to be a bit more critical. The far right gets in so many movements bc of this. They're the ones making money off of this
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inclined--plane · 7 months ago
i think part of the reason that so many people, especially people who call themselves allies or themselves go by they/them, continue to have a problem of calling trans men and women gender neutral terms and refer to them as they/them, is because they have (subconsciously) decided that it's easier to conceptualize trans people as a whole into an "other" category
so then this is fine for nonbinary people whose gender is that "other" that people group them as — though it may be annoying that they're only seen as that because of their transness rather than their gender being respected in itself — but people, including allies and some trans people themselves, think of "trans woman" as a different gender to "cis woman" and "trans man" as a different gender to "cis man."
which leads to things like this person I know calling me and all their trans friends they/them regardless of our actual gender, when in the same breath they think about and refer to my cis guy friends as male. or the ever-prevalent phenomenon of people calling trans women they/them even when they know full well they're women, because it's much harder to get people to believe that using gender-neutral pronouns and nouns can be misgendering as well
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nomidreams · 5 months ago
god i finally watched new episodes my honest reaction is jgiwoaoKzmxmkwkakkak
#it kinda doesnt feel real for me idk why#like i do not actually process all of it??#tho I DO have ideas and thinking i did pay attention#maybe i've just had a wild day i guess#but also oh god vex'ahlia broke my heart#twice#first time were when scanlan was talking how he couldn't be at two places at the same time to help 'em and she said nobody gives a fuck#i feel so bad for scanlan rn i love him#haven't watched campaing to the bard's lament yet but oh fuck im too spoiled i do know what happens where (a little bit)#the second time was when she said she really cares for percy i started crying at that moment#also im a lil bit disappointed cuz i thought we would get percys death and vex's spech but we got “i open the door completly naked” scene ->#and im very happy we got it like oh wow i didn't expect that#but idk im just a girl and i love percahlia's slowburn#since i watched 64 eps of actual campaign it become hard for me to not compare campaign and tlovm cuz obviosly its very different#but with percahlia in tlovm we don't have hours and hours of campaign context#(we don't have percy making her arrows)#and i understand why cuz 100+ streams 3+ hours each is one thing and animated series with 12 eps of 25 minutes is another#but as i said previosly it is very hard for me to not compare it#by the way i do think changes in tlovm make sense#cuz like?? i think vex is more sharpy in tlovm than in campaign?? like#like she punced scanlan in first season and in campaign they are kinda good friends and i really love them??#*punched#and i think she's more ?? bossy i guess?? idk how to put it into words but in my head it makes sense “i open the door completly naked” ->#goes earlier than “i shouldve told you its yours” cuz shes playing pretend even more than in campaign???#acts like its casual when its actually isnt AT ALL#and im glad percy said “what is it i want” to vex cuz its kinda like that scene in campaign when percy talked to vax#when he called them all family for the first time and said he's trying to find what he wants in life#i love percy and vax dynamic btw#i wanted to write even more here but apparently i can do only 30 tags wtf#they want me to actually write posts oh no. hate to put it all in tags but im too nervous abt posting on the internet
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skaruresonic · 5 months ago
I wonder when people will get through their heads Shadow has moved on.
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22degreehalo · 11 months ago
I'll say it as many times as it needs to be said. There is absolutely miniscule actual harm that comes from engaging with Harry Potter in 2024. JK Rowling does not need money. Anything sent her way is less than a rounding error. And the book series was literally EVERYWHERE in the 90s and 2000s. Like it or not, it DID impact a whole generation of people - pretending that never happened is completely absurd, if not outright irresponsible. It happened. It's just a fact. Harry Potter is mainstream. There is nothing that can be done to 'promote' it. It's already there.
What all this obsession with HP on tumblr is about? An easy way to smugly define Good People from Bad People. Because if you *really* cared about trans people enough, you'd hate everything associated with Harry Potter. Regardless of how much you adored it when you were 8 and went to Harry Potter parties with your family all dressed up quoting book lines at one another in your most precious childhood memories because for once your special interest actually aligned with the people closest to you. No, all those positive associations should have been deleted instantly. If you *cared enough*, it would just *happen*.
Which is why a whole slew of people who previously had earnestly reblogged posts about Moral OCD and how bad tumblr can be about it were suddenly cackling about how buying Hogwarts Legacy was comparable to *refusing to throw The One Ring into Mordor, starting a war that would kill millions.* And how donating to a pro-trans charity (an act that would have VASTLY more impact than aforementioned rounding error) is comparable to 'donating to a pro-elf charity' in the wake of that.
Because tumblr doesn't actually give a shit about autistics or OCD sufferers. When we complain about stuff that they also dislike, they proudly reblog that and rage in the notes about how selfish and cruel and Individualist those other people on tumblr are!!! But the *second* they get to paint themselves as the ones with '''''good thoughts and feelings'''''' they take it, and make up posts about how HP likers 'believe they're the main character and everything should revolve around them.'
Is it actually about whether something causes harm? Or is it about dividing the world into Inherently Good People and Inherently Bad People? Is it actually about doing real good for the community and making the world a better place? Or is it about shaming people with the Wrong Emotions until they fucking hate themselves and spend hours upon hours ruminating on end trying to change themselves because their inability to let go of positive Harry Potter feelings is OBVIOUSLY evidence of a truly inescapably evil and cruel and wretched identity that the world would be better off without?
Which is it, actually? When it actually feels a little bit good to feel like you're on the Right Side of all of this, for once?
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drawbudd · 1 year ago
Me: *is walking through the mall, enjoying myself*
Lady, rounding the corner: *is on a cool giant mechanical steampunk bike thing and rolls through the mall singing beautifully like a siren*
Me, damn near tripping over my own feet:
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chewwytwee · 11 months ago
The internet loves to make a single shitty person who thinks some reprehensible shit into a massive movement of ‘people’ who all believe the shitty thing
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orangeearlgray · 10 months ago
Several things about the **** and **** drama is how many people have hopped out to go omg so is the lady we have decided is the only big bad villain responsible for planting all of the hate against insert group/idol here when I watched in real time for all of those examples their own fans jumping on their favorite idols for things that were clearly just scraps of bad rumors they just completely made overblown THEMSELVES under the guise of trying to look 'critical about their faves'
#yeah it was min heejin that randomly made you think le ssera sucked and you all completely fucking ran with it to the point i even saw...#...fearnot accounts being like wow they can't sing all of the sudden :/ and the tweet would get hundreds of thousands of likes#and i am still pissed off about the you know who situation#weeks and weeks they leaked videos of him (which probably fucking was her in hindsight) and tried to misconstrue words#only for them to finally land on he watched problematic anime :( and i saw so so many txt accounts on here and twitter immediately hop on..#...without knowing anything about anything immediately denounce him as a freak for watching a SHOW and commanding people be 'critical of...#...their faves' despite using any critical thinking skills about the situation at all. they heard third hand he had watched an anime...#...with a scene that show literally framed as bad and were like i'm not parasocial!! he's a creep!!#like you guys did that i watched you guys do that in real time to yourselves#it's like that post i rbd about kate middleton a few weeks ago where everyone acts like becoming part of an internet mob is always...#...someone else's fault like they were being compelled to post about her against their will like you guys did that too#someone like redacted may have planted the seed but you guys are always stupid enough to run with it and blow it up#oh i forgot this bit but i see kpop fans pride themselves on not being parasocial and are all OFC i am critical of my faves 💅#and then being critical is believing the first person on twitter that says something bad about them like that's not critical!!#obviously there are bigger problems with **** and idk this lady but the amount of fans that have been like so she's the kdrama villain...#...and i am a poster lead innocently astray by everything! is so. yeah sure.#pat yourself on the back for that one
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wholesome-cryptid · 1 year ago
when we haven't even seen gameplay footage yet and people are already complaining or assuming the worst, tired sigh. and like jhoto and unova are my favorite regions of all time, so i get being a bit disappointed we didn't get any news about them! but PLZA looks super interesting!!! and i'm very curious to see where they go with the concept especially because i enjoyed PLA so much!! i just wish i could exist in this fandom for 5 minutes literally anywhere without people complaining about every tiny thing it sets my RSD off so bad for even just liking whatever they're hating on. and i'm not even a suck up to modern pokemon company, i 100% have my criticisms about how they rush things! but sometimes this fandom makes me feel like a bad person for simply enjoying any pokemon game post gen 5 that isn't PLA. i wish there was just a tag or something i could filter out to avoid all this that would assist tenfold, but alas unfortunately not.
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sunset-unbound · 2 years ago
why tf did that tweet by a 16yo about their dad offering them a beer get popular why are people arguing over this why are there people talking shit about them what the fuck is with the internet can't y'all be chill for fucking once
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bataranqs · 2 years ago
gonna write a fic in a tiny and dead fandom as rent-control shots
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minnowdew · 2 years ago
i know i said i wouldnt check the oh pee post (sorry irls) but how the Fuck did like 137k people see that post. What.
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fedorah-the-explorah · 2 months ago
"oh wow i thought this fandom was dead" you ignorant slut no fandom is ever truly dead. there will always always always be at least three mentally unwell freaks on the internet irrelevant-posting about their little blorbo(s) who have not been relevant for fifty years. this is the way of the world and they are stronger than you will ever be you FOOL
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eyeballs-in-my-head · 1 month ago
Wow. Seeing fully uncensored untagged real life gore on my dash was not on my 2025 bingo list. But uhm.
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gaiathewildanimal · 1 month ago
YO GUYS! CHECK OUT MY AMOUNT OF SUBSCRIBERS!🤩 Look how close I am to getting a play button!▶️🤩 I never thought this would happen I always thought that I was gonna lose subscribers which I did a bit but I’m now at 221!🤩😎
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medouse · 3 months ago
honestly tempted to add more name layers but like four is so much as is. maybe more names as a class thing? hm. leftovers from having family names and shit mebbe. but not everyone had family names but like the world time period is really generally anachronistic and i can do whatever i want forever. how does class play into name dynamics anyway.
additional name concepts:
family names. pro of this: you can help distinguish who you're talking about, esp in regards to children who don't have a job outside of being a child. con of this: you can help distinguish family members and in a culture where name secrecy is a huge deal maybe not the move
title names, like noble or prince or whatever. pro of this: the flex. the drama of it all. the con of this: god i hate rich people. don't they get enough shit. is being rich a profession. ugh.
false names. what if you just lied, actually. pro of this: extremely funny. con of this: well now that doesn't feel very intimate now does it. but considering the bit i might just do it anyway tbh.
all this name shenaniganry reminds me of issoria's underdark (world w/@seerdeer) but maybe a different flavor of annoying. instead of taking a minute and a half to get through your entire introduction you just get to fight for your fucking life to know someone at all. "how do i fucking call you for dinner" is at least a shared issue...?
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