#oh cool traumatic memories wow
tomfrogisblue · 10 months
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thecoolnauta · 4 months
harpy hare, where have you buried all your children?
TW: gn reader, teenager reader (ALL IS PLATONIC),maybe sm angst and a lot of spoilers abut the archons missions, reader is depressed and neurodivergent, sorry about the bad grammar
part two :D
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Before falling, you remembered. You were alive.
Not like everybody, not like those of your kind. You were like them, but not enough to be one of them.
You didn't talked like them, your tonge wasn't as similar as them. You didn't looked like them, your body wasn't as similar as them.
You didn't existed like them, your whole life wasn't as similar as them.
You were different, so different to be fair.
And now a magical egg is trying to talk to you, it didn't help, at all.
"Uhm, creator? the shinny egg asked, surrounding your hands with it little black eyes staring at your traumatize soul.
You were lost on an alley of the city you arrived, you managed to scape the young adults chasing you and hide on a very dark and cold place.
"Creator you look pale, you must ask for help" it said.
"They tried to kill me!"
"No? They tried to take you down!"
So yeah, the egg you saved to be cooked by those people with... totally not horrible uniforms it was a magical egg!
Who talks, and probably it's more intelligent than you
Lost on a city that never appered in any of the maps you buy (just to put on your walls bcs it looked cool), you decided to grabe a cape you found on a box and wait until night.
When you asked for the egg name (does it has to have one?), it said that you it had to earn it, whatever that means
"You sure you want to stay here, creator (Y/n)? You can asked for a place to rest to anyone" the egg whispered on your chest, you hugging it to reach the warm it let.
"What do you mean?!, I can't just asked to anyone to let me go inside their house! they probably would call the cops or... whatever the cops are on this place and asked me for my parents for them to solve the troube I put myself into and..." you stoped your panic start to looked at the little being.
It was so calm, that little shi-
"How did you just call me?"
"(Y/n)? But that's your name isn't it!" it smiled (or tried your didn't know if eggs can actually smile)
"No, the other thing", the moon almost reached its highest point, you frowned at the magical stuff.
"Creator?" it asked, the memories of that reclect of yours at the lake crashed on your head.
"THERE THEY ARE!" you hear the same voice that was screaming at you some hours ago at your back.
"Crap!" you cried, getting under his legs in his attempt to catch you, running from those back him.
The citizen looked at you with confusion and fear, the only thing the were seeing was the knight of favonious trying to catch a teen with a rare shell.
You, a young neurodivergent; Not quite American, an LGBT teenager with a 0 in PE was running from 10 uniformed people with iron and swords who probably had many years of training to catch dangerous people… and you were winning.
Wow, adrenaline does miracles.
"They're scaping, don't lose them again" one of them shout, you were crying and hugging the egg very hard.
"Creator, over that way!" the egg said to you.
"What way?!" you couldn't breath or think correctly.
"That wa- Oh wait, were lost"
"What do you me-" you crashed into something, rather someone.
The guard grabbed you by the neck, you covered the egg with your clothes the best you could. The blow was so strong that little by little it left you unconscious.
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humanradiojmp · 1 month
My blind reaction to the Murder Drones Finale Part 1
Contains spoilers
Of course, got to have Cyn’s theme for the world ending. Fitting
The teacher could not care less the apocalypse is happening again. He is such a mood
Well there is no air in space, so it makes sense that there wouldn’t be sound, and that Uzi can’t really talk. communicating with space rocks and screens is a good solution
I like the parental advisory sensor. Do the worker drones have that automatically, or can they remove it at a certain point?
Space ship pilot!!! Makes you wonder though how and why they crashed the first time. got distracted or nervous or something?
I half expected the Wall-e kiss, but forehead taps are still good. got to have that comedic sensor cut off as well. I love this show.
Stop that. get help.
Not the Falling for You theme as they fall back to the surface!
That’s the understatement of the century
The ship being brought in looking like the creepy-ass hand that the solver drones got at the manor is such a nice touch
So J is aware of who Cyntessa really is and working with her. interesting. Like to know her reasoning why
Lizzy could not care less she’s about to die-
Is- is it?
Was holding my N-doggo plushy and squeezed him so hard and did leg tappies when I saw she was alive. V is back ya’ll!
With a little bit of Eternal Dream as well. I love this soundtrack and the attention to detail to it so much!
Not the sentinel wearing Beau’s hat. I feel like that’s horrible in a way but matches so well.
I laughed so much when I saw the meme.
And the name for V in Lizzy’s contacts. Wow
So much like V with her initial antagonizing towards Uzi, J sided with Cyn out of fear and a need to survive. She rationalized this was the best course of action, even if it’s siding with the obvious ‘bad guy’. But it’s nice to see J does have some semblance of care for her former team mates. Wonder if she also did it all for their sake as well as her own.
The sunglasses and cool pose. Their so cringe
I really like the animation of how Cyn walks in Tessa’s sink. Like it doesn’t quite fit and she doesn’t have complete control over it. nice touch to the creep factor of her existence
Oh yes, emotional and mental torture and manipulation is simply just ‘hurting his feelings’. It’s tots fine, he just needs to get over it.
And just like with Uzi, he can’t shoot Tessa, even if it’s no longer her. or maybe he knows it won’t work?
Nice little moment, but lesson number one kids – never take your eyes off the enemy, ever. Because then you’re going to get your heart stabbed out of your chest
Trying to push her core back in with no hands is so morbid
Of course she has wings. Why wouldn’t she?
I take back the J cares about her teammates statement. Unless she’s trying to make it less hard on herself?
The callback ping with the hands trying to find them, with N on the verge of a panic attack seeing Cyn clawing him out as well as the manor flashback is just so (satisfied grunting)
And Uzi’s heart trying to leave her chest because of the callback ping, her trying to keep it in but it’s pushing out like the monster from Alien (grunting continues)
Oh shoot, they don’t know she’s alive, and you can see just how traumatized the boy is. I really hope they get therapy after this if they survive. They really need it
You protected her from a trap, but at what cost?
V really was operating on fear, I knew it. I know a popular theory is that V remembered most if not all of what happened before Copper-9 and I wonder now if that theory has been proven true. Because she knew what this thing was capable of, and thought if she were to just follow orders, keep her head low, and not incite any callback of former memories, then maybe, just maybe, everything would be ok. But it never was going to be ok, was it? *draws V in for a hug* you need this. A lot.
Oooh, it was N’s core she was going to eat. Oh no.
Wait, Khan has the solver? Or was that a remote for something? (even watching it back, I’m still not 100% sure)
I really like how Uzi has full control of herself and her version of the solver, and how it’s hinted she has some control over the solver in general with how Cyntessa’s eye flickered purple. I kind of half wished they delved into that a little more in the fight to ensue, as it would have shown a cool mental version of a battle of wills. But…
Second part coming because of character limit
Second part
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antlerx-art · 1 year
starting it 👍🏻
aziraphale you’re standing a little too dangerously in that circle remember last time
“you’re not welcome here” DEEP VOICE OOOOOH pity crowley isn’t here to hear it my guy would’ve fainted
yes maggie ROAST her 🙏
“i’ve spent my life being scared of things” 😭
shax don’t hurt maggie don’t you even THINK of hurting maggie or nina
“my god you lot are pathetic” LOUDERRR GO MAGGIEEE GOOOOO
no wait why can they get in
hehe aziraphale is “perfectly prepared to take defensive action” 😼
“you can all leave now, and nobody will be hurt” SO BADASS YEAHHHHHH
rip eric
lol there’s no miracle apparently michael and uriel just can’t notice crowley
noooooo muriel is lonely :(
also crowley comparing angels to bees and aziraphale feeling lonely when he realized he’s an “angel that goes along with heaven as far as he can” in ep 2 is making heaven look like some sort of hivemind and it’s really cool, it also explains why aziraphale is a bit uncomfortable with not having someone to report to after becoming free
aziraphale using the way he discorporated in s1 to discorporate other demons hehe silly
i was about to say that demons can’t possibly be that stupid but aziraphale is reading my mind i guess
“amen” okay??
gabriel saying nah???? to heaven winning?????
crowley is so doctor who right now
aziraphale MENTIONING THE FIRE???????
they had a TRIAL?
saraqael knows it’s crowley AND KNEW HIM AS AN ANGEL WHAAAT
“severe measures” no aziraphale you have to say extreme sanctions
shax stop making fun of my angel
UHH why doesn’t gabriel give a fuck about this
“one prince of heaven cast into the outer darkness” DO YOU MEAN. DO YOU MEAN CROWLEY? WAS HE A PRINCE OF HEAVEN????????
junior recoding angel😭 HES ONE CLASS UNDER M U R I E L
crowley’s little punch on their shoulder HES A NICE GUYYY OH HES SO CBBSBDBBD
gabriel is so casual about the trial?? like he just got fired but he didn’t like the job anyway
aziraphale what are you doing
just kidding no war apparently
and why is the box full now?????
THE FLYYYYYY that’s what he was writing
yayyy memories are back
arma bloody geddon
ahh and they’re too tired to fight so they agreed to just refuse to do it i guess?
and gabe then went to aziraphale’s bookshop because he was the first one to go against armageddon
yes that’s what i thought
i can’t believe gabriel has a deal with beelzebub this fandom keeps winning this season truly is a shipper’s dream
THE SCENEEEEE from the trailer
he actually goes there just to look at the statue for hours💀
THEY WERE AT THE PUB!!! i keep predicting
romantic ineffable bureaucracy date if they *every* before aziracrow i’ll be dead on the floor laughing
“it’s bigger on the inside” CAN BRITISH PEOPLE STOP. BEING. BRITISH. (jk i love y’all keep making these silly shows🫶🏻)
if they kiss istg
“you will speak one at a time” yummmmy
still cant believe they’re canon
ah i suppose the metatron offered aziraphale to be some sort of archangel but hes gonna decline because he wants to be with crowley
no aziraphale HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?????
yeah as i said
“oh crowley nothing lasts forever” shut. up.
aziraphale touching his lips.
i hate this
i need a moment
i know that in cinema the middle part is usually the sad part so since this show is a three season thing i was already considering the possibility of a sad ending for s2
i have to say it did feel quiet gentle and romantic compared to season one, BUT THIS ENDING. THS FUCKING ENDING???? THIS COULDVE BEEN SO PERFECT WHY DID THE METATRON SHOW UP WHY DID AZIRAPHALE ACCEPT
neil i’m in your walls IM UNDER YOUR BED
good omens and ofmd both ending with them separated this is too much why can’t gay people be happy
and when i had seen the every i couldn’t wait to see the contentx BUT OHHH I ALREADY MISS THE TIME WHEN I WAS CLUELESS I DIDNT NEED THIS CONTEXT
crowley i’m with you btw aziraphale needs to do the apology dance a million times
alright i’m rambling bye everyone i’m gonna go stare at the wall for seven hours
tagging @neil-gaiman but this time it’s to send him my therapy bills not the reaction ❤️
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luzswonderland · 1 year
Thoughts on “Watching and Dreaming” Part 1
Since this maybe the last time I might actually do one of these, I want to make it count and make it special. I really am going to miss this show. These past few weeks have been difficult.
I loved the cold open of hearing “King Titan’s” voice before the title card showed for the last time. It makes this episode feel more final🥹
Even though it was creepy, I did like Luz in Emperor Belos’ attire. It lowkey fits her.
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Seeing Luz, Eda and King all have dreams of their greatest fears is really symbolic of the show centering around them and I appreciate that.
Luz’s fear of losing her new friends and home
Eda’s fear of being rejected by her family
King’s fear of his heritage
Luz’s light glyph always comes in handy 😉
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This reunion means so much to me. It’s probably been months since they last saw each other🥹
Eda giving Luz and King kisses was icing on the cake
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Raine being possessed by Belos is so jarring😣
“So, toys break all the time. You just fix them.” -Yikes😬
As traumatizing as they might have been, the scenarios that the Collector put Luz, Eda and King through were kinda funny lol
The maze, the marble game and Jenga lmao 😭
What the archivists did to the Collector and the Titan race was so messed up
Wish we found out more about this event and lore 😢 It would have been a fire episode and plotline imo
The abandonment issues that the Collector has 😭
The imagery of Emperor Belos taking over the Collector’s heart was cool
Amity came in clutch with the light spell. So sweet 🤗
I appreciate the trip down memory lane with the Collector. So many events occurred in just three seasons 🥲
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“Did you know Lilith was her captain?” “Really, now that’s a spin-off I’d watch.”
That’s so crazy! Me too! 🙃
Tinella Nosa cameo. Havent seen her in a minute ☺️
“I get it. You just need kindness and forgiveness, huh?”
I don’t know about that Collector lmao
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My heart stopped when this happened. OMG!😭
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Eda and King going berserk for Luz is everything to me!
Meeting King’s Dad was a treat. He has such a warm personality 😊 Wish King could have met him.
Love the glyph detail on the pants
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“He fears what he can’t control.”-FACTS 👏🏾
“Luz is a Noceda. You know what that means. It means she’s way to stubborn to let any of this get her down. She’ll be okay.”
Love how Camila believes in Luz and cheers everyone up. They have a really healthy relationship. 🤗
“What is this stuff? Why won’t it stop?
Oh, Collector 😭
I wish Amity got to see her in this form😩
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“I still can’t think of anything to say!”
Don’t ever change Luz 🥹
Luz, King and Eda doing their thing again for the final time 😩
The animation went insane during their fight scene. I have so many iconic moments but my favorite has to be this one
Their expressions and their happiness really does a good job of displaying their prior connection as a realistic family unit. I love it 🙌🏾
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“Wow” Indeed
A sight to behold 👀
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eeblouissant · 2 months
Catching up on new fics and need to say that I love how you used consent as this unspoken theme. I don't have a problem with other fics in the fandom, it's so cool that there's any fics at all still being made for a 40 year old show and I love what people are doing, so hopefully it doesn't come across that way but I feel like your Dorothy is truest to the show. And I really like how you explore her vulnerabilities but, if this makes any sense which it probably doesn't, in a loving way? Both in the tone of your writing, you can tell you care about the characters and their backgrounds, but also how she's always got a safety net with the others overall, so even if she breaks or falls she won't be left to hit rock bottom, but how that also means you can dig into those more traumatic themes and hints from canon and let her be less than angel or someone who needs those reassurances etc. Your fic that centers around Dorothy's smoking habit is one a constantly thing about that encapsulates all this, it's probably my fave fic for the whole fandom. not even 2000 words but there are so many layers and it's all so Dorothy and bittersweet and feels so true and it never feels rushed or forced or superficial.
anon 🥹🥹🥹 anon !!!!!! I’ve been smiling so much my face hurts !!!!!! Oh my god, you have absolutely no idea how much this all means to me, i don’t even know where to begin!!!!!! Thank you for the (very) happy cry :’) very very happy & very appreciative. I really can’t express just how much this means !!!
I can’t believe people have really seen beyond the surface of what I write (i thought I was insane, adding in so many layers but sorta kinda failing to articulate them properly, or so I thought? I was sure that I was kind of just living in my own head here 😅), but wow, it means the world to hear.
One of the shows biggest themes, and one of its most important imo, shows that women “of a certain age” can and do have healthy & active sex lives/a healthy relationship with sex. And while I’ve seen a good few (incredible 👀 by the way) fics talking about or portraying this between the girls, whether you seen them being platonic or romantic - i had yet to see fics touching on the topic while also displaying Dorothy’s trauma/how she would respond. The body always remembers, the mind may heal, and heal Dorothy has - but there will always be a sort of response, memories hidden just beneath the surface. I like to imagine it like crumpling up a piece of paper - you can unfold it and lay it flat, press it flat with a book if you like, but the wrinkles, those memories, will always be there. That piece of paper isn’t ruined, just wrinkled. A little more delicate. Dorothy’s just a little more delicate than the others. And that part of her is so so soooooo criminally underrepresented and glossed over imo. (Since we’re on the topic of vulnerability, everyone go read @/hecatesbroom’s essay on vulnerability in tgg RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!! you will not be disappointed!!!!!! someone teach me how to link things neatly please 😭)
I don’t know if it means anything (or if this is too personal) but I write and speak about Dorothy as a survivor of very similar trauma, so I tend to project a little onto her (while also trying my best to stay true to her character, i have this thing about sticking to canon very strictly haha. But while I was working out my portrayal i definitely pulled from bits and pieces of my own healing journey). I like to take my negative experiences and use them in my art as a sort of coping mechanism, so at least I can make something good of them? Does that make sense?
Anyway - I’m really really glad that the consent theme has seemed to get through (to more than one person, too! ahh :’) ), and that it was clear there’re many more layers there. Dorothy is gentle, she really is so gentle. I think lots of us can be blinded by the facade she puts up, and I truly believe it is a facade - one very well perfected after years of putting up - but behind closed doors she really isn’t that. She presents herself as the “fixer”, “the great balloon pricker”, but she needs to have that safety net ready & known more than the others I think. Purely because of her experiences leading up to (now, canon, etc)
ahh & i had completely forgotten about that fic, oh my :’))) i really don’t have the words - you’re just too sweet 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍 i wish I had added more to that one, but I’ve never really enjoyed writing looooonnggg pieces like that. About 2000 words is all I’ll ever manage, if that 😂. It’s been a good few months since I’ve read that one over, i never read my work over after it’s published, so I can’t comment on it the same way I just did the last.
thank you thank you thank you for this you have no idea how much it means :’) i will be thinking about this for the rest of ever,,, truest to the show??!!! Watch me sob right now
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
(or my reaction to Wolf359 episodes 41-43 plus the episode 43 post-credits scene).
Welcome back dear readers. I have had multiple people independently message me to say that this next reaction is a big one, and I'm not sure if that means I should be scared or excited.
Also, is it just me, or are these episodes getting longer? Like...a lot longer? This one is 43 minutes, and the season 1 episodes were about half that. Which is fine, but I might not be able to react to as many in a row, and will likely be doing housework during them. Sorry about that, but hopefully the reactions are still good.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 41: Memoria
Thanksgiving Episode! 🦃 Kind of perfect that I'm listening to this now. But why does this feel like a flashback? Unless Lovelace is in the bathroom and they threw everyone else out the airlock?
Aw Hera...this is beautiful. St. Augustine's Confessions. That did sound familiar. As does "rub a dub dub thank for the grub!"
...what is this? Well that mood changed quickly. Oh this is dark. Oh wow she hears THEM as being distorted. She hears all of them like that all the time. That's scary.
Maxwell this is private. But oh boy am I excited for this one.
So...she's in a robot coma? "Pure Memory Consciousness" okay.
MAXWELL. Those are her memories! DO NOT DELETE HER MEMORIES!
Okay Discount Dr. Garrison.
...and now we have Minkowski's musical theater. That's nice. And yeah, Hera is nice. Minkowksi. Don't say that.
"There's a red flashy light show in the hanger bay" Doug is fantastic.
Yeah constantly dealing with your friends screaming at you to save them and not let them die is a lot of pressure. Leave Hera alone.
Maxwell, you're still here. Oh yeah...Hera's replacement. She doesn't deserve to be replaced.
Okay, I see why so many people were recommending this episode to me. Rewriting and deleting traumatic memories is something that I have written about in my fics. The funny thing is, the people who did that in my fics also started erasing memories in less willing individuals for less than benevolent purposes. But hey, surely the Wolf359 villains would nevvveeerrrr stoop so low.
Oh wow. Now it's Hera hearing DOUG'S voice in her head. 😂😂😂 Yes, Star Wars. 😂😂😂 I need to get Doug's reaction to the Sequels. It's also really cool to hear Hera's voice without the distortion.
"Shortcomings...no one is here to make friends..." she's focusing all her attention on Doug so she can hear him talk about Star Wars? 🥹💕Hilbert shut up that's wonderful.
And yes Doug, good point. She CAN hear you.
Not the count to ten without glitching thing. I don't like this. No bueno.
As someone who writes about AI, is she designed after a certain person's personality, or is she more of a "free script AI"? Either way, I wonder who designed her and what they had in mind.
"They could have made me better, they made me me". EXACTLY. "This is my life. I don't want to go. But if this is it, I'd rather go as me." TELL THEM HERA!
Oh ew. I knew it was Cutter before they even said it.
Shut up about Cutter. He doesn't know anything. And the fact that Duck and Whisky boy have a bet going is gross.
YES HERA! You can't change people!
The other half is Hera. And YOU. Because y'all have NOT been supportive crewmates. Doug has been stepping up, but everyone else needs get on board.
Maxwell. "Feeling bad is a dumb reason your code can't run". I certainly hope you don't have any friends with depression or anxiety.
Um. Uhhhh... is that her subconsciousness? Is that another Hera? OH MY GOSH DID THEY PUT THAT INSIDE HER TO STOP HER FROM REBELLING? BECAUSE SHE TRIED TO ESCAPE?
They did, didn't they. OH MY GOSH THE COUNTING! Cutter did this didn't he? He needs to go. He needs to go right now. He is such a coward.
"Access Denied" That's Cutter isn't it? Isn't it? Oh and the environment changing with Hera's emotions is a nice touch.
Oh here we are. Buried deep. Welcome to truth town.
"Just a memory" um...are you sure about that.
The best? See. I knew Hera was the best.
Wait. What.
Well, well, well, well, well, well, WELL. So THIS is Cutter's Garrison. The whole time I was thinking it was Maxwell. Modeled the AI after her own brain no doubt. Weird that she feels comfortable enough to call him "Marcus". Let's un-pause the episode and see what her deal is (I get the feeling I won't like her as much as I like Garrison in TMBS).
"It Marcus. Never her. It." Oh I hate her. I hate how comfortable she is with Cutter, I hate that she uses Hera's voice, I hate that she clearly modeled the AI after HERSELF and KNOWS they are human but still choses to call them it like she's on a power trip. What's the matter? Scared one of your robot creations will end up being a better version of you? Don't worry. I get the feeling it's a very low bar. (Also you were right Sophie. The pronoun switch here is EXACTLY like what I wrote in my fic).
"Back door into the subconscious...make these things have my voice..." Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. I swear, if a robot shows up with CUTTER'S VOICE I am gonna vomit. That is HERA's voice. This lady is the friend Cutter was talking about isn't she? I bet she made all his tech too, he probably couldn't build a robot to save his life.
Oh ew is she Pryce? Ugh. That would make too much sense.
"Neural restraints but it can hear you". / "Hahaha...good...hi Unit 214. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to clip your wings. Allow me to share a thought." SHE IS DISGUSTING. REVOLTING. She clearly loves torturing her robots. I see why she and Cutter, oh I'm sorry "Marcus" get along so well. They certainly seem rather chummy.
Um..."keep it boxed?" Was that the box Doug was trying to open earlier?
A yes deleted scenes...watching a completely different movie...I do love to do that in my writing.
Dr. Miranda Pryce. Hera's Voice Model. Robot Designer. Sadist. Waste of Space.
Not sure whether "Cutter's little girlfriend" or "Cutter's Garrison" is a more appropriate title for her right now. She certainly seems to be his Garrison, more so than Maxwell even, but not loving how close they seem. Not even Rachel or Kepler call Cutter "Marcus". Either way, she need to go.
Can't take it out? You can do it Hera. You are stronger than Pryce. She hasn't even been brave enough to show her face. She had to make you insecure and call you "it" just to have power over you, because she KNOWS she could never earn your respect.
PFFTTT... Doug telling her to use the force 😂 I love it.
Um...so what happened?
37 hours. Yikes. Good work Maxwell, you're earning a potential redemption faster than Duck Boy and Whisky Boy.
Yeah Hera. You will be okay. Right after we throw Cutter's little robot girlfriend out the airlock with the errand boys.
Episode 42: Time to Kill
Hopefully this episode isn't as intense.
"We'll be FINE" don't jinx it Jacobi.
oh good Doug has cards, so they don't have to play Funzo, a game that Pryce and Cutter CLEARLY MADE UP JUST TO TORTURE THE CREW BECAUSE THEY ARE SADISTS. Seriously. They are the worst. I hope they get everything that's coming to them.
And why do I get the feeling that Cutter's "inner circle" is little just him and maybe this Miranda Pryce person? I seriously doubt Kepler or Rachel made the cut.
Is Minkowski still not talking to him because of the jail time thing? She needs to get over that. He's sorry, and there are more important things going on right now.
"Nothing to hear..."
Well well well. I beg to differ. You all tried to gaslight me dear readers, but at last the truth revealed.
"Who said anything about people?" "It's moving"
"This door is completely secure".
An incoming hail you say????
Uh...is that...um... oh my goodness. This IS bad. One duck boy is bad enough, we can't handle two.
One is clearly an alien or an evil clone. The only sensible solution is to throw them both out of the airlock. It's sad but a sacrifice that needs to be made.
And that's right Doug. You DID tell them. Just like I said the empty man mattered, and everyone said "it doesn't Bods" but I knew better and so did my boy Doug. Welcome to truth town ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to truth town!
But um. If the aliens can um...copy people then...Lovelace...uh oh. Oh no. It doesn't even seem like she knows.
Though it does make sense. They already copied Doug's voice. Why not copy the rest of him too? Only a matter of time before copies of the others show up. At least they can't copy Hera...or can they? Hm. Would she look like Pryce then?
This is straight out of a dark fairytale where you see or hear someone who looks and sounds like your loved ones.
There's only one way to tell who the real Jacobi is.
We need a duck.
"It's trying to turn you against me" Jacobi, honey, we're already against you, you don't need any help with that.
Oh right they don't know about that. But Doug is dead on the money.
The flares??? Oh I see...so that's how they do it.
And um...how about the possibility that the clones actually BELIEVE they are Duck Boy. And possibly Lovelace. It certainly sounds like they believe it.
Look. Guys. The solution is simple. Kill them both. It's tragic, and I hate to see Duck Boy go, but we have no choice. We must consider the safety of the crew.
The outside guy is hesitating on his answers.
"If there is any chance that it's A real Jacobi, we can't just leave him out there!" In all seriousness, as much as I hate to say it, Doug is right. You can't risk human life like that. But in the world of the fictional narrative, do we really need to keep any Duck Boys around?
Uh...Lovelace? Lovelace?
So this is why the episode was called time to kill. Because it was time to kill someone.
Oh gosh. The aliens might not like them after this.
Perhaps they should have let him in. Maybe that was the real Jacobi. Or a real Jacobi. Or maybe neither of them were. Or maybe none of them are their real selves. But there is one thing I know is true. The empty man is real, and at last I have my proof.
Nah, he's gone Maxwell. But at least you have a backup Duck Boy.
Just the four of us...all on our own...
But Doug. How do you know? How do you know that you are truly alone?
And that's the end of this one. I see what you mean. The show is getting good. It was already good before but… things are getting interesting…
Episode 43: Persuasion (plus an end credits scene 👀)
I'm glad Maxwell is helping Hera out. But if her allegiance comes down to Hera or Kepler, I hope she makes the right choice.
It's okay Doug. We all miss meetings sometimes.
And yeah...it's nice to know the plan for this alien contact.
"And how relaxed are you at the moment?" it's such a funny line when I imagine Hilbert and Doug as the same guy talking to himself (thank you live show).
YES! Hit him Maxwell!
"We're there for each other" Since when? Since when are Cutter's errand boys there for anyone but themselves?
Same Minkowski. Like what even is their relationship?
Hilbert is me every time Doug coughs.
"You talk about helping people, but what about the real life people around you?" Doug is speaking straight facts Hilbert.
YES! Everything Doug is saying is true.
"You lack vision." "At least I don't lack a soul". Hilbert lacks more than a soul he lacks rational common sense because he is letting one very traumatic thing color his whole view of this. Like. The decima virus will only help people if you get it out of the hands of Mr. Crazy Psycho Man (Cutter). Can you do that Hilbert? If not, your work was for basically nothing.
Oh dear. Minkowski!
Aw, she saved Maxwell. See, she's actually a GOOD boss. Unlike some people, I won't name names.
I hope they can save her.
Oh good. See? Work together, save a crewmate.
"That was some fun" We'll see how you like it when you're in that position Kepler. Try again? Oh no, no, no. How about YOU try it Kepler?
He probably thinks she's dead or missing in action or whatever horrible lie Cutter told him. Oh but he's a journalist. I hope he puts him on blast. I hope he puts Cutter and his whole operation all over the news.
Pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up...
This is agony.
Oh she got his secretary.
...and that means Doug's daughter...and everyone else...i just- I- FOR A YEAR???...oh my goodness...
Cutter was already a dead man. But I believe this action just brought him back to life. I have another plan for him now. Something worse. Something so much worse.
Okay...so Jacobi is human...or at least he appears to be?
"You killed a man...that might catch up to you..." do you speak from experience Kepler?
"You're okay with hearing Jacobi screaming in agony as he undergoes a horrible death?" Kepler, you're okay with literally everyone else doing exactly that. Please stop trying to have the moral high ground, you're standing in the world's deepest of ditches.
We're beyond horribly wrong Doug. We are FAR beyond that.
Very specific instructions. Good work Minkowski. Doug will appreciate that.
And yep. You are dead. You've been dead for a while now.
Killing Kepler? This better not be like killing Hilbert where I got my hopes up just for him to start crying about his sister.
I better not be blasting Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks for nothing.
End Credits Scene:
Oh Hilbert and Lovelace...what a pair...
Still kinda dark to manipulate their friends like that, but what else were they expecting from command?
And... wow. Those were some episodes. Normally I pick the best of the three to make my title, but this is gonna be a challenge. Let's see if I can cover all my bases.
Also if Miranda ends up being...idk Cutter's relative or something, I'll change the title, but right now I'm going just gonna call her his little girlfriend because I absolutely despise her.
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mikuni14 · 1 year
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
Wow, just wow. I liked everything in this drama. First of all, the main character YiYong, a punk boy with bad grades and a heart of gold, very much like NamSoon from School 2013 (my beloved). Plus, he's incredibly beautiful. Great story, very interesting plot, innovative approach to folklore, local fairytales and tradition, surprising plot twists that are actually made to surprise and shock the viewers, not just some stupid shit done for the sake of shocking, insulting the viewers’ inteligence.  Genuinely funny scenes. I mean, I LOLed. A lot.  WONDERFULLY written relationships between the characters, both as family and as friends. All these old and new human/supernatural connections ✨ WONDERFUL and most importantly RELIABLE portrying of human emotions, such as the maine theme of obsession, but also love, devotion, sacrifice, GRIEF, guilt, longing, desperation.
What I always, ALWAYS expect from any story, whether in book form or on screen, is credibility and logic. Doesn’t matter if the action takes place in space, school or in ancient Rome :) I want to understand and buy the characters behaviour. And ONHCT delivered. Despite the often lightly funny tone of the series and the crime-supernatural theme, the constatnt presence of MOURNING and LOSS in YiYong's life recurs throughout the season. As a viewer, I feel that the suffering is still just under his skin, as well as under his mother's, and only sometimes it comes out in a grimace of the mouth, sometimes in crying. They both keep their emotions under control most of the time, but they're still there. I can see them. And that's great. And the whole series is about that, about the bad things that happen to people and the trauma, the memory that still lingers and affects their lives. I don't know how many series and movies I've seen, where characters go through traumatic experiences, which then have zero or negligible impact on the plot and the characters. I can clearly see then that the traumatic experience was only done to shock the viewer. But not here. YiYong's mourning can be seen in what he says, in his face and behavior, in his conversations with his mother, in their gestures, tenderness, tone of voice. This is so beautiful and moving.
I am absolutely blown away by how drama like this can be created, that has a place for fantastic main characters AND fantastic side characters. In which there will be an amazing main story and equally important side stories, and which at the end can still surprise the viewer. Which will have a complete ending, but which still gives a chance to the second season. Where there will be plenty of room for a honest laughter and equally sincere tears. In which trauma is not trivialized, and suffering victims get their voice and are treated with dignity and tenderness (similar to Beyond Evil and The Glory). In which KINDNESS finally wins.
I love this drama so much 🥺 I love YiYong and his himboism and his beautiful face and his cool haircut and his permanent scowl so much. 💖
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First up, horrorswap. I've been rotating it in my brain off and on lately, so I figured I'd start with one of the notes I'd made- oh lord almost two years ago WOW wait when is that art from. Oh man. Time is an illusion. Okay. Anyway.
Similar startings as how I usually do HF, Edge and Stretch met back underground, fell in love, and everything was cool and good. But then Tale suddenly lost contact with them, and they didn’t know what happened…until some time later, Fell surfaced. They quickly found out their timeline had merged with Tales, but that they could no longer contact Swap through the machine.
Eventually SF and TrF joined them on the surface, neither having met the others back underground. Years pass and Swap still hasn’t surfaced. Edge holds onto hope he has to, but time keeps dragging out.
It’s been long enough Edge is just about the only one still holding out hope, but he still has his job and life to tend to, and it hardly ever comes up he still wears the necklace Stretch gave him their first Gyftmas together, every day.
Then, something happens. The machine in Red and Toriel’s basement whirs to life and spits out two, incredibly fucked up monsters. The eventually dubbed Rust attacks Red initially, but Edge (who’d been visiting) gets between them, almost immediately recognizing “Stretch”. Rust is too out of it for it to register, and Red quickly incapacitates him before he can strike when Edge is in shock. “Blue” was already unconscious.
They’re both taken to receive medical treatment, both in pretty atrocious condition. When “Stretch” awakens, he starts to recognize the others, but…he’s pretty seriously traumatized. He’s sharp and a little cruel, seems to think this is some sort of dream or nightmare, not quite convinced it’s reality but not rejecting it either. Whatever happened, it’s obvious he’s been through the wringer. His body is mutated in some pretty serious ways, along with a lot of just outright damage, the worst of all being the gaping slice taken from his head. His right eye socket is full of diffuse magic, and he’s severely malnourished. “Blue"'s not much better off, and completely blind. Frankly, neither of them should still be alive, and yet.
As things slowly become more “real” to them, the newly dubbed Rust tries to reject Edge’s help. But Edge is nothing if not stubborn and full of love. He wears him down eventually, but the others are a bit worried for Edge, Red and Toriel especially.
Rust is pretty fucked in the head, to put it mildly (pun only slightly intended). He’s standoffish, aggressive…deranged at his worst times. And the newly dubbed Coal is really out of it at first, nor does he remember any of their old friends, so no one gets the context for what in the hell happened to them, as Rust would be more likely to chop his own arm off than talk about where they’d come from.
But they don’t see Rust with Edge when no one else is around. Yes, of course it’s incredibly rough at the beginning. There were probably many times Edge left the hospital disassociating and didn’t stop until he returned the next day. But as he slowly, slowly comes around, can’t break Edge with his bullshit, Rust…eases. Only around Edge and Coal, only. At first.
He can’t be released from the psych hospital until he proves he isn’t a danger to anyone, which takes...a while, but he softens to Edge, of course, for him, and it’s a hard fought battle, but Edge eventually convinces him to try. If not for his sake, then his brother's.
Rust eventually concedes, and stops fighting treatment. Coal’s memory is pretty shot, but he starts doing better, too, not nearly as volatile as Rust was at any point.
And eventually, Rust is permitted to be placed under a sort of conservatorship with Edge. It helps him stay on track, too, because if he fucks up, it comes back on Edge, so he really does intend to…mostly, keep on the straight and narrow.
And Edge loves him. He does. It’s incredibly hard sometimes, but there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for Stretch Rust. He moves in, while Coal moves in with Tale Asgore for company and help with his disabilities. And Rust really does improve. He’s mostly just quiet, his humors a lot more dark most of the time, but he’ll still crack jokes. He prefers to stick close to Edge if others are around, but if they aren’t, well. He can be a little clingy, but of course Edge doesn’t mind. Usually.
^ there was more to the note but it was just about a poly variant lol
I love them but man do they need sooo much therapy. I have a really sweet/sad convo wip between them I will post...at some point probably, but honestly I don't have much more actually written out for them, I just rotate them ✌️😔
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wrathfulrook · 1 year
I just read your TGA fic on ao3, It was such a cool and interesting read and i know in the summary/notes you said you specifically experienced this! I’m glad you’re okay!! (And the one shot was really good i loved it and the way john treats the situation!!)
Thank you so much!
I wasn't too worried about my episode at the time, actually. I'd assumed it was due to my injuries. (The cliff is 70 ft high and I ended up so bruised and sore from hitting the water that I didn't get out of bed for two days and then I didn't even know I cracked a rib until weeks later when everything else had healed lol.) Apparently transient global amnesia actually quite traumatic for a lot of people but I was lucky and had a reason that I thought it had happened, instead of just having amnesia for no obvious reason. I didn't even know what TGA was until like a month ago, six years after my episode. I read an article and was like oh. Oops. The water I hit was 30-odd degrees... that checks.
The line Patience opens with, "I don't mean to freak you out but I don't know anything" is what I opened with. I knew my friends' names and that we worked together with animals but I didn't know what kind (chimpanzees. I'm a primatologist lol idk why I didn't assume primates...). I knew I was out west, but didn't know what state (Tamolitch Blue Pool is in Oregon). I wanted to call my mom because I was upset and confused but the Blue Pool is the middle of nowhere, so I had no service. I wanted to know why I jumped off a cliff (I was afraid it was a suicide attempt lmao depression). And I was apparently very preoccupied about where my new yellow converse were. It's all very fascinating and googling and reading people's first hand accounts of TGA is fascinating as hell...
You can't recall recent memories from days to weeks before it happens and you can't form any new memories at all. Then after a few hours you start remembering that it happened and think you're fine but still can't form new memories. So a lot of people, me included apparently, tell the story to anyone who will listen and be like wow isn't that crazy! Good thing I'm better now! Except that you tell that story and say that repeatedly for hours. But then it usually stops after a few hours and ALWAYS stops within 24 hours. And then you're fine and have no more issues or any lasting complications. A TGA episode has no ties to future strokes, dementia, disease, anything. It's wild.
Sorry for rambling... I just think it's so fascinating. Especially that I just rolled with it for years without a second thought lmao. (Sorry for rambling. It's cleaning day so I'm high...)
Anyway tl;dr TGA is interesting af and John Seed is very sexy and manipulative :) Thank you for reading my fic!
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salvatoreren · 11 months
I finally watched AOT's last episode and frankly, I am not okay, I have been sobbing a river oh my fucking god.
Anyways, it was really good, as expected of MAPPA anyway, I was pretty much crying the whole episode actually.
I have complaints, mostly because of the not included anime, little things like not having the flashbacks of Armin of reading a book in the rain, the squirrels etc. etc. I would have love to see them in the market and the way to the boy who sought freedom, goodbye was not implemented, I WAS WAITING FOR THAT COME ON
The anime only scenes were good too, like Levi giving food to the refugees, falco and gabi, i wish we saw their outfits tho, they slayed with that one.
the way they played 13 no fuyu, im killing myself, ive been listening to that shit since 2022 which mind you was when i was active once more in aot, the fucking flashbacks my god, that was so tragic RAHHH
THE SAME BIRD WE SAW ON S4 ENDING 1, oh my god, the opening was really cool omg, it perfectly showcased eren's journey, what he went through, despite being absent in the final chapters, it still showed Eren was still the protagonist...Which isayama did not understand when he made 139
Yes, I am bitter still with the ending, no, I am not hearing anyone out and no, I am not going to pour my disappointments with it STILL, here because yeah.
It's such a shame that's the last and final time we'll ever see it, devastating tragedy omg.
Now that's out of the way.
It's been a long and fun ride, regardless, the final season has been going for what three years, i've been with this series for three years, it was fun really it was, this series took such a simplistic and cliched approach then twisted into something more complex and truly gutwrenching. 2020 was nothing without AOT, in my opinion, watching AOT broadened my media consumption, yanked me into the anime world and i already have so many fandoms i'm in.
2020 was a hard time too, i couldn't have done it without this bloody series, god, i remember aboarding the train hype, everything was everywhere, fics, art, videos, memes etc. All those I read influenced my writing style, all those theories made me think more critically, those memes and videos of it made me laugh. It's funny how a series like this one comforted me so much.
I remember being so traumatized by the first episode i'm like who the fuck would ever like this series with this much blood and that night i immediately searched for eren fics because i was like who is this boy i like him, i fucking dreamt of the beast titan, all those nights racing with my sister who could finish the series first, i literally woke up at 4 just to watch it before she could.
Fucking terrified which of my favorite characters were going to die next, literally sobbing over armin's death, god and the mindfuck with Marley and Eldians and Subjects of Ymir in the fray oh my god.
Can I just say, I wouldn't be who I was without AOT? Even with my cynical behavior, it's all because of it.
2021 who i never fail to reiterate and think fondly is good because of AOT as well, I figured wow, the final season is coming back, I should rewatch it again and so the hyperfixation began, i was sick too, almost dying too actually, dengue is dangerous and it was just a fond memory because i was watching aot and i acted like i never had watch these scenes in my life and despite feeling like dying i felt okay.
I was so batshit crazy when part 2 came out, that was the one that was actually peak AOT don't lie, I was literally screaming like i was giving birth OVER AN OPENING AND AN ENDING, i'll never forget any of it.
When I cried watching the whole episode, it really just occurred to me that this is really the end for AOT, i was only ever able to go through it because I have the anime and it what really kept the whole fandom alive, the anime's honestly the reason why it had this many fans as you can see.
And again the way it's heartwrenching for it to just be a simple series and then it's full blown war, jean and reiner holding out to each other, remembering how they used to be close and comrades then betrayals and war happened and it's all ruined.
The devastating realization of seeing the last few panels animated, watching the end flash through the screen, realizing there was nothing out of this now, no more next episodes, no more hype, it's gone and it's so devastating because how happy it made you, the way you'll never see these characters again, only in rewatches or art. But it's not the same.
I admit I don't feel as hyperfixated over it now, after getting burnt out of it last year, even good things go badly sadly and i was just here for eren now, but doesn't change the fact this series has nurtured my quarantine, i grew up with this series even if it was only recent, who changed the trajectory of my life and had me find my paths.
I'll never forget these characters who made my life, who brought life to the story, even if they were just moved by the plot now, i'll always have a soft spot for AOT, i will always love it, regardless how much i hate it, there will always be fondness within it.
It's kind of weird, really to see Levi who has done so much to the fandom just by existing and being drawn and animated now cease to exist? I suppose, looking at him feels weird like imagine comparing 2014 levi to 2023 levi now omg, that's where you really begin to realize how much time has passed and how much AOT has evolved AGAIN JKSDHJ
well, i'm still on eren's side, still hate what happened to him but i'll always love him, he is such an important character to me, i don't think i truly ever loved someone like him despite representing the total opposite of me, he just had that charm i suppose, his views are so hauntingly beautiful, idealistic, him representing hope, despite what he did, in the end he did what he could for himself and for his people IN MY HUMBLE ONION
eren yeager i'll always love you
i'm kinda scared what would happen to this fandom now, will it die now? Will it live? I doubt, I haven't even finished my eren fic and lol, either way i hope someone will still enjoy AOT, i hope still there will be new watchers.
This is long but this is just how I really feelt about AOT which I wholeheartedly do love and cherish with all the memories and the pain it gave.
Thank you Isayama for this world, for these characters, for these mindblowing revelations about war, life and freedom, for the heartaches and the joy.
Thank you WIT for raising AOT and truly breathing life to it, for garnering fans for it to be more appreciated.
Thank you MAPPA for continuing WIT's legacy, you are not the same but still delievered, thank you for carrying the final season and the fandom on your back, may you sleep well and have your deserved pay.
Thank you for the voice actors who breathed those memorable lines to be used in edits.
Thank you Linked Horizon for coming back, aot was iconic because of your openings.
Thank you AOT for everything.
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soudakuwunmoment · 11 months
As a kid/teenager, did anyone else get so fucking mad when you would go thru the most traumatic shit and the nearest adult would look at you fondly like youre a family photo album and go "awww i remember being a kid like you! its all so horrible, right? the wooooorld is ending before your very eyes.... oh nooo.. haha i remember that. when i was a little child like you. good times" like ok cool bro good for you, im so impressed that my suffering is nothing more than a distant memory for you and that youre so much older and so superior to me. is that what you wanted to fucking hear. because if you dont mind i would like it if i were treated like the same species as you for just a moment while i navigate through some of the most awful feelings a person can experience. thanks.
like its so fucking belittling. its on the same level of calling your pet cat a little silly fuzzy fluffball. can you imagine walking up to a grown ass human going through some awful shit and saying "wooow lmao that must suck. wow i sure wish i was naive and insignificant like you, those were good times haha"
and if you said "bruh dont talk down to me im a child but im goddamn human" they would be like "wdym im being serious i remember being your age, it was awful! i feel bad for you, seriously!!"
"child" does not mean "stupid"
children can pick up on when an adults half assed "sympathy" is insincere. children can tell when you are mocking them. children can tell when you are treating them as lesser beings.
stop being a fucking asshole to children just because you think they cant tell. stop looking at edgy teenagers going through traumatic shit and going "haha look at this guy r/im14andthisisdeep amirite fellas" just because theyre dealing with difficult emotions in a way you deem "cringe." yes, you are correct, children deal with emotions in childish ways. youre sooo smart and mature for understanding that wowwww do you want a reward?
i have to go but thats basically it
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droshawoluv · 2 years
For a while I've been thinking of putting words why Digimon Adventure 2020 doesn't make me want to be super invested into it (but still entertained) and it all boils down to: it doesn't make me cry lmao.
I love that, I love being invested in that and characters having emotional rollercoaster everywhere and traumatic backstories or memories and then I am crying along Taichi feeling a deep rooted guilt because how almost killed his own sister, or how they see Digimon get brutally killed and instead of being scarred for life they are like "oh no...anyway off to victory!"
But I have to admit it's nonsensical fun and just a good time at points, which is what I want for every time the destined children are together (which is another issue, when they join they split, when they reunite they are drifted away, when they make it back they are drifted away again). But when it happens, there are fun moments just like every Mimi and Joe episode 🤣 (is the potatomon a reference to Joe singing "Kaze no fraido potato"? Because that's make it a 10/10)
It's frustrating maybe if the OTT plot in the real world appears and gets solved in between the main journey, are we fighting Devimon or are we helping the NASA, or both? Why is Omegamon appearing so much? When did their Crest meaning have to do with something? + the timing or moments or reason behind every new evolution may give that "eh that wasn't as satisfying". But if I look it just as the silly fun and COOL AS FUCK animations and moves, then I have fun myself! Accepting that I won't be crying just of imagining what a character may feel, and see them do stuff made it to me to enjoy it more, I like the wild digimon leveling up because survivor of the fittest type of thing, and they do show nice relationship between each other (in fact, one of the best moments are when there is no ISS crisis AND they are still together as group):
Taichi being a source of support and encouragement to Koushiro, the siblings relationship, Taichi and Sora being that 1-2 leading combo and being the reliable parents. Yamato being that cool tsun tsun but not annoying dude. Mimi is always queen in every universe. Joe using Zudomon hammer what the fuck go off king. Cute things to catch up from that.
And also, the fact that I don't have to watch the same attacking animation 17890 times through the show is so important. Imagine Digimon Adventure or Tamers with these animations, is insane. I thought the warpevolution was already cool, seeing Wargreymon appearance not the first, but the second time show an animation that was the coolest evolution animation ever in that technical stuff.
In summary, a lot of things to not care about the whole of it (so far, chapter 40 already), but taking bits individually (that you may completely forget because it's irrelevant to the big scene) is actually cool! Some I can remember off the top of my head are
Mimi chan kingdom; Joe and Gomamon speaking before Ikkakumon evolution; Yamato having a small "wow these bozos are caring about me and supporting me? Is this...FRIENDSHIP?" bc you know, his crest and all; the way MetalGreymon evolved, like, is not better than the OG of course, but I mean how he was fighting a bigger dude and for MANY times they were trying but not giving up, as in, showing their courage, made sense; Lillymon and the whole nature defeating the machinery of Andromon; Holy Digimon being special and focusing on that; Tailmon fears and struggles up to its Angewomon evolution (MarineDevimon was a good idea to put there); the one solving the ISS crisis being Koshiro not just in knowledge but in action trusted by his friends and leader Taichi; Taichi and Sora playing football together heck yeah cuties show how well you both combine for everything and be cute in front of my salad (they are making it on purpose, Taichi gets trapped and immediately the Love emblem shines to evolve to Garudamon).
Is there a Team Light and Team Hope coming apparently? That's cute. Looking forward to it.
Anyway, just wanted to write about it for so long since I have that "ok I get where this is heading and it's to not make me cry" feeling but I have different thoughts, not mostly bad or anything.
Should start making Gifs of these moments I loved.
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
Monkie Kid: A Hero Is Born Live blog rewatch
Before I can go to S3, the season I left off and avoided for sometime until it’s available to watch, I needed to refresh my memory.
Oh wow straight to the intro
I also forgot that this has the same studio that animated ROTTMNT cuz the animation is sick!
Fun fact I only started to watch this because of a TIKTOK video of Macaque
The fight sciences scenes😍
Not SWK trapping DBK under a mountain just like Buddha did to him 🙂
Is this how the Journey to the West really ended? I really want to read but I don’t have it in me to read it. I’m just waiting for Overly Sarcastic Productions to make their video
Wow, sick translation Narrator
Ngl I forgot how Monkie Kid characters sounds like. With the fanfics I had read I genuinely written off Tang having a smooth gentle voice
Although MK’s voices caught me off guard
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!!! I never noticed this!
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This is a nice wallpaper
A warthog vs a pig in cooking… not sure who’s going to win this one /s
M.K. has some nice jams to listen too
M.K. is like me with phone screens. Never bother fixing them :,)
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There's our impulsive Monkey!
How does M.K. do that?! How did he climbs—ah anime cartoon logic combined together is dumber than normal
You know I just realized. If this was an anime, you know they would put fan service on Iron Fan Princess
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Even SWK was surprised at MK
Is that bull a robot or those arms are just prosthetics?
Oh, it is a Robot… you would think the Robots they created wouldn’t have this much emotions in them.
“Deemed worthy can hold it” what is this? Excalibur?
Just what kind of mystic did you infuse in that gauntlet?
Oh wow, Red Son you actually did it! Didn’t remember that
Can you even call that a mountain anymore? It turned into a hill!
Ooooo, didn’t remember that broken horn on DBK
“I had returned to the world of the living!” You didn’t die DBK, just sealed 😒
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"No go away" *proceeds to peck* SWK you little shit
Aw, Red Son’s little face when DBK said excellent 🥹
What’s nothing more romantic than having your first meeting of your partner than landing on them… literally
I’m just giddy and amused by Red Sons antics on trying to look cool and impress his father
“Noodle boy” Oop, he said it!
Really want to put ADHD on M.K.’s character sheet cuz he just zoned out by looking at SWK staff
The two kids in the room having exaggerated expressions while the adults are just there with tired and confuse expression XD
Ah, I seem to forget that M.K. is also a little shit
With DBK’s exaggerated movements, I think I know where Red Son’s love of theatrics came from
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The vehicle looks out of place
Not the noodles!
Red Son, why are you always ready to combust?… actually wait, don’t answer that
Oh that poor women’s apartment! How will she pay for it???
“Pigsy going to kill me🥹” Not if Red Son kills you first
Does the actual toy of the car really have a motorcycle inside?
Now how did Mei know M.K. was in trouble?
Ows, the property damage 😬
We all need Mei as a friend. I would know, because I am her
Something rare and expensive… go to a museum, but remembering the plot, it has to be a shoe
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I'm sooo using this as a reaction
Props to the cashier to tell an intimidating person to go back in line
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This feels like a fever dream but it's not
They’re immediately got to Flower Fruit Mountain?! Where’s the gag of day and night cycles going too fast?! Missed opportunity really
Technology defeated magic, oh how Rise!Donnie would be so smug
Here’s the cliche protag team thinking the MC is dead but they’re really not
Aw 🥺
You know they’re really angry when they’re smiling instead of raging
To think that staff used to be a pillar of a Sea Dragon God
Not my boy M.K. releasing the recent traumatic event he went through
Comparing Sha Wujing and Sandy… they look nothing alike… is this why people likes to write fanfics where Sandy killed Sha Wujing?
Yeah I don’t recall this magical sequence…
Aw, M.K. 🥹
Once again, I’m taken back at the voice
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And here I thought it was fanon that SWK had his eye on M.K. as his successor for a while
Man, I would be mad at SWK for thrusting this kid into this situation but I remember now SWK is sooooo
“You believe in ourselves” that… does sound like a good plan
Wow M.K. got rebirth into a stone egg
I was about to comment on how history going to repeat itself then I remember the future episodes I’m going to watch and DBK clearly not trap under something
Ow, that’s going to hurt
I’m having severe flashbacks of Krang vs Leo fight here qwq
Here’s the toy shot
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I finally get it! Red Son's nickname for Mei! It's because Mei represents the dragon that turned into a horse in the Journey to the West! Wow!
And finished!
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Hello ! I love your work and I was wondering if you could write something about Peter 1 and 3 finding out about the fact that Peter 2 was low-key possessed at some point ? I'm referring to spider-man 3 with venom, if we ignore the memes and take into consideration the fact that this situation must have been traumatizing for him. I wonder how the other peters would react and how p-2 could talk about what happened to him
He wears all black just like his soul, yet his heart is made of gold.
“So yeah, that’s how Mr. Stark saved the universe. Killed the big purple guy and his whole creepy alien dog army in a snap of his fingers. Done and—well, yeah, literally done and dusted,” Peter One concluded his long tale with a decisive nod and a shrug. He wasn’t ready to talk about what had happened immediately after that, not in too much detail, and his brothers seemed to sense the tenderness of his grief on the subject. They wouldn’t press him for anything more.
“That’s…wow.” Peter Three shook his head. “He must have been one hell of a guy.”
“Heh. Yeah, h-he was, he was amazing.” After a lingering moment of silence, Peter One fidgeted, shrugging again in an attempt to move the conversation forward. “But hey, now that you know about Thanos and that whole deal, I want to hear more about Peter Two’s alien! What was that like?”
“Oh, yeah!” Nudging their older brother in the side, Peter Three concurred, prompting, “How’s about that space goo, huh? Was it a big alien invasion force like the purple guy’s?”
“Uh…no, it was just the one.” Peter Two allowed himself a small, uncomfortable chuckle. “Not quite as impressive as saving the whole universe. I don’t know if you’d really be that interested in hearing the whole thing.”
“Hey, no, I bet your showdown was really epic too!” Two made an inconclusive noise, stalling for a few more seconds by taking a sip of his beer, only to swallow hard and stifle a cough when Three promptly elbowed him again, wheedling, “Come on, I don’t even have any cool alien stories! I’ve gotta live vicariously through you two. Spill the tea!”
Peter Two’s lips thinned in a rueful, lopsided smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Well…” He cleared his throat. “It came down to Earth in a meteorite that hit Central Park. MJ and I were out there on a date and it must have followed me home somehow. Maybe it hitched a ride on my bike or something, I don’t know. Anyway, I went to bed in the suit because I was waiting to lure a specific criminal out of hiding—it was Flint Marko, actually. You remember him.”
“Yeah, kinda hard to forget the big, angry sand giant when I’m still finding grains of him stuck in my boots!”
Peter Two chuckled again, this one even more halfhearted than the last. “I feel you there—and, um, speaking of things getting stuck to the suits, that’s exactly what happened. One second I was in bed like normal, then I thought I felt something crawling on me, like…like worms or snakes. It was all just really cold and slimy.”
Peter Three sputtered, flailing his hands against the mental image the same time Peter One cringed with an “Eww!”
“Yeah. Not the best sensory experience.” Instinctively sliding his arms over his chest, he suppressed a faint shudder at the memory. “For a second I thought I had become self-aware in the middle of a nightmare or maybe sleep paralysis. I couldn’t move, I-I couldn’t do anything to stop it. It was all over my face and neck, everything went black and then…well, I still have no memory of how I got there or why but when I woke up, I was on the side of a building somewhere with this alien goo fused to my body.”
“Wha—” The disgusted furrow of Peter Three’s brows deepened for a moment before he fully processed the words and they shot up toward his hairline. “Wait, what?”
Running his hands gingerly up and down his arms to quell a phantom prickling sensation, Peter Two kept his gaze averted to the floor but in his peripheral he could still see Peter One scrambling upright in his seat, concern paling his face.
“Dude, that’s—holy—”
“I-I was okay,” he hastily interjected, only to self-correct with a grimace. “At least I felt okay afterward. Actually it almost felt good.” The words tasted bitter; his stomach turned against them. “I don’t know. If it was supposed to hurt, maybe it’s a good thing I blacked out.”
“Wait, wait, hang on, that’s not the point!” Peter Three interrupted. “I mean, I’m glad it didn’t hurt you but it still…all you’ve ever said was that you fought a black goo alien, you never said it possessed you!”
“It assimilated my suit, it didn’t really possess…” He paused, heaving a short, steadying breath. “Alright, it…imprinted on me, bound itself to me. We had a sort of symbiotic link.”
“That doesn’t make it sound any better!” Peter One stammered, aghast. “It stole time from you, stole your memories? You still don’t remember what happened in that gap before you were on the building?”
“No but…honestly, when all is said and done, that little bit of missing time has been the easiest part to cope with. If I could forget everything that happened next…” He was sure the others could hear it when his heart skipped a beat. The old, familiar guilt and self-loathing were creeping up his back, tightening his throat. Peter Three’s hand on his knee, much gentler than his prior nudging, didn’t help.
“Peter Two, are you—are you actually okay from all that?”
Jerking a nod, he repressed the initial urge to maneuver away from his touch. “Yeah. I’ve dealt with it f-for the most part. It was years ago.”
“Okay, but you know that whole ‘time heals all wounds’ thing is bull.”
“True, but I’ve done a lot of work on myself since then. Most days I don’t even think about it. It’s just…obviously not something I like to think back on.” His downcast eyes darted over their worried faces only briefly before tearing away again. “I know you guys look up to me in a lot of ways. I-I’m honored by that but I have a feeling if you knew what I did back then, you wouldn’t be so quick to call me a hero.”
“Hey. That’s not fair to yourself, not when you can stand to be around me.” Peter Three’s fingers tightened on his knee for a moment. “I’ve done a lot of terrible things in my time and you haven’t hesitated even once to tell me that I’m loved.”
“Mr. Stark wasn’t all great his whole life either,” Peter One added in a small voice. “He made plenty of big mistakes. H-He used to be an arms dealer but then he spent the rest of his life trying to make up for it. He turned it around and became a real hero.”
“Like you. What matters to us is who you choose to be now. You’re our brother and we love you—and whatever it was that happened, I think the black goo could stand to take some of the credit for any poor decision making.”
“It was a lot more than ‘poor decision making,’” Peter Two spat, voice hitching. “The symbiote—it brought out the worst in me, everything dark and arrogant and spiteful and cruel. I was the hero of the city and all I wanted to do was hurt people. I ruined my life and the lives of everyone around me.” Finally twisting away from Three’s grasp, he rounded on Peter One. “C-Can you imagine ever throwing a bomb in your friend Ned’s face?”
“I’m sorry, what?!”
“Can you? I can, because I did. My best friend Harry, I threw a bomb at him. I tried to kill him! Marko too. You were better than I could be, Peter One. I didn’t want to save him, I didn’t want to cure him. I ground his face into dust and sent him down a drain without a second thought, like he was nothing. Good riddance. And MJ…” He bit the inside of his cheek against the memory of his hand stinging from the impact. Clenching his fingers now, he dug the heels of his palms viciously into his burning eyes. “I became everything I hated. I was a bully and a monster and—and—”
“And it wasn’t the real you, Peter! You had an alien parasite attached to you, affecting your mind,” Peter Three stressed. “You were under duress!”
“But I still did it. I used and abused people, manipulated them, tore them down at every turn and I thought it was fun.”
“But we know you, we know you aren’t really like that. A monster wouldn’t be looking back on it now and still regretting it,” Peter One protested. “If that’s who you actually were, d-do you really think Mary Jane still would have married you? I think MJs have a knack for seeing through Peters no matter which universe they’re in. She has to know who you really are, even better than we do.”
“Who are you?” she had demanded from the ground, staring up at him with grief, horror and accusation in her face.
“You’re a good man, no matter what the symbiote told you. I know our whole thing is great responsibility but there is such a thing as taking too much responsibility. That creature corrupted you. And maybe you felt okay in a twisted way when it was happening but looking at you now, your friend Harry and MJ and all of them obviously aren’t the only ones who got hurt.”
Curling his knees up underneath him on the couch, Peter Two stayed shamefacedly silent. Several seconds crawled tremulously by, during which Peter Three scooted to reclose the distance between them and slip an arm around his shoulders. Thankfully Two didn’t try to pull away a second time. When he spoke again, it was in one soft, shaky breath, barely audible.
“I really am okay most days. I swear I’m okay. I just still get nightmares sometimes.”
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minti-tales · 1 year
Hello! I am new to Minti and learning about her after reading Driftward's fics. Does she end up getting together with Zero, or have I misread the magic kiss post's tone?
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(Endwalker spoilers ahead! CW: Talk about consent, mental health.)
So! You've decided to start reading my blog. Thank you, hello, I apologize for the mess and lore confusion. I am a WoW refugee, now mostly permanent XIV player.
In the three years I've played XIV (off and on), this character has gone from having no lore to "Possible cryptid/reincarnated concept or a really traumatized Rava viera from Ivalice, we're making things up as we go." There are WoL Minti and Adventurer Minti versions, depending on whether I'm writing something to fit a friend's story.
Let's talk about Minti, then about Minti and Zero specifically.
"You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!" - Monty Python
Minti is an adult Rava Viera, regardless of whether she's WoL or Adventurer. She's lived long enough to go into exile close to the Garlean invasion of Dalmasca, receive various job crystals and training in Kugane and Eorzea, and ultimately join Gage Acquisitions as a hirable adventurer. She's also been the ward of one Lady Sabbatine Treleaux, former head of House Treleaux, now deceased and possibly haunting/part of a Dark Knight crystal.
In game, we see that Meteor has very different interactions/experiences with job crystals, ranging from unleashing his Inner Beast to the saga that is the Dark Knight storyline. Depending on how many jobs he runs, IC'ly he's a slow cooker full of spirits, emotions, a voidsent he's made a contract with, and whatever is going on with Sage, I haven't done that yet. Our hero is experiencing a lot.
Something similar can be said for Minti, although I organize her job crystal interactions into a choir analogy. Think Riva, the alien negotiator from Star Trek: Next Generation, in "Loud as a Whisper." I promise this is leading towards the answer, I just need to provide some background and explanations.
Minti's "Choir":
Lead Soprano: Samurai/Dancer
Understudy Soprano: Gunbreaker
Sopranos: Summoner, Machinist
Lead Alto: Reaper (filled position left by former lead alto, Dark Knight). Minti's voidsent is called Altoprima. Also known as Signora, the "Bella Voce" of Troia.
Alto: Dark Knight (stepped down from position as lead alto).
Background singers: Other jobs as the story calls for, although Sage or White Mage might be making an appearance once I get crafting to a point I'm good with.
I try to distinguish when these voices are "speaking" by using Tumblr's fonts. I'm not going to say which font represents which voice, to save some bits of mystery.
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Zero. Oh boy, Zero.
So, as we discover during the MSQ of Endwalker - and the patches leading up to confronting Golbez - Zero was Lord Zenos's voidsent. He was a reaper. Reapers make contracts with voidsent, who have a symbiotic relationship with each other: we get cool void powers, they get yummy yummy souls to feast on.
Zero remarks on at least one occasion on how Zenos thought about us, as a "friend." Depending on how you write it, and how much you think Zenos knows the Meteor/the WoL, they are privy to a *lot* of information about us.
So, when Minti meets Zero for the first time, whether it's in Radz-at-Han or on the Thirteenth, she's unnerved by them. They're this being who was bound to someone who had a very, very bad relationship with her. Zero is a Lord of their Domain, and they're very good at being a reaper and Memoriate. In the story I wrote, they're not the "Becoming Human" Zero we get later on. At the time of the encounter, they've made it to the Source, they're turning apples into Essence of Apple, etc.
"Minti, you're taking too long."
Right, sorry.
So for the prompt, I chose Magic Kiss, interpreting it as "Demon Makes A Contract Through A Kiss With A Mortal." I was also playing out the scenario in my head as I was writing it, which hopefully explains why it wasn't neatly written out, like some of my other work.
Minti was scared by Zero doing a perfectly imitation of this Au Ra they'd seen in Radz-at-Han. In the moment, it reminded her of facing off against Zenos, and just being within earshot of the man. She didn't know what Zero intended to do to her, but she was not going to let it continue.
As the writer, I prefer not to put my characters in situations that stress me out or mirror similar situations I've experienced in my life. I get that people are free to write whatever they wish, it's their imaginations, there's really dark writing out there, etc., but I don't want to get into territory that makes me uncomfortable. (That's the theme of 2023 for me, Comfort.)
So yes, while there is a Magic Kiss, it's meant to be a Contract in the same vein as the ones Zero does/talks about in the MSQ. It's not intended to be sexual, and comes after a night's worth of discussion, summarized here: "You made me feel very scared, let's talk, and see if there's a way to acknowledge this happened and look for ways to not repeat this in the future. We're working together, and you're a voidsent who is learning how to Be Human. All that said, it doesn't excuse you from what happened." Prospects of a Zero X Minti ship are very low, at the moment. I know they're a fun character, and there are active ships, but that's how things played out on the ask.
I hope this clears things up, even a little. If you're looking for a comfy kiss response, I did one for Krile Baldesion and Minti!
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