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kurikorso · 1 month ago
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who died and put you in charge?
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kaiba-fangirl · 6 years ago
Fill in the questions/statement as if you are being interviewed for an article and you were your muse
Tag 10 people to do this meme, (repost, don’t reblog)
TAGGED BY: not @rogueprinceconsort =P & I know I’m not a RP blog, but I am a fanfic author so I still do the same kind of stuff, just everyone at once with chapters, so I’m sure ya won’t mind... idk itching to write Seto but his mind is all over the place in Ch7 of And You? (AO3/FFN), & I know I’ve missed a bunch of personal tags in the past, so, well, I’m here now. TAGGING: anyone 1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
“Seto Kaiba.”  (海馬 瀬人 Kaiba, Seto)
He narrows his eyes, already suspicious. “Legally, that IS my real name.”
“I was born Seto,” he answers flatly, then smirks. “The Kaiba family name I earned for myself and my little brother at the age of 10, when Gozaburo agreed to adopt us thanks to my, superior negotiating skills.” [Seto after Egyptian Pharaoh Seth. Kaiba for, apparently, hippocampus/seahorse.]
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “Taken. Happily married to the number 1 female duelist, Mai Valentine. She’s now heading the new Fashion Tech and Merchandise Department at Kaiba Corp.” [but he’s also still looking >.>]
5. HAVE ANY ABILITIES OR POWERS? “Just bleeding edge technology development and superior dueling skills,” he shrugs smugly. [and hacking.] [You also accidentally activate latent magical powers every so often, dumbass. Sure he’s a genius. A genius that weaves techno-sorcery into everything & commands gods without even knowing it.] “Anything else you may have heard about magic or spirits or real monsters, is all just nonsense hocus pocus. It’s sensationalists trying to make our amazingly life-like holographic projections seem dangerous.”
6. STOP BEING A MARY SUE/GARY STU. “Heh, doesn’t that just mean born talented? You should be so lucky.”
7. WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR? “Blue,” he chuckles childishly. “It was probably what first drew me to, you know, Blue-Eyes, when I was young.” [It’s not. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon was his magical monster of light ‘girlfriend’ in Ancient Egypt in a past life of his 3000 years ago.]
9. HAVE YOU ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “Living, my little brother, Mokuba, and now my lovely wife.”
10. OH? WHAT ABOUT PETS? “No pets. I barely have time for having two people in my life now it seems, and that’s even with Mokuba off travelling.” [any pet energy is expended on more Blue-Eyes White Dragon themed everything]
11. THAT’S COOL I GUESS, NOW TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “You wanna see a REAL Gary Stu?! As in, there is no reason he should have made it this far?! Joey fuckin Wheeler. This loser stole his way into my tournament, then has the nerve to even challenge me for 3rd place as if that meant anything, and he still ends up 4th even?! How! He operates on pure luck, and leeching off his ‘friends!’ His deck is a mess, I mean have you even seen his lineup?!?!” [Well that would all be redacted. Now, since this is for an interviewer for a published article...] He calmly and thoughtfully looks off at a spot on the far wall behind the interviewer. He purses his lips and furrows his brow, genuinely distraught, drawing from a direct encounter. “I’m actually more concerned than ever about the state of refugees- whether they have that official label or not. Around the world. Especially the children. These children don’t know what’s going on, and people say they care about children, but they really don’t. They’re not thinking of those kids- of refugee kids. Of poor kids. Of orphans or abused kids. And the way these refugees are being treated, those kids are getting hit with all those things at once. Ya know, I- I was fortunate enough to have that opportunity to be adopted, in a strong first-world nation, but I know what it’s like, to know that the grown ups are just using you, not listening to you. You’re nothing to them; maybe pawns. Now, I’m doing all I can, as president of Kaiba Corp, but there is still only so much we can do. We’re not making tanks or any weapons at all anymore-” He chokes at the thought of a tank staring him down specifically, compared to the latest news. He clears his throat to manage. “Not since the day I took over. We may not be contributing to that military industrial complex anymore, but the state of refugees today is still just as bad if not worse. Now they’re using weapons outlawed by the Geneva Conventions, and in countries that pride themselves on freedom and opportunity. Pteh. It’s madness. It’s evil.” [...aaand that just became the cover story] [We’ll be back after after a short break.]
12. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES YOU LIKE DOING? “Besides dueling, uh, tinkering. Reading. Hacking into random databases I shouldn’t be in.”
13. EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? “Next question. Don’t even print that, or you’ll be hearing from my lawyers. And they don’t play so nice.” [By ‘lawyers’ I’m pretty sure he just means goons.]
14. EVER… KILLED ANYONE BEFORE? "No.” [Gozaburo.]
16. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. "Tch, I wouldn’t have gotten to be president of a multi-billion-dollar corporation if I had bad habits.”  [That is literally his worst habit. Also how he got there is because of all his bad habits.] He chuckles at what he’s about to make fun of. “Then again, some people think that working too much is a bad habit.”
17. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE AT ALL? "How could I when I’m already on top?”
18. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? "Irrelevant.” He smiles menacingly. “Card games are more important anyway.” [Bi and trying to figure out how to tell his wife. Then again once he does that, the press will be easy. Possibly also grey ace or demi, since he does enjoy the physical aspects of being married & his crush.]
19. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “Graduated high school early and then went right back to work as CEO, at the time. I don’t have time to waste getting a piece of paper to validate my knowledge that I’m already putting to use at Kaiba Corp everyday. --but I certainly support everyone staying in school as long as they can. Kaiba Corp offers a free college tuition program for any employee, paid ahead of time, and schedules can be worked around class and homework time as needed.”
20. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS ONE DAY? “I never thought I would want to marry, but I have always assumed I would want to adopt. Now I am married, and we both want to adopt. Someday. It needs to be when I can have time for them...” [and he’s wondering why you are supposed to only marry one person...]
21. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANBOYS/FANGIRLS? “Yeah,” he laughs, genuinely embarrassed at this level of pure idolization, “I find it endearing to see people dress up as Yugi and I at events.”
22. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? “Losing my little brother.”
23. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Full-length pants, tight fitting turtlenecks, boots, and a trenchcoat. More leather and straps and buckles, the better.”
24. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “Of course. My little brother and my wife.” [and Joey]
25. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WET YOURSELF? [he just makes this face:]
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[but possibly the last time he did hard drugs]
26. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? (HIGH CLASS, MIDDLE CLASS, LOW CLASS) “Highest class.” He winks, for the spotlight.
27. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “I don’t need ‘friends’ outside of my family.”
28. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “Finally, an intelligent question!” he laughs rudely. “My thoughts are that we should change the standard approximation for π to something closer to 3.16. That’s what I use in my calculations, and I find things just seem to work out better for me because of it.”
29. FAVORITE DRINK? “I’ve started drinking a lot more water, and I think that’s pretty much all I drink lately.”
30. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE? “It’s comforting being in my office, knowing where I belong, knowing that with me there, everyone I love is safe, knowing how I got there, and being proud of all I’ve accomplished, but...” [sometimes anxiety about it being Gozaburo’s old office creeps into his mind like an evil spirit or ghost...] “But more than that, I enjoy the wild freedom of just taking my Blue-Eyes jet out with some good music playing.” [oh my various gods he will always be an emo teen at heart <3]
31. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? He scoffs. “Yes, I am genuinely interested in my wife. Mai is an amazing person. And- Ah, and, um, next question?” [and Joey!]
32. WHAT’S YOUR BRA CUP SIZE AND/OR HOW BIG IS YOUR WILLY? “What kind of magazine is this for, anyway?” he asks as an aside, then thinks up a ridiculous enough response. “Ever hear of Zorc? I’d say that’s roughly one-third the size of mine.” Under his breath, he scoffs in disgust. “Imbeciles.”
33. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “Er, a private pool, thanks. Too many paparazzi anyplace else, and I wouldn’t want to close off anything from the public.” [I hear there’s a river in Egypt he lives in though]
34. WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? “Independent. Strong. Great duelist. Someone who knows what it’s like at rock bottom, but still managed to claw their way to the top...” [he spaces out off to the side]
35. ANY FETISHES? *zoom out to room full of Blue-Eyes White Dragon themed EVERYTHING* “Nah.” [*insert Will Smith presenting his AO3 tags]
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[Switch! But “And You?” is stuck at a T rating, sooo...]
37. CAMPING OR INDOORS? "The fuck- you’re giving me whiplash with these questions,” he mutters. “Camping sounds nice. Real camping. Mokuba and I used to build forts and play outside a lot. I should ask him if he wants to go on a camping trip when he gets back. I doubt- well, no, I think Mai would like that, too.” [And Joey can cook them “candy bars!”]
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ink-flavored · 6 years ago
11/11/11 Game (Triple Threat)
Tagged by @multimousenette​ and @bogbodybitch​ and @nectareouswrites​! Thanks!
I’ll put my questions at the top here so you don’t have to scroll through 33 questions lmao
Do you like to cook or do you prefer going out?
How meticulous do you like to get in your world building?
How do you relax when you’re stressed?
Do you have a creative hobby outside of writing? What is it?
Luck or chance?
Is there something that you’ve decided to keep in your WIP(s) even after someone told you to get rid of it? 
What’s your battle music?
What are you most proud of yourself for?
What’s your favorite dinosaur?
What would you grow on a farm?
Blood family or found family? 
Tagging: @royalbounties @rainy-rose @aesopsrachaels @purpleshadows1989 @frankensteinn @shadeshadow234 @startroubled @farrradays and anyone else who wants to!
Alright. Now comes the doozy.
1.      What’s your preferred writing and reading genre?
Fantasy for both, though I like to read a lot of different genres
2.      What’s your favorite thing about your least favorite character?
Least favorite is tough. The character I’ve been having the hardest time writing recently is General Zhai from The God-Dragon’s Wife, mainly because I haven’t solidified her motivations yet, but if there’s one thing I know about her, it’s that she takes no shit. Which is very difficult for me, because she isn’t taking my shit either.
3.      What’s your least favorite thing about your favorite character?
Again with the favorites! Teconia is fun to write, but I feel bad about making bad things happen to her and making her sad. She gets sad a lot and then I feel guilty. Stop doing that.
4.      Which of your characters do you feel most indifferent towards? Why?
Right now, it’s Park. I don’t think we’d be friends if he was a real person (robot?) because our values are so misaligned, but he’s not a bad guy.
5.      Which of your projects means the most to you and why?
Firesoul, no doubt. It’s been an idea I’ve had since I first started writing, and the fact that I’ve been continuing to write it after all these years is a huge deal for me (i.e. a person who comes up with ideas and then abandons them forever)
6.      Is there a theme that can be found in all of your projects? Was it intentional or dd you realize after the event?
Usually there’s a theme of overcoming – whether that’s overcoming self, overcoming oppression, or overcoming adversity. I don’t do it intentionally, but I think it’s definitely informed by experiences in my life, so it would feel odd to not have it.
7.      What’s your favorite book to read? Does it have any similarities to your any of your writing projects?
The Inheritance Cycle is my favorite book series of all time and it absolutely informs my writing style. I’ve read the first book, Eragon, eight times, and seven of those times was before I turned 16. I’d be shocked if it didn’t.
8.      What have you learnt while writing that you hope everyone knows?
That I can write whatever I want, and someone will like it, even if it’s not the someone I thought would like it.
9.      What’s your biggest strength in writing?
Description, for sure.
10.  What about your weakness?
Too much description.
Seriously, though, it’s plot structure. I suck at that, and I’m awful at outlines.
11.  How many questions do you answer on character profile sheets when creating new characters?
I try to shoot for all of the ones that apply! But I don’t do a lot of character sheets so…
12.  What do you love most about your writing?
I love my worlds and settings. I pour blood, sweat, and tears into them, and I think it really pays off.
13.  What’s your favorite type of character to write?
Smart dumbasses, people who Can’t Handle Feelings, and people who Have Too Much Feelings. I have no middle ground.
14.  What inspires you to write?
Life. That’s probably the most cliché answer on the planet, but I’m very informed by the things I believe and the experiences I have. Even my horror pieces (short as they are) come from places of feeling helpless in my own life, struggling with an undiagnosed anxiety and panic disorder for most of my life.
15.  If you could talk to your protagonist, what advice would you give them?
I would gently hold Park’s metal robot face in my hands and tell him to Stop Taking All Responsibility For Everything. Good God. It’s not all about you, all the time.
I would tell Xinya that it’s okay to feel emotions sometimes. Yes, even that one.
I would tell Teconia that trusting people isn’t always a good thing.
I would tell Hayden that he is capable, no matter what he tells himself.
16.  If you had to do an escape room with one of your characters, who would you choose and why?
Park is a robot and therefore would be very logical about all possible solutions. This could either be a great thing or a terrible thing, but I’ll take my chances with the guy with a computer for a brain.
17.  How did you come up with the plot for your current wip(s)?
The God-Dragon’s Wife is inspired by a (perhaps not astoundingly written) fanfiction I read and said “Psh. I can do that.” That, and my deep held desire to marry a dragon.
Firesoul came to me at an audition for a role in my dance company’s annual Christmas show. I heard this epic, haunting music, and had a vision, essentially, of a scene from the book. Teconia herself is literally a D&D character that I liked so much I gave her a book.
Out of the Park is inspired from way back when I used to regularly play Overwatch, and my main, Zenyatta, had a skin release that was a baseball team. The rest is history/
Dragon Raising actually started as a novel that I never did anything with, because something always felt off about the delivery. When I took a comic writing class in college, everything clicked at once.
18.  What’s one line/paragraph you’ve written recently that you’re proud of?
This is from a submission for a prompt month in a fandom I’m in:
Yugi didn’t believe in ghosts. It was fun to think about, sure, but he’d never seen any “real” evidence to support the idea. His friend Ryou claimed otherwise, but they’d long since learned to agree to disagree on the subject. Of course, they were both partial to a good scare – his second favorite genre for anything was horror – and they could talk about the coolest ghost stories they’d heard for hours. Still, he had never latched on to the idea of the “soul persisting after death.” It was ridiculous, for a lot of reasons. The idea of a ghost in his house – in anyone’s house – was almost laughable.
But he didn’t have a lot of other ideas to explain this.
19.  Do you ever draw concept art for your writing?
I can’t draw, but if someone made me art of my WIPs, I would die LITERALLY for them.
20.  What do you like most about one of your protagonists and what do you like least about them?
Xinya is a powerful woman. She’s capable and smart and will kick your ass in chess. But she’s so emotionally constipated it’s actually painful for me.
Teconia is kind, strong even if she doesn’t know it yet, and loyal to her friends and family. But she refuses to use her strength until it’s too late, which is frustrating for a lot of reasons.
Park is a dumbass. This is both the reason I love and hate him.
Hayden can do remarkable things, but he never gives himself credit for them.
21.  What’s the setting of your current wip(s) and why did you choose it?
TGDW takes place in a fantasy Imperial China, which I chose because I am so sick of Fantasy Medieval Europe #4564
Firesoul takes place in Fantasy Medieval Europe #a billion, but I’m not romanticizing it. Teconia is the poorest of the poor, a racial minority, and has to keep her mage identity a secret to avoid persecution. You see exactly what that’s like in Ethallia for the average citizen, and it’s not pretty, unlike most fantasy settings where Everyone Is Good Except Our Evil King, Who Is Evil For Vague Magic Reasons.
OOTP is my personal idealized Future America, which means there is So Much Socialism. Everywhere.
Dragon Raising takes place in modern day Chicago, which I chose because wouldn’t it be hilarious if someone had to raise dragons in the middle of Chicago?
22.  What are some of your strengths that make you a good writer?
I pride myself on my description and world building, as I’m sure people have picked up by now, but I’ve also been told I’m good at writing character interactions. I’ll take it!
23.  Do you listen to music/have playlists to get you writing?
I’m one of those people who can’t write without music to block out the sounds of the real world. I don’t have any specific playlists for writing – I usually just shuffle my whole library.
24.  Who is the character that is least like you and why?
Personality wise, it’s between Park and Yu-Qi who are the least like me.
Park thinks he has to be the one to change the world – him and him alone – which is just. Come on man. Dismount from your high horse.
Yu-Qi is closer to being the opposite of me because of our similarities, ironically enough. She’s obsessive, possessive, and in a true dragon fashion, she hoards and hoards and hoards. These are qualities I share, but desperately afraid of.
25.  What is the maximum word count you are hoping for your project(s)?
Oh, this is a good question. I’ve never sat down and thought it out specifically, but I think a good novel length is 80k-200k words, so I’ll shoot for that!
26.  Do you write better in the day time or at night?
Night owl. I blame it on being born at 1:30am
27.  What are your OC(s) zodiac signs?
Well, considering only two of them exist in our star system, I’ll just guess!
Xinya: Virgo
Teconia: Pisces
Park: Scorpio
Hayden: Libra
28.  Where do you fall on the beige to purple prose spectrum?
My prose is indigo, man. I am so close to purple it’s unreal.
29.  Are you well read in the genre you hope to go into?
Absolutely! I’ve been reading fantasy since I was in first grade.
30.  What are your goals for your writing career?
I want to open people’s minds and make them think about stuff that they might not have otherwise thought about. And entertain them, of course.
31.  How comfortable are you with critical feedback?
PLEASE give me critical feedback, I’m begging you. My life has been plagued by minimal to no feedback on my writing and it’s so frustrating.
32.  Do you enjoy reading or writing romance?
Reading it: depends. Writing it: yes, but I’ve only just gotten into it!  
33.  Do you annotate your books?
Depends on the book. If I’ve read it enough times to quote direct lines, then yes. I’ll never annotate a new book.
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yoshimickster · 6 years ago
WELCOME TO THE ANGST ZONE-RWBY Volume 6x02 “Uncovered” Micksterecap(Rwby volume 6 spoilers)
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HEY EVERBAH-happy Saturday-WELCOME BACK TO MICKSTERECAP! I’m sure this episode will start out with  something completely norma-
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1:49 HUZZAH-she’s alive-OR IS SHE?!  I ask because I’m  live-blogging here, FRESH reactions today!
But seriously, TURNS OUT-this isn’t a dream sequence and she IS still alive...for NOOOOOOW! Cinder than punches her way out of the cave using what LITTLE strength she had left after her Avatar battle with Raven “Mother of the Year” Branwen, and upon escaping-SHE MEETS-
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2:57 SOME RANDOM LADY WITH  FOOD! Man THAT was convenient eh Cinder? Will she beg for food, or just murder her and take the basket-LET’S FIND  OU-
3:11  We need to take the relic to Atlas?
GAH-I forgot this show had multiple plotlines-CURSE YOU SHOW I LOVE!
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AW  NEAT-a  pointless flashback, taking place in that house that they...rented? Or did Qrow or the school own it? They never explained WHOSE house that was and it will always always ALWAYS bug me despite it never mattering in terms of plot.
BUT-said flashback ALSO features Weiss’ initial response  to going  back to Atlas!
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“You’ve GOT to be joking”.
I feel for  ya Weiss, escape your shit  dad in Atlas, pay a plane to leave, get attacked by  bees, get kidnapped by one of your possible love-interest’s moms, go to a school, fight bad guys, get IMPALED, get healed by ANOTHER of your possible love-interest( I said POSSIBLE, don’t hate me) ONLY to learn your going  back to the place you escaped! MAN-how she don’t have whiplash from that I don’t know HOW she wouldn’t!
They also  bring up a nice secondary reason for bringing the  relic to Atlas that I admittedly didn’t think  of-
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Qrow: Without the Spring  Maiden here to  seal the relic back in its vault,  its our best option.
Yang:  And I just want to say its NO-ONE’S FAULT for not having Raven  seal the  vault back up after verbally decimating her for years of neglect.
Ruby: Yang its cool, you needed a cry.
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3:50 We ALSO LEARN why their going to Argus in the first place, its the last Atlas  military installation that still has soldiers...and considering Adam  MOST PROBABLY hijacked the train to Argus they  BEST get  to steppin’ after this flashback is  done!
Through that they figure through  either asking nicely, or telling them they found  one of three of Jacques Schnee’s abuse victims that they could get to Atlas. After they set up the low-down, Jaune asks Oz-
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Jaune: Speaking of, what does it(the  relic) do, exactly?
Oz: HAHA-definitely doesn’t attract monsters-DEFINITELY not!
But seriously, turns out it can answer ANY three questions(GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENIE) once every 100 years about the present or past. NORA of course geeks out about it-
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Ruby: Yeah what’s up with that, y’all are CLEARLY a couple!
Ren: I’m as confused as you are.
SADLY THOUGH-the magical knowledge genie can’t answer ANY of our deepest ship questions as  it turns out they were all used up before it was sealed-OR WERE THEY?! Seriously I’m legit wondering, for all we know Oz is lying.
5:40 Ruby: Well, we’ll be sure to keep it safe.
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Ruby: Isn’t that more Nora’s thing?
But seriously everyone is LOGICALLY pissed off about the current  run of events, half their party is gone, Yang’s gonna push her motorcycle she should’ve left at home through  snow-
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6:11 -and they  now have ANOTHER mysterious mystic old person who REEKS  of  mysterious mysticism...AAAAAAAAAAND THE PROOOOOOOOOOOOOM IS TOMOOOOOOOOOOOORROW! Remember that joke? Practically dissapeared.
LOGICALLY pissed off at Ozpin for LYING about how the ancient relic of ultimate destiny attracted murderous chimera after them, and I’m sure he won’t pull some bull-shit line like-
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Ozpin: I did not lie  to you.
PFFT-look at Maria’s face here, her bullshit detectory is on POINT! Because not  informing them of the dangerous GRIMM MAGNET wasn’t a half-truth. Can we get a wizard who DOESN’T give the main heroes the run-around with their bullshit for a change, CAN WE PLEASE?!
Oz than  explains that the reason he  held  the truth  is because  he wanted to save them from anxiety and negativity, AS WELL as that being the reason for why he had it so Lionheart wasn’t revealed to be a traitor after his death, in what KINDA sounds like  a villain speech, even going  as  far  as saying “The people of Remnant  deserve more than the truth”, (because THAT line is never condescending) as WELL as saying he’s been betrayed so many times he’s straight up used to it.
Oz than  puts it all to a head when he asks where the relic is and TURNS OUT-
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8:32 RUBY HAS IT! Way to stay on task girl, especially in quite possibly the most STRESSFUL year of your LIFE! Remember the silly school dance? I miss that.
Ruby than LOGICALLY calls him out for saying he had so much faith in humanity in these years when the opposite is true. Its also a good thing that he didn’t lie about the relic not being able to ask questi-
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Oscar:HURRY...he’s trying...to stop you...he’s afraid you’ll find out...what  he’s hiding!
...well that’s ominous but as long as it turns out the relic still can’t work I say its o-
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Oscar: Her name...is Djinn...say her name to summon her.
...well that’s good to know but AS OZPIN SAID-the relic TOTALLY doesn’t work so saying it won’t do ANYTHI-
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10:33 Djinn: Wonderful!
...OKAY-so there was a genie in it that every single person on planet Earth saw coming, but SURELY it still can’t answer 3 questi-
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10:40 Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?
SON OF A BITCH OZPIN-not ONLY did you lie about the lamp housing a genie whose PRIME waifu material, but ALSO lied about the questions being used up! Because just saying “Don’t use the relic to ask questions” would be SO hard you dis-trustworthy ass old man!
Well surely the next thing to happen is Team RWBYOMQ asking how to best murder Ozpi-
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10:47 ...or cut to a random dirty ass alley, because the writers like to TORTURE us!
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10:55 DAMN-Cinder, you even stole the bitch’s CLOTHES! What are you, the Terminator?!
Cinder walks through the rainy ass street of scum and villainy-UNTIL SHE SEES-
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11:37 RANDOM SPIDER-MAN GRAFFITI! Didn’t know Remnant had such a Marvel fan-base, NEAT!
But seriously, it turns out to be the INSIGNIA OF-
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PURPLE CLAD GANGSTERS! I gotta  assume they are like, REALLY good criminals becasue DEAR GOD do her two guards look silly, LOOK AT THEIR SCARFS!
Cinder than bribes her  for information-
Cinder: You’re little Miss Malachite?
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Malachite: Is that a fat joke or color joke? Because I’ve TRIED changing my name to Violet, but UGH the system.
She then tells Spiderlady that she’s looking for team RWBYJNR by SHOWING HER-
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12:35 SEASON THREE SCREEN SHOTS! ALSO-yes those are all from the Vytal festival, for some reason I thought the JNPR pics were from the placement exam. And now we wait for the Pyrrha fans to be mad she was cropped out!
AFTER Little Miss Malachite(Her name should STILL be Violet dammit, or maybe Amethyst) gives a spooky spider speech, she tells Cinder she’ll find the team in a few days-BUT IT TURNS OUT-
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Chaps: Little Miss, we all ready know where they are.
Little Miss:  Oh really, we do? Why don’t you say it louder SO THE MYSTERIOUS MURDER LADY WE DON’T KNOW CAN HEAR YOU?!
Cinder: What was that?
Little Miss: Nothin’ sweetie, just makin’ creepy spider metaphors!
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13:55 MARIA-adjusting her broken ass cyborg eyes to double-check if she’s not looking at a floating Navii from Avatar.
And WOULDN’T YA KNOW IT-turns out Djinn can still answer TWO more questions this era! ALSO-
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Djinn: A-heh, its a pleasure to see you again old man.
AND-she’s met Oz before, PROBABLY since he asked the first question.
Ozpin pleads Ruby not to ask Djinn a question, which prompts Qrow  to ask-
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Qrow: Hey-
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Qrow: GAH-I was just gonna tell Ruby to do what she felt was right!
Yang: Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse us if we can’t trust OLD PEOPLE RIGHT NOW!
Ruby than asks Djinn what is Ozpin hiding from them WHICH CAUSES OZPIN-
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14:56 ...to...attempt to  tag her...slap her...push her-WHAT WERE YOU ATTEMPTING TO DO TO MY DAUGHTER YOU WEIRD OLD MAN?!
BUT-before Ozpin  can  commit attempted assault and/or attempted game of tag-TEAM RWBYQOM-
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“Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower”-
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Blake turns into Qrow because...genies? BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT-
“-that sheltered a lonely girl...named-
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AND THAT’S SEASON SIX EP TWO-following the classic RWBY formula of exposition episode after action episode and I gotta say we learned...A LOT! FOR ONE-Ozpin pulls a full Rose Quartz in revealing he’s not the ethical leader we all thought he was, AS WELL as showing he has a secret connection TO Salem, implying...A BILLION possible things  that I won’t put here because this is a recap blog and not a theory blog perse. HOO BOY-what a cliffhanger, NEXT WEEK-backstory time baby! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK on MICKSTERECAP!
   If you like what you read, donate to my paypal here, or my Kofi page here. I put the link for my Paypal and Kofi here as I have JUST now realized the paypal link is under the search bar on my Tumblr homepage and is impossible to click so THERE ya go!
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scribeoffate · 7 years ago
Question meme attack
Tagged in the question meme again- and in order to prevent @mygeekcorner and I from being in a perpetual question cycle (and I considered not preventing it tbh) I'm not gonna do more questions or tag anyone else. I am going to answer other people's questions- because cool! Lots of people participated and it was fun!!
@possibleplatypus used my questions:
1. Are you a single fandom or multi-fandom person?
Technically multi-fandom- but really I intensely do one at a time.
2. What fandom(s) are you in right now?
Yuri on Ice
(peripherally, Harry Potter, Marvel, Supernatural (ish))
3. What book or series of books (or author) from your childhood has had the greatest impact on your life?
Mercedes Lackey's Herlads of Valdemar stuff. I was that fourteen year old girl who had no idea that being attracted to a partner of the same sex was even an option. (And then I discovered you could be attracted to partners of ALL the sexes. Whatt? Mind blown.) I also developed a love of fantasy here that I've certainly never grown out of.
4. How long have you been reading or writing fic?
Technically speaking I was writing fic in my head for Star Wars at age eleven, twelve maybe? And even more technically speaking I turned a childhood story into fic for childhood games. But online fic- I was sixteen. (Uhm, so twenty years. Oh god, twenty years.)
5. What is your favorite fic trope?
6. If you could be doing anything at all at this moment what would it be and why aren’t you doing it?
It'd be answering these tumblr questions. I'm that person. :p
7. What animal were you in a past life?
Queen Ant.
8. What is your favorite food?
Spaghetti and Reese's cups war for top spot.
9. Are you missing anyone right now?
I am.
10. Is there a circumstance where you would find it okay to take a person’s life?
11. What is something you appreciate?
Being tagged in things too. :p Answering things, getting to know people. Sleeping past 4:30 am. ;___;
@katyaton‘s questions  
1. Do you deal with anger internally or let it be known to all and sundry?
I really don't get angry a lot. But if I'm angry, everyone knows.
2. What was your least favorite subject in school? Your favorite?
Physics. I struggled to care about physics, but now I'd kind of like to revisit the science? I don't know I might like it more now.  My favorite was definitely languages- I loved learning any languages and my linguistics classes.
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
The ability to read in any language I wished.
4. If you could push a button and get a million dollars, but one random person out of the 7 billion + people would die if you push it, would you do it?
5. If you found a genie’s lamp, what would your 3 wishes be?
I'd put that shit right back where I found it. It's a trap.
6. What is something about your physical appearance that you love?
I'm curvy in that hourglass way that a lot of people like.
7. What’s the worst injury you’ve had?
I've had a couple of concussions. Mainly,despite being so clumsy, I've not had that many injuries.
8. If you could live in the universe of any fandom, which one would you live in?
My inner fourteen year definitely wants to live in Valdemar. And my inner twenty-two year old may have killed to live in the Harry Potter world. Now though- I can see the merit to the YOI world. A universe where love is accepted in all forms?? Yes, please.
9. If you could meet yourself from any alternate universe (without knowing anything about the society they come from) would you do it?
Hell yeah.
10. What is your personal DnD character alignment (ie. lawful good, chaotic neutral, etc.)?
chaotic good, for sure.
11. If you didn’t have the biological need for sleep, what would you do with the extra hours in your day?
So much- that's like 8 extra hours a day. I would play more games, write more fic, read more fic, maybe become fluent in another language. These are all lies. I love sleep so much. I'd probably still just sleep.
@mygeekcorner's questions
My questions
1. What sort of baked goods do you prefer? Buns, pies, cakes, cookies, etc?
All of them. Bread, cookies, pies, doughnuts, cakes. Please to be putting in my mouth for enjoyment.
2. Who is a character that you wish you were like, and why?
I'd like to be as confident as Victor. But I'd like to be as hard-working as Yuri (K) too. And as unique as Luna Lovegood.
3. Who/what is your favourite mythological character/creature? (Both?)
4. Favourite holiday and why? Yes, your birthday totally counts.
Halloween. It is an excuse to dress up, drink and eat lots of candy. (My clothes seriously come in pajamas, work clothes, extremely casual and costumes.)
5. Favourite natural phenomenon? Have you ever seen it in person?
The Grand Canyon. Yes. My sister can call it a hole in the ground all she wants- it's freaking PHENOMENAL. The painted desert and petrified forest were pretty awesome as well.
6. What languages do you speak? What languages do you wish you knew?
Fluently: English Pseudo fluently: Spanish Studied: German, Japanese, Mandarin Can count to ten in: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese (It is a life goal to be able to count to ten in ten languages. I thought I was up to 8, but I can't remember the other one. So probably I don't remember the words. :p)
7. If you could change something about your personality what would you change?
The self-deprecating, self-doubting part. (otoh, is that my personality, or my depression? are they different? idk)
8. What countries have you visited? Where would you like to go next?
Canada and Mexico. Literally anywhere off this continent. :D (If I could afford it, Japan for the YOI movie would be amazing. I cannot afford it.)
9.  What’s the last thing you googled?
"why does the word bananas mean crazy" (this can be blamed on a coworker. the answer has to do with apes.)
10. What were your dreams as a child, are they still the same?
I wanted to be an astronaut. And then an author. And then a movie star. And then a singer. And then translator. ...etc. And no, my dreams didn't even stay the same when I was a child.
11.  Who would you cast to play you in a movie?
Me. Since I wanted to be a movie star once upon a time.
@tehhufflepuffinquisitor‘s questions
1. What was your first fandom?
Online and with other people: Animorphs.
2. Have you ever draw fanart? Did you ever show anyone?
Not a lot and only @artisticentropy has ever been subjected to that horror.
3. If you could have any imaginary animal as a pet, what would you want?
Unicorn!! :D
4. What’s something you did this year that your proud of?
We passed a thing called a "gold standard audit" on the first try at work.
5. What was your favorite game as a kid?
Viola :p (This is a made up game that my sister and I played. It's a very long story.)
6. It’s 3 am and you’re starving. What do you get from the kitchen?
What is there? Mostly a tortilla with chicken and cheese. Or I go back to sleep because I'll be eating at work in two hours.
7. Favorite holiday tradition?
On Thanksgiving morning, I typically have a few minutes to myself when I put in the turkey and get things started. I have a cup of coffee and reflect on what I'm thankful for before everyone else gets involved.
8. What is your most played game on your phone?
It's called Niki UP2U and it's a dress up game and I've only had it like a month and I am addicted to this madness.
9. What color we’re the last socks you wore? Do you actually like them?
Black. And I LOATHE socks. I am a sock-less, shoe-less person whenever possible.
10. How do you feel about adult style baby clothes? Baby style adult clothes?
I have no real feelings on the matter. Wear clothes you like, put your babies in whatever you can afford that they are comfortable in.
11. What’s your favorite chapstick scent?
No love for chapstick either, but cherry's okay.
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tuffacttofollow · 6 years ago
A boat ride with God.
Are my vices that important to me that they have to tag along with me everywhere I go? Because, you see, I can never face my imperfections if I just wish them away, or ignore them completely. Oh, they’re still there, sitting and waiting.. My only option is face them head on; to acknowledge those things as they are and get rid of it to save myself from ruin.
How could I possibly let something so negative tag along with me? Even on a boat ride with God... See we hang out all the time. Beside the still waters is our hangout spot .. a place of comfort and peace where I get a chance to thank him for his amazing grace and singing songs that he loves.
This time, He’s suggested we play a game of “catch and release” he says, to ward off boredom.. I’m the only one fishing of course because hey, He’s God and I’m just ... me. Let’s face it he doesn’t need the fish anyway, He’s the Great I Am LOL .. but this game is different from the normal C&R. God makes me a promise
“For every fish you catch, there’ll be double waiting for you back on land “
“WHAT? Aww this finna be a breeze “ I say as I kiss my teeth and fan him off in confidence.
“But there’s a twist you see. See these aren’t just any old fish , they’re the big fishes in your life. Every situation that’s left you teary eyed is embedded in each one and they’ll all be different in nature but still a fish nonetheles. Now I know this won’t be easy, but the good news is, I’ll be here when ya need me.”
He says with the cheesiest of grins as he leans back in his convenient jasper framed chair with THEE STRONGEST FIBERS of lambs wool for backing, which by the way looks way more comfortable than this cooler I’m sitting on but i digress. He reaches for a heavy book and places it in his lap and cracks its open as if to begin reading where He left off.
He sits back, and then abruptly leans forward as if he’s just had another genius idea. “You know what, After a few good catch and releases, To make the deal sweeter, if you can catch and release every fish you receive, you can have triple the amount back on land ..”
“Wheeeww !! This is NOT what I had in mind for today” I think to myself as annoyingly grab my bamboo fishing rod.
And outta nowhere he says aloud. “Girl! i can here you! Start fishing”
“OK!” I mockingly reply in my head.
Ok 1st fish wasn’t so tough ..
“ you should spend more time with your friends, “ the fish spoke as I reeled him into the boat. “ you’re so anti social. You dnt get out much and quite frankly .. “
Before I knew it I’d thrown him back as quick as he’d come up and glanced at God. He smiled.
“I wasn’t about to let him say my friends are more important than my time with you. I would never... “
He nods his head and continues on reading his gi-normous book
About 20 more fish come and go. And I let them all go with ease.
“I’ve got this” I say, dusting my hands off after tossing away yet another fish.
I continue on fishing and here comes another, after hours of waiting.
“Where’s your phone? You’ve been out here for hours. Your boyfriend must be trying to reach you... “
“You know what you might be right,” I say as I quickly place the fish in the cooler and begin to look around. As I search the boat for my phone, I find it laying right by God’s feet. I look up to him and we lock eyes. “Oh I know what this is” I say as I dump the fish back out into the water while keeping my eyes locked in His gaze. “Won’t. Get Me”
He smiles and nods. I continue to catch and release what had to have been hundreds of fish, or the same desperate talking fish a hundred times WHO KNOWS!
That is until a moment of stillness in the waters happens and for hours there’s not a fish to be caught.
“Well where are they ? I know you know!” I say to God..
“Oh they’re there, just wait” He replies without glancing up from his book.
And so I wait and I wait until I hear a faint humming sound approaching from the distance. It was a girl, riding in on a jet ski. I immediately notice that the waters her boat ripples through is the clearest of turquoise waters I’d ever seen in real life. And, funny, this girl looked oddly like me except .. she had this long silky-straight dark brown hair. And her body? UGH ! I mean did you have to where baby oil today? Somehow that darn baby oil just set me off because I just KNOW the sun was gonna help reflect her every single perfection, all the ones I didn’t have.
“Hey girl! What are you doing out here fishing? My friends rented a cabin not too far from here. You should join us.”
I glance at God and our eyes met. He didn’t say anything and I didn’t either. I turned to her and replied, “I’m good baby grl but thanks tho” I said, a bit grudgingly, as I felt God’s eyes burning through my SOUL.
“Well you won’t mind if I sit with y’all, huh?” She says, “My friends are all sleep back at the cabin. UGH they’re so lame! They just dont know how to have fun”
My ears perk up. Well what do ya know. I like to have my fair share of fun!
“That’s a tough crowd!” I replied. “Well you’d be in God, hmgh uh Good company tho”.. I look over to God who’s giving me the Nick-Young-Question-Mark face to, probably, the saddest pun he’s heard in a billion years .. I quickly turned my attention back to ole grl as I held back my laugh.
“Alright cool help me in” .. I grab her by the hand and carefully help her into the boat. As I’m doing so, I feel a sudden chill. Like the quick burst of cold you feel when someone shuts off a bright light. Almost like the warmth of God had left me. I looked and what do you know, God and his fancy jasper framed chair was gone..
But I don’t get it! He said He’d be here.. “Where’d you go God” I thought to myself.
In that moment, I started to panic. Almost like the time as a child when I’d go on a grocery run with my mom and I’d stop, for what seems like only seconds, to pick up a toy, only to look up find that my mom has disappeared. It’s probably one of the scariest few seconds you’ll endure as a child. The disappearance act that you weren’t ready for. The most panicked search you embark on, with the quickest of footsteps, as you call out her name, only to find her on the next aisle, waiting for you to catch up.
“I’m here.” I breathe a sigh of relief as I feel God’s sweet voice embrace my thoughts and calm my fears. “Remember what we talked about. Catch and release”
I thought “What? catch and release?” In utter confusion. “I haven’t seen a fish in over an hour now.. we are literally the only three living beings out here cuz there’s definitely no fish”
“Uh? Hello?” I hear two other voices say
“Jesus?! Help me Holy Ghost! You know what I meant. Charge it to my head and not my heart !” I say aloud, jokingly dragging each word like a Southern Baptist preacher.
“What was that?” Ol grl said
“Uhm,” I stall, “What’s your name again?“
And we talked and talked and she begins to feel like an old friend. Its like we’ve known each other all our lives. That is, until a question comes to me seemingly out of nowhere to ask her.
“So what have you got going for yourself? Since you’re out here just living your best life. I know you gotta be on to something? Tell me your secret“
And then something strange happens. I hear her utter something but it’s distorted like she trying talk to me under water. But she keeps talking normally as if what she’s saying is completely comprehensible.
“God, am i tripping or am i tripping tripping?” I think to myself. “Why can’t I hear her?“ I start to feel the world around me fade out as I wait for God’s answer.
And then I hear his soft, still voice say, “Some thing’s aren’t meant for you to hear, nor see.” His words fall on me like heavy bricks. I’m riddled with questions now. My emotions bubbled up so fast before I knew it I blurted out.
“So what IS meant for me to hear, huh? What’s meant for me to see? She’s a gorgeous young lady who happened to look exactly like me except for a few alterations, which I personally would’ve suggested for myself had I had the privilege of picking my own features but hey you’re the boss here.”
I’d become so lost in my emotion that I’d barely noticed that the girl suddenly was no longer there. Just gone.
“She looked so happy and carefree.”
“Ah see there’s the thing. Did you hear the word you used?” God said to me with a sense of “ah-ha” in his voice.
“And instantly I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne in heaven and someone was sitting on it. The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow.
“Twenty-four thrones surrounded him, and twenty-four elders sat on them. They were all clothed in white and had gold crowns on their heads. From the throne came flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder. And in front of the throne were seven torches with burning flames....
“In front of the throne was a shiny sea of glass, sparkling like crystal. In the center and around the throne were four living beings, each covered with eyes, front and back.
“The first of these living beings was like a lion; the second was like an ox; the third had a human face; and the fourth was like an eagle in flight. Each of these living beings had six wings, and their wings were covered all over with eyes, inside and out.
“Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty— the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.”
“Whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne, The one who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down and worship the one sitting on the throne, the one who lives forever and ever.
“And they lay their crowns before the throne and say, “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.”
Revelations 4:1-11
And then I came to him. And all i could see was his brilliance and light and his love began to radiate through me as those words echoed in my mind like the vibrant sound of a high symbol in a stairwell.
For you created all things, and they exist only because you created those things which pleases you. I wouldn’t be here, had you not found pleasure in my presence.
As much as I hate to admit it, I brought my vices along with me that day. But I didn’t leave the same way I came. I faced it head on; acknowledged those things as they were and got rid of it to save myself from ruin because despite what I feel, comparison kills.
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